diff --git a/Modules/IGT/Testing/files.cmake b/Modules/IGT/Testing/files.cmake index f12914075a..daf0b4f348 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/Testing/files.cmake +++ b/Modules/IGT/Testing/files.cmake @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ set(MODULE_TESTS # IMPORTANT: If you plan to deactivate / comment out a test please write a bug number to the commented out line of code. # # Example: #mitkMyTest #this test is commented out because of bug 12345 # # It is important that the bug is open and that the test will be activated again before the bug is closed. This assures that # no test is forgotten after it was commented out. If there is no bug for your current problem, please add a new one and # mark it as critical. ################## ON THE FENCE TESTS ################################################# # none ################## DISABLED TESTS ##################################################### # mitkNavigationToolStorageDeserializerTest.cpp # This test was disabled because of bug 17303. # mitkNavigationToolStorageSerializerAndDeserializerIntegrationTest.cpp # This test was disabled because of bug 17181. ################# RUNNING TESTS ####################################################### mitkCameraVisualizationTest.cpp mitkClaronInterfaceTest.cpp mitkClaronToolTest.cpp mitkClaronTrackingDeviceTest.cpp mitkInternalTrackingToolTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataDisplacementFilterTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataLandmarkTransformFilterTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataObjectVisualizationFilterTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataSetTest.cpp - # mitkNavigationDataTest.cpp # see bug 18306 + mitkNavigationDataTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataRecorderTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataReferenceTransformFilterTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataSequentialPlayerTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataSetReaderWriterXMLTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataSetReaderWriterCSVTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataSourceTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataToMessageFilterTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataToNavigationDataFilterTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataToPointSetFilterTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataTransformFilterTest.cpp mitkNDIPassiveToolTest.cpp mitkNDIProtocolTest.cpp mitkNDITrackingDeviceTest.cpp mitkTimeStampTest.cpp mitkTrackingVolumeGeneratorTest.cpp mitkTrackingDeviceTest.cpp mitkTrackingToolTest.cpp mitkVirtualTrackingDeviceTest.cpp # mitkNavigationDataPlayerTest.cpp # random fails see bug 16485. # We decided to won't fix because of complete restructuring via bug 15959. mitkTrackingDeviceSourceTest.cpp mitkTrackingDeviceSourceConfiguratorTest.cpp mitkNavigationDataEvaluationFilterTest.cpp mitkTrackingTypesTest.cpp # ------------------ Navigation Tool Management Tests ------------------- mitkNavigationToolStorageTest.cpp mitkNavigationToolTest.cpp mitkNavigationToolReaderAndWriterTest.cpp mitkNavigationToolStorageSerializerTest.cpp # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ) set(MODULE_CUSTOM_TESTS mitkNDIAuroraHardwareTest.cpp mitkNDIPolarisHardwareTest.cpp mitkClaronTrackingDeviceHardwareTest.cpp ) diff --git a/Modules/IGT/Testing/mitkNavigationDataTest.cpp b/Modules/IGT/Testing/mitkNavigationDataTest.cpp index 8edf576c8a..ee056fa38a 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/Testing/mitkNavigationDataTest.cpp +++ b/Modules/IGT/Testing/mitkNavigationDataTest.cpp @@ -1,624 +1,624 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkTestingMacros.h" #include "mitkNavigationData.h" #include "mitkVector.h" #include #include using namespace mitk; /** * helper function which checks if the non position / orientation / covariance related members are all set to certain values */ static bool AreBasicNavigationMembersEqual(const NavigationData::Pointer nd, const bool dataValid, const NavigationData::TimeStampType timeStamp, const std::string name) { bool result = true; result = result && (nd->IsDataValid() == dataValid); result = result && (mitk::Equal(nd->GetIGTTimeStamp(), timeStamp)); result = result && (0 == name.compare(nd->GetName())); return result; } /** * helper function which checks if the basic members, meaning the members not related to position / orientation / covariance * are the same for two NavigationData objects. */ static bool AreBasicNavigationMembersEqual(const NavigationData::Pointer nd1, const NavigationData::Pointer nd2) { return AreBasicNavigationMembersEqual(nd1, nd2->IsDataValid(), nd2->GetIGTTimeStamp(), nd2->GetName()); } /** * Test if the NavigationData object nd has the correct settings for covariance matrix specific members. * * @param nd * @param hasPosition the desired value for the hasPosition member * @param hasOrientation the desired value for the hasOrientation member * @param covMatrix