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- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (441 w, 2 h)
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Aug 2 2016
[e8638d]: Merge branch 'bug-17866-automatically-select-first-entries-in-ultrasou
Merged commits:
2014-06-17 10:19:30 Adrian Winterstein [afd6ee]
Activated automatically selection of first entry for device manager widget and active devices list.
[31dbc9]: Merge branch 'bug-17865-deactivate-start-viewing-button-without-device
Merged commits:
2014-06-17 10:09:00 Adrian Winterstein [99e1cb]
Deactivating start viewing button if no active device is selected.
[fb5727]: Merge branch 'bug-17861-update-ultrasound-module-documentation'
Merged commits:
2014-06-17 11:45:17 Adrian Winterstein [cbe695]
Minor improvements on the Telemed documentation.
[bb89f9]: Merge branch 'bug-17859-method-for-getting-if-at-least-one-calibration
Merged commits:
2014-06-12 13:00:00 Adrian Winterstein [fbe25e]
Added method for getting if at least one calibration is available for the combined modality.
I could not reproduce the bug using a 32-bit build with Visual Studio 2010.
[4ef700]: Merge branch 'bug-17840-USDevice-should-notify-about-property-changes'
Merged commits:
2014-06-10 11:59:12 Adrian Winterstein [7800b6]
Use the new message macro instead of manual defining.
[97966a]: Merge branch 'bug-17824-file-open-dialog-for-QmitkUSNewVideoDeviceWidg
Merged commits:
2014-05-28 15:05:41 Adrian Winterstein [d87030]
Added file open dialog for video files.
[4d905b]: Merge branch 'bug-17821-USImageAndUSImageMetadataShouldBeMarkedAsDepre
Merged commits:
2014-06-10 15:47:17 Adrian Winterstein [604019]
Removed more deprecated macros.
[65989c]: Merge branch 'bug-17807-combined-modality-does-not-save-calibrations-o
Merged commits:
2014-06-10 10:53:34 Adrian Winterstein [97db5d]
Less verbosity of the combined modality when no calibration was found.
[449da8]: Merge branch 'bug-17807-combined-modality-does-not-save-calibrations-o
Merged commits:
2014-06-10 11:44:35 Adrian Winterstein [22cf4e]
COMP: Use correct seperator in the combined modality test.
[cfea35]: Merge branch 'bug-17791-virtual-tracking-device-test-fails-randomly'
Merged commits:
2014-05-13 15:51:07 Adrian Winterstein [bf012d]
COMP: Deactivated the test as it seems to be a concurrency problem.
[fd6186]: Merge branch 'bug-17789-opencv-video-looping-does-not-work-anymore'
Merged commits:
2014-05-13 11:11:49 Adrian Winterstein [c7cc74]
Changed end reached condition to use the frames count instead of the avi ratio.
[38a12a]: Merge branch 'bug-17782-telemed-ultrasound-crashes'
Merged commits:
2014-05-12 17:10:54 Adrian Winterstein [9ce434]
Mutex for accessing the image in the telemed image source.
[0525ca]: Merge branch 'bug-17766-UltrasoundPluginStopsViewingImmediatelyAfterSt
Merged commits:
2014-05-05 15:50:04 Adrian Winterstein [6ee4ca]
Fixed error of not moving call to GetOutput() before the check.
[ca0a09]: Merge branch 'bug-17769-error-about-telemed-on-64bit'
Merged commits:
2014-05-02 13:06:34 Adrian Winterstein [cc6d1f]
Added Cmake error message if the telemed api is about to be build with a 64 bit build.
[515cd2]: Merge branch 'bug-17747-invalid-video-device-index'
Merged commits:
2014-05-13 17:54:35 Adrian Winterstein [6e371c]
Do not allow '-1' as video device index anymore
as at least some backends used by OpenCV cannot handle this index.
Reduced the importance of the bug, as the problem only occurs if '-1' (for using the default camera) is set as the index for the video device. The actual index (e.g. 0) works for getting images of the camera.
