diff --git a/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter.h b/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter.h index f78be3ea64..cd0ab5d4ef 100644 --- a/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter.h +++ b/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter.h @@ -1,125 +1,128 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef __mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter_h #define __mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter_h #include #include "mitkImage.h" #include "mitkPointSet.h" #include #include "mitkImageSource.h" #include #include "mitkToFProcessingExports.h" namespace mitk { /** * @brief Converts a Time-of-Flight (ToF) distance image to a PointSet using the pinhole camera model for coordinate computation. * The intrinsic parameters of the camera (FocalLength, PrincipalPoint, InterPixelDistance) are set via SetIntrinsicParameters(). The * measured distance for each pixel corresponds to the distance between the object point and the corresponding image point on the * image plane. * If a subset of indizes of the image is defined via SetSubset(), the output PointSet will only contain the cartesian coordinates * of the corresponding 3D points. * - * Pinhole camera model - * Image plane + * The coordinate conversion follows the model of a common pinhole camera where the origin of the camera + * coordinate system (world coordinates) is at the pinhole + * \image html ../Modules/ToFProcessing/Documentation/PinholeCameraModel.png + * The definition of the image plane and its coordinate systems (pixel and mm) is depicted in the following image + * \image html ../Modules/ToFProcessing/Documentation/ImagePlane.png * * @ingroup SurfaceFilters * @ingroup ToFProcessing */ class mitkToFProcessing_EXPORT ToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter : public PointSetSource { public: mitkClassMacro( ToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter , PointSetSource ); itkNewMacro( Self ); itkSetMacro(CameraIntrinsics,mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer); itkGetMacro(CameraIntrinsics,mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer); itkSetMacro(InterPixelDistance,mitk::ToFProcessingCommon::ToFPoint2D); itkGetMacro(InterPixelDistance,mitk::ToFProcessingCommon::ToFPoint2D); /*! \brief Sets the input of this filter \param distanceImage input is the distance image of e.g. a ToF camera */ virtual void SetInput(const Image* distanceImage); /*! \brief Sets the input of this filter at idx \param idx number of the current input \param distanceImage input is the distance image of e.g. a ToF camera */ virtual void SetInput(unsigned int idx,const Image* distanceImage); /*! \brief Returns the input of this filter */ Image* GetInput(); /*! \brief Returns the input with id idx of this filter */ Image* GetInput(unsigned int idx); /*! \brief If this subset is defined, the cartesian coordinates are only computed for the contained indizes. Make sure the indizes are contained in the input image \param subset index subset specified in index coordinates. */ void SetSubset( std::vector subset); /*! \brief Sets the subset of indizes used for caluclation of output PointSet as a PointSet. Warning: make sure the points in your PointSet are index coordinates. \param PointSet specified in index coordinates. */ void SetSubset( mitk::PointSet::Pointer pointSet); protected: /*! \brief Standard constructor */ ToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter(); /*! \brief Standard destructor */ ~ToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilter(); virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); /*! \brief Method generating the output of this filter. Called in the updated process of the pipeline. This method generates the output of the ToFSurfaceSource: The generated surface of the 3d points */ virtual void GenerateData(); /** * \brief Create an output for each input * * This Method sets the number of outputs to the number of inputs * and creates missing outputs objects. * \warning any additional outputs that exist before the method is called are deleted */ void CreateOutputsForAllInputs(); std::vector m_Subset; ///< If this subset is specified only the contained indizes are converted to cartesian coordinates mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer m_CameraIntrinsics; ///< Member holding the intrinsic parameters needed for PointSet calculation ToFProcessingCommon::ToFPoint2D m_InterPixelDistance; ///< distance in mm between two adjacent pixels on the ToF camera chip }; } //END mitk namespace #endif diff --git a/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter.h b/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter.h