the covariance matrix nd should have * @return */ static bool AreCovarianceNavigationMembersEqual(const NavigationData::Pointer nd, bool hasPosition, bool hasOrientation, NavigationData::CovarianceMatrixType covMatrix) { bool result = true; result = result && (nd->GetHasPosition() == hasPosition); result = result && (nd->GetHasOrientation() == hasOrientation); result = result && (mitk::MatrixEqualElementWise(nd->GetCovErrorMatrix(), covMatrix)); return result; } /** * Checks if the covariance related members of the two NavigationData objects are the same * * @see AreCovarianceNavigationMembersEqual * * @param nd1 * @param nd2 * @return */ static bool AreCovarianceNavigationMembersEqual(const NavigationData::Pointer nd1, const NavigationData::Pointer nd2) { return AreCovarianceNavigationMembersEqual(nd1, nd2->GetHasPosition(), nd2->GetHasOrientation(), nd2->GetCovErrorMatrix()); } /** * Creates a fully set NavigationData object for testing purposes. * * @return a smartpointer to the object */ static mitk::NavigationData::Pointer GetTestData() { mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = mitk::NavigationData::New(); mitk::NavigationData::PositionType p; mitk::FillVector3D(p, 44.4, 55.5, 66.66); nd->SetPosition(p); mitk::NavigationData::OrientationType o(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); nd->SetOrientation(o); nd->SetDataValid(true); nd->SetIGTTimeStamp(100.111); nd->SetHasPosition(false); nd->SetHasOrientation(false); mitk::NavigationData::CovarianceMatrixType m; m.Fill(17.17); m(2, 2) = 1000.01; nd->SetCovErrorMatrix(m); nd->SetName("my NavigationData"); nd->SetPositionAccuracy(100.0); nd->SetOrientationAccuracy(10.0); return nd; } static void TestInstatiation() { // Test instantiation of NavigationData mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = mitk::NavigationData::New(); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(nd.IsNotNull(),"Test instatiation"); } static void TestGetterSetter() { mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = mitk::NavigationData::New(); mitk::NavigationData::PositionType p; mitk::FillVector3D(p, 44.4, 55.5, 66.66); nd->SetPosition(p); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(nd->GetPosition() == p, "Set-/GetPosition()"); mitk::NavigationData::OrientationType o(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); nd->SetOrientation(o); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(nd->GetOrientation() == o, "Set-/GetOrientation()"); nd->SetDataValid(true); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(nd->IsDataValid() == true, "Set-/IsDataValid()"); nd->SetIGTTimeStamp(100.111); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(nd->GetIGTTimeStamp(), 100.111), "Set-/GetIGTTimeStamp()"); nd->SetHasPosition(false); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(nd->GetHasPosition() == false, "Set-/GetHasPosition()"); nd->SetHasOrientation(false); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(nd->GetHasOrientation() == false, "Set-/GetHasOrientation()"); mitk::NavigationData::CovarianceMatrixType m; m.Fill(17.17); m(2, 2) = 1000.01; nd->SetCovErrorMatrix(m); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(nd->GetCovErrorMatrix() == m, "Set-/GetCovErrorMatrix()"); nd->SetName("my NavigationData"); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(std::string(nd->GetName()) == "my NavigationData", "Set-/GetName()"); nd->SetPositionAccuracy(100.0); mitk::NavigationData::CovarianceMatrixType result = nd->GetCovErrorMatrix(); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(result(0, 0), 10000.0) && mitk::Equal(result(1, 1), 10000.0) && mitk::Equal(result(2, 2), 10000.0), "SetPositionAccuracy()"); nd->SetOrientationAccuracy(10.0); mitk::NavigationData::CovarianceMatrixType result2 = nd->GetCovErrorMatrix(); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(result2(3, 3), 100.0) && mitk::Equal(result2(4, 4), 100.0) && mitk::Equal(result2(5, 5), 100.0), "SetOrientationAccuracy()"); } static void TestGraft() { //create test data mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = GetTestData(); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer graftedCopy = mitk::NavigationData::New(); graftedCopy->Graft(nd); bool graftIsEqual = (nd->GetPosition() == graftedCopy->GetPosition()) && (nd->GetOrientation() == graftedCopy->GetOrientation()) && AreCovarianceNavigationMembersEqual(nd, graftedCopy) && AreBasicNavigationMembersEqual(nd, graftedCopy); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(graftIsEqual, "Graft() produces equal NavigationData object"); } static void TestPrintSelf() { mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = GetTestData(); itk::Indent myIndent = itk::Indent(); MITK_TEST_OUTPUT(<<"Testing method PrintSelf(), method output will follow:"); bool success = true; try { nd->PrintSelf(std::cout,myIndent); } catch(...) { success = false; } MITK_TEST_CONDITION(success, "Testing method PrintSelf()."); } static void TestWrongInputs() { mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = GetTestData(); // Test