diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step01.dox b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step01.dox index 652617c041..b7a04677ab 100644 --- a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step01.dox +++ b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step01.dox @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /** \page Step01Page MITK Tutorial - Step 1: Displaying an image \li Path to files used in this step: \n -.../bin/CMakeExternals/Source/MITK-Data/Pic3D.nrrd +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/Pic3D.nrrd \imageMacro{step1_result.png,"",6.22} Open your IDE. All steps can be found among the listed projects. The first program shows how to display an image in a 2D view. The picture above is a screenshot of the program. The program has to be executed using the image file Pic3D.nrrd. If you are using Visual Studio use the StartVS_release.bat in your bin\\ subdirectory to start it with all required paths set. To set the image file path in Visual Studio, right click on "MitkStep1"-project and go to 'Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Debugging'. Now insert the image file path to Pic3D.nrrd in the "Command Arguments" text field. Then right click on the "MitkStep1"-project again and select "Set as StartUp Project". Start to run the code. Use this also in the following steps. \imageMacro{configureVisualStudioProperties.png,"",11.85} The code is divided into parts I through V. First of all a DataTree has to be created. Then data has to be read from a file which afterwards has to be put into the tree. Part IV creates a window and passes the tree to it. The last part deals with some Qt-specific initialization. \include Step1.cpp \ref Step00Page "[Previous step]" \ref Step02Page "[Next step]" \ref TutorialPage "[Main tutorial page]" */ diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step02.dox b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step02.dox index bd35b8bae2..f74f894583 100644 --- a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step02.dox +++ b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step02.dox @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ /** \page Step02Page MITK Tutorial - Step 2: Load one or more data sets \li \ref Step2.cpp "Step2.cpp" \n Contains the code for this example. \li Path to files used in this step: \n -.../bin/CMakeExternals/Source/MITK-Data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) \n -.../MITK/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk (surface) +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) \n +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/lungs.vtk (surface) \image html step2_result.png \dontinclude Step2.cpp This program shows how to load multiple data sets. A DataNodeFactory is used to produce nodes containing the data. The picture above shows the result of the program when reading both the image file and the surface file. In order to obtain the result the program has to be executed using the image file Pic3D.nrrd and the surface file lungs.vtk. The code for this example equals the code of Step 1 except for part II and part III which are changed as follows: \skipline Part II \until exit(2) \line } \line } \ref Step01Page "[Previous step]" \ref Step03Page "[Next step]" \ref TutorialPage "[Main tutorial page]" */ diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step03.dox b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step03.dox index 9cb98dc0fd..fa6556de5e 100644 --- a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step03.dox +++ b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step03.dox @@ -1,51 +1,51 @@ /** \page Step03Page MITK Tutorial - Step 3: Create 3D view \li \ref Step3.cpp "Step3.cpp" \n Contains the code that both creates a 3D view and turns volume rendering on. \li Path to files used in this step: \n -.../bin/CMakeExternals/Source/MITK-Data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) \n -.../MITK/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk (surface) +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) \n +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/lungs.vtk (surface) As in the previous step, one or more data sets (many images, surface and other formats) may be loaded. The difference is that they are displayed in a 3D view. The QmitkRenderWindow is now used for displaying a 3D view, by setting the used mapper-slot to Standard3D. Since volume-rendering is a (rather) slow procedure, the default is that images are not displayed in the 3D view. In Step 3a the default is kept whereas in Step 3b volume rendering is turned on. As in the previous step, to obtain the result the program has to be executed using the image file Pic3D.nrrd and the surface file lungs.vtk. \section Step3aSection Step 3a - Volume rendering turned off \imageMacro{step3a_result.png,"",6.22} \dontinclude Step3.cpp Tell the renderer to create a 3D view: \skipline // Use it as a 3D view! \skipline renderWindow.GetRenderer()->SetMapperID The rest of the code remains unchanged. The picture above shows the result of the program when reading both the image and the surface file. As volume rendering is off the image is not visible. \section Step3bSection Step 3b - Volume rendering turned on \imageMacro{step3b_result.png,"",6.22} Volume Rendering is now turned on as shown in the picture above. \dontinclude Step3.cpp The property "volumerendering" has to be enabled on the node containing the image. \skipline Check \until node->SetProperty \ref Step02Page "[Previous step]" \ref Step04Page "[Next step]" \ref TutorialPage "[Main tutorial page]" */ diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step04.dox b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step04.dox index 7bd72c0dbe..e90951aa98 100644 --- a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step04.dox +++ b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step04.dox @@ -1,69 +1,69 @@ /** \page Step04Page MITK Tutorial - Step 4: Use several views to explore data \li \ref Step4.cpp "Step4.cpp"\n Contains the code of step 4a + b. \li Path to files used in this step: \n -.../bin/CMakeExternals/Source/MITK-Data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) \n -.../MITK/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk (surface) +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) \n +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/lungs.vtk (surface) As in Step 2 and Step 3 one or more data sets may be loaded. This now creates three views on the data. The QmitkRenderWindow is used for displaying a 3D view as in Step 3, but without volume-rendering. Furthermore two 2D views for slicing through the data are created. The class QmitkSliceWidget is used, which is based on the class QmitkRenderWindow, but additionally provides sliders to slice through the data. We create two instances of QmitkSliceWidget, one for axial and one for sagittal slicing. Step 4b enhances the program in that the two slices are also shown at their correct position in 3D as well as intersection-line, each in the other 2D view. As in the previous steps, to obtain the result the program has to be executed using the image file Pic3D.nrrd and the surface file lungs.vtk. \section Step4aSection Step 4a - Create axial and sagittal view \imageMacro{step4a_result.png,"",11.01} \dontinclude Step4.cpp Create a Qt horizontal box for the layout: \skipline QHBox Then create a renderwindow: \skipline QmitkRenderWindow \until SetMapperID Create a 2D view for slicing axially: \skipline view2 \until view2.SetData Then create a 2D view for slicing sagitally. \skipline view3 \until view3.SetData The toplevelWidget is now the new main widget: \skipline qtapplication \skipline toplevelWidget.show \section Step4bSection Step 4b - Display slice positions \imageMacro{step4b_result.png,"",11.01} We now want to see the position of the slice in 2D and the slice itself in 3D. Therefore it has to be added to the tree: \dontinclude Step4.cpp \skipline ds->Add(view2.GetRenderer() \skipline ds->Add(view3.GetRenderer() Slice positions are now displayed as shown in the picture. \dontinclude Step4.cpp \ref Step03Page "[Previous step]" \ref Step05Page "[Next step]" \ref TutorialPage "[Main tutorial page]" */ diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step05.dox b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step05.dox index d292aa832b..7e7a42d57a 100644 --- a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step05.dox +++ b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step05.dox @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ /** \page Step05Page MITK Tutorial - Step 5: Interactively add points - + \li \ref Step5.cpp "Step5.cpp"\n Contains the code for this step. \li Path to files used in this step: \n -.../bin/CMakeExternals/Source/MITK-Data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) \n -.../MITK/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk (surface) - +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) \n +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/lungs.vtk (surface) + In addition to Step 4 where 3 views were created on the data, we now want to interactively add points. A node containing a PointSet as data is added to the data tree and a PointSetDataInteractor is associated with the node, which handles the interaction. The @em interaction @em pattern is defined in a state-machine, stored in an external XML file. Thus, we need to load a state-machine. A state machine describes interaction pattern with different states (states beeing something like "a point is selected") and transitions to these states (e.g. "select a point"). These transitions are associated with actions. In this way it is possible to model complex interaction schemes. By what these transitions and actions are triggered is described in a configuration file. It maps user events to identifiers that are used in the state machine patterns. In this way the user interaction can be changed by simply loading a different configuration file for a state machine, and the user may add points now with a right click instead of left click + SHIFT, as in our case. Therefore after loading the state machine pattern the PointSetDataInteractor is also given a event configuration file. More information about interaction in MITK can be found \ref InteractionPage "here". In order to add a point the shift key has to be pressed while left clicking in a render window. You can also move points or remove them (left click while pressing ALT). \image html step5_result.png \dontinclude Step5.cpp A PointSet and a node for it have to be created to be able to interactively adding points: \skipline mitk::PointSet \until interactor->SetDataNode(pointSetNode) \ref Step04Page "[Previous step]" \ref Step06Page "[Next step]" \ref TutorialPage "[Main tutorial page]" */ diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step06.dox b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step06.dox index d36da763a6..e7709887ea 100644 --- a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step06.dox +++ b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step06.dox @@ -1,118 +1,118 @@ /** \page Step06Page MITK Tutorial - Step 6: Use an interactive region-grower The source is now split among several files: -\li \ref Step6.cpp "Step6.cpp" -\li \ref Step6.h "Step6.h" +\li \ref Step6.cpp "Step6.cpp" +\li \ref Step6.h "Step6.h" \li \ref Step6RegionGrowing.txx "Step6RegionGrowing.txx" \li \ref Step6RegionGrowing1.cpp "Step6RegionGrowing1.cpp" \li \ref Step6RegionGrowing2.cpp "Step6RegionGrowing2.cpp" \li \ref Step6main.cpp "Step6main.cpp" \li Path to files used in this step: \n -.../bin/CMakeExternals/Source/MITK-Data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) In this step the program is enhanced by the possibility to start a region-grower at interactively added points. We will see how MITK images can be accessed as ITK images. We now load the image file Pic3D.nrrd only since the surface will be the result of the region-growing. Add points in the image by pressing SHIFT+left mouse key, then adjust the thresholds and press 'Start region growing'. \imageMacro{step6_result.png,"",13.55} The class Step6 inherits from QWidget and provides methods for setting up the widgets. Step6RegionGrowing.cpp contains a method for performing the region-growing. Step6main.cpp contains main. Like in ITK and VTK class member names start with m_ followed by the proper member name starting with a capital letter (e.g. m_Tree). Function names start with capital letters. To learn more about style conventions in MITK read \ref StyleGuideAndNotesPage "The MITK Style Guide". \dontinclude Step6.cpp The widgets are initialized as in the previous steps but with an additional QVBox for a button to start the segmentation: \skipline Create controlsParent \until hlayout->addWidget(m_LineEditThresholdMax) This creates a button to start the segmentation and its clicked() signal is connected to the method StartRegionGrowing(): \dontinclude Step6.cpp \skipline QPushButton* startButton \skipline connect(startButton \section AccessMTIKImagesAsITKImagesSection Access MITK images as ITK images ITK images are templated whereas mitk::Images are not. To use ITK filters with MITK images, we have to convert from MITK to ITK. To do so, first define an access method, which is templated as an ITK image is: \code template MyAccessMethod(itk::Image* itkImage) { ... } \endcode If you don't understand this template syntax, you should read any C++ text book. Understanding template syntax is crucial to successfully using ITK. To call this templated method with an (untemplated) mitk::Image, you can use the AccessByItk macro from mitkImageAccessByItk.h. This macro checks for the actual image type of the mitk::Image and does any neccessary conversions. Look into "Modules / Adaptor classes" for more information. \code AccessByItk(mitkImage, MyAccessMethod) \endcode \dontinclude Step6RegionGrowing.txx In this step our access method is called RegionGrowing() (defined in \ref Step6RegionGrowing.txx "Step6RegionGrowing.txx"): \skipline template \until } \until } Additionally the access function has to be instantiated for all datatypes and two/three dimensions as some compilers have memory problems without this explicit instantiation, some even need instantiations in separate files for 2D/3D: \n For 2D in \ref Step6RegionGrowing1.cpp "Step6RegionGrowing1.cpp" : \dontinclude Step6RegionGrowing1.cpp \skipline InstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_1 ... and for 3D in \ref Step6RegionGrowing2.cpp "Step6RegionGrowing2.cpp": \dontinclude Step6RegionGrowing2.cpp \skipline InstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_1 \dontinclude Step6.cpp The method StartRegionGrowing() finally calls our access method RegionGrowing(): \skipline Step6::StartRegionGrowing \until } \section ConvertingITKMITKSection Converting ITK images to MITK images and vice versa In some cases it is useful to simply convert between ITK and MITK images. The direction ITK to MITK is easy, since mitk::Image can handle most data types. The direction MITK to ITK is more critical, since ITK images have to be instantiated with a fixed pixel type and fixed dimension at compile time. \li \code mitk::Image mitk::ImportItkImage(itk::Image<...>) \endcode \li \code mitk::CastToItkImage(mitkImage, itk::Image<...>) \endcode \section ConnectingMITKToVTKSection Connecting MITK images to VTK Images are not converted or copied: The data array is just accessed via an encapsulating VTK object. \li \code vtkImageData* mitk::Image::GetVtkImageData(int time = 0) \endcode \section SurfacesMITKToVTKSection MITK Surfaces to VTK and vice versa Again: not a conversion, just accessing. \li \code vtkPolyData* mitk::Surface::GetVtkPolyData(int time = 0) \endcode \li \code mitk::Surface::SetVtkPolyData(vtkPolyData*, int time = 0) \endcode \ref Step05Page "[Previous step]" \ref Step07Page "[Next step]" \ref TutorialPage "[Main tutorial page]" */ diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step07.dox b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step07.dox index 963460f55f..c3006dd5e0 100644 --- a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step07.dox +++ b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step07.dox @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ /** - + \page Step07Page MITK Tutorial - Step 7: Convert result of region growing into a surface - - \li \ref Step7.cpp "Step7.cpp"\n - \li \ref Step7.h "Step7.h"\n - \li \ref Step7main.cpp "Step7main.cpp"\n + + \li \ref Step7.cpp "Step7.cpp"\n + \li \ref Step7.h "Step7.h"\n + \li \ref Step7main.cpp "Step7main.cpp"\n \li Path to files used in this step: \n -.../bin/CMakeExternals/Source/MITK-Data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) In this step the result of the previous step is converted into a surface by means of a VTK filter. - - Step7 inherits from Step6. It enhances the method StartRegionGrowing() by processing the result image. - + + Step7 inherits from Step6. It enhances the method StartRegionGrowing() by processing the result image. + \dontinclude Step7.cpp \skipline if(m_ResultImage \until } - + \ref Step06Page "[Previous step]" \ref Step08Page "[Next step]" \ref TutorialPage "[Main tutorial page]" - - */ \ No newline at end of file + + */ diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step08.dox b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step08.dox index e5a7d8c13d..2e3562b004 100644 --- a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step08.dox +++ b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Step08.dox @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ /** - + \page Step08Page MITK Tutorial - Step 8: Use QmitkStdMultiWidget as widget - - \li \ref Step8.cpp "Step8.cpp"\n - \li \ref Step8.h "Step8.h"\n - \li \ref Step8main.cpp "Step8main.cpp"\n + + \li \ref Step8.cpp "Step8.cpp"\n + \li \ref Step8.h "Step8.h"\n + \li \ref Step8main.cpp "Step8main.cpp"\n \li Path to files used in this step: \n -.../bin/CMakeExternals/Source/MITK-Data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) +http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/Pic3D.nrrd (image) In this step a QmitkStdMultiWidget is used. It offers four views of the data. From top left to bottom left the views are initialized as axial, sagittal and coronar. The bottom right view is initialized as 3D view. - + \image html step8_result.png - + Step8 inherits from Step6. The method SetupWidgets() is changed: A QmitkStdMultiWidget is used instead of one QmitkRenderWindow and two instances of QmitkSliceWidget. - + \dontinclude Step8.cpp \skipline Part Ia \until EnableNavigationControllerEventListening - - + + \ref Step07Page "[Previous step]" \ref Step09Page "[Next step]" - + */ diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Tutorial.dox b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Tutorial.dox index e32a0baf93..c556bd47af 100644 --- a/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Tutorial.dox +++ b/Documentation/Doxygen/DeveloperManual/Starting/GettingToKnow/Tutorial/Tutorial.dox @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ /** \page TutorialPage The MITK Tutorial If you have set up and compiled MITK already and want to know more about developing with MITK you might want to read the \ref TutorialSection. If you want help setting up MITK and creating your own project using MITK you should take a look at \ref HowToNewProject. \section TutorialFirstSteps First steps in MITK If you are absolutely new to MITK you might want to read up on setting up MITK to use in your development. The following pages will help you in this task. \section TutorialSection Tutorial chapters This tutorial will give you an introduction to developing with MITK. We will start with configuring MITK to compile the tutorial, continue to show how to display and do basic interaction with images, and finally show how to build a plug-in and add new interactions. -The source code of the examples can be found in mitk/QApplications/Tutorial/ \n +The source code of the examples can be found in Examples/Tutorial/ \n Two data files are used to execute the example code. \li Pic3D.nrrd \n -This file contains an image and is located in bin/CMakeExternals/Source/MITK-Data/Pic3D.nrrd. +This file contains an image and can be downloaded from http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/Pic3D.nrrd . \li lungs.vtk \n -This file contains a surface and is located in src/MITK/Modules/MitkExt/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk. +This file contains a surface and can be downloaded from http://mitk.org/download/tutorial-data/lungs.vtk . \li \subpage Step00Page "Step 0: Getting started" \li \subpage Step01Page "Step 1: Displaying an image" \li \subpage Step02Page "Step 2: Load one or more data sets" \li \subpage Step03Page "Step 3: Create 3D view" \li \subpage Step04Page "Step 4: Use several views to explore data" \li \subpage Step05Page "Step 5: Interactively add points" \li \subpage Step06Page "Step 6: Use an interactive region-grower" \li \subpage Step07Page "Step 7: Convert result of region growing into a surface" \li \subpage Step08Page "Step 8: Use QmitkStdMultiWidget as widget" \li \subpage Step09Page "Step 9: A plug-in" \li \subpage Step10Page "Step 10: How to use Interactor and how to implement new ones" Enjoy MITK! */ diff --git a/Modules/CMakeLists.txt b/Modules/CMakeLists.txt index bac394edeb..325c893441 100644 --- a/Modules/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/Modules/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,79 +1,78 @@ # Modules must be listed according to their dependencies set(module_dirs DataTypesExt AlgorithmsExt MapperExt IOExt DICOMReader DICOMTesting Qt4Qt5TestModule SceneSerializationBase PlanarFigure ImageDenoising ImageExtraction ImageStatistics LegacyAdaptors IpPicSupport - Ext SceneSerialization GraphAlgorithms ContourModel SurfaceInterpolation Segmentation PlanarFigureSegmentation OpenViewCore QmlItems QtWidgets QtWidgetsExt SegmentationUI DiffusionImaging GPGPU IGTBase IGT CameraCalibration RigidRegistration RigidRegistrationUI DeformableRegistration DeformableRegistrationUI OpenCL OpenCVVideoSupport Overlays InputDevices ToFHardware ToFProcessing ToFUI US USUI DicomUI Simulation Remeshing Python Persistence IGTUI VtkShaders ) if(MITK_ENABLE_PIC_READER) list(APPEND module_dirs IpPicSupportIO) endif() set(MITK_DEFAULT_SUBPROJECTS MITK-Modules) foreach(module_dir ${module_dirs}) add_subdirectory(${module_dir}) endforeach() if(MITK_PRIVATE_MODULES) file(GLOB all_subdirs RELATIVE ${MITK_PRIVATE_MODULES} ${MITK_PRIVATE_MODULES}/*) foreach(subdir ${all_subdirs}) string(FIND ${subdir} "." _result) if(_result EQUAL -1) if(EXISTS ${MITK_PRIVATE_MODULES}/${subdir}/CMakeLists.txt) message(STATUS "Found private module ${subdir}") add_subdirectory(${MITK_PRIVATE_MODULES}/${subdir} private_modules/${subdir}) endif() endif() endforeach() endif(MITK_PRIVATE_MODULES) diff --git a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/img.nrrd b/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/img.nrrd deleted file mode 100644 index 04a51b53cb..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/img.nrrd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -NRRD0004 -# Complete NRRD file format specification at: -# http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html -content: SomeIDNumber42 -type: short -dimension: 3 -space: right-anterior-superior -sizes: 3 3 1 -thicknesses: 1 1 1 -space directions: (1,0,0) (0,1,0) (0,0,1) -centerings: cell cell cell -kinds: space space space -encoding: ASCII -space units: "mm" "mm" "mm" -space origin: (0,0,0) - -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 diff --git a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk b/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk deleted file mode 100644 index 5b0f7f17ac..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18985 +0,0 @@ -# vtk DataFile Version 3.0 -vtk output -ASCII -DATASET POLYDATA -POINTS 7860 float -59 174 77.8 95 170 80.2059 55 171 80.2222 -56 171 79.2353 56 172 78.5806 57 172 78.1765 -58 173 78.2 59 173 78.6923 61 173 79.6452 -87 173 80.4194 88 173 79.8 89 173 79.4571 -91 173 80.4706 58 174 78.5172 60 174 78.1765 -89 174 80.4706 91 174 80.8235 59 175 78.5172 -60 175 78.0909 63 175 79.4571 88 175 80.5588 -64 176 80.1429 63 177 80.2059 65 177 80.2059 -67 177 80.1429 81 177 80.4706 82 177 79.8 -84 177 79.8 62 177.087 81 64 177.5 81 -68 178 80.2059 80 178 80.2059 82 178 80.2059 -69 179 79.8529 77 179 80.2059 79 179 79.8 -80 179 80.2059 81 179 80.8235 70 180 80.5455 -74 180 80.4706 114 150 83.4706 113 151 83.4706 -112.739 151 84 114 152 82.8529 39 155 83.8 -38.6667 155 84 113 155 82.8 114 155 82.8 -39 156 83.1429 38.3333 156 84 40 156 83.4706 -114 156 83.1429 40 157 83.1429 40 158 83.8 -40.6667 158 84 42 158.833 84 41.3333 159 84 -109 159 83.4706 112 159 81.1765 113 159 81.4545 -43 160 83.2059 108 160 83.4706 109 160 82.8 -111 160 81.5294 112 160 81.1765 113 160 82.3 -110 161 82.2 111 161 81.5143 112 161 81.8182 -44 162 82.8 45 162 82.8 107 162 83.0323 -109 162 83.0323 110 162 82.2 111 162 82.2 -112 162 83.4828 46 163 83.4194 110 163 83.2059 -46.25 164 84 47 164 83.4194 106 164 82.2 -109 164 83.4706 104 165 83.4 105 165 82.4545 -106 165 82.2 108 165 83.4706 49 166 82.8 -50 166 82.8 51.1667 166 84 103 166 83.9 -51.4 167 84 99 167 83.2174 101 167 81.9 -96 168 83.4828 97 168 82.7 98 168 82.8182 -101 168 81.8824 95 169 81.8824 96 169 81.9677 -97 169 82.5556 93 170 82.3636 93 169.333 84 -96 170 81.2222 54 171 82.6552 93 171 81.6667 -94 171 81.1936 91 172 81.6207 92 172 81.9677 -93 172 81.6 94 172 81.8824 95 172 81.5294 -97 172 83.8846 68 173 83.3333 76 173 83.4706 -85 173 83.6842 86 173 81.7826 93 173 82.2 -71 174 82.6452 76 174 82.4571 84 174 83.6842 -85 174 83.8333 92 174 81.5294 57 174.727 84 -75 175 82.6452 80 175 82.4571 82 175 82.0714 -86 175 81.6 69 176 82.6452 71 176 82.8529 -72 176 83.8064 74 176 83.4194 80 176 82.2 -87 176 81.4545 60.2609 177 84 75 177 82.4571 -87 177 81.5294 89 177 82.8529 81 181.25 84 -115 146.357 87 36 149 86.4194 114 149 84.1765 -36 150 86.4194 37 150 86.8 36.0909 151 87 -37 151 86.0323 37 152 85.5556 37 153 86.0526 -38 153 86.6842 111 153 86.9091 37 154 86.1667 -38 154 84.7826 39 154 85.8261 38 155 84.6667 -38 156 85.0714 37.6538 156 87 41 157 84.6818 -41 158 84.1364 40 159 85.8571 41 159 84.1364 -44 158.278 87 108 159 84.5294 41 160 85.2273 -45.5 160 87 41.2 161 87 47 163 84.2727 -46 164 84.2308 52 165 85.3548 100 165 86.5455 -102 165 84.5294 53 166 86.0323 52 167 84.2647 -106 167 84.5294 51 168 84.9677 53 168 84.4545 -95 167.63 87 53 169 84.2647 92 168.75 87 -105 169 86.2059 67 169.75 87 89 170 84.8824 -98 170 85.56 98 171 85.7727 72 172 85 -74 172 85.5556 82 172 84.5294 84 172 84.6923 -98 172 85.3043 99 172 85.2 73 173 85.8261 -74 173 85.8261 84 173 84.8333 73 174 85.1538 -99 174 86.8235 73 175 85 74 175 84.5172 -184.833 178 87 186 178 85.8462 186 179 85 -188 179 84.9677 189 179 85.3 191 179 85.1818 -193 179 84.375 195 179 85.6552 196 179 86.069 -198 179 85.4545 198 178.261 87 201 179 86.4706 -202 179 86.2059 186 180 86.8235 189 180 85.3548 -190 180 84.6 191 180 84.6 193 180 84.4286 -196 180 86.1 198 180 85.5 200 180 86.2059 -201 179.75 87 193 181 86.8966 68 181.706 87 -82 182 84.5294 84 183.087 87 117 143 89.8 -118 143 89.4706 118 142.25 90 117 144 88.5 -118 144 89.4706 115 145 89.2174 116 145 87.9677 -117 145 88.2 34 146 89.6087 115 146 87.6818 -116 146 87.5769 117 146 89 35 147 87.9677 -116 147 87.2308 35 148 87.5769 36 148 87.4545 -35 149 87.5455 35.7727 152 90 39 153 89.7273 -151 155 88.8 42.6429 157 90 152 157 88.8 -153 157 89.1429 43 157.278 90 44 157.105 90 -45.4545 158 90 152 158 89.8 153 158 89.8 -45.8947 159 90 153 159 89.9 47.2857 161 90 -52 162 89.55 48 162.286 90 55 164 88.3043 -56 164 89.2174 98 164 88.8529 55 165 87.6923 -56 165 89.2174 96 165 89.2059 95.1818 165 90 -99 165 87.9677 45 165.346 90 56 166 88 -63 167 87.375 64.6 167 90 92.7692 167 90 -95 167 89.3182 94.375 167 90 64.3 168 90 -68.3333 168 90 93 167.75 90 93 168 89.5714 -94 168 89 94 167.75 90 72 168.474 90 -73 168.333 90 66 169.4 90 50 170.105 90 -174 175 89.4 175 175 88.8 176 175 89.4194 -176 176 89.0323 177 176 88.6452 178.6 176 90 -181 176 89.4231 181 177 89.3077 181 178 89.04 -182 178 88.7586 183 178 89.3182 184 178 89 -202 178 87.5172 204 178 88.5 182 179 89.4194 -183 179 89.7391 184 179 88.875 204 179 88.1538 -181 180 89.8235 183 180 89.4194 202 180 88 -119 140 92.7778 120 140 91.6452 118 141 91.9615 -119 141 90.8571 120 141 91.2 118 142 90.2 -119 142 90.1765 120 142 91.5 120.654 142 93 -119 143 90.5294 150 145 92.8 149.714 145 93 -150 146 91.8 150 147 91.5 151 147 91.8529 -117.895 148 93 150 148 91.8529 151 148 91.5 -151 149 90.5294 151 150 90.1765 36.5909 153 93 -39 154.5 93 39.1053 155 93 39.1667 156 93 -40 156.526 93 154 157 90.5294 156.105 159 93 -46 159.563 93 50.75 160 93 153 160 91.1471 -155 160 91.7 45.3333 161 93 51 161 91.0714 -52 161 91.2273 154 161 90.6 45.8667 162 93 -51 162 90.5 50.6875 162 93 154 162 91.7 -156 161.455 93 155 163 92.7391 155.25 163 93 -47 164 92.3077 46.25 164 93 159 164 91.5 -47 164.857 93 63 165 90.6667 92 165 90.8824 -159 165 90.8824 45 165.591 93 46.5455 166 93 -64 166 90.2609 66 166 92.6842 67 166 92.8636 -92 166 90.2 93 166 91.0385 158 166 91.5 -160 166 90.5806 161 166 92.3077 46.6 167 93 -65 166.684 93 69 166.4 93 70 166.227 93 -71 167 91.5556 72 167 92 75 167 90.6 -93 167 92.25 94 167 92.25 161 167 92.7391 -161.5 167 93 68.3333 168 93 72 168 91.5 -94 168 90.2143 160 168 92.4444 161 168 92.25 -162 168 91.5556 48.4 169 93 67 169 90.2727 -162 170 91.2353 51.2857 171 93 66 170.208 93 -167 171 92.8966 52.625 173 93 170 173 92.8235 -173 173 92.7778 174 174 90.2308 170 175 92.1429 -180 175 91.5 171 176 92.4194 172 175.091 93 -172 176 91.8889 174 176 90.2222 179 176 90.5455 -185 175.618 93 179 177 92.7 183 177 90.375 -177 178 91.2 178 178 92.7 178.333 178 93 -179 177.333 93 179.143 178 93 180 178 90.6 -176 178.833 93 177 178.818 93 177.286 179 93 -178 179 92.2105 179 179 91.5 204.833 179 93 -180 180 90.5294 204 180.172 93 121 139 93.2727 -123.105 139 96 33 140.857 96 34 141 94.8462 -34 142 93.9 35 143 93.6818 149 143 94.8889 -150 144 94.1818 149 145 93.7895 40 151 94.5 -40.0714 153 96 40 153.071 96 39.3529 156 96 -149.588 156 96 46 156.591 96 45 157.133 96 -48 158 94.8 47 159 93.8571 49 159 94.0714 -50.1818 159 96 45.6667 160 96 47 159.625 96 -52 159.895 96 45.5714 161 96 157 161 93.2308 -51 162 94.0714 52 161.722 96 52.8333 162 96 -54 161.5 96 156 162 95.25 158 162 93.2609 -159 162 93.6 41 163 94.8261 46 163 94.125 -51 162.692 96 52 163 95.4 52.75 163 96 -156 163 95.5714 46 164 93.3158 45.2273 164 96 -52 163.6 96 90 164 93.3214 155 164 93.6667 -43 165 94.1111 46 165 93.75 47 165 93.75 -156 165 93.2 45 166 94.5882 45.7273 166 96 -47 165.273 96 46.2727 166 96 54 166 94 -54.2 166 96 69.25 166 96 162 166 94.7727 -46 166.375 96 46 167 94.9286 54 166.667 96 -64.4615 167 96 69 166.5 96 155 166.474 96 -163 166.455 96 47 168 94.5 72 168 94.5 -94.55 168 96 164 168 94.1111 165 168 95.1 -46 169 95.8846 46.1667 169 96 47.5 169 96 -72 169 95.3182 164 169 94.1111 165 169 94.5556 -166 169 94.8 52 170 93.2 94 169.688 96 -166 170 93.4286 167 170 93.5455 51 170.625 96 -163 171 93.6 166 171 94.3636 168 171 94.375 -168 170.133 96 170 171 94.8 52 172 94 -52.1818 172 96 162 172 94.5 163 172 94.3 -164 172 95.7391 165 172 95.8636 167 172 94.3548 -168 172 94.3548 173 172 93.5172 52 172.5 96 -59 173 95.125 164 173 95.4194 165 173 95.0323 -171 173 93.1818 172 173 93.4545 216 173 95.8 -75 174 95 74.8421 174 96 76 173.533 96 -76 174 95 76.6364 174 96 167 174 95.1429 -172 174 93.8182 214 174 95.4706 168 175 94.5 -172 175 93.1765 183 174.941 96 170 177 94.5 -178 176.65 96 179 176.316 96 204.323 177 96 -176.85 178 96 178 178 93.2 179.591 178 96 -176 179 93.3158 177 179 93.8571 177 178.375 96 -178 178.609 96 177 180 94.1538 68 184.056 96 -124 138.071 99 33 139.357 99 34 140.056 99 -149 141 98.2174 150 140.5 99 149 142 96.2609 -115 143.111 99 41 153 98.6 40 154 98.0526 -41 154 98.7 42 154 98.6 43 154 97.9286 -43 153.773 99 44 155 97.5 44 156 98.1667 -44.7143 156 99 46 157 98.4545 42.8182 158 99 -45 158 97.4444 47 158 98.4706 48 158 98.25 -44 158.846 99 45 159 98.6 46 159 98 -46.75 159 99 47 158.75 99 46 160 97.6364 -46 159.375 99 47 160 97 49.1818 160 99 -51 160 97.5 46 161 97.2 47 161 97.5 -51 160.667 99 53 160.545 99 45.2778 162 99 -51 161.333 99 53 161.625 99 53 162 96.75 -161 162 97.8529 49.9333 163 99 52 162.2 99 -59 163 98.25 44.3158 164 99 60 163.667 99 -64 163.933 99 59 165 97 60 164.333 99 -60 165 97.6364 64.8182 165 99 66 165 97.125 -66.7143 165 99 68.75 165 99 47 166 97.8462 -47.3333 166 99 54 166 96.4 59 166 96 -58.2632 166 99 60 166 97.0909 65 166 98.7143 -64.8182 166 99 66 166 98.0526 66.75 166 99 -69 166 96.4286 70 165.833 99 224 166 98.8 -225 166 98.8 225 165.75 99 46 167 97.5 -47.8182 167 99 59 167 97.3636 58.25 167 99 -60 167 97.7143 67 166.286 99 69 167 96.75 -70 167 98.6 70 166.5 99 70.3333 167 99 -72 167 98.6 71.6667 167 99 72 166.5 99 -223 167 97.8529 224 167 97.6452 47 168 96.75 -46.4545 168 99 47.8571 168 99 56 168 98.7273 -55.8667 168 99 56 167.867 99 56.5 168 99 -61.8182 168 99 64.25 168 99 70 168 96.2609 -71 167.222 99 71 168 96.7895 73 168 97 -74 167.357 99 74 168 97.7727 222 168 97.8529 -223 168 97.3 224 168 98.7391 47 169 97.3636 -56 168.286 99 62 169 97.6552 62.9286 169 99 -64.25 169 99 69 169 96.9 71 169 97.35 -74.1 169 99 92.7 169 99 167 168.2 99 -221 169 97.7 222 169 97.3 223 169 98.7391 -46 170 97.5 52 169.462 99 54.2 170 99 -62 170 97.8182 62.6842 170 99 68 169.875 99 -69 170 98.25 68.5 170 99 70 170 97.1739 -71 170 97.25 72 170 97.5 72.9091 170 99 -74 169.056 99 77 170 97.5 76.4545 170 99 -77 169.571 99 170 170 96.4545 220 170 96.9 -221 170 97.0385 222 170 98.7391 61 171 98.7931 -60.7778 171 99 61.2857 171 99 69 170.5 99 -70 171 97.3333 71 171 97.25 72 171 98.625 -77 171 97.8 77.8571 171 99 94 170.294 99 -164 171 96.2727 165 171 96.4091 218 171 97.4 -219 171 96.6 220 171 96.2 221 171 98.2174 -49 172 96.3333 54 171.75 99 59 171.519 99 -60 172 98 69.1429 172 99 71 172 96.3 -72.4375 172 99 77 171.75 99 216 172 97.1818 -216 171.231 99 217 172 97.2414 218 172 96.5172 -219 172 97.5 220 172 98.7273 48 172.722 99 -50 173 97.875 51.5 173 99 58 173 96.5172 -57.1724 173 99 61 172.286 99 215 173 96.5294 -217 173 96.5294 218 173 97.3548 51 174 98.2174 -67 173.818 99 67.25 174 99 75.5 174 99 -78 174 98.7273 78.1053 174 99 180 173.097 99 -211 174 98.88 216 174 96.5294 58 174.737 99 -67 175 97.8462 66.0909 175 99 76 174.643 99 -77 175 98.4 77.75 175 99 78 174.667 99 -210 175 97.25 212 175 97.8261 213 175 96.6 -214 175 96.2 67 176 98.069 66.3571 176 99 -67.9 176 99 77 175.188 99 178 175.923 99 -178.25 176 99 209 176 96.4545 210 176 96.1154 -211 176 97.56 212 176 98.4444 213 176 98.1 -214 176 98.4231 67 176.5 99 179 176.75 99 -179.095 177 99 210 177 96.5806 212 176.833 99 -214 176.172 99 177 178.579 99 178 178.467 99 -63 183.375 99 66 183.818 99 67 184 98 -151 137 101.824 32 138 101.609 33 137.333 102 -150 138 100.696 33 139 99.5769 150 139 99.6667 -149 140 100.8 123 141 100.579 122 144 100.962 -120.8 145 102 107.773 150 102 41 152 99.5455 -34.5882 153 102 45 155 100.579 45.3913 155 102 -41 156 100.154 42 156 100.111 45 156 99.3158 -42 157 99.2727 43 157 100.111 46 157 99.6 -47 157 101.7 44 158 101.75 47 158 102 -48 158 100 43.8421 159 102 50 159 100.071 -51 160 99.4286 50 161 100.826 54 161 101.7 -55 161 101.5 158 161 101.667 157.25 161 102 -158 160.813 102 51 162 99.75 52 162 99.5455 -53 162 100.125 56 161.077 102 158 161.75 102 -227 162 101.1 228 162 101.739 46 162.444 102 -49 162.667 102 49 163 101.8 50 162.2 102 -60 162.944 102 226 163 100.5 227 163 99.9 -225 164 101.1 226 164 99.9 227 164 100.227 -47 165 101.167 59 165 101.727 65 165 99.8571 -66 165 101.5 80 164.567 102 225 165 99.5294 -226 165 100.111 46 166 101.824 60.875 166 102 -65 166 101 65.2 166 102 66 165.2 102 -66.8 166 102 226 165.944 102 46 167 99.9375 -47 167 101.077 60.75 167 102 61.1429 167 102 -62 166.455 102 64 167 100.5 65 167 100.364 -66 167 100.286 70 167 99.8571 72 166.563 102 -167 167 100.5 47 168 100.636 56 168 99.8571 -65 168 100.2 66 168 100.773 67 168 101.654 -74 167.105 102 94 168 101.786 95.375 168 102 -167 168 99.5455 62.6364 169 102 66 169 101.727 -67 169 101.8 68 169 101.8 75 168.571 102 -75 169 101.25 76 168.455 102 76 169 100.2 -95.9167 169 102 54 169.591 102 55 170 101.182 -56 169.167 102 56 170 100.5 61 170 99.8182 -64.4545 170 102 67 170 101.7 73.5455 170 102 -75 169.75 102 76 169.857 102 76.1429 170 102 -52 170.474 102 53 170.143 102 54.3333 171 102 -61 171 99.6 51 172 102 58 171.727 102 -60 172 101 73 171.667 102 72.9333 172 102 -78 171.917 102 60.25 173 102 72 173 101.182 -78 173 101.25 78 172.333 102 79.5 173 102 -180 172.316 102 67.3333 174 102 68 174 101.25 -68.6667 174 102 77 174 100.579 77.75 174 102 -79 174 102 187 174 101.419 188 174 101.8 -206.895 174 102 58 174.25 102 66 175 102 -68 175 102 77 175 99.6 78 174.75 102 -207 175 101 65.5625 176 102 68.1364 176 102 -173 176 100.688 173 175.632 102 176.565 176 102 -215 176 100.826 215.6 176 102 161 176.074 102 -212 177 99.1034 176.8 178 102 203.5 178 102 -212 178 100.556 203 178.867 102 210 179 100.355 -202.091 180 102 203 181 100.75 66 185 100.08 -200 184.172 102 232 99 104.8 232 98.7143 105 -232 99.5 105 235 111 104.824 235 112 104.824 -151 133 104.471 32 136 103.6 31.3 136 105 -33 135.867 105 150 137 102.167 153 141 103.2 -154 142 104.8 154.75 143 105 230 156 104.419 -49 157 104.318 229 157 104.8 45 158 103.313 -46 158 103.615 229 158 103.7 230 158 104.053 -44 159 103.125 45 159 102.75 46 159 103.8 -53 158.316 105 228 159 104.206 229 159 103.5 -37.1765 160 105 54 160 103.5 164 160 103.8 -229 160 103.5 157.533 161 105 158 160.417 105 -158.875 161 105 228 161 102.682 228.944 161 105 -49 162 102.273 50 162 102.316 59.8 162 105 -62 162 104.545 158 161.875 105 46 163 104 -48 163 102.375 225 163 103.111 45.1429 164 105 -46 163.455 105 47 164 103.05 45 165 103.286 -60 165 102.75 167 165 102.529 46 165.25 105 -60 166 103.105 63 166 105 65 166 102.429 -60 167 102.45 61.8571 167 105 62 166.333 105 -62.6667 167 105 64 167 104.5 63.5 167 105 -64.1 167 105 65 166.4 105 64 167.25 105 -68 168 102.261 69 168 103.962 71 168 103.556 -72 168 104.778 73 168 104.333 74 168 104.684 -96.7143 168 105 166 168 103.875 166.75 168 105 -62 169 103.05 69 169 103.304 71 169 103.304 -73 169 104.063 75 169 102.818 76 169 102.947 -97.5455 169 105 54 170 103.929 55 170 103.125 -56 170 104.143 62 170 103.235 65 170 103.636 -66 170 103.65 74 169.273 105 77 170 103 -52 171 103 53 171 102.692 54 171 103 -71 171 103.304 73 171 102.4 78 171 104.75 -178 170.261 105 179 171 103 181 171 104.419 -52 172 103.179 58 172 103.125 72 172 103.826 -77 171.286 105 182 172 104 184 172 102.882 -188 172 104.8 58 173 103.826 59 173 103.5 -70 173 103.125 72 173 103.8 78 173 103.5 -78.4 173 105 81 173 105 181 173 103.5 -182 173 103.909 188 173 102.783 207 173 104.333 -208.125 173 105 59 174 102.692 69.75 174 105 -80 173.857 105 198 174 102.667 206 174 104.217 -210 173.273 105 67 175 103.615 67.75 175 105 -68.2857 175 105 88 175 104 87.25 175 105 -88.75 175 105 176 175 104.308 176 174.455 105 -177 174.87 105 177 175 104.438 66 176 104.625 -67 176 104.625 68 176 103 88 175.75 105 -173.231 176 105 176 176 104.438 178.067 176 105 -204.091 178 105 203.25 179 105 200.571 180 105 -201 179.4 105 203 179.056 105 206 180 103.8 -201.75 181 105 205 181 104.333 206 181 103.8 -207 181 104.1 173 182 103.56 175.667 185 105 -230 94 107.4 230 93.1429 108 231 95 106.889 -231 96 106.355 231 97 106.182 232 97 106.636 -232 98 105.577 231 99 106.5 233 99 106.333 -233 98.1667 108 232 100 105.2 233.292 100 108 -233 101.5 108 233 102 107.684 233 103 106.111 -233 104 105.882 233 105 106.182 234 105 105.682 -234 106 105.222 235 105.75 108 234 107 105.2 -234 108 105.529 235 110 105.577 235.913 110 108 -234 111 105.529 236 111 106.421 236.292 114 108 -235 116 106.355 235 117 107.032 235 119 107.8 -235 120 107.8 236 120 107.739 236 121 106.696 -236 123 105.667 236 125 106.889 236 126 107.333 -235 127 107.824 236 128 106.355 236 130 107.1 -150 131 107.778 150 132 105.9 149.192 132 108 -151 132 105.818 235 132 107.8 31 135 106.8 -31 134.143 108 32 135 105.136 31 136 107 -33 135.133 108 235 136 107.471 120 139.435 108 -235 140 106.889 155 141 105.667 234 141 107.471 -235 141 107.217 234 142 107.143 235 141.857 108 -234 143 107.032 155 144 105.545 156 144 107.625 -234 144 107.333 233 145 107.824 162 151 107.471 -231 156 106.714 230.933 157 108 225.933 159 108 -57 160 107.684 168 160 107.471 57 161 106 -58 161 106.636 59 161 105.316 60 161 105.783 -158 161 106.05 58 162 108 59 162 106.2 -63 162 106 82 161.833 108 83 162 107.8 -83 161.833 108 84 162 106.759 160 162 106.714 -159.455 162 108 160 161.455 108 160.75 162 108 -46 164 105.6 64 166 106.286 65 166 106.636 -66 166 105.75 173 166 106.2 174 166 107.032 -176 166 107.778 62 167 105.333 64 167 105.231 -174 167 107.55 176 167 107.739 177 167 106.962 -216 167 107.1 168.13 168 108 174 168 105.75 -177 168 106.889 178 168 106.889 218 168 105.2 -74 169 105.333 166 168.25 108 167.2 169 108 -168 168.2 108 179 169 105.529 181 169 106.2 -183 170 105.529 192 169.333 108 195 170 107.471 -207 170 107.8 77 171 105.316 96 170.111 108 -197 171 106.645 198 171 106.457 208 171 106.457 -82 172 107.25 82 171.625 108 82.75 172 108 -197 172 106.5 198 172 106.826 203.5 172 108 -205.75 172 108 207 172 106.826 208 172 106.355 -80 173 106.2 82 172.375 108 175 173 107.087 -174.563 173 108 200 173 107.885 203 173 107.912 -205.455 173 108 209 173 106.105 210 173 105.474 -68 174 105.273 69 174 105.6 90 174 107.526 -89.75 174 108 90.75 174 108 175 174 106.895 -176 174 106.25 203 174 107.5 68 175 105.24 -88 175 105.818 90 174.75 108 177 174.895 108 -206 175 106.5 205.833 175 108 171 176 107.5 -171 175.333 108 172.231 176 108 176 175.933 108 -177.13 176 108 205 175.909 108 205 176 107.864 -206 176 106.636 205 178 105.882 204 179 105.29 -201 180 107.25 202 180 107.211 203 180 106.962 -202 181 106 203 181 107.348 169 182 106.235 -203 182 106.826 204 182 106.2 205 182 105.455 -171 183 105.176 173 183 105.778 204 183 107.1 -205 183 107.778 172 184 106.5 86 189.824 108 -227 88 110.4 226.5 88 111 228 89 109.444 -228 90 108.9 228 91 109.2 229 91 109.174 -229 92 108.667 230 91.8182 111 229 93 108.581 -230 93 108.2 233 101 109.5 232 102 108.24 -230.167 107 111 231 108 110.824 230.833 108 111 -232 109 109.182 236 119 108.545 236.64 125 111 -150 129.966 111 234.692 130 111 149 130.231 111 -148.63 131 111 235 131 109.227 236 131 108.273 -236 132 108.158 31 133 110.25 30.5882 135 111 -128 135 110.423 129 135 110.206 128 136 108.231 -129 136 110.1 129 136.818 111 157 138.643 111 -157 140 109.304 232.316 140 111 235.806 140 111 -156 141 108.136 156 142 109.08 157 142 109.4 -156 143 109.227 158 143 109.313 157 144 108.182 -232 145 109.2 234 145 108.682 234.567 145 111 -162 146 110.143 161 147 109.355 231 147 110.824 -233 147 110.864 164 148 110.471 232 148 110.909 -162 149 109.75 232 149 110.423 232.714 149 111 -231 150 110.423 232.929 150 111 231 151 109.696 -232 151 108.789 231 152 109.421 232 152 109 -231 153 110.053 230 154 108.692 170 157 109.457 -168 158 109.2 171 158 109.457 60 159 110.1 -168 159 108.529 172 159 109.457 223 158.875 111 -224 159 110.739 170 160 109.2 171 160 109.457 -172 160 109.8 174 160 110.143 82 161 108.909 -173 161 109.886 175 161 109.457 177 161 110.206 -177.818 161 111 105 162 110.25 106 162 109.2 -174 162 109.8 175 162 109.457 178 162 110.8 -220 162 110.25 220 161.417 111 106 163 109 -106.25 163 111 160 163 108.429 161 163 109.364 -161.2 163 111 175 163 108.882 161 164 109 -178 164 110.333 160 164.909 111 161.13 165 111 -179 165 108.968 184 165 109.457 183 166 109.457 -185 166 109.457 210 166 110.471 214 166 109.2 -215 166 108.882 66 167 109.6 65.125 167 111 -66 166.417 111 67 166.625 111 67.2727 167 111 -184 167 110.333 185 167 110.679 186 167 110.032 -187 167 109.457 194 167 110.8 193.5 167 111 -195 166.625 111 209 167 110.125 215 167 108.529 -66 168 109.5 65.25 168 111 67 168 110.308 -166.696 168 111 169 167.563 111 169 168 110.222 -170 168 110.735 171 168 110.735 172 167.87 111 -185 168 110.211 187 168 108.529 192 168 110.211 -192.714 168 111 193.25 168 111 195 168 109.645 -201 168 109.853 203 168 110.684 204 168 110.684 -207 167.5 111 210 168 109.826 213 168 110.864 -214 168 110.04 92.6842 169 111 167 168.875 111 -168 168.947 111 169 168.438 111 172 169 109.645 -173 169 109.429 192.818 169 111 194 169 109.5 -193.25 169 111 202 169 110.625 205 169 110.471 -207 169 108.75 93.25 170 111 173 170 109.35 -173.688 170 111 193 169.25 111 94 170.4 111 -95 170.625 111 173 171 111 82 172 108.818 -186 172 110.55 185.727 172 111 205 172 109.636 -205 171.375 111 92 173 110.55 91.25 173 111 -93 172.455 111 93 173 110.4 175 173 110.625 -186 172.375 111 195 173 110.471 195 172.571 111 -196 172.444 111 196 173 109.5 205 173 110.143 -90.5 174 111 91 173.2 111 91 174 108.6 -92 174 110.438 94 174 110.55 95 173.667 111 -95 174 109.875 175 174 109.75 176 174 109.313 -196 174 109.821 197 174 109.889 197.667 174 111 -204 174 108.947 205 173.4 111 205.75 174 111 -91 174.25 111 95 174.75 111 171 175 108.273 -176 175 109.909 195.563 175 111 197 175 110.217 -85 176 108 84.25 176 111 85 175.25 111 -85.1875 176 111 171.857 176 111 177 176 108.29 -196 176 111 197 176 110.143 205 175.333 111 -85 176.188 111 197 176.286 111 212 180.067 111 -207 67 113.333 208 68 112.645 209 68 112.889 -210 68.0667 114 210 70 112.457 213 71 112.313 -214 71 112.75 215 71 113.5 215 72 112.25 -216 73 111.261 217 73 111.273 213 74 112.8 -216 74 111.968 218 74 112.364 218.231 74 114 -218 75 111.783 218 76 112.313 219.091 76 114 -218 77 113.419 219 77 113.679 219.25 77 114 -219 78 113.778 220 78 113.419 220 79 113.143 -221 80 113.419 221.857 81 114 222 82 113.8 -222.167 84 114 223 84 113.143 224 85 113.333 -225 85 113.55 225 87 113.778 226 87 112.696 -226 88 111.783 227 87.2632 114 229 98 111.176 -231 110 111.529 230.04 113 114 231 114 111.529 -232 119 112.773 232 120 111.947 233 121 111.5 -233 128 111.581 234 129 112.227 31 130 113.793 -149 130 111.333 233.375 130 114 234 130 113.348 -31 131 112.636 32 131 112.5 234 131 112.364 -31 132 113.182 30.875 132 114 32 132 112.5 -232 132 112.2 233 132 111.455 131 133 112.962 -132 133 113.1 132 132.182 114 149 132.944 114 -129 134 112.111 130 134 111.581 131 134 111.9 -132 134 113.778 232 133.684 114 233 134 111.931 -130 135 111.2 131 135 112.7 126 135.067 114 -158 136 113.333 31.2857 137 114 232 137 111.581 -157 138 112.08 229.5 138 114 233 138 111.176 -229 142 113.824 230 142 113.143 108 143 113.545 -161 143 111.857 231 144 112.5 165 145 112.8 -164 146 112.313 229 146 113.8 231 146 111.091 -230 147 111.176 232.962 148 114 229 149 111.931 -226 151 113.143 227 152 113.545 229 152 113.909 -232.176 152 114 228 153 112.909 103 154 113.4 -104 154 113.455 101.818 155 114 103 155 111.429 -104 155 113 59 157 112.235 59 158 111.529 -222 157.565 114 177 159 113 220 160 112.545 -106 161.053 114 106.783 162 114 161 163 113.571 -189 163 113.206 106 163.13 114 159.677 164 114 -189 164 112.889 191 164 112.889 197.25 164 114 -208 164 112.457 161.667 165 114 191 165 113.684 -192 165 112.889 198 165 113.25 205 165 113.217 -67 166 112 66.4737 166 114 67 165.667 114 -68 166 112.241 68.8947 166 114 190 166 113.5 -191 166 113.25 192 166 111.947 197 166 113.885 -197 165.667 114 198 166 113.778 199 166 112.5 -203 166 111.75 66 166.75 114 68 167 111.923 -192 167 111.545 193 167 111.273 56 168 112.25 -56 167.125 114 56.5833 168 114 66.1429 168 114 -68 167.947 114 67.8571 168 114 90.625 168 114 -93 167.261 114 167.769 168 114 168 167.25 114 -172 167.391 114 193 168 111.6 56 169 111.75 -56.2 169 114 169 168.609 114 184 169 113.684 -184 168.333 114 185 168.75 114 185 169 113.308 -192.417 169 114 202.65 169 114 203 168.125 114 -204 168.455 114 173 169.857 114 185 170 113.308 -184.6 170 114 193 170 111.9 194 169.444 114 -194 170 112.125 95 170.261 114 185 171 112.263 -186 171 113.182 192.889 171 114 194 171 112 -195 171 112.696 93 171.684 114 185 172 113.182 -186.438 172 114 194 172 113 195 172 111.667 -196 172 112.714 204 171.875 114 205 172 112.875 -204.4 172 114 205.231 172 114 94 173 111.5 -185 172.111 114 205 173 112.5 204.867 173 114 -205.5 173 114 91.8667 174 114 94.6667 174 114 -195 173.722 114 197.429 174 114 206 173.25 114 -206 174 111.429 93 174.393 114 172 175 111.75 -172.125 175 114 196 174.667 114 205 175 113.571 -206.15 175 114 85 176 111.346 171 175.545 114 -176 186.853 114 181 187.808 114 201.75 67 117 -204 67 116.125 203 68 116.471 205 69 116.1 -208 73 116.217 209 73 116.125 208 74 116.333 -207.5 74 117 209 74 115.962 210 76 116.1 -211 76 116.217 215 77 115.2 214 78 115.8 -216 78 115.645 217 78 116.333 213 78.6667 117 -218 79 116.444 221.966 80 117 219 81 115.2 -222 81 114.136 221 82 114.176 221 83 114.857 -225 84.1111 117 223 86.8667 117 224 89 115.7 -225 89 115.227 225 90 115.5 224.697 92 117 -224 95 116.824 234.059 105 117 226 108 116.4 -227 110 116.778 228 111 116.824 228 112 116.206 -228 113 116.419 229 114 114.529 229 115 114.857 -229 118 115.8 230 119 116.885 231 119 115.759 -231 121 114.931 230 122 114.882 30 125 116.087 -31 126 115.5 228.5 126 117 146 127.966 117 -145.955 128 117 146 129 115.655 32 130 114.231 -134 130 116.5 135 130 116.471 230 130 116.778 -132 131 116.069 133 131 114.818 134 131 115.3 -135 131 116.778 132 132 114.182 133 132 114.091 -134 132 115.5 133 133 114.931 159 133 115.5 -229 133 116.143 230 133 115.147 149.433 134 117 -230 134 116.032 231 134 116.1 232 134 114.692 -159 135 114.2 161 135 116.217 228 135 116.8 -229 135 115.889 232 135 115.364 159 136 114.857 -160 136 115.56 161 136 116.739 163 136 116.333 -229 136 116.625 162 137 116.217 230 137 114.4 -164 138 116.739 164 139 115.889 226 142 116.824 -105.867 143 117 226 143 116.143 229 143 114.176 -167 144 115.2 228 144 115.853 229 144 115.235 -104 144.933 117 103.857 145 117 105 145 115.5 -168 145 116.625 229 145 115 168 146 116.885 -169 146 116.778 170 146 116.333 227 146 116.545 -170 148 115.8 172 149 115.457 222.125 149 117 -223 150 115.457 224 151 115.2 220 152 116.143 -221 152 115.853 222 152 115.8 224 152 115.853 -51 152.087 117 221 153 115.457 222 153 115.8 -223 153 116.471 102 154 116.143 104 154 115.5 -219 154 116.5 101.895 155 117 103.545 155 117 -182 154.75 117 216 155 116.471 217 155 116.032 -218 155 116.333 181 156 115.457 182 156 116.4 -216 156 115.8 217 156 116.333 217.75 156 117 -223 155.917 117 161 157 114.8 160.313 157 117 -161 156.083 117 162 157 116 162.333 157 117 -182 157 116.032 185 157 116.206 212 157 116.471 -214 157 116.559 216 157 115.457 217 157 116.333 -217.75 157 117 161 157.55 117 162 157.857 117 -176 158 114.207 183 158 115.853 212 158 115.457 -216 158 115.457 217 158 116.032 218 158 115.929 -185 159 115.457 205 158.833 117 208 159 116.419 -210 159 116.125 189 160 115.457 192 160 116.8 -207 160 116.032 208 160 115.645 209 160 116.217 -217 160 114.9 187 161 114.29 188 161 114.968 -204 161 115.8 205 161 115.645 207 161 116.419 -208 161 116.419 209.5 161 117 217 161 116.069 -103.083 162 117 206 162 116.1 210 162 114.667 -216 162 116.864 217 162 116.88 58 163 116.739 -57.8182 163 117 58.25 163 117 69 162.818 117 -103 163 116.087 103 162.125 117 211 163 114.931 -69 164 116.217 103 163.875 117 162.077 164 117 -68 165 116.25 68 164.813 117 159.933 165 117 -197 165 114.333 69 166 114.667 170 166 114.9 -190 166 114.75 190 165.455 117 191 166 115.2 -56 167 114.75 56 166 117 66 167 114.333 -67 167 116.348 67.3333 167 117 91 167 114.783 -191 167 115.765 192 167 116.455 56 168 117 -67 168 114.692 68 167.385 117 89.0909 168 117 -168.125 168 117 172 168 116.1 171.684 168 117 -184 168 114.6 184 167 117 184.333 168 117 -190.923 168 117 192 168 114.923 193 168 115.333 -193.333 168 117 201.067 168 117 202 167.067 117 -203 168 114.13 204.467 168 117 56 169 114.563 -89.25 169 117 91 169 115 94.6364 169 117 -171 169 115.579 172 169 115.7 184 168.8 117 -184 169 116 185 169 116.25 192 169 114.789 -202 169 116.6 201.923 169 117 204.609 169 117 -79 170 115.875 79 169.727 117 80 169.417 117 -80 170 115.385 185 170 116.571 192 169.737 117 -79 170.273 117 80 170.304 117 94 170.286 117 -185 171 115.737 186 171 114.474 195 171 116.727 -194.875 171 117 204 171 116.8 204 170.857 117 -94 171.455 117 186 172 114.778 194 172 115.286 -194 171.467 117 195 172 116.333 196 172 115 -205 172 114.474 92.2273 173 117 195 173 115.773 -196 173 116.1 205 173 114.6 93 174 116.75 -171 173.889 117 197 174 114.692 205 174 115.286 -206 174 115.636 206 175 114.818 172 175.933 117 -204 185 115.579 176.85 186 117 177 185.813 117 -178 185.417 117 184 186 116.735 184 187.385 117 -200.25 67 120 200.333 69 120 204 70 117.968 -202.125 71 120 204 71 118.313 204 74 119.143 -206 77 118.457 208 77 118.5 207 78 119.032 -210 78 118.25 217 79 117.273 210 79.5455 120 -214 80 119.5 216 80 117.261 217 80 117.103 -216 81 117.667 221 86 118.364 219 87 119.824 -220 87 119.8 220.5 87 120 220 88 119.559 -221 88 119.5 222 87.2857 120 222 89 119.1 -222 90.3333 120 223 90.7692 120 224 91.125 120 -222.545 93 120 224 93 118.56 33 105 119.8 -33 107 119.471 32 108 119.739 33 108 119.824 -223.867 108 120 32 109 118.556 33 109 119.824 -224.526 109 120 31 110 119.526 225 110 119.1 -32 111 118.5 224 111 119.419 224 112 118.457 -225 112 118.2 31 113 117.75 224 113 118.457 -225 113 118.645 226 113 118.3 226 114 119.864 -31 119 117.529 226 119 118.457 226 120 118.457 -227 120 118.258 230 120 117.391 225 121 119.471 -227 121 119.739 229 121 118.08 33 127 118.818 -29.4857 128 120 227.929 128 120 145.147 129 120 -228 129 119.864 226 130 119.143 162 131 118.8 -226 131 119.118 161 132 118.235 164 132 118.8 -227 132 118.457 34.4545 133 120 34 134 119.211 -226 135 118.457 230 135 117.517 231 135 117.409 -230 136 117.429 165 137 117.176 169 136.167 120 -169 137 119.143 168 138 118.457 224 138 118.8 -226 138 118.75 110 139 119.824 167 139 118.645 -225 139 119.032 226 139 119.333 227 139 118.556 -167 140 118 226 140 118.941 228 140 117.265 -224 141 118.8 106.133 142 120 221 142 118.8 -106 142.5 120 105.75 143 120 170 143 118.645 -173 143 118.8 103 144 119.769 105.857 144 120 -220 144 118.457 102 145 117.6 103 145 117.947 -104 144.667 120 105 144.857 120 221 145 118.457 -99 146 118.853 101 146 118.182 102 146 117.231 -219 146 118.457 221 146 118.8 222 146 119.206 -223 146 119.471 174 147 118.2 219 147 118.8 -221 147 119.559 222 147 119.273 223 147 118.909 -220.286 148 120 221 148 119.559 222 148 118.545 -221 149 119.1 179 150 118.457 220.346 150 120 -177 151 118.556 178 151 118.889 179 151 118.457 -213 152 118.8 218 152 117.857 181 153 119.1 -185 153 119.824 215 153 118.457 217 153 117.882 -102 153.85 120 103.438 154 120 210 154 118.457 -215 154 118.2 222 154 117.455 223 154 118.111 -224 154 117.45 104 155 119.143 209 155 118.457 -211 155 118.457 213 155 118.7 219 155 117.273 -221 155 118.759 222 155 119.172 223 155 118.435 -103 155.895 120 104 155.143 120 184 156 117.529 -189 156 118.457 211 156 117.882 213 156 117.968 -218.727 156 120 219 155.87 120 219.429 156 120 -220 156 119.294 222 156 119.04 161 157 118.737 -162 157 118.636 189 157 118.2 201 157 119.206 -219 156.75 120 219 157 119.5 198 158 119.419 -202 158 119.206 203 159 118.4 165 160 119.609 -164.727 160 120 165 159.75 120 202 160 117.182 -210 160 117.6 165 160.6 120 210 161 117.333 -211 161 119.786 211.25 161 120 212.75 161 120 -214 161 118.909 216 161 118.105 57 162 118.688 -57 161.125 120 58 161.083 120 58 162 118.565 -104 162 118.65 105 162 118.111 106 162 117.375 -188 162 119.684 57 163 118.688 67.5333 163 120 -68 162.417 120 101 163 119.308 100.143 163 120 -102 162.739 120 102 163 118.364 103 162.563 120 -104 163 119 188 163 119 57 164 119 -56.5556 164 120 57.8 164 120 101 164 119.217 -102 164 119.25 103 164 118 103.111 164 120 -181 164 119.308 188 164 119.308 189 164 118.889 -57 165 117.75 56.25 165 120 57.25 165 120 -68 165 118.125 68.3125 165 120 162 164.053 120 -162.667 165 120 169 164.5 120 180.739 165 120 -189 165 118.444 190 165 117.75 197 165 119.667 -198 165 119.55 57 165.25 120 68 166 118.826 -69 165.55 120 69 166 118.313 93.2 166 120 -161 165.947 120 182 166 118.364 183 166 117.375 -189.067 166 120 191 165.333 120 198 166 118.25 -199 166 118.95 56 167 117.75 68 167 118 -162 166.261 120 171.519 167 120 183 166.636 120 -190 166.737 120 198 166.35 120 200 167 119.182 -199.25 167 120 200 166.571 120 201 166.632 120 -201 167 117.375 184 168 117.75 193 168 118.579 -192.25 168 120 201 168 118 202 167.417 120 -192 169 119.211 192 168.375 120 203 169 119.87 -203 168.857 120 79 170 117.563 80 170 118.75 -193 170 119.684 203 170 117.391 204 170 117.6 -93 171 119 94 171 118 94.3704 171 120 -94.3704 172 120 94 172.667 120 170.192 175 120 -171 175.808 120 184 184.267 120 176.533 186 120 -180 186 117.25 181 186 117.6 181.8 186 120 -182.091 186 120 185 186 117.091 175 186.588 120 -181 187 120 184 187 117.652 183.053 187 120 -185 187 117.088 182 187.615 120 200.25 68 123 -200.333 69 123 205 80 122.625 207 80 121.556 -208 80 122.423 210 80 120.714 221 79.913 123 -205 80.75 123 207 81 121.889 214 81 120.12 -206 82 122.032 207 82 121.645 208 82 122.8 -213 82 120.333 214 82 120.231 211 83 121.645 -213 83 121.5 210.182 84 123 212 84 121.8 -213 84 122.125 213 84.875 123 214 85.5 123 -216 87 122.739 217 87 122.55 221 87 120.273 -222 87 120.333 218 88 121.2 220 89 121.038 -221 89 120.103 221 90 120.231 221 91 121.5 -223 91 122.25 220 92 122.129 221 92 121.7 -222 92 121.889 222.667 92 123 222 93 120.529 -34 102 121.962 34 101.182 123 33 103 121.895 -34 103 121.7 33 104 120.682 34 104 121.5 -31.8235 105 123 34 105 121.5 32 106 120.667 -222 107 120.529 220 109 122.778 224 109 121 -220 110 122.333 221 110 122.032 222 110 122.206 -223 110 121.909 221 111 122.806 222 111 121.909 -221 114 122.032 222 114 120.857 220 115 122.143 -225 115 120.273 226 115 120.692 223 116 121.25 -224 116 121.125 225 116 120.333 221 117 121.457 -224 117 121.2 222 118 122.333 223 118 122.739 -223 119 122.063 223 120 121.853 222 121 121.457 -224 121 120.529 221 122 121.457 223 122 121.457 -226 122 120.455 227 122 121.219 221 123 121.457 -224 123 121.5 225 123 121.853 226 123 121.909 -227 123 121.219 149 123.7 123 226 124 121.909 -227 124 120.094 34.4737 126 123 226 126 121.125 -161 126.5 123 165 127 122.824 225 127 122.1 -226 127 121.7 34.7391 128 123 134 127.833 123 -145.059 128 123 165 128 121.8 217.875 128 123 -219 128 121.8 223 128 121.8 227 128 122.167 -135 128.077 123 162 129 121.235 164 129 121.8 -167 129 121.8 226 129 120.115 227 129 120.316 -35 130 121.818 136.4 130 123 124 133 121.355 -219 133 121.457 168 134 121.5 220 135 121.8 -219 136 122.786 218 138 121.457 220 138 121.457 -221 138 121.645 222 138 121.304 174 139 121.457 -177 139 122.471 220 139 122.8 221 139 122.8 -222 139 122.217 223 139 120.5 104.6 140 123 -106 140 121.355 173 140 121.2 177 141 122.1 -178 141 122.032 179 141 122.471 221 141 120.818 -105 142 123 106 142 120.857 176 142 122.129 -215 142 122.25 102 143 120.29 103 143 120.261 -104 143 120.75 176 143 121.543 212 143 122.471 -104 144 120.857 116 144 121.714 117 143.818 123 -181 144 121.8 182 144 122.471 212 144 121.457 -214 144 121.886 104.417 145 123 106 145 122 -116 145 120.167 117 145 120.3 179 145 121.457 -215 145 121.8 105 145.438 123 106 145.261 123 -116 145.739 123 181 146 122.778 184 146 121.8 -210 146 122.806 214 146 121.645 216 146 121.457 -46 147 121.111 181 147 122.778 182 147 122.778 -184 147 121.457 205 147 122.471 205 146.5 123 -208 147 121.457 209 147 121.8 211 147 121.8 -91 147.5 123 181 148 121.7 205 148 121.457 -207 148 121.457 211 148 121.457 212 148 122.125 -214 148 122.125 90 149 122.419 188 149 121.8 -210 149 121.457 212.375 149 123 42 150 122.4 -41.625 150 123 42 149.625 123 42.2727 150 123 -89 150 120.882 203 150 121.853 204 150 121.457 -209 150 121.457 210 150 121.645 211 150 122.217 -211.75 150 123 220 150 121.08 52 151 120.692 -208 151 121.457 214 150.625 123 53 152 122.5 -54.75 152 123 62 151.5 123 84 152 120.529 -189 152 121.457 208 152 121.2 177 153 122.609 -176.4 153 123 177 152.727 123 177.75 153 123 -177 153.25 123 103 154.211 123 104 155 120.857 -200 155 121.457 101.313 156 123 103 156 120.375 -217 156 122.182 216.455 156 123 218 155.813 123 -218 156 122.182 219.429 156 123 102 156.846 123 -103 156.933 123 217 157 121.696 216.286 157 123 -218 157 122.182 219 157 120.75 217 157.5 123 -206 159 122.053 207 159 121.875 165 159.813 123 -207 160 121.355 208 159.083 123 209 159.727 123 -209 160 122.438 209.429 160 123 60 161 122.333 -165 160.75 123 166 161 121.091 186 161 122.71 -187 160.364 123 188 161 122.55 207 161 121.696 -208 161 122.053 209 160.333 123 212 161 121.125 -57 161.455 123 70 162 120.273 72 161.263 123 -72 162 121.645 167 162 122.125 166.125 162 123 -167 161.125 123 187 162 120.222 57 163 122.625 -71 163 121 98 163 122.526 98 162.625 123 -99 162.045 123 99 163 120.261 100 163 120.158 -102 163 121.636 101.667 163 123 103 163 120.875 -167 162.467 123 169 163 122.71 168.25 163 123 -181 163 122.55 180.87 163 123 181.75 163 123 -57 164 120.75 58 163.273 123 90.6957 164 123 -93 164 122.4 100 164 121.091 102 164 121.125 -103 164 120.333 161 164 121.2 168 164 122.739 -167.923 164 123 172 163.6 123 182 163.143 123 -57 165 120.375 161 164.6 123 163 164.391 123 -182 165 122.842 182 164.857 123 191.375 165 123 -195 164.333 123 196 164.217 123 198 164.923 123 -172.654 166 123 182 166 120.783 195.8 166 123 -210 166 122.609 209.75 166 123 85 167 122.222 -84.125 167 123 85 166.632 123 85.5833 167 123 -162 166.783 123 163 166.526 123 191 167 121.235 -191 166.167 123 200 167 121.125 201 167 121.235 -210 167 122.438 211 167 122.4 84 168 122.4 -83.25 168 123 169 167.609 123 192 168 120.375 -201 168 120.4 202 168 121.05 203 168 120.783 -211 168 120.2 211.875 168 123 84 168.2 123 -90.125 169 123 91 169.368 123 95.1875 170 123 -211 169.15 123 212 169.375 123 92.4615 171 123 -93 172 121.75 170 171.87 123 170 173 120.75 -171 172.727 123 193 174 122.6 193 173.333 123 -194 173.067 123 194 175 120 194.9 175 123 -171 175.316 123 159 180.31 123 183.4 184 123 -184.545 184 123 182.895 185 123 175.143 186 123 -177 185.4 123 177 186 121.615 180.417 186 123 -181 186 121.091 178 187 121.889 179 187 122.1 -180 187 121.5 183 186.333 123 178 187.909 123 -182 188.435 123 193 188.077 123 92 190.6 123 -203 70 125.71 202 71 124.5 202.37 71 126 -202.286 73 126 208 81 123.12 205 83 125.727 -208 83 123.682 207 84 124.826 206 85 125.778 -205.8 85 126 206.5 85 126 206 86 125.125 -205.364 86 126 206.875 86 126 209 86 125.125 -210.375 86 126 211 85.7727 126 207.4 87 126 -209 87 125.032 210 87 125.333 210.545 87 126 -214 87 124.304 212 87.25 126 211.143 88 126 -213 88 125.625 210.867 89 126 212 89 124.645 -213 90 125.333 216 91 125.7 223.909 91 126 -215 92 125.739 216 92 125.75 224 92 124.636 -214 93 125.778 217 93 124.889 216 94 124.645 -217 94 125.217 218 94 125.625 217 95 125.217 -218 95 125.211 219 95 125.786 36 96 125.8 -36 95.7143 126 216 96 124.645 217 96 124.889 -218 96 124.111 219 96 123.136 35 97 125.778 -36 97 125.471 36 98 125.824 34 99 125.609 -35 99 124.5 34 100 124.421 35 100 124.5 -215 100 124.457 35 101 124.818 216 105 124.457 -218 109 124.5 219 109 124 218 111 123.882 -219 111 123.517 216 112 125.471 221 112 123.176 -215 113 125.5 218 113 125.885 220 113 124 -219 114 125.864 214 116 125.824 215.75 117 126 -217 119 124.457 36 121 124.457 37 121 125.471 -152.6 121 126 155 121 124.457 157 121 124.8 -215 121 124.457 152 122 125.625 153 122 124.853 -166 121.833 126 153 123 123.882 155 123 124.457 -165 123 125.125 218 123 124.457 36 124 124.8 -146.923 124 126 165 124 125.217 170 123.833 126 -218 124 124.8 220 124 123.818 36 125 124.457 -160 125 124.313 165 125 125.125 170 125 124.8 -212 125 125.1 211.4 125 126 219.857 125 126 -221 125 125.25 223 125 125.545 224 125 125.206 -35 126 123.882 36 126 124.645 37 126 124.645 -145.8 126 126 160 126 123.783 170 126 124.457 -212 126 125.778 213 126 125.55 213.6 126 126 -219 126 125.885 223 126 125.545 224 126 124.909 -36 127 125.217 213.25 127 126 36 128 124.826 -37 128 124.889 174 127.25 126 217 127.739 126 -216.571 128 126 228 128 123.75 227.25 128 126 -37 129 124.645 38.5 129 126 174 129 124.645 -214 129 125.55 216 129 125.55 216 128.727 126 -228 128.75 126 38 130 125.471 174 130 124.889 -146.5 131 126 212 131 124.457 37 132 125.559 -176 132 124.645 216 132 124.889 177 133 125.143 -211 133 124.8 215 133 124.457 211 134 124.457 -217 135 124.3 216 136 124.147 217 136 124.5 -176 137 124.111 213 138 124.2 207.167 139 126 -209 139 124.457 217 139 124.125 224 139 125.455 -223.2 139 126 224 138.556 126 225 138.5 126 -225 139 125.143 102 140 124.2 104 140 124.227 -182 140 124.645 183 140 124.7 207.5 140 126 -216 140 124.8 217 140 124.545 43 141 125.824 -103 141 123.947 104.857 141 126 167 141 124.385 -166.364 141 126 167 140.417 126 182 141 124.889 -184 141 124.645 209 141 124.645 216 141 124.345 -218 141 123.818 42 142 124.235 43 142 125.559 -99 142 124.2 105 141.25 126 167 142 124 -183 142 124.645 186 142 124.7 186.722 142 126 -203 142 124.457 207.222 142 126 209 142 124.645 -213 142 124.5 46 142.5 126 168 143 123.13 -169 143 124.3 185 143 124.645 190 143 125.778 -191 143 124.457 192 143 124.645 205 143 124.8 -97 144 123.182 105 144 124.826 116 143.769 126 -168 144 124 169 144 123 184 144 123.882 -190 144 125.032 191 144 124.645 198 144 124.457 -202 144 124.457 105 145 124.105 106 145 124.2 -116.737 145 126 168 144.37 126 169 144.609 126 -188 145 125.1 189 144.125 126 193 145 125.55 -201 145 124.457 205 145 124.457 89 145.25 126 -115 145.857 126 115.25 146 126 194 146 124.457 -90 147 124.5 116 146.111 126 191 147 124.645 -202 147 124.457 196 148 124.8 43 149 124.364 -44 149 125.609 45 149 125.8 59 149 125.824 -191 149 124.457 194 149 123.529 197 149 124.556 -214 149 124.412 216 149 124.56 217 149 124.364 -42 150 123.818 43 149.857 126 44 149.273 126 -59.3333 150 126 60 150 125.75 61 150 125.333 -64 150 124.457 212.25 150 126 215 150 125.833 -216 150 125.864 217 150 124.909 54 151 123.316 -55 151 123.833 56 151 124.5 211.4 151 126 -214.75 151 126 54 152 124.286 59 151.375 126 -177 153 124.286 218 153 125.667 217.727 153 126 -176 154 125.308 102 155 125.8 174 155 125.55 -174 154.571 126 175 155 124.862 214 155 125.118 -215 155 124.5 217 155 124.875 217.4 155 126 -175 156 124.889 176 156 124.929 176.667 156 126 -214 155.909 126 216 156 123.938 217.368 156 126 -218 156 123.6 219 156 123.692 100 156.333 126 -102 157 123.75 103 156.273 126 204 157 125.4 -216 157 124.714 218 157 123.6 219 157 123.391 -100 157.909 126 205 158 123.8 206 158 124.091 -184 159 125.323 184 158.125 126 185 158.217 126 -185 159 124.258 205 159 123.517 208 158.923 126 -165 160 123.333 185 160 123.9 186 160 123.13 -208.654 160 126 209 160 123.75 61 161 123.3 -72 161 123.789 74 161 125.471 94 161 125.455 -94.5455 161 126 180 161 125.727 180 160.714 126 -181 160.444 126 185 161 125.684 57 162 124.2 -57.6 162 126 60 162 125.25 61 162 123.75 -70 162 124.579 73 162 123.556 92 162 124.7 -167 162 125.625 167.333 162 126 168 161.923 126 -168 162 125.143 181 162 123.188 180.063 162 126 -208 162 124.875 60 162.097 126 61 162.273 126 -69 163 124.5 71 163 125.727 71.25 163 126 -167.391 163 126 168 163 123.2 171 162.265 126 -181.25 163 126 207 162.2 126 208 163 126 -90 164 124.92 97.7273 164 126 163 164 125.25 -163 163.813 126 181 164 123.563 182 164 123.783 -190 163.773 126 87 165 125.4 86.6 165 126 -87.8571 165 126 192 165 124.111 194 165 123.1 -86 166 124.35 87 166 124.444 87.6364 166 126 -90.7391 166 126 164.435 166 126 191.857 166 126 -198 166 125.318 210 166 125.25 84.4737 167 126 -86 167 124.25 86.5833 167 126 162 166.6 126 -163 167 124.8 171.2 167 126 189 166.143 126 -210 167 124.125 211 167 123.75 84 168 123.818 -90 168 123.4 211 168 125.211 191 170 124.696 -190.333 170 126 192 169.889 126 192 170 125.25 -169 171 124.765 170 170.842 126 170 171 125.609 -191 170.909 126 192 171 124.263 191.083 171 126 -169 172 124.043 168.375 172 126 192 172 125.455 -193 172 124.875 171 173 124.636 170.737 173 126 -193 173 123.75 194 173 123.75 170 174 125.211 -171 174 125 195 175 124.2 195.13 175 126 -194 175.435 126 195 175.375 126 197 178 124.889 -197 179 124.821 197.733 179 126 197 179.917 126 -175 183 125.6 179 183 125.769 164 183.941 126 -184 184 124.2 175 185 124.889 176 185 125.308 -177 184.714 126 184 185 125.684 170 185.722 126 -170.714 186 126 173 185.714 126 176 185.375 126 -171 186.087 126 172 186.261 126 179 186.455 126 -180 186.333 126 192 186.818 126 182.5 188 126 -93 190 125 96 190.059 126 202.654 72 129 -207 72 128.806 209 72.6087 129 210 73.0909 129 -208 76 128 207.533 76 129 210 79 126.789 -210 78.2632 129 211 79 128.6 210 80 127.364 -210.857 80 129 211 79.6667 129 212 80 128.833 -211.5 80 129 212 79.9091 129 212 81 128.483 -211.5 81 129 212.5 81 129 212 81.4545 129 -207 85 126.857 205.1 86 129 207 86 126.5 -208 86 126.214 211 85.6667 129 212 86 126.5 -213 86 126.5 207 87 128 212 87 126.857 -213 87 127.071 205.833 88 129 207 87.0909 129 -210 88 126.4 211 87.75 129 211 88 127 -206 88.1667 129 210 89 127.773 205 90 128.684 -214 90 126.316 204 90.625 129 205 91 127.889 -211 90.625 129 212 90.4167 129 213 91 127.071 -215 91 126.882 223 91 128.143 204 92 128.125 -223 92 126.882 37 93 128.6 38 92.7143 129 -38.0909 93 129 203 93 128.684 205 93 127.457 -208 93 128.206 209 93 128.032 210 93 128.667 -37 94 128.053 203 94 128.333 209 94 128.333 -213.125 94 129 219 94 127.286 36 95 127 -202.739 95 129 209 95 128.125 34.9333 96 129 -203.5 96 129 209.583 96 129 213 96 128.625 -212.75 96 129 206 97 127.8 208 97 127.457 -210 96.7143 129 210 97 128.684 205 97.5 129 -209 98 127.889 211 98 127.889 212 99 127.889 -213 99 127.5 209 100 127.645 209 101 127.457 -212 102 127.457 208 103 127.8 208 104 127.457 -205 109 128.206 203 110 128.143 206 110 128.032 -207 110 127.457 214 110 127.457 212 111 127.457 -200 111.833 129 201 113 127.457 198.625 114 129 -204 114 127.853 218 114 126.818 199 115 127.8 -200 115 127.457 201 117 127.457 215 117 126.265 -223 117 127.895 222.632 117 129 223.875 117 129 -211 118 127.457 212 118 127.5 223 118 128 -222.143 118 129 223.261 118 129 202 119 128.8 -208 119 127.457 213 119 128.206 214 119 127.182 -202 120 128.419 203 120 128.5 209 120 127.457 -161 120.417 129 204 121 128.118 209 121 128.032 -152 121.818 129 166.6 122 129 205 122 127.457 -29.8235 123 129 167 122.25 129 168.6 123 129 -149 123.7 129 170.25 124 129 188 124 128.909 -187.833 124 129 208 124 127.889 196 125 128.143 -197 125 127.8 206 125 127.457 218 124.955 129 -218.1 125 129 39 126 127.182 189 126 128.824 -199 126 128.032 204 126 127.457 206 126 127.645 -210 126 128.308 133 126.824 129 172.75 127 129 -174 126.857 129 174.286 127 129 199 127 128.333 -205 127 127.457 206 127 127.889 210.455 127 129 -211 127 126.75 214 127 128.077 214.571 127 129 -216 126.25 129 218 127 126.3 217.25 127 129 -173 127.125 129 199 128 128.125 206 128 128.125 -215 128 126.964 228 128 126.818 179 128.182 129 -181 129 127.645 206.833 129 129 39 130 126.581 -146.273 130 129 179 130 127.8 183 130 127.457 -197 130 127.853 198 130 127.889 205 130 127.457 -207 130 128.25 209 129.417 129 39 131 126.529 -40 131 127.2 41.625 131 129 197 131 128.4 -198 131 128.55 201 131 128.125 209 131 127.457 -40 132 127.853 188 133 128.032 40 134 127.286 -180 134 127.543 187 134 127.889 188 134 128.217 -192 134 128.471 193 133.75 129 184 135 128.1 -188.286 135 129 192 135 127.457 43 136 127.8 -43.875 136 129 182 136 127.2 184 136 128.778 -185 136 128.778 186 136 128.125 206 136 127.457 -219 136 128.55 183 137 128.143 184 137 128.778 -185 137 128.778 196 137 128.55 203 137 127.8 -218 137 128.625 217.813 137 129 219 137 127.696 -220.375 137 129 102 138 126.29 184 138 127.75 -187 138 127.645 188 138 127.962 202 138 128.559 -219 137.667 129 220 137.375 129 222 138 128.4 -221.25 138 129 223 138 127.25 224 138 127.875 -224.375 138 129 186 139 128.1 187 139 127.889 -188 139 128.333 201 139 128.8 203 139 128.559 -205 139 128.032 206 139 127.444 223 139 126.429 -222.6 139 129 225 138.714 129 225.105 139 129 -186 140 126.563 187 140 127.111 188 140 127.853 -192 140 127.457 193 140 127.457 197 140 127.645 -200 140 127.457 204 140 128.423 204.714 140 129 -225 139.133 129 104 141 127.636 166.667 141 129 -167 140.143 129 188 141 128.4 189 141 128.909 -190 141 128.182 196 141 127.457 205.167 141 129 -213 141 127.154 214 141 127 105 142 126.818 -166.435 142 129 189 142 128.897 199 142 127.235 -200 142 126.882 201 142 126.176 207 142 128 -48 143 127.5 106 143 128.167 187.5 143 129 -189 143 128.833 188.857 143 129 194 143 127.345 -206 143 126.316 207 143 128 208 143 126.682 -50 143.188 129 207 144 127.615 208 144 127.7 -113.6 145 129 114 144.143 129 188 144.091 129 -114 146 128.217 115 147 128.769 114.714 147 129 -116 146.609 129 43 149 127.636 44 149 127.286 -44.4 149 129 45 148.455 129 46 148.727 129 -46 149 128.182 47 149 127.95 47.4667 149 129 -67 149 126.529 46 149.25 129 47 149.875 129 -59 150 126.094 211.455 150 129 214 150 126.75 -59 151 127 210 151 127.625 210 150.522 129 -211 151 126.3 213.667 151 129 208.813 152 129 -210 152 127.889 211 152 127.95 209 153 129 -211 152.304 129 216 153 128.786 214 153.565 129 -217 154 127.875 218 153.933 129 217.75 154 129 -174 154.5 129 176.895 155 129 205 155 128.71 -206 155 128.118 207 154.625 129 207 155 128.667 -101 156 128 102 156 127.826 174.074 156 129 -177 155.087 129 177 156 126.577 183 156 128.25 -182.125 156 129 204 156 127.147 206 156 128.308 -97 157 127.846 98 156.313 129 98 157 127.821 -100 156.067 129 101 156.625 129 101.25 157 129 -102 157 127.2 176 157 126.115 177 157 126.441 -183 157 127.8 184 156.632 129 184 157 128.125 -202 157 128.824 203 157 126.9 214 156.618 129 -217 157 127.5 178 158 128.71 183 158 128.222 -184 158 126.158 61 159 128.727 62 159 127.645 -95 159 128.4 183 158.778 129 183.1 159 129 -207.435 159 129 58.375 160 129 62 160 126.9 -71.9259 160 129 73 160 127.3 75 159.895 129 -94 160 126.75 95 160 127.038 95.7727 160 129 -179 160 128.8 180 159.045 129 180 160 126.577 -187 160 126.316 204 159.333 129 208 160 127.962 -62.4667 161 129 75 161 127.818 95 161 126.682 -95.5862 161 129 179.357 161 129 185 161 126.6 -186 161 128.348 186 160.545 129 208 161 127.304 -62 161.636 129 61.4286 162 129 71 162 128.625 -71.0769 162 129 92 161.056 129 168.769 162 129 -170 162 126.2 180 161.947 129 186 162 126.75 -187 162 128.217 207 162 126.692 207 161.167 129 -61 162.2 129 88.4545 163 129 89 162.455 129 -90 162.105 129 95 163 127.92 97.875 163 129 -167.833 163 129 181 162.231 129 187 162.75 129 -88 164 127.8 88 163.455 129 89 164 126.9 -95 164 127.714 97 164 128.286 96.6429 164 129 -100.176 164 129 163 163.571 129 163.857 164 129 -172.382 164 129 188 163.067 129 193 163.263 129 -86.5417 165 129 87 164.522 129 89 165 127.125 -90 165 127.5 97 165 128.769 98 165 128.217 -162.045 165 129 196 165 128.273 86 166 128.2 -86.3636 166 129 87.5833 166 129 91 165.261 129 -99 165.333 129 162 166 127.929 168.923 166 129 -194 166 126.818 195 166 128.294 195 165.6 129 -196 166 128.429 197 166 127.909 85 167 127.111 -86 167 127.05 92 167 127.5 93 167 128.5 -95.6667 167 129 165 167 126.857 189 167 127.125 -189.667 167 129 191 166.385 129 193 166.111 129 -166 168 128.1 166.857 168 129 189 168 127.696 -190 168 129 95.3704 169 129 164 168.333 129 -167.25 169 129 188.727 169 129 190 169 126.375 -95 169.909 129 168 170 127.75 169 170 126.783 -169.773 170 129 191 169.125 129 192 170 126.75 -168 171 128.25 167.87 171 129 169.944 171 129 -192 171 128.063 192 172 126.333 193 172 126.474 -193 173 126.45 194 173 126.45 194 174 127.222 -194 175 127.111 195 175 126.6 196 177 127.714 -196 176.75 129 197 177 127.333 197.833 177 129 -196 178 127.364 198.667 178 129 198 179.75 129 -207 180 128 92 181 128.667 92.375 181 129 -196 180.778 129 197 181 128.526 196.4 181 129 -202 181 127.174 204 181 127.765 207 181 127.393 -208 181 128.55 92 182 127.636 92.9091 182 129 -200.75 182 129 202 182 127.038 206 182 128.471 -207 182 128 208 182 127.444 209 182 126.9 -92 183 128.571 92.6667 183 129 174 183 126.273 -173.375 183 129 177 183 127.773 197 183 128.609 -198 183 128.71 207 183 128.333 208 183 126.261 -92 183.125 129 172 184 128.526 171.25 184 129 -171 185 128.455 172 185 127.8 173 185 126.682 -170 185.9 129 170.25 186 129 176 185.929 129 -175.68 187 129 179 187 127.565 178.45 187 129 -180 187 127.385 181 186.4 129 179 188 127 -178.5 188 129 180 188 126.5 181 188 127.5 -182 188 127.688 192.727 189 129 94 189.409 129 -95 190 127 193 189.194 129 86 191 126.5 -90.7368 191 129 87 191.8 129 90 191.452 129 -203 72 130.929 204 72 131.308 207 74 131.727 -208 74 130.962 211 74 130.765 208 75 130 -207.474 75 132 209 75 131.526 209 75.375 132 -208 76.5556 132 211 79 129.6 210 80 130.636 -212 80 129.231 212 81 129.882 213 82 130.5 -214 83 130.2 214.6 83 132 214 84 132 -206 85 130.2 214 85 129.429 213.5 85 132 -215 84.1 132 215 85 129.545 206.667 86 132 -210.727 86 132 215 85.5 132 42 87 131.909 -205.9 87 132 205.182 88 132 207 88 132 -41 89 131.824 205 89 130.846 205 88.2857 132 -206 89 129.882 207 89 130.857 208 89 130 -206 90 129.125 208 90 130.345 209 90 129.529 -210 90 129.261 39 91 131.739 211 91 129.391 -212 91 130.75 216 91 131.571 215.8 91 132 -216 90.7143 132 38 92 131.143 39 92 130.962 -39.6 92 132 203.37 92 132 212 92 130.364 -216 92 130.875 39 93 131 212 93 130.655 -216 92.75 132 211 95 132 212 95 132 -213 95 130.071 215 95 131.609 215 94.25 132 -216 95 132 202.533 96 132 215 95.3333 132 -211 97 129.094 34.5 98 132 203 98 131.129 -204 99 131.419 205 99 131.25 206 99 130.773 -37 100 129.529 201.727 100 132 207 100 130.304 -202 101 131.032 203 101 130.457 204 101 130.8 -202 102.25 132 202.857 103 132 203.167 104 132 -198.346 112 132 196 115.929 132 223 117 130.4 -194 118 131.739 193.889 118 132 223 118 130.636 -194 119 131.419 193.143 119 132 195 120 131.559 -212 120 129.882 153 121 129.667 155 121 130.543 -161 121 129.875 192 121 131.806 192 120.75 132 -192.5 121 132 195 121 131.471 212 121 130.154 -161 122 130.543 166 122 129.45 192.667 122 132 -193.75 122 132 40 123 131.1 152 123 129.857 -166 123 129.581 168 123 129.45 191 123 131.125 -193 122.75 132 193 123 131.909 202 123 129.545 -209 123 129.818 210 123 130.56 41 124 131.684 -159 124 130.543 167 124 130.147 187 124 130.364 -188 123.087 132 189 124 130.5 190 124 130.75 -195 124 129.857 210 124 129.409 218 124 131.625 -218 123.727 132 40 125 130.5 150 125 130.645 -157 125 130.543 165 125 129.529 170 125 130.355 -186 125 129.545 185.64 125 132 187 125 129.261 -191.75 125 132 192 124.5 132 194 125 131.182 -209 125 129.469 217 125 129.563 43 126 130.8 -157 126 130.543 158 126 129.581 160 126 129.2 -161 126 130.2 163 126 130.543 187 126 129.2 -190 126 130.235 201 126 129.094 208 126 129.714 -151 127 130.889 153 127 131.143 154 127 131.471 -155 127 131.118 156 127 131.471 159 127 129.5 -170 127 130.543 188 127 129.818 192 126.6 132 -192 127 131.824 210 127 130.667 133 127.5 132 -160 128 130.3 174 128 131.333 175 127.875 132 -176 127.625 132 180 127.435 132 185 128 131.885 -184.857 128 132 187 128 130.235 188 128 129.818 -191 128 131.206 200 128 129.844 201 128 130.545 -206.913 128 132 209.933 128 132 216 127.889 132 -44 129 130.645 161 129 131.824 164 128.909 132 -184 128.231 132 192 129 130.3 200 129 129.844 -201 129 130.182 207 128.286 132 42 130 130.111 -44 130 131.333 187 130 129.529 188 130 129.529 -189 130 130.08 190 130 129.882 191 130 130.5 -192 130 130.111 194 130 130.2 201 130 129.091 -44 131 131.333 188 131 129.265 189 131 130.773 -192 131 131.217 193 131 130.2 199 131 130.2 -46 132 131.333 192 132 131.333 194 132 130.5 -196 132 129.882 199 132 132 43 133 131.909 -47 133 131.032 106 133 129.882 110 132.265 132 -189.538 133 132 192 133 130 193 133 129.529 -195 133 130.235 197 133 131.217 197.462 133 132 -42 134 130.909 48 134 131.419 189 134 130.071 -190 133.545 132 191 134 130.8 194 134 129.682 -195 134 130.5 196 134 130.3 197.5 134 132 -198.857 134 132 45 134.857 132 103 135 129.265 -196 135 130 101 136 129.265 102 136 129.176 -189 136 129.517 196.571 136 132 218 136 129.167 -217.105 136 132 189 137 129.774 190 137 129.469 -196.696 137 132 201 137 129.9 221 136.875 132 -221 137 130.875 49 137.85 132 199.688 138 132 -217 138 131 220 138 129.682 223 138 130.615 -45 139 130.545 46 139 131.206 49 139 130.457 -52 139 130.457 199 139 129.882 199 138.478 132 -222 138.545 132 223 139 130.286 224 139 130.154 -50 141 130.457 87 141 131.206 131.294 141 132 -168 141 130.105 185 141 131.625 186 141 131.438 -186.188 141 132 204.75 141 132 205 140.813 132 -207.333 141 132 50 142 130.2 86 142 130.457 -106 142 131.143 167 142 130.182 186 142 132 -188 142 129.391 205.417 142 132 106 142.286 132 -187 143 131.25 186.333 143 132 187 142.857 132 -187.667 143 132 206 142.259 132 56 144 130.457 -75 144 130.457 80 144 130.457 85 144 129.265 -158 144 130.875 157.667 144 132 159 143.091 132 -159 144 130.421 159.667 144 132 171 144 129.789 -172 143.25 132 186.813 144 132 189 144 132 -74 145 130.457 81 145 129.529 82 145 130.235 -84 145 129.818 113.818 145 132 158 144.75 132 -159 145 131.308 158.143 145 132 159.545 145 132 -170 145 130.8 172 145 130.853 116.111 146 132 -159 145.4 132 172 146 131.118 73 147 129.176 -114 147 129.556 116 146.375 132 114 148 131 -115 147.947 132 45 149 129.783 46 149 129.6 -47 149 130.75 212 150 129.783 212 151 130.957 -208.8 152 132 210.545 152 132 63 153 131.077 -62.2 153 132 63 152.667 132 64 153 130.95 -208 153 129.75 210.133 153 132 216 153 129.273 -218 153 130.826 65 153.571 132 65 154 131.667 -66 153.667 132 66 154 131.419 207 154 130.875 -206.625 154 132 209 154 131.667 209.5 154 132 -216 154 130.667 217 154 129.474 64.8125 155 132 -66 155 131.118 181 155 130.3 182 155 129.1 -183 155 129.167 203.25 155 132 208 155 130.5 -209 155 131.8 210 155 131.471 211 154.421 132 -211 155 130.969 212 154.192 132 65.6 156 132 -67 155.125 132 67 156 131.323 68 156 131.667 -98.5455 156 132 175 155.818 132 176 155.65 132 -180.923 156 132 182 156 129.115 201 156 130.696 -202 155.419 132 208 156 131.8 209 155.5 132 -210.25 156 132 64 157 131.8 64.5 157 132 -66 157 131.769 68 157 131.118 69 157 131.118 -70.1875 157 132 99 156.357 132 99.4091 157 132 -175.1 157 132 184.077 157 132 200 157 130.543 -206.143 157 132 209 157 131.824 209.667 157 132 -212 156.292 132 214 156.519 132 61.2273 158 132 -65 158 131.654 70 157.75 132 93.6667 158 132 -94 157.474 132 185 158 129.947 184.188 158 132 -200 158 130.543 201 158 130.355 206 158 130.5 -206 157.071 132 61 158.278 132 71.4167 159 132 -72 158.533 132 74 158.824 132 75 159 130.889 -98 158.567 132 178 159 130.174 179 158.1 132 -179 159 129.158 183 158.188 132 184 159 131.348 -184 158.375 132 185 159 131.2 200 159 131.71 -204.25 159 132 207 159 130.579 206.25 159 132 -77 159.455 132 77.75 160 132 181 159.227 132 -185 160 130.742 186 160 129.783 206 160 131.885 -207 160 131.04 77 161 131.118 78 160.4 132 -78 161 131.743 89 161 131.053 92.6 161 132 -178 160.545 132 91 161.474 132 99 163 130.909 -181 162.375 132 186 162.474 132 96 163.571 132 -163 164 129.947 168.265 164 132 184 164 131.471 -183.25 164 132 189 163.45 132 193 164 131.625 -87 165 130.65 87.75 165 132 92 164.409 132 -96 165 129.158 98.9333 165 132 163 165 131.172 -164 165 131.333 183.333 165 132 185 165 130.147 -194 165 130.875 195 165 130.5 87 166 129.75 -97 166 131.684 163 166 131.5 166 165.903 132 -190 165.833 132 189.875 166 132 167 166.567 132 -93 168 129.316 163.769 168 132 167 168 129.091 -168 167.346 132 168 168 130.3 188 168 132 -95 168.273 132 166 169 130.227 167 169 129.1 -189 168.857 132 189 169 131.571 190 169 130.105 -62.75 170 132 63 169.8 132 64 169.143 132 -64 170 129.429 94 170 129.882 190 170 129.45 -191 170 129.778 63 171 131.571 62.75 171 132 -169 170.895 132 176 171 131.25 175.143 171 132 -197 170.625 132 175 172 131.667 176 172 130.5 -178 172 131.71 179 172 131.71 179.429 172 132 -198 172 130.444 199 172 131.4 176 173 131.308 -177 172.667 132 179 173 131.71 179.273 173 132 -175 174 131.4 198 173.909 132 198 175.4 132 -199 175.8 132 197 176.6 132 199 177 131.125 -180 179 131.71 196 178.4 132 201 179 130.444 -200.067 179 132 178 180 131.71 178 179.75 132 -178.75 180 132 92 181 132 178 181 130.895 -177 181 132 178.875 181 132 208.526 181 132 -92 182 131 179 181.091 132 196 181.455 132 -92 183 129.333 171 182.941 132 199 183 130.696 -201 183 130.364 206 183 130 172 183.684 132 -180.875 184 132 198 184 129.794 199 184 130.6 -200 184 130.625 202 184 130.821 203 184 131.471 -204 184 131.824 182 184.6 132 183 184.6 132 -184 184.625 132 199 185 131.4 200 185 130.5 -201 185 130.2 202 185 130.8 203 185 131.1 -204 185 130.962 168 185.045 132 171 186 129.45 -172 186 129.75 191 186 131.571 201 186 129.2 -175 187 131.217 176 188 129.783 178 189 130.579 -179 188.75 132 179 189 131.625 93 189.8 132 -179 189.167 132 193 189.323 132 85 191 131.727 -91 190.056 132 86 68 134.625 87 68 134.125 -85 69 134.206 87 69 134.419 91 69 134.824 -203 72.6538 135 207.278 75 135 208 75.6842 135 -215 77 133.444 49 78 134.8 214 78 134.769 -210 79 132.529 214 78.2857 135 216 78.1333 135 -213 79.8667 135 214 80 133.962 213 81 133.5 -212.375 81 135 211.714 82 135 207 82.375 135 -207 83 134.118 208 83 133.846 209 83 134.824 -209.333 83 135 211.714 83 135 43 84 133.696 -44 84 134.419 44 83.1429 135 206 84 132.125 -207 84 133.846 208 84 133.5 208.714 84 135 -209 83.3333 135 210 84 134.769 210.167 84 135 -213 84 134.143 214 83.5 135 213.667 84 135 -42 85 133 41.5652 85 135 43 85 132.581 -44 85 134.471 207 85 134.75 207.125 85 135 -208 84.4167 135 210 84.3333 135 213.75 85 135 -214 84.3333 135 215 84.625 135 215.25 85 135 -42 86 132.261 43 86 133.2 207 86 132.5 -211 86 133.8 41 87 132.316 43.5909 87 135 -206 87 132.143 41 88 132.1 42 88 132.882 -206 88 133.227 40 89 132.115 205 89 132.6 -206 89 133.714 207 89 133.412 39 90 133.8 -206 89.6 135 40 91 132.176 216 91 132.857 -215 94 132.75 214.4 94 135 215.6 94 135 -214 95 133.421 213.333 95 135 216 94.4 135 -214 96 133.444 215 96 132.9 215.737 96 135 -216 95.375 135 214 97 133.778 215 97 134.053 -214 97.9167 135 210 102 134.71 210 101.727 135 -202.278 103 135 230.5 103 135 40 115 132.581 -196 117.143 135 193.25 119 135 192 120.75 135 -192.667 121 135 43 122 133.355 44.25 122 135 -190.75 122 135 192.75 122 135 193.25 122 135 -193 122.167 135 40 124 132.176 188 123.833 135 -189 123.833 135 190 123.286 135 218 123.421 135 -192 125 132.75 193 125 132.316 218.806 125 135 -192 126 132.75 148 127 132.857 149 127 133.2 -150 127 132.176 209.375 127 135 133 128 133.444 -186.143 128 135 206.125 128 135 209.909 128 135 -216 128 133.2 148 129 133.543 149 129 133.543 -156 129 133.543 163 129 132.857 174 129 132.103 -206 129 134.182 207 129 133.25 216 128.75 135 -154 130 133.543 204 130 134.71 203.85 130 135 -205 130 134.25 206 130 134.684 207 129.368 135 -215 130 134.308 215 129.25 135 148 131 132.857 -163 131 133.543 174 131 134.286 189.353 131 135 -204 130.75 135 215 131 133 215.667 131 135 -151 132 134.118 160 132 133.5 162 132 133.8 -163 132 133.543 166 132 134.471 199 131.462 135 -215 132 133.688 214.125 132 135 150 133 134.143 -189 133 133.75 189 132.286 135 191 133 132.833 -44 134 132.29 45 134 132.529 51 134 134.143 -52 134 134.206 150 134 134.032 156 134 133.645 -157 134 133.889 163 134 133.125 164 134 133.147 -175 134 134.727 189 134 133.227 190 134 133.364 -190.5 134 135 46 135 132.882 47 135 132.882 -51 134.833 135 53 135 134.333 154 135 134.471 -155 135 134.143 164 135 133.455 187.643 135 135 -189 135 133.345 198.333 135 135 47 136 134.559 -47.625 136 135 165 136 134.531 190 136 133.966 -211 136 134.654 210.8 136 135 213 136 133.8 -214 136 134.032 215 136 134.333 46 137 133.182 -47 137 134.559 48 137 134.897 49 136.583 135 -57 137 134.8 57 136.75 135 189 136.455 135 -190 136.526 135 195.5 137 135 211 137 134.118 -210.091 137 135 212 137 134.118 214 137 133.8 -215 137 132.857 216 137 132.1 46 138 132.529 -47 138 133.182 56 138 134.217 56 137.143 135 -55.25 138 135 90 138 132.882 161 138 134.714 -55 139 132.429 55 138.1 135 215 138.609 135 -117 140 134.6 116.714 140 135 118 140 133.8 -119 139.455 135 119 140 134.053 119.316 140 135 -185 139.867 135 69 141 133.8 73 141 133.457 -76 141 134.824 76 140.6 135 79 141 133.457 -186 140.444 135 186.333 141 135 203 141 134.032 -204 141 133.35 207.455 141 135 77 142 132.909 -104.5 142 135 105.75 142 135 168 142 132.321 -169 142 133.179 170 142 133.32 185 142 132.13 -186.333 142 135 203 142 134.824 105 142.6 135 -186 143 132.429 186.545 143 135 187 143 132.857 -159 144 134 170 143.167 135 171 143.391 135 -172 143.105 135 186 143.429 135 187 144 134.25 -187.25 144 135 159 145 133.636 188 144.375 135 -113.5 146 135 115 146 134.7 161 146 133.95 -160 146 135 161 145.125 135 162 146 135 -113 147 132.789 113 146.125 135 161 147 134.125 -160.563 147 135 162 147 134.679 172 147 132.091 -113 148 133.3 112.37 148 135 161 147.467 135 -162 147.273 135 173 148 133.645 174 148 134.739 -178 148 133.6 178 147.417 135 50 149 133.714 -49.8125 149 135 51 149 133.6 112.818 149 135 -114 149 134.727 125 148.04 135 174 149 134 -175 149 133.846 177 149 133.355 178 149 133 -178.783 149 135 51 150 133 50.0909 150 135 -52 149.067 135 53 149.565 135 53.9091 150 135 -113 149.133 135 178 150 133.688 53 150.667 135 -177 151 134.71 178 151 133.8 210 151 132.692 -211 151 132.346 179 152 133.969 179.917 152 135 -210 152 133.125 63 153 133 63.7273 153 135 -178 152.188 135 180 153 133.258 181 153 134.55 -65 153.625 135 66 153.667 135 66.2727 154 135 -180 154 132.103 182 153.769 135 210 154 132.375 -211 153.6 135 179.409 155 135 182.955 155 135 -212 154.263 135 214 155 134.471 213.333 155 135 -65 156 133.688 64.5625 156 135 68 155.3 135 -175 156 132.4 177 156 132.875 183 156 134.885 -198 155.65 135 210 156 132.2 212 156 134.625 -213 156 133.4 214 156 133.826 65 157 132.261 -98.6774 157 135 165 157 134.16 164.364 157 135 -165 156.417 135 176 156.867 135 175.867 157 135 -181 156.077 135 182 157 133.2 183 157 134.333 -198 157 132.529 208 157 132.75 210 157 132.273 -61.1429 158 135 67 158 133.258 70 158 132.273 -71 157.625 135 71 158 132.75 195 158 134.471 -197 158 133.543 205 158 133.5 205 157.5 135 -204.333 158 135 208 158 134.609 209.917 158 135 -210 157.909 135 61 159 134.167 61.4545 159 135 -65.9333 159 135 71 158.375 135 72 158.727 135 -77 158.654 135 208 159 134.6 209 159 134.609 -60 160 132.875 61 160 134.2 62 160 134.9 -78 160 132.222 79 159.217 135 80 159.263 135 -80 160 133.765 200.435 160 135 208 159.143 135 -209 159.214 135 60 161 132.333 61 161 133 -62 161 132.692 79 161 132.771 81 161 133.8 -87.5 161 135 95.5 161 135 169 161 133.385 -182 161 134.143 200 160.909 135 77 162 132.577 -81 162 134.471 92 161.778 135 178 162 132.581 -179 162 132.222 182 162 133.421 186 161.931 135 -72 163 132.818 76 162.323 135 81 162.261 135 -93 162.182 135 178 163 133.846 177.333 163 135 -181 163 133.111 182 163 133.355 183 162.364 135 -183 163 133.645 98 163.769 135 182 164 132.794 -183 164 132.194 187.947 164 135 190 164 132.333 -191 164 132.333 88 164.25 135 88 165 133 -91 164.957 135 168.222 165 135 183 165 132.789 -189 165 133.853 190 165 132.882 195 165 134.25 -195 164.333 135 98.4 166 135 149.588 166 135 -165 166 133.962 166 166 133.125 169 166 133.5 -168.5 166 135 172 166 132.261 173 165.091 135 -182 165.292 135 186 165.955 135 187 166 134.842 -195 166 134.143 97 166.706 135 165 166.6 135 -166 166.192 135 168 166.125 135 168 167 133.174 -169 166.286 135 173 167 134.25 172.125 167 135 -173.875 167 135 195 167 134.053 94 167.091 135 -94 168 132.778 95 167.7 135 173 168 134.679 -174 168 134.032 189 168 132.6 195 168 134.419 -196 167.25 135 196 168 134.471 165.433 169 135 -174 169 133.5 196 169 133.625 63 170 135 -64 170 133.2 174 170 133.645 175 170 133.174 -195 169.545 135 196 170 133.688 197 169.75 135 -197 170 133.875 63 171 134 168 170.5 135 -176 170.067 135 196.417 171 135 86 172 133.543 -174.3 172 135 178 171.8 135 179.875 172 135 -219 171.739 135 83 173 134.778 84.7143 173 135 -87 173 133.543 173.926 173 135 174 172.75 135 -177 172.733 135 179.917 173 135 205 173 133.696 -205 172.091 135 206 173 133.565 206.647 173 135 -81 174 134.52 80.5556 174 135 82 174 134.333 -85 173.667 135 176 173.25 135 178 173.273 135 -179.182 174 135 198 173.857 135 205 173.667 135 -206 174 135 81 174.8 135 86 175 134.087 -174 175 134.143 175 175 132.429 175.316 175 135 -179 174.333 135 86 176 133.421 87 176 133.889 -198 175.364 135 199.261 176 135 207 176 134.053 -207 175.25 135 208 175.571 135 208 176 132.429 -86 177 134.182 85.8696 177 135 87 177 134.308 -176 177 134.609 177 177 134.667 207 177 134.069 -208 177 134.182 208.545 177 135 86 177.333 135 -87 177.545 135 176 178 134.609 177 178 134.625 -177.375 178 135 180 177.222 135 181 177.684 135 -199.929 178 135 200.091 178 135 201 177.565 135 -207 178 132.6 208 178 133.091 208.737 178 135 -176 178.6 135 177 179 134.55 178 178.417 135 -178 179 133.688 179 179 132.273 181 179 132.158 -196 179 133.227 198 178.933 135 199 178.684 135 -177 180 135 179 180 132.75 180 180 132.833 -181 180 132.167 182.065 180 135 197 179.429 135 -197 180 134.143 178 180.909 135 178 181 134.625 -180.375 181 135 182 181 133.364 196 181 133.071 -196.818 181 135 197 180.667 135 198 180.818 135 -177 181.5 135 178 181.333 135 181.125 182 135 -199 182 134.6 182 182.875 135 182 184 134.25 -166 184.045 135 184 184.1 135 174 186 134.318 -180 185.391 135 174 187 132.333 177 186.333 135 -190.4 187 135 90 188 134.609 89.625 188 135 -178 187.087 135 90 189 134.125 90.875 189 135 -174 189 134.1 193 188.591 135 91 189.143 135 -179 190 133.154 180 189.133 135 180 190 132.947 -181 190 134.684 88.4737 191 135 84 192 133.304 -93 191.391 135 80 192.5 135 92 68 135.3 -92.6429 68 138 82 69 136.773 83 69 135.273 -84 68.1923 138 66 70 136.5 66 69.4348 138 -69 70 137.419 72 70 137.824 75 70 136.645 -81 70 136 82 70 136.2 83 70 135.6 -84 70 135.75 86.875 70 138 87 69.9333 138 -89 69.875 138 89.1333 70 138 93 70 136.645 -94 69.1818 138 94 70 137.206 97 70 137.684 -65 71 137.739 66 71 136.962 67 71 137.333 -80 70.9444 138 83 71 137 90 71 137.684 -93 71 136.645 94 71 136.457 97 71 137.217 -97.8571 71 138 63 72 137.679 64 72 137.8 -64 71.3333 138 96 72 137.125 97 72 137.125 -97.875 72 138 62 73 137.778 97 72.875 138 -98 72.3333 138 97.3333 73 138 98 73 137.684 -98.5 73 138 99.25 73 138 101 73 136.889 -202 73 136.2 203 73 136.5 92 73.5 138 -101 74 137.419 202 74 136.636 203 73.5 138 -51 76 136.364 51 75.7778 138 52 76 136.364 -52.75 76 138 211 76 136.147 49 77 136.929 -50 77 135.316 51 77 135.261 52 77 137.053 -52.5 77 138 48 78 136.071 50 78 135.321 -51 78 136.556 47 79 137.455 48 79 135.261 -49 79 136 214 79 136.875 216 79 136.444 -47 80 135.5 48 80 136.5 213 80 135.333 -215 80 136.25 46 81 136.125 213 81 135.536 -214 80.2 138 214 81 136.286 45 82 135.714 -214 82 135.346 218.333 82 138 44 83 135.167 -45 83 135.2 46 83 136.5 207 83 136.071 -209 83 135.15 212 83 135.273 219 83 137.739 -218 83 138 45 84 135.529 207 84 136.5 -208 84 135.714 210 84 135.143 213 84 135.273 -218 84 137.52 217.5 84 138 219 83.3333 138 -207.2 85 138 214 85 135.333 215 85 135.45 -218 85 136.8 218.6 85 138 218 86 138 -40.5 87 138 215 94 135.391 215 95 137.25 -216 95 135.333 215 97 137.571 214 98 135.75 -213 98 138 41.375 99 138 204 99 136.889 -213 99 137.25 213.75 99 138 213 100 137.526 -202 101 135.968 212 101 137.667 211.25 101 138 -212 100.25 138 209.263 102 138 211 101.091 138 -211 102 136.696 210 103 135.938 209.421 103 138 -211.545 103 138 210 103.917 138 42 109 137.545 -42.6842 110 138 197 118 136.25 195 121 137.217 -195.316 121 138 45.5 122 138 192 122 135.783 -193 123 136.5 194.857 123 138 199 124 137.824 -188 125 136.2 189 125 136.2 191 125 135.667 -217 125 137.864 49 126 137.143 188 126 136.355 -190 126 137.032 192 126 136.8 186 127 135.222 -191 126.5 138 208 127 135.6 218 126.375 138 -207 128 136.826 208 128 137.143 99 128.5 138 -103 129 135.882 105 128.172 138 206 129 137.571 -208 129 135.818 97 130 137.471 99 130 136.457 -183 130 136.2 184 130 135.875 204 129.864 138 -205 129.533 138 206 129.333 138 98 131 136.889 -177 131 136.543 186 130.4 138 190 130.143 138 -190.4 131 138 204 131 135.6 203 131 138 -204.444 131 138 31 132 135.783 97 132 136.826 -173 132 135.667 182 132 136.543 184 132 136.25 -198 131.85 138 199 131.739 138 202 132 137.4 -202 131.842 138 203 132 136.25 203.583 132 138 -215 132 138 54 133 136.2 55 133 136.8 -56 132.5 138 89.6 133 138 93 133 136.8 -168 133 136.543 172 133 136.543 175 133 135.194 -177 133 136.2 184 133 136.889 184.909 133 138 -200 133 136.636 201 133 137.55 202 133 136.444 -203 133 137 56 134 137.143 92 134 137.032 -151 134 135.529 152 134 136.543 153 134 135.529 -174 134 135.176 176 134 135.455 180 133.273 138 -184 134 137.625 185 134 137.125 202 134 137.4 -51 135 135.2 54 135 135.6 57 135 136.556 -86 134.833 138 87 135 137.206 152 135 136.543 -160 135 136.355 175 135 135.441 185 135 137 -186 135 136.95 187 134.286 138 187 135 136.421 -201 134.182 138 213 134.727 138 48 136 135.391 -49 136 136.313 50 136 137.8 51 136 137.8 -53 136 135.4 55 136 136.2 57 136 136.125 -58 136 137.1 60 136 136.8 82 136 137.471 -89 136 135.968 152 136 135.968 158 136 136.2 -167 136 136.111 170 136 136.543 174 136 137.118 -176 136 135.577 192.818 136 138 210.6 136 138 -211 135.818 138 219 136 136.962 50 137 136.286 -52 136.533 138 53 136.65 138 55.3333 137 138 -56 137 135.429 153 137 135.857 159 137 136.111 -162 137 135.316 167 137 136.696 170 137 136.543 -177 137 137.55 195 137 137.053 209 137 137.625 -210 136.375 138 219 137 137.516 52 137.467 138 -55.5455 138 138 74 138 136.457 77 138 136.457 -79 138 137.217 80 138 137.217 158 138 137.4 -170 138 136.543 175 138 137.824 209 138 136.5 -210 138 135.794 220 138 137.318 221 138 137.143 -154 139 136.543 171 139 137.679 172 139 137.75 -196 139 136.5 208 139 136.75 209 139 135.875 -210 139 136 211 139 136.429 119 140 136 -155 140 137.471 184 139.625 138 184.2 140 138 -203 140 135.158 207 140 136.5 209 140 136.5 -182.684 141 138 202 140.056 138 208 140.75 138 -103.563 142 138 105.9 142 138 130.735 142 138 -156 142 137.4 185.7 142 138 201 142 136.457 -202 142 135.794 157 143 137.857 201 143 137.032 -202 143 136.645 203 143 137.217 205 142.69 138 -207 142.286 138 170 144 136.154 183 143.182 138 -185 143.261 138 188 144 135.29 155 145 137.182 -170.056 145 138 161.667 146 138 170 146 136.5 -162 146.25 138 169 147 137.471 168.143 147 138 -33.8235 148 138 175 148 137.053 50 149 135.333 -51 149 136.105 112 149 135.794 153 149 135.2 -51 150 137 53 149.522 138 54 150 135.6 -54.5 150 138 113 150 137.438 114 149.37 138 -163 150 137.609 163 149.625 138 179 149.5 138 -56.7273 151 138 58 150.125 138 58 151 137.222 -58.5833 151 138 112 150.933 138 163 151 137.71 -164 151 137.7 164.273 151 138 58 151.368 138 -173 151.333 138 176 151.5 138 64 153 135.333 -210 153 135.176 65 154 135.333 95 153.067 138 -182 154 135.783 210 154 138 121.176 155 138 -181 155 137.5 181 154.375 138 182 155 136.853 -67 155.222 138 98.5667 156 138 164.6 156 138 -182 156 136 211 156 135.692 166 157 135.667 -167 157 137.032 57 158 136.875 56.8 158 138 -58 158 135.375 59 158 135.375 63 158 137.739 -71 158 136.8 92.7368 158 138 165 157.875 138 -165.222 158 138 168 158 137.824 193 158 136.765 -207 157.467 138 208 158 137.25 208 157.947 138 -208.25 158 138 57 158.75 138 58 158.875 138 -59 158.467 138 62 159 135.667 72 159 135.375 -77 159 136.5 81 158.44 138 86 159 137.118 -90 159 136.6 168 159 137.471 170 159 137.735 -192 159 137.4 208 159 135.857 209 158.75 138 -209 159 137.25 73 160 136.2 74 160 136.457 -76 160 137.9 77 159.6 138 168 160 136.929 -171.37 160 138 194 160 136.543 73 161 136.2 -76 160.143 138 84 161 136.543 86 161 136.355 -91 161 136.5 106 161 136.714 105.25 161 138 -106.375 161 138 172.067 161 138 194 161 136.8 -193.263 161 138 195 161 137.25 195.467 161 138 -199 161 138 91 161.286 138 91 162 136.636 -91.625 162 138 106 162 136.875 105.25 162 138 -106.375 162 138 167.588 162 138 195 162 137.55 -200 161.75 138 76.9231 163 138 78 163 135.652 -89 163 136.826 91 162.333 138 176.935 163 138 -187.278 163 138 194 163 136.263 195 163 137.25 -77.75 164 138 194 164 137.143 195 164 135.75 -78 164.25 138 87 164.429 138 90.4348 165 138 -98.5 165 138 119.294 165 138 168 165 135.947 -91 166 136.889 167 165.565 138 168 166 135.222 -90 167 137.735 98 167 137.053 97.25 167 138 -99 166.417 138 99 167 136.688 165.567 167 138 -169 167 135.833 171.857 167 138 87 168 137.1 -86.6667 168 138 89 168 136.8 90 168 137.323 -91 167.857 138 93 167.261 138 99 168 136.565 -100 167.813 138 100 168 137.182 174 167.091 138 -196 167.25 138 63 169 136.875 62.625 169 138 -63 168 138 87 169 136.25 88 169 136.688 -89 169 136.543 90.15 169 138 98.8696 169 138 -100 169 135.273 201 169 137.71 63 169.429 138 -86 170 135.115 88 170 136.645 89 170 137.032 -196 170 136.313 196 169.25 138 197 170 135.45 -201 170 137.667 202 170 137.609 202.188 170 138 -89 171 137.684 100 170.133 138 174 170.636 138 -175 171 137.842 175 170.75 138 197 171 135.778 -201 170.188 138 202 170.75 138 83 172 136.421 -82.4444 172 138 176 172 136.688 177 172 136.138 -178 172 135.48 179 172 135.875 198 172 135.882 -84 173 136 173 172.867 138 174 172.455 138 -175 173 137 178 173 135.45 179 173 136.375 -198 173 135.581 205 173 137.727 206 173 137.75 -80.625 174 138 82.75 174 138 84 173.526 138 -85.0667 174 138 81 174.375 138 85.85 175 138 -175.368 175 138 205 175 137.684 205 174.5 138 -169 176 137.8 168.818 176 138 199 176 135.667 -202.286 176 138 203 175.474 138 204 176 137.323 -205 176 136.412 206 175.417 138 169 177 136.895 -168 177 138 175.75 177 138 176 176.571 138 -177 176.364 138 177.467 177 138 198 177 136.4 -199 177 136.4 202 177 137.55 201.813 177 138 -205 177 136.2 206 177 136 169 177.875 138 -177.333 178 138 179 178 137.143 179.4 178 138 -198 178 136.556 199 178 136.444 201.667 178 138 -203 178 135.375 204 178 135.9 208.526 178 138 -177 179 136.125 177 178.375 138 178 179 137.333 -179 179 137.5 179.167 179 138 197 179 135.45 -201 179 137.333 178 180 137.5 179 180 135.75 -181 180 137.318 182 180 135.333 201.684 180 138 -208.077 180 138 172 180.8 138 181 181 137 -181.714 181 138 198 181 137 201.087 181 138 -209 180.923 138 172 182 136.263 178 182 135.375 -183 182 136.364 197 181.333 138 198 181.045 138 -200 181.727 138 172 183 135.273 173 182.071 138 -173 183 135.4 182 183 135.75 183 183 135.923 -191 183 137.4 190.667 183 138 191 182.8 138 -191.273 183 138 184 183.591 138 187 184 136.645 -188 183.818 138 188.5 184 138 191 183.6 138 -167 184.071 138 189 184.667 138 189 185 137.864 -72 185.75 138 85 186 137.125 85 185.364 138 -89 186 135.577 88.3 186 138 196 186 135.462 -195.313 186 138 72 187 136.25 73 187 136.696 -84 187 136.969 85 187 137.032 90 187 135.857 -90.3226 187 138 174 186.091 138 177.944 187 138 -190.455 187 138 195 187 136.5 196 187 135.577 -198 187 135.231 73 188 137 89 188 135.652 -90.3333 188 138 191 187.75 138 73 188.158 138 -88.8 190 138 90.1053 190 138 180 189.125 138 -182.091 190 138 74 190.842 138 179 190.913 138 -180 190.875 138 181 190.929 138 182 190.286 138 -86 192.045 138 86 69 140.571 87 69 139.5 -89 69 140.625 89.1333 69 141 86.5333 70 141 -89 70 138.857 97 69.2 141 63 71 140 -64 71 138.136 71 71 138.529 72 71 138.882 -79 71 138.12 80 71 138.143 86 71 138.24 -87 70.3684 141 87 71 139 88 71 139.429 -89 71 139.08 98 70.5 141 98 71 138.5 -99 71 138.3 99.6429 71 141 62 72 138.214 -65 72 138.909 73 72 139.355 81 72 138.24 -87 72 139.345 98 72 139 100 72 138.857 -60 73 139.8 61 73 138.833 63 73 138.2 -74 73 139.8 76 73 139.889 80 73 140.217 -81 73 139.556 86 73 139.3 87 73 139.556 -89 73 138.931 97 73 138.167 99 73 139 -102 73 138.96 58 74 139.5 59 74 138.6 -60 74 138.6 61 74 139 62 74 139.4 -63 74 140.1 77 74 139.645 78 74 139.889 -80 74 139.889 89 74 140.1 95 73.5417 141 -98 74 139.5 56 75 138.75 58 75 138.25 -59 75 138.667 60 75 139.75 64 74.6 141 -77 75 140.471 79 74.8333 141 83 75 139.889 -87 75 140.806 90 75 139.457 97 75 140.769 -98 75 140.318 99 75 140.684 203 75 140.6 -204 74.1111 141 52 76 139.125 54 76 138.545 -53.25 76 141 55 76 138.316 57 76 138.818 -59 76 139.962 84 76 139.8 85 76 139.8 -86 76 140.206 100 76 139.7 101 76 139.7 -53 76.375 141 53 77 139.636 87 77 140.471 -99 77 140.679 102 77 140.824 54 77.75 141 -96 78 139.8 99 78 140.032 100 78 140.206 -47.3846 79 141 213.737 80 141 217 80 138.103 -53 80.25 141 216 80.9091 141 207 82.9444 141 -48 84 140.471 219 84 139.2 218 84.75 141 -219 84.4 141 215 96 138.29 214 97 139.5 -212.5 98 141 213 97.6842 141 214 98 139.8 -211.778 99 141 212 98.5 141 213.737 100 141 -211.167 101 141 210 104 139 211 104 139.696 -42 105 138.667 210 104.5 141 211 105 140.8 -210.5 105 141 229 105.25 141 42 107 138.783 -210 107 139.091 210 108 140.526 209.25 108 141 -43 109 138.968 43 111 138.529 45 112 140.471 -201 114 140.76 201 115 139.44 202.8 115 141 -204 115 140.76 203.5 115 141 204.286 115 141 -199 116 138.469 202 116 139.143 203 115.5 141 -203 116 140.647 203.5 116 141 201 117 140.118 -202 117 139.846 203 116.167 141 200 118 140.76 -200.167 118 141 201 117.333 141 48 119 139.8 -198 119 138.818 199 119.818 141 200 119.333 141 -197 122 140.143 198 122 140.8 200 121.25 141 -50 123 139.457 198 123 139.645 199 123 138.261 -200 123 138 197 124 139.543 200 124 138.8 -50 125 139.579 53 125 139.8 99 124.833 141 -103 125 140.824 196 125 138.667 198 125 139.625 -199 125 139.35 200 124.55 141 218 125 139 -100 126 140.143 193 126 138.1 196 126 139.6 -199 125.407 141 218 126 138.818 46 127 140.609 -45 127 141 100 127 139.853 102 127 140.545 -216 127 138.333 217 127 138.231 53 128 139.313 -192 128 139.5 216 128 138.321 54 129 139.645 -57 129 139.457 58 129 139.8 96 129 139.2 -189 129 138.6 131 130 138.103 188 130 138.517 -191 130 139.421 204 130 138.45 205 130 138.75 -206 130 138.2 221 130 139.8 222 129.474 141 -222 130 139.333 55 131 138.529 56 131 139.2 -130 131 140.182 132 131 138.6 188 131 139.636 -204 131 138.571 215 131 138.321 221 131 139.091 -220.125 131 141 222 131 139.2 60 132 139.457 -87 132 139.457 186 132 140.8 187 131.565 141 -188 131.909 141 188.071 132 141 190.5 132 141 -197.3 132 141 203 132 139.75 63 133 139.8 -88 133 138.882 185.923 133 141 201 132.75 141 -202 132.167 141 71 135 139.457 182 134.591 141 -112.87 136 141 115 135.955 141 178 136 140.531 -178.625 136 141 184 136 139.607 215 135.75 141 -52 137 139.75 55 136.462 141 173 137 138.455 -182.556 137 141 184 137 139.125 185 137 138.9 -190.286 137 141 194.667 137 141 199 136.25 141 -216 136.667 141 217 137 138.783 216.056 137 141 -129.308 138 141 183 138 139.781 184 138 139.031 -185 138 139.781 186 138 140.7 193.091 138 141 -207 137.727 141 173 139 139.091 174 139 138.094 -175 139 138.5 179 139 138.115 184 139 138.714 -184.889 139 141 192 138.091 141 193 139 139.889 -194 139 138.667 213 138.867 141 212.75 139 141 -105 139.87 141 109 140 139.765 110 140 140.25 -176 139.828 141 179 140 138.652 180 140 139.636 -191 140 140.118 192 140 139.455 194 140 138.857 -196 140 138.103 197 140 139.44 210 140 141 -103.63 141 141 106 141 139.846 108 141 140.735 -107.25 141 141 109 141 139.6 110.875 141 141 -169 140.818 141 171 141 139.645 173 140.261 141 -180 141 139.778 181 141 140 184.273 141 141 -193 141 139.455 194 141 139.147 195 141 139.412 -196 141 138.9 197 141 139.444 198 141 139.696 -199 141 140.438 106.4 142 141 170 142 140.8 -182 142 139.038 192 141.5 141 198 142 140.4 -199 142 139.385 157 144 138.316 181.87 144 141 -183 144 139 184 144 140.053 184.316 144 141 -201 144 138.9 207.857 144 141 170 145 139.5 -201 145 138.947 202 145 140.571 127.548 146 141 -161 146 138.5 168 145.222 141 201 146 139.875 -161 147 138.75 162 147 138.529 168 147 138.158 -167.053 147 141 211 147 140.667 210.818 147 141 -211 146.714 141 114 148 140.444 125 147.481 141 -212 148 140.76 211.833 148 141 212 147.5 141 -213 147.625 141 213 148 140.182 177.667 149 141 -213 149 139.846 214 149 139.385 220 149 139.364 -219 149 141 220 148.143 141 53 150 139.138 -64 150 140.71 164.933 150 141 214 149.875 141 -57.25 151 141 58 150 141 59 151 141 -62 151 140.118 63 151 140.118 64 151 140.471 -162.333 151 141 173 150.955 141 178 151 140.9 -179 153 138.375 180 153 138.75 180 154 138.75 -181 154 138.29 92 155 140.419 167 155 140.625 -169 155 139.8 170 155 139.8 207 155 140.211 -208 155 139.962 210 155 138.529 67 156 140.864 -68 155.565 141 69 155.222 141 71.5556 156 141 -99.0303 156 141 164.867 156 141 167 156 138.316 -168 156 139.147 169 156 139.2 170.773 156 141 -208 156 140.806 209 156 139.235 65 157 139.5 -90 157 138.783 92 157 139.355 168 157 138.794 -170 157 139.543 187 157 140.8 187 156.818 141 -188 157 139.645 191 156.192 141 191 157 138.9 -195 156.684 141 197 156.848 141 57 158 138.474 -58 158 139.105 59 158 139.05 66 158 140.9 -91 158 139.2 92 158 139.355 176 157.391 141 -187 158 140.625 188 158 139.111 191 158 138.194 -209 158 138.375 84 158.263 141 92 159 138.529 -189 159 139.125 190 159 139.25 200 159 138.857 -92 160 138.577 102 160 140.667 102.6 160 141 -166.63 160 141 188 159.13 141 199 160 140.1 -199 159.7 141 219 160 140.4 220 160 139.875 -76 161 138.529 77 161 139.8 78.5 161 141 -93 161 138.167 103 161 139.895 104 160.813 141 -104 161 138.75 106 161 138.391 181 160.333 141 -200 161 138.333 219 160.75 141 82.75 162 141 -89 162 139.2 90 162 138.231 90 161.077 141 -104 161.75 141 106 162 138.391 172 162 140.318 -193 161.909 141 193.083 162 141 195 162 139.125 -77.8125 163 141 85.8125 163 141 90 163 138.2 -91 163 139.304 185.375 163 141 194 163 140.063 -77.4167 164 141 79 163.909 141 91 163.813 141 -185.4 164 141 194 164 138.273 195 164 138.529 -77 165 138.938 78 165 140.077 178 164.778 141 -195 165 138.529 76 166 139.895 77 166 139.174 -172 166 140.739 184 165.52 141 195 166 138.529 -64 167 140.294 63 167 141 64 166 141 -76 167 139.565 75.45 167 141 77 167 140.55 -97 166.8 141 171 166.231 141 172 167 138.316 -173 167 138.677 200.125 167 141 76 168 140.125 -99 168 140.75 99 167.875 141 173 168 138.321 -174 168 138.968 196 168 138.29 63 169 138.818 -75 169 140.25 74.6316 169 141 100 169 139.304 -174 169 139.313 195 169 139.571 202 169 138.455 -203 169 139.853 205 169 140.667 75 170 140.667 -75.2 170 141 85.32 170 141 174 170 138.75 -175 170 138.29 203 170 140.167 201 170.783 141 -202 171 138.273 202.833 171 141 83 172 140.727 -83.125 172 141 82 173 138.778 83 173 140.318 -84 173 139.579 87 172.545 141 173 173 141 -174 173 139.286 81 174 138.29 82 174 138.265 -87 174 139.8 169 175 140.526 204.714 175 141 -205 174.895 141 168.545 176 141 170 176 139.421 -174 175.467 141 176 177 138.375 177 177 138.75 -202 177 139.125 202.172 177 141 170 177.4 141 -180 178 138.391 208.091 178 141 180 179 139 -51.5667 180 141 180 180 138.231 203.261 180 141 -172.286 181 141 182 181 138.545 183 182 139.636 -185 182 139.929 186 182 140.667 198 181.182 141 -171 183 140.5 175 182.517 141 182 183 138.75 -185 183 140.217 186 183 139.6 191 183 138.6 -167.143 184 141 182 184 139.5 183 183.429 141 -189 184 138.75 189.429 184 141 71 185 139.35 -71 184.267 141 90.5667 185 141 180 184.333 141 -86 185.684 141 86 186 139.714 87 185.933 141 -87 186 140.833 88 186 139.227 74 187 138.667 -75 186.455 141 83 187 138.136 86 187 139.333 -87 187 139.696 106 186.433 141 169 187 140.167 -169 186.688 141 178.625 187 141 192 187 139.125 -74 188 138.857 78 187.895 141 81 188 139.543 -83 188 138.091 84 188 138.103 86 188 140.727 -87 188 139.889 169 188 139.655 168.409 188 141 -170 187.182 141 170.75 188 141 193 187.033 141 -74 189 140.647 75 189 139.5 84 189 139.846 -172.467 189 141 73.9091 190 141 76 190 139.364 -82 190 139.543 83 190 139.543 84 190 140.419 -89 189.75 141 89 190 139.8 180 190 140.1 -180.75 190 141 182 189.889 141 80 191 139.2 -83 191 139.543 84 191 140.032 85 191 140.727 -89 191 139.235 179 190.091 141 182 190.182 141 -84 192 138.794 88 192 139 90 192 139.2 -89 193.13 141 68 68.8529 144 67.5455 69 144 -69 68.6571 144 70 68.4857 144 71 68.4857 144 -72 68.4857 144 73 68.4857 144 74 68.3529 144 -75 68.3429 144 76 68.3529 144 77 68.5862 144 -78 68.7391 144 79 68.9444 144 79.1667 69 144 -83 69 144 91 69 144 92 69 144 -93 69 144 94 69 144 65 69.8235 144 -64.5 70 144 66 69.3529 144 67 69.2143 144 -80 69.1515 144 81 69.1818 144 82 69.1818 144 -84 69.2609 144 85 69.9444 144 85.0833 70 144 -89.2273 70 144 90 69.2609 144 95 69.2727 144 -96 70 144 63 70.8235 144 62.7391 71 144 -64 70.2069 144 86 70.4783 144 87 70.7857 144 -88 70.7391 144 89 70.2941 144 97 70.6 144 -98 71 141.882 97.25 71 144 99 71 143.7 -62 71.7727 144 61.7727 72 144 98 72 141.316 -97 72 144 99 72 141.882 100 71.9167 144 -99.9231 72 144 101 71.7391 144 101.353 72 144 -60 72.8235 144 59.5 73 144 61 72.5 144 -97.3158 73 144 99 73 141.545 99.6207 73 144 -102 72.3793 144 102.529 73 144 57.5 74 144 -58 73.8235 144 59 73.1765 144 73 74 141.783 -87 74 141.316 94.6471 74 144 95 73.6667 144 -95.5 74 144 98 73.7222 144 99 74 142.364 -98.4545 74 144 99.2609 74 144 103 73.7273 144 -103.182 74 144 56 75 144 57 74.2609 144 -67.3333 75 144 68 74.75 144 69 74.5455 144 -70 74.3182 144 71 74.2857 144 72 74.2857 144 -73 74.7727 144 73.4167 75 144 94.0833 75 144 -95.6471 75 144 99 74.4615 144 103.364 75 144 -204 74.3929 144 203.393 75 144 205 74.1765 144 -206 74.7857 144 206.261 75 144 54 76 144 -55 75.4074 144 63.0909 76 144 64 75.6429 144 -65 75.4444 144 66 75.3182 144 67 75.1176 144 -74 75.25 144 75 75.697 144 76 75.8485 144 -76.4545 76 144 80 76 141.818 94 76 141.25 -95 75.4074 144 103.364 76 144 203.324 76 144 -207 75.5 144 207.739 76 144 50.7059 77 144 -51 76.8529 144 52 77 144 53.0833 77 144 -61 77 143.833 61.2 77 144 62 76.75 144 -63 76.0588 144 77 76.1765 144 78 76.2222 144 -79 76.5238 144 79.9091 77 144 103.036 77 144 -203.647 77 144 208 76.2069 144 209 76.8148 144 -209.227 77 144 49 78 144 50 77.4286 144 -53 77.0909 144 60.0909 78 144 61 77.0909 144 -80 77.0455 144 81 77.375 144 82 77.75 144 -82.3636 78 144 84 78 142.364 102.429 78 144 -103 77.0588 144 204 77.5217 144 204.324 78 144 -210 77.6071 144 210.688 78 144 48 78.8214 144 -47.8148 79 144 58.0909 79 144 59 78.5455 144 -60 78.0455 144 83 78.3182 144 84 78.4444 144 -85 78.4444 144 86 78.5455 144 86.9091 79 144 -89 79 141.75 101.389 79 144 102 78.5217 144 -204.647 79 144 211 78.1515 144 212 78.5 144 -212.739 79 144 47.4783 80 144 55 80 144 -56 79.7059 144 57 79.75 144 58 79.0588 144 -87 79.0455 144 88 79.4444 144 89 79.5455 144 -90 79.6429 144 91 79.8182 144 91.6667 80 144 -100.059 80 144 101 79.3043 144 205 79.7059 144 -205.147 80 144 213 79.1765 144 214 79.697 144 -214.455 80 144 46 81 144 47 80.5 144 -53 81 141.75 54.5833 81 144 92 80.1176 144 -93 80.1176 144 94 80.4118 144 95 80.75 144 -96 80.75 144 97 80.6 144 98 80.375 144 -99 80.4118 144 100 80.0455 144 205.5 81 144 -215 80.3529 144 216 80.697 144 216.455 81 144 -45 81.6071 144 44.6667 82 144 52 82 143.833 -52.0909 82 144 53 81.6429 144 54 81.3182 144 -205.971 82 144 217 81.5217 144 217.478 82 144 -44 83 144 51.0588 83 144 52 82.0588 144 -206 82.0435 144 206.647 83 144 218 82.9231 144 -218.056 83 144 43.3529 84 144 49.7059 84 144 -50 83.7826 144 51 83.0455 144 207 83.6667 144 -207.176 84 144 218 84 142 219 83.7391 144 -219.273 84 144 43 84.6667 144 42.7857 85 144 -48.6207 85 144 49 84.5217 144 207.647 85 144 -220 84.5926 144 220.478 85 144 42 86 144 -48.0357 86 144 207.824 86 144 221 85.6667 144 -221.176 86 144 41.2143 87 144 47.5294 87 144 -48 86.0588 144 207.971 87 144 221.824 87 144 -41 87.2727 144 40.5152 88 144 47.0357 88 144 -208 87.1667 144 208.179 88 144 222 87.5 144 -222.176 88 144 40 89 144 46.697 89 144 -47 88.0909 144 208.353 89 144 222.667 89 144 -39.5152 90 144 46.3636 90 144 208 90 144 -218 90 143.824 217.909 90 144 218 89.9412 144 -218.036 90 144 223 89.6471 144 223.261 90 144 -39 91 144 46.0357 91 144 207.586 91 144 -218 91 143.833 217.909 91 144 218.045 91 144 -223.793 91 144 38.5152 92 144 45.697 92 144 -46 91.0909 144 207.486 92 144 218 91.0625 144 -224 91.5 144 224.176 92 144 38.1765 93 144 -45.5455 93 144 207.343 93 144 224.485 93 144 -38 93.5 144 37.8235 94 144 45.3636 94 144 -207.176 94 144 224.824 94 144 37.5152 95 144 -45.0357 95 144 207 95 144 225 94.5 144 -225.176 95 144 37.1765 96 144 44.8529 96 144 -45 95.1667 144 206.824 96 144 225.485 96 144 -37 96.5 144 36.8235 97 144 44.6765 97 144 -206.515 97 144 225.824 97 144 36.6571 98 144 -44.6765 98 144 206.176 98 144 226 97.5 144 -226.176 98 144 36.3429 99 144 44.5143 99 144 -206 99 144 211.793 99 144 212 98.4545 144 -213 98.4 144 213.462 99 144 226.485 99 144 -36.1765 100 144 44.5 100 144 205.824 100 144 -211.75 100 144 213.333 100 144 226.824 100 144 -36 100.5 144 35.8235 101 144 44.3529 101 144 -205.821 101 144 211.522 101 144 213 101 144 -227 100.353 144 227.324 101 144 35.5152 102 144 -44.3636 102 144 205.393 102 144 210.667 102 144 -211 101.522 144 213.179 102 144 227.647 102 144 -35.1765 103 144 43 103 141.682 44 103 142.364 -44.3636 103 144 205.214 103 144 210.353 103 144 -213.185 103 144 228 103 144 35 103.5 144 -34.8235 104 144 44.5455 104 144 205 103.353 144 -204.676 104 144 210 104 141.462 210.379 104 144 -212.706 104 144 213 103.5 144 228 104 144 -34.5152 105 144 44.697 105 144 204.353 105 144 -210.478 105 144 212.538 105 144 228.324 105 144 -34.1765 106 144 44.8529 106 144 204 106 144 -209.944 106 144 210 105.917 144 213 105.5 144 -213.261 106 144 221 106 143.7 220 106 144 -221 105 144 221.091 106 144 228.647 106 144 -34 106.545 144 33.8529 107 144 45 106.833 144 -45.0294 107 144 203.676 107 144 209 107 144 -212 107 141.545 213 107 142.2 213.522 107 144 -219 107 143 218.739 107 144 219 106.647 144 -220 107 143 220.333 107 144 221 106.077 144 -229 107 144 33.5152 108 144 45.0294 108 144 -203.353 108 144 208.708 108 144 212 108 144 -213 107.667 144 219 108 142.2 218.333 108 144 -220 108 143.118 220.179 108 144 229.324 108 144 -33.1818 109 144 45.1818 109 144 203 108.706 144 -202.853 109 144 209 109 142.8 208.5 109 144 -210 108.923 144 209.857 109 144 211 108.179 144 -218 109 142.95 217.759 109 144 218 108.462 144 -219 109 142.2 219.667 109 144 220 108.455 144 -229.647 109 144 33 110 144 45.5294 110 144 -202.697 110 144 209 110 143.824 208 110 144 -209.053 110 144 218 110 143.824 217.941 110 144 -218.167 110 144 219 109.706 144 230 110 144 -32.8235 111 144 45.8529 111 144 202.429 111 144 -209 110.2 144 218 110.2 144 230 111 144 -32.6571 112 144 46 111.455 144 46.1818 112 144 -202.045 112 144 230.176 112 144 32.4857 113 144 -46.5294 113 144 202 112.059 144 201.429 113 144 -230.485 113 144 32.4857 114 144 47 113.941 144 -47.0357 114 144 201.045 114 144 208 114 143.842 -207.8 114 144 208 113.8 144 209 113.8 144 -209 114 143.842 210 113.417 144 210 114 142.95 -211 113.588 144 211 114 142.95 211.583 114 144 -230.824 114 144 32.4857 115 144 47.5294 115 144 -202 115 144 203.417 115 144 204 114.696 144 -205 114.588 144 205 115 142.25 206 114.417 144 -207 114.8 144 207 115 143.727 207.2 115 144 -208 114.2 144 209 114.091 144 210 114.412 144 -211 114.304 144 231 115 144 32.4857 116 144 -48 115.941 144 48.0357 116 144 201 115.6 144 -200.636 116 144 201.8 116 144 203 116 142 -202.2 116 144 203.8 116 144 204.2 116 144 -205 115.636 144 205.8 116 144 206.2 116 144 -207 115.2 144 231 116 144 32.4857 117 144 -48.5294 117 144 200.083 117 144 202 116.077 144 -204 116.043 144 206 116.063 144 231 117 144 -32.4857 118 144 49 117.727 144 49.2143 118 144 -200 117.2 144 199.818 118 144 231 118 144 -32.4857 119 144 49.8214 119 144 199.583 119 144 -231 119 144 32.4857 120 144 50 119.217 144 -50.6207 120 144 99 119.833 144 98.6667 120 144 -100 119.833 144 101 120 143.684 101 119.882 144 -101.167 120 144 199 119.636 144 198.818 120 144 -230.824 120 144 32.4857 121 144 51 120.478 144 -51.5217 121 144 97 121 143.684 97 120.833 144 -96.8333 121 144 98 121 143.684 98 120.667 144 -101.167 121 144 198 121 141.3 199 120.8 144 -199.083 121 144 230.657 121 144 32.4857 122 144 -44 122 141.938 43 122 144 44 121.353 144 -45 121.773 144 45.1786 122 144 52 121.478 144 -52.5217 122 144 97 122 143.684 96.6667 122 144 -100 122 143.684 101 122 143.684 101.333 122 144 -199.647 122 144 230.514 122 144 32.4857 123 144 -43.9565 123 144 45 123 142.263 45.5 123 144 -53 122.478 144 53.5217 123 144 96 122.667 144 -95.6667 123 144 98 123 143.684 100 123 143.684 -101 123 143 102 122.8 144 102.083 123 144 -200 122.5 144 200.353 123 144 230.343 123 144 -32.4857 124 144 44 123.056 144 45 124 143.824 -44.9444 124 144 45.2 124 144 54 123.478 144 -54.7059 124 144 95 124 143.684 95 123.667 144 -94.6667 124 144 96 124 143.684 97 124 143.684 -101 124 141.346 102 124 141.24 103 123.393 144 -103 124 141.783 104 123.966 144 104.059 124 144 -200.273 124 144 230.176 124 144 32.4857 125 144 -45 125 144 46 124.4 144 46.5455 125 144 -55 124.217 144 56 124.955 144 56.0588 125 144 -95 125 143.684 94.6667 125 144 96 125 143.684 -97 125 143 102 125 141.24 104 125 141.75 -105 124.727 144 105.222 125 144 200 124.353 144 -199.607 125 144 230 125 144 32.3429 126 144 -44.5 126 144 46 126 142.286 47 125.417 144 -47.6364 126 144 57 125.941 144 57.0588 126 144 -92 125.833 144 91.6667 126 144 93 125.667 144 -94 125.364 144 102 126 141.75 103 126 141.346 -105 126 141.75 105.643 126 144 197.455 126 144 -198 125.824 144 199 125.5 144 230 126 144 -32.3235 127 144 44.0556 127 144 48 126.8 144 -48.2 127 144 58 126.696 144 58.3889 127 144 -89 127 143.684 89 126.882 144 88.6667 127 144 -90 126.833 144 91 126.667 144 105.821 127 144 -195 126.824 144 194.647 127 144 196 126.485 144 -197 126.152 144 230 127 144 32.3429 128 144 -45 127.773 144 45.8333 128 144 46.1667 128 144 -47 127.706 144 48 127.059 144 59 127.478 144 -59.7059 128 144 88 128 143.684 88 127.667 144 -87.6667 128 144 89 128 143.684 90 128 143 -106 128 144 193.571 128 144 194 127.478 144 -230 128 144 32.4857 129 144 46 128.034 144 -60 129 141.75 60 128.217 144 61 128.955 144 -61.0909 129 144 85 129 143.684 85 128.882 144 -84.6667 129 144 86 128.833 144 87 128.667 144 -89 129 142.364 106.147 129 144 192 129 141.13 -193.227 129 144 230.147 129 144 32.4857 130 144 -62 129.588 144 62.6364 130 144 84 129.667 144 -83.6667 130 144 85 130 143 106.571 130 144 -192 130 142.286 193 130 143.053 193.545 130 144 -220.706 130 144 221 129.815 144 222 129.625 144 -222.353 130 144 230.303 130 144 32.4857 131 144 -63 130.25 144 64 130.588 144 65 130.882 144 -65.3333 131 144 81 130.882 144 80.6667 131 144 -82 130.833 144 83 130.364 144 106.727 131 144 -192 131 143.833 193 131 143.833 194 130.833 144 -194 131 143.824 195 130.917 144 195 131 143.833 -195.091 131 144 197.417 131 144 198 130.759 144 -199 130.708 144 199.412 131 144 220 131 141.25 -219 131 144 220 130.522 144 222 130.545 144 -221.545 131 144 230.303 131 144 32.4857 132 144 -66 131.25 144 67 131.588 144 67.6364 132 144 -75 131.882 144 74.6667 132 144 76 131.882 144 -77 131.882 144 78 131.682 144 79 131.588 144 -80 131.25 144 107 131.375 144 107.357 132 144 -129.167 132 144 130 131.821 144 131 132 142 -130.294 132 144 187 132 144 188 131.739 144 -188.545 132 144 193 132 143.842 194.2 132 144 -195 131.2 144 196.667 132 144 197 131.5 144 -200 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140.722 144 -190.833 141 144 199 140.294 144 200 141 144 -201 141 144 202 140.333 144 209 140.667 144 -208.882 141 144 230 141 144 34 142 144 -104 141.688 144 104.227 142 144 107 142 142.8 -108 142 144 109.545 142 144 110 141.773 144 -130 142 144 160.818 142 144 161 141.75 144 -162 141.059 144 163 141.304 144 164 141.412 144 -165 141.412 144 166 141.2 144 167 141.091 144 -168 141.091 144 168.909 142 144 171.75 142 144 -172 141.647 144 179 141.5 144 179.393 142 144 -183.964 142 144 191 141.036 144 192 141.773 144 -192.417 142 144 208.455 142 144 230 142 144 -34 143 144 105 142.607 144 106 142.353 144 -107 142.182 144 109 142.176 144 129.571 143 144 -160.304 143 144 169 142.091 144 169.625 143 144 -171.059 143 144 180 142.607 144 180.333 143 144 -184 142.077 144 184.522 143 144 193 142.412 144 -193.625 143 144 195 143 141.3 198 143 144 -208.179 143 144 230 143 144 34 144 144 -128.941 144 144 129 143.941 144 159.818 144 144 -160 143.636 144 170 143.353 144 171 143.091 144 -181 143.815 144 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144 66 152.059 144 67 152.2 144 -68 153 143.667 67.6667 153 144 68 152.667 144 -68.1667 153 144 73 153 143.769 72.9655 153 144 -73 152.857 144 74 152.417 144 74 153 142.6 -74.3043 153 144 93.1852 153 144 94 152.185 144 -99 153 143.842 99.2 153 144 121.179 153 144 -154.343 153 144 163 152.261 144 164 152.773 144 -168.625 153 144 169 152.778 144 170 152.571 144 -170 153 142.286 170.706 153 144 187 152.056 144 -227.485 153 144 36.3429 154 144 68 153.167 144 -73 154 143.833 72.9412 154 144 74 154 143.824 -74.0435 154 144 92 154 144 93 153.185 144 -99.4118 154 144 121.485 154 144 154.176 154 144 -164 154 143.824 163.944 154 144 164 153.833 144 -165 153.588 144 165 154 142.95 166 153.964 144 -167 153.786 144 168 153.357 144 171 153.417 144 -171.368 154 144 227.176 154 144 36.6571 155 144 -68.4545 155 144 69 154.625 144 70 154.778 144 -71 155 144 72 155 143.833 72 154.941 144 -72.2 155 144 73 154.2 144 74 154.059 144 -89.2 155 144 90 154.879 144 91 154.667 144 -99.25 155 144 121.029 155 144 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6777 6778 -3 5443 6779 6777 -3 6780 6779 5440 -3 6759 6781 6782 -3 6783 6760 4422 -3 4422 6760 6658 -3 6761 6784 4845 -3 5444 6785 6786 -3 6762 5444 6786 -3 6763 5444 6762 -3 5434 4828 6787 -3 6788 4828 6764 -3 6787 4828 6788 -3 6789 6791 5446 -3 6790 6791 6789 -3 5446 6792 5441 -3 6791 6792 5446 -3 6792 6793 5441 -3 4206 5441 6794 -3 5441 6793 6794 -3 4206 6794 6795 -3 6796 4206 6795 -3 5435 6797 6769 -3 5436 6797 5435 -3 6798 5436 6799 -3 6799 5436 5438 -3 6799 5438 6770 -3 6800 6776 5439 -3 6801 5443 6802 -3 6802 5443 6778 -3 5440 6803 6780 -3 5440 6804 6803 -3 6804 5440 6782 -3 4422 6805 6783 -3 6784 6806 4845 -3 6807 6808 6809 -3 6809 6810 6807 -3 5444 6811 6785 -3 6787 6827 5434 -3 6812 6787 6788 -3 6812 6813 6787 -3 6813 6827 6787 -3 6812 6814 6813 -3 5446 6815 6789 -3 6816 4206 6796 -3 5436 6817 6797 -3 6798 6817 5436 -3 5439 6818 6800 -3 6819 6818 5447 -3 5443 6801 5447 -3 5447 6801 6820 -3 6805 4422 6821 -3 6822 4845 6806 -3 6807 6823 6808 -3 6810 6823 6807 -3 5456 6824 6825 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5466 6874 -3 5467 6874 5465 -3 6875 6856 4422 -3 6857 6876 4845 -3 6878 6879 5475 -3 6879 6880 5475 -3 6880 6859 5475 -3 6858 5475 6859 -3 6858 5476 5475 -3 6858 5469 5476 -3 5469 6858 6927 -3 6927 6858 6861 -3 6927 6861 6881 -3 6882 6883 6884 -3 6862 6882 6884 -3 6885 5455 6865 -3 6866 5456 6886 -3 5434 6887 4850 -3 5434 6888 6887 -3 6867 6888 5434 -3 6889 6890 5478 -3 5470 6891 6892 -3 5470 6890 6891 -3 5451 6893 6869 -3 6893 5451 5479 -3 6894 6893 5479 -3 6895 6870 6871 -3 6896 6895 6871 -3 6897 6870 6895 -3 5462 6870 6897 -3 5462 6898 4859 -3 5462 6897 6898 -3 5471 6900 6899 -3 5471 6899 6872 -3 5464 6901 5471 -3 6873 6901 5464 -3 5466 5465 6874 -3 4422 6902 6875 -3 6876 6903 4845 -3 5473 5472 6904 -3 5473 6904 5474 -3 5475 6877 6878 -3 5475 5474 6877 -3 5474 6905 6877 -3 5469 6927 5477 -3 6906 6927 6881 -3 6906 6907 6927 -3 6882 6908 6909 -3 6883 6882 6909 -3 4864 6910 6911 -3 6885 6910 4864 -3 6885 4864 5455 -3 5456 6912 6913 -3 6913 6886 5456 -3 6887 6914 4850 -3 6889 5478 6915 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-0.801092 -0.48166 0.285198 -0.791312 -0.540821 --0.618792 -0.400138 -0.676007 -0.398669 -0.360336 -0.843339 0 -0.0860472 -0.996291 -0.65077 -0.224068 -0.72546 -0.616992 0.576954 -0.535205 0.303636 -0.510558 -0.804448 -0.0991771 0.682572 -0.724058 0.372129 0.614105 -0.695985 -0.490425 0.764772 -0.41786 -0.0313472 0.583987 -0.811158 0.399766 -0.323516 -0.857627 0.216481 0.546615 -0.808918 -0.390625 0.179303 -0.902919 -0.088772 0.773204 -0.627914 -0.161114 0.301929 -0.939618 -0.336389 -0.421911 -0.841922 -0.529158 -0.497371 -0.687469 -0.448965 -0.270927 -0.851486 -0.456537 0.204655 -0.865847 -0.370621 0.853657 -0.365937 -0.188935 0.739997 -0.645529 -0.0329652 -0.212296 -0.976649 -0.149265 -0.468952 -0.870519 0.135512 0.597534 -0.79031 --0.431091 0.395359 -0.811081 -0.313014 -0.35348 -0.881518 0.208532 0.181332 -0.961058 -0.440965 0.440965 -0.781728 0.381019 0.634407 -0.672571 -0.260464 0.83826 -0.479039 -0 0.637398 -0.770535 0.253912 -0.463967 -0.848683 -0.745225 -0.1198 -0.655963 --0.819732 -0.123691 -0.559232 0.351087 -0.152592 -0.923826 0.299891 -0.766145 -0.568407 --0.0578228 -0.708329 -0.70351 -0.298115 -0.407947 -0.862964 0.626218 0.27526 -0.72944 --0.428964 0 -0.903322 -0.840707 0.309226 -0.444512 0.612134 -0.612134 -0.500582 -0.778143 0.124987 -0.615526 0.298546 0.138859 -0.94424 -0.483754 0.68549 -0.544138 -0.150583 0.282344 -0.947421 0.318835 -0.670203 -0.670203 -0.447214 0 -0.894427 --0.557993 -0.557993 -0.614238 -0.350425 -0.313294 -0.882638 0.678742 0.132751 -0.722279 -0.184754 -0.606401 -0.773398 -0.555685 -0.412346 -0.721932 -0.54253 -0.19323 -0.817511 --0.454534 -0.307546 -0.835951 0.309976 0.302415 -0.901366 0.791268 0.485184 -0.372145 --0.601158 0 -0.79913 -0.195297 0.328291 -0.924167 0.561633 0.64151 -0.522527 --0.430992 0.549168 -0.716003 0.450158 -0.054019 -0.891313 -0.0141727 -0.37479 -0.927001 --0.483179 0.180464 -0.856721 -0.327193 0.433721 -0.839542 0.334286 0.754839 -0.564332 -0.671316 0.671909 -0.312846 0.344796 0.158164 -0.925257 0.22389 0.743178 -0.630524 --0.553661 0.562312 -0.614218 -0.166154 -0.166154 -0.972001 -0.0172758 -0.302326 -0.953048 -0.591926 0.484469 -0.644137 -0.687459 0.261533 -0.677496 -0.505059 0.325209 -0.799471 -0.166733 0.45256 -0.876008 0.588363 0.588363 -0.55467 -0.406719 0.382316 -0.829707 -0.473568 -0.163299 -0.865486 0.720113 -0.256824 -0.644577 0.236649 -0.191878 -0.95246 -0.413754 0.227159 -0.881593 -0.417457 -0.790013 -0.449009 0.124878 -0.405854 -0.905366 --0.39225 -0.851721 -0.347435 -0.239402 -0.729666 -0.640527 -0.0931752 -0.0931752 -0.99128 -0.123225 0.432494 -0.893177 -0.249097 -0.886882 -0.389089 0.217978 -0.743821 -0.631836 -0.732431 0.259049 -0.629634 -0.737644 -0.569222 -0.363137 -0.669417 -0.68991 -0.275509 -0.821447 -0.111914 -0.559196 -0.924616 0.233679 -0.300798 -0.731344 -0.200835 -0.651768 --0.487093 0.295284 -0.821917 0.119911 -0.875437 -0.468222 -0.0338245 -0.717313 -0.69593 --0.0261782 0.279234 -0.959866 -0.0250979 0.633721 -0.773154 0.119187 0.815737 -0.566011 -0.879941 0.148971 -0.451122 0.201057 -0.61231 -0.764626 -0.220722 -0.715565 -0.662758 --0.919569 -0.0491032 -0.389849 -0.835811 -0.311849 -0.451853 0.523791 0.363162 -0.770555 -0.492487 -0.363645 -0.790708 -0.236316 -0.379469 -0.894516 0.285703 -0.82894 -0.480866 --0.603185 -0.603185 -0.521857 0.582435 0.465226 -0.666584 -0.634173 0.76534 -0.109907 --0.584343 -0.235207 -0.776673 -0.0678275 -0.131887 -0.988941 -0.269185 -0.72255 -0.636757 --0.634909 -0.317455 -0.704353 0.0535556 -0.444923 -0.893966 0.512611 -0.367788 -0.775862 -0.341278 -0.713496 -0.611925 -0.487268 -0.603938 -0.630736 -0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 -0.0320423 0.339926 -0.939906 -0.550019 0.821907 -0.148148 0.0585813 -0.422704 -0.904372 -0.382161 0.543608 -0.747291 0.500733 0.646371 -0.575734 0.0850264 0.786494 -0.611717 --0.159823 -0.820268 -0.549196 0.365676 -0.424613 -0.828242 0.0242708 -0.651266 -0.758462 --0.507728 0.237573 -0.828113 0.60161 -0.6034 -0.523425 -0.809091 0.35261 -0.470147 -0.216092 -0.520584 -0.826012 -0.357151 -0.0957722 -0.929124 -0.846672 0.235721 -0.477055 -0.660332 -0.623161 -0.419085 -0.68403 -0.523612 -0.507872 -0.923242 0.314121 -0.22125 --0.0158154 -0.661987 -0.749348 0.647451 -0.716615 -0.259365 -0.887292 0.0362983 -0.459778 --0.880705 0.414627 -0.229004 -0.880691 0.463666 -0.09694 0.854087 -0.349399 -0.385299 -0.591791 -0.197264 -0.781582 -0.69874 0.685205 -0.205562 -0.644528 0.34271 -0.683472 -0.519893 -0.777214 -0.354472 -0.588419 -0.588419 -0.55455 -0.814164 0.524526 -0.249018 -0.666706 -0.72418 -0.176256 -0.767549 0.610615 -0.194978 0.596127 -0.675259 -0.434347 --0.568865 0.667022 -0.481118 0.468899 -0.549215 -0.691735 -0.673848 -0.595175 -0.43783 --0.37961 -0.541691 -0.749978 0.649603 -0.356158 -0.67169 0.467638 -0.171231 -0.867176 -0.197129 0.824751 -0.530025 -0.315227 0.736623 -0.598347 -0.189691 -0.331959 -0.924024 --0.432596 -0.884943 -0.172444 -0.653129 0.0762328 -0.753399 -0.196901 -0.798542 -0.568824 -0.595899 0.595899 -0.538339 -0.0833766 -0.90672 -0.413409 0.244745 -0.840249 -0.483819 --0.0411872 0.720775 -0.691944 -0.346388 -0.148984 -0.926185 0.262214 -0.510627 -0.818843 --0.32034 -0.0488322 -0.946043 0.0269138 -0.558461 -0.829094 -0.231713 -0.311614 -0.921524 -0.415067 -0.105914 -0.903605 0.113699 0.437303 -0.892098 0.687616 -0.181196 -0.703102 --0.730426 -0.191407 -0.655623 -0.0673477 -0.43776 -0.896566 0.587931 -0.355209 -0.726749 -0.407993 0.710211 -0.573709 0.0627344 -0.643028 -0.763269 -0.716044 -0.492216 -0.494979 --0.625571 -0.657112 -0.420552 -0.125133 -0.871118 -0.474864 -0.513312 0.500792 -0.696935 -0.205739 -0.154691 -0.966303 0.139194 -0.63921 -0.756331 -0.183705 -0.7983 -0.573558 -0.129194 -0.79939 -0.586758 0.395605 -0.699374 -0.595292 0 -0.714057 -0.700088 -0.0821513 -0.670499 -0.737348 0 -0.947723 -0.319096 0 -0.424893 -0.905244 -0.232035 0.261205 -0.93698 -0.26748 0.823524 -0.500263 -0.505771 0.579733 -0.638831 --0.302437 0.55059 -0.778064 -0.0322538 0.628948 -0.776778 0.216548 0.804992 -0.552353 --0.0276135 0.796846 -0.603551 0.0606424 0.818673 -0.571049 0.42076 0.688839 -0.590307 -0.442564 0.636671 -0.631495 0.0703097 0.953021 -0.294631 -0.393632 0.883207 -0.254949 -0 0.842439 -0.538792 0.247275 0.851023 -0.463265 -0.53666 -0.712685 -0.451749 -0.330773 -0.301587 -0.894223 -0.311853 -0.648992 -0.693943 -0.0186271 -0.614693 -0.788546 -0.778019 0.198507 -0.596055 -0.721324 -0.65162 -0.234698 -0.244691 -0.700758 -0.670123 -0.722534 0.148377 -0.675225 -0.94044 -0.111906 -0.321012 -0.414019 -0.785113 -0.460636 -0.578245 -0.302339 -0.757776 0.804844 0.371467 -0.462859 -0.215747 -0.449986 -0.866583 -0.873669 0 -0.486522 -0.796789 -0.150159 -0.585304 0.577632 -0.654494 -0.48783 --0.919215 0.189644 -0.345078 -0.815376 0.574037 -0.0751172 0.94216 -0.314825 -0.114973 --0.526794 0.237428 -0.816159 0.367513 -0.929476 0.0317603 -0.438774 0.371842 -0.818053 -0.647808 -0.0398651 -0.76076 0.204368 -0.978894 -0.000987286 0.26964 -0.955995 -0.115618 -0.631516 -0.66722 -0.394976 -0.501994 0.643066 -0.578332 0.464369 0.337251 -0.818916 -0.953793 -0.124408 -0.2735 -0.151531 0.567922 -0.809013 0.764898 -0.642514 0.0458939 -0.2831 -0.886154 -0.366858 0.607346 -0.764806 0.214946 0.270611 -0.704715 -0.655855 -0.401862 -0.438789 -0.803723 -0.434244 -0.672652 -0.599143 0.726992 -0.275329 -0.629028 -0.592987 -0.393762 -0.702366 -0.474079 -0.574123 -0.667557 -0.503787 -0.440437 -0.743111 --0.457974 -0.673915 -0.57974 -0.588721 0.792639 -0.158528 0.0695623 -0.890398 -0.449836 -0.457902 -0.737537 -0.496352 0.970729 0.0507571 -0.234752 0.707754 -0.540756 -0.454606 --0.697492 -0.656992 -0.286122 -0.725648 -0.563773 -0.394455 0.985733 -0.147733 -0.0806586 --0.550024 -0.829022 -0.100971 0.512143 -0.857839 -0.0426786 0.322015 -0.946725 -0.00429354 --0.522973 -0.852252 0.0129129 -0.649531 -0.759452 0.0366402 0.14246 -0.939007 -0.313002 --0.280881 -0.853879 -0.438175 -0.0711379 -0.995931 0.0553295 -0.548838 0.804265 -0.227891 --0.74702 0 -0.664801 0.0171827 -0.326472 -0.945051 0.410419 -0.679111 -0.608575 --0.364289 0.167455 -0.916107 0.246603 -0.332377 -0.910336 0.451961 -0.335743 -0.826443 -0.144032 -0.882629 -0.44746 -0.38057 -0.225126 -0.896931 -0.575825 0.465475 -0.67213 -0.112 0.0263529 -0.993359 0.281641 -0.345346 -0.895217 -0.652357 -0.588712 -0.477334 --0.0965727 -0.915831 -0.389778 0.660328 -0.660328 -0.357678 -0.279956 0.36428 -0.888214 --0.100151 -0.0166918 -0.994832 -0.887081 -0.100325 -0.450581 0.76069 0.544434 -0.353471 --0.402301 0.504888 -0.763702 -0.349163 0.311494 -0.883774 0.441792 0.834495 -0.329298 --0.559507 -0.808386 -0.182932 -0.138395 -0.827316 -0.544421 -0.631133 -0.746974 -0.209046 --0.173925 -0.780433 -0.600562 0.767655 -0.0383828 -0.639713 -0.453607 -0.685278 -0.569767 -0.551526 -0.14722 -0.821063 0.826474 0.363649 -0.429767 0.8577 0.388891 -0.336325 -0.823711 0.279248 -0.493478 0.333318 -0.754251 -0.565689 0.0406417 -0.746792 -0.663815 -0.015947 -0.534225 -0.845192 -0.520495 0.0208198 -0.853611 0.661244 -0.495308 -0.563406 -0.913519 0.321215 -0.249607 -0.747552 0.00807074 -0.664154 0.461353 -0.53233 -0.709773 -0.292762 -0.56131 -0.774094 0.190724 -0.486347 -0.852696 -0.888497 0.430483 -0.158928 -0.994314 -0.0509905 0.0934825 0.986835 -0.131761 0.0937882 0.90288 -0.379832 0.201332 -0.619007 -0.75584 0.213394 0.869212 -0.160118 -0.467796 0.824087 -0.222516 -0.52093 -0.60237 0.798086 -0.0144975 -0.0559393 -0.964954 -0.256389 -0.379812 0.634713 -0.672965 -0.648721 -0.131186 -0.749634 0.977478 -0.153099 0.145248 -0.681476 -0.526052 -0.508782 -0.253505 -0.869394 -0.424134 -0.295363 0.210974 -0.9318 0.771082 -0.571005 0.281756 --0.520388 -0.81452 -0.256423 -0.932492 -0.332476 0.141129 -0.387589 0.66745 -0.635834 -0.72924 0.447094 -0.517992 0.490614 0.598931 -0.632913 0.554927 0.541393 -0.631625 --0.0398377 -0.632976 0.773146 0.833643 0.0106877 0.5522 0.277725 -0.55545 -0.783801 --0.428552 -0.68747 0.586284 0.232916 -0.842788 -0.485241 -0.207499 -0.735837 -0.644584 --0.128406 -0.342416 -0.930733 -0.160642 0.973546 -0.162488 -0.986898 0.0986898 0.127639 -0.451855 -0.636122 -0.62544 0.64379 0.539243 -0.542911 0.593303 0.25522 -0.763449 -0.234245 -0.669273 -0.705126 0.35794 0.188615 -0.914496 -0.643042 0.270755 -0.716372 -0.521396 -0.109909 -0.846207 0.91988 -0.041365 -0.390013 -0.946342 0.288601 -0.145419 -0.72821 0.682613 -0.0612429 -0.346952 -0.919119 -0.186664 0.0326775 -0.980326 -0.19466 -0.297089 -0.871314 -0.390576 0 -0.849343 -0.527841 0.0658001 -0.870586 -0.487596 -0.74046 0.64113 -0.20167 -0.540906 0.801701 -0.254355 0.833497 -0.00766434 -0.552471 -0.72087 -0.493227 -0.486903 -0.912475 -0.382435 0.14537 0.254155 -0.914959 -0.313458 --0.66355 -0.737278 0.126976 -0.327662 0.703275 -0.630905 -0.471757 -0.36856 -0.801005 -0.245787 -0.825896 -0.50743 -0.79949 0.588196 -0.121827 -0.554541 -0.831811 0.0239616 --0.0360758 0.742401 -0.668984 -0.522275 0.838219 0.156897 0.317629 -0.923394 0.215534 -0.290532 0.576195 -0.763931 -0.77193 0.604489 -0.196766 -0.130676 -0.659232 -0.740498 --0.459006 -0.442006 -0.770677 -0.374676 -0.769072 -0.517827 -0.376284 0.430038 -0.820657 -0.222776 -0.879965 -0.419562 -0.48734 0.46584 -0.738575 -0.249152 -0.738395 -0.626654 --0.706638 0.0936891 -0.701345 -0.382983 0.718093 -0.581091 0.0830439 -0.110725 -0.990376 -0.260005 -0.913991 -0.311476 0 0.999101 0.0423861 0.444728 -0.690636 -0.570298 -0.0428856 0.950631 -0.307347 0.815639 0.577103 0.0410385 0.942857 0.171429 0.285714 --0.728315 0.662105 0.176561 -0.722965 -0.690103 -0.032862 -0.910416 0.0343553 -0.412264 --0.128238 0.881635 -0.454175 -0.186605 0.92473 -0.331742 -0.486271 0.75559 -0.43889 --0.746592 0.409132 -0.524605 -0.67561 -0.275249 -0.683951 0.959044 0.280696 0.0380109 --0.551393 0.600772 -0.578826 0.682383 0.720548 -0.123144 -0.129602 -0.931015 -0.341196 -0.899206 0.0372805 -0.435934 -0.865383 -0.397797 -0.304745 0.355155 -0.856956 -0.373486 --0.121418 -0.689481 -0.714054 0.723358 -0.632815 -0.276221 -0.226561 -0.696637 -0.680711 -0.511263 -0.723072 -0.464519 -0.911951 -0.130058 -0.38914 0.937919 -0.290078 -0.190162 -0.760164 0.550687 -0.344809 0.766852 0.546222 -0.337015 0.934208 -0.3242 -0.148829 --0.982977 0.174299 -0.0580998 0.177826 -0.98367 -0.0277619 -0.728453 -0.67903 0.0909671 -0.778298 -0.598196 -0.190822 0.504274 0.784427 -0.361085 0.313858 -0.859187 -0.404092 -0.818402 -0.572881 -0.0450121 0.902922 0.409137 -0.131676 -0.0824148 0.970663 -0.225878 -0.26844 -0.96313 -0.017896 0.954296 0.149554 -0.258752 0.698362 -0.101079 -0.708572 --0.990127 -0.0735905 0.119306 -0.519702 0.814759 0.257057 -0.661742 0.672771 0.330871 --0.106395 -0.984152 0.14186 0.586209 0.768585 -0.256195 -0.0510752 -0.752508 -0.6566 -0.534006 -0.738057 -0.412444 -0.746554 0.590949 -0.305673 0.951414 0.0126434 0.307655 --0.405861 -0.900274 0.157425 0.402726 -0.836431 0.371747 -0.48941 -0.870062 0.0589104 -0.786062 -0.550243 -0.281672 0.894147 0.108601 0.434404 0.931719 -0.0291162 0.362012 --0.46618 -0.884546 -0.0159378 -0.294639 -0.837308 -0.460547 -0.0271759 0.570694 -0.820713 --0.646277 0.656016 -0.389832 0.838007 0.164315 0.520331 -0.451493 -0.799787 0.395594 --0.694515 -0.0292427 -0.718884 0.0571292 0.956915 -0.284694 0.463583 -0.86278 0.201745 --0.527545 -0.83658 0.147754 -0.53086 -0.812675 0.240307 0.703842 0.703842 0.0959785 -0.14104 0.967135 -0.211561 -0.0949207 -0.976327 -0.194361 0.902432 -0.258894 -0.344371 --0.166339 -0.970311 0.17558 -0.960289 0.0561572 -0.273299 0.431889 -0.431889 -0.791797 -0.629445 0.769322 0.109279 -0.972387 -0.233373 0 -0.707308 0.579529 -0.404799 -0.575168 -0.692435 -0.435564 -0.722346 0.685303 -0.0926085 0.403399 0.576284 0.71075 --0.838388 0.540438 0.0709405 0.618425 -0.531767 -0.578597 0.666068 -0.609667 -0.429721 --0.591621 0.591621 -0.547694 -0.571101 0.598297 -0.562036 -0.522678 0.709348 -0.472899 -0.248187 -0.849265 0.465997 0.749401 0.343811 -0.565856 0.327269 0.139263 -0.934613 -0.470209 -0.798609 -0.37567 -0.448116 0.426572 0.785639 -0.355483 -0.891999 0.27923 --0.816525 -0.199965 -0.541573 0.626849 -0.690813 -0.360331 0.932835 0.339604 0.120366 -0.750775 0.459982 -0.474081 -0.84453 0.341834 -0.412211 0.573251 -0.473762 -0.66853 -0.278974 -0.852913 -0.441264 0.0873541 -0.762893 -0.640597 -0.983169 0.172055 0.0614481 --0.602585 -0.71815 0.348069 -0.297116 0.847331 -0.440172 0.303829 0.717405 -0.626911 -0.653544 -0.308205 -0.691296 -0.201612 -0.632644 -0.74774 -0.279857 0.612659 -0.739141 --0.068935 -0.0771416 -0.994634 0.33931 -0.819482 -0.461863 -0.883753 -0.45613 0.10453 --0.254414 0.166439 0.952666 -0.249208 0.320836 -0.913761 -0.207199 0.148716 -0.966929 -0.304056 -0.33407 -0.892159 -0.170821 0.134216 -0.976118 0 -0.311641 -0.9502 -0.694672 -0.709144 0.120603 0.859581 -0.509036 -0.0447504 -0.781435 0.407462 0.472582 --0.647169 -0.392224 0.653706 -0.886995 0.0490504 0.459166 -0.497468 0.297268 -0.814958 -0.0882852 0.0294284 -0.99566 -0.269897 -0.304247 -0.913559 -0.719314 0.401156 -0.567152 --0.133211 -0.793344 -0.594021 0.102573 -0.981767 -0.160036 -0.479456 0.76713 -0.426184 -0.53753 0.808457 0.239703 -0.402972 0.914818 0.0268648 0.917997 -0.396562 0.00452816 -0.980883 0.0779716 0.178295 0.883936 0.441968 0.152713 -0.716192 -0.695922 -0.0525508 --0.0555452 0.864653 -0.499289 -0.243071 0.729213 -0.63966 0.952863 -0.276809 0.124209 --0.211241 -0.977383 -0.00998402 -0.540551 0.390592 -0.745146 -0.458135 0.823741 -0.33401 -0.369622 -0.870401 -0.325241 -0.146564 -0.840301 -0.521931 0.72583 -0.672963 -0.142449 --0.29592 -0.883917 -0.362107 0.647963 -0.416547 -0.637678 -0.149366 -0.852922 -0.500214 --0.746148 -0.662663 -0.0643531 0.855179 -0.117505 -0.504838 0.794308 0.21938 -0.566522 -0.239602 0.339436 -0.909601 -0.318953 0.134296 -0.938208 0.472654 -0.759727 -0.446557 -0.496001 -0.807052 -0.320392 0.576018 -0.62402 -0.528017 -0.116539 0.773139 -0.623438 -0.71045 0.333298 -0.619817 -0.105028 -0.992996 0.0541056 0.693252 -0.683712 -0.227904 --0.66256 -0.603026 0.444267 -0.0633257 -0.909588 0.410658 0.278523 -0.960424 -0.00320141 -0.329474 -0.929344 0.166631 0.23583 -0.946032 0.222277 0.17609 0.440225 0.880451 --0.741536 -0.670913 0 -0.757684 -0.651961 0.0293676 0.915488 -0.0938963 -0.391234 -0.0657912 -0.997833 0 -0.0423798 0.720457 -0.692204 0.548646 0.759664 -0.349139 --0.393073 -0.917171 -0.0655122 0.721223 0.523468 -0.453672 0.517381 0.776071 -0.360599 --0.928473 -0.295423 -0.225084 0.710282 -0.701925 -0.0529229 0.698377 0.704904 -0.124011 --0.95902 -0.139857 -0.246415 0.898349 -0.431207 -0.0838459 -0.724146 0.599293 0.341264 -0.740475 -0.598136 -0.306481 -0.762629 -0.635902 -0.11843 0.104777 -0.681047 -0.724704 -0.638241 -0.769309 0.0284929 0.994249 -0.0887288 0.0599629 0.17609 -0.968496 0.17609 -0.513226 -0.856379 -0.0566906 0.296071 0.911897 0.284228 -0.735612 0.559065 0.382518 --0.730931 0.608526 0.308926 0.89569 -0.432749 0.102317 0.124686 -0.992063 -0.0162633 --0.417759 -0.908461 -0.0132622 0.323677 -0.921233 -0.215784 -0.965722 -0.259028 0.0168931 --0.982888 -0.182016 -0.0283136 0.299775 0.930552 -0.210259 0.301131 0 0.953583 -0.976112 0.208611 -0.0607151 -0.890387 0.0460545 0.452869 0.813767 0.48358 0.322387 -0.839341 0.453698 0.299441 0.0112225 0.864131 0.503141 -0.860695 0.43913 0.257623 -0.01133 -0.940393 -0.339901 0.361886 -0.882096 -0.301571 -0.283706 -0.831774 -0.477141 -0.753653 -0.0519761 -0.655214 0.558975 -0.264243 -0.785953 0.586881 -0.8031 -0.102962 --0.895676 0.422393 0.139101 0.200534 -0.968295 0.148968 0.755142 -0.655406 0.014248 --0.409691 -0.872821 0.265211 -0.722956 0.690464 -0.0243693 -0.790186 0.603615 0.10609 --0.369077 0.918116 0.144377 -0.19593 0.979651 -0.04354 -0.218537 0.967805 0.124878 --0.13994 0.965583 0.219239 -0.102463 0.973399 0.204926 -0.297193 0.934035 0.198129 --0.522716 -0.678668 -0.515924 0.578153 -0.140245 -0.803785 -0.691431 0.718024 0.0797805 -0.435884 -0.89158 -0.12284 -0.606334 -0.785479 -0.124023 0.730789 0.501956 0.462587 -0.829482 0.47399 0.295454 0.692996 0.679921 0.239716 0 0.462566 0.886585 -0.186443 0.865288 0.465312 0.908919 -0.398649 -0.122252 -0.651332 0.195812 0.733092 -0.0958325 0.972015 0.214482 0.576707 0.527885 0.623495 -0.783524 0.547223 0.29434 --0.713561 0.5622 0.418046 -0.813596 0.355572 0.460033 -0.637132 -0.58963 -0.496385 -0.252222 0.252222 -0.934221 0.71509 0.659113 -0.232844 0.250099 -0.701892 -0.666932 -0.830773 0.288001 0.47631 0.196129 0.442546 0.875035 -0.926488 0.188352 0.325798 -0.654477 -0.711388 -0.2561 -0.433262 -0.753876 0.493919 0.660852 -0.189307 0.726249 --0.48085 -0.824314 0.298814 0.983296 -0.150169 -0.102855 0.520532 -0.753605 -0.401405 --0.491369 -0.728328 -0.477592 0.358962 0.243277 -0.90109 0.689078 0.689078 -0.224374 --0.717496 0.573997 -0.394623 0.264013 0.940669 -0.213166 -0.529192 0.797988 0.288395 --0.261115 -0.821228 0.507349 -0.680331 -0.684186 0.262753 -0.218519 -0.963269 -0.156085 -0.652871 -0.748414 0.116774 0.203874 -0.974064 -0.0981614 0.205266 -0.173687 0.963171 --0.171388 0.0507816 0.983894 -0.350738 -0.85736 0.376719 -0.855798 -0.474442 0.206192 --0.475789 -0.836182 0.272809 -0.135139 0.844618 0.518032 0.84978 0.186952 0.492872 --0.486418 0.856759 0.171352 0.307937 -0.865918 -0.394159 -0.438607 -0.758597 -0.481824 -0.659006 0.110713 -0.743945 0.69225 0.686197 -0.223436 0.231633 -0.146029 0.96178 -0.539235 0.550958 0.636923 -0.383801 -0.733736 0.56065 0.893078 -0.435089 -0.114497 -0.506432 -0.350607 0.787783 -0.604419 0.36457 0.708354 -0.873243 -0.169356 0.456909 -0.688789 -0.439653 0.576433 -0.885817 0.117133 0.449009 0 -0.999061 0.0433356 -0.871587 0.0901642 -0.481878 -0.511752 -0.0261691 -0.858735 -0.53265 -0.764754 -0.362539 --0.489831 -0.473503 -0.732025 0.450223 0.452841 -0.769568 0.769039 0.607173 -0.199799 --0.378939 0.801186 -0.463148 -0.718397 -0.689075 0.0952976 0.184114 0.97763 0.101694 --0.382269 0.888214 0.254846 0.867466 -0.485462 -0.108765 -0.560007 -0.222072 0.798171 --0.913832 -0.290254 0.284012 0.560901 -0.780385 0.276386 -0.368434 -0.846421 -0.384483 --0.38097 -0.881165 -0.280018 -0.210366 -0.839178 -0.501525 0.0851775 -0.00967926 -0.996319 -0.52573 0.738864 -0.421531 0.541798 0.823036 -0.170489 -0.601124 0.743495 -0.293029 -0.0634667 0.335467 -0.939912 -0.164716 -0.973322 -0.159725 0.874235 0.298474 0.382919 -0.975442 0.177995 0.129729 -0.932739 -0.328536 0.148533 -0.310257 -0.810372 -0.497028 -0.620221 0.334651 -0.709461 0.587911 0.732468 -0.343294 -0.74274 0.275875 -0.610107 -0.239939 0.945067 0.221985 -0.192387 0.902738 0.384774 0.908868 -0.0873912 -0.407825 --0.9459 0.169696 0.276542 -0.940466 0.175983 0.290781 0.36958 -0.90952 -0.19022 --0.460918 -0.800411 -0.383272 0.572474 0.677593 -0.461672 0.223733 -0.968343 0.110701 --0.216985 0.278012 0.935749 0.791297 0.238404 0.563038 0.79788 -0.555363 -0.234433 -0.0708869 -0.992416 0.100423 -0.555622 -0.807224 0.199185 -0.868642 -0.414275 0.271729 -0.142525 -0.891428 -0.430166 -0.668659 0.260825 -0.696323 -0.486004 0.602064 -0.633497 -0.123554 0.809965 -0.573316 0.22312 -0.80881 0.5441 0.509371 -0.709386 0.487147 --0.85552 -0.392807 0.337326 0.128324 -0.991598 0.0163322 0.04847 0.981518 0.185129 --0.160852 0.97798 0.132971 -0.783356 -0.0257743 -0.621039 0.396049 -0.203525 -0.895389 -0.800749 -0.0250234 -0.598477 0.197399 0.540055 -0.818153 -0.0079445 0.897728 -0.440478 -0.373377 0.886251 -0.274134 0.141833 -0.921916 0.360493 -0.929152 0.349305 -0.121092 --0.978305 0.142402 -0.150472 0.148585 0.728276 -0.668982 0.644562 0.528742 -0.552242 -0.41021 0.876547 -0.251779 0.329187 -0.938472 -0.104435 -0.419297 -0.898714 -0.128461 --0.403814 0.779454 -0.478942 -0.155245 0.851859 -0.500235 -0.654974 0.664606 -0.359594 -0.623948 -0.263531 -0.73569 -0.91542 -0.191728 -0.353903 0.556984 -0.718688 -0.41624 --0.299696 -0.775301 -0.555958 0.0263015 -0.836387 -0.547509 0.329968 -0.532663 -0.779353 --0.871129 -0.454099 -0.186891 0.610586 0.732157 -0.301878 0.682646 0.626428 -0.376273 -0.656219 0.686047 -0.31419 -0.702782 -0.649801 -0.289579 0.909282 -0.357218 -0.213544 --0.956792 0.278167 -0.0846846 0.741177 -0.626202 -0.241926 0.680638 -0.686146 -0.25678 -0.558265 -0.197035 -0.805927 -0.586108 -0.0572744 -0.808206 0.867414 0 -0.497587 -0.522385 -0.700066 -0.486848 0.374142 0.363513 -0.853157 0.431889 -0.431889 -0.791797 -0.831385 -0.356979 -0.42587 0.766349 0.569701 -0.2969 -0.78086 -0.496911 -0.378599 --0.0498854 -0.997708 -0.0457283 0.898977 -0.433004 -0.0659396 0.886174 -0.43135 -0.169214 --0.19776 -0.939362 -0.280161 -0.457524 0.481138 -0.747782 0.475591 -0.744403 -0.468698 -0.0990088 -0.964033 -0.246653 -0.601644 0.595687 0.532147 0.683818 0.683818 0.254532 --0.524195 0.725137 0.446537 -0.752249 -0.451349 -0.480006 0.15757 -0.601632 -0.783077 -0.290014 -0.913545 -0.285181 0.220903 -0.965483 -0.138 -0.794953 -0.539432 0.277603 --0.326052 -0.846725 -0.420413 0.903413 -0.171776 -0.392858 0.338093 0.899623 -0.276355 --0.34795 -0.394343 -0.850544 -0.548044 -0.631898 -0.548044 -0.724555 -0.169577 -0.66803 --0.0188745 -0.968891 -0.246767 -0.64358 -0.64358 -0.414258 0.356294 -0.456056 -0.815517 --0.648772 -0.689441 -0.322127 -0.465801 -0.237753 -0.852351 0.741325 0.585257 -0.328499 --0.779814 -0.582047 -0.23046 0.928625 0.19967 -0.312711 0.874323 -0.483668 -0.0403057 --0.0607823 -0.850952 -0.521715 -0.118168 -0.948487 -0.293953 -0.308258 -0.703795 -0.640039 -0.753462 0.453637 -0.475929 0.0160721 -0.962033 -0.272461 -0.830418 0.553612 -0.0626109 -0.968504 -0.141732 0.204724 0.79849 -0.598867 0.0614223 0 -0.848336 -0.529458 --0.82896 -0.524195 -0.195049 0.844479 0.52011 -0.12783 0.767202 -0.627521 -0.132732 --0.353643 0.640381 -0.681798 0.25207 -0.930719 -0.264996 0.305425 -0.916274 -0.259148 --0.384486 0.90221 0.195415 0.822951 0.565779 -0.0514344 -0.152098 -0.221233 -0.963287 --0.354471 -0.16953 -0.91957 -0.196067 0.980334 -0.0224076 0.133009 0.975401 -0.17579 -0.542551 -0.613318 -0.574003 0.0839211 -0.917138 -0.389634 0.710839 0.690135 0.135727 -0.732502 -0.138581 -0.666511 0.629762 0.414389 -0.657025 0.528107 0.55369 -0.64384 --0.491848 0.86233 -0.1203 0.379547 0.919673 -0.100726 -0.167817 0.976388 0.136033 -0.431277 -0.782524 -0.449062 -0.662868 -0.224902 -0.714161 0.22194 0.887761 -0.403264 -0.0235352 0.0823732 -0.996324 0.420952 -0.762634 -0.491111 -0.752994 0.648856 -0.109478 --0.92798 0.107075 0.356915 -0.701876 0.694926 -0.156358 -0.392322 0.603572 0.694107 --0.618742 -0.563607 0.547271 0.184252 0.982043 -0.0405227 -0.792281 0.313923 0.523205 -0.519907 0.854133 -0.0123787 -0.790345 -0.451626 0.41399 0.994274 0.0994274 0.0391684 -0.758853 -0.649703 -0.0450461 -0.771996 -0.571631 -0.277958 -0.395817 -0.918132 0.0190427 -0.108157 -0.973417 0.201894 0.375903 -0.884477 -0.276399 0.468316 -0.81339 -0.345075 -0.460938 0.784575 -0.414704 0.570948 0.741135 -0.353183 -0.572372 -0.803757 -0.162375 -0.662022 -0.165505 0.730982 0.820325 -0.392329 -0.416107 0.185374 0.98164 -0.0449392 --0.345809 0.912937 -0.216707 -0.95324 -0.300571 -0.0314884 -0.947779 -0.31749 -0.0302372 --0.0734306 -0.996558 0.0384637 -0.888005 -0.186481 -0.420323 -0.38819 -0.916742 0.094306 -0.549025 0.695432 0.463622 0.676753 -0.728811 0.104116 -0.717518 0.391374 0.576189 -0.585463 -0.712237 -0.387236 0.335432 0.934417 -0.119797 -0.371232 0.877457 0.303735 --0.662085 0.0827606 0.744845 0.848308 0.0614716 -0.525923 0.905197 -0.201155 -0.374372 --0.596285 -0.745356 0.298142 0.286282 -0.866402 -0.409134 0.135725 -0.841956 -0.522197 --0.616898 -0.663344 -0.423571 0.533046 -0.78434 -0.31729 0.637231 0.756711 -0.146032 --0.991192 0.052168 0.121725 0.384619 -0.915758 -0.115996 0.311161 -0.889033 -0.335857 --0.926151 -0.139271 -0.350498 0.98582 -0.167403 0.0116252 -0.938026 -0.343943 -0.0425586 --0.748222 -0.407409 0.523625 -0.670201 0.736762 0.0895131 0.75071 0.619153 0.230399 -0.48915 0.850043 -0.195342 0.504961 0.844554 -0.178164 -0.536778 0.782554 -0.315402 -0.688318 0.51766 -0.508179 0.294609 -0.922464 -0.249532 0.864722 0.502097 -0.0123975 -0.605492 0.749313 -0.268159 0.839586 0.529429 0.121658 0.217879 0.917911 -0.331615 -0.757777 0.277496 0.590568 0.864994 0.445953 0.230024 -0.388816 0.772288 -0.502388 -0.65577 0.733198 -0.179964 -0.415453 -0.127365 -0.900654 -0.314221 -0.287478 -0.904777 --0.449256 0.256718 -0.855725 0.106878 -0.299781 -0.948002 -0.267316 0.169883 -0.948515 -0.305573 -0.672644 -0.673925 -0.328982 -0.769959 -0.546749 -0.948924 -0.141738 -0.281875 -0.817136 -0.548751 -0.176527 -0.677952 -0.623459 -0.389462 0.685388 -0.292848 -0.666696 -0.838632 -0.00618156 -0.544664 0.843287 -0.130996 -0.521255 -0.204589 -0.7573 -0.620193 -0.357737 -0.829122 -0.429628 -0.638917 -0.610451 -0.468118 0.469127 0.69267 -0.547839 --0.268075 0.842522 -0.467217 -0.550732 -0.483631 -0.680291 0.826703 0.40761 -0.387836 -0.907922 -0.344613 -0.238578 0.0448372 -0.941581 -0.333788 -0.486454 -0.758296 -0.433993 -0.394619 -0.841407 -0.369202 -0.664798 -0.47826 -0.573857 0.276694 -0.122975 -0.953057 --0.883592 0.465557 -0.0502072 0.462115 -0.777194 -0.427106 0.603159 -0.356707 -0.713414 -0.820164 0.340068 -0.460092 0.952035 0.0115749 -0.30577 -0.0800304 0.98323 -0.163872 --0.814202 0.576286 0.0704937 0.282028 -0.568795 -0.772614 0.903205 0.418662 -0.0945708 -0.376086 0.621111 -0.687591 -0.637916 0.0609773 -0.767688 -0.57735 -0.57735 -0.57735 -0.276421 -0.900183 -0.336545 0.35853 -0.90913 -0.211988 0.30702 0.846952 -0.434063 --0.452599 -0.243188 -0.857912 -0.765682 -0.566025 -0.305526 0.66924 0.547077 -0.502816 --0.0733032 0.704525 -0.705883 -0.897898 -0.242961 -0.367082 0.770579 -0.597782 -0.221055 --0.311776 0.770271 -0.556307 0.541317 -0.589939 -0.599123 -0.485384 -0.654705 -0.579451 -0.467348 -0.233674 -0.852632 0.344958 0.936315 -0.0657063 0.905647 -0.416108 0.0815898 -0.204546 -0.920458 -0.333043 0.828805 -0.214514 -0.516784 0.493847 0.823079 -0.280457 -0.417315 -0.602789 -0.680069 -0.715093 -0.666336 -0.211277 -0.486664 -0.811107 -0.324443 --0.668648 -0.728751 -0.147754 -0.98481 -0.171271 -0.0285452 -0.583193 -0.770648 -0.256883 -0.724062 0.395093 -0.565363 0.431021 0.636194 -0.639905 0.453626 0.583736 -0.673406 -0.38199 -0.273335 -0.88282 -0.114376 0.564731 -0.817311 -0.620628 0.639645 -0.453514 --0.457017 0.888877 0.0321449 0.87115 0.195564 0.450391 -0.912988 0.300749 0.275687 -0.633054 -0.296257 -0.715174 0.571811 -0.62993 -0.525567 0 0.0634628 -0.997984 -0.649847 -0.361026 -0.668849 -0.781651 0.586238 -0.21295 -0.783687 0.391844 -0.481968 --0.898908 -0.437864 0.015454 0.714292 0.479267 -0.509989 -0.399538 -0.762754 -0.508503 --0.814241 -0.425626 -0.394784 0.3771 -0.627326 -0.681365 0.646204 -0.427328 -0.632307 --0.779839 -0.241456 -0.577538 -0.0748111 -0.654597 -0.752267 -0.176038 0.909527 -0.376525 -0.331348 0.649953 -0.683937 -0.0898383 -0.235826 -0.967634 -0.468896 -0.805914 -0.36144 -0.5891 0.0632205 -0.805583 -0.956807 -0.264417 -0.12085 -0.651873 0.641186 -0.404897 -0.00783244 -0.871638 -0.490087 0.156549 -0.834926 -0.527627 0.416594 -0.505777 -0.755407 --0.199523 -0.737045 -0.645721 0.278518 0.875341 -0.39523 -0.415601 0.373479 -0.82933 -0.857881 0.0504636 -0.511364 -0.19959 -0.471758 -0.858841 -0.0649442 -0.828039 -0.556897 -0.140919 -0.79407 -0.591265 0.517987 -0.426577 -0.741432 -0.527934 0 -0.849285 -0.901637 0.324026 -0.286458 -0.339653 -0.915176 -0.217 0.984734 -0.0364716 -0.170201 -0.885734 -0.207594 -0.415188 -0.858898 0.458079 0.229039 0.803824 -0.506112 -0.312598 --0.27654 -0.72098 -0.635384 0.0623288 -0.849938 -0.523184 -0.166814 -0.925299 -0.34058 -0.292642 -0.899488 -0.324473 -0.318389 -0.833989 -0.450655 -0.978475 -0.070904 -0.193804 --0.0285972 -0.972306 -0.231955 0.117531 -0.919095 -0.3761 -0.957871 -0.133723 -0.254168 --0.823829 -0.457683 -0.334414 0.398265 0.792466 -0.461933 0.428799 -0.227011 -0.874413 --0.170514 -0.882662 -0.437987 -0.309645 0.945233 0.103215 0.299377 0.94349 -0.142128 --0.686641 0.672336 0.276564 0.79082 0.39394 0.468417 0.198386 0.839325 0.506139 --0.599515 0.792319 0.113188 -0.505675 0.852423 0.13292 0.686569 0.473733 -0.551544 --0.317313 -0.463766 -0.827184 -0.885988 -0.437782 -0.152876 -0.462528 -0.886512 -0.012848 --0.895062 0.401235 -0.194616 0.978544 -0.144845 0.146529 -0.920899 0.327367 -0.211603 -0.872236 0.208885 -0.442234 0.262363 0.910983 -0.318237 0.856852 -0.509602 0.078169 -0.452362 0.876452 0.164924 0.258517 0.939418 -0.225084 -0.577073 -0.146094 -0.803519 -0.907065 -0.420878 0.00967536 -0.680325 0.255122 -0.687074 -0.0663093 0.582048 -0.810446 -0.241924 0.836654 -0.491408 -0.214169 0.938494 -0.270853 -0.510582 0.807553 -0.295235 --0.504783 -0.261739 -0.82261 0.188695 -0.677906 -0.71052 0.477558 -0.586803 -0.653911 --0.263785 -0.338687 -0.903166 -0.75132 0.0655221 -0.656677 0.727267 -0.595036 -0.342074 -0.126841 -0.692484 -0.710196 -0.89961 0.188291 -0.394015 0.971484 -0.139854 -0.191466 -0.937898 -0.346129 -0.0232614 -0.411939 0.56794 -0.712566 0.98726 0.13226 -0.088458 -0.84923 -0.36028 -0.386014 0.289955 -0.849693 -0.440395 -0.275267 -0.572488 -0.772324 --0.634616 0.0475962 -0.771361 -0.768179 0.303905 -0.563509 0.409018 -0.553643 -0.725385 --0.332772 -0.181342 -0.925407 0.972512 -0.230689 -0.0316632 -0.461936 0.14838 -0.874413 --0.41959 0.13741 -0.897253 0.525532 -0.586224 -0.616569 0.917388 -0.391152 -0.0734801 --0.786912 0.208901 -0.580629 0.946439 -0.259633 -0.191951 0.975783 0.118072 -0.184137 --0.0359614 0.471647 -0.881054 0.00288181 0.370312 -0.928903 -0.282292 0.341722 -0.896402 --0.530768 0 -0.847517 0.714956 -0.492864 -0.495906 0.257836 -0.699282 -0.666727 --0.389729 0.167027 -0.905656 -0.259181 0.610927 -0.74806 0.184859 0.0591548 -0.980983 --0.792411 -0.113653 -0.599307 -0.0431343 -0.197422 -0.979369 -0.533551 0.568348 -0.626342 --0.166914 -0.926267 -0.337888 -0.555622 -0.65112 -0.517037 -0.967191 -0.0541803 -0.248204 -0.355469 -0.823079 -0.442925 -0.443465 -0.518587 -0.731031 -0.962629 -0.172669 -0.208642 --0.897661 -0.368472 -0.241728 0.111658 -0.899335 -0.422764 -0.985853 0.131067 -0.104474 -0.84965 -0.515126 -0.112876 -0.31059 0.148658 -0.938848 -0.546689 -0.81886 -0.17493 -0.0932093 -0.0955993 -0.991046 0.873465 -0.11493 -0.473127 -0.570436 -0.371767 -0.732388 -0.709737 0.415677 -0.568758 -0.392645 -0.208593 -0.895722 0.867856 0.3632 -0.338986 -0.142514 0.0729142 -0.987103 0.837133 -0.107522 -0.536328 0.486846 -0.699546 -0.523084 -0.571804 0.507796 -0.644347 -0.324074 0.544199 -0.773837 0.587523 -0.587523 -0.556447 -0.988308 -0.0515375 -0.143497 0.917428 0.397619 0.0150234 -0.835169 -0.378436 -0.399098 -0.756881 -0.47434 -0.449592 0.557993 -0.557993 -0.614238 0.645238 -0.737415 -0.199717 --0.536173 -0.632409 -0.559086 -0.0521256 -0.79926 -0.598721 0.334866 -0.837718 -0.431384 -0.79371 0.163781 -0.585833 -0.655386 -0.573462 -0.491539 -0.865591 -0.0748042 -0.495132 -0.43624 -0.833989 -0.337872 -0.0930372 -0.868347 -0.487153 -0.227076 -0.866197 -0.445129 --0.221386 -0.854474 -0.469961 -0.381018 -0.847195 -0.37025 -0.570541 0.0691565 0.818352 -0.98138 -0.160694 -0.105216 -0.247 0.968627 0.0274444 -0.885824 0.420198 0.19685 --0.531494 0.341675 -0.775095 0.421847 0.888099 -0.182554 -0.0482555 0.965109 -0.257362 --0.942078 0.285478 -0.176045 0.583927 -0.237896 -0.776166 0.419812 0.257826 -0.87022 -0.35965 -0.0384092 -0.932296 0.799879 -0.131939 -0.585479 -0.56129 -0.799013 -0.215712 -0.725606 -0.0846922 -0.682878 -0.315342 -0.386549 -0.866683 -0.271599 -0.364468 -0.890728 --0.537244 -0.672859 -0.508556 -0.911339 0.0233079 0.410996 0.499059 -0.767783 -0.401807 -0.0522273 -0.377777 -0.924422 -0.117719 -0.375663 -0.919249 -0.181005 -0.837847 -0.515024 --0.158557 -0.372608 -0.914343 0.980312 -0.121694 -0.155498 -0.219502 -0.969891 0.105497 --0.903913 -0.18403 0.386102 -0.136131 -0.658635 -0.740046 0.227687 -0.607165 -0.761256 -0.0231565 -0.708202 -0.70563 0.348935 -0.747719 -0.564943 -0.147009 -0.65104 -0.744671 --0.42495 -0.459539 -0.779898 0.594258 0.556527 -0.580633 -0.325345 -0.945592 0.0025368 --0.188083 -0.442548 -0.876799 0.0850369 -0.357863 -0.929894 -0.389308 -0.448572 -0.804501 -0.670611 0.63708 0.380013 0.909109 0.37532 0.18071 -0.646918 -0.752538 0.123223 -0.255233 -0.478561 -0.84014 0.411 -0.135232 -0.901549 0.375551 -0.187775 -0.90758 --0.656132 -0.549009 -0.517764 -0.3431 -0.740116 -0.578369 -0.168283 -0.501845 -0.848429 -0.232733 0.806808 -0.543044 -0.114145 -0.984498 -0.133169 0.0698558 0.878187 0.47319 -0.960232 0.0751202 0.268908 0.511673 -0.473514 -0.71692 0.132824 -0.136849 -0.981647 --0.887468 -0.320718 -0.33097 0.193703 -0.830886 -0.52164 -0.903527 -0.172972 -0.392071 -0.658512 0.70729 -0.257104 -0.180472 0.789563 -0.586532 0.285217 0.918699 0.273208 -0.58228 0.804605 0.116456 -0.738717 -0.110808 0.664845 0.939025 -0.222655 0.262024 --0.464892 0.858465 0.216597 0.317284 -0.784144 -0.533339 0.135133 -0.713777 -0.687213 -0.199732 0.965371 -0.16783 -0.591054 -0.797923 0.118211 -0.895819 0.422518 -0.137792 --0.976474 0.205573 -0.0650983 -0.985232 0.168897 -0.0281495 0.830002 -0.536817 0.15141 -0.881484 0.336567 0.331224 -0.934465 -0.271554 -0.230288 0.493791 -0.841532 -0.219076 --0.714548 -0.519671 -0.468363 0.429581 -0.801884 -0.415261 0.437341 -0.799514 -0.411716 --0.968303 -0.162936 -0.189316 -0.0718217 -0.655373 -0.751883 0.103111 0.523737 -0.845617 -0.719326 -0.31275 -0.620288 -0.118581 0.783188 -0.610372 -0.500901 0.712981 -0.490669 -0.928063 -0.326783 -0.178641 -0.574786 -0.0334178 -0.817621 -0.35944 0.86132 -0.359069 --0.252345 -0.400784 -0.880735 -0.499005 0.483651 -0.719079 -0.210502 0.834124 -0.50983 --0.40673 0.777216 -0.480111 -0.00439597 0.84073 -0.541437 0.291792 0.827992 -0.478839 -0.302693 0.91365 -0.27133 -0.130404 0.891094 -0.43468 0.0603017 0.983449 -0.170855 --0.186761 -0.832641 -0.521373 -0.679514 -0.434134 -0.591429 0.420585 -0.723185 -0.547825 --0.245572 -0.0731492 -0.966614 -0.661545 0.340598 -0.668095 0.629657 -0.553173 -0.545465 --0.358405 -0.248571 -0.899866 0.891806 -0.452011 -0.0191974 -0.754601 0.0855841 -0.650578 -0.356064 -0.715145 -0.601486 0.995831 -0.0142262 -0.090099 -0.58215 0.429977 -0.690087 --0.724248 0.347639 -0.595493 -0.801478 0.281976 -0.527373 -0.779075 0.302749 -0.548985 --0.898627 0.149771 -0.412357 0.914188 -0.148247 -0.377205 0.992642 -0.0428094 0.113266 -0.0517198 -0.947414 -0.315805 -0.927056 0.0902244 -0.363905 -0.559794 -0.737206 -0.378363 --0.958316 -0.180477 -0.221494 -0.714704 -0.565303 -0.411863 0.646173 0.396238 -0.652269 -0.892075 0.079219 -0.444889 -0.800266 -0.561011 -0.211754 -0.996918 0.0657309 -0.0428246 --0.189974 -0.93027 -0.313859 0.290537 -0.646816 -0.705136 0.490444 -0.759708 -0.426975 -0.901897 0.167689 -0.398073 0.890305 0.39509 -0.22641 0.724946 -0.54371 -0.422885 -0.793386 -0.288132 -0.536207 -0.776237 -0.292262 -0.558605 0.976611 0.213166 0.0281372 -0.842339 0.304002 -0.445025 0.814105 0.306631 -0.493164 0.305038 0.0938579 -0.947704 -0.710796 -0.527646 -0.465143 0.374728 -0.498793 -0.781527 0.242357 -0.73988 -0.627568 --0.867817 0.0565968 -0.49365 0.726207 0.6205 -0.295979 0.927935 0.371065 -0.0353137 -0.652765 -0.293271 -0.698491 0.696431 -0.115888 -0.708204 -0.302605 0.048315 -0.951891 -0.520128 0.779495 -0.349076 0.488382 -0.586761 -0.645906 0.327712 -0.0121375 -0.9447 -0.457791 -0.3689 -0.808913 -0.00402853 -0.739235 -0.673436 0.868894 -0.408891 -0.278983 --0.641868 -0.421128 -0.640825 0.986782 0.150123 -0.0610255 -0.779776 -0.320574 -0.537756 -0.651451 -0.138391 -0.745962 -0.869597 0.0763549 -0.487823 0.710504 0.617323 -0.337781 -0.220767 -0.0229966 -0.975055 -0.0934787 -0.933175 -0.347053 0.0896729 -0.174364 -0.98059 -0.501089 -0.418718 -0.757354 0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 0.171111 -0.841528 -0.512397 -0.556848 -0.556848 -0.616312 0.180093 0 -0.98365 -0.244977 -0.792573 -0.558404 --0.269363 -0.778844 -0.566432 0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 0.286378 -0.266507 -0.920305 -0.217689 0.0473238 -0.97487 0.200596 -0.351042 -0.914621 -0.101472 -0.854825 -0.508898 -0.178932 -0.178932 -0.967454 -0.0207192 -0.361976 -0.931957 0.498923 -0.507459 -0.702539 -0.483004 -0.509034 -0.712455 0.76903 0.587655 0.251507 -0.301348 0.919499 0.252411 --0.0384775 -0.577162 -0.815723 0.082675 -0.277205 -0.957247 0.238274 -0.201616 -0.95004 --0.765755 -0.402021 -0.501995 -0.69594 -0.510917 -0.504609 -0.13824 -0.984957 0.10368 --0.502977 -0.863808 0.0291581 0.545883 -0.745784 0.381862 -0.953289 0.223045 0.203694 --0.850018 0.525734 0.032756 0.409694 -0.594898 -0.691554 -0.674859 -0.503077 0.539887 --0.0078526 -0.753849 -0.657001 0.737376 -0.63715 0.224315 -0.474709 -0.833032 0.284092 -0.279673 -0.619451 -0.733528 0.172541 -0.366033 -0.914467 0.157571 -0.0555251 -0.985945 -0 0.320807 -0.947145 -0.113267 -0.550789 -0.826923 -0.258576 -0.430959 -0.86453 --0.347626 -0.61694 -0.706075 -0.394927 0.668337 0.630364 0.862274 0.485029 -0.145708 -0.210028 0.977087 0.0344973 -0.499032 0.738152 0.453981 -0.786821 0.236416 0.570106 -0.695176 0.283864 -0.660417 -0.176292 0.557082 -0.81153 -0.534678 -0.0379013 -0.844205 -0 -0.542159 -0.840276 -0.302755 -0.513602 -0.802841 -0.291386 -0.388514 -0.874157 -0.278614 -0.767009 -0.577989 -0.228 -0.182875 -0.956333 -0.754886 -0.310732 -0.577575 -0.269663 -0.910112 0.314607 0.833897 -0.551655 -0.0171056 -0.727183 -0.650326 0.219731 -0.930932 0.241584 -0.273865 -0.529984 0.711485 0.461417 -0.849591 0 0.527442 --0.230759 0 0.973011 0.0269059 0.666241 0.745251 -0.281486 0.910101 0.304109 --0.327088 -0.727603 -0.602998 -0.0227522 -0.712902 -0.700894 0.66698 -0.618231 -0.415847 -0.478994 -0.319329 -0.817676 -0.427317 -0.0899615 -0.899615 -0.0149172 -0.615334 -0.788125 -0.0405642 -0.699732 -0.713253 0.329685 0.576949 -0.747287 -0.29226 0.670479 -0.68194 --0.0274813 -0.659552 -0.751156 -0.135381 -0.631778 -0.763235 -0.185869 -0.430745 -0.883126 --0.888935 -0.146262 -0.434054 0.968516 0.0131871 0.248601 0.562413 -0.788051 -0.250335 --0.161129 -0.986917 -0.00559477 -0.547542 -0.752558 0.365861 0.74427 0.0636547 0.664838 --0.488658 0.730359 0.477273 0.614369 -0.78882 -0.0176979 -0.570599 -0.570599 -0.59062 --0.380847 -0.914032 -0.139644 0.861457 -0.267811 -0.431473 -0.909721 0.1077 -0.40101 --0.128373 -0.826398 -0.548258 0.714629 -0.691576 0.105017 -0.0867184 -0.552259 0.82915 --0.997986 0.0608753 0.0178322 0.459158 -0.880053 0.121167 0.313637 -0.947183 0.0669092 --0.357703 -0.933826 0.00422068 0.561474 -0.827436 -0.00985042 0.911792 -0.293076 -0.287649 -0.102258 0.2876 0.952276 0.641782 -0.187839 0.743527 -0.586427 -0.662095 -0.466619 --0.970237 -0.222192 -0.0962831 0.213508 0.781899 0.585703 0.713906 0.695119 0.0845415 --0.381851 0.575194 0.723423 -0.309021 0.0457809 0.949953 -0.393099 0.48295 -0.782453 -0.634537 -0.625066 0.454594 0.953295 -0.120956 0.276763 0.873406 0.291135 0.390386 --0.280131 0.931437 0.232276 0.204539 0.562482 0.801111 -0.097859 0.831801 -0.546379 -0.907674 0 -0.419677 0.819948 0.571479 -0.0331292 -0.720129 -0.49272 0.488509 --0.537713 -0.778958 0.322628 0.668143 -0.348287 0.657481 -0.687771 0.723042 0.0646623 --0.0484929 0.994104 0.0969857 0.808223 -0.528712 -0.259305 -0.791052 0.566536 -0.230811 -0.752408 -0.165439 0.637583 -0.824815 -0.045823 0.563543 -0.940138 -0.197126 0.277998 -0.772106 -0.292395 -0.564231 0.667928 0.742142 -0.0556606 -0.836563 0.497088 0.230358 -0.186484 -0.959063 -0.213125 0.0693341 -0.990487 -0.118858 0.472632 0.836734 0.276577 --0.0268747 -0.698743 -0.714868 0.924193 -0.370082 0.0943742 -0.969623 -0.102912 0.221904 -0.248282 -0.910366 0.331042 0.948932 -0.199775 -0.24417 -0.365232 0.896478 -0.250866 --0.738858 -0.577498 -0.347254 -0.693041 -0.713791 -0.100982 -0.624894 -0.621727 -0.472189 -0.695174 -0.695174 -0.18294 -0.991053 -0.125374 -0.0457715 0.58828 -0.788073 -0.181294 --0.595792 -0.746726 -0.295689 -0.759902 -0.597864 -0.255163 0.591665 0.792456 -0.148139 --0.137568 -0.792204 -0.594548 -0.176128 -0.401005 -0.898985 0.393653 -0.719251 -0.572465 -0.55508 -0.80699 -0.201625 -0.0898359 0.285728 -0.954091 0.0976536 -0.19194 -0.976536 -0.427482 -0.61799 -0.659809 0.578262 -0.813487 -0.0620733 -0.255468 -0.271109 -0.928028 --0.523024 0.156704 -0.837789 0.683384 -0.416816 -0.599375 -0.395116 0.531363 -0.749358 --0.301731 0.484682 -0.821001 0.845864 -0.510983 -0.153006 0.819229 -0.569405 0.0681339 -0.709237 0.164138 -0.685596 0.207528 0.6127 -0.762581 0.923431 -0.310708 -0.225245 --0.162754 0.787458 -0.594492 0.652019 0.0197582 -0.757945 0.768873 -0.253047 -0.587198 --0.621695 0.321359 -0.714299 0.591213 -0.564986 -0.57555 -0.160851 0.0419611 -0.986086 -0.628373 -0.265136 -0.731334 0.729737 -0.367285 -0.576702 0.112827 -0.126101 -0.98558 --0.664376 0.408847 -0.625659 -0.410122 0.31638 -0.855397 -0.337348 0.363297 -0.868454 -0.685398 -0.602109 -0.409504 -0.697605 0.379467 -0.607743 -0.0654955 -0.688832 -0.721956 --0.871567 -0.0234853 -0.489713 0.670593 -0.741681 -0.0146125 -0.865168 0.146297 -0.479668 --0.8769 0.10167 -0.469798 -0.847356 -0.194703 -0.494043 -0.829636 0.173678 -0.530603 --0.901618 -0.0424442 -0.430445 -0.886804 -0.0928051 -0.452732 -0.811178 -0.0201535 -0.584451 --0.85455 0.278911 -0.438125 -0.661704 0.676585 -0.323081 -0.429258 -0.520739 -0.737949 --0.422608 -0.808144 -0.410251 -0.777924 0.0138915 -0.628205 -0.868429 0.0315543 -0.494808 --0.761754 -0.364631 -0.535514 0.807114 -0.417473 -0.417473 -0.609969 -0.738179 -0.288149 --0.949876 -0.0166645 -0.312182 -0.959867 0.157535 -0.232029 0.883655 -0.294552 -0.363858 --0.758329 -0.262279 -0.59678 -0.711843 -0.4919 -0.501312 -0.153665 -0.881345 -0.446786 -0.652715 -0.141231 -0.744324 -0.298263 -0.742896 -0.599287 -0.894969 0.444145 -0.0420212 --0.424483 -0.849683 -0.312815 -0.0522991 -0.780217 -0.623319 0.73675 -0.0437674 -0.674747 -0.845535 0.431687 -0.314192 -0.801317 0.489281 -0.34423 -0.927278 0.161833 -0.337588 -0.754098 0.324301 -0.571109 0.756034 0.574219 -0.314142 -0.459049 -0.86686 -0.194495 -0.776158 -0.0757228 -0.625975 -0.960802 0.277236 0 -0.725056 -0.28665 -0.6262 -0.717335 -0.531622 -0.450343 -0.812963 -0.0150549 -0.582121 -0.792509 -0.074795 -0.605256 --0.644503 -0.245979 -0.723954 -0.565292 0.0699885 -0.821916 -0.480075 -0.801048 -0.357561 -0.508248 -0.512954 -0.691782 -0.871898 -0.272468 -0.406886 0.520541 -0.362801 -0.772924 -0.522675 -0.441918 -0.729053 -0.662861 -0.628622 -0.406755 -0.758493 -0.204926 -0.618623 --0.537976 -0.37459 -0.755158 0.932353 0.346853 -0.10203 -0.816905 -0.00464811 -0.576753 --0.383825 0.119945 -0.915583 -0.292393 -0.247722 -0.923656 -0.475811 -0.254623 -0.841885 -0.943693 0.321587 0.0776246 -0.0446794 -0.854494 -0.517537 0.238988 0.942297 0.234436 --0.780142 0.61709 0.102848 0.825891 -0.560899 0.0574149 0.0991213 0.429526 0.897598 --0.964809 -0.244802 0.0960009 0.411222 -0.712785 -0.568185 0.242342 -0.693802 -0.678167 --0.163558 -0.906226 -0.389877 0.260388 -0.698313 -0.666751 -0.564163 -0.57856 -0.589057 --0.00563318 0.9982 0.0597117 -0.996706 -0.0699794 -0.0409879 -0.368071 0.926019 -0.0837409 -0.21344 -0.649488 -0.729801 -0.420871 -0.899368 -0.118338 0.97701 0.212449 -0.0178101 -0.214514 -0.477185 -0.85222 0.0847024 -0.0889375 -0.992429 -0.450341 -0.378696 -0.808568 --0.172528 -0.73739 -0.653062 -0.80767 -0.560697 0.182449 -0.302778 0.43692 -0.847011 --0.29517 -0.361763 -0.884309 -0.716899 0.109357 -0.688547 -0.00174721 -0.676172 -0.736742 -0.111441 0.984393 0.136205 0.677331 0.727815 -0.107279 0.523706 0.851896 -0.00232758 --0.55464 0.741248 0.378054 -0.961 0.0864778 0.262681 0.572965 -0.791734 -0.211823 --0.625792 -0.727271 -0.281888 -0.366019 -0.524073 -0.76901 0.299987 -0.784325 -0.542994 -0.0899026 -0.70124 -0.707234 -0.726774 -0.34349 -0.594823 -0.540466 -0.493469 -0.681458 --0.100363 -0.451634 -0.886541 0.908532 0.345828 -0.23446 -0.889587 -0.167233 0.425051 -0.111754 -0.621633 -0.775295 -0.349217 -0.133035 -0.92755 0.236301 0.843931 0.481603 -0.512517 0.772843 0.374219 -0.999969 -0.00476176 0.00634901 0.567379 -0.756505 -0.32524 --0.532288 -0.846394 -0.0169279 -0.476215 -0.878352 -0.0414483 0.632215 0.12772 0.764193 --0.0429579 0.948003 0.31535 0.956566 -0.206483 -0.205781 0.873818 0.484142 -0.0452653 --0.636874 0.770953 0.00474862 -0.506477 0.569787 -0.647166 -0.0814436 -0.977323 0.195465 --0.141925 -0.978539 -0.149395 0.415453 -0.909612 0.00232467 0.9282 -0.330592 0.170745 -0.882775 0.396348 0.252222 -0.809829 0.583077 0.0647864 -0.910695 0.395136 0.120423 -0.862701 0.38634 0.326326 0.988963 -0.0830152 0.122718 0.381722 0.819996 0.426492 --0.702105 0.706334 0.0902303 -0.635553 -0.566701 -0.524331 0.188958 0.6771 0.711218 -0.93302 0.0222148 0.359139 0.675939 -0.692629 0.251739 -0.72403 0.686661 0.0653963 --0.915396 0.349515 0.199723 -0.48367 -0.860083 -0.162235 0.862666 0.342529 0.37213 --0.851916 0.523678 -0.000835212 0.808312 -0.5819 0.0895773 0.618689 -0.471382 0.628509 --0.749072 0.650357 0.1262 0.10313 0.980641 0.166456 0.682158 -0.731202 -0.00222927 --0.951088 -0.118595 -0.285249 0.77083 -0.632254 0.0779491 0.211129 0.889759 0.404664 --0.542737 0.839349 0.0305026 0.789355 -0.612946 -0.0348831 -0.802624 -0.526311 -0.280699 -0.696452 -0.712102 -0.0886867 -0.972939 -0.023615 -0.229853 -0.531443 0.77455 0.342988 -0.590401 -0.801961 -0.0910202 0.868927 0.463428 -0.173785 0.981048 -0.151578 -0.120701 --0.80975 0.563304 -0.164297 0.649936 -0.747776 -0.135695 -0.919676 -0.326727 -0.217818 -0.832367 -0.542793 -0.111985 -0.887132 -0.3314 -0.321203 -0.919632 0.386829 -0.0681209 --0.918796 0.350723 0.181125 0.186736 -0.982362 0.00968799 -0.859083 0.501132 0.104131 --0.961772 0.225352 0.1556 0.277818 -0.884901 -0.373854 0.662087 -0.735246 -0.145098 --0.650969 -0.754723 -0.0814409 -0.647192 -0.616373 -0.448583 0.804875 -0.593398 -0.00736487 -0.120998 0.992372 0.0236056 -0.193053 0.978683 0.0700657 -0.676753 0.104116 -0.728811 --0.239465 -0.810878 -0.533979 -0.580163 0.463296 -0.669901 -0.60503 0.537085 -0.587774 --0.518402 0.439682 -0.733443 -0.562085 0.436355 -0.702606 -0.608176 0.351391 -0.711791 --0.683912 0.254025 -0.683912 -0.479149 0.199326 -0.854801 -0.272635 0.576555 -0.77023 --0.215907 0.663423 -0.716418 -0.394579 0.506252 -0.766823 -0.406585 0.609878 -0.680248 -0.297571 0.732482 -0.612309 -0.0874499 0.911977 -0.400812 -0.522842 0.692766 -0.4967 --0.814067 0.323509 -0.482323 0.826154 -0.56344 0.00224542 -0.489245 0.462437 -0.739453 -0.77798 -0.430456 -0.457661 -0.566856 0.474453 -0.673475 -0.708262 0.397687 -0.583275 -0.806212 -0.58939 0.0514062 -0.817192 0.498769 -0.288835 -0.679102 0.469527 -0.564239 --0.773952 0.348278 -0.528867 -0.910986 0.0700759 -0.40644 -0.978773 -0.13328 -0.155691 --0.78692 0.041236 -0.615676 0.955127 -0.267503 0.127183 -0.70305 0.212241 -0.67873 --0.572229 0.171218 -0.802022 -0.407421 0 -0.913241 -0.531609 -0.182043 -0.827195 --0.770144 0.0738629 -0.633579 -0.823196 -0.00460744 -0.567739 -0.800541 0.198299 -0.56552 --0.464681 0.52922 -0.709929 -0.445637 0.728326 -0.520527 -0.844319 0.360537 -0.396407 --0.803115 -0.473484 -0.361689 -0.760715 -0.41624 -0.498053 -0.900008 0.133334 -0.414979 -0.525763 -0.126183 -0.84122 -0.747258 0.161173 -0.644693 -0.551081 -0.76919 -0.323507 --0.572163 -0.754913 -0.320525 -0.897505 -0.110123 -0.427034 0.742705 -0.553222 -0.377274 --0.167768 -0.894763 -0.413828 0.59585 -0.546195 -0.588756 -0.554865 -0.615994 -0.559175 --0.566758 -0.775831 -0.277257 -0.204349 -0.819952 -0.534714 0.666597 -0.367943 -0.64828 -0.812309 0.445752 -0.376111 -0.420328 -0.754858 -0.503501 0.492021 0.00531915 -0.870567 -0.852066 0.41589 -0.317834 0.792062 0.517678 -0.323493 0.593697 -0.521295 -0.613005 --0.705055 -0.236478 -0.668562 -0.620622 0.404258 -0.671866 -0.822447 0.568842 0 -0.11671 0.729157 -0.674322 -0.331979 0.799635 -0.500373 -0.803889 0.500019 -0.322092 -0.798379 -0.0523527 -0.599875 0.369866 0.156217 -0.915858 -0.619742 0.236812 -0.748225 -0.147107 0.249524 -0.95713 -0.94483 -0.181092 -0.272951 0.797186 -0.028269 -0.603072 -0.656777 -0.402486 -0.637691 0.314249 -0.196992 -0.928677 0.42417 -0.24661 -0.871357 --0.3767 0.219742 -0.899895 0.149819 -0.301842 -0.941512 -0.636536 -0.642656 -0.426397 -0.392456 -0.364706 -0.844374 0.453076 -0.372224 -0.810044 -0.601956 -0.566373 -0.562913 --0.769846 -0.60387 -0.206587 -0.648616 -0.253806 -0.717551 -0.482492 0.516685 -0.707275 -0.579276 -0.177645 -0.795539 -0.416049 0.462771 -0.782781 -0.664953 0.31518 -0.677125 --0.309773 -0.937782 -0.156861 -0.28769 -0.939543 -0.185724 -0.654088 -0.735849 -0.175202 -0.821154 0.186192 -0.539479 -0.743262 -0.408794 -0.529574 0.532575 -0.282284 -0.797922 --0.264237 -0.397348 -0.878802 0.0706018 -0.600115 -0.796792 -0.778534 -0.257697 -0.572256 --0.0263625 -0.254837 -0.966624 0.156417 -0.449142 -0.879662 -0.72083 -0.511382 -0.46786 --0.449142 -0.156417 -0.879662 -0.55333 0.166757 -0.816099 -0.372586 -0.62904 -0.682267 --0.165314 -0.521468 -0.837104 -0.0278004 -0.185336 -0.982282 -0.2608 0.587367 -0.766148 -0.411074 -0.88683 -0.211069 0 0.211055 -0.977474 0.40504 0.495825 -0.76818 -0.272106 0.705253 -0.654658 0.880827 0.463391 0.0970186 -0.901997 0.43139 -0.0174299 --0.100298 0.254602 -0.961831 0.712622 -0.698888 0.0610383 -0.762781 -0.642749 0.0709864 -0.542105 -0.496929 -0.677631 -0.506658 -0.608718 -0.610541 -0.1159 -0.321207 -0.93989 -0.477504 0.187591 -0.85837 0.384429 -0.242307 -0.890787 0.598357 -0.295391 -0.74479 --0.294199 -0.501868 -0.813373 0.663932 0.165983 -0.729139 0.814149 0.32566 -0.480736 --0.721139 -0.655581 -0.22399 0.247493 -0.489361 0.836226 0.87133 -0.483522 -0.0836124 --0.163022 0.984484 -0.0649265 -0.905469 0.347303 0.243939 -0.847847 0.520966 0.0987452 -0.292962 -0.404503 -0.866343 0.0265558 -0.68455 -0.728482 0 -0.73366 -0.679517 --0.26173 -0.628348 -0.732582 -0.00576413 -0.201744 -0.979421 0.782567 -0.146079 -0.605185 -0.677627 -0.511417 -0.528464 0.53679 -0.84314 -0.0311772 0.00518468 -0.995459 0.0950525 --0.18027 -0.755749 -0.62956 0.131033 -0.512738 -0.848487 0 -0.263428 -0.964679 -0.0960711 -0.148345 -0.984258 0.242487 -0.664796 -0.706573 -0.196046 -0.844506 -0.498373 -0.125768 -0.440786 -0.888758 -0.244309 -0.745455 -0.620169 -0.228088 -0.740599 -0.632051 --0.122469 0.35652 -0.926226 0.257634 -0.434757 -0.862908 0.00588786 -0.812524 -0.582898 --0.25625 -0.318246 -0.912719 0.02465 0 -0.999696 0.686449 0.171612 -0.706638 --0.77205 0.353728 -0.528029 0.409933 -0.625121 -0.664213 0.471881 -0.434815 -0.766984 --0.0935671 -0.340244 -0.935671 0.13288 0 -0.991132 0.225659 0.0569847 -0.972538 -0.166533 -0.313345 -0.934923 0.463903 -0.746279 -0.477349 -0.807694 0.472775 -0.352298 -0.616546 0.784695 0.0642236 0.0344266 -0.496727 -0.867224 0.226224 -0.690792 -0.686752 -0.00989547 -0.951202 -0.308409 -0.668022 -0.276926 -0.690694 0.255987 0.252662 0.933077 -0.455952 0.237345 0.857773 -0.265447 0.245028 0.932469 -0.0574943 0.767959 0.637913 -0.904957 -0.0530101 0.422187 0.654389 0.75029 0.0940213 0.150119 -0.850672 -0.503807 -0.34337 0.587598 0.732684 0.0545363 -0.96711 0.248443 -0.830342 0.556603 0.0269394 -0.674611 0.732767 0.0891727 0.819487 0.569374 0.0652255 0.891889 -0.445384 -0.0785311 --0.482966 -0.0817328 -0.871816 -0.975184 -0.0872116 0.203494 -0.0860946 0.941769 0.325051 -0.805688 -0.591934 0.0219235 0.343258 0.86368 0.369094 -0.966533 0.250162 0.0568549 -0.591278 0.743866 0.311534 0.743494 0.650557 0.154895 0.943002 0.189716 -0.273415 -0.874134 -0.277382 -0.398683 0.67779 -0.550704 -0.487161 0.33154 0.754817 0.565979 -0.626842 -0.676591 0.386386 -0.598319 0.800793 0.0272997 0 -0.871576 -0.490261 -0.0722282 -0.967055 -0.244105 -0.139767 -0.941485 -0.306711 0.828475 0.555684 -0.0696009 -0.903477 -0.424268 -0.0610457 -0.954305 0.183792 -0.235631 -0.946472 -0.165543 -0.277104 -0.62114 0.763484 0.176852 -0.669754 0.740255 0.0587504 -0.827886 0.454002 -0.329374 -0.854212 -0.51096 0.0961315 0.763126 0.457875 0.456058 -0.639139 0.768489 0.0304352 --0.726498 0.687076 -0.0112635 0.827618 -0.529078 0.187416 -0.0556839 0.997249 0.0489344 -0.238792 0.878661 0.413442 -0.898035 0.436249 -0.0567479 0.0794507 -0.979177 -0.186817 -0.477464 -0.878192 -0.0284204 0.248372 -0.931394 0.266113 -0.953889 -0.0260367 -0.299027 -0.065624 -0.976008 -0.20761 -0.4787 -0.656139 -0.583376 0.793964 -0.53758 -0.283952 -0.870715 -0.477104 -0.119276 -0.904923 0.3541 -0.236067 0.971278 -0.182912 0.152191 -0.823809 -0.566067 0.03011 0.796188 -0.60419 0.0322235 -0.974865 -0.162277 -0.152661 -0.970984 0.192592 0.141769 0.931307 0.347631 -0.108724 -0.205526 0.976251 0.0685088 --0.798314 -0.434083 0.417452 -0.417846 -0.473559 -0.775337 0.78154 -0.623635 -0.0165593 -0.828034 -0.520319 -0.208873 -0.473877 -0.880563 -0.00707279 -0.745437 -0.64853 0.154057 -0.550147 -0.696653 -0.460449 -0.926113 0.356864 -0.122326 -0.863385 0.400411 -0.306981 --0.864079 0.29614 -0.407023 0.347919 -0.748956 -0.56393 0.167435 -0.771399 -0.61393 --0.879002 0.355188 0.318115 -0.536021 -0.716349 -0.446684 0.645486 -0.761253 -0.0619761 -0.403714 -0.847329 -0.345034 -0.246641 -0.44043 -0.863243 -0.693521 0.709105 -0.127275 --0.825708 -0.324556 -0.461378 0.982818 0.0530375 -0.176792 0.746583 -0.584152 -0.318403 --0.510715 -0.2293 -0.828608 0.906152 0.247132 -0.34324 0.122792 -0.960899 -0.248184 -0.310242 0.916184 0.253688 -0.708175 -0.465174 -0.531132 0.978202 -0.145819 -0.147844 --0.945683 0.282989 -0.160002 -0.494376 -0.861905 -0.112752 -0.539 -0.842296 0.00404395 -0.449857 0.878736 -0.159535 0.528707 0.827357 0.189603 0.537905 0.815755 0.212607 -0.064815 0.914355 0.399693 0.0703927 0.240253 0.968155 0.493916 0.631321 0.597898 --0.61754 -0.782218 -0.0823387 -0.810859 0.548522 -0.20404 -0.36257 0.611997 -0.702854 --0.778382 0.555209 -0.293027 -0.353858 0.234048 -0.905542 -0.697202 0.312684 -0.645088 --0.3748 0.3748 -0.847968 0.0431331 0.539164 -0.841096 -0.116571 0.657874 -0.744052 --0.249592 0.660891 -0.707762 0.0597491 0.336768 -0.93969 -0.577712 0.659838 -0.480483 --0.60388 0.530683 -0.594731 -0.150688 0.539966 -0.828088 -0.369478 -0.383689 -0.846326 --0.707931 0.353966 -0.611181 -0.306082 0.83371 -0.459609 -0.465637 0.456639 -0.758066 -0.153931 0.262965 -0.952447 0.213066 0.319599 -0.923287 -0.309679 0.424909 -0.850618 --0.0362285 -0.00905712 -0.999303 -0.771425 0.115714 -0.625711 -0.810519 0.0457551 -0.583922 --0.451093 0.663373 -0.597035 -0.312808 0.904909 -0.288603 -0.799353 0.583714 -0.14252 --0.593688 -0.604582 -0.531051 -0.716216 -0.648564 -0.257681 0.389333 -0.449012 -0.804243 -0.574993 0.146991 -0.804846 -0.631734 -0.539535 -0.556609 0.696127 0.126568 -0.706674 --0.661887 0.625641 -0.412891 0.134114 -0.560673 -0.817104 0.833614 0 -0.552348 --0.890851 0.234503 -0.389092 -0.912051 -0.343773 -0.223569 -0.879735 -0.149288 -0.45142 -0.516374 0.344249 -0.784124 -0.539225 -0.644543 -0.542034 -0.555452 -0.336169 -0.760567 --0.551223 0.045306 -0.833127 0.344184 -0.251519 -0.904586 -0.379469 0.236316 -0.894516 --0.0505197 0.523332 -0.85063 -0.428999 0.712708 -0.554983 -0.423668 0.738436 -0.524612 -0.414105 -0.164673 -0.895209 -0.699193 0 -0.714933 -0.503052 0.220748 -0.835589 --0.193854 0.693313 -0.694073 -0.749304 -0.194264 -0.633092 -0.559887 0.352447 -0.749872 -0.121946 0.858652 -0.497842 -0.782248 -0.349631 -0.515603 0.913806 -0.214453 -0.344917 --0.997963 0 -0.0637986 -0.934474 0.254436 -0.249039 -0.970636 0.23386 -0.0563426 --0.615577 -0.685302 -0.389135 -0.560925 -0.362052 -0.744501 0.307347 -0.53607 -0.786236 --0.669301 0 -0.742992 0.401257 -0.517128 -0.756023 0.395116 -0.531363 -0.749358 --0.632136 -0.102429 -0.768058 0.805925 -0.0215323 -0.591627 0.519204 -0.705333 -0.482631 --0.672804 -0.067374 -0.736747 0.553892 0.568681 -0.608116 -0.71218 0.0727614 -0.698216 --0.363524 -0.813978 -0.453088 0.561699 -0.27675 -0.779682 0.404642 -0.617612 -0.674404 -0.542029 -0.496095 -0.678302 0.17444 -0.0847279 -0.981016 -0.570814 -0.32865 -0.752436 --0.303507 0.360772 -0.881888 -0.410297 -0.776689 -0.477923 0.407867 -0.210306 -0.888491 -0.372813 0.135367 -0.917979 -0.317082 0.018119 -0.948225 -0.831034 0.0494128 -0.554023 -0.55003 -0.523838 -0.650432 -0.305021 -0.570503 -0.762554 -0.833039 -0.183966 -0.521731 --0.421117 -0.197667 -0.885205 -0.902386 -0.374105 -0.213882 -0.347955 -0.665913 -0.659914 --0.960518 -0.274434 -0.0457389 -0.968183 -0.212205 0.132628 0.238512 -0.0226325 -0.970876 -0.422694 -0.422694 -0.801661 0.380996 -0.627881 -0.678681 -0.864546 -0.364306 0.346181 --0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 -0.290911 -0.661823 -0.690914 0.0875772 -0.860865 -0.50124 -0.683175 -0.704524 -0.192143 -0.564599 -0.793711 0.226385 0 0.175069 -0.984556 --0.37607 -0.75214 -0.541162 -0.455337 -0.610873 -0.64769 -0.578046 -0.611896 -0.539857 --0.454739 0 -0.890625 0.321236 0.470648 -0.821766 0.309639 0.379102 -0.872012 --0.174146 0.245853 -0.953535 0.270138 -0.433858 -0.85953 0.0202675 0.668827 -0.743141 -0.0359715 0.373359 -0.926989 -0.315727 -0.315727 -0.894781 -0.380819 -0.635748 -0.671417 --0.423972 0.527501 -0.7362 -0.641047 -0.166119 -0.749308 -0.54974 -0.66345 -0.507562 --0.87643 -0.316259 -0.363112 0.256253 -0.169224 -0.951682 -0.82949 -0.49722 -0.254398 -0.660376 -0.23983 -0.711607 -0.115367 -0.195076 -0.973979 0.00509622 -0.225508 -0.974228 --0.23051 -0.669224 -0.706403 -0.501724 -0.666412 -0.551514 0.495783 -0.452462 -0.741268 -0.156365 -0.721412 -0.674621 -0.133386 -0.306152 -0.942592 -0.356597 -0.662251 -0.658986 -0.735799 0.674674 -0.0584333 -0.63828 0.760538 -0.119082 -0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 --0.492528 -0.379489 -0.783201 0.325622 0.842744 -0.428664 0.107415 0.747668 -0.655328 --0.81243 -0.183011 -0.553593 -0.983947 -0.178461 0 -0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 -0.082675 -0.277205 -0.957247 -0.14805 -0.345451 -0.926685 0.536267 0.701781 -0.468958 -0.312591 0.842878 -0.437999 -0.0678658 0.729558 -0.680544 -0.83351 -0.176319 -0.523615 --0.0240081 -0.970826 0.23858 -0.976271 -0.21639 0.00838721 0.121592 -0.688336 -0.715128 -0.253107 -0.523776 -0.813385 -0.221956 -0.635875 -0.739188 -0.0115213 -0.724692 -0.688976 -0.386263 0.920088 -0.0651006 0.222209 0.96929 -0.105358 -0.0538851 0.948377 -0.312533 --0.515738 0.055012 -0.854979 -0.427164 -0.768895 -0.475743 0.872329 -0.187977 -0.45134 --0.696362 0.666457 -0.266298 0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 -0.135512 -0.597534 -0.79031 --0.12771 -0.989754 -0.0638551 -0.14718 -0.987332 -0.0592808 -0.18581 -0.854396 -0.485264 -0.170756 -0.282894 -0.943829 -0.260393 -0.791765 -0.552542 -0.388232 0.522619 0.759042 -0.638935 -0.0418974 0.768119 -0.537887 0.758559 0.367786 0.00162546 -0.831423 -0.555637 -0.697849 0.536807 -0.474179 0.509548 -0.774121 0.375629 0.502088 -0.793742 -0.343339 -0.761545 -0.598772 -0.248035 0.718602 -0.617745 -0.319378 -0.655845 -0.139119 -0.741966 --0.526761 -0.325527 -0.78521 -0.760006 0.313617 -0.569241 0.792057 0.243343 0.559848 -0.27298 0.961115 0.0417052 -0.135909 0.96431 0.227235 -0.455563 0.754413 0.472571 -0.0211604 0.921441 -0.387941 -0.545395 0.253523 -0.798918 -0.807688 -0.264334 -0.527037 --0.401322 0.825934 0.395947 0.974495 -0.0417342 0.220496 0.984002 -0.127601 0.124329 -0.689761 0.720147 0.074952 0.398757 0.806309 0.436873 0.399496 0.559294 0.726356 -0.105949 0.994286 -0.0130398 0.676602 0.67255 0.299811 -0.109824 0.93223 -0.344797 --0.850381 -0.390716 -0.35241 0.274537 0.137269 0.951728 0.747409 0 0.664364 -0.944553 0.280813 -0.17019 -0.691431 -0.718024 -0.0797805 0.412394 -0.830269 0.374945 -0.0349829 -0.988267 0.148677 -0.17372 -0.978318 0.112766 -0.550285 -0.822469 -0.143981 -0.597449 0.74922 0.285876 0.700209 -0.65902 0.274592 -0.284758 0.801629 0.525646 --0.542715 -0.50395 0.671933 0.934404 -0.0133486 -0.355964 -0.610997 -0.73741 -0.287941 -0.936698 0.342018 -0.0749769 0.852352 -0.437889 -0.285919 -0.499767 0.866067 -0.0126647 --0.971465 0.124172 0.202084 0.603574 0.720053 0.342378 0.888564 -0.458445 -0.0167852 -0.955239 -0.114 0.272988 -0.278246 0.924176 0.261684 0.348285 0.868507 0.352693 --0.375022 0.912919 0.16105 -0.6494 -0.684822 -0.330604 0.754167 -0.270397 -0.598429 --0.16011 -0.936841 -0.310957 -0.564127 -0.798593 -0.209785 -0.838848 0.522174 0.153845 -0.509181 -0.86066 -0.000343577 0.56089 -0.820125 0.113121 -0.749457 0.356538 0.557848 -0.757747 -0.652537 0.00394044 -0.855023 0.510462 0.0914577 0.317331 -0.769286 0.554527 --0.641643 0.641643 0.420224 0.706267 -0.462727 -0.535789 -0.0413064 -0.888088 -0.457813 --0.275058 -0.933038 0.231911 -0.854788 -0.518817 0.012922 0.153124 -0.922995 -0.353035 -0.577741 -0.812855 -0.0740391 0.396683 -0.895789 0.200509 0.70818 -0.682192 0.181918 -0.428481 -0.895219 0.122423 -0.476731 0.800909 0.362316 -0.473672 0.879163 -0.0520321 -0.258292 0.926072 0.275092 0.25796 -0.51592 -0.816874 -0.742338 0.652228 -0.153402 --0.631057 0.308815 -0.711618 0.759959 -0.643043 0.094647 -0.43105 0.826179 -0.3628 -0.781053 -0.574353 -0.245103 0.325906 -0.422797 -0.845593 -0.145221 -0.875773 -0.460361 --0.250892 -0.802855 -0.540812 0.972572 -0.0342254 -0.230071 0.25179 -0.795428 -0.551268 --0.129511 -0.647553 -0.750934 0.485874 -0.85679 -0.172735 -0.682432 -0.554476 -0.476281 -0.944536 0.277064 0.176313 -0.862268 0.22419 0.454128 -0.964739 0.0639285 0.255327 --0.931844 -0.362605 -0.013577 -0.594279 -0.772562 -0.223562 0.840345 -0.541131 0.0315954 -0.337175 -0.937691 -0.083952 -0.196653 0.947336 0.252749 0.567186 0.823586 0.00258989 --0.154528 0.881383 0.446415 -0.151051 0.868543 0.472034 0.219365 0.877462 -0.426544 -0.668805 0.622144 -0.406986 -0.600171 0.493881 0.629187 0.237233 0.964443 0.116487 --0.864581 0.432291 -0.256172 0.743713 0.131362 0.655465 0.987282 -0.0806346 0.137013 --0.110199 0.539397 0.834809 -0.184052 0.94071 -0.28494 -0.806674 -0.235797 0.541919 --0.824177 0.524476 0.213675 -0.79624 0.498977 -0.342088 0.18834 0.690065 -0.698813 --0.0866422 0.880174 -0.466676 -0.647615 0.674422 -0.354612 0.766549 -0.618904 0.171349 --0.874694 0.35783 -0.326906 0.500186 0.0218937 -0.865641 -0.428552 0.220262 -0.876258 --0.633891 0.465654 -0.617534 0.317038 0.462008 -0.828273 0.45888 0.209489 -0.863449 --0.172331 0.623042 -0.762969 -0.436479 0.421808 -0.79471 -0.436819 0.422177 -0.794327 --0.204932 0.63529 -0.744587 -0.551799 0.469195 -0.689474 -0.0814733 0.537724 -0.839175 -0.0705667 0.650782 -0.755978 0.0268041 0.830926 -0.555737 -0.403932 0.580653 -0.706881 --0.45241 0.407383 -0.793325 -0.706872 -0.115358 -0.697872 0.312871 0.368741 -0.875295 --0.781045 0.292892 -0.551528 -0.643803 0.366898 -0.671493 -0.55345 0.675872 -0.486713 --0.674034 0.26364 -0.690052 -0.620867 0.46565 -0.630629 -0.648835 0.511203 -0.563635 -0.414562 0.910015 -0.00337042 -0.370703 0 -0.928751 -0.160067 0.101506 -0.981873 -0.535569 -0.494819 -0.684339 0.619153 -0.755367 -0.21464 -0.649905 -0.400235 -0.646093 -0.720422 -0.432253 -0.542355 0.408888 -0.713695 -0.568726 -0.712135 -0.577994 -0.39848 -0.83064 -0.139465 -0.539061 -0.202699 -0.719788 -0.663942 0.873608 -0.0513887 -0.48391 --0.943873 -0.330306 -0.00130685 0.917684 0 -0.397311 -0.936431 -0.211366 -0.280038 --0.635925 0.236485 -0.734626 -0.786572 -0.0172602 -0.617258 -0.806092 0.307588 -0.505575 --0.625074 0 -0.780565 -0.0319201 0.516273 -0.855829 -0.0713707 0.0356854 -0.996811 --0.537102 -0.559349 -0.631387 -0.3801 0.471936 -0.795488 -0.749884 -0.326389 -0.575451 --0.735108 -0.385716 -0.557529 -0.736127 0.114607 -0.66707 -0.65306 -0.483595 -0.582794 -0.477285 0.369327 -0.797369 -0.747115 -0.0498077 -0.662826 -0.205603 0.699771 -0.68414 --0.364781 0.674051 -0.642331 -0.522794 -0.459039 -0.71831 0.185773 0 -0.982593 --0.882847 0.0509335 -0.46689 0.671071 0.0447381 -0.740042 -0.52554 -0.21146 -0.824071 --0.497897 -0.342304 -0.796823 -0.436782 -0.288301 -0.852117 0 -0.185408 -0.982662 --0.723993 -0.00559789 -0.689784 -0.454739 0 -0.890625 -0.297124 0 -0.954839 -0.22072 0.839394 -0.496689 -0.258042 0.642919 -0.721158 -0.402083 0.467097 -0.787496 -0.133029 0.768613 -0.62573 0.131468 0.821464 -0.5549 -0.278108 0.661446 -0.696523 --0.835613 -0.33955 -0.431807 -0.151789 -0.893317 -0.423019 -0.863961 -0.2239 -0.451044 --0.839578 -0.423524 -0.340199 0.867114 -0.00530345 -0.498082 -0.904054 0.138161 -0.404472 -0.180169 -0.750704 -0.635596 0.0305688 -0.730056 -0.682704 -0.423027 -0.687823 -0.58987 --0.492764 0.236527 -0.8374 0.822643 -0.364328 -0.43649 0.0683147 -0.959512 -0.273259 --0.997079 -0.0487461 0.0587908 0.0222418 -0.578286 -0.815531 -0.76425 -0.390849 -0.51299 --0.5314 -0.442833 -0.722159 -0.177164 -0.500682 -0.847308 0.547588 -0.305631 -0.778933 -0.474633 -0.870765 -0.128421 0.397145 -0.723829 -0.564223 -0.0380044 -0.547264 -0.836097 -0.395116 -0.531363 -0.749358 -0.11476 -0.774954 -0.621511 0.0101811 -0.897637 -0.440617 -0.883631 -0.239682 -0.402181 0.978105 -0.204513 0.0385314 -0.435043 -0.791438 -0.429375 --0.333969 0.0811067 -0.939088 0.428472 -0.265245 -0.863746 -0.508177 0.182626 -0.841668 --0.772113 -0.15745 -0.615672 -0.470757 0.262312 -0.842366 0.0920962 0.446937 -0.889812 --0.0210331 0.57922 -0.8149 -0.634238 0.27247 -0.723535 0 -0.180093 -0.98365 -0.621395 -0.517209 -0.588527 -0.127733 0.58088 -0.803905 -0.261064 0.124687 -0.957235 --0.713487 -0.249232 -0.654844 -0.919597 -0.038546 -0.390967 -0.826018 -0.0225278 -0.563194 --0.636143 -0.373933 -0.674904 0.519706 -0.377321 -0.766508 -0.0341066 0.0341066 -0.998836 -0.177046 -0.481884 -0.858162 0.488382 -0.586761 -0.645906 -0.387423 -0.819548 -0.422191 --0.628337 0.7181 -0.299208 -0.97997 -0.0544428 -0.191558 0.288155 -0.288155 -0.9132 --0.328004 -0.770429 -0.546674 -0.319041 -0.738927 -0.593464 0.0421692 -0.685708 -0.726655 -0.598082 -0.642938 -0.478465 0.354843 -0.593661 -0.722255 -0.11671 -0.786079 -0.607008 -0.925631 -0.0970419 -0.365773 0.492707 0.854026 0.166973 -0.557297 0.827398 -0.0695197 -0.46927 -0.210363 -0.857632 0.570595 -0.423409 -0.703666 -0.117946 -0.451565 -0.884408 -0 -0.179487 -0.98376 0.846403 -0.50626 -0.165238 -0.644232 -0.759273 0.0920331 -0.812889 -0.452536 0.366638 -0.509134 -0.83879 0.192909 0.218713 -0.132745 -0.966718 --0.200509 -0.200509 -0.958954 0.192226 -0.973665 -0.122579 -0.516551 -0.856214 0.00846805 --0.0354702 -0.986073 0.162488 0.409464 0.394299 -0.82272 0.13231 -0.573343 -0.808561 --0.490945 -0.499693 -0.713638 -0.106641 -0.00784122 -0.994267 -0.409572 -0.253756 -0.876276 -0.625638 -0.687389 -0.368882 0.494146 -0.484163 -0.722085 -0.3461 -0.359944 -0.866404 --0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 -0.318335 -0.695493 -0.644167 -0.224632 -0.703848 -0.673897 -0 -0.587764 -0.809032 0.153572 -0.661029 -0.734477 0.00854327 -0.341731 -0.939759 --0.575751 -0.589459 -0.566612 0.488449 -0.636069 -0.597355 -0.30195 -0.433514 -0.849054 -0 -0.175069 -0.984556 0.230173 -0.0886227 -0.969106 0.451094 0.263138 -0.852803 --0.256417 0.682522 -0.684408 -0.349964 -0.817377 -0.457625 0.509858 -0.509858 -0.692884 -0.0929787 0.0929787 -0.991317 0.735538 0.465457 -0.492274 -0.726582 -0.59617 0.341556 -0.785634 -0.583274 -0.206328 0.139874 0.963575 0.227943 -0.602536 -0.763212 0.233363 --0.279498 -0.792159 -0.542554 -0.210776 -0.321124 -0.923284 -0.19265 -0.17179 -0.966113 -0.0960711 -0.148345 -0.984258 0.349424 -0.255216 -0.901536 0.644899 -0.12441 -0.754074 -0.858479 -0.280656 -0.429239 -0.82493 -0.434405 -0.361638 0.731604 -0.491344 -0.472585 --0.141882 -0.141882 -0.979663 0.208143 -0.976118 -0.0622036 0.728672 -0.613151 -0.305094 --0.340743 -0.908647 -0.241359 -0.0150653 -0.858722 -0.51222 -0.184493 -0.798436 -0.573117 -0 -0.185408 -0.982662 -0.423191 -0.423191 -0.801136 0.423718 -0.501943 0.754 -0.914698 -0.0531801 0.400624 -0.0418217 0.888712 0.456554 -0.968621 0.0284889 0.246903 -0.0250435 -0.751305 0.659479 -0.358429 0.907385 -0.219503 -0.996783 0.0419208 -0.0683153 --0.119944 -0.420374 -0.899388 0.934608 -0.142688 0.325805 -0.0671048 -0.971254 0.228392 -0.502134 0.819272 0.276866 0.616506 0.616506 0.489735 -0.0298865 0.999538 0.00553454 -0.289798 0.955825 -0.049147 -0.747094 0.516174 -0.418825 0.275001 -0.910122 0.309922 --0.299544 -0.948843 0.0998479 0.710932 -0.640053 0.291389 0.798598 -0.466295 0.38054 --0.0722302 -0.996777 -0.0349113 -0.268286 -0.960636 -0.0721198 -0.0161611 -0.985825 0.166998 -0.622713 0.178399 0.761842 -0.271273 0.883079 0.38286 0.113325 0.869937 -0.479965 -0.531963 0.0115144 0.846689 -0.354269 0.919412 0.170808 -0.784283 0.61792 0.0554544 --0.976588 0.151139 0.153076 -0.972625 0.196841 -0.123508 -0.72475 0.102208 0.681389 -0.828698 -0.510537 -0.229372 -0.790963 -0.0903958 0.60515 0.894124 0.0286272 0.446903 --0.275851 0.927108 0.253727 -0.542035 0.832958 0.111265 0.729044 -0.557877 0.396572 --0.639486 -0.689102 0.340876 -0.924675 -0.377418 0.0503224 -0.219365 -0.731218 -0.645909 -0.891443 0.432647 -0.134707 -0.142372 0.968598 0.203833 -0.235422 0.881707 0.408864 --0.814427 0 0.580265 -0.470187 -0.606294 0.641352 0.645084 -0.763198 0.0373523 --0.763394 0.643827 0.0521193 0.716086 0.461247 0.5239 0.849921 -0.449344 -0.275179 --0.914794 -0.333429 0.227986 0.963175 -0.157253 0.218095 0.969073 0.199515 0.145225 --0.0623225 0.996256 0.0599139 0.674192 -0.244272 0.696991 0.371349 0.516538 0.771549 --0.569795 0.776663 -0.268566 -0.718254 0.64363 -0.264293 -0.718274 0.517692 -0.464841 -0.480531 -0.835574 0.266282 0 0.890064 0.455835 0.365912 0.643118 0.672687 -0.832113 0.421851 0.360041 0.954546 0.130835 0.267813 -0.72099 0.674474 0.158928 -0.476716 -0.762746 -0.43699 -0.21813 -0.916637 -0.334956 0.858905 0.394416 0.326678 --0.816859 0.315719 0.482766 0.417419 -0.849571 0.322477 -0.454239 -0.883701 -0.112871 --0.561202 -0.810967 -0.165483 0.394132 0.878868 -0.268795 0.964523 -0.0595029 0.257206 -0.964573 -0.123663 0.233036 -0.769838 0.620974 0.147446 -0.859744 0.510178 0.0236194 --0.424986 -0.786224 -0.448596 0.89496 0.356203 -0.268636 -0.693899 0.696463 0.182875 --0.0058703 -0.817929 -0.57529 -0.113789 -0.785143 -0.608771 -0.773993 0.456103 0.43921 -0.312699 0.799121 0.513445 -0.111902 0.973338 0.200228 -0.576003 0.805213 -0.1409 --0.982313 -0.133382 0.131417 0.395951 -0.905306 -0.153767 0.498366 -0.835842 0.230216 --0.220191 0.790099 0.572066 0.624134 0.271363 0.732679 -0.419525 0.483477 0.768277 -0.632047 0.765289 0.121854 0.196978 0.875974 0.440305 -0.79877 -0.26753 0.538883 -0.297715 -0.952687 0.0612688 -0.580683 -0.763926 0.281468 -0.0227317 -0.941743 -0.335564 --0.601703 -0.791714 -0.105562 0.100041 -0.969632 -0.223169 -0.721377 0.55087 -0.41971 -0.985732 0.0490414 0.161019 -0.556792 0.82601 0.0876998 -0.596851 -0.750327 0.284215 -0.878503 0.459525 -0.130649 0.059197 -0.980263 -0.188628 -0.371376 0.00884229 -0.92844 -0.57772 -0.804488 -0.137981 0.107465 -0.0179108 -0.994048 -0.686893 0.482398 -0.543572 --0.240862 0.51314 0.823816 -0.926045 0.37362 -0.0533743 -0.412635 -0.909913 0.0423215 -0.906899 -0.378443 -0.185244 0.48306 -0.852947 -0.197825 -0.943578 0.229741 0.238493 -0.536044 -0.838564 -0.0973017 -0.818782 -0.438633 -0.370401 0.867657 -0.495804 -0.0367262 -0.569369 -0.765426 -0.299904 -0.202798 0.916731 0.344205 0.446501 0.788353 0.423246 --0.736485 0.675257 0.0402355 0.984051 0.140318 0.109339 0.943237 0.210987 0.256494 --0.579521 0.788357 0.206516 -0.71773 0.239243 0.653932 -0.987262 -0.0239204 0.157295 -0.0166855 -0.920734 -0.389833 -0.751227 0.659395 0.0292666 0.516148 0.842823 -0.152449 --0.329945 0.942416 0.0546615 0.970761 0.142024 -0.193528 -0.0254645 0.96765 0.251007 -0.98907 0.121111 -0.0841046 0.723093 0.61011 -0.323886 -0.933481 -0.283745 -0.21932 --0.798414 0.562519 -0.214725 -0.441277 0.375903 -0.814845 -0.242647 -0.0808824 -0.966737 --0.853984 0.204956 -0.478231 0.989226 -0.0613474 -0.132919 -0.277813 0.909421 -0.309472 --0.0427886 0.996974 -0.064896 -0.568726 0.820137 -0.0626494 0.181231 0.9834 -0.00891299 --0.461182 -0.733552 0.499212 -0.987359 0.0658239 0.144186 -0.90507 -0.318266 0.282053 --0.993195 0.116088 -0.00931568 0.0815103 0.151376 -0.98511 -0.949476 0.291748 -0.115663 --0.0710296 0.756256 -0.650408 0.114096 0.932051 -0.343895 -0.480534 0.439512 -0.758891 --0.736143 0.313542 -0.59982 -0.234798 0.626128 -0.743527 -0.412541 0.164372 -0.895987 --0.925036 0.143975 -0.351538 0.66157 0.0374474 -0.748948 -0.185527 0.272833 -0.944003 -0.5317 0.745858 -0.401237 0.0477638 0.987686 -0.148977 -0.505042 0.603245 -0.617274 --0.0350279 0.612227 -0.789905 0.6321 0.330034 -0.70109 0.771794 0.00627475 -0.635841 --0.650412 0.459625 -0.604739 -0.0762216 -0.70505 -0.70505 -0.496523 -0.553814 -0.668397 --0.165255 -0.694072 -0.700682 -0.792172 0.433567 -0.429515 -0.423179 0.215207 -0.880117 -0.0894459 0.673826 -0.733456 -0.895594 0.0334801 -0.443612 -0.887991 0.426662 -0.171554 --0.144472 -0.764993 -0.627626 -0.664857 -0.441506 -0.602526 -0.766713 -0.606981 -0.209104 --0.857561 -0.0751252 -0.508867 -0.282113 0.408106 -0.868252 0.0240754 -0.214672 -0.976389 -0.542341 0.198275 -0.816427 0.629121 0.351881 -0.693099 0.361147 -0.208119 -0.908988 -0.157398 -0.724033 -0.671567 -0.371133 -0.871357 -0.320932 0.406464 -0.468768 -0.784247 -0.312422 -0.551724 -0.7733 -0.455835 -0.0267213 -0.889663 -0.228108 -0.409086 -0.883525 --0.497743 -0.617619 -0.608932 -0.409339 -0.7567 -0.509752 -0.729704 -0.508382 -0.457252 -0.656527 0.025579 -0.753869 0.760126 0.302839 -0.574889 -0.842957 -0.469264 -0.263088 -0.54045 -0.237798 -0.807072 -0.629224 -0.641809 -0.438359 0.827071 0.109236 -0.551381 --0.373767 -0.289837 -0.881075 0.893271 0.0915583 -0.440096 -0.311345 0.166368 -0.935621 --0.205981 -0.137321 -0.968873 -0.694872 0.0534517 -0.717144 -0.448149 0.0206045 -0.893722 --0.499994 0.314238 -0.807007 -0.392693 0.145716 -0.908052 -0.767328 -0.00537847 -0.641233 --0.138503 -0.246228 -0.959265 -0.100131 0.807082 -0.581887 -0.816115 0.0429534 -0.576292 --0.830445 -0.337487 -0.443241 -0.335017 0.00744482 -0.942183 -0.423305 -0.100787 -0.900364 --0.297061 -0.0206124 -0.954636 0.718451 0.0671799 -0.692326 0.797564 0.118416 -0.591498 --0.604608 -0.763446 -0.227155 -0.186032 -0.677774 -0.711347 0.324318 -0.746686 -0.580756 --0.450544 -0.0813013 -0.889044 -0.457855 -0.848157 -0.266456 -0.287508 -0.713168 -0.639321 -0.401061 -0.749153 -0.527181 0.178405 -0.766553 -0.616902 0.147486 -0.516902 -0.843244 -0.332688 -0.266844 -0.904496 -0.480452 0.182781 -0.857763 0.699503 -0.14626 -0.699503 --0.652521 -0.756581 0.0424404 0 0 -1 0.574039 -0.732031 -0.366893 -0.0215465 0.797221 -0.603303 -0.366363 0.838326 -0.403718 0.540566 -0.0766156 -0.837806 -0.293806 -0.321788 -0.900073 0 -0.805683 -0.592347 0.58472 -0.577319 -0.569917 --0.643565 0.213155 -0.735112 -0.759482 -0.165432 -0.629142 -0.483722 0.668977 -0.564342 --0.206678 0.792266 -0.574106 -0.0288845 0.788133 -0.614827 -0.55797 0.52973 -0.638792 -0.759035 0.185262 -0.624135 0.363141 0.276421 -0.889786 0.481804 0.0161499 -0.87613 --0.942707 -0.306703 0.13129 0.0975776 -0.780621 -0.617341 0.408642 -0.207282 -0.888845 --0.362616 0.442157 -0.82037 0.172079 0.465394 -0.868215 0.544485 0.69033 -0.476425 --0.365771 -0.802035 -0.472177 -0.13498 -0.781247 -0.609454 -0.589435 -0.63244 -0.502579 -0.365376 0.152051 -0.918358 0.857891 -0.0919169 -0.505543 0.483016 -0.438554 -0.75787 -0.479833 -0.125979 -0.868268 0.428564 -0.767844 -0.476182 -0.669657 -0.685368 -0.286061 --0.584652 -0.733349 -0.346961 -0.630364 0.775832 0.0269386 0.702414 0.702414 -0.115015 -0.587823 -0.182105 -0.788227 0.762597 -0.0649019 -0.64361 0.574273 -0.19292 -0.795608 -0.452318 -0.452318 -0.768646 -0.568191 -0.409674 -0.71367 -0.552606 -0.566003 -0.611774 --0.552647 -0.82897 -0.0859673 0.761816 0.128864 -0.634847 0.379944 0.293593 -0.877181 --0.825219 0.5639 0.0320919 -0.449142 -0.156417 -0.879662 0.72444 -0.10363 -0.681503 -0.324992 -0.181527 -0.928131 -0.540602 -0.422114 -0.727715 0.51775 -0.285291 -0.806563 --0.554546 -0.284383 -0.782052 -0.133974 -0.173529 -0.975673 -0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 --0.244907 0.379966 -0.89199 -0.024013 -0.515648 -0.856464 0.0603724 -0.603724 -0.794904 -0.561852 -0.494688 -0.663028 -0.432075 0.0652188 -0.899476 -0.757459 0.269319 -0.594746 --0.188802 0.0917038 -0.977724 -0.253825 0.779287 -0.572961 0.263356 -0.784216 0.561826 -0.60898 -0.750797 0.255827 0.276018 0.552036 0.78681 -0.513996 0.747631 0.420542 --0.532352 -0.760503 0.371801 -0.133219 -0.666095 -0.733873 -0.589831 0.518208 -0.619322 -0.124862 -0.264413 -0.956293 0.165416 -0.478328 -0.862461 -0.875574 0.149034 -0.459521 --0.543368 0.123027 -0.830431 -0.497284 0.0252588 -0.86722 0.764705 -0.0791655 -0.6395 -0.607932 -0.645026 -0.46299 -0.581591 0.803149 -0.129242 -0.424753 0.817144 0.389694 -0.83265 0.550926 0.0563447 -0.270036 0.938696 0.214314 0.149199 -0.0239454 -0.988517 -0.194734 -0.301523 -0.933361 -0.110504 0 -0.993876 -0.256578 -0.843645 -0.471625 --0.400846 -0.754534 -0.519616 0.786517 -0.32386 -0.525837 0.555913 -0.526654 -0.643115 --0.261925 -0.641027 -0.721443 -0.612827 0.779962 -0.126898 0.514418 -0.163678 0.841774 --0.0646994 -0.139931 -0.988045 0.646157 -0.332785 -0.68683 0.913205 -0.145859 -0.380502 -0.0755444 -0.522145 -0.849504 -0.806435 0.280012 -0.520823 -0.354884 0 -0.93491 --0.181037 -0.929324 -0.321844 0.445548 -0.661135 -0.603645 -0.208956 0.46676 0.859344 --0.704145 0.631129 0.325356 0.109766 -0.259888 -0.95938 -0.788177 -0.498977 -0.360276 --0.401809 -0.385644 -0.830559 0.568719 -0.290243 -0.769622 0.549939 -0.46946 -0.690778 --0.363265 -0.690573 -0.625418 0.910828 -0.27297 -0.309644 -0.142386 0.987209 -0.0717203 -0.699557 -0.679852 0.220049 -0.853627 0.284542 0.436298 0.324002 -0.616962 -0.717203 --0.582605 -0.543416 -0.604376 -0.0985291 0.239285 -0.965937 0.0603236 -0.475492 -0.877649 --0.25542 0 -0.96683 0.481442 -0.813153 -0.327104 -0.518022 -0.84937 -0.101115 --0.971218 -0.194552 -0.137422 0.461727 -0.887022 -0.000247841 -0.175985 -0.984321 -0.0119312 --0.151461 -0.731338 -0.664984 -0.408019 -0.848249 -0.337629 0.0300072 -0.49762 -0.866876 -0 -0.25542 -0.96683 0.232757 -0.411802 -0.881047 -0.362132 -0.641275 -0.676482 -0.606449 -0.741216 0.287783 0.293729 -0.917009 0.269849 -0.160886 -0.326504 -0.931403 --0.535961 -0.375173 -0.756301 -0.408275 -0.898718 0.160057 0.104298 -0.208596 -0.972425 --0.271329 -0.407547 -0.871944 0.235196 -0.0306778 -0.971464 -0.0768463 0.922156 0.379109 --0.694839 0.191197 0.693284 -0.629876 -0.404648 0.66296 0.171286 -0.236777 -0.956346 -0.16836 -0.274186 -0.946825 0 -0.724005 -0.689795 -0.0958648 -0.636026 -0.76569 --0.0688492 0.907334 -0.414734 0.0720212 0.916019 -0.394616 -0.300483 0.832339 -0.465749 -0.445947 -0.876246 -0.182551 0.0776202 -0.993539 -0.0827949 -0.548156 -0.754604 0.360691 -0.0170736 0.273177 -0.961812 -0.335984 -0.0912549 -0.937437 -0.441987 -0.338543 -0.830684 -0.126111 -0.693611 -0.709225 0.635762 0.771252 0.031267 -0.163299 0.701899 -0.693304 --0.387619 0.113702 -0.914781 -0.6267 -0.586958 -0.512569 0.636046 0.158279 -0.755244 -0.482455 0.0331458 -0.875293 0.714132 -0.0892666 -0.694296 0.779214 -0.25568 0.572235 --0.418474 -0.89534 -0.152467 0.292683 -0.097561 -0.951219 -0.206772 -0.935644 -0.286035 -0.134147 0.972568 -0.190042 0.0410159 0.750004 0.66016 0.200766 0.790517 0.578597 -0.325909 0.678978 0.657854 0.209063 0.928485 -0.306933 0.890858 -0.206446 0.404663 -0.839116 0.427626 0.336184 0.129066 0.530605 0.837735 0.801616 0.248904 0.543561 -0.290777 0.717249 0.633247 -0.555659 0.782755 0.280246 -0.981049 0.178373 0.0756732 -0.535912 -0.602901 0.591024 -0.613857 -0.371237 0.696679 -0.868085 -0.0190788 0.496049 -0.637757 -0.699839 0.3217 0.715899 0.166664 0.678021 -0.941787 -0.0425323 -0.333508 --0.390771 0.882853 -0.260514 -0.660552 0.590438 -0.46374 0.623763 0.733839 0.269074 -0.0144218 -0.973473 0.228346 -0.923465 -0.259298 -0.282802 0.602693 0.609244 0.515346 -0.646749 -0.729533 0.222482 -0.389103 -0.915112 -0.105682 -0.557366 -0.804395 -0.20565 -0.0460165 -0.966347 0.253091 0.473718 0.702629 0.530946 -0.36819 0.911494 0.183346 -0.920294 -0.0626903 0.386172 0.566078 0.649209 0.508019 -0.400389 0.883808 0.242017 -0.107032 0.791103 0.602246 0.851886 -0.387471 0.352357 -0.698937 0.712301 -0.0641472 -0.436605 0.703781 -0.560418 0.827097 -0.232813 0.511575 0.00514209 0.742175 0.670186 --0.97065 0.0500804 -0.235226 -0.994384 0.057813 -0.0886466 -0.805787 0.401439 0.435377 -0.0855229 0.958325 0.27258 -0.829449 0.32249 0.456086 -0.105929 0.658274 0.745288 --0.670837 0.213448 0.710223 0.937375 0.124064 0.325478 0.88404 0.276743 0.376678 --0.463262 0.8165 0.344551 0.76058 -0.645527 0.0693831 0.982153 -0.0637072 -0.176965 -0.710444 -0.647925 -0.274705 -0.120542 -0.98945 0.0803614 -0.340571 -0.84512 0.412048 -0.745192 0.628883 -0.2218 -0.892643 -0.241861 0.380384 0.497432 0.834363 0.237485 -0.792949 0.109914 -0.599292 0.509942 0.747914 -0.424951 -0.0398567 0.99841 -0.0398567 --0.185057 0.981606 0.0469347 0.215159 0.66063 0.719218 0.924525 -0.365326 0.108587 --0.919617 -0.391427 0.0330119 -0.0499747 -0.998357 0.0280161 -0.249731 -0.968003 0.0245767 -0.726701 -0.0641207 -0.683954 0.208396 -0.968932 -0.133201 0.171561 -0.981113 -0.0893546 -0.983822 -0.168166 -0.0617616 0.645454 0.368348 0.66911 -0.449547 0.877687 0.166053 --0.137044 -0.939732 -0.313244 0.663553 -0.744598 -0.0726025 -0.421637 -0.737865 -0.527046 -0.942883 0.0574669 0.328129 0.905207 -0.373301 0.203091 -0.257075 0.956559 0.137505 --0.129518 0.979908 0.151673 0.757905 -0.606733 -0.239697 -0.864204 -0.251266 -0.435909 --0.279377 0.95525 0.0971923 0.164566 0.919298 0.357505 0.416017 0.886297 0.203487 --0.505457 0.315911 0.80294 -0.466701 0.132768 0.874393 0.656575 -0.366616 0.659168 -0.272729 0.873174 0.403962 -0.829695 -0.140709 0.540191 -0.801073 -0.563995 0.200476 -0.857995 -0.472093 -0.202419 -0.908661 0.147067 0.390777 -0.0739412 -0.985882 0.15023 --0.906681 0.0546992 -0.418256 -0.676726 0.502087 -0.53847 0.909123 0.284535 -0.304198 --0.69733 -0.686764 0.205149 -0.554284 -0.832311 0.00531262 0.766618 -0.622362 -0.157995 --0.0734825 -0.981516 0.176708 -0.18421 -0.97222 -0.144412 0.578781 -0.720523 0.381916 -0.980987 -0.158048 -0.112632 -0.663863 0.743847 -0.0773174 0.00736467 -0.979502 -0.201301 -0.974387 0.111722 -0.19516 -0.563754 -0.317517 -0.762472 0.821896 -0.115656 0.557773 -0.840799 -0.450428 0.300285 -0.653473 0.756901 -0.00861895 -0.647625 0.761127 0.0356083 -0.422265 0.777187 0.466555 -0.721025 0.675819 0.152945 -0.692976 0.702392 0.162573 -0.722882 -0.684516 0.0942304 0.541656 -0.0492415 0.839157 0.713851 -0.695309 0.0834371 -0.879118 0.295715 0.37377 0.96499 -0.236752 0.112882 0.730211 -0.683181 -0.00742588 --0.870976 0.491082 0.0154428 -0.918998 0.370755 -0.134103 -0.95269 -0.0790501 -0.293485 -0.950151 0.160415 0.267358 -0.632724 0.764542 0.12303 0.371687 -0.877865 -0.301995 --0.746607 -0.411175 -0.522985 -0.996271 0.0379532 0.0774877 -0.973645 0.216366 -0.0721218 -0.496914 -0.819696 -0.284912 -0.945534 -0.280158 -0.16576 0.13028 0.70514 0.696997 -0.188894 -0.554088 0.810744 -0.868409 -0.169371 0.466026 0.190266 -0.874654 0.445846 --0.409669 0.718718 0.561797 -0.249379 0.892778 0.375177 -0.286159 0.950614 0.120193 -0.368298 0.909472 -0.192918 0.309305 0.565341 0.76467 -0.153646 -0.171722 0.97309 -0.920076 -0.26439 0.289066 0.866675 0.454878 -0.204843 -0.161646 0.971446 -0.173678 --0.313982 0.921559 -0.228351 0.540462 0.808422 0.23314 -0.935596 -0.165529 0.311865 --0.315534 0.919775 -0.23335 0.123151 0.985211 -0.119136 0.423102 -0.883142 0.202597 --0.814527 -0.550356 0.183452 -0.870338 0.490779 0.040604 0.635008 0.759741 0.139853 -0.346862 0.923006 0.166572 0.138148 0.989628 -0.0393882 -0.835204 -0.528989 0.150352 -0.256576 -0.837052 0.483231 0.41113 -0.828846 0.379456 0.339057 -0.856564 0.389023 -0.0881929 -0.264579 0.960323 0.89914 -0.167889 0.404178 0.0615907 0.588961 0.805811 --0.126984 0.991592 0.0248987 -0.87468 0.471182 0.113674 0.250648 -0.943617 0.216246 --0.214176 -0.942376 0.257012 -0.975106 0.0286796 0.219877 -0.713099 0.693524 0.102537 --0.907426 0.36297 0.211733 -0.70946 0.701444 0.0681402 0.0514998 -0.885796 0.461209 -0.477187 -0.827124 0.296916 -0.717137 0.358569 0.597614 0.403604 -0.861021 0.309429 --0.291659 0.556803 -0.777757 -0.986657 -0.130252 0.0976888 0.69208 0.0768978 -0.717713 --0.666319 -0.0888426 -0.740355 0 0.999989 0.00476185 -0.22439 0.940992 -0.253344 --0.717168 0.649934 -0.251507 -0.514956 0.836804 -0.185956 -0.407553 -0.584159 -0.701897 --0.847143 -0.331942 -0.414927 0.0431467 0.848553 -0.527349 -0.519903 0.852641 -0.0519903 --0.10897 0.796083 -0.595296 0.329238 -0.93284 -0.146328 -0.280591 -0.795009 -0.5378 -0.391983 0.744768 -0.540065 -0.525994 0.713849 -0.462332 -0.187814 -0.77597 -0.602159 -0.557839 0.424072 -0.713427 -0.844915 -0.455553 -0.28034 0.0729597 -0.496126 -0.86518 --0.00704243 0.640861 -0.767625 -0.481616 0.854254 -0.195693 -0.703482 0.572602 -0.420999 --0.484667 -0.274155 -0.830624 0.204732 0.584948 -0.784806 -0.816358 -0.19948 -0.542004 -0.313793 -0.926031 -0.209764 -0.685239 -0.711043 -0.157691 0.803183 -0.274421 -0.528762 -0.877625 0.0706135 -0.474119 -0.798958 -0.510612 -0.317714 0.00539076 0 -0.999985 --0.0771935 -0.439117 -0.895107 0.183726 -0.110869 -0.976705 0.668356 0.200917 -0.716193 -0.604408 -0.304476 -0.736196 -0.869006 -0.025559 -0.494141 0.623928 0.0605303 -0.779134 --0.941095 0.218178 -0.25834 -0.743661 0.40669 -0.530633 -0.294724 -0.854699 -0.427349 --0.873177 0.311768 -0.374649 0.782583 -0.0622195 -0.619429 -0.843976 -0.53427 0.047538 --0.628695 0.603547 -0.490382 0.762248 -0.31208 -0.567083 -0.861042 -0.315841 -0.398561 --0.778741 -0.507254 -0.369128 -0.42219 0.509539 -0.74975 0.172483 0.172483 -0.969793 -0.553028 -0.563979 -0.613259 0.420491 -0.591386 -0.688077 -0.59626 0.59626 -0.537538 -0 -0.143589 -0.989637 0 -0.432897 -0.901444 -0.042924 -0.126906 -0.990986 --0.556175 -0.498639 -0.664852 -0.586204 -0.103807 -0.803486 -0.5199 -0.0879433 -0.849688 --0.313539 0 -0.949575 -0.579962 -0.297416 -0.758411 -0.469937 -0.16366 -0.867396 --0.155191 -0.39592 -0.905076 -0.427715 -0.427715 -0.796316 -0.298438 -0.235307 -0.924968 --0.25542 0 -0.96683 -0.423431 0 -0.905928 -0.132191 0 -0.991224 --0.707368 -0.485599 -0.513638 -0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 -0.674422 -0.513411 -0.530626 -0 0.230805 -0.973 -0.0597167 0.17915 -0.982008 -0.586297 -0.377836 -0.716586 --0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 0.175069 0 -0.984556 -0.133423 0.222371 -0.965789 -0.643257 0.757345 0.112469 0.665527 0.744119 0.0579688 -0.947659 -0.299019 -0.11194 -0.0212536 0.17503 -0.984334 -0.0969803 0.562486 -0.8211 -0.455376 -0.885453 0.0927618 -0.982315 -0.0605536 0.177175 -0.61987 -0.783887 0.0358197 0.626527 0 -0.7794 -0 -0.195557 -0.980692 -0.498237 0.486937 -0.717393 -0.845802 -0.127289 -0.518089 -0.501584 0 -0.865109 0 -0.0480727 -0.998844 0.247475 0.247475 -0.936756 -0.171035 -0.95851 0.228047 -0.544173 -0.229125 -0.80708 0.521558 0.462619 -0.716911 --0.675914 -0.667248 0.312923 0.52245 -0.8127 0.258 -0.195557 0 -0.980692 --0.984739 -0.0599483 0.163388 0.472562 -0.836072 0.278691 0.411622 -0.886571 0.211088 --0.218638 -0.881923 0.417624 0.694576 -0.694576 0.187425 0.232311 -0.546207 -0.804791 -0.111943 -0.567709 -0.815583 0.655627 0.109967 -0.747034 -0.561904 -0.275844 -0.779855 --0.149572 0.202363 -0.967821 0.0857304 0.0857304 -0.992623 -0.296679 0.941633 0.159089 --0.446721 0.887487 0.113169 0.856361 -0.324379 -0.401775 0.576977 0.0940259 -0.81133 -0.0688846 0.251578 -0.965382 -0.172447 0.172447 -0.969806 0.300108 0.200072 -0.932688 --0.738603 0.281173 -0.612705 0.0425635 -0.998883 0.0205271 0.229846 -0.919382 0.31923 -0.126139 -0.986587 0.103614 0.124193 -0.989536 0.0734473 0.452953 0.0654266 -0.88913 --0.00508037 0 -0.999987 0.538409 0.198361 -0.819004 -0.865946 0.382366 -0.322387 --0.789659 0.0535362 -0.611205 0.93286 -0.237879 -0.270529 0.620645 -0.746713 -0.239207 -0.599293 0.724146 -0.341264 -0.732201 -0.666237 -0.141456 -0.430444 -0.901882 -0.0364397 -0.0901019 -0.95508 0.282319 0.682593 0.0374693 -0.729837 0.815201 0 -0.579178 -0.0259785 -0.929042 -0.36906 -0.71174 0.652429 -0.260312 -0.231655 -0.817109 -0.527892 -0.0174929 -0.552483 -0.833341 0.74628 -0.564577 -0.35259 0.726239 -0.0264488 -0.686933 --0.927635 0.334059 0.167029 -0.0436685 -0.375549 -0.925773 0.219376 -0.383615 -0.897058 --0.425108 0.242417 -0.872076 0.329003 0.310726 -0.891743 0.109489 0 -0.993988 -0.397227 -0.687096 -0.608366 -0.546354 -0.714462 -0.437083 0.583549 0.12799 -0.801928 -0.655027 0.154953 -0.739547 0.817504 0.099876 -0.567197 -0.278014 0.636506 -0.719422 -0.424149 0.678248 -0.600064 -0.635402 -0.394892 -0.66357 -0.390559 -0.386314 -0.835599 -0.739463 0.225398 -0.634343 0.722494 -0.125552 -0.679882 0.804525 -0.496023 -0.326649 -0.545706 -0.36951 -0.752108 0 0.132589 -0.991171 0.605665 0.223876 -0.763577 --0.284537 -0.785047 -0.550218 0.294689 -0.678677 -0.672723 0.149357 0.460874 -0.874807 -0.687954 0 -0.725754 -0.299843 -0.465393 -0.832768 0.598635 -0.603424 -0.526798 -0.731639 -0.529377 -0.429494 0.602229 -0.356157 -0.714473 0.333962 0.305576 -0.89168 --0.242339 0.314525 -0.917794 -0.497679 -0.130162 -0.857539 -0.294744 -0.126319 -0.94719 --0.428243 0.817554 0.384986 0.622071 -0.429014 -0.654962 0.326843 -0.362795 -0.87267 --0.3676 -0.197415 -0.908789 0.822263 -0.369475 -0.432865 -0.35897 0.166963 -0.918294 -0.725959 -0.436415 0.531531 0.798561 -0.293901 0.525284 0 -0.676436 0.736502 --0.604206 0.609241 0.513575 -0.231295 -0.762899 -0.603728 0.449134 -0.691834 -0.56537 --0.0518748 0.10375 -0.99325 0.602678 0.0827511 -0.793682 -0.530196 0.151803 -0.834175 -0.165497 -0.803841 0.571358 -0.444921 -0.289552 0.847469 0.783503 0.383416 0.488995 -0.483077 -0.634039 0.603847 0.163302 0.969816 0.181077 -0.1954 0.98043 0.0239965 --0.389313 0.908397 -0.152481 0.299667 -0.466149 -0.832409 0.137031 -0.236868 -0.961829 -0.601839 -0.0947777 -0.792974 -0.161495 -0.77245 -0.614199 -0.183883 -0.348838 -0.918966 --0.280702 0.573879 -0.769331 -0.487241 0.648067 -0.585325 0.643089 -0.749384 0.157672 -0.565406 -0.824767 -0.00864536 -0.911609 0.104184 -0.397635 -0.891602 -0.253777 -0.375025 -0.517288 -0.660717 -0.543936 0.525293 -0.233464 -0.818267 0.676675 0.0424282 -0.735059 --0.306654 -0.403031 -0.862282 0 -0.278157 -0.960536 0.10493 -0.314791 -0.943343 --0.172439 -0.623969 -0.762186 0.668872 -0.536069 -0.515015 0.726475 0.152053 -0.670159 --0.84123 -0.387913 -0.376637 0.59115 0.698632 -0.403057 0.823398 0.385968 -0.415987 -0.106888 0.956368 -0.271909 0.47685 0.541508 -0.692375 -0.136187 -0.00567446 -0.990667 --0.661598 -0.497522 -0.561035 0 -0.285738 -0.958308 0.843392 -0.526448 -0.107438 -0.274146 -0.609214 -0.744112 -0.468236 -0.717962 -0.515059 0.751858 0.273403 -0.599967 -0.954202 -0.148505 -0.2597 -0.734667 -0.0192657 -0.678154 0.155893 -0.568552 -0.807741 --0.430524 -0.527604 -0.732314 -0.704419 -0.351344 -0.616727 -0.941018 -0.27882 -0.191689 -0.562007 -0.589422 -0.580284 0.556402 -0.525144 -0.643926 0.979045 -0.0559454 -0.195809 --0.916496 -0.212826 -0.338733 -0.910914 -0.179862 -0.371328 0.54976 -0.326371 -0.768925 -0.823957 -0.324067 -0.46484 0.0953891 -0.317964 -0.943292 -0.738019 0.546491 -0.395823 -0.329136 -0.738063 -0.58901 0.495584 -0.650275 -0.575794 -0.760372 -0.230097 -0.607363 -0.972335 -0.152681 0.176788 -0.247391 0.965624 -0.0798036 0.227384 -0.968006 0.106113 -0.901801 -0.332075 0.276552 -0.0711611 -0.947658 0.311257 0.140252 -0.918653 0.369331 --0.621543 -0.779547 0.0774018 0.91459 0.250573 -0.317392 0.804573 -0.378622 -0.457502 -0.671444 -0.400009 -0.623824 0.293508 0.905397 -0.306774 -0.14704 0.974141 -0.171547 --0.769258 -0.415815 0.485118 -0.813039 0.492103 0.31113 -0.745524 0.635176 0.201857 -0.0947376 -0.720748 -0.686692 0.334992 -0.937977 -0.0893311 -0.0170181 -0.991306 0.130472 -0.186891 0.409954 -0.892754 0.298121 0.95278 -0.0577442 -0.564954 0.695328 -0.444237 --0.285975 -0.222425 -0.932065 0.833103 0.484642 0.266575 0.559668 0.822328 0.102707 -0.82239 0.216711 0.526033 -0.859304 -0.394815 -0.325142 0.870448 0.387098 0.304099 -0.326204 -0.820714 0.469062 -0.272914 -0.94649 0.172265 -0.307926 -0.835799 0.454557 --0.377904 -0.920267 0.101474 0.379991 0.923864 0.0456229 0.27047 0.959923 0.0734368 --0.907951 0.36318 0.209104 -0.54294 -0.827151 -0.145045 -0.567032 -0.808855 -0.155656 -0.860864 0.479826 -0.16935 -0.656845 0.749181 -0.0853409 0.339534 0.881557 0.327985 -0.0530097 0.689127 0.722699 -0.67747 0.164435 0.716935 -0.790441 -0.234205 0.565995 -0.0322058 0.955438 -0.29343 -0.590012 0.590012 -0.551156 0.884118 -0.463081 -0.0623758 --0.67414 0.735736 -0.0650186 -0.91007 0.201826 0.361991 -0.414751 0.582894 0.698725 -0.775483 -0.178623 0.605574 0.1426 0.901463 0.408692 -0.895211 0.0354038 0.444234 -0.494864 0.345619 0.797281 0.151667 0.933473 0.325 0.494524 0.450187 0.743491 --0.11886 0.984361 -0.13002 -0.742923 0.309996 -0.593269 -0.826573 -0.275524 -0.490778 --0.713162 -0.665618 -0.219892 0.107999 -0.862893 0.493712 -0.668426 -0.42153 0.612796 -0.732081 0.0170251 0.681005 -0.761813 0.627981 0.158997 -0.60463 0.763136 0.228136 -0.814006 -0.0307172 0.580043 0.886447 0.0448204 0.460654 0.430911 -0.899216 0.0756766 --0.834017 -0.476581 -0.278006 -0.764471 -0.420901 0.488289 0.924827 -0.288031 0.248461 -0.450952 0.742645 0.495097 0.305142 0.933735 0.187154 -0.0974951 0.822038 0.561025 --0.171133 0.677401 0.715431 0.820962 -0.56521 0.0809879 0.790612 -0.611033 0.0396472 --0.853855 0.492772 -0.167656 0.646857 0.757603 -0.0872544 -0.877944 0.231183 0.419248 -0.781429 0.603208 0.159713 0.123034 0.954677 0.271024 -0.602238 0.663367 0.444132 -0.34682 0.829648 0.437492 -0.613503 0.560385 0.556402 -0.930951 -0.131847 0.340508 -0.912091 -0.165588 0.375061 -0.143247 0.962328 0.231093 0.527443 0.704356 0.475065 --0.73662 0.673403 -0.0626066 0.625738 -0.779689 0.0231755 -0.976936 0.0585186 -0.205357 --0.89319 -0.443772 0.0726446 -0.912663 -0.0641022 0.403654 -0.90457 -0.120245 0.409015 --0.965814 -0.207253 0.155725 0.858966 -0.460974 0.222893 0.701885 -0.712257 0.00691512 --0.0340011 -0.827361 -0.560641 -0.77167 -0.338782 -0.538287 -0.920225 -0.319336 -0.226298 --0.732257 -0.679953 -0.0382439 -0.334789 -0.932627 -0.134624 0.981843 0.0730674 -0.175057 -0.983404 0.0459665 -0.175508 0.718093 0.695021 0.0358886 0.456378 0.889457 0.0242122 --0.1093 0.976869 0.183793 0.556377 -0.828232 0.0669081 0.797056 -0.599337 -0.0741447 --0.275749 0.624835 -0.730441 0.548589 -0.822883 -0.148032 -0.300049 -0.862642 -0.40721 --0.0534147 -0.986391 -0.155496 0.823127 0.469235 0.319814 0.476461 0.682057 0.554783 -0.120242 0.901814 0.415057 -0.969943 -0.0365535 0.240573 0.530243 0.845 -0.0694078 -0.963615 0.235028 -0.127307 -0.222518 -0.971662 -0.0797357 0.242703 0.955643 -0.166858 -0.707656 0.647572 0.282617 0.86375 0.462908 0.199128 0.730136 0.380012 0.567884 --0.908267 0.17841 0.378445 0.897266 0.327638 0.295917 0.62797 0.65202 0.424882 --0.969913 -0.13204 -0.204533 0.309728 0.939509 -0.14626 -0.584816 0.811083 -0.0116035 --0.992025 0.114754 0.0521341 -0.201264 0.967781 -0.151305 -0.487205 0.867834 -0.097441 -0.836936 0.531264 -0.131514 0.742367 0.667217 -0.060933 -0.217208 -0.87413 0.434416 -0.306422 -0.94591 0.106581 0.252596 -0.8055 0.536064 0.24317 -0.940582 0.23701 -0.939034 0.195763 -0.282652 -0.749052 0.542011 -0.380979 0.921365 0.165175 -0.351857 -0.740634 -0.384329 -0.551138 -0.363888 -0.907528 -0.209711 0.17328 -0.958524 -0.226288 --0.30323 -0.952143 0.0384092 0.880712 -0.439715 -0.176057 0.661341 -0.740603 -0.118893 -0.101353 -0.994637 0.0206142 0.161383 -0.981749 -0.100616 -0.2495 -0.842061 -0.478208 --0.145196 -0.923357 -0.355428 -0.868831 -0.186722 -0.45855 0.810466 -0.25963 -0.525107 --0.265396 -0.940805 -0.210834 0.648096 -0.363566 -0.669172 0.960941 -0.0105021 -0.276555 --0.946306 -0.226291 0.230862 -0.652514 0.00526221 0.757758 -0.0437809 -0.718007 0.694657 --0.938791 -0.336283 0.0747297 -0.2118 -0.969823 -0.120763 -0.275402 -0.950996 -0.14057 --0.440281 -0.522193 0.730388 -0.718678 0.327717 0.613272 0.672565 -0.325607 0.664558 --0.907898 0.41903 -0.0116397 -0.970987 -0.18132 -0.15591 0.48366 -0.870587 0.0902831 -0.525126 -0.0145868 0.850899 0.749726 -0.646576 0.140888 0.598312 0.444461 0.666691 --0.655326 -0.6746 -0.339799 0.823216 0.128127 0.553081 -0.154807 0.877656 0.453601 --0.895835 0.440452 0.0590113 -0.84036 0.503562 -0.200553 -0.708394 0.702903 -0.0640667 -0.921436 -0.36737 0.126472 0.864675 -0.498321 0.063357 -0.975243 -0.019477 -0.220276 --0.503076 -0.416689 -0.757155 0.674162 -0.732531 -0.0943632 -0.904376 0.222616 -0.364069 -0.868548 -0.388027 -0.308316 -0.747161 0.633011 -0.202603 -0.053242 0.298155 -0.953031 -0.605262 -0.671463 -0.427545 -0.961025 0.187517 -0.203144 0.899104 0.422028 0.116211 -0.801056 0.585719 -0.12346 -0.403295 0.88985 0.213356 -0.565497 0.759382 0.321795 -0.987215 0.0881084 0.13283 -0.949529 0.170702 0.263165 -0.934238 -0.356579 0.00713159 --0.299684 0.789167 0.536101 0.361516 0.893748 0.265558 -0.195447 0.951177 0.23888 -0.833412 -0.507814 0.218061 -0.258731 -0.668066 0.697672 0.698858 -0.624862 0.348059 --0.148604 0.652564 0.743019 0.14157 -0.37752 0.915116 -0.37459 0 0.927191 --0.768366 0.555973 0.317029 0.919919 0.215046 0.327879 -0.990085 0.119177 -0.0743582 -0.950314 -0.266088 0.161553 -0.239335 -0.73077 0.639291 0.260221 -0.785937 0.560881 -0.491809 -0.412485 0.766799 0.378423 0.6775 0.630706 0.380476 0.88647 0.263457 -0.756507 -0.65393 0.0085481 -0.326836 -0.884379 -0.333244 0.708466 0.655496 0.261536 -0.492276 0.868449 0.0588254 0.345989 0.851543 0.393911 0.407102 -0.693581 0.594318 --0.576904 -0.457104 0.676932 0.847669 0.337882 0.409015 0.742929 0.611445 0.272381 -0.700824 -0.712007 -0.0434908 0.475483 0.832095 0.285541 0.658145 0.658145 0.365636 -0.832426 0.0582116 0.55107 0.788202 0.0297435 0.614698 0.651707 0.465797 0.59859 --0.0346193 0.979726 0.19733 -0.147418 0.967433 0.205771 -0.718491 -0.694857 0.030725 --0.938765 0.235545 -0.251475 0.691282 -0.628592 0.356372 0.780483 -0.537356 0.319523 --0.572271 -0.45088 0.684991 -0.841616 0.255035 0.476066 0.463893 0.884295 0.0531544 -0.771709 0.6288 0.0952727 -0.100257 0.989198 0.10694 -0.166482 0.965594 0.199778 -0.387115 0.883912 0.262378 -0.480241 0.865153 -0.144492 -0.626087 0.779017 -0.0338703 --0.202675 0.97863 -0.0347442 -0.282004 0.952066 -0.118506 -0.425091 0.902906 -0.0637087 -0.5488 0.832523 0.0756593 -0.222703 0.960615 -0.166196 0.404422 0.913358 0.0471237 --0.440282 -0.87416 0.204931 0.172043 -0.927122 0.332936 0.582501 -0.701441 0.410699 -0.338416 -0.0273719 0.940598 0.223578 -0.91511 0.33554 0.337478 0.826822 0.449971 -0.951425 -0.214495 0.220867 -0.720844 -0.503891 0.475897 -0.772683 -0.576238 0.266292 -0.157717 -0.97259 -0.17086 -0.847561 0.530647 -0.0073701 0.441633 -0.883266 -0.157482 --0.707635 0.70381 0.0624759 0.566219 -0.724761 0.392579 0.507093 0.169031 0.845154 --0.379071 0.324918 0.866449 -0.934703 0.354203 0.0295169 0.8 0.6 0 --0.968274 -0.0305771 0.248014 0.323587 -0.846305 0.423153 0.923508 -0.382918 0.0225246 --0.945638 0.3199 0.0585897 -0.92389 -0.148236 0.352779 -0.821489 0.410744 0.395532 -0.567814 0.786203 -0.243869 -0.797812 -0.602791 0.0118194 0.663011 0.279608 -0.694432 --0.630759 -0.608627 0.481369 -0.875577 -0.430516 0.219137 0.123613 -0.988903 0.0824086 -0.571771 0.177228 -0.801042 -0.77956 -0.625426 -0.0335932 -0.87093 -0.45754 0.17927 -0.354707 -0.36259 -0.861807 0.030052 -0.957909 -0.285494 -0.839178 0.342522 -0.422444 -0.566257 -0.452559 -0.688871 -0.369468 -0.385142 -0.845671 -0.461181 -0.0272888 -0.886886 --0.407831 0.480728 -0.776257 -0.387238 -0.741126 -0.548433 0.35976 0.299397 -0.883705 -0.0221855 0.192274 -0.98109 -0.167261 0.957948 0.233151 0.0790021 0.974359 0.210672 -0.0416105 0.970912 0.235793 -0.619476 -0.77877 -0.0988212 0.717143 -0.250568 -0.650325 -0.757263 -0.028576 -0.652485 -0.912356 -0.36374 0.187882 -0.0381181 0.0889423 -0.995307 --0.311458 -0.934374 -0.173032 0.817402 0.19659 -0.541486 -0.223864 0.466699 -0.855615 -0.809424 -0.57816 0.102784 0.748834 -0.157649 -0.643735 -0.487377 -0.433224 -0.758143 --0.9674 -0.107489 -0.22931 0.539375 -0.353275 0.764377 0.524331 0.635553 0.566701 --0.666895 -0.611321 0.426072 -0.990641 0.130815 -0.0389483 0.391348 -0.535529 0.748368 --0.157112 -0.843336 -0.513908 -0.912871 -0.365148 0.182574 -0.749074 -0.0995502 -0.654964 -0.322788 0.0370075 -0.945748 -0.263274 0.614305 -0.743852 -0.453511 0.717401 -0.528833 -0.839846 0.311148 -0.444798 -0.965111 -0.161247 -0.206301 -0.735422 0.0232851 -0.677209 --0.862863 0.21461 -0.457613 -0.0959334 0.419003 -0.902903 0.319076 -0.0299134 -0.947257 --0.730122 0.540831 -0.417642 -0.655516 0.460633 -0.598429 -0.76833 -0.18568 -0.61253 --0.851079 -0.499786 -0.160866 -0.676383 -0.697941 -0.235342 0.28543 0.924404 -0.252995 --0.865371 -0.397553 -0.305099 -0.85425 -0.470042 -0.222078 -0.643708 -0.743483 -0.181311 --0.320134 -0.147363 -0.935841 -0.795769 -0.51946 -0.311308 -0.632008 -0.0574552 -0.772829 --0.183694 0.671357 -0.718009 -0.592225 -0.744157 0.309032 -0.0817317 -0.687508 0.721563 -0.143158 -0.823156 0.549472 -0.133221 -0.717342 -0.683866 -0.336195 -0.770448 -0.541648 --0.0824786 -0.412393 -0.907265 -0.813482 -0.171921 -0.5556 -0.777154 -0.16239 -0.607997 -0.107518 -0.295676 0.949219 0.478444 -0.722357 0.499291 0.411476 -0.257172 -0.874386 --0.564649 -0.0996439 -0.819294 0.651038 0.421969 -0.630945 -0.645161 -0.415147 0.641421 --0.109675 -0.250687 0.961836 0.281709 -0.888291 0.362738 -0.155999 -0.189428 -0.969423 -0.293346 -0.258835 -0.9203 0.263598 -0.263598 -0.927918 0.0433038 0.158781 -0.986364 -0.810293 0.23402 -0.53727 -0.0708804 -0.432877 -0.898662 0.142177 -0.277062 -0.950275 -0 0.253012 0.967463 -0.379967 -0.287542 0.879173 -0.660942 -0.710266 -0.242236 --0.00861109 -0.999963 -0.000717591 0.461757 -0.799194 -0.384797 0.388164 -0.659411 -0.643822 --0.75955 -0.379775 -0.528068 -0.502656 -0.677047 -0.537535 0.175132 0.916075 0.360742 -0.283368 0.902466 0.324436 0.715145 -0.552612 -0.428004 0.236102 -0.681105 0.693074 -0.19549 0 0.980706 0 -0.706566 0.707647 0.618815 -0.374817 0.690348 --0.866634 -0.312135 -0.389251 -0.873185 -0.478844 0.0908622 -0.31719 -0.261072 -0.911719 -0.619827 0.216219 -0.754363 0.388103 0.388103 -0.835914 -0.85118 -0.275382 -0.446831 -0.133732 -0.105788 -0.985355 0.441379 0.891117 0.105329 0.533347 -0.478644 -0.697453 -0.399762 -0.261913 0.878403 0.647459 0.00130273 0.762099 -0.587672 0.402092 0.702114 --0.626249 0.0447321 0.778338 0 -0.501806 0.86498 -0.39884 0.16758 -0.901579 -0.835364 0.271903 -0.477741 0 0.423036 -0.906113 0.360268 0.838057 -0.409717 -0.40156 -0.558507 0.725824 -0.179132 -0.569009 0.802584 0.00613572 -0.654477 0.756057 -0 -0.652141 0.758097 0 -0.724005 0.689795 0.311837 -0.623673 0.716791 -0.39968 -0.325454 0.856934 0.150796 0.552918 -0.819477 -0.138478 -0.553913 -0.820978 --0.31691 -0.636168 -0.703462 -0.715076 0.667754 -0.206811 0.343255 -0.899886 0.269038 --0.058261 -0.802942 0.593203 -0.552275 -0.591443 0.587526 -0.359813 -0.768692 0.528817 --0.0479092 -0.910276 0.411221 0.0980957 -0.972334 0.212002 -0.500128 -0.823847 -0.266735 --0.434547 -0.880381 -0.189997 -0.73962 0.325635 -0.589003 -0.274968 0 -0.961453 --0.0337316 -0.464146 -0.885116 0.837203 0.141188 -0.528353 -0.00184239 0.182397 -0.983223 -0.963078 0.266531 0.0379815 -0.880658 -0.470216 -0.0577807 -0.345702 -0.888949 0.300432 -0.496918 0.175992 -0.849764 -0.263281 -0.623355 0.736282 0.405375 -0.585225 0.70227 --0.138413 -0.989816 -0.0332621 -0.156821 -0.374803 -0.913745 0.704014 -0.179153 -0.687218 --0.160456 -0.677765 -0.717558 0.996562 0.0683127 0.0468813 0.801537 -0.0716319 -0.593639 -0.379186 0.315167 -0.869993 -0.1138 -0.710198 -0.694744 0.218208 -0.293741 -0.930646 -0.394224 0.194032 -0.898298 0.167283 0.683469 -0.710553 0 0.760034 -0.649884 --0.0681252 0.346465 -0.935586 -0.30227 -0.0259089 -0.95287 -0.455913 -0.644806 -0.613489 -0.215119 0.225875 -0.950108 0.630857 -0.376284 -0.67855 0.929806 0.170964 -0.325932 --0.779166 0.35014 -0.519905 -0.35576 0 -0.934577 0.355314 0.87052 -0.34051 -0.220674 -0.299486 -0.92823 -0.799715 -0.336722 -0.497066 0.0233819 -0.140291 -0.989834 --0.243373 0.491565 -0.836142 -0.519122 0.849473 -0.0943858 0.491325 0.164189 -0.855361 -0.199089 -0.170648 -0.965009 -0.216983 -0.760268 -0.6123 0.334149 -0.942425 -0.0134376 -0.949603 -0.279794 -0.14131 -0.584431 -0.652191 -0.482791 -0.027351 -0.537903 -0.842563 -0.189589 0.108735 -0.975824 0.740397 0.498254 -0.451171 0.777968 0.563356 -0.278201 -0.597671 -0.605605 -0.525387 0.362821 0.571128 -0.736324 0.922932 -0.229862 -0.308805 -0.385831 -0.90522 -0.178076 -0.602383 -0.761838 -0.238197 0.582575 -0.588123 -0.560998 -0.266404 -0.133202 -0.954613 0.314997 -0.0633957 -0.946973 0.850919 0.33429 -0.4052 --0.987785 -0.104239 -0.115821 0.622746 -0.404558 -0.669717 -0.375952 -0.621059 -0.68771 -0.813313 -0.240297 -0.529886 -0.244476 -0.700173 -0.670812 -0.277144 -0.705624 -0.65214 -0.73243 0.0415295 -0.679574 0.986537 0.0544296 0.154217 0.615961 0.733768 0.286663 -0.616041 0.773443 0.149261 0.70385 -0.0454097 -0.708896 -0.587203 -0.268107 -0.763748 -0.843237 -0.527389 0.103983 -0.866153 0.278655 -0.414886 -0.767205 0.639724 0.0463568 --0.694629 0.7113 0.107436 -0.313249 -0.865523 -0.390827 -0.638247 -0.707328 -0.303856 -0.512049 -0.753581 0.412215 0.0742819 -0.909603 0.408784 -0.433559 0.872504 -0.225307 -0.736309 -0.412988 -0.535994 0.183294 -0.843305 -0.505213 -0.0189262 -0.480949 -0.876544 -0.1776 -0.350125 -0.919712 -0.0818006 -0.96252 -0.258581 -0.219074 -0.955087 -0.199537 --0.527875 -0.842354 -0.10857 0.247274 -0.931592 -0.266443 -0.542872 -0.67582 -0.498556 -0.294744 -0.126319 -0.94719 -0.234806 -0.712455 -0.661267 0.820648 0.562414 -0.101129 -0.191893 0.965237 -0.177465 0.796596 0.411286 0.443034 -0.642803 0.653822 0.39915 --0.732479 0.644874 0.218203 0.916885 0.216487 0.335342 0.678735 0.709587 0.189223 --0.923451 0.383319 0.0174236 0.490758 -0.457144 -0.741739 -0.236099 -0.607113 -0.75873 --0.399497 0.916087 0.0344394 0.949939 -0.0436419 -0.309373 -0.68483 -0.249029 0.68483 -0.352752 0.647048 -0.67594 0.478836 -0.85027 0.218534 -0.74563 0.664583 0.0486281 -0.563337 0.826227 0 0.720216 -0.330099 0.610183 -0.187108 0.982319 -0.00623695 --0.315064 0.933941 -0.168785 0.245169 -0.964484 0.0982987 0.119944 -0.420374 -0.899388 -0 -0.589777 -0.807566 0 -0.699193 -0.714933 -0.378538 -0.614196 -0.692439 -0.965134 0.23815 0.10863 0.971272 0.129503 -0.19965 -0.111979 0.993081 -0.0353619 --0.886187 -0.158973 0.435201 -0.937662 0.317595 0.141153 -0.866843 -0.298306 0.399496 --0.877954 0.45548 0.147426 0.90494 -0.397534 0.151822 -0.999671 0 -0.0256326 --0.271329 -0.407547 -0.871944 0.245978 -0.70176 -0.668601 0.155893 -0.568552 -0.807741 --0.557396 -0.405064 -0.72473 0.390873 0.870007 -0.30051 0.811941 -0.582687 -0.0350249 --0.298246 -0.898246 0.322807 0.649004 -0.7604 0.0242166 -0.68699 -0.610088 0.394763 -0.452039 -0.880077 0.145346 -0.802921 -0.00613586 0.596055 -0.964678 0.15152 -0.215495 -0.0744809 -0.9757 0.206064 -0.356966 -0.474504 0.804625 -0.188334 -0.867437 -0.460525 -0.719104 -0.563221 0.407028 -0.982481 -0.104459 -0.154336 0.242026 -0.892469 0.380686 --0.564821 -0.800404 0.200825 0.627277 -0.466811 -0.623387 0.637568 0 -0.770394 --0.142326 0.906669 -0.397107 0.159465 0.955366 -0.248689 -0.76274 -0.290672 -0.577701 -0.74587 0.617038 -0.250883 -0.81045 -0.479654 -0.336309 0.402746 -0.684668 0.607475 -0.658069 -0.731188 -0.17975 0.159197 0.987019 -0.0212262 -0.608463 0.571842 0.550245 -0.81123 0.504278 0.295989 -0.931872 -0.337191 0.133854 0.361893 0.932219 0.000763488 --0.760264 0.410953 -0.503107 -0.299494 0.861957 0.409064 0.258938 0.490132 0.832299 --0.601025 0.758216 0.252739 -0.60909 0.673264 0.419195 0.330928 0.931923 0.148347 -0.370937 0.928658 4.67317e-018 -0.737688 -0.436198 0.515313 -0.717518 -0.0326145 0.695776 --0.411705 0.799192 -0.437941 -0.832317 -0.392603 -0.391294 0.807314 -0.438668 0.394733 --0.167761 -0.0524254 0.984433 0.883076 0.0169618 0.468924 0.398877 0.656771 0.63996 --0.550062 0.741453 0.38429 0.269297 0.96283 -0.0209044 -0.780604 -0.483975 0.395506 --0.406482 -0.269789 0.872918 0.439425 -0.0298928 0.897782 0.20025 0.810206 0.550878 -0.71028 0.325003 0.6244 0.163913 0.980285 0.11034 0.706998 -0.255723 0.659363 --0.681199 0.618602 0.391536 -0.0740353 0.329794 0.941146 -0.43931 0.761009 0.47736 --0.435495 0.899894 0.0231236 0.805272 0.368949 -0.464127 -0.0156035 0.915408 -0.402225 -0.781356 -0.612276 0.120833 0.814023 -0.260067 0.519357 0.473539 0.796306 0.376374 -0.298136 0.951485 0.076104 -0.445801 -0.655864 0.609183 -0.273077 -0.109231 0.955771 -0.314567 -0.56075 0.765903 -0.202444 0.91642 0.345239 -0.145551 0.836917 0.527622 -0.345219 -0.455689 0.82047 0.109863 -0.576781 0.809477 -0.291199 0 0.956663 --0.689988 0.605675 0.396327 -0.779207 0.611971 -0.135381 -0.947068 0 -0.321033 -0.905529 -0.405661 -0.124326 -0.957779 0.191881 -0.214105 0.570971 0.401648 0.71601 --0.609188 -0.793025 -0.00120155 0.22393 -0.453529 0.862651 -0.298246 -0.561404 0.77193 --0.016947 -0.995634 0.091796 0.114627 -0.984316 -0.134102 0.76324 0.626272 0.158896 --0.780768 -0.0803318 0.619635 -0.0273474 -0.683685 0.729264 0.852852 0.497026 0.160027 -0.764328 0.60805 0.214659 -0.785482 0.607238 -0.119501 -0.798365 -0.10563 -0.592837 -0.424906 -0.465741 0.776235 0.275393 -0.768981 0.576912 -0.912551 0.323436 -0.250278 --0.691563 -0.720303 -0.053888 0.814957 0.568197 0.114 0.938593 -0.152877 0.309309 --0.0306653 0.967137 0.252399 0 0.999012 0.0444406 -0.122325 0.960364 0.250475 --0.575306 -0.815582 0.0620429 0.542611 -0.663519 0.515088 -0.614936 0.786501 0.0571884 -0.309303 0.662791 0.681938 0.453619 -0.857548 -0.242571 0.325035 -0.787823 -0.523152 --0.36419 -0.582704 -0.726513 -0.753345 0.120135 -0.646559 -0.0994293 -0.867548 0.487313 -0.192513 -0.941751 -0.275761 -0.768165 0.584621 -0.26104 -0.515661 0.515661 -0.684242 --0.632944 0.637947 0.438641 -0.568495 0.59692 0.566127 -0.648077 0.761306 0.0202524 -0.159836 -0.82674 -0.539402 -0.908765 0.024747 -0.416574 0.145153 -0.79507 -0.588892 --0.802954 -0.370481 -0.466914 -0.734038 -0.250939 0.631045 -0.621609 0.359879 0.695766 --0.632406 -0.213986 0.744494 0.182029 0.923914 0.336525 0.799461 0.572663 -0.181438 -0.862405 -0.311735 0.398847 -0.388229 0.915205 0.108064 -0.31451 0.904216 -0.288925 --0.371498 -0.894791 0.247665 0.204669 0.96003 0.190926 -0.483809 0.743171 0.462196 -0.469073 0.835769 -0.285415 0.993743 -0.106441 -0.0338403 0.553575 0.609784 0.567202 -0.544186 0.493953 0.678139 -0.369926 0.908427 -0.194719 -0.441629 0.612082 -0.655987 -0.949654 0.260179 -0.174537 0.626501 -0.750153 -0.211582 -0.0895616 -0.993198 -0.0744118 --0.689787 0.338757 0.639874 -0.765414 -0.634917 -0.104983 0.668823 0.412376 -0.618564 --0.238575 0.865341 -0.440758 0.758853 -0.457257 0.463743 0.778364 -0.333329 0.532016 --0.474954 -0.633272 -0.611052 -0.785467 0.499843 -0.364964 0.0092984 -0.920542 -0.390533 --0.527143 -0.811955 0.250699 0.858022 -0.269183 -0.437423 -0.486986 0.872854 0.031162 --0.660371 -0.609574 -0.438554 -0.678026 -0.620321 -0.394313 -0.5705 0.801753 0.178105 -0.977199 0.068692 -0.200906 0.903148 -0.401399 -0.152326 -0.701963 0.447823 0.553808 --0.567391 0.769922 0.292039 -0.532566 0.790644 0.302086 0.649099 -0.74896 -0.133149 --0.538312 -0.820533 -0.192213 0.472901 -0.858963 0.196334 0.599272 -0.414755 0.684727 --0.0792451 -0.871696 -0.483598 0.136622 -0.914773 -0.380165 -0.835916 0.0272952 -0.548179 -0.789339 0.592004 0.162715 0.638063 0.749724 0.175467 0.172341 0.982346 -0.0727664 --0.449201 -0.711235 0.540705 0.119806 -0.907281 -0.403097 0.505122 -0.842952 -0.185157 --0.675275 -0.369933 -0.638086 -0.253837 -0.930737 0.263239 0.313045 -0.922659 0.225173 --0.515346 -0.804469 -0.295377 -0.0862739 0.901083 0.424979 0.724233 0.485998 0.489175 -0.257861 0.759646 0.597031 0.932992 0.115541 0.340845 0.215433 -0.0615522 0.974577 --0.360523 0.733178 0.576605 -0.246761 0.856111 0.454074 -0.418989 0.80354 0.422815 -0.40057 0.35215 0.845893 -0.927404 0.345937 0.1423 -0.343669 -0.862136 0.372308 --0.351982 -0.854814 0.381314 -0.286761 -0.742204 0.605724 -0.469965 -0.724208 0.504634 --0.533947 -0.158207 0.830585 -0.0396385 -0.87771 0.47755 0.486597 0.71118 0.507392 --0.78616 0.54793 0.285876 0.749396 0.659043 -0.0637784 -0.843981 0.279303 0.457915 -0.0431624 0.156464 0.98674 0.917384 0.352563 -0.184676 0.0663639 0.859781 0.506332 -0.982786 -0.133659 0.127544 0.330211 0.749706 0.573499 0.407645 0.733761 0.543526 --0.325328 0.325328 0.887875 0.691598 0.296399 -0.658665 -0.0286735 0.93189 0.361605 -0.811029 0.575569 0.104649 -0.835007 0.544827 0.0769864 -0.605674 0.795532 -0.0169357 -0.526432 -0.723844 -0.446005 -0.858721 0.511499 0.0311131 0.95516 -0.294414 -0.0314641 -0.654318 -0.752291 -0.0769786 -0.184002 0.950676 0.249717 -0.766319 0.484996 0.421348 -0.814556 -0.30927 0.490766 0.747596 -0.142399 0.648708 0.150572 0.983936 0.0959089 --0.707383 0.697349 -0.115389 -0.0524396 -0.830294 0.554853 -0.422703 -0.329105 0.8444 --0.0389351 0.49591 0.867501 -0.367122 -0.453782 0.811975 -0.39595 -0.444575 0.803478 -0.325111 -0.0237886 0.945377 -0.222089 0.888354 0.401875 -0.013383 0.843126 0.537549 -0.059459 0.959272 0.276154 0.465452 -0.717806 0.517792 0.500189 -0.180068 0.846987 --0.137309 0.52635 0.839108 -0.337721 0.621407 0.706963 -0.0715918 0.8342 0.546795 -0.437739 0.835922 0.331087 -0.313847 0.936785 0.154704 -0.316154 0.839023 0.442818 -0.826227 0.338002 0.450669 -0.363858 0.909645 -0.200385 0.509167 0.737621 0.443468 --0.889945 -0.0778334 -0.449378 -0.639379 0.715837 -0.280664 0.0616832 0.953938 -0.293593 -0.916946 -0.16374 -0.363867 0.805817 0.351409 -0.476624 -0.421712 0.822072 -0.382566 -0.659112 0.483905 -0.57568 0.0866908 0.99413 0.0647366 -0.620591 0.663146 -0.418456 -0.596674 0.769434 0.227927 -0.306038 -0.889423 -0.339511 -0.198727 -0.817677 -0.540288 --0.16199 0.241365 -0.956819 -0.0259789 0.777923 -0.627823 0.128085 0.577638 -0.806182 -0.241196 -0.952135 0.187785 0.615898 -0.784377 0.0736399 0.490558 -0.865848 -0.0982902 -0.397915 -0.862814 0.311793 -0.076443 0.0955537 -0.992485 0.344402 -0.593367 0.727532 -0.304721 0.557874 -0.77196 0.34759 -0.385168 0.854884 0.350881 -0.818723 0.454504 -0.719072 0.694651 0.0198988 -0.409496 0.834609 0.368431 0.669983 0.736982 -0.0893311 -0.771905 0.500695 -0.391748 0.851906 0.377427 -0.363049 -0.718531 0.695165 -0.0214196 --0.673618 0.721355 0.16089 -0.340565 0.936554 -0.0829582 -0.703328 0.708697 -0.0554788 --0.62385 0.779813 0.0519875 0.904023 -0.420476 0.0770872 -0.274518 -0.877431 -0.39339 -0.664087 -0.193795 -0.722102 -0.277649 -0.771865 -0.571957 -0.855761 0.403953 0.323256 --0.980981 -0.161503 0.107669 -0.329698 -0.941995 -0.0627997 -0.318638 -0.88094 -0.349877 --0.913812 0 -0.406138 -0.843795 0.281265 -0.457056 -0.809858 -0.0449921 -0.584898 -0.642086 -0.713429 -0.280615 -0.677066 -0.112844 -0.727219 -0.479839 -0.221464 -0.848945 --0.593281 -0.741602 -0.313121 -0.810737 -0.585093 -0.0192656 0.700229 -0.0479288 -0.712308 -0.868324 0.183022 -0.460996 -0.990763 0.0176472 0.134455 -0.989301 -0.058887 0.133477 --0.596471 -0.796965 -0.0952348 0.0651251 -0.716376 -0.694668 0.432176 -0.85327 -0.291811 --0.16173 -0.549883 -0.819434 -0.808247 -0.153567 -0.568467 -0.739123 -0.558113 -0.377104 --0.00482716 -0.391 -0.920378 0.751728 0.381391 -0.538001 -0.782525 0.595786 0.180811 --0.0433646 0.520375 -0.852836 -0.72194 -0.469261 -0.508524 0.8223 0.441605 -0.358898 --0.558705 -0.649001 0.516379 -0.122262 -0.217176 -0.968445 0.771176 0.396563 -0.498021 --0.485481 -0.729729 0.48146 -0.739498 -0.372247 -0.560869 -0.753035 -0.637183 0.164123 --0.384129 -0.85523 0.34789 -0.408185 -0.910361 0.0680309 -0.890682 -0.435701 -0.129811 --0.417446 -0.834891 0.358742 0.569232 0.182244 -0.801724 0.0217289 0.999528 -0.0217289 -0.293995 0.930985 0.216413 0.428122 0.887267 -0.171662 -0.571268 0.736852 -0.361527 -0.899559 0.311847 0.30585 0.779239 0.618808 -0.0993148 -0.939353 0.139904 -0.313118 -0.797465 -0.194225 0.57125 -0.280294 -0.779216 0.560587 -0.90969 -0.414222 -0.0297458 --0.962264 -0.226415 -0.150943 0.418821 -0.732937 0.536091 -0.672912 -0.716482 0.183962 --0.159153 -0.925074 0.344831 -0.363915 0.166424 0.916444 -0.284834 0.575146 0.766861 --0.922282 0.372087 0.104631 0.922211 -0.269318 0.277479 0.807698 -0.0695976 -0.585474 --0.481251 -0.704689 0.521355 -0.756467 -0.550158 0.353673 -0.442581 -0.785225 0.433063 --0.539279 -0.41483 0.732867 0.747241 -0.314455 -0.585448 0.842745 -0.256488 -0.473281 --0.677798 -0.551429 0.48633 0.0859382 -0.880866 0.465499 -0.52058 -0.77123 0.366334 --0.0380571 -0.938742 0.342514 0.713643 -0.198685 -0.671743 -0.350684 -0.769412 0.533878 --0.138461 -0.860866 0.48963 -0.592205 -0.572016 0.56753 0.298066 0.938909 -0.172066 -0.292737 0.360292 -0.885717 -0.609509 -0.0156955 -0.792624 -0.975401 -0.220289 -0.00809461 -0.226415 -0.509434 -0.830189 -0.63785 -0.494817 0.590172 0.277409 -0.569419 0.773826 -0.681484 -0.453204 0.574618 -0.446719 0.824045 -0.348412 0.51393 -0.765361 0.387425 --0.84761 -0.081501 0.524323 0.783492 0.61996 0.042307 -0.827831 -0.477595 -0.294276 --0.441068 -0.866097 0.235236 -0.551845 0 0.833947 0.175069 0 0.984556 -0 -0.454739 0.890625 0.17378 -0.568735 0.803953 -0.493062 -0.571798 0.655696 -0.940981 0.209107 0.266136 0.451165 -0.892154 0.0226148 -0.892489 -0.435089 0.118999 -0 -0.195557 0.980692 0.751783 0.573536 0.325388 0.752332 0.596134 0.280393 -0.197539 0.395078 0.897157 -0.561401 -0.800219 0.210897 -0.246252 -0.969016 -0.0191884 -0.809813 0.524227 0.263417 0.910246 0.379269 0.166156 -0.759757 0.291306 0.5813 --0.172447 -0.172447 0.969806 -0.196671 -0.763545 0.615078 0.959401 0.266693 0.0917839 -0.4073 -0.492154 0.769345 0.80829 0.11547 0.57735 -0.990492 -0.137568 0 --0.281662 -0.537523 0.794818 -0.280577 -0.542448 0.79185 0.121636 -0.429782 0.894702 -0.132161 0.0213975 0.990997 -0.507118 -0.507118 0.696895 0.0118686 0.999929 0.00098905 --0.0506589 -0.905106 0.422158 0.932648 0.185624 0.309373 -0.673277 -0.0968744 0.733016 -0.945484 0.297152 0.133268 0.919568 0.33984 0.197241 -0.868611 -0.38537 -0.311456 -0.368731 -0.538557 -0.757624 -0.0650865 0.0735761 -0.995163 0.337086 0.204659 -0.91896 -0.314574 -0.340888 -0.885911 -0.876715 0.23123 0.421787 -0.0176222 -0.418527 0.908033 --0.135326 -0.582698 0.801342 0.540635 -0.138302 0.829811 -0.499233 0.0274447 0.866033 --0.159867 -0.188933 0.968889 0.947565 0.0485338 0.315855 -0.782687 -0.538732 0.311719 --0.904768 0.392635 0.165021 0.363733 0.544511 -0.755781 0.0826539 0.870818 -0.484608 --0.0118038 0.755442 -0.65511 0.385896 -0.0110256 -0.922476 0.569415 -0.251897 0.782505 -0.0355019 -0.443773 0.895436 -0.180905 -0.671932 0.718179 0.787789 -0.342626 0.511855 -0.656553 -0.632645 0.410729 -0.982679 -0.0289023 0.183048 0.56552 0.557749 -0.607538 -0.489065 0.619483 -0.614049 -0.449277 -0.587709 0.672866 -0.210012 -0.926893 0.31107 -0.562404 0.778392 0.278941 0.605463 0.762982 0.226433 -0.0221856 0.321691 0.946585 --0.27345 0.626657 0.729744 -0.143918 0.949248 0.279671 0.882628 -0.233014 -0.408256 -0.583178 -0.479771 -0.655532 -0.0129257 -0.843399 -0.537133 0.313224 -0.792495 -0.523299 -0.137234 -0.772338 -0.620211 0.129915 -0.75587 -0.641702 0.529696 -0.815144 0.23444 --0.376512 -0.909517 0.176119 0.867327 -0.412509 0.278532 0.433694 -0.501216 0.748794 -0.882248 0.0577171 0.467234 0 -0.689184 0.724587 0.620613 -0.297554 0.725466 -0.673255 0.290017 0.68016 0.684599 0.489865 0.539775 0.648062 -0.539542 -0.537504 -0.024134 -0.877121 -0.479664 -0.377302 -0.747617 -0.546545 -0.405857 -0.789166 -0.460973 --0.270585 -0.947047 -0.172874 -0.309803 -0.727292 -0.612428 -0.370652 -0.833377 0.409999 -0.449384 -0.755973 -0.475983 -0.0992201 -0.988232 -0.116418 0.163172 -0.979035 0.121923 -0.965393 0.0546449 0.25501 0.955532 -0.241761 0.168849 0.268769 0.761512 0.589799 --0.717536 0.694877 -0.0478357 -0.878072 -0.435326 0.1987 -0.918316 -0.395168 0.0232011 --0.201291 0.978272 0.0496517 0.217787 -0.745062 -0.630437 0.247182 -0.72645 -0.641226 --0.0932922 -0.713411 -0.694508 -0.124591 -0.662302 -0.738805 -0.126111 -0.693611 -0.709225 --0.819069 0.565132 -0.0987529 -0.93673 0.326121 -0.12721 0.80039 -0.0188981 0.599181 -0.773185 -0.036082 0.633153 -0.974482 -0.214048 0.0675941 -0.118932 -0.793781 -0.596462 -0.660087 0.660087 0.358566 -0.683426 0.729604 0.024628 0.825296 0.293417 -0.482486 -0.400152 0.639933 -0.656022 -0.330778 0.873827 -0.356389 0.728524 -0.414529 0.54536 --0.993146 0.0522708 -0.104542 0.42005 -0.725105 0.545692 0.53976 -0.725303 0.42731 -0.480591 -0.756341 0.443825 -0.920498 0.114466 -0.373605 -0.37285 0.915915 -0.1486 -0 0.80975 -0.586775 0.279475 0.784908 -0.553003 0.0700335 0.964906 -0.253084 --0.229426 0.964466 -0.131031 0.0737118 -0.986604 -0.145533 0.840993 -0.434513 -0.322381 -0.52657 -0.182274 -0.830361 0.312081 -0.92946 -0.196747 -0.334275 -0.315173 -0.888215 -0.27134 0.943793 -0.188759 -0.401074 0.860683 -0.313632 -0.378267 0.342242 0.860107 -0.976251 -0.205526 -0.0685088 -0.122878 0.988872 0.0838688 -0.872789 0.417421 0.252982 -0.976102 0.0377658 0.214006 0.651681 0.75762 -0.0363829 0.364101 -0.7756 0.51563 -0.742195 -0.656862 0.13296 -0.871366 -0.309023 0.381085 0.146872 -0.78273 0.604783 -0.877004 -0.372166 0.303901 0.957069 0.0118614 0.289617 0.558115 -0.796969 0.230971 --0.82509 -0.437877 0.357057 -0.399533 -0.528 0.749392 -0.730739 0.540921 0.416443 -0 0.845299 0.534293 0.134867 0.990863 0.000917466 0.606041 0.795429 0.00252517 -0.836213 0.470829 -0.28119 -0.445512 0.860086 0.248538 0.423396 -0.729626 0.537012 --0.305044 -0.934501 0.183457 0.806679 0.590989 0.000539224 0.342321 -0.222509 0.912856 -0.241416 0.64858 0.721846 0.200802 0.312538 0.928439 -0.535649 -0.204807 0.819228 --0.982708 0.1121 0.147371 -0.0159597 -0.877784 0.478791 0.67601 -0.720258 -0.155687 --0.49998 0.862466 0.0785683 -0.533904 0.782134 0.321267 -0.826654 0.296921 0.477997 -0.226547 -0.841459 0.490534 -0.495535 -0.31297 0.810244 -0.299892 -0.886638 0.352048 -0.54181 -0.725035 0.425165 0.245359 -0.500156 0.830447 0.363325 0.835104 -0.413033 --0.590006 0.548805 -0.592204 -0.116529 0.169081 0.978689 -0.706242 0.684456 0.180948 --0.309995 0.476063 -0.822962 0.95009 -0.19489 -0.243613 0.475945 0.655064 -0.586828 -0.728125 -0.630945 0.267849 -0.0407481 0.890951 0.452267 -0.582969 0.80907 0.0745233 --0.0549774 0.923621 -0.379344 -0.513722 0.834798 -0.197997 -0.557588 0.811228 -0.176081 -0.765321 0.26353 0.587227 -0.675956 0.731082 -0.0927525 -0.58211 0.40905 0.702727 --0.594237 0.801932 -0.0615391 0.723883 -0.685921 -0.0742002 -0.896904 0.294657 -0.329758 --0.638909 0.729387 -0.244521 -0.666179 0.460368 -0.586743 -0.678242 0.413304 -0.607592 -0.960313 0.122187 0.250738 0.913422 0.404416 0.0459035 -0.4968 0.867295 0.0314359 -0.876056 0.259828 -0.40622 -0.341332 0.898593 -0.275723 -0.872526 -0.119972 -0.473609 -0.584025 0.805516 0.100298 0.222134 -0.456384 0.861609 -0.311531 -0.914709 -0.2574 -0 -0.983582 -0.180463 -0.174272 -0.894402 -0.411915 0.0946618 0.636816 0.765183 --0.989303 -0.0594693 -0.133204 -0.20138 -0.47599 0.856084 0.892971 0.140995 0.427462 -0.222449 0.826241 0.517535 0.530197 0.745678 -0.403554 0.774297 0.526993 -0.350347 -0.494518 -0.85912 -0.131778 0.620653 -0.776792 -0.106695 -0.426685 -0.694779 -0.578983 -0.764098 0.363617 0.532858 0.361256 -0.794763 0.487695 -0.622033 -0.551448 0.55586 -0.959018 0 -0.283346 -0.194219 -0.920341 0.339488 0.208337 -0.876339 0.434311 --0.928985 0.364538 0.0640229 -0.707637 0.435469 0.556432 0.714521 0.136193 0.68623 -0.608432 -0.0612033 0.791242 -0.74959 -0.617309 -0.23884 -0.597472 -0.792565 -0.121933 --0.501535 -0.844691 -0.186976 0.84596 -0.484014 0.223791 -0.862354 -0.505442 -0.029558 --0.879617 -0.473284 -0.0477132 0.92322 0.0869844 -0.374296 0.78666 -0.248249 -0.565277 --0.44754 -0.888317 0.102961 -0.342413 -0.924516 -0.167402 -0.0276609 0.874084 -0.484987 --0.325084 0.945244 -0.0288963 0.774788 -0.615273 0.145408 -0.424469 -0.859505 0.28474 -0.873828 0.160835 -0.458865 0.630084 -0.422443 -0.651564 0.195384 -0.784541 -0.58849 --0.508922 0.675479 0.533597 -0.0545349 0.974688 0.216818 -0.177901 0.899011 0.400164 --0.476704 0.727146 0.493976 -0.908257 -0.416233 0.0426587 0.751682 -0.652623 0.0951742 --0.435742 -0.86247 0.257439 0.507963 -0.736138 -0.447297 0.0781703 -0.906776 -0.414303 --0.335164 -0.918402 -0.210247 -0.596191 -0.122268 0.793478 -0.649051 0.102482 0.75381 -0.888894 0.165376 0.427221 -0.918033 -0.393443 -0.0491803 0.527496 0.805815 0.269091 --0.929075 0.360048 0.0847665 -0.633245 -0.697642 0.335107 -0.17146 -0.925188 0.338568 --0.377802 -0.763377 0.523947 -0.278163 0.960533 0.00144877 0.636431 -0.383329 0.669338 -0.354603 -0.839506 0.411687 -0.952117 0.07129 0.297306 0.0171572 0.998693 0.0481355 -0 -0.974802 -0.22307 0.271945 -0.960733 -0.055124 -0.334501 -0.836773 0.433497 -0.599162 0.800444 -0.0171635 0.212221 -0.88361 0.417367 0.677376 -0.693698 0.244835 -0.0219415 -0.727446 0.685814 -0.269743 0.351839 0.896352 -0.34553 0.8828 0.318234 --0.0328036 0.880377 0.47314 -0.689033 0.714695 -0.120185 0.605622 -0.175543 0.776149 -0.535361 0.414935 0.735675 -0.885942 0.3648 -0.286406 -0.277827 0.845221 -0.456524 --0.169461 0.782128 -0.599632 0.584915 -0.779887 -0.222825 0.302739 -0.930641 -0.205563 -0.185381 -0.975458 0.118806 0.976954 -0.144377 0.157211 0.631576 -0.672323 0.386125 --0.86472 -0.0238269 -0.50169 -0.64589 -0.25329 -0.720188 -0.557171 0.78004 0.284777 --0.708727 0.590606 0.385863 -0.848634 -0.494632 0.187508 -0.969816 0.231324 -0.0771081 -0.194631 0.915417 -0.352322 -0.327382 0.944849 -0.00897883 0.605589 -0.789899 0.0965432 -0.629575 -0.198813 0.751072 -0.554213 -0.810811 0.188235 -0.943854 0.328847 0.0316199 -0.365393 -0.917264 0.158477 0.149393 -0.953978 -0.260014 -0.0996518 -0.866971 -0.488294 -0.950321 0.10182 0.294147 -0.357663 -0.925321 0.125933 0.733973 0.53509 -0.418286 -0.137962 0.984228 -0.110729 0.0876307 0.820962 0.564219 -0.561393 0.773908 0.293093 -0 -0.914429 0.404747 0 -0.62788 0.77831 0.495251 -0.839773 0.222504 --0.757878 0.611192 0.228178 0.891005 -0.18472 0.414716 0.665947 -0.745266 -0.0330495 -0.63056 -0.677268 -0.379081 -0.0272008 -0.994528 -0.100869 0.815211 -0.490259 0.308346 --0.553932 0.658963 0.50885 -0.667498 -0.451267 -0.592287 0.84932 -0.116523 0.514857 --0.91859 0.380106 0.108225 -0.871966 0.38644 0.300564 0.768589 -0.638718 0.0361996 -0.619813 0.215587 0.754555 -0.34832 0.34832 0.870257 0 0.863779 -0.503871 --0.889261 -0.370525 -0.26819 0.879936 -0.288775 0.377255 -0.163912 0.861059 0.481363 -0.802858 -0.539062 0.254621 0.810407 -0.476505 0.340858 -0.870374 0.486587 -0.0753867 --0.746696 0.662248 0.0622247 -0.460255 -0.887635 -0.0164377 -0.127855 -0.990877 -0.0426184 --0.76004 0.649094 -0.0318809 0.763761 -0.609075 -0.213767 0.33931 0.0657978 0.938371 -0.995588 -0.060645 0.0715948 -0.249263 0.926948 -0.280421 -0.60159 0.767546 -0.221275 -0.749145 0.649551 0.129868 -0.317376 0.372175 0.872214 0.563123 -0.412957 0.715792 --0.501663 0.0876942 0.860607 0.907507 0.380871 0.177113 0.947121 0.282254 0.152627 --0.154801 -0.942629 -0.295781 -0.95041 -0.256197 -0.176308 0.892504 -0.0263146 0.450272 --0.0551289 0.98707 0.150511 -0.670795 0.585071 0.455769 -0.92149 0.356335 0.154539 -0.67505 0.319615 0.664947 0.838591 0.268349 0.474083 -0.525761 -0.467343 0.710751 -0.819567 -0.402838 0.407469 -0.579188 -0.780295 -0.235966 0.778029 -0.602345 -0.178473 --0.389986 -0.91729 0.0805604 -0.365704 -0.683289 -0.631962 0.744031 -0.644087 0.177679 -0 -0.993263 0.115881 0.112211 -0.94756 0.29923 0.879996 0.118177 0.460046 -0.693532 -0.704541 0.150449 -0.725772 -0.652632 0.217544 -0.815089 -0.565128 0.127516 --0.168956 -0.92926 0.328526 0.816034 0.1515 0.557796 -0.935008 -0.189282 0.299887 -0.575748 0.663926 -0.477197 -0.710934 0.680731 -0.176572 0.946574 0.153445 0.28364 -0.446711 0.893423 0.0473785 -0.685454 0.697804 -0.2079 0.604175 -0.648929 0.462455 -0.847875 -0.529405 0.0289518 0.86957 -0.48236 -0.105723 -0.817904 -0.505664 0.274477 -0.655328 0.602811 0.455153 -0.665534 0.543604 0.511428 0.719596 0.474341 0.507131 --0.725722 0.302971 0.617686 -0.974869 0.141911 0.171733 0.815892 -0.565685 -0.119664 --0.642664 -0.731708 0.227126 0.92752 -0.209047 0.30985 -0.608522 0.0747307 0.790011 --0.394443 0.661272 0.63807 -0.295373 0.945194 0.139154 -0.78874 0.613802 0.0337069 --0.385115 0.135504 -0.912866 -0.221351 0.544863 -0.808782 -0.0461717 0.998767 0.0182257 -0.416136 0.808493 0.416136 -0.826732 0.300275 0.475761 -0.963011 -0.249362 0.10212 -0.886783 -0.446581 0.119088 0.854321 -0.0678032 0.515305 0.224021 0.950944 0.213353 -0.46955 0.812992 0.344336 0.641377 0.408994 0.649123 -0.8007 0.402122 0.444046 -0.902565 0.357773 -0.239532 -0.307914 -0.902323 -0.301667 -0.241942 -0.957545 -0.156751 -0.958194 -0.283909 -0.0354887 -0.498761 -0.546262 0.672931 0.166099 -0.861342 0.480105 --0.0416921 -0.481354 0.875534 -0.920533 0.38377 -0.0730684 0.612958 -0.290349 -0.734833 --0.343579 -0.343579 -0.874017 -0.511089 -0.584102 -0.630565 -0.609956 -0.43874 -0.659894 -0.603958 -0.795944 -0.0413304 -0.917812 -0.12132 0.378026 0.931316 -0.334376 -0.144373 -0.674781 0.687675 -0.267907 0.537652 0.752712 -0.379941 -0.560346 0.828218 -0.00820018 -0.586744 0.757878 -0.285223 -0.714804 -0.0238268 -0.698919 0.790435 -0.59912 0.127544 --0.562124 0.811274 0.160782 0.154868 -0.542037 0.825961 0.668151 0.70991 0.222717 --0.240452 0.951187 -0.193456 -0.429097 0.894287 0.126991 -0.335591 -0.929912 -0.150475 --0.210184 0.97459 -0.0774362 -0.760155 -0.305761 -0.573301 0.479909 -0.87477 0.0668227 --0.721273 0.656607 -0.220527 -0.357147 0.664399 0.656521 0.28204 0.378991 0.881374 -0.702879 -0.711184 -0.0133378 0.713275 0.394178 0.579536 -0.685865 0.727432 -0.0207838 --0.568874 0.733732 -0.37151 0.371274 0.85945 0.351429 -0.715244 0.694207 -0.0806402 --0.175969 0.907842 -0.380601 0.698151 -0.713006 -0.0648637 0.389244 0.758469 -0.522699 -0.953043 -0.0914082 -0.28871 0.636914 0.756475 0.148613 0.00965772 0.950078 -0.311864 --0.274688 0.864996 -0.419915 -0.161561 0.98637 0.0311784 0.659398 -0.67938 -0.321928 -0.535644 -0.84238 0.0590073 -0.347294 -0.88035 -0.323064 -0.607834 -0.487768 -0.626594 --0.154945 -0.985868 0.0636907 -0.615443 -0.553899 -0.560737 -0.464606 -0.872205 -0.152968 -0.359253 0.146086 -0.921735 0.0444477 0.112427 -0.992665 -0.355045 -0.0730133 -0.931994 -0.0674104 0.269642 -0.960598 -0.191121 0.210233 -0.958788 -0.228765 0.591634 -0.773069 -0.00978398 0.743583 -0.668572 0.437264 0.896952 -0.0654027 0.415123 0.909468 -0.0232384 --0.538665 0.819915 -0.193856 -0.551434 0.797567 -0.244556 0.595659 -0.0374086 -0.802366 -0.414913 -0.827079 -0.379192 0.30393 -0.649204 -0.697252 0.542147 -0.715456 -0.44068 --0.522983 0.298517 -0.798359 -0.0838339 0.854366 -0.512866 0.257119 0.817507 -0.515337 --0.301512 0.819938 -0.486612 0.115936 0.830872 -0.544253 -0.568658 0.434602 -0.69839 --0.129469 0 -0.991583 0 -0.286888 -0.957964 0.396823 -0.235874 -0.887071 -0.455331 -0.659765 -0.597816 -0.0958466 -0.443734 -0.891018 0.492498 0.357252 -0.79361 --0.245426 -0.47449 -0.845355 0.115963 0.552531 -0.825386 0.419206 0.375752 -0.826484 -0.693484 -0.1517 -0.70432 -0.116862 0.629659 -0.768032 -0.205244 0.840999 -0.500595 -0.576685 0.0678454 -0.814144 -0.199622 0.829201 -0.522089 0.0382157 0.636928 -0.769975 --0.132784 0.708183 -0.69343 -0.509512 0.445823 -0.735962 0.551977 -0.296608 -0.779324 --0.621821 -0.74489 0.241819 0.173984 -0.951112 0.255176 0.0641335 0.689436 -0.721502 -0.384586 0.590081 -0.709858 -0.977292 0.141508 0.157723 -0.254904 -0.892165 0.372915 --0.299088 -0.94711 -0.116312 -0.326407 -0.940819 0.0912019 0.633746 -0.660714 -0.402272 -0.768 -0.6 -0.224 0.26906 -0.858646 0.436272 -0.570063 -0.819726 -0.0554806 --0.399285 -0.613471 -0.681341 0.514472 0.35586 -0.780181 0.833419 0.44824 -0.323255 -0.84591 0.422955 -0.324878 -0.745351 -0.643481 -0.174311 0.507703 0.58509 -0.632382 -0.641742 0.647196 -0.411466 -0.846289 -0.531477 -0.0364195 -0.0377937 0.259517 -0.964999 -0.474143 0.720697 -0.505752 0.811386 -0.298932 0.502287 0.319102 -0.78366 0.532964 --0.326634 0.0130654 -0.945061 0.480956 0.775735 -0.408554 0.816645 0.576703 -0.0224507 --0.831019 -0.250951 0.496417 -0.490006 -0.601371 -0.631068 0.893498 0.0845509 -0.441036 -0.763268 -0.637292 -0.106215 -0.0642451 -0.936143 -0.3457 -0.431452 -0.748863 -0.503044 --0.796918 -0.446582 -0.4068 0.886277 -0.276366 0.371665 -0.426638 -0.781221 -0.455712 -0.607777 0.00542658 -0.794089 0.802224 0.36572 -0.471896 -0.869659 0.49359 0.00783477 --0.71059 0.688726 -0.14394 0.885195 -0.42083 -0.198322 0.587107 -0.569098 0.575701 -0.561558 0.505402 0.65515 0.815869 0.273909 -0.509247 -0.98744 0.143628 0.0658293 --0.773334 -0.559509 -0.298167 -0.643952 -0.13365 -0.753302 -0.0106825 -0.758459 -0.651634 --0.0861221 0.5844 0.806882 0.89086 0.222715 0.395938 0.414513 -0.612759 0.672834 --0.933702 0.322464 0.155617 0.403577 -0.828969 -0.387216 -0.589968 -0.543392 -0.597213 -0.0960738 0.288221 0.952732 -0.759953 -0.595639 0.260164 0.058722 -0.998274 0 --0.823847 -0.561068 0.0804908 -0.0323125 0.972067 -0.23247 -0.555582 0.694477 -0.457198 --0.971022 -0.0357431 -0.236302 -0.924955 -0.295986 -0.238433 -0.22434 -0.931012 0.287903 -0.933969 0.324859 0.148894 0.851205 0.206353 -0.482564 -0.753044 -0.331278 0.568489 -0.750727 -0.034124 0.65973 -0.625343 -0.606951 0.490465 -0.446065 -0.592582 0.670725 --0.923537 -0.0157474 0.383186 -0.341077 0.420397 0.840793 0.207583 0.928019 0.309339 -0.548625 0.648375 0.527844 0.970118 0.191682 -0.148761 0.246795 0.943394 0.221585 --0.805546 0.109847 0.582262 -0.0574128 -0.80059 0.596456 0.939336 -0.34205 -0.0254657 --0.611717 -0.694063 0.379578 0.00944936 -0.982733 0.184787 0.837139 -0.335124 -0.432309 -0.867052 -0.144121 -0.476917 -0.62838 -0.583709 0.51422 -0.814936 -0.382599 0.435313 --0.762198 -0.396171 0.51196 0.666667 -0.133333 -0.733333 0.0066872 -0.595161 0.803579 --0.264305 -0.816942 0.512591 -0.624136 -0.289599 0.725663 0.322258 -0.314065 0.893036 --0.396763 -0.523727 0.75385 0.0234246 -0.726164 0.687123 0.174694 -0.744069 0.644859 -0.699113 0.636239 -0.326253 0.710531 -0.4222 -0.562933 -0.492213 -0.118658 0.862349 --0.155189 -0.731085 0.664403 -0.310017 -0.75782 0.574106 -0.852302 -0.171869 0.494006 --0.0637487 -0.812796 0.57905 0.22359 0.941931 -0.250547 -0.644618 -0.738952 -0.196006 -0.506935 0.76695 -0.393452 -0.467142 0.27479 -0.840398 -0.200632 -0.72536 -0.658483 --0.191611 -0.8191 -0.540704 0.358312 -0.879151 -0.314177 0.143058 0.839276 -0.524548 --0.461237 -0.864036 -0.201748 -0.550213 -0.431616 -0.714824 -0.269224 -0.423066 -0.865179 -0.0698754 -0.635866 0.76863 0.172456 -0.426183 0.888047 0.66742 0.725401 -0.168358 -0.386712 0.858631 -0.336461 -0.576683 0.384455 -0.720854 -0.435259 -0.0423404 -0.899309 --0.155511 -0.459672 0.874367 -0.433461 -0.791066 0.431655 -0.604078 0.745775 0.280909 --0.996926 -0.0772811 -0.0128802 -0.060117 -0.865685 0.496967 0.6506 0.74819 -0.13012 --0.50084 -0.797035 -0.337483 -0.98064 0.0492949 0.189512 0.0126828 -0.674 -0.738622 -0.6305 -0.339879 0.697819 0 -0.472408 0.88138 -0.445054 -0.376861 0.812344 -0.573308 0.806359 0.145269 -0.317861 0.946014 0.063428 0.555598 0.811046 0.183071 -0.554127 0.829097 0.0744419 -0.390133 -0.23242 0.890942 -0.908379 -0.416506 -0.0370227 --0.768679 -0.361731 -0.527525 0.404002 -0.404002 -0.820709 0.513144 -0.372556 -0.77323 -0.542005 -0.527357 -0.654313 -0.347528 -0.538328 -0.767742 -0.286044 -0.618654 -0.731741 --0.156417 -0.449142 0.879662 0.284843 -0.0931216 0.95404 -0.397439 0.228527 0.888717 --0.152511 0.0538274 0.986835 -0.258021 -0.488103 0.833775 -0.840079 0.294433 0.455606 --0.931626 0.2465 0.267042 0.473692 0.68183 0.557426 0.225875 -0.309977 0.923523 --0.779569 -0.550896 0.297969 0.389904 -0.322095 -0.862687 -0.457239 -0.452489 -0.765628 --0.769422 -0.129357 0.625505 0 -0.454739 0.890625 0.712958 -0.235879 0.660343 -0.590895 -0.401198 0.699916 -0.692747 0.161911 0.70277 -0.347437 -0.820281 0.454341 -0.488719 -0.57264 0.658207 -0.153549 0.472832 0.867671 -0.243055 -0.884449 0.39834 --0.0845631 0.819611 -0.566645 0.735378 0.1329 -0.664498 0.241294 -0.487415 -0.839168 --0.343322 -0.672138 -0.656019 -0.365424 -0.637432 -0.67834 -0.0832131 0.254534 0.963477 -0.120501 -0.271127 0.954971 0.309647 -0.465699 0.829001 0.604564 -0.310033 0.733745 -0.325999 -0.10161 0.939894 0.338341 0.931664 0.132394 0.71773 -0.118145 0.686225 --0.242618 -0.679331 0.692565 0.516544 0.843397 -0.147862 0.484088 0.633273 -0.603842 -0.661233 0.418971 -0.622281 0.31461 0.750833 -0.58075 -0.206203 0.904889 -0.372366 -0.0224029 0.847576 -0.530201 -0.190866 0.438992 -0.877984 0.275766 -0.529172 -0.802453 -0.31833 -0.48339 -0.815475 0.0705311 -0.712364 -0.698257 -0.131773 -0.779013 -0.613004 --0.193575 -0.71323 -0.67367 -0.489911 0.553631 0.67341 -0.276104 -0.516582 0.810499 --0.285549 -0.095183 0.953626 -0.0892342 0 0.996011 0.539156 -0.589431 0.601566 --0.474298 -0.380462 0.793908 -0.986091 -0.152084 0.0670476 0.420109 0.904591 -0.0722769 -0.441151 0.893024 -0.0888429 -0.43675 0.780551 -0.447202 0.415877 -0.883738 -0.214603 --0.188738 0.924816 -0.330292 0.121147 0.987349 -0.102302 -0.779696 0.60643 0.155939 --0.48517 -0.749809 -0.449885 -0.381799 0 0.924245 0.494724 -0.169152 0.852429 --0.456887 -0.45452 0.764635 0.0189 -0.7686 0.63945 -0.305122 0 0.952313 --0.883178 -0.0334176 0.467846 0.975461 0.0248701 0.218765 0.696289 0.690828 0.194779 -0.443242 0.89612 -0.0224833 -0.369419 -0.181656 -0.911335 0.451936 -0.885795 -0.105452 --0.72774 -0.610632 0.312287 0 -0.61519 -0.788379 0.133662 -0.61917 -0.773798 -0.113717 -0.760903 -0.638824 -0.369801 -0.665642 -0.648204 -0.0342371 -0.725827 0.687025 --0.167154 -0.297295 0.94004 0.16328 -0.569211 0.805815 0.743706 0.424975 0.516041 -0.490768 -0.208642 0.84594 0.287294 -0.721474 -0.63003 -0.742765 -0.427652 -0.515184 --0.676961 0.132552 0.723985 -0.164613 -0.420322 0.892318 -0.572824 -0.329707 0.750444 -0.272078 -0.743681 0.610665 0.659524 0.544182 0.51855 0.339597 0.25412 0.905592 --0.245284 -0.531449 0.810801 -0.310388 -0.843483 0.438401 -0.955175 -0.212261 -0.206365 --0.783488 0 0.621407 -0.31772 0.926235 0.202838 -0.397139 0.917528 0.0205417 -0.400384 0.85243 0.336236 0.123878 0.916698 0.379893 -0.310369 -0.846462 0.432636 -0.845257 0.432523 0.313791 0.655033 0.74668 0.115764 -0.407329 -0.878302 0.250337 -0.991945 -0.101338 0.0760036 -0.997329 0 0.0730367 0.898404 0.431997 0.0790521 --0.727004 0.2812 0.626412 -0.975467 -0.00950748 -0.21994 0.728168 0.102717 0.677658 -0.59963 -0.237136 0.764337 -0.766545 0.178928 0.61676 0.568873 -0.644363 0.511057 --0.0122066 -0.772068 0.635422 -0.331944 -0.881242 0.336491 -0.0746191 -0.983867 0.162596 --0.859657 -0.459269 0.223746 0.799719 0.517609 -0.304188 0.646401 -0.609812 0.458579 --0.432498 -0.900382 -0.0475093 -0.364245 0.610786 -0.70304 -0.915037 -0.174293 0.36377 -0.824065 0.560746 -0.0804965 -0.489021 0.789957 -0.3699 0.975721 -0.136391 0.171363 --0.853388 0.426694 -0.299434 0.608354 -0.01767 0.793469 0.659089 0.0063374 0.752038 --0.948889 0.289914 0.124741 -0.314891 0.944674 0.0918433 0.831238 0.465312 -0.304185 -0.094667 0.9493 -0.299779 0.809295 -0.012302 0.587273 -0.845043 -0.423074 0.326971 -0.808137 -0.493278 -0.321855 -0.129371 0.954112 -0.270062 -0.873153 0.293771 0.388975 --0.916029 0.373197 -0.147017 -0.573422 -0.798089 0.185045 -0.728867 -0.684582 -0.0100463 -0.662043 0.367159 0.65337 0.0576586 0.897827 0.436558 -0.932517 0.345674 -0.104506 -0.773286 -0.594163 0.221355 -0.160785 0.920046 0.3573 -0.652284 -0.489828 0.578441 --0.719465 -0.527608 0.451664 -0.197394 -0.958769 0.204443 0.625048 -0.644351 0.440598 --0.450171 -0.467825 0.760583 -0.681206 -0.390797 0.619061 -0.269787 -0.926849 0.261084 -0.488812 -0.852821 0.183738 0.24203 -0.96812 0.0645413 0.152247 0.792952 -0.589956 --0.1013 0.964653 -0.243274 0.36482 0.781757 -0.505729 0.120654 0.890714 0.43826 --0.750137 0.641055 -0.162306 -0.300564 0.826551 -0.475893 0.889031 0.457648 0.0135305 -0.0175601 -0.807767 -0.589241 -0.627992 -0.250176 -0.736912 -0.832573 -0.0101197 -0.553822 --0.180239 0.959128 -0.218146 -0.975822 0.203105 0.0807432 0.446144 0.892288 0.0691209 --0.18645 -0.849383 -0.493747 -0.47971 -0.830184 -0.284029 -0.873968 -0.0771149 0.479826 --0.812278 0.330308 0.48073 0.642143 0.762545 0.0785956 0.685601 0.713303 -0.145431 -0.293974 0.551202 0.780869 -0.42041 -0.371525 0.827783 0.728482 0.0466762 -0.683473 --0.891428 -0.445714 -0.0818219 0.916834 -0.00274091 0.399259 0.532432 -0.846287 -0.0177477 -0.494079 -0.868381 0.0424209 -0.487983 0.486076 0.724985 0.620801 0.558721 0.549942 -0.311032 -0.948301 -0.0631279 0.699592 -0.699592 -0.145405 0.584159 -0.767357 -0.264427 -0.425544 -0.830331 -0.35981 0.464224 -0.858815 -0.216638 -0.188658 -0.981024 -0.044719 --0.659388 -0.746212 -0.0915165 0.771295 -0.290089 -0.566527 0.48177 0.404687 -0.777256 --0.194547 0.960578 -0.1986 -0.0345892 0.992606 0.116346 0.330335 0.739792 0.586163 --0.554409 0.671126 0.492159 0.104307 0.382459 0.918066 -0.464886 0.757472 0.458385 -0.696904 -0.420772 0.580754 0.82618 -0.563304 -0.0107296 -0.701191 -0.643716 -0.306531 --0.637416 -0.762623 -0.11003 0.58002 0.305686 -0.755071 0.385464 0.566682 -0.72821 -0.488593 0.576477 -0.654944 0.232487 0.854254 -0.464974 0.864582 0.27765 0.418818 --0.717908 0.683609 0.131478 0.481512 -0.502773 0.71789 0.654403 -0.364243 -0.662634 -0.566525 0.446772 -0.692419 -0.334364 -0.675893 0.656787 0.383583 -0.280166 0.879984 --0.82266 0.558234 0.107729 0.157532 0.984574 0.0761404 0.0894869 0.995541 0.029829 --0.456209 0.82688 -0.328851 -0.873372 0.487054 0 0.61682 0.106348 0.779887 -0.906605 -0.215459 0.362829 -0.735083 -0.479402 0.479402 -0.697206 -0.681626 0.222015 -0.337685 -0.92096 -0.194425 -0.78914 -0.39457 -0.470715 -0.451943 0.795246 -0.404142 -0.423041 0.867963 -0.260146 0.0770327 -0.99661 0.0288872 0.182021 -0.982915 0.0273032 --0.406562 -0.877078 -0.255814 0.998458 -0.0264492 0.0488051 -0.985628 -0.0467954 0.162321 --0.225258 -0.946086 -0.232767 0.908438 -0.417071 -0.0281424 0.19366 -0.937125 0.290332 -0.384013 -0.776411 -0.49972 0.370627 0.688307 -0.623594 0.881539 -0.467803 0.0636275 --0.935347 0.289678 -0.203008 0.930651 -0.101641 0.351509 -0.990077 0.12673 0.0607247 -0.505532 -0.767014 0.395129 0.780537 -0.617513 -0.0971554 -0.87798 0.432438 0.205299 -0.0433967 -0.902651 0.42818 0.291171 -0.934174 0.206246 0.979034 -0.19221 0.067442 --0.933366 0.35779 -0.0285195 0.978478 0.181628 -0.0979368 0.976701 0.111094 0.183614 -0.722059 -0.499788 0.478375 0.726421 0.682865 0.0775144 0.275503 0.771407 0.573611 -0.117289 0.640673 0.758803 0.217482 -0.931812 0.290565 0.109131 -0.992576 0.0536996 --0.850588 0.514502 0.108571 -0.755283 0.422272 0.501233 0.795559 0.595362 -0.112382 --0.965902 0.0616179 0.251468 0.393091 -0.91277 -0.111043 0.627833 0.623675 0.465677 -0.815527 0.547 0.188964 -0.129827 0.536618 0.833778 -0.629313 0.0646238 0.77446 --0.627186 -0.677179 0.384795 0.142175 -0.95994 0.241455 0.838717 -0.279572 0.467325 --0.828097 0.559978 -0.0260671 -0.793616 0.605257 0.0619489 -0.732389 0.642249 -0.226102 --0.919556 0.276615 -0.279107 -0.80546 0.577246 0.134243 0.85064 -0.515539 -0.103108 --0.529412 0.705882 0.470588 0.204655 0.708985 0.674875 -0.0936265 0.206624 0.973931 --0.430175 -0.0977054 0.897442 -0.87821 -0.40941 0.247247 0.817799 -0.572902 0.0546677 -0.274368 -0.00783907 0.961593 0.468355 0.212223 0.857674 -0.867086 -0.412898 -0.278706 -0.333247 0.773089 0.539704 -0.738222 0.0025812 0.674553 -0.729397 -0.388927 0.562775 --0.0345494 -0.958747 -0.282154 -0.759089 -0.498152 -0.41908 -0.883272 0.430186 -0.186469 -0.782948 -0.445471 0.434221 -0.702032 0.226257 0.675247 -0.818275 0.221564 0.53041 --0.759455 -0.607564 0.232583 0.038568 -0.994504 -0.0973383 0.741072 -0.553145 -0.380582 --0.402702 -0.434919 -0.805405 -0.591824 -0.313319 -0.742681 0.179559 -0.193371 -0.964555 -0.779622 -0.507457 0.366984 -0.0705151 -0.564121 0.822676 0.555662 0.789844 0.259586 -0.701905 0.712266 -0.00259006 -0.393066 -0.426583 -0.814571 -0.638362 -0.0640302 -0.767069 --0.156625 0.86731 -0.472485 -0.154957 0.923893 -0.349871 -0.566104 0.299702 -0.767923 --0.0540124 -0.900207 0.432099 0.717203 0.646973 0.258931 0.0387284 0.96821 -0.247124 --0.852252 0.233952 -0.467903 0.770828 -0.513885 -0.376492 -0.433293 0.0772538 -0.897936 --0.441542 -0.532343 -0.722254 0.586711 0.369167 -0.720754 -0.597891 -0.0128579 -0.801474 -0.817247 0.0674791 -0.572323 -0.284468 -0.924521 -0.253651 -0.0394122 -0.992603 -0.114831 -0.586584 -0.782685 -0.208143 0.210896 -0.723071 -0.657793 0.784555 -0.564991 -0.255458 --0.985826 0.125934 -0.110848 0.428532 0.836033 0.342651 0.544306 0.834603 0.0846699 --0.0273532 0.877789 0.478266 0.213399 0.87769 0.429093 -0.616112 0.724439 -0.309184 -0.725074 0.623471 0.292493 0.158607 0.929215 0.33377 0.241388 0.836883 0.491283 -0.277472 0.501692 0.819337 -0.586161 0.806416 0.0781548 -0.76939 0.377436 0.515346 -0.999076 0 -0.042971 0.901624 -0.276498 -0.332599 0.674453 0.551825 -0.490511 --0.302206 0.910816 -0.28122 -0.823832 0.322169 -0.466378 0.54395 0.390528 -0.742701 --0.786183 0.293769 -0.543706 0.923501 0.340491 0.17667 0.972855 0.221754 0.0661684 -0.249189 0.386672 0.887913 0.461058 0.675504 0.57543 -0.07817 -0.986144 -0.146318 --0.251057 -0.502114 -0.827558 0.781083 0.414068 -0.467395 0.162452 0.699794 -0.695628 -0.389264 -0.528137 -0.754682 -0.636464 -0.603463 -0.48036 0.922692 0.168944 -0.346551 --0.218208 0.877029 0.428024 0.0545856 0.846076 0.53026 -0.968434 -0.220467 -0.11632 -0.783573 -0.602749 -0.150687 0.166574 -0.760448 -0.627672 0.318941 0.528531 -0.786722 -0.707104 -0.335421 -0.622493 0.531772 -0.335856 -0.777444 0.705496 -0.264561 -0.657483 -0.90796 -0.0974804 -0.407561 0.141996 -0.812534 -0.565355 0.12281 -0.973037 -0.195237 --0.830287 -0.0919985 -0.549691 -0.907136 0.412125 -0.0851879 0.813701 0.28835 -0.504723 --0.980578 0.155423 0.119629 -0.21579 0.951074 0.221118 0.884389 -0.365954 -0.289714 -0.175323 0.91001 -0.375692 -0.294649 0.955378 -0.0208338 0.803538 0.583107 -0.119636 --0.0328396 0.97026 0.239828 -0.762362 0.39702 0.511057 -0.644103 0.644103 -0.412629 --0.861474 0.501651 0.0787934 0.757674 0.631395 -0.165134 -0.173715 0.98398 -0.0400881 -0.0590994 0.98105 0.184521 -0.485725 0.794409 0.364672 -0.601819 0.71081 0.364093 -0.0892751 0.982026 0.166297 0.755531 -0.458715 0.46771 -0.778652 0.593134 0.204679 -0.253929 0.948003 0.191858 0.253345 0.957082 0.140747 -0.01281 0.999179 0.03843 --0.784161 0.61138 -0.106327 -0.472775 0.8678 0.152994 -0.20039 0.901035 0.384682 --0.450055 0.725713 0.520376 -0.466501 0.641439 0.609043 -0.307698 -0.946762 -0.0946762 -0.606794 0.794186 0.0327193 -0.768634 0.409112 0.491761 -0.83657 0.375603 0.398841 -0.0107634 0.8826 0.470002 -0.305333 0.395137 0.866394 0.0352067 0.95058 0.308477 -0.69164 0.332688 0.641056 0.845559 0.383356 0.371575 0.673364 -0.424423 0.605348 -0.810594 0.583705 0.0471877 0.558877 0.0745169 0.825896 -0.753087 0.423041 0.503881 -0.457134 -0.0489787 0.888048 -0.556414 -0.529127 0.640647 -0.88778 0.333531 0.317181 --0.997911 0.0636821 -0.0108395 -0.0206386 -0.97591 0.217196 0.576738 -0.814743 -0.059724 --0.688388 0.697176 0.20017 0.46534 0.850908 0.24375 0.204143 0.74805 0.631464 -0.620335 0.592866 0.513512 -0.0176425 -0.970336 0.241114 0.792424 -0.255187 0.554025 --0.988113 -0.0306392 -0.150643 -0.291551 0.892875 0.34318 0.188902 -0.981878 0.0152229 -0.992506 0.0577038 0.107714 -0.903829 0.0703452 -0.422071 0.506059 -0.857637 0.0914458 -0.888234 -0.41419 -0.198715 0.0314464 0.993183 0.112246 0.0985576 0.995086 -0.00950994 -0.00309445 0.996412 0.0845815 0.0966845 0.995281 0.00821502 0.970079 -0.0928306 -0.22434 -0.0858495 0.985225 0.148193 0.459898 -0.813099 0.356881 0.420206 -0.452529 0.786539 --0.67743 -0.658185 0.328451 -0.603843 -0.738414 0.300196 0.538519 -0.817208 0.20535 --0.856362 0.486709 -0.172505 0.440858 -0.896412 0.0457186 -0.496167 -0.857016 -0.139077 --0.493412 -0.695837 -0.521878 0.121931 0.738758 -0.66285 0 0.69568 -0.718351 -0.117862 0.833876 -0.53922 -0.301478 0.836417 -0.457731 0.415422 0.671664 -0.613427 -0.431768 -0.895729 0.106048 0.732543 0.0261622 -0.680218 -0.0326107 -0.605627 -0.79508 --0.827311 -0.15551 -0.539791 0.779259 -0.610771 0.140407 0.529982 -0.714323 -0.457013 -0.54406 -0.746676 -0.382718 0.444184 -0.895533 -0.026866 -0.612625 -0.722253 -0.321001 -0.471829 0.688978 -0.55017 -0.223669 0.688465 -0.689919 -0.13129 0.774159 -0.619226 -0.0911533 0.299504 -0.949731 0.892607 -0.318788 -0.318788 0.0223457 -0.938521 -0.344497 --0.444963 -0.874583 -0.192647 -0.60169 -0.575867 -0.553486 0.342074 0.724872 -0.597951 --0.270215 0.628249 -0.72958 0.121069 0.407716 -0.905047 -0.23157 0.605852 -0.76113 --0.342352 0.569403 -0.747379 0.117507 0.568803 -0.814036 0.023847 0.7614 -0.647843 --0.526226 0.585519 -0.616648 -0.231181 0.854087 -0.46593 -0.784243 0.54556 -0.295512 -0.9009 -0.345628 -0.262526 -0.35482 -0.906762 -0.227786 -0.227612 -0.699695 -0.677215 -0.202606 0.162084 -0.965753 0.331769 0.539125 -0.774128 0.330417 0.788996 -0.517987 -0.22223 0.864528 -0.450783 -0.0817823 0.324208 -0.942444 0.112184 0.518025 -0.847977 --0.129178 0.172871 -0.976437 -0.715707 0.486015 -0.50155 0.0109128 0.979177 -0.202714 --0.10432 0.799788 -0.591148 -0.33193 -0.86539 -0.375397 0.188744 0.0330303 -0.981471 -0.475564 0.466758 -0.745638 0.464235 0.714406 -0.523554 0.182576 0.845068 -0.50252 -0.0765634 0.796955 -0.599166 -0.168661 0.748856 -0.640912 -0.0476265 0.483069 -0.874286 -0.356329 -0.344451 -0.868552 -0.390794 0.256037 -0.884152 -0.696654 0.171308 -0.696654 --0.126787 0.235461 -0.963578 -0.803303 0.087633 -0.589089 -0.98186 -0.11417 0.151381 --0.191918 -0.967673 0.163636 -0.00956072 -0.984755 0.173686 -0.389125 0.243203 -0.888501 --0.574119 -0.812714 0.0994146 0.00366827 0.201755 -0.979429 0.243627 0.705803 -0.665198 -0.427219 0.759135 -0.491119 -0.337822 0.445311 -0.829201 0.186444 0.445845 -0.875477 -0.329095 0.329095 -0.885095 -0.285756 0.417995 -0.862336 0.312529 0.659652 -0.683509 --0.428604 -0.898519 0.0946715 0.889324 0.0896797 -0.448398 -0.474634 0.443728 -0.76015 -0 -0.241626 -0.970369 0.664454 0.45961 -0.589287 0.0151411 0.847901 -0.529938 -0.101695 0.38983 -0.915254 0.0947333 0.271776 -0.957686 0.334016 0.513871 -0.79017 --0.798846 -0.589048 0.121934 0.652356 -0.753425 -0.0823527 0.478811 -0.806061 0.34786 -0.552936 0.535923 -0.638003 0.430075 -0.900803 0.0599109 -0.812626 0.58231 -0.0235386 -0.739027 0.451547 -0.499944 0.0858603 -0.932198 0.351618 0.592979 -0.662741 -0.45733 -0.229178 -0.965324 -0.125006 -0.865837 0.151789 -0.476745 -0.290488 0.544665 -0.786738 -0.566408 0.82264 0.0494483 0.238092 0.965783 -0.102838 -0.931211 0.271112 -0.243608 -0.913181 0.391363 0.11373 0.844132 0.522029 0.122177 -0.85241 -0.522741 -0.0118208 -0.773164 0.629435 -0.0776468 0.42169 -0.901543 0.0969401 -0.40193 -0.818801 0.409899 -0.877593 -0.00566189 -0.479373 0.996265 -0.0797012 -0.0332089 -0.630452 -0.302759 0.71475 -0.469776 -0.058722 0.88083 0.885716 -0.36621 0.285303 0.806559 -0.12566 -0.577644 --0.0478107 -0.273204 0.960767 -0.125909 -0.924588 0.359562 0.739254 -0.576042 0.348825 -0.810052 -0.236301 -0.536635 0.851356 -0.0949053 -0.515931 0.8308 -0.200538 -0.519187 --0.981549 0.0885608 0.169468 -0.779176 0.446306 0.440108 -0.266874 0.951168 0.155106 --0.220171 0.798397 0.560435 -0.198288 0.925346 0.323137 -0.313712 0.686775 0.655686 --0.669239 -0.540294 0.5101 -0.528226 0.136947 0.837988 -0.711376 0.643626 0.282292 --0.868 -0.432311 0.244301 -0.64222 -0.725087 0.248601 0.0137037 -0.986669 0.162161 --0.429028 -0.899734 0.0800853 -0.796435 -0.584053 0.156759 -0.930467 -0.266065 0.251875 --0.928756 -0.321726 0.184132 -0.459829 -0.887945 -0.0105708 0.65052 -0.359335 -0.669106 --0.595695 -0.689505 0.411983 -0.592954 -0.67838 0.433828 -0.932875 -0.201208 0.298764 --0.548243 0.146952 0.823307 -0.124359 0.683972 0.71883 -0.622472 0.77809 0.0842931 -0.294561 -0.13105 -0.946604 0.434018 0.648209 0.625663 0.560395 0.557255 0.612719 --0.768221 0 0.640184 -0.0907617 0.0819377 0.992496 -0.794135 -0.560566 0.234767 -0.744918 -0.157802 -0.648225 0.267261 -0.455916 -0.848947 -0.2543 -0.736411 -0.626921 -0.195894 -0.138278 -0.970827 -0.435293 -0.114005 0.893041 0.0790537 -0.837969 0.539961 --0.345503 -0.877873 0.331611 -0.773505 -0.630704 0.0624754 -0.194607 0.7914 -0.579495 -0.463032 -0.40981 -0.785912 -0.53091 -0.3492 0.772136 -0.48301 -0.802979 0.34918 --0.373332 -0.919782 0.120931 -0.691705 -0.620847 -0.368909 -0.378586 0.107728 0.919276 -0.772425 0 0.635105 0.311129 -0.677475 -0.666503 0 -0.913276 -0.407341 -0.69236 0.437533 -0.573761 -0.426071 -0.809534 -0.403879 0.51719 -0.292749 -0.804247 --0.275126 -0.776825 0.566435 -0.641663 -0.278551 -0.714617 0.420445 -0.544391 -0.725855 -0 -0.352946 -0.935644 0.399175 -0.536822 -0.743291 -0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 --0.564532 0.0903252 0.820454 0.00265338 -0.934652 0.355553 -0.0899031 -0.611341 0.786244 --0.8985 -0.252409 0.359149 0.673672 0.688717 -0.26802 -0.294485 -0.0631039 -0.95357 --0.830727 -0.420057 -0.365301 0.658488 0.719872 0.219496 -0.213353 0.963834 0.159703 --0.627803 0.700068 0.340248 0.546366 -0.561496 -0.621456 0.397347 -0.397347 -0.827182 --0.363614 -0.886822 0.285187 0.898894 -0.254554 0.356641 0.506943 -0.699884 0.50316 --0.573804 -0.538189 -0.617334 -0.483412 -0.0303714 -0.874866 0.598451 -0.619825 0.507615 -0.832499 0.445981 0.328705 -0.691032 -0.707291 0.149046 0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 --0.147857 -0.535454 -0.831521 -0.796696 -0.534456 0.282193 -0.197786 -0.928159 0.315279 -0.780603 -0.617143 0.0989653 0.820248 -0.568277 0.0652267 -0.973758 -0.0226455 0.226455 -0.919315 0.315586 0.235088 -0.600009 0.695182 -0.395868 0.307166 -0.557185 -0.771488 --0.357909 -0.586027 -0.726962 -0.991927 0.0148882 0.12593 -0.0436156 0.992255 -0.116308 -0.112852 0.94439 -0.308857 0 -0.699193 -0.714933 0.425581 -0.816792 0.389526 -0.554604 -0.805184 0.209984 -0.249555 -0.960203 0.125428 -0.907917 -0.0466872 0.416542 --0.819624 -0.015762 0.572686 0.897071 -0.135263 0.420675 -0.184387 0.964488 -0.189115 -0.785175 0.141838 -0.602812 -0.138233 0.990354 -0.00946802 -0.189037 -0.578924 0.793166 -0.80907 0.367141 0.458926 0.712364 0.274947 0.64571 -0.0772307 -0.724038 0.685423 --0.537326 -0.828757 0.156341 0.644661 0.764466 0.00190166 -0.633842 -0.741595 0.219732 --0.918632 -0.260508 -0.29707 -0.7758 -0.123306 -0.618813 -0.869091 -0.364103 -0.334829 -0.974566 -0.0251501 0.222683 0.856428 0.260562 0.445689 0 0.286582 0.958056 --0.622242 -0.656182 0.426896 -0.357277 -0.849524 0.388152 0.37847 0.879466 0.288617 -0.498339 0.839761 0.215544 -0.144164 -0.677962 0.720822 0.23215 -0.747922 0.621868 --0.0706076 -0.723728 0.686463 -0.717444 0.105168 0.688631 -0.689846 0.489349 0.533526 --0.731974 -0.671632 0.114562 0.0533486 0.906926 0.417897 0.494058 0.56507 0.660759 -0.729844 0.00793309 0.683568 -0.482697 -0.848026 -0.218757 -0.419436 -0.885477 -0.200009 --0.00301935 0.960153 0.279458 0.440196 0.752001 0.490635 -0.518201 0.782381 0.345467 --0.205353 -0.966659 0.152971 0.211218 -0.766884 0.606033 -0.834638 0.244123 0.493745 -0.799797 -0.307182 0.515716 0.527763 -0.0232623 0.849073 0.32594 -0.211257 0.921484 --0.274095 -0.713168 0.645185 -0.883103 -0.186223 0.43064 -0.551854 -0.827781 -0.101173 -0.968937 0.238534 0.0652922 -0.743488 0.529791 0.408102 0.545829 -0.433453 0.71707 --0.0797452 0 0.996815 0.391437 -0.669001 0.631834 -0.994407 -0.0678005 0.0809839 -0.652413 -0.609865 0.449913 -0.0276256 -0.910692 0.412161 -0.462232 -0.850126 0.252242 -0.270156 -0.689204 0.672319 -0.107629 0.522768 0.845654 -0.85372 0.357847 -0.378295 -0.362319 -0.687358 0.629495 0.0133976 -0.697707 0.716258 0.0683529 -0.772767 0.630998 -0.0312361 -0.777431 0.628192 -0.367265 -0.477998 0.797894 -0.38953 0.174335 0.904364 --0.158268 0.939195 0.304735 -0.657367 -0.734704 0.167564 0.338555 -0.63728 0.692283 -0.862128 0.00451376 0.50667 0.623929 -0.736236 0.26205 0.290356 -0.758885 0.582912 -0.778424 -0.346822 0.523231 -0.606172 -0.589621 0.533762 0.75355 -0.58685 0.29626 -0.246752 -0.809346 0.532984 -0.52009 -0.821074 0.235252 -0.709675 -0.68583 0.161238 -0.724845 -0.50997 0.463175 -0.916951 -0.395842 0.0501066 0.676329 0.736447 -0.0150295 -0.767536 -0.167899 0.618626 -0.726525 -0.676171 0.122286 0.807047 0.590411 -0.00949268 -0.536529 0.75552 -0.375935 0.189109 0.866118 0.462686 0.442605 -0.872192 0.208285 -0.762131 -0.568369 -0.31002 -0.913272 -0.258988 -0.31442 0.69705 -0.0279752 0.716477 -0.789299 -0.613216 0.0311944 0.605487 -0.630201 0.486037 0.760199 -0.612195 0.21752 --0.0822578 0.740321 0.667202 -0.856848 0.386508 -0.341209 0.413355 0.908883 0.0554045 -0.863375 -0.234283 0.446873 0.839448 -0.395966 0.372208 0.172774 0.777482 0.604708 --0.370247 0.887797 0.273373 -0.0265889 0.868572 0.49485 -0.703839 0.614933 -0.355624 -0.703157 -0.559768 0.438439 -0.295777 -0.371963 0.879863 -0.402732 -0.826118 0.394127 -0.751439 -0.644091 0.143131 -0.202927 0.96954 -0.137164 0.159409 0.299785 -0.940594 --0.345135 0.446563 0.825508 -0.755784 0.644915 0.113472 -0.0127457 -0.939996 0.340948 -0.554481 -0.73529 -0.389744 0.0383201 0.996322 -0.0766402 0 -0.993884 0.110432 -0.0623914 0.0594204 0.996281 -0.198595 -0.0379667 0.979346 -0.552502 -0.357105 0.753139 -0.95364 -0.283515 0.100948 0.0788381 -0.996887 -0.00103734 -0.623823 -0.516158 -0.586879 -0.619117 -0.711247 -0.332898 -0.587694 0.350116 -0.729407 0.425525 -0.633559 -0.646167 --0.792719 0.125052 -0.596623 0.549647 0.682485 0.48177 0.284613 0.868068 0.406759 -0.125081 0.646252 0.752803 -0.482884 0.46248 0.743596 0.0495907 0.963994 -0.261258 --0.220279 0.885436 -0.409244 -0.769262 -0.210159 -0.603382 0.463245 0.863706 -0.198534 -0.457551 0.889148 0.00801034 0.106283 0.978284 0.177943 -0.824598 0.385214 0.414305 --0.970146 -0.233118 0.0668742 0.99625 0.0510898 -0.0698227 -0.35326 0.855806 0.377895 --0.221715 0.565373 0.794478 -0.193881 0.320325 0.927255 -0.925243 0.0155069 0.379057 --0.843303 0.0018575 -0.537435 -0.894793 -0.13778 -0.424691 0.799902 0.47053 -0.372503 --0.316261 0.67903 0.662493 0.597121 0.11642 0.793658 -0.584023 0.460358 0.668572 --0.651687 0.267705 0.709675 0.730825 0.375507 0.56999 0.678212 0.452142 0.579306 -0.440507 0.652459 0.616645 -0.343026 0.883311 0.319524 0.00573542 0.81443 0.580234 --0.074976 0.995877 -0.0510706 0.256632 0.946919 -0.193609 0.713131 0.671647 -0.200836 -0.233665 0.826294 -0.512483 -0.883754 0.0489375 -0.465386 0.536882 -0.649454 -0.538486 --0.412153 0.527015 0.743226 0.47761 0.365454 0.798957 -0.198993 0.979813 0.0191922 -0.83459 -0.316449 0.45091 0.520414 0.122544 0.845075 0.585649 0.151293 0.79632 --0.742989 -0.398677 -0.53761 0.250072 0.953478 0.168357 -0.0907066 0.379318 0.920809 -0.0711989 -0.750327 0.657221 0.238656 -0.765445 0.59761 -0.858499 -0.505471 -0.086474 --0.148188 0.254037 0.955775 0.230954 0.798552 0.555855 -0.227606 0.878812 0.419385 -0.830754 -0.527494 0.177759 0.483491 -0.84246 0.237692 -0.547495 -0.79833 -0.250835 --0.596855 -0.778153 -0.195557 0.657571 0.553195 0.511444 -0.588348 0.784465 0.196116 -0.751382 -0.253756 -0.609125 0.69777 0.279108 -0.659709 0.569258 0.597721 -0.564514 -0.57905 0.539268 0.611466 0.355506 -0.0334594 0.934075 -0.695148 0.718065 0.0339511 -0.258622 0.862073 0.435826 -0.32263 0.897752 -0.299919 -0.594266 0.779492 -0.198089 --0.906621 -0.139084 -0.398364 0.426953 -0.760511 0.489218 -0.229504 -0.944247 -0.236062 --0.527683 -0.828512 -0.187401 -0.532891 -0.444664 -0.719932 -0.352344 -0.932926 -0.0741776 --0.257656 -0.96621 -0.00715711 -0.25711 -0.939012 -0.228365 -0.969541 0.153364 -0.19097 -0.799125 -0.599344 0.0467573 0.777426 -0.628471 0.025166 -0.966318 -0.256574 -0.0199928 -0.894109 0.296593 -0.335562 0.690268 -0.711399 -0.132067 0.686383 -0.11969 -0.717323 -0.713259 0.632277 -0.302469 -0.712278 0.651226 -0.261847 0.255656 -0.941177 -0.220965 -0.828486 0.555535 0.0706461 -0.666811 -0.742253 -0.0665188 0.837255 0.52587 -0.149886 --0.935068 -0.289133 -0.205059 0.703161 -0.689533 -0.173519 -0.949556 -0.0091597 -0.313465 -0.590602 0.309984 0.74505 -0.830706 -0.480177 0.281704 0.508962 -0.840972 0.18364 -0.259785 0 -0.965666 0.837165 0.429937 0.338096 -0.454403 -0.495712 0.740126 --0.77485 -0.478956 -0.412563 -0.0814985 -0.995301 0.0522949 0.714269 0.236299 -0.658774 --0.634238 -0.369972 0.678869 0.781088 0.618361 0.0867875 0.474481 0.800686 0.365746 -0.520859 -0.129625 0.843744 0.90976 0.304175 0.282514 -0.746589 -0.603824 0.279288 -0.126534 -0.989943 -0.063267 -0.503895 -0.852012 -0.142002 0.410782 -0.898505 -0.15475 --0.356862 -0.172444 -0.918103 0.655409 0.607867 0.448259 -0.46487 -0.542042 0.700061 -0.00422915 -0.90081 -0.434193 -0.191351 -0.867457 -0.459242 0.821086 -0.454422 -0.345425 --0.546042 0.58859 -0.596154 -0.93058 0.113535 -0.348038 -0.753609 -0.628008 -0.194111 -0.438023 0.109506 0.892269 0.777655 0.330412 0.534866 -0.889174 -0.0967962 -0.447213 -0.160625 -0.103259 -0.981599 -0.0679258 -0.666908 -0.742038 -0.728188 0.305994 0.613279 --0.833474 -0.0123217 0.552422 -0.107566 0.0759289 0.991294 -0.180939 -0.719548 0.670456 --0.350117 -0.73456 0.58124 0.775063 0.60803 -0.171976 0.547788 -0.620137 -0.561568 --0.852937 -0.0140401 -0.521824 -0.941919 -0.217366 0.256009 0.682862 -0.72604 0.0810265 -0.226125 -0.767773 0.599494 -0.77116 -0.632747 0.0703052 0.881302 0.375022 -0.287517 -0.886711 0.28195 -0.366398 0.880522 0.266924 -0.391705 0.329377 -0.838118 -0.434821 --0.0988595 -0.97384 -0.204605 -0.467157 -0.647056 -0.602564 0.463428 0.868927 -0.173785 --0.538635 0.817571 -0.203591 0.504489 -0.246379 -0.827519 -0.159358 -0.830206 -0.534194 --0.520467 -0.546931 -0.655729 0.395295 0.796767 0.45706 -0.168681 0.984547 0.0470471 --0.256167 0.966621 0.004627 0.989896 -0.134516 0.0448385 -0.826469 0.373294 0.421427 -0.343333 -0.924358 -0.166385 0.844812 -0.0808081 -0.528926 -0.666903 0.283434 -0.689134 -0.999991 -0.00306746 -0.00306746 0.970461 -0.206424 -0.124882 -0.19123 -0.956151 0.221827 --0.207602 0.851885 -0.480826 -0.936313 0.317231 -0.150605 0.106412 -0.127695 -0.986088 --0.680817 0.732192 -0.0195712 0.139002 -0.914116 -0.380882 0.911713 0.363804 -0.190858 --0.0763092 0.985661 -0.150499 -0.0643992 0.965988 -0.250441 -0.532559 0.817202 -0.220369 -0.0588725 0.408645 0.910793 -0.376454 0.792696 0.479494 0.564532 0.8054 -0.18065 -0.888415 0.376903 -0.262037 0.042241 0.995884 -0.0801862 0.978205 -0.0670004 -0.196534 -0.558875 0.62795 0.541607 0.362945 0.798117 0.480917 -0.342674 0.920935 -0.185615 -0.686221 0.721715 0.0907074 0.728373 0.681881 -0.067155 0.296334 0.931334 -0.211667 --0.560047 0.665716 0.493123 -0.728108 0.6721 0.134687 0.809224 0.325276 0.489237 -0.26383 0.906776 0.328863 -0.983703 0.14414 0.107479 -0.429642 0.839754 0.331996 --0.563812 0.82589 0.00459786 -0.812234 0.54149 0.216943 0.298822 0.914343 0.273281 -0.258055 0.918501 0.299606 0.892747 0.334366 0.301996 -0.85362 0.219279 0.472493 --0.700469 0.62234 0.349337 0.724669 0.537697 0.430972 -0.851145 -0.338675 0.401063 -0.452102 0.322536 0.83161 0.640457 0.751488 -0.158367 -0.418052 -0.8813 -0.220325 --0.341742 -0.93979 -0.00251281 0.932318 -0.334771 -0.136788 -0.147033 0.952039 0.268335 --0.43836 -0.769566 0.464337 0.170428 0.806892 0.565579 0.381367 0.560659 0.734998 -0.368843 -0.319411 0.872887 -0.24938 -0.798426 0.54802 -0.0984517 -0.950836 0.293628 -0.66899 -0.561804 0.48665 -0.573497 0.517834 -0.634783 -0.934294 0.219331 -0.281048 -0.566153 -0.781677 -0.261631 0.839666 -0.138027 -0.525271 -0.312362 0.94996 0.00261234 -0.910303 -0.40317 0.0938195 0.401091 -0.0668485 0.913596 -0.754771 -0.55993 0.341759 --0.994941 0.0826658 -0.0570787 0.725394 0.6883 0.00686926 0.265795 0.9093 0.320198 -0 -0.185408 0.982662 -0.368689 -0.345428 0.862988 -0.823699 -0.0296295 0.566252 --0.706004 -0.644612 -0.293316 -0.313848 -0.849235 -0.424617 0.157286 0.259059 0.952969 --0.568035 0.0908856 0.817971 0.897795 -0.439829 0.0226716 -0.304582 0.64458 0.701246 --0.241642 0.283963 0.927887 -0.393831 0.65717 0.64267 -0.384949 0.88418 0.264652 -0.501991 -0.00994041 -0.864816 0.892835 0.275335 0.356421 0.996713 0.0228604 0.0777253 -0.235249 0.88545 0.400794 0.0265536 0.862992 -0.504519 -0.461695 0.619809 -0.634567 -0.015591 0.930263 -0.366562 -0.279485 -0.960092 0.0105233 -0.274154 -0.961669 0.00568194 --0.201044 -0.979353 0.0211785 -0.0885584 -0.996071 0 0 -1 0 -0 -0.999816 -0.0191892 -0.0667311 -0.997587 -0.0191465 -0.0785018 -0.996512 -0.0283222 -0 -0.999901 -0.014081 0.111426 -0.993624 -0.0171897 0.182745 -0.983081 0.0124766 -0.14425 -0.988923 0.0349697 0.209281 -0.975923 0.061447 0.20126 -0.977087 0.0692509 -0 -0.995197 0.0978883 -0.10444 -0.974769 0.197275 0 -0.983175 0.182666 -0 -0.990057 0.140664 0.0975198 -0.991451 0.0866843 -0.446082 -0.894992 0 --0.465128 -0.885243 0 -0.308237 -0.951157 -0.0170229 -0.263313 -0.964684 0.00718127 -0.1499 -0.983638 0.0999335 0.0198833 -0.994163 0.106044 -0.0851522 -0.991866 0.0946136 -0.354005 -0.919619 0.170241 0.608501 -0.760931 0.22519 0.607536 -0.761714 0.225149 --0.682813 -0.716331 0.143649 -0.43741 -0.874004 0.211633 0.30826 -0.943021 0.12525 -0.695662 -0.664041 0.274049 -0.564745 -0.825265 0 -0.610299 -0.792104 0.0102787 --0.46671 -0.884401 -0.00408499 0.430166 -0.866834 0.252104 0.146086 -0.980865 0.128695 --0.235457 -0.963758 0.125423 -0.698113 -0.704852 0.125786 0.796187 -0.442326 0.412837 -0.73523 -0.487031 0.471421 0.825203 -0.255697 0.503645 0.0075539 -0.89136 0.453234 --0.712932 -0.697357 0.0736295 -0.669195 -0.738447 0.0829133 0.863017 -0.249821 0.439079 -0.924922 -0.0660658 0.374373 -0.725353 0.565463 0.392574 -0.532116 -0.821564 0.20466 --0.668001 -0.705112 0.237892 0.336973 -0.937546 0.0863569 0.399804 -0.914306 0.0648134 --0.328104 -0.944567 0.0118388 -0.388972 -0.92125 0 -0.437541 -0.898948 0.0212141 -0.842528 -0.454397 0.289257 -0.919454 -0.060292 0.388549 -0.916877 -0.297229 0.266443 -0.614886 -0.788568 0.0086409 0.769212 -0.638913 -0.0101843 -0.489603 -0.870405 0.0518098 --0.517831 -0.854646 0.0378242 -0.475235 -0.879761 -0.0131553 -0.454792 0.773371 -0.441658 -0.457439 0.470894 -0.754327 0.637711 0.755443 -0.150434 0.195588 0.97794 -0.0733455 --0.351294 0.91877 -0.180151 0.569061 -0.803759 0.173612 -0.73254 -0.656961 0.17829 -0.15325 -0.973776 0.168149 -0.661326 -0.726081 0.188294 0.883769 -0.459398 -0.0889158 -0.908735 -0.400459 -0.117617 -0.487417 -0.870388 0.0696311 -0.486002 -0.872009 0.05833 -0.30655 0.892601 -0.330593 0.287824 0.897735 -0.33351 0.198127 0.936202 -0.290295 -0.140983 0.94177 -0.305276 0.0184246 0.95071 -0.309534 -0.266425 0.916503 -0.298396 --0.439484 0.867163 -0.23427 -0.453132 0.863108 -0.22297 0.928792 -0.271056 -0.252733 --0.708115 -0.624926 -0.328695 -0.366922 -0.927089 0.0766459 0.975779 -0.110088 -0.18904 --0.515842 -0.851813 0.0912198 -0.894821 -0.434946 0.100591 0.168938 -0.985625 0.00180683 -0.610801 -0.790751 0.0404458 0.62596 -0.778972 0.0370939 -0.679775 -0.722261 0.127458 --0.474595 -0.877109 0.0737466 0.460456 0.850674 -0.253641 0.29013 0.924335 -0.24785 -0.180154 0.948812 -0.259422 0.165823 0.939665 -0.299219 0.282149 0.900644 -0.330502 --0.455763 0.862374 -0.220434 -0.311262 0.92517 -0.217201 -0.24785 0.95001 -0.189871 --0.214222 0.959033 -0.185375 -0.184099 0.796646 -0.575728 0.589037 -0.674199 -0.445523 --0.0897068 -0.937437 -0.336401 0.961929 0.166077 -0.217051 -0.987045 0.150574 0.0554062 -0.604209 -0.796135 0.0331723 0.544451 -0.83808 0.0345683 -0.28431 -0.948035 0.142823 --0.222907 -0.964731 0.140025 0.149932 -0.97456 0.166591 -0.448672 -0.88538 0.12164 -0.327741 0.853608 -0.404893 0.356679 0.857281 -0.37128 0.427049 0.847627 -0.314894 -0.479715 0.839502 -0.255168 -0.180057 0.964724 -0.19206 -0.17241 0.949471 -0.262258 --0.401497 0.867562 -0.293492 -0.390424 0.877381 -0.278874 0.879973 0.436878 -0.186507 --0.8848 0.465867 0.00985042 0.536194 -0.843495 0.0318177 0.605344 -0.794767 0.0436388 -0.616143 -0.78655 0.0413109 -0.609367 -0.781239 0.135415 -0.454729 -0.878828 0.144508 --0.333345 -0.935307 0.118666 0.596007 0.736388 -0.320169 0.359282 0.851087 -0.382842 --0.381715 0.880964 -0.279637 -0.388603 0.850528 -0.354387 -0.421969 0.843939 -0.331223 --0.430517 0.844565 -0.318378 -0.111816 0.901373 -0.418359 0.764673 0.614553 -0.193905 -0.875611 0.446136 -0.185119 -0.87505 0.483939 0.009489 -0.87991 0.475038 0.00987847 -0.583376 -0.811049 0.043256 0.455673 -0.888468 0.0546554 -0.784014 -0.607878 0.125727 --0.812292 -0.56948 0.125995 0.52514 0.8029 -0.2821 0.470129 0.831596 -0.295679 -0.588126 0.743735 -0.317752 -0.329969 0.889279 -0.316708 -0.0609368 0.962802 -0.263247 --0.0487821 0.963446 -0.263423 -0.26952 0.919791 -0.285207 -0.465079 0.84739 -0.256188 --0.106709 0.895169 -0.432764 0.619572 0.756938 -0.207787 0.687799 0.699214 -0.195019 --0.90749 0.418979 -0.0303091 0.398396 -0.915758 0.051644 0.452701 -0.891031 0.0335334 -0.526696 -0.849625 0.02701 -0.846911 -0.50641 0.162144 0.632236 0.632236 -0.447834 -0.0810448 0.921649 -0.379466 0.311677 0.885447 -0.344734 0.533229 0.797007 -0.283632 --0.467859 0.846086 -0.255435 -0.257223 0.932138 -0.254863 -0.105308 0.967076 -0.231677 --0.149137 0.955078 -0.256094 -0.234589 0.927496 -0.291064 -0.210937 0.922849 -0.322265 -0.462607 0.856168 -0.230153 0.607283 0.764151 -0.217441 -0.915423 0.401011 -0.0345132 --0.917805 0.394702 -0.0429383 0.545751 -0.837912 0.00765966 0.536292 -0.837903 -0.101538 -0.514291 -0.852072 -0.0973555 -0.438949 -0.893575 0.0940605 -0.643464 -0.747248 0.166055 -0.331179 0.804293 -0.49339 0.652385 0.671787 -0.350849 -0.167097 0.925588 -0.339655 --0.139846 0.929562 -0.341113 -0.277767 0.902352 -0.329555 -0.162397 0.924959 -0.343624 -0.042895 0.93654 -0.347926 0.197486 0.895271 -0.399361 0.0469726 0.935839 -0.349284 -0.206169 0.91721 -0.34091 0.452113 0.861337 -0.231715 -0.906546 0.412737 -0.0884435 -0.478404 -0.874821 -0.0762803 0.525524 -0.849231 -0.0512869 0.582049 -0.812504 -0.0325002 --0.674652 -0.73764 0.0270694 -0.745972 -0.665709 0.0188854 0.565346 0.785774 -0.250884 -0.545339 0.80327 -0.239507 0.336209 0.906564 -0.255159 0.504298 0.800663 -0.323452 --0.863022 0.501553 -0.0603085 0.674282 -0.738209 -0.019787 0.792273 -0.607985 -0.0515567 --0.83483 -0.548247 0.0498406 0.640116 0.735073 -0.223426 0.569923 0.786184 -0.238962 --0.860948 0.505315 -0.058522 -0.828601 0.553486 -0.0841081 0.847111 -0.511494 -0.144143 -0.838008 -0.525074 -0.148458 -0.845244 -0.528173 0.0812146 0.607048 0.767285 -0.2068 -0.56719 0.795933 -0.211626 0.637268 0.737754 -0.222729 -0.873019 0.481051 -0.0801752 --0.889695 0.44926 -0.0812946 0.720579 -0.633612 -0.281605 0.559646 -0.819889 -0.12074 -0.563916 -0.818588 -0.109145 -0.846393 -0.523492 0.097849 -0.838657 -0.535475 0.0996064 -0.778682 0.597046 -0.192849 0.722873 0.660975 -0.201412 -0.944739 0.320337 -0.0696634 -0.635403 -0.769735 -0.0614203 0.706902 -0.706216 -0.0393486 -0.747686 -0.657963 0.0897223 -0.84117 0.510537 -0.178283 -0.985739 0.165025 -0.0329462 0.82516 -0.564333 0.0252922 -0.842692 -0.537594 0.0293678 -0.766405 -0.637963 0.0750128 0.879043 0.439522 -0.184673 -0.843606 0.506872 -0.177228 -0.98623 0.1627 -0.029661 0.892631 -0.450742 -0.00643918 --0.787627 -0.611447 0.0759991 -0.844881 -0.529365 0.0771261 0.879973 0.436878 -0.186507 --0.987768 0.15465 -0.0199549 -0.985775 0.165093 0.0315033 0.901295 -0.433181 -0.00465786 -0.906341 -0.422545 -0.0011836 -0.894208 -0.440431 0.0800783 0.917305 0.346811 -0.195637 -0.882356 0.432583 -0.185256 -0.996776 -0.0190001 0.0779493 0.860584 -0.507798 0.0391984 --0.875593 -0.477047 0.0759135 0.914808 0.347158 -0.206418 -0.918262 -0.375653 0.125218 --0.647596 0.627359 0.432481 -0.574074 0.683601 0.450698 -0.628074 0.664893 0.404278 --0.658946 0.629894 0.411126 0.833918 -0.547733 0.0675979 0.840194 -0.537841 0.0692894 --0.895805 -0.441217 0.0534809 0.914241 0.355832 -0.19377 -0.958697 -0.265429 0.102213 --0.485848 -0.696872 0.527562 -0.374688 -0.745019 0.551866 -0.538516 -0.66768 0.514008 -0.915806 -0.384406 0.116326 -0.911935 -0.4079 0.0446234 0.946198 0.252955 -0.201799 -0.916367 0.351076 -0.192397 -0.980923 -0.115036 0.156704 -0.462568 -0.72496 0.510357 -0.938309 -0.327317 0.11153 0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 -0.942007 -0.332123 0.0481338 -0.951038 0.208849 -0.227835 -0.973728 -0.156552 0.165366 0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 --0.947121 -0.318063 0.0424084 -0.946323 -0.320875 0.0388939 0.939721 0.268262 -0.21204 --0.970249 -0.173227 0.169145 0.937562 -0.330556 0.108213 -0.940597 -0.336391 0.0460259 -0.938056 0.283766 -0.198817 -0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 0.942445 -0.316493 0.107842 -0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 -0.942007 -0.332123 0.0481338 0.965795 0.178257 -0.188318 -0.94359 0.267626 -0.194972 -0.958271 -0.238916 0.156961 0.932844 -0.333618 0.136021 --0.955365 -0.292313 0.0427776 -0.964187 -0.262245 0.0396281 0.977703 0.0987872 -0.185307 --0.927979 -0.331878 0.169444 0.934909 -0.329621 0.131511 -0.967903 -0.24577 0.0525545 -0.982451 0.085296 -0.165878 -0.9542 -0.24866 0.166347 0.939229 -0.315413 0.135511 -0.937489 -0.317879 0.141657 -0.968373 -0.243346 0.0550971 0.983436 0.0874351 -0.158771 --0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 0.951928 0.306221 -0.00782675 0.744662 0.667362 0.0103067 --0.447367 0.858657 -0.250141 -0.920055 0.277962 -0.276109 0.930883 -0.332917 0.150409 --0.959368 -0.259522 0.11073 0.980586 0.0876947 -0.175389 -0.984588 -0.0919425 0.148774 -0.972924 0.205659 -0.105466 -0.939769 -0.284404 -0.189602 0.91166 -0.378968 0.158931 --0.95251 -0.284331 0.108994 -0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 0.976638 0.0810446 -0.199021 --0.960915 -0.208065 0.182621 0.807409 0.585228 -0.0748237 -0.999142 -0.0344532 0.0229688 -0.907595 -0.389554 0.156585 0.898921 -0.414243 0.14263 -0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 -0.968309 -0.00756491 -0.249642 -0.943049 -0.298862 0.146083 0.827908 0.551939 -0.0996556 -0.829409 0.553701 -0.0741315 -0.988999 0.0766979 0.126484 0.923209 -0.350874 0.156754 --0.938228 -0.330791 0.101521 0.81747 0 -0.575971 0.886783 -0.136041 -0.441712 -0.953334 -0.135022 -0.270043 -0.914936 -0.375234 0.148631 0.979671 0.163446 -0.116317 --0.963879 -0.205729 0.169155 0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 -0.942445 -0.316493 0.107842 --0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 0.940581 -0.229456 -0.250316 -0.915144 -0.379766 0.135234 --0.912054 -0.39573 0.107493 0.975988 -0.184472 -0.115832 0.994562 -0.07154 -0.0756873 --0.924056 -0.334353 0.185281 -0.96241 -0.212743 0.168844 0.973323 -0.159799 0.164642 --0.932844 -0.333618 0.136021 0.958965 -0.188685 -0.211623 -0.929024 -0.353084 0.110664 -0.981489 0.19151 0.00177324 -0.914695 0.195669 0.353619 0.927322 -0.339685 0.157127 --0.942986 -0.305259 0.132647 0.967742 -0.176726 -0.179562 -0.944318 -0.324169 0.0563772 -0.778301 0.622885 -0.0791354 0.799704 0.595128 -0.0793504 -0.8851 0.366684 0.286604 --0.827431 0.48322 0.286107 -0.5688 -0.724941 0.388494 0.558626 0.791388 0.248278 -0.034426 0.998353 0.0459013 -0.617527 -0.693453 0.371191 0.920138 -0.349707 0.176216 --0.936023 -0.320393 0.145633 -0.927877 -0.338893 0.155552 0.979754 -0.101184 -0.172753 -0.981068 -0.085914 -0.173564 -0.938781 -0.343883 0.0208414 0.886292 0.462413 -0.0256896 --0.678384 -0.345007 0.648664 -0.819457 -0.320657 0.475047 -0.940819 -0.210288 0.26578 -0.686347 0.630996 0.361624 0.751684 0.602857 0.267457 0.706789 0.660391 0.25364 --0.819705 0.102463 0.563547 -0.8922 -0.181026 0.413774 -0.627888 -0.689446 0.361138 -0.933945 -0.320608 0.157981 -0.918705 -0.372095 0.13239 0.981989 -0.0742681 -0.173727 --0.917171 -0.398376 0.00965761 0.947075 0.290642 0.136296 -0.226875 -0.948751 0.22 --0.557122 -0.793708 0.244218 0.587346 0.306441 0.749079 0.874185 0.417752 0.247557 --0.906806 -0.303399 0.292664 -0.913171 -0.31716 0.255985 0.927322 -0.339685 0.157127 --0.956602 -0.274784 0.0969827 0.94461 -0.272176 -0.183391 -0.933106 -0.359366 0.0130463 --0.943618 -0.330819 0.0119795 0.368099 -0.609268 0.70235 0.913666 0.201007 0.353284 --0.66647 -0.719787 0.194228 -0.65525 -0.721163 0.224879 -0.297492 -0.946762 0.12305 -0.898269 0.175236 0.402994 0.92303 0.26147 0.282221 0.910131 0.340691 0.23578 --0.414276 -0.659075 0.627691 -0.768872 -0.586989 0.253535 -0.867554 -0.438009 0.23558 -0.920138 -0.349707 0.176216 -0.982641 -0.175995 0.0586652 0.91092 -0.365516 -0.19137 --0.969412 -0.230631 0.0839648 -0.755723 -0.432203 0.49202 0.948314 0.0278916 0.316105 --0.785132 -0.42864 0.44703 0.556362 -0.568725 0.605816 0.656064 -0.498123 0.566969 -0.276547 -0.769146 0.576139 -0.543138 -0.78524 0.297319 0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 --0.982995 -0.179131 0.0404011 0.929544 -0.325885 -0.172474 -0.928036 -0.356484 0.108025 --0.781546 -0.390773 0.486295 0.32972 -0.74187 0.583879 0.982172 -0.0879557 0.166139 --0.984305 -0.174911 0.0234358 0.925966 -0.337834 -0.168689 0.922301 -0.342488 -0.17906 --0.840928 -0.522527 0.140736 0.960749 -0.239534 0.139946 -0.995476 -0.0885055 0.0345593 -0.893041 -0.408998 -0.187614 -0.8376 -0.529841 0.133024 -0.899114 -0.436794 0.0283632 -0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 -0.997618 0 0.0689857 0.843606 -0.506872 -0.177228 -0.84233 -0.508536 -0.178528 -0.994726 -0.101503 -0.014764 0.344364 0.0153051 0.938711 -0.384816 0.25161 0.888037 0.45747 0.0714796 0.886348 0.334283 -0.276146 0.90111 -0.388453 -0.371265 0.843367 -0.0610664 0.692086 0.719227 0.341072 -0.259577 0.903488 --0.531593 0.607067 0.590659 -0.487994 -0.350143 0.799538 -0.848697 -0.414609 0.328348 -0.963556 -0.255241 0.0800755 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.886275 -0.419608 -0.196078 --0.437057 0.874115 -0.211907 0.405084 0.914226 0.00991031 0.488817 0.86761 0.091162 -0.210173 0.928038 0.307526 -0.469168 0.310748 0.82663 0.0414232 0.925119 0.377412 --0.66882 0.299209 0.680554 -0.802416 0.0272005 0.596145 -0.797353 -0.246454 0.550898 -0.144292 -0.272552 0.95126 0.319219 -0.520209 0.792137 0.0466797 -0.855794 0.515206 --0.598057 -0.628148 0.497754 0.994258 -0.089038 0.0593587 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.816194 -0.5454 -0.190699 0.813785 -0.548357 -0.192508 -0.67218 -0.640671 -0.371099 --0.557019 -0.768686 -0.314406 -0.0780157 -0.84517 -0.528773 -0.740772 -0.666695 0.082308 -0 -0.853639 -0.520865 0 -0.999504 0.0314805 0 -0.994853 0.101328 -0 -0.909398 0.415926 0 -0.934997 0.354654 -0.147687 -0.912182 0.382248 --0.837426 -0.233381 0.494218 0.995086 0 0.0990135 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.835057 -0.518216 -0.184747 -0.926832 -0.344868 -0.148485 -0.0234658 -0.863541 -0.503732 --0.00729327 -0.99772 0.0670981 0.0127155 -0.925688 0.378074 0.995086 0 0.0990135 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.820178 -0.547229 -0.166876 0.811536 -0.559388 -0.168805 --0.956952 -0.264351 -0.119839 -0.982107 -0.175595 -0.0680601 0.995086 0 0.0990135 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.803754 -0.56963 -0.17176 -0.932644 -0.351766 -0.0802274 -0.994258 0.089038 0.0593587 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.797774 -0.57796 -0.171809 -0.754661 -0.632201 -0.175526 -0.297991 -0.736701 -0.60702 -0.39539 -0.691932 -0.604067 -0.0430287 -0.774517 -0.631088 0.48321 -0.683083 -0.547637 0.485352 -0.7371 -0.470232 -0.578083 -0.662522 -0.476323 -0.928843 -0.368139 -0.0415336 -0.975413 -0.220063 0.0118953 -0.98126 0.175193 0.0802233 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.718864 -0.672108 -0.177497 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.551784 -0.551784 -0.625355 -0.58159 -0.63064 -0.513855 --0.626391 -0.584163 -0.516128 0 -0.40364 -0.914918 -0.245541 -0.613852 -0.750264 -0.773549 -0.0521494 -0.631587 -0.627189 -0.137893 0.766564 -0.935451 0.350794 0.0433079 --0.898769 0.436471 0.0413227 0.982812 0.158012 0.0954571 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.185375 0.17796 0.96642 0.857402 -0.483663 0.175877 -0.338906 0.897994 0.280623 --0.712029 0.66542 0.224121 -0.780361 0.588177 0.212333 0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.40364 0 -0.914918 -0.613852 -0.245541 -0.750264 -0 0 -1 0.382859 -0.316729 -0.867814 0.6379 -0.38274 -0.668276 --0.837997 0.535257 -0.106115 0.979643 0.159679 0.12166 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.738928 -0.627898 0.244395 -0.713958 -0.294895 0.63506 -0.909343 0.239301 0.340339 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 0.673365 -0.714803 -0.188773 -0.564888 -0.451911 -0.690419 --0.522083 -0.540085 -0.660104 0 -0.342852 -0.939389 -0.229748 -0.742263 -0.629493 -0.0276674 -0.774687 -0.631739 0.58132 -0.72818 -0.36307 0.529586 -0.781548 -0.329728 --0.912074 0.372537 -0.171281 -0.961153 0.247659 -0.121864 0.973547 0.173 0.149255 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.748742 -0.614416 0.248752 0.635278 -0.541163 0.550967 -0.674978 -0.528131 0.51525 0.4346 -0.39114 0.811253 0.647272 -0.736992 -0.194632 -0.592917 -0.77952 -0.201986 -0.374299 -0.374299 -0.848411 -0.522083 -0.540085 -0.660104 --0.484928 -0.464723 -0.740863 0 0 -1 -0.32432 -0.32432 -0.888613 --0.15923 -0.641385 -0.750514 0.129084 -0.619922 -0.773973 0.547381 -0.800591 -0.243777 -0.437088 -0.782692 -0.443111 0.570316 -0.795567 -0.204483 0.571862 -0.794706 -0.20351 --0.940204 -0.335531 -0.0586132 0.971269 0.176995 0.15909 -0.991959 -0.073494 0.103032 -0.890045 0.193488 0.412774 -0.601734 0.657157 0.45394 -0.559559 0.742089 0.36905 -0.593383 -0.776323 -0.212648 0.690387 -0.682013 -0.241294 0.695867 -0.676604 -0.240784 --0.334529 -0.559575 -0.758265 -0.351027 -0.604546 -0.715055 -0.229748 -0.742263 -0.629493 --0.511382 -0.665985 -0.543095 0 0.208691 -0.977982 0.576997 -0.552269 -0.601726 -0.695706 -0.683943 -0.219579 0.765076 -0.601888 -0.228887 -0.88332 -0.466227 -0.04877 --0.696474 -0.717474 0.012444 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.991745 -0.0846403 0.0963246 -0.80803 0.512788 0.290062 -0.0340272 0.782625 0.621563 -0.650659 0.679684 0.338633 --0.575574 0.698237 0.425652 0.573936 -0.783507 -0.238148 0.570736 -0.786242 -0.23682 --0.304518 -0.790296 -0.531697 -0.352924 -0.764669 -0.53919 -0.269052 -0.739894 -0.616578 --0.336836 -0.759934 -0.555916 0.22181 -0.208763 -0.95248 -0.201876 -0.232063 -0.951521 -0.689665 -0.515507 -0.508541 0.911446 -0.334489 -0.239547 -0.32526 -0.94218 0.0806431 --0.310025 -0.947492 0.0783771 -0.513201 -0.857889 0.0255324 0.985993 0 0.166785 --0.995816 0 0.0913839 0.922812 -0.350879 0.159065 -0.769477 -0.246993 0.588982 --0.680666 -0.490079 0.544533 0.607283 -0.764151 -0.217441 0.598502 -0.772542 -0.21207 --0.266017 -0.752103 -0.602972 -0.278994 -0.80958 -0.516471 -0.404761 -0.769046 -0.494708 --0.0803889 -0.840429 -0.535926 -0.334393 -0.759983 -0.557321 0.968851 -0.186702 -0.162698 --0.442193 -0.895896 0.0428444 -0.484923 -0.87324 0.0479871 -0.375434 -0.9257 0.0461502 --0.346325 -0.934029 0.0874559 0.985993 0 0.166785 -0.991745 0.0846403 0.0963246 -0.492928 -0.860757 0.126966 0.0776973 -0.99064 0.112229 -0.0571247 -0.991282 0.11873 --0.493055 -0.84793 0.19471 -0.653859 -0.553454 0.515904 0.590372 -0.780377 -0.20609 -0.572871 -0.793442 -0.205594 -0.324841 -0.593574 -0.736307 -0.45913 -0.688695 -0.561159 --0.404494 -0.674157 -0.617977 -0.281767 -0.569727 -0.772022 -0.350017 -0.725961 -0.592004 -0.985853 -0.159009 -0.0530029 -0.864813 -0.480157 0.146788 -0.692506 -0.714244 0.101443 -0.983335 -0.0733832 0.166335 -0.991959 0.073494 0.103032 0.00402836 -0.993661 0.112346 -0.587596 -0.69129 -0.420535 0.58271 -0.785392 -0.208824 0.56284 -0.791292 -0.238892 -0.562033 -0.79094 -0.241935 -0.226493 -0.82773 -0.513385 -0.241248 -0.861599 -0.446595 --0.365597 -0.8165 -0.446841 -0.0694331 -0.883694 -0.462887 -0.292104 -0.823202 -0.48684 --0.431539 -0.721202 -0.541887 0.961957 -0.269611 0.0441523 -0.73451 -0.576341 0.358227 --0.952994 -0.155379 0.260117 0.970003 -0.163404 0.179981 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.521358 -0.801554 -0.292741 0.471267 -0.826425 -0.308107 -0.517718 -0.711862 -0.474575 --0.457399 -0.73991 -0.493274 -0.350017 -0.725961 -0.592004 0.938158 -0.332209 0.097448 --0.711954 -0.561604 0.421571 -0.738749 -0.211071 0.640077 -0.776984 0.365639 0.512449 -0.526008 0.850448 0.00736319 0.561594 0.827147 -0.0209819 -0.398197 0.911999 -0.0984787 --0.996499 -0.0379831 -0.0744768 0.973268 -0.0957941 0.20874 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.432317 -0.845277 -0.314021 0.277767 -0.902352 -0.329555 0.29672 -0.896508 -0.328984 -0.30655 -0.892601 -0.330593 -0.211224 -0.895818 -0.391017 -0.246372 -0.893097 -0.376401 --0.19087 -0.90133 -0.388809 -0.380769 -0.826024 -0.415571 0.91681 -0.368812 0.153092 --0.574699 -0.549468 0.606471 0.00420699 -0.37863 0.925539 -0.202648 0.572181 0.794696 -0 0.447214 0.894427 -0.630304 0.467218 0.620019 -0.614424 0.384409 0.688995 --0.597018 0.447763 0.665641 0.345204 0.927614 0.14271 0.219501 0.969407 0.109858 --0.229929 0.965862 0.119341 -0.518612 0.842456 0.14598 0.761176 0.567208 0.314463 -0.480353 0.857773 0.182992 0.412654 0.903095 0.118895 -0.83391 -0.525598 -0.168348 --0.73334 -0.668785 -0.122223 0.977765 0 0.209704 -0.990783 0.0880882 0.102909 -0.318775 -0.888499 -0.330079 0.414728 -0.854726 -0.312161 0.393909 -0.871766 -0.291306 --0.167097 -0.925588 -0.339655 -0.210937 -0.922849 -0.322265 0 -0.938787 -0.344499 --0.123661 -0.931581 -0.341855 -0.122384 -0.945694 -0.301139 -0.20314 -0.91973 -0.335902 --0.28152 -0.89949 -0.334162 0.896953 -0.419203 0.140515 0.871755 -0.470252 0.137501 --0.268549 -0.960267 0.0759533 0.175164 -0.967724 0.181186 0.856429 -0.394109 0.333477 -0.445689 -0.869571 0.212622 -0.336085 -0.93357 0.124476 0.0232069 -0.999117 -0.0350139 -0.373427 -0.908543 -0.187355 0 -0.357789 0.933803 -0.323885 -0.689561 0.647769 --0.677957 0.0739589 0.731372 0.94085 -0.210308 0.265652 0.847716 0.493216 0.195232 --0.82378 0.554737 0.116848 -0.850412 0.525255 0.0301072 0.724963 0.626742 0.285698 -0.717732 0.67434 0.173569 0.683848 0.706168 0.183517 0.425656 0.243232 0.871582 --0.379604 -0.827626 0.413445 -0.799874 -0.599905 0.017775 -0.784501 -0.613566 0.0899658 -0.97202 -0.108245 0.208472 -0.980301 0.1742 0.0930774 0.342227 -0.896509 -0.28134 -0.149137 -0.955078 -0.256094 0.0528742 -0.971123 -0.232647 0 -0.972483 -0.232972 -0 -0.90031 -0.435249 -0.0528742 -0.971123 -0.232647 -0.149137 -0.955078 -0.256094 --0.234589 -0.927496 -0.291064 0.78306 -0.599178 0.166741 -0.502994 -0.864119 0.0171964 --0.441164 -0.896792 0.0337502 -0.327019 -0.94308 0.0604809 0.970338 -0.188498 0.15137 --0.82888 -0.559316 0.0110834 -0.893176 -0.448092 -0.0380928 0.963121 0.216896 -0.159229 --0.759243 -0.172095 0.627641 -0.150614 -0.506612 0.848917 -0.326814 -0.673139 0.663383 -0.987592 -0.127364 0.091869 0.984198 -0.176688 0.0116819 -0.391963 0.905571 -0.162192 --0.806214 0.586434 -0.0781912 -0.444323 0.654278 -0.611962 -0.927756 -0.0655707 -0.367382 -0.601259 0.720474 0.345551 0.73298 0.662853 0.152857 0.686924 0.703664 0.18164 --0.284726 -0.260999 0.922394 -0.571962 -0.784995 0.237995 -0.573067 -0.796486 0.192884 --0.621233 -0.762161 0.182152 0.938767 -0.287472 0.18994 -0.981345 0.178831 0.0705833 -0.803877 -0.572697 0.160625 0.832671 -0.512363 0.210101 -0.544894 -0.838298 0.0186288 --0.480725 -0.876849 0.00632533 0.994235 0.0699282 0.081284 -0.973598 0.122971 -0.192316 -0.738164 0.649585 -0.182081 0.860037 0.474696 -0.187086 -0.991592 -0.0517088 0.118626 -0.961565 0.272979 -0.0295963 -0.799181 0.592106 -0.103538 -0.967347 0.190745 -0.166901 --0.911891 -0.333191 -0.239664 0.860748 0.472624 0.189049 0.865778 0.469974 0.171908 -0.863642 0.474633 0.169839 0.114888 0.0774826 0.990352 -0.7072 -0.65397 0.268685 --0.693397 -0.690052 0.207434 -0.602114 -0.772772 0.200705 0.965312 -0.182386 0.186835 --0.994258 0.089038 0.0593587 0.750582 -0.592685 0.292147 -0.397157 -0.917569 -0.0182601 --0.388419 -0.921292 -0.0187255 -0.450752 -0.892649 0 0.929841 0.356706 0.0903121 --0.39972 -0.799439 0.448466 -0.0508834 -0.85371 0.518257 -0.692984 0.694726 -0.192689 -0.0248318 0.980858 -0.193137 0.162674 0.967991 -0.191129 0.662743 0.717365 -0.214845 --0.984132 -0.176639 0.0168228 0.856534 0.514883 -0.0352879 0.936277 0.349317 -0.0369269 --0.942913 -0.331188 0.035067 0.403378 0.541117 0.737887 0.994668 0.0219412 0.100767 --0.704075 -0.656962 0.26959 -0.603306 -0.784298 0.14456 -0.724981 -0.660808 0.194253 -0.981579 0.0849699 0.17112 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 0.727857 -0.618455 0.296204 -0.0147027 -0.940973 0.338162 0.0770382 -0.969719 0.231757 0.582397 -0.804078 0.119466 -0.66045 -0.737666 0.140195 -0.582227 -0.812493 0.0294295 -0.179542 -0.980125 -0.0843751 -0.229626 -0.971496 -0.0588786 0.08238 -0.99386 -0.073869 -0.01356 -0.997112 -0.0747306 --0.00279177 -0.997221 -0.0744473 -0.178722 -0.983813 -0.0130727 -0.416589 -0.909073 0.00627838 -0.765165 0.633543 0.114658 0.792715 0.598654 0.114961 -0.575386 -0.405201 0.710453 --0.0360068 -0.711135 0.702133 0.631299 -0.26971 0.72713 0.13398 0.973679 -0.184389 --0.786589 -0.587223 -0.190908 0.683335 0.729251 -0.0352922 0.72863 0.683751 -0.0397755 --0.798233 -0.578233 0.168732 -0.866879 -0.482376 0.125837 0.323581 -0.942908 0.0788656 --0.502939 -0.858277 0.102046 0.973728 0.156552 0.165366 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 -0.777952 0.529219 -0.3387 0.749279 0.613653 -0.249019 0.309423 0.948679 -0.0653135 -0.20013 0.979296 0.0304582 0.089334 0.982674 0.162392 -0.235125 0.953014 0.190998 --0.546514 0.805437 0.229332 -0.568801 0.78387 0.249027 0.485678 -0.857445 0.170016 --0.159158 -0.968464 0.191691 -0.636435 -0.766822 0.0832775 0.799041 0.585829 0.135416 --0.0232585 -0.424468 0.905144 0.756611 0.346981 0.554206 -0.707849 -0.671763 -0.218369 --0.847774 -0.51472 -0.127839 -0.656344 -0.725433 -0.207267 0.407615 0.912807 0.0251809 -0.530167 0.847803 -0.012388 -0.558937 -0.792326 0.24456 -0.621979 -0.753065 0.214559 -0.322649 0.875361 -0.360058 0.278898 0.756639 -0.591366 -0.26714 0.252299 -0.930044 --0.327934 0.213539 -0.92025 -0.509336 -0.0836223 -0.856495 -0.744883 -0.440047 -0.501506 --0.865884 -0.368839 -0.337938 0.974931 0.158911 0.155747 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 -0.886257 -0.418595 -0.198309 -0.819473 -0.281649 0.499138 -0.916385 -0.078894 0.392447 --0.898507 -0.211238 0.384791 0.989082 -0.0196767 0.146045 0.938853 0.309822 0.150217 --0.784379 -0.182088 0.592953 0 -0.471215 0.882018 0.604551 -0.453413 0.654931 --0.170221 -0.958912 0.226962 0.340323 0.850809 0.400381 0.0535363 0.963654 0.261733 -0.322316 0.799344 0.507111 0.240544 0.955847 0.168803 0.119379 0.967217 0.224141 -0.0841203 0.96101 0.263407 0.242414 0.965428 0.0958381 -0.667303 -0.696589 0.263574 --0.78311 -0.594693 0.181875 -0.583646 -0.781176 0.221631 0.418615 0.897032 0.141753 -0.409875 0.900101 0.147717 0.327479 0.936939 0.122079 -0.0806806 0.996095 0.035858 --0.478523 0.849237 -0.223185 -0.616534 0.561904 -0.551498 -0.560483 0.552552 -0.616884 -0.43921 0.380418 -0.813865 0.323313 0.0668923 -0.943925 0.281222 0.55646 -0.781836 --0.414636 -0.763803 -0.494653 -0.560148 -0.737139 -0.37797 -0.491984 -0.242527 -0.836141 --0.484683 -0.846938 -0.218583 0.972022 0.172729 0.159181 -0.982641 0.175995 0.0586652 -0.524648 -0.851137 -0.0176141 0.283137 -0.958311 0.0383739 -0.286332 -0.94321 0.16843 --0.486938 -0.844547 0.222782 -0.889608 -0.255526 0.378556 0.959574 -0.242135 0.143488 -0.882036 -0.450006 0.139671 -0.742364 0.593891 0.310143 0.918054 0.0612036 0.391703 --0.299391 -0.953943 -0.0189158 -0.408799 -0.907228 -0.0991028 -0.149332 -0.981512 0.119729 --0.188888 -0.969078 0.158775 -0.214925 -0.965081 0.149754 -0.06556 -0.971108 0.22946 -0.891861 0.0964174 0.441913 0.942344 -0.105825 0.317474 -0.98989 0.00856306 0.141576 -0.574859 0.817835 0.0261383 0.550082 0.833389 0.0536054 0.453329 0.880641 0.137707 --0.874919 -0.271263 -0.401164 -0.337804 -0.855989 -0.391372 -0.25232 -0.820983 -0.512173 --0.290521 -0.933019 -0.212304 0.972073 0.177141 0.153934 -0.929024 0.353084 0.110664 -0.180625 -0.981099 0.0694205 0.0125628 -0.995155 0.0975114 -0.158983 -0.977415 0.139228 --0.314324 0.679726 0.662701 0.0455877 0.747638 0.662541 -0.27552 0.74046 0.613032 --0.470453 0.623969 0.623969 0.852567 0.518954 0.0617802 0.078002 0.972492 0.219486 --0.282537 0.936832 0.206202 0.0781423 0.967762 0.239436 0.290705 0.935707 0.19986 -0.162957 0.972994 0.163484 -0.649065 0.740365 0.174855 -0.859571 0.508927 0.0461662 -0.938298 -0.295476 0.179694 -0.323151 -0.799539 0.506271 0.539562 -0.756329 0.369918 -0.0591047 -0.990004 0.12806 -0.447683 0.826491 0.34131 -0.372896 0.864362 0.337382 --0.623361 -0.749652 -0.222359 -0.841719 -0.497379 -0.210055 0.923711 -0.300417 0.237713 --0.747978 0.635781 0.190556 0.615968 0.782256 -0.0930588 0.645985 0.760378 -0.0672901 --0.924648 -0.344908 -0.161446 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.93006 0.340688 0.137551 --0.468715 0.338517 0.815912 0.998236 -0.0576002 -0.0143583 -0.338731 0.193561 0.920758 --0.981036 -0.193008 -0.0177724 0.970405 -0.193783 0.144095 -0.191495 -0.833568 0.518164 --0.464684 -0.883052 0.0654866 -0.676968 -0.734808 0.0421014 -0.0893582 -0.994723 0.0504072 --0.0905864 -0.990233 0.10598 -0.180049 -0.978796 0.0976737 0.527412 -0.846036 0.0778419 -0.750225 -0.653257 0.102071 -0.877754 0.455368 -0.148952 0.615922 -0.74676 0.250977 -0.408844 -0.906834 0.102467 -0.738009 0.654412 0.164583 -0.228873 0.972709 -0.0381454 -0.337487 0.935758 -0.102269 0.581949 0.807511 -0.0962396 -0.913794 -0.406131 -0.0061535 --0.90515 -0.419733 0.0672855 0.985993 0 0.166785 -0.973323 0.159799 0.164642 -0.893689 -0.438371 -0.0956583 0.734908 -0.666249 -0.126582 -0.34802 -0.912492 0.215037 -0 -0.9837 0.179816 -0.256757 -0.960868 0.103963 -0.534985 -0.841855 0.0712107 -0.992076 0.0888426 0.0888426 -0.77454 -0.580905 0.250276 -0.731025 -0.629021 0.264453 --0.151516 -0.925564 0.346949 0.144294 -0.945232 0.292771 0.0801606 -0.921847 0.379173 --0.0369768 -0.90593 0.421809 -0.288508 -0.601059 0.745313 -0.0283629 -0.855615 0.516835 -0.630647 -0.667527 0.395845 0.752454 -0.620057 0.222132 -0.859289 -0.492892 0.136672 --0.858604 -0.506671 0.0779977 0.78356 -0.609436 0.12092 0.773686 -0.613753 0.157216 --0.83706 0.506832 -0.206039 0.397346 -0.914024 0.0817053 0.640441 -0.765318 0.0642225 -0.626561 -0.775742 0.0751431 -0.904265 -0.368404 0.215833 0.985993 0 0.166785 --0.985993 0 0.166785 0.127883 -0.989553 -0.0665629 -0.234956 -0.971224 0.0389789 --0.222632 -0.960744 0.165547 -0.0664783 -0.986728 0.148152 0.854386 0.515038 0.0689927 --0.883359 -0.419596 0.208844 0.746926 -0.630354 0.211557 0.391488 -0.897001 0.205246 --0.644467 -0.731907 0.221299 0.74956 -0.643764 0.154037 0.728101 -0.667812 0.154586 --0.84479 0.495855 -0.20114 -0.939313 0.337442 -0.0618315 0.577231 -0.812488 0.0816531 -0.54668 -0.829782 0.112265 0.0757077 -0.791146 0.606924 0.122598 -0.98078 0.151787 --0.935367 -0.344489 0.0801019 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.991737 0 0.128284 -0.698525 0.709022 0.0966993 0.709161 0.698746 0.0940498 -0.921047 -0.292973 0.256591 --0.924892 -0.296325 0.238257 0.433101 -0.880099 0.194548 -0.605116 -0.759848 0.237625 -0.759829 -0.631018 0.156451 0.772156 -0.617008 0.151905 -0.968309 -0.239311 0.0714704 -0.526635 -0.840004 0.130571 0.163394 -0.972194 0.167751 -0.29119 -0.934755 0.203569 --0.25437 -0.951374 0.173732 0.796281 -0.566678 0.21169 0.828117 -0.516914 0.216846 --0.183889 -0.981474 0.0537944 -0.320398 -0.946777 0.0309718 0.2411 -0.966844 0.0841678 -0.233528 -0.969895 0.069054 -0.903472 -0.428388 0.0148887 -0.611621 -0.79001 -0.0424737 -0.95884 0.249869 0.134877 -0.995086 0 0.0990135 0.842244 0.527974 0.108947 -0.749169 0.654664 0.100806 -0.763318 -0.501609 0.407103 -0.924073 -0.100311 0.368819 -0.925196 0.201129 0.321807 0.380651 0.827094 0.413547 -0.0736462 0.97213 0.222575 --0.113333 0.988034 0.104615 0.125218 0.990362 0.059194 0.0616862 0.99647 -0.0569411 --0.604642 0.77921 -0.165047 -0.654665 0.737226 -0.167066 0.595467 -0.782614 0.181476 --0.473794 -0.85559 0.208531 -0.6647 -0.724096 0.184008 0.840159 -0.507061 0.192413 --0.64744 -0.761694 -0.0253898 -0.490858 -0.871197 0.00863829 0.167001 -0.983267 0.0727743 --0.236405 -0.971655 0 0.932844 0.333618 0.136021 -0.982641 0.175995 0.0586652 --0.39749 0.0709803 0.914857 0.80754 0.13459 0.574251 -0.39443 0.302396 0.867745 --0.663323 0.151617 0.732813 0.89597 0.443798 0.0167471 -0.912339 -0.180567 0.36747 --0.861592 -0.292516 0.414841 -0.899625 -0.282235 0.333194 0.886292 -0.462413 0.0256896 --0.841918 0.528263 -0.110055 -0.0856621 -0.980355 0.177669 0.73686 -0.653738 0.172233 --0.147438 -0.989063 0.0040955 -0.406043 -0.912823 -0.043394 0.960749 0.239534 0.139946 --0.929024 0.353084 0.110664 -0.320564 0.0674871 0.94482 0.39365 0.919182 -0.0119893 -0.726182 0.68718 -0.0210488 -0.724245 -0.654157 0.218052 -0.449876 -0.736161 0.505646 --0.84227 -0.409501 0.350558 0.746128 -0.664265 -0.0452199 -0.848602 0.516435 -0.114763 --0.352292 -0.935056 -0.0395094 0.922438 -0.359595 0.140711 0.987849 0.0884641 0.127781 --0.934583 0.342345 0.096723 0.257508 0.835331 0.485707 0.0494662 0.831032 0.554021 --0.217452 0.848061 0.483226 0.322634 0.939848 0.112221 0.0790893 0.996705 0.0179748 --0.180111 0.978306 -0.102358 -0.333222 0.928936 -0.161372 0.916886 0.387913 0.0940396 -0.161262 0.983526 0.0816756 0.238774 0.971075 0 -0.777287 -0.606089 0.168764 --0.74616 -0.633307 0.205349 0.776905 -0.629617 -0.00107903 0.762229 -0.64725 0.00859036 --0.872436 0.473766 -0.120006 -0.863423 0.485162 -0.13827 0.901675 0.430157 -0.0441187 -0.983641 0.178108 -0.026986 -0.213526 0.97368 0.0797165 -0.264783 0.957141 0.117354 --0.398744 0.886098 0.236293 0.992076 0.0888426 0.0888426 -0.964809 0.244802 0.0960009 -0.195266 0.78616 0.586365 0.747579 0.615653 0.249193 -0.883377 0.376598 0.278961 --0.841635 0.479792 0.247892 0.631517 0.758482 0.16091 0.509108 0.846123 0.157752 --0.73302 0.640187 -0.229873 -0.985746 0.0789435 -0.148572 0.94526 0.322741 0.0481914 --0.707235 -0.681672 0.18746 -0.749768 -0.638475 0.173774 0.745203 -0.66536 0.0443573 --0.561706 0.6366 -0.528419 -0.843485 0.316307 -0.434147 0.907987 -0.404496 0.109285 --0.869999 -0.39875 0.29 -0.80228 0.566315 -0.188772 0.965174 0.25152 0.0719457 --0.98126 0.175193 0.0802233 0.420999 0.90047 0.109148 0.214094 0.961517 0.172189 -0.177858 0.966364 0.185763 0.289185 0.937659 0.19279 -0.887417 0.371686 0.272656 -0.867886 0.286595 0.405756 0.879213 0.432113 0.200654 0.713733 0.678553 0.173641 --0.743582 -0.659084 -0.112664 0.796122 0.601769 0.0637452 -0.783658 -0.602979 0.149319 --0.730793 -0.660824 0.171037 0.560643 0.824475 -0.076951 0.0938288 0.995588 0.000955 --0.771634 0.635276 0.031711 -0.801444 0.59723 0.031681 0.727177 -0.677801 0.108628 -0.717909 -0.686696 0.11426 -0.403455 -0.14483 -0.903464 -0.754303 -0.258618 -0.603443 --0.739379 -0.285893 -0.609577 -0.902111 0.0674808 -0.426194 0.898344 -0.425962 0.107401 -0.530778 -0.836912 0.133612 -0.654043 -0.744256 0.135319 0.935161 0.334447 0.116703 --0.968373 0.243346 0.0550971 0.271817 -0.888631 -0.369392 0.905576 -0.424178 -0.00248785 --0.898645 0.246485 0.362881 -0.878041 0.269225 0.395679 0.942709 0.00771658 0.333528 -0.944479 0.0718895 0.320611 -0.532907 -0.836714 -0.126171 -0.418588 -0.906668 -0.0523235 -0.688407 0.716801 0.110871 0.762943 0.642586 0.0707184 -0.90686 -0.392522 0.153399 -0.998228 -0.0462258 0.0374804 -0.997735 -0.057916 0.0342231 0.491553 -0.849046 0.193642 --0.451911 -0.891608 0.0284989 -0.72445 -0.678208 -0.123311 -0.154193 -0.90974 -0.385483 -0.521877 -0.84215 0.135751 0.0316642 -0.987177 0.156458 0.94166 0.319294 0.106431 --0.945479 0.321611 0.051337 0.504367 -0.852206 0.139136 0.0773271 -0.947258 0.311004 --0.270119 -0.764532 0.585257 -0.393708 0.51711 0.759994 -0.337067 0.41068 0.847188 --0.511949 0.500043 0.698473 0.749796 0.644924 0.147914 0.372719 0.873962 0.311884 --0.27968 0.925729 0.254567 -0.387366 0.867965 0.31078 -0.209284 0.863295 0.459262 --0.221396 0.846047 0.484962 -0.225881 0.797226 0.55983 -0.22643 0.769375 0.597321 --0.370753 0.750334 0.547303 0.936041 -0.0744578 0.343924 0.22259 -0.926929 0.302087 --0.0853507 -0.971545 0.220943 -0.27938 -0.954058 0.108262 -0.394411 -0.91891 -0.00662875 -0.899368 0.412949 0.143561 0.751775 0.647856 0.122955 -0.938592 -0.319268 0.130814 -0.733675 -0.669384 0.116817 -0.938927 -0.333841 0.0834602 0.137194 -0.968931 0.205791 --0.146459 -0.97814 0.147622 -0.020719 -0.80804 0.588764 0.150539 -0.784057 0.602156 -0.0168332 -0.52183 0.852883 -0.249279 -0.807447 0.534686 0.937562 0.330556 0.108213 -0.942445 0.316493 0.107842 -0.93994 0.336695 0.0561158 0.236437 -0.956391 0.171506 -0.0787831 -0.982312 0.169871 -0.0329484 -0.98484 0.170308 -0.0917315 -0.974491 0.204825 --0.187575 -0.935656 0.298936 -0.22054 -0.803395 0.5531 -0.0340662 0.0170331 0.999274 --0.393818 -0.393818 0.830551 0.120903 -0.70527 0.698553 -0.70527 0.120903 0.698553 --0.671994 -0.186091 0.716794 0.954748 0.168736 0.244917 0.953272 0.197675 0.228465 -0.935294 0.277849 0.219148 -0.580904 0.783082 0.22211 -0.792735 0.0468434 0.607764 --0.94386 0.152858 0.292854 0.667641 0.731633 0.137727 0.784931 0.605469 0.131491 --0.600932 0.348833 0.719164 -0.714862 0.194962 0.671537 0.987926 0.0177048 0.153913 --0.960602 -0.241393 0.137742 0.729484 -0.66932 0.140939 0.173191 -0.899037 0.402166 -0.424978 0.882816 0.200076 0.39292 0.894521 0.21318 -0.103486 0.952782 0.285478 --0.21034 0.893083 0.397692 -0.539139 0.787489 0.298648 -0.0822085 -0.829234 0.552823 -0.935161 0.334447 0.116703 -0.944881 0.32297 0.0537605 -0.223261 -0.458925 0.859967 -0.784895 -0.242509 0.570201 0.829037 -0.138173 0.541854 -0.661083 -0.669713 0.338309 --0.687977 -0.651833 0.319062 0.573134 0.807597 0.138941 0.65065 0.744605 0.149055 --0.9574 -0.109048 0.267382 0.991783 0.117286 0.0510981 -0.951919 -0.257508 0.165949 -0.895763 0.0453551 0.442212 0.912843 0.0370907 0.406624 0.882829 -0.0764655 0.463428 --0.517766 0.534577 0.667941 -0.0185995 0.658955 0.751953 -0.034456 0.955934 0.291551 -0.343907 0.910341 0.230234 0.45066 0.870621 0.197292 -0.777171 0.564647 0.277809 --0.92431 0.299776 0.236187 0.915302 0.380062 0.133326 -0.945479 0.321611 0.051337 -0.61184 0.772478 0.170087 0.0868562 0.959366 0.268465 -0.18378 0.966933 0.176819 --0.0796151 0.987227 0.138 -0.133291 0.911708 0.388616 -0.0562991 0.925181 0.375327 --0.264587 0.841867 0.470376 0.609402 -0.370421 0.701012 -0.666254 -0.674645 0.317743 -0.299222 0.933099 0.199481 0.18655 0.967198 0.172417 0.474731 0.864116 0.167134 --0.969563 -0.217657 0.112126 0.949223 0.314029 0.019032 -0.946577 -0.28256 0.155408 --0.937489 -0.317879 0.141657 0.902487 -0.0638929 0.425952 0.83711 -0.413388 0.358269 -0.403713 0.858964 0.314954 -0.982239 0.010807 0.187322 0.170172 0.96184 0.214256 -0.322634 0.939848 0.112221 0.235282 0.957355 0.167672 -0.251342 0.952172 0.173767 --0.650482 0.757175 0.0596562 0.890888 0.428295 0.151266 0.907316 0.395497 0.142689 --0.916348 0.396628 0.0547073 0.79735 0.601228 -0.0525137 0.816542 0.569431 0.0949051 --0.936468 -0.248335 0.247703 0.622716 0.770025 0.138877 0.639269 0.757837 0.130452 -0.328412 0.921155 0.208854 -0.90309 -0.429338 -0.00986984 0.962071 0.272799 0 -0.952346 0.304588 0.0162447 -0.900467 -0.409868 0.145494 0.882518 -0.468838 -0.0367716 --0.984232 -0.0461571 0.170751 0.756585 0.596597 0.267678 0.734355 0.622262 0.271132 -0.230891 0.935931 0.265936 0.189247 0.96344 0.189657 0.189054 0.962454 0.194782 --0.189464 0.964546 0.183723 -0.487393 0.856514 0.169799 -0.391319 0.904234 0.170972 -0.734944 0.673608 -0.0781624 0.68022 0.730716 -0.0579226 0.216172 0.976324 0.00774349 -0.0927428 0.99513 0.0333874 -0.705545 0.70769 0.0371716 -0.849536 0.263464 -0.457029 --0.909507 0.196297 -0.36642 0.898921 0.414243 0.14263 -0.907331 0.412992 0.0786651 -0.972589 0.00495136 -0.232478 0.963906 0.19031 -0.18619 -0.849418 -0.501891 0.163079 -0.479853 0.870845 0.106634 0.620652 0.778636 0.0922828 -0.847093 -0.529328 -0.0473859 -0.936479 0.350724 0 -0.886935 -0.436849 0.150029 0.979753 -0.188784 -0.0666717 --0.98167 0.0994456 0.162586 0.905524 0.109557 0.409908 0.967228 0.00614113 0.253834 --0.430995 0.889658 0.150838 -0.4468 0.880649 0.157567 -0.423661 0.90028 -0.100031 --0.290129 0.928414 -0.232104 0.462084 0.873942 -0.15068 0.625276 0.769006 -0.132889 --0.676037 -0.730851 -0.0939666 -0.627252 -0.774974 -0.0772701 0.915704 0.380649 0.12881 -0.910762 0.390913 0.133042 -0.94485 0.320375 0.0679584 0.935441 -0.261671 -0.237653 -0.463751 -0.879528 -0.106609 -0.646283 -0.752002 0.129656 -0.833262 -0.528879 0.161124 -0.556124 0.826158 0.0904978 0.545323 0.831994 0.102023 0.496161 0.858403 0.130261 --0.84961 -0.52248 -0.0719597 -0.829593 -0.549583 -0.0986588 0.922822 0.385228 0 --0.904864 -0.404737 0.131941 0.979963 -0.199179 0 -0.988907 0.0111331 0.148118 -0.950273 0.291417 0.109809 0.32035 0.944621 0.0711888 -0.209442 0.977802 -0.00608843 --0.334132 0.942514 0.00479042 -0.417537 0.908529 0.0154643 0.876575 -0.443532 0.186803 --0.372264 0.908099 -0.191772 -0.0882881 0.975584 -0.201101 0.304687 0.935642 -0.178157 --0.435788 -0.896981 0.0742598 -0.528449 -0.84741 0.0513582 0.904864 0.404737 0.131941 --0.94561 0.317556 0.0705679 -0.940309 0.331525 0.0768753 0.328661 -0.943846 0.0337088 --0.130234 -0.985437 0.109332 -0.613055 -0.778677 0.133517 0.737178 0.641024 -0.213675 --0.941726 -0.325287 -0.0856723 0.0731249 0.967077 0.24375 0.0333514 0.9682 0.247945 --0.0491532 0.966679 0.251227 0.950925 0.309421 0 0.935084 0.354427 0 --0.915704 -0.380649 0.12881 0.957916 -0.280314 0.0618193 -0.986087 -0.143278 0.084281 -0.961897 -0.242722 0.125856 -0.567532 0.82305 0.0222562 -0.790305 0.609033 -0.0670562 -0.832218 -0.523935 0.181399 0.668505 -0.724698 0.167072 -0.336249 -0.939275 0.0685467 --0.373255 -0.914115 0.158351 -0.308917 -0.940954 0.13848 -0.346823 -0.931835 0.106756 -0.891109 0.438905 0.115268 -0.909999 0.407034 0.0788965 0.655354 0.472465 -0.589311 -0.715155 0.131873 -0.686413 -0.970202 -0.240965 0.0253648 -0.980567 -0.182926 0.0709014 -0.55495 0.793739 0.249016 0.564847 0.796469 0.215836 -0.74402 0.6392 0.194569 --0.795926 0.597597 0.0968449 0.987001 0.160715 0 -0.910762 -0.390913 0.133042 --0.898921 -0.414243 0.14263 0.9271 -0.356142 0.11683 0.855212 -0.493465 0.158443 --0.966198 -0.256732 -0.0234648 0.835548 -0.538439 0.109282 -0.752948 0.649358 -0.106788 --0.63996 0.734769 -0.224867 0.644276 -0.746059 0.168239 0.421389 -0.893143 0.157251 -0.302968 -0.939202 0.161583 -0.0432635 -0.822006 -0.567833 -0.730952 -0.472755 -0.49215 --0.00879051 -0.959924 -0.280124 -0.0714231 -0.975179 -0.209583 -0.187769 -0.964695 -0.18468 --0.312614 -0.94709 -0.0727582 -0.331391 -0.941849 0.0556724 0.69814 0.679073 0.226847 -0.704182 0.678293 0.209874 0.136649 0.976065 0.169185 -0.782013 0.616988 0.0882119 --0.962902 0.26848 0.0271878 0.87301 0.47564 0.1078 -0.894208 0.440431 0.0800783 -0.58504 0.645561 -0.490896 0.565425 0.565425 -0.60049 0.345295 0 -0.938494 -0.183808 -0.76865 -0.612692 0 -0.87317 -0.487416 0.256686 -0.81284 -0.52288 -0.369262 -0.812376 -0.45132 -0.324628 -0.945655 -0.018819 0.125901 -0.99192 -0.0155877 -0.279469 -0.958763 -0.051678 -0.979733 -0.139762 0.143489 0.842539 -0.401381 0.359194 -0.816503 0.468688 0.337126 0.656996 -0.399171 0.639546 -0.987105 0.151862 -0.0506207 -1 0 0 -0.872008 -0.466563 0.148061 0.62707 -0.777092 0.0539647 -0.618165 -0.784549 0.0485288 -0.925432 -0.311053 -0.216385 -0.912262 -0.334167 -0.236878 -0.834184 -0.540728 0.108402 0.871034 -0.478699 0.110216 -0.603543 0.766511 -0.219538 --0.219701 0.957567 -0.186539 -0.164018 0.973854 -0.157183 -0.109557 0.99348 -0.031539 --0.307155 0.950999 0.035441 0.17421 -0.968971 0.175348 0.166698 -0.972992 0.15968 -0.353095 -0.920885 0.165211 0.54846 -0.822689 0.14958 -0.77583 -0.573902 -0.262153 --0.890532 -0.287568 -0.352502 0.620804 0.64591 0.444301 0.626694 0.663362 0.408907 -0.618814 0.673415 0.404453 0.726395 -0.333287 0.601057 0.229135 -0.910085 0.345316 --0.682228 -0.730959 0.0162435 0.894208 0.440431 0.0800783 -0.907331 0.412992 0.0786651 -0.681032 0.376741 -0.627902 -0.241627 -0.638585 -0.730634 -0.366851 -0.791307 -0.489135 -0.567982 -0.743976 -0.351989 0.601696 -0.75212 -0.268843 0.561811 -0.783055 -0.266819 --0.544378 -0.838636 -0.0185274 -0.466562 -0.881284 -0.0752192 0.821962 -0.557699 -0.115544 -0.99236 -0.0870827 -0.0874017 -0.994794 0.0306877 0.0971778 0.779985 -0.548672 0.300969 -0.314976 -0.926439 0.206159 0.0796151 -0.987227 0.138 -0.118885 -0.990709 0.0660473 -1 0 0 -0.866056 -0.478626 0.144445 -0.876693 -0.463248 0.129658 -0.692094 -0.711521 -0.12142 0.673143 -0.641088 -0.368626 -0.840155 0.228775 -0.491734 --0.794007 0.174681 -0.582271 0.904379 -0.415125 0.0988393 -0.188828 0.964867 -0.182688 --0.540485 0.83688 0.0866467 -0.750966 0.659385 -0.0355224 0.472117 -0.881286 0.020983 --0.689591 -0.678858 -0.252224 -0.76161 -0.58942 -0.269323 0.690456 0.0470766 0.721841 -0.844057 0.19916 0.497899 0.776658 0.44287 0.44796 -0.227808 -0.672703 0.703971 --0.686188 -0.648067 0.330387 -0.470251 -0.853687 0.223791 0.865962 0.49676 0.0577907 --0.94485 0.320375 0.0679584 0.810314 0.450174 -0.375145 -0.385487 -0.416151 -0.82354 --0.124783 -0.945051 -0.302172 -0.435675 -0.89242 -0.117358 0.845825 0.506554 -0.167283 --0.90183 0.432091 -0.00038614 1 0 0 -0.89611 -0.430805 0.106743 -0.933381 0.285803 -0.217065 -0.863862 0.284682 -0.41557 -0.920171 0.288747 -0.264404 -0.909999 -0.407034 0.0788965 -0.76547 0.642157 -0.0411043 -0.682768 0.720467 -0.121474 -0.487663 -0.624719 0.609845 -0.232717 -0.867757 0.439137 0.87627 0.474048 0.0861905 --0.946459 0.317841 0.056505 -0.942007 0.332123 0.0481338 0.477676 0.877509 0.0424601 -0.0474296 0.986536 -0.156518 -0.909538 0.400197 -0.112176 0.665187 0.741896 -0.0843615 -0.837273 0.520343 -0.16798 -0.897915 0.440169 0.000488263 -0.814913 0.579494 0.0102154 -1 0 0 -0.946887 -0.315629 0.0615072 -0.964187 -0.262245 0.0396281 -0.913814 0.396829 -0.0864277 -0.982288 0.0762009 -0.171185 0.88096 -0.463637 0.0945998 --0.765014 0.639602 -0.0752473 -0.938451 0.345317 -0.00812512 0.802708 0.596364 -0.00310001 --0.911935 0.4079 0.0446234 0.405731 0.894223 0.189072 0.330252 0.920704 0.207937 -0.0132112 0.95121 0.308262 -0.855886 0.109428 0.505455 -0.880425 0 0.474186 --0.894675 -0.0378345 0.445112 0.784203 0.615061 0.0820082 0.523255 0.850394 0.0550795 --0.978238 -0.19341 0.0751261 0.748462 0.656814 0.0916485 0.683425 0.727721 -0.0579108 --0.84381 0.536501 -0.0122825 -0.875652 0.482762 -0.0132554 1 0 0 --0.998383 -0.0380227 0.0422474 0.68437 -0.28888 0.669467 0.756813 -0.24925 0.604242 -0.701308 -0.137098 0.699551 -0.622639 0.437793 0.648582 -0.623985 0.339192 0.703983 --0.666768 0.35864 0.653298 0.78887 0.613957 -0.0272198 0.909601 0.407789 -0.0795857 --0.964919 -0.225766 -0.134017 0.874059 -0.476451 0.0949511 0.466345 -0.875391 0.12733 --0.191218 -0.978682 -0.0749441 -0.18324 -0.980797 -0.0667926 0.185905 -0.979727 -0.0746564 -0.206426 -0.976194 -0.0665889 -0.91413 -0.36041 0.185666 -0.392605 0.326002 0.859991 --0.111041 0.142767 0.983508 -0.441563 0.454179 0.773786 -0.493862 0.409681 0.766982 -0.804592 0.572029 0.159418 0.789212 0.592309 0.162218 -0.696034 0.685325 0.214164 --0.671285 0.706616 0.223762 -0.817155 0.547715 0.179627 0.754161 0.651321 0.0837957 -0.77317 0.634173 0.00579153 -0.896946 0.441779 0.0178497 0.862379 0.493586 0.112583 -0.599199 0.783999 0.162192 -0.452839 0.251577 0.855363 -0.832275 -0.488101 0.262824 --0.89702 -0.0967048 0.431281 0.883359 0.462319 0.0770532 -0.887349 -0.450996 0.0959912 -0.627455 0.778103 0.029252 -0.944143 0.328398 -0.0273665 -0.993313 0.0180057 -0.114036 -0.999408 0 -0.0344137 -0.998955 -0.0284287 0.0357992 0.670098 -0.383875 0.635302 --0.640411 0.15137 0.752968 0.682656 0.730145 0.0294609 0.709228 0.704913 -0.00970806 --0.862109 -0.49602 -0.103594 -0.793538 -0.602136 -0.0879165 0.320821 -0.937495 0.13482 -0.0602766 -0.997713 0.0305881 -0.110478 -0.993817 0.0110316 0.467763 -0.883552 0.0230994 -0.402916 -0.895479 0.189144 0.238213 -0.944344 0.226869 -0.786527 -0.566171 0.246628 -0.857732 -0.219715 0.464781 0.859164 -0.271201 0.433921 -0.390518 0.836011 0.385462 --0.0214505 0.87782 0.478511 -0.315553 0.930052 0.188225 0.940861 0.0775968 0.329786 -0.966406 -0.211753 0.145674 -0.816968 -0.576683 0 0.934871 0.354583 0.0169167 --0.877317 0.477987 0.0429295 0.995081 0.0990068 -0.003342 -0.506055 -0.815438 0.281014 --0.580456 -0.792608 0.186665 -0.702755 -0.679441 0.210938 0.873762 0.479722 0.0800368 --0.879136 -0.467433 0.0928828 -0.839357 -0.533423 0.104593 0.792351 0.598665 -0.117385 -0.608994 0.793169 -0.00289584 -0.386139 -0.91992 -0.0681422 -0.501173 -0.864928 -0.0269448 -0.0353772 -0.995515 -0.0877355 0.225014 -0.964347 -0.139295 0.131541 -0.978663 -0.157849 --0.92299 -0.301215 -0.239498 0.994016 0.0808006 -0.0735061 -0.999674 0.0237077 -0.00948307 -0.786206 0.614147 0.0685787 0.745826 0.664091 0.0522191 -0.827312 -0.561551 0.0146811 -0.398312 -0.895884 0.196823 0.890365 -0.257455 0.375455 0.947689 -0.238664 0.211953 --0.311313 0.939372 0.143747 -0.421666 0.893895 0.152152 -0.474223 0.868607 0.143646 -0.783056 -0.613877 0.099896 0.955642 0.293845 0.0201067 0.948216 0.31657 0.0258831 --0.869706 0.493266 0.0173076 0.397071 -0.887569 -0.233571 -0.210322 -0.974072 0.0833535 --0.42977 -0.883827 0.184791 0.817617 0.557814 0.142637 0.870774 0.484908 0.0813462 --0.896909 -0.426012 0.118609 -0.899513 -0.419499 0.122055 0.838843 0.514054 -0.17914 --0.46401 -0.882192 -0.0801993 -0.427994 -0.899229 -0.0905994 -0.449055 -0.888681 -0.0927182 -0.0184781 -0.999355 0.0307968 0.203288 -0.969071 0.139911 0.141264 -0.979215 0.145544 --0.374923 -0.917243 0.134529 -0.648587 -0.760662 0.0269943 0.963864 0.247301 -0.0990371 --0.991303 0.122134 -0.0490118 0.903905 0.418992 0.086033 -0.941562 -0.336377 0.0176268 --0.999317 -0.03624 0.00724799 0.927754 -0.36205 0.0905126 -0.511409 0.843703 0.163175 --0.212154 0.960347 0.180896 -0.00765895 0.967216 0.253839 -0.178031 0.922856 0.341529 --0.812055 0.165164 0.559721 -0.928033 -0.164527 0.334195 0.912076 0.407963 -0.0410359 --0.83404 0.551393 0.0185342 0.893366 0.421589 0.155434 0.885165 0.440939 0.148513 --0.926284 -0.338503 0.165572 0.822803 0.530898 -0.202835 0.843827 0.497414 -0.201334 --0.687959 -0.713822 -0.13104 -0.695958 -0.70123 -0.154657 -0.211188 -0.96277 0.168743 -0.9139 0.395713 -0.0905412 -0.966118 0.249114 -0.0675129 0.943885 0.305949 0.124405 -0.911594 0.4008 0.0914105 -0.933941 0.352142 0.061242 0.919684 -0.392399 0.0143062 -0.916233 -0.400521 0.0100402 -0.471059 -0.203593 0.858285 -0.915223 -0.345325 0.207646 --0.919381 -0.326333 0.219647 0.869706 0.493266 -0.0173076 -0.856248 0.516528 0.00617672 --0.863412 0.5045 0 0.949901 0 0.312551 0.966694 0.133233 0.218522 --0.829007 -0.531972 0.172494 0.854524 0.481433 -0.194963 0.840974 0.507777 -0.186883 --0.696513 -0.697582 -0.168075 -0.691162 -0.703023 -0.167489 0.904852 0.419322 -0.0735652 -0.913292 0.397282 -0.089807 -0.965403 0.252157 -0.0664415 -0.943215 0.327134 -0.0577045 -0.881904 -0.386588 0.269806 0.893837 -0.441355 0.0791225 -0.844528 0.50902 0.166346 -0.886347 -0.463017 0.0020044 -0.0828959 -0.828959 0.553133 -0.804999 -0.542142 0.240952 -0.808104 0.58812 -0.0329227 -0.837432 0.546542 0 0.534473 -0.749104 0.391386 -0.728828 -0.596314 0.336482 -0.379356 -0.895194 0.233918 -0.453989 -0.868649 0.198353 --0.766829 -0.616239 0.179505 0.801561 0.389275 -0.453834 0.674657 -0.500177 -0.542827 --0.273896 -0.903855 -0.328675 -0.502434 -0.846655 -0.175317 0.943631 0.313417 -0.106444 --0.965631 0.253008 -0.0595312 0.480927 -0.874065 0.0687038 0.33854 -0.939856 0.0453944 -0.457787 -0.884002 0.0947145 -0.792912 -0.448754 0.412202 -0.873995 0.430419 0.225547 --0.914481 0.145486 0.37757 -0.924688 0.260226 0.277912 0.705414 -0.705414 0.0691582 --0.559827 -0.828604 -0.00296991 -0.535111 -0.844212 -0.0310209 0.0216605 -0.982702 0.183924 -0.0438133 -0.986753 0.156204 -0.478183 -0.847161 0.231646 0.792308 0.609598 0.0252596 -0.806769 0.590681 -0.014824 -0.821657 0.569983 0 -0.758782 0.651344 0 -0.419925 -0.835832 0.353621 -0.381501 -0.902954 0.197816 0.369933 -0.494845 -0.786307 -0.147043 -0.735215 -0.661693 0.364599 -0.798177 -0.479563 0.0134744 -0.881226 -0.472503 -0.937113 0.329655 -0.114662 0.942484 0.315008 -0.111777 -0.943881 0.312655 -0.106472 -0.708104 -0.689293 0.153176 0.666982 -0.698981 0.257993 -0.652166 -0.652166 0.386469 --0.195227 -0.980728 -0.00765596 0.810902 0.584913 0.0177246 -0.759496 0.650492 -0.00500152 --0.788524 0.61494 -0.00882193 0.902719 0.410994 -0.127212 -0.930072 0.35149 -0.106866 --0.899866 0.424305 -0.101025 0.436202 0.00411512 0.899839 0.534324 0.0360218 0.844512 -0.235431 -0.0692444 0.969421 -0.599185 -0.607869 0.52103 0.812685 0.582424 -0.0180597 --0.835147 0.548455 -0.0415496 0.88482 0.44965 -0.122098 -0.878117 0.462348 -0.123063 -0.806244 0.35495 0.473267 -0.785754 0.522178 0.331542 -0.769256 0.56541 0.297584 -0.924872 -0.305423 -0.226558 0.725795 0.687257 -0.0299738 0.785491 0.618516 -0.0210092 --0.786373 0.615992 -0.0465999 0.851665 0.50546 -0.138482 0.884147 0.450915 -0.122307 --0.869551 0.480897 -0.112332 -0.87569 0.47276 -0.0983109 0.931887 -0.298993 0.2054 --0.774241 0.584113 0.243645 -0.309426 -0.618853 -0.721995 0.376057 0.924474 0.0626762 -0.143217 0.984764 0.0986342 -0.452387 0.891597 0.0200085 -0.542807 0.839708 0.0158348 -0.687566 0.726122 0 0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.762011 0.646569 -0.0358951 --0.725795 0.687257 -0.0299738 0.794815 0.590631 -0.13937 0.806362 0.57469 -0.139682 --0.878117 0.462348 -0.123063 0.818428 -0.574589 0.00482848 -0.889982 0.389367 0.237329 --0.942235 0.240827 0.232799 0.949207 0.244655 -0.197863 0.743874 0.66668 -0.0467846 --0.70665 0.698237 -0.114503 0.632487 0.773272 0.0448425 0.666306 0.745471 0.0175922 --0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 0.799405 0.586597 -0.129831 --0.850808 0.513854 -0.109911 -0.824838 0.555611 -0.104586 0.793489 -0.607421 -0.0376137 -0.702593 -0.711259 -0.0217755 -0.953977 -0.0681412 0.292034 0.968046 -0.154887 -0.197223 --0.70948 0.695059 -0.116324 -0.750326 0.641609 -0.159214 0.780173 0.619123 0.0895342 -0.649066 0.758225 0.0617139 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 -0.836657 0.530563 -0.136042 0.811074 0.570608 -0.128706 -0.733792 0.668275 -0.122299 -0.567254 -0.815787 0.11276 -0.496535 -0.722233 0.481489 0.915373 -0.377906 -0.138846 -0.909728 -0.394216 -0.130341 -0.77009 0.621238 -0.145001 -0.809467 0.575253 -0.117678 -0.794994 0.605489 0.0369765 0.819705 0.568624 0.0689241 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 --0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 0.789101 0.598476 -0.138368 0.806362 0.57469 -0.139682 --0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.381865 0.816705 0.432633 0.468256 0.784886 0.405822 -0.374228 0.83328 0.406938 0.15149 0.908938 0.388435 0.976021 -0.206743 -0.0681131 --0.837875 0.54286 -0.0571733 -0.825293 0.564318 -0.0209006 0.699576 0.714556 -0.00188929 -0.726079 0.687511 0.011738 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.699976 0.699976 -0.141662 0.972209 0.0920126 0.215275 --0.431596 0.868096 0.245225 0.0797681 0.765773 0.638144 -0.566086 0.804585 0.179415 --0.589585 0.787992 0.177364 0.973088 0.221881 -0.0621977 -0.458034 0.883862 0.0948273 -0.0732056 0.995596 0.0585645 0.532326 0.846239 -0.022555 -0.687257 0.725795 -0.0299738 --0.64644 0.761859 -0.0410583 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.699976 0.699976 -0.141662 -0.959724 0.0239931 0.279919 0.982839 -0.150106 0.107219 0.432905 0.132964 0.891579 --0.388253 0.745925 0.541161 -0.619265 0.76639 0.170755 -0.615557 0.769446 0.170418 -0.510862 0.849929 -0.128996 0.719484 0.682962 -0.126123 -0.631207 0.773877 -0.05188 --0.62591 0.777172 -0.0651199 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.598023 0.788504 -0.143633 --0.57469 0.806362 -0.139682 0.805703 -0.523707 0.276721 0.81319 -0.521513 0.258352 -0.547421 0.646952 0.530833 -0.510677 0.805299 0.301169 -0.276292 0.621658 0.732942 --0.797498 0.531665 0.285184 0.834017 0.476581 -0.278006 -0.433011 0.899851 -0.0526229 --0.42302 0.905901 -0.0199538 0.968 -0.23474 0.0887333 0.915018 -0.223407 0.335903 -0.963438 -0.255693 0.0800511 -0.675917 0.724073 0.137311 -0.672087 0.729168 0.128893 -0.952642 0.156456 -0.26076 0.458781 0.873746 -0.161518 0.00928327 0.99994 0.00574678 --0.0698733 0.996454 -0.0468715 0.215983 0.970446 -0.107639 -0.625859 0.77732 -0.0638284 --0.597383 0.801148 -0.0360066 -0.580015 0.813834 -0.0354454 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.525649 0.839674 -0.136532 -0.570557 0.811923 -0.123471 0.806603 -0.531971 0.257679 -0.7963 -0.482163 0.365275 0.754212 -0.612311 0.237149 -0.828484 0.49962 0.252972 --0.778659 0.562949 0.27709 -0.803751 0.547575 0.232693 0.972897 0.201475 -0.113487 --0.440032 0.897903 -0.0118928 0.0335315 0.997962 -0.0542891 0.309552 0.950768 0.0147406 --0.0730282 0.994077 0.08048 -0.472144 0.872894 0.123031 -0.445174 0.890348 0.0953944 -0.918071 0.367722 0.148076 -0.607681 0.791702 0.0627037 -0.542928 0.837084 0.0672356 -0.96818 0.142503 -0.205721 -0.504826 0.862411 -0.0373945 -0.512535 0.858496 -0.0170845 -0.629993 0.760337 0.158102 0.146781 0.974779 0.168109 -0.405681 0.901513 0.150658 --0.420219 0.89516 0.148677 0.722843 0.687674 0.0678445 0.702802 0.708286 0.0663365 --0.13555 0.988715 -0.0637881 -0.511905 0.856869 -0.0610642 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.593961 0.795024 -0.123073 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.831794 -0.521423 0.190361 -0.814657 0.569062 0.111816 0.96461 -0.208999 0.160768 -0.468793 0.882546 0.0366937 --0.254913 0.96691 0.0102551 0.324573 0.933702 -0.151171 -0.396089 0.902252 0.170454 --0.36321 0.928204 0.0807134 0.41152 0.909894 -0.0523878 0.74245 0.669215 -0.0303041 --0.431545 0.896854 0.0970712 -0.647366 0.745287 0.159575 -0.754312 0.641948 0.137538 -0.965728 0.181539 -0.185507 -0.547652 0.836428 -0.0215729 -0.509393 0.860512 -0.00614652 -0.893389 -0.447659 0.0381625 -0.683946 0.72111 0.110537 -0.640153 0.766706 0.0486504 -0.888531 0.45377 0.0678611 -0.708849 0.702835 -0.0596345 -0.974618 0.223189 0.017505 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.996896 0.0750352 0.0238207 --0.238509 0.971074 0.0113576 0.0596535 0.997654 -0.033598 0.243225 0.957762 -0.153403 -0.0867785 0.995858 -0.0271308 -0.789815 0.600173 0.126428 0.871693 0.460363 -0.167982 --0.500058 0.865992 0 -0.468148 0.88365 0 -0.449818 0.893022 0.01323 -0.678991 -0.734044 -0.0122341 0.542535 -0.837459 -0.065714 -0.5071 0.86187 0.00534493 --0.438332 0.895684 0.0749286 -0.42997 0.899028 0.0829143 0.322186 0.946591 0.0127059 -0.307146 0.950664 -0.0435743 -0.181453 0.967752 -0.174733 -0.14762 0.984136 -0.0984136 -0.673835 0.737049 0.0520059 -0.858604 -0.512637 -0.00168354 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.665916 0.731202 -0.147981 0.982715 0.181589 -0.0360245 -0.0643781 -0.981086 -0.182556 --0.1195 -0.979236 -0.163759 0.113419 -0.975399 -0.189031 -0.793613 0.595728 0.123635 --0.709686 0.695789 0.11056 0.563008 0.811297 -0.157541 0.528451 0.835585 -0.150126 -0.814319 0.555351 -0.168733 -0.457502 0.888747 0.0286436 -0.550553 0.834103 0.0340962 --0.574767 0.817704 0.0316554 0.534635 -0.840508 -0.0878206 0.649105 -0.740743 -0.173095 -0.737686 -0.658186 -0.150372 -0.363244 0.915201 0.174532 -0.412962 0.880654 0.232187 --0.105526 0.972834 0.206056 0.169772 0.969818 0.175016 0.204462 0.965997 0.158256 -0.15206 0.975996 0.155917 0.173893 0.978574 0.110246 0.292003 0.955725 0.0363921 --0.856901 -0.512676 -0.0537089 -0.812914 -0.577504 -0.0752371 0.479499 0.871225 -0.10511 -0.562478 0.818834 -0.114587 -0.616715 0.771145 -0.158106 -0.535488 0.82647 -0.173781 -0.670118 0.713468 -0.204708 -0.473457 -0.880601 0.0195039 -0.495026 -0.867695 0.0453174 --0.321311 -0.943506 -0.0809718 0.993584 0.111048 -0.0214302 -0.695781 0.712525 0.0905384 --0.599816 0.800085 -0.00925335 0.682727 0.717103 -0.14017 0.673821 0.719973 -0.166148 --0.626889 0.778445 0.0321482 -0.537073 0.843487 0.00904544 0.858828 -0.496212 -0.127234 --0.915686 -0.391304 -0.0916567 0.624353 0.77943 -0.0516923 0.441226 0.896205 -0.0462237 -0.312499 0.946568 -0.0797052 -0.158298 0.966672 -0.201214 0.624981 0.752234 -0.208669 --0.385295 -0.917935 0.0945696 -0.920835 -0.381253 -0.0819083 0.188245 -0.982101 0.00645411 -0.925438 -0.37178 -0.0731078 0.944088 -0.322686 -0.0676105 -0.653123 -0.748006 0.117973 --0.576251 -0.81473 0.0644219 0.99542 0.0704722 0.0645995 -0.58365 0.811376 -0.0319472 --0.227703 0.961412 -0.154397 0.478233 0.861316 -0.171546 -0.497727 0.867334 0 --0.392374 0.919676 0.0154814 -0.397157 0.917569 0.0182601 0.772741 -0.624267 -0.11473 --0.860065 -0.500567 0.0985965 -0.945583 -0.301323 0.12279 0.36121 -0.916403 0.17243 -0.454101 -0.876765 0.158353 -0.887808 -0.448053 -0.105099 -0.717029 -0.691722 -0.0859632 -0.74326 0.66433 -0.0789303 0.727248 0.684071 -0.0561823 -0.679343 0.71428 -0.168218 -0.160269 0.910797 -0.380476 0.884122 0.424657 -0.194924 -0.856608 -0.48949 0.163163 --0.681658 -0.718998 0.13559 0.989926 0 0.141587 -0.478352 0.878168 0 --0.397157 0.917569 -0.0182601 0.75075 -0.637123 -0.174499 0.685822 0.636443 -0.35297 -0.99177 -0.0627702 -0.111592 0.979575 -0.171037 -0.105732 0.986894 -0.119791 -0.108119 --0.917159 0.374499 0.136269 0.443643 -0.887287 0.126107 -0.12786 -0.991428 -0.0268939 -0.64434 0.759385 -0.090338 0.704894 0.704894 -0.0790535 -0.42833 0.888728 -0.163391 --0.0259677 0.969837 -0.242365 0.850593 0.47778 -0.219586 -0.962319 0.271423 0.0164499 -0.909347 0.199221 0.365238 0.965527 0.200753 0.165701 0.992061 0.0646997 0.107833 --0.321976 0.946552 -0.0192389 -0.326273 0.945081 -0.0192006 -0.175995 0.982641 -0.0586652 -0.0976805 0.993085 -0.0651203 0.183147 0.976783 -0.11114 0.0580726 0.97562 -0.211643 -0.265251 0.89973 -0.346594 0.990571 -0.0466412 -0.128819 -0.910502 0.391643 0.132668 --0.784732 0.617641 0.0521165 0.499462 0.85805 -0.119529 0.615386 0.781235 -0.104747 --0.493157 0.867277 -0.0680217 0.662902 0.745765 0.0662903 -0.800862 0.597836 -0.0348297 --0.82467 0.555207 -0.108002 0.394016 0.910313 -0.12681 0.47473 0.87152 -0.122816 --0.207983 0.974714 -0.0817076 0 0.99922 -0.0394837 0.217662 0.976024 0 --0.78792 0.597133 -0.150381 -0.738577 0.656931 -0.151476 0.335756 0.93732 -0.0932657 -0.325028 0.941474 -0.0893519 0.319809 0.940182 -0.117386 -0.312036 0.934975 -0.168689 -0.0745504 0.984242 -0.160342 0.158075 0.973779 -0.163606 0.0663259 0.99153 -0.111663 -0 0.995211 -0.0977514 0.0882513 0.992617 -0.0832084 0.254057 0.962565 -0.0944677 - diff --git a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/testNrrd.ascii b/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/testNrrd.ascii deleted file mode 100644 index f78381e84b..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/testNrrd.ascii +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/testNrrd.nhdr b/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/testNrrd.nhdr deleted file mode 100644 index d62bdcaba6..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/testNrrd.nhdr +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -NRRD0005 -content: SomeIDNumber42 -type: short -dimension: 4 -space: right-anterior-superior -sizes: 2 2 2 2 -thicknesses: NaN NaN 2.5 NaN -space directions: (2,0,0) (0,2.5,0) (0,0,2) none -centerings: cell cell cell none -kinds: space space space list -endian: little -encoding: ascii -space units: "mm" "mm" "mm" -space origin: (0,0,0) -data file: testNrrd.ascii -measurement frame: (1,0,0) (0,0,1) (0,1,0) -modality:=DWMRI -DWMRI_b-value:=1000 -DWMRI_gradient_0000:= 0 0 0 -DWMRI_gradient_0001:= 1 0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/testimage.dcm b/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/testimage.dcm deleted file mode 100644 index ecf7b12d33..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/testimage.dcm and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/vtkUnstructuredGrid.vtk b/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/vtkUnstructuredGrid.vtk deleted file mode 100644 index 392ef94c61..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/ContourModel/Testing/Data/vtkUnstructuredGrid.vtk and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/DiffusionImaging/FiberTracking/Interactions/mitkFiberBundleInteractor.h b/Modules/DiffusionImaging/FiberTracking/Interactions/mitkFiberBundleInteractor.h index f2467bc717..d1e41e441e 100644 --- a/Modules/DiffusionImaging/FiberTracking/Interactions/mitkFiberBundleInteractor.h +++ b/Modules/DiffusionImaging/FiberTracking/Interactions/mitkFiberBundleInteractor.h @@ -1,99 +1,98 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKFiberBundleINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED #define MITKFiberBundleINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED #include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" #include #include #include #include namespace mitk { class DataNode; //##Documentation //## @brief Just select a point, that's the only way to interact with the point //## //## Interact with a point: Select the point without moving to get parameters that does not change //## All Set-operations would be done through the method "ExecuteAction", if there would be anyone. //## the identificationnumber of this point is set by this points and evalued from an empty place in the DataStructure //## @ingroup Interaction class MitkFiberTracking_EXPORT FiberBundleInteractor : public Interactor { public: mitkClassMacro(FiberBundleInteractor, Interactor); mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, const char*, DataNode*); //##Documentation //## @brief Sets the amount of precision void SetPrecision(unsigned int precision); //##Documentation //## @brief derived from mitk::Interactor; calculates Jurisdiction according to points //## //## standard method can not be used, since it doesn't calculate in points, only in BoundingBox of Points virtual float CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const; protected: //##Documentation //##@brief Constructor FiberBundleInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode); //##Documentation //##@brief Destructor virtual ~FiberBundleInteractor(); //##Documentation //## @brief select the point on the given position virtual void SelectFiber(int position); //##Documentation //## @brief unselect all points that exist in mesh virtual void DeselectAllFibers(); //##Documentation //## @brief Executes Actions virtual bool ExecuteAction(Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent); private: //##Documentation //## @brief to calculate a direction vector from last point and actual point Point3D m_LastPoint; //##Documentation //## @brief to store a position unsigned int m_LastPosition; // Point3D m_InitialPickedPoint; // Point2D m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint; // double m_InitialPickedPointWorld[4]; Point3D m_CurrentPickedPoint; Point2D m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint; double m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[4]; }; } #endif /* MITKFiberBundleInteractor_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkAltInstantiateAccessFunctions.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkAltInstantiateAccessFunctions.h deleted file mode 100644 index c7cedfbc16..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkAltInstantiateAccessFunctions.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,172 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKALTINSTANTIATEACCESSFUNCTIONS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKALTINSTANTIATEACCESSFUNCTIONS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include -#include - -#ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP -//--------------------------------- instantiation functions ------------------------------ -//##Documentation -//## @brief Instantiate access function without additional parammeters -//## for all datatypes and dimensions -//## -//## Use this macro once after the definition of your access function. -//## Some compilers have memory problems without the explicit instantiation. -//## You may need to move the access function to a separate file. -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunction_1 -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunction_2 -//## @ingroup Adaptor -#define AltInstantiateAccessFunction(itkImgFunc) \ - AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension(itkImgFunc, 2) \ - AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension(itkImgFunc, 3) - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Instantiate access function with one additional parammeter -//## for all datatypes and dimensions -//## -//## Use this macro once after the definition of your access function. -//## Some compilers have memory problems without the explicit instantiation. -//## You may need to move the access function to a separate file. -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunction -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunction_2 -//## @ingroup Adaptor -#define AltInstantiateAccessFunction_1(itkImgFunc, param1Type) \ - AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_1(itkImgFunc, 2, param1Type) \ - AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_1(itkImgFunc, 3, param1Type) - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Instantiate access function with two additional parammeters -//## for all datatypes and dimensions -//## -//## Use this macro once after the definition of your access function. -//## Some compilers have memory problems without the explicit instantiation. -//## You may need to move the access function to a separate file. -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunction -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunction_1 -//## @ingroup Adaptor -#define AltInstantiateAccessFunction_2(itkImgFunc, param1Type, param2Type) \ - AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_2(itkImgFunc, 2, param1Type, param2Type) \ - AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_2(itkImgFunc, 3, param1Type, param2Type) - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Instantiate access function without additional parammeters -//## for all datatypes, but fixed dimension -//## -//## Use this macro once after the definition of your access function. -//## Some compilers have memory problems without the explicit instantiation. -//## You may need to move the access function to a separate file. -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_1 -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_2 -//## @ingroup Adaptor -#define AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension(itkImgFunc, dimension) \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Instantiate access function with one additional parammeter -//## for all datatypes, but fixed dimension -//## -//## Use this macro once after the definition of your access function. -//## Some compilers have memory problems without the explicit instantiation. -//## You may need to move the access function to a separate file. -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_2 -//## @ingroup Adaptor -#define AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_1(itkImgFunc, dimension, param1Type)\ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Instantiate access function with two additional parammeters -//## for all datatypes, but fixed dimension -//## -//## Use this macro once after the definition of your access function. -//## Some compilers have memory problems without the explicit instantiation. -//## You may need to move the access function to a separate file. -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_1 -//## @ingroup Adaptor -#define AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedDimension_2(itkImgFunc, dimension, param1Type, param2Type)\ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Instantiate access function without additional parammeters -//## for a fixed datatype, but all dimensions -//## -//## Use this macro once after the definition of your access function. -//## Some compilers have memory problems without the explicit instantiation. -//## You may need to move the access function to a separate file. -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedPixelType_1 -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedPixelType_2 -//## @ingroup Adaptor -#define AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedPixelType(itkImgFunc, pixelType) \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*); - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Instantiate access function with one additional parammeter -//## for a fixed datatype, but all dimensions -//## -//## Use this macro once after the definition of your access function. -//## Some compilers have memory problems without the explicit instantiation. -//## You may need to move the access function to a separate file. -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedPixelType -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedPixelType_2 -//## @ingroup Adaptor -#define AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedPixelType_1(itkImgFunc, pixelType, param1Type) \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type); - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Instantiate access function with two additional parammeters -//## for a fixed datatype, but all dimensions -//## -//## Use this macro once after the definition of your access function. -//## Some compilers have memory problems without the explicit instantiation. -//## You may need to move the access function to a separate file. -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedPixelType -//## \sa AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedPixelType_1 -//## @ingroup Adaptor -#define AltInstantiateAccessFunctionForFixedPixelType_2(itkImgFunc, pixelType, param1Type, param2Type)\ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); \ -template void itkImgFunc(itk::Image*, param1Type, param2Type); - -#endif DOXYGEN_SKIP - -#endif // of MITKALTINSTANTIATEACCESSFUNCTIONS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkAngleCorrectByPointFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkAngleCorrectByPointFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 01bb587e8d..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkAngleCorrectByPointFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,229 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkAngleCorrectByPointFilter.h" -#include "mitkIpPic.h" -#include "mitkImageTimeSelector.h" -#include "mitkProperties.h" -#include "mitkImageReadAccessor.h" -#include - -mitk::AngleCorrectByPointFilter::AngleCorrectByPointFilter() : m_PreferTransducerPositionFromProperty(true) -{ - m_Center.Fill(0); - m_TransducerPosition.Fill(0); -} - -mitk::AngleCorrectByPointFilter::~AngleCorrectByPointFilter() -{ -} - -void mitk::AngleCorrectByPointFilter::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - mitk::Image::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - if ((output->IsInitialized()) && (this->GetMTime() <= m_TimeOfHeaderInitialization.GetMTime())) - return; - - itkDebugMacro(<<"GenerateOutputInformation()"); - - unsigned int i; - unsigned int *tmpDimensions = new unsigned int[input->GetDimension()]; - - for(i=0;iGetDimension();++i) - tmpDimensions[i]=input->GetDimension(i); - - //@todo maybe we should shift the following somehow in ImageToImageFilter - mitk::PixelType scalarPType = MakeScalarPixelType(); - output->Initialize(scalarPType, - input->GetDimension(), - tmpDimensions, - input->GetNumberOfChannels()); - - output->GetSlicedGeometry()->SetSpacing(input->GetSlicedGeometry()->GetSpacing()); - - //output->GetSlicedGeometry()->SetPlaneGeometry(mitk::Image::BuildStandardPlanePlaneGeometry(output->GetSlicedGeometry(), tmpDimensions).GetPointer(), 0); - //output->GetSlicedGeometry()->SetEvenlySpaced(); - //set the timebounds - after SetPlaneGeometry, so that the already created PlaneGeometry will also receive this timebounds. - //@fixme!!! will not work for not evenly timed data! - - ProportionalTimeGeometry::Pointer timeGeometry = ProportionalTimeGeometry::New(); - timeGeometry->Initialize(output->GetSlicedGeometry(), output->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps()); - timeGeometry->SetFirstTimePoint(output->GetTimeGeometry()->GetMinimumTimePoint()); - TimePointType stepDuration = input->GetTimeGeometry()->GetMaximumTimePoint(0) -input->GetTimeGeometry()->GetMinimumTimePoint(0); - timeGeometry->SetStepDuration(stepDuration); - output->SetTimeGeometry(timeGeometry); - - output->SetPropertyList(input->GetPropertyList()->Clone()); - - - delete [] tmpDimensions; - - m_TimeOfHeaderInitialization.Modified(); -} - -void mitk::AngleCorrectByPointFilter::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Image::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - - if(m_PreferTransducerPositionFromProperty) - { - mitk::Point3iProperty::Pointer pointProp; - pointProp = dynamic_cast(input->GetProperty("ORIGIN").GetPointer()); - if (pointProp.IsNotNull() ) - { - const itk::Point & p = pointProp->GetValue(); - m_TransducerPosition[0] = p[0]; - m_TransducerPosition[1] = p[1]; - m_TransducerPosition[2] = p[2]; - } - } - - itkDebugMacro( << "compute angle corrected image .... " ); - itkDebugMacro( << " Center[0]=" << m_Center[0] << " Center[1]=" << m_Center[1] << " Center[2]=" << m_Center[2] ); - itkDebugMacro( << " TransducerPosition[0]=" << m_TransducerPosition[0] << " TransducerPosition[1]=" << m_TransducerPosition[1] << " TransducerPosition[2]=" << m_TransducerPosition[2] ); - - const Vector3D & spacing = input->GetSlicedGeometry()->GetSpacing(); - // MITK_INFO << " in: xres=" << spacing[0] << " yres=" << spacing[1] << " zres=" << spacing[2] << std::endl; - - if((spacing[0]!=spacing[1]) || (spacing[0]!=spacing[2])) - { - itkExceptionMacro("filter does not work for uninsotropic data: spacing: ("<< spacing[0] << "," << spacing[1] << "," << spacing[2] << ")"); - } - - Vector3D p; - Vector3D tx_direction; - Vector3D tx_position = m_TransducerPosition.GetVectorFromOrigin(); - Vector3D center = m_Center.GetVectorFromOrigin(); - Vector3D assumed_direction; - ScalarType &x=p[0]; - ScalarType &y=p[1]; - ScalarType &z=p[2]; - Vector3D down; - FillVector3D(down,0.0,0.0,-1.0); - - int xDim = input->GetDimension(0); - int yDim = input->GetDimension(1); - int zDim = input->GetDimension(2); - - mitkIpPicDescriptor* pic_out; - pic_out = mitkIpPicNew(); - pic_out->dim = 3; - pic_out->bpe = output->GetPixelType().GetBpe(); - //pic_out->type = output->GetPixelType().GetType(); - pic_out->n[0] = xDim; - pic_out->n[1] = yDim; - pic_out->n[2] = zDim; - pic_out->data = malloc(_mitkIpPicSize(pic_out)); - - //go! - mitk::ImageTimeSelector::Pointer timeSelector=mitk::ImageTimeSelector::New(); - timeSelector->SetInput(input); - - int nstart, nmax; - int tstart, tmax; - - tstart=output->GetRequestedRegion().GetIndex(3); - nstart=output->GetRequestedRegion().GetIndex(4); - - tmax=tstart+output->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(3); - nmax=nstart+output->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(4); - - int n,t; - for(n=nstart;nGetNumberOfChannels();++n) - { - timeSelector->SetChannelNr(n); - - for(t=tstart;tSetTimeNr(t); - - timeSelector->Update(); - - typedef unsigned char InputImagePixelType; - typedef ScalarType OutputImagePixelType; - - if(input->GetPixelType().GetPixelType() != itk::ImageIOBase::SCALAR || - input->GetPixelType().GetComponentType()!= MapPixelComponentType::value) - { - itkExceptionMacro("only implemented for " << typeid(PixelType).name() ); - } - - InputImagePixelType *in; - OutputImagePixelType *out; - - mitk::ImageReadAccessor tsOutAcc(timeSelector->GetOutput()); - in = (InputImagePixelType *)tsOutAcc.GetData(); - out = (OutputImagePixelType*)pic_out->data; - - for (z=0 ; zvnl_math::pi_over_4) - { - assumed_direction = center-p; - assumed_direction.Normalize(); - ScalarType cos_factor = tx_direction*assumed_direction; - - if(fabs(cos_factor)>eps) - *out=((ScalarType)(*in)-128.0)/cos_factor; - else - *out=((ScalarType)(*in)-128.0)/eps; - } - //else - // *out=0; - } - } - } - //output->SetPicVolume(pic_out, t, n); - } - } -} - -void mitk::AngleCorrectByPointFilter::GenerateInputRequestedRegion() -{ - Superclass::GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); - - mitk::ImageToImageFilter::InputImagePointer input = - const_cast< mitk::ImageToImageFilter::InputImageType * > ( this->GetInput() ); - mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - Image::RegionType requestedRegion; - requestedRegion = output->GetRequestedRegion(); - requestedRegion.SetIndex(0, 0); - requestedRegion.SetIndex(1, 0); - requestedRegion.SetIndex(2, 0); - //requestedRegion.SetIndex(3, 0); - //requestedRegion.SetIndex(4, 0); - requestedRegion.SetSize(0, input->GetDimension(0)); - requestedRegion.SetSize(1, input->GetDimension(1)); - requestedRegion.SetSize(2, input->GetDimension(2)); - //requestedRegion.SetSize(3, output->GetDimension(3)); - //requestedRegion.SetSize(4, output->GetNumberOfChannels()); - - input->SetRequestedRegion( & requestedRegion ); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkAngleCorrectByPointFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkAngleCorrectByPointFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index af548cf69d..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkAngleCorrectByPointFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKANGLECORRECTBYPOINTFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1F48A22 -#define MITKANGLECORRECTBYPOINTFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1F48A22 - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkImageToImageFilter.h" -#include "mitkVector.h" - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief -//## @ingroup Process -class MitkExt_EXPORT AngleCorrectByPointFilter : public ImageToImageFilter -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(AngleCorrectByPointFilter, ImageToImageFilter); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - itkSetMacro(Center, Point3D); - itkGetConstReferenceMacro(Center, Point3D); - - itkSetMacro(TransducerPosition, Point3D); - itkGetConstReferenceMacro(TransducerPosition, Point3D); - - itkSetMacro(PreferTransducerPositionFromProperty, bool); - itkGetMacro(PreferTransducerPositionFromProperty, bool); - -protected: - - //##Description - //## @brief Time when Header was last initialized - itk::TimeStamp m_TimeOfHeaderInitialization; - -protected: - AngleCorrectByPointFilter(); - - ~AngleCorrectByPointFilter(); - - virtual void GenerateData(); - - virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); - - virtual void GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); - - Point3D m_TransducerPosition; - Point3D m_Center; - - bool m_PreferTransducerPositionFromProperty; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKANGLECORRECTBYPOINTFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1F48A22 */ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 45ac8276fd..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,504 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkCylindricToCartesianFilter.h" -#include "mitkImageTimeSelector.h" -#include "mitkSlicedGeometry3D.h" -#include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" -#include "mitkProperties.h" - -#include "mitkLegacyAdaptors.h" -#include -#include - -template -void _transform(mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic, mitkIpPicDescriptor *dest, float _outsideValue, float *fr, float *fphi, float *fz, short *rt, unsigned int *phit, unsigned int *zt, mitkIpPicDescriptor *coneCutOff_pic) //...t=truncated -{ - T outsideValue = static_cast(_outsideValue); - register float f, ft, f0, f1, f2, f3; - - mitkIpInt2_t ox_size; - mitkIpInt2_t nx_size, ny_size, nz_size; - int oxy_size, nxy_size; - - T* orig, *dp, *dest_start; - - mitkIpInt2_t* coneCutOff=(mitkIpInt2_t*)coneCutOff_pic->data; - - orig=(T*)pic->data; - ox_size=pic->n[0]; - oxy_size=ox_size*pic->n[1]; - - nx_size=dest->n[0]; - ny_size=dest->n[1]; - nxy_size=nx_size*ny_size; - nz_size=dest->n[2]; - - /*nx_size=360; - ny_size=360; - nxy_size=nx_size*ny_size; - nz_size=256;*/ - - dest_start=dp=((T*)dest->data)+nxy_size*(nz_size-1); - - mitkIpInt2_t y; - // int size=_mitkIpPicElements(pic); - - register mitkIpInt2_t x,z; - for(y=0;y=0) - { - x_start=0; x_end=nx_size; - } - else - { - x_start=-r0plusphi0; x_end=nx_size+r0plusphi0; - - for(z=0;ztype=mitkIpPicInt; - rt_pic->bpe=16; - rt_pic->dim=2; - rt_pic->n[0]=rt_pic->n[1]=new_xsize; - rt_pic->data=malloc(_mitkIpPicSize(rt_pic)); - - phit_pic=mitkIpPicNew(); - phit_pic->type=mitkIpPicUInt; - phit_pic->bpe=32; - phit_pic->dim=2; - phit_pic->n[0]=phit_pic->n[1]=new_xsize; - phit_pic->data=malloc(_mitkIpPicSize(phit_pic)); - - fr_pic=mitkIpPicNew(); - fr_pic->type=mitkIpPicFloat; - fr_pic->bpe=32; - fr_pic->dim=2; - fr_pic->n[0]=fr_pic->n[1]=new_xsize; - fr_pic->data=malloc(_mitkIpPicSize(fr_pic)); - - fphi_pic=mitkIpPicNew(); - fphi_pic->type=mitkIpPicFloat; - fphi_pic->bpe=32; - fphi_pic->dim=2; - fphi_pic->n[0]=fphi_pic->n[1]=new_xsize; - fphi_pic->data=malloc(_mitkIpPicSize(fphi_pic)); - - mitkIpInt2_t *rtp=(mitkIpInt2_t*)rt_pic->data, *rt_xzero, rt, phit; - mitkIpUInt4_t *phitp=(mitkIpUInt4_t*)phit_pic->data; - mitkIpFloat4_t *fr=(mitkIpFloat4_t *)fr_pic->data; - mitkIpFloat4_t *fphi=(mitkIpFloat4_t *)fphi_pic->data; - - mitkIpFloat4_t r, phi, scale=(double)orig_xsize/(double)new_xsize; - - int x,y,xy0,xy0_orig, oxy_size, new_zsize; - oxy_size=orig_xsize*orig_ysize; - xy0=(int)(((double)new_xsize)/2+0.5); - xy0_orig=(int)(((double)orig_xsize)/2+0.5); - - new_zsize=(int)(orig_ysize/scale); - // \bug y compared to x - for(y=0;yanfangen bei -rt+1!*/ - // if((x>=-rt) && (xxy0?1.0:-1.0)*scale+xy0_orig; - else - r=r*(x>xy0?-1.0:1.0)*scale+xy0_orig; - rt=(mitkIpInt2_t)r; - int xtmp=x; - if(x>xy0) - xtmp=new_xsize-x; - if(rt<0) - { - r=rt=0; - if(xtmp>-*rt_xzero) - *rt_xzero=-xtmp; - *fr=0; - } - else - if(rt>orig_xsize-1) - { - r=rt=orig_xsize-1; - if(xtmp>-*rt_xzero) - *rt_xzero=-xtmp; - *fr=0; - } - else - *fr=r-rt; - if(*fr<0) - *fr=0; - } - // else - // *fr=0; - - phi=orig_zsize-(yq==0?1:-atan((float)xq/yq)/M_PI+0.5)*orig_zsize; - phit=(mitkIpUInt4_t)phi; - *fphi=phi-phit; - - *rtp=rt; - *phitp=phit*oxy_size; - } - } - - zt=(unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*new_zsize); - fz=(float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*new_zsize); - - float *fzp=fz; - unsigned int *ztp=zt; - - int z; - float z_step=orig_ysize/(orig_ysize*((float)new_xsize)/orig_xsize); - for(z=0;ztype=mitkIpPicInt; - coneCutOff_pic->bpe=16; - coneCutOff_pic->dim=2; - coneCutOff_pic->n[0]=coneCutOff_pic->n[1]=rt_pic->n[0]; - coneCutOff_pic->data=malloc(_mitkIpPicSize(coneCutOff_pic)); - - int i, size=_mitkIpPicElements(rt_pic); - mitkIpInt2_t *rt, *ccop, ohx_size, nz_size; - mitkIpFloat4_t *fr; - - a*=(float)rt_pic->n[0]/orig_xsize; - b*=(float)rt_pic->n[0]/orig_xsize; - - ohx_size=orig_xsize/2; - nz_size=orig_ysize*rt_pic->n[0]/orig_xsize; - - rt=(mitkIpInt2_t *)rt_pic->data; fr=(mitkIpFloat4_t*)fr_pic->data; ccop=(mitkIpInt2_t *)coneCutOff_pic->data; - - for(i=0; i=nz_size) - cco=nz_size; - *ccop=cco; - } -} - -void mitk::CylindricToCartesianFilter::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - if ((output->IsInitialized()) && (output->GetPipelineMTime() <= m_TimeOfHeaderInitialization.GetMTime())) - return; - - mitk::Image::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - - itkDebugMacro(<<"GenerateOutputInformation()"); - - unsigned int i, *tmpDimensions=new unsigned int[std::max(3u,input->GetDimension())]; - - tmpDimensions[0]=m_TargetXSize; - if(tmpDimensions[0]==0) - tmpDimensions[0] = input->GetDimension(0); - - float scale=((float)tmpDimensions[0])/input->GetDimension(0); - - tmpDimensions[1] = tmpDimensions[0]; - tmpDimensions[2] = (unsigned int)(scale*input->GetDimension(1)); - - for(i=3;iGetDimension();++i) - tmpDimensions[i]=input->GetDimension(i); - - output->Initialize(input->GetPixelType(), - input->GetDimension(), - tmpDimensions, - input->GetNumberOfChannels()); - - // initialize the spacing of the output - Vector3D spacing = input->GetSlicedGeometry()->GetSpacing(); - if(input->GetDimension()>=2) - spacing[2]=spacing[1]; - else - spacing[2] = 1.0; - spacing[1] = spacing[0]; - spacing *= 1.0/scale; - output->GetSlicedGeometry()->SetSpacing(spacing); - - mitk::Point3iProperty::Pointer pointProp; - pointProp = dynamic_cast(input->GetProperty("ORIGIN").GetPointer()); - if (pointProp.IsNotNull() ) - { - itk::Point tp = pointProp->GetValue(); - tp[2] = (int)(tmpDimensions[2]-tp[1] * scale-1); - tp[0] = tmpDimensions[0]/2; - tp[1] = tmpDimensions[0]/2; - mitk::Point3iProperty::Pointer pointProp = mitk::Point3iProperty::New(tp); - output->SetProperty("ORIGIN", pointProp); - } - delete [] tmpDimensions; - - //output->GetSlicedGeometry()->SetPlaneGeometry(mitk::Image::BuildStandardPlanePlaneGeometry(output->GetSlicedGeometry(), tmpDimensions).GetPointer(), 0); - //set the timebounds - after SetPlaneGeometry, so that the already created PlaneGeometry will also receive this timebounds. - //@fixme!!! will not work for not evenly timed data! - - ProportionalTimeGeometry::Pointer timeGeometry = ProportionalTimeGeometry::New(); - timeGeometry->Initialize(output->GetSlicedGeometry(), output->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps()); - timeGeometry->Initialize(output->GetSlicedGeometry(), output->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps()); - timeGeometry->SetFirstTimePoint(input->GetTimeGeometry()->GetMinimumTimePoint()); - TimePointType stepDuration = input->GetTimeGeometry()->GetMaximumTimePoint(0) -input->GetTimeGeometry()->GetMinimumTimePoint(0); - timeGeometry->SetStepDuration(stepDuration); - output->SetTimeGeometry(timeGeometry); - - output->SetPropertyList(input->GetPropertyList()->Clone()); - m_TimeOfHeaderInitialization.Modified(); -} - -void mitk::CylindricToCartesianFilter::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Image::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - mitk::ImageTimeSelector::Pointer timeSelector=mitk::ImageTimeSelector::New(); - timeSelector->SetInput(input); - - mitkIpPicDescriptor* pic_transformed=NULL; - pic_transformed = mitkIpPicNew(); - pic_transformed->dim=3; - pic_transformed->bpe = output->GetPixelType().GetBpe(); - //pic_transformed->type = output->GetPixelType().GetType(); - pic_transformed->n[0] = output->GetDimension(0); - pic_transformed->n[1] = output->GetDimension(1); - pic_transformed->n[2] = output->GetDimension(2); - pic_transformed->data=malloc(_mitkIpPicSize(pic_transformed)); - - int nstart, nmax; - int tstart, tmax; - - tstart=output->GetRequestedRegion().GetIndex(3); - nstart=output->GetRequestedRegion().GetIndex(4); - - tmax=tstart+output->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(3); - nmax=nstart+output->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(4); - - if(zt==NULL) - { - timeSelector->SetChannelNr(nstart); - timeSelector->SetTimeNr(tstart); - - buildTransformShortCuts(input->GetDimension(0),input->GetDimension(1), input->GetDimension(2), output->GetDimension(0), rt_pic, phit_pic, fr_pic, fphi_pic, zt, fz); - - // query the line limiting the sector - a=b=0; - mitk::FloatProperty::Pointer prop; - - prop = dynamic_cast(input->GetProperty("SECTOR LIMITING LINE SLOPE").GetPointer()); - if (prop.IsNotNull() ) - a = prop->GetValue(); - prop = dynamic_cast(input->GetProperty("SECTOR LIMITING LINE OFFSET").GetPointer()); - if (prop.IsNotNull() ) - b = prop->GetValue(); - - buildConeCutOffShortCut(input->GetDimension(0),input->GetDimension(1), rt_pic, fr_pic, a, b, coneCutOff_pic); - // mitkIpPicPut("C:\\temp\\rt_90.pic",rt_pic); - //mitkIpPicPut("C:\\temp\\coneCutOff.pic", coneCutOff_pic); - } - - int n,t; - for(n=nstart;nGetNumberOfChannels();++n) - { - timeSelector->SetChannelNr(n); - - for(t=tstart;tSetTimeNr(t); - - timeSelector->Update(); - - // Cast to pic descriptor for the timeSelector image - mitkIpPicDescriptor* timeSelectorPic = mitkIpPicNew(); - mitk::ImageWriteAccessor imageAccess(timeSelector->GetOutput()); - CastToIpPicDescriptor( timeSelector->GetOutput(), &imageAccess, timeSelectorPic ); - - _mitkIpPicFreeTags(pic_transformed->info->tags_head); - pic_transformed->info->tags_head = _mitkIpPicCloneTags(timeSelectorPic->info->tags_head); - - if(input->GetDimension(2)>1) - { - mitkIpPicTypeMultiplex9(_transform, timeSelectorPic , pic_transformed, m_OutsideValue, (float*)fr_pic->data, (float*)fphi_pic->data, fz, (short *)rt_pic->data, (unsigned int *)phit_pic->data, zt, coneCutOff_pic); - // mitkIpPicPut("1trf.pic",pic_transformed); - } - else - { - mitkIpPicDescriptor *doubleSlice = mitkIpPicCopyHeader( timeSelectorPic , NULL); - doubleSlice->dim=3; - doubleSlice->n[2]=2; - doubleSlice->data=malloc(_mitkIpPicSize(doubleSlice)); - memcpy(doubleSlice->data, timeSelectorPic->data, _mitkIpPicSize(doubleSlice)/2); - mitkIpPicTypeMultiplex9(_transform, doubleSlice, pic_transformed, m_OutsideValue, (float*)fr_pic->data, (float*)fphi_pic->data, fz, (short *)rt_pic->data, (unsigned int *)phit_pic->data, zt, coneCutOff_pic); - mitkIpPicFree(doubleSlice); - } - output->SetVolume(pic_transformed->data, t, n); - } - } - //mitkIpPicPut("outzzzzzzzz.pic",pic_transformed); - mitkIpPicFree(pic_transformed); - - m_TimeOfHeaderInitialization.Modified(); -} - -mitk::CylindricToCartesianFilter::CylindricToCartesianFilter() -: m_OutsideValue(0.0), m_TargetXSize(0) -{ - rt_pic = NULL; phit_pic = NULL; fr_pic = NULL; fphi_pic = NULL; coneCutOff_pic = NULL; - zt = NULL; fz = NULL; - a=b=0.0; -} - -mitk::CylindricToCartesianFilter::~CylindricToCartesianFilter() -{ - if(rt_pic!=NULL) mitkIpPicFree(rt_pic); - if(phit_pic!=NULL) mitkIpPicFree(phit_pic); - if(fr_pic!=NULL) mitkIpPicFree(fr_pic); - if(fphi_pic!=NULL) mitkIpPicFree(fphi_pic); - if(coneCutOff_pic!=NULL) mitkIpPicFree(coneCutOff_pic); - if(zt != NULL) free(zt); - if(fz != NULL) free (fz); -} - -void mitk::CylindricToCartesianFilter::GenerateInputRequestedRegion() -{ - Superclass::GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); - - mitk::ImageToImageFilter::InputImagePointer input = - const_cast< mitk::ImageToImageFilter::InputImageType * > ( this->GetInput() ); - mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - Image::RegionType requestedRegion; - requestedRegion = output->GetRequestedRegion(); - requestedRegion.SetIndex(0, 0); - requestedRegion.SetIndex(1, 0); - requestedRegion.SetIndex(2, 0); - requestedRegion.SetSize(0, input->GetDimension(0)); - requestedRegion.SetSize(1, input->GetDimension(1)); - requestedRegion.SetSize(2, input->GetDimension(2)); - - input->SetRequestedRegion( & requestedRegion ); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index 1de3bbfc7f..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKCYLINDRICTOCARTESIANFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1F48A22 -#define MITKCYLINDRICTOCARTESIANFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1F48A22 - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkImageToImageFilter.h" -#include "mitkIpPic.h" - -#ifndef M_PI - #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 -#endif - -//#endif -namespace mitk { -//##Documentation -//## @brief Filter to convert a cylindric image into a cartesian image -//## -//## @todo position of input image is not yet used to calculate position of the output -//## @todo tag with transducer position not yet transformed. -//## @todo the line limiting the sector is assumed to be available as a pic tag. Is this ok? -//## @ingroup Process -class MitkExt_EXPORT CylindricToCartesianFilter : public ImageToImageFilter -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(CylindricToCartesianFilter, ImageToImageFilter); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set background grey level - itkSetMacro(OutsideValue, float); - //##Documentation - //## @brief Get background grey level - itkGetMacro(OutsideValue, float); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set the size in x-direction of the converted image. - //## - //## A value of 0 (default) means that the filter uses the x-size of the input image. - itkSetMacro(TargetXSize, unsigned int); - //##Documentation - //## @brief Get the size in x-direction of the converted image. - itkGetMacro(TargetXSize, unsigned int); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Build some tables to speed up transformation, e.g., to avoid repeated calulations of the same sinus/cosinus. - //## @todo Free tables if they were already previously allocated - void buildTransformShortCuts(int orig_xsize, int orig_ysize, int orig_zsize, int new_xsize, mitkIpPicDescriptor * &rt_pic, mitkIpPicDescriptor * &phit_pic, mitkIpPicDescriptor * &fr_pic, mitkIpPicDescriptor * &fphi_pic, unsigned int * &zt, float * &fz); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Build some tables to speed up transformation of images that only contain data within a sector - //## @todo Free tables if they were already previously allocated - void buildConeCutOffShortCut(int orig_xsize, int orig_ysize, mitkIpPicDescriptor *rt_pic, mitkIpPicDescriptor *fr_pic, float a, float b, mitkIpPicDescriptor * &coneCutOff_pic); -protected: - mitkIpPicDescriptor * rt_pic, * phit_pic, *fr_pic, * fphi_pic, * coneCutOff_pic; - float * fz; - unsigned int * zt; - //##Description - //## @brief Cut off line for images that only contain data within a sector - //## - //## y=a x+b - float a; - //##Description - //## @brief Cut off line for images that only contain data within a sector - //## - //## y=a x+b - float b; - - //##Description - //## @brief Time when Header was last initialized - itk::TimeStamp m_TimeOfHeaderInitialization; -protected: - virtual void GenerateData(); - - virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); - - virtual void GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); - - CylindricToCartesianFilter(); - - ~CylindricToCartesianFilter(); - - float m_OutsideValue; - unsigned int m_TargetXSize; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKCYLINDRICTOCARTESIANFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1F48A22 */ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkGeometryDataSource.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkGeometryDataSource.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index f4fc140e50..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkGeometryDataSource.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkGeometryDataSource.h" -#include "mitkGeometryData.h" - -mitk::GeometryDataSource::GeometryDataSource() -{ - // Create the output. - itk::DataObject::Pointer output = this->MakeOutput(0); - Superclass::SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs(1); - Superclass::SetNthOutput(0, output); -} - -mitk::GeometryDataSource::~GeometryDataSource() -{ -} - -itk::DataObject::Pointer mitk::GeometryDataSource::MakeOutput ( DataObjectPointerArraySizeType /*idx*/ ) -{ - return OutputType::New().GetPointer(); -} - -itk::DataObject::Pointer mitk::GeometryDataSource::MakeOutput( const DataObjectIdentifierType & name ) -{ - itkDebugMacro("MakeOutput(" << name << ")"); - if( this->IsIndexedOutputName(name) ) - { - return this->MakeOutput( this->MakeIndexFromOutputName(name) ); - } - return OutputType::New().GetPointer(); -} - -mitkBaseDataSourceGetOutputDefinitions(mitk::GeometryDataSource) diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkGeometryDataSource.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkGeometryDataSource.h deleted file mode 100644 index c67ca5a7af..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkGeometryDataSource.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKGEOMETRYDATASOURCE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B4740 -#define MITKGEOMETRYDATASOURCE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B4740 - -#include "mitkBaseDataSource.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -namespace mitk { - -class GeometryData; - -/** - * @brief Superclass of all classes generating GeometryData (instances of class - * GeometryData) as output. - * - * In itk and vtk the generated result of a ProcessObject is only guaranteed - * to be up-to-date, when Update() of the ProcessObject or the generated - * DataObject is called immediately before access of the data stored in the - * DataObject. This is also true for subclasses of mitk::BaseProcess and thus - * for mitk::GeometryDataSource. - * @ingroup Process - */ -class MitkExt_EXPORT GeometryDataSource : public BaseDataSource -{ -public: - - mitkClassMacro(GeometryDataSource, BaseDataSource) - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - typedef mitk::GeometryData OutputType; - - mitkBaseDataSourceGetOutputDeclarations - - /** - * Allocates a new output object and returns it. Currently the - * index idx is not evaluated. - * @param idx the index of the output for which an object should be created - * @returns the new object - */ - virtual itk::DataObject::Pointer MakeOutput ( DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx ); - - /** - * This is a default implementation to make sure we have something. - * Once all the subclasses of ProcessObject provide an appopriate - * MakeOutput(), then ProcessObject::MakeOutput() can be made pure - * virtual. - */ - virtual itk::DataObject::Pointer MakeOutput(const DataObjectIdentifierType &name); - -protected: - - GeometryDataSource(); - virtual ~GeometryDataSource(); -}; - -} // namespace mitk - - - -#endif /* MITKGEOMETRYDATASOURCE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B4740 */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkImageToItkMultiplexer.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkImageToItkMultiplexer.h deleted file mode 100644 index 2ce6000a78..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkImageToItkMultiplexer.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKIMAGETOITKMULTIPLEXER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKIMAGETOITKMULTIPLEXER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include -#include - -/*! -* \brief method creates a cast image filter and casts the image of ItkInputImageType -* to type ItkOutputImageType. The method needs to be called via the -* mitkImageToItkMultiplexer -* -* \code -* mitk::Image::Pointer inputMitkImage; -* ... // set inputMitkImage -* ITKImageType::Pointer resultItkImage = ITKImageType::New(); -* FixedInputDimensionMitkToItkFunctionMultiplexer(resultItkImage, ITKImageType, inputMitkImage, dimension, MakeCastImageFilter); -* -* \endcode -*/ -template < typename ItkInputImageType, typename ItkOutputImageType > -typename itk::ImageSource < ItkOutputImageType > ::Pointer -MakeCastImageFilter( ItkInputImageType* inputImage ) -{ - typedef itk::CastImageFilter < ItkInputImageType , - ItkOutputImageType > myFilterType; - typename myFilterType::Pointer myFilter = myFilterType::New(); - myFilter->SetInput( inputImage ); - return myFilter.GetPointer(); -} - -#define _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitksource, itkpipelinefunction, type, dimension) \ - if ( typeId == typeid(type) ) \ -{ \ - typedef itk::Image ImageType; \ - typedef mitk::ImageToItk ImageToItkType; \ - typedef itk::SmartPointer ImageToItkTypePointer; \ - typedef itk::ImageSource ImageFilterType; \ - typedef itk::SmartPointer ImageFilterTypePointer; \ - \ - ImageToItkTypePointer myImageToItkFilter = ImageToItkType::New(); \ - myImageToItkFilter ->SetInput(mitksource); \ - \ - ImageFilterTypePointer itkpipeline = \ - itkpipelinefunction(myImageToItkFilter->GetOutput()).GetPointer(); \ - itkpipeline->Update(); \ - \ - result->InitializeByItk(itkpipeline->GetOutput()); \ - result->SetVolume(itkpipeline->GetOutput()->GetBufferPointer()); \ -} -// _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkimage, itkpipeline::New()); - -#define ItkFunctionMultiplexer(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction) \ -{ \ - const std::type_info& typeId=*mitkSourceImage->GetPixelType().GetTypeId(); \ - switch (mitkSourceImage->GetDimension()) \ -{ \ - case 2: \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, double, 2) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, float, 2) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, long, 2) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned long, 2) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, int, 2) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned int, 2) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, short, 2) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned short, 2) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, char, 2) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned char, 2) \ - break; \ - case 3: \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, double, 3) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, float, 3) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, long, 3) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned long, 3) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, int, 3) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned int, 3) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, short, 3) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned short, 3) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, char, 3) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned char, 3) \ - break; \ - case 4: \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, double, 4) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, float, 4) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, long, 4) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned long, 4) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, int, 4) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned int, 4) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, short, 4) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned short, 4) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, char, 4) else \ - _calculateItkPipelineFunction(result, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned char, 4) \ - break; \ - default: break; \ -} \ -} -/////////////////////////////////////////////// - -#define _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitksource, itkpipelinefunction, type, dimension) \ - if ( typeId == typeid(type) ) \ -{ \ - typedef itk::Image ImageType; \ - typedef mitk::ImageToItk ImageToItkType; \ - typedef itk::SmartPointer ImageToItkTypePointer; \ - typedef itk::ImageSource ImageFilterType; \ - typedef itk::SmartPointer ImageFilterTypePointer; \ - \ - ImageToItkTypePointer myImageToItkFilter = ImageToItkType::New(); \ - myImageToItkFilter->SetInput(mitksource); \ - \ - ImageFilterTypePointer itkpipeline = \ - itkpipelinefunction(myImageToItkFilter->GetOutput()).GetPointer(); \ - itkpipeline->Update(); \ - \ - resultItkImage = itkpipeline->GetOutput(); \ -} - -//##Documentation -//## @brief multiplexes a mitk image to an itkFilter with inputs of dimensions 2-4 and all data types (the itkFilter must allow to do this!). -#define AllInputDimensionMitkToItkFunctionMultiplexer(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction) \ -{ \ - const std::type_info& typeId=*mitkSourceImage->GetPixelType().GetTypeId(); \ - switch (mitkSourceImage->GetDimension()) \ -{ \ - case 2: \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, double, 2) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, float, 2) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, long, 2) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned long, 2) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, int, 2) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned int, 2) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, short, 2) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned short, 2) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, char, 2) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned char, 2) \ - break; \ - case 3: \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, double, 3) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, float, 3) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, long, 3) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned long, 3) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, int, 3) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned int, 3) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, short, 3) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned short, 3) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, char, 3) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned char, 3) \ - break; \ - case 4: \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, double, 4) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, float, 4) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, long, 4) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned long, 4) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, int, 4) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned int, 4) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, short, 4) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned short, 4) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, char, 4) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned char, 4) \ - break; \ - default: break; \ -} \ -} - -//##Documentation -//## @brief multiplexes a mitk image to an itkFilter with inputs of fixed dimensions @a inputDimension and all data types (the itkFilter must allow to do this!). -#define FixedInputDimensionMitkToItkFunctionMultiplexer(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, inputDimension, itkfunction) \ -{ \ - const std::type_info& typeId=*mitkSourceImage->GetPixelType().GetTypeId(); \ - if (mitkSourceImage->GetDimension() == inputDimension) \ - { \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, double, inputDimension) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, float, inputDimension) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, long, inputDimension) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned long, inputDimension) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, int, inputDimension) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned int, inputDimension) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, short, inputDimension) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned short, inputDimension) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, char, inputDimension) else \ - _calculateMitkToItkPipelineFunction(resultItkImage, resultItkImageType, mitkSourceImage, itkfunction, unsigned char, inputDimension) \ - } \ -} - -//for compatibility -#include "mitkImageCast.h" -#endif // of MITKIMAGETOITKMULTIPLEXER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkImageToLookupTableFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkImageToLookupTableFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 5d7fc7a7e5..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkImageToLookupTableFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkImageToLookupTableFilter.h" -#include "mitkImageToItk.h" -#include "itkImage.h" -#include "itkVector.h" -#include "itkImageRegionIterator.h" -#include "itkNumericTraits.h" -#include - -mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::ImageToLookupTableFilter() -{ - this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs(1); -} - - - - -mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::~ImageToLookupTableFilter() -{ - -} - - - - -void mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::SetInput( const mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::InputImageType *input) -{ - // Process object is not const-correct so the const_cast is required here - this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthInput( 0, const_cast< InputImageType * >( input ) ); - -} - - - - -void mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::SetInput( unsigned int index, const mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::InputImageType * input) -{ - if ( index + 1 > this->GetNumberOfInputs() ) - { - this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs( index + 1 ); - } - // Process object is not const-correct so the const_cast is required here - this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput( index, const_cast< InputImageType *>( input ) ); -} - - - - -const mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::InputImageType * mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::GetInput(void) -{ - if ( this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1 ) - { - return 0; - } - return static_cast( this->ProcessObject::GetInput( 0 ) ); -} - - - - -const mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::InputImageType * mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::GetInput(unsigned int idx) -{ - return static_cast< const InputImageType * >( this->ProcessObject::GetInput( idx ) ); -} - - - - -void mitk::ImageToLookupTableFilter::GenerateData() -{ - this->SetNumberOfIndexedOutputs( this->GetNumberOfInputs() ); - for (unsigned int inputIdx = 0; inputIdx < this->GetNumberOfInputs() ; ++inputIdx) - { - InputImagePointer image = const_cast(this->GetInput( inputIdx )); - OutputTypePointer output = dynamic_cast(this->MakeOutput( inputIdx ).GetPointer()); - - this->ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( inputIdx, output.GetPointer() ); - if (image.IsNull()) - { - itkWarningMacro(<< inputIdx<<"'th input image is null!"); - return; - } - - // the default vtkLookupTable has range=[0,1]; and hsv ranges set - // up for rainbow color table (from red to blue). - - vtkSmartPointer vtkLut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); - /* - if ( ( image->GetPixelType().GetNumberOfComponents() == 3 ) && ( image->GetDimension() == 3 ) ) - { - - // some typedefs for conversion to an iterable itk image - const unsigned int VectorDimension = 3; - typedef float VectorComponentType; - typedef itk::Vector< VectorComponentType, VectorDimension > VectorType; - typedef itk::Image< VectorType, VectorDimension > VectorFieldType; - typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< VectorFieldType > VectorFieldIteratorType; - typedef mitk::ImageToItk ImageConverterType; - - // some local variables - float minValue = itk::NumericTraits::max(); - float maxValue = itk::NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin(); - float norm = 0.0f; - - //determine the range of the vector magnitudes in the image - ImageConverterType::Pointer imageConverter = ImageConverterType::New(); - imageConverter->SetInput(image); - VectorFieldType::Pointer itkImage = imageConverter->GetOutput(); - VectorFieldIteratorType it( itkImage, itkImage->GetRequestedRegion() ); - it.GoToBegin(); - while ( !it.IsAtEnd() ) - { - norm = it.Get().GetNorm(); - minValue = std::min(norm, minValue); - maxValue = std::max(norm, maxValue); - } - MITK_INFO << "Range of vector magnitudes: [" << minValue << ", "<< maxValue << "]." << std::endl; - vtkLut->SetRange(minValue, maxValue); - } - else - { - itkWarningMacro(<< "Sorry, only 3d vector images are currently supported!"); - }*/ - vtkLut->SetRange(0, 10); - output->SetVtkLookupTable( vtkLut ); - } -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkImageToLookupTableFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkImageToLookupTableFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index ec2c2043b4..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkImageToLookupTableFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _MITK_IMAGE_TO_LOOKUP_TABLE_FILTER__H_ -#define _MITK_IMAGE_TO_LOOKUP_TABLE_FILTER__H_ - -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - -/** -* Creates a mitk::LookupTable from an image. This may be used to -* create a default coloring scheme for vector images... -*/ -class MitkExt_EXPORT ImageToLookupTableFilter : public LookupTableSource -{ -public: - - mitkClassMacro( ImageToLookupTableFilter, LookupTableSource ); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - // typedefs for setting an image as input - typedef mitk::Image InputImageType; - typedef InputImageType::Pointer InputImagePointer; - typedef InputImageType::ConstPointer InputImageConstPointer; - - virtual void SetInput( const InputImageType *image); - - virtual void SetInput( unsigned int, const InputImageType * image); - - const InputImageType * GetInput(void); - - const InputImageType * GetInput(unsigned int idx); - -protected: - - virtual void GenerateData(); - - ImageToLookupTableFilter(); - - virtual ~ImageToLookupTableFilter(); - -}; - - -} //end of namespace mitk - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkInterpolateLinesFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkInterpolateLinesFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 0a124c1776..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkInterpolateLinesFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkInterpolateLinesFilter.h" -#include "mitkMesh.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - - -mitk::InterpolateLinesFilter::InterpolateLinesFilter() -: m_SplineResolution(10), m_GeometryForInterpolation(NULL), m_Length(0.0) -{ - m_SpX=vtkCardinalSpline::New(); - m_SpY=vtkCardinalSpline::New(); - m_SpZ=vtkCardinalSpline::New(); - -} - -mitk::InterpolateLinesFilter::~InterpolateLinesFilter() -{ - m_SpX->Delete(); - m_SpY->Delete(); - m_SpZ->Delete(); -} - -void mitk::InterpolateLinesFilter::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - mitk::Mesh::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(0); - - itkDebugMacro(<<"GenerateOutputInformation()"); - - if(input.IsNull()) return; - - if(m_GeometryForInterpolation.IsNotNull()) - output->SetGeometry(static_cast(m_GeometryForInterpolation->Clone().GetPointer())); - else - output->SetGeometry(static_cast(input->GetGeometry()->Clone().GetPointer())); -} - -void mitk::InterpolateLinesFilter::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Mesh::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(0); - - vtkPolyData *polyData = vtkPolyData::New(); - vtkPoints *points = vtkPoints::New(); - vtkCellArray *cellarray = vtkCellArray::New(); - - mitk::Mesh::PointType thisPoint; - - m_Length = 0.0; - - //iterate through all cells and build tubes - Mesh::ConstCellIterator cellIt, cellEnd; - cellEnd = input->GetMesh()->GetCells()->End(); - for( cellIt = input->GetMesh()->GetCells()->Begin(); cellIt != cellEnd; ++cellIt ) - { - if(((*cellIt->Value()).GetType()==mitk::Mesh::CellType::POLYGON_CELL) - && ((*cellIt->Value()).GetNumberOfPoints()>=2)) - BuildPointAndVectorList(*cellIt->Value(), points, cellarray); - } - - polyData->SetPoints( points ); - points->Delete(); - polyData->SetLines( cellarray ); - cellarray->Delete(); - - output->SetVtkPolyData(polyData); - - polyData->Delete(); -} - -void mitk::InterpolateLinesFilter::BuildPointAndVectorList(mitk::Mesh::CellType& cell, vtkPoints* points, vtkCellArray* cellarray) -{ - const mitk::Mesh* input = GetInput(); - - Mesh::PointIdIterator ptIt; - Mesh::PointIdIterator ptEnd; - - ptEnd = cell.PointIdsEnd(); - - Point3D pt; - - int i, size=cell.GetNumberOfPoints(); - - int closed_loop_pre_load=0;//m_SplineResolution; - if(m_GeometryForInterpolation.IsNull()) - { - //when the contour is closed: first point insert behind two last points for smooth crossing - ptIt = ptEnd; ptIt-=closed_loop_pre_load+1; - for(i=0;iGetPoint(*ptIt); - m_SpX->AddPoint(i, pt[0]); m_SpY->AddPoint(i, pt[1]); m_SpZ->AddPoint(i, pt[2]); - } - //insert points - for(ptIt = cell.PointIdsBegin();iGetPoint(*ptIt); - m_SpX->AddPoint(i, pt[0]); m_SpY->AddPoint(i, pt[1]); m_SpZ->AddPoint(i, pt[2]); - } - //when the contour is closed: after the last point insert two first points for smooth crossing - int j; - for(j=0,ptIt = cell.PointIdsBegin();jGetPoint(*ptIt); - m_SpX->AddPoint(i, pt[0]); m_SpY->AddPoint(i, pt[1]); m_SpZ->AddPoint(i, pt[2]); - } - //bool first = true; - Point3D lastPt, firstPt; - Vector3D vec; - float t, step=1.0f/m_SplineResolution; - size=(size-1)*m_SplineResolution; - i=closed_loop_pre_load; - - cellarray->InsertNextCell(size); - for(t=closed_loop_pre_load;iEvaluate(t), m_SpY->Evaluate(t), m_SpZ->Evaluate(t)); - cellarray->InsertCellPoint(points->InsertNextPoint(pt)); - } - } - else //m_GeometryForInterpolation!=NULL - { - Point2D pt2d; - //when the contour is closed: before the first point insert two last points for smooth crossing - ptIt = ptEnd; ptIt-=closed_loop_pre_load+1; - for(i=0;iMap(input->GetPoint(*ptIt), pt2d); - m_SpX->AddPoint(i, pt2d[0]); m_SpY->AddPoint(i, pt2d[1]); - } - //insert points - for(ptIt = cell.PointIdsBegin();iMap(input->GetPoint(*ptIt), pt2d); - m_SpX->AddPoint(i, pt2d[0]); m_SpY->AddPoint(i, pt2d[1]); - } - //when the contour is closed: after the last point insert two first points for smooth crossing - int j; - for(j=0,ptIt = cell.PointIdsBegin();jMap(input->GetPoint(*ptIt), pt2d); - m_SpX->AddPoint(i, pt2d[0]); m_SpY->AddPoint(i, pt2d[1]); - } - bool first = true; - Point3D lastPt; lastPt.Fill(0); - Vector3D vec; - float t, step=1.0f/m_SplineResolution; - size=(size-1)*m_SplineResolution; - i=closed_loop_pre_load; - - cellarray->InsertNextCell(size); - for(t=closed_loop_pre_load;iEvaluate(t); pt2d[1] = m_SpY->Evaluate(t); - m_GeometryForInterpolation->Map(pt2d, pt); - - if(first==false) - { - vec=pt-lastPt; - m_Length+=vec.GetNorm(); - } - first=false; - - float pvtk[3]; - itk2vtk(pt, pvtk); - cellarray->InsertCellPoint(points->InsertNextPoint(pvtk)); - lastPt = pt; - } - } -} - -const mitk::Mesh *mitk::InterpolateLinesFilter::GetInput(void) -{ - if (this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1) - { - return 0; - } - - return static_cast - (this->ProcessObject::GetInput(0) ); -} - -void mitk::InterpolateLinesFilter::SetInput(const mitk::Mesh *input) -{ - // Process object is not const-correct so the const_cast is required here - this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput(0, - const_cast< mitk::Mesh * >( input ) ); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkInterpolateLinesFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkInterpolateLinesFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index c4936fcc75..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkInterpolateLinesFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITKINTERPOLATELINESFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD -#define MITKINTERPOLATELINESFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkSurfaceSource.h" -#include "mitkMesh.h" -#include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" - -class vtkPolyData; -class vtkPoints; -class vtkCardinalSpline; -class vtkPoints; -class vtkCellArray; - - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Interpolate additional points on lines -//## -//## If a PlaneGeometry is set (by SetGeometryForInterpolation), -//## we do an interpolation in the 2D-space of the PlaneGeometry: -//## Map two neighboring original points on -//## the PlaneGeometry, resulting in two 2D-points, interpolate -//## in 2D between them, and map them back via the -//## PlaneGeometry in the 3D-world. -//## @ingroup Process -class MitkExt_EXPORT InterpolateLinesFilter : public SurfaceSource -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(InterpolateLinesFilter, SurfaceSource); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); - - virtual void GenerateData(); - - const mitk::Mesh *GetInput(void); - - virtual void SetInput(const mitk::Mesh *image); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Get spline resolution - //## - itkGetMacro(SplineResolution, unsigned int); - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set spline resolution - //## - itkSetMacro(SplineResolution, unsigned int); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Get/set geometry for interpolation - //## - //## If this is set (not NULL), we do an interpolation in the - //## 2D-space of the PlaneGeometry: Map two neighboring original - //## points on the PlaneGeometry, resulting in two 2D-points, - //## interpolate in 2D between them, and map them back via the - //## PlaneGeometry in the 3D-world. - itkGetConstObjectMacro(GeometryForInterpolation, mitk::PlaneGeometry); - itkSetObjectMacro(GeometryForInterpolation, mitk::PlaneGeometry); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Get the overall length of the interpolated lines - //## - //## @warning valid only after Update() - itkGetMacro(Length, ScalarType); -protected: - - InterpolateLinesFilter(); - virtual ~InterpolateLinesFilter(); - - void BuildPointAndVectorList(mitk::Mesh::CellType& cell, vtkPoints* points, vtkCellArray* cellarray); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Spline resolution of created Surface - //## - unsigned int m_SplineResolution; - - mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer m_GeometryForInterpolation; - vtkCardinalSpline *m_SpX, *m_SpY, *m_SpZ; - - ScalarType m_Length; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKINTERPOLATELINESFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkItkImageToImageFilterAdapter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkItkImageToImageFilterAdapter.h deleted file mode 100644 index 685a1fa3fa..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkItkImageToImageFilterAdapter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef ITKIMAGETOIMAGEFILTERADAPTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1E5E869 -#define ITKIMAGETOIMAGEFILTERADAPTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1E5E869 - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "mitkImageToImageFilter.h" - -#include "itkImage.h" -#include "itkImageToImageFilter.h" - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief adapter class, that encapsulates any itk::ImageToImageFilter -//## -//## This filter converts a mitk::Image to an itk::Image, executes the -//## itkFilter and converts the itk::Image back to a mitk::Image as output. -//## Either call SetSingleFilter() to encapsulate one itk::ImageToImageFilter, -//## or SetFirstFilter() and SetLastFilter() to encapsulate a whole itk pipeline. -//## @ingroup Process -template -class ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter : public ImageToImageFilter -{ -public: - typedef TPixel PixelType; - typedef itk::Image ItkImageType; - typedef itk::ImageToImageFilter ImageToImageFilterType; - - mitkClassMacro(ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter,ImageSource); - /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - itkSetObjectMacro(FirstFilter, ImageToImageFilterType); - itkGetObjectMacro(FirstFilter, ImageToImageFilterType); - itkSetObjectMacro(LastFilter, ImageToImageFilterType); - itkGetObjectMacro(LastFilter, ImageToImageFilterType); - void SetSingleFilter(typename ImageToImageFilterType::Pointer filter); - - virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); - virtual void GenerateData(); - -protected: - ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter(); - virtual ~ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter(); - - typename ImageToImageFilterType::Pointer m_FirstFilter; // Start of Filter Pipeline - typename ImageToImageFilterType::Pointer m_LastFilter; // End of Filter Pipeline -}; -} // namespace mitk - -#include "mitkItkImageToImageFilterAdapter.txx" // because it is a template - -#endif /* ITKIMAGETOIMAGEFILTERADAPTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1E5E869 */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkItkImageToImageFilterAdapter.txx b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkItkImageToImageFilterAdapter.txx deleted file mode 100644 index fb0f1317b0..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkItkImageToImageFilterAdapter.txx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITKITKIMAGETOIMAGEFILTERADAPTER_TXX -#define MITKITKIMAGETOIMAGEFILTERADAPTER_TXX - -#include "mitkItkImageToImageFilterAdapter.h" -#include "mitkImageToItkMultiplexer.h" -#include "mitkImage.h" -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - -template -ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter< TPixel>::ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter() -: m_FirstFilter(NULL), m_LastFilter(NULL) -{ -} - -template -ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter< TPixel>::~ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter() -{ -} - -/** - * \todo check if this is no conflict to the ITK filter writing rules -> ITK SoftwareGuide p.512 - */ -template -void ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter< TPixel>::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - itkDebugMacro(<<"GenerateOutputInformation()"); -} - -template -void ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter< TPixel>::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Image::Pointer outputImage = this->GetOutput(); - typename ImageToImageFilter::InputImageConstPointer inputImage = this->GetInput(); - if(inputImage.IsNull()) - { - outputImage = NULL; - return; - } - /* Check if there is an input Filter */ - if(m_FirstFilter.IsNull() || m_LastFilter.IsNull()) - { - outputImage = const_cast(inputImage.GetPointer()); - return; - } - /* convert input mitk image to itk image */ - mitk::Image::Pointer inputImageMitk = const_cast(inputImage.GetPointer()); // const away cast, because FixedInput...Multiplexer Macro needs non const Pointer - typename ItkImageType::Pointer itkImage = ItkImageType::New(); - //FixedInputDimensionMitkToItkFunctionMultiplexer(itkImage, ItkImageType , inputImageMitk, 3, MakeCastImageFilter); - CastToItkImage(inputImageMitk, itkImage); - /* check if image conversion failed */ - if (itkImage.IsNull()) - { - std::cout << " can't convert input image to itk" << std::endl; - outputImage = const_cast(inputImage.GetPointer()); - return; - } - //m_ItkImageToImageFilter->SetInput(itkImage); - m_FirstFilter->SetInput(itkImage); - try - { - //m_ItkImageToImageFilter->Update(); - m_LastFilter->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion(); - } - catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excep ) - { - std::cerr << "mitk::ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter: Exception while executing ITK filter" << std::endl; - std::cerr << excep << std::endl; - } - /* convert the itk image back to an mitk image and set it as output for this filter */ - //outputImage->InitializeByItk(m_LastFilter->GetOutput()); - //outputImage->SetVolume(m_LastFilter->GetOutput()->GetBufferPointer()); - //ItkImageType::Pointer itkOutputImage = m_LastFilter->GetOutput(); - //CastToMitkImage(itkOutputImage, outputImage); - - - typename ItkImageType::Pointer itkOutputImage; - itkOutputImage = m_LastFilter->GetOutput(); - - - CastToMitkImage(itkOutputImage, outputImage); - /* copy the transform from source to result image */ - outputImage->SetGeometry(static_cast(inputImage->GetGeometry()->Clone().GetPointer())); -} - - -template -void ItkImageToImageFilterAdapter::SetSingleFilter(typename ImageToImageFilterType::Pointer filter) -{ - SetFirstFilter(filter); - SetLastFilter(filter); -} -} -#endif // of MITKITKIMAGETOIMAGEFILTERADAPTER_TXX diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkMeshSource.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkMeshSource.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 474790fa86..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkMeshSource.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkMeshSource.h" - - -mitk::MeshSource::MeshSource() -{ - // Create the output. - OutputType::Pointer output = dynamic_cast ( this->MakeOutput( 0 ).GetPointer() ); - assert (output.IsNotNull()); - this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs(0); - this->SetNumberOfIndexedOutputs( 1 ); - this->SetOutput(0, output.GetPointer()); -} - -mitk::MeshSource::~MeshSource() -{ -} - -itk::DataObject::Pointer mitk::MeshSource::MakeOutput ( DataObjectPointerArraySizeType /*idx*/ ) -{ - return OutputType::New().GetPointer(); -} - - -itk::DataObject::Pointer mitk::MeshSource::MakeOutput( const DataObjectIdentifierType & name ) -{ - itkDebugMacro("MakeOutput(" << name << ")"); - if( this->IsIndexedOutputName(name) ) - { - return this->MakeOutput( this->MakeIndexFromOutputName(name) ); - } - return static_cast(OutputType::New().GetPointer()); -} - -mitk::MeshSource::OutputType* mitk::MeshSource::GetOutput(const itk::ProcessObject::DataObjectIdentifierType &key) -{ - return static_cast(Superclass::GetOutput(key)); -} - -const mitk::MeshSource::OutputType* mitk::MeshSource::GetOutput(const itk::ProcessObject::DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const -{ - return static_cast(Superclass::GetOutput(key)); -} - -mitk::MeshSource::OutputType* mitk::MeshSource::GetOutput(itk::ProcessObject::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) -{ - return static_cast(Superclass::GetOutput(idx)); -} - -const mitk::MeshSource::OutputType* mitk::MeshSource::GetOutput(itk::ProcessObject::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const -{ - return static_cast(Superclass::GetOutput(idx)); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkMeshSource.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkMeshSource.h deleted file mode 100644 index 76b7fd474c..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkMeshSource.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef _MITKMESHSOURCE_H -#define _MITKMESHSOURCE_H - -#include "itkProcessObject.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkMesh.h" - -namespace mitk -{ -/** - * @brief Superclass of all classes generating point sets (instances of class - * mitk::Mesh) as output. - * - * In itk and vtk the generated result of a ProcessObject is only guaranteed - * to be up-to-date, when Update() of the ProcessObject or the generated - * DataObject is called immediately before access of the data stored in the - * DataObject. - * @ingroup Process - */ -class MitkExt_EXPORT MeshSource : public itk::ProcessObject -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro( MeshSource, itk::ProcessObject ); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - typedef mitk::Mesh OutputType; - - typedef OutputType::Pointer OutputTypePointer; - - /** - * Allocates a new output object and returns it. Currently the - * index idx is not evaluated. - * @param idx the index of the output for which an object should be created - * @returns the new object - */ - virtual itk::DataObject::Pointer MakeOutput ( DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx ); - - /** - * This is a default implementation to make sure we have something. - * Once all the subclasses of ProcessObject provide an appopriate - * MakeOutput(), then ProcessObject::MakeOutput() can be made pure - * virtual. - */ - virtual itk::DataObject::Pointer MakeOutput(const DataObjectIdentifierType &name); - - OutputType* GetOutput(const DataObjectIdentifierType & key); - const OutputType* GetOutput(const DataObjectIdentifierType & key) const; - OutputType* GetOutput(DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx); - const OutputType* GetOutput(DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const; - -protected: - - MeshSource(); - - virtual ~MeshSource(); - -}; - -} -#endif // #define _MITKMESHSOURCE_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneCutFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneCutFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 2efbca082f..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneCutFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,260 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkPlaneCutFilter.h" -#include "mitkImageReadAccessor.h" -#include -#include - -#define roundf(x) ((x - floor(x)) > 0.5f ? ceil(x) : floor(x)) - -void mitk::PlaneCutFilter::GenerateData() -{ - if (!this->m_Plane) - { - return; - } - - InputImageType *input = const_cast(this->GetInput()); - - if (!input) - { - return; - } - - //Allocate output. - OutputImageType *output = this->GetOutput(); - - mitk::ImageReadAccessor inputAcc(input); - output->Initialize(input); - output->SetImportVolume(const_cast(inputAcc.GetData())); - - //Do the intersection. - AccessByItk_2(output, _computeIntersection, this->m_Plane, input->GetGeometry()); -} - -mitk::PlaneCutFilter::PlaneCutFilter() - : m_BackgroundLevel(0.0f), m_Plane(0), m_FillMode(FILL) -{ -} - -mitk::PlaneCutFilter::~PlaneCutFilter() -{ -} - -template -void mitk::PlaneCutFilter::_computeIntersection(itk::Image *image, const PlaneGeometry *plane, const BaseGeometry *geometry) -{ - typedef itk::Image ImageType; - - const typename ImageType::RegionType &image_region = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion(); - const typename ImageType::SizeValueType - max_x = image_region.GetSize(0ul), - max_y = image_region.GetSize(1ul), - max_z = image_region.GetSize(2ul), - img_size = max_x * max_y; - TPixel *data = image->GetBufferPointer(); - Point3D p1, p2; - - //TODO: Better solution required! - TPixel casted_background_level = static_cast(this->m_BackgroundLevel); - - p1[0] = 0; - p2[0] = max_x - 1ul; - - if (FILL == this->m_FillMode) - { - for (unsigned long z = 0ul; z < max_z; ++z) - { - p1[2] = z; - p2[2] = z; - - for (unsigned long y = 0ul; y < max_y; ++y) - { - p1[1] = y; - p2[1] = y; - - Point3D p1_t, p2_t; - - geometry->IndexToWorld(p1, p1_t); - geometry->IndexToWorld(p2, p2_t); - - if (plane->IsAbove(p1_t)) - { - if (plane->IsAbove(p2_t)) - { - if (0.0f == this->m_BackgroundLevel) - { - memset(&data[(y * max_x) + (z * img_size)], 0, max_x * sizeof(TPixel)); - } - else - { - TPixel *subdata = &data[(y * max_x) + (z * img_size)]; - - for (unsigned long x = 0; x < max_x; ++x) - { - subdata[x] = casted_background_level; - } - } - } - else - { - Point3D intersection; - Line3D line; - - line.SetPoints(p1_t, p2_t); - plane->IntersectionPoint(line, intersection); - geometry->WorldToIndex(intersection, intersection); - - if (0.0f == this->m_BackgroundLevel) - { - memset(&data[(y * max_x) + (z * img_size)], 0, (static_cast(roundf(intersection[0])) + 1u) * sizeof(TPixel)); - } - else - { - - TPixel *subdata = &data[(y * max_x) + (z * img_size)]; - const unsigned long x_size = static_cast(roundf(intersection[0])) + 1u; - - for (unsigned long x = 0; x < x_size; ++x) - { - subdata[x] = casted_background_level; - } - } - } - } - else if (plane->IsAbove(p2_t)) - { - Point3D intersection; - Line3D line; - - line.SetPoints(p1_t, p2_t); - plane->IntersectionPoint(line, intersection); - geometry->WorldToIndex(intersection, intersection); - - if (0.0f == this->m_BackgroundLevel) - { - unsigned long x = static_cast(roundf(intersection[0])); - - memset(&data[x + (y * max_x) + (z * img_size)], 0, (max_x - x) * sizeof(TPixel)); - } - else - { - unsigned long x = static_cast(roundf(intersection[0])); - TPixel *subdata = &data[x + (y * max_x) + (z * img_size)]; - const unsigned long x_size = max_x - x; - - for (x = 0; x < x_size; ++x) - { - subdata[x] = casted_background_level; - } - } - } - } - } - } - else - { - for (unsigned long z = 0ul; z < max_z; ++z) - { - p1[2] = z; - p2[2] = z; - - for (unsigned long y = 0ul; y < max_y; ++y) - { - p1[1] = y; - p2[1] = y; - - Point3D p1_t, p2_t; - - geometry->IndexToWorld(p1, p1_t); - geometry->IndexToWorld(p2, p2_t); - - if (!plane->IsAbove(p1_t)) - { - if (!plane->IsAbove(p2_t)) - { - if (0.0f == this->m_BackgroundLevel) - { - memset(&data[(y * max_x) + (z * img_size)], 0, max_x * sizeof(TPixel)); - } - else - { - TPixel *subdata = &data[(y * max_x) + (z * img_size)]; - - for (unsigned long x = 0; x < max_x; ++x) - { - subdata[x] = casted_background_level; - } - } - } - else - { - Point3D intersection; - Line3D line; - - line.SetPoints(p1_t, p2_t); - plane->IntersectionPoint(line, intersection); - geometry->WorldToIndex(intersection, intersection); - - if (0.0f == this->m_BackgroundLevel) - { - memset(&data[(y * max_x) + (z * img_size)], 0, (static_cast(roundf(intersection[0])) + 1u) * sizeof(TPixel)); - } - else - { - - TPixel *subdata = &data[(y * max_x) + (z * img_size)]; - const unsigned long x_size = static_cast(roundf(intersection[0])) + 1u; - - for (unsigned long x = 0; x < x_size; ++x) - { - subdata[x] = casted_background_level; - } - } - } - } - else if (!plane->IsAbove(p2_t)) - { - Point3D intersection; - Line3D line; - - line.SetPoints(p1_t, p2_t); - plane->IntersectionPoint(line, intersection); - geometry->WorldToIndex(intersection, intersection); - - if (0.0f == this->m_BackgroundLevel) - { - unsigned long x = static_cast(roundf(intersection[0])); - - memset(&data[x + (y * max_x) + (z * img_size)], 0, (max_x - x) * sizeof(TPixel)); - } - else - { - unsigned long x = static_cast(roundf(intersection[0])); - TPixel *subdata = &data[x + (y * max_x) + (z * img_size)]; - const unsigned long x_size = max_x - x; - - for (x = 0; x < x_size; ++x) - { - subdata[x] = casted_background_level; - } - } - } - } - } - } -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneCutFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneCutFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index 345b8e75a4..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneCutFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef PLANECUTFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1F48A22 -#define PLANECUTFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1F48A22 - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkImageToImageFilter.h" -#include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" - -namespace itk -{ - template class ITK_EXPORT Image; -} - -namespace mitk { - -/** - \brief Filter to cut an image with a plane. - - Everything in the direction of the normal - of the planes (if fill mode is set to "FILL") will be set to a specified value. - */ -class MitkExt_EXPORT PlaneCutFilter : public ImageToImageFilter -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(PlaneCutFilter, ImageToImageFilter); - - /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - typedef enum {FILL, FILL_INVERSE} FillMode; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set background grey level - itkSetMacro(BackgroundLevel, float); - itkGetMacro(BackgroundLevel, float); - - itkSetEnumMacro(FillMode, FillMode); - itkGetEnumMacro(FillMode, FillMode); - - itkSetObjectMacro(Plane, const PlaneGeometry); - itkGetObjectMacro(Plane, const PlaneGeometry); -protected: - float m_BackgroundLevel; - PlaneGeometry::ConstPointer m_Plane; - FillMode m_FillMode; - - PlaneCutFilter(); - ~PlaneCutFilter(); - virtual void GenerateData(); - - template - void _computeIntersection(itk::Image *itkImage, const PlaneGeometry *plane, const BaseGeometry *geometry); -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* PLANECUTFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1F48A22 */ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneFit.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneFit.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index cba794f3e0..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneFit.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkPlaneFit.h" - -#include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" -#include "mitkGeometryData.h" -#include - -#include -#include - - -mitk::PlaneFit::PlaneFit() -: m_PointSet( NULL ) -{ - m_TimeGeometry = mitk::ProportionalTimeGeometry::New(); -} - -mitk::PlaneFit::~PlaneFit() -{ -} - - -void mitk::PlaneFit::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - mitk::PointSet::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::GeometryData::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - itkDebugMacro(<<"GenerateOutputInformation()"); - - if (input.IsNull()) return; - - if ( m_PointSet == NULL ) - { - return; - } - - bool update = false; - if ( output->GetGeometry() == NULL || output->GetTimeGeometry() == NULL ) - update = true; - if ( ( ! update ) && ( output->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps() != input->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps() ) ) - update = true; - if ( update ) - { - mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer planeGeometry = mitk::PlaneGeometry::New(); - - ProportionalTimeGeometry::Pointer timeGeometry = dynamic_cast(m_TimeGeometry.GetPointer()); - timeGeometry->Initialize(planeGeometry, m_PointSet->GetPointSetSeriesSize()); - //m_TimeGeometry->InitializeEvenlyTimed( - // planeGeometry, m_PointSet->GetPointSetSeriesSize() ); - - TimeStepType timeStep; - for ( timeStep = 0; - (timeStep < m_PointSet->GetPointSetSeriesSize()) - && (timeStep < m_Planes.size()); - ++timeStep ) - { - timeGeometry->SetTimeStepGeometry( m_Planes[timeStep], timeStep ); - } - - output->SetTimeGeometry( m_TimeGeometry ); - } -} - -void mitk::PlaneFit::GenerateData() -{ - unsigned int t; - for ( t = 0; t < m_PointSet->GetPointSetSeriesSize(); ++t ) - { - // check number of data points - less then 3points isn't enough - if ( m_PointSet->GetSize( t ) >= 3 ) - { - this->CalculateCentroid( t ); - - this->ProcessPointSet( t ); - - this->InitializePlane( t ); - } - } -} - -void mitk::PlaneFit::SetInput( const mitk::PointSet* pointSet ) -{ - // Process object is not const-correct so the const_cast is required here - this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput(0, - const_cast< mitk::PointSet * >( pointSet ) ); - - m_PointSet = pointSet; - unsigned int pointSetSize = pointSet->GetPointSetSeriesSize(); - - m_Planes.resize( pointSetSize ); - m_Centroids.resize( pointSetSize ); - m_PlaneVectors.resize( pointSetSize ); - - unsigned int t; - for ( t = 0; t < pointSetSize; ++t ) - { - m_Planes[t] = mitk::PlaneGeometry::New(); - } -} - -const mitk::PointSet* mitk::PlaneFit::GetInput() -{ - if (this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1) - { - return 0; - } - - return static_cast (this->ProcessObject::GetInput(0) ); -} - - -void mitk::PlaneFit::CalculateCentroid( int t ) -{ - if ( m_PointSet == NULL ) return; - - int ps_total = m_PointSet->GetSize( t ); - - m_Centroids[t][0] = m_Centroids[t][1] = m_Centroids[t][2] = 0.0; - - for (int i=0; iGetPoint(i,t); - m_Centroids[t][0] += p3d[0]; - m_Centroids[t][1] += p3d[1]; - m_Centroids[t][2] += p3d[2]; - } - - // calculation of centroid - m_Centroids[t][0] /= ps_total; - m_Centroids[t][1] /= ps_total; - m_Centroids[t][2] /= ps_total; -} - - -void mitk::PlaneFit::ProcessPointSet( int t ) -{ - if (m_PointSet == NULL ) return; - - // int matrix with POINTS x (X,Y,Z) - vnl_matrix dataM( m_PointSet->GetSize( t ), 3); - - int ps_total = m_PointSet->GetSize( t ); - for (int i=0; iGetPoint(i,t); - dataM[i][0] = p3d[0] - m_Centroids[t][0]; - dataM[i][1] = p3d[1] - m_Centroids[t][1]; - dataM[i][2] = p3d[2] - m_Centroids[t][2]; - } - // process the SVD (singular value decomposition) from ITK - // the vector will be orderd descending - vnl_svd svd(dataM, 0.0); - - // calculate the SVD of A - vnl_vector v = svd.nullvector(); - - - // Avoid erratic normal sign switching when the plane changes minimally - // by negating the vector for negative x values. - if ( v[0] < 0 ) - { - v = -v; - } - - m_PlaneVectors[t][0] = v[0]; - m_PlaneVectors[t][1] = v[1]; - m_PlaneVectors[t][2] = v[2]; - -} - -mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer mitk::PlaneFit::GetPlaneGeometry( int t ) -{ - return m_Planes[t]; -} - -const mitk::Vector3D &mitk::PlaneFit::GetPlaneNormal( int t ) const -{ - return m_PlaneVectors[t]; -} - -const mitk::Point3D &mitk::PlaneFit::GetCentroid( int t ) const -{ - return m_Centroids[t]; -} - -void mitk::PlaneFit::InitializePlane( int t ) -{ - m_Planes[t]->InitializePlane( m_Centroids[t], m_PlaneVectors[t] ); -} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneFit.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneFit.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9930a3ce35..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlaneFit.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,148 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#if !defined(MITK_PLANEFIT_H__INCLUDED_) -#define MITK_PLANEFIT_H__INCLUDED_ - -#include "mitkPointSet.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkTimeGeometry.h" -#include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" -#include "mitkGeometryDataSource.h" - -namespace mitk { - - //! - // kind regards to dr. math! - // function [x0, a, d, normd] = lsplane(X) - // --------------------------------------------------------------------- - // LSPLANE.M Least-squares plane (orthogonal distance - // regression). - // - // Version 1.0 - // Last amended I M Smith 27 May 2002. - // Created I M Smith 08 Mar 2002 - // --------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Input - // X Array [x y z] where x = vector of x-coordinates, - // y = vector of y-coordinates and z = vector of - // z-coordinates. - // Dimension: m x 3. - // - // Output - // x0 Centroid of the data = point on the best-fit plane. - // Dimension: 3 x 1. - // - // a Direction cosines of the normal to the best-fit - // plane. - // Dimension: 3 x 1. - // - // - // - // [x0, a <, d, normd >] = lsplane(X) - // --------------------------------------------------------------------- - - class MitkExt_EXPORT PlaneFit : public GeometryDataSource - { - public: - - mitkClassMacro( PlaneFit, GeometryDataSource); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - typedef mitk::PointSet::PointDataType PointDataType; - typedef mitk::PointSet::PointDataIterator PointDataIterator; - - virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); - - virtual void GenerateData(); - - /*!Getter for point set. - * - */ - const mitk::PointSet *GetInput(); - - /*! filter initialisation. - * - */ - virtual void SetInput( const mitk::PointSet *ps ); - - /*! returns the center of gravity of the point set. - * - */ - virtual const mitk::Point3D &GetCentroid( int t = 0 ) const; - - /*! returns the plane geometry which represents the point set. - * - */ - virtual mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer GetPlaneGeometry( int t = 0 ); - - /*! returns the normal of the plane which represents the point set. - * - */ - virtual const mitk::Vector3D &GetPlaneNormal( int t = 0 ) const; - - protected: - PlaneFit(); - virtual ~PlaneFit(); - - /*! Calculates the centroid of the point set. - * the center of gravity is calculated through the mean value of the whole point set - */ - void CalculateCentroid( int t = 0 ); - - /*! working with an SVD algorithm form matrix dataM. - * ITK suplies the vnl_svd to solve an plan fit eigentvector problem - * points are processed in the SVD matrix. The normal vector is the - * singular vector of dataM corresponding to its smalest singular value. - * The mehtod uses VNL library from ITK and at least the mehtod nullvector() - * to extract the normalvector. - */ - void ProcessPointSet( int t = 0 ); - - /*! Initialize Plane and configuration. - * - */ - void InitializePlane( int t = 0 ); - - - private: - - /*!keeps a copy of the pointset.*/ - const mitk::PointSet* m_PointSet; - - /* output object - a time sliced geometry.*/ - mitk::TimeGeometry::Pointer m_TimeGeometry; - - std::vector< mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer > m_Planes; - - /*! the calculatet center point of all points in the point set.*/ - std::vector< mitk::Point3D > m_Centroids; - - /* the normal vector to descrie a plane gemoetry.*/ - std::vector< mitk::Vector3D > m_PlaneVectors; - }; -}//namespace mitk -#endif //MITK_PLANFIT_INCLUDE_ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 2f95d42e41..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkPlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter.h" - -#include -#include -#include - -mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter() - : m_Plane(NULL), m_UseAllPoints(false), m_CreatedGeometries(NULL), normal(3), targetRight(3) -{ - m_CreatedGeometries = mitk::SlicedGeometry3D::New(); -} - -mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::~PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter() -{ -} - -void mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - mitk::Mesh::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::GeometryData::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - itkDebugMacro(<<"GenerateOutputInformation()"); - - if(input.IsNull()) return; - - output->SetGeometry(m_CreatedGeometries); -} - -void mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::CreatePlane(const mitk::Point3D& curr) -{ - int j; - for(j=0;j<3;++j) - normal[j] = last[j]-curr[j]; //@todo globally define normal direction of display xxx - normal.normalize(); - - down = vnl_cross_3d(normal, targetRight); - down.normalize(); - right = vnl_cross_3d(down, normal); - right.normalize(); - - itk2vtk(last.GetVnlVector()-right*halfWidthInMM-down*halfHeightInMM, origin); - right *= targetSpacing[0]; - down *= targetSpacing[1]; - normal *= targetSpacing[2]; - - mitk::Matrix3D matrix; - matrix.GetVnlMatrix().set_column(0, right); - matrix.GetVnlMatrix().set_column(1, down); - matrix.GetVnlMatrix().set_column(2, normal); - - PlaneGeometry::Pointer plane = PlaneGeometry::New(); - plane->GetIndexToWorldTransform()->SetMatrix(matrix); - plane->SetOrigin(origin); - plane->SetBounds(bounds); - - planes.push_back(plane); - - last = curr; -} - -void mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Mesh::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::GeometryData::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - if(m_Plane.IsNotNull()) - { - targetRight = m_Plane->GetMatrixColumn(0); - targetSpacing = m_Plane->GetSpacing(); - bounds = m_Plane->GetBoundingBox()->GetBounds(); - halfWidthInMM = m_Plane->GetExtentInMM(0)*0.5; - halfHeightInMM = m_Plane->GetExtentInMM(1)*0.5; - } - else - { - FillVector3D(targetRight, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); - targetSpacing.Fill(1.0); - halfWidthInMM=halfHeightInMM=100.0; - ScalarType stdBounds[6] = {0.0, 2.0*halfWidthInMM, 0.0, 2.0*halfHeightInMM, 0.0, 0.0}; - bounds = stdBounds; - } - - if(m_UseAllPoints==false) - { - int i, size; - //iterate through all cells and build planes - Mesh::ConstCellIterator cellIt, cellEnd; - cellEnd = input->GetMesh()->GetCells()->End(); - for( cellIt = input->GetMesh()->GetCells()->Begin(); cellIt != cellEnd; ++cellIt ) - { - Mesh::CellType& cell = *cellIt->Value(); - - Mesh::PointIdIterator ptIt, ptEnd; - ptEnd = cell.PointIdsEnd(); - - size=cell.GetNumberOfPoints(); - if(size<=1) - continue; - - ptIt = cell.PointIdsBegin(); - last = input->GetPoint(*ptIt); - ++ptIt; - for(i=1;iGetPoint(*ptIt)); - } - } - } - else //m_UseAllPoints==true - { - //iterate through all points and build planes - mitk::PointSet::PointsConstIterator it, pend = input->GetPointSet()->GetPoints()->End(); - it=input->GetPointSet()->GetPoints()->Begin(); - last = it.Value(); - ++it; - for(;it!=pend;++it) - { - CreatePlane(it.Value()); - } - } - - if(planes.size()>0) - { - //initialize sliced-geometry for the number of created planes - m_CreatedGeometries->InitializeSlicedGeometry(planes.size()+1); - - //set last plane at last point with same normal as the one before the last - PlaneGeometry::Pointer plane = static_cast((*planes.rbegin())->Clone().GetPointer()); - itk2vtk(last.GetVnlVector()-right*halfWidthInMM-down*halfHeightInMM, origin); - plane->SetOrigin(origin); - m_CreatedGeometries->SetPlaneGeometry(plane, planes.size()); - - //add all planes to sliced-geometry - int s; - for(s=0; planes.empty()==false; planes.pop_front(), ++s) - { - m_CreatedGeometries->SetPlaneGeometry(planes.front(), s); - } - - m_CreatedGeometries->SetEvenlySpaced(false); - - if(m_FrameGeometry.IsNotNull()) - { - m_CreatedGeometries->SetIndexToWorldTransform(m_FrameGeometry->GetIndexToWorldTransform()); - m_CreatedGeometries->SetBounds(m_FrameGeometry->GetBounds()); - m_CreatedGeometries->SetReferenceGeometry(m_FrameGeometry); - } - } - - output->SetGeometry(m_CreatedGeometries); -} - -void mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::SetPlane(const mitk::PlaneGeometry* aPlane) -{ - if(aPlane!