diff --git a/Modules/Persistence/mitkPersistenceService.cpp b/Modules/Persistence/mitkPersistenceService.cpp index 073aeaa216..0b16b5b523 100644 --- a/Modules/Persistence/mitkPersistenceService.cpp +++ b/Modules/Persistence/mitkPersistenceService.cpp @@ -1,429 +1,429 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkPersistenceService.h" #include "mitkStandaloneDataStorage.h" #include "mitkUIDGenerator.h" #include "mitkNodePredicateProperty.h" #include "mitkProperties.h" #include "usModuleContext.h" #include "usGetModuleContext.h" #include std::string mitk::PersistenceService::GetPersistencePropertyName() { return "PersistenceNode"; } std::string mitk::PersistenceService::GetPersistencePropertyListName() { return "PersistenceService"; } mitk::PersistenceService::PersistenceService() : m_AutoLoadAndSave( true ), m_Initialized(false), m_InInitialized(false) { } void mitk::PersistenceService::Clear() { this->Initialize(); m_PropertyLists.clear(); m_FileNamesToModifiedTimes.clear(); } mitk::PersistenceService::~PersistenceService() { MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "destructing PersistenceService"; } std::string mitk::PersistenceService::GetDefaultPersistenceFile() { this->Initialize(); std::string file = "PersistentData.xml"; us::ModuleContext* context = us::GetModuleContext(); std::string contextDataFile = context->GetDataFile(file); if( !contextDataFile.empty() ) { file = contextDataFile; } return file; } mitk::PropertyList::Pointer mitk::PersistenceService::GetPropertyList( std::string& id, bool* existed ) { this->Initialize(); mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propList; if( id.empty() ) { UIDGenerator uidGen; id = uidGen.GetUID(); } std::map::iterator it = m_PropertyLists.find( id ); if( it == m_PropertyLists.end() ) { propList = PropertyList::New(); m_PropertyLists[id] = propList; if( existed ) *existed = false; } else { propList = (*it).second; if( existed ) *existed = true; } return propList; } void mitk::PersistenceService::ClonePropertyList( mitk::PropertyList* from, mitk::PropertyList* to ) const { to->Clear(); const std::map< std::string, BaseProperty::Pointer>* propMap = from->GetMap(); std::map< std::string, BaseProperty::Pointer>::const_iterator propMapIt = propMap->begin(); while( propMapIt != propMap->end() ) { mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer clonedProp = (*propMapIt).second->Clone(); to->SetProperty( (*propMapIt).first, clonedProp ); ++propMapIt; } } bool mitk::PersistenceService::Save(const std::string& fileName, bool appendChanges) { this->Initialize(); bool save = false; std::string theFile = fileName; if(theFile.empty()) theFile = PersistenceService::GetDefaultPersistenceFile(); - std::string thePath = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath( theFile ); - if( !itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(thePath.c_str()) ) + std::string thePath = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath( theFile.c_str() ); + if( !thePath.empty() && !itksys::SystemTools::FileExists( thePath.c_str() ) ) { if( !itksys::SystemTools::MakeDirectory( thePath.c_str() ) ) { MITK_ERROR("PersistenceService") << "Could not create " << thePath; return false; } } bool createFile = !itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(theFile.c_str()); if( !itksys::SystemTools::Touch(theFile.c_str(), createFile) ) { MITK_ERROR("PersistenceService") << "Could not create or write to " << theFile; return false; } bool xmlFile = false; if( itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(theFile.c_str()) == ".xml" ) xmlFile = true; mitk::DataStorage::Pointer tempDs; if( appendChanges ) { if(xmlFile == false) { if( itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(theFile.c_str()) ) { bool load = false; DataStorage::Pointer ds = m_SceneIO->LoadScene( theFile ); load = (m_SceneIO->GetFailedNodes() == 0 || m_SceneIO->GetFailedNodes()->size() == 