diff --git a/Core/Code/Controllers/mitkSliceNavigationController.cpp b/Core/Code/Controllers/mitkSliceNavigationController.cpp index ef94874788..0a5fb31a98 100644 --- a/Core/Code/Controllers/mitkSliceNavigationController.cpp +++ b/Core/Code/Controllers/mitkSliceNavigationController.cpp @@ -1,711 +1,712 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "mitkSliceNavigationController.h" #include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" #include "mitkSlicedGeometry3D.h" #include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" #include "mitkOperation.h" #include "mitkOperationActor.h" #include "mitkStateEvent.h" #include "mitkPositionEvent.h" #include "mitkInteractionConst.h" #include "mitkAction.h" #include "mitkGlobalInteraction.h" #include "mitkEventMapper.h" #include "mitkFocusManager.h" #include "mitkVtkPropRenderer.h" #include "mitkRenderingManager.h" #include "mitkInteractionConst.h" #include "mitkPointOperation.h" #include "mitkPlaneOperation.h" #include "mitkUndoController.h" #include "mitkOperationEvent.h" #include "mitkNodePredicateDataType.h" #include "mitkStatusBar.h" #include #include "mitkMemoryUtilities.h" #include namespace mitk { SliceNavigationController::SliceNavigationController( const char *type ) : BaseController( type ), m_InputWorldGeometry( NULL ), m_CreatedWorldGeometry( NULL ), m_ViewDirection( Transversal ), m_DefaultViewDirection( Transversal ), m_RenderingManager( NULL ), m_Renderer( NULL ), m_Top( false ), m_FrontSide( false ), m_Rotated( false ), m_BlockUpdate( false ), m_SliceLocked( false ), m_SliceRotationLocked( false ), m_OldPos(0) { typedef itk::SimpleMemberCommand< SliceNavigationController > SNCCommandType; SNCCommandType::Pointer sliceStepperChangedCommand, timeStepperChangedCommand; sliceStepperChangedCommand = SNCCommandType::New(); timeStepperChangedCommand = SNCCommandType::New(); sliceStepperChangedCommand->SetCallbackFunction( this, &SliceNavigationController::SendSlice ); timeStepperChangedCommand->SetCallbackFunction( this, &SliceNavigationController::SendTime ); m_Slice->AddObserver( itk::ModifiedEvent(), sliceStepperChangedCommand ); m_Time->AddObserver( itk::ModifiedEvent(), timeStepperChangedCommand ); m_Slice->SetUnitName( "mm" ); m_Time->SetUnitName( "ms" ); m_Top = false; m_FrontSide = false; m_Rotated = false; } SliceNavigationController::~SliceNavigationController() { } void SliceNavigationController::SetInputWorldGeometry( const Geometry3D *geometry ) { if ( geometry != NULL ) { if ( const_cast< BoundingBox * >( geometry->GetBoundingBox()) ->GetDiagonalLength2() < eps ) { itkWarningMacro( "setting an empty bounding-box" ); geometry = NULL; } } if ( m_InputWorldGeometry != geometry ) { m_InputWorldGeometry = geometry; this->Modified(); } } RenderingManager * SliceNavigationController::GetRenderingManager() const { mitk::RenderingManager* renderingManager = m_RenderingManager.GetPointer(); if (renderingManager != NULL) return renderingManager; if ( m_Renderer != NULL ) { renderingManager = m_Renderer->GetRenderingManager(); if (renderingManager != NULL) return renderingManager; } return mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance(); } void SliceNavigationController::SetViewDirectionToDefault() { m_ViewDirection = m_DefaultViewDirection; } void SliceNavigationController::Update() { if ( !m_BlockUpdate ) { if ( m_ViewDirection == Transversal ) { this->Update( Transversal, false, false, true ); } else { this->Update( m_ViewDirection ); } } } void SliceNavigationController::Update( SliceNavigationController::ViewDirection viewDirection, bool top, bool frontside, bool rotated ) { const TimeSlicedGeometry* worldTimeSlicedGeometry = dynamic_cast< const TimeSlicedGeometry * >( m_InputWorldGeometry.GetPointer() ); if( m_BlockUpdate || m_InputWorldGeometry.IsNull() || ( (worldTimeSlicedGeometry != NULL) && (worldTimeSlicedGeometry->GetTimeSteps() == 0) ) ) { return; } m_BlockUpdate = true; if ( m_LastUpdateTime < m_InputWorldGeometry->GetMTime() ) { Modified(); } this->SetViewDirection( viewDirection ); this->SetTop( top ); this->SetFrontSide( frontside ); this->SetRotated( rotated ); if ( m_LastUpdateTime < GetMTime() ) { m_LastUpdateTime = GetMTime(); // initialize the viewplane SlicedGeometry3D::Pointer slicedWorldGeometry = NULL; m_CreatedWorldGeometry = NULL; switch ( viewDirection ) { case Original: if ( worldTimeSlicedGeometry != NULL ) { m_CreatedWorldGeometry = static_cast< TimeSlicedGeometry * >( m_InputWorldGeometry->Clone().GetPointer() ); worldTimeSlicedGeometry = m_CreatedWorldGeometry.GetPointer(); slicedWorldGeometry = dynamic_cast< SlicedGeometry3D * >( m_CreatedWorldGeometry->GetGeometry3D( this->GetTime()->GetPos() ) ); if ( slicedWorldGeometry.IsNotNull() ) { break; } } else { const SlicedGeometry3D *worldSlicedGeometry = dynamic_cast< const SlicedGeometry3D * >( m_InputWorldGeometry.GetPointer()); if ( worldSlicedGeometry != NULL ) { slicedWorldGeometry = static_cast< SlicedGeometry3D * >( m_InputWorldGeometry->Clone().GetPointer()); break; } } //else: use Transversal: no "break" here!! case Transversal: slicedWorldGeometry = SlicedGeometry3D::New(); slicedWorldGeometry->InitializePlanes( m_InputWorldGeometry, PlaneGeometry::Transversal, top, frontside, rotated ); slicedWorldGeometry->SetSliceNavigationController( this ); break; case Frontal: slicedWorldGeometry = SlicedGeometry3D::New(); slicedWorldGeometry->InitializePlanes( m_InputWorldGeometry, PlaneGeometry::Frontal, top, frontside, rotated ); slicedWorldGeometry->SetSliceNavigationController( this ); break; case Sagittal: slicedWorldGeometry = SlicedGeometry3D::New(); slicedWorldGeometry->InitializePlanes( m_InputWorldGeometry, PlaneGeometry::Sagittal, top, frontside, rotated ); slicedWorldGeometry->SetSliceNavigationController( this ); break; default: itkExceptionMacro("unknown ViewDirection"); } m_Slice->SetPos( 0 ); m_Slice->SetSteps( (int)slicedWorldGeometry->GetSlices() ); if ( m_CreatedWorldGeometry.IsNull() ) { // initialize TimeSlicedGeometry m_CreatedWorldGeometry = TimeSlicedGeometry::New(); } if ( worldTimeSlicedGeometry == NULL ) { m_CreatedWorldGeometry->InitializeEvenlyTimed( slicedWorldGeometry, 1 ); m_Time->SetSteps( 0 ); m_Time->SetPos( 0 ); m_Time->InvalidateRange(); } else { m_BlockUpdate = true; m_Time->SetSteps( worldTimeSlicedGeometry->GetTimeSteps() ); m_Time->SetPos( 0 ); const TimeBounds &timeBounds = worldTimeSlicedGeometry->GetTimeBounds(); m_Time->SetRange( timeBounds[0], timeBounds[1] ); m_BlockUpdate = false; assert( worldTimeSlicedGeometry->GetGeometry3D( this->GetTime()->GetPos() ) != NULL ); slicedWorldGeometry->SetTimeBounds( worldTimeSlicedGeometry->GetGeometry3D( this->GetTime()->GetPos() )->GetTimeBounds() ); //@todo implement for non-evenly-timed geometry! m_CreatedWorldGeometry->InitializeEvenlyTimed( slicedWorldGeometry, worldTimeSlicedGeometry->GetTimeSteps() ); } } // unblock update; we may do this now, because if m_BlockUpdate was already // true before this method was entered, then we will never come here. m_BlockUpdate = false; // Send the geometry. Do this even if nothing was changed, because maybe // Update() was only called to re-send the old geometry and time/slice data. this->SendCreatedWorldGeometry(); this->SendSlice(); this->SendTime(); // Adjust the stepper range of slice stepper according to geometry this->AdjustSliceStepperRange(); } void SliceNavigationController::SendCreatedWorldGeometry() { // Send the geometry. Do this even if nothing was changed, because maybe // Update() was only called to re-send the old geometry. if ( !m_BlockUpdate ) { this->InvokeEvent( GeometrySendEvent(m_CreatedWorldGeometry, 0) ); } } void SliceNavigationController::SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate() { if ( !m_BlockUpdate ) { this->InvokeEvent( GeometryUpdateEvent(m_CreatedWorldGeometry, m_Slice->GetPos()) ); } } void SliceNavigationController::SendSlice() { if ( !m_BlockUpdate ) { if ( m_CreatedWorldGeometry.IsNotNull() ) { this->InvokeEvent( GeometrySliceEvent(m_CreatedWorldGeometry, m_Slice->GetPos()) ); // Request rendering update for all views this->GetRenderingManager()->RequestUpdateAll(); } } } void SliceNavigationController::SendTime() { if ( !m_BlockUpdate ) { if ( m_CreatedWorldGeometry.IsNotNull() ) { this->InvokeEvent( GeometryTimeEvent(m_CreatedWorldGeometry, m_Time->GetPos()) ); // Request rendering update for all views this->GetRenderingManager()->RequestUpdateAll(); } } } void SliceNavigationController::SetGeometry( const itk::EventObject & ) { } void SliceNavigationController ::SetGeometryTime( const itk::EventObject &geometryTimeEvent ) { const SliceNavigationController::GeometryTimeEvent *timeEvent = dynamic_cast< const SliceNavigationController::GeometryTimeEvent * >( &geometryTimeEvent); assert( timeEvent != NULL ); TimeSlicedGeometry *timeSlicedGeometry = timeEvent->GetTimeSlicedGeometry(); assert( timeSlicedGeometry != NULL ); if ( m_CreatedWorldGeometry.IsNotNull() ) { int timeStep = (int) timeEvent->GetPos(); ScalarType timeInMS; timeInMS = timeSlicedGeometry->TimeStepToMS( timeStep ); timeStep = m_CreatedWorldGeometry->MSToTimeStep( timeInMS ); this->GetTime()->SetPos( timeStep ); } } void SliceNavigationController ::SetGeometrySlice(const itk::EventObject & geometrySliceEvent) { const SliceNavigationController::GeometrySliceEvent* sliceEvent = dynamic_cast( &geometrySliceEvent); assert(sliceEvent!=NULL); this->GetSlice()->SetPos(sliceEvent->GetPos()); } void SliceNavigationController::SelectSliceByPoint( const Point3D &point ) { //@todo add time to PositionEvent and use here!! SlicedGeometry3D* slicedWorldGeometry = dynamic_cast< SlicedGeometry3D * >( m_CreatedWorldGeometry->GetGeometry3D( this->GetTime()->GetPos() ) ); if ( slicedWorldGeometry ) { int bestSlice = -1; double bestDistance = itk::NumericTraits::max(); int s, slices; slices = slicedWorldGeometry->GetSlices(); if ( slicedWorldGeometry->GetEvenlySpaced() ) { mitk::Geometry2D *plane = slicedWorldGeometry->GetGeometry2D( 0 ); const Vector3D &direction = slicedWorldGeometry->GetDirectionVector(); Point3D projectedPoint; plane->Project( point, projectedPoint ); // Check whether the point is somewhere within the slice stack volume; // otherwise, the defualt slice (0) will be selected if ( direction[0] * (point[0] - projectedPoint[0]) + direction[1] * (point[1] - projectedPoint[1]) + direction[2] * (point[2] - projectedPoint[2]) >= 0 ) { bestSlice = (int)(plane->Distance( point ) / slicedWorldGeometry->GetSpacing()[2] + 0.5); } } else { Point3D projectedPoint; for ( s = 0; s < slices; ++s ) { slicedWorldGeometry->GetGeometry2D( s )->Project( point, projectedPoint ); Vector3D distance = projectedPoint - point; ScalarType currentDistance = distance.GetSquaredNorm(); if ( currentDistance < bestDistance ) { bestDistance = currentDistance; bestSlice = s; } } } if ( bestSlice >= 0 ) { this->GetSlice()->SetPos( bestSlice ); } else { this->GetSlice()->SetPos( 0 ); } this->SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate(); } } void SliceNavigationController::ReorientSlices( const Point3D &point, const Vector3D &normal ) { PlaneOperation op( OpORIENT, point, normal ); m_CreatedWorldGeometry->ExecuteOperation( &op ); this->SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate(); } const mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry * SliceNavigationController::GetCreatedWorldGeometry() { return m_CreatedWorldGeometry; } const mitk::Geometry3D * SliceNavigationController::GetCurrentGeometry3D() { if ( m_CreatedWorldGeometry.IsNotNull() ) { return m_CreatedWorldGeometry->GetGeometry3D( this->GetTime()->GetPos() ); } else { return NULL; } } const mitk::PlaneGeometry * SliceNavigationController::GetCurrentPlaneGeometry() { const mitk::SlicedGeometry3D *slicedGeometry = dynamic_cast< const mitk::SlicedGeometry3D * > ( this->GetCurrentGeometry3D() ); if ( slicedGeometry ) { const mitk::PlaneGeometry *planeGeometry = dynamic_cast< mitk::PlaneGeometry * > ( slicedGeometry->GetGeometry2D(this->GetSlice()->GetPos()) ); return planeGeometry; } else { return NULL; } } void SliceNavigationController::SetRenderer( BaseRenderer *renderer ) { m_Renderer = renderer; } BaseRenderer * SliceNavigationController::GetRenderer() const { return m_Renderer; } void SliceNavigationController::AdjustSliceStepperRange() { const mitk::SlicedGeometry3D *slicedGeometry = dynamic_cast< const mitk::SlicedGeometry3D * > ( this->GetCurrentGeometry3D() ); const Vector3D &direction = slicedGeometry->GetDirectionVector(); int c = 0; int i, k = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { if ( fabs( (float) direction[i] ) < 0.000000001 ) { ++c; } else { k = i; } } if ( c == 2 ) { ScalarType min = m_InputWorldGeometry->GetOrigin()[k]; ScalarType max = min + m_InputWorldGeometry->GetExtentInMM( k ); m_Slice->SetRange( min, max ); } else { m_Slice->InvalidateRange(); } } void SliceNavigationController::ExecuteOperation( Operation *operation ) { // switch on type // - select best slice for a given point // - rotate created world geometry according to Operation->SomeInfo() if ( !operation ) { return; } switch ( operation->GetOperationType() ) { case OpMOVE: // should be a point operation { if ( !m_SliceLocked ) //do not move the cross position { // select a slice PointOperation *po = dynamic_cast< PointOperation * >( operation ); if ( po && po->GetIndex() == -1 ) { this->SelectSliceByPoint( po->GetPoint() ); } else if ( po && po->GetIndex() != -1 ) // undo case because index != -1, index holds the old position of this slice { this->GetSlice()->SetPos( po->GetIndex() ); } } break; } default: { // do nothing break; } } } // Relict from the old times, when automous decisions were accepted // behavior. Remains in here, because some RenderWindows do exist outside // of StdMultiWidgets. bool SliceNavigationController ::ExecuteAction( Action* action, StateEvent const* stateEvent ) { bool ok = false; const PositionEvent* posEvent = dynamic_cast< const PositionEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); if ( posEvent != NULL ) { if ( m_CreatedWorldGeometry.IsNull() ) { return true; } switch (action->GetActionId()) { case AcMOVE: { BaseRenderer *baseRenderer = posEvent->GetSender(); if ( !baseRenderer ) { baseRenderer = const_cast( GlobalInteraction::GetInstance()->GetFocus() ); } if ( baseRenderer ) if ( baseRenderer->GetMapperID() == 1 ) { PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE, posEvent->GetWorldPosition()); if (m_UndoEnabled) { m_OldPos = this->GetSlice()->GetPos(); // m_OldPos holds the old slice position. For the undo controller this old position will be stored as index in mitk::PointOperation PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE, posEvent->GetWorldPosition(), m_OldPos); OperationEvent *operationEvent = new mitk::OperationEvent(this, doOp, undoOp, "Move slices"); m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); } this->ExecuteOperation( doOp ); // If click was performed in this render window than we have to update the status bar information about position and pixel value. if(baseRenderer == m_Renderer) { { std::string statusText; TNodePredicateDataType::Pointer isImageData = TNodePredicateDataType::New(); mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer nodes = baseRenderer->GetDataStorage()->GetSubset(isImageData).GetPointer(); mitk::Point3D worldposition = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); int maxlayer = -32768; mitk::Image::Pointer image3D; // find image with largest layer, that is the image shown on top in the render window for (unsigned int x = 0; x < nodes->size(); x++) { if(nodes->at(x)->GetData()->GetGeometry()->IsInside(worldposition)) { int layer = 0; if(!