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Add hdr extension to list of known extensions
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently MITK lists .hdr as known extensions for writing, but not for reading. While it still is capable of reading and writing both.

As far as i know, there is no reason for this and the .hdr extension would only need to be added in the mitkCoreObjectFactory

Event Timeline

Will be fixed as part of a fix of the T10783.

Related to T10783 the extensions .nii.gz and .img.gz should also be added to the ExtensionMap since they are already supported by the MITK file reader.

[15ea13]: Merge branch 'bug-10340-AddHDRtoExtensionMap'

Merged commits:

2012-01-25 18:25:47 Diana Wald [36fe5a]
Added .HDR, .IMG.GZ and .NII.GZ to the extension map

2012-01-25 16:37:22 Diana Wald [7b0928]
Added HDR to ExtensionMap