diff --git a/Plugins/org.blueberry.ui.qt/src/internal/berryWorkbenchWindow.cpp b/Plugins/org.blueberry.ui.qt/src/internal/berryWorkbenchWindow.cpp index 14ccf9187b..97539eaa4c 100644 --- a/Plugins/org.blueberry.ui.qt/src/internal/berryWorkbenchWindow.cpp +++ b/Plugins/org.blueberry.ui.qt/src/internal/berryWorkbenchWindow.cpp @@ -1,1937 +1,1940 @@ /*=================================================================== BlueBerry Platform Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "tweaklets/berryGuiWidgetsTweaklet.h" #include "tweaklets/berryWorkbenchTweaklet.h" #include "berryWorkbenchWindow.h" #include "berryIWorkbenchPage.h" #include "berryIPerspectiveDescriptor.h" #include "berryIContextService.h" #include "berryUIException.h" #include "berryConstants.h" #include "berryIMenuService.h" #include "berryMenuUtil.h" #include "intro/berryIntroConstants.h" #include "berryWorkbenchPlugin.h" #include "berryWorkbenchPage.h" #include "berryWorkbench.h" #include "berryWorkbenchConstants.h" #include "berryPartSite.h" #include "berryIServiceLocatorCreator.h" #include "berryMenuManager.h" #include "berryQActionProperties.h" #include "berryQtControlWidget.h" #include "berryQtPerspectiveSwitcher.h" #include "berryWWinActionBars.h" #include "berryWorkbenchLocationService.h" #include "berryIServiceFactory.h" #include "berryIServiceScopes.h" #include "berryIEvaluationReference.h" #include "berryPlatformUI.h" #include "berryDebugUtil.h" #include <QMainWindow> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QMenuBar> #include <QMoveEvent> #include <QResizeEvent> namespace berry { const QString WorkbenchWindow::PROP_TOOLBAR_VISIBLE = "toolbarVisible"; const QString WorkbenchWindow::PROP_PERSPECTIVEBAR_VISIBLE = "perspectiveBarVisible"; const QString WorkbenchWindow::PROP_STATUS_LINE_VISIBLE = "statusLineVisible"; const ActionBarAdvisor::FillFlags WorkbenchWindow::FILL_ALL_ACTION_BARS = ActionBarAdvisor::FILL_MENU_BAR | ActionBarAdvisor::FILL_TOOL_BAR | ActionBarAdvisor::FILL_STATUS_LINE; WorkbenchWindow::WorkbenchWindow(int number) : Window(Shell::Pointer(nullptr)) , pageComposite(nullptr) , windowAdvisor(nullptr) , actionBarAdvisor(nullptr) , number(number) , largeUpdates(0) , closing(false) , shellActivated(false) , updateDisabled(true) , toolBarVisible(true) , perspectiveBarVisible(true) , statusLineVisible(true) , emptyWindowContentsCreated(false) , emptyWindowContents(nullptr) , asMaximizedState(false) , partService(this) , serviceLocatorOwner(new ServiceLocatorOwner(this)) , resizeEventFilter(this) { this->Register(); // increase the reference count to avoid deleting // this object when temporary smart pointers // go out of scope // Make sure there is a workbench. This call will throw // an exception if workbench not created yet. IWorkbench* workbench = PlatformUI::GetWorkbench(); IServiceLocatorCreator* slc = workbench->GetService<IServiceLocatorCreator>(); this->serviceLocator = slc->CreateServiceLocator( workbench, nullptr, IDisposable::WeakPtr(serviceLocatorOwner)).Cast<ServiceLocator>(); InitializeDefaultServices(); // Add contribution managers that are exposed to other plugins. this->AddMenuBar(); //addCoolBar(SWT.NONE); // style is unused //addStatusLine(); this->FireWindowOpening(); // Fill the action bars this->FillActionBars(FILL_ALL_ACTION_BARS); this->UnRegister(false); // decrease reference count and avoid deleting // the window } WorkbenchWindow::~WorkbenchWindow() { // BERRY_INFO << "WorkbenchWindow::~WorkbenchWindow()"; } Object* WorkbenchWindow::GetService(const QString& key) { return serviceLocator->GetService(key); } bool WorkbenchWindow::HasService(const QString& key) const { return serviceLocator->HasService(key); } Shell::Pointer WorkbenchWindow::GetShell() const { return Window::GetShell(); } bool WorkbenchWindow::ClosePage(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer in, bool save) { // Validate the input. if (!pageList.Contains(in)) { return false; } WorkbenchPage::Pointer oldPage = in.Cast<WorkbenchPage> (); // Save old perspective. if (save && oldPage->IsSaveNeeded()) { if (!oldPage->SaveAllEditors(true)) { return false; } } // If old page is activate deactivate. bool oldIsActive = (oldPage == this->GetActivePage()); if (oldIsActive) { this->SetActivePage(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer(nullptr)); } // Close old page. pageList.Remove(oldPage); partService.PageClosed(oldPage); //this->FirePageClosed(oldPage); //oldPage->Dispose(); // Activate new page. if (oldIsActive) { IWorkbenchPage::Pointer newPage = pageList.GetNextActive(); if (newPage != 0) { this->SetActivePage(newPage); } } if (!closing && pageList.IsEmpty()) { this->ShowEmptyWindowContents(); } return true; } void WorkbenchWindow::AddPerspectiveListener(IPerspectiveListener* l) { perspectiveEvents.AddListener(l); } void WorkbenchWindow::RemovePerspectiveListener(IPerspectiveListener* l) { perspectiveEvents.RemoveListener(l); } IPerspectiveListener::Events& WorkbenchWindow::GetPerspectiveEvents() { return perspectiveEvents; } void WorkbenchWindow::FireWindowOpening() { // let the application do further configuration this->GetWindowAdvisor()->PreWindowOpen(); } void WorkbenchWindow::FireWindowRestored() { //StartupThreading.runWithWorkbenchExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // public void runWithException() throws Throwable { this->GetWindowAdvisor()->PostWindowRestore(); // } //}); } void WorkbenchWindow::FireWindowCreated() { this->GetWindowAdvisor()->PostWindowCreate(); } void WorkbenchWindow::FireWindowOpened() { this->GetWorkbenchImpl()->FireWindowOpened(IWorkbenchWindow::Pointer(this)); this->GetWindowAdvisor()->PostWindowOpen(); } bool WorkbenchWindow::FireWindowShellClosing() { return this->GetWindowAdvisor()->PreWindowShellClose(); } void WorkbenchWindow::FireWindowClosed() { // let the application do further deconfiguration this->GetWindowAdvisor()->PostWindowClose(); this->GetWorkbenchImpl()->FireWindowClosed(IWorkbenchWindow::Pointer(this)); } ///** // * Fires page activated // */ //void WorkbenchWindow::FirePageActivated(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page) { //// String label = null; // debugging only //// if (UIStats.isDebugging(UIStats.NOTIFY_PAGE_LISTENERS)) { //// label = "activated " + page.getLabel(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //// } //// try { //// UIStats.start(UIStats.NOTIFY_PAGE_LISTENERS, label); //// UIListenerLogging.logPageEvent(this, page, //// UIListenerLogging.WPE_PAGE_ACTIVATED); // pageEvents.FirePageActivated(page); // partService.pageActivated(page); //// } finally { //// UIStats.end(UIStats.NOTIFY_PAGE_LISTENERS, page.getLabel(), label); //// } //} // ///** // * Fires