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Remove duplicated Code from mitkImageVtkMapper2d and mitExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilter
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Code is duplicated from mitkImageMapperGL2D to mitExtractImageFilter.
mitExtractImageFilter should be called from mitkImageMapperGL2D to do the extraction.

Event Timeline

There will be a new class which is responsible for extracting slices.


This is a mitk ImageToImageFilter but with additional vtk output for rendering to avoid unnecessary convertions.

Documentation in progess...

It would be nice to have several possibilites for cutting out planes!

Instead of PlaneGeometry the filter should accept

  • Two Axis vectors and a Point
  • one point and a normal vector

I actually have these cases, and calculating a suitable plane Geometry out of these is quite troublesome

Also: when finished, please remove "ExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilter" and "ExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilterNew". They are apparently old versions and not needed!

In the last few weeks there were quiet a lot request on the users list for which this new ExtractSliceFilter would be really useful.

[d47e2e]: Merge branch 'bug-9318-implement-a-mitk-filter-for-slice-extraction'

Merged commits:

2012-05-25 15:57:38 Tobias Schroeder [ad59d3]
yet another tabfix

2012-05-25 15:49:05 Tobias Schroeder [d3f821]
untabified still another file

2012-05-25 15:37:30 Tobias Schroeder [6dc52d]
untabified another file

2012-05-25 15:33:47 Tobias Schroeder [dddecd]
untabified tests

2012-05-25 15:29:22 Tobias Schroeder [5ea08f]
untabified file

2012-05-25 14:36:08 Tobias Schroeder [7072e9]
renamed method

2012-05-24 17:08:25 Tobias Schroeder [d1bb83]
Fixed tabs

2012-05-24 16:57:24 Tobias Schroeder [aea9b7]
call renamed method

2012-05-24 16:55:38 Tobias Schroeder [d3ff8e]
bounds correction within reslicer

2012-05-24 15:55:42 Tobias Schroeder [3e2078]
resolved conflicts

2012-02-02 08:49:51 Tobias Schroeder [1c0a52]
cleaned up methods and added comments

2012-01-30 10:48:34 Tobias Schroeder [83f506]
spacing in z direction of a plane change to default value 1.0

2012-01-30 10:48:03 Tobias Schroeder [0124b5]
turn off debug outputs

2012-01-27 13:20:09 Tobias Schroeder [e1c153]
moved ExtractSliceFilterTest to testfolder of mitk core

2012-01-27 11:49:37 Tobias Schroeder [443caf]
don't use the new mitkExtractSliceFilter for segmentation until the corresponding overwritting filter is implemented

2012-01-26 14:11:02 Tobias Schroeder [b04293]
added test condition for requested vtkOutput and some docu

2012-01-26 11:22:07 Jan Hering [40a8cd]
Fixing initialization of image by vtkImageData

2012-01-23 15:12:33 Tobias Schroeder [e5fc68]
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug-10804-mitkImageRefactoring' into personal/schroedt/integrationbranch_bug-9318

2012-01-23 14:28:41 Tobias Schroeder [2f1dd2]
some changes because an error occurs in debug for 2D images but not in release mode. Not fixed it yet.

2012-01-23 10:16:46 Tobias Schroeder [fc6ed5]
fixed an issue with 2D images and vtk error outputs.

2012-01-20 14:43:43 Tobias Schroeder [a96349]
Merge branch 'bug-9318-Move-ImageExtraction-From-mitkVtkMapper2D-To-ExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilter' into personal/schroedt/integrationbranch_bug-9318


2012-01-20 07:45:11 Tobias Schroeder [5150cc]
fixed getVtkOutput method

2012-01-19 17:55:59 Tobias Schroeder [cb6044]
fixed vtk error outputs by simple call of UpdateWholeExtent on vtkImageReslice

2012-01-19 16:59:46 Tobias Schroeder [034070]
enabled thickslice filtering, but with vtk error by now

2012-01-19 14:10:41 Tobias Schroeder [45cedd]
disabled showing render window of oblique slice according to a previous commit

