We use "fa image" with intensity in the range [0.0, 1.0], but most of the time, the range is actually [0.0, 1.0[. For example, the image I use has a max intensity of 0.99999964237213135. The problem is that this value is interpreted as a 1.0 by the QDoubleSpinBox, which make this block crashes in BinaryThresholdTool::ITKThresholdingOldBinary:
typename ThresholdFilterType::Pointer filter = ThresholdFilterType::New(); filter->SetInput(originalImage); filter->SetLowerThreshold(thresholdValue); // 1.0 filter->SetUpperThreshold(m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue); // 0.999999
because m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue has the real max value of the image but thresholdValue takes its value from the spinbox.
I already fixed it in our in-house version. I'll send a PR soon.