page closed // */ //void WorkbenchWindow::FirePageClosed(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page) { // String label = null; // debugging only // if (UIStats.isDebugging(UIStats.NOTIFY_PAGE_LISTENERS)) { // label = "closed " + page.getLabel(); //$NON-NLS-1$ // } // try { // UIStats.start(UIStats.NOTIFY_PAGE_LISTENERS, label); // UIListenerLogging.logPageEvent(this, page, // UIListenerLogging.WPE_PAGE_CLOSED); // pageListeners.firePageClosed(page); // partService.pageClosed(page); // } finally { // UIStats.end(UIStats.NOTIFY_PAGE_LISTENERS, page.getLabel(), label); // } // //} // ///** // * Fires page opened // */ //void WorkbenchWindow::FirePageOpened(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page) { // String label = null; // debugging only // if (UIStats.isDebugging(UIStats.NOTIFY_PAGE_LISTENERS)) { // label = "opened " + page.getLabel(); //$NON-NLS-1$ // } // try { // UIStats.start(UIStats.NOTIFY_PAGE_LISTENERS, label); // UIListenerLogging.logPageEvent(this, page, // UIListenerLogging.WPE_PAGE_OPENED); // pageListeners.firePageOpened(page); // partService.pageOpened(page); // } finally { // UIStats.end(UIStats.NOTIFY_PAGE_LISTENERS, page.getLabel(), label); // } //} void WorkbenchWindow::FirePerspectiveActivated(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer perspective) { // UIListenerLogging.logPerspectiveEvent(this, page, perspective, // UIListenerLogging.PLE_PERSP_ACTIVATED); perspectiveEvents.perspectiveActivated(page, perspective); } void WorkbenchWindow::FirePerspectivePreDeactivate( IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer perspective) { // UIListenerLogging.logPerspectiveEvent(this, page, perspective, // UIListenerLogging.PLE_PERSP_PRE_DEACTIVATE); perspectiveEvents.perspectivePreDeactivate(page, perspective); } void WorkbenchWindow::FirePerspectiveDeactivated(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer perspective) { // UIListenerLogging.logPerspectiveEvent(this, page, perspective, // UIListenerLogging.PLE_PERSP_DEACTIVATED); perspectiveEvents.perspectiveDeactivated(page, perspective); } void WorkbenchWindow::FirePerspectiveChanged(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer perspective, const QString& changeId) { // Some callers call this even when there is no active perspective. // Just ignore this case. if (perspective != 0) { // UIListenerLogging.logPerspectiveChangedEvent(this, page, // perspective, null, changeId); perspectiveEvents.perspectiveChanged(page, perspective, changeId); } } void WorkbenchWindow::FirePerspectiveChanged(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer perspective, IWorkbenchPartReference::Pointer partRef, const QString& changeId) { // Some callers call this even when there is no active perspective. // Just ignore this case. if (perspective != 0) { // UIListenerLogging.logPerspectiveChangedEvent(this, page, // perspective, partRef, changeId); perspectiveEvents.perspectivePartChanged(page, perspective, partRef, changeId); } } void WorkbenchWindow::FirePerspectiveClosed(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer perspective) { // UIListenerLogging.logPerspectiveEvent(this, page, perspective, // UIListenerLogging.PLE_PERSP_CLOSED); perspectiveEvents.perspectiveClosed(page, perspective); } void WorkbenchWindow::FirePerspectiveOpened(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer perspective) { // UIListenerLogging.logPerspectiveEvent(this, page, perspective, // UIListenerLogging.PLE_PERSP_OPENED); perspectiveEvents.perspectiveOpened(page, perspective); } void WorkbenchWindow::FirePerspectiveSavedAs(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer oldPerspective, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer newPerspective) { // UIListenerLogging.logPerspectiveSavedAs(this, page, oldPerspective, // newPerspective); perspectiveEvents.perspectiveSavedAs(page, oldPerspective, newPerspective); } void WorkbenchWindow::FillActionBars(ActionBarAdvisor::FillFlags flags) { // Workbench workbench = getWorkbenchImpl(); // workbench.largeUpdateStart(); //try { this->GetActionBarAdvisor()->FillActionBars(flags); IMenuService* menuService = serviceLocator->GetService<IMenuService>(); menuService->PopulateContributionManager(dynamic_cast<ContributionManager*>(GetActionBars()->GetMenuManager()), MenuUtil::MAIN_MENU); // ICoolBarManager coolbar = getActionBars().getCoolBarManager(); // if (coolbar != null) // { // menuService.populateContributionManager( // (ContributionManager) coolbar, // MenuUtil.MAIN_TOOLBAR); // } // } finally { // workbench.largeUpdateEnd(); // } } QPoint WorkbenchWindow::GetInitialSize() { return this->GetWindowConfigurer()->GetInitialSize(); } bool WorkbenchWindow::Close() { //BERRY_INFO << "WorkbenchWindow::Close()"; bool ret = false; //BusyIndicator.showWhile(null, new Runnable() { // public void run() { ret = this->BusyClose(); // } // }); return ret; } bool WorkbenchWindow::BusyClose() { // Whether the window was actually closed or not bool windowClosed = false; // Setup internal flags to indicate window is in // progress of closing and no update should be done. closing = true; updateDisabled = true; try { // Only do the check if it is OK to close if we are not closing // via the workbench as the workbench will check this itself. Workbench* workbench = this->GetWorkbenchImpl(); std::size_t count = workbench->GetWorkbenchWindowCount(); // also check for starting - if the first window dies on startup // then we'll need to open a default window. if (!workbench->IsStarting() && !workbench->IsClosing() && count <= 1 && workbench->GetWorkbenchConfigurer()->GetExitOnLastWindowClose()) { windowClosed = workbench->Close(); } else { if (this->OkToClose()) { windowClosed = this->HardClose(); } } } catch (std::exception& exc) { if (!windowClosed) { // Reset the internal flags if window was not closed. closing = false; updateDisabled = false; } throw exc; } // if (windowClosed && tracker != null) { // tracker.close(); // } return windowClosed; } void WorkbenchWindow::MakeVisible() { Shell::Pointer shell = GetShell(); if (shell) { // see bug 96700 and bug 4414 for a discussion on the use of open() // here shell->Open(); } } bool WorkbenchWindow::OkToClose() { // Save all of the editors. if (!this->GetWorkbenchImpl()->IsClosing()) { if (!this->SaveAllPages(true)) { return false; } } return true; } bool WorkbenchWindow::SaveAllPages(bool bConfirm) { bool bRet = true; PageList::iterator itr = pageList.Begin(); while (bRet && itr != pageList.End()) { bRet = (*itr)->SaveAllEditors(bConfirm); ++itr; } return bRet; } bool WorkbenchWindow::HardClose() { std::exception exc; bool exceptionOccured = false; try { // Clear the action sets, fix for bug 27416. //getActionPresentation().clearActionSets(); // Remove the handler submissions. Bug 64024. /* final IWorkbench workbench = getWorkbench(); final IHandlerService handlerService = (IHandlerService) workbench.getService(IHandlerService.class); handlerService.deactivateHandlers(handlerActivations); final Iterator activationItr = handlerActivations.iterator(); while (activationItr.hasNext()) { final IHandlerActivation activation = (IHandlerActivation) activationItr .next(); activation.getHandler().dispose(); } handlerActivations.clear(); globalActionHandlersByCommandId.clear(); */ // Remove the enabled submissions. Bug 64024. //IContextService* contextService = this->GetWorkbench()->GetService<IContextService>(); //contextService->UnregisterShell(this->GetShell()); this->CloseAllPages(); this->FireWindowClosed(); // time to wipe out our populate /* IMenuService menuService = (IMenuService) workbench .getService(IMenuService.class); menuService .releaseContributions(((ContributionManager) getActionBars() .getMenuManager())); ICoolBarManager coolbar = getActionBars().getCoolBarManager(); if (coolbar != null) { menuService .releaseContributions(((ContributionManager) coolbar)); } */ //getActionBarAdvisor().dispose(); //getWindowAdvisor().dispose(); //detachedWindowShells.dispose(); delete windowAdvisor; windowAdvisor = nullptr; // Null out the progress region. Bug 64024. //progressRegion = null; // Remove drop targets /* DragUtil.removeDragTarget(null, trimDropTarget); DragUtil.removeDragTarget(getShell(), trimDropTarget); trimDropTarget = null; if (trimMgr2 != null) { trimMgr2.dispose(); trimMgr2 = null; } if (trimContributionMgr != null) { trimContributionMgr.dispose(); trimContributionMgr = null; } */ } catch (std::exception& e) { exc = e; exceptionOccured = true; } bool result = Window::Close(); // Bring down all of the services ... after the window goes away serviceLocator->Dispose(); //menuRestrictions.clear(); if (exceptionOccured) throw exc; return result; } void WorkbenchWindow::CloseAllPages() { // Deactivate active page. this->SetActivePage(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer(nullptr)); // Clone and deref all so that calls to getPages() returns // empty list (if called by pageClosed event handlers) PageList oldList = pageList; pageList.Clear(); // Close all. for (PageList::iterator itr = oldList.Begin(); itr != oldList.End(); ++itr) { partService.PageClosed(*itr); //(*itr)->FirePageClosed(page); //page.dispose(); } if (!closing) { this->ShowEmptyWindowContents(); } } WWinActionBars* WorkbenchWindow::GetActionBars() { if (actionBars.IsNull()) { actionBars = new WWinActionBars(this); } return actionBars.GetPointer(); } void WorkbenchWindow::SetPerspectiveExcludeList(const QStringList& v) { perspectiveExcludeList = v; } QStringList WorkbenchWindow::GetPerspectiveExcludeList() const { return perspectiveExcludeList; } void WorkbenchWindow::SetViewExcludeList(const QStringList& v) { viewExcludeList = v; } QStringList WorkbenchWindow::GetViewExcludeList() const { return viewExcludeList; } QList<IWorkbenchPage::Pointer> WorkbenchWindow::GetPages() const { return pageList.GetPages(); } IWorkbenchPage::Pointer WorkbenchWindow::GetActivePage() const { return pageList.GetActive(); } IWorkbench* WorkbenchWindow::GetWorkbench() const { return PlatformUI::GetWorkbench(); } IPartService* WorkbenchWindow::GetPartService() { return &partService; } ISelectionService* WorkbenchWindow::GetSelectionService() const { return partService.GetSelectionService(); } bool WorkbenchWindow::GetToolBarVisible() const { return GetWindowConfigurer()->GetShowToolBar() && toolBarVisible; } bool WorkbenchWindow::GetPerspectiveBarVisible() const { return GetWindowConfigurer()->GetShowPerspectiveBar() && perspectiveBarVisible; } bool WorkbenchWindow::GetStatusLineVisible() const { return GetWindowConfigurer()->GetShowStatusLine() && statusLineVisible; } void WorkbenchWindow::AddPropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener *listener) { genericPropertyListeners.AddListener(listener); } void WorkbenchWindow::RemovePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener *listener) { genericPropertyListeners.RemoveListener(listener); } bool WorkbenchWindow::IsClosing() { return closing || this->GetWorkbenchImpl()->IsClosing(); } int WorkbenchWindow::Open() { if (pageList.IsEmpty()) { this->ShowEmptyWindowContents(); } this->FireWindowCreated(); this->GetWindowAdvisor()->OpenIntro(); int result = Window::Open(); // It's time for a layout ... to insure that if TrimLayout // is in play, it updates all of the trim it's responsible // for. We have to do this before updating in order to get // the PerspectiveBar management correct...see defect 137334 //getShell().layout(); this->FireWindowOpened(); // if (perspectiveSwitcher != null) { // perspectiveSwitcher.updatePerspectiveBar(); // perspectiveSwitcher.updateBarParent(); // } return result; } QWidget* WorkbenchWindow::GetPageComposite() { return pageComposite; } QWidget *WorkbenchWindow::CreatePageComposite(QWidget *parent) { auto pageArea = new QtControlWidget(parent, nullptr); pageArea->setObjectName("Page Composite"); new QHBoxLayout(pageArea); if (qobject_cast<QMainWindow*> (parent) != nullptr) qobject_cast<QMainWindow*> (parent)->setCentralWidget(pageArea); else parent->layout()->addWidget(pageArea); // we have to enable visibility to get a proper layout (see bug #1654) pageArea->setVisible(true); parent->setVisible(true); pageComposite = pageArea; return pageArea; } QWidget* WorkbenchWindow::CreateContents(Shell::Pointer parent) { // we know from Window.create that the parent is a Shell. this->GetWindowAdvisor()->CreateWindowContents(parent); // the page composite must be set by createWindowContents poco_assert(pageComposite != nullptr) ; // "createWindowContents must call configurer.createPageComposite"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return pageComposite; } void WorkbenchWindow::CreateDefaultContents(Shell::Pointer shell) { QMainWindow* mainWindow = qobject_cast<QMainWindow*>(shell->GetControl()); if (GetWindowConfigurer()->GetShowMenuBar() && mainWindow) { QMenuBar* menuBar = GetMenuBarManager()->CreateMenuBar(mainWindow); mainWindow->setMenuBar(menuBar); } if (GetWindowConfigurer()->GetShowPerspectiveBar() && mainWindow) { mainWindow->addToolBar(new QtPerspectiveSwitcher(IWorkbenchWindow::Pointer(this))); } // Create the client composite area (where page content goes). CreatePageComposite(shell->GetControl()); } void WorkbenchWindow::CreateTrimWidgets(SmartPointer<Shell> /*shell*/) { // do nothing -- trim widgets are created