diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool.cpp b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool.cpp index 664ee90cc4..b5e1dd5090 100644 --- a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool.cpp +++ b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool.cpp @@ -1,659 +1,684 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #include "mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool.h" #include "mitkToolManager.h" #include "mitkColorProperty.h" #include "mitkLevelWindowProperty.h" #include "mitkProperties.h" #include "mitkDataStorage.h" #include "mitkRenderingManager.h" #include #include "mitkImageAccessByItk.h" #include "mitkImageCast.h" #include "mitkImageStatisticsHolder.h" #include "mitkImageTimeSelector.h" #include "mitkLabelSetImage.h" #include "mitkMaskAndCutRoiImageFilter.h" #include "mitkPadImageFilter.h" #include "mitkNodePredicateGeometry.h" #include "mitkSegTool2D.h" #include mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool(bool lazyDynamicPreviews): m_LazyDynamicPreviews(lazyDynamicPreviews) { m_ProgressCommand = ToolCommand::New(); } mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool(bool lazyDynamicPreviews, const char* interactorType, const us::Module* interactorModule) : AutoSegmentationTool(interactorType, interactorModule), m_LazyDynamicPreviews(lazyDynamicPreviews) { m_ProgressCommand = ToolCommand::New(); } mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::~AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool() { } bool mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::CanHandle(const BaseData* referenceData, const BaseData* workingData) const { if (!Superclass::CanHandle(referenceData, workingData)) return false; if (workingData == nullptr) return true; auto* labelSet = dynamic_cast(workingData); if (labelSet != nullptr) return true; auto* image = dynamic_cast(workingData); if (image == nullptr) return false; //if it is a normal image and not a label set image is used as working data //it must have the same pixel type as a label set. return MakeScalarPixelType< DefaultSegmentationDataType >() == image->GetPixelType(); } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::Activated() { Superclass::Activated(); this->GetToolManager()->RoiDataChanged += MessageDelegate(this, &AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::OnRoiDataChanged); this->GetToolManager()->SelectedTimePointChanged += MessageDelegate(this, &AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::OnTimePointChanged); m_ReferenceDataNode = this->GetToolManager()->GetReferenceData(0); m_SegmentationInputNode = m_ReferenceDataNode; m_LastTimePointOfUpdate = RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetTimeNavigationController()->GetSelectedTimePoint(); if (m_PreviewSegmentationNode.IsNull()) { m_PreviewSegmentationNode = DataNode::New(); m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetProperty("color", ColorProperty::New(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetProperty("name", StringProperty::New(std::string(this->GetName())+" preview")); m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetProperty("opacity", FloatProperty::New(0.3)); m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetProperty("binary", BoolProperty::New(true)); m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetProperty("helper object", BoolProperty::New(true)); } if (m_SegmentationInputNode.IsNotNull()) { this->ResetPreviewNode(); this->InitiateToolByInput(); } else { this->GetToolManager()->ActivateTool(-1); } } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::Deactivated() { this->GetToolManager()->RoiDataChanged -= MessageDelegate(this, &AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::OnRoiDataChanged); this->GetToolManager()->SelectedTimePointChanged -= MessageDelegate(this, &AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::OnTimePointChanged); m_SegmentationInputNode = nullptr; m_ReferenceDataNode = nullptr; m_WorkingPlaneGeometry = nullptr; try { if (DataStorage *storage = this->GetToolManager()->GetDataStorage()) { storage->Remove(m_PreviewSegmentationNode); RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); } } catch (...) { // don't care } if (m_PreviewSegmentationNode.IsNotNull()) { m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetData(nullptr); } Superclass::Deactivated(); } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::ConfirmSegmentation() { if (m_LazyDynamicPreviews && m_CreateAllTimeSteps) { // The tool should create all time steps but is currently in lazy mode, // thus ensure that a preview for all time steps is available. this->UpdatePreview(true); } CreateResultSegmentationFromPreview(); RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); if (!m_KeepActiveAfterAccept) { this->GetToolManager()->ActivateTool(-1); } } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::InitiateToolByInput() { //default implementation does nothing. //implement in derived classes to change behavior } mitk::Image* mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::GetPreviewSegmentation() { if (m_PreviewSegmentationNode.IsNull()) { return nullptr; } return dynamic_cast(m_PreviewSegmentationNode->GetData()); } mitk::DataNode* mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::GetPreviewSegmentationNode() { return m_PreviewSegmentationNode; } const mitk::Image* mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::GetSegmentationInput() const { if (m_SegmentationInputNode.IsNull()) { return nullptr; } return dynamic_cast(m_SegmentationInputNode->GetData()); } const mitk::Image* mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::GetReferenceData() const { if (m_ReferenceDataNode.IsNull()) { return nullptr; } return dynamic_cast(m_ReferenceDataNode->GetData()); } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::ResetPreviewNode() { itk::RGBPixel previewColor; previewColor[0] = 0.0f; previewColor[1] = 1.0f; previewColor[2] = 0.0f; const auto image = this->GetSegmentationInput(); if (nullptr != image) { LabelSetImage::ConstPointer workingImage = dynamic_cast(this->GetToolManager()->GetWorkingData(0)->GetData()); if (workingImage.IsNotNull()) { auto newPreviewImage = workingImage->Clone(); if (this->GetResetsToEmptyPreview()) { newPreviewImage->ClearBuffer(); } if (newPreviewImage.IsNull()) { MITK_ERROR << "Cannot create preview helper objects. Unable to clone working image"; return; } m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetData(newPreviewImage); // Let's paint the feedback node green... auto* activeLayer = newPreviewImage->GetActiveLabelSet(); auto* activeLabel = activeLayer->GetActiveLabel(); activeLabel->SetColor(previewColor); activeLayer->UpdateLookupTable(activeLabel->GetValue()); } else { Image::ConstPointer workingImageBin = dynamic_cast(this->GetToolManager()->GetWorkingData(0)->GetData()); if (workingImageBin.IsNotNull()) { Image::Pointer newPreviewImage; if (this->GetResetsToEmptyPreview()) { newPreviewImage = Image::New(); newPreviewImage->Initialize(workingImageBin); } else { auto newPreviewImage = workingImageBin->Clone(); } if (newPreviewImage.IsNull()) { MITK_ERROR << "Cannot create preview helper objects. Unable to clone working image"; return; } m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetData(newPreviewImage); } else { mitkThrow() << "Tool is an invalid state. Cannot setup preview node. Working data is an unsupported class and should have not been accepted by CanHandle()."; } } m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetColor(previewColor); m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetOpacity(0.5); int layer(50); m_ReferenceDataNode->GetIntProperty("layer", layer); m_PreviewSegmentationNode->SetIntProperty("layer", layer + 1); if (DataStorage *ds = this->GetToolManager()->GetDataStorage()) { if (!ds->Exists(m_PreviewSegmentationNode)) ds->Add(m_PreviewSegmentationNode, m_ReferenceDataNode); } } } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::TransferImageAtTimeStep(const Image* sourceImage, Image* destinationImage, const TimeStepType timeStep) { try { Image::ConstPointer sourceImageAtTimeStep = this->GetImageByTimeStep(sourceImage, timeStep); if (sourceImageAtTimeStep->GetPixelType() != destinationImage->GetPixelType()) { mitkThrow() << "Cannot transfer images. Tool is in an invalid state, source image and destination image do not have the same pixel type. " << "Source pixel type: " << sourceImage->GetPixelType().GetTypeAsString() << "; destination pixel type: " << destinationImage->GetPixelType().GetTypeAsString(); } if (!Equal(*(sourceImage->GetGeometry(timeStep)), *(destinationImage->GetGeometry(timeStep)), NODE_PREDICATE_GEOMETRY_DEFAULT_CHECK_COORDINATE_PRECISION, NODE_PREDICATE_GEOMETRY_DEFAULT_CHECK_DIRECTION_PRECISION, false)) { mitkThrow() << "Cannot transfer images. Tool is in an invalid state, source image and destination image do not have the same geometry."; } if (nullptr != this->GetWorkingPlaneGeometry()) { auto sourceSlice = SegTool2D::GetAffectedImageSliceAs2DImage(this->GetWorkingPlaneGeometry(), sourceImage, timeStep); SegTool2D::WriteBackSegmentationResult(this->GetTargetSegmentationNode(), m_WorkingPlaneGeometry, sourceSlice, timeStep); } else { //take care of the full segmentation volume auto sourceLSImage = dynamic_cast(sourceImage); auto destLSImage = dynamic_cast(destinationImage); TransferLabelContent(sourceLSImage, destLSImage, { {this->GetUserDefinedActiveLabel(),this->GetUserDefinedActiveLabel()} }, false, timeStep); } } catch (...) { Tool::ErrorMessage("Error accessing single time steps of the original image. Cannot create segmentation."); throw; } } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::CreateResultSegmentationFromPreview() { const auto segInput = this->GetSegmentationInput(); auto previewImage = this->GetPreviewSegmentation(); if (nullptr != segInput && nullptr != previewImage) { DataNode::Pointer resultSegmentationNode = GetTargetSegmentationNode(); if (resultSegmentationNode.IsNotNull()) { const auto timePoint = RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetTimeNavigationController()->GetSelectedTimePoint(); auto resultSegmentation = dynamic_cast(resultSegmentationNode->GetData()); // REMARK: the following code in this scope assumes that previewImage and resultSegmentation // are clones of the working image (segmentation provided to the tool). Therefore they have // the same time geometry. if (previewImage->GetTimeSteps() != resultSegmentation->GetTimeSteps()) { mitkThrow() << "Cannot perform threshold. Internal tool state is invalid." << " Preview segmentation and segmentation result image have different time geometries."; } if (m_CreateAllTimeSteps) { for (unsigned int timeStep = 0; timeStep < previewImage->GetTimeSteps(); ++timeStep) { this->TransferImageAtTimeStep(previewImage, resultSegmentation, timeStep); } } else { const auto timeStep = resultSegmentation->GetTimeGeometry()->TimePointToTimeStep(timePoint); this->TransferImageAtTimeStep(previewImage, resultSegmentation, timeStep); } // since we are maybe working on a smaller image, pad it to the size of the original image if (m_ReferenceDataNode.GetPointer() != m_SegmentationInputNode.GetPointer()) { PadImageFilter::Pointer padFilter = PadImageFilter::New(); padFilter->SetInput(0, resultSegmentation); padFilter->SetInput(1, dynamic_cast(m_ReferenceDataNode->GetData())); padFilter->SetBinaryFilter(true); padFilter->SetUpperThreshold(1); padFilter->SetLowerThreshold(1); padFilter->Update(); resultSegmentationNode->SetData(padFilter->GetOutput()); } if (m_OverwriteExistingSegmentation) { //if we overwrite the segmentation (and not just store it as a new result //in the data storage) we update also the tool manager state. this->GetToolManager()->SetWorkingData(resultSegmentationNode); this->GetToolManager()->GetWorkingData(0)->Modified(); } this->EnsureTargetSegmentationNodeInDataStorage(); } } } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::OnRoiDataChanged() { DataNode::ConstPointer node = this->GetToolManager()->GetRoiData(0); if (node.IsNotNull()) { MaskAndCutRoiImageFilter::Pointer roiFilter = MaskAndCutRoiImageFilter::New(); Image::Pointer image = dynamic_cast(m_SegmentationInputNode->GetData()); if (image.IsNull()) return; roiFilter->SetInput(image); roiFilter->SetRegionOfInterest(node->GetData()); roiFilter->Update(); DataNode::Pointer tmpNode = DataNode::New(); tmpNode->SetData(roiFilter->GetOutput()); m_SegmentationInputNode = tmpNode; } else m_SegmentationInputNode = m_ReferenceDataNode; this->ResetPreviewNode(); this->InitiateToolByInput(); this->UpdatePreview(); } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::OnTimePointChanged() { if (m_IsTimePointChangeAware && m_PreviewSegmentationNode.IsNotNull() && m_SegmentationInputNode.IsNotNull()) { const auto timePoint = RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetTimeNavigationController()->GetSelectedTimePoint(); const bool isStaticSegOnDynamicImage = m_PreviewSegmentationNode->GetData()->GetTimeSteps() == 1 && m_SegmentationInputNode->GetData()->GetTimeSteps() > 1; if (timePoint!=m_LastTimePointOfUpdate && (isStaticSegOnDynamicImage || m_LazyDynamicPreviews)) { //we only need to update either because we are lazzy //or because we have a static segmentation with a dynamic image this->UpdatePreview(); } } } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::UpdatePreview(bool ignoreLazyPreviewSetting) { const auto inputImage = this->GetSegmentationInput(); auto previewImage = this->GetPreviewSegmentation(); int progress_steps = 200; const auto workingImage = dynamic_cast(this->GetToolManager()->GetWorkingData(0)->GetData()); if (const auto& labelSetImage = dynamic_cast(workingImage)) { // this is a fix for T28131 / T28986, which should be refactored if T28524 is being worked on m_UserDefinedActiveLabel = labelSetImage->GetActiveLabel(labelSetImage->GetActiveLayer())->GetValue(); } else { m_UserDefinedActiveLabel = 1; } this->CurrentlyBusy.Send(true); m_IsUpdating = true; this->UpdatePrepare(); const auto timePoint = RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetTimeNavigationController()->GetSelectedTimePoint(); try { if (nullptr != inputImage && nullptr != previewImage) { m_ProgressCommand->AddStepsToDo(progress_steps); if (previewImage->GetTimeSteps() > 1 && (ignoreLazyPreviewSetting || !m_LazyDynamicPreviews)) { for (unsigned int timeStep = 0; timeStep < previewImage->GetTimeSteps(); ++timeStep) { Image::ConstPointer feedBackImage; Image::ConstPointer currentSegImage; auto previewTimePoint = previewImage->GetTimeGeometry()->TimeStepToTimePoint(timeStep); auto inputTimeStep = inputImage->GetTimeGeometry()->TimePointToTimeStep(previewTimePoint); if (nullptr != this->GetWorkingPlaneGeometry()) { //only extract a specific slice defined by the working plane as feedback image. feedBackImage = SegTool2D::GetAffectedImageSliceAs2DImage(this->GetWorkingPlaneGeometry(), inputImage, inputTimeStep); currentSegImage = SegTool2D::GetAffectedImageSliceAs2DImageByTimePoint(this->GetWorkingPlaneGeometry(), workingImage, previewTimePoint); } else { //work on the whole feedback image feedBackImage = this->GetImageByTimeStep(inputImage, inputTimeStep); currentSegImage = this->GetImageByTimePoint(workingImage, previewTimePoint); } this->DoUpdatePreview(feedBackImage, currentSegImage, previewImage, timeStep); } } else { Image::ConstPointer feedBackImage; Image::ConstPointer currentSegImage; if (nullptr != this->GetWorkingPlaneGeometry()) { feedBackImage = SegTool2D::GetAffectedImageSliceAs2DImageByTimePoint(this->GetWorkingPlaneGeometry(), inputImage, timePoint); currentSegImage = SegTool2D::GetAffectedImageSliceAs2DImageByTimePoint(this->GetWorkingPlaneGeometry(), workingImage, timePoint); } else { feedBackImage = this->GetImageByTimePoint(inputImage, timePoint); currentSegImage = this->GetImageByTimePoint(workingImage, timePoint); } auto timeStep = previewImage->GetTimeGeometry()->TimePointToTimeStep(timePoint); this->DoUpdatePreview(feedBackImage, currentSegImage, previewImage, timeStep); } RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); } } catch (itk::ExceptionObject & excep) { MITK_ERROR << "Exception caught: " << excep.GetDescription(); m_ProgressCommand->SetProgress(progress_steps); std::string msg = excep.GetDescription(); ErrorMessage.Send(msg); } catch (...) { m_ProgressCommand->SetProgress(progress_steps); m_IsUpdating = false; CurrentlyBusy.Send(false); throw; } this->UpdateCleanUp(); m_LastTimePointOfUpdate = timePoint; m_ProgressCommand->SetProgress(progress_steps); m_IsUpdating = false; CurrentlyBusy.Send(false); } bool mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::IsUpdating() const { return m_IsUpdating; } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::UpdatePrepare() { // default implementation does nothing //reimplement in derived classes for special behavior } void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::UpdateCleanUp() { // default implementation does nothing //reimplement in derived classes for special behavior } mitk::TimePointType mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::GetLastTimePointOfUpdate() const { return m_LastTimePointOfUpdate; } template class LabelTransferFunctor { public: LabelTransferFunctor(){}; LabelTransferFunctor(const mitk::LabelSet* destinationLabelSet, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceBackground, mitk::Label::PixelType destinationBackground, bool destinationBackgroundLocked, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceLabel, mitk::Label::PixelType newDestinationLabel, bool mergeMode ) : m_DestinationLabelSet(destinationLabelSet), m_SourceBackground(sourceBackground), m_DestinationBackground(destinationBackground), m_DestinationBackgroundLocked(destinationBackgroundLocked), m_SourceLabel(sourceLabel), m_NewDestinationLabel(newDestinationLabel), m_MergeMode(mergeMode) { }; ~LabelTransferFunctor() {}; bool operator!=(const LabelTransferFunctor& other)const { return !(*this == other); } bool operator==(const LabelTransferFunctor& other) const { return (this->m_SourceBackground == other.m_SourceBackground) && (this->m_DestinationBackground == other.m_DestinationBackground)&& (this->m_DestinationBackgroundLocked == other.m_DestinationBackgroundLocked)&& (this->m_SourceLabel == other.m_SourceLabel)&& (this->m_NewDestinationLabel == other.m_NewDestinationLabel)&& (this->m_MergeMode == other.m_MergeMode)&& (this->m_DestinationLabelSet == other.m_DestinationLabelSet); } LabelTransferFunctor& operator=(const LabelTransferFunctor& other) { this->m_SourceBackground = other.m_SourceBackground; this->m_DestinationBackground = other.m_DestinationBackground; this->m_SourceLabel = other.m_SourceLabel; this->m_NewDestinationLabel = other.m_NewDestinationLabel; this->m_MergeMode = other.m_MergeMode; this->m_DestinationLabelSet = other.m_DestinationLabelSet; this->m_DestinationBackgroundLocked = other.m_DestinationBackgroundLocked; return *this; } inline TOutputpixel operator()(const TDestinationPixel& existingDestinationValue, const TSourcePixel& existingSourceValue) { if (existingSourceValue == this->m_SourceLabel && !this->m_DestinationLabelSet->GetLabel(existingDestinationValue)->GetLocked()) { return this->m_NewDestinationLabel; } else if (!this->m_MergeMode && existingSourceValue == this->m_SourceBackground && existingDestinationValue == this->m_NewDestinationLabel && !this->m_DestinationBackgroundLocked) { return this->m_DestinationBackground; } return existingDestinationValue; } private: const mitk::LabelSet* m_DestinationLabelSet = nullptr; mitk::Label::PixelType m_SourceBackground = 0; mitk::Label::PixelType m_DestinationBackground = 0; mitk::Label::PixelType m_SourceLabel = 1; mitk::Label::PixelType m_NewDestinationLabel = 1; bool m_DestinationBackgroundLocked = false; bool m_MergeMode = false; }; template void TransferLabelContentHelper(const itk::Image* itkSourceImage, mitk::Image* destinationImage, const mitk::LabelSet* destinationLabelSet, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceBackground, mitk::Label::PixelType destinationBackground, bool destinationBackgroundLocked, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceLabel, mitk::Label::PixelType newDestinationLabel, bool mergeMode) { typedef itk::Image ContentImageType; typename ContentImageType::Pointer itkDestinationImage; mitk::CastToItkImage(destinationImage, itkDestinationImage); typedef LabelTransferFunctor LabelTransferFunctorType; typedef