(nodes->at(x)->GetIntProperty("layer", layer))) continue; if(layer > maxlayer) { if(static_cast(nodes->at(x))->IsVisible(m_Renderer)) { image3D = dynamic_cast(nodes->at(x)->GetData()); maxlayer = layer; } } } } std::stringstream stream; + stream.imbue(std::locale::classic()); // get the position and gray value from the image and build up status bar text if(image3D.IsNotNull()) { Index3D p; image3D->GetGeometry()->WorldToIndex(worldposition, p); stream.precision(2); stream<<"Position: <" << std::fixed < mm"; stream<<"; Index: <"< "; stream<<"; Time: " << baseRenderer->GetTime() << " ms; Pixelvalue: "<GetPixelValueByIndex(p, baseRenderer->GetTimeStep())<<" "; } else { stream << "No image information at this position!"; } statusText = stream.str(); mitk::StatusBar::GetInstance()->DisplayGreyValueText(statusText.c_str()); } } ok = true; break; } } default: ok = true; break; } return ok; } const DisplayPositionEvent *displPosEvent = dynamic_cast< const DisplayPositionEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); if ( displPosEvent != NULL ) { return true; } return false; } } // namespace diff --git a/Core/Code/Controllers/mitkSliceNavigationController.h b/Core/Code/Controllers/mitkSliceNavigationController.h index 6523f22b81..5cf5646a5d 100644 --- a/Core/Code/Controllers/mitkSliceNavigationController.h +++ b/Core/Code/Controllers/mitkSliceNavigationController.h @@ -1,504 +1,505 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef SLICENAVIGATIONCONTROLLER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C55A2F #define SLICENAVIGATIONCONTROLLER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C55A2F #include "mitkCommon.h" #include "mitkBaseController.h" #include "mitkRenderingManager.h" #include "mitkTimeSlicedGeometry.h" #include #include #include #include namespace mitk { #define mitkTimeSlicedGeometryEventMacro( classname , super ) \ class MITK_CORE_EXPORT classname : public super { \ public: \ typedef classname Self; \ typedef super Superclass; \ classname(TimeSlicedGeometry* aTimeSlicedGeometry, unsigned int aPos) \ : Superclass(aTimeSlicedGeometry, aPos) {} \ virtual ~classname() {} \ virtual const char * GetEventName() const { return #classname; } \ virtual bool CheckEvent(const ::itk::EventObject* e) const \ { return dynamic_cast(e); } \ virtual ::itk::EventObject* MakeObject() const \ { return new Self(GetTimeSlicedGeometry(), GetPos()); } \ private: \ void operator=(const Self&); \ } class PlaneGeometry; class Geometry3D; class BaseRenderer; /** * \brief Controls the selection of the slice the associated BaseRenderer * will display * * A SliceNavigationController takes a Geometry3D as input world geometry * (TODO what are the exact requirements?) and generates a TimeSlicedGeometry * as output. The TimeSlicedGeometry holds a number of SlicedGeometry3Ds and * these in turn hold a series of Geometry2Ds. One of these Geometry2Ds is * selected as world geometry for the BaseRenderers associated to 2D views. * * The SliceNavigationController holds has Steppers (one for the slice, a * second for the time step), which control the selection of a single * Geometry2D from the TimeSlicedGeometry. SliceNavigationController generates * ITK events to tell observers, like a BaseRenderer, when the selected slice * or timestep changes. * * SliceNavigationControllers are registered as listeners to GlobalInteraction * by the QmitkStdMultiWidget. In ExecuteAction, the controllers react to * PositionEvents by setting the steppers to the slice which is nearest to the * point of the PositionEvent. * * Example: * \code * // Initialization * sliceCtrl = mitk::SliceNavigationController::New(); * * // Tell the navigator the geometry to be sliced (with geometry a * // Geometry3D::ConstPointer) * sliceCtrl->SetInputWorldGeometry(geometry.GetPointer()); * * // Tell the navigator in which direction it shall slice the data * sliceCtrl->SetViewDirection(mitk::SliceNavigationController::Transversal); * * // Connect one or more BaseRenderer to this navigator, i.e.: events sent * // by the navigator when stepping through the slices (e.g. by * // sliceCtrl->GetSlice()->Next()) will be received by the BaseRenderer * // (in this example only slice-changes, see also ConnectGeometryTimeEvent * // and ConnectGeometryEvents.) * sliceCtrl->ConnectGeometrySliceEvent(renderer.GetPointer()); * * //create a world geometry and send the information to the connected renderer(s) * sliceCtrl->Update(); * \endcode * * * You can connect visible navigators to a SliceNavigationController, e.g., a * QmitkSliderNavigator (for Qt): * * \code * // Create the visible navigator (a slider with a spin-box) * QmitkSliderNavigator* navigator = * new QmitkSliderNavigator(parent, "slidernavigator"); * * // Connect the navigator to the slice-stepper of the * // SliceNavigationController. For initialization (position, mininal and * // maximal values) the values of the SliceNavigationController are used. * // Thus, accessing methods of a navigator is normally not necessary, since * // everything can be set via the (Qt-independent) SliceNavigationController. * // The QmitkStepperAdapter converts the Qt-signals to Qt-independent * // itk-events. * new QmitkStepperAdapter(navigator, sliceCtrl->GetSlice(), "navigatoradaptor"); * \endcode * * If you do not want that all renderwindows are updated when a new slice is * selected, you can use a specific RenderingManager, which updates only those * renderwindows that should be updated. This is sometimes useful when a 3D view * does not need to be