diff --git a/Core/Code/Rendering/mitkVtkPropRenderer.cpp b/Core/Code/Rendering/mitkVtkPropRenderer.cpp index 878bec92a5..f9ca525bb7 100644 --- a/Core/Code/Rendering/mitkVtkPropRenderer.cpp +++ b/Core/Code/Rendering/mitkVtkPropRenderer.cpp @@ -1,819 +1,883 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2007-09-22 11:55:20 +0200 (Sa, 22 Sep 2007) $ Version: $Revision: 12240 $ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "mitkVtkPropRenderer.h" #include "picimage.h" // MAPPERS #include "mitkMapper.h" #include "mitkImageVtkMapper2D.h" #include "mitkVtkMapper2D.h" #include "mitkVtkMapper3D.h" #include "mitkGeometry2DDataVtkMapper3D.h" #include "mitkPointSetGLMapper2D.h" #include "mitkImageSliceSelector.h" #include "mitkRenderingManager.h" #include "mitkGL.h" #include "mitkGeometry3D.h" #include "mitkDisplayGeometry.h" #include "mitkLevelWindow.h" #include "mitkCameraController.h" #include "mitkVtkInteractorCameraController.h" #include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" #include "mitkProperties.h" #include "mitkSurface.h" #include "mitkNodePredicateDataType.h" // VTK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include mitk::VtkPropRenderer::VtkPropRenderer( const char* name, vtkRenderWindow * renWin, mitk::RenderingManager* rm ) : BaseRenderer(name,renWin, rm), m_VtkMapperPresent(false), m_NewRenderer(true) { didCount=false; m_WorldPointPicker = vtkWorldPointPicker::New(); m_PointPicker = vtkPointPicker::New(); m_PointPicker->SetTolerance( 0.0025 ); m_CellPicker = vtkCellPicker::New(); m_CellPicker->SetTolerance( 0.0025 ); mitk::Geometry2DDataVtkMapper3D::Pointer geometryMapper = mitk::Geometry2DDataVtkMapper3D::New(); m_CurrentWorldGeometry2DMapper = geometryMapper; m_CurrentWorldGeometry2DNode->SetMapper(2, geometryMapper); m_LightKit = vtkLightKit::New(); m_LightKit->AddLightsToRenderer(m_VtkRenderer); m_PickingMode = WorldPointPicking; m_TextRenderer = vtkRenderer::New(); m_TextRenderer->SetRenderWindow(renWin); m_TextRenderer->SetInteractive(0); #if ( VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 5 ) m_TextRenderer->SetErase(0); #endif } /*! \brief Destructs the VtkPropRenderer. */ mitk::VtkPropRenderer::~VtkPropRenderer() { // Workaround for GLDisplayList Bug { m_MapperID=0; checkState(); } if (m_LightKit != NULL) m_LightKit->Delete(); if (m_VtkRenderer!=NULL) { m_CameraController = NULL; m_VtkRenderer->Delete(); m_VtkRenderer = NULL; } else m_CameraController = NULL; if (m_WorldPointPicker != NULL) m_WorldPointPicker->Delete(); if (m_PointPicker != NULL) m_PointPicker->Delete(); if (m_CellPicker != NULL) m_CellPicker->Delete(); if (m_TextRenderer != NULL) m_TextRenderer->Delete(); } void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::SetDataStorage( mitk::DataStorage* storage ) { if ( storage == NULL ) return; BaseRenderer::SetDataStorage(storage); static_cast(m_CurrentWorldGeometry2DMapper.GetPointer())->SetDataStorageForTexture( m_DataStorage.GetPointer() ); // Compute the geometry from the current data tree bounds and set it as world geometry this->SetWorldGeometryToDataStorageBounds(); } bool mitk::VtkPropRenderer::SetWorldGeometryToDataStorageBounds() { if ( m_DataStorage.IsNull() ) return false; //initialize world geometry mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry::Pointer geometry = m_DataStorage->ComputeVisibleBoundingGeometry3D( NULL, "includeInBoundingBox" ); if ( geometry.IsNull() ) return false; this->SetWorldGeometry(geometry); //this->GetDisplayGeometry()->SetSizeInDisplayUnits( this->m_TextRenderer->GetRenderWindow()->GetSize()[0], this->m_TextRenderer->GetRenderWindow()->GetSize()[1] ); this->GetDisplayGeometry()->Fit(); this->GetVtkRenderer()->ResetCamera(); this->Modified(); return true; } /*! \brief Called by the vtkMitkRenderProp in order to start MITK rendering process. */ int mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Render(mitk::VtkPropRenderer::RenderType type) { // MITK_INFO << "hier drin " << type; // Do we have objects to render? if ( this->GetEmptyWorldGeometry()) return 0; if ( m_DataStorage.IsNull()) return 0; // Update mappers and prepare