itk::BinaryFunctorImageFilter FilterType; LabelTransferFunctorType transferFunctor(destinationLabelSet, sourceBackground, destinationBackground, destinationBackgroundLocked, sourceLabel, newDestinationLabel, mergeMode); auto transferFilter = FilterType::New(); transferFilter->SetFunctor(transferFunctor); transferFilter->InPlaceOn(); transferFilter->SetInput1(itkDestinationImage); transferFilter->SetInput2(itkSourceImage); transferFilter->Update(); } -//hinweis für docu nur der active layer wird im Moment bespielt. void mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool::TransferLabelContent( const LabelSetImage* sourceImage, LabelSetImage* destinationImage, std::vector > labelMapping, bool mergeMode, const TimeStepType timeStep) { - //todo precondition check 1) images valid, 2) ob labels der label map schon existiern + if (nullptr == sourceImage) + { + mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent; sourceImage must not be null."; + } + if (nullptr == destinationImage) + { + mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent; destinationImage must not be null."; + } const auto sourceBackground = sourceImage->GetExteriorLabel()->GetValue(); const auto destinationBackground = destinationImage->GetExteriorLabel()->GetValue(); const auto destinationBackgroundLocked = destinationImage->GetExteriorLabel()->GetLocked(); const auto destinationLabelSet = destinationImage->GetLabelSet(destinationImage->GetActiveLayer()); Image::ConstPointer sourceImageAtTimeStep = this->GetImageByTimeStep(sourceImage, timeStep); Image::Pointer destinationImageAtTimeStep = this->GetImageByTimeStep(destinationImage, timeStep); + if (nullptr == sourceImageAtTimeStep) + { + mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent; sourceImage has not requested time step: "<ExistLabel(sourceLabel, sourceImage->GetActiveLayer())) + { + mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent. Defined source label does not exist in sourceImage. SourceLabel: "<ExistLabel(newDestinationLabel, destinationImage->GetActiveLayer())) + { + mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent. Defined destination label does not exist in destinationImage. newDestinationLabel: " << newDestinationLabel; + } + + AccessFixedPixelTypeByItk_n(sourceImageAtTimeStep, TransferLabelContentHelper, (Label::PixelType), (destinationImageAtTimeStep, destinationLabelSet, sourceBackground, destinationBackground, destinationBackgroundLocked, sourceLabel, newDestinationLabel, mergeMode)); } destinationImage->Modified(); } diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool.h b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool.h index 69767663e5..423da184b6 100644 --- a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool.h +++ b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool.h @@ -1,195 +1,212 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #ifndef mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool_h_Included #define mitkAutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool_h_Included #include "mitkAutoSegmentationTool.h" #include "mitkCommon.h" #include "mitkDataNode.h" #include "mitkToolCommand.h" #include namespace mitk { /** \brief Base class for any auto segmentation tool that provides a preview of the new segmentation. This tool class implements a lot basic logic to handle auto segmentation tools with preview, Time point and ROI support. Derived classes will ask to update the segmentation preview if needed (e.g. because the ROI or the current time point has changed) or because derived tools indicated the need to update themselves. This class also takes care to properly transfer a confirmed preview into the segementation result. \ingroup ToolManagerEtAl \sa mitk::Tool \sa QmitkInteractiveSegmentation */ class MITKSEGMENTATION_EXPORT AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool : public AutoSegmentationTool { public: mitkClassMacro(AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool, AutoSegmentationTool); void Activated() override; void Deactivated() override; void