updated when the slices in some 2D views are changed. * QmitkSliderNavigator (for Qt): * * \code * // create a specific RenderingManager * mitk::RenderingManager::Pointer myManager = mitk::RenderingManager::New(); * * // tell the RenderingManager to update only renderwindow1 and renderwindow2 * myManager->AddRenderWindow(renderwindow1); * myManager->AddRenderWindow(renderwindow2); * * // tell the SliceNavigationController of renderwindow1 and renderwindow2 * // to use the specific RenderingManager instead of the global one * renderwindow1->GetSliceNavigationController()->SetRenderingManager(myManager); * renderwindow2->GetSliceNavigationController()->SetRenderingManager(myManager); * \endcode * * \todo implement for non-evenly-timed geometry! * \ingroup NavigationControl */ class MITK_CORE_EXPORT SliceNavigationController : public BaseController { public: mitkClassMacro(SliceNavigationController,BaseController); itkNewMacro(Self); mitkNewMacro1Param(Self, const char *); /** * \brief Possible view directions, \a Original will uses * the Geometry2D instances in a SlicedGeometry3D provided * as input world geometry (by SetInputWorldGeometry). */ enum ViewDirection{Transversal, Sagittal, Frontal, Original}; /** * \brief Set the input world geometry out of which the * geometries for slicing will be created. */ void SetInputWorldGeometry(const mitk::Geometry3D* geometry); itkGetConstObjectMacro(InputWorldGeometry, mitk::Geometry3D); /** * \brief Access the created geometry */ itkGetConstObjectMacro(CreatedWorldGeometry, mitk::Geometry3D); /** * \brief Set the desired view directions * * \sa ViewDirection * \sa Update(ViewDirection viewDirection, bool top = true, * bool frontside = true, bool rotated = false) */ itkSetMacro(ViewDirection, ViewDirection); itkGetMacro(ViewDirection, ViewDirection); /** * \brief Set the default view direction * * This is used to re-initialize the view direction of the SNC to the * default value with SetViewDirectionToDefault() * * \sa ViewDirection * \sa Update(ViewDirection viewDirection, bool top = true, * bool frontside = true, bool rotated = false) */ itkSetMacro(DefaultViewDirection, ViewDirection); itkGetMacro(DefaultViewDirection, ViewDirection); virtual void SetViewDirectionToDefault(); /** * \brief Do the actual creation and send it to the connected * observers (renderers) * */ virtual void Update(); /** * \brief Extended version of Update, additionally allowing to * specify the direction/orientation of the created geometry. * */ virtual void Update(ViewDirection viewDirection, bool top = true, bool frontside = true, bool rotated = false); /** * \brief Send the created geometry to the connected * observers (renderers) * * Called by Update(). */ virtual void SendCreatedWorldGeometry(); /** * \brief Tell observers to re-read the currently selected 2D geometry * * Called by mitk::SlicesRotator during rotation. */ virtual void SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate(); /** * \brief Send the currently selected slice to the connected * observers (renderers) * * Called by Update(). */ virtual void SendSlice(); /** * \brief Send the currently selected time to the connected * observers (renderers) * * Called by Update(). */ virtual void SendTime(); /** * \brief Set the RenderingManager to be used * * If \a NULL, the default RenderingManager will be used. */ itkSetObjectMacro(RenderingManager, RenderingManager); mitk::RenderingManager* GetRenderingManager() const; itkEventMacro( UpdateEvent, itk::AnyEvent ); class MITK_CORE_EXPORT TimeSlicedGeometryEvent : public itk::AnyEvent { public: typedef TimeSlicedGeometryEvent Self; typedef itk::AnyEvent Superclass; TimeSlicedGeometryEvent( TimeSlicedGeometry* aTimeSlicedGeometry, unsigned int aPos) : m_TimeSlicedGeometry(aTimeSlicedGeometry), m_Pos(aPos) {} virtual ~TimeSlicedGeometryEvent() {} virtual const char * GetEventName() const { return "TimeSlicedGeometryEvent"; } virtual bool CheckEvent(const ::itk::EventObject* e) const { return dynamic_cast(e); } virtual ::itk::EventObject* MakeObject() const { return new Self(m_TimeSlicedGeometry, m_Pos); } TimeSlicedGeometry* GetTimeSlicedGeometry() const { return m_TimeSlicedGeometry; } unsigned int GetPos() const { return m_Pos; } private: TimeSlicedGeometry::Pointer m_TimeSlicedGeometry; unsigned int m_Pos; // TimeSlicedGeometryEvent(const Self&); void operator=(const Self&); //just hide }; mitkTimeSlicedGeometryEventMacro( GeometrySendEvent,TimeSlicedGeometryEvent ); mitkTimeSlicedGeometryEventMacro( GeometryUpdateEvent, TimeSlicedGeometryEvent ); mitkTimeSlicedGeometryEventMacro( GeometryTimeEvent, TimeSlicedGeometryEvent ); mitkTimeSlicedGeometryEventMacro( GeometrySliceEvent, TimeSlicedGeometryEvent ); template void ConnectGeometrySendEvent(T* receiver) { typedef typename itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::Pointer ReceptorMemberCommandPointer; ReceptorMemberCommandPointer eventReceptorCommand = itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::New(); eventReceptorCommand->SetCallbackFunction(receiver, &T::SetGeometry); AddObserver(GeometrySendEvent(NULL,0), eventReceptorCommand); } template void ConnectGeometryUpdateEvent(T* receiver) { typedef typename itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::Pointer ReceptorMemberCommandPointer; ReceptorMemberCommandPointer