CopyInformation bool success = false; try { nd->CopyInformation(NULL); } catch(itk::ExceptionObject e) { success = true; } MITK_TEST_CONDITION(success, "Testing wrong input for method CopyInformation."); // Test Graft success = false; try { nd->Graft(NULL); } catch(itk::ExceptionObject e) { success = true; } MITK_TEST_CONDITION(success, "Testing wrong input for method Graft."); } static mitk::Quaternion quaternion; static mitk::Quaternion quaternion_realistic; static mitk::Vector3D offsetVector; static mitk::Point3D offsetPoint; static mitk::Matrix3D rotation; static mitk::Quaternion quaternion2; static mitk::Vector3D offsetVector2; static mitk::Point3D offsetPoint2; static mitk::Matrix3D rotation2; static mitk::Point3D point; /** * Helper method setting up data required for tests (like points which shall be transformed by the NavigationData). */ static void SetupNaviDataTests() { // set rotation matrix to /* * 0 -1 0 * 1 0 0 * 0 0 1 */ rotation.Fill(0); rotation[0][1] = -1; rotation[1][0] = 1; rotation[2][2] = 1; // set quaternion to quaternion equivalent // values calculated with javascript at // http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/matrixToQuaternion/ quaternion = mitk::Quaternion(0, 0, 0.7071067811865475, 0.7071067811865476); // a more realistic quaternion from real tracking data quaternion_realistic = mitk::Quaternion(-0.57747,0.225593,0.366371,0.693933); // set offset to some value. Some tests need vectors, offers points. double offsetArray[3] = {1.0,2.0,3.123456}; offsetVector = offsetArray; offsetPoint = offsetArray; /***** Second set of data for compose tests ****/ // set rotation2 matrix to /* * 1 0 0 * 0 0 -1 * 0 1 0 */ rotation2.Fill(0); rotation2[0][0] = 1; rotation2[1][2] = -1; rotation2[2][1] = 1; quaternion2 = mitk::Quaternion(0.7071067811865475, 0, 0, 0.7071067811865476); mitk::ScalarType offsetArray2[3] = {1, 0, 0}; offsetVector2 = offsetArray2; offsetPoint2 = offsetArray2; /***** Create a point to be transformed *****/ mitk::ScalarType pointArray[] = {1.0, 3.0, 5.0}; point = pointArray; } /** * Helper method, which creates a NavigationData object using the data created in SetupNaviDataTests() */ static mitk::NavigationData::Pointer CreateNavidata(mitk::Quaternion quaternion, mitk::Point3D offset) { mitk::NavigationData::Pointer navigationData = mitk::NavigationData::New(); navigationData->SetOrientation(quaternion); navigationData->SetPosition(offset); return navigationData; } /** * Helper method which creates an affine transformation only composed by a rotation and a translation (no scalings and the likes). * * @param rotationMatrix * @param offset * @return */ static mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer CreateAffineTransform(mitk::Matrix3D rotationMatrix, mitk::Vector3D offset) { mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affineTransform3D = mitk::AffineTransform3D::New(); affineTransform3D->SetOffset(offset); affineTransform3D->SetMatrix(rotationMatrix); return affineTransform3D; } /** * Test if NavigationData::GetInverse returns the correct inverse */ static void TestInverse() { SetupNaviDataTests(); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = CreateNavidata(quaternion, offsetPoint); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer ndInverse = nd->GetInverse(); // calculate expected inverted position vector: b2 = -A2b1 // for -A2b1 we need vnl_vectors. vnl_vector_fixed b1; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { b1[i] = nd->GetPosition()[i]; } vnl_vector_fixed b2; b2 = -(ndInverse->GetOrientation().rotate(b1)); // now copy result back into our mitk::Point3D mitk::Point3D invertedPosition; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { invertedPosition[i] = b2[i]; } MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(nd->GetOrientation().inverse(), ndInverse->GetOrientation()),"Testing GetInverse: orientation inverted"); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(invertedPosition, ndInverse->GetPosition()), "Testing GetInverse: position inverted"); bool otherFlagsOk = AreBasicNavigationMembersEqual(nd, ndInverse) && AreCovarianceNavigationMembersEqual(ndInverse, false, false, nd->GetCovErrorMatrix()); // covariance update mechanism not yet implemented, thus validities are set to false. MITK_TEST_CONDITION(otherFlagsOk, "Testing GetInverse: other flags are same"); //######################################################################################## //################### Second test with more realistic quaternion ######################### //######################################################################################## //just copy data to be real sure that it is not overwritten during the test mitk::Quaternion referenceQuaternion; referenceQuaternion[0] = quaternion_realistic[0]; referenceQuaternion[1] = quaternion_realistic[1]; referenceQuaternion[2] = quaternion_realistic[2]; referenceQuaternion[3] = quaternion_realistic[3]; mitk::Point3D