index 6bf352e411..70211c39b1 100644 --- a/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter.h +++ b/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter.h @@ -1,149 +1,152 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef __mitkToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter_h #define __mitkToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter_h #include #include #include #include #include #include "mitkCameraIntrinsics.h" #include #include namespace mitk { /** * @brief Converts a Time-of-Flight (ToF) distance image to a 3D surface using the pinhole camera model for coordinate computation. * The intrinsic parameters of the camera (FocalLength, PrincipalPoint, InterPixelDistance) are set via SetCameraIntrinsics(). The * measured distance for each pixel corresponds to the distance between the object point and the corresponding image point on the * image plane. * - * \image html ../Modules/ToFProcessing/Documentation/PinholeCameraModel.png "Pinhole camera model" - * \image html ../Modules/ToFProcessing/Documentation/ImagePlane.png "Image plane" + * The coordinate conversion follows the model of a common pinhole camera where the origin of the camera + * coordinate system (world coordinates) is at the pinhole + * \image html ../Modules/ToFProcessing/Documentation/PinholeCameraModel.png + * The definition of the image plane and its coordinate systems (pixel and mm) is depicted in the following image + * \image html ../Modules/ToFProcessing/Documentation/ImagePlane.png * * @ingroup SurfaceFilters * @ingroup ToFProcessing */ class mitkToFProcessing_EXPORT ToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter : public SurfaceSource { public: mitkClassMacro( ToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter , SurfaceSource ); itkNewMacro( Self ); itkSetMacro(CameraIntrinsics, mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer); itkGetMacro(CameraIntrinsics, mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer); itkSetMacro(InterPixelDistance,ToFProcessingCommon::ToFPoint2D); itkGetMacro(InterPixelDistance,ToFProcessingCommon::ToFPoint2D); /*! \brief Set scalar image used as texture of the surface. \param iplScalarImage OpenCV image for texturing */ void SetScalarImage(IplImage* iplScalarImage); /*! \brief Set scalar image used as texture of the surface. \return OpenCV image for texturing */ IplImage* GetScalarImage(); /*! \brief Set width of the scalar image used for texturing the surface \param width width (x-dimension) of the texture image */ void SetTextureImageWidth(int width); /*! \brief Set height of the scalar image used for texturing the surface \param height height (y-dimension) of the texture image */ void SetTextureImageHeight(int height); /*! \brief Sets the input of this filter \param distanceImage input is the distance image of e.g. a ToF camera */ virtual void SetInput( Image* distanceImage); /*! \brief Sets the input of this filter and the intrinsic parameters \param distanceImage input is the distance image of e.g. a ToF camera */ virtual void SetInput( Image* distanceImage, mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer cameraIntrinsics ); /*! \brief Sets the input of this filter at idx \param idx number of the current input \param distanceImage input is the distance image of e.g. a ToF camera */ virtual void SetInput(unsigned int idx, Image* distanceImage); /*! \brief Sets the input of this filter at idx and the intrinsic parameters \param idx number of the current input \param distanceImage input is the distance image of e.g. a ToF camera \param cameraIntrinsics This is the camera model which holds parameters like focal length, pixel size, etc. which are needed for the reconstruction of the surface. */ virtual void SetInput( unsigned int idx, Image* distanceImage, mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer cameraIntrinsics ); /*! \brief Returns the input of this filter */ Image* GetInput(); /*! \brief Returns the input with id idx of this filter */ Image* GetInput(unsigned int idx); protected: /*! \brief Standard constructor */ ToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter(); /*! \brief Standard destructor */ ~ToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilter(); virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); /*! \brief Method generating the output of this filter. Called in the updated process of the pipeline. This method generates the output of the ToFSurfaceSource: The generated surface of the 3d points */ virtual void GenerateData(); /** * \brief Create an output for each input * * This Method sets the number of outputs to the number of inputs * and creates missing outputs objects. * \warning any additional outputs that