eventReceptorCommand = itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::New(); eventReceptorCommand->SetCallbackFunction(receiver, &T::UpdateGeometry); AddObserver(GeometryUpdateEvent(NULL,0), eventReceptorCommand); } template void ConnectGeometrySliceEvent(T* receiver, bool connectSendEvent=true) { typedef typename itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::Pointer ReceptorMemberCommandPointer; ReceptorMemberCommandPointer eventReceptorCommand = itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::New(); eventReceptorCommand->SetCallbackFunction(receiver, &T::SetGeometrySlice); AddObserver(GeometrySliceEvent(NULL,0), eventReceptorCommand); if(connectSendEvent) ConnectGeometrySendEvent(receiver); } template void ConnectGeometryTimeEvent(T* receiver, bool connectSendEvent=true) { typedef typename itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::Pointer ReceptorMemberCommandPointer; ReceptorMemberCommandPointer eventReceptorCommand = itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::New(); eventReceptorCommand->SetCallbackFunction(receiver, &T::SetGeometryTime); AddObserver(GeometryTimeEvent(NULL,0), eventReceptorCommand); if(connectSendEvent) ConnectGeometrySendEvent(receiver); } template void ConnectGeometryEvents(T* receiver) { //connect sendEvent only once ConnectGeometrySliceEvent(receiver, false); ConnectGeometryTimeEvent(receiver); } /** * \brief To connect multiple SliceNavigationController, we can * act as an observer ourselves: implemented interface * \warning not implemented */ virtual void SetGeometry(const itk::EventObject & geometrySliceEvent); /** * \brief To connect multiple SliceNavigationController, we can * act as an observer ourselves: implemented interface */ virtual void SetGeometrySlice(const itk::EventObject & geometrySliceEvent); /** * \brief To connect multiple SliceNavigationController, we can * act as an observer ourselves: implemented interface */ virtual void SetGeometryTime(const itk::EventObject & geometryTimeEvent); /** \brief Positions the SNC according to the specified point */ void SelectSliceByPoint( const mitk::Point3D &point ); /** \brief Returns the TimeSlicedGeometry created by the SNC. */ const mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry *GetCreatedWorldGeometry(); /** \brief Returns the Geometry3D of the currently selected time step. */ const mitk::Geometry3D *GetCurrentGeometry3D(); /** \brief Returns the currently selected Plane in the current * Geometry3D (if existent). */ const mitk::PlaneGeometry *GetCurrentPlaneGeometry(); /** \brief Sets the BaseRenderer associated with this SNC (if any). While * the BaseRenderer is not directly used by SNC, this is a convenience * method to enable BaseRenderer access via the SNC. */ void SetRenderer( BaseRenderer *renderer ); /** \brief Gets the BaseRenderer associated with this SNC (if any). While * the BaseRenderer is not directly used by SNC, this is a convenience * method to enable BaseRenderer access via the SNC. Returns NULL if no * BaseRenderer has been specified*/ BaseRenderer *GetRenderer() const; /** \brief Re-orients the slice stack to include the plane specified by * the given point an normal vector. */ void ReorientSlices( const mitk::Point3D &point, const mitk::Vector3D &normal ); virtual bool ExecuteAction( Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent); void ExecuteOperation(Operation* operation); /** * \brief Feature option to lock planes during mouse interaction. * This option flag disables the mouse event which causes the center * cross to move near by. */ itkSetMacro(SliceLocked, bool); itkGetMacro(SliceLocked, bool); itkBooleanMacro(SliceLocked); /** * \brief Feature option to lock slice rotation. * * This option flag disables separately the rotation of a slice which is * implemented in mitkSliceRotator. */ itkSetMacro(SliceRotationLocked, bool); itkGetMacro(SliceRotationLocked, bool); itkBooleanMacro(SliceRotationLocked); /** * \brief Adjusts the numerical range of the slice stepper according to * the current geometry orientation of this SNC's SlicedGeometry. */ void AdjustSliceStepperRange(); protected: SliceNavigationController(const char * type = NULL); virtual ~SliceNavigationController(); template static void buildstring( mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic, itk::Point p, std::string &s, T = 0) { std::string value; std::stringstream stream; + stream.imbue(std::locale::classic()); stream<=0 && p[1] >=0 && p[2]>=0) && (unsigned int)p[0] < pic->n[0] && (unsigned int)p[1] < pic->n[1] && (unsigned int)p[2] < pic->n[2] ) { if(pic->bpe!