diff --git a/BlueBerry/Bundles/org.blueberry.ui/src/presentations/berryStackPresentation.cpp b/BlueBerry/Bundles/org.blueberry.ui/src/presentations/berryStackPresentation.cpp index b71cf674d0..37344b51fe 100755 --- a/BlueBerry/Bundles/org.blueberry.ui/src/presentations/berryStackPresentation.cpp +++ b/BlueBerry/Bundles/org.blueberry.ui/src/presentations/berryStackPresentation.cpp @@ -1,97 +1,106 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: BlueBerry Platform Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "berryStackPresentation.h" #include "../berryConstants.h" namespace berry { const int StackPresentation::AS_INACTIVE = 0; const int StackPresentation::AS_ACTIVE_FOCUS = 1; const int StackPresentation::AS_ACTIVE_NOFOCUS = 2; StackPresentation::StackPresentation(IStackPresentationSite::Pointer stackSite) : site(stackSite) { poco_assert(stackSite.IsNotNull()); } +StackPresentation::~StackPresentation() +{ + // Do not remove empty destructor. Otherwise, the WeakPointer member "site" + // will be destroyed in a strange way and the destruction of a DefaultStackPresentationSite + // instance will notify the WeakPointer "site" (although it was destroyed, the + // DefaultStackPresentationSite somehow still has a MessageDelegate for the destroy + // event, pointing to the destroyed "site"). +} + IStackPresentationSite::Pointer StackPresentation::GetSite() { return site.Lock(); } Point StackPresentation::ComputeMinimumSize() { return Point(0, 0); } int StackPresentation::GetSizeFlags(bool /*width*/) { bool hasMaximumSize = this->GetSite()->GetState() == IStackPresentationSite::STATE_MINIMIZED; return Constants::MIN | (hasMaximumSize ? Constants::MAX : 0); } int StackPresentation::ComputePreferredSize(bool width, int /*availableParallel*/, int /*availablePerpendicular*/, int preferredResult) { Point p = this->ComputeMinimumSize(); int minSize = width ? p.x : p.y; if (this->GetSite()->GetState() == IStackPresentationSite::STATE_MINIMIZED || preferredResult < minSize) { return minSize; } return preferredResult; } void StackPresentation::MovePart(IPresentablePart::Pointer toMove, Object::Pointer cookie) { this->RemovePart(toMove); this->AddPart(toMove, cookie); if (this->GetSite()->GetSelectedPart() == toMove) { this->SelectPart(toMove); toMove->SetFocus(); } } void StackPresentation::SaveState(IPresentationSerializer* /*context*/, IMemento::Pointer /*memento*/) { } void StackPresentation::RestoreState(IPresentationSerializer* /*context*/, IMemento::Pointer /*memento*/) { } void StackPresentation::ShowPartList() { } } diff --git a/BlueBerry/Bundles/org.blueberry.ui/src/presentations/berryStackPresentation.h b/BlueBerry/Bundles/org.blueberry.ui/src/presentations/berryStackPresentation.h index 60965a979b..ac48da6624 100755 --- a/BlueBerry/Bundles/org.blueberry.ui/src/presentations/berryStackPresentation.h +++ b/BlueBerry/Bundles/org.blueberry.ui/src/presentations/berryStackPresentation.h @@ -1,274 +1,276 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: BlueBerry Platform Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef BERRYSTACKPRESENTATION_H_ #define BERRYSTACKPRESENTATION_H_ #include #include #include "berryIStackPresentationSite.h" #include "berryIPresentationSerializer.h" #include "berryStackDropResult.h" #include "../berryISizeProvider.h" #include "../berryIMemento.h" namespace berry { /** * This represents an object that can supply trim around a IPresentablePart. * Clients can implement subclasses to provide the appearance for editor workbooks, * view folders, fast views, and detached windows. *

* StackPresentations do not store any persistent state and cannot * directly make changes to the workbench. They are given an IStackPresentationSite * reference on creation, which allows them to send events and requests to the workbench. * However, the workbench is free to ignore these requests. The workbench will call one * of the public methods on StackPresentation when (and if) the presentation is expected to * change state. *


* For example, if the user clicks a button that is intended to close a part, the * StackPresentation will send a close request to its site, but should not assume * that the part has been closed until the workbench responds with a call * StackPresentation.remove. *