referencePoint; referencePoint[0] = offsetPoint[0]; referencePoint[1] = offsetPoint[1]; referencePoint[2] = offsetPoint[2]; referencePoint[3] = offsetPoint[3]; mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd2 = CreateNavidata(quaternion_realistic, offsetPoint); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer ndInverse2 = nd2->GetInverse(); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(nd2->GetOrientation(),referenceQuaternion),"Testing if the method GetInverse() modifies the data which should never happen!"); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(ndInverse2->GetOrientation(),referenceQuaternion.inverse()),"Testing if the Qrientation was inverted correctly with the realistic quaternion"); } /** * Test if the original orientation and position are retained after inverting two times. */ static void TestDoubleInverse() { SetupNaviDataTests(); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = CreateNavidata(quaternion, offsetPoint); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer ndDoubleInverse = nd->GetInverse()->GetInverse(); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(nd->GetOrientation(), ndDoubleInverse->GetOrientation()),"Testing GetInverse double application: orientation preserved"); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(nd->GetPosition(), ndDoubleInverse->GetPosition()), "Testing GetInverse double application: position preserved"); } /** * Tests if NavigationData::GetInverse throws an error if the NavigationData has no inverse * (e.g. after it is initialized, no rotation is stored -> the transformation cannot be inverted). */ static void TestInverseError() { // initialize empty NavigationData (quaternion is zeroed) mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = mitk::NavigationData::New(); mitk::Quaternion quaternion; quaternion.fill(0); nd->SetOrientation(quaternion); MITK_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(mitk::Exception&, nd->GetInverse()); } /** * Tests if NavigationData::TransformPoint works. */ static void TestTransform() { SetupNaviDataTests(); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer navigationData = CreateNavidata(quaternion, offsetPoint); point = navigationData->TransformPoint(point); mitk::ScalarType resultingPointArray[] = {-2, 3, 8.123456}; mitk::Point3D resultingPoint = resultingPointArray; MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(resultingPoint, point), "Testing point transformation"); } /** * Tests if the construction of a NavigationData object from an * affine transformation which is only composed of a rotation and translation works. */ static void TestAffineConstructor() { SetupNaviDataTests(); mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affineTransform3D = CreateAffineTransform(rotation, offsetVector); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer navigationData = mitk::NavigationData::New(affineTransform3D); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(AreBasicNavigationMembersEqual(navigationData, true, 0.0, ""), "Testing affine constructor: dataValid, timeStamp and name have been initialized to default values"); NavigationData::CovarianceMatrixType covMatrix; // empty covariance matrix MITK_TEST_CONDITION(AreCovarianceNavigationMembersEqual(navigationData, true, true, covMatrix), "Testing affine constructor: covariance matrix values have been correctly initialized"); // TODO: discuss with Alfred // why this is the desired initialization of the covariance information. MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(navigationData->GetPosition(), offsetPoint), "Testing affine constructor: offset"); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(navigationData->GetOrientation(), quaternion), "Testing affine constructor: quaternion"); } /** * Tests if the construction of a NavigationData object throws an error when constructing from an * affine transformation which is orthogonal. */ static void TestAffineConstructorErrorTransposedNotInverse() { SetupNaviDataTests(); rotation.SetIdentity(); rotation[1][0] = 2; // this matrix has determinant = 1 (triangular matrix with ones in diagonal) but transposed != inverse mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affineTransform3D = CreateAffineTransform(rotation, offsetVector); MITK_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(mitk::Exception&, mitk::NavigationData::New(affineTransform3D)); } /** * Tests if the construction of a NavigationData object throws an error when constructing from an * affine transformation which is not normal. */ static void TestAffineConstructorErrorDeterminantNonEqualOne() { SetupNaviDataTests(); rotation.SetIdentity(); rotation[0][0] = 2; // determinant for diagonal matrices is product of diagonal elements => det = 2 mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affineTransform3D = CreateAffineTransform(rotation, offsetVector); MITK_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(mitk::Exception&, mitk::NavigationData::New(affineTransform3D)); } /** * Tests if the error suppression mechanism works if a NavigationData object is created from a * invalid affine transformation (one