=NULL) - { - m_Plane = static_cast(aPlane->Clone().GetPointer()); - } - else - { - if(m_Plane.IsNull()) - return; - m_Plane=NULL; - } - Modified(); -} - -const mitk::Mesh *mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::GetInput(void) -{ - if (this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1) - { - return 0; - } - - return static_cast - (this->ProcessObject::GetInput(0) ); -} - -void mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::SetInput(const mitk::Mesh *input) -{ - // Process object is not const-correct so the const_cast is required here - this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput(0, - const_cast< mitk::Mesh * >( input ) ); -} - -void mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::SetFrameGeometry(const mitk::BaseGeometry* frameGeometry) -{ - if((frameGeometry != NULL) && (frameGeometry->IsValid())) - { - m_FrameGeometry = static_cast(frameGeometry->Clone().GetPointer()); - } - else - { - m_FrameGeometry = NULL; - } -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index f213ea24e1..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITKPLANESPERPENDICULARTOLINES_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD -#define MITKPLANESPERPENDICULARTOLINES_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD - -#include "mitkGeometryDataSource.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkMesh.h" -#include "mitkGeometryData.h" -#include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" -#include "mitkSlicedGeometry3D.h" - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Create Planes perpendicular to lines contained in a Mesh. The planes data is generated as one SlicedGeometry3D data. -//## To create the planes as input a -//## mitk::mesh (for example a pointSet) and as geometry hint a geometry (for example from the original image) must be given. -//## -//## mitk::Mesh::Pointer mesh = mitk::Mesh::New(); -//## mesh->SetMesh(pointSet->GetPointSet()); -//## mitk::Image* currentImage = dynamic_cast (myDataStorage->GetNamedNode(IMAGE)->GetData()); -//## const mitk::Geometry3D* imagegeometry = currentImage->GetUpdatedGeometry(); -//## mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::Pointer perpendicularPlanes = mitk::PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter::New(); -//## perpendicularPlanes->SetInput(mesh); -//## perpendicularPlanes->SetUseAllPoints(true); -//## perpendicularPlanes->SetFrameGeometry(imagegeometry); -//## perpendicularPlanes->Update(); -//## -//## To get one single plane out of these use SlicedGeometry3D->GetPlaneGeometry(int slicenumber). - - - -//## @ingroup Process -class MitkExt_EXPORT PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter : public GeometryDataSource -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter, GeometryDataSource); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); - - virtual void GenerateData(); - - const mitk::Mesh *GetInput(void); - - //## @brief Set the input mesh that is used to create the planes. - virtual void SetInput(const mitk::Mesh *image); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set plane to be used as an example of the planes to move - //## along the lines in the input mesh. - //## - //## The size and spacing are copied from the plane. The in-plane - //## orientation (right-vector) of the created planes are set as - //## parallel as possible to the orientation (right-vector) of the - //## the plane set using this method. - //## @note The PlaneGeometry is cloned, @em not linked/referenced. - virtual void SetPlane(const mitk::PlaneGeometry* aPlane); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set if all points in the mesh should be interpreted as - //## one long line. - //## - //## Cells are not used in this mode, but all points in the order - //## of their indices form the line. - //## Default is @a false. - itkGetConstMacro(UseAllPoints, bool); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set if all points of the mesh shall be used (true) or the cells (false) - //## Default is @a false. - itkSetMacro(UseAllPoints, bool); - itkBooleanMacro(UseAllPoints); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set an explicit frame of the created sliced geometry - //## - //## Set an explicit framegeometry for the created sliced geometry. This framegeometry is - //## used as geometry for all created planes. - //## Uses the IndexToWorldTransform and bounding box of the - //## provided geometry. - //## \sa CalculateFrameGeometry - virtual void SetFrameGeometry(const mitk::BaseGeometry* frameGeometry); - -protected: - PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter(); - - virtual ~PlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter(); - - //## @brief Creates the plane at point curr - //## - //## Creates the plane at point curr. To create this plane, the last point must - //## must be renowned. - //## \sa SetPlane - void CreatePlane(const Point3D& curr); - - //## @brief Plane to be used as an example of the planes to move - //## along the lines in the input mesh. - //## - //## The size and spacing are copied from the m_Plane. The in-plane - //## orientation (right-vector) of the created planes are set as - //## parallel as possible to the orientation (right-vector) of m_Plane. - //## \sa SetPlane - mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer m_Plane; - - bool m_UseAllPoints; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief SlicedGeometry3D containing the created planes - //## - SlicedGeometry3D::Pointer m_CreatedGeometries; - - mitk::BaseGeometry::Pointer m_FrameGeometry; - -private: - std::deque planes; - Point3D last; - VnlVector normal; - VnlVector right, down; - VnlVector targetRight; - Vector3D targetSpacing; - ScalarType halfWidthInMM, halfHeightInMM; - mitk::BaseGeometry::BoundsArrayType bounds; - Point3D origin; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKPLANESPERPENDICULARTOLINES_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 53625fea75..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkPointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter.h" - - -mitk::PointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter::PointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter() -{ - -} - -mitk::PointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter::~PointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter() -{ - -} - -void mitk::PointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::PointSet::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::PointSet::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - typedef std::vector PointContainer; - PointContainer points; - int pointNo = 0; - - while(pointNo!= input->GetSize()) - { - mitk::Point3D current = input->GetPoint(pointNo); - points.push_back(current); - pointNo++; - } - output->GetGeometry()->SetIdentity(); - PointContainer::iterator pointsIter = points.begin(); - - pointNo = 0; - while(pointsIter != points.end()) - { - output->SetPoint(pointNo,(*pointsIter)); - pointNo++; - pointsIter++; - } - -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index acfb4cae60..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _MITKPOINTSETINDEXTOWORLDTRANSFORMFILTER_H__ -#define _MITKPOINTSETINDEXTOWORLDTRANSFORMFILTER_H__ - -#include "mitkPointSetToPointSetFilter.h" -#include "mitkPointSet.h" - -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - //##Documentation - //## @brief Transforms a point set object from index to world coordinates. - //## Transposes the points coordinates with the object's mitk::Geometry3D to display - //## correct scene coordinates. - //## - //## @ingroup Algorithms -class MitkExt_EXPORT PointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter : public PointSetToPointSetFilter -{ -public: - /** - * Standard mitk class macro - */ - mitkClassMacro ( PointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter, PointSetToPointSetFilter ); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - -protected: - - /** - * Protected constructor. Use ::New instead() - */ - PointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter(); - - /** - * Protected destructor. Instances are destroyed when reference count is zero - */ - virtual ~PointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter(); - /** - * method executed when calling Update(); - */ - virtual void GenerateData(); - -}; - -} - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 77c36f225c..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkPointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter.h" -#include "mitkThinPlateSplineCurvedGeometry.h" -#include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" -#include "mitkImage.h" -#include "mitkDataNode.h" -#include "mitkGeometryData.h" -#include "mitkPlaneGeometryData.h" -#include "mitkProperties.h" -#include "itkMesh.h" -#include "itkPointSet.h" - -mitk::PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter::PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter() -{ - m_ProjectionMode = YZPlane; - m_PCAPlaneCalculator = mitk::PlaneFit::New(); - m_ImageToBeMapped = NULL; - m_Sigma = 1000; - mitk::PlaneGeometryData::Pointer output = static_cast ( this->MakeOutput ( 0 ).GetPointer() ); - output->Initialize(); - Superclass::SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs ( 1 ); - Superclass::SetNthOutput ( 0, output.GetPointer() ); -} - - - -mitk::PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter::~PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter() -{} - -void mitk::PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - mitk::PointSet::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::PlaneGeometryData::Pointer output = dynamic_cast ( this->GetOutput() ); - - if ( input.IsNull() ) - itkGenericExceptionMacro ( "Input point set is NULL!" ); - - if ( input->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps() != 1 ) - itkWarningMacro ( "More than one time step is not yet supported!" ); - - if ( output.IsNull() ) - itkGenericExceptionMacro ( "Output is NULL!" ); - - if ( m_ImageToBeMapped.IsNull() ) - itkGenericExceptionMacro ( "Image to be mapped is NULL!" ); - - bool update = false; - if ( output->GetGeometry() == NULL || output->GetPlaneGeometry() == NULL || output->GetTimeGeometry() == NULL ) - update = true; - if ( ( ! update ) && ( output->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps() != input->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps() ) ) - update = true; - if ( update ) - { - mitk::ThinPlateSplineCurvedGeometry::Pointer curvedGeometry = mitk::ThinPlateSplineCurvedGeometry::New(); - output->SetGeometry(curvedGeometry); - } -} - -void mitk::PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::PointSet::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::GeometryData::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - // - // check preconditions - // - if ( input.IsNull() ) - itkGenericExceptionMacro ( "Input point set is NULL!" ); - if ( output.IsNull() ) - itkGenericExceptionMacro ( "output geometry data is NULL!" ); - if ( output->GetTimeGeometry() == NULL ) - itkGenericExceptionMacro ( "Output time sliced geometry is NULL!" ); - if ( output->GetTimeGeometry()->GetGeometryForTimeStep ( 0 ).IsNull() ) - itkGenericExceptionMacro ( "Output geometry3d is NULL!" ); - mitk::ThinPlateSplineCurvedGeometry::Pointer curvedGeometry = dynamic_cast ( output->GetTimeGeometry()->GetGeometryForTimeStep( 0 ).GetPointer() ); - if ( curvedGeometry.IsNull() ) - itkGenericExceptionMacro ( "Output geometry3d is not an instance of mitk::ThinPlateSPlineCurvedGeometry!" ); - if ( m_ImageToBeMapped.IsNull() ) - itkGenericExceptionMacro ( "Image to be mapped is NULL!" ); - - // - // initialize members if needed - // - if ( m_XYPlane.IsNull() || m_XZPlane.IsNull() || m_YZPlane.IsNull() ) - { - m_ImageToBeMapped->UpdateOutputInformation(); - const mitk::BaseGeometry* imageGeometry = m_ImageToBeMapped->GetUpdatedGeometry(); - imageGeometry = m_ImageToBeMapped->GetUpdatedGeometry(); - m_XYPlane = mitk::PlaneGeometry::New(); - m_XZPlane = mitk::PlaneGeometry::New(); - m_YZPlane = mitk::PlaneGeometry::New(); - m_XYPlane->InitializeStandardPlane ( imageGeometry, mitk::PlaneGeometry::Axial ); - m_YZPlane->InitializeStandardPlane ( imageGeometry, mitk::PlaneGeometry::Sagittal ); - m_XZPlane->InitializeStandardPlane ( imageGeometry, mitk::PlaneGeometry::Frontal ); - } - if ( m_PlaneLandmarkProjector.IsNull() ) - { - m_PlaneLandmarkProjector = mitk::PlaneLandmarkProjector::New(); - m_SphereLandmarkProjector = mitk::SphereLandmarkProjector::New(); - } - - // - // set up geometry according to the current settings - // - if ( m_ProjectionMode == Sphere ) - { - curvedGeometry->SetLandmarkProjector ( m_SphereLandmarkProjector ); - } - else - { - if ( m_ProjectionMode == XYPlane ) - m_PlaneLandmarkProjector->SetProjectionPlane ( m_XYPlane ); - else if ( m_ProjectionMode == XZPlane ) - m_PlaneLandmarkProjector->SetProjectionPlane ( m_XZPlane ); - else if ( m_ProjectionMode == YZPlane ) - m_PlaneLandmarkProjector->SetProjectionPlane ( m_YZPlane ); - else if ( m_ProjectionMode == PCAPlane ) - { - itkExceptionMacro ( "PCAPlane not yet implemented!" ); - m_PCAPlaneCalculator->SetInput ( input ); - m_PCAPlaneCalculator->Update(); - - const PlaneGeometry *planarFigureGeometry = - dynamic_cast< const PlaneGeometry * >( m_PCAPlaneCalculator->GetOutput() ); - const AbstractTransformGeometry *abstrTransfGeometry = - dynamic_cast< const AbstractTransformGeometry * >( m_PCAPlaneCalculator->GetOutput() ); - - if ( !planarFigureGeometry || abstrTransfGeometry ) - { - m_PlaneLandmarkProjector->SetProjectionPlane ( NULL ); - } - else - { - m_PlaneLandmarkProjector->SetProjectionPlane ( planarFigureGeometry ); - } - } - else - itkExceptionMacro ( "Unknown projection mode" ); - - curvedGeometry->SetLandmarkProjector ( m_PlaneLandmarkProjector ); - } - //curvedGeometry->SetReferenceGeometry( m_ImageToBeMapped->GetGeometry() ); - curvedGeometry->SetTargetLandmarks ( input->GetPointSet ( 0 )->GetPoints() ); - curvedGeometry->SetSigma ( m_Sigma ); - curvedGeometry->ComputeGeometry(); - curvedGeometry->SetOversampling ( 1.0 ); - -} - - -void mitk::PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter::SetDefaultCurvedGeometryProperties ( mitk::DataNode* node ) -{ - if ( node == NULL ) - { - itkGenericOutputMacro ( "Warning: node is NULL!" ); - return; - } - node->SetIntProperty ( "xresolution", 50 ); - node->SetIntProperty ( "yresolution", 50 ); - node->SetProperty ( "name", mitk::StringProperty::New ( "Curved Plane" ) ); - // exclude extent of this plane when calculating DataStorage bounding box - node->SetProperty ( "includeInBoundingBox", mitk::BoolProperty::New ( false ) ); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index f91a52d5c7..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _MITK_POINT_SET_TO_CURVED_GEOMETRY_FILTER_H__ -#define _MITK_POINT_SET_TO_CURVED_GEOMETRY_FILTER_H__ - -#include "mitkPointSetToGeometryDataFilter.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - -class MitkExt_EXPORT PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter : public PointSetToGeometryDataFilter -{ -public: - /** - * Standard mitk class macro - */ - mitkClassMacro ( PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter, PointSetToGeometryDataFilter ); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - /** - * Defines the geometry, onto which the input landmarks are - * projected. Currently, Plane and Sphere are supported, whilest plane - * is differentiated into 4 different planes, the xy, xz, and yz plane, - * as well a plane which is calculated by a principal component analysis - * of the input point set. - */ - enum ProjectionMode {Sphere, XYPlane, XZPlane, YZPlane, PCAPlane}; - - /** - * Fills a data tree node with appropriate properties - * for mapping the output geometry surface - */ - static void SetDefaultCurvedGeometryProperties( mitk::DataNode* node ); - - /** - * Sets / Gets whether the input land marks are projected onto a plane - * or sphere - */ - itkSetMacro ( ProjectionMode, ProjectionMode ); - - /** - * Sets / Gets whether the input land marks are projected onto a plane - * or sphere - */ - itkGetMacro ( ProjectionMode, ProjectionMode ); - - itkSetObjectMacro( ImageToBeMapped, mitk::Image ); - itkGetObjectMacro( ImageToBeMapped, mitk::Image ); - - itkSetMacro( Sigma, float); - itkGetMacro( Sigma, float); - -protected: - - /** - * Protected constructor. Use ::New instead() - */ - PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter(); - - /** - * Protected destructor. Instances are destroyed when reference count is zero - */ - virtual ~PointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter(); - - virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); - - virtual void GenerateData(); - - ProjectionMode m_ProjectionMode; - - mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer m_XYPlane; - - mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer m_XZPlane; - - mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer m_YZPlane; - - mitk::PlaneFit::Pointer m_PCAPlaneCalculator; - - mitk::Image::Pointer m_ImageToBeMapped; - - mitk::PlaneLandmarkProjector::Pointer m_PlaneLandmarkProjector; - - mitk::SphereLandmarkProjector::Pointer m_SphereLandmarkProjector; - - float m_Sigma; - -}; - -} - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToGeometryDataFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToGeometryDataFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 609cd7d953..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToGeometryDataFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkPointSetToGeometryDataFilter.h" -#include - -void mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::SetInput ( const mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::InputType* input ) -{ - this->SetInput( 0, input ); -} - - -void mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::SetInput ( const unsigned int& idx, const mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::InputType* input ) -{ - if ( idx + 1 > this->GetNumberOfInputs() ) - { - this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs(idx + 1); - } - if ( input != static_cast ( this->ProcessObject::GetInput ( idx ) ) ) - { - this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput ( idx, const_cast ( input ) ); - this->Modified(); - } -} - - -mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::InputType* mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::GetInput() -{ - return this->GetInput( 0 ); -} - - -mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::InputType* mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::GetInput ( const unsigned int& idx ) -{ - if ( this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1 ) - return 0; - - return static_cast ( this->ProcessObject::GetInput ( idx ) ); -} - - -mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter() -{} - -mitk::PointSetToGeometryDataFilter::~PointSetToGeometryDataFilter() -{} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToGeometryDataFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToGeometryDataFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9145a196eb..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPointSetToGeometryDataFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _mitk_Point_Set_To_Geometry_Data_Filter__h_ -#define _mitk_Point_Set_To_Geometry_Data_Filter__h_ - -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - -/** - * Common superclass for all algorithms having one or more point - * sets as input and producing one or more geometry datas as output - */ -class MitkExt_EXPORT PointSetToGeometryDataFilter : public GeometryDataSource -{ -public: - /** - * Standard mitk class macro - */ - mitkClassMacro( PointSetToGeometryDataFilter, GeometryDataSource ); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - /** - * Common typdedefs for the input type and corresponding pointers - */ - typedef mitk::PointSet InputType; - typedef InputType::Pointer InputTypePointer; - typedef InputType::ConstPointer InputTypeConstPointer; - - /** - * Set and Get input methods. - */ - virtual void SetInput( const InputType* input ); - virtual void SetInput( const unsigned int& idx, const InputType* input ); - virtual InputType* GetInput(); - virtual InputType* GetInput(const unsigned int& idx); - -protected: - - /** - * Protected constructor. Use ::New instead() - */ - PointSetToGeometryDataFilter(); - - /** - * Protected destructor. Instances are destroyed when reference count is zero - */ - virtual ~PointSetToGeometryDataFilter(); - - -}; - -} //end of namespace mitk - - -#endif - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPolygonToRingFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPolygonToRingFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 8fc7b9f744..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPolygonToRingFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,341 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkPolygonToRingFilter.h" -#include "mitkMesh.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" -#include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" - -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - - -mitk::PolygonToRingFilter::PolygonToRingFilter() -: m_RingRadius(3.5f), m_RingResolution(30), m_SplineResolution(20) -{ - m_SplineX = vtkCardinalSpline::New(); - m_SplineY = vtkCardinalSpline::New(); - m_SplineZ = vtkCardinalSpline::New(); -} - -mitk::PolygonToRingFilter::~PolygonToRingFilter() -{ - m_SplineX->Delete(); - m_SplineY->Delete(); - m_SplineZ->Delete(); -} - -void mitk::PolygonToRingFilter::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - mitk::Mesh::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(0); - - itkDebugMacro(<<"GenerateOutputInformation()"); - - if(input.IsNull()) return; - - output->SetGeometry(static_cast(input->GetGeometry()->Clone().GetPointer())); - - output->Expand( input->GetPointSetSeriesSize() ); -} - -void mitk::PolygonToRingFilter::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Mesh::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(0); - - unsigned int t; - for ( t = 0; t < input->GetPointSetSeriesSize(); ++t ) - { - - vtkPolyData *polyData = vtkPolyData::New(); - vtkPoints *vPoints = vtkPoints::New(); - vtkCellArray *polys = vtkCellArray::New(); - - mitk::Mesh::PointType thisPoint; - - // iterate through all cells and build tubes - Mesh::ConstCellIterator cellIt, cellEnd; - cellEnd = input->GetMesh( t )->GetCells()->End(); - for ( cellIt = input->GetMesh( t )->GetCells()->Begin(); - cellIt != cellEnd; - ++cellIt ) - { - m_PointList.clear(); - m_VectorList.clear(); - - this->BuildPointAndVectorList( - *cellIt->Value(), m_PointList, m_VectorList, t ); - this->BuildVtkTube( vPoints, polys, m_PointList, m_VectorList ); - } - - polyData->SetPoints( vPoints ); - vPoints->Delete(); - polyData->SetPolys( polys ); - polys->Delete(); - - output->SetVtkPolyData( polyData, t ); - polyData->Delete(); - - } - -} - - -//sl: last star -//sc: current star -//idmax: Id of the current star ray (sc), which matchs proberly to the first ray of the last star (sl). -//last_p: center of the last star -//cur_p: center of the current star -void mitk::PolygonToRingFilter::DrawCyl(vtkPoints *vPoints, vtkCellArray *polys, - VectorListType &sl, VectorListType &sc, int idmax, Point3D & last_p, Point3D & cur_p) -{ - unsigned int i; - //now we finished:sl0 will be connected with sc->at(idmax) - VectorListType::iterator slit=sl.begin(), scit=sc.begin(), scend=sc.end(); - scit+=idmax; - Point3D a,b; - Point3D a_first,b_first; - int a_firstID = 0, b_firstID = 0; - - vtkIdType front[4]; - for(i=0;iInsertNextPoint(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2]); - front[2]=vPoints->InsertNextPoint(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2]); - front[1]=vPoints->InsertNextPoint(v2[0],v2[1],v2[2]); - front[0]=vPoints->InsertNextPoint(v3[0],v3[1],v3[2]); - polys->InsertNextCell( (vtkIdType) 4, front ); - if(i==1) - { - a_firstID=front[3]; b_firstID=front[2]; //continue; - } - } - - ++slit; ++scit; if(scit==scend) scit=sc.begin(); - } - front[3]=front[0]; - front[2]=front[1]; - front[1]=b_firstID; - front[0]=a_firstID; - polys->InsertNextCell( 4, front ); -} - - -void mitk::PolygonToRingFilter::BuildVtkTube(vtkPoints *vPoints, vtkCellArray *polys, PointListType& ptList, VectorListType& vecList) -{ - PointListType::iterator pit = ptList.begin(), pend = ptList.end(); - VectorListType::iterator vit = vecList.begin(); - - Vector3D axis, last_v, next_v, s; - Point3D cur_p,last_p; - - //lists for the star - VectorListType *sl, *sc, *swp, sfirst, buf1, buf2; - sl=&buf1; sc=&buf2; - - Vector3D a,b; - Matrix3D m; - //Initialization for the first point - //alternative1: - // last_v=*(vl.getLast()); next_v=*vit.current(); axis=last_v+next_v; s.cross(last_v,next_v); s.normalize(); - //alternative2: - // last_v=*(vl.getLast()); next_v=*vit.current(); s.cross(last_v,next_v); s.normalize(); - // axis=next_v-last_v; axis.normalize(); aa.set(s, M_PI/2.0); m.set(aa); m.transform(&axis); - //alternative3: - last_v=vecList.back(); next_v=*vit; s.SetVnlVector( vnl_cross_3d(last_v.GetVnlVector(),next_v.GetVnlVector()) ); s.Normalize(); - a=last_v; b=next_v; a.Normalize(); b.Normalize(); axis=a+b; axis.Normalize(); - - //build the star at the first point - m = vnl_quaternion(axis.GetVnlVector(),2*vnl_math::pi/(double)m_RingResolution).rotation_matrix_transpose(); - unsigned int i; - for(i=0;ibegin()); - m = vnl_quaternion(axis.GetVnlVector(),2*vnl_math::pi/(double)m_RingResolution).rotation_matrix_transpose(); - for(i=0;ipush_back(s); - double tmp=s*sl0; - if(tmp>max) - { - max=tmp; - idmax=i; - } - s=m*s; - } - - //sl: last star - //sc: current star - //idmax: Id of the current star ray (sc), which matchs proberly to the first ray of the last star (sl). - //last_p: center of the last star - //cur_p: center of the current star - DrawCyl(vPoints, polys, *sl, *sc, idmax, last_p, cur_p); - - //Crossover to the next - last_p=cur_p; - swp=sl; sl=sc; sc=swp; sc->clear(); - } - - //calcutate idmax for connection: - double max=0; int idmax=0; Vector3D sl0=*(sl->begin()); - for(i=0;imax) - { - max=tmp; - idmax=i; - } - } - cur_p=*ptList.begin(); - DrawCyl(vPoints, polys, *sl, sfirst, idmax, last_p, cur_p); -} - -void -mitk::PolygonToRingFilter -::BuildPointAndVectorList( mitk::Mesh::CellType& cell, - PointListType& ptList, VectorListType& vecList, int timeStep ) -{ - // This method constructs a spline from the given point list and retrieves - // a number of interpolated points from it to form a ring-like structure. - // - // To make the spline "closed", the end point is connected to the start - // point. For ensuring smoothness at the start-end-point transition, the - // (intrinsically non-circular) spline array is extended on both sides - // by wrapping a number of points from the respective other side. - // - // The used VTK filters do principally support this kind of "closed" spline, - // but it does not produce results as consistent as with the method used - // here. Also, the spline class of VTK 4.4 has only poor support for - // arbitrary parametric coordinates (t values in vtkSpline). VTK 5.0 has - // better support, and also provides a new class vtkParametricSpline for - // directly calculating 3D splines. - - - // Remove points from previous call of this method - m_SplineX->RemoveAllPoints(); - m_SplineY->RemoveAllPoints(); - m_SplineZ->RemoveAllPoints(); - - int numberOfPoints = cell.GetNumberOfPoints(); - - Mesh::PointType inputPoint; - double t, tStart(0), tEnd(0); - - // Add input points to the spline and assign each the parametric value t - // derived from the point euclidean distances. - int i; - Mesh::PointIdIterator pit = cell.PointIdsEnd() - 3; - for ( i = -3, t = 0.0; i < numberOfPoints + 3; ++i ) - { - if ( i == 0 ) { tStart = t; } - if ( i == numberOfPoints ) { tEnd = t; } - - inputPoint = this->GetInput()->GetPoint( *pit, timeStep ); - m_SplineX->AddPoint( t, inputPoint[0] ); - m_SplineY->AddPoint( t, inputPoint[1] ); - m_SplineZ->AddPoint( t, inputPoint[2] ); - - ++pit; - if ( pit == cell.PointIdsEnd() ) - { - pit = cell.PointIdsBegin(); - } - - t += inputPoint.EuclideanDistanceTo( - this->GetInput()->GetPoint( *pit, timeStep ) ); - } - - // Evaluate the spline for the desired number of points - // (number of input points) * (spline resolution) - Point3D point, firstPoint, lastPoint; - firstPoint.Fill(0); - lastPoint.Fill(0); - int numberOfSegments = numberOfPoints * m_SplineResolution; - double step = (tEnd - tStart) / numberOfSegments; - for ( i = 0, t = tStart; i < numberOfSegments; ++i, t += step ) - { - FillVector3D( point, - m_SplineX->Evaluate(t), m_SplineY->Evaluate(t), m_SplineZ->Evaluate(t) - ); - - ptList.push_back( point ); - - if ( i == 0 ) - { - firstPoint = point; - } - else - { - vecList.push_back( point - lastPoint ); - } - lastPoint = point; - } - vecList.push_back( firstPoint - lastPoint ); -} - - -const mitk::Mesh *mitk::PolygonToRingFilter::GetInput(void) -{ - if (this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1) - { - return 0; - } - - return static_cast - (this->ProcessObject::GetInput(0) ); -} - -void mitk::PolygonToRingFilter::SetInput(const mitk::Mesh *input) -{ - // Process object is not const-correct so the const_cast is required here - this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput(0, - const_cast< mitk::Mesh * >( input ) ); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPolygonToRingFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPolygonToRingFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index ad7391425f..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkPolygonToRingFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITKPOLYGONTORINGFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD -#define MITKPOLYGONTORINGFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkSurfaceSource.h" -#include "mitkMesh.h" - -class vtkPolyData; -class vtkPoints; -class vtkCardinalSpline; -class vtkPoints; -class vtkCellArray; - - -namespace mitk { - -/** - * \brief Create ring around polygons contained in a Mesh - * \ingroup Process - */ -class MitkExt_EXPORT PolygonToRingFilter : public SurfaceSource -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(PolygonToRingFilter, SurfaceSource); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); - - virtual void GenerateData(); - - const mitk::Mesh *GetInput(void); - - virtual void SetInput(const mitk::Mesh *image); - - /** \brief Get ring radius */ - itkGetMacro(RingRadius, float); - - /* \brief Set ring radius */ - itkSetMacro(RingRadius, float); - - /** \brief Get ring resolution of created Surface */ - itkGetMacro(RingResolution, unsigned int); - - /** \brief Set ring resolution of created Surface */ - itkSetMacro(RingResolution, unsigned int); - - /** \brief Get spline resolution */ - itkGetMacro(SplineResolution, unsigned int); - - /** \brief Set spline resolution */ - itkSetMacro(SplineResolution, unsigned int); - -protected: - typedef std::vector VectorListType; - typedef std::vector PointListType; - - PolygonToRingFilter(); - - virtual ~PolygonToRingFilter(); - - void BuildVtkTube( vtkPoints *vPoints, vtkCellArray *polys, - PointListType& ptList, VectorListType& vecList ); - void BuildPointAndVectorList( mitk::Mesh::CellType& cell, - PointListType& ptList, VectorListType& vecList, int timeStep = 0 ); - void DrawCyl(vtkPoints *vPoints, vtkCellArray *polys, - VectorListType &sl, VectorListType &sc, int idmax, - Point3D & last_p, Point3D & cur_p); - - /** \brief Ring radius */ - float m_RingRadius; - - /** \brief Ring resolution of created Surface */ - unsigned int m_RingResolution; - - /** \brief Spline resolution of created Surface */ - unsigned int m_SplineResolution; - - vtkCardinalSpline *m_SplineX, *m_SplineY, *m_SplineZ; - - PointListType m_PointList; - VectorListType m_VectorList; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKPOLYGONTORINGFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkProbeFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkProbeFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 42a0b6e4a5..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkProbeFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkProbeFilter.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" -#include "mitkImage.h" - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -mitk::ProbeFilter::ProbeFilter() -{ -} - -mitk::ProbeFilter::~ProbeFilter() -{ -} - -const mitk::Surface *mitk::ProbeFilter::GetInput(void) -{ - if (this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1) - { - return 0; - } - return static_cast< const mitk::Surface * >(this->ProcessObject::GetInput(0) ); -} - -const mitk::Image *mitk::ProbeFilter::GetSource(void) -{ - return static_cast< const mitk::Image * >(this->ProcessObject::GetInput(1)); -} - -void mitk::ProbeFilter::SetInput(const mitk::Surface *input) -{ - this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput( 0, const_cast< mitk::Surface * >( input ) ); -} - -void mitk::ProbeFilter::SetSource(const mitk::Image *source) -{ - this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput( 1, const_cast< mitk::Image * >( source ) ); -} - -void mitk::ProbeFilter::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - mitk::Surface::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); - mitk::Image::ConstPointer source = this->GetSource(); - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - if(input.IsNull()) return; - if(source.IsNull()) return; - - if(input->GetGeometry()==NULL) return; - if(source->GetGeometry()==NULL) return; - - if( (input->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps()==1) && (source->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps()>1) ) - { - Geometry3D::Pointer geo3D = Geometry3D::New(); - BaseGeometry::Pointer geometry3D = dynamic_cast(geo3D.GetPointer()); - geometry3D->Initialize(); - geometry3D->SetBounds(source->GetTimeGeometry()->GetBoundsInWorld()); - - ProportionalTimeGeometry::Pointer outputTimeGeometry = ProportionalTimeGeometry::New(); - outputTimeGeometry->Initialize(geometry3D, source->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps()); - outputTimeGeometry->SetFirstTimePoint(source->GetTimeGeometry()->GetMinimumTimePoint()); - TimePointType stepDuration = source->GetTimeGeometry()->GetMaximumTimePoint(0) - source->GetTimeGeometry()->GetMinimumTimePoint(0); - outputTimeGeometry->SetStepDuration(stepDuration); - - output->Expand(outputTimeGeometry->CountTimeSteps()); - output->SetTimeGeometry( outputTimeGeometry ); - } - else - output->SetGeometry( static_cast(input->GetGeometry()->Clone().GetPointer()) ); - - itkDebugMacro(<<"GenerateOutputInformation()"); -} - -void mitk::ProbeFilter::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Surface *input = const_cast< mitk::Surface * >(this->GetInput()); - mitk::Image *source = const_cast< mitk::Image * >(this->GetSource()); - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - itkDebugMacro(<<"Generating Data"); - - if(output.IsNull()) - { - itkDebugMacro(<<"Output is NULL."); - return; - } - - mitk::Surface::RegionType outputRegion = output->GetRequestedRegion(); - const TimeGeometry *outputTimeGeometry = output->GetTimeGeometry(); - const TimeGeometry *inputTimeGeometry = input->GetTimeGeometry(); - const TimeGeometry *sourceTimeGeometry = source->GetTimeGeometry(); - TimePointType timeInMS; - int timestep=0; - - int tstart, tmax; - - tstart=outputRegion.GetIndex(3); - tmax=tstart+outputRegion.GetSize(3); - - int t; - for(t=tstart;tTimeStepToTimePoint( t ); - - vtkProbeFilter* probe = vtkProbeFilter::New(); - - timestep = inputTimeGeometry->TimePointToTimeStep( timeInMS ); - probe->SetInputData( input->GetVtkPolyData(timestep) ); - - timestep = sourceTimeGeometry->TimePointToTimeStep( timeInMS ); - probe->SetSourceData( source->GetVtkImageData(timestep) ); - - output->SetVtkPolyData( probe->GetPolyDataOutput(), t ); - - probe->Update(); - probe->Delete(); - } -} - -void mitk::ProbeFilter::GenerateInputRequestedRegion() -{ - Superclass::GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); - - mitk::Surface *input = const_cast< mitk::Surface * >( this->GetInput() ); - mitk::Image *source = const_cast< mitk::Image * >( this->GetSource() ); - - if(input==NULL) return; - if(source==NULL) return; - - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - mitk::Surface::RegionType outputRegion = output->GetRequestedRegion(); - const TimeGeometry *outputTimeGeometry = output->GetTimeGeometry(); - - mitk::Surface::RegionType inputSurfaceRegion = outputRegion; - Image::RegionType sourceImageRegion = source->GetLargestPossibleRegion(); - - if(outputRegion.GetSize(3)<1) - { - mitk::Surface::RegionType::SizeType surfacesize; - surfacesize.Fill(0); - inputSurfaceRegion.SetSize(surfacesize); - input->SetRequestedRegion( &inputSurfaceRegion ); - mitk::Image::RegionType::SizeType imagesize; - imagesize.Fill(0); - sourceImageRegion.SetSize(imagesize); - source->SetRequestedRegion( &sourceImageRegion ); - return; - } - - //create and set input requested region for the input surface - const TimeGeometry *inputTimeGeometry = input->GetTimeGeometry(); - - ScalarType timeInMS; - int timestep=0; - - // convert the start-index-time of output in start-index-time of input via millisecond-time - timeInMS = outputTimeGeometry->TimeStepToTimePoint(outputRegion.GetIndex(3)); - timestep = inputTimeGeometry->TimePointToTimeStep( timeInMS ); - if( ( timeInMS > itk::NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin() ) && ( inputTimeGeometry->IsValidTimeStep( timestep ) ) ) - inputSurfaceRegion.SetIndex( 3, timestep ); - else - inputSurfaceRegion.SetIndex( 3, 0 ); - // convert the end-index-time of output in end-index-time of input via millisecond-time - timeInMS = outputTimeGeometry->TimeStepToTimePoint(outputRegion.GetIndex(3)+outputRegion.GetSize(3)-1); - timestep = inputTimeGeometry->TimePointToTimeStep( timeInMS ); - if( ( timeInMS > itk::NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin() ) && ( outputTimeGeometry->IsValidTimeStep( timestep ) ) ) - inputSurfaceRegion.SetSize( 3, timestep - inputSurfaceRegion.GetIndex(3) + 1 ); - else - inputSurfaceRegion.SetSize( 3, 1 ); - - input->SetRequestedRegion( &inputSurfaceRegion ); - - //create and set input requested region for the source image - const TimeGeometry *sourceTimeGeometry = source->GetTimeGeometry(); - - // convert the start-index-time of output in start-index-time of source via millisecond-time - timeInMS = outputTimeGeometry->TimeStepToTimePoint(outputRegion.GetIndex(3)); - timestep = sourceTimeGeometry->TimePointToTimeStep( timeInMS ); - if( ( timeInMS > itk::NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin() ) && ( sourceTimeGeometry->IsValidTimeStep( timestep ) ) ) - sourceImageRegion.SetIndex( 3, timestep ); - else - sourceImageRegion.SetIndex( 3, 0 ); - // convert the end-index-time of output in end-index-time of source via millisecond-time - timeInMS = outputTimeGeometry->TimeStepToTimePoint(outputRegion.GetIndex(3)+outputRegion.GetSize(3)-1); - timestep = sourceTimeGeometry->TimePointToTimeStep( timeInMS ); - if( ( timeInMS > itk::NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin() ) && ( outputTimeGeometry->IsValidTimeStep( timestep ) ) ) - sourceImageRegion.SetSize( 3, timestep - sourceImageRegion.GetIndex(3) + 1 ); - else - sourceImageRegion.SetSize( 3, 1 ); - - sourceImageRegion.SetIndex( 4, 0 ); - sourceImageRegion.SetSize( 4, 1 ); - - source->SetRequestedRegion( &sourceImageRegion ); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkProbeFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkProbeFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index afc111ffbb..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkProbeFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITKPROBEFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD -#define MITKPROBEFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkSurfaceSource.h" - -class vtkPlaneSource; -class vtkTransformPolyDataFilter; -class vtkDataSetToPolyDataFilter; - -namespace mitk { - -class Surface; -class Image; - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Adapter for vtkProbeFilter, making it a 3D+t filter -//## -//## @ingroup Process -class MitkExt_EXPORT ProbeFilter : public SurfaceSource -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(ProbeFilter, SurfaceSource); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); - virtual void GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); - virtual void GenerateData(); - - const mitk::Surface *GetInput(void); - const mitk::Image *GetSource(void); - - virtual void SetInput(const mitk::Surface *input); - virtual void SetSource(const mitk::Image *source); - -protected: - ProbeFilter(); - - virtual ~ProbeFilter(); -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKPROBEFILTER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C10B22CD */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 28ee053ddc..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter.h" - -#include "vtkPoints.h" -#include "vtkPolyData.h" - -mitk::SurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter::SurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter() -{ -} - -mitk::SurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter::~SurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter() -{ -} - -void mitk::SurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Surface* input = const_cast( this->GetInput()); - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - mitk::Point3D current, transformed; - vtkPoints* surfacePoints = vtkPoints::New(); - vtkPoints* newSurfacePoints = vtkPoints::New(); - int pointIter = 0; - - surfacePoints = input->GetVtkPolyData()->GetPoints(); - - while(pointIter != surfacePoints->GetNumberOfPoints()) - { - double* intermed = surfacePoints->GetPoint(pointIter); - current[0] = intermed[0]; - current[1] = intermed[1]; - current[2] = intermed[2]; - - input->GetGeometry()->IndexToWorld(current, transformed); - newSurfacePoints->InsertPoint( pointIter, transformed[0], transformed[1], transformed[2] ); - pointIter++; - } - - output->GetVtkPolyData()->SetPoints(newSurfacePoints); - output->GetVtkPolyData()->SetPolys(input->GetVtkPolyData()->GetPolys()); - output->GetGeometry()->SetIdentity(); - output->Modified(); - output->Update(); -} - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter.h deleted file mode 100644 index 8a3d2c3324..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter_h__ -#define _mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter_h__ - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkSurfaceToSurfaceFilter.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" - -namespace mitk { - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Transforms a surface object from index to world coordinates. - //## Transposes the surface point coordinates with the object's mitk::Geometry3D to display - //## correct scene coordinates. - //## - //## @ingroup Algorithms - - class MitkExt_EXPORT SurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter : public SurfaceToSurfaceFilter -{ -public: - - /** - * Standard mitk class macro - */ - mitkClassMacro(SurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter, SurfaceToSurfaceFilter); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - -protected: - - /** - * Protected constructor. Use ::New instead() - */ - SurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter(); - - /** - * Protected destructor. Instances are destroyed when reference count is zero - */ - virtual ~SurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter(); - - /** - * method executed when calling Update(); - */ - virtual void GenerateData(); - -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* _mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter_h__*/ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkUnstructuredGridHistogram.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkUnstructuredGridHistogram.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index fd1ff53e1b..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkUnstructuredGridHistogram.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "mitkUnstructuredGridHistogram.h" - - - -mitk::UnstructuredGridHistogram::~UnstructuredGridHistogram() -{ -} - -void mitk::UnstructuredGridHistogram::Initialize(mitk::UnstructuredGrid* ugrid) -{ - - const int numBins = 20; - - vtkUnstructuredGrid* vtkUGrid = ugrid->GetVtkUnstructuredGrid(); - - double* range = vtkUGrid->GetScalarRange(); - - SizeType size; - MeasurementVectorType lowerBound; - MeasurementVectorType upperBound; - - size.Fill(numBins); - lowerBound[0] = range[0]; - upperBound[0] = range[1]; - double length = upperBound[0] - lowerBound[0]; - - this->Superclass::Initialize(size, lowerBound, upperBound); - - vtkDataArray* data; - if (m_UsePointData) data = vtkUGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars(); - else data = vtkUGrid->GetCellData()->GetScalars(); - - if (data == 0) return; - - if (m_UsePointData) - { - vtkIdList* cellIds = vtkIdList::New(); - for (vtkIdType pointId = 0; pointId < vtkUGrid->GetNumberOfPoints(); pointId++) { - vtkUGrid->GetPointCells(pointId, cellIds); - double numIds = (double)cellIds->GetNumberOfIds(); - double scalar = data->GetComponent(pointId, 0); - //MITK_INFO << "scalar value: " << scalar; - int bin = numBins - 1; - if (scalar != upperBound[0]) - bin = (int)(((double)numBins)*(scalar-lowerBound[0])/length); - //MITK_INFO << " bin: " << bin << std::endl; - this->IncreaseFrequency(bin, 1.0/(double)numIds); - cellIds->Reset(); - } - cellIds->Delete(); - } - else - { - for (vtkIdType cellId = 0; cellId < vtkUGrid->GetNumberOfCells(); cellId++) { - double scalar = data->GetComponent(cellId, 0); - //MITK_INFO << "scalar value: " << scalar; - int bin = numBins - 1; - if (scalar != upperBound[0]) - bin = (int)(((double)numBins)*(scalar-lowerBound[0])/length); - //MITK_INFO << " bin: " << bin << std::endl; - this->IncreaseFrequency(bin, 1.0); - } - } -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkUnstructuredGridHistogram.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkUnstructuredGridHistogram.h deleted file mode 100644 index 276f65e338..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkUnstructuredGridHistogram.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef UNSTRUCTURED_GIRD_HISTOGRAM_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define UNSTRUCTURED_GIRD_HISTOGRAM_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkUnstructuredGrid.h" - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Subclass of itk::Histogram, specialized for a mitk::UnstructuredGrid -//## -class MitkExt_EXPORT UnstructuredGridHistogram : public itk::Statistics::Histogram -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(UnstructuredGridHistogram,itk::Statistics::Histogram) - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - void Initialize(mitk::UnstructuredGrid*); - - void SetUsePointData() { m_UsePointData = true; } - void SetUseCellData() { m_UsePointData = false; } - -protected: - UnstructuredGridHistogram() : m_UsePointData(true) {} - - virtual ~UnstructuredGridHistogram(); - - bool m_UsePointData; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* UNSTRUCTURED_GIRD_HISTOGRAM_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 13abc43f1f..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,652 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor.h" - -#include -#include - -#include - -#define VVP_INFO MITK_INFO << "Mem Usage: " << mitk::MemoryUtilities::GetProcessMemoryUsage() << " " - -namespace mitk -{ - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor() -: m_OutOfLiverValue(-512), - m_surfaceValue(-256), - m_realSurfaceValue(0), - m_EstimatedThreshold( 150.0 ), - m_MinThreshold( 0.0 ), - m_MaxThreshold( 250.0 ) -{ -} - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::~VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor() -{ -} - - - -TransferFunction::Pointer -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::GetInitialTransferFunction( ) -{ - int treshold = m_EstimatedThreshold; - - double opacity = 0.005; - - double maskValue = m_OutOfLiverValue; - double surfaceValue = m_surfaceValue; - double realSurfaceValue = m_realSurfaceValue; - - //double surfaceSteepness = 0.0; - - VVP_INFO << "using threshold of " << treshold << " and opacity of " << opacity; - - TransferFunction::Pointer tf = TransferFunction::New(); - - // grayvalue->opacity - { - vtkPiecewiseFunction *f=tf->GetScalarOpacityFunction(); - f->RemoveAllPoints(); - f->AddPoint(maskValue,0); - f->AddPoint(maskValue+1,0); - f->AddPoint(surfaceValue,0.05); - f->AddPoint(realSurfaceValue,opacity); - f->AddPoint(treshold-1,opacity); - f->AddPoint(treshold+4,0.8); - f->AddPoint(m_MaxThreshold+1,0.8); - f->ClampingOn(); - f->Modified(); - } - - // gradient at grayvalue->opacity - { - vtkPiecewiseFunction *f=tf->GetGradientOpacityFunction(); - f->RemoveAllPoints(); - f->AddPoint( -1000.0, 1.0 ); - f->AddPoint( 1000, 1.0 ); - f->ClampingOn(); - f->Modified(); - } - - // grayvalue->color - { - vtkColorTransferFunction *ctf=tf->GetColorTransferFunction(); - ctf->RemoveAllPoints(); - ctf->AddRGBPoint( maskValue, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0 ); - ctf->AddRGBPoint( maskValue+1, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0 ); - ctf->AddRGBPoint( surfaceValue, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); //0.5 - ctf->AddRGBPoint( realSurfaceValue, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0 ); - - ctf->AddRGBPoint( treshold-32, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0 ); - ctf->AddRGBPoint( treshold, 251/255.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); - ctf->AddRGBPoint( m_MaxThreshold+1, 251/255.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); - - ctf->ClampingOn(); - ctf->Modified(); - } - - m_LastUsedTreshold = treshold; - - return tf; -} - - -void VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::UpdateTransferFunction( TransferFunction::Pointer tf, int treshold ) -{ - double opacity = 0.005; - - //double maskValue = m_OutOfLiverValue; - //double surfaceValue = m_surfaceValue; - //double realSurfaceValue = m_realSurfaceValue; - - //double surfaceSteepness = 0.0; - - //VVP_INFO << "changing to threshold of " << treshold << " and opacity of " << opacity; - - // grayvalue->opacity - { - vtkPiecewiseFunction *f=tf->GetScalarOpacityFunction(); - - f->RemovePoint( m_LastUsedTreshold-1 ); - f->AddPoint(treshold-1,opacity); - - f->RemovePoint( m_LastUsedTreshold+4 ); - f->AddPoint(treshold+4,0.8); - } - - // grayvalue->color - { - vtkColorTransferFunction *ctf=tf->GetColorTransferFunction(); - - ctf->RemovePoint( m_LastUsedTreshold-32 ); - ctf->AddRGBPoint( treshold-32, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0 ); - - ctf->RemovePoint( m_LastUsedTreshold ); - ctf->AddRGBPoint( treshold, 251/255.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); - } - - m_LastUsedTreshold = treshold; -} - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::LabelImage::Pointer -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::ConnectComponents(BinImage::Pointer src) -{ - VVP_INFO << "Connect Components..."; - - LabelImage::Pointer dst = LabelImage::New(); - - typedef itk::ConnectedComponentImageFilter< BinImage, LabelImage > myFilterType; - - myFilterType::Pointer myFilter = myFilterType::New(); - - myFilter->SetInput(src); - myFilter->Update(); - dst = myFilter->GetOutput(); - dst->DisconnectPipeline(); - - return dst; -} - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::BinImage::Pointer -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::Threshold(CTImage::Pointer src, int threshold) -{ - VVP_INFO << "thresholding..."; - - BinImage::Pointer dst = BinImage::New(); - - typedef itk::ThresholdLabelerImageFilter< CTImage, BinImage > myFilterType; - - myFilterType::Pointer myFilter = myFilterType::New(); - - myFilter->SetInput(src); - - myFilterType::ThresholdVector tv; - tv.push_back(threshold); - myFilter->SetThresholds(tv); - - myFilter->Update(); - dst = myFilter->GetOutput(); - dst->DisconnectPipeline(); - - return dst; -} - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::LabelImage::Pointer -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::RelabelComponents(LabelImage::Pointer src) -{ - VVP_INFO << "Relabeling Components..."; - - LabelImage::Pointer dst = LabelImage::New(); - - typedef itk::RelabelComponentImageFilter< LabelImage, LabelImage > myFilterType; - - myFilterType::Pointer myFilter = myFilterType::New(); - - myFilter->SetInput(src); - myFilter->Update(); - dst = myFilter->GetOutput(); - dst->DisconnectPipeline(); - - return dst; -} - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::BinImage::Pointer -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::Dilate(BinImage::Pointer src) -{ - VVP_INFO << "Dilating..."; - - BinImage::Pointer dst = BinImage::New(); - - typedef itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter< BinImage, BinImage,itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement< unsigned char, 3> > BinaryDilateImageType; - BinaryDilateImageType::KernelType myKernel; - myKernel.SetRadius(1); - myKernel.CreateStructuringElement(); - BinaryDilateImageType::Pointer DilateFilter = BinaryDilateImageType::New(); - DilateFilter->SetInput(src); - DilateFilter->SetKernel(myKernel); - DilateFilter->SetDilateValue(1); //to be dilated to - DilateFilter->Update(); - dst = DilateFilter->GetOutput(); - dst->DisconnectPipeline(); - - return dst; -} - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::BinImage::Pointer -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::Erode(BinImage::Pointer src) -{ - VVP_INFO << "Eroding..."; - - BinImage::Pointer dst = BinImage::New(); - - typedef itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter< BinImage, BinImage,itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement< unsigned char, 3> > BinaryErodeImageType; - BinaryErodeImageType::KernelType myKernel; - myKernel.SetRadius(1); - myKernel.CreateStructuringElement(); - BinaryErodeImageType::Pointer ErodeFilter = BinaryErodeImageType::New(); - ErodeFilter->SetInput(src); - ErodeFilter->SetKernel(myKernel); - ErodeFilter->SetErodeValue(0); //to be Eroded to - ErodeFilter->Update(); - dst = ErodeFilter->GetOutput(); - dst->DisconnectPipeline(); - - return dst; -} - - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::CTImage::Pointer -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::Gaussian(CTImage::Pointer src) -{ - VVP_INFO << "Gaussian..."; - - typedef itk::DiscreteGaussianImageFilter< CTImage, CTImage> GaussianFilterType; - - GaussianFilterType::Pointer gaussianFilter = GaussianFilterType::New(); - gaussianFilter->SetInput( src ); - gaussianFilter->SetVariance( 1 ); - // gaussianFilter->SetMaximumError( 0.1 ); - - gaussianFilter->SetMaximumKernelWidth ( 8 ); - gaussianFilter->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion(); - - CTImage::Pointer dst = gaussianFilter->GetOutput(); - dst->DisconnectPipeline(); - - return dst; - -} - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::CTImage::Pointer VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::Crop(VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::CTImage::Pointer src ) -{ - VVP_INFO << "Cropping 16bit..."; - - typedef itk::RegionOfInterestImageFilter FilterType; - - FilterType::Pointer cropFilter = FilterType::New(); - - cropFilter->SetInput( src ); - - CTImage::RegionType region; - CTImage::SizeType size; - CTImage::IndexType index; - - index.SetElement(0,m_MinX); - index.SetElement(1,m_MinY); - index.SetElement(2,m_MinZ); - - size.SetElement(0,m_MaxX-m_MinX+1); - size.SetElement(1,m_MaxY-m_MinY+1); - size.SetElement(2,m_MaxZ-m_MinZ+1); - - region.SetIndex(index); - region.SetSize(size); - - cropFilter->SetRegionOfInterest(region); - cropFilter->Update(); - - CTImage::Pointer dst = cropFilter->GetOutput(); - dst->DisconnectPipeline(); - - return dst; -} - - - -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::BinImage::Pointer VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::Crop(VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::BinImage::Pointer src ) -{ - VVP_INFO << "Cropping 8bit..."; - - typedef itk::RegionOfInterestImageFilter FilterType; - - FilterType::Pointer cropFilter = FilterType::New(); - - cropFilter->SetInput( src ); - - BinImage::RegionType region; - BinImage::SizeType size; - BinImage::IndexType index; - - index.SetElement(0,m_MinX); - index.SetElement(1,m_MinY); - index.SetElement(2,m_MinZ); - - size.SetElement(0,m_MaxX-m_MinX+1); - size.SetElement(1,m_MaxY-m_MinY+1); - size.SetElement(2,m_MaxZ-m_MinZ+1); - - region.SetIndex(index); - region.SetSize(size); - - cropFilter->SetRegionOfInterest(region); - cropFilter->Update(); - - BinImage::Pointer dst = cropFilter->GetOutput(); - dst->DisconnectPipeline(); - - return dst; -} - - -/* - CTImage::Pointer CTImageWork = CTImage::New(); -CastToItkImage( imageOrg, CTImageWork ); - -BinImage::Pointer BinImageMask = BinImage::New(); -CastToItkImage( imageMask, BinImageMask ); - -BinImage::Pointer BinImageMaskDilate = BinImage::New(); -BinImage::Pointer BinImageMaskErode = BinImage::New(); -*/ - -int mitk::VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::GetHistogrammValueFromBottom( double part ) -{ - int unteren = total * part; - for( int r = -32768 ; r <= 32767 ; r++ ) - if( (unteren -= histogramm[32768+(int)r]) <= 0 ) - return r; - return 0; // will be never reached -} - - -int mitk::VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::GetHistogrammValueFromTop( double part ) -{ - int oberen = total * part; - for( int r = 32767 ; r >= -32768 ; r-- ) - if( (oberen -= histogramm[32768+(int)r]) <= 0 ) - return r; - return 0; // will be never reached -} - - -void VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::DetermineBoundingBox( BinImage::Pointer mask ) -{ - VVP_INFO << "determining Bounding Box..."; - - BinIteratorIndexType maskIt( mask, mask->GetRequestedRegion() ); - - maskIt.GoToBegin(); - - int totalMinX; - int totalMinY; - int totalMinZ; - - int totalMaxX; - int totalMaxY; - int totalMaxZ; - - // Initialize Bounding Box - { - m_MinX=m_MinY=m_MinZ = 1000000; - m_MaxX=m_MaxY=m_MaxZ = -1000000; - - totalMinX=totalMinY=totalMinZ = 1000000; - totalMaxX=totalMaxY=totalMaxZ = -1000000; - } - - while ( ! maskIt.IsAtEnd() ) - { - BinIteratorIndexType::IndexType idx = maskIt.GetIndex(); - int x=idx.GetElement(0); - int y=idx.GetElement(1); - int z=idx.GetElement(2); - - if(xtotalMaxX) totalMaxX=x; - if(y>totalMaxY) totalMaxY=y; - if(z>totalMaxZ) totalMaxZ=z; - - if(maskIt.Get()) - { - if(xm_MaxX) m_MaxX=x; - if(y>m_MaxY) m_MaxY=y; - if(z>m_MaxZ) m_MaxZ=z; - } - ++maskIt; - } - - int border = 3; - - m_MinX -= border; if(m_MinX < totalMinX ) m_MinX = totalMinX; - m_MinY -= border; if(m_MinY < totalMinY ) m_MinY = totalMinY; - m_MinZ -= border; if(m_MinZ < totalMinZ ) m_MinZ = totalMinZ; - - m_MaxX += border; if(m_MaxX > totalMaxX ) m_MaxX = totalMaxX; - m_MaxY += border; if(m_MaxY > totalMaxY ) m_MaxY = totalMaxY; - m_MaxZ += border; if(m_MaxZ > totalMaxZ ) m_MaxZ = totalMaxZ; - - VVP_INFO << "Bounding box" << " m_MinX: " << m_MinX << " m_MaxX: " << m_MaxX - << "\n m_MinY: " << m_MinY << " m_MaxY: " << m_MaxY - << "\n m_MinZ: " << m_MinZ << " m_MaxZ: " << m_MaxZ; - - -} - -mitk::VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::CTImage::Pointer VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::Composite( CTImage::Pointer work, - BinImage::Pointer mask, - BinImage::Pointer dilated, - BinImage::Pointer eroded) -{ - VVP_INFO << "Compositing..."; - - /* - itk::OrImageFilter::Pointer nullFilter= itk::OrImageFilter::New(); - nullFilter->SetInput1( input ); - nullFilter->SetInput2( input ); - nullFilter->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion(); - CTImage::Pointer work = nullFilter->GetOutput(); - */ - - CTIteratorIndexType workIt( work, work->GetRequestedRegion() ); - BinIteratorType maskIt( mask, mask->GetRequestedRegion() ); - BinIteratorType dilateIt( dilated, dilated->GetRequestedRegion() ); - BinIteratorType erodeIt( eroded, eroded->GetRequestedRegion() ); - - workIt.GoToBegin(); - maskIt.GoToBegin(); - dilateIt.GoToBegin(); - erodeIt.GoToBegin(); - - double sum=0; - int num=0; - - double sumIn=0; - int numIn=0; - - int _min=32767,_max=-32768; - - total=0; - memset(histogramm,0,sizeof(int)*65536); - - while ( ! ( workIt.IsAtEnd() || maskIt.IsAtEnd() || dilateIt.IsAtEnd() || erodeIt.IsAtEnd() ) ) - { - int value = workIt.Get(); - unsigned char mask = maskIt.Get(); - unsigned char dilate = dilateIt.Get(); - unsigned char erode = erodeIt.Get(); - //build barchart of internal of the liver - if(mask != 0) - { - sumIn+=value; - numIn++; - histogramm[32768+(int)value]++; - total++; - } - //average of the exterior layer - if(erode != 0 && mask != 0 ) - { - sum+=value; - num++; - if(value>_max) _max=value; - if(value<_min) _min=value; - } - - //mark the surface of the liver with -1024 and update bounding box - if(erode == 0 && dilate != 0 ) - { - value = -1024; - - } - else if( erode != 0 && mask != 0 )//Keep the gray values of internal of the liver - { - - } - else//mark the exterior with -2048 - { - value = -2048; - } - - workIt.Set(value); - - ++workIt; - ++maskIt; - ++dilateIt; - ++erodeIt; - } - - VVP_INFO << "liver consists of " << total << " samples."; - - m_GreatestStructureThreshold = GetHistogrammValueFromTop(0.20); - m_EstimatedThreshold = GetHistogrammValueFromTop(0.10); - m_MaxThreshold=GetHistogrammValueFromTop(0.001); - m_MinThreshold=GetHistogrammValueFromBottom(0.20); - - VVP_INFO << "threshold range: (" << m_MinThreshold << ";" << m_MaxThreshold << ") estimated vessel threshold: " << m_EstimatedThreshold ; - VVP_INFO << "m_GreatestStructureThreshold: " << m_GreatestStructureThreshold; - -// BinImage::Pointer binImageThreshold= Threshold(work,m_GreatestStructureThreshold ); -// LabelImage::Pointer LabelImageunsorted=ConnectComponents(binImageThreshold); -// LabelImage::Pointer LabelImageSorted= RelabelComponents(LabelImageunsorted); - - - if(num>0) - m_realSurfaceValue=sum/num; - else - m_realSurfaceValue=0; - - if(numIn>0) - m_realInLiverValue=sumIn/numIn; - else - m_realInLiverValue=0; - - m_surfaceValue = _min - 40; - m_OutOfLiverValue = m_surfaceValue - 40; - -// LabelIteratorType labelIt( LabelImageSorted, LabelImageSorted->GetRequestedRegion() ); - - workIt.GoToBegin(); -// labelIt.GoToBegin(); - - //int numGesetzt=0; - //int numGelassen=0; - - - while ( ! workIt.IsAtEnd() ) - { - int value = workIt.Get(); -// int label = labelIt.Get(); - - if(value == -1024 ) - { - value = m_surfaceValue; - } - else if( value == -2048 ) - { - value = m_OutOfLiverValue; - } - else - {//In the space of the liver - //Label unequal 1 --> set value on minimum -/* - if (label != 1){ - numGesetzt++; - value=m_realInLiverValue; - } - else - { - //value=m_EstimatedThreshold; - numGelassen++; - } - */ - } - - workIt.Set(value); - - ++workIt; -// ++labelIt; - - } - - //VVP_INFO << "set: " << numGesetzt << " --- unvaried: " << numGelassen; - - VVP_INFO << "OutOfLiver value: " << m_OutOfLiverValue; - VVP_INFO << "surface value: " << m_surfaceValue; - VVP_INFO << "real surface value: " << m_realSurfaceValue; - VVP_INFO << "real inLiver value:" << m_realInLiverValue; - - work->DisconnectPipeline(); - - return work; -} - - - -Image::Pointer -VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor::Process( - Image::Pointer m_originalCT, Image::Pointer m_originalLiverMask) -{ - VVP_INFO << "Processing..."; - - // converting mitk image -> itk image - CTImage::Pointer CTImageWork = CTImage::New(); - CastToItkImage( m_originalCT, CTImageWork ); - - // converting mitk image -> itk image - BinImage::Pointer BinImageMask = BinImage::New(); - CastToItkImage( m_originalLiverMask, BinImageMask ); - - DetermineBoundingBox( BinImageMask ); - - if( m_MaxX < m_MinX - || m_MaxY < m_MinY - || m_MaxZ < m_MinZ ) - return 0; - - CTImageWork = Gaussian(Crop( CTImageWork )); - BinImageMask = Crop( BinImageMask ); - - CTImage::Pointer itkResult =Composite(CTImageWork,BinImageMask,Dilate(BinImageMask),Erode(BinImageMask)); - - mitk::Image::Pointer mitkResult= mitk::Image::New(); - mitk::CastToMitkImage( itkResult, mitkResult ); //TODO here we can perhaps save memory - - VVP_INFO << "Finished..."; - - return mitkResult; -} - -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor.h deleted file mode 100644 index a93b3edb53..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,184 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor_h_include -#define mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor_h_include - - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - - -#include "mitkImageCast.h" -#include "mitkITKImageImport.h" -#include "mitkTransferFunctionProperty.h" - -#include -#include "mitkMaskImageFilter.h" -#include "mitkAutoCropImageFilter.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - -class MitkExt_EXPORT VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor : public itk::Object -{ -public: - - mitkClassMacro(VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor, itk::Object); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - - mitk::Image::Pointer Process( mitk::Image::Pointer originalCT, - mitk::Image::Pointer originalLiverMask ); - - - double GetEstimatedThreshold() const - { - return m_EstimatedThreshold; - } - - double GetMinThreshold() const - { - return m_MinThreshold; - } - - double GetMaxThreshold() const - { - return m_MaxThreshold; - } - - double GetLastUsedThreshold() const - { - return m_LastUsedTreshold; - } - - mitk::TransferFunction::Pointer GetInitialTransferFunction( ); - void UpdateTransferFunction( mitk::TransferFunction::Pointer tf , int treshold ); - - -protected: - - typedef itk::Image CTImage; - typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< CTImage > CTIteratorType; - typedef itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< CTImage > CTIteratorIndexType; - - typedef itk::Image BinImage; - typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< BinImage > BinIteratorType; - typedef itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< BinImage > BinIteratorIndexType; - - typedef itk::Image LabelImage; - typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< LabelImage > LabelIteratorType; - - - VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor(); - - ~VolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor(); - - - CTImage::Pointer Composite( CTImage::Pointer work, - BinImage::Pointer mask, - BinImage::Pointer dilated, - BinImage::Pointer eroded ); - - - void DetermineBoundingBox( BinImage::Pointer mask ); - - CTImage::Pointer Crop(CTImage::Pointer src ); - BinImage::Pointer Crop(BinImage::Pointer src ); - - - - - /**the original mask is decrease by 1 Voxel*/ - BinImage::Pointer Dilate(BinImage::Pointer src); - BinImage::Pointer Erode(BinImage::Pointer src); - CTImage::Pointer Gaussian(CTImage::Pointer src); - LabelImage::Pointer ConnectComponents(BinImage::Pointer src); - LabelImage::Pointer RelabelComponents(LabelImage::Pointer src); - BinImage::Pointer Threshold(CTImage::Pointer src, int threshold); - - - - - // grayvalue of voxel out of liver - double m_OutOfLiverValue; - - // grayvalue liver surface will be set to - double m_surfaceValue; - - // average of all grayvalues located on the liver surface - double m_realSurfaceValue; - - double m_realInLiverValue; - - //estimated treshold value - double m_EstimatedThreshold; - - double m_GreatestStructureThreshold; - - - //minimum treshold value - double m_MinThreshold; - - //maximum treshold value - double m_MaxThreshold; - - int m_MinX; - int m_MinY; - int m_MinZ; - - int m_MaxX; - int m_MaxY; - int m_MaxZ; - - int m_LastUsedTreshold; - - int histogramm[65536]; - int total; - - - int GetHistogrammValueFromTop( double part ); - int GetHistogrammValueFromBottom( double part ); - - -}; - - -} - -#endif // #define mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor_h_include diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkvtkImageStencilRaster.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkvtkImageStencilRaster.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9e6ee0088b..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkvtkImageStencilRaster.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -/*========================================================================= - - Program: Visualization Toolkit - Module: vtkImageStencilData.h - - Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen - All rights reserved. - See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. - - This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even - the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR - PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. - -=========================================================================*/ -// .NAME vtkImageStencilData - efficient description of an image stencil -// .SECTION Description -// vtkImageStencilData describes an image stencil in a manner which is -// efficient both in terms of speed and storage space. The stencil extents -// are stored for each x-row across the image (multiple extents per row if -// necessary) and can be retrieved via the GetNextExtent() method. -// .SECTION see also -// vtkImageStencilSource vtkImageStencil - -#ifndef __vtkImageStencilRaster_h -#define __vtkImageStencilRaster_h - -#include "vtkImageStencilData.h" -#include "vtkDataObject.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - - -//BTX -// Description: -// This is a helper class for stencil creation. It is a raster with -// infinite resolution in the X direction (approximately, since it uses -// double precision). Lines that represent polygon edges can be drawn -// into this raster, and then filled given a tolerance. -class MitkExt_EXPORT vtkImageStencilRaster -{ -public: - // Description: - // Create a raster with the specified whole y extent. - vtkImageStencilRaster(const int wholeExtent[2]); - - // Description: - // Destructor. - ~vtkImageStencilRaster(); - - // Description: - // Reset the raster to its original state, but keep the same whole - // extent. Pre-allocate the specified 1D allocateExtent, which must be - // within the whole extent. - void PrepareForNewData(const int allocateExtent[2] = 0); - - // Description: - // Insert a line into the raster, given the two end points. - // The "inflect1" and "inflect2" should be set if you want - // to add a small vertical tolerance to either endpoints. - void InsertLine(const double p1[2], const double p2[2], - bool inflect1, bool inflect2); - - // Description: - // Fill the specified extent of a vtkImageStencilData with the raster, - // after permuting the raster according to xj and yj. - void FillStencilData(vtkImageStencilData *data, const int extent[6], - int xj = 0, int yj = 1); - - // Description: - // The tolerance for float-to-int conversions. - void SetTolerance(double tol) { this->Tolerance = tol; } - double GetTolerance() { return this->Tolerance; } - -protected: - // Description: - // Ensure that the raster is initialized for the specified range - // of y values, which must be within the Extent. - void PrepareExtent(int ymin, int ymax); - - // Description: - // Insert an x point into the raster. If the y value is larger - // than the y extent, the extent will grow automatically. - void InsertPoint(int y, double x); - - int Extent[2]; - int UsedExtent[2]; - double **Raster; - double Tolerance; - -private: - vtkImageStencilRaster(const vtkImageStencilRaster&); // Not implemented. - void operator=(const vtkImageStencilRaster&); // Not implemented. -}; -//ETX - -#endif - - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkvtkLassoStencilSource.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkvtkLassoStencilSource.h deleted file mode 100644 index 89d70d21a1..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/mitkvtkLassoStencilSource.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -/*========================================================================= - - Program: Visualization Toolkit - Module: vtkLassoStencilSource.h - - Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen - All rights reserved. - See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. - - This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even - the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR - PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. - -=========================================================================*/ -// .NAME vtkLassoStencilSource - Create a stencil from a contour -// .SECTION Description -// vtkLassoStencilSource will create an image stencil from a -// set of points that define a contour. Its output can be -// used with vtkImageStecil or other vtk classes that apply -// a stencil to an image. -// .SECTION See Also -// vtkROIStencilSource vtkPolyDataToImageStencil -// .SECTION Thanks -// Thanks to David Gobbi for contributing this class to VTK. - -#ifndef __vtkLassoStencilSource_h -#define __vtkLassoStencilSource_h - - -#include "vtkImageStencilSource.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -class vtkPoints; -class vtkSpline; -class vtkLSSPointMap; - -class MitkExt_EXPORT vtkLassoStencilSource : public vtkImageStencilSource -{ -public: - static vtkLassoStencilSource *New(); - vtkTypeMacro(vtkLassoStencilSource, vtkImageStencilSource); - void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent); - -//BTX - enum { - POLYGON = 0, - SPLINE = 1, - }; -//ETX - - // Description: - // The shape to use, default is "Polygon". The spline is a - // cardinal spline. Bezier splines are not yet supported. - vtkGetMacro(Shape, int); - vtkSetClampMacro(Shape, int, POLYGON, SPLINE); - void SetShapeToPolygon() { this->SetShape(POLYGON); }; - void SetShapeToSpline() { this->SetShape(SPLINE); }; - virtual const char *GetShapeAsString(); - - // Description: - // The points that make up the lassoo. The loop does not - // have to be closed, the last point will automatically be - // connected to the first point by a straight line segment. - virtual void SetPoints(vtkPoints *points); - vtkGetObjectMacro(Points, vtkPoints); - - // Description: - // The slice orientation. The default is 2, which is XY. - // Other values are 0, which is YZ, and 1, which is XZ. - vtkGetMacro(SliceOrientation, int); - vtkSetClampMacro(SliceOrientation, int, 0, 2); - - // Description: - // The points for a particular slice. This will override the - // points that were set by calling SetPoints() for the slice. - // To clear the setting, call SetSlicePoints(slice, NULL). - virtual void SetSlicePoints(int i, vtkPoints *points); - virtual vtkPoints *GetSlicePoints(int i); - - // Description: - // Remove points from all slices. - virtual void RemoveAllSlicePoints(); - - // Description: - // Overload GetMTime() to include the timestamp on the points. - unsigned long GetMTime(); - -protected: - vtkLassoStencilSource(); - ~vtkLassoStencilSource(); - - virtual int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, - vtkInformationVector *); - - int Shape; - int SliceOrientation; - vtkPoints *Points; - vtkSpline *SplineX; - vtkSpline *SplineY; - vtkLSSPointMap *PointMap; - -private: - vtkLassoStencilSource(const vtkLassoStencilSource&); // Not implemented. - void operator=(const vtkLassoStencilSource&); // Not implemented. -}; - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkImageStencilRaster.cxx b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkImageStencilRaster.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 43d62a862c..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkImageStencilRaster.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,453 +0,0 @@ -/*========================================================================= - - Program: Visualization Toolkit - Module: vtkImageStencilData.cxx - - Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen - All rights reserved. - See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. - - This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even - the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR - PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. - -=========================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkvtkImageStencilRaster.h" - -#include "vtkImageStencilSource.h" -#include "vtkInformation.h" -#include "vtkInformationVector.h" -#include "vtkDemandDrivenPipeline.h" -#include "vtkDataSetAttributes.h" -#include "vtkDataArray.h" -#include "vtkObjectFactory.h" -#include "vtkMath.h" - -#include -#include - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// tolerance for float-to-int conversion in stencil operations - -#define VTK_STENCIL_TOL 7.62939453125e-06 - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -vtkImageStencilRaster::vtkImageStencilRaster(const int extent[2]) -{ - int rsize = extent[1] - extent[0] + 1; - - // the "raster" is a sequence of pointer-pairs, where the first pointer - // points to the first value in the raster line, and the second pointer - // points to one location past the last vale in the raster line. The - // difference is the number of x values stored in the raster line. - this->Raster = new double*[2*static_cast(rsize)]; - - // the extent is the range of y values (one line per y) - this->Extent[0] = extent[0]; - this->Extent[1] = extent[1]; - - // tolerance should be larger than expected roundoff errors - this->Tolerance = VTK_STENCIL_TOL; - - // no extent is used initially - this->UsedExtent[0] = 0; - this->UsedExtent[1] = -1; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -vtkImageStencilRaster::~vtkImageStencilRaster() -{ - if (this->UsedExtent[1] >= this->UsedExtent[0]) - { - size_t i = 2*static_cast(this->UsedExtent[0] - this->Extent[0]); - size_t imax = 2*static_cast(this->UsedExtent[1] - this->Extent[0]); - - do - { - if (this->Raster[i]) - { - delete [] this->Raster[i]; - } - i += 2; - } - while (i <= imax); - } - delete [] this->Raster; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkImageStencilRaster::PrepareForNewData(const int allocateExtent[2]) -{ - if (this->UsedExtent[1] >= this->UsedExtent[0]) - { - // reset and re-use the allocated raster lines - size_t i = 2*static_cast(this->UsedExtent[0]-this->Extent[0]); - size_t imax=2*static_cast(this->UsedExtent[1]-this->Extent[0]); - do - { - this->Raster[i+1] = this->Raster[i]; - i += 2; - } - while (i <= imax); - } - - if (allocateExtent && allocateExtent[1] >= allocateExtent[1]) - { - this->PrepareExtent(allocateExtent[0], allocateExtent[1]); - } -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkImageStencilRaster::PrepareExtent(int ymin, int ymax) -{ - // this does not do any allocation, it just initializes any - // raster lines are not already part of the UsedExtent, and - // then expands the UsedExtent to include [ymin, ymax] - - if (this->UsedExtent[1] < this->UsedExtent[0]) - { - size_t i = 2*static_cast(ymin - this->Extent[0]); - size_t imax = 2*static_cast(ymax - this->Extent[0]); - - do - { - this->Raster[i] = 0; - } - while (++i <= imax); - - this->UsedExtent[0] = ymin; - this->UsedExtent[1] = ymax; - - return; - } - - if (ymin < this->UsedExtent[0]) - { - size_t i = 2*static_cast(ymin - this->Extent[0]); - size_t imax = 2*static_cast(this->UsedExtent[0]-this->Extent[0]-1); - - do - { - this->Raster[i] = 0; - } - while (++i <= imax); - - this->UsedExtent[0] = ymin; - } - - if (ymax > this->UsedExtent[1]) - { - size_t i = 2*static_cast(this->UsedExtent[1]+1 - this->Extent[0]); - size_t imax = 2*static_cast(ymax - this->Extent[0]); - - do - { - this->Raster[i] = 0; - } - while (++i <= imax); - - this->UsedExtent[1] = ymax; - } -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkImageStencilRaster::InsertPoint(int y, double x) -{ - size_t pos = 2*static_cast(y - this->Extent[0]); - double* &rhead = this->Raster[pos]; - double* &rtail = this->Raster[pos+1]; - - // current size is the diff between the tail and the head - size_t n = rtail - rhead; - - // no allocation on this raster line yet - if (rhead == 0) - { - rhead = new double[2]; - rtail = rhead; - } - // grow whenever size reaches a power of two - else if (n > 1 && (n & (n-1)) == 0) - { - double *ptr = new double[2*n]; - for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - ptr[i] = rhead[i]; - } - delete [] rhead; - rhead = ptr; - rtail = ptr + n; - } - - // insert the value - *rtail++ = x; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkImageStencilRaster::InsertLine( - const double pt1[2], const double pt2[2], - bool inflection1, bool inflection2) -{ - double x1 = pt1[0]; - double x2 = pt2[0]; - double y1 = pt1[1]; - double y2 = pt2[1]; - - // swap end points if necessary - if (y1 > y2) - { - x1 = pt2[0]; - x2 = pt1[0]; - y1 = pt2[1]; - y2 = pt1[1]; - bool tmp = inflection1; - inflection1 = inflection2; - inflection2 = tmp; - } - - // find min and max of x values - double xmin = x1; - double xmax = x2; - if (x1 > x2) - { - xmin = x2; - xmax = x1; - } - - // check for parallel to the x-axis - if (y1 == y2) - { - return; - } - - double ymin = y1; - double ymax = y2; - - // if an end is an inflection point, include a tolerance - ymin -= inflection1*this->Tolerance; - ymax += inflection2*this->Tolerance; - - // Integer y values for start and end of line - int iy1, iy2; - iy1 = this->Extent[0]; - iy2 = this->Extent[1]; - - // Check for out of bounds - if (ymax < iy1 || ymin >= iy2) - { - return; - } - - // Guard against extentY - if (ymin >= iy1) - { - iy1 = vtkMath::Floor(ymin) + 1; - } - if (ymax < iy2) - { - iy2 = vtkMath::Floor(ymax); - } - - // Expand allocated extent if necessary - if (iy1 < this->UsedExtent[0] || - iy2 > this->UsedExtent[1]) - { - this->PrepareExtent(iy1, iy2); - } - - // Precompute values for a Bresenham-like line algorithm - double grad = (x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1); - double delta = (iy1 - y1)*grad; - - // Go along y and place each x in the proper raster line - for (int y = iy1; y <= iy2; y++) - { - double x = x1 + delta; - // incrementing delta has less roundoff error than incrementing x, - // since delta will typically be smaller than x - delta += grad; - - // clamp x (because of tolerance, it might not be in range) - if (x < xmin) - { - x = xmin; - } - else if (x > xmax) - { - x = xmax; - } - - this->InsertPoint(y, x); - } -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkImageStencilRaster::FillStencilData( - vtkImageStencilData *data, const int extent[6], int xj, int yj) -{ - if (xj != 0) - { - // slices are stacked in the x direction - int xmin = extent[2*xj]; - int xmax = extent[2*xj+1]; - int ymin = this->UsedExtent[0]; - int ymax = this->UsedExtent[1]; - int zmin = extent[0]; - int zmax = extent[1]; - - for (int idY = ymin; idY <= ymax; idY++) - { - size_t pos = 2*static_cast(idY - this->Extent[0]); - double *rline = this->Raster[pos]; - double *rlineEnd = this->Raster[pos+1]; - - if (rline == 0) - { - continue; - } - - vtkstd::sort(rline, rlineEnd); - - int xy[2]; - xy[2-xj] = idY; - - int lastr = VTK_INT_MIN; - - size_t l = rlineEnd - rline; - l = l - (l & 1); // force l to be an even number - for (size_t k = 0; k < l; k += 2) - { - double x1 = rline[k] - this->Tolerance; - double x2 = rline[k+1] + this->Tolerance; - - // make sure one of the ends is in bounds - if (x2 < xmin || x1 >= xmax) - { - continue; - } - - // clip the line segment with the bounds - int r1 = xmin; - int r2 = xmax; - - if (x1 >= xmin) - { - r1 = vtkMath::Floor(x1) + 1; - } - if (x2 < xmax) - { - r2 = vtkMath::Floor(x2); - } - - // ensure no overlap occurs with previous - if (r1 <= lastr) - { - r1 = lastr + 1; - } - lastr = r2; - - for (int idX = r1; idX <= r2; idX++) - { - xy[xj-1] = idX; - data->InsertNextExtent(zmin, zmax, xy[0], xy[1]); - } - } - } - } - else - { - // slices stacked in the y or z direction - int zj = 3 - yj; - int xmin = extent[0]; - int xmax = extent[1]; - int ymin = this->UsedExtent[0]; - int ymax = this->UsedExtent[1]; - int zmin = extent[2*zj]; - int zmax = extent[2*zj+1]; - - // convert each raster line into extents for the stencil - for (int idY = ymin; idY <= ymax; idY++) - { - size_t pos = 2*static_cast(idY - this->Extent[0]); - double *rline = this->Raster[pos]; - double *rlineEnd = this->Raster[pos+1]; - - if (rline == 0) - { - continue; - } - - vtkstd::sort(rline, rlineEnd); - - int lastr = VTK_INT_MIN; - - // go through each raster line and fill the stencil - size_t l = rlineEnd - rline; - l = l - (l & 1); // force l to be an even number - for (size_t k = 0; k < l; k += 2) - { - int yz[2]; - - yz[yj-1] = idY; - yz[2-yj] = zmin; - - double x1 = rline[k] - this->Tolerance; - double x2 = rline[k+1] + this->Tolerance; - - if (x2 < xmin || x1 >= xmax) - { - continue; - } - - int r1 = xmin; - int r2 = xmax; - - if (x1 >= xmin) - { - r1 = vtkMath::Floor(x1) + 1; - } - if (x2 < xmax) - { - r2 = vtkMath::Floor(x2); - } - - // ensure no overlap occurs between extents - if (r1 <= lastr) - { - r1 = lastr + 1; - } - lastr = r2; - - if (r2 >= r1) - { - data->InsertNextExtent(r1, r2, yz[0], yz[1]); - } - } - } - - // copy the result to all other slices - if (zmin < zmax) - { - for (int idY = ymin; idY <= ymax; idY++) - { - int r1, r2; - int yz[2]; - - yz[yj-1] = idY; - yz[2-yj] = zmin; - - int iter = 0; - while (data->GetNextExtent(r1, r2, xmin, xmax, yz[0], yz[1], iter)) - { - for (int idZ = zmin + 1; idZ <= zmax; idZ++) - { - yz[2-yj] = idZ; - data->InsertNextExtent(r1, r2, yz[0], yz[1]); - } - yz[2-yj] = zmin; - } - } - } - } -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkLassoStencilSource.cxx b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkLassoStencilSource.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index e86d4ad535..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkLassoStencilSource.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,610 +0,0 @@ -/*========================================================================= - - Program: Visualization Toolkit - Module: vtkLassoStencilSource.cxx - - Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen - All rights reserved. - See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. - - This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even - the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR - PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. - -=========================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkvtkLassoStencilSource.h" - -#include "vtkMath.h" -#include "vtkPoints.h" -#include "vtkCardinalSpline.h" -#include "vtkDataArray.h" -#include "vtkImageData.h" -#include "vtkImageStencilData.h" -#include "vtkInformation.h" -#include "vtkInformationVector.h" -#include "vtkObjectFactory.h" -#include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h" -#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" - -#include "mitkvtkImageStencilRaster.h" - -#include -#include - -vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkLassoStencilSource); -vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkLassoStencilSource, Points, vtkPoints); - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class vtkLSSPointMap : public vtkstd::map > -{ -}; - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -vtkLassoStencilSource::vtkLassoStencilSource() -{ - this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(0); - - this->Shape = vtkLassoStencilSource::POLYGON; - this->SliceOrientation = 2; - this->Points = NULL; - this->SplineX = vtkCardinalSpline::New(); - this->SplineY = vtkCardinalSpline::New(); - - this->PointMap = new vtkLSSPointMap(); -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -vtkLassoStencilSource::~vtkLassoStencilSource() -{ - this->SetPoints(NULL); - if (this->SplineX) - { - this->SplineX->Delete(); - this->SplineX = NULL; - } - if (this->SplineY) - { - this->SplineY->Delete(); - this->SplineY = NULL; - } - if (this->PointMap) - { - delete this->PointMap; - this->PointMap = NULL; - } -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkLassoStencilSource::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) -{ - this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); - - os << indent << "Shape: " << this->GetShapeAsString() << "\n"; - os << indent << "Points: " << this->Points << "\n"; - os << indent << "SliceOrientation: " << this->GetSliceOrientation() << "\n"; - os << indent << "SlicePoints: " << this->PointMap->size() << "\n"; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -const char *vtkLassoStencilSource::GetShapeAsString() -{ - switch (this->Shape) - { - case vtkLassoStencilSource::POLYGON: - return "Polygon"; - case vtkLassoStencilSource::SPLINE: - return "Spline"; - } - return ""; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -unsigned long int vtkLassoStencilSource::GetMTime() -{ - unsigned long mTime = this->vtkImageStencilSource::GetMTime(); - - if ( this->Points != NULL ) - { - unsigned long t = this->Points->GetMTime(); - if (t > mTime) - { - mTime = t; - } - } - - if ( !this->PointMap->empty() ) - { - vtkLSSPointMap::iterator iter = this->PointMap->begin(); - while ( iter != this->PointMap->end() ) - { - unsigned long t = iter->second->GetMTime(); - if (t > mTime) - { - mTime = t; - } - iter++; - } - } - - return mTime; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkLassoStencilSource::SetSlicePoints(int i, vtkPoints *points) -{ - vtkLSSPointMap::iterator iter = this->PointMap->find(i); - if (iter != this->PointMap->end()) - { - if (iter->second == points) - { - return; - } - else if (points == 0) - { - this->PointMap->erase(iter); - } - else - { - iter->second = points; - } - } - else - { - if (points == NULL) - { - return; - } - else - { - this->PointMap->insert(iter, vtkLSSPointMap::value_type(i, points)); - } - } - - this->Modified(); -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkLassoStencilSource::RemoveAllSlicePoints() -{ - this->PointMap->clear(); -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -vtkPoints *vtkLassoStencilSource::GetSlicePoints(int i) -{ - vtkLSSPointMap::iterator iter = this->PointMap->find(i); - if (iter != this->PointMap->end()) - { - return iter->second; - } - return NULL; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// tolerance for stencil operations - -#define VTK_STENCIL_TOL 7.62939453125e-06 - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Compute a reduced extent based on the bounds of the shape. -static void vtkLassoStencilSourceSubExtent( - vtkPoints *points, - const double origin[3], const double spacing[3], - const int extent[6], int subextent[6]) -{ - double bounds[6]; - points->GetBounds(bounds); - - for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) - { - double emin = (bounds[2*i] - origin[i])/spacing[i] - VTK_STENCIL_TOL; - double emax = (bounds[2*i+1] - origin[i])/spacing[i] + VTK_STENCIL_TOL; - - subextent[2*i] = extent[2*i]; - subextent[2*i+1] = extent[2*i+1]; - - if (extent[2*i] < emin) - { - subextent[2*i] = VTK_INT_MAX; - if (extent[2*i+1] >= emin) - { - subextent[2*i] = vtkMath::Floor(emin) + 1; - } - } - - if (extent[2*i+1] > emax) - { - subextent[2*i+1] = VTK_INT_MIN; - if (extent[2*i] <= emax) - { - subextent[2*i+1] = vtkMath::Floor(emax); - } - } - - } -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Rasterize a polygon into the stencil -static int vtkLassoStencilSourcePolygon( - vtkPoints *points, vtkImageStencilData *data, vtkImageStencilRaster *raster, - const int extent[6], const double origin[3], const double spacing[3], - int xj, int yj) -{ - // get the bounds of the polygon - int subextent[6]; - vtkLassoStencilSourceSubExtent(points, origin, spacing, extent, subextent); - - // allocate the raster - raster->PrepareForNewData(&subextent[2*yj]); - - // rasterize each line - vtkIdType n = points->GetNumberOfPoints(); - double p[3]; - double p0[2], p1[2], p2[2], p3[2]; - - points->GetPoint(n-1, p); - p0[0] = (p[xj] - origin[xj])/spacing[xj]; - p0[1] = (p[yj] - origin[yj])/spacing[yj]; - - points->GetPoint(0, p); - p1[0] = (p[xj] - origin[xj])/spacing[xj]; - p1[1] = (p[yj] - origin[yj])/spacing[yj]; - - double dx = p1[0] - p0[0]; - double dy = p1[1] - p0[1]; - if (dx*dx + dy*dy <= VTK_STENCIL_TOL*VTK_STENCIL_TOL) - { - n -= 1; - points->GetPoint(n-1, p); - p0[0] = (p[xj] - origin[xj])/spacing[xj]; - p0[1] = (p[yj] - origin[yj])/spacing[yj]; - } - - points->GetPoint(1, p); - p2[0] = (p[xj] - origin[xj])/spacing[xj]; - p2[1] = (p[yj] - origin[yj])/spacing[yj]; - - // inflection means the line changes vertical direction - bool inflection1, inflection2; - inflection1 = ( (p1[1] - p0[1])*(p2[1] - p1[1]) <= 0 ); - - for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - points->GetPoint((i+2)%n, p); - p3[0] = (p[xj] - origin[xj])/spacing[xj]; - p3[1] = (p[yj] - origin[yj])/spacing[yj]; - - inflection2 = ( (p2[1] - p1[1])*(p3[1] - p2[1]) <= 0 ); - - raster->InsertLine(p1, p2, inflection1, inflection2); - - p0[0] = p1[0]; p0[1] = p1[1]; - p1[0] = p2[0]; p1[1] = p2[1]; - p2[0] = p3[0]; p2[1] = p3[1]; - inflection1 = inflection2; - } - - raster->FillStencilData(data, extent, xj, yj); - - return 1; -} - - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Generate the splines for the given set of points. The splines -// will be closed if the final point is equal to the first point. -// The parametric value for the resulting spline will be valid over -// the range [0, tmax] where the tmax value is returned by reference. -static void vtkLassoStencilSourceCreateSpline(vtkPoints *points, - const double origin[3], const double spacing[3], - int xj, int yj, vtkSpline *xspline, vtkSpline *yspline, - double &tmax, double &dmax) -{ - // initialize the spline - xspline->RemoveAllPoints(); - yspline->RemoveAllPoints(); - xspline->ClosedOff(); - yspline->ClosedOff(); - - // get the number of points and the first/last point - vtkIdType n = points->GetNumberOfPoints(); - double p[3]; - double p0[2], p1[2]; - - points->GetPoint(n-1, p); - p0[0] = (p[xj] - origin[xj])/spacing[xj]; - p0[1] = (p[yj] - origin[yj])/spacing[yj]; - - points->GetPoint(0, p); - p1[0] = (p[xj] - origin[xj])/spacing[xj]; - p1[1] = (p[yj] - origin[yj])/spacing[yj]; - - // factor between real distance and parametric distance - double f = 1.0; - // the length of the implicit segment for closed loops - double lastd = 0; - - // aspect ratio - double xf = 1.0; - double yf = 1.0; - if (spacing[xj] > spacing[yj]) - { - xf = spacing[xj]/spacing[yj]; - } - else - { - yf = spacing[yj]/spacing[xj]; - } - - // if first and last point are same, spline is closed - double dx = (p1[0] - p0[0])*xf; - double dy = (p1[1] - p0[1])*yf; - double d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy; - while (d2 <= VTK_STENCIL_TOL*VTK_STENCIL_TOL && n > 1) - { - n -= 1; - points->GetPoint(n-1, p); - p0[0] = (p[xj] - origin[xj])/spacing[xj]; - p0[1] = (p[yj] - origin[yj])/spacing[yj]; - - xspline->ClosedOn(); - yspline->ClosedOn(); - - // vtkSpline considers the parametric length of the implicit - // segment of closed loops to be unity, so set "f" so that - // multiplying the real length of that segment by "f" gives unity. - dx = (p1[0] - p0[0])*xf; - dy = (p1[1] - p0[1])*yf; - d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy; - lastd = sqrt(d2); - if (lastd > 0) - { - f = 1.0/lastd; - } - } - - // Add all the points to the spline. - double d = 0.0; - for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - p0[0] = p1[0]; p0[1] = p1[1]; - - points->GetPoint(i, p); - p1[0] = (p[xj] - origin[xj])/spacing[xj]; - p1[1] = (p[yj] - origin[yj])/spacing[yj]; - - dx = (p1[0] - p0[0])*xf; - dy = (p1[1] - p0[1])*yf; - - d += sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); - - double t = f*d; - - xspline->AddPoint(t, p1[0]); - yspline->AddPoint(t, p1[1]); - } - - // Do the spline precomputations - xspline->Compute(); - yspline->Compute(); - - // The spline is valid over t = [0, tmax] - d += lastd; - tmax = f*d; - dmax = d; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Rasterize a spline contour into the stencil -static int vtkLassoStencilSourceSpline( - vtkPoints *points, vtkImageStencilData *data, vtkImageStencilRaster *raster, - const int extent[6], const double origin[3], const double spacing[3], - int xj, int yj, vtkSpline *xspline, vtkSpline *yspline) -{ - // create the splines - double tmax, dmax; - vtkLassoStencilSourceCreateSpline( - points, origin, spacing, xj, yj, xspline, yspline, tmax, dmax); - - if (dmax <= VTK_STENCIL_TOL) - { - return 1; - } - - // get the bounds of the polygon as a first guess of the spline bounds - int subextent[6]; - vtkLassoStencilSourceSubExtent(points, origin, spacing, extent, subextent); - - // allocate the raster - raster->PrepareForNewData(&subextent[2*yj]); - - // go around the spline - vtkIdType n = vtkMath::Floor(dmax)+1; - double delta = tmax/n; - - double p0[2], p1[2], p2[2], p3[2]; - - double t = tmax; - if (xspline->GetClosed()) - { - t = (n-1)*tmax/n; - } - else - { - n = n + 1; - } - - p0[0] = xspline->Evaluate(t); - p0[1] = yspline->Evaluate(t); - - t = 0; - p1[0] = xspline->Evaluate(t); - p1[1] = yspline->Evaluate(t); - - t = delta; - p2[0] = xspline->Evaluate(t); - p2[1] = yspline->Evaluate(t); - - // inflection means the line changes vertical direction - bool inflection1, inflection2; - inflection1 = ( (p1[1] - p0[1])*(p2[1] - p1[1]) <= 0 ); - - for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - t += delta; - if (i == n-2) - { - t = 0; - } - - p3[0] = xspline->Evaluate(t); - p3[1] = yspline->Evaluate(t); - - inflection2 = ( (p2[1] - p1[1])*(p3[1] - p2[1]) <= 0 ); - - raster->InsertLine(p1, p2, inflection1, inflection2); - - p0[0] = p1[0]; p0[1] = p1[1]; - p1[0] = p2[0]; p1[1] = p2[1]; - p2[0] = p3[0]; p2[1] = p3[1]; - inflection1 = inflection2; - } - - raster->FillStencilData(data, extent, xj, yj); - - return 1; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -static int vtkLassoStencilSourceExecute( - vtkPoints *points, vtkImageStencilData *data, vtkImageStencilRaster *raster, - int extent[6], double origin[3], double spacing[3], int shape, - int xj, int yj, vtkSpline *xspline, vtkSpline *yspline) -{ - int result = 1; - - if (points == 0 || points->GetNumberOfPoints() < 3) - { - return 1; - } - - switch (shape) - { - case vtkLassoStencilSource::POLYGON: - result = vtkLassoStencilSourcePolygon( - points, data, raster, extent, origin, spacing, xj, yj); - break; - case vtkLassoStencilSource::SPLINE: - result = vtkLassoStencilSourceSpline( - points, data, raster, extent, origin, spacing, xj, yj, - xspline, yspline); - break; - } - - return result; -} - - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkLassoStencilSource::RequestData( - vtkInformation *request, - vtkInformationVector **inputVector, - vtkInformationVector *outputVector) -{ - int extent[6]; - double origin[3]; - double spacing[3]; - int result = 1; - - this->Superclass::RequestData(request, inputVector, outputVector); - - vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0); - vtkImageStencilData *data = vtkImageStencilData::SafeDownCast( - outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); - - outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_EXTENT(), extent); - outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN(), origin); - outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::SPACING(), spacing); - - int slabExtent[6]; - slabExtent[0] = extent[0]; slabExtent[1] = extent[1]; - slabExtent[2] = extent[2]; slabExtent[3] = extent[3]; - slabExtent[4] = extent[4]; slabExtent[5] = extent[5]; - - int xj = 0; - int yj = 1; - int zj = 2; - - if (this->SliceOrientation == 0) - { - xj = 1; - yj = 2; - zj = 0; - } - else if (this->SliceOrientation == 1) - { - xj = 0; - yj = 2; - zj = 1; - } - - vtkImageStencilRaster raster(&extent[2*yj]); - raster.SetTolerance(VTK_STENCIL_TOL); - - int zmin = extent[2*zj]; - int zmax = extent[2*zj+1]; - - vtkLSSPointMap::iterator iter = this->PointMap->lower_bound(zmin); - vtkLSSPointMap::iterator maxiter = this->PointMap->upper_bound(zmax); - - while (iter != maxiter && result != 0) - { - this->SetProgress((slabExtent[2*zj] - zmin)*1.0/(zmax - zmin + 1)); - - int i = iter->first; - vtkPoints *points = iter->second; - - // fill in the slices with no SlicePoints - if (this->Points && i > slabExtent[2*zj]) - { - slabExtent[2*zj+1] = i-1; - - result = vtkLassoStencilSourceExecute( - this->Points, data, &raster, slabExtent, origin, spacing, - this->Shape, xj, yj, this->SplineX, this->SplineY); - } - - // do the slice with its SlicePoints - if (result) - { - slabExtent[2*zj] = i; - slabExtent[2*zj+1] = i; - - result = vtkLassoStencilSourceExecute( - points, data, &raster, slabExtent, origin, spacing, - this->Shape, xj, yj, this->SplineX, this->SplineY); - - slabExtent[2*zj] = slabExtent[2*zj+1] + 1; - } - - ++iter; - } - - this->SetProgress((slabExtent[2*zj] - zmin)*1.0/(zmax - zmin + 1)); - - // fill in the rest - if (result && slabExtent[2*zj] <= zmax) - { - slabExtent[2*zj+1] = zmax; - - result = vtkLassoStencilSourceExecute( - this->Points, data, &raster, slabExtent, origin, spacing, - this->Shape, xj, yj, this->SplineX, this->SplineY); - - this->SetProgress(1.0); - } - - return result; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkPointSetSlicer.cxx b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkPointSetSlicer.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 9b816fc9da..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkPointSetSlicer.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,818 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#include -#include - -#include "vtkPointSetSlicer.h" - -#include "vtkCellArray.h" -#include "vtkCellData.h" -#include "vtkDataSet.h" -#include "vtkDoubleArray.h" -#include "vtkFloatArray.h" -#include "vtkGenericCell.h" -#include "vtkMergePoints.h" -#include "vtkObjectFactory.h" -#include "vtkPointData.h" -#include "vtkPolyData.h" -#include "vtkPlane.h" -#include "vtkCutter.h" - -#include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h" - -#include "vtkInformation.h" -#include "vtkInformationVector.h" -#include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h" - -vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkPointSetSlicer); - -// Construct with user-specified implicit function; initial value of 0.0; and -// generating cut scalars turned off. -vtkPointSetSlicer::vtkPointSetSlicer(vtkPlane *cf) -{ - this->SlicePlane = cf; - this->GenerateCutScalars = 0; - this->Locator = 0; - - this->Cutter = vtkCutter::New(); - this->Cutter->GenerateValues( 1, 0, 1 ); - -} - -vtkPointSetSlicer::~vtkPointSetSlicer() -{ - this->SetSlicePlane(0); - if ( this->Locator ) - { - this->Locator->UnRegister(this); - this->Locator = NULL; - } - - this->Cutter->Delete(); -} - -void vtkPointSetSlicer::SetSlicePlane(vtkPlane* plane) -{ - if ( this->SlicePlane == plane ) - { - return; - } - if ( this->SlicePlane ) - { - this->SlicePlane->UnRegister(this); - this->SlicePlane = 0; - } - if ( plane ) - { - plane->Register(this); - this->Cutter->SetCutFunction(plane); - } - this->SlicePlane = plane; - this->Modified(); -} - -// Overload standard modified time function. If cut functions is modified, -// or contour values modified, then this object is modified as well. -unsigned long vtkPointSetSlicer::GetMTime() -{ - unsigned long mTime=this->Superclass::GetMTime(); - unsigned long time; - - if ( this->SlicePlane != 0 ) - { - time = this->SlicePlane->GetMTime(); - mTime = ( time > mTime ? time : mTime ); - } - - if ( this->Locator != 0 ) - { - time = this->Locator->GetMTime(); - mTime = ( time > mTime ? time : mTime ); - } - - return mTime; -} - -int vtkPointSetSlicer::RequestData( - vtkInformation * /*request*/, - vtkInformationVector **inputVector, - vtkInformationVector *outputVector) -{ - // get the info objects - vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0); - vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0); - - // get the input and ouptut - vtkDataSet *input = vtkDataSet::SafeDownCast( - inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); - vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast( - outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); - - vtkDebugMacro(<< "Executing cutter"); - - if (!this->SlicePlane) - { - vtkErrorMacro("No slice plane specified"); - return 0; - } - - if ( input->GetNumberOfPoints() < 1 ) - { - return 1; - } - - if (input->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_STRUCTURED_POINTS || - input->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_IMAGE_DATA) - { - if ( input->GetCell(0) && input->GetCell(0)->GetCellDimension() >= 3 ) - { - //this->StructuredPointsCutter(input, output, request, inputVector, outputVector); - return 1; - } - } - if (input->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_STRUCTURED_GRID) - { - if (input->GetCell(0)) - { - int dim = input->GetCell(0)->GetCellDimension(); - // only do 3D structured grids (to be extended in the future) - if (dim >= 3) - { - //this->StructuredGridCutter(input, output); - return 1; - } - } - } - if (input->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_RECTILINEAR_GRID) - { - - //this->RectilinearGridCutter(input, output); - return 1; - - } - - if (input->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID) - { - vtkDebugMacro(<< "Executing Unstructured Grid Cutter"); - this->UnstructuredGridCutter(input, output); - } - else - { - vtkDebugMacro(<< "Executing DataSet Cutter"); - //this->DataSetCutter(input, output); - } - - return 1; -} -int vtkPointSetSlicer::RequestUpdateExtent( - vtkInformation *, - vtkInformationVector **inputVector, - vtkInformationVector *) -{ - vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0); - inInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::EXACT_EXTENT(), 1); - return 1; -} -int vtkPointSetSlicer::FillInputPortInformation(int, vtkInformation *info) -{ - info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkDataSet"); - return 1; -} - -void vtkPointSetSlicer::UnstructuredGridCutter(vtkDataSet *input, vtkPolyData *output) -{ - vtkIdType cellId, i; - vtkDoubleArray *cellScalars; - vtkCellArray *newVerts, *newLines, *newPolys; - vtkPoints *newPoints; - vtkDoubleArray *cutScalars; - double s; - vtkIdType estimatedSize, numCells=input->GetNumberOfCells(); - vtkIdType numPts=input->GetNumberOfPoints(); - vtkIdType cellArrayIt = 0; - int numCellPts; - vtkPointData *inPD, *outPD; - vtkCellData *inCD=input->GetCellData(), *outCD=output->GetCellData(); - vtkIdList *cellIds; - int abortExecute = 0; - - double range[2]; - - // Create objects to hold output of contour operation - // - estimatedSize = (vtkIdType) pow ((double) numCells, .75); - estimatedSize = estimatedSize / 1024 * 1024; //multiple of 1024 - if (estimatedSize < 1024) - { - estimatedSize = 1024; - } - - newPoints = vtkPoints::New(); - newPoints->Allocate(estimatedSize,estimatedSize/2); - newVerts = vtkCellArray::New(); - newVerts->Allocate(estimatedSize,estimatedSize/2); - newLines = vtkCellArray::New(); - newLines->Allocate(estimatedSize,estimatedSize/2); - newPolys = vtkCellArray::New(); - newPolys->Allocate(estimatedSize,estimatedSize/2); - cutScalars = vtkDoubleArray::New(); - cutScalars->SetNumberOfTuples(numPts); - - // Interpolate data along edge. If generating cut scalars, do necessary setup - if ( this->GenerateCutScalars ) - { - inPD = vtkPointData::New(); - inPD->ShallowCopy(input->GetPointData());//copies original attributes - inPD->SetScalars(cutScalars); - } - else - { - inPD = input->GetPointData(); - } - outPD = output->GetPointData(); - outPD->InterpolateAllocate(inPD,estimatedSize,estimatedSize/2); - outCD->CopyAllocate(inCD,estimatedSize,estimatedSize/2); - - // locator used to merge potentially duplicate points - if ( this->Locator == NULL ) - { - this->CreateDefaultLocator(); - } - this->Locator->InitPointInsertion (newPoints, input->GetBounds()); - - // Loop over all points evaluating scalar function at each point - // - for ( i=0; i < numPts; i++ ) - { - s = this->SlicePlane->FunctionValue(input->GetPoint(i)); - cutScalars->SetComponent(i,0,s); - } - - // Compute some information for progress methods - // - vtkIdType numCuts = numCells; - vtkIdType progressInterval = numCuts/20 + 1; - int cut=0; - - vtkUnstructuredGrid *grid = (vtkUnstructuredGrid *)input; - vtkIdType *cellArrayPtr = grid->GetCells()->GetPointer(); - double *scalarArrayPtr = cutScalars->GetPointer(0); - double tempScalar; - cellScalars = cutScalars->NewInstance(); - cellScalars->SetNumberOfComponents(cutScalars->GetNumberOfComponents()); - cellScalars->Allocate(VTK_CELL_SIZE*cutScalars->GetNumberOfComponents()); - - // Three passes over the cells to process lower dimensional cells first. - // For poly data output cells need to be added in the order: - // verts, lines and then polys, or cell data gets mixed up. - // A better solution is to have an unstructured grid output. - // I create a table that maps cell type to cell dimensionality, - // because I need a fast way to get cell dimensionality. - // This assumes GetCell is slow and GetCellType is fast. - // I do not like hard coding a list of cell types here, - // but I do not want to add GetCellDimension(vtkIdType cellId) - // to the vtkDataSet API. Since I anticipate that the output - // will change to vtkUnstructuredGrid. This temporary solution - // is acceptable. - // - int cellType; - unsigned char cellTypeDimensions[VTK_NUMBER_OF_CELL_TYPES]; - vtkCutter::GetCellTypeDimensions(cellTypeDimensions); - int dimensionality; - // We skip 0d cells (points), because they cannot be cut (generate no data). - for (dimensionality = 1; dimensionality <= 3; ++dimensionality) - { - // Loop over all cells; get scalar values for all cell points - // and process each cell. - // - cellArrayIt = 0; - for (cellId=0; cellId < numCells && !abortExecute; cellId++) - { - numCellPts = cellArrayPtr[cellArrayIt]; - // I assume that "GetCellType" is fast. - cellType = input->GetCellType(cellId); - if (cellType >= VTK_NUMBER_OF_CELL_TYPES) - { // Protect against new cell types added. - vtkErrorMacro("Unknown cell type " << cellType); - cellArrayIt += 1+numCellPts; - continue; - } - if (cellTypeDimensions[cellType] != dimensionality) - { - cellArrayIt += 1+numCellPts; - continue; - } - cellArrayIt++; - - //find min and max values in scalar data - range[0] = scalarArrayPtr[cellArrayPtr[cellArrayIt]]; - range[1] = scalarArrayPtr[cellArrayPtr[cellArrayIt]]; - cellArrayIt++; - - for (i = 1; i < numCellPts; i++) - { - tempScalar = scalarArrayPtr[cellArrayPtr[cellArrayIt]]; - cellArrayIt++; - if (tempScalar <= range[0]) - { - range[0] = tempScalar; - } //if tempScalar <= min range value - if (tempScalar >= range[1]) - { - range[1] = tempScalar; - } //if tempScalar >= max range value - } // for all points in this cell - - int needCell = 0; - if (0.0 >= range[0] && 0.0 <= range[1]) - { - needCell = 1; - } - - if (needCell) - { - vtkCell *cell = input->GetCell(cellId); - cellIds = cell->GetPointIds(); - cutScalars->GetTuples(cellIds,cellScalars); - // Loop over all contour values. - if (dimensionality == 3 && !(++cut % progressInterval) ) - { - vtkDebugMacro(<<"Cutting #" << cut); - this->UpdateProgress (static_cast(cut)/numCuts); - abortExecute = this->GetAbortExecute(); - } - - this->ContourUnstructuredGridCell(cell, cellScalars, this->Locator, - newVerts, newLines, newPolys, inPD, outPD, - inCD, cellId, outCD); - } // if need cell - } // for all cells - } // for all dimensions (1,2,3). - - // Update ourselves. Because we don't know upfront how many verts, lines, - // polys we've created, take care to reclaim memory. - // - cellScalars->Delete(); - cutScalars->Delete(); - - if ( this->GenerateCutScalars ) - { - inPD->Delete(); - } - - output->SetPoints(newPoints); - newPoints->Delete(); - - if (newVerts->GetNumberOfCells()) - { - output->SetVerts(newVerts); - } - newVerts->Delete(); - - if (newLines->GetNumberOfCells()) - { - output->SetLines(newLines); - } - newLines->Delete(); - - if (newPolys->GetNumberOfCells()) - { - output->SetPolys(newPolys); - } - newPolys->Delete(); - - this->Locator->Initialize();//release any extra memory - output->Squeeze(); -} - -void vtkPointSetSlicer::ContourUnstructuredGridCell(vtkCell* cell, - vtkDataArray* cellScalars, vtkPointLocator* locator, - vtkCellArray* verts, vtkCellArray* lines, - vtkCellArray* polys, vtkPointData* inPd, - vtkPointData* outPd, vtkCellData* inCd, - vtkIdType cellId, vtkCellData* outCd) -{ - if (cell->GetCellType() == VTK_HEXAHEDRON) - { - static int CASE_MASK[8] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128}; - POLY_CASES *polyCase; - EDGE_LIST *edge; - int i, j, index, *vert; - volatile int pnum; - int v1, v2, newCellId; - double t, x1[3], x2[3], x[3], deltaScalar; - vtkIdType offset = verts->GetNumberOfCells() + lines->GetNumberOfCells(); - - // Build the case table - for ( i=0, index = 0; i < 8; i++) - { - if (cellScalars->GetComponent(i,0) >= 0) - { - index |= CASE_MASK[i]; - } - } - - polyCase = polyCases + index; - edge = polyCase->edges; - - // get the point number of the polygon - pnum = 0; - for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) - if (edge[i] > -1) pnum++; - else break; - - vtkIdType* pts = new vtkIdType[pnum]; - for (i=0; iGetComponent(vert[1],0) - - cellScalars->GetComponent(vert[0],0)); - if (deltaScalar > 0) - { - v1 = vert[0]; v2 = vert[1]; - } - else - { - v1 = vert[1]; v2 = vert[0]; - deltaScalar = -deltaScalar; - } - - // linear interpolation - t = ( deltaScalar == 0.0 ? 0.0 : (-cellScalars->GetComponent(v1,0)) / deltaScalar ); - - cell->GetPoints()->GetPoint(v1, x1); - cell->GetPoints()->GetPoint(v2, x2); - - for (j=0; j<3; j++) - { - x[j] = x1[j] + t * (x2[j] - x1[j]); - } - if ( locator->InsertUniquePoint(x, pts[i]) ) - { - if ( outPd ) - { - vtkIdType p1 = cell->GetPointIds()->GetId(v1); - vtkIdType p2 = cell->GetPointIds()->GetId(v2); - outPd->InterpolateEdge(inPd,pts[i],p1,p2,t); - } - } - } - - // check for degenerate polygon - std::vector pset; - for (i=0; i 2) - { - i = 0; - for (std::vector::iterator iter = pset.begin(); iter != pset.end(); iter++) - { - pts[i] = *iter; - i++; - } - newCellId = offset + polys->InsertNextCell(pset.size(),pts); - outCd->CopyData(inCd,cellId,newCellId); - } - delete [] pts; - - } - else - { - cell->Contour(0, cellScalars, locator, verts, lines, polys, - inPd, outPd, inCd, cellId, outCd); - } -} - -// Specify a spatial locator for merging points. By default, -// an instance of vtkMergePoints is used. -void vtkPointSetSlicer::SetLocator(vtkPointLocator *locator) -{ - if ( this->Locator == locator ) - { - return; - } - if ( this->Locator ) - { - this->Locator->UnRegister(this); - this->Locator = 0; - } - if ( locator ) - { - locator->Register(this); - } - this->Locator = locator; - this->Modified(); -} - -void vtkPointSetSlicer::CreateDefaultLocator() -{ - if ( this->Locator == 0 ) - { - this->Locator = vtkMergePoints::New(); - this->Locator->Register(this); - this->Locator->Delete(); - } -} - - -void vtkPointSetSlicer::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) -{ - this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); - - os << indent << "Slice Plane: " << this->SlicePlane << "\n"; - - if ( this->Locator ) - { - os << indent << "Locator: " << this->Locator << "\n"; - } - else - { - os << indent << "Locator: (none)\n"; - } - - os << indent << "Generate Cut Scalars: " - << (this->GenerateCutScalars ? "On\n" : "Off\n"); -} - -int vtkPointSetSlicer::edges[12][2] = { {0,1},{1,2},{3,2},{0,3}, - {4,5},{5,6},{7,6},{4,7}, - {0,4},{1,5},{2,6},{3,7} }; - -vtkPointSetSlicer::POLY_CASES -vtkPointSetSlicer::polyCases[256] = { - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 3, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 0, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 3, 8, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 1, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 0, 9, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 10, 9, 8, 3, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 2, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 2, 11, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 9, 8, 11, 2, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 1, 10, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 8, 11, 10, 1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 11, 10, 9, 0, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{8, 9, 10, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{4, 7, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 7, 4, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{9, 1, 3, 7, 4, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{11, 2, 0, 4, 7, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 2, 11, 7, 4, 9, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{4, 7, 11, 10, 9, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{5, 4, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 4, 5, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{8, 3, 1, 5, 4, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{10, 2, 0, 4, 5, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 3, 8, 4, 5, 10, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{5, 4, 8, 11, 10, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{5, 7, 8, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{9, 5, 7, 3, 0, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{8, 7, 5, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 3, 7, 5, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 10, 5, 7, 3, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 11, 7, 5, 1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{5, 7, 11, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{6, 5, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 5, 6, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{9, 0, 2, 6, 5, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{11, 3, 1, 5, 6, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 0, 9, 5, 6, 11, -1, -1}}, - {{6, 5, 9, 8, 11, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{6, 4, 9, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{10, 6, 4, 0, 1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{9, 4, 6, 2, 1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 0, 4, 6, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 8, 4, 6, 2, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 11, 6, 4, 0, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{6, 4, 8, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{6, 10, 9, 8, 7, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 10, -1, -1}}, - {{6, 10, 1, 3, 7, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{7, 8, 0, 2, 6, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 6, 7, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{6, 7, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{7, 6, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 6, 7, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{8, 0, 2, 6, 7, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{10, 1, 3, 7, 6, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 1, 10, 6, 7, 8, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{7, 6, 10, 9, 8, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{4, 6, 11, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{11, 6, 4, 0, 3, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{8, 4, 6, 2, 3, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 2, 6, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 9, 4, 6, 2, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 10, 6, 4, 0, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{4, 6, 10, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{5, 9, 8, 11, 6, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{5, 6, 11, 3, 0, 9, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{6, 11, 3, 1, 5, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{5, 9, 0, 2, 6, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 5, 6, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{5, 6, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{7, 5, 10, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{11, 7, 5, 1, 2, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{10, 5, 7, 3, 2, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 1, 5, 7, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 8, 7, 5, 1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 9, 5, 7, 3, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{7, 5, 9, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{4, 8, 11, 10, 5, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{4, 5, 10, 2, 3, 8, -1, -1}}, - {{5, 10, 2, 0, 4, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{4, 8, 3, 1, 5, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 4, 5, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{4, 5, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{7, 11, 10, 9, 4, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{7, 4, 9, 1, 2, 11, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{7, 11, 2, 0, 4, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{4, 9, 1, 3, 7, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 7, 4, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{7, 4, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{10, 11, 8, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 3, 11, 10, 9, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 0, 8, 11, 10, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 3, 11, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 1, 9, 8, 11, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 0, 8, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{2, 3, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 2, 10, 9, 8, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 2, 10, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{1, 2, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 1, 9, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{0, 1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{3, 0, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}, - {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}} -}; diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkPointSetSlicer.h b/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkPointSetSlicer.h deleted file mode 100644 index 26e1cb31f7..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Algorithms/vtkPointSetSlicer.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _VTKPOINTSETSLICER_H_ -#define _VTKPOINTSETSLICER_H_ - -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -#include "vtkVersion.h" - -class vtkCutter; -class vtkPlane; -class vtkPointLocator; -class vtkCell; -class vtkDataArray; -class vtkCellArray; -class vtkPointData; -class vtkCellData; - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -#include "vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h" - -class MitkExt_EXPORT vtkPointSetSlicer : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm -{ -public: - vtkTypeMacro(vtkPointSetSlicer,vtkPolyDataAlgorithm); - - void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, vtkIndent indent); - - // Description: - // Construct with user-specified implicit function; initial value of 0.0; and - // generating cut scalars turned off. - static vtkPointSetSlicer *New(); - - // Description: - // Override GetMTime because we delegate to vtkContourValues and refer to - // vtkImplicitFunction. - unsigned long GetMTime(); - - // Description - // Specify the implicit function to perform the cutting. - virtual void SetSlicePlane(vtkPlane*); - vtkGetObjectMacro(SlicePlane,vtkPlane); - - // Description: - // If this flag is enabled, then the output scalar values will be - // interpolated from the implicit function values, and not the input scalar - // data. - vtkSetMacro(GenerateCutScalars,int); - vtkGetMacro(GenerateCutScalars,int); - vtkBooleanMacro(GenerateCutScalars,int); - - // Description: - // Specify a spatial locator for merging points. By default, - // an instance of vtkMergePoints is used. - void SetLocator(vtkPointLocator *locator); - vtkGetObjectMacro(Locator,vtkPointLocator); - - // Description: - // Create default locator. Used to create one when none is specified. The - // locator is used to merge coincident points. - void CreateDefaultLocator(); - -protected: - vtkPointSetSlicer(vtkPlane* cf = 0); - ~vtkPointSetSlicer(); - - virtual int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *); - virtual int RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *); - virtual int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info); - - void UnstructuredGridCutter(vtkDataSet *input, vtkPolyData *output); - - void ContourUnstructuredGridCell(vtkCell* cell, - vtkDataArray* cellScalars, vtkPointLocator* locator, - vtkCellArray* verts, vtkCellArray* lines, - vtkCellArray* polys, vtkPointData* inPd, - vtkPointData* outPd, vtkCellData* inCd, - vtkIdType cellId, vtkCellData* outCd); - - vtkPlane *SlicePlane; - vtkCutter *Cutter; - - vtkPointLocator *Locator; - int GenerateCutScalars; - -private: - vtkPointSetSlicer(const vtkPointSetSlicer&); // Not implemented. - void operator=(const vtkPointSetSlicer&); // Not implemented. - - static int edges[12][2]; - - typedef int EDGE_LIST; - typedef struct { - EDGE_LIST edges[8]; - } POLY_CASES; - - static POLY_CASES polyCases[256]; -}; - - -#endif /* _VTKPOINTSETSLICER_H_ */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/CMakeLists.txt b/Modules/Ext/CMakeLists.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a1c32d30c0..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/CMakeLists.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -#if(WIN32) -# option(MITK_USE_TD_MOUSE "Enable support for 3D Connexion SpaceNavigator" OFF) -#endif(WIN32) - -configure_file(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/ToolExtensionITKFactory.cpp.in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/ToolExtensionITKFactory.cpp.in COPYONLY) -configure_file(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/ToolExtensionITKFactoryLoader.cpp.in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/ToolExtensionITKFactoryLoader.cpp.in COPYONLY) -configure_file(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/ToolGUIExtensionITKFactory.cpp.in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/ToolGUIExtensionITKFactory.cpp.in COPYONLY) - -MITK_CREATE_MODULE( - INCLUDE_DIRS Algorithms Controllers DataManagement Interactions IO Rendering - DEPENDS MitkDataTypesExt MitkImageExtraction MitkIpPicSupport - PACKAGE_DEPENDS ANN ITK|ITKConnectedComponents+ITKBinaryMathematicalMorphology - DEPRECATED_SINCE 2014.03 -) - -if(BUILD_TESTING) - add_subdirectory(Testing) -endif() - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Controllers/mitkTDMouseVtkCameraController.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Controllers/mitkTDMouseVtkCameraController.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 9cdcd2fd2f..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Controllers/mitkTDMouseVtkCameraController.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkTDMouseVtkCameraController.h" -#include "mitkVtkPropRenderer.h" -#include "vtkCamera.h" -#include "vtkRenderer.h" -#include "vtkTransform.h" -#include "mitkNumericTypes.h" -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "mitkStateEvent.h" -#include "mitkTDMouseEventThrower.h" -#include "mitkTDMouseEvent.h" -#include "mitkGlobalInteraction.h" -#include "vtkMath.h" - -const double TRANSLATIONSENSITIVITY = 2.0; -const double ROTATIONSENSIVITY = 3.5; -const double ANGLESENSITIVITY = 3.5; - - -mitk::TDMouseVtkCameraController::TDMouseVtkCameraController() -: CameraController("TDMouseInteraction") -{ - //activate and instanciate EventThrower - mitk::TDMouseEventThrower* thrower = mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::GetInstance(); - //add this to GlobalInteracion to listen to events - mitk::GlobalInteraction::GetInstance()->AddListener(this); - //connect method this->OnTDMouseEvent to StateMachineEventMechanism - CONNECT_ACTION(AcONTDMOUSEINPUT, OnTDMouseEvent); - CONNECT_ACTION(AcONTDMOUSEKEYDOWN, OnTDMouseKeyDown); - m_ClippingRangeIsSet = false; -} - -mitk::TDMouseVtkCameraController::~TDMouseVtkCameraController() -{ -} - -bool mitk::TDMouseVtkCameraController::OnTDMouseEvent(mitk::Action* a, const mitk::StateEvent* e) -{ - //only if 3D rendering - mitk::BaseRenderer const* br = this->GetRenderer(); - mitk::BaseRenderer::MapperSlotId id = ((mitk::BaseRenderer*)(br))->GetMapperID(); - if (id != mitk::BaseRenderer::Standard3D) - return true; - - //only if focused by the FocusManager - if (this->GetRenderer() != mitk::GlobalInteraction::GetInstance()->GetFocus()) - return true; - - //pre-checking for safety - vtkRenderer* vtkRenderer = ((mitk::VtkPropRenderer*)this->GetRenderer())->GetVtkRenderer(); - if (vtkRenderer == NULL) - return false; - - - vtkCamera* vtkCam = (vtkCamera*)vtkRenderer->GetActiveCamera(); - - if(!m_ClippingRangeIsSet) - vtkCam->SetClippingRange(0.1, 1000000); - - const mitk::TDMouseEvent* tdevent = dynamic_cast(e->GetEvent()); - if (tdevent == NULL) - { - std::cout<<"Wrong event for TDMouseCameraController!"<GetTranslation(); - mitk::Vector3D rotation = tdevent->GetRotation(); - mitk::ScalarType angle = tdevent->GetAngle(); - - //output for debug - //std::cout<<"translation: "<GetDataStorage(); - mitk::BoundingBox::Pointer bb = ds->ComputeBoundingBox(); - mitk::BoundingBox::AccumulateType length = bb->GetDiagonalLength2(); - if (length > 0.00001)//if length not zero - sceneSensivity *= 100.0 / (sqrt(length)) ; - - //sensivity to adapt to mitk speed - translation *= sceneSensivity * TRANSLATIONSENSITIVITY; - rotation *= sceneSensivity * ROTATIONSENSIVITY; - angle *= sceneSensivity * ANGLESENSITIVITY; - - //compute the global space coordinates from the relative mouse coordinate - //first we need the position of the camera - mitk::Vector3D camPosition; - double camPositionTemp[3]; - vtkCam->GetPosition(camPositionTemp); - camPosition[0] = camPositionTemp[0]; camPosition[1] = camPositionTemp[1]; camPosition[2] = camPositionTemp[2]; - - //then the upvector of the camera - mitk::Vector3D upCamVector; - double upCamTemp[3]; - vtkCam->GetViewUp(upCamTemp); - upCamVector[0] = upCamTemp[0]; upCamVector[1] = upCamTemp[1]; upCamVector[2] = upCamTemp[2]; - upCamVector.Normalize(); - - //then the vector to which the camera is heading at (focalpoint) - mitk::Vector3D focalPoint; - double focalPointTemp[3]; - vtkCam->GetFocalPoint(focalPointTemp); - focalPoint[0] = focalPointTemp[0]; focalPoint[1] = focalPointTemp[1]; focalPoint[2] = focalPointTemp[2]; - mitk::Vector3D focalVector; - focalVector = focalPoint - camPosition; - focalVector.Normalize(); - - //orthogonal vector to focalVector and upCamVector - mitk::Vector3D crossVector; - crossVector = CrossProduct(upCamVector, focalVector); - crossVector.Normalize(); - - //now we have the current orientation so we can adapt it according to the current information, which we got from the TDMouse - - //new position of the camera: - //left/right = camPosition + crossVector * translation[0]; - mitk::Vector3D vectorX = crossVector * -translation[0]; //changes the magnitude, not the direction - double nextCamPosition[3]; - nextCamPosition[0] = camPosition[0] + vectorX[0]; - nextCamPosition[1] = camPosition[1] + vectorX[1]; - nextCamPosition[2] = camPosition[2] + vectorX[2]; - - //now the up/down movement - mitk::Vector3D vectorY = upCamVector * translation[1]; //changes the magnitude, not the direction - nextCamPosition[0] += vectorY[0]; - nextCamPosition[1] += vectorY[1]; - nextCamPosition[2] += vectorY[2]; - - //forward/backward movement - mitk::Vector3D vectorZ = focalVector * -translation[2]; //changes the magnitude, not the direction - nextCamPosition[0] += vectorZ[0]; - nextCamPosition[1] += vectorZ[1]; - nextCamPosition[2] += vectorZ[2]; - - //set the next position - double nextPosition[3]; - nextPosition[0] = nextCamPosition[0]; nextPosition[1] = nextCamPosition[1]; nextPosition[2] = nextCamPosition[2]; - vtkCam->SetPosition(nextPosition); - - //adapt the focal point the same way - double currentFocalPoint[3], nextFocalPoint[3]; - vtkCam->GetFocalPoint(currentFocalPoint); - nextFocalPoint[0] = currentFocalPoint[0] + vectorX[0] + vectorY[0] + vectorZ[0]; - nextFocalPoint[1] = currentFocalPoint[1] + vectorX[1] + vectorY[1] + vectorZ[1]; ; - nextFocalPoint[2] = currentFocalPoint[2] + vectorX[2] + vectorY[2] + vectorZ[2]; - vtkCam->SetFocalPoint(nextFocalPoint); - - - //now adapt the rotation of the mouse and adapt the camera according to it - - //Pitch: - //Rotate the focal point about the cross product of the view up vector and the direction of - //projection, centered at the camera's position. - vtkCam->Pitch(rotation[0]*angle); - - //Yaw: - //Rotate the focal point about the view up vector centered at the camera's position. - //Note that the view up vector is not necessarily perpendicular to the direction of projection. - vtkCam->Yaw(rotation[1]*angle); - - //Roll: - //Rotate the camera about the direction of projection. - vtkCam->Roll(-rotation[2]*angle * 1.5);//*1.5 to speed up the rotation[2] a little bit - - //Recompute the ViewUp vector to force it to be perpendicular to camera->focalpoint vector. - //Unless you are going to use Yaw or Azimuth on the camera, there is no need to do this. - vtkCam->OrthogonalizeViewUp(); - - //no zooming, only translating to the front or back - // dolly: Move the position of the camera along the direction - // of projection. Moving towards the focal point (e.g., greater - // than 1) is a dolly-in, moving away from the focal point - // (e.g., less than 1) is a dolly-out. - //double distance = ((tdevent->GetTranslation())[1] / 10.0);//make it less sensitive in comparison to translation and rotatipn - //vtkCam->Dolly(1.0 + distance ); - - - //Reset the camera clipping range based on the bounds of the visible actors. - //This ensures that no props are cut off - vtkRenderer->ResetCameraClippingRange(); - - mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->ForceImmediateUpdate(mitk::GlobalInteraction::GetInstance()->GetFocus()->GetRenderWindow()); - - return true; -} - - -bool mitk::TDMouseVtkCameraController::OnTDMouseKeyDown(mitk::Action* a, const mitk::StateEvent* e) -{ - //reset the camera, so that the objects shown in the scene can be seen. - const mitk::VtkPropRenderer* glRenderer = dynamic_cast(m_Renderer); - if (glRenderer) - { - vtkRenderer* vtkRenderer = glRenderer->GetVtkRenderer(); - mitk::DataStorage* ds = m_Renderer->GetDataStorage(); - if (ds == NULL) - return false; - - mitk::BoundingBox::Pointer bb = ds->ComputeBoundingBox(); - - mitk::Point3D middle =bb->GetCenter(); - vtkRenderer->GetActiveCamera()->SetFocalPoint(middle[0],middle[1],middle[2]); - - vtkRenderer->ResetCamera(); - mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); - return true; - } - return false; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Controllers/mitkTDMouseVtkCameraController.h b/Modules/Ext/Controllers/mitkTDMouseVtkCameraController.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6daa75a49e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Controllers/mitkTDMouseVtkCameraController.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITKTDMOUSEVTKCAMERACONTROLLER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKTDMOUSEVTKCAMERACONTROLLER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkCameraController.h" - - -class vtkRenderWindow; - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief vtk-based camera controller -//## @ingroup NavigationControl -class TDMouseVtkCameraController : public CameraController -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(TDMouseVtkCameraController, CameraController); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - virtual bool OnTDMouseEvent(mitk::Action* a, const mitk::StateEvent* e); - virtual bool OnTDMouseKeyDown(mitk::Action* a, const mitk::StateEvent* e); - -protected: - /** - * @brief Default Constructor - **/ - TDMouseVtkCameraController(); - - /** - * @brief Default Destructor - **/ - virtual ~TDMouseVtkCameraController(); - - bool m_ClippingRangeIsSet; - - -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKTDMOUSEVTKCAMERACONTROLLER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterHierarchyHandling.dia b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterHierarchyHandling.dia deleted file mode 100644 index 0b1b1710bd..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterHierarchyHandling.dia and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterHierarchyHandling.png b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterHierarchyHandling.png deleted file mode 100644 index d1f9b31add..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterHierarchyHandling.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterRelatedClasses.dia b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterRelatedClasses.dia deleted file mode 100644 index fae3939b86..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterRelatedClasses.dia and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterRelatedClasses.png b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterRelatedClasses.png deleted file mode 100644 index ecc84b901d..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterRelatedClasses.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterTreeViewsGUI.png b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterTreeViewsGUI.png deleted file mode 100644 index 0c79c1e3e9..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/doc_mitkDataTreeFilterTreeViewsGUI.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/itkAffineGeometryFrame.h.dox b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/itkAffineGeometryFrame.h.dox deleted file mode 100644 index 1b563211c3..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/itkAffineGeometryFrame.h.dox +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -// copied here for documentation purposes -#ifdef DOXYGEN_SKIP -/*========================================================================= - - Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit - Module: $RCSfile: itkAffineGeometryFrame.h,v $ - Language: C++ - Date: $Date$ - Version: $Revision: 1.7 $ - - Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved. - See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details. - - This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even - the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR - PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. - -=========================================================================*/ -#ifndef __itkAffineGeometryFrame_h -#define __itkAffineGeometryFrame_h - -#include "itkObject.h" -#include "itkMacro.h" -#include "itkScalableAffineTransform.h" -#include "itkBoundingBox.h" - -namespace itk -{ - - /** \class AffineGeometryFrame - * \brief Describes the geometry of a data object - */ -template -class AffineGeometryFrame : public itk::Object -{ -public: - typedef AffineGeometryFrame Self; - typedef itk::Object Superclass; - typedef SmartPointer Pointer; - typedef SmartPointer ConstPointer; - - typedef ScalableAffineTransform TransformType; - typedef BoundingBox BoundingBoxType; - typedef typename BoundingBoxType::BoundsArrayType BoundsArrayType; - typedef typename BoundingBoxType::Pointer BoundingBoxPointer; - - /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - /** \brief Method for creation through the object factory. */ - itkTypeMacro(AffineGeometryFrame, Object); - - /** \brief Get the bounding box */ - itkGetConstObjectMacro(BoundingBox, BoundingBoxType); - - const BoundsArrayType GetBounds() const - { - assert(m_BoundingBox.IsNotNull()); - return m_BoundingBox->GetBounds(); - } - - /** \brief Set the bounding box Only possible via the BoundsArray - * to make clear that a copy of the bounding-box is stored, - * not a reference to it.*/ - virtual void SetBounds(const BoundsArrayType& bounds); - - /** \brief Get the extent of the bounding box */ - TScalarType GetExtent(unsigned int direction) const - { - assert(directionGetBounds(); - return bounds[direction*2+1]-bounds[direction*2]; - } - - /** \brief Set/Get the IndexToObjectTransform */ - itkGetConstObjectMacro(IndexToObjectTransform, TransformType); - itkGetObjectMacro(IndexToObjectTransform, TransformType); - itkSetObjectMacro(IndexToObjectTransform, TransformType); - - /** \brief Set/Get the ObjectToNodeTransform */ - itkGetConstObjectMacro(ObjectToNodeTransform, TransformType); - itkGetObjectMacro(ObjectToNodeTransform, TransformType); - itkSetObjectMacro(ObjectToNodeTransform, TransformType); - - /** \brief Set/Get the IndexToWorldTransform */ - itkGetConstObjectMacro(IndexToWorldTransform, TransformType); - itkGetObjectMacro(IndexToWorldTransform, TransformType); - itkSetObjectMacro(IndexToWorldTransform, TransformType); - - - /** \brief Get the IndexToNodeTransform - * This Transform cannot be set, and is just computed internally */ - itkGetConstObjectMacro(IndexToNodeTransform, TransformType); - - /** \brief Initialize the geometry frame */ - virtual void Initialize(); - -protected: - - AffineGeometryFrame(); - virtual ~AffineGeometryFrame(); - - /** \brief used in clone to initialize the newly created geometry */ - virtual void InitializeGeometry(Self * newGeometry) const; - void SetBoundsArray(const BoundsArrayType& bounds, - BoundingBoxPointer& boundingBox); - mutable BoundingBoxPointer m_BoundingBox; - - /** \brief Transform from unit coordinates to object coordinates */ - typename TransformType::Pointer m_IndexToObjectTransform; - typename TransformType::Pointer m_ObjectToNodeTransform; - typename TransformType::Pointer m_IndexToNodeTransform; - typename TransformType::Pointer m_IndexToWorldTransform; - -private: - AffineGeometryFrame(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - -}; - -} // namespace itk - -#endif /* __itkAffineGeometryFrame_h */ - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/itkSmartPointerVectorContainer.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/itkSmartPointerVectorContainer.h deleted file mode 100644 index 797a8c3ece..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/itkSmartPointerVectorContainer.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef __itkSmartPointerVectorContainer_h -#define __itkSmartPointerVectorContainer_h - -/* - - Defines a vector container just like from itkSmartPointerVectorContainer.h. - The important difference ist, that this vector holds SmartPointers - to object instead of objects themselves. - - Major difference to SmartPointerVectorContainer>: - - When you ask for a ConstIterator you won't get const SmartPointers, - but a list of const Object*. -*/ - -#include "itkObject.h" - -#include -#include - -namespace itk -{ - -/** \class SmartPointerVectorContainer - * Define a front-end to the STL "vector" container that conforms to the - * IndexedContainerInterface. This is a full-fleged Object, so - * there is modification time, debug, and reference count information. - * - * Template parameters for SmartPointerVectorContainer: - * - * TElementIdentifier = - * An INTEGRAL type for use in indexing the vector. - * - * TElement = - * The element type stored in the container. - * - * \ingroup DataRepresentation - */ -template < - typename TElementIdentifier, - typename TElement - > -class SmartPointerVectorContainer: - public Object, - public std::vector > /** difference: we handle smart pointers */ -{ -public: - /** Standard class typedefs. */ - typedef SmartPointerVectorContainer Self; - typedef Object Superclass; - typedef SmartPointer Pointer; - typedef SmartPointer ConstPointer; - - /** Save the template parameters. */ - typedef TElementIdentifier ElementIdentifier; - typedef TElement Element; - typedef const TElement ConstElement; - typedef itk::SmartPointer ElementPointer; - typedef const itk::SmartPointer ConstElementPointer; - -private: - /** Quick access to the STL vector type that was inherited. */ - typedef std::vector VectorType; - typedef typename VectorType::size_type size_type; - typedef typename VectorType::iterator VectorIterator; - typedef typename VectorType::const_iterator VectorConstIterator; - -protected: - /** Provide pass-through constructors corresponding to all the STL - * vector constructors. These are for internal use only since this is also - * an Object which must be constructed through the "New()" routine. */ - SmartPointerVectorContainer(): - Object(), VectorType() {} - SmartPointerVectorContainer(size_type n): - Object(), VectorType(n) {} - SmartPointerVectorContainer(size_type n, const Element& x): - Object(), VectorType(n, x) {} - SmartPointerVectorContainer(const Self& r): - Object(), VectorType(r) {} - template - SmartPointerVectorContainer(InputIterator first, InputIterator last): - Object(), VectorType(first, last) {} - -public: - - /** This type is provided to Adapt this container as an STL container */ - typedef VectorType STLContainerType; - - /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - /** Standard part of every itk Object. */ - itkTypeMacro(SmartPointerVectorContainer, Object); - - /** Convenient typedefs for the iterator and const iterator. */ - class Iterator; - class ConstIterator; - - /** Cast the container to a STL container type */ - STLContainerType & CastToSTLContainer() { - return dynamic_cast(*this); } - - /** Cast the container to a const STL container type */ - const STLContainerType & CastToSTLConstContainer() const { - return dynamic_cast(*this); } - - /** Friends to this class. */ - friend class Iterator; - friend class ConstIterator; - - class Iterator - { - public: - Iterator() {} - Iterator(size_type d, const VectorType* vec, const VectorIterator& i): m_Pos(d), m_Vector(vec), m_Iter(i) {} - - ElementPointer& operator* () { return *m_Iter; } - Element* operator-> () { return m_Iter == m_Vector->end() ? NULL : m_Iter->GetPointer(); } - ElementPointer& operator++ () { ++m_Pos; ++m_Iter; return *m_Iter; } - ElementPointer operator++ (int) { Iterator temp(*this); ++m_Pos; ++m_Iter; return *temp; } - ElementPointer& operator-- () { --m_Pos; --m_Iter; return *this; } - ElementPointer operator-- (int) { Iterator temp(*this); --m_Pos; --m_Iter; return *temp; } - - bool operator == (const Iterator& r) const { return m_Iter == r.m_Iter; } - bool operator != (const Iterator& r) const { return m_Iter != r.m_Iter; } - bool operator == (const ConstIterator& r) const { return m_Iter == r.m_Iter; } - bool operator != (const ConstIterator& r) const { return m_Iter != r.m_Iter; } - - /** Get the index into the SmartPointerVectorContainer associated with this iterator. */ - ElementIdentifier Index(void) const { return static_cast( m_Pos ); } - - /** Get the value at this iterator's location in the SmartPointerVectorContainer. */ - Element* Value(void) const { return m_Iter->GetPointer(); } - - private: - size_type m_Pos; - const VectorType* m_Vector; - VectorIterator m_Iter; - friend class ConstIterator; - }; - - class ConstIterator - { - public: - ConstIterator() {} - ConstIterator(size_type d, const VectorType* vec, const VectorConstIterator& i): m_Pos(d), m_Vector(vec), m_Iter(i) {} - ConstIterator(const Iterator& r): m_Pos(r.m_Pos), m_Vector(r.m_Vector), m_Iter(r.m_Iter) {} - - ConstElementPointer operator* () { return ConstElementPointer(m_Iter == m_Vector->end() ? NULL : m_Iter->GetPointer()); } - ConstElement* operator-> () { return m_Iter == m_Vector->end() ? NULL : m_Iter->GetPointer(); } - ConstElementPointer operator++ () { ++m_Pos; ++m_Iter; return ConstElementPointer(m_Iter == m_Vector->end() ? NULL : m_Iter->GetPointer()); } - ConstElementPointer operator++ (int) { ConstIterator temp(*this); ++m_Pos; ++m_Iter; return *temp; } - ConstElementPointer operator-- () { --m_Pos; --m_Iter; return ConstElementPointer(m_Iter == m_Vector->end() ? NULL : m_Iter->GetPointer()); } - ConstElementPointer operator-- (int) { ConstIterator temp(*this); --m_Pos; --m_Iter; return *temp; } - - ConstIterator& operator = (const Iterator& r) { m_Pos = r.m_Pos; m_Iter = r.m_Iter; return *this; } - - bool operator == (const Iterator& r) const { return m_Iter == r.m_Iter; } - bool operator != (const Iterator& r) const { return m_Iter != r.m_Iter; } - bool operator == (const ConstIterator& r) const { return m_Iter == r.m_Iter; } - bool operator != (const ConstIterator& r) const { return m_Iter != r.m_Iter; } - - /** Get the index into the SmartPointerVectorContainer associated with this iterator. */ - ElementIdentifier Index(void) const { return static_cast( m_Pos ); } - - /** Get the value at this iterator's location in the SmartPointerVectorContainer. */ - const Element* Value(void) const { return m_Iter->GetPointer(); } - - private: - size_type m_Pos; - const VectorType* m_Vector; - VectorConstIterator m_Iter; - friend class Iterator; - }; - - /** Declare the public interface routines. */ - ElementPointer& ElementAt(ElementIdentifier); - ConstElementPointer ElementAt(ElementIdentifier) const; // no need to return reference, because assignment not allowed! - ElementPointer& CreateElementAt(ElementIdentifier); - ConstElementPointer GetElement(ElementIdentifier) const; - void SetElement(ElementIdentifier, Element*); - void InsertElement(ElementIdentifier, Element*); - bool IndexExists(ElementIdentifier) const; - bool GetElementIfIndexExists(ElementIdentifier, Element**) const; - void CreateIndex(ElementIdentifier); - void DeleteIndex(ElementIdentifier); - ConstIterator Begin(void) const; - ConstIterator End(void) const; - Iterator Begin(void); - Iterator End(void); - unsigned long Size(void) const; - void Reserve(ElementIdentifier); - void Squeeze(void); - void Initialize(void); - -}; - -} // end namespace itk - -#ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION -#include "itkSmartPointerVectorContainer.txx" -#endif - -#endif - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/itkSmartPointerVectorContainer.txx b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/itkSmartPointerVectorContainer.txx deleted file mode 100644 index dc8d9feffd..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/itkSmartPointerVectorContainer.txx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -/*=================================================================== - -This file is based heavily on a corresponding ITK filter. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef _itkSmartPointerVectorContainer_txx -#define _itkSmartPointerVectorContainer_txx -#include "itkSmartPointerVectorContainer.h" - -#include "itkNumericTraits.h" - -namespace itk -{ - -/** - * Get a reference to the element at the given index. - * It is assumed that the index exists, and it will not automatically - * be created. - * - * It is assumed that the value of the element is modified through the - * reference. - */ -template -typename SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement >::ElementPointer& -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::ElementAt(ElementIdentifier id) -{ - this->Modified(); - return this->VectorType::operator[](id); -} - -/** - * Get a reference to the element at the given index. - * It is assumed that the index exists, and it will not automatically - * be created. - * - */ -template -const typename SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement >::ConstElementPointer -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::ElementAt(ElementIdentifier id) const -{ - return ConstElementPointer(this->VectorType::operator[](id)); -} - - -/** - * Get a reference to the element at the given index. - * If the element location does not exist, it will be created with a - * default element value. - * - * It is assumed that the value of the element is modified through the - * reference. - */ -template -typename SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement >::ElementPointer& -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::CreateElementAt(ElementIdentifier id) -{ - if(id >= this->VectorType::size()) - { - this->CreateIndex(id); - } - this->Modified(); - return this->VectorType::operator[](id); -} - - -/** - * Read the element from the given index. - * It is assumed that the index exists. - */ -template -const typename SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement >::ConstElementPointer -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::GetElement(ElementIdentifier id) const -{ - return ConstElementPointer(this->VectorType::operator[](id).GetPointer()); -} - - -/** - * Set the element value at the given index. - * It is assumed that the index exists. - */ -template -void -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::SetElement(ElementIdentifier id, Element* element) -{ - this->VectorType::operator[](id) = element; - this->Modified(); -} - - -/** - * Set the element value at the given index. - * If the element location does not exist, it will be created with a - * default element value. - */ -template -void -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::InsertElement(ElementIdentifier id, Element* element) -{ - if(id >= static_cast(this->VectorType::size())) - { - this->CreateIndex(id); - } - this->VectorType::operator[](id) = element; - this->Modified(); -} - - -/** - * Check if the index range of the STL vector is large enough to allow the - * given index without expansion. - */ -template -bool -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::IndexExists(ElementIdentifier id) const -{ - return (NumericTraits::IsNonnegative(id) - && (id < this->VectorType::size())); -} - - - -/** - * Check if the given index is in range of the STL vector. If it is not, - * return false. Otherwise, set the element through the pointer (if it isn't - * NULL), and return true. - */ -template -bool -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::GetElementIfIndexExists(ElementIdentifier id, Element** element) const -{ - if (NumericTraits::IsNonnegative(id) - && (id < this->VectorType::size())) - { - if(element) - { - *element = this->VectorType::operator[](id).GetPointer(); - } - return true; - } - return false; -} - - -/** - * Make sure that the index range of the STL vector is large enough to allow - * the given index, expanding it if necessary. The index will contain - * the default element regardless of whether expansion occured. - */ -template -void -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::CreateIndex(ElementIdentifier id) -{ - if(id >= static_cast(this->VectorType::size())) - { - /** - * The vector must be expanded to fit the - * new id. - */ - this->VectorType::resize(id+1); - this->Modified(); - } - else if(id > 0) - { - /** - * No expansion was necessary. Just overwrite the index's entry with - * the default element. - */ - this->VectorType::operator[](id) = NULL; - this->Modified(); - } -} - - -/** - * It doesn't make sense to delete a vector index. - * Instead, just overwrite the index with the default element. - */ -template -void -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::DeleteIndex(ElementIdentifier id) -{ - this->VectorType::operator[](id) = NULL; - this->Modified(); -} - - -/** - * Get a begin const iterator for the vector. - */ -template -typename SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement >::ConstIterator -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::Begin(void) const -{ - return ConstIterator(0, this, this->VectorType::begin()); -} - - -/** - * Get an end const iterator for the vector. - */ -template -typename SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement >::ConstIterator -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::End(void) const -{ - return ConstIterator(this->VectorType::size()-1, this, this->VectorType::end()); -} - - -/** - * Get a begin iterator for the vector. - */ -template -typename SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement >::Iterator -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::Begin(void) -{ - return Iterator(0, this, this->VectorType::begin()); -} - - -/** - * Get an end iterator for the vector. - */ -template -typename SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement >::Iterator -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::End(void) -{ - return Iterator(this->VectorType::size()-1, this, this->VectorType::end()); -} - - -/** - * Get the number of elements currently stored in the vector. - */ -template -unsigned long -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::Size(void) const -{ - return static_cast( this->VectorType::size() ); -} - - -/** - * Clear the elements. The final size will be zero. - */ -template -void -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::Initialize(void) -{ - this->VectorType::clear(); -} - - - -/** - * Tell the container to allocate enough memory to allow at least - * as many elements as the size given to be stored. This is NOT - * guaranteed to actually allocate any memory, but is useful if the - * implementation of the container allocates contiguous storage. - */ -template -void -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::Reserve(ElementIdentifier size) -{ - this->CreateIndex(size-1); -} - - -/** - * Tell the container to try to minimize its memory usage for storage of - * the current number of elements. This is NOT guaranteed to decrease - * memory usage. - */ -template -void -SmartPointerVectorContainer< TElementIdentifier , TElement > -::Squeeze(void) -{ -} - -} // end namespace itk - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkAffineTransformationOperation.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkAffineTransformationOperation.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 3e20f7dea5..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkAffineTransformationOperation.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkAffineTransformationOperation.h" - -mitk::AffineTransformationOperation::AffineTransformationOperation(OperationType operationType,Point3D point, ScalarType angle, int index) - : mitk::PointOperation(operationType, point, index), m_Angle(angle) -{ -} - -mitk::AffineTransformationOperation::~AffineTransformationOperation(void) -{ -} - -mitk::ScalarType mitk::AffineTransformationOperation::GetAngle() -{ - return m_Angle; -} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkAffineTransformationOperation.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkAffineTransformationOperation.h deleted file mode 100644 index 95171dd660..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkAffineTransformationOperation.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKAFFINETRANSFORMATIONOPERATION_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKAFFINETRANSFORMATIONOPERATION_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkPointOperation.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkNumericTypes.h" - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Operation, that holds everything necessary for an affine operation. -//## -//## @ingroup Undo -class MitkExt_EXPORT AffineTransformationOperation : public PointOperation -{ -public: - AffineTransformationOperation(OperationType operationType, Point3D point, ScalarType angle, int index); - virtual ~AffineTransformationOperation(void); - ScalarType GetAngle(); -protected: - ScalarType m_Angle; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKAFFINETRANSFORMATIONOPERATION_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkColorSequenceHalfTones.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkColorSequenceHalfTones.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index e613c942dc..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkColorSequenceHalfTones.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#include "mitkColorSequenceHalfTones.h" -#include -namespace mitk -{ - -ColorSequenceHalfTones::ColorSequenceHalfTones() -{ - m_ColorIndex = 0; - m_Color.SetRed(1.0); - m_Color.SetGreen(0.67); - m_Color.SetBlue(0.0); - InitColorList(); -}//end of constructor - - -ColorSequenceHalfTones::~ColorSequenceHalfTones() -{ - -}//end of destructor - -Color ColorSequenceHalfTones::GetNextColor() -{ - m_Color = m_ColorList[m_ColorIndex]; - - if(m_ColorIndex < m_ColorList.size()) - { - m_ColorIndex++; - } - else - { - m_ColorIndex = 0; - } - return m_Color; -}//end of GetNextMitkColor() - -void ColorSequenceHalfTones::InitColorList() -{ - - Color defaultColor, red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, orange; - defaultColor.Set(1.0, 0.67, 0.0); - red.Set(1.0, 0.6, 0.6); - green.Set(0.6, 1.0, 0.6); - blue.Set(0.6, 0.6, 1.0); - yellow.Set(1.0, 1.0, 0.6); - magenta.Set(1.0, 0.6, 1.0); - cyan.Set(0.6, 1.0, 1.0); - orange.Set(1.0, 0.8, 0.6); - //m_ColorList.push_back(defaultColor); - m_ColorList.push_back(red); - m_ColorList.push_back(yellow); - m_ColorList.push_back(blue); - m_ColorList.push_back(green); - m_ColorList.push_back(magenta); - m_ColorList.push_back(cyan); - m_ColorList.push_back(orange); - m_ColorList.push_back(defaultColor); - - -}// end of ColorList - -void ColorSequenceHalfTones::GoToBegin() -{ - m_ColorIndex = 0; -} - -}//end of namespace - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkColorSequenceHalfTones.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkColorSequenceHalfTones.h deleted file mode 100644 index 59c44d426b..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkColorSequenceHalfTones.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef MITKCOLORSEQUENCEHALFTONES_H_URTESEINDEUTIGEKENNUNG_03 -#define MITKCOLORSEQUENCEHALFTONES_H_URTESEINDEUTIGEKENNUNG_03 - -#include "mitkColorSequence.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - class MitkExt_EXPORT ColorSequenceHalfTones : public ColorSequence - { - public: - ColorSequenceHalfTones(); - virtual ~ColorSequenceHalfTones(); - - /*! - \brief method to return another color - */ - virtual Color GetNextColor(); - - /*! - \brief method to set the color-index to begin again - */ - virtual void GoToBegin(); - - - private: - /*! - \brief method that fills the pre-defnied colors - */ - void InitColorList(); - - /*! - \brief global color-object that holds the actual color and changes to the next one - */ - Color m_Color; - - /*! - \brief color-index to iterate through the colors - */ - unsigned int m_ColorIndex; - - /*! - \brief vector-List with all pre-defined colors - */ - std::vector m_ColorList; - - }; - -} - -#endif - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeFilterEvents.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeFilterEvents.h deleted file mode 100644 index 0eb74a6d85..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeFilterEvents.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,290 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITK_DATATREEFILTEREVENTS_H_INCLUDED -#define MITK_DATATREEFILTEREVENTS_H_INCLUDED - -#pragma GCC visibility push(default) -#include -#pragma GCC visibility pop -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -namespace mitk { - -//------ TreeFilterUpdateAllEvent -------------------------------------------------------- - -#pragma GCC visibility push(default) -itkEventMacro( TreeFilterUpdateAllEvent, itk::ModifiedEvent ); -itkEventMacro( TreeFilterRemoveAllEvent, itk::ModifiedEvent ); -#pragma GCC visibility pop - -//------ TreeFilterItemEvent ------------------------------------------------------------- - class MitkExt_EXPORT TreeFilterItemEvent : public itk::ModifiedEvent - { - public: - typedef TreeFilterItemEvent Self; - typedef itk::ModifiedEvent Superclass; - - TreeFilterItemEvent() - : m_ChangedItem( NULL ){} - - TreeFilterItemEvent( const mitk::DataTreeFilter::Item* item ) : - m_ChangedItem(item) {} - - virtual ~TreeFilterItemEvent() {} - - virtual const char * GetEventName() const - { - return "TreeFilterItemEvent"; - } - - virtual bool CheckEvent(const ::itk::EventObject* e) const - { - return dynamic_cast(e); - } - - virtual ::itk::EventObject* MakeObject() const - { - return new Self( m_ChangedItem ); - } - - const mitk::DataTreeFilter::Item* GetChangedItem() const - { - return m_ChangedItem; - } - - TreeFilterItemEvent(const Self& s) : itk::ModifiedEvent(s), m_ChangedItem(s.m_ChangedItem) {}; - - protected: - const mitk::DataTreeFilter::Item* m_ChangedItem; - - private: - void operator=(const Self&); - - }; - -//------ TreeFilterEvent -------------------------------------------------------- - class MitkExt_EXPORT TreeFilterNewItemEvent : public TreeFilterItemEvent - { - public: - typedef TreeFilterNewItemEvent Self; - typedef TreeFilterItemEvent Superclass; - - TreeFilterNewItemEvent() : TreeFilterItemEvent() {} - TreeFilterNewItemEvent(const mitk::DataTreeFilter::Item* item) : TreeFilterItemEvent(item) {} - - virtual ~TreeFilterNewItemEvent() {} - - virtual const char * GetEventName() const - { - return "TreeFilterNewItemEvent"; - } - - virtual bool CheckEvent(const ::itk::EventObject* e) const - { - return dynamic_cast(e); - } - - virtual ::itk::EventObject* MakeObject() const - { - return new Self( m_ChangedItem ); - } - - TreeFilterNewItemEvent(const Self& s) : TreeFilterItemEvent(s) {}; - - private: - void operator=(const Self&); - - }; - - -//------ TreeFilterItemAddedEvent -------------------------------------------------------- - class MitkExt_EXPORT TreeFilterItemAddedEvent : public TreeFilterItemEvent - { - public: - typedef TreeFilterItemAddedEvent Self; - typedef TreeFilterItemEvent Superclass; - - TreeFilterItemAddedEvent() : TreeFilterItemEvent() {} - TreeFilterItemAddedEvent(const mitk::DataTreeFilter::Item* item) : TreeFilterItemEvent(item) {} - - virtual ~TreeFilterItemAddedEvent() {} - - virtual const char * GetEventName() const - { - return "TreeFilterItemAddedEvent"; - } - - virtual bool CheckEvent(const ::itk::EventObject* e) const - { - return dynamic_cast(e); - } - - virtual ::itk::EventObject* MakeObject() const - { - return new Self( m_ChangedItem ); - } - - TreeFilterItemAddedEvent(const Self& s) : TreeFilterItemEvent(s) {}; - - private: - void operator=(const Self&); - - }; - -//------ TreeFilterSelectionChangedEvent ------------------------------------------------- - class MitkExt_EXPORT TreeFilterSelectionChangedEvent : public TreeFilterItemEvent - { - public: - typedef TreeFilterSelectionChangedEvent Self; - typedef TreeFilterItemEvent Superclass; - - TreeFilterSelectionChangedEvent() : TreeFilterItemEvent() {} - TreeFilterSelectionChangedEvent(const mitk::DataTreeFilter::Item* item, bool selected) : TreeFilterItemEvent(item), m_Selected(selected) {} - - virtual ~TreeFilterSelectionChangedEvent() {} - - virtual const char * GetEventName() const - { - return "TreeFilterSelectionChangedEvent"; - } - - virtual bool CheckEvent(const ::itk::EventObject* e) const - { - return dynamic_cast(e); - } - - virtual ::itk::EventObject* MakeObject() const - { - return new Self( m_ChangedItem, m_Selected ); - } - - virtual bool IsSelected() const { return m_Selected; } - - TreeFilterSelectionChangedEvent(const Self&s) : TreeFilterItemEvent(s) {}; - private: - void operator=(const Self&); - - bool m_Selected; - - }; - - //------ TreeFilterItemChangedEvent ------------------------------------------------------ - class MitkExt_EXPORT TreeFilterItemChangedEvent : public TreeFilterItemEvent - { - public: - typedef TreeFilterItemChangedEvent Self; - typedef TreeFilterItemEvent Superclass; - - TreeFilterItemChangedEvent() : TreeFilterItemEvent() {} - TreeFilterItemChangedEvent(const mitk::DataTreeFilter::Item* item) : TreeFilterItemEvent(item) {} - - virtual ~TreeFilterItemChangedEvent() {} - - virtual const char * GetEventName() const - { - return "TreeFilterItemChangedEvent"; - } - - virtual bool CheckEvent(const ::itk::EventObject* e) const - { - return dynamic_cast(e); - } - - virtual ::itk::EventObject* MakeObject() const - { - return new Self( m_ChangedItem ); - } - - TreeFilterItemChangedEvent(const Self&s) : TreeFilterItemEvent(s) {}; - - private: - void operator=(const Self&); - - }; - -//------ TreeFilterRemoveItemEvent ------------------------------------------------------- - class MitkExt_EXPORT TreeFilterRemoveItemEvent : public TreeFilterItemEvent - { - public: - typedef TreeFilterRemoveItemEvent Self; - typedef TreeFilterItemEvent Superclass; - - TreeFilterRemoveItemEvent() : TreeFilterItemEvent() {} - TreeFilterRemoveItemEvent(const mitk::DataTreeFilter::Item* item) : TreeFilterItemEvent(item) {} - - virtual ~TreeFilterRemoveItemEvent() {} - - virtual const char * GetEventName() const - { - return "TreeFilterRemoveItemEvent"; - } - - virtual bool CheckEvent(const ::itk::EventObject* e) const - { - return dynamic_cast(e); - } - - virtual ::itk::EventObject* MakeObject() const - { - return new Self( m_ChangedItem ); - } - - TreeFilterRemoveItemEvent(const Self&s) : TreeFilterItemEvent(s) {}; - - private: - void operator=(const Self&); - - }; - -//------ TreeFilterRemoveChildrenEvent ------------------------------------------------------- - class MitkExt_EXPORT TreeFilterRemoveChildrenEvent : public TreeFilterItemEvent - { - public: - typedef TreeFilterRemoveChildrenEvent Self; - typedef TreeFilterItemEvent Superclass; - - TreeFilterRemoveChildrenEvent() : TreeFilterItemEvent() {} - TreeFilterRemoveChildrenEvent(const mitk::DataTreeFilter::Item* item) : TreeFilterItemEvent(item) {} - - virtual ~TreeFilterRemoveChildrenEvent() {} - - virtual const char * GetEventName() const - { - return "TreeFilterRemoveChildrenEvent"; - } - - virtual bool CheckEvent(const ::itk::EventObject* e) const - { - return dynamic_cast(e); - } - - virtual ::itk::EventObject* MakeObject() const - { - return new Self( m_ChangedItem ); - } - - TreeFilterRemoveChildrenEvent(const Self&s) : TreeFilterItemEvent(s) {}; - - private: - void operator=(const Self&); - - }; -} - -#endif - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeFilterFunctions.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeFilterFunctions.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index f9cafd5028..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeFilterFunctions.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include -#include "mitkDataNode.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - -bool DataTreeFilterFunction::operator()(DataNode* node) const -{ - return NodeMatches(node); -} - -bool IsDataNode::NodeMatches(DataNode* node) const -{ - return ( node != NULL ); -} - -DataTreeFilterFunction* IsDataNode::Clone() const -{ - return new IsDataNode(); -} - -bool IsGoodDataNode::NodeMatches(DataNode* node) const -{ - return ( node != NULL && node->GetData() ); -} - -DataTreeFilterFunction* IsGoodDataNode::Clone() const -{ - return new IsGoodDataNode(); -} - -bool IsInResultSet::NodeMatches(DataNode* node) const -{ - if ((node == NULL) || (m_ResultSet.empty())) - return false; - - return (std::find(m_ResultSet.begin(), m_ResultSet.end(), node) != m_ResultSet.end()); // search for node in resultset -} - -DataTreeFilterFunction* IsInResultSet::Clone() const -{ - return new IsInResultSet(m_ResultSet); -} - -} // namespace - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeFilterFunctions.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeFilterFunctions.h deleted file mode 100644 index 76bd5d9dae..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeFilterFunctions.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,330 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITK_DATATREEFILTERFUNCTOINS_H_INCLUDED -#define MITK_DATATREEFILTERFUNCTOINS_H_INCLUDED - -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - class DataNode; - - /*! \brief Base class for all filter function that are accepted by mitk::DataTreeFilter. - - Subclasses are required to implement the Clone() method, which should return a copy of - the object, and the NodeMatches() method. NodeMatches() will receive a - mitk::DataNode* everytime it is called, and should return true. This pointer can be NULL. - */ - class MitkExt_EXPORT DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - virtual ~DataTreeFilterFunction() {} - virtual bool operator()(DataNode*) const; - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode*) const = 0; - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const = 0; - }; - - /*! \brief tests the data entry of nodes for a specific type (given here as template parameter). - - To be used with mitk::DataTreeFilter, e.g. - \code - treeFilter->SetFilter( mitk::IsBaseDataType() ); - \endcode - */ - template - class IsBaseDataType : public DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode* node) const - { - return ( node != NULL && node->GetData() && dynamic_cast(node->GetData()) ); - } - - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const - { - return new IsBaseDataType(); - } - - virtual ~IsBaseDataType() {} - }; - - /*! \brief Tests the data entry of nodes for a specific type (given here as template parameter) AND having a given property. - - To be used with mitk::DataTreeFilter, e.g. - \code - treeFilter->SetFilter( mitk::IsBaseDataTypeWithProperty("volume") ); - \endcode - */ - template - class IsBaseDataTypeWithProperty : public DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - - IsBaseDataTypeWithProperty(const char* propertyName) - :m_PropertyName(propertyName) - { - } - - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode* node) const - { - return ( node != NULL && node->GetData() // node is not NULL, and node->GetData is also not NULL - && dynamic_cast(node->GetData() ) // data is of a certain type - && ( node->GetProperty(m_PropertyName.c_str())!= NULL // there is a certain property - ) - ); - } - - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const - { - return new IsBaseDataTypeWithProperty(m_PropertyName.c_str()); - } - - virtual ~IsBaseDataTypeWithProperty() {} - - private: - - std::string m_PropertyName; - }; - - /*! \brief Tests the data entry of nodes for a specific type (given here as template parameter) AND having a TRUE BoolProperty. - - To be used with mitk::DataTreeFilter, e.g. - \code - treeFilter->SetFilter( mitk::IsBaseDataTypeWithBoolProperty("segmentation") ); - \endcode - */ - template - class IsBaseDataTypeWithBoolProperty : public DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - - IsBaseDataTypeWithBoolProperty(const char* propertyName) - :m_PropertyName(propertyName) - { - } - - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode* node) const - { - bool propVal(false); - return ( node != NULL && node->GetData() // node is not NULL, and node->GetData is also not NULL - && dynamic_cast( node->GetData() ) // data is of a certain type - && node->GetPropertyValue(m_PropertyName.c_str(), propVal) // there is a certain BoolProperty - && propVal - ); - } - - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const - { - return new IsBaseDataTypeWithBoolProperty(m_PropertyName.c_str()); - } - - virtual ~IsBaseDataTypeWithBoolProperty() {} - - private: - - std::string m_PropertyName; - }; - - - /*! \brief Tests the data entry of nodes for a specific type (given here as template parameter) AND for NOT having a given property (or it being a false bool property). - - To be used with mitk::DataTreeFilter, e.g. - \code - treeFilter->SetFilter( mitk::IsBaseDataTypeWithoutProperty("segmentation") ); - \endcode - */ - template - class IsBaseDataTypeWithoutProperty : public DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - - IsBaseDataTypeWithoutProperty(const char* propertyName) - :m_PropertyName(propertyName) - { - } - - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode* node) const - { - bool propVal(false); - bool propertyExists(false); - - if (node) - propertyExists = node->GetPropertyValue(m_PropertyName.c_str(), propVal ); - - return ( node != NULL && node->GetData() // node is not NULL, and node->GetData is also not NULL - && dynamic_cast(node->GetData() ) // data is of a certain type - && ( !propertyExists || !propVal )); // the property does not exist, OR its value is false - } - - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const - { - return new IsBaseDataTypeWithoutProperty(m_PropertyName.c_str()); - } - - virtual ~IsBaseDataTypeWithoutProperty() {} - - private: - - std::string m_PropertyName; - }; - - - // some default filters in mitk:: namespace for use by clients of mitk::DataTreeFilter - - /*! \brief Accepts all nodes (accepts nodes that are not NULL). - - To be used with mitk::DataTreeFilter, e.g. - \code - treeFilter->SetFilter( mitk::IsBaseDataTypeWithoutProperty("segmentation") ); - \endcode - */ - class MitkExt_EXPORT IsDataNode : public DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - virtual ~IsDataNode() {} - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode*) const; - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const; - }; - - /*! \brief Accepts all data objects (accepts nodes that have associated mitk::BaseData (tested via GetData)). - - To be used with mitk::DataTreeFilter, e.g. - \code - treeFilter->SetFilter( mitk::IsBaseDataTypeWithoutProperty("segmentation") ); - \endcode - */ - class MitkExt_EXPORT IsGoodDataNode : public DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - virtual ~IsGoodDataNode() {} - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode*) const; - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const; - }; - - /*! \brief Accepts all data objects (accepts nodes that have associated mitk::BaseData (tested via GetData)). - - To be used with mitk::DataTreeFilter, e.g. - \code - treeFilter->SetFilter( mitk::IsBaseDataTypeWithoutProperty("segmentation") ); - \endcode - */ - class MitkExt_EXPORT IsInResultSet : public DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - IsInResultSet( std::set rs ) - :m_ResultSet(rs) - { - } - - IsInResultSet(const DataStorage::SetOfObjects* rs) - { - if (rs) - { - for (DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator iter = rs->begin(); - iter != rs->end(); - ++iter) - { - m_ResultSet.insert( iter->GetPointer() ); - } - } - } - - virtual ~IsInResultSet() {} - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode*) const; - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const; - protected: - //DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer m_ResultSet; - std::set m_ResultSet; - }; - - /*! \brief Tests if the node contains an image with a specified dimensionality (template parameter) - - To be used with mitk::DataTreeFilter, e.g. - \code - treeFilter->SetFilter( mitk::ImageWithDimensionAndProperty<3>("volume") ); - \endcode - */ - template - class IsImageWithDimensionAndWithoutProperty : public DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - - IsImageWithDimensionAndWithoutProperty(const char* propertyName) - :m_PropertyName(propertyName) - { - } - - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode* node) const - { - return ( node != NULL && node->GetData() // node is not NULL, and node->GetData is also not NULL - && dynamic_cast(node->GetData() ) // data is an image - && (dynamic_cast(node->GetData() )->GetDimension() == DIM) - && ( node->GetProperty(m_PropertyName.c_str()) == NULL // there is a certain property - ) - ); - } - - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const - { - return new IsImageWithDimensionAndWithoutProperty(m_PropertyName.c_str()); - } - - virtual ~IsImageWithDimensionAndWithoutProperty() {} - - private: - - std::string m_PropertyName; - }; - - /*! \brief Tests if the node contains an image with a dimensionality greater or equal to the template parameter - - To be used with mitk::DataTreeFilter, e.g. - \code - treeFilter->SetFilter( mitk::IsImageWithMinimumDimension<3>() ); - \endcode - */ - template - class IsImageWithMinimumDimension : public DataTreeFilterFunction - { - public: - - virtual bool NodeMatches(DataNode* node) const - { - return ( node != NULL && node->GetData() // node is not NULL, and node->GetData is also not NULL - && dynamic_cast(node->GetData() ) // data is an image - && (dynamic_cast(node->GetData() )->GetDimension() >= DIM) - ); - } - - virtual DataTreeFilterFunction* Clone() const - { - return new IsImageWithMinimumDimension(); - } - - virtual ~IsImageWithMinimumDimension() {} - }; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif -// vi: textwidth=90 - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeHelper.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeHelper.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 76249f7b7a..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDataTreeHelper.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkDataTreeHelper.h" - -mitk::DataTreeIteratorClone mitk::DataTreeHelper::FindIteratorToNode( - mitk::DataTreeBase* tree, - const mitk::DataNode* node) -{ - if(tree == NULL) - return NULL; - - DataTreeIteratorClone pos = DataTreePreOrderIterator(tree); - - while ( !pos->IsAtEnd() ) - { - if ( pos->Get().GetPointer() == node ) - return pos; - ++pos; - } - return pos; -} - -mitk::DataTreeIteratorClone mitk::DataTreeHelper::FindIteratorToNode( - const mitk::DataTreeIteratorBase* startPosition, - const mitk::DataNode* node - ) -{ - DataTreeIteratorClone pos = *startPosition; - - while ( !pos->IsAtEnd() ) - { - if ( pos->Get().GetPointer() == node ) - return pos; - ++pos; - } - return pos; -} - -mitk::DataTreeIteratorClone mitk::DataTreeHelper::GetNamedChild(mitk::DataTreeIteratorBase* iterator, std::string name) -{ - mitk::DataTreeChildIterator childIterator(*iterator); - while (! childIterator.IsAtEnd() ) - { - mitk::DataNode* node = childIterator.Get(); - std::string nodeName; - if (node && node->GetName(nodeName)) - { - if (nodeName == name) - { - return DataTreeIteratorClone(childIterator); - } - } - ++childIterator; - } - return DataTreeIteratorClone(NULL); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDelegateManager.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDelegateManager.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 0029551f1b..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDelegateManager.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkDelegateManager.h" - -mitk::DelegateManager::DelegateManager() -{ -} -mitk::DelegateManager* mitk::DelegateManager::GetInstance() -{ - static mitk::DelegateManager _DelegateManager; - return &_DelegateManager; -} - -void mitk::DelegateManager::SetCommand( const std::string& _CommandID, mitk::MessageAbstractDelegate<>* _Command) -{ - MessageAbstractDelegate<>* _ExistingCommand = this->GetCommand(_CommandID); - // delete existing MessageAbstractDelegate for id, but only if the existing MessageAbstractDelegate is not the same as the - // MessageAbstractDelegate parameter - if(_ExistingCommand && _ExistingCommand != _Command) - { - m_CommandMap.erase(_CommandID); - delete _ExistingCommand; - _ExistingCommand = 0; - } - m_CommandMap[_CommandID] = _Command; -} - -bool mitk::DelegateManager::RemoveCommand( const std::string& _CommandID ) -{ - MessageAbstractDelegate<>* _ExistingCommand = this->GetCommand(_CommandID); - if(_ExistingCommand) - { - m_CommandMap.erase(_CommandID); - delete _ExistingCommand; - _ExistingCommand = 0; - return true; - } - return false; -} - -mitk::MessageAbstractDelegate<>* mitk::DelegateManager::GetCommand( const std::string& _CommandID ) const -{ - std::map*>::const_iterator it = m_CommandMap.find(_CommandID); - return (it == m_CommandMap.end()) ? 0: it->second; -} - -mitk::DelegateManager::~DelegateManager() -{ - // delete all commands - for(std::map*>::iterator it=m_CommandMap.begin(); it!=m_CommandMap.end() - ; it++) - { - delete it->second; - it->second = 0; - } - - m_CommandMap.clear(); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDelegateManager.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDelegateManager.h deleted file mode 100644 index 5dd7b360b3..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDelegateManager.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKDelegateManager_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKDelegateManager_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkMessage.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkCommon.h" - -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - - /// - /// \brief Renames the mitk::MessageAbstractDelegate, which is a Functor to a simple function - /// with no params, to "Command". This should emphasize that it is not used as an event - /// function but rather as a command. - /// - //typedef MessageAbstractDelegate Command; - - /// - /// \class DelegateManager - /// \brief A class that stores commands (= mitk::Message) via a unique identifier. - /// One could also say it is an Event Multiplexer. - /// - /// - class MitkExt_EXPORT DelegateManager - { - public: - /// - /// \brief Singleton pattern. - /// - static DelegateManager* GetInstance(); - /// - /// \brief Adds or overwrites a Command. *Attention*: This is class is the owner of the Command. - /// Thus whenever a command is overwritten, the old Command is deleted! - /// - void SetCommand(const std::string& _CommandID, MessageAbstractDelegate<>*); - /// - /// \brief Removes and *deletes* the Command with the given id. - /// - bool RemoveCommand(const std::string& _CommandID); - /// - /// \brief Returns the Command with the given id or NULL if the _CommandID is unknown. - /// - MessageAbstractDelegate<>* GetCommand(const std::string& _CommandID) const; - /// - /// \brief Dtor: Deletes all commands and clears m_CommandMap. - /// - virtual ~DelegateManager(); - protected: - /// - /// \brief Singleton pattern: protected Ctor. - /// - DelegateManager(); - /// - /// \brief Maps IDs to Commands. - /// - std::map*> m_CommandMap; - - }; -} - - -#endif /* MITKDelegateManager_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDrawOperation.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDrawOperation.cpp deleted file mode 100755 index d40057251f..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDrawOperation.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include - - -mitk::DrawOperation::DrawOperation(OperationType operationType, Point3D point, Point3D last_point, int draw_state, int radius) -: Operation(operationType), m_Point(point), m_LastPoint(last_point), m_DrawState(draw_state), m_Radius(radius) -{} - - -mitk::DrawOperation::~DrawOperation() -{ -} - - -mitk::Point3D mitk::DrawOperation::GetPoint() -{ - return m_Point; -} - -mitk::Point3D mitk::DrawOperation::GetLastPoint() -{ - return m_LastPoint; -} - -int mitk::DrawOperation::GetDrawState() -{ - return m_DrawState; -} - -int mitk::DrawOperation::GetRadius() -{ - return m_Radius; -} - -mitk::SeedsImage::Pointer mitk::DrawOperation::GetSeedsImage() -{ - return m_SeedsImage; -} - -mitk::SeedsImage::Pointer mitk::DrawOperation::GetLastSeedsImage() -{ - return m_LastSeedsImage; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDrawOperation.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDrawOperation.h deleted file mode 100755 index eb7b818f9b..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkDrawOperation.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKDRAWOPERATION_H -#define MITKDRAWOPERATION_H - -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief DrawOperation, that handles all actions on seeds. -//## -//## Stores everything for adding and deleting seeds. -//## @ingroup Undo -class MitkExt_EXPORT DrawOperation : public Operation -{ - public: - //##Documentation - //##@brief DrawOperation, that handles all actions on seeds. - //## - //## @param operationType is the type of that operation (see mitkOperation.h; e.g. move or add; Information for StateMachine::ExecuteOperation()); - //## @param point is the information of the seedpoint to add to the seedsimage - //## @param last_point is the information of the point added before - //## @param draw_state represents the seeds type e.g foreground or background seeds - //## @param radius is the radius of seeds - DrawOperation(OperationType operationType, Point3D point, Point3D last_point, int draw_state, int radius); - - virtual ~DrawOperation(); - - Point3D GetPoint(); - - Point3D GetLastPoint(); - - int GetDrawState(); - - int GetRadius(); - - SeedsImage::Pointer GetSeedsImage(); - - SeedsImage::Pointer GetLastSeedsImage(); - - private: - Point3D m_Point; - Point3D m_LastPoint; - - int m_DrawState; - int m_Radius; - - SeedsImage::Pointer m_SeedsImage; - SeedsImage::Pointer m_LastSeedsImage; - -}; -}//namespace mitk -#endif /* MITKDRAWOPERATION_H*/ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkExternAbstractTransformGeometry.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkExternAbstractTransformGeometry.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index a0dd3e6949..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkExternAbstractTransformGeometry.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkExternAbstractTransformGeometry.h" -#include - -mitk::ExternAbstractTransformGeometry::ExternAbstractTransformGeometry() -{ -} -mitk::ExternAbstractTransformGeometry::ExternAbstractTransformGeometry(const ExternAbstractTransformGeometry& other) : Superclass(other) -{ -} - -mitk::ExternAbstractTransformGeometry::~ExternAbstractTransformGeometry() -{ -} - -void mitk::ExternAbstractTransformGeometry::SetVtkAbstractTransform(vtkAbstractTransform* aVtkAbstractTransform) -{ - Superclass::SetVtkAbstractTransform(aVtkAbstractTransform); -} - -void mitk::ExternAbstractTransformGeometry::SetPlane(const mitk::PlaneGeometry* aPlane) -{ - Superclass::SetPlane(aPlane); -} - -void mitk::ExternAbstractTransformGeometry::SetParametricBounds(const BoundingBox::BoundsArrayType& bounds) -{ - Superclass::SetParametricBounds(bounds); - //@warning affine-transforms and bounding-box should be set by specific sub-classes! - SetBounds(bounds); - - if(m_Plane.IsNotNull()) - { - m_Plane->SetSizeInUnits(bounds[1]-bounds[0], bounds[3]-bounds[2]); - m_Plane->SetBounds(bounds); - } -} - -itk::LightObject::Pointer mitk::ExternAbstractTransformGeometry::InternalClone() const -{ - Self::Pointer newGeometry = new ExternAbstractTransformGeometry(*this); - newGeometry->UnRegister(); - return newGeometry.GetPointer(); -} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkExternAbstractTransformGeometry.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkExternAbstractTransformGeometry.h deleted file mode 100644 index 672729b2ac..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkExternAbstractTransformGeometry.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKEXTERNABSTRACTTRANSFORMPLANEGEOMETRY_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C68A2C -#define MITKEXTERNABSTRACTTRANSFORMPLANEGEOMETRY_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C68A2C - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkAbstractTransformGeometry.h" - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Identical with AbstractTransformGeometry, except that -//## it can be externally configured. -//## -//## In contrast to its superclass (AbstractTransformGeometry), this class -//## provides write access to the vtkAbstractTransform and m_Plane. -//## @note The PlaneGeometry is cloned, @em not linked/referenced. -//## @note The bounds of the PlaneGeometry are used as the parametric bounds. -//## @sa AbstractTransformGeometry -//## @ingroup Geometry -class MitkExt_EXPORT ExternAbstractTransformGeometry : public AbstractTransformGeometry -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(ExternAbstractTransformGeometry, AbstractTransformGeometry); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set the vtkAbstractTransform (stored in m_VtkAbstractTransform) - virtual void SetVtkAbstractTransform(vtkAbstractTransform* aVtkAbstractTransform); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Set the rectangular area that is used for transformation by - //## m_VtkAbstractTransform and therewith defines the 2D manifold described by - //## ExternAbstractTransformGeometry - //## - //## @note The bounds of the PlaneGeometry are used as the parametric bounds. - //## @note The PlaneGeometry is cloned, @em not linked/referenced. - virtual void SetPlane(const mitk::PlaneGeometry* aPlane); - - virtual void SetParametricBounds(const BoundingBox::BoundsArrayType& bounds); - - virtual itk::LightObject::Pointer InternalClone() const; - -protected: - - ExternAbstractTransformGeometry(); - ExternAbstractTransformGeometry(const ExternAbstractTransformGeometry& other); - virtual ~ExternAbstractTransformGeometry(); - -}; - -} // namespace mitk -#endif /* MITKEXTERNABSTRACTTRANSFORMPLANEGEOMETRY_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C68A2C */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkFrameOfReferenceUIDManager.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkFrameOfReferenceUIDManager.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 6e26356055..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkFrameOfReferenceUIDManager.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkFrameOfReferenceUIDManager.h" - -std::vector mitk::FrameOfReferenceUIDManager::m_FrameOfReferenceUIDs; - -mitk::FrameOfReferenceUIDManager::FrameOfReferenceUIDManager() -{ - if(m_FrameOfReferenceUIDs.size()==0) - m_FrameOfReferenceUIDs.push_back(""); -} - -mitk::FrameOfReferenceUIDManager::~FrameOfReferenceUIDManager() -{ - m_FrameOfReferenceUIDs.clear(); -} - -unsigned int mitk::FrameOfReferenceUIDManager::AddFrameOfReferenceUID(const char* forUID) -{ - std::string forUIDstring=forUID; - unsigned int i; - size_t size; - size = m_FrameOfReferenceUIDs.size(); - std::vector::iterator it; - for(i=0, it=m_FrameOfReferenceUIDs.begin(); i= m_FrameOfReferenceUIDs.size()) - return NULL; - return m_FrameOfReferenceUIDs[geometryFrameOfReferenceID].c_str(); -} - -static mitk::FrameOfReferenceUIDManager AddStandardFOR; diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkFrameOfReferenceUIDManager.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkFrameOfReferenceUIDManager.h deleted file mode 100644 index 10f0d98c19..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkFrameOfReferenceUIDManager.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef FRAMEOFREFERENCEUIDMANAGER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1EBD0AD -#define FRAMEOFREFERENCEUIDMANAGER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1EBD0AD - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include -#include - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Manager to map the internal FrameOfReferenceID of -//## the Geometry3D (Geometry3D::m_FrameOfReferenceID) to a -//## DICOM FrameOfReferenceUID -//## -class MitkExt_EXPORT FrameOfReferenceUIDManager -{ -public: - typedef std::string FrameOfReferenceUIDType; -private: - static std::vector m_FrameOfReferenceUIDs; -public: - static unsigned int AddFrameOfReferenceUID(const char* forUID); - static const char* GetFrameOfReferenceUID(unsigned int geometryFrameOfReferenceID); - FrameOfReferenceUIDManager(); - ~FrameOfReferenceUIDManager(); -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* GEOMETRY3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1EBD0AD */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkItkBaseDataAdapter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkItkBaseDataAdapter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index ba78ad15cd..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkItkBaseDataAdapter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkItkBaseDataAdapter.h" - -namespace mitk { - -void ItkBaseDataAdapter::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const -{ - os << indent << "ItkBaseDataAdapter:" << std::endl; - if(m_ItkDataObject.IsNull()) - { - os << indent << "No DataObject!" << std::endl; - } - else - { - m_ItkDataObject->Print(os, indent); - } -} - -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkItkBaseDataAdapter.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkItkBaseDataAdapter.h deleted file mode 100644 index ebda75e49b..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkItkBaseDataAdapter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkBaseData.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -#include - -namespace mitk { - -/** - * \brief Small class to store itk::DataObjects in the mitk::DataStorage. - * - * This class can used to store any itk::DataObject in the DataStorage. - * Please be aware that these objects cannot be visualized via mappers. - * The user of this class must care himself for type safety. - **/ -class MitkExt_EXPORT ItkBaseDataAdapter : public BaseData -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(ItkBaseDataAdapter, BaseData); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - /** Typedef for the data object */ - typedef itk::DataObject DataType; - - /** Returns the data object. **/ - itkGetObjectMacro(ItkDataObject, DataType); - /** Sets the data object. **/ - itkSetObjectMacro(ItkDataObject, DataType); - - virtual void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion() {} - virtual bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion() { return false; } - virtual bool VerifyRequestedRegion() { return true; } - virtual void SetRequestedRegion( const itk::DataObject*) {} - -protected: - DataType::Pointer m_ItkDataObject; - - virtual void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const; -}; - -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkLine.txx b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkLine.txx deleted file mode 100644 index adb4d283ac..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkLine.txx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkLine.h" -#include -#include - - -//##ModelId=3E639CD30201 -mitk::Line::Line() -{ - m_SlicedGeometry = SlicedGeometry3D::New(); - SetGeometry(m_SlicedGeometry); - m_SlicedGeometry->Initialize(1); -} - -//##ModelId=3E639CD30233 -mitk::Line::~Line() -{ -} - -//##ModelId=3E6423D2030E -void mitk::Line::SetGeometry2D(mitk::Geometry2D *geometry2d) -{ - m_SlicedGeometry->SetGeometry2D(geometry2d, 0); - m_Geometry2D=geometry2d; - Modified(); -} - -//##ModelId=3E66CC5A0295 -void mitk::Line::UpdateOutputInformation() -{ - SetPipelineMTime(m_Geometry2D->GetMTime()); - if (this->GetSource()) - { - this->GetSource()->UpdateOutputInformation(); - } -} - -//##ModelId=3E66CC5A02B4 -void mitk::Line::SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion() -{ - -} - -//##ModelId=3E66CC5A02D2 -bool mitk::Line::RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion() -{ - if(m_Geometry2D.IsNull()) return true; - - return false; -} - -//##ModelId=3E66CC5A02F0 -bool mitk::Line::VerifyRequestedRegion() -{ - if(m_Geometry2D.IsNull()) return false; - - return true; -} - -//##ModelId=3E66CC5A030E -void mitk::Line::SetRequestedRegion(itk::DataObject *data) -{ - -} - -//##ModelId=3E67D85E00B7 -void mitk::Line::CopyInformation(const itk::DataObject *data) -{ -} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkNamedPoint.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkNamedPoint.h deleted file mode 100644 index fa983c10cf..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkNamedPoint.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITK_NAMED_POINT_H -#define MITK_NAMED_POINT_H - -#include -#include - -namespace mitk { - -class NamedPoint{ - - std::string m_Name; - mitk::Point3D m_Point; - -public: - - /** - * - */ - NamedPoint() { - }; - - /** - * - */ - NamedPoint( const NamedPoint& namedPoint ) - : m_Name( namedPoint.m_Name ), m_Point( namedPoint.m_Point ) { - - }; - - /** - * - */ - NamedPoint( const std::string name, const Point3D& point ) - : m_Name( name ), m_Point( point ) { - - }; - - - /** - * - */ - const std::string& GetName() const { - - return m_Name; - }; - - /** - * - */ - void SetName( const std::string& name ) { - - m_Name = name; - }; - - /** - * - */ - const Point3D& GetPoint() const { - - return m_Point; - }; - - /** - * - */ - void SetPoint( const Point3D& point ) { - - m_Point = point; - }; -}; - -} // mitk -#endif // MITK_NAMED_POINT_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkObjectObserver.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkObjectObserver.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6abfba797c..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkObjectObserver.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef MITKOBJECTOBSERVER_H -#define MITKOBJECTOBSERVER_H - -#include -#include "mitkSetObserver.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - - /// - /// Abstract interface for classes - /// that want to be informed when an - /// itk object was modified or deleted - /// - struct ObjectObserver: public SetObserver - { - }; -} - -#endif // MITKOBJECTOBSERVER_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkObjectSet.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkObjectSet.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index f123bc1d48..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkObjectSet.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#include "mitkObjectSet.h" diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkObjectSet.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkObjectSet.h deleted file mode 100644 index a851faf6af..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkObjectSet.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef MITKObjectSet_H -#define MITKObjectSet_H - -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - typedef mitk::Set ObjectSet; -} - -#endif // MITKObjectSet_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkPropertyManager.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkPropertyManager.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 8dfb9fd904..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkPropertyManager.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkPropertyManager.h" -#include "mitkProperties.h" -#include - -mitk::PropertyManager::PropertyManager() -{ - m_DefaultPropertyNameSet.insert(std::string("visible")); - m_PropertyLimits.insert(std::make_pair("opacity",std::make_pair(0.0f,1.0f))); -} -mitk::PropertyManager* mitk::PropertyManager::GetInstance() -{ - static mitk::PropertyManager propManager; - return &propManager; -} -const mitk::PropertyManager::PropertyNameSet& mitk::PropertyManager::GetDefaultPropertyNames() -{ - return m_DefaultPropertyNameSet; -}; -mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer mitk::PropertyManager::CreateDefaultProperty(std::string name) -{ - mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer newProperty(NULL); - if ( name == "visible" ) - { - newProperty = mitk::BoolProperty::New(true); - } - else - { - //MITK_INFO << "Warning: non-existing default property requested: " << name << std::endl; - } - return newProperty; -} -bool mitk::PropertyManager::GetDefaultLimits(const std::string &name,std::pair &minMax) -{ - PropertyLimitsMap::iterator it = m_PropertyLimits.find(name.c_str()); - if (it != m_PropertyLimits.end()) - { - minMax = it->second; - return true; - } - else - { - minMax = std::make_pair(std::numeric_limits::min(),std::numeric_limits::max()); - return false; - } -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkPropertyManager.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkPropertyManager.h deleted file mode 100644 index e2147738e7..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkPropertyManager.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKPROPERTYMANAGER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKPROPERTYMANAGER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#include "mitkPropertyList.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include -#include - -namespace mitk { - class MitkExt_EXPORT PropertyManager { - - public: - typedef std::set PropertyNameSet; - -// typedef PropertyNameSetterator PropertyNameIterator; - const PropertyNameSet& GetDefaultPropertyNames(); - BaseProperty::Pointer CreateDefaultProperty(std::string name); - static PropertyManager* GetInstance(); - bool GetDefaultLimits(const std::string &name,std::pair &minMax); - protected: - PropertyManager(); - PropertyNameSet m_DefaultPropertyNameSet; - static void InitDefaultPropertyNames(); - typedef std::map< std::string, std::pair > PropertyLimitsMap; - PropertyLimitsMap m_PropertyLimits; - } ; -} - - -#endif /* MITKPROPERTYMANAGER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainer.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainer.h deleted file mode 100644 index 94bc528c56..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainer.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _MITK_STL_VECTOR_H_ -#define _MITK_STL_VECTOR_H_ - -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - - -template -class STLVectorContainer : public itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< std::vector > -{ -public: - - typedef STLVectorContainer Self; - typedef itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< std::vector > Superclass; - typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; - typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; - itkTypeMacro(STLVectorContainer,itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator) - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - typedef T ValueType; - - typedef std::vector STLVectorContainerType; - - /** - * Returns the number of elements contained in the - * underlying stl-vector - */ - unsigned int GetSize(); - - /** - * Emptys the undelying stl-vector. That means, that - * after a call to this function, GetSize() returns 0. - */ - void Clear(); - - /** - * Resizes the underlying stl vector to the given size. - */ - void Resize( unsigned int size ); - - /** - * sets the n'th element of the underluing stl vector. - * if the index is out of range, an assertion is raised - */ - void SetElement( const unsigned int& index, const ValueType& element ); - - /** - * returns the n'th element of the undelying stl vector - * If the index is out of range, an assertion is raised! - */ - ValueType& GetElement( const unsigned int& index ); - - -}; - -typedef STLVectorContainer IntVectorContainer; -typedef STLVectorContainer UnsignedIntVectorContainer; -typedef STLVectorContainer LongVectorContainer; -typedef STLVectorContainer UnsignedLongVectorContainer; -typedef STLVectorContainer ShortIntVectorContainer; -typedef STLVectorContainer ShortUnsignedIntVectorContainer; -typedef STLVectorContainer FloatVectorContainer; -typedef STLVectorContainer DoubleVectorContainer; - - -} //end of namespace mitk - -#include "mitkSTLVectorContainer.txx" - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainer.txx b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainer.txx deleted file mode 100644 index b281cfe648..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainer.txx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _MITK_STL_VECTOR_CONTAINER_TXX_ -#define _MITK_STL_VECTOR_CONTAINER_TXX_ - -#include "mitkSTLVectorContainer.h" - -template -unsigned int mitk::STLVectorContainer::GetSize() -{ - return this->Get().size(); -} - -template -void mitk::STLVectorContainer::Clear() -{ - return this->Get().clear(); - this->Modified(); -} - -/* - * Resizes the underlying stl vector to the given size. - */ -template -void mitk::STLVectorContainer::Resize( unsigned int size ) -{ - this->Get().resize( size ); - this->Modified(); -} - -/* - * sets the n'th element of the underluing stl vector. - * if the index is out of range, an assertion is raised - */ -template -void mitk::STLVectorContainer::SetElement( const unsigned int& index, const typename mitk::STLVectorContainer::ValueType& element ) -{ - assert( index < this->Get().size() ); - this->Get()[index] = element; - this->Modified(); -} - -/* - * returns the n'th element of the undelying stl vector - * If the index is out of range, an assertion is raised! - */ -template -typename mitk::STLVectorContainer::ValueType& mitk::STLVectorContainer::GetElement( const unsigned int& index ) -{ - assert( index < this->Get().size() ); - return this->Get()[index]; - -} - - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainerSource.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainerSource.h deleted file mode 100644 index f5f44d0a68..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainerSource.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _MITK_STL_VECTOR_CONTAINER_SOURCE_H_ -#define _MITK_STL_VECTOR_CONTAINER_SOURCE_H_ - - -#include "mitkSTLVectorContainer.h" -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "mitkBaseProcess.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - -template -class STLVectorContainerSource : public BaseProcess -{ -public: - - mitkClassMacro( STLVectorContainerSource, BaseProcess ); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - typedef mitk::STLVectorContainer OutputType; - - typedef typename OutputType::Pointer OutputTypePointer; - - typedef itk::DataObject::Pointer DataObjectPointer; - - /** - * Allocates a new output object and returns it. Currently the - * index idx is not evaluated. - * @param idx the index of the output for which an object should be created - * @returns the new object - */ - virtual DataObjectPointer MakeOutput ( unsigned int idx ); - - /** - * Generates the input requested region simply by calling the equivalent - * method of the superclass. - */ - void GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); - - /** - * Allows to set the output of the stl vector container source. According to the itk documentation - * this method is outdated and should not be used. Instead GraftOutput(...) - * should be used. - * @param output the intended output of the lookup table source - */ - void SetOutput( OutputType* output ); - - /** - * Replacement of the SetOutput method. I think it is not yet correcly - * implemented, so you should better not use it. - * @todo provide a more usefule implementation - * @param output the intended output of the lookup table source. - */ - virtual void GraftOutput( OutputType* output ); - - /** - * Returns the output with index 0 of the stl vector container source - * @returns the output - */ - OutputType* GetOutput(); - - /** - * Returns the n'th output of the stl vector container source - * @param idx the index of the wanted output - * @returns the output with index idx. - */ - OutputType* GetOutput ( unsigned int idx ); - -protected: - STLVectorContainerSource(); - virtual ~STLVectorContainerSource(); - -}; - -typedef STLVectorContainerSource IntVectorContainerSource; -typedef STLVectorContainerSource UnsignedIntVectorContainerSource; -typedef STLVectorContainerSource LongVectorContainerSource; -typedef STLVectorContainerSource UnsignedLongVectorContainerSource; -typedef STLVectorContainerSource ShortIntVectorContainerSource; -typedef STLVectorContainerSource ShortUnsignedIntVectorContainerSource; -typedef STLVectorContainerSource FloatVectorContainerSource; -typedef STLVectorContainerSource DoubleVectorContainerSource; - -} // end of namespace mitk - -#include "mitkSTLVectorContainerSource.txx" - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainerSource.txx b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainerSource.txx deleted file mode 100644 index 0c5e6a2a92..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSTLVectorContainerSource.txx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _MITK_STL_VECTOR_CONTAINER_SOURCE_TXX_ -#define _MITK_STL_VECTOR_CONTAINER_SOURCE_TXX_ - -#include "mitkSTLVectorContainerSource.h" - -template -mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::STLVectorContainerSource() -{ - OutputTypePointer output = static_cast( this->MakeOutput( 0 ).GetPointer() ); - - assert( output.GetPointer() != NULL ); - - this->ProcessObject::SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( 1 ); - this->ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( 0, output.GetPointer() ); -} - - -template -mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::~STLVectorContainerSource() -{} - - - - -template -typename mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::DataObjectPointer -mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::MakeOutput ( unsigned int ) -{ - return OutputType::New().GetPointer(); -} - - - - -template -void -mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::SetOutput( OutputType* output ) -{ - itkWarningMacro( << "SetOutput(): This method is slated to be removed from ITK. Please use GraftOutput() in possible combination with DisconnectPipeline() instead." ); - this->SetNthOutput( 0, output ); -} - - - - -template -typename mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::OutputType* -mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::GetOutput() -{ - if ( this->GetNumberOfOutputs() < 1 ) - { - return 0; - } - - if ( static_cast ( this->ProcessObject::GetOutput( 0 ) ) == NULL ) - itkWarningMacro(<< "Output is NULL!" ); - return static_cast ( this->ProcessObject::GetOutput( 0 ) ); -} - - - - -template -typename mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::OutputType* -mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::GetOutput ( unsigned int idx ) -{ - return static_cast ( this->ProcessObject::GetOutput( idx ) ); -} - - - - -template -void -mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::GenerateInputRequestedRegion() -{ - this->ProcessObject::GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); -} - - - - -template -void -mitk::STLVectorContainerSource::GraftOutput( OutputType* graft ) -{ - OutputType * output = this->GetOutput(); - - if ( output && graft ) - { - // copy the meta-information - output->CopyInformation( graft ); - } -} - - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImage.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImage.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 4ccc3d39b1..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImage.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,269 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkSeedsImage.h" - -#include "mitkOperation.h" -#include "mitkOperationActor.h" -#include "mitkDrawOperation.h" -#include "mitkImageAccessByItk.h" -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "mitkRenderingManager.h" - -#include -#include - - -mitk::SeedsImage::SeedsImage() -{ - m_GaussianFunction3D = GaussianFunction3DType::New(); - m_GaussianFunction2D = GaussianFunction2DType::New(); -} - -mitk::SeedsImage::~SeedsImage() -{ -} - -void mitk::SeedsImage::Initialize() -{ - Superclass::Initialize(); - m_Radius = 1; -} - - -void mitk::SeedsImage::ExecuteOperation(mitk::Operation* operation) -{ - //mitkCheckOperationTypeMacro(SeedsOperation, operation, seedsOp); - m_Spacing = this->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing(); - for(unsigned int i=0; iGetDimension(); i++) - orig_size[i] = this->GetDimension(i); - - mitk::DrawOperation * seedsOp = - dynamic_cast< mitk::DrawOperation * >( operation ); - - if ( seedsOp != NULL ) - { - m_DrawState = seedsOp->GetDrawState(); - - if (m_Radius != seedsOp->GetRadius()) - { - m_Radius = seedsOp->GetRadius(); - } - - switch (operation->GetOperationType()) - { - case mitk::OpADD: - { - m_Point = seedsOp->GetPoint(); - m_LastPoint = m_Point; - AccessByItk(this, AddSeedPoint); - break; - } - case mitk::OpMOVE: - { - m_Point = seedsOp->GetPoint(); - AccessByItk(this, AddSeedPoint); - AccessByItk(this, PointInterpolation); - m_LastPoint = m_Point; - break; - } - case mitk::OpUNDOADD: - { - m_Point = seedsOp->GetPoint(); - m_LastPoint = m_Point; - m_DrawState = 0; - - // todo - operation is not equal with its inverse operation - possible - // approximation problems in the function PointInterpolation() - m_Radius = m_Radius+4; - AccessByItk(this, AddSeedPoint); - break; - } - case mitk::OpUNDOMOVE: - { - m_Point = seedsOp->GetPoint(); - m_DrawState = 0; - - // todo - operation is not equal with its inverse operation - possible - // approximation problems in the function PointInterpolation() - m_Radius = m_Radius+4; - AccessByItk(this, AddSeedPoint); - AccessByItk(this, PointInterpolation); - m_LastPoint = m_Point; - break; - } - } - - //*todo has to be done here, cause of update-pipeline not working yet - mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); - //mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->ForceImmediateUpdateAll(); - - this->Modified(); - } -} - - -template < typename SeedsImageType > -void mitk::SeedsImage::AddSeedPoint(SeedsImageType* itkImage) -{ - typedef itk::NeighborhoodIterator< SeedsImageType > - NeighborhoodIteratorType; - typedef typename NeighborhoodIteratorType::IndexType IndexType; - - NeighborhoodIteratorType& nit = this->GetNit< SeedsImageType >( itkImage ); - - const unsigned int dimension = - SeedsImageType::ImageDimension; - - mitk::Point3D index; - this->GetGeometry()->WorldToIndex( m_Point, index ); - - IndexType itkIndex; - unsigned int d; - for ( d = 0; d < dimension; ++d ) - { - itkIndex[d] = (int)(index[d] + 0.5); - } - nit.SetLocation( itkIndex ); - - - unsigned int i; - for ( i = 0; i < nit.Size(); ++i ) - { - if ( nit[i] != 0 ) - { - try - { - nit.SetPixel( i, m_DrawState ); - } - catch( itk::RangeError & ) - { - } - } - } -} - - -template < typename SeedsImageType > -void mitk::SeedsImage::PointInterpolation(SeedsImageType* itkImage) -{ - typedef itk::NeighborhoodIterator< SeedsImageType > - NeighborhoodIteratorType; - typedef typename NeighborhoodIteratorType::IndexType IndexType; - - - NeighborhoodIteratorType& nit = this->GetNit< SeedsImageType >( itkImage ); - - const unsigned int dimension = - SeedsImageType::ImageDimension; - - mitk::Point3D indexBegin, indexEnd; - this->GetGeometry()->WorldToIndex( m_Point, indexBegin ); - this->GetGeometry()->WorldToIndex( m_LastPoint, indexEnd ); - - IndexType itkIndexBegin, itkIndexEnd; - unsigned int d; - for ( d = 0; d < dimension; ++d ) - { - itkIndexBegin[d] = (int)(indexBegin[d] + 0.5); - itkIndexEnd[d] = (int)(indexEnd[d] + 0.5); - } - - - typedef itk::LineConstIterator< SeedsImageType > LineIteratorType; - LineIteratorType lit( itkImage, itkIndexBegin, itkIndexEnd ); - - // Disable warnings (which would otherwise be displayed if line leaves the - // region). - bool warningDisplay = itk::Object::GetGlobalWarningDisplay(); - itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOff(); - for ( lit.GoToBegin(); !lit.IsAtEnd(); ++lit ) - { - nit.SetLocation( lit.GetIndex() ); - - unsigned int i; - for ( i = 0; i < nit.Size(); ++i ) - { - if ( nit[i] != 0 ) - { - try - { - nit.SetPixel( i, m_DrawState ); - } - catch( itk::RangeError & ) - { - } - } - } - } - itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay( warningDisplay ); -} - -void mitk::SeedsImage::ClearBuffer() -{ - AccessByItk(this, ClearBuffer); -} - -template < typename SeedsImageType > -void mitk::SeedsImage::ClearBuffer(SeedsImageType* itkImage) -{ - itkImage->FillBuffer(0); -} - -template < typename SeedsImageType > -itk::NeighborhoodIterator< SeedsImageType >& -mitk::SeedsImage::GetNit( SeedsImageType* image ) -{ - typedef itk::NeighborhoodIterator< SeedsImageType > - NeighborhoodIteratorType; - typedef typename NeighborhoodIteratorType::OffsetType OffsetType; - typedef typename NeighborhoodIteratorType::SizeType SizeType; - typedef itk::GaussianSpatialFunction< int, SeedsImageType::ImageDimension > - GaussianFunctionType; - - static SeedsImageType* iteratedImage = 0; - static NeighborhoodIteratorType nit; - static typename GaussianFunctionType::Pointer gaussianFunction - = GaussianFunctionType::New(); - - if ( iteratedImage != image ) - { - SizeType radius; - radius.Fill( m_Radius); - nit.Initialize( radius, image, image->GetBufferedRegion() ); - iteratedImage = image; - } - - nit.SetRadius( m_Radius ); - - unsigned int i; - for ( i = 0; i < nit.GetCenterNeighborhoodIndex()*2+1; ++i ) - { - OffsetType offset = nit.GetOffset( i ); - - typename GaussianFunctionType::InputType point; - double dist = 0; - unsigned int d; - for ( d = 0; d < SeedsImageType::ImageDimension; ++d ) - { - point[d] = offset[d]; - dist += offset[d] * offset[d]; - } - } - - return nit; -} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImage.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImage.h deleted file mode 100644 index 5cc2ffba2e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImage.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKSEEDSIMAGE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C2FCD2 -#define MITKSEEDSIMAGE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C2FCD2 - -#include "mitkImage.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - -//##Documentation -//## @brief SeedsImage class for storing seeds-images -//## -//## Handles operations for drawing seeds. -//## @ingroup Data -class MitkExt_EXPORT SeedsImage : public Image -{ - -public: - - mitkClassMacro(SeedsImage, Image); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - itkGetMacro(LastPoint, mitk::Point3D); - - void Initialize(); - - /// handles operations - virtual void ExecuteOperation(Operation* operation); - - void ClearBuffer(); - - -protected: - SeedsImage(); - virtual ~SeedsImage(); - - template< typename SeedsImageType > - itk::NeighborhoodIterator< SeedsImageType >& GetNit( SeedsImageType* image ); - - /// sets a sphere of seeds around the point - template < typename SeedsImageType > - void AddSeedPoint(SeedsImageType * itkImage); - - /// interpolates a tube of seeds between two points - template < typename SeedsImageType > - void PointInterpolation(SeedsImageType * itkImage); - - /// interpolates a tube of seeds between two points - template < typename SeedsImageType > - void ClearBuffer(SeedsImageType * itkImage); - - -protected: - mitk::Point3D m_Point; - mitk::Point3D m_LastPoint; - mitk::Vector3D m_Spacing; - int orig_size[3]; - int m_DrawState; - int m_Radius; - float delta_x, delta_y, delta_z; - float sphere_distance; - - typedef itk::Image MaskImageType; - - typedef itk::GaussianSpatialFunction< int, 3 > GaussianFunction3DType; - GaussianFunction3DType::Pointer m_GaussianFunction3D; - typedef itk::GaussianSpatialFunction< int, 2 > GaussianFunction2DType; - GaussianFunction2DType::Pointer m_GaussianFunction2D; - - typedef itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement< short, 3 > BallStructuringElement3DType; - BallStructuringElement3DType m_StructuringElement3D; - typedef itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement< short, 2 > BallStructuringElement2DType; - BallStructuringElement2DType m_StructuringElement2D; - -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKSEEDSIMAGE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C2FCD2 */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImageLookupTableSource.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImageLookupTableSource.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index d21a97ca76..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImageLookupTableSource.