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Create Overlay framework for managing different types of graphic items in the renderwindows
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-AddOverlayManager

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-CreateOverlayFramework

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-MigrateOverlayToMovedMicroservices

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-OverlayFrameworkIntegration

[b7d122]: Merge branch 'bug-15104-OverlayFrameworkIntegration'

Merged commits:

2013-08-26 11:56:36 Christoph Kolb [23fd81]
remove unintentionally committed line

2013-08-26 11:04:04 Christoph Kolb [916914]
made rendering tests custom only

2013-08-26 10:16:13 Christoph Kolb [6d893b]
new revision tag for updated mitk-data

2013-08-26 10:11:52 Christoph Kolb [1cc0fd]
rendering test parameters

2013-08-23 16:59:06 Christoph Kolb [7c8dd3]
Merge branch 'bug-15104-MigrateOverlayToMovedMicroservices' into bug-15104-OverlayFrameworkIntegration


2013-08-23 16:46:35 Christoph Kolb [03d382]
declare some getters as const methods

2013-08-23 14:17:13 Christoph Kolb [af1436]
change static strings to static const methods

2013-08-23 13:52:47 Christoph Kolb [9e4d33]
derive AbstractOverlayLayouter and OverlayManager from itk::LightObject

2013-08-23 13:50:10 Christoph Kolb [d9444b]
rename baseLayouter to AbstractOverlayLayouter

2013-08-23 13:42:41 Christoph Kolb [2f7a8f]
code sanity fixes and documentation

2013-08-23 11:37:38 Christoph Kolb [b14c82]
move Overlays up to the Rendering folder
remove Overlay folder

2013-08-22 18:12:57 Christoph Kolb [83b62b]
add more forward declarations and deleted unneeded includes

2013-08-22 18:04:48 Christoph Kolb [9d05d8]
remove service implementation of OverlayManager
remove OverlayManager test
small compiler optimizations

2013-08-22 16:19:44 Christoph Kolb [20c177]
fixes due to changed microservice api

2013-08-22 15:21:25 Christoph Kolb [61a4f4]
Merge branch 'bug-15104-CreateOverlayFramework' into bug-15104-MigrateOverlayToMovedMicroservices


2013-08-22 14:22:58 Christoph Kolb [6bf083]
Add example code and use snippets in documentation

2013-08-21 20:03:21 Christoph Kolb [08243b]
remove overlayexampleplugin from PluginList.cmake

2013-08-19 12:14:22 Christoph Kolb [f3dc53]
add documentation to concept page

2013-07-30 11:46:55 Christoph Kolb [f60c71]
update concept page

2013-07-29 11:13:51 Christoph Kolb [bee63a]
add documentation

2013-07-22 13:44:52 Christoph Kolb [66defe]
add documentation and remove commented code

2013-07-17 12:57:19 Christoph Kolb [911f02]
Move Overlays back to core - corrected

2013-07-17 12:56:31 Christoph Kolb [8f582b]
Delete Overlays from Overlays module

2013-07-12 10:38:12 Christoph Kolb [1b55bd]
fix microservice and respective test

2013-07-06 16:57:55 Christoph Kolb [ee1559]
Add rendering tests

2013-07-06 16:55:52 Christoph Kolb [eb2a82]

2013-07-05 16:38:45 Christoph Kolb [984e3b]
add tests to Overlay module

2013-07-05 16:15:57 Christoph Kolb [575f99]
OverlayManagerTest and multiple corrections

2013-07-05 15:46:39 Christoph Kolb [550c16]
delete overlay implementations from core - cmake update

2013-07-05 15:43:51 Christoph Kolb [b55b9c]
add OverlayManagerTest

2013-07-05 15:41:48 Christoph Kolb [298849]
add overlay and layouter implementations to Overlay module

2013-07-05 15:41:00 Christoph Kolb [7f4f82]
Delete implementations from core

2013-07-01 17:00:10 Christoph Kolb [29d9c0]

2013-07-01 15:23:48 Christoph Kolb [05e56a]
Documentation and part of layouter implementation

2013-07-01 15:23:23 Christoph Kolb [60d5d9]
added code examples to documentation

2013-06-20 10:24:58 Christoph Kolb [04d6a0]
compiler fixes

2013-06-17 15:43:56 Christoph Kolb [84e058]
Fixed errors and implemened LabelOverlay