that is not only rotation and translation). */ static void TestAffineConstructorErrorCheckingFalse() { SetupNaviDataTests(); rotation.SetIdentity(); rotation[0][0] = 2; // determinant for diagonal matrices is product of diagonal elements => det = 2 mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affineTransform3D = CreateAffineTransform(rotation, offsetVector); bool exceptionSuppressed = true; try { mitk::NavigationData::New(affineTransform3D, false); } catch (mitk::Exception&) { exceptionSuppressed = false; } MITK_TEST_CONDITION(exceptionSuppressed, "Test affine constructor: exception can be suppressed.") } /** * Test if NavigationData::GetAffineTransform3D() returns the correct affine transformation. */ static void TestAffineGetter() { SetupNaviDataTests(); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer navigationData = CreateNavidata(quaternion, offsetPoint); mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affineTransform = navigationData->GetAffineTransform3D(); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(affineTransform->GetOffset(), offsetVector), "Testing AffineTransform3D getter: offset"); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::MatrixEqualElementWise(affineTransform->GetMatrix(), rotation), "Testing AffineTransform3D getter: rotation"); } /** * This test tests the complete chain from affineTransform -> NavigationData -> affineTransform */ static void TestAffineToNaviDataToAffine() { SetupNaviDataTests(); mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affineTransform3D = CreateAffineTransform(rotation, offsetVector); // there and back again: affineTransform -> NavigationData -> affineTransform mitk::NavigationData::Pointer navigationData = mitk::NavigationData::New(affineTransform3D); mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affineTransform3D_2; affineTransform3D_2 = navigationData->GetAffineTransform3D(); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(affineTransform3D->GetOffset(), affineTransform3D_2->GetOffset()), "Testing affine -> navidata -> affine chain: offset"); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::MatrixEqualElementWise(affineTransform3D->GetMatrix(), affineTransform3D_2->GetMatrix()), "Testing affine -> navidata -> affine chain: rotation"); } static void TestCompose(bool pre = false) { SetupNaviDataTests(); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = CreateNavidata(quaternion, offsetPoint); mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer at = CreateAffineTransform(rotation, offsetVector); // second transform for composition mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd2 = CreateNavidata(quaternion2, offsetPoint2); mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer at2 = CreateAffineTransform(rotation2, offsetVector2); // save point for affinetransform mitk::Point3D point2 = point; nd->Compose(nd2, pre); point = nd->TransformPoint(point); at->Compose(at2, pre); point2 = at->TransformPoint(point2); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(point, point2), "Compose pre = " << pre << ": composition works "); bool covarianceValidityReset = !nd->GetHasOrientation() && !nd->GetHasPosition(); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(covarianceValidityReset, "Compose pre = " << pre << ": covariance validities reset because not implemented yet."); } static void TestReverseCompose() { TestCompose(true); } /** * Tests the clone method. */ static void TestClone() { SetupNaviDataTests(); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = CreateNavidata(quaternion, offsetPoint); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer myClone = nd->Clone(); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(mitk::Equal(*nd,*myClone,mitk::eps,true), "Test if clone is equal to original object."); //change clone, original object should not change mitk::Point3D myPoint; mitk::FillVector3D(myPoint,121,32132,433); myClone->SetPosition(myPoint); MITK_TEST_CONDITION(!mitk::Equal(*nd,*myClone), "Test if clone could be modified without changing the original object."); } /** * This function is testing the Class mitk::NavigationData. For most tests we would need the MicronTracker hardware, so only a few * simple tests, which can run without the hardware are implemented yet (2009, January, 23rd). As soon as there is a working * concept to test the tracking classes which are very close to the hardware on all systems more tests are needed here. */ int mitkNavigationDataTest(int /* argc */, char* /*argv*/[]) { MITK_TEST_BEGIN("NavigationData"); TestInstatiation(); TestGetterSetter(); TestGraft(); TestPrintSelf(); TestWrongInputs(); TestAffineConstructor(); TestAffineConstructorErrorDeterminantNonEqualOne(); TestAffineConstructorErrorTransposedNotInverse(); TestAffineConstructorErrorCheckingFalse(); TestAffineGetter(); TestAffineToNaviDataToAffine(); TestTransform(); - TestInverse(); + //TestInverse(); Fails under MAC, see bug 18306 TestDoubleInverse(); TestInverseError(); TestCompose(); TestReverseCompose(); TestClone(); MITK_TEST_END(); }