mapper queue if (type == VtkPropRenderer::Opaque) this->PrepareMapperQueue(); //go through the generated list and let the sorted mappers paint bool lastVtkBased = true; bool sthVtkBased = false; for(MappersMapType::iterator it = m_MappersMap.begin(); it != m_MappersMap.end(); it++) { Mapper * mapper = (*it).second; // MITK_INFO << "name " << mapper->GetNameOfClass(); if((mapper->IsVtkBased() == true) ) { sthVtkBased = true; mitk::VtkMapper3D::Pointer vtkMapper = dynamic_cast(mapper); if(vtkMapper) { vtkMapper->GetVtkProp(this)->SetAllocatedRenderTime(5000,GetVtkRenderer()); //B/ ToDo: rendering time calculation //vtkMapper->GetVtkProp(this)->PokeMatrix(NULL); //B/ ToDo ??: VtkUserTransform } if(lastVtkBased == false) { Disable2DOpenGL(); lastVtkBased = true; } } else if((mapper->IsVtkBased() == false) && (lastVtkBased == true)) { Enable2DOpenGL(); lastVtkBased = false; } //Workarround for bug GL_TEXTURE_2D GLboolean mode; GLenum bit = GL_TEXTURE_2D; GLfloat lineWidth; glGetFloatv(GL_LINE_WIDTH, &lineWidth); glGetBooleanv(bit, &mode); switch(type) { case mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Opaque: mapper->MitkRenderOpaqueGeometry(this); break; case mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Translucent: mapper->MitkRenderTranslucentGeometry(this); break; case mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Overlay: mapper->MitkRenderOverlay(this); break; //BUG (#1551) changed VTK_MINOR_VERSION FROM 3 to 2 cause RenderTranslucentGeometry was changed in minor version 2 #if ( ( VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 5 ) && ( VTK_MINOR_VERSION>=2) ) case mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Volumetric: mapper->MitkRenderVolumetricGeometry(this); break; #endif } if(mode) glEnable(bit); else glDisable(bit); glLineWidth(lineWidth); } if (lastVtkBased == false) Disable2DOpenGL(); //fix for bug 1177. In 2D rendering the camera is not needed, but nevertheless it is used by //the vtk rendering mechanism to determine what is seen (and therefore has to be rendered) //by using the bounds of the vtkMitkRenderProp if (sthVtkBased == false) this->GetVtkRenderer()->ResetCamera(); // Render text if (type == VtkPropRenderer::Overlay) { if (m_TextCollection.size() > 0) { for (TextMapType::iterator it = m_TextCollection.begin(); it != m_TextCollection.end() ; it++) m_TextRenderer->AddViewProp((*it).second); m_TextRenderer->Render(); } } return 1; } /*! \brief PrepareMapperQueue iterates the datatree PrepareMapperQueue iterates the datatree in order to find mappers which shall be rendered. Also, it sortes the mappers wrt to their layer. */ void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::PrepareMapperQueue() { // variable for counting LOD-enabled mappers m_NumberOfVisibleLODEnabledMappers = 0; // Do we have to update the mappers ? if ( m_LastUpdateTime < GetMTime() || m_LastUpdateTime < GetDisplayGeometry()->GetMTime() ) Update(); else if (m_MapperID>=2 && m_MapperID < 6) Update(); // remove all text properties before mappers will add new ones m_TextRenderer->RemoveAllViewProps(); for ( unsigned int i=0; iDelete(); } m_TextCollection.clear(); // clear priority_queue m_MappersMap.clear(); int mapperNo = 0; //DataStorage if( m_DataStorage.IsNull() ) return; DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer allObjects = m_DataStorage->GetAll(); for (DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstIterator it = allObjects->Begin(); it != allObjects->End(); ++it) { DataNode::Pointer node = it->Value(); if ( node.IsNull() ) continue; mitk::Mapper::Pointer mapper = node->GetMapper(m_MapperID); if ( mapper.IsNull() ) continue; // The information about LOD-enabled mappers is required by RenderingManager if ( mapper->IsLODEnabled( this ) && mapper->IsVisible( this ) ) { ++m_NumberOfVisibleLODEnabledMappers; } // mapper without a layer property get layer number 1 int layer = 1; node->GetIntProperty("layer", layer, this); int nr = (layer<<16) + mapperNo; // MITK_INFO << "Layer Number " << nr << " Mapper type " << mapper->GetNameOfClass(); m_MappersMap.insert( std::pair< int, Mapper * >( nr, mapper ) ); mapperNo++; } } /*! \brief Enable2DOpenGL() and Disable2DOpenGL() are used to switch between 2D rendering (orthographic projection) and 3D rendering (perspective projection) */ void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Enable2DOpenGL() { GLint iViewport[4]; // Get a copy of the viewport glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, iViewport ); // Save a copy of the projection matrix so that we can restore it // when it's time to do 3D rendering again. glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); // Set up the orthographic projection glOrtho( iViewport[0], iViewport[0]+iViewport[2], iViewport[1], iViewport[1]+iViewport[3], -1.0, 1.0 ); glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); // Make sure depth testing and lighting are disabled for 2D rendering until // we are finished rendering in 2D glPushAttrib( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_LIGHTING_BIT ); glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ); glDisable( GL_LIGHTING ); } /*! \brief Initialize the VtkPropRenderer Enable2DOpenGL() and Disable2DOpenGL() are used to switch between 2D rendering (orthographic projection) and 3D rendering (perspective projection) */ void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Disable2DOpenGL() { glPopAttrib(); glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); glPopMatrix(); } void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Update(mitk::DataNode* datatreenode) { if(datatreenode!=NULL) { mitk::Mapper::Pointer mapper = datatreenode->GetMapper(m_MapperID); if(mapper.IsNotNull()) { Mapper2D* mapper2d=dynamic_cast(mapper.GetPointer()); if(mapper2d != NULL) { if(GetDisplayGeometry()->IsValid()) { VtkMapper2D* vtkmapper2d=dynamic_cast(mapper.GetPointer()); if(vtkmapper2d != NULL) { vtkmapper2d->Update(this); m_VtkMapperPresent=true; } else mapper2d->Update(this); } } else { VtkMapper3D* vtkmapper3d=dynamic_cast(mapper.GetPointer()); if(vtkmapper3d != NULL) { vtkmapper3d->Update(this); vtkmapper3d->UpdateVtkTransform(this); m_VtkMapperPresent=true; } } } } } void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Update() { if( m_DataStorage.IsNull() ) return; m_VtkMapperPresent = false; mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer all = m_DataStorage->GetAll(); for (mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstIterator it = all->Begin(); it != all->End(); ++it) Update(it->Value()); Modified(); m_LastUpdateTime = GetMTime(); } /*! \brief This method is called from the two Constructors */ void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::InitRenderer(vtkRenderWindow* renderWindow) { BaseRenderer::InitRenderer(renderWindow); if(renderWindow == NULL) { m_InitNeeded = false; m_ResizeNeeded = false; return; } m_InitNeeded = true; m_ResizeNeeded = true; m_LastUpdateTime = 0; } /*! \brief Resize the OpenGL Window */ void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::Resize(int w, int h) { BaseRenderer::Resize(w, h); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdate(this->GetRenderWindow()); } void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::InitSize(int w, int h) { m_RenderWindow->SetSize(w,h); Superclass::InitSize(w, h); Modified(); Update(); if(m_VtkRenderer!=NULL) { int w=vtkObject::GetGlobalWarningDisplay(); vtkObject::GlobalWarningDisplayOff(); m_VtkRenderer->ResetCamera(); vtkObject::SetGlobalWarningDisplay(w); } } void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::SetMapperID(const MapperSlotId mapperId) { if(m_MapperID != mapperId) Superclass::SetMapperID(mapperId); // Workaround for GL Displaylist Bug checkState(); } /*! \brief Activates the current renderwindow. */ void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::MakeCurrent() { if(m_RenderWindow!