2013-06-17 15:43:31 Christoph Kolb [b3788a]
added Point2D Propertiy

2013-06-15 18:48:52 Christoph Kolb [628553]
storing of layouts in layout manager

2013-06-13 16:07:40 Christoph Kolb [20d4cd]
move layouter from overlayManager to overlay

2013-06-11 20:09:03 Christoph Kolb [329bf0]
Add Layouter Overlay functions

2013-06-11 13:39:57 Christoph Kolb [bb5303]
fixes and added color+opacity property

2013-06-10 14:23:35 Christoph Kolb [1e9d8b]
add superclasses for 2D and 3D vtkOverlays

2013-06-09 16:04:06 Christoph Kolb [7fcc36]
Microservice implementation of OverlayManager

2013-06-07 17:13:31 Christoph Kolb [06766e]
implement OverlayManager as a Microservice

2013-06-06 16:30:01 Christoph Kolb [f3d7b1]
add labelOverlay3D class and changes to propertylist handling

2013-06-06 16:29:02 Christoph Kolb [6f4598]
prepare documentation page

2013-05-27 16:52:18 Christoph Kolb [0ec43b]
add vtkOverlay + mitkTextOverlay3D

2013-05-16 17:14:17 Christoph Kolb [a5b1cc]
added overlay preparation

2013-05-16 14:23:26 Christoph Kolb [9b136d]
Declaration of OverlayManager in BaseRenderer and MultiWidget

2013-05-16 14:22:45 Christoph Kolb [a7b43b]
Simple TextOverlay and OverlayManager implementation

2013-05-16 11:09:47 Christoph Kolb [1cc116]
Created classes for the overlay framework

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-FixWarningsInOverlayFramework

[7680e5]: Merge branch 'bug-15104-FixWarningsInOverlayFramework2'

Merged commits:

2013-08-28 20:11:16 Christoph Kolb [1fa0b5]
COMP: Fix uninitialized warnings

[8b4d9f]: Merge branch 'bug-15104-FixRenderingTests'

Merged commits:

2013-08-29 10:51:13 Christoph Kolb [29593a]
COMP: Add new reference images for overlay tests

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-UseFontSizeInTextOverlay3D

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-MapperEnhancementsForOverlayFramework

[f3bb54]: Merge branch 'bug-15104-MapperEnhancementsForOverlayFramework'

Merged commits:

2013-12-12 13:39:16 Christoph Kolb [d025c7]
replace pointset labels with labeloverlay3d

2013-12-12 13:11:47 Christoph Kolb [f2a405]
fix layouter bug for textOverlay2D

2013-12-11 21:01:17 Christoph Kolb [7c3cd4]
fix removefromBaseRenderer

2013-12-11 20:43:14 Christoph Kolb [ae455c]
handle null pointers in labeloverlay

2013-12-11 20:42:44 Christoph Kolb [581495]
convenience method for adding overlays to a specific renderer

2013-12-11 20:40:41 Christoph Kolb [8e98cd]
Add OverlayManager usage option to mappers

2013-12-11 15:19:22 Christoph Kolb [737d57]
fix update problem of labelOverlay


2013-11-29 10:28:52 Christoph Kolb [24146d]
Set scale of follower

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-RemoveOverlayCrashFix

[ab5f19]: Merge branch 'bug-15104-RemoveOverlayCrashFix'

Merged commits:

2013-12-12 15:20:57 Christoph Kolb [a823b6]
COMP: revert pointsetMapper Overlay changes

2013-12-12 15:17:47 Christoph Kolb [714de7]
COMP: fix remove overlay crash

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-AddScaleLegendOverlay

[65e4d7]: Merge branch 'bug-15104-AddScaleLegendOverlay'

Merged commits:

2013-12-12 17:19:44 Christoph Kolb [e98021]
added new vtk based ScaleLegendOverlay

New remote branch pushed: bug-15104-UseOverlaysInPlanarFigureMapper

User engelhsa has pushed new remote branch:


The TextOverlay3DRendering3DTest crashed because Overlays were not released properly. We fixed this issue in bug-15104-FixRemovalOfOverlays .

[d7e0b8]: Merge branch 'bug-15104-FixRemovalOfOverlays'

Merged commits:

2014-04-02 15:57:14 Sandy Engelhardt [40d1b6]
Fix Removal of Overlays