diff --git a/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSDevice.h b/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSDevice.h index 384dff6100..0e3ac90b83 100644 --- a/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSDevice.h +++ b/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSDevice.h @@ -1,499 +1,488 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKUSDevice_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ #define MITKUSDevice_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ // STL #include // MitkUS #include "mitkUSProbe.h" #include #include "mitkUSImageSource.h" // MitkIGTL #include "mitkIGTLMessageProvider.h" #include "mitkIGTLServer.h" #include "mitkIGTLDeviceSource.h" #include "mitkImageToIGTLMessageFilter.h" // MITK #include #include #include // ITK #include #include // Microservices #include #include #include // DEPRECATED #include "mitkUSImageMetadata.h" namespace itk { template class SmartPointer; } namespace mitk { class USAbstractControlInterface; class USControlInterfaceBMode; class USControlInterfaceProbes; class USControlInterfaceDoppler; /** * \brief A device holds information about it's model, make and the connected probes. It is the * common super class for all devices and acts as an image source for mitkUSImages. It is the base class * for all US Devices, and every new device should extend it. * * US Devices support output of calibrated images, i.e. images that include a specific geometry. * To achieve this, call SetCalibration, and make sure that the subclass also calls apply * transformation at some point (The USDevice does not automatically apply the transformation to the image) * * Note that USDevices will be removed from micro servive when their * destructor is called. Registering into micro service is done when * mitk::USDevice::Initialize() is called. * * \ingroup US */ class MITKUS_EXPORT USDevice : public mitk::ImageSource { public: enum DeviceStates { State_NoState, State_Initialized, State_Connected, State_Activated }; mitkClassMacro(USDevice, mitk::ImageSource); itkSetMacro(SpawnAcquireThread, bool); itkGetMacro(SpawnAcquireThread, bool); struct USImageCropArea { int cropLeft; int cropRight; int cropBottom; int cropTop; }; /** * \brief These constants are used in conjunction with Microservices. * The constants aren't defined as static member attributes to avoid the * "static initialization order fiasco", which would occur when objects of * this class are used in module activators (for restoring stored device, * for example). */ struct PropertyKeys { const std::string US_INTERFACE_NAME; // Common Interface name of all US Devices. Used to refer to this device via Microservices const std::string US_PROPKEY_MANUFACTURER; const std::string US_PROPKEY_NAME; const std::string US_PROPKEY_COMMENT; const std::string US_PROPKEY_LABEL; // Human readable text represntation of this device const std::string US_PROPKEY_ISCONNECTED; // Whether this device is connected or not. const std::string US_PROPKEY_ISACTIVE; // Whether this device is active or not. const std::string US_PROPKEY_CLASS; // Class Name of this Object const std::string US_PROPKEY_PROBES_SELECTED; const std::string US_PROPKEY_BMODE_FREQUENCY; const std::string US_PROPKEY_BMODE_POWER; const std::string US_PROPKEY_BMODE_DEPTH; const std::string US_PROPKEY_BMODE_GAIN; const std::string US_PROPKEY_BMODE_REJECTION; const std::string US_PROPKEY_BMODE_DYNAMIC_RANGE; PropertyKeys() : US_INTERFACE_NAME("org.mitk.services.UltrasoundDevice"), US_PROPKEY_MANUFACTURER(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".manufacturer"), US_PROPKEY_NAME(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".name"), US_PROPKEY_COMMENT(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".comment"), US_PROPKEY_LABEL(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".label"), US_PROPKEY_ISCONNECTED(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".isConnected"), US_PROPKEY_ISACTIVE(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".isActive"), US_PROPKEY_CLASS(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".class"), US_PROPKEY_PROBES_SELECTED(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".probes.selected"), US_PROPKEY_BMODE_FREQUENCY(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".bmode.frequency"), US_PROPKEY_BMODE_POWER(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".bmode.power"), US_PROPKEY_BMODE_DEPTH(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".bmode.depth"), US_PROPKEY_BMODE_GAIN(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".bmode.gain"), US_PROPKEY_BMODE_REJECTION(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".bmode.rejection"), US_PROPKEY_BMODE_DYNAMIC_RANGE(US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".bmode.dynamicRange") {} }; /** * \brief Event for being notified about changes of the micro service properties. * This event can be used if no micro service context is available. */ mitkNewMessage2Macro(PropertyChanged, const std::string&, const std::string&) /** * \return keys for the microservice properties of ultrasound devices */ static mitk::USDevice::PropertyKeys GetPropertyKeys(); /** * \brief Default getter for the custom control interface. * Has to be implemented in a subclass if a custom control interface is * available. Default implementation returns null. * * \return null pointer */ virtual itk::SmartPointer GetControlInterfaceCustom(); /** * \brief Default getter for the b mode control interface. * Has to be implemented in a subclass if a b mode control interface is * available. Default implementation returns null. * * \return null pointer */ virtual itk::SmartPointer GetControlInterfaceBMode(); /** * \brief Default getter for the probes control interface. * Has to be implemented in a subclass if a probes control interface is * available. Default implementation returns null. * * \return null pointer */ virtual itk::SmartPointer GetControlInterfaceProbes(); /** * \brief Default getter for the doppler control interface. * Has to be implemented in a subclass if a doppler control interface is * available. Default implementation returns null. * * \return null pointer */ virtual itk::SmartPointer GetControlInterfaceDoppler(); /** * \brief Changes device state to mitk::USDevice::State_Initialized. * During initialization the virtual method * mitk::USDevice::OnInitialization will be called. If this method * returns false the initialization process will be canceled. Otherwise * the mitk::USDevice is registered in a micro service. */ bool Initialize(); /** * \brief Connects this device. A connected device is ready to deliver images (i.e. be Activated). A Connected Device can be active. A disconnected Device cannot be active. * Internally calls onConnect and then registers the device with the service. A device usually should * override the OnConnection() method, but never the Connect() method, since this will possibly exclude the device * from normal service management. The exact flow of events is: * 0. Check if the device is already connected. If yes, return true anyway, but don't do anything. * 1. Call OnConnection() Here, a device should establish it's connection with the hardware Afterwards, it should be ready to start transmitting images at any time. * 2. If OnConnection() returns true ("successful"), then the device is registered with the service. * 3. if not, it the method itself returns false or may throw an expection, depeneding on the device implementation. * */ bool Connect(); void ConnectAsynchron(); /** * \brief Works analogously to mitk::USDevice::Connect(). Don't override this Method, but onDisconnection instead. */ bool Disconnect(); /** * \brief Activates this device. * After the activation process, the device will start to produce images. * This Method will fail, if the device is not connected. */ bool Activate(); /** * \brief Deactivates this device. * After the deactivation process, the device will no longer produce * images, but still be connected. */ void Deactivate(); /** * \brief Can toggle if ultrasound image is currently updated or freezed. * * \param freeze true to stop updating the ultrasound image, false to start updating again */ virtual void SetIsFreezed(bool freeze); /** * \return true if device is currently freezed (no image update is done), false otherwise */ virtual bool GetIsFreezed(); void PushFilter(AbstractOpenCVImageFilter::Pointer filter); void PushFilterIfNotPushedBefore(AbstractOpenCVImageFilter::Pointer filter); bool RemoveFilter(AbstractOpenCVImageFilter::Pointer filter); /** * @brief To be called when the used probe changed. Will update the service properties * @param probename of the now used probe */ void ProbeChanged(std::string probename); /** * @brief To be called when the scanning depth of the probe changed. Will update the service properties * @param depth that is now used */ void DepthChanged(double depth); /** * \brief Given property is updated in the device micro service. * This method is mainly for being used by the control interface * superclasses. You do not need to call it by yoursefs in your * concrete control interface classes. */ void UpdateServiceProperty(std::string key, std::string value); void UpdateServiceProperty(std::string key, double value); void UpdateServiceProperty(std::string key, bool value); //########### GETTER & SETTER ##################// /** * \brief Returns the Class of the Device. This Method must be reimplemented by every Inheriting Class. */ virtual std::string GetDeviceClass() = 0; /** * \brief True, if the device object is created and initialized, false otherwise. */ bool GetIsInitialized(); /** * \brief True, if the device is currently generating image data, false otherwise. */ bool GetIsActive(); /** * \brief True, if the device is currently ready to start transmitting image data or is already * transmitting image data. A disconnected device cannot be activated. */ bool GetIsConnected(); /* @return Returns the area that will be cropped from the US image. Is disabled / [0,0,0,0] by default. */ mitk::USDevice::USImageCropArea GetCropArea(); /* @return Returns the size of the m_ImageVector of the ultrasound device.