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkSeedsImageLookupTableSource.h" -#include - - -mitk::SeedsImageLookupTableSource::~SeedsImageLookupTableSource() -{} - - -mitk::SeedsImageLookupTableSource::SeedsImageLookupTableSource() : mitk::LookupTableSource() -{ - m_Mode = DefaultLUT; - m_LookupTable = NULL; - - this->Modified(); -} - - -void mitk::SeedsImageLookupTableSource::GenerateData() -{ - OutputType::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - vtkLookupTable* vtkLut = this->BuildVtkLookupTable(); - output->SetVtkLookupTable( vtkLut ); - vtkLut->Delete(); -} - -vtkLookupTable* mitk::SeedsImageLookupTableSource::BuildSeedsLookupTable() -{ - vtkLookupTable *vtkLookupTable = vtkLookupTable::New(); - vtkLookupTable->SetNumberOfTableValues( 256 ); - vtkLookupTable->SetTableRange( 0.0, 255.0 ); - - // black - int i; - for ( i = 0; i < 253; i++ ) - { - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( i, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); - } - - // blue - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue( 254, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.7 ); - - // red - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue( 255, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7 ); - - return vtkLookupTable; -} - -vtkLookupTable* mitk::SeedsImageLookupTableSource::BuildForceLookupTable() -{ - vtkLookupTable *vtkLookupTable = vtkLookupTable::New(); - vtkLookupTable->SetTableRange( 0.0, 1.0 ); - vtkLookupTable->SetValueRange( 0.0, 1.0 ); - vtkLookupTable->SetNumberOfColors( 256 ); - vtkLookupTable->Build(); - - int i; - for ( i = 0; i < 128; i++ ) - { - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( i, - 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2 + fabs(128.0 - i) / 256.0 ); - } - - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( 127, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); - - for ( i = 128; i < 256; i++ ) - { - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( i, - 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.2 + fabs(i - 128.0) / 256.0 ); - } - - return vtkLookupTable; -} - -vtkLookupTable* mitk::SeedsImageLookupTableSource::BuildDefaultLookupTable() -{ - vtkLookupTable *vtkLookupTable = vtkLookupTable::New(); - int size = 256; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableRange(0,255); - vtkLookupTable->SetNumberOfColors( size ); - vtkLookupTable->Build(); - return( vtkLookupTable ); -} - - -vtkLookupTable* mitk::SeedsImageLookupTableSource::BuildVtkLookupTable() -{ - if ( m_Mode == Seeds ) - { - return BuildSeedsLookupTable(); - } - else if ( m_Mode == Force ) - { - return BuildForceLookupTable(); - } - - else - { - return BuildDefaultLookupTable(); - } -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImageLookupTableSource.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImageLookupTableSource.h deleted file mode 100644 index 0989a0903f..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSeedsImageLookupTableSource.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKSEEDSIMAGELOOKUPTABLESOURCE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKSEEDSIMAGELOOKUPTABLESOURCE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkLookupTableSource.h" - - -namespace mitk -{ - -class MitkExt_EXPORT SeedsImageLookupTableSource : public LookupTableSource -{ -public: - typedef enum {Seeds, DefaultLUT, Force} LookupTableMode; - - mitkClassMacro( SeedsImageLookupTableSource, LookupTableSource ); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - /** @brief Some convenient typedefs. */ - typedef mitk::LookupTable OutputType; - - void SetUseSeedsLookupTable() {m_Mode = Seeds; this->Modified();}; - - void SetUseForceLookupTable() {m_Mode = Force; this->Modified();}; - -protected: - SeedsImageLookupTableSource(); - virtual ~SeedsImageLookupTableSource(); - - /** - * Generates a LookupTable depended on the given mode and stores - * it in an output object - */ - virtual void GenerateData(); - - /** - * Generates a lookup table, dependend on the given mode - * @returns a vtkLookupTable - */ - vtkLookupTable* BuildVtkLookupTable( ); - - /** - * Generates a Seeds lookup table - * @returns a vtkLookupTable - */ - vtkLookupTable* BuildSeedsLookupTable(); - - /** - * Generates a force lookup table - * @returns a vtkLookupTable - */ - vtkLookupTable* BuildForceLookupTable(); - - /** - * Generates a default lookup table - * @returns a vtkLookupTable - */ - vtkLookupTable* BuildDefaultLookupTable(); - -private: - LookupTableMode m_Mode; - OutputTypePointer m_LookupTable; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKSEEDSIMAGELOOKUPSOURCE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSet.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSet.h deleted file mode 100644 index 67727136e1..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSet.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef mitkSet_H -#define mitkSet_H - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "mitkSetObserver.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - -/// -/// A class that acts like a weak pointer -/// but for a list of itk objects -/// -template -class Set: virtual public itk::Object -{ -public: - typedef mitk::SetObserver Observer; - mitkClassMacro(Set, itk::Object); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Set); - - Set() - { - } - - /// - /// clears this set, copies over all elements from otherSet - /// - void Copy( mitk::Set* otherSet ) - { - this->Clear(); - for(unsigned int i=0; i< otherSet->GetSize(); ++i) - { - this->Add( otherSet->Get(i) ); - } - } - - bool Add ( const T& obj ) - { - if(this->Has(obj)) // this is a set! do not add twice - return false; - - // add it now - m_Objects.push_back(obj); // if index is not valid any more, just add - // the element - // subscribe for modified event - typename itk::MemberCommand >::Pointer _modifiedCommand = - itk::MemberCommand >::New(); - _modifiedCommand->SetCallbackFunction(this - , &Set::OnObjectModified); - m_ObjectModifiedTags[obj] = - obj->AddObserver(itk::ModifiedEvent(), _modifiedCommand); - - // subscribe for delete event - typename itk::MemberCommand >::Pointer _DeleteCommand = - itk::MemberCommand >::New(); - _DeleteCommand->SetCallbackFunction(this - , &Set::OnObjectModified); - m_ObjectDeleteTags[obj] = - obj->AddObserver(itk::DeleteEvent(), _DeleteCommand); - - for(typename std::set*>::iterator it = m_SetObserver.begin(); - it != m_SetObserver.end(); ++it) - (*it)->OnAdded(obj); - - this->Modified(); - return true; - } - - bool Remove ( const T& obj ) - { - return this->Remove(this->IndexOf(obj)); - } - - bool Remove ( int index ) - { - if( !this->IsValid(index) ) // element must exist to be removed - return false; - - typename std::vector::iterator it = m_Objects.begin(); - std::advance(it, index); - - T& obj = *it; - - for(typename std::set*>::iterator it2 - = m_SetObserver.begin(); it2 != m_SetObserver.end(); ++it2) - (*it2)->OnRemove(*it); - // remove it now - obj->RemoveObserver(m_ObjectModifiedTags[obj]); - obj->RemoveObserver(m_ObjectDeleteTags[obj]); - m_ObjectModifiedTags.erase(obj); - m_ObjectDeleteTags.erase(obj); - m_Objects.erase(it); - this->Modified(); - return true; - } - - void Clear () - { - while(m_Objects.size() > 0) - this->Remove(m_Objects.size()-1); - } - - unsigned int GetSize() const - { - return m_Objects.size(); - } - int IndexOf(const T& obj) const - { - int index = -1; - - for(unsigned int i=0; iIndexOf(obj) != -1; - } - bool IsEmpty() const - { - return m_Objects.empty(); - } - bool IsValid( int index ) const - { - if(index >= 0) - { - return m_Objects.size() > 0 - && static_cast< unsigned int > (index) < m_Objects.size(); - } - return false; - } - T& Front() - { - return m_Objects.front(); - } - T& Back() - { - return m_Objects.back(); - } - T& Get( unsigned int index ) - { - return m_Objects.at(index); - } - const T& Front() const - { - return m_Objects.front(); - } - const T& Back() const - { - return m_Objects.back(); - } - const T& Get( unsigned int index ) const - { - return m_Objects.at(index); - } - void AddObserver( SetObserver* observer ) const - { - m_SetObserver.insert( observer ); - } - void RemoveObserver( SetObserver* observer ) const - { - m_SetObserver.erase( observer ); - } - void OnObjectModified(const itk::Object* caller - , const itk::EventObject &event) - { - unsigned int i=0; - for(; i(m_Objects.at(i)) == caller ) - break; - - const itk::DeleteEvent* delEvent - = dynamic_cast(&event); - - // inform listeners - for(typename std::set*>::iterator it = m_SetObserver.begin(); - it != m_SetObserver.end(); ++it) - delEvent ? (*it)->OnDelete( this->Get(i) ) - : (*it)->OnModified( this->Get(i) ); - - // remove from list if object was deleted (no dangling pointers) - if(delEvent) - { - this->Remove(i); - } - } - - Set(const Set& other) - { - *this = other; - } - Set& operator= - (const Set& other) - { - // do not simply copy -> because of observer objects - // instead: use add method for each element of the other List - for(int i=0; iAdd( other.Get(i) ); - - return *this; - } - virtual ~Set() - { - this->Clear(); - } -protected: - /// - /// Holds all objects - /// - std::vector m_Objects; - - /// - /// holds the list of observed itk objects (will be updated in setat()) - /// - mutable std::set*> m_SetObserver; - - /// - /// \brief Holds all tags of Modified Event Listeners. - /// - std::map m_ObjectModifiedTags; - - /// - /// \brief Holds all tags of Modified Event Listeners. - /// - std::map m_ObjectDeleteTags; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif // mitkSet_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSetObserver.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSetObserver.h deleted file mode 100644 index a27ff5233a..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSetObserver.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef MITKSETOBSERVER_H -#define MITKSETOBSERVER_H - -namespace mitk -{ - /// - /// abstract base class for all objects observing an mitk::Set - /// - template - struct SetObserver - { - virtual void OnAdded( T object ) {} - virtual void OnModified( T object ) {} - /// - /// Will be called before an object gets removed - /// - virtual void OnRemove( T object ) {} - virtual void OnDelete( T object ) {} - /// - /// Makes this class abstract - /// - virtual ~SetObserver() = 0; - }; - - template - SetObserver::~SetObserver() {} - -} - -#endif // MITKSETOBSERVER_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSphereLandmarkProjector.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSphereLandmarkProjector.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index f9851d51f6..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSphereLandmarkProjector.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkSphereLandmarkProjector.h" -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -mitk::SphereLandmarkProjector::SphereLandmarkProjector() -{ - m_SphericalTransform = vtkSphericalTransform::New(); - m_SphereRotation = vtkTransform::New(); - m_SpatialPlacementTransform = vtkTransform::New(); - m_PlaneToSphericalTransform = vtkGeneralTransform::New(); - - m_SphereRotation->RotateX(90); - - //setup parameter-plane of the sphere: x is phi, y is theta; the radius is always 1 - mitk::ScalarType origin[3] = {1, 0, 2*vnl_math::pi}; // (1, 0, 6.28) (1, 0, 0) - mitk::ScalarType right[3] = {0, 0, -2*vnl_math::pi}; // (0,3.14, 0) (0, 0, 6.28) - mitk::ScalarType bottom[3] = {0, vnl_math::pi, 0}; // (0, 0,-6.28) (0,3.14, 0) - - m_SphereParameterPlane = mitk::PlaneGeometry::New(); - m_SphereParameterPlane->InitializeStandardPlane(right, bottom); - m_SphereParameterPlane->SetOrigin(origin); - m_SphereParameterPlane->SetSizeInUnits(100, 50); - - m_ParameterPlane = m_SphereParameterPlane; -} - -mitk::SphereLandmarkProjector::~SphereLandmarkProjector() -{ - m_SphericalTransform->Delete(); - m_SphereRotation->Delete(); - m_SpatialPlacementTransform->Delete(); - m_PlaneToSphericalTransform->Delete(); -} - -void mitk::SphereLandmarkProjector::ComputeCompleteAbstractTransform() -{ - m_PlaneToSphericalTransform->Identity(); - m_PlaneToSphericalTransform->PostMultiply(); - m_PlaneToSphericalTransform->Concatenate(m_SphericalTransform); - m_PlaneToSphericalTransform->Concatenate(m_SphereRotation); - m_PlaneToSphericalTransform->Concatenate(m_InterpolatingAbstractTransform);//GetInterpolatingAbstractTransform()); - m_PlaneToSphericalTransform->Concatenate(m_SpatialPlacementTransform); - - m_CompleteAbstractTransform = m_PlaneToSphericalTransform; -} - -void mitk::SphereLandmarkProjector::ProjectLandmarks( - const mitk::PointSet::DataType::PointsContainer* targetLandmarks) -{ - unsigned int size=targetLandmarks->Size(); - mitk::PointSet::DataType::PointsContainer::ConstIterator pointiterator, start = targetLandmarks->Begin(); - mitk::PointSet::DataType::PointsContainer::ElementIdentifier id; - - //Part I: Calculate center of sphere - mitk::Point3D center; - center.Fill(0); - mitk::ScalarType radius; - mitk::PointSet::PointType point; - //determine center - for(id=0, pointiterator=start;idValue(); - center[0]+=point[0]; - center[1]+=point[1]; - center[2]+=point[2]; - } - center[0]/=(mitk::ScalarType)size; - center[1]/=(mitk::ScalarType)size; - center[2]/=(mitk::ScalarType)size; - //determine radius - switch(0) - { - case 0/*MIN*/: - radius = itk::NumericTraits::max(); - for(id=0, pointiterator=start;idValue(); - mitk::Vector3D v; - v[0]=point[0]-center[0]; - v[1]=point[1]-center[1]; - v[2]=point[2]-center[2]; - if (v.GetNorm() < radius) radius = v.GetNorm(); - } - break; - case 1/*MAX*/: - radius = 0; - for(id=0, pointiterator=start;idValue(); - mitk::Vector3D v; - v[0]=point[0]-center[0]; - v[1]=point[1]-center[1]; - v[2]=point[2]-center[2]; - if (v.GetNorm() > radius) radius = v.GetNorm(); - } - break; - case 2/*AVERAGE*/: - radius = 0; - for(id=0, pointiterator=start;idValue(); - mitk::Vector3D v; - v[0]=point[0]-center[0]; - v[1]=point[1]-center[1]; - v[2]=point[2]-center[2]; - radius += v.GetNorm(); - } - radius*=1.0/size; - break; - } - mitk::Point3D origin = m_SphereParameterPlane->GetOrigin(); origin[0]=radius; m_SphereParameterPlane->SetOrigin(origin); - m_SpatialPlacementTransform->GetMatrix()->SetElement(0, 3, center[0]); - m_SpatialPlacementTransform->GetMatrix()->SetElement(1, 3, center[1]); - m_SpatialPlacementTransform->GetMatrix()->SetElement(2, 3, center[2]); - - - //Part II: Project points on sphere - mitk::Point3D projectedPoint; - - m_WritableFinalTargetLandmarks->Initialize(); - m_ProjectedLandmarks->Initialize(); - - m_WritableFinalTargetLandmarks->Reserve(size); - m_ProjectedLandmarks->Reserve(size); - for(id=0, pointiterator=start;idValue(); - - mitk::Vector3D v; - v=point-center; - mitk::FillVector3D(point, v[0], v[1], v[2]); - v.Normalize(); v*=radius; - mitk::FillVector3D(projectedPoint, v[0], v[1], v[2]); - - m_WritableFinalTargetLandmarks->InsertElement(id, point); - m_ProjectedLandmarks->InsertElement(id, projectedPoint); - } -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSphereLandmarkProjector.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSphereLandmarkProjector.h deleted file mode 100644 index dac94ca8dd..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkSphereLandmarkProjector.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKSPHERELANDMARKPROJECTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C68A2C -#define MITKSPHERELANDMARKPROJECTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C68A2C - -#include "mitkLandmarkProjector.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkPointSet.h" - -class vtkTransform; -class vtkSphericalTransform; -class vtkGeneralTransform; -class vtkTransformPolyDataFilter; - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Thin-plate-spline-based landmark-based curved geometry -//## -//## @ingroup Geometry -class MitkExt_EXPORT SphereLandmarkProjector : public LandmarkProjector -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(SphereLandmarkProjector, LandmarkProjector); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - virtual void ProjectLandmarks(const mitk::PointSet::DataType::PointsContainer* targetLandmarks); -protected: - SphereLandmarkProjector(); - virtual ~SphereLandmarkProjector(); - - virtual void ComputeCompleteAbstractTransform(); - - vtkSphericalTransform* m_SphericalTransform; - vtkTransform* m_SphereRotation; - vtkTransform* m_SpatialPlacementTransform; - vtkGeneralTransform* m_PlaneToSphericalTransform; - - mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer m_SphereParameterPlane; -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKSPHERELANDMARKPROJECTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C68A2C */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkUSLookupTableSource.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkUSLookupTableSource.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 1e701ac02e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkUSLookupTableSource.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,408 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkUSLookupTableSource.h" -#include -#include -#include - - -extern "C" -{ -#include "uscfunctions/usc.h" -} - - -mitk::USLookupTableSource::~USLookupTableSource() -{} - - -mitk::USLookupTableSource::USLookupTableSource() : mitk::LookupTableSource() -{ - - std::cout << "creating USLookupTableSource ... " << std::endl; - m_Mode = DefaultLUT; - m_LookupTable = NULL; - - this->Modified(); - std::cout << "creating USLookupTableSource OK! " << std::endl; -} - - -void mitk::USLookupTableSource::GenerateData() -{ - std::cout << "USLookupTableSource::generate data!" << std::endl; - OutputType::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - output->SetVtkLookupTable( this->BuildVtkLookupTable( ) ); -} - -vtkLookupTable* mitk::USLookupTableSource::BuildDSRDopplerLookupTable() -{ - - std::cout << " creating HP LookupTable ... " << std::endl; - - mitkIpPicDescriptor *HPMap; - - char MapFilename[ 20 ] = "a.map"; - int failed ; - - ifstream infile ( MapFilename, ios::in ); - failed = infile.fail() ; - infile.close() ; - - if ( !failed ) // do we have a HP LUT ? - { - std::cout << " reading a.map ... " << std::endl; - HPMap = usReadMap( "a.map", ".", -1000, -1000 ); - - vtkLookupTable *vtkLookupTable = vtkLookupTable::New(); - mitkIpUInt1_t *data = ( ( mitkIpUInt1_t * ) HPMap->data ); - - vtkLookupTable->SetTableRange(0,255); - - int LookupTablesize = 256; - double rgba[ 4 ]; - - vtkLookupTable->SetNumberOfColors( LookupTablesize ); - for ( int i = 0; i < LookupTablesize; i++ ) - { - rgba[ 0 ] = ( ( mitkIpUInt1_t * ) data ) [ 0 + i * 3 * LookupTablesize ] / 255.0f; - rgba[ 1 ] = ( ( mitkIpUInt1_t * ) data ) [ 1 + i * 3 * LookupTablesize ] / 255.0f ; - rgba[ 2 ] = ( ( mitkIpUInt1_t * ) data ) [ 2 + i * 3 * LookupTablesize ] / 255.0f ; - rgba[ 3 ] = 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( i, rgba ); - } - - return ( vtkLookupTable ); - - } // do we have a HP LUT ? - - - else // no HP lut -> create custom LUT - { - std::cout << " no a.map available! creating custom Doppler LookUpTable ... " << std::endl; - - vtkLookupTable *vtkLookupTable = vtkLookupTable::New(); - vtkLookupTable->SetTableRange(0,255); - // size is the no of different colors in the lut - int size = 256; - int lutSize = 256; - int repeats = lutSize / size; - - int factor = 1; - int i, n; - - double rgba[ 4 ]; - - //int xDim = lutSize; - //int yDim = 3; - - int quartalSize = size / 4; - - int index; - - for ( i = 1; i <= quartalSize ; i++ ) - { - for ( n = 0; n < repeats ; n++ ) - { - - index = ( i - 1 ) * repeats + n; - rgba[ 0 ] = 0; // rot - rgba[ 1 ] = 1 - i / 2.0 / quartalSize; // gruen - rgba[ 2 ] = 1; // blau - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - } - } - - // dunkelblau - for ( i = 1; i <= quartalSize ; i++ ) - { - for ( n = 0; n < repeats ; n++ ) - { - - index = ( i - 1 ) * repeats + repeats * quartalSize + n; - rgba[ 0 ] = 0; - rgba[ 1 ] = 0.5 - i / 2.0 / quartalSize; - rgba[ 2 ] = 1 - i / ( float ) ( 2 * quartalSize ); - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - } - } - - - - // dunkelrot - for ( i = 1; i <= quartalSize ; i++ ) - { - for ( n = 0; n < repeats ; n++ ) - { - - index = ( i - 1 ) * repeats + ( 2 * repeats * quartalSize ) + n; - rgba[ 0 ] = 0.5 + i / ( float ) ( 2 * quartalSize ); - rgba[ 1 ] = i / 2.0 / quartalSize; - rgba[ 2 ] = 0; - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - } - } - - - // hellrot - for ( i = 1; i <= quartalSize ; i++ ) - { - for ( n = 0; n < repeats ; n++ ) - { - - index = ( i - 1 ) * repeats + ( 3 * repeats * quartalSize ) + n; - rgba[ 0 ] = 1; - rgba[ 1 ] = 0.5 + i / 2.0 / quartalSize; - rgba[ 2 ] = 0; - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - } - } - - // the value 0 is mapped to black - // so we see the field-out-of-view as black - index = 0; - rgba[ 0 ] = 0; - rgba[ 1 ] = 0; - rgba[ 2 ] = 0; - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue( index, rgba ); - - int mapZeroVelocityToBlack = 1; - if ( mapZeroVelocityToBlack == 1 ) - { - // map the middle value to black, so no velocity (v=0) - // is displayed as black, otherwise darkred - rgba[ 0 ] = 0; - rgba[ 1 ] = 0; - rgba[ 2 ] = 0; - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - index = lutSize / 2 ; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue( index, rgba ); -// index = lutSize / 2 - 1; -// vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue( index, rgba ); -// index = lutSize / 2 + 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue( index, rgba ); - } - - // for (int i=0; iGetTableValue(i,&rgba[0]); - // cout << "i=" << i << " r=" << rgba[0] << " g=" << rgba[1]<< " b=" << rgba[2] << endl; - // } - - return( vtkLookupTable ); - - } // no HP lut -> create custom LUT -} - - -vtkLookupTable* mitk::USLookupTableSource::BuildStrainRateLookupTable() -{ - std::cout << " creating StrainRate LookupTable ... " << std::endl; - vtkLookupTable *vtkLookupTable = vtkLookupTable::New(); - - vtkLookupTable->SetTableRange(0,255); - - int lutSize = 256; - vtkLookupTable->SetNumberOfTableValues(lutSize); - - // xDim = size; - // yDim = 3; - double rgba[ 4 ]; - - float quartal = lutSize / 8.0f; - - float sizeQuartal1 = 3 * quartal; //quartal-1; - - float sizeQuartal2 = 0.9375 * quartal; - float sizeZeroStrain = 0.125 * quartal; - float sizeQuartal3 = 0.9375 * quartal; - - // float sizeQuartal2 = 0.875 * quartal; - // float sizeZeroStrain = 0.25* quartal; - // float sizeQuartal3 = 0.875 * quartal; - - // float sizeQuartal2 = 0.975 * quartal; - // float sizeZeroStrain = 0.05* quartal; - // float sizeQuartal3 = 0.975 * quartal; - - - float sizeQuartal4 = 3 * quartal; - - // std::cout << "quartal = " << quartal << std::endl; - // std::cout << "quartal 1 = " << sizeQuartal1 << std::endl; - // std::cout << "quartal 2 = " << sizeQuartal2 << std::endl; - // std::cout << "quartal 3 = " << sizeQuartal3 << std::endl; - // std::cout << "quartal 4 = " << sizeQuartal4 << std::endl; - // std::cout << "quartal zero = " << sizeZeroStrain << std::endl; - - - int factor = 1; - int i; - - // dunkelrot - for ( i = 1; i <= sizeQuartal1; i++ ) - { - int index = i - 1; - rgba[ 0 ] = factor * ( 0.5 + i / ( 2 * sizeQuartal1 ) ); // rot - rgba[ 1 ] = factor * 0; // gruen - rgba[ 2 ] = factor * 0; // blau - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - } - - // hellrot bis gelb - for ( i = 1 ; i <= sizeQuartal2 ; i++ ) - { - int index = ( i - 1 ) + ( int ) sizeQuartal1; - rgba[ 0 ] = factor * 1; - rgba[ 1 ] = factor * ( i / sizeQuartal2 ); - rgba[ 2 ] = factor * 0; - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - } - - - //gruen - for ( i = 1 ; i <= sizeZeroStrain ; i++ ) - { - int index = ( i - 1 ) + ( int ) ( sizeQuartal1 + sizeQuartal2 ); - rgba[ 0 ] = factor * 0; //1 - i/sizeZeroStrain; - rgba[ 1 ] = factor * 1; - rgba[ 2 ] = factor * 0; //i/sizeZeroStrain; - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - } - - - // hellblau - for ( i = 1 ; i <= sizeQuartal3; i++ ) - { - int index = ( i - 1 ) + ( int ) ( sizeQuartal1 + sizeQuartal2 + sizeZeroStrain ); - rgba[ 0 ] = factor * 0; - rgba[ 1 ] = factor * ( 1 - i / sizeQuartal3 ); - rgba[ 2 ] = factor * 1; - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - } - - // blau - for ( i = 1 ; i <= sizeQuartal4 ; i++ ) - { - int index = ( i - 1 ) + ( int ) ( sizeQuartal1 + sizeQuartal2 + sizeQuartal3 + sizeZeroStrain ); - rgba[ 0 ] = factor * 0; - rgba[ 1 ] = factor * 0; - rgba[ 2 ] = factor * ( 1 - i / sizeQuartal4 ); - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - - } - - // the value 0 is mapped to black - // so we see the field-out-of-view as black - int index = 0; - rgba[ 0 ] = 0; - rgba[ 1 ] = 0; - rgba[ 2 ] = 0; - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue ( index + 1, rgba ); - - bool mapZeroStrainRateToBlack = true; - if ( mapZeroStrainRateToBlack ) - { - // map the middle value to black, so no velocity (v=0) - // is displayed as black - rgba[ 0 ] = 0; - rgba[ 1 ] = 0; - rgba[ 2 ] = 0; - rgba[ 3 ] = factor * 1; - -// index = lutSize / 2 -1; // FIXME: this should be lutSize/2 !!!!???? - index = 128 ; // FIXME: this should be lutSize/2 !!!!???? - std::cout << " setting table value " << index << " to zero " << std::endl; - - vtkLookupTable->SetTableValue( index, rgba ); - } - - -// for (int i=0; iGetTableValue(i,&rgba[0]); -// cout << "i=" << i << " r=" << rgba[0] << " g=" << rgba[1]<< " b=" << rgba[2] << endl; -// } - -// std::cout << " created with " << vtkLookupTable->GetNumberOfColors() << " colors .. " << std::endl; -// std::cout << " created with " << vtkLookupTable->GetNumberOfTableValues() << " colors .. " << std::endl; -// float data[2]; -// vtkLookupTable->GetTableRange (data); -// std::cout << " data0=" << data[0] << " data1=" << data[1] << std::endl; -// vtkLookupTable->GetTableValue (200, rgba); -// std::cout << " r=" << rgba[0] << " g=" << rgba[1] << " b=" << rgba[2]<< " a=" << rgba[3]<< std::endl; -// float rgb[3]; -// vtkLookupTable->GetColor (200, rgb); -// std::cout << " r=" << rgb[0] << " g=" << rgb[1] << " b=" << rgb[2]<< std::endl; -// unsigned char *p = vtkLookupTable->GetPointer(200); -// std::cout << " p0=" << (int)p[0] << " p1=" << (int)p[1] << " p2=" << (int)p[2]<< std::endl; -// p = vtkLookupTable->GetPointer(128); -// std::cout << " p0=" << (unsigned int)p[0] << " p1=" <<(unsigned int) p[1] << " p2=" << (unsigned int)p[2]<< std::endl; - - return( vtkLookupTable ); - -} - -vtkLookupTable* mitk::USLookupTableSource::BuildDefaultLookupTable(){ - - std::cout << " creating default LookupTable... " << std::endl; - vtkLookupTable *vtkLookupTable = vtkLookupTable::New(); - int size = 256; - vtkLookupTable->SetTableRange(0,255); - vtkLookupTable->SetNumberOfColors( size ); - vtkLookupTable->Build(); - return( vtkLookupTable ); - -} - - -vtkLookupTable* mitk::USLookupTableSource::BuildVtkLookupTable() -{ - - std::cout << "mitk::USLookupTableSource::BuildVtkLookupTable() ... " << std::endl; - - if ( m_Mode == DSRDoppler ) - { - return BuildDSRDopplerLookupTable(); - } - else if ( m_Mode == StrainRate ) - { - return BuildStrainRateLookupTable(); - } - else - { - return BuildDefaultLookupTable(); - } - - -} - - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkUSLookupTableSource.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkUSLookupTableSource.h deleted file mode 100644 index 2d51c837ef..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/mitkUSLookupTableSource.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKUSLookupTableSOURCE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKUSLookupTableSOURCE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkLookupTableSource.h" - - -class mitk::LookupTable; - -namespace mitk -{ - - -class MitkExt_EXPORT USLookupTableSource : public LookupTableSource -{ -public: - typedef enum {DSRDoppler, StrainRate, DefaultLUT} LookupTableMode; - - mitkClassMacro( USLookupTableSource, LookupTableSource ); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - /** @brief Some convenient typedefs. */ - typedef mitk::LookupTable OutputType; - - void SetUseDSRDopplerLookupTable() {m_Mode = DSRDoppler; this->Modified();}; - - void SetUseStrainRateLookupTable() {m_Mode = StrainRate; this->Modified();}; - -protected: - USLookupTableSource(); - virtual ~USLookupTableSource(); - - /** - * Generates a LookupTable depended on the given mode and stores - * it in an output object - */ - virtual void GenerateData(); - - /** - * Generates a lookup table, dependend on the given mode - * @returns a vtkLookupTable - */ - vtkLookupTable* BuildVtkLookupTable( ); - - /** - * Generates a Philips Doppler lookup table - * if an a.map file is given, then a original LookupTable is genereated - * else an LookupTable similar to the original one is generated - * @returns a vtkLookupTable - */ - vtkLookupTable* BuildDSRDopplerLookupTable(); - - /** - * Generates a Strain Rate lookup table than those that are - * used e.g. by GE - * - * @returns a vtkLookupTable - */ - vtkLookupTable* BuildStrainRateLookupTable(); - - /** - * Generates a default lookup table - * @returns a vtkLookupTable - */ - vtkLookupTable* BuildDefaultLookupTable(); - - - -private: - LookupTableMode m_Mode; - OutputTypePointer m_LookupTable; - -}; - -} // namespace mitk - - - -#endif /* MITKLookupTableSOURCE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/vtkObjectObserver.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/vtkObjectObserver.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9c61d4eab5..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/vtkObjectObserver.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef VTKOBJECTOBSERVER_H -#define VTKOBJECTOBSERVER_H - -class vtkObject; - -class vtkObjectObserver -{ -public: - virtual void OnModified( const vtkObject* object ) = 0; - virtual void OnDeleted( const vtkObject* object ) = 0; -}; - -#endif // VTKOBJECTOBSERVER_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/vtkObjectSet.cpp b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/vtkObjectSet.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index bb8941ddaa..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/vtkObjectSet.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#include "vtkObjectSet.h" -#include "vtkObjectObserver.h" - -#include -#include -#include - -vtkObjectSet::vtkObjectSet() -{ -} - -vtkObjectSet::~vtkObjectSet() -{ - -} - -void vtkObjectSet::AddObserver( vtkObjectObserver* observer ) -{ - m_vtkObjectObservers.insert(observer); -} - -void vtkObjectSet::RemoveObserver( vtkObjectObserver* observer ) -{ - m_vtkObjectObservers.erase(observer); -} - -void vtkObjectSet::AddObject ( vtkObject * obj ) -{ - // if add object, add observer for modified and delete event - std::pair::iterator, bool> res = m_Objects.insert(obj); - - if(res.second) - { - vtkSmartPointer modifiedCallback = - vtkSmartPointer::New(); - modifiedCallback->SetCallback ( vtkObjectSet::OnObjectModified ); - modifiedCallback->SetClientData(this); - - m_ObjectModifiedTags[obj] = obj->AddObserver - ( vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent, modifiedCallback ); - m_ObjectDeleteTags[obj] = obj->AddObserver - ( vtkCommand::DeleteEvent, modifiedCallback ); - } -} - -void vtkObjectSet::RemoveObject ( vtkObject * obj ) -{ - // if object removed, remove observer and tags for modified and delete event - std::set::size_type deletedObjs = m_Objects.erase(obj); - - if(deletedObjs > 0) - { - obj->RemoveObserver(m_ObjectModifiedTags[obj]); - obj->RemoveObserver(m_ObjectDeleteTags[obj]); - - m_ObjectModifiedTags.erase(obj); - m_ObjectDeleteTags.erase(obj); - } -} - -void vtkObjectSet::OnObjectModified(vtkObject* caller, unsigned long eid - , void* clientdata, void * /*calldata*/) -{ - // if event == modified event, inform objectobservers - // else: call RemoveObject() or remove objectobserver and inform objectobservers - - vtkObjectSet* instance = static_cast( clientdata ); - - for(std::set::iterator it = instance->m_vtkObjectObservers.begin(); - it != instance->m_vtkObjectObservers.end(); ++it) - eid == vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent ? (*it)->OnModified( caller ): - (*it)->OnDeleted( caller ); - - if(eid != vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent) - instance->RemoveObject( caller ); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/vtkObjectSet.h b/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/vtkObjectSet.h deleted file mode 100644 index b994cda7a6..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/DataManagement/vtkObjectSet.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef MITKvtkObjectSet_H -#define MITKvtkObjectSet_H - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -class vtkObjectObserver; - -/// -/// a class holding -/// a list of itk objects and/or vtk objects. -/// the main idea of the class -/// is that it listens to the modified -/// and delete events of the objects -/// and informs associated objectobservers. -/// This eases the handling of the sometimes complicated -/// event handling mechanisms. -/// -class MitkExt_EXPORT vtkObjectSet -{ -public: - vtkObjectSet(); - virtual ~vtkObjectSet(); - - void AddObserver( vtkObjectObserver* observer ); - void RemoveObserver( vtkObjectObserver* observer ); - - void AddObject ( vtkObject * obj ); - void RemoveObject ( vtkObject * obj ); - - /// - /// vtk event function - /// - static void OnObjectModified(vtkObject *, unsigned long eid - , void* clientdata, void * /*calldata*/); -protected: - std::set m_vtkObjectObservers; - std::set m_Objects; - /// - /// \brief Holds all tags of Modified Event Listeners. - /// - std::map m_ObjectModifiedTags; - /// - /// \brief Holds all tags of Modified Event Listeners. - /// - std::map m_ObjectDeleteTags; -}; - -#endif // MITKvtkObjectSet_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkChiliPluginIpPicStub.c b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkChiliPluginIpPicStub.c deleted file mode 100644 index d05c50b105..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkChiliPluginIpPicStub.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#undef CHILIPLUGIN -#include "mitkIpPicGet.c" diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkObjFileIOFactory.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkObjFileIOFactory.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 24d6eaf34a..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkObjFileIOFactory.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkObjFileIOFactory.h" -#include "mitkIOAdapter.h" -#include "mitkObjFileReader.h" - -#include "itkVersion.h" - - -namespace mitk -{ -ObjFileIOFactory::ObjFileIOFactory() -{ - this->RegisterOverride("mitkIOAdapter", - "mitkObjFileReader", - "mitk Obj Surface IO", - 1, - itk::CreateObjectFunction >::New()); -} - -ObjFileIOFactory::~ObjFileIOFactory() -{ -} - -const char* ObjFileIOFactory::GetITKSourceVersion() const -{ - return ITK_SOURCE_VERSION; -} - -const char* ObjFileIOFactory::GetDescription() const -{ - return "ObjFile IO Factory, allows the loading of Obj files"; -} - -} // end namespace mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkObjFileIOFactory.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkObjFileIOFactory.h deleted file mode 100644 index 1ef13fdcbe..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkObjFileIOFactory.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef __mitkObjFileIOFactory_h -#define __mitkObjFileIOFactory_h - -#ifdef _MSC_VER -#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) -#endif - -#include "itkObjectFactoryBase.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkBaseData.h" - -namespace mitk -{ -//##Documentation -//## @brief Create instances of ObjFileReader objects using an object factory. -//## -//## @ingroup IO -class MitkExt_EXPORT ObjFileIOFactory : public itk::ObjectFactoryBase -{ -public: - /** Standard class typedefs. */ - typedef ObjFileIOFactory Self; - typedef itk::ObjectFactoryBase Superclass; - typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; - typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; - - /** Class methods used to interface with the registered factories. */ - virtual const char* GetITKSourceVersion(void) const; - virtual const char* GetDescription(void) const; - - /** Method for class instantiation. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); - static ObjFileIOFactory* FactoryNew() { return new ObjFileIOFactory;} - /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ - itkTypeMacro(ObjFileIOFactory, ObjectFactoryBase); - - /** - * Register one factory of this type - * \deprecatedSince{2013_09} - */ - DEPRECATED(static void RegisterOneFactory(void)) - { - ObjFileIOFactory::Pointer ObjFileIOFactory = ObjFileIOFactory::New(); - ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterFactory(ObjFileIOFactory); - } - -protected: - ObjFileIOFactory(); - ~ObjFileIOFactory(); - -private: - ObjFileIOFactory(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - -}; - - -} // end namespace mitk - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkObjFileReader.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkObjFileReader.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index f101302f66..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkObjFileReader.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#include "mitkObjFileReader.h" -#include -#include - - -mitk::ObjFileReader::ObjFileReader() - : m_FileName("") -{ -} - -mitk::ObjFileReader::~ObjFileReader() -{ -} - -void mitk::ObjFileReader::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - if( m_FileName != "") - { - MITK_INFO << "Loading " << m_FileName << " as obj..." << std::endl; - - vtkOBJReader *reader = vtkOBJReader::New(); - reader->SetFileName( m_FileName.c_str() ); - reader->Update(); - - if ( reader->GetOutput() != NULL ) - output->SetVtkPolyData( reader->GetOutput() ); - - reader->Delete(); - - MITK_INFO << "...finished!" << std::endl; - } -} - -bool mitk::ObjFileReader::CanReadFile(const std::string filename, const std::string /*filePrefix*/, const std::string /*filePattern*/) -{ - // First check the extension - //std::string filename = file; - if( filename == "" ) - { - //MITK_INFO<<"No filename specified."< - -mitk::PACSPlugin* mitk::PACSPlugin::GetInstance(bool destroyInstance) -{ - static mitk::PACSPlugin::Pointer s_Instance = mitk::PACSPlugin::New(); - - if( destroyInstance ) - { - s_Instance = NULL; - } - - return s_Instance; -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::PACSPlugin() -: m_ReaderType(0) -{ -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::~PACSPlugin() -{ -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::PACSPluginCapability mitk::PACSPlugin::GetPluginCapabilities() -{ - PACSPluginCapability result; - result.IsPACSFunctional = false; - result.HasLoadCapability = false; - result.HasSaveCapability = false; - return result; -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::PatientInformationList mitk::PACSPlugin::GetPatientInformationList() -{ - PatientInformationList emptyResult; - emptyResult.clear(); - return emptyResult; -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::StudyInformationList mitk::PACSPlugin::GetStudyInformationList( const PatientInformation& /* patient */ ) -{ - StudyInformationList emptyResult; - emptyResult.clear(); - return emptyResult; -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::SeriesInformationList mitk::PACSPlugin::GetSeriesInformationList( const std::string& /*studyInstanceUID*/ ) -{ - SeriesInformationList emptyResult; - emptyResult.clear(); - return emptyResult; -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::DocumentInformationList mitk::PACSPlugin::GetDocumentInformationList( const std::string& /*seriesInstanceUID*/ ) -{ - DocumentInformationList emptyResult; - emptyResult.clear(); - return emptyResult; -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::PatientInformation mitk::PACSPlugin::GetPatientInformation( const std::string& ) -{ - PatientInformation emptyResult; - emptyResult.PatientsSex = "O"; - emptyResult.PatientComments = "No PACS connectivity implemented or configured. Cannot query patient"; - return emptyResult; -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::StudyInformation mitk::PACSPlugin::GetStudyInformation( const std::string& ) -{ - StudyInformation emptyResult; - emptyResult.StudyDescription = "No PACS connectivity implemented or configured. Cannot query study"; - return emptyResult; -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::SeriesInformation mitk::PACSPlugin::GetSeriesInformation( const std::string& ) -{ - SeriesInformation emptyResult; - emptyResult.SeriesDescription = "No PACS connectivity implemented or configured. Cannot query series."; - return emptyResult; -} - - -mitk::PACSPlugin::DocumentInformation mitk::PACSPlugin::GetDocumentInformation( const std::string& itkNotUsed(seriesInstanceUID), - unsigned int itkNotUsed(instanceNumber) ) -{ - DocumentInformation emptyResult; - return emptyResult; -} - - -unsigned int mitk::PACSPlugin::GetLightboxCount() -{ - return 0; -} - - -unsigned int mitk::PACSPlugin::GetActiveLightbox() -{ - return (unsigned int)-1; // user should check GetLightboxCount() first, unsensible values might tell him that his request is not sensible -} - - -void mitk::PACSPlugin::SetReaderType( unsigned int readerType ) -{ - m_ReaderType = readerType; -} - - -void mitk::PACSPlugin::AbortPACSImport() -{ -} - - -std::vector mitk::PACSPlugin::LoadImagesFromLightbox( unsigned int itkNotUsed(lightboxIndex) ) -{ - std::vector emptyVector; - emptyVector.clear(); - return emptyVector; -} - - -std::vector mitk::PACSPlugin::LoadFromSeries( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID ) -{ - std::vector resultVector = this->LoadImagesFromSeries( seriesInstanceUID ); - std::vector secondResultVector = this->LoadTextsFromSeries( seriesInstanceUID ); - resultVector.insert( resultVector.end(), secondResultVector.begin(), secondResultVector.end() ); - return resultVector; -} - - -std::vector mitk::PACSPlugin::LoadImagesFromSeries( const std::string& /* seriesInstanceUID */ ) -{ - std::vector emptyVector; - emptyVector.clear(); - return emptyVector; -} - -std::vector mitk::PACSPlugin::LoadImagesFromSeries( std::vector /* seriesInstanceUIDs */ ) -{ - std::vector emptyVector; - emptyVector.clear(); - return emptyVector; -} - - -std::vector mitk::PACSPlugin::LoadTextsFromSeries( const std::string& /* seriesInstanceUID */ ) -{ - std::vector emptyVector; - emptyVector.clear(); - return emptyVector; -} - - -mitk::DataNode::Pointer mitk::PACSPlugin::LoadSingleText( const std::string& /* seriesInstanceUID */ , unsigned int /* instanceNumber */ ) -{ - return NULL; -} - - -void mitk::PACSPlugin::SaveAsNewSeries( DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer /* inputNodes */, - const std::string& /* studyInstanceUID */, - int /* seriesNumber */, - const std::string& /*seriesDescription */) -{ -} - - -void mitk::PACSPlugin::SaveToSeries( DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer /* inputNodes */, - const std::string& /* seriesInstanceUID */, - bool /* overwriteExistingSeries */) -{ -} - -void mitk::PACSPlugin::UploadFileAsNewSeries( const std::string& /* filename */, - const std::string& /* mimeType */, - const std::string& /* studyInstanceUID */, - int /* seriesNumber */, - const std::string& /* seriesDescription */ ) -{ -} - -void mitk::PACSPlugin::UploadFileToSeries( const std::string& /* filename */, - const std::string& /* filebasename */, - const std::string& /* mimeType */, - const std::string& /* seriesInstanceUID */, - bool /* overwriteExistingSeries */ ) -{ -} - -std::string mitk::PACSPlugin::GuessMIMEType( const std::string& filename ) -{ - std::ifstream file( filename.c_str() ); - if (!file) - { - // cannot open file - return std::string(""); - } - - const unsigned int maxLength = 8; - unsigned char line[ maxLength]; - file.getline( reinterpret_cast(line), maxLength ); - file.close(); - - std::string firstLine( reinterpret_cast(line) ); - - if ( firstLine.substr( 1, 3 ) == "PDF" ) - { - return std::string("application/pdf"); - } - - if ( firstLine.substr( 0, 5 ) == "{\\rtf" ) - { - return std::string("text/richtext"); - } - - if ( firstLine.substr( 0, 2 ) == "PK" ) - { - return std::string("application/zip"); - } - - if ( (line[0] == 0xFF) && (line[1] == 0xD8) ) - { - return std::string("image/jpeg"); - } - - if ( (line[0] == 0x89) && - (line[1] == 0x50) && - (line[2] == 0x4E) && - (line[3] == 0x47) && - (line[4] == 0x0D) && - (line[5] == 0x0A) && - (line[6] == 0x1A) && - (line[7] == 0x0A) - ) - { - return std::string("image/png"); - } - - if ( (line[0] == 0x4D) && (line[1] == 0x5A) ) - { - //return std::string("application/octet-stream"); - return std::string("Windows EXE"); - } - - if ( ( filename.rfind( ".stl" ) == filename.length() - 4 ) || - ( filename.rfind( ".STL" ) == filename.length() - 4 ) ) - { - // this is a guess. don't know a good way to test for STL. - return std::string("application/sla"); - } - - if ( ( filename.rfind( ".txt" ) == filename.length() - 4 ) || - ( filename.rfind( ".TXT" ) == filename.length() - 4 ) ) - { - // this is a guess. don't know a good way to test for STL. - return std::string("text/plain"); - } - - return std::string(""); -} - - -void mitk::PACSPlugin::DownloadSingleFile( const std::string& /*seriesInstanceUID*/, - unsigned int /*instanceNumber*/, - const std::string& /*filename*/) -{ -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPACSPlugin.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPACSPlugin.h deleted file mode 100644 index b17d09d086..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPACSPlugin.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,315 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef MITKCHILIPLUGIN_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1EBD0AD -#define MITKCHILIPLUGIN_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1EBD0AD - -#include "mitkDataStorage.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -namespace mitk { - -/** Documentation - \brief Interface for minimal PACS communication - \ingroup IO - \ingroup Chili - - Defines some basic function for communication with a PACS. - Currently only really implemented for the CHILI Workstation (see CHILIPlugin), - but should be basic enough to work with differnt systems, too. - - \todo The PatientInformation, StudyInformation, SeriesInformation structures should be classes able to contain any kind of tags -*/ -class MitkExt_EXPORT PACSPlugin : public itk::Object -{ - public: - - /** This struct contain the plugin capabilities. */ - struct MitkExt_EXPORT PACSPluginCapability - { - bool IsPACSFunctional; // is there actually a real PACS connectivity implemented, configured and working right now? - bool HasLoadCapability; // can the current implementation load data from a PACS? - bool HasSaveCapability; // can the current implementation save data into the PACS? - }; - - /** Information about a patient in the PACS. Fields should correspond to DICOM PS 3.4-2008 Annex C. **/ - class MitkExt_EXPORT PatientInformation - { - public: - std::string UID; // application specific - std::string PatientsName; // tag 0010,0010 - std::string PatientID; // tag 0010,0020 - std::string PatientsBirthDate; // tag 0010,0030 - std::string PatientsBirthTime; // tag 0010,0032 - std::string PatientsSex; // tag 0010,0040 - std::string PatientComments; // tag 0010,4000 - }; - - typedef std::list PatientInformationList; - - /** Information about a study in the PACS. Fields should correspond to DICOM PS 3.4-2008 Annex C. **/ - class MitkExt_EXPORT StudyInformation - { - public: - std::string StudyInstanceUID; // tag 0020,000D - std::string StudyID; // tag 0020,0010 - std::string StudyDate; // tag 0008,0020 - std::string StudyTime; // tag 0008,0030 - std::string AccessionNumber; // tag 0008,0050 - std::string ModalitiesInStudy; // tag 0008,0061 - std::string ReferringPhysician; // tag 0008,0090 - std::string StudyDescription; // tag 0008,1030 - }; - - typedef std::list StudyInformationList; - - /** Information about a study in the PACS. Fields should correspond to DICOM PS 3.4-2008 Annex C. **/ - class MitkExt_EXPORT SeriesInformation - { - public: - std::string SeriesInstanceUID; // tag 0020,000E - int SeriesNumber; // tag 0020,0011 - std::string SeriesDate; // tag 0008,0021 - std::string SeriesTime; // tag 0008,0031 - std::string SeriesDescription; // tag 0008,103E - std::string BodyPartExamined; // tag 0018,0015 - std::string FrameOfReferenceUID;// tag 0020,0052 - int AcquisitionNumber; // tag 0020,0012 image specific - std::string ContrastAgent; // tag 0018,0010 image specific - std::string ScanningSequence; // tag 0018,0020 mr image specific - int EchoNumber; // tag 0018,0086 mr image specific - int TemporalPosition; // tag 0020,0100 mr image specific - - SeriesInformation() - : SeriesNumber(-1), - AcquisitionNumber(-1), - EchoNumber(-1), - TemporalPosition(-1) - { - } - }; - - typedef std::list SeriesInformationList; - - /** Information about a document in a series. Very roughly corresponds to DICOM PS 3.3-2008 Annex C.24 */ - class MitkExt_EXPORT DocumentInformation - { - public: - std::string SeriesInstanceUID; // tag 0020,000E - unsigned int InstanceNumber; // tag 0020,0013 - std::string MimeType; // tag 0042,0012 - std::string ContentDate; // tag 0008,0023 - std::string DocumentTitle; // tag 0042,0010 - - DocumentInformation() - :InstanceNumber( (unsigned int)-1 ) - { - } - }; - - /** There can be lots of texts to one series, so we need a list. */ - typedef std::list DocumentInformationList; - - mitkClassMacro( PACSPlugin,itk::Object ); - - /*! - * \brief Return a singleton mitk::PACSPlugin-Instance - * - * \param destroyInstance Tell the specific implementation it should free/delete itself. - * \warning Application should not use the instance after calling GetInstance(true); - * \todo check deletion mechanism, should be done by the application, which knows about CHILI (because there is a QcMITK... - */ - static PACSPlugin* GetInstance( bool destroyInstance = false ); - - /*! - * \brief Information about capabilities of the current implementation. - */ - virtual PACSPluginCapability GetPluginCapabilities(); - - /*! - * \brief Get a list of all known patients - */ - virtual PatientInformationList GetPatientInformationList(); - - /*! - * \brief Get a list of all studies for a patient - */ - virtual StudyInformationList GetStudyInformationList( const PatientInformation& patient ); - - /*! - * \brief Get a list of all series for a study instance UID - */ - virtual SeriesInformationList GetSeriesInformationList( const std::string& studyInstanceUID = "" ); - - /*! - * \brief Get a list of all non-image documents for a series instance UID - */ - virtual DocumentInformationList GetDocumentInformationList( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID = "" ); - - /*! - * \brief Patient information for a given series instance UID - */ - virtual PatientInformation GetPatientInformation( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID = "" ); - - /*! - * \brief Study information for a given series instance UID - */ - virtual StudyInformation GetStudyInformation( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID = "" ); - - /*! - * \brief Series information for a given series instance UID - */ - virtual SeriesInformation GetSeriesInformation( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID = "" ); - - /*! - * \brief Document information for a given series instance UID and a document instance number - */ - virtual DocumentInformation GetDocumentInformation( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID, - unsigned int instanceNumber ); - - /*! - * \brief Number of image preview boxes (lightboxes) - * - * If the specific PACS implementation supports a kind of lightbox concept - * (a preview of all images from a selected series), then this function should - * return how many of such lightboxes there are. - */ - virtual unsigned int GetLightboxCount(); - - /*! - * \brief Return the index of the active image preview box (lightbox) - * - * If the specific PACS implementation supports a kind of lightbox concept - * (a preview of all images from a selected series), then this function should - * return the index of the currently active lightbox (starting from 0). - * - * If no active lightbox exists (perhaps due to lack of such a concept), it - * is the calling object's duty to check if the returned index is larger than - * the number of existing lightboxes reported by GetLightboxCount(). - */ - virtual unsigned int GetActiveLightbox(); - - /*! - * Set type of "sorter" that stacks 2D images into 3D or 3D+t volumes - * \param readerType 0 used for the ImageNumberFilter, 1 for the SingleSpacingFilter and 2 used for SpacingSetFilter. - * \todo this should take enum values - */ - virtual void SetReaderType( unsigned int readerType = 0 ); - - virtual void AbortPACSImport(); - - /*! - * - * \brief Load all images from the given lightbox. - * \todo rename to LoadLightboxContent and load all images and texts, ignoring the lightbox!! make it use LoadSeriesContent for all series UIDs found in lightbox - */ - virtual std::vector LoadImagesFromLightbox( unsigned int lightboxIndex = 0 ); - - /*! - * \brief Load all objects from a given series instance UID - * \todo rename to LoadSeriesContent, make this take a list of UIDs - */ - virtual std::vector LoadFromSeries( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID ); - - /*! - * \brief Load all image objects from a given series instance UID - * \todo rename to LoadSeriesImageContent, make this take a list of UIDs - */ - virtual std::vector LoadImagesFromSeries( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID ); - - virtual std::vector LoadImagesFromSeries( std::vector seriesInstanceUIDs ); - - /*! - * \brief Load all objects from a given series instance UID - * \todo rename to LoadSeriesDocumentContent, make this take a list of UIDs - */ - virtual std::vector LoadTextsFromSeries( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID ); - - /*! - * \brief Load a given document object for a series instance UID and a document instance number - * \todo rename to LoadDocument make it take a list of parameters - */ - virtual DataNode::Pointer LoadSingleText( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID, unsigned int instanceNumber ); - - /*! - * \brief Load a given document object for a series instance UID and a document instance number - * In contrast to LoadSingleText this method will just create a new file on the local file system. - */ - virtual void DownloadSingleFile( const std::string& seriesInstanceUID, - unsigned int instanceNumber, - const std::string& filename ); - - /*! - * \brief Save given data as a new series - * \param studyInstanceUID save into this study - * \param seriesNumber a number identifying the new series - * \param seriesDescription a string description for the new series - */ - virtual void SaveAsNewSeries( DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer inputNodes, - const std::string& studyInstanceUID, - int seriesNumber, - const std::string& seriesDescription ); - - /*! - * \brief Save given data into an existing series - * \param seriesInstanceUID save into this series - * \param seriesDescription a string description for the new series - */ - virtual void SaveToSeries( DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer inputNodes, - const std::string& seriesInstanceUID, - bool overwriteExistingSeries ); - - /*! - * \brief Upload a file as a new series - * \param studyInstanceUID save into this study - * \param seriesNumber a number identifying the new series - * \param seriesDescription a string description for the new series - */ - virtual void UploadFileAsNewSeries( const std::string& filename, - const std::string& mimeType, - const std::string& studyInstanceUID, - int seriesNumber, - const std::string& seriesDescription ); - - /*! - * \brief Upload file into an existing series - * \param seriesInstanceUID save into this series - * \param seriesDescription a string description for the new series - */ - virtual void UploadFileToSeries( const std::string& filename, - const std::string& filebasename, - const std::string& mimeType, - const std::string& seriesInstanceUID, - bool overwriteExistingSeries ); - - virtual std::string GuessMIMEType( const std::string& filename ); - - - protected: - - // All this is hidden, should be instantiated through the GetInstance() method. - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - PACSPlugin(); - virtual ~PACSPlugin(); - - int m_ReaderType; -}; - -} // end namespace - -#endif - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPACSPluginEvents.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPACSPluginEvents.h deleted file mode 100644 index 54130dfae8..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPACSPluginEvents.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef mitkPACSPluginEventshincluded -#define mitkPACSPluginEventshincluded - -#include -#pragma GCC visibility push(default) -#include -#pragma GCC visibility pop - -namespace mitk -{ - #pragma GCC visibility push(default) - itkEventMacro( PluginEvent, itk::AnyEvent ); - itkEventMacro( PluginStudySelected, PluginEvent ); - itkEventMacro( PluginLightBoxCountChanged, PluginEvent ); - itkEventMacro( PluginAbortPACSImport, PluginEvent ); - #pragma GCC visibility pop -} - -#endif - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkParRecFileIOFactory.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkParRecFileIOFactory.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 8b2d7d6bf5..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkParRecFileIOFactory.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkParRecFileIOFactory.h" -#include "mitkIOAdapter.h" -#include "mitkParRecFileReader.h" - -#include "itkVersion.h" - - -namespace mitk -{ -ParRecFileIOFactory::ParRecFileIOFactory() -{ - this->RegisterOverride("mitkIOAdapter", - "mitkParRecFileReader", - "mitk ParRec Image IO", - 1, - itk::CreateObjectFunction >::New()); -} - -ParRecFileIOFactory::~ParRecFileIOFactory() -{ -} - -const char* ParRecFileIOFactory::GetITKSourceVersion() const -{ - return ITK_SOURCE_VERSION; -} - -const char* ParRecFileIOFactory::GetDescription() const -{ - return "ParRecFile IO Factory, allows the loading of ParRec images"; -} - -} // end namespace mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkParRecFileIOFactory.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkParRecFileIOFactory.h deleted file mode 100644 index 334717fcb5..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkParRecFileIOFactory.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef __mitkParRecFileIOFactory_h -#define __mitkParRecFileIOFactory_h - -#ifdef _MSC_VER -#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) -#endif - -#include "itkObjectFactoryBase.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkBaseData.h" - -namespace mitk -{ -//##Documentation -//## @brief Create instances of ParRecFileReader objects using an object factory. -//## -//## @ingroup IO -class MitkExt_EXPORT ParRecFileIOFactory : public itk::ObjectFactoryBase -{ -public: - /** Standard class typedefs. */ - typedef ParRecFileIOFactory Self; - typedef itk::ObjectFactoryBase Superclass; - typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; - typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; - - /** Class methods used to interface with the registered factories. */ - virtual const char* GetITKSourceVersion(void) const; - virtual const char* GetDescription(void) const; - - /** Method for class instantiation. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); - static ParRecFileIOFactory* FactoryNew() { return new ParRecFileIOFactory;} - /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ - itkTypeMacro(ParRecFileIOFactory, ObjectFactoryBase); - - /** - * Register one factory of this type - * \deprecatedSince{2013_09} - */ - DEPRECATED(static void RegisterOneFactory(void)) - { - ParRecFileIOFactory::Pointer ParRecFileIOFactory = ParRecFileIOFactory::New(); - ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterFactory(ParRecFileIOFactory); - } - -protected: - ParRecFileIOFactory(); - ~ParRecFileIOFactory(); - -private: - ParRecFileIOFactory(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - -}; - - -} // end namespace mitk - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkParRecFileReader.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkParRecFileReader.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 045064e54d..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkParRecFileReader.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkParRecFileReader.h" -#include - -#ifdef __GNUC__ -#define stricmp strcasecmp -#endif - -void mitk::ParRecFileReader::GenerateOutputInformation() -{ - mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - if ((output->IsInitialized()) && (this->GetMTime() <= m_ReadHeaderTime.GetMTime())) - return; - - itkDebugMacro(<<"Reading PAR file for GenerateOutputInformation()" << m_FileName); - - // Check to see if we can read the file given the name or prefix - // - if ( m_FileName == "" && m_FilePrefix == "" ) - { - throw itk::ImageFileReaderException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "One of FileName or FilePrefix must be non-empty"); - } - - m_RecFileName = ""; - if( m_FileName != "") - { - int extPos=m_FileName.find_last_of("."); - if(extPos>=-1) - { - const char *ext=m_FileName.c_str()+extPos+1; - if(stricmp(ext,"par")==0) - m_RecFileName = m_FileName.substr(0,extPos); - else - m_RecFileName = m_FileName; - } - else - m_RecFileName = m_FileName; - - m_RecFileName.append(".rec"); - - bool headerRead = false; - - bool signedCharType = true; - unsigned int dimension=0; - unsigned int dimensions[4]={0,0,1,1}; - float sliceThickness=0.0; - float sliceGap=0.0; - float sliceSpacing=0.0; - mitk::Vector3D thickness; thickness.Fill(1.0); - mitk::Vector3D gap; gap.Fill(0.0); - mitk::Vector3D spacing; - - FILE *f; - f=fopen(m_FileName.c_str(), "r"); - if(f!=NULL) - { - while(!feof(f)) - { - char s[300], *p; - char* ignored = fgets(s,200,f); - ++ignored; - if(strstr(s,"Max. number of cardiac phases")) - { - p=strchr(s,':')+1; - dimensions[3]=atoi(p); - if(dimensions[3]>1) - dimension=4; - } - else - if(strstr(s,"Max. number of slices/locations")) - { - p=strchr(s,':')+1; - dimensions[2]=atoi(p); - if(dimension==0) - { - if(dimensions[2]>1) - dimension=3; - else - dimension=2; - } - } - else - if(strstr(s,"Image pixel size")) - { - p=strchr(s,':')+1; - int bpe=atoi(p); - if(bpe!=8) - signedCharType = false; - } - else - if(strstr(s,"Recon resolution")) - { - p=s+strcspn(s,"0123456789"); - sscanf(p,"%u %u", dimensions, dimensions+1); - } - else - if(strstr(s,"FOV (ap,fh,rl) [mm]")) - { - p=s+strcspn(s,"0123456789"); - char *oldLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, 0); - sscanf(p,"%f %f %f", &thickness[0], &thickness[1], &thickness[2]); - setlocale(LC_ALL, oldLocale); - } - else - if(strstr(s,"Slice thickness [mm]")) - { - p=s+strcspn(s,"0123456789"); - char *oldLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, 0); - sscanf(p,"%f", &sliceThickness); - setlocale(LC_ALL, oldLocale); - } - else - if(strstr(s,"Slice gap [mm]")) - { - p=s+strcspn(s,"-0123456789"); - char *oldLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, 0); - sscanf(p,"%f", &sliceGap); - setlocale(LC_ALL, oldLocale); - } - } - fclose(f); - -//C:\home\ivo\data\coronaries\ucsf-wholeheart-2.par - sliceSpacing = sliceThickness+sliceGap; - if((dimension>0) && (dimensions[0]>0) && (dimensions[1]>0) && (sliceThickness>0) && (sliceSpacing>0)) - { - headerRead = true; - if(fabs(thickness[0]/dimensions[2]-sliceSpacing)<0.0001) - thickness[0]=thickness[1]; - else - if(fabs(thickness[1]/dimensions[2]-sliceSpacing)<0.0001) - thickness[1]=thickness[0]; - thickness[2]=sliceSpacing; - - thickness[0]/=dimensions[0]; - thickness[1]/=dimensions[1]; - spacing=thickness+gap; - } - } - - if( headerRead == false) - { - itk::ImageFileReaderException e(__FILE__, __LINE__); - std::ostringstream msg; - msg << " Could not read file " - << m_FileName.c_str(); - e.SetDescription(msg.str().c_str()); - throw e; - return; - } - - // define types - mitk::PixelType SCType = mitk::MakeScalarPixelType(); - mitk::PixelType SSType = mitk::MakeScalarPixelType(); - - if( signedCharType ) - output->Initialize(SCType, dimension, dimensions); - else - output->Initialize(SSType, dimension, dimensions); - - output->GetSlicedGeometry()->SetSpacing(spacing); - - //output->GetSlicedGeometry()->SetPlaneGeometry(mitk::Image::BuildStandardPlanePlaneGeometry(output->GetSlicedGeometry(), dimensions).GetPointer(), 0); - output->GetSlicedGeometry()->SetEvenlySpaced(); - } - - m_ReadHeaderTime.Modified(); -} - -void mitk::ParRecFileReader::GenerateData() -{ - mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - - // Check to see if we can read the file given the name or prefix - // - if ( m_RecFileName == "" ) - { - throw itk::ImageFileReaderException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "FileName for rec-file empty"); - } - - if( m_RecFileName != "") - { - FILE *f = fopen(m_RecFileName.c_str(), "r"); - if(f==NULL) - { - throw itk::ImageFileReaderException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Could not open rec-file."); - } - - int zstart, zmax; - int tstart, tmax; - - zstart=output->GetRequestedRegion().GetIndex(2); - tstart=output->GetRequestedRegion().GetIndex(3); - - zmax=zstart+output->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(2); - tmax=tstart+output->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(3); - - int sliceSize=output->GetDimension(0)*output->GetDimension(1)*output->GetPixelType().GetBpe()/8; - void *data = malloc(sliceSize); - - bool ignore4Dtopogram=false; - { - int slicePlusTimeSize=output->GetDimension(0)*output->GetDimension(1)*output->GetDimension(3)*output->GetPixelType().GetBpe()/8; - if(output->GetDimension(3)>1) - ignore4Dtopogram=true; - - int z,t; - for(t=tstart;tSetSlice(data,z,t,0); - } - } - //else - //{ - // for(;zSetSlice(data,z,0,0); - // } - //} - free(data); - - fclose(f); - } -} - -bool mitk::ParRecFileReader::CanReadFile(const std::string filename, const std::string /*filePrefix*/, const std::string /*filePattern*/) -{ - // First check the extension - if( filename == "" ) - { - //MITK_INFO<<"No filename specified."< -#include -#include "mitkProperties.h" -#include "mitkStringProperty.h" -#include "mitkEnumerationProperty.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include "usServiceReference.h" -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - struct PropertyListExportToXmlFileData - { - const std::string* m_FileName; - const PropertyList* m_PropertyList; - }; - - PropertyListExportToXmlFile::PropertyListExportToXmlFile(const std::string* _FileName, - const PropertyList* _PropertyList) - : d( new PropertyListExportToXmlFileData ) - { - d->m_FileName = _FileName; - d->m_PropertyList = _PropertyList; - } - - PropertyListExportToXmlFile::~PropertyListExportToXmlFile() - { - delete d; - } - - void PropertyListExportToXmlFile::Update() - { - std::string _FileName = *d->m_FileName; - PropertyList::Pointer propList = PropertyList::New(); - - TiXmlDocument doc( _FileName.c_str() ); - TiXmlElement* root = 0; - TiXmlElement* elem = 0; - - std::string className; - d->m_PropertyList->GetStringProperty("ClassName", className); - // check if element is already available - if(doc.LoadFile()) - { - root = doc.FirstChildElement(); - if(!root) - { - MITK_WARN("PropertyListExportToXml") << "No root element found"; - return; - } - elem = root->FirstChildElement( className ); - std::string id; - d->m_PropertyList->GetStringProperty("Id", id); - if( !id.empty() ) - { - std::string foundId; - while(elem) - { - elem->QueryStringAttribute("Id", &foundId); - if( foundId == id ) - break; - elem = elem->NextSiblingElement( className ); - } - } - } - else - { - // document did not exist, create new one with declration - TiXmlDeclaration * decl = new TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "", "" ); - doc.LinkEndChild( decl ); - // create root - root = new TiXmlElement( "data" ); - doc.LinkEndChild( root ); - } - - // create elem if not existent - TiXmlElement* newElem = 0; - if(!elem) - { - elem = new TiXmlElement( className ); - newElem = elem; - } - - const std::map< std::string, BaseProperty::Pointer>* propMap = d->m_PropertyList->GetMap(); - std::map< std::string, BaseProperty::Pointer>::const_iterator propMapIt = propMap->begin(); - while( propMapIt != propMap->end() ) - { - if( propMapIt->first.find_first_of(".") != std::string::npos ) - { - MITK_DEBUG << "meta property found. will not write."; - ++propMapIt; - continue; - } - mitk::IntProperty* intProp = 0; - mitk::FloatProperty* floatProp = 0; - mitk::DoubleProperty* doubleProp = 0; - mitk::BoolProperty* boolProp = 0; - mitk::StringProperty* stringProp = 0; - mitk::EnumerationProperty* enumProp = 0; - - if( (boolProp = dynamic_cast( propMapIt->second.GetPointer() ) ) ) - { - elem->SetAttribute( propMapIt->first, boolProp->GetValue() ? 1 : 0 ); - } - else if( (stringProp = dynamic_cast( propMapIt->second.GetPointer() ) ) ) - { - elem->SetAttribute( propMapIt->first, stringProp->GetValue() ); - } - else if( (intProp = dynamic_cast( propMapIt->second.GetPointer() ) ) ) - { - elem->SetAttribute( propMapIt->first, intProp->GetValue() ); - } - else if( (enumProp = dynamic_cast( propMapIt->second.GetPointer() ) ) ) - { - elem->SetAttribute( propMapIt->first, enumProp->GetValueAsId() ); - } - else if( (doubleProp = dynamic_cast( propMapIt->second.GetPointer() ) ) ) - { - elem->SetDoubleAttribute( propMapIt->first, doubleProp->GetValue() ); - } - else if( (floatProp = dynamic_cast( propMapIt->second.GetPointer() ) ) ) - { - elem->SetDoubleAttribute( propMapIt->first, static_cast( floatProp->GetValue() ) ); - } - else - { - MITK_DEBUG << "trying to look up serializer for baseproperty in AlgorithmRegistry"; - - { - MITK_WARN("PropertyListExportToXmlFile") << "Base property " << propMapIt->first << " is unknown"; - } - } - ++propMapIt; - } - - // add the element node as child - if( newElem ) - root->LinkEndChild(elem); - - if( !doc.SaveFile( _FileName ) ) - { - MITK_DEBUG << "File " << _FileName << " could not be written. Please check permissions."; - MITK_WARN("PropertyListExportToXmlFile") << "Cannot write file"; - } - } - - void PropertyListExportToXmlFile::SetFileName(const std::string* _FileName) - { - d->m_FileName = _FileName; - } - - void PropertyListExportToXmlFile::SetPropertyList(const PropertyList* _PropertyList) - { - d->m_PropertyList = _PropertyList; - } -} // namespace mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPropertyListExportToXmlFile.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPropertyListExportToXmlFile.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6bc4ef6d87..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPropertyListExportToXmlFile.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef mitkPropertyListExportToXmlFile_h -#define mitkPropertyListExportToXmlFile_h - -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - /// - /// d pointer forward declaration - /// - struct PropertyListExportToXmlFileData; - /// - /// writes a 2d cv point to an xml file - /// - class MitkExt_EXPORT PropertyListExportToXmlFile - { - public: - /// - /// init default values and save references - /// - PropertyListExportToXmlFile( const std::string* _FileName = 0, - const PropertyList* _PropertyList = 0); - /// - /// executes the algorithm if inputs changed - /// - void Update(); - /// - /// delete d pointer - /// - virtual ~PropertyListExportToXmlFile(); - /// - /// setter for field FileName - /// - void SetFileName(const std::string* _FileName); - /// - /// setter for field PropertyList - /// - void SetPropertyList(const PropertyList* _PropertyList); - private: - /// - /// d pointer - /// - PropertyListExportToXmlFileData* d; - }; -} // namespace mitk - -#endif // mitkPropertyListExportToXmlFile_h diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index aa70e625e1..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#include "mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include "mitkProperties.h" -#include "mitkStringProperty.h" -#include "mitkEnumerationProperty.h" -#include "mitkGenericProperty.h" -//#include "mitkBasePropertyFromString.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include "usServiceReference.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - struct PropertyListImportFromXmlFileData - { - const std::string* m_FileName; - PropertyList* m_PropertyList; - - //private - long int m_FileModifiedTime; - }; - - PropertyListImportFromXmlFile::PropertyListImportFromXmlFile( - const std::string* _FileName, - PropertyList* _PropertyList) - : d( new PropertyListImportFromXmlFileData ) - { - d->m_FileName = _FileName; - d->m_PropertyList = _PropertyList; - d->m_FileModifiedTime = 0; - } - - PropertyListImportFromXmlFile::~PropertyListImportFromXmlFile() - { - delete d; - } - - void GetPropertyListFromXMLFile ( const TiXmlElement* elem, const std::string* _FileName, PropertyList* _PropertyList ) - { - const std::map< std::string, BaseProperty::Pointer>* propMap = _PropertyList->GetMap(); - std::map< std::string, BaseProperty::Pointer>::const_iterator propMapIt = propMap->begin(); - while( propMapIt != propMap->end() ) - { - std::string key = propMapIt->first; - mitk::BaseProperty* prop = propMapIt->second.GetPointer(); - mitk::IntProperty* intProp = 0; - mitk::FloatProperty* floatProp = 0; - mitk::DoubleProperty* doubleProp = 0; - mitk::BoolProperty* boolProp = 0; - mitk::StringProperty* stringProp = 0; - mitk::EnumerationProperty* enumProp = 0; - bool found = false; - - if( (boolProp = dynamic_cast( prop ) ) ) - { - int val = false; - found = elem->QueryIntAttribute(key, &val) == TIXML_SUCCESS; - if( found ) - boolProp->SetValue( val==0 ? false : true ); - } - else if( (stringProp = dynamic_cast( prop ) ) ) - { - std::string val = ""; - found = elem->QueryStringAttribute(key.c_str(), &val) == TIXML_SUCCESS; - if( found ) - stringProp->SetValue( val ); - } - else if( (intProp = dynamic_cast( prop ) ) ) - { - int val = 0; - found = elem->QueryIntAttribute(key, &val) == TIXML_SUCCESS; - if( found ) - intProp->SetValue( val ); - } - else if( (enumProp = dynamic_cast( prop ) ) ) - { - int val = 0; - found = elem->QueryIntAttribute(key, &val) == TIXML_SUCCESS; - if( found && enumProp->IsValidEnumerationValue( val ) ) - enumProp->SetValue( static_cast ( val ) ); - else - { - std::string strval = ""; - found = elem->QueryStringAttribute(key.c_str(), &strval); - if( found && enumProp->IsValidEnumerationValue( strval ) ) - enumProp->SetValue( strval ); - } - } - else if( (doubleProp = dynamic_cast( prop ) ) ) - { - double val = 0; - found = elem->QueryDoubleAttribute(key, &val) == TIXML_SUCCESS; - doubleProp->SetValue( val ); - } - else if( (floatProp = dynamic_cast( prop ) ) ) - { - double val = 0; - found = elem->QueryDoubleAttribute(key, &val) == TIXML_SUCCESS; - floatProp->SetValue( static_cast( val ) ); - } - else - { - MITK_WARN("PropertyListImportFromXmlFile") << "Base property " << key << " is unknown"; - } - - if(!found) - { - MITK_DEBUG << "Attribute " << key << " not found"; - } - - ++propMapIt; - } - } - - void PropertyListImportFromXmlFile::Update() - { - - std::string _FileName = *d->m_FileName; - - MITK_DEBUG << "extracting real path (complete path)"; - _FileName = itksys::SystemTools::GetRealPath( _FileName.c_str() ); - - if( !itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(_FileName.c_str()) ) - { - MITK_WARN("PropertyListFromXml") << " Cannot open file"; - } - - long int _FileModifiedTime = itksys::SystemTools::ModifiedTime( _FileName.c_str() ); - // file has not changed: we know that version... -> do nothing - if( d->m_FileModifiedTime >= _FileModifiedTime ) - return; - - // reread - TiXmlDocument doc( _FileName ); - doc.LoadFile(); - - MITK_DEBUG << "searching for element with classname"; - std::string className; - d->m_PropertyList->GetStringProperty("ClassName", className); - - TiXmlHandle docHandle( &doc ); - TiXmlElement* elem = docHandle.FirstChildElement().FirstChildElement( className ).ToElement(); - - if(!elem) - { - MITK_WARN("PropertyListFromXml") << "Cannot find element"; - return; - } - - std::string id; - d->m_PropertyList->GetStringProperty("Id", id); - if( !id.empty() ) - { - std::string foundId; - while(elem) - { - elem->QueryStringAttribute("Id", &foundId); - if( foundId == id ) - break; - elem = elem->NextSiblingElement( className ); - } - if(!elem) - { - MITK_WARN("PropertyListFromXml") << "Cannot find element by id"; - return; - } - } - - MITK_DEBUG << "element found. now reading attributes into propertylist"; - GetPropertyListFromXMLFile( elem, &_FileName, d->m_PropertyList ); - - MITK_DEBUG << "save that modified time"; - d->m_FileModifiedTime = _FileModifiedTime; - } - - void PropertyListImportFromXmlFile::SetFileName(const std::string* _FileName) - { - d->m_FileName = _FileName; - } - - void PropertyListImportFromXmlFile::SetPropertyList(PropertyList* _PropertyList) - { - d->m_PropertyList = _PropertyList; - } -} // namespace mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile.h deleted file mode 100644 index e4e983876e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile_h -#define mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile_h - -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - /// - /// d pointer forward declaration - /// - struct PropertyListImportFromXmlFileData; - /// - /// DOCUMENTATION - /// - class MitkExt_EXPORT PropertyListImportFromXmlFile - { - public: - /// - /// init default values and save references - /// - PropertyListImportFromXmlFile( const std::string* _FileName = 0, - PropertyList* _PropertyList = 0 ); - - /// - /// executes the algorithm if inputs changed - /// - void Update(); - /// - /// delete d pointer - /// - virtual ~PropertyListImportFromXmlFile(); - /// - /// setter for field FileName - /// - void SetFileName(const std::string* _FileName); - /// - /// setter for field PropertyList - /// - void SetPropertyList(PropertyList* _PropertyList); - private: - /// - /// d pointer - /// - PropertyListImportFromXmlFileData* d; - }; -} // namespace mitk - -#endif // mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile_h diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 12e1582135..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.h" -#include "mitkIOAdapter.h" -#include "mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h" - -#include "itkVersion.h" - - -namespace mitk -{ -StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory() -{ - this->RegisterOverride("mitkIOAdapter", - "mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader", - "mitk Stl Surface IO", - 1, - itk::CreateObjectFunction >::New()); -} - -StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::~StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory() -{ -} - -const char* StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::GetITKSourceVersion() const -{ - return ITK_SOURCE_VERSION; -} - -const char* StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::GetDescription() const -{ - return "StlVolumeTimeSeries IO Factory, allows the loading of Stl surfaces"; -} - -} // end namespace mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.h deleted file mode 100644 index fce9500ff4..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef __mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory_h -#define __mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory_h - -#ifdef _MSC_VER -#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) -#endif - -#include "itkObjectFactoryBase.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkBaseData.h" - -namespace mitk -{ -//##Documentation -//## @brief Create instances of StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader objects using an object factory. -//## -//## @ingroup IO -class MitkExt_EXPORT StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory : public itk::ObjectFactoryBase -{ -public: - /** Standard class typedefs. */ - typedef StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory Self; - typedef itk::ObjectFactoryBase Superclass; - typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; - typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; - - /** Class methods used to interface with the registered factories. */ - virtual const char* GetITKSourceVersion(void) const; - virtual const char* GetDescription(void) const; - - /** Method for class instantiation. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); - static StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory* FactoryNew() { return new StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory;} - /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ - itkTypeMacro(StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory, ObjectFactoryBase); - - /** - * Register one factory of this type - * \deprecatedSince{2013_09} - */ - DEPRECATED(static void RegisterOneFactory(void)) - { - StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::Pointer StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory = StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::New(); - ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterFactory(StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory); - } - -protected: - StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory(); - ~StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory(); - -private: - StlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - -}; - - -} // end namespace mitk - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 0188706f5e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h" -#include "mitkSTLFileReader.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" -#include "vtkPolyData.h" - -void mitk::StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader::GenerateData() -{ - if ( !this->GenerateFileList() ) - { - itkWarningMacro( << "Sorry, file list could not be determined..." ); - return ; - } - - mitk::Surface::Pointer surface = this->GetOutput(); - MITK_INFO << "prefix: "<< m_FilePrefix << ", pattern: " <Expand(m_MatchedFileNames.size()); - for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_MatchedFileNames.size(); ++i ) - { - std::string fileName = m_MatchedFileNames[i]; - MITK_INFO << "Loading " << fileName << " as stl..." << std::endl; - - STLFileReader::Pointer stlReader = STLFileReader::New(); - stlReader->SetFileName( fileName.c_str() ); - stlReader->Update(); - - if ( stlReader->GetOutput() != NULL ) - { - surface->SetVtkPolyData( stlReader->GetOutput()->GetVtkPolyData(), i ); - } - else - { - itkWarningMacro(<< "stlReader returned NULL while reading " << fileName << ". Trying to continue with empty vtkPolyData..."); - surface->SetVtkPolyData( vtkPolyData::New(), i ); - } - } -} - -bool mitk::StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader::CanReadFile(const std::string /*filename*/, const std::string filePrefix, const std::string filePattern) -{ - if( filePattern != "" && filePrefix != "" ) - return false; - - bool extensionFound = false; - std::string::size_type STLPos = filePattern.rfind(".stl"); - if ((STLPos != std::string::npos) && (STLPos == filePattern.length() - 4)) - extensionFound = true; - - STLPos = filePattern.rfind(".STL"); - if ((STLPos != std::string::npos) && (STLPos == filePattern.length() - 4)) - extensionFound = true; - - if( !extensionFound ) - return false; - - return true; -} - -mitk::StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader::StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader() -{} - -mitk::StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader::~StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader() -{} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6ea287fe18..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef _Stl_VOLUME_TIME_SERIES_READER__H_ -#define _Stl_VOLUME_TIME_SERIES_READER__H_ - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkFileSeriesReader.h" -#include "mitkSurfaceSource.h" - -namespace mitk -{ -//##Documentation -//## @brief Reader to read a series of volume files in stl-format -//## @ingroup IO -class MitkExt_EXPORT StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader : public SurfaceSource, public FileSeriesReader -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro( StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader, FileReader ); - - /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - itkSetStringMacro(FileName); - itkGetStringMacro(FileName); - - itkSetStringMacro(FilePrefix); - itkGetStringMacro(FilePrefix); - - itkSetStringMacro(FilePattern); - itkGetStringMacro(FilePattern); - - static bool CanReadFile(const std::string filename, const std::string filePrefix, const std::string filePattern); - -protected: - virtual void GenerateData(); - - StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader(); - - ~StlVolumeTimeSeriesReader(); - - //##Description - //## @brief Time when Header was last read - itk::TimeStamp m_ReadHeaderTime; - -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index c5c68ecccf..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.h" -#include "mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.txx" - -namespace mitk { - -template<> -std::vector UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetPossibleFileExtensions() -{ - std::vector possibleFileExtensions; - possibleFileExtensions.push_back(".vtk"); - return possibleFileExtensions; -} - -template<> -std::vector UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetPossibleFileExtensions() -{ - std::vector possibleFileExtensions; - possibleFileExtensions.push_back(".vtu"); - return possibleFileExtensions; -} - -template<> -std::vector UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetPossibleFileExtensions() -{ - std::vector possibleFileExtensions; - possibleFileExtensions.push_back(".pvtu"); - return possibleFileExtensions; -} - -template<> -const char * UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetDefaultFilename() -{ - return "vtkUnstructuredGrid.vtk"; -} - -template<> -const char * UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetDefaultFilename() -{ - return "vtkUnstructuredGrid.vtu"; -} - -template<> -const char * UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetDefaultFilename() -{ - return "vtkUnstructuredGrid.pvtu"; -} - -template<> -const char * UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetFileDialogPattern() -{ - return "VTK Legacy Unstructured Grid (*.vtk)"; -} - -template<> -const char * UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetFileDialogPattern() -{ - return "VTK XML Unstructured Grid (*.vtu)"; -} - -template<> -const char * UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetFileDialogPattern() -{ - return "VTK Parallel XML Unstructured Grid (*.pvtu)"; -} - -template<> -const char * UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetDefaultExtension() -{ - return ".vtk"; -} - -template<> -const char * UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetDefaultExtension() -{ - return ".vtu"; -} - -template<> -const char * UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetDefaultExtension() -{ - return ".pvtu"; -} - - -template class UnstructuredGridVtkWriter; -template class UnstructuredGridVtkWriter; -template class UnstructuredGridVtkWriter; - - -} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.h deleted file mode 100644 index ddfc1710a1..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,157 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef _MITK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_VTK_WRITER__H_ -#define _MITK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_VTK_WRITER__H_ - - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "mitkUnstructuredGrid.h" - -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - -/** - * @brief VTK-based writer for mitk::UnstructuredGrid - * - * The mitk::UnstructuredGrid is written using the VTK-writer-type provided as the - * template argument. If the mitk::UnstructuredGrid contains multiple points of - * time, multiple files are written. The life-span (time-bounds) of each - * each point of time is included in the filename according to the - * following scheme: - * <filename>_S<timebounds[0]>E<timebounds[1]>_T<framenumber> - * (S=start, E=end, T=time). - * Writing of multiple files according to a given filename pattern is not - * yet supported. - * @ingroup Process -*/ -template -class MitkExt_EXPORT UnstructuredGridVtkWriter : public mitk::FileWriterWithInformation -{ -public: - - mitkClassMacro( UnstructuredGridVtkWriter, mitk::FileWriterWithInformation ); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - mitkWriterMacro; - - /** - * Sets the filename of the file to write. - * @param _arg the name of the file to write. - */ - itkSetStringMacro( FileName ); - - /** - * @returns the name of the file to be written to disk. - */ - itkGetStringMacro( FileName ); - - /** - * @warning multiple write not (yet) supported - */ - itkSetStringMacro( FilePrefix ); - - /** - * @warning multiple write not (yet) supported - */ - itkGetStringMacro( FilePrefix ); - - /** - * @warning multiple write not (yet) supported - */ - itkSetStringMacro( FilePattern ); - - /** - * @warning multiple write not (yet) supported - */ - itkGetStringMacro( FilePattern ); - - using FileWriter::SetInput; - - /** - * Sets the 0'th input object for the filter. - * @param input the first input for the filter. - */ - void SetInput( BaseData* input ); - - /** - * @returns the 0'th input object of the filter. - */ - const UnstructuredGrid* GetInput(); - - /** - * Returns false if an error happened during writing - */ - itkGetMacro( Success, bool ); - - /** - * @brief Return the possible file extensions for the data type associated with the writer - */ - virtual std::vector GetPossibleFileExtensions(); - - // FileWriterWithInformation methods - virtual const char * GetDefaultFilename(); - virtual const char * GetFileDialogPattern(); - virtual const char * GetDefaultExtension(); - virtual bool CanWriteBaseDataType(BaseData::Pointer data); - virtual void DoWrite(BaseData::Pointer data); - -protected: - - /** - * Constructor. - */ - UnstructuredGridVtkWriter(); - - /** - * Virtual destructor. - */ - virtual ~UnstructuredGridVtkWriter(); - - void ExecuteWrite(VTKWRITER* vtkWriter); - - virtual void GenerateData(); - - std::string m_FileName; - - std::string m_FilePrefix; - - std::string m_FilePattern; - - bool m_Success; -}; - -#ifndef MitkExt_EXPORTS -extern template class UnstructuredGridVtkWriter; -extern template class UnstructuredGridVtkWriter; -extern template class UnstructuredGridVtkWriter; -#endif - -} - - -#endif // _MITK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_VTK_WRITER__H_ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.txx b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.txx deleted file mode 100644 index 46eb319ee5..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.txx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _MITK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_VTKWRITER_TXX_ -#define _MITK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_VTKWRITER_TXX_ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -namespace mitk { - -template -UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::UnstructuredGridVtkWriter() - : m_Success(false) -{ - this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs(1); -} - -template -UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::~UnstructuredGridVtkWriter() -{ - -} - -template -void UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GenerateData() -{ - m_Success = false; - if ( m_FileName == "" ) - { - itkWarningMacro( << "Sorry, filename has not been set!" ); - return ; - } - - mitk::UnstructuredGrid::Pointer input = const_cast(this->GetInput()); - - if (input.IsNull()) - { - itkWarningMacro( << "Sorry, input to mitk::UnstructuredGridVtkWriter is NULL"); - return; - } - - VTKWRITER* unstructuredGridWriter = VTKWRITER::New(); - vtkTransformFilter* transformPointSet = vtkTransformFilter::New(); - vtkUnstructuredGrid * unstructuredGrid; - BaseGeometry* geometry; - - if(input->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps()>1) - { - - int t, timesteps; - - timesteps = input->GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps(); - for(t = 0; t < timesteps; ++t) - { - std::ostringstream filename; - geometry = input->GetGeometry(t); - if(input->GetTimeGeometry()->IsValidTimeStep(t)) - { - const mitk::TimeBounds& timebounds = input->GetTimeGeometry()->GetTimeBounds(t); - filename << m_FileName.c_str() << "_S" << std::setprecision(0) << timebounds[0] << "_E" << std::setprecision(0) << timebounds[1] << "_T" << t << GetDefaultExtension(); - } - else - { - itkWarningMacro(<<"Error on write: TimeGeometry invalid of unstructured grid " << filename.str() << "."); - filename << m_FileName.c_str() << "_T" << t << GetDefaultExtension(); - } - transformPointSet->SetInputData(input->GetVtkUnstructuredGrid(t)); - transformPointSet->SetTransform(geometry->GetVtkTransform()); - transformPointSet->UpdateWholeExtent(); - unstructuredGrid = static_cast(transformPointSet->GetOutput()); - - unstructuredGridWriter->SetFileName(filename.str().c_str()); - unstructuredGridWriter->SetInputData(unstructuredGrid); - - ExecuteWrite( unstructuredGridWriter ); - } - } - else - { - geometry = input->GetGeometry(); - transformPointSet->SetInputData(input->GetVtkUnstructuredGrid()); - transformPointSet->SetTransform(geometry->GetVtkTransform()); - transformPointSet->UpdateWholeExtent(); - unstructuredGrid = static_cast(transformPointSet->GetOutput()); - - unstructuredGridWriter->SetFileName(m_FileName.c_str()); - unstructuredGridWriter->SetInputData(unstructuredGrid); - - ExecuteWrite( unstructuredGridWriter ); - } - transformPointSet->Delete(); - unstructuredGridWriter->Delete(); - - m_Success = true; -} - -template -void UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::ExecuteWrite( VTKWRITER* vtkWriter ) -{ - struct stat fileStatus; - time_t timeBefore=0; - if (!stat(vtkWriter->GetFileName(), &fileStatus)) - { - timeBefore = fileStatus.st_mtime; - } - if (!vtkWriter->Write()) - { - itkExceptionMacro( << "Error during unstructured grid writing."); - } - - // check if file can be written because vtkWriter doesn't check that - if (stat(vtkWriter->GetFileName(), &fileStatus) || (timeBefore == fileStatus.st_mtime)) - { - itkExceptionMacro(<<"Error during unstructured grid writing: file could not be written"); - } -} - -template -void UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::SetInput(BaseData *input) -{ - this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput(0, input); -} - -template -const UnstructuredGrid* UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetInput() -{ - if (this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1) - { - return 0; - } - else - { - return dynamic_cast(this->ProcessObject::GetInput(0)); - } -} - -template -bool UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::CanWriteBaseDataType(BaseData::Pointer data) -{ - return (dynamic_cast(data.GetPointer()) != 0); -} - -template -void UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::DoWrite(BaseData::Pointer data) -{ - if (CanWriteBaseDataType(data)) - { - this->SetInput(dynamic_cast(data.GetPointer())); - this->Update(); - } -} - -template -std::vector UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetPossibleFileExtensions() -{ - throw std::exception(); // no specialization available! -} - -template -const char* UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetDefaultFilename() -{ - throw std::exception(); // no specialization available! -} - -template -const char* UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetFileDialogPattern() -{ - throw std::exception(); // no specialization available! -} - -template -const char* UnstructuredGridVtkWriter::GetDefaultExtension() -{ - throw std::exception(); // no specialization available! -} - -} - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 2f24d71402..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory.h" - -#include "itkCreateObjectFunction.h" -#include "itkVersion.h" - -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - -template -class CreateUnstructuredGridWriter : public itk::CreateObjectFunctionBase -{ -public: - - /** Standard class typedefs. */ - typedef CreateUnstructuredGridWriter Self; - typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; - - /** Methods from itk:LightObject. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); - LightObject::Pointer CreateObject() { typename T::Pointer p = T::New(); - p->Register(); - return p.GetPointer(); - } - -protected: - CreateUnstructuredGridWriter() {} - ~CreateUnstructuredGridWriter() {} - -private: - CreateUnstructuredGridWriter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented -}; - -UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory::UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory() -{ - this->RegisterOverride("IOWriter", - "UnstructuredGridVtkWriter", - "VTK Legacy Unstructured Grid Writer", - 1, - mitk::CreateUnstructuredGridWriter< mitk::UnstructuredGridVtkWriter >::New()); - - this->RegisterOverride("IOWriter", - "UnstructuredGridVtkWriter", - "VTK XML UnstructuredGrid Writer", - 1, - mitk::CreateUnstructuredGridWriter< mitk::UnstructuredGridVtkWriter >::New()); - - this->RegisterOverride("IOWriter", - "UnstructuredGridVtkWriter", - "VTK Parallel XML UnstructuredGrid Writer", - 1, - mitk::CreateUnstructuredGridWriter< mitk::UnstructuredGridVtkWriter >::New()); -} - -UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory::~UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory() -{ -} - -const char* UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory::GetITKSourceVersion() const -{ - return ITK_SOURCE_VERSION; -} - -const char* UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory::GetDescription() const -{ - return "UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory"; -} - -} // end namespace mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory.h deleted file mode 100644 index 1319b7f9d9..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_WRITERFACTORY_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_WRITERFACTORY_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "itkObjectFactoryBase.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkBaseData.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - -class MitkExt_EXPORT UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory : public itk::ObjectFactoryBase -{ -public: - - mitkClassMacro( mitk::UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory, itk::ObjectFactoryBase ) - - /** Class methods used to interface with the registered factories. */ - virtual const char* GetITKSourceVersion(void) const; - virtual const char* GetDescription(void) const; - - /** Method for class instantiation. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); - - /** - * Register one factory of this type - * \deprecatedSince{2013_09} - */ - DEPRECATED(static void RegisterOneFactory(void)) - { - static bool IsRegistered = false; - if ( !IsRegistered ) - { - UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory::Pointer ugVtkWriterFactory = UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory::New(); - ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterFactory( ugVtkWriterFactory ); - IsRegistered = true; - } - } - -protected: - UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory(); - ~UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory(); - -private: - UnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - -}; - -} // end namespace mitk - -#endif // UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_WRITERFACTORY_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 89382e368e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkVtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory.h" -#include "mitkIOAdapter.h" -#include "mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader.h" - -#include "itkVersion.h" - - -namespace mitk -{ -VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory::VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory() -{ - this->RegisterOverride("mitkIOAdapter", - "mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader", - "mitk Vtk UnstructuredGrid IO", - 1, - itk::CreateObjectFunction >::New()); -} - -VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory::~VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory() -{ -} - -const char* VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory::GetITKSourceVersion() const -{ - return ITK_SOURCE_VERSION; -} - -const char* VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory::GetDescription() const -{ - return "VtkUnstructuredGrid IO Factory, allows the loading of Vtk files containing unstructured grid data"; -} - -} // end namespace mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory.h deleted file mode 100644 index 92ae0e0cbe..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef __MITK_VTK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_IO_FACTORY_H_HEADER__ -#define __MITK_VTK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_IO_FACTORY_H_HEADER__ - -#ifdef _MSC_VER -#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) -#endif - -#include "itkObjectFactoryBase.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkBaseData.h" - -namespace mitk -{ -//##Documentation -//## @brief Create instances of VtkUnstructuredGridReader objects using an object factory. -//## -//## @ingroup IO -class MitkExt_EXPORT VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory : public itk::ObjectFactoryBase -{ -public: - /** Standard class typedefs. */ - typedef VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory Self; - typedef itk::ObjectFactoryBase Superclass; - typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; - typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; - - /** Class methods used to interface with the registered factories. */ - virtual const char* GetITKSourceVersion(void) const; - virtual const char* GetDescription(void) const; - - /** Method for class instantiation. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); - static VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory* FactoryNew() { return new VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory;} - /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ - itkTypeMacro(VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory, ObjectFactoryBase); - - /** - * Register one factory of this type - * \deprecatedSince{2013_09} - */ - DEPRECATED(static void RegisterOneFactory(void)) - { - VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory::Pointer VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory = VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory::New(); - ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterFactory(VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory); - } - -protected: - VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory(); - ~VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory(); - -private: - VtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - -}; - - -} // end namespace mitk - -#endif // __MITK_VTK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_IO_FACTORY_H_HEADER__ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index ad44d57d63..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#include "mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - - -mitk::VtkUnstructuredGridReader::VtkUnstructuredGridReader() -: m_FileName("") -{ -} - -mitk::VtkUnstructuredGridReader::~VtkUnstructuredGridReader() -{ -} - -void mitk::VtkUnstructuredGridReader::GenerateData() -{ - if( m_FileName != "") - { - bool success = false; - MITK_INFO << "Loading " << m_FileName << " as vtk unstructured grid" << std::endl; - - std::string ext = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(m_FileName); - ext = itksys::SystemTools::LowerCase(ext); - if (ext == ".vtk") - { - ///We create a Generic Reader to test de .vtk/ - vtkDataReader *chooser=vtkDataReader::New(); - chooser->SetFileName(m_FileName.c_str() ); - if( chooser->IsFileUnstructuredGrid()) - { - ///UnstructuredGrid/ - itkDebugMacro( << "UnstructuredGrid" ); - vtkUnstructuredGridReader *reader = vtkUnstructuredGridReader::New(); - reader->SetFileName( m_FileName.c_str() ); - reader->Update(); - - if ( reader->GetOutput() != NULL ) - { - mitk::UnstructuredGrid::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - output->SetVtkUnstructuredGrid( reader->GetOutput() ); - success = true; - } - reader->Delete(); - } - } - else if (ext == ".vtu") - { - vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader *reader=vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader::New(); - if( reader->CanReadFile(m_FileName.c_str()) ) - { - ///UnstructuredGrid/ - itkDebugMacro( << "XMLUnstructuredGrid" ); - reader->SetFileName( m_FileName.c_str() ); - reader->Update(); - - if ( reader->GetOutput() != NULL ) - { - mitk::UnstructuredGrid::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - output->SetVtkUnstructuredGrid( reader->GetOutput() ); - success = true; - } - reader->Delete(); - } - } - if(!success) - { - itkExceptionMacro( << " ... sorry, this .vtk format is not supported yet." ); - } - } -} - -bool mitk::VtkUnstructuredGridReader::CanReadFile(const std::string filename, const std::string /*filePrefix*/, const std::string /*filePattern*/) -{ - // First check the extension - if( filename == "" ) - return false; - - std::string ext = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(filename); - ext = itksys::SystemTools::LowerCase(ext); - if (ext == ".vtk") - { - vtkDataReader *chooser=vtkDataReader::New(); - chooser->SetFileName(filename.c_str() ); - if(!chooser->IsFileUnstructuredGrid()) - { - chooser->Delete(); - return false; - } - } - else if (ext == ".vtu") - { - vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader *chooser=vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader::New(); - if(!chooser->CanReadFile(filename.c_str())) - { - chooser->Delete(); - return false; - } - } - else - return false; - - return true; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9db5b40c5a..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef VtkUnstructuredGridReader_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define VtkUnstructuredGridReader_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkUnstructuredGridSource.h" - -namespace mitk { -//##Documentation -//## @brief Reader to read unstructured grid files in vtk-format -//## @ingroup IO -class MitkExt_EXPORT VtkUnstructuredGridReader : public UnstructuredGridSource -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(VtkUnstructuredGridReader, UnstructuredGridSource); - - /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - itkSetStringMacro(FileName); - itkGetStringMacro(FileName); - - itkSetStringMacro(FilePrefix); - itkGetStringMacro(FilePrefix); - - itkSetStringMacro(FilePattern); - itkGetStringMacro(FilePattern); - - static bool CanReadFile(const std::string filename, const std::string filePrefix, const std::string filePattern); - -protected: - virtual void GenerateData(); - - VtkUnstructuredGridReader(); - - ~VtkUnstructuredGridReader(); - - std::string m_FileName, m_FilePrefix, m_FilePattern; - -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* VtkUnstructuredGridReader_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index ca921fc2b9..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.h" -#include "mitkIOAdapter.h" -#include "mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h" - -#include "itkVersion.h" - - -namespace mitk -{ -VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory() -{ - this->RegisterOverride("mitkIOAdapter", - "mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader", - "mitk Vtk Surface IO", - 1, - itk::CreateObjectFunction >::New()); -} - -VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::~VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory() -{ -} - -const char* VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::GetITKSourceVersion() const -{ - return ITK_SOURCE_VERSION; -} - -const char* VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::GetDescription() const -{ - return "VtkVolumeTimeSeries IO Factory, allows the loading of Vtk surfaces"; -} - -} // end namespace mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.h deleted file mode 100644 index 49c2b60412..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#ifndef __mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory_h -#define __mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory_h - -#ifdef _MSC_VER -#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) -#endif - -#include "itkObjectFactoryBase.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkBaseData.h" - -namespace mitk -{ -//##Documentation -//## @brief Create instances of VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader objects using an object factory. -//## -//## @ingroup IO -class MitkExt_EXPORT VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory : public itk::ObjectFactoryBase -{ -public: - /** Standard class typedefs. */ - typedef VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory Self; - typedef itk::ObjectFactoryBase Superclass; - typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; - typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; - - /** Class methods used to interface with the registered factories. */ - virtual const char* GetITKSourceVersion(void) const; - virtual const char* GetDescription(void) const; - - /** Method for class instantiation. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); - static VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory* FactoryNew() { return new VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory;} - /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ - itkTypeMacro(VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory, ObjectFactoryBase); - - /** - * Register one factory of this type - * \deprecatedSince{2013_09} - */ - DEPRECATED(static void RegisterOneFactory(void)) - { - VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::Pointer VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory = VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory::New(); - ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterFactory(VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory); - } - -protected: - VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory(); - ~VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory(); - -private: - VtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented - -}; - - -} // end namespace mitk - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader.cpp b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 23c386cb4f..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h" -#include "mitkVtkSurfaceReader.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" -#include "vtkPolyData.h" - -void mitk::VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader::GenerateData() -{ - if ( !this->GenerateFileList() ) - { - itkWarningMacro( << "Sorry, file list could not be determined..." ); - return ; - } - - mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); - MITK_INFO << "prefix: "<< m_FilePrefix << ", pattern: " <Expand(m_MatchedFileNames.size()); - for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_MatchedFileNames.size(); ++i ) - { - std::string fileName = m_MatchedFileNames[i]; - MITK_INFO << "Loading " << fileName << " as vtk..." << std::endl; - - VtkSurfaceReader::Pointer vtkReader = VtkSurfaceReader::New(); - vtkReader->SetFileName( fileName.c_str() ); - vtkReader->Update(); - - if ( vtkReader->GetOutput() != NULL ) - { - output->SetVtkPolyData( vtkReader->GetOutput()->GetVtkPolyData(), i ); - } - else - { - itkWarningMacro(<< "vtkPolyDataReader returned NULL while reading " << fileName << ". Trying to continue with empty vtkPolyData..."); - output->SetVtkPolyData( vtkPolyData::New(), i ); - } - } -} - -bool mitk::VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader::CanReadFile(const std::string /*filename*/, const std::string filePrefix, const std::string filePattern) -{ - if( filePattern != "" && filePrefix != "" ) - return false; - - bool extensionFound = false; - std::string::size_type VTKPos = filePattern.rfind(".vtk"); - if ((VTKPos != std::string::npos) && (VTKPos == filePattern.length() - 4)) - extensionFound = true; - - VTKPos = filePattern.rfind(".VTK"); - if ((VTKPos != std::string::npos) && (VTKPos == filePattern.length() - 4)) - extensionFound = true; - - if( !extensionFound ) - return false; - - return true; -} - -mitk::VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader::VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader() -{} - -mitk::VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader::~VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader() -{} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h b/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h deleted file mode 100644 index 3e1e4b906d..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef _Vtk_VOLUME_TIME_SERIES_READER__H_ -#define _Vtk_VOLUME_TIME_SERIES_READER__H_ - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkFileSeriesReader.h" -#include "mitkSurfaceSource.h" - -namespace mitk -{ -//##Documentation -//## @brief Reader to read a series of volume files in Vtk-format -//## @ingroup IO -class MitkExt_EXPORT VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader : public SurfaceSource, public FileSeriesReader -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro( VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader, FileReader ); - - /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - itkSetStringMacro(FileName); - itkGetStringMacro(FileName); - - itkSetStringMacro(FilePrefix); - itkGetStringMacro(FilePrefix); - - itkSetStringMacro(FilePattern); - itkGetStringMacro(FilePattern); - - static bool CanReadFile(const std::string filename, const std::string filePrefix, const std::string filePattern); - -protected: - virtual void GenerateData(); - - VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader(); - - ~VtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader(); - - //##Description - //## @brief Time when Header was last read - itk::TimeStamp m_ReadHeaderTime; - -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/StateMachines.zip b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/StateMachines.zip deleted file mode 100644 index b72378a5a9..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/StateMachines.zip and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/debug_protocoll.pdf b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/debug_protocoll.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index 02c5e3aba4..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/debug_protocoll.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkAffineInteractor3D.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkAffineInteractor3D.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 0c0f25130e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkAffineInteractor3D.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,489 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkAffineInteractor3D.h" -#include "mitkPointOperation.h" -#include "mitkPositionEvent.h" -#include "mitkStatusBar.h" -#include "mitkDataNode.h" -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "mitkAction.h" -#include "mitkStateEvent.h" -#include "mitkOperationEvent.h" -#include "mitkUndoController.h" -#include "mitkStateMachineFactory.h" -#include "mitkStateTransitionOperation.h" -#include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" -#include "mitkRenderingManager.h" -#include "mitkRotationOperation.h" - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - - -namespace mitk -{ - -//how precise must the user pick the point -//default value -AffineInteractor3D -::AffineInteractor3D(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode, int /* n */ ) -: Interactor( type, dataNode ), - m_Precision( 6.5 ), - m_InteractionMode( INTERACTION_MODE_TRANSLATION ) -{ - Geometry3D::Pointer geo3D = Geometry3D::New(); - m_OriginalGeometry = dynamic_cast(geo3D.GetPointer()); - - // Initialize vector arithmetic - m_ObjectNormal[0] = 0.0; - m_ObjectNormal[1] = 0.0; - m_ObjectNormal[2] = 1.0; -} - - -AffineInteractor3D::~AffineInteractor3D() -{ -} - - -void AffineInteractor3D::SetInteractionMode( unsigned int interactionMode ) -{ - m_InteractionMode = interactionMode; -} - - -void AffineInteractor3D::SetInteractionModeToTranslation() -{ - m_InteractionMode = INTERACTION_MODE_TRANSLATION; -} - - -void AffineInteractor3D::SetInteractionModeToRotation() -{ - m_InteractionMode = INTERACTION_MODE_ROTATION; -} - - -unsigned int AffineInteractor3D::GetInteractionMode() const -{ - return m_InteractionMode; -} - - -void AffineInteractor3D::SetPrecision( ScalarType precision ) -{ - m_Precision = precision; -} - -// Overwritten since this class can handle it better! -float AffineInteractor3D -::CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const -{ - float returnValue = 0.5; - - - // If it is a key event that can be handled in the current state, - // then return 0.5 - DisplayPositionEvent const *disPosEvent = - dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - - // Key event handling: - if (disPosEvent == NULL) - { - // Check if the current state has a transition waiting for that key event. - if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) - { - return 0.5; - } - else - { - return 0.0; - } - } - - //on MouseMove do nothing! - //if (stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetType() == Type_MouseMove) - //{ - // return 0.0; - //} - - //if the event can be understood and if there is a transition waiting for that event - if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) - { - returnValue = 0.5;//it can be understood - } - - //int timeStep = disPosEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(); - - //CurveModel *curveModel = dynamic_cast( - // m_DataNode->GetData() ); - - //if ( curveModel != NULL ) - //{ - // // Get the PlaneGeometry of the window the user interacts with (for 2D point - // // projection) - // BaseRenderer *renderer = stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetSender(); - // const PlaneGeometry *projectionPlane = renderer->GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry(); - - // // For reading on the points, Ids etc - // //CurveModel::PointSetType *pointSet = curveModel->GetPointSet( timeStep ); - // //if ( pointSet == NULL ) - // //{ - // // return 0.0; - // //} - - //} - return returnValue; -} - - -bool AffineInteractor3D -::ExecuteAction( Action *action, StateEvent const *stateEvent ) -{ - bool ok = false; - - // Get data object - BaseData *data = m_DataNode->GetData(); - if ( data == NULL ) - { - MITK_ERROR << "No data object present!"; - return ok; - } - - // Get Event and extract renderer - const Event *event = stateEvent->GetEvent(); - BaseRenderer *renderer = NULL; - vtkRenderWindow *renderWindow = NULL; - vtkRenderWindowInteractor *renderWindowInteractor = NULL; - vtkRenderer *currentVtkRenderer = NULL; - vtkCamera *camera = NULL; - - if ( event != NULL ) - { - renderer = event->GetSender(); - if ( renderer != NULL ) - { - renderWindow = renderer->GetRenderWindow(); - if ( renderWindow != NULL ) - { - renderWindowInteractor = renderWindow->GetInteractor(); - if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) - { - currentVtkRenderer = renderWindowInteractor - ->GetInteractorStyle()->GetCurrentRenderer(); - if ( currentVtkRenderer != NULL ) - { - camera = currentVtkRenderer->GetActiveCamera(); - } - } - } - } - } - - // Check if we have a DisplayPositionEvent - const DisplayPositionEvent *dpe = - dynamic_cast< const DisplayPositionEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); - if ( dpe != NULL ) - { - m_CurrentPickedPoint = dpe->GetWorldPosition(); - m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint = dpe->GetDisplayPosition(); - } - - // Get the timestep to also support 3D+t - int timeStep = 0; - ScalarType timeInMS = 0.0; - if ( renderer != NULL ) - { - timeStep = renderer->GetTimeStep( data ); - timeInMS = renderer->GetTime(); - } - - // If data is an mitk::Surface, extract it - Surface *surface = dynamic_cast< Surface * >( data ); - vtkPolyData *polyData = NULL; - if ( surface != NULL ) - { - polyData = surface->GetVtkPolyData( timeStep ); - - // Extract surface normal from surface (if existent, otherwise use default) - vtkPointData *pointData = polyData->GetPointData(); - if ( pointData != NULL ) - { - vtkDataArray *normal = polyData->GetPointData()->GetVectors( "planeNormal" ); - if ( normal != NULL ) - { - m_ObjectNormal[0] = normal->GetComponent( 0, 0 ); - m_ObjectNormal[1] = normal->GetComponent( 0, 1 ); - m_ObjectNormal[2] = normal->GetComponent( 0, 2 ); - } - } - } - - // Get geometry object - m_Geometry = data->GetGeometry( timeStep ); - - - // Make sure that the data (if time-resolved) has enough entries; - // if not, create the required extra ones (empty) - data->Expand( timeStep+1 ); - - - switch (action->GetActionId()) - { - case AcDONOTHING: - ok = true; - break; - - - case AcCHECKOBJECT: - { - // Re-enable VTK interactor (may have been disabled previously) - if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) - { - renderWindowInteractor->Enable(); - } - - // Check if we have a DisplayPositionEvent - const DisplayPositionEvent *dpe = - dynamic_cast< const DisplayPositionEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); - if ( dpe == NULL ) - { - ok = true; - break; - } - - // Check if an object is present at the current mouse position - DataNode *pickedNode = dpe->GetPickedObjectNode(); - StateEvent *newStateEvent; - if ( pickedNode == m_DataNode ) - { - // Yes: object will be selected - newStateEvent = new StateEvent( EIDYES ); - } - else - { - // No: back to start state - newStateEvent = new StateEvent( EIDNO ); - } - - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcDESELECTOBJECT: - { - // Color object white - m_DataNode->SetColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); - RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); - - // Colorize surface / wireframe as inactive - this->ColorizeSurface( polyData, - m_CurrentPickedPoint, -1.0 ); - - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcSELECTPICKEDOBJECT: - { - // Color object red - m_DataNode->SetColor( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); - RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); - - // Colorize surface / wireframe dependend on distance from picked point - this->ColorizeSurface( polyData, - m_CurrentPickedPoint, 0.0 ); - - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcINITMOVE: - { - // Disable VTK interactor until MITK interaction has been completed - if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) - { - renderWindowInteractor->Disable(); - } - - // Check if we have a DisplayPositionEvent - const DisplayPositionEvent *dpe = - dynamic_cast< const DisplayPositionEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); - if ( dpe == NULL ) - { - ok = true; - break; - } - - //DataNode *pickedNode = dpe->GetPickedObjectNode(); - - m_InitialPickedPoint = m_CurrentPickedPoint; - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint = m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint; - - if ( currentVtkRenderer != NULL ) - { - vtkInteractorObserver::ComputeDisplayToWorld( - currentVtkRenderer, - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[0], - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[1], - 0.0, //m_InitialInteractionPickedPoint[2], - m_InitialPickedPointWorld ); - } - - - // Make deep copy of current Geometry3D of the plane - data->UpdateOutputInformation(); // make sure that the Geometry is up-to-date - m_OriginalGeometry = static_cast< BaseGeometry * >( - data->GetGeometry( timeStep )->Clone().GetPointer() ); - - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcMOVE: - { - // Check if we have a DisplayPositionEvent - const DisplayPositionEvent *dpe = - dynamic_cast< const DisplayPositionEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); - if ( dpe == NULL ) - { - ok = true; - break; - } - - if ( currentVtkRenderer != NULL ) - { - vtkInteractorObserver::ComputeDisplayToWorld( - currentVtkRenderer, - m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[0], - m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[1], - 0.0, //m_InitialInteractionPickedPoint[2], - m_CurrentPickedPointWorld ); - } - - - Vector3D interactionMove; - interactionMove[0] = m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[0] - m_InitialPickedPointWorld[0]; - interactionMove[1] = m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[1] - m_InitialPickedPointWorld[1]; - interactionMove[2] = m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[2] - m_InitialPickedPointWorld[2]; - - if ( m_InteractionMode == INTERACTION_MODE_TRANSLATION ) - { - Point3D origin = m_OriginalGeometry->GetOrigin(); - - Vector3D transformedObjectNormal; - data->GetGeometry( timeStep )->IndexToWorld( - m_ObjectNormal, transformedObjectNormal ); - - data->GetGeometry( timeStep )->SetOrigin( - origin + transformedObjectNormal * (interactionMove * transformedObjectNormal) ); - } - else if ( m_InteractionMode == INTERACTION_MODE_ROTATION ) - { - if ( camera ) - { - double vpn[3]; - camera->GetViewPlaneNormal( vpn ); - - Vector3D viewPlaneNormal; - viewPlaneNormal[0] = vpn[0]; - viewPlaneNormal[1] = vpn[1]; - viewPlaneNormal[2] = vpn[2]; - - Vector3D rotationAxis = - itk::CrossProduct( viewPlaneNormal, interactionMove ); - rotationAxis.Normalize(); - - int *size = currentVtkRenderer->GetSize(); - double l2 = - (m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[0] - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[0]) * - (m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[0] - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[0]) + - (m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[1] - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[1]) * - (m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[1] - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[1]); - - double rotationAngle = 360.0 * sqrt(l2/(size[0]*size[0]+size[1]*size[1])); - - // Use center of data bounding box as center of rotation - Point3D rotationCenter = m_OriginalGeometry->GetCenter();; - - // Reset current Geometry3D to original state (pre-interaction) and - // apply rotation - RotationOperation op( OpROTATE, rotationCenter, rotationAxis, rotationAngle ); - BaseGeometry::Pointer newGeometry = static_cast< BaseGeometry * >( - m_OriginalGeometry->Clone().GetPointer() ); - newGeometry->ExecuteOperation( &op ); - data->SetClonedGeometry(newGeometry, timeStep); - } - } - - RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); - ok = true; - break; - } - - - - default: - return Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - } - - return ok; -} - -bool AffineInteractor3D::ColorizeSurface( vtkPolyData *polyData, - const Point3D & /*pickedPoint*/, double scalar ) -{ - if ( polyData == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - //vtkPoints *points = polyData->GetPoints(); - vtkPointData *pointData = polyData->GetPointData(); - if ( pointData == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - vtkDataArray *scalars = pointData->GetScalars(); - if ( scalars == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pointData->GetNumberOfTuples(); ++i ) - { - scalars->SetComponent( i, 0, scalar ); - } - - polyData->Modified(); - pointData->Update(); - - return true; -} - - -} // namespace diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkAffineInteractor3D.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkAffineInteractor3D.h deleted file mode 100644 index 58b5b317a6..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkAffineInteractor3D.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKAFFINEINTERACTOR3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKAFFINEINTERACTOR3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkInteractor.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" - -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - -class DataNode; - -/** - * \brief Affine interaction with objects in 3D windows. - * - * NOTE: The interaction mechanism is similar to that of vtkPlaneWidget - * - * \ingroup Interaction - * \deprecatedSince{2013_12} mitk::AffineInteractor is deprecated. Use mitk::AffineDataInteractor instead. - - */ -class MitkExt_EXPORT AffineInteractor3D : public Interactor -{ -public: - enum { INTERACTION_MODE_TRANSLATION, INTERACTION_MODE_ROTATION }; - - mitkClassMacro(AffineInteractor3D, Interactor); - mitkNewMacro3Param(Self, const char *, DataNode *, int); - mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, const char *, DataNode *); - - - void SetInteractionMode( unsigned int interactionMode ); - void SetInteractionModeToTranslation(); - void SetInteractionModeToRotation(); - unsigned int GetInteractionMode() const; - - /** \brief Sets the amount of precision */ - void SetPrecision( ScalarType precision ); - - /** - * \brief calculates how good the data, this statemachine handles, is hit - * by the event. - * - * overwritten, cause we don't look at the boundingbox, we look at each point - */ - virtual float CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const *stateEvent) const; - - -protected: - /** - * \brief Constructor with Param n for limited Set of Points - * - * if no n is set, then the number of points is unlimited* - */ - DEPRECATED(AffineInteractor3D(const char *type, - DataNode *dataNode, int n = -1)); - - /** - * \brief Default Destructor - **/ - virtual ~AffineInteractor3D(); - - virtual bool ExecuteAction( Action* action, - mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent ); - - bool ColorizeSurface( vtkPolyData *polyData, const Point3D &pickedPoint, - double scalar = 0.0 ); - - -private: - - /** \brief to store the value of precision to pick a point */ - ScalarType m_Precision; - - bool m_InteractionMode; - - Point3D m_InitialPickedPoint; - Point2D m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint; - double m_InitialPickedPointWorld[4]; - - Point3D m_CurrentPickedPoint; - Point2D m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint; - double m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[4]; - - BaseGeometry::Pointer m_Geometry; - - BaseGeometry::Pointer m_OriginalGeometry; - - Vector3D m_ObjectNormal; - -}; - - -} - -#endif /* MITKAFFINEINTERACTOR3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConferenceEventMapper.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConferenceEventMapper.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 184812dec7..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConferenceEventMapper.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - - -mitk::ConferenceEventMapper::ConferenceEventMapper(){} - -mitk::ConferenceEventMapper::~ConferenceEventMapper(){} - -//CONFERENCE USE -bool -mitk::ConferenceEventMapper::MapEvent(signed int mitkEventID, const char* sender, int Etype, int Estate, int Ebuttonstate, int Ekey, float w1,float w2,float w3,float p1,float p2) -{ - - //CONFERENCE EVENT - mitk::BaseRenderer *br = const_cast(mitk::BaseRenderer::GetByName( std::string(sender) )); - - mitk::Point3D p3d; - p3d[0] = (mitk::ScalarType) w1; - p3d[1] = (mitk::ScalarType) w2; - p3d[2] = (mitk::ScalarType) w3; - - // fit relative values to absolut.... - mitk::Point2D p2d; - p2d[0] = (mitk::ScalarType) p1 * br->GetSizeX(); - p2d[1] = (mitk::ScalarType) p2 * br->GetSizeX(); - - - mitk::PositionEvent *pe = new mitk::PositionEvent(br,Etype,Estate,Ebuttonstate,Ekey,p2d,p3d); - - // MOUSE Overlay - mitk::Point2D p2d_mm, pos_unit; - //Map world to 2d mm - if (br->GetDisplayGeometry()->Map( p3d, p2d_mm ) ) - { - //calculate position of the real inner widget - br->GetDisplayGeometry()->WorldToDisplay( p2d_mm, pos_unit); - //MITK_INFO<DrawOverlayMouse(pos_unit); //TEST - //mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestOverlayUpdateAll(); - } - - - //MITK_INFO<<"mitkEventMapper::MapEvent(): "<GetSizeX()<<" * "<GetSizeY()<<" * "<< p2 <<" =Y (("<GetMapperID() == 2 ) - { - mitk::CameraController* cc = br->GetCameraController(); - - //Qt Event IDs - if (Etype == 6) - { - // KeyPress - //cc->KeyPressEvent( keyevent); */ - ; - } - else - { - //Umrechnung fuer VTKCameraControler - p2d[1] = (mitk::ScalarType) (br->GetSizeY() - p2) * br->GetSizeY(); - mitk::PositionEvent *peVTK = new mitk::PositionEvent(br,Etype,Estate,Ebuttonstate,Ekey,p2d,p3d); - // END - - //PRESS - if(Etype == 2) - { - cc->MousePressEvent( peVTK ); - } - else if (Etype == 3 ) - { - //RELEASE - cc->MouseReleaseEvent( peVTK ); - } - else if (Etype == 5) - { - //MOVE - cc->MouseMoveEvent( peVTK ); - } - } - } - - bool ok = EventMapper::MapEvent( pe, mitk::GlobalInteraction::GetInstance(), mitkEventID ); - - return ok; -} - -bool -mitk::ConferenceEventMapper::MapEvent(const char* sender, float w1, float w2, float w3) -{ - - //CONFERENCE EVENT - mitk::BaseRenderer *br = const_cast(mitk::BaseRenderer::GetByName( std::string(sender) )); - - mitk::Point3D p3d; - p3d[0] = (mitk::ScalarType) w1; - p3d[1] = (mitk::ScalarType) w2; - p3d[2] = (mitk::ScalarType) w3; - - // MOUSE Overlay - mitk::Point2D p2d_mm, pos_unit; - //Map world to 2d mm - if (br->GetDisplayGeometry()->Map( p3d, p2d_mm ) ) - { - //calculate position of the real inner widget - br->GetDisplayGeometry()->WorldToDisplay( p2d_mm, pos_unit); - //MITK_INFO<DrawOverlayMouse(pos_unit); //TEST - //mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestOverlayUpdateAll(); - } - - return true; -} - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConferenceEventMapper.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConferenceEventMapper.h deleted file mode 100644 index 55febd7484..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConferenceEventMapper.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef CONFERENCEVENTMAPPER_H_HEADER_INCLUDE -#define CONFERENCEVENTMAPPER_H_HEADER_INCLUDE - -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -namespace mitk { - - class MitkExt_EXPORT ConferenceEventMapper : public EventMapper - { - public: - ConferenceEventMapper(); - - ~ConferenceEventMapper(); - - // First part MITK Event ID and baserendere name - // Second the normaly not needed integer information from the GUI Event (type, state, button, key) - // Third the koordinated 3D and the relativ 2D - static bool MapEvent(signed int id, const char* sender, int Etype, int Estate, int EButtonState, int key, float w1,float w2,float w3,float d0,float d1); - - /* EasyEvent for MousMove Interaction. - * used during conferences - */ - static bool MapEvent(const char* sender, float w1,float w2,float w3); - }; -} // namespace mitk - -#endif - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConnectPointsInteractor.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConnectPointsInteractor.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 325ac4c099..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConnectPointsInteractor.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,340 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkConnectPointsInteractor.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -//how precise must the user pick the point -//default value -const int PRECISION = 5; - -mitk::ConnectPointsInteractor::ConnectPointsInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode, int n) -:Interactor(type, dataNode), m_N(n), m_CurrentCellId(0), m_Precision(PRECISION) -{ - m_LastPoint.Fill(0); - m_SumVec.Fill(0); -} - -mitk::ConnectPointsInteractor::~ConnectPointsInteractor() -{ -} - -void mitk::ConnectPointsInteractor::SetPrecision(unsigned int precision) -{ - m_Precision = precision; -} - -//##Documentation -//## overwritten cause this class can handle it better! -float mitk::ConnectPointsInteractor::CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const -{ - float returnValue = 0; - - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - //checking if a keyevent can be handled: - if (posEvent == NULL) - { - //check, if the current state has a transition waiting for that key event. - if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) - { - return 0.5; - } - else - { - return 0; - } - } - - //Mouse event handling: - //on MouseMove do nothing! reimplement if needed differently - if (stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetType() == mitk::Type_MouseMove) - { - return 0; - } - - //check on the right data-type - mitk::PointSet* pointSet = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (pointSet == NULL) - return 0; - - - //since we now have 3D picking in GlobalInteraction and all events send are DisplayEvents with 3D information, - //we concentrate on 3D coordinates - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - float p[3]; - itk2vtk(worldPoint, p); - //transforming the Worldposition to local coordinatesystem - m_DataNode->GetData()->GetGeometry()->GetVtkTransform()->GetInverse()->TransformPoint(p, p); - vtk2itk(p, worldPoint); - - float distance = 5; - int index = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, distance); - if (index>-1) - //how far away is the line from the point? - { - //get the point and calculate the jurisdiction out of it. - mitk::PointSet::PointType point; - pointSet->GetPointSet()->GetPoint(index, &point); - returnValue = point.EuclideanDistanceTo(worldPoint); - - //between 1 and 0. 1 if directly hit - returnValue = 1 - ( returnValue / distance ); - if (returnValue<0 || returnValue>1) - { - itkWarningMacro("Difficulties in calculating Jurisdiction. Check PointInteractor"); - return 0; - } - - //and now between 0,5 and 1 - returnValue = 0.5 + (returnValue / 2); - - return returnValue; - } - else //not found - { - return 0; - } -} - -bool mitk::ConnectPointsInteractor::ExecuteAction( Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent ) -{ - bool ok = false;//for return type bool - - //checking corresponding Data; has to be a Mesh or a subclass - mitk::Mesh* mesh = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (mesh == NULL) - return false; - - //for reading on the points, Id's etc - //mitk::PointSet::DataType *itkpointSet = mesh->GetPointSet(); - //mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer *points = itkpointSet->GetPoints();//Warning Fix: not used! - - /*Each case must watch the type of the event!*/ - switch (action->GetActionId()) - { - case AcDONOTHING: - ok = true; - break; - case AcADDPOINT: - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - mitk::Point3D worldPoint; - worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - int position = mesh->SearchPoint(worldPoint, m_Precision); - if (position >= 0)//found a point near enough to the given point - { - // if the point is the last in current cell, remove it (this has to be moved in a separate action) - bool deleteLine=false; - if(mesh->GetMesh()->GetCells()->Size() > 0) - { - Mesh::CellAutoPointer cellAutoPointer; - ok = mesh->GetMesh()->GetCell(m_CurrentCellId, cellAutoPointer); - if(ok) - { - Mesh::PointIdIterator last = cellAutoPointer->PointIdsEnd(); - --last; - int foundCell = mesh->SearchFirstCell( (unsigned long) position ); - if (foundCell != -1)//not found - deleteLine = ((unsigned int)foundCell == m_CurrentCellId) && (*last == (unsigned int)position); - } - } - if(deleteLine) - { - LineOperation* doOp = new mitk::LineOperation(OpDELETELINE, m_CurrentCellId, position); - if (m_UndoEnabled) - { - LineOperation* undoOp = new mitk::LineOperation(OpADDLINE, m_CurrentCellId, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(mesh, doOp, undoOp, "Delete line"); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - //execute the Operation - mesh->ExecuteOperation(doOp ); - } - else - { - // add new cell if necessary - if(mesh->GetNewCellId() == 0) //allow single line only - //allow multiple lines: if((mesh->SearchFirstCell(position) >= 0) || ((m_CurrentCellId == 0) && (mesh->GetNewCellId() == 0))) - { - //get the next cellId and set m_CurrentCellId - m_CurrentCellId = mesh->GetNewCellId(); - - //now reserv a new cell in m_ItkData - LineOperation* doOp = new mitk::LineOperation(OpNEWCELL, m_CurrentCellId); - if (m_UndoEnabled) - { - LineOperation* undoOp = new mitk::LineOperation(OpDELETECELL, m_CurrentCellId); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(mesh, doOp, undoOp, "Add cell"); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - mesh->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - } - // add line if point is not yet included in current cell - if(mesh->SearchFirstCell(position) < 0) - { - LineOperation* doOp = new mitk::LineOperation(OpADDLINE, m_CurrentCellId, position); - if (m_UndoEnabled) - { - LineOperation* undoOp = new mitk::LineOperation(OpDELETELINE, m_CurrentCellId, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(mesh, doOp, undoOp, "Add line"); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - //execute the Operation - mesh->ExecuteOperation(doOp ); - } - } - } - ok = true; - break; - } - case AcREMOVEPOINT: - { - //mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - //if (posEvent == NULL) - // return false; - - //mitk::Point3D worldPoint; - //worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - //int position = mesh->SearchPoint(worldPoint, m_Precision); - //if (position>=0)//found a point near enough to the given point - //{ - // // if the point is in the current cell, remove it (this has to be moved in a separate action) - // if(mesh->SearchFirstCell(position) == m_CurrentCellId) - // { - // LineOperation* doOp = new mitk::LineOperation(OpDELETELINE, m_CurrentCellId, position); - // if (m_UndoEnabled) - // { - // LineOperation* undoOp = new mitk::LineOperation(OpADDLINE, m_CurrentCellId, position); - // OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(mesh, doOp, undoOp); - // m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - // } - // //execute the Operation - // mesh->ExecuteOperation(doOp ); - // } - //} - ok = true; - break; - } - case AcCHECKELEMENT: - /*checking if the Point transmitted is close enough to one point. Then generate a new event with the point and let this statemaschine handle the event.*/ - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent != NULL) - { - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - int position = mesh->SearchPoint(worldPoint, m_Precision); - if (position>=0)//found a point near enough to the given point - { - PointSet::PointType pt = mesh->GetPoint(position);//get that point, the one meant by the user! - mitk::Point2D displPoint; - displPoint[0] = worldPoint[0]; displPoint[1] = worldPoint[1]; - //new Event with information YES and with the correct point - mitk::PositionEvent const* newPosEvent = new mitk::PositionEvent(posEvent->GetSender(), Type_None, BS_NoButton, BS_NoButton, Key_none, displPoint, pt); - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDYES, newPosEvent); - //call HandleEvent to leave the guard-state - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - else - { - //new Event with information NO - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent(newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - else - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *disPosEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (disPosEvent != NULL) - {//2d Koordinates for 3D Interaction; return false to redo the last statechange - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent(newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - break; - } - case AcCHECKNMINUS1://generate Events if the set will be full after the addition of the point or not. - { - if (m_N<0)//number of points not limited->pass on "Amount of points in Set is smaller then N-1" - { - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDSTSMALERNMINUS1, stateEvent->GetEvent()); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - else - { - if (mesh->GetSize()<(m_N-1)) - //pointset after addition won't be full - { - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDSTSMALERNMINUS1, stateEvent->GetEvent()); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - else //(mesh->GetSize()>=(m_N-1)) - //after the addition of a point, the container will be full - { - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDSTLARGERNMINUS1, stateEvent->GetEvent()); - this->HandleEvent(newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - }//else - }//else - } - break; - case AcCHECKEQUALS1: - { - if (mesh->GetSize()<=1)//the number of points in the list is 1 (or smaler) - { - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDYES, stateEvent->GetEvent()); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - else //more than 1 points in list, so stay in the state! - { - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, stateEvent->GetEvent()); - this->HandleEvent(newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - break; - default: - return Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - //mitk::StatusBar::GetInstance()->DisplayText("Message from mitkConnectPointsInteractor: I do not understand the Action!", 10000); - //ok = false; - //a false here causes the statemachine to undo its last statechange. - //otherwise it will end up in a different state, but without done Action. - //if a transition really has no Action, than call donothing - } - - return ok; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConnectPointsInteractor.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConnectPointsInteractor.h deleted file mode 100644 index c78d58396e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkConnectPointsInteractor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKCONNECTPOINTSINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C11202FF -#define MITKCONNECTPOINTSINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C11202FF - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkNumericTypes.h" -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - class DataNode; - //##Documentation - //## @brief Interaction for mitk::Mesh: Connect existing points to lines - //## @ingroup Interaction - /** - * \deprecatedSince{2014_03} mitk::ConnectPointsInteractor is deprecated. Needs to be updated to the new interaction-framework. - * Refer to \see DataInteractionPage for general information about the concept of the new implementation. - */ - class DEPRECATED() MitkExt_EXPORT ConnectPointsInteractor : public Interactor - { - public: - mitkClassMacro(ConnectPointsInteractor, Interactor); - mitkNewMacro3Param(Self, const char*, DataNode*, int); - mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, const char*, DataNode*); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Sets the amount of precision - void SetPrecision( unsigned int precision ); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief calculates how good the data, this statemachine handles, is hit by the event. - //## - //## overwritten, cause we don't look at the boundingbox, we look at each point - virtual float CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const; - - - protected: - //##Documentation - //##@brief Constructor with Param n for limited Set of Points - //## - //## if no n is set, then the number of points is unlimited* - ConnectPointsInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode, int n = -1); - - virtual ~ConnectPointsInteractor(); - - virtual bool ExecuteAction( Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent ); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief deselects the Points in the PointSet. - //## supports Undo if enabled - void UnselectAll(); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Selects the point. - //## supports Undo if enabled. - //## @param position is the index of the point that has to be selected - void SelectPoint( int position ); - - private: - - //##Documentation - //## @brief the number of possible points in this object - //## - //## if -1, then no limit set - int m_N; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief stores the current CellId this Statemachine works in - unsigned int m_CurrentCellId; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief to calculate a direction vector from last point and actual point - Point3D m_LastPoint; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief summ-vector for Movement - Vector3D m_SumVec; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief to store the value of precision to pick a point - unsigned int m_Precision; - }; -} -#endif /* MITKCONNECTPOINTSINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C11202FF */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkDisplayPointSetInteractor.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkDisplayPointSetInteractor.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 9945b641c9..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkDisplayPointSetInteractor.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkDisplayPointSetInteractor.h" -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "mitkStateEvent.h" -#include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" -#include "mitkNumericTypes.h" - - - -mitk::DisplayPointSetInteractor -::DisplayPointSetInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode, int n) -:PointSetInteractor(type, dataNode, n) -{ - - -} - -mitk::DisplayPointSetInteractor::~DisplayPointSetInteractor() -{ -} - - -bool mitk::DisplayPointSetInteractor -::ExecuteAction( Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent ) -{ - bool ok = false;//for return type bool - - //get the timestep to also support 3D+T - //const mitk::Event *theEvent = stateEvent->GetEvent(); - - /*Each case must watch the type of the event!*/ - /*Each time a Point is added or removed or finished moved, the display-coordinates and the last renderer is stored.*/ - switch (action->GetActionId()) - { - case AcADDPOINT: - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *posEvent = - dynamic_cast < const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent * > - (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if ( posEvent == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - m_LastDisplayCoordinates = posEvent->GetDisplayPosition(); - m_LastRenderer = posEvent->GetSender(); - - - ok = Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - break; - } - case AcREMOVEPOINT://remove the given Point from the list - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *posEvent = - dynamic_cast < const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent * > - (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if ( posEvent == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - m_LastDisplayCoordinates = posEvent->GetDisplayPosition(); - m_LastRenderer = posEvent->GetSender(); - - - ok = Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - break; - } - case AcREMOVEALL: - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *posEvent = - dynamic_cast < const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent * > - (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if ( posEvent == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - m_LastDisplayCoordinates = posEvent->GetDisplayPosition(); - m_LastRenderer = posEvent->GetSender(); - - - ok = Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - break; - } - case AcFINISHMOVEMENT: - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *posEvent = - dynamic_cast < const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent * > - (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if ( posEvent == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - m_LastDisplayCoordinates = posEvent->GetDisplayPosition(); - m_LastRenderer = posEvent->GetSender(); - - - ok = Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - break; - } - - default: - return Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - } - - return ok; -} - -mitk::Point2D mitk::DisplayPointSetInteractor::GetLastDisplayCoordinates() -{ - return m_LastDisplayCoordinates; -} - -mitk::BaseRenderer* mitk::DisplayPointSetInteractor::GetLastRenderer() -{ - return m_LastRenderer; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkDisplayPointSetInteractor.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkDisplayPointSetInteractor.h deleted file mode 100644 index 21974293ad..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkDisplayPointSetInteractor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKDISPLAYPOINTSETINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C11202FF -#define MITKDISPLAYPOINTSETINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C11202FF - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkNumericTypes.h" -#include -#include "mitkPointSetInteractor.h" -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - class DataNode; - - /** - * \brief Interaction with a set of points. - * - * Points can be added, removed and moved. - * \ingroup Interaction - */ - - /** - * \deprecatedSince{2014_03} mitk::DisplayPointSetInteractor is deprecated. Needs to be updated to the new interaction-framework. - * Refer to \see DataInteractionPage for general information about the concept of the new implementation. - */ - - class DEPRECATED() MitkExt_EXPORT DisplayPointSetInteractor : public PointSetInteractor - { - public: - mitkClassMacro(DisplayPointSetInteractor, PointSetInteractor); - mitkNewMacro3Param(Self, const char*, DataNode*, int); - mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, const char*, DataNode*); - - Point2D GetLastDisplayCoordinates(); - - BaseRenderer* GetLastRenderer(); - - - protected: - /** - * \brief Constructor with Param n for limited Set of Points - * - * if no n is set, then the number of points is unlimited* - */ - DisplayPointSetInteractor(const char * type, - DataNode* dataNode, int n = -1); - - /** - * \brief Default Destructor - **/ - virtual ~DisplayPointSetInteractor(); - - virtual bool ExecuteAction( Action* action, - mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent ); - - /** \brief last display-coordinates of the point - * - */ - Point2D m_LastDisplayCoordinates; - - - mitk::BaseRenderer* m_LastRenderer; - - - }; -} -#endif /* MITKDisplayPointSetInteractor_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C11202FF */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkEventAndActionConstants.xml b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkEventAndActionConstants.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 69c850a546..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkEventAndActionConstants.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,369 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkEventAndActionConstants.xsl b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkEventAndActionConstants.xsl deleted file mode 100644 index 1baabec256..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkEventAndActionConstants.xsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,516 +0,0 @@ - - - -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKINTERACTCONST_H -#define MITKINTERACTCONST_H - -//##Documentation -//## @file mitkInteractionConst.h -//## @brief Constants for most interaction classes, due to the generic StateMachines. -//## -//## Changes in Type, ButtonState or Key has to be don in mitkEventMapper.cpp, too. -//## @ingroup Interaction - -/*Prefixes for Constants: -E = Enumeration -EID = EventId's -Op = Operations -Ac = Action -Type_ = Type of Event -BS_ = ButtonStates and Buttons -Key_ = Keys like in QT -*/ -namespace mitk{ - -/* -//UndoMechanism: -//constants for UndoMechanism; -*/ -//different UndoModels: -typedef enum EUndoModels{LIMITEDLINEARUNDO=10, VERBOSE_LIMITEDLINEARUNDO=11, TREEUNDO=20}; - -//Constants for EventIds; use the according constant to through an event in the code -typedef enum EEventIds -{ - - - - - - = - - -, - - - // - - - - - - - -}; - -//##Constants for Operations -//## xomments are always examples of the usage -typedef enum EOperations -{ - OpNOTHING = 0, - OpTEST = 1, - OpNEWCELL = 10, //add a new cell - OpADD = 100, //add a point or a vessel - OpUNDOADD = 101, - OpADDLINE = 1001, //add a line - OpINSERT = 200, //insert a point at position - OpINSERTLINE = 201, //insert a line at position - OpINSERTPOINT = 202, - OpCLOSECELL = 250, //close a cell (to a polygon) - OpOPENCELL = 251, //close a cell (to a polygon) - OpMOVE = 300, //move a point - OpMOVELINE = 301, //move a line - OpMOVECELL = 302, //move a line - OpUNDOMOVE = 303, - OpREMOVE = 400, //remove a point at position - OpREMOVELINE = 401, //remove a line at position - OpREMOVECELL = 402, //remove a cell - OpREMOVEPOINT = 403, - OpDELETE = 500, //delete - OpDELETELINE = 501, //delete the last line in a cell - OpUNDELETE = 502, - OpDELETECELL = 505, - OpSTATECHANGE = 600, //change a state - OpTERMINATE = 666, //change a state - OpSELECTPOINT = 700, - OpSELECTLINE = 701, - OpSELECTCELL = 702, - OpSELECTSUBOBJECT = 703, //for VesselGraphInteractor - //OpSELECTNEWSUBOBJECT = 704, //for VesselGraphInteractor - OpSELECT = 705, - OpDESELECTPOINT = 800, - OpDESELECTLINE = 801, - OpDESELECTCELL = 802, - OpDESELECTSUBOBJECT = 803, //for VesselGraphInteractor - OpDESELECTALL = 804, //for VesselGraphInteractor - OpDESELECT = 805, - OpNAVIGATE = 900, - OpZOOM = 1000, - OpSCALE = 1100, - OpROTATE = 1200, - OpSETPOINTTYPE = 1210, - OpMODECHANGE = 1500, - OpSENDCOORDINATES = 1600, - OpPERIPHERYSEARCH = 2000, //used in VesselGraphInteractor - OpROOTSEARCH = 2001, //used in VesselGraphInteractor - OpTHICKSTVESSELSEARCH = 2002, //used in VesselGraphInteractor - OpSHORTESTPATHSEARCH = 2003, //used in VesselGraphInteractor - OpATTRIBUTATION = 2004, //used in VesselGraphInteractor - OpDEFAULT = 2006, //used in VesselGraphInteractor -}; - -//##Constants for EventMapping... -//##connects the statemachine.xml-File with the implemented conditions. -//##within one statemachine the choice of the actionconstants is freely -//## -//## ActionId -typedef enum EActions -{ - - - - - - - = - - -, - - - // - - - - - - - -}; - - -/* -//!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -//!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -//EventMechanism: -//If you change anything from here on, then change in mitkEventMapper.cpp (Array of constants) as well. -//!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -//!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -*/ - -//Type of an Event; -typedef enum EEventType -{ - Type_None = 0, // invalid event - Type_Timer = 1, // timer event - Type_MouseButtonPress = 2, // mouse button pressed - Type_MouseButtonRelease = 3, // mouse button released - Type_MouseButtonDblClick = 4, // mouse button double click - Type_MouseMove = 5, // mouse move - Type_KeyPress = 6, // key pressed - Type_KeyRelease = 7, // key released - Type_FocusIn = 8, // keyboard focus received - Type_FocusOut = 9, // keyboard focus lost - Type_Enter = 10, // mouse enters widget - Type_Leave = 11, // mouse leaves widget - Type_Paint = 12, // paint widget - Type_Move = 13, // move widget - Type_Resize = 14, // resize widget - Type_Create = 15, // after object creation - Type_Destroy = 16, // during object destruction - Type_Show = 17, // widget is shown - Type_Hide = 18, // widget is hidden - Type_Close = 19, // request to close widget - Type_Quit = 20, // request to quit application - Type_Reparent = 21, // widget has been reparented - Type_ShowMinimized = 22, // widget is shown minimized - Type_ShowNormal = 23, // widget is shown normal - Type_WindowActivate = 24, // window was activated - Type_WindowDeactivate = 25, // window was deactivated - Type_ShowToParent = 26, // widget is shown to parent - Type_HideToParent = 27, // widget is hidden to parent - Type_ShowMaximized = 28, // widget is shown maximized - Type_ShowFullScreen = 29, // widget is shown full-screen - Type_Accel = 30, // accelerator event - Type_Wheel = 31, // wheel event - Type_AccelAvailable = 32, // accelerator available event - Type_CaptionChange = 33, // caption changed - Type_IconChange = 34, // icon changed - Type_ParentFontChange = 35, // parent font changed - Type_ApplicationFontChange = 36, // application font changed - Type_ParentPaletteChange = 37, // parent palette changed - Type_ApplicationPaletteChange = 38, // application palette changed - Type_PaletteChange = 39, // widget palette changed - Type_Clipboard = 40, // internal clipboard event - Type_Speech = 42, // reserved for speech input - Type_SockAct = 50, // socket activation - Type_AccelOverride = 51, // accelerator override event - Type_DeferredDelete = 52, // deferred delete event - Type_DragEnter = 60, // drag moves into widget - Type_DragMove = 61, // drag moves in widget - Type_DragLeave = 62, // drag leaves or is cancelled - Type_Drop = 63, // actual drop - Type_DragResponse = 64, // drag accepted/rejected - Type_ChildInserted = 70, // new child widget - Type_ChildRemoved = 71, // deleted child widget - Type_LayoutHint = 72, // child min/max size changed - Type_ShowWindowRequest = 73, // widget's window should be mapped - Type_ActivateControl = 80, // ActiveX activation - Type_DeactivateControl = 81, // ActiveX deactivation - Type_ContextMenu = 82, // context popup menu - Type_IMStart = 83, // input method composition start - Type_IMCompose = 84, // input method composition - Type_IMEnd = 85, // input method composition end - Type_Accessibility = 86, // accessibility information is requested - Type_TabletMove = 87, // Wacom tablet event - Type_LocaleChange = 88, // the system locale changed - Type_LanguageChange = 89, // the application language changed - Type_LayoutDirectionChange = 90, // the layout direction changed - Type_Style = 91, // internal style event - Type_TabletPress = 92, // tablet press - Type_TabletRelease = 93, // tablet release - Type_User = 1000, // first user event id - Type_MaxUser = 65535 -}; - - -//##ButtonState -// mouse/keyboard state values -//QT combinations if MOUSEBUTTONRelease: left MouseButton + ControlButton: 0x201 -typedef enum EButtonStates -{ - BS_NoButton = 0x0000, - BS_LeftButton = 0x0001, - BS_RightButton = 0x0002, - BS_MidButton = 0x0004, - BS_MouseButtonMask = 0x0007, - BS_ShiftButton = 0x0100, - BS_ControlButton = 0x0200, - BS_AltButton = 0x0400, - BS_MetaButton = 0x0800, - BS_KeyButtonMask = 0x0f00, - BS_Keypad = 0x4000 -}; -//##Key -typedef enum EKeys -{ - Key_Escape = 0x1000, // misc keys - Key_Tab = 0x1001, - Key_Backtab = 0x1002, - Key_BackTab = 0x1002, //= Key_Backtab - Key_Backspace = 0x1003, - Key_BackSpace = 0x1003, //= Key_Backspace - Key_Return = 0x1004, - Key_Enter = 0x1005, - Key_Insert = 0x1006, - Key_Delete = 0x1007, - Key_Pause = 0x1008, - Key_Print = 0x1009, - Key_SysReq = 0x100a, - Key_Home = 0x1010, // cursor movement - Key_End = 0x1011, - Key_Left = 0x1012, - Key_Up = 0x1013, - Key_Right = 0x1014, - Key_Down = 0x1015, - Key_Prior = 0x1016, - Key_PageUp = 0x1016, //=Key_Prior - Key_Next = 0x1017, - Key_PageDown = 0x1017, //=Key_Next - Key_Shift = 0x1020, // modifiers - Key_Control = 0x1021, - Key_Meta = 0x1022, - Key_Alt = 0x1023, - Key_CapsLock = 0x1024, - Key_NumLock = 0x1025, - Key_ScrollLock = 0x1026, - Key_F1 = 0x1030, // function keys - Key_F2 = 0x1031, - Key_F3 = 0x1032, - Key_F4 = 0x1033, - Key_F5 = 0x1034, - Key_F6 = 0x1035, - Key_F7 = 0x1036, - Key_F8 = 0x1037, - Key_F9 = 0x1038, - Key_F10 = 0x1039, - Key_F11 = 0x103a, - Key_F12 = 0x103b, - Key_F13 = 0x103c, - Key_F14 = 0x103d, - Key_F15 = 0x103e, - Key_F16 = 0x103f, - Key_F17 = 0x1040, - Key_F18 = 0x1041, - Key_F19 = 0x1042, - Key_F20 = 0x1043, - Key_F21 = 0x1044, - Key_F22 = 0x1045, - Key_F23 = 0x1046, - Key_F24 = 0x1047, - Key_F25 = 0x1048, // F25 .. F35 only on X11 - Key_F26 = 0x1049, - Key_F27 = 0x104a, - Key_F28 = 0x104b, - Key_F29 = 0x104c, - Key_F30 = 0x104d, - Key_F31 = 0x104e, - Key_F32 = 0x104f, - Key_F33 = 0x1050, - Key_F34 = 0x1051, - Key_F35 = 0x1052, - Key_Super_L = 0x1053, // extra keys - Key_Super_R = 0x1054, - Key_Menu = 0x1055, - Key_Hyper_L = 0x1056, - Key_Hyper_R = 0x1057, - Key_Help = 0x1058, - // International input method support (X keycode - = 0xEE00) - // Only interesting if you are writing your own input method - Key_Muhenkan = 0x1122, // Cancel Conversion - Key_Henkan = 0x1123, // Start/Stop Conversion - Key_Hiragana_Katakana = 0x1127, // Hiragana/Katakana toggle - Key_Zenkaku_Hankaku = 0x112A, // Zenkaku/Hankaku toggle - Key_Space = 0x20, // 7 bit printable ASCII - Key_Any = 0x20, //= Key_Space - Key_Exclam = 0x21, - Key_QuoteDbl = 0x22, - Key_NumberSign = 0x23, - Key_Dollar = 0x24, - Key_Percent = 0x25, - Key_Ampersand = 0x26, - Key_Apostrophe = 0x27, - Key_ParenLeft = 0x28, - Key_ParenRight = 0x29, - Key_Asterisk = 0x2a, - Key_Plus = 0x2b, - Key_Comma = 0x2c, - Key_Minus = 0x2d, - Key_Period = 0x2e, - Key_Slash = 0x2f, - Key_0 = 0x30, - Key_1 = 0x31, - Key_2 = 0x32, - Key_3 = 0x33, - Key_4 = 0x34, - Key_5 = 0x35, - Key_6 = 0x36, - Key_7 = 0x37, - Key_8 = 0x38, - Key_9 = 0x39, - Key_Colon = 0x3a, - Key_Semicolon = 0x3b, - Key_Less = 0x3c, - Key_Equal = 0x3d, - Key_Greater = 0x3e, - Key_Question = 0x3f, - Key_At = 0x40, - Key_A = 0x41, - Key_B = 0x42, - Key_C = 0x43, - Key_D = 0x44, - Key_E = 0x45, - Key_F = 0x46, - Key_G = 0x47, - Key_H = 0x48, - Key_I = 0x49, - Key_J = 0x4a, - Key_K = 0x4b, - Key_L = 0x4c, - Key_M = 0x4d, - Key_N = 0x4e, - Key_O = 0x4f, - Key_P = 0x50, - Key_Q = 0x51, - Key_R = 0x52, - Key_S = 0x53, - Key_T = 0x54, - Key_U = 0x55, - Key_V = 0x56, - Key_W = 0x57, - Key_X = 0x58, - Key_Y = 0x59, - Key_Z = 0x5a, - Key_BracketLeft = 0x5b, - Key_Backslash = 0x5c, - Key_BracketRight = 0x5d, - Key_AsciiCircum = 0x5e, - Key_Underscore = 0x5f, - Key_QuoteLeft = 0x60, - Key_BraceLeft = 0x7b, - Key_Bar = 0x7c, - Key_BraceRight = 0x7d, - Key_AsciiTilde = 0x7e, - Key_nobreakspace = 0x0a0, - Key_exclamdown = 0x0a1, - Key_cent = 0x0a2, - Key_sterling = 0x0a3, - Key_currency = 0x0a4, - Key_yen = 0x0a5, - Key_brokenbar = 0x0a6, - Key_section = 0x0a7, - Key_diaeresis = 0x0a8, - Key_copyright = 0x0a9, - Key_ordfeminine = 0x0aa, - Key_guillemotleft = 0x0ab, // left angle quotation mark - Key_notsign = 0x0ac, - Key_hyphen = 0x0ad, - Key_registered = 0x0ae, - Key_macron = 0x0af, - Key_degree = 0x0b0, - Key_plusminus = 0x0b1, - Key_twosuperior = 0x0b2, - Key_threesuperior = 0x0b3, - Key_acute = 0x0b4, - Key_mu = 0x0b5, - Key_paragraph = 0x0b6, - Key_periodcentered = 0x0b7, - Key_cedilla = 0x0b8, - Key_onesuperior = 0x0b9, - Key_masculine = 0x0ba, - Key_guillemotright = 0x0bb, // right angle quotation mark - Key_onequarter = 0x0bc, - Key_onehalf = 0x0bd, - Key_threequarters = 0x0be, - Key_questiondown = 0x0bf, - Key_Agrave = 0x0c0, - Key_Aacute = 0x0c1, - Key_Acircumflex = 0x0c2, - Key_Atilde = 0x0c3, - Key_Adiaeresis = 0x0c4, - Key_Aring = 0x0c5, - Key_AE = 0x0c6, - Key_Ccedilla = 0x0c7, - Key_Egrave = 0x0c8, - Key_Eacute = 0x0c9, - Key_Ecircumflex = 0x0ca, - Key_Ediaeresis = 0x0cb, - Key_Igrave = 0x0cc, - Key_Iacute = 0x0cd, - Key_Icircumflex = 0x0ce, - Key_Idiaeresis = 0x0cf, - Key_ETH = 0x0d0, - Key_Ntilde = 0x0d1, - Key_Ograve = 0x0d2, - Key_Oacute = 0x0d3, - Key_Ocircumflex = 0x0d4, - Key_Otilde = 0x0d5, - Key_Odiaeresis = 0x0d6, - Key_multiply = 0x0d7, - Key_Ooblique = 0x0d8, - Key_Ugrave = 0x0d9, - Key_Uacute = 0x0da, - Key_Ucircumflex = 0x0db, - Key_Udiaeresis = 0x0dc, - Key_Yacute = 0x0dd, - Key_THORN = 0x0de, - Key_ssharp = 0x0df, - Key_agrave = 0x0e0, - Key_aacute = 0x0e1, - Key_acircumflex = 0x0e2, - Key_atilde = 0x0e3, - Key_adiaeresis = 0x0e4, - Key_aring = 0x0e5, - Key_ae = 0x0e6, - Key_ccedilla = 0x0e7, - Key_egrave = 0x0e8, - Key_eacute = 0x0e9, - Key_ecircumflex = 0x0ea, - Key_ediaeresis = 0x0eb, - Key_igrave = 0x0ec, - Key_iacute = 0x0ed, - Key_icircumflex = 0x0ee, - Key_idiaeresis = 0x0ef, - Key_eth = 0x0f0, - Key_ntilde = 0x0f1, - Key_ograve = 0x0f2, - Key_oacute = 0x0f3, - Key_ocircumflex = 0x0f4, - Key_otilde = 0x0f5, - Key_odiaeresis = 0x0f6, - Key_division = 0x0f7, - Key_oslash = 0x0f8, - Key_ugrave = 0x0f9, - Key_uacute = 0x0fa, - Key_ucircumflex = 0x0fb, - Key_udiaeresis = 0x0fc, - Key_yacute = 0x0fd, - Key_thorn = 0x0fe, - Key_ydiaeresis = 0x0ff, - Key_unknown = 0xffff, - Key_none = 0xffff//= Key_unknown -}; - -}//namespace mitk -#endif //ifndef MITKINTERACTCONST_H - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkInteractionDebug.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkInteractionDebug.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 127df13a77..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkInteractionDebug.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,247 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkInteractionDebug.h" -#include "mitkSocketClient.h" -#include - -namespace mitk { - - const int InteractionDebug::OPEN_CONNECTION = 1; - const int InteractionDebug::NEW_STATE_MACHINE = 2; - const int InteractionDebug::EVENT = 3; - const int InteractionDebug::TRANSITION = 4; - const int InteractionDebug::ACTION = 5; - const int InteractionDebug::DELETE_STATE_MACHINE = 6; - - InteractionDebug* InteractionDebug::m_Instance = NULL;; - char* InteractionDebug::m_FileName = NULL; - - /** - * - */ - InteractionDebug::InteractionDebug() - { - SocketClient::GetInstance()->open( "", 34768 ); - } - - - /** - * - */ - unsigned int InteractionDebug::GetHashValue() - { - return 0; - } - - /** - * - */ - void InteractionDebug::OpenConection() - { - char* wb = m_Buffer; - *((unsigned long*) wb) = (unsigned long) GetHashValue(); - wb += sizeof(long); - - size_t size = strlen( m_FileName ); - - *((unsigned long*) wb) = (unsigned long) size; - wb += sizeof(long); - - strcpy( wb, m_FileName ); - size += 2*sizeof(long); - - sendCounter(); - // MITK_INFO << "Open Connection file name: " << m_FileName << std::endl; - SocketClient::GetInstance()->send( OPEN_CONNECTION, (unsigned int) size, m_Buffer ); - } - - /** - * - */ - bool InteractionDebug::NewStateMachine( const char* name, const StateMachine* stateMachine ) - { - if ( name == NULL ) - return false; - - // Instance Address - char* wb = m_Buffer; - *((unsigned long*) wb) = (unsigned long) stateMachine; - wb += sizeof(long); - - // Length of the name - size_t size = strlen(name); - - *((unsigned long*) wb) = (unsigned long) size; - wb += sizeof(long); - - // name - strcpy(wb,name); - - size += 2*sizeof(long); - - sendCounter(); - // MITK_INFO << "NEW_STATE_MACHINE: instance: " << (unsigned int) stateMachine << " Type: " << name << std::endl; - return SocketClient::GetInstance()->send( NEW_STATE_MACHINE, (unsigned int) size, m_Buffer ); - } - - /** - * - */ - bool InteractionDebug::Event( const StateMachine* stateMachine, unsigned int EventId ) - { - if ( EventId != 520) - { - if ( stateMachine == NULL || stateMachine->GetType().empty() ) - return false; - - // Instance Address - char* wb = m_Buffer; - *((unsigned long*) wb) = (unsigned long) stateMachine; - wb += sizeof(long); - - // eventID - *((unsigned long*) wb) = EventId; - - sendCounter(); - // MITK_INFO << "EVENT: instance: " << (unsigned int) stateMachine << " EventId: " << EventId << std::endl; - return SocketClient::GetInstance()->send( EVENT, 2*sizeof(long), m_Buffer ); - } - return true; - } - - /** - * - */ - bool InteractionDebug::Transition( const StateMachine* stateMachine, const char* transitionName ) - { - if ( stateMachine == NULL || stateMachine->GetType().empty() ) - return false; - - // Instance Address - char* wb = m_Buffer; - *((unsigned long*) wb) = (unsigned long) stateMachine; - wb += sizeof(long); - - // transitionName - unsigned long size = static_cast(strlen( transitionName )); - *((unsigned long*) wb) = size; - - wb += sizeof(long); - - for ( unsigned long i=0; isend( TRANSITION, size, m_Buffer ); - } - - /** - * - */ - bool InteractionDebug::Action( const StateMachine* stateMachine, const char* transitionName, unsigned int action ) - { - if ( stateMachine == NULL || stateMachine->GetType().empty() ) - return false; - - // Instance Address - char* wb = m_Buffer; - *((unsigned long*) wb) = (unsigned long) stateMachine; - wb += sizeof(long); - - // transitionName - unsigned long size = static_cast(strlen( transitionName )); - *((unsigned long*) wb) = size; - - wb += sizeof(long); - - for ( unsigned long i=0; isend( ACTION, size, m_Buffer ); - } - - /** - * - */ - bool InteractionDebug::DeleteStateMachine( const StateMachine* stateMachine ) - { - if ( stateMachine == NULL || stateMachine->GetType().empty() ) - return false; - - // Instance Address - char* wb = m_Buffer; - *((unsigned long*) wb) = (unsigned long) stateMachine; - - sendCounter(); - // MITK_INFO << "DELETE_STATE_MACHINE: instance: << (unsigned int) stateMachine" << std::endl; - return SocketClient::GetInstance()->send( DELETE_STATE_MACHINE, sizeof(long), m_Buffer ); - } - - /** - * - */ - InteractionDebug* InteractionDebug::GetInstance() - { - if (m_Instance==NULL) - m_Instance = new InteractionDebug(); - - return m_Instance; - } - - /** - * - */ - void InteractionDebug::SetXMLFileName( const char* fileName ) - { - size_t size = strlen(fileName) + 1; - m_FileName = new char[size]; - strcpy(m_FileName,fileName); - } - - void InteractionDebug::sendCounter() - { - static unsigned long m_Counter = 0; - static char my_Buffer[sizeof(long)]; - m_Counter++; - - char* wb = my_Buffer; - *((unsigned long*) wb) = (unsigned long) m_Counter; - - bool success = SocketClient::GetInstance()->send( 7, sizeof(long), wb ); - if (success) - { - MITK_INFO << "Counter: " << m_Counter << std::endl; - } - } - - void InteractionDebug::setMaxConnectionAdvance(int maxConnectionAdvance) - { - SocketClient::GetInstance()->setMaxConnectionAdvance(maxConnectionAdvance); - } - -} // mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkInteractionDebug.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkInteractionDebug.h deleted file mode 100644 index fc044c0532..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkInteractionDebug.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef INTERACTION_DEBUG_H -#define INTERACTION_DEBUG_H -#include "mitkStateMachine.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkSocketClient.h" - -namespace mitk{ - -class MitkExt_EXPORT InteractionDebug -{ - static InteractionDebug* m_Instance; - static char* m_FileName; - - char m_Buffer[255]; - - static const int OPEN_CONNECTION; - static const int NEW_STATE_MACHINE; - static const int EVENT; - static const int TRANSITION; - static const int ACTION; - static const int DELETE_STATE_MACHINE; - - unsigned int GetHashValue(); - InteractionDebug(); - -public: - void OpenConection(); - bool NewStateMachine( const char* name, const StateMachine* stateMachine ); - bool Event( const StateMachine* stateMachine, unsigned int EventId ); - bool Transition( const StateMachine* stateMachine, const char* transitionName ); - bool Action( const StateMachine* stateMachine, const char* transitionName, unsigned int action ); - bool DeleteStateMachine( const StateMachine* stateMachine ); - void setMaxConnectionAdvance(int maxConectionAdvance); - static InteractionDebug* GetInstance(); - static void SetXMLFileName( const char* fileName ); - - void sendCounter(); -}; - -} // mitk - -#endif // INTERACTION_DEBUG_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkInteractionDebugger.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkInteractionDebugger.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 8378d71266..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkInteractionDebugger.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkInteractionDebugger.h" -#include - -const char* mitk::InteractionDebugger::m_CurrentSender = ""; -bool mitk::InteractionDebugger::m_Active = false; - -mitk::InteractionDebugger::InteractionDebugger() -{} - -void mitk::InteractionDebugger::Activate() -{ - m_Active = true; -} - -void mitk::InteractionDebugger::Deactivate() -{ - m_Active = false; -} -mitk::InteractionDebugger::~InteractionDebugger() -{} - -void mitk::InteractionDebugger::Set(const char* sender, const char* text) -{ - if (m_Active) - { - std::ostringstream itkmsg; - if (! itk::Object::GetGlobalWarningDisplay()) - return; - - if (sender != m_CurrentSender) - { - itkmsg << sender <<" :\n"< -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkCommon.h" - - -namespace mitk{ - - /** - * @brief prints out information for debugging purpose - * - * prints out recieved text in a sorted way - * @ingroup Interaction - */ - class MitkExt_EXPORT InteractionDebugger : public itk::Object - { - public: - /** - * set a text for output - * @param sender: who has sent this text - */ - static void Set(const char* sender, const char* text); - static void Activate(); - static void Deactivate(); - - protected: - InteractionDebugger(); - ~InteractionDebugger(); - - private: - static const char* m_CurrentSender; - static bool m_Active; - }; - -}//namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKINTERACTIONDEBUGGER_H */ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointInteractor.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointInteractor.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 69befde6b8..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointInteractor.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,544 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkPointInteractor.h" -#include -#include -#include -//#include "mitkStatusBar.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - - -mitk::PointInteractor::PointInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode) -: Interactor(type, dataNode), m_LastPosition(0) -{ - m_LastPoint.Fill(0); -} - -mitk::PointInteractor::~PointInteractor() -{} - -void mitk::PointInteractor::SelectPoint(int position) -{ - mitk::PointSet* pointSet = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (pointSet == NULL) - return; - if (pointSet->GetSize()<=0)//if List is empty, then no select of a point can be done! - return; - - mitk::Point3D noPoint;//dummyPoint... not needed anyway - noPoint.Fill(0); - mitk::PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, noPoint, position); - if (m_UndoEnabled) - { - mitk::PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, noPoint, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); -} - -void mitk::PointInteractor::DeselectAllPoints() -{ - mitk::PointSet* pointSet = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (pointSet == NULL) - return; - - mitk::PointSet::DataType *itkPointSet = pointSet->GetPointSet(); - mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer::Iterator it, end; - end = itkPointSet->GetPoints()->End(); - - for (it = itkPointSet->GetPoints()->Begin(); it != end; it++) - { - int position = it->Index(); - PointSet::PointDataType pointData = {0, false, PTUNDEFINED}; - itkPointSet->GetPointData(position, &pointData); - if ( pointData.selected )//then declare an operation which unselects this point; UndoOperation as well! - { - mitk::Point3D noPoint; - noPoint.Fill(0); - - mitk::PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, noPoint, position); - if (m_UndoEnabled) - { - mitk::PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, noPoint, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - } - } -} - -float mitk::PointInteractor::CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const -//go through all points and check, if the given Point lies near a line -{ - float returnValue = 0; - - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - //checking if a keyevent can be handled: - if (posEvent == NULL) - { - //check, if the current state has a transition waiting for that key event. - if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) - { - return 0.5; - } - else - { - return 0; - } - } - - //Mouse event handling: - //on MouseMove do nothing! reimplement if needed differently - if (stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetType() == mitk::Type_MouseMove) - { - return 0; - } - - //if the event can be understood and if there is a transition waiting for that event - if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) - { - returnValue = 0.5;//it can be understood - } - - //check on the right data-type - mitk::PointSet* pointSet = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (pointSet == NULL) - return 0; - - - //since we now have 3D picking in GlobalInteraction and all events send are DisplayEvents with 3D information, - //we concentrate on 3D coordinates - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - float p[3]; - itk2vtk(worldPoint, p); - //transforming the Worldposition to local coordinatesystem - m_DataNode->GetData()->GetGeometry()->GetVtkTransform()->GetInverse()->TransformPoint(p, p); - vtk2itk(p, worldPoint); - - float distance = 5; - int index = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, distance); - if (index>-1) - //how far away is the line from the point? - { - //get the point and calculate the jurisdiction out of it. - mitk::PointSet::PointType point; - pointSet->GetPointSet()->GetPoint(index, &point); - returnValue = point.EuclideanDistanceTo(worldPoint); - - //between 1 and 0. 1 if directly hit - returnValue = 1 - ( returnValue / distance ); - if (returnValue<0 || returnValue>1) - { - itkWarningMacro("Difficulties in calculating Jurisdiction. Check PointInteractor"); - return 0; - } - - //and now between 0,5 and 1 - returnValue = 0.5 + (returnValue / 2); - - return returnValue; - } - else //not found - { - return returnValue; - } - -} - - -bool mitk::PointInteractor::ExecuteAction( Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent ) -{ - bool ok = false;//for return type bool - - //checking corresponding Data; has to be a PointSet or a subclass - mitk::PointSet* pointSet = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (pointSet == NULL) - return false; - - //for reading on the points, Id's etc - mitk::PointSet::DataType *itkPointSet = pointSet->GetPointSet(); - mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer *itkPoints = itkPointSet->GetPoints(); - - /*Each case must watch the type of the event!*/ - switch (action->GetActionId()) - { - case AcADDPOINT: - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - mitk::Point3D itkPoint; - itkPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - //find the position, the point is to be added to: first entry with empty index. - //if the Set is empty, then start with 0. if not empty, then take the first index not occupied - int lastPosition = 0; - if (!itkPoints->empty()) - { - mitk::PointSet::PointsIterator it, end; - it = itkPoints->Begin(); - end = itkPoints->End(); - while( it != end ) - { - if (!itkPoints->IndexExists(lastPosition)) - break; - ++it; - ++lastPosition; - } - } - - PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpINSERT, itkPoint, lastPosition); - if (m_UndoEnabled) - { - PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpREMOVE, itkPoint, lastPosition); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Add point"); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - break; - } - case AcDESELECTALL: - this->DeselectAllPoints(); - ok = true; - break; - case AcCHECKELEMENT : - /*checking if the Point transmitted is close enough to one point. Then generate a new event with the point and let this statemaschine handle the event.*/ - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent != NULL) - { - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - int PRECISION = 4; - mitk::IntProperty *precision = dynamic_cast(action->GetProperty("PRECISION")); - if (precision != NULL) - { - PRECISION = precision->GetValue(); - } - - int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, PRECISION); - if (position>=0)//found a point near enough to the given point - { - m_LastPosition = position;//store it to be able to move the point - worldPoint = pointSet->GetPoint(position);//get that point, the one meant by the user! - mitk::Point2D displPoint; - displPoint[0] = worldPoint[0]; - displPoint[1] = worldPoint[1]; - - //new Event with information YES and with the correct point - mitk::PositionEvent const* newPosEvent = new mitk::PositionEvent(posEvent->GetSender(), posEvent->GetType(), - posEvent->GetButton(), posEvent->GetButtonState(), posEvent->GetKey(), - displPoint, worldPoint); - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDYES, newPosEvent); - //call HandleEvent to leave the guard-state - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - else - { - //new Event with information NO - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - else //hardly used, due to 3dPicking of globalInteraction - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *disPosEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (disPosEvent != NULL) - {//2d Koordinates for 3D Interaction; return false to redo the last statechange - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - } - break; - case AcCHECKSELECTED: - //check if the point that was hit before is still hit - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent != NULL) - { - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - int PRECISION = 4; - mitk::IntProperty *precision = dynamic_cast(action->GetProperty("precision")); - if (precision != NULL) - { - PRECISION = precision->GetValue(); - } - - int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, PRECISION); - if (position <0)//no point found at the current mouseposition - { - //new Event with information NO - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - break; - } - - //point found at the current mouseposition, so check if this point is the same like before - unsigned int upos = (unsigned int) position;//comparison signed unsigned int - if (upos == m_LastPosition)//found the same point again - { - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDYES, posEvent); - //call HandleEvent to leave the guard-state - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - else - { - //new Event with information NO - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - else //hardly used, due to 3dPicking of globalInteraction - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *disPosEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (disPosEvent != NULL) - {//2d Koordinates for 3D Interaction; return false to redo the last statechange - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - } - break; - case AcINITMOVEMENT: - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - //start of the Movement is stored to calculate the undoCoordinate in FinishMovement - m_LastPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcMOVESELECTED://moves the point - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - mitk::Point3D newPoint; - newPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE, newPoint, m_LastPosition); - //execute the Operation - //here no undo is stored. only the start and the end is stored for undo. - m_DataNode->GetData()->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcFINISHMOVEMENT: - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - //finish the movement: - // set undo-information and move it to the last position. - mitk::Point3D newPoint; - newPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE, newPoint, m_LastPosition); - if ( m_UndoEnabled ) - { - PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE, m_LastPoint, m_LastPosition); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent( m_DataNode->GetData(), doOp, undoOp, "Move point"); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - //execute the Operation - m_DataNode->GetData()->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - - // //increase the GroupEventId, so that the raw-Undo goes to here - //this->IncCurrGroupEventId(); - ok = true; - } - break; -case AcCHECKGREATERONE: - //check if after deleteion the set will be empty - { - if (pointSet->GetSize()>1) - { - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDYES, stateEvent->GetEvent()); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - else - { - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, stateEvent->GetEvent()); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - break; -case AcSELECTANOTHEROBJECT: - //selects an other Point after one point has been removed - { - /*select the point "position-1", - and if it is the first in list, - then contine at the last in list*/ - if (pointSet->GetSize()>0)//only then a select of a point is possible! - { - if (m_LastPosition > 0)//not the first in list - { - this->SelectPoint( m_LastPosition-1 ); - } - else//it was the first point in list, that was removed, so select the last in list - { - m_LastPosition = pointSet->GetSize()-1;//last in list - SelectPoint( m_LastPosition ); - }//else - }//if - ok = true; - } - break; -case AcREMOVEPOINT: - { - //store the position of the removed point to be able to use it for selection of a next point - //even if more than one point is selected, as long as we select the point befor the first selected point we are ok. - //need to check if empty before select though! - m_LastPosition = pointSet->SearchSelectedPoint(); - - Operation* doOp = new mitk::Operation(OpREMOVEPOINT); - if (m_UndoEnabled) - { - Operation* undoOp = new mitk::Operation(OpINSERTPOINT); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Remove point"); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - } - break; - case AcSELECT: - //select the point found at the given mouseposition - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - //search the point in the list - //distance set to 0, cause we already got the exact point from last State checkpoint - //but we also need the position in the list to move it - int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, 0); - - if (position>=0)//found a point - { - PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, worldPoint, position); - - //Undo - if (m_UndoEnabled) //write to UndoMechanism - { - PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, worldPoint, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - - //execute the Operation - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - } - } - break; - case AcDESELECT: - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - //search the point in the list - //distance set to 0, cause we already got the exact point from last State checkpoint - //but we also need the position in the list to move it - int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, 0); - - if (position>=0)//found a point - { - PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, worldPoint, position); - - //Undo - if (m_UndoEnabled) //write to UndoMechanism - { - PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, worldPoint, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - - //execute the Operation - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - } - } - break; - case AcSETSTARTPOINT: - { - //get the selected point and assign it as startpoint - Point3D point;//dummy - point.Fill(0); - int position = pointSet->SearchSelectedPoint(); - if (position >-1) - { - PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSETPOINTTYPE, point, position, true, PTSTART); - - //Undo - if (m_UndoEnabled) //write to UndoMechanism - { - PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSETPOINTTYPE, point, position, true, PTUNDEFINED); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - - //execute the Operation - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - } - } - break; - default: - return Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - } - - return ok; - -} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointInteractor.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointInteractor.h deleted file mode 100644 index 2b4ae96e34..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointInteractor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKPOINTINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKPOINTINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - class DataNode; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Interaction with a point - //## - //## Interact with a point: set point, select point, move point and remove point - //## All Set-operations are done through the method "ExecuteAction". - //## the identificationnumber of this point is set by this points and evalued from an empty place in the DataStructure - //## @ingroup Interaction - class MitkExt_EXPORT PointInteractor : public Interactor - { - public: - mitkClassMacro(PointInteractor, Interactor); - mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, const char*, DataNode*); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Sets the amount of precision - void SetPrecision(unsigned int precision); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief derived from mitk::Interactor; calculates Jurisdiction according to points - //## - //## standard method can not be used, since it doesn't calculate in points, only in BoundingBox of Points - virtual float CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const; - - - protected: - //##Documentation - //##@brief Constructor - PointInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode); - - //##Documentation - //##@brief Destructor - virtual ~PointInteractor(); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief select the point on the given position - virtual void SelectPoint(int position); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief unselect all points that exist in mesh - virtual void DeselectAllPoints(); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Executes Actions - virtual bool ExecuteAction(Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent); - - - private: - - //##Documentation - //## @brief to calculate a direction vector from last point and actual point - Point3D m_LastPoint; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief to store a position - unsigned int m_LastPosition; - - }; -} -#endif /* MITKPOINTINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointSelectorInteractor.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointSelectorInteractor.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 6fa966a4c8..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointSelectorInteractor.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,407 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkPointSelectorInteractor.h" -#include -#include -#include -//#include "mitkStatusBar.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - - -mitk::PointSelectorInteractor::PointSelectorInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode) -: Interactor(type, dataNode), m_LastPosition(0) -{ - m_LastPoint.Fill(0); -} - -mitk::PointSelectorInteractor::~PointSelectorInteractor() -{} - -void mitk::PointSelectorInteractor::SelectPoint(int position) -{ - mitk::PointSet* pointSet = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (pointSet == NULL) - return; - if (pointSet->GetSize()<=0)//if List is empty, then no select of a point can be done! - return; - - mitk::Point3D noPoint;//dummyPoint... not needed anyway - noPoint.Fill(0); - mitk::PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, noPoint, position); - if (m_UndoEnabled) - { - mitk::PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, noPoint, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); -} - -void mitk::PointSelectorInteractor::DeselectAllPoints() -{ - mitk::PointSet* pointSet = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (pointSet == NULL) - return; - - mitk::PointSet::DataType *itkPointSet = pointSet->GetPointSet(); - mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer::Iterator it, end; - end = itkPointSet->GetPoints()->End(); - - for (it = itkPointSet->GetPoints()->Begin(); it != end; it++) - { - int position = it->Index(); - PointSet::PointDataType pointData = {0, false, PTUNDEFINED}; - itkPointSet->GetPointData(position, &pointData); - if ( pointData.selected )//then declare an operation which unselects this point; UndoOperation as well! - { - mitk::Point3D noPoint; - noPoint.Fill(0); - - mitk::PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, noPoint, position); - if (m_UndoEnabled) - { - mitk::PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, noPoint, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - } - } -} - -float mitk::PointSelectorInteractor::CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const -//go through all points and check, if the given Point lies near a line -{ - float returnValue = 0; - - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - //checking if a keyevent can be handled: - if (posEvent == NULL) - { - //check, if the current state has a transition waiting for that key event. - if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) - { - return 0.5; - } - else - { - return 0; - } - } - - //Mouse event handling: - //on MouseMove do nothing! reimplement if needed differently - if (stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetType() == mitk::Type_MouseMove) - { - return 0; - } - - //if the event can be understood and if there is a transition waiting for that event - if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) - { - returnValue = 0.5;//it can be understood - } - - //check on the right data-type - mitk::PointSet* pointSet = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (pointSet == NULL) - return 0; - - - //since we now have 3D picking in GlobalInteraction and all events send are DisplayEvents with 3D information, - //we concentrate on 3D coordinates - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - float p[3]; - itk2vtk(worldPoint, p); - //transforming the Worldposition to local coordinatesystem - m_DataNode->GetData()->GetGeometry()->GetVtkTransform()->GetInverse()->TransformPoint(p, p); - vtk2itk(p, worldPoint); - - float distance = 5; - int index = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, distance); - if (index>-1) - //how far away is the line from the point? - { - //get the point and calculate the jurisdiction out of it. - mitk::PointSet::PointType point; - pointSet->GetPointSet()->GetPoint(index, &point); - returnValue = point.EuclideanDistanceTo(worldPoint); - - //between 1 and 0. 1 if directly hit - returnValue = 1 - ( returnValue / distance ); - if (returnValue<0 || returnValue>1) - { - itkWarningMacro("Difficulties in calculating Jurisdiction. Check PointSelectorInteractor"); - return 0; - } - - //and now between 0,5 and 1 - returnValue = 0.5 + (returnValue / 2); - - return returnValue; - } - else //not found - { - return returnValue; - } - -} - - -bool mitk::PointSelectorInteractor::ExecuteAction( Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent ) -{ - bool ok = false;//for return type bool - - //checking corresponding Data; has to be a PointSet or a subclass - mitk::PointSet* pointSet = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - if (pointSet == NULL) - return false; - - //for reading on the points, Id's etc - //mitk::PointSet::DataType *itkPointSet = pointSet->GetPointSet(); - //mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer *itkPoints = itkPointSet->GetPoints(); - - /*Each case must watch the type of the event!*/ - switch (action->GetActionId()) - { - case AcADDPOINT: - break; - case AcDESELECTALL: - this->DeselectAllPoints(); - ok = true; - break; - case AcCHECKELEMENT : - /*checking if the Point transmitted is close enough to one point. Then generate a new event with the point and let this statemaschine handle the event.*/ - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent != NULL) - { - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - int PRECISION = 4; - mitk::IntProperty *precision = dynamic_cast(action->GetProperty("PRECISION")); - if (precision != NULL) - { - PRECISION = precision->GetValue(); - } - - int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, PRECISION); - if (position>=0)//found a point near enough to the given point - { - m_LastPosition = position;//store it to be able to move the point - worldPoint = pointSet->GetPoint(position);//get that point, the one meant by the user! - mitk::Point2D displPoint; - displPoint[0] = worldPoint[0]; - displPoint[1] = worldPoint[1]; - - //new Event with information YES and with the correct point - mitk::PositionEvent const* newPosEvent = new mitk::PositionEvent(posEvent->GetSender(), posEvent->GetType(), - posEvent->GetButton(), posEvent->GetButtonState(), posEvent->GetKey(), - displPoint, worldPoint); - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDYES, newPosEvent); - //call HandleEvent to leave the guard-state - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - else - { - //new Event with information NO - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - else //hardly used, due to 3dPicking of globalInteraction - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *disPosEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (disPosEvent != NULL) - {//2d Koordinates for 3D Interaction; return false to redo the last statechange - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - } - break; - case AcCHECKSELECTED: - //check if the point that was hit before is still hit - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent != NULL) - { - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - int PRECISION = 4; - mitk::IntProperty *precision = dynamic_cast(action->GetProperty("precision")); - if (precision != NULL) - { - PRECISION = precision->GetValue(); - } - - int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, PRECISION); - if (position <0)//no point found at the current mouseposition - { - //new Event with information NO - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - break; - } - - //point found at the current mouseposition, so check if this point is the same like before - unsigned int upos = (unsigned int) position;//comparison signed unsigned int - if (upos == m_LastPosition)//found the same point again - { - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDYES, posEvent); - //call HandleEvent to leave the guard-state - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - else - { - //new Event with information NO - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - else //hardly used, due to 3dPicking of globalInteraction - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *disPosEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (disPosEvent != NULL) - {//2d Koordinates for 3D Interaction; return false to redo the last statechange - mitk::StateEvent* newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent(EIDNO, posEvent); - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - ok = true; - } - } - } - break; - case AcINITMOVEMENT: - break; - case AcMOVESELECTED://moves the point - break; - case AcFINISHMOVEMENT: - break; - case AcCHECKGREATERONE: - break; - case AcSELECTANOTHEROBJECT: - //selects an other Point after one point has been removed - { - /*select the point "position-1", - and if it is the first in list, - then contine at the last in list*/ - if (pointSet->GetSize()>0)//only then a select of a point is possible! - { - if (m_LastPosition > 0)//not the first in list - { - this->SelectPoint( m_LastPosition-1 ); - } - else//it was the first point in list, that was removed, so select the last in list - { - m_LastPosition = pointSet->GetSize()-1;//last in list - SelectPoint( m_LastPosition ); - }//else - }//if - ok = true; - } - break; - case AcREMOVEPOINT: - break; - case AcSELECT: - //select the point found at the given mouseposition - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - //search the point in the list - //distance set to 0, cause we already got the exact point from last State checkpoint - //but we also need the position in the list to move it - int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, 0); - - if (position>=0)//found a point - { - PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, worldPoint, position); - - //Undo - if (m_UndoEnabled) //write to UndoMechanism - { - PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, worldPoint, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - - //execute the Operation - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - } - } - break; - case AcDESELECT: - { - mitk::PositionEvent const *posEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - mitk::Point3D worldPoint = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - //search the point in the list - //distance set to 0, cause we already got the exact point from last State checkpoint - //but we also need the position in the list to move it - int position = pointSet->SearchPoint(worldPoint, 0); - - if (position>=0)//found a point - { - PointOperation* doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, worldPoint, position); - - //Undo - if (m_UndoEnabled) //write to UndoMechanism - { - PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, worldPoint, position); - OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - - //execute the Operation - pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - } - } - break; - case AcSETSTARTPOINT: - break; - default: - return Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - } - - return ok; - -} - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointSelectorInteractor.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointSelectorInteractor.h deleted file mode 100644 index 05adfa433e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkPointSelectorInteractor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKPOINTSELECTORINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKPOINTSELECTORINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - class DataNode; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Just select a point, that's the only way to interact with the point - //## - //## Interact with a point: Select the point without moving to get parameters that does not change - //## All Set-operations would be done through the method "ExecuteAction", if there would be anyone. - //## the identificationnumber of this point is set by this points and evalued from an empty place in the DataStructure - //## @ingroup Interaction - class MitkExt_EXPORT PointSelectorInteractor : public Interactor - { - public: - mitkClassMacro(PointSelectorInteractor, Interactor); - mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, const char*, DataNode*); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Sets the amount of precision - void SetPrecision(unsigned int precision); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief derived from mitk::Interactor; calculates Jurisdiction according to points - //## - //## standard method can not be used, since it doesn't calculate in points, only in BoundingBox of Points - virtual float CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const; - - - protected: - //##Documentation - //##@brief Constructor - PointSelectorInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode); - - //##Documentation - //##@brief Destructor - virtual ~PointSelectorInteractor(); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief select the point on the given position - virtual void SelectPoint(int position); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief unselect all points that exist in mesh - virtual void DeselectAllPoints(); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Executes Actions - virtual bool ExecuteAction(Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent); - - - private: - - //##Documentation - //## @brief to calculate a direction vector from last point and actual point - Point3D m_LastPoint; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief to store a position - unsigned int m_LastPosition; - - }; -} -#endif /* MITKPointSelectorInteractor_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSeedsInteractor.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSeedsInteractor.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 09636e81ac..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSeedsInteractor.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkSeedsInteractor.h" - -#include "mitkProperties.h" -#include "mitkStringProperty.h" -#include "mitkAction.h" -#include "mitkDisplayPositionEvent.h" -#include "mitkOperationEvent.h" -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "mitkUndoController.h" -#include "mitkDataNode.h" -#include "mitkStateEvent.h" -#include "mitkState.h" -#include "mitkDrawOperation.h" - - -mitk::SeedsInteractor::SeedsInteractor(const char * type, mitk::DataNode* dataNode) - : mitk::Interactor(type, dataNode) -{ - m_Radius = 1; - m_Config = 0; // default config 254, 255 are added for fore- and backgrund seeds - m_CurrentDrawState = 255; -} - -mitk::SeedsInteractor::~SeedsInteractor() -{ -} - - -bool mitk::SeedsInteractor::ExecuteAction(mitk::Action* action, mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent) -{ - const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent* posEvent = dynamic_cast(stateEvent->GetEvent()); - if (posEvent == NULL) - return false; - - event_point = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); - - m_DataNode->SetVisibility(true); - m_SeedsImage = dynamic_cast(m_DataNode->GetData()); - - - bool ok = false; - switch (action->GetActionId()) - { - case mitk::AcINITFOREGROUND: - { - if (m_Config == 0) m_DrawState = m_CurrentDrawState; - else m_DrawState = 1; - ok = true; - break; - } - case mitk::AcINITBACKGROUND: - { - if (m_Config == 0) m_DrawState = 254; - else m_DrawState = -1; - ok = true; - break; - } - case mitk::AcINITNEUTRAL: - { - m_DrawState = 0; - ok = true; - break; - } - case mitk::AcADD: - { - last_point = event_point; - mitk::DrawOperation* doOp = new mitk::DrawOperation(OpADD, event_point, last_point, m_DrawState, m_Radius); - if (m_UndoEnabled){ //write to UndoMechanism/ Can probably be removed! - mitk::DrawOperation* undoOp = new mitk::DrawOperation(OpUNDOADD, event_point, last_point, m_DrawState, m_Radius); - mitk::OperationEvent *operationEvent = new mitk::OperationEvent(m_SeedsImage, doOp, undoOp, "Add seed point"); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - //execute the Operation - m_SeedsImage->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - break; - } - case mitk::AcMOVE: - { - last_point = event_point; - mitk::DrawOperation* doOp = new mitk::DrawOperation(OpMOVE, event_point, last_point, m_DrawState, m_Radius); - if (m_UndoEnabled){ //write to UndoMechanism/ Can probably be removed! - mitk::DrawOperation* undoOp = new mitk::DrawOperation(OpUNDOMOVE, event_point, last_point, m_DrawState, m_Radius); - mitk::OperationEvent *operationEvent = new mitk::OperationEvent(m_SeedsImage, doOp, undoOp, "Move seed point"); - m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent); - } - //execute the Operation - m_SeedsImage->ExecuteOperation(doOp); - ok = true; - //this->Modified(); - break; - } - case mitk::AcFINISH: - { - last_point = event_point; - ok = true; - this->Modified(); - - this->InvokeEvent( itk::EndEvent() ); - - break; - } - default: - return Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - } - return ok; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSeedsInteractor.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSeedsInteractor.h deleted file mode 100644 index cb9011f359..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSeedsInteractor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef __SeedsInteractor_H -#define __SeedsInteractor_H - -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include -#include -#include //needed by QmitkSimplexMeshes (SMDeformation.cpp and LungSegmentation.cpp) -#include -#include - - -namespace mitk { - - //##Documentation - //## @brief SeedsInteractor handles all actions on the seedsimage - //## @ingroup Interaction - - /** - * \deprecatedSince{2014_03} mitk::ConnectPointsInteractor is deprecated. Needs to be updated to the new interaction-framework. - * Refer to \see DataInteractionPage for general information about the concept of the new implementation. - */ - - class DEPRECATED() MitkExt_EXPORT SeedsInteractor : public Interactor - { - public: - mitkClassMacro(SeedsInteractor, Interactor); - mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, const char*, DataNode*); - - /// sets the radius of the seeds. - void SetRadius(int val){m_Radius=val;}; - void SetCurrentDrawState(int val){m_CurrentDrawState = val;}; - - itkSetMacro(Config, unsigned int); - itkGetMacro(Config, unsigned int); - - protected: - /** - * @brief Default Constructor - **/ - SeedsInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode); - /** - * @brief Default Destructor - **/ - virtual ~SeedsInteractor(); - - virtual bool ExecuteAction(Action* action, StateEvent const* stateEvent); - - protected: - SeedsImage::Pointer m_SeedsImage; - SeedsImage::Pointer m_LastSeedsImage; - Point3D event_point; - Point3D last_point; - - int m_Radius; - int m_DrawState; - int m_CurrentDrawState; - unsigned int m_Config; // determine whether 254,255 or smoothed float values are used. - }; - -} -#endif //__SeedsInteractor_H diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSocketClient.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSocketClient.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 5ddbb43322..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSocketClient.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkSocketClient.h" -#include -#include -#include - -namespace mitk -{ - - SocketClientImplementation* SocketClient::m_Implementation = NULL; - SocketClient* SocketClient::m_Instance = NULL; - - void SocketClient::open( const char* ipAdress, unsigned short port ) - { - if (m_Implementation) - { - m_Implementation->open( ipAdress, port ); - } - } - - void SocketClient::setMaxConnectionAdvance( int maxConnectionAdvance ) - { - if (m_Implementation) - { - m_Implementation->setMaxConnectionAdvance( maxConnectionAdvance ); - } - } - - bool SocketClient::send( unsigned int messagetype, unsigned int bodySize, char* body ) - { - if (m_Implementation) - { - return m_Implementation->send( messagetype, bodySize, body); - } - else - { - return false; - } - } - - void SocketClient::SetImplementationInstance(SocketClientImplementation* implementation) - { - if ( m_Implementation == implementation ) - { - return; - } - m_Implementation = implementation; - } - - SocketClient* SocketClient::GetInstance() - { - if (m_Instance == NULL) - { - m_Instance = new SocketClient(); - } - - return m_Instance; - } - - SocketClient::SocketClient() - { - } - - SocketClient::~SocketClient() - { - } -}//end namespace mitk diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSocketClient.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSocketClient.h deleted file mode 100644 index 8b6fdf1e04..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSocketClient.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKSOCKETCLIENT_H -#define MITKSOCKETCLIENT_H -#include -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkCommon.h" - -#include "mitkSocketClientImplementation.h" - - -namespace mitk -{ - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Sending a message to the applications ProgressBar - //## - //## Holds a GUI dependent ProgressBarImplementation and sends the progress further. - //## All mitk-classes use this class to display progress on GUI-ProgressBar. - //## The mainapplication has to set the internal held ProgressBarImplementation with SetImplementationInstance(..). - //## @ingroup Interaction - class MitkExt_EXPORT SocketClient : public itk::Object - { - - public: - - itkTypeMacro(ProgressBar, itk::Object); - - static SocketClient* GetInstance(); - - static void SetImplementationInstance(SocketClientImplementation* implementation); - - void open( const char* ipAdress, unsigned short port ); - - void setMaxConnectionAdvance( int maxConnectionAdvance ); - - bool send( unsigned int messagetype, unsigned int bodySize = 0, char* body = NULL ); - - protected: - SocketClient(); - virtual ~SocketClient(); - static SocketClientImplementation* m_Implementation; - static SocketClient* m_Instance; - }; - -}// end namespace mitk - -#endif /* define MITKSOCKETCLIENT_H */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSocketClientImplementation.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSocketClientImplementation.h deleted file mode 100644 index f52ab15bce..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSocketClientImplementation.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKSOCKETCLIENTIMPLEMENTATION_H -#define MITKSOCKETCLIENTIMPLEMENTATION_H - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -namespace mitk -{ - - //##Documentation - //## @brief GUI indepentent Interface for all Gui depentent implementations of a ProgressBar. - class MitkExt_EXPORT SocketClientImplementation - { - - public: - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Constructor - SocketClientImplementation(){}; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Destructor - virtual ~SocketClientImplementation(){}; - - virtual void open( const char* ipAdress, unsigned short port )=0; - - virtual void setMaxConnectionAdvance( int maxConnectionAdvance )=0; - - virtual bool send( unsigned int messagetype, unsigned int bodySize = 0, char* body = NULL )=0; - }; - -}// end namespace mitk - -#endif /* define MITKSOCKETCLIENTIMPLEMENTATION_H */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSpaceNavigatorDriver.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSpaceNavigatorDriver.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index ab8dfc11dd..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSpaceNavigatorDriver.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,289 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#define SPACE_NAVIGATOR_MAIN_SOURCE - -#include "mitkSpaceNavigatorDriver.h" -#include "mitkTDMouseEventThrower.h" - -SpaceNavigatorDriver* SpaceNavigatorDriver::GetInstance() -{ - //create the singleton instance of the driver, so it can listen for events - static SpaceNavigatorDriver instance; - return &instance; -} - -SpaceNavigatorDriver::SpaceNavigatorDriver() -{ - LRESULT result=0; - - HRESULT hr=::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ); - if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) - { - cout << "Fehler" << endl; - - // stop creation of window - result = -1; - } - else - { - HRESULT hr = InitializeCOM(); - if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) - { - // stop creation of window - result = -1; - } - } -} - -SpaceNavigatorDriver::~SpaceNavigatorDriver() -{ - UninitializeCOM(); -} - -inline HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::HookEvent1(CComPtr device) -{ - // Get the interfaces to the sensor and the keyboard; - return device->get_Sensor(&m_pISensor); -} - -inline HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::HookEvent2() -{ - return __hook(&_ISensorEvents::SensorInput, m_pISensor, - &SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnSensorInput); -} - -inline HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::HookEvent3(CComPtr device) -{ - return device->get_Keyboard(&m_pIKeyboard); -} - -inline HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::HookEvent4() -{ - return __hook(&_IKeyboardEvents::KeyDown, m_pIKeyboard, - &SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnKeyDown); -} - -inline HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::HookEvent5() -{ - return __hook(&_IKeyboardEvents::KeyUp, m_pIKeyboard, - &SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnKeyUp); -} - - - -HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::InitializeCOM() -{ - HRESULT hr; - CComPtr _3DxDevice; - - // Create the device object - hr = _3DxDevice.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(Device)); - if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) - { - - CComPtr _3DxSimpleDevice; - - hr = _3DxDevice.QueryInterface(&_3DxSimpleDevice); - if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) - { - hr = __hook(&_ISimpleDeviceEvents::DeviceChange, _3DxSimpleDevice, - &SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnDeviceChange); - - //workaround for .net 2003 Bug Nr. 829749 - hr = this->HookEvent1(_3DxSimpleDevice); - hr = this->HookEvent2(); - hr = this->HookEvent3(_3DxSimpleDevice); - hr = this->HookEvent4(); - hr = this->HookEvent5(); - - // Connect to the driver - _3DxSimpleDevice->Connect(); - - cout << "Connected to COM-object for space navigation..." << endl; - } - } - else - cout << "CoCreateInstance failed"; - - return hr; -} - -HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnDeviceChange(long reserved ) -{ - HRESULT result = S_OK; - //cout << "SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnDeviceChange(reserved =0" << reserved << endl; - - HRESULT hr; - ISimpleDevicePtr _p3DxDevice; - hr = m_pIKeyboard->get_Device((IDispatch**)&_p3DxDevice); - if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) - { - long device; - _p3DxDevice->get_Type(&device); - //cout << "Attached device=" << device; - _p3DxDevice.Release(); - - long keys, programmableKeys; - m_pIKeyboard->get_Keys(&keys); - m_pIKeyboard->get_ProgrammableKeys(&programmableKeys); - //cout << "Number of Keys=%d\tProgrammable keys=%d\n" << keys << " / " << programmableKeys; - - for (long i=1; i<=keys; i++) - { - BSTR bstrLabel; - BSTR bstrName; - m_pIKeyboard->GetKeyLabel(i, &bstrLabel); - m_pIKeyboard->GetKeyName(i, &bstrName); - CString strLabel(bstrLabel); - CString strName(bstrName); - - //cout << "Key Label=%s\tKey Name=%s\n" << - //(const TCHAR *)strLabel << " / " << (const TCHAR *)strName; - - } - mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::GetInstance()->DeviceChange (device, keys, programmableKeys); - } - return result; -} - -HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnKeyDown(int keyCode ) -{ - HRESULT result = S_OK; - mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::GetInstance()->KeyDown (keyCode); - return result; -} - -HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnKeyUp(int keyCode ) -{ - HRESULT result = S_OK; - mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::GetInstance()->KeyUp (keyCode); - return result; -} - -#define ScaleRotation 1024.0 -#define ScaleTranslation 512.0 -#define Sensitivity 1.0 - -HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnSensorInput(void) -{ - HRESULT result = S_OK; - static DWORD s_dwLastDraw = 0; - - //cout << "CCubeWindow::OnSensorInput()"; - try { - CComPtr pRotation; - HRESULT hr = m_pISensor->get_Rotation(&pRotation); - - double angle; - pRotation->get_Angle(&angle); - - CComPtr pTranslation; - hr = m_pISensor->get_Translation(&pTranslation); - - double length; - pTranslation->get_Length(&length); - - if (angle > 0. || length > 0.) - { - mitk::Vector3D translation; - mitk::Vector3D rotation; - double val; - - double timeFactor = 1.; - - DWORD dwNow = ::GetTickCount(); - if (s_dwLastDraw) - { - double period; - m_pISensor->get_Period(&period); - timeFactor = (double)(dwNow-s_dwLastDraw)/period; - } - s_dwLastDraw = dwNow; - - length *= timeFactor; - length /= ScaleTranslation*Sensitivity; - - pTranslation->put_Length(length); - - pTranslation->get_X(&val); - translation[0] = (float)val; - pTranslation->get_Y(&val); - translation[1] = (float)val; - pTranslation->get_Z(&val); - translation[2] = (float)val; - - pRotation->get_X(&val); - rotation[0] = (float)val; - pRotation->get_Y(&val); - rotation[1] = (float)val; - pRotation->get_Z(&val); - rotation[2] = (float)val; - - angle *= timeFactor; - angle /= ScaleRotation*Sensitivity; - - mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::GetInstance()->SensorInput( translation, rotation, angle); - //cout << translation[0] << "\t" << translation[1] << "\t" << translation[2] << endl; - } - else - s_dwLastDraw = 0; - - pRotation.Release(); - pTranslation.Release(); - } - catch (...) - { - cout << "Some sort of exception handling" << endl; - } - - return result; -} - -HRESULT SpaceNavigatorDriver::UninitializeCOM() -{ - HRESULT hr; - CComPtr _3DxDevice; - - // Create the device object - hr = _3DxDevice.