diff --git a/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_common.i b/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_common.i
index 23d6f7a4b2..42cf0b1f73 100644
--- a/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_common.i
+++ b/Wrapping/Common/mitk_swig_common.i
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
 // Ignore common warnings:
 // 302 : Redefinition of Macro, usually not a problem
 // 362 : Operator= is ignored. Can't help it.
 // 503 : Can't wrap operator of type "*" unless renamed to a valid identifier, no problem as operator not needed.
 // 509 : Overloaded function ignored. Usually not a problem, as overloaded functions shouldn't give different results.
 // 511 : Can't use keyword arguments with overloaded functions
 #pragma SWIG nowarn=302,362,503,509,511
-// Split the information about the addition files into sub-files:
+// Split the information about the additional files into sub-files:
 // Includes of STD-Files goes in here
 %include <mitk_swig_std.i>
 // Include c++ code in this file. It is basically a c++-header wrapped in the commands so it is included in the std-file
 %include <mitk_swig_cpp_include.i>
 // SWIG-Macro definition goes in here, for example SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS
 %include <mitk_swig_macros.i>
 // information about classes that are going to be wrapped are in here:
 %include <mitk_swig_classes.i>
 // How to wrap a new class:
 // ------------------------------------
 // (1. Add the c++ include file to mitk_swig_cpp_include.i
 //    If the class is in a new module, make sure that this module is added as dependency in cmake )
 //    This step should no longer be necessary as the corresponding header is now included by
 //    the SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS macro.
 // 2. Add the class definition in mitk_swig_classes.i
 //    If the definition of the class needs new macros, for example because it is not in the core
 //    and has a new Export-Macro, be sure to define this macro first.
 //    If the class inherit from mitk::BaseData use the SWIG_ADD_MITK_CLASS macro, as it defines
 //    some redundante code.
 std::vector<std::size_t> mitk::GetImageSize(mitk::Image::Pointer image);
\ No newline at end of file