*/ unsigned int GetSizeOfImageVector(); /** @return Returns the current image source of this device. */ virtual USImageSource::Pointer GetUSImageSource() = 0; /** \brief Deprecated -> use GetManufacturer() instead */ DEPRECATED(std::string GetDeviceManufacturer()); /** \brief Deprecated -> use GetName() instead */ DEPRECATED(std::string GetDeviceModel()); /** \brief Deprecated -> use GetCommend() instead */ DEPRECATED(std::string GetDeviceComment()); itkGetMacro(Manufacturer, std::string); itkGetMacro(Name, std::string); itkGetMacro(Comment, std::string); void SetManufacturer(std::string manufacturer); void SetName(std::string name); void SetComment(std::string comment); itkGetMacro(DeviceState, DeviceStates) itkGetMacro(ServiceProperties, us::ServiceProperties) void GrabImage(); virtual void SetSpacing(double xSpacing, double ySpacing); protected: // Threading-Related itk::ConditionVariable::Pointer m_FreezeBarrier; itk::SimpleMutexLock m_FreezeMutex; itk::MultiThreader::Pointer m_MultiThreader; ///< itk::MultiThreader used for thread handling itk::FastMutexLock::Pointer m_ImageMutex; ///< mutex for images provided by the image source int m_ThreadID; ///< ID of the started thread virtual void SetImageVector(std::vector vec) { if (this->m_ImageVector != vec) { this->m_ImageVector = vec; this->Modified(); } } static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE Acquire(void* pInfoStruct); static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE ConnectThread(void* pInfoStruct); std::vector m_ImageVector; // Variables to determine if spacing was calibrated and needs to be applied to the incoming images mitk::Vector3D m_Spacing; /** * \brief Registers an OpenIGTLink device as a microservice so that we can send the images of * this device via the network. */ void ProvideViaOIGTL(); /** * \brief Deregisters the microservices for OpenIGTLink. */ void DisableOIGTL(); mitk::IGTLServer::Pointer m_IGTLServer; mitk::IGTLMessageProvider::Pointer m_IGTLMessageProvider; mitk::ImageToIGTLMessageFilter::Pointer m_ImageToIGTLMsgFilter; bool m_IsFreezed; DeviceStates m_DeviceState; /* @brief defines the area that should be cropped from the US image */ USImageCropArea m_CropArea; /** * \brief This Method constructs the service properties which can later be used to * register the object with the Microservices * Return service properties */ us::ServiceProperties ConstructServiceProperties(); /** * \brief Remove this device from the micro service. */ void UnregisterOnService(); /** * \brief Is called during the initialization process. * Override this method in a subclass to handle the actual initialization. * If it returns false, the initialization process will be canceled. * * \return true if successful and false if unsuccessful * \throw mitk::Exception implementation may throw an exception to clarify what went wrong */ virtual bool OnInitialization() = 0; /** * \brief Is called during the connection process. * Override this method in a subclass to handle the actual connection. * If it returns false, the connection process will be canceled. * * \return true if successful and false if unsuccessful * \throw mitk::Exception implementation may throw an exception to clarify what went wrong */ virtual bool OnConnection() = 0; /** * \brief Is called during the disconnection process. * Override this method in a subclass to handle the actual disconnection. * If it returns false, the disconnection process will be canceled. * * \return true if successful and false if unsuccessful * \throw mitk::Exception implementation may throw an exception to clarify what went wrong */ virtual bool OnDisconnection() = 0; /** * \brief Is called during the activation process. * After this method is finished, the device should be generating images. * If it returns false, the activation process will be canceled. * * \return true if successful and false if unsuccessful * \throw mitk::Exception implementation may throw an exception to clarify what went wrong */ virtual bool OnActivation() = 0; /** * \brief Is called during the deactivation process. * After a call to this method the device should still be connected, * but not producing images anymore. * * \return true if successful and false if unsuccessful * \throw mitk::Exception implementation may throw an exception to clarify what went wrong */ virtual bool OnDeactivation() = 0; /** * \brief Called when mitk::USDevice::SetIsFreezed() is called. * Subclasses can overwrite this method to do additional actions. Default * implementation does noting. */ virtual void OnFreeze(bool) { } /** * \brief Enforces minimal Metadata to be set. */ USDevice(std::string manufacturer, std::string model); /** * \brief Constructs a device with the given Metadata. Make sure the Metadata contains meaningful content! * \deprecated Use USDevice(std::string manufacturer, std::string model) instead. */ USDevice(mitk::USImageMetadata::Pointer metadata); ~USDevice() override; /** * \brief Grabs the next frame from the Video input. * This method is called internally, whenever Update() is invoked by an Output. */ void GenerateData() override; std::string GetServicePropertyLabel(); unsigned int m_NumberOfOutputs; /** * \brief Properties of the device's Microservice. */ us::ServiceProperties m_ServiceProperties; /** * \brief The device's ServiceRegistration object that allows to modify it's Microservice registraton details. */ us::ServiceRegistration m_ServiceRegistration; private: std::string m_Manufacturer; std::string m_Name; std::string m_Comment; bool m_SpawnAcquireThread; - /** - * \brief The device's ServiceRegistration object that allows to modify it's Microservice registraton details. - */ - us::ServiceRegistration m_ServiceRegistration; - - /** - * \brief Properties of the device's Microservice. - */ - us::ServiceProperties m_ServiceProperties; - - bool m_UnregisteringStarted; }; } // namespace mitk // This is the microservice declaration. Do not meddle! MITK_DECLARE_SERVICE_INTERFACE(mitk::USDevice, "org.mitk.services.UltrasoundDevice") #endif // MITKUSDevice_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ diff --git a/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSVideoDevice.h b/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSVideoDevice.h index a1c7cc379d..df205dd6c0 100644 --- a/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSVideoDevice.h +++ b/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSVideoDevice.h @@ -1,258 +1,252 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKUSVideoDevice_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ #define MITKUSVideoDevice_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ #include #include #include "mitkUSDevice.h" #include "mitkUSImageVideoSource.h" #include "mitkUSProbe.h" #include namespace itk { template class SmartPointer; } namespace mitk { class USVideoDeviceCustomControls; class USAbstractControlInterface; /** * \brief A mitk::USVideoDevice is the common class for video only devices. * They capture video input either from a file or from a device and * transform the output into an mitk::USImage with attached metadata. * This simple implementation does only capture and display 2d images without * registration for example. * * \ingroup US */ class MITKUS_EXPORT USVideoDevice : public mitk::USDevice { public: mitkClassMacro(USVideoDevice, mitk::USDevice); // To open a device (DeviceID, Manufacturer, Model) mitkNewMacro3Param(Self, int, std::string, std::string); // To open A VideoFile (Path, Manufacturer, Model) mitkNewMacro3Param(Self, std::string, std::string, std::string); // To open a device (DeviceID, Metadata) mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, int, mitk::USImageMetadata::Pointer); // To open A VideoFile (Path, Metadata) mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, std::string, mitk::USImageMetadata::Pointer); /** * \return the qualified name of this class (as returned by GetDeviceClassStatic()) */ std::string GetDeviceClass() override; /** * This methode is necessary instead of a static member attribute to avoid * "static initialization order fiasco" when an instance of this class is * used in a module activator. * * \return the qualified name of this class */ static std::string GetDeviceClassStatic(); /** * Getter for the custom control interface which was created during the * construction process of mitk::USVideoDevice. * * \return custom control interface of the video device */ itk::SmartPointer GetControlInterfaceCustom() override; /** * \brief Remove this device from the micro service. * This method is public for mitk::USVideoDevice, because this devices * can be completly removed. This is not possible for API devices, which * should be available while their sub module is loaded. */ void UnregisterOnService(); /** * \return mitk::USImageSource connected to this device */ USImageSource::Pointer GetUSImageSource() override; /** * \brief Return all probes for this USVideoDevice or an empty vector it no probes were set * Returns a std::vector of all probes that exist for this USVideoDevice if there were probes set while creating or modifying this USVideoDevice. * Otherwise it returns an empty vector. Therefore always check if vector is filled, before using it! */ std::vector GetAllProbes(); /** * \brief Cleans the std::vector containing all configured probes. */ void DeleteAllProbes(); /** * \brief Return current active probe for this USVideoDevice * Returns a pointer to the probe that is currently in use. If there were probes set while creating or modifying this USVideoDevice. * Returns null otherwise */ mitk::USProbe::Pointer GetCurrentProbe(); /** \brief adds a new probe to the device */ void AddNewProbe(mitk::USProbe::Pointer probe); /** * \brief get the probe by its name * Returns a pointer to the probe identified by the given name. If no probe of given name exists for this Device 0 is returned. */ mitk::USProbe::Pointer GetProbeByName(std::string name); /** * \brief Removes the Probe with the given name */ void RemoveProbeByName(std::string name); /** \brief True, if this Device plays back a file, false if it recieves data from a device */ bool GetIsSourceFile(); /** * \brief Sets the first existing probe or the default probe of the video device * as the current probe of it. */ void SetDefaultProbeAsCurrentProbe(); /** * \brief Sets the probe with the given name as current probe if the named probe exists. */ void SetCurrentProbe( std::string probename ); /** * \brief Sets the given spacing of the current depth of the current probe. */ void SetSpacing( double xSpacing, double ySpacing ) override; itkGetMacro(ImageVector, std::vector); itkGetMacro(DeviceID, int); itkGetMacro(FilePath, std::string); protected: /** * \brief Creates a new device that will deliver USImages taken from a video device. * under windows, try -1 for device number, which will grab the first available one * (Open CV functionality) */ USVideoDevice(int videoDeviceNumber, std::string manufacturer, std::string model); /** * \brief Creates a new device that will deliver USImages taken from a video file. */ USVideoDevice(std::string videoFilePath, std::string manufacturer, std::string model); /** * \brief Creates a new device that will deliver USImages taken from a video device. * under windows, try -1 for device