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(Device)); - if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) - { - CComPtr _3DxSimpleDevice; - _3DxDevice.QueryInterface(&_3DxSimpleDevice); - _3DxSimpleDevice->Disconnect(); - } - - - if (m_pISensor) - { - // unhook (unadvise) the sensor event sink - __unhook(&_ISensorEvents::SensorInput, m_pISensor, - &SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnSensorInput); - - m_pISensor.Release(); - } - - if (m_pIKeyboard) - { - __unhook(&_IKeyboardEvents::KeyDown, m_pIKeyboard, - &SpaceNavigatorDriver::OnKeyDown); - - m_pIKeyboard.Release(); - } - - return hr; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index f385279407..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,498 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.h" -#include "mitkPointOperation.h" -#include "mitkDisplayPositionEvent.h" -#include "mitkWheelEvent.h" -#include "mitkStatusBar.h" -#include "mitkDataNode.h" -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "mitkAction.h" -#include "mitkStateEvent.h" -#include "mitkOperationEvent.h" -#include "mitkUndoController.h" -#include "mitkStateMachineFactory.h" -#include "mitkStateTransitionOperation.h" -#include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" -#include "mitkRenderingManager.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" - - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - - -//how precise must the user pick the point -//default value -mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D -::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode, int /* n */ ) -: Interactor( type, dataNode ), - m_Precision( 6.5 ), - m_PickedSurfaceNode( NULL ), - m_PickedSurface( NULL ), - m_GaussSigma( 30.0 ) -{ - m_OriginalPolyData = vtkPolyData::New(); - - // Initialize vector arithmetic - m_ObjectNormal[0] = 0.0; - m_ObjectNormal[1] = 0.0; - m_ObjectNormal[2] = 1.0; -} - -mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D::~SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D() -{ - m_OriginalPolyData->Delete(); -} - -void mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D::SetPrecision( mitk::ScalarType precision ) -{ - m_Precision = precision; -} - -// Overwritten since this class can handle it better! -float mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D -::CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const -{ - float returnValue = 0.5; - - - // If it is a key event that can be handled in the current state, - // then return 0.5 - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *disPosEvent = - dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - - // Key event handling: - if (disPosEvent == NULL) - { - // Check if the current state has a transition waiting for that key event. - if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) - { - return 0.5; - } - else - { - return 0.0; - } - } - - //on MouseMove do nothing! - //if (stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetType() == mitk::Type_MouseMove) - //{ - // return 0.0; - //} - - //if the event can be understood and if there is a transition waiting for that event - if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) - { - returnValue = 0.5;//it can be understood - } - - //int timeStep = disPosEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(); - - //mitk::CurveModel *curveModel = dynamic_cast( - // m_DataNode->GetData() ); - - //if ( curveModel != NULL ) - //{ - // // Get the PlaneGeometry of the window the user interacts with (for 2D point - // // projection) - // mitk::BaseRenderer *renderer = stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetSender(); - // const PlaneGeometry *projectionPlane = renderer->GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry(); - - // // For reading on the points, Ids etc - // //mitk::CurveModel::PointSetType *pointSet = curveModel->GetPointSet( timeStep ); - // //if ( pointSet == NULL ) - // //{ - // // return 0.0; - // //} - - //} - return returnValue; -} - - -bool mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D -::ExecuteAction( Action *action, mitk::StateEvent const *stateEvent ) -{ - bool ok = false; - - // Get data object - mitk::BaseData *data = m_DataNode->GetData(); - if ( data == NULL ) - { - MITK_ERROR << "No data object present!"; - return ok; - } - - // Get mitk::Event and extract renderer - const mitk::Event *event = stateEvent->GetEvent(); - mitk::BaseRenderer *renderer = NULL; - vtkRenderWindow *renderWindow = NULL; - vtkRenderWindowInteractor *renderWindowInteractor = NULL; - - if ( event != NULL ) - { - renderer = event->GetSender(); - if ( renderer != NULL ) - { - renderWindow = renderer->GetRenderWindow(); - if ( renderWindow != NULL ) - { - renderWindowInteractor = renderWindow->GetInteractor(); - } - } - } - - // Check if we have a DisplayPositionEvent - const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent *dpe = - dynamic_cast< const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); - if ( dpe != NULL ) - { - m_PickedSurfaceNode = dpe->GetPickedObjectNode(); - m_CurrentPickedPoint = dpe->GetWorldPosition(); - m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint = dpe->GetDisplayPosition(); - } - - - // Get the timestep to also support 3D+t - int timeStep = 0; - mitk::ScalarType timeInMS = 0.0; - if ( renderer != NULL ) - { - timeStep = renderer->GetTimeStep( data ); - timeInMS = renderer->GetTime(); - } - - // Extract surface - m_Surface = dynamic_cast< Surface * >( data ); - if ( m_Surface != NULL ) - { - m_PolyData = m_Surface->GetVtkPolyData( timeStep ); - } - else - { - m_PolyData = NULL; - } - - // Extract surface normal from surface (if existent, otherwise use default) - vtkPointData *pointData = m_PolyData->GetPointData(); - if ( pointData != NULL ) - { - vtkDataArray *normal = m_PolyData->GetPointData()->GetVectors( "planeNormal" ); - if ( normal != NULL ) - { - m_ObjectNormal[0] = normal->GetComponent( 0, 0 ); - m_ObjectNormal[1] = normal->GetComponent( 0, 1 ); - m_ObjectNormal[2] = normal->GetComponent( 0, 2 ); - } - } - - // Get geometry object - m_Geometry = data->GetGeometry( timeStep ); - - - // Make sure that the data (if time-resolved) has enough entries; - // if not, create the required extra ones (empty) - data->Expand( timeStep+1 ); - - - switch (action->GetActionId()) - { - case AcDONOTHING: - ok = true; - break; - - - case AcCHECKOBJECT: - { - // Check if an object is present at the current mouse position - m_PickedSurface = NULL; - m_PickedPolyData = NULL; - - if ( m_PickedSurfaceNode != NULL ) - { - m_PickedSurface = dynamic_cast< mitk::Surface * >( m_PickedSurfaceNode->GetData() ); - if ( m_PickedSurface != NULL ) - { - m_PickedPolyData = m_PickedSurface->GetVtkPolyData( timeStep ); - } - } - - mitk::StateEvent *newStateEvent; - if ( (m_PickedSurfaceNode == m_DataNode) && (m_PickedSurface != NULL) ) - { - // Yes: object will be selected - newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent( EIDYES ); - - // Disable VTK interactor until MITK interaction has been completed - if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) - { - renderWindowInteractor->Disable(); - } - } - else - { - // No: back to start state - newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent( EIDNO ); - - // Re-enable VTK interactor (may have been disabled previously) - if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) - { - renderWindowInteractor->Enable(); - } - } - - this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); - - // Colorized surface at current picked position - m_SurfaceColorizationCenter = m_CurrentPickedPoint; - - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcDESELECTOBJECT: - { - // Color object white - m_DataNode->SetColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); - mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); - - // Colorize surface / wireframe as inactive - this->ColorizeSurface( m_PolyData, - m_SurfaceColorizationCenter, COLORIZATION_CONSTANT, -1.0 ); - - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcSELECTPICKEDOBJECT: - { - // Color object red - m_DataNode->SetColor( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); - mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); - - // Colorize surface / wireframe dependend on distance from picked point - this->ColorizeSurface( m_PolyData, - m_SurfaceColorizationCenter, COLORIZATION_GAUSS ); - - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcINITMOVE: - { - // Store current picked point - m_InitialPickedPoint = m_CurrentPickedPoint; - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint = m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint; - - if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) - { - vtkInteractorObserver::ComputeDisplayToWorld( - renderWindowInteractor->GetInteractorStyle()->GetCurrentRenderer(), - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[0], - m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[1], - 0.0, //m_InitialInteractionPickedPoint[2], - m_InitialPickedPointWorld ); - } - - - // Make deep copy of vtkPolyData interacted on - m_OriginalPolyData->DeepCopy( m_PolyData ); - - ok = true; - break; - } - - case AcMOVE: - { - if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) - { - vtkInteractorObserver::ComputeDisplayToWorld( - renderWindowInteractor->GetInteractorStyle()->GetCurrentRenderer(), - m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[0], - m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[1], - 0.0, //m_InitialInteractionPickedPoint[2], - m_CurrentPickedPointWorld ); - } - - - // Calculate mouse move in 3D space - mitk::Vector3D interactionMove; - interactionMove[0] = m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[0] - m_InitialPickedPointWorld[0]; - interactionMove[1] = m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[1] - m_InitialPickedPointWorld[1]; - interactionMove[2] = m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[2] - m_InitialPickedPointWorld[2]; - - // Transform mouse move into geometry space - data->UpdateOutputInformation(); // make sure that the Geometry is up-to-date - mitk::Point3D origin; origin.Fill( 0.0 ); - mitk::Vector3D interactionMoveIndex; - m_Geometry->WorldToIndex( interactionMove, interactionMoveIndex ); - - - // Get picked point and transform into local coordinates - mitk::Point3D pickedPoint; - m_Geometry->WorldToIndex( m_InitialPickedPoint, pickedPoint ); - mitk::Vector3D v1 = pickedPoint.GetVectorFromOrigin(); - - mitk::Vector3D v2 = m_ObjectNormal * (interactionMoveIndex * m_ObjectNormal); - - - vtkPoints *originalPoints = m_OriginalPolyData->GetPoints(); - vtkPoints *deformedPoints = m_PolyData->GetPoints(); - - double denom = m_GaussSigma * m_GaussSigma * 2; - double point[3]; - for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < deformedPoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++i ) - { - // Get original point - double *originalPoint = originalPoints->GetPoint( i ); - mitk::Vector3D v0; - v0[0] = originalPoint[0]; - v0[1] = originalPoint[1]; - v0[2] = originalPoint[2]; - - - // Calculate distance of this point from line through picked point - double d = itk::CrossProduct( m_ObjectNormal, (v1 - v0) ).GetNorm(); - - mitk::Vector3D t = v2 * exp( - d * d / denom ); - - point[0] = originalPoint[0] + t[0]; - point[1] = originalPoint[1] + t[1]; - point[2] = originalPoint[2] + t[2]; - deformedPoints->SetPoint( i, point ); - } - - // Make sure that surface is colorized at initial picked position - // as long as we are in deformation state - m_SurfaceColorizationCenter = m_InitialPickedPoint; - - m_PolyData->Modified(); - m_Surface->Modified(); - - mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); - ok = false; - break; - } - - case AcMODIFY: - { - // Check if we have an mitk::WheelEvent - const mitk::WheelEvent *we = - dynamic_cast< const mitk::WheelEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); - if ( we == NULL ) - { - ok = true; - break; - } - - m_GaussSigma += (double) (we->GetDelta()) / 20;; - if ( m_GaussSigma < 10.0 ) - { - m_GaussSigma = 10.0; - } - else if ( m_GaussSigma > 128.0 ) - { - m_GaussSigma = 128.0; - } - - // Colorize surface / wireframe dependend on sigma and distance from picked point - this->ColorizeSurface( m_PolyData, - m_SurfaceColorizationCenter, COLORIZATION_GAUSS ); - - - mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll( - mitk::RenderingManager::REQUEST_UPDATE_3DWINDOWS ); - ok = true; - break; - } - - - default: - return Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); - } - - return ok; -} - - -bool mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D::ColorizeSurface( vtkPolyData *polyData, - const Point3D &pickedPoint, int mode, double scalar ) -{ - if ( polyData == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - vtkPoints *points = polyData->GetPoints(); - vtkPointData *pointData = polyData->GetPointData(); - if ( pointData == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - vtkDataArray *scalars = pointData->GetScalars(); - if ( scalars == NULL ) - { - return false; - } - - if ( mode == COLORIZATION_GAUSS ) - { - // Get picked point and transform into local coordinates - mitk::Point3D localPickedPoint; - m_Geometry->WorldToIndex( pickedPoint, localPickedPoint ); - mitk::Vector3D v1 = localPickedPoint.GetVectorFromOrigin(); - - double denom = m_GaussSigma * m_GaussSigma * 2; - for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < points->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++i ) - { - // Get original point - double *point = points->GetPoint( i ); - mitk::Vector3D v0; - v0[0] = point[0]; - v0[1] = point[1]; - v0[2] = point[2]; - - // Calculate distance of this point from line through picked point - double d = itk::CrossProduct( m_ObjectNormal, (v1 - v0) ).GetNorm(); - double t = exp( - d * d / denom ); - - scalars->SetComponent( i, 0, t ); - } - } - else if ( mode == COLORIZATION_CONSTANT ) - { - for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pointData->GetNumberOfTuples(); ++i ) - { - scalars->SetComponent( i, 0, scalar ); - } - } - - polyData->Modified(); - pointData->Update(); - - return true; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.h deleted file mode 100644 index b61be85aeb..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKSURFACEDEFORMATIONINTERACTOR3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKSURFACEDEFORMATIONINTERACTOR3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkInteractor.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkCommon.h" - -#include - -class vtkPolyData; - -namespace mitk -{ - -class DataNode; -class Surface; - -/** - * \brief Affine interaction with objects in 3D windows. - * - * NOTE: The interaction mechanism is similar to that of vtkPlaneWidget - * - * \ingroup Interaction - */ -class MitkExt_EXPORT SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D : public Interactor -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D, Interactor); - mitkNewMacro3Param(Self, const char *, DataNode *, int); - mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, const char *, DataNode *); - - /** \brief Sets the amount of precision */ - void SetPrecision( ScalarType precision ); - - /** - * \brief calculates how good the data, this statemachine handles, is hit - * by the event. - * - * overwritten, cause we don't look at the boundingbox, we look at each point - */ - virtual float CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const *stateEvent) const; - - -protected: - /** - * \brief Constructor with Param n for limited Set of Points - * - * if no n is set, then the number of points is unlimited* - */ - SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D(const char *type, - DataNode *dataNode, int n = -1); - - /** - * \brief Default Destructor - **/ - virtual ~SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D(); - - virtual bool ExecuteAction( Action* action, - mitk::StateEvent const* stateEvent ); - - enum - { - COLORIZATION_GAUSS, - COLORIZATION_CONSTANT - }; - - bool ColorizeSurface( vtkPolyData *polyData, const Point3D &pickedPoint, - int mode, double scalar = 0.0 ); - - -private: - - /** \brief to store the value of precision to pick a point */ - ScalarType m_Precision; - - Point3D m_InitialPickedPoint; - Point2D m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint; - double m_InitialPickedPointWorld[4]; - - Point3D m_CurrentPickedPoint; - Point2D m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint; - double m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[4]; - - Point3D m_SurfaceColorizationCenter; - - Vector3D m_ObjectNormal; - - BaseGeometry::Pointer m_Geometry; - - Surface *m_Surface; - vtkPolyData *m_PolyData; - - DataNode *m_PickedSurfaceNode; - Surface *m_PickedSurface; - vtkPolyData *m_PickedPolyData; - - vtkPolyData *m_OriginalPolyData; - - double m_GaussSigma; - -}; - -} - -#endif /* MITKSURFACEDEFORMATIONINTERACTOR3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceInteractor.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceInteractor.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index dcf25b7f09..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceInteractor.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkSurfaceInteractor.h" -#include "mitkPointLocator.h" -#include "mitkSurface.h" - -#include "mitkStateEvent.h" -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" - -#include - -mitk::SurfaceInteractor::SurfaceInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode) -: AffineInteractor(type, dataNode) -{ - m_PtLoc = PLocType::New(); -} - - -float mitk::SurfaceInteractor::CanHandleEvent( StateEvent const* stateEvent ) const -{ - float jd = 0.0f; - - if( ! ( stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetButtonState() == mitk::BS_ControlButton && stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetType() == mitk::Type_MouseButtonPress )) - return jd; - - if ( stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetSender()->GetMapperID() == mitk::BaseRenderer::Standard3D ) - return jd; - - mitk::Surface* surf = dynamic_cast(this->GetData()); - if (surf) - { - mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *event = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); - mitk::PointSet::PointType pt = event->GetWorldPosition(); - - // Use ANN to get the point of the polydata closest to the world event - if( surf->GetVtkPolyData(m_TimeStep) == NULL ) itkExceptionMacro(<< "No polydata at this time step!"); - m_PtLoc->SetPoints(dynamic_cast(surf->GetVtkPolyData(m_TimeStep))); - mitk::PointLocator::DistanceType dst = m_PtLoc->GetMinimalDistance(pt); - - mitk::BaseRenderer* ren = stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetSender(); - - // Get the diameter of the render window bounding box - mitk::DataStorage* storage = ren->GetDataStorage(); - mitk::BoundingBox::Pointer bb = storage->ComputeBoundingBox(); - mitk::BoundingBox::AccumulateType dia = std::sqrt(bb->GetDiagonalLength2()); - - if (dia > 0.00001) //if diameter not zero - { - float verh = dst/dia; - if (verh>1) verh = 1; //if dst is bigger than dia, then set to 1 - //now inverse (0 = bad and 1 = good) and set between 0.5 and 1 - jd = ((1-verh)/2)+0.5f; - } - } - return jd; -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceInteractor.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceInteractor.h deleted file mode 100644 index 5d4f59bb00..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkSurfaceInteractor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKSURFACEINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKSURFACEINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkAffineInteractor.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkPointLocator.h" - -namespace mitk { - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Interactor for Affine transformations on one or multiple surfaces - //## - //## A surface interacted by this class can translate, rotate and scale - //## by modifying its geometry. The surface closest to the picking point is - //## chosen for interaction automatically by CanHandleEvent - //## @ingroup Interaction - class MitkExt_EXPORT SurfaceInteractor : public AffineInteractor - { - public: - mitkClassMacro(SurfaceInteractor,AffineInteractor); - // itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - // itkCloneMacro(Self) - mitkNewMacro2Param(Self, const char*, DataNode*); - - protected: - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Constructor - //## - //## @param dataNode is the node, this Interactor is connected to - //## @param type is the type of StateMachine like declared in the XML-Configure-File - SurfaceInteractor(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode); - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Destructor - ~SurfaceInteractor(){}; - - //##Documentation - //## @brief calculates how good the data this state machine handles is hit by the event. - //## - //## Returns a value between 0 and 1. - //## (Used by GlobalInteraction to decide which DESELECTED state machine to send the event to.) - //## - //## \WARNING This is interactor currently does not work for interaction in 3D. Try using mitkAffineInteractor3D instead. - virtual float CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const; - - private: - - typedef PointLocator PLocType; - typedef PLocType::Pointer PLPointer; - - PLPointer m_PtLoc; - - }; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKSURFACEINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEvent.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEvent.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 13e62055d0..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEvent.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkTDMouseEvent.h" -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "mitkNumericTypes.h" - -mitk::TDMouseEvent::TDMouseEvent(int buttonState, const Vector3D& translation, const Vector3D& rotation, const ScalarType& angle) -: Event(NULL, Type_TDMouseInput, BS_NoButton, buttonState, Key_none), m_Translation(translation), m_Rotation(rotation), m_Angle(angle) -{ -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEvent.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEvent.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9e69d43eb3..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEvent.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef TDMOUSEEVENT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define TDMOUSEEVENT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "mitkEvent.h" -#include "mitkNumericTypes.h" - - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Event on 3D Mouse input -//## -//## Seven coordinates exposed by the 3D Mouse: -//## 3-dimensional translation vector -//## 3-dimensional rotation achsis (length allways 1.0) -//## scalar rotation angle -//## @ingroup Interaction -class TDMouseEvent : public Event -{ - public: - //##Documentation - //## @brief Constructor with all necessary arguments. - //## - //## buttonState: information from the Event - TDMouseEvent(int buttonState, const Vector3D& translation, const Vector3D& rotation, const ScalarType& angle); - - const Vector3D& GetTranslation() const - { - return m_Translation; - } - - void SetTranslation(const Vector3D& translation) { m_Translation = translation; } - - const Vector3D& GetRotation() const - { - return m_Rotation; - } - - void SetRotation(const Vector3D& rotation) { m_Rotation = rotation; } - - const ScalarType& GetAngle() const - { - return m_Angle; - } - - void SetAngle(const ScalarType& angle) { m_Angle = angle; } - - - protected: - Vector3D m_Translation; - Vector3D m_Rotation; - ScalarType m_Angle; - -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* TDMOUSEEVENT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEventThrower.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEventThrower.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index b419761930..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEventThrower.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkTDMouseEventThrower.h" -#include "mitkTDMouseEvent.h" -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "mitkNumericTypes.h" -#include "mitkGlobalInteraction.h" -#include "mitkStateEvent.h" -#include "mitkSpaceNavigatorDriver.h" - - -mitk::TDMouseEventThrower * mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::GetInstance() -{ - //instance will not be initialize and return 0 - static TDMouseEventThrower instance; - return &instance; -} - -mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::TDMouseEventThrower() -{ - //init the driver - SpaceNavigatorDriver* spaceNavigatorDriver = SpaceNavigatorDriver::GetInstance(); -} - -mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::~TDMouseEventThrower() -{ -} - -void mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::DeviceChange (long device, long keys, long programmableKeys) -{ -} - -void mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::KeyDown (int keyCode) -{ - //send the informations to GlobalInteraction - mitk::Event* e = new mitk::Event(NULL, mitk::Type_TDMouseKeyDown, mitk::BS_LeftButton, keyCode, mitk::Key_none); - mitk::StateEvent* se = new mitk::StateEvent(mitk::EIDTDMOUSEKEYDOWN, e); - mitk::GlobalInteraction::GetInstance()->HandleEvent(se); -} - -void mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::KeyUp (int keyCode) -{ -} - -void mitk::TDMouseEventThrower::SensorInput( mitk::Vector3D translation, mitk::Vector3D rotation, mitk::ScalarType angle) -{ - mitk::TDMouseEvent* e = new mitk::TDMouseEvent(mitk::BS_NoButton, translation, rotation, angle); - mitk::StateEvent* se = new mitk::StateEvent(mitk::EIDTDMOUSEINPUT, e); - mitk::GlobalInteraction::GetInstance()->HandleEvent(se); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEventThrower.h b/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEventThrower.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9f86a61f32..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Interactions/mitkTDMouseEventThrower.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef TDMouseEventThrower__h__ -#define TDMouseEventThrower__h__ - -#include -#include - -namespace mitk { - - class TDMouseEventThrower - { - public: - - static TDMouseEventThrower* GetInstance(); - - void DeviceChange (long device, long keys, long programmableKeys); - void KeyDown (int keyCode); - void KeyUp (int keyCode); - void SensorInput( mitk::Vector3D translation, mitk::Vector3D rotation, mitk::ScalarType angle); - - protected: - TDMouseEventThrower(); - ~TDMouseEventThrower(); - }; - -}//namespace - -#endif // TDMouseEventThrower__h__ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkGLUT.h b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkGLUT.h deleted file mode 100644 index c273feff62..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkGLUT.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKGLUT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKGLUT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -// Since 7.8.07 MITK is not using/requiring GLUT anymore. - -#ifdef __APPLE__ -//#include -#else -//#include -#endif - -#endif /* MITKGLUT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkImageBackground2D.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkImageBackground2D.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 77df492c68..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkImageBackground2D.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,268 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkImageBackground2D.h" -// MITK includes -#include "mitkVtkLayerController.h" - -// VTK includes -#include "vtkSystemIncludes.h" -#include "vtkRenderer.h" -#include "vtkMapper.h" -#include "vtkObjectFactory.h" -#include "vtkImageActor.h" -#include "vtkRenderWindow.h" -#include "vtkImageImport.h" -#include "vtkCommand.h" -#include "vtkCamera.h" - -#include - -// VTK CALLBACK for automatic resize of the video -class vtkVideoSizeCallback : public vtkCommand -{ -public: - static vtkVideoSizeCallback *New(){ return new vtkVideoSizeCallback; } - - vtkRenderer * m_ImageRenderer; - int m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight; - - void SetVtkVideoRenderer(vtkRenderer* r) - { - m_ImageRenderer = r; - } - void SetVideoDimensions(int x, int y) - { - m_ImageWidth = x; m_ImageHeight = y; - } - - virtual void Execute(vtkObject* /*caller*/, unsigned long, void*) - { - //vtkRenderWindow * RenderWindow = reinterpret_cast(caller); - //m_ImageRenderer->ResetCameraClippingRange(); - } -}; - -mitk::ImageBackground2D::ImageBackground2D() -{ - m_ImageWidth = 0; - m_ImageHeight = 0; - m_ImageScalarComponents = 3; - m_ParallelScale = 0; - m_RenderWindow = NULL; - - m_Actor = vtkImageActor::New(); - m_ImageRenderer = vtkRenderer::New(); - m_VtkImageImport = vtkImageImport::New(); - - m_ImageData = NULL; -} - -void mitk::ImageBackground2D::InitVtkImageImport() -{ - /*m_VtkImageImport->Delete(); - m_VtkImageImport = vtkImageImport::New();*/ - m_VtkImageImport->SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar(); - m_VtkImageImport->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(m_ImageScalarComponents); - m_VtkImageImport->SetWholeExtent(0,m_ImageWidth-1,0,m_ImageHeight-1,0,1-1); - m_VtkImageImport->SetDataExtentToWholeExtent(); -} - -mitk::ImageBackground2D::~ImageBackground2D() -{ - if ( m_RenderWindow != NULL ) - if ( this->IsEnabled() ) - this->Disable(); - if ( m_Actor!=NULL ) - m_Actor->Delete(); - if ( m_ImageRenderer != NULL ) - m_ImageRenderer->Delete(); - if ( m_VtkImageImport != NULL) - m_VtkImageImport->Delete(); -} -/** - * Sets the renderwindow, in which the Video background - * will be shown. Make sure, you have called this function - * before calling Enable() - */ -void mitk::ImageBackground2D::SetRenderWindow(vtkRenderWindow* renderWindow ) -{ - m_RenderWindow = renderWindow; - - /*m_SizeCallback = vtkVideoSizeCallback::New(); - m_RenderWindow->GetVtkRenderWindow()->AddObserver(vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent,m_SizeCallback);*/ - -} - -void mitk::ImageBackground2D::SetParallelScale(int scale) -{ - m_ParallelScale = scale; - m_ImageRenderer->GetActiveCamera()->SetParallelScale(m_ParallelScale); -} -int mitk::ImageBackground2D::GetParallelScale() -{ - // TODO someone who knows this, check if double->int could cause problems - return static_cast(m_ImageRenderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetParallelScale()); -} -/** - * Enables drawing of the color Video background. - * If you want to disable it, call the Disable() function. - */ -void mitk::ImageBackground2D::Enable() -{ - m_ImageRenderer = vtkRenderer::New(); - - mitk::VtkLayerController::GetInstance(m_RenderWindow)->InsertBackgroundRenderer(m_ImageRenderer,true); - - char * c = 0; - Update(c); - m_Actor->SetInputData(m_VtkImageImport->GetOutput()); - - m_ImageRenderer->AddActor2D(m_Actor); - m_ImageRenderer->ResetCamera(); - m_ImageRenderer->InteractiveOff(); - m_ImageRenderer->GetActiveCamera()->ParallelProjectionOn(); - if(m_ParallelScale == 0) - m_ImageRenderer->GetActiveCamera()->SetParallelScale(m_ImageHeight/2); - - //m_SizeCallback->SetVtkVideoRenderer(m_ImageRenderer); - //m_SizeCallback->SetVideoDimensions(m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight); - -} - -/** - * Disables drawing of the color Video background. - * If you want to enable it, call the Enable() function. - */ -void mitk::ImageBackground2D::Disable() -{ - if ( this->IsEnabled() ) - mitk::VtkLayerController::GetInstance(m_RenderWindow)->RemoveRenderer(m_ImageRenderer); -} -/** - * Checks, if the Video background is currently - * enabled (visible) - */ -bool mitk::ImageBackground2D::IsEnabled() -{ - if ( mitk::VtkLayerController::GetInstance(m_RenderWindow)->IsRendererInserted(m_ImageRenderer)) - return true; - else - return false; -} - -void mitk::ImageBackground2D::Update(char * dataPointer) -{ - if(!IsEnabled()) - return; - - // VTK import image data must be allocated before import (with correct parameters) - if(m_ImageData == NULL) - m_ImageData = new unsigned char[m_ImageHeight*m_ImageWidth*m_ImageScalarComponents]; - - if(!dataPointer) - {// no valid image pointer provided -> initialize black image - unsigned char* b = m_ImageData; - for ( int textCounter = 0; textCounter < (m_ImageHeight*m_ImageWidth*m_ImageScalarComponents); textCounter++ ) - *b++ = 0; - } - - m_VtkImageImport->SetImportVoidPointer(m_ImageData); - m_VtkImageImport->Modified(); - m_VtkImageImport->Update(); - m_RenderWindow->Render(); - -} - -void mitk::ImageBackground2D::Update(char * dataPointer, int width, int height, int imageScalarComponents) -{ - // no image-backround layer is rendered - if(!IsEnabled()) - return; - - // image contains no data, OR image scalar components missmatch (no RGB, no greyscale) - if(!dataPointer || (imageScalarComponents != 1 && imageScalarComponents != 3)) - { - // no valid image pointer provided -> we initialize black image - if(m_ImageData == NULL) - m_ImageData = new unsigned char[m_ImageHeight*m_ImageWidth*m_ImageScalarComponents]; - - unsigned char* b = m_ImageData; - for ( int textCounter = 0; textCounter < (m_ImageHeight*m_ImageWidth*m_ImageScalarComponents); textCounter++ ) - *b++ = 0; - } - else - { - if(m_ImageWidth == 0) - { // VTK Image Import has to be initialized properly - m_ImageHeight = height; - m_ImageWidth = width; - m_ImageScalarComponents = imageScalarComponents; - InitVtkImageImport(); - } - - - // VTK import image data must be allocated before import (with correct parameters) - if(m_ImageData == NULL) - m_ImageData = new unsigned char[m_ImageHeight*m_ImageWidth*m_ImageScalarComponents]; - - int column, row; - unsigned char* tex = m_ImageData; - char* data = dataPointer; - - // PREPARE image Data for VTKImageImport Filter // - - - if(imageScalarComponents == 1) - { - m_VtkImageImport->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(m_ImageScalarComponents); - - unsigned char g; - for (column = 0; column < m_ImageHeight; column++) - for (row = 0; row < m_ImageWidth; row++) - { - g = *data++; - *tex++ = g; - } - } - else if(imageScalarComponents == 3) - { - // flip image, change color channels - unsigned char r, g, b; - for (column = 0; column < m_ImageHeight; column++) - for (row = 0; row < m_ImageWidth; row++) - { //change r with b - b = *data++; - g = *data++; - r = *data++; - *tex++ = r; - *tex++ = g; - *tex++ = b; - } - } // else if(imageScalarComponents == 3) - - } // end else image data present - - - // Initialize VTK-ImageImport Filter // - m_VtkImageImport->SetImportVoidPointer(m_ImageData); - m_VtkImageImport->Modified(); - m_VtkImageImport->Update(); - m_RenderWindow->Render(); - -} - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkImageBackground2D.h b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkImageBackground2D.h deleted file mode 100644 index 5d5ec8c856..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkImageBackground2D.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#ifndef _mitk_Image_Background2D_h_ -#define _mitk_Image_Background2D_h_ - -#include "mitkVideoSource.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -#include "mitkConfig.h" - -class vtkRenderer; -class vtkRenderWindow; -class vtkImageActor; -class vtkImageImport; -class vtkVideoSizeCallback; - -namespace mitk -{ - - class RenderWindow; - - /** - * Displays a 2D image (currently unsigned char) in the background - * of a vtkRenderWindow. - * Caution: As the data is not being copied, a user is responsible for a valid - * pointer to the image. Also the image dimensions needs to be set correctly before enabling the - * background. - */ - class MitkExt_EXPORT ImageBackground2D : public itk::Object - { - public: - mitkClassMacro( ImageBackground2D, itk::Object ); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - ////##Documentation - ////## @brief returns the mitkRenderWindow in which the video is displayed. - vtkRenderWindow* GetRenderWindow(); - ////##Documentation - ////## @brief sets the mitkRenderWindow in which the video is displayed. - ////## must be initialized before enabling the background. - void SetRenderWindow(vtkRenderWindow* renderWindow); - ////##Documentation - ////## @brief sets the width,height and number of scalar components of the image. - ////## must be correctly initialized before enabling the background. - void SetImageDimensions(int x, int y, int nrOfScalarComponents) - { - m_ImageWidth = x; - m_ImageHeight = y; - m_ImageScalarComponents = nrOfScalarComponents; - InitVtkImageImport(); - } - - void SetParallelScale(int scale); - int GetParallelScale(); - - void Update(char * dataPointer); - void Update(char * dataPointer, int width, int height, int imageScalarComponents); - - ////##Documentation - ////## @brief visualizes the video. Requires image dimensions and an active mitkvideosource to be set. - void Enable(); - ////##Documentation - ////## @brief disables visualization of the video. - void Disable(); - ////##Documentation - ////## @brief Checks, if the Video background is currently enabled (visible). - bool IsEnabled(); - - protected: - ImageBackground2D(); - ~ImageBackground2D(); - - void InitVtkImageImport(); - - vtkRenderWindow* m_RenderWindow; - vtkRenderer* m_ImageRenderer; - vtkImageActor* m_Actor; - vtkImageImport* m_VtkImageImport; - - // Adjust Image Size - vtkVideoSizeCallback * m_SizeCallback; - - unsigned char * m_ImageData; - - int m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight, m_ImageScalarComponents, m_ParallelScale; - }; -} // namespace mitk - -#endif - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineMapper2D.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineMapper2D.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 19560e23ca..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineMapper2D.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkLineMapper2D.h" -#include "mitkPointSet.h" -#include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" -#include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h" -#include "mitkColorProperty.h" -#include "mitkProperties.h" -#include -#include "mitkPointSet.h" -#include "mitkGL.h" - -mitk::LineMapper2D::LineMapper2D() -: mitk::PointSetGLMapper2D() -{ - -} - -mitk::LineMapper2D::~LineMapper2D() -{ -} - -const mitk::PointSet *mitk::LineMapper2D::GetInput(void) -{ - return static_cast ( GetDataNode()->GetData() ); -} - -void mitk::LineMapper2D::Paint(mitk::BaseRenderer * renderer) -{ - - bool visible = true; - GetDataNode()->GetVisibility(visible, renderer, "visible"); - if(!visible) return; - - bool updateNeccesary = true;//!!!! @TODO !??!! - - if (updateNeccesary) - { - mitk::PointSet::Pointer input = const_cast(this->GetInput()); - mitk::DisplayGeometry::Pointer displayGeometry = renderer->GetDisplayGeometry(); - assert(displayGeometry.IsNotNull()); - - //apply color and opacity read from the PropertyList - ApplyColorAndOpacityProperties(renderer); - - vtkLinearTransform* transform = GetDataNode()->GetVtkTransform(); - - //List of the Points - PointSet::DataType::PointsContainerConstIterator it, end; - it = input->GetPointSet()->GetPoints()->Begin(); - end = input->GetPointSet()->GetPoints()->End();//the last before end, because lines from n to n+1 - if (end!=it) // otherwise PointSet is empty - end--; - - //bool list for the selection of the points - PointSet::DataType::PointDataContainerIterator selIt, selItNext; - selIt=input->GetPointSet()->GetPointData()->Begin(); - - int j=0; - while(it!=end) - { - mitk::Point3D p, q, projected_p, projected_q; - float vtkp[3]; - itk2vtk(it->Value(), vtkp); - transform->TransformPoint(vtkp, vtkp); - vtk2itk(vtkp,p); - - //next point n+1 - it++; - itk2vtk(it->Value(), vtkp); - transform->TransformPoint(vtkp, vtkp); - vtk2itk(vtkp,q); - it--; - - displayGeometry->Project(p, projected_p); - displayGeometry->Project(q, projected_q); - - Vector3D diffp=p-projected_p, diffq=q-projected_q; - if((diffp.GetSquaredNorm()<4.0) && - (diffq.GetSquaredNorm()<4.0)) - { - Point2D p2d, q2d, tmp; - - displayGeometry->Map(projected_p, p2d); - displayGeometry->WorldToDisplay(p2d, p2d); - displayGeometry->Map(projected_q, q2d); - displayGeometry->WorldToDisplay(q2d, q2d); - - //outlined, cause iterators behave strange and multiple points can't be selected anyway by now! - //selItNext = selIt++;//Iterator to the next Element, cause only when the two points ar selected, then the Line is Selected - //if (selIt->Value() && selItNext->Value())//selected - //{ - // float colorSel[]={1.0,0.0,0.6}; //for selected! - - // //current color for changing to a diferent color if selected - // float currCol[4]; - // glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR,currCol); - - // glColor3f(colorSel[0],colorSel[1],colorSel[2]);//red - - - // glBegin (GL_LINES); - // glVertex2f(p2d[0], p2d[1]); - // glVertex2f(q2d[0], q2d[1]); - // glEnd (); - - // glColor3f(currCol[0],currCol[1],currCol[2]);//the color before changing to select! - - //} - //else - //{ - glBegin (GL_LINES); - glVertex2f(p2d[0], p2d[1]); - glVertex2f(q2d[0], q2d[1]); - glEnd (); - //} - } - ++it; - ++selIt; - j++; - } - //drawing the points - PointSetGLMapper2D::Paint(renderer); - } -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineMapper2D.h b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineMapper2D.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9ad9444abd..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineMapper2D.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKLINEMAPPER2D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKLINEMAPPER2D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkPointSetGLMapper2D.h" - -namespace mitk { - -class BaseRenderer; -class PointSet; - -//##Documentation -//## @brief OpenGL-based mapper to display Lines -//## -//## uses the information from the PointSet to build up the lines. -//## Only lines in 2D in one Slice are drawn, not between slices! -//## @ingroup Mapper - -/** \deprecatedSince{2013_06} This mapper is deprecated. */ -class DEPRECATED() MitkExt_EXPORT LineMapper2D : public PointSetGLMapper2D -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(LineMapper2D, PointSetGLMapper2D); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - //##Documentation - //## @brief Get the PointDataList to map - const PointSet * GetInput(void); - - virtual void Paint(mitk::BaseRenderer * renderer); - -protected: - LineMapper2D(); - - virtual ~LineMapper2D(); -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKLINEMAPPER2D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineVtkMapper3D.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineVtkMapper3D.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index e5feb688b2..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineVtkMapper3D.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkLineVtkMapper3D.h" - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "mitkStringProperty.h" -#include - -mitk::LineVtkMapper3D::LineVtkMapper3D() -: PointSetVtkMapper3D()//constructor of superclass -{ -} - -mitk::LineVtkMapper3D::~LineVtkMapper3D() -{ -} - -void mitk::LineVtkMapper3D::GenerateDataForRenderer(mitk::BaseRenderer* renderer) -{//from PointListVTKMapper3D and a little re-layouted! - if(IsVisible(renderer)==false) - { - m_Actor->VisibilityOff(); - return; - } - - m_Actor->VisibilityOn(); - - m_vtkPointList->Delete(); - m_vtkTextList->Delete(); - m_contour->Delete(); - m_tubefilter->Delete(); - - m_vtkPointList = vtkAppendPolyData::New(); - m_vtkTextList = vtkAppendPolyData::New(); - m_contour = vtkPolyData::New(); - m_tubefilter = vtkTubeFilter::New(); - - - mitk::PointSet::Pointer input = const_cast(this->GetInput()); - mitk::PointSet::PointSetType::Pointer pointList; - - pointList = input->GetPointList(); - - mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer::Iterator i; - - int j; - bool makeContour; - if (dynamic_cast(this->GetDataNode()->GetProperty("show contour").GetPointer()) == NULL) - makeContour = false; - else - makeContour = dynamic_cast(this->GetDataNode()->GetProperty("show contour").GetPointer())->GetValue(); - - vtkPoints *points = vtkPoints::New(); - vtkCellArray *polys = vtkCellArray::New(); - - for (j=0, i=pointList->GetPoints()->Begin(); i!=pointList->GetPoints()->End() ; i++,j++) - { - int cell[2] = {j-1,j}; - points->InsertPoint(j,i.Value()[0],i.Value()[1],i.Value()[2]); - if (j>0) - polys->InsertNextCell(2,cell); - } - - bool close; - if (dynamic_cast(this->GetDataNode()->GetProperty("close contour").GetPointer()) == NULL) - close = false; - else - close = dynamic_cast(this->GetDataNode()->GetProperty("close contour").GetPointer())->GetValue(); - - if (close) - { - int cell[2] = {j-1,0}; - polys->InsertNextCell(2,cell); - } - - m_contour->SetPoints(points); - points->Delete(); - m_contour->SetLines(polys); - polys->Delete(); - m_contour->Update(); - - m_tubefilter->SetInput(m_contour); - m_tubefilter->SetRadius(1); - m_tubefilter->Update();; - - m_vtkPointList->AddInput(m_tubefilter->GetOutput()); - - - // check for color prop and use it for rendering if it exists - float rgba[4]={1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f}; - GetColor(rgba, renderer); - - for (j=0, i=pointList->GetPoints()->Begin(); i!=pointList->GetPoints()->End() ; i++,j++) - { - vtkSphereSource *sphere = vtkSphereSource::New(); - - sphere->SetRadius(2); - sphere->SetCenter(i.Value()[0],i.Value()[1],i.Value()[2]); - - m_vtkPointList->AddInput(sphere->GetOutput()); - - if (dynamic_cast(this->GetDataNode()->GetProperty("label").GetPointer()) == NULL) - { - } - else - { - const char * pointLabel =dynamic_cast(this->GetDataNode()->GetProperty("label").GetPointer())->GetValue(); - char buffer[20]; - std::string l = pointLabel; - if (input->GetSize()>1) - { - sprintf(buffer,"%d",j+1); - l.append(buffer); - } - - // Define the text for the label - vtkVectorText *label = vtkVectorText::New(); - label->SetText(l.c_str()); - - // Set up a transform to move the label to a new position. - vtkTransform *aLabelTransform =vtkTransform::New(); - aLabelTransform->Identity(); - aLabelTransform->Translate(i.Value()[0]+2,i.Value()[1]+2,i.Value()[2]); - aLabelTransform->Scale(5.7,5.7,5.7); - - // Move the label to a new position. - vtkTransformPolyDataFilter *labelTransform = vtkTransformPolyDataFilter::New(); - labelTransform->SetTransform(aLabelTransform); - labelTransform->SetInput(label->GetOutput()); - - m_vtkPointList->AddInput(labelTransform->GetOutput()); - } - - - } - - - m_VtkPolyDataMapper->SetInput(m_vtkPointList->GetOutput()); - m_Actor->GetProperty()->SetColor(rgba); -} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineVtkMapper3D.h b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineVtkMapper3D.h deleted file mode 100644 index ccca95cfe2..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkLineVtkMapper3D.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKLINEVTKMAPPER3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED -#define MITKLINEVTKMAPPER3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "mitkPointSetVtkMapper3D.h" -#include "mitkPointSet.h" -#include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - - -class vtkActor; -class vtkAssembly; -class vtkFollower; -class vtkPolyDataMapper; - -namespace mitk { - -//##Documentation -//## @brief Vtk-based mapper to draw Lines from PointSet -//## -//## @ingroup Mapper -class MitkExt_EXPORT LineVtkMapper3D : public PointSetVtkMapper3D -{ - public: - - mitkClassMacro(LineVtkMapper3D, PointSetVtkMapper3D); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - - protected: - LineVtkMapper3D(); - virtual ~LineVtkMapper3D(); - - virtual void GenerateDataForRenderer(mitk::BaseRenderer* renderer); -}; - -} // namespace mitk - -#endif /* MITKLINEVTKMAPPER3D_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkNativeRenderWindowInteractor.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkNativeRenderWindowInteractor.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 309ce8fd46..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkNativeRenderWindowInteractor.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkNativeRenderWindowInteractor.h" - -#include -#include - -mitk::NativeRenderWindowInteractor::NativeRenderWindowInteractor() : m_MitkRenderWindow(NULL), m_NativeVtkRenderWindowInteractor(NULL) -{ - m_NativeVtkRenderWindowInteractor = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New(); -} - -mitk::NativeRenderWindowInteractor::~NativeRenderWindowInteractor() -{ - m_NativeVtkRenderWindowInteractor->Delete(); -} - -void mitk::NativeRenderWindowInteractor::SetMitkRenderWindow(vtkRenderWindow* renderwindow) -{ - m_MitkRenderWindow = renderwindow; - if(m_MitkRenderWindow != NULL) - m_NativeVtkRenderWindowInteractor->SetRenderWindow(m_MitkRenderWindow); -} - -void mitk::NativeRenderWindowInteractor::Start() -{ - if(m_MitkRenderWindow != NULL) - m_NativeVtkRenderWindowInteractor->Start(); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkNativeRenderWindowInteractor.h b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkNativeRenderWindowInteractor.h deleted file mode 100644 index 446ba16e60..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/mitkNativeRenderWindowInteractor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#ifndef MITKNATIVERENDERWINDOWINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C53722 -#define MITKNATIVERENDERWINDOWINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C53722 - -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" -#include "itkObject.h" -#include "itkObjectFactory.h" - -class vtkRenderWindow; -class vtkRenderWindowInteractor; - -namespace mitk -{ - -class MitkExt_EXPORT NativeRenderWindowInteractor : public itk::Object -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(NativeRenderWindowInteractor, itk::Object); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) - - virtual void Start(); - - void SetMitkRenderWindow(vtkRenderWindow * renderwindow); - itkGetMacro(MitkRenderWindow, vtkRenderWindow*); - -protected: - NativeRenderWindowInteractor(); - virtual ~NativeRenderWindowInteractor(); - - vtkRenderWindow* m_MitkRenderWindow; - - vtkRenderWindowInteractor* m_NativeVtkRenderWindowInteractor; -}; - -} -#endif /* MITKNATIVERENDERWINDOWINTERACTOR_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C53722 */ - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 1b731f69f8..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7493 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -/*========================================================================= - - Program: Visualization Toolkit - Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.cxx,v $ - - Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen - All rights reserved. - See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. - - This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even - the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR - PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. - -=========================================================================*/ - -#include "vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.h" - -// Only with VTK 5.6 or above -#if ((VTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 5) || ((VTK_MAJOR_VERSION==5) && (VTK_MINOR_VERSION>=6) )) - -#include "vtkObjectFactory.h" -#include "vtkVolume.h" -#include "vtkRenderer.h" -#include "vtkRenderWindow.h" -#include "vtkCamera.h" -#include "vtkMatrix4x4.h" -#include "vtkImageData.h" - -#include "vtkTimerLog.h" - -#include "vtkVolumeProperty.h" -#include "vtkColorTransferFunction.h" -#include "vtkPiecewiseFunction.h" - -#include "vtkOpenGLExtensionManager.h" -#include "vtkgl.h" - -#ifndef VTK_IMPLEMENT_MESA_CXX -# include "vtkOpenGL.h" -#endif - -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "vtkClipDataSet.h" -#include "vtkCellArray.h" -#include "vtkDoubleArray.h" -#include "vtkFloatArray.h" -#include "vtkGeometryFilter.h" -#include "vtkMath.h" -#include "vtkPlane.h" -#include "vtkPlaneCollection.h" -#include "vtkPlanes.h" -#include "vtkPolyData.h" -#include "vtkPointData.h" -#include "vtkCellData.h" -#include "vtkPoints.h" -#include "vtkUnsignedCharArray.h" -#include "vtkUnsignedShortArray.h" -#include "vtkUnsignedIntArray.h" -#include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h" -#include "vtkVoxel.h" - -#include "vtkClipConvexPolyData.h" -#include "vtkClipPolyData.h" -#include "vtkDensifyPolyData.h" - -#include "vtkImageResample.h" - -#include -#include // qsort() - -#include "vtkDataSetTriangleFilter.h" - -#include "vtkAbstractArray.h" // required if compiled against VTK 5.0 - -#include "vtkTessellatedBoxSource.h" -#include "vtkCleanPolyData.h" - -#include "vtkCommand.h" // for VolumeMapperRender{Start|End|Progress}Event -#include "vtkPerlinNoise.h" - -#include -#include "vtkStdString.h" - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class vtkUnsupportedRequiredExtensionsStringStream -{ -public: - vtkstd::ostringstream Stream; - vtkUnsupportedRequiredExtensionsStringStream() - { - } -private: - // undefined copy constructor. - vtkUnsupportedRequiredExtensionsStringStream(const vtkUnsupportedRequiredExtensionsStringStream &other); - // undefined assignment operator. - vtkUnsupportedRequiredExtensionsStringStream &operator=(const vtkUnsupportedRequiredExtensionsStringStream &other); -}; - -class vtkMapDataArrayTextureId -{ -public: - vtkstd::map Map; - vtkMapDataArrayTextureId() - { - } -private: - // undefined copy constructor. - vtkMapDataArrayTextureId(const vtkMapDataArrayTextureId &other); - // undefined assignment operator. - vtkMapDataArrayTextureId &operator=(const vtkMapDataArrayTextureId &other); -}; - -class vtkMapMaskTextureId -{ -public: - vtkstd::map Map; - vtkMapMaskTextureId() - { - } -private: - // undefined copy constructor. - vtkMapMaskTextureId(const vtkMapMaskTextureId &other); - // undefined assignment operator. - vtkMapMaskTextureId &operator=(const vtkMapMaskTextureId &other); -}; - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeNoCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_HeaderFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPNoCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ParallelProjectionFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_PerspectiveProjectionFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ScaleBiasFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPNoCroppingFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeMaskFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_NoShadeFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ShadeFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_OneComponentFS; -extern const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_FourComponentsFS; - -enum -{ - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperProjectionNotInitialized=-1, // not init - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperProjectionPerspective=0, // false - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperProjectionParallel=1 // true -}; - -enum -{ - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodNotInitialized, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMIP, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMIPFourDependent, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodComposite, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMinIP, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMinIPFourDependent, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodCompositeMask -}; - -// component implementation -enum -{ - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentNotInitialized=-1, // not init - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentOne=0, // false - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentFour=1, // true - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentNotUsed=2 // when not composite -}; - -// Shade implementation -enum -{ - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNotInitialized=-1, // not init - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNo=0, // false - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeYes=1, // true - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNotUsed=2 // when not composite -}; - - -// Cropping implementation -enum -{ - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperCroppingNotInitialized, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperCompositeCropping, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperCompositeNoCropping, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMIPCropping, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMIPNoCropping, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMIPFourDependentCropping, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMIPFourDependentNoCropping, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMinIPCropping, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMinIPNoCropping, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMinIPFourDependentCropping, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMinIPFourDependentNoCropping -}; - -enum -{ - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectDepthMap=0, // 2d texture - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront // 2d texture -}; - -const int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperNumberOfTextureObjects=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront+2; - -const int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperOpacityTableSize=1024; //power of two - -#ifndef VTK_IMPLEMENT_MESA_CXX -vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper); -#endif - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class vtkOpacityTable -{ -public: - vtkOpacityTable() - { - this->TextureId=0; - this->LastBlendMode=vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND; - this->LastSampleDistance=1.0; - this->Table=0; - this->Loaded=false; - this->LastLinearInterpolation=false; - } - - ~vtkOpacityTable() - { - if(this->TextureId!=0) - { - glDeleteTextures(1,&this->TextureId); - this->TextureId=0; - } - if(this->Table!=0) - { - delete[] this->Table; - this->Table=0; - } - } - - bool IsLoaded() - { - return this->Loaded; - } - - void Bind() - { - assert("pre: uptodate" && this->Loaded); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D,this->TextureId); - } - - // \pre the active texture is set to TEXTURE2 - void Update(vtkPiecewiseFunction *scalarOpacity, - int blendMode, - double sampleDistance, - double range[2], - double unitDistance, - bool linearInterpolation) - { - assert("pre: scalarOpacity_exists" && scalarOpacity!=0); - bool needUpdate=false; - if(this->TextureId==0) - { - glGenTextures(1,&this->TextureId); - needUpdate=true; - } - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D,this->TextureId); - if(needUpdate) - { - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, - vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - } - if(scalarOpacity->GetMTime() > this->BuildTime || - (this->LastBlendMode!=blendMode) - || (blendMode==vtkVolumeMapper::COMPOSITE_BLEND && - this->LastSampleDistance!=sampleDistance) - || needUpdate || !this->Loaded) - { - this->Loaded=false; - if(this->Table==0) - { - this->Table= - new float[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperOpacityTableSize]; - } - - scalarOpacity->GetTable(range[0],range[1], - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperOpacityTableSize, - this->Table); - - this->LastBlendMode=blendMode; - - // Correct the opacity array for the spacing between the planes if we - // are using a composite blending operation - if(blendMode==vtkVolumeMapper::COMPOSITE_BLEND) - { - float *ptr=this->Table; - double factor=sampleDistance/unitDistance; - int i=0; - while(i0.0001f) - { - *ptr=static_cast(1.0-pow(1.0-static_cast(*ptr), - factor)); - } - ++ptr; - ++i; - } - this->LastSampleDistance=sampleDistance; - } - glTexImage1D(GL_TEXTURE_1D,0,GL_ALPHA16, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperOpacityTableSize,0, - GL_ALPHA,GL_FLOAT,this->Table); - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintError("1d opacity texture is too large"); - this->Loaded=true; - this->BuildTime.Modified(); - } - - needUpdate=needUpdate || - this->LastLinearInterpolation!=linearInterpolation; - if(needUpdate) - { - this->LastLinearInterpolation=linearInterpolation; - GLint value; - if(linearInterpolation) - { - value=GL_LINEAR; - } - else - { - value=GL_NEAREST; - } - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,value); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,value); - } - } -protected: - GLuint TextureId; - int LastBlendMode; - double LastSampleDistance; - vtkTimeStamp BuildTime; - float *Table; - bool Loaded; - bool LastLinearInterpolation; -}; - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class vtkOpacityTables -{ -public: - vtkstd::vector Vector; - vtkOpacityTables(size_t numberOfLevels) - : Vector(numberOfLevels) - { - } -private: - // undefined copy constructor. - vtkOpacityTables(const vtkOpacityTables &other); - // undefined assignment operator. - vtkOpacityTables &operator=(const vtkOpacityTables &other); -}; - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class vtkRGBTable -{ -public: - vtkRGBTable() - { - this->TextureId=0; - this->Table=0; - this->Loaded=false; - this->LastLinearInterpolation=false; - } - - ~vtkRGBTable() - { - if(this->TextureId!=0) - { - glDeleteTextures(1,&this->TextureId); - this->TextureId=0; - } - if(this->Table!=0) - { - delete[] this->Table; - this->Table=0; - } - } - - bool IsLoaded() - { - return this->Loaded; - } - - void Bind() - { - assert("pre: uptodate" && this->Loaded); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D,this->TextureId); - } - - // \pre the active texture is set properly. (default color, - // mask1, mask2,..) - void Update(vtkColorTransferFunction *scalarRGB, - double range[2], - bool linearInterpolation) - { - assert("pre: scalarRGB_exists" && scalarRGB!=0); - bool needUpdate=false; - if(this->TextureId==0) - { - glGenTextures(1,&this->TextureId); - needUpdate=true; - } - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D,this->TextureId); - if(needUpdate) - { - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, - vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - } - if(scalarRGB->GetMTime() > this->BuildTime - || needUpdate || !this->Loaded) - { - this->Loaded=false; - if(this->Table==0) - { - this->Table= - new float[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperOpacityTableSize*3]; - } - - scalarRGB->GetTable(range[0],range[1], - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperOpacityTableSize, - this->Table); - - glTexImage1D(GL_TEXTURE_1D,0,GL_RGB16, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperOpacityTableSize,0, - GL_RGB,GL_FLOAT,this->Table); - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintError("1d RGB texture is too large"); - this->Loaded=true; - this->BuildTime.Modified(); - } - - needUpdate=needUpdate || - this->LastLinearInterpolation!=linearInterpolation; - if(needUpdate) - { - this->LastLinearInterpolation=linearInterpolation; - GLint value; - if(linearInterpolation) - { - value=GL_LINEAR; - } - else - { - value=GL_NEAREST; - } - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,value); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,value); - } - } -protected: - GLuint TextureId; - vtkTimeStamp BuildTime; - float *Table; - bool Loaded; - bool LastLinearInterpolation; -}; - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class vtkKWScalarField -{ -public: - vtkKWScalarField() - { - this->TextureId=0; - this->Loaded=false; - this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float=false; - this->LoadedTableRange[0]=0.0; - this->LoadedTableRange[1]=1.0; - this->LoadedExtent[0]=VTK_INT_MAX; - this->LoadedExtent[1]=VTK_INT_MIN; - this->LoadedExtent[2]=VTK_INT_MAX; - this->LoadedExtent[3]=VTK_INT_MIN; - this->LoadedExtent[4]=VTK_INT_MAX; - this->LoadedExtent[5]=VTK_INT_MIN; - } - ~vtkKWScalarField() - { - if(this->TextureId!=0) - { - glDeleteTextures(1,&this->TextureId); - this->TextureId=0; - } - } - - vtkTimeStamp GetBuildTime() - { - return this->BuildTime; - } - - void Bind() - { - assert("pre: uptodate" && this->Loaded); - glBindTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,this->TextureId); - } - - void Update(vtkImageData *input, - int cellFlag, - int textureExtent[6], - int scalarMode, - int arrayAccessMode, - int arrayId, - const char *arrayName, - bool linearInterpolation, - double tableRange[2], - int maxMemoryInBytes) - { - bool needUpdate=false; - bool modified=false; - if(this->TextureId==0) - { - glGenTextures(1,&this->TextureId); - needUpdate=true; - } - glBindTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,this->TextureId); - - int obsolete=needUpdate || !this->Loaded || input->GetMTime()>this->BuildTime; - if(!obsolete) - { - obsolete=cellFlag!=this->LoadedCellFlag; - int i=0; - while(!obsolete && i<6) - { - obsolete=obsolete || this->LoadedExtent[i]>textureExtent[i]; - ++i; - obsolete=obsolete || this->LoadedExtent[i]LoadedTableRange[0]!=tableRange[0] || - this->LoadedTableRange[1]!=tableRange[1]; - } - - if(obsolete) - { - this->Loaded=false; - int dim[3]; - input->GetDimensions(dim); - - GLint internalFormat=0; - GLenum format=0; - GLenum type=0; - // shift then scale: y:=(x+shift)*scale - double shift=0.0; - double scale=1.0; - int needTypeConversion=0; - vtkDataArray *sliceArray=0; - - vtkDataArray *scalars= - vtkAbstractMapper::GetScalars(input,scalarMode,arrayAccessMode, - arrayId,arrayName, - this->LoadedCellFlag); - - // DONT USE GetScalarType() or GetNumberOfScalarComponents() on - // ImageData as it deals only with point data... - - int scalarType=scalars->GetDataType(); - if(scalars->GetNumberOfComponents()==4) - { - // this is RGBA, unsigned char only - internalFormat=GL_RGBA16; - format=GL_RGBA; - type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - } - else - { - // input->GetNumberOfScalarComponents()==1 - switch(scalarType) - { - case VTK_FLOAT: - if(this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float) - { - internalFormat=vtkgl::INTENSITY16F_ARB; - } - else - { - internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - } - format=GL_RED; - type=GL_FLOAT; - shift=-tableRange[0]; - scale=1/(tableRange[1]-tableRange[0]); - break; - case VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR: - internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY8; - format=GL_RED; - type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - shift=-tableRange[0]/VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX; - scale= - VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX/(tableRange[1]-tableRange[0]); - break; - case VTK_SIGNED_CHAR: - internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY8; - format=GL_RED; - type=GL_BYTE; - shift=-(2*tableRange[0]+1)/VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX; - scale=VTK_SIGNED_CHAR_MAX/(tableRange[1]-tableRange[0]); - break; - case VTK_CHAR: - // not supported - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - case VTK_BIT: - // not supported - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - case VTK_ID_TYPE: - // not supported - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - case VTK_INT: - internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - format=GL_RED; - type=GL_INT; - - shift=-(2*tableRange[0]+1)/VTK_UNSIGNED_INT_MAX; - scale=VTK_INT_MAX/(tableRange[1]-tableRange[0]); - break; - case VTK_DOUBLE: - case VTK___INT64: - case VTK_LONG: - case VTK_LONG_LONG: - case VTK_UNSIGNED___INT64: - case VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG: - case VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG: - needTypeConversion=1; // to float - if(this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float) - { - internalFormat=vtkgl::INTENSITY16F_ARB; - } - else - { - internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - } - format=GL_RED; - type=GL_FLOAT; - shift=-tableRange[0]; - scale=1/(tableRange[1]-tableRange[0]); - sliceArray=vtkFloatArray::New(); - break; - case VTK_SHORT: - internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - format=GL_RED; - type=GL_SHORT; - - shift=-(2*tableRange[0]+1)/VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX; - scale=VTK_SHORT_MAX/(tableRange[1]-tableRange[0]); - break; - case VTK_STRING: - // not supported - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - case VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT: - internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - format=GL_RED; - type=GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; - - shift=-tableRange[0]/VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX; - scale= - VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX/(tableRange[1]-tableRange[0]); - break; - case VTK_UNSIGNED_INT: - internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - format=GL_RED; - type=GL_UNSIGNED_INT; - - shift=-tableRange[0]/VTK_UNSIGNED_INT_MAX; - scale=VTK_UNSIGNED_INT_MAX/(tableRange[1]-tableRange[0]); - break; - default: - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - } - } - - // Enough memory? - int textureSize[3]; - int i=0; - while(i<3) - { - textureSize[i]=textureExtent[2*i+1]-textureExtent[2*i]+1; - ++i; - } - - GLint width; - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE,&width); - this->Loaded=textureSize[0]<=width && textureSize[1]<=width - && textureSize[2]<=width; - if(this->Loaded) - { - // so far, so good. the texture size is theorically small enough - // for OpenGL - - vtkgl::TexImage3D(vtkgl::PROXY_TEXTURE_3D,0,internalFormat, - textureSize[0],textureSize[1],textureSize[2],0, - format,type,0); - glGetTexLevelParameteriv(vtkgl::PROXY_TEXTURE_3D,0,GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, - &width); - - this->Loaded=width!=0; - if(this->Loaded) - { - // so far, so good but some cards always succeed with a proxy texture - // let's try to actually allocate.. - - vtkgl::TexImage3D(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,0,internalFormat,textureSize[0], - textureSize[1],textureSize[2],0,format,type,0); - GLenum errorCode=glGetError(); - this->Loaded=errorCode!=GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; - if(this->Loaded) - { - // so far, so good, actual allocation succeeded. - if(errorCode!=GL_NO_ERROR) - { - cout<<"after try to load the texture"; - cout<<" ERROR (x"<(errorCode)); - cout<Loaded=textureSize[0]*textureSize[1]* - textureSize[2]*vtkAbstractArray::GetDataTypeSize(scalarType)* - scalars->GetNumberOfComponents()<=maxMemoryInBytes; - if(this->Loaded) - { - // OK, we consider the allocation above succeeded... - // If it actually didn't the only to fix it for the user - // is to decrease the value of this->MaxMemoryInBytes. - - // enough memory! We can load the scalars! - - double bias=shift*scale; - - // we don't clamp to edge because for the computation of the - // gradient on the border we need some external value. - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,vtkgl::TEXTURE_WRAP_R,vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - - GLfloat borderColor[4]={0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; - - glTexParameterfv(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, borderColor); - - if(needTypeConversion) - { - // Convert and send to the GPU, z-slice by z-slice. - // Allocate memory on the GPU (NULL data pointer with the right - // dimensions) - // Here we are assuming that GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is - // available - glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ); - - // memory allocation is already done. - - // Send the slices: - // allocate CPU memory for a slice. - sliceArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1); // FB TODO CHECK THAT - sliceArray->SetNumberOfTuples(textureSize[0]*textureSize[1]); - - void *slicePtr=sliceArray->GetVoidPointer(0); - int k=0; - int kInc=(dim[0]-cellFlag)*(dim[1]-cellFlag); - int kOffset=(textureExtent[4]*(dim[1]-cellFlag) - +textureExtent[2])*(dim[0]-cellFlag) - +textureExtent[0]; - while(kSetTuple1(jDestOffset+i, - (scalars->GetTuple1(kOffset+jOffset - +i) - +shift)*scale); - ++i; - } - ++j; - jOffset+=dim[0]-cellFlag; - jDestOffset+=textureSize[0]; - } - - // Here we are assuming that GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is - // available - vtkgl::TexSubImage3D(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D, 0, - 0,0,k, - textureSize[0],textureSize[1], - 1, // depth is 1, not 0! - format,type, slicePtr); - ++k; - kOffset+=kInc; - } - sliceArray->Delete(); - } - else - { - // One chunk of data to the GPU. - // It works for the whole volume or for a subvolume. - // Here we are assuming that GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is - // available - - // make sure any previous OpenGL call is executed and will not - // be disturbed by our PixelTransfer value - glFinish(); - glPixelTransferf(GL_RED_SCALE,static_cast(scale)); - glPixelTransferf(GL_RED_BIAS,static_cast(bias)); - glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ); - - if(!(textureExtent[1]-textureExtent[0]+cellFlag==dim[0])) - { - glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,dim[0]-cellFlag); - } - if(!(textureExtent[3]-textureExtent[2]+cellFlag==dim[1])) - { - glPixelStorei(vtkgl::UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT, - dim[1]-cellFlag); - } - void *dataPtr=scalars->GetVoidPointer( - ((textureExtent[4]*(dim[1]-cellFlag)+textureExtent[2]) - *(dim[0]-cellFlag)+textureExtent[0]) - *scalars->GetNumberOfComponents()); - - if(1) // !this->SupportsPixelBufferObjects) - { - vtkgl::TexImage3D(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D, 0, internalFormat, - textureSize[0],textureSize[1],textureSize[2], - 0,format,type,dataPtr); - } - else - { - GLuint pbo=0; - vtkgl::GenBuffers(1,&pbo); - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintError("genbuffer"); - vtkgl::BindBuffer(vtkgl::PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER,pbo); - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintError("binbuffer"); - vtkgl::GLsizeiptr texSize= - textureSize[0]*textureSize[1]*textureSize[2]* - vtkAbstractArray::GetDataTypeSize(scalarType)* - scalars->GetNumberOfComponents(); - vtkgl::BufferData(vtkgl::PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER,texSize,dataPtr, - vtkgl::STREAM_DRAW); - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintError("bufferdata"); - vtkgl::TexImage3D(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D, 0, internalFormat, - textureSize[0],textureSize[1],textureSize[2], - 0,format,type,0); - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintError("teximage3d"); - vtkgl::BindBuffer(vtkgl::PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER,0); - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintError("bindbuffer to 0"); - vtkgl::DeleteBuffers(1,&pbo); - } - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintError("3d texture is too large2"); - // make sure TexImage3D is executed with our PixelTransfer mode - glFinish(); - // Restore the default values. - glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,0); - glPixelStorei(vtkgl::UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT,0); - glPixelTransferf(GL_RED_SCALE,1.0); - glPixelTransferf(GL_RED_BIAS,0.0); - } - this->LoadedCellFlag=cellFlag; - i=0; - while(i<6) - { - this->LoadedExtent[i]=textureExtent[i]; - ++i; - } - - double spacing[3]; - double origin[3]; - input->GetSpacing(spacing); - input->GetOrigin(origin); - int swapBounds[3]; - swapBounds[0]=(spacing[0]<0); - swapBounds[1]=(spacing[1]<0); - swapBounds[2]=(spacing[2]<0); - - if(!this->LoadedCellFlag) // loaded extents represent points - { - // slabsPoints[i]=(slabsDataSet[i] - origin[i/2]) / spacing[i/2]; - // in general, x=o+i*spacing. - // if spacing is positive min extent match the min of the - // bounding box - // and the max extent match the max of the bounding box - // if spacing is negative min extent match the max of the - // bounding box - // and the max extent match the min of the bounding box - - // if spacing is negative, we may have to rethink the equation - // between real point and texture coordinate... - this->LoadedBounds[0]=origin[0]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[0+swapBounds[0]])*spacing[0]; - this->LoadedBounds[2]=origin[1]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[2+swapBounds[1]])*spacing[1]; - this->LoadedBounds[4]=origin[2]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[4+swapBounds[2]])*spacing[2]; - this->LoadedBounds[1]=origin[0]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[1-swapBounds[0]])*spacing[0]; - this->LoadedBounds[3]=origin[1]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[3-swapBounds[1]])*spacing[1]; - this->LoadedBounds[5]=origin[2]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[5-swapBounds[2]])*spacing[2]; - - } - else // loaded extents represent cells - { - int wholeTextureExtent[6]; - input->GetExtent(wholeTextureExtent); - i=1; - while(i<6) - { - wholeTextureExtent[i]--; - i+=2; - } - - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - if(this->LoadedExtent[2*i]==wholeTextureExtent[2*i]) - { - this->LoadedBounds[2*i+swapBounds[i]]=origin[i]; - } - else - { - this->LoadedBounds[2*i+swapBounds[i]]=origin[i]+ - (static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[2*i])+0.5)*spacing[i]; - } - - if(this->LoadedExtent[2*i+1]==wholeTextureExtent[2*i+1]) - { - this->LoadedBounds[2*i+1-swapBounds[i]]=origin[i]+ - (static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[2*i+1])+1.0)*spacing[i]; - } - else - { - this->LoadedBounds[2*i+1-swapBounds[i]]=origin[i]+ - (static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[2*i+1])+0.5)*spacing[i]; - } - ++i; - } - } - this->LoadedTableRange[0]=tableRange[0]; - this->LoadedTableRange[1]=tableRange[1]; - modified=true; - } // if enough memory - else - { - } - } //load fail with out of memory - else - { - } - } // proxy ok - else - { // proxy failed - } - } - else - { - // out of therical limitationa - } - } // if obsolete - - if(this->Loaded && - (needUpdate || modified || - linearInterpolation!=this->LinearInterpolation)) - { - this->LinearInterpolation=linearInterpolation; - if(this->LinearInterpolation) - { - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, - GL_LINEAR); - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, - GL_LINEAR); - } - else - { - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, - GL_NEAREST ); - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, - GL_NEAREST ); - } - modified=true; - } - if(modified) - { - this->BuildTime.Modified(); - } - } - - double *GetLoadedBounds() - { - assert("pre: loaded" && this->Loaded); - return this->LoadedBounds; - } - - vtkIdType *GetLoadedExtent() - { - assert("pre: loaded" && this->Loaded); - return this->LoadedExtent; - } - - int GetLoadedCellFlag() - { - assert("pre: loaded" && this->Loaded); - return this->LoadedCellFlag; - } - - bool IsLoaded() - { - return this->Loaded; - } - - bool GetSupports_GL_ARB_texture_float() - { - return this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float; - } - - void SetSupports_GL_ARB_texture_float(bool value) - { - this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float=value; - } - -protected: - GLuint TextureId; - vtkTimeStamp BuildTime; - double LoadedBounds[6]; - vtkIdType LoadedExtent[6]; - int LoadedCellFlag; - bool Loaded; - bool LinearInterpolation; - bool Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float; - double LoadedTableRange[2]; -}; - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class vtkKWMask -{ -public: - vtkKWMask() - { - this->TextureId=0; - this->Loaded=false; - this->LoadedExtent[0]=VTK_INT_MAX; - this->LoadedExtent[1]=VTK_INT_MIN; - this->LoadedExtent[2]=VTK_INT_MAX; - this->LoadedExtent[3]=VTK_INT_MIN; - this->LoadedExtent[4]=VTK_INT_MAX; - this->LoadedExtent[5]=VTK_INT_MIN; - } - ~vtkKWMask() - { - if(this->TextureId!=0) - { - glDeleteTextures(1,&this->TextureId); - this->TextureId=0; - } - } - - vtkTimeStamp GetBuildTime() - { - return this->BuildTime; - } - - // \pre vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE7) has to be called first. - void Bind() - { - assert("pre: uptodate" && this->Loaded); - glBindTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,this->TextureId); - } - - // \pre vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE7) has to be called first. - void Update(vtkImageData *input, - int cellFlag, - int textureExtent[6], - int scalarMode, - int arrayAccessMode, - int arrayId, - const char *arrayName, - int maxMemoryInBytes) - { - bool needUpdate=false; - bool modified=false; - if(this->TextureId==0) - { - glGenTextures(1,&this->TextureId); - needUpdate=true; - } - glBindTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,this->TextureId); - - int obsolete=needUpdate || !this->Loaded - || input->GetMTime()>this->BuildTime; - if(!obsolete) - { - obsolete=cellFlag!=this->LoadedCellFlag; - int i=0; - while(!obsolete && i<6) - { - obsolete=obsolete || this->LoadedExtent[i]>textureExtent[i]; - ++i; - obsolete=obsolete || this->LoadedExtent[i]Loaded=false; - int dim[3]; - input->GetDimensions(dim); - - vtkDataArray *scalars= - vtkAbstractMapper::GetScalars(input,scalarMode,arrayAccessMode, - arrayId,arrayName, - this->LoadedCellFlag); - - // DONT USE GetScalarType() or GetNumberOfScalarComponents() on - // ImageData as it deals only with point data... - - int scalarType=scalars->GetDataType(); - if(scalarType!=VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) - { - cout <<"mask should be VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR." << endl; - } - if(scalars->GetNumberOfComponents()!=1) - { - cout <<"mask should be a one-component scalar field." << endl; - } - - GLint internalFormat=GL_ALPHA8; - GLenum format=GL_ALPHA; - GLenum type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - - // Enough memory? - int textureSize[3]; - int i=0; - while(i<3) - { - textureSize[i]=textureExtent[2*i+1]-textureExtent[2*i]+1; - ++i; - } - - GLint width; - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE,&width); - this->Loaded=textureSize[0]<=width && textureSize[1]<=width - && textureSize[2]<=width; - if(this->Loaded) - { - // so far, so good. the texture size is theorically small enough - // for OpenGL - - vtkgl::TexImage3D(vtkgl::PROXY_TEXTURE_3D,0,internalFormat, - textureSize[0],textureSize[1],textureSize[2],0, - format,type,0); - glGetTexLevelParameteriv(vtkgl::PROXY_TEXTURE_3D,0,GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, - &width); - - this->Loaded=width!=0; - if(this->Loaded) - { - // so far, so good but some cards always succeed with a proxy texture - // let's try to actually allocate.. - - vtkgl::TexImage3D(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,0,internalFormat,textureSize[0], - textureSize[1],textureSize[2],0,format,type,0); - GLenum errorCode=glGetError(); - this->Loaded=errorCode!=GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; - if(this->Loaded) - { - // so far, so good, actual allocation succeeded. - if(errorCode!=GL_NO_ERROR) - { - cout<<"after try to load the texture"; - cout<<" ERROR (x"<(errorCode)); - cout<Loaded=textureSize[0]*textureSize[1]* - textureSize[2]*vtkAbstractArray::GetDataTypeSize(scalarType)* - scalars->GetNumberOfComponents()<=maxMemoryInBytes; - if(this->Loaded) - { - // OK, we consider the allocation above succeeded... - // If it actually didn't the only to fix it for the user - // is to decrease the value of this->MaxMemoryInBytes. - - // enough memory! We can load the scalars! - - // we don't clamp to edge because for the computation of the - // gradient on the border we need some external value. - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,vtkgl::TEXTURE_WRAP_R,vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - - GLfloat borderColor[4]={0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; - - glTexParameterfv(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, borderColor); - - glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE,1.0); - glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS,0.0); - glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,1); - - if(!(textureExtent[1]-textureExtent[0]+cellFlag==dim[0])) - { - glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,dim[0]-cellFlag); - } - if(!(textureExtent[3]-textureExtent[2]+cellFlag==dim[1])) - { - glPixelStorei(vtkgl::UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT, - dim[1]-cellFlag); - } - void *dataPtr=scalars->GetVoidPointer( - ((textureExtent[4]*(dim[1]-cellFlag)+textureExtent[2]) - *(dim[0]-cellFlag)+textureExtent[0]) - *scalars->GetNumberOfComponents()); - - vtkgl::TexImage3D(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D, 0, internalFormat, - textureSize[0],textureSize[1],textureSize[2], - 0,format,type,dataPtr); - - // Restore the default values. - glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,0); - glPixelStorei(vtkgl::UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT,0); - glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE,1.0); - glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS,0.0); - - this->LoadedCellFlag=cellFlag; - i=0; - while(i<6) - { - this->LoadedExtent[i]=textureExtent[i]; - ++i; - } - - double spacing[3]; - double origin[3]; - input->GetSpacing(spacing); - input->GetOrigin(origin); - int swapBounds[3]; - swapBounds[0]=(spacing[0]<0); - swapBounds[1]=(spacing[1]<0); - swapBounds[2]=(spacing[2]<0); - - if(!this->LoadedCellFlag) // loaded extents represent points - { - // slabsPoints[i]=(slabsDataSet[i] - origin[i/2]) / spacing[i/2]; - // in general, x=o+i*spacing. - // if spacing is positive min extent match the min of the - // bounding box - // and the max extent match the max of the bounding box - // if spacing is negative min extent match the max of the - // bounding box - // and the max extent match the min of the bounding box - - // if spacing is negative, we may have to rethink the equation - // between real point and texture coordinate... - this->LoadedBounds[0]=origin[0]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[0+swapBounds[0]])*spacing[0]; - this->LoadedBounds[2]=origin[1]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[2+swapBounds[1]])*spacing[1]; - this->LoadedBounds[4]=origin[2]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[4+swapBounds[2]])*spacing[2]; - this->LoadedBounds[1]=origin[0]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[1-swapBounds[0]])*spacing[0]; - this->LoadedBounds[3]=origin[1]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[3-swapBounds[1]])*spacing[1]; - this->LoadedBounds[5]=origin[2]+ - static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[5-swapBounds[2]])*spacing[2]; - - } - else // loaded extents represent cells - { - int wholeTextureExtent[6]; - input->GetExtent(wholeTextureExtent); - i=1; - while(i<6) - { - wholeTextureExtent[i]--; - i+=2; - } - - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - if(this->LoadedExtent[2*i]==wholeTextureExtent[2*i]) - { - this->LoadedBounds[2*i+swapBounds[i]]=origin[i]; - } - else - { - this->LoadedBounds[2*i+swapBounds[i]]=origin[i]+ - (static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[2*i])+0.5)*spacing[i]; - } - - if(this->LoadedExtent[2*i+1]==wholeTextureExtent[2*i+1]) - { - this->LoadedBounds[2*i+1-swapBounds[i]]=origin[i]+ - (static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[2*i+1])+1.0)*spacing[i]; - } - else - { - this->LoadedBounds[2*i+1-swapBounds[i]]=origin[i]+ - (static_cast(this->LoadedExtent[2*i+1])+0.5)*spacing[i]; - } - ++i; - } - } - modified=true; - } // if enough memory - else - { - } - } //load fail with out of memory - else - { - } - } // proxy ok - else - { // proxy failed - } - } - else - { - // out of therical limitationa - } - } // if obsolete - - if(this->Loaded && (needUpdate || modified)) - { - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, - GL_NEAREST ); - glTexParameterf(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, - GL_NEAREST ); - modified=true; - } - if(modified) - { - this->BuildTime.Modified(); - } - } - - double *GetLoadedBounds() - { - assert("pre: loaded" && this->Loaded); - return this->LoadedBounds; - } - - vtkIdType *GetLoadedExtent() - { - assert("pre: loaded" && this->Loaded); - return this->LoadedExtent; - } - - int GetLoadedCellFlag() - { - assert("pre: loaded" && this->Loaded); - return this->LoadedCellFlag; - } - - bool IsLoaded() - { - return this->Loaded; - } - -protected: - GLuint TextureId; - vtkTimeStamp BuildTime; - double LoadedBounds[6]; - vtkIdType LoadedExtent[6]; - int LoadedCellFlag; - bool Loaded; -}; - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Display the status of the current framebuffer on the standard output. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::CheckFrameBufferStatus() -{ - GLenum status; - status = vtkgl::CheckFramebufferStatusEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT); - switch(status) - { - case 0: - cout << "call to vtkgl::CheckFramebufferStatusEXT generates an error." - << endl; - break; - case vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT: - break; - case vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT: - cout << "framebuffer is unsupported" << endl; - break; - case vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT_EXT: - cout << "framebuffer has an attachment error"<DisplayFrameBufferAttachments(); -// this->DisplayReadAndDrawBuffers(); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -vtkStdString vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::BufferToString(int buffer) -{ - vtkStdString result; - vtksys_ios::ostringstream ost; - - GLint size; - - GLint b=static_cast(buffer); - switch(b) - { - case GL_NONE: - ost << "GL_NONE"; - break; - case GL_FRONT_LEFT: - ost << "GL_FRONT_LEFT"; - break; - case GL_FRONT_RIGHT: - ost << "GL_FRONT_RIGHT"; - break; - case GL_BACK_LEFT: - ost << "GL_BACK_LEFT"; - break; - case GL_BACK_RIGHT: - ost << "GL_BACK_RIGHT"; - break; - case GL_FRONT: - ost << "GL_FRONT"; - break; - case GL_BACK: - ost << "GL_BACK"; - break; - case GL_LEFT: - ost << "GL_LEFT"; - break; - case GL_RIGHT: - ost << "GL_RIGHT"; - break; - case GL_FRONT_AND_BACK: - ost << "GL_FRONT_AND_BACK"; - break; - default: - glGetIntegerv(GL_AUX_BUFFERS,&size); - if(buffer>=GL_AUX0 && buffer<(GL_AUX0+size)) - { - ost << "GL_AUX" << (buffer-GL_AUX0); - } - else - { - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT,&size); - if(static_cast(buffer)>=vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT && - static_cast(buffer)< - (vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+static_cast(size))) - { - ost << "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT" - << (static_cast(buffer)-vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT) - << "_EXT"; - } - else - { - ost << "unknown color buffer type=0x"<(value); - - vtkStdString s; - GLenum i=0; - while(iBufferToString(static_cast(value)); - cout << "draw buffer " << i << "=" << s << endl; - ++i; - } - - glGetIntegerv(GL_READ_BUFFER,&value); - s=this->BufferToString(static_cast(value)); - cout << "read buffer=" << s << endl; -} - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Description: -// Display all the attachments of the current framebuffer object. -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::DisplayFrameBufferAttachments() -{ - GLint framebufferBinding; - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT,&framebufferBinding); - this->PrintError("after getting FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT"); - if(framebufferBinding==0) - { - cout<<"Current framebuffer is bind to the system one"<(value); - this->PrintError("after getting MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT"); - GLenum i=0; - while(iDisplayFrameBufferAttachment(vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+i); - ++i; - } - cout<<"depth attachement :"<DisplayFrameBufferAttachment(vtkgl::DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT); - cout<<"stencil attachement :"<DisplayFrameBufferAttachment(vtkgl::STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT); - } -} - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Description: -// Display a given attachment for the current framebuffer object. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::DisplayFrameBufferAttachment( - unsigned int uattachment) -{ - GLenum attachment=static_cast(uattachment); - - GLint params; - vtkgl::GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT( - vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,attachment, - vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT,¶ms); - - this->PrintError("after getting FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT"); - switch(params) - { - case GL_NONE: - cout<<" this attachment is empty"<PrintError("after getting FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT"); - cout<<" this attachment is a texture with name: "<PrintError( - "after getting FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL_EXT"); - cout<<" its mipmap level is: "<PrintError( - "after getting FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE_EXT"); - if(params==0) - { - cout<<" this is not a cube map texture."<PrintError( - "after getting FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_3D_ZOFFSET_EXT"); - if(params==0) - { - cout<<" this is not 3D texture."<PrintError("after getting FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT"); - cout<<" this attachment is a renderbuffer with name: "<(params)); - this->PrintError( - "after getting binding the current RENDERBUFFER_EXT to params"); - - vtkgl::GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT(vtkgl::RENDERBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_EXT, - ¶ms); - this->PrintError("after getting RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_EXT"); - cout<<" renderbuffer width="<PrintError("after getting RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT_EXT"); - cout<<" renderbuffer height="<PrintError("after getting RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_EXT"); - - cout<<" renderbuffer internal format=0x"<< hex<PrintError("after getting RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE_EXT"); - cout<<" renderbuffer actual resolution for the red component="<PrintError("after getting RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE_EXT"); - cout<<" renderbuffer actual resolution for the green component="<PrintError("after getting RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE_EXT"); - cout<<" renderbuffer actual resolution for the blue component="<PrintError("after getting RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT"); - cout<<" renderbuffer actual resolution for the alpha component="<PrintError("after getting RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE_EXT"); - cout<<" renderbuffer actual resolution for the depth component="<PrintError("after getting RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE_EXT"); - cout<<" renderbuffer actual resolution for the stencil component=" - <(errorCode)) - { - case GL_NO_ERROR: - result="No error"; - break; - case GL_INVALID_ENUM: - result="Invalid enum"; - break; - case GL_INVALID_VALUE: - result="Invalid value"; - break; - case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: - result="Invalid operation"; - break; - case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: - result="stack overflow"; - break; - case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: - result="stack underflow"; - break; - case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: - result="out of memory"; - break; - case vtkgl::TABLE_TOO_LARGE: - // GL_ARB_imaging - result="Table too large"; - break; - case vtkgl::INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT: - // GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, 310 - result="invalid framebuffer operation ext"; - break; - case vtkgl::TEXTURE_TOO_LARGE_EXT: - // GL_EXT_texture - result="Texture too large"; - break; - default: - result="unknown error"; - } - assert("post: result_exists" && result!=0); - return result; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Display headerMessage on the standard output and the last OpenGL error -// message if any. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintError(const char *headerMessage) -{ - GLenum errorCode=glGetError(); - if(errorCode!=GL_NO_ERROR) - { - if ( headerMessage ) - { - cout<(errorCode)); - cout<UnsupportedRequiredExtensions=0; - this->OpenGLObjectsCreated=0; - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - this->NumberOfFrameBuffers=0; - - this->m_BindMax = false; - - // up to 2 frame buffer 2D textures (left/right) - // 1 dataset 3D texture - // 1 colormap 1D texture - // 1 opacitymap 1d texture - // 1 grabbed depth buffer 2d texture - int i=0; - while(iTextureObjects[i]=0; - ++i; - } - - this->DepthRenderBufferObject=0; - this->FrameBufferObject=0; - - for ( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) - { - for (i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) - { - this->BoundingBox[j][i] = 0.0; - } - } - - this->LastSize[0]=0; - this->LastSize[1]=0; - - this->ReductionFactor = 1.0; - - this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float=0; - this->SupportsPixelBufferObjects=0; - - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - this->TempMatrix[i]=vtkMatrix4x4::New(); - ++i; - } - - this->ErrorLine=0; - this->ErrorColumn=0; - this->ErrorString=0; - - this->LastParallelProjection= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperProjectionNotInitialized; - this->LastRayCastMethod= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodNotInitialized; - this->LastCroppingMode= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperCroppingNotInitialized; - this->LastComponent= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentNotInitialized; - this->LastShade=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNotInitialized; - - this->ClippedBoundingBox = NULL; - - this->SmallInput = NULL; - - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer=0; - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2=0; - this->ReducedSize[0]=0; - this->ReducedSize[1]=0; - - this->NumberOfCroppingRegions=0; - - this->PolyDataBoundingBox=0; - this->Planes=0; - this->NearPlane=0; - this->Clip=0; - this->Densify=0; - this->InvVolumeMatrix=vtkMatrix4x4::New(); - - this->ScaleBiasProgramShader=0; - this->UFrameBufferTexture=-1; - this->UScale=-1; - this->UBias=-1; - - this->SavedFrameBuffer=0; - - this->BoxSource=0; - - this->NoiseTexture=0; - this->NoiseTextureSize=0; - this->NoiseTextureId=0; - - this->IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel=true; - - this->ScalarsTextures=new vtkMapDataArrayTextureId; - this->MaskTextures=new vtkMapMaskTextureId; - - this->RGBTable=0; - this->Mask1RGBTable=0; - this->Mask2RGBTable=0; - this->OpacityTables=0; - - this->CurrentScalar=0; - this->CurrentMask=0; - - this->ActualSampleDistance=1.0; - this->LastProgressEventTime=0.0; // date in seconds - - this->PreserveOrientation=true; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Destruct a vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper - clean up any memory used -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::~vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper() -{ - if(this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions!=0) - { - delete this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions; - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions=0; - } - int i=0; - while(i<3) - { - this->TempMatrix[i]->Delete(); - this->TempMatrix[i]=0; - ++i; - } - - if(this->ErrorString!=0) - { - delete[] this->ErrorString; - this->ErrorString=0; - } - - if ( this->SmallInput ) - { - this->SmallInput->UnRegister(this); - } - - if(this->PolyDataBoundingBox!=0) - { - this->PolyDataBoundingBox->UnRegister(this); - this->PolyDataBoundingBox=0; - } - if(this->Planes!=0) - { - this->Planes->UnRegister(this); - this->Planes=0; - } - if(this->NearPlane!=0) - { - this->NearPlane->UnRegister(this); - this->NearPlane=0; - } - if(this->Clip!=0) - { - this->Clip->UnRegister(this); - this->Clip=0; - } - if(this->Densify!=0) - { - this->Densify->UnRegister(this); - this->Densify=0; - } - - if(this->BoxSource!=0) - { - this->BoxSource->UnRegister(this); - this->BoxSource=0; - } - this->InvVolumeMatrix->UnRegister(this); - this->InvVolumeMatrix=0; - - if(this->NoiseTexture!=0) - { - delete[] this->NoiseTexture; - this->NoiseTexture=0; - this->NoiseTextureSize=0; - } - - if(this->ScalarsTextures!=0) - { - delete this->ScalarsTextures; - this->ScalarsTextures=0; - } - - if(this->MaskTextures!=0) - { - delete this->MaskTextures; - this->MaskTextures=0; - } -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Based on hardware and properties, we may or may not be able to -// render using 3D texture mapping. This indicates if 3D texture -// mapping is supported by the hardware, and if the other extensions -// necessary to support the specific properties are available. -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::IsRenderSupported( - vtkRenderWindow *window, - vtkVolumeProperty *vtkNotUsed(property)) -{ - window->MakeCurrent(); - if(!this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded) - { - this->LoadExtensions(window); - } - if(!this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded) - { - vtkDebugMacro( - "The following OpenGL extensions are required but not supported: " - << (this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream.str()).c_str()); - return 0; - } - return 1; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Return if the required OpenGL extension `extensionName' is supported. -// If not, its name is added to the string of unsupported but required -// extensions. -// \pre extensions_exist: extensions!=0 -// \pre extensionName_exists: extensionName!=0 -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::TestRequiredExtension( - vtkOpenGLExtensionManager *extensions, - const char *extensionName) -{ - assert("pre: extensions_exist" && extensions!=0); - assert("pre: extensionName_exists" && extensionName!=0); - int result=extensions->ExtensionSupported(extensionName); - - if(!result) - { - if(this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded) - { - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - } - else - { - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<<", "<LoadExtensionsSucceeded will be set to 0 or 1 -// - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions will have a message indicating -// any failure codes -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::LoadExtensions( - vtkRenderWindow *window) -{ - // We may already have a string stream for the unsupported extensions - // from the last time this method was called. If so, delete it. - if(this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions!=0) - { - delete this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions; - } - - // Create a string stream to hold the unsupported extensions so we can - // report something meaningful back - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions = - new vtkUnsupportedRequiredExtensionsStringStream; - - // It does not work on Apple OS X Snow Leopard with nVidia. - // There is a bug in the OpenGL driver with an error in the - // Cg compiler about an infinite loop. -#ifdef __APPLE__ - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - return; -#endif - - // Assume success - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=1; - - const char *gl_vendor=reinterpret_cast(glGetString(GL_VENDOR)); - /* if(strstr(gl_vendor,"ATI")!=0) - { - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - return; - }*/ - const char *gl_version=reinterpret_cast(glGetString(GL_VERSION)); - if(strstr(gl_version,"Mesa")!=0) - { - // - GL_VENDOR cannot be used because it can be "Brian Paul" or - // "Mesa project" - // - GL_RENDERER cannot be used because it can be "Software Rasterizer" or - // "Mesa X11" - // - GL_VERSION is more robust. It has things like "2.0 Mesa 7.0.4" or - // "2.1 Mesa 7.2" or "2.1 Mesa 7.3-devel" - // Mesa does not work with multiple draw buffers: - // "framebuffer has bad draw buffer" - // "render clipped 1 ERROR (x506) invalid framebuffer operation ext" - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - return; - } - - // Create an extension manager - vtkOpenGLExtensionManager *extensions=vtkOpenGLExtensionManager::New(); - extensions->SetRenderWindow(window); - - // GL_ARB_draw_buffers requires OpenGL 1.3, so we must have OpenGL 1.3 - // We don't need to check for some extensions that become part of OpenGL - // core after 1.3. Among them: - // - texture_3d is in core OpenGL since 1.2 - // - texture_edge_clamp is in core OpenGL since 1.2 - // (GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp or GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp (nVidia) ) - // - multitexture is in core OpenGL since 1.3 - - int supports_GL_1_3=extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_1_3"); - int supports_GL_2_0=0; - - // No 1.3 support - give up - if(!supports_GL_1_3) - { - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<< - " OpenGL 1.3 is required but not supported"; - extensions->Delete(); - return; - } - - // Check for 2.0 support - supports_GL_2_0=extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_2_0"); - - // Some extensions that are supported in 2.0, but if we don't - // have 2.0 we'll need to check further - int supports_shading_language_100 = 1; - int supports_shader_objects = 1; - int supports_fragment_shader = 1; - int supports_texture_non_power_of_two = 1; - int supports_draw_buffers = 1; - if(!supports_GL_2_0) - { - supports_shading_language_100= - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_shading_language_100"); - supports_shader_objects= - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_shader_objects"); - supports_fragment_shader= - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_fragment_shader"); - supports_texture_non_power_of_two= - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"); - supports_draw_buffers= - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_draw_buffers"); - } - - // We have to check for framebuffer objects - int supports_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object= - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_framebuffer_object" ); - - // Find out if we have OpenGL 1.4 support - int supports_GL_1_4=extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_1_4"); - - // Find out if we have the depth texture ARB extension - int supports_GL_ARB_depth_texture= - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_depth_texture"); - - // Depth textures are support if we either have OpenGL 1.4 - // or if the depth texture ARB extension is supported - int supports_depth_texture = - supports_GL_1_4 || supports_GL_ARB_depth_texture; - - // Now start adding messages to the UnsupportedRequiredExtensions string - // Log message if shading language 100 is not supported - if(!supports_shading_language_100) - { - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<< - " shading_language_100 (or OpenGL 2.0) is required but not supported"; - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - } - else - { - // We can query the GLSL version, we need >=1.20 - const char *glsl_version= - reinterpret_cast(glGetString(vtkgl::SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)); - int glslMajor, glslMinor; - vtksys_ios::istringstream ist(glsl_version); - ist >> glslMajor; - char c; - ist.get(c); // '.' - ist >> glslMinor; -//sscanf(version, "%d.%d", &glslMajor, &glslMinor); - if(glslMajor<1 || (glslMajor==1 && glslMinor<20)) - { - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - } - } - - // Log message if shader objects are not supported - if(!supports_shader_objects) - { - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<< - " shader_objects (or OpenGL 2.0) is required but not supported"; - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - } - - // Log message if fragment shaders are not supported - if(!supports_fragment_shader) - { - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<< - " fragment_shader (or OpenGL 2.0) is required but not supported"; - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - } - - // Log message if non power of two textures are not supported - if(!supports_texture_non_power_of_two) - { - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<< - " texture_non_power_of_two (or OpenGL 2.0) is required but not " - << "supported"; - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - } - - // Log message if draw buffers are not supported - if(!supports_draw_buffers) - { - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<< - " draw_buffers (or OpenGL 2.0) is required but not supported"; - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - } - - // Log message if depth textures are not supported - if(!supports_depth_texture) - { - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<< - " depth_texture (or OpenGL 1.4) is required but not supported"; - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - } - - // Log message if framebuffer objects are not supported - if(!supports_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) - { - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<< - " framebuffer_object is required but not supported"; - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - } - - // Have we succeeded so far? If not, just return. - if(!this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded) - { - extensions->Delete(); - return; - } - - // Now start loading the extensions - // First load all 1.2 and 1.3 extensions (we know we - // support at least up to 1.3) - extensions->LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_1_2"); - extensions->LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_1_3"); - - // Load the 2.0 extensions if supported - if(supports_GL_2_0) - { - extensions->LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_2_0"); - } - // Otherwise, we'll need to specifically load the - // shader objects, fragment shader, and draw buffers - // extensions - else - { - extensions->LoadCorePromotedExtension("GL_ARB_shader_objects"); - extensions->LoadCorePromotedExtension("GL_ARB_fragment_shader"); - extensions->LoadCorePromotedExtension("GL_ARB_draw_buffers"); - } - - // Load the framebuffer object extension - extensions->LoadExtension("GL_EXT_framebuffer_object"); - - // Optional extension (does not fail if not present) - // Load it if supported which will allow us to store - // textures as floats - this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float= - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_float" ); - if(this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float) - { - extensions->LoadExtension( "GL_ARB_texture_float" ); - } - - // Optional extension (does not fail if not present) - // Used to minimize memory footprint when loading large 3D textures - // of scalars. - // VBO or 1.5 is required by PBO or 2.1 - int supports_GL_1_5=extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_1_5"); - int supports_vertex_buffer_object=supports_GL_1_5 || - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object"); - int supports_GL_2_1=extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_2_1"); - this->SupportsPixelBufferObjects=supports_vertex_buffer_object && - (supports_GL_2_1 || - extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object")); - - if(this->SupportsPixelBufferObjects) - { - if(supports_GL_1_5) - { - extensions->LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_1_5"); - } - else - { - extensions->LoadCorePromotedExtension("GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object"); - } - if(supports_GL_2_1) - { - extensions->LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_2_1"); - } - else - { - extensions->LoadCorePromotedExtension("GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object"); - } - } - - // Ultimate test. Some old cards support OpenGL 2.0 but not while - // statements in a fragment shader (example: nVidia GeForce FX 5200) - // It does not fail when compiling each shader source but at linking - // stage because the parser underneath only check for syntax during - // compilation and the actual native code generation happens during - // the linking stage. - this->CreateGLSLObjects(); - this->NumberOfCroppingRegions=1; - this->BuildProgram(1,vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodComposite, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNo, - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentOne); - - GLint params; - vtkgl::GetProgramiv(static_cast(this->ProgramShader), - vtkgl::LINK_STATUS,¶ms); - if(params==GL_FALSE) - { - this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded=0; - this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream<< - " this card does not support while statements in fragment shaders."; - } - - // FB debug - this->CheckLinkage(this->ProgramShader); - - // Release GLSL Objects. - GLuint programShader=static_cast(this->ProgramShader); - vtkgl::DeleteProgram(programShader); - - this->LastParallelProjection= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperProjectionNotInitialized; - this->LastRayCastMethod= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodNotInitialized; - this->LastCroppingMode= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperCroppingNotInitialized; - this->LastComponent= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentNotInitialized; - this->LastShade=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNotInitialized; - - extensions->Delete(); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Create GLSL OpenGL objects such fragment program Ids. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::CreateGLSLObjects() -{ - GLuint programShader; - GLuint fragmentMainShader; - - programShader=vtkgl::CreateProgram(); - fragmentMainShader=vtkgl::CreateShader(vtkgl::FRAGMENT_SHADER); - vtkgl::AttachShader(programShader,fragmentMainShader); - vtkgl::DeleteShader(fragmentMainShader); // reference counting - - vtkgl::ShaderSource( - fragmentMainShader,1, - const_cast(&vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_HeaderFS),0); - vtkgl::CompileShader(fragmentMainShader); - - this->CheckCompilation(static_cast(fragmentMainShader)); - - GLuint fragmentProjectionShader; - GLuint fragmentTraceShader; - GLuint fragmentCroppingShader; - GLuint fragmentComponentShader; - GLuint fragmentShadeShader; - - fragmentProjectionShader=vtkgl::CreateShader(vtkgl::FRAGMENT_SHADER); - vtkgl::AttachShader(programShader,fragmentProjectionShader); - vtkgl::DeleteShader(fragmentProjectionShader); // reference counting - - fragmentTraceShader=vtkgl::CreateShader(vtkgl::FRAGMENT_SHADER); - vtkgl::AttachShader(programShader,fragmentTraceShader); - vtkgl::DeleteShader(fragmentTraceShader); // reference counting - fragmentCroppingShader=vtkgl::CreateShader(vtkgl::FRAGMENT_SHADER); - vtkgl::AttachShader(programShader,fragmentCroppingShader); - vtkgl::DeleteShader(fragmentCroppingShader); // reference counting - - fragmentComponentShader=vtkgl::CreateShader(vtkgl::FRAGMENT_SHADER); - - // don't delete it, it is optionally attached. - fragmentShadeShader=vtkgl::CreateShader(vtkgl::FRAGMENT_SHADER); - - // Save GL objects by static casting to standard C types. GL* types - // are not allowed in VTK header files. - this->ProgramShader=static_cast(programShader); - - this->FragmentMainShader=static_cast(fragmentMainShader); - this->FragmentProjectionShader= - static_cast(fragmentProjectionShader); - this->FragmentTraceShader=static_cast(fragmentTraceShader); - this->FragmentCroppingShader= - static_cast(fragmentCroppingShader); - this->FragmentComponentShader= - static_cast(fragmentComponentShader); - this->FragmentShadeShader= - static_cast(fragmentShadeShader); - -} - -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::BindFramebuffer() -{ - vtkgl::FramebufferTexture2DEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT,GL_TEXTURE_2D, - this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront], - 0); - GLenum err = glGetError(); - - if(m_BindMax) - { - vtkgl::FramebufferTexture2DEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+1, - GL_TEXTURE_2D,this->MaxValueFrameBuffer,0); - } -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Create OpenGL objects such as textures, buffers and fragment program Ids. -// It only registers Ids, there is no actual initialization of textures or -// fragment program. -// -// Pre-conditions: -// This method assumes that this->LoadedExtensionsSucceeded is 1. -// -// Post-conditions: -// When this method completes successfully, this->OpenGLObjectsCreated -// will be 1. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::CreateOpenGLObjects() -{ - // Do nothing if the OpenGL objects have already been created - if ( this->OpenGLObjectsCreated ) - { - return; - } - - // We need only two color buffers (ping-pong) - this->NumberOfFrameBuffers=2; - - // TODO: clean this up! - // 2*Frame buffers(2d textures)+colorMap (1d texture) +dataset (3d texture) - // + opacitymap (1d texture) + grabbed depthMap (2d texture) - - // Frame buffers(2d textures)+colorMap (1d texture) +dataset (3d texture) - // + opacity (1d texture)+grabbed depth buffer (2d texture) - - GLuint frameBufferObject; - GLuint depthRenderBufferObject; - GLuint textureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperNumberOfTextureObjects]; - - // Create the various objects we will need - one frame buffer - // which will contain a render buffer for depth and a texture - // for color. - vtkgl::GenFramebuffersEXT(1, &frameBufferObject); // color - vtkgl::GenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &depthRenderBufferObject); // depth - glGenTextures(vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperNumberOfTextureObjects,textureObjects); - - // Color buffers - GLint value; - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT,&value); - GLuint savedFrameBuffer=static_cast(value); - vtkgl::BindFramebufferEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,frameBufferObject); - - - // Depth buffer - vtkgl::BindRenderbufferEXT(vtkgl::RENDERBUFFER_EXT, - depthRenderBufferObject); - - vtkgl::FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, - vtkgl::RENDERBUFFER_EXT, - depthRenderBufferObject); - - // Restore default frame buffer. - vtkgl::BindFramebufferEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,savedFrameBuffer); - - - this->CreateGLSLObjects(); - - // Save GL objects by static casting to standard C types. GL* types - // are not allowed in VTK header files. - this->FrameBufferObject=static_cast(frameBufferObject); - this->DepthRenderBufferObject=static_cast(depthRenderBufferObject); - int i=0; - while(iTextureObjects[i]=static_cast(textureObjects[i]); - ++i; - } - - - this->OpenGLObjectsCreated=1; -} - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Check the compilation status of some fragment shader source. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::CheckCompilation( - unsigned int fragmentShader) -{ - GLuint fs=static_cast(fragmentShader); - GLint params; - vtkgl::GetShaderiv(fs,vtkgl::COMPILE_STATUS,¶ms); - - if(params==GL_TRUE) - { - vtkDebugMacro(<<"shader source compiled successfully"); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"shader source compile error"); - // include null terminator - vtkgl::GetShaderiv(fs,vtkgl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH,¶ms); - if(params>0) - { - char *buffer=new char[params]; - vtkgl::GetShaderInfoLog(fs,params,0,buffer); - vtkErrorMacro(<<"log: "<(programShader); - - // info about the list of active uniform variables - vtkgl::GetProgramiv(prog,vtkgl::ACTIVE_UNIFORMS,¶ms); - cout<<"There are "<(params); - vtkgl::GetProgramiv(prog,vtkgl::OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH_ARB, - ¶ms); - - GLint buffSize=params; - char *name=new char[buffSize+1]; - GLint size; - GLenum type; - while(i(programShader); - vtkgl::GetProgramiv(prog,vtkgl::LINK_STATUS,¶ms); - int status = 0; - if(params==GL_TRUE) - { - status = 1; - vtkDebugMacro(<<"program linked successfully"); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"program link error"); - vtkgl::GetProgramiv(prog,vtkgl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH,¶ms); - if(params>0) - { - char *buffer=new char[params]; - vtkgl::GetProgramInfoLog(prog,params,0,buffer); - vtkErrorMacro(<<"log: "<OpenGLObjectsCreated==0 -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::ReleaseGraphicsResources( - vtkWindow *window) -{ - if(this->OpenGLObjectsCreated) - { - window->MakeCurrent(); - this->LastSize[0]=0; - this->LastSize[1]=0; - GLuint frameBufferObject=static_cast(this->FrameBufferObject); - vtkgl::DeleteFramebuffersEXT(1,&frameBufferObject); - GLuint depthRenderBufferObject= - static_cast(this->DepthRenderBufferObject); - vtkgl::DeleteRenderbuffersEXT(1,&depthRenderBufferObject); - GLuint textureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperNumberOfTextureObjects]; - int i=0; - while(i<(vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront+this->NumberOfFrameBuffers)) - { - textureObjects[i]=static_cast(this->TextureObjects[i]); - ++i; - } - glDeleteTextures(vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront+this->NumberOfFrameBuffers,textureObjects); - - if(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer!=0) - { - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer= - static_cast(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer); - glDeleteTextures(1,&maxValueFrameBuffer); - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer=0; - } - if(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2!=0) - { - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer2= - static_cast(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2); - glDeleteTextures(1,&maxValueFrameBuffer2); - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2=0; - } - - GLuint programShader=static_cast(this->ProgramShader); - vtkgl::DeleteProgram(programShader); - this->ProgramShader=0; - GLuint fragmentComponentShader= - static_cast(this->FragmentComponentShader); - vtkgl::DeleteShader(fragmentComponentShader); - GLuint fragmentShadeShader= - static_cast(this->FragmentShadeShader); - vtkgl::DeleteShader(fragmentShadeShader); - - GLuint scaleBiasProgramShader= - static_cast(this->ScaleBiasProgramShader); - if(scaleBiasProgramShader!=0) - { - vtkgl::DeleteProgram(scaleBiasProgramShader); - this->ScaleBiasProgramShader=0; - } - this->LastParallelProjection= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperProjectionNotInitialized; - this->LastRayCastMethod= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodNotInitialized; - this->LastCroppingMode= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperCroppingNotInitialized; - this->LastComponent= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentNotInitialized; - this->LastShade=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNotInitialized; - this->OpenGLObjectsCreated=0; - } - - if(this->NoiseTextureId!=0) - { - window->MakeCurrent(); - GLuint noiseTextureObjects=static_cast(this->NoiseTextureId); - glDeleteTextures(1,&noiseTextureObjects); - this->NoiseTextureId=0; - } - - if(this->ScalarsTextures!=0) - { - if(!this->ScalarsTextures->Map.empty()) - { - vtkstd::map::iterator it=this->ScalarsTextures->Map.begin(); - while(it!=this->ScalarsTextures->Map.end()) - { - vtkKWScalarField *texture=(*it).second; - delete texture; - ++it; - } - this->ScalarsTextures->Map.clear(); - } - } - - if(this->MaskTextures!=0) - { - if(!this->MaskTextures->Map.empty()) - { - vtkstd::map::iterator it=this->MaskTextures->Map.begin(); - while(it!=this->MaskTextures->Map.end()) - { - vtkKWMask *texture=(*it).second; - delete texture; - ++it; - } - this->MaskTextures->Map.clear(); - } - } - - if(this->RGBTable!=0) - { - delete this->RGBTable; - this->RGBTable=0; - } - - if(this->Mask1RGBTable!=0) - { - delete this->Mask1RGBTable; - this->Mask1RGBTable=0; - } - - if(this->Mask2RGBTable!=0) - { - delete this->Mask2RGBTable; - this->Mask2RGBTable=0; - } - - if(this->OpacityTables!=0) - { - delete this->OpacityTables; - this->OpacityTables=0; - } -} - - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Delete OpenGL objects. -// \post done: this->OpenGLObjectsCreated==0 -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::ReleaseGraphicsResources( - mitk::BaseRenderer * renderer) -{ - if(this->OpenGLObjectsCreated) - { - vtkWindow * window = renderer->GetVtkRenderer()->GetRenderWindow(); - window->MakeCurrent(); - this->LastSize[0]=0; - this->LastSize[1]=0; - GLuint frameBufferObject=static_cast(this->FrameBufferObject); - vtkgl::DeleteFramebuffersEXT(1,&frameBufferObject); - GLuint depthRenderBufferObject= - static_cast(this->DepthRenderBufferObject); - vtkgl::DeleteRenderbuffersEXT(1,&depthRenderBufferObject); - GLuint textureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperNumberOfTextureObjects]; - int i=0; - while(i<(vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront+this->NumberOfFrameBuffers)) - { - textureObjects[i]=static_cast(this->TextureObjects[i]); - ++i; - } - glDeleteTextures(vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront+this->NumberOfFrameBuffers,textureObjects); - - if(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer!=0) - { - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer= - static_cast(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer); - glDeleteTextures(1,&maxValueFrameBuffer); - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer=0; - } - if(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2!=0) - { - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer2= - static_cast(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2); - glDeleteTextures(1,&maxValueFrameBuffer2); - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2=0; - } - - GLuint programShader=static_cast(this->ProgramShader); - vtkgl::DeleteProgram(programShader); - this->ProgramShader=0; - GLuint fragmentComponentShader= - static_cast(this->FragmentComponentShader); - vtkgl::DeleteShader(fragmentComponentShader); - GLuint fragmentShadeShader= - static_cast(this->FragmentShadeShader); - vtkgl::DeleteShader(fragmentShadeShader); - - GLuint scaleBiasProgramShader= - static_cast(this->ScaleBiasProgramShader); - if(scaleBiasProgramShader!=0) - { - vtkgl::DeleteProgram(scaleBiasProgramShader); - this->ScaleBiasProgramShader=0; - } - this->LastParallelProjection= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperProjectionNotInitialized; - this->LastRayCastMethod= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodNotInitialized; - this->LastCroppingMode= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperCroppingNotInitialized; - this->LastComponent= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentNotInitialized; - this->LastShade=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNotInitialized; - this->OpenGLObjectsCreated=0; - } - - if(this->NoiseTextureId!=0) - { - window->MakeCurrent(); - GLuint noiseTextureObjects=static_cast(this->NoiseTextureId); - glDeleteTextures(1,&noiseTextureObjects); - this->NoiseTextureId=0; - } - - if(this->ScalarsTextures!=0) - { - if(!this->ScalarsTextures->Map.empty()) - { - vtkstd::map::iterator it=this->ScalarsTextures->Map.begin(); - while(it!=this->ScalarsTextures->Map.end()) - { - vtkKWScalarField *texture=(*it).second; - delete texture; - ++it; - } - this->ScalarsTextures->Map.clear(); - } - } - - if(this->MaskTextures!=0) - { - if(!this->MaskTextures->Map.empty()) - { - vtkstd::map::iterator it=this->MaskTextures->Map.begin(); - while(it!=this->MaskTextures->Map.end()) - { - vtkKWMask *texture=(*it).second; - delete texture; - ++it; - } - this->MaskTextures->Map.clear(); - } - } - - if(this->RGBTable!=0) - { - delete this->RGBTable; - this->RGBTable=0; - } - - if(this->Mask1RGBTable!=0) - { - delete this->Mask1RGBTable; - this->Mask1RGBTable=0; - } - - if(this->Mask2RGBTable!=0) - { - delete this->Mask2RGBTable; - this->Mask2RGBTable=0; - } - - if(this->OpacityTables!=0) - { - delete this->OpacityTables; - this->OpacityTables=0; - } -} - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Allocate memory on the GPU for the framebuffers according to the size of -// the window or reallocate if the size has changed. Return true if -// allocation succeeded. -// \pre ren_exists: ren!=0 -// \pre opengl_objects_created: this->OpenGLObjectsCreated -// \post right_size: LastSize[]=window size. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::AllocateFrameBuffers(vtkRenderer *ren) -{ - assert("pre: ren_exists" && ren!=0); - assert("pre: opengl_objects_created" && this->OpenGLObjectsCreated); - - int result=1; - int size[2]; - ren->GetTiledSize(&size[0],&size[1]); - - int sizeChanged=this->LastSize[0]!=size[0] || this->LastSize[1]!=size[1]; - - GLenum errorCode=glGetError(); - - // Need allocation? - if(sizeChanged) - { - int i=0; - GLenum errorCode=glGetError(); - - while(i NumberOfFrameBuffers && errorCode==GL_NO_ERROR) - { - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,static_cast(this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront+i])); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); - // Here we are assuming that GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is available - if(this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float) - { - glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,vtkgl::RGBA16F_ARB,size[0],size[1], - 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL ); - } - else - { - glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,GL_RGBA16,size[0],size[1], - 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL ); - } - errorCode=glGetError(); - - ++i; - } - if(errorCode==GL_NO_ERROR) - { - // grabbed depth buffer - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,static_cast(this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectDepthMap])); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, vtkgl::DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE, GL_LUMINANCE); - glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, vtkgl::DEPTH_COMPONENT32, size[0],size[1], - 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, NULL ); - - // Set up the depth render buffer - - GLint savedFrameBuffer; - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT,&savedFrameBuffer); - vtkgl::BindFramebufferEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - static_cast(this->FrameBufferObject)); - - this->BindFramebuffer(); - - vtkgl::BindRenderbufferEXT( - vtkgl::RENDERBUFFER_EXT, - static_cast(this->DepthRenderBufferObject)); - vtkgl::RenderbufferStorageEXT(vtkgl::RENDERBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::DEPTH_COMPONENT24,size[0],size[1]); - vtkgl::BindFramebufferEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - static_cast(savedFrameBuffer)); - errorCode=glGetError(); - - if(errorCode==GL_NO_ERROR) - { - this->LastSize[0]=size[0]; - this->LastSize[1]=size[1]; - } - } - result=errorCode==GL_NO_ERROR; - } - - int needNewMaxValueBuffer=this->MaxValueFrameBuffer==0 && - (this->BlendMode==vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND || - this->BlendMode==vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND); - - if(needNewMaxValueBuffer) - { - - // blend mode changed and need max value buffer. - - // create and bind second color buffer (we use only the red component - // to store the max scalar). We cant use a one component color buffer - // because all color buffer have to have the same format. - - // max scalar frame buffer - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer; - glGenTextures(1,&maxValueFrameBuffer); - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer= - static_cast(maxValueFrameBuffer); - - // Color buffers - - this->m_BindMax = true; - - // max scalar frame buffer2 - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer2; - - glGenTextures(1,&maxValueFrameBuffer2); - - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,maxValueFrameBuffer2); - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2= - static_cast(maxValueFrameBuffer2); - - } - else - { - if(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer!=0 && - (this->BlendMode!=vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND - && - this->BlendMode!=vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND)) - { - // blend mode changed and does not need max value buffer anymore. - - GLint savedFrameBuffer; - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT,&savedFrameBuffer); - - vtkgl::BindFramebufferEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - static_cast(this->FrameBufferObject)); - - vtkgl::FramebufferTexture2DEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+1, - GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,0); // not scalar buffer - - vtkgl::BindFramebufferEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - static_cast(savedFrameBuffer)); - - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer= - static_cast(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer); - glDeleteTextures(1,&maxValueFrameBuffer); - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer=0; - - m_BindMax = false; - - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer2= - static_cast(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2); - glDeleteTextures(1,&maxValueFrameBuffer2); - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2=0; - } - } - - if((this->BlendMode==vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND - || this->BlendMode==vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND) && (sizeChanged || needNewMaxValueBuffer)) - { - - // max scalar frame buffer - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer=static_cast(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,maxValueFrameBuffer); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); - // Here we are assuming that GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is available - - if(this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float) - { - glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,vtkgl::RGBA16F_ARB,size[0],size[1], - 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL ); - } - else - { - glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,GL_RGBA16,size[0],size[1], - 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL ); - } - - // max scalar frame buffer 2 - GLuint maxValueFrameBuffer2=static_cast(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,maxValueFrameBuffer2); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, vtkgl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); - - // Here we are assuming that GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is available - if(this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float) - { - glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,vtkgl::RGBA16F_ARB,size[0],size[1], - 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL ); - } - else - { - glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,GL_RGBA16,size[0],size[1], - 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL ); - } - - } - - PrintError("AllocateFrameBuffers"); - return result; -} - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::GetTextureFormat( - vtkImageData *input, - unsigned int *internalFormat, - unsigned int *format, - unsigned int *type, - int *componentSize) -{ - *internalFormat=0; - *format=0; - *type=0; - *componentSize=0; - - vtkDataArray *scalars=this->GetScalars(input,this->ScalarMode, - this->ArrayAccessMode, - this->ArrayId, - this->ArrayName, - this->CellFlag); - - int scalarType=scalars->GetDataType(); - int components=scalars->GetNumberOfComponents(); - *componentSize=vtkAbstractArray::GetDataTypeSize(scalarType)*components; - - if(components==4) - { - // this is RGBA, unsigned char only - *internalFormat=GL_RGBA16; - *format=GL_RGBA; - *type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - } - else - { - // components==1 - switch(scalarType) - { - case VTK_FLOAT: - if(this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float) - { - *internalFormat=vtkgl::INTENSITY16F_ARB; - } - else - { - *internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - } - *format=GL_RED; - *type=GL_FLOAT; - break; - case VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR: - *internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY8; - *format=GL_RED; - *type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - break; - case VTK_SIGNED_CHAR: - *internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY8; - *format=GL_RED; - *type=GL_BYTE; - break; - case VTK_CHAR: - // not supported - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - case VTK_BIT: - // not supported - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - case VTK_ID_TYPE: - // not supported - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - case VTK_INT: - *internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - *format=GL_RED; - *type=GL_INT; - break; - case VTK_DOUBLE: - case VTK___INT64: - case VTK_LONG: - case VTK_LONG_LONG: - case VTK_UNSIGNED___INT64: - case VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG: - case VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG: - if(this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float) - { - *internalFormat=vtkgl::INTENSITY16F_ARB; - } - else - { - *internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - } - *format=GL_RED; - *type=GL_FLOAT; - break; - case VTK_SHORT: - *internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - *format=GL_RED; - *type=GL_SHORT; - break; - case VTK_STRING: - // not supported - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - case VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT: - *internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - *format=GL_RED; - *type=GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; - break; - case VTK_UNSIGNED_INT: - *internalFormat=GL_INTENSITY16; - *format=GL_RED; - *type=GL_UNSIGNED_INT; - break; - default: - assert("check: impossible case" && 0); - break; - } - } -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Assuming the textureSize[3] is less of equal to the maximum size of an -// OpenGL 3D texture, try to see if the texture can fit on the card. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -bool vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::TestLoadingScalar( - unsigned int internalFormat, - unsigned int format, - unsigned int type, - int textureSize[3], - int componentSize) -{ - // componentSize=vtkAbstractArray::GetDataTypeSize(scalarType)*input->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() - - bool result; - - vtkgl::TexImage3D(vtkgl::PROXY_TEXTURE_3D,0, - static_cast(internalFormat), - textureSize[0],textureSize[1],textureSize[2],0, - format, - type,0); - GLint width; - glGetTexLevelParameteriv(vtkgl::PROXY_TEXTURE_3D,0,GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, - &width); - - result=width!=0; - if(result) - { - // so far, so good but some cards always succeed with a proxy texture - // let's try to actually allocate.. - vtkgl::TexImage3D(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D,0,static_cast(internalFormat), - textureSize[0], - textureSize[1],textureSize[2],0, - format, - type,0); - GLenum errorCode=glGetError(); - - result=errorCode!=GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; - if(result) - { - if(errorCode!=GL_NO_ERROR) - { - cout<<"after try to load the texture"; - cout<<" ERROR (x"<(errorCode)); - cout<(this->MaxMemoryInBytes)*this->MaxMemoryFraction; - } - } - return result; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Load the scalar field (one or four component scalar field), cell or point -// based for a given subextent of the whole extent (can be the whole extent) -// as a 3D texture on the GPU. -// Extents are expressed in point if the cell flag is false or in cells of -// the cell flag is true. -// It returns true if it succeeded, false if there is not enough memory on -// the GPU. -// If succeeded, it updates the LoadedExtent, LoadedBounds, LoadedCellFlag -// and LoadedTime. It also succeed if the scalar field is already loaded -// (ie since last load, input has not changed and cell flag has not changed -// and requested texture extents are enclosed in the loaded extent). -// \pre input_exists: input!=0 -// \pre valid_point_extent: (this->CellFlag || -// (textureExtent[0]CellFlag || -// (textureExtent[0]<=textureExtent[1] && -// textureExtent[2]<=textureExtent[3] && -// textureExtent[4]<=textureExtent[5]))) -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::LoadScalarField(vtkImageData *input, - vtkImageData *maskInput, - int textureExtent[6], - vtkVolume *volume) -{ - assert("pre: input_exists" && input!=0); - assert("pre: valid_point_extent" && (this->CellFlag || - (textureExtent[0]CellFlag || - (textureExtent[0]<=textureExtent[1] && - textureExtent[2]<=textureExtent[3] && - textureExtent[4]<=textureExtent[5]))); - - int result=1; // succeeded - - // make sure we rebind our texture object to texture0 even if we don't have - // to load the data themselves because the binding might be changed by - // another mapper between two rendering calls. - - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE0); - - // Find the texture. - vtkstd::map::iterator it= - this->ScalarsTextures->Map.find(input); - - - vtkKWScalarField *texture; - if(it==this->ScalarsTextures->Map.end()) - { - texture=new vtkKWScalarField; - this->ScalarsTextures->Map[input]=texture; - texture->SetSupports_GL_ARB_texture_float(this->Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float==1); - } - else - { - texture=(*it).second; - } - - texture->Update(input,this->CellFlag,textureExtent,this->ScalarMode, - this->ArrayAccessMode, - this->ArrayId, - this->ArrayName, - volume->GetProperty()->GetInterpolationType() - ==VTK_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, - this->TableRange, - static_cast(static_cast(this->MaxMemoryInBytes)*this->MaxMemoryFraction)); - - result=texture->IsLoaded(); - this->CurrentScalar=texture; - - - // Mask - if(maskInput!=0) - { - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE7); - - // Find the texture. - vtkstd::map::iterator it2= - this->MaskTextures->Map.find(maskInput); - - - vtkKWMask *mask; - if(it2==this->MaskTextures->Map.end()) - { - mask=new vtkKWMask; - this->MaskTextures->Map[maskInput]=mask; - } - else - { - mask=(*it2).second; - } - - mask->Update(maskInput,this->CellFlag,textureExtent,this->ScalarMode, - this->ArrayAccessMode, - this->ArrayId, - this->ArrayName, - static_cast(static_cast(this->MaxMemoryInBytes)*this->MaxMemoryFraction)); - - result=result && mask->IsLoaded(); - this->CurrentMask=mask; - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE0); - } - - return result; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Allocate memory and load color table on the GPU or -// reload it if the transfer function changed. -// \pre vol_exists: vol!=0 -// \pre valid_numberOfScalarComponents: numberOfScalarComponents==1 || numberOfScalarComponents==4 -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::UpdateColorTransferFunction( - vtkVolume *vol, - int numberOfScalarComponents) -{ - assert("pre: vol_exists" && vol!=0); - assert("pre: valid_numberOfScalarComponents" && - (numberOfScalarComponents==1 || numberOfScalarComponents==4)); - - // Build the colormap in a 1D texture. - - // 1D RGB-texture=mapping from scalar values to color values - // build the table - - if(numberOfScalarComponents==1) - { - vtkVolumeProperty *volumeProperty=vol->GetProperty(); - vtkColorTransferFunction *colorTransferFunction=volumeProperty->GetRGBTransferFunction(0); - - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE1); - - this->RGBTable->Update( - colorTransferFunction,this->TableRange, - volumeProperty->GetInterpolationType()==VTK_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION); - // Restore default - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE0); - } - - if(this->MaskInput!=0) - { - vtkVolumeProperty *volumeProperty=vol->GetProperty(); - vtkColorTransferFunction *c=volumeProperty->GetRGBTransferFunction(1); - - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE8); - this->Mask1RGBTable->Update(c,this->TableRange,false); - - c=volumeProperty->GetRGBTransferFunction(2); - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE9); - this->Mask2RGBTable->Update(c,this->TableRange,false); - - // Restore default - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE0); - } - return 1; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Allocate memory and load opacity table on the GPU or -// reload it if the transfert function changed. -// \pre vol_exists: vol!=0 -// \pre valid_numberOfScalarComponents: numberOfScalarComponents==1 || numberOfScalarComponents==4 -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::UpdateOpacityTransferFunction( - vtkVolume *vol, - int numberOfScalarComponents, - unsigned int level) -{ - assert("pre: vol_exists" && vol!=0); - assert("pre: valid_numberOfScalarComponents" && - (numberOfScalarComponents==1 || numberOfScalarComponents==4)); - - (void)numberOfScalarComponents; // remove warning in release mode. - - vtkVolumeProperty *volumeProperty=vol->GetProperty(); - vtkPiecewiseFunction *scalarOpacity=volumeProperty->GetScalarOpacity(); - - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE2); //stay here - this->OpacityTables->Vector[level].Update( - scalarOpacity,this->BlendMode, - this->ActualSampleDistance, - this->TableRange, - volumeProperty->GetScalarOpacityUnitDistance(0), - volumeProperty->GetInterpolationType()==VTK_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION); - // Restore default active texture - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE0); - - return 1; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Prepare rendering in the offscreen framebuffer. -// \pre ren_exists: ren!=0 -// \pre vol_exists: vol!=0 -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::SetupRender(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol) -{ - assert("pre: ren_exists" && ren!=0); - assert("pre: vol_exists" && vol!=0); - - double aspect[2]; - int lowerLeft[2]; - int usize, vsize; - - ren->GetTiledSizeAndOrigin(&usize,&vsize,lowerLeft,lowerLeft+1); - - usize = static_cast(usize*this->ReductionFactor); - vsize = static_cast(vsize*this->ReductionFactor); - - this->ReducedSize[0]=usize; - this->ReducedSize[1]=vsize; - - // the FBO has the size of the renderer (not the renderwindow), - // we always starts at 0,0. - glViewport(0,0, usize, vsize); - glEnable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ); // scissor on the FBO, on the reduced part. - glScissor(0,0, usize, vsize); - glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // maxvalue is 1 - - glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); - ren->ComputeAspect(); - ren->GetAspect(aspect); - double aspect2[2]; - ren->vtkViewport::ComputeAspect(); - ren->vtkViewport::GetAspect(aspect2); - double aspectModification = aspect[0]*aspect2[1]/(aspect[1]*aspect2[0]); - - vtkCamera *cam = ren->GetActiveCamera(); - - glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION); - if(usize && vsize) - { - this->TempMatrix[0]->DeepCopy(cam->GetProjectionTransformMatrix( - aspectModification*usize/vsize, -1,1)); - this->TempMatrix[0]->Transpose(); - glLoadMatrixd(this->TempMatrix[0]->Element[0]); - } - else - { - glLoadIdentity(); - - } - - // push the model view matrix onto the stack, make sure we - // adjust the mode first - glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); - glPushMatrix(); - this->TempMatrix[0]->DeepCopy(vol->GetMatrix()); - this->TempMatrix[0]->Transpose(); - - // insert camera view transformation - glMultMatrixd(this->TempMatrix[0]->Element[0]); - glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); - glDisable( GL_LIGHTING); - glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE); - glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); - glDisable(GL_BLEND); // very important, otherwise the first image looks dark. - this->PrintError("SetupRender"); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::DebugDisplayBox(vtkPolyData *box) -{ - vtkPoints *points=box->GetPoints(); - vtkCellArray *polys=box->GetPolys(); - cout<<"npts="<GetNumberOfPoints()<GetNumberOfPoints()) - { - double coords[3]; - points->GetPoint(pointId,coords); - cout<<"pointId="<GetMatrix( this->InvVolumeMatrix ); - this->InvVolumeMatrix->Invert(); - - if(this->BoxSource==0) - { - this->BoxSource=vtkTessellatedBoxSource::New(); - } - this->BoxSource->SetBounds(worldBounds); - this->BoxSource->SetLevel(0); - this->BoxSource->QuadsOn(); - - if(this->Planes==0) - { - this->Planes=vtkPlaneCollection::New(); - } - this->Planes->RemoveAllItems(); - - vtkCamera *cam = ren->GetActiveCamera(); - double camWorldRange[2]; - double camWorldPos[4]; - double camFocalWorldPoint[4]; - double camWorldDirection[3]; - double range[2]; - double camPos[4]; - double focalPoint[4]; - double direction[3]; - - cam->GetPosition(camWorldPos); - camWorldPos[3] = 1.0; - this->InvVolumeMatrix->MultiplyPoint( camWorldPos, camPos ); - if ( camPos[3] ) - { - camPos[0] /= camPos[3]; - camPos[1] /= camPos[3]; - camPos[2] /= camPos[3]; - } - - cam->GetFocalPoint(camFocalWorldPoint); - camFocalWorldPoint[3]=1.0; - this->InvVolumeMatrix->MultiplyPoint( camFocalWorldPoint,focalPoint ); - if ( focalPoint[3] ) - { - focalPoint[0] /= focalPoint[3]; - focalPoint[1] /= focalPoint[3]; - focalPoint[2] /= focalPoint[3]; - } - - // Compute the normalized view direction - direction[0] = focalPoint[0] - camPos[0]; - direction[1] = focalPoint[1] - camPos[1]; - direction[2] = focalPoint[2] - camPos[2]; - - vtkMath::Normalize(direction); - - // The range (near/far) must also be transformed - // into the local coordinate system. - camWorldDirection[0] = camFocalWorldPoint[0] - camWorldPos[0]; - camWorldDirection[1] = camFocalWorldPoint[1] - camWorldPos[1]; - camWorldDirection[2] = camFocalWorldPoint[2] - camWorldPos[2]; - vtkMath::Normalize(camWorldDirection); - - double camNearWorldPoint[4]; - double camFarWorldPoint[4]; - double camNearPoint[4]; - double camFarPoint[4]; - cam->GetClippingRange(camWorldRange); - camNearWorldPoint[0] = camWorldPos[0] + camWorldRange[0]*camWorldDirection[0]; - camNearWorldPoint[1] = camWorldPos[1] + camWorldRange[0]*camWorldDirection[1]; - camNearWorldPoint[2] = camWorldPos[2] + camWorldRange[0]*camWorldDirection[2]; - camNearWorldPoint[3] = 1.; - - camFarWorldPoint[0] = camWorldPos[0] + camWorldRange[1]*camWorldDirection[0]; - camFarWorldPoint[1] = camWorldPos[1] + camWorldRange[1]*camWorldDirection[1]; - camFarWorldPoint[2] = camWorldPos[2] + camWorldRange[1]*camWorldDirection[2]; - camFarWorldPoint[3] = 1.; - - this->InvVolumeMatrix->MultiplyPoint( camNearWorldPoint, camNearPoint ); - if (camNearPoint[3]) - { - camNearPoint[0] /= camNearPoint[3]; - camNearPoint[1] /= camNearPoint[3]; - camNearPoint[2] /= camNearPoint[3]; - } - this->InvVolumeMatrix->MultiplyPoint( camFarWorldPoint, camFarPoint ); - if (camFarPoint[3]) - { - camFarPoint[0] /= camFarPoint[3]; - camFarPoint[1] /= camFarPoint[3]; - camFarPoint[2] /= camFarPoint[3]; - } - range[0] = sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(camNearPoint, camPos)); - range[1] = sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(camFarPoint, camPos)); - - //double nearPoint[3], farPoint[3]; - - double dist = range[1] - range[0]; - range[0] += dist / (2<<16); - range[1] -= dist / (2<<16); - - if(this->NearPlane==0) - { - this->NearPlane= vtkPlane::New(); - } - //this->NearPlane->SetOrigin( nearPoint ); - this->NearPlane->SetOrigin( camNearPoint ); - this->NearPlane->SetNormal( direction ); - this->Planes->AddItem(this->NearPlane); - - if ( this->ClippingPlanes ) - { - this->ClippingPlanes->InitTraversal(); - vtkPlane *plane; - while ( (plane = this->ClippingPlanes->GetNextItem()) ) - { - // Planes are in world coordinates, we need to - // convert them in local coordinates - double planeOrigin[4], planeNormal[4], planeP1[4]; - plane->GetOrigin(planeOrigin); - planeOrigin[3] = 1.; - plane->GetNormal(planeNormal); - planeP1[0] = planeOrigin[0] + planeNormal[0]; - planeP1[1] = planeOrigin[1] + planeNormal[1]; - planeP1[2] = planeOrigin[2] + planeNormal[2]; - planeP1[3] = 1.; - this->InvVolumeMatrix->MultiplyPoint(planeOrigin, planeOrigin); - this->InvVolumeMatrix->MultiplyPoint(planeP1, planeP1); - if( planeOrigin[3]) - { - planeOrigin[0] /= planeOrigin[3]; - planeOrigin[1] /= planeOrigin[3]; - planeOrigin[2] /= planeOrigin[3]; - } - if( planeP1[3]) - { - planeP1[0] /= planeP1[3]; - planeP1[1] /= planeP1[3]; - planeP1[2] /= planeP1[3]; - } - planeNormal[0] = planeP1[0] - planeOrigin[0]; - planeNormal[1] = planeP1[1] - planeOrigin[1]; - planeNormal[2] = planeP1[2] - planeOrigin[2]; - vtkMath::Normalize(planeNormal); - vtkPlane* localPlane = vtkPlane::New(); - localPlane->SetOrigin(planeOrigin); - localPlane->SetNormal(planeNormal); - this->Planes->AddItem(localPlane); - localPlane->Delete(); - } - } - - if(this->Clip==0) - { - this->Clip=vtkClipConvexPolyData::New(); - this->Clip->SetInputConnection(this->BoxSource->GetOutputPort()); - this->Clip->SetPlanes( this->Planes ); - } - - this->Clip->Update(); - - if(this->Densify==0) - { - this->Densify=vtkDensifyPolyData::New(); - this->Densify->SetInputConnection(this->Clip->GetOutputPort()); - this->Densify->SetNumberOfSubdivisions(2); - } - this->Densify->Update(); - this->ClippedBoundingBox = this->Densify->GetOutput(); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::RenderClippedBoundingBox( - int tcoordFlag, - size_t currentBlock, - size_t numberOfBlocks, - vtkRenderWindow *renWin ) -{ - assert("pre: valid_currentBlock" && currentBlockClippedBoundingBox->GetPoints(); - vtkCellArray *polys = this->ClippedBoundingBox->GetPolys(); - - vtkIdType npts; - vtkIdType *pts; - - vtkIdType i, j; - - double center[3] = {0,0,0}; - double min[3] = {VTK_DOUBLE_MAX, VTK_DOUBLE_MAX, VTK_DOUBLE_MAX}; - double max[3] = {VTK_DOUBLE_MIN, VTK_DOUBLE_MIN, VTK_DOUBLE_MIN}; - - // First compute center point - npts = points->GetNumberOfPoints(); - for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ ) - { - double pt[3]; - points->GetPoint( i, pt ); - for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) - { - min[j] = (pt[j]max[j])?(pt[j]):(max[j]); - } - } - - center[0] = 0.5*(min[0]+max[0]); - center[1] = 0.5*(min[1]+max[1]); - center[2] = 0.5*(min[2]+max[2]); - - double *loadedBounds=0; - vtkIdType *loadedExtent=0; - - if ( tcoordFlag ) - { - loadedBounds=this->CurrentScalar->GetLoadedBounds(); - loadedExtent=this->CurrentScalar->GetLoadedExtent(); - } - - double *spacing=this->GetInput()->GetSpacing(); - double spacingSign[3]; - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - if(spacing[i]<0) - { - spacingSign[i]=-1.0; - } - else - { - spacingSign[i]=1.0; - } - ++i; - } - - // make it double for the ratio of the progress. - int polyId=0; - double polyCount=static_cast(polys->GetNumberOfCells()); - polys->InitTraversal(); - int abort=0; - while ( !abort && polys->GetNextCell(npts, pts) ) - { - vtkIdType start, end, inc; - - // Need to have at least a triangle - if ( npts > 2 ) - { - // Check the cross product of the first two - // vectors dotted with the vector from the - // center to the second point. Is it positive or - // negative? - - double p1[3], p2[3], p3[3]; - double v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[3]; - - points->GetPoint(pts[0], p1 ); - points->GetPoint(pts[1], p2 ); - points->GetPoint(pts[2], p3 ); - - v1[0] = p2[0] - p1[0]; - v1[1] = p2[1] - p1[1]; - v1[2] = p2[2] - p1[2]; - - v2[0] = p2[0] - p3[0]; - v2[1] = p2[1] - p3[1]; - v2[2] = p2[2] - p3[2]; - - vtkMath::Cross( v1, v2, v3 ); - vtkMath::Normalize(v3); - - v4[0] = p2[0] - center[0]; - v4[1] = p2[1] - center[1]; - v4[2] = p2[2] - center[2]; - vtkMath::Normalize(v4); - - double dot = vtkMath::Dot( v3, v4 ); - - if (( dot < 0) && this->PreserveOrientation) - { - start = 0; - end = npts; - inc = 1; - } - else - { - start = npts-1; - end = -1; - inc = -1; - } - - glBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN ); // GL_POLYGON -> GL_TRIANGLE_FAN - - double vert[3]; - double tcoord[3]; - for ( i = start; i != end; i += inc ) - { - points->GetPoint(pts[i], vert); - if ( tcoordFlag ) - { - for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) - { - // loaded bounds take both cell data and point date cases into - // account - if(this->CellFlag) // texcoords between 0 and 1. More complex - // depends on the loaded texture - { - tcoord[j] = spacingSign[j]*(vert[j] - loadedBounds[j*2]) / - (loadedBounds[j*2+1] - loadedBounds[j*2]); - } - else // texcoords between 1/2N and 1-1/2N. - { - double tmp; // between 0 and 1 - tmp = spacingSign[j]*(vert[j] - loadedBounds[j*2]) / - (loadedBounds[j*2+1] - loadedBounds[j*2]); - double delta=static_cast( - loadedExtent[j*2+1]-loadedExtent[j*2]+1); - tcoord[j]=(tmp*(delta-1)+0.5)/delta; - } - } - vtkgl::MultiTexCoord3dv(vtkgl::TEXTURE0, tcoord); - } - glVertex3dv(vert); - } - glEnd(); - - } - if(tcoordFlag) - { - // otherwise, we are rendering back face to initialize the zbuffer. - if (!this->GeneratingCanonicalView && this->ReportProgress) - { - glFinish(); - // Only invoke an event at most one every second. - double currentTime=vtkTimerLog::GetUniversalTime(); - if(currentTime - this->LastProgressEventTime > 1.0) - { - double progress=(static_cast(currentBlock)+polyId/polyCount)/ - static_cast(numberOfBlocks); - this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::VolumeMapperRenderProgressEvent, - &progress); - renWin->MakeCurrent(); - this->LastProgressEventTime = currentTime; - } - } - abort=renWin->CheckAbortStatus(); - } - ++polyId; - } - return abort; -} - -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::CopyFBOToTexture() -{ - // in OpenGL copy texture to texture does not exist but - // framebuffer to texture exists (and our FB is an FBO). - // we have to copy and not just to switch color textures because the - // colorbuffer has to accumulate color or values step after step. - // Switching would not work because two different steps can draw different - // polygons that don't overlap - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE4); - glBindTexture( - GL_TEXTURE_2D, - this->TextureObjects[ - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront+1]); - - glReadBuffer(vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT); - glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,0,0,0,0,this->ReducedSize[0], - this->ReducedSize[1]); - if(this->BlendMode==vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND - || this->BlendMode==vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND) - { - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE5); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2); - glReadBuffer(vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+1); - glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,0,0,0,0,this->ReducedSize[0], - this->ReducedSize[1]); - } - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE0); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Restore OpenGL state after rendering of the dataset. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::CleanupRender() -{ - glPopMatrix(); - glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Build the fragment shader program that scale and bias a texture -// for window/level purpose. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::BuildScaleBiasProgram() -{ - if(this->ScaleBiasProgramShader==0) - { - GLuint programShader; - GLuint fragmentShader; - - programShader=vtkgl::CreateProgram(); - fragmentShader=vtkgl::CreateShader(vtkgl::FRAGMENT_SHADER); - vtkgl::AttachShader(programShader,fragmentShader); - vtkgl::DeleteShader(fragmentShader); // reference counting - - vtkgl::ShaderSource( - fragmentShader,1, - const_cast(&vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ScaleBiasFS),0); - vtkgl::CompileShader(fragmentShader); - - this->CheckCompilation(static_cast(fragmentShader)); - vtkgl::LinkProgram(programShader); - this->CheckLinkage(static_cast(programShader)); - - this->ScaleBiasProgramShader=static_cast(programShader); - this->UFrameBufferTexture= - static_cast(vtkgl::GetUniformLocation(programShader, - "frameBufferTexture")); - this->UScale=static_cast(vtkgl::GetUniformLocation(programShader, - "scale")); - this->UBias=static_cast(vtkgl::GetUniformLocation(programShader, - "bias")); - } - -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Render the offscreen buffer to the screen. -// \pre ren_exists: ren!=0 -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::RenderTextureToScreen(vtkRenderer *ren) -{ - assert("pre: ren_exists" && ren!=0); - - if ( this->GeneratingCanonicalView ) - { - // We just need to copy of the data, not render it - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, - this->TextureObjects[ - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront]); - - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); - - glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ); - glPixelStorei( GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ); - - unsigned char *outPtr = static_cast(this->CanonicalViewImageData->GetScalarPointer()); - glGetTexImage( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, outPtr ); - return; - } - - int lowerLeft[2]; - int usize, vsize; - ren->GetTiledSizeAndOrigin(&usize,&vsize,lowerLeft,lowerLeft+1); - glViewport(lowerLeft[0],lowerLeft[1], usize, vsize); - glEnable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ); - glScissor(lowerLeft[0],lowerLeft[1], usize, vsize); - - glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); - glPushMatrix(); - glLoadIdentity(); - glOrtho(0.0, usize, 0.0, vsize, -1.0, 1.0 ); - glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); - glPushMatrix(); - glLoadIdentity(); - - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, - this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront]); - - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); - - glEnable(GL_BLEND); - glBlendFunc( GL_ONE,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); - - // As we use replace mode, we don't need to set the color value. - - glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV,GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,GL_REPLACE); - - glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); - - double xOffset = 1.0 / usize; - double yOffset = 1.0 / vsize; - - glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); - - double scale=1.0/this->FinalColorWindow; - double bias=0.5-this->FinalColorLevel/this->FinalColorWindow; - - if(scale!=1.0 || bias!=0.0) - { - this->BuildScaleBiasProgram(); - vtkgl::UseProgram(this->ScaleBiasProgramShader); - if(this->UFrameBufferTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(this->UFrameBufferTexture,0); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"uFrameBufferTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - if(this->UScale!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1f(this->UScale,static_cast(scale)); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"uScale is not a uniform variable."); - } - if(this->UBias!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1f(this->UBias,static_cast(bias)); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"uBias is not a uniform variable."); - } - } - else - { - glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // fixed pipeline - } - - glBegin(GL_QUADS); - glTexCoord2f(static_cast(xOffset),static_cast(yOffset)); - glVertex2f(0.0,0.0); - glTexCoord2f(static_cast(this->ReductionFactor-xOffset), - static_cast(yOffset)); - glVertex2f(static_cast(usize),0.0); - glTexCoord2f(static_cast(this->ReductionFactor-xOffset), - static_cast(this->ReductionFactor-yOffset)); - glVertex2f(static_cast(usize),static_cast(vsize)); - glTexCoord2f(static_cast(xOffset), - static_cast(this->ReductionFactor-yOffset)); - glVertex2f(0.0,static_cast(vsize)); - glEnd(); - - // Restore the default mode. Used in overlay. - glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV,GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,GL_MODULATE); - - if(scale!=1.0 || bias!=0.0) - { - vtkgl::UseProgram(0); - } - else - { - glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); - } - - glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); - - glDisable(GL_BLEND); - - glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); - glPopMatrix(); - glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); - glPopMatrix(); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Update the reduction factor of the render viewport (this->ReductionFactor) -// according to the time spent in seconds to render the previous frame -// (this->TimeToDraw) and a time in seconds allocated to render the next -// frame (allocatedTime). -// \pre valid_current_reduction_range: this->ReductionFactor>0.0 && this->ReductionFactor<=1.0 -// \pre positive_TimeToDraw: this->TimeToDraw>=0.0 -// \pre positive_time: allocatedTime>0.0 -// \post valid_new_reduction_range: this->ReductionFactor>0.0 && this->ReductionFactor<=1.0 -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::ComputeReductionFactor( - double allocatedTime) -{ - assert("pre: valid_current_reduction_range" && this->ReductionFactor>0.0 - && this->ReductionFactor<=1.0); - assert("pre: positive_TimeToDraw" && this->TimeToDraw>=0.0); - assert("pre: positive_time" && allocatedTime>0.0); - - if ( this->GeneratingCanonicalView ) - { - this->ReductionFactor = 1.0; - return; - } - - if ( !this->AutoAdjustSampleDistances ) - { - this->ReductionFactor = 1.0 / this->ImageSampleDistance; - return; - } - - if ( this->TimeToDraw ) - { - double oldFactor = this->ReductionFactor; - - double timeToDraw; - if (allocatedTime < 1.0) - { - timeToDraw = this->SmallTimeToDraw; - if ( timeToDraw == 0.0 ) - { - timeToDraw = this->BigTimeToDraw/3.0; - } - } - else - { - timeToDraw = this->BigTimeToDraw; - } - - if ( timeToDraw == 0.0 ) - { - timeToDraw = 10.0; - } - - double fullTime = timeToDraw / this->ReductionFactor; - double newFactor = allocatedTime / fullTime; - - if ( oldFactor == 1.0 || - newFactor / oldFactor > 1.3 || - newFactor / oldFactor < .95 ) - { - - this->ReductionFactor = (newFactor+oldFactor)/2.0; - - this->ReductionFactor = (this->ReductionFactor > 5.0)?(1.00):(this->ReductionFactor); - this->ReductionFactor = (this->ReductionFactor > 1.0)?(0.99):(this->ReductionFactor); - this->ReductionFactor = (this->ReductionFactor < 0.1)?(0.10):(this->ReductionFactor); - - if ( 1.0/this->ReductionFactor > this->MaximumImageSampleDistance ) - { - this->ReductionFactor = 1.0 / this->MaximumImageSampleDistance; - } - if ( 1.0/this->ReductionFactor < this->MinimumImageSampleDistance ) - { - this->ReductionFactor = 1.0 / this->MinimumImageSampleDistance; - } - } - } - else - { - this->ReductionFactor = 1.0; - } - - assert("post: valid_new_reduction_range" && this->ReductionFactor>0.0 - && this->ReductionFactor<=1.0); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Rendering initialization including making the context current, loading -// necessary extensions, allocating frame buffers, updating transfer function, -// computing clipping regions, and building the fragment shader. -// -// Pre-conditions: -// - ren != NULL -// - vol != NULL -// - ren->GetRenderWindow() != NULL -// - 1 <= numberOfScalarComponents <= 4 -// - numberOfLevels >= 1 -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PreRender(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol, - double datasetBounds[6], - double scalarRange[2], - int numberOfScalarComponents, - unsigned int numberOfLevels) -{ - // make sure our window is the current OpenGL context. - ren->GetRenderWindow()->MakeCurrent(); - - // If we haven't already succeeded in loading the extensions, - // try to load them - if(!this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded) - { - this->LoadExtensions(ren->GetRenderWindow()); - } - - // If we can't load the necessary extensions, provide - // feedback on why it failed. - if(!this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded) - { - vtkErrorMacro( - "Rendering failed because the following OpenGL extensions " - "are required but not supported: " << - (this->UnsupportedRequiredExtensions->Stream.str()).c_str()); - return; - } - - // Create the OpenGL object that we need - this->CreateOpenGLObjects(); - - // Compute the reduction factor that may be necessary to get - // the interactive rendering rate that we want - this->ComputeReductionFactor(vol->GetAllocatedRenderTime()); - - // Allocate the frame buffers - if(!this->AllocateFrameBuffers(ren)) - { - vtkErrorMacro("Not enough GPU memory to create a framebuffer."); - return; - } - - // Save the scalar range - this is what we will use for the range - // of the transfer functions - this->TableRange[0]=scalarRange[0]; - this->TableRange[1]=scalarRange[1]; - - - if(this->RGBTable==0) - { - this->RGBTable=new vtkRGBTable; - } - - if(this->MaskInput!=0) - { - if(this->Mask1RGBTable==0) - { - this->Mask1RGBTable=new vtkRGBTable; - } - if(this->Mask2RGBTable==0) - { - this->Mask2RGBTable=new vtkRGBTable; - } - } - - // Update the color transfer function - this->UpdateColorTransferFunction(vol,numberOfScalarComponents); - - // Update the noise texture that will be used to jitter rays to - // reduce alliasing artifacts - this->UpdateNoiseTexture(); - - // We are going to change the blending mode and blending function - - // so lets push here so we can pop later - glPushAttrib(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); - - // If this is the canonical view - we don't want to intermix so we'll just - // start by clearing the z buffer. - if ( this->GeneratingCanonicalView ) - { - glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); - glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); - } - - // See if the volume transform is orientation-preserving - vtkMatrix4x4 *m=vol->GetMatrix(); - double det=vtkMath::Determinant3x3( - m->GetElement(0,0),m->GetElement(0,1),m->GetElement(0,2), - m->GetElement(1,0),m->GetElement(1,1),m->GetElement(1,2), - m->GetElement(2,0),m->GetElement(2,1),m->GetElement(2,2)); - - this->PreserveOrientation=det>0; - - // If we have clipping planes, render the back faces of the clipped - // bounding box of the whole dataset to set the zbuffer. - if(this->ClippingPlanes && this->ClippingPlanes->GetNumberOfItems()!=0) - { - // push the model view matrix onto the stack, make sure we - // adjust the mode first - glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); - glPushMatrix(); - this->TempMatrix[0]->DeepCopy(vol->GetMatrix()); - this->TempMatrix[0]->Transpose(); - glMultMatrixd(this->TempMatrix[0]->Element[0]); - this->ClipBoundingBox(ren,datasetBounds,vol); - glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE); - glCullFace (GL_FRONT); - glColorMask(GL_FALSE,GL_FALSE,GL_FALSE,GL_FALSE); - this->RenderClippedBoundingBox(0,0,1,ren->GetRenderWindow()); - glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE); - glColorMask(GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE); - //glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); - glPopMatrix(); - } - // Check if everything is OK - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - - // Intermixed geometry: Grab the depth buffer into a texture - - int size[2]; - int lowerLeft[2]; - ren->GetTiledSizeAndOrigin(size,size+1,lowerLeft,lowerLeft+1); - - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE3 ); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, - static_cast( - this->TextureObjects[ - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectDepthMap])); - glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,0,0,lowerLeft[0],lowerLeft[1],size[0], - size[1]); - - - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE0 ); - - int parallelProjection=ren->GetActiveCamera()->GetParallelProjection(); - - // initialize variables to prevent compiler warnings. - int rayCastMethod=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMIP; - int shadeMethod=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNotUsed; - int componentMethod=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentNotUsed; - - switch(this->BlendMode) - { - case vtkVolumeMapper::COMPOSITE_BLEND: - switch(numberOfScalarComponents) - { - case 1: - componentMethod=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentOne; - break; - case 4: - componentMethod=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperComponentFour; - break; - default: - assert("check: impossible case" && false); - break; - } - if(this->MaskInput!=0) - { - rayCastMethod= - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodCompositeMask; - } - else - { - //cout<<"program is composite+shade"<GetProperty()->GetShade() ) - { - shadeMethod=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeYes; - assert("check: only_1_component_todo" && numberOfScalarComponents==1); - } - else - { - shadeMethod=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeNo; - //cout<<"program is composite"<ComputeNumberOfCroppingRegions(); // TODO AMR vs single block - if(this->AMRMode) - { - NumberOfCroppingRegions=2; // >1, means use do compositing between blocks - } - this->BuildProgram(parallelProjection,rayCastMethod,shadeMethod, - componentMethod); - this->CheckLinkage(this->ProgramShader); - - vtkgl::UseProgram(this->ProgramShader); - - // for active texture 0, dataset - - if(numberOfScalarComponents==1) - { - // colortable - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE1); - this->RGBTable->Bind(); - - if(this->MaskInput!=0) - { - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE8); - this->Mask1RGBTable->Bind(); - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE9); - this->Mask2RGBTable->Bind(); - } - } - - GLint uDataSetTexture; - - uDataSetTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"dataSetTexture"); - - if(uDataSetTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uDataSetTexture,0); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"dataSetTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - - if ( this->MaskInput) - { - // Make the mask texture available on texture unit 7 - GLint uMaskTexture; - - uMaskTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"maskTexture"); - - if(uMaskTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uMaskTexture,7); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"maskTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - } - - if(numberOfScalarComponents==1) - { - GLint uColorTexture; - uColorTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"colorTexture"); - - if(uColorTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uColorTexture,1); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"colorTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - - if(this->MaskInput!=0) - { - GLint uMask1ColorTexture; - uMask1ColorTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"mask1ColorTexture"); - - if(uMask1ColorTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uMask1ColorTexture,8); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"mask1ColorTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - - GLint uMask2ColorTexture; - uMask2ColorTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"mask2ColorTexture"); - - if(uMask2ColorTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uMask2ColorTexture,9); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"mask2ColorTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - - GLint uMaskBlendFactor; - uMaskBlendFactor=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"maskBlendFactor"); - if(uMaskBlendFactor!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1f(uMaskBlendFactor,this->MaskBlendFactor); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"maskBlendFactor is not a uniform variable."); - } - } - - } - - GLint uOpacityTexture; - - uOpacityTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"opacityTexture"); - - if(uOpacityTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uOpacityTexture,2); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"opacityTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - - // depthtexture - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE3 ); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,static_cast(this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectDepthMap])); - - GLint uDepthTexture; - - uDepthTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"depthTexture"); - - if(uDepthTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uDepthTexture,3); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"depthTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - - // noise texture - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE6 ); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,static_cast(this->NoiseTextureId)); - - - GLint uNoiseTexture; - - uNoiseTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"noiseTexture"); - - if(uNoiseTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uNoiseTexture,6); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"noiseTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - - if(this->NumberOfCroppingRegions>1) - { - // framebuffer texture - if(rayCastMethod!=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMIP && rayCastMethod!=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMinIP) - { - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE4 ); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,static_cast(this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront])); - - GLint uFrameBufferTexture; - - uFrameBufferTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"frameBufferTexture"); - - this->PrintError("framebuffertexture 1"); - if(uFrameBufferTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uFrameBufferTexture,4); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"frameBufferTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - this->PrintError("framebuffertexture 2"); - } - - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - // max scalar value framebuffer texture - if(this->BlendMode==vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND - || this->BlendMode==vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND) - { - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE5 ); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,static_cast(this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2)); - - GLint uScalarBufferTexture; - - uScalarBufferTexture=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"scalarBufferTexture"); - - this->PrintError("scalarbuffertexture 1"); - if(uScalarBufferTexture!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1i(uScalarBufferTexture,5); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"scalarBufferTexture is not a uniform variable."); - } - this->PrintError("scalarbuffertexture 2"); - } - } - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - - GLint uWindowLowerLeftCorner; - - uWindowLowerLeftCorner=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"windowLowerLeftCorner"); - - if(uWindowLowerLeftCorner!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform2f(uWindowLowerLeftCorner,static_cast(lowerLeft[0]), - static_cast(lowerLeft[1])); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"windowLowerLeftCorner is not a uniform variable."); - } - GLint uInvOriginalWindowSize; - - uInvOriginalWindowSize=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"invOriginalWindowSize"); - - if(uInvOriginalWindowSize!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform2f(uInvOriginalWindowSize, - static_cast(1.0/size[0]), - static_cast(1.0/size[1])); - } - else - { - // yes it is not error. It is only actually used when there is some - // complex cropping (this->NumberOfCroppingRegions>1). Some GLSL compilers - // may remove the uniform variable for optimization when it is not used. - vtkDebugMacro( - <<"invOriginalWindowSize is not an active uniform variable."); - } - - size[0] = static_cast(size[0]*this->ReductionFactor); - size[1] = static_cast(size[1]*this->ReductionFactor); - - GLint uInvWindowSize; - - uInvWindowSize=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"invWindowSize"); - - if(uInvWindowSize!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform2f(uInvWindowSize,static_cast(1.0/size[0]), - static_cast(1.0/size[1])); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"invWindowSize is not a uniform variable."); - } - - - this->PrintError("after uniforms for textures"); - - - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - - GLint savedFrameBuffer; - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT,&savedFrameBuffer); - this->SavedFrameBuffer=static_cast(savedFrameBuffer); - - vtkgl::BindFramebufferEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - static_cast(this->FrameBufferObject)); - - this->BindFramebuffer(); - - GLenum buffer[4]; - buffer[0] = vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; - if(this->NumberOfCroppingRegions>1 && - this->BlendMode==vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND) - { - // max scalar frame buffer - buffer[1] = vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT; - } - else - { - buffer[1] = GL_NONE; - } - - vtkgl::DrawBuffers(2,buffer); - - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - - // Use by the composite+shade program - double shininess=vol->GetProperty()->GetSpecularPower(); - if(shininess>128.0) - { - shininess=128.0; // upper limit for the OpenGL shininess. - } - glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SHININESS,static_cast(shininess)); - - glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); // other mapper may have enable that. - - GLfloat values[4]; - values[3]=1.0; - - values[0]=0.0; - values[1]=values[0]; - values[2]=values[0]; - glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_EMISSION,values); - - values[0]=static_cast(vol->GetProperty()->GetAmbient()); - values[1]=values[0]; - values[2]=values[0]; - glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_AMBIENT,values); - - values[0]=static_cast(vol->GetProperty()->GetDiffuse()); - values[1]=values[0]; - values[2]=values[0]; - glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_DIFFUSE,values); - values[0]=static_cast(vol->GetProperty()->GetSpecular()); - values[1]=values[0]; - values[2]=values[0]; - glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SPECULAR,values); - -// cout << "pingpong=" << this->PingPongFlag << endl; - - // To initialize the second color buffer - vtkgl::FramebufferTexture2DEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, - GL_TEXTURE_2D, - this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront], - 0); - - vtkgl::FramebufferTexture2DEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+1, - GL_TEXTURE_2D, - this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront+1], - 0); - buffer[0] = vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; - buffer[1] = vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT; - vtkgl::DrawBuffers(2,buffer); - -// cout << "check before setup" << endl; - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - this->SetupRender(ren,vol); - - // restore in case of composite with no cropping or streaming. - buffer[0] = vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; - buffer[1] = GL_NONE; - vtkgl::DrawBuffers(2,buffer); - vtkgl::FramebufferTexture2DEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+1, - GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,0); -// cout << "check after color init" << endl; - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - - if(this->NumberOfCroppingRegions>1 && - (this->BlendMode==vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND - || this->BlendMode==vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND)) - { -// cout << "this->MaxValueFrameBuffer="<< this->MaxValueFrameBuffer <MaxValueFrameBuffer2="<< this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2 <MaxValueFrameBuffer,0); - - vtkgl::FramebufferTexture2DEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+1, - GL_TEXTURE_2D, - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2,0); - - buffer[0] = vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; - buffer[1] = vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT; - vtkgl::DrawBuffers(2,buffer); - - if(this->BlendMode==vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND) - { - glClearColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); - } - else - { - glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // for MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND - } -// cout << "check before clear on max" << endl; - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); - } - - if(this->NumberOfCroppingRegions>1) - { - // color buffer target in the color attachement 0 - vtkgl::FramebufferTexture2DEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, - GL_TEXTURE_2D, - this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront], - 0); - - // color buffer input is on texture unit 4. - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE4); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,this->TextureObjects[vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperTextureObjectFrameBufferLeftFront+1]); - - if(this->BlendMode==vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND - || this->BlendMode==vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND) - { - // max buffer target in the color attachment 1 - vtkgl::FramebufferTexture2DEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+1, - GL_TEXTURE_2D, - this->MaxValueFrameBuffer,0); - - // max buffer input is on texture unit 5. - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE5); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,this->MaxValueFrameBuffer2); - } - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE0); - } - - this->CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - - if(this->OpacityTables!=0 && - this->OpacityTables->Vector.size()!=numberOfLevels) - { - delete this->OpacityTables; - this->OpacityTables=0; - } - if(this->OpacityTables==0) - { - this->OpacityTables=new vtkOpacityTables(numberOfLevels); - } - - // debug code - // DO NOT REMOVE the following commented line -// this->ValidateProgram(); - - glCullFace (GL_BACK); - // otherwise, we are rendering back face to initialize the zbuffer. - - - if(!this->GeneratingCanonicalView && this->ReportProgress) - { - // initialize the time to avoid a progress event at the beginning. - this->LastProgressEventTime=vtkTimerLog::GetUniversalTime(); - } - - this->PrintError("PreRender end"); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Compute how each axis of a cell is projected on the viewport in pixel. -// This requires to have information about the camera and about the volume. -// It set the value of IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel to true in case of -// degenerated case (axes aligned with the view). -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -double vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::ComputeMinimalSampleDistancePerPixel( - vtkRenderer *renderer, - vtkVolume *volume) -{ - // For each of the 3 directions of a cell, compute the step in z - // (world coordinate, not eye/camera coordinate) - // to go to the next pixel in x. - // Same for the next pixel in y. - // Keep the minimum of both zstep - // Then keep the minimum for the 3 directions. - - // in case of either the numerator or the denominator of each ratio is 0. - this->IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel=true; - double result=0.0; - - vtkMatrix4x4 *worldToDataset=volume->GetMatrix(); - vtkCamera *camera=renderer->GetActiveCamera(); - vtkMatrix4x4 *eyeToWorld=camera->GetViewTransformMatrix(); - vtkMatrix4x4 *eyeToDataset=vtkMatrix4x4::New(); - vtkMatrix4x4::Multiply4x4(eyeToWorld,worldToDataset,eyeToDataset); - - int usize; - int vsize; - renderer->GetTiledSize(&usize,&vsize); - vtkMatrix4x4 *viewportToEye=camera->GetProjectionTransformMatrix( - usize/static_cast(vsize),0.0,1.0); - - double volBounds[6]; - this->GetInput()->GetBounds(volBounds); - int dims[3]; - this->GetInput()->GetDimensions(dims); - - double v0[4]; - v0[0]=volBounds[0]; - v0[1]=volBounds[2]; - v0[2]=volBounds[4]; - v0[3]=1.0; - - double w0[4]; - eyeToDataset->MultiplyPoint(v0,w0); - - double z0; - - if(w0[3]!=0.0) - { - z0=w0[2]/w0[3]; - } - else - { - z0=0.0; - vtkGenericWarningMacro( "eyeToWorld transformation has some projective component." ); - } - - double p0[4]; - viewportToEye->MultiplyPoint(w0,p0); - p0[0]/=p0[3]; - p0[1]/=p0[3]; - p0[2]/=p0[3]; - - bool inFrustum=p0[0]>=-1.0 && p0[0]<=1.0 && p0[1]>=-1.0 && p0[1]<=1.0 && p0[2]>=-1.0 && p0[2]<=1.0; - - if(inFrustum) - { - int dim=0; - while(dim<3) - { - double v1[4]; - int coord=0; - while(coord<3) - { - if(coord==dim) - { - v1[coord]=volBounds[2*coord+1]; - } - else - { - v1[coord]=volBounds[2*coord]; // same as v0[coord]; - } - ++coord; - } - v1[3]=1.0; - - double w1[4]; - eyeToDataset->MultiplyPoint(v1,w1); - double z1; - - if(w1[3]!=0.0) - { - z1=w1[2]/w1[3]; - } - else - { - z1=0.0; - vtkGenericWarningMacro( "eyeToWorld transformation has some projective component." ); - } - - - double p1[4]; - viewportToEye->MultiplyPoint(w1,p1); - p1[0]/=p1[3]; - p1[1]/=p1[3]; - p1[2]/=p1[3]; - - inFrustum=p1[0]>=-1.0 && p1[0]<=1.0 && p1[1]>=-1.0 && p1[1]<=1.0 && p1[2]>=-1.0 && p1[2]<=1.0; - - if(inFrustum) - { - double dx=fabs(p1[0]-p0[0]); - double dy=fabs(p1[1]-p0[1]); - double dz=fabs(z1-z0); - dz=dz/(dims[dim]-1); - dx=dx/(dims[dim]-1)*usize; - dy=dy/(dims[dim]-1)*vsize; - - if(dz!=0.0) - { - if(dx!=0.0) - { - double d=dz/dx; - if(!this->IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel) - { - if(result>d) - { - result=d; - } - } - else - { - this->IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel=false; - result=d; - } - } - - if(dy!=0.0) - { - double d=dz/dy; - if(!this->IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel) - { - if(result>d) - { - result=d; - } - } - else - { - this->IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel=false; - result=d; - } - } - - } - } - ++dim; - } - } - - eyeToDataset->Delete(); - - if(this->IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel) - { - // cout<<"ignore SampleDistancePerPixel"<ValidateProgram(); - - this->PrintError("before render"); - if(!this->Cropping) - { - this->RenderWholeVolume(ren,vol); - } - else - { - this->ClipCroppingRegionPlanes(); - this->RenderRegions(ren,vol); - } - this->PrintError("after render"); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PostRender( - vtkRenderer *ren, - int numberOfScalarComponents) -{ - this->PrintError("PostRender1"); - if(this->NumberOfCroppingRegions>1) - { - if(this->BlendMode==vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND - || this->BlendMode==vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND) - { - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE5 ); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0); - } - - if(this->LastRayCastMethod!=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMIP - && this->LastRayCastMethod!=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMinIP) - { - vtkgl::ActiveTexture( vtkgl::TEXTURE4 ); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0); - } - } - - // noisetexture - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE6); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0); - - // depthtexture - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE3); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0); - - // opacity - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE2); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D,0); - - if(numberOfScalarComponents==1) - { - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE1); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D,0); - } - - - // mask, if any - if(this->MaskInput!=0) - { - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE7); - glBindTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D_EXT,0); - } - - // back to active texture 0. - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE0); - glBindTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D_EXT,0); - - vtkgl::UseProgram(0); - - this->PrintError("after UseProgram(0)"); - - this->CleanupRender(); - this->PrintError("after CleanupRender"); - - vtkgl::BindFramebufferEXT(vtkgl::FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, - static_cast(this->SavedFrameBuffer)); - this->SavedFrameBuffer=0; - - // Undo the viewport change we made to reduce resolution - int size[2]; - int lowerLeft[2]; - ren->GetTiledSizeAndOrigin(size,size+1,lowerLeft,lowerLeft+1); - glViewport(lowerLeft[0],lowerLeft[1], size[0], size[1]); - glEnable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ); - glScissor(lowerLeft[0],lowerLeft[1], size[0], size[1]); - - // Render the texture to the screen - this copies the offscreen buffer - // onto the screen as a texture mapped polygon - this->RenderTextureToScreen(ren); - this->PrintError("after RenderTextureToScreen"); - - glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); - - glPopAttrib(); // restore the blending mode and function - - glFinish(); - - this->PrintError("PostRender2"); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// The main render method called from the superclass -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::GPURender(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol) -{ - // We've already checked that we have input - vtkImageData *input = this->GetTransformedInput(); - - // Get the bounds of this data - double bounds[6]; - this->GetBounds(bounds); - - // Get the scalar range. First we have to get the scalars. - double range[2]; - vtkDataArray *scalars=this->GetScalars(input,this->ScalarMode, - this->ArrayAccessMode, - this->ArrayId,this->ArrayName, - this->CellFlag); - - // How many components are there? - int numberOfScalarComponents=scalars->GetNumberOfComponents(); - - // If it is just one, then get the range from the scalars - if(numberOfScalarComponents==1) - { - // Warning: here, we ignore the blank cells. - scalars->GetRange(range); - } - // If it is 3, then use the 4th component's range since that is - // the component that will be passed through the scalar opacity - // transfer function to look up opacity - else - { - // Note that we've already checked data type and we know this is - // unsigned char - scalars->GetRange(range,3); - } - - // The rendering work has been broken into 3 stages to support AMR - // volume rendering in blocks. Here we are simply rendering the - // whole volume as one block. Note that if the volume is too big - // to fix into texture memory, it will be streamed through in the - // RenderBlock method. - - this->PreRender(ren,vol,bounds,range,numberOfScalarComponents,1); - - if(!this->OpacityTables) - this->PreRender(ren,vol,bounds,range,numberOfScalarComponents,1); - - if(this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded) - { - this->RenderBlock(ren,vol,0); - this->PostRender(ren,numberOfScalarComponents); - } - - // Let's just make sure no OpenGL errors occurred during this render - this->PrintError("End GPU Render"); - - // If this isn't a canonical view render, then update the progress to - // 1 because we are done. - if (!this->GeneratingCanonicalView ) - { - double progress=1.0; - this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::VolumeMapperRenderProgressEvent,&progress); - ren->GetRenderWindow()->MakeCurrent(); - } -} - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Render a the whole volume. -// \pre this->ProgramShader!=0 and is linked. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::RenderWholeVolume(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol) -{ - double volBounds[6]; - this->GetTransformedInput()->GetBounds(volBounds); - this->RenderSubVolume(ren,volBounds,vol); -} - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Sort regions from front to back. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class vtkRegionDistance2 -{ -public: - size_t Id; // 0<=Id<27 - // square distance between camera center to region center: >=0 - double Distance2; -}; - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -extern "C" int vtkRegionComparisonFunction(const void *x, - const void *y) -{ - double dx=static_cast(x)->Distance2; - double dy=static_cast(y)->Distance2; - - int result; - if(dxdy) - { - result=1; - } - else - { - result=0; - } - } - return result; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Render a subvolume. -// \pre this->ProgramShader!=0 and is linked. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::RenderRegions(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol) -{ - double bounds[27][6]; - double distance2[27]; - - double camPos[4]; - ren->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition(camPos); - - double volBounds[6]; - this->GetInput()->GetBounds(volBounds); - - - // Pass camera through inverse volume matrix - // so that we are in the same coordinate system - vol->GetMatrix( this->InvVolumeMatrix ); - camPos[3] = 1.0; - this->InvVolumeMatrix->Invert(); - this->InvVolumeMatrix->MultiplyPoint( camPos, camPos ); - if ( camPos[3] ) - { - camPos[0] /= camPos[3]; - camPos[1] /= camPos[3]; - camPos[2] /= camPos[3]; - } - - // These are the region limits for x (first four), y (next four) and - // z (last four). The first region limit is the lower bound for - // that axis, the next two are the region planes along that axis, and - // the final one in the upper bound for that axis. - double limit[12]; - size_t i; - for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) - { - limit[i*4 ] = volBounds[i*2]; - limit[i*4+1] = this->ClippedCroppingRegionPlanes[i*2]; - limit[i*4+2] = this->ClippedCroppingRegionPlanes[i*2+1]; - limit[i*4+3] = volBounds[i*2+1]; - } - - // For each of the 27 possible regions, find out if it is enabled, - // and if so, compute the bounds and the distance from the camera - // to the center of the region. - size_t numRegions = 0; - size_t region; - for ( region = 0; region < 27; region++ ) - { - int regionFlag = 1<CroppingRegionFlags & regionFlag ) - { - // what is the coordinate in the 3x3x3 grid - size_t loc[3]; - loc[0] = region%3; - loc[1] = (region/3)%3; - loc[2] = (region/9)%3; - - // make sure the cropping region is not empty NEW - // otherwise, we skip the region. - if((limit[loc[0]]!=limit[loc[0]+1]) - && (limit[loc[1]+4]!=limit[loc[1]+5]) - && (limit[loc[2]+8]!=limit[loc[2]+9])) - { - // compute the bounds and center - double center[3]; - for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) - { - bounds[numRegions][i*2 ] = limit[4*i+loc[i]]; - bounds[numRegions][i*2+1] = limit[4*i+loc[i]+1]; - center[i]=(bounds[numRegions][i*2]+bounds[numRegions][i*2+1])*0.5; - } - - // compute the distance squared to the center - distance2[numRegions] = - (camPos[0]-center[0])*(camPos[0]-center[0]) + - (camPos[1]-center[1])*(camPos[1]-center[1]) + - (camPos[2]-center[2])*(camPos[2]-center[2]); - - // we've added one region - numRegions++; - } - } - } - vtkRegionDistance2 regions[27]; - - i=0; - while(iNumberOfCroppingRegions>=0); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// slabsDataSet are position of the slabs in dataset coordinates. -// slabsPoints are position of the slabs in points coordinates. -// For instance, slabsDataSet[0] is the position of the plane bounding the slab -// on the left of x axis of the dataset. slabsPoints[0]=0.3 means that -// this plane lies between point 0 and point 1 along the x-axis. -// There is no clamping/clipping according to the dataset bounds so, -// slabsPoints can be negative or excess the number of points along the -// corresponding axis. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::SlabsFromDatasetToIndex( - double slabsDataSet[6], - double slabsPoints[6]) -{ - double *spacing=this->GetInput()->GetSpacing(); - double origin[3]; - - // take spacing sign into account - double *bds = this->GetInput()->GetBounds(); - origin[0] = bds[0]; - origin[1] = bds[2]; - origin[2] = bds[4]; - - int i=0; - while(i<6) - { - slabsPoints[i]=(slabsDataSet[i] - origin[i/2]) / spacing[i/2]; - ++i; - } -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// slabsDataSet are position of the slabs in dataset coordinates. -// slabsPoints are position of the slabs in points coordinates. -// For instance, slabsDataSet[0] is the position of the plane bounding the slab -// on the left of x axis of the dataset. slabsPoints[0]=0.3 means that -// this plane lies between point 0 and point 1 along the x-axis. -// There is no clamping/clipping according to the dataset bounds so, -// slabsPoints can be negative or excess the number of points along the -// corresponding axis. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::SlabsFromIndexToDataset( - double slabsPoints[6], - double slabsDataSet[6]) -{ - double *spacing=this->GetInput()->GetSpacing(); - double origin[3]; - - // take spacing sign into account - double *bds = this->GetInput()->GetBounds(); - origin[0] = bds[0]; - origin[1] = bds[2]; - origin[2] = bds[4]; - - int i=0; - while(i<6) - { - slabsDataSet[i]=slabsPoints[i]*spacing[i/2]+origin[i/2]; - ++i; - } -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class vtkStreamBlock -{ -public: - double Bounds[6]; - double Extent[6]; -}; - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Render a subvolume. bounds are in world coordinates. -// \pre this->ProgramShader!=0 and is linked. -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::RenderSubVolume(vtkRenderer *ren, - double bounds[6], - vtkVolume *volume) -{ - // Time to load scalar field - size_t i; - int wholeTextureExtent[6]; - this->GetTransformedInput()->GetExtent(wholeTextureExtent); - if(this->CellFlag) - { - i=1; - while(i<6) - { - wholeTextureExtent[i]--; - i+=2; - } - } - - // 1. Found out the extent of the subvolume - double realExtent[6]; - int subvolumeTextureExtent[6]; - - this->SlabsFromDatasetToIndex(bounds,realExtent); - - if(this->CellFlag) // 3D texture are celldata - { - // texture extents are expressed in cells in this case - i=0; - while(i<6) - { - subvolumeTextureExtent[i]=vtkMath::Floor(realExtent[i]-0.5); - ++i; - subvolumeTextureExtent[i]=vtkMath::Floor(realExtent[i]-0.5)+1; - ++i; - } - } - else - { - // texture extents are expressed in points in this case - i=0; - while(i<6) - { - subvolumeTextureExtent[i]=vtkMath::Floor(realExtent[i]); - ++i; - subvolumeTextureExtent[i]=vtkMath::Floor(realExtent[i])+1; // used to not have +1 - ++i; - } - } - - i=0; - while(i<6) - { - assert("check: wholeTextureExtent" && wholeTextureExtent[i]==0); - if(subvolumeTextureExtent[i]wholeTextureExtent[i]) - { - subvolumeTextureExtent[i]=wholeTextureExtent[i]; - } - ++i; - } - - assert("check: subvolume_inside_wholevolume" && - subvolumeTextureExtent[0]>=wholeTextureExtent[0] - && subvolumeTextureExtent[1]<=wholeTextureExtent[1] - && subvolumeTextureExtent[2]>=wholeTextureExtent[2] - && subvolumeTextureExtent[3]<=wholeTextureExtent[3] - && subvolumeTextureExtent[4]>=wholeTextureExtent[4] - && subvolumeTextureExtent[5]<=wholeTextureExtent[5]); - - // 2. Is this subvolume already on the GPU? - // ie are the extent of the subvolume inside the loaded extent? - - - // Find the texture (and mask). - vtkstd::map::iterator it= - this->ScalarsTextures->Map.find(this->GetTransformedInput()); - vtkKWScalarField *texture; - if(it==this->ScalarsTextures->Map.end()) - { - texture=0; - } - else - { - texture=(*it).second; - } - - vtkKWMask *mask=0; - if(this->MaskInput!=0) - { - vtkstd::map::iterator it2= - this->MaskTextures->Map.find(this->MaskInput); - if(it2==this->MaskTextures->Map.end()) - { - mask=0; - } - else - { - mask=(*it2).second; - } - } - - int loaded = - texture!=0 && - texture->IsLoaded() && - this->GetTransformedInput()->GetMTime()<=texture->GetBuildTime() && - (this->GetMaskInput() ? this->GetMaskInput()->GetMTime() <= texture->GetBuildTime() : true) && - texture->GetLoadedCellFlag()==this->CellFlag; - - - vtkIdType *loadedExtent; - - if(loaded) - { - loadedExtent=texture->GetLoadedExtent(); - i=0; - while(loaded && i<6) - { - loaded=loaded && loadedExtent[i]<=subvolumeTextureExtent[i]; - ++i; - loaded=loaded && loadedExtent[i]>=subvolumeTextureExtent[i]; - ++i; - } - } - - if(loaded) - { - this->CurrentScalar=texture; - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE0); - this->CurrentScalar->Bind(); - - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE7); - this->CurrentMask=mask; - if(this->CurrentMask!=0) - { - this->CurrentMask->Bind(); - } - } - - if(!loaded) - { - // 3. Not loaded: try to load the whole dataset - if(!this->LoadScalarField(this->GetTransformedInput(),this->MaskInput,wholeTextureExtent,volume)) - { - // 4. loading the whole dataset failed: try to load the subvolume - if(!this->LoadScalarField(this->GetTransformedInput(),this->MaskInput, subvolumeTextureExtent, - volume)) - { - // 5. loading the subvolume failed: stream the subvolume - // 5.1 do zslabs first, if too large then cut with x or y with the - // largest dimension. order of zlabs depends on sign of spacing[2] - int streamTextureExtent[6]; - i=0; - while(i<6) - { - streamTextureExtent[i]=subvolumeTextureExtent[i]; - ++i; - } - - unsigned int internalFormat; - unsigned int format; - unsigned int type; - int componentSize; - this->GetTextureFormat(this->GetInput(),&internalFormat,&format,&type, - &componentSize); - - // Enough memory? - int originalTextureSize[3]; - int textureSize[3]; - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - textureSize[i]=subvolumeTextureExtent[2*i+1]-subvolumeTextureExtent[2*i]+1; - originalTextureSize[i]=textureSize[i]; - ++i; - } - - // Make sure loading did not fail because of theorical limits - - GLint width; - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE,&width); - - int clippedXY=0; - int clippedZ=0; - - if(textureSize[0]>width) - { - textureSize[0]=width; - clippedXY=1; - } - if(textureSize[1]>width) - { - textureSize[1]=width; - clippedXY=1; - } - if(textureSize[2]>width) - { - textureSize[2]=width; - clippedZ=1; - } - - int minSize; - if(this->CellFlag) - { - minSize=1; - } - else - { - minSize=2; - } - - if(clippedXY) - { - // We cannot expect to first divide as z-slabs because it is already - // clipped in another dimension. From now, just divide in the largest - // dimension. - bool foundSize=false; - while(!foundSize && textureSize[0]>=minSize - && textureSize[1]>=minSize) - { - foundSize=this->TestLoadingScalar(internalFormat,format,type, - textureSize,componentSize); - if(!foundSize) - { - int maxDim=0; - if(textureSize[1]>textureSize[0]) - { - maxDim=1; - } - if(textureSize[2]>textureSize[maxDim]) - { - maxDim=2; - } - textureSize[maxDim]>>=1; // /=2 - } - } - } - else - { - // we are in cropping mode, it will be slow anyway. the case we want - // to optimize is stream the all scalar field. With that in mine, - // it is better to first try to send z-slabs. If even a minimal - // z-slab is too big, we have to divide by x or y dimensions. In - // this case, it will be slow and we can choose to keep blocks as - // square as possible by dividing by the largest dimension at each - // iteration. - - if(!clippedZ) - { - // we start by subdividing only if we did not already clipped - // the z dimension according to the theorical limits. - textureSize[2]>>=1; // /=2 - } - - bool foundSize=false; - while(!foundSize && textureSize[2]>=minSize) - { - foundSize=this->TestLoadingScalar(internalFormat,format,type, - textureSize,componentSize); - if(!foundSize) - { - textureSize[2]>>=1; // /=2 - } - } - if(!foundSize) - { - textureSize[2]=minSize; - if(textureSize[0]>textureSize[1]) - { - textureSize[0]>>=1; // /=2 - } - else - { - textureSize[1]>>=1; // /=2 - } - while(!foundSize && textureSize[0]>=minSize - && textureSize[1]>=minSize) - { - foundSize=this->TestLoadingScalar(internalFormat,format,type, - textureSize,componentSize); - if(!foundSize) - { - if(textureSize[0]>textureSize[1]) - { - textureSize[0]>>=1; // /=2 - } - else - { - textureSize[1]>>=1; // /=2 - } - } - } - } - if(!foundSize) - { - vtkErrorMacro( - <<"No memory left on the GPU even for a minimal block."); - return 1; // abort - } - } - - // except for the last bound. - // front to back ordering - - // Pass camera through inverse volume matrix - // so that we are in the same coordinate system - double camPos[4]; - vtkCamera *cam = ren->GetActiveCamera(); - cam->GetPosition(camPos); - volume->GetMatrix( this->InvVolumeMatrix ); - camPos[3] = 1.0; - this->InvVolumeMatrix->Invert(); - this->InvVolumeMatrix->MultiplyPoint( camPos, camPos ); - if ( camPos[3] ) - { - camPos[0] /= camPos[3]; - camPos[1] /= camPos[3]; - camPos[2] /= camPos[3]; - } - - - // 5.2 iterate of each stream of the subvolume and render it: - - // point scalar: on the first block, the first point is not shared - - // blockExtent is always expressed in point, not in texture - // extent. - size_t remainder[3]; - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - remainder[i]=static_cast( - (originalTextureSize[i]-textureSize[i])%(textureSize[i]-1)); - if(remainder[i]>0) - { - remainder[i]=1; - } - ++i; - } - - size_t counts[3]; - - counts[0]=static_cast((originalTextureSize[0]-textureSize[0]) - /(textureSize[0]-1)); - counts[0]+=remainder[0]+1; - counts[1]=static_cast((originalTextureSize[1]-textureSize[1]) - /(textureSize[1]-1)); - counts[1]+=remainder[1]+1; - counts[2]=static_cast((originalTextureSize[2]-textureSize[2]) - /(textureSize[2]-1)); - counts[2]+=remainder[2]+1; - - size_t count=counts[0]*counts[1]*counts[2]; - - double blockExtent[6]; - vtkStreamBlock *blocks=new vtkStreamBlock[count]; - vtkRegionDistance2 *sortedBlocks=new vtkRegionDistance2[count]; - - // iterate over z,y,x - size_t blockId=0; - - size_t zIndex=0; - blockExtent[4]=realExtent[4]; - blockExtent[5]=vtkMath::Floor(blockExtent[4])+textureSize[2]; - if(!this->CellFlag) - { - blockExtent[5]--; - } - if(blockExtent[5]>realExtent[5]) - { - blockExtent[5]=realExtent[5]; - } - while(zIndexCellFlag) - { - blockExtent[3]--; - } - if(blockExtent[3]>realExtent[3]) - { - blockExtent[3]=realExtent[3]; - } - size_t yIndex=0; - while(yIndexCellFlag) - { - blockExtent[1]--; - } - if(blockExtent[1]>realExtent[1]) - { - blockExtent[1]=realExtent[1]; - } - size_t xIndex=0; - while(xIndexSlabsFromIndexToDataset(blockExtent,blockBounds); - - // compute the bounds and center - double center[3]; - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - center[i]=(blockBounds[i*2]+blockBounds[i*2+1])*0.5; - ++i; - } - - // compute the distance squared to the center - double distance2=(camPos[0]-center[0])*(camPos[0]-center[0])+ - (camPos[1]-center[1])*(camPos[1]-center[1]) + - (camPos[2]-center[2])*(camPos[2]-center[2]); - - i=0; - while(i<6) - { - blocks[blockId].Bounds[i]=blockBounds[i]; - blocks[blockId].Extent[i]=blockExtent[i]; - ++i; - } - - sortedBlocks[blockId].Id=blockId; - sortedBlocks[blockId].Distance2=distance2; - - ++blockId; - - blockExtent[0]=blockExtent[1]; - blockExtent[1]=blockExtent[0]+textureSize[0]; - if(!this->CellFlag) - { - blockExtent[1]--; - } - if(blockExtent[1]>realExtent[1]) - { - blockExtent[1]=realExtent[1]; - } - ++xIndex; - } // while x - - blockExtent[2]=blockExtent[3]; - blockExtent[3]=blockExtent[2]+textureSize[1]; - if(!this->CellFlag) - { - blockExtent[3]--; - } - if(blockExtent[3]>realExtent[3]) - { - blockExtent[3]=realExtent[3]; - } - ++yIndex; - } // while y - - - blockExtent[4]=blockExtent[5]; - blockExtent[5]=blockExtent[4]+textureSize[2]; - if(!this->CellFlag) - { - blockExtent[5]--; - } - if(blockExtent[5]>realExtent[5]) - { - blockExtent[5]=realExtent[5]; - } - ++zIndex; - } // while z - - assert("check: valid_number_of_blocks" && blockId==count); - - qsort(sortedBlocks,static_cast(count), - sizeof(vtkRegionDistance2), - vtkRegionComparisonFunction); - - // loop over all blocks we need to render - i=0; - int abort=0; - while(!abort && i < count) // 1) //count) - { - size_t k=sortedBlocks[i].Id; - - int blockTextureExtent[6]; - int j; - if(this->CellFlag) // 3D texture are celldata - { - // texture extents are expressed in cells in this case - j=0; - while(j<6) - { - blockTextureExtent[j]=vtkMath::Floor(blocks[k].Extent[j]); - ++j; - } - } - else - { - // texture extents are expressed in points in this case - j=0; - while(j<6) - { - blockTextureExtent[j]=vtkMath::Floor(blocks[k].Extent[j]); - ++j; - blockTextureExtent[j]=vtkMath::Floor(blocks[k].Extent[j]); - if(blockTextureExtent[j]LoadScalarField(this->GetInput(),this->MaskInput, blockTextureExtent, - volume)) - { - cout<<"Loading the streamed block FAILED!!!!!"<CurrentScalar->GetLoadedExtent(); - - float lowBounds[3]; - float highBounds[3]; - if(!this->CurrentScalar->GetLoadedCellFlag()) // points - { - j=0; - while(j<3) - { - double delta= - static_cast(loadedExtent[j*2+1]-loadedExtent[j*2]); - lowBounds[j]=static_cast((blocks[k].Extent[j*2]-static_cast(loadedExtent[j*2]))/delta); - highBounds[j]=static_cast((blocks[k].Extent[j*2+1]-static_cast(loadedExtent[j*2]))/delta); - ++j; - } - } - else // cells - { - j=0; - while(j<3) - { - double delta= - static_cast(loadedExtent[j*2+1]-loadedExtent[j*2]); - lowBounds[j]=static_cast((blocks[k].Extent[j*2]-0.5-static_cast(loadedExtent[j*2]))/delta); - highBounds[j]=static_cast((blocks[k].Extent[j*2+1]-0.5-static_cast(loadedExtent[j*2]))/delta); - ++j; - } - } - - - - - // bounds have to be normalized. There are used in the shader - // as bounds to a value used to sample a texture. - - assert("check: positive_low_bounds0" && lowBounds[0]>=0.0); - assert("check: positive_low_bounds1" && lowBounds[1]>=0.0); - assert("check: positive_low_bounds2" && lowBounds[2]>=0.0); - - assert("check: increasing_bounds0" && lowBounds[0]<=highBounds[0]); - assert("check: increasing_bounds1" && lowBounds[1]<=highBounds[1]); - assert("check: increasing_bounds2" && lowBounds[2]<=highBounds[2]); - assert("check: high_bounds0_less_than1" && highBounds[0]<=1.0); - assert("check: high_bounds1_less_than1" && highBounds[1]<=1.0); - assert("check: high_bounds2_less_than1" && highBounds[2]<=1.0); - - GLint lb; - lb=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation(static_cast(this->ProgramShader), - "lowBounds"); - - this->PrintError("get uniform low bounds"); - if(lb!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(lb, lowBounds[0],lowBounds[1],lowBounds[2]); - this->PrintError("set uniform low bounds"); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<" lowBounds is not a uniform variable."); - } - GLint hb; - hb=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation(static_cast(this->ProgramShader), - "highBounds"); - this->PrintError("get uniform high bounds"); - if(hb!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(hb, highBounds[0],highBounds[1],highBounds[2]); - this->PrintError("set uniform high bounds"); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<" highBounds is not a uniform variable."); - } - - this->PrintError("uniform low/high bounds block"); - // other sub-volume rendering code - this->LoadProjectionParameters(ren,volume); - this->ClipBoundingBox(ren,blocks[k].Bounds,volume); - abort=this->RenderClippedBoundingBox(1,i,count,ren->GetRenderWindow()); - if (!abort) - { - this->CopyFBOToTexture(); - } - this->PrintError("render clipped block 1"); - - - - ++i; - } - - delete[] blocks; - delete[] sortedBlocks; - return abort; - } - } - } - - loadedExtent=this->CurrentScalar->GetLoadedExtent(); - - // low bounds and high bounds are in texture coordinates. - float lowBounds[3]; - float highBounds[3]; - if(!this->CurrentScalar->GetLoadedCellFlag()) // points - { - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - double delta= - static_cast(loadedExtent[i*2+1]-loadedExtent[i*2]+1); - lowBounds[i]=static_cast((realExtent[i*2]+0.5-static_cast(loadedExtent[i*2]))/delta); - highBounds[i]=static_cast((realExtent[i*2+1]+0.5-static_cast(loadedExtent[i*2]))/delta); - ++i; - } - } - else // cells - { - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - double delta= - static_cast(loadedExtent[i*2+1]-loadedExtent[i*2]+1); - - // this->LoadedExtent[i*2]==0, texcoord starts at 0, if realExtent==0 - // otherwise, texcoord start at 1/2N - // this->LoadedExtent[i*2]==wholeTextureExtent[i*2+1], texcoord stops at 1, if realExtent==wholeTextureExtent[i*2+1]+1 - // otherwise it stop at 1-1/2N - // N is the number of texels in the loadedtexture not the number of - // texels in the whole texture. - - lowBounds[i]=static_cast((realExtent[i*2]-static_cast(loadedExtent[i*2]))/delta); - highBounds[i]=static_cast((realExtent[i*2+1]-static_cast(loadedExtent[i*2]))/delta); - ++i; - } - } - - assert("check: positive_low_bounds0" && lowBounds[0]>=0.0); - assert("check: positive_low_bounds1" && lowBounds[1]>=0.0); - assert("check: positive_low_bounds2" && lowBounds[2]>=0.0); - - assert("check: increasing_bounds0" && lowBounds[0]<=highBounds[0]); - assert("check: increasing_bounds1" && lowBounds[1]<=highBounds[1]); - assert("check: increasing_bounds2" && lowBounds[2]<=highBounds[2]); - assert("check: high_bounds0_less_than1" && highBounds[0]<=1.0); - assert("check: high_bounds1_less_than1" && highBounds[1]<=1.0); - assert("check: high_bounds2_less_than1" && highBounds[2]<=1.0); - - GLint lb; - lb=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation(static_cast(this->ProgramShader), - "lowBounds"); - - this->PrintError("get uniform low bounds"); - if(lb!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(lb, lowBounds[0],lowBounds[1],lowBounds[2]); - this->PrintError("set uniform low bounds"); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<" lowBounds is not a uniform variable."); - } - GLint hb; - hb=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation(static_cast(this->ProgramShader), - "highBounds"); - this->PrintError("get uniform high bounds"); - if(hb!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(hb, highBounds[0],highBounds[1],highBounds[2]); - this->PrintError("set uniform high bounds"); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<" highBounds is not a uniform variable."); - } - - this->PrintError("uniform low/high bounds"); - // other sub-volume rendering code - this->LoadProjectionParameters(ren,volume); - this->ClipBoundingBox(ren,bounds,volume); - int abort=this->RenderClippedBoundingBox(1,0,1,ren->GetRenderWindow()); - if (!abort) - { - this->CopyFBOToTexture(); - } - this->PrintError("render clipped 1"); - return abort; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::LoadProjectionParameters( - vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol) -{ - vtkMatrix4x4 *worldToDataset=vol->GetMatrix(); - vtkMatrix4x4 *datasetToWorld=this->TempMatrix[0]; - vtkMatrix4x4::Invert(worldToDataset,datasetToWorld); - - double *bounds=this->CurrentScalar->GetLoadedBounds(); - - double dx=bounds[1]-bounds[0]; - double dy=bounds[3]-bounds[2]; - double dz=bounds[5]-bounds[4]; - - // worldToTexture matrix is needed - - // Compute change-of-coordinate matrix from world space to texture space. - vtkMatrix4x4 *worldToTexture=this->TempMatrix[2]; - vtkMatrix4x4 *datasetToTexture=this->TempMatrix[1]; - - // Set the matrix - datasetToTexture->Zero(); - datasetToTexture->SetElement(0,0,dx); - datasetToTexture->SetElement(1,1,dy); - datasetToTexture->SetElement(2,2,dz); - datasetToTexture->SetElement(3,3,1.0); - datasetToTexture->SetElement(0,3,bounds[0]); - datasetToTexture->SetElement(1,3,bounds[2]); - datasetToTexture->SetElement(2,3,bounds[4]); - - // worldToTexture=worldToDataSet*dataSetToTexture - vtkMatrix4x4::Multiply4x4(worldToDataset,datasetToTexture,worldToTexture); - - // NEW - int parallelProjection=ren->GetActiveCamera()->GetParallelProjection(); - -// cout << "actualSampleDistance=" << this->ActualSampleDistance << endl; - - if(parallelProjection) - { - // Unit vector of the direction of projection in world space. - double dirWorld[4]; - double dir[4]; - ren->GetActiveCamera()->GetDirectionOfProjection(dirWorld); - dirWorld[3]=0.0; - - // direction in dataset space. - datasetToWorld->MultiplyPoint(dirWorld,dir); - - // incremental vector: - // direction in texture space times sample distance in world space. - dir[0]=dir[0]*this->ActualSampleDistance/dx; - dir[1]=dir[1]*this->ActualSampleDistance/dy; - dir[2]=dir[2]*this->ActualSampleDistance/dz; - - GLint rayDir; - rayDir=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"parallelRayDirection"); - if(rayDir!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(rayDir,static_cast(dir[0]), - static_cast(dir[1]), - static_cast(dir[2])); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"parallelRayDirection is not a uniform variable."); - } - //cout<<"rayDir="<GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition(cameraPosWorld); - cameraPosWorld[3]=1.0; // we use homogeneous coordinates. - - datasetToWorld->MultiplyPoint(cameraPosWorld,cameraPosDataset); - - // From homogeneous to cartesian coordinates. - if(cameraPosDataset[3]!=1.0) - { - double ratio=1/cameraPosDataset[3]; - cameraPosDataset[0]*=ratio; - cameraPosDataset[1]*=ratio; - cameraPosDataset[2]*=ratio; - } - - cameraPosTexture[0] = (cameraPosDataset[0]-bounds[0])/dx; - cameraPosTexture[1] = (cameraPosDataset[1]-bounds[2])/dy; - cameraPosTexture[2] = (cameraPosDataset[2]-bounds[4])/dz; - - // Only make sense for the vectorial part of the homogeneous matrix. - // coefMatrix=transposeWorldToTexture*worldToTexture - // we re-cycle the datasetToWorld pointer with a different name - vtkMatrix4x4 *transposeWorldToTexture=this->TempMatrix[1]; - // transposeWorldToTexture={^t}worldToTexture - vtkMatrix4x4::Transpose(worldToTexture,transposeWorldToTexture); - - vtkMatrix4x4 *coefMatrix=this->TempMatrix[1]; - vtkMatrix4x4::Multiply4x4(transposeWorldToTexture,worldToTexture, - coefMatrix); - GLint uCameraPosition; - - uCameraPosition=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"cameraPosition"); - - if(uCameraPosition!