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- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (444 w, 3 d)
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Aug 2 2016
[b21b36]: Merge branch 'bug-15746-Normalize_orientation_quaternion_in_VirtualTra
Merged commits:
2013-08-07 14:27:25 Anja Groch [f77832]
Normalizing the quaternion before calling SetOrientation() as proposed by Taylor Braun-Jones.
I'm not sure, if this is needed for this method, but in any case it is correct with normalization.
New remote branch pushed: bug-15746-Normalize_orientation_quaternion_in_VirtualTrackingDevice
New remote branch pushed: bug-15715-IntegrationBranch
thanks for your commits. We just integrated your first commit of this bug regarding the composition of tracking and tooltip transformation.
Regarding your remaining commits we will take care later on.
I merged all commits from Taylor Braun-Jones, which belong to this bug, in the IGTCodingBase2-branch. This branch will be merged soon into the master, so that the new functionalities are accessible for every user.
[0a6378]: Merge branch 'bug-15021-FixOrientationBugITK4'
Merged commits:
2013-07-17 21:35:31 Anja Groch [82d647]
The calculation using a quaternion (which causes the failure) is not necessary and is now replaced by a calculation with matrices only.
The reason, that this test (and probably some more using quaternions) fails is, that converting a itkVersorRigid3DTransform into a vnl_quaternion returns a wrong quaternion (at least if you do it like in the test here).
I reported this bug to the insight-users-list, but havent got a reply yet. The thread can be found here:
[6a15cc]: Merge branch 'bug-15023-FixMitkNavigationDataTransformFilterITK4'
Merged commits:
2013-07-17 22:02:04 Anja Groch [3dfd1e]
In this test the transformation class was changed from itkRigid3DTransform to itkVersorRigid3DTransform (I dont know why).
But it should still be used the same method to read in a translation. As it is done now, the translation is still 0,0,0
The remaining bugs/tests are now fixed, too. Alfred, please have a look, if this bug can now be closed.
[bee073]: Merge branch 'bug-13041-default_value_for_m_ReconstructionMode_is_miss
Merged commits:
2012-09-27 18:12:50 Anja Groch [a19fae]
Set in both filters the default value to true
On my windows computer it now works. No crashes anymore.
ExtApp can now (with Master-Update from today) not even be started anymore. Crash at line 101 in QmitkToFUtilView.cpp
[ef69cc]: Merge branch 'bug-12699-Extend_mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilterTes
Merged commits:
2012-09-27 12:39:11 Anja Groch [85166e]
Finished mitkToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilterTest, so that both cases (with and without interpixeldistance) are tested.
It also needs to be checked, why the testcase "Testing filter with subset" in mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilterTest fails (see comments in code).
Sven told me, that the documentation still says, that the distance value refers to the distance from chip to object (not pinhole to object). Needs to be adapted.
[19e382]: Merge branch 'bug-12699-Extend_mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilterTes
Merged commits:
2012-08-23 10:47:15 Anja Groch [f711fc]
Testcase "testing filter with subset" is activated again. Failure is fixed with T9302.
Comments are extended.
We cannot reproduce the bug. One guess, what could be the reason, is that in the case of Derntl the gpu features were insufficient for driving the VTK raycast mapper and the fallback cpu based mapper was used. Thus the raycast mapper properties were ignored.
I doublechecked with Michael. Bug only appears under Linux.
[273470]: Merge branch 'bug-11727-long_filenames_in_datamanager'
Merged commits:
2012-05-09 16:25:54 Anja Groch [58d9e4]
Enabled property for scrolling
[88d207]: Merge branch 'bug-11172-QmitkNDIConfigurationWidget_scans_20_ports'
Merged commits:
2012-03-07 16:38:09 Anja Groch [fda3af]
Changed the number of scanned ports to 40.
Test data set can be found here:
I had a look at this bug and found out, that a GlobalReinit in the Destructor of QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView causes the closing problem.
Alred, is a GlobalReinit really neccessary? If not, we can just delete it and it should work!
Documentation file
Documentation file
[40095d]: Merge branch 'bug-10728-rename-igt-bundle'
Merged commits:
2012-02-08 16:40:23 Anja Groch [bffe4e]
Changed bundle name from ImageGuidedTherapyTutorial to IGTTutorial
Sorry, IGT Tutorial and IGT Tracking Lab are the views, the bundle is named IGT Examples
[153bc9]: Merge branch 'bug-10720-visualization_errors_in_help_pages'
Merged commits:
2012-02-08 21:57:01 Anja Groch [c5fe67]
The brackets disappeared in an acutal version of MITK. The image size was manually reduced. I asked Caspar and there doensnt seem to be a way of automatically resize the images to the window.
Still fails on machine mbi013, mbi071 and mbi077 every night.
[b985b7]: Merge branch 'bug-10278-create_IGT_learning_bundle'
[edb747]: Merge branch 'bug-10278-create_IGT_learning_bundle'
SP1 is now installed. Hope the errore will be gone tonight.
This is the Ubuntu version, which uses a local Open CV:
[4c3598]: Merge branch 'bug-9302-correct_coordinate_calculation_index_error_fix'
Merged commits:
2012-08-23 10:36:07 Anja Groch [19d1bc]
Added GetReconstructionMode() method
[5302f7]: Merge branch 'bug-9302-correct_coordinate_calculation_in_ToFProcessing
Merged commits:
2012-07-21 15:38:56 Anja Groch [fb6bae]
Adapted the tests. In mitkToFProcessingCommonTest both calculation (with and without interpixdist) are tested and also that they produce the same result. The mitkToFDistanceImageToPointSetFilterTest and mitkToFDistanceImageToSurfaceFilterTest still need to cover the case without interpixel distance. This could be done during Bugsquashing.