ConfirmSegmentation(); itkSetMacro(CreateAllTimeSteps, bool); itkGetMacro(CreateAllTimeSteps, bool); itkBooleanMacro(CreateAllTimeSteps); itkSetMacro(KeepActiveAfterAccept, bool); itkGetMacro(KeepActiveAfterAccept, bool); itkBooleanMacro(KeepActiveAfterAccept); itkSetMacro(IsTimePointChangeAware, bool); itkGetMacro(IsTimePointChangeAware, bool); itkBooleanMacro(IsTimePointChangeAware); itkSetMacro(ResetsToEmptyPreview, bool); itkGetMacro(ResetsToEmptyPreview, bool); itkBooleanMacro(ResetsToEmptyPreview); bool CanHandle(const BaseData* referenceData, const BaseData* workingData) const override; /** Triggers the actualization of the preview * @param ignoreLazyPreviewSetting If set true UpdatePreview will always * generate the preview for all time steps. If set to false, UpdatePreview * will regard the setting specified by the constructor. * To define the update generation for time steps implement DoUpdatePreview. * To alter what should be done directly before or after the update of the preview, * reimplement UpdatePrepare() or UpdateCleanUp().*/ void UpdatePreview(bool ignoreLazyPreviewSetting = false); /** Indicate if currently UpdatePreview is triggered (true) or not (false).*/ bool IsUpdating() const; protected: ToolCommand::Pointer m_ProgressCommand; /** Member is always called if GetSegmentationInput() has changed * (e.g. because a new ROI was defined, or on activation) to give derived * classes the posibility to initiate their state accordingly. * Reimplement this function to implement special behavior. */ virtual void InitiateToolByInput(); /** This member function offers derived classes the possibility to alter what should happen directly before the update of the preview is performed. It is called by UpdatePreview. Default implementation does nothing.*/ virtual void UpdatePrepare(); /** This member function offers derived classes the possibility to alter what should happen directly after the update of the preview is performed. It is called by UpdatePreview. Default implementation does nothing.*/ virtual void UpdateCleanUp(); /** This function does the real work. Here the preview for a given * input image should be computed and stored in the also passed * preview image at the passed time step. * It also provides the current/old segmentation at the time point, * which can be used, if the preview depends on the the segmenation so far. */ virtual void DoUpdatePreview(const Image* inputAtTimeStep, const Image* oldSegAtTimeStep, Image* previewImage, TimeStepType timeStep) = 0; AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool(bool lazyDynamicPreviews = false); // purposely hidden AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool(bool lazyDynamicPreviews, const char* interactorType, const us::Module* interactorModule = nullptr); // purposely hidden ~AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool() override; /** Returns the image that contains the preview of the current segmentation. * Returns null if the node is not set or does not contain an image.*/ Image* GetPreviewSegmentation(); DataNode* GetPreviewSegmentationNode(); /** Returns the input that should be used for any segmentation/preview or tool update. * It is either the data of ReferenceDataNode itself or a part of it defined by a ROI mask * provided by the tool manager. Derived classes should regard this as the relevant * input data for any processing. * Returns null if the node is not set or does not contain an image.*/ const Image* GetSegmentationInput() const; /** Returns the image that is provided by the ReferenceDataNode. * Returns null if the node is not set or does not contain an image.