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Mesa Flickerung bei Smooth ROIs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Bei Smooth ROIs flickert Mesa, d.h kurz aufflackernde schwarze oder rote Linien zwischen den Kontrollpunkten, siehe Video.

  • unabhängig von selected, unselected, hover, etc.
  • sobald eine smooth roi gerendert wird.
  • nicht bei anderen Objekten.

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-14146-Mesa-Flickering

braucht laut Markus kein Core Modification flag.

Reopen for commit of rebased branch for master merge

New remote branch pushed: bug-14146-mesa-flickering-rebased

[90865d]: Merge branch 'bug-14146-mesa-flickering-rebased'

Merged commits:

2013-01-05 14:18:39 Matthias Baumhauer [e8a3e5]
fix mesa roi flickering by use of line_strip

The fix has been merged into master now.

The flickering effect could not be reproduced.

I just looked at the code: did you verify that the code is not called with an empty line? Otherwise


could potentially crash.

Should be no problem, as it is only called if planar figures has been marked as "closed" object.

Also PlanarFigures, like our PlanarPolygons or PSubdivisionPolygons, have 2 or 3 control point per initialization.