0) && (m_SceneIO->GetFailedNodes() == 0 || m_SceneIO->GetFailedProperties()->IsEmpty()); if( !load ) return false; tempDs = ds; } } else { tempDs = mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::New(); if( xmlFile && appendChanges && itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(theFile.c_str()) ) { if( !m_PropertyListsXmlFileReaderAndWriter->ReadLists( theFile, m_PropertyLists ) ) return false; } } this->RestorePropertyListsFromPersistentDataNodes( tempDs ); } else if( xmlFile == false ) { tempDs = mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::New(); } if( xmlFile ) { save = m_PropertyListsXmlFileReaderAndWriter->WriteLists(theFile, m_PropertyLists); } else { DataStorage::SetOfObjects::Pointer sceneNodes = this->GetDataNodes(tempDs); if(m_SceneIO.IsNull()) { m_SceneIO = mitk::SceneIO::New(); } save = m_SceneIO->SaveScene( sceneNodes.GetPointer(), tempDs, theFile ); } if( save ) { long int currentModifiedTime = itksys::SystemTools::ModifiedTime( theFile.c_str() ); m_FileNamesToModifiedTimes[theFile] = currentModifiedTime; } return save; } bool mitk::PersistenceService::Load(const std::string& fileName, bool enforceReload) { this->Initialize(); bool load = false; std::string theFile = fileName; if(theFile.empty()) theFile = PersistenceService::GetDefaultPersistenceFile(); MITK_INFO << "Load persistence data from file: " << theFile; if( !itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(theFile.c_str()) ) return false; bool xmlFile = false; if( itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(theFile.c_str()) == ".xml" ) xmlFile = true; if( enforceReload == false ) { bool loadTheFile = true; std::map::iterator it = m_FileNamesToModifiedTimes.find( theFile ); long int currentModifiedTime = itksys::SystemTools::ModifiedTime( theFile.c_str() ); if( it != m_FileNamesToModifiedTimes.end() ) { long int knownModifiedTime = (*it).second; if( knownModifiedTime >= currentModifiedTime ) { loadTheFile = false; } } if( loadTheFile ) m_FileNamesToModifiedTimes[theFile] = currentModifiedTime; else return true; } if( xmlFile ) { load = m_PropertyListsXmlFileReaderAndWriter->ReadLists(theFile, m_PropertyLists); } else { if(m_SceneIO.IsNull()) { m_SceneIO = mitk::SceneIO::New(); } DataStorage::Pointer ds = m_SceneIO->LoadScene( theFile ); load = (m_SceneIO->GetFailedNodes() == 0 || m_SceneIO->GetFailedNodes()->size() == 0) && (m_SceneIO->GetFailedNodes() == 0 || m_SceneIO->GetFailedProperties()->IsEmpty()); if( load ) { this->RestorePropertyListsFromPersistentDataNodes( ds ); } } if( !load ) { MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "loading of scene files failed"; return load; } return load; } void mitk::PersistenceService::SetAutoLoadAndSave(bool autoLoadAndSave) { this->Initialize(); m_AutoLoadAndSave = autoLoadAndSave; //std::string id = PERSISTENCE_PROPERTYLIST_NAME; //see bug 17729 std::string id = GetPersistencePropertyListName(); mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propList = this->GetPropertyList( id ); propList->Set("m_AutoLoadAndSave", m_AutoLoadAndSave); this->Save(); } void mitk::PersistenceService::AddPropertyListReplacedObserver(PropertyListReplacedObserver* observer) { this->Initialize(); m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.insert( observer ); } void mitk::PersistenceService::RemovePropertyListReplacedObserver(PropertyListReplacedObserver* observer) { this->Initialize(); m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.erase( observer ); } void mitk::PersistenceService::LoadModule() { MITK_INFO << "Persistence Module loaded."; } us::ModuleContext* mitk::PersistenceService::GetModuleContext() { return us::GetModuleContext(); } std::string mitk::PersistenceService::GetPersistenceNodePropertyName() { this->Initialize(); //return PERSISTENCE_PROPERTY_NAME; //see bug 17729 return GetPersistencePropertyName(); } mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::Pointer