diff --git a/inst/appdir/visualizationAcrossTasks.Rmd b/inst/appdir/visualizationAcrossTasks.Rmd index 877ea04..e3a6e39 100644 --- a/inst/appdir/visualizationAcrossTasks.Rmd +++ b/inst/appdir/visualizationAcrossTasks.Rmd @@ -1,131 +1,131 @@ # Visualization of cross-task insights Algorithms are ordered according to consensus ranking. ## Characterization of algorithms ### Ranking stability: Variability of achieved rankings across tasks Blob plot similar to the one shown in Section \ref{blobByTask} substituting rankings based on bootstrap samples with the rankings corresponding to multiple tasks. This way, the distribution of ranks across tasks can be intuitively visualized. \bigskip ```{r blobplot_raw,fig.width=9, fig.height=9} #stability.ranked.list stability(object,ordering=ordering_consensus,max_size=9,size=8,shape=4)+ scale_color_manual(values=cols) ``` ```{r, child=if (isMultiTask && bootstrappingEnabled) system.file("appdir", "characterizationOfAlgorithmsBootstrapping.Rmd", package="challengeR")} ``` ## Characterization of tasks ```{r, child=if (isMultiTask && bootstrappingEnabled) system.file("appdir", "characterizationOfTasksBootstrapping.Rmd", package="challengeR")} ``` ### Cluster Analysis Dendrogram from hierarchical cluster analysis} and \textit{network-type graphs} for assessing the similarity of tasks based on challenge rankings. A dendrogram is a visualization approach based on hierarchical clustering. It depicts clusters according to a chosen distance measure (here: Spearman's footrule) as well as a chosen agglomeration method (here: complete and average agglomeration). \bigskip ```{r dendrogram_complete, fig.width=6, fig.height=5,out.width='60%'} if (length(object$matlist)>2) { dendrogram(object, dist = "symdiff", method="complete") } else cat("\nCluster analysis only sensible if there are >2 tasks.\n\n") ``` \bigskip ```{r dendrogram_average, fig.width=6, fig.height=5,out.width='60%'} if (length(object$matlist)>2) dendrogram(object, dist = "symdiff", method="average") ``` In network-type graphs (see Eugster et al, 2008), every task is represented by a node and nodes are connected by edges whose length is determined by a chosen distance measure. Here, distances between nodes are chosen to increase exponentially in Spearman's footrule distance with growth rate 0.05 to accentuate large distances. Hence, tasks that are similar with respect to their algorithm ranking appear closer together than those that are dissimilar. Nodes representing tasks with a unique winner are colored-coded by the winning algorithm. In case there are more than one first-ranked algorithms in a task, the corresponding node remains uncolored. \bigskip ```{r ,eval=T,fig.width=12, fig.height=6,include=FALSE} -if (length(relensemble)>2) { +if (length(object$matlist)>2) { netw=network(object, method = "symdiff", edge.col=grDevices::grey.colors, edge.lwd=1, rate=1.05, cols=cols ) plot.new() leg=legend("topright", names(netw$leg.col), lwd = 1, col = netw$leg.col, bg =NA,plot=F,cex=.8) w <- grconvertX(leg$rect$w, to='inches') addy=6+w } else addy=1 ``` ```{r network, fig.width=addy, fig.height=6,out.width='100%'} -if (length(relensemble)>2) { +if (length(object$matlist)>2) { plot(netw, layoutType = "neato", fixedsize=TRUE, # fontsize, # width, # height, shape="ellipse", cex=.8 ) } ``` \ No newline at end of file