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Write tests for PhotoacousticsAlgorithms
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Write tests for the filters of the PhotoacousticsAlgorithms module.

Event Timeline

sattler renamed this task from PhotoacousticsAlgorithms-Tests to Write tests for PhotoacousticsAlgorithms.Apr 27 2018, 5:44 PM
sattler triaged this task as Normal priority.
sattler created this task.
[529.464] Instantiating BandpassFilter...
[529.464] Instantiating BandpassFilter...[Done]
[532.181] SingleVoxel: 0.514558
[532.181] HighPass: 0
[532.181] LowPass: 1e+06
[532.181] cutoffPixelHighPass: 0
[532.181] cutoffPixelLowPass: 1023.5
[532.771] Destructed BandpassFilter.
[532.771] [PhotoacousticFilterService] destructed filter service
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'itk::ExceptionObject'
  what():  /home/thomaskirchner/projects/refac/mitk-superbuild/ep/src/ITK/Modules/Core/Common/src/itkMultiThreader.cxx:399:
itk::ERROR: MultiThreader(0x7efc8800bec0): Exception occurred during SingleMethodExecute
itk::ERROR: VnlFFT1DRealToComplexConjugateImageFilter(0x7efc88012890): Illegal Array DIM for FFT

the bandbass breaks

fixed that band pass re-sampling and will now merge it into master.