[91ac72]: Merge branch 'bug-9302-correct_coordinate_calculation_in_ToFProcessing
Merged commits:
2012-07-22 00:21:29 Anja Groch [6811bc]
COMP: forgot to set reconstructionMode to false in the two tests. Also fixed two variable definitions which cause a crash.
Reopening due to errors in documentation.
[846ad4]: Merge branch 'bug-9302-correct_coordinate_calculation_fix_error_in_doc
Merged commits:
2012-07-27 13:55:54 Anja Groch [7b7e79]
Fixed errors in documentation.
When assuming that the distance image contains the distance between the object point and the camera pinhole, the interpixel distance is not necessary anymore. The calculation "on the side of the camera" (meaning between pinhole and chip) can be done in pixel units only.When assuming that the distance image contains the distance between the object point and the camera pinhole, the interpixel distance is not necessary anymore. The calculation "on the side of the camera" (meaning between pinhole and chip) can be done in pixel units only.
[714c50]: Merge branch 'bug-8949-improve-test-coverage-of-mitkNavigationDataToPo
Merged commits:
2011-11-11 00:30:10 Anja Groch [e8ddc8]
Reverted the NavigationDataFile as it was before.
[e5da1d]: Merge branch 'bug-8898-write_a_test_for_mitkNavigationToolReader'
Merged commits:
2012-07-19 10:34:04 Anja Groch [bb67d3]
Added some more test cases and one test data file.
Except for the test case "set deserializer to NULL" all the above mentioned test cases should be covered now.
Still TODO: merge with new exception handling from Ilyas.
The following test cases should be added:
[07e7cd]: Merge branch 'bug-8517-converting-simplemeasurement-bundle-to-ctk'
[53580c]: Merge branch 'bug-8445-converting-measurement-bundle-to-ctk'
VirtualTrackingDevice could be used for testing NavigationToolStorage. It still needs to be discussed, if this should be done with NavigationDataToolReader/Writer.
We just saw, that the properties for planar figure changed a lot and many propeties appear in the property list. A new documentation has now to be written. Therefore we assign it to the documentation group.
We had already added an empty framework for the planar figure documentation which can be checked out with bug "bug-8215-planar-figure-property-doc"
Does it make sense, to document the two properties (see above) and accordingly to have the two properties in the property list at all? As far as we know, "IsHovering" only reacts on the position of the mouse and ClosedPlanarPolygon is not listed in the property list.
New Todos:
All done:
Easy Todo (1): done, reslicing is not performed
Easy Todo (2): Reslicing is performed, when modifying the level window, even if it is not needed. We commented out the method Modified() from the GenerateData() of ImageVTKMapper2D, but the LevelWindow-Filter does then not react on changes of the LevelWindow property anymore.
Updated the change request page
[efb1ca]: Merge branch 'bug-8155-close_contour_property_does_not_work'
Waiting for Caspar, who will write to the users-list, if this feature is still necessary.
The new renderer from Thomas should be aware of transparent objects.
As discussed in the last Bugsquashing-meeting it is not necessary to have mitkAffineInteractorTest
Daniel, are you working on this bug?
Marco, did you look through the code, in order to decide what we are going to do with this bug?
Daniel, are you working on this bug?
Won't fix because IpFunc is no longer supported
Marco, did you look through the code, in order to decide what we are going to do with this bug?
Due to the fact that this bug only targets the text in some qt labels, it is not relevant.
Won't fix because Poco is no longer supported
It's done, but Marco, you wanted to post it in the tiny xml forum.
Fixed, but we left the bug open until Marco posts the patch to the tiny xml forum.
[092876]: Merge branch 'bug-6683-tiny-xml-is-not-locale-independant'
Needs to be clarified, if it is a bug or not
We figured out, that the bug Ivos describes does not occur anymore. Instead, we found a bug, that the cutting plane is not visible in every window after loading or global reinit of the attached image. The weird thing is, that this only occurs in the Sandbox and not in the ExtApp (and only on Stefans computer). When I tried to reproduce the bug today, everything was right.
Stefan, we should try it on your computer again!
Waiting for rendering update from Thomas Kilgus and reinit bug from Bastian. Afterwards it needs to be checked again and discussed if it is a bug.
Anything new from VTK on that bug?
Is there anything new regarding this bug? Gerald, can we close this bug?
Screenshot of Polygon
Hi Gerald,
it seems to be a VTK-bug:
we loaded your polygon from comment 5 into Paraview and the bug still appears (see comment 6).
We are also curious about the visualization error. If you find something out via the vtk-list, please let us know.
[SVN revision 25981]
FIX (#4990): used parameter "selectedFilter" in getSaveFileName() in order to set *.pic as default.
[SVN revision 25669]
FIX (#3848): added jpeg, bmp, png, tif and tiff to file extension map for opening images. For saving images these formats already existed in file extension map.
[SVN revision 25647]
FIX (#3848): solved the problem that not all file endings are proposed in the drop down menu when saving a file.
What is "the MBIlog"?
Yes, the console window.
[SVN revision 22556]
FIX (#3720): (1) added pixeltype check and warning message. (2) changed nodename from NoName! to <imagename>_RGBA