=24) { stream<<(((T*) pic->data)[ p[0] + p[1]*pic->n[0] + p[2]*pic->n[0]*pic->n[1] ]); } else { stream<<(((T*) pic->data)[p[0]*3 + 0 + p[1]*pic->n[0]*3 + p[2]*pic->n[0]*pic->n[1]*3 ]); stream<<(((T*) pic->data)[p[0]*3 + 1 + p[1]*pic->n[0]*3 + p[2]*pic->n[0]*pic->n[1]*3 ]); stream<<(((T*) pic->data)[p[0]*3 + 2 + p[1]*pic->n[0]*3 + p[2]*pic->n[0]*pic->n[1]*3 ]); } s = stream.str(); } else { s+= "point out of data"; } }; mitk::Geometry3D::ConstPointer m_InputWorldGeometry; mitk::Geometry3D::Pointer m_ExtendedInputWorldGeometry; mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry::Pointer m_CreatedWorldGeometry; ViewDirection m_ViewDirection; ViewDirection m_DefaultViewDirection; mitk::RenderingManager::Pointer m_RenderingManager; mitk::BaseRenderer *m_Renderer; itkSetMacro(Top, bool); itkGetMacro(Top, bool); itkBooleanMacro(Top); itkSetMacro(FrontSide, bool); itkGetMacro(FrontSide, bool); itkBooleanMacro(FrontSide); itkSetMacro(Rotated, bool); itkGetMacro(Rotated, bool); itkBooleanMacro(Rotated); bool m_Top; bool m_FrontSide; bool m_Rotated; bool m_BlockUpdate; bool m_SliceLocked; bool m_SliceRotationLocked; unsigned int m_OldPos; }; } // namespace mitk #endif /* SLICENAVIGATIONCONTROLLER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C55A2F */ diff --git a/Core/Code/DataManagement/mitkColorProperty.cpp b/Core/Code/DataManagement/mitkColorProperty.cpp index 8f5a01aca6..ab15c17964 100644 --- a/Core/Code/DataManagement/mitkColorProperty.cpp +++ b/Core/Code/DataManagement/mitkColorProperty.cpp @@ -1,121 +1,122 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include #include "mitkColorProperty.h" mitk::ColorProperty::ColorProperty() : m_Color() { } mitk::ColorProperty::ColorProperty(const float color[3]) : m_Color(color) { } mitk::ColorProperty::ColorProperty(const float red, const float green, const float blue) { m_Color.Set(red, green, blue); } mitk::ColorProperty::ColorProperty(const mitk::Color & color) : m_Color(color) { } mitk::ColorProperty::~ColorProperty() { } bool mitk::ColorProperty::Assignable(const mitk::BaseProperty& other) const { try { dynamic_cast(other); // dear compiler, please don't optimize this away! return true; } catch (std::bad_cast) { } return false; } mitk::BaseProperty& mitk::ColorProperty::operator=(const mitk::BaseProperty& other) { try { const Self& otherProp( dynamic_cast(other) ); if (this->m_Color != otherProp.m_Color) { this->m_Color = otherProp.m_Color; this->Modified(); } } catch (std::bad_cast) { // nothing to do then } return *this; } bool mitk::ColorProperty::operator==(const BaseProperty& property) const { try { const Self& other = dynamic_cast(property); return other.m_Color == m_Color; } catch (std::bad_cast&) { return false; } } const mitk::Color & mitk::ColorProperty::GetColor() const { return m_Color; } void mitk::ColorProperty::SetColor(const mitk::Color & color ) { if(m_Color!=color) { m_Color = color; Modified(); } } void mitk::ColorProperty::SetColor( float red, float green, float blue ) { m_Color.Set(red, green, blue); } std::string mitk::ColorProperty::GetValueAsString() const { std::stringstream myStr; + myStr.imbue(std::locale::classic()); myStr << GetValue() ; return myStr.str(); } const mitk::Color & mitk::ColorProperty::GetValue() const { return GetColor(); } diff --git a/Core/Code/IO/mitkSurfaceVtkWriter.txx b/Core/Code/IO/mitkSurfaceVtkWriter.txx index c65bef7994..9f1f549f55 100644 --- a/Core/Code/IO/mitkSurfaceVtkWriter.txx +++ b/Core/Code/IO/mitkSurfaceVtkWriter.txx @@ -1,174 +1,175 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "mitkSurfaceVtkWriter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include template mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::SurfaceVtkWriter() : m_WriterWriteHasReturnValue( false ) { this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs( 1 ); m_VtkWriter = vtkSmartPointer::New(); //enable to write ascii-formatted-file //m_VtkWriter->SetFileTypeToASCII(); SetDefaultExtension(); // and information about the Writer's Write() method } template mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::~SurfaceVtkWriter() { } template void mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::SetDefaultExtension() { m_Extension = ".vtk"; } template void mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::ExecuteWrite( VtkWriterType* vtkWriter ) { if ( vtkWriter->Write() == 0 || vtkWriter->GetErrorCode() != 0 ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Error during surface writing: " << vtkErrorCode::GetStringFromErrorCode(vtkWriter->GetErrorCode()) ); } } template void mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::GenerateData() { if ( m_FileName == "" ) { itkWarningMacro( << "Sorry, filename has not been set!" ); return ; } mitk::Surface::Pointer input = const_cast(this->GetInput()); vtkSmartPointer transformPolyData = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkPolyData * polyData; Geometry3D* geometry; unsigned int t, timesteps = input->GetTimeSlicedGeometry()->GetTimeSteps(); for(t = 0; t < timesteps; ++t) { // surfaces do not have to exist in all timeteps; therefor, only write valid surfaces if( input->GetVtkPolyData(t) == NULL ) continue; ::itk::OStringStream filename; + filename.imbue(::std::locale::classic()); geometry = input->GetGeometry(t); if ( timesteps > 1 ) { if(input->GetTimeSlicedGeometry()->IsValidTime(t)) { const TimeBounds& timebounds = geometry->GetTimeBounds(); filename << m_FileName.c_str() << "_S" << std::setprecision(0) << timebounds[0] << "_E" << std::setprecision(0) << timebounds[1] << "_T" << t << m_Extension; } else { itkWarningMacro(<<"Error on write: TimeSlicedGeometry invalid of surface " << filename << "."); filename << m_FileName.c_str() << "_T" << t << m_Extension; } m_VtkWriter->SetFileName(filename.str().c_str()); } else m_VtkWriter->SetFileName(m_FileName.c_str()); geometry->TransferItkToVtkTransform(); transformPolyData->SetInput(input->GetVtkPolyData(t)); transformPolyData->SetTransform(geometry->GetVtkTransform()); transformPolyData->UpdateWholeExtent(); polyData = transformPolyData->GetOutput(); m_VtkWriter->SetInput(polyData); ExecuteWrite( m_VtkWriter ); } m_MimeType = "application/MITK.Surface"; } template void mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::SetInput( mitk::Surface* surface ) { this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput( 0, surface ); } template const mitk::Surface* mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::GetInput() { if ( this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1 ) { return NULL; } else { return static_cast< const Surface * >( this->ProcessObject::GetInput( 0 ) ); } } template bool mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::CanWriteDataType( DataNode* input ) { if ( input ) { BaseData* data = input->GetData(); if ( data ) { Surface::Pointer surface = dynamic_cast( data ); if( surface.IsNotNull() ) { SetDefaultExtension(); return true; } } } return false; } template void mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::SetInput( DataNode* input ) { if( input && CanWriteDataType( input ) ) SetInput( dynamic_cast( input->GetData() ) ); } template std::string mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::GetWritenMIMEType() { return m_MimeType; } template std::string mitk::SurfaceVtkWriter::GetFileExtension() { return m_Extension; } diff --git a/CoreUI/Qmitk/QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView.cpp b/CoreUI/Qmitk/QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView.cpp index 4b363e3a32..f5a924a799 100644 --- a/CoreUI/Qmitk/QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView.cpp +++ b/CoreUI/Qmitk/QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView.cpp @@ -1,148 +1,151 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision: 13135 $ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ /**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code. ** ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file. ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy(). ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and ** destructor. *****************************************************************************/ #include "QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorImagesGreen.xpm" #include "QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorImagesYellow.xpm" #include "QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorImagesOrange.xpm" #include "QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorImagesRed.xpm" QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView::QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView( QWidget * /*parent*/, Qt::WindowFlags /*f*/ ) { this->setupUi(this); QTimer *timer = new QTimer( this ); QObject::connect( timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( UpdateMemoryUsage() ) ); timer->start(1000); m_LEDGreen = QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorImagesGreen_xpm; m_LEDYellow = QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorImagesYellow_xpm; m_LEDOrange = QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorImagesOrange_xpm; m_LEDRed = QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorImagesRed_xpm; m_LED->setPixmap(m_LEDGreen); m_PreviousState = 0; } QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView::~QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView() { } void QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView::UpdateMemoryUsage() { size_t processSize = mitk::MemoryUtilities::GetProcessMemoryUsage(); size_t totalSize = mitk::MemoryUtilities::GetTotalSizeOfPhysicalRam(); float percentage = ( (float) processSize / (float) totalSize ) * 100.0; m_Label->setText( GetMemoryDescription( processSize, percentage ).c_str() ); if ( percentage < 50.0 ) { if(m_PreviousState != 0) { m_LED->setPixmap(m_LEDGreen); m_PreviousState = 0; m_LED->update(); } } else if ( percentage < 65.0 ) { if(m_PreviousState != 1) { m_LED->setPixmap(m_LEDYellow); m_PreviousState = 1; m_LED->update(); } } else if ( percentage < 80.0 ) { if(m_PreviousState != 2) { m_LED->setPixmap(m_LEDOrange); m_PreviousState = 2; m_LED->update(); } } else { if(m_PreviousState != 3) { m_LED->setPixmap(m_LEDRed); m_PreviousState = 3; m_LED->update(); } } } std::string QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView::FormatMemorySize( size_t size ) { double val = size; std::string descriptor("B"); if ( val >= 1000.0 ) { val /= 1024.0; descriptor = "KB"; } if ( val >= 1000.0 ) { val /= 1024.0; descriptor = "MB"; } if ( val >= 1000.0 ) { val /= 1024.0; descriptor = "GB"; } std::ostringstream str; + str.imbue(std::locale::classic()); str << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << val << " " << descriptor; return str.str(); } std::string QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView::FormatPercentage( double val ) { std::ostringstream str; + str.imbue(std::locale::classic()); str << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << val << " " << "%"; return str.str(); } std::string QmitkMemoryUsageIndicatorView::GetMemoryDescription( size_t processSize, float percentage ) { std::ostringstream str; + str.imbue(std::locale::classic()); str << FormatMemorySize(processSize) << " (" << FormatPercentage( percentage ) <<")" ; return str.str(); }