number, which will grab the first available one * (Open CV functionality) */ USVideoDevice(int videoDeviceNumber, mitk::USImageMetadata::Pointer metadata); /** * \brief Creates a new device that will deliver USImages taken from a video file. */ USVideoDevice(std::string videoFilePath, mitk::USImageMetadata::Pointer metadata); ~USVideoDevice() override; /** * \brief Initializes common properties for all constructors. */ void Init(); /** * \brief Is called during the initialization process. * Returns true if successful and false if unsuccessful. Additionally, you may throw an exception to clarify what went wrong. */ bool OnInitialization() override; /** * \brief Is called during the connection process. * Returns true if successful and false if unsuccessful. Additionally, you may throw an exception to clarify what went wrong. */ bool OnConnection() override; /** * \brief Is called during the disconnection process. * Returns true if successful and false if unsuccessful. Additionally, you may throw an exception to clarify what went wrong. */ bool OnDisconnection() override; /** * \brief Is called during the activation process. After this method is finsihed, the device should be generating images */ bool OnActivation() override; /** * \brief Is called during the deactivation process. After a call to this method the device should still be connected, but not producing images anymore. */ bool OnDeactivation() override; /** * \brief Grabs the next frame from the Video input. * This method is called internally, whenever Update() is invoked by an Output. */ virtual void GenerateData() override; - /** - * \brief Grabs the next frame from the Video input. - * This method is called internally, whenever Update() is invoked by an Output. - */ - virtual void GenerateData() override; - /** * \brief The image source that we use to aquire data */ mitk::USImageVideoSource::Pointer m_Source; /** * \brief True, if this source plays back a file, false if it recieves data from a device */ bool m_SourceIsFile; /** * \brief The device id to connect to. Undefined, if m_SourceIsFile == true; */ int m_DeviceID; /** * \brief The Filepath id to connect to. Undefined, if m_SourceIsFile == false; */ std::string m_FilePath; /** * \brief custom control interface for us video device */ itk::SmartPointer m_ControlInterfaceCustom; /** * \brief probes for this USVideoDevice */ std::vector < mitk::USProbe::Pointer > m_Probes; /** \brief probe that is currently in use */ mitk::USProbe::Pointer m_CurrentProbe; }; } // namespace mitk #endif // MITKUSVideoDevice_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ diff --git a/Modules/US/USNavigation/mitkUSCombinedModality.cpp b/Modules/US/USNavigation/mitkUSCombinedModality.cpp index 307a8e5d52..3e29544288 100644 --- a/Modules/US/USNavigation/mitkUSCombinedModality.cpp +++ b/Modules/US/USNavigation/mitkUSCombinedModality.cpp @@ -1,362 +1,75 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkUSCombinedModality.h" #include "mitkImageReadAccessor.h" #include #include #include "mitkTrackingDeviceSource.h" // US Control Interfaces #include "mitkUSControlInterfaceProbes.h" #include "mitkUSControlInterfaceBMode.h" #include "mitkUSControlInterfaceDoppler.h" mitk::USCombinedModality::USCombinedModality( USDevice::Pointer usDevice, NavigationDataSource::Pointer trackingDevice, bool trackedUltrasoundActive ) : AbstractUltrasoundTrackerDevice( usDevice, trackingDevice, trackedUltrasoundActive ) { } mitk::USCombinedModality::~USCombinedModality() { } -mitk::USImageSource::Pointer mitk::USCombinedModality::GetUSImageSource() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - return m_UltrasoundDevice->GetUSImageSource(); -} - -mitk::USAbstractControlInterface::Pointer mitk::USCombinedModality::GetControlInterfaceCustom() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - return m_UltrasoundDevice->GetControlInterfaceCustom(); -} - -mitk::USControlInterfaceBMode::Pointer mitk::USCombinedModality::GetControlInterfaceBMode() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - return m_UltrasoundDevice->GetControlInterfaceBMode(); -} - -mitk::USControlInterfaceProbes::Pointer mitk::USCombinedModality::GetControlInterfaceProbes() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - return m_UltrasoundDevice->GetControlInterfaceProbes(); -} - -mitk::USControlInterfaceDoppler::Pointer mitk::USCombinedModality::GetControlInterfaceDoppler() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - return m_UltrasoundDevice->GetControlInterfaceDoppler(); -} - -void mitk::USCombinedModality::UnregisterOnService() -{ - if (m_DeviceState == State_Activated) { this->Deactivate(); } - if (m_DeviceState == State_Connected) { this->Disconnect(); } - - mitk::USDevice::UnregisterOnService(); -} - -mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer mitk::USCombinedModality::GetCalibration() -{ - return this->GetCalibration(this->GetCurrentDepthValue(), this->GetIdentifierForCurrentProbe()); -} - -mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer mitk::USCombinedModality::GetCalibration(std::string depth) -{ - return this->GetCalibration(depth, this->GetIdentifierForCurrentProbe()); -} - -mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer mitk::USCombinedModality::GetCalibration(std::string depth, std::string probe) -{ - // make sure that there is no '/' which would cause problems for TinyXML - std::replace(probe.begin(), probe.end(), '/', '-'); - - // create identifier for calibration from probe and depth - std::string calibrationKey = probe + mitk::USCombinedModality::ProbeAndDepthSeperator + depth; - - // find calibration for combination of probe identifier and depth - std::map::iterator calibrationIterator - = m_Calibrations.find(calibrationKey); - - if (calibrationIterator == m_Calibrations.end()) { return nullptr; } - - return calibrationIterator->second; -} - -void mitk::USCombinedModality::SetCalibration(mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer calibration) -{ - if (calibration.IsNull()) - { - MITK_WARN << "Null pointer passed to SetCalibration of mitk::USDevice. Ignoring call."; - return; - } - - std::string calibrationKey = this->GetIdentifierForCurrentCalibration(); - if (calibrationKey.empty()) - { - MITK_WARN << "Could not get a key for the calibration -> Calibration cannot be set."; - return; - } - - m_Calibrations[calibrationKey] = calibration; -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::RemoveCalibration() -{ - return this->RemoveCalibration(this->GetCurrentDepthValue(), this->GetIdentifierForCurrentProbe()); -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::RemoveCalibration(std::string depth) -{ - return this->RemoveCalibration(depth, this->GetIdentifierForCurrentProbe()); -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::RemoveCalibration(std::string depth, std::string probe) -{ - // make sure that there is no '/' which would cause problems for TinyXML - std::replace(probe.begin(), probe.end(), '/', '-'); - - // create identifier for calibration from probe and depth - std::string calibrationKey = probe + mitk::USCombinedModality::ProbeAndDepthSeperator + depth; - - return m_Calibrations.erase(calibrationKey) > 0; -} - -void mitk::USCombinedModality::SetNumberOfSmoothingValues(unsigned int numberOfSmoothingValues) -{ - unsigned int oldNumber = m_NumberOfSmoothingValues; - m_NumberOfSmoothingValues = numberOfSmoothingValues; - - // if filter should be activated or deactivated - if ((oldNumber == 0 && numberOfSmoothingValues != 0) || - (oldNumber != 0 && numberOfSmoothingValues == 0)) - { - this->RebuildFilterPipeline(); - } - m_SmoothingFilter->SetNumerOfValues(numberOfSmoothingValues); -} - -void mitk::USCombinedModality::SetDelayCount(unsigned int delayCount) -{ - unsigned int oldCount = m_DelayCount; - m_DelayCount = delayCount; - - // if filter should be activated or deactivated - if ((oldCount == 0 && delayCount != 0) || - (oldCount != 0 && delayCount == 0)) - { - this->RebuildFilterPipeline(); - } - m_DelayFilter->SetDelay(delayCount); -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::OnInitialization() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - if (m_UltrasoundDevice->GetDeviceState() < mitk::USDevice::State_Initialized) - { - return m_UltrasoundDevice->Initialize(); - } - else - { - return true; - } -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::OnConnection() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - // connect ultrasound device only if it is not already connected - if (m_UltrasoundDevice->GetDeviceState() >= mitk::USDevice::State_Connected) - { - return true; - } - else - { - return m_UltrasoundDevice->Connect(); - } -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::OnDisconnection() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - return m_UltrasoundDevice->Disconnect(); -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::OnActivation() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - mitk::TrackingDeviceSource::Pointer trackingDeviceSource = dynamic_cast(m_TrackingDevice.GetPointer()); - if (trackingDeviceSource.IsNull()) - { - MITK_WARN("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "Cannot start tracking as TrackingDeviceSource is null."; - } - trackingDeviceSource->StartTracking(); - - // activate ultrasound device only if it is not already activated - if (m_UltrasoundDevice->GetDeviceState() >= mitk::USDevice::State_Activated) - { - return true; - } - else - { - return m_UltrasoundDevice->Activate(); - } -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::OnDeactivation() -{ - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - - mitk::TrackingDeviceSource::Pointer trackingDeviceSource = dynamic_cast(m_TrackingDevice.GetPointer()); - if (trackingDeviceSource.IsNull()) - { - MITK_WARN("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "Cannot stop tracking as TrackingDeviceSource is null."; - } - trackingDeviceSource->StopTracking(); - - m_UltrasoundDevice->Deactivate(); - - return m_UltrasoundDevice->GetIsConnected(); -} - -void mitk::USCombinedModality::OnFreeze(bool freeze) -{ - mitk::TrackingDeviceSource::Pointer trackingDeviceSource = dynamic_cast(m_TrackingDevice.GetPointer()); - if (trackingDeviceSource.IsNull()) - { - MITK_WARN("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "Cannot freeze tracking."; - } - else - { - if (freeze) { trackingDeviceSource->Freeze(); } - else { trackingDeviceSource->UnFreeze(); } - } - - if (m_UltrasoundDevice.IsNull()) - { - MITK_ERROR("USCombinedModality")("USDevice") << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - mitkThrow() << "UltrasoundDevice must not be null."; - } - m_UltrasoundDevice->SetIsFreezed(freeze); -} - -mitk::NavigationDataSource::Pointer