in CreateDefaultContents } bool WorkbenchWindow::UnableToRestorePage(IMemento::Pointer pageMem) { QString pageName; pageMem->GetString(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_LABEL, pageName); // return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 0, NLS.bind( // WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchWindow_unableToRestorePerspective, // pageName), null); WorkbenchPlugin::Log("Unable to restore perspective: " + pageName); return false; } bool WorkbenchWindow::RestoreState(IMemento::Pointer memento, IPerspectiveDescriptor::Pointer activeDescriptor) { //TODO WorkbenchWindow restore state poco_assert(GetShell()); // final MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus(PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, // WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchWindow_problemsRestoringWindow, null); bool result = true; // Restore the window advisor state. IMemento::Pointer windowAdvisorState = memento ->GetChild(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_WORKBENCH_WINDOW_ADVISOR); if (windowAdvisorState) { //result.add(getWindowAdvisor().restoreState(windowAdvisorState)); result &= GetWindowAdvisor()->RestoreState(windowAdvisorState); } // Restore actionbar advisor state. IMemento::Pointer actionBarAdvisorState = memento ->GetChild(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_ACTION_BAR_ADVISOR); if (actionBarAdvisorState) { // result.add(getActionBarAdvisor() // .restoreState(actionBarAdvisorState)); result &= GetActionBarAdvisor() ->RestoreState(actionBarAdvisorState); } // Read window's bounds and state. QRect displayBounds; // StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // // public void runWithException() { displayBounds = Tweaklets::Get(GuiWidgetsTweaklet::KEY)->GetScreenSize(); //displayBounds = GetShell()->GetDisplay()->GetBounds(); // }}); // final IMemento fastViewMem = memento // .getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_FAST_VIEW_DATA); // if (fastViewMem != null) { // if (fastViewBar != null) { // StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // // public void runWithException() { // fastViewBar.restoreState(fastViewMem); // }}); // // } // } int x, y, w, h; memento->GetInteger(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_X, x); memento->GetInteger(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_Y, y); memento->GetInteger(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_WIDTH, w); memento->GetInteger(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_HEIGHT, h); QRect shellBounds(x, y, w, h); if (!shellBounds.isEmpty()) { // StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // // public void runWithException() { if (!shellBounds.intersects(displayBounds)) { + // Center on default screen QRect clientArea(Tweaklets::Get(GuiWidgetsTweaklet::KEY)->GetAvailableScreenSize()); - shellBounds.setX(clientArea.x()); - shellBounds.setY(clientArea.y()); + shellBounds.setX(clientArea.width() * 0.05); + shellBounds.setY(clientArea.height() * 0.05); + shellBounds.setWidth(clientArea.width() * 0.9); + shellBounds.setHeight(clientArea.height() * 0.9); } GetShell()->SetBounds(shellBounds); // }}); } QString maximized; memento->GetString(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_MAXIMIZED, maximized); if (maximized == "true") { // StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // // public void runWithException() { GetShell()->SetMaximized(true); // }}); } QString minimized; memento->GetString(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_MINIMIZED, minimized); if (minimized == "true") { // getShell().setMinimized(true); } // // restore the width of the perspective bar // if (perspectiveSwitcher != null) { // perspectiveSwitcher.restoreState(memento); // } // // Restore the cool bar order by creating all the tool bar contribution // // items // // This needs to be done before pages are created to ensure proper // // canonical creation // // of cool items // final ICoolBarManager2 coolBarMgr = (ICoolBarManager2) getCoolBarManager2(); // if (coolBarMgr != null) { // IMemento coolBarMem = memento // .getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_COOLBAR_LAYOUT); // if (coolBarMem != null) { // // Check if the layout is locked // final Integer lockedInt = coolBarMem // .getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_LOCKED); // StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable(){ // // public void runWithException() { // if ((lockedInt != null) && (lockedInt.intValue() == 1)) { // coolBarMgr.setLockLayout(true); // } else { // coolBarMgr.setLockLayout(false); // } // }}); // // // The new layout of the cool bar manager // ArrayList coolBarLayout = new ArrayList(); // // Traverse through all the cool item in the memento // IMemento contributionMems[] = coolBarMem // .getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_COOLITEM); // for (int i = 0; i < contributionMems.length; i++) { // IMemento contributionMem = contributionMems[i]; // String type = contributionMem // .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ITEM_TYPE); // if (type == null) { // // Do not recognize that type // continue; // } // String id = contributionMem // .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID); // // // Prevent duplicate items from being read back in. // IContributionItem existingItem = coolBarMgr.find(id); // if ((id != null) && (existingItem != null)) { // if (Policy.DEBUG_TOOLBAR_DISPOSAL) { // System.out // .println("Not loading duplicate cool bar item: " + id); //$NON-NLS-1$ // } // coolBarLayout.add(existingItem); // continue; // } // IContributionItem newItem = null; // if (type.equals(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TYPE_SEPARATOR)) { // if (id != null) { // newItem = new Separator(id); // } else { // newItem = new Separator(); // } // } else if (id != null) { // if (type // .equals(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TYPE_GROUPMARKER)) { // newItem = new GroupMarker(id); // // } else if (type // .equals(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TYPE_TOOLBARCONTRIBUTION) // || type // .equals(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER)) { // // // Get Width and height // Integer width = contributionMem // .getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ITEM_X); // Integer height = contributionMem // .getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ITEM_Y); // // Look for the object in the current cool bar // // manager // IContributionItem oldItem = coolBarMgr.find(id); // // If a tool bar contribution item already exists // // for this id then use the old object // if (oldItem != null) { // newItem = oldItem; // } else { // IActionBarPresentationFactory actionBarPresentation = getActionBarPresentationFactory(); // newItem = actionBarPresentation.createToolBarContributionItem( // actionBarPresentation.createToolBarManager(), id); // if (type // .equals(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER)) { // IToolBarContributionItem newToolBarItem = (IToolBarContributionItem) newItem; // if (height != null) { // newToolBarItem.setCurrentHeight(height // .intValue()); // } // if (width != null) { // newToolBarItem.setCurrentWidth(width // .intValue()); // } // newItem = new PlaceholderContributionItem( // newToolBarItem); // } // // make it invisible by default // newItem.setVisible(false); // // Need to add the item to the cool bar manager // // so that its canonical order can be preserved // IContributionItem refItem = findAlphabeticalOrder( // IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS, // id, coolBarMgr); // if (refItem != null) { // coolBarMgr.insertAfter(refItem.getId(), // newItem); // } else { // coolBarMgr.add(newItem); // } // } // // Set the current height and width // if ((width != null) // && (newItem instanceof IToolBarContributionItem)) { // ((IToolBarContributionItem) newItem) // .setCurrentWidth(width.intValue()); // } // if ((height != null) // && (newItem instanceof IToolBarContributionItem)) { // ((IToolBarContributionItem) newItem) // .setCurrentHeight(height.intValue()); // } // } // } // // Add new item into cool bar manager // if (newItem != null) { // coolBarLayout.add(newItem); // newItem.setParent(coolBarMgr); // coolBarMgr.markDirty(); // } // } // // // We need to check if we have everything we need in the layout. // boolean newlyAddedItems = false; // IContributionItem[] existingItems = coolBarMgr.getItems(); // for (int i = 0; i < existingItems.length && !newlyAddedItems; i++) { // IContributionItem existingItem = existingItems[i]; // // /* // * This line shouldn't be necessary, but is here for // * robustness. // */ // if (existingItem == null) { // continue; // } // // boolean found = false; // Iterator layoutItemItr = coolBarLayout.iterator(); // while (layoutItemItr.hasNext()) { // IContributionItem layoutItem = (IContributionItem) layoutItemItr // .next(); // if ((layoutItem != null) // && (layoutItem.equals(existingItem))) { // found = true; // break; // } // } // // if (!found) { // if (existingItem != null) { // newlyAddedItems = true; // } // } // } // // // Set the cool bar layout to the given layout. // if (!newlyAddedItems) { // final IContributionItem[] itemsToSet = new IContributionItem[coolBarLayout // .size()]; // coolBarLayout.toArray(itemsToSet); // StartupThreading // .runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // // public void runWithException() { // coolBarMgr.setItems(itemsToSet); // } // }); // } // // } else { // // For older workbenchs // coolBarMem = memento // .getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TOOLBAR_LAYOUT); // if (coolBarMem != null) { // // Restore an older layout // restoreOldCoolBar(coolBarMem); // } // } // } // Recreate each page in the window. IWorkbenchPage::Pointer newActivePage; QList<IMemento::Pointer> pageArray = memento ->GetChildren(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_PAGE); for (int i = 0; i < pageArray.size(); i++) { IMemento::Pointer pageMem = pageArray[i]; QString strFocus; pageMem->GetString(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_FOCUS, strFocus); if (strFocus.isEmpty()) { continue; } // Get the input factory. IAdaptable* input = nullptr; IMemento::Pointer inputMem = pageMem->GetChild(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_INPUT); if (inputMem) { QString factoryID; inputMem->GetString(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_FACTORY_ID, factoryID); if (factoryID.isEmpty()) { WorkbenchPlugin ::Log("Unable to restore page - no input factory ID."); //result.add(unableToRestorePage(pageMem)); result &= UnableToRestorePage(pageMem); continue; } // try { // UIStats.start(UIStats.RESTORE_WORKBENCH, // "WorkbenchPageFactory"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // StartupThreading // .runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // // public void runWithException() throws Throwable { // IElementFactory factory = PlatformUI // .getWorkbench().getElementFactory( // factoryID); // if (factory == null) { // WorkbenchPlugin // .log("Unable to restore page - cannot instantiate input factory: " + factoryID); //$NON-NLS-1$ // result // .add(unableToRestorePage(pageMem)); // return; // } // // // Get the input element. // input[0] = factory.createElement(inputMem); // } // }); // // if (input[0] == null) { // WorkbenchPlugin // .log("Unable to restore page - cannot instantiate input element: " + factoryID); //$NON-NLS-1$ // result.add(unableToRestorePage(pageMem)); // continue; // } // } finally { // UIStats.end(UIStats.RESTORE_WORKBENCH, factoryID, // "WorkbenchPageFactory"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // } } // Open the perspective. IAdaptable* finalInput = input; WorkbenchPage::Pointer newPage; try { // StartupThreading.runWithWorkbenchExceptions(new StartupRunnable(){ // // public void runWithException() throws WorkbenchException { newPage = new WorkbenchPage(this, finalInput); // }}); //result.add(newPage[0].restoreState(pageMem, activeDescriptor)); result &= newPage->RestoreState(pageMem, activeDescriptor); pageList.Add(newPage); // StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // // public void runWithException() throws Throwable { partService.PageOpened(newPage); // firePageOpened(newPage[0]); // }}); } catch (const WorkbenchException& e) { WorkbenchPlugin::Log( "Unable to restore perspective - constructor failed.", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ //result.add(e.getStatus()); continue; } if (!strFocus.isEmpty()) { newActivePage = newPage; } } // If there are no pages create a default. if (pageList.IsEmpty()) { try { const QString defPerspID = this->GetWorkbenchImpl()->GetPerspectiveRegistry() ->GetDefaultPerspective(); if (!defPerspID.isEmpty()) { WorkbenchPage::Pointer newPage; //StartupThreading.runWithWorkbenchExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // public void runWithException() throws Throwable { newPage = new WorkbenchPage(this, defPerspID, this->GetDefaultPageInput()); // }}); pageList.Add(newPage); //StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // public void runWithException() throws Throwable { // firePageOpened(newPage[0]); partService.PageOpened(newPage); // }}); } } catch (WorkbenchException& e) { WorkbenchPlugin ::Log( "Unable to