diff --git a/CMake/CTestCustom.cmake.in b/CMake/CTestCustom.cmake.in index 09fb1b8137..976e7c7599 100644 --- a/CMake/CTestCustom.cmake.in +++ b/CMake/CTestCustom.cmake.in @@ -1,83 +1,88 @@ set(CTEST_CUSTOM_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE ${CTEST_CUSTOM_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} # Exclude try_compile sources from coverage results: "/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/" # Exclude files generated by the moc pre-compiler ".*/moc_.*" # Exclude files generated by the uic pre-compiler ".*/ui_.*" # Exclude files from the Testing directories ".*/Testing/.*" ".*/CMakeExternals/.*" ) # The following tests should not be run under valgrind set(CTEST_CUSTOM_MEMCHECK_IGNORE ) set(CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_MATCH ${CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_MATCH} "CMake Error[ :]" ) +set(CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_EXCEPTION + ${CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_EXCEPTION} + "link.jam: No such file or directory" + ) + set(CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_MATCH ${CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_MATCH} "CMake Warning[ :]" ) set(CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION ${CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION} # MITK Utilities "Utilities/Poco/" # kwstyle suppressions "[Kk][Ww][Ss]tyle.*kws.*cxx" "[Kk][Ww][Ss]tyle.*kws.*h" "[Kk][Ww][Ss]tyle.*metaCommand.*cxx" # vtk suppressions "vtkfreetype" "Utilities.vtktiff" "VTK.*IO.vtkMySQLQuery.cxx" "VTK.*Utilities.vtkexodus2" "VTK.*Utilities.vtklibproj" "VTK.*Utilities.vtksqlite" "VTK.*Utilities.vtkmetaio" "VTK.*warn_unused_result" "VTK.*Filtering.*cxx" "VTK.*IO.*cxx" "VTK.*Infovis.*cxx" # qt suppressions from vtk... # Some VTK dashboards include building bits of Qt which produce lots of # the following warnings when built with the MS compilers. Qt guys should # fix their code. Until they do, keep the Qt chatter off the VTK dashboard # results: "include.[Qq]t([Cc]ore|[Gg]ui).*warning C4127: conditional expression is constant" "[Qq]t.*h.*warning.*declaration of .* shadows a member of .this" "[Qq]t.*h.*warning.*(copy constructor|assignment operator) could not be generated" # Suppress warning caused when QT 'foreach' loops are combined ".*warning: declaration of '_container_' shadows a previous local" # PythonQt suppressions "PythonQt.*src.*PythonQt.*(cpp|h)" "include.PythonQt.PythonQt.*h" # Suppressing warnings about duplicate libraries in Darwin # At some point this may be addressed by CMake feature request: # http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=10179 "ld: warning: duplicate dylib.*" # Visual studio spurious warnings... "The following environment variables were not found" )