exist before the method is called are deleted */ void CreateOutputsForAllInputs(); IplImage* m_IplScalarImage; ///< Scalar image used for surface texturing mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer m_CameraIntrinsics; ///< Specifies the intrinsic parameters //mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer m_CameraModel; ///< Specifies the intrinsic parameters int m_TextureImageWidth; ///< Width (x-dimension) of the texture image int m_TextureImageHeight; ///< Height (y-dimension) of the texture image ToFProcessingCommon::ToFPoint2D m_InterPixelDistance; ///< distance in mm between two adjacent pixels on the ToF camera chip }; } //END mitk namespace #endif diff --git a/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFProcessingCommon.h b/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFProcessingCommon.h index 1283ea504c..be449dfc91 100644 --- a/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFProcessingCommon.h +++ b/Modules/ToFProcessing/mitkToFProcessingCommon.h @@ -1,160 +1,163 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKTOFPROCESSINGCOMMON_H #define MITKTOFPROCESSINGCOMMON_H #include "mitkToFProcessingExports.h" #include "mitkVector.h" #include namespace mitk { /** * @brief Helper class providing functions which are useful for multiple usage * * Currently the following methods are provided: *
  • Conversion from 2D image coordinates to 3D world coordinates (IndexToCartesianCoordinates()) *
  • Conversion from 3D world coordinates to 2D image coordinates (CartesianToIndexCoordinates()) *
- * - * + * The coordinate conversion follows the model of a common pinhole camera where the origin of the camera + * coordinate system (world coordinates) is at the pinhole + * \image html ../Modules/ToFProcessing/Documentation/PinholeCameraModel.png + * The definition of the image plane and its coordinate systems (pixel and mm) is depicted in the following image + * \image html ../Modules/ToFProcessing/Documentation/ImagePlane.png * @ingroup ToFProcessing */ class mitkToFProcessing_EXPORT ToFProcessingCommon { public: typedef double ToFScalarType; typedef itk::Point ToFPoint2D; typedef itk::Point ToFPoint3D; typedef itk::Vector ToFVector2D; typedef itk::Vector ToFVector3D; /*! \brief Convert index based distances to cartesian coordinates \param i index in x direction of image plane \param j index in y direction of image plane \param distance distance value at given index in mm \param focalLength focal length of optical system in mm (mostly obtained from camera calibration) \param interPixelDistanceX distance in x direction between adjacent pixels in mm \param interPixelDistanceY distance in y direction between adjacent pixels in mm \param principalPointX x coordinate of principal point on image plane in pixel \param principalPointY y coordinate of principal point on image plane in pixel \return cartesian coordinates for current index will be written here */ static ToFPoint3D IndexToCartesianCoordinates(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, ToFScalarType distance, ToFScalarType focalLength, ToFScalarType interPixelDistanceX, ToFScalarType interPixelDistanceY, ToFScalarType principalPointX, ToFScalarType principalPointY); /*! \brief Convert index based distances to cartesian coordinates \param i index in x direction of image plane \param j index in y direction of image plane \param distance distance value at given index in mm \param focalLength focal length of optical system in mm (mostly obtained from camera calibration) \param interPixelDistance distance between adjacent pixels in mm \param principalPoint coordinates of principal point on image plane in pixel \return cartesian coordinates for current index will be written here */ inline static ToFPoint3D IndexToCartesianCoordinates(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, ToFScalarType distance, ToFScalarType focalLength, ToFPoint2D interPixelDistance, ToFPoint2D principalPoint) { return IndexToCartesianCoordinates(i,j,distance,focalLength,interPixelDistance[0],interPixelDistance[1],principalPoint[0],principalPoint[1]); } /*! \brief Convert index based distances to cartesian coordinates \param index index coordinates \param distance distance value at given index in mm \param focalLength focal length of optical system (mostly obtained from camera calibration) \param interPixelDistance distance between adjacent pixels in mm for x and y direction \param principalPoint coordinates of principal point on image plane in pixel \return cartesian coordinates for current index will be written here */ inline static ToFPoint3D IndexToCartesianCoordinates(mitk::Index3D index, ToFScalarType distance, ToFScalarType focalLength, ToFPoint2D