create default perspective - constructor failed.", e); result = false; //TODO set product name // String productName = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault() // .getProductName(); // if (productName == null) { // productName = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ // } // getShell().setText(productName); } } // Set active page. if (newActivePage.IsNull()) { newActivePage = pageList.GetNextActive().Cast<IWorkbenchPage>(); } //StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // public void runWithException() throws Throwable { this->SetActivePage(newActivePage); // }}); IMemento::Pointer introMem = memento->GetChild(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_INTRO); if (introMem) { // StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { // // public void runWithException() throws Throwable { bool isStandby = false; introMem->GetBoolean(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_STANDBY, isStandby); GetWorkbench()->GetIntroManager()->ShowIntro( IWorkbenchWindow::Pointer(this), isStandby); // } // }); } // // // Only restore the trim state if we're using the default layout // if (defaultLayout != null) { // // Restore the trim state. We pass in the 'root' // // memento since we have to check for pre-3.2 // // state. // result.add(restoreTrimState(memento)); // } return result; } IAdaptable* WorkbenchWindow::GetDefaultPageInput() { return this->GetWorkbenchImpl()->GetDefaultPageInput(); } IWorkbenchPage::Pointer WorkbenchWindow::OpenPage( const QString& perspId, IAdaptable* input) { // Run op in busy cursor. IWorkbenchPage::Pointer result; //BusyIndicator.showWhile(null, new Runnable() { // public void run() { result = this->BusyOpenPage(perspId, input); // } return result; } SmartPointer<IWorkbenchPage> WorkbenchWindow::OpenPage(IAdaptable* input) { QString perspId = this->GetWorkbenchImpl()->GetDefaultPerspectiveId(); return this->OpenPage(perspId, input); } IWorkbenchPage::Pointer WorkbenchWindow::BusyOpenPage( const QString& perspID, IAdaptable* input) { IWorkbenchPage::Pointer newPage; if (pageList.IsEmpty()) { newPage = new WorkbenchPage(this, perspID, input); pageList.Add(newPage); //this->FirePageOpened(newPage); partService.PageOpened(newPage); this->SetActivePage(newPage); } else { IWorkbenchWindow::Pointer window = this->GetWorkbench()->OpenWorkbenchWindow(perspID, input); newPage = window->GetActivePage(); } return newPage; } int WorkbenchWindow::GetNumber() { return number; } void WorkbenchWindow::UpdateActionBars() { if (updateDisabled || UpdatesDeferred()) { return; } // updateAll required in order to enable accelerators on pull-down menus GetMenuBarManager()->Update(false); //GetToolBarManager()->Update(false); //GetStatusLineManager()->Update(false); } void WorkbenchWindow::LargeUpdateStart() { largeUpdates++; } void WorkbenchWindow::LargeUpdateEnd() { if (--largeUpdates == 0) { this->UpdateActionBars(); } } void WorkbenchWindow::SetActivePage(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer in) { if (this->GetActivePage() == in) { return; } // 1FVGTNR: ITPUI:WINNT - busy cursor for switching perspectives //BusyIndicator.showWhile(getShell().getDisplay(), new Runnable() { // public void run() { // Deactivate old persp. WorkbenchPage::Pointer currentPage = pageList.GetActive(); if (currentPage.IsNotNull()) { currentPage->OnDeactivate(); } // Activate new persp. if (in.IsNull() || pageList.Contains(in)) { pageList.SetActive(in); } WorkbenchPage::Pointer newPage = pageList.GetActive(); //Composite parent = getPageComposite(); //StackLayout layout = (StackLayout) parent.getLayout(); if (newPage.IsNotNull()) { //layout.topControl = newPage.getClientComposite(); //parent.layout(); this->HideEmptyWindowContents(); newPage->OnActivate(); //this->FirePageActivated(newPage); partService.PageActivated(newPage); //TODO perspective if (newPage->GetPerspective() != 0) { this->FirePerspectiveActivated(newPage, newPage->GetPerspective()); } } else { //layout.topControl = null; //parent.layout(); } //updateFastViewBar(); if (this->IsClosing()) { return; } updateDisabled = false; // Update action bars ( implicitly calls updateActionBars() ) //updateActionSets(); //submitGlobalActions(); //if (perspectiveSwitcher != null) { // perspectiveSwitcher.update(false); //} GetMenuManager()->Update(QActionProperties::TEXT); // } //}); } MenuManager *WorkbenchWindow::GetMenuManager() const { return this->GetMenuBarManager(); } bool WorkbenchWindow::SaveState(IMemento::Pointer memento) { // MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus(PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, // WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchWindow_problemsSavingWindow, null); bool result = true; // Save the window's state and bounds. if (GetShell()->GetMaximized() || asMaximizedState) { memento->PutString(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_MAXIMIZED, "true"); } if (GetShell()->GetMinimized()) { memento->PutString(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_MINIMIZED, "true"); } if (normalBounds.isEmpty()) { normalBounds = GetShell()->GetBounds(); } // IMemento fastViewBarMem = memento // .createChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_FAST_VIEW_DATA); // if (fastViewBar != null) { // fastViewBar.saveState(fastViewBarMem); // } memento->PutInteger(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_X, normalBounds.x()); memento->PutInteger(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_Y, normalBounds.y()); memento->PutInteger(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_WIDTH, normalBounds.width()); memento->PutInteger(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_HEIGHT, normalBounds.height()); IWorkbenchPage::Pointer activePage = GetActivePage(); if (activePage && activePage->FindView(IntroConstants::INTRO_VIEW_ID)) { IMemento::Pointer introMem = memento ->CreateChild(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_INTRO); bool isStandby = GetWorkbench()->GetIntroManager() ->IsIntroStandby(GetWorkbench()->GetIntroManager()->GetIntro()); introMem->PutBoolean(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_STANDBY, isStandby); } // // save the width of the perspective bar // IMemento persBarMem = memento // .createChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_PERSPECTIVE_BAR); // if (perspectiveSwitcher != null) { // perspectiveSwitcher.saveState(persBarMem); // } // // / Save the order of the cool bar contribution items // ICoolBarManager2 coolBarMgr = (ICoolBarManager2) getCoolBarManager2(); // if (coolBarMgr != null) { // coolBarMgr.refresh(); // IMemento coolBarMem = memento // .createChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_COOLBAR_LAYOUT); // if (coolBarMgr.getLockLayout() == true) { // coolBarMem.putInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_LOCKED, 1); // } else { // coolBarMem.putInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_LOCKED, 0); // } // IContributionItem[] items = coolBarMgr.getItems(); // for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { // IMemento coolItemMem = coolBarMem // .createChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_COOLITEM); // IContributionItem item = items[i]; // // The id of the contribution item // if (item.getId() != null) { // coolItemMem.putString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID, item // .getId()); // } // // Write out type and size if applicable // if (item.isSeparator()) { // coolItemMem.putString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ITEM_TYPE, // IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TYPE_SEPARATOR); // } else if (item.isGroupMarker() && !item.isSeparator()) { // coolItemMem.putString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ITEM_TYPE, // IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TYPE_GROUPMARKER); // } else { // if (item instanceof PlaceholderContributionItem) { // coolItemMem.putString( // IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ITEM_TYPE, // IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER); // } else { // // Store the identifier. // coolItemMem // .putString( // IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ITEM_TYPE, // IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TYPE_TOOLBARCONTRIBUTION); // } // // /* // * Retrieve a reasonable approximation of the height and // * width, if possible. // */ // final int height; // final int width; // if (item instanceof IToolBarContributionItem) { // IToolBarContributionItem toolBarItem = (IToolBarContributionItem) item; // toolBarItem.saveWidgetState(); // height = toolBarItem.getCurrentHeight(); // width = toolBarItem.getCurrentWidth(); // } else if (item instanceof PlaceholderContributionItem) { // PlaceholderContributionItem placeholder = (PlaceholderContributionItem) item; // height = placeholder.getHeight(); // width = placeholder.getWidth(); // } else { // height = -1; // width = -1; // } // // // Store the height and width. // coolItemMem.putInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ITEM_X, // width); // coolItemMem.putInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ITEM_Y, // height); // } // } // } // Save each page. for (PageList::iterator itr = pageList.Begin(); itr != pageList.End(); ++itr) { WorkbenchPage::Pointer page = itr->Cast<WorkbenchPage>(); // Save perspective. IMemento::Pointer pageMem = memento ->CreateChild(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_PAGE); pageMem->PutString(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_LABEL, page->GetLabel()); //result.add(page.saveState(pageMem)); result &= page->SaveState(pageMem); if (page == GetActivePage().Cast<WorkbenchPage>()) { pageMem->PutString(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_FOCUS, "true"); } // // Get the input. // IAdaptable* input = page->GetInput(); // if (input != 0) { // IPersistableElement persistable = (IPersistableElement) Util.getAdapter(input, // IPersistableElement.class); // if (persistable == null) { // WorkbenchPlugin // .log("Unable to save page input: " //$NON-NLS-1$ // + input // + ", because it does not adapt to IPersistableElement"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // } else { // // Save input. // IMemento inputMem = pageMem // .createChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_INPUT); // inputMem.putString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_FACTORY_ID, // persistable.getFactoryId()); // persistable.saveState(inputMem); // } // } } // Save window advisor state. IMemento::Pointer windowAdvisorState = memento ->CreateChild(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_WORKBENCH_WINDOW_ADVISOR); //result.add(getWindowAdvisor().saveState(windowAdvisorState)); result &= GetWindowAdvisor()->SaveState(windowAdvisorState); // Save actionbar advisor state. IMemento::Pointer actionBarAdvisorState = memento ->CreateChild(WorkbenchConstants::TAG_ACTION_BAR_ADVISOR); //result.add(getActionBarAdvisor().saveState(actionBarAdvisorState)); result &= GetActionBarAdvisor()->SaveState(actionBarAdvisorState); // // Only save the trim state if we're using the default layout // if (defaultLayout != null) { // IMemento trimState = memento.createChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TRIM); // result.add(saveTrimState(trimState)); // } return result; } WorkbenchWindowConfigurer::Pointer WorkbenchWindow::GetWindowConfigurer() const { if (windowConfigurer.IsNull()) { // lazy initialize windowConfigurer = new WorkbenchWindowConfigurer(WorkbenchWindow::Pointer(const_cast<WorkbenchWindow*>(this))); } return windowConfigurer; } bool WorkbenchWindow::CanHandleShellCloseEvent() { if (!Window::CanHandleShellCloseEvent()) { return false; } // let the advisor or other interested parties // veto the user's explicit request to close the window return FireWindowShellClosing(); } void WorkbenchWindow::ConfigureShell(Shell::Pointer shell) { Window::ConfigureShell(shell); detachedWindowShells = new ShellPool(shell, Constants::TITLE | Constants::MAX | Constants::CLOSE | Constants::RESIZE | Constants::BORDER ); QString title = this->GetWindowConfigurer()->BasicGetTitle(); if (!title.isEmpty()) { shell->SetText(title); } //IWorkbench* workbench = this->GetWorkbench(); // workbench.getHelpSystem().setHelp(shell, // IWorkbenchHelpContextIds.WORKBENCH_WINDOW); //IContextService* contextService = workbench->GetService<IContextService>(); //contextService->RegisterShell(shell, IContextService::TYPE_WINDOW); shell->GetControl()->installEventFilter(&resizeEventFilter); } ShellPool::Pointer WorkbenchWindow::GetDetachedWindowPool() { return detachedWindowShells; } WorkbenchAdvisor* WorkbenchWindow::GetAdvisor() { return this->GetWorkbenchImpl()->GetAdvisor(); } WorkbenchWindowAdvisor* WorkbenchWindow::GetWindowAdvisor() { if (windowAdvisor == nullptr) { windowAdvisor = this->GetAdvisor()->CreateWorkbenchWindowAdvisor(this->GetWindowConfigurer()); poco_check_ptr(windowAdvisor); } return windowAdvisor; } ActionBarAdvisor::Pointer WorkbenchWindow::GetActionBarAdvisor() { if (actionBarAdvisor.IsNull()) { actionBarAdvisor = this->GetWindowAdvisor()->CreateActionBarAdvisor(this->GetWindowConfigurer()->GetActionBarConfigurer()); poco_assert(actionBarAdvisor.IsNotNull()); } return actionBarAdvisor; } Workbench* WorkbenchWindow::GetWorkbenchImpl() { return