diff --git a/Modules/Classification/CLMiniApps/XRaxSimulationFromCT.cpp b/Modules/Classification/CLMiniApps/XRaxSimulationFromCT.cpp index 0cdc98a1c1..f866f7e602 100644 --- a/Modules/Classification/CLMiniApps/XRaxSimulationFromCT.cpp +++ b/Modules/Classification/CLMiniApps/XRaxSimulationFromCT.cpp @@ -1,226 +1,226 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkProperties.h" #include "mitkCommandLineParser.h" #include "mitkIOUtil.h" #include "itkImageRegionIterator.h" // MITK #include #include #include struct Params { bool invert; float zeroValue; }; template void CreateXRay(itk::Image* itkImage, mitk::Image::Pointer mask1, std::string output, Params param) { typedef itk::Image ImageType; typedef itk::Image MaskType; typedef itk::Image NewImageType; typename MaskType::Pointer itkMask = MaskType::New(); mitk::CastToItkImage(mask1, itkMask); NewImageType::SpacingType newSpacing; - auto spacing = itkImage->GetSpacing(); - spacing[0] = itkImage->GetSpacing()[0]; - spacing[1] = itkImage->GetSpacing()[1]; - spacing[2] = itkImage->GetSpacing()[2]; + ImageType::SpacingType spacing; + spacing[0] = 0; + spacing[1] = 0; + spacing[2] = 0; spacing = itkImage->GetSpacing(); NewImageType::RegionType region1,region2,region3,region1m,region2m,region3m; NewImageType::IndexType start; start[0] = 0; start[1] = 0; NewImageType::SizeType size1, size2, size3; size1[0] = mask1->GetDimensions()[0]; size2[0] = mask1->GetDimensions()[0]; size3[0] = mask1->GetDimensions()[1]; size1[1] = mask1->GetDimensions()[1]; size2[1] = mask1->GetDimensions()[2]; size3[1] = mask1->GetDimensions()[2]; region1.SetSize(size1); region1m.SetSize(size1); region2.SetSize(size2); region2m.SetSize(size2); region3.SetSize(size3); region3m.SetSize(size3); region1.SetIndex(start); region1m.SetIndex(start); region2.SetIndex(start); region2m.SetIndex(start); region3.SetIndex(start); region3m.SetIndex(start); NewImageType::Pointer image1 = NewImageType::New(); image1->SetRegions(region1); image1->Allocate(); image1->FillBuffer(0); newSpacing[0] = spacing[0]; newSpacing[1] = spacing[1]; image1->SetSpacing(newSpacing); NewImageType::Pointer image2 = NewImageType::New(); image2->SetRegions(region2); image2->Allocate(); image2->FillBuffer(0); newSpacing[0] = spacing[0]; newSpacing[1] = spacing[2]; image2->SetSpacing(newSpacing); NewImageType::Pointer image3 = NewImageType::New(); image3->SetRegions(region3); image3->Allocate(); image3->FillBuffer(0); newSpacing[0] = spacing[1]; newSpacing[1] = spacing[2]; image3->SetSpacing(newSpacing); NewImageType::Pointer image1m = NewImageType::New(); image1m->SetRegions(region1m); image1m->Allocate(); image1m->FillBuffer(0); newSpacing[0] = spacing[0]; newSpacing[1] = spacing[1]; image1m->SetSpacing(newSpacing); NewImageType::Pointer image2m = NewImageType::New(); image2m->SetRegions(region2m); image2m->Allocate(); image2m->FillBuffer(0); newSpacing[0] = spacing[0]; newSpacing[1] = spacing[2]; image2m->SetSpacing(newSpacing); NewImageType::Pointer image3m = NewImageType::New(); image3m->SetRegions(region3m); image3m->Allocate(); image3m->FillBuffer(0); newSpacing[0] = spacing[1]; newSpacing[1] = spacing[2]; image3m->SetSpacing(newSpacing); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < mask1->GetDimensions()[0]; ++x) { for (unsigned int y = 0; y < mask1->GetDimensions()[1]; ++y) { for (unsigned int z = 0; z < mask1->GetDimensions()[2]; ++z) { NewImageType::IndexType newIndex; typename ImageType::IndexType index; index[0] = x; index[1] = y; index[2] = z; double pixel = itkImage->GetPixel(index)+1024; pixel = pixel / 1000.0; pixel = (pixel < 0)? 0 : pixel; newIndex[0] = x; newIndex[1] = y; image1->SetPixel(newIndex, image1->GetPixel(newIndex) + pixel); newIndex[0] = x; newIndex[1] = z; image2->SetPixel(newIndex, image2->GetPixel(newIndex) + pixel); newIndex[0] = y; newIndex[1] = z; image3->SetPixel(newIndex, image3->GetPixel(newIndex) + pixel); if (itkMask->GetPixel(index) > 0 && !param.invert) { pixel = param.zeroValue + 1024; pixel = pixel / 1000.0; } if (itkMask->GetPixel(index) < 1 && param.invert) { pixel = param.zeroValue + 1024; pixel = pixel / 1000.0; } pixel = (pixel < 0)? 0 : pixel; newIndex[0] = x; newIndex[1] = y; image1m->SetPixel(newIndex, image1m->GetPixel(newIndex) + pixel); newIndex[0] = x; newIndex[1] = z; image2m->SetPixel(newIndex, image2m->GetPixel(newIndex) + pixel); newIndex[0] = y; newIndex[1] = z; image3m->SetPixel(newIndex, image3m->GetPixel(newIndex) + pixel); } } } mitk::Image::Pointer img = mitk::ImportItkImage(image1); mitk::IOUtil::Save(img, output + "1.nrrd"); img = mitk::ImportItkImage(image2); mitk::IOUtil::Save(img, output + "2.nrrd"); img = mitk::ImportItkImage(image3); mitk::IOUtil::Save(img, output + "3.nrrd"); img = mitk::ImportItkImage(image1m); mitk::IOUtil::Save(img, output + "1m.nrrd"); img = mitk::ImportItkImage(image2m); mitk::IOUtil::Save(img, output + "2m.nrrd"); img = mitk::ImportItkImage(image3m); mitk::IOUtil::Save(img, output + "3m.nrrd"); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { mitkCommandLineParser parser; parser.setTitle("Dicom