mitk::PersistenceService::GetDataNodes(mitk::DataStorage* ds) { this->Initialize(); DataStorage::SetOfObjects::Pointer set = DataStorage::SetOfObjects::New(); std::map::const_iterator it = m_PropertyLists.begin(); while( it != m_PropertyLists.end() ) { mitk::DataNode::Pointer node = mitk::DataNode::New(); const std::string& name = (*it).first; this->ClonePropertyList( (*it).second, node->GetPropertyList() ); node->SetName( name ); MITK_DEBUG << "Persistence Property Name: " << GetPersistencePropertyName().c_str(); //node->SetBoolProperty( PERSISTENCE_PROPERTY_NAME.c_str() , true ); //see bug 17729 node->SetBoolProperty( GetPersistencePropertyName().c_str() , true ); ds->Add(node); set->push_back( node ); ++it; } return set; } bool mitk::PersistenceService::RestorePropertyListsFromPersistentDataNodes( const DataStorage* storage ) { this->Initialize(); bool oneFound = false; DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer allNodes = storage->GetAll(); for ( mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator sourceIter = allNodes->begin(); sourceIter != allNodes->end(); ++sourceIter ) { mitk::DataNode* node = *sourceIter; bool isPersistenceNode = false; //node->GetBoolProperty( PERSISTENCE_PROPERTY_NAME.c_str(), isPersistenceNode ); //see bug 17729 node->GetBoolProperty( GetPersistencePropertyName().c_str(), isPersistenceNode ); if( isPersistenceNode ) { oneFound = true; MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "isPersistenceNode was true"; std::string name = node->GetName(); bool existed = false; mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propList = this->GetPropertyList( name, &existed ); if( existed ) { MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "calling replace observer before replacing values"; std::set::iterator it = m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.begin(); while( it != m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.end() ) { (*it)->BeforePropertyListReplaced( name, propList ); ++it; } } // if( existed ) MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "replacing values"; this->ClonePropertyList( node->GetPropertyList(), propList ); if( existed ) { MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "calling replace observer before replacing values"; std::set::iterator it = m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.begin(); while( it != m_PropertyListReplacedObserver.end() ) { (*it)->AfterPropertyListReplaced( name, propList ); ++it; } } // if( existed ) } // if( isPersistenceNode ) } // for ( mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator sourceIter = allNodes->begin(); ... return oneFound; } bool mitk::PersistenceService::GetAutoLoadAndSave() { this->Initialize(); return m_AutoLoadAndSave; } bool mitk::PersistenceService::RemovePropertyList( std::string& id ) { this->Initialize(); std::map::iterator it = m_PropertyLists.find( id ); if( it != m_PropertyLists.end() ) { m_PropertyLists.erase(it); return true; } return false; } void mitk::PersistenceService::Initialize() { if( m_Initialized || m_InInitialized) return; m_InInitialized = true; m_PropertyListsXmlFileReaderAndWriter = PropertyListsXmlFileReaderAndWriter::New(); // Load Default File in any case this->Load(); //std::string id = mitk::PersistenceService::PERSISTENCE_PROPERTYLIST_NAME; //see bug 17729 std::string id = GetPersistencePropertyListName(); mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propList = this->GetPropertyList( id ); bool autoLoadAndSave = true; propList->GetBoolProperty("m_AutoLoadAndSave", autoLoadAndSave); if( autoLoadAndSave == false ) { MITK_DEBUG("mitk::PersistenceService") << "autoloading was not wished. clearing data we got so far."; this->SetAutoLoadAndSave(false); this->Clear(); } m_InInitialized = false; m_Initialized = true; } void mitk::PersistenceService::Unitialize() { if(this->GetAutoLoadAndSave()) this->Save(); } \ No newline at end of file