[3ab853]: Merge branch 'bug-17749-update-level-window-on-dynamic-range-change'
Merged commits:
2014-05-13 15:40:03 Adrian Winterstein [f5a838]
Level window is udpated on every change of the dynamic range.
I confirmed, that the effect corresponds to the dynamic range at the start of the ultrasound imaging.
[fa2d75]: Merge branch 'bug-17744-ModuleUSHardwareTelemedDoesNotCompileWithVisua
Merged commits:
2014-04-23 12:32:18 Adrian Winterstein [2d89af]
Fixed MSVC10 warning about implicit convertions.
[8f564a]: Merge branch 'bug-17743-UltrasoundMmoduleIsLackingDocumentationForUsin
Merged commits:
2014-05-02 10:49:56 Adrian Winterstein [c76b6c]
Added information about windows and 32 bit.
[8f74fe]: Merge branch 'bug-17743-UltrasoundMmoduleIsLackingDocumentationForUsin
Merged commits:
2014-04-24 14:57:35 Adrian Winterstein [5ef63e]
Added API version.
[1c5058]: Merge branch 'bug-17734-FixCrashWhenLoadingUltrasoundPlugin'
Merged commits:
2014-04-24 14:14:23 Adrian Winterstein [7b891b]
Made an additional class for the custom widget factory and moved the ui setup from the constructor of custom video widget to an extra method (later called).
Today this problem occured on my machine,too. It happened a few minutes after I changed the tracked needle to one I had never used before.
[3b7454]: Merge branch 'bug-17705-RemoveDeprecatedSetterAndGetterForCopyBuffeInO
Merged commits:
2014-04-09 17:47:53 Adrian Winterstein [9c8215]
Removed deprecated methods and a deprecated parameter.
[04b1de]: Merge branch 'bug-17694-Enable-WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS-for-US-module'
Merged commits:
2014-04-09 17:16:28 Adrian Winterstein [c44b14]
COMP: Fixed warning for std::pair creation in VS2010.
[fce9ca]: Merge branch 'bug-17694-Enable-WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS-for-US-module'
Merged commits:
2014-04-09 16:00:47 Adrian Winterstein [9ec3f9]
Fixed deprecated declarations in OpenCVToMitkImageFilter and removed usage in USImageSource.
[802c00]: Merge branch 'bug-17693-ModuleNameOfUSHardwareTelemedDoesNotMatchTheNe
Merged commits:
2014-04-08 17:52:07 Adrian Winterstein [880f7e]
Fixed name of USHardwareTelemed module.
[ed23d3]: Merge branch 'bug-17683-CombinedModalityDoesOnlyIssueWwarningsIfAnInva
Merged commits:
2014-04-08 18:23:14 Adrian Winterstein [97f3bb]
Test invalid strings for deserialization.
Tree widget is vanished.
Tree for selecting preference pages got smaller.
Tree widget is vanished.
[10701a]: Merge branch 'bug-17658-InterpolationGUIShowsFrontal'
Merged commits:
2014-04-09 14:35:06 Adrian Winterstein [1431d0]
Fixed viewDirectionString for Coronal direction and changed the switch for using enum identifers instead of numbers.
I already tried to merge it into the master and got the following error message:
"Core commit without Core_modification flag or bug not set IN_PROGRESS!"
Renamed the string to "Coronal" instead of "Frontal".
It would be great if the thread would be implemented for the mitk::USDevice class rather than for the plugin. Ultrasound navigation plugins could benefit from this as well, then.
Unfortunately, your change broke compilation on my system. I've checked the CMake variable ${GCC_VERSION} and at least on Fedora 19 it contains not only major and minor version, but also a third value (e.g. 4.8.2 instead of just 4.8).
I fixed it a few minutes ago on a branch of T16780 and merged it into the master. Can you please check if it compiles with clang, now?
[8d74b0]: Merge branch 'bug-17185-PlatformIndependentDefaultLoggingPath'
Merged commits:
2014-02-12 17:01:07 Adrian Winterstein [8d5687]
Using users home directory as default path.