Loader"); parser.setCategory("Preprocessing Tools"); parser.setDescription(""); parser.setContributor("MBI"); parser.setArgumentPrefix("-","-"); // Add command line argument names parser.addArgument("help", "h",mitkCommandLineParser::Bool, "Help:", "Show this help text"); parser.addArgument("input", "i", mitkCommandLineParser::InputDirectory, "Input image:", "Input folder", us::Any(), false); parser.addArgument("mask", "m", mitkCommandLineParser::InputDirectory, "Input mask:", "Input folder", us::Any(), false); parser.addArgument("output", "o", mitkCommandLineParser::OutputFile, "Output file:", "Output file", us::Any(), false); parser.addArgument("invert", "invert", mitkCommandLineParser::Bool, "Input mask:", "Input folder", us::Any()); parser.addArgument("zero_value", "zero", mitkCommandLineParser::Float, "Output file:", "Output file", us::Any()); std::map parsedArgs = parser.parseArguments(argc, argv); if (parsedArgs.size()==0) return EXIT_FAILURE; // Show a help message if ( parsedArgs.count("help") || parsedArgs.count("h")) { std::cout << parser.helpText(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } std::string inputImage = us::any_cast(parsedArgs["input"]); MITK_INFO << inputImage; std::string inputMask = us::any_cast(parsedArgs["mask"]); MITK_INFO << inputMask; Params param; param.invert = false; param.zeroValue = 0; if (parsedArgs.count("invert")) { param.invert = true; } if (parsedArgs.count("zero_value")) { param.zeroValue = us::any_cast(parsedArgs["zero_value"]); } mitk::Image::Pointer image = mitk::IOUtil::Load(inputImage); mitk::Image::Pointer mask = mitk::IOUtil::Load(inputMask); AccessByItk_3(image, CreateXRay, mask, parsedArgs["output"].ToString(),param); //const mitk::Image::Pointer image = *imageIter; //mitk::IOUtil::SaveImage(image,outFileName); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_classes.i b/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_classes.i index 8a5e384924..00a85fdf17 100644 --- a/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_classes.i +++ b/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_classes.i @@ -1,81 +1,94 @@ // // Defining some Macros that make problems with SWIG as the // corresponding definitions are not included by default. // Luckely, these includes are not necessary for SWIG. // #define ITK_NOEXCEPT #define ITKCommon_EXPORT #define ITK_OVERRIDE #define MITKCORE_EXPORT #define MITKCLCORE_EXPORT #define MITKCLUTILITIES_EXPORT #define ITKCommon_EXPORT +#define MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT #define ITKCommon_EXPORT #define ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT #define ITK_OVERRIDE #define ITK_NOEXCEPT %include %include %include %include %include %include #define DEPRECATED(func) func #undef ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN #define ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TypeName) %pythoncode %{ convertion_list = {} %} SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(Object, itkObject.h, itk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(DataObject, itkDataObject.h, itk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(TimeGeometry, mitkTimeGeometry.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(ArbitraryTimeGeometry, mitkArbitraryTimeGeometry.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(ProportionalTimeGeometry, mitkProportionalTimeGeometry.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(BaseGeometry, mitkBaseGeometry.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(Geometry3D, mitkGeometry3D.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(SlicedGeometry3D, mitkSlicedGeometry3D.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(PlaneGeometry , mitkPlaneGeometry.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_NOVECTOR_CLASS(BoundingBox, mitkBaseGeometry.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(TimeBounds, mitkBaseGeometry.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(FixedArrayType, mitkBaseGeometry.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(Point2D, mitkPoint.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(Point3D, mitkPoint.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(Point4D, mitkPoint.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(Point2I, mitkPoint.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(Point3I, mitkPoint.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(Point4I, mitkPoint.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(VnlVector, mitkVector.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(Vector2D, mitkVector.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(Vector3D, mitkVector.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(Vector4D, mitkVector.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(BaseData, mitkBaseData.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(SlicedData, mitkSlicedData.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(Image, mitkImage.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(PointSet, mitkPointSet.