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- User Since
- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (445 w, 19 h)
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Aug 2 2016
Move the ending point of a line on the axial plane, the cross-hair is moved with this point.
- Create a segmentation of a object with the segmentation plugin.
- Change from the segmentation plugin to the clippling plane plugin
- Click on the button "Create new clipping plane"
The behaviour by drawing a contour with CTRL+add is not stable. Sometimes the existing contour is expanded, sometimes cropped, sometimes MITK crashes.
(Confirmed in ubuntu 12.04.)
Can not reproduce this bug on ubuntu 12.04:
- Load an image and create a segmenation, disable interpolation and close project. Again load an image and create a segmentation, interpolation widget was active, but the interpolation was set to disable.
- Load an image and create a segmenation, close project. Again load an image and create a segmentation, interpolation widget was active and set to 3D interpolation
- Select a line in the DataManager, the renderwindow doesn't jump to the right place.
[1abf58]: Merge branch 'bug-11870-mitkSegmentationInterpolationTestTag'
Merged commits:
2012-08-01 17:34:38 Xin Wang [073155]
COMP: updated tag number of MITK-Data repository
[f75d0b]: Merge branch 'bug-11870-mitkSegmentationInterpolationTestData'
Merged commits:
2012-08-01 16:48:19 Xin Wang [d1388c]
changed test data name for interpolation test
[764cba]: Merge branch 'bug-11870-mitkSegmentationInterpolationTest'
Merged commits:
2012-08-01 16:29:27 Xin Wang [7f10c1]
removed test errors and activated SegmentationInterpolationTest again
[603f65]: Merge branch 'bug-7215-mitkSceneIOTest'
Removed StandardFileLocations, and added the input image file name and surface name in CMakeLists.txt
Added change request
patch (#6516)
Waiting for core modification flag...
Added the a new entry "StdMultiWidget" into the preference page.
patch (#6516)
The bug id for core modification request was wrong. Now it is correct!
[a73ad5]: Merge branch 'bug-6156-VolumeStringPrecision'
Set precision of the volume string to 4 for small segmentation volume
Solution: Set precision of the volume string to 4 for small segmentation volume.
Set precision of the volume string to 4 for small segmentation volume
[SVN revision 27233]
ENH (#5419): When performing an organ segmentation, the resulting
segmentation node was by standard invisible. Now, that node is by
standard visible.
Changed data path:
[cbb0e6]: Merge branch 'bug-4337-Support4DPointSets'
Patch for 4337
2D Zooming
Thanks for your comments.
Patch for bug 3982 (waiting for core modification flag)
Following bugs have been found (and fixed/waiting for corechangerequest):
Patch for T3982 (waiting for core modification flag)
Zooming in the sagittal and coronal views works well to the point where one clicks to zoom, but it doesn't work in the transversal view, if one clicks on the upper side of the 2D slices.
[SVN revision 22422]
FIX (#3487): added a if-else statement to avoid to read the point tag in xml-file, which not exists. Now the application can load a empty pointset.
Works fine on ubuntu 9.04, 64 bit
reassigned to xin
In mitkSliceNavigationController:
Bug does not appear on ubuntu 9.04, 64 bit
[SVN revision 21633]
CHG (#3386): adapted the level/window preset values by using the standard settings from chili
reassigned to Xin
fixed in r 21633
mitkDataStorageTest initializes an empty image for which minimum and maximum voxel values were undefined. mitkLevelWindow copied these, resulting in undefined member variables. This again resulted in the errors reported by Valgrind. When using a real image in the test these error messages were gone. Some memory leaks are still present.
[SVN revision 22718]
ENH (#3344): used a well definied image instead of an empty image for testing. This removed error messages reported by valgrind.
We used a real image Core/Code/Testing/Data/US4DDyl.pic.gz for mitkDataStorageTest instead of an empty image. The error messages by valgrind were gone.
The problem is, that mitkImage tries to compute statistics for all initialized images, even it is an empty one. The mitkDataStorageTest used an empty image for testing. This involves a lot of error messages by valgrind.
2, 20 bytes in 5 blocks are still reachable, but this memory leak is not in MITK.
Can I close this bug?
works on ubuntu 9.04, 64 bit
[SVN revision 20024]
ADD (#2710): added a perspective for vessel segmentation
[SVN revision 19777]
CHG (#2710): able to use the option GetScalesOutput(), GetHessianOutput()
[SVN revision 19784]
CHG (#2710): one can insert some seed points for the manual segmentation; changes in ui
[SVN revision 19776]
ADD (#2710): added two filters for multiscalehessianbasedmeasureimagefilter. The filters in itk review directory contain bugs.
[SVN revision 19752]
ADD (#2710): added some filters for minimal cost path algorithm
[SVN revision 19648]
CHG (#2710): added a combobox for selection of structure type and two spin boxes for lower and upper threshold
[SVN revision 19664]
CHG (#2710): used selection service
This method was removed. Fixed.
Closed the bug. Points can be removed with a PointSetInteractor in QmitkPointListWidget already.
New Idea: overload the methods InitializeParser() and CleanupParser() of the class vtkXMLParser in the subclass vtkPointSetXMLParser and added the locale information there.
[SVN revision 21483]
COMP (#2439): changed variable type from int to const int to remove compile errors in windows
[SVN revision 21484]
COMP (#2439): used getline() instead read() for reading a stream to remove compile errors in windows
[SVN revision 21465]
FIX (#2439): mitPointSetReader and mitkPointSetWriter can handle pointset with different location format now.
fixed in r21465
The problem is, that vtkPointSetXMLParser can't load pointset in german format.
fixed in r21484
The compiler errors are removed. Activated the tutorial step 4- step 8 again.
[SVN revision 22711]
ENH (#1571): activated pointSetLocalTest again.
[SVN revision 22557]
FIX (#1571): added pointSet.mps in the new format
[SVN revision 22423]
ENH (#1571): extended the test for reading and writing floating point number.