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[SEG] Segment Anything - Loading errors occur when opening the preferences
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On MacOS Ventura the following problems were encountered when opening the preferences after having pressed "Initialize Segment Anything":

User 1: "After I used and installed SAM, I made a segmentation and then tried to go to its settings and it became stuck. It never opened the “Segment Anything” settings again, just an infinite loading mouse cursor and unresponsive UI. I let it try to open for 5’ before puling the plug. I did this a bit earlier than the checklist order (sorry) and not sure if data matters but I was using my own dicom data. Upon restarting the app the setting works normally.
UPDATE: this happened again twice. It might be related to SAM because it happens if I’m doing a segmentation with it and I try to open settings."

User 2: "There is an age long loading screen when going to that menu for me.
I had to restart MITK in order to get to that menu.
But also at startup the Workbench sometimes seems to get stuck during start-up, so maybe its an macOS issue?"

Event Timeline

kompan triaged this task as Normal priority.Mon, May 6, 9:54 AM
kompan created this task.