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[dashboard] NavigationToolStorageSerialzerAndDeserializerTest fails
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The test is failling on several clients for quite a while now. Please check if the error can be fixed otherwise deactivate the test.

Event Timeline

still failing on several machines:

Test output

Testing instantiation of NavigationToolStorageSerializer [PASSED]
std::exception occured Unknown exception
"NavigationToolStorageSerializerAndDeserializer": [DONE FAILED] , subtests passed: 1 failed: 1

[2b132d]: Merge branch 'bug-10701-FixNavigationToolStorageSerializerAndDeserlial

Merged commits:

2012-02-20 14:57:55 Alfred Franz [9decf0]
deactivated test because it fails on some dart clients

[abd5b4]: Merge branch 'bug-10701-NavigationToolStorageSerializerAndDeserializer

Merged commits:

2012-03-28 14:30:23 Alfred Franz [d799af]
activated test again

2012-03-28 14:30:09 Alfred Franz [2d6eeb]
added catch of an exception which might occure, errors will be logged to console in future

Still fails on machine mbi013, mbi071 and mbi077 every night.

[e4aee5]: Merge branch 'bug-10701-NavigationToolStorageSerializerAndDeserializer

Merged commits:

2012-04-18 15:56:47 Alfred Franz [345fd4]
catched exception in destructor when a temp directory can not be deleted. An error message is printed now instead of the exception (so the program won't crash any more).

Seems the last change fixed the bug. The test didn't fail last night on the continous clients (see

So closing the bug.