To work on this bug you will have to branch from/merge into
What should (at least) be done:
Add the following folders to the module.
If no module fits add it to an appropriate bundle.
for any files describing how to interact with the module as a developer
for any files describing how to interact with the module as a user
and the file
A template of the property page including some of what should be explained therein:
\page SegmentationPropertiesPage The Segmentation Properties
binary - Toggle whether the image is treated as a binary/segmentation image
binaryimage.hoveringannotationcolor - seems to be used by some interactors for
changing colors when the mouse hovers over an object.
binaryimage.hoveringcolor - seems to be used by some interactors for
changing colors when the mouse hovers over an object.
binaryimage.selectedannotationcolor - ???
binaryimage.selectedcolor - The color the surface is rendered in 2D while
segmentation - only used for information whether it is a segmentation or not
outline binary - Toggle whether the segmentation is drawn as an outline (on) or
solid (off)
outline width - width of the outline
showVolume - Toggle whether the volume of the segmentation is shown in the 2D
Additionally you will need to add your page to
as a subpage by as demonstrated by
\subpage PropertiesPage