diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-aggregateThenRank.R b/tests/testthat/test-aggregateThenRank.R
index 4649dac..796b508 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-aggregateThenRank.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-aggregateThenRank.R
@@ -1,346 +1,346 @@
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works with two algorithms for one case, small values are better", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean)
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 1),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 2))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works with two algorithms (reverse order) for one case, small values are better", {
   data <- rbind(
             data.frame(algo = "A2", value = 0.8, case = "C1"),
             data.frame(algo = "A1", value = 0.6, case = "C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm = "algo", case = "case", value = "value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean)
   expectedRanking <- rbind("A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 2),
                            "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works with two algorithms for one case, large values are better", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = FALSE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean)
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 2),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works with two algorithms (reverse order) for one case, large values are better", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo = "A2", value = 0.8, case = "C1"),
     data.frame(algo = "A1", value = 0.6, case = "C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm = "algo", case = "case", value = "value", smallBetter = FALSE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean)
   expectedRanking <- rbind("A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 1),
                            "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 2))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank raises error for invalid aggregation function", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.6, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   expect_error(challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = meanx),
                "object 'meanx' not found", fixed = TRUE)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works with two algorithms for one case and 'min' as ties method", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.6, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, ties.method = "min")
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 1),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works with two algorithms for one case and 'max' as ties method", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.6, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, ties.method = "max")
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 2),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 2))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank raises error for invalid ties method", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.6, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   expect_error(challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, ties.method = "maxx"),
                "'arg' should be one of \"average\", \"first\", \"last\", \"random\", \"max\", \"min\"", fixed = TRUE)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank raises error for invalid ties method even when no ties present", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   expect_error(challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, ties.method = "maxx"),
                "'arg' should be one of \"average\", \"first\", \"last\", \"random\", \"max\", \"min\"", fixed = TRUE)
-test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works with two algorithms for two case", {
+test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works with two algorithms for two cases", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.4, case="C2"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=1.0, case="C2"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean)
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.5, rank = 1),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.9, rank = 2))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
-test_that("aggregate-than-rank by median works with two algorithms for two case", {
+test_that("aggregate-than-rank by median works with two algorithms for two cases", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.4, case="C2"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=1.0, case="C2"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = median)
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.5, rank = 1),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.9, rank = 2))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works with one algorithm for one case", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean)
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank raises error when no NA treatment specified but NAs are contained", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=NA, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = FALSE)
   expect_error(challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean),
                "argument \"na.treat\" is missing, with no default", fixed = TRUE)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank raises error when invalid NA treatment specified and NAs are contained", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=NA, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = FALSE)
   expect_error(challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, na.treat = "na.rmx"),
                "Argument \"na.treat\" is invalid. It can be \"na.rm\", numeric value or function.", fixed = TRUE)
 test_that("specified NA treatment does not influence ranking when no NAs are contained", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = FALSE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, na.treat = 0)
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 2),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("NAs are replaced by numeric value", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=NA, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = FALSE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, na.treat = 0)
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.0, rank = 2),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("NAs are replaced by function value", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=NA, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"))
   replacementFunction <- function(x) { -1 }
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = FALSE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, na.treat = replacementFunction)
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = -1.0, rank = 2),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("NAs are removed", {
   data <- rbind(
     data.frame(algo="A1", value=NA, case="C1"),
     data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1"))
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = FALSE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, na.treat = "na.rm")
   expectedRanking <- rbind(
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$mat, expectedRanking)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank by mean works for multi-task challenge (2 tasks in data set), no missing data", {
   dataTask1 <- cbind(task="T1",
                        data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
                        data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1")
   dataTask2 <- cbind(task="T2",
                        data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.5, case="C1"),
                        data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.4, case="C1")
   data <- rbind(dataTask1, dataTask2)
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, by="task", algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean)
   expectedRankingTask1 <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 1),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 2))
   expectedRankingTask2 <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.5, rank = 2),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.4, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$matlist$T1, expectedRankingTask1)
   expect_equal(ranking$matlist$T2, expectedRankingTask2)
 test_that("NAs are replaced by numeric value in multi-task challenge (2 tasks in data set)", {
   dataTask1 <- cbind(task="T1",
                        data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
                        data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1")
   dataTask2 <- cbind(task="T2",
                        data.frame(algo="A1", value=NA, case="C1"),
                        data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.4, case="C1")
   data <- rbind(dataTask1, dataTask2)
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, by="task", algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   ranking <- challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean, na.treat = 100)
   expectedRankingTask1 <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.6, rank = 1),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.8, rank = 2))
   expectedRankingTask2 <- rbind(
     "A1" = data.frame(value_FUN = 100.0, rank = 2),
     "A2" = data.frame(value_FUN = 0.4, rank = 1))
   expect_equal(ranking$matlist$T1, expectedRankingTask1)
   expect_equal(ranking$matlist$T2, expectedRankingTask2)
 test_that("aggregate-than-rank raises error when no NA treatment specified but NAs are contained in multi-task challenge (2 tasks in data set)", {
   dataTask1 <- cbind(task="T1",
                        data.frame(algo="A1", value=0.6, case="C1"),
                        data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.8, case="C1")
   dataTask2 <- cbind(task="T2",
                        data.frame(algo="A1", value=NA, case="C1"),
                        data.frame(algo="A2", value=0.4, case="C1")
   data <- rbind(dataTask1, dataTask2)
   challenge <- as.challenge(data, by="task", algorithm="algo", case="case", value="value", smallBetter = TRUE)
   expect_error(challenge%>%aggregateThenRank(FUN = mean),
                "argument \"na.treat\" is missing, with no default", fixed = TRUE)