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(uCameraPosition, - static_cast(cameraPosTexture[0]), - static_cast(cameraPosTexture[1]), - static_cast(cameraPosTexture[2])); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"cameraPosition is not a uniform variable."); - } - GLint uSampleDistance; - uSampleDistance=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"sampleDistance"); - - if(uSampleDistance!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform1f(uSampleDistance,this->ActualSampleDistance); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"sampleDistance is not a uniform variable."); - } - - GLint uMatrix1; - - uMatrix1=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"matrix1"); - - if(uMatrix1!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(uMatrix1, - static_cast(coefMatrix->GetElement(0,0)), - static_cast(coefMatrix->GetElement(1,1)), - static_cast(coefMatrix->GetElement(2,2))); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"matrix1 is not a uniform variable."); - } - GLint uMatrix2; - uMatrix2=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"matrix2"); - - if(uMatrix2!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(uMatrix2, - static_cast(2*coefMatrix->GetElement(0,1)), - static_cast(2*coefMatrix->GetElement(1,2)), - static_cast(2*coefMatrix->GetElement(0,2))); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"matrix2 is not a uniform variable."); - } - } - this->PrintError("after uniforms for projection"); - - // Change-of-coordinate matrix from Eye space to texture space. - vtkMatrix4x4 *eyeToTexture=this->TempMatrix[1]; - vtkMatrix4x4 *eyeToWorld=ren->GetActiveCamera()->GetViewTransformMatrix(); - - vtkMatrix4x4::Multiply4x4(eyeToWorld,worldToTexture,eyeToTexture); - - GLfloat matrix[16];// used sometimes as 3x3, sometimes as 4x4. - double *raw=eyeToTexture->Element[0]; - int index; - int column; - int row; - - int shadeMethod=this->LastShade; - - if(shadeMethod==vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeYes) - { - index=0; - column=0; - while(column<3) - { - row=0; - while(row<3) - { -// cout << "index=" << index << " row*4+column=" << row*4+column << endl; - matrix[index]=static_cast(raw[row*4+column]); - ++index; - ++row; - } - ++column; - } - GLint uEyeToTexture3; - - uEyeToTexture3=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"eyeToTexture3"); - - this->PrintError("after getUniform eyeToTexture3"); - - if(uEyeToTexture3!=-1) - { - vtkgl::UniformMatrix3fv(uEyeToTexture3,1,GL_FALSE,matrix); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"eyeToTexture3 is not a uniform variable."); - } - this->PrintError("after Uniform eyeToTexture3"); - - index=0; - column=0; - while(column<4) - { - row=0; - while(row<4) - { -// cout << "index=" << index << " row*4+column=" << row*4+column << endl; - matrix[index]=static_cast(raw[row*4+column]); - ++index; - ++row; - } - ++column; - } - GLint uEyeToTexture4; - - uEyeToTexture4=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"eyeToTexture4"); - - if(uEyeToTexture4!=-1) - { - vtkgl::UniformMatrix4fv(uEyeToTexture4,1,GL_FALSE,matrix); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"eyeToTexture4 is not a uniform variable."); - } - } - - eyeToTexture->Invert(); - - index=0; - column=0; - while(column<4) - { - row=0; - while(row<4) - { -// cout << "index=" << index << " row*4+column=" << row*4+column << endl; - matrix[index]=static_cast(raw[row*4+column]); - ++index; - ++row; - } - ++column; - } - - this->PrintError("before GetUniformLocation TextureToEye"); - GLint uTextureToEye; - - uTextureToEye=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"textureToEye"); - - this->PrintError("after GetUniformLocation TextureToEye"); - if(uTextureToEye!=-1) - { - vtkgl::UniformMatrix4fv(uTextureToEye,1,GL_FALSE,matrix); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"textureToEye is not a uniform variable."); - } - this->PrintError("after UniformMatrxix TextureToEye"); - - if(shadeMethod==vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShadeYes) - { - eyeToTexture->Transpose(); - - index=0; - column=0; - while(column<3) - { - row=0; - while(row<3) - { -// cout << "index=" << index << " row*4+column=" << row*4+column << endl; - matrix[index]=static_cast(raw[row*4+column]); - ++index; - ++row; - } - ++column; - } - GLint uTranposeTextureToEye; - uTranposeTextureToEye=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"transposeTextureToEye"); - - if(uTranposeTextureToEye!=-1) - { - vtkgl::UniformMatrix3fv(uTranposeTextureToEye,1,GL_FALSE,matrix); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"transposeTextureToEye is not a uniform variable."); - } - - float cellScale[3]; // 1/(2*Step) - float cellStep[3]; // Step - - vtkIdType *loadedExtent=this->CurrentScalar->GetLoadedExtent(); - cellScale[0]=static_cast(static_cast( - loadedExtent[1]-loadedExtent[0])*0.5); - cellScale[1]=static_cast(static_cast( - loadedExtent[3]-loadedExtent[2])*0.5); - cellScale[2]=static_cast(static_cast( - loadedExtent[5]-loadedExtent[4])*0.5); - cellStep[0]=static_cast(1.0/static_cast( - loadedExtent[1]-loadedExtent[0])); - cellStep[1]=static_cast(1.0/static_cast( - loadedExtent[3]-loadedExtent[2])); - cellStep[2]=static_cast(1.0/static_cast( - loadedExtent[5]-loadedExtent[4])); - - GLint uCellScale; - uCellScale=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"cellScale"); - if(uCellScale!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(uCellScale,cellScale[0],cellScale[1],cellScale[2]); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"error: cellScale is not a uniform variable."); - } - GLint uCellStep; - - uCellStep=vtkgl::GetUniformLocation( - static_cast(this->ProgramShader),"cellStep"); - - if(uCellStep!=-1) - { - vtkgl::Uniform3f(uCellStep,cellStep[0],cellStep[1],cellStep[2]); - } - else - { - vtkErrorMacro(<<"error: cellStep is not a uniform variable."); - } - } - -} - - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Concatenate the header string, projection type code and method to the -// final fragment code in this->FragmentCode. -// \pre valid_raycastMethod: raycastMethod>= -// vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMIP && -// raycastMethod<=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMinIPFourDependent -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::BuildProgram(int parallelProjection, - int raycastMethod, - int shadeMethod, - int componentMethod) -{ - - assert("pre: valid_raycastMethod" && - raycastMethod>= vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMIP - && raycastMethod<=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodCompositeMask); - GLuint fs; - -// cout<<"projection="<ProgramShader, - vtkgl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH,¶ms); - - if(params>0) - { - char *buffer=new char[params]; - vtkgl::GetProgramInfoLog(this->ProgramShader,params,0,buffer); - cout<<"validation log: "<GetEnabledString(glIsEnabled(GL_LIGHTING))<GetEnabledString(glIsEnabled(GL_LIGHTING))<(value); - cout<<"active texture is "<<(activeTexture-vtkgl::TEXTURE0)<(value); - - cout<<"light\t| status\t| ambient\t| diffuse\t| specular\t| position\t| spot direction\t| spot exponent\t| spot cutoff\t| k0\t| k1\t| k2"<=0 -// \post valid_result: result>=x -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -int vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PowerOfTwoGreaterOrEqual(int x) -{ - assert("pre: positive_x" && x>=0); - - int result=1; - while(result=x); - return result; -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::UpdateNoiseTexture() -{ - if(this->NoiseTextureId==0) - { - GLuint noiseTextureObject; - glGenTextures(1,&noiseTextureObject); - this->NoiseTextureId=static_cast(noiseTextureObject); - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE6); - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,noiseTextureObject); - - GLsizei size=128; // 1024; // Power of two value - GLint maxSize; - const float factor=0.1f; -// const float factor=1.0f; - const float amplitude=0.5f*factor; // something positive. - // amplitude=0.5. noise between -0.5 +0.5. add some +0.5 shift. - - glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE,&maxSize); - if(size>maxSize) - { - size=maxSize; - } - if(this->NoiseTexture!=0 && this->NoiseTextureSize!=size) - { - delete[] this->NoiseTexture; - this->NoiseTexture=0; - } - if(this->NoiseTexture==0) - { - this->NoiseTexture=new float[size*size]; - this->NoiseTextureSize=size; - vtkPerlinNoise *noiseGenerator=vtkPerlinNoise::New(); - noiseGenerator->SetFrequency(size,1.0,1.0); - noiseGenerator->SetPhase(0.0,0.0,0.0); - noiseGenerator->SetAmplitude(amplitude); - int j=0; - while(jNoiseTexture[j*size+i]=0.0; //amplitude+static_cast(noiseGenerator->EvaluateFunction(i,j,0.0)); - ++i; - } - ++j; - } - noiseGenerator->Delete(); - } - glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,GL_LUMINANCE,size,size,0,GL_RED,GL_FLOAT, - this->NoiseTexture); - - glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL_REPEAT); - glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL_REPEAT); - GLfloat borderColor[4]={0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; - glTexParameterfv(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR,borderColor); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); - - vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE0); - } -} - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Description: -// Return how much the dataset has to be reduced in each dimension to -// fit on the GPU. If the value is 1.0, there is no need to reduce the -// dataset. -// \pre the calling thread has a current OpenGL context. -// \pre mapper_supported: IsRenderSupported(renderer->GetRenderWindow(),0) -// The computation is based on hardware limits (3D texture indexable size) -// and MaxMemoryInBytes. -// \post valid_i_ratio: ratio[0]>0 && ratio[0]<=1.0 -// \post valid_j_ratio: ratio[1]>0 && ratio[1]<=1.0 -// \post valid_k_ratio: ratio[2]>0 && ratio[2]<=1.0 -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::GetReductionRatio(double ratio[3]) -{ - // Compute texture size - int i; - int wholeTextureExtent[6]; - this->GetInput()->GetExtent(wholeTextureExtent); - if(this->CellFlag) // if we deal with cell data - { - i=1; - while(i<6) - { - wholeTextureExtent[i]--; - i+=2; - } - } - - // Indexable hardware limits - GLint maxSize; - glGetIntegerv(vtkgl::MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE,&maxSize); - - vtkIdType rTextureSize[3]; - double dMaxSize=static_cast(maxSize); - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - double textureSize=wholeTextureExtent[2*i+1]-wholeTextureExtent[2*i]+1; - if(textureSize>maxSize) - { - ratio[i]=dMaxSize/textureSize; - } - else - { - ratio[i]=1.0; // no reduction - } - rTextureSize[i]=static_cast(floor(textureSize*ratio[i])); - ++i; - } - - // Data memory limits. - - vtkDataArray *scalars=this->GetScalars(this->GetInput(),this->ScalarMode, - this->ArrayAccessMode, - this->ArrayId, - this->ArrayName, - this->CellFlag); - int scalarType=scalars->GetDataType(); - - vtkIdType size=rTextureSize[0]*rTextureSize[1]*rTextureSize[2] - *vtkAbstractArray::GetDataTypeSize(scalarType) - *scalars->GetNumberOfComponents(); - - if(size>static_cast(this->MaxMemoryInBytes) - *static_cast(this->MaxMemoryFraction)) - { - double r=static_cast(this->MaxMemoryInBytes) - *static_cast(this->MaxMemoryFraction)/static_cast(size); - double r3=pow(r,1.0/3.0); - // try the keep reduction ratio uniform to avoid artifacts. - bool reduced[3]; - i=0; - int count=0; - while(i<3) - { - vtkIdType newSize=static_cast( - floor(static_cast(rTextureSize[i])*r3)); - reduced[i]=newSize>=1; - if(reduced[i]) - { - ++count; - } - ++i; - } - - if(count<3) // some axis cannot be reduced - { - double r2=sqrt(r); - count=0; - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - if(reduced[i]) - { - vtkIdType newSize=static_cast( - floor(static_cast(rTextureSize[i])*r2)); - reduced[i]=newSize>=1; - if(reduced[i]) - { - ++count; - } - } - ++i; - } - if(count<2) // we can only reduce one axis - { - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - if(reduced[i]) - { - ratio[i]*=r; - } - ++i; - } - } - else // we can reduce two axes - { - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - if(reduced[i]) - { - ratio[i]*=r2; - } - ++i; - } - } - } - else // we can reduce all three axes - { - i=0; - while(i<3) - { - ratio[i]*=r3; - ++i; - } - } - } - - assert("post: valid_i_ratio" && ratio[0]>0 && ratio[0]<=1.0); - assert("post: valid_j_ratio" && ratio[1]>0 && ratio[1]<=1.0); - assert("post: valid_k_ratio" && ratio[2]>0 && ratio[2]<=1.0); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Standard print method -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintSelf(ostream& os, - vtkIndent indent) -{ - this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); -} - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.h b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.h deleted file mode 100644 index 3853505924..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,526 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -/*========================================================================= - - Program: Visualization Toolkit - Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.h,v $ - - Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen - All rights reserved. - See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. - - This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even - the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR - PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. - -=========================================================================*/ -// .NAME vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper - OpenGL subclass that draws the -// image to the screen -// .SECTION Description -// This is the concrete implementation of a ray cast image display helper - -// a helper class responsible for drawing the image to the screen. - -// .SECTION see also -// vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper - -#ifndef __vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_h -#define __vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_h - -#include "vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.h" -#include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" - -// Only with VTK 5.6 or above -#if ((VTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 5) || ((VTK_MAJOR_VERSION==5) && (VTK_MINOR_VERSION>=6) )) - -class vtkVolume; -class vtkRenderer; -class vtkOpenGLExtensionManager; -class vtkMatrix4x4; -class vtkUnsupportedRequiredExtensionsStringStream; // Pimpl -class vtkMapDataArrayTextureId; // Pimpl -class vtkMapMaskTextureId; // Pimpl -class vtkPolyData; -class vtkClipConvexPolyData; -class vtkClipPolyData; -class vtkTessellatedBoxSource; - -class vtkOpacityTable; // internal class. -class vtkRGBTable; // internal class. -class vtkKWScalarField; // internal class. -class vtkKWMask; // internal class. - -class vtkOpacityTables; // Pimpl -class vtkDensifyPolyData; -class vtkStdString; - -class MitkExt_EXPORT vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper : public vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper -{ -public: - static vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper *New(); - vtkTypeMacro(vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper,vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper); - virtual void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent); - - // Description: - // Based on hardware and properties, we may or may not be able to - // render using 3D texture mapping. This indicates if 3D texture - // mapping is supported by the hardware, and if the other extensions - // necessary to support the specific properties are available. - virtual int IsRenderSupported(vtkRenderWindow *window, - vtkVolumeProperty *property); - - // Description: - // Return a string matching the OpenGL errorCode. - // \post result_exists: result!=0 - static const char *OpenGLErrorMessage(unsigned int errorCode); - - // Description: - // Display headerMessage on the standard output and the last OpenGL error - // message if any. - // \pre headerMessage_exists: headerMessage!=0 - static void PrintError(const char *headerMessage); - - - -protected: - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper(); - ~vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper(); - - // The render method called by the superclass - virtual void GPURender(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol); - - // Methods called by the AMR Volume Mapper. - virtual void PreRender(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol, - double datasetBounds[6], - double scalarRange[2], - int numberOfScalarComponents, - unsigned int numberOfLevels); - - // \pre input is up-to-date - virtual void RenderBlock(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol, - unsigned int level); - - virtual void PostRender(vtkRenderer *ren, - int numberOfScalarComponents); - - // Description: - // Return if the required OpenGL extension `extensionName' is supported. - // If not, its name is added to the string of unsupported but required - // extensions. - // \pre extensions_exist: extensions!=0 - // \pre extensionName_exists: extensionName!=0 - int TestRequiredExtension(vtkOpenGLExtensionManager *extensions, - const char *extensionName); - - // Description: - // Attempt to load required and optional OpenGL extensions for the current - // context window. Variable LoadExtensionsSucceeded is set if all required - // extensions has been loaded. In addition, variable - // Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float is set if this extension has been loaded. - // \pre: window_exists: window!=0 - void LoadExtensions(vtkRenderWindow *window); - - // Description: - // Create GLSL OpenGL objects such fragment program Ids. - void CreateGLSLObjects(); - - // Description: - // Allows late binding textures to framebuffers, because ATI openGL requires - // the texture to initialized before - void BindFramebuffer(); - - // Description: - // Create OpenGL objects such as textures, buffers and fragment program Ids. - // It only registers Ids, there is no actual initialization of textures or - // fragment program. - // \pre extensions_loaded: this->LoadExtensionsSucceeded - // \post done: this->OpenGLObjectsCreated==1 - - void CreateOpenGLObjects(); - - // Description: - // Delete OpenGL objects. - // \post done: this->OpenGLObjectsCreated==0 - // \deprecatedSince{2013_12} Use ReleaseGraphicsResources(mitk::BaseRenderer* renderer) instead - // - DEPRECATED(void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *window)); - - // Description: - // Delete OpenGL objects. - // \post done: this->OpenGLObjectsCreated==0 - // - void ReleaseGraphicsResources(mitk::BaseRenderer* renderer); - - // Description: - // Allocate memory on the GPU for the framebuffers according to the size of - // the window or reallocate if the size has changed. Return true if - // allocation succeeded. - // \pre ren_exists: ren!=0 - // \pre opengl_objects_created: this->OpenGLObjectsCreated - // \post right_size: LastSize[]=window size. - int AllocateFrameBuffers(vtkRenderer *ren); - - // Description - // Load the scalar field (one or four component scalar field), cell or point - // based for a given subextent of the whole extent (can be the whole extent) - // as a 3D texture on the GPU. - // Extents are expressed in point if the cell flag is false or in cells of - // the cell flag is true. - // It returns true if it succeeded, false if there is not enough memory on - // the GPU. - // If succeeded, it updates the LoadedExtent, LoadedBounds, LoadedCellFlag - // and LoadedTime. It also succeed if the scalar field is already loaded - // (ie since last load, input has not changed and cell flag has not changed - // and requested texture extents are enclosed in the loaded extent). - // \pre input_exists: input!=0 - // \pre valid_point_extent: (this->CellFlag || - // (textureExtent[0]CellFlag || - // (textureExtent[0]<=textureExtent[1] && - // textureExtent[2]<=textureExtent[3] && - // textureExtent[4]<=textureExtent[5]))) - int LoadScalarField(vtkImageData *input, - vtkImageData *maskInput, - int textureExtent[6], - vtkVolume *volume); - - // Description: - // Allocate memory and load color table on the GPU or - // reload it if the transfer function changed. - // \pre vol_exists: vol!=0 - // \pre valid_numberOfScalarComponents: numberOfScalarComponents==1 || numberOfScalarComponents==4 - int UpdateColorTransferFunction(vtkVolume *vol, - int numberOfScalarComponents); - // Description: - // Allocate memory and load opacity table on the GPU or - // reload it if the transfer functions changed. - // \pre vol_exists: vol!=0 - // \pre valid_numberOfScalarComponents: numberOfScalarComponents==1 || numberOfScalarComponents==4 - int UpdateOpacityTransferFunction(vtkVolume *vol, - int numberOfScalarComponents, - unsigned int level); - - // Description: - // Prepare rendering in the offscreen framebuffer. - // \pre ren_exists: ren!=0 - // \pre vol_exists: vol!=0 - void SetupRender(vtkRenderer *ren, vtkVolume *vol); - - // Description: - // Clip the bounding box with all clipping planes - // and the near and far plane - void ClipBoundingBox(vtkRenderer *ren, - double worldBounds[6], - vtkVolume *vol); - - // Description: - // Render the bounding box. The flag indicates whether - // or not tcoords are rendered too. Return abort status (true==abort). - // \pre valid_currentBlock: currentBlock>=0 && currentBlock=0 - // \post valid_result: result>=x - int PowerOfTwoGreaterOrEqual(int x); - - // Description: - // Display the status of the current framebuffer on the standard output. - void CheckFrameBufferStatus(); - - // Description: - // Create a string from a buffer id. The result has to be free by the caller. - vtkStdString BufferToString(int buffer); - - // Description: - // Display the buffers assigned for drawing and reading operations. - void DisplayReadAndDrawBuffers(); - - // Description: - // Display all the attachments of the current framebuffer object. - void DisplayFrameBufferAttachments(); - - // Description: - // Display a given attachment for the current framebuffer object. - void DisplayFrameBufferAttachment(unsigned int uattachment); - - // Description: - // Concatenate the header string, projection type code and method to the - // final fragment code in this->FragmentCode. - // \pre valid_raycastMethod: raycastMethod>= vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMaximumIntensityProjection && raycastMethod<=vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperMethodMinIPFourDependent - void BuildProgram(int parallelProjection, - int raycastMethod, - int shadeMethod, - int componentMethod); - - // Description: - // Return the current OpenGL state about lighting. - void GetLightingStatus(); - - // Description: - // Check the compilation status of some fragment shader source. - void CheckCompilation(unsigned int fragmentShader); - - // Description: - // Check the linkage status of the fragment program. - int CheckLinkage(unsigned int programShader); - - // Description: - // Print all active uniform variables - void PrintUniformVariables(unsigned int programShader); - - // Description: - // Is the program shader valid in the current OpenGL state? - // Debugging purpose only. - void ValidateProgram(); - - // Description: - // Update the reduction factor of the render viewport (this->ReductionFactor) - // according to the time spent in seconds to render the previous frame - // (this->TimeToDraw) and a time in seconds allocated to render the next - // frame (allocatedTime). - // \pre valid_current_reduction_range: this->ReductionFactor>0.0 && this->ReductionFactor<=1.0 - // \pre positive_TimeToDraw: this->TimeToDraw>=0.0 - // \pre positive_time: allocatedTime>0 - // \post valid_new_reduction_range: this->ReductionFactor>0.0 && this->ReductionFactor<=1.0 - void ComputeReductionFactor(double allocatedTime); - - // Description: - // Render a subvolume. - // \pre this->ProgramShader!=0 and is linked. - void RenderWholeVolume(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol); - - // Description: - // Render a subvolume. - // \pre this->ProgramShader!=0 and is linked. - void RenderRegions(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol); - - // Return abort status (true==abort) - int RenderSubVolume(vtkRenderer *ren, - double bounds[6], - vtkVolume *vol); - - void LoadProjectionParameters(vtkRenderer *ren, - vtkVolume *vol); - - // Description: - // Compute and return the number of cropping regions - void ComputeNumberOfCroppingRegions(); - - void GetTextureFormat(vtkImageData *input, - unsigned int *internalFormat, - unsigned int *format, - unsigned int *type, - int *componentSize); - - bool TestLoadingScalar(unsigned int internalFormat, - unsigned int format, - unsigned int type, - int textureSize[3], - int componentSize); - - void SlabsFromDatasetToIndex(double slabsDataSet[6], - double slabsPoints[6]); - - void SlabsFromIndexToDataset(double slabsPoints[6], - double slabsDataSet[6]); - - const char *GetEnabledString(unsigned char value); - void GetOpenGLState(); - - void DebugDisplayBox(vtkPolyData *box); - - void UpdateNoiseTexture(); - - // Description: - // Compute how each axis of a cell is projected on the viewport in pixel. - // This requires to have information about the camera and about the volume. - // It set the value of IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel to true in case of - // degenerated case (axes aligned with the view). - double ComputeMinimalSampleDistancePerPixel(vtkRenderer *renderer, - vtkVolume *volume); - - // Description: - // Return how much the dataset has to be reduced in each dimension to - // fit on the GPU. If the value is 1.0, there is no need to reduce the - // dataset. - // \pre the calling thread has a current OpenGL context. - // \pre mapper_supported: IsRenderSupported(renderer->GetRenderWindow(),0) - // The computation is based on hardware limits (3D texture indexable size) - // and MaxMemoryInBytes. - // \post valid_i_ratio: ratio[0]>0 && ratio[0]<=1.0 - // \post valid_j_ratio: ratio[1]>0 && ratio[1]<=1.0 - // \post valid_k_ratio: ratio[2]>0 && ratio[2]<=1.0 - virtual void GetReductionRatio(double ratio[3]); - - bool m_BindMax; - - int NumberOfCroppingRegions; - - // World coordinates of each corner of the dataset. - double BoundingBox[8][3]; - - // Used during the clipping process. - vtkPolyData *PolyDataBoundingBox; - vtkPlaneCollection *Planes; - vtkPlane *NearPlane; - - vtkClipConvexPolyData *Clip; - vtkMatrix4x4 *InvVolumeMatrix; - - vtkDensifyPolyData *Densify; - - int OpenGLObjectsCreated; - int NumberOfFrameBuffers; - - unsigned int FrameBufferObject; - unsigned int DepthRenderBufferObject; - - // 3D scalar texture +1D color+1D opacity+2D grabbed depth buffer - // +1 2D colorbuffer. - unsigned int TextureObjects[5]; - unsigned int FragmentMainShader; - unsigned int FragmentProjectionShader; - unsigned int FragmentTraceShader; - unsigned int FragmentCroppingShader; - unsigned int FragmentComponentShader; - unsigned int FragmentShadeShader; - unsigned int ProgramShader; - // used in MIP Mode (2 needed for ping-pong technique) - unsigned int MaxValueFrameBuffer; - unsigned int MaxValueFrameBuffer2; - int ReducedSize[2]; - - vtkPolyData *ClippedBoundingBox; - - int LastSize[2]; - - double ReductionFactor; - - // Supported extensions - // List of unsupported required extensions. Pimpl. - vtkUnsupportedRequiredExtensionsStringStream *UnsupportedRequiredExtensions; - int LoadExtensionsSucceeded; - - int Supports_GL_ARB_texture_float; - int SupportsPixelBufferObjects; - - vtkTimeStamp DataBufferTime; - - // Matrices used in internal computation. As a member variable, - // only one memory allocation is performed. - vtkMatrix4x4 *TempMatrix[3]; - - double TableRange[2]; - - // Final string to send to the GPU as the fragment program source code. -// char *FragmentCode; -// int FragmentCodeCapacity; - - - int ErrorLine; - int ErrorColumn; - char *ErrorString; - - // Store the last projection an raycast method in order to not rebuild - // the fragment code at every call. - int LastParallelProjection; - int LastRayCastMethod; - int LastCroppingMode; - int LastComponent; - int LastShade; - - vtkImageData *SmallInput; - vtkTimeStamp SmallInputBuildTime; - - // Description: - // Build the fragment shader program that scale and bias a texture - // for window/level purpose. - void BuildScaleBiasProgram(); - - unsigned int ScaleBiasProgramShader; // GLuint - int UFrameBufferTexture; // GLint - int UScale; // GLint - int UBias; // GLint - -#if 0 - vtkIdType LoadedExtent[6]; - double LoadedBounds[6]; - vtkTimeStamp LoadedScalarTime; - int LoadedCellFlag; // point data or cell data (or field data, not handled) ? -#endif - - unsigned int SavedFrameBuffer; // some offscreen mode use a framebuffer too. - - vtkTessellatedBoxSource *BoxSource; - - float *NoiseTexture; - int NoiseTextureSize; // size of one dimension. - unsigned int NoiseTextureId; // GLuint - - bool IgnoreSampleDistancePerPixel; - - vtkMapDataArrayTextureId *ScalarsTextures; // need a list for AMR mode. - vtkMapMaskTextureId *MaskTextures; // need a list for AMR mode. - - vtkRGBTable *RGBTable; - vtkRGBTable *Mask1RGBTable; - vtkRGBTable *Mask2RGBTable; - - vtkOpacityTables *OpacityTables; - - vtkKWScalarField *CurrentScalar; - vtkKWMask *CurrentMask; - - float ActualSampleDistance; - - double LastProgressEventTime; // initial value is 0.0. Expressed in seconds. - - bool PreserveOrientation; - -private: - vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper(const vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper&); // Not implemented. - void operator=(const vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper&); // Not implemented. -}; - -#endif - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShaders.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Rendering/vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShaders.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 74887c425d..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Rendering/vtkMitkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperShaders.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1814 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ -#include - -// Only with VTK 5.6 or above -#if ((VTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 5) || ((VTK_MAJOR_VERSION==5) && (VTK_MINOR_VERSION>=6) )) - /* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some function used by the composite method when cropping\n" -"// is on.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// color buffer as an input\n" -"uniform sampler2D frameBufferTexture;\n" -"// 2D Texture fragment coordinates [0,1] from fragment coordinates\n" -"// the frame buffer texture has the size of the plain buffer but\n" -"// we use a fraction of it. The texture coordinates is less than 1 if\n" -"// the reduction factor is less than 1.\n" -"vec2 fragTexCoord;\n" -"\n" -"vec4 initialColor()\n" -"{\n" -" return texture2D(frameBufferTexture,fragTexCoord);\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Fragment program part with ray cast and composite method.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"uniform sampler3D dataSetTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D opacityTexture;\n" -"\n" -"uniform vec3 lowBounds;\n" -"uniform vec3 highBounds;\n" -"\n" -"// Entry position (global scope)\n" -"vec3 pos;\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"float tMax;\n" -"\n" -"// from cropping vs no cropping\n" -"vec4 initialColor();\n" -"\n" -"// from 1 vs 4 component shader.\n" -"float scalarFromValue(vec4 value);\n" -"vec4 colorFromValue(vec4 value);\n" -"\n" -"// from noshade vs shade.\n" -"void initShade();\n" -"vec4 shade(vec4 value);\n" -"\n" -"void trace(void)\n" -"{\n" -" vec4 destColor=initialColor();\n" -" float remainOpacity=1.0-destColor.a;\n" -"\n" -" bool inside=true;\n" -" \n" -" vec4 color;\n" -" vec4 opacity;\n" -"\n" -" initShade();\n" -" \n" -" float t=0.0;\n" -" \n" -" // We NEED two nested while loops. It is trick to work around hardware\n" -" // limitation about the maximum number of loops.\n" -"\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" { \n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" vec4 value=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos);\n" -" float scalar=scalarFromValue(value);\n" -" // opacity is the sampled texture value in the 1D opacity texture at\n" -" // scalarValue\n" -" opacity=texture1D(opacityTexture,scalar);\n" -" if(opacity.a>0.0)\n" -" {\n" -" color=shade(value);\n" -" color=color*opacity.a;\n" -" destColor=destColor+color*remainOpacity;\n" -" remainOpacity=remainOpacity*(1.0-opacity.a);\n" -" }\n" -" pos=pos+rayDir;\n" -" t+=1.0;\n" -" inside=t=0.0039); // 1/255=0.0039\n" -" }\n" -" }\n" -" gl_FragColor = destColor;\n" -" gl_FragColor.a = 1.0-remainOpacity;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeMaskFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeMaskFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeMaskFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeMaskFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Fragment program part with ray cast and composite method with masks.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"uniform sampler3D dataSetTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler3D maskTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D mask1ColorTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D mask2ColorTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D opacityTexture;\n" -"\n" -"uniform vec3 lowBounds;\n" -"uniform vec3 highBounds;\n" -"\n" -"uniform float maskBlendFactor;\n" -"\n" -"// Entry position (global scope)\n" -"vec3 pos;\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"float tMax;\n" -"\n" -"// from cropping vs no cropping\n" -"vec4 initialColor();\n" -"\n" -"// from 1 vs 4 component shader.\n" -"float scalarFromValue(vec4 value);\n" -"vec4 colorFromValue(vec4 value);\n" -"\n" -"// from noshade vs shade.\n" -"void initShade();\n" -"vec4 shade(vec4 value);\n" -"\n" -"void trace(void)\n" -"{\n" -" vec4 destColor=initialColor();\n" -" float remainOpacity=1.0-destColor.a;\n" -"\n" -" bool inside=true;\n" -" \n" -" vec4 maskValue;\n" -" vec4 color;\n" -" vec4 opacity;\n" -"\n" -" initShade();\n" -" \n" -" float t=0.0;\n" -" \n" -" // We NEED two nested while loops. It is trick to work around hardware\n" -" // limitation about the maximum number of loops.\n" -"\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" { \n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" vec4 value=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos);\n" -" float scalar=scalarFromValue(value);\n" -" opacity=texture1D(opacityTexture,scalar);\n" -" \n" -" if(maskBlendFactor==0.0)\n" -" {\n" -" color=shade(value);\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" // get the mask value at this same location\n" -" maskValue=texture3D(maskTexture,pos);\n" -" if(maskValue.a==0.0)\n" -" {\n" -" color=shade(value);\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" if(maskValue.a==1.0/255.0)\n" -" {\n" -" color=texture1D(mask1ColorTexture,scalar);\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" // maskValue.a == 2.0/255.0\n" -" color=texture1D(mask2ColorTexture,scalar);\n" -" }\n" -" color.a=1.0;\n" -" if(maskBlendFactor<1.0)\n" -" {\n" -" color=(1.0-maskBlendFactor)*shade(value)+maskBlendFactor*color;\n" -" }\n" -"// color.r = 1;\n" -"// color.g = 0;\n" -"// color.b = 0;\n" -"// color.a = 1;\n" -" }\n" -" }\n" -" \n" -" color=color*opacity.a;\n" -" destColor=destColor+color*remainOpacity;\n" -" remainOpacity=remainOpacity*(1.0-opacity.a);\n" -" \n" -" pos=pos+rayDir;\n" -" t+=1.0;\n" -" inside=t=0.0039); // 1/255=0.0039\n" -" }\n" -" }\n" -" gl_FragColor = destColor;\n" -" gl_FragColor.a = 1.0-remainOpacity;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeNoCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeNoCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeNoCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeNoCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some function used by the composite method when cropping\n" -"// is off.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// Max intensity is the lowest value.\n" -"vec4 initialColor()\n" -"{\n" -" return vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some functions used by the Minimum Intensity Projection\n" -"// (MinIP) method when cropping is on.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// GLSL Spec 1.10 rev 59 30-April-2004 defines gl_FragData[] but implementation\n" -"// older than the spec only has it as an extension\n" -"// (nVidia Linux driver 100.14.13, OpenGL version 2.1.1,\n" -"// on Quadro FX 3500/PCI/SSE2)\n" -"#extension GL_ARB_draw_buffers : enable\n" -"\n" -"// max scalar buffer as an input\n" -"uniform sampler2D scalarBufferTexture;\n" -"// 2D Texture fragment coordinates [0,1] from fragment coordinates\n" -"// the scalar frame buffer texture has the size of the plain buffer but\n" -"// we use a fraction of it. The texture coordinates is less than 1 if\n" -"// the reduction factor is less than 1.\n" -"vec2 fragTexCoord;\n" -"\n" -"float initialMinValue()\n" -"{\n" -" return texture2D(scalarBufferTexture,fragTexCoord).r;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"void writeColorAndMinScalar(vec4 sample,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float minValue)\n" -"{\n" -" // color framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragData[0].r =sample.r * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].g =sample.g * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].b =sample.b * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].a=opacity.a;\n" -" \n" -" // min scalar framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragData[1].r=minValue;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].g=0.0;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].b=0.0;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].a=0.0;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some functions used by the 4-component Minimum Intensity\n" -"// Projection (MinIP) method when cropping is on.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// GLSL Spec 1.10 rev 59 30-April-2004 defines gl_FragData[] but implementation\n" -"// older than the spec only has it as an extension\n" -"// (nVidia Linux driver 100.14.13, OpenGL version 2.1.1,\n" -"// on Quadro FX 3500/PCI/SSE2)\n" -"#extension GL_ARB_draw_buffers : enable\n" -"\n" -"// max scalar buffer as an input\n" -"uniform sampler2D scalarBufferTexture;\n" -"\n" -"// color buffer as an input\n" -"uniform sampler2D frameBufferTexture;\n" -"\n" -"// 2D Texture fragment coordinates [0,1] from fragment coordinates\n" -"// the scalar frame buffer texture has the size of the plain buffer but\n" -"// we use a fraction of it. The texture coordinates is less than 1 if\n" -"// the reduction factor is less than 1.\n" -"vec2 fragTexCoord;\n" -"\n" -"float initialMinValue()\n" -"{\n" -" return texture2D(scalarBufferTexture,fragTexCoord).r;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"vec4 initialColor()\n" -"{\n" -" return texture2D(frameBufferTexture,fragTexCoord);\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"void writeColorAndMinScalar(vec4 color,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float minValue)\n" -"{\n" -" // color framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragData[0].r = color.r*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].g = color.g*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].b = color.b*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].a=opacity.a;\n" -" \n" -" // min scalar framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragData[1].r=minValue;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].g=0.0;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].b=0.0;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].a=0.0;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Fragment program with ray cast and 4-dependent-component Minimum Intensity\n" -"// Projection (MinIP) method.\n" -"// Compilation: header part and the projection part are inserted first.\n" -"// pos is defined and initialized in header\n" -"// rayDir is defined in header and initialized in the projection part\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"uniform sampler3D dataSetTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D opacityTexture;\n" -"\n" -"uniform vec3 lowBounds;\n" -"uniform vec3 highBounds;\n" -"\n" -"// Entry position (global scope)\n" -"vec3 pos;\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"float tMax;\n" -"\n" -"// Sub-functions, depending on cropping mode\n" -"float initialMinValue();\n" -"vec4 initialColor();\n" -"void writeColorAndMinScalar(vec4 color,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float minValue);\n" -"\n" -"void trace(void)\n" -"{\n" -" // Max intensity is the lowest value.\n" -" float minValue=initialMinValue();\n" -" vec4 color=initialColor();\n" -" bool inside=true;\n" -" float t=0.0;\n" -" vec4 sample;\n" -" bool changed=false;\n" -" \n" -" // We NEED two nested while loops. It is a trick to work around hardware\n" -" // limitation about the maximum number of loops.\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" sample=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos);\n" -" if(sample.w=lowBounds.x && pos.y>=lowBounds.y\n" -" && pos.z>=lowBounds.z && pos.x<=highBounds.x && pos.y<=highBounds.y\n" -" && pos.z<=highBounds.z;\n" -" }\n" -" }\n" -" \n" -" if(changed)\n" -" {\n" -" vec4 opacity=texture1D(opacityTexture,minValue);\n" -" writeColorAndMinScalar(color,opacity,minValue);\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" discard;\n" -" }\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some functions used by the 4-component Minimum Intensity\n" -"// Projection (MinIP) method when cropping is off.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"float initialMinValue()\n" -"{\n" -" return 1.0;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"vec4 initialColor()\n" -"{\n" -" return vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"void writeColorAndMinScalar(vec4 color,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float minValue)\n" -"{\n" -" // minValue is not used\n" -" \n" -" // color framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragColor.r = color.r*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.g = color.g*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.b = color.b*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.a=opacity.a;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Fragment program with ray cast and Minimum Intensity Projection (MinIP)\n" -"// method.\n" -"// Compilation: header part and the projection part are inserted first.\n" -"// pos is defined and initialized in header\n" -"// rayDir is defined in header and initialized in the projection part\n" -"// initMinValue() and writeColorAndMinScalar are defined in some specific\n" -"// file depending on cropping flag being on or off.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"uniform sampler3D dataSetTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D colorTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D opacityTexture;\n" -"\n" -"uniform vec3 lowBounds;\n" -"uniform vec3 highBounds;\n" -"\n" -"// Entry position (global scope)\n" -"vec3 pos;\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"float tMax;\n" -"\n" -"// Sub-functions, depending on cropping mode\n" -"float initialMinValue();\n" -"void writeColorAndMinScalar(vec4 sample,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float minValue);\n" -"\n" -"void trace(void)\n" -"{\n" -" // Max intensity is the lowest value.\n" -" float minValue=initialMinValue();\n" -" bool inside=true;\n" -" vec4 sample;\n" -" \n" -" float t=0.0;\n" -" // We NEED two nested while loops. It is trick to work around hardware\n" -" // limitation about the maximum number of loops.\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" sample=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos);\n" -" minValue=min(minValue,sample.r);\n" -" pos=pos+rayDir;\n" -" t+=1.0;\n" -" inside=t=lowBounds.x && pos.y>=lowBounds.y\n" -" && pos.z>=lowBounds.z && pos.x<=highBounds.x && pos.y<=highBounds.y\n" -" && pos.z<=highBounds.z;\n" -" \n" -" \n" -" }\n" -" }\n" -"\n" -" sample=texture1D(colorTexture,minValue);\n" -" vec4 opacity=texture1D(opacityTexture,minValue);\n" -" \n" -" writeColorAndMinScalar(sample,opacity,minValue);\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPNoCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPNoCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPNoCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MinIPNoCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some functions used by the Minimum Intensity projection\n" -"// (MinIP) method when cropping is off.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"float initialMinValue()\n" -"{\n" -" return 1.0;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"void writeColorAndMinScalar(vec4 sample,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float minValue)\n" -"{\n" -" // we don't need to write minValue to a buffer when there is no cropping.\n" -" // color framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragColor.r =sample.r * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.g =sample.g * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.b =sample.b * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.a=opacity.a;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some functions used by the Maximum Intensity Projection\n" -"// (MIP) method when cropping is on.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// GLSL Spec 1.10 rev 59 30-April-2004 defines gl_FragData[] but implementation\n" -"// older than the spec only has it as an extension\n" -"// (nVidia Linux driver 100.14.13, OpenGL version 2.1.1,\n" -"// on Quadro FX 3500/PCI/SSE2)\n" -"#extension GL_ARB_draw_buffers : enable\n" -"\n" -"// max scalar buffer as an input\n" -"uniform sampler2D scalarBufferTexture;\n" -"// 2D Texture fragment coordinates [0,1] from fragment coordinates\n" -"// the scalar frame buffer texture has the size of the plain buffer but\n" -"// we use a fraction of it. The texture coordinates is less than 1 if\n" -"// the reduction factor is less than 1.\n" -"vec2 fragTexCoord;\n" -"\n" -"float initialMaxValue()\n" -"{\n" -" return texture2D(scalarBufferTexture,fragTexCoord).r;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"void writeColorAndMaxScalar(vec4 sample,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float maxValue)\n" -"{\n" -" // color framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragData[0].r =sample.r * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].g =sample.g * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].b =sample.b * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].a=opacity.a;\n" -" \n" -" // max scalar framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragData[1].r=maxValue;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].g=0.0;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].b=0.0;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].a=0.0;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some functions used by the 4-component Maximum Intensity\n" -"// Projection (MIP) method when cropping is on.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// GLSL Spec 1.10 rev 59 30-April-2004 defines gl_FragData[] but implementation\n" -"// older than the spec only has it as an extension\n" -"// (nVidia Linux driver 100.14.13, OpenGL version 2.1.1,\n" -"// on Quadro FX 3500/PCI/SSE2)\n" -"#extension GL_ARB_draw_buffers : enable\n" -"\n" -"// max scalar buffer as an input\n" -"uniform sampler2D scalarBufferTexture;\n" -"\n" -"// color buffer as an input\n" -"uniform sampler2D frameBufferTexture;\n" -"\n" -"// 2D Texture fragment coordinates [0,1] from fragment coordinates\n" -"// the scalar frame buffer texture has the size of the plain buffer but\n" -"// we use a fraction of it. The texture coordinates is less than 1 if\n" -"// the reduction factor is less than 1.\n" -"vec2 fragTexCoord;\n" -"\n" -"float initialMaxValue()\n" -"{\n" -" return texture2D(scalarBufferTexture,fragTexCoord).r;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"vec4 initialColor()\n" -"{\n" -" return texture2D(frameBufferTexture,fragTexCoord);\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"void writeColorAndMaxScalar(vec4 color,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float maxValue)\n" -"{\n" -" // color framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragData[0].r = color.r*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].g = color.g*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].b = color.b*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragData[0].a=opacity.a;\n" -" \n" -" // max scalar framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragData[1].r=maxValue;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].g=0.0;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].b=0.0;\n" -" gl_FragData[1].a=0.0;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Fragment program with ray cast and 4-dependent-component Maximum Intensity\n" -"// Projection (MIP) method.\n" -"// Compilation: header part and the projection part are inserted first.\n" -"// pos is defined and initialized in header\n" -"// rayDir is defined in header and initialized in the projection part\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"uniform sampler3D dataSetTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D opacityTexture;\n" -"\n" -"uniform vec3 lowBounds;\n" -"uniform vec3 highBounds;\n" -"\n" -"// Entry position (global scope)\n" -"vec3 pos;\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"float tMax;\n" -"\n" -"// Sub-functions, depending on cropping mode\n" -"float initialMaxValue();\n" -"vec4 initialColor();\n" -"void writeColorAndMaxScalar(vec4 color,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float maxValue);\n" -"\n" -"void trace(void)\n" -"{\n" -" // Max intensity is the lowest value.\n" -" float maxValue=initialMaxValue();\n" -" vec4 color=initialColor();\n" -" bool inside=true;\n" -" float t=0.0;\n" -" vec4 sample;\n" -" bool changed=false;\n" -" \n" -" // We NEED two nested while loops. It is a trick to work around hardware\n" -" // limitation about the maximum number of loops.\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" sample=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos);\n" -" if(sample.w>maxValue)\n" -" {\n" -" changed=true;\n" -" maxValue=sample.w;\n" -" color=sample;\n" -" }\n" -" pos=pos+rayDir;\n" -" t+=1.0;\n" -" \n" -" // yes, t=lowBounds.x && pos.y>=lowBounds.y\n" -" && pos.z>=lowBounds.z && pos.x<=highBounds.x && pos.y<=highBounds.y\n" -" && pos.z<=highBounds.z;\n" -" }\n" -" }\n" -" \n" -" if(changed)\n" -" {\n" -" vec4 opacity=texture1D(opacityTexture,maxValue);\n" -" writeColorAndMaxScalar(color,opacity,maxValue);\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" discard;\n" -" }\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFourDependentNoCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some functions used by the 4-component Maximum Intensity\n" -"// Projection (MIP) method when cropping is off.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"float initialMaxValue()\n" -"{\n" -" return 0.0;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"vec4 initialColor()\n" -"{\n" -" return vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"void writeColorAndMaxScalar(vec4 color,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float maxValue)\n" -"{\n" -" // maxValue is not used\n" -" \n" -" // color framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragColor.r = color.r*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.g = color.g*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.b = color.b*opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.a=opacity.a;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Fragment program with ray cast and Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP)\n" -"// method.\n" -"// Compilation: header part and the projection part are inserted first.\n" -"// pos is defined and initialized in header\n" -"// rayDir is defined in header and initialized in the projection part\n" -"// initMaxValue() and writeColorAndMaxScalar are defined in some specific\n" -"// file depending on cropping flag being on or off.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"uniform sampler3D dataSetTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D colorTexture;\n" -"uniform sampler1D opacityTexture;\n" -"\n" -"uniform vec3 lowBounds;\n" -"uniform vec3 highBounds;\n" -"\n" -"// Entry position (global scope)\n" -"vec3 pos;\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"float tMax;\n" -"\n" -"// Sub-functions, depending on cropping mode\n" -"float initialMaxValue();\n" -"void writeColorAndMaxScalar(vec4 sample,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float maxValue);\n" -"\n" -"void trace(void)\n" -"{\n" -" // Max intensity is the lowest value.\n" -" float maxValue=initialMaxValue();\n" -" bool inside=true;\n" -" vec4 sample;\n" -" \n" -" float t=0.0;\n" -" // We NEED two nested while loops. It is trick to work around hardware\n" -" // limitation about the maximum number of loops.\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" while(inside)\n" -" {\n" -" sample=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos);\n" -" maxValue=max(maxValue,sample.r);\n" -" pos=pos+rayDir;\n" -" t+=1.0;\n" -" \n" -" // yes, t=lowBounds.x && pos.y>=lowBounds.y\n" -" && pos.z>=lowBounds.z && pos.x<=highBounds.x && pos.y<=highBounds.y\n" -" && pos.z<=highBounds.z;\n" -" }\n" -" }\n" -"\n" -" sample=texture1D(colorTexture,maxValue);\n" -" vec4 opacity=texture1D(opacityTexture,maxValue);\n" -" \n" -" writeColorAndMaxScalar(sample,opacity,maxValue);\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPNoCroppingFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPNoCroppingFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPNoCroppingFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_MIPNoCroppingFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Implementation of some functions used by the Maximum Intensity projection\n" -"// (MIP) method when cropping is off.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"float initialMaxValue()\n" -"{\n" -" return 0.0;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"void writeColorAndMaxScalar(vec4 sample,\n" -" vec4 opacity,\n" -" float maxValue)\n" -"{\n" -" // we don't need to write maxValue to a buffer when there is no cropping.\n" -" // color framebuffer\n" -" gl_FragColor.r =sample.r * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.g =sample.g * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.b =sample.b * opacity.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.a=opacity.a;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_OneComponentFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_OneComponentFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_OneComponentFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_OneComponentFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Fragment shader that implements scalarFromValue() and colorFromValue() in\n" -"// the case of a one-component dataset.\n" -"// The functions are used in composite mode.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// \"value\" is a sample of the dataset.\n" -"// Think of \"value\" as an object.\n" -"\n" -"uniform sampler1D colorTexture;\n" -"\n" -"float scalarFromValue(vec4 value)\n" -"{\n" -" return value.x;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"vec4 colorFromValue(vec4 value)\n" -"{\n" -" return texture1D(colorTexture,value.x);\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ParallelProjectionFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ParallelProjectionFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ParallelProjectionFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ParallelProjectionFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Parallel projection.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"uniform vec3 parallelRayDirection;\n" -"\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"// Defined in the right projection method.\n" -"void incrementalRayDirection()\n" -"{\n" -" rayDir=parallelRayDirection;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_PerspectiveProjectionFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_PerspectiveProjectionFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_PerspectiveProjectionFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_PerspectiveProjectionFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Perspective projection.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// Entry position (global scope)\n" -"vec3 pos;\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"// Camera position in texture space\n" -"uniform vec3 cameraPosition;\n" -"// Sample distance in world space\n" -"uniform float sampleDistance;\n" -"// Matrix coefficients: diagonal (a11,a22,a33)\n" -"uniform vec3 matrix1;\n" -"// Matrix coefficients: others (2a12,2a23,2a13)\n" -"uniform vec3 matrix2;\n" -"\n" -"// Defined in the right projection method.\n" -"void incrementalRayDirection()\n" -"{\n" -" // Direction of the ray in texture space, not normalized.\n" -" rayDir=pos-cameraPosition;\n" -" \n" -" // x^2, y^2, z^2\n" -" vec3 normDir=rayDir*rayDir;\n" -" normDir.x=dot(normDir,matrix1);\n" -" \n" -" // xy,yz,zx\n" -" vec3 coefs=rayDir*rayDir.yxz;\n" -" coefs.x=dot(coefs,matrix2);\n" -"\n" -" // n^2\n" -" normDir.x=normDir.x+coefs.x;\n" -" \n" -" // 1/n\n" -" // normDir=1/sqrt(normDir)\n" -" normDir.x=inversesqrt(normDir.x);\n" -" \n" -" // Final scale factor for the ray direction in texture space\n" -" // normDir=normDir*sampleDistance\n" -" normDir.x=normDir.x*sampleDistance;\n" -" // Now, rayDir is the incremental direction in texture space\n" -" rayDir=rayDir*normDir.x;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ScaleBiasFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ScaleBiasFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ScaleBiasFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ScaleBiasFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// This fragment shader scales and biases a framebuffer passed as a texture.\n" -"// Incoming color from the texture is pre-multiplied by alpha.\n" -"// It does not affect the alpha component.\n" -"// Passing the framebuffer as a texture allows the use of a reduction factor\n" -"// compared to the size of the final image.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// Framebuffer to scale.\n" -"uniform sampler2D frameBufferTexture;\n" -"uniform float scale;\n" -"uniform float bias;\n" -"\n" -"void main()\n" -"{\n" -" vec4 color=texture2D(frameBufferTexture,gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n" -" if(color.a==0.0)\n" -" {\n" -" discard;\n" -" }\n" -" // As incoming color is pre-multiplied by alpha, the bias has to be\n" -" // multiplied by alpha before adding it.\n" -" gl_FragColor.r=color.r*scale+bias*color.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.g=color.g*scale+bias*color.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.b=color.b*scale+bias*color.a;\n" -" gl_FragColor.a=color.a;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ShadeFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ShadeFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ShadeFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ShadeFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"// Fragment shader that implements initShade() and shade() in the case of\n" -"// shading.\n" -"// The functions are used in composite mode.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// \"value\" is a sample of the dataset.\n" -"// Think of \"value\" as an object.\n" -"\n" -"// from 1- vs 4-component shader.\n" -"vec4 colorFromValue(vec4 value);\n" -"\n" -"uniform sampler3D dataSetTexture; // need neighbors for gradient\n" -"\n" -"// Change-of-coordinate matrix from eye space to texture space\n" -"uniform mat3 eyeToTexture3;\n" -"uniform mat4 eyeToTexture4;\n" -"\n" -"// Tranpose of Change-of-coordinate matrix from texture space to eye space\n" -"uniform mat3 transposeTextureToEye;\n" -"\n" -"// Used to compute the gradient.\n" -"uniform vec3 cellStep;\n" -"uniform vec3 cellScale;\n" -"\n" -"\n" -"// Entry position (global scope), updated in the loop\n" -"vec3 pos;\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"\n" -"// local to the implementation, shared between initShade() and shade()\n" -"const vec3 minusOne=vec3(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0);\n" -"const vec4 clampMin=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\n" -"const vec4 clampMax=vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);\n" -"\n" -"vec3 xvec;\n" -"vec3 yvec;\n" -"vec3 zvec;\n" -"vec3 wReverseRayDir;\n" -"vec3 lightPos;\n" -"vec3 ldir;\n" -"vec3 h;\n" -"vec4 hPos; // homogeneous position\n" -"\n" -"// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" -"void initShade()\n" -"{\n" -" xvec=vec3(cellStep.x,0.0,0.0); // 0.01\n" -" yvec=vec3(0.0,cellStep.y,0.0);\n" -" zvec=vec3(0.0,0.0,cellStep.z);\n" -" \n" -" // Reverse ray direction in eye space\n" -" wReverseRayDir=eyeToTexture3*rayDir;\n" -" wReverseRayDir=wReverseRayDir*minusOne;\n" -" wReverseRayDir=normalize(wReverseRayDir);\n" -" \n" -" // Directonal light: w==0\n" -" if(gl_LightSource[0].position.w==0.0)\n" -" {\n" -" ldir=gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz;\n" -" ldir=normalize(ldir);\n" -" h=normalize(ldir+wReverseRayDir);\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" lightPos=gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz/gl_LightSource[0].position.w;\n" -" hPos.w=1.0; // used later\n" -" }\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" -"vec4 shade(vec4 value)\n" -"{\n" -" vec3 g1;\n" -" vec3 g2;\n" -" vec4 tmp;\n" -" float att;\n" -" float spot;\n" -" \n" -" g1.x=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos+xvec).x;\n" -" g1.y=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos+yvec).x;\n" -" g1.z=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos+zvec).x;\n" -" g2.x=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos-xvec).x;\n" -" g2.y=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos-yvec).x;\n" -" g2.z=texture3D(dataSetTexture,pos-zvec).x;\n" -" // g1-g2 is the gradient in texture coordinates\n" -" // the result is the normalized gradient in eye coordinates.\n" -" \n" -" g2=g1-g2;\n" -" g2=g2*cellScale;\n" -" \n" -" float normalLength=length(g2);\n" -" if(normalLength>0.0)\n" -" {\n" -" g2=normalize(transposeTextureToEye*g2);\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" g2=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);\n" -" }\n" -" \n" -" vec4 color=colorFromValue(value);\n" -" \n" -" // initialize color to 0.0\n" -" vec4 finalColor=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); \n" -" \n" -" if(gl_LightSource[0].position.w!=0.0)\n" -" {\n" -" // We need to know the eye position only if light is positional\n" -" // ldir= vertex position in eye coordinates\n" -" hPos.xyz=pos;\n" -" tmp=eyeToTexture4*hPos;\n" -" ldir=tmp.xyz/tmp.w;\n" -" // ldir=light direction\n" -" ldir=lightPos-ldir;\n" -" float sqrDistance=dot(ldir,ldir);\n" -" ldir=normalize(ldir);\n" -" h=normalize(ldir+wReverseRayDir);\n" -" att=1.0/(gl_LightSource[0].constantAttenuation+gl_LightSource[0].linearAttenuation*sqrt(sqrDistance)+gl_LightSource[0].quadraticAttenuation*sqrDistance);\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" att=1.0;\n" -" }\n" -" \n" -" if(att>0.0)\n" -" {\n" -" if(gl_LightSource[0].spotCutoff==180.0)\n" -" {\n" -" spot=1.0;\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" float coef=-dot(ldir,gl_LightSource[0].spotDirection);\n" -" if(coef>=gl_LightSource[0].spotCosCutoff)\n" -" {\n" -" spot=pow(coef,gl_LightSource[0].spotExponent);\n" -" }\n" -" else\n" -" {\n" -" spot=0.0;\n" -" }\n" -" }\n" -" if(spot>0.0)\n" -" {\n" -" // LIT operation...\n" -" float nDotL=dot(g2,ldir);\n" -" float nDotH=dot(g2,h);\n" -" \n" -" // separate nDotL and nDotH for two-sided shading, otherwise we\n" -" // get black spots.\n" -" \n" -" if(nDotL<0.0) // two-sided shading\n" -" {\n" -" nDotL=-nDotL;\n" -" }\n" -" \n" -" if(nDotH<0.0) // two-sided shading\n" -" {\n" -" nDotH=-nDotH;\n" -" }\n" -" // ambient term for this light\n" -" finalColor+=gl_FrontLightProduct[0].ambient;\n" -" \n" -" // diffuse term for this light\n" -" if(nDotL>0.0)\n" -" {\n" -// WORKAROUND FIX: gl_FrontLightProduct[0].diffuse seems to be not transferred to ATI cards -//" finalColor+=(gl_FrontLightProduct[0].diffuse*nDotL)*color;\n" -// just using a white light now -" finalColor+=(0.8*nDotL)*color;\n" -" }\n" -" \n" -" // specular term for this light\n" -" float shininessFactor=pow(nDotH,gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);\n" -" finalColor+=gl_FrontLightProduct[0].specular*shininessFactor;\n" -" finalColor*=att*spot;\n" -" }\n" -" }\n" -" \n" -" // scene ambient term\n" -// WORKAROUND FIX: gl_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor seems to be not transferred to ATI cards -//" finalColor+=gl_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor*color;\n" -// just using a dim ambient light -" finalColor+=0.3*color;\n" -" \n" -" // clamp. otherwise we get black spots\n" -" finalColor=clamp(finalColor,clampMin,clampMax);\n" -" \n" -" return finalColor;\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - - - - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_NoShadeFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_NoShadeFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_NoShadeFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_NoShadeFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Fragment shader that implements initShade() and shade() in the case of no\n" -"// shading.\n" -"// The functions are used in composite mode.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// \"value\" is a sample of the dataset.\n" -"// Think of \"value\" as an object.\n" -"\n" -"// from 1- vs 4-component shader.\n" -"vec4 colorFromValue(vec4 value);\n" -"\n" -"// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" -"void initShade()\n" -"{\n" -" // empty, nothing to do.\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" -"vec4 shade(vec4 value)\n" -"{\n" -" return colorFromValue(value);\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_HeaderFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_HeaderFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_HeaderFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_HeaderFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// Depth map of the polygonal geometry\n" -"uniform sampler2D depthTexture;\n" -"\n" -"// 2D noise texture to jitter the starting point of the ray in order to\n" -"// remove patterns when the opacity transfer function make the data on the\n" -"// border of the dataset to be visible.\n" -"uniform sampler2D noiseTexture;\n" -"\n" -"uniform vec2 windowLowerLeftCorner;\n" -"uniform vec2 invOriginalWindowSize;\n" -"uniform vec2 invWindowSize;\n" -"\n" -"// Change-of-coordinate matrix from eye space to texture space\n" -"uniform mat4 textureToEye;\n" -"\n" -"// Entry position (global scope)\n" -"vec3 pos;\n" -"// Incremental vector in texture space (global scope)\n" -"vec3 rayDir;\n" -"\n" -"// Abscissa along the ray of the point on the depth map\n" -"// tracing stops when t>=tMax\n" -"float tMax;\n" -"\n" -"// 2D Texture fragment coordinates [0,1] from fragment coordinates\n" -"// the frame buffer texture has the size of the plain buffer but\n" -"// we use a fraction of it. The texture coordinates is less than 1 if\n" -"// the reduction factor is less than 1.\n" -"vec2 fragTexCoord;\n" -"\n" -"// Defined in the right projection method.\n" -"// May use pos in global scope as input.\n" -"// Use rayDir in global scope as output.\n" -"void incrementalRayDirection();\n" -"void trace();\n" -"\n" -"void main()\n" -"{\n" -"\n" -" // device coordinates are between -1 and 1\n" -" // we need texture coordinates between 0 and 1\n" -" // the depth buffer has the original size buffer.\n" -" fragTexCoord=(gl_FragCoord.xy-windowLowerLeftCorner)*invWindowSize;\n" -" vec4 depth=texture2D(depthTexture,fragTexCoord);\n" -" if(gl_FragCoord.z>=depth.x) // depth test\n" -" {\n" -" discard;\n" -" }\n" -" \n" -" // color buffer or max scalar buffer have a reduced size.\n" -" fragTexCoord=(gl_FragCoord.xy-windowLowerLeftCorner)*invOriginalWindowSize;\n" -" // Abscissa of the point on the depth buffer along the ray.\n" -" // point in texture coordinates\n" -" vec4 maxPoint;\n" -" \n" -" // from window coordinates to normalized device coordinates\n" -" maxPoint.x=(gl_FragCoord.x-windowLowerLeftCorner.x)*2.0*invWindowSize.x-1.0;\n" -" maxPoint.y=(gl_FragCoord.y-windowLowerLeftCorner.y)*2.0*invWindowSize.y-1.0;\n" -" maxPoint.z=(2.0*depth.x-(gl_DepthRange.near+gl_DepthRange.far))/gl_DepthRange.diff;\n" -" maxPoint.w=1.0;\n" -" \n" -" // from normalized device coordinates to eye coordinates\n" -" maxPoint=gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse*maxPoint;\n" -" \n" -" // from eye coordinates to texture coordinates\n" -" maxPoint=textureToEye*maxPoint;\n" -" // homogeneous to cartesian coordinates\n" -" maxPoint/=maxPoint.w;\n" -" \n" -" // Entry position. divide by q.\n" -" // pos=gl_TexCoord[0].xyz/gl_TexCoord[0].w;\n" -" \n" -" pos.x=gl_TexCoord[0].x/gl_TexCoord[0].w;\n" -" pos.y=gl_TexCoord[0].y/gl_TexCoord[0].w;\n" -" pos.z=gl_TexCoord[0].z/gl_TexCoord[0].w;\n" -" \n" -" // Incremental vector in texture space. Computation depends on the\n" -" // type of projection (parallel or perspective)\n" -" incrementalRayDirection();\n" -" \n" -" vec4 noiseValue=texture2D(noiseTexture,pos.xy*100.0); // with repeat/tiling mode on the noise texture.\n" -" \n" -" pos+=(noiseValue.x)*rayDir;\n" -"\n" -" tMax=length(maxPoint.xyz-pos.xyz) /length(rayDir);\n" -"\n" -"\n" -" // Tracing method. Set the final fragment color.\n" -" trace();\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -/* DO NOT EDIT. - * Generated by ..\bin\Release\vtkEncodeString.exe - * - * Define the vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_FourComponentsFS string. - * - * Generated from file: V:/windows/source/VTK560/VolumeRendering/vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_FourComponentsFS.glsl - */ -const char *vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_FourComponentsFS = -"/*=========================================================================\n" -"\n" -" Program: Visualization Toolkit\n" -" Module: $RCSfile: vtkMitkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_FourComponentsFS.glsl,v $\n" -"\n" -" Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen\n" -" All rights reserved.\n" -" See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.\n" -"\n" -" This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even\n" -" the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -" PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.\n" -"\n" -"=========================================================================*/\n" -"\n" -"// Fragment shader that implements scalarFromValue() and colorFromValue() in\n" -"// the case of a one-component dataset.\n" -"// The functions are used in composite mode.\n" -"\n" -"#version 110\n" -"\n" -"// \"value\" is a sample of the dataset.\n" -"// Think of \"value\" as an object.\n" -"\n" -"float scalarFromValue(vec4 value)\n" -"{\n" -" return value.w;\n" -"}\n" -"\n" -"vec4 colorFromValue(vec4 value)\n" -"{\n" -" return vec4(value.xyz,1.0);\n" -"}\n" -"\n"; - -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineDeformationConfig.xml b/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineDeformationConfig.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 207435e14d..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineDeformationConfig.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineInteraction3D.xml b/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineInteraction3D.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 36d4e14d15..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineInteraction3D.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineRotationConfig.xml b/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineRotationConfig.xml deleted file mode 100644 index fb9c6fe6d1..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineRotationConfig.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineTranslationConfig.xml b/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineTranslationConfig.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 4bbbe5c8be..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Resources/Interactions/AffineTranslationConfig.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Testing/CMakeLists.txt b/Modules/Ext/Testing/CMakeLists.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 153cd81e2e..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Testing/CMakeLists.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -MITK_CREATE_MODULE_TESTS() diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Testing/files.cmake b/Modules/Ext/Testing/files.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index fab0398af5..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Testing/files.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -set(MODULE_TESTS - mitkDataNodeExtTest.cpp - mitkExternalToolsTest.cpp - # mitkPipelineSmartPointerCorrectnessTest.cpp - mitkPlaneFitTest.cpp - mitkPointLocatorTest.cpp -) -set(MODULE_IMAGE_TESTS - mitkCylindricToCartesianFilterTest.cpp #only runs on images -) - -set(MODULE_TESTIMAGES - US4DCyl.nrrd - Pic3D.nrrd - Pic2DplusT.nrrd - BallBinary30x30x30.nrrd - Png2D-bw.png -) -set(MODULE_TESTSURFACES - binary.stl - ball.stl -) diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Testing/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilterTest.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Testing/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilterTest.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 989e7c7fca..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Testing/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilterTest.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - - -#include "mitkImage.h" -#include "mitkDataNodeFactory.h" -#include "mitkCylindricToCartesianFilter.h" -#include "mitkImageSliceSelector.h" - -#include -int mitkCylindricToCartesianFilterTest(int argc, char* argv[]) -{ - std::cout << "Loading file: "; - if(argc==0) - { - std::cout<<"no file specified [FAILED]"<SetFileName( argv[1] ); - factory->Update(); - - if(factory->GetNumberOfOutputs()<1) - { - std::cout<<"file could not be loaded [FAILED]"<GetOutput( 0 ); - image = dynamic_cast(node->GetData()); - if(image.IsNull()) - { - std::cout<<"file not an image - test will not be applied [PASSED]"<SetInput(image); - cyl2cart->SetTargetXSize( 64 ); - - //Take a slice - mitk::ImageSliceSelector::Pointer slice = mitk::ImageSliceSelector::New(); - slice->SetInput(cyl2cart->GetOutput()); - slice->SetSliceNr(1); - slice->Update(); - - std::cout << "Testing IsInitialized(): "; - if(slice->GetOutput()->IsInitialized()==false) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetOutput()->IsSliceSet(0)==false) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetDimension(3) > 1) - { - int time=image->GetDimension(3)-1; - - std::cout << "Testing 3D+t: Setting time to " << time << ": "; - slice->SetTimeNr(time); - if(slice->GetTimeNr()!=time) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<Update(); - if(slice->GetOutput()->IsInitialized()==false) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetOutput()->IsSliceSet(0)==false) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<IsSliceSet(0, time)==false) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"< -#include "mitkVtkPropRenderer.h" - -#include "mitkTestingMacros.h" -#include "mitkGlobalInteraction.h" - -#include - -//Basedata Test -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -//Mapper Test -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - -//Interactors -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -//Propertylist Test -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - - -/** - * Extended test for mitk::DataNode. A number of tests from the core test - * mitkDataNodeTest are assumed to pass! - */ -class mitkDataNodeExtTestClass { public: - -static void TestDataSetting(mitk::DataNode::Pointer dataNode) -{ - - mitk::BaseData::Pointer baseData; - - //NULL pointer Test - dataNode->SetData(baseData); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( baseData == dataNode->GetData(), "Testing if a NULL pointer was set correctly" ) - - baseData = mitk::ItkBaseDataAdapter::New(); - dataNode->SetData(baseData); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( baseData == dataNode->GetData(), "Testing if a ItkBaseDataAdapter object was set correctly" ) - - baseData = mitk::Mesh::New(); - dataNode->SetData(baseData); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( baseData == dataNode->GetData(), "Testing if a Mesh object was set correctly" ) - - baseData = mitk::SeedsImage::New(); - dataNode->SetData(baseData); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( baseData == dataNode->GetData(), "Testing if a SeedsImage object was set correctly" ) - - baseData = mitk::BoundingObject::New(); - dataNode->SetData(baseData); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( baseData == dataNode->GetData(), "Testing if a BoundingObject object was set correctly" ) - - baseData = mitk::UnstructuredGrid::New(); - dataNode->SetData(baseData); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( baseData == dataNode->GetData(), "Testing if a UnstructuredGrid object was set correctly" ) -} - -static void TestMapperSetting(mitk::DataNode::Pointer dataNode) -{ - //tests the SetMapper() method - //in dataNode is a mapper vector which can be accessed by index - //in this test method we use only slot 0 (filled with null) and slot 1 - //so we also test the destructor of the mapper classes - mitk::Mapper::Pointer mapper; - - dataNode->SetMapper(0,mapper); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( mapper == dataNode->GetMapper(0), "Testing if a NULL pointer was set correctly" ) - - mapper = mitk::LineMapper2D::New(); - dataNode->SetMapper(1,mapper); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( mapper == dataNode->GetMapper(1), "Testing if a LineMapper2D was set correctly" ) - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( dataNode == mapper->GetDataNode(), "Testing if the mapper returns the right DataNode" ) - - //linker error - //mapper = mitk::LineVtkMapper3D::New(); - //dataNode->SetMapper(1,mapper); - //MITK_TEST_CONDITION( mapper == dataNode->GetMapper(1), "Testing if a LineVtkMapper3D was set correctly" ) - //MITK_TEST_CONDITION( dataNode == mapper->GetDataNode(), "Testing if the mapper returns the right DataNode" ) -} - -static void TestInteractorSetting(mitk::DataNode::Pointer dataNode) -{ - - //this method tests the SetInteractor() and GetInteractor methods - //the Interactor base class calls the DataNode->SetInteractor method - - mitk::Interactor::Pointer interactor; - - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( interactor == dataNode->GetInteractor(), "Testing if a NULL pointer was set correctly (Interactor)" ) - - interactor = mitk::ConnectPointsInteractor::New("AffineInteractions click to select", dataNode); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( interactor == dataNode->GetInteractor(), "Testing if a ConnectPointsInteractor was set correctly" ) - - interactor = mitk::PointInteractor::New("AffineInteractions click to select", dataNode); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( interactor == dataNode->GetInteractor(), "Testing if a PointInteractor was set correctly" ) - - interactor = mitk::PointSelectorInteractor::New("AffineInteractions click to select", dataNode); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( interactor == dataNode->GetInteractor(), "Testing if a PointSelectorInteractor was set correctly" ) - - interactor = mitk::SeedsInteractor::New("AffineInteractions click to select", dataNode); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( interactor == dataNode->GetInteractor(), "Testing if a SeedsInteractor was set correctly" ) - - interactor = mitk::DisplayPointSetInteractor::New("AffineInteractions click to select", dataNode); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION( interactor == dataNode->GetInteractor(), "Testing if a DisplayPointSetInteractor was set correctly" ) -} - -}; - -int mitkDataNodeExtTest(int /* argc */, char* /*argv*/[]) -{ - // always start with this! - MITK_TEST_BEGIN("DataNodeExt") - - // Global interaction must(!) be initialized - mitk::GlobalInteraction::GetInstance()->Initialize("global"); - - // let's create an object of our class - mitk::DataNode::Pointer myDataNode = mitk::DataNode::New(); - - // first test: did this work? - // using MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED makes the test stop after failure, since - // it makes no sense to continue without an object. - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(myDataNode.IsNotNull(),"Testing instantiation") - - //test setData() Method - mitkDataNodeExtTestClass::TestDataSetting(myDataNode); - mitkDataNodeExtTestClass::TestMapperSetting(myDataNode); - - //note, that no data is set to the dataNode - mitkDataNodeExtTestClass::TestInteractorSetting(myDataNode); - - // write your own tests here and use the macros from mitkTestingMacros.h !!! - // do not write to std::cout and do not return from this function yourself! - - // always end with this! - MITK_TEST_END() -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Testing/mitkExternalToolsTest.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Testing/mitkExternalToolsTest.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 995c65e0d8..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Testing/mitkExternalToolsTest.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include -#include - -#include // for system() call - -#include // for chdir et al. - -int mitkExternalToolsTest(int argc, char* argv[]) -{ - return EXIT_SUCCESS; // we'll go back to a CMake solution... - - - std::cout << "Got " << argc << " parameters" << std::endl; - if ( argc == 5 ) - { - // "parse" commandline - // quote spaces in commandline parameters (all paths/files) - //std::string cmakeBinary = itksys::SystemTools::EscapeChars( argv[1], " " ); - std::string cmakeBinary = argv[1]; - std::string cmakeGenerator = argv[2]; - std::string mitkBinaryDirectory = argv[3]; - std::string sourceDirectory = argv[4]; - - // try to configure MITK external project - std::cout << "Calling CMake as '" << cmakeBinary << "'" << std::endl; - std::cout << "Calling CMake for generator '" << cmakeGenerator << "'" << std::endl; - std::cout << "MITK was compiled in '" << mitkBinaryDirectory << "'" << std::endl; - std::cout << "Configuring project in '" << sourceDirectory << "'" << std::endl; - - if( itksys::SystemTools::ChangeDirectory(mitkBinaryDirectory.c_str()) != 0 ) - { - std::cerr << "Couldn't change to MITK build dir. See output above." << std::endl; - return EXIT_FAILURE; - } - - std::string oneCommandlineQuote("\""); - - std::string commandline( oneCommandlineQuote ); - commandline += cmakeBinary; - commandline += oneCommandlineQuote; - - commandline += " -G "; - commandline += oneCommandlineQuote; - commandline += cmakeGenerator; - commandline += oneCommandlineQuote; - - commandline += " -DMITK_DIR:PATH="; - - commandline += oneCommandlineQuote; - commandline += mitkBinaryDirectory; - commandline += oneCommandlineQuote; - commandline += " "; - commandline += oneCommandlineQuote; - commandline += sourceDirectory; - commandline += oneCommandlineQuote; - - std::cout << "Calling system() with '" - << commandline - << "'" - << std::endl; - - int returnCode = system(commandline.c_str()); - - std::cout << "system() returned " << returnCode << std::endl; - - if (returnCode != 0) - { - std::cerr << "Configure FAILED. See output above." << std::endl; - return EXIT_FAILURE; - } - - // try to build MITK external project - -#ifdef WIN32 -#else - commandline = "make"; - // commented out because mbits configures with Qt4. Have to check this monday. - //returnCode = system(commandline.c_str()); - - if (returnCode != 0) // make should return 0 - { - std::cout << "make returned " << returnCode << std::endl; - std::cerr << "Building the project FAILED. See output above." << std::endl; - return EXIT_FAILURE; - } - -#endif - // - // TODO extend test here to support windows... - // - return returnCode; - } - else - { - std::cout << "Invoke this test with three parameters:" << std::endl; - std::cout << " 1. CMake binary including necessary path" << std::endl; - std::cout << " 2. CMake generator name" << std::endl; - std::cout << " 3. MITK binary path (top-level directory)" << std::endl; - std::cout << " 4. Source directory containing CMakeLists.txt" << std::endl; - return EXIT_FAILURE; - } -} - diff --git a/Modules/Ext/Testing/mitkImageStatisticsCalculatorTest.cpp b/Modules/Ext/Testing/mitkImageStatisticsCalculatorTest.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index c9e4202fa9..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/Testing/mitkImageStatisticsCalculatorTest.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,470 +0,0 @@ -/*=================================================================== - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, -Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. -All rights reserved. - -This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without -even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. - -===================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkStandardFileLocations.h" -#include "mitkDicomSeriesReader.h" -#include "mitkTestingMacros.h" -#include "mitkImageStatisticsCalculator.h" -#include "mitkPlanarPolygon.h" - -#include "mitkDicomSeriesReader.h" -#include - -#include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h" - - -//#include - -/** - * \brief Test class for mitkImageStatisticsCalculator - * - * This test covers: - * - instantiation of an ImageStatisticsCalculator class - * - correctness of statistics when using PlanarFigures for masking - */ -class mitkImageStatisticsCalculatorTestClass -{ - -public: - - struct testCase - { - int id; - mitk::PlanarFigure::Pointer figure; - double mean; - double sd; - }; - - -// calculate statistics for the given image and planarpolygon -static const mitk::ImageStatisticsCalculator::Statistics TestStatistics( mitk::Image::Pointer image, mitk::PlanarFigure::Pointer polygon ) -{ - mitk::ImageStatisticsCalculator::Pointer statisticsCalculator = mitk::ImageStatisticsCalculator::New(); - statisticsCalculator->SetImage( image ); - statisticsCalculator->SetMaskingModeToPlanarFigure(); - statisticsCalculator->SetPlanarFigure( polygon ); - - statisticsCalculator->ComputeStatistics(); - - return statisticsCalculator->GetStatistics(); -} - - -// returns a vector of defined test-cases -static std::vector InitializeTestCases( mitk::Geometry2D::Pointer geom ) -{ - std::vector testCases; - - { - /***************************** - * one whole white pixel - * -> mean of 255 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure1 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure1->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 10.5 ; pnt1[1] = 3.5; - figure1->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 9.5; pnt2[1] = 3.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 9.5; pnt3[1] = 4.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 10.5; pnt4[1] = 4.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure1->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure1; - test.mean = 255.0; - test.sd = 0.0; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - { - /***************************** - * half pixel in x-direction (white) - * -> mean of 255 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure1 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure1->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 10.0 ; pnt1[1] = 3.5; - figure1->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 9.5; pnt2[1] = 3.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 9.5; pnt3[1] = 4.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 10.0; pnt4[1] = 4.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure1->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure1; - test.mean = 255.0; - test.sd = 0.0; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - { - /***************************** - * half pixel in diagonal-direction (white) - * -> mean of 255 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure1 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure1->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 10.5 ; pnt1[1] = 3.5; - figure1->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 9.5; pnt2[1] = 3.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 9.5; pnt3[1] = 4.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - figure1->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure1; - test.mean = 255.0; - test.sd = 0.0; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - - { - /***************************** - * one pixel (white) + 2 half pixels (white) + 1 half pixel (black) - * -> mean of 191.25 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure1 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure1->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 1.1; pnt1[1] = 1.1; - figure1->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 2.0; pnt2[1] = 2.0; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 3.0; pnt3[1] = 1.0; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 2.0; pnt4[1] = 0.0; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure1->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure1; - test.mean = 191.25; - test.sd = 127.5; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - - { - /***************************** - * whole pixel (white) + half pixel (gray) in x-direction - * -> mean of 191.5 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure1 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure1->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 11.0; pnt1[1] = 3.5; - figure1->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 9.5; pnt2[1] = 3.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 9.5; pnt3[1] = 4.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 11.0; pnt4[1] = 4.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure1->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure1; - test.mean = 191.50; - test.sd = 89.80; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - { - /***************************** - * quarter pixel (black) + whole pixel (white) + half pixel (gray) in x-direction - * -> mean of 191.5 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure1 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure1->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 11.0; pnt1[1] = 3.5; - figure1->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 9.25; pnt2[1] = 3.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 9.25; pnt3[1] = 4.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 11.0; pnt4[1] = 4.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure1->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure1; - test.mean = 191.5; - test.sd = 89.80; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - { - /***************************** - * half pixel (black) + whole pixel (white) + half pixel (gray) in x-direction - * -> mean of 127.66 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure1 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure1->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 11.0; pnt1[1] = 3.5; - figure1->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 9.0; pnt2[1] = 3.5; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 9.0; pnt3[1] = 4.0; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 11.0; pnt4[1] = 4.0; - figure1->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure1->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure1; - test.mean = 127.66; - test.sd = 127.5; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - - { - /***************************** - * whole pixel (gray) - * -> mean of 128 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure2 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure2->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 11.5; pnt1[1] = 10.5; - figure2->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 11.5; pnt2[1] = 11.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 12.5; pnt3[1] = 11.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 12.5; pnt4[1] = 10.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure2->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure2; - test.mean = 128.0; - test.sd = 0.0; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - { - /***************************** - * whole pixel (gray) + half pixel (white) in y-direction - * -> mean of 191.5 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure2 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure2->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 11.5; pnt1[1] = 10.5; - figure2->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 11.5; pnt2[1] = 12.0; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 12.5; pnt3[1] = 12.0; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 12.5; pnt4[1] = 10.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure2->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure2; - test.mean = 191.5; - test.sd = 89.80; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - { - /***************************** - * 2 whole pixel (white) + 2 whole pixel (black) in y-direction - * -> mean of 127.66 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure2 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure2->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 11.5; pnt1[1] = 10.5; - figure2->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 11.5; pnt2[1] = 13.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 12.5; pnt3[1] = 13.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 12.5; pnt4[1] = 10.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure2->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure2; - test.mean = 127.66; - test.sd = 127.5; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - - { - /***************************** - * 9 whole pixels (white) + 3 half pixels (white) - * + 3 whole pixel (black) [ + 3 slightly less than half pixels (black)] - * -> mean of 204.0 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure2 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure2->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 0.5; pnt1[1] = 0.5; - figure2->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 3.5; pnt2[1] = 3.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 8.4999; pnt3[1] = 3.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt4; pnt4[0] = 5.4999; pnt4[1] = 0.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 3, pnt4, true ); - figure2->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure2; - test.mean = 204.0; - test.sd = 105.58; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - { - /***************************** - * half pixel (white) + whole pixel (white) + half pixel (black) - * -> mean of 212.66 expected - ******************************/ - mitk::PlanarPolygon::Pointer figure2 = mitk::PlanarPolygon::New(); - figure2->SetGeometry2D( geom ); - mitk::Point2D pnt1; pnt1[0] = 9.5; pnt1[1] = 0.5; - figure2->PlaceFigure( pnt1 ); - - mitk::Point2D pnt2; pnt2[0] = 9.5; pnt2[1] = 2.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 1, pnt2, true ); - mitk::Point2D pnt3; pnt3[0] = 11.5; pnt3[1] = 2.5; - figure2->SetControlPoint( 2, pnt3, true ); - figure2->GetPolyLine(0); - - testCase test; - test.id = testCases.size(); - test.figure = figure2; - test.mean = 212.66; - test.sd = 73.32; - - testCases.push_back( test ); - } - - - - return testCases; -} - -// loads the test image -static mitk::Image::Pointer GetTestImage() -{ - mitk::StandardFileLocations::Pointer locator = mitk::StandardFileLocations::GetInstance(); - - const std::string filename = locator->FindFile("testimage.dcm", "Modules/MitkExt/Testing/Data"); - if (filename.empty()) - { - MITK_ERROR << "Could not find test file"; - return NULL; - } - else - { - MITK_INFO << "Found testimage.dcm"; - } - - - itk::FilenamesContainer file; - file.push_back( filename ); - - mitk::DicomSeriesReader* reader = new mitk::DicomSeriesReader; - - mitk::DataNode::Pointer node = reader->LoadDicomSeries( file, false, false ); - mitk::Image::Pointer image = dynamic_cast( node->GetData() ); - - return image; -} - -}; - -int mitkImageStatisticsCalculatorTest(int argc, char* argv[]) -{ - // always start with this! - MITK_TEST_BEGIN("mitkImageStatisticsCalculatorTest") - - //QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); - - mitk::Image::Pointer image = mitkImageStatisticsCalculatorTestClass::GetTestImage(); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( image.IsNotNull(), "Loading test image" ); - - mitk::Geometry2D::Pointer geom = image->GetSlicedGeometry()->GetGeometry2D(0); - - std::vector allTestCases = - mitkImageStatisticsCalculatorTestClass::InitializeTestCases( geom ); - - - for ( int i=0; i - -#include "mitkReferenceCountWatcher.h" - -class TwoOutputsFilter : public mitk::SurfaceToImageFilter -{ -public: - mitkClassMacro(TwoOutputsFilter, SurfaceToImageFilter); - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) - itkCloneMacro(Self) -protected: - TwoOutputsFilter() - { - mitk::Image::Pointer output - = static_cast(this->MakeOutput(0).GetPointer()); - Superclass::SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs(2); - Superclass::SetNthOutput(1, output.GetPointer()); - } - - virtual ~TwoOutputsFilter() - { - } -}; - -template -int runPipelineSmartPointerCorrectnessTestForFilterType(typename InputType::Pointer input) -{ - typename FilterType::Pointer filter; - std::cout << "Testing " << typeid(FilterType).name() << "::New(): "; - filter = FilterType::New(); - if (filter.IsNull()) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<SetInput(input); - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<GetOutput(), "filter1Output"); - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<GetOutput(); - std::cout << "Testing to set filter to NULL, keeping reference to output:"; - filter = NULL; - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=2) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetExternalReferenceCount()!=1) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetSource()->DebugOn(); - //output->DebugOn(); - output = NULL; - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetOutput(), "filter2Output"); - try - { - std::cout << "Testing to set filter to NULL, keeping NO reference to output:"; - filter = NULL; - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetOutput(), "filter3Output"); - output = localFilter->GetOutput(); - std::cout << "Testing running out of scope of filter, keeping reference to output:"; - } - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=2) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetExternalReferenceCount()!=1) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetOutput(), "filter4Output"); - output = localFilter->GetOutput(); - std::cout << "Testing running out of scope of filter, keeping reference to output (as in part 3):"; - } - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<DisconnectPipeline(): "; - output->DisconnectPipeline(); - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=1) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetExternalReferenceCount()!=1) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetOutput(), "filter5Output"); - std::cout << "Testing running out of scope of filter, keeping NO reference to output:"; - } - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<GetReferenceCount()!=0) - { - std::cout<<"[FAILED]"<(mitk::Surface::New()); - if( result != EXIT_SUCCESS ) - return result; - std::cout << std::endl; - - result = runPipelineSmartPointerCorrectnessTestForFilterType(mitk::Image::New()); - if( result != EXIT_SUCCESS ) - return result; - std::cout << std::endl; - - result = runPipelineSmartPointerCorrectnessTestForFilterType(mitk::Surface::New()); - if( result != EXIT_SUCCESS ) - return result; - - result = runPipelineSmartPointerCorrectnessTestForFilterType(mitk::Image::New()); - if( result != EXIT_SUCCESS ) - return result; - - std::cout<<"[TEST DONE]"< -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -int mitkPlaneFitTest(int, char*[] ) -{ - //float bounds[]={0.0f,10.0f,0.0f,10.0f,0.0f,5.0f}; - - mitk::PlaneFit::Pointer PlaneFit = mitk::PlaneFit::New(); - mitk::PointSet::Pointer PointSet = mitk::PointSet::New(); - mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer planeGeo= mitk::PlaneGeometry::New(); - mitk::BaseGeometry::Pointer BaseGeometry = dynamic_cast(planeGeo.GetPointer()); - - mitk::Point3D Point; - - //first without any point, then incrementally add points within thre points there will be a plane geometry - std::cout <<"Start PlaneFitTest "<GetPointSet()->GetPoints()->InsertElement(position, Point); - } - - //Set Input - PlaneFit->SetInput(PointSet); - - const mitk::PointSet* testPointSet = PlaneFit->GetInput(); - std::cout<<" Size test of Input Method: "; - if( testPointSet->GetSize() == PointSet->GetSize() ) - { - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<Update(); - const mitk::Point3D ¢roid = PlaneFit->GetCentroid(); - mitk::Point3D expectedCentroid; - expectedCentroid[0]=2.5; - expectedCentroid[1]=3.75; - expectedCentroid[2]=2.5; - - if ( centroid == expectedCentroid ) - { - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"<( PlaneFit->GetOutput()->GetGeometry()); - if( PlaneGeometry ) - { - std::cout<<"[PASSED]"< -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -double GenerateRandomNumber( const double& min = 0.0, const double& max = 100.0 ) -{ - return ( ( ( double ) ( std::rand( ) ) ) / ( ( double ) ( RAND_MAX ) ) ) * ( max - min) + min; -} - -void GenerateRandomPoint( double& x, double& y, double& z, const double& min = 0.0, const double& max = 100.0 ) -{ - x = GenerateRandomNumber(min, max); - y = GenerateRandomNumber(min, max); - z = GenerateRandomNumber(min, max); -} - -int mitkPointLocatorTest(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[]) -{ - MITK_TEST_BEGIN("mitkPointLocator"); - std::srand( 1 ); - unsigned int num_points = 10000; - - // Create PointSet with randomly defined point - MITK_TEST_OUTPUT(<< "Creating random point set of 10000 points "); - vtkPoints* points = vtkPoints::New(); - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_points ; ++i ) - { - points->InsertPoint(i, GenerateRandomNumber(), GenerateRandomNumber(), GenerateRandomNumber()); - } - vtkPolyData* pointSet = vtkPolyData::New(); - pointSet->SetPoints( points ); - points->Delete(); - - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED((unsigned) pointSet->GetNumberOfPoints()== num_points,"Test number of points in vtkPointSet"); - - // feed the point set into a vtk point locator - MITK_TEST_OUTPUT(<< "Building vtkPointLocator "); - vtkPointLocator* vtkPointLoc = vtkPointLocator::New(); - vtkPointLoc->SetDataSet( pointSet ); - vtkPointLoc->BuildLocator(); - MITK_TEST_OUTPUT(<< "[PASSED]"); - - // feed the point set into the mitk point locator - MITK_TEST_OUTPUT(<< "Building mitkPointLocator "); - mitk::PointLocator::Pointer mitkPointLocatorInitializedByVtkPointSet = mitk::PointLocator::New(); - mitk::PointLocator::Pointer mitkPointLocatorInitializedByMITKPointSet = mitk::PointLocator::New(); - mitk::PointLocator::Pointer mitkPointLocatorInitializedByITKPointSet = mitk::PointLocator::New(); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(mitkPointLocatorInitializedByVtkPointSet.IsNotNull(), "Test whether mitkPointLocator is not null"); - - mitk::PointSet::Pointer mitkPointSet = mitk::PointSet::New(); - mitk::PointLocator::ITKPointSet::Pointer itkPointSet = mitk::PointLocator::ITKPointSet::New(); - for ( int i=0; iGetNumberOfPoints();i++ ) - { - mitk::Point3D pnt; - pnt[0] = pointSet->GetPoint( i )[0]; - pnt[1] = pointSet->GetPoint( i )[1]; - pnt[2] = pointSet->GetPoint( i )[2]; - mitkPointSet->InsertPoint(i, pnt ); - mitk::PointLocator::ITKPointSet::PointType itkPoint; - itkPoint[0] = pointSet->GetPoint( i )[0]; - itkPoint[1] = pointSet->GetPoint( i )[1]; - itkPoint[2] = pointSet->GetPoint( i )[2]; - itkPointSet->SetPoint(i,itkPoint); - } - - MITK_TEST_OUTPUT(<< "Setting random point set "); - mitkPointLocatorInitializedByVtkPointSet->SetPoints( pointSet ); - mitkPointLocatorInitializedByMITKPointSet->SetPoints( mitkPointSet ); - mitkPointLocatorInitializedByITKPointSet->SetPoints( itkPointSet ); - MITK_TEST_OUTPUT(<< "[PASSED]"); - - MITK_TEST_OUTPUT(<< "Testing 1000 random points "); - // generate N random points and calculate the closest - // points with both the vtk and mitk pointlocator. - // verify, that the point ids are the same. - double p[3], x, y, z; - mitk::PointSet::PointType pointType; - for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++i ) - { - GenerateRandomPoint( x, y, z ); - p[0] = x; - p[1] = y; - p[2] = z; - pointType[0] = p[0]; - pointType[1] = p[1]; - pointType[2] = p[2]; - int closestPointReference = vtkPointLoc->FindClosestPoint(p); // ground truth vtkPointLocator - int closestPointVTK1 = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByVtkPointSet->FindClosestPoint(p); - int closestPointVTK2 = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByVtkPointSet->FindClosestPoint(x, y, z); - int closestPointVTK3 = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByVtkPointSet->FindClosestPoint(pointType); - int closestPointMITK1 = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByMITKPointSet->FindClosestPoint(p); - int closestPointMITK2 = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByMITKPointSet->FindClosestPoint(x, y, z); - int closestPointMITK3 = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByMITKPointSet->FindClosestPoint(pointType); - int closestPointITK1 = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByITKPointSet->FindClosestPoint(p); - int closestPointITK2 = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByITKPointSet->FindClosestPoint(x, y, z); - int closestPointITK3 = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByITKPointSet->FindClosestPoint(pointType); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointVTK1,"Test FindClosestPoint() using a point array with a PointLocator initialized with a vtkPointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointVTK2,"Test FindClosestPoint() using single coordinates with a PointLocator initialized with a vtkPointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointVTK3,"Test FindClosestPoint() using an mitk::PointSet with a PointLocator initialized with a vtkPointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointMITK1,"Test FindClosestPoint() using a point array with a PointLocator initialized with a mitk::PointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointMITK2,"Test FindClosestPoint() using single coordinates with a PointLocator initialized with a mitk::PointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointMITK3,"Test FindClosestPoint() using an mitk::PointSet with a PointLocator initialized with a mitk::PointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointITK1,"Test FindClosestPoint() using a point array with a PointLocator initialized with a itk::PointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointITK2,"Test FindClosestPoint() using single coordinates with a PointLocator initialized with a itk::PointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointITK3,"Test FindClosestPoint() using an mitk::PointSet with a PointLocator initialized with a itk::PointSet"); - //Test GetMinimalDistance - // Get closest point - //double* closestPoint = vtkPointLoc->GetPoints()->GetPoint(closestPointReference); - double* closestPoint = pointSet->GetPoint(closestPointReference); - mitk::PointSet::PointType cP; - cP[0] = closestPoint[0]; - cP[1] = closestPoint[1]; - cP[2] = closestPoint[2]; - mitk::PointLocator::DistanceType minimalDistanceReference = cP.SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo(pointType); - - //mitk::PointLocator::DistanceType minimalDistanceReference = - // (x-closestPoint[0])*(x-closestPoint[0])+(y-closestPoint[1])*(y-closestPoint[1])+(z-closestPoint[2])*(z-closestPoint[2]); - mitk::PointLocator::DistanceType minimalDistanceVtk = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByVtkPointSet->GetMinimalDistance(pointType); - mitk::PointLocator::DistanceType minimalDistanceItk = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByITKPointSet->GetMinimalDistance(pointType); - mitk::PointLocator::DistanceType minimalDistanceMITK = mitkPointLocatorInitializedByMITKPointSet->GetMinimalDistance(pointType); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(mitk::Equal(minimalDistanceReference,minimalDistanceVtk), "Test GetMinimalDistance() using a PointLocator initialized with a vtkPointSet" ); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(mitk::Equal(minimalDistanceReference,minimalDistanceItk), "Test GetMinimalDistance() using a PointLocator initialized with a itkPointSet" ); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(mitk::Equal(minimalDistanceReference,minimalDistanceMITK), "Test GetMinimalDistance() using a PointLocator initialized with a MITKPointSet" ); - - int closestPointCombinedVtk; - mitk::PointLocator::DistanceType minimalDistanceCombinedVtk; - mitkPointLocatorInitializedByVtkPointSet->FindClosestPointAndDistance(pointType,&closestPointCombinedVtk,&minimalDistanceCombinedVtk); - int closestPointCombinedITK; - mitk::PointLocator::DistanceType minimalDistanceCombinedITK; - mitkPointLocatorInitializedByITKPointSet->FindClosestPointAndDistance(pointType,&closestPointCombinedITK,&minimalDistanceCombinedITK); - int closestPointCombinedMITK; - mitk::PointLocator::DistanceType minimalDistanceCombinedMITK; - mitkPointLocatorInitializedByMITKPointSet->FindClosestPointAndDistance(pointType,&closestPointCombinedMITK,&minimalDistanceCombinedMITK); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(mitk::Equal(minimalDistanceReference,minimalDistanceCombinedVtk), "Test distance returned by FindClosestPointAndDistance() using a PointLocator initialized with a vtkPointSet" ); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(mitk::Equal(minimalDistanceReference,minimalDistanceCombinedITK), "Test distance returned by FindClosestPointAndDistance() using a PointLocator initialized with a itkPointSet" ); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(mitk::Equal(minimalDistanceReference,minimalDistanceCombinedMITK), "Test distance returned by FindClosestPointAndDistance() using a PointLocator initialized with a MITKPointSet" ); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointCombinedVtk,"Test closest point returned by FindClosestPointAndDistance() using a point array with a PointLocator initialized with a vtkPointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointCombinedITK,"Test closest point returned by FindClosestPointAndDistance() using a point array with a PointLocator initialized with a itkPointSet"); - MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(closestPointReference==closestPointCombinedMITK,"Test closest point returned by FindClosestPointAndDistance() using a point array with a PointLocator initialized with a MITKPointSet"); - } - - vtkPointLoc->Delete(); - pointSet->Delete(); - - MITK_TEST_END(); -} diff --git a/Modules/Ext/files.cmake b/Modules/Ext/files.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index a65eb78547..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Ext/files.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -set(CPP_FILES - Algorithms/vtkPointSetSlicer.cxx - Algorithms/mitkAngleCorrectByPointFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkCylindricToCartesianFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkGeometryDataSource.cpp - Algorithms/mitkImageToLookupTableFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkInterpolateLinesFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkMeshSource.cpp - Algorithms/mitkPlaneCutFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkPlaneFit.cpp - Algorithms/mitkPlanesPerpendicularToLinesFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkPointSetToCurvedGeometryFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkPointSetToGeometryDataFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkPointSetIndexToWorldTransformFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkSurfaceIndexToWorldTransformFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkPolygonToRingFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkProbeFilter.cpp - Algorithms/mitkUnstructuredGridHistogram.cpp - Algorithms/mitkVolumeVisualizationImagePreprocessor.cpp - - DataManagement/mitkAffineTransformationOperation.cpp - DataManagement/mitkColorSequenceHalfTones.cpp - DataManagement/mitkDelegateManager.cpp - DataManagement/mitkDrawOperation.cpp - DataManagement/mitkExternAbstractTransformGeometry.cpp - DataManagement/mitkFrameOfReferenceUIDManager.cpp - DataManagement/mitkItkBaseDataAdapter.cpp - DataManagement/mitkObjectSet.cpp - DataManagement/mitkPropertyManager.cpp - DataManagement/mitkSeedsImage.cpp - DataManagement/mitkSeedsImageLookupTableSource.cpp - DataManagement/mitkSphereLandmarkProjector.cpp -# DataManagement/mitkUSLookupTableSource.cpp - DataManagement/vtkObjectSet.cpp - IO/mitkObjFileIOFactory.cpp - IO/mitkObjFileReader.cpp - IO/mitkPACSPlugin.cpp - IO/mitkParRecFileIOFactory.cpp - IO/mitkParRecFileReader.cpp - IO/mitkPropertyListExportToXmlFile.cpp - IO/mitkPropertyListImportFromXmlFile.cpp - IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.cpp - IO/mitkStlVolumeTimeSeriesReader.cpp - IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriter.cpp - IO/mitkUnstructuredGridVtkWriterFactory.cpp - IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridIOFactory.cpp - IO/mitkVtkUnstructuredGridReader.cpp - IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesIOFactory.cpp - IO/mitkVtkVolumeTimeSeriesReader.cpp - Interactions/mitkConferenceEventMapper.cpp - Interactions/mitkConnectPointsInteractor.cpp - #Interactions/mitkCoordinateSupplier.cpp - #Interactions/mitkDisplayCoordinateOperation.cpp - #Interactions/mitkDisplayInteractor.cpp - Interactions/mitkAffineInteractor3D.cpp - Interactions/mitkDisplayPointSetInteractor.cpp - #Interactions/mitkDisplayVectorInteractor.cpp - Interactions/mitkInteractionDebug.cpp - Interactions/mitkInteractionDebugger.cpp - Interactions/mitkPointInteractor.cpp - Interactions/mitkPointSelectorInteractor.cpp - #Interactions/mitkPositionTracker.cpp - Interactions/mitkSeedsInteractor.cpp - Interactions/mitkSocketClient.cpp - Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.cpp - Interactions/mitkSurfaceInteractor.cpp -# Interactions/mitkCreateSurfaceTool.cpp - Rendering/mitkImageBackground2D.cpp - Rendering/mitkLineMapper2D.cpp -# Rendering/mitkLineVtkMapper3D.cpp - Rendering/mitkNativeRenderWindowInteractor.cpp -) - - -set(RESOURCE_FILES -Interactions/AffineInteraction3D.xml -Interactions/AffineTranslationConfig.xml -Interactions/AffineRotationConfig.xml -Interactions/AffineDeformationConfig.xml -) - diff --git a/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/img.nrrd b/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/img.nrrd deleted file mode 100644 index 04a51b53cb..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/img.nrrd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -NRRD0004 -# Complete NRRD file format specification at: -# http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html -content: SomeIDNumber42 -type: short -dimension: 3 -space: right-anterior-superior -sizes: 3 3 1 -thicknesses: 1 1 1 -space directions: (1,0,0) (0,1,0) (0,0,1) -centerings: cell cell cell -kinds: space space space -encoding: ASCII -space units: "mm" "mm" "mm" -space origin: (0,0,0) - -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 diff --git a/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk b/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk deleted file mode 100644 index 5b0f7f17ac..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18985 +0,0 @@ -# vtk DataFile Version 3.0 -vtk output -ASCII -DATASET POLYDATA -POINTS 7860 float -59 174 77.8 95 170 80.2059 55 171 80.2222 -56 171 79.2353 56 172 78.5806 57 172 78.1765 -58 173 78.2 59 173 78.6923 61 173 79.6452 -87 173 80.4194 88 173 79.8 89 173 79.4571 -91 173 80.4706 58 174 78.5172 60 174 78.1765 -89 174 80.4706 91 174 80.8235 59 175 78.5172 -60 175 78.0909 63 175 79.4571 88 175 80.5588 -64 176 80.1429 63 177 80.2059 65 177 80.2059 -67 177 80.1429 81 177 80.4706 82 177 79.8 -84 177 79.8 62 177.087 81 64 177.5 81 -68 178 80.2059 80 178 80.2059 82 178 80.2059 -69 179 79.8529 77 179 80.2059 79 179 79.8 -80 179 80.2059 81 179 80.8235 70 180 80.5455 -74 180 80.4706 114 150 83.4706 113 151 83.4706 -112.739 151 84 114 152 82.8529 39 155 83.8 -38.6667 155 84 113 155 82.8 114 155 82.8 -39 156 83.1429 38.3333 156 84 40 156 83.4706 -114 156 83.1429 40 157 83.1429 40 158 83.8 -40.6667 158 84 42 158.833 84 41.3333 159 84 -109 159 83.4706 112 159 81.1765 113 159 81.4545 -43 160 83.2059 108 160 83.4706 109 160 82.8 -111 160 81.5294 112 160 81.1765 113 160 82.3 -110 161 82.2 111 161 81.5143 112 161 81.8182 -44 162 82.8 45 162 82.8 107 162 83.0323 -109 162 83.0323 110 162 82.2 111 162 82.2 -112 162 83.4828 46 163 83.4194 110 163 83.2059 -46.25 164 84 47 164 83.4194 106 164 82.2 -109 164 83.4706 104 165 83.4 105 165 82.4545 -106 165 82.2 108 165 83.4706 49 166 82.8 -50 166 82.8 51.1667 166 84 103 166 83.9 -51.4 167 84 99 167 83.2174 101 167 81.9 -96 168 83.4828 97 168 82.7 98 168 82.8182 -101 168 81.8824 95 169 81.8824 96 169 81.9677 -97 169 82.5556 93 170 82.3636 93 169.333 84 -96 170 81.2222 54 171 82.6552 93 171 81.6667 -94 171 81.1936 91 172 81.6207 92 172 81.9677 -93 172 81.6 94 172 81.8824 95 172 81.5294 -97 172 83.8846 68 173 83.3333 76 173 83.4706 -85 173 83.6842 86 173 81.7826 93 173 82.2 -71 174 82.6452 76 174 82.4571 84 174 83.6842 -85 174 83.8333 92 174 81.5294 57 174.727 84 -75 175 82.6452 80 175 82.4571 82 175 82.0714 -86 175 81.6 69 176 82.6452 71 176 82.8529 -72 176 83.8064 74 176 83.4194 80 176 82.2 -87 176 81.4545 60.2609 177 84 75 177 82.4571 -87 177 81.5294 89 177 82.8529 81 181.25 84 -115 146.357 87 36 149 86.4194 114 149 84.1765 -36 150 86.4194 37 150 86.8 36.0909 151 87 -37 151 86.0323 37 152 85.5556 37 153 86.0526 -38 153 86.6842 111 153 86.9091 37 154 86.1667 -38 154 84.7826 39 154 85.8261 38 155 84.6667 -38 156 85.0714 37.6538 156 87 41 157 84.6818 -41 158 84.1364 40 159 85.8571 41 159 84.1364 -44 158.278 87 108 159 84.5294 41 160 85.2273 -45.5 160 87 41.2 161 87 47 163 84.2727 -46 164 84.2308 52 165 85.3548 100 165 86.5455 -102 165 84.5294 53 166 86.0323 52 167 84.2647 -106 167 84.5294 51 168 84.9677 53 168 84.4545 -95 167.63 87 53 169 84.2647 92 168.75 87 -105 169 86.2059 67 169.75 87 89 170 84.8824 -98 170 85.56 98 171 85.7727 72 172 85 -74 172 85.5556 82 172 84.5294 84 172 84.6923 -98 172 85.3043 99 172 85.2 73 173 85.8261 -74 173 85.8261 84 173 84.8333 73 174 85.1538 -99 174 86.8235 73 175 85 74 175 84.5172 -184.833 178 87 186 178 85.8462 186 179 85 -188 179 84.9677 189 179 85.3 191 179 85.1818 -193 179 84.375 195 179 85.6552 196 179 86.069 -198 179 85.4545 198 178.261 87 201 179 86.4706 -202 179 86.2059 186 180 86.8235 189 180 85.3548 -190 180 84.6 191 180 84.6 193 180 84.4286 -196 180 86.1 198 180 85.5 200 180 86.2059 -201 179.75 87 193 181 86.8966 68 181.706 87 -82 182 84.5294 84 183.087 87 117 143 89.8 -118 143 89.4706 118 142.25 90 117 144 88.5 -118 144 89.4706 115 145 89.2174 116 145 87.9677 -117 145 88.2 34 146 89.6087 115 146 87.6818 -116 146 87.5769 117 146 89 35 147 87.9677 -116 147 87.2308 35 148 87.5769 36 148 87.4545 -35 149 87.5455 35.7727 152 90 39 153 89.7273 -151 155 88.8 42.6429 157 90 152 157 88.8 -153 157 89.1429 43 157.278 90 44 157.105 90 -45.4545 158 90 152 158 89.8 153 158 89.8 -45.8947 159 90 153 159 89.9 47.2857 161 90 -52 162 89.55 48 162.286 90 55 164 88.3043 -56 164 89.2174 98 164 88.8529 55 165 87.6923 -56 165 89.2174 96 165 89.2059 95.1818 165 90 -99 165 87.9677 45 165.346 90 56 166 88 -63 167 87.375 64.6 167 90 92.7692 167 90 -95 167 89.3182 94.375 167 90 64.3 168 90 -68.3333 168 90 93 167.75 90 93 168 89.5714 -94 168 89 94 167.75 90 72 168.474 90 -73 168.333 90 66 169.4 90 50 170.105 90 -174 175 89.4 175 175 88.8 176 175 89.4194 -176 176 89.0323 177 176 88.6452 178.6 176 90 -181 176 89.4231 181 177 89.3077 181 178 89.04 -182 178 88.7586 183 178 89.3182 184 178 89 -202 178 87.5172 204 178 88.5 182 179 89.4194 -183 179 89.7391 184 179 88.875 204 179 88.1538 -181 180 89.8235 183 180 89.4194 202 180 88 -119 140 92.7778 120 140 91.6452 118 141 91.9615 -119 141 90.8571 120 141 91.2 118 142 90.2 -119 142 90.1765 120 142 91.5 120.654 142 93 -119 143 90.5294 150 145 92.8 149.714 145 93 -150 146 91.8 150 147 91.5 151 147 91.8529 -117.895 148 93 150 148 91.8529 151 148 91.5 -151 149 90.5294 151 150 90.1765 36.5909 153 93 -39 154.5 93 39.1053 155 93 39.1667 156 93 -40 156.526 93 154 157 90.5294 156.105 159 93 -46 159.563 93 50.75 160 93 153 160 91.1471 -155 160 91.7 45.3333 161 93 51 161 91.0714 -52 161 91.2273 154 161 90.6 45.8667 162 93 -51 162 90.5 50.6875 162 93 154 162 91.7 -156 161.455 93 155 163 92.7391 155.25 163 93 -47 164 92.3077 46.25 164 93 159 164 91.5 -47 164.857 93 63 165 90.6667 92 165 90.8824 -159 165 90.8824 45 165.591 93 46.5455 166 93 -64 166 90.2609 66 166 92.6842 67 166 92.8636 -92 166 90.2 93 166 91.0385 158 166 91.5 -160 166 90.5806 161 166 92.3077 46.6 167 93 -65 166.684 93 69 166.4 93 70 166.227 93 -71 167 91.5556 72 167 92 75 167 90.6 -93 167 92.25 94 167 92.25 161 167 92.7391 -161.5 167 93 68.3333 168 93 72 168 91.5 -94 168 90.2143 160 168 92.4444 161 168 92.25 -162 168 91.5556 48.4 169 93 67 169 90.2727 -162 170 91.2353 51.2857 171 93 66 170.208 93 -167 171 92.8966 52.625 173 93 170 173 92.8235 -173 173 92.7778 174 174 90.2308 170 175 92.1429 -180 175 91.5 171 176 92.4194 172 175.091 93 -172 176 91.8889 174 176 90.2222 179 176 90.5455 -185 175.618 93 179 177 92.7 183 177 90.375 -177 178 91.2 178 178 92.7 178.333 178 93 -179 177.333 93 179.143 178 93 180 178 90.6 -176 178.833 93 177 178.818 93 177.286 179 93 -178 179 92.2105 179 179 91.5 204.833 179 93 -180 180 90.5294 204 180.172 93 121 139 93.2727 -123.105 139 96 33 140.857 96 34 141 94.8462 -34 142 93.9 35 143 93.6818 149 143 94.8889 -150 144 94.1818 149 145 93.7895 40 151 94.5 -40.0714 153 96 40 153.071 96 39.3529 156 96 -149.588 156 96 46 156.591 96 45 157.133 96 -48 158 94.8 47 159 93.8571 49 159 94.0714 -50.1818 159 96 45.6667 160 96 47 159.625 96 -52 159.895 96 45.5714 161 96 157 161 93.2308 -51 162 94.0714 52 161.722 96 52.8333 162 96 -54 161.5 96 156 162 95.25 158 162 93.2609 -159 162 93.6 41 163 94.8261 46 163 94.125 -51 162.692 96 52 163 95.4 52.75 163 96 -156 163 95.5714 46 164 93.3158 45.2273 164 96 -52 163.6 96 90 164 93.3214 155 164 93.6667 -43 165 94.1111 46 165 93.75 47 165 93.75 -156 165 93.2 45 166 94.5882 45.7273 166 96 -47 165.273 96 46.2727 166 96 54 166 94 -54.2 166 96 69.25 166 96 162 166 94.7727 -46 166.375 96 46 167 94.9286 54 166.667 96 -64.4615 167 96 69 166.5 96 155 166.474 96 -163 166.455 96 47 168 94.5 72 168 94.5 -94.55 168 96 164 168 94.1111 165 168 95.1 -46 169 95.8846 46.1667 169 96 47.5 169 96 -72 169 95.3182 164 169 94.1111 165 169 94.5556 -166 169 94.8 52 170 93.2 94 169.688 96 -166 170 93.4286 167 170 93.5455 51 170.625 96 -163 171 93.6 166 171 94.3636 168 171 94.375 -168 170.133 96 170 171 94.8 52 172 94 -52.1818 172 96 162 172 94.5 163 172 94.3 -164 172 95.7391 165 172 95.8636 167 172 94.3548 -168 172 94.3548 173 172 93.5172 52 172.5 96 -59 173 95.125 164 173 95.4194 165 173 95.0323 -171 173 93.1818 172 173 93.4545 216 173 95.8 -75 174 95 74.8421 174 96 76 173.533 96 -76 174 95 76.6364 174 96 167 174 95.1429 -172 174 93.8182 214 174 95.4706 168 175 94.5 -172 175 93.1765 183 174.941 96 170 177 94.5 -178 176.65 96 179 176.316 96 204.323 177 96 -176.85 178 96 178 178 93.2 179.591 178 96 -176 179 93.3158 177 179 93.8571 177 178.375 96 -178 178.609 96 177 180 94.1538 68 184.056 96 -124 138.071 99 33 139.357 99 34 140.056 99 -149 141 98.2174 150 140.5 99 149 142 96.2609 -115 143.111 99 41 153 98.6 40 154 98.0526 -41 154 98.7 42 154 98.6 43 154 97.9286 -43 153.773 99 44 155 97.5 44 156 98.1667 -44.7143 156 99 46 157 98.4545 42.8182 158 99 -45 158 97.4444 47 158 98.4706 48 158 98.25 -44 158.846 99 45 159 98.6 46 159 98 -46.75 159 99 47 158.75 99 46 160 97.6364 -46 159.375 99 47 160 97 49.1818 160 99 -51 160 97.5 46 161 97.2 47 161 97.5 -51 160.667 99 53 160.545 99 45.2778 162 99 -51 161.333 99 53 161.625 99 53 162 96.75 -161 162 97.8529 49.9333 163 99 52 162.2 99 -59 163 98.25 44.3158 164 99 60 163.667 99 -64 163.933 99 59 165 97 60 164.333 99 -60 165 97.6364 64.8182 165 99 66 165 97.125 -66.7143 165 99 68.75 165 99 47 166 97.8462 -47.3333 166 99 54 166 96.4 59 166 96 -58.2632 166 99 60 166 97.0909 65 166 98.7143 -64.8182 166 99 66 166 98.0526 66.75 166 99 -69 166 96.4286 70 165.833 99 224 166 98.8 -225 166 98.8 225 165.75 99 46 167 97.5 -47.8182 167 99 59 167 97.3636 58.25 167 99 -60 167 97.7143 67 166.286 99 69 167 96.75 -70 167 98.6 70 166.5 99 70.3333 167 99 -72 167 98.6 71.6667 167 99 72 166.5 99 -223 167 97.8529 224 167 97.6452 47 168 96.75 -46.4545 168 99 47.8571 168 99 56 168 98.7273 -55.8667 168 99 56 167.867 99 56.5 168 99 -61.8182 168 99 64.25 168 99 70 168 96.2609 -71 167.222 99 71 168 96.7895 73 168 97 -74 167.357 99 74 168 97.7727 222 168 97.8529 -223 168 97.3 224 168 98.7391 47 169 97.3636 -56 168.286 99 62 169 97.6552 62.9286 169 99 -64.25 169 99 69 169 96.9 71 169 97.35 -74.1 169 99 92.7 169 99 167 168.2 99 -221 169 97.7 222 169 97.3 223 169 98.7391 -46 170 97.5 52 169.462 99 54.2 170 99 -62 170 97.8182 62.6842 170 99 68 169.875 99 -69 170 98.25 68.5 170 99 70 170 97.1739 -71 170 97.25 72 170 97.5 72.9091 170 99 -74 169.056 99 77 170 97.5 76.4545 170 99 -77 169.571 99 170 170 96.4545 220 170 96.9 -221 170 97.0385 222 170 98.7391 61 171 98.7931 -60.7778 171 99 61.2857 171 99 69 170.5 99 -70 171 97.3333 71 171 97.25 72 171 98.625 -77 171 97.8 77.8571 171 99 94 170.294 99 -164 171 96.2727 165 171 96.4091 218 171 97.4 -219 171 96.6 220 171 96.2 221 171 98.2174 -49 172 96.3333 54 171.75 99 59 171.519 99 -60 172 98 69.1429 172 99 71 172 96.3 -72.4375 172 99 77 171.75 99 216 172 97.1818 -216 171.231 99 217 172 97.2414 218 172 96.5172 -219 172 97.5 220 172 98.7273 48 172.722 99 -50 173 97.875 51.5 173 99 58 173 96.5172 -57.1724 173 99 61 172.286 99 215 173 96.5294 -217 173 96.5294 218 173 97.3548 51 174 98.2174 -67 173.818 99 67.25 174 99 75.5 174 99 -78 174 98.7273 78.1053 174 99 180 173.097 99 -211 174 98.88 216 174 96.5294 58 174.737 99 -67 175 97.8462 66.0909 175 99 76 174.643 99 -77 175 98.4 77.75 175 99 78 174.667 99 -210 175 97.25 212 175 97.8261 213 175 96.6 -214 175 96.2 67 176 98.069 66.3571 176 99 -67.9 176 99 77 175.188 99 178 175.923 99 -178.25 176 99 209 176 96.4545 210 176 96.1154 -211 176 97.56 212 176 98.4444 213 176 98.1 -214 176 98.4231 67 176.5 99 179 176.75 99 -179.095 177 99 210 177 96.5806 212 176.833 99 -214 176.172 99 177 178.579 99 178 178.467 99 -63 183.375 99 66 183.818 99 67 184 98 -151 137 101.824 32 138 101.609 33 137.333 102 -150 138 100.696 33 139 99.5769 150 139 99.6667 -149 140 100.8 123 141 100.579 122 144 100.962 -120.8 145 102 107.773 150 102 41 152 99.5455 -34.5882 153 102 45 155 100.579 45.3913 155 102 -41 156 100.154 42 156 100.111 45 156 99.3158 -42 157 99.2727 43 157 100.111 46 157 99.6 -47 157 101.7 44 158 101.75 47 158 102 -48 158 100 43.8421 159 102 50 159 100.071 -51 160 99.4286 50 161 100.826 54 161 101.7 -55 161 101.5 158 161 101.667 157.25 161 102 -158 160.813 102 51 162 99.75 52 162 99.5455 -53 162 100.125 56 161.077 102 158 161.75 102 -227 162 101.1 228 162 101.739 46 162.444 102 -49 162.667 102 49 163 101.8 50 162.2 102 -60 162.944 102 226 163 100.5 227 163 99.9 -225 164 101.1 226 164 99.9 227 164 100.227 -47 165 101.167 59 165 101.727 65 165 99.8571 -66 165 101.5 80 164.567 102 225 165 99.5294 -226 165 100.111 46 166 101.824 60.875 166 102 -65 166 101 65.2 166 102 66 165.2 102 -66.8 166 102 226 165.944 102 46 167 99.9375 -47 167 101.077 60.75 167 102 61.1429 167 102 -62 166.455 102 64 167 100.5 65 167 100.364 -66 167 100.286 70 167 99.8571 72 166.563 102 -167 167 100.5 47 168 100.636 56 168 99.8571 -65 168 100.2 66 168 100.773 67 168 101.654 -74 167.105 102 94 168 101.786 95.375 168 102 -167 168 99.5455 62.6364 169 102 66 169 101.727 -67 169 101.8 68 169 101.8 75 168.571 102 -75 169 101.25 76 168.455 102 76 169 100.2 -95.9167 169 102 54 169.591 102 55 170 101.182 -56 169.167 102 56 170 100.5 61 170 99.8182 -64.4545 170 102 67 170 101.7 73.5455 170 102 -75 169.75 102 76 169.857 102 76.1429 170 102 -52 170.474 102 53 170.143 102 54.3333 171 102 -61 171 99.6 51 172 102 58 171.727 102 -60 172 101 73 171.667 102 72.9333 172 102 -78 171.917 102 60.25 173 102 72 173 101.182 -78 173 101.25 78 172.333 102 79.5 173 102 -180 172.316 102 67.3333 174 102 68 174 101.25 -68.6667 174 102 77 174 100.579 77.75 174 102 -79 174 102 187 174 101.419 188 174 101.8 -206.895 174 102 58 174.25 102 66 175 102 -68 175 102 77 175 99.6 78 174.75 102 -207 175 101 65.5625 176 102 68.1364 176 102 -173 176 100.688 173 175.632 102 176.565 176 102 -215 176 100.826 215.6 176 102 161 176.074 102 -212 177 99.1034 176.8 178 102 203.5 178 102 -212 178 100.556 203 178.867 102 210 179 100.355 -202.091 180 102 203 181 100.75 66 185 100.08 -200 184.172 102 232 99 104.8 232 98.7143 105 -232 99.5 105 235 111 104.824 235 112 104.824 -151 133 104.471 32 136 103.6 31.3 136 105 -33 135.867 105 150 137 102.167 153 141 103.2 -154 142 104.8 154.75 143 105 230 156 104.419 -49 157 104.318 229 157 104.8 45 158 103.313 -46 158 103.615 229 158 103.7 230 158 104.053 -44 159 103.125 45 159 102.75 46 159 103.8 -53 158.316 105 228 159 104.206 229 159 103.5 -37.1765 160 105 54 160 103.5 164 160 103.8 -229 160 103.5 157.533 161 105 158 160.417 105 -158.875 161 105 228 161 102.682 228.944 161 105 -49 162 102.273 50 162 102.316 59.8 162 105 -62 162 104.545 158 161.875 105 46 163 104 -48 163 102.375 225 163 103.111 45.1429 164 105 -46 163.455 105 47 164 103.05 45 165 103.286 -60 165 102.75 167 165 102.529 46 165.25 105 -60 166 103.105 63 166 105 65 166 102.429 -60 167 102.45 61.8571 167 105 62 166.333 105 -62.6667 167 105 64 167 104.5 63.5 167 105 -64.1 167 105 65 166.4 105 64 167.25 105 -68 168 102.261 69 168 103.962 71 168 103.556 -72 168 104.778 73 168 104.333 74 168 104.684 -96.7143 168 105 166 168 103.875 166.75 168 105 -62 169 103.05 69 169 103.304 71 169 103.304 -73 169 104.063 75 169 102.818 76 169 102.947 -97.5455 169 105 54 170 103.929 55 170 103.125 -56 170 104.143 62 170 103.235 65 170 103.636 -66 170 103.65 74 169.273 105 77 170 103 -52 171 103 53 171 102.692 54 171 103 -71 171 103.304 73 171 102.4 78 171 104.75 -178 170.261 105 179 171 103 181 171 104.419 -52 172 103.179 58 172 103.125 72 172 103.826 -77 171.286 105 182 172 104 184 172 102.882 -188 172 104.8 58 173 103.826 59 173 103.5 -70 173 103.125 72 173 103.8 78 173 103.5 -78.4 173 105 81 173 105 181 173 103.5 -182 173 103.909 188 173 102.783 207 173 104.333 -208.125 173 105 59 174 102.692 69.75 174 105 -80 173.857 105 198 174 102.667 206 174 104.217 -210 173.273 105 67 175 103.615 67.75 175 105 -68.2857 175 105 88 175 104 87.25 175 105 -88.75 175 105 176 175 104.308 176 174.455 105 -177 174.87 105 177 175 104.438 66 176 104.625 -67 176 104.625 68 176 103 88 175.75 105 -173.231 176 105 176 176 104.438 178.067 176 105 -204.091 178 105 203.25 179 105 200.571 180 105 -201 179.4 105 203 179.056 105 206 180 103.8 -201.75 181 105 205 181 104.333 206 181 103.8 -207 181 104.1 173 182 103.56 175.667 185 105 -230 94 107.4 230 93.1429 108 231 95 106.889 -231 96 106.355 231 97 106.182 232 97 106.636 -232 98 105.577 231 99 106.5 233 99 106.333 -233 98.1667 108 232 100 105.2 233.292 100 108 -233 101.5 108 233 102 107.684 233 103 106.111 -233 104 105.882 233 105 106.182 234 105 105.682 -234 106 105.222 235 105.75 108 234 107 105.2 -234 108 105.529 235 110 105.577 235.913 110 108 -234 111 105.529 236 111 106.421 236.292 114 108 -235 116 106.355 235 117 107.032 235 119 107.8 -235 120 107.8 236 120 107.739 236 121 106.696 -236 123 105.667 236 125 106.889 236 126 107.333 -235 127 107.824 236 128 106.355 236 130 107.1 -150 131 107.778 150 132 105.9 149.192 132 108 -151 132 105.818 235 132 107.8 31 135 106.8 -31 134.143 108 32 135 105.136 31 136 107 -33 135.133 108 235 136 107.471 120 139.435 108 -235 140 106.889 155 141 105.667 234 141 107.471 -235 141 107.217 234 142 107.143 235 141.857 108 -234 143 107.032 155 144 105.545 156 144 107.625 -234 144 107.333 233 145 107.824 162 151 107.471 -231 156 106.714 230.933 157 108 225.933 159 108 -57 160 107.684 168 160 107.471 57 161 106 -58 161 106.636 59 161 105.316 60 161 105.783 -158 161 106.05 58 162 108 59 162 106.2 -63 162 106 82 161.833 108 83 162 107.8 -83 161.833 108 84 162 106.759 160 162 106.714 -159.455 162 108 160 161.455 108 160.75 162 108 -46 164 105.6 64 166 106.286 65 166 106.636 -66 166 105.75 173 166 106.2 174 166 107.032 -176 166 107.778 62 167 105.333 64 167 105.231 -174 167 107.55 176 167 107.739 177 167 106.962 -216 167 107.1 168.13 168 108 174 168 105.75 -177 168 106.889 178 168 106.889 218 168 105.2 -74 169 105.333 166 168.25 108 167.2 169 108 -168 168.2 108 179 169 105.529 181 169 106.2 -183 170 105.529 192 169.333 108 195 170 107.471 -207 170 107.8 77 171 105.316 96 170.111 108 -197 171 106.645 198 171 106.457 208 171 106.457 -82 172 107.25 82 171.625 108 82.75 172 108 -197 172 106.5 198 172 106.826 203.5 172 108 -205.75 172 108 207 172 106.826 208 172 106.355 -80 173 106.2 82 172.375 108 175 173 107.087 -174.563 173 108 200 173 107.885 203 173 107.912 -205.455 173 108 209 173 106.105 210 173 105.474 -68 174 105.273 69 174 105.6 90 174 107.526 -89.75 174 108 90.75 174 108 175 174 106.895 -176 174 106.25 203 174 107.5 68 175 105.24 -88 175 105.818 90 174.75 108 177 174.895 108 -206 175 106.5 205.833 175 108 171 176 107.5 -171 175.333 108 172.231 176 108 176 175.933 108 -177.13 176 108 205 175.909 108 205 176 107.864 -206 176 106.636 205 178 105.882 204 179 105.29 -201 180 107.25 202 180 107.211 203 180 106.962 -202 181 106 203 181 107.348 169 182 106.235 -203 182 106.826 204 182 106.2 205 182 105.455 -171 183 105.176 173 183 105.778 204 183 107.1 -205 183 107.778 172 184 106.5 86 189.824 108 -227 88 110.4 226.5 88 111 228 89 109.444 -228 90 108.9 228 91 109.2 229 91 109.174 -229 92 108.667 230 91.8182 111 229 93 108.581 -230 93 108.2 233 101 109.5 232 102 108.24 -230.167 107 111 231 108 110.824 230.833 108 111 -232 109 109.182 236 119 108.545 236.64 125 111 -150 129.966 111 234.692 130 111 149 130.231 111 -148.63 131 111 235 131 109.227 236 131 108.273 -236 132 108.158 31 133 110.25 30.5882 135 111 -128 135 110.423 129 135 110.206 128 136 108.231 -129 136 110.1 129 136.818 111 157 138.643 111 -157 140 109.304 232.316 140 111 235.806 140 111 -156 141 108.136 156 142 109.08 157 142 109.4 -156 143 109.227 158 143 109.313 157 144 108.182 -232 145 109.2 234 145 108.682 234.567 145 111 -162 146 110.143 161 147 109.355 231 147 110.824 -233 147 110.864 164 148 110.471 232 148 110.909 -162 149 109.75 232 149 110.423 232.714 149 111 -231 150 110.423 232.929 150 111 231 151 109.696 -232 151 108.789 231 152 109.421 232 152 109 -231 153 110.053 230 154 108.692 170 157 109.457 -168 158 109.2 171 158 109.457 60 159 110.1 -168 159 108.529 172 159 109.457 223 158.875 111 -224 159 110.739 170 160 109.2 171 160 109.457 -172 160 109.8 174 160 110.143 82 161 108.909 -173 161 109.886 175 161 109.457 177 161 110.206 -177.818 161 111 105 162 110.25 106 162 109.2 -174 162 109.8 175 162 109.457 178 162 110.8 -220 162 110.25 220 161.417 111 106 163 109 -106.25 163 111 160 163 108.429 161 163 109.364 -161.2 163 111 175 163 108.882 161 164 109 -178 164 110.333 160 164.909 111 161.13 165 111 -179 165 108.968 184 165 109.457 183 166 109.457 -185 166 109.457 210 166 110.471 214 166 109.2 -215 166 108.882 66 167 109.6 65.125 167 111 -66 166.417 111 67 166.625 111 67.2727 167 111 -184 167 110.333 185 167 110.679 186 167 110.032 -187 167 109.457 194 167 110.8 193.5 167 111 -195 166.625 111 209 167 110.125 215 167 108.529 -66 168 109.5 65.25 168 111 67 168 110.308 -166.696 168 111 169 167.563 111 169 168 110.222 -170 168 110.735 171 168 110.735 172 167.87 111 -185 168 110.211 187 168 108.529 192 168 110.211 -192.714 168 111 193.25 168 111 195 168 109.645 -201 168 109.853 203 168 110.684 204 168 110.684 -207 167.5 111 210 168 109.826 213 168 110.864 -214 168 110.04 92.6842 169 111 167 168.875 111 -168 168.947 111 169 168.438 111 172 169 109.645 -173 169 109.429 192.818 169 111 194 169 109.5 -193.25 169 111 202 169 110.625 205 169 110.471 -207 169 108.75 93.25 170 111 173 170 109.35 -173.688 170 111 193 169.25 111 94 170.4 111 -95 170.625 111 173 171 111 82 172 108.818 -186 172 110.55 185.727 172 111 205 172 109.636 -205 171.375 111 92 173 110.55 91.25 173 111 -93 172.455 111 93 173 110.4 175 173 110.625 -186 172.375 111 195 173 110.471 195 172.571 111 -196 172.444 111 196 173 109.5 205 173 110.143 -90.5 174 111 91 173.2 111 91 174 108.6 -92 174 110.438 94 174 110.55 95 173.667 111 -95 174 109.875 175 174 109.75 176 174 109.313 -196 174 109.821 197 174 109.889 197.667 174 111 -204 174 108.947 205 173.4 111 205.75 174 111 -91 174.25 111 95 174.75 111 171 175 108.273 -176 175 109.909 195.563 175 111 197 175 110.217 -85 176 108 84.25 176 111 85 175.25 111 -85.1875 176 111 171.857 176 111 177 176 108.29 -196 176 111 197 176 110.143 205 175.333 111 -85 176.188 111 197 176.286 111 212 180.067 111 -207 67 113.333 208 68 112.645 209 68 112.889 -210 68.0667 114 210 70 112.457 213 71 112.313 -214 71 112.75 215 71 113.5 215 72 112.25 -216 73 111.261 217 73 111.273 213 74 112.8 -216 74 111.968 218 74 112.364 218.231 74 114 -218 75 111.783 218 76 112.313 219.091 76 114 -218 77 113.419 219 77 113.679 219.25 77 114 -219 78 113.778 220 78 113.419 220 79 113.143 -221 80 113.419 221.857 81 114 222 82 113.8 -222.167 84 114 223 84 113.143 224 85 113.333 -225 85 113.55 225 87 113.778 226 87 112.696 -226 88 111.783 227 87.2632 114 229 98 111.176 -231 110 111.529 230.04 113 114 231 114 111.529 -232 119 112.773 232 120 111.947 233 121 111.5 -233 128 111.581 234 129 112.227 31 130 113.793 -149 130 111.333 233.375 130 114 234 130 113.348 -31 131 112.636 32 131 112.5 234 131 112.364 -31 132 113.182 30.875 132 114 32 132 112.5 -232 132 112.2 233 132 111.455 131 133 112.962 -132 133 113.1 132 132.182 114 149 132.944 114 -129 134 112.111 130 134 111.581 131 134 111.9 -132 134 113.778 232 133.684 114 233 134 111.931 -130 135 111.2 131 135 112.7 126 135.067 114 -158 136 113.333 31.2857 137 114 232 137 111.581 -157 138 112.08 229.5 138 114 233 138 111.176 -229 142 113.824 230 142 113.143 108 143 113.545 -161 143 111.857 231 144 112.5 165 145 112.8 -164 146 112.313 229 146 113.8 231 146 111.091 -230 147 111.176 232.962 148 114 229 149 111.931 -226 151 113.143 227 152 113.545 229 152 113.909 -232.176 152 114 228 153 112.909 103 154 113.4 -104 154 113.455 101.818 155 114 103 155 111.429 -104 155 113 59 157 112.235 59 158 111.529 -222 157.565 114 177 159 113 220 160 112.545 -106 161.053 114 106.783 162 114 161 163 113.571 -189 163 113.206 106 163.13 114 159.677 164 114 -189 164 112.889 191 164 112.889 197.25 164 114 -208 164 112.457 161.667 165 114 191 165 113.684 -192 165 112.889 198 165 113.25 205 165 113.217 -67 166 112 66.4737 166 114 67 165.667 114 -68 166 112.241 68.8947 166 114 190 166 113.5 -191 166 113.25 192 166 111.947 197 166 113.885 -197 165.667 114 198 166 113.778 199 166 112.5 -203 166 111.75 66 166.75 114 68 167 111.923 -192 167 111.545 193 167 111.273 56 168 112.25 -56 167.125 114 56.5833 168 114 66.1429 168 114 -68 167.947 114 67.8571 168 114 90.625 168 114 -93 167.261 114 167.769 168 114 168 167.25 114 -172 167.391 114 193 168 111.6 56 169 111.75 -56.2 169 114 169 168.609 114 184 169 113.684 -184 168.333 114 185 168.75 114 185 169 113.308 -192.417 169 114 202.65 169 114 203 168.125 114 -204 168.455 114 173 169.857 114 185 170 113.308 -184.6 170 114 193 170 111.9 194 169.444 114 -194 170 112.125 95 170.261 114 185 171 112.263 -186 171 113.182 192.889 171 114 194 171 112 -195 171 112.696 93 171.684 114 185 172 113.182 -186.438 172 114 194 172 113 195 172 111.667 -196 172 112.714 204 171.875 114 205 172 112.875 -204.4 172 114 205.231 172 114 94 173 111.5 -185 172.111 114 205 173 112.5 204.867 173 114 -205.5 173 114 91.8667 174 114 94.6667 174 114 -195 173.722 114 197.429 174 114 206 173.25 114 -206 174 111.429 93 174.393 114 172 175 111.75 -172.125 175 114 196 174.667 114 205 175 113.571 -206.15 175 114 85 176 111.346 171 175.545 114 -176 186.853 114 181 187.808 114 201.75 67 117 -204 67 116.125 203 68 116.471 205 69 116.1 -208 73 116.217 209 73 116.125 208 74 116.333 -207.5 74 117 209 74 115.962 210 76 116.1 -211 76 116.217 215 77 115.2 214 78 115.8 -216 78 115.645 217 78 116.333 213 78.6667 117 -218 79 116.444 221.966 80 117 219 81 115.2 -222 81 114.136 221 82 114.176 221 83 114.857 -225 84.1111 117 223 86.8667 117 224 89 115.7 -225 89 115.227 225 90 115.5 224.697 92 117 -224 95 116.824 234.059 105 117 226 108 116.4 -227 110 116.778 228 111 116.824 228 112 116.206 -228 113 116.419 229 114 114.529 229 115 114.857 -229 118 115.8 230 119 116.885 231 119 115.759 -231 121 114.931 230 122 114.882 30 125 116.087 -31 126 115.5 228.5 126 117 146 127.966 117 -145.955 128 117 146 129 115.655 32 130 114.231 -134 130 116.5 135 130 116.471 230 130 116.778 -132 131 116.069 133 131 114.818 134 131 115.3 -135 131 116.778 132 132 114.182 133 132 114.091 -134 132 115.5 133 133 114.931 159 133 115.5 -229 133 116.143 230 133 115.147 149.433 134 117 -230 134 116.032 231 134 116.1 232 134 114.692 -159 135 114.2 161 135 116.217 228 135 116.8 -229 135 115.889 232 135 115.364 159 136 114.857 -160 136 115.56 161 136 116.739 163 136 116.333 -229 136 116.625 162 137 116.217 230 137 114.4 -164 138 116.739 164 139 115.889 226 142 116.824 -105.867 143 117 226 143 116.143 229 143 114.176 -167 144 115.2 228 144 115.853 229 144 115.235 -104 144.933 117 103.857 145 117 105 145 115.5 -168 145 116.625 229 145 115 168 146 116.885 -169 146 116.778 170 146 116.333 227 146 116.545 -170 148 115.8 172 149 115.457 222.125 149 117 -223 150 115.457 224 151 115.2 220 152 116.143 -221 152 115.853 222 152 115.8 224 152 115.853 -51 152.087 117 221 153 115.457 222 153 115.8 -223 153 116.471 102 154 116.143 104 154 115.5 -219 154 116.5 101.895 155 117 103.545 155 117 -182 154.75 117 216 155 116.471 217 155 116.032 -218 155 116.333 181 156 115.457 182 156 116.4 -216 156 115.8 217 156 116.333 217.75 156 117 -223 155.917 117 161 157 114.8 160.313 157 117 -161 156.083 117 162 157 116 162.333 157 117 -182 157 116.032 185 157 116.206 212 157 116.471 -214 157 116.559 216 157 115.457 217 157 116.333 -217.75 157 117 161 157.55 117 162 157.857 117 -176 158 114.207 183 158 115.853 212 158 115.457 -216 158 115.457 217 158 116.032 218 158 115.929 -185 159 115.457 205 158.833 117 208 159 116.419 -210 159 116.125 189 160 115.457 192 160 116.8 -207 160 116.032 208 160 115.645 209 160 116.217 -217 160 114.9 187 161 114.29 188 161 114.968 -204 161 115.8 205 161 115.645 207 161 116.419 -208 161 116.419 209.5 161 117 217 161 116.069 -103.083 162 117 206 162 116.1 210 162 114.667 -216 162 116.864 217 162 116.88 58 163 116.739 -57.8182 163 117 58.25 163 117 69 162.818 117 -103 163 116.087 103 162.125 117 211 163 114.931 -69 164 116.217 103 163.875 117 162.077 164 117 -68 165 116.25 68 164.813 117 159.933 165 117 -197 165 114.333 69 166 114.667 170 166 114.9 -190 166 114.75 190 165.455 117 191 166 115.2 -56 167 114.75 56 166 117 66 167 114.333 -67 167 116.348 67.3333 167 117 91 167 114.783 -191 167 115.765 192 167 116.455 56 168 117 -67 168 114.692 68 167.385 117 89.0909 168 117 -168.125 168 117 172 168 116.1 171.684 168 117 -184 168 114.6 184 167 117 184.333 168 117 -190.923 168 117 192 168 114.923 193 168 115.333 -193.333 168 117 201.067 168 117 202 167.067 117 -203 168 114.13 204.467 168 117 56 169 114.563 -89.25 169 117 91 169 115 94.6364 169 117 -171 169 115.579 172 169 115.7 184 168.8 117 -184 169 116 185 169 116.25 192 169 114.789 -202 169 116.6 201.923 169 117 204.609 169 117 -79 170 115.875 79 169.727 117 80 169.417 117 -80 170 115.385 185 170 116.571 192 169.737 117 -79 170.273 117 80 170.304 117 94 170.286 117 -185 171 115.737 186 171 114.474 195 171 116.727 -194.875 171 117 204 171 116.8 204 170.857 117 -94 171.455 117 186 172 114.778 194 172 115.286 -194 171.467 117 195 172 116.333 196 172 115 -205 172 114.474 92.2273 173 117 195 173 115.773 -196 173 116.1 205 173 114.6 93 174 116.75 -171 173.889 117 197 174 114.692 205 174 115.286 -206 174 115.636 206 175 114.818 172 175.933 117 -204 185 115.579 176.85 186 117 177 185.813 117 -178 185.417 117 184 186 116.735 184 187.385 117 -200.25 67 120 200.333 69 120 204 70 117.968 -202.125 71 120 204 71 118.313 204 74 119.143 -206 77 118.457 208 77 118.5 207 78 119.032 -210 78 118.25 217 79 117.273 210 79.5455 120 -214 80 119.5 216 80 117.261 217 80 117.103 -216 81 117.667 221 86 118.364 219 87 119.824 -220 87 119.8 220.5 87 120 220 88 119.559 -221 88 119.5 222 87.2857 120 222 89 119.1 -222 90.3333 120 223 90.7692 120 224 91.125 120 -222.545 93 120 224 93 118.56 33 105 119.8 -33 107 119.471 32 108 119.739 33 108 119.824 -223.867 108 120 32 109 118.556 33 109 119.824 -224.526 109 120 31 110 119.526 225 110 119.1 -32 111 118.5 224 111 119.419 224 112 118.457 -225 112 118.2 31 113 117.75 224 113 118.457 -225 113 118.645 226 113 118.3 226 114 119.864 -31 119 117.529 226 119 118.457 226 120 118.457 -227 120 118.258 230 120 117.391 225 121 119.471 -227 121 119.739 229 121 118.08 33 127 118.818 -29.4857 128 120 227.929 128 120 145.147 129 120 -228 129 119.864 226 130 119.143 162 131 118.8 -226 131 119.118 161 132 118.235 164 132 118.8 -227 132 118.457 34.4545 133 120 34 134 119.211 -226 135 118.457 230 135 117.517 231 135 117.409 -230 136 117.429 165 137 117.176 169 136.167 120 -169 137 119.143 168 138 118.457 224 138 118.8 -226 138 118.75 110 139 119.824 167 139 118.645 -225 139 119.032 226 139 119.333 227 139 118.556 -167 140 118 226 140 118.941 228 140 117.265 -224 141 118.8 106.133 142 120 221 142 118.8 -106 142.5 120 105.75 143 120 170 143 118.645 -173 143 118.8 103 144 119.769 105.857 144 120 -220 144 118.457 102 145 117.6 103 145 117.947 -104 144.667 120 105 144.857 120 221 145 118.457 -99 146 118.853 101 146 118.182 102 146 117.231 -219 146 118.457 221 146 118.8 222 146 119.206 -223 146 119.471 174 147 118.2 219 147 118.8 -221 147 119.559 222 147 119.273 223 147 118.909 -220.286 148 120 221 148 119.559 222 148 118.545 -221 149 119.1 179 150 118.457 220.346 150 120 -177 151 118.556 178 151 118.889 179 151 118.457 -213 152 118.8 218 152 117.857 181 153 119.1 -185 153 119.824 215 153 118.457 217 153 117.882 -102 153.85 120 103.438 154 120 210 154 118.457 -215 154 118.2 222 154 117.455 223 154 118.111 -224 154 117.45 104 155 119.143 209 155 118.457 -211 155 118.457 213 155 118.7 219 155 117.273 -221 155 118.759 222 155 119.172 223 155 118.435 -103 155.895 120 104 155.143 120 184 156 117.529 -189 156 118.457 211 156 117.882 213 156 117.968 -218.727 156 120 219 155.87 120 219.429 156 120 -220 156 119.294 222 156 119.04 161 157 118.737 -162 157 118.636 189 157 118.2 201 157 119.206 -219 156.75 120 219 157 119.5 198 158 119.419 -202 158 119.206 203 159 118.4 165 160 119.609 -164.727 160 120 165 159.75 120 202 160 117.182 -210 160 117.6 165 160.6 120 210 161 117.333 -211 161 119.786 211.25 161 120 212.75 161 120 -214 161 118.909 216 161 118.105 57 162 118.688 -57 161.125 120 58 161.083 120 58 162 118.565 -104 162 118.65 105 162 118.111 106 162 117.375 -188 162 119.684 57 163 118.688 67.5333 163 120 -68 162.417 120 101 163 119.308 100.143 163 120 -102 162.739 120 102 163 118.364 103 162.563 120 -104 163 119 188 163 119 57 164 119 -56.5556 164 120 57.8 164 120 101 164 119.217 -102 164 119.25 103 164 118 103.111 164 120 -181 164 119.308 188 164 119.308 189 164 118.889 -57 165 117.75 56.25 165 120 57.25 165 120 -68 165 118.125 68.3125 165 120 162 164.053 120 -162.667 165 120 169 164.5 120 180.739 165 120 -189 165 118.444 190 165 117.75 197 165 119.667 -198 165 119.55 57 165.25 120 68 166 118.826 -69 165.55 120 69 166 118.313 93.2 166 120 -161 165.947 120 182 166 118.364 183 166 117.375 -189.067 166 120 191 165.333 120 198 166 118.25 -199 166 118.95 56 167 117.75 68 167 118 -162 166.261 120 171.519 167 120 183 166.636 120 -190 166.737 120 198 166.35 120 200 167 119.182 -199.25 167 120 200 166.571 120 201 166.632 120 -201 167 117.375 184 168 117.75 193 168 118.579 -192.25 168 120 201 168 118 202 167.417 120 -192 169 119.211 192 168.375 120 203 169 119.87 -203 168.857 120 79 170 117.563 80 170 118.75 -193 170 119.684 203 170 117.391 204 170 117.6 -93 171 119 94 171 118 94.3704 171 120 -94.3704 172 120 94 172.667 120 170.192 175 120 -171 175.808 120 184 184.267 120 176.533 186 120 -180 186 117.25 181 186 117.6 181.8 186 120 -182.091 186 120 185 186 117.091 175 186.588 120 -181 187 120 184 187 117.652 183.053 187 120 -185 187 117.088 182 187.615 120 200.25 68 123 -200.333 69 123 205 80 122.625 207 80 121.556 -208 80 122.423 210 80 120.714 221 79.913 123 -205 80.75 123 207 81 121.889 214 81 120.12 -206 82 122.032 207 82 121.645 208 82 122.8 -213 82 120.333 214 82 120.231 211 83 121.645 -213 83 121.5 210.182 84 123 212 84 121.8 -213 84 122.125 213 84.875 123 214 85.5 123 -216 87 122.739 217 87 122.55 221 87 120.273 -222 87 120.333 218 88 121.2 220 89 121.038 -221 89 120.103 221 90 120.231 221 91 121.5 -223 91 122.25 220 92 122.129 221 92 121.7 -222 92 121.889 222.667 92 123 222 93 120.529 -34 102 121.962 34 101.182 123 33 103 121.895 -34 103 121.7 33 104 120.682 34 104 121.5 -31.8235 105 123 34 105 121.5 32 106 120.667 -222 107 120.529 220 109 122.778 224 109 121 -220 110 122.333 221 110 122.032 222 110 122.206 -223 110 121.909 221 111 122.806 222 111 121.909 -221 114 122.032 222 114 120.857 220 115 122.143 -225 115 120.273 226 115 120.692 223 116 121.25 -224 116 121.125 225 116 120.333 221 117 121.457 -224 117 121.2 222 118 122.333 223 118 122.739 -223 119 122.063 223 120 121.853 222 121 121.457 -224 121 120.529 221 122 121.457 223 122 121.457 -226 122 120.455 227 122 121.219 221 123 121.457 -224 123 121.5 225 123 121.853 226 123 121.909 -227 123 121.219 149 123.7 123 226 124 121.909 -227 124 120.094 34.4737 126 123 226 126 121.125 -161 126.5 123 165 127 122.824 225 127 122.1 -226 127 121.7 34.7391 128 123 134 127.833 123 -145.059 128 123 165 128 121.8 217.875 128 123 -219 128 121.8 223 128 121.8 227 128 122.167 -135 128.077 123 162 129 121.235 164 129 121.8 -167 129 121.8 226 129 120.115 227 129 120.316 -35 130 121.818 136.4 130 123 124 133 121.355 -219 133 121.457 168 134 121.5 220 135 121.8 -219 136 122.786 218 138 121.457 220 138 121.457 -221 138 121.645 222 138 121.304 174 139 121.457 -177 139 122.471 220 139 122.8 221 139 122.8 -222 139 122.217 223 139 120.5 104.6 140 123 -106 140 121.355 173 140 121.2 177 141 122.1 -178 141 122.032 179 141 122.471 221 141 120.818 -105 142 123 106 142 120.857 176 142 122.129 -215 142 122.25 102 143 120.29 103 143 120.261 -104 143 120.75 176 143 121.543 212 143 122.471 -104 144 120.857 116 144 121.714 117 143.818 123 -181 144 121.8 182 144 122.471 212 144 121.457 -214 144 121.886 104.417 145 123 106 145 122 -116 145 120.167 117 145 120.3 179 145 121.457 -215 145 121.8 105 145.438 123 106 145.261 123 -116 145.739 123 181 146 122.778 184 146 121.8 -210 146 122.806 214 146 121.645 216 146 121.457 -46 147 121.111 181 147 122.778 182 147 122.778 -184 147 121.457 205 147 122.471 205 146.5 123 -208 147 121.457 209 147 121.8 211 147 121.8 -91 147.5 123 181 148 121.7 205 148 121.457 -207 148 121.457 211 148 121.457 212 148 122.125 -214 148 122.125 90 149 122.419 188 149 121.8 -210 149 121.457 212.375 149 123 42 150 122.4 -41.625 150 123 42 149.625 123 42.2727 150 123 -89 150 120.882 203 150 121.853 204 150 121.457 -209 150 121.457 210 150 121.645 211 150 122.217 -211.75 150 123 220 150 121.08 52 151 120.692 -208 151 121.457 214 150.625 123 53 152 122.5 -54.75 152 123 62 151.5 123 84 152 120.529 -189 152 121.457 208 152 121.2 177 153 122.609 -176.4 153 123 177 152.727 123 177.75 153 123 -177 153.25 123 103 154.211 123 104 155 120.857 -200 155 121.457 101.313 156 123 103 156 120.375 -217 156 122.182 216.455 156 123 218 155.813 123 -218 156 122.182 219.429 156 123 102 156.846 123 -103 156.933 123 217 157 121.696 216.286 157 123 -218 157 122.182 219 157 120.75 217 157.5 123 -206 159 122.053 207 159 121.875 165 159.813 123 -207 160 121.355 208 159.083 123 209 159.727 123 -209 160 122.438 209.429 160 123 60 161 122.333 -165 160.75 123 166 161 121.091 186 161 122.71 -187 160.364 123 188 161 122.55 207 161 121.696 -208 161 122.053 209 160.333 123 212 161 121.125 -57 161.455 123 70 162 120.273 72 161.263 123 -72 162 121.645 167 162 122.125 166.125 162 123 -167 161.125 123 187 162 120.222 57 163 122.625 -71 163 121 98 163 122.526 98 162.625 123 -99 162.045 123 99 163 120.261 100 163 120.158 -102 163 121.636 101.667 163 123 103 163 120.875 -167 162.467 123 169 163 122.71 168.25 163 123 -181 163 122.55 180.87 163 123 181.75 163 123 -57 164 120.75 58 163.273 123 90.6957 164 123 -93 164 122.4 100 164 121.091 102 164 121.125 -103 164 120.333 161 164 121.2 168 164 122.739 -167.923 164 123 172 163.6 123 182 163.143 123 -57 165 120.375 161 164.6 123 163 164.391 123 -182 165 122.842 182 164.857 123 191.375 165 123 -195 164.333 123 196 164.217 123 198 164.923 123 -172.654 166 123 182 166 120.783 195.8 166 123 -210 166 122.609 209.75 166 123 85 167 122.222 -84.125 167 123 85 166.632 123 85.5833 167 123 -162 166.783 123 163 166.526 123 191 167 121.235 -191 166.167 123 200 167 121.125 201 167 121.235 -210 167 122.438 211 167 122.4 84 168 122.4 -83.25 168 123 169 167.609 123 192 168 120.375 -201 168 120.4 202 168 121.05 203 168 120.783 -211 168 120.2 211.875 168 123 84 168.2 123 -90.125 169 123 91 169.368 123 95.1875 170 123 -211 169.15 123 212 169.375 123 92.4615 171 123 -93 172 121.75 170 171.87 123 170 173 120.75 -171 172.727 123 193 174 122.6 193 173.333 123 -194 173.067 123 194 175 120 194.9 175 123 -171 175.316 123 159 180.31 123 183.4 184 123 -184.545 184 123 182.895 185 123 175.143 186 123 -177 185.4 123 177 186 121.615 180.417 186 123 -181 186 121.091 178 187 121.889 179 187 122.1 -180 187 121.5 183 186.333 123 178 187.909 123 -182 188.435 123 193 188.077 123 92 190.6 123 -203 70 125.71 202 71 124.5 202.37 71 126 -202.286 73 126 208 81 123.12 205 83 125.727 -208 83 123.682 207 84 124.826 206 85 125.778 -205.8 85 126 206.5 85 126 206 86 125.125 -205.364 86 126 206.875 86 126 209 86 125.125 -210.375 86 126 211 85.7727 126 207.4 87 126 -209 87 125.032 210 87 125.333 210.545 87 126 -214 87 124.304 212 87.25 126 211.143 88 126 -213 88 125.625 210.867 89 126 212 89 124.645 -213 90 125.333 216 91 125.7 223.909 91 126 -215 92 125.739 216 92 125.75 224 92 124.636 -214 93 125.778 217 93 124.889 216 94 124.645 -217 94 125.217 218 94 125.625 217 95 125.217 -218 95 125.211 219 95 125.786 36 96 125.8 -36 95.7143 126 216 96 124.645 217 96 124.889 -218 96 124.111 219 96 123.136 35 97 125.778 -36 97 125.471 36 98 125.824 34 99 125.609 -35 99 124.5 34 100 124.421 35 100 124.5 -215 100 124.457 35 101 124.818 216 105 124.457 -218 109 124.5 219 109 124 218 111 123.882 -219 111 123.517 216 112 125.471 221 112 123.176 -215 113 125.5 218 113 125.885 220 113 124 -219 114 125.864 214 116 125.824 215.75 117 126 -217 119 124.457 36 121 124.457 37 121 125.471 -152.6 121 126 155 121 124.457 157 121 124.8 -215 121 124.457 152 122 125.625 153 122 124.853 -166 121.833 126 153 123 123.882 155 123 124.457 -165 123 125.125 218 123 124.457 36 124 124.8 -146.923 124 126 165 124 125.217 170 123.833 126 -218 124 124.8 220 124 123.818 36 125 124.457 -160 125 124.313 165 125 125.125 170 125 124.8 -212 125 125.1 211.4 125 126 219.857 125 126 -221 125 125.25 223 125 125.545 224 125 125.206 -35 126 123.882 36 126 124.645 37 126 124.645 -145.8 126 126 160 126 123.783 170 126 124.457 -212 126 125.778 213 126 125.55 213.6 126 126 -219 126 125.885 223 126 125.545 224 126 124.909 -36 127 125.217 213.25 127 126 36 128 124.826 -37 128 124.889 174 127.25 126 217 127.739 126 -216.571 128 126 228 128 123.75 227.25 128 126 -37 129 124.645 38.5 129 126 174 129 124.645 -214 129 125.55 216 129 125.55 216 128.727 126 -228 128.75 126 38 130 125.471 174 130 124.889 -146.5 131 126 212 131 124.457 37 132 125.559 -176 132 124.645 216 132 124.889 177 133 125.143 -211 133 124.8 215 133 124.457 211 134 124.457 -217 135 124.3 216 136 124.147 217 136 124.5 -176 137 124.111 213 138 124.2 207.167 139 126 -209 139 124.457 217 139 124.125 224 139 125.455 -223.2 139 126 224 138.556 126 225 138.5 126 -225 139 125.143 102 140 124.2 104 140 124.227 -182 140 124.645 183 140 124.7 207.5 140 126 -216 140 124.8 217 140 124.545 43 141 125.824 -103 141 123.947 104.857 141 126 167 141 124.385 -166.364 141 126 167 140.417 126 182 141 124.889 -184 141 124.645 209 141 124.645 216 141 124.345 -218 141 123.818 42 142 124.235 43 142 125.559 -99 142 124.2 105 141.25 126 167 142 124 -183 142 124.645 186 142 124.7 186.722 142 126 -203 142 124.457 207.222 142 126 209 142 124.645 -213 142 124.5 46 142.5 126 168 143 123.13 -169 143 124.3 185 143 124.645 190 143 125.778 -191 143 124.457 192 143 124.645 205 143 124.8 -97 144 123.182 105 144 124.826 116 143.769 126 -168 144 124 169 144 123 184 144 123.882 -190 144 125.032 191 144 124.645 198 144 124.457 -202 144 124.457 105 145 124.105 106 145 124.2 -116.737 145 126 168 144.37 126 169 144.609 126 -188 145 125.1 189 144.125 126 193 145 125.55 -201 145 124.457 205 145 124.457 89 145.25 126 -115 145.857 126 115.25 146 126 194 146 124.457 -90 147 124.5 116 146.111 126 191 147 124.645 -202 147 124.457 196 148 124.8 43 149 124.364 -44 149 125.609 45 149 125.8 59 149 125.824 -191 149 124.457 194 149 123.529 197 149 124.556 -214 149 124.412 216 149 124.56 217 149 124.364 -42 150 123.818 43 149.857 126 44 149.273 126 -59.3333 150 126 60 150 125.75 61 150 125.333 -64 150 124.457 212.25 150 126 215 150 125.833 -216 150 125.864 217 150 124.909 54 151 123.316 -55 151 123.833 56 151 124.5 211.4 151 126 -214.75 151 126 54 152 124.286 59 151.375 126 -177 153 124.286 218 153 125.667 217.727 153 126 -176 154 125.308 102 155 125.8 174 155 125.55 -174 154.571 126 175 155 124.862 214 155 125.118 -215 155 124.5 217 155 124.875 217.4 155 126 -175 156 124.889 176 156 124.929 176.667 156 126 -214 155.909 126 216 156 123.938 217.368 156 126 -218 156 123.6 219 156 123.692 100 156.333 126 -102 157 123.75 103 156.273 126 204 157 125.4 -216 157 124.714 218 157 123.6 219 157 123.391 -100 157.909 126 205 158 123.8 206 158 124.091 -184 159 125.323 184 158.125 126 185 158.217 126 -185 159 124.258 205 159 123.517 208 158.923 126 -165 160 123.333 185 160 123.9 186 160 123.13 -208.654 160 126 209 160 123.75 61 161 123.3 -72 161 123.789 74 161 125.471 94 161 125.455 -94.5455 161 126 180 161 125.727 180 160.714 126 -181 160.444 126 185 161 125.684 57 162 124.2 -57.6 162 126 60 162 125.25 61 162 123.75 -70 162 124.579 73 162 123.556 92 162 124.7 -167 162 125.625 167.333 162 126 168 161.923 126 -168 162 125.143 181 162 123.188 180.063 162 126 -208 162 124.875 60 162.097 126 61 162.273 126 -69 163 124.5 71 163 125.727 71.25 163 126 -167.391 163 126 168 163 123.2 171 162.265 126 -181.25 163 126 207 162.2 126 208 163 126 -90 164 124.92 97.7273 164 126 163 164 125.25 -163 163.813 126 181 164 123.563 182 164 123.783 -190 163.773 126 87 165 125.4 86.6 165 126 -87.8571 165 126 192 165 124.111 194 165 123.1 -86 166 124.35 87 166 124.444 87.6364 166 126 -90.7391 166 126 164.435 166 126 191.857 166 126 -198 166 125.318 210 166 125.25 84.4737 167 126 -86 167 124.25 86.5833 167 126 162 166.6 126 -163 167 124.8 171.2 167 126 189 166.143 126 -210 167 124.125 211 167 123.75 84 168 123.818 -90 168 123.4 211 168 125.211 191 170 124.696 -190.333 170 126 192 169.889 126 192 170 125.25 -169 171 124.765 170 170.842 126 170 171 125.609 -191 170.909 126 192 171 124.263 191.083 171 126 -169 172 124.043 168.375 172 126 192 172 125.455 -193 172 124.875 171 173 124.636 170.737 173 126 -193 173 123.75 194 173 123.75 170 174 125.211 -171 174 125 195 175 124.2 195.13 175 126 -194 175.435 126 195 175.375 126 197 178 124.889 -197 179 124.821 197.733 179 126 197 179.917 126 -175 183 125.6 179 183 125.769 164 183.941 126 -184 184 124.2 175 185 124.889 176 185 125.308 -177 184.714 126 184 185 125.684 170 185.722 126 -170.714 186 126 173 185.714 126 176 185.375 126 -171 186.087 126 172 186.261 126 179 186.455 126 -180 186.333 126 192 186.818 126 182.5 188 126 -93 190 125 96 190.059 126 202.654 72 129 -207 72 128.806 209 72.6087 129 210 73.0909 129 -208 76 128 207.533 76 129 210 79 126.789 -210 78.2632 129 211 79 128.6 210 80 127.364 -210.857 80 129 211 79.6667 129 212 80 128.833 -211.5 80 129 212 79.9091 129 212 81 128.483 -211.5 81 129 212.5 81 129 212 81.4545 129 -207 85 126.857 205.1 86 129 207 86 126.5 -208 86 126.214 211 85.6667 129 212 86 126.5 -213 86 126.5 207 87 128 212 87 126.857 -213 87 127.071 205.833 88 129 207 87.0909 129 -210 88 126.4 211 87.75 129 211 88 127 -206 88.1667 129 210 89 127.773 205 90 128.684 -214 90 126.316 204 90.625 129 205 91 127.889 -211 90.625 129 212 90.4167 129 213 91 127.071 -215 91 126.882 223 91 128.143 204 92 128.125 -223 92 126.882 37 93 128.6 38 92.7143 129 -38.0909 93 129 203 93 128.684 205 93 127.457 -208 93 128.206 209 93 128.032 210 93 128.667 -37 94 128.053 203 94 128.333 209 94 128.333 -213.125 94 129 219 94 127.286 36 95 127 -202.739 95 129 209 95 128.125 34.9333 96 129 -203.5 96 129 209.583 96 129 213 96 128.625 -212.75 96 129 206 97 127.8 208 97 127.457 -210 96.7143 129 210 97 128.684 205 97.5 129 -209 98 127.889 211 98 127.889 212 99 127.889 -213 99 127.5 209 100 127.645 209 101 127.457 -212 102 127.457 208 103 127.8 208 104 127.457 -205 109 128.206 203 110 128.143 206 110 128.032 -207 110 127.457 214 110 127.457 212 111 127.457 -200 111.833 129 201 113 127.457 198.625 114 129 -204 114 127.853 218 114 126.818 199 115 127.8 -200 115 127.457 201 117 127.457 215 117 126.265 -223 117 127.895 222.632 117 129 223.875 117 129 -211 118 127.457 212 118 127.5 223 118 128 -222.143 118 129 223.261 118 129 202 119 128.8 -208 119 127.457 213 119 128.206 214 119 127.182 -202 120 128.419 203 120 128.5 209 120 127.457 -161 120.417 129 204 121 128.118 209 121 128.032 -152 121.818 129 166.6 122 129 205 122 127.457 -29.8235 123 129 167 122.25 129 168.6 123 129 -149 123.7 129 170.25 124 129 188 124 128.909 -187.833 124 129 208 124 127.889 196 125 128.143 -197 125 127.8 206 125 127.457 218 124.955 129 -218.1 125 129 39 126 127.182 189 126 128.824 -199 126 128.032 204 126 127.457 206 126 127.645 -210 126 128.308 133 126.824 129 172.75 127 129 -174 126.857 129 174.286 127 129 199 127 128.333 -205 127 127.457 206 127 127.889 210.455 127 129 -211 127 126.75 214 127 128.077 214.571 127 129 -216 126.25 129 218 127 126.3 217.25 127 129 -173 127.125 129 199 128 128.125 206 128 128.125 -215 128 126.964 228 128 126.818 179 128.182 129 -181 129 127.645 206.833 129 129 39 130 126.581 -146.273 130 129 179 130 127.8 183 130 127.457 -197 130 127.853 198 130 127.889 205 130 127.457 -207 130 128.25 209 129.417 129 39 131 126.529 -40 131 127.2 41.625 131 129 197 131 128.4 -198 131 128.55 201 131 128.125 209 131 127.457 -40 132 127.853 188 133 128.032 40 134 127.286 -180 134 127.543 187 134 127.889 188 134 128.217 -192 134 128.471 193 133.75 129 184 135 128.1 -188.286 135 129 192 135 127.457 43 136 127.8 -43.875 136 129 182 136 127.2 184 136 128.778 -185 136 128.778 186 136 128.125 206 136 127.457 -219 136 128.55 183 137 128.143 184 137 128.778 -185 137 128.778 196 137 128.55 203 137 127.8 -218 137 128.625 217.813 137 129 219 137 127.696 -220.375 137 129 102 138 126.29 184 138 127.75 -187 138 127.645 188 138 127.962 202 138 128.559 -219 137.667 129 220 137.375 129 222 138 128.4 -221.25 138 129 223 138 127.25 224 138 127.875 -224.375 138 129 186 139 128.1 187 139 127.889 -188 139 128.333 201 139 128.8 203 139 128.559 -205 139 128.032 206 139 127.444 223 139 126.429 -222.6 139 129 225 138.714 129 225.105 139 129 -186 140 126.563 187 140 127.111 188 140 127.853 -192 140 127.457 193 140 127.457 197 140 127.645 -200 140 127.457 204 140 128.423 204.714 140 129 -225 139.133 129 104 141 127.636 166.667 141 129 -167 140.143 129 188 141 128.4 189 141 128.909 -190 141 128.182 196 141 127.457 205.167 141 129 -213 141 127.154 214 141 127 105 142 126.818 -166.435 142 129 189 142 128.897 199 142 127.235 -200 142 126.882 201 142 126.176 207 142 128 -48 143 127.5 106 143 128.167 187.5 143 129 -189 143 128.833 188.857 143 129 194 143 127.345 -206 143 126.316 207 143 128 208 143 126.682 -50 143.188 129 207 144 127.615 208 144 127.7 -113.6 145 129 114 144.143 129 188 144.091 129 -114 146 128.217 115 147 128.769 114.714 147 129 -116 146.609 129 43 149 127.636 44 149 127.286 -44.4 149 129 45 148.455 129 46 148.727 129 -46 149 128.182 47 149 127.95 47.4667 149 129 -67 149 126.529 46 149.25 129 47 149.875 129 -59 150 126.094 211.455 150 129 214 150 126.75 -59 151 127 210 151 127.625 210 150.522 129 -211 151 126.3 213.667 151 129 208.813 152 129 -210 152 127.889 211 152 127.95 209 153 129 -211 152.304 129 216 153 128.786 214 153.565 129 -217 154 127.875 218 153.933 129 217.75 154 129 -174 154.5 129 176.895 155 129 205 155 128.71 -206 155 128.118 207 154.625 129 207 155 128.667 -101 156 128 102 156 127.826 174.074 156 129 -177 155.087 129 177 156 126.577 183 156 128.25 -182.125 156 129 204 156 127.147 206 156 128.308 -97 157 127.846 98 156.313 129 98 157 127.821 -100 156.067 129 101 156.625 129 101.25 157 129 -102 157 127.2 176 157 126.115 177 157 126.441 -183 157 127.8 184 156.632 129 184 157 128.125 -202 157 128.824 203 157 126.9 214 156.618 129 -217 157 127.5 178 158 128.71 183 158 128.222 -184 158 126.158 61 159 128.727 62 159 127.645 -95 159 128.4 183 158.778 129 183.1 159 129 -207.435 159 129 58.375 160 129 62 160 126.9 -71.9259 160 129 73 160 127.3 75 159.895 129 -94 160 126.75 95 160 127.038 95.7727 160 129 -179 160 128.8 180 159.045 129 180 160 126.577 -187 160 126.316 204 159.333 129 208 160 127.962 -62.4667 161 129 75 161 127.818 95 161 126.682 -95.5862 161 129 179.357 161 129 185 161 126.6 -186 161 128.348 186 160.545 129 208 161 127.304 -62 161.636 129 61.4286 162 129 71 162 128.625 -71.0769 162 129 92 161.056 129 168.769 162 129 -170 162 126.2 180 161.947 129 186 162 126.75 -187 162 128.217 207 162 126.692 207 161.167 129 -61 162.2 129 88.4545 163 129 89 162.455 129 -90 162.105 129 95 163 127.92 97.875 163 129 -167.833 163 129 181 162.231 129 187 162.75 129 -88 164 127.8 88 163.455 129 89 164 126.9 -95 164 127.714 97 164 128.286 96.6429 164 129 -100.176 164 129 163 163.571 129 163.857 164 129 -172.382 164 129 188 163.067 129 193 163.263 129 -86.5417 165 129 87 164.522 129 89 165 127.125 -90 165 127.5 97 165 128.769 98 165 128.217 -162.045 165 129 196 165 128.273 86 166 128.2 -86.3636 166 129 87.5833 166 129 91 165.261 129 -99 165.333 129 162 166 127.929 168.923 166 129 -194 166 126.818 195 166 128.294 195 165.6 129 -196 166 128.429 197 166 127.909 85 167 127.111 -86 167 127.05 92 167 127.5 93 167 128.5 -95.6667 167 129 165 167 126.857 189 167 127.125 -189.667 167 129 191 166.385 129 193 166.111 129 -166 168 128.1 166.857 168 129 189 168 127.696 -190 168 129 95.3704 169 129 164 168.333 129 -167.25 169 129 188.727 169 129 190 169 126.375 -95 169.909 129 168 170 127.75 169 170 126.783 -169.773 170 129 191 169.125 129 192 170 126.75 -168 171 128.25 167.87 171 129 169.944 171 129 -192 171 128.063 192 172 126.333 193 172 126.474 -193 173 126.45 194 173 126.45 194 174 127.222 -194 175 127.111 195 175 126.6 196 177 127.714 -196 176.75 129 197 177 127.333 197.833 177 129 -196 178 127.364 198.667 178 129 198 179.75 129 -207 180 128 92 181 128.667 92.375 181 129 -196 180.778 129 197 181 128.526 196.4 181 129 -202 181 127.174 204 181 127.765 207 181 127.393 -208 181 128.55 92 182 127.636 92.9091 182 129 -200.75 182 129 202 182 127.038 206 182 128.471 -207 182 128 208 182 127.444 209 182 126.9 -92 183 128.571 92.6667 183 129 174 183 126.273 -173.375 183 129 177 183 127.773 197 183 128.609 -198 183 128.71 207 183 128.333 208 183 126.261 -92 183.125 129 172 184 128.526 171.25 184 129 -171 185 128.455 172 185 127.8 173 185 126.682 -170 185.9 129 170.25 186 129 176 185.929 129 -175.68 187 129 179 187 127.565 178.45 187 129 -180 187 127.385 181 186.4 129 179 188 127 -178.5 188 129 180 188 126.5 181 188 127.5 -182 188 127.688 192.727 189 129 94 189.409 129 -95 190 127 193 189.194 129 86 191 126.5 -90.7368 191 129 87 191.8 129 90 191.452 129 -203 72 130.929 204 72 131.308 207 74 131.727 -208 74 130.962 211 74 130.765 208 75 130 -207.474 75 132 209 75 131.526 209 75.375 132 -208 76.5556 132 211 79 129.6 210 80 130.636 -212 80 129.231 212 81 129.882 213 82 130.5 -214 83 130.2 214.6 83 132 214 84 132 -206 85 130.2 214 85 129.429 213.5 85 132 -215 84.1 132 215 85 129.545 206.667 86 132 -210.727 86 132 215 85.5 132 42 87 131.909 -205.9 87 132 205.182 88 132 207 88 132 -41 89 131.824 205 89 130.846 205 88.2857 132 -206 89 129.882 207 89 130.857 208 89 130 -206 90 129.125 208 90 130.345 209 90 129.529 -210 90 129.261 39 91 131.739 211 91 129.391 -212 91 130.75 216 91 131.571 215.8 91 132 -216 90.7143 132 38 92 131.143 39 92 130.962 -39.6 92 132 203.37 92 132 212 92 130.364 -216 92 130.875 39 93 131 212 93 130.655 -216 92.75 132 211 95 132 212 95 132 -213 95 130.071 215 95 131.609 215 94.25 132 -216 95 132 202.533 96 132 215 95.3333 132 -211 97 129.094 34.5 98 132 203 98 131.129 -204 99 131.419 205 99 131.25 206 99 130.773 -37 100 129.529 201.727 100 132 207 100 130.304 -202 101 131.032 203 101 130.457 204 101 130.8 -202 102.25 132 202.857 103 132 203.167 104 132 -198.346 112 132 196 115.929 132 223 117 130.4 -194 118 131.739 193.889 118 132 223 118 130.636 -194 119 131.419 193.143 119 132 195 120 131.559 -212 120 129.882 153 121 129.667 155 121 130.543 -161 121 129.875 192 121 131.806 192 120.75 132 -192.5 121 132 195 121 131.471 212 121 130.154 -161 122 130.543 166 122 129.45 192.667 122 132 -193.75 122 132 40 123 131.1 152 123 129.857 -166 123 129.581 168 123 129.45 191 123 131.125 -193 122.75 132 193 123 131.909 202 123 129.545 -209 123 129.818 210 123 130.56 41 124 131.684 -159 124 130.543 167 124 130.147 187 124 130.364 -188 123.087 132 189 124 130.5 190 124 130.75 -195 124 129.857 210 124 129.409 218 124 131.625 -218 123.727 132 40 125 130.5 150 125 130.645 -157 125 130.543 165 125 129.529 170 125 130.355 -186 125 129.545 185.64 125 132 187 125 129.261 -191.75 125 132 192 124.5 132 194 125 131.182 -209 125 129.469 217 125 129.563 43 126 130.8 -157 126 130.543 158 126 129.581 160 126 129.2 -161 126 130.2 163 126 130.543 187 126 129.2 -190 126 130.235 201 126 129.094 208 126 129.714 -151 127 130.889 153 127 131.143 154 127 131.471 -155 127 131.118 156 127 131.471 159 127 129.5 -170 127 130.543 188 127 129.818 192 126.6 132 -192 127 131.824 210 127 130.667 133 127.5 132 -160 128 130.3 174 128 131.333 175 127.875 132 -176 127.625 132 180 127.435 132 185 128 131.885 -184.857 128 132 187 128 130.235 188 128 129.818 -191 128 131.206 200 128 129.844 201 128 130.545 -206.913 128 132 209.933 128 132 216 127.889 132 -44 129 130.645 161 129 131.824 164 128.909 132 -184 128.231 132 192 129 130.3 200 129 129.844 -201 129 130.182 207 128.286 132 42 130 130.111 -44 130 131.333 187 130 129.529 188 130 129.529 -189 130 130.08 190 130 129.882 191 130 130.5 -192 130 130.111 194 130 130.2 201 130 129.091 -44 131 131.333 188 131 129.265 189 131 130.773 -192 131 131.217 193 131 130.2 199 131 130.2 -46 132 131.333 192 132 131.333 194 132 130.5 -196 132 129.882 199 132 132 43 133 131.909 -47 133 131.032 106 133 129.882 110 132.265 132 -189.538 133 132 192 133 130 193 133 129.529 -195 133 130.235 197 133 131.217 197.462 133 132 -42 134 130.909 48 134 131.419 189 134 130.071 -190 133.545 132 191 134 130.8 194 134 129.682 -195 134 130.5 196 134 130.3 197.5 134 132 -198.857 134 132 45 134.857 132 103 135 129.265 -196 135 130 101 136 129.265 102 136 129.176 -189 136 129.517 196.571 136 132 218 136 129.167 -217.105 136 132 189 137 129.774 190 137 129.469 -196.696 137 132 201 137 129.9 221 136.875 132 -221 137 130.875 49 137.85 132 199.688 138 132 -217 138 131 220 138 129.682 223 138 130.615 -45 139 130.545 46 139 131.206 49 139 130.457 -52 139 130.457 199 139 129.882 199 138.478 132 -222 138.545 132 223 139 130.286 224 139 130.154 -50 141 130.457 87 141 131.206 131.294 141 132 -168 141 130.105 185 141 131.625 186 141 131.438 -186.188 141 132 204.75 141 132 205 140.813 132 -207.333 141 132 50 142 130.2 86 142 130.457 -106 142 131.143 167 142 130.182 186 142 132 -188 142 129.391 205.417 142 132 106 142.286 132 -187 143 131.25 186.333 143 132 187 142.857 132 -187.667 143 132 206 142.259 132 56 144 130.457 -75 144 130.457 80 144 130.457 85 144 129.265 -158 144 130.875 157.667 144 132 159 143.091 132 -159 144 130.421 159.667 144 132 171 144 129.789 -172 143.25 132 186.813 144 132 189 144 132 -74 145 130.457 81 145 129.529 82 145 130.235 -84 145 129.818 113.818 145 132 158 144.75 132 -159 145 131.308 158.143 145 132 159.545 145 132 -170 145 130.8 172 145 130.853 116.111 146 132 -159 145.4 132 172 146 131.118 73 147 129.176 -114 147 129.556 116 146.375 132 114 148 131 -115 147.947 132 45 149 129.783 46 149 129.6 -47 149 130.75 212 150 129.783 212 151 130.957 -208.8 152 132 210.545 152 132 63 153 131.077 -62.2 153 132 63 152.667 132 64 153 130.95 -208 153 129.75 210.133 153 132 216 153 129.273 -218 153 130.826 65 153.571 132 65 154 131.667 -66 153.667 132 66 154 131.419 207 154 130.875 -206.625 154 132 209 154 131.667 209.5 154 132 -216 154 130.667 217 154 129.474 64.8125 155 132 -66 155 131.118 181 155 130.3 182 155 129.1 -183 155 129.167 203.25 155 132 208 155 130.5 -209 155 131.8 210 155 131.471 211 154.421 132 -211 155 130.969 212 154.192 132 65.6 156 132 -67 155.125 132 67 156 131.323 68 156 131.667 -98.5455 156 132 175 155.818 132 176 155.65 132 -180.923 156 132 182 156 129.115 201 156 130.696 -202 155.419 132 208 156 131.8 209 155.5 132 -210.25 156 132 64 157 131.8 64.5 157 132 -66 157 131.769 68 157 131.118 69 157 131.118 -70.1875 157 132 99 156.357 132 99.4091 157 132 -175.1 157 132 184.077 157 132 200 157 130.543 -206.143 157 132 209 157 131.824 209.667 157 132 -212 156.292 132 214 156.519 132 61.2273 158 132 -65 158 131.654 70 157.75 132 93.6667 158 132 -94 157.474 132 185 158 129.947 184.188 158 132 -200 158 130.543 201 158 130.355 206 158 130.5 -206 157.071 132 61 158.278 132 71.4167 159 132 -72 158.533 132 74 158.824 132 75 159 130.889 -98 158.567 132 178 159 130.174 179 158.1 132 -179 159 129.158 183 158.188 132 184 159 131.348 -184 158.375 132 185 159 131.2 200 159 131.71 -204.25 159 132 207 159 130.579 206.25 159 132 -77 159.455 132 77.75 160 132 181 159.227 132 -185 160 130.742 186 160 129.783 206 160 131.885 -207 160 131.04 77 161 131.118 78 160.4 132 -78 161 131.743 89 161 131.053 92.6 161 132 -178 160.545 132 91 161.474 132 99 163 130.909 -181 162.375 132 186 162.474 132 96 163.571 132 -163 164 129.947 168.265 164 132 184 164 131.471 -183.25 164 132 189 163.45 132 193 164 131.625 -87 165 130.65 87.75 165 132 92 164.409 132 -96 165 129.158 98.9333 165 132 163 165 131.172 -164 165 131.333 183.333 165 132 185 165 130.147 -194 165 130.875 195 165 130.5 87 166 129.75 -97 166 131.684 163 166 131.5 166 165.903 132 -190 165.833 132 189.875 166 132 167 166.567 132 -93 168 129.316 163.769 168 132 167 168 129.091 -168 167.346 132 168 168 130.3 188 168 132 -95 168.273 132 166 169 130.227 167 169 129.1 -189 168.857 132 189 169 131.571 190 169 130.105 -62.75 170 132 63 169.8 132 64 169.143 132 -64 170 129.429 94 170 129.882 190 170 129.45 -191 170 129.778 63 171 131.571 62.75 171 132 -169 170.895 132 176 171 131.25 175.143 171 132 -197 170.625 132 175 172 131.667 176 172 130.5 -178 172 131.71 179 172 131.71 179.429 172 132 -198 172 130.444 199 172 131.4 176 173 131.308 -177 172.667 132 179 173 131.71 179.273 173 132 -175 174 131.4 198 173.909 132 198 175.4 132 -199 175.8 132 197 176.6 132 199 177 131.125 -180 179 131.71 196 178.4 132 201 179 130.444 -200.067 179 132 178 180 131.71 178 179.75 132 -178.75 180 132 92 181 132 178 181 130.895 -177 181 132 178.875 181 132 208.526 181 132 -92 182 131 179 181.091 132 196 181.455 132 -92 183 129.333 171 182.941 132 199 183 130.696 -201 183 130.364 206 183 130 172 183.684 132 -180.875 184 132 198 184 129.794 199 184 130.6 -200 184 130.625 202 184 130.821 203 184 131.471 -204 184 131.824 182 184.6 132 183 184.6 132 -184 184.625 132 199 185 131.4 200 185 130.5 -201 185 130.2 202 185 130.8 203 185 131.1 -204 185 130.962 168 185.045 132 171 186 129.45 -172 186 129.75 191 186 131.571 201 186 129.2 -175 187 131.217 176 188 129.783 178 189 130.579 -179 188.75 132 179 189 131.625 93 189.8 132 -179 189.167 132 193 189.323 132 85 191 131.727 -91 190.056 132 86 68 134.625 87 68 134.125 -85 69 134.206 87 69 134.419 91 69 134.824 -203 72.6538 135 207.278 75 135 208 75.6842 135 -215 77 133.444 49 78 134.8 214 78 134.769 -210 79 132.529 214 78.2857 135 216 78.1333 135 -213 79.8667 135 214 80 133.962 213 81 133.5 -212.375 81 135 211.714 82 135 207 82.375 135 -207 83 134.118 208 83 133.846 209 83 134.824 -209.333 83 135 211.714 83 135 43 84 133.696 -44 84 134.419 44 83.1429 135 206 84 132.125 -207 84 133.846 208 84 133.5 208.714 84 135 -209 83.3333 135 210 84 134.769 210.167 84 135 -213 84 134.143 214 83.5 135 213.667 84 135 -42 85 133 41.5652 85 135 43 85 132.581 -44 85 134.471 207 85 134.75 207.125 85 135 -208 84.4167 135 210 84.3333 135 213.75 85 135 -214 84.3333 135 215 84.625 135 215.25 85 135 -42 86 132.261 43 86 133.2 207 86 132.5 -211 86 133.8 41 87 132.316 43.5909 87 135 -206 87 132.143 41 88 132.1 42 88 132.882 -206 88 133.227 40 89 132.115 205 89 132.6 -206 89 133.714 207 89 133.412 39 90 133.8 -206 89.6 135 40 91 132.176 216 91 132.857 -215 94 132.75 214.4 94 135 215.6 94 135 -214 95 133.421 213.333 95 135 216 94.4 135 -214 96 133.444 215 96 132.9 215.737 96 135 -216 95.375 135 214 97 133.778 215 97 134.053 -214 97.9167 135 210 102 134.71 210 101.727 135 -202.278 103 135 230.5 103 135 40 115 132.581 -196 117.143 135 193.25 119 135 192 120.75 135 -192.667 121 135 43 122 133.355 44.25 122 135 -190.75 122 135 192.75 122 135 193.25 122 135 -193 122.167 135 40 124 132.176 188 123.833 135 -189 123.833 135 190 123.286 135 218 123.421 135 -192 125 132.75 193 125 132.316 218.806 125 135 -192 126 132.75 148 127 132.857 149 127 133.2 -150 127 132.176 209.375 127 135 133 128 133.444 -186.143 128 135 206.125 128 135 209.909 128 135 -216 128 133.2 148 129 133.543 149 129 133.543 -156 129 133.543 163 129 132.857 174 129 132.103 -206 129 134.182 207 129 133.25 216 128.75 135 -154 130 133.543 204 130 134.71 203.85 130 135 -205 130 134.25 206 130 134.684 207 129.368 135 -215 130 134.308 215 129.25 135 148 131 132.857 -163 131 133.543 174 131 134.286 189.353 131 135 -204 130.75 135 215 131 133 215.667 131 135 -151 132 134.118 160 132 133.5 162 132 133.8 -163 132 133.543 166 132 134.471 199 131.462 135 -215 132 133.688 214.125 132 135 150 133 134.143 -189 133 133.75 189 132.286 135 191 133 132.833 -44 134 132.29 45 134 132.529 51 134 134.143 -52 134 134.206 150 134 134.032 156 134 133.645 -157 134 133.889 163 134 133.125 164 134 133.147 -175 134 134.727 189 134 133.227 190 134 133.364 -190.5 134 135 46 135 132.882 47 135 132.882 -51 134.833 135 53 135 134.333 154 135 134.471 -155 135 134.143 164 135 133.455 187.643 135 135 -189 135 133.345 198.333 135 135 47 136 134.559 -47.625 136 135 165 136 134.531 190 136 133.966 -211 136 134.654 210.8 136 135 213 136 133.8 -214 136 134.032 215 136 134.333 46 137 133.182 -47 137 134.559 48 137 134.897 49 136.583 135 -57 137 134.8 57 136.75 135 189 136.455 135 -190 136.526 135 195.5 137 135 211 137 134.118 -210.091 137 135 212 137 134.118 214 137 133.8 -215 137 132.857 216 137 132.1 46 138 132.529 -47 138 133.182 56 138 134.217 56 137.143 135 -55.25 138 135 90 138 132.882 161 138 134.714 -55 139 132.429 55 138.1 135 215 138.609 135 -117 140 134.6 116.714 140 135 118 140 133.8 -119 139.455 135 119 140 134.053 119.316 140 135 -185 139.867 135 69 141 133.8 73 141 133.457 -76 141 134.824 76 140.6 135 79 141 133.457 -186 140.444 135 186.333 141 135 203 141 134.032 -204 141 133.35 207.455 141 135 77 142 132.909 -104.5 142 135 105.75 142 135 168 142 132.321 -169 142 133.179 170 142 133.32 185 142 132.13 -186.333 142 135 203 142 134.824 105 142.6 135 -186 143 132.429 186.545 143 135 187 143 132.857 -159 144 134 170 143.167 135 171 143.391 135 -172 143.105 135 186 143.429 135 187 144 134.25 -187.25 144 135 159 145 133.636 188 144.375 135 -113.5 146 135 115 146 134.7 161 146 133.95 -160 146 135 161 145.125 135 162 146 135 -113 147 132.789 113 146.125 135 161 147 134.125 -160.563 147 135 162 147 134.679 172 147 132.091 -113 148 133.3 112.37 148 135 161 147.467 135 -162 147.273 135 173 148 133.645 174 148 134.739 -178 148 133.6 178 147.417 135 50 149 133.714 -49.8125 149 135 51 149 133.6 112.818 149 135 -114 149 134.727 125 148.04 135 174 149 134 -175 149 133.846 177 149 133.355 178 149 133 -178.783 149 135 51 150 133 50.0909 150 135 -52 149.067 135 53 149.565 135 53.9091 150 135 -113 149.133 135 178 150 133.688 53 150.667 135 -177 151 134.71 178 151 133.8 210 151 132.692 -211 151 132.346 179 152 133.969 179.917 152 135 -210 152 133.125 63 153 133 63.7273 153 135 -178 152.188 135 180 153 133.258 181 153 134.55 -65 153.625 135 66 153.667 135 66.2727 154 135 -180 154 132.103 182 153.769 135 210 154 132.375 -211 153.6 135 179.409 155 135 182.955 155 135 -212 154.263 135 214 155 134.471 213.333 155 135 -65 156 133.688 64.5625 156 135 68 155.3 135 -175 156 132.4 177 156 132.875 183 156 134.885 -198 155.65 135 210 156 132.2 212 156 134.625 -213 156 133.4 214 156 133.826 65 157 132.261 -98.6774 157 135 165 157 134.16 164.364 157 135 -165 156.417 135 176 156.867 135 175.867 157 135 -181 156.077 135 182 157 133.2 183 157 134.333 -198 157 132.529 208 157 132.75 210 157 132.273 -61.1429 158 135 67 158 133.258 70 158 132.273 -71 157.625 135 71 158 132.75 195 158 134.471 -197 158 133.543 205 158 133.5 205 157.5 135 -204.333 158 135 208 158 134.609 209.917 158 135 -210 157.909 135 61 159 134.167 61.4545 159 135 -65.9333 159 135 71 158.375 135 72 158.727 135 -77 158.654 135 208 159 134.6 209 159 134.609 -60 160 132.875 61 160 134.2 62 160 134.9 -78 160 132.222 79 159.217 135 80 159.263 135 -80 160 133.765 200.435 160 135 208 159.143 135 -209 159.214 135 60 161 132.333 61 161 133 -62 161 132.692 79 161 132.771 81 161 133.8 -87.5 161 135 95.5 161 135 169 161 133.385 -182 161 134.143 200 160.909 135 77 162 132.577 -81 162 134.471 92 161.778 135 178 162 132.581 -179 162 132.222 182 162 133.421 186 161.931 135 -72 163 132.818 76 162.323 135 81 162.261 135 -93 162.182 135 178 163 133.846 177.333 163 135 -181 163 133.111 182 163 133.355 183 162.364 135 -183 163 133.645 98 163.769 135 182 164 132.794 -183 164 132.194 187.947 164 135 190 164 132.333 -191 164 132.333 88 164.25 135 88 165 133 -91 164.957 135 168.222 165 135 183 165 132.789 -189 165 133.853 190 165 132.882 195 165 134.25 -195 164.333 135 98.4 166 135 149.588 166 135 -165 166 133.962 166 166 133.125 169 166 133.5 -168.5 166 135 172 166 132.261 173 165.091 135 -182 165.292 135 186 165.955 135 187 166 134.842 -195 166 134.143 97 166.706 135 165 166.6 135 -166 166.192 135 168 166.125 135 168 167 133.174 -169 166.286 135 173 167 134.25 172.125 167 135 -173.875 167 135 195 167 134.053 94 167.091 135 -94 168 132.778 95 167.7 135 173 168 134.679 -174 168 134.032 189 168 132.6 195 168 134.419 -196 167.25 135 196 168 134.471 165.433 169 135 -174 169 133.5 196 169 133.625 63 170 135 -64 170 133.2 174 170 133.645 175 170 133.174 -195 169.545 135 196 170 133.688 197 169.75 135 -197 170 133.875 63 171 134 168 170.5 135 -176 170.067 135 196.417 171 135 86 172 133.543 -174.3 172 135 178 171.8 135 179.875 172 135 -219 171.739 135 83 173 134.778 84.7143 173 135 -87 173 133.543 173.926 173 135 174 172.75 135 -177 172.733 135 179.917 173 135 205 173 133.696 -205 172.091 135 206 173 133.565 206.647 173 135 -81 174 134.52 80.5556 174 135 82 174 134.333 -85 173.667 135 176 173.25 135 178 173.273 135 -179.182 174 135 198 173.857 135 205 173.667 135 -206 174 135 81 174.8 135 86 175 134.087 -174 175 134.143 175 175 132.429 175.316 175 135 -179 174.333 135 86 176 133.421 87 176 133.889 -198 175.364 135 199.261 176 135 207 176 134.053 -207 175.25 135 208 175.571 135 208 176 132.429 -86 177 134.182 85.8696 177 135 87 177 134.308 -176 177 134.609 177 177 134.667 207 177 134.069 -208 177 134.182 208.545 177 135 86 177.333 135 -87 177.545 135 176 178 134.609 177 178 134.625 -177.375 178 135 180 177.222 135 181 177.684 135 -199.929 178 135 200.091 178 135 201 177.565 135 -207 178 132.6 208 178 133.091 208.737 178 135 -176 178.6 135 177 179 134.55 178 178.417 135 -178 179 133.688 179 179 132.273 181 179 132.158 -196 179 133.227 198 178.933 135 199 178.684 135 -177 180 135 179 180 132.75 180 180 132.833 -181 180 132.167 182.065 180 135 197 179.429 135 -197 180 134.143 178 180.909 135 178 181 134.625 -180.375 181 135 182 181 133.364 196 181 133.071 -196.818 181 135 197 180.667 135 198 180.818 135 -177 181.5 135 178 181.333 135 181.125 182 135 -199 182 134.6 182 182.875 135 182 184 134.25 -166 184.045 135 184 184.1 135 174 186 134.318 -180 185.391 135 174 187 132.333 177 186.333 135 -190.4 187 135 90 188 134.609 89.625 188 135 -178 187.087 135 90 189 134.125 90.875 189 135 -174 189 134.1 193 188.591 135 91 189.143 135 -179 190 133.154 180 189.133 135 180 190 132.947 -181 190 134.684 88.4737 191 135 84 192 133.304 -93 191.391 135 80 192.5 135 92 68 135.3 -92.6429 68 138 82 69 136.773 83 69 135.273 -84 68.1923 138 66 70 136.5 66 69.4348 138 -69 70 137.419 72 70 137.824 75 70 136.645 -81 70 136 82 70 136.2 83 70 135.6 -84 70 135.75 86.875 70 138 87 69.9333 138 -89 69.875 138 89.1333 70 138 93 70 136.645 -94 69.1818 138 94 70 137.206 97 70 137.684 -65 71 137.739 66 71 136.962 67 71 137.333 -80 70.9444 138 83 71 137 90 71 137.684 -93 71 136.645 94 71 136.457 97 71 137.217 -97.8571 71 138 63 72 137.679 64 72 137.8 -64 71.3333 138 96 72 137.125 97 72 137.125 -97.875 72 138 62 73 137.778 97 72.875 138 -98 72.3333 138 97.3333 73 138 98 73 137.684 -98.5 73 138 99.25 73 138 101 73 136.889 -202 73 136.2 203 73 136.5 92 73.5 138 -101 74 137.419 202 74 136.636 203 73.5 138 -51 76 136.364 51 75.7778 138 52 76 136.364 -52.75 76 138 211 76 136.147 49 77 136.929 -50 77 135.316 51 77 135.261 52 77 137.053 -52.5 77 138 48 78 136.071 50 78 135.321 -51 78 136.556 47 79 137.455 48 79 135.261 -49 79 136 214 79 136.875 216 79 136.444 -47 80 135.5 48 80 136.5 213 80 135.333 -215 80 136.25 46 81 136.125 213 81 135.536 -214 80.2 138 214 81 136.286 45 82 135.714 -214 82 135.346 218.333 82 138 44 83 135.167 -45 83 135.2 46 83 136.5 207 83 136.071 -209 83 135.15 212 83 135.273 219 83 137.739 -218 83 138 45 84 135.529 207 84 136.5 -208 84 135.714 210 84 135.143 213 84 135.273 -218 84 137.52 217.5 84 138 219 83.3333 138 -207.2 85 138 214 85 135.333 215 85 135.45 -218 85 136.8 218.6 85 138 218 86 138 -40.5 87 138 215 94 135.391 215 95 137.25 -216 95 135.333 215 97 137.571 214 98 135.75 -213 98 138 41.375 99 138 204 99 136.889 -213 99 137.25 213.75 99 138 213 100 137.526 -202 101 135.968 212 101 137.667 211.25 101 138 -212 100.25 138 209.263 102 138 211 101.091 138 -211 102 136.696 210 103 135.938 209.421 103 138 -211.545 103 138 210 103.917 138 42 109 137.545 -42.6842 110 138 197 118 136.25 195 121 137.217 -195.316 121 138 45.5 122 138 192 122 135.783 -193 123 136.5 194.857 123 138 199 124 137.824 -188 125 136.2 189 125 136.2 191 125 135.667 -217 125 137.864 49 126 137.143 188 126 136.355 -190 126 137.032 192 126 136.8 186 127 135.222 -191 126.5 138 208 127 135.6 218 126.375 138 -207 128 136.826 208 128 137.143 99 128.5 138 -103 129 135.882 105 128.172 138 206 129 137.571 -208 129 135.818 97 130 137.471 99 130 136.457 -183 130 136.2 184 130 135.875 204 129.864 138 -205 129.533 138 206 129.333 138 98 131 136.889 -177 131 136.543 186 130.4 138 190 130.143 138 -190.4 131 138 204 131 135.6 203 131 138 -204.444 131 138 31 132 135.783 97 132 136.826 -173 132 135.667 182 132 136.543 184 132 136.25 -198 131.85 138 199 131.739 138 202 132 137.4 -202 131.842 138 203 132 136.25 203.583 132 138 -215 132 138 54 133 136.2 55 133 136.8 -56 132.5 138 89.6 133 138 93 133 136.8 -168 133 136.543 172 133 136.543 175 133 135.194 -177 133 136.2 184 133 136.889 184.909 133 138 -200 133 136.636 201 133 137.55 202 133 136.444 -203 133 137 56 134 137.143 92 134 137.032 -151 134 135.529 152 134 136.543 153 134 135.529 -174 134 135.176 176 134 135.455 180 133.273 138 -184 134 137.625 185 134 137.125 202 134 137.4 -51 135 135.2 54 135 135.6 57 135 136.556 -86 134.833 138 87 135 137.206 152 135 136.543 -160 135 136.355 175 135 135.441 185 135 137 -186 135 136.95 187 134.286 138 187 135 136.421 -201 134.182 138 213 134.727 138 48 136 135.391 -49 136 136.313 50 136 137.8 51 136 137.8 -53 136 135.4 55 136 136.2 57 136 136.125 -58 136 137.1 60 136 136.8 82 136 137.471 -89 136 135.968 152 136 135.968 158 136 136.2 -167 136 136.111 170 136 136.543 174 136 137.118 -176 136 135.577 192.818 136 138 210.6 136 138 -211 135.818 138 219 136 136.962 50 137 136.286 -52 136.533 138 53 136.65 138 55.3333 137 138 -56 137 135.429 153 137 135.857 159 137 136.111 -162 137 135.316 167 137 136.696 170 137 136.543 -177 137 137.55 195 137 137.053 209 137 137.625 -210 136.375 138 219 137 137.516 52 137.467 138 -55.5455 138 138 74 138 136.457 77 138 136.457 -79 138 137.217 80 138 137.217 158 138 137.4 -170 138 136.543 175 138 137.824 209 138 136.5 -210 138 135.794 220 138 137.318 221 138 137.143 -154 139 136.543 171 139 137.679 172 139 137.75 -196 139 136.5 208 139 136.75 209 139 135.875 -210 139 136 211 139 136.429 119 140 136 -155 140 137.471 184 139.625 138 184.2 140 138 -203 140 135.158 207 140 136.5 209 140 136.5 -182.684 141 138 202 140.056 138 208 140.75 138 -103.563 142 138 105.9 142 138 130.735 142 138 -156 142 137.4 185.7 142 138 201 142 136.457 -202 142 135.794 157 143 137.857 201 143 137.032 -202 143 136.645 203 143 137.217 205 142.69 138 -207 142.286 138 170 144 136.154 183 143.182 138 -185 143.261 138 188 144 135.29 155 145 137.182 -170.056 145 138 161.667 146 138 170 146 136.5 -162 146.25 138 169 147 137.471 168.143 147 138 -33.8235 148 138 175 148 137.053 50 149 135.333 -51 149 136.105 112 149 135.794 153 149 135.2 -51 150 137 53 149.522 138 54 150 135.6 -54.5 150 138 113 150 137.438 114 149.37 138 -163 150 137.609 163 149.625 138 179 149.5 138 -56.7273 151 138 58 150.125 138 58 151 137.222 -58.5833 151 138 112 150.933 138 163 151 137.71 -164 151 137.7 164.273 151 138 58 151.368 138 -173 151.333 138 176 151.5 138 64 153 135.333 -210 153 135.176 65 154 135.333 95 153.067 138 -182 154 135.783 210 154 138 121.176 155 138 -181 155 137.5 181 154.375 138 182 155 136.853 -67 155.222 138 98.5667 156 138 164.6 156 138 -182 156 136 211 156 135.692 166 157 135.667 -167 157 137.032 57 158 136.875 56.8 158 138 -58 158 135.375 59 158 135.375 63 158 137.739 -71 158 136.8 92.7368 158 138 165 157.875 138 -165.222 158 138 168 158 137.824 193 158 136.765 -207 157.467 138 208 158 137.25 208 157.947 138 -208.25 158 138 57 158.75 138 58 158.875 138 -59 158.467 138 62 159 135.667 72 159 135.375 -77 159 136.5 81 158.44 138 86 159 137.118 -90 159 136.6 168 159 137.471 170 159 137.735 -192 159 137.4 208 159 135.857 209 158.75 138 -209 159 137.25 73 160 136.2 74 160 136.457 -76 160 137.9 77 159.6 138 168 160 136.929 -171.37 160 138 194 160 136.543 73 161 136.2 -76 160.143 138 84 161 136.543 86 161 136.355 -91 161 136.5 106 161 136.714 105.25 161 138 -106.375 161 138 172.067 161 138 194 161 136.8 -193.263 161 138 195 161 137.25 195.467 161 138 -199 161 138 91 161.286 138 91 162 136.636 -91.625 162 138 106 162 136.875 105.25 162 138 -106.375 162 138 167.588 162 138 195 162 137.55 -200 161.75 138 76.9231 163 138 78 163 135.652 -89 163 136.826 91 162.333 138 176.935 163 138 -187.278 163 138 194 163 136.263 195 163 137.25 -77.75 164 138 194 164 137.143 195 164 135.75 -78 164.25 138 87 164.429 138 90.4348 165 138 -98.5 165 138 119.294 165 138 168 165 135.947 -91 166 136.889 167 165.565 138 168 166 135.222 -90 167 137.735 98 167 137.053 97.25 167 138 -99 166.417 138 99 167 136.688 165.567 167 138 -169 167 135.833 171.857 167 138 87 168 137.1 -86.6667 168 138 89 168 136.8 90 168 137.323 -91 167.857 138 93 167.261 138 99 168 136.565 -100 167.813 138 100 168 137.182 174 167.091 138 -196 167.25 138 63 169 136.875 62.625 169 138 -63 168 138 87 169 136.25 88 169 136.688 -89 169 136.543 90.15 169 138 98.8696 169 138 -100 169 135.273 201 169 137.71 63 169.429 138 -86 170 135.115 88 170 136.645 89 170 137.032 -196 170 136.313 196 169.25 138 197 170 135.45 -201 170 137.667 202 170 137.609 202.188 170 138 -89 171 137.684 100 170.133 138 174 170.636 138 -175 171 137.842 175 170.75 138 197 171 135.778 -201 170.188 138 202 170.75 138 83 172 136.421 -82.4444 172 138 176 172 136.688 177 172 136.138 -178 172 135.48 179 172 135.875 198 172 135.882 -84 173 136 173 172.867 138 174 172.455 138 -175 173 137 178 173 135.45 179 173 136.375 -198 173 135.581 205 173 137.727 206 173 137.75 -80.625 174 138 82.75 174 138 84 173.526 138 -85.0667 174 138 81 174.375 138 85.85 175 138 -175.368 175 138 205 175 137.684 205 174.5 138 -169 176 137.8 168.818 176 138 199 176 135.667 -202.286 176 138 203 175.474 138 204 176 137.323 -205 176 136.412 206 175.417 138 169 177 136.895 -168 177 138 175.75 177 138 176 176.571 138 -177 176.364 138 177.467 177 138 198 177 136.4 -199 177 136.4 202 177 137.55 201.813 177 138 -205 177 136.2 206 177 136 169 177.875 138 -177.333 178 138 179 178 137.143 179.4 178 138 -198 178 136.556 199 178 136.444 201.667 178 138 -203 178 135.375 204 178 135.9 208.526 178 138 -177 179 136.125 177 178.375 138 178 179 137.333 -179 179 137.5 179.167 179 138 197 179 135.45 -201 179 137.333 178 180 137.5 179 180 135.75 -181 180 137.318 182 180 135.333 201.684 180 138 -208.077 180 138 172 180.8 138 181 181 137 -181.714 181 138 198 181 137 201.087 181 138 -209 180.923 138 172 182 136.263 178 182 135.375 -183 182 136.364 197 181.333 138 198 181.045 138 -200 181.727 138 172 183 135.273 173 182.071 138 -173 183 135.4 182 183 135.75 183 183 135.923 -191 183 137.4 190.667 183 138 191 182.8 138 -191.273 183 138 184 183.591 138 187 184 136.645 -188 183.818 138 188.5 184 138 191 183.6 138 -167 184.071 138 189 184.667 138 189 185 137.864 -72 185.75 138 85 186 137.125 85 185.364 138 -89 186 135.577 88.3 186 138 196 186 135.462 -195.313 186 138 72 187 136.25 73 187 136.696 -84 187 136.969 85 187 137.032 90 187 135.857 -90.3226 187 138 174 186.091 138 177.944 187 138 -190.455 187 138 195 187 136.5 196 187 135.577 -198 187 135.231 73 188 137 89 188 135.652 -90.3333 188 138 191 187.75 138 73 188.158 138 -88.8 190 138 90.1053 190 138 180 189.125 138 -182.091 190 138 74 190.842 138 179 190.913 138 -180 190.875 138 181 190.929 138 182 190.286 138 -86 192.045 138 86 69 140.571 87 69 139.5 -89 69 140.625 89.1333 69 141 86.5333 70 141 -89 70 138.857 97 69.2 141 63 71 140 -64 71 138.136 71 71 138.529 72 71 138.882 -79 71 138.12 80 71 138.143 86 71 138.24 -87 70.3684 141 87 71 139 88 71 139.429 -89 71 139.08 98 70.5 141 98 71 138.5 -99 71 138.3 99.6429 71 141 62 72 138.214 -65 72 138.909 73 72 139.355 81 72 138.24 -87 72 139.345 98 72 139 100 72 138.857 -60 73 139.8 61 73 138.833 63 73 138.2 -74 73 139.8 76 73 139.889 80 73 140.217 -81 73 139.556 86 73 139.3 87 73 139.556 -89 73 138.931 97 73 138.167 99 73 139 -102 73 138.96 58 74 139.5 59 74 138.6 -60 74 138.6 61 74 139 62 74 139.4 -63 74 140.1 77 74 139.645 78 74 139.889 -80 74 139.889 89 74 140.1 95 73.5417 141 -98 74 139.5 56 75 138.75 58 75 138.25 -59 75 138.667 60 75 139.75 64 74.6 141 -77 75 140.471 79 74.8333 141 83 75 139.889 -87 75 140.806 90 75 139.457 97 75 140.769 -98 75 140.318 99 75 140.684 203 75 140.6 -204 74.1111 141 52 76 139.125 54 76 138.545 -53.25 76 141 55 76 138.316 57 76 138.818 -59 76 139.962 84 76 139.8 85 76 139.8 -86 76 140.206 100 76 139.7 101 76 139.7 -53 76.375 141 53 77 139.636 87 77 140.471 -99 77 140.679 102 77 140.824 54 77.75 141 -96 78 139.8 99 78 140.032 100 78 140.206 -47.3846 79 141 213.737 80 141 217 80 138.103 -53 80.25 141 216 80.9091 141 207 82.9444 141 -48 84 140.471 219 84 139.2 218 84.75 141 -219 84.4 141 215 96 138.29 214 97 139.5 -212.5 98 141 213 97.6842 141 214 98 139.8 -211.778 99 141 212 98.5 141 213.737 100 141 -211.167 101 141 210 104 139 211 104 139.696 -42 105 138.667 210 104.5 141 211 105 140.8 -210.5 105 141 229 105.25 141 42 107 138.783 -210 107 139.091 210 108 140.526 209.25 108 141 -43 109 138.968 43 111 138.529 45 112 140.471 -201 114 140.76 201 115 139.44 202.8 115 141 -204 115 140.76 203.5 115 141 204.286 115 141 -199 116 138.469 202 116 139.143 203 115.5 141 -203 116 140.647 203.5 116 141 201 117 140.118 -202 117 139.846 203 116.167 141 200 118 140.76 -200.167 118 141 201 117.333 141 48 119 139.8 -198 119 138.818 199 119.818 141 200 119.333 141 -197 122 140.143 198 122 140.8 200 121.25 141 -50 123 139.457 198 123 139.645 199 123 138.261 -200 123 138 197 124 139.543 200 124 138.8 -50 125 139.579 53 125 139.8 99 124.833 141 -103 125 140.824 196 125 138.667 198 125 139.625 -199 125 139.35 200 124.55 141 218 125 139 -100 126 140.143 193 126 138.1 196 126 139.6 -199 125.407 141 218 126 138.818 46 127 140.609 -45 127 141 100 127 139.853 102 127 140.545 -216 127 138.333 217 127 138.231 53 128 139.313 -192 128 139.5 216 128 138.321 54 129 139.645 -57 129 139.457 58 129 139.8 96 129 139.2 -189 129 138.6 131 130 138.103 188 130 138.517 -191 130 139.421 204 130 138.45 205 130 138.75 -206 130 138.2 221 130 139.8 222 129.474 141 -222 130 139.333 55 131 138.529 56 131 139.2 -130 131 140.182 132 131 138.6 188 131 139.636 -204 131 138.571 215 131 138.321 221 131 139.091 -220.125 131 141 222 131 139.2 60 132 139.457 -87 132 139.457 186 132 140.8 187 131.565 141 -188 131.909 141 188.071 132 141 190.5 132 141 -197.3 132 141 203 132 139.75 63 133 139.8 -88 133 138.882 185.923 133 141 201 132.75 141 -202 132.167 141 71 135 139.457 182 134.591 141 -112.87 136 141 115 135.955 141 178 136 140.531 -178.625 136 141 184 136 139.607 215 135.75 141 -52 137 139.75 55 136.462 141 173 137 138.455 -182.556 137 141 184 137 139.125 185 137 138.9 -190.286 137 141 194.667 137 141 199 136.25 141 -216 136.667 141 217 137 138.783 216.056 137 141 -129.308 138 141 183 138 139.781 184 138 139.031 -185 138 139.781 186 138 140.7 193.091 138 141 -207 137.727 141 173 139 139.091 174 139 138.094 -175 139 138.5 179 139 138.115 184 139 138.714 -184.889 139 141 192 138.091 141 193 139 139.889 -194 139 138.667 213 138.867 141 212.75 139 141 -105 139.87 141 109 140 139.765 110 140 140.25 -176 139.828 141 179 140 138.652 180 140 139.636 -191 140 140.118 192 140 139.455 194 140 138.857 -196 140 138.103 197 140 139.44 210 140 141 -103.63 141 141 106 141 139.846 108 141 140.735 -107.25 141 141 109 141 139.6 110.875 141 141 -169 140.818 141 171 141 139.645 173 140.261 141 -180 141 139.778 181 141 140 184.273 141 141 -193 141 139.455 194 141 139.147 195 141 139.412 -196 141 138.9 197 141 139.444 198 141 139.696 -199 141 140.438 106.4 142 141 170 142 140.8 -182 142 139.038 192 141.5 141 198 142 140.4 -199 142 139.385 157 144 138.316 181.87 144 141 -183 144 139 184 144 140.053 184.316 144 141 -201 144 138.9 207.857 144 141 170 145 139.5 -201 145 138.947 202 145 140.571 127.548 146 141 -161 146 138.5 168 145.222 141 201 146 139.875 -161 147 138.75 162 147 138.529 168 147 138.158 -167.053 147 141 211 147 140.667 210.818 147 141 -211 146.714 141 114 148 140.444 125 147.481 141 -212 148 140.76 211.833 148 141 212 147.5 141 -213 147.625 141 213 148 140.182 177.667 149 141 -213 149 139.846 214 149 139.385 220 149 139.364 -219 149 141 220 148.143 141 53 150 139.138 -64 150 140.71 164.933 150 141 214 149.875 141 -57.25 151 141 58 150 141 59 151 141 -62 151 140.118 63 151 140.118 64 151 140.471 -162.333 151 141 173 150.955 141 178 151 140.9 -179 153 138.375 180 153 138.75 180 154 138.75 -181 154 138.29 92 155 140.419 167 155 140.625 -169 155 139.8 170 155 139.8 207 155 140.211 -208 155 139.962 210 155 138.529 67 156 140.864 -68 155.565 141 69 155.222 141 71.5556 156 141 -99.0303 156 141 164.867 156 141 167 156 138.316 -168 156 139.147 169 156 139.2 170.773 156 141 -208 156 140.806 209 156 139.235 65 157 139.5 -90 157 138.783 92 157 139.355 168 157 138.794 -170 157 139.543 187 157 140.8 187 156.818 141 -188 157 139.645 191 156.192 141 191 157 138.9 -195 156.684 141 197 156.848 141 57 158 138.474 -58 158 139.105 59 158 139.05 66 158 140.9 -91 158 139.2 92 158 139.355 176 157.391 141 -187 158 140.625 188 158 139.111 191 158 138.194 -209 158 138.375 84 158.263 141 92 159 138.529 -189 159 139.125 190 159 139.25 200 159 138.857 -92 160 138.577 102 160 140.667 102.6 160 141 -166.63 160 141 188 159.13 141 199 160 140.1 -199 159.7 141 219 160 140.4 220 160 139.875 -76 161 138.529 77 161 139.8 78.5 161 141 -93 161 138.167 103 161 139.895 104 160.813 141 -104 161 138.75 106 161 138.391 181 160.333 141 -200 161 138.333 219 160.75 141 82.75 162 141 -89 162 139.2 90 162 138.231 90 161.077 141 -104 161.75 141 106 162 138.391 172 162 140.318 -193 161.909 141 193.083 162 141 195 162 139.125 -77.8125 163 141 85.8125 163 141 90 163 138.2 -91 163 139.304 185.375 163 141 194 163 140.063 -77.4167 164 141 79 163.909 141 91 163.813 141 -185.4 164 141 194 164 138.273 195 164 138.529 -77 165 138.938 78 165 140.077 178 164.778 141 -195 165 138.529 76 166 139.895 77 166 139.174 -172 166 140.739 184 165.52 141 195 166 138.529 -64 167 140.294 63 167 141 64 166 141 -76 167 139.565 75.45 167 141 77 167 140.55 -97 166.8 141 171 166.231 141 172 167 138.316 -173 167 138.677 200.125 167 141 76 168 140.125 -99 168 140.75 99 167.875 141 173 168 138.321 -174 168 138.968 196 168 138.29 63 169 138.818 -75 169 140.25 74.6316 169 141 100 169 139.304 -174 169 139.313 195 169 139.571 202 169 138.455 -203 169 139.853 205 169 140.667 75 170 140.667 -75.2 170 141 85.32 170 141 174 170 138.75 -175 170 138.29 203 170 140.167 201 170.783 141 -202 171 138.273 202.833 171 141 83 172 140.727 -83.125 172 141 82 173 138.778 83 173 140.318 -84 173 139.579 87 172.545 141 173 173 141 -174 173 139.286 81 174 138.29 82 174 138.265 -87 174 139.8 169 175 140.526 204.714 175 141 -205 174.895 141 168.545 176 141 170 176 139.421 -174 175.467 141 176 177 138.375 177 177 138.75 -202 177 139.125 202.172 177 141 170 177.4 141 -180 178 138.391 208.091 178 141 180 179 139 -51.5667 180 141 180 180 138.231 203.261 180 141 -172.286 181 141 182 181 138.545 183 182 139.636 -185 182 139.929 186 182 140.667 198 181.182 141 -171 183 140.5 175 182.517 141 182 183 138.75 -185 183 140.217 186 183 139.6 191 183 138.6 -167.143 184 141 182 184 139.5 183 183.429 141 -189 184 138.75 189.429 184 141 71 185 139.35 -71 184.267 141 90.5667 185 141 180 184.333 141 -86 185.684 141 86 186 139.714 87 185.933 141 -87 186 140.833 88 186 139.227 74 187 138.667 -75 186.455 141 83 187 138.136 86 187 139.333 -87 187 139.696 106 186.433 141 169 187 140.167 -169 186.688 141 178.625 187 141 192 187 139.125 -74 188 138.857 78 187.895 141 81 188 139.543 -83 188 138.091 84 188 138.103 86 188 140.727 -87 188 139.889 169 188 139.655 168.409 188 141 -170 187.182 141 170.75 188 141 193 187.033 141 -74 189 140.647 75 189 139.5 84 189 139.846 -172.467 189 141 73.9091 190 141 76 190 139.364 -82 190 139.543 83 190 139.543 84 190 140.419 -89 189.75 141 89 190 139.8 180 190 140.1 -180.75 190 141 182 189.889 141 80 191 139.2 -83 191 139.543 84 191 140.032 85 191 140.727 -89 191 139.235 179 190.091 141 182 190.182 141 -84 192 138.794 88 192 139 90 192 139.2 -89 193.13 141 68 68.8529 144 67.5455 69 144 -69 68.6571 144 70 68.4857 144 71 68.4857 144 -72 68.4857 144 73 68.4857 144 74 68.3529 144 -75 68.3429 144 76 68.3529 144 77 68.5862 144 -78 68.7391 144 79 68.9444 144 79.1667 69 144 -83 69 144 91 69 144 92 69 144 -93 69 144 94 69 144 65 69.8235 144 -64.5 70 144 66 69.3529 144 67 69.2143 144 -80 69.1515 144 81 69.1818 144 82 69.1818 144 -84 69.2609 144 85 69.9444 144 85.0833 70 144 -89.2273 70 144 90 69.2609 144 95 69.2727 144 -96 70 144 63 70.8235 144 62.7391 71 144 -64 70.2069 144 86 70.4783 144 87 70.7857 144 -88 70.7391 144 89 70.2941 144 97 70.6 144 -98 71 141.882 97.25 71 144 99 71 143.7 -62 71.7727 144 61.7727 72 144 98 72 141.316 -97 72 144 99 72 141.882 100 71.9167 144 -99.9231 72 144 101 71.7391 144 101.353 72 144 -60 72.8235 144 59.5 73 144 61 72.5 144 -97.3158 73 144 99 73 141.545 99.6207 73 144 -102 72.3793 144 102.529 73 144 57.5 74 144 -58 73.8235 144 59 73.1765 144 73 74 141.783 -87 74 141.316 94.6471 74 144 95 73.6667 144 -95.5 74 144 98 73.7222 144 99 74 142.364 -98.4545 74 144 99.2609 74 144 103 73.7273 144 -103.182 74 144 56 75 144 57 74.2609 144 -67.3333 75 144 68 74.75 144 69 74.5455 144 -70 74.3182 144 71 74.2857 144 72 74.2857 144 -73 74.7727 144 73.4167 75 144 94.0833 75 144 -95.6471 75 144 99 74.4615 144 103.364 75 144 -204 74.3929 144 203.393 75 144 205 74.1765 144 -206 74.7857 144 206.261 75 144 54 76 144 -55 75.4074 144 63.0909 76 144 64 75.6429 144 -65 75.4444 144 66 75.3182 144 67 75.1176 144 -74 75.25 144 75 75.697 144 76 75.8485 144 -76.4545 76 144 80 76 141.818 94 76 141.25 -95 75.4074 144 103.364 76 144 203.324 76 144 -207 75.5 144 207.739 76 144 50.7059 77 144 -51 76.8529 144 52 77 144 53.0833 77 144 -61 77 143.833 61.2 77 144 62 76.75 144 -63 76.0588 144 77 76.1765 144 78 76.2222 144 -79 76.5238 144 79.9091 77 144 103.036 77 144 -203.647 77 144 208 76.2069 144 209 76.8148 144 -209.227 77 144 49 78 144 50 77.4286 144 -53 77.0909 144 60.0909 78 144 61 77.0909 144 -80 77.0455 144 81 77.375 144 82 77.75 144 -82.3636 78 144 84 78 142.364 102.429 78 144 -103 77.0588 144 204 77.5217 144 204.324 78 144 -210 77.6071 144 210.688 78 144 48 78.8214 144 -47.8148 79 144 58.0909 79 144 59 78.5455 144 -60 78.0455 144 83 78.3182 144 84 78.4444 144 -85 78.4444 144 86 78.5455 144 86.9091 79 144 -89 79 141.75 101.389 79 144 102 78.5217 144 -204.647 79 144 211 78.1515 144 212 78.5 144 -212.739 79 144 47.4783 80 144 55 80 144 -56 79.7059 144 57 79.75 144 58 79.0588 144 -87 79.0455 144 88 79.4444 144 89 79.5455 144 -90 79.6429 144 91 79.8182 144 91.6667 80 144 -100.059 80 144 101 79.3043 144 205 79.7059 144 -205.147 80 144 213 79.1765 144 214 79.697 144 -214.455 80 144 46 81 144 47 80.5 144 -53 81 141.75 54.5833 81 144 92 80.1176 144 -93 80.1176 144 94 80.4118 144 95 80.75 144 -96 80.75 144 97 80.6 144 98 80.375 144 -99 80.4118 144 100 80.0455 144 205.5 81 144 -215 80.3529 144 216 80.697 144 216.455 81 144 -45 81.6071 144 44.6667 82 144 52 82 143.833 -52.0909 82 144 53 81.6429 144 54 81.3182 144 -205.971 82 144 217 81.5217 144 217.478 82 144 -44 83 144 51.0588 83 144 52 82.0588 144 -206 82.0435 144 206.647 83 144 218 82.9231 144 -218.056 83 144 43.3529 84 144 49.7059 84 144 -50 83.7826 144 51 83.0455 144 207 83.6667 144 -207.176 84 144 218 84 142 219 83.7391 144 -219.273 84 144 43 84.6667 144 42.7857 85 144 -48.6207 85 144 49 84.5217 144 207.647 85 144 -220 84.5926 144 220.478 85 144 42 86 144 -48.0357 86 144 207.824 86 144 221 85.6667 144 -221.176 86 144 41.2143 87 144 47.5294 87 144 -48 86.0588 144 207.971 87 144 221.824 87 144 -41 87.2727 144 40.5152 88 144 47.0357 88 144 -208 87.1667 144 208.179 88 144 222 87.5 144 -222.176 88 144 40 89 144 46.697 89 144 -47 88.0909 144 208.353 89 144 222.667 89 144 -39.5152 90 144 46.3636 90 144 208 90 144 -218 90 143.824 217.909 90 144 218 89.9412 144 -218.036 90 144 223 89.6471 144 223.261 90 144 -39 91 144 46.0357 91 144 207.586 91 144 -218 91 143.833 217.909 91 144 218.045 91 144 -223.793 91 144 38.5152 92 144 45.697 92 144 -46 91.0909 144 207.486 92 144 218 91.0625 144 -224 91.5 144 224.176 92 144 38.1765 93 144 -45.5455 93 144 207.343 93 144 224.485 93 144 -38 93.5 144 37.8235 94 144 45.3636 94 144 -207.176 94 144 224.824 94 144 37.5152 95 144 -45.0357 95 144 207 95 144 225 94.5 144 -225.176 95 144 37.1765 96 144 44.8529 96 144 -45 95.1667 144 206.824 96 144 225.485 96 144 -37 96.5 144 36.8235 97 144 44.6765 97 144 -206.515 97 144 225.824 97 144 36.6571 98 144 -44.6765 98 144 206.176 98 144 226 97.5 144 -226.176 98 144 36.3429 99 144 44.5143 99 144 -206 99 144 211.793 99 144 212 98.4545 144 -213 98.4 144 213.462 99 144 226.485 99 144 -36.1765 100 144 44.5 100 144 205.824 100 144 -211.75 100 144 213.333 100 144 226.824 100 144 -36 100.5 144 35.8235 101 144 44.3529 101 144 -205.821 101 144 211.522 101 144 213 101 144 -227 100.353 144 227.324 101 144 35.5152 102 144 -44.3636 102 144 205.393 102 144 210.667 102 144 -211 101.522 144 213.179 102 144 227.647 102 144 -35.1765 103 144 43 103 141.682 44 103 142.364 -44.3636 103 144 205.214 103 144 210.353 103 144 -213.185 103 144 228 103 144 35 103.5 144 -34.8235 104 144 44.5455 104 144 205 103.353 144 -204.676 104 144 210 104 141.462 210.379 104 144 -212.706 104 144 213 103.5 144 228 104 144 -34.5152 105 144 44.697 105 144 204.353 105 144 -210.478 105 144 212.538 105 144 228.324 105 144 -34.1765 106 144 44.8529 106 144 204 106 144 -209.944 106 144 210 105.917 144 213 105.5 144 -213.261 106 144 221 106 143.7 220 106 144 -221 105 144 221.091 106 144 228.647 106 144 -34 106.545 144 33.8529 107 144 45 106.833 144 -45.0294 107 144 203.676 107 144 209 107 144 -212 107 141.545 213 107 142.2 213.522 107 144 -219 107 143 218.739 107 144 219 106.647 144 -220 107 143 220.333 107 144 221 106.077 144 -229 107 144 33.5152 108 144 45.0294 108 144 -203.353 108 144 208.708 108 144 212 108 144 -213 107.667 144 219 108 142.2 218.333 108 144 -220 108 143.118 220.179 108 144 229.324 108 144 -33.1818 109 144 45.1818 109 144 203 108.706 144 -202.853 109 144 209 109 142.8 208.5 109 144 -210 108.923 144 209.857 109 144 211 108.179 144 -218 109 142.95 217.759 109 144 218 108.462 144 -219 109 142.2 219.667 109 144 220 108.455 144 -229.647 109 144 33 110 144 45.5294 110 144 -202.697 110 144 209 110 143.824 208 110 144 -209.053 110 144 218 110 143.824 217.941 110 144 -218.167 110 144 219 109.706 144 230 110 144 -32.8235 111 144 45.8529 111 144 202.429 111 144 -209 110.2 144 218 110.2 144 230 111 144 -32.6571 112 144 46 111.455 144 46.1818 112 144 -202.045 112 144 230.176 112 144 32.4857 113 144 -46.5294 113 144 202 112.059 144 201.429 113 144 -230.485 113 144 32.4857 114 144 47 113.941 144 -47.0357 114 144 201.045 114 144 208 114 143.842 -207.8 114 144 208 113.8 144 209 113.8 144 -209 114 143.842 210 113.417 144 210 114 142.95 -211 113.588 144 211 114 142.95 211.583 114 144 -230.824 114 144 32.4857 115 144 47.5294 115 144 -202 115 144 203.417 115 144 204 114.696 144 -205 114.588 144 205 115 142.25 206 114.417 144 -207 114.8 144 207 115 143.727 207.2 115 144 -208 114.2 144 209 114.091 144 210 114.412 144 -211 114.304 144 231 115 144 32.4857 116 144 -48 115.941 144 48.0357 116 144 201 115.6 144 -200.636 116 144 201.8 116 144 203 116 142 -202.2 116 144 203.8 116 144 204.2 116 144 -205 115.636 144 205.8 116 144 206.2 116 144 -207 115.2 144 231 116 144 32.4857 117 144 -48.5294 117 144 200.083 117 144 202 116.077 144 -204 116.043 144 206 116.063 144 231 117 144 -32.4857 118 144 49 117.727 144 49.2143 118 144 -200 117.2 144 199.818 118 144 231 118 144 -32.4857 119 144 49.8214 119 144 199.583 119 144 -231 119 144 32.4857 120 144 50 119.217 144 -50.6207 120 144 99 119.833 144 98.6667 120 144 -100 119.833 144 101 120 143.684 101 119.882 144 -101.167 120 144 199 119.636 144 198.818 120 144 -230.824 120 144 32.4857 121 144 51 120.478 144 -51.5217 121 144 97 121 143.684 97 120.833 144 -96.8333 121 144 98 121 143.684 98 120.667 144 -101.167 121 144 198 121 141.3 199 120.8 144 -199.083 121 144 230.657 121 144 32.4857 122 144 -44 122 141.938 43 122 144 44 121.353 144 -45 121.773 144 45.1786 122 144 52 121.478 144 -52.5217 122 144 97 122 143.684 96.6667 122 144 -100 122 143.684 101 122 143.684 101.333 122 144 -199.647 122 144 230.514 122 144 32.4857 123 144 -43.9565 123 144 45 123 142.263 45.5 123 144 -53 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144 197.455 126 144 -198 125.824 144 199 125.5 144 230 126 144 -32.3235 127 144 44.0556 127 144 48 126.8 144 -48.2 127 144 58 126.696 144 58.3889 127 144 -89 127 143.684 89 126.882 144 88.6667 127 144 -90 126.833 144 91 126.667 144 105.821 127 144 -195 126.824 144 194.647 127 144 196 126.485 144 -197 126.152 144 230 127 144 32.3429 128 144 -45 127.773 144 45.8333 128 144 46.1667 128 144 -47 127.706 144 48 127.059 144 59 127.478 144 -59.7059 128 144 88 128 143.684 88 127.667 144 -87.6667 128 144 89 128 143.684 90 128 143 -106 128 144 193.571 128 144 194 127.478 144 -230 128 144 32.4857 129 144 46 128.034 144 -60 129 141.75 60 128.217 144 61 128.955 144 -61.0909 129 144 85 129 143.684 85 128.882 144 -84.6667 129 144 86 128.833 144 87 128.667 144 -89 129 142.364 106.147 129 144 192 129 141.13 -193.227 129 144 230.147 129 144 32.4857 130 144 -62 129.588 144 62.6364 130 144 84 129.667 144 -83.6667 130 144 85 130 143 106.571 130 144 -192 130 142.286 193 130 143.053 193.545 130 144 -220.706 130 144 221 129.815 144 222 129.625 144 -222.353 130 144 230.303 130 144 32.4857 131 144 -63 130.25 144 64 130.588 144 65 130.882 144 -65.3333 131 144 81 130.882 144 80.6667 131 144 -82 130.833 144 83 130.364 144 106.727 131 144 -192 131 143.833 193 131 143.833 194 130.833 144 -194 131 143.824 195 130.917 144 195 131 143.833 -195.091 131 144 197.417 131 144 198 130.759 144 -199 130.708 144 199.412 131 144 220 131 141.25 -219 131 144 220 130.522 144 222 130.545 144 -221.545 131 144 230.303 131 144 32.4857 132 144 -66 131.25 144 67 131.588 144 67.6364 132 144 -75 131.882 144 74.6667 132 144 76 131.882 144 -77 131.882 144 78 131.682 144 79 131.588 144 -80 131.25 144 107 131.375 144 107.357 132 144 -129.167 132 144 130 131.821 144 131 132 142 -130.294 132 144 187 132 144 188 131.739 144 -188.545 132 144 193 132 143.842 194.2 132 144 -195 131.2 144 196.667 132 144 197 131.5 144 -200 131.476 144 200.393 132 144 218 132 142.263 -217.607 132 144 218 131.607 144 219 132 141 -220 132 141.176 221 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73 153 143.769 72.9655 153 144 -73 152.857 144 74 152.417 144 74 153 142.6 -74.3043 153 144 93.1852 153 144 94 152.185 144 -99 153 143.842 99.2 153 144 121.179 153 144 -154.343 153 144 163 152.261 144 164 152.773 144 -168.625 153 144 169 152.778 144 170 152.571 144 -170 153 142.286 170.706 153 144 187 152.056 144 -227.485 153 144 36.3429 154 144 68 153.167 144 -73 154 143.833 72.9412 154 144 74 154 143.824 -74.0435 154 144 92 154 144 93 153.185 144 -99.4118 154 144 121.485 154 144 154.176 154 144 -164 154 143.824 163.944 154 144 164 153.833 144 -165 153.588 144 165 154 142.95 166 153.964 144 -167 153.786 144 168 153.357 144 171 153.417 144 -171.368 154 144 227.176 154 144 36.6571 155 144 -68.4545 155 144 69 154.625 144 70 154.778 144 -71 155 144 72 155 143.833 72 154.941 144 -72.2 155 144 73 154.2 144 74 154.059 144 -89.2 155 144 90 154.879 144 91 154.667 144 -99.25 155 144 121.029 155 144 154 154.5 144 -153.824 155 144 164 154.2 144 164.8 155 144 -166 155 141.429 171.586 155 144 203 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144 84 157.957 144 85 157.727 144 -98 157.522 144 97.6071 158 144 120.176 158 144 -152.515 158 144 165.5 158 144 171.657 158 144 -174.5 158 144 175 157.333 144 176 157.414 144 -177 157.786 144 177.6 158 144 185.818 158 144 -194 157.091 144 196 157.353 144 197 157.414 144 -203.455 158 144 204 157.647 144 225.485 158 144 -38 158.5 144 38.1765 159 144 69 158.5 144 -70 158.657 144 71 158.207 144 83 159 144 -97.1818 159 144 101.917 159 144 102 158.955 144 -102.091 159 144 119.824 159 144 120 158.5 144 -152.176 159 144 165.853 159 144 171.5 159 144 -174.5 159 144 178 158.235 144 178.722 159 144 -186 158.273 144 186.696 159 144 200.091 159 144 -201 158.697 144 202 158.364 144 203 158.185 144 -225 159 144 38.5152 160 144 82 160 143 -82.6364 160 144 97 159.8 144 96.9412 160 144 -100.294 160 144 101 159.478 144 103 159.476 144 -103.478 160 144 119.514 160 144 152 159.353 144 -151.676 160 144 166 159.556 144 166.19 160 144 -171.393 160 144 174.966 160 144 179 159.238 144 -179.727 160 144 187 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144 115.848 176 144 116 175.773 144 -152.647 176 144 168.529 176 144 171 175.5 144 -171.261 176 144 202.81 176 144 203 175.2 144 -205.957 176 144 214.393 176 144 215 175.5 144 -48 176.5 144 48.5 177 144 115.176 177 144 -153 176.522 144 153.324 177 144 169 176.593 144 -169.393 177 144 171.333 177 144 202.643 177 144 -206 176.045 144 206.778 177 144 213.393 177 144 -214 176.393 144 49 177.5 144 49.5 178 144 -114.5 178 144 115 177.261 144 154 178 144 -170 177.944 144 171 178 144 203 177.909 144 -203.043 178 144 207 177.261 144 207.607 178 144 -212.667 178 144 213 177.5 144 50 178.5 144 -50.5 179 144 113.848 179 144 114 178.773 144 -155 179 144 183 179 143.824 182.941 179 144 -183 178.955 144 183.167 179 144 203.414 179 144 -208 178.647 144 208.176 179 144 211.697 179 144 -212 178.688 144 51 179.5 144 51.5 180 144 -113 180 144 156 180 144 182.964 180 144 -184 179.278 144 184 180 142.143 185 179.824 144 -185.214 180 144 203.515 180 144 209 179.824 144 -210 180 144 211 179.676 144 52 180.5 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6828 6813 -3 6815 5451 6829 -3 6816 6830 4206 -3 5447 6831 6819 -3 6831 5447 6820 -3 5454 5453 6832 -3 6821 4422 6833 -3 6822 6834 4845 -3 6858 6835 6836 -3 6836 6837 6858 -3 6882 6838 6839 -3 6882 6839 6840 -3 6840 6841 5455 -3 5456 6842 6843 -3 5456 6843 6844 -3 6844 6824 5456 -3 5434 6846 6845 -3 5451 6847 6829 -3 6848 6847 5451 -3 6849 4846 6830 -3 6850 4846 6849 -3 5459 6832 6851 -3 5459 5454 6832 -3 6851 6832 6852 -3 5453 5458 6832 -3 6852 6832 5458 -3 5460 5459 6853 -3 5459 6851 6853 -3 5460 6853 6854 -3 6854 6855 5460 -3 6833 4422 6856 -3 6834 6857 4845 -3 6859 6835 6858 -3 6860 6858 6837 -3 6860 6861 6858 -3 6882 6862 6863 -3 6863 6838 6882 -3 6864 5455 6841 -3 6864 6865 5455 -3 5456 6866 6842 -3 5434 6868 6867 -3 5434 6845 6868 -3 5451 6869 6848 -3 6870 4846 6871 -3 6871 4846 6850 -3 6870 5462 4846 -3 6872 6852 5458 -3 5458 5471 6872 -3 5460 6855 5464 -3 6855 6873 5464 -3 5467 5466 6874 -3 5467 6874 5465 -3 6875 6856 4422 -3 6857 6876 4845 -3 6878 6879 5475 -3 6879 6880 5475 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7107 7108 -3 4292 7107 5522 -3 5522 7108 7109 -3 5522 7109 7110 -3 7111 5522 7110 -3 5523 7082 7081 -3 7112 7082 5523 -3 7081 5510 5523 -3 5514 7085 7113 -3 7086 5514 7113 -3 7115 5515 7114 -3 7087 5515 7115 -3 7116 5531 7117 -3 7090 5531 7089 -3 7090 7117 5531 -3 4422 7091 7092 -3 4422 7118 7091 -3 7069 4422 7092 -3 7119 4845 7093 -3 7119 7120 4845 -3 7095 5519 7121 -3 5519 7122 7121 -3 7123 7122 5519 -3 7145 7124 5527 -3 7098 5527 7124 -3 7102 7125 4962 -3 4963 7129 7130 -3 7103 4877 4963 -3 7130 7103 4963 -3 4850 7131 7154 -3 4850 7104 7131 -3 7132 7105 5535 -3 5501 7106 5558 -3 7106 7133 5558 -3 7107 4292 7134 -3 5522 7111 7135 -3 5549 7135 7136 -3 5549 5522 7135 -3 5523 7137 7112 -3 7162 7138 7137 -3 5523 7162 7137 -3 5523 5536 7162 -3 7139 7171 5538 -3 7139 5538 7140 -3 7140 5538 5531 -3 5531 7141 7140 -3 7142 7141 5531 -3 7116 7142 5531 -3 7118 4422 7143 -3 7120 7144 4845 -3 7180 7145 5527 -3 7146 7124 7145 -3 4962 7147 7148 -3 7147 4962 7125 -3 7192 7149 7150 -3 7126 7192 7150 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7812 7834 -3 5702 7815 7835 -3 5711 5702 7835 -3 7836 5711 7835 -3 5677 7837 7838 -3 7818 5677 7838 -3 7839 4521 7823 -3 4521 5697 7823 -3 5713 7825 7824 -3 5713 7840 7825 -3 7826 5714 5706 -3 5711 7836 7841 -3 5716 7841 7842 -3 5716 5711 7841 -3 5718 7843 5677 -3 7843 7844 5677 -3 7837 5677 7844 -3 4521 7839 7845 -3 4521 7845 7846 -3 4521 7846 7847 -3 4521 7847 7840 -3 5716 7842 7848 -3 5716 7848 7849 -3 7850 7851 5718 -3 7852 5718 7851 -3 7843 5718 7852 -3 5716 7849 7853 -3 5716 7853 5718 -3 5718 7853 7854 -3 7855 5718 7854 -3 5718 7855 7856 -3 5718 7856 7857 -3 5718 7857 7858 -3 5718 7858 7859 -3 7850 5718 7859 - -CELL_DATA 13733 -POINT_DATA 7860 -NORMALS normals float --0.133614 -0.057263 -0.989378 -0.0307275 -0.537162 -0.842919 -0.864861 -0.161839 -0.47521 --0.0591288 -0.790848 -0.60915 -0.72247 0.175378 -0.66879 0.236808 -0.629513 -0.740024 -0.197983 -0.368125 -0.908453 0.355323 -0.801092 -0.48166 0.285198 -0.791312 -0.540821 --0.618792 -0.400138 -0.676007 -0.398669 -0.360336 -0.843339 0 -0.0860472 -0.996291 -0.65077 -0.224068 -0.72546 -0.616992 0.576954 -0.535205 0.303636 -0.510558 -0.804448 -0.0991771 0.682572 -0.724058 0.372129 0.614105 -0.695985 -0.490425 0.764772 -0.41786 -0.0313472 0.583987 -0.811158 0.399766 -0.323516 -0.857627 0.216481 0.546615 -0.808918 -0.390625 0.179303 -0.902919 -0.088772 0.773204 -0.627914 -0.161114 0.301929 -0.939618 -0.336389 -0.421911 -0.841922 -0.529158 -0.497371 -0.687469 -0.448965 -0.270927 -0.851486 -0.456537 0.204655 -0.865847 -0.370621 0.853657 -0.365937 -0.188935 0.739997 -0.645529 -0.0329652 -0.212296 -0.976649 -0.149265 -0.468952 -0.870519 0.135512 0.597534 -0.79031 --0.431091 0.395359 -0.811081 -0.313014 -0.35348 -0.881518 0.208532 0.181332 -0.961058 -0.440965 0.440965 -0.781728 0.381019 0.634407 -0.672571 -0.260464 0.83826 -0.479039 -0 0.637398 -0.770535 0.253912 -0.463967 -0.848683 -0.745225 -0.1198 -0.655963 --0.819732 -0.123691 -0.559232 0.351087 -0.152592 -0.923826 0.299891 -0.766145 -0.568407 --0.0578228 -0.708329 -0.70351 -0.298115 -0.407947 -0.862964 0.626218 0.27526 -0.72944 --0.428964 0 -0.903322 -0.840707 0.309226 -0.444512 0.612134 -0.612134 -0.500582 -0.778143 0.124987 -0.615526 0.298546 0.138859 -0.94424 -0.483754 0.68549 -0.544138 -0.150583 0.282344 -0.947421 0.318835 -0.670203 -0.670203 -0.447214 0 -0.894427 --0.557993 -0.557993 -0.614238 -0.350425 -0.313294 -0.882638 0.678742 0.132751 -0.722279 -0.184754 -0.606401 -0.773398 -0.555685 -0.412346 -0.721932 -0.54253 -0.19323 -0.817511 --0.454534 -0.307546 -0.835951 0.309976 0.302415 -0.901366 0.791268 0.485184 -0.372145 --0.601158 0 -0.79913 -0.195297 0.328291 -0.924167 0.561633 0.64151 -0.522527 --0.430992 0.549168 -0.716003 0.450158 -0.054019 -0.891313 -0.0141727 -0.37479 -0.927001 --0.483179 0.180464 -0.856721 -0.327193 0.433721 -0.839542 0.334286 0.754839 -0.564332 -0.671316 0.671909 -0.312846 0.344796 0.158164 -0.925257 0.22389 0.743178 -0.630524 --0.553661 0.562312 -0.614218 -0.166154 -0.166154 -0.972001 -0.0172758 -0.302326 -0.953048 -0.591926 0.484469 -0.644137 -0.687459 0.261533 -0.677496 -0.505059 0.325209 -0.799471 -0.166733 0.45256 -0.876008 0.588363 0.588363 -0.55467 -0.406719 0.382316 -0.829707 -0.473568 -0.163299 -0.865486 0.720113 -0.256824 -0.644577 0.236649 -0.191878 -0.95246 -0.413754 0.227159 -0.881593 -0.417457 -0.790013 -0.449009 0.124878 -0.405854 -0.905366 --0.39225 -0.851721 -0.347435 -0.239402 -0.729666 -0.640527 -0.0931752 -0.0931752 -0.99128 -0.123225 0.432494 -0.893177 -0.249097 -0.886882 -0.389089 0.217978 -0.743821 -0.631836 -0.732431 0.259049 -0.629634 -0.737644 -0.569222 -0.363137 -0.669417 -0.68991 -0.275509 -0.821447 -0.111914 -0.559196 -0.924616 0.233679 -0.300798 -0.731344 -0.200835 -0.651768 --0.487093 0.295284 -0.821917 0.119911 -0.875437 -0.468222 -0.0338245 -0.717313 -0.69593 --0.0261782 0.279234 -0.959866 -0.0250979 0.633721 -0.773154 0.119187 0.815737 -0.566011 -0.879941 0.148971 -0.451122 0.201057 -0.61231 -0.764626 -0.220722 -0.715565 -0.662758 --0.919569 -0.0491032 -0.389849 -0.835811 -0.311849 -0.451853 0.523791 0.363162 -0.770555 -0.492487 -0.363645 -0.790708 -0.236316 -0.379469 -0.894516 0.285703 -0.82894 -0.480866 --0.603185 -0.603185 -0.521857 0.582435 0.465226 -0.666584 -0.634173 0.76534 -0.109907 --0.584343 -0.235207 -0.776673 -0.0678275 -0.131887 -0.988941 -0.269185 -0.72255 -0.636757 --0.634909 -0.317455 -0.704353 0.0535556 -0.444923 -0.893966 0.512611 -0.367788 -0.775862 -0.341278 -0.713496 -0.611925 -0.487268 -0.603938 -0.630736 -0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 -0.0320423 0.339926 -0.939906 -0.550019 0.821907 -0.148148 0.0585813 -0.422704 -0.904372 -0.382161 0.543608 -0.747291 0.500733 0.646371 -0.575734 0.0850264 0.786494 -0.611717 --0.159823 -0.820268 -0.549196 0.365676 -0.424613 -0.828242 0.0242708 -0.651266 -0.758462 --0.507728 0.237573 -0.828113 0.60161 -0.6034 -0.523425 -0.809091 0.35261 -0.470147 -0.216092 -0.520584 -0.826012 -0.357151 -0.0957722 -0.929124 -0.846672 0.235721 -0.477055 -0.660332 -0.623161 -0.419085 -0.68403 -0.523612 -0.507872 -0.923242 0.314121 -0.22125 --0.0158154 -0.661987 -0.749348 0.647451 -0.716615 -0.259365 -0.887292 0.0362983 -0.459778 --0.880705 0.414627 -0.229004 -0.880691 0.463666 -0.09694 0.854087 -0.349399 -0.385299 -0.591791 -0.197264 -0.781582 -0.69874 0.685205 -0.205562 -0.644528 0.34271 -0.683472 -0.519893 -0.777214 -0.354472 -0.588419 -0.588419 -0.55455 -0.814164 0.524526 -0.249018 -0.666706 -0.72418 -0.176256 -0.767549 0.610615 -0.194978 0.596127 -0.675259 -0.434347 --0.568865 0.667022 -0.481118 0.468899 -0.549215 -0.691735 -0.673848 -0.595175 -0.43783 --0.37961 -0.541691 -0.749978 0.649603 -0.356158 -0.67169 0.467638 -0.171231 -0.867176 -0.197129 0.824751 -0.530025 -0.315227 0.736623 -0.598347 -0.189691 -0.331959 -0.924024 --0.432596 -0.884943 -0.172444 -0.653129 0.0762328 -0.753399 -0.196901 -0.798542 -0.568824 -0.595899 0.595899 -0.538339 -0.0833766 -0.90672 -0.413409 0.244745 -0.840249 -0.483819 --0.0411872 0.720775 -0.691944 -0.346388 -0.148984 -0.926185 0.262214 -0.510627 -0.818843 --0.32034 -0.0488322 -0.946043 0.0269138 -0.558461 -0.829094 -0.231713 -0.311614 -0.921524 -0.415067 -0.105914 -0.903605 0.113699 0.437303 -0.892098 0.687616 -0.181196 -0.703102 --0.730426 -0.191407 -0.655623 -0.0673477 -0.43776 -0.896566 0.587931 -0.355209 -0.726749 -0.407993 0.710211 -0.573709 0.0627344 -0.643028 -0.763269 -0.716044 -0.492216 -0.494979 --0.625571 -0.657112 -0.420552 -0.125133 -0.871118 -0.474864 -0.513312 0.500792 -0.696935 -0.205739 -0.154691 -0.966303 0.139194 -0.63921 -0.756331 -0.183705 -0.7983 -0.573558 -0.129194 -0.79939 -0.586758 0.395605 -0.699374 -0.595292 0 -0.714057 -0.700088 -0.0821513 -0.670499 -0.737348 0 -0.947723 -0.319096 0 -0.424893 -0.905244 -0.232035 0.261205 -0.93698 -0.26748 0.823524 -0.500263 -0.505771 0.579733 -0.638831 --0.302437 0.55059 -0.778064 -0.0322538 0.628948 -0.776778 0.216548 0.804992 -0.552353 --0.0276135 0.796846 -0.603551 0.0606424 0.818673 -0.571049 0.42076 0.688839 -0.590307 -0.442564 0.636671 -0.631495 0.0703097 0.953021 -0.294631 -0.393632 0.883207 -0.254949 -0 0.842439 -0.538792 0.247275 0.851023 -0.463265 -0.53666 -0.712685 -0.451749 -0.330773 -0.301587 -0.894223 -0.311853 -0.648992 -0.693943 -0.0186271 -0.614693 -0.788546 -0.778019 0.198507 -0.596055 -0.721324 -0.65162 -0.234698 -0.244691 -0.700758 -0.670123 -0.722534 0.148377 -0.675225 -0.94044 -0.111906 -0.321012 -0.414019 -0.785113 -0.460636 -0.578245 -0.302339 -0.757776 0.804844 0.371467 -0.462859 -0.215747 -0.449986 -0.866583 -0.873669 0 -0.486522 -0.796789 -0.150159 -0.585304 0.577632 -0.654494 -0.48783 --0.919215 0.189644 -0.345078 -0.815376 0.574037 -0.0751172 0.94216 -0.314825 -0.114973 --0.526794 0.237428 -0.816159 0.367513 -0.929476 0.0317603 -0.438774 0.371842 -0.818053 -0.647808 -0.0398651 -0.76076 0.204368 -0.978894 -0.000987286 0.26964 -0.955995 -0.115618 -0.631516 -0.66722 -0.394976 -0.501994 0.643066 -0.578332 0.464369 0.337251 -0.818916 -0.953793 -0.124408 -0.2735 -0.151531 0.567922 -0.809013 0.764898 -0.642514 0.0458939 -0.2831 -0.886154 -0.366858 0.607346 -0.764806 0.214946 0.270611 -0.704715 -0.655855 -0.401862 -0.438789 -0.803723 -0.434244 -0.672652 -0.599143 0.726992 -0.275329 -0.629028 -0.592987 -0.393762 -0.702366 -0.474079 -0.574123 -0.667557 -0.503787 -0.440437 -0.743111 --0.457974 -0.673915 -0.57974 -0.588721 0.792639 -0.158528 0.0695623 -0.890398 -0.449836 -0.457902 -0.737537 -0.496352 0.970729 0.0507571 -0.234752 0.707754 -0.540756 -0.454606 --0.697492 -0.656992 -0.286122 -0.725648 -0.563773 -0.394455 0.985733 -0.147733 -0.0806586 --0.550024 -0.829022 -0.100971 0.512143 -0.857839 -0.0426786 0.322015 -0.946725 -0.00429354 --0.522973 -0.852252 0.0129129 -0.649531 -0.759452 0.0366402 0.14246 -0.939007 -0.313002 --0.280881 -0.853879 -0.438175 -0.0711379 -0.995931 0.0553295 -0.548838 0.804265 -0.227891 --0.74702 0 -0.664801 0.0171827 -0.326472 -0.945051 0.410419 -0.679111 -0.608575 --0.364289 0.167455 -0.916107 0.246603 -0.332377 -0.910336 0.451961 -0.335743 -0.826443 -0.144032 -0.882629 -0.44746 -0.38057 -0.225126 -0.896931 -0.575825 0.465475 -0.67213 -0.112 0.0263529 -0.993359 0.281641 -0.345346 -0.895217 -0.652357 -0.588712 -0.477334 --0.0965727 -0.915831 -0.389778 0.660328 -0.660328 -0.357678 -0.279956 0.36428 -0.888214 --0.100151 -0.0166918 -0.994832 -0.887081 -0.100325 -0.450581 0.76069 0.544434 -0.353471 --0.402301 0.504888 -0.763702 -0.349163 0.311494 -0.883774 0.441792 0.834495 -0.329298 --0.559507 -0.808386 -0.182932 -0.138395 -0.827316 -0.544421 -0.631133 -0.746974 -0.209046 --0.173925 -0.780433 -0.600562 0.767655 -0.0383828 -0.639713 -0.453607 -0.685278 -0.569767 -0.551526 -0.14722 -0.821063 0.826474 0.363649 -0.429767 0.8577 0.388891 -0.336325 -0.823711 0.279248 -0.493478 0.333318 -0.754251 -0.565689 0.0406417 -0.746792 -0.663815 -0.015947 -0.534225 -0.845192 -0.520495 0.0208198 -0.853611 0.661244 -0.495308 -0.563406 -0.913519 0.321215 -0.249607 -0.747552 0.00807074 -0.664154 0.461353 -0.53233 -0.709773 -0.292762 -0.56131 -0.774094 0.190724 -0.486347 -0.852696 -0.888497 0.430483 -0.158928 -0.994314 -0.0509905 0.0934825 0.986835 -0.131761 0.0937882 0.90288 -0.379832 0.201332 -0.619007 -0.75584 0.213394 0.869212 -0.160118 -0.467796 0.824087 -0.222516 -0.52093 -0.60237 0.798086 -0.0144975 -0.0559393 -0.964954 -0.256389 -0.379812 0.634713 -0.672965 -0.648721 -0.131186 -0.749634 0.977478 -0.153099 0.145248 -0.681476 -0.526052 -0.508782 -0.253505 -0.869394 -0.424134 -0.295363 0.210974 -0.9318 0.771082 -0.571005 0.281756 --0.520388 -0.81452 -0.256423 -0.932492 -0.332476 0.141129 -0.387589 0.66745 -0.635834 -0.72924 0.447094 -0.517992 0.490614 0.598931 -0.632913 0.554927 0.541393 -0.631625 --0.0398377 -0.632976 0.773146 0.833643 0.0106877 0.5522 0.277725 -0.55545 -0.783801 --0.428552 -0.68747 0.586284 0.232916 -0.842788 -0.485241 -0.207499 -0.735837 -0.644584 --0.128406 -0.342416 -0.930733 -0.160642 0.973546 -0.162488 -0.986898 0.0986898 0.127639 -0.451855 -0.636122 -0.62544 0.64379 0.539243 -0.542911 0.593303 0.25522 -0.763449 -0.234245 -0.669273 -0.705126 0.35794 0.188615 -0.914496 -0.643042 0.270755 -0.716372 -0.521396 -0.109909 -0.846207 0.91988 -0.041365 -0.390013 -0.946342 0.288601 -0.145419 -0.72821 0.682613 -0.0612429 -0.346952 -0.919119 -0.186664 0.0326775 -0.980326 -0.19466 -0.297089 -0.871314 -0.390576 0 -0.849343 -0.527841 0.0658001 -0.870586 -0.487596 -0.74046 0.64113 -0.20167 -0.540906 0.801701 -0.254355 0.833497 -0.00766434 -0.552471 -0.72087 -0.493227 -0.486903 -0.912475 -0.382435 0.14537 0.254155 -0.914959 -0.313458 --0.66355 -0.737278 0.126976 -0.327662 0.703275 -0.630905 -0.471757 -0.36856 -0.801005 -0.245787 -0.825896 -0.50743 -0.79949 0.588196 -0.121827 -0.554541 -0.831811 0.0239616 --0.0360758 0.742401 -0.668984 -0.522275 0.838219 0.156897 0.317629 -0.923394 0.215534 -0.290532 0.576195 -0.763931 -0.77193 0.604489 -0.196766 -0.130676 -0.659232 -0.740498 --0.459006 -0.442006 -0.770677 -0.374676 -0.769072 -0.517827 -0.376284 0.430038 -0.820657 -0.222776 -0.879965 -0.419562 -0.48734 0.46584 -0.738575 -0.249152 -0.738395 -0.626654 --0.706638 0.0936891 -0.701345 -0.382983 0.718093 -0.581091 0.0830439 -0.110725 -0.990376 -0.260005 -0.913991 -0.311476 0 0.999101 0.0423861 0.444728 -0.690636 -0.570298 -0.0428856 0.950631 -0.307347 0.815639 0.577103 0.0410385 0.942857 0.171429 0.285714 --0.728315 0.662105 0.176561 -0.722965 -0.690103 -0.032862 -0.910416 0.0343553 -0.412264 --0.128238 0.881635 -0.454175 -0.186605 0.92473 -0.331742 -0.486271 0.75559 -0.43889 --0.746592 0.409132 -0.524605 -0.67561 -0.275249 -0.683951 0.959044 0.280696 0.0380109 --0.551393 0.600772 -0.578826 0.682383 0.720548 -0.123144 -0.129602 -0.931015 -0.341196 -0.899206 0.0372805 -0.435934 -0.865383 -0.397797 -0.304745 0.355155 -0.856956 -0.373486 --0.121418 -0.689481 -0.714054 0.723358 -0.632815 -0.276221 -0.226561 -0.696637 -0.680711 -0.511263 -0.723072 -0.464519 -0.911951 -0.130058 -0.38914 0.937919 -0.290078 -0.190162 -0.760164 0.550687 -0.344809 0.766852 0.546222 -0.337015 0.934208 -0.3242 -0.148829 --0.982977 0.174299 -0.0580998 0.177826 -0.98367 -0.0277619 -0.728453 -0.67903 0.0909671 -0.778298 -0.598196 -0.190822 0.504274 0.784427 -0.361085 0.313858 -0.859187 -0.404092 -0.818402 -0.572881 -0.0450121 0.902922 0.409137 -0.131676 -0.0824148 0.970663 -0.225878 -0.26844 -0.96313 -0.017896 0.954296 0.149554 -0.258752 0.698362 -0.101079 -0.708572 --0.990127 -0.0735905 0.119306 -0.519702 0.814759 0.257057 -0.661742 0.672771 0.330871 --0.106395 -0.984152 0.14186 0.586209 0.768585 -0.256195 -0.0510752 -0.752508 -0.6566 -0.534006 -0.738057 -0.412444 -0.746554 0.590949 -0.305673 0.951414 0.0126434 0.307655 --0.405861 -0.900274 0.157425 0.402726 -0.836431 0.371747 -0.48941 -0.870062 0.0589104 -0.786062 -0.550243 -0.281672 0.894147 0.108601 0.434404 0.931719 -0.0291162 0.362012 --0.46618 -0.884546 -0.0159378 -0.294639 -0.837308 -0.460547 -0.0271759 0.570694 -0.820713 --0.646277 0.656016 -0.389832 0.838007 0.164315 0.520331 -0.451493 -0.799787 0.395594 --0.694515 -0.0292427 -0.718884 0.0571292 0.956915 -0.284694 0.463583 -0.86278 0.201745 --0.527545 -0.83658 0.147754 -0.53086 -0.812675 0.240307 0.703842 0.703842 0.0959785 -0.14104 0.967135 -0.211561 -0.0949207 -0.976327 -0.194361 0.902432 -0.258894 -0.344371 --0.166339 -0.970311 0.17558 -0.960289 0.0561572 -0.273299 0.431889 -0.431889 -0.791797 -0.629445 0.769322 0.109279 -0.972387 -0.233373 0 -0.707308 0.579529 -0.404799 -0.575168 -0.692435 -0.435564 -0.722346 0.685303 -0.0926085 0.403399 0.576284 0.71075 --0.838388 0.540438 0.0709405 0.618425 -0.531767 -0.578597 0.666068 -0.609667 -0.429721 --0.591621 0.591621 -0.547694 -0.571101 0.598297 -0.562036 -0.522678 0.709348 -0.472899 -0.248187 -0.849265 0.465997 0.749401 0.343811 -0.565856 0.327269 0.139263 -0.934613 -0.470209 -0.798609 -0.37567 -0.448116 0.426572 0.785639 -0.355483 -0.891999 0.27923 --0.816525 -0.199965 -0.541573 0.626849 -0.690813 -0.360331 0.932835 0.339604 0.120366 -0.750775 0.459982 -0.474081 -0.84453 0.341834 -0.412211 0.573251 -0.473762 -0.66853 -0.278974 -0.852913 -0.441264 0.0873541 -0.762893 -0.640597 -0.983169 0.172055 0.0614481 --0.602585 -0.71815 0.348069 -0.297116 0.847331 -0.440172 0.303829 0.717405 -0.626911 -0.653544 -0.308205 -0.691296 -0.201612 -0.632644 -0.74774 -0.279857 0.612659 -0.739141 --0.068935 -0.0771416 -0.994634 0.33931 -0.819482 -0.461863 -0.883753 -0.45613 0.10453 --0.254414 0.166439 0.952666 -0.249208 0.320836 -0.913761 -0.207199 0.148716 -0.966929 -0.304056 -0.33407 -0.892159 -0.170821 0.134216 -0.976118 0 -0.311641 -0.9502 -0.694672 -0.709144 0.120603 0.859581 -0.509036 -0.0447504 -0.781435 0.407462 0.472582 --0.647169 -0.392224 0.653706 -0.886995 0.0490504 0.459166 -0.497468 0.297268 -0.814958 -0.0882852 0.0294284 -0.99566 -0.269897 -0.304247 -0.913559 -0.719314 0.401156 -0.567152 --0.133211 -0.793344 -0.594021 0.102573 -0.981767 -0.160036 -0.479456 0.76713 -0.426184 -0.53753 0.808457 0.239703 -0.402972 0.914818 0.0268648 0.917997 -0.396562 0.00452816 -0.980883 0.0779716 0.178295 0.883936 0.441968 0.152713 -0.716192 -0.695922 -0.0525508 --0.0555452 0.864653 -0.499289 -0.243071 0.729213 -0.63966 0.952863 -0.276809 0.124209 --0.211241 -0.977383 -0.00998402 -0.540551 0.390592 -0.745146 -0.458135 0.823741 -0.33401 -0.369622 -0.870401 -0.325241 -0.146564 -0.840301 -0.521931 0.72583 -0.672963 -0.142449 --0.29592 -0.883917 -0.362107 0.647963 -0.416547 -0.637678 -0.149366 -0.852922 -0.500214 --0.746148 -0.662663 -0.0643531 0.855179 -0.117505 -0.504838 0.794308 0.21938 -0.566522 -0.239602 0.339436 -0.909601 -0.318953 0.134296 -0.938208 0.472654 -0.759727 -0.446557 -0.496001 -0.807052 -0.320392 0.576018 -0.62402 -0.528017 -0.116539 0.773139 -0.623438 -0.71045 0.333298 -0.619817 -0.105028 -0.992996 0.0541056 0.693252 -0.683712 -0.227904 --0.66256 -0.603026 0.444267 -0.0633257 -0.909588 0.410658 0.278523 -0.960424 -0.00320141 -0.329474 -0.929344 0.166631 0.23583 -0.946032 0.222277 0.17609 0.440225 0.880451 --0.741536 -0.670913 0 -0.757684 -0.651961 0.0293676 0.915488 -0.0938963 -0.391234 -0.0657912 -0.997833 0 -0.0423798 0.720457 -0.692204 0.548646 0.759664 -0.349139 --0.393073 -0.917171 -0.0655122 0.721223 0.523468 -0.453672 0.517381 0.776071 -0.360599 --0.928473 -0.295423 -0.225084 0.710282 -0.701925 -0.0529229 0.698377 0.704904 -0.124011 --0.95902 -0.139857 -0.246415 0.898349 -0.431207 -0.0838459 -0.724146 0.599293 0.341264 -0.740475 -0.598136 -0.306481 -0.762629 -0.635902 -0.11843 0.104777 -0.681047 -0.724704 -0.638241 -0.769309 0.0284929 0.994249 -0.0887288 0.0599629 0.17609 -0.968496 0.17609 -0.513226 -0.856379 -0.0566906 0.296071 0.911897 0.284228 -0.735612 0.559065 0.382518 --0.730931 0.608526 0.308926 0.89569 -0.432749 0.102317 0.124686 -0.992063 -0.0162633 --0.417759 -0.908461 -0.0132622 0.323677 -0.921233 -0.215784 -0.965722 -0.259028 0.0168931 --0.982888 -0.182016 -0.0283136 0.299775 0.930552 -0.210259 0.301131 0 0.953583 -0.976112 0.208611 -0.0607151 -0.890387 0.0460545 0.452869 0.813767 0.48358 0.322387 -0.839341 0.453698 0.299441 0.0112225 0.864131 0.503141 -0.860695 0.43913 0.257623 -0.01133 -0.940393 -0.339901 0.361886 -0.882096 -0.301571 -0.283706 -0.831774 -0.477141 -0.753653 -0.0519761 -0.655214 0.558975 -0.264243 -0.785953 0.586881 -0.8031 -0.102962 --0.895676 0.422393 0.139101 0.200534 -0.968295 0.148968 0.755142 -0.655406 0.014248 --0.409691 -0.872821 0.265211 -0.722956 0.690464 -0.0243693 -0.790186 0.603615 0.10609 --0.369077 0.918116 0.144377 -0.19593 0.979651 -0.04354 -0.218537 0.967805 0.124878 --0.13994 0.965583 0.219239 -0.102463 0.973399 0.204926 -0.297193 0.934035 0.198129 --0.522716 -0.678668 -0.515924 0.578153 -0.140245 -0.803785 -0.691431 0.718024 0.0797805 -0.435884 -0.89158 -0.12284 -0.606334 -0.785479 -0.124023 0.730789 0.501956 0.462587 -0.829482 0.47399 0.295454 0.692996 0.679921 0.239716 0 0.462566 0.886585 -0.186443 0.865288 0.465312 0.908919 -0.398649 -0.122252 -0.651332 0.195812 0.733092 -0.0958325 0.972015 0.214482 0.576707 0.527885 0.623495 -0.783524 0.547223 0.29434 --0.713561 0.5622 0.418046 -0.813596 0.355572 0.460033 -0.637132 -0.58963 -0.496385 -0.252222 0.252222 -0.934221 0.71509 0.659113 -0.232844 0.250099 -0.701892 -0.666932 -0.830773 0.288001 0.47631 0.196129 0.442546 0.875035 -0.926488 0.188352 0.325798 -0.654477 -0.711388 -0.2561 -0.433262 -0.753876 0.493919 0.660852 -0.189307 0.726249 --0.48085 -0.824314 0.298814 0.983296 -0.150169 -0.102855 0.520532 -0.753605 -0.401405 --0.491369 -0.728328 -0.477592 0.358962 0.243277 -0.90109 0.689078 0.689078 -0.224374 --0.717496 0.573997 -0.394623 0.264013 0.940669 -0.213166 -0.529192 0.797988 0.288395 --0.261115 -0.821228 0.507349 -0.680331 -0.684186 0.262753 -0.218519 -0.963269 -0.156085 -0.652871 -0.748414 0.116774 0.203874 -0.974064 -0.0981614 0.205266 -0.173687 0.963171 --0.171388 0.0507816 0.983894 -0.350738 -0.85736 0.376719 -0.855798 -0.474442 0.206192 --0.475789 -0.836182 0.272809 -0.135139 0.844618 0.518032 0.84978 0.186952 0.492872 --0.486418 0.856759 0.171352 0.307937 -0.865918 -0.394159 -0.438607 -0.758597 -0.481824 -0.659006 0.110713 -0.743945 0.69225 0.686197 -0.223436 0.231633 -0.146029 0.96178 -0.539235 0.550958 0.636923 -0.383801 -0.733736 0.56065 0.893078 -0.435089 -0.114497 -0.506432 -0.350607 0.787783 -0.604419 0.36457 0.708354 -0.873243 -0.169356 0.456909 -0.688789 -0.439653 0.576433 -0.885817 0.117133 0.449009 0 -0.999061 0.0433356 -0.871587 0.0901642 -0.481878 -0.511752 -0.0261691 -0.858735 -0.53265 -0.764754 -0.362539 --0.489831 -0.473503 -0.732025 0.450223 0.452841 -0.769568 0.769039 0.607173 -0.199799 --0.378939 0.801186 -0.463148 -0.718397 -0.689075 0.0952976 0.184114 0.97763 0.101694 --0.382269 0.888214 0.254846 0.867466 -0.485462 -0.108765 -0.560007 -0.222072 0.798171 --0.913832 -0.290254 0.284012 0.560901 -0.780385 0.276386 -0.368434 -0.846421 -0.384483 --0.38097 -0.881165 -0.280018 -0.210366 -0.839178 -0.501525 0.0851775 -0.00967926 -0.996319 -0.52573 0.738864 -0.421531 0.541798 0.823036 -0.170489 -0.601124 0.743495 -0.293029 -0.0634667 0.335467 -0.939912 -0.164716 -0.973322 -0.159725 0.874235 0.298474 0.382919 -0.975442 0.177995 0.129729 -0.932739 -0.328536 0.148533 -0.310257 -0.810372 -0.497028 -0.620221 0.334651 -0.709461 0.587911 0.732468 -0.343294 -0.74274 0.275875 -0.610107 -0.239939 0.945067 0.221985 -0.192387 0.902738 0.384774 0.908868 -0.0873912 -0.407825 --0.9459 0.169696 0.276542 -0.940466 0.175983 0.290781 0.36958 -0.90952 -0.19022 --0.460918 -0.800411 -0.383272 0.572474 0.677593 -0.461672 0.223733 -0.968343 0.110701 --0.216985 0.278012 0.935749 0.791297 0.238404 0.563038 0.79788 -0.555363 -0.234433 -0.0708869 -0.992416 0.100423 -0.555622 -0.807224 0.199185 -0.868642 -0.414275 0.271729 -0.142525 -0.891428 -0.430166 -0.668659 0.260825 -0.696323 -0.486004 0.602064 -0.633497 -0.123554 0.809965 -0.573316 0.22312 -0.80881 0.5441 0.509371 -0.709386 0.487147 --0.85552 -0.392807 0.337326 0.128324 -0.991598 0.0163322 0.04847 0.981518 0.185129 --0.160852 0.97798 0.132971 -0.783356 -0.0257743 -0.621039 0.396049 -0.203525 -0.895389 -0.800749 -0.0250234 -0.598477 0.197399 0.540055 -0.818153 -0.0079445 0.897728 -0.440478 -0.373377 0.886251 -0.274134 0.141833 -0.921916 0.360493 -0.929152 0.349305 -0.121092 --0.978305 0.142402 -0.150472 0.148585 0.728276 -0.668982 0.644562 0.528742 -0.552242 -0.41021 0.876547 -0.251779 0.329187 -0.938472 -0.104435 -0.419297 -0.898714 -0.128461 --0.403814 0.779454 -0.478942 -0.155245 0.851859 -0.500235 -0.654974 0.664606 -0.359594 -0.623948 -0.263531 -0.73569 -0.91542 -0.191728 -0.353903 0.556984 -0.718688 -0.41624 --0.299696 -0.775301 -0.555958 0.0263015 -0.836387 -0.547509 0.329968 -0.532663 -0.779353 --0.871129 -0.454099 -0.186891 0.610586 0.732157 -0.301878 0.682646 0.626428 -0.376273 -0.656219 0.686047 -0.31419 -0.702782 -0.649801 -0.289579 0.909282 -0.357218 -0.213544 --0.956792 0.278167 -0.0846846 0.741177 -0.626202 -0.241926 0.680638 -0.686146 -0.25678 -0.558265 -0.197035 -0.805927 -0.586108 -0.0572744 -0.808206 0.867414 0 -0.497587 -0.522385 -0.700066 -0.486848 0.374142 0.363513 -0.853157 0.431889 -0.431889 -0.791797 -0.831385 -0.356979 -0.42587 0.766349 0.569701 -0.2969 -0.78086 -0.496911 -0.378599 --0.0498854 -0.997708 -0.0457283 0.898977 -0.433004 -0.0659396 0.886174 -0.43135 -0.169214 --0.19776 -0.939362 -0.280161 -0.457524 0.481138 -0.747782 0.475591 -0.744403 -0.468698 -0.0990088 -0.964033 -0.246653 -0.601644 0.595687 0.532147 0.683818 0.683818 0.254532 --0.524195 0.725137 0.446537 -0.752249 -0.451349 -0.480006 0.15757 -0.601632 -0.783077 -0.290014 -0.913545 -0.285181 0.220903 -0.965483 -0.138 -0.794953 -0.539432 0.277603 --0.326052 -0.846725 -0.420413 0.903413 -0.171776 -0.392858 0.338093 0.899623 -0.276355 --0.34795 -0.394343 -0.850544 -0.548044 -0.631898 -0.548044 -0.724555 -0.169577 -0.66803 --0.0188745 -0.968891 -0.246767 -0.64358 -0.64358 -0.414258 0.356294 -0.456056 -0.815517 --0.648772 -0.689441 -0.322127 -0.465801 -0.237753 -0.852351 0.741325 0.585257 -0.328499 --0.779814 -0.582047 -0.23046 0.928625 0.19967 -0.312711 0.874323 -0.483668 -0.0403057 --0.0607823 -0.850952 -0.521715 -0.118168 -0.948487 -0.293953 -0.308258 -0.703795 -0.640039 -0.753462 0.453637 -0.475929 0.0160721 -0.962033 -0.272461 -0.830418 0.553612 -0.0626109 -0.968504 -0.141732 0.204724 0.79849 -0.598867 0.0614223 0 -0.848336 -0.529458 --0.82896 -0.524195 -0.195049 0.844479 0.52011 -0.12783 0.767202 -0.627521 -0.132732 --0.353643 0.640381 -0.681798 0.25207 -0.930719 -0.264996 0.305425 -0.916274 -0.259148 --0.384486 0.90221 0.195415 0.822951 0.565779 -0.0514344 -0.152098 -0.221233 -0.963287 --0.354471 -0.16953 -0.91957 -0.196067 0.980334 -0.0224076 0.133009 0.975401 -0.17579 -0.542551 -0.613318 -0.574003 0.0839211 -0.917138 -0.389634 0.710839 0.690135 0.135727 -0.732502 -0.138581 -0.666511 0.629762 0.414389 -0.657025 0.528107 0.55369 -0.64384 --0.491848 0.86233 -0.1203 0.379547 0.919673 -0.100726 -0.167817 0.976388 0.136033 -0.431277 -0.782524 -0.449062 -0.662868 -0.224902 -0.714161 0.22194 0.887761 -0.403264 -0.0235352 0.0823732 -0.996324 0.420952 -0.762634 -0.491111 -0.752994 0.648856 -0.109478 --0.92798 0.107075 0.356915 -0.701876 0.694926 -0.156358 -0.392322 0.603572 0.694107 --0.618742 -0.563607 0.547271 0.184252 0.982043 -0.0405227 -0.792281 0.313923 0.523205 -0.519907 0.854133 -0.0123787 -0.790345 -0.451626 0.41399 0.994274 0.0994274 0.0391684 -0.758853 -0.649703 -0.0450461 -0.771996 -0.571631 -0.277958 -0.395817 -0.918132 0.0190427 -0.108157 -0.973417 0.201894 0.375903 -0.884477 -0.276399 0.468316 -0.81339 -0.345075 -0.460938 0.784575 -0.414704 0.570948 0.741135 -0.353183 -0.572372 -0.803757 -0.162375 -0.662022 -0.165505 0.730982 0.820325 -0.392329 -0.416107 0.185374 0.98164 -0.0449392 --0.345809 0.912937 -0.216707 -0.95324 -0.300571 -0.0314884 -0.947779 -0.31749 -0.0302372 --0.0734306 -0.996558 0.0384637 -0.888005 -0.186481 -0.420323 -0.38819 -0.916742 0.094306 -0.549025 0.695432 0.463622 0.676753 -0.728811 0.104116 -0.717518 0.391374 0.576189 -0.585463 -0.712237 -0.387236 0.335432 0.934417 -0.119797 -0.371232 0.877457 0.303735 --0.662085 0.0827606 0.744845 0.848308 0.0614716 -0.525923 0.905197 -0.201155 -0.374372 --0.596285 -0.745356 0.298142 0.286282 -0.866402 -0.409134 0.135725 -0.841956 -0.522197 --0.616898 -0.663344 -0.423571 0.533046 -0.78434 -0.31729 0.637231 0.756711 -0.146032 --0.991192 0.052168 0.121725 0.384619 -0.915758 -0.115996 0.311161 -0.889033 -0.335857 --0.926151 -0.139271 -0.350498 0.98582 -0.167403 0.0116252 -0.938026 -0.343943 -0.0425586 --0.748222 -0.407409 0.523625 -0.670201 0.736762 0.0895131 0.75071 0.619153 0.230399 -0.48915 0.850043 -0.195342 0.504961 0.844554 -0.178164 -0.536778 0.782554 -0.315402 -0.688318 0.51766 -0.508179 0.294609 -0.922464 -0.249532 0.864722 0.502097 -0.0123975 -0.605492 0.749313 -0.268159 0.839586 0.529429 0.121658 0.217879 0.917911 -0.331615 -0.757777 0.277496 0.590568 0.864994 0.445953 0.230024 -0.388816 0.772288 -0.502388 -0.65577 0.733198 -0.179964 -0.415453 -0.127365 -0.900654 -0.314221 -0.287478 -0.904777 --0.449256 0.256718 -0.855725 0.106878 -0.299781 -0.948002 -0.267316 0.169883 -0.948515 -0.305573 -0.672644 -0.673925 -0.328982 -0.769959 -0.546749 -0.948924 -0.141738 -0.281875 -0.817136 -0.548751 -0.176527 -0.677952 -0.623459 -0.389462 0.685388 -0.292848 -0.666696 -0.838632 -0.00618156 -0.544664 0.843287 -0.130996 -0.521255 -0.204589 -0.7573 -0.620193 -0.357737 -0.829122 -0.429628 -0.638917 -0.610451 -0.468118 0.469127 0.69267 -0.547839 --0.268075 0.842522 -0.467217 -0.550732 -0.483631 -0.680291 0.826703 0.40761 -0.387836 -0.907922 -0.344613 -0.238578 0.0448372 -0.941581 -0.333788 -0.486454 -0.758296 -0.433993 -0.394619 -0.841407 -0.369202 -0.664798 -0.47826 -0.573857 0.276694 -0.122975 -0.953057 --0.883592 0.465557 -0.0502072 0.462115 -0.777194 -0.427106 0.603159 -0.356707 -0.713414 -0.820164 0.340068 -0.460092 0.952035 0.0115749 -0.30577 -0.0800304 0.98323 -0.163872 --0.814202 0.576286 0.0704937 0.282028 -0.568795 -0.772614 0.903205 0.418662 -0.0945708 -0.376086 0.621111 -0.687591 -0.637916 0.0609773 -0.767688 -0.57735 -0.57735 -0.57735 -0.276421 -0.900183 -0.336545 0.35853 -0.90913 -0.211988 0.30702 0.846952 -0.434063 --0.452599 -0.243188 -0.857912 -0.765682 -0.566025 -0.305526 0.66924 0.547077 -0.502816 --0.0733032 0.704525 -0.705883 -0.897898 -0.242961 -0.367082 0.770579 -0.597782 -0.221055 --0.311776 0.770271 -0.556307 0.541317 -0.589939 -0.599123 -0.485384 -0.654705 -0.579451 -0.467348 -0.233674 -0.852632 0.344958 0.936315 -0.0657063 0.905647 -0.416108 0.0815898 -0.204546 -0.920458 -0.333043 0.828805 -0.214514 -0.516784 0.493847 0.823079 -0.280457 -0.417315 -0.602789 -0.680069 -0.715093 -0.666336 -0.211277 -0.486664 -0.811107 -0.324443 --0.668648 -0.728751 -0.147754 -0.98481 -0.171271 -0.0285452 -0.583193 -0.770648 -0.256883 -0.724062 0.395093 -0.565363 0.431021 0.636194 -0.639905 0.453626 0.583736 -0.673406 -0.38199 -0.273335 -0.88282 -0.114376 0.564731 -0.817311 -0.620628 0.639645 -0.453514 --0.457017 0.888877 0.0321449 0.87115 0.195564 0.450391 -0.912988 0.300749 0.275687 -0.633054 -0.296257 -0.715174 0.571811 -0.62993 -0.525567 0 0.0634628 -0.997984 -0.649847 -0.361026 -0.668849 -0.781651 0.586238 -0.21295 -0.783687 0.391844 -0.481968 --0.898908 -0.437864 0.015454 0.714292 0.479267 -0.509989 -0.399538 -0.762754 -0.508503 --0.814241 -0.425626 -0.394784 0.3771 -0.627326 -0.681365 0.646204 -0.427328 -0.632307 --0.779839 -0.241456 -0.577538 -0.0748111 -0.654597 -0.752267 -0.176038 0.909527 -0.376525 -0.331348 0.649953 -0.683937 -0.0898383 -0.235826 -0.967634 -0.468896 -0.805914 -0.36144 -0.5891 0.0632205 -0.805583 -0.956807 -0.264417 -0.12085 -0.651873 0.641186 -0.404897 -0.00783244 -0.871638 -0.490087 0.156549 -0.834926 -0.527627 0.416594 -0.505777 -0.755407 --0.199523 -0.737045 -0.645721 0.278518 0.875341 -0.39523 -0.415601 0.373479 -0.82933 -0.857881 0.0504636 -0.511364 -0.19959 -0.471758 -0.858841 -0.0649442 -0.828039 -0.556897 -0.140919 -0.79407 -0.591265 0.517987 -0.426577 -0.741432 -0.527934 0 -0.849285 -0.901637 0.324026 -0.286458 -0.339653 -0.915176 -0.217 0.984734 -0.0364716 -0.170201 -0.885734 -0.207594 -0.415188 -0.858898 0.458079 0.229039 0.803824 -0.506112 -0.312598 --0.27654 -0.72098 -0.635384 0.0623288 -0.849938 -0.523184 -0.166814 -0.925299 -0.34058 -0.292642 -0.899488 -0.324473 -0.318389 -0.833989 -0.450655 -0.978475 -0.070904 -0.193804 --0.0285972 -0.972306 -0.231955 0.117531 -0.919095 -0.3761 -0.957871 -0.133723 -0.254168 --0.823829 -0.457683 -0.334414 0.398265 0.792466 -0.461933 0.428799 -0.227011 -0.874413 --0.170514 -0.882662 -0.437987 -0.309645 0.945233 0.103215 0.299377 0.94349 -0.142128 --0.686641 0.672336 0.276564 0.79082 0.39394 0.468417 0.198386 0.839325 0.506139 --0.599515 0.792319 0.113188 -0.505675 0.852423 0.13292 0.686569 0.473733 -0.551544 --0.317313 -0.463766 -0.827184 -0.885988 -0.437782 -0.152876 -0.462528 -0.886512 -0.012848 --0.895062 0.401235 -0.194616 0.978544 -0.144845 0.146529 -0.920899 0.327367 -0.211603 -0.872236 0.208885 -0.442234 0.262363 0.910983 -0.318237 0.856852 -0.509602 0.078169 -0.452362 0.876452 0.164924 0.258517 0.939418 -0.225084 -0.577073 -0.146094 -0.803519 -0.907065 -0.420878 0.00967536 -0.680325 0.255122 -0.687074 -0.0663093 0.582048 -0.810446 -0.241924 0.836654 -0.491408 -0.214169 0.938494 -0.270853 -0.510582 0.807553 -0.295235 --0.504783 -0.261739 -0.82261 0.188695 -0.677906 -0.71052 0.477558 -0.586803 -0.653911 --0.263785 -0.338687 -0.903166 -0.75132 0.0655221 -0.656677 0.727267 -0.595036 -0.342074 -0.126841 -0.692484 -0.710196 -0.89961 0.188291 -0.394015 0.971484 -0.139854 -0.191466 -0.937898 -0.346129 -0.0232614 -0.411939 0.56794 -0.712566 0.98726 0.13226 -0.088458 -0.84923 -0.36028 -0.386014 0.289955 -0.849693 -0.440395 -0.275267 -0.572488 -0.772324 --0.634616 0.0475962 -0.771361 -0.768179 0.303905 -0.563509 0.409018 -0.553643 -0.725385 --0.332772 -0.181342 -0.925407 0.972512 -0.230689 -0.0316632 -0.461936 0.14838 -0.874413 --0.41959 0.13741 -0.897253 0.525532 -0.586224 -0.616569 0.917388 -0.391152 -0.0734801 --0.786912 0.208901 -0.580629 0.946439 -0.259633 -0.191951 0.975783 0.118072 -0.184137 --0.0359614 0.471647 -0.881054 0.00288181 0.370312 -0.928903 -0.282292 0.341722 -0.896402 --0.530768 0 -0.847517 0.714956 -0.492864 -0.495906 0.257836 -0.699282 -0.666727 --0.389729 0.167027 -0.905656 -0.259181 0.610927 -0.74806 0.184859 0.0591548 -0.980983 --0.792411 -0.113653 -0.599307 -0.0431343 -0.197422 -0.979369 -0.533551 0.568348 -0.626342 --0.166914 -0.926267 -0.337888 -0.555622 -0.65112 -0.517037 -0.967191 -0.0541803 -0.248204 -0.355469 -0.823079 -0.442925 -0.443465 -0.518587 -0.731031 -0.962629 -0.172669 -0.208642 --0.897661 -0.368472 -0.241728 0.111658 -0.899335 -0.422764 -0.985853 0.131067 -0.104474 -0.84965 -0.515126 -0.112876 -0.31059 0.148658 -0.938848 -0.546689 -0.81886 -0.17493 -0.0932093 -0.0955993 -0.991046 0.873465 -0.11493 -0.473127 -0.570436 -0.371767 -0.732388 -0.709737 0.415677 -0.568758 -0.392645 -0.208593 -0.895722 0.867856 0.3632 -0.338986 -0.142514 0.0729142 -0.987103 0.837133 -0.107522 -0.536328 0.486846 -0.699546 -0.523084 -0.571804 0.507796 -0.644347 -0.324074 0.544199 -0.773837 0.587523 -0.587523 -0.556447 -0.988308 -0.0515375 -0.143497 0.917428 0.397619 0.0150234 -0.835169 -0.378436 -0.399098 -0.756881 -0.47434 -0.449592 0.557993 -0.557993 -0.614238 0.645238 -0.737415 -0.199717 --0.536173 -0.632409 -0.559086 -0.0521256 -0.79926 -0.598721 0.334866 -0.837718 -0.431384 -0.79371 0.163781 -0.585833 -0.655386 -0.573462 -0.491539 -0.865591 -0.0748042 -0.495132 -0.43624 -0.833989 -0.337872 -0.0930372 -0.868347 -0.487153 -0.227076 -0.866197 -0.445129 --0.221386 -0.854474 -0.469961 -0.381018 -0.847195 -0.37025 -0.570541 0.0691565 0.818352 -0.98138 -0.160694 -0.105216 -0.247 0.968627 0.0274444 -0.885824 0.420198 0.19685 --0.531494 0.341675 -0.775095 0.421847 0.888099 -0.182554 -0.0482555 0.965109 -0.257362 --0.942078 0.285478 -0.176045 0.583927 -0.237896 -0.776166 0.419812 0.257826 -0.87022 -0.35965 -0.0384092 -0.932296 0.799879 -0.131939 -0.585479 -0.56129 -0.799013 -0.215712 -0.725606 -0.0846922 -0.682878 -0.315342 -0.386549 -0.866683 -0.271599 -0.364468 -0.890728 --0.537244 -0.672859 -0.508556 -0.911339 0.0233079 0.410996 0.499059 -0.767783 -0.401807 -0.0522273 -0.377777 -0.924422 -0.117719 -0.375663 -0.919249 -0.181005 -0.837847 -0.515024 --0.158557 -0.372608 -0.914343 0.980312 -0.121694 -0.155498 -0.219502 -0.969891 0.105497 --0.903913 -0.18403 0.386102 -0.136131 -0.658635 -0.740046 0.227687 -0.607165 -0.761256 -0.0231565 -0.708202 -0.70563 0.348935 -0.747719 -0.564943 -0.147009 -0.65104 -0.744671 --0.42495 -0.459539 -0.779898 0.594258 0.556527 -0.580633 -0.325345 -0.945592 0.0025368 --0.188083 -0.442548 -0.876799 0.0850369 -0.357863 -0.929894 -0.389308 -0.448572 -0.804501 -0.670611 0.63708 0.380013 0.909109 0.37532 0.18071 -0.646918 -0.752538 0.123223 -0.255233 -0.478561 -0.84014 0.411 -0.135232 -0.901549 0.375551 -0.187775 -0.90758 --0.656132 -0.549009 -0.517764 -0.3431 -0.740116 -0.578369 -0.168283 -0.501845 -0.848429 -0.232733 0.806808 -0.543044 -0.114145 -0.984498 -0.133169 0.0698558 0.878187 0.47319 -0.960232 0.0751202 0.268908 0.511673 -0.473514 -0.71692 0.132824 -0.136849 -0.981647 --0.887468 -0.320718 -0.33097 0.193703 -0.830886 -0.52164 -0.903527 -0.172972 -0.392071 -0.658512 0.70729 -0.257104 -0.180472 0.789563 -0.586532 0.285217 0.918699 0.273208 -0.58228 0.804605 0.116456 -0.738717 -0.110808 0.664845 0.939025 -0.222655 0.262024 --0.464892 0.858465 0.216597 0.317284 -0.784144 -0.533339 0.135133 -0.713777 -0.687213 -0.199732 0.965371 -0.16783 -0.591054 -0.797923 0.118211 -0.895819 0.422518 -0.137792 --0.976474 0.205573 -0.0650983 -0.985232 0.168897 -0.0281495 0.830002 -0.536817 0.15141 -0.881484 0.336567 0.331224 -0.934465 -0.271554 -0.230288 0.493791 -0.841532 -0.219076 --0.714548 -0.519671 -0.468363 0.429581 -0.801884 -0.415261 0.437341 -0.799514 -0.411716 --0.968303 -0.162936 -0.189316 -0.0718217 -0.655373 -0.751883 0.103111 0.523737 -0.845617 -0.719326 -0.31275 -0.620288 -0.118581 0.783188 -0.610372 -0.500901 0.712981 -0.490669 -0.928063 -0.326783 -0.178641 -0.574786 -0.0334178 -0.817621 -0.35944 0.86132 -0.359069 --0.252345 -0.400784 -0.880735 -0.499005 0.483651 -0.719079 -0.210502 0.834124 -0.50983 --0.40673 0.777216 -0.480111 -0.00439597 0.84073 -0.541437 0.291792 0.827992 -0.478839 -0.302693 0.91365 -0.27133 -0.130404 0.891094 -0.43468 0.0603017 0.983449 -0.170855 --0.186761 -0.832641 -0.521373 -0.679514 -0.434134 -0.591429 0.420585 -0.723185 -0.547825 --0.245572 -0.0731492 -0.966614 -0.661545 0.340598 -0.668095 0.629657 -0.553173 -0.545465 --0.358405 -0.248571 -0.899866 0.891806 -0.452011 -0.0191974 -0.754601 0.0855841 -0.650578 -0.356064 -0.715145 -0.601486 0.995831 -0.0142262 -0.090099 -0.58215 0.429977 -0.690087 --0.724248 0.347639 -0.595493 -0.801478 0.281976 -0.527373 -0.779075 0.302749 -0.548985 --0.898627 0.149771 -0.412357 0.914188 -0.148247 -0.377205 0.992642 -0.0428094 0.113266 -0.0517198 -0.947414 -0.315805 -0.927056 0.0902244 -0.363905 -0.559794 -0.737206 -0.378363 --0.958316 -0.180477 -0.221494 -0.714704 -0.565303 -0.411863 0.646173 0.396238 -0.652269 -0.892075 0.079219 -0.444889 -0.800266 -0.561011 -0.211754 -0.996918 0.0657309 -0.0428246 --0.189974 -0.93027 -0.313859 0.290537 -0.646816 -0.705136 0.490444 -0.759708 -0.426975 -0.901897 0.167689 -0.398073 0.890305 0.39509 -0.22641 0.724946 -0.54371 -0.422885 -0.793386 -0.288132 -0.536207 -0.776237 -0.292262 -0.558605 0.976611 0.213166 0.0281372 -0.842339 0.304002 -0.445025 0.814105 0.306631 -0.493164 0.305038 0.0938579 -0.947704 -0.710796 -0.527646 -0.465143 0.374728 -0.498793 -0.781527 0.242357 -0.73988 -0.627568 --0.867817 0.0565968 -0.49365 0.726207 0.6205 -0.295979 0.927935 0.371065 -0.0353137 -0.652765 -0.293271 -0.698491 0.696431 -0.115888 -0.708204 -0.302605 0.048315 -0.951891 -0.520128 0.779495 -0.349076 0.488382 -0.586761 -0.645906 0.327712 -0.0121375 -0.9447 -0.457791 -0.3689 -0.808913 -0.00402853 -0.739235 -0.673436 0.868894 -0.408891 -0.278983 --0.641868 -0.421128 -0.640825 0.986782 0.150123 -0.0610255 -0.779776 -0.320574 -0.537756 -0.651451 -0.138391 -0.745962 -0.869597 0.0763549 -0.487823 0.710504 0.617323 -0.337781 -0.220767 -0.0229966 -0.975055 -0.0934787 -0.933175 -0.347053 0.0896729 -0.174364 -0.98059 -0.501089 -0.418718 -0.757354 0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 0.171111 -0.841528 -0.512397 -0.556848 -0.556848 -0.616312 0.180093 0 -0.98365 -0.244977 -0.792573 -0.558404 --0.269363 -0.778844 -0.566432 0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 0.286378 -0.266507 -0.920305 -0.217689 0.0473238 -0.97487 0.200596 -0.351042 -0.914621 -0.101472 -0.854825 -0.508898 -0.178932 -0.178932 -0.967454 -0.0207192 -0.361976 -0.931957 0.498923 -0.507459 -0.702539 -0.483004 -0.509034 -0.712455 0.76903 0.587655 0.251507 -0.301348 0.919499 0.252411 --0.0384775 -0.577162 -0.815723 0.082675 -0.277205 -0.957247 0.238274 -0.201616 -0.95004 --0.765755 -0.402021 -0.501995 -0.69594 -0.510917 -0.504609 -0.13824 -0.984957 0.10368 --0.502977 -0.863808 0.0291581 0.545883 -0.745784 0.381862 -0.953289 0.223045 0.203694 --0.850018 0.525734 0.032756 0.409694 -0.594898 -0.691554 -0.674859 -0.503077 0.539887 --0.0078526 -0.753849 -0.657001 0.737376 -0.63715 0.224315 -0.474709 -0.833032 0.284092 -0.279673 -0.619451 -0.733528 0.172541 -0.366033 -0.914467 0.157571 -0.0555251 -0.985945 -0 0.320807 -0.947145 -0.113267 -0.550789 -0.826923 -0.258576 -0.430959 -0.86453 --0.347626 -0.61694 -0.706075 -0.394927 0.668337 0.630364 0.862274 0.485029 -0.145708 -0.210028 0.977087 0.0344973 -0.499032 0.738152 0.453981 -0.786821 0.236416 0.570106 -0.695176 0.283864 -0.660417 -0.176292 0.557082 -0.81153 -0.534678 -0.0379013 -0.844205 -0 -0.542159 -0.840276 -0.302755 -0.513602 -0.802841 -0.291386 -0.388514 -0.874157 -0.278614 -0.767009 -0.577989 -0.228 -0.182875 -0.956333 -0.754886 -0.310732 -0.577575 -0.269663 -0.910112 0.314607 0.833897 -0.551655 -0.0171056 -0.727183 -0.650326 0.219731 -0.930932 0.241584 -0.273865 -0.529984 0.711485 0.461417 -0.849591 0 0.527442 --0.230759 0 0.973011 0.0269059 0.666241 0.745251 -0.281486 0.910101 0.304109 --0.327088 -0.727603 -0.602998 -0.0227522 -0.712902 -0.700894 0.66698 -0.618231 -0.415847 -0.478994 -0.319329 -0.817676 -0.427317 -0.0899615 -0.899615 -0.0149172 -0.615334 -0.788125 -0.0405642 -0.699732 -0.713253 0.329685 0.576949 -0.747287 -0.29226 0.670479 -0.68194 --0.0274813 -0.659552 -0.751156 -0.135381 -0.631778 -0.763235 -0.185869 -0.430745 -0.883126 --0.888935 -0.146262 -0.434054 0.968516 0.0131871 0.248601 0.562413 -0.788051 -0.250335 --0.161129 -0.986917 -0.00559477 -0.547542 -0.752558 0.365861 0.74427 0.0636547 0.664838 --0.488658 0.730359 0.477273 0.614369 -0.78882 -0.0176979 -0.570599 -0.570599 -0.59062 --0.380847 -0.914032 -0.139644 0.861457 -0.267811 -0.431473 -0.909721 0.1077 -0.40101 --0.128373 -0.826398 -0.548258 0.714629 -0.691576 0.105017 -0.0867184 -0.552259 0.82915 --0.997986 0.0608753 0.0178322 0.459158 -0.880053 0.121167 0.313637 -0.947183 0.0669092 --0.357703 -0.933826 0.00422068 0.561474 -0.827436 -0.00985042 0.911792 -0.293076 -0.287649 -0.102258 0.2876 0.952276 0.641782 -0.187839 0.743527 -0.586427 -0.662095 -0.466619 --0.970237 -0.222192 -0.0962831 0.213508 0.781899 0.585703 0.713906 0.695119 0.0845415 --0.381851 0.575194 0.723423 -0.309021 0.0457809 0.949953 -0.393099 0.48295 -0.782453 -0.634537 -0.625066 0.454594 0.953295 -0.120956 0.276763 0.873406 0.291135 0.390386 --0.280131 0.931437 0.232276 0.204539 0.562482 0.801111 -0.097859 0.831801 -0.546379 -0.907674 0 -0.419677 0.819948 0.571479 -0.0331292 -0.720129 -0.49272 0.488509 --0.537713 -0.778958 0.322628 0.668143 -0.348287 0.657481 -0.687771 0.723042 0.0646623 --0.0484929 0.994104 0.0969857 0.808223 -0.528712 -0.259305 -0.791052 0.566536 -0.230811 -0.752408 -0.165439 0.637583 -0.824815 -0.045823 0.563543 -0.940138 -0.197126 0.277998 -0.772106 -0.292395 -0.564231 0.667928 0.742142 -0.0556606 -0.836563 0.497088 0.230358 -0.186484 -0.959063 -0.213125 0.0693341 -0.990487 -0.118858 0.472632 0.836734 0.276577 --0.0268747 -0.698743 -0.714868 0.924193 -0.370082 0.0943742 -0.969623 -0.102912 0.221904 -0.248282 -0.910366 0.331042 0.948932 -0.199775 -0.24417 -0.365232 0.896478 -0.250866 --0.738858 -0.577498 -0.347254 -0.693041 -0.713791 -0.100982 -0.624894 -0.621727 -0.472189 -0.695174 -0.695174 -0.18294 -0.991053 -0.125374 -0.0457715 0.58828 -0.788073 -0.181294 --0.595792 -0.746726 -0.295689 -0.759902 -0.597864 -0.255163 0.591665 0.792456 -0.148139 --0.137568 -0.792204 -0.594548 -0.176128 -0.401005 -0.898985 0.393653 -0.719251 -0.572465 -0.55508 -0.80699 -0.201625 -0.0898359 0.285728 -0.954091 0.0976536 -0.19194 -0.976536 -0.427482 -0.61799 -0.659809 0.578262 -0.813487 -0.0620733 -0.255468 -0.271109 -0.928028 --0.523024 0.156704 -0.837789 0.683384 -0.416816 -0.599375 -0.395116 0.531363 -0.749358 --0.301731 0.484682 -0.821001 0.845864 -0.510983 -0.153006 0.819229 -0.569405 0.0681339 -0.709237 0.164138 -0.685596 0.207528 0.6127 -0.762581 0.923431 -0.310708 -0.225245 --0.162754 0.787458 -0.594492 0.652019 0.0197582 -0.757945 0.768873 -0.253047 -0.587198 --0.621695 0.321359 -0.714299 0.591213 -0.564986 -0.57555 -0.160851 0.0419611 -0.986086 -0.628373 -0.265136 -0.731334 0.729737 -0.367285 -0.576702 0.112827 -0.126101 -0.98558 --0.664376 0.408847 -0.625659 -0.410122 0.31638 -0.855397 -0.337348 0.363297 -0.868454 -0.685398 -0.602109 -0.409504 -0.697605 0.379467 -0.607743 -0.0654955 -0.688832 -0.721956 --0.871567 -0.0234853 -0.489713 0.670593 -0.741681 -0.0146125 -0.865168 0.146297 -0.479668 --0.8769 0.10167 -0.469798 -0.847356 -0.194703 -0.494043 -0.829636 0.173678 -0.530603 --0.901618 -0.0424442 -0.430445 -0.886804 -0.0928051 -0.452732 -0.811178 -0.0201535 -0.584451 --0.85455 0.278911 -0.438125 -0.661704 0.676585 -0.323081 -0.429258 -0.520739 -0.737949 --0.422608 -0.808144 -0.410251 -0.777924 0.0138915 -0.628205 -0.868429 0.0315543 -0.494808 --0.761754 -0.364631 -0.535514 0.807114 -0.417473 -0.417473 -0.609969 -0.738179 -0.288149 --0.949876 -0.0166645 -0.312182 -0.959867 0.157535 -0.232029 0.883655 -0.294552 -0.363858 --0.758329 -0.262279 -0.59678 -0.711843 -0.4919 -0.501312 -0.153665 -0.881345 -0.446786 -0.652715 -0.141231 -0.744324 -0.298263 -0.742896 -0.599287 -0.894969 0.444145 -0.0420212 --0.424483 -0.849683 -0.312815 -0.0522991 -0.780217 -0.623319 0.73675 -0.0437674 -0.674747 -0.845535 0.431687 -0.314192 -0.801317 0.489281 -0.34423 -0.927278 0.161833 -0.337588 -0.754098 0.324301 -0.571109 0.756034 0.574219 -0.314142 -0.459049 -0.86686 -0.194495 -0.776158 -0.0757228 -0.625975 -0.960802 0.277236 0 -0.725056 -0.28665 -0.6262 -0.717335 -0.531622 -0.450343 -0.812963 -0.0150549 -0.582121 -0.792509 -0.074795 -0.605256 --0.644503 -0.245979 -0.723954 -0.565292 0.0699885 -0.821916 -0.480075 -0.801048 -0.357561 -0.508248 -0.512954 -0.691782 -0.871898 -0.272468 -0.406886 0.520541 -0.362801 -0.772924 -0.522675 -0.441918 -0.729053 -0.662861 -0.628622 -0.406755 -0.758493 -0.204926 -0.618623 --0.537976 -0.37459 -0.755158 0.932353 0.346853 -0.10203 -0.816905 -0.00464811 -0.576753 --0.383825 0.119945 -0.915583 -0.292393 -0.247722 -0.923656 -0.475811 -0.254623 -0.841885 -0.943693 0.321587 0.0776246 -0.0446794 -0.854494 -0.517537 0.238988 0.942297 0.234436 --0.780142 0.61709 0.102848 0.825891 -0.560899 0.0574149 0.0991213 0.429526 0.897598 --0.964809 -0.244802 0.0960009 0.411222 -0.712785 -0.568185 0.242342 -0.693802 -0.678167 --0.163558 -0.906226 -0.389877 0.260388 -0.698313 -0.666751 -0.564163 -0.57856 -0.589057 --0.00563318 0.9982 0.0597117 -0.996706 -0.0699794 -0.0409879 -0.368071 0.926019 -0.0837409 -0.21344 -0.649488 -0.729801 -0.420871 -0.899368 -0.118338 0.97701 0.212449 -0.0178101 -0.214514 -0.477185 -0.85222 0.0847024 -0.0889375 -0.992429 -0.450341 -0.378696 -0.808568 --0.172528 -0.73739 -0.653062 -0.80767 -0.560697 0.182449 -0.302778 0.43692 -0.847011 --0.29517 -0.361763 -0.884309 -0.716899 0.109357 -0.688547 -0.00174721 -0.676172 -0.736742 -0.111441 0.984393 0.136205 0.677331 0.727815 -0.107279 0.523706 0.851896 -0.00232758 --0.55464 0.741248 0.378054 -0.961 0.0864778 0.262681 0.572965 -0.791734 -0.211823 --0.625792 -0.727271 -0.281888 -0.366019 -0.524073 -0.76901 0.299987 -0.784325 -0.542994 -0.0899026 -0.70124 -0.707234 -0.726774 -0.34349 -0.594823 -0.540466 -0.493469 -0.681458 --0.100363 -0.451634 -0.886541 0.908532 0.345828 -0.23446 -0.889587 -0.167233 0.425051 -0.111754 -0.621633 -0.775295 -0.349217 -0.133035 -0.92755 0.236301 0.843931 0.481603 -0.512517 0.772843 0.374219 -0.999969 -0.00476176 0.00634901 0.567379 -0.756505 -0.32524 --0.532288 -0.846394 -0.0169279 -0.476215 -0.878352 -0.0414483 0.632215 0.12772 0.764193 --0.0429579 0.948003 0.31535 0.956566 -0.206483 -0.205781 0.873818 0.484142 -0.0452653 --0.636874 0.770953 0.00474862 -0.506477 0.569787 -0.647166 -0.0814436 -0.977323 0.195465 --0.141925 -0.978539 -0.149395 0.415453 -0.909612 0.00232467 0.9282 -0.330592 0.170745 -0.882775 0.396348 0.252222 -0.809829 0.583077 0.0647864 -0.910695 0.395136 0.120423 -0.862701 0.38634 0.326326 0.988963 -0.0830152 0.122718 0.381722 0.819996 0.426492 --0.702105 0.706334 0.0902303 -0.635553 -0.566701 -0.524331 0.188958 0.6771 0.711218 -0.93302 0.0222148 0.359139 0.675939 -0.692629 0.251739 -0.72403 0.686661 0.0653963 --0.915396 0.349515 0.199723 -0.48367 -0.860083 -0.162235 0.862666 0.342529 0.37213 --0.851916 0.523678 -0.000835212 0.808312 -0.5819 0.0895773 0.618689 -0.471382 0.628509 --0.749072 0.650357 0.1262 0.10313 0.980641 0.166456 0.682158 -0.731202 -0.00222927 --0.951088 -0.118595 -0.285249 0.77083 -0.632254 0.0779491 0.211129 0.889759 0.404664 --0.542737 0.839349 0.0305026 0.789355 -0.612946 -0.0348831 -0.802624 -0.526311 -0.280699 -0.696452 -0.712102 -0.0886867 -0.972939 -0.023615 -0.229853 -0.531443 0.77455 0.342988 -0.590401 -0.801961 -0.0910202 0.868927 0.463428 -0.173785 0.981048 -0.151578 -0.120701 --0.80975 0.563304 -0.164297 0.649936 -0.747776 -0.135695 -0.919676 -0.326727 -0.217818 -0.832367 -0.542793 -0.111985 -0.887132 -0.3314 -0.321203 -0.919632 0.386829 -0.0681209 --0.918796 0.350723 0.181125 0.186736 -0.982362 0.00968799 -0.859083 0.501132 0.104131 --0.961772 0.225352 0.1556 0.277818 -0.884901 -0.373854 0.662087 -0.735246 -0.145098 --0.650969 -0.754723 -0.0814409 -0.647192 -0.616373 -0.448583 0.804875 -0.593398 -0.00736487 -0.120998 0.992372 0.0236056 -0.193053 0.978683 0.0700657 -0.676753 0.104116 -0.728811 --0.239465 -0.810878 -0.533979 -0.580163 0.463296 -0.669901 -0.60503 0.537085 -0.587774 --0.518402 0.439682 -0.733443 -0.562085 0.436355 -0.702606 -0.608176 0.351391 -0.711791 --0.683912 0.254025 -0.683912 -0.479149 0.199326 -0.854801 -0.272635 0.576555 -0.77023 --0.215907 0.663423 -0.716418 -0.394579 0.506252 -0.766823 -0.406585 0.609878 -0.680248 -0.297571 0.732482 -0.612309 -0.0874499 0.911977 -0.400812 -0.522842 0.692766 -0.4967 --0.814067 0.323509 -0.482323 0.826154 -0.56344 0.00224542 -0.489245 0.462437 -0.739453 -0.77798 -0.430456 -0.457661 -0.566856 0.474453 -0.673475 -0.708262 0.397687 -0.583275 -0.806212 -0.58939 0.0514062 -0.817192 0.498769 -0.288835 -0.679102 0.469527 -0.564239 --0.773952 0.348278 -0.528867 -0.910986 0.0700759 -0.40644 -0.978773 -0.13328 -0.155691 --0.78692 0.041236 -0.615676 0.955127 -0.267503 0.127183 -0.70305 0.212241 -0.67873 --0.572229 0.171218 -0.802022 -0.407421 0 -0.913241 -0.531609 -0.182043 -0.827195 --0.770144 0.0738629 -0.633579 -0.823196 -0.00460744 -0.567739 -0.800541 0.198299 -0.56552 --0.464681 0.52922 -0.709929 -0.445637 0.728326 -0.520527 -0.844319 0.360537 -0.396407 --0.803115 -0.473484 -0.361689 -0.760715 -0.41624 -0.498053 -0.900008 0.133334 -0.414979 -0.525763 -0.126183 -0.84122 -0.747258 0.161173 -0.644693 -0.551081 -0.76919 -0.323507 --0.572163 -0.754913 -0.320525 -0.897505 -0.110123 -0.427034 0.742705 -0.553222 -0.377274 --0.167768 -0.894763 -0.413828 0.59585 -0.546195 -0.588756 -0.554865 -0.615994 -0.559175 --0.566758 -0.775831 -0.277257 -0.204349 -0.819952 -0.534714 0.666597 -0.367943 -0.64828 -0.812309 0.445752 -0.376111 -0.420328 -0.754858 -0.503501 0.492021 0.00531915 -0.870567 -0.852066 0.41589 -0.317834 0.792062 0.517678 -0.323493 0.593697 -0.521295 -0.613005 --0.705055 -0.236478 -0.668562 -0.620622 0.404258 -0.671866 -0.822447 0.568842 0 -0.11671 0.729157 -0.674322 -0.331979 0.799635 -0.500373 -0.803889 0.500019 -0.322092 -0.798379 -0.0523527 -0.599875 0.369866 0.156217 -0.915858 -0.619742 0.236812 -0.748225 -0.147107 0.249524 -0.95713 -0.94483 -0.181092 -0.272951 0.797186 -0.028269 -0.603072 -0.656777 -0.402486 -0.637691 0.314249 -0.196992 -0.928677 0.42417 -0.24661 -0.871357 --0.3767 0.219742 -0.899895 0.149819 -0.301842 -0.941512 -0.636536 -0.642656 -0.426397 -0.392456 -0.364706 -0.844374 0.453076 -0.372224 -0.810044 -0.601956 -0.566373 -0.562913 --0.769846 -0.60387 -0.206587 -0.648616 -0.253806 -0.717551 -0.482492 0.516685 -0.707275 -0.579276 -0.177645 -0.795539 -0.416049 0.462771 -0.782781 -0.664953 0.31518 -0.677125 --0.309773 -0.937782 -0.156861 -0.28769 -0.939543 -0.185724 -0.654088 -0.735849 -0.175202 -0.821154 0.186192 -0.539479 -0.743262 -0.408794 -0.529574 0.532575 -0.282284 -0.797922 --0.264237 -0.397348 -0.878802 0.0706018 -0.600115 -0.796792 -0.778534 -0.257697 -0.572256 --0.0263625 -0.254837 -0.966624 0.156417 -0.449142 -0.879662 -0.72083 -0.511382 -0.46786 --0.449142 -0.156417 -0.879662 -0.55333 0.166757 -0.816099 -0.372586 -0.62904 -0.682267 --0.165314 -0.521468 -0.837104 -0.0278004 -0.185336 -0.982282 -0.2608 0.587367 -0.766148 -0.411074 -0.88683 -0.211069 0 0.211055 -0.977474 0.40504 0.495825 -0.76818 -0.272106 0.705253 -0.654658 0.880827 0.463391 0.0970186 -0.901997 0.43139 -0.0174299 --0.100298 0.254602 -0.961831 0.712622 -0.698888 0.0610383 -0.762781 -0.642749 0.0709864 -0.542105 -0.496929 -0.677631 -0.506658 -0.608718 -0.610541 -0.1159 -0.321207 -0.93989 -0.477504 0.187591 -0.85837 0.384429 -0.242307 -0.890787 0.598357 -0.295391 -0.74479 --0.294199 -0.501868 -0.813373 0.663932 0.165983 -0.729139 0.814149 0.32566 -0.480736 --0.721139 -0.655581 -0.22399 0.247493 -0.489361 0.836226 0.87133 -0.483522 -0.0836124 --0.163022 0.984484 -0.0649265 -0.905469 0.347303 0.243939 -0.847847 0.520966 0.0987452 -0.292962 -0.404503 -0.866343 0.0265558 -0.68455 -0.728482 0 -0.73366 -0.679517 --0.26173 -0.628348 -0.732582 -0.00576413 -0.201744 -0.979421 0.782567 -0.146079 -0.605185 -0.677627 -0.511417 -0.528464 0.53679 -0.84314 -0.0311772 0.00518468 -0.995459 0.0950525 --0.18027 -0.755749 -0.62956 0.131033 -0.512738 -0.848487 0 -0.263428 -0.964679 -0.0960711 -0.148345 -0.984258 0.242487 -0.664796 -0.706573 -0.196046 -0.844506 -0.498373 -0.125768 -0.440786 -0.888758 -0.244309 -0.745455 -0.620169 -0.228088 -0.740599 -0.632051 --0.122469 0.35652 -0.926226 0.257634 -0.434757 -0.862908 0.00588786 -0.812524 -0.582898 --0.25625 -0.318246 -0.912719 0.02465 0 -0.999696 0.686449 0.171612 -0.706638 --0.77205 0.353728 -0.528029 0.409933 -0.625121 -0.664213 0.471881 -0.434815 -0.766984 --0.0935671 -0.340244 -0.935671 0.13288 0 -0.991132 0.225659 0.0569847 -0.972538 -0.166533 -0.313345 -0.934923 0.463903 -0.746279 -0.477349 -0.807694 0.472775 -0.352298 -0.616546 0.784695 0.0642236 0.0344266 -0.496727 -0.867224 0.226224 -0.690792 -0.686752 -0.00989547 -0.951202 -0.308409 -0.668022 -0.276926 -0.690694 0.255987 0.252662 0.933077 -0.455952 0.237345 0.857773 -0.265447 0.245028 0.932469 -0.0574943 0.767959 0.637913 -0.904957 -0.0530101 0.422187 0.654389 0.75029 0.0940213 0.150119 -0.850672 -0.503807 -0.34337 0.587598 0.732684 0.0545363 -0.96711 0.248443 -0.830342 0.556603 0.0269394 -0.674611 0.732767 0.0891727 0.819487 0.569374 0.0652255 0.891889 -0.445384 -0.0785311 --0.482966 -0.0817328 -0.871816 -0.975184 -0.0872116 0.203494 -0.0860946 0.941769 0.325051 -0.805688 -0.591934 0.0219235 0.343258 0.86368 0.369094 -0.966533 0.250162 0.0568549 -0.591278 0.743866 0.311534 0.743494 0.650557 0.154895 0.943002 0.189716 -0.273415 -0.874134 -0.277382 -0.398683 0.67779 -0.550704 -0.487161 0.33154 0.754817 0.565979 -0.626842 -0.676591 0.386386 -0.598319 0.800793 0.0272997 0 -0.871576 -0.490261 -0.0722282 -0.967055 -0.244105 -0.139767 -0.941485 -0.306711 0.828475 0.555684 -0.0696009 -0.903477 -0.424268 -0.0610457 -0.954305 0.183792 -0.235631 -0.946472 -0.165543 -0.277104 -0.62114 0.763484 0.176852 -0.669754 0.740255 0.0587504 -0.827886 0.454002 -0.329374 -0.854212 -0.51096 0.0961315 0.763126 0.457875 0.456058 -0.639139 0.768489 0.0304352 --0.726498 0.687076 -0.0112635 0.827618 -0.529078 0.187416 -0.0556839 0.997249 0.0489344 -0.238792 0.878661 0.413442 -0.898035 0.436249 -0.0567479 0.0794507 -0.979177 -0.186817 -0.477464 -0.878192 -0.0284204 0.248372 -0.931394 0.266113 -0.953889 -0.0260367 -0.299027 -0.065624 -0.976008 -0.20761 -0.4787 -0.656139 -0.583376 0.793964 -0.53758 -0.283952 -0.870715 -0.477104 -0.119276 -0.904923 0.3541 -0.236067 0.971278 -0.182912 0.152191 -0.823809 -0.566067 0.03011 0.796188 -0.60419 0.0322235 -0.974865 -0.162277 -0.152661 -0.970984 0.192592 0.141769 0.931307 0.347631 -0.108724 -0.205526 0.976251 0.0685088 --0.798314 -0.434083 0.417452 -0.417846 -0.473559 -0.775337 0.78154 -0.623635 -0.0165593 -0.828034 -0.520319 -0.208873 -0.473877 -0.880563 -0.00707279 -0.745437 -0.64853 0.154057 -0.550147 -0.696653 -0.460449 -0.926113 0.356864 -0.122326 -0.863385 0.400411 -0.306981 --0.864079 0.29614 -0.407023 0.347919 -0.748956 -0.56393 0.167435 -0.771399 -0.61393 --0.879002 0.355188 0.318115 -0.536021 -0.716349 -0.446684 0.645486 -0.761253 -0.0619761 -0.403714 -0.847329 -0.345034 -0.246641 -0.44043 -0.863243 -0.693521 0.709105 -0.127275 --0.825708 -0.324556 -0.461378 0.982818 0.0530375 -0.176792 0.746583 -0.584152 -0.318403 --0.510715 -0.2293 -0.828608 0.906152 0.247132 -0.34324 0.122792 -0.960899 -0.248184 -0.310242 0.916184 0.253688 -0.708175 -0.465174 -0.531132 0.978202 -0.145819 -0.147844 --0.945683 0.282989 -0.160002 -0.494376 -0.861905 -0.112752 -0.539 -0.842296 0.00404395 -0.449857 0.878736 -0.159535 0.528707 0.827357 0.189603 0.537905 0.815755 0.212607 -0.064815 0.914355 0.399693 0.0703927 0.240253 0.968155 0.493916 0.631321 0.597898 --0.61754 -0.782218 -0.0823387 -0.810859 0.548522 -0.20404 -0.36257 0.611997 -0.702854 --0.778382 0.555209 -0.293027 -0.353858 0.234048 -0.905542 -0.697202 0.312684 -0.645088 --0.3748 0.3748 -0.847968 0.0431331 0.539164 -0.841096 -0.116571 0.657874 -0.744052 --0.249592 0.660891 -0.707762 0.0597491 0.336768 -0.93969 -0.577712 0.659838 -0.480483 --0.60388 0.530683 -0.594731 -0.150688 0.539966 -0.828088 -0.369478 -0.383689 -0.846326 --0.707931 0.353966 -0.611181 -0.306082 0.83371 -0.459609 -0.465637 0.456639 -0.758066 -0.153931 0.262965 -0.952447 0.213066 0.319599 -0.923287 -0.309679 0.424909 -0.850618 --0.0362285 -0.00905712 -0.999303 -0.771425 0.115714 -0.625711 -0.810519 0.0457551 -0.583922 --0.451093 0.663373 -0.597035 -0.312808 0.904909 -0.288603 -0.799353 0.583714 -0.14252 --0.593688 -0.604582 -0.531051 -0.716216 -0.648564 -0.257681 0.389333 -0.449012 -0.804243 -0.574993 0.146991 -0.804846 -0.631734 -0.539535 -0.556609 0.696127 0.126568 -0.706674 --0.661887 0.625641 -0.412891 0.134114 -0.560673 -0.817104 0.833614 0 -0.552348 --0.890851 0.234503 -0.389092 -0.912051 -0.343773 -0.223569 -0.879735 -0.149288 -0.45142 -0.516374 0.344249 -0.784124 -0.539225 -0.644543 -0.542034 -0.555452 -0.336169 -0.760567 --0.551223 0.045306 -0.833127 0.344184 -0.251519 -0.904586 -0.379469 0.236316 -0.894516 --0.0505197 0.523332 -0.85063 -0.428999 0.712708 -0.554983 -0.423668 0.738436 -0.524612 -0.414105 -0.164673 -0.895209 -0.699193 0 -0.714933 -0.503052 0.220748 -0.835589 --0.193854 0.693313 -0.694073 -0.749304 -0.194264 -0.633092 -0.559887 0.352447 -0.749872 -0.121946 0.858652 -0.497842 -0.782248 -0.349631 -0.515603 0.913806 -0.214453 -0.344917 --0.997963 0 -0.0637986 -0.934474 0.254436 -0.249039 -0.970636 0.23386 -0.0563426 --0.615577 -0.685302 -0.389135 -0.560925 -0.362052 -0.744501 0.307347 -0.53607 -0.786236 --0.669301 0 -0.742992 0.401257 -0.517128 -0.756023 0.395116 -0.531363 -0.749358 --0.632136 -0.102429 -0.768058 0.805925 -0.0215323 -0.591627 0.519204 -0.705333 -0.482631 --0.672804 -0.067374 -0.736747 0.553892 0.568681 -0.608116 -0.71218 0.0727614 -0.698216 --0.363524 -0.813978 -0.453088 0.561699 -0.27675 -0.779682 0.404642 -0.617612 -0.674404 -0.542029 -0.496095 -0.678302 0.17444 -0.0847279 -0.981016 -0.570814 -0.32865 -0.752436 --0.303507 0.360772 -0.881888 -0.410297 -0.776689 -0.477923 0.407867 -0.210306 -0.888491 -0.372813 0.135367 -0.917979 -0.317082 0.018119 -0.948225 -0.831034 0.0494128 -0.554023 -0.55003 -0.523838 -0.650432 -0.305021 -0.570503 -0.762554 -0.833039 -0.183966 -0.521731 --0.421117 -0.197667 -0.885205 -0.902386 -0.374105 -0.213882 -0.347955 -0.665913 -0.659914 --0.960518 -0.274434 -0.0457389 -0.968183 -0.212205 0.132628 0.238512 -0.0226325 -0.970876 -0.422694 -0.422694 -0.801661 0.380996 -0.627881 -0.678681 -0.864546 -0.364306 0.346181 --0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 -0.290911 -0.661823 -0.690914 0.0875772 -0.860865 -0.50124 -0.683175 -0.704524 -0.192143 -0.564599 -0.793711 0.226385 0 0.175069 -0.984556 --0.37607 -0.75214 -0.541162 -0.455337 -0.610873 -0.64769 -0.578046 -0.611896 -0.539857 --0.454739 0 -0.890625 0.321236 0.470648 -0.821766 0.309639 0.379102 -0.872012 --0.174146 0.245853 -0.953535 0.270138 -0.433858 -0.85953 0.0202675 0.668827 -0.743141 -0.0359715 0.373359 -0.926989 -0.315727 -0.315727 -0.894781 -0.380819 -0.635748 -0.671417 --0.423972 0.527501 -0.7362 -0.641047 -0.166119 -0.749308 -0.54974 -0.66345 -0.507562 --0.87643 -0.316259 -0.363112 0.256253 -0.169224 -0.951682 -0.82949 -0.49722 -0.254398 -0.660376 -0.23983 -0.711607 -0.115367 -0.195076 -0.973979 0.00509622 -0.225508 -0.974228 --0.23051 -0.669224 -0.706403 -0.501724 -0.666412 -0.551514 0.495783 -0.452462 -0.741268 -0.156365 -0.721412 -0.674621 -0.133386 -0.306152 -0.942592 -0.356597 -0.662251 -0.658986 -0.735799 0.674674 -0.0584333 -0.63828 0.760538 -0.119082 -0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 --0.492528 -0.379489 -0.783201 0.325622 0.842744 -0.428664 0.107415 0.747668 -0.655328 --0.81243 -0.183011 -0.553593 -0.983947 -0.178461 0 -0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 -0.082675 -0.277205 -0.957247 -0.14805 -0.345451 -0.926685 0.536267 0.701781 -0.468958 -0.312591 0.842878 -0.437999 -0.0678658 0.729558 -0.680544 -0.83351 -0.176319 -0.523615 --0.0240081 -0.970826 0.23858 -0.976271 -0.21639 0.00838721 0.121592 -0.688336 -0.715128 -0.253107 -0.523776 -0.813385 -0.221956 -0.635875 -0.739188 -0.0115213 -0.724692 -0.688976 -0.386263 0.920088 -0.0651006 0.222209 0.96929 -0.105358 -0.0538851 0.948377 -0.312533 --0.515738 0.055012 -0.854979 -0.427164 -0.768895 -0.475743 0.872329 -0.187977 -0.45134 --0.696362 0.666457 -0.266298 0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 -0.135512 -0.597534 -0.79031 --0.12771 -0.989754 -0.0638551 -0.14718 -0.987332 -0.0592808 -0.18581 -0.854396 -0.485264 -0.170756 -0.282894 -0.943829 -0.260393 -0.791765 -0.552542 -0.388232 0.522619 0.759042 -0.638935 -0.0418974 0.768119 -0.537887 0.758559 0.367786 0.00162546 -0.831423 -0.555637 -0.697849 0.536807 -0.474179 0.509548 -0.774121 0.375629 0.502088 -0.793742 -0.343339 -0.761545 -0.598772 -0.248035 0.718602 -0.617745 -0.319378 -0.655845 -0.139119 -0.741966 --0.526761 -0.325527 -0.78521 -0.760006 0.313617 -0.569241 0.792057 0.243343 0.559848 -0.27298 0.961115 0.0417052 -0.135909 0.96431 0.227235 -0.455563 0.754413 0.472571 -0.0211604 0.921441 -0.387941 -0.545395 0.253523 -0.798918 -0.807688 -0.264334 -0.527037 --0.401322 0.825934 0.395947 0.974495 -0.0417342 0.220496 0.984002 -0.127601 0.124329 -0.689761 0.720147 0.074952 0.398757 0.806309 0.436873 0.399496 0.559294 0.726356 -0.105949 0.994286 -0.0130398 0.676602 0.67255 0.299811 -0.109824 0.93223 -0.344797 --0.850381 -0.390716 -0.35241 0.274537 0.137269 0.951728 0.747409 0 0.664364 -0.944553 0.280813 -0.17019 -0.691431 -0.718024 -0.0797805 0.412394 -0.830269 0.374945 -0.0349829 -0.988267 0.148677 -0.17372 -0.978318 0.112766 -0.550285 -0.822469 -0.143981 -0.597449 0.74922 0.285876 0.700209 -0.65902 0.274592 -0.284758 0.801629 0.525646 --0.542715 -0.50395 0.671933 0.934404 -0.0133486 -0.355964 -0.610997 -0.73741 -0.287941 -0.936698 0.342018 -0.0749769 0.852352 -0.437889 -0.285919 -0.499767 0.866067 -0.0126647 --0.971465 0.124172 0.202084 0.603574 0.720053 0.342378 0.888564 -0.458445 -0.0167852 -0.955239 -0.114 0.272988 -0.278246 0.924176 0.261684 0.348285 0.868507 0.352693 --0.375022 0.912919 0.16105 -0.6494 -0.684822 -0.330604 0.754167 -0.270397 -0.598429 --0.16011 -0.936841 -0.310957 -0.564127 -0.798593 -0.209785 -0.838848 0.522174 0.153845 -0.509181 -0.86066 -0.000343577 0.56089 -0.820125 0.113121 -0.749457 0.356538 0.557848 -0.757747 -0.652537 0.00394044 -0.855023 0.510462 0.0914577 0.317331 -0.769286 0.554527 --0.641643 0.641643 0.420224 0.706267 -0.462727 -0.535789 -0.0413064 -0.888088 -0.457813 --0.275058 -0.933038 0.231911 -0.854788 -0.518817 0.012922 0.153124 -0.922995 -0.353035 -0.577741 -0.812855 -0.0740391 0.396683 -0.895789 0.200509 0.70818 -0.682192 0.181918 -0.428481 -0.895219 0.122423 -0.476731 0.800909 0.362316 -0.473672 0.879163 -0.0520321 -0.258292 0.926072 0.275092 0.25796 -0.51592 -0.816874 -0.742338 0.652228 -0.153402 --0.631057 0.308815 -0.711618 0.759959 -0.643043 0.094647 -0.43105 0.826179 -0.3628 -0.781053 -0.574353 -0.245103 0.325906 -0.422797 -0.845593 -0.145221 -0.875773 -0.460361 --0.250892 -0.802855 -0.540812 0.972572 -0.0342254 -0.230071 0.25179 -0.795428 -0.551268 --0.129511 -0.647553 -0.750934 0.485874 -0.85679 -0.172735 -0.682432 -0.554476 -0.476281 -0.944536 0.277064 0.176313 -0.862268 0.22419 0.454128 -0.964739 0.0639285 0.255327 --0.931844 -0.362605 -0.013577 -0.594279 -0.772562 -0.223562 0.840345 -0.541131 0.0315954 -0.337175 -0.937691 -0.083952 -0.196653 0.947336 0.252749 0.567186 0.823586 0.00258989 --0.154528 0.881383 0.446415 -0.151051 0.868543 0.472034 0.219365 0.877462 -0.426544 -0.668805 0.622144 -0.406986 -0.600171 0.493881 0.629187 0.237233 0.964443 0.116487 --0.864581 0.432291 -0.256172 0.743713 0.131362 0.655465 0.987282 -0.0806346 0.137013 --0.110199 0.539397 0.834809 -0.184052 0.94071 -0.28494 -0.806674 -0.235797 0.541919 --0.824177 0.524476 0.213675 -0.79624 0.498977 -0.342088 0.18834 0.690065 -0.698813 --0.0866422 0.880174 -0.466676 -0.647615 0.674422 -0.354612 0.766549 -0.618904 0.171349 --0.874694 0.35783 -0.326906 0.500186 0.0218937 -0.865641 -0.428552 0.220262 -0.876258 --0.633891 0.465654 -0.617534 0.317038 0.462008 -0.828273 0.45888 0.209489 -0.863449 --0.172331 0.623042 -0.762969 -0.436479 0.421808 -0.79471 -0.436819 0.422177 -0.794327 --0.204932 0.63529 -0.744587 -0.551799 0.469195 -0.689474 -0.0814733 0.537724 -0.839175 -0.0705667 0.650782 -0.755978 0.0268041 0.830926 -0.555737 -0.403932 0.580653 -0.706881 --0.45241 0.407383 -0.793325 -0.706872 -0.115358 -0.697872 0.312871 0.368741 -0.875295 --0.781045 0.292892 -0.551528 -0.643803 0.366898 -0.671493 -0.55345 0.675872 -0.486713 --0.674034 0.26364 -0.690052 -0.620867 0.46565 -0.630629 -0.648835 0.511203 -0.563635 -0.414562 0.910015 -0.00337042 -0.370703 0 -0.928751 -0.160067 0.101506 -0.981873 -0.535569 -0.494819 -0.684339 0.619153 -0.755367 -0.21464 -0.649905 -0.400235 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0 -0.890625 -0.297124 0 -0.954839 -0.22072 0.839394 -0.496689 -0.258042 0.642919 -0.721158 -0.402083 0.467097 -0.787496 -0.133029 0.768613 -0.62573 0.131468 0.821464 -0.5549 -0.278108 0.661446 -0.696523 --0.835613 -0.33955 -0.431807 -0.151789 -0.893317 -0.423019 -0.863961 -0.2239 -0.451044 --0.839578 -0.423524 -0.340199 0.867114 -0.00530345 -0.498082 -0.904054 0.138161 -0.404472 -0.180169 -0.750704 -0.635596 0.0305688 -0.730056 -0.682704 -0.423027 -0.687823 -0.58987 --0.492764 0.236527 -0.8374 0.822643 -0.364328 -0.43649 0.0683147 -0.959512 -0.273259 --0.997079 -0.0487461 0.0587908 0.0222418 -0.578286 -0.815531 -0.76425 -0.390849 -0.51299 --0.5314 -0.442833 -0.722159 -0.177164 -0.500682 -0.847308 0.547588 -0.305631 -0.778933 -0.474633 -0.870765 -0.128421 0.397145 -0.723829 -0.564223 -0.0380044 -0.547264 -0.836097 -0.395116 -0.531363 -0.749358 -0.11476 -0.774954 -0.621511 0.0101811 -0.897637 -0.440617 -0.883631 -0.239682 -0.402181 0.978105 -0.204513 0.0385314 -0.435043 -0.791438 -0.429375 --0.333969 0.0811067 -0.939088 0.428472 -0.265245 -0.863746 -0.508177 0.182626 -0.841668 --0.772113 -0.15745 -0.615672 -0.470757 0.262312 -0.842366 0.0920962 0.446937 -0.889812 --0.0210331 0.57922 -0.8149 -0.634238 0.27247 -0.723535 0 -0.180093 -0.98365 -0.621395 -0.517209 -0.588527 -0.127733 0.58088 -0.803905 -0.261064 0.124687 -0.957235 --0.713487 -0.249232 -0.654844 -0.919597 -0.038546 -0.390967 -0.826018 -0.0225278 -0.563194 --0.636143 -0.373933 -0.674904 0.519706 -0.377321 -0.766508 -0.0341066 0.0341066 -0.998836 -0.177046 -0.481884 -0.858162 0.488382 -0.586761 -0.645906 -0.387423 -0.819548 -0.422191 --0.628337 0.7181 -0.299208 -0.97997 -0.0544428 -0.191558 0.288155 -0.288155 -0.9132 --0.328004 -0.770429 -0.546674 -0.319041 -0.738927 -0.593464 0.0421692 -0.685708 -0.726655 -0.598082 -0.642938 -0.478465 0.354843 -0.593661 -0.722255 -0.11671 -0.786079 -0.607008 -0.925631 -0.0970419 -0.365773 0.492707 0.854026 0.166973 -0.557297 0.827398 -0.0695197 -0.46927 -0.210363 -0.857632 0.570595 -0.423409 -0.703666 -0.117946 -0.451565 -0.884408 -0 -0.179487 -0.98376 0.846403 -0.50626 -0.165238 -0.644232 -0.759273 0.0920331 -0.812889 -0.452536 0.366638 -0.509134 -0.83879 0.192909 0.218713 -0.132745 -0.966718 --0.200509 -0.200509 -0.958954 0.192226 -0.973665 -0.122579 -0.516551 -0.856214 0.00846805 --0.0354702 -0.986073 0.162488 0.409464 0.394299 -0.82272 0.13231 -0.573343 -0.808561 --0.490945 -0.499693 -0.713638 -0.106641 -0.00784122 -0.994267 -0.409572 -0.253756 -0.876276 -0.625638 -0.687389 -0.368882 0.494146 -0.484163 -0.722085 -0.3461 -0.359944 -0.866404 --0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 -0.318335 -0.695493 -0.644167 -0.224632 -0.703848 -0.673897 -0 -0.587764 -0.809032 0.153572 -0.661029 -0.734477 0.00854327 -0.341731 -0.939759 --0.575751 -0.589459 -0.566612 0.488449 -0.636069 -0.597355 -0.30195 -0.433514 -0.849054 -0 -0.175069 -0.984556 0.230173 -0.0886227 -0.969106 0.451094 0.263138 -0.852803 --0.256417 0.682522 -0.684408 -0.349964 -0.817377 -0.457625 0.509858 -0.509858 -0.692884 -0.0929787 0.0929787 -0.991317 0.735538 0.465457 -0.492274 -0.726582 -0.59617 0.341556 -0.785634 -0.583274 -0.206328 0.139874 0.963575 0.227943 -0.602536 -0.763212 0.233363 --0.279498 -0.792159 -0.542554 -0.210776 -0.321124 -0.923284 -0.19265 -0.17179 -0.966113 -0.0960711 -0.148345 -0.984258 0.349424 -0.255216 -0.901536 0.644899 -0.12441 -0.754074 -0.858479 -0.280656 -0.429239 -0.82493 -0.434405 -0.361638 0.731604 -0.491344 -0.472585 --0.141882 -0.141882 -0.979663 0.208143 -0.976118 -0.0622036 0.728672 -0.613151 -0.305094 --0.340743 -0.908647 -0.241359 -0.0150653 -0.858722 -0.51222 -0.184493 -0.798436 -0.573117 -0 -0.185408 -0.982662 -0.423191 -0.423191 -0.801136 0.423718 -0.501943 0.754 -0.914698 -0.0531801 0.400624 -0.0418217 0.888712 0.456554 -0.968621 0.0284889 0.246903 -0.0250435 -0.751305 0.659479 -0.358429 0.907385 -0.219503 -0.996783 0.0419208 -0.0683153 --0.119944 -0.420374 -0.899388 0.934608 -0.142688 0.325805 -0.0671048 -0.971254 0.228392 -0.502134 0.819272 0.276866 0.616506 0.616506 0.489735 -0.0298865 0.999538 0.00553454 -0.289798 0.955825 -0.049147 -0.747094 0.516174 -0.418825 0.275001 -0.910122 0.309922 --0.299544 -0.948843 0.0998479 0.710932 -0.640053 0.291389 0.798598 -0.466295 0.38054 --0.0722302 -0.996777 -0.0349113 -0.268286 -0.960636 -0.0721198 -0.0161611 -0.985825 0.166998 -0.622713 0.178399 0.761842 -0.271273 0.883079 0.38286 0.113325 0.869937 -0.479965 -0.531963 0.0115144 0.846689 -0.354269 0.919412 0.170808 -0.784283 0.61792 0.0554544 --0.976588 0.151139 0.153076 -0.972625 0.196841 -0.123508 -0.72475 0.102208 0.681389 -0.828698 -0.510537 -0.229372 -0.790963 -0.0903958 0.60515 0.894124 0.0286272 0.446903 --0.275851 0.927108 0.253727 -0.542035 0.832958 0.111265 0.729044 -0.557877 0.396572 --0.639486 -0.689102 0.340876 -0.924675 -0.377418 0.0503224 -0.219365 -0.731218 -0.645909 -0.891443 0.432647 -0.134707 -0.142372 0.968598 0.203833 -0.235422 0.881707 0.408864 --0.814427 0 0.580265 -0.470187 -0.606294 0.641352 0.645084 -0.763198 0.0373523 --0.763394 0.643827 0.0521193 0.716086 0.461247 0.5239 0.849921 -0.449344 -0.275179 --0.914794 -0.333429 0.227986 0.963175 -0.157253 0.218095 0.969073 0.199515 0.145225 --0.0623225 0.996256 0.0599139 0.674192 -0.244272 0.696991 0.371349 0.516538 0.771549 --0.569795 0.776663 -0.268566 -0.718254 0.64363 -0.264293 -0.718274 0.517692 -0.464841 -0.480531 -0.835574 0.266282 0 0.890064 0.455835 0.365912 0.643118 0.672687 -0.832113 0.421851 0.360041 0.954546 0.130835 0.267813 -0.72099 0.674474 0.158928 -0.476716 -0.762746 -0.43699 -0.21813 -0.916637 -0.334956 0.858905 0.394416 0.326678 --0.816859 0.315719 0.482766 0.417419 -0.849571 0.322477 -0.454239 -0.883701 -0.112871 --0.561202 -0.810967 -0.165483 0.394132 0.878868 -0.268795 0.964523 -0.0595029 0.257206 -0.964573 -0.123663 0.233036 -0.769838 0.620974 0.147446 -0.859744 0.510178 0.0236194 --0.424986 -0.786224 -0.448596 0.89496 0.356203 -0.268636 -0.693899 0.696463 0.182875 --0.0058703 -0.817929 -0.57529 -0.113789 -0.785143 -0.608771 -0.773993 0.456103 0.43921 -0.312699 0.799121 0.513445 -0.111902 0.973338 0.200228 -0.576003 0.805213 -0.1409 --0.982313 -0.133382 0.131417 0.395951 -0.905306 -0.153767 0.498366 -0.835842 0.230216 --0.220191 0.790099 0.572066 0.624134 0.271363 0.732679 -0.419525 0.483477 0.768277 -0.632047 0.765289 0.121854 0.196978 0.875974 0.440305 -0.79877 -0.26753 0.538883 -0.297715 -0.952687 0.0612688 -0.580683 -0.763926 0.281468 -0.0227317 -0.941743 -0.335564 --0.601703 -0.791714 -0.105562 0.100041 -0.969632 -0.223169 -0.721377 0.55087 -0.41971 -0.985732 0.0490414 0.161019 -0.556792 0.82601 0.0876998 -0.596851 -0.750327 0.284215 -0.878503 0.459525 -0.130649 0.059197 -0.980263 -0.188628 -0.371376 0.00884229 -0.92844 -0.57772 -0.804488 -0.137981 0.107465 -0.0179108 -0.994048 -0.686893 0.482398 -0.543572 --0.240862 0.51314 0.823816 -0.926045 0.37362 -0.0533743 -0.412635 -0.909913 0.0423215 -0.906899 -0.378443 -0.185244 0.48306 -0.852947 -0.197825 -0.943578 0.229741 0.238493 -0.536044 -0.838564 -0.0973017 -0.818782 -0.438633 -0.370401 0.867657 -0.495804 -0.0367262 -0.569369 -0.765426 -0.299904 -0.202798 0.916731 0.344205 0.446501 0.788353 0.423246 --0.736485 0.675257 0.0402355 0.984051 0.140318 0.109339 0.943237 0.210987 0.256494 --0.579521 0.788357 0.206516 -0.71773 0.239243 0.653932 -0.987262 -0.0239204 0.157295 -0.0166855 -0.920734 -0.389833 -0.751227 0.659395 0.0292666 0.516148 0.842823 -0.152449 --0.329945 0.942416 0.0546615 0.970761 0.142024 -0.193528 -0.0254645 0.96765 0.251007 -0.98907 0.121111 -0.0841046 0.723093 0.61011 -0.323886 -0.933481 -0.283745 -0.21932 --0.798414 0.562519 -0.214725 -0.441277 0.375903 -0.814845 -0.242647 -0.0808824 -0.966737 --0.853984 0.204956 -0.478231 0.989226 -0.0613474 -0.132919 -0.277813 0.909421 -0.309472 --0.0427886 0.996974 -0.064896 -0.568726 0.820137 -0.0626494 0.181231 0.9834 -0.00891299 --0.461182 -0.733552 0.499212 -0.987359 0.0658239 0.144186 -0.90507 -0.318266 0.282053 --0.993195 0.116088 -0.00931568 0.0815103 0.151376 -0.98511 -0.949476 0.291748 -0.115663 --0.0710296 0.756256 -0.650408 0.114096 0.932051 -0.343895 -0.480534 0.439512 -0.758891 --0.736143 0.313542 -0.59982 -0.234798 0.626128 -0.743527 -0.412541 0.164372 -0.895987 --0.925036 0.143975 -0.351538 0.66157 0.0374474 -0.748948 -0.185527 0.272833 -0.944003 -0.5317 0.745858 -0.401237 0.0477638 0.987686 -0.148977 -0.505042 0.603245 -0.617274 --0.0350279 0.612227 -0.789905 0.6321 0.330034 -0.70109 0.771794 0.00627475 -0.635841 --0.650412 0.459625 -0.604739 -0.0762216 -0.70505 -0.70505 -0.496523 -0.553814 -0.668397 --0.165255 -0.694072 -0.700682 -0.792172 0.433567 -0.429515 -0.423179 0.215207 -0.880117 -0.0894459 0.673826 -0.733456 -0.895594 0.0334801 -0.443612 -0.887991 0.426662 -0.171554 --0.144472 -0.764993 -0.627626 -0.664857 -0.441506 -0.602526 -0.766713 -0.606981 -0.209104 --0.857561 -0.0751252 -0.508867 -0.282113 0.408106 -0.868252 0.0240754 -0.214672 -0.976389 -0.542341 0.198275 -0.816427 0.629121 0.351881 -0.693099 0.361147 -0.208119 -0.908988 -0.157398 -0.724033 -0.671567 -0.371133 -0.871357 -0.320932 0.406464 -0.468768 -0.784247 -0.312422 -0.551724 -0.7733 -0.455835 -0.0267213 -0.889663 -0.228108 -0.409086 -0.883525 --0.497743 -0.617619 -0.608932 -0.409339 -0.7567 -0.509752 -0.729704 -0.508382 -0.457252 -0.656527 0.025579 -0.753869 0.760126 0.302839 -0.574889 -0.842957 -0.469264 -0.263088 -0.54045 -0.237798 -0.807072 -0.629224 -0.641809 -0.438359 0.827071 0.109236 -0.551381 --0.373767 -0.289837 -0.881075 0.893271 0.0915583 -0.440096 -0.311345 0.166368 -0.935621 --0.205981 -0.137321 -0.968873 -0.694872 0.0534517 -0.717144 -0.448149 0.0206045 -0.893722 --0.499994 0.314238 -0.807007 -0.392693 0.145716 -0.908052 -0.767328 -0.00537847 -0.641233 --0.138503 -0.246228 -0.959265 -0.100131 0.807082 -0.581887 -0.816115 0.0429534 -0.576292 --0.830445 -0.337487 -0.443241 -0.335017 0.00744482 -0.942183 -0.423305 -0.100787 -0.900364 --0.297061 -0.0206124 -0.954636 0.718451 0.0671799 -0.692326 0.797564 0.118416 -0.591498 --0.604608 -0.763446 -0.227155 -0.186032 -0.677774 -0.711347 0.324318 -0.746686 -0.580756 --0.450544 -0.0813013 -0.889044 -0.457855 -0.848157 -0.266456 -0.287508 -0.713168 -0.639321 -0.401061 -0.749153 -0.527181 0.178405 -0.766553 -0.616902 0.147486 -0.516902 -0.843244 -0.332688 -0.266844 -0.904496 -0.480452 0.182781 -0.857763 0.699503 -0.14626 -0.699503 --0.652521 -0.756581 0.0424404 0 0 -1 0.574039 -0.732031 -0.366893 -0.0215465 0.797221 -0.603303 -0.366363 0.838326 -0.403718 0.540566 -0.0766156 -0.837806 -0.293806 -0.321788 -0.900073 0 -0.805683 -0.592347 0.58472 -0.577319 -0.569917 --0.643565 0.213155 -0.735112 -0.759482 -0.165432 -0.629142 -0.483722 0.668977 -0.564342 --0.206678 0.792266 -0.574106 -0.0288845 0.788133 -0.614827 -0.55797 0.52973 -0.638792 -0.759035 0.185262 -0.624135 0.363141 0.276421 -0.889786 0.481804 0.0161499 -0.87613 --0.942707 -0.306703 0.13129 0.0975776 -0.780621 -0.617341 0.408642 -0.207282 -0.888845 --0.362616 0.442157 -0.82037 0.172079 0.465394 -0.868215 0.544485 0.69033 -0.476425 --0.365771 -0.802035 -0.472177 -0.13498 -0.781247 -0.609454 -0.589435 -0.63244 -0.502579 -0.365376 0.152051 -0.918358 0.857891 -0.0919169 -0.505543 0.483016 -0.438554 -0.75787 -0.479833 -0.125979 -0.868268 0.428564 -0.767844 -0.476182 -0.669657 -0.685368 -0.286061 --0.584652 -0.733349 -0.346961 -0.630364 0.775832 0.0269386 0.702414 0.702414 -0.115015 -0.587823 -0.182105 -0.788227 0.762597 -0.0649019 -0.64361 0.574273 -0.19292 -0.795608 -0.452318 -0.452318 -0.768646 -0.568191 -0.409674 -0.71367 -0.552606 -0.566003 -0.611774 --0.552647 -0.82897 -0.0859673 0.761816 0.128864 -0.634847 0.379944 0.293593 -0.877181 --0.825219 0.5639 0.0320919 -0.449142 -0.156417 -0.879662 0.72444 -0.10363 -0.681503 -0.324992 -0.181527 -0.928131 -0.540602 -0.422114 -0.727715 0.51775 -0.285291 -0.806563 --0.554546 -0.284383 -0.782052 -0.133974 -0.173529 -0.975673 -0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 --0.244907 0.379966 -0.89199 -0.024013 -0.515648 -0.856464 0.0603724 -0.603724 -0.794904 -0.561852 -0.494688 -0.663028 -0.432075 0.0652188 -0.899476 -0.757459 0.269319 -0.594746 --0.188802 0.0917038 -0.977724 -0.253825 0.779287 -0.572961 0.263356 -0.784216 0.561826 -0.60898 -0.750797 0.255827 0.276018 0.552036 0.78681 -0.513996 0.747631 0.420542 --0.532352 -0.760503 0.371801 -0.133219 -0.666095 -0.733873 -0.589831 0.518208 -0.619322 -0.124862 -0.264413 -0.956293 0.165416 -0.478328 -0.862461 -0.875574 0.149034 -0.459521 --0.543368 0.123027 -0.830431 -0.497284 0.0252588 -0.86722 0.764705 -0.0791655 -0.6395 -0.607932 -0.645026 -0.46299 -0.581591 0.803149 -0.129242 -0.424753 0.817144 0.389694 -0.83265 0.550926 0.0563447 -0.270036 0.938696 0.214314 0.149199 -0.0239454 -0.988517 -0.194734 -0.301523 -0.933361 -0.110504 0 -0.993876 -0.256578 -0.843645 -0.471625 --0.400846 -0.754534 -0.519616 0.786517 -0.32386 -0.525837 0.555913 -0.526654 -0.643115 --0.261925 -0.641027 -0.721443 -0.612827 0.779962 -0.126898 0.514418 -0.163678 0.841774 --0.0646994 -0.139931 -0.988045 0.646157 -0.332785 -0.68683 0.913205 -0.145859 -0.380502 -0.0755444 -0.522145 -0.849504 -0.806435 0.280012 -0.520823 -0.354884 0 -0.93491 --0.181037 -0.929324 -0.321844 0.445548 -0.661135 -0.603645 -0.208956 0.46676 0.859344 --0.704145 0.631129 0.325356 0.109766 -0.259888 -0.95938 -0.788177 -0.498977 -0.360276 --0.401809 -0.385644 -0.830559 0.568719 -0.290243 -0.769622 0.549939 -0.46946 -0.690778 --0.363265 -0.690573 -0.625418 0.910828 -0.27297 -0.309644 -0.142386 0.987209 -0.0717203 -0.699557 -0.679852 0.220049 -0.853627 0.284542 0.436298 0.324002 -0.616962 -0.717203 --0.582605 -0.543416 -0.604376 -0.0985291 0.239285 -0.965937 0.0603236 -0.475492 -0.877649 --0.25542 0 -0.96683 0.481442 -0.813153 -0.327104 -0.518022 -0.84937 -0.101115 --0.971218 -0.194552 -0.137422 0.461727 -0.887022 -0.000247841 -0.175985 -0.984321 -0.0119312 --0.151461 -0.731338 -0.664984 -0.408019 -0.848249 -0.337629 0.0300072 -0.49762 -0.866876 -0 -0.25542 -0.96683 0.232757 -0.411802 -0.881047 -0.362132 -0.641275 -0.676482 -0.606449 -0.741216 0.287783 0.293729 -0.917009 0.269849 -0.160886 -0.326504 -0.931403 --0.535961 -0.375173 -0.756301 -0.408275 -0.898718 0.160057 0.104298 -0.208596 -0.972425 --0.271329 -0.407547 -0.871944 0.235196 -0.0306778 -0.971464 -0.0768463 0.922156 0.379109 --0.694839 0.191197 0.693284 -0.629876 -0.404648 0.66296 0.171286 -0.236777 -0.956346 -0.16836 -0.274186 -0.946825 0 -0.724005 -0.689795 -0.0958648 -0.636026 -0.76569 --0.0688492 0.907334 -0.414734 0.0720212 0.916019 -0.394616 -0.300483 0.832339 -0.465749 -0.445947 -0.876246 -0.182551 0.0776202 -0.993539 -0.0827949 -0.548156 -0.754604 0.360691 -0.0170736 0.273177 -0.961812 -0.335984 -0.0912549 -0.937437 -0.441987 -0.338543 -0.830684 -0.126111 -0.693611 -0.709225 0.635762 0.771252 0.031267 -0.163299 0.701899 -0.693304 --0.387619 0.113702 -0.914781 -0.6267 -0.586958 -0.512569 0.636046 0.158279 -0.755244 -0.482455 0.0331458 -0.875293 0.714132 -0.0892666 -0.694296 0.779214 -0.25568 0.572235 --0.418474 -0.89534 -0.152467 0.292683 -0.097561 -0.951219 -0.206772 -0.935644 -0.286035 -0.134147 0.972568 -0.190042 0.0410159 0.750004 0.66016 0.200766 0.790517 0.578597 -0.325909 0.678978 0.657854 0.209063 0.928485 -0.306933 0.890858 -0.206446 0.404663 -0.839116 0.427626 0.336184 0.129066 0.530605 0.837735 0.801616 0.248904 0.543561 -0.290777 0.717249 0.633247 -0.555659 0.782755 0.280246 -0.981049 0.178373 0.0756732 -0.535912 -0.602901 0.591024 -0.613857 -0.371237 0.696679 -0.868085 -0.0190788 0.496049 -0.637757 -0.699839 0.3217 0.715899 0.166664 0.678021 -0.941787 -0.0425323 -0.333508 --0.390771 0.882853 -0.260514 -0.660552 0.590438 -0.46374 0.623763 0.733839 0.269074 -0.0144218 -0.973473 0.228346 -0.923465 -0.259298 -0.282802 0.602693 0.609244 0.515346 -0.646749 -0.729533 0.222482 -0.389103 -0.915112 -0.105682 -0.557366 -0.804395 -0.20565 -0.0460165 -0.966347 0.253091 0.473718 0.702629 0.530946 -0.36819 0.911494 0.183346 -0.920294 -0.0626903 0.386172 0.566078 0.649209 0.508019 -0.400389 0.883808 0.242017 -0.107032 0.791103 0.602246 0.851886 -0.387471 0.352357 -0.698937 0.712301 -0.0641472 -0.436605 0.703781 -0.560418 0.827097 -0.232813 0.511575 0.00514209 0.742175 0.670186 --0.97065 0.0500804 -0.235226 -0.994384 0.057813 -0.0886466 -0.805787 0.401439 0.435377 -0.0855229 0.958325 0.27258 -0.829449 0.32249 0.456086 -0.105929 0.658274 0.745288 --0.670837 0.213448 0.710223 0.937375 0.124064 0.325478 0.88404 0.276743 0.376678 --0.463262 0.8165 0.344551 0.76058 -0.645527 0.0693831 0.982153 -0.0637072 -0.176965 -0.710444 -0.647925 -0.274705 -0.120542 -0.98945 0.0803614 -0.340571 -0.84512 0.412048 -0.745192 0.628883 -0.2218 -0.892643 -0.241861 0.380384 0.497432 0.834363 0.237485 -0.792949 0.109914 -0.599292 0.509942 0.747914 -0.424951 -0.0398567 0.99841 -0.0398567 --0.185057 0.981606 0.0469347 0.215159 0.66063 0.719218 0.924525 -0.365326 0.108587 --0.919617 -0.391427 0.0330119 -0.0499747 -0.998357 0.0280161 -0.249731 -0.968003 0.0245767 -0.726701 -0.0641207 -0.683954 0.208396 -0.968932 -0.133201 0.171561 -0.981113 -0.0893546 -0.983822 -0.168166 -0.0617616 0.645454 0.368348 0.66911 -0.449547 0.877687 0.166053 --0.137044 -0.939732 -0.313244 0.663553 -0.744598 -0.0726025 -0.421637 -0.737865 -0.527046 -0.942883 0.0574669 0.328129 0.905207 -0.373301 0.203091 -0.257075 0.956559 0.137505 --0.129518 0.979908 0.151673 0.757905 -0.606733 -0.239697 -0.864204 -0.251266 -0.435909 --0.279377 0.95525 0.0971923 0.164566 0.919298 0.357505 0.416017 0.886297 0.203487 --0.505457 0.315911 0.80294 -0.466701 0.132768 0.874393 0.656575 -0.366616 0.659168 -0.272729 0.873174 0.403962 -0.829695 -0.140709 0.540191 -0.801073 -0.563995 0.200476 -0.857995 -0.472093 -0.202419 -0.908661 0.147067 0.390777 -0.0739412 -0.985882 0.15023 --0.906681 0.0546992 -0.418256 -0.676726 0.502087 -0.53847 0.909123 0.284535 -0.304198 --0.69733 -0.686764 0.205149 -0.554284 -0.832311 0.00531262 0.766618 -0.622362 -0.157995 --0.0734825 -0.981516 0.176708 -0.18421 -0.97222 -0.144412 0.578781 -0.720523 0.381916 -0.980987 -0.158048 -0.112632 -0.663863 0.743847 -0.0773174 0.00736467 -0.979502 -0.201301 -0.974387 0.111722 -0.19516 -0.563754 -0.317517 -0.762472 0.821896 -0.115656 0.557773 -0.840799 -0.450428 0.300285 -0.653473 0.756901 -0.00861895 -0.647625 0.761127 0.0356083 -0.422265 0.777187 0.466555 -0.721025 0.675819 0.152945 -0.692976 0.702392 0.162573 -0.722882 -0.684516 0.0942304 0.541656 -0.0492415 0.839157 0.713851 -0.695309 0.0834371 -0.879118 0.295715 0.37377 0.96499 -0.236752 0.112882 0.730211 -0.683181 -0.00742588 --0.870976 0.491082 0.0154428 -0.918998 0.370755 -0.134103 -0.95269 -0.0790501 -0.293485 -0.950151 0.160415 0.267358 -0.632724 0.764542 0.12303 0.371687 -0.877865 -0.301995 --0.746607 -0.411175 -0.522985 -0.996271 0.0379532 0.0774877 -0.973645 0.216366 -0.0721218 -0.496914 -0.819696 -0.284912 -0.945534 -0.280158 -0.16576 0.13028 0.70514 0.696997 -0.188894 -0.554088 0.810744 -0.868409 -0.169371 0.466026 0.190266 -0.874654 0.445846 --0.409669 0.718718 0.561797 -0.249379 0.892778 0.375177 -0.286159 0.950614 0.120193 -0.368298 0.909472 -0.192918 0.309305 0.565341 0.76467 -0.153646 -0.171722 0.97309 -0.920076 -0.26439 0.289066 0.866675 0.454878 -0.204843 -0.161646 0.971446 -0.173678 --0.313982 0.921559 -0.228351 0.540462 0.808422 0.23314 -0.935596 -0.165529 0.311865 --0.315534 0.919775 -0.23335 0.123151 0.985211 -0.119136 0.423102 -0.883142 0.202597 --0.814527 -0.550356 0.183452 -0.870338 0.490779 0.040604 0.635008 0.759741 0.139853 -0.346862 0.923006 0.166572 0.138148 0.989628 -0.0393882 -0.835204 -0.528989 0.150352 -0.256576 -0.837052 0.483231 0.41113 -0.828846 0.379456 0.339057 -0.856564 0.389023 -0.0881929 -0.264579 0.960323 0.89914 -0.167889 0.404178 0.0615907 0.588961 0.805811 --0.126984 0.991592 0.0248987 -0.87468 0.471182 0.113674 0.250648 -0.943617 0.216246 --0.214176 -0.942376 0.257012 -0.975106 0.0286796 0.219877 -0.713099 0.693524 0.102537 --0.907426 0.36297 0.211733 -0.70946 0.701444 0.0681402 0.0514998 -0.885796 0.461209 -0.477187 -0.827124 0.296916 -0.717137 0.358569 0.597614 0.403604 -0.861021 0.309429 --0.291659 0.556803 -0.777757 -0.986657 -0.130252 0.0976888 0.69208 0.0768978 -0.717713 --0.666319 -0.0888426 -0.740355 0 0.999989 0.00476185 -0.22439 0.940992 -0.253344 --0.717168 0.649934 -0.251507 -0.514956 0.836804 -0.185956 -0.407553 -0.584159 -0.701897 --0.847143 -0.331942 -0.414927 0.0431467 0.848553 -0.527349 -0.519903 0.852641 -0.0519903 --0.10897 0.796083 -0.595296 0.329238 -0.93284 -0.146328 -0.280591 -0.795009 -0.5378 -0.391983 0.744768 -0.540065 -0.525994 0.713849 -0.462332 -0.187814 -0.77597 -0.602159 -0.557839 0.424072 -0.713427 -0.844915 -0.455553 -0.28034 0.0729597 -0.496126 -0.86518 --0.00704243 0.640861 -0.767625 -0.481616 0.854254 -0.195693 -0.703482 0.572602 -0.420999 --0.484667 -0.274155 -0.830624 0.204732 0.584948 -0.784806 -0.816358 -0.19948 -0.542004 -0.313793 -0.926031 -0.209764 -0.685239 -0.711043 -0.157691 0.803183 -0.274421 -0.528762 -0.877625 0.0706135 -0.474119 -0.798958 -0.510612 -0.317714 0.00539076 0 -0.999985 --0.0771935 -0.439117 -0.895107 0.183726 -0.110869 -0.976705 0.668356 0.200917 -0.716193 -0.604408 -0.304476 -0.736196 -0.869006 -0.025559 -0.494141 0.623928 0.0605303 -0.779134 --0.941095 0.218178 -0.25834 -0.743661 0.40669 -0.530633 -0.294724 -0.854699 -0.427349 --0.873177 0.311768 -0.374649 0.782583 -0.0622195 -0.619429 -0.843976 -0.53427 0.047538 --0.628695 0.603547 -0.490382 0.762248 -0.31208 -0.567083 -0.861042 -0.315841 -0.398561 --0.778741 -0.507254 -0.369128 -0.42219 0.509539 -0.74975 0.172483 0.172483 -0.969793 -0.553028 -0.563979 -0.613259 0.420491 -0.591386 -0.688077 -0.59626 0.59626 -0.537538 -0 -0.143589 -0.989637 0 -0.432897 -0.901444 -0.042924 -0.126906 -0.990986 --0.556175 -0.498639 -0.664852 -0.586204 -0.103807 -0.803486 -0.5199 -0.0879433 -0.849688 --0.313539 0 -0.949575 -0.579962 -0.297416 -0.758411 -0.469937 -0.16366 -0.867396 --0.155191 -0.39592 -0.905076 -0.427715 -0.427715 -0.796316 -0.298438 -0.235307 -0.924968 --0.25542 0 -0.96683 -0.423431 0 -0.905928 -0.132191 0 -0.991224 --0.707368 -0.485599 -0.513638 -0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 -0.674422 -0.513411 -0.530626 -0 0.230805 -0.973 -0.0597167 0.17915 -0.982008 -0.586297 -0.377836 -0.716586 --0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 0.175069 0 -0.984556 -0.133423 0.222371 -0.965789 -0.643257 0.757345 0.112469 0.665527 0.744119 0.0579688 -0.947659 -0.299019 -0.11194 -0.0212536 0.17503 -0.984334 -0.0969803 0.562486 -0.8211 -0.455376 -0.885453 0.0927618 -0.982315 -0.0605536 0.177175 -0.61987 -0.783887 0.0358197 0.626527 0 -0.7794 -0 -0.195557 -0.980692 -0.498237 0.486937 -0.717393 -0.845802 -0.127289 -0.518089 -0.501584 0 -0.865109 0 -0.0480727 -0.998844 0.247475 0.247475 -0.936756 -0.171035 -0.95851 0.228047 -0.544173 -0.229125 -0.80708 0.521558 0.462619 -0.716911 --0.675914 -0.667248 0.312923 0.52245 -0.8127 0.258 -0.195557 0 -0.980692 --0.984739 -0.0599483 0.163388 0.472562 -0.836072 0.278691 0.411622 -0.886571 0.211088 --0.218638 -0.881923 0.417624 0.694576 -0.694576 0.187425 0.232311 -0.546207 -0.804791 -0.111943 -0.567709 -0.815583 0.655627 0.109967 -0.747034 -0.561904 -0.275844 -0.779855 --0.149572 0.202363 -0.967821 0.0857304 0.0857304 -0.992623 -0.296679 0.941633 0.159089 --0.446721 0.887487 0.113169 0.856361 -0.324379 -0.401775 0.576977 0.0940259 -0.81133 -0.0688846 0.251578 -0.965382 -0.172447 0.172447 -0.969806 0.300108 0.200072 -0.932688 --0.738603 0.281173 -0.612705 0.0425635 -0.998883 0.0205271 0.229846 -0.919382 0.31923 -0.126139 -0.986587 0.103614 0.124193 -0.989536 0.0734473 0.452953 0.0654266 -0.88913 --0.00508037 0 -0.999987 0.538409 0.198361 -0.819004 -0.865946 0.382366 -0.322387 --0.789659 0.0535362 -0.611205 0.93286 -0.237879 -0.270529 0.620645 -0.746713 -0.239207 -0.599293 0.724146 -0.341264 -0.732201 -0.666237 -0.141456 -0.430444 -0.901882 -0.0364397 -0.0901019 -0.95508 0.282319 0.682593 0.0374693 -0.729837 0.815201 0 -0.579178 -0.0259785 -0.929042 -0.36906 -0.71174 0.652429 -0.260312 -0.231655 -0.817109 -0.527892 -0.0174929 -0.552483 -0.833341 0.74628 -0.564577 -0.35259 0.726239 -0.0264488 -0.686933 --0.927635 0.334059 0.167029 -0.0436685 -0.375549 -0.925773 0.219376 -0.383615 -0.897058 --0.425108 0.242417 -0.872076 0.329003 0.310726 -0.891743 0.109489 0 -0.993988 -0.397227 -0.687096 -0.608366 -0.546354 -0.714462 -0.437083 0.583549 0.12799 -0.801928 -0.655027 0.154953 -0.739547 0.817504 0.099876 -0.567197 -0.278014 0.636506 -0.719422 -0.424149 0.678248 -0.600064 -0.635402 -0.394892 -0.66357 -0.390559 -0.386314 -0.835599 -0.739463 0.225398 -0.634343 0.722494 -0.125552 -0.679882 0.804525 -0.496023 -0.326649 -0.545706 -0.36951 -0.752108 0 0.132589 -0.991171 0.605665 0.223876 -0.763577 --0.284537 -0.785047 -0.550218 0.294689 -0.678677 -0.672723 0.149357 0.460874 -0.874807 -0.687954 0 -0.725754 -0.299843 -0.465393 -0.832768 0.598635 -0.603424 -0.526798 -0.731639 -0.529377 -0.429494 0.602229 -0.356157 -0.714473 0.333962 0.305576 -0.89168 --0.242339 0.314525 -0.917794 -0.497679 -0.130162 -0.857539 -0.294744 -0.126319 -0.94719 --0.428243 0.817554 0.384986 0.622071 -0.429014 -0.654962 0.326843 -0.362795 -0.87267 --0.3676 -0.197415 -0.908789 0.822263 -0.369475 -0.432865 -0.35897 0.166963 -0.918294 -0.725959 -0.436415 0.531531 0.798561 -0.293901 0.525284 0 -0.676436 0.736502 --0.604206 0.609241 0.513575 -0.231295 -0.762899 -0.603728 0.449134 -0.691834 -0.56537 --0.0518748 0.10375 -0.99325 0.602678 0.0827511 -0.793682 -0.530196 0.151803 -0.834175 -0.165497 -0.803841 0.571358 -0.444921 -0.289552 0.847469 0.783503 0.383416 0.488995 -0.483077 -0.634039 0.603847 0.163302 0.969816 0.181077 -0.1954 0.98043 0.0239965 --0.389313 0.908397 -0.152481 0.299667 -0.466149 -0.832409 0.137031 -0.236868 -0.961829 -0.601839 -0.0947777 -0.792974 -0.161495 -0.77245 -0.614199 -0.183883 -0.348838 -0.918966 --0.280702 0.573879 -0.769331 -0.487241 0.648067 -0.585325 0.643089 -0.749384 0.157672 -0.565406 -0.824767 -0.00864536 -0.911609 0.104184 -0.397635 -0.891602 -0.253777 -0.375025 -0.517288 -0.660717 -0.543936 0.525293 -0.233464 -0.818267 0.676675 0.0424282 -0.735059 --0.306654 -0.403031 -0.862282 0 -0.278157 -0.960536 0.10493 -0.314791 -0.943343 --0.172439 -0.623969 -0.762186 0.668872 -0.536069 -0.515015 0.726475 0.152053 -0.670159 --0.84123 -0.387913 -0.376637 0.59115 0.698632 -0.403057 0.823398 0.385968 -0.415987 -0.106888 0.956368 -0.271909 0.47685 0.541508 -0.692375 -0.136187 -0.00567446 -0.990667 --0.661598 -0.497522 -0.561035 0 -0.285738 -0.958308 0.843392 -0.526448 -0.107438 -0.274146 -0.609214 -0.744112 -0.468236 -0.717962 -0.515059 0.751858 0.273403 -0.599967 -0.954202 -0.148505 -0.2597 -0.734667 -0.0192657 -0.678154 0.155893 -0.568552 -0.807741 --0.430524 -0.527604 -0.732314 -0.704419 -0.351344 -0.616727 -0.941018 -0.27882 -0.191689 -0.562007 -0.589422 -0.580284 0.556402 -0.525144 -0.643926 0.979045 -0.0559454 -0.195809 --0.916496 -0.212826 -0.338733 -0.910914 -0.179862 -0.371328 0.54976 -0.326371 -0.768925 -0.823957 -0.324067 -0.46484 0.0953891 -0.317964 -0.943292 -0.738019 0.546491 -0.395823 -0.329136 -0.738063 -0.58901 0.495584 -0.650275 -0.575794 -0.760372 -0.230097 -0.607363 -0.972335 -0.152681 0.176788 -0.247391 0.965624 -0.0798036 0.227384 -0.968006 0.106113 -0.901801 -0.332075 0.276552 -0.0711611 -0.947658 0.311257 0.140252 -0.918653 0.369331 --0.621543 -0.779547 0.0774018 0.91459 0.250573 -0.317392 0.804573 -0.378622 -0.457502 -0.671444 -0.400009 -0.623824 0.293508 0.905397 -0.306774 -0.14704 0.974141 -0.171547 --0.769258 -0.415815 0.485118 -0.813039 0.492103 0.31113 -0.745524 0.635176 0.201857 -0.0947376 -0.720748 -0.686692 0.334992 -0.937977 -0.0893311 -0.0170181 -0.991306 0.130472 -0.186891 0.409954 -0.892754 0.298121 0.95278 -0.0577442 -0.564954 0.695328 -0.444237 --0.285975 -0.222425 -0.932065 0.833103 0.484642 0.266575 0.559668 0.822328 0.102707 -0.82239 0.216711 0.526033 -0.859304 -0.394815 -0.325142 0.870448 0.387098 0.304099 -0.326204 -0.820714 0.469062 -0.272914 -0.94649 0.172265 -0.307926 -0.835799 0.454557 --0.377904 -0.920267 0.101474 0.379991 0.923864 0.0456229 0.27047 0.959923 0.0734368 --0.907951 0.36318 0.209104 -0.54294 -0.827151 -0.145045 -0.567032 -0.808855 -0.155656 -0.860864 0.479826 -0.16935 -0.656845 0.749181 -0.0853409 0.339534 0.881557 0.327985 -0.0530097 0.689127 0.722699 -0.67747 0.164435 0.716935 -0.790441 -0.234205 0.565995 -0.0322058 0.955438 -0.29343 -0.590012 0.590012 -0.551156 0.884118 -0.463081 -0.0623758 --0.67414 0.735736 -0.0650186 -0.91007 0.201826 0.361991 -0.414751 0.582894 0.698725 -0.775483 -0.178623 0.605574 0.1426 0.901463 0.408692 -0.895211 0.0354038 0.444234 -0.494864 0.345619 0.797281 0.151667 0.933473 0.325 0.494524 0.450187 0.743491 --0.11886 0.984361 -0.13002 -0.742923 0.309996 -0.593269 -0.826573 -0.275524 -0.490778 --0.713162 -0.665618 -0.219892 0.107999 -0.862893 0.493712 -0.668426 -0.42153 0.612796 -0.732081 0.0170251 0.681005 -0.761813 0.627981 0.158997 -0.60463 0.763136 0.228136 -0.814006 -0.0307172 0.580043 0.886447 0.0448204 0.460654 0.430911 -0.899216 0.0756766 --0.834017 -0.476581 -0.278006 -0.764471 -0.420901 0.488289 0.924827 -0.288031 0.248461 -0.450952 0.742645 0.495097 0.305142 0.933735 0.187154 -0.0974951 0.822038 0.561025 --0.171133 0.677401 0.715431 0.820962 -0.56521 0.0809879 0.790612 -0.611033 0.0396472 --0.853855 0.492772 -0.167656 0.646857 0.757603 -0.0872544 -0.877944 0.231183 0.419248 -0.781429 0.603208 0.159713 0.123034 0.954677 0.271024 -0.602238 0.663367 0.444132 -0.34682 0.829648 0.437492 -0.613503 0.560385 0.556402 -0.930951 -0.131847 0.340508 -0.912091 -0.165588 0.375061 -0.143247 0.962328 0.231093 0.527443 0.704356 0.475065 --0.73662 0.673403 -0.0626066 0.625738 -0.779689 0.0231755 -0.976936 0.0585186 -0.205357 --0.89319 -0.443772 0.0726446 -0.912663 -0.0641022 0.403654 -0.90457 -0.120245 0.409015 --0.965814 -0.207253 0.155725 0.858966 -0.460974 0.222893 0.701885 -0.712257 0.00691512 --0.0340011 -0.827361 -0.560641 -0.77167 -0.338782 -0.538287 -0.920225 -0.319336 -0.226298 --0.732257 -0.679953 -0.0382439 -0.334789 -0.932627 -0.134624 0.981843 0.0730674 -0.175057 -0.983404 0.0459665 -0.175508 0.718093 0.695021 0.0358886 0.456378 0.889457 0.0242122 --0.1093 0.976869 0.183793 0.556377 -0.828232 0.0669081 0.797056 -0.599337 -0.0741447 --0.275749 0.624835 -0.730441 0.548589 -0.822883 -0.148032 -0.300049 -0.862642 -0.40721 --0.0534147 -0.986391 -0.155496 0.823127 0.469235 0.319814 0.476461 0.682057 0.554783 -0.120242 0.901814 0.415057 -0.969943 -0.0365535 0.240573 0.530243 0.845 -0.0694078 -0.963615 0.235028 -0.127307 -0.222518 -0.971662 -0.0797357 0.242703 0.955643 -0.166858 -0.707656 0.647572 0.282617 0.86375 0.462908 0.199128 0.730136 0.380012 0.567884 --0.908267 0.17841 0.378445 0.897266 0.327638 0.295917 0.62797 0.65202 0.424882 --0.969913 -0.13204 -0.204533 0.309728 0.939509 -0.14626 -0.584816 0.811083 -0.0116035 --0.992025 0.114754 0.0521341 -0.201264 0.967781 -0.151305 -0.487205 0.867834 -0.097441 -0.836936 0.531264 -0.131514 0.742367 0.667217 -0.060933 -0.217208 -0.87413 0.434416 -0.306422 -0.94591 0.106581 0.252596 -0.8055 0.536064 0.24317 -0.940582 0.23701 -0.939034 0.195763 -0.282652 -0.749052 0.542011 -0.380979 0.921365 0.165175 -0.351857 -0.740634 -0.384329 -0.551138 -0.363888 -0.907528 -0.209711 0.17328 -0.958524 -0.226288 --0.30323 -0.952143 0.0384092 0.880712 -0.439715 -0.176057 0.661341 -0.740603 -0.118893 -0.101353 -0.994637 0.0206142 0.161383 -0.981749 -0.100616 -0.2495 -0.842061 -0.478208 --0.145196 -0.923357 -0.355428 -0.868831 -0.186722 -0.45855 0.810466 -0.25963 -0.525107 --0.265396 -0.940805 -0.210834 0.648096 -0.363566 -0.669172 0.960941 -0.0105021 -0.276555 --0.946306 -0.226291 0.230862 -0.652514 0.00526221 0.757758 -0.0437809 -0.718007 0.694657 --0.938791 -0.336283 0.0747297 -0.2118 -0.969823 -0.120763 -0.275402 -0.950996 -0.14057 --0.440281 -0.522193 0.730388 -0.718678 0.327717 0.613272 0.672565 -0.325607 0.664558 --0.907898 0.41903 -0.0116397 -0.970987 -0.18132 -0.15591 0.48366 -0.870587 0.0902831 -0.525126 -0.0145868 0.850899 0.749726 -0.646576 0.140888 0.598312 0.444461 0.666691 --0.655326 -0.6746 -0.339799 0.823216 0.128127 0.553081 -0.154807 0.877656 0.453601 --0.895835 0.440452 0.0590113 -0.84036 0.503562 -0.200553 -0.708394 0.702903 -0.0640667 -0.921436 -0.36737 0.126472 0.864675 -0.498321 0.063357 -0.975243 -0.019477 -0.220276 --0.503076 -0.416689 -0.757155 0.674162 -0.732531 -0.0943632 -0.904376 0.222616 -0.364069 -0.868548 -0.388027 -0.308316 -0.747161 0.633011 -0.202603 -0.053242 0.298155 -0.953031 -0.605262 -0.671463 -0.427545 -0.961025 0.187517 -0.203144 0.899104 0.422028 0.116211 -0.801056 0.585719 -0.12346 -0.403295 0.88985 0.213356 -0.565497 0.759382 0.321795 -0.987215 0.0881084 0.13283 -0.949529 0.170702 0.263165 -0.934238 -0.356579 0.00713159 --0.299684 0.789167 0.536101 0.361516 0.893748 0.265558 -0.195447 0.951177 0.23888 -0.833412 -0.507814 0.218061 -0.258731 -0.668066 0.697672 0.698858 -0.624862 0.348059 --0.148604 0.652564 0.743019 0.14157 -0.37752 0.915116 -0.37459 0 0.927191 --0.768366 0.555973 0.317029 0.919919 0.215046 0.327879 -0.990085 0.119177 -0.0743582 -0.950314 -0.266088 0.161553 -0.239335 -0.73077 0.639291 0.260221 -0.785937 0.560881 -0.491809 -0.412485 0.766799 0.378423 0.6775 0.630706 0.380476 0.88647 0.263457 -0.756507 -0.65393 0.0085481 -0.326836 -0.884379 -0.333244 0.708466 0.655496 0.261536 -0.492276 0.868449 0.0588254 0.345989 0.851543 0.393911 0.407102 -0.693581 0.594318 --0.576904 -0.457104 0.676932 0.847669 0.337882 0.409015 0.742929 0.611445 0.272381 -0.700824 -0.712007 -0.0434908 0.475483 0.832095 0.285541 0.658145 0.658145 0.365636 -0.832426 0.0582116 0.55107 0.788202 0.0297435 0.614698 0.651707 0.465797 0.59859 --0.0346193 0.979726 0.19733 -0.147418 0.967433 0.205771 -0.718491 -0.694857 0.030725 --0.938765 0.235545 -0.251475 0.691282 -0.628592 0.356372 0.780483 -0.537356 0.319523 --0.572271 -0.45088 0.684991 -0.841616 0.255035 0.476066 0.463893 0.884295 0.0531544 -0.771709 0.6288 0.0952727 -0.100257 0.989198 0.10694 -0.166482 0.965594 0.199778 -0.387115 0.883912 0.262378 -0.480241 0.865153 -0.144492 -0.626087 0.779017 -0.0338703 --0.202675 0.97863 -0.0347442 -0.282004 0.952066 -0.118506 -0.425091 0.902906 -0.0637087 -0.5488 0.832523 0.0756593 -0.222703 0.960615 -0.166196 0.404422 0.913358 0.0471237 --0.440282 -0.87416 0.204931 0.172043 -0.927122 0.332936 0.582501 -0.701441 0.410699 -0.338416 -0.0273719 0.940598 0.223578 -0.91511 0.33554 0.337478 0.826822 0.449971 -0.951425 -0.214495 0.220867 -0.720844 -0.503891 0.475897 -0.772683 -0.576238 0.266292 -0.157717 -0.97259 -0.17086 -0.847561 0.530647 -0.0073701 0.441633 -0.883266 -0.157482 --0.707635 0.70381 0.0624759 0.566219 -0.724761 0.392579 0.507093 0.169031 0.845154 --0.379071 0.324918 0.866449 -0.934703 0.354203 0.0295169 0.8 0.6 0 --0.968274 -0.0305771 0.248014 0.323587 -0.846305 0.423153 0.923508 -0.382918 0.0225246 --0.945638 0.3199 0.0585897 -0.92389 -0.148236 0.352779 -0.821489 0.410744 0.395532 -0.567814 0.786203 -0.243869 -0.797812 -0.602791 0.0118194 0.663011 0.279608 -0.694432 --0.630759 -0.608627 0.481369 -0.875577 -0.430516 0.219137 0.123613 -0.988903 0.0824086 -0.571771 0.177228 -0.801042 -0.77956 -0.625426 -0.0335932 -0.87093 -0.45754 0.17927 -0.354707 -0.36259 -0.861807 0.030052 -0.957909 -0.285494 -0.839178 0.342522 -0.422444 -0.566257 -0.452559 -0.688871 -0.369468 -0.385142 -0.845671 -0.461181 -0.0272888 -0.886886 --0.407831 0.480728 -0.776257 -0.387238 -0.741126 -0.548433 0.35976 0.299397 -0.883705 -0.0221855 0.192274 -0.98109 -0.167261 0.957948 0.233151 0.0790021 0.974359 0.210672 -0.0416105 0.970912 0.235793 -0.619476 -0.77877 -0.0988212 0.717143 -0.250568 -0.650325 -0.757263 -0.028576 -0.652485 -0.912356 -0.36374 0.187882 -0.0381181 0.0889423 -0.995307 --0.311458 -0.934374 -0.173032 0.817402 0.19659 -0.541486 -0.223864 0.466699 -0.855615 -0.809424 -0.57816 0.102784 0.748834 -0.157649 -0.643735 -0.487377 -0.433224 -0.758143 --0.9674 -0.107489 -0.22931 0.539375 -0.353275 0.764377 0.524331 0.635553 0.566701 --0.666895 -0.611321 0.426072 -0.990641 0.130815 -0.0389483 0.391348 -0.535529 0.748368 --0.157112 -0.843336 -0.513908 -0.912871 -0.365148 0.182574 -0.749074 -0.0995502 -0.654964 -0.322788 0.0370075 -0.945748 -0.263274 0.614305 -0.743852 -0.453511 0.717401 -0.528833 -0.839846 0.311148 -0.444798 -0.965111 -0.161247 -0.206301 -0.735422 0.0232851 -0.677209 --0.862863 0.21461 -0.457613 -0.0959334 0.419003 -0.902903 0.319076 -0.0299134 -0.947257 --0.730122 0.540831 -0.417642 -0.655516 0.460633 -0.598429 -0.76833 -0.18568 -0.61253 --0.851079 -0.499786 -0.160866 -0.676383 -0.697941 -0.235342 0.28543 0.924404 -0.252995 --0.865371 -0.397553 -0.305099 -0.85425 -0.470042 -0.222078 -0.643708 -0.743483 -0.181311 --0.320134 -0.147363 -0.935841 -0.795769 -0.51946 -0.311308 -0.632008 -0.0574552 -0.772829 --0.183694 0.671357 -0.718009 -0.592225 -0.744157 0.309032 -0.0817317 -0.687508 0.721563 -0.143158 -0.823156 0.549472 -0.133221 -0.717342 -0.683866 -0.336195 -0.770448 -0.541648 --0.0824786 -0.412393 -0.907265 -0.813482 -0.171921 -0.5556 -0.777154 -0.16239 -0.607997 -0.107518 -0.295676 0.949219 0.478444 -0.722357 0.499291 0.411476 -0.257172 -0.874386 --0.564649 -0.0996439 -0.819294 0.651038 0.421969 -0.630945 -0.645161 -0.415147 0.641421 --0.109675 -0.250687 0.961836 0.281709 -0.888291 0.362738 -0.155999 -0.189428 -0.969423 -0.293346 -0.258835 -0.9203 0.263598 -0.263598 -0.927918 0.0433038 0.158781 -0.986364 -0.810293 0.23402 -0.53727 -0.0708804 -0.432877 -0.898662 0.142177 -0.277062 -0.950275 -0 0.253012 0.967463 -0.379967 -0.287542 0.879173 -0.660942 -0.710266 -0.242236 --0.00861109 -0.999963 -0.000717591 0.461757 -0.799194 -0.384797 0.388164 -0.659411 -0.643822 --0.75955 -0.379775 -0.528068 -0.502656 -0.677047 -0.537535 0.175132 0.916075 0.360742 -0.283368 0.902466 0.324436 0.715145 -0.552612 -0.428004 0.236102 -0.681105 0.693074 -0.19549 0 0.980706 0 -0.706566 0.707647 0.618815 -0.374817 0.690348 --0.866634 -0.312135 -0.389251 -0.873185 -0.478844 0.0908622 -0.31719 -0.261072 -0.911719 -0.619827 0.216219 -0.754363 0.388103 0.388103 -0.835914 -0.85118 -0.275382 -0.446831 -0.133732 -0.105788 -0.985355 0.441379 0.891117 0.105329 0.533347 -0.478644 -0.697453 -0.399762 -0.261913 0.878403 0.647459 0.00130273 0.762099 -0.587672 0.402092 0.702114 --0.626249 0.0447321 0.778338 0 -0.501806 0.86498 -0.39884 0.16758 -0.901579 -0.835364 0.271903 -0.477741 0 0.423036 -0.906113 0.360268 0.838057 -0.409717 -0.40156 -0.558507 0.725824 -0.179132 -0.569009 0.802584 0.00613572 -0.654477 0.756057 -0 -0.652141 0.758097 0 -0.724005 0.689795 0.311837 -0.623673 0.716791 -0.39968 -0.325454 0.856934 0.150796 0.552918 -0.819477 -0.138478 -0.553913 -0.820978 --0.31691 -0.636168 -0.703462 -0.715076 0.667754 -0.206811 0.343255 -0.899886 0.269038 --0.058261 -0.802942 0.593203 -0.552275 -0.591443 0.587526 -0.359813 -0.768692 0.528817 --0.0479092 -0.910276 0.411221 0.0980957 -0.972334 0.212002 -0.500128 -0.823847 -0.266735 --0.434547 -0.880381 -0.189997 -0.73962 0.325635 -0.589003 -0.274968 0 -0.961453 --0.0337316 -0.464146 -0.885116 0.837203 0.141188 -0.528353 -0.00184239 0.182397 -0.983223 -0.963078 0.266531 0.0379815 -0.880658 -0.470216 -0.0577807 -0.345702 -0.888949 0.300432 -0.496918 0.175992 -0.849764 -0.263281 -0.623355 0.736282 0.405375 -0.585225 0.70227 --0.138413 -0.989816 -0.0332621 -0.156821 -0.374803 -0.913745 0.704014 -0.179153 -0.687218 --0.160456 -0.677765 -0.717558 0.996562 0.0683127 0.0468813 0.801537 -0.0716319 -0.593639 -0.379186 0.315167 -0.869993 -0.1138 -0.710198 -0.694744 0.218208 -0.293741 -0.930646 -0.394224 0.194032 -0.898298 0.167283 0.683469 -0.710553 0 0.760034 -0.649884 --0.0681252 0.346465 -0.935586 -0.30227 -0.0259089 -0.95287 -0.455913 -0.644806 -0.613489 -0.215119 0.225875 -0.950108 0.630857 -0.376284 -0.67855 0.929806 0.170964 -0.325932 --0.779166 0.35014 -0.519905 -0.35576 0 -0.934577 0.355314 0.87052 -0.34051 -0.220674 -0.299486 -0.92823 -0.799715 -0.336722 -0.497066 0.0233819 -0.140291 -0.989834 --0.243373 0.491565 -0.836142 -0.519122 0.849473 -0.0943858 0.491325 0.164189 -0.855361 -0.199089 -0.170648 -0.965009 -0.216983 -0.760268 -0.6123 0.334149 -0.942425 -0.0134376 -0.949603 -0.279794 -0.14131 -0.584431 -0.652191 -0.482791 -0.027351 -0.537903 -0.842563 -0.189589 0.108735 -0.975824 0.740397 0.498254 -0.451171 0.777968 0.563356 -0.278201 -0.597671 -0.605605 -0.525387 0.362821 0.571128 -0.736324 0.922932 -0.229862 -0.308805 -0.385831 -0.90522 -0.178076 -0.602383 -0.761838 -0.238197 0.582575 -0.588123 -0.560998 -0.266404 -0.133202 -0.954613 0.314997 -0.0633957 -0.946973 0.850919 0.33429 -0.4052 --0.987785 -0.104239 -0.115821 0.622746 -0.404558 -0.669717 -0.375952 -0.621059 -0.68771 -0.813313 -0.240297 -0.529886 -0.244476 -0.700173 -0.670812 -0.277144 -0.705624 -0.65214 -0.73243 0.0415295 -0.679574 0.986537 0.0544296 0.154217 0.615961 0.733768 0.286663 -0.616041 0.773443 0.149261 0.70385 -0.0454097 -0.708896 -0.587203 -0.268107 -0.763748 -0.843237 -0.527389 0.103983 -0.866153 0.278655 -0.414886 -0.767205 0.639724 0.0463568 --0.694629 0.7113 0.107436 -0.313249 -0.865523 -0.390827 -0.638247 -0.707328 -0.303856 -0.512049 -0.753581 0.412215 0.0742819 -0.909603 0.408784 -0.433559 0.872504 -0.225307 -0.736309 -0.412988 -0.535994 0.183294 -0.843305 -0.505213 -0.0189262 -0.480949 -0.876544 -0.1776 -0.350125 -0.919712 -0.0818006 -0.96252 -0.258581 -0.219074 -0.955087 -0.199537 --0.527875 -0.842354 -0.10857 0.247274 -0.931592 -0.266443 -0.542872 -0.67582 -0.498556 -0.294744 -0.126319 -0.94719 -0.234806 -0.712455 -0.661267 0.820648 0.562414 -0.101129 -0.191893 0.965237 -0.177465 0.796596 0.411286 0.443034 -0.642803 0.653822 0.39915 --0.732479 0.644874 0.218203 0.916885 0.216487 0.335342 0.678735 0.709587 0.189223 --0.923451 0.383319 0.0174236 0.490758 -0.457144 -0.741739 -0.236099 -0.607113 -0.75873 --0.399497 0.916087 0.0344394 0.949939 -0.0436419 -0.309373 -0.68483 -0.249029 0.68483 -0.352752 0.647048 -0.67594 0.478836 -0.85027 0.218534 -0.74563 0.664583 0.0486281 -0.563337 0.826227 0 0.720216 -0.330099 0.610183 -0.187108 0.982319 -0.00623695 --0.315064 0.933941 -0.168785 0.245169 -0.964484 0.0982987 0.119944 -0.420374 -0.899388 -0 -0.589777 -0.807566 0 -0.699193 -0.714933 -0.378538 -0.614196 -0.692439 -0.965134 0.23815 0.10863 0.971272 0.129503 -0.19965 -0.111979 0.993081 -0.0353619 --0.886187 -0.158973 0.435201 -0.937662 0.317595 0.141153 -0.866843 -0.298306 0.399496 --0.877954 0.45548 0.147426 0.90494 -0.397534 0.151822 -0.999671 0 -0.0256326 --0.271329 -0.407547 -0.871944 0.245978 -0.70176 -0.668601 0.155893 -0.568552 -0.807741 --0.557396 -0.405064 -0.72473 0.390873 0.870007 -0.30051 0.811941 -0.582687 -0.0350249 --0.298246 -0.898246 0.322807 0.649004 -0.7604 0.0242166 -0.68699 -0.610088 0.394763 -0.452039 -0.880077 0.145346 -0.802921 -0.00613586 0.596055 -0.964678 0.15152 -0.215495 -0.0744809 -0.9757 0.206064 -0.356966 -0.474504 0.804625 -0.188334 -0.867437 -0.460525 -0.719104 -0.563221 0.407028 -0.982481 -0.104459 -0.154336 0.242026 -0.892469 0.380686 --0.564821 -0.800404 0.200825 0.627277 -0.466811 -0.623387 0.637568 0 -0.770394 --0.142326 0.906669 -0.397107 0.159465 0.955366 -0.248689 -0.76274 -0.290672 -0.577701 -0.74587 0.617038 -0.250883 -0.81045 -0.479654 -0.336309 0.402746 -0.684668 0.607475 -0.658069 -0.731188 -0.17975 0.159197 0.987019 -0.0212262 -0.608463 0.571842 0.550245 -0.81123 0.504278 0.295989 -0.931872 -0.337191 0.133854 0.361893 0.932219 0.000763488 --0.760264 0.410953 -0.503107 -0.299494 0.861957 0.409064 0.258938 0.490132 0.832299 --0.601025 0.758216 0.252739 -0.60909 0.673264 0.419195 0.330928 0.931923 0.148347 -0.370937 0.928658 4.67317e-018 -0.737688 -0.436198 0.515313 -0.717518 -0.0326145 0.695776 --0.411705 0.799192 -0.437941 -0.832317 -0.392603 -0.391294 0.807314 -0.438668 0.394733 --0.167761 -0.0524254 0.984433 0.883076 0.0169618 0.468924 0.398877 0.656771 0.63996 --0.550062 0.741453 0.38429 0.269297 0.96283 -0.0209044 -0.780604 -0.483975 0.395506 --0.406482 -0.269789 0.872918 0.439425 -0.0298928 0.897782 0.20025 0.810206 0.550878 -0.71028 0.325003 0.6244 0.163913 0.980285 0.11034 0.706998 -0.255723 0.659363 --0.681199 0.618602 0.391536 -0.0740353 0.329794 0.941146 -0.43931 0.761009 0.47736 --0.435495 0.899894 0.0231236 0.805272 0.368949 -0.464127 -0.0156035 0.915408 -0.402225 -0.781356 -0.612276 0.120833 0.814023 -0.260067 0.519357 0.473539 0.796306 0.376374 -0.298136 0.951485 0.076104 -0.445801 -0.655864 0.609183 -0.273077 -0.109231 0.955771 -0.314567 -0.56075 0.765903 -0.202444 0.91642 0.345239 -0.145551 0.836917 0.527622 -0.345219 -0.455689 0.82047 0.109863 -0.576781 0.809477 -0.291199 0 0.956663 --0.689988 0.605675 0.396327 -0.779207 0.611971 -0.135381 -0.947068 0 -0.321033 -0.905529 -0.405661 -0.124326 -0.957779 0.191881 -0.214105 0.570971 0.401648 0.71601 --0.609188 -0.793025 -0.00120155 0.22393 -0.453529 0.862651 -0.298246 -0.561404 0.77193 --0.016947 -0.995634 0.091796 0.114627 -0.984316 -0.134102 0.76324 0.626272 0.158896 --0.780768 -0.0803318 0.619635 -0.0273474 -0.683685 0.729264 0.852852 0.497026 0.160027 -0.764328 0.60805 0.214659 -0.785482 0.607238 -0.119501 -0.798365 -0.10563 -0.592837 -0.424906 -0.465741 0.776235 0.275393 -0.768981 0.576912 -0.912551 0.323436 -0.250278 --0.691563 -0.720303 -0.053888 0.814957 0.568197 0.114 0.938593 -0.152877 0.309309 --0.0306653 0.967137 0.252399 0 0.999012 0.0444406 -0.122325 0.960364 0.250475 --0.575306 -0.815582 0.0620429 0.542611 -0.663519 0.515088 -0.614936 0.786501 0.0571884 -0.309303 0.662791 0.681938 0.453619 -0.857548 -0.242571 0.325035 -0.787823 -0.523152 --0.36419 -0.582704 -0.726513 -0.753345 0.120135 -0.646559 -0.0994293 -0.867548 0.487313 -0.192513 -0.941751 -0.275761 -0.768165 0.584621 -0.26104 -0.515661 0.515661 -0.684242 --0.632944 0.637947 0.438641 -0.568495 0.59692 0.566127 -0.648077 0.761306 0.0202524 -0.159836 -0.82674 -0.539402 -0.908765 0.024747 -0.416574 0.145153 -0.79507 -0.588892 --0.802954 -0.370481 -0.466914 -0.734038 -0.250939 0.631045 -0.621609 0.359879 0.695766 --0.632406 -0.213986 0.744494 0.182029 0.923914 0.336525 0.799461 0.572663 -0.181438 -0.862405 -0.311735 0.398847 -0.388229 0.915205 0.108064 -0.31451 0.904216 -0.288925 --0.371498 -0.894791 0.247665 0.204669 0.96003 0.190926 -0.483809 0.743171 0.462196 -0.469073 0.835769 -0.285415 0.993743 -0.106441 -0.0338403 0.553575 0.609784 0.567202 -0.544186 0.493953 0.678139 -0.369926 0.908427 -0.194719 -0.441629 0.612082 -0.655987 -0.949654 0.260179 -0.174537 0.626501 -0.750153 -0.211582 -0.0895616 -0.993198 -0.0744118 --0.689787 0.338757 0.639874 -0.765414 -0.634917 -0.104983 0.668823 0.412376 -0.618564 --0.238575 0.865341 -0.440758 0.758853 -0.457257 0.463743 0.778364 -0.333329 0.532016 --0.474954 -0.633272 -0.611052 -0.785467 0.499843 -0.364964 0.0092984 -0.920542 -0.390533 --0.527143 -0.811955 0.250699 0.858022 -0.269183 -0.437423 -0.486986 0.872854 0.031162 --0.660371 -0.609574 -0.438554 -0.678026 -0.620321 -0.394313 -0.5705 0.801753 0.178105 -0.977199 0.068692 -0.200906 0.903148 -0.401399 -0.152326 -0.701963 0.447823 0.553808 --0.567391 0.769922 0.292039 -0.532566 0.790644 0.302086 0.649099 -0.74896 -0.133149 --0.538312 -0.820533 -0.192213 0.472901 -0.858963 0.196334 0.599272 -0.414755 0.684727 --0.0792451 -0.871696 -0.483598 0.136622 -0.914773 -0.380165 -0.835916 0.0272952 -0.548179 -0.789339 0.592004 0.162715 0.638063 0.749724 0.175467 0.172341 0.982346 -0.0727664 --0.449201 -0.711235 0.540705 0.119806 -0.907281 -0.403097 0.505122 -0.842952 -0.185157 --0.675275 -0.369933 -0.638086 -0.253837 -0.930737 0.263239 0.313045 -0.922659 0.225173 --0.515346 -0.804469 -0.295377 -0.0862739 0.901083 0.424979 0.724233 0.485998 0.489175 -0.257861 0.759646 0.597031 0.932992 0.115541 0.340845 0.215433 -0.0615522 0.974577 --0.360523 0.733178 0.576605 -0.246761 0.856111 0.454074 -0.418989 0.80354 0.422815 -0.40057 0.35215 0.845893 -0.927404 0.345937 0.1423 -0.343669 -0.862136 0.372308 --0.351982 -0.854814 0.381314 -0.286761 -0.742204 0.605724 -0.469965 -0.724208 0.504634 --0.533947 -0.158207 0.830585 -0.0396385 -0.87771 0.47755 0.486597 0.71118 0.507392 --0.78616 0.54793 0.285876 0.749396 0.659043 -0.0637784 -0.843981 0.279303 0.457915 -0.0431624 0.156464 0.98674 0.917384 0.352563 -0.184676 0.0663639 0.859781 0.506332 -0.982786 -0.133659 0.127544 0.330211 0.749706 0.573499 0.407645 0.733761 0.543526 --0.325328 0.325328 0.887875 0.691598 0.296399 -0.658665 -0.0286735 0.93189 0.361605 -0.811029 0.575569 0.104649 -0.835007 0.544827 0.0769864 -0.605674 0.795532 -0.0169357 -0.526432 -0.723844 -0.446005 -0.858721 0.511499 0.0311131 0.95516 -0.294414 -0.0314641 -0.654318 -0.752291 -0.0769786 -0.184002 0.950676 0.249717 -0.766319 0.484996 0.421348 -0.814556 -0.30927 0.490766 0.747596 -0.142399 0.648708 0.150572 0.983936 0.0959089 --0.707383 0.697349 -0.115389 -0.0524396 -0.830294 0.554853 -0.422703 -0.329105 0.8444 --0.0389351 0.49591 0.867501 -0.367122 -0.453782 0.811975 -0.39595 -0.444575 0.803478 -0.325111 -0.0237886 0.945377 -0.222089 0.888354 0.401875 -0.013383 0.843126 0.537549 -0.059459 0.959272 0.276154 0.465452 -0.717806 0.517792 0.500189 -0.180068 0.846987 --0.137309 0.52635 0.839108 -0.337721 0.621407 0.706963 -0.0715918 0.8342 0.546795 -0.437739 0.835922 0.331087 -0.313847 0.936785 0.154704 -0.316154 0.839023 0.442818 -0.826227 0.338002 0.450669 -0.363858 0.909645 -0.200385 0.509167 0.737621 0.443468 --0.889945 -0.0778334 -0.449378 -0.639379 0.715837 -0.280664 0.0616832 0.953938 -0.293593 -0.916946 -0.16374 -0.363867 0.805817 0.351409 -0.476624 -0.421712 0.822072 -0.382566 -0.659112 0.483905 -0.57568 0.0866908 0.99413 0.0647366 -0.620591 0.663146 -0.418456 -0.596674 0.769434 0.227927 -0.306038 -0.889423 -0.339511 -0.198727 -0.817677 -0.540288 --0.16199 0.241365 -0.956819 -0.0259789 0.777923 -0.627823 0.128085 0.577638 -0.806182 -0.241196 -0.952135 0.187785 0.615898 -0.784377 0.0736399 0.490558 -0.865848 -0.0982902 -0.397915 -0.862814 0.311793 -0.076443 0.0955537 -0.992485 0.344402 -0.593367 0.727532 -0.304721 0.557874 -0.77196 0.34759 -0.385168 0.854884 0.350881 -0.818723 0.454504 -0.719072 0.694651 0.0198988 -0.409496 0.834609 0.368431 0.669983 0.736982 -0.0893311 -0.771905 0.500695 -0.391748 0.851906 0.377427 -0.363049 -0.718531 0.695165 -0.0214196 --0.673618 0.721355 0.16089 -0.340565 0.936554 -0.0829582 -0.703328 0.708697 -0.0554788 --0.62385 0.779813 0.0519875 0.904023 -0.420476 0.0770872 -0.274518 -0.877431 -0.39339 -0.664087 -0.193795 -0.722102 -0.277649 -0.771865 -0.571957 -0.855761 0.403953 0.323256 --0.980981 -0.161503 0.107669 -0.329698 -0.941995 -0.0627997 -0.318638 -0.88094 -0.349877 --0.913812 0 -0.406138 -0.843795 0.281265 -0.457056 -0.809858 -0.0449921 -0.584898 -0.642086 -0.713429 -0.280615 -0.677066 -0.112844 -0.727219 -0.479839 -0.221464 -0.848945 --0.593281 -0.741602 -0.313121 -0.810737 -0.585093 -0.0192656 0.700229 -0.0479288 -0.712308 -0.868324 0.183022 -0.460996 -0.990763 0.0176472 0.134455 -0.989301 -0.058887 0.133477 --0.596471 -0.796965 -0.0952348 0.0651251 -0.716376 -0.694668 0.432176 -0.85327 -0.291811 --0.16173 -0.549883 -0.819434 -0.808247 -0.153567 -0.568467 -0.739123 -0.558113 -0.377104 --0.00482716 -0.391 -0.920378 0.751728 0.381391 -0.538001 -0.782525 0.595786 0.180811 --0.0433646 0.520375 -0.852836 -0.72194 -0.469261 -0.508524 0.8223 0.441605 -0.358898 --0.558705 -0.649001 0.516379 -0.122262 -0.217176 -0.968445 0.771176 0.396563 -0.498021 --0.485481 -0.729729 0.48146 -0.739498 -0.372247 -0.560869 -0.753035 -0.637183 0.164123 --0.384129 -0.85523 0.34789 -0.408185 -0.910361 0.0680309 -0.890682 -0.435701 -0.129811 --0.417446 -0.834891 0.358742 0.569232 0.182244 -0.801724 0.0217289 0.999528 -0.0217289 -0.293995 0.930985 0.216413 0.428122 0.887267 -0.171662 -0.571268 0.736852 -0.361527 -0.899559 0.311847 0.30585 0.779239 0.618808 -0.0993148 -0.939353 0.139904 -0.313118 -0.797465 -0.194225 0.57125 -0.280294 -0.779216 0.560587 -0.90969 -0.414222 -0.0297458 --0.962264 -0.226415 -0.150943 0.418821 -0.732937 0.536091 -0.672912 -0.716482 0.183962 --0.159153 -0.925074 0.344831 -0.363915 0.166424 0.916444 -0.284834 0.575146 0.766861 --0.922282 0.372087 0.104631 0.922211 -0.269318 0.277479 0.807698 -0.0695976 -0.585474 --0.481251 -0.704689 0.521355 -0.756467 -0.550158 0.353673 -0.442581 -0.785225 0.433063 --0.539279 -0.41483 0.732867 0.747241 -0.314455 -0.585448 0.842745 -0.256488 -0.473281 --0.677798 -0.551429 0.48633 0.0859382 -0.880866 0.465499 -0.52058 -0.77123 0.366334 --0.0380571 -0.938742 0.342514 0.713643 -0.198685 -0.671743 -0.350684 -0.769412 0.533878 --0.138461 -0.860866 0.48963 -0.592205 -0.572016 0.56753 0.298066 0.938909 -0.172066 -0.292737 0.360292 -0.885717 -0.609509 -0.0156955 -0.792624 -0.975401 -0.220289 -0.00809461 -0.226415 -0.509434 -0.830189 -0.63785 -0.494817 0.590172 0.277409 -0.569419 0.773826 -0.681484 -0.453204 0.574618 -0.446719 0.824045 -0.348412 0.51393 -0.765361 0.387425 --0.84761 -0.081501 0.524323 0.783492 0.61996 0.042307 -0.827831 -0.477595 -0.294276 --0.441068 -0.866097 0.235236 -0.551845 0 0.833947 0.175069 0 0.984556 -0 -0.454739 0.890625 0.17378 -0.568735 0.803953 -0.493062 -0.571798 0.655696 -0.940981 0.209107 0.266136 0.451165 -0.892154 0.0226148 -0.892489 -0.435089 0.118999 -0 -0.195557 0.980692 0.751783 0.573536 0.325388 0.752332 0.596134 0.280393 -0.197539 0.395078 0.897157 -0.561401 -0.800219 0.210897 -0.246252 -0.969016 -0.0191884 -0.809813 0.524227 0.263417 0.910246 0.379269 0.166156 -0.759757 0.291306 0.5813 --0.172447 -0.172447 0.969806 -0.196671 -0.763545 0.615078 0.959401 0.266693 0.0917839 -0.4073 -0.492154 0.769345 0.80829 0.11547 0.57735 -0.990492 -0.137568 0 --0.281662 -0.537523 0.794818 -0.280577 -0.542448 0.79185 0.121636 -0.429782 0.894702 -0.132161 0.0213975 0.990997 -0.507118 -0.507118 0.696895 0.0118686 0.999929 0.00098905 --0.0506589 -0.905106 0.422158 0.932648 0.185624 0.309373 -0.673277 -0.0968744 0.733016 -0.945484 0.297152 0.133268 0.919568 0.33984 0.197241 -0.868611 -0.38537 -0.311456 -0.368731 -0.538557 -0.757624 -0.0650865 0.0735761 -0.995163 0.337086 0.204659 -0.91896 -0.314574 -0.340888 -0.885911 -0.876715 0.23123 0.421787 -0.0176222 -0.418527 0.908033 --0.135326 -0.582698 0.801342 0.540635 -0.138302 0.829811 -0.499233 0.0274447 0.866033 --0.159867 -0.188933 0.968889 0.947565 0.0485338 0.315855 -0.782687 -0.538732 0.311719 --0.904768 0.392635 0.165021 0.363733 0.544511 -0.755781 0.0826539 0.870818 -0.484608 --0.0118038 0.755442 -0.65511 0.385896 -0.0110256 -0.922476 0.569415 -0.251897 0.782505 -0.0355019 -0.443773 0.895436 -0.180905 -0.671932 0.718179 0.787789 -0.342626 0.511855 -0.656553 -0.632645 0.410729 -0.982679 -0.0289023 0.183048 0.56552 0.557749 -0.607538 -0.489065 0.619483 -0.614049 -0.449277 -0.587709 0.672866 -0.210012 -0.926893 0.31107 -0.562404 0.778392 0.278941 0.605463 0.762982 0.226433 -0.0221856 0.321691 0.946585 --0.27345 0.626657 0.729744 -0.143918 0.949248 0.279671 0.882628 -0.233014 -0.408256 -0.583178 -0.479771 -0.655532 -0.0129257 -0.843399 -0.537133 0.313224 -0.792495 -0.523299 -0.137234 -0.772338 -0.620211 0.129915 -0.75587 -0.641702 0.529696 -0.815144 0.23444 --0.376512 -0.909517 0.176119 0.867327 -0.412509 0.278532 0.433694 -0.501216 0.748794 -0.882248 0.0577171 0.467234 0 -0.689184 0.724587 0.620613 -0.297554 0.725466 -0.673255 0.290017 0.68016 0.684599 0.489865 0.539775 0.648062 -0.539542 -0.537504 -0.024134 -0.877121 -0.479664 -0.377302 -0.747617 -0.546545 -0.405857 -0.789166 -0.460973 --0.270585 -0.947047 -0.172874 -0.309803 -0.727292 -0.612428 -0.370652 -0.833377 0.409999 -0.449384 -0.755973 -0.475983 -0.0992201 -0.988232 -0.116418 0.163172 -0.979035 0.121923 -0.965393 0.0546449 0.25501 0.955532 -0.241761 0.168849 0.268769 0.761512 0.589799 --0.717536 0.694877 -0.0478357 -0.878072 -0.435326 0.1987 -0.918316 -0.395168 0.0232011 --0.201291 0.978272 0.0496517 0.217787 -0.745062 -0.630437 0.247182 -0.72645 -0.641226 --0.0932922 -0.713411 -0.694508 -0.124591 -0.662302 -0.738805 -0.126111 -0.693611 -0.709225 --0.819069 0.565132 -0.0987529 -0.93673 0.326121 -0.12721 0.80039 -0.0188981 0.599181 -0.773185 -0.036082 0.633153 -0.974482 -0.214048 0.0675941 -0.118932 -0.793781 -0.596462 -0.660087 0.660087 0.358566 -0.683426 0.729604 0.024628 0.825296 0.293417 -0.482486 -0.400152 0.639933 -0.656022 -0.330778 0.873827 -0.356389 0.728524 -0.414529 0.54536 --0.993146 0.0522708 -0.104542 0.42005 -0.725105 0.545692 0.53976 -0.725303 0.42731 -0.480591 -0.756341 0.443825 -0.920498 0.114466 -0.373605 -0.37285 0.915915 -0.1486 -0 0.80975 -0.586775 0.279475 0.784908 -0.553003 0.0700335 0.964906 -0.253084 --0.229426 0.964466 -0.131031 0.0737118 -0.986604 -0.145533 0.840993 -0.434513 -0.322381 -0.52657 -0.182274 -0.830361 0.312081 -0.92946 -0.196747 -0.334275 -0.315173 -0.888215 -0.27134 0.943793 -0.188759 -0.401074 0.860683 -0.313632 -0.378267 0.342242 0.860107 -0.976251 -0.205526 -0.0685088 -0.122878 0.988872 0.0838688 -0.872789 0.417421 0.252982 -0.976102 0.0377658 0.214006 0.651681 0.75762 -0.0363829 0.364101 -0.7756 0.51563 -0.742195 -0.656862 0.13296 -0.871366 -0.309023 0.381085 0.146872 -0.78273 0.604783 -0.877004 -0.372166 0.303901 0.957069 0.0118614 0.289617 0.558115 -0.796969 0.230971 --0.82509 -0.437877 0.357057 -0.399533 -0.528 0.749392 -0.730739 0.540921 0.416443 -0 0.845299 0.534293 0.134867 0.990863 0.000917466 0.606041 0.795429 0.00252517 -0.836213 0.470829 -0.28119 -0.445512 0.860086 0.248538 0.423396 -0.729626 0.537012 --0.305044 -0.934501 0.183457 0.806679 0.590989 0.000539224 0.342321 -0.222509 0.912856 -0.241416 0.64858 0.721846 0.200802 0.312538 0.928439 -0.535649 -0.204807 0.819228 --0.982708 0.1121 0.147371 -0.0159597 -0.877784 0.478791 0.67601 -0.720258 -0.155687 --0.49998 0.862466 0.0785683 -0.533904 0.782134 0.321267 -0.826654 0.296921 0.477997 -0.226547 -0.841459 0.490534 -0.495535 -0.31297 0.810244 -0.299892 -0.886638 0.352048 -0.54181 -0.725035 0.425165 0.245359 -0.500156 0.830447 0.363325 0.835104 -0.413033 --0.590006 0.548805 -0.592204 -0.116529 0.169081 0.978689 -0.706242 0.684456 0.180948 --0.309995 0.476063 -0.822962 0.95009 -0.19489 -0.243613 0.475945 0.655064 -0.586828 -0.728125 -0.630945 0.267849 -0.0407481 0.890951 0.452267 -0.582969 0.80907 0.0745233 --0.0549774 0.923621 -0.379344 -0.513722 0.834798 -0.197997 -0.557588 0.811228 -0.176081 -0.765321 0.26353 0.587227 -0.675956 0.731082 -0.0927525 -0.58211 0.40905 0.702727 --0.594237 0.801932 -0.0615391 0.723883 -0.685921 -0.0742002 -0.896904 0.294657 -0.329758 --0.638909 0.729387 -0.244521 -0.666179 0.460368 -0.586743 -0.678242 0.413304 -0.607592 -0.960313 0.122187 0.250738 0.913422 0.404416 0.0459035 -0.4968 0.867295 0.0314359 -0.876056 0.259828 -0.40622 -0.341332 0.898593 -0.275723 -0.872526 -0.119972 -0.473609 -0.584025 0.805516 0.100298 0.222134 -0.456384 0.861609 -0.311531 -0.914709 -0.2574 -0 -0.983582 -0.180463 -0.174272 -0.894402 -0.411915 0.0946618 0.636816 0.765183 --0.989303 -0.0594693 -0.133204 -0.20138 -0.47599 0.856084 0.892971 0.140995 0.427462 -0.222449 0.826241 0.517535 0.530197 0.745678 -0.403554 0.774297 0.526993 -0.350347 -0.494518 -0.85912 -0.131778 0.620653 -0.776792 -0.106695 -0.426685 -0.694779 -0.578983 -0.764098 0.363617 0.532858 0.361256 -0.794763 0.487695 -0.622033 -0.551448 0.55586 -0.959018 0 -0.283346 -0.194219 -0.920341 0.339488 0.208337 -0.876339 0.434311 --0.928985 0.364538 0.0640229 -0.707637 0.435469 0.556432 0.714521 0.136193 0.68623 -0.608432 -0.0612033 0.791242 -0.74959 -0.617309 -0.23884 -0.597472 -0.792565 -0.121933 --0.501535 -0.844691 -0.186976 0.84596 -0.484014 0.223791 -0.862354 -0.505442 -0.029558 --0.879617 -0.473284 -0.0477132 0.92322 0.0869844 -0.374296 0.78666 -0.248249 -0.565277 --0.44754 -0.888317 0.102961 -0.342413 -0.924516 -0.167402 -0.0276609 0.874084 -0.484987 --0.325084 0.945244 -0.0288963 0.774788 -0.615273 0.145408 -0.424469 -0.859505 0.28474 -0.873828 0.160835 -0.458865 0.630084 -0.422443 -0.651564 0.195384 -0.784541 -0.58849 --0.508922 0.675479 0.533597 -0.0545349 0.974688 0.216818 -0.177901 0.899011 0.400164 --0.476704 0.727146 0.493976 -0.908257 -0.416233 0.0426587 0.751682 -0.652623 0.0951742 --0.435742 -0.86247 0.257439 0.507963 -0.736138 -0.447297 0.0781703 -0.906776 -0.414303 --0.335164 -0.918402 -0.210247 -0.596191 -0.122268 0.793478 -0.649051 0.102482 0.75381 -0.888894 0.165376 0.427221 -0.918033 -0.393443 -0.0491803 0.527496 0.805815 0.269091 --0.929075 0.360048 0.0847665 -0.633245 -0.697642 0.335107 -0.17146 -0.925188 0.338568 --0.377802 -0.763377 0.523947 -0.278163 0.960533 0.00144877 0.636431 -0.383329 0.669338 -0.354603 -0.839506 0.411687 -0.952117 0.07129 0.297306 0.0171572 0.998693 0.0481355 -0 -0.974802 -0.22307 0.271945 -0.960733 -0.055124 -0.334501 -0.836773 0.433497 -0.599162 0.800444 -0.0171635 0.212221 -0.88361 0.417367 0.677376 -0.693698 0.244835 -0.0219415 -0.727446 0.685814 -0.269743 0.351839 0.896352 -0.34553 0.8828 0.318234 --0.0328036 0.880377 0.47314 -0.689033 0.714695 -0.120185 0.605622 -0.175543 0.776149 -0.535361 0.414935 0.735675 -0.885942 0.3648 -0.286406 -0.277827 0.845221 -0.456524 --0.169461 0.782128 -0.599632 0.584915 -0.779887 -0.222825 0.302739 -0.930641 -0.205563 -0.185381 -0.975458 0.118806 0.976954 -0.144377 0.157211 0.631576 -0.672323 0.386125 --0.86472 -0.0238269 -0.50169 -0.64589 -0.25329 -0.720188 -0.557171 0.78004 0.284777 --0.708727 0.590606 0.385863 -0.848634 -0.494632 0.187508 -0.969816 0.231324 -0.0771081 -0.194631 0.915417 -0.352322 -0.327382 0.944849 -0.00897883 0.605589 -0.789899 0.0965432 -0.629575 -0.198813 0.751072 -0.554213 -0.810811 0.188235 -0.943854 0.328847 0.0316199 -0.365393 -0.917264 0.158477 0.149393 -0.953978 -0.260014 -0.0996518 -0.866971 -0.488294 -0.950321 0.10182 0.294147 -0.357663 -0.925321 0.125933 0.733973 0.53509 -0.418286 -0.137962 0.984228 -0.110729 0.0876307 0.820962 0.564219 -0.561393 0.773908 0.293093 -0 -0.914429 0.404747 0 -0.62788 0.77831 0.495251 -0.839773 0.222504 --0.757878 0.611192 0.228178 0.891005 -0.18472 0.414716 0.665947 -0.745266 -0.0330495 -0.63056 -0.677268 -0.379081 -0.0272008 -0.994528 -0.100869 0.815211 -0.490259 0.308346 --0.553932 0.658963 0.50885 -0.667498 -0.451267 -0.592287 0.84932 -0.116523 0.514857 --0.91859 0.380106 0.108225 -0.871966 0.38644 0.300564 0.768589 -0.638718 0.0361996 -0.619813 0.215587 0.754555 -0.34832 0.34832 0.870257 0 0.863779 -0.503871 --0.889261 -0.370525 -0.26819 0.879936 -0.288775 0.377255 -0.163912 0.861059 0.481363 -0.802858 -0.539062 0.254621 0.810407 -0.476505 0.340858 -0.870374 0.486587 -0.0753867 --0.746696 0.662248 0.0622247 -0.460255 -0.887635 -0.0164377 -0.127855 -0.990877 -0.0426184 --0.76004 0.649094 -0.0318809 0.763761 -0.609075 -0.213767 0.33931 0.0657978 0.938371 -0.995588 -0.060645 0.0715948 -0.249263 0.926948 -0.280421 -0.60159 0.767546 -0.221275 -0.749145 0.649551 0.129868 -0.317376 0.372175 0.872214 0.563123 -0.412957 0.715792 --0.501663 0.0876942 0.860607 0.907507 0.380871 0.177113 0.947121 0.282254 0.152627 --0.154801 -0.942629 -0.295781 -0.95041 -0.256197 -0.176308 0.892504 -0.0263146 0.450272 --0.0551289 0.98707 0.150511 -0.670795 0.585071 0.455769 -0.92149 0.356335 0.154539 -0.67505 0.319615 0.664947 0.838591 0.268349 0.474083 -0.525761 -0.467343 0.710751 -0.819567 -0.402838 0.407469 -0.579188 -0.780295 -0.235966 0.778029 -0.602345 -0.178473 --0.389986 -0.91729 0.0805604 -0.365704 -0.683289 -0.631962 0.744031 -0.644087 0.177679 -0 -0.993263 0.115881 0.112211 -0.94756 0.29923 0.879996 0.118177 0.460046 -0.693532 -0.704541 0.150449 -0.725772 -0.652632 0.217544 -0.815089 -0.565128 0.127516 --0.168956 -0.92926 0.328526 0.816034 0.1515 0.557796 -0.935008 -0.189282 0.299887 -0.575748 0.663926 -0.477197 -0.710934 0.680731 -0.176572 0.946574 0.153445 0.28364 -0.446711 0.893423 0.0473785 -0.685454 0.697804 -0.2079 0.604175 -0.648929 0.462455 -0.847875 -0.529405 0.0289518 0.86957 -0.48236 -0.105723 -0.817904 -0.505664 0.274477 -0.655328 0.602811 0.455153 -0.665534 0.543604 0.511428 0.719596 0.474341 0.507131 --0.725722 0.302971 0.617686 -0.974869 0.141911 0.171733 0.815892 -0.565685 -0.119664 --0.642664 -0.731708 0.227126 0.92752 -0.209047 0.30985 -0.608522 0.0747307 0.790011 --0.394443 0.661272 0.63807 -0.295373 0.945194 0.139154 -0.78874 0.613802 0.0337069 --0.385115 0.135504 -0.912866 -0.221351 0.544863 -0.808782 -0.0461717 0.998767 0.0182257 -0.416136 0.808493 0.416136 -0.826732 0.300275 0.475761 -0.963011 -0.249362 0.10212 -0.886783 -0.446581 0.119088 0.854321 -0.0678032 0.515305 0.224021 0.950944 0.213353 -0.46955 0.812992 0.344336 0.641377 0.408994 0.649123 -0.8007 0.402122 0.444046 -0.902565 0.357773 -0.239532 -0.307914 -0.902323 -0.301667 -0.241942 -0.957545 -0.156751 -0.958194 -0.283909 -0.0354887 -0.498761 -0.546262 0.672931 0.166099 -0.861342 0.480105 --0.0416921 -0.481354 0.875534 -0.920533 0.38377 -0.0730684 0.612958 -0.290349 -0.734833 --0.343579 -0.343579 -0.874017 -0.511089 -0.584102 -0.630565 -0.609956 -0.43874 -0.659894 -0.603958 -0.795944 -0.0413304 -0.917812 -0.12132 0.378026 0.931316 -0.334376 -0.144373 -0.674781 0.687675 -0.267907 0.537652 0.752712 -0.379941 -0.560346 0.828218 -0.00820018 -0.586744 0.757878 -0.285223 -0.714804 -0.0238268 -0.698919 0.790435 -0.59912 0.127544 --0.562124 0.811274 0.160782 0.154868 -0.542037 0.825961 0.668151 0.70991 0.222717 --0.240452 0.951187 -0.193456 -0.429097 0.894287 0.126991 -0.335591 -0.929912 -0.150475 --0.210184 0.97459 -0.0774362 -0.760155 -0.305761 -0.573301 0.479909 -0.87477 0.0668227 --0.721273 0.656607 -0.220527 -0.357147 0.664399 0.656521 0.28204 0.378991 0.881374 -0.702879 -0.711184 -0.0133378 0.713275 0.394178 0.579536 -0.685865 0.727432 -0.0207838 --0.568874 0.733732 -0.37151 0.371274 0.85945 0.351429 -0.715244 0.694207 -0.0806402 --0.175969 0.907842 -0.380601 0.698151 -0.713006 -0.0648637 0.389244 0.758469 -0.522699 -0.953043 -0.0914082 -0.28871 0.636914 0.756475 0.148613 0.00965772 0.950078 -0.311864 --0.274688 0.864996 -0.419915 -0.161561 0.98637 0.0311784 0.659398 -0.67938 -0.321928 -0.535644 -0.84238 0.0590073 -0.347294 -0.88035 -0.323064 -0.607834 -0.487768 -0.626594 --0.154945 -0.985868 0.0636907 -0.615443 -0.553899 -0.560737 -0.464606 -0.872205 -0.152968 -0.359253 0.146086 -0.921735 0.0444477 0.112427 -0.992665 -0.355045 -0.0730133 -0.931994 -0.0674104 0.269642 -0.960598 -0.191121 0.210233 -0.958788 -0.228765 0.591634 -0.773069 -0.00978398 0.743583 -0.668572 0.437264 0.896952 -0.0654027 0.415123 0.909468 -0.0232384 --0.538665 0.819915 -0.193856 -0.551434 0.797567 -0.244556 0.595659 -0.0374086 -0.802366 -0.414913 -0.827079 -0.379192 0.30393 -0.649204 -0.697252 0.542147 -0.715456 -0.44068 --0.522983 0.298517 -0.798359 -0.0838339 0.854366 -0.512866 0.257119 0.817507 -0.515337 --0.301512 0.819938 -0.486612 0.115936 0.830872 -0.544253 -0.568658 0.434602 -0.69839 --0.129469 0 -0.991583 0 -0.286888 -0.957964 0.396823 -0.235874 -0.887071 -0.455331 -0.659765 -0.597816 -0.0958466 -0.443734 -0.891018 0.492498 0.357252 -0.79361 --0.245426 -0.47449 -0.845355 0.115963 0.552531 -0.825386 0.419206 0.375752 -0.826484 -0.693484 -0.1517 -0.70432 -0.116862 0.629659 -0.768032 -0.205244 0.840999 -0.500595 -0.576685 0.0678454 -0.814144 -0.199622 0.829201 -0.522089 0.0382157 0.636928 -0.769975 --0.132784 0.708183 -0.69343 -0.509512 0.445823 -0.735962 0.551977 -0.296608 -0.779324 --0.621821 -0.74489 0.241819 0.173984 -0.951112 0.255176 0.0641335 0.689436 -0.721502 -0.384586 0.590081 -0.709858 -0.977292 0.141508 0.157723 -0.254904 -0.892165 0.372915 --0.299088 -0.94711 -0.116312 -0.326407 -0.940819 0.0912019 0.633746 -0.660714 -0.402272 -0.768 -0.6 -0.224 0.26906 -0.858646 0.436272 -0.570063 -0.819726 -0.0554806 --0.399285 -0.613471 -0.681341 0.514472 0.35586 -0.780181 0.833419 0.44824 -0.323255 -0.84591 0.422955 -0.324878 -0.745351 -0.643481 -0.174311 0.507703 0.58509 -0.632382 -0.641742 0.647196 -0.411466 -0.846289 -0.531477 -0.0364195 -0.0377937 0.259517 -0.964999 -0.474143 0.720697 -0.505752 0.811386 -0.298932 0.502287 0.319102 -0.78366 0.532964 --0.326634 0.0130654 -0.945061 0.480956 0.775735 -0.408554 0.816645 0.576703 -0.0224507 --0.831019 -0.250951 0.496417 -0.490006 -0.601371 -0.631068 0.893498 0.0845509 -0.441036 -0.763268 -0.637292 -0.106215 -0.0642451 -0.936143 -0.3457 -0.431452 -0.748863 -0.503044 --0.796918 -0.446582 -0.4068 0.886277 -0.276366 0.371665 -0.426638 -0.781221 -0.455712 -0.607777 0.00542658 -0.794089 0.802224 0.36572 -0.471896 -0.869659 0.49359 0.00783477 --0.71059 0.688726 -0.14394 0.885195 -0.42083 -0.198322 0.587107 -0.569098 0.575701 -0.561558 0.505402 0.65515 0.815869 0.273909 -0.509247 -0.98744 0.143628 0.0658293 --0.773334 -0.559509 -0.298167 -0.643952 -0.13365 -0.753302 -0.0106825 -0.758459 -0.651634 --0.0861221 0.5844 0.806882 0.89086 0.222715 0.395938 0.414513 -0.612759 0.672834 --0.933702 0.322464 0.155617 0.403577 -0.828969 -0.387216 -0.589968 -0.543392 -0.597213 -0.0960738 0.288221 0.952732 -0.759953 -0.595639 0.260164 0.058722 -0.998274 0 --0.823847 -0.561068 0.0804908 -0.0323125 0.972067 -0.23247 -0.555582 0.694477 -0.457198 --0.971022 -0.0357431 -0.236302 -0.924955 -0.295986 -0.238433 -0.22434 -0.931012 0.287903 -0.933969 0.324859 0.148894 0.851205 0.206353 -0.482564 -0.753044 -0.331278 0.568489 -0.750727 -0.034124 0.65973 -0.625343 -0.606951 0.490465 -0.446065 -0.592582 0.670725 --0.923537 -0.0157474 0.383186 -0.341077 0.420397 0.840793 0.207583 0.928019 0.309339 -0.548625 0.648375 0.527844 0.970118 0.191682 -0.148761 0.246795 0.943394 0.221585 --0.805546 0.109847 0.582262 -0.0574128 -0.80059 0.596456 0.939336 -0.34205 -0.0254657 --0.611717 -0.694063 0.379578 0.00944936 -0.982733 0.184787 0.837139 -0.335124 -0.432309 -0.867052 -0.144121 -0.476917 -0.62838 -0.583709 0.51422 -0.814936 -0.382599 0.435313 --0.762198 -0.396171 0.51196 0.666667 -0.133333 -0.733333 0.0066872 -0.595161 0.803579 --0.264305 -0.816942 0.512591 -0.624136 -0.289599 0.725663 0.322258 -0.314065 0.893036 --0.396763 -0.523727 0.75385 0.0234246 -0.726164 0.687123 0.174694 -0.744069 0.644859 -0.699113 0.636239 -0.326253 0.710531 -0.4222 -0.562933 -0.492213 -0.118658 0.862349 --0.155189 -0.731085 0.664403 -0.310017 -0.75782 0.574106 -0.852302 -0.171869 0.494006 --0.0637487 -0.812796 0.57905 0.22359 0.941931 -0.250547 -0.644618 -0.738952 -0.196006 -0.506935 0.76695 -0.393452 -0.467142 0.27479 -0.840398 -0.200632 -0.72536 -0.658483 --0.191611 -0.8191 -0.540704 0.358312 -0.879151 -0.314177 0.143058 0.839276 -0.524548 --0.461237 -0.864036 -0.201748 -0.550213 -0.431616 -0.714824 -0.269224 -0.423066 -0.865179 -0.0698754 -0.635866 0.76863 0.172456 -0.426183 0.888047 0.66742 0.725401 -0.168358 -0.386712 0.858631 -0.336461 -0.576683 0.384455 -0.720854 -0.435259 -0.0423404 -0.899309 --0.155511 -0.459672 0.874367 -0.433461 -0.791066 0.431655 -0.604078 0.745775 0.280909 --0.996926 -0.0772811 -0.0128802 -0.060117 -0.865685 0.496967 0.6506 0.74819 -0.13012 --0.50084 -0.797035 -0.337483 -0.98064 0.0492949 0.189512 0.0126828 -0.674 -0.738622 -0.6305 -0.339879 0.697819 0 -0.472408 0.88138 -0.445054 -0.376861 0.812344 -0.573308 0.806359 0.145269 -0.317861 0.946014 0.063428 0.555598 0.811046 0.183071 -0.554127 0.829097 0.0744419 -0.390133 -0.23242 0.890942 -0.908379 -0.416506 -0.0370227 --0.768679 -0.361731 -0.527525 0.404002 -0.404002 -0.820709 0.513144 -0.372556 -0.77323 -0.542005 -0.527357 -0.654313 -0.347528 -0.538328 -0.767742 -0.286044 -0.618654 -0.731741 --0.156417 -0.449142 0.879662 0.284843 -0.0931216 0.95404 -0.397439 0.228527 0.888717 --0.152511 0.0538274 0.986835 -0.258021 -0.488103 0.833775 -0.840079 0.294433 0.455606 --0.931626 0.2465 0.267042 0.473692 0.68183 0.557426 0.225875 -0.309977 0.923523 --0.779569 -0.550896 0.297969 0.389904 -0.322095 -0.862687 -0.457239 -0.452489 -0.765628 --0.769422 -0.129357 0.625505 0 -0.454739 0.890625 0.712958 -0.235879 0.660343 -0.590895 -0.401198 0.699916 -0.692747 0.161911 0.70277 -0.347437 -0.820281 0.454341 -0.488719 -0.57264 0.658207 -0.153549 0.472832 0.867671 -0.243055 -0.884449 0.39834 --0.0845631 0.819611 -0.566645 0.735378 0.1329 -0.664498 0.241294 -0.487415 -0.839168 --0.343322 -0.672138 -0.656019 -0.365424 -0.637432 -0.67834 -0.0832131 0.254534 0.963477 -0.120501 -0.271127 0.954971 0.309647 -0.465699 0.829001 0.604564 -0.310033 0.733745 -0.325999 -0.10161 0.939894 0.338341 0.931664 0.132394 0.71773 -0.118145 0.686225 --0.242618 -0.679331 0.692565 0.516544 0.843397 -0.147862 0.484088 0.633273 -0.603842 -0.661233 0.418971 -0.622281 0.31461 0.750833 -0.58075 -0.206203 0.904889 -0.372366 -0.0224029 0.847576 -0.530201 -0.190866 0.438992 -0.877984 0.275766 -0.529172 -0.802453 -0.31833 -0.48339 -0.815475 0.0705311 -0.712364 -0.698257 -0.131773 -0.779013 -0.613004 --0.193575 -0.71323 -0.67367 -0.489911 0.553631 0.67341 -0.276104 -0.516582 0.810499 --0.285549 -0.095183 0.953626 -0.0892342 0 0.996011 0.539156 -0.589431 0.601566 --0.474298 -0.380462 0.793908 -0.986091 -0.152084 0.0670476 0.420109 0.904591 -0.0722769 -0.441151 0.893024 -0.0888429 -0.43675 0.780551 -0.447202 0.415877 -0.883738 -0.214603 --0.188738 0.924816 -0.330292 0.121147 0.987349 -0.102302 -0.779696 0.60643 0.155939 --0.48517 -0.749809 -0.449885 -0.381799 0 0.924245 0.494724 -0.169152 0.852429 --0.456887 -0.45452 0.764635 0.0189 -0.7686 0.63945 -0.305122 0 0.952313 --0.883178 -0.0334176 0.467846 0.975461 0.0248701 0.218765 0.696289 0.690828 0.194779 -0.443242 0.89612 -0.0224833 -0.369419 -0.181656 -0.911335 0.451936 -0.885795 -0.105452 --0.72774 -0.610632 0.312287 0 -0.61519 -0.788379 0.133662 -0.61917 -0.773798 -0.113717 -0.760903 -0.638824 -0.369801 -0.665642 -0.648204 -0.0342371 -0.725827 0.687025 --0.167154 -0.297295 0.94004 0.16328 -0.569211 0.805815 0.743706 0.424975 0.516041 -0.490768 -0.208642 0.84594 0.287294 -0.721474 -0.63003 -0.742765 -0.427652 -0.515184 --0.676961 0.132552 0.723985 -0.164613 -0.420322 0.892318 -0.572824 -0.329707 0.750444 -0.272078 -0.743681 0.610665 0.659524 0.544182 0.51855 0.339597 0.25412 0.905592 --0.245284 -0.531449 0.810801 -0.310388 -0.843483 0.438401 -0.955175 -0.212261 -0.206365 --0.783488 0 0.621407 -0.31772 0.926235 0.202838 -0.397139 0.917528 0.0205417 -0.400384 0.85243 0.336236 0.123878 0.916698 0.379893 -0.310369 -0.846462 0.432636 -0.845257 0.432523 0.313791 0.655033 0.74668 0.115764 -0.407329 -0.878302 0.250337 -0.991945 -0.101338 0.0760036 -0.997329 0 0.0730367 0.898404 0.431997 0.0790521 --0.727004 0.2812 0.626412 -0.975467 -0.00950748 -0.21994 0.728168 0.102717 0.677658 -0.59963 -0.237136 0.764337 -0.766545 0.178928 0.61676 0.568873 -0.644363 0.511057 --0.0122066 -0.772068 0.635422 -0.331944 -0.881242 0.336491 -0.0746191 -0.983867 0.162596 --0.859657 -0.459269 0.223746 0.799719 0.517609 -0.304188 0.646401 -0.609812 0.458579 --0.432498 -0.900382 -0.0475093 -0.364245 0.610786 -0.70304 -0.915037 -0.174293 0.36377 -0.824065 0.560746 -0.0804965 -0.489021 0.789957 -0.3699 0.975721 -0.136391 0.171363 --0.853388 0.426694 -0.299434 0.608354 -0.01767 0.793469 0.659089 0.0063374 0.752038 --0.948889 0.289914 0.124741 -0.314891 0.944674 0.0918433 0.831238 0.465312 -0.304185 -0.094667 0.9493 -0.299779 0.809295 -0.012302 0.587273 -0.845043 -0.423074 0.326971 -0.808137 -0.493278 -0.321855 -0.129371 0.954112 -0.270062 -0.873153 0.293771 0.388975 --0.916029 0.373197 -0.147017 -0.573422 -0.798089 0.185045 -0.728867 -0.684582 -0.0100463 -0.662043 0.367159 0.65337 0.0576586 0.897827 0.436558 -0.932517 0.345674 -0.104506 -0.773286 -0.594163 0.221355 -0.160785 0.920046 0.3573 -0.652284 -0.489828 0.578441 --0.719465 -0.527608 0.451664 -0.197394 -0.958769 0.204443 0.625048 -0.644351 0.440598 --0.450171 -0.467825 0.760583 -0.681206 -0.390797 0.619061 -0.269787 -0.926849 0.261084 -0.488812 -0.852821 0.183738 0.24203 -0.96812 0.0645413 0.152247 0.792952 -0.589956 --0.1013 0.964653 -0.243274 0.36482 0.781757 -0.505729 0.120654 0.890714 0.43826 --0.750137 0.641055 -0.162306 -0.300564 0.826551 -0.475893 0.889031 0.457648 0.0135305 -0.0175601 -0.807767 -0.589241 -0.627992 -0.250176 -0.736912 -0.832573 -0.0101197 -0.553822 --0.180239 0.959128 -0.218146 -0.975822 0.203105 0.0807432 0.446144 0.892288 0.0691209 --0.18645 -0.849383 -0.493747 -0.47971 -0.830184 -0.284029 -0.873968 -0.0771149 0.479826 --0.812278 0.330308 0.48073 0.642143 0.762545 0.0785956 0.685601 0.713303 -0.145431 -0.293974 0.551202 0.780869 -0.42041 -0.371525 0.827783 0.728482 0.0466762 -0.683473 --0.891428 -0.445714 -0.0818219 0.916834 -0.00274091 0.399259 0.532432 -0.846287 -0.0177477 -0.494079 -0.868381 0.0424209 -0.487983 0.486076 0.724985 0.620801 0.558721 0.549942 -0.311032 -0.948301 -0.0631279 0.699592 -0.699592 -0.145405 0.584159 -0.767357 -0.264427 -0.425544 -0.830331 -0.35981 0.464224 -0.858815 -0.216638 -0.188658 -0.981024 -0.044719 --0.659388 -0.746212 -0.0915165 0.771295 -0.290089 -0.566527 0.48177 0.404687 -0.777256 --0.194547 0.960578 -0.1986 -0.0345892 0.992606 0.116346 0.330335 0.739792 0.586163 --0.554409 0.671126 0.492159 0.104307 0.382459 0.918066 -0.464886 0.757472 0.458385 -0.696904 -0.420772 0.580754 0.82618 -0.563304 -0.0107296 -0.701191 -0.643716 -0.306531 --0.637416 -0.762623 -0.11003 0.58002 0.305686 -0.755071 0.385464 0.566682 -0.72821 -0.488593 0.576477 -0.654944 0.232487 0.854254 -0.464974 0.864582 0.27765 0.418818 --0.717908 0.683609 0.131478 0.481512 -0.502773 0.71789 0.654403 -0.364243 -0.662634 -0.566525 0.446772 -0.692419 -0.334364 -0.675893 0.656787 0.383583 -0.280166 0.879984 --0.82266 0.558234 0.107729 0.157532 0.984574 0.0761404 0.0894869 0.995541 0.029829 --0.456209 0.82688 -0.328851 -0.873372 0.487054 0 0.61682 0.106348 0.779887 -0.906605 -0.215459 0.362829 -0.735083 -0.479402 0.479402 -0.697206 -0.681626 0.222015 -0.337685 -0.92096 -0.194425 -0.78914 -0.39457 -0.470715 -0.451943 0.795246 -0.404142 -0.423041 0.867963 -0.260146 0.0770327 -0.99661 0.0288872 0.182021 -0.982915 0.0273032 --0.406562 -0.877078 -0.255814 0.998458 -0.0264492 0.0488051 -0.985628 -0.0467954 0.162321 --0.225258 -0.946086 -0.232767 0.908438 -0.417071 -0.0281424 0.19366 -0.937125 0.290332 -0.384013 -0.776411 -0.49972 0.370627 0.688307 -0.623594 0.881539 -0.467803 0.0636275 --0.935347 0.289678 -0.203008 0.930651 -0.101641 0.351509 -0.990077 0.12673 0.0607247 -0.505532 -0.767014 0.395129 0.780537 -0.617513 -0.0971554 -0.87798 0.432438 0.205299 -0.0433967 -0.902651 0.42818 0.291171 -0.934174 0.206246 0.979034 -0.19221 0.067442 --0.933366 0.35779 -0.0285195 0.978478 0.181628 -0.0979368 0.976701 0.111094 0.183614 -0.722059 -0.499788 0.478375 0.726421 0.682865 0.0775144 0.275503 0.771407 0.573611 -0.117289 0.640673 0.758803 0.217482 -0.931812 0.290565 0.109131 -0.992576 0.0536996 --0.850588 0.514502 0.108571 -0.755283 0.422272 0.501233 0.795559 0.595362 -0.112382 --0.965902 0.0616179 0.251468 0.393091 -0.91277 -0.111043 0.627833 0.623675 0.465677 -0.815527 0.547 0.188964 -0.129827 0.536618 0.833778 -0.629313 0.0646238 0.77446 --0.627186 -0.677179 0.384795 0.142175 -0.95994 0.241455 0.838717 -0.279572 0.467325 --0.828097 0.559978 -0.0260671 -0.793616 0.605257 0.0619489 -0.732389 0.642249 -0.226102 --0.919556 0.276615 -0.279107 -0.80546 0.577246 0.134243 0.85064 -0.515539 -0.103108 --0.529412 0.705882 0.470588 0.204655 0.708985 0.674875 -0.0936265 0.206624 0.973931 --0.430175 -0.0977054 0.897442 -0.87821 -0.40941 0.247247 0.817799 -0.572902 0.0546677 -0.274368 -0.00783907 0.961593 0.468355 0.212223 0.857674 -0.867086 -0.412898 -0.278706 -0.333247 0.773089 0.539704 -0.738222 0.0025812 0.674553 -0.729397 -0.388927 0.562775 --0.0345494 -0.958747 -0.282154 -0.759089 -0.498152 -0.41908 -0.883272 0.430186 -0.186469 -0.782948 -0.445471 0.434221 -0.702032 0.226257 0.675247 -0.818275 0.221564 0.53041 --0.759455 -0.607564 0.232583 0.038568 -0.994504 -0.0973383 0.741072 -0.553145 -0.380582 --0.402702 -0.434919 -0.805405 -0.591824 -0.313319 -0.742681 0.179559 -0.193371 -0.964555 -0.779622 -0.507457 0.366984 -0.0705151 -0.564121 0.822676 0.555662 0.789844 0.259586 -0.701905 0.712266 -0.00259006 -0.393066 -0.426583 -0.814571 -0.638362 -0.0640302 -0.767069 --0.156625 0.86731 -0.472485 -0.154957 0.923893 -0.349871 -0.566104 0.299702 -0.767923 --0.0540124 -0.900207 0.432099 0.717203 0.646973 0.258931 0.0387284 0.96821 -0.247124 --0.852252 0.233952 -0.467903 0.770828 -0.513885 -0.376492 -0.433293 0.0772538 -0.897936 --0.441542 -0.532343 -0.722254 0.586711 0.369167 -0.720754 -0.597891 -0.0128579 -0.801474 -0.817247 0.0674791 -0.572323 -0.284468 -0.924521 -0.253651 -0.0394122 -0.992603 -0.114831 -0.586584 -0.782685 -0.208143 0.210896 -0.723071 -0.657793 0.784555 -0.564991 -0.255458 --0.985826 0.125934 -0.110848 0.428532 0.836033 0.342651 0.544306 0.834603 0.0846699 --0.0273532 0.877789 0.478266 0.213399 0.87769 0.429093 -0.616112 0.724439 -0.309184 -0.725074 0.623471 0.292493 0.158607 0.929215 0.33377 0.241388 0.836883 0.491283 -0.277472 0.501692 0.819337 -0.586161 0.806416 0.0781548 -0.76939 0.377436 0.515346 -0.999076 0 -0.042971 0.901624 -0.276498 -0.332599 0.674453 0.551825 -0.490511 --0.302206 0.910816 -0.28122 -0.823832 0.322169 -0.466378 0.54395 0.390528 -0.742701 --0.786183 0.293769 -0.543706 0.923501 0.340491 0.17667 0.972855 0.221754 0.0661684 -0.249189 0.386672 0.887913 0.461058 0.675504 0.57543 -0.07817 -0.986144 -0.146318 --0.251057 -0.502114 -0.827558 0.781083 0.414068 -0.467395 0.162452 0.699794 -0.695628 -0.389264 -0.528137 -0.754682 -0.636464 -0.603463 -0.48036 0.922692 0.168944 -0.346551 --0.218208 0.877029 0.428024 0.0545856 0.846076 0.53026 -0.968434 -0.220467 -0.11632 -0.783573 -0.602749 -0.150687 0.166574 -0.760448 -0.627672 0.318941 0.528531 -0.786722 -0.707104 -0.335421 -0.622493 0.531772 -0.335856 -0.777444 0.705496 -0.264561 -0.657483 -0.90796 -0.0974804 -0.407561 0.141996 -0.812534 -0.565355 0.12281 -0.973037 -0.195237 --0.830287 -0.0919985 -0.549691 -0.907136 0.412125 -0.0851879 0.813701 0.28835 -0.504723 --0.980578 0.155423 0.119629 -0.21579 0.951074 0.221118 0.884389 -0.365954 -0.289714 -0.175323 0.91001 -0.375692 -0.294649 0.955378 -0.0208338 0.803538 0.583107 -0.119636 --0.0328396 0.97026 0.239828 -0.762362 0.39702 0.511057 -0.644103 0.644103 -0.412629 --0.861474 0.501651 0.0787934 0.757674 0.631395 -0.165134 -0.173715 0.98398 -0.0400881 -0.0590994 0.98105 0.184521 -0.485725 0.794409 0.364672 -0.601819 0.71081 0.364093 -0.0892751 0.982026 0.166297 0.755531 -0.458715 0.46771 -0.778652 0.593134 0.204679 -0.253929 0.948003 0.191858 0.253345 0.957082 0.140747 -0.01281 0.999179 0.03843 --0.784161 0.61138 -0.106327 -0.472775 0.8678 0.152994 -0.20039 0.901035 0.384682 --0.450055 0.725713 0.520376 -0.466501 0.641439 0.609043 -0.307698 -0.946762 -0.0946762 -0.606794 0.794186 0.0327193 -0.768634 0.409112 0.491761 -0.83657 0.375603 0.398841 -0.0107634 0.8826 0.470002 -0.305333 0.395137 0.866394 0.0352067 0.95058 0.308477 -0.69164 0.332688 0.641056 0.845559 0.383356 0.371575 0.673364 -0.424423 0.605348 -0.810594 0.583705 0.0471877 0.558877 0.0745169 0.825896 -0.753087 0.423041 0.503881 -0.457134 -0.0489787 0.888048 -0.556414 -0.529127 0.640647 -0.88778 0.333531 0.317181 --0.997911 0.0636821 -0.0108395 -0.0206386 -0.97591 0.217196 0.576738 -0.814743 -0.059724 --0.688388 0.697176 0.20017 0.46534 0.850908 0.24375 0.204143 0.74805 0.631464 -0.620335 0.592866 0.513512 -0.0176425 -0.970336 0.241114 0.792424 -0.255187 0.554025 --0.988113 -0.0306392 -0.150643 -0.291551 0.892875 0.34318 0.188902 -0.981878 0.0152229 -0.992506 0.0577038 0.107714 -0.903829 0.0703452 -0.422071 0.506059 -0.857637 0.0914458 -0.888234 -0.41419 -0.198715 0.0314464 0.993183 0.112246 0.0985576 0.995086 -0.00950994 -0.00309445 0.996412 0.0845815 0.0966845 0.995281 0.00821502 0.970079 -0.0928306 -0.22434 -0.0858495 0.985225 0.148193 0.459898 -0.813099 0.356881 0.420206 -0.452529 0.786539 --0.67743 -0.658185 0.328451 -0.603843 -0.738414 0.300196 0.538519 -0.817208 0.20535 --0.856362 0.486709 -0.172505 0.440858 -0.896412 0.0457186 -0.496167 -0.857016 -0.139077 --0.493412 -0.695837 -0.521878 0.121931 0.738758 -0.66285 0 0.69568 -0.718351 -0.117862 0.833876 -0.53922 -0.301478 0.836417 -0.457731 0.415422 0.671664 -0.613427 -0.431768 -0.895729 0.106048 0.732543 0.0261622 -0.680218 -0.0326107 -0.605627 -0.79508 --0.827311 -0.15551 -0.539791 0.779259 -0.610771 0.140407 0.529982 -0.714323 -0.457013 -0.54406 -0.746676 -0.382718 0.444184 -0.895533 -0.026866 -0.612625 -0.722253 -0.321001 -0.471829 0.688978 -0.55017 -0.223669 0.688465 -0.689919 -0.13129 0.774159 -0.619226 -0.0911533 0.299504 -0.949731 0.892607 -0.318788 -0.318788 0.0223457 -0.938521 -0.344497 --0.444963 -0.874583 -0.192647 -0.60169 -0.575867 -0.553486 0.342074 0.724872 -0.597951 --0.270215 0.628249 -0.72958 0.121069 0.407716 -0.905047 -0.23157 0.605852 -0.76113 --0.342352 0.569403 -0.747379 0.117507 0.568803 -0.814036 0.023847 0.7614 -0.647843 --0.526226 0.585519 -0.616648 -0.231181 0.854087 -0.46593 -0.784243 0.54556 -0.295512 -0.9009 -0.345628 -0.262526 -0.35482 -0.906762 -0.227786 -0.227612 -0.699695 -0.677215 -0.202606 0.162084 -0.965753 0.331769 0.539125 -0.774128 0.330417 0.788996 -0.517987 -0.22223 0.864528 -0.450783 -0.0817823 0.324208 -0.942444 0.112184 0.518025 -0.847977 --0.129178 0.172871 -0.976437 -0.715707 0.486015 -0.50155 0.0109128 0.979177 -0.202714 --0.10432 0.799788 -0.591148 -0.33193 -0.86539 -0.375397 0.188744 0.0330303 -0.981471 -0.475564 0.466758 -0.745638 0.464235 0.714406 -0.523554 0.182576 0.845068 -0.50252 -0.0765634 0.796955 -0.599166 -0.168661 0.748856 -0.640912 -0.0476265 0.483069 -0.874286 -0.356329 -0.344451 -0.868552 -0.390794 0.256037 -0.884152 -0.696654 0.171308 -0.696654 --0.126787 0.235461 -0.963578 -0.803303 0.087633 -0.589089 -0.98186 -0.11417 0.151381 --0.191918 -0.967673 0.163636 -0.00956072 -0.984755 0.173686 -0.389125 0.243203 -0.888501 --0.574119 -0.812714 0.0994146 0.00366827 0.201755 -0.979429 0.243627 0.705803 -0.665198 -0.427219 0.759135 -0.491119 -0.337822 0.445311 -0.829201 0.186444 0.445845 -0.875477 -0.329095 0.329095 -0.885095 -0.285756 0.417995 -0.862336 0.312529 0.659652 -0.683509 --0.428604 -0.898519 0.0946715 0.889324 0.0896797 -0.448398 -0.474634 0.443728 -0.76015 -0 -0.241626 -0.970369 0.664454 0.45961 -0.589287 0.0151411 0.847901 -0.529938 -0.101695 0.38983 -0.915254 0.0947333 0.271776 -0.957686 0.334016 0.513871 -0.79017 --0.798846 -0.589048 0.121934 0.652356 -0.753425 -0.0823527 0.478811 -0.806061 0.34786 -0.552936 0.535923 -0.638003 0.430075 -0.900803 0.0599109 -0.812626 0.58231 -0.0235386 -0.739027 0.451547 -0.499944 0.0858603 -0.932198 0.351618 0.592979 -0.662741 -0.45733 -0.229178 -0.965324 -0.125006 -0.865837 0.151789 -0.476745 -0.290488 0.544665 -0.786738 -0.566408 0.82264 0.0494483 0.238092 0.965783 -0.102838 -0.931211 0.271112 -0.243608 -0.913181 0.391363 0.11373 0.844132 0.522029 0.122177 -0.85241 -0.522741 -0.0118208 -0.773164 0.629435 -0.0776468 0.42169 -0.901543 0.0969401 -0.40193 -0.818801 0.409899 -0.877593 -0.00566189 -0.479373 0.996265 -0.0797012 -0.0332089 -0.630452 -0.302759 0.71475 -0.469776 -0.058722 0.88083 0.885716 -0.36621 0.285303 0.806559 -0.12566 -0.577644 --0.0478107 -0.273204 0.960767 -0.125909 -0.924588 0.359562 0.739254 -0.576042 0.348825 -0.810052 -0.236301 -0.536635 0.851356 -0.0949053 -0.515931 0.8308 -0.200538 -0.519187 --0.981549 0.0885608 0.169468 -0.779176 0.446306 0.440108 -0.266874 0.951168 0.155106 --0.220171 0.798397 0.560435 -0.198288 0.925346 0.323137 -0.313712 0.686775 0.655686 --0.669239 -0.540294 0.5101 -0.528226 0.136947 0.837988 -0.711376 0.643626 0.282292 --0.868 -0.432311 0.244301 -0.64222 -0.725087 0.248601 0.0137037 -0.986669 0.162161 --0.429028 -0.899734 0.0800853 -0.796435 -0.584053 0.156759 -0.930467 -0.266065 0.251875 --0.928756 -0.321726 0.184132 -0.459829 -0.887945 -0.0105708 0.65052 -0.359335 -0.669106 --0.595695 -0.689505 0.411983 -0.592954 -0.67838 0.433828 -0.932875 -0.201208 0.298764 --0.548243 0.146952 0.823307 -0.124359 0.683972 0.71883 -0.622472 0.77809 0.0842931 -0.294561 -0.13105 -0.946604 0.434018 0.648209 0.625663 0.560395 0.557255 0.612719 --0.768221 0 0.640184 -0.0907617 0.0819377 0.992496 -0.794135 -0.560566 0.234767 -0.744918 -0.157802 -0.648225 0.267261 -0.455916 -0.848947 -0.2543 -0.736411 -0.626921 -0.195894 -0.138278 -0.970827 -0.435293 -0.114005 0.893041 0.0790537 -0.837969 0.539961 --0.345503 -0.877873 0.331611 -0.773505 -0.630704 0.0624754 -0.194607 0.7914 -0.579495 -0.463032 -0.40981 -0.785912 -0.53091 -0.3492 0.772136 -0.48301 -0.802979 0.34918 --0.373332 -0.919782 0.120931 -0.691705 -0.620847 -0.368909 -0.378586 0.107728 0.919276 -0.772425 0 0.635105 0.311129 -0.677475 -0.666503 0 -0.913276 -0.407341 -0.69236 0.437533 -0.573761 -0.426071 -0.809534 -0.403879 0.51719 -0.292749 -0.804247 --0.275126 -0.776825 0.566435 -0.641663 -0.278551 -0.714617 0.420445 -0.544391 -0.725855 -0 -0.352946 -0.935644 0.399175 -0.536822 -0.743291 -0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 --0.564532 0.0903252 0.820454 0.00265338 -0.934652 0.355553 -0.0899031 -0.611341 0.786244 --0.8985 -0.252409 0.359149 0.673672 0.688717 -0.26802 -0.294485 -0.0631039 -0.95357 --0.830727 -0.420057 -0.365301 0.658488 0.719872 0.219496 -0.213353 0.963834 0.159703 --0.627803 0.700068 0.340248 0.546366 -0.561496 -0.621456 0.397347 -0.397347 -0.827182 --0.363614 -0.886822 0.285187 0.898894 -0.254554 0.356641 0.506943 -0.699884 0.50316 --0.573804 -0.538189 -0.617334 -0.483412 -0.0303714 -0.874866 0.598451 -0.619825 0.507615 -0.832499 0.445981 0.328705 -0.691032 -0.707291 0.149046 0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 --0.147857 -0.535454 -0.831521 -0.796696 -0.534456 0.282193 -0.197786 -0.928159 0.315279 -0.780603 -0.617143 0.0989653 0.820248 -0.568277 0.0652267 -0.973758 -0.0226455 0.226455 -0.919315 0.315586 0.235088 -0.600009 0.695182 -0.395868 0.307166 -0.557185 -0.771488 --0.357909 -0.586027 -0.726962 -0.991927 0.0148882 0.12593 -0.0436156 0.992255 -0.116308 -0.112852 0.94439 -0.308857 0 -0.699193 -0.714933 0.425581 -0.816792 0.389526 -0.554604 -0.805184 0.209984 -0.249555 -0.960203 0.125428 -0.907917 -0.0466872 0.416542 --0.819624 -0.015762 0.572686 0.897071 -0.135263 0.420675 -0.184387 0.964488 -0.189115 -0.785175 0.141838 -0.602812 -0.138233 0.990354 -0.00946802 -0.189037 -0.578924 0.793166 -0.80907 0.367141 0.458926 0.712364 0.274947 0.64571 -0.0772307 -0.724038 0.685423 --0.537326 -0.828757 0.156341 0.644661 0.764466 0.00190166 -0.633842 -0.741595 0.219732 --0.918632 -0.260508 -0.29707 -0.7758 -0.123306 -0.618813 -0.869091 -0.364103 -0.334829 -0.974566 -0.0251501 0.222683 0.856428 0.260562 0.445689 0 0.286582 0.958056 --0.622242 -0.656182 0.426896 -0.357277 -0.849524 0.388152 0.37847 0.879466 0.288617 -0.498339 0.839761 0.215544 -0.144164 -0.677962 0.720822 0.23215 -0.747922 0.621868 --0.0706076 -0.723728 0.686463 -0.717444 0.105168 0.688631 -0.689846 0.489349 0.533526 --0.731974 -0.671632 0.114562 0.0533486 0.906926 0.417897 0.494058 0.56507 0.660759 -0.729844 0.00793309 0.683568 -0.482697 -0.848026 -0.218757 -0.419436 -0.885477 -0.200009 --0.00301935 0.960153 0.279458 0.440196 0.752001 0.490635 -0.518201 0.782381 0.345467 --0.205353 -0.966659 0.152971 0.211218 -0.766884 0.606033 -0.834638 0.244123 0.493745 -0.799797 -0.307182 0.515716 0.527763 -0.0232623 0.849073 0.32594 -0.211257 0.921484 --0.274095 -0.713168 0.645185 -0.883103 -0.186223 0.43064 -0.551854 -0.827781 -0.101173 -0.968937 0.238534 0.0652922 -0.743488 0.529791 0.408102 0.545829 -0.433453 0.71707 --0.0797452 0 0.996815 0.391437 -0.669001 0.631834 -0.994407 -0.0678005 0.0809839 -0.652413 -0.609865 0.449913 -0.0276256 -0.910692 0.412161 -0.462232 -0.850126 0.252242 -0.270156 -0.689204 0.672319 -0.107629 0.522768 0.845654 -0.85372 0.357847 -0.378295 -0.362319 -0.687358 0.629495 0.0133976 -0.697707 0.716258 0.0683529 -0.772767 0.630998 -0.0312361 -0.777431 0.628192 -0.367265 -0.477998 0.797894 -0.38953 0.174335 0.904364 --0.158268 0.939195 0.304735 -0.657367 -0.734704 0.167564 0.338555 -0.63728 0.692283 -0.862128 0.00451376 0.50667 0.623929 -0.736236 0.26205 0.290356 -0.758885 0.582912 -0.778424 -0.346822 0.523231 -0.606172 -0.589621 0.533762 0.75355 -0.58685 0.29626 -0.246752 -0.809346 0.532984 -0.52009 -0.821074 0.235252 -0.709675 -0.68583 0.161238 -0.724845 -0.50997 0.463175 -0.916951 -0.395842 0.0501066 0.676329 0.736447 -0.0150295 -0.767536 -0.167899 0.618626 -0.726525 -0.676171 0.122286 0.807047 0.590411 -0.00949268 -0.536529 0.75552 -0.375935 0.189109 0.866118 0.462686 0.442605 -0.872192 0.208285 -0.762131 -0.568369 -0.31002 -0.913272 -0.258988 -0.31442 0.69705 -0.0279752 0.716477 -0.789299 -0.613216 0.0311944 0.605487 -0.630201 0.486037 0.760199 -0.612195 0.21752 --0.0822578 0.740321 0.667202 -0.856848 0.386508 -0.341209 0.413355 0.908883 0.0554045 -0.863375 -0.234283 0.446873 0.839448 -0.395966 0.372208 0.172774 0.777482 0.604708 --0.370247 0.887797 0.273373 -0.0265889 0.868572 0.49485 -0.703839 0.614933 -0.355624 -0.703157 -0.559768 0.438439 -0.295777 -0.371963 0.879863 -0.402732 -0.826118 0.394127 -0.751439 -0.644091 0.143131 -0.202927 0.96954 -0.137164 0.159409 0.299785 -0.940594 --0.345135 0.446563 0.825508 -0.755784 0.644915 0.113472 -0.0127457 -0.939996 0.340948 -0.554481 -0.73529 -0.389744 0.0383201 0.996322 -0.0766402 0 -0.993884 0.110432 -0.0623914 0.0594204 0.996281 -0.198595 -0.0379667 0.979346 -0.552502 -0.357105 0.753139 -0.95364 -0.283515 0.100948 0.0788381 -0.996887 -0.00103734 -0.623823 -0.516158 -0.586879 -0.619117 -0.711247 -0.332898 -0.587694 0.350116 -0.729407 0.425525 -0.633559 -0.646167 --0.792719 0.125052 -0.596623 0.549647 0.682485 0.48177 0.284613 0.868068 0.406759 -0.125081 0.646252 0.752803 -0.482884 0.46248 0.743596 0.0495907 0.963994 -0.261258 --0.220279 0.885436 -0.409244 -0.769262 -0.210159 -0.603382 0.463245 0.863706 -0.198534 -0.457551 0.889148 0.00801034 0.106283 0.978284 0.177943 -0.824598 0.385214 0.414305 --0.970146 -0.233118 0.0668742 0.99625 0.0510898 -0.0698227 -0.35326 0.855806 0.377895 --0.221715 0.565373 0.794478 -0.193881 0.320325 0.927255 -0.925243 0.0155069 0.379057 --0.843303 0.0018575 -0.537435 -0.894793 -0.13778 -0.424691 0.799902 0.47053 -0.372503 --0.316261 0.67903 0.662493 0.597121 0.11642 0.793658 -0.584023 0.460358 0.668572 --0.651687 0.267705 0.709675 0.730825 0.375507 0.56999 0.678212 0.452142 0.579306 -0.440507 0.652459 0.616645 -0.343026 0.883311 0.319524 0.00573542 0.81443 0.580234 --0.074976 0.995877 -0.0510706 0.256632 0.946919 -0.193609 0.713131 0.671647 -0.200836 -0.233665 0.826294 -0.512483 -0.883754 0.0489375 -0.465386 0.536882 -0.649454 -0.538486 --0.412153 0.527015 0.743226 0.47761 0.365454 0.798957 -0.198993 0.979813 0.0191922 -0.83459 -0.316449 0.45091 0.520414 0.122544 0.845075 0.585649 0.151293 0.79632 --0.742989 -0.398677 -0.53761 0.250072 0.953478 0.168357 -0.0907066 0.379318 0.920809 -0.0711989 -0.750327 0.657221 0.238656 -0.765445 0.59761 -0.858499 -0.505471 -0.086474 --0.148188 0.254037 0.955775 0.230954 0.798552 0.555855 -0.227606 0.878812 0.419385 -0.830754 -0.527494 0.177759 0.483491 -0.84246 0.237692 -0.547495 -0.79833 -0.250835 --0.596855 -0.778153 -0.195557 0.657571 0.553195 0.511444 -0.588348 0.784465 0.196116 -0.751382 -0.253756 -0.609125 0.69777 0.279108 -0.659709 0.569258 0.597721 -0.564514 -0.57905 0.539268 0.611466 0.355506 -0.0334594 0.934075 -0.695148 0.718065 0.0339511 -0.258622 0.862073 0.435826 -0.32263 0.897752 -0.299919 -0.594266 0.779492 -0.198089 --0.906621 -0.139084 -0.398364 0.426953 -0.760511 0.489218 -0.229504 -0.944247 -0.236062 --0.527683 -0.828512 -0.187401 -0.532891 -0.444664 -0.719932 -0.352344 -0.932926 -0.0741776 --0.257656 -0.96621 -0.00715711 -0.25711 -0.939012 -0.228365 -0.969541 0.153364 -0.19097 -0.799125 -0.599344 0.0467573 0.777426 -0.628471 0.025166 -0.966318 -0.256574 -0.0199928 -0.894109 0.296593 -0.335562 0.690268 -0.711399 -0.132067 0.686383 -0.11969 -0.717323 -0.713259 0.632277 -0.302469 -0.712278 0.651226 -0.261847 0.255656 -0.941177 -0.220965 -0.828486 0.555535 0.0706461 -0.666811 -0.742253 -0.0665188 0.837255 0.52587 -0.149886 --0.935068 -0.289133 -0.205059 0.703161 -0.689533 -0.173519 -0.949556 -0.0091597 -0.313465 -0.590602 0.309984 0.74505 -0.830706 -0.480177 0.281704 0.508962 -0.840972 0.18364 -0.259785 0 -0.965666 0.837165 0.429937 0.338096 -0.454403 -0.495712 0.740126 --0.77485 -0.478956 -0.412563 -0.0814985 -0.995301 0.0522949 0.714269 0.236299 -0.658774 --0.634238 -0.369972 0.678869 0.781088 0.618361 0.0867875 0.474481 0.800686 0.365746 -0.520859 -0.129625 0.843744 0.90976 0.304175 0.282514 -0.746589 -0.603824 0.279288 -0.126534 -0.989943 -0.063267 -0.503895 -0.852012 -0.142002 0.410782 -0.898505 -0.15475 --0.356862 -0.172444 -0.918103 0.655409 0.607867 0.448259 -0.46487 -0.542042 0.700061 -0.00422915 -0.90081 -0.434193 -0.191351 -0.867457 -0.459242 0.821086 -0.454422 -0.345425 --0.546042 0.58859 -0.596154 -0.93058 0.113535 -0.348038 -0.753609 -0.628008 -0.194111 -0.438023 0.109506 0.892269 0.777655 0.330412 0.534866 -0.889174 -0.0967962 -0.447213 -0.160625 -0.103259 -0.981599 -0.0679258 -0.666908 -0.742038 -0.728188 0.305994 0.613279 --0.833474 -0.0123217 0.552422 -0.107566 0.0759289 0.991294 -0.180939 -0.719548 0.670456 --0.350117 -0.73456 0.58124 0.775063 0.60803 -0.171976 0.547788 -0.620137 -0.561568 --0.852937 -0.0140401 -0.521824 -0.941919 -0.217366 0.256009 0.682862 -0.72604 0.0810265 -0.226125 -0.767773 0.599494 -0.77116 -0.632747 0.0703052 0.881302 0.375022 -0.287517 -0.886711 0.28195 -0.366398 0.880522 0.266924 -0.391705 0.329377 -0.838118 -0.434821 --0.0988595 -0.97384 -0.204605 -0.467157 -0.647056 -0.602564 0.463428 0.868927 -0.173785 --0.538635 0.817571 -0.203591 0.504489 -0.246379 -0.827519 -0.159358 -0.830206 -0.534194 --0.520467 -0.546931 -0.655729 0.395295 0.796767 0.45706 -0.168681 0.984547 0.0470471 --0.256167 0.966621 0.004627 0.989896 -0.134516 0.0448385 -0.826469 0.373294 0.421427 -0.343333 -0.924358 -0.166385 0.844812 -0.0808081 -0.528926 -0.666903 0.283434 -0.689134 -0.999991 -0.00306746 -0.00306746 0.970461 -0.206424 -0.124882 -0.19123 -0.956151 0.221827 --0.207602 0.851885 -0.480826 -0.936313 0.317231 -0.150605 0.106412 -0.127695 -0.986088 --0.680817 0.732192 -0.0195712 0.139002 -0.914116 -0.380882 0.911713 0.363804 -0.190858 --0.0763092 0.985661 -0.150499 -0.0643992 0.965988 -0.250441 -0.532559 0.817202 -0.220369 -0.0588725 0.408645 0.910793 -0.376454 0.792696 0.479494 0.564532 0.8054 -0.18065 -0.888415 0.376903 -0.262037 0.042241 0.995884 -0.0801862 0.978205 -0.0670004 -0.196534 -0.558875 0.62795 0.541607 0.362945 0.798117 0.480917 -0.342674 0.920935 -0.185615 -0.686221 0.721715 0.0907074 0.728373 0.681881 -0.067155 0.296334 0.931334 -0.211667 --0.560047 0.665716 0.493123 -0.728108 0.6721 0.134687 0.809224 0.325276 0.489237 -0.26383 0.906776 0.328863 -0.983703 0.14414 0.107479 -0.429642 0.839754 0.331996 --0.563812 0.82589 0.00459786 -0.812234 0.54149 0.216943 0.298822 0.914343 0.273281 -0.258055 0.918501 0.299606 0.892747 0.334366 0.301996 -0.85362 0.219279 0.472493 --0.700469 0.62234 0.349337 0.724669 0.537697 0.430972 -0.851145 -0.338675 0.401063 -0.452102 0.322536 0.83161 0.640457 0.751488 -0.158367 -0.418052 -0.8813 -0.220325 --0.341742 -0.93979 -0.00251281 0.932318 -0.334771 -0.136788 -0.147033 0.952039 0.268335 --0.43836 -0.769566 0.464337 0.170428 0.806892 0.565579 0.381367 0.560659 0.734998 -0.368843 -0.319411 0.872887 -0.24938 -0.798426 0.54802 -0.0984517 -0.950836 0.293628 -0.66899 -0.561804 0.48665 -0.573497 0.517834 -0.634783 -0.934294 0.219331 -0.281048 -0.566153 -0.781677 -0.261631 0.839666 -0.138027 -0.525271 -0.312362 0.94996 0.00261234 -0.910303 -0.40317 0.0938195 0.401091 -0.0668485 0.913596 -0.754771 -0.55993 0.341759 --0.994941 0.0826658 -0.0570787 0.725394 0.6883 0.00686926 0.265795 0.9093 0.320198 -0 -0.185408 0.982662 -0.368689 -0.345428 0.862988 -0.823699 -0.0296295 0.566252 --0.706004 -0.644612 -0.293316 -0.313848 -0.849235 -0.424617 0.157286 0.259059 0.952969 --0.568035 0.0908856 0.817971 0.897795 -0.439829 0.0226716 -0.304582 0.64458 0.701246 --0.241642 0.283963 0.927887 -0.393831 0.65717 0.64267 -0.384949 0.88418 0.264652 -0.501991 -0.00994041 -0.864816 0.892835 0.275335 0.356421 0.996713 0.0228604 0.0777253 -0.235249 0.88545 0.400794 0.0265536 0.862992 -0.504519 -0.461695 0.619809 -0.634567 -0.015591 0.930263 -0.366562 -0.279485 -0.960092 0.0105233 -0.274154 -0.961669 0.00568194 --0.201044 -0.979353 0.0211785 -0.0885584 -0.996071 0 0 -1 0 -0 -0.999816 -0.0191892 -0.0667311 -0.997587 -0.0191465 -0.0785018 -0.996512 -0.0283222 -0 -0.999901 -0.014081 0.111426 -0.993624 -0.0171897 0.182745 -0.983081 0.0124766 -0.14425 -0.988923 0.0349697 0.209281 -0.975923 0.061447 0.20126 -0.977087 0.0692509 -0 -0.995197 0.0978883 -0.10444 -0.974769 0.197275 0 -0.983175 0.182666 -0 -0.990057 0.140664 0.0975198 -0.991451 0.0866843 -0.446082 -0.894992 0 --0.465128 -0.885243 0 -0.308237 -0.951157 -0.0170229 -0.263313 -0.964684 0.00718127 -0.1499 -0.983638 0.0999335 0.0198833 -0.994163 0.106044 -0.0851522 -0.991866 0.0946136 -0.354005 -0.919619 0.170241 0.608501 -0.760931 0.22519 0.607536 -0.761714 0.225149 --0.682813 -0.716331 0.143649 -0.43741 -0.874004 0.211633 0.30826 -0.943021 0.12525 -0.695662 -0.664041 0.274049 -0.564745 -0.825265 0 -0.610299 -0.792104 0.0102787 --0.46671 -0.884401 -0.00408499 0.430166 -0.866834 0.252104 0.146086 -0.980865 0.128695 --0.235457 -0.963758 0.125423 -0.698113 -0.704852 0.125786 0.796187 -0.442326 0.412837 -0.73523 -0.487031 0.471421 0.825203 -0.255697 0.503645 0.0075539 -0.89136 0.453234 --0.712932 -0.697357 0.0736295 -0.669195 -0.738447 0.0829133 0.863017 -0.249821 0.439079 -0.924922 -0.0660658 0.374373 -0.725353 0.565463 0.392574 -0.532116 -0.821564 0.20466 --0.668001 -0.705112 0.237892 0.336973 -0.937546 0.0863569 0.399804 -0.914306 0.0648134 --0.328104 -0.944567 0.0118388 -0.388972 -0.92125 0 -0.437541 -0.898948 0.0212141 -0.842528 -0.454397 0.289257 -0.919454 -0.060292 0.388549 -0.916877 -0.297229 0.266443 -0.614886 -0.788568 0.0086409 0.769212 -0.638913 -0.0101843 -0.489603 -0.870405 0.0518098 --0.517831 -0.854646 0.0378242 -0.475235 -0.879761 -0.0131553 -0.454792 0.773371 -0.441658 -0.457439 0.470894 -0.754327 0.637711 0.755443 -0.150434 0.195588 0.97794 -0.0733455 --0.351294 0.91877 -0.180151 0.569061 -0.803759 0.173612 -0.73254 -0.656961 0.17829 -0.15325 -0.973776 0.168149 -0.661326 -0.726081 0.188294 0.883769 -0.459398 -0.0889158 -0.908735 -0.400459 -0.117617 -0.487417 -0.870388 0.0696311 -0.486002 -0.872009 0.05833 -0.30655 0.892601 -0.330593 0.287824 0.897735 -0.33351 0.198127 0.936202 -0.290295 -0.140983 0.94177 -0.305276 0.0184246 0.95071 -0.309534 -0.266425 0.916503 -0.298396 --0.439484 0.867163 -0.23427 -0.453132 0.863108 -0.22297 0.928792 -0.271056 -0.252733 --0.708115 -0.624926 -0.328695 -0.366922 -0.927089 0.0766459 0.975779 -0.110088 -0.18904 --0.515842 -0.851813 0.0912198 -0.894821 -0.434946 0.100591 0.168938 -0.985625 0.00180683 -0.610801 -0.790751 0.0404458 0.62596 -0.778972 0.0370939 -0.679775 -0.722261 0.127458 --0.474595 -0.877109 0.0737466 0.460456 0.850674 -0.253641 0.29013 0.924335 -0.24785 -0.180154 0.948812 -0.259422 0.165823 0.939665 -0.299219 0.282149 0.900644 -0.330502 --0.455763 0.862374 -0.220434 -0.311262 0.92517 -0.217201 -0.24785 0.95001 -0.189871 --0.214222 0.959033 -0.185375 -0.184099 0.796646 -0.575728 0.589037 -0.674199 -0.445523 --0.0897068 -0.937437 -0.336401 0.961929 0.166077 -0.217051 -0.987045 0.150574 0.0554062 -0.604209 -0.796135 0.0331723 0.544451 -0.83808 0.0345683 -0.28431 -0.948035 0.142823 --0.222907 -0.964731 0.140025 0.149932 -0.97456 0.166591 -0.448672 -0.88538 0.12164 -0.327741 0.853608 -0.404893 0.356679 0.857281 -0.37128 0.427049 0.847627 -0.314894 -0.479715 0.839502 -0.255168 -0.180057 0.964724 -0.19206 -0.17241 0.949471 -0.262258 --0.401497 0.867562 -0.293492 -0.390424 0.877381 -0.278874 0.879973 0.436878 -0.186507 --0.8848 0.465867 0.00985042 0.536194 -0.843495 0.0318177 0.605344 -0.794767 0.0436388 -0.616143 -0.78655 0.0413109 -0.609367 -0.781239 0.135415 -0.454729 -0.878828 0.144508 --0.333345 -0.935307 0.118666 0.596007 0.736388 -0.320169 0.359282 0.851087 -0.382842 --0.381715 0.880964 -0.279637 -0.388603 0.850528 -0.354387 -0.421969 0.843939 -0.331223 --0.430517 0.844565 -0.318378 -0.111816 0.901373 -0.418359 0.764673 0.614553 -0.193905 -0.875611 0.446136 -0.185119 -0.87505 0.483939 0.009489 -0.87991 0.475038 0.00987847 -0.583376 -0.811049 0.043256 0.455673 -0.888468 0.0546554 -0.784014 -0.607878 0.125727 --0.812292 -0.56948 0.125995 0.52514 0.8029 -0.2821 0.470129 0.831596 -0.295679 -0.588126 0.743735 -0.317752 -0.329969 0.889279 -0.316708 -0.0609368 0.962802 -0.263247 --0.0487821 0.963446 -0.263423 -0.26952 0.919791 -0.285207 -0.465079 0.84739 -0.256188 --0.106709 0.895169 -0.432764 0.619572 0.756938 -0.207787 0.687799 0.699214 -0.195019 --0.90749 0.418979 -0.0303091 0.398396 -0.915758 0.051644 0.452701 -0.891031 0.0335334 -0.526696 -0.849625 0.02701 -0.846911 -0.50641 0.162144 0.632236 0.632236 -0.447834 -0.0810448 0.921649 -0.379466 0.311677 0.885447 -0.344734 0.533229 0.797007 -0.283632 --0.467859 0.846086 -0.255435 -0.257223 0.932138 -0.254863 -0.105308 0.967076 -0.231677 --0.149137 0.955078 -0.256094 -0.234589 0.927496 -0.291064 -0.210937 0.922849 -0.322265 -0.462607 0.856168 -0.230153 0.607283 0.764151 -0.217441 -0.915423 0.401011 -0.0345132 --0.917805 0.394702 -0.0429383 0.545751 -0.837912 0.00765966 0.536292 -0.837903 -0.101538 -0.514291 -0.852072 -0.0973555 -0.438949 -0.893575 0.0940605 -0.643464 -0.747248 0.166055 -0.331179 0.804293 -0.49339 0.652385 0.671787 -0.350849 -0.167097 0.925588 -0.339655 --0.139846 0.929562 -0.341113 -0.277767 0.902352 -0.329555 -0.162397 0.924959 -0.343624 -0.042895 0.93654 -0.347926 0.197486 0.895271 -0.399361 0.0469726 0.935839 -0.349284 -0.206169 0.91721 -0.34091 0.452113 0.861337 -0.231715 -0.906546 0.412737 -0.0884435 -0.478404 -0.874821 -0.0762803 0.525524 -0.849231 -0.0512869 0.582049 -0.812504 -0.0325002 --0.674652 -0.73764 0.0270694 -0.745972 -0.665709 0.0188854 0.565346 0.785774 -0.250884 -0.545339 0.80327 -0.239507 0.336209 0.906564 -0.255159 0.504298 0.800663 -0.323452 --0.863022 0.501553 -0.0603085 0.674282 -0.738209 -0.019787 0.792273 -0.607985 -0.0515567 --0.83483 -0.548247 0.0498406 0.640116 0.735073 -0.223426 0.569923 0.786184 -0.238962 --0.860948 0.505315 -0.058522 -0.828601 0.553486 -0.0841081 0.847111 -0.511494 -0.144143 -0.838008 -0.525074 -0.148458 -0.845244 -0.528173 0.0812146 0.607048 0.767285 -0.2068 -0.56719 0.795933 -0.211626 0.637268 0.737754 -0.222729 -0.873019 0.481051 -0.0801752 --0.889695 0.44926 -0.0812946 0.720579 -0.633612 -0.281605 0.559646 -0.819889 -0.12074 -0.563916 -0.818588 -0.109145 -0.846393 -0.523492 0.097849 -0.838657 -0.535475 0.0996064 -0.778682 0.597046 -0.192849 0.722873 0.660975 -0.201412 -0.944739 0.320337 -0.0696634 -0.635403 -0.769735 -0.0614203 0.706902 -0.706216 -0.0393486 -0.747686 -0.657963 0.0897223 -0.84117 0.510537 -0.178283 -0.985739 0.165025 -0.0329462 0.82516 -0.564333 0.0252922 -0.842692 -0.537594 0.0293678 -0.766405 -0.637963 0.0750128 0.879043 0.439522 -0.184673 -0.843606 0.506872 -0.177228 -0.98623 0.1627 -0.029661 0.892631 -0.450742 -0.00643918 --0.787627 -0.611447 0.0759991 -0.844881 -0.529365 0.0771261 0.879973 0.436878 -0.186507 --0.987768 0.15465 -0.0199549 -0.985775 0.165093 0.0315033 0.901295 -0.433181 -0.00465786 -0.906341 -0.422545 -0.0011836 -0.894208 -0.440431 0.0800783 0.917305 0.346811 -0.195637 -0.882356 0.432583 -0.185256 -0.996776 -0.0190001 0.0779493 0.860584 -0.507798 0.0391984 --0.875593 -0.477047 0.0759135 0.914808 0.347158 -0.206418 -0.918262 -0.375653 0.125218 --0.647596 0.627359 0.432481 -0.574074 0.683601 0.450698 -0.628074 0.664893 0.404278 --0.658946 0.629894 0.411126 0.833918 -0.547733 0.0675979 0.840194 -0.537841 0.0692894 --0.895805 -0.441217 0.0534809 0.914241 0.355832 -0.19377 -0.958697 -0.265429 0.102213 --0.485848 -0.696872 0.527562 -0.374688 -0.745019 0.551866 -0.538516 -0.66768 0.514008 -0.915806 -0.384406 0.116326 -0.911935 -0.4079 0.0446234 0.946198 0.252955 -0.201799 -0.916367 0.351076 -0.192397 -0.980923 -0.115036 0.156704 -0.462568 -0.72496 0.510357 -0.938309 -0.327317 0.11153 0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 -0.942007 -0.332123 0.0481338 -0.951038 0.208849 -0.227835 -0.973728 -0.156552 0.165366 0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 --0.947121 -0.318063 0.0424084 -0.946323 -0.320875 0.0388939 0.939721 0.268262 -0.21204 --0.970249 -0.173227 0.169145 0.937562 -0.330556 0.108213 -0.940597 -0.336391 0.0460259 -0.938056 0.283766 -0.198817 -0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 0.942445 -0.316493 0.107842 -0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 -0.942007 -0.332123 0.0481338 0.965795 0.178257 -0.188318 -0.94359 0.267626 -0.194972 -0.958271 -0.238916 0.156961 0.932844 -0.333618 0.136021 --0.955365 -0.292313 0.0427776 -0.964187 -0.262245 0.0396281 0.977703 0.0987872 -0.185307 --0.927979 -0.331878 0.169444 0.934909 -0.329621 0.131511 -0.967903 -0.24577 0.0525545 -0.982451 0.085296 -0.165878 -0.9542 -0.24866 0.166347 0.939229 -0.315413 0.135511 -0.937489 -0.317879 0.141657 -0.968373 -0.243346 0.0550971 0.983436 0.0874351 -0.158771 --0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 0.951928 0.306221 -0.00782675 0.744662 0.667362 0.0103067 --0.447367 0.858657 -0.250141 -0.920055 0.277962 -0.276109 0.930883 -0.332917 0.150409 --0.959368 -0.259522 0.11073 0.980586 0.0876947 -0.175389 -0.984588 -0.0919425 0.148774 -0.972924 0.205659 -0.105466 -0.939769 -0.284404 -0.189602 0.91166 -0.378968 0.158931 --0.95251 -0.284331 0.108994 -0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 0.976638 0.0810446 -0.199021 --0.960915 -0.208065 0.182621 0.807409 0.585228 -0.0748237 -0.999142 -0.0344532 0.0229688 -0.907595 -0.389554 0.156585 0.898921 -0.414243 0.14263 -0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 -0.968309 -0.00756491 -0.249642 -0.943049 -0.298862 0.146083 0.827908 0.551939 -0.0996556 -0.829409 0.553701 -0.0741315 -0.988999 0.0766979 0.126484 0.923209 -0.350874 0.156754 --0.938228 -0.330791 0.101521 0.81747 0 -0.575971 0.886783 -0.136041 -0.441712 -0.953334 -0.135022 -0.270043 -0.914936 -0.375234 0.148631 0.979671 0.163446 -0.116317 --0.963879 -0.205729 0.169155 0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 -0.942445 -0.316493 0.107842 --0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 0.940581 -0.229456 -0.250316 -0.915144 -0.379766 0.135234 --0.912054 -0.39573 0.107493 0.975988 -0.184472 -0.115832 0.994562 -0.07154 -0.0756873 --0.924056 -0.334353 0.185281 -0.96241 -0.212743 0.168844 0.973323 -0.159799 0.164642 --0.932844 -0.333618 0.136021 0.958965 -0.188685 -0.211623 -0.929024 -0.353084 0.110664 -0.981489 0.19151 0.00177324 -0.914695 0.195669 0.353619 0.927322 -0.339685 0.157127 --0.942986 -0.305259 0.132647 0.967742 -0.176726 -0.179562 -0.944318 -0.324169 0.0563772 -0.778301 0.622885 -0.0791354 0.799704 0.595128 -0.0793504 -0.8851 0.366684 0.286604 --0.827431 0.48322 0.286107 -0.5688 -0.724941 0.388494 0.558626 0.791388 0.248278 -0.034426 0.998353 0.0459013 -0.617527 -0.693453 0.371191 0.920138 -0.349707 0.176216 --0.936023 -0.320393 0.145633 -0.927877 -0.338893 0.155552 0.979754 -0.101184 -0.172753 -0.981068 -0.085914 -0.173564 -0.938781 -0.343883 0.0208414 0.886292 0.462413 -0.0256896 --0.678384 -0.345007 0.648664 -0.819457 -0.320657 0.475047 -0.940819 -0.210288 0.26578 -0.686347 0.630996 0.361624 0.751684 0.602857 0.267457 0.706789 0.660391 0.25364 --0.819705 0.102463 0.563547 -0.8922 -0.181026 0.413774 -0.627888 -0.689446 0.361138 -0.933945 -0.320608 0.157981 -0.918705 -0.372095 0.13239 0.981989 -0.0742681 -0.173727 --0.917171 -0.398376 0.00965761 0.947075 0.290642 0.136296 -0.226875 -0.948751 0.22 --0.557122 -0.793708 0.244218 0.587346 0.306441 0.749079 0.874185 0.417752 0.247557 --0.906806 -0.303399 0.292664 -0.913171 -0.31716 0.255985 0.927322 -0.339685 0.157127 --0.956602 -0.274784 0.0969827 0.94461 -0.272176 -0.183391 -0.933106 -0.359366 0.0130463 --0.943618 -0.330819 0.0119795 0.368099 -0.609268 0.70235 0.913666 0.201007 0.353284 --0.66647 -0.719787 0.194228 -0.65525 -0.721163 0.224879 -0.297492 -0.946762 0.12305 -0.898269 0.175236 0.402994 0.92303 0.26147 0.282221 0.910131 0.340691 0.23578 --0.414276 -0.659075 0.627691 -0.768872 -0.586989 0.253535 -0.867554 -0.438009 0.23558 -0.920138 -0.349707 0.176216 -0.982641 -0.175995 0.0586652 0.91092 -0.365516 -0.19137 --0.969412 -0.230631 0.0839648 -0.755723 -0.432203 0.49202 0.948314 0.0278916 0.316105 --0.785132 -0.42864 0.44703 0.556362 -0.568725 0.605816 0.656064 -0.498123 0.566969 -0.276547 -0.769146 0.576139 -0.543138 -0.78524 0.297319 0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 --0.982995 -0.179131 0.0404011 0.929544 -0.325885 -0.172474 -0.928036 -0.356484 0.108025 --0.781546 -0.390773 0.486295 0.32972 -0.74187 0.583879 0.982172 -0.0879557 0.166139 --0.984305 -0.174911 0.0234358 0.925966 -0.337834 -0.168689 0.922301 -0.342488 -0.17906 --0.840928 -0.522527 0.140736 0.960749 -0.239534 0.139946 -0.995476 -0.0885055 0.0345593 -0.893041 -0.408998 -0.187614 -0.8376 -0.529841 0.133024 -0.899114 -0.436794 0.0283632 -0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 -0.997618 0 0.0689857 0.843606 -0.506872 -0.177228 -0.84233 -0.508536 -0.178528 -0.994726 -0.101503 -0.014764 0.344364 0.0153051 0.938711 -0.384816 0.25161 0.888037 0.45747 0.0714796 0.886348 0.334283 -0.276146 0.90111 -0.388453 -0.371265 0.843367 -0.0610664 0.692086 0.719227 0.341072 -0.259577 0.903488 --0.531593 0.607067 0.590659 -0.487994 -0.350143 0.799538 -0.848697 -0.414609 0.328348 -0.963556 -0.255241 0.0800755 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.886275 -0.419608 -0.196078 --0.437057 0.874115 -0.211907 0.405084 0.914226 0.00991031 0.488817 0.86761 0.091162 -0.210173 0.928038 0.307526 -0.469168 0.310748 0.82663 0.0414232 0.925119 0.377412 --0.66882 0.299209 0.680554 -0.802416 0.0272005 0.596145 -0.797353 -0.246454 0.550898 -0.144292 -0.272552 0.95126 0.319219 -0.520209 0.792137 0.0466797 -0.855794 0.515206 --0.598057 -0.628148 0.497754 0.994258 -0.089038 0.0593587 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.816194 -0.5454 -0.190699 0.813785 -0.548357 -0.192508 -0.67218 -0.640671 -0.371099 --0.557019 -0.768686 -0.314406 -0.0780157 -0.84517 -0.528773 -0.740772 -0.666695 0.082308 -0 -0.853639 -0.520865 0 -0.999504 0.0314805 0 -0.994853 0.101328 -0 -0.909398 0.415926 0 -0.934997 0.354654 -0.147687 -0.912182 0.382248 --0.837426 -0.233381 0.494218 0.995086 0 0.0990135 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.835057 -0.518216 -0.184747 -0.926832 -0.344868 -0.148485 -0.0234658 -0.863541 -0.503732 --0.00729327 -0.99772 0.0670981 0.0127155 -0.925688 0.378074 0.995086 0 0.0990135 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.820178 -0.547229 -0.166876 0.811536 -0.559388 -0.168805 --0.956952 -0.264351 -0.119839 -0.982107 -0.175595 -0.0680601 0.995086 0 0.0990135 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.803754 -0.56963 -0.17176 -0.932644 -0.351766 -0.0802274 -0.994258 0.089038 0.0593587 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.797774 -0.57796 -0.171809 -0.754661 -0.632201 -0.175526 -0.297991 -0.736701 -0.60702 -0.39539 -0.691932 -0.604067 -0.0430287 -0.774517 -0.631088 0.48321 -0.683083 -0.547637 0.485352 -0.7371 -0.470232 -0.578083 -0.662522 -0.476323 -0.928843 -0.368139 -0.0415336 -0.975413 -0.220063 0.0118953 -0.98126 0.175193 0.0802233 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.718864 -0.672108 -0.177497 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.551784 -0.551784 -0.625355 -0.58159 -0.63064 -0.513855 --0.626391 -0.584163 -0.516128 0 -0.40364 -0.914918 -0.245541 -0.613852 -0.750264 -0.773549 -0.0521494 -0.631587 -0.627189 -0.137893 0.766564 -0.935451 0.350794 0.0433079 --0.898769 0.436471 0.0413227 0.982812 0.158012 0.0954571 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.185375 0.17796 0.96642 0.857402 -0.483663 0.175877 -0.338906 0.897994 0.280623 --0.712029 0.66542 0.224121 -0.780361 0.588177 0.212333 0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.40364 0 -0.914918 -0.613852 -0.245541 -0.750264 -0 0 -1 0.382859 -0.316729 -0.867814 0.6379 -0.38274 -0.668276 --0.837997 0.535257 -0.106115 0.979643 0.159679 0.12166 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.738928 -0.627898 0.244395 -0.713958 -0.294895 0.63506 -0.909343 0.239301 0.340339 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 0.673365 -0.714803 -0.188773 -0.564888 -0.451911 -0.690419 --0.522083 -0.540085 -0.660104 0 -0.342852 -0.939389 -0.229748 -0.742263 -0.629493 -0.0276674 -0.774687 -0.631739 0.58132 -0.72818 -0.36307 0.529586 -0.781548 -0.329728 --0.912074 0.372537 -0.171281 -0.961153 0.247659 -0.121864 0.973547 0.173 0.149255 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.748742 -0.614416 0.248752 0.635278 -0.541163 0.550967 -0.674978 -0.528131 0.51525 0.4346 -0.39114 0.811253 0.647272 -0.736992 -0.194632 -0.592917 -0.77952 -0.201986 -0.374299 -0.374299 -0.848411 -0.522083 -0.540085 -0.660104 --0.484928 -0.464723 -0.740863 0 0 -1 -0.32432 -0.32432 -0.888613 --0.15923 -0.641385 -0.750514 0.129084 -0.619922 -0.773973 0.547381 -0.800591 -0.243777 -0.437088 -0.782692 -0.443111 0.570316 -0.795567 -0.204483 0.571862 -0.794706 -0.20351 --0.940204 -0.335531 -0.0586132 0.971269 0.176995 0.15909 -0.991959 -0.073494 0.103032 -0.890045 0.193488 0.412774 -0.601734 0.657157 0.45394 -0.559559 0.742089 0.36905 -0.593383 -0.776323 -0.212648 0.690387 -0.682013 -0.241294 0.695867 -0.676604 -0.240784 --0.334529 -0.559575 -0.758265 -0.351027 -0.604546 -0.715055 -0.229748 -0.742263 -0.629493 --0.511382 -0.665985 -0.543095 0 0.208691 -0.977982 0.576997 -0.552269 -0.601726 -0.695706 -0.683943 -0.219579 0.765076 -0.601888 -0.228887 -0.88332 -0.466227 -0.04877 --0.696474 -0.717474 0.012444 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.991745 -0.0846403 0.0963246 -0.80803 0.512788 0.290062 -0.0340272 0.782625 0.621563 -0.650659 0.679684 0.338633 --0.575574 0.698237 0.425652 0.573936 -0.783507 -0.238148 0.570736 -0.786242 -0.23682 --0.304518 -0.790296 -0.531697 -0.352924 -0.764669 -0.53919 -0.269052 -0.739894 -0.616578 --0.336836 -0.759934 -0.555916 0.22181 -0.208763 -0.95248 -0.201876 -0.232063 -0.951521 -0.689665 -0.515507 -0.508541 0.911446 -0.334489 -0.239547 -0.32526 -0.94218 0.0806431 --0.310025 -0.947492 0.0783771 -0.513201 -0.857889 0.0255324 0.985993 0 0.166785 --0.995816 0 0.0913839 0.922812 -0.350879 0.159065 -0.769477 -0.246993 0.588982 --0.680666 -0.490079 0.544533 0.607283 -0.764151 -0.217441 0.598502 -0.772542 -0.21207 --0.266017 -0.752103 -0.602972 -0.278994 -0.80958 -0.516471 -0.404761 -0.769046 -0.494708 --0.0803889 -0.840429 -0.535926 -0.334393 -0.759983 -0.557321 0.968851 -0.186702 -0.162698 --0.442193 -0.895896 0.0428444 -0.484923 -0.87324 0.0479871 -0.375434 -0.9257 0.0461502 --0.346325 -0.934029 0.0874559 0.985993 0 0.166785 -0.991745 0.0846403 0.0963246 -0.492928 -0.860757 0.126966 0.0776973 -0.99064 0.112229 -0.0571247 -0.991282 0.11873 --0.493055 -0.84793 0.19471 -0.653859 -0.553454 0.515904 0.590372 -0.780377 -0.20609 -0.572871 -0.793442 -0.205594 -0.324841 -0.593574 -0.736307 -0.45913 -0.688695 -0.561159 --0.404494 -0.674157 -0.617977 -0.281767 -0.569727 -0.772022 -0.350017 -0.725961 -0.592004 -0.985853 -0.159009 -0.0530029 -0.864813 -0.480157 0.146788 -0.692506 -0.714244 0.101443 -0.983335 -0.0733832 0.166335 -0.991959 0.073494 0.103032 0.00402836 -0.993661 0.112346 -0.587596 -0.69129 -0.420535 0.58271 -0.785392 -0.208824 0.56284 -0.791292 -0.238892 -0.562033 -0.79094 -0.241935 -0.226493 -0.82773 -0.513385 -0.241248 -0.861599 -0.446595 --0.365597 -0.8165 -0.446841 -0.0694331 -0.883694 -0.462887 -0.292104 -0.823202 -0.48684 --0.431539 -0.721202 -0.541887 0.961957 -0.269611 0.0441523 -0.73451 -0.576341 0.358227 --0.952994 -0.155379 0.260117 0.970003 -0.163404 0.179981 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.521358 -0.801554 -0.292741 0.471267 -0.826425 -0.308107 -0.517718 -0.711862 -0.474575 --0.457399 -0.73991 -0.493274 -0.350017 -0.725961 -0.592004 0.938158 -0.332209 0.097448 --0.711954 -0.561604 0.421571 -0.738749 -0.211071 0.640077 -0.776984 0.365639 0.512449 -0.526008 0.850448 0.00736319 0.561594 0.827147 -0.0209819 -0.398197 0.911999 -0.0984787 --0.996499 -0.0379831 -0.0744768 0.973268 -0.0957941 0.20874 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.432317 -0.845277 -0.314021 0.277767 -0.902352 -0.329555 0.29672 -0.896508 -0.328984 -0.30655 -0.892601 -0.330593 -0.211224 -0.895818 -0.391017 -0.246372 -0.893097 -0.376401 --0.19087 -0.90133 -0.388809 -0.380769 -0.826024 -0.415571 0.91681 -0.368812 0.153092 --0.574699 -0.549468 0.606471 0.00420699 -0.37863 0.925539 -0.202648 0.572181 0.794696 -0 0.447214 0.894427 -0.630304 0.467218 0.620019 -0.614424 0.384409 0.688995 --0.597018 0.447763 0.665641 0.345204 0.927614 0.14271 0.219501 0.969407 0.109858 --0.229929 0.965862 0.119341 -0.518612 0.842456 0.14598 0.761176 0.567208 0.314463 -0.480353 0.857773 0.182992 0.412654 0.903095 0.118895 -0.83391 -0.525598 -0.168348 --0.73334 -0.668785 -0.122223 0.977765 0 0.209704 -0.990783 0.0880882 0.102909 -0.318775 -0.888499 -0.330079 0.414728 -0.854726 -0.312161 0.393909 -0.871766 -0.291306 --0.167097 -0.925588 -0.339655 -0.210937 -0.922849 -0.322265 0 -0.938787 -0.344499 --0.123661 -0.931581 -0.341855 -0.122384 -0.945694 -0.301139 -0.20314 -0.91973 -0.335902 --0.28152 -0.89949 -0.334162 0.896953 -0.419203 0.140515 0.871755 -0.470252 0.137501 --0.268549 -0.960267 0.0759533 0.175164 -0.967724 0.181186 0.856429 -0.394109 0.333477 -0.445689 -0.869571 0.212622 -0.336085 -0.93357 0.124476 0.0232069 -0.999117 -0.0350139 -0.373427 -0.908543 -0.187355 0 -0.357789 0.933803 -0.323885 -0.689561 0.647769 --0.677957 0.0739589 0.731372 0.94085 -0.210308 0.265652 0.847716 0.493216 0.195232 --0.82378 0.554737 0.116848 -0.850412 0.525255 0.0301072 0.724963 0.626742 0.285698 -0.717732 0.67434 0.173569 0.683848 0.706168 0.183517 0.425656 0.243232 0.871582 --0.379604 -0.827626 0.413445 -0.799874 -0.599905 0.017775 -0.784501 -0.613566 0.0899658 -0.97202 -0.108245 0.208472 -0.980301 0.1742 0.0930774 0.342227 -0.896509 -0.28134 -0.149137 -0.955078 -0.256094 0.0528742 -0.971123 -0.232647 0 -0.972483 -0.232972 -0 -0.90031 -0.435249 -0.0528742 -0.971123 -0.232647 -0.149137 -0.955078 -0.256094 --0.234589 -0.927496 -0.291064 0.78306 -0.599178 0.166741 -0.502994 -0.864119 0.0171964 --0.441164 -0.896792 0.0337502 -0.327019 -0.94308 0.0604809 0.970338 -0.188498 0.15137 --0.82888 -0.559316 0.0110834 -0.893176 -0.448092 -0.0380928 0.963121 0.216896 -0.159229 --0.759243 -0.172095 0.627641 -0.150614 -0.506612 0.848917 -0.326814 -0.673139 0.663383 -0.987592 -0.127364 0.091869 0.984198 -0.176688 0.0116819 -0.391963 0.905571 -0.162192 --0.806214 0.586434 -0.0781912 -0.444323 0.654278 -0.611962 -0.927756 -0.0655707 -0.367382 -0.601259 0.720474 0.345551 0.73298 0.662853 0.152857 0.686924 0.703664 0.18164 --0.284726 -0.260999 0.922394 -0.571962 -0.784995 0.237995 -0.573067 -0.796486 0.192884 --0.621233 -0.762161 0.182152 0.938767 -0.287472 0.18994 -0.981345 0.178831 0.0705833 -0.803877 -0.572697 0.160625 0.832671 -0.512363 0.210101 -0.544894 -0.838298 0.0186288 --0.480725 -0.876849 0.00632533 0.994235 0.0699282 0.081284 -0.973598 0.122971 -0.192316 -0.738164 0.649585 -0.182081 0.860037 0.474696 -0.187086 -0.991592 -0.0517088 0.118626 -0.961565 0.272979 -0.0295963 -0.799181 0.592106 -0.103538 -0.967347 0.190745 -0.166901 --0.911891 -0.333191 -0.239664 0.860748 0.472624 0.189049 0.865778 0.469974 0.171908 -0.863642 0.474633 0.169839 0.114888 0.0774826 0.990352 -0.7072 -0.65397 0.268685 --0.693397 -0.690052 0.207434 -0.602114 -0.772772 0.200705 0.965312 -0.182386 0.186835 --0.994258 0.089038 0.0593587 0.750582 -0.592685 0.292147 -0.397157 -0.917569 -0.0182601 --0.388419 -0.921292 -0.0187255 -0.450752 -0.892649 0 0.929841 0.356706 0.0903121 --0.39972 -0.799439 0.448466 -0.0508834 -0.85371 0.518257 -0.692984 0.694726 -0.192689 -0.0248318 0.980858 -0.193137 0.162674 0.967991 -0.191129 0.662743 0.717365 -0.214845 --0.984132 -0.176639 0.0168228 0.856534 0.514883 -0.0352879 0.936277 0.349317 -0.0369269 --0.942913 -0.331188 0.035067 0.403378 0.541117 0.737887 0.994668 0.0219412 0.100767 --0.704075 -0.656962 0.26959 -0.603306 -0.784298 0.14456 -0.724981 -0.660808 0.194253 -0.981579 0.0849699 0.17112 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 0.727857 -0.618455 0.296204 -0.0147027 -0.940973 0.338162 0.0770382 -0.969719 0.231757 0.582397 -0.804078 0.119466 -0.66045 -0.737666 0.140195 -0.582227 -0.812493 0.0294295 -0.179542 -0.980125 -0.0843751 -0.229626 -0.971496 -0.0588786 0.08238 -0.99386 -0.073869 -0.01356 -0.997112 -0.0747306 --0.00279177 -0.997221 -0.0744473 -0.178722 -0.983813 -0.0130727 -0.416589 -0.909073 0.00627838 -0.765165 0.633543 0.114658 0.792715 0.598654 0.114961 -0.575386 -0.405201 0.710453 --0.0360068 -0.711135 0.702133 0.631299 -0.26971 0.72713 0.13398 0.973679 -0.184389 --0.786589 -0.587223 -0.190908 0.683335 0.729251 -0.0352922 0.72863 0.683751 -0.0397755 --0.798233 -0.578233 0.168732 -0.866879 -0.482376 0.125837 0.323581 -0.942908 0.0788656 --0.502939 -0.858277 0.102046 0.973728 0.156552 0.165366 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 -0.777952 0.529219 -0.3387 0.749279 0.613653 -0.249019 0.309423 0.948679 -0.0653135 -0.20013 0.979296 0.0304582 0.089334 0.982674 0.162392 -0.235125 0.953014 0.190998 --0.546514 0.805437 0.229332 -0.568801 0.78387 0.249027 0.485678 -0.857445 0.170016 --0.159158 -0.968464 0.191691 -0.636435 -0.766822 0.0832775 0.799041 0.585829 0.135416 --0.0232585 -0.424468 0.905144 0.756611 0.346981 0.554206 -0.707849 -0.671763 -0.218369 --0.847774 -0.51472 -0.127839 -0.656344 -0.725433 -0.207267 0.407615 0.912807 0.0251809 -0.530167 0.847803 -0.012388 -0.558937 -0.792326 0.24456 -0.621979 -0.753065 0.214559 -0.322649 0.875361 -0.360058 0.278898 0.756639 -0.591366 -0.26714 0.252299 -0.930044 --0.327934 0.213539 -0.92025 -0.509336 -0.0836223 -0.856495 -0.744883 -0.440047 -0.501506 --0.865884 -0.368839 -0.337938 0.974931 0.158911 0.155747 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 -0.886257 -0.418595 -0.198309 -0.819473 -0.281649 0.499138 -0.916385 -0.078894 0.392447 --0.898507 -0.211238 0.384791 0.989082 -0.0196767 0.146045 0.938853 0.309822 0.150217 --0.784379 -0.182088 0.592953 0 -0.471215 0.882018 0.604551 -0.453413 0.654931 --0.170221 -0.958912 0.226962 0.340323 0.850809 0.400381 0.0535363 0.963654 0.261733 -0.322316 0.799344 0.507111 0.240544 0.955847 0.168803 0.119379 0.967217 0.224141 -0.0841203 0.96101 0.263407 0.242414 0.965428 0.0958381 -0.667303 -0.696589 0.263574 --0.78311 -0.594693 0.181875 -0.583646 -0.781176 0.221631 0.418615 0.897032 0.141753 -0.409875 0.900101 0.147717 0.327479 0.936939 0.122079 -0.0806806 0.996095 0.035858 --0.478523 0.849237 -0.223185 -0.616534 0.561904 -0.551498 -0.560483 0.552552 -0.616884 -0.43921 0.380418 -0.813865 0.323313 0.0668923 -0.943925 0.281222 0.55646 -0.781836 --0.414636 -0.763803 -0.494653 -0.560148 -0.737139 -0.37797 -0.491984 -0.242527 -0.836141 --0.484683 -0.846938 -0.218583 0.972022 0.172729 0.159181 -0.982641 0.175995 0.0586652 -0.524648 -0.851137 -0.0176141 0.283137 -0.958311 0.0383739 -0.286332 -0.94321 0.16843 --0.486938 -0.844547 0.222782 -0.889608 -0.255526 0.378556 0.959574 -0.242135 0.143488 -0.882036 -0.450006 0.139671 -0.742364 0.593891 0.310143 0.918054 0.0612036 0.391703 --0.299391 -0.953943 -0.0189158 -0.408799 -0.907228 -0.0991028 -0.149332 -0.981512 0.119729 --0.188888 -0.969078 0.158775 -0.214925 -0.965081 0.149754 -0.06556 -0.971108 0.22946 -0.891861 0.0964174 0.441913 0.942344 -0.105825 0.317474 -0.98989 0.00856306 0.141576 -0.574859 0.817835 0.0261383 0.550082 0.833389 0.0536054 0.453329 0.880641 0.137707 --0.874919 -0.271263 -0.401164 -0.337804 -0.855989 -0.391372 -0.25232 -0.820983 -0.512173 --0.290521 -0.933019 -0.212304 0.972073 0.177141 0.153934 -0.929024 0.353084 0.110664 -0.180625 -0.981099 0.0694205 0.0125628 -0.995155 0.0975114 -0.158983 -0.977415 0.139228 --0.314324 0.679726 0.662701 0.0455877 0.747638 0.662541 -0.27552 0.74046 0.613032 --0.470453 0.623969 0.623969 0.852567 0.518954 0.0617802 0.078002 0.972492 0.219486 --0.282537 0.936832 0.206202 0.0781423 0.967762 0.239436 0.290705 0.935707 0.19986 -0.162957 0.972994 0.163484 -0.649065 0.740365 0.174855 -0.859571 0.508927 0.0461662 -0.938298 -0.295476 0.179694 -0.323151 -0.799539 0.506271 0.539562 -0.756329 0.369918 -0.0591047 -0.990004 0.12806 -0.447683 0.826491 0.34131 -0.372896 0.864362 0.337382 --0.623361 -0.749652 -0.222359 -0.841719 -0.497379 -0.210055 0.923711 -0.300417 0.237713 --0.747978 0.635781 0.190556 0.615968 0.782256 -0.0930588 0.645985 0.760378 -0.0672901 --0.924648 -0.344908 -0.161446 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.93006 0.340688 0.137551 --0.468715 0.338517 0.815912 0.998236 -0.0576002 -0.0143583 -0.338731 0.193561 0.920758 --0.981036 -0.193008 -0.0177724 0.970405 -0.193783 0.144095 -0.191495 -0.833568 0.518164 --0.464684 -0.883052 0.0654866 -0.676968 -0.734808 0.0421014 -0.0893582 -0.994723 0.0504072 --0.0905864 -0.990233 0.10598 -0.180049 -0.978796 0.0976737 0.527412 -0.846036 0.0778419 -0.750225 -0.653257 0.102071 -0.877754 0.455368 -0.148952 0.615922 -0.74676 0.250977 -0.408844 -0.906834 0.102467 -0.738009 0.654412 0.164583 -0.228873 0.972709 -0.0381454 -0.337487 0.935758 -0.102269 0.581949 0.807511 -0.0962396 -0.913794 -0.406131 -0.0061535 --0.90515 -0.419733 0.0672855 0.985993 0 0.166785 -0.973323 0.159799 0.164642 -0.893689 -0.438371 -0.0956583 0.734908 -0.666249 -0.126582 -0.34802 -0.912492 0.215037 -0 -0.9837 0.179816 -0.256757 -0.960868 0.103963 -0.534985 -0.841855 0.0712107 -0.992076 0.0888426 0.0888426 -0.77454 -0.580905 0.250276 -0.731025 -0.629021 0.264453 --0.151516 -0.925564 0.346949 0.144294 -0.945232 0.292771 0.0801606 -0.921847 0.379173 --0.0369768 -0.90593 0.421809 -0.288508 -0.601059 0.745313 -0.0283629 -0.855615 0.516835 -0.630647 -0.667527 0.395845 0.752454 -0.620057 0.222132 -0.859289 -0.492892 0.136672 --0.858604 -0.506671 0.0779977 0.78356 -0.609436 0.12092 0.773686 -0.613753 0.157216 --0.83706 0.506832 -0.206039 0.397346 -0.914024 0.0817053 0.640441 -0.765318 0.0642225 -0.626561 -0.775742 0.0751431 -0.904265 -0.368404 0.215833 0.985993 0 0.166785 --0.985993 0 0.166785 0.127883 -0.989553 -0.0665629 -0.234956 -0.971224 0.0389789 --0.222632 -0.960744 0.165547 -0.0664783 -0.986728 0.148152 0.854386 0.515038 0.0689927 --0.883359 -0.419596 0.208844 0.746926 -0.630354 0.211557 0.391488 -0.897001 0.205246 --0.644467 -0.731907 0.221299 0.74956 -0.643764 0.154037 0.728101 -0.667812 0.154586 --0.84479 0.495855 -0.20114 -0.939313 0.337442 -0.0618315 0.577231 -0.812488 0.0816531 -0.54668 -0.829782 0.112265 0.0757077 -0.791146 0.606924 0.122598 -0.98078 0.151787 --0.935367 -0.344489 0.0801019 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.991737 0 0.128284 -0.698525 0.709022 0.0966993 0.709161 0.698746 0.0940498 -0.921047 -0.292973 0.256591 --0.924892 -0.296325 0.238257 0.433101 -0.880099 0.194548 -0.605116 -0.759848 0.237625 -0.759829 -0.631018 0.156451 0.772156 -0.617008 0.151905 -0.968309 -0.239311 0.0714704 -0.526635 -0.840004 0.130571 0.163394 -0.972194 0.167751 -0.29119 -0.934755 0.203569 --0.25437 -0.951374 0.173732 0.796281 -0.566678 0.21169 0.828117 -0.516914 0.216846 --0.183889 -0.981474 0.0537944 -0.320398 -0.946777 0.0309718 0.2411 -0.966844 0.0841678 -0.233528 -0.969895 0.069054 -0.903472 -0.428388 0.0148887 -0.611621 -0.79001 -0.0424737 -0.95884 0.249869 0.134877 -0.995086 0 0.0990135 0.842244 0.527974 0.108947 -0.749169 0.654664 0.100806 -0.763318 -0.501609 0.407103 -0.924073 -0.100311 0.368819 -0.925196 0.201129 0.321807 0.380651 0.827094 0.413547 -0.0736462 0.97213 0.222575 --0.113333 0.988034 0.104615 0.125218 0.990362 0.059194 0.0616862 0.99647 -0.0569411 --0.604642 0.77921 -0.165047 -0.654665 0.737226 -0.167066 0.595467 -0.782614 0.181476 --0.473794 -0.85559 0.208531 -0.6647 -0.724096 0.184008 0.840159 -0.507061 0.192413 --0.64744 -0.761694 -0.0253898 -0.490858 -0.871197 0.00863829 0.167001 -0.983267 0.0727743 --0.236405 -0.971655 0 0.932844 0.333618 0.136021 -0.982641 0.175995 0.0586652 --0.39749 0.0709803 0.914857 0.80754 0.13459 0.574251 -0.39443 0.302396 0.867745 --0.663323 0.151617 0.732813 0.89597 0.443798 0.0167471 -0.912339 -0.180567 0.36747 --0.861592 -0.292516 0.414841 -0.899625 -0.282235 0.333194 0.886292 -0.462413 0.0256896 --0.841918 0.528263 -0.110055 -0.0856621 -0.980355 0.177669 0.73686 -0.653738 0.172233 --0.147438 -0.989063 0.0040955 -0.406043 -0.912823 -0.043394 0.960749 0.239534 0.139946 --0.929024 0.353084 0.110664 -0.320564 0.0674871 0.94482 0.39365 0.919182 -0.0119893 -0.726182 0.68718 -0.0210488 -0.724245 -0.654157 0.218052 -0.449876 -0.736161 0.505646 --0.84227 -0.409501 0.350558 0.746128 -0.664265 -0.0452199 -0.848602 0.516435 -0.114763 --0.352292 -0.935056 -0.0395094 0.922438 -0.359595 0.140711 0.987849 0.0884641 0.127781 --0.934583 0.342345 0.096723 0.257508 0.835331 0.485707 0.0494662 0.831032 0.554021 --0.217452 0.848061 0.483226 0.322634 0.939848 0.112221 0.0790893 0.996705 0.0179748 --0.180111 0.978306 -0.102358 -0.333222 0.928936 -0.161372 0.916886 0.387913 0.0940396 -0.161262 0.983526 0.0816756 0.238774 0.971075 0 -0.777287 -0.606089 0.168764 --0.74616 -0.633307 0.205349 0.776905 -0.629617 -0.00107903 0.762229 -0.64725 0.00859036 --0.872436 0.473766 -0.120006 -0.863423 0.485162 -0.13827 0.901675 0.430157 -0.0441187 -0.983641 0.178108 -0.026986 -0.213526 0.97368 0.0797165 -0.264783 0.957141 0.117354 --0.398744 0.886098 0.236293 0.992076 0.0888426 0.0888426 -0.964809 0.244802 0.0960009 -0.195266 0.78616 0.586365 0.747579 0.615653 0.249193 -0.883377 0.376598 0.278961 --0.841635 0.479792 0.247892 0.631517 0.758482 0.16091 0.509108 0.846123 0.157752 --0.73302 0.640187 -0.229873 -0.985746 0.0789435 -0.148572 0.94526 0.322741 0.0481914 --0.707235 -0.681672 0.18746 -0.749768 -0.638475 0.173774 0.745203 -0.66536 0.0443573 --0.561706 0.6366 -0.528419 -0.843485 0.316307 -0.434147 0.907987 -0.404496 0.109285 --0.869999 -0.39875 0.29 -0.80228 0.566315 -0.188772 0.965174 0.25152 0.0719457 --0.98126 0.175193 0.0802233 0.420999 0.90047 0.109148 0.214094 0.961517 0.172189 -0.177858 0.966364 0.185763 0.289185 0.937659 0.19279 -0.887417 0.371686 0.272656 -0.867886 0.286595 0.405756 0.879213 0.432113 0.200654 0.713733 0.678553 0.173641 --0.743582 -0.659084 -0.112664 0.796122 0.601769 0.0637452 -0.783658 -0.602979 0.149319 --0.730793 -0.660824 0.171037 0.560643 0.824475 -0.076951 0.0938288 0.995588 0.000955 --0.771634 0.635276 0.031711 -0.801444 0.59723 0.031681 0.727177 -0.677801 0.108628 -0.717909 -0.686696 0.11426 -0.403455 -0.14483 -0.903464 -0.754303 -0.258618 -0.603443 --0.739379 -0.285893 -0.609577 -0.902111 0.0674808 -0.426194 0.898344 -0.425962 0.107401 -0.530778 -0.836912 0.133612 -0.654043 -0.744256 0.135319 0.935161 0.334447 0.116703 --0.968373 0.243346 0.0550971 0.271817 -0.888631 -0.369392 0.905576 -0.424178 -0.00248785 --0.898645 0.246485 0.362881 -0.878041 0.269225 0.395679 0.942709 0.00771658 0.333528 -0.944479 0.0718895 0.320611 -0.532907 -0.836714 -0.126171 -0.418588 -0.906668 -0.0523235 -0.688407 0.716801 0.110871 0.762943 0.642586 0.0707184 -0.90686 -0.392522 0.153399 -0.998228 -0.0462258 0.0374804 -0.997735 -0.057916 0.0342231 0.491553 -0.849046 0.193642 --0.451911 -0.891608 0.0284989 -0.72445 -0.678208 -0.123311 -0.154193 -0.90974 -0.385483 -0.521877 -0.84215 0.135751 0.0316642 -0.987177 0.156458 0.94166 0.319294 0.106431 --0.945479 0.321611 0.051337 0.504367 -0.852206 0.139136 0.0773271 -0.947258 0.311004 --0.270119 -0.764532 0.585257 -0.393708 0.51711 0.759994 -0.337067 0.41068 0.847188 --0.511949 0.500043 0.698473 0.749796 0.644924 0.147914 0.372719 0.873962 0.311884 --0.27968 0.925729 0.254567 -0.387366 0.867965 0.31078 -0.209284 0.863295 0.459262 --0.221396 0.846047 0.484962 -0.225881 0.797226 0.55983 -0.22643 0.769375 0.597321 --0.370753 0.750334 0.547303 0.936041 -0.0744578 0.343924 0.22259 -0.926929 0.302087 --0.0853507 -0.971545 0.220943 -0.27938 -0.954058 0.108262 -0.394411 -0.91891 -0.00662875 -0.899368 0.412949 0.143561 0.751775 0.647856 0.122955 -0.938592 -0.319268 0.130814 -0.733675 -0.669384 0.116817 -0.938927 -0.333841 0.0834602 0.137194 -0.968931 0.205791 --0.146459 -0.97814 0.147622 -0.020719 -0.80804 0.588764 0.150539 -0.784057 0.602156 -0.0168332 -0.52183 0.852883 -0.249279 -0.807447 0.534686 0.937562 0.330556 0.108213 -0.942445 0.316493 0.107842 -0.93994 0.336695 0.0561158 0.236437 -0.956391 0.171506 -0.0787831 -0.982312 0.169871 -0.0329484 -0.98484 0.170308 -0.0917315 -0.974491 0.204825 --0.187575 -0.935656 0.298936 -0.22054 -0.803395 0.5531 -0.0340662 0.0170331 0.999274 --0.393818 -0.393818 0.830551 0.120903 -0.70527 0.698553 -0.70527 0.120903 0.698553 --0.671994 -0.186091 0.716794 0.954748 0.168736 0.244917 0.953272 0.197675 0.228465 -0.935294 0.277849 0.219148 -0.580904 0.783082 0.22211 -0.792735 0.0468434 0.607764 --0.94386 0.152858 0.292854 0.667641 0.731633 0.137727 0.784931 0.605469 0.131491 --0.600932 0.348833 0.719164 -0.714862 0.194962 0.671537 0.987926 0.0177048 0.153913 --0.960602 -0.241393 0.137742 0.729484 -0.66932 0.140939 0.173191 -0.899037 0.402166 -0.424978 0.882816 0.200076 0.39292 0.894521 0.21318 -0.103486 0.952782 0.285478 --0.21034 0.893083 0.397692 -0.539139 0.787489 0.298648 -0.0822085 -0.829234 0.552823 -0.935161 0.334447 0.116703 -0.944881 0.32297 0.0537605 -0.223261 -0.458925 0.859967 -0.784895 -0.242509 0.570201 0.829037 -0.138173 0.541854 -0.661083 -0.669713 0.338309 --0.687977 -0.651833 0.319062 0.573134 0.807597 0.138941 0.65065 0.744605 0.149055 --0.9574 -0.109048 0.267382 0.991783 0.117286 0.0510981 -0.951919 -0.257508 0.165949 -0.895763 0.0453551 0.442212 0.912843 0.0370907 0.406624 0.882829 -0.0764655 0.463428 --0.517766 0.534577 0.667941 -0.0185995 0.658955 0.751953 -0.034456 0.955934 0.291551 -0.343907 0.910341 0.230234 0.45066 0.870621 0.197292 -0.777171 0.564647 0.277809 --0.92431 0.299776 0.236187 0.915302 0.380062 0.133326 -0.945479 0.321611 0.051337 -0.61184 0.772478 0.170087 0.0868562 0.959366 0.268465 -0.18378 0.966933 0.176819 --0.0796151 0.987227 0.138 -0.133291 0.911708 0.388616 -0.0562991 0.925181 0.375327 --0.264587 0.841867 0.470376 0.609402 -0.370421 0.701012 -0.666254 -0.674645 0.317743 -0.299222 0.933099 0.199481 0.18655 0.967198 0.172417 0.474731 0.864116 0.167134 --0.969563 -0.217657 0.112126 0.949223 0.314029 0.019032 -0.946577 -0.28256 0.155408 --0.937489 -0.317879 0.141657 0.902487 -0.0638929 0.425952 0.83711 -0.413388 0.358269 -0.403713 0.858964 0.314954 -0.982239 0.010807 0.187322 0.170172 0.96184 0.214256 -0.322634 0.939848 0.112221 0.235282 0.957355 0.167672 -0.251342 0.952172 0.173767 --0.650482 0.757175 0.0596562 0.890888 0.428295 0.151266 0.907316 0.395497 0.142689 --0.916348 0.396628 0.0547073 0.79735 0.601228 -0.0525137 0.816542 0.569431 0.0949051 --0.936468 -0.248335 0.247703 0.622716 0.770025 0.138877 0.639269 0.757837 0.130452 -0.328412 0.921155 0.208854 -0.90309 -0.429338 -0.00986984 0.962071 0.272799 0 -0.952346 0.304588 0.0162447 -0.900467 -0.409868 0.145494 0.882518 -0.468838 -0.0367716 --0.984232 -0.0461571 0.170751 0.756585 0.596597 0.267678 0.734355 0.622262 0.271132 -0.230891 0.935931 0.265936 0.189247 0.96344 0.189657 0.189054 0.962454 0.194782 --0.189464 0.964546 0.183723 -0.487393 0.856514 0.169799 -0.391319 0.904234 0.170972 -0.734944 0.673608 -0.0781624 0.68022 0.730716 -0.0579226 0.216172 0.976324 0.00774349 -0.0927428 0.99513 0.0333874 -0.705545 0.70769 0.0371716 -0.849536 0.263464 -0.457029 --0.909507 0.196297 -0.36642 0.898921 0.414243 0.14263 -0.907331 0.412992 0.0786651 -0.972589 0.00495136 -0.232478 0.963906 0.19031 -0.18619 -0.849418 -0.501891 0.163079 -0.479853 0.870845 0.106634 0.620652 0.778636 0.0922828 -0.847093 -0.529328 -0.0473859 -0.936479 0.350724 0 -0.886935 -0.436849 0.150029 0.979753 -0.188784 -0.0666717 --0.98167 0.0994456 0.162586 0.905524 0.109557 0.409908 0.967228 0.00614113 0.253834 --0.430995 0.889658 0.150838 -0.4468 0.880649 0.157567 -0.423661 0.90028 -0.100031 --0.290129 0.928414 -0.232104 0.462084 0.873942 -0.15068 0.625276 0.769006 -0.132889 --0.676037 -0.730851 -0.0939666 -0.627252 -0.774974 -0.0772701 0.915704 0.380649 0.12881 -0.910762 0.390913 0.133042 -0.94485 0.320375 0.0679584 0.935441 -0.261671 -0.237653 -0.463751 -0.879528 -0.106609 -0.646283 -0.752002 0.129656 -0.833262 -0.528879 0.161124 -0.556124 0.826158 0.0904978 0.545323 0.831994 0.102023 0.496161 0.858403 0.130261 --0.84961 -0.52248 -0.0719597 -0.829593 -0.549583 -0.0986588 0.922822 0.385228 0 --0.904864 -0.404737 0.131941 0.979963 -0.199179 0 -0.988907 0.0111331 0.148118 -0.950273 0.291417 0.109809 0.32035 0.944621 0.0711888 -0.209442 0.977802 -0.00608843 --0.334132 0.942514 0.00479042 -0.417537 0.908529 0.0154643 0.876575 -0.443532 0.186803 --0.372264 0.908099 -0.191772 -0.0882881 0.975584 -0.201101 0.304687 0.935642 -0.178157 --0.435788 -0.896981 0.0742598 -0.528449 -0.84741 0.0513582 0.904864 0.404737 0.131941 --0.94561 0.317556 0.0705679 -0.940309 0.331525 0.0768753 0.328661 -0.943846 0.0337088 --0.130234 -0.985437 0.109332 -0.613055 -0.778677 0.133517 0.737178 0.641024 -0.213675 --0.941726 -0.325287 -0.0856723 0.0731249 0.967077 0.24375 0.0333514 0.9682 0.247945 --0.0491532 0.966679 0.251227 0.950925 0.309421 0 0.935084 0.354427 0 --0.915704 -0.380649 0.12881 0.957916 -0.280314 0.0618193 -0.986087 -0.143278 0.084281 -0.961897 -0.242722 0.125856 -0.567532 0.82305 0.0222562 -0.790305 0.609033 -0.0670562 -0.832218 -0.523935 0.181399 0.668505 -0.724698 0.167072 -0.336249 -0.939275 0.0685467 --0.373255 -0.914115 0.158351 -0.308917 -0.940954 0.13848 -0.346823 -0.931835 0.106756 -0.891109 0.438905 0.115268 -0.909999 0.407034 0.0788965 0.655354 0.472465 -0.589311 -0.715155 0.131873 -0.686413 -0.970202 -0.240965 0.0253648 -0.980567 -0.182926 0.0709014 -0.55495 0.793739 0.249016 0.564847 0.796469 0.215836 -0.74402 0.6392 0.194569 --0.795926 0.597597 0.0968449 0.987001 0.160715 0 -0.910762 -0.390913 0.133042 --0.898921 -0.414243 0.14263 0.9271 -0.356142 0.11683 0.855212 -0.493465 0.158443 --0.966198 -0.256732 -0.0234648 0.835548 -0.538439 0.109282 -0.752948 0.649358 -0.106788 --0.63996 0.734769 -0.224867 0.644276 -0.746059 0.168239 0.421389 -0.893143 0.157251 -0.302968 -0.939202 0.161583 -0.0432635 -0.822006 -0.567833 -0.730952 -0.472755 -0.49215 --0.00879051 -0.959924 -0.280124 -0.0714231 -0.975179 -0.209583 -0.187769 -0.964695 -0.18468 --0.312614 -0.94709 -0.0727582 -0.331391 -0.941849 0.0556724 0.69814 0.679073 0.226847 -0.704182 0.678293 0.209874 0.136649 0.976065 0.169185 -0.782013 0.616988 0.0882119 --0.962902 0.26848 0.0271878 0.87301 0.47564 0.1078 -0.894208 0.440431 0.0800783 -0.58504 0.645561 -0.490896 0.565425 0.565425 -0.60049 0.345295 0 -0.938494 -0.183808 -0.76865 -0.612692 0 -0.87317 -0.487416 0.256686 -0.81284 -0.52288 -0.369262 -0.812376 -0.45132 -0.324628 -0.945655 -0.018819 0.125901 -0.99192 -0.0155877 -0.279469 -0.958763 -0.051678 -0.979733 -0.139762 0.143489 0.842539 -0.401381 0.359194 -0.816503 0.468688 0.337126 0.656996 -0.399171 0.639546 -0.987105 0.151862 -0.0506207 -1 0 0 -0.872008 -0.466563 0.148061 0.62707 -0.777092 0.0539647 -0.618165 -0.784549 0.0485288 -0.925432 -0.311053 -0.216385 -0.912262 -0.334167 -0.236878 -0.834184 -0.540728 0.108402 0.871034 -0.478699 0.110216 -0.603543 0.766511 -0.219538 --0.219701 0.957567 -0.186539 -0.164018 0.973854 -0.157183 -0.109557 0.99348 -0.031539 --0.307155 0.950999 0.035441 0.17421 -0.968971 0.175348 0.166698 -0.972992 0.15968 -0.353095 -0.920885 0.165211 0.54846 -0.822689 0.14958 -0.77583 -0.573902 -0.262153 --0.890532 -0.287568 -0.352502 0.620804 0.64591 0.444301 0.626694 0.663362 0.408907 -0.618814 0.673415 0.404453 0.726395 -0.333287 0.601057 0.229135 -0.910085 0.345316 --0.682228 -0.730959 0.0162435 0.894208 0.440431 0.0800783 -0.907331 0.412992 0.0786651 -0.681032 0.376741 -0.627902 -0.241627 -0.638585 -0.730634 -0.366851 -0.791307 -0.489135 -0.567982 -0.743976 -0.351989 0.601696 -0.75212 -0.268843 0.561811 -0.783055 -0.266819 --0.544378 -0.838636 -0.0185274 -0.466562 -0.881284 -0.0752192 0.821962 -0.557699 -0.115544 -0.99236 -0.0870827 -0.0874017 -0.994794 0.0306877 0.0971778 0.779985 -0.548672 0.300969 -0.314976 -0.926439 0.206159 0.0796151 -0.987227 0.138 -0.118885 -0.990709 0.0660473 -1 0 0 -0.866056 -0.478626 0.144445 -0.876693 -0.463248 0.129658 -0.692094 -0.711521 -0.12142 0.673143 -0.641088 -0.368626 -0.840155 0.228775 -0.491734 --0.794007 0.174681 -0.582271 0.904379 -0.415125 0.0988393 -0.188828 0.964867 -0.182688 --0.540485 0.83688 0.0866467 -0.750966 0.659385 -0.0355224 0.472117 -0.881286 0.020983 --0.689591 -0.678858 -0.252224 -0.76161 -0.58942 -0.269323 0.690456 0.0470766 0.721841 -0.844057 0.19916 0.497899 0.776658 0.44287 0.44796 -0.227808 -0.672703 0.703971 --0.686188 -0.648067 0.330387 -0.470251 -0.853687 0.223791 0.865962 0.49676 0.0577907 --0.94485 0.320375 0.0679584 0.810314 0.450174 -0.375145 -0.385487 -0.416151 -0.82354 --0.124783 -0.945051 -0.302172 -0.435675 -0.89242 -0.117358 0.845825 0.506554 -0.167283 --0.90183 0.432091 -0.00038614 1 0 0 -0.89611 -0.430805 0.106743 -0.933381 0.285803 -0.217065 -0.863862 0.284682 -0.41557 -0.920171 0.288747 -0.264404 -0.909999 -0.407034 0.0788965 -0.76547 0.642157 -0.0411043 -0.682768 0.720467 -0.121474 -0.487663 -0.624719 0.609845 -0.232717 -0.867757 0.439137 0.87627 0.474048 0.0861905 --0.946459 0.317841 0.056505 -0.942007 0.332123 0.0481338 0.477676 0.877509 0.0424601 -0.0474296 0.986536 -0.156518 -0.909538 0.400197 -0.112176 0.665187 0.741896 -0.0843615 -0.837273 0.520343 -0.16798 -0.897915 0.440169 0.000488263 -0.814913 0.579494 0.0102154 -1 0 0 -0.946887 -0.315629 0.0615072 -0.964187 -0.262245 0.0396281 -0.913814 0.396829 -0.0864277 -0.982288 0.0762009 -0.171185 0.88096 -0.463637 0.0945998 --0.765014 0.639602 -0.0752473 -0.938451 0.345317 -0.00812512 0.802708 0.596364 -0.00310001 --0.911935 0.4079 0.0446234 0.405731 0.894223 0.189072 0.330252 0.920704 0.207937 -0.0132112 0.95121 0.308262 -0.855886 0.109428 0.505455 -0.880425 0 0.474186 --0.894675 -0.0378345 0.445112 0.784203 0.615061 0.0820082 0.523255 0.850394 0.0550795 --0.978238 -0.19341 0.0751261 0.748462 0.656814 0.0916485 0.683425 0.727721 -0.0579108 --0.84381 0.536501 -0.0122825 -0.875652 0.482762 -0.0132554 1 0 0 --0.998383 -0.0380227 0.0422474 0.68437 -0.28888 0.669467 0.756813 -0.24925 0.604242 -0.701308 -0.137098 0.699551 -0.622639 0.437793 0.648582 -0.623985 0.339192 0.703983 --0.666768 0.35864 0.653298 0.78887 0.613957 -0.0272198 0.909601 0.407789 -0.0795857 --0.964919 -0.225766 -0.134017 0.874059 -0.476451 0.0949511 0.466345 -0.875391 0.12733 --0.191218 -0.978682 -0.0749441 -0.18324 -0.980797 -0.0667926 0.185905 -0.979727 -0.0746564 -0.206426 -0.976194 -0.0665889 -0.91413 -0.36041 0.185666 -0.392605 0.326002 0.859991 --0.111041 0.142767 0.983508 -0.441563 0.454179 0.773786 -0.493862 0.409681 0.766982 -0.804592 0.572029 0.159418 0.789212 0.592309 0.162218 -0.696034 0.685325 0.214164 --0.671285 0.706616 0.223762 -0.817155 0.547715 0.179627 0.754161 0.651321 0.0837957 -0.77317 0.634173 0.00579153 -0.896946 0.441779 0.0178497 0.862379 0.493586 0.112583 -0.599199 0.783999 0.162192 -0.452839 0.251577 0.855363 -0.832275 -0.488101 0.262824 --0.89702 -0.0967048 0.431281 0.883359 0.462319 0.0770532 -0.887349 -0.450996 0.0959912 -0.627455 0.778103 0.029252 -0.944143 0.328398 -0.0273665 -0.993313 0.0180057 -0.114036 -0.999408 0 -0.0344137 -0.998955 -0.0284287 0.0357992 0.670098 -0.383875 0.635302 --0.640411 0.15137 0.752968 0.682656 0.730145 0.0294609 0.709228 0.704913 -0.00970806 --0.862109 -0.49602 -0.103594 -0.793538 -0.602136 -0.0879165 0.320821 -0.937495 0.13482 -0.0602766 -0.997713 0.0305881 -0.110478 -0.993817 0.0110316 0.467763 -0.883552 0.0230994 -0.402916 -0.895479 0.189144 0.238213 -0.944344 0.226869 -0.786527 -0.566171 0.246628 -0.857732 -0.219715 0.464781 0.859164 -0.271201 0.433921 -0.390518 0.836011 0.385462 --0.0214505 0.87782 0.478511 -0.315553 0.930052 0.188225 0.940861 0.0775968 0.329786 -0.966406 -0.211753 0.145674 -0.816968 -0.576683 0 0.934871 0.354583 0.0169167 --0.877317 0.477987 0.0429295 0.995081 0.0990068 -0.003342 -0.506055 -0.815438 0.281014 --0.580456 -0.792608 0.186665 -0.702755 -0.679441 0.210938 0.873762 0.479722 0.0800368 --0.879136 -0.467433 0.0928828 -0.839357 -0.533423 0.104593 0.792351 0.598665 -0.117385 -0.608994 0.793169 -0.00289584 -0.386139 -0.91992 -0.0681422 -0.501173 -0.864928 -0.0269448 -0.0353772 -0.995515 -0.0877355 0.225014 -0.964347 -0.139295 0.131541 -0.978663 -0.157849 --0.92299 -0.301215 -0.239498 0.994016 0.0808006 -0.0735061 -0.999674 0.0237077 -0.00948307 -0.786206 0.614147 0.0685787 0.745826 0.664091 0.0522191 -0.827312 -0.561551 0.0146811 -0.398312 -0.895884 0.196823 0.890365 -0.257455 0.375455 0.947689 -0.238664 0.211953 --0.311313 0.939372 0.143747 -0.421666 0.893895 0.152152 -0.474223 0.868607 0.143646 -0.783056 -0.613877 0.099896 0.955642 0.293845 0.0201067 0.948216 0.31657 0.0258831 --0.869706 0.493266 0.0173076 0.397071 -0.887569 -0.233571 -0.210322 -0.974072 0.0833535 --0.42977 -0.883827 0.184791 0.817617 0.557814 0.142637 0.870774 0.484908 0.0813462 --0.896909 -0.426012 0.118609 -0.899513 -0.419499 0.122055 0.838843 0.514054 -0.17914 --0.46401 -0.882192 -0.0801993 -0.427994 -0.899229 -0.0905994 -0.449055 -0.888681 -0.0927182 -0.0184781 -0.999355 0.0307968 0.203288 -0.969071 0.139911 0.141264 -0.979215 0.145544 --0.374923 -0.917243 0.134529 -0.648587 -0.760662 0.0269943 0.963864 0.247301 -0.0990371 --0.991303 0.122134 -0.0490118 0.903905 0.418992 0.086033 -0.941562 -0.336377 0.0176268 --0.999317 -0.03624 0.00724799 0.927754 -0.36205 0.0905126 -0.511409 0.843703 0.163175 --0.212154 0.960347 0.180896 -0.00765895 0.967216 0.253839 -0.178031 0.922856 0.341529 --0.812055 0.165164 0.559721 -0.928033 -0.164527 0.334195 0.912076 0.407963 -0.0410359 --0.83404 0.551393 0.0185342 0.893366 0.421589 0.155434 0.885165 0.440939 0.148513 --0.926284 -0.338503 0.165572 0.822803 0.530898 -0.202835 0.843827 0.497414 -0.201334 --0.687959 -0.713822 -0.13104 -0.695958 -0.70123 -0.154657 -0.211188 -0.96277 0.168743 -0.9139 0.395713 -0.0905412 -0.966118 0.249114 -0.0675129 0.943885 0.305949 0.124405 -0.911594 0.4008 0.0914105 -0.933941 0.352142 0.061242 0.919684 -0.392399 0.0143062 -0.916233 -0.400521 0.0100402 -0.471059 -0.203593 0.858285 -0.915223 -0.345325 0.207646 --0.919381 -0.326333 0.219647 0.869706 0.493266 -0.0173076 -0.856248 0.516528 0.00617672 --0.863412 0.5045 0 0.949901 0 0.312551 0.966694 0.133233 0.218522 --0.829007 -0.531972 0.172494 0.854524 0.481433 -0.194963 0.840974 0.507777 -0.186883 --0.696513 -0.697582 -0.168075 -0.691162 -0.703023 -0.167489 0.904852 0.419322 -0.0735652 -0.913292 0.397282 -0.089807 -0.965403 0.252157 -0.0664415 -0.943215 0.327134 -0.0577045 -0.881904 -0.386588 0.269806 0.893837 -0.441355 0.0791225 -0.844528 0.50902 0.166346 -0.886347 -0.463017 0.0020044 -0.0828959 -0.828959 0.553133 -0.804999 -0.542142 0.240952 -0.808104 0.58812 -0.0329227 -0.837432 0.546542 0 0.534473 -0.749104 0.391386 -0.728828 -0.596314 0.336482 -0.379356 -0.895194 0.233918 -0.453989 -0.868649 0.198353 --0.766829 -0.616239 0.179505 0.801561 0.389275 -0.453834 0.674657 -0.500177 -0.542827 --0.273896 -0.903855 -0.328675 -0.502434 -0.846655 -0.175317 0.943631 0.313417 -0.106444 --0.965631 0.253008 -0.0595312 0.480927 -0.874065 0.0687038 0.33854 -0.939856 0.0453944 -0.457787 -0.884002 0.0947145 -0.792912 -0.448754 0.412202 -0.873995 0.430419 0.225547 --0.914481 0.145486 0.37757 -0.924688 0.260226 0.277912 0.705414 -0.705414 0.0691582 --0.559827 -0.828604 -0.00296991 -0.535111 -0.844212 -0.0310209 0.0216605 -0.982702 0.183924 -0.0438133 -0.986753 0.156204 -0.478183 -0.847161 0.231646 0.792308 0.609598 0.0252596 -0.806769 0.590681 -0.014824 -0.821657 0.569983 0 -0.758782 0.651344 0 -0.419925 -0.835832 0.353621 -0.381501 -0.902954 0.197816 0.369933 -0.494845 -0.786307 -0.147043 -0.735215 -0.661693 0.364599 -0.798177 -0.479563 0.0134744 -0.881226 -0.472503 -0.937113 0.329655 -0.114662 0.942484 0.315008 -0.111777 -0.943881 0.312655 -0.106472 -0.708104 -0.689293 0.153176 0.666982 -0.698981 0.257993 -0.652166 -0.652166 0.386469 --0.195227 -0.980728 -0.00765596 0.810902 0.584913 0.0177246 -0.759496 0.650492 -0.00500152 --0.788524 0.61494 -0.00882193 0.902719 0.410994 -0.127212 -0.930072 0.35149 -0.106866 --0.899866 0.424305 -0.101025 0.436202 0.00411512 0.899839 0.534324 0.0360218 0.844512 -0.235431 -0.0692444 0.969421 -0.599185 -0.607869 0.52103 0.812685 0.582424 -0.0180597 --0.835147 0.548455 -0.0415496 0.88482 0.44965 -0.122098 -0.878117 0.462348 -0.123063 -0.806244 0.35495 0.473267 -0.785754 0.522178 0.331542 -0.769256 0.56541 0.297584 -0.924872 -0.305423 -0.226558 0.725795 0.687257 -0.0299738 0.785491 0.618516 -0.0210092 --0.786373 0.615992 -0.0465999 0.851665 0.50546 -0.138482 0.884147 0.450915 -0.122307 --0.869551 0.480897 -0.112332 -0.87569 0.47276 -0.0983109 0.931887 -0.298993 0.2054 --0.774241 0.584113 0.243645 -0.309426 -0.618853 -0.721995 0.376057 0.924474 0.0626762 -0.143217 0.984764 0.0986342 -0.452387 0.891597 0.0200085 -0.542807 0.839708 0.0158348 -0.687566 0.726122 0 0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.762011 0.646569 -0.0358951 --0.725795 0.687257 -0.0299738 0.794815 0.590631 -0.13937 0.806362 0.57469 -0.139682 --0.878117 0.462348 -0.123063 0.818428 -0.574589 0.00482848 -0.889982 0.389367 0.237329 --0.942235 0.240827 0.232799 0.949207 0.244655 -0.197863 0.743874 0.66668 -0.0467846 --0.70665 0.698237 -0.114503 0.632487 0.773272 0.0448425 0.666306 0.745471 0.0175922 --0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 0.799405 0.586597 -0.129831 --0.850808 0.513854 -0.109911 -0.824838 0.555611 -0.104586 0.793489 -0.607421 -0.0376137 -0.702593 -0.711259 -0.0217755 -0.953977 -0.0681412 0.292034 0.968046 -0.154887 -0.197223 --0.70948 0.695059 -0.116324 -0.750326 0.641609 -0.159214 0.780173 0.619123 0.0895342 -0.649066 0.758225 0.0617139 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 -0.836657 0.530563 -0.136042 0.811074 0.570608 -0.128706 -0.733792 0.668275 -0.122299 -0.567254 -0.815787 0.11276 -0.496535 -0.722233 0.481489 0.915373 -0.377906 -0.138846 -0.909728 -0.394216 -0.130341 -0.77009 0.621238 -0.145001 -0.809467 0.575253 -0.117678 -0.794994 0.605489 0.0369765 0.819705 0.568624 0.0689241 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 --0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 0.789101 0.598476 -0.138368 0.806362 0.57469 -0.139682 --0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.381865 0.816705 0.432633 0.468256 0.784886 0.405822 -0.374228 0.83328 0.406938 0.15149 0.908938 0.388435 0.976021 -0.206743 -0.0681131 --0.837875 0.54286 -0.0571733 -0.825293 0.564318 -0.0209006 0.699576 0.714556 -0.00188929 -0.726079 0.687511 0.011738 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.699976 0.699976 -0.141662 0.972209 0.0920126 0.215275 --0.431596 0.868096 0.245225 0.0797681 0.765773 0.638144 -0.566086 0.804585 0.179415 --0.589585 0.787992 0.177364 0.973088 0.221881 -0.0621977 -0.458034 0.883862 0.0948273 -0.0732056 0.995596 0.0585645 0.532326 0.846239 -0.022555 -0.687257 0.725795 -0.0299738 --0.64644 0.761859 -0.0410583 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.699976 0.699976 -0.141662 -0.959724 0.0239931 0.279919 0.982839 -0.150106 0.107219 0.432905 0.132964 0.891579 --0.388253 0.745925 0.541161 -0.619265 0.76639 0.170755 -0.615557 0.769446 0.170418 -0.510862 0.849929 -0.128996 0.719484 0.682962 -0.126123 -0.631207 0.773877 -0.05188 --0.62591 0.777172 -0.0651199 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.598023 0.788504 -0.143633 --0.57469 0.806362 -0.139682 0.805703 -0.523707 0.276721 0.81319 -0.521513 0.258352 -0.547421 0.646952 0.530833 -0.510677 0.805299 0.301169 -0.276292 0.621658 0.732942 --0.797498 0.531665 0.285184 0.834017 0.476581 -0.278006 -0.433011 0.899851 -0.0526229 --0.42302 0.905901 -0.0199538 0.968 -0.23474 0.0887333 0.915018 -0.223407 0.335903 -0.963438 -0.255693 0.0800511 -0.675917 0.724073 0.137311 -0.672087 0.729168 0.128893 -0.952642 0.156456 -0.26076 0.458781 0.873746 -0.161518 0.00928327 0.99994 0.00574678 --0.0698733 0.996454 -0.0468715 0.215983 0.970446 -0.107639 -0.625859 0.77732 -0.0638284 --0.597383 0.801148 -0.0360066 -0.580015 0.813834 -0.0354454 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.525649 0.839674 -0.136532 -0.570557 0.811923 -0.123471 0.806603 -0.531971 0.257679 -0.7963 -0.482163 0.365275 0.754212 -0.612311 0.237149 -0.828484 0.49962 0.252972 --0.778659 0.562949 0.27709 -0.803751 0.547575 0.232693 0.972897 0.201475 -0.113487 --0.440032 0.897903 -0.0118928 0.0335315 0.997962 -0.0542891 0.309552 0.950768 0.0147406 --0.0730282 0.994077 0.08048 -0.472144 0.872894 0.123031 -0.445174 0.890348 0.0953944 -0.918071 0.367722 0.148076 -0.607681 0.791702 0.0627037 -0.542928 0.837084 0.0672356 -0.96818 0.142503 -0.205721 -0.504826 0.862411 -0.0373945 -0.512535 0.858496 -0.0170845 -0.629993 0.760337 0.158102 0.146781 0.974779 0.168109 -0.405681 0.901513 0.150658 --0.420219 0.89516 0.148677 0.722843 0.687674 0.0678445 0.702802 0.708286 0.0663365 --0.13555 0.988715 -0.0637881 -0.511905 0.856869 -0.0610642 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.593961 0.795024 -0.123073 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.831794 -0.521423 0.190361 -0.814657 0.569062 0.111816 0.96461 -0.208999 0.160768 -0.468793 0.882546 0.0366937 --0.254913 0.96691 0.0102551 0.324573 0.933702 -0.151171 -0.396089 0.902252 0.170454 --0.36321 0.928204 0.0807134 0.41152 0.909894 -0.0523878 0.74245 0.669215 -0.0303041 --0.431545 0.896854 0.0970712 -0.647366 0.745287 0.159575 -0.754312 0.641948 0.137538 -0.965728 0.181539 -0.185507 -0.547652 0.836428 -0.0215729 -0.509393 0.860512 -0.00614652 -0.893389 -0.447659 0.0381625 -0.683946 0.72111 0.110537 -0.640153 0.766706 0.0486504 -0.888531 0.45377 0.0678611 -0.708849 0.702835 -0.0596345 -0.974618 0.223189 0.017505 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.996896 0.0750352 0.0238207 --0.238509 0.971074 0.0113576 0.0596535 0.997654 -0.033598 0.243225 0.957762 -0.153403 -0.0867785 0.995858 -0.0271308 -0.789815 0.600173 0.126428 0.871693 0.460363 -0.167982 --0.500058 0.865992 0 -0.468148 0.88365 0 -0.449818 0.893022 0.01323 -0.678991 -0.734044 -0.0122341 0.542535 -0.837459 -0.065714 -0.5071 0.86187 0.00534493 --0.438332 0.895684 0.0749286 -0.42997 0.899028 0.0829143 0.322186 0.946591 0.0127059 -0.307146 0.950664 -0.0435743 -0.181453 0.967752 -0.174733 -0.14762 0.984136 -0.0984136 -0.673835 0.737049 0.0520059 -0.858604 -0.512637 -0.00168354 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.665916 0.731202 -0.147981 0.982715 0.181589 -0.0360245 -0.0643781 -0.981086 -0.182556 --0.1195 -0.979236 -0.163759 0.113419 -0.975399 -0.189031 -0.793613 0.595728 0.123635 --0.709686 0.695789 0.11056 0.563008 0.811297 -0.157541 0.528451 0.835585 -0.150126 -0.814319 0.555351 -0.168733 -0.457502 0.888747 0.0286436 -0.550553 0.834103 0.0340962 --0.574767 0.817704 0.0316554 0.534635 -0.840508 -0.0878206 0.649105 -0.740743 -0.173095 -0.737686 -0.658186 -0.150372 -0.363244 0.915201 0.174532 -0.412962 0.880654 0.232187 --0.105526 0.972834 0.206056 0.169772 0.969818 0.175016 0.204462 0.965997 0.158256 -0.15206 0.975996 0.155917 0.173893 0.978574 0.110246 0.292003 0.955725 0.0363921 --0.856901 -0.512676 -0.0537089 -0.812914 -0.577504 -0.0752371 0.479499 0.871225 -0.10511 -0.562478 0.818834 -0.114587 -0.616715 0.771145 -0.158106 -0.535488 0.82647 -0.173781 -0.670118 0.713468 -0.204708 -0.473457 -0.880601 0.0195039 -0.495026 -0.867695 0.0453174 --0.321311 -0.943506 -0.0809718 0.993584 0.111048 -0.0214302 -0.695781 0.712525 0.0905384 --0.599816 0.800085 -0.00925335 0.682727 0.717103 -0.14017 0.673821 0.719973 -0.166148 --0.626889 0.778445 0.0321482 -0.537073 0.843487 0.00904544 0.858828 -0.496212 -0.127234 --0.915686 -0.391304 -0.0916567 0.624353 0.77943 -0.0516923 0.441226 0.896205 -0.0462237 -0.312499 0.946568 -0.0797052 -0.158298 0.966672 -0.201214 0.624981 0.752234 -0.208669 --0.385295 -0.917935 0.0945696 -0.920835 -0.381253 -0.0819083 0.188245 -0.982101 0.00645411 -0.925438 -0.37178 -0.0731078 0.944088 -0.322686 -0.0676105 -0.653123 -0.748006 0.117973 --0.576251 -0.81473 0.0644219 0.99542 0.0704722 0.0645995 -0.58365 0.811376 -0.0319472 --0.227703 0.961412 -0.154397 0.478233 0.861316 -0.171546 -0.497727 0.867334 0 --0.392374 0.919676 0.0154814 -0.397157 0.917569 0.0182601 0.772741 -0.624267 -0.11473 --0.860065 -0.500567 0.0985965 -0.945583 -0.301323 0.12279 0.36121 -0.916403 0.17243 -0.454101 -0.876765 0.158353 -0.887808 -0.448053 -0.105099 -0.717029 -0.691722 -0.0859632 -0.74326 0.66433 -0.0789303 0.727248 0.684071 -0.0561823 -0.679343 0.71428 -0.168218 -0.160269 0.910797 -0.380476 0.884122 0.424657 -0.194924 -0.856608 -0.48949 0.163163 --0.681658 -0.718998 0.13559 0.989926 0 0.141587 -0.478352 0.878168 0 --0.397157 0.917569 -0.0182601 0.75075 -0.637123 -0.174499 0.685822 0.636443 -0.35297 -0.99177 -0.0627702 -0.111592 0.979575 -0.171037 -0.105732 0.986894 -0.119791 -0.108119 --0.917159 0.374499 0.136269 0.443643 -0.887287 0.126107 -0.12786 -0.991428 -0.0268939 -0.64434 0.759385 -0.090338 0.704894 0.704894 -0.0790535 -0.42833 0.888728 -0.163391 --0.0259677 0.969837 -0.242365 0.850593 0.47778 -0.219586 -0.962319 0.271423 0.0164499 -0.909347 0.199221 0.365238 0.965527 0.200753 0.165701 0.992061 0.0646997 0.107833 --0.321976 0.946552 -0.0192389 -0.326273 0.945081 -0.0192006 -0.175995 0.982641 -0.0586652 -0.0976805 0.993085 -0.0651203 0.183147 0.976783 -0.11114 0.0580726 0.97562 -0.211643 -0.265251 0.89973 -0.346594 0.990571 -0.0466412 -0.128819 -0.910502 0.391643 0.132668 --0.784732 0.617641 0.0521165 0.499462 0.85805 -0.119529 0.615386 0.781235 -0.104747 --0.493157 0.867277 -0.0680217 0.662902 0.745765 0.0662903 -0.800862 0.597836 -0.0348297 --0.82467 0.555207 -0.108002 0.394016 0.910313 -0.12681 0.47473 0.87152 -0.122816 --0.207983 0.974714 -0.0817076 0 0.99922 -0.0394837 0.217662 0.976024 0 --0.78792 0.597133 -0.150381 -0.738577 0.656931 -0.151476 0.335756 0.93732 -0.0932657 -0.325028 0.941474 -0.0893519 0.319809 0.940182 -0.117386 -0.312036 0.934975 -0.168689 -0.0745504 0.984242 -0.160342 0.158075 0.973779 -0.163606 0.0663259 0.99153 -0.111663 -0 0.995211 -0.0977514 0.0882513 0.992617 -0.0832084 0.254057 0.962565 -0.0944677 - diff --git a/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/testNrrd.ascii b/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/testNrrd.ascii deleted file mode 100644 index f78381e84b..