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(AbstractGlobalImageFeature, mitkAbstractGlobalImageFeature.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFImageDescriptionFeatures, mitkGIFImageDescriptionFeatures.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFFirstOrderStatistics, mitkGIFFirstOrderStatistics.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFFirstOrderHistogramStatistics, mitkGIFFirstOrderHistogramStatistics.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFVolumetricStatistics, mitkGIFVolumetricStatistics.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFVolumetricDensityStatistics, mitkGIFVolumetricDensityStatistics.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFCooccurenceMatrix2, mitkGIFCooccurenceMatrix2.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFNeighbouringGreyLevelDependenceFeature, mitkGIFNeighbouringGreyLevelDependenceFeatures.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFGreyLevelRunLength, mitkGIFGreyLevelRunLength.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFGreyLevelSizeZone, mitkGIFGreyLevelSizeZone.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFGreyLevelDistanceZone, mitkGIFGreyLevelDistanceZone.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFLocalIntensity, mitkGIFLocalIntensity.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFIntensityVolumeHistogramFeatures, mitkGIFIntensityVolumeHistogramFeatures.h, mitk) SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFNeighbourhoodGreyToneDifferenceFeatures, mitkGIFNeighbourhoodGreyToneDifferenceFeatures.h, mitk) -SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFCurvatureStatistic, mitkGIFCurvatureStatistic.h, mitk) \ No newline at end of file +SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(GIFCurvatureStatistic, mitkGIFCurvatureStatistic.h, mitk) + +SWIG_ADD_CLASS(MITKAlgorithmHelper, mitkAlgorithmHelper.h, mitk) +SWIG_ADD_CLASS(ImageMappingHelper, mitkImageMappingHelper.h, mitk) + + +SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(FastSymmetricForcesDemonsMultiResDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm, mitkFastSymmetricForcesDemonsMultiResDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm.h, mitk) +SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(LevelSetMotionMultiResDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm, mitkLevelSetMotionMultiResDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm.h, mitk) +SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(MultiModalAffineDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm, mitkMultiModalAffineDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm.h, mitk) +SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(MultiModalRigidDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm, mitkMultiModalRigidDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm.h, mitk) +SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(MultiModalTransDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm, mitkMultiModalTransDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm.h, mitk) +SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(RigidClosedFormPointsDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm, mitkRigidClosedFormPointsDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm.h, mitk) +SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(RigidICPDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm, mitkRigidICPDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm.h, mitk) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_macros.i b/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_macros.i index 5f7c949163..ab8e180153 100644 --- a/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_macros.i +++ b/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_macros.i @@ -1,196 +1,225 @@ // // This file contains macros for swig. // +// +// SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS is a helper macro in order to do +// all important stuff before an mitk::Class is included. +// Requires the name of the class as it is in c++ as classname +// and the include file, in which the class is defined. +// It is assumed that the class is somehow inherited from +// mitk::BaseData, and supports smartpointers. +// +%define SWIG_ADD_CLASS(classname, classinclude, nspace) + // Include the include file in the generated cpp file + %{ + #include < ## classinclude ## > + typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; + using nspace ## :: ## classname ; + %} + + // Include the given header, where the class definition is found + %include < ## classinclude ## > + using nspace ##:: ## classname ; + + // Typedef is necessary to overcome ambigiouties resulting in the fact that SWIG + // ignores namespaces. This can lead to some problems with templates. + typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; + + // Initianziation of std. vectors containing pointers to these classes. This allows to use + // vectors of these types as target language arrays. + %template(Vector ## classname) std::vector< nspace ## :: ## classname ## ::Self *>; +%enddef + // // SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS is a helper macro in order to do // all important stuff before an mitk::Class is included. // Requires the name of the class as it is in c++ as classname // and the include file, in which the class is defined. // It is assumed that the class is somehow inherited from // mitk::BaseData, and supports smartpointers. // %define SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS(classname, classinclude, nspace) // Include the include file in the generated cpp file %{ #include < ## classinclude ## > typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; using nspace ## :: ## classname ; %} // Include the given header, where the class definition is found %include < ## classinclude ## > using nspace ##:: ## classname ; // Declaring that this class is a smart-pointer class, in order to handle // online upcasting where necessary (for example python) %feature("smartptr", noblock=1) nspace ##:: ## classname { itk::SmartPointer } // Typedef is necessary to overcome ambigiouties resulting in the fact that SWIG // ignores namespaces. This can lead to some problems with templates. typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; // Initianziation of std. vectors containing pointers to these classes. This allows to use // vectors of these types as target language arrays. %template(Vector ## classname ## Pointer) std::vector< nspace ## :: ## classname ## ::Pointer >; %template(Vector ## classname) std::vector< nspace ## :: ## classname ## ::Self *>; // Defining the Smartpointer, allows easy access in target language %template(classname ## Pointer) itk::SmartPointer; // Define a conversion method to convert from and to types %template(ConvertTo ## classname) ConvertTo< nspace ##:: ## classname ## >; // This extend is necessary to have the automatic cast methods available %extend itk::SmartPointer< nspace ## :: ## classname ## ::Self> { %pythoncode %{ def _GetListOfValidItems(self): return [str(k) for k in self.GetClassHierarchy() if k in convertion_list.keys() ] %} %pythoncode %{ def __getattr__(self, item): if type(item)==str: if (len(item) > 9) and ('ConvertTo' in item): searchString=item[9:] if searchString in self._GetListOfValidItems(): def func_t(): return convertion_list[searchString](self) return func_t %} %pythoncode %{ def __dir__(self): return super().__dir__() + ['ConvertTo'+k for k in self._GetListOfValidItems()] %} } %extend std::vector< nspace ## :: ## classname *>::value_type { %pythoncode %{ def _GetListOfValidItems(self): return [str(k) for k in self.GetClassHierarchy() if k in convertion_list.keys() ] %} %pythoncode %{ def __getattr__(self, item): if type(item)==str: if (len(item) > 9) and ('ConvertTo' in item): searchString=item[9:] if searchString in self._GetListOfValidItems(): def func_t(): return convertion_list[searchString](self) return func_t %} %pythoncode %{ def __dir__(self): return super().__dir__() + ['ConvertTo'+k for k in self._GetListOfValidItems()] %} } %pythoncode %{ convertion_list['classname'] = ConvertTo ## classname %} %enddef // // SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS is a helper macro in order to do // all important stuff before an mitk::Class is included. // Requires the name of the class as it is in c++ as classname // and the include file, in which the class is defined. // It is assumed that the class is somehow inherited from // mitk::BaseData, and supports smartpointers. // %define SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS(classname, classinclude, nspace) // Include the include file in the generated cpp file %{ #include < ## classinclude ## > typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; using nspace ## :: ## classname ; %} // Include the given header, where the class definition is found %include < ## classinclude ## > using nspace ##:: ## classname ; // Typedef is necessary to overcome ambigiouties resulting in the fact that SWIG // ignores namespaces. This can lead to some problems with templates. typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; class nspace ## :: ## classname ## ; // Initianziation of std. vectors containing pointers to these classes. This allows to use // vectors of these types as target language arrays. %template(Vector ## classname ## Pointer) std::vector< nspace ## :: ## classname * >; %template(Vector ## classname) std::vector< nspace ## :: ## classname >; %enddef // // SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_TEMPLATECLASS is a helper macro in order to do // all important stuff before an mitk::Class is included. // Requires the name of the class as it is in c++ as classname // and the include file, in which the class is defined. // It is assumed that the class is somehow inherited from // mitk::BaseData, and supports smartpointers. // %define SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_TEMPLATECLASS(classname, classinclude, nspace, tmplstring) // Include the include file in the generated cpp file %{ #include < ## classinclude ## > typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; using nspace ## :: ## classname ; %} // Include the given header, where the class definition is found %include < ## classinclude ## > using nspace ##:: ## classname ; // Typedef is necessary to overcome ambigiouties resulting in the fact that SWIG // ignores namespaces. This can lead to some problems with templates. typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; %template( classname ) nspace ## :: ## tmplstring ## ; // Initianziation of std. vectors containing pointers to these classes. This allows to use // vectors of these types as target language arrays. %template(Vector ## classname ## Pointer) std::vector< nspace ## :: ## classname * >; %template(Vector ## classname) std::vector< nspace ## :: ## classname >; %enddef // // SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_CLASS is a helper macro in order to do // all important stuff before an mitk::Class is included. // Requires the name of the class as it is in c++ as classname // and the include file, in which the class is defined. // It is assumed that the class is somehow inherited from // mitk::BaseData, and supports smartpointers. // %define SWIG_ADD_NONOBJECT_NOVECTOR_CLASS(classname, classinclude, nspace) // Include the include file in the generated cpp file %{ #include < ## classinclude ## > typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; using nspace ## :: ## classname ; %} // Include the given header, where the class definition is found %include < ## classinclude ## > using nspace ##:: ## classname ; // Typedef is necessary to overcome ambigiouties resulting in the fact that SWIG // ignores namespaces. This can lead to some problems with templates. typedef nspace ## :: ## classname classname ## ; // Initianziation of std. vectors containing pointers to these classes. This allows to use // vectors of these types as target language arrays. %template(Vector ## classname ## Pointer) std::vector< nspace ## :: ## classname * >; %enddef diff --git a/Wrapping/Python/CMakeLists.txt b/Wrapping/Python/CMakeLists.txt index ac708a0b76..086b30dd8b 100644 --- a/Wrapping/Python/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/Wrapping/Python/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,77 +1,77 @@ # Version 2.8.1 is the minium requirement for this script. # this is lower than the general minimum requirement. #cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 2.8.1 FATAL_ERROR ) include(mitkTargetLinkLibrariesWithDynamicLookup) project( MITK_Python ) set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) mitk_check_dynamic_lookup(MODULE SHARED MITK_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS_ALLOWED ) # # Find the necessary libraries etc.. # if ( MITK_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS_ALLOWED ) set( _QUIET_LIBRARY "QUIET" ) else() set( _QUIET_LIBRARY "REQUIRED" ) endif() find_package ( PythonInterp REQUIRED ) find_package ( PythonLibs ${_QUIET_LIBRARY} ) include_directories ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) # # Options # option ( MITK_PYTHON_THREADS "Enable threaded python usage by unlocking the GIL." ON ) mark_as_advanced( MITK_PYTHON_THREADS ) option ( MITK_PYTHON_EGG "Add building of python eggs to the dist target." OFF ) mark_as_advanced( MITK_PYTHON_EGG ) option ( MITK_PYTHON_WHEEL "Add building of python wheels to the dist target." ON ) mark_as_advanced( MITK_PYTHON_WHEEL ) # Prepare the SWIG-File, i.e. especially add necessary include folders -mitkSwigPrepareFiles(pyMITK MITK.i "MitkCore;MitkCLCore;MitkCLUtilities;ITKCommon") +mitkSwigPrepareFiles(pyMITK MITK.i "MitkCore;MitkCLCore;MitkCLUtilities;ITKCommon;MitkMatchPointRegistration") # Add additional SWIG Parameters # These parameters depend on the target language set(CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS ${CMAKE_SWIG_GLOBAL_FLAGS} -features autodoc=1 -keyword ) if( MITK_PYTHON_THREADS ) set(CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS ${CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS} -threads) endif() set(CMAKE_SWIG_OUTDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) # Create the actual SWIG project swig_add_module(pyMITK python MITK.i ) -mitkSwigAddLibraryDependencies(pyMITK "MitkCore;MitkCLCore;MitkCLUtilities;ITKCommon") +mitkSwigAddLibraryDependencies(pyMITK "MitkCore;MitkCLCore;MitkCLUtilities;ITKCommon;MitkMatchPointRegistration") mitk_target_link_libraries_with_dynamic_lookup(${SWIG_MODULE_pyMITK_REAL_NAME} ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) if(DEFINED SKBUILD) message(WARNING "SKBuild exists") # Currently this installation install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pyMITK.py ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Packaging/__init__.py # ${MITK_DOC_FILES} DESTINATION pyMITK COMPONENT Runtime ) install(TARGETS ${SWIG_MODULE_pyMITK_REAL_NAME} RUNTIME DESTINATION pyMITK LIBRARY DESTINATION pyMITK COMPONENT Runtime ) else() message(WARNING "SKBuild missing") include(LegacyPackaging.cmake) endif()