2012-01-18 13:50:18 Tobias Schroeder [ce9215]
Merge branch 'bug-9318-Move-ImageExtraction-From-mitkVtkMapper2D-To-ExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilter' of into bug-9318-Move-ImageExtraction-From-mitkVtkMapper2D-To-ExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilter

2012-01-18 13:23:21 Andreas Fetzer [4e6a2a]
Fixed gcc compiler issues

2012-01-18 09:51:32 Tobias Schroeder [48e7f9]
added method static New(vtkReslice) returning an itk smartPointer to realize bridge design pattern

2012-01-18 09:40:25 Tobias Schroeder [8bbf67]
typename keyword for templated class types added

2012-01-17 14:32:37 Tobias Schroeder [8bd83c]
added vtk render window for a oblique plane in filter test - should be disabled later via define vargit status

2012-01-16 14:07:46 Tobias Schroeder [ce377a]
using vtkSmartPointer for vtk object vtkGeneralTransform

2012-01-16 13:27:52 Tobias Schroeder [cefd5c]
sphere test volume is created on the fly

2012-01-16 09:56:48 Tobias Schroeder [c9c022]
cleaned up classes

2012-01-13 10:11:02 Tobias Schroeder [dd78e3]
transform correspond to unitspacingfilter

2012-01-13 10:03:37 Tobias Schroeder [81fd58]
Some documention of extractslicefilter

2012-01-13 08:18:18 Tobias Schroeder [f3c756]
slice rending is working, just the crosshair is not center based

2012-01-11 14:52:48 Tobias Schroeder [7e58d0]
stripped all code from imagemapper depending on reslicing, imagemapper just calls extrectslicefilter to get the slice. rendering now works for oblique planes. segmentation seems to be not rendered correct.

2012-01-05 09:53:57 Tobias Schroeder [579c8a]
added a property for interpolation mode used from reslicing, can be either linear, cubic or nearestneighbor

2012-01-05 09:25:39 Tobias Schroeder [c6a265]
testing only orthogonal planes, oblique planes not tested yet#

2012-01-02 14:37:23 Tobias Schroeder [bd1c16]
implemented pixel value based test, but with a index shift problem

2011-12-23 12:11:54 Tobias Schroeder [6520bd]
repaired broken mapper code. plane for mapping was not initialized properly. 2D and 3D Rendering is now working.

2011-12-23 11:40:19 Tobias Schroeder [78b811]
Moved the filter to Core/Code/Algorithms/ and added it to the image mapper. 2D rendering not working yet.

2011-12-23 09:53:20 Tobias Schroeder [a1a8be]
added test for exact pixelvalue slicing

2012-01-16 11:19:51 Tobias Schroeder [30721d]

  1. This is a combination of 2 commits.
  2. The first commit's message is:

Added a method for generating the test volume - creating a sphere

This is the 2nd commit message:

created sphere volume with lower resolution and implemented a test for the sphere radius

2012-01-16 11:15:07 Tobias Schroeder [8f43a9]
implemented testmethod for slice comparing

2011-12-15 10:24:13 Tobias Schroeder [858682]
sliceExtractor works on given timestep. the timestep is also checked if it is valid

2011-12-14 13:23:53 Tobias Schroeder [a7d399]
reslicesAxesCosines set from plane

2011-12-14 10:59:40 Tobias Schroeder [cb2076]
sliceExtractor uses origin of geometry2D

2011-12-13 15:11:20 Tobias Schroeder [d44edf]
created new filter class based on vtkImageReslice to build image extraction from bottom up

2011-12-13 08:12:26 Tobias Schroeder [d69768]
created simple testclass for image extraction

2011-12-05 15:41:49 Tobias Schroeder [7685e2]
test class for image extraction expanded

2011-12-05 15:36:10 Tobias Schroeder [92ea8f]
added testclass stub for image extraction

2011-12-02 11:55:54 Tobias Schroeder [b35aa7]
mitkExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilter is working with vtkImageReslice now (for orthogonal AND oblique planes)

Finally fixed by implemention of a new Filter called mitkExtractSliceFilter.
This filter is based on vtkImageReslice to extract slices from a volume. See dokumentation for its use.