dynamic_cast<Workbench*>(this->GetWorkbench()); } void WorkbenchWindow::ShowEmptyWindowContents() { if (!emptyWindowContentsCreated) { QWidget* parent = this->GetPageComposite(); emptyWindowContents = this->GetWindowAdvisor()->CreateEmptyWindowContents( parent); emptyWindowContentsCreated = true; // // force the empty window composite to be layed out // ((StackLayout) parent.getLayout()).topControl = emptyWindowContents; // parent.layout(); } } void WorkbenchWindow::HideEmptyWindowContents() { if (emptyWindowContentsCreated) { if (emptyWindowContents != nullptr) { Tweaklets::Get(GuiWidgetsTweaklet::KEY)->Dispose(emptyWindowContents); emptyWindowContents = nullptr; //this->GetPageComposite().layout(); } emptyWindowContentsCreated = false; } } WorkbenchWindow::ServiceLocatorOwner::ServiceLocatorOwner(WorkbenchWindow* wnd) : window(wnd) { } void WorkbenchWindow::ServiceLocatorOwner::Dispose() { Shell::Pointer shell = window->GetShell(); if (shell != 0) { window->Close(); } } bool WorkbenchWindow::PageList::Add(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer object) { pagesInCreationOrder.push_back(object); pagesInActivationOrder.push_front(object); // It will be moved to top only when activated. return true; } WorkbenchWindow::PageList::iterator WorkbenchWindow::PageList::Begin() { return pagesInCreationOrder.begin(); } WorkbenchWindow::PageList::iterator WorkbenchWindow::PageList::End() { return pagesInCreationOrder.end(); } bool WorkbenchWindow::PageList::Contains(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer object) { return std::find(pagesInCreationOrder.begin(), pagesInCreationOrder.end(), object) != pagesInCreationOrder.end(); } bool WorkbenchWindow::PageList::Remove(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer object) { if (active == object) { active = nullptr; } pagesInActivationOrder.removeAll(object); const int origSize = pagesInCreationOrder.size(); pagesInCreationOrder.removeAll(object); return origSize != pagesInCreationOrder.size(); } void WorkbenchWindow::PageList::Clear() { pagesInCreationOrder.clear(); pagesInActivationOrder.clear(); active = nullptr; } bool WorkbenchWindow::PageList::IsEmpty() { return pagesInCreationOrder.empty(); } QList<IWorkbenchPage::Pointer> WorkbenchWindow::PageList::GetPages() const { return pagesInCreationOrder; } void WorkbenchWindow::PageList::SetActive(IWorkbenchPage::Pointer page) { if (active == page) { return; } active = page; if (page.IsNotNull()) { pagesInActivationOrder.removeAll(page); pagesInActivationOrder.push_back(page); } } WorkbenchPage::Pointer WorkbenchWindow::PageList::GetActive() const { return active.Cast<WorkbenchPage>(); } WorkbenchPage::Pointer WorkbenchWindow::PageList::GetNextActive() { if (active.IsNull()) { if (pagesInActivationOrder.empty()) { return WorkbenchPage::Pointer(nullptr); } return pagesInActivationOrder.back().Cast<WorkbenchPage>(); } if (pagesInActivationOrder.size() < 2) { return WorkbenchPage::Pointer(nullptr); } return pagesInActivationOrder.at(pagesInActivationOrder.size()-2).Cast<WorkbenchPage>(); } bool WorkbenchWindow::UpdatesDeferred() const { return largeUpdates > 0; } void WorkbenchWindow::InitializeDefaultServices() { workbenchLocationService.reset( new WorkbenchLocationService(IServiceScopes::WINDOW_SCOPE, GetWorkbench(), this, nullptr, 1)); workbenchLocationService->Register(); serviceLocator->RegisterService(workbenchLocationService.data()); //ActionCommandMappingService* mappingService = new ActionCommandMappingService(); //serviceLocator->RegisterService(IActionCommandMappingService, mappingService); } QSet<SmartPointer<IEvaluationReference> > WorkbenchWindow::GetMenuRestrictions() const { return QSet<SmartPointer<IEvaluationReference> >(); } void WorkbenchWindow::FirePropertyChanged(const QString& property, const Object::Pointer& oldValue, const Object::Pointer& newValue) { PropertyChangeEvent::Pointer event(new PropertyChangeEvent(Object::Pointer(this), property, oldValue, newValue)); genericPropertyListeners.propertyChange(event); } WorkbenchWindow::ShellEventFilter::ShellEventFilter(WorkbenchWindow* window) : window(window) { } bool WorkbenchWindow::ShellEventFilter::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) { QEvent::Type eventType = event->type(); if (eventType == QEvent::Move || eventType == QEvent::Resize) { QWidget* widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(watched); QRect newBounds = widget->geometry(); if (eventType == QEvent::Move) { newBounds.setTopLeft(static_cast<QMoveEvent*>(event)->pos()); } else if(eventType == QEvent::Resize) { newBounds.setSize(static_cast<QResizeEvent*>(event)->size()); } this->SaveBounds(newBounds); } else if (eventType == QEvent::WindowActivate) { this->ShellActivated(); } else if (eventType == QEvent::WindowDeactivate) { this->ShellDeactivated(); } return false; } void WorkbenchWindow::ShellEventFilter::SaveBounds(const QRect& newBounds) { Shell::Pointer shell = window->GetShell(); if (shell == 0) { return; } // if (shell->IsDisposed()) // { // return; // } if (shell->GetMinimized()) { return; } if (shell->GetMaximized()) { window->asMaximizedState = true; return; } window->asMaximizedState = false; window->normalBounds = newBounds; } void WorkbenchWindow::ShellEventFilter::ShellActivated() { WorkbenchWindow::Pointer wnd(window); wnd->shellActivated = true; wnd->serviceLocator->Activate(); wnd->GetWorkbenchImpl()->SetActivatedWindow(wnd); WorkbenchPage::Pointer currentPage = wnd->GetActivePage().Cast<WorkbenchPage>(); if (currentPage != 0) { IWorkbenchPart::Pointer part = currentPage->GetActivePart(); if (part != 0) { PartSite::Pointer site = part->GetSite().Cast<PartSite>(); site->GetPane()->ShellActivated(); } IEditorPart::Pointer editor = currentPage->GetActiveEditor(); if (editor != 0) { PartSite::Pointer site = editor->GetSite().Cast<PartSite>(); site->GetPane()->ShellActivated(); } wnd->GetWorkbenchImpl()->FireWindowActivated(wnd); } //liftRestrictions(); } void WorkbenchWindow::ShellEventFilter::ShellDeactivated() { WorkbenchWindow::Pointer wnd(window); wnd->shellActivated = false; //imposeRestrictions(); wnd->serviceLocator->Deactivate(); WorkbenchPage::Pointer currentPage = wnd->GetActivePage().Cast<WorkbenchPage>(); if (currentPage != 0) { IWorkbenchPart::Pointer part = currentPage->GetActivePart(); if (part != 0) { PartSite::Pointer site = part->GetSite().Cast<PartSite>(); site->GetPane()->ShellDeactivated(); } IEditorPart::Pointer editor = currentPage->GetActiveEditor(); if (editor != 0) { PartSite::Pointer site = editor->GetSite().Cast<PartSite>(); site->GetPane()->ShellDeactivated(); } wnd->GetWorkbenchImpl()->FireWindowDeactivated(wnd); } } }