interPixelDistance, ToFPoint2D principalPoint) { return IndexToCartesianCoordinates(index[0],index[1],distance,focalLength,interPixelDistance,principalPoint); } /*! \brief Convenience method to convert index based distances to cartesian coordinates using array as input \param i index in x direction of image plane \param j index in y direction of image plane \param distance distance value at given index in mm \param focalLength focal length of optical system in mm (mostly obtained from camera calibration) \param interPixelDistance distance between adjacent pixels in mm \param principalPoint coordinates of principal point on image plane in pixel \return cartesian coordinates for current index will be written here */ inline static ToFPoint3D IndexToCartesianCoordinates(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, ToFScalarType distance, ToFScalarType focalLength, ToFScalarType interPixelDistance[2], ToFScalarType principalPoint[2]) { return IndexToCartesianCoordinates(i,j,distance,focalLength,interPixelDistance[0],interPixelDistance[1],principalPoint[0],principalPoint[1]); } /*! \brief Convert index based distances to cartesian coordinates \param cartesianPointX x coordinate of point (of a surface or point set) to convert in 3D coordinates \param cartesianPointY y coordinate of point (of a surface or point set) to convert in 3D coordinates \param cartesianPointZ z coordinate of point (of a surface or point set) to convert in 3D coordinates \param focalLength focal length of optical system in mm (mostly obtained from camera calibration) \param interPixelDistanceX distance in x direction between adjacent pixels in mm \param interPixelDistanceY distance in y direction between adjacent pixels in mm \param principalPointX x coordinate of principal point on image plane in pixel \param principalPointY y coordinate of principal point on image plane in pixel \param calculateDistance if this flag is set, the distance value is stored in the z position of the output otherwise z=0 \return a ToFPoint3D. (int)ToFPoint3D[0]+0.5 and (int)ToFPoint3D[0]+0.5 will return the x and y index coordinates. ToFPoint3D[2] contains the distance value */ static ToFPoint3D CartesianToIndexCoordinates(ToFScalarType cartesianPointX, ToFScalarType cartesianPointY,ToFScalarType cartesianPointZ, ToFScalarType focalLength, ToFScalarType interPixelDistanceX, ToFScalarType interPixelDistanceY, ToFScalarType principalPointX, ToFScalarType principalPointY, bool calculateDistance=true); /*! \brief Convenience method to convert index based distances to cartesian coordinates using arrays \param cartesianPoint point (of a surface or point set) to convert in 3D coordinates \param focalLength focal length of optical system in mm (mostly obtained from camera calibration) \param interPixelDistance distance between adjacent pixels in mm for x and y direction \param principalPoint coordinates of principal point on image plane in pixel \param calculateDistance if this flag is set, the distance value is stored in the z position of the output otherwise z=0 \return a ToFPoint3D. (int)ToFPoint3D[0]+0.5 and (int)ToFPoint3D[0]+0.5 will return the x and y index coordinates. ToFPoint3D[2] contains the distance value */ inline static ToFPoint3D CartesianToIndexCoordinates(ToFScalarType cartesianPoint[3], ToFScalarType focalLength, ToFScalarType interPixelDistance[2], ToFScalarType principalPoint[2], bool calculateDistance=true) { return CartesianToIndexCoordinates(cartesianPoint[0],cartesianPoint[1],cartesianPoint[2],focalLength, interPixelDistance[0],interPixelDistance[1],principalPoint[0],principalPoint[1],calculateDistance); } /*! \brief Convert index based distances to cartesian coordinates \param cartesianPoint point (of a surface or point set) to convert in 3D coordinates \param focalLength focal length of optical system in mm (mostly obtained from camera calibration) \param interPixelDistance distance between adjacent pixels in mm for x and y direction \param principalPoint coordinates of principal point on image plane in pixel \param calculateDistance if this flag is set, the distance value is stored in the z position of the output otherwise z=0 \return a ToFPoint3D. (int)ToFPoint3D[0]+0.5 and (int)ToFPoint3D[0]+0.5 will return the x and y index coordinates. ToFPoint3D[2] contains the distance value */ inline static ToFPoint3D CartesianToIndexCoordinates(ToFPoint3D cartesianPoint, ToFScalarType focalLength, ToFPoint2D interPixelDistance, ToFPoint2D principalPoint, bool calculateDistance=true) { return CartesianToIndexCoordinates(cartesianPoint[0],cartesianPoint[1],cartesianPoint[2],focalLength, interPixelDistance[0],interPixelDistance[1],principalPoint[0],principalPoint[1],calculateDistance); } }; } #endif