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Crash when using undefiend Props in QmitkServiceListWidget
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Mitk stops working if you initialize the Listwidget with a not existing NamingProperty. The crash will happen if only one service does not carry the specified property. This might be true for Filtering as well.

Event Timeline

[68d63e]: Merge branch 'bug-12947-CrashWhenUsingUndefiendPropsInQmitkServiceList

Merged commits:

2012-08-29 14:39:45 Keno Maerz [0d2c23]
ServiceListWidget now sorts it's entries

2012-08-29 14:30:02 Keno Maerz [1b4a40]
Fixed Crash when accessing unavailable property, removed unnecessary MITK_INFO Outputs

ServiceListWidget now displays interface name and logs a warning message, if given naming property was not found. Filtering for invalid properties will simply not yield results.