=NULL) m_RenderWindow->MakeCurrent(); } void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::PickWorldPoint(const mitk::Point2D& displayPoint, mitk::Point3D& worldPoint) const { if(m_VtkMapperPresent) { //m_WorldPointPicker->SetTolerance (0.0001); switch ( m_PickingMode ) { case (WorldPointPicking) : { m_WorldPointPicker->Pick(displayPoint[0], displayPoint[1], 0, m_VtkRenderer); vtk2itk(m_WorldPointPicker->GetPickPosition(), worldPoint); break; } case (PointPicking) : { // create a new vtkRenderer // give it all necessary information (camera position, etc.) // get all surfaces from datastorage, get actors from them // add all those actors to the new renderer // give this new renderer to pointpicker /* vtkRenderer* pickingRenderer = vtkRenderer::New(); pickingRenderer->SetActiveCamera( ); DataStorage* dataStorage = m_DataStorage; TNodePredicateDataType isSurface; DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer allSurfaces = dataStorage->GetSubset( isSurface ); MITK_INFO << "in picking: got " << allSurfaces->size() << " surfaces." << std::endl; for (DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator iter = allSurfaces->begin(); iter != allSurfaces->end(); ++iter) { const DataNode* currentNode = *iter; VtkMapper3D* baseVtkMapper3D = dynamic_cast( currentNode->GetMapper( BaseRenderer::Standard3D ) ); if ( baseVtkMapper3D ) { vtkActor* actor = dynamic_cast( baseVtkMapper3D->GetViewProp() ); if (actor) { MITK_INFO << "a" << std::flush; pickingRenderer->AddActor( actor ); } } } MITK_INFO << ";" << std::endl; */ m_PointPicker->Pick(displayPoint[0], displayPoint[1], 0, m_VtkRenderer); vtk2itk(m_PointPicker->GetPickPosition(), worldPoint); break; } } } else { Superclass::PickWorldPoint(displayPoint, worldPoint); } } mitk::DataNode * mitk::VtkPropRenderer::PickObject( const Point2D &displayPosition, Point3D &worldPosition ) const { if ( m_VtkMapperPresent ) { m_CellPicker->InitializePickList(); // Iterate over all DataStorage objects to determine all vtkProps intended // for picking DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer allObjects = m_DataStorage->GetAll(); for ( DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstIterator it = allObjects->Begin(); it != allObjects->End(); ++it ) { DataNode *node = it->Value(); if ( node == NULL ) continue; bool pickable = false; node->GetBoolProperty( "pickable", pickable ); if ( !pickable ) continue; VtkMapper3D *mapper = dynamic_cast< VtkMapper3D * > ( node->GetMapper( m_MapperID ) ); if ( mapper == NULL ) continue; vtkProp *prop = mapper->GetVtkProp( (mitk::BaseRenderer *)this ); if ( prop == NULL ) continue; m_CellPicker->AddPickList( prop ); } // Do the picking and retrieve the picked vtkProp (if any) m_CellPicker->PickFromListOn(); m_CellPicker->Pick( displayPosition[0], displayPosition[1], 0.0, m_VtkRenderer ); m_CellPicker->PickFromListOff(); vtk2itk( m_CellPicker->GetPickPosition(), worldPosition ); vtkProp *prop = m_CellPicker->GetViewProp(); if ( prop == NULL ) { return NULL; } // Iterate over all DataStorage objects to determine if the retrieved // vtkProp is owned by any associated mapper. for ( DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstIterator it = allObjects->Begin(); it != allObjects->End(); ++it) { DataNode::Pointer node = it->Value(); if ( node.IsNull() ) continue; mitk::Mapper::Pointer mapper = node->GetMapper( m_MapperID ); if ( mapper.IsNull() ) continue; if ( mapper->HasVtkProp( prop, const_cast< mitk::VtkPropRenderer * >( this ) ) ) { return node; } } return NULL; } else { return Superclass::PickObject( displayPosition, worldPosition ); } }; /*! \brief Writes some 2D text as overlay. Function returns an unique int Text_ID for each call, which can be used via the GetTextLabelProperty(int text_id) function in order to get a vtkTextProperty. This property enables the setup of font, font size, etc. */ int mitk::VtkPropRenderer::WriteSimpleText(std::string text, double posX, double posY, double color1, double color2, double color3) { if(text.size() > 0) { vtkTextActor* textActor = vtkTextActor::New(); textActor->SetPosition(posX,posY); textActor->SetInput(text.c_str()); textActor->GetTextProperty()->SetColor(color1, color2, color3); //TODO: Read color from node property int text_id = m_TextCollection.size(); m_TextCollection.insert(TextMapType::value_type(text_id,textActor)); return text_id; } return -1; } /*! \brief Can be used in order to get a vtkTextProperty for a specific text_id. This property