[bf92f9]: Merge branch 'bug-17089-ErrorHandlingForListingOfTrackingVolumes'
Merged commits:
2014-02-05 16:48:17 Adrian Winterstein [31965a]
Abort getting of tracking volumes if the replies of the tracking device are not as expected.
This is more a workaround than a fix, as the cause for the problem is still not found. Error handling is done now when getting wrong values for the tracking volumes, but the values shouldn't be wrong.
New remote branch pushed: bug-17089-ErrorHandlingForListingOfTrackingVolumes
[e3c00e]: Merge branch 'bug-17100-TestIfRegisteredBeforeTryingToUnregisterToolSt
Merged commits:
2014-02-06 19:16:50 Adrian Winterstein [322462]
UnRegisterMicroservice() does no longer throw an exception if the object isn't registered.
[6c89d2]: Merge branch 'bug-16967-CatchExceptionOfOpenConnection'
Merged commits:
2014-02-12 13:53:20 Adrian Winterstein [25e63f]
Error handling for "OpenConnection()" call of Aurora devices.
New remote branch pushed: bug-16902-ServiceListWidgetMaySelectFirstAddedEntryAutomatically
[bf57f4]: Merge branch 'bug-16902-ServiceListWidgetMaySelectFirstAddedEntryAutom
Merged commits:
2014-01-25 11:37:32 Adrian Winterstein [f7f6e3]
First entry of the list will be automatically selected, if this feature is enabled.
The problem occured on Windows and maybe Mac, too, if the application was started without using the installer. By starting a development version for example.
[0c41a2]: Merge branch 'bug-16881-FixWorkbenchApplicationIconOnLinux'
Merged commits:
2014-01-22 17:33:33 Adrian Winterstein [826f96]
Fixed icon path.
New remote branch pushed: bug-16881-FixWorkbenchApplicationIconOnLinux
[056b68]: Merge branch 'bug-16780-BoostWarningsInConnectomicsModule'
Merged commits:
2014-02-25 11:12:37 Adrian Winterstein [f2c76e]
Ignoring "Maybe Uninitialized" and "Unused Parameter" warnings on linux in Release mode
as there is at least one in the Boost header files.
New remote branch pushed: bug-16780-remove-gcc-4-8-1-warning
[721bbc]: Merge branch 'bug-16780-remove-gcc-4-8-1-warning'
Merged commits:
2014-01-15 09:51:09 Adrian Winterstein [2842c3]
Removed cast warning in CreateDistanceImageFromSurfaceFilter (gcc 4.8.1).
I reported this bug at the VTK bug tracker:
[4b370b]: Merge branch 'bug-16754-disable-dropdown-menu'
Merged commits:
2014-01-15 14:33:26 Adrian Winterstein [4fc802]
Load surface button is disabled when radio button "Use Simple Cone" is checked.
New remote branch pushed: bug-16750-FixedFileFilteringInSurfaceLoadingDialog
New remote branch pushed: bug-16754-disable-dropdown-menu
[44731a]: Merge branch 'bug-16750-FixedFileFilteringInSurfaceLoadingDialog'
Merged commits:
2014-01-08 16:52:04 Adrian Winterstein [ebbe40]
Filter extended to work on linux, too.
[108a5d]: Merge branch 'bug-16729-TypoInWorkbench'
Merged commits:
2014-01-08 13:29:21 Adrian Winterstein [988de3]
Typo fixed: Desciption -> Description
New remote branch pushed: bug-16729-TypoInWorkbench
[aef582]: Merge branch 'bug-16709-OpenCVToMitkImageFilterDoesNotGenerateOutputDa
Merged commits:
2013-12-20 11:07:41 Adrian Winterstein [35d2cb]
OpenCVToMitkImageFilter is marked as modified when a cv::Mat is set to the filter.
New remote branch pushed: bug-16709-OpenCVToMitkImageFilterDoesNotGenerateOutputDataAfterCvMatWasSet