diff --git a/man/boxplot.ranked.list.Rd b/man/boxplot.ranked.list.Rd
index 8fccd50..c48bade 100644
--- a/man/boxplot.ranked.list.Rd
+++ b/man/boxplot.ranked.list.Rd
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
 % Please edit documentation in R/boxplot.R
 \title{Creates dot- and boxplots}
-\method{boxplot}{ranked.list}(x, color = "blue", jitter.width = 0.25, ...)
+\method{boxplot}{ranked.list}(x, jitter.width = 0.25, ...)
 \item{x}{The ranked assessment data set.}
-\item{color}{A string specifying the color of the dots.}
 \item{jitter.width}{A numeric value specifying the jitter width of the dots.}
 \item{...}{Further arguments passed to or from other functions.}
+\item{color}{A string specifying the color of the dots.}
 Creates dot- and boxplots visualizing the assessment data separately for each algorithm.
 Boxplots representing descriptive statistics for all test cases (median, quartiles and outliers)
 are combined with horizontally jittered dots representing individual test cases.
 Other functions to visualize assessment data: 
 \concept{functions to visualize assessment data}
diff --git a/man/consensus.ranked.list.Rd b/man/consensus.ranked.list.Rd
index 3e8a9e6..1ae42b4 100644
--- a/man/consensus.ranked.list.Rd
+++ b/man/consensus.ranked.list.Rd
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
 % Please edit documentation in R/consensus.R
 \title{Computes a consensus ranking}
 \method{consensus}{ranked.list}(object, method, ...)
 \item{object}{The ranked asssessment data set.}
-\item{method}{A string specifying the method to derive the consensus ranking, see \code{\link[relations:consensus]{relations::consensus()}} for the methods.}
+\item{method}{A string specifying the method to derive the consensus ranking, see \code{\link[relations:consensus]{relations::consensus()}} for the methods. Consensus ranking according to mean ranks across tasks if method="euclidean" where in case of ties (equal ranks for multiple algorithms) the average rank is used, i.e. ties.method="average".}
 \item{...}{Further arguments passed to or from other functions.}
 Computes a consensus ranking (rank aggregation) across tasks.
diff --git a/man/podium.challenge.Rd b/man/podium.challenge.Rd
index 989f29d..be6e058 100644
--- a/man/podium.challenge.Rd
+++ b/man/podium.challenge.Rd
@@ -1,54 +1,55 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
 % Please edit documentation in R/podium.R
 \title{Creates a podium plot}
   xlab = NULL,
   ylab = NULL,
   lines.show = FALSE,
   lines.alpha = 0.2,
   lines.lwd = 1,
+  lines.lty = 1,
   lines.col = col,
   dots.pch = 19,
   dots.cex = 1,
   places.lty = 2,
   places.col = 1,
   legendfn = function(algs, cols) {     legend("topleft", algs, lwd = 1, col = cols, bg
     = "white") },
   layout.heights = c(1, 0.4),
 \item{object}{The challenge object.}
 \item{xlab}{A string specifying the x-axis label.}
 \item{ylab}{A string specifying the y-axis label.}
 \item{...}{Further arguments passed to or from other functions.}
 Creates a podium plot from a challenge object.
 Other functions to visualize assessment data: 
 \concept{functions to visualize assessment data}
diff --git a/man/podium.ranked.list.Rd b/man/podium.ranked.list.Rd
index 6ce2c4f..4634066 100644
--- a/man/podium.ranked.list.Rd
+++ b/man/podium.ranked.list.Rd
@@ -1,53 +1,54 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
 % Please edit documentation in R/podium.R
 \title{Creates podium plots}
   xlab = "Podium",
   ylab = "Performance",
   lines.show = TRUE,
   lines.alpha = 0.2,
   lines.lwd = 1,
-  col,
+  lines.lty = 1,
   lines.col = col,
+  col,
   dots.pch = 19,
   dots.cex = 1,
   places.lty = 2,
   places.col = 1,
-  legendfn = function(algs, cols) {     legend("topleft", algs, lwd = 1, col = cols, bg
-    = "white") },
+  legendfn = function(algs, cols) {     legend("topright", algs, lwd = 1, col = cols,
+    bg = "white") },
   layout.heights = c(1, 0.4),
 \item{object}{The ranked asssessment data set.}
 \item{xlab}{A string specifying the x-axis label.}
 \item{ylab}{A string specifying the y-axis label.}
 \item{...}{Further arguments passed to or from other functions.}
 Creates podium plots from one or more ranked assessment data sets.
 Other functions to visualize assessment data: 
 \concept{functions to visualize assessment data}