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mitkShaderLighting.xml can not be loaded when building ExtApp Installer
Closed, ResolvedPublic


mitk::shaderrepository tries to access mitkShaderLighting.xml during runtime. therefore it looks up in the core directory which does not exist for installers.

to do so, mitkShaderLighting.xml needs to be installed into MITK. have a look at bug-10054 where same problem occurs with fiberbundle2Dshader.xml

what needs to be done for correct reading in the file during runtime is published in mitkFiberBundleMapper2D.cpp:SetDefaultProperties(). the search path for the xml file is in the bin/ (Linux), MacOS/ (OSX), \\..\\ (Windows)

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To copy xml into bin directory, use /Core/Code/CmakeLists.txt
solution can be found in T10054

search paths shall be added in file mitkShaderRepository.cpp. Unfortunately it is not allowed to use method QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() which would return the desired path!