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QmitkNodeDescriptorManager should return the Unknown descriptor for the Classname "Unknown"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


actual behaviour

QmitkNodeDescriptor* QmitkNodeDescriptorManager::GetDescriptor( const QString& _ClassName ) const returns NULL if "Unknown" is passed

expected behaviour

method should return the UnknownDataNodeDescriptor, which handles all unknown DataNodeTypes

cause of the bug

UnknownDataNodeDescriptor is not in the list of nodedescriptors but rather a standalone member


return UnknownDataNodeDescriptor if "Unknown" is passed as parameter in GetDescriptor(), otherwise proceed as usual


manual testing/trivial change

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-14293-return-UnknownDataNodeDescriptor

[3d838f]: Merge branch 'bug-14293-return-UnknownDataNodeDescriptor'

Merged commits:

2013-01-18 14:48:34 Michael Mueller [9c0148]
GetDescriptor now returns the UnknownDataNodeDescriptor if "Unkown" is passed as a parameter