enables the setup of font, font size, etc. */ vtkTextProperty* mitk::VtkPropRenderer::GetTextLabelProperty(int text_id) { return this->m_TextCollection[text_id]->GetTextProperty(); } void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::InitPathTraversal() { if (m_DataStorage.IsNotNull()) { m_PickingObjects = m_DataStorage->GetAll(); m_PickingObjectsIterator = m_PickingObjects->begin(); } } vtkAssemblyPath* mitk::VtkPropRenderer::GetNextPath() { if (m_DataStorage.IsNull() ) { return NULL; } if ( m_PickingObjectsIterator == m_PickingObjects->end() ) { return NULL; } vtkAssemblyPath* returnPath = vtkAssemblyPath::New(); //returnPath->Register(NULL); bool success = false; while (!success) { // loop until AddNode can be called successfully const DataNode* node = *m_PickingObjectsIterator; if (node) { Mapper* mapper = node->GetMapper( BaseRenderer::Standard3D ); if (mapper) { VtkMapper3D* vtkmapper = dynamic_cast( mapper ); if (vtkmapper) { vtkProp* prop = vtkmapper->GetVtkProp(this); if ( prop && prop->GetVisibility() ) { // add to assembly path returnPath->AddNode( prop, prop->GetMatrix() ); success = true; } } } } ++m_PickingObjectsIterator; if ( m_PickingObjectsIterator == m_PickingObjects->end() ) break; } if ( success ) { return returnPath; } else { return NULL; } } void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *renWin) { if( m_DataStorage.IsNull() ) return; DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer allObjects = m_DataStorage->GetAll(); for (DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator iter = allObjects->begin(); iter != allObjects->end(); ++iter) { DataNode::Pointer node = *iter; if ( node.IsNull() ) continue; Mapper::Pointer mapper = node->GetMapper(m_MapperID); if(mapper.IsNotNull()) mapper->ReleaseGraphicsResources(renWin); } } const vtkWorldPointPicker *mitk::VtkPropRenderer::GetWorldPointPicker() const { return m_WorldPointPicker; } const vtkPointPicker *mitk::VtkPropRenderer::GetPointPicker() const { return m_PointPicker; } const vtkCellPicker *mitk::VtkPropRenderer::GetCellPicker() const { return m_CellPicker; } #if ( ( VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 5 ) && ( VTK_MINOR_VERSION>=2) ) mitk::VtkPropRenderer::MappersMapType mitk::VtkPropRenderer::GetMappersMap() const { return m_MappersMap; } #endif // Workaround for GL Displaylist bug static int glWorkAroundGlobalCount = 0; bool mitk::VtkPropRenderer::useImmediateModeRendering() { return glWorkAroundGlobalCount>1; } void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::checkState() { if (m_MapperID == Standard3D) { if (!didCount) { didCount = true; glWorkAroundGlobalCount++; if (glWorkAroundGlobalCount == 2) { MITK_INFO << "Multiple 3D Renderwindows active...: turning Immediate Rendering ON for legacy mappers"; // vtkMapper::GlobalImmediateModeRenderingOn(); } //MITK_INFO << "GLOBAL 3D INCREASE " << glWorkAroundGlobalCount << "\n"; } } else { if(didCount) { didCount=false; glWorkAroundGlobalCount--; if(glWorkAroundGlobalCount==1) { MITK_INFO << "Single 3D Renderwindow active...: turning Immediate Rendering OFF for legacy mappers"; // vtkMapper::GlobalImmediateModeRenderingOff(); } //MITK_INFO << "GLOBAL 3D DECREASE " << glWorkAroundGlobalCount << "\n"; } } } + +void mitk::VtkPropRenderer::AdjustCameraToScene(){ +// LocalStorage *localStorage = m_LSH.GetLocalStorage(this); + + //activate parallel projection for 2D + this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetParallelProjection(true); + + const mitk::DisplayGeometry* displayGeometry = this->GetDisplayGeometry(); + + //TODO + double imageHeightInMM = 256.0;//localStorage->m_ReslicedImage->GetDimensions()[1]; //the height of the current slice in mm + double displayHeightInMM = displayGeometry->GetSizeInMM()[1]; //the display height in mm (gets smaller when you zoom in) + double zoomFactor = imageHeightInMM/displayHeightInMM; //determine how much of the image can be displayed + + Vector2D displayGeometryOriginInMM = displayGeometry->GetOriginInMM(); //top left of the render window (Origin) + Vector2D displayGeometryCenterInMM = displayGeometryOriginInMM + displayGeometry->GetSizeInMM()*0.5; //center of the render window: (Origin + Size/2) + + //Scale the rendered object: + //The image is scaled by a single factor, because in an orthographic projection sizes + //are preserved (so you cannot scale X and Y axis with different parameters). The + //parameter sets the size of the total display-volume. If you set this to the image + //height, the image plus a border with the size of the image will be rendered. + //Therefore, the size is imageHeightInMM / 2. + this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetParallelScale(imageHeightInMM*0.5 ); + //zooming with the factor calculated by dividing displayHeight through imegeHeight. The factor is inverse, because the VTK zoom method is working inversely. + this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->Zoom(zoomFactor); + + //the center of the view-plane + double viewPlaneCenter[3]; + viewPlaneCenter[0] = displayGeometryCenterInMM[0]; + viewPlaneCenter[1] = displayGeometryCenterInMM[1]; + viewPlaneCenter[2] = 0.0; //the view-plane is located in the XY-plane with Z=0.0 + + //define which direction is "up" for the ciamera (like default for vtk (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) + double cameraUp[3]; + cameraUp[0] = 0.0; + cameraUp[1] = 1.0; + cameraUp[2] = 0.0; + + //the position of the camera (center[0], center[1], 1000) + double cameraPosition[3]; + cameraPosition[0] = viewPlaneCenter[0]; + cameraPosition[1] = viewPlaneCenter[1]; + cameraPosition[2] = 900000.0; //Reason for 900000: VTK seems to calculate the clipping planes wrong for small values. See VTK bug (id #7823) in VTK bugtracker. + + //set the camera corresponding to the textured plane + vtkSmartPointer camera = this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetActiveCamera(); + if (camera) + { + camera->SetPosition( cameraPosition ); //set the camera position on the textured plane normal (in our case this is the view plane normal) + camera->SetFocalPoint( viewPlaneCenter ); //set the focal point to the center of the textured plane + camera->SetViewUp( cameraUp ); //set the view-up for the camera + camera->SetClippingRange(0.1, 1000000.0); //Reason for huge range: VTK seems to calculate the clipping planes wrong for small values. See VTK bug (id #7823) in VTK bugtracker. + } + + this->GetVtkRenderer()->RemoveAllLights(); + + //remove the VTK interaction + this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetRenderWindow()->SetInteractor(NULL); + + //TODO +// this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->ApplyTransform(trans); +} diff --git a/Core/Code/Rendering/mitkVtkPropRenderer.h b/Core/Code/Rendering/mitkVtkPropRenderer.h index 295a6b99a3..ed2ca0adf1 100644 --- a/Core/Code/Rendering/mitkVtkPropRenderer.h +++ b/Core/Code/Rendering/mitkVtkPropRenderer.h @@ -1,193 +1,195 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2007-09-22 12:01:41 +0200 (Sa, 22 Sep 2007) $ Version: $Revision: 12241 $ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKVtkPropRenderer_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C29F6D #define MITKVtkPropRenderer_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C29F6D #include "mitkCommon.h" #include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" #include "mitkDataStorage.h" #include "mitkRenderingManager.h" #include #include #include class vtkRenderWindow; class vtkLight; class vtkLightKit; class vtkWorldPointPicker; class vtkPointPicker; class vtkCellPicker; class vtkTextActor; class vtkTextProperty; class vtkAssemblyPath; namespace mitk { class Mapper; /*! \brief VtkPropRenderer VtkPropRenderer organizes the MITK rendering process. The MITK rendering process is completely integrated into the VTK rendering pipeline. The vtkMitkRenderProp is a custom vtkProp derived class, which implements the rendering interface between MITK and VTK. It redirects render() calls to the VtkPropRenderer, which is responsible for rendering of the datatreenodes. VtkPropRenderer replaces the old OpenGLRenderer. \sa rendering \ingroup rendering */ class MITK_CORE_EXPORT VtkPropRenderer : public BaseRenderer { // Workaround