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Initialize QmitkSlicesInterpolator with render windows instead of slice navigation controllers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently QmitkSlicesInterpolator::Initialize requires a list of slice navigation controllers.
The QmitkSlicesInterpolator is initialized inside QmitkSegmentationView::RenderWindowPartActivated, where the three slice navigation controllers are retrieved from the "axial", "sagittal" and "coronal" render windows.
This is problematic in two ways:

  1. QmitkSegmentationView::RenderWindowPartActivated still uses render window names, which conflicts with the MxNMultiWidget (see T25595: [Multi widget] Make classes work with the new render window access)
  2. the render window is required inside QmitkSlicesInterpolator which is retrieved from the slice navigation controllers

This could easily be solved together with the parent task.

Event Timeline

kalali triaged this task as Normal priority.Mar 27 2023, 4:58 PM
kalali created this task.

This is not solved with {D795}, right? I can still see slicer->GetRenderer() in line 926, so the render window is still retrieved from the slice navigation controller, which requires the getter to be available in the slice navigation controller.

This is not solved with {D795}, right? I can still see slicer->GetRenderer() in line 926, so the render window is still retrieved from the slice navigation controller, which requires the getter to be available in the slice navigation controller.

Yes. I tried handling both this task and T29362 in one differential, but it wasn't as straight forward as expected, so I decided to handle them separately.

s434n removed s434n as the assignee of this task.May 3 2023, 11:15 AM
s434n moved this task from Cycle to Backlog on the MITK (v2023.04) board.
s434n added a subscriber: s434n.

This task should be revised / kept in mind when reworking the interpolation in general

kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a project: Moved to

This task was closed here on Phabricator since it was migrated to GitLab. Please continue on GitLab.