* * @since 3.0 */ class BERRY_UI StackPresentation : public Object, public ISizeProvider { public: berryObjectMacro(StackPresentation); private: /** * The presentation site. */ IStackPresentationSite::WeakPtr site; protected: /** * Constructs a new stack presentation with the given site. * * @param stackSite the stack site */ StackPresentation(IStackPresentationSite::Pointer stackSite); + ~StackPresentation(); + /** * Returns the presentation site (not null). * @return IStackPresentationSite */ IStackPresentationSite::Pointer GetSite(); public: /** * Inactive state. This is the default state for deselected presentations. */ static const int AS_INACTIVE; // = 0; /** * Activation state indicating that one of the parts in the presentation currently has focus */ static const int AS_ACTIVE_FOCUS; // = 1; /** * Activation state indicating that none of the parts in the presentation have focus, but * one of the parts is being used as the context for global menus and toolbars */ static const int AS_ACTIVE_NOFOCUS; // = 2; /** * Sets the bounding rectangle for this presentation. * * @param bounds new bounding rectangle (not null) */ virtual void SetBounds(const Rectangle& bounds) = 0; /** * Returns the minimum size for this stack. The stack is prevented * from being resized smaller than this amount, and this is used as * the default size for the stack when it is minimized. Typically, * this is the amount of space required to fit the minimize, close, * and maximize buttons and one tab. * * @return the minimum size for this stack (not null) * * @deprecated replaced by computePreferredSize */ virtual Point ComputeMinimumSize(); /* * @see ISizeProvider#getSizeFlags(boolean) */ virtual int GetSizeFlags(bool width); /* * @see ISizeProvider#computePreferredSize(boolean, int, int, int) */ virtual int ComputePreferredSize(bool width, int availableParallel, int availablePerpendicular, int preferredResult); /** * This is invoked to notify the presentation that its activation * state has changed. StackPresentations can have three possible activation * states (see the AS_* constants above) * * @param newState one of AS_INACTIVE, AS_ACTIVE, or AS_ACTIVE_NOFOCUS */ virtual void SetActive(int newState) = 0; /** * This causes the presentation to become visible or invisible. * When a presentation is invisible, it must not respond to user * input or modify its parts. For example, a presentations will * be made invisible if it belongs to a perspective and the user * switches to another perspective. * * @param isVisible the state to set visibility to * * @since 3.0 */ virtual void SetVisible(bool isVisible) = 0; /** * Sets the state of the presentation. That is, notifies the presentation * that is has been minimized, maximized, or restored. Note that this method * is the only way that a presentation is allowed to change its state. *

* If a presentation wishes to minimize itself, it must call setState * on its associated IStackPresentationSite. If the site chooses to respond * to the state change, it will call this method at the correct time. * The presentation should not call this method directly. *

* * @param state one of the IStackPresentationSite.STATE_* constants. */ virtual void SetState(int state) = 0; /** * Returns the control for this presentation * * @return the control for this presentation (not null) */ virtual void* GetControl() = 0; /** * Adds the given part to the stack. The presentation is free to determine * where the part should be inserted. If the part is being inserted as the * result of a drag/drop operation, it will be given a cookie * identifying the drop location. Has no effect if an identical part is * already in the presentation. * * @param newPart the new part to add (not null) * @param cookie an identifier for a drop location, or null. When the presentation * attaches a cookie to a StackDropResult, that cookie is passed back into * addPart when a part is actually dropped in that location. */ virtual void AddPart(IPresentablePart::Pointer newPart, Object::Pointer cookie) = 0; /** * Removes the given part from the stack. * * @param oldPart the part to remove (not null) */ virtual void RemovePart(IPresentablePart::Pointer oldPart) = 0; /** * Moves a part to a new location as the result of a drag/drop * operation within this presentation. * * @param toMove a part that already belongs to this presentation * @param cookie a drop cookie returned by StackPresentation#dragOver * @since 3.1 */ virtual void MovePart(IPresentablePart::Pointer toMove, Object::Pointer cookie); /** * Brings the specified part to the foreground. This should not affect * the current focus. * * @param toSelect the new active part (not null) */ virtual void SelectPart(IPresentablePart::Pointer toSelect) = 0; /** * This method is invoked whenever a part is dragged over the stack's control. * It returns a StackDropResult if and only if the part may be dropped in this * location. * * @param currentControl the control being dragged over * @param location cursor location (display coordinates) * @return a StackDropResult or null if the presentation does not have * a drop target in this location. */ virtual StackDropResult::Pointer DragOver(void* currentControl, const Point& location) = 0; /** * Instructs the presentation to display the system menu * */ // virtual void ShowSystemMenu() = 0; /** * Instructs the presentation to display the pane menu */ // virtual void ShowPaneMenu() = 0; /** * Instructs the presentation to display a list of all parts in the stack, and * allow the user to change the selection using the keyboard. */ virtual void ShowPartList(); /** * Saves the state of this presentation to the given memento. * * @param context object that can be used to generate unique IDs for IPresentableParts (this * may be a temporary object - the presentation should not keep any references to it) * @param memento memento where the data will be saved */ virtual void SaveState(IPresentationSerializer* context, IMemento::Pointer memento); /** * Restores the state of this presentation to a previously saved state. * * @param context object that can be used to find IPresentableParts given string IDs (this * may be a temporary object - the presentation should not keep any references to it) * @param memento memento where the data will be saved */ virtual void RestoreState(IPresentationSerializer* context, IMemento::Pointer memento); /** * Returns the tab-key traversal order for the given IPresentablePart. * * @param part the part * @return the tab-key traversal order */ virtual std::vector GetTabList(IPresentablePart::Pointer part) = 0; }; } #endif /* BERRYSTACKPRESENTATION_H_ */