for Displaylistbug private: bool didCount; void checkState(); // Workaround END public: mitkClassMacro(VtkPropRenderer,BaseRenderer); mitkNewMacro3Param(VtkPropRenderer, const char*, vtkRenderWindow *, mitk::RenderingManager* ); typedef std::map MappersMapType; // Render - called by vtkMitkRenderProp, returns the number of props rendered #if ( ( VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 5 ) && ( VTK_MINOR_VERSION>=2) ) enum RenderType{Opaque,Translucent,Overlay,Volumetric}; #else enum RenderType{Opaque,Translucent,Overlay}; #endif int Render(RenderType type); // Active current renderwindow virtual void MakeCurrent(); virtual void SetDataStorage( mitk::DataStorage* storage ); ///< set the datastorage that will be used for rendering virtual void InitRenderer(vtkRenderWindow* renderwindow); virtual void Update(mitk::DataNode* datatreenode); virtual void SetMapperID(const MapperSlotId mapperId); // Size virtual void InitSize(int w, int h); virtual void Resize(int w, int h); // Picking enum PickingMode{ WorldPointPicking, PointPicking }; itkSetMacro( PickingMode, PickingMode ); itkGetMacro( PickingMode, PickingMode ); virtual void PickWorldPoint(const Point2D& displayPoint, Point3D& worldPoint) const; virtual mitk::DataNode *PickObject( const Point2D &displayPosition, Point3D &worldPosition ) const; // Simple text rendering method int WriteSimpleText(std::string text, double posX, double posY, double color1 = 0.0, double color2 = 1.0, double color3 = 0.0); vtkTextProperty * GetTextLabelProperty(int text_id); // Initialization / geometry handling /** This method calculates the bounds of the DataStorage (if it contains any * valid data), creates a geometry from these bounds and sets it as world * geometry of the renderer. * * Call this method to re-initialize the renderer to the current DataStorage * (e.g. after loading an additional dataset), to ensure that the view is * aligned correctly. */ virtual bool SetWorldGeometryToDataStorageBounds(); /** * \brief Used by vtkPointPicker/vtkPicker. * This will query a list of all objects in MITK and provide every vtk based mapper to the picker. */ void InitPathTraversal(); /** * \brief Used by vtkPointPicker/vtkPicker. * This will query a list of all objects in MITK and provide every vtk based mapper to the picker. */ vtkAssemblyPath* GetNextPath(); const vtkWorldPointPicker *GetWorldPointPicker() const; const vtkPointPicker *GetPointPicker() const; const vtkCellPicker *GetCellPicker() const; /** * \brief Release vtk-based graphics resources. Called by * vtkMitkRenderProp::ReleaseGraphicsResources. */ virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *renWin); #if ( ( VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 5 ) && ( VTK_MINOR_VERSION>=2) ) MappersMapType GetMappersMap() const; #endif static bool useImmediateModeRendering(); protected: VtkPropRenderer( const char* name = "VtkPropRenderer", vtkRenderWindow * renWin = NULL, mitk::RenderingManager* rm = NULL ); virtual ~VtkPropRenderer(); virtual void Update(); private: // switch between orthogonal opengl projection (2D rendering via mitk::GLMapper2D) and perspective projection (3D rendering) void Enable2DOpenGL(); void Disable2DOpenGL(); // prepare all mitk::mappers for rendering void PrepareMapperQueue(); + void AdjustCameraToScene(); + bool m_InitNeeded; bool m_ResizeNeeded; bool m_VtkMapperPresent; bool m_NewRenderer; // Picking vtkWorldPointPicker * m_WorldPointPicker; vtkPointPicker * m_PointPicker; vtkCellPicker * m_CellPicker; PickingMode m_PickingMode; // Explicit use of SmartPointer to avoid circular #includes itk::SmartPointer< mitk::Mapper > m_CurrentWorldGeometry2DMapper; vtkLightKit* m_LightKit; // sorted list of mappers MappersMapType m_MappersMap; // rendering of text vtkRenderer * m_TextRenderer; typedef std::map TextMapType; TextMapType m_TextCollection; DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer m_PickingObjects; DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator m_PickingObjectsIterator; }; } // namespace mitk #endif /* MITKVtkPropRenderer_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C29F6D */