mitk::USCombinedModality::GetNavigationDataSource() -{ - return m_LastFilter.GetPointer(); -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::GetIsCalibratedForCurrentStatus() -{ - return m_Calibrations.find(this->GetIdentifierForCurrentCalibration()) != m_Calibrations.end(); -} - -bool mitk::USCombinedModality::GetContainsAtLeastOneCalibration() -{ - return !m_Calibrations.empty(); -} - void mitk::USCombinedModality::GenerateData() { if (m_UltrasoundDevice->GetIsFreezed()) { return; } //if the image is freezed: do nothing //get next image from ultrasound image source //FOR LATER: Be aware if the for loop behaves correct, if the UltrasoundDevice has more than 1 output. int i = 0; mitk::Image::Pointer image = m_UltrasoundDevice->GetUSImageSource()->GetNextImage().at(i); if (image.IsNull() || !image->IsInitialized()) //check the image { MITK_WARN << "Invalid image in USCombinedModality, aborting!"; return; } //get output and initialize it if it wasn't initialized before mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); if (!output->IsInitialized()) { output->Initialize(image); } //now update image data mitk::ImageReadAccessor inputReadAccessor(image, image->GetSliceData(0, 0, 0)); output->SetSlice(inputReadAccessor.GetData()); //copy image data output->GetGeometry()->SetSpacing(image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()); //copy spacing because this might also change //and update calibration (= transformation of the image) std::string calibrationKey = this->GetIdentifierForCurrentCalibration(); if (!calibrationKey.empty()) { std::map::iterator calibrationIterator = m_Calibrations.find(calibrationKey); if (calibrationIterator != m_Calibrations.end()) { // transform image according to callibration if one is set // for current configuration of probe and depth this->GetOutput()->GetGeometry()->SetIndexToWorldTransform(calibrationIterator->second); } } } diff --git a/Modules/US/USNavigation/mitkUSCombinedModality.h b/Modules/US/USNavigation/mitkUSCombinedModality.h index d148f1d653..d9f5c3ae62 100644 --- a/Modules/US/USNavigation/mitkUSCombinedModality.h +++ b/Modules/US/USNavigation/mitkUSCombinedModality.h @@ -1,255 +1,71 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKUSCombinedModality_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ #define MITKUSCombinedModality_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ #include #include "mitkUSDevice.h" #include "mitkImageSource.h" #include "mitkAbstractUltrasoundTrackerDevice.h" #include "mitkNavigationDataSource.h" +// Microservices +#include +#include + namespace itk { template class SmartPointer; } namespace mitk { class USControlInterfaceBMode; class USControlInterfaceProbes; class USControlInterfaceDoppler; /** * \brief Combination of USDevice and NavigationDataSource. * This class can be used as an ImageSource subclass. Additionally tracking data be * retrieved from the NavigationDataSource returned by GetTrackingDevice(). * * A calibration of the ultrasound image stream to the navigation datas can be set * for the currently active zoom level (of the ultrasound device) by SetCalibration(). * The ultrasound images are transformed according to this calibration in the * GenerateData() method. */ class MITKUSNAVIGATION_EXPORT USCombinedModality : public mitk::AbstractUltrasoundTrackerDevice { public: mitkClassMacro(USCombinedModality, mitk::AbstractUltrasoundTrackerDevice); mitkNewMacro3Param(USCombinedModality, USDevice::Pointer, itk::SmartPointer, bool); - itkGetMacro(UltrasoundDevice, itk::SmartPointer); - itkSetMacro(UltrasoundDevice, itk::SmartPointer); - itkGetMacro(TrackingDevice, itk::SmartPointer); - itkSetMacro(TrackingDevice, itk::SmartPointer); - - /** - * \brief Getter for calibration data of the currently active depth and probe. - * - * \return Transformation for calibration or null if no calibration is available. - */ - AffineTransform3D::Pointer GetCalibration(); - - /** - * \brief Getter for calibration data of the given depth and the currently active probe. - * - * \param depth depth of the b mode ultrasound image for which the calibration should be returned - * \return Transformation for calibration or null if no calibration is available. - */ - AffineTransform3D::Pointer GetCalibration(std::string depth); - - /** - * \brief Getter for calibration data of the given depth and probe. - * - * \param depth depth of the b mode ultrasound image for which the calibration should be returned - * \param probe probe of the ultrasound device for which the calibration should be returned - * \return Transformation for calibration or null if no calibration is available. - */ - AffineTransform3D::Pointer GetCalibration(std::string depth, std::string probe); - - /** - * \brief Sets a transformation as calibration data. - * Calibration data is set for the currently activated probe and their current - * zoom factor. It also marks the device as calibrated. - */ - void SetCalibration(AffineTransform3D::Pointer calibration); - - /** - * \brief Removes the calibration data of the currently active depth and probe. - * \return true on success, false if there was no calibration - */ - bool RemoveCalibration(); - - /** - * \brief Removes the calibration data of the given depth and the currently active probe. - * - * \param depth depth of the b mode ultrasound image for which the calibration should be removed - * \return true on success, false if there was no calibration - */ - bool RemoveCalibration(std::string depth); - - /** - * \brief Removes the calibration data of the given depth and probe. - * - * \param depth depth of the b mode ultrasound image for which the calibration should be removed - * \param probe probe of the ultrasound device for which the calibration should be removed - * \return true on success, false if there was no calibration - */ - bool RemoveCalibration(std::string depth, std::string probe); - - /** - * \brief Returns the Class of the Device. - */ - std::string GetDeviceClass() override; - - /** - * \brief Wrapper for returning USImageSource of the UltrasoundDevice. - */ - USImageSource::Pointer GetUSImageSource() override; - - /** - * \brief Wrapper for returning custom control interface of the UltrasoundDevice. - */ - itk::SmartPointer GetControlInterfaceCustom() override; - - /** - * \brief Wrapper for returning B mode control interface of the UltrasoundDevice. - */ - itk::SmartPointer GetControlInterfaceBMode() override; - - /** - * \brief Wrapper for returning probes control interface of the UltrasoundDevice. - */ - itk::SmartPointer GetControlInterfaceProbes() override; - - /** - * \brief Wrapper for returning doppler control interface of the UltrasoundDevice. - */ - itk::SmartPointer GetControlInterfaceDoppler() override; - - virtual itk::SmartPointer GetNavigationDataSource(); - - /** - * \return true if the device is calibrated for the currently selected probe with the current zoom level - */ - bool GetIsCalibratedForCurrentStatus(); - - /** - * \return true if a calibration was loaded for at least one probe and depth - */ - bool GetContainsAtLeastOneCalibration(); - - /** - * \brief Remove this device from the micro service. - * This method is public for mitk::USCombinedModality, because this devices - * can be completly removed. This is not possible for API devices, which - * should be available while their sub module is loaded. - */ - void UnregisterOnService(); - - /** - * \brief Serializes all contained calibrations into an xml fragment. - * - * The returned string contains one parent node named "calibrations" and several - * subnodes, one for each calibration that is present. - */ - std::string SerializeCalibration(); - - /** - * \brief Deserializes a string provided by a prior call to Serialize(). - * If the bool flag is true, all prior calibrations will be deleted. - * If the flag is set to false, prior calibrations will be retained, but overwritten - * if one of equal name is present. - * - * \throws mitk::Exception if the given string could not be parsed correctly. - */ - void DeserializeCalibration(const std::string &xmlString, bool clearPreviousCalibrations = true); - - void SetNumberOfSmoothingValues(unsigned int numberOfSmoothingValues); - - void SetDelayCount(unsigned int delayCount); - - void RegisterAsMicroservice(); - - /** - *\brief These Constants are used in conjunction with Microservices - */ - static const std::string US_INTERFACE_NAME; - static const std::string US_PROPKEY_DEVICENAME; - static const std::string US_PROPKEY_CLASS; - static const std::string US_PROPKEY_ID; protected: USCombinedModality( USDevice::Pointer usDevice, itk::SmartPointer trackingDevice, bool trackedUltrasoundActive = false ); - ~USCombinedModality() override; - - /** - * \brief Initializes UltrasoundDevice. - */ - bool OnInitialization() override; - - /** - * \brief Connects UltrasoundDevice. - */ - bool OnConnection() override; - - /** - * \brief Disconnects UltrasoundDevice. - */ - bool OnDisconnection() override; - - /** - * \brief Activates UltrasoundDevice. - */ - bool OnActivation() override; - - /** - * \brief Deactivates UltrasoundDevice. - */ - bool OnDeactivation() override; - - /** - * \brief Freezes or unfreezes UltrasoundDevice. - */ - void OnFreeze(bool) override; + virtual ~USCombinedModality(); /** * \brief Grabs the next frame from the input. * This method is called internally, whenever Update() is invoked by an Output. */ void GenerateData() override; - std::string GetIdentifierForCurrentCalibration(); - std::string GetIdentifierForCurrentProbe(); - std::string GetCurrentDepthValue(); - - void RebuildFilterPipeline(); - - USDevice::Pointer m_UltrasoundDevice; - itk::SmartPointer m_TrackingDevice; - std::map m_Calibrations; - - itk::SmartPointer m_SmoothingFilter; - itk::SmartPointer m_DelayFilter; - itk::SmartPointer m_LastFilter; - - unsigned int m_NumberOfSmoothingValues; - unsigned int m_DelayCount; - }; } // namespace mitk -//MITK_DECLARE_SERVICE_INTERFACE(mitk::USCombinedModality, "org.mitk.services.USCombinedModality") #endif // MITKUSCombinedModality_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ diff --git a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igt.app.echotrack/src/internal/QmitkUltrasoundCalibration.cpp b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igt.app.echotrack/src/internal/QmitkUltrasoundCalibration.cpp index 60b1c22bd5..1ef3a3241d 100644 --- a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igt.app.echotrack/src/internal/QmitkUltrasoundCalibration.cpp +++ b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igt.app.echotrack/src/internal/QmitkUltrasoundCalibration.cpp @@ -1,1158 +1,1156 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ // Blueberry #include #include // Qmitk #include "QmitkUltrasoundCalibration.h" #include // Qt #include #include #include #include // MITK #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mitkIRenderingManager.h" // us #include //VTK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "internal/org_mbi_gui_qt_usnavigation_Activator.h" //sleep headers #include #include const std::string QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::VIEW_ID = "org.mitk.views.ultrasoundcalibration"; QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::QmitkUltrasoundCalibration() : m_USDeviceChanged(this, &QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnUSDepthChanged) { ctkPluginContext* pluginContext = mitk::PluginActivator::GetContext(); if (pluginContext) { // to be notified about service event of an USDevice pluginContext->connectServiceListener(this, "OnDeviceServiceEvent", QString::fromStdString("(" + us::ServiceConstants::OBJECTCLASS() + "=" + us_service_interface_iid() + ")")); } } QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::~QmitkUltrasoundCalibration() { m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget->blockSignals(true); mitk::AbstractUltrasoundTrackerDevice::Pointer combinedModality; combinedModality = m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget->GetSelectedCombinedModality(); if (combinedModality.IsNotNull()) { combinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->RemovePropertyChangedListener(m_USDeviceChanged); } m_Timer->stop(); // Sleep(500); //This might be problematic... seems like sometimes some ressources are still in use at calling time. this->OnStopCalibrationProcess(); this->OnStopPlusCalibration(); /*mitk::DataNode::Pointer node = this->GetDataStorage()->GetNamedNode("Tool Calibration Points"); if (node.IsNotNull())this->GetDataStorage()->Remove(node); node = this->GetDataStorage()->GetNamedNode("Image Calibration Points"); if (node.IsNotNull())this->GetDataStorage()->Remove(node); node = this->GetDataStorage()->GetNamedNode("US Image Stream"); if (node.IsNotNull())this->GetDataStorage()->Remove(node);*/ mitk::DataNode::Pointer node = this->GetDataStorage()->GetNamedNode("Needle Path"); if (node.IsNotNull())this->GetDataStorage()->Remove(node); this->GetDataStorage()->Remove(m_VerificationReferencePointsDataNode); delete m_Timer; } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::SetFocus() { m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setFocus(); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::CreateQtPartControl(QWidget *parent) { // create GUI widgets from the Qt Designer's .ui file m_Controls.setupUi(parent); m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget->SetCalibrationLoadedNecessary(false); m_Timer = new QTimer(this); m_StreamingTimer = new QTimer(this); m_Controls.m_SpacingBtnFreeze->setEnabled(true); m_Controls.m_SpacingAddPoint->setEnabled(false); m_Controls.m_CalculateSpacing->setEnabled(false); m_SpacingPointsCount = 0; m_SpacingPoints = mitk::PointSet::New(); m_SpacingNode = mitk::DataNode::New(); m_SpacingNode->SetName("Spacing Points"); m_SpacingNode->SetData(this->m_SpacingPoints); this->GetDataStorage()->Add(m_SpacingNode); // Pointset for Calibration Points m_CalibPointsTool = mitk::PointSet::New(); // Pointset for Worldpoints m_CalibPointsImage = mitk::PointSet::New(); m_CalibPointsCount = 0; // Evaluation Pointsets (Non-Visualized) m_EvalPointsImage = mitk::PointSet::New(); m_EvalPointsTool = mitk::PointSet::New(); m_EvalPointsProjected = mitk::PointSet::New(); // Neelde Projection Filter m_NeedleProjectionFilter = mitk::NeedleProjectionFilter::New(); // Tracking Status Widgets m_Controls.m_CalibTrackingStatus->ShowStatusLabels(); m_Controls.m_EvalTrackingStatus->ShowStatusLabels(); // General & Device Selection connect(m_Timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(Update())); //connect(m_Controls.m_ToolBox, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnTabSwitch(int))); // Calibration connect(m_Controls.m_CalibBtnFreeze, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SwitchFreeze())); // Freeze connect(m_Controls.m_CalibBtnAddPoint, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAddCalibPoint())); // Tracking & Image Points (Calibration) connect(m_Controls.m_CalibBtnCalibrate, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnCalibration())); // Perform Calibration // Evaluation connect(m_Controls.m_EvalBtnStep1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAddEvalProjectedPoint())); // Needle Projection connect(m_Controls.m_EvalBtnStep2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SwitchFreeze())); // Freeze connect(m_Controls.m_EvalBtnStep3, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAddEvalTargetPoint())); // Tracking & Image Points (Evaluation) connect(m_Controls.m_EvalBtnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnSaveEvaluation())); // Save Evaluation Results connect(m_Controls.m_CalibBtnSaveCalibration, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnSaveCalibration())); // Save Evaluation Results connect(m_Controls.m_BtnReset, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnReset())); // Reset Pointsets // PLUS Calibration connect(m_Controls.m_GetCalibrationFromPLUS, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnGetPlusCalibration())); connect(m_Controls.m_StartStreaming, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnStartStreaming())); connect(m_StreamingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(OnStreamingTimerTimeout())); connect(m_Controls.m_StopPlusCalibration, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnStopPlusCalibration())); connect(m_Controls.m_SavePlusCalibration, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnSaveCalibration())); connect(this, SIGNAL(NewConnectionSignal()), this, SLOT(OnNewConnection())); //Determine Spacing for Calibration of USVideoDevice connect(m_Controls.m_SpacingBtnFreeze, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnFreezeClicked())); connect(m_Controls.m_SpacingAddPoint, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAddSpacingPoint())); connect(m_Controls.m_CalculateSpacing, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnCalculateSpacing())); //connect( m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget, SIGNAL(SignalCombinedModalitySelected(mitk::USCombinedModality::Pointer)), // this, SLOT(OnSelectDevice(mitk::USCombinedModality::Pointer)) ); connect(m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget, SIGNAL(SignalReadyForNextStep()), this, SLOT(OnDeviceSelected())); connect(m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget, SIGNAL(SignalNoLongerReadyForNextStep()), this, SLOT(OnDeviceDeselected())); connect(m_Controls.m_StartCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnStartCalibrationProcess())); connect(m_Controls.m_StartPlusCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnStartPlusCalibration())); connect(m_Controls.m_CalibBtnRestartCalibration, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnReset())); connect(m_Controls.m_CalibBtnStopCalibration, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnStopCalibrationProcess())); connect(m_Controls.m_AddReferencePoints, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAddCurrentTipPositionToReferencePoints())); connect(m_Controls.m_AddCurrentPointerTipForVerification, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAddCurrentTipPositionForVerification())); connect(m_Controls.m_StartVerification, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnStartVerification())); //initialize data storage combo box m_Controls.m_ReferencePointsComboBox->SetDataStorage(this->GetDataStorage()); m_Controls.m_ReferencePointsComboBox->SetAutoSelectNewItems(true); m_Controls.m_ReferencePointsComboBox->SetPredicate(mitk::NodePredicateDataType::New("PointSet")); //initialize point list widget if (m_VerificationReferencePoints.IsNull()) { m_VerificationReferencePoints = mitk::PointSet::New(); } if (m_VerificationReferencePointsDataNode.IsNull()) { m_VerificationReferencePointsDataNode = mitk::DataNode::New(); m_VerificationReferencePointsDataNode->SetName("US Verification Reference Points"); m_VerificationReferencePointsDataNode->SetData(m_VerificationReferencePoints); this->GetDataStorage()->Add(m_VerificationReferencePointsDataNode); } m_Controls.m_ReferencePointsPointListWidget->SetPointSetNode(m_VerificationReferencePointsDataNode); m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setCurrentIndex(0); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnSelectionChanged(berry::IWorkbenchPart::Pointer /*source*/, const QList& /*nodes*/) { } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnTabSwitch(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: if (m_Controls.m_ToolBox->isItemEnabled(1) || m_Controls.m_ToolBox->isItemEnabled(2)) { this->OnStopCalibrationProcess(); } break; default: ; } } //void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnSelectDevice(mitk::USCombinedModality::Pointer combinedModality) void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnDeviceSelected() { mitk::AbstractUltrasoundTrackerDevice::Pointer combinedModality; combinedModality = m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget->GetSelectedCombinedModality(); if (combinedModality.IsNotNull()) { //m_Tracker = m_CombinedModality->GetNavigationDataSource(); // Construct Pipeline //this->m_NeedleProjectionFilter->SetInput(0, m_Tracker->GetOutput(0)); combinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->AddPropertyChangedListener(m_USDeviceChanged); m_Controls.m_StartCalibrationButton->setEnabled(true); m_Controls.m_StartPlusCalibrationButton->setEnabled(true); m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setItemEnabled(1, true); m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setItemEnabled(2, true); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnDeviceDeselected() { mitk::AbstractUltrasoundTrackerDevice::Pointer combinedModality; combinedModality = m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget->GetSelectedCombinedModality(); if (combinedModality.IsNotNull()) { combinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->RemovePropertyChangedListener(m_USDeviceChanged); } m_Controls.m_StartCalibrationButton->setEnabled(false); m_Controls.m_StartPlusCalibrationButton->setEnabled(false); m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setCurrentIndex(0); m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setItemEnabled(1, false); m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setItemEnabled(2, false); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnAddCurrentTipPositionToReferencePoints() { if (m_Controls.m_VerificationPointerChoser->GetSelectedNavigationDataSource().IsNull() || (m_Controls.m_VerificationPointerChoser->GetSelectedToolID() == -1)) { MITK_WARN << "No tool selected, aborting"; return; } mitk::NavigationData::Pointer currentPointerData = m_Controls.m_VerificationPointerChoser->GetSelectedNavigationDataSource()->GetOutput(m_Controls.m_VerificationPointerChoser->GetSelectedToolID()); mitk::Point3D currentTipPosition = currentPointerData->GetPosition(); m_VerificationReferencePoints->InsertPoint(m_VerificationReferencePoints->GetSize(), currentTipPosition); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnStartVerification() { m_currentPoint = 0; mitk::PointSet::Pointer selectedPointSet = dynamic_cast(m_Controls.m_ReferencePointsComboBox->GetSelectedNode()->GetData()); m_Controls.m_CurrentPointLabel->setText("Point " + QString::number(m_currentPoint) + " of " + QString::number(selectedPointSet->GetSize())); m_allErrors = std::vector(); m_allReferencePoints = std::vector(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPointSet->GetSize(); i++) { m_allReferencePoints.push_back(selectedPointSet->GetPoint(i)); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnAddCurrentTipPositionForVerification() { if (m_currentPoint == -1) { MITK_WARN << "Cannot add point"; return; } if (m_Controls.m_VerificationPointerChoser->GetSelectedNavigationDataSource().IsNull() || (m_Controls.m_VerificationPointerChoser->GetSelectedToolID() == -1)) { MITK_WARN << "No tool selected, aborting"; return; } mitk::NavigationData::Pointer currentPointerData = m_Controls.m_VerificationPointerChoser->GetSelectedNavigationDataSource()->GetOutput(m_Controls.m_VerificationPointerChoser->GetSelectedToolID()); mitk::Point3D currentTipPosition = currentPointerData->GetPosition(); double currentError = m_allReferencePoints.at(m_currentPoint).EuclideanDistanceTo(currentTipPosition); MITK_INFO << "Current Error: " << currentError << " mm"; m_allErrors.push_back(currentError); if (++m_currentPoint < static_cast(m_allReferencePoints.size())) { m_Controls.m_CurrentPointLabel->setText("Point " + QString::number(m_currentPoint) + " of " + QString::number(m_allReferencePoints.size())); } else { m_currentPoint = -1; double meanError = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_allErrors.size(); ++i) { meanError += m_allErrors[i]; } meanError /= m_allErrors.size(); QString result = "Finished verification! \n Verification of " + QString::number(m_allErrors.size()) + " points, mean error: " + QString::number(meanError) + " mm"; m_Controls.m_ResultsTextEdit->setText(result); MITK_INFO << result.toStdString(); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnStartCalibrationProcess() { // US Image Stream m_Node = mitk::DataNode::New(); m_Node->SetName("US Calibration Viewing Stream"); //create a dummy image (gray values 0..255) for correct initialization of level window, etc. mitk::Image::Pointer dummyImage = mitk::ImageGenerator::GenerateRandomImage(100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 0); m_Node->SetData(dummyImage); this->GetDataStorage()->Add(m_Node); // data node for calibration point set m_CalibNode = mitk::DataNode::New(); m_CalibNode->SetName("Tool Calibration Points"); m_CalibNode->SetData(this->m_CalibPointsImage); this->GetDataStorage()->Add(m_CalibNode); // data node for world point set m_WorldNode = mitk::DataNode::New(); m_WorldNode->SetName("Image Calibration Points"); m_WorldNode->SetData(this->m_CalibPointsTool); this->GetDataStorage()->Add(m_WorldNode); m_CombinedModality = m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget->GetSelectedCombinedModality(); if (m_CombinedModality.IsNull()) { return; } m_Tracker = m_CombinedModality->GetNavigationDataSource(); //QString curDepth = service.getProperty(QString::fromStdString(mitk::USDevice::US_PROPKEY_BMODE_DEPTH)).toString(); // Construct Pipeline this->m_NeedleProjectionFilter->SetInput(0, m_Tracker->GetOutput(0)); QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); // make sure that the combined modality is in connected state before using it if (m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->GetDeviceState() < mitk::USDevice::State_Connected) { m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->Connect(); } if (m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->GetDeviceState() < mitk::USDevice::State_Activated) { m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->Activate(); } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); this->SwitchFreeze(); // Todo: Maybe display this elsewhere this->ShowNeedlePath(); // Switch active tab to Calibration page m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setItemEnabled(1, true); m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setCurrentIndex(1); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnStartPlusCalibration() { if (m_CombinedModality.IsNull()){ m_CombinedModality = m_Controls.m_CombinedModalityManagerWidget->GetSelectedCombinedModality(); if (m_CombinedModality.IsNull()) { return; } //something went wrong, there is no combined modality } //setup server to send UltrasoundImages to PLUS mitk::IGTLServer::Pointer m_USServer = mitk::IGTLServer::New(true); m_USServer->SetName("EchoTrack Image Source"); m_USServer->SetHostname(""); m_USServer->SetPortNumber(18944); m_USMessageProvider = mitk::IGTLMessageProvider::New(); m_USMessageProvider->SetIGTLDevice(m_USServer); m_USMessageProvider->SetFPS(5); m_USImageToIGTLMessageFilter = mitk::ImageToIGTLMessageFilter::New(); m_USImageToIGTLMessageFilter->ConnectTo(m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()); m_USImageToIGTLMessageFilter->SetName("USImage Filter"); //setup server to send TrackingData to PLUS m_TrackingServer = mitk::IGTLServer::New(true); m_TrackingServer->SetName("EchoTrack Tracking Source"); m_TrackingServer->SetHostname(""); m_TrackingServer->SetPortNumber(18945); m_TrackingMessageProvider = mitk::IGTLMessageProvider::New(); m_TrackingMessageProvider->SetIGTLDevice(m_TrackingServer); m_TrackingMessageProvider->SetFPS(5); m_TrackingToIGTLMessageFilter = mitk::NavigationDataToIGTLMessageFilter::New(); m_TrackingToIGTLMessageFilter->ConnectTo(m_CombinedModality->GetTrackingDeviceDataSource()); m_TrackingToIGTLMessageFilter->SetName("Tracker Filter"); typedef itk::SimpleMemberCommand< QmitkUltrasoundCalibration > CurCommandType; CurCommandType::Pointer newConnectionCommand = CurCommandType::New(); newConnectionCommand->SetCallbackFunction( this, &QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnPlusConnected); this->m_NewConnectionObserverTag = this->m_TrackingServer->AddObserver( mitk::NewClientConnectionEvent(), newConnectionCommand); //Open connections of both servers if (m_USServer->OpenConnection()) { MITK_INFO << "US Server opened its connection successfully"; m_USServer->StartCommunication(); } else { MITK_INFO << "US Server could not open its connection"; } if (m_TrackingServer->OpenConnection()) { MITK_INFO << "Tracking Server opened its connection successfully"; m_TrackingServer->StartCommunication(); } else { MITK_INFO << "Tracking Server could not open its connection"; } if (m_USMessageProvider->IsCommunicating() && m_TrackingMessageProvider->IsCommunicating()) { m_Controls.m_StartPlusCalibrationButton->setEnabled(false); m_Controls.m_GetCalibrationFromPLUS->setEnabled(true); m_Controls.m_StartStreaming->setEnabled(false); m_Controls.m_SavePlusCalibration->setEnabled(false); m_Controls.m_SetupStatus->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : green; }"); m_Controls.m_SetupStatus->setText("Setup successfull you can now connect PLUS"); } else { m_Controls.m_SetupStatus->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : red; }"); m_Controls.m_SetupStatus->setText("Something went wrong. Please try again"); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnStopPlusCalibration() { //closing all server and clients when PlusCalibration is finished if (m_USMessageProvider.IsNotNull()) { if (m_USMessageProvider->IsStreaming()) { m_USMessageProvider->StopStreamingOfSource(m_USImageToIGTLMessageFilter); } } if (m_TrackingMessageProvider.IsNotNull()) { if (m_TrackingMessageProvider->IsStreaming()) { m_TrackingMessageProvider->StopStreamingOfSource(m_TrackingToIGTLMessageFilter); } } if (m_USServer.IsNotNull()) { m_USServer->CloseConnection(); } if (m_TrackingServer.IsNotNull()) { m_TrackingServer->CloseConnection(); } if (m_TransformClient.IsNotNull()) { m_TransformClient->CloseConnection(); } m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setText(""); m_Controls.m_ConnectionStatus->setText(""); m_Controls.m_SetupStatus->setText(""); m_Controls.m_StartPlusCalibrationButton->setEnabled(true); m_StreamingTimer->stop(); delete m_StreamingTimer; } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnPlusConnected() { emit NewConnectionSignal(); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnNewConnection() { m_Controls.m_StartStreaming->setEnabled(true); m_Controls.m_ConnectionStatus->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : green; }"); m_Controls.m_ConnectionStatus->setText("Connection successfull you can now start streaming"); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnStreamingTimerTimeout() { m_USMessageProvider->Update(); m_TrackingMessageProvider->Update(); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnStartStreaming() { m_USMessageProvider->StartStreamingOfSource(m_USImageToIGTLMessageFilter, 5); m_TrackingMessageProvider->StartStreamingOfSource(m_TrackingToIGTLMessageFilter, 5); m_Controls.m_StartStreaming->setEnabled(false); m_Controls.m_ConnectionStatus->setText(""); m_StreamingTimer->start((1.0 / 5.0 * 1000.0)); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnGetPlusCalibration() { m_TransformClient = mitk::IGTLClient::New(true); m_TransformClient->SetHostname(""); m_TransformClient->SetPortNumber(18946); m_TransformDeviceSource = mitk::IGTLDeviceSource::New(); m_TransformDeviceSource->SetIGTLDevice(m_TransformClient); m_TransformDeviceSource->Connect(); if (m_TransformDeviceSource->IsConnected()) { MITK_INFO << "successfully connected"; m_TransformDeviceSource->StartCommunication(); if (m_TransformDeviceSource->IsCommunicating()) { MITK_INFO << "communication started"; mitk::IGTLMessage::Pointer receivedMessage; bool condition = false; igtl::Matrix4x4 transformPLUS; while (!