*/ const Image* GetReferenceData() const; /** Resets the preview node so it is empty and ready to be filled by the tool*/ void ResetPreviewNode(); TimePointType GetLastTimePointOfUpdate() const; itkGetConstMacro(UserDefinedActiveLabel, Label::PixelType); itkSetObjectMacro(WorkingPlaneGeometry, PlaneGeometry); itkGetConstObjectMacro(WorkingPlaneGeometry, PlaneGeometry); private: void TransferImageAtTimeStep(const Image* sourceImage, Image* destinationImage, const TimeStepType timeStep); - //hinweis für docu nur der active layer wird im Moment bespielt. + /**Helper function that transfers pixels of the specified source label from source image to the destination image by using + a specified destination label. Function processes the whole image volume of the specified time step. + @remark in its current implementation the function only transfers contents of the active layer of the passed LabelSetImages. + @remark the function assumes that it is only called with source and destination image of same geometry. + @param sourceImage Pointer to the LabelSetImage which active layer should be used as source for the transfer. + @param destionationImage Pointer to the LabelSetImage which active layer should be used as destination for the transfer. + @param labelMapping Map that encodes the mappings of all label pixel transfers that should be done. First element is the + label in the source image. The second element is the label that transferred pixels should become in the destination image. + @param mergeMode indicates how the transfer should be done. If true, it is performed like a merge/union operation. So only + pixels of the label will be added. If false, also background is tranfered, if present in the source image where the + destinationImage is labeled by the destination label. Therfore in this mode segmentations can "shrink"/lose pixels to the + background. + @param timeStep indicate the time step that should be transferred. + @pre sourceImage must be valid + @pre destinationImage must be valid + @pre sourceImage and destinationImage must contain the indicated timeStep + @pre sourceImage must contain all indicated sourceLabels in its active layer. + @pre destinationImage must contain all indicated destinationLabels in its active layer.*/ void TransferLabelContent(const LabelSetImage* sourceImage, LabelSetImage* destinationImage, std::vector > labelMapping = { {1,1} }, bool mergeMode = false, const TimeStepType timeStep = 0); void CreateResultSegmentationFromPreview(); void OnRoiDataChanged(); void OnTimePointChanged(); /** Node that containes the preview data generated and managed by this class or derived ones.*/ DataNode::Pointer m_PreviewSegmentationNode; /** The reference data recieved from ToolManager::GetReferenceData when tool was activated.*/ DataNode::Pointer m_ReferenceDataNode; /** Node that containes the data that should be used as input for any auto segmentation. It might * be the same like m_ReferenceDataNode (if no ROI is set) or a sub region (if ROI is set).*/ DataNode::Pointer m_SegmentationInputNode; /** Indicates if Accepting the threshold should transfer/create the segmentations of all time steps (true) or only of the currently selected timepoint (false).*/ bool m_CreateAllTimeSteps = false; /** Indicates if the tool should kept active after accepting the segmentation or not.*/ bool m_KeepActiveAfterAccept = false; /** Relevant if the working data / preview image has multiple time steps (dynamic segmentations). * This flag has to be set by derived classes accordingly to there way to generate dynamic previews. * If LazyDynamicPreview is true, the tool generates only the preview for the current time step. * Therefore it always has to update the preview if current time point has changed and it has to (re)compute * all timeframes if ConfirmSegmentation() is called.*/ bool m_LazyDynamicPreviews = false; bool m_IsTimePointChangeAware = true; /** Controls if ResetPreviewNode generates an empty content (true) or clones the current segmentation (false).*/ bool m_ResetsToEmptyPreview = false; TimePointType m_LastTimePointOfUpdate = 0.; bool m_IsUpdating = false; Label::PixelType m_UserDefinedActiveLabel = 1; /** This variable indicates if for the tool a working plane geometry is defined. * If a working plane is defined the tool will only work an the slice of the input * and the segmentation. Thus only the relevant input slice will be passed to * DoUpdatePreview(...) and only the relevant slice of the preview will be transfered when * ConfirmSegmentation() is called.*/ PlaneGeometry::Pointer m_WorkingPlaneGeometry; }; } // namespace #endif