(receivedMessage.IsNotNull() && receivedMessage->IsDataValid())) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50)); m_TransformDeviceSource->Update(); receivedMessage = m_TransformDeviceSource->GetOutput(); igtl::TransformMessage::Pointer msg = dynamic_cast(m_TransformDeviceSource->GetOutput()->GetMessage().GetPointer()); if (msg == nullptr || msg.IsNull()) { MITK_INFO << "Received message could not be casted to TransformMessage. Skipping.."; continue; } else { if (std::strcmp(msg->GetDeviceName(), "ImageToTracker") != 0) { MITK_INFO << "Was not Image to Tracker Transform. Skipping..."; continue; } else { msg->GetMatrix(transformPLUS); condition = true; break; } } } if (condition) { this->ProcessPlusCalibration(transformPLUS); } else { m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : red; }"); m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setText("Something went wrong. Please try again"); } } else { MITK_INFO << " no connection"; m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : red; }"); m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setText("Something went wrong. Please try again"); } } else { m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : red; }"); m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setText("Something went wrong. Please try again"); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::ProcessPlusCalibration(igtl::Matrix4x4& imageToTracker) { mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer imageToTrackerTransform = mitk::AffineTransform3D::New(); itk::Matrix rotationFloat = itk::Matrix(); itk::Vector translationFloat = itk::Vector(); rotationFloat[0][0] = imageToTracker[0][0]; rotationFloat[0][1] = imageToTracker[0][1]; rotationFloat[0][2] = imageToTracker[0][2]; rotationFloat[1][0] = imageToTracker[1][0]; rotationFloat[1][1] = imageToTracker[1][1]; rotationFloat[1][2] = imageToTracker[1][2]; rotationFloat[2][0] = imageToTracker[2][0]; rotationFloat[2][1] = imageToTracker[2][1]; rotationFloat[2][2] = imageToTracker[2][2]; translationFloat[0] = imageToTracker[0][3]; translationFloat[1] = imageToTracker[1][3]; translationFloat[2] = imageToTracker[2][3]; imageToTrackerTransform->SetTranslation(translationFloat); imageToTrackerTransform->SetMatrix(rotationFloat); m_CombinedModality->SetCalibration(imageToTrackerTransform); m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setItemEnabled(2, true); m_Controls.m_SavePlusCalibration->setEnabled(true); m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : green; }"); m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setText("Recieved Calibration from PLUS you can now save it"); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnStopCalibrationProcess() { this->ClearTemporaryMembers(); m_Timer->stop(); this->GetDataStorage()->Remove(m_Node); m_Node = 0; this->GetDataStorage()->Remove(m_CalibNode); m_CalibNode = 0; this->GetDataStorage()->Remove(m_WorldNode); m_WorldNode = 0; m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setCurrentIndex(0); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnDeviceServiceEvent(const ctkServiceEvent event) { if (m_CombinedModality.IsNull() || event.getType() != ctkServiceEvent::MODIFIED) { return; } ctkServiceReference service = event.getServiceReference(); QString curDepth = service.getProperty(QString::fromStdString(mitk::USDevice::GetPropertyKeys().US_PROPKEY_BMODE_DEPTH)).toString(); if (m_CurrentDepth != curDepth) { m_CurrentDepth = curDepth; this->OnReset(); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnAddCalibPoint() { mitk::Point3D world = this->GetRenderWindowPart()->GetSelectedPosition(); this->m_CalibPointsImage->InsertPoint(m_CalibPointsCount, world); this->m_CalibPointsTool->InsertPoint(m_CalibPointsCount, this->m_FreezePoint); QString text = text.number(m_CalibPointsCount + 1); text = "Point " + text; this->m_Controls.m_CalibPointList->addItem(text); m_CalibPointsCount++; SwitchFreeze(); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnCalibration() { // Compute transformation vtkSmartPointer transform = vtkSmartPointer::New(); transform->SetSourceLandmarks(this->ConvertPointSetToVtkPolyData(m_CalibPointsImage)->GetPoints()); transform->SetTargetLandmarks(this->ConvertPointSetToVtkPolyData(m_CalibPointsTool)->GetPoints()); if( !m_CombinedModality->GetIsTrackedUltrasoundActive() ) { if (m_Controls.m_ScaleTransform->isChecked()) { transform->SetModeToSimilarity(); } //use affine transform else { transform->SetModeToRigidBody(); } //use similarity transform: scaling is not touched MITK_INFO << "TEST"; } else { transform->SetModeToRigidBody();//use similarity transform: scaling is not touched } transform->Modified(); transform->Update(); // Convert from vtk to itk data types itk::Matrix rotationFloat = itk::Matrix(); itk::Vector translationFloat = itk::Vector(); vtkSmartPointer m = transform->GetMatrix(); rotationFloat[0][0] = m->GetElement(0, 0); rotationFloat[0][1] = m->GetElement(0, 1); rotationFloat[0][2] = m->GetElement(0, 2); rotationFloat[1][0] = m->GetElement(1, 0); rotationFloat[1][1] = m->GetElement(1, 1); rotationFloat[1][2] = m->GetElement(1, 2); rotationFloat[2][0] = m->GetElement(2, 0); rotationFloat[2][1] = m->GetElement(2, 1); rotationFloat[2][2] = m->GetElement(2, 2); translationFloat[0] = m->GetElement(0, 3); translationFloat[1] = m->GetElement(1, 3); translationFloat[2] = m->GetElement(2, 3); mitk::DataNode::Pointer CalibPointsImage = mitk::DataNode::New(); CalibPointsImage->SetName("Calibration Points Image"); CalibPointsImage->SetData(m_CalibPointsImage); this->GetDataStorage()->Add(CalibPointsImage); mitk::DataNode::Pointer CalibPointsTracking = mitk::DataNode::New(); CalibPointsTracking->SetName("Calibration Points Tracking"); CalibPointsTracking->SetData(m_CalibPointsTool); this->GetDataStorage()->Add(CalibPointsTracking); mitk::PointSet::Pointer ImagePointsTransformed = m_CalibPointsImage->Clone(); this->ApplyTransformToPointSet(ImagePointsTransformed, transform); mitk::DataNode::Pointer CalibPointsImageTransformed = mitk::DataNode::New(); CalibPointsImageTransformed->SetName("Calibration Points Image (Transformed)"); CalibPointsImageTransformed->SetData(ImagePointsTransformed); this->GetDataStorage()->Add(CalibPointsImageTransformed); // Set output variable mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer oldUSImageTransform = m_Image->GetGeometry()->GetIndexToWorldTransform(); //including spacing! MITK_INFO << "Old US Image transform: " << oldUSImageTransform; mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer calibTransform = mitk::AffineTransform3D::New(); calibTransform->SetTranslation(translationFloat); calibTransform->SetMatrix(rotationFloat); MITK_INFO << "Calibration transform: " << calibTransform; m_Transformation = mitk::AffineTransform3D::New(); if( !m_CombinedModality->GetIsTrackedUltrasoundActive() ) { if( !m_Controls.m_ScaleTransform->isChecked() ) { m_Transformation->Compose(oldUSImageTransform); } MITK_INFO << "Used old USImageTransform"; } m_Transformation->Compose(calibTransform); MITK_INFO << "New combined transform: " << m_Transformation; mitk::SlicedGeometry3D::Pointer sliced3d = dynamic_cast (m_Node->GetData()->GetGeometry()); mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer plane = const_cast (sliced3d->GetPlaneGeometry(0)); plane->SetIndexToWorldTransform(m_Transformation); // Save to US-Device m_CombinedModality->SetCalibration(m_Transformation); m_Controls.m_ToolBox->setItemEnabled(2, true); // Save to NeedleProjectionFilter m_NeedleProjectionFilter->SetTargetPlane(m_Transformation); // Update Calibration FRE m_CalibrationStatistics = mitk::PointSetDifferenceStatisticsCalculator::New(); mitk::PointSet::Pointer p1 = this->m_CalibPointsTool->Clone(); // We use clones to calculate statistics to avoid concurrency Problems // Create point set with transformed image calibration points for // calculating the difference of image calibration and tool // calibration points in one geometry space mitk::PointSet::Pointer p2 = mitk::PointSet::New(); int n = 0; for (mitk::PointSet::PointsConstIterator it = m_CalibPointsImage->Begin(); it != m_CalibPointsImage->End(); ++it, ++n) { p2->InsertPoint(n, m_Transformation->TransformPoint(it->Value())); } m_CalibrationStatistics->SetPointSets(p1, p2); //QString text = text.number(m_CalibrationStatistics->GetRMS()); QString text = QString::number(ComputeFRE(m_CalibPointsImage, m_CalibPointsTool, transform)); MITK_INFO << "Calibration FRE: " << text.toStdString().c_str(); m_Controls.m_EvalLblCalibrationFRE->setText(text); m_Node->SetStringProperty("Calibration FRE", text.toStdString().c_str()); // Enable Button to save Calibration m_Controls.m_CalibBtnSaveCalibration->setEnabled(true); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnAddEvalTargetPoint() { mitk::Point3D world = this->GetRenderWindowPart()->GetSelectedPosition(); this->m_EvalPointsImage->InsertPoint(m_EvalPointsImage->GetSize(), world); this->m_EvalPointsTool->InsertPoint(m_EvalPointsTool->GetSize(), this->m_FreezePoint); QString text = text.number(this->m_EvalPointsTool->GetSize()); this->m_Controls.m_EvalLblNumTargetPoints->setText(text); // Update FREs // Update Evaluation FRE, but only if it contains more than one point (will crash otherwise) if ((m_EvalPointsProjected->GetSize() > 1) && (m_EvalPointsTool->GetSize() > 1)) { m_EvaluationStatistics = mitk::PointSetDifferenceStatisticsCalculator::New(); m_ProjectionStatistics = mitk::PointSetDifferenceStatisticsCalculator::New(); mitk::PointSet::Pointer p1 = this->m_EvalPointsTool->Clone(); // We use clones to calculate statistics to avoid concurrency Problems mitk::PointSet::Pointer p2 = this->m_EvalPointsImage->Clone(); mitk::PointSet::Pointer p3 = this->m_EvalPointsProjected->Clone(); m_EvaluationStatistics->SetPointSets(p1, p2); m_ProjectionStatistics->SetPointSets(p1, p3); QString evalText = evalText.number(m_EvaluationStatistics->GetRMS()); QString projText = projText.number(m_ProjectionStatistics->GetRMS()); m_Controls.m_EvalLblEvaluationFRE->setText(evalText); m_Controls.m_EvalLblProjectionFRE->setText(projText); } SwitchFreeze(); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnAddEvalProjectedPoint() { MITK_WARN << "Projection Evaluation may currently be inaccurate."; // TODO: Verify correct Evaluation. Is the Point that is added really current? mitk::Point3D projection = this->m_NeedleProjectionFilter->GetProjection()->GetPoint(1); m_EvalPointsProjected->InsertPoint(m_EvalPointsProjected->GetSize(), projection); QString text = text.number(this->m_EvalPointsProjected->GetSize()); this->m_Controls.m_EvalLblNumProjectionPoints->setText(text); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnSaveEvaluation() { //Filename without suffix QString filename = m_Controls.m_EvalFilePath->text() + "//" + m_Controls.m_EvalFilePrefix->text(); MITK_WARN << "CANNOT SAVE, ABORTING!"; /* not working any more TODO! mitk::PointSetWriter::Pointer psWriter = mitk::PointSetWriter::New(); psWriter->SetInput(0, m_CalibPointsImage); psWriter->SetInput(1, m_CalibPointsTool); psWriter->SetInput(2, m_EvalPointsImage); psWriter->SetInput(3, m_EvalPointsTool); psWriter->SetInput(4, m_EvalPointsProjected); psWriter->SetFileName(filename.toStdString() + ".xml"); psWriter->Write(); */ // TODO: New writer for transformations must be implemented. /* mitk::TransformationFileWriter::Pointer tWriter = mitk::TransformationFileWriter::New(); tWriter->SetInput(0, m_CalibPointsImage); tWriter->SetInput(1, m_CalibPointsTool); tWriter->SetInput(2, m_EvalPointsImage); tWriter->SetInput(3, m_EvalPointsTool); tWriter->SetInput(4, m_EvalPointsProjected); tWriter->SetOutputFilename(filename.toStdString() + ".txt"); tWriter->DoWrite(this->m_Transformation); */ } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnSaveCalibration() { m_Controls.m_GotCalibrationLabel->setText(""); QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QApplication::activeWindow(), "Save Calibration", "", "Calibration files *.cal"); QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate)) { MITK_WARN << "Cannot open file '" << filename.toStdString() << "' for writing."; return; } std::string calibrationSerialization = m_CombinedModality->SerializeCalibration(); QTextStream outStream(&file); outStream << QString::fromStdString(calibrationSerialization); //save additional information if (m_Controls.m_saveAdditionalCalibrationLog->isChecked()) { mitk::SceneIO::Pointer mySceneIO = mitk::SceneIO::New(); QString filenameScene = filename + "_mitkScene.mitk"; mitk::NodePredicateNot::Pointer isNotHelperObject = mitk::NodePredicateNot::New(mitk::NodePredicateProperty::New("helper object", mitk::BoolProperty::New(true))); mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer nodesToBeSaved = this->GetDataStorage()->GetSubset(isNotHelperObject); mySceneIO->SaveScene(nodesToBeSaved, this->GetDataStorage(), filenameScene.toStdString().c_str()); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnReset() { this->ClearTemporaryMembers(); if (m_Transformation.IsNull()) { m_Transformation = mitk::AffineTransform3D::New(); } m_Transformation->SetIdentity(); if (m_Node.IsNotNull() && (m_Node->GetData() != nullptr) && (m_Node->GetData()->GetGeometry() != nullptr)) { mitk::SlicedGeometry3D::Pointer sliced3d = dynamic_cast (m_Node->GetData()->GetGeometry()); mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer plane = const_cast (sliced3d->GetPlaneGeometry(0)); plane->SetIndexToWorldTransform(m_Transformation); } QString text1 = text1.number(this->m_EvalPointsTool->GetSize()); this->m_Controls.m_EvalLblNumTargetPoints->setText(text1); QString text2 = text2.number(this->m_EvalPointsProjected->GetSize()); this->m_Controls.m_EvalLblNumProjectionPoints->setText(text2); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::Update() { //QList nodes = this->GetDataManagerSelection(); // if (nodes.empty()) return; // Update Tracking Data std::vector* datas = new std::vector(); datas->push_back(m_Tracker->GetOutput()); m_Controls.m_CalibTrackingStatus->SetNavigationDatas(datas); m_Controls.m_CalibTrackingStatus->Refresh(); m_Controls.m_EvalTrackingStatus->SetNavigationDatas(datas); m_Controls.m_EvalTrackingStatus->Refresh(); // Update US Image if (m_Image.IsNotNull() && m_Image->IsInitialized()) { m_Node->SetData(m_Image); } else { mitk::Image::Pointer m_Image = m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->GetOutput(); m_Node->SetData(m_Image); //Workaround because image is not initalized, maybe problem of the Ultrasound view? } m_CombinedModality->Modified(); m_CombinedModality->Update(); // Update Needle Projection m_NeedleProjectionFilter->Update(); //only update 2d window because it is faster this->RequestRenderWindowUpdate(mitk::RenderingManager::REQUEST_UPDATE_2DWINDOWS); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::SwitchFreeze() { m_Controls.m_CalibBtnAddPoint->setEnabled(false); // generally deactivate // We use the activity state of the timer to determine whether we are currently viewing images if (!m_Timer->isActive()) // Activate Imaging { // if (m_Node) m_Node->ReleaseData(); if (m_CombinedModality.IsNull()){ m_Timer->stop(); return; } m_CombinedModality->Update(); m_Image = m_CombinedModality->GetOutput(); if (m_Image.IsNotNull() && m_Image->IsInitialized()) { m_Node->SetData(m_Image); } std::vector datas; datas.push_back(m_Tracker->GetOutput()); m_Controls.m_CalibTrackingStatus->SetNavigationDatas(&datas); m_Controls.m_CalibTrackingStatus->ShowStatusLabels(); m_Controls.m_CalibTrackingStatus->Refresh(); m_Controls.m_EvalTrackingStatus->SetNavigationDatas(&datas); m_Controls.m_EvalTrackingStatus->ShowStatusLabels(); m_Controls.m_EvalTrackingStatus->Refresh(); int interval = 40; m_Timer->setInterval(interval); m_Timer->start(); m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->SetIsFreezed(false); } else if (this->m_Tracker->GetOutput(0)->IsDataValid()) { //deactivate Imaging m_Timer->stop(); // Remember last tracking coordinates m_FreezePoint = this->m_Tracker->GetOutput(0)->GetPosition(); m_Controls.m_CalibBtnAddPoint->setEnabled(true); // activate only, if valid point is set m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->SetIsFreezed(true); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::ShowNeedlePath() { // Init Filter this->m_NeedleProjectionFilter->SelectInput(0); // Create Node for Pointset mitk::DataNode::Pointer node = this->GetDataStorage()->GetNamedNode("Needle Path"); if (node.IsNull()) { node = mitk::DataNode::New(); node->SetName("Needle Path"); node->SetData(m_NeedleProjectionFilter->GetProjection()); node->SetBoolProperty("show contour", true); this->GetDataStorage()->Add(node); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::ClearTemporaryMembers() { m_CalibPointsTool->Clear(); m_CalibPointsImage->Clear(); m_CalibPointsCount = 0; m_EvalPointsImage->Clear(); m_EvalPointsTool->Clear(); m_EvalPointsProjected->Clear(); this->m_Controls.m_CalibPointList->clear(); m_SpacingPoints->Clear(); m_Controls.m_SpacingPointsList->clear(); m_SpacingPointsCount = 0; } vtkSmartPointer QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::ConvertPointSetToVtkPolyData(mitk::PointSet::Pointer PointSet) { vtkSmartPointer returnValue = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer points = vtkSmartPointer::New(); for (int i = 0; i < PointSet->GetSize(); i++) { double point[3] = { PointSet->GetPoint(i)[0], PointSet->GetPoint(i)[1], PointSet->GetPoint(i)[2] }; points->InsertNextPoint(point); } vtkSmartPointer temp = vtkSmartPointer::New(); temp->SetPoints(points); vtkSmartPointer vertexFilter = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vertexFilter->SetInputData(temp); vertexFilter->Update(); returnValue->ShallowCopy(vertexFilter->GetOutput()); return returnValue; } double QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::ComputeFRE(mitk::PointSet::Pointer imageFiducials, mitk::PointSet::Pointer realWorldFiducials, vtkSmartPointer transform) { if (imageFiducials->GetSize() != realWorldFiducials->GetSize()) return -1; double FRE = 0; for (int i = 0; i < imageFiducials->GetSize(); ++i) { itk::Point current_image_fiducial_point = imageFiducials->GetPoint(i); if (transform != nullptr) { current_image_fiducial_point = transform->TransformPoint(imageFiducials->GetPoint(i)[0], imageFiducials->GetPoint(i)[1], imageFiducials->GetPoint(i)[2]); } double cur_error_squared = current_image_fiducial_point.SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo(realWorldFiducials->GetPoint(i)); FRE += cur_error_squared; } FRE = sqrt(FRE / (double)imageFiducials->GetSize()); return FRE; } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::ApplyTransformToPointSet(mitk::PointSet::Pointer pointSet, vtkSmartPointer transform) { for (int i = 0; i < pointSet->GetSize(); ++i) { itk::Point current_point_transformed = itk::Point(); current_point_transformed = transform->TransformPoint(pointSet->GetPoint(i)[0], pointSet->GetPoint(i)[1], pointSet->GetPoint(i)[2]); pointSet->SetPoint(i, current_point_transformed); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnFreezeClicked() { if (m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->GetIsFreezed()) { if (!m_Timer->isActive()) // Activate Imaging { // if (m_Node) m_Node->ReleaseData(); if (m_CombinedModality.IsNull()) { m_Timer->stop(); return; } m_Timer->start(); } //device was already frozen so we need to delete all Spacing points because they need to be collected all at once // no need to check if all four points are already collected, because if thats the case you can no longer click the Freeze Button m_SpacingPoints->Clear(); m_Controls.m_SpacingPointsList->clear(); m_SpacingPointsCount = 0; m_Controls.m_SpacingAddPoint->setEnabled(false); m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->SetIsFreezed(false); } else { //deactivate Imaging m_Timer->stop(); - m_CombinedModality->SetIsFreezed(true); + m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->SetIsFreezed(true); m_Controls.m_SpacingAddPoint->setEnabled(true); } //SwitchFreeze(); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnAddSpacingPoint() { mitk::Point3D point = this->GetRenderWindowPart()->GetSelectedPosition(); this->m_SpacingPoints->InsertPoint(m_SpacingPointsCount, point); QString text = text.number(m_SpacingPointsCount + 1); text = "Point " + text; this->m_Controls.m_SpacingPointsList->addItem(text); m_SpacingPointsCount++; if (m_SpacingPointsCount == 4) //now we have all 4 points needed { m_Controls.m_SpacingAddPoint->setEnabled(false); m_Controls.m_CalculateSpacing->setEnabled(true); m_Controls.m_SpacingBtnFreeze->setEnabled(false); } } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnCalculateSpacing() { mitk::Point3D horizontalOne = m_SpacingPoints->GetPoint(0); mitk::Point3D horizontalTwo = m_SpacingPoints->GetPoint(1); mitk::Point3D verticalOne = m_SpacingPoints->GetPoint(2); mitk::Point3D verticalTwo = m_SpacingPoints->GetPoint(3); //Get the distances between the points in the image double xDistance = horizontalOne.EuclideanDistanceTo(horizontalTwo); double yDistance = verticalOne.EuclideanDistanceTo(verticalTwo); //Calculate the spacing of the image and fill a vector with it double xSpacing = 30 / xDistance; double ySpacing = 20 / yDistance; m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->SetSpacing(xSpacing, ySpacing); //Now that the spacing is set clear all stuff and return to Calibration m_SpacingPoints->Clear(); m_Controls.m_SpacingPointsList->clear(); m_SpacingPointsCount = 0; m_CombinedModality->GetUltrasoundDevice()->SetIsFreezed(false); } void QmitkUltrasoundCalibration::OnUSDepthChanged(const std::string& key, const std::string&) { //whenever depth of USImage is changed the spacing should no longer be overwritten if (key == mitk::USDevice::GetPropertyKeys().US_PROPKEY_BMODE_DEPTH) { - - m_OverrideSpacing = false; } }