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/testNrrd.ascii +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/testNrrd.nhdr b/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/testNrrd.nhdr deleted file mode 100644 index d62bdcaba6..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ImageExtraction/Testing/Data/testNrrd.nhdr +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -NRRD0005 -content: SomeIDNumber42 -type: short -dimension: 4 -space: right-anterior-superior -sizes: 2 2 2 2 -thicknesses: NaN NaN 2.5 NaN -space directions: (2,0,0) (0,2.5,0) (0,0,2) none -centerings: cell cell cell none -kinds: space space space list -endian: little -encoding: ascii -space units: "mm" "mm" "mm" -space origin: (0,0,0) -data file: 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file format specification at: -# http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html -content: SomeIDNumber42 -type: short -dimension: 3 -space: right-anterior-superior -sizes: 3 3 1 -thicknesses: 1 1 1 -space directions: (1,0,0) (0,1,0) (0,0,1) -centerings: cell cell cell -kinds: space space space -encoding: ASCII -space units: "mm" "mm" "mm" -space origin: (0,0,0) - -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 diff --git a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk b/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk deleted file mode 100644 index 5b0f7f17ac..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18985 +0,0 @@ -# vtk DataFile Version 3.0 -vtk output -ASCII -DATASET POLYDATA -POINTS 7860 float -59 174 77.8 95 170 80.2059 55 171 80.2222 -56 171 79.2353 56 172 78.5806 57 172 78.1765 -58 173 78.2 59 173 78.6923 61 173 79.6452 -87 173 80.4194 88 173 79.8 89 173 79.4571 -91 173 80.4706 58 174 78.5172 60 174 78.1765 -89 174 80.4706 91 174 80.8235 59 175 78.5172 -60 175 78.0909 63 175 79.4571 88 175 80.5588 -64 176 80.1429 63 177 80.2059 65 177 80.2059 -67 177 80.1429 81 177 80.4706 82 177 79.8 -84 177 79.8 62 177.087 81 64 177.5 81 -68 178 80.2059 80 178 80.2059 82 178 80.2059 -69 179 79.8529 77 179 80.2059 79 179 79.8 -80 179 80.2059 81 179 80.8235 70 180 80.5455 -74 180 80.4706 114 150 83.4706 113 151 83.4706 -112.739 151 84 114 152 82.8529 39 155 83.8 -38.6667 155 84 113 155 82.8 114 155 82.8 -39 156 83.1429 38.3333 156 84 40 156 83.4706 -114 156 83.1429 40 157 83.1429 40 158 83.8 -40.6667 158 84 42 158.833 84 41.3333 159 84 -109 159 83.4706 112 159 81.1765 113 159 81.4545 -43 160 83.2059 108 160 83.4706 109 160 82.8 -111 160 81.5294 112 160 81.1765 113 160 82.3 -110 161 82.2 111 161 81.5143 112 161 81.8182 -44 162 82.8 45 162 82.8 107 162 83.0323 -109 162 83.0323 110 162 82.2 111 162 82.2 -112 162 83.4828 46 163 83.4194 110 163 83.2059 -46.25 164 84 47 164 83.4194 106 164 82.2 -109 164 83.4706 104 165 83.4 105 165 82.4545 -106 165 82.2 108 165 83.4706 49 166 82.8 -50 166 82.8 51.1667 166 84 103 166 83.9 -51.4 167 84 99 167 83.2174 101 167 81.9 -96 168 83.4828 97 168 82.7 98 168 82.8182 -101 168 81.8824 95 169 81.8824 96 169 81.9677 -97 169 82.5556 93 170 82.3636 93 169.333 84 -96 170 81.2222 54 171 82.6552 93 171 81.6667 -94 171 81.1936 91 172 81.6207 92 172 81.9677 -93 172 81.6 94 172 81.8824 95 172 81.5294 -97 172 83.8846 68 173 83.3333 76 173 83.4706 -85 173 83.6842 86 173 81.7826 93 173 82.2 -71 174 82.6452 76 174 82.4571 84 174 83.6842 -85 174 83.8333 92 174 81.5294 57 174.727 84 -75 175 82.6452 80 175 82.4571 82 175 82.0714 -86 175 81.6 69 176 82.6452 71 176 82.8529 -72 176 83.8064 74 176 83.4194 80 176 82.2 -87 176 81.4545 60.2609 177 84 75 177 82.4571 -87 177 81.5294 89 177 82.8529 81 181.25 84 -115 146.357 87 36 149 86.4194 114 149 84.1765 -36 150 86.4194 37 150 86.8 36.0909 151 87 -37 151 86.0323 37 152 85.5556 37 153 86.0526 -38 153 86.6842 111 153 86.9091 37 154 86.1667 -38 154 84.7826 39 154 85.8261 38 155 84.6667 -38 156 85.0714 37.6538 156 87 41 157 84.6818 -41 158 84.1364 40 159 85.8571 41 159 84.1364 -44 158.278 87 108 159 84.5294 41 160 85.2273 -45.5 160 87 41.2 161 87 47 163 84.2727 -46 164 84.2308 52 165 85.3548 100 165 86.5455 -102 165 84.5294 53 166 86.0323 52 167 84.2647 -106 167 84.5294 51 168 84.9677 53 168 84.4545 -95 167.63 87 53 169 84.2647 92 168.75 87 -105 169 86.2059 67 169.75 87 89 170 84.8824 -98 170 85.56 98 171 85.7727 72 172 85 -74 172 85.5556 82 172 84.5294 84 172 84.6923 -98 172 85.3043 99 172 85.2 73 173 85.8261 -74 173 85.8261 84 173 84.8333 73 174 85.1538 -99 174 86.8235 73 175 85 74 175 84.5172 -184.833 178 87 186 178 85.8462 186 179 85 -188 179 84.9677 189 179 85.3 191 179 85.1818 -193 179 84.375 195 179 85.6552 196 179 86.069 -198 179 85.4545 198 178.261 87 201 179 86.4706 -202 179 86.2059 186 180 86.8235 189 180 85.3548 -190 180 84.6 191 180 84.6 193 180 84.4286 -196 180 86.1 198 180 85.5 200 180 86.2059 -201 179.75 87 193 181 86.8966 68 181.706 87 -82 182 84.5294 84 183.087 87 117 143 89.8 -118 143 89.4706 118 142.25 90 117 144 88.5 -118 144 89.4706 115 145 89.2174 116 145 87.9677 -117 145 88.2 34 146 89.6087 115 146 87.6818 -116 146 87.5769 117 146 89 35 147 87.9677 -116 147 87.2308 35 148 87.5769 36 148 87.4545 -35 149 87.5455 35.7727 152 90 39 153 89.7273 -151 155 88.8 42.6429 157 90 152 157 88.8 -153 157 89.1429 43 157.278 90 44 157.105 90 -45.4545 158 90 152 158 89.8 153 158 89.8 -45.8947 159 90 153 159 89.9 47.2857 161 90 -52 162 89.55 48 162.286 90 55 164 88.3043 -56 164 89.2174 98 164 88.8529 55 165 87.6923 -56 165 89.2174 96 165 89.2059 95.1818 165 90 -99 165 87.9677 45 165.346 90 56 166 88 -63 167 87.375 64.6 167 90 92.7692 167 90 -95 167 89.3182 94.375 167 90 64.3 168 90 -68.3333 168 90 93 167.75 90 93 168 89.5714 -94 168 89 94 167.75 90 72 168.474 90 -73 168.333 90 66 169.4 90 50 170.105 90 -174 175 89.4 175 175 88.8 176 175 89.4194 -176 176 89.0323 177 176 88.6452 178.6 176 90 -181 176 89.4231 181 177 89.3077 181 178 89.04 -182 178 88.7586 183 178 89.3182 184 178 89 -202 178 87.5172 204 178 88.5 182 179 89.4194 -183 179 89.7391 184 179 88.875 204 179 88.1538 -181 180 89.8235 183 180 89.4194 202 180 88 -119 140 92.7778 120 140 91.6452 118 141 91.9615 -119 141 90.8571 120 141 91.2 118 142 90.2 -119 142 90.1765 120 142 91.5 120.654 142 93 -119 143 90.5294 150 145 92.8 149.714 145 93 -150 146 91.8 150 147 91.5 151 147 91.8529 -117.895 148 93 150 148 91.8529 151 148 91.5 -151 149 90.5294 151 150 90.1765 36.5909 153 93 -39 154.5 93 39.1053 155 93 39.1667 156 93 -40 156.526 93 154 157 90.5294 156.105 159 93 -46 159.563 93 50.75 160 93 153 160 91.1471 -155 160 91.7 45.3333 161 93 51 161 91.0714 -52 161 91.2273 154 161 90.6 45.8667 162 93 -51 162 90.5 50.6875 162 93 154 162 91.7 -156 161.455 93 155 163 92.7391 155.25 163 93 -47 164 92.3077 46.25 164 93 159 164 91.5 -47 164.857 93 63 165 90.6667 92 165 90.8824 -159 165 90.8824 45 165.591 93 46.5455 166 93 -64 166 90.2609 66 166 92.6842 67 166 92.8636 -92 166 90.2 93 166 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96 -149.588 156 96 46 156.591 96 45 157.133 96 -48 158 94.8 47 159 93.8571 49 159 94.0714 -50.1818 159 96 45.6667 160 96 47 159.625 96 -52 159.895 96 45.5714 161 96 157 161 93.2308 -51 162 94.0714 52 161.722 96 52.8333 162 96 -54 161.5 96 156 162 95.25 158 162 93.2609 -159 162 93.6 41 163 94.8261 46 163 94.125 -51 162.692 96 52 163 95.4 52.75 163 96 -156 163 95.5714 46 164 93.3158 45.2273 164 96 -52 163.6 96 90 164 93.3214 155 164 93.6667 -43 165 94.1111 46 165 93.75 47 165 93.75 -156 165 93.2 45 166 94.5882 45.7273 166 96 -47 165.273 96 46.2727 166 96 54 166 94 -54.2 166 96 69.25 166 96 162 166 94.7727 -46 166.375 96 46 167 94.9286 54 166.667 96 -64.4615 167 96 69 166.5 96 155 166.474 96 -163 166.455 96 47 168 94.5 72 168 94.5 -94.55 168 96 164 168 94.1111 165 168 95.1 -46 169 95.8846 46.1667 169 96 47.5 169 96 -72 169 95.3182 164 169 94.1111 165 169 94.5556 -166 169 94.8 52 170 93.2 94 169.688 96 -166 170 93.4286 167 170 93.5455 51 170.625 96 -163 171 93.6 166 171 94.3636 168 171 94.375 -168 170.133 96 170 171 94.8 52 172 94 -52.1818 172 96 162 172 94.5 163 172 94.3 -164 172 95.7391 165 172 95.8636 167 172 94.3548 -168 172 94.3548 173 172 93.5172 52 172.5 96 -59 173 95.125 164 173 95.4194 165 173 95.0323 -171 173 93.1818 172 173 93.4545 216 173 95.8 -75 174 95 74.8421 174 96 76 173.533 96 -76 174 95 76.6364 174 96 167 174 95.1429 -172 174 93.8182 214 174 95.4706 168 175 94.5 -172 175 93.1765 183 174.941 96 170 177 94.5 -178 176.65 96 179 176.316 96 204.323 177 96 -176.85 178 96 178 178 93.2 179.591 178 96 -176 179 93.3158 177 179 93.8571 177 178.375 96 -178 178.609 96 177 180 94.1538 68 184.056 96 -124 138.071 99 33 139.357 99 34 140.056 99 -149 141 98.2174 150 140.5 99 149 142 96.2609 -115 143.111 99 41 153 98.6 40 154 98.0526 -41 154 98.7 42 154 98.6 43 154 97.9286 -43 153.773 99 44 155 97.5 44 156 98.1667 -44.7143 156 99 46 157 98.4545 42.8182 158 99 -45 158 97.4444 47 158 98.4706 48 158 98.25 -44 158.846 99 45 159 98.6 46 159 98 -46.75 159 99 47 158.75 99 46 160 97.6364 -46 159.375 99 47 160 97 49.1818 160 99 -51 160 97.5 46 161 97.2 47 161 97.5 -51 160.667 99 53 160.545 99 45.2778 162 99 -51 161.333 99 53 161.625 99 53 162 96.75 -161 162 97.8529 49.9333 163 99 52 162.2 99 -59 163 98.25 44.3158 164 99 60 163.667 99 -64 163.933 99 59 165 97 60 164.333 99 -60 165 97.6364 64.8182 165 99 66 165 97.125 -66.7143 165 99 68.75 165 99 47 166 97.8462 -47.3333 166 99 54 166 96.4 59 166 96 -58.2632 166 99 60 166 97.0909 65 166 98.7143 -64.8182 166 99 66 166 98.0526 66.75 166 99 -69 166 96.4286 70 165.833 99 224 166 98.8 -225 166 98.8 225 165.75 99 46 167 97.5 -47.8182 167 99 59 167 97.3636 58.25 167 99 -60 167 97.7143 67 166.286 99 69 167 96.75 -70 167 98.6 70 166.5 99 70.3333 167 99 -72 167 98.6 71.6667 167 99 72 166.5 99 -223 167 97.8529 224 167 97.6452 47 168 96.75 -46.4545 168 99 47.8571 168 99 56 168 98.7273 -55.8667 168 99 56 167.867 99 56.5 168 99 -61.8182 168 99 64.25 168 99 70 168 96.2609 -71 167.222 99 71 168 96.7895 73 168 97 -74 167.357 99 74 168 97.7727 222 168 97.8529 -223 168 97.3 224 168 98.7391 47 169 97.3636 -56 168.286 99 62 169 97.6552 62.9286 169 99 -64.25 169 99 69 169 96.9 71 169 97.35 -74.1 169 99 92.7 169 99 167 168.2 99 -221 169 97.7 222 169 97.3 223 169 98.7391 -46 170 97.5 52 169.462 99 54.2 170 99 -62 170 97.8182 62.6842 170 99 68 169.875 99 -69 170 98.25 68.5 170 99 70 170 97.1739 -71 170 97.25 72 170 97.5 72.9091 170 99 -74 169.056 99 77 170 97.5 76.4545 170 99 -77 169.571 99 170 170 96.4545 220 170 96.9 -221 170 97.0385 222 170 98.7391 61 171 98.7931 -60.7778 171 99 61.2857 171 99 69 170.5 99 -70 171 97.3333 71 171 97.25 72 171 98.625 -77 171 97.8 77.8571 171 99 94 170.294 99 -164 171 96.2727 165 171 96.4091 218 171 97.4 -219 171 96.6 220 171 96.2 221 171 98.2174 -49 172 96.3333 54 171.75 99 59 171.519 99 -60 172 98 69.1429 172 99 71 172 96.3 -72.4375 172 99 77 171.75 99 216 172 97.1818 -216 171.231 99 217 172 97.2414 218 172 96.5172 -219 172 97.5 220 172 98.7273 48 172.722 99 -50 173 97.875 51.5 173 99 58 173 96.5172 -57.1724 173 99 61 172.286 99 215 173 96.5294 -217 173 96.5294 218 173 97.3548 51 174 98.2174 -67 173.818 99 67.25 174 99 75.5 174 99 -78 174 98.7273 78.1053 174 99 180 173.097 99 -211 174 98.88 216 174 96.5294 58 174.737 99 -67 175 97.8462 66.0909 175 99 76 174.643 99 -77 175 98.4 77.75 175 99 78 174.667 99 -210 175 97.25 212 175 97.8261 213 175 96.6 -214 175 96.2 67 176 98.069 66.3571 176 99 -67.9 176 99 77 175.188 99 178 175.923 99 -178.25 176 99 209 176 96.4545 210 176 96.1154 -211 176 97.56 212 176 98.4444 213 176 98.1 -214 176 98.4231 67 176.5 99 179 176.75 99 -179.095 177 99 210 177 96.5806 212 176.833 99 -214 176.172 99 177 178.579 99 178 178.467 99 -63 183.375 99 66 183.818 99 67 184 98 -151 137 101.824 32 138 101.609 33 137.333 102 -150 138 100.696 33 139 99.5769 150 139 99.6667 -149 140 100.8 123 141 100.579 122 144 100.962 -120.8 145 102 107.773 150 102 41 152 99.5455 -34.5882 153 102 45 155 100.579 45.3913 155 102 -41 156 100.154 42 156 100.111 45 156 99.3158 -42 157 99.2727 43 157 100.111 46 157 99.6 -47 157 101.7 44 158 101.75 47 158 102 -48 158 100 43.8421 159 102 50 159 100.071 -51 160 99.4286 50 161 100.826 54 161 101.7 -55 161 101.5 158 161 101.667 157.25 161 102 -158 160.813 102 51 162 99.75 52 162 99.5455 -53 162 100.125 56 161.077 102 158 161.75 102 -227 162 101.1 228 162 101.739 46 162.444 102 -49 162.667 102 49 163 101.8 50 162.2 102 -60 162.944 102 226 163 100.5 227 163 99.9 -225 164 101.1 226 164 99.9 227 164 100.227 -47 165 101.167 59 165 101.727 65 165 99.8571 -66 165 101.5 80 164.567 102 225 165 99.5294 -226 165 100.111 46 166 101.824 60.875 166 102 -65 166 101 65.2 166 102 66 165.2 102 -66.8 166 102 226 165.944 102 46 167 99.9375 -47 167 101.077 60.75 167 102 61.1429 167 102 -62 166.455 102 64 167 100.5 65 167 100.364 -66 167 100.286 70 167 99.8571 72 166.563 102 -167 167 100.5 47 168 100.636 56 168 99.8571 -65 168 100.2 66 168 100.773 67 168 101.654 -74 167.105 102 94 168 101.786 95.375 168 102 -167 168 99.5455 62.6364 169 102 66 169 101.727 -67 169 101.8 68 169 101.8 75 168.571 102 -75 169 101.25 76 168.455 102 76 169 100.2 -95.9167 169 102 54 169.591 102 55 170 101.182 -56 169.167 102 56 170 100.5 61 170 99.8182 -64.4545 170 102 67 170 101.7 73.5455 170 102 -75 169.75 102 76 169.857 102 76.1429 170 102 -52 170.474 102 53 170.143 102 54.3333 171 102 -61 171 99.6 51 172 102 58 171.727 102 -60 172 101 73 171.667 102 72.9333 172 102 -78 171.917 102 60.25 173 102 72 173 101.182 -78 173 101.25 78 172.333 102 79.5 173 102 -180 172.316 102 67.3333 174 102 68 174 101.25 -68.6667 174 102 77 174 100.579 77.75 174 102 -79 174 102 187 174 101.419 188 174 101.8 -206.895 174 102 58 174.25 102 66 175 102 -68 175 102 77 175 99.6 78 174.75 102 -207 175 101 65.5625 176 102 68.1364 176 102 -173 176 100.688 173 175.632 102 176.565 176 102 -215 176 100.826 215.6 176 102 161 176.074 102 -212 177 99.1034 176.8 178 102 203.5 178 102 -212 178 100.556 203 178.867 102 210 179 100.355 -202.091 180 102 203 181 100.75 66 185 100.08 -200 184.172 102 232 99 104.8 232 98.7143 105 -232 99.5 105 235 111 104.824 235 112 104.824 -151 133 104.471 32 136 103.6 31.3 136 105 -33 135.867 105 150 137 102.167 153 141 103.2 -154 142 104.8 154.75 143 105 230 156 104.419 -49 157 104.318 229 157 104.8 45 158 103.313 -46 158 103.615 229 158 103.7 230 158 104.053 -44 159 103.125 45 159 102.75 46 159 103.8 -53 158.316 105 228 159 104.206 229 159 103.5 -37.1765 160 105 54 160 103.5 164 160 103.8 -229 160 103.5 157.533 161 105 158 160.417 105 -158.875 161 105 228 161 102.682 228.944 161 105 -49 162 102.273 50 162 102.316 59.8 162 105 -62 162 104.545 158 161.875 105 46 163 104 -48 163 102.375 225 163 103.111 45.1429 164 105 -46 163.455 105 47 164 103.05 45 165 103.286 -60 165 102.75 167 165 102.529 46 165.25 105 -60 166 103.105 63 166 105 65 166 102.429 -60 167 102.45 61.8571 167 105 62 166.333 105 -62.6667 167 105 64 167 104.5 63.5 167 105 -64.1 167 105 65 166.4 105 64 167.25 105 -68 168 102.261 69 168 103.962 71 168 103.556 -72 168 104.778 73 168 104.333 74 168 104.684 -96.7143 168 105 166 168 103.875 166.75 168 105 -62 169 103.05 69 169 103.304 71 169 103.304 -73 169 104.063 75 169 102.818 76 169 102.947 -97.5455 169 105 54 170 103.929 55 170 103.125 -56 170 104.143 62 170 103.235 65 170 103.636 -66 170 103.65 74 169.273 105 77 170 103 -52 171 103 53 171 102.692 54 171 103 -71 171 103.304 73 171 102.4 78 171 104.75 -178 170.261 105 179 171 103 181 171 104.419 -52 172 103.179 58 172 103.125 72 172 103.826 -77 171.286 105 182 172 104 184 172 102.882 -188 172 104.8 58 173 103.826 59 173 103.5 -70 173 103.125 72 173 103.8 78 173 103.5 -78.4 173 105 81 173 105 181 173 103.5 -182 173 103.909 188 173 102.783 207 173 104.333 -208.125 173 105 59 174 102.692 69.75 174 105 -80 173.857 105 198 174 102.667 206 174 104.217 -210 173.273 105 67 175 103.615 67.75 175 105 -68.2857 175 105 88 175 104 87.25 175 105 -88.75 175 105 176 175 104.308 176 174.455 105 -177 174.87 105 177 175 104.438 66 176 104.625 -67 176 104.625 68 176 103 88 175.75 105 -173.231 176 105 176 176 104.438 178.067 176 105 -204.091 178 105 203.25 179 105 200.571 180 105 -201 179.4 105 203 179.056 105 206 180 103.8 -201.75 181 105 205 181 104.333 206 181 103.8 -207 181 104.1 173 182 103.56 175.667 185 105 -230 94 107.4 230 93.1429 108 231 95 106.889 -231 96 106.355 231 97 106.182 232 97 106.636 -232 98 105.577 231 99 106.5 233 99 106.333 -233 98.1667 108 232 100 105.2 233.292 100 108 -233 101.5 108 233 102 107.684 233 103 106.111 -233 104 105.882 233 105 106.182 234 105 105.682 -234 106 105.222 235 105.75 108 234 107 105.2 -234 108 105.529 235 110 105.577 235.913 110 108 -234 111 105.529 236 111 106.421 236.292 114 108 -235 116 106.355 235 117 107.032 235 119 107.8 -235 120 107.8 236 120 107.739 236 121 106.696 -236 123 105.667 236 125 106.889 236 126 107.333 -235 127 107.824 236 128 106.355 236 130 107.1 -150 131 107.778 150 132 105.9 149.192 132 108 -151 132 105.818 235 132 107.8 31 135 106.8 -31 134.143 108 32 135 105.136 31 136 107 -33 135.133 108 235 136 107.471 120 139.435 108 -235 140 106.889 155 141 105.667 234 141 107.471 -235 141 107.217 234 142 107.143 235 141.857 108 -234 143 107.032 155 144 105.545 156 144 107.625 -234 144 107.333 233 145 107.824 162 151 107.471 -231 156 106.714 230.933 157 108 225.933 159 108 -57 160 107.684 168 160 107.471 57 161 106 -58 161 106.636 59 161 105.316 60 161 105.783 -158 161 106.05 58 162 108 59 162 106.2 -63 162 106 82 161.833 108 83 162 107.8 -83 161.833 108 84 162 106.759 160 162 106.714 -159.455 162 108 160 161.455 108 160.75 162 108 -46 164 105.6 64 166 106.286 65 166 106.636 -66 166 105.75 173 166 106.2 174 166 107.032 -176 166 107.778 62 167 105.333 64 167 105.231 -174 167 107.55 176 167 107.739 177 167 106.962 -216 167 107.1 168.13 168 108 174 168 105.75 -177 168 106.889 178 168 106.889 218 168 105.2 -74 169 105.333 166 168.25 108 167.2 169 108 -168 168.2 108 179 169 105.529 181 169 106.2 -183 170 105.529 192 169.333 108 195 170 107.471 -207 170 107.8 77 171 105.316 96 170.111 108 -197 171 106.645 198 171 106.457 208 171 106.457 -82 172 107.25 82 171.625 108 82.75 172 108 -197 172 106.5 198 172 106.826 203.5 172 108 -205.75 172 108 207 172 106.826 208 172 106.355 -80 173 106.2 82 172.375 108 175 173 107.087 -174.563 173 108 200 173 107.885 203 173 107.912 -205.455 173 108 209 173 106.105 210 173 105.474 -68 174 105.273 69 174 105.6 90 174 107.526 -89.75 174 108 90.75 174 108 175 174 106.895 -176 174 106.25 203 174 107.5 68 175 105.24 -88 175 105.818 90 174.75 108 177 174.895 108 -206 175 106.5 205.833 175 108 171 176 107.5 -171 175.333 108 172.231 176 108 176 175.933 108 -177.13 176 108 205 175.909 108 205 176 107.864 -206 176 106.636 205 178 105.882 204 179 105.29 -201 180 107.25 202 180 107.211 203 180 106.962 -202 181 106 203 181 107.348 169 182 106.235 -203 182 106.826 204 182 106.2 205 182 105.455 -171 183 105.176 173 183 105.778 204 183 107.1 -205 183 107.778 172 184 106.5 86 189.824 108 -227 88 110.4 226.5 88 111 228 89 109.444 -228 90 108.9 228 91 109.2 229 91 109.174 -229 92 108.667 230 91.8182 111 229 93 108.581 -230 93 108.2 233 101 109.5 232 102 108.24 -230.167 107 111 231 108 110.824 230.833 108 111 -232 109 109.182 236 119 108.545 236.64 125 111 -150 129.966 111 234.692 130 111 149 130.231 111 -148.63 131 111 235 131 109.227 236 131 108.273 -236 132 108.158 31 133 110.25 30.5882 135 111 -128 135 110.423 129 135 110.206 128 136 108.231 -129 136 110.1 129 136.818 111 157 138.643 111 -157 140 109.304 232.316 140 111 235.806 140 111 -156 141 108.136 156 142 109.08 157 142 109.4 -156 143 109.227 158 143 109.313 157 144 108.182 -232 145 109.2 234 145 108.682 234.567 145 111 -162 146 110.143 161 147 109.355 231 147 110.824 -233 147 110.864 164 148 110.471 232 148 110.909 -162 149 109.75 232 149 110.423 232.714 149 111 -231 150 110.423 232.929 150 111 231 151 109.696 -232 151 108.789 231 152 109.421 232 152 109 -231 153 110.053 230 154 108.692 170 157 109.457 -168 158 109.2 171 158 109.457 60 159 110.1 -168 159 108.529 172 159 109.457 223 158.875 111 -224 159 110.739 170 160 109.2 171 160 109.457 -172 160 109.8 174 160 110.143 82 161 108.909 -173 161 109.886 175 161 109.457 177 161 110.206 -177.818 161 111 105 162 110.25 106 162 109.2 -174 162 109.8 175 162 109.457 178 162 110.8 -220 162 110.25 220 161.417 111 106 163 109 -106.25 163 111 160 163 108.429 161 163 109.364 -161.2 163 111 175 163 108.882 161 164 109 -178 164 110.333 160 164.909 111 161.13 165 111 -179 165 108.968 184 165 109.457 183 166 109.457 -185 166 109.457 210 166 110.471 214 166 109.2 -215 166 108.882 66 167 109.6 65.125 167 111 -66 166.417 111 67 166.625 111 67.2727 167 111 -184 167 110.333 185 167 110.679 186 167 110.032 -187 167 109.457 194 167 110.8 193.5 167 111 -195 166.625 111 209 167 110.125 215 167 108.529 -66 168 109.5 65.25 168 111 67 168 110.308 -166.696 168 111 169 167.563 111 169 168 110.222 -170 168 110.735 171 168 110.735 172 167.87 111 -185 168 110.211 187 168 108.529 192 168 110.211 -192.714 168 111 193.25 168 111 195 168 109.645 -201 168 109.853 203 168 110.684 204 168 110.684 -207 167.5 111 210 168 109.826 213 168 110.864 -214 168 110.04 92.6842 169 111 167 168.875 111 -168 168.947 111 169 168.438 111 172 169 109.645 -173 169 109.429 192.818 169 111 194 169 109.5 -193.25 169 111 202 169 110.625 205 169 110.471 -207 169 108.75 93.25 170 111 173 170 109.35 -173.688 170 111 193 169.25 111 94 170.4 111 -95 170.625 111 173 171 111 82 172 108.818 -186 172 110.55 185.727 172 111 205 172 109.636 -205 171.375 111 92 173 110.55 91.25 173 111 -93 172.455 111 93 173 110.4 175 173 110.625 -186 172.375 111 195 173 110.471 195 172.571 111 -196 172.444 111 196 173 109.5 205 173 110.143 -90.5 174 111 91 173.2 111 91 174 108.6 -92 174 110.438 94 174 110.55 95 173.667 111 -95 174 109.875 175 174 109.75 176 174 109.313 -196 174 109.821 197 174 109.889 197.667 174 111 -204 174 108.947 205 173.4 111 205.75 174 111 -91 174.25 111 95 174.75 111 171 175 108.273 -176 175 109.909 195.563 175 111 197 175 110.217 -85 176 108 84.25 176 111 85 175.25 111 -85.1875 176 111 171.857 176 111 177 176 108.29 -196 176 111 197 176 110.143 205 175.333 111 -85 176.188 111 197 176.286 111 212 180.067 111 -207 67 113.333 208 68 112.645 209 68 112.889 -210 68.0667 114 210 70 112.457 213 71 112.313 -214 71 112.75 215 71 113.5 215 72 112.25 -216 73 111.261 217 73 111.273 213 74 112.8 -216 74 111.968 218 74 112.364 218.231 74 114 -218 75 111.783 218 76 112.313 219.091 76 114 -218 77 113.419 219 77 113.679 219.25 77 114 -219 78 113.778 220 78 113.419 220 79 113.143 -221 80 113.419 221.857 81 114 222 82 113.8 -222.167 84 114 223 84 113.143 224 85 113.333 -225 85 113.55 225 87 113.778 226 87 112.696 -226 88 111.783 227 87.2632 114 229 98 111.176 -231 110 111.529 230.04 113 114 231 114 111.529 -232 119 112.773 232 120 111.947 233 121 111.5 -233 128 111.581 234 129 112.227 31 130 113.793 -149 130 111.333 233.375 130 114 234 130 113.348 -31 131 112.636 32 131 112.5 234 131 112.364 -31 132 113.182 30.875 132 114 32 132 112.5 -232 132 112.2 233 132 111.455 131 133 112.962 -132 133 113.1 132 132.182 114 149 132.944 114 -129 134 112.111 130 134 111.581 131 134 111.9 -132 134 113.778 232 133.684 114 233 134 111.931 -130 135 111.2 131 135 112.7 126 135.067 114 -158 136 113.333 31.2857 137 114 232 137 111.581 -157 138 112.08 229.5 138 114 233 138 111.176 -229 142 113.824 230 142 113.143 108 143 113.545 -161 143 111.857 231 144 112.5 165 145 112.8 -164 146 112.313 229 146 113.8 231 146 111.091 -230 147 111.176 232.962 148 114 229 149 111.931 -226 151 113.143 227 152 113.545 229 152 113.909 -232.176 152 114 228 153 112.909 103 154 113.4 -104 154 113.455 101.818 155 114 103 155 111.429 -104 155 113 59 157 112.235 59 158 111.529 -222 157.565 114 177 159 113 220 160 112.545 -106 161.053 114 106.783 162 114 161 163 113.571 -189 163 113.206 106 163.13 114 159.677 164 114 -189 164 112.889 191 164 112.889 197.25 164 114 -208 164 112.457 161.667 165 114 191 165 113.684 -192 165 112.889 198 165 113.25 205 165 113.217 -67 166 112 66.4737 166 114 67 165.667 114 -68 166 112.241 68.8947 166 114 190 166 113.5 -191 166 113.25 192 166 111.947 197 166 113.885 -197 165.667 114 198 166 113.778 199 166 112.5 -203 166 111.75 66 166.75 114 68 167 111.923 -192 167 111.545 193 167 111.273 56 168 112.25 -56 167.125 114 56.5833 168 114 66.1429 168 114 -68 167.947 114 67.8571 168 114 90.625 168 114 -93 167.261 114 167.769 168 114 168 167.25 114 -172 167.391 114 193 168 111.6 56 169 111.75 -56.2 169 114 169 168.609 114 184 169 113.684 -184 168.333 114 185 168.75 114 185 169 113.308 -192.417 169 114 202.65 169 114 203 168.125 114 -204 168.455 114 173 169.857 114 185 170 113.308 -184.6 170 114 193 170 111.9 194 169.444 114 -194 170 112.125 95 170.261 114 185 171 112.263 -186 171 113.182 192.889 171 114 194 171 112 -195 171 112.696 93 171.684 114 185 172 113.182 -186.438 172 114 194 172 113 195 172 111.667 -196 172 112.714 204 171.875 114 205 172 112.875 -204.4 172 114 205.231 172 114 94 173 111.5 -185 172.111 114 205 173 112.5 204.867 173 114 -205.5 173 114 91.8667 174 114 94.6667 174 114 -195 173.722 114 197.429 174 114 206 173.25 114 -206 174 111.429 93 174.393 114 172 175 111.75 -172.125 175 114 196 174.667 114 205 175 113.571 -206.15 175 114 85 176 111.346 171 175.545 114 -176 186.853 114 181 187.808 114 201.75 67 117 -204 67 116.125 203 68 116.471 205 69 116.1 -208 73 116.217 209 73 116.125 208 74 116.333 -207.5 74 117 209 74 115.962 210 76 116.1 -211 76 116.217 215 77 115.2 214 78 115.8 -216 78 115.645 217 78 116.333 213 78.6667 117 -218 79 116.444 221.966 80 117 219 81 115.2 -222 81 114.136 221 82 114.176 221 83 114.857 -225 84.1111 117 223 86.8667 117 224 89 115.7 -225 89 115.227 225 90 115.5 224.697 92 117 -224 95 116.824 234.059 105 117 226 108 116.4 -227 110 116.778 228 111 116.824 228 112 116.206 -228 113 116.419 229 114 114.529 229 115 114.857 -229 118 115.8 230 119 116.885 231 119 115.759 -231 121 114.931 230 122 114.882 30 125 116.087 -31 126 115.5 228.5 126 117 146 127.966 117 -145.955 128 117 146 129 115.655 32 130 114.231 -134 130 116.5 135 130 116.471 230 130 116.778 -132 131 116.069 133 131 114.818 134 131 115.3 -135 131 116.778 132 132 114.182 133 132 114.091 -134 132 115.5 133 133 114.931 159 133 115.5 -229 133 116.143 230 133 115.147 149.433 134 117 -230 134 116.032 231 134 116.1 232 134 114.692 -159 135 114.2 161 135 116.217 228 135 116.8 -229 135 115.889 232 135 115.364 159 136 114.857 -160 136 115.56 161 136 116.739 163 136 116.333 -229 136 116.625 162 137 116.217 230 137 114.4 -164 138 116.739 164 139 115.889 226 142 116.824 -105.867 143 117 226 143 116.143 229 143 114.176 -167 144 115.2 228 144 115.853 229 144 115.235 -104 144.933 117 103.857 145 117 105 145 115.5 -168 145 116.625 229 145 115 168 146 116.885 -169 146 116.778 170 146 116.333 227 146 116.545 -170 148 115.8 172 149 115.457 222.125 149 117 -223 150 115.457 224 151 115.2 220 152 116.143 -221 152 115.853 222 152 115.8 224 152 115.853 -51 152.087 117 221 153 115.457 222 153 115.8 -223 153 116.471 102 154 116.143 104 154 115.5 -219 154 116.5 101.895 155 117 103.545 155 117 -182 154.75 117 216 155 116.471 217 155 116.032 -218 155 116.333 181 156 115.457 182 156 116.4 -216 156 115.8 217 156 116.333 217.75 156 117 -223 155.917 117 161 157 114.8 160.313 157 117 -161 156.083 117 162 157 116 162.333 157 117 -182 157 116.032 185 157 116.206 212 157 116.471 -214 157 116.559 216 157 115.457 217 157 116.333 -217.75 157 117 161 157.55 117 162 157.857 117 -176 158 114.207 183 158 115.853 212 158 115.457 -216 158 115.457 217 158 116.032 218 158 115.929 -185 159 115.457 205 158.833 117 208 159 116.419 -210 159 116.125 189 160 115.457 192 160 116.8 -207 160 116.032 208 160 115.645 209 160 116.217 -217 160 114.9 187 161 114.29 188 161 114.968 -204 161 115.8 205 161 115.645 207 161 116.419 -208 161 116.419 209.5 161 117 217 161 116.069 -103.083 162 117 206 162 116.1 210 162 114.667 -216 162 116.864 217 162 116.88 58 163 116.739 -57.8182 163 117 58.25 163 117 69 162.818 117 -103 163 116.087 103 162.125 117 211 163 114.931 -69 164 116.217 103 163.875 117 162.077 164 117 -68 165 116.25 68 164.813 117 159.933 165 117 -197 165 114.333 69 166 114.667 170 166 114.9 -190 166 114.75 190 165.455 117 191 166 115.2 -56 167 114.75 56 166 117 66 167 114.333 -67 167 116.348 67.3333 167 117 91 167 114.783 -191 167 115.765 192 167 116.455 56 168 117 -67 168 114.692 68 167.385 117 89.0909 168 117 -168.125 168 117 172 168 116.1 171.684 168 117 -184 168 114.6 184 167 117 184.333 168 117 -190.923 168 117 192 168 114.923 193 168 115.333 -193.333 168 117 201.067 168 117 202 167.067 117 -203 168 114.13 204.467 168 117 56 169 114.563 -89.25 169 117 91 169 115 94.6364 169 117 -171 169 115.579 172 169 115.7 184 168.8 117 -184 169 116 185 169 116.25 192 169 114.789 -202 169 116.6 201.923 169 117 204.609 169 117 -79 170 115.875 79 169.727 117 80 169.417 117 -80 170 115.385 185 170 116.571 192 169.737 117 -79 170.273 117 80 170.304 117 94 170.286 117 -185 171 115.737 186 171 114.474 195 171 116.727 -194.875 171 117 204 171 116.8 204 170.857 117 -94 171.455 117 186 172 114.778 194 172 115.286 -194 171.467 117 195 172 116.333 196 172 115 -205 172 114.474 92.2273 173 117 195 173 115.773 -196 173 116.1 205 173 114.6 93 174 116.75 -171 173.889 117 197 174 114.692 205 174 115.286 -206 174 115.636 206 175 114.818 172 175.933 117 -204 185 115.579 176.85 186 117 177 185.813 117 -178 185.417 117 184 186 116.735 184 187.385 117 -200.25 67 120 200.333 69 120 204 70 117.968 -202.125 71 120 204 71 118.313 204 74 119.143 -206 77 118.457 208 77 118.5 207 78 119.032 -210 78 118.25 217 79 117.273 210 79.5455 120 -214 80 119.5 216 80 117.261 217 80 117.103 -216 81 117.667 221 86 118.364 219 87 119.824 -220 87 119.8 220.5 87 120 220 88 119.559 -221 88 119.5 222 87.2857 120 222 89 119.1 -222 90.3333 120 223 90.7692 120 224 91.125 120 -222.545 93 120 224 93 118.56 33 105 119.8 -33 107 119.471 32 108 119.739 33 108 119.824 -223.867 108 120 32 109 118.556 33 109 119.824 -224.526 109 120 31 110 119.526 225 110 119.1 -32 111 118.5 224 111 119.419 224 112 118.457 -225 112 118.2 31 113 117.75 224 113 118.457 -225 113 118.645 226 113 118.3 226 114 119.864 -31 119 117.529 226 119 118.457 226 120 118.457 -227 120 118.258 230 120 117.391 225 121 119.471 -227 121 119.739 229 121 118.08 33 127 118.818 -29.4857 128 120 227.929 128 120 145.147 129 120 -228 129 119.864 226 130 119.143 162 131 118.8 -226 131 119.118 161 132 118.235 164 132 118.8 -227 132 118.457 34.4545 133 120 34 134 119.211 -226 135 118.457 230 135 117.517 231 135 117.409 -230 136 117.429 165 137 117.176 169 136.167 120 -169 137 119.143 168 138 118.457 224 138 118.8 -226 138 118.75 110 139 119.824 167 139 118.645 -225 139 119.032 226 139 119.333 227 139 118.556 -167 140 118 226 140 118.941 228 140 117.265 -224 141 118.8 106.133 142 120 221 142 118.8 -106 142.5 120 105.75 143 120 170 143 118.645 -173 143 118.8 103 144 119.769 105.857 144 120 -220 144 118.457 102 145 117.6 103 145 117.947 -104 144.667 120 105 144.857 120 221 145 118.457 -99 146 118.853 101 146 118.182 102 146 117.231 -219 146 118.457 221 146 118.8 222 146 119.206 -223 146 119.471 174 147 118.2 219 147 118.8 -221 147 119.559 222 147 119.273 223 147 118.909 -220.286 148 120 221 148 119.559 222 148 118.545 -221 149 119.1 179 150 118.457 220.346 150 120 -177 151 118.556 178 151 118.889 179 151 118.457 -213 152 118.8 218 152 117.857 181 153 119.1 -185 153 119.824 215 153 118.457 217 153 117.882 -102 153.85 120 103.438 154 120 210 154 118.457 -215 154 118.2 222 154 117.455 223 154 118.111 -224 154 117.45 104 155 119.143 209 155 118.457 -211 155 118.457 213 155 118.7 219 155 117.273 -221 155 118.759 222 155 119.172 223 155 118.435 -103 155.895 120 104 155.143 120 184 156 117.529 -189 156 118.457 211 156 117.882 213 156 117.968 -218.727 156 120 219 155.87 120 219.429 156 120 -220 156 119.294 222 156 119.04 161 157 118.737 -162 157 118.636 189 157 118.2 201 157 119.206 -219 156.75 120 219 157 119.5 198 158 119.419 -202 158 119.206 203 159 118.4 165 160 119.609 -164.727 160 120 165 159.75 120 202 160 117.182 -210 160 117.6 165 160.6 120 210 161 117.333 -211 161 119.786 211.25 161 120 212.75 161 120 -214 161 118.909 216 161 118.105 57 162 118.688 -57 161.125 120 58 161.083 120 58 162 118.565 -104 162 118.65 105 162 118.111 106 162 117.375 -188 162 119.684 57 163 118.688 67.5333 163 120 -68 162.417 120 101 163 119.308 100.143 163 120 -102 162.739 120 102 163 118.364 103 162.563 120 -104 163 119 188 163 119 57 164 119 -56.5556 164 120 57.8 164 120 101 164 119.217 -102 164 119.25 103 164 118 103.111 164 120 -181 164 119.308 188 164 119.308 189 164 118.889 -57 165 117.75 56.25 165 120 57.25 165 120 -68 165 118.125 68.3125 165 120 162 164.053 120 -162.667 165 120 169 164.5 120 180.739 165 120 -189 165 118.444 190 165 117.75 197 165 119.667 -198 165 119.55 57 165.25 120 68 166 118.826 -69 165.55 120 69 166 118.313 93.2 166 120 -161 165.947 120 182 166 118.364 183 166 117.375 -189.067 166 120 191 165.333 120 198 166 118.25 -199 166 118.95 56 167 117.75 68 167 118 -162 166.261 120 171.519 167 120 183 166.636 120 -190 166.737 120 198 166.35 120 200 167 119.182 -199.25 167 120 200 166.571 120 201 166.632 120 -201 167 117.375 184 168 117.75 193 168 118.579 -192.25 168 120 201 168 118 202 167.417 120 -192 169 119.211 192 168.375 120 203 169 119.87 -203 168.857 120 79 170 117.563 80 170 118.75 -193 170 119.684 203 170 117.391 204 170 117.6 -93 171 119 94 171 118 94.3704 171 120 -94.3704 172 120 94 172.667 120 170.192 175 120 -171 175.808 120 184 184.267 120 176.533 186 120 -180 186 117.25 181 186 117.6 181.8 186 120 -182.091 186 120 185 186 117.091 175 186.588 120 -181 187 120 184 187 117.652 183.053 187 120 -185 187 117.088 182 187.615 120 200.25 68 123 -200.333 69 123 205 80 122.625 207 80 121.556 -208 80 122.423 210 80 120.714 221 79.913 123 -205 80.75 123 207 81 121.889 214 81 120.12 -206 82 122.032 207 82 121.645 208 82 122.8 -213 82 120.333 214 82 120.231 211 83 121.645 -213 83 121.5 210.182 84 123 212 84 121.8 -213 84 122.125 213 84.875 123 214 85.5 123 -216 87 122.739 217 87 122.55 221 87 120.273 -222 87 120.333 218 88 121.2 220 89 121.038 -221 89 120.103 221 90 120.231 221 91 121.5 -223 91 122.25 220 92 122.129 221 92 121.7 -222 92 121.889 222.667 92 123 222 93 120.529 -34 102 121.962 34 101.182 123 33 103 121.895 -34 103 121.7 33 104 120.682 34 104 121.5 -31.8235 105 123 34 105 121.5 32 106 120.667 -222 107 120.529 220 109 122.778 224 109 121 -220 110 122.333 221 110 122.032 222 110 122.206 -223 110 121.909 221 111 122.806 222 111 121.909 -221 114 122.032 222 114 120.857 220 115 122.143 -225 115 120.273 226 115 120.692 223 116 121.25 -224 116 121.125 225 116 120.333 221 117 121.457 -224 117 121.2 222 118 122.333 223 118 122.739 -223 119 122.063 223 120 121.853 222 121 121.457 -224 121 120.529 221 122 121.457 223 122 121.457 -226 122 120.455 227 122 121.219 221 123 121.457 -224 123 121.5 225 123 121.853 226 123 121.909 -227 123 121.219 149 123.7 123 226 124 121.909 -227 124 120.094 34.4737 126 123 226 126 121.125 -161 126.5 123 165 127 122.824 225 127 122.1 -226 127 121.7 34.7391 128 123 134 127.833 123 -145.059 128 123 165 128 121.8 217.875 128 123 -219 128 121.8 223 128 121.8 227 128 122.167 -135 128.077 123 162 129 121.235 164 129 121.8 -167 129 121.8 226 129 120.115 227 129 120.316 -35 130 121.818 136.4 130 123 124 133 121.355 -219 133 121.457 168 134 121.5 220 135 121.8 -219 136 122.786 218 138 121.457 220 138 121.457 -221 138 121.645 222 138 121.304 174 139 121.457 -177 139 122.471 220 139 122.8 221 139 122.8 -222 139 122.217 223 139 120.5 104.6 140 123 -106 140 121.355 173 140 121.2 177 141 122.1 -178 141 122.032 179 141 122.471 221 141 120.818 -105 142 123 106 142 120.857 176 142 122.129 -215 142 122.25 102 143 120.29 103 143 120.261 -104 143 120.75 176 143 121.543 212 143 122.471 -104 144 120.857 116 144 121.714 117 143.818 123 -181 144 121.8 182 144 122.471 212 144 121.457 -214 144 121.886 104.417 145 123 106 145 122 -116 145 120.167 117 145 120.3 179 145 121.457 -215 145 121.8 105 145.438 123 106 145.261 123 -116 145.739 123 181 146 122.778 184 146 121.8 -210 146 122.806 214 146 121.645 216 146 121.457 -46 147 121.111 181 147 122.778 182 147 122.778 -184 147 121.457 205 147 122.471 205 146.5 123 -208 147 121.457 209 147 121.8 211 147 121.8 -91 147.5 123 181 148 121.7 205 148 121.457 -207 148 121.457 211 148 121.457 212 148 122.125 -214 148 122.125 90 149 122.419 188 149 121.8 -210 149 121.457 212.375 149 123 42 150 122.4 -41.625 150 123 42 149.625 123 42.2727 150 123 -89 150 120.882 203 150 121.853 204 150 121.457 -209 150 121.457 210 150 121.645 211 150 122.217 -211.75 150 123 220 150 121.08 52 151 120.692 -208 151 121.457 214 150.625 123 53 152 122.5 -54.75 152 123 62 151.5 123 84 152 120.529 -189 152 121.457 208 152 121.2 177 153 122.609 -176.4 153 123 177 152.727 123 177.75 153 123 -177 153.25 123 103 154.211 123 104 155 120.857 -200 155 121.457 101.313 156 123 103 156 120.375 -217 156 122.182 216.455 156 123 218 155.813 123 -218 156 122.182 219.429 156 123 102 156.846 123 -103 156.933 123 217 157 121.696 216.286 157 123 -218 157 122.182 219 157 120.75 217 157.5 123 -206 159 122.053 207 159 121.875 165 159.813 123 -207 160 121.355 208 159.083 123 209 159.727 123 -209 160 122.438 209.429 160 123 60 161 122.333 -165 160.75 123 166 161 121.091 186 161 122.71 -187 160.364 123 188 161 122.55 207 161 121.696 -208 161 122.053 209 160.333 123 212 161 121.125 -57 161.455 123 70 162 120.273 72 161.263 123 -72 162 121.645 167 162 122.125 166.125 162 123 -167 161.125 123 187 162 120.222 57 163 122.625 -71 163 121 98 163 122.526 98 162.625 123 -99 162.045 123 99 163 120.261 100 163 120.158 -102 163 121.636 101.667 163 123 103 163 120.875 -167 162.467 123 169 163 122.71 168.25 163 123 -181 163 122.55 180.87 163 123 181.75 163 123 -57 164 120.75 58 163.273 123 90.6957 164 123 -93 164 122.4 100 164 121.091 102 164 121.125 -103 164 120.333 161 164 121.2 168 164 122.739 -167.923 164 123 172 163.6 123 182 163.143 123 -57 165 120.375 161 164.6 123 163 164.391 123 -182 165 122.842 182 164.857 123 191.375 165 123 -195 164.333 123 196 164.217 123 198 164.923 123 -172.654 166 123 182 166 120.783 195.8 166 123 -210 166 122.609 209.75 166 123 85 167 122.222 -84.125 167 123 85 166.632 123 85.5833 167 123 -162 166.783 123 163 166.526 123 191 167 121.235 -191 166.167 123 200 167 121.125 201 167 121.235 -210 167 122.438 211 167 122.4 84 168 122.4 -83.25 168 123 169 167.609 123 192 168 120.375 -201 168 120.4 202 168 121.05 203 168 120.783 -211 168 120.2 211.875 168 123 84 168.2 123 -90.125 169 123 91 169.368 123 95.1875 170 123 -211 169.15 123 212 169.375 123 92.4615 171 123 -93 172 121.75 170 171.87 123 170 173 120.75 -171 172.727 123 193 174 122.6 193 173.333 123 -194 173.067 123 194 175 120 194.9 175 123 -171 175.316 123 159 180.31 123 183.4 184 123 -184.545 184 123 182.895 185 123 175.143 186 123 -177 185.4 123 177 186 121.615 180.417 186 123 -181 186 121.091 178 187 121.889 179 187 122.1 -180 187 121.5 183 186.333 123 178 187.909 123 -182 188.435 123 193 188.077 123 92 190.6 123 -203 70 125.71 202 71 124.5 202.37 71 126 -202.286 73 126 208 81 123.12 205 83 125.727 -208 83 123.682 207 84 124.826 206 85 125.778 -205.8 85 126 206.5 85 126 206 86 125.125 -205.364 86 126 206.875 86 126 209 86 125.125 -210.375 86 126 211 85.7727 126 207.4 87 126 -209 87 125.032 210 87 125.333 210.545 87 126 -214 87 124.304 212 87.25 126 211.143 88 126 -213 88 125.625 210.867 89 126 212 89 124.645 -213 90 125.333 216 91 125.7 223.909 91 126 -215 92 125.739 216 92 125.75 224 92 124.636 -214 93 125.778 217 93 124.889 216 94 124.645 -217 94 125.217 218 94 125.625 217 95 125.217 -218 95 125.211 219 95 125.786 36 96 125.8 -36 95.7143 126 216 96 124.645 217 96 124.889 -218 96 124.111 219 96 123.136 35 97 125.778 -36 97 125.471 36 98 125.824 34 99 125.609 -35 99 124.5 34 100 124.421 35 100 124.5 -215 100 124.457 35 101 124.818 216 105 124.457 -218 109 124.5 219 109 124 218 111 123.882 -219 111 123.517 216 112 125.471 221 112 123.176 -215 113 125.5 218 113 125.885 220 113 124 -219 114 125.864 214 116 125.824 215.75 117 126 -217 119 124.457 36 121 124.457 37 121 125.471 -152.6 121 126 155 121 124.457 157 121 124.8 -215 121 124.457 152 122 125.625 153 122 124.853 -166 121.833 126 153 123 123.882 155 123 124.457 -165 123 125.125 218 123 124.457 36 124 124.8 -146.923 124 126 165 124 125.217 170 123.833 126 -218 124 124.8 220 124 123.818 36 125 124.457 -160 125 124.313 165 125 125.125 170 125 124.8 -212 125 125.1 211.4 125 126 219.857 125 126 -221 125 125.25 223 125 125.545 224 125 125.206 -35 126 123.882 36 126 124.645 37 126 124.645 -145.8 126 126 160 126 123.783 170 126 124.457 -212 126 125.778 213 126 125.55 213.6 126 126 -219 126 125.885 223 126 125.545 224 126 124.909 -36 127 125.217 213.25 127 126 36 128 124.826 -37 128 124.889 174 127.25 126 217 127.739 126 -216.571 128 126 228 128 123.75 227.25 128 126 -37 129 124.645 38.5 129 126 174 129 124.645 -214 129 125.55 216 129 125.55 216 128.727 126 -228 128.75 126 38 130 125.471 174 130 124.889 -146.5 131 126 212 131 124.457 37 132 125.559 -176 132 124.645 216 132 124.889 177 133 125.143 -211 133 124.8 215 133 124.457 211 134 124.457 -217 135 124.3 216 136 124.147 217 136 124.5 -176 137 124.111 213 138 124.2 207.167 139 126 -209 139 124.457 217 139 124.125 224 139 125.455 -223.2 139 126 224 138.556 126 225 138.5 126 -225 139 125.143 102 140 124.2 104 140 124.227 -182 140 124.645 183 140 124.7 207.5 140 126 -216 140 124.8 217 140 124.545 43 141 125.824 -103 141 123.947 104.857 141 126 167 141 124.385 -166.364 141 126 167 140.417 126 182 141 124.889 -184 141 124.645 209 141 124.645 216 141 124.345 -218 141 123.818 42 142 124.235 43 142 125.559 -99 142 124.2 105 141.25 126 167 142 124 -183 142 124.645 186 142 124.7 186.722 142 126 -203 142 124.457 207.222 142 126 209 142 124.645 -213 142 124.5 46 142.5 126 168 143 123.13 -169 143 124.3 185 143 124.645 190 143 125.778 -191 143 124.457 192 143 124.645 205 143 124.8 -97 144 123.182 105 144 124.826 116 143.769 126 -168 144 124 169 144 123 184 144 123.882 -190 144 125.032 191 144 124.645 198 144 124.457 -202 144 124.457 105 145 124.105 106 145 124.2 -116.737 145 126 168 144.37 126 169 144.609 126 -188 145 125.1 189 144.125 126 193 145 125.55 -201 145 124.457 205 145 124.457 89 145.25 126 -115 145.857 126 115.25 146 126 194 146 124.457 -90 147 124.5 116 146.111 126 191 147 124.645 -202 147 124.457 196 148 124.8 43 149 124.364 -44 149 125.609 45 149 125.8 59 149 125.824 -191 149 124.457 194 149 123.529 197 149 124.556 -214 149 124.412 216 149 124.56 217 149 124.364 -42 150 123.818 43 149.857 126 44 149.273 126 -59.3333 150 126 60 150 125.75 61 150 125.333 -64 150 124.457 212.25 150 126 215 150 125.833 -216 150 125.864 217 150 124.909 54 151 123.316 -55 151 123.833 56 151 124.5 211.4 151 126 -214.75 151 126 54 152 124.286 59 151.375 126 -177 153 124.286 218 153 125.667 217.727 153 126 -176 154 125.308 102 155 125.8 174 155 125.55 -174 154.571 126 175 155 124.862 214 155 125.118 -215 155 124.5 217 155 124.875 217.4 155 126 -175 156 124.889 176 156 124.929 176.667 156 126 -214 155.909 126 216 156 123.938 217.368 156 126 -218 156 123.6 219 156 123.692 100 156.333 126 -102 157 123.75 103 156.273 126 204 157 125.4 -216 157 124.714 218 157 123.6 219 157 123.391 -100 157.909 126 205 158 123.8 206 158 124.091 -184 159 125.323 184 158.125 126 185 158.217 126 -185 159 124.258 205 159 123.517 208 158.923 126 -165 160 123.333 185 160 123.9 186 160 123.13 -208.654 160 126 209 160 123.75 61 161 123.3 -72 161 123.789 74 161 125.471 94 161 125.455 -94.5455 161 126 180 161 125.727 180 160.714 126 -181 160.444 126 185 161 125.684 57 162 124.2 -57.6 162 126 60 162 125.25 61 162 123.75 -70 162 124.579 73 162 123.556 92 162 124.7 -167 162 125.625 167.333 162 126 168 161.923 126 -168 162 125.143 181 162 123.188 180.063 162 126 -208 162 124.875 60 162.097 126 61 162.273 126 -69 163 124.5 71 163 125.727 71.25 163 126 -167.391 163 126 168 163 123.2 171 162.265 126 -181.25 163 126 207 162.2 126 208 163 126 -90 164 124.92 97.7273 164 126 163 164 125.25 -163 163.813 126 181 164 123.563 182 164 123.783 -190 163.773 126 87 165 125.4 86.6 165 126 -87.8571 165 126 192 165 124.111 194 165 123.1 -86 166 124.35 87 166 124.444 87.6364 166 126 -90.7391 166 126 164.435 166 126 191.857 166 126 -198 166 125.318 210 166 125.25 84.4737 167 126 -86 167 124.25 86.5833 167 126 162 166.6 126 -163 167 124.8 171.2 167 126 189 166.143 126 -210 167 124.125 211 167 123.75 84 168 123.818 -90 168 123.4 211 168 125.211 191 170 124.696 -190.333 170 126 192 169.889 126 192 170 125.25 -169 171 124.765 170 170.842 126 170 171 125.609 -191 170.909 126 192 171 124.263 191.083 171 126 -169 172 124.043 168.375 172 126 192 172 125.455 -193 172 124.875 171 173 124.636 170.737 173 126 -193 173 123.75 194 173 123.75 170 174 125.211 -171 174 125 195 175 124.2 195.13 175 126 -194 175.435 126 195 175.375 126 197 178 124.889 -197 179 124.821 197.733 179 126 197 179.917 126 -175 183 125.6 179 183 125.769 164 183.941 126 -184 184 124.2 175 185 124.889 176 185 125.308 -177 184.714 126 184 185 125.684 170 185.722 126 -170.714 186 126 173 185.714 126 176 185.375 126 -171 186.087 126 172 186.261 126 179 186.455 126 -180 186.333 126 192 186.818 126 182.5 188 126 -93 190 125 96 190.059 126 202.654 72 129 -207 72 128.806 209 72.6087 129 210 73.0909 129 -208 76 128 207.533 76 129 210 79 126.789 -210 78.2632 129 211 79 128.6 210 80 127.364 -210.857 80 129 211 79.6667 129 212 80 128.833 -211.5 80 129 212 79.9091 129 212 81 128.483 -211.5 81 129 212.5 81 129 212 81.4545 129 -207 85 126.857 205.1 86 129 207 86 126.5 -208 86 126.214 211 85.6667 129 212 86 126.5 -213 86 126.5 207 87 128 212 87 126.857 -213 87 127.071 205.833 88 129 207 87.0909 129 -210 88 126.4 211 87.75 129 211 88 127 -206 88.1667 129 210 89 127.773 205 90 128.684 -214 90 126.316 204 90.625 129 205 91 127.889 -211 90.625 129 212 90.4167 129 213 91 127.071 -215 91 126.882 223 91 128.143 204 92 128.125 -223 92 126.882 37 93 128.6 38 92.7143 129 -38.0909 93 129 203 93 128.684 205 93 127.457 -208 93 128.206 209 93 128.032 210 93 128.667 -37 94 128.053 203 94 128.333 209 94 128.333 -213.125 94 129 219 94 127.286 36 95 127 -202.739 95 129 209 95 128.125 34.9333 96 129 -203.5 96 129 209.583 96 129 213 96 128.625 -212.75 96 129 206 97 127.8 208 97 127.457 -210 96.7143 129 210 97 128.684 205 97.5 129 -209 98 127.889 211 98 127.889 212 99 127.889 -213 99 127.5 209 100 127.645 209 101 127.457 -212 102 127.457 208 103 127.8 208 104 127.457 -205 109 128.206 203 110 128.143 206 110 128.032 -207 110 127.457 214 110 127.457 212 111 127.457 -200 111.833 129 201 113 127.457 198.625 114 129 -204 114 127.853 218 114 126.818 199 115 127.8 -200 115 127.457 201 117 127.457 215 117 126.265 -223 117 127.895 222.632 117 129 223.875 117 129 -211 118 127.457 212 118 127.5 223 118 128 -222.143 118 129 223.261 118 129 202 119 128.8 -208 119 127.457 213 119 128.206 214 119 127.182 -202 120 128.419 203 120 128.5 209 120 127.457 -161 120.417 129 204 121 128.118 209 121 128.032 -152 121.818 129 166.6 122 129 205 122 127.457 -29.8235 123 129 167 122.25 129 168.6 123 129 -149 123.7 129 170.25 124 129 188 124 128.909 -187.833 124 129 208 124 127.889 196 125 128.143 -197 125 127.8 206 125 127.457 218 124.955 129 -218.1 125 129 39 126 127.182 189 126 128.824 -199 126 128.032 204 126 127.457 206 126 127.645 -210 126 128.308 133 126.824 129 172.75 127 129 -174 126.857 129 174.286 127 129 199 127 128.333 -205 127 127.457 206 127 127.889 210.455 127 129 -211 127 126.75 214 127 128.077 214.571 127 129 -216 126.25 129 218 127 126.3 217.25 127 129 -173 127.125 129 199 128 128.125 206 128 128.125 -215 128 126.964 228 128 126.818 179 128.182 129 -181 129 127.645 206.833 129 129 39 130 126.581 -146.273 130 129 179 130 127.8 183 130 127.457 -197 130 127.853 198 130 127.889 205 130 127.457 -207 130 128.25 209 129.417 129 39 131 126.529 -40 131 127.2 41.625 131 129 197 131 128.4 -198 131 128.55 201 131 128.125 209 131 127.457 -40 132 127.853 188 133 128.032 40 134 127.286 -180 134 127.543 187 134 127.889 188 134 128.217 -192 134 128.471 193 133.75 129 184 135 128.1 -188.286 135 129 192 135 127.457 43 136 127.8 -43.875 136 129 182 136 127.2 184 136 128.778 -185 136 128.778 186 136 128.125 206 136 127.457 -219 136 128.55 183 137 128.143 184 137 128.778 -185 137 128.778 196 137 128.55 203 137 127.8 -218 137 128.625 217.813 137 129 219 137 127.696 -220.375 137 129 102 138 126.29 184 138 127.75 -187 138 127.645 188 138 127.962 202 138 128.559 -219 137.667 129 220 137.375 129 222 138 128.4 -221.25 138 129 223 138 127.25 224 138 127.875 -224.375 138 129 186 139 128.1 187 139 127.889 -188 139 128.333 201 139 128.8 203 139 128.559 -205 139 128.032 206 139 127.444 223 139 126.429 -222.6 139 129 225 138.714 129 225.105 139 129 -186 140 126.563 187 140 127.111 188 140 127.853 -192 140 127.457 193 140 127.457 197 140 127.645 -200 140 127.457 204 140 128.423 204.714 140 129 -225 139.133 129 104 141 127.636 166.667 141 129 -167 140.143 129 188 141 128.4 189 141 128.909 -190 141 128.182 196 141 127.457 205.167 141 129 -213 141 127.154 214 141 127 105 142 126.818 -166.435 142 129 189 142 128.897 199 142 127.235 -200 142 126.882 201 142 126.176 207 142 128 -48 143 127.5 106 143 128.167 187.5 143 129 -189 143 128.833 188.857 143 129 194 143 127.345 -206 143 126.316 207 143 128 208 143 126.682 -50 143.188 129 207 144 127.615 208 144 127.7 -113.6 145 129 114 144.143 129 188 144.091 129 -114 146 128.217 115 147 128.769 114.714 147 129 -116 146.609 129 43 149 127.636 44 149 127.286 -44.4 149 129 45 148.455 129 46 148.727 129 -46 149 128.182 47 149 127.95 47.4667 149 129 -67 149 126.529 46 149.25 129 47 149.875 129 -59 150 126.094 211.455 150 129 214 150 126.75 -59 151 127 210 151 127.625 210 150.522 129 -211 151 126.3 213.667 151 129 208.813 152 129 -210 152 127.889 211 152 127.95 209 153 129 -211 152.304 129 216 153 128.786 214 153.565 129 -217 154 127.875 218 153.933 129 217.75 154 129 -174 154.5 129 176.895 155 129 205 155 128.71 -206 155 128.118 207 154.625 129 207 155 128.667 -101 156 128 102 156 127.826 174.074 156 129 -177 155.087 129 177 156 126.577 183 156 128.25 -182.125 156 129 204 156 127.147 206 156 128.308 -97 157 127.846 98 156.313 129 98 157 127.821 -100 156.067 129 101 156.625 129 101.25 157 129 -102 157 127.2 176 157 126.115 177 157 126.441 -183 157 127.8 184 156.632 129 184 157 128.125 -202 157 128.824 203 157 126.9 214 156.618 129 -217 157 127.5 178 158 128.71 183 158 128.222 -184 158 126.158 61 159 128.727 62 159 127.645 -95 159 128.4 183 158.778 129 183.1 159 129 -207.435 159 129 58.375 160 129 62 160 126.9 -71.9259 160 129 73 160 127.3 75 159.895 129 -94 160 126.75 95 160 127.038 95.7727 160 129 -179 160 128.8 180 159.045 129 180 160 126.577 -187 160 126.316 204 159.333 129 208 160 127.962 -62.4667 161 129 75 161 127.818 95 161 126.682 -95.5862 161 129 179.357 161 129 185 161 126.6 -186 161 128.348 186 160.545 129 208 161 127.304 -62 161.636 129 61.4286 162 129 71 162 128.625 -71.0769 162 129 92 161.056 129 168.769 162 129 -170 162 126.2 180 161.947 129 186 162 126.75 -187 162 128.217 207 162 126.692 207 161.167 129 -61 162.2 129 88.4545 163 129 89 162.455 129 -90 162.105 129 95 163 127.92 97.875 163 129 -167.833 163 129 181 162.231 129 187 162.75 129 -88 164 127.8 88 163.455 129 89 164 126.9 -95 164 127.714 97 164 128.286 96.6429 164 129 -100.176 164 129 163 163.571 129 163.857 164 129 -172.382 164 129 188 163.067 129 193 163.263 129 -86.5417 165 129 87 164.522 129 89 165 127.125 -90 165 127.5 97 165 128.769 98 165 128.217 -162.045 165 129 196 165 128.273 86 166 128.2 -86.3636 166 129 87.5833 166 129 91 165.261 129 -99 165.333 129 162 166 127.929 168.923 166 129 -194 166 126.818 195 166 128.294 195 165.6 129 -196 166 128.429 197 166 127.909 85 167 127.111 -86 167 127.05 92 167 127.5 93 167 128.5 -95.6667 167 129 165 167 126.857 189 167 127.125 -189.667 167 129 191 166.385 129 193 166.111 129 -166 168 128.1 166.857 168 129 189 168 127.696 -190 168 129 95.3704 169 129 164 168.333 129 -167.25 169 129 188.727 169 129 190 169 126.375 -95 169.909 129 168 170 127.75 169 170 126.783 -169.773 170 129 191 169.125 129 192 170 126.75 -168 171 128.25 167.87 171 129 169.944 171 129 -192 171 128.063 192 172 126.333 193 172 126.474 -193 173 126.45 194 173 126.45 194 174 127.222 -194 175 127.111 195 175 126.6 196 177 127.714 -196 176.75 129 197 177 127.333 197.833 177 129 -196 178 127.364 198.667 178 129 198 179.75 129 -207 180 128 92 181 128.667 92.375 181 129 -196 180.778 129 197 181 128.526 196.4 181 129 -202 181 127.174 204 181 127.765 207 181 127.393 -208 181 128.55 92 182 127.636 92.9091 182 129 -200.75 182 129 202 182 127.038 206 182 128.471 -207 182 128 208 182 127.444 209 182 126.9 -92 183 128.571 92.6667 183 129 174 183 126.273 -173.375 183 129 177 183 127.773 197 183 128.609 -198 183 128.71 207 183 128.333 208 183 126.261 -92 183.125 129 172 184 128.526 171.25 184 129 -171 185 128.455 172 185 127.8 173 185 126.682 -170 185.9 129 170.25 186 129 176 185.929 129 -175.68 187 129 179 187 127.565 178.45 187 129 -180 187 127.385 181 186.4 129 179 188 127 -178.5 188 129 180 188 126.5 181 188 127.5 -182 188 127.688 192.727 189 129 94 189.409 129 -95 190 127 193 189.194 129 86 191 126.5 -90.7368 191 129 87 191.8 129 90 191.452 129 -203 72 130.929 204 72 131.308 207 74 131.727 -208 74 130.962 211 74 130.765 208 75 130 -207.474 75 132 209 75 131.526 209 75.375 132 -208 76.5556 132 211 79 129.6 210 80 130.636 -212 80 129.231 212 81 129.882 213 82 130.5 -214 83 130.2 214.6 83 132 214 84 132 -206 85 130.2 214 85 129.429 213.5 85 132 -215 84.1 132 215 85 129.545 206.667 86 132 -210.727 86 132 215 85.5 132 42 87 131.909 -205.9 87 132 205.182 88 132 207 88 132 -41 89 131.824 205 89 130.846 205 88.2857 132 -206 89 129.882 207 89 130.857 208 89 130 -206 90 129.125 208 90 130.345 209 90 129.529 -210 90 129.261 39 91 131.739 211 91 129.391 -212 91 130.75 216 91 131.571 215.8 91 132 -216 90.7143 132 38 92 131.143 39 92 130.962 -39.6 92 132 203.37 92 132 212 92 130.364 -216 92 130.875 39 93 131 212 93 130.655 -216 92.75 132 211 95 132 212 95 132 -213 95 130.071 215 95 131.609 215 94.25 132 -216 95 132 202.533 96 132 215 95.3333 132 -211 97 129.094 34.5 98 132 203 98 131.129 -204 99 131.419 205 99 131.25 206 99 130.773 -37 100 129.529 201.727 100 132 207 100 130.304 -202 101 131.032 203 101 130.457 204 101 130.8 -202 102.25 132 202.857 103 132 203.167 104 132 -198.346 112 132 196 115.929 132 223 117 130.4 -194 118 131.739 193.889 118 132 223 118 130.636 -194 119 131.419 193.143 119 132 195 120 131.559 -212 120 129.882 153 121 129.667 155 121 130.543 -161 121 129.875 192 121 131.806 192 120.75 132 -192.5 121 132 195 121 131.471 212 121 130.154 -161 122 130.543 166 122 129.45 192.667 122 132 -193.75 122 132 40 123 131.1 152 123 129.857 -166 123 129.581 168 123 129.45 191 123 131.125 -193 122.75 132 193 123 131.909 202 123 129.545 -209 123 129.818 210 123 130.56 41 124 131.684 -159 124 130.543 167 124 130.147 187 124 130.364 -188 123.087 132 189 124 130.5 190 124 130.75 -195 124 129.857 210 124 129.409 218 124 131.625 -218 123.727 132 40 125 130.5 150 125 130.645 -157 125 130.543 165 125 129.529 170 125 130.355 -186 125 129.545 185.64 125 132 187 125 129.261 -191.75 125 132 192 124.5 132 194 125 131.182 -209 125 129.469 217 125 129.563 43 126 130.8 -157 126 130.543 158 126 129.581 160 126 129.2 -161 126 130.2 163 126 130.543 187 126 129.2 -190 126 130.235 201 126 129.094 208 126 129.714 -151 127 130.889 153 127 131.143 154 127 131.471 -155 127 131.118 156 127 131.471 159 127 129.5 -170 127 130.543 188 127 129.818 192 126.6 132 -192 127 131.824 210 127 130.667 133 127.5 132 -160 128 130.3 174 128 131.333 175 127.875 132 -176 127.625 132 180 127.435 132 185 128 131.885 -184.857 128 132 187 128 130.235 188 128 129.818 -191 128 131.206 200 128 129.844 201 128 130.545 -206.913 128 132 209.933 128 132 216 127.889 132 -44 129 130.645 161 129 131.824 164 128.909 132 -184 128.231 132 192 129 130.3 200 129 129.844 -201 129 130.182 207 128.286 132 42 130 130.111 -44 130 131.333 187 130 129.529 188 130 129.529 -189 130 130.08 190 130 129.882 191 130 130.5 -192 130 130.111 194 130 130.2 201 130 129.091 -44 131 131.333 188 131 129.265 189 131 130.773 -192 131 131.217 193 131 130.2 199 131 130.2 -46 132 131.333 192 132 131.333 194 132 130.5 -196 132 129.882 199 132 132 43 133 131.909 -47 133 131.032 106 133 129.882 110 132.265 132 -189.538 133 132 192 133 130 193 133 129.529 -195 133 130.235 197 133 131.217 197.462 133 132 -42 134 130.909 48 134 131.419 189 134 130.071 -190 133.545 132 191 134 130.8 194 134 129.682 -195 134 130.5 196 134 130.3 197.5 134 132 -198.857 134 132 45 134.857 132 103 135 129.265 -196 135 130 101 136 129.265 102 136 129.176 -189 136 129.517 196.571 136 132 218 136 129.167 -217.105 136 132 189 137 129.774 190 137 129.469 -196.696 137 132 201 137 129.9 221 136.875 132 -221 137 130.875 49 137.85 132 199.688 138 132 -217 138 131 220 138 129.682 223 138 130.615 -45 139 130.545 46 139 131.206 49 139 130.457 -52 139 130.457 199 139 129.882 199 138.478 132 -222 138.545 132 223 139 130.286 224 139 130.154 -50 141 130.457 87 141 131.206 131.294 141 132 -168 141 130.105 185 141 131.625 186 141 131.438 -186.188 141 132 204.75 141 132 205 140.813 132 -207.333 141 132 50 142 130.2 86 142 130.457 -106 142 131.143 167 142 130.182 186 142 132 -188 142 129.391 205.417 142 132 106 142.286 132 -187 143 131.25 186.333 143 132 187 142.857 132 -187.667 143 132 206 142.259 132 56 144 130.457 -75 144 130.457 80 144 130.457 85 144 129.265 -158 144 130.875 157.667 144 132 159 143.091 132 -159 144 130.421 159.667 144 132 171 144 129.789 -172 143.25 132 186.813 144 132 189 144 132 -74 145 130.457 81 145 129.529 82 145 130.235 -84 145 129.818 113.818 145 132 158 144.75 132 -159 145 131.308 158.143 145 132 159.545 145 132 -170 145 130.8 172 145 130.853 116.111 146 132 -159 145.4 132 172 146 131.118 73 147 129.176 -114 147 129.556 116 146.375 132 114 148 131 -115 147.947 132 45 149 129.783 46 149 129.6 -47 149 130.75 212 150 129.783 212 151 130.957 -208.8 152 132 210.545 152 132 63 153 131.077 -62.2 153 132 63 152.667 132 64 153 130.95 -208 153 129.75 210.133 153 132 216 153 129.273 -218 153 130.826 65 153.571 132 65 154 131.667 -66 153.667 132 66 154 131.419 207 154 130.875 -206.625 154 132 209 154 131.667 209.5 154 132 -216 154 130.667 217 154 129.474 64.8125 155 132 -66 155 131.118 181 155 130.3 182 155 129.1 -183 155 129.167 203.25 155 132 208 155 130.5 -209 155 131.8 210 155 131.471 211 154.421 132 -211 155 130.969 212 154.192 132 65.6 156 132 -67 155.125 132 67 156 131.323 68 156 131.667 -98.5455 156 132 175 155.818 132 176 155.65 132 -180.923 156 132 182 156 129.115 201 156 130.696 -202 155.419 132 208 156 131.8 209 155.5 132 -210.25 156 132 64 157 131.8 64.5 157 132 -66 157 131.769 68 157 131.118 69 157 131.118 -70.1875 157 132 99 156.357 132 99.4091 157 132 -175.1 157 132 184.077 157 132 200 157 130.543 -206.143 157 132 209 157 131.824 209.667 157 132 -212 156.292 132 214 156.519 132 61.2273 158 132 -65 158 131.654 70 157.75 132 93.6667 158 132 -94 157.474 132 185 158 129.947 184.188 158 132 -200 158 130.543 201 158 130.355 206 158 130.5 -206 157.071 132 61 158.278 132 71.4167 159 132 -72 158.533 132 74 158.824 132 75 159 130.889 -98 158.567 132 178 159 130.174 179 158.1 132 -179 159 129.158 183 158.188 132 184 159 131.348 -184 158.375 132 185 159 131.2 200 159 131.71 -204.25 159 132 207 159 130.579 206.25 159 132 -77 159.455 132 77.75 160 132 181 159.227 132 -185 160 130.742 186 160 129.783 206 160 131.885 -207 160 131.04 77 161 131.118 78 160.4 132 -78 161 131.743 89 161 131.053 92.6 161 132 -178 160.545 132 91 161.474 132 99 163 130.909 -181 162.375 132 186 162.474 132 96 163.571 132 -163 164 129.947 168.265 164 132 184 164 131.471 -183.25 164 132 189 163.45 132 193 164 131.625 -87 165 130.65 87.75 165 132 92 164.409 132 -96 165 129.158 98.9333 165 132 163 165 131.172 -164 165 131.333 183.333 165 132 185 165 130.147 -194 165 130.875 195 165 130.5 87 166 129.75 -97 166 131.684 163 166 131.5 166 165.903 132 -190 165.833 132 189.875 166 132 167 166.567 132 -93 168 129.316 163.769 168 132 167 168 129.091 -168 167.346 132 168 168 130.3 188 168 132 -95 168.273 132 166 169 130.227 167 169 129.1 -189 168.857 132 189 169 131.571 190 169 130.105 -62.75 170 132 63 169.8 132 64 169.143 132 -64 170 129.429 94 170 129.882 190 170 129.45 -191 170 129.778 63 171 131.571 62.75 171 132 -169 170.895 132 176 171 131.25 175.143 171 132 -197 170.625 132 175 172 131.667 176 172 130.5 -178 172 131.71 179 172 131.71 179.429 172 132 -198 172 130.444 199 172 131.4 176 173 131.308 -177 172.667 132 179 173 131.71 179.273 173 132 -175 174 131.4 198 173.909 132 198 175.4 132 -199 175.8 132 197 176.6 132 199 177 131.125 -180 179 131.71 196 178.4 132 201 179 130.444 -200.067 179 132 178 180 131.71 178 179.75 132 -178.75 180 132 92 181 132 178 181 130.895 -177 181 132 178.875 181 132 208.526 181 132 -92 182 131 179 181.091 132 196 181.455 132 -92 183 129.333 171 182.941 132 199 183 130.696 -201 183 130.364 206 183 130 172 183.684 132 -180.875 184 132 198 184 129.794 199 184 130.6 -200 184 130.625 202 184 130.821 203 184 131.471 -204 184 131.824 182 184.6 132 183 184.6 132 -184 184.625 132 199 185 131.4 200 185 130.5 -201 185 130.2 202 185 130.8 203 185 131.1 -204 185 130.962 168 185.045 132 171 186 129.45 -172 186 129.75 191 186 131.571 201 186 129.2 -175 187 131.217 176 188 129.783 178 189 130.579 -179 188.75 132 179 189 131.625 93 189.8 132 -179 189.167 132 193 189.323 132 85 191 131.727 -91 190.056 132 86 68 134.625 87 68 134.125 -85 69 134.206 87 69 134.419 91 69 134.824 -203 72.6538 135 207.278 75 135 208 75.6842 135 -215 77 133.444 49 78 134.8 214 78 134.769 -210 79 132.529 214 78.2857 135 216 78.1333 135 -213 79.8667 135 214 80 133.962 213 81 133.5 -212.375 81 135 211.714 82 135 207 82.375 135 -207 83 134.118 208 83 133.846 209 83 134.824 -209.333 83 135 211.714 83 135 43 84 133.696 -44 84 134.419 44 83.1429 135 206 84 132.125 -207 84 133.846 208 84 133.5 208.714 84 135 -209 83.3333 135 210 84 134.769 210.167 84 135 -213 84 134.143 214 83.5 135 213.667 84 135 -42 85 133 41.5652 85 135 43 85 132.581 -44 85 134.471 207 85 134.75 207.125 85 135 -208 84.4167 135 210 84.3333 135 213.75 85 135 -214 84.3333 135 215 84.625 135 215.25 85 135 -42 86 132.261 43 86 133.2 207 86 132.5 -211 86 133.8 41 87 132.316 43.5909 87 135 -206 87 132.143 41 88 132.1 42 88 132.882 -206 88 133.227 40 89 132.115 205 89 132.6 -206 89 133.714 207 89 133.412 39 90 133.8 -206 89.6 135 40 91 132.176 216 91 132.857 -215 94 132.75 214.4 94 135 215.6 94 135 -214 95 133.421 213.333 95 135 216 94.4 135 -214 96 133.444 215 96 132.9 215.737 96 135 -216 95.375 135 214 97 133.778 215 97 134.053 -214 97.9167 135 210 102 134.71 210 101.727 135 -202.278 103 135 230.5 103 135 40 115 132.581 -196 117.143 135 193.25 119 135 192 120.75 135 -192.667 121 135 43 122 133.355 44.25 122 135 -190.75 122 135 192.75 122 135 193.25 122 135 -193 122.167 135 40 124 132.176 188 123.833 135 -189 123.833 135 190 123.286 135 218 123.421 135 -192 125 132.75 193 125 132.316 218.806 125 135 -192 126 132.75 148 127 132.857 149 127 133.2 -150 127 132.176 209.375 127 135 133 128 133.444 -186.143 128 135 206.125 128 135 209.909 128 135 -216 128 133.2 148 129 133.543 149 129 133.543 -156 129 133.543 163 129 132.857 174 129 132.103 -206 129 134.182 207 129 133.25 216 128.75 135 -154 130 133.543 204 130 134.71 203.85 130 135 -205 130 134.25 206 130 134.684 207 129.368 135 -215 130 134.308 215 129.25 135 148 131 132.857 -163 131 133.543 174 131 134.286 189.353 131 135 -204 130.75 135 215 131 133 215.667 131 135 -151 132 134.118 160 132 133.5 162 132 133.8 -163 132 133.543 166 132 134.471 199 131.462 135 -215 132 133.688 214.125 132 135 150 133 134.143 -189 133 133.75 189 132.286 135 191 133 132.833 -44 134 132.29 45 134 132.529 51 134 134.143 -52 134 134.206 150 134 134.032 156 134 133.645 -157 134 133.889 163 134 133.125 164 134 133.147 -175 134 134.727 189 134 133.227 190 134 133.364 -190.5 134 135 46 135 132.882 47 135 132.882 -51 134.833 135 53 135 134.333 154 135 134.471 -155 135 134.143 164 135 133.455 187.643 135 135 -189 135 133.345 198.333 135 135 47 136 134.559 -47.625 136 135 165 136 134.531 190 136 133.966 -211 136 134.654 210.8 136 135 213 136 133.8 -214 136 134.032 215 136 134.333 46 137 133.182 -47 137 134.559 48 137 134.897 49 136.583 135 -57 137 134.8 57 136.75 135 189 136.455 135 -190 136.526 135 195.5 137 135 211 137 134.118 -210.091 137 135 212 137 134.118 214 137 133.8 -215 137 132.857 216 137 132.1 46 138 132.529 -47 138 133.182 56 138 134.217 56 137.143 135 -55.25 138 135 90 138 132.882 161 138 134.714 -55 139 132.429 55 138.1 135 215 138.609 135 -117 140 134.6 116.714 140 135 118 140 133.8 -119 139.455 135 119 140 134.053 119.316 140 135 -185 139.867 135 69 141 133.8 73 141 133.457 -76 141 134.824 76 140.6 135 79 141 133.457 -186 140.444 135 186.333 141 135 203 141 134.032 -204 141 133.35 207.455 141 135 77 142 132.909 -104.5 142 135 105.75 142 135 168 142 132.321 -169 142 133.179 170 142 133.32 185 142 132.13 -186.333 142 135 203 142 134.824 105 142.6 135 -186 143 132.429 186.545 143 135 187 143 132.857 -159 144 134 170 143.167 135 171 143.391 135 -172 143.105 135 186 143.429 135 187 144 134.25 -187.25 144 135 159 145 133.636 188 144.375 135 -113.5 146 135 115 146 134.7 161 146 133.95 -160 146 135 161 145.125 135 162 146 135 -113 147 132.789 113 146.125 135 161 147 134.125 -160.563 147 135 162 147 134.679 172 147 132.091 -113 148 133.3 112.37 148 135 161 147.467 135 -162 147.273 135 173 148 133.645 174 148 134.739 -178 148 133.6 178 147.417 135 50 149 133.714 -49.8125 149 135 51 149 133.6 112.818 149 135 -114 149 134.727 125 148.04 135 174 149 134 -175 149 133.846 177 149 133.355 178 149 133 -178.783 149 135 51 150 133 50.0909 150 135 -52 149.067 135 53 149.565 135 53.9091 150 135 -113 149.133 135 178 150 133.688 53 150.667 135 -177 151 134.71 178 151 133.8 210 151 132.692 -211 151 132.346 179 152 133.969 179.917 152 135 -210 152 133.125 63 153 133 63.7273 153 135 -178 152.188 135 180 153 133.258 181 153 134.55 -65 153.625 135 66 153.667 135 66.2727 154 135 -180 154 132.103 182 153.769 135 210 154 132.375 -211 153.6 135 179.409 155 135 182.955 155 135 -212 154.263 135 214 155 134.471 213.333 155 135 -65 156 133.688 64.5625 156 135 68 155.3 135 -175 156 132.4 177 156 132.875 183 156 134.885 -198 155.65 135 210 156 132.2 212 156 134.625 -213 156 133.4 214 156 133.826 65 157 132.261 -98.6774 157 135 165 157 134.16 164.364 157 135 -165 156.417 135 176 156.867 135 175.867 157 135 -181 156.077 135 182 157 133.2 183 157 134.333 -198 157 132.529 208 157 132.75 210 157 132.273 -61.1429 158 135 67 158 133.258 70 158 132.273 -71 157.625 135 71 158 132.75 195 158 134.471 -197 158 133.543 205 158 133.5 205 157.5 135 -204.333 158 135 208 158 134.609 209.917 158 135 -210 157.909 135 61 159 134.167 61.4545 159 135 -65.9333 159 135 71 158.375 135 72 158.727 135 -77 158.654 135 208 159 134.6 209 159 134.609 -60 160 132.875 61 160 134.2 62 160 134.9 -78 160 132.222 79 159.217 135 80 159.263 135 -80 160 133.765 200.435 160 135 208 159.143 135 -209 159.214 135 60 161 132.333 61 161 133 -62 161 132.692 79 161 132.771 81 161 133.8 -87.5 161 135 95.5 161 135 169 161 133.385 -182 161 134.143 200 160.909 135 77 162 132.577 -81 162 134.471 92 161.778 135 178 162 132.581 -179 162 132.222 182 162 133.421 186 161.931 135 -72 163 132.818 76 162.323 135 81 162.261 135 -93 162.182 135 178 163 133.846 177.333 163 135 -181 163 133.111 182 163 133.355 183 162.364 135 -183 163 133.645 98 163.769 135 182 164 132.794 -183 164 132.194 187.947 164 135 190 164 132.333 -191 164 132.333 88 164.25 135 88 165 133 -91 164.957 135 168.222 165 135 183 165 132.789 -189 165 133.853 190 165 132.882 195 165 134.25 -195 164.333 135 98.4 166 135 149.588 166 135 -165 166 133.962 166 166 133.125 169 166 133.5 -168.5 166 135 172 166 132.261 173 165.091 135 -182 165.292 135 186 165.955 135 187 166 134.842 -195 166 134.143 97 166.706 135 165 166.6 135 -166 166.192 135 168 166.125 135 168 167 133.174 -169 166.286 135 173 167 134.25 172.125 167 135 -173.875 167 135 195 167 134.053 94 167.091 135 -94 168 132.778 95 167.7 135 173 168 134.679 -174 168 134.032 189 168 132.6 195 168 134.419 -196 167.25 135 196 168 134.471 165.433 169 135 -174 169 133.5 196 169 133.625 63 170 135 -64 170 133.2 174 170 133.645 175 170 133.174 -195 169.545 135 196 170 133.688 197 169.75 135 -197 170 133.875 63 171 134 168 170.5 135 -176 170.067 135 196.417 171 135 86 172 133.543 -174.3 172 135 178 171.8 135 179.875 172 135 -219 171.739 135 83 173 134.778 84.7143 173 135 -87 173 133.543 173.926 173 135 174 172.75 135 -177 172.733 135 179.917 173 135 205 173 133.696 -205 172.091 135 206 173 133.565 206.647 173 135 -81 174 134.52 80.5556 174 135 82 174 134.333 -85 173.667 135 176 173.25 135 178 173.273 135 -179.182 174 135 198 173.857 135 205 173.667 135 -206 174 135 81 174.8 135 86 175 134.087 -174 175 134.143 175 175 132.429 175.316 175 135 -179 174.333 135 86 176 133.421 87 176 133.889 -198 175.364 135 199.261 176 135 207 176 134.053 -207 175.25 135 208 175.571 135 208 176 132.429 -86 177 134.182 85.8696 177 135 87 177 134.308 -176 177 134.609 177 177 134.667 207 177 134.069 -208 177 134.182 208.545 177 135 86 177.333 135 -87 177.545 135 176 178 134.609 177 178 134.625 -177.375 178 135 180 177.222 135 181 177.684 135 -199.929 178 135 200.091 178 135 201 177.565 135 -207 178 132.6 208 178 133.091 208.737 178 135 -176 178.6 135 177 179 134.55 178 178.417 135 -178 179 133.688 179 179 132.273 181 179 132.158 -196 179 133.227 198 178.933 135 199 178.684 135 -177 180 135 179 180 132.75 180 180 132.833 -181 180 132.167 182.065 180 135 197 179.429 135 -197 180 134.143 178 180.909 135 178 181 134.625 -180.375 181 135 182 181 133.364 196 181 133.071 -196.818 181 135 197 180.667 135 198 180.818 135 -177 181.5 135 178 181.333 135 181.125 182 135 -199 182 134.6 182 182.875 135 182 184 134.25 -166 184.045 135 184 184.1 135 174 186 134.318 -180 185.391 135 174 187 132.333 177 186.333 135 -190.4 187 135 90 188 134.609 89.625 188 135 -178 187.087 135 90 189 134.125 90.875 189 135 -174 189 134.1 193 188.591 135 91 189.143 135 -179 190 133.154 180 189.133 135 180 190 132.947 -181 190 134.684 88.4737 191 135 84 192 133.304 -93 191.391 135 80 192.5 135 92 68 135.3 -92.6429 68 138 82 69 136.773 83 69 135.273 -84 68.1923 138 66 70 136.5 66 69.4348 138 -69 70 137.419 72 70 137.824 75 70 136.645 -81 70 136 82 70 136.2 83 70 135.6 -84 70 135.75 86.875 70 138 87 69.9333 138 -89 69.875 138 89.1333 70 138 93 70 136.645 -94 69.1818 138 94 70 137.206 97 70 137.684 -65 71 137.739 66 71 136.962 67 71 137.333 -80 70.9444 138 83 71 137 90 71 137.684 -93 71 136.645 94 71 136.457 97 71 137.217 -97.8571 71 138 63 72 137.679 64 72 137.8 -64 71.3333 138 96 72 137.125 97 72 137.125 -97.875 72 138 62 73 137.778 97 72.875 138 -98 72.3333 138 97.3333 73 138 98 73 137.684 -98.5 73 138 99.25 73 138 101 73 136.889 -202 73 136.2 203 73 136.5 92 73.5 138 -101 74 137.419 202 74 136.636 203 73.5 138 -51 76 136.364 51 75.7778 138 52 76 136.364 -52.75 76 138 211 76 136.147 49 77 136.929 -50 77 135.316 51 77 135.261 52 77 137.053 -52.5 77 138 48 78 136.071 50 78 135.321 -51 78 136.556 47 79 137.455 48 79 135.261 -49 79 136 214 79 136.875 216 79 136.444 -47 80 135.5 48 80 136.5 213 80 135.333 -215 80 136.25 46 81 136.125 213 81 135.536 -214 80.2 138 214 81 136.286 45 82 135.714 -214 82 135.346 218.333 82 138 44 83 135.167 -45 83 135.2 46 83 136.5 207 83 136.071 -209 83 135.15 212 83 135.273 219 83 137.739 -218 83 138 45 84 135.529 207 84 136.5 -208 84 135.714 210 84 135.143 213 84 135.273 -218 84 137.52 217.5 84 138 219 83.3333 138 -207.2 85 138 214 85 135.333 215 85 135.45 -218 85 136.8 218.6 85 138 218 86 138 -40.5 87 138 215 94 135.391 215 95 137.25 -216 95 135.333 215 97 137.571 214 98 135.75 -213 98 138 41.375 99 138 204 99 136.889 -213 99 137.25 213.75 99 138 213 100 137.526 -202 101 135.968 212 101 137.667 211.25 101 138 -212 100.25 138 209.263 102 138 211 101.091 138 -211 102 136.696 210 103 135.938 209.421 103 138 -211.545 103 138 210 103.917 138 42 109 137.545 -42.6842 110 138 197 118 136.25 195 121 137.217 -195.316 121 138 45.5 122 138 192 122 135.783 -193 123 136.5 194.857 123 138 199 124 137.824 -188 125 136.2 189 125 136.2 191 125 135.667 -217 125 137.864 49 126 137.143 188 126 136.355 -190 126 137.032 192 126 136.8 186 127 135.222 -191 126.5 138 208 127 135.6 218 126.375 138 -207 128 136.826 208 128 137.143 99 128.5 138 -103 129 135.882 105 128.172 138 206 129 137.571 -208 129 135.818 97 130 137.471 99 130 136.457 -183 130 136.2 184 130 135.875 204 129.864 138 -205 129.533 138 206 129.333 138 98 131 136.889 -177 131 136.543 186 130.4 138 190 130.143 138 -190.4 131 138 204 131 135.6 203 131 138 -204.444 131 138 31 132 135.783 97 132 136.826 -173 132 135.667 182 132 136.543 184 132 136.25 -198 131.85 138 199 131.739 138 202 132 137.4 -202 131.842 138 203 132 136.25 203.583 132 138 -215 132 138 54 133 136.2 55 133 136.8 -56 132.5 138 89.6 133 138 93 133 136.8 -168 133 136.543 172 133 136.543 175 133 135.194 -177 133 136.2 184 133 136.889 184.909 133 138 -200 133 136.636 201 133 137.55 202 133 136.444 -203 133 137 56 134 137.143 92 134 137.032 -151 134 135.529 152 134 136.543 153 134 135.529 -174 134 135.176 176 134 135.455 180 133.273 138 -184 134 137.625 185 134 137.125 202 134 137.4 -51 135 135.2 54 135 135.6 57 135 136.556 -86 134.833 138 87 135 137.206 152 135 136.543 -160 135 136.355 175 135 135.441 185 135 137 -186 135 136.95 187 134.286 138 187 135 136.421 -201 134.182 138 213 134.727 138 48 136 135.391 -49 136 136.313 50 136 137.8 51 136 137.8 -53 136 135.4 55 136 136.2 57 136 136.125 -58 136 137.1 60 136 136.8 82 136 137.471 -89 136 135.968 152 136 135.968 158 136 136.2 -167 136 136.111 170 136 136.543 174 136 137.118 -176 136 135.577 192.818 136 138 210.6 136 138 -211 135.818 138 219 136 136.962 50 137 136.286 -52 136.533 138 53 136.65 138 55.3333 137 138 -56 137 135.429 153 137 135.857 159 137 136.111 -162 137 135.316 167 137 136.696 170 137 136.543 -177 137 137.55 195 137 137.053 209 137 137.625 -210 136.375 138 219 137 137.516 52 137.467 138 -55.5455 138 138 74 138 136.457 77 138 136.457 -79 138 137.217 80 138 137.217 158 138 137.4 -170 138 136.543 175 138 137.824 209 138 136.5 -210 138 135.794 220 138 137.318 221 138 137.143 -154 139 136.543 171 139 137.679 172 139 137.75 -196 139 136.5 208 139 136.75 209 139 135.875 -210 139 136 211 139 136.429 119 140 136 -155 140 137.471 184 139.625 138 184.2 140 138 -203 140 135.158 207 140 136.5 209 140 136.5 -182.684 141 138 202 140.056 138 208 140.75 138 -103.563 142 138 105.9 142 138 130.735 142 138 -156 142 137.4 185.7 142 138 201 142 136.457 -202 142 135.794 157 143 137.857 201 143 137.032 -202 143 136.645 203 143 137.217 205 142.69 138 -207 142.286 138 170 144 136.154 183 143.182 138 -185 143.261 138 188 144 135.29 155 145 137.182 -170.056 145 138 161.667 146 138 170 146 136.5 -162 146.25 138 169 147 137.471 168.143 147 138 -33.8235 148 138 175 148 137.053 50 149 135.333 -51 149 136.105 112 149 135.794 153 149 135.2 -51 150 137 53 149.522 138 54 150 135.6 -54.5 150 138 113 150 137.438 114 149.37 138 -163 150 137.609 163 149.625 138 179 149.5 138 -56.7273 151 138 58 150.125 138 58 151 137.222 -58.5833 151 138 112 150.933 138 163 151 137.71 -164 151 137.7 164.273 151 138 58 151.368 138 -173 151.333 138 176 151.5 138 64 153 135.333 -210 153 135.176 65 154 135.333 95 153.067 138 -182 154 135.783 210 154 138 121.176 155 138 -181 155 137.5 181 154.375 138 182 155 136.853 -67 155.222 138 98.5667 156 138 164.6 156 138 -182 156 136 211 156 135.692 166 157 135.667 -167 157 137.032 57 158 136.875 56.8 158 138 -58 158 135.375 59 158 135.375 63 158 137.739 -71 158 136.8 92.7368 158 138 165 157.875 138 -165.222 158 138 168 158 137.824 193 158 136.765 -207 157.467 138 208 158 137.25 208 157.947 138 -208.25 158 138 57 158.75 138 58 158.875 138 -59 158.467 138 62 159 135.667 72 159 135.375 -77 159 136.5 81 158.44 138 86 159 137.118 -90 159 136.6 168 159 137.471 170 159 137.735 -192 159 137.4 208 159 135.857 209 158.75 138 -209 159 137.25 73 160 136.2 74 160 136.457 -76 160 137.9 77 159.6 138 168 160 136.929 -171.37 160 138 194 160 136.543 73 161 136.2 -76 160.143 138 84 161 136.543 86 161 136.355 -91 161 136.5 106 161 136.714 105.25 161 138 -106.375 161 138 172.067 161 138 194 161 136.8 -193.263 161 138 195 161 137.25 195.467 161 138 -199 161 138 91 161.286 138 91 162 136.636 -91.625 162 138 106 162 136.875 105.25 162 138 -106.375 162 138 167.588 162 138 195 162 137.55 -200 161.75 138 76.9231 163 138 78 163 135.652 -89 163 136.826 91 162.333 138 176.935 163 138 -187.278 163 138 194 163 136.263 195 163 137.25 -77.75 164 138 194 164 137.143 195 164 135.75 -78 164.25 138 87 164.429 138 90.4348 165 138 -98.5 165 138 119.294 165 138 168 165 135.947 -91 166 136.889 167 165.565 138 168 166 135.222 -90 167 137.735 98 167 137.053 97.25 167 138 -99 166.417 138 99 167 136.688 165.567 167 138 -169 167 135.833 171.857 167 138 87 168 137.1 -86.6667 168 138 89 168 136.8 90 168 137.323 -91 167.857 138 93 167.261 138 99 168 136.565 -100 167.813 138 100 168 137.182 174 167.091 138 -196 167.25 138 63 169 136.875 62.625 169 138 -63 168 138 87 169 136.25 88 169 136.688 -89 169 136.543 90.15 169 138 98.8696 169 138 -100 169 135.273 201 169 137.71 63 169.429 138 -86 170 135.115 88 170 136.645 89 170 137.032 -196 170 136.313 196 169.25 138 197 170 135.45 -201 170 137.667 202 170 137.609 202.188 170 138 -89 171 137.684 100 170.133 138 174 170.636 138 -175 171 137.842 175 170.75 138 197 171 135.778 -201 170.188 138 202 170.75 138 83 172 136.421 -82.4444 172 138 176 172 136.688 177 172 136.138 -178 172 135.48 179 172 135.875 198 172 135.882 -84 173 136 173 172.867 138 174 172.455 138 -175 173 137 178 173 135.45 179 173 136.375 -198 173 135.581 205 173 137.727 206 173 137.75 -80.625 174 138 82.75 174 138 84 173.526 138 -85.0667 174 138 81 174.375 138 85.85 175 138 -175.368 175 138 205 175 137.684 205 174.5 138 -169 176 137.8 168.818 176 138 199 176 135.667 -202.286 176 138 203 175.474 138 204 176 137.323 -205 176 136.412 206 175.417 138 169 177 136.895 -168 177 138 175.75 177 138 176 176.571 138 -177 176.364 138 177.467 177 138 198 177 136.4 -199 177 136.4 202 177 137.55 201.813 177 138 -205 177 136.2 206 177 136 169 177.875 138 -177.333 178 138 179 178 137.143 179.4 178 138 -198 178 136.556 199 178 136.444 201.667 178 138 -203 178 135.375 204 178 135.9 208.526 178 138 -177 179 136.125 177 178.375 138 178 179 137.333 -179 179 137.5 179.167 179 138 197 179 135.45 -201 179 137.333 178 180 137.5 179 180 135.75 -181 180 137.318 182 180 135.333 201.684 180 138 -208.077 180 138 172 180.8 138 181 181 137 -181.714 181 138 198 181 137 201.087 181 138 -209 180.923 138 172 182 136.263 178 182 135.375 -183 182 136.364 197 181.333 138 198 181.045 138 -200 181.727 138 172 183 135.273 173 182.071 138 -173 183 135.4 182 183 135.75 183 183 135.923 -191 183 137.4 190.667 183 138 191 182.8 138 -191.273 183 138 184 183.591 138 187 184 136.645 -188 183.818 138 188.5 184 138 191 183.6 138 -167 184.071 138 189 184.667 138 189 185 137.864 -72 185.75 138 85 186 137.125 85 185.364 138 -89 186 135.577 88.3 186 138 196 186 135.462 -195.313 186 138 72 187 136.25 73 187 136.696 -84 187 136.969 85 187 137.032 90 187 135.857 -90.3226 187 138 174 186.091 138 177.944 187 138 -190.455 187 138 195 187 136.5 196 187 135.577 -198 187 135.231 73 188 137 89 188 135.652 -90.3333 188 138 191 187.75 138 73 188.158 138 -88.8 190 138 90.1053 190 138 180 189.125 138 -182.091 190 138 74 190.842 138 179 190.913 138 -180 190.875 138 181 190.929 138 182 190.286 138 -86 192.045 138 86 69 140.571 87 69 139.5 -89 69 140.625 89.1333 69 141 86.5333 70 141 -89 70 138.857 97 69.2 141 63 71 140 -64 71 138.136 71 71 138.529 72 71 138.882 -79 71 138.12 80 71 138.143 86 71 138.24 -87 70.3684 141 87 71 139 88 71 139.429 -89 71 139.08 98 70.5 141 98 71 138.5 -99 71 138.3 99.6429 71 141 62 72 138.214 -65 72 138.909 73 72 139.355 81 72 138.24 -87 72 139.345 98 72 139 100 72 138.857 -60 73 139.8 61 73 138.833 63 73 138.2 -74 73 139.8 76 73 139.889 80 73 140.217 -81 73 139.556 86 73 139.3 87 73 139.556 -89 73 138.931 97 73 138.167 99 73 139 -102 73 138.96 58 74 139.5 59 74 138.6 -60 74 138.6 61 74 139 62 74 139.4 -63 74 140.1 77 74 139.645 78 74 139.889 -80 74 139.889 89 74 140.1 95 73.5417 141 -98 74 139.5 56 75 138.75 58 75 138.25 -59 75 138.667 60 75 139.75 64 74.6 141 -77 75 140.471 79 74.8333 141 83 75 139.889 -87 75 140.806 90 75 139.457 97 75 140.769 -98 75 140.318 99 75 140.684 203 75 140.6 -204 74.1111 141 52 76 139.125 54 76 138.545 -53.25 76 141 55 76 138.316 57 76 138.818 -59 76 139.962 84 76 139.8 85 76 139.8 -86 76 140.206 100 76 139.7 101 76 139.7 -53 76.375 141 53 77 139.636 87 77 140.471 -99 77 140.679 102 77 140.824 54 77.75 141 -96 78 139.8 99 78 140.032 100 78 140.206 -47.3846 79 141 213.737 80 141 217 80 138.103 -53 80.25 141 216 80.9091 141 207 82.9444 141 -48 84 140.471 219 84 139.2 218 84.75 141 -219 84.4 141 215 96 138.29 214 97 139.5 -212.5 98 141 213 97.6842 141 214 98 139.8 -211.778 99 141 212 98.5 141 213.737 100 141 -211.167 101 141 210 104 139 211 104 139.696 -42 105 138.667 210 104.5 141 211 105 140.8 -210.5 105 141 229 105.25 141 42 107 138.783 -210 107 139.091 210 108 140.526 209.25 108 141 -43 109 138.968 43 111 138.529 45 112 140.471 -201 114 140.76 201 115 139.44 202.8 115 141 -204 115 140.76 203.5 115 141 204.286 115 141 -199 116 138.469 202 116 139.143 203 115.5 141 -203 116 140.647 203.5 116 141 201 117 140.118 -202 117 139.846 203 116.167 141 200 118 140.76 -200.167 118 141 201 117.333 141 48 119 139.8 -198 119 138.818 199 119.818 141 200 119.333 141 -197 122 140.143 198 122 140.8 200 121.25 141 -50 123 139.457 198 123 139.645 199 123 138.261 -200 123 138 197 124 139.543 200 124 138.8 -50 125 139.579 53 125 139.8 99 124.833 141 -103 125 140.824 196 125 138.667 198 125 139.625 -199 125 139.35 200 124.55 141 218 125 139 -100 126 140.143 193 126 138.1 196 126 139.6 -199 125.407 141 218 126 138.818 46 127 140.609 -45 127 141 100 127 139.853 102 127 140.545 -216 127 138.333 217 127 138.231 53 128 139.313 -192 128 139.5 216 128 138.321 54 129 139.645 -57 129 139.457 58 129 139.8 96 129 139.2 -189 129 138.6 131 130 138.103 188 130 138.517 -191 130 139.421 204 130 138.45 205 130 138.75 -206 130 138.2 221 130 139.8 222 129.474 141 -222 130 139.333 55 131 138.529 56 131 139.2 -130 131 140.182 132 131 138.6 188 131 139.636 -204 131 138.571 215 131 138.321 221 131 139.091 -220.125 131 141 222 131 139.2 60 132 139.457 -87 132 139.457 186 132 140.8 187 131.565 141 -188 131.909 141 188.071 132 141 190.5 132 141 -197.3 132 141 203 132 139.75 63 133 139.8 -88 133 138.882 185.923 133 141 201 132.75 141 -202 132.167 141 71 135 139.457 182 134.591 141 -112.87 136 141 115 135.955 141 178 136 140.531 -178.625 136 141 184 136 139.607 215 135.75 141 -52 137 139.75 55 136.462 141 173 137 138.455 -182.556 137 141 184 137 139.125 185 137 138.9 -190.286 137 141 194.667 137 141 199 136.25 141 -216 136.667 141 217 137 138.783 216.056 137 141 -129.308 138 141 183 138 139.781 184 138 139.031 -185 138 139.781 186 138 140.7 193.091 138 141 -207 137.727 141 173 139 139.091 174 139 138.094 -175 139 138.5 179 139 138.115 184 139 138.714 -184.889 139 141 192 138.091 141 193 139 139.889 -194 139 138.667 213 138.867 141 212.75 139 141 -105 139.87 141 109 140 139.765 110 140 140.25 -176 139.828 141 179 140 138.652 180 140 139.636 -191 140 140.118 192 140 139.455 194 140 138.857 -196 140 138.103 197 140 139.44 210 140 141 -103.63 141 141 106 141 139.846 108 141 140.735 -107.25 141 141 109 141 139.6 110.875 141 141 -169 140.818 141 171 141 139.645 173 140.261 141 -180 141 139.778 181 141 140 184.273 141 141 -193 141 139.455 194 141 139.147 195 141 139.412 -196 141 138.9 197 141 139.444 198 141 139.696 -199 141 140.438 106.4 142 141 170 142 140.8 -182 142 139.038 192 141.5 141 198 142 140.4 -199 142 139.385 157 144 138.316 181.87 144 141 -183 144 139 184 144 140.053 184.316 144 141 -201 144 138.9 207.857 144 141 170 145 139.5 -201 145 138.947 202 145 140.571 127.548 146 141 -161 146 138.5 168 145.222 141 201 146 139.875 -161 147 138.75 162 147 138.529 168 147 138.158 -167.053 147 141 211 147 140.667 210.818 147 141 -211 146.714 141 114 148 140.444 125 147.481 141 -212 148 140.76 211.833 148 141 212 147.5 141 -213 147.625 141 213 148 140.182 177.667 149 141 -213 149 139.846 214 149 139.385 220 149 139.364 -219 149 141 220 148.143 141 53 150 139.138 -64 150 140.71 164.933 150 141 214 149.875 141 -57.25 151 141 58 150 141 59 151 141 -62 151 140.118 63 151 140.118 64 151 140.471 -162.333 151 141 173 150.955 141 178 151 140.9 -179 153 138.375 180 153 138.75 180 154 138.75 -181 154 138.29 92 155 140.419 167 155 140.625 -169 155 139.8 170 155 139.8 207 155 140.211 -208 155 139.962 210 155 138.529 67 156 140.864 -68 155.565 141 69 155.222 141 71.5556 156 141 -99.0303 156 141 164.867 156 141 167 156 138.316 -168 156 139.147 169 156 139.2 170.773 156 141 -208 156 140.806 209 156 139.235 65 157 139.5 -90 157 138.783 92 157 139.355 168 157 138.794 -170 157 139.543 187 157 140.8 187 156.818 141 -188 157 139.645 191 156.192 141 191 157 138.9 -195 156.684 141 197 156.848 141 57 158 138.474 -58 158 139.105 59 158 139.05 66 158 140.9 -91 158 139.2 92 158 139.355 176 157.391 141 -187 158 140.625 188 158 139.111 191 158 138.194 -209 158 138.375 84 158.263 141 92 159 138.529 -189 159 139.125 190 159 139.25 200 159 138.857 -92 160 138.577 102 160 140.667 102.6 160 141 -166.63 160 141 188 159.13 141 199 160 140.1 -199 159.7 141 219 160 140.4 220 160 139.875 -76 161 138.529 77 161 139.8 78.5 161 141 -93 161 138.167 103 161 139.895 104 160.813 141 -104 161 138.75 106 161 138.391 181 160.333 141 -200 161 138.333 219 160.75 141 82.75 162 141 -89 162 139.2 90 162 138.231 90 161.077 141 -104 161.75 141 106 162 138.391 172 162 140.318 -193 161.909 141 193.083 162 141 195 162 139.125 -77.8125 163 141 85.8125 163 141 90 163 138.2 -91 163 139.304 185.375 163 141 194 163 140.063 -77.4167 164 141 79 163.909 141 91 163.813 141 -185.4 164 141 194 164 138.273 195 164 138.529 -77 165 138.938 78 165 140.077 178 164.778 141 -195 165 138.529 76 166 139.895 77 166 139.174 -172 166 140.739 184 165.52 141 195 166 138.529 -64 167 140.294 63 167 141 64 166 141 -76 167 139.565 75.45 167 141 77 167 140.55 -97 166.8 141 171 166.231 141 172 167 138.316 -173 167 138.677 200.125 167 141 76 168 140.125 -99 168 140.75 99 167.875 141 173 168 138.321 -174 168 138.968 196 168 138.29 63 169 138.818 -75 169 140.25 74.6316 169 141 100 169 139.304 -174 169 139.313 195 169 139.571 202 169 138.455 -203 169 139.853 205 169 140.667 75 170 140.667 -75.2 170 141 85.32 170 141 174 170 138.75 -175 170 138.29 203 170 140.167 201 170.783 141 -202 171 138.273 202.833 171 141 83 172 140.727 -83.125 172 141 82 173 138.778 83 173 140.318 -84 173 139.579 87 172.545 141 173 173 141 -174 173 139.286 81 174 138.29 82 174 138.265 -87 174 139.8 169 175 140.526 204.714 175 141 -205 174.895 141 168.545 176 141 170 176 139.421 -174 175.467 141 176 177 138.375 177 177 138.75 -202 177 139.125 202.172 177 141 170 177.4 141 -180 178 138.391 208.091 178 141 180 179 139 -51.5667 180 141 180 180 138.231 203.261 180 141 -172.286 181 141 182 181 138.545 183 182 139.636 -185 182 139.929 186 182 140.667 198 181.182 141 -171 183 140.5 175 182.517 141 182 183 138.75 -185 183 140.217 186 183 139.6 191 183 138.6 -167.143 184 141 182 184 139.5 183 183.429 141 -189 184 138.75 189.429 184 141 71 185 139.35 -71 184.267 141 90.5667 185 141 180 184.333 141 -86 185.684 141 86 186 139.714 87 185.933 141 -87 186 140.833 88 186 139.227 74 187 138.667 -75 186.455 141 83 187 138.136 86 187 139.333 -87 187 139.696 106 186.433 141 169 187 140.167 -169 186.688 141 178.625 187 141 192 187 139.125 -74 188 138.857 78 187.895 141 81 188 139.543 -83 188 138.091 84 188 138.103 86 188 140.727 -87 188 139.889 169 188 139.655 168.409 188 141 -170 187.182 141 170.75 188 141 193 187.033 141 -74 189 140.647 75 189 139.5 84 189 139.846 -172.467 189 141 73.9091 190 141 76 190 139.364 -82 190 139.543 83 190 139.543 84 190 140.419 -89 189.75 141 89 190 139.8 180 190 140.1 -180.75 190 141 182 189.889 141 80 191 139.2 -83 191 139.543 84 191 140.032 85 191 140.727 -89 191 139.235 179 190.091 141 182 190.182 141 -84 192 138.794 88 192 139 90 192 139.2 -89 193.13 141 68 68.8529 144 67.5455 69 144 -69 68.6571 144 70 68.4857 144 71 68.4857 144 -72 68.4857 144 73 68.4857 144 74 68.3529 144 -75 68.3429 144 76 68.3529 144 77 68.5862 144 -78 68.7391 144 79 68.9444 144 79.1667 69 144 -83 69 144 91 69 144 92 69 144 -93 69 144 94 69 144 65 69.8235 144 -64.5 70 144 66 69.3529 144 67 69.2143 144 -80 69.1515 144 81 69.1818 144 82 69.1818 144 -84 69.2609 144 85 69.9444 144 85.0833 70 144 -89.2273 70 144 90 69.2609 144 95 69.2727 144 -96 70 144 63 70.8235 144 62.7391 71 144 -64 70.2069 144 86 70.4783 144 87 70.7857 144 -88 70.7391 144 89 70.2941 144 97 70.6 144 -98 71 141.882 97.25 71 144 99 71 143.7 -62 71.7727 144 61.7727 72 144 98 72 141.316 -97 72 144 99 72 141.882 100 71.9167 144 -99.9231 72 144 101 71.7391 144 101.353 72 144 -60 72.8235 144 59.5 73 144 61 72.5 144 -97.3158 73 144 99 73 141.545 99.6207 73 144 -102 72.3793 144 102.529 73 144 57.5 74 144 -58 73.8235 144 59 73.1765 144 73 74 141.783 -87 74 141.316 94.6471 74 144 95 73.6667 144 -95.5 74 144 98 73.7222 144 99 74 142.364 -98.4545 74 144 99.2609 74 144 103 73.7273 144 -103.182 74 144 56 75 144 57 74.2609 144 -67.3333 75 144 68 74.75 144 69 74.5455 144 -70 74.3182 144 71 74.2857 144 72 74.2857 144 -73 74.7727 144 73.4167 75 144 94.0833 75 144 -95.6471 75 144 99 74.4615 144 103.364 75 144 -204 74.3929 144 203.393 75 144 205 74.1765 144 -206 74.7857 144 206.261 75 144 54 76 144 -55 75.4074 144 63.0909 76 144 64 75.6429 144 -65 75.4444 144 66 75.3182 144 67 75.1176 144 -74 75.25 144 75 75.697 144 76 75.8485 144 -76.4545 76 144 80 76 141.818 94 76 141.25 -95 75.4074 144 103.364 76 144 203.324 76 144 -207 75.5 144 207.739 76 144 50.7059 77 144 -51 76.8529 144 52 77 144 53.0833 77 144 -61 77 143.833 61.2 77 144 62 76.75 144 -63 76.0588 144 77 76.1765 144 78 76.2222 144 -79 76.5238 144 79.9091 77 144 103.036 77 144 -203.647 77 144 208 76.2069 144 209 76.8148 144 -209.227 77 144 49 78 144 50 77.4286 144 -53 77.0909 144 60.0909 78 144 61 77.0909 144 -80 77.0455 144 81 77.375 144 82 77.75 144 -82.3636 78 144 84 78 142.364 102.429 78 144 -103 77.0588 144 204 77.5217 144 204.324 78 144 -210 77.6071 144 210.688 78 144 48 78.8214 144 -47.8148 79 144 58.0909 79 144 59 78.5455 144 -60 78.0455 144 83 78.3182 144 84 78.4444 144 -85 78.4444 144 86 78.5455 144 86.9091 79 144 -89 79 141.75 101.389 79 144 102 78.5217 144 -204.647 79 144 211 78.1515 144 212 78.5 144 -212.739 79 144 47.4783 80 144 55 80 144 -56 79.7059 144 57 79.75 144 58 79.0588 144 -87 79.0455 144 88 79.4444 144 89 79.5455 144 -90 79.6429 144 91 79.8182 144 91.6667 80 144 -100.059 80 144 101 79.3043 144 205 79.7059 144 -205.147 80 144 213 79.1765 144 214 79.697 144 -214.455 80 144 46 81 144 47 80.5 144 -53 81 141.75 54.5833 81 144 92 80.1176 144 -93 80.1176 144 94 80.4118 144 95 80.75 144 -96 80.75 144 97 80.6 144 98 80.375 144 -99 80.4118 144 100 80.0455 144 205.5 81 144 -215 80.3529 144 216 80.697 144 216.455 81 144 -45 81.6071 144 44.6667 82 144 52 82 143.833 -52.0909 82 144 53 81.6429 144 54 81.3182 144 -205.971 82 144 217 81.5217 144 217.478 82 144 -44 83 144 51.0588 83 144 52 82.0588 144 -206 82.0435 144 206.647 83 144 218 82.9231 144 -218.056 83 144 43.3529 84 144 49.7059 84 144 -50 83.7826 144 51 83.0455 144 207 83.6667 144 -207.176 84 144 218 84 142 219 83.7391 144 -219.273 84 144 43 84.6667 144 42.7857 85 144 -48.6207 85 144 49 84.5217 144 207.647 85 144 -220 84.5926 144 220.478 85 144 42 86 144 -48.0357 86 144 207.824 86 144 221 85.6667 144 -221.176 86 144 41.2143 87 144 47.5294 87 144 -48 86.0588 144 207.971 87 144 221.824 87 144 -41 87.2727 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107 144 203.676 107 144 209 107 144 -212 107 141.545 213 107 142.2 213.522 107 144 -219 107 143 218.739 107 144 219 106.647 144 -220 107 143 220.333 107 144 221 106.077 144 -229 107 144 33.5152 108 144 45.0294 108 144 -203.353 108 144 208.708 108 144 212 108 144 -213 107.667 144 219 108 142.2 218.333 108 144 -220 108 143.118 220.179 108 144 229.324 108 144 -33.1818 109 144 45.1818 109 144 203 108.706 144 -202.853 109 144 209 109 142.8 208.5 109 144 -210 108.923 144 209.857 109 144 211 108.179 144 -218 109 142.95 217.759 109 144 218 108.462 144 -219 109 142.2 219.667 109 144 220 108.455 144 -229.647 109 144 33 110 144 45.5294 110 144 -202.697 110 144 209 110 143.824 208 110 144 -209.053 110 144 218 110 143.824 217.941 110 144 -218.167 110 144 219 109.706 144 230 110 144 -32.8235 111 144 45.8529 111 144 202.429 111 144 -209 110.2 144 218 110.2 144 230 111 144 -32.6571 112 144 46 111.455 144 46.1818 112 144 -202.045 112 144 230.176 112 144 32.4857 113 144 -46.5294 113 144 202 112.059 144 201.429 113 144 -230.485 113 144 32.4857 114 144 47 113.941 144 -47.0357 114 144 201.045 114 144 208 114 143.842 -207.8 114 144 208 113.8 144 209 113.8 144 -209 114 143.842 210 113.417 144 210 114 142.95 -211 113.588 144 211 114 142.95 211.583 114 144 -230.824 114 144 32.4857 115 144 47.5294 115 144 -202 115 144 203.417 115 144 204 114.696 144 -205 114.588 144 205 115 142.25 206 114.417 144 -207 114.8 144 207 115 143.727 207.2 115 144 -208 114.2 144 209 114.091 144 210 114.412 144 -211 114.304 144 231 115 144 32.4857 116 144 -48 115.941 144 48.0357 116 144 201 115.6 144 -200.636 116 144 201.8 116 144 203 116 142 -202.2 116 144 203.8 116 144 204.2 116 144 -205 115.636 144 205.8 116 144 206.2 116 144 -207 115.2 144 231 116 144 32.4857 117 144 -48.5294 117 144 200.083 117 144 202 116.077 144 -204 116.043 144 206 116.063 144 231 117 144 -32.4857 118 144 49 117.727 144 49.2143 118 144 -200 117.2 144 199.818 118 144 231 118 144 -32.4857 119 144 49.8214 119 144 199.583 119 144 -231 119 144 32.4857 120 144 50 119.217 144 -50.6207 120 144 99 119.833 144 98.6667 120 144 -100 119.833 144 101 120 143.684 101 119.882 144 -101.167 120 144 199 119.636 144 198.818 120 144 -230.824 120 144 32.4857 121 144 51 120.478 144 -51.5217 121 144 97 121 143.684 97 120.833 144 -96.8333 121 144 98 121 143.684 98 120.667 144 -101.167 121 144 198 121 141.3 199 120.8 144 -199.083 121 144 230.657 121 144 32.4857 122 144 -44 122 141.938 43 122 144 44 121.353 144 -45 121.773 144 45.1786 122 144 52 121.478 144 -52.5217 122 144 97 122 143.684 96.6667 122 144 -100 122 143.684 101 122 143.684 101.333 122 144 -199.647 122 144 230.514 122 144 32.4857 123 144 -43.9565 123 144 45 123 142.263 45.5 123 144 -53 122.478 144 53.5217 123 144 96 122.667 144 -95.6667 123 144 98 123 143.684 100 123 143.684 -101 123 143 102 122.8 144 102.083 123 144 -200 122.5 144 200.353 123 144 230.343 123 144 -32.4857 124 144 44 123.056 144 45 124 143.824 -44.9444 124 144 45.2 124 144 54 123.478 144 -54.7059 124 144 95 124 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144 171 144.625 144 -172 144.588 144 172.304 145 144 182 145 144 -183.75 145 144 184 144.81 144 199.696 145 144 -202 145 144 203 144.261 144 206 144.292 144 -207 144.261 144 229.485 145 144 34 146 144 -64 146 143.824 63.5 146 144 64 145.833 144 -64.1429 146 144 127.5 146 144 160 145.8 144 -160 146 143.727 160.059 146 144 167 146 144 -173 146 144 183 145.5 144 200 145.636 144 -200.8 146 144 201.056 146 144 229.176 146 144 -34.3529 147 144 64 146.2 144 126.375 147 144 -127 146.63 144 158.091 147 144 159 146.091 144 -160 146.091 144 167.222 147 144 173.571 147 144 -201 146.059 144 211 147 141.857 229 147 144 -34.6765 148 144 63.8571 148 144 64 147.8 144 -64.1667 148 144 110 148 144 111 147.824 144 -112 147.848 144 112.455 148 144 124 148 144 -125 147.207 144 126 147.176 144 157.304 148 144 -158 147.059 144 168 147.778 144 168.214 148 144 -174 147.706 144 174.217 148 144 212 147.833 144 -211.909 148 144 213 147.333 144 214 147.657 144 -215 148 144 229 148 144 35 149 144 -64 149 141.682 63 149 144 65 148.455 144 -65.2609 149 144 108.227 149 144 109 148.5 144 -113 148.353 144 113.393 149 144 123.676 149 144 -156.5 149 144 157 148.389 144 169 149 144 -175 149 143 174.588 149 144 211.955 149 144 -216 149 144 220 149 144 228.824 149 144 -35.1765 150 144 59.1667 150 144 60 149.821 144 -61 149.667 144 62 149.5 144 65.7222 150 144 -108 150 141.652 107.357 150 144 108 149.217 144 -113 150 144 123.214 150 144 155.607 150 144 -156 149.5 144 163 150 144 164 149.414 144 -165 149.955 144 165.056 150 144 170 149.848 144 -170.185 150 144 175 150 143.625 174.667 150 144 -177 150 143.684 178 150 141.429 212 149.059 144 -212.941 150 144 215 150 144 228.485 150 144 -35.3429 151 144 58 151 141.6 59.0455 151 144 -66 150.833 144 66.0909 151 144 106.955 151 144 -107 150.909 144 112 150.667 144 111.353 151 144 -122.185 151 144 123 150.214 144 155 151 144 -162.214 151 144 165.214 151 144 171 151 144 -173.714 151 144 174 150.667 144 177 151 141.429 -213 150.036 144 214 150.364 144 228.176 151 144 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153 144 187 152.056 144 -227.485 153 144 36.3429 154 144 68 153.167 144 -73 154 143.833 72.9412 154 144 74 154 143.824 -74.0435 154 144 92 154 144 93 153.185 144 -99.4118 154 144 121.485 154 144 154.176 154 144 -164 154 143.824 163.944 154 144 164 153.833 144 -165 153.588 144 165 154 142.95 166 153.964 144 -167 153.786 144 168 153.357 144 171 153.417 144 -171.368 154 144 227.176 154 144 36.6571 155 144 -68.4545 155 144 69 154.625 144 70 154.778 144 -71 155 144 72 155 143.833 72 154.941 144 -72.2 155 144 73 154.2 144 74 154.059 144 -89.2 155 144 90 154.879 144 91 154.667 144 -99.25 155 144 121.029 155 144 154 154.5 144 -153.824 155 144 164 154.2 144 164.8 155 144 -166 155 141.429 171.586 155 144 203 155 141.571 -202 155 144 203 154.5 144 204 154.586 144 -204.923 155 144 226.647 155 144 227 154.333 144 -37 156 144 67.4783 156 144 68 155.294 144 -72.5652 156 144 87.5217 156 144 88 155.522 144 -89 155.043 144 99 156 144 120.824 156 144 -121 155.143 144 153.515 156 144 165 156 144 -171.486 156 144 185.955 156 144 186 155.938 144 -187 155.478 144 188 155.393 144 189 155 144 -190 155 144 191 155.393 144 191.773 156 144 -198.759 156 144 199 155.696 144 200 155.179 144 -201 155.176 144 205 155.091 144 206 156 143.625 -205.833 156 144 226.324 156 144 37.5152 157 144 -66.8214 157 144 67 156.688 144 72.1765 157 144 -86 157 144 87 156.522 144 98.3529 157 144 -120.514 157 144 153 157 144 165.485 157 144 -171.486 157 144 186 157 142.364 185.571 157 144 -192 156.185 144 193 156.545 144 193.833 157 144 -195 157 144 197.667 157 144 198 156.786 144 -205 156.909 144 204.917 157 144 225.824 157 144 -226 156.647 144 37.8235 158 144 67 157.294 144 -68 158 144 71.2143 158 144 72 157.214 144 -83.9412 158 144 84 157.957 144 85 157.727 144 -98 157.522 144 97.6071 158 144 120.176 158 144 -152.515 158 144 165.5 158 144 171.657 158 144 -174.5 158 144 175 157.333 144 176 157.414 144 -177 157.786 144 177.6 158 144 185.818 158 144 -194 157.091 144 196 157.353 144 197 157.414 144 -203.455 158 144 204 157.647 144 225.485 158 144 -38 158.5 144 38.1765 159 144 69 158.5 144 -70 158.657 144 71 158.207 144 83 159 144 -97.1818 159 144 101.917 159 144 102 158.955 144 -102.091 159 144 119.824 159 144 120 158.5 144 -152.176 159 144 165.853 159 144 171.5 159 144 -174.5 159 144 178 158.235 144 178.722 159 144 -186 158.273 144 186.696 159 144 200.091 159 144 -201 158.697 144 202 158.364 144 203 158.185 144 -225 159 144 38.5152 160 144 82 160 143 -82.6364 160 144 97 159.8 144 96.9412 160 144 -100.294 160 144 101 159.478 144 103 159.476 144 -103.478 160 144 119.514 160 144 152 159.353 144 -151.676 160 144 166 159.556 144 166.19 160 144 -171.393 160 144 174.966 160 144 179 159.238 144 -179.727 160 144 187 159.241 144 188 159.829 144 -188.5 160 144 195 159.588 144 194.364 160 144 -196 159.786 144 197 159.676 144 198 159.657 144 -199 159.353 144 200 159.034 144 217.647 160 144 -218 159.739 144 219 159 144 220 159.588 144 -220.304 160 144 224.485 160 144 39 161 144 -79 161 141.75 80 161 143 81 161 143.684 -83 160.667 144 83 161 143.684 84 160.667 144 -84.3333 161 144 90 161 144 91 160.824 144 -91.375 161 144 96.9545 161 144 99.5882 161 144 -100 160.417 144 101 161 141.12 104 161 144 -119.514 161 144 151.353 161 144 167 160.944 144 -167.059 161 144 171 160.917 144 170.941 161 144 -175 160.059 144 175.571 161 144 180 160.353 144 -180.917 161 144 181.2 161 144 182 160.81 144 -182.444 161 144 189 160.207 144 190 160.176 144 -191 160.607 144 192 161 144 195 161 142 -194.25 161 144 217 161 143.824 216.909 161 144 -217 160.917 144 218 161 142.714 219 161 141.25 -220 161 144 224 161 144 39.5152 162 144 -79 162 143 80 162 143 81 162 142.364 -85 161.25 144 86 161.941 144 86.0909 162 144 -89 161.586 144 88.2941 162 144 92 161.455 144 -92.3529 162 144 96.7778 162 144 100 161.304 144 -101 161.828 144 102 162 144 103 162 144 -119.514 162 144 151 161.522 144 150.676 162 144 -168 161.727 144 168.6 162 144 171 162 143.684 -170.667 162 144 176 162 144 181 161.045 144 -183 161.313 144 183.917 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144 -165 181 144 166 181.333 144 166 182 142.2 -166.706 182 144 172 182 144 173 181.545 144 -173.455 182 144 183 181.455 144 184 182 141.938 -183.353 182 144 187 181.63 144 187.37 182 144 -198.353 182 144 199 181.476 144 200 181.179 144 -201 181.343 144 202 181.343 144 54 182.152 144 -55 182.848 144 55.2273 183 144 110 183 144 -159 182.5 144 159.773 183 144 165 182.043 144 -166 183 142.8 165.786 183 144 167 182.833 144 -167 183 143.667 167.077 183 144 171.739 183 144 -174 182.429 144 175 182.643 144 176 182.286 144 -177 182.214 144 178 182.393 144 179 183 144 -183.462 183 144 188 182.773 144 188.417 183 144 -198.515 183 144 56 183.5 144 57 184 144 -70.5882 184 144 71 183.72 144 72 183.966 144 -72.0588 184 144 87.9583 184 144 88 183.957 144 -89 183.5 144 89.7727 184 144 109 184 144 -160 183.152 144 161 184 144 166 183.5 144 -167 184 141.429 166.5 184 144 168 183.545 144 -168.625 184 144 171.167 184 144 180 183.478 144 -181 184 144 182.545 184 144 183 183.545 144 -189 183.318 144 190 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-0.808918 -0.390625 0.179303 -0.902919 -0.088772 0.773204 -0.627914 -0.161114 0.301929 -0.939618 -0.336389 -0.421911 -0.841922 -0.529158 -0.497371 -0.687469 -0.448965 -0.270927 -0.851486 -0.456537 0.204655 -0.865847 -0.370621 0.853657 -0.365937 -0.188935 0.739997 -0.645529 -0.0329652 -0.212296 -0.976649 -0.149265 -0.468952 -0.870519 0.135512 0.597534 -0.79031 --0.431091 0.395359 -0.811081 -0.313014 -0.35348 -0.881518 0.208532 0.181332 -0.961058 -0.440965 0.440965 -0.781728 0.381019 0.634407 -0.672571 -0.260464 0.83826 -0.479039 -0 0.637398 -0.770535 0.253912 -0.463967 -0.848683 -0.745225 -0.1198 -0.655963 --0.819732 -0.123691 -0.559232 0.351087 -0.152592 -0.923826 0.299891 -0.766145 -0.568407 --0.0578228 -0.708329 -0.70351 -0.298115 -0.407947 -0.862964 0.626218 0.27526 -0.72944 --0.428964 0 -0.903322 -0.840707 0.309226 -0.444512 0.612134 -0.612134 -0.500582 -0.778143 0.124987 -0.615526 0.298546 0.138859 -0.94424 -0.483754 0.68549 -0.544138 -0.150583 0.282344 -0.947421 0.318835 -0.670203 -0.670203 -0.447214 0 -0.894427 --0.557993 -0.557993 -0.614238 -0.350425 -0.313294 -0.882638 0.678742 0.132751 -0.722279 -0.184754 -0.606401 -0.773398 -0.555685 -0.412346 -0.721932 -0.54253 -0.19323 -0.817511 --0.454534 -0.307546 -0.835951 0.309976 0.302415 -0.901366 0.791268 0.485184 -0.372145 --0.601158 0 -0.79913 -0.195297 0.328291 -0.924167 0.561633 0.64151 -0.522527 --0.430992 0.549168 -0.716003 0.450158 -0.054019 -0.891313 -0.0141727 -0.37479 -0.927001 --0.483179 0.180464 -0.856721 -0.327193 0.433721 -0.839542 0.334286 0.754839 -0.564332 -0.671316 0.671909 -0.312846 0.344796 0.158164 -0.925257 0.22389 0.743178 -0.630524 --0.553661 0.562312 -0.614218 -0.166154 -0.166154 -0.972001 -0.0172758 -0.302326 -0.953048 -0.591926 0.484469 -0.644137 -0.687459 0.261533 -0.677496 -0.505059 0.325209 -0.799471 -0.166733 0.45256 -0.876008 0.588363 0.588363 -0.55467 -0.406719 0.382316 -0.829707 -0.473568 -0.163299 -0.865486 0.720113 -0.256824 -0.644577 0.236649 -0.191878 -0.95246 -0.413754 0.227159 -0.881593 -0.417457 -0.790013 -0.449009 0.124878 -0.405854 -0.905366 --0.39225 -0.851721 -0.347435 -0.239402 -0.729666 -0.640527 -0.0931752 -0.0931752 -0.99128 -0.123225 0.432494 -0.893177 -0.249097 -0.886882 -0.389089 0.217978 -0.743821 -0.631836 -0.732431 0.259049 -0.629634 -0.737644 -0.569222 -0.363137 -0.669417 -0.68991 -0.275509 -0.821447 -0.111914 -0.559196 -0.924616 0.233679 -0.300798 -0.731344 -0.200835 -0.651768 --0.487093 0.295284 -0.821917 0.119911 -0.875437 -0.468222 -0.0338245 -0.717313 -0.69593 --0.0261782 0.279234 -0.959866 -0.0250979 0.633721 -0.773154 0.119187 0.815737 -0.566011 -0.879941 0.148971 -0.451122 0.201057 -0.61231 -0.764626 -0.220722 -0.715565 -0.662758 --0.919569 -0.0491032 -0.389849 -0.835811 -0.311849 -0.451853 0.523791 0.363162 -0.770555 -0.492487 -0.363645 -0.790708 -0.236316 -0.379469 -0.894516 0.285703 -0.82894 -0.480866 --0.603185 -0.603185 -0.521857 0.582435 0.465226 -0.666584 -0.634173 0.76534 -0.109907 --0.584343 -0.235207 -0.776673 -0.0678275 -0.131887 -0.988941 -0.269185 -0.72255 -0.636757 --0.634909 -0.317455 -0.704353 0.0535556 -0.444923 -0.893966 0.512611 -0.367788 -0.775862 -0.341278 -0.713496 -0.611925 -0.487268 -0.603938 -0.630736 -0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 -0.0320423 0.339926 -0.939906 -0.550019 0.821907 -0.148148 0.0585813 -0.422704 -0.904372 -0.382161 0.543608 -0.747291 0.500733 0.646371 -0.575734 0.0850264 0.786494 -0.611717 --0.159823 -0.820268 -0.549196 0.365676 -0.424613 -0.828242 0.0242708 -0.651266 -0.758462 --0.507728 0.237573 -0.828113 0.60161 -0.6034 -0.523425 -0.809091 0.35261 -0.470147 -0.216092 -0.520584 -0.826012 -0.357151 -0.0957722 -0.929124 -0.846672 0.235721 -0.477055 -0.660332 -0.623161 -0.419085 -0.68403 -0.523612 -0.507872 -0.923242 0.314121 -0.22125 --0.0158154 -0.661987 -0.749348 0.647451 -0.716615 -0.259365 -0.887292 0.0362983 -0.459778 --0.880705 0.414627 -0.229004 -0.880691 0.463666 -0.09694 0.854087 -0.349399 -0.385299 -0.591791 -0.197264 -0.781582 -0.69874 0.685205 -0.205562 -0.644528 0.34271 -0.683472 -0.519893 -0.777214 -0.354472 -0.588419 -0.588419 -0.55455 -0.814164 0.524526 -0.249018 -0.666706 -0.72418 -0.176256 -0.767549 0.610615 -0.194978 0.596127 -0.675259 -0.434347 --0.568865 0.667022 -0.481118 0.468899 -0.549215 -0.691735 -0.673848 -0.595175 -0.43783 --0.37961 -0.541691 -0.749978 0.649603 -0.356158 -0.67169 0.467638 -0.171231 -0.867176 -0.197129 0.824751 -0.530025 -0.315227 0.736623 -0.598347 -0.189691 -0.331959 -0.924024 --0.432596 -0.884943 -0.172444 -0.653129 0.0762328 -0.753399 -0.196901 -0.798542 -0.568824 -0.595899 0.595899 -0.538339 -0.0833766 -0.90672 -0.413409 0.244745 -0.840249 -0.483819 --0.0411872 0.720775 -0.691944 -0.346388 -0.148984 -0.926185 0.262214 -0.510627 -0.818843 --0.32034 -0.0488322 -0.946043 0.0269138 -0.558461 -0.829094 -0.231713 -0.311614 -0.921524 -0.415067 -0.105914 -0.903605 0.113699 0.437303 -0.892098 0.687616 -0.181196 -0.703102 --0.730426 -0.191407 -0.655623 -0.0673477 -0.43776 -0.896566 0.587931 -0.355209 -0.726749 -0.407993 0.710211 -0.573709 0.0627344 -0.643028 -0.763269 -0.716044 -0.492216 -0.494979 --0.625571 -0.657112 -0.420552 -0.125133 -0.871118 -0.474864 -0.513312 0.500792 -0.696935 -0.205739 -0.154691 -0.966303 0.139194 -0.63921 -0.756331 -0.183705 -0.7983 -0.573558 -0.129194 -0.79939 -0.586758 0.395605 -0.699374 -0.595292 0 -0.714057 -0.700088 -0.0821513 -0.670499 -0.737348 0 -0.947723 -0.319096 0 -0.424893 -0.905244 -0.232035 0.261205 -0.93698 -0.26748 0.823524 -0.500263 -0.505771 0.579733 -0.638831 --0.302437 0.55059 -0.778064 -0.0322538 0.628948 -0.776778 0.216548 0.804992 -0.552353 --0.0276135 0.796846 -0.603551 0.0606424 0.818673 -0.571049 0.42076 0.688839 -0.590307 -0.442564 0.636671 -0.631495 0.0703097 0.953021 -0.294631 -0.393632 0.883207 -0.254949 -0 0.842439 -0.538792 0.247275 0.851023 -0.463265 -0.53666 -0.712685 -0.451749 -0.330773 -0.301587 -0.894223 -0.311853 -0.648992 -0.693943 -0.0186271 -0.614693 -0.788546 -0.778019 0.198507 -0.596055 -0.721324 -0.65162 -0.234698 -0.244691 -0.700758 -0.670123 -0.722534 0.148377 -0.675225 -0.94044 -0.111906 -0.321012 -0.414019 -0.785113 -0.460636 -0.578245 -0.302339 -0.757776 0.804844 0.371467 -0.462859 -0.215747 -0.449986 -0.866583 -0.873669 0 -0.486522 -0.796789 -0.150159 -0.585304 0.577632 -0.654494 -0.48783 --0.919215 0.189644 -0.345078 -0.815376 0.574037 -0.0751172 0.94216 -0.314825 -0.114973 --0.526794 0.237428 -0.816159 0.367513 -0.929476 0.0317603 -0.438774 0.371842 -0.818053 -0.647808 -0.0398651 -0.76076 0.204368 -0.978894 -0.000987286 0.26964 -0.955995 -0.115618 -0.631516 -0.66722 -0.394976 -0.501994 0.643066 -0.578332 0.464369 0.337251 -0.818916 -0.953793 -0.124408 -0.2735 -0.151531 0.567922 -0.809013 0.764898 -0.642514 0.0458939 -0.2831 -0.886154 -0.366858 0.607346 -0.764806 0.214946 0.270611 -0.704715 -0.655855 -0.401862 -0.438789 -0.803723 -0.434244 -0.672652 -0.599143 0.726992 -0.275329 -0.629028 -0.592987 -0.393762 -0.702366 -0.474079 -0.574123 -0.667557 -0.503787 -0.440437 -0.743111 --0.457974 -0.673915 -0.57974 -0.588721 0.792639 -0.158528 0.0695623 -0.890398 -0.449836 -0.457902 -0.737537 -0.496352 0.970729 0.0507571 -0.234752 0.707754 -0.540756 -0.454606 --0.697492 -0.656992 -0.286122 -0.725648 -0.563773 -0.394455 0.985733 -0.147733 -0.0806586 --0.550024 -0.829022 -0.100971 0.512143 -0.857839 -0.0426786 0.322015 -0.946725 -0.00429354 --0.522973 -0.852252 0.0129129 -0.649531 -0.759452 0.0366402 0.14246 -0.939007 -0.313002 --0.280881 -0.853879 -0.438175 -0.0711379 -0.995931 0.0553295 -0.548838 0.804265 -0.227891 --0.74702 0 -0.664801 0.0171827 -0.326472 -0.945051 0.410419 -0.679111 -0.608575 --0.364289 0.167455 -0.916107 0.246603 -0.332377 -0.910336 0.451961 -0.335743 -0.826443 -0.144032 -0.882629 -0.44746 -0.38057 -0.225126 -0.896931 -0.575825 0.465475 -0.67213 -0.112 0.0263529 -0.993359 0.281641 -0.345346 -0.895217 -0.652357 -0.588712 -0.477334 --0.0965727 -0.915831 -0.389778 0.660328 -0.660328 -0.357678 -0.279956 0.36428 -0.888214 --0.100151 -0.0166918 -0.994832 -0.887081 -0.100325 -0.450581 0.76069 0.544434 -0.353471 --0.402301 0.504888 -0.763702 -0.349163 0.311494 -0.883774 0.441792 0.834495 -0.329298 --0.559507 -0.808386 -0.182932 -0.138395 -0.827316 -0.544421 -0.631133 -0.746974 -0.209046 --0.173925 -0.780433 -0.600562 0.767655 -0.0383828 -0.639713 -0.453607 -0.685278 -0.569767 -0.551526 -0.14722 -0.821063 0.826474 0.363649 -0.429767 0.8577 0.388891 -0.336325 -0.823711 0.279248 -0.493478 0.333318 -0.754251 -0.565689 0.0406417 -0.746792 -0.663815 -0.015947 -0.534225 -0.845192 -0.520495 0.0208198 -0.853611 0.661244 -0.495308 -0.563406 -0.913519 0.321215 -0.249607 -0.747552 0.00807074 -0.664154 0.461353 -0.53233 -0.709773 -0.292762 -0.56131 -0.774094 0.190724 -0.486347 -0.852696 -0.888497 0.430483 -0.158928 -0.994314 -0.0509905 0.0934825 0.986835 -0.131761 0.0937882 0.90288 -0.379832 0.201332 -0.619007 -0.75584 0.213394 0.869212 -0.160118 -0.467796 0.824087 -0.222516 -0.52093 -0.60237 0.798086 -0.0144975 -0.0559393 -0.964954 -0.256389 -0.379812 0.634713 -0.672965 -0.648721 -0.131186 -0.749634 0.977478 -0.153099 0.145248 -0.681476 -0.526052 -0.508782 -0.253505 -0.869394 -0.424134 -0.295363 0.210974 -0.9318 0.771082 -0.571005 0.281756 --0.520388 -0.81452 -0.256423 -0.932492 -0.332476 0.141129 -0.387589 0.66745 -0.635834 -0.72924 0.447094 -0.517992 0.490614 0.598931 -0.632913 0.554927 0.541393 -0.631625 --0.0398377 -0.632976 0.773146 0.833643 0.0106877 0.5522 0.277725 -0.55545 -0.783801 --0.428552 -0.68747 0.586284 0.232916 -0.842788 -0.485241 -0.207499 -0.735837 -0.644584 --0.128406 -0.342416 -0.930733 -0.160642 0.973546 -0.162488 -0.986898 0.0986898 0.127639 -0.451855 -0.636122 -0.62544 0.64379 0.539243 -0.542911 0.593303 0.25522 -0.763449 -0.234245 -0.669273 -0.705126 0.35794 0.188615 -0.914496 -0.643042 0.270755 -0.716372 -0.521396 -0.109909 -0.846207 0.91988 -0.041365 -0.390013 -0.946342 0.288601 -0.145419 -0.72821 0.682613 -0.0612429 -0.346952 -0.919119 -0.186664 0.0326775 -0.980326 -0.19466 -0.297089 -0.871314 -0.390576 0 -0.849343 -0.527841 0.0658001 -0.870586 -0.487596 -0.74046 0.64113 -0.20167 -0.540906 0.801701 -0.254355 0.833497 -0.00766434 -0.552471 -0.72087 -0.493227 -0.486903 -0.912475 -0.382435 0.14537 0.254155 -0.914959 -0.313458 --0.66355 -0.737278 0.126976 -0.327662 0.703275 -0.630905 -0.471757 -0.36856 -0.801005 -0.245787 -0.825896 -0.50743 -0.79949 0.588196 -0.121827 -0.554541 -0.831811 0.0239616 --0.0360758 0.742401 -0.668984 -0.522275 0.838219 0.156897 0.317629 -0.923394 0.215534 -0.290532 0.576195 -0.763931 -0.77193 0.604489 -0.196766 -0.130676 -0.659232 -0.740498 --0.459006 -0.442006 -0.770677 -0.374676 -0.769072 -0.517827 -0.376284 0.430038 -0.820657 -0.222776 -0.879965 -0.419562 -0.48734 0.46584 -0.738575 -0.249152 -0.738395 -0.626654 --0.706638 0.0936891 -0.701345 -0.382983 0.718093 -0.581091 0.0830439 -0.110725 -0.990376 -0.260005 -0.913991 -0.311476 0 0.999101 0.0423861 0.444728 -0.690636 -0.570298 -0.0428856 0.950631 -0.307347 0.815639 0.577103 0.0410385 0.942857 0.171429 0.285714 --0.728315 0.662105 0.176561 -0.722965 -0.690103 -0.032862 -0.910416 0.0343553 -0.412264 --0.128238 0.881635 -0.454175 -0.186605 0.92473 -0.331742 -0.486271 0.75559 -0.43889 --0.746592 0.409132 -0.524605 -0.67561 -0.275249 -0.683951 0.959044 0.280696 0.0380109 --0.551393 0.600772 -0.578826 0.682383 0.720548 -0.123144 -0.129602 -0.931015 -0.341196 -0.899206 0.0372805 -0.435934 -0.865383 -0.397797 -0.304745 0.355155 -0.856956 -0.373486 --0.121418 -0.689481 -0.714054 0.723358 -0.632815 -0.276221 -0.226561 -0.696637 -0.680711 -0.511263 -0.723072 -0.464519 -0.911951 -0.130058 -0.38914 0.937919 -0.290078 -0.190162 -0.760164 0.550687 -0.344809 0.766852 0.546222 -0.337015 0.934208 -0.3242 -0.148829 --0.982977 0.174299 -0.0580998 0.177826 -0.98367 -0.0277619 -0.728453 -0.67903 0.0909671 -0.778298 -0.598196 -0.190822 0.504274 0.784427 -0.361085 0.313858 -0.859187 -0.404092 -0.818402 -0.572881 -0.0450121 0.902922 0.409137 -0.131676 -0.0824148 0.970663 -0.225878 -0.26844 -0.96313 -0.017896 0.954296 0.149554 -0.258752 0.698362 -0.101079 -0.708572 --0.990127 -0.0735905 0.119306 -0.519702 0.814759 0.257057 -0.661742 0.672771 0.330871 --0.106395 -0.984152 0.14186 0.586209 0.768585 -0.256195 -0.0510752 -0.752508 -0.6566 -0.534006 -0.738057 -0.412444 -0.746554 0.590949 -0.305673 0.951414 0.0126434 0.307655 --0.405861 -0.900274 0.157425 0.402726 -0.836431 0.371747 -0.48941 -0.870062 0.0589104 -0.786062 -0.550243 -0.281672 0.894147 0.108601 0.434404 0.931719 -0.0291162 0.362012 --0.46618 -0.884546 -0.0159378 -0.294639 -0.837308 -0.460547 -0.0271759 0.570694 -0.820713 --0.646277 0.656016 -0.389832 0.838007 0.164315 0.520331 -0.451493 -0.799787 0.395594 --0.694515 -0.0292427 -0.718884 0.0571292 0.956915 -0.284694 0.463583 -0.86278 0.201745 --0.527545 -0.83658 0.147754 -0.53086 -0.812675 0.240307 0.703842 0.703842 0.0959785 -0.14104 0.967135 -0.211561 -0.0949207 -0.976327 -0.194361 0.902432 -0.258894 -0.344371 --0.166339 -0.970311 0.17558 -0.960289 0.0561572 -0.273299 0.431889 -0.431889 -0.791797 -0.629445 0.769322 0.109279 -0.972387 -0.233373 0 -0.707308 0.579529 -0.404799 -0.575168 -0.692435 -0.435564 -0.722346 0.685303 -0.0926085 0.403399 0.576284 0.71075 --0.838388 0.540438 0.0709405 0.618425 -0.531767 -0.578597 0.666068 -0.609667 -0.429721 --0.591621 0.591621 -0.547694 -0.571101 0.598297 -0.562036 -0.522678 0.709348 -0.472899 -0.248187 -0.849265 0.465997 0.749401 0.343811 -0.565856 0.327269 0.139263 -0.934613 -0.470209 -0.798609 -0.37567 -0.448116 0.426572 0.785639 -0.355483 -0.891999 0.27923 --0.816525 -0.199965 -0.541573 0.626849 -0.690813 -0.360331 0.932835 0.339604 0.120366 -0.750775 0.459982 -0.474081 -0.84453 0.341834 -0.412211 0.573251 -0.473762 -0.66853 -0.278974 -0.852913 -0.441264 0.0873541 -0.762893 -0.640597 -0.983169 0.172055 0.0614481 --0.602585 -0.71815 0.348069 -0.297116 0.847331 -0.440172 0.303829 0.717405 -0.626911 -0.653544 -0.308205 -0.691296 -0.201612 -0.632644 -0.74774 -0.279857 0.612659 -0.739141 --0.068935 -0.0771416 -0.994634 0.33931 -0.819482 -0.461863 -0.883753 -0.45613 0.10453 --0.254414 0.166439 0.952666 -0.249208 0.320836 -0.913761 -0.207199 0.148716 -0.966929 -0.304056 -0.33407 -0.892159 -0.170821 0.134216 -0.976118 0 -0.311641 -0.9502 -0.694672 -0.709144 0.120603 0.859581 -0.509036 -0.0447504 -0.781435 0.407462 0.472582 --0.647169 -0.392224 0.653706 -0.886995 0.0490504 0.459166 -0.497468 0.297268 -0.814958 -0.0882852 0.0294284 -0.99566 -0.269897 -0.304247 -0.913559 -0.719314 0.401156 -0.567152 --0.133211 -0.793344 -0.594021 0.102573 -0.981767 -0.160036 -0.479456 0.76713 -0.426184 -0.53753 0.808457 0.239703 -0.402972 0.914818 0.0268648 0.917997 -0.396562 0.00452816 -0.980883 0.0779716 0.178295 0.883936 0.441968 0.152713 -0.716192 -0.695922 -0.0525508 --0.0555452 0.864653 -0.499289 -0.243071 0.729213 -0.63966 0.952863 -0.276809 0.124209 --0.211241 -0.977383 -0.00998402 -0.540551 0.390592 -0.745146 -0.458135 0.823741 -0.33401 -0.369622 -0.870401 -0.325241 -0.146564 -0.840301 -0.521931 0.72583 -0.672963 -0.142449 --0.29592 -0.883917 -0.362107 0.647963 -0.416547 -0.637678 -0.149366 -0.852922 -0.500214 --0.746148 -0.662663 -0.0643531 0.855179 -0.117505 -0.504838 0.794308 0.21938 -0.566522 -0.239602 0.339436 -0.909601 -0.318953 0.134296 -0.938208 0.472654 -0.759727 -0.446557 -0.496001 -0.807052 -0.320392 0.576018 -0.62402 -0.528017 -0.116539 0.773139 -0.623438 -0.71045 0.333298 -0.619817 -0.105028 -0.992996 0.0541056 0.693252 -0.683712 -0.227904 --0.66256 -0.603026 0.444267 -0.0633257 -0.909588 0.410658 0.278523 -0.960424 -0.00320141 -0.329474 -0.929344 0.166631 0.23583 -0.946032 0.222277 0.17609 0.440225 0.880451 --0.741536 -0.670913 0 -0.757684 -0.651961 0.0293676 0.915488 -0.0938963 -0.391234 -0.0657912 -0.997833 0 -0.0423798 0.720457 -0.692204 0.548646 0.759664 -0.349139 --0.393073 -0.917171 -0.0655122 0.721223 0.523468 -0.453672 0.517381 0.776071 -0.360599 --0.928473 -0.295423 -0.225084 0.710282 -0.701925 -0.0529229 0.698377 0.704904 -0.124011 --0.95902 -0.139857 -0.246415 0.898349 -0.431207 -0.0838459 -0.724146 0.599293 0.341264 -0.740475 -0.598136 -0.306481 -0.762629 -0.635902 -0.11843 0.104777 -0.681047 -0.724704 -0.638241 -0.769309 0.0284929 0.994249 -0.0887288 0.0599629 0.17609 -0.968496 0.17609 -0.513226 -0.856379 -0.0566906 0.296071 0.911897 0.284228 -0.735612 0.559065 0.382518 --0.730931 0.608526 0.308926 0.89569 -0.432749 0.102317 0.124686 -0.992063 -0.0162633 --0.417759 -0.908461 -0.0132622 0.323677 -0.921233 -0.215784 -0.965722 -0.259028 0.0168931 --0.982888 -0.182016 -0.0283136 0.299775 0.930552 -0.210259 0.301131 0 0.953583 -0.976112 0.208611 -0.0607151 -0.890387 0.0460545 0.452869 0.813767 0.48358 0.322387 -0.839341 0.453698 0.299441 0.0112225 0.864131 0.503141 -0.860695 0.43913 0.257623 -0.01133 -0.940393 -0.339901 0.361886 -0.882096 -0.301571 -0.283706 -0.831774 -0.477141 -0.753653 -0.0519761 -0.655214 0.558975 -0.264243 -0.785953 0.586881 -0.8031 -0.102962 --0.895676 0.422393 0.139101 0.200534 -0.968295 0.148968 0.755142 -0.655406 0.014248 --0.409691 -0.872821 0.265211 -0.722956 0.690464 -0.0243693 -0.790186 0.603615 0.10609 --0.369077 0.918116 0.144377 -0.19593 0.979651 -0.04354 -0.218537 0.967805 0.124878 --0.13994 0.965583 0.219239 -0.102463 0.973399 0.204926 -0.297193 0.934035 0.198129 --0.522716 -0.678668 -0.515924 0.578153 -0.140245 -0.803785 -0.691431 0.718024 0.0797805 -0.435884 -0.89158 -0.12284 -0.606334 -0.785479 -0.124023 0.730789 0.501956 0.462587 -0.829482 0.47399 0.295454 0.692996 0.679921 0.239716 0 0.462566 0.886585 -0.186443 0.865288 0.465312 0.908919 -0.398649 -0.122252 -0.651332 0.195812 0.733092 -0.0958325 0.972015 0.214482 0.576707 0.527885 0.623495 -0.783524 0.547223 0.29434 --0.713561 0.5622 0.418046 -0.813596 0.355572 0.460033 -0.637132 -0.58963 -0.496385 -0.252222 0.252222 -0.934221 0.71509 0.659113 -0.232844 0.250099 -0.701892 -0.666932 -0.830773 0.288001 0.47631 0.196129 0.442546 0.875035 -0.926488 0.188352 0.325798 -0.654477 -0.711388 -0.2561 -0.433262 -0.753876 0.493919 0.660852 -0.189307 0.726249 --0.48085 -0.824314 0.298814 0.983296 -0.150169 -0.102855 0.520532 -0.753605 -0.401405 --0.491369 -0.728328 -0.477592 0.358962 0.243277 -0.90109 0.689078 0.689078 -0.224374 --0.717496 0.573997 -0.394623 0.264013 0.940669 -0.213166 -0.529192 0.797988 0.288395 --0.261115 -0.821228 0.507349 -0.680331 -0.684186 0.262753 -0.218519 -0.963269 -0.156085 -0.652871 -0.748414 0.116774 0.203874 -0.974064 -0.0981614 0.205266 -0.173687 0.963171 --0.171388 0.0507816 0.983894 -0.350738 -0.85736 0.376719 -0.855798 -0.474442 0.206192 --0.475789 -0.836182 0.272809 -0.135139 0.844618 0.518032 0.84978 0.186952 0.492872 --0.486418 0.856759 0.171352 0.307937 -0.865918 -0.394159 -0.438607 -0.758597 -0.481824 -0.659006 0.110713 -0.743945 0.69225 0.686197 -0.223436 0.231633 -0.146029 0.96178 -0.539235 0.550958 0.636923 -0.383801 -0.733736 0.56065 0.893078 -0.435089 -0.114497 -0.506432 -0.350607 0.787783 -0.604419 0.36457 0.708354 -0.873243 -0.169356 0.456909 -0.688789 -0.439653 0.576433 -0.885817 0.117133 0.449009 0 -0.999061 0.0433356 -0.871587 0.0901642 -0.481878 -0.511752 -0.0261691 -0.858735 -0.53265 -0.764754 -0.362539 --0.489831 -0.473503 -0.732025 0.450223 0.452841 -0.769568 0.769039 0.607173 -0.199799 --0.378939 0.801186 -0.463148 -0.718397 -0.689075 0.0952976 0.184114 0.97763 0.101694 --0.382269 0.888214 0.254846 0.867466 -0.485462 -0.108765 -0.560007 -0.222072 0.798171 --0.913832 -0.290254 0.284012 0.560901 -0.780385 0.276386 -0.368434 -0.846421 -0.384483 --0.38097 -0.881165 -0.280018 -0.210366 -0.839178 -0.501525 0.0851775 -0.00967926 -0.996319 -0.52573 0.738864 -0.421531 0.541798 0.823036 -0.170489 -0.601124 0.743495 -0.293029 -0.0634667 0.335467 -0.939912 -0.164716 -0.973322 -0.159725 0.874235 0.298474 0.382919 -0.975442 0.177995 0.129729 -0.932739 -0.328536 0.148533 -0.310257 -0.810372 -0.497028 -0.620221 0.334651 -0.709461 0.587911 0.732468 -0.343294 -0.74274 0.275875 -0.610107 -0.239939 0.945067 0.221985 -0.192387 0.902738 0.384774 0.908868 -0.0873912 -0.407825 --0.9459 0.169696 0.276542 -0.940466 0.175983 0.290781 0.36958 -0.90952 -0.19022 --0.460918 -0.800411 -0.383272 0.572474 0.677593 -0.461672 0.223733 -0.968343 0.110701 --0.216985 0.278012 0.935749 0.791297 0.238404 0.563038 0.79788 -0.555363 -0.234433 -0.0708869 -0.992416 0.100423 -0.555622 -0.807224 0.199185 -0.868642 -0.414275 0.271729 -0.142525 -0.891428 -0.430166 -0.668659 0.260825 -0.696323 -0.486004 0.602064 -0.633497 -0.123554 0.809965 -0.573316 0.22312 -0.80881 0.5441 0.509371 -0.709386 0.487147 --0.85552 -0.392807 0.337326 0.128324 -0.991598 0.0163322 0.04847 0.981518 0.185129 --0.160852 0.97798 0.132971 -0.783356 -0.0257743 -0.621039 0.396049 -0.203525 -0.895389 -0.800749 -0.0250234 -0.598477 0.197399 0.540055 -0.818153 -0.0079445 0.897728 -0.440478 -0.373377 0.886251 -0.274134 0.141833 -0.921916 0.360493 -0.929152 0.349305 -0.121092 --0.978305 0.142402 -0.150472 0.148585 0.728276 -0.668982 0.644562 0.528742 -0.552242 -0.41021 0.876547 -0.251779 0.329187 -0.938472 -0.104435 -0.419297 -0.898714 -0.128461 --0.403814 0.779454 -0.478942 -0.155245 0.851859 -0.500235 -0.654974 0.664606 -0.359594 -0.623948 -0.263531 -0.73569 -0.91542 -0.191728 -0.353903 0.556984 -0.718688 -0.41624 --0.299696 -0.775301 -0.555958 0.0263015 -0.836387 -0.547509 0.329968 -0.532663 -0.779353 --0.871129 -0.454099 -0.186891 0.610586 0.732157 -0.301878 0.682646 0.626428 -0.376273 -0.656219 0.686047 -0.31419 -0.702782 -0.649801 -0.289579 0.909282 -0.357218 -0.213544 --0.956792 0.278167 -0.0846846 0.741177 -0.626202 -0.241926 0.680638 -0.686146 -0.25678 -0.558265 -0.197035 -0.805927 -0.586108 -0.0572744 -0.808206 0.867414 0 -0.497587 -0.522385 -0.700066 -0.486848 0.374142 0.363513 -0.853157 0.431889 -0.431889 -0.791797 -0.831385 -0.356979 -0.42587 0.766349 0.569701 -0.2969 -0.78086 -0.496911 -0.378599 --0.0498854 -0.997708 -0.0457283 0.898977 -0.433004 -0.0659396 0.886174 -0.43135 -0.169214 --0.19776 -0.939362 -0.280161 -0.457524 0.481138 -0.747782 0.475591 -0.744403 -0.468698 -0.0990088 -0.964033 -0.246653 -0.601644 0.595687 0.532147 0.683818 0.683818 0.254532 --0.524195 0.725137 0.446537 -0.752249 -0.451349 -0.480006 0.15757 -0.601632 -0.783077 -0.290014 -0.913545 -0.285181 0.220903 -0.965483 -0.138 -0.794953 -0.539432 0.277603 --0.326052 -0.846725 -0.420413 0.903413 -0.171776 -0.392858 0.338093 0.899623 -0.276355 --0.34795 -0.394343 -0.850544 -0.548044 -0.631898 -0.548044 -0.724555 -0.169577 -0.66803 --0.0188745 -0.968891 -0.246767 -0.64358 -0.64358 -0.414258 0.356294 -0.456056 -0.815517 --0.648772 -0.689441 -0.322127 -0.465801 -0.237753 -0.852351 0.741325 0.585257 -0.328499 --0.779814 -0.582047 -0.23046 0.928625 0.19967 -0.312711 0.874323 -0.483668 -0.0403057 --0.0607823 -0.850952 -0.521715 -0.118168 -0.948487 -0.293953 -0.308258 -0.703795 -0.640039 -0.753462 0.453637 -0.475929 0.0160721 -0.962033 -0.272461 -0.830418 0.553612 -0.0626109 -0.968504 -0.141732 0.204724 0.79849 -0.598867 0.0614223 0 -0.848336 -0.529458 --0.82896 -0.524195 -0.195049 0.844479 0.52011 -0.12783 0.767202 -0.627521 -0.132732 --0.353643 0.640381 -0.681798 0.25207 -0.930719 -0.264996 0.305425 -0.916274 -0.259148 --0.384486 0.90221 0.195415 0.822951 0.565779 -0.0514344 -0.152098 -0.221233 -0.963287 --0.354471 -0.16953 -0.91957 -0.196067 0.980334 -0.0224076 0.133009 0.975401 -0.17579 -0.542551 -0.613318 -0.574003 0.0839211 -0.917138 -0.389634 0.710839 0.690135 0.135727 -0.732502 -0.138581 -0.666511 0.629762 0.414389 -0.657025 0.528107 0.55369 -0.64384 --0.491848 0.86233 -0.1203 0.379547 0.919673 -0.100726 -0.167817 0.976388 0.136033 -0.431277 -0.782524 -0.449062 -0.662868 -0.224902 -0.714161 0.22194 0.887761 -0.403264 -0.0235352 0.0823732 -0.996324 0.420952 -0.762634 -0.491111 -0.752994 0.648856 -0.109478 --0.92798 0.107075 0.356915 -0.701876 0.694926 -0.156358 -0.392322 0.603572 0.694107 --0.618742 -0.563607 0.547271 0.184252 0.982043 -0.0405227 -0.792281 0.313923 0.523205 -0.519907 0.854133 -0.0123787 -0.790345 -0.451626 0.41399 0.994274 0.0994274 0.0391684 -0.758853 -0.649703 -0.0450461 -0.771996 -0.571631 -0.277958 -0.395817 -0.918132 0.0190427 -0.108157 -0.973417 0.201894 0.375903 -0.884477 -0.276399 0.468316 -0.81339 -0.345075 -0.460938 0.784575 -0.414704 0.570948 0.741135 -0.353183 -0.572372 -0.803757 -0.162375 -0.662022 -0.165505 0.730982 0.820325 -0.392329 -0.416107 0.185374 0.98164 -0.0449392 --0.345809 0.912937 -0.216707 -0.95324 -0.300571 -0.0314884 -0.947779 -0.31749 -0.0302372 --0.0734306 -0.996558 0.0384637 -0.888005 -0.186481 -0.420323 -0.38819 -0.916742 0.094306 -0.549025 0.695432 0.463622 0.676753 -0.728811 0.104116 -0.717518 0.391374 0.576189 -0.585463 -0.712237 -0.387236 0.335432 0.934417 -0.119797 -0.371232 0.877457 0.303735 --0.662085 0.0827606 0.744845 0.848308 0.0614716 -0.525923 0.905197 -0.201155 -0.374372 --0.596285 -0.745356 0.298142 0.286282 -0.866402 -0.409134 0.135725 -0.841956 -0.522197 --0.616898 -0.663344 -0.423571 0.533046 -0.78434 -0.31729 0.637231 0.756711 -0.146032 --0.991192 0.052168 0.121725 0.384619 -0.915758 -0.115996 0.311161 -0.889033 -0.335857 --0.926151 -0.139271 -0.350498 0.98582 -0.167403 0.0116252 -0.938026 -0.343943 -0.0425586 --0.748222 -0.407409 0.523625 -0.670201 0.736762 0.0895131 0.75071 0.619153 0.230399 -0.48915 0.850043 -0.195342 0.504961 0.844554 -0.178164 -0.536778 0.782554 -0.315402 -0.688318 0.51766 -0.508179 0.294609 -0.922464 -0.249532 0.864722 0.502097 -0.0123975 -0.605492 0.749313 -0.268159 0.839586 0.529429 0.121658 0.217879 0.917911 -0.331615 -0.757777 0.277496 0.590568 0.864994 0.445953 0.230024 -0.388816 0.772288 -0.502388 -0.65577 0.733198 -0.179964 -0.415453 -0.127365 -0.900654 -0.314221 -0.287478 -0.904777 --0.449256 0.256718 -0.855725 0.106878 -0.299781 -0.948002 -0.267316 0.169883 -0.948515 -0.305573 -0.672644 -0.673925 -0.328982 -0.769959 -0.546749 -0.948924 -0.141738 -0.281875 -0.817136 -0.548751 -0.176527 -0.677952 -0.623459 -0.389462 0.685388 -0.292848 -0.666696 -0.838632 -0.00618156 -0.544664 0.843287 -0.130996 -0.521255 -0.204589 -0.7573 -0.620193 -0.357737 -0.829122 -0.429628 -0.638917 -0.610451 -0.468118 0.469127 0.69267 -0.547839 --0.268075 0.842522 -0.467217 -0.550732 -0.483631 -0.680291 0.826703 0.40761 -0.387836 -0.907922 -0.344613 -0.238578 0.0448372 -0.941581 -0.333788 -0.486454 -0.758296 -0.433993 -0.394619 -0.841407 -0.369202 -0.664798 -0.47826 -0.573857 0.276694 -0.122975 -0.953057 --0.883592 0.465557 -0.0502072 0.462115 -0.777194 -0.427106 0.603159 -0.356707 -0.713414 -0.820164 0.340068 -0.460092 0.952035 0.0115749 -0.30577 -0.0800304 0.98323 -0.163872 --0.814202 0.576286 0.0704937 0.282028 -0.568795 -0.772614 0.903205 0.418662 -0.0945708 -0.376086 0.621111 -0.687591 -0.637916 0.0609773 -0.767688 -0.57735 -0.57735 -0.57735 -0.276421 -0.900183 -0.336545 0.35853 -0.90913 -0.211988 0.30702 0.846952 -0.434063 --0.452599 -0.243188 -0.857912 -0.765682 -0.566025 -0.305526 0.66924 0.547077 -0.502816 --0.0733032 0.704525 -0.705883 -0.897898 -0.242961 -0.367082 0.770579 -0.597782 -0.221055 --0.311776 0.770271 -0.556307 0.541317 -0.589939 -0.599123 -0.485384 -0.654705 -0.579451 -0.467348 -0.233674 -0.852632 0.344958 0.936315 -0.0657063 0.905647 -0.416108 0.0815898 -0.204546 -0.920458 -0.333043 0.828805 -0.214514 -0.516784 0.493847 0.823079 -0.280457 -0.417315 -0.602789 -0.680069 -0.715093 -0.666336 -0.211277 -0.486664 -0.811107 -0.324443 --0.668648 -0.728751 -0.147754 -0.98481 -0.171271 -0.0285452 -0.583193 -0.770648 -0.256883 -0.724062 0.395093 -0.565363 0.431021 0.636194 -0.639905 0.453626 0.583736 -0.673406 -0.38199 -0.273335 -0.88282 -0.114376 0.564731 -0.817311 -0.620628 0.639645 -0.453514 --0.457017 0.888877 0.0321449 0.87115 0.195564 0.450391 -0.912988 0.300749 0.275687 -0.633054 -0.296257 -0.715174 0.571811 -0.62993 -0.525567 0 0.0634628 -0.997984 -0.649847 -0.361026 -0.668849 -0.781651 0.586238 -0.21295 -0.783687 0.391844 -0.481968 --0.898908 -0.437864 0.015454 0.714292 0.479267 -0.509989 -0.399538 -0.762754 -0.508503 --0.814241 -0.425626 -0.394784 0.3771 -0.627326 -0.681365 0.646204 -0.427328 -0.632307 --0.779839 -0.241456 -0.577538 -0.0748111 -0.654597 -0.752267 -0.176038 0.909527 -0.376525 -0.331348 0.649953 -0.683937 -0.0898383 -0.235826 -0.967634 -0.468896 -0.805914 -0.36144 -0.5891 0.0632205 -0.805583 -0.956807 -0.264417 -0.12085 -0.651873 0.641186 -0.404897 -0.00783244 -0.871638 -0.490087 0.156549 -0.834926 -0.527627 0.416594 -0.505777 -0.755407 --0.199523 -0.737045 -0.645721 0.278518 0.875341 -0.39523 -0.415601 0.373479 -0.82933 -0.857881 0.0504636 -0.511364 -0.19959 -0.471758 -0.858841 -0.0649442 -0.828039 -0.556897 -0.140919 -0.79407 -0.591265 0.517987 -0.426577 -0.741432 -0.527934 0 -0.849285 -0.901637 0.324026 -0.286458 -0.339653 -0.915176 -0.217 0.984734 -0.0364716 -0.170201 -0.885734 -0.207594 -0.415188 -0.858898 0.458079 0.229039 0.803824 -0.506112 -0.312598 --0.27654 -0.72098 -0.635384 0.0623288 -0.849938 -0.523184 -0.166814 -0.925299 -0.34058 -0.292642 -0.899488 -0.324473 -0.318389 -0.833989 -0.450655 -0.978475 -0.070904 -0.193804 --0.0285972 -0.972306 -0.231955 0.117531 -0.919095 -0.3761 -0.957871 -0.133723 -0.254168 --0.823829 -0.457683 -0.334414 0.398265 0.792466 -0.461933 0.428799 -0.227011 -0.874413 --0.170514 -0.882662 -0.437987 -0.309645 0.945233 0.103215 0.299377 0.94349 -0.142128 --0.686641 0.672336 0.276564 0.79082 0.39394 0.468417 0.198386 0.839325 0.506139 --0.599515 0.792319 0.113188 -0.505675 0.852423 0.13292 0.686569 0.473733 -0.551544 --0.317313 -0.463766 -0.827184 -0.885988 -0.437782 -0.152876 -0.462528 -0.886512 -0.012848 --0.895062 0.401235 -0.194616 0.978544 -0.144845 0.146529 -0.920899 0.327367 -0.211603 -0.872236 0.208885 -0.442234 0.262363 0.910983 -0.318237 0.856852 -0.509602 0.078169 -0.452362 0.876452 0.164924 0.258517 0.939418 -0.225084 -0.577073 -0.146094 -0.803519 -0.907065 -0.420878 0.00967536 -0.680325 0.255122 -0.687074 -0.0663093 0.582048 -0.810446 -0.241924 0.836654 -0.491408 -0.214169 0.938494 -0.270853 -0.510582 0.807553 -0.295235 --0.504783 -0.261739 -0.82261 0.188695 -0.677906 -0.71052 0.477558 -0.586803 -0.653911 --0.263785 -0.338687 -0.903166 -0.75132 0.0655221 -0.656677 0.727267 -0.595036 -0.342074 -0.126841 -0.692484 -0.710196 -0.89961 0.188291 -0.394015 0.971484 -0.139854 -0.191466 -0.937898 -0.346129 -0.0232614 -0.411939 0.56794 -0.712566 0.98726 0.13226 -0.088458 -0.84923 -0.36028 -0.386014 0.289955 -0.849693 -0.440395 -0.275267 -0.572488 -0.772324 --0.634616 0.0475962 -0.771361 -0.768179 0.303905 -0.563509 0.409018 -0.553643 -0.725385 --0.332772 -0.181342 -0.925407 0.972512 -0.230689 -0.0316632 -0.461936 0.14838 -0.874413 --0.41959 0.13741 -0.897253 0.525532 -0.586224 -0.616569 0.917388 -0.391152 -0.0734801 --0.786912 0.208901 -0.580629 0.946439 -0.259633 -0.191951 0.975783 0.118072 -0.184137 --0.0359614 0.471647 -0.881054 0.00288181 0.370312 -0.928903 -0.282292 0.341722 -0.896402 --0.530768 0 -0.847517 0.714956 -0.492864 -0.495906 0.257836 -0.699282 -0.666727 --0.389729 0.167027 -0.905656 -0.259181 0.610927 -0.74806 0.184859 0.0591548 -0.980983 --0.792411 -0.113653 -0.599307 -0.0431343 -0.197422 -0.979369 -0.533551 0.568348 -0.626342 --0.166914 -0.926267 -0.337888 -0.555622 -0.65112 -0.517037 -0.967191 -0.0541803 -0.248204 -0.355469 -0.823079 -0.442925 -0.443465 -0.518587 -0.731031 -0.962629 -0.172669 -0.208642 --0.897661 -0.368472 -0.241728 0.111658 -0.899335 -0.422764 -0.985853 0.131067 -0.104474 -0.84965 -0.515126 -0.112876 -0.31059 0.148658 -0.938848 -0.546689 -0.81886 -0.17493 -0.0932093 -0.0955993 -0.991046 0.873465 -0.11493 -0.473127 -0.570436 -0.371767 -0.732388 -0.709737 0.415677 -0.568758 -0.392645 -0.208593 -0.895722 0.867856 0.3632 -0.338986 -0.142514 0.0729142 -0.987103 0.837133 -0.107522 -0.536328 0.486846 -0.699546 -0.523084 -0.571804 0.507796 -0.644347 -0.324074 0.544199 -0.773837 0.587523 -0.587523 -0.556447 -0.988308 -0.0515375 -0.143497 0.917428 0.397619 0.0150234 -0.835169 -0.378436 -0.399098 -0.756881 -0.47434 -0.449592 0.557993 -0.557993 -0.614238 0.645238 -0.737415 -0.199717 --0.536173 -0.632409 -0.559086 -0.0521256 -0.79926 -0.598721 0.334866 -0.837718 -0.431384 -0.79371 0.163781 -0.585833 -0.655386 -0.573462 -0.491539 -0.865591 -0.0748042 -0.495132 -0.43624 -0.833989 -0.337872 -0.0930372 -0.868347 -0.487153 -0.227076 -0.866197 -0.445129 --0.221386 -0.854474 -0.469961 -0.381018 -0.847195 -0.37025 -0.570541 0.0691565 0.818352 -0.98138 -0.160694 -0.105216 -0.247 0.968627 0.0274444 -0.885824 0.420198 0.19685 --0.531494 0.341675 -0.775095 0.421847 0.888099 -0.182554 -0.0482555 0.965109 -0.257362 --0.942078 0.285478 -0.176045 0.583927 -0.237896 -0.776166 0.419812 0.257826 -0.87022 -0.35965 -0.0384092 -0.932296 0.799879 -0.131939 -0.585479 -0.56129 -0.799013 -0.215712 -0.725606 -0.0846922 -0.682878 -0.315342 -0.386549 -0.866683 -0.271599 -0.364468 -0.890728 --0.537244 -0.672859 -0.508556 -0.911339 0.0233079 0.410996 0.499059 -0.767783 -0.401807 -0.0522273 -0.377777 -0.924422 -0.117719 -0.375663 -0.919249 -0.181005 -0.837847 -0.515024 --0.158557 -0.372608 -0.914343 0.980312 -0.121694 -0.155498 -0.219502 -0.969891 0.105497 --0.903913 -0.18403 0.386102 -0.136131 -0.658635 -0.740046 0.227687 -0.607165 -0.761256 -0.0231565 -0.708202 -0.70563 0.348935 -0.747719 -0.564943 -0.147009 -0.65104 -0.744671 --0.42495 -0.459539 -0.779898 0.594258 0.556527 -0.580633 -0.325345 -0.945592 0.0025368 --0.188083 -0.442548 -0.876799 0.0850369 -0.357863 -0.929894 -0.389308 -0.448572 -0.804501 -0.670611 0.63708 0.380013 0.909109 0.37532 0.18071 -0.646918 -0.752538 0.123223 -0.255233 -0.478561 -0.84014 0.411 -0.135232 -0.901549 0.375551 -0.187775 -0.90758 --0.656132 -0.549009 -0.517764 -0.3431 -0.740116 -0.578369 -0.168283 -0.501845 -0.848429 -0.232733 0.806808 -0.543044 -0.114145 -0.984498 -0.133169 0.0698558 0.878187 0.47319 -0.960232 0.0751202 0.268908 0.511673 -0.473514 -0.71692 0.132824 -0.136849 -0.981647 --0.887468 -0.320718 -0.33097 0.193703 -0.830886 -0.52164 -0.903527 -0.172972 -0.392071 -0.658512 0.70729 -0.257104 -0.180472 0.789563 -0.586532 0.285217 0.918699 0.273208 -0.58228 0.804605 0.116456 -0.738717 -0.110808 0.664845 0.939025 -0.222655 0.262024 --0.464892 0.858465 0.216597 0.317284 -0.784144 -0.533339 0.135133 -0.713777 -0.687213 -0.199732 0.965371 -0.16783 -0.591054 -0.797923 0.118211 -0.895819 0.422518 -0.137792 --0.976474 0.205573 -0.0650983 -0.985232 0.168897 -0.0281495 0.830002 -0.536817 0.15141 -0.881484 0.336567 0.331224 -0.934465 -0.271554 -0.230288 0.493791 -0.841532 -0.219076 --0.714548 -0.519671 -0.468363 0.429581 -0.801884 -0.415261 0.437341 -0.799514 -0.411716 --0.968303 -0.162936 -0.189316 -0.0718217 -0.655373 -0.751883 0.103111 0.523737 -0.845617 -0.719326 -0.31275 -0.620288 -0.118581 0.783188 -0.610372 -0.500901 0.712981 -0.490669 -0.928063 -0.326783 -0.178641 -0.574786 -0.0334178 -0.817621 -0.35944 0.86132 -0.359069 --0.252345 -0.400784 -0.880735 -0.499005 0.483651 -0.719079 -0.210502 0.834124 -0.50983 --0.40673 0.777216 -0.480111 -0.00439597 0.84073 -0.541437 0.291792 0.827992 -0.478839 -0.302693 0.91365 -0.27133 -0.130404 0.891094 -0.43468 0.0603017 0.983449 -0.170855 --0.186761 -0.832641 -0.521373 -0.679514 -0.434134 -0.591429 0.420585 -0.723185 -0.547825 --0.245572 -0.0731492 -0.966614 -0.661545 0.340598 -0.668095 0.629657 -0.553173 -0.545465 --0.358405 -0.248571 -0.899866 0.891806 -0.452011 -0.0191974 -0.754601 0.0855841 -0.650578 -0.356064 -0.715145 -0.601486 0.995831 -0.0142262 -0.090099 -0.58215 0.429977 -0.690087 --0.724248 0.347639 -0.595493 -0.801478 0.281976 -0.527373 -0.779075 0.302749 -0.548985 --0.898627 0.149771 -0.412357 0.914188 -0.148247 -0.377205 0.992642 -0.0428094 0.113266 -0.0517198 -0.947414 -0.315805 -0.927056 0.0902244 -0.363905 -0.559794 -0.737206 -0.378363 --0.958316 -0.180477 -0.221494 -0.714704 -0.565303 -0.411863 0.646173 0.396238 -0.652269 -0.892075 0.079219 -0.444889 -0.800266 -0.561011 -0.211754 -0.996918 0.0657309 -0.0428246 --0.189974 -0.93027 -0.313859 0.290537 -0.646816 -0.705136 0.490444 -0.759708 -0.426975 -0.901897 0.167689 -0.398073 0.890305 0.39509 -0.22641 0.724946 -0.54371 -0.422885 -0.793386 -0.288132 -0.536207 -0.776237 -0.292262 -0.558605 0.976611 0.213166 0.0281372 -0.842339 0.304002 -0.445025 0.814105 0.306631 -0.493164 0.305038 0.0938579 -0.947704 -0.710796 -0.527646 -0.465143 0.374728 -0.498793 -0.781527 0.242357 -0.73988 -0.627568 --0.867817 0.0565968 -0.49365 0.726207 0.6205 -0.295979 0.927935 0.371065 -0.0353137 -0.652765 -0.293271 -0.698491 0.696431 -0.115888 -0.708204 -0.302605 0.048315 -0.951891 -0.520128 0.779495 -0.349076 0.488382 -0.586761 -0.645906 0.327712 -0.0121375 -0.9447 -0.457791 -0.3689 -0.808913 -0.00402853 -0.739235 -0.673436 0.868894 -0.408891 -0.278983 --0.641868 -0.421128 -0.640825 0.986782 0.150123 -0.0610255 -0.779776 -0.320574 -0.537756 -0.651451 -0.138391 -0.745962 -0.869597 0.0763549 -0.487823 0.710504 0.617323 -0.337781 -0.220767 -0.0229966 -0.975055 -0.0934787 -0.933175 -0.347053 0.0896729 -0.174364 -0.98059 -0.501089 -0.418718 -0.757354 0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 0.171111 -0.841528 -0.512397 -0.556848 -0.556848 -0.616312 0.180093 0 -0.98365 -0.244977 -0.792573 -0.558404 --0.269363 -0.778844 -0.566432 0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 0.286378 -0.266507 -0.920305 -0.217689 0.0473238 -0.97487 0.200596 -0.351042 -0.914621 -0.101472 -0.854825 -0.508898 -0.178932 -0.178932 -0.967454 -0.0207192 -0.361976 -0.931957 0.498923 -0.507459 -0.702539 -0.483004 -0.509034 -0.712455 0.76903 0.587655 0.251507 -0.301348 0.919499 0.252411 --0.0384775 -0.577162 -0.815723 0.082675 -0.277205 -0.957247 0.238274 -0.201616 -0.95004 --0.765755 -0.402021 -0.501995 -0.69594 -0.510917 -0.504609 -0.13824 -0.984957 0.10368 --0.502977 -0.863808 0.0291581 0.545883 -0.745784 0.381862 -0.953289 0.223045 0.203694 --0.850018 0.525734 0.032756 0.409694 -0.594898 -0.691554 -0.674859 -0.503077 0.539887 --0.0078526 -0.753849 -0.657001 0.737376 -0.63715 0.224315 -0.474709 -0.833032 0.284092 -0.279673 -0.619451 -0.733528 0.172541 -0.366033 -0.914467 0.157571 -0.0555251 -0.985945 -0 0.320807 -0.947145 -0.113267 -0.550789 -0.826923 -0.258576 -0.430959 -0.86453 --0.347626 -0.61694 -0.706075 -0.394927 0.668337 0.630364 0.862274 0.485029 -0.145708 -0.210028 0.977087 0.0344973 -0.499032 0.738152 0.453981 -0.786821 0.236416 0.570106 -0.695176 0.283864 -0.660417 -0.176292 0.557082 -0.81153 -0.534678 -0.0379013 -0.844205 -0 -0.542159 -0.840276 -0.302755 -0.513602 -0.802841 -0.291386 -0.388514 -0.874157 -0.278614 -0.767009 -0.577989 -0.228 -0.182875 -0.956333 -0.754886 -0.310732 -0.577575 -0.269663 -0.910112 0.314607 0.833897 -0.551655 -0.0171056 -0.727183 -0.650326 0.219731 -0.930932 0.241584 -0.273865 -0.529984 0.711485 0.461417 -0.849591 0 0.527442 --0.230759 0 0.973011 0.0269059 0.666241 0.745251 -0.281486 0.910101 0.304109 --0.327088 -0.727603 -0.602998 -0.0227522 -0.712902 -0.700894 0.66698 -0.618231 -0.415847 -0.478994 -0.319329 -0.817676 -0.427317 -0.0899615 -0.899615 -0.0149172 -0.615334 -0.788125 -0.0405642 -0.699732 -0.713253 0.329685 0.576949 -0.747287 -0.29226 0.670479 -0.68194 --0.0274813 -0.659552 -0.751156 -0.135381 -0.631778 -0.763235 -0.185869 -0.430745 -0.883126 --0.888935 -0.146262 -0.434054 0.968516 0.0131871 0.248601 0.562413 -0.788051 -0.250335 --0.161129 -0.986917 -0.00559477 -0.547542 -0.752558 0.365861 0.74427 0.0636547 0.664838 --0.488658 0.730359 0.477273 0.614369 -0.78882 -0.0176979 -0.570599 -0.570599 -0.59062 --0.380847 -0.914032 -0.139644 0.861457 -0.267811 -0.431473 -0.909721 0.1077 -0.40101 --0.128373 -0.826398 -0.548258 0.714629 -0.691576 0.105017 -0.0867184 -0.552259 0.82915 --0.997986 0.0608753 0.0178322 0.459158 -0.880053 0.121167 0.313637 -0.947183 0.0669092 --0.357703 -0.933826 0.00422068 0.561474 -0.827436 -0.00985042 0.911792 -0.293076 -0.287649 -0.102258 0.2876 0.952276 0.641782 -0.187839 0.743527 -0.586427 -0.662095 -0.466619 --0.970237 -0.222192 -0.0962831 0.213508 0.781899 0.585703 0.713906 0.695119 0.0845415 --0.381851 0.575194 0.723423 -0.309021 0.0457809 0.949953 -0.393099 0.48295 -0.782453 -0.634537 -0.625066 0.454594 0.953295 -0.120956 0.276763 0.873406 0.291135 0.390386 --0.280131 0.931437 0.232276 0.204539 0.562482 0.801111 -0.097859 0.831801 -0.546379 -0.907674 0 -0.419677 0.819948 0.571479 -0.0331292 -0.720129 -0.49272 0.488509 --0.537713 -0.778958 0.322628 0.668143 -0.348287 0.657481 -0.687771 0.723042 0.0646623 --0.0484929 0.994104 0.0969857 0.808223 -0.528712 -0.259305 -0.791052 0.566536 -0.230811 -0.752408 -0.165439 0.637583 -0.824815 -0.045823 0.563543 -0.940138 -0.197126 0.277998 -0.772106 -0.292395 -0.564231 0.667928 0.742142 -0.0556606 -0.836563 0.497088 0.230358 -0.186484 -0.959063 -0.213125 0.0693341 -0.990487 -0.118858 0.472632 0.836734 0.276577 --0.0268747 -0.698743 -0.714868 0.924193 -0.370082 0.0943742 -0.969623 -0.102912 0.221904 -0.248282 -0.910366 0.331042 0.948932 -0.199775 -0.24417 -0.365232 0.896478 -0.250866 --0.738858 -0.577498 -0.347254 -0.693041 -0.713791 -0.100982 -0.624894 -0.621727 -0.472189 -0.695174 -0.695174 -0.18294 -0.991053 -0.125374 -0.0457715 0.58828 -0.788073 -0.181294 --0.595792 -0.746726 -0.295689 -0.759902 -0.597864 -0.255163 0.591665 0.792456 -0.148139 --0.137568 -0.792204 -0.594548 -0.176128 -0.401005 -0.898985 0.393653 -0.719251 -0.572465 -0.55508 -0.80699 -0.201625 -0.0898359 0.285728 -0.954091 0.0976536 -0.19194 -0.976536 -0.427482 -0.61799 -0.659809 0.578262 -0.813487 -0.0620733 -0.255468 -0.271109 -0.928028 --0.523024 0.156704 -0.837789 0.683384 -0.416816 -0.599375 -0.395116 0.531363 -0.749358 --0.301731 0.484682 -0.821001 0.845864 -0.510983 -0.153006 0.819229 -0.569405 0.0681339 -0.709237 0.164138 -0.685596 0.207528 0.6127 -0.762581 0.923431 -0.310708 -0.225245 --0.162754 0.787458 -0.594492 0.652019 0.0197582 -0.757945 0.768873 -0.253047 -0.587198 --0.621695 0.321359 -0.714299 0.591213 -0.564986 -0.57555 -0.160851 0.0419611 -0.986086 -0.628373 -0.265136 -0.731334 0.729737 -0.367285 -0.576702 0.112827 -0.126101 -0.98558 --0.664376 0.408847 -0.625659 -0.410122 0.31638 -0.855397 -0.337348 0.363297 -0.868454 -0.685398 -0.602109 -0.409504 -0.697605 0.379467 -0.607743 -0.0654955 -0.688832 -0.721956 --0.871567 -0.0234853 -0.489713 0.670593 -0.741681 -0.0146125 -0.865168 0.146297 -0.479668 --0.8769 0.10167 -0.469798 -0.847356 -0.194703 -0.494043 -0.829636 0.173678 -0.530603 --0.901618 -0.0424442 -0.430445 -0.886804 -0.0928051 -0.452732 -0.811178 -0.0201535 -0.584451 --0.85455 0.278911 -0.438125 -0.661704 0.676585 -0.323081 -0.429258 -0.520739 -0.737949 --0.422608 -0.808144 -0.410251 -0.777924 0.0138915 -0.628205 -0.868429 0.0315543 -0.494808 --0.761754 -0.364631 -0.535514 0.807114 -0.417473 -0.417473 -0.609969 -0.738179 -0.288149 --0.949876 -0.0166645 -0.312182 -0.959867 0.157535 -0.232029 0.883655 -0.294552 -0.363858 --0.758329 -0.262279 -0.59678 -0.711843 -0.4919 -0.501312 -0.153665 -0.881345 -0.446786 -0.652715 -0.141231 -0.744324 -0.298263 -0.742896 -0.599287 -0.894969 0.444145 -0.0420212 --0.424483 -0.849683 -0.312815 -0.0522991 -0.780217 -0.623319 0.73675 -0.0437674 -0.674747 -0.845535 0.431687 -0.314192 -0.801317 0.489281 -0.34423 -0.927278 0.161833 -0.337588 -0.754098 0.324301 -0.571109 0.756034 0.574219 -0.314142 -0.459049 -0.86686 -0.194495 -0.776158 -0.0757228 -0.625975 -0.960802 0.277236 0 -0.725056 -0.28665 -0.6262 -0.717335 -0.531622 -0.450343 -0.812963 -0.0150549 -0.582121 -0.792509 -0.074795 -0.605256 --0.644503 -0.245979 -0.723954 -0.565292 0.0699885 -0.821916 -0.480075 -0.801048 -0.357561 -0.508248 -0.512954 -0.691782 -0.871898 -0.272468 -0.406886 0.520541 -0.362801 -0.772924 -0.522675 -0.441918 -0.729053 -0.662861 -0.628622 -0.406755 -0.758493 -0.204926 -0.618623 --0.537976 -0.37459 -0.755158 0.932353 0.346853 -0.10203 -0.816905 -0.00464811 -0.576753 --0.383825 0.119945 -0.915583 -0.292393 -0.247722 -0.923656 -0.475811 -0.254623 -0.841885 -0.943693 0.321587 0.0776246 -0.0446794 -0.854494 -0.517537 0.238988 0.942297 0.234436 --0.780142 0.61709 0.102848 0.825891 -0.560899 0.0574149 0.0991213 0.429526 0.897598 --0.964809 -0.244802 0.0960009 0.411222 -0.712785 -0.568185 0.242342 -0.693802 -0.678167 --0.163558 -0.906226 -0.389877 0.260388 -0.698313 -0.666751 -0.564163 -0.57856 -0.589057 --0.00563318 0.9982 0.0597117 -0.996706 -0.0699794 -0.0409879 -0.368071 0.926019 -0.0837409 -0.21344 -0.649488 -0.729801 -0.420871 -0.899368 -0.118338 0.97701 0.212449 -0.0178101 -0.214514 -0.477185 -0.85222 0.0847024 -0.0889375 -0.992429 -0.450341 -0.378696 -0.808568 --0.172528 -0.73739 -0.653062 -0.80767 -0.560697 0.182449 -0.302778 0.43692 -0.847011 --0.29517 -0.361763 -0.884309 -0.716899 0.109357 -0.688547 -0.00174721 -0.676172 -0.736742 -0.111441 0.984393 0.136205 0.677331 0.727815 -0.107279 0.523706 0.851896 -0.00232758 --0.55464 0.741248 0.378054 -0.961 0.0864778 0.262681 0.572965 -0.791734 -0.211823 --0.625792 -0.727271 -0.281888 -0.366019 -0.524073 -0.76901 0.299987 -0.784325 -0.542994 -0.0899026 -0.70124 -0.707234 -0.726774 -0.34349 -0.594823 -0.540466 -0.493469 -0.681458 --0.100363 -0.451634 -0.886541 0.908532 0.345828 -0.23446 -0.889587 -0.167233 0.425051 -0.111754 -0.621633 -0.775295 -0.349217 -0.133035 -0.92755 0.236301 0.843931 0.481603 -0.512517 0.772843 0.374219 -0.999969 -0.00476176 0.00634901 0.567379 -0.756505 -0.32524 --0.532288 -0.846394 -0.0169279 -0.476215 -0.878352 -0.0414483 0.632215 0.12772 0.764193 --0.0429579 0.948003 0.31535 0.956566 -0.206483 -0.205781 0.873818 0.484142 -0.0452653 --0.636874 0.770953 0.00474862 -0.506477 0.569787 -0.647166 -0.0814436 -0.977323 0.195465 --0.141925 -0.978539 -0.149395 0.415453 -0.909612 0.00232467 0.9282 -0.330592 0.170745 -0.882775 0.396348 0.252222 -0.809829 0.583077 0.0647864 -0.910695 0.395136 0.120423 -0.862701 0.38634 0.326326 0.988963 -0.0830152 0.122718 0.381722 0.819996 0.426492 --0.702105 0.706334 0.0902303 -0.635553 -0.566701 -0.524331 0.188958 0.6771 0.711218 -0.93302 0.0222148 0.359139 0.675939 -0.692629 0.251739 -0.72403 0.686661 0.0653963 --0.915396 0.349515 0.199723 -0.48367 -0.860083 -0.162235 0.862666 0.342529 0.37213 --0.851916 0.523678 -0.000835212 0.808312 -0.5819 0.0895773 0.618689 -0.471382 0.628509 --0.749072 0.650357 0.1262 0.10313 0.980641 0.166456 0.682158 -0.731202 -0.00222927 --0.951088 -0.118595 -0.285249 0.77083 -0.632254 0.0779491 0.211129 0.889759 0.404664 --0.542737 0.839349 0.0305026 0.789355 -0.612946 -0.0348831 -0.802624 -0.526311 -0.280699 -0.696452 -0.712102 -0.0886867 -0.972939 -0.023615 -0.229853 -0.531443 0.77455 0.342988 -0.590401 -0.801961 -0.0910202 0.868927 0.463428 -0.173785 0.981048 -0.151578 -0.120701 --0.80975 0.563304 -0.164297 0.649936 -0.747776 -0.135695 -0.919676 -0.326727 -0.217818 -0.832367 -0.542793 -0.111985 -0.887132 -0.3314 -0.321203 -0.919632 0.386829 -0.0681209 --0.918796 0.350723 0.181125 0.186736 -0.982362 0.00968799 -0.859083 0.501132 0.104131 --0.961772 0.225352 0.1556 0.277818 -0.884901 -0.373854 0.662087 -0.735246 -0.145098 --0.650969 -0.754723 -0.0814409 -0.647192 -0.616373 -0.448583 0.804875 -0.593398 -0.00736487 -0.120998 0.992372 0.0236056 -0.193053 0.978683 0.0700657 -0.676753 0.104116 -0.728811 --0.239465 -0.810878 -0.533979 -0.580163 0.463296 -0.669901 -0.60503 0.537085 -0.587774 --0.518402 0.439682 -0.733443 -0.562085 0.436355 -0.702606 -0.608176 0.351391 -0.711791 --0.683912 0.254025 -0.683912 -0.479149 0.199326 -0.854801 -0.272635 0.576555 -0.77023 --0.215907 0.663423 -0.716418 -0.394579 0.506252 -0.766823 -0.406585 0.609878 -0.680248 -0.297571 0.732482 -0.612309 -0.0874499 0.911977 -0.400812 -0.522842 0.692766 -0.4967 --0.814067 0.323509 -0.482323 0.826154 -0.56344 0.00224542 -0.489245 0.462437 -0.739453 -0.77798 -0.430456 -0.457661 -0.566856 0.474453 -0.673475 -0.708262 0.397687 -0.583275 -0.806212 -0.58939 0.0514062 -0.817192 0.498769 -0.288835 -0.679102 0.469527 -0.564239 --0.773952 0.348278 -0.528867 -0.910986 0.0700759 -0.40644 -0.978773 -0.13328 -0.155691 --0.78692 0.041236 -0.615676 0.955127 -0.267503 0.127183 -0.70305 0.212241 -0.67873 --0.572229 0.171218 -0.802022 -0.407421 0 -0.913241 -0.531609 -0.182043 -0.827195 --0.770144 0.0738629 -0.633579 -0.823196 -0.00460744 -0.567739 -0.800541 0.198299 -0.56552 --0.464681 0.52922 -0.709929 -0.445637 0.728326 -0.520527 -0.844319 0.360537 -0.396407 --0.803115 -0.473484 -0.361689 -0.760715 -0.41624 -0.498053 -0.900008 0.133334 -0.414979 -0.525763 -0.126183 -0.84122 -0.747258 0.161173 -0.644693 -0.551081 -0.76919 -0.323507 --0.572163 -0.754913 -0.320525 -0.897505 -0.110123 -0.427034 0.742705 -0.553222 -0.377274 --0.167768 -0.894763 -0.413828 0.59585 -0.546195 -0.588756 -0.554865 -0.615994 -0.559175 --0.566758 -0.775831 -0.277257 -0.204349 -0.819952 -0.534714 0.666597 -0.367943 -0.64828 -0.812309 0.445752 -0.376111 -0.420328 -0.754858 -0.503501 0.492021 0.00531915 -0.870567 -0.852066 0.41589 -0.317834 0.792062 0.517678 -0.323493 0.593697 -0.521295 -0.613005 --0.705055 -0.236478 -0.668562 -0.620622 0.404258 -0.671866 -0.822447 0.568842 0 -0.11671 0.729157 -0.674322 -0.331979 0.799635 -0.500373 -0.803889 0.500019 -0.322092 -0.798379 -0.0523527 -0.599875 0.369866 0.156217 -0.915858 -0.619742 0.236812 -0.748225 -0.147107 0.249524 -0.95713 -0.94483 -0.181092 -0.272951 0.797186 -0.028269 -0.603072 -0.656777 -0.402486 -0.637691 0.314249 -0.196992 -0.928677 0.42417 -0.24661 -0.871357 --0.3767 0.219742 -0.899895 0.149819 -0.301842 -0.941512 -0.636536 -0.642656 -0.426397 -0.392456 -0.364706 -0.844374 0.453076 -0.372224 -0.810044 -0.601956 -0.566373 -0.562913 --0.769846 -0.60387 -0.206587 -0.648616 -0.253806 -0.717551 -0.482492 0.516685 -0.707275 -0.579276 -0.177645 -0.795539 -0.416049 0.462771 -0.782781 -0.664953 0.31518 -0.677125 --0.309773 -0.937782 -0.156861 -0.28769 -0.939543 -0.185724 -0.654088 -0.735849 -0.175202 -0.821154 0.186192 -0.539479 -0.743262 -0.408794 -0.529574 0.532575 -0.282284 -0.797922 --0.264237 -0.397348 -0.878802 0.0706018 -0.600115 -0.796792 -0.778534 -0.257697 -0.572256 --0.0263625 -0.254837 -0.966624 0.156417 -0.449142 -0.879662 -0.72083 -0.511382 -0.46786 --0.449142 -0.156417 -0.879662 -0.55333 0.166757 -0.816099 -0.372586 -0.62904 -0.682267 --0.165314 -0.521468 -0.837104 -0.0278004 -0.185336 -0.982282 -0.2608 0.587367 -0.766148 -0.411074 -0.88683 -0.211069 0 0.211055 -0.977474 0.40504 0.495825 -0.76818 -0.272106 0.705253 -0.654658 0.880827 0.463391 0.0970186 -0.901997 0.43139 -0.0174299 --0.100298 0.254602 -0.961831 0.712622 -0.698888 0.0610383 -0.762781 -0.642749 0.0709864 -0.542105 -0.496929 -0.677631 -0.506658 -0.608718 -0.610541 -0.1159 -0.321207 -0.93989 -0.477504 0.187591 -0.85837 0.384429 -0.242307 -0.890787 0.598357 -0.295391 -0.74479 --0.294199 -0.501868 -0.813373 0.663932 0.165983 -0.729139 0.814149 0.32566 -0.480736 --0.721139 -0.655581 -0.22399 0.247493 -0.489361 0.836226 0.87133 -0.483522 -0.0836124 --0.163022 0.984484 -0.0649265 -0.905469 0.347303 0.243939 -0.847847 0.520966 0.0987452 -0.292962 -0.404503 -0.866343 0.0265558 -0.68455 -0.728482 0 -0.73366 -0.679517 --0.26173 -0.628348 -0.732582 -0.00576413 -0.201744 -0.979421 0.782567 -0.146079 -0.605185 -0.677627 -0.511417 -0.528464 0.53679 -0.84314 -0.0311772 0.00518468 -0.995459 0.0950525 --0.18027 -0.755749 -0.62956 0.131033 -0.512738 -0.848487 0 -0.263428 -0.964679 -0.0960711 -0.148345 -0.984258 0.242487 -0.664796 -0.706573 -0.196046 -0.844506 -0.498373 -0.125768 -0.440786 -0.888758 -0.244309 -0.745455 -0.620169 -0.228088 -0.740599 -0.632051 --0.122469 0.35652 -0.926226 0.257634 -0.434757 -0.862908 0.00588786 -0.812524 -0.582898 --0.25625 -0.318246 -0.912719 0.02465 0 -0.999696 0.686449 0.171612 -0.706638 --0.77205 0.353728 -0.528029 0.409933 -0.625121 -0.664213 0.471881 -0.434815 -0.766984 --0.0935671 -0.340244 -0.935671 0.13288 0 -0.991132 0.225659 0.0569847 -0.972538 -0.166533 -0.313345 -0.934923 0.463903 -0.746279 -0.477349 -0.807694 0.472775 -0.352298 -0.616546 0.784695 0.0642236 0.0344266 -0.496727 -0.867224 0.226224 -0.690792 -0.686752 -0.00989547 -0.951202 -0.308409 -0.668022 -0.276926 -0.690694 0.255987 0.252662 0.933077 -0.455952 0.237345 0.857773 -0.265447 0.245028 0.932469 -0.0574943 0.767959 0.637913 -0.904957 -0.0530101 0.422187 0.654389 0.75029 0.0940213 0.150119 -0.850672 -0.503807 -0.34337 0.587598 0.732684 0.0545363 -0.96711 0.248443 -0.830342 0.556603 0.0269394 -0.674611 0.732767 0.0891727 0.819487 0.569374 0.0652255 0.891889 -0.445384 -0.0785311 --0.482966 -0.0817328 -0.871816 -0.975184 -0.0872116 0.203494 -0.0860946 0.941769 0.325051 -0.805688 -0.591934 0.0219235 0.343258 0.86368 0.369094 -0.966533 0.250162 0.0568549 -0.591278 0.743866 0.311534 0.743494 0.650557 0.154895 0.943002 0.189716 -0.273415 -0.874134 -0.277382 -0.398683 0.67779 -0.550704 -0.487161 0.33154 0.754817 0.565979 -0.626842 -0.676591 0.386386 -0.598319 0.800793 0.0272997 0 -0.871576 -0.490261 -0.0722282 -0.967055 -0.244105 -0.139767 -0.941485 -0.306711 0.828475 0.555684 -0.0696009 -0.903477 -0.424268 -0.0610457 -0.954305 0.183792 -0.235631 -0.946472 -0.165543 -0.277104 -0.62114 0.763484 0.176852 -0.669754 0.740255 0.0587504 -0.827886 0.454002 -0.329374 -0.854212 -0.51096 0.0961315 0.763126 0.457875 0.456058 -0.639139 0.768489 0.0304352 --0.726498 0.687076 -0.0112635 0.827618 -0.529078 0.187416 -0.0556839 0.997249 0.0489344 -0.238792 0.878661 0.413442 -0.898035 0.436249 -0.0567479 0.0794507 -0.979177 -0.186817 -0.477464 -0.878192 -0.0284204 0.248372 -0.931394 0.266113 -0.953889 -0.0260367 -0.299027 -0.065624 -0.976008 -0.20761 -0.4787 -0.656139 -0.583376 0.793964 -0.53758 -0.283952 -0.870715 -0.477104 -0.119276 -0.904923 0.3541 -0.236067 0.971278 -0.182912 0.152191 -0.823809 -0.566067 0.03011 0.796188 -0.60419 0.0322235 -0.974865 -0.162277 -0.152661 -0.970984 0.192592 0.141769 0.931307 0.347631 -0.108724 -0.205526 0.976251 0.0685088 --0.798314 -0.434083 0.417452 -0.417846 -0.473559 -0.775337 0.78154 -0.623635 -0.0165593 -0.828034 -0.520319 -0.208873 -0.473877 -0.880563 -0.00707279 -0.745437 -0.64853 0.154057 -0.550147 -0.696653 -0.460449 -0.926113 0.356864 -0.122326 -0.863385 0.400411 -0.306981 --0.864079 0.29614 -0.407023 0.347919 -0.748956 -0.56393 0.167435 -0.771399 -0.61393 --0.879002 0.355188 0.318115 -0.536021 -0.716349 -0.446684 0.645486 -0.761253 -0.0619761 -0.403714 -0.847329 -0.345034 -0.246641 -0.44043 -0.863243 -0.693521 0.709105 -0.127275 --0.825708 -0.324556 -0.461378 0.982818 0.0530375 -0.176792 0.746583 -0.584152 -0.318403 --0.510715 -0.2293 -0.828608 0.906152 0.247132 -0.34324 0.122792 -0.960899 -0.248184 -0.310242 0.916184 0.253688 -0.708175 -0.465174 -0.531132 0.978202 -0.145819 -0.147844 --0.945683 0.282989 -0.160002 -0.494376 -0.861905 -0.112752 -0.539 -0.842296 0.00404395 -0.449857 0.878736 -0.159535 0.528707 0.827357 0.189603 0.537905 0.815755 0.212607 -0.064815 0.914355 0.399693 0.0703927 0.240253 0.968155 0.493916 0.631321 0.597898 --0.61754 -0.782218 -0.0823387 -0.810859 0.548522 -0.20404 -0.36257 0.611997 -0.702854 --0.778382 0.555209 -0.293027 -0.353858 0.234048 -0.905542 -0.697202 0.312684 -0.645088 --0.3748 0.3748 -0.847968 0.0431331 0.539164 -0.841096 -0.116571 0.657874 -0.744052 --0.249592 0.660891 -0.707762 0.0597491 0.336768 -0.93969 -0.577712 0.659838 -0.480483 --0.60388 0.530683 -0.594731 -0.150688 0.539966 -0.828088 -0.369478 -0.383689 -0.846326 --0.707931 0.353966 -0.611181 -0.306082 0.83371 -0.459609 -0.465637 0.456639 -0.758066 -0.153931 0.262965 -0.952447 0.213066 0.319599 -0.923287 -0.309679 0.424909 -0.850618 --0.0362285 -0.00905712 -0.999303 -0.771425 0.115714 -0.625711 -0.810519 0.0457551 -0.583922 --0.451093 0.663373 -0.597035 -0.312808 0.904909 -0.288603 -0.799353 0.583714 -0.14252 --0.593688 -0.604582 -0.531051 -0.716216 -0.648564 -0.257681 0.389333 -0.449012 -0.804243 -0.574993 0.146991 -0.804846 -0.631734 -0.539535 -0.556609 0.696127 0.126568 -0.706674 --0.661887 0.625641 -0.412891 0.134114 -0.560673 -0.817104 0.833614 0 -0.552348 --0.890851 0.234503 -0.389092 -0.912051 -0.343773 -0.223569 -0.879735 -0.149288 -0.45142 -0.516374 0.344249 -0.784124 -0.539225 -0.644543 -0.542034 -0.555452 -0.336169 -0.760567 --0.551223 0.045306 -0.833127 0.344184 -0.251519 -0.904586 -0.379469 0.236316 -0.894516 --0.0505197 0.523332 -0.85063 -0.428999 0.712708 -0.554983 -0.423668 0.738436 -0.524612 -0.414105 -0.164673 -0.895209 -0.699193 0 -0.714933 -0.503052 0.220748 -0.835589 --0.193854 0.693313 -0.694073 -0.749304 -0.194264 -0.633092 -0.559887 0.352447 -0.749872 -0.121946 0.858652 -0.497842 -0.782248 -0.349631 -0.515603 0.913806 -0.214453 -0.344917 --0.997963 0 -0.0637986 -0.934474 0.254436 -0.249039 -0.970636 0.23386 -0.0563426 --0.615577 -0.685302 -0.389135 -0.560925 -0.362052 -0.744501 0.307347 -0.53607 -0.786236 --0.669301 0 -0.742992 0.401257 -0.517128 -0.756023 0.395116 -0.531363 -0.749358 --0.632136 -0.102429 -0.768058 0.805925 -0.0215323 -0.591627 0.519204 -0.705333 -0.482631 --0.672804 -0.067374 -0.736747 0.553892 0.568681 -0.608116 -0.71218 0.0727614 -0.698216 --0.363524 -0.813978 -0.453088 0.561699 -0.27675 -0.779682 0.404642 -0.617612 -0.674404 -0.542029 -0.496095 -0.678302 0.17444 -0.0847279 -0.981016 -0.570814 -0.32865 -0.752436 --0.303507 0.360772 -0.881888 -0.410297 -0.776689 -0.477923 0.407867 -0.210306 -0.888491 -0.372813 0.135367 -0.917979 -0.317082 0.018119 -0.948225 -0.831034 0.0494128 -0.554023 -0.55003 -0.523838 -0.650432 -0.305021 -0.570503 -0.762554 -0.833039 -0.183966 -0.521731 --0.421117 -0.197667 -0.885205 -0.902386 -0.374105 -0.213882 -0.347955 -0.665913 -0.659914 --0.960518 -0.274434 -0.0457389 -0.968183 -0.212205 0.132628 0.238512 -0.0226325 -0.970876 -0.422694 -0.422694 -0.801661 0.380996 -0.627881 -0.678681 -0.864546 -0.364306 0.346181 --0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 -0.290911 -0.661823 -0.690914 0.0875772 -0.860865 -0.50124 -0.683175 -0.704524 -0.192143 -0.564599 -0.793711 0.226385 0 0.175069 -0.984556 --0.37607 -0.75214 -0.541162 -0.455337 -0.610873 -0.64769 -0.578046 -0.611896 -0.539857 --0.454739 0 -0.890625 0.321236 0.470648 -0.821766 0.309639 0.379102 -0.872012 --0.174146 0.245853 -0.953535 0.270138 -0.433858 -0.85953 0.0202675 0.668827 -0.743141 -0.0359715 0.373359 -0.926989 -0.315727 -0.315727 -0.894781 -0.380819 -0.635748 -0.671417 --0.423972 0.527501 -0.7362 -0.641047 -0.166119 -0.749308 -0.54974 -0.66345 -0.507562 --0.87643 -0.316259 -0.363112 0.256253 -0.169224 -0.951682 -0.82949 -0.49722 -0.254398 -0.660376 -0.23983 -0.711607 -0.115367 -0.195076 -0.973979 0.00509622 -0.225508 -0.974228 --0.23051 -0.669224 -0.706403 -0.501724 -0.666412 -0.551514 0.495783 -0.452462 -0.741268 -0.156365 -0.721412 -0.674621 -0.133386 -0.306152 -0.942592 -0.356597 -0.662251 -0.658986 -0.735799 0.674674 -0.0584333 -0.63828 0.760538 -0.119082 -0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 --0.492528 -0.379489 -0.783201 0.325622 0.842744 -0.428664 0.107415 0.747668 -0.655328 --0.81243 -0.183011 -0.553593 -0.983947 -0.178461 0 -0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 -0.082675 -0.277205 -0.957247 -0.14805 -0.345451 -0.926685 0.536267 0.701781 -0.468958 -0.312591 0.842878 -0.437999 -0.0678658 0.729558 -0.680544 -0.83351 -0.176319 -0.523615 --0.0240081 -0.970826 0.23858 -0.976271 -0.21639 0.00838721 0.121592 -0.688336 -0.715128 -0.253107 -0.523776 -0.813385 -0.221956 -0.635875 -0.739188 -0.0115213 -0.724692 -0.688976 -0.386263 0.920088 -0.0651006 0.222209 0.96929 -0.105358 -0.0538851 0.948377 -0.312533 --0.515738 0.055012 -0.854979 -0.427164 -0.768895 -0.475743 0.872329 -0.187977 -0.45134 --0.696362 0.666457 -0.266298 0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 -0.135512 -0.597534 -0.79031 --0.12771 -0.989754 -0.0638551 -0.14718 -0.987332 -0.0592808 -0.18581 -0.854396 -0.485264 -0.170756 -0.282894 -0.943829 -0.260393 -0.791765 -0.552542 -0.388232 0.522619 0.759042 -0.638935 -0.0418974 0.768119 -0.537887 0.758559 0.367786 0.00162546 -0.831423 -0.555637 -0.697849 0.536807 -0.474179 0.509548 -0.774121 0.375629 0.502088 -0.793742 -0.343339 -0.761545 -0.598772 -0.248035 0.718602 -0.617745 -0.319378 -0.655845 -0.139119 -0.741966 --0.526761 -0.325527 -0.78521 -0.760006 0.313617 -0.569241 0.792057 0.243343 0.559848 -0.27298 0.961115 0.0417052 -0.135909 0.96431 0.227235 -0.455563 0.754413 0.472571 -0.0211604 0.921441 -0.387941 -0.545395 0.253523 -0.798918 -0.807688 -0.264334 -0.527037 --0.401322 0.825934 0.395947 0.974495 -0.0417342 0.220496 0.984002 -0.127601 0.124329 -0.689761 0.720147 0.074952 0.398757 0.806309 0.436873 0.399496 0.559294 0.726356 -0.105949 0.994286 -0.0130398 0.676602 0.67255 0.299811 -0.109824 0.93223 -0.344797 --0.850381 -0.390716 -0.35241 0.274537 0.137269 0.951728 0.747409 0 0.664364 -0.944553 0.280813 -0.17019 -0.691431 -0.718024 -0.0797805 0.412394 -0.830269 0.374945 -0.0349829 -0.988267 0.148677 -0.17372 -0.978318 0.112766 -0.550285 -0.822469 -0.143981 -0.597449 0.74922 0.285876 0.700209 -0.65902 0.274592 -0.284758 0.801629 0.525646 --0.542715 -0.50395 0.671933 0.934404 -0.0133486 -0.355964 -0.610997 -0.73741 -0.287941 -0.936698 0.342018 -0.0749769 0.852352 -0.437889 -0.285919 -0.499767 0.866067 -0.0126647 --0.971465 0.124172 0.202084 0.603574 0.720053 0.342378 0.888564 -0.458445 -0.0167852 -0.955239 -0.114 0.272988 -0.278246 0.924176 0.261684 0.348285 0.868507 0.352693 --0.375022 0.912919 0.16105 -0.6494 -0.684822 -0.330604 0.754167 -0.270397 -0.598429 --0.16011 -0.936841 -0.310957 -0.564127 -0.798593 -0.209785 -0.838848 0.522174 0.153845 -0.509181 -0.86066 -0.000343577 0.56089 -0.820125 0.113121 -0.749457 0.356538 0.557848 -0.757747 -0.652537 0.00394044 -0.855023 0.510462 0.0914577 0.317331 -0.769286 0.554527 --0.641643 0.641643 0.420224 0.706267 -0.462727 -0.535789 -0.0413064 -0.888088 -0.457813 --0.275058 -0.933038 0.231911 -0.854788 -0.518817 0.012922 0.153124 -0.922995 -0.353035 -0.577741 -0.812855 -0.0740391 0.396683 -0.895789 0.200509 0.70818 -0.682192 0.181918 -0.428481 -0.895219 0.122423 -0.476731 0.800909 0.362316 -0.473672 0.879163 -0.0520321 -0.258292 0.926072 0.275092 0.25796 -0.51592 -0.816874 -0.742338 0.652228 -0.153402 --0.631057 0.308815 -0.711618 0.759959 -0.643043 0.094647 -0.43105 0.826179 -0.3628 -0.781053 -0.574353 -0.245103 0.325906 -0.422797 -0.845593 -0.145221 -0.875773 -0.460361 --0.250892 -0.802855 -0.540812 0.972572 -0.0342254 -0.230071 0.25179 -0.795428 -0.551268 --0.129511 -0.647553 -0.750934 0.485874 -0.85679 -0.172735 -0.682432 -0.554476 -0.476281 -0.944536 0.277064 0.176313 -0.862268 0.22419 0.454128 -0.964739 0.0639285 0.255327 --0.931844 -0.362605 -0.013577 -0.594279 -0.772562 -0.223562 0.840345 -0.541131 0.0315954 -0.337175 -0.937691 -0.083952 -0.196653 0.947336 0.252749 0.567186 0.823586 0.00258989 --0.154528 0.881383 0.446415 -0.151051 0.868543 0.472034 0.219365 0.877462 -0.426544 -0.668805 0.622144 -0.406986 -0.600171 0.493881 0.629187 0.237233 0.964443 0.116487 --0.864581 0.432291 -0.256172 0.743713 0.131362 0.655465 0.987282 -0.0806346 0.137013 --0.110199 0.539397 0.834809 -0.184052 0.94071 -0.28494 -0.806674 -0.235797 0.541919 --0.824177 0.524476 0.213675 -0.79624 0.498977 -0.342088 0.18834 0.690065 -0.698813 --0.0866422 0.880174 -0.466676 -0.647615 0.674422 -0.354612 0.766549 -0.618904 0.171349 --0.874694 0.35783 -0.326906 0.500186 0.0218937 -0.865641 -0.428552 0.220262 -0.876258 --0.633891 0.465654 -0.617534 0.317038 0.462008 -0.828273 0.45888 0.209489 -0.863449 --0.172331 0.623042 -0.762969 -0.436479 0.421808 -0.79471 -0.436819 0.422177 -0.794327 --0.204932 0.63529 -0.744587 -0.551799 0.469195 -0.689474 -0.0814733 0.537724 -0.839175 -0.0705667 0.650782 -0.755978 0.0268041 0.830926 -0.555737 -0.403932 0.580653 -0.706881 --0.45241 0.407383 -0.793325 -0.706872 -0.115358 -0.697872 0.312871 0.368741 -0.875295 --0.781045 0.292892 -0.551528 -0.643803 0.366898 -0.671493 -0.55345 0.675872 -0.486713 --0.674034 0.26364 -0.690052 -0.620867 0.46565 -0.630629 -0.648835 0.511203 -0.563635 -0.414562 0.910015 -0.00337042 -0.370703 0 -0.928751 -0.160067 0.101506 -0.981873 -0.535569 -0.494819 -0.684339 0.619153 -0.755367 -0.21464 -0.649905 -0.400235 -0.646093 -0.720422 -0.432253 -0.542355 0.408888 -0.713695 -0.568726 -0.712135 -0.577994 -0.39848 -0.83064 -0.139465 -0.539061 -0.202699 -0.719788 -0.663942 0.873608 -0.0513887 -0.48391 --0.943873 -0.330306 -0.00130685 0.917684 0 -0.397311 -0.936431 -0.211366 -0.280038 --0.635925 0.236485 -0.734626 -0.786572 -0.0172602 -0.617258 -0.806092 0.307588 -0.505575 --0.625074 0 -0.780565 -0.0319201 0.516273 -0.855829 -0.0713707 0.0356854 -0.996811 --0.537102 -0.559349 -0.631387 -0.3801 0.471936 -0.795488 -0.749884 -0.326389 -0.575451 --0.735108 -0.385716 -0.557529 -0.736127 0.114607 -0.66707 -0.65306 -0.483595 -0.582794 -0.477285 0.369327 -0.797369 -0.747115 -0.0498077 -0.662826 -0.205603 0.699771 -0.68414 --0.364781 0.674051 -0.642331 -0.522794 -0.459039 -0.71831 0.185773 0 -0.982593 --0.882847 0.0509335 -0.46689 0.671071 0.0447381 -0.740042 -0.52554 -0.21146 -0.824071 --0.497897 -0.342304 -0.796823 -0.436782 -0.288301 -0.852117 0 -0.185408 -0.982662 --0.723993 -0.00559789 -0.689784 -0.454739 0 -0.890625 -0.297124 0 -0.954839 -0.22072 0.839394 -0.496689 -0.258042 0.642919 -0.721158 -0.402083 0.467097 -0.787496 -0.133029 0.768613 -0.62573 0.131468 0.821464 -0.5549 -0.278108 0.661446 -0.696523 --0.835613 -0.33955 -0.431807 -0.151789 -0.893317 -0.423019 -0.863961 -0.2239 -0.451044 --0.839578 -0.423524 -0.340199 0.867114 -0.00530345 -0.498082 -0.904054 0.138161 -0.404472 -0.180169 -0.750704 -0.635596 0.0305688 -0.730056 -0.682704 -0.423027 -0.687823 -0.58987 --0.492764 0.236527 -0.8374 0.822643 -0.364328 -0.43649 0.0683147 -0.959512 -0.273259 --0.997079 -0.0487461 0.0587908 0.0222418 -0.578286 -0.815531 -0.76425 -0.390849 -0.51299 --0.5314 -0.442833 -0.722159 -0.177164 -0.500682 -0.847308 0.547588 -0.305631 -0.778933 -0.474633 -0.870765 -0.128421 0.397145 -0.723829 -0.564223 -0.0380044 -0.547264 -0.836097 -0.395116 -0.531363 -0.749358 -0.11476 -0.774954 -0.621511 0.0101811 -0.897637 -0.440617 -0.883631 -0.239682 -0.402181 0.978105 -0.204513 0.0385314 -0.435043 -0.791438 -0.429375 --0.333969 0.0811067 -0.939088 0.428472 -0.265245 -0.863746 -0.508177 0.182626 -0.841668 --0.772113 -0.15745 -0.615672 -0.470757 0.262312 -0.842366 0.0920962 0.446937 -0.889812 --0.0210331 0.57922 -0.8149 -0.634238 0.27247 -0.723535 0 -0.180093 -0.98365 -0.621395 -0.517209 -0.588527 -0.127733 0.58088 -0.803905 -0.261064 0.124687 -0.957235 --0.713487 -0.249232 -0.654844 -0.919597 -0.038546 -0.390967 -0.826018 -0.0225278 -0.563194 --0.636143 -0.373933 -0.674904 0.519706 -0.377321 -0.766508 -0.0341066 0.0341066 -0.998836 -0.177046 -0.481884 -0.858162 0.488382 -0.586761 -0.645906 -0.387423 -0.819548 -0.422191 --0.628337 0.7181 -0.299208 -0.97997 -0.0544428 -0.191558 0.288155 -0.288155 -0.9132 --0.328004 -0.770429 -0.546674 -0.319041 -0.738927 -0.593464 0.0421692 -0.685708 -0.726655 -0.598082 -0.642938 -0.478465 0.354843 -0.593661 -0.722255 -0.11671 -0.786079 -0.607008 -0.925631 -0.0970419 -0.365773 0.492707 0.854026 0.166973 -0.557297 0.827398 -0.0695197 -0.46927 -0.210363 -0.857632 0.570595 -0.423409 -0.703666 -0.117946 -0.451565 -0.884408 -0 -0.179487 -0.98376 0.846403 -0.50626 -0.165238 -0.644232 -0.759273 0.0920331 -0.812889 -0.452536 0.366638 -0.509134 -0.83879 0.192909 0.218713 -0.132745 -0.966718 --0.200509 -0.200509 -0.958954 0.192226 -0.973665 -0.122579 -0.516551 -0.856214 0.00846805 --0.0354702 -0.986073 0.162488 0.409464 0.394299 -0.82272 0.13231 -0.573343 -0.808561 --0.490945 -0.499693 -0.713638 -0.106641 -0.00784122 -0.994267 -0.409572 -0.253756 -0.876276 -0.625638 -0.687389 -0.368882 0.494146 -0.484163 -0.722085 -0.3461 -0.359944 -0.866404 --0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 -0.318335 -0.695493 -0.644167 -0.224632 -0.703848 -0.673897 -0 -0.587764 -0.809032 0.153572 -0.661029 -0.734477 0.00854327 -0.341731 -0.939759 --0.575751 -0.589459 -0.566612 0.488449 -0.636069 -0.597355 -0.30195 -0.433514 -0.849054 -0 -0.175069 -0.984556 0.230173 -0.0886227 -0.969106 0.451094 0.263138 -0.852803 --0.256417 0.682522 -0.684408 -0.349964 -0.817377 -0.457625 0.509858 -0.509858 -0.692884 -0.0929787 0.0929787 -0.991317 0.735538 0.465457 -0.492274 -0.726582 -0.59617 0.341556 -0.785634 -0.583274 -0.206328 0.139874 0.963575 0.227943 -0.602536 -0.763212 0.233363 --0.279498 -0.792159 -0.542554 -0.210776 -0.321124 -0.923284 -0.19265 -0.17179 -0.966113 -0.0960711 -0.148345 -0.984258 0.349424 -0.255216 -0.901536 0.644899 -0.12441 -0.754074 -0.858479 -0.280656 -0.429239 -0.82493 -0.434405 -0.361638 0.731604 -0.491344 -0.472585 --0.141882 -0.141882 -0.979663 0.208143 -0.976118 -0.0622036 0.728672 -0.613151 -0.305094 --0.340743 -0.908647 -0.241359 -0.0150653 -0.858722 -0.51222 -0.184493 -0.798436 -0.573117 -0 -0.185408 -0.982662 -0.423191 -0.423191 -0.801136 0.423718 -0.501943 0.754 -0.914698 -0.0531801 0.400624 -0.0418217 0.888712 0.456554 -0.968621 0.0284889 0.246903 -0.0250435 -0.751305 0.659479 -0.358429 0.907385 -0.219503 -0.996783 0.0419208 -0.0683153 --0.119944 -0.420374 -0.899388 0.934608 -0.142688 0.325805 -0.0671048 -0.971254 0.228392 -0.502134 0.819272 0.276866 0.616506 0.616506 0.489735 -0.0298865 0.999538 0.00553454 -0.289798 0.955825 -0.049147 -0.747094 0.516174 -0.418825 0.275001 -0.910122 0.309922 --0.299544 -0.948843 0.0998479 0.710932 -0.640053 0.291389 0.798598 -0.466295 0.38054 --0.0722302 -0.996777 -0.0349113 -0.268286 -0.960636 -0.0721198 -0.0161611 -0.985825 0.166998 -0.622713 0.178399 0.761842 -0.271273 0.883079 0.38286 0.113325 0.869937 -0.479965 -0.531963 0.0115144 0.846689 -0.354269 0.919412 0.170808 -0.784283 0.61792 0.0554544 --0.976588 0.151139 0.153076 -0.972625 0.196841 -0.123508 -0.72475 0.102208 0.681389 -0.828698 -0.510537 -0.229372 -0.790963 -0.0903958 0.60515 0.894124 0.0286272 0.446903 --0.275851 0.927108 0.253727 -0.542035 0.832958 0.111265 0.729044 -0.557877 0.396572 --0.639486 -0.689102 0.340876 -0.924675 -0.377418 0.0503224 -0.219365 -0.731218 -0.645909 -0.891443 0.432647 -0.134707 -0.142372 0.968598 0.203833 -0.235422 0.881707 0.408864 --0.814427 0 0.580265 -0.470187 -0.606294 0.641352 0.645084 -0.763198 0.0373523 --0.763394 0.643827 0.0521193 0.716086 0.461247 0.5239 0.849921 -0.449344 -0.275179 --0.914794 -0.333429 0.227986 0.963175 -0.157253 0.218095 0.969073 0.199515 0.145225 --0.0623225 0.996256 0.0599139 0.674192 -0.244272 0.696991 0.371349 0.516538 0.771549 --0.569795 0.776663 -0.268566 -0.718254 0.64363 -0.264293 -0.718274 0.517692 -0.464841 -0.480531 -0.835574 0.266282 0 0.890064 0.455835 0.365912 0.643118 0.672687 -0.832113 0.421851 0.360041 0.954546 0.130835 0.267813 -0.72099 0.674474 0.158928 -0.476716 -0.762746 -0.43699 -0.21813 -0.916637 -0.334956 0.858905 0.394416 0.326678 --0.816859 0.315719 0.482766 0.417419 -0.849571 0.322477 -0.454239 -0.883701 -0.112871 --0.561202 -0.810967 -0.165483 0.394132 0.878868 -0.268795 0.964523 -0.0595029 0.257206 -0.964573 -0.123663 0.233036 -0.769838 0.620974 0.147446 -0.859744 0.510178 0.0236194 --0.424986 -0.786224 -0.448596 0.89496 0.356203 -0.268636 -0.693899 0.696463 0.182875 --0.0058703 -0.817929 -0.57529 -0.113789 -0.785143 -0.608771 -0.773993 0.456103 0.43921 -0.312699 0.799121 0.513445 -0.111902 0.973338 0.200228 -0.576003 0.805213 -0.1409 --0.982313 -0.133382 0.131417 0.395951 -0.905306 -0.153767 0.498366 -0.835842 0.230216 --0.220191 0.790099 0.572066 0.624134 0.271363 0.732679 -0.419525 0.483477 0.768277 -0.632047 0.765289 0.121854 0.196978 0.875974 0.440305 -0.79877 -0.26753 0.538883 -0.297715 -0.952687 0.0612688 -0.580683 -0.763926 0.281468 -0.0227317 -0.941743 -0.335564 --0.601703 -0.791714 -0.105562 0.100041 -0.969632 -0.223169 -0.721377 0.55087 -0.41971 -0.985732 0.0490414 0.161019 -0.556792 0.82601 0.0876998 -0.596851 -0.750327 0.284215 -0.878503 0.459525 -0.130649 0.059197 -0.980263 -0.188628 -0.371376 0.00884229 -0.92844 -0.57772 -0.804488 -0.137981 0.107465 -0.0179108 -0.994048 -0.686893 0.482398 -0.543572 --0.240862 0.51314 0.823816 -0.926045 0.37362 -0.0533743 -0.412635 -0.909913 0.0423215 -0.906899 -0.378443 -0.185244 0.48306 -0.852947 -0.197825 -0.943578 0.229741 0.238493 -0.536044 -0.838564 -0.0973017 -0.818782 -0.438633 -0.370401 0.867657 -0.495804 -0.0367262 -0.569369 -0.765426 -0.299904 -0.202798 0.916731 0.344205 0.446501 0.788353 0.423246 --0.736485 0.675257 0.0402355 0.984051 0.140318 0.109339 0.943237 0.210987 0.256494 --0.579521 0.788357 0.206516 -0.71773 0.239243 0.653932 -0.987262 -0.0239204 0.157295 -0.0166855 -0.920734 -0.389833 -0.751227 0.659395 0.0292666 0.516148 0.842823 -0.152449 --0.329945 0.942416 0.0546615 0.970761 0.142024 -0.193528 -0.0254645 0.96765 0.251007 -0.98907 0.121111 -0.0841046 0.723093 0.61011 -0.323886 -0.933481 -0.283745 -0.21932 --0.798414 0.562519 -0.214725 -0.441277 0.375903 -0.814845 -0.242647 -0.0808824 -0.966737 --0.853984 0.204956 -0.478231 0.989226 -0.0613474 -0.132919 -0.277813 0.909421 -0.309472 --0.0427886 0.996974 -0.064896 -0.568726 0.820137 -0.0626494 0.181231 0.9834 -0.00891299 --0.461182 -0.733552 0.499212 -0.987359 0.0658239 0.144186 -0.90507 -0.318266 0.282053 --0.993195 0.116088 -0.00931568 0.0815103 0.151376 -0.98511 -0.949476 0.291748 -0.115663 --0.0710296 0.756256 -0.650408 0.114096 0.932051 -0.343895 -0.480534 0.439512 -0.758891 --0.736143 0.313542 -0.59982 -0.234798 0.626128 -0.743527 -0.412541 0.164372 -0.895987 --0.925036 0.143975 -0.351538 0.66157 0.0374474 -0.748948 -0.185527 0.272833 -0.944003 -0.5317 0.745858 -0.401237 0.0477638 0.987686 -0.148977 -0.505042 0.603245 -0.617274 --0.0350279 0.612227 -0.789905 0.6321 0.330034 -0.70109 0.771794 0.00627475 -0.635841 --0.650412 0.459625 -0.604739 -0.0762216 -0.70505 -0.70505 -0.496523 -0.553814 -0.668397 --0.165255 -0.694072 -0.700682 -0.792172 0.433567 -0.429515 -0.423179 0.215207 -0.880117 -0.0894459 0.673826 -0.733456 -0.895594 0.0334801 -0.443612 -0.887991 0.426662 -0.171554 --0.144472 -0.764993 -0.627626 -0.664857 -0.441506 -0.602526 -0.766713 -0.606981 -0.209104 --0.857561 -0.0751252 -0.508867 -0.282113 0.408106 -0.868252 0.0240754 -0.214672 -0.976389 -0.542341 0.198275 -0.816427 0.629121 0.351881 -0.693099 0.361147 -0.208119 -0.908988 -0.157398 -0.724033 -0.671567 -0.371133 -0.871357 -0.320932 0.406464 -0.468768 -0.784247 -0.312422 -0.551724 -0.7733 -0.455835 -0.0267213 -0.889663 -0.228108 -0.409086 -0.883525 --0.497743 -0.617619 -0.608932 -0.409339 -0.7567 -0.509752 -0.729704 -0.508382 -0.457252 -0.656527 0.025579 -0.753869 0.760126 0.302839 -0.574889 -0.842957 -0.469264 -0.263088 -0.54045 -0.237798 -0.807072 -0.629224 -0.641809 -0.438359 0.827071 0.109236 -0.551381 --0.373767 -0.289837 -0.881075 0.893271 0.0915583 -0.440096 -0.311345 0.166368 -0.935621 --0.205981 -0.137321 -0.968873 -0.694872 0.0534517 -0.717144 -0.448149 0.0206045 -0.893722 --0.499994 0.314238 -0.807007 -0.392693 0.145716 -0.908052 -0.767328 -0.00537847 -0.641233 --0.138503 -0.246228 -0.959265 -0.100131 0.807082 -0.581887 -0.816115 0.0429534 -0.576292 --0.830445 -0.337487 -0.443241 -0.335017 0.00744482 -0.942183 -0.423305 -0.100787 -0.900364 --0.297061 -0.0206124 -0.954636 0.718451 0.0671799 -0.692326 0.797564 0.118416 -0.591498 --0.604608 -0.763446 -0.227155 -0.186032 -0.677774 -0.711347 0.324318 -0.746686 -0.580756 --0.450544 -0.0813013 -0.889044 -0.457855 -0.848157 -0.266456 -0.287508 -0.713168 -0.639321 -0.401061 -0.749153 -0.527181 0.178405 -0.766553 -0.616902 0.147486 -0.516902 -0.843244 -0.332688 -0.266844 -0.904496 -0.480452 0.182781 -0.857763 0.699503 -0.14626 -0.699503 --0.652521 -0.756581 0.0424404 0 0 -1 0.574039 -0.732031 -0.366893 -0.0215465 0.797221 -0.603303 -0.366363 0.838326 -0.403718 0.540566 -0.0766156 -0.837806 -0.293806 -0.321788 -0.900073 0 -0.805683 -0.592347 0.58472 -0.577319 -0.569917 --0.643565 0.213155 -0.735112 -0.759482 -0.165432 -0.629142 -0.483722 0.668977 -0.564342 --0.206678 0.792266 -0.574106 -0.0288845 0.788133 -0.614827 -0.55797 0.52973 -0.638792 -0.759035 0.185262 -0.624135 0.363141 0.276421 -0.889786 0.481804 0.0161499 -0.87613 --0.942707 -0.306703 0.13129 0.0975776 -0.780621 -0.617341 0.408642 -0.207282 -0.888845 --0.362616 0.442157 -0.82037 0.172079 0.465394 -0.868215 0.544485 0.69033 -0.476425 --0.365771 -0.802035 -0.472177 -0.13498 -0.781247 -0.609454 -0.589435 -0.63244 -0.502579 -0.365376 0.152051 -0.918358 0.857891 -0.0919169 -0.505543 0.483016 -0.438554 -0.75787 -0.479833 -0.125979 -0.868268 0.428564 -0.767844 -0.476182 -0.669657 -0.685368 -0.286061 --0.584652 -0.733349 -0.346961 -0.630364 0.775832 0.0269386 0.702414 0.702414 -0.115015 -0.587823 -0.182105 -0.788227 0.762597 -0.0649019 -0.64361 0.574273 -0.19292 -0.795608 -0.452318 -0.452318 -0.768646 -0.568191 -0.409674 -0.71367 -0.552606 -0.566003 -0.611774 --0.552647 -0.82897 -0.0859673 0.761816 0.128864 -0.634847 0.379944 0.293593 -0.877181 --0.825219 0.5639 0.0320919 -0.449142 -0.156417 -0.879662 0.72444 -0.10363 -0.681503 -0.324992 -0.181527 -0.928131 -0.540602 -0.422114 -0.727715 0.51775 -0.285291 -0.806563 --0.554546 -0.284383 -0.782052 -0.133974 -0.173529 -0.975673 -0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 --0.244907 0.379966 -0.89199 -0.024013 -0.515648 -0.856464 0.0603724 -0.603724 -0.794904 -0.561852 -0.494688 -0.663028 -0.432075 0.0652188 -0.899476 -0.757459 0.269319 -0.594746 --0.188802 0.0917038 -0.977724 -0.253825 0.779287 -0.572961 0.263356 -0.784216 0.561826 -0.60898 -0.750797 0.255827 0.276018 0.552036 0.78681 -0.513996 0.747631 0.420542 --0.532352 -0.760503 0.371801 -0.133219 -0.666095 -0.733873 -0.589831 0.518208 -0.619322 -0.124862 -0.264413 -0.956293 0.165416 -0.478328 -0.862461 -0.875574 0.149034 -0.459521 --0.543368 0.123027 -0.830431 -0.497284 0.0252588 -0.86722 0.764705 -0.0791655 -0.6395 -0.607932 -0.645026 -0.46299 -0.581591 0.803149 -0.129242 -0.424753 0.817144 0.389694 -0.83265 0.550926 0.0563447 -0.270036 0.938696 0.214314 0.149199 -0.0239454 -0.988517 -0.194734 -0.301523 -0.933361 -0.110504 0 -0.993876 -0.256578 -0.843645 -0.471625 --0.400846 -0.754534 -0.519616 0.786517 -0.32386 -0.525837 0.555913 -0.526654 -0.643115 --0.261925 -0.641027 -0.721443 -0.612827 0.779962 -0.126898 0.514418 -0.163678 0.841774 --0.0646994 -0.139931 -0.988045 0.646157 -0.332785 -0.68683 0.913205 -0.145859 -0.380502 -0.0755444 -0.522145 -0.849504 -0.806435 0.280012 -0.520823 -0.354884 0 -0.93491 --0.181037 -0.929324 -0.321844 0.445548 -0.661135 -0.603645 -0.208956 0.46676 0.859344 --0.704145 0.631129 0.325356 0.109766 -0.259888 -0.95938 -0.788177 -0.498977 -0.360276 --0.401809 -0.385644 -0.830559 0.568719 -0.290243 -0.769622 0.549939 -0.46946 -0.690778 --0.363265 -0.690573 -0.625418 0.910828 -0.27297 -0.309644 -0.142386 0.987209 -0.0717203 -0.699557 -0.679852 0.220049 -0.853627 0.284542 0.436298 0.324002 -0.616962 -0.717203 --0.582605 -0.543416 -0.604376 -0.0985291 0.239285 -0.965937 0.0603236 -0.475492 -0.877649 --0.25542 0 -0.96683 0.481442 -0.813153 -0.327104 -0.518022 -0.84937 -0.101115 --0.971218 -0.194552 -0.137422 0.461727 -0.887022 -0.000247841 -0.175985 -0.984321 -0.0119312 --0.151461 -0.731338 -0.664984 -0.408019 -0.848249 -0.337629 0.0300072 -0.49762 -0.866876 -0 -0.25542 -0.96683 0.232757 -0.411802 -0.881047 -0.362132 -0.641275 -0.676482 -0.606449 -0.741216 0.287783 0.293729 -0.917009 0.269849 -0.160886 -0.326504 -0.931403 --0.535961 -0.375173 -0.756301 -0.408275 -0.898718 0.160057 0.104298 -0.208596 -0.972425 --0.271329 -0.407547 -0.871944 0.235196 -0.0306778 -0.971464 -0.0768463 0.922156 0.379109 --0.694839 0.191197 0.693284 -0.629876 -0.404648 0.66296 0.171286 -0.236777 -0.956346 -0.16836 -0.274186 -0.946825 0 -0.724005 -0.689795 -0.0958648 -0.636026 -0.76569 --0.0688492 0.907334 -0.414734 0.0720212 0.916019 -0.394616 -0.300483 0.832339 -0.465749 -0.445947 -0.876246 -0.182551 0.0776202 -0.993539 -0.0827949 -0.548156 -0.754604 0.360691 -0.0170736 0.273177 -0.961812 -0.335984 -0.0912549 -0.937437 -0.441987 -0.338543 -0.830684 -0.126111 -0.693611 -0.709225 0.635762 0.771252 0.031267 -0.163299 0.701899 -0.693304 --0.387619 0.113702 -0.914781 -0.6267 -0.586958 -0.512569 0.636046 0.158279 -0.755244 -0.482455 0.0331458 -0.875293 0.714132 -0.0892666 -0.694296 0.779214 -0.25568 0.572235 --0.418474 -0.89534 -0.152467 0.292683 -0.097561 -0.951219 -0.206772 -0.935644 -0.286035 -0.134147 0.972568 -0.190042 0.0410159 0.750004 0.66016 0.200766 0.790517 0.578597 -0.325909 0.678978 0.657854 0.209063 0.928485 -0.306933 0.890858 -0.206446 0.404663 -0.839116 0.427626 0.336184 0.129066 0.530605 0.837735 0.801616 0.248904 0.543561 -0.290777 0.717249 0.633247 -0.555659 0.782755 0.280246 -0.981049 0.178373 0.0756732 -0.535912 -0.602901 0.591024 -0.613857 -0.371237 0.696679 -0.868085 -0.0190788 0.496049 -0.637757 -0.699839 0.3217 0.715899 0.166664 0.678021 -0.941787 -0.0425323 -0.333508 --0.390771 0.882853 -0.260514 -0.660552 0.590438 -0.46374 0.623763 0.733839 0.269074 -0.0144218 -0.973473 0.228346 -0.923465 -0.259298 -0.282802 0.602693 0.609244 0.515346 -0.646749 -0.729533 0.222482 -0.389103 -0.915112 -0.105682 -0.557366 -0.804395 -0.20565 -0.0460165 -0.966347 0.253091 0.473718 0.702629 0.530946 -0.36819 0.911494 0.183346 -0.920294 -0.0626903 0.386172 0.566078 0.649209 0.508019 -0.400389 0.883808 0.242017 -0.107032 0.791103 0.602246 0.851886 -0.387471 0.352357 -0.698937 0.712301 -0.0641472 -0.436605 0.703781 -0.560418 0.827097 -0.232813 0.511575 0.00514209 0.742175 0.670186 --0.97065 0.0500804 -0.235226 -0.994384 0.057813 -0.0886466 -0.805787 0.401439 0.435377 -0.0855229 0.958325 0.27258 -0.829449 0.32249 0.456086 -0.105929 0.658274 0.745288 --0.670837 0.213448 0.710223 0.937375 0.124064 0.325478 0.88404 0.276743 0.376678 --0.463262 0.8165 0.344551 0.76058 -0.645527 0.0693831 0.982153 -0.0637072 -0.176965 -0.710444 -0.647925 -0.274705 -0.120542 -0.98945 0.0803614 -0.340571 -0.84512 0.412048 -0.745192 0.628883 -0.2218 -0.892643 -0.241861 0.380384 0.497432 0.834363 0.237485 -0.792949 0.109914 -0.599292 0.509942 0.747914 -0.424951 -0.0398567 0.99841 -0.0398567 --0.185057 0.981606 0.0469347 0.215159 0.66063 0.719218 0.924525 -0.365326 0.108587 --0.919617 -0.391427 0.0330119 -0.0499747 -0.998357 0.0280161 -0.249731 -0.968003 0.0245767 -0.726701 -0.0641207 -0.683954 0.208396 -0.968932 -0.133201 0.171561 -0.981113 -0.0893546 -0.983822 -0.168166 -0.0617616 0.645454 0.368348 0.66911 -0.449547 0.877687 0.166053 --0.137044 -0.939732 -0.313244 0.663553 -0.744598 -0.0726025 -0.421637 -0.737865 -0.527046 -0.942883 0.0574669 0.328129 0.905207 -0.373301 0.203091 -0.257075 0.956559 0.137505 --0.129518 0.979908 0.151673 0.757905 -0.606733 -0.239697 -0.864204 -0.251266 -0.435909 --0.279377 0.95525 0.0971923 0.164566 0.919298 0.357505 0.416017 0.886297 0.203487 --0.505457 0.315911 0.80294 -0.466701 0.132768 0.874393 0.656575 -0.366616 0.659168 -0.272729 0.873174 0.403962 -0.829695 -0.140709 0.540191 -0.801073 -0.563995 0.200476 -0.857995 -0.472093 -0.202419 -0.908661 0.147067 0.390777 -0.0739412 -0.985882 0.15023 --0.906681 0.0546992 -0.418256 -0.676726 0.502087 -0.53847 0.909123 0.284535 -0.304198 --0.69733 -0.686764 0.205149 -0.554284 -0.832311 0.00531262 0.766618 -0.622362 -0.157995 --0.0734825 -0.981516 0.176708 -0.18421 -0.97222 -0.144412 0.578781 -0.720523 0.381916 -0.980987 -0.158048 -0.112632 -0.663863 0.743847 -0.0773174 0.00736467 -0.979502 -0.201301 -0.974387 0.111722 -0.19516 -0.563754 -0.317517 -0.762472 0.821896 -0.115656 0.557773 -0.840799 -0.450428 0.300285 -0.653473 0.756901 -0.00861895 -0.647625 0.761127 0.0356083 -0.422265 0.777187 0.466555 -0.721025 0.675819 0.152945 -0.692976 0.702392 0.162573 -0.722882 -0.684516 0.0942304 0.541656 -0.0492415 0.839157 0.713851 -0.695309 0.0834371 -0.879118 0.295715 0.37377 0.96499 -0.236752 0.112882 0.730211 -0.683181 -0.00742588 --0.870976 0.491082 0.0154428 -0.918998 0.370755 -0.134103 -0.95269 -0.0790501 -0.293485 -0.950151 0.160415 0.267358 -0.632724 0.764542 0.12303 0.371687 -0.877865 -0.301995 --0.746607 -0.411175 -0.522985 -0.996271 0.0379532 0.0774877 -0.973645 0.216366 -0.0721218 -0.496914 -0.819696 -0.284912 -0.945534 -0.280158 -0.16576 0.13028 0.70514 0.696997 -0.188894 -0.554088 0.810744 -0.868409 -0.169371 0.466026 0.190266 -0.874654 0.445846 --0.409669 0.718718 0.561797 -0.249379 0.892778 0.375177 -0.286159 0.950614 0.120193 -0.368298 0.909472 -0.192918 0.309305 0.565341 0.76467 -0.153646 -0.171722 0.97309 -0.920076 -0.26439 0.289066 0.866675 0.454878 -0.204843 -0.161646 0.971446 -0.173678 --0.313982 0.921559 -0.228351 0.540462 0.808422 0.23314 -0.935596 -0.165529 0.311865 --0.315534 0.919775 -0.23335 0.123151 0.985211 -0.119136 0.423102 -0.883142 0.202597 --0.814527 -0.550356 0.183452 -0.870338 0.490779 0.040604 0.635008 0.759741 0.139853 -0.346862 0.923006 0.166572 0.138148 0.989628 -0.0393882 -0.835204 -0.528989 0.150352 -0.256576 -0.837052 0.483231 0.41113 -0.828846 0.379456 0.339057 -0.856564 0.389023 -0.0881929 -0.264579 0.960323 0.89914 -0.167889 0.404178 0.0615907 0.588961 0.805811 --0.126984 0.991592 0.0248987 -0.87468 0.471182 0.113674 0.250648 -0.943617 0.216246 --0.214176 -0.942376 0.257012 -0.975106 0.0286796 0.219877 -0.713099 0.693524 0.102537 --0.907426 0.36297 0.211733 -0.70946 0.701444 0.0681402 0.0514998 -0.885796 0.461209 -0.477187 -0.827124 0.296916 -0.717137 0.358569 0.597614 0.403604 -0.861021 0.309429 --0.291659 0.556803 -0.777757 -0.986657 -0.130252 0.0976888 0.69208 0.0768978 -0.717713 --0.666319 -0.0888426 -0.740355 0 0.999989 0.00476185 -0.22439 0.940992 -0.253344 --0.717168 0.649934 -0.251507 -0.514956 0.836804 -0.185956 -0.407553 -0.584159 -0.701897 --0.847143 -0.331942 -0.414927 0.0431467 0.848553 -0.527349 -0.519903 0.852641 -0.0519903 --0.10897 0.796083 -0.595296 0.329238 -0.93284 -0.146328 -0.280591 -0.795009 -0.5378 -0.391983 0.744768 -0.540065 -0.525994 0.713849 -0.462332 -0.187814 -0.77597 -0.602159 -0.557839 0.424072 -0.713427 -0.844915 -0.455553 -0.28034 0.0729597 -0.496126 -0.86518 --0.00704243 0.640861 -0.767625 -0.481616 0.854254 -0.195693 -0.703482 0.572602 -0.420999 --0.484667 -0.274155 -0.830624 0.204732 0.584948 -0.784806 -0.816358 -0.19948 -0.542004 -0.313793 -0.926031 -0.209764 -0.685239 -0.711043 -0.157691 0.803183 -0.274421 -0.528762 -0.877625 0.0706135 -0.474119 -0.798958 -0.510612 -0.317714 0.00539076 0 -0.999985 --0.0771935 -0.439117 -0.895107 0.183726 -0.110869 -0.976705 0.668356 0.200917 -0.716193 -0.604408 -0.304476 -0.736196 -0.869006 -0.025559 -0.494141 0.623928 0.0605303 -0.779134 --0.941095 0.218178 -0.25834 -0.743661 0.40669 -0.530633 -0.294724 -0.854699 -0.427349 --0.873177 0.311768 -0.374649 0.782583 -0.0622195 -0.619429 -0.843976 -0.53427 0.047538 --0.628695 0.603547 -0.490382 0.762248 -0.31208 -0.567083 -0.861042 -0.315841 -0.398561 --0.778741 -0.507254 -0.369128 -0.42219 0.509539 -0.74975 0.172483 0.172483 -0.969793 -0.553028 -0.563979 -0.613259 0.420491 -0.591386 -0.688077 -0.59626 0.59626 -0.537538 -0 -0.143589 -0.989637 0 -0.432897 -0.901444 -0.042924 -0.126906 -0.990986 --0.556175 -0.498639 -0.664852 -0.586204 -0.103807 -0.803486 -0.5199 -0.0879433 -0.849688 --0.313539 0 -0.949575 -0.579962 -0.297416 -0.758411 -0.469937 -0.16366 -0.867396 --0.155191 -0.39592 -0.905076 -0.427715 -0.427715 -0.796316 -0.298438 -0.235307 -0.924968 --0.25542 0 -0.96683 -0.423431 0 -0.905928 -0.132191 0 -0.991224 --0.707368 -0.485599 -0.513638 -0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 -0.674422 -0.513411 -0.530626 -0 0.230805 -0.973 -0.0597167 0.17915 -0.982008 -0.586297 -0.377836 -0.716586 --0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 0.175069 0 -0.984556 -0.133423 0.222371 -0.965789 -0.643257 0.757345 0.112469 0.665527 0.744119 0.0579688 -0.947659 -0.299019 -0.11194 -0.0212536 0.17503 -0.984334 -0.0969803 0.562486 -0.8211 -0.455376 -0.885453 0.0927618 -0.982315 -0.0605536 0.177175 -0.61987 -0.783887 0.0358197 0.626527 0 -0.7794 -0 -0.195557 -0.980692 -0.498237 0.486937 -0.717393 -0.845802 -0.127289 -0.518089 -0.501584 0 -0.865109 0 -0.0480727 -0.998844 0.247475 0.247475 -0.936756 -0.171035 -0.95851 0.228047 -0.544173 -0.229125 -0.80708 0.521558 0.462619 -0.716911 --0.675914 -0.667248 0.312923 0.52245 -0.8127 0.258 -0.195557 0 -0.980692 --0.984739 -0.0599483 0.163388 0.472562 -0.836072 0.278691 0.411622 -0.886571 0.211088 --0.218638 -0.881923 0.417624 0.694576 -0.694576 0.187425 0.232311 -0.546207 -0.804791 -0.111943 -0.567709 -0.815583 0.655627 0.109967 -0.747034 -0.561904 -0.275844 -0.779855 --0.149572 0.202363 -0.967821 0.0857304 0.0857304 -0.992623 -0.296679 0.941633 0.159089 --0.446721 0.887487 0.113169 0.856361 -0.324379 -0.401775 0.576977 0.0940259 -0.81133 -0.0688846 0.251578 -0.965382 -0.172447 0.172447 -0.969806 0.300108 0.200072 -0.932688 --0.738603 0.281173 -0.612705 0.0425635 -0.998883 0.0205271 0.229846 -0.919382 0.31923 -0.126139 -0.986587 0.103614 0.124193 -0.989536 0.0734473 0.452953 0.0654266 -0.88913 --0.00508037 0 -0.999987 0.538409 0.198361 -0.819004 -0.865946 0.382366 -0.322387 --0.789659 0.0535362 -0.611205 0.93286 -0.237879 -0.270529 0.620645 -0.746713 -0.239207 -0.599293 0.724146 -0.341264 -0.732201 -0.666237 -0.141456 -0.430444 -0.901882 -0.0364397 -0.0901019 -0.95508 0.282319 0.682593 0.0374693 -0.729837 0.815201 0 -0.579178 -0.0259785 -0.929042 -0.36906 -0.71174 0.652429 -0.260312 -0.231655 -0.817109 -0.527892 -0.0174929 -0.552483 -0.833341 0.74628 -0.564577 -0.35259 0.726239 -0.0264488 -0.686933 --0.927635 0.334059 0.167029 -0.0436685 -0.375549 -0.925773 0.219376 -0.383615 -0.897058 --0.425108 0.242417 -0.872076 0.329003 0.310726 -0.891743 0.109489 0 -0.993988 -0.397227 -0.687096 -0.608366 -0.546354 -0.714462 -0.437083 0.583549 0.12799 -0.801928 -0.655027 0.154953 -0.739547 0.817504 0.099876 -0.567197 -0.278014 0.636506 -0.719422 -0.424149 0.678248 -0.600064 -0.635402 -0.394892 -0.66357 -0.390559 -0.386314 -0.835599 -0.739463 0.225398 -0.634343 0.722494 -0.125552 -0.679882 0.804525 -0.496023 -0.326649 -0.545706 -0.36951 -0.752108 0 0.132589 -0.991171 0.605665 0.223876 -0.763577 --0.284537 -0.785047 -0.550218 0.294689 -0.678677 -0.672723 0.149357 0.460874 -0.874807 -0.687954 0 -0.725754 -0.299843 -0.465393 -0.832768 0.598635 -0.603424 -0.526798 -0.731639 -0.529377 -0.429494 0.602229 -0.356157 -0.714473 0.333962 0.305576 -0.89168 --0.242339 0.314525 -0.917794 -0.497679 -0.130162 -0.857539 -0.294744 -0.126319 -0.94719 --0.428243 0.817554 0.384986 0.622071 -0.429014 -0.654962 0.326843 -0.362795 -0.87267 --0.3676 -0.197415 -0.908789 0.822263 -0.369475 -0.432865 -0.35897 0.166963 -0.918294 -0.725959 -0.436415 0.531531 0.798561 -0.293901 0.525284 0 -0.676436 0.736502 --0.604206 0.609241 0.513575 -0.231295 -0.762899 -0.603728 0.449134 -0.691834 -0.56537 --0.0518748 0.10375 -0.99325 0.602678 0.0827511 -0.793682 -0.530196 0.151803 -0.834175 -0.165497 -0.803841 0.571358 -0.444921 -0.289552 0.847469 0.783503 0.383416 0.488995 -0.483077 -0.634039 0.603847 0.163302 0.969816 0.181077 -0.1954 0.98043 0.0239965 --0.389313 0.908397 -0.152481 0.299667 -0.466149 -0.832409 0.137031 -0.236868 -0.961829 -0.601839 -0.0947777 -0.792974 -0.161495 -0.77245 -0.614199 -0.183883 -0.348838 -0.918966 --0.280702 0.573879 -0.769331 -0.487241 0.648067 -0.585325 0.643089 -0.749384 0.157672 -0.565406 -0.824767 -0.00864536 -0.911609 0.104184 -0.397635 -0.891602 -0.253777 -0.375025 -0.517288 -0.660717 -0.543936 0.525293 -0.233464 -0.818267 0.676675 0.0424282 -0.735059 --0.306654 -0.403031 -0.862282 0 -0.278157 -0.960536 0.10493 -0.314791 -0.943343 --0.172439 -0.623969 -0.762186 0.668872 -0.536069 -0.515015 0.726475 0.152053 -0.670159 --0.84123 -0.387913 -0.376637 0.59115 0.698632 -0.403057 0.823398 0.385968 -0.415987 -0.106888 0.956368 -0.271909 0.47685 0.541508 -0.692375 -0.136187 -0.00567446 -0.990667 --0.661598 -0.497522 -0.561035 0 -0.285738 -0.958308 0.843392 -0.526448 -0.107438 -0.274146 -0.609214 -0.744112 -0.468236 -0.717962 -0.515059 0.751858 0.273403 -0.599967 -0.954202 -0.148505 -0.2597 -0.734667 -0.0192657 -0.678154 0.155893 -0.568552 -0.807741 --0.430524 -0.527604 -0.732314 -0.704419 -0.351344 -0.616727 -0.941018 -0.27882 -0.191689 -0.562007 -0.589422 -0.580284 0.556402 -0.525144 -0.643926 0.979045 -0.0559454 -0.195809 --0.916496 -0.212826 -0.338733 -0.910914 -0.179862 -0.371328 0.54976 -0.326371 -0.768925 -0.823957 -0.324067 -0.46484 0.0953891 -0.317964 -0.943292 -0.738019 0.546491 -0.395823 -0.329136 -0.738063 -0.58901 0.495584 -0.650275 -0.575794 -0.760372 -0.230097 -0.607363 -0.972335 -0.152681 0.176788 -0.247391 0.965624 -0.0798036 0.227384 -0.968006 0.106113 -0.901801 -0.332075 0.276552 -0.0711611 -0.947658 0.311257 0.140252 -0.918653 0.369331 --0.621543 -0.779547 0.0774018 0.91459 0.250573 -0.317392 0.804573 -0.378622 -0.457502 -0.671444 -0.400009 -0.623824 0.293508 0.905397 -0.306774 -0.14704 0.974141 -0.171547 --0.769258 -0.415815 0.485118 -0.813039 0.492103 0.31113 -0.745524 0.635176 0.201857 -0.0947376 -0.720748 -0.686692 0.334992 -0.937977 -0.0893311 -0.0170181 -0.991306 0.130472 -0.186891 0.409954 -0.892754 0.298121 0.95278 -0.0577442 -0.564954 0.695328 -0.444237 --0.285975 -0.222425 -0.932065 0.833103 0.484642 0.266575 0.559668 0.822328 0.102707 -0.82239 0.216711 0.526033 -0.859304 -0.394815 -0.325142 0.870448 0.387098 0.304099 -0.326204 -0.820714 0.469062 -0.272914 -0.94649 0.172265 -0.307926 -0.835799 0.454557 --0.377904 -0.920267 0.101474 0.379991 0.923864 0.0456229 0.27047 0.959923 0.0734368 --0.907951 0.36318 0.209104 -0.54294 -0.827151 -0.145045 -0.567032 -0.808855 -0.155656 -0.860864 0.479826 -0.16935 -0.656845 0.749181 -0.0853409 0.339534 0.881557 0.327985 -0.0530097 0.689127 0.722699 -0.67747 0.164435 0.716935 -0.790441 -0.234205 0.565995 -0.0322058 0.955438 -0.29343 -0.590012 0.590012 -0.551156 0.884118 -0.463081 -0.0623758 --0.67414 0.735736 -0.0650186 -0.91007 0.201826 0.361991 -0.414751 0.582894 0.698725 -0.775483 -0.178623 0.605574 0.1426 0.901463 0.408692 -0.895211 0.0354038 0.444234 -0.494864 0.345619 0.797281 0.151667 0.933473 0.325 0.494524 0.450187 0.743491 --0.11886 0.984361 -0.13002 -0.742923 0.309996 -0.593269 -0.826573 -0.275524 -0.490778 --0.713162 -0.665618 -0.219892 0.107999 -0.862893 0.493712 -0.668426 -0.42153 0.612796 -0.732081 0.0170251 0.681005 -0.761813 0.627981 0.158997 -0.60463 0.763136 0.228136 -0.814006 -0.0307172 0.580043 0.886447 0.0448204 0.460654 0.430911 -0.899216 0.0756766 --0.834017 -0.476581 -0.278006 -0.764471 -0.420901 0.488289 0.924827 -0.288031 0.248461 -0.450952 0.742645 0.495097 0.305142 0.933735 0.187154 -0.0974951 0.822038 0.561025 --0.171133 0.677401 0.715431 0.820962 -0.56521 0.0809879 0.790612 -0.611033 0.0396472 --0.853855 0.492772 -0.167656 0.646857 0.757603 -0.0872544 -0.877944 0.231183 0.419248 -0.781429 0.603208 0.159713 0.123034 0.954677 0.271024 -0.602238 0.663367 0.444132 -0.34682 0.829648 0.437492 -0.613503 0.560385 0.556402 -0.930951 -0.131847 0.340508 -0.912091 -0.165588 0.375061 -0.143247 0.962328 0.231093 0.527443 0.704356 0.475065 --0.73662 0.673403 -0.0626066 0.625738 -0.779689 0.0231755 -0.976936 0.0585186 -0.205357 --0.89319 -0.443772 0.0726446 -0.912663 -0.0641022 0.403654 -0.90457 -0.120245 0.409015 --0.965814 -0.207253 0.155725 0.858966 -0.460974 0.222893 0.701885 -0.712257 0.00691512 --0.0340011 -0.827361 -0.560641 -0.77167 -0.338782 -0.538287 -0.920225 -0.319336 -0.226298 --0.732257 -0.679953 -0.0382439 -0.334789 -0.932627 -0.134624 0.981843 0.0730674 -0.175057 -0.983404 0.0459665 -0.175508 0.718093 0.695021 0.0358886 0.456378 0.889457 0.0242122 --0.1093 0.976869 0.183793 0.556377 -0.828232 0.0669081 0.797056 -0.599337 -0.0741447 --0.275749 0.624835 -0.730441 0.548589 -0.822883 -0.148032 -0.300049 -0.862642 -0.40721 --0.0534147 -0.986391 -0.155496 0.823127 0.469235 0.319814 0.476461 0.682057 0.554783 -0.120242 0.901814 0.415057 -0.969943 -0.0365535 0.240573 0.530243 0.845 -0.0694078 -0.963615 0.235028 -0.127307 -0.222518 -0.971662 -0.0797357 0.242703 0.955643 -0.166858 -0.707656 0.647572 0.282617 0.86375 0.462908 0.199128 0.730136 0.380012 0.567884 --0.908267 0.17841 0.378445 0.897266 0.327638 0.295917 0.62797 0.65202 0.424882 --0.969913 -0.13204 -0.204533 0.309728 0.939509 -0.14626 -0.584816 0.811083 -0.0116035 --0.992025 0.114754 0.0521341 -0.201264 0.967781 -0.151305 -0.487205 0.867834 -0.097441 -0.836936 0.531264 -0.131514 0.742367 0.667217 -0.060933 -0.217208 -0.87413 0.434416 -0.306422 -0.94591 0.106581 0.252596 -0.8055 0.536064 0.24317 -0.940582 0.23701 -0.939034 0.195763 -0.282652 -0.749052 0.542011 -0.380979 0.921365 0.165175 -0.351857 -0.740634 -0.384329 -0.551138 -0.363888 -0.907528 -0.209711 0.17328 -0.958524 -0.226288 --0.30323 -0.952143 0.0384092 0.880712 -0.439715 -0.176057 0.661341 -0.740603 -0.118893 -0.101353 -0.994637 0.0206142 0.161383 -0.981749 -0.100616 -0.2495 -0.842061 -0.478208 --0.145196 -0.923357 -0.355428 -0.868831 -0.186722 -0.45855 0.810466 -0.25963 -0.525107 --0.265396 -0.940805 -0.210834 0.648096 -0.363566 -0.669172 0.960941 -0.0105021 -0.276555 --0.946306 -0.226291 0.230862 -0.652514 0.00526221 0.757758 -0.0437809 -0.718007 0.694657 --0.938791 -0.336283 0.0747297 -0.2118 -0.969823 -0.120763 -0.275402 -0.950996 -0.14057 --0.440281 -0.522193 0.730388 -0.718678 0.327717 0.613272 0.672565 -0.325607 0.664558 --0.907898 0.41903 -0.0116397 -0.970987 -0.18132 -0.15591 0.48366 -0.870587 0.0902831 -0.525126 -0.0145868 0.850899 0.749726 -0.646576 0.140888 0.598312 0.444461 0.666691 --0.655326 -0.6746 -0.339799 0.823216 0.128127 0.553081 -0.154807 0.877656 0.453601 --0.895835 0.440452 0.0590113 -0.84036 0.503562 -0.200553 -0.708394 0.702903 -0.0640667 -0.921436 -0.36737 0.126472 0.864675 -0.498321 0.063357 -0.975243 -0.019477 -0.220276 --0.503076 -0.416689 -0.757155 0.674162 -0.732531 -0.0943632 -0.904376 0.222616 -0.364069 -0.868548 -0.388027 -0.308316 -0.747161 0.633011 -0.202603 -0.053242 0.298155 -0.953031 -0.605262 -0.671463 -0.427545 -0.961025 0.187517 -0.203144 0.899104 0.422028 0.116211 -0.801056 0.585719 -0.12346 -0.403295 0.88985 0.213356 -0.565497 0.759382 0.321795 -0.987215 0.0881084 0.13283 -0.949529 0.170702 0.263165 -0.934238 -0.356579 0.00713159 --0.299684 0.789167 0.536101 0.361516 0.893748 0.265558 -0.195447 0.951177 0.23888 -0.833412 -0.507814 0.218061 -0.258731 -0.668066 0.697672 0.698858 -0.624862 0.348059 --0.148604 0.652564 0.743019 0.14157 -0.37752 0.915116 -0.37459 0 0.927191 --0.768366 0.555973 0.317029 0.919919 0.215046 0.327879 -0.990085 0.119177 -0.0743582 -0.950314 -0.266088 0.161553 -0.239335 -0.73077 0.639291 0.260221 -0.785937 0.560881 -0.491809 -0.412485 0.766799 0.378423 0.6775 0.630706 0.380476 0.88647 0.263457 -0.756507 -0.65393 0.0085481 -0.326836 -0.884379 -0.333244 0.708466 0.655496 0.261536 -0.492276 0.868449 0.0588254 0.345989 0.851543 0.393911 0.407102 -0.693581 0.594318 --0.576904 -0.457104 0.676932 0.847669 0.337882 0.409015 0.742929 0.611445 0.272381 -0.700824 -0.712007 -0.0434908 0.475483 0.832095 0.285541 0.658145 0.658145 0.365636 -0.832426 0.0582116 0.55107 0.788202 0.0297435 0.614698 0.651707 0.465797 0.59859 --0.0346193 0.979726 0.19733 -0.147418 0.967433 0.205771 -0.718491 -0.694857 0.030725 --0.938765 0.235545 -0.251475 0.691282 -0.628592 0.356372 0.780483 -0.537356 0.319523 --0.572271 -0.45088 0.684991 -0.841616 0.255035 0.476066 0.463893 0.884295 0.0531544 -0.771709 0.6288 0.0952727 -0.100257 0.989198 0.10694 -0.166482 0.965594 0.199778 -0.387115 0.883912 0.262378 -0.480241 0.865153 -0.144492 -0.626087 0.779017 -0.0338703 --0.202675 0.97863 -0.0347442 -0.282004 0.952066 -0.118506 -0.425091 0.902906 -0.0637087 -0.5488 0.832523 0.0756593 -0.222703 0.960615 -0.166196 0.404422 0.913358 0.0471237 --0.440282 -0.87416 0.204931 0.172043 -0.927122 0.332936 0.582501 -0.701441 0.410699 -0.338416 -0.0273719 0.940598 0.223578 -0.91511 0.33554 0.337478 0.826822 0.449971 -0.951425 -0.214495 0.220867 -0.720844 -0.503891 0.475897 -0.772683 -0.576238 0.266292 -0.157717 -0.97259 -0.17086 -0.847561 0.530647 -0.0073701 0.441633 -0.883266 -0.157482 --0.707635 0.70381 0.0624759 0.566219 -0.724761 0.392579 0.507093 0.169031 0.845154 --0.379071 0.324918 0.866449 -0.934703 0.354203 0.0295169 0.8 0.6 0 --0.968274 -0.0305771 0.248014 0.323587 -0.846305 0.423153 0.923508 -0.382918 0.0225246 --0.945638 0.3199 0.0585897 -0.92389 -0.148236 0.352779 -0.821489 0.410744 0.395532 -0.567814 0.786203 -0.243869 -0.797812 -0.602791 0.0118194 0.663011 0.279608 -0.694432 --0.630759 -0.608627 0.481369 -0.875577 -0.430516 0.219137 0.123613 -0.988903 0.0824086 -0.571771 0.177228 -0.801042 -0.77956 -0.625426 -0.0335932 -0.87093 -0.45754 0.17927 -0.354707 -0.36259 -0.861807 0.030052 -0.957909 -0.285494 -0.839178 0.342522 -0.422444 -0.566257 -0.452559 -0.688871 -0.369468 -0.385142 -0.845671 -0.461181 -0.0272888 -0.886886 --0.407831 0.480728 -0.776257 -0.387238 -0.741126 -0.548433 0.35976 0.299397 -0.883705 -0.0221855 0.192274 -0.98109 -0.167261 0.957948 0.233151 0.0790021 0.974359 0.210672 -0.0416105 0.970912 0.235793 -0.619476 -0.77877 -0.0988212 0.717143 -0.250568 -0.650325 -0.757263 -0.028576 -0.652485 -0.912356 -0.36374 0.187882 -0.0381181 0.0889423 -0.995307 --0.311458 -0.934374 -0.173032 0.817402 0.19659 -0.541486 -0.223864 0.466699 -0.855615 -0.809424 -0.57816 0.102784 0.748834 -0.157649 -0.643735 -0.487377 -0.433224 -0.758143 --0.9674 -0.107489 -0.22931 0.539375 -0.353275 0.764377 0.524331 0.635553 0.566701 --0.666895 -0.611321 0.426072 -0.990641 0.130815 -0.0389483 0.391348 -0.535529 0.748368 --0.157112 -0.843336 -0.513908 -0.912871 -0.365148 0.182574 -0.749074 -0.0995502 -0.654964 -0.322788 0.0370075 -0.945748 -0.263274 0.614305 -0.743852 -0.453511 0.717401 -0.528833 -0.839846 0.311148 -0.444798 -0.965111 -0.161247 -0.206301 -0.735422 0.0232851 -0.677209 --0.862863 0.21461 -0.457613 -0.0959334 0.419003 -0.902903 0.319076 -0.0299134 -0.947257 --0.730122 0.540831 -0.417642 -0.655516 0.460633 -0.598429 -0.76833 -0.18568 -0.61253 --0.851079 -0.499786 -0.160866 -0.676383 -0.697941 -0.235342 0.28543 0.924404 -0.252995 --0.865371 -0.397553 -0.305099 -0.85425 -0.470042 -0.222078 -0.643708 -0.743483 -0.181311 --0.320134 -0.147363 -0.935841 -0.795769 -0.51946 -0.311308 -0.632008 -0.0574552 -0.772829 --0.183694 0.671357 -0.718009 -0.592225 -0.744157 0.309032 -0.0817317 -0.687508 0.721563 -0.143158 -0.823156 0.549472 -0.133221 -0.717342 -0.683866 -0.336195 -0.770448 -0.541648 --0.0824786 -0.412393 -0.907265 -0.813482 -0.171921 -0.5556 -0.777154 -0.16239 -0.607997 -0.107518 -0.295676 0.949219 0.478444 -0.722357 0.499291 0.411476 -0.257172 -0.874386 --0.564649 -0.0996439 -0.819294 0.651038 0.421969 -0.630945 -0.645161 -0.415147 0.641421 --0.109675 -0.250687 0.961836 0.281709 -0.888291 0.362738 -0.155999 -0.189428 -0.969423 -0.293346 -0.258835 -0.9203 0.263598 -0.263598 -0.927918 0.0433038 0.158781 -0.986364 -0.810293 0.23402 -0.53727 -0.0708804 -0.432877 -0.898662 0.142177 -0.277062 -0.950275 -0 0.253012 0.967463 -0.379967 -0.287542 0.879173 -0.660942 -0.710266 -0.242236 --0.00861109 -0.999963 -0.000717591 0.461757 -0.799194 -0.384797 0.388164 -0.659411 -0.643822 --0.75955 -0.379775 -0.528068 -0.502656 -0.677047 -0.537535 0.175132 0.916075 0.360742 -0.283368 0.902466 0.324436 0.715145 -0.552612 -0.428004 0.236102 -0.681105 0.693074 -0.19549 0 0.980706 0 -0.706566 0.707647 0.618815 -0.374817 0.690348 --0.866634 -0.312135 -0.389251 -0.873185 -0.478844 0.0908622 -0.31719 -0.261072 -0.911719 -0.619827 0.216219 -0.754363 0.388103 0.388103 -0.835914 -0.85118 -0.275382 -0.446831 -0.133732 -0.105788 -0.985355 0.441379 0.891117 0.105329 0.533347 -0.478644 -0.697453 -0.399762 -0.261913 0.878403 0.647459 0.00130273 0.762099 -0.587672 0.402092 0.702114 --0.626249 0.0447321 0.778338 0 -0.501806 0.86498 -0.39884 0.16758 -0.901579 -0.835364 0.271903 -0.477741 0 0.423036 -0.906113 0.360268 0.838057 -0.409717 -0.40156 -0.558507 0.725824 -0.179132 -0.569009 0.802584 0.00613572 -0.654477 0.756057 -0 -0.652141 0.758097 0 -0.724005 0.689795 0.311837 -0.623673 0.716791 -0.39968 -0.325454 0.856934 0.150796 0.552918 -0.819477 -0.138478 -0.553913 -0.820978 --0.31691 -0.636168 -0.703462 -0.715076 0.667754 -0.206811 0.343255 -0.899886 0.269038 --0.058261 -0.802942 0.593203 -0.552275 -0.591443 0.587526 -0.359813 -0.768692 0.528817 --0.0479092 -0.910276 0.411221 0.0980957 -0.972334 0.212002 -0.500128 -0.823847 -0.266735 --0.434547 -0.880381 -0.189997 -0.73962 0.325635 -0.589003 -0.274968 0 -0.961453 --0.0337316 -0.464146 -0.885116 0.837203 0.141188 -0.528353 -0.00184239 0.182397 -0.983223 -0.963078 0.266531 0.0379815 -0.880658 -0.470216 -0.0577807 -0.345702 -0.888949 0.300432 -0.496918 0.175992 -0.849764 -0.263281 -0.623355 0.736282 0.405375 -0.585225 0.70227 --0.138413 -0.989816 -0.0332621 -0.156821 -0.374803 -0.913745 0.704014 -0.179153 -0.687218 --0.160456 -0.677765 -0.717558 0.996562 0.0683127 0.0468813 0.801537 -0.0716319 -0.593639 -0.379186 0.315167 -0.869993 -0.1138 -0.710198 -0.694744 0.218208 -0.293741 -0.930646 -0.394224 0.194032 -0.898298 0.167283 0.683469 -0.710553 0 0.760034 -0.649884 --0.0681252 0.346465 -0.935586 -0.30227 -0.0259089 -0.95287 -0.455913 -0.644806 -0.613489 -0.215119 0.225875 -0.950108 0.630857 -0.376284 -0.67855 0.929806 0.170964 -0.325932 --0.779166 0.35014 -0.519905 -0.35576 0 -0.934577 0.355314 0.87052 -0.34051 -0.220674 -0.299486 -0.92823 -0.799715 -0.336722 -0.497066 0.0233819 -0.140291 -0.989834 --0.243373 0.491565 -0.836142 -0.519122 0.849473 -0.0943858 0.491325 0.164189 -0.855361 -0.199089 -0.170648 -0.965009 -0.216983 -0.760268 -0.6123 0.334149 -0.942425 -0.0134376 -0.949603 -0.279794 -0.14131 -0.584431 -0.652191 -0.482791 -0.027351 -0.537903 -0.842563 -0.189589 0.108735 -0.975824 0.740397 0.498254 -0.451171 0.777968 0.563356 -0.278201 -0.597671 -0.605605 -0.525387 0.362821 0.571128 -0.736324 0.922932 -0.229862 -0.308805 -0.385831 -0.90522 -0.178076 -0.602383 -0.761838 -0.238197 0.582575 -0.588123 -0.560998 -0.266404 -0.133202 -0.954613 0.314997 -0.0633957 -0.946973 0.850919 0.33429 -0.4052 --0.987785 -0.104239 -0.115821 0.622746 -0.404558 -0.669717 -0.375952 -0.621059 -0.68771 -0.813313 -0.240297 -0.529886 -0.244476 -0.700173 -0.670812 -0.277144 -0.705624 -0.65214 -0.73243 0.0415295 -0.679574 0.986537 0.0544296 0.154217 0.615961 0.733768 0.286663 -0.616041 0.773443 0.149261 0.70385 -0.0454097 -0.708896 -0.587203 -0.268107 -0.763748 -0.843237 -0.527389 0.103983 -0.866153 0.278655 -0.414886 -0.767205 0.639724 0.0463568 --0.694629 0.7113 0.107436 -0.313249 -0.865523 -0.390827 -0.638247 -0.707328 -0.303856 -0.512049 -0.753581 0.412215 0.0742819 -0.909603 0.408784 -0.433559 0.872504 -0.225307 -0.736309 -0.412988 -0.535994 0.183294 -0.843305 -0.505213 -0.0189262 -0.480949 -0.876544 -0.1776 -0.350125 -0.919712 -0.0818006 -0.96252 -0.258581 -0.219074 -0.955087 -0.199537 --0.527875 -0.842354 -0.10857 0.247274 -0.931592 -0.266443 -0.542872 -0.67582 -0.498556 -0.294744 -0.126319 -0.94719 -0.234806 -0.712455 -0.661267 0.820648 0.562414 -0.101129 -0.191893 0.965237 -0.177465 0.796596 0.411286 0.443034 -0.642803 0.653822 0.39915 --0.732479 0.644874 0.218203 0.916885 0.216487 0.335342 0.678735 0.709587 0.189223 --0.923451 0.383319 0.0174236 0.490758 -0.457144 -0.741739 -0.236099 -0.607113 -0.75873 --0.399497 0.916087 0.0344394 0.949939 -0.0436419 -0.309373 -0.68483 -0.249029 0.68483 -0.352752 0.647048 -0.67594 0.478836 -0.85027 0.218534 -0.74563 0.664583 0.0486281 -0.563337 0.826227 0 0.720216 -0.330099 0.610183 -0.187108 0.982319 -0.00623695 --0.315064 0.933941 -0.168785 0.245169 -0.964484 0.0982987 0.119944 -0.420374 -0.899388 -0 -0.589777 -0.807566 0 -0.699193 -0.714933 -0.378538 -0.614196 -0.692439 -0.965134 0.23815 0.10863 0.971272 0.129503 -0.19965 -0.111979 0.993081 -0.0353619 --0.886187 -0.158973 0.435201 -0.937662 0.317595 0.141153 -0.866843 -0.298306 0.399496 --0.877954 0.45548 0.147426 0.90494 -0.397534 0.151822 -0.999671 0 -0.0256326 --0.271329 -0.407547 -0.871944 0.245978 -0.70176 -0.668601 0.155893 -0.568552 -0.807741 --0.557396 -0.405064 -0.72473 0.390873 0.870007 -0.30051 0.811941 -0.582687 -0.0350249 --0.298246 -0.898246 0.322807 0.649004 -0.7604 0.0242166 -0.68699 -0.610088 0.394763 -0.452039 -0.880077 0.145346 -0.802921 -0.00613586 0.596055 -0.964678 0.15152 -0.215495 -0.0744809 -0.9757 0.206064 -0.356966 -0.474504 0.804625 -0.188334 -0.867437 -0.460525 -0.719104 -0.563221 0.407028 -0.982481 -0.104459 -0.154336 0.242026 -0.892469 0.380686 --0.564821 -0.800404 0.200825 0.627277 -0.466811 -0.623387 0.637568 0 -0.770394 --0.142326 0.906669 -0.397107 0.159465 0.955366 -0.248689 -0.76274 -0.290672 -0.577701 -0.74587 0.617038 -0.250883 -0.81045 -0.479654 -0.336309 0.402746 -0.684668 0.607475 -0.658069 -0.731188 -0.17975 0.159197 0.987019 -0.0212262 -0.608463 0.571842 0.550245 -0.81123 0.504278 0.295989 -0.931872 -0.337191 0.133854 0.361893 0.932219 0.000763488 --0.760264 0.410953 -0.503107 -0.299494 0.861957 0.409064 0.258938 0.490132 0.832299 --0.601025 0.758216 0.252739 -0.60909 0.673264 0.419195 0.330928 0.931923 0.148347 -0.370937 0.928658 4.67317e-018 -0.737688 -0.436198 0.515313 -0.717518 -0.0326145 0.695776 --0.411705 0.799192 -0.437941 -0.832317 -0.392603 -0.391294 0.807314 -0.438668 0.394733 --0.167761 -0.0524254 0.984433 0.883076 0.0169618 0.468924 0.398877 0.656771 0.63996 --0.550062 0.741453 0.38429 0.269297 0.96283 -0.0209044 -0.780604 -0.483975 0.395506 --0.406482 -0.269789 0.872918 0.439425 -0.0298928 0.897782 0.20025 0.810206 0.550878 -0.71028 0.325003 0.6244 0.163913 0.980285 0.11034 0.706998 -0.255723 0.659363 --0.681199 0.618602 0.391536 -0.0740353 0.329794 0.941146 -0.43931 0.761009 0.47736 --0.435495 0.899894 0.0231236 0.805272 0.368949 -0.464127 -0.0156035 0.915408 -0.402225 -0.781356 -0.612276 0.120833 0.814023 -0.260067 0.519357 0.473539 0.796306 0.376374 -0.298136 0.951485 0.076104 -0.445801 -0.655864 0.609183 -0.273077 -0.109231 0.955771 -0.314567 -0.56075 0.765903 -0.202444 0.91642 0.345239 -0.145551 0.836917 0.527622 -0.345219 -0.455689 0.82047 0.109863 -0.576781 0.809477 -0.291199 0 0.956663 --0.689988 0.605675 0.396327 -0.779207 0.611971 -0.135381 -0.947068 0 -0.321033 -0.905529 -0.405661 -0.124326 -0.957779 0.191881 -0.214105 0.570971 0.401648 0.71601 --0.609188 -0.793025 -0.00120155 0.22393 -0.453529 0.862651 -0.298246 -0.561404 0.77193 --0.016947 -0.995634 0.091796 0.114627 -0.984316 -0.134102 0.76324 0.626272 0.158896 --0.780768 -0.0803318 0.619635 -0.0273474 -0.683685 0.729264 0.852852 0.497026 0.160027 -0.764328 0.60805 0.214659 -0.785482 0.607238 -0.119501 -0.798365 -0.10563 -0.592837 -0.424906 -0.465741 0.776235 0.275393 -0.768981 0.576912 -0.912551 0.323436 -0.250278 --0.691563 -0.720303 -0.053888 0.814957 0.568197 0.114 0.938593 -0.152877 0.309309 --0.0306653 0.967137 0.252399 0 0.999012 0.0444406 -0.122325 0.960364 0.250475 --0.575306 -0.815582 0.0620429 0.542611 -0.663519 0.515088 -0.614936 0.786501 0.0571884 -0.309303 0.662791 0.681938 0.453619 -0.857548 -0.242571 0.325035 -0.787823 -0.523152 --0.36419 -0.582704 -0.726513 -0.753345 0.120135 -0.646559 -0.0994293 -0.867548 0.487313 -0.192513 -0.941751 -0.275761 -0.768165 0.584621 -0.26104 -0.515661 0.515661 -0.684242 --0.632944 0.637947 0.438641 -0.568495 0.59692 0.566127 -0.648077 0.761306 0.0202524 -0.159836 -0.82674 -0.539402 -0.908765 0.024747 -0.416574 0.145153 -0.79507 -0.588892 --0.802954 -0.370481 -0.466914 -0.734038 -0.250939 0.631045 -0.621609 0.359879 0.695766 --0.632406 -0.213986 0.744494 0.182029 0.923914 0.336525 0.799461 0.572663 -0.181438 -0.862405 -0.311735 0.398847 -0.388229 0.915205 0.108064 -0.31451 0.904216 -0.288925 --0.371498 -0.894791 0.247665 0.204669 0.96003 0.190926 -0.483809 0.743171 0.462196 -0.469073 0.835769 -0.285415 0.993743 -0.106441 -0.0338403 0.553575 0.609784 0.567202 -0.544186 0.493953 0.678139 -0.369926 0.908427 -0.194719 -0.441629 0.612082 -0.655987 -0.949654 0.260179 -0.174537 0.626501 -0.750153 -0.211582 -0.0895616 -0.993198 -0.0744118 --0.689787 0.338757 0.639874 -0.765414 -0.634917 -0.104983 0.668823 0.412376 -0.618564 --0.238575 0.865341 -0.440758 0.758853 -0.457257 0.463743 0.778364 -0.333329 0.532016 --0.474954 -0.633272 -0.611052 -0.785467 0.499843 -0.364964 0.0092984 -0.920542 -0.390533 --0.527143 -0.811955 0.250699 0.858022 -0.269183 -0.437423 -0.486986 0.872854 0.031162 --0.660371 -0.609574 -0.438554 -0.678026 -0.620321 -0.394313 -0.5705 0.801753 0.178105 -0.977199 0.068692 -0.200906 0.903148 -0.401399 -0.152326 -0.701963 0.447823 0.553808 --0.567391 0.769922 0.292039 -0.532566 0.790644 0.302086 0.649099 -0.74896 -0.133149 --0.538312 -0.820533 -0.192213 0.472901 -0.858963 0.196334 0.599272 -0.414755 0.684727 --0.0792451 -0.871696 -0.483598 0.136622 -0.914773 -0.380165 -0.835916 0.0272952 -0.548179 -0.789339 0.592004 0.162715 0.638063 0.749724 0.175467 0.172341 0.982346 -0.0727664 --0.449201 -0.711235 0.540705 0.119806 -0.907281 -0.403097 0.505122 -0.842952 -0.185157 --0.675275 -0.369933 -0.638086 -0.253837 -0.930737 0.263239 0.313045 -0.922659 0.225173 --0.515346 -0.804469 -0.295377 -0.0862739 0.901083 0.424979 0.724233 0.485998 0.489175 -0.257861 0.759646 0.597031 0.932992 0.115541 0.340845 0.215433 -0.0615522 0.974577 --0.360523 0.733178 0.576605 -0.246761 0.856111 0.454074 -0.418989 0.80354 0.422815 -0.40057 0.35215 0.845893 -0.927404 0.345937 0.1423 -0.343669 -0.862136 0.372308 --0.351982 -0.854814 0.381314 -0.286761 -0.742204 0.605724 -0.469965 -0.724208 0.504634 --0.533947 -0.158207 0.830585 -0.0396385 -0.87771 0.47755 0.486597 0.71118 0.507392 --0.78616 0.54793 0.285876 0.749396 0.659043 -0.0637784 -0.843981 0.279303 0.457915 -0.0431624 0.156464 0.98674 0.917384 0.352563 -0.184676 0.0663639 0.859781 0.506332 -0.982786 -0.133659 0.127544 0.330211 0.749706 0.573499 0.407645 0.733761 0.543526 --0.325328 0.325328 0.887875 0.691598 0.296399 -0.658665 -0.0286735 0.93189 0.361605 -0.811029 0.575569 0.104649 -0.835007 0.544827 0.0769864 -0.605674 0.795532 -0.0169357 -0.526432 -0.723844 -0.446005 -0.858721 0.511499 0.0311131 0.95516 -0.294414 -0.0314641 -0.654318 -0.752291 -0.0769786 -0.184002 0.950676 0.249717 -0.766319 0.484996 0.421348 -0.814556 -0.30927 0.490766 0.747596 -0.142399 0.648708 0.150572 0.983936 0.0959089 --0.707383 0.697349 -0.115389 -0.0524396 -0.830294 0.554853 -0.422703 -0.329105 0.8444 --0.0389351 0.49591 0.867501 -0.367122 -0.453782 0.811975 -0.39595 -0.444575 0.803478 -0.325111 -0.0237886 0.945377 -0.222089 0.888354 0.401875 -0.013383 0.843126 0.537549 -0.059459 0.959272 0.276154 0.465452 -0.717806 0.517792 0.500189 -0.180068 0.846987 --0.137309 0.52635 0.839108 -0.337721 0.621407 0.706963 -0.0715918 0.8342 0.546795 -0.437739 0.835922 0.331087 -0.313847 0.936785 0.154704 -0.316154 0.839023 0.442818 -0.826227 0.338002 0.450669 -0.363858 0.909645 -0.200385 0.509167 0.737621 0.443468 --0.889945 -0.0778334 -0.449378 -0.639379 0.715837 -0.280664 0.0616832 0.953938 -0.293593 -0.916946 -0.16374 -0.363867 0.805817 0.351409 -0.476624 -0.421712 0.822072 -0.382566 -0.659112 0.483905 -0.57568 0.0866908 0.99413 0.0647366 -0.620591 0.663146 -0.418456 -0.596674 0.769434 0.227927 -0.306038 -0.889423 -0.339511 -0.198727 -0.817677 -0.540288 --0.16199 0.241365 -0.956819 -0.0259789 0.777923 -0.627823 0.128085 0.577638 -0.806182 -0.241196 -0.952135 0.187785 0.615898 -0.784377 0.0736399 0.490558 -0.865848 -0.0982902 -0.397915 -0.862814 0.311793 -0.076443 0.0955537 -0.992485 0.344402 -0.593367 0.727532 -0.304721 0.557874 -0.77196 0.34759 -0.385168 0.854884 0.350881 -0.818723 0.454504 -0.719072 0.694651 0.0198988 -0.409496 0.834609 0.368431 0.669983 0.736982 -0.0893311 -0.771905 0.500695 -0.391748 0.851906 0.377427 -0.363049 -0.718531 0.695165 -0.0214196 --0.673618 0.721355 0.16089 -0.340565 0.936554 -0.0829582 -0.703328 0.708697 -0.0554788 --0.62385 0.779813 0.0519875 0.904023 -0.420476 0.0770872 -0.274518 -0.877431 -0.39339 -0.664087 -0.193795 -0.722102 -0.277649 -0.771865 -0.571957 -0.855761 0.403953 0.323256 --0.980981 -0.161503 0.107669 -0.329698 -0.941995 -0.0627997 -0.318638 -0.88094 -0.349877 --0.913812 0 -0.406138 -0.843795 0.281265 -0.457056 -0.809858 -0.0449921 -0.584898 -0.642086 -0.713429 -0.280615 -0.677066 -0.112844 -0.727219 -0.479839 -0.221464 -0.848945 --0.593281 -0.741602 -0.313121 -0.810737 -0.585093 -0.0192656 0.700229 -0.0479288 -0.712308 -0.868324 0.183022 -0.460996 -0.990763 0.0176472 0.134455 -0.989301 -0.058887 0.133477 --0.596471 -0.796965 -0.0952348 0.0651251 -0.716376 -0.694668 0.432176 -0.85327 -0.291811 --0.16173 -0.549883 -0.819434 -0.808247 -0.153567 -0.568467 -0.739123 -0.558113 -0.377104 --0.00482716 -0.391 -0.920378 0.751728 0.381391 -0.538001 -0.782525 0.595786 0.180811 --0.0433646 0.520375 -0.852836 -0.72194 -0.469261 -0.508524 0.8223 0.441605 -0.358898 --0.558705 -0.649001 0.516379 -0.122262 -0.217176 -0.968445 0.771176 0.396563 -0.498021 --0.485481 -0.729729 0.48146 -0.739498 -0.372247 -0.560869 -0.753035 -0.637183 0.164123 --0.384129 -0.85523 0.34789 -0.408185 -0.910361 0.0680309 -0.890682 -0.435701 -0.129811 --0.417446 -0.834891 0.358742 0.569232 0.182244 -0.801724 0.0217289 0.999528 -0.0217289 -0.293995 0.930985 0.216413 0.428122 0.887267 -0.171662 -0.571268 0.736852 -0.361527 -0.899559 0.311847 0.30585 0.779239 0.618808 -0.0993148 -0.939353 0.139904 -0.313118 -0.797465 -0.194225 0.57125 -0.280294 -0.779216 0.560587 -0.90969 -0.414222 -0.0297458 --0.962264 -0.226415 -0.150943 0.418821 -0.732937 0.536091 -0.672912 -0.716482 0.183962 --0.159153 -0.925074 0.344831 -0.363915 0.166424 0.916444 -0.284834 0.575146 0.766861 --0.922282 0.372087 0.104631 0.922211 -0.269318 0.277479 0.807698 -0.0695976 -0.585474 --0.481251 -0.704689 0.521355 -0.756467 -0.550158 0.353673 -0.442581 -0.785225 0.433063 --0.539279 -0.41483 0.732867 0.747241 -0.314455 -0.585448 0.842745 -0.256488 -0.473281 --0.677798 -0.551429 0.48633 0.0859382 -0.880866 0.465499 -0.52058 -0.77123 0.366334 --0.0380571 -0.938742 0.342514 0.713643 -0.198685 -0.671743 -0.350684 -0.769412 0.533878 --0.138461 -0.860866 0.48963 -0.592205 -0.572016 0.56753 0.298066 0.938909 -0.172066 -0.292737 0.360292 -0.885717 -0.609509 -0.0156955 -0.792624 -0.975401 -0.220289 -0.00809461 -0.226415 -0.509434 -0.830189 -0.63785 -0.494817 0.590172 0.277409 -0.569419 0.773826 -0.681484 -0.453204 0.574618 -0.446719 0.824045 -0.348412 0.51393 -0.765361 0.387425 --0.84761 -0.081501 0.524323 0.783492 0.61996 0.042307 -0.827831 -0.477595 -0.294276 --0.441068 -0.866097 0.235236 -0.551845 0 0.833947 0.175069 0 0.984556 -0 -0.454739 0.890625 0.17378 -0.568735 0.803953 -0.493062 -0.571798 0.655696 -0.940981 0.209107 0.266136 0.451165 -0.892154 0.0226148 -0.892489 -0.435089 0.118999 -0 -0.195557 0.980692 0.751783 0.573536 0.325388 0.752332 0.596134 0.280393 -0.197539 0.395078 0.897157 -0.561401 -0.800219 0.210897 -0.246252 -0.969016 -0.0191884 -0.809813 0.524227 0.263417 0.910246 0.379269 0.166156 -0.759757 0.291306 0.5813 --0.172447 -0.172447 0.969806 -0.196671 -0.763545 0.615078 0.959401 0.266693 0.0917839 -0.4073 -0.492154 0.769345 0.80829 0.11547 0.57735 -0.990492 -0.137568 0 --0.281662 -0.537523 0.794818 -0.280577 -0.542448 0.79185 0.121636 -0.429782 0.894702 -0.132161 0.0213975 0.990997 -0.507118 -0.507118 0.696895 0.0118686 0.999929 0.00098905 --0.0506589 -0.905106 0.422158 0.932648 0.185624 0.309373 -0.673277 -0.0968744 0.733016 -0.945484 0.297152 0.133268 0.919568 0.33984 0.197241 -0.868611 -0.38537 -0.311456 -0.368731 -0.538557 -0.757624 -0.0650865 0.0735761 -0.995163 0.337086 0.204659 -0.91896 -0.314574 -0.340888 -0.885911 -0.876715 0.23123 0.421787 -0.0176222 -0.418527 0.908033 --0.135326 -0.582698 0.801342 0.540635 -0.138302 0.829811 -0.499233 0.0274447 0.866033 --0.159867 -0.188933 0.968889 0.947565 0.0485338 0.315855 -0.782687 -0.538732 0.311719 --0.904768 0.392635 0.165021 0.363733 0.544511 -0.755781 0.0826539 0.870818 -0.484608 --0.0118038 0.755442 -0.65511 0.385896 -0.0110256 -0.922476 0.569415 -0.251897 0.782505 -0.0355019 -0.443773 0.895436 -0.180905 -0.671932 0.718179 0.787789 -0.342626 0.511855 -0.656553 -0.632645 0.410729 -0.982679 -0.0289023 0.183048 0.56552 0.557749 -0.607538 -0.489065 0.619483 -0.614049 -0.449277 -0.587709 0.672866 -0.210012 -0.926893 0.31107 -0.562404 0.778392 0.278941 0.605463 0.762982 0.226433 -0.0221856 0.321691 0.946585 --0.27345 0.626657 0.729744 -0.143918 0.949248 0.279671 0.882628 -0.233014 -0.408256 -0.583178 -0.479771 -0.655532 -0.0129257 -0.843399 -0.537133 0.313224 -0.792495 -0.523299 -0.137234 -0.772338 -0.620211 0.129915 -0.75587 -0.641702 0.529696 -0.815144 0.23444 --0.376512 -0.909517 0.176119 0.867327 -0.412509 0.278532 0.433694 -0.501216 0.748794 -0.882248 0.0577171 0.467234 0 -0.689184 0.724587 0.620613 -0.297554 0.725466 -0.673255 0.290017 0.68016 0.684599 0.489865 0.539775 0.648062 -0.539542 -0.537504 -0.024134 -0.877121 -0.479664 -0.377302 -0.747617 -0.546545 -0.405857 -0.789166 -0.460973 --0.270585 -0.947047 -0.172874 -0.309803 -0.727292 -0.612428 -0.370652 -0.833377 0.409999 -0.449384 -0.755973 -0.475983 -0.0992201 -0.988232 -0.116418 0.163172 -0.979035 0.121923 -0.965393 0.0546449 0.25501 0.955532 -0.241761 0.168849 0.268769 0.761512 0.589799 --0.717536 0.694877 -0.0478357 -0.878072 -0.435326 0.1987 -0.918316 -0.395168 0.0232011 --0.201291 0.978272 0.0496517 0.217787 -0.745062 -0.630437 0.247182 -0.72645 -0.641226 --0.0932922 -0.713411 -0.694508 -0.124591 -0.662302 -0.738805 -0.126111 -0.693611 -0.709225 --0.819069 0.565132 -0.0987529 -0.93673 0.326121 -0.12721 0.80039 -0.0188981 0.599181 -0.773185 -0.036082 0.633153 -0.974482 -0.214048 0.0675941 -0.118932 -0.793781 -0.596462 -0.660087 0.660087 0.358566 -0.683426 0.729604 0.024628 0.825296 0.293417 -0.482486 -0.400152 0.639933 -0.656022 -0.330778 0.873827 -0.356389 0.728524 -0.414529 0.54536 --0.993146 0.0522708 -0.104542 0.42005 -0.725105 0.545692 0.53976 -0.725303 0.42731 -0.480591 -0.756341 0.443825 -0.920498 0.114466 -0.373605 -0.37285 0.915915 -0.1486 -0 0.80975 -0.586775 0.279475 0.784908 -0.553003 0.0700335 0.964906 -0.253084 --0.229426 0.964466 -0.131031 0.0737118 -0.986604 -0.145533 0.840993 -0.434513 -0.322381 -0.52657 -0.182274 -0.830361 0.312081 -0.92946 -0.196747 -0.334275 -0.315173 -0.888215 -0.27134 0.943793 -0.188759 -0.401074 0.860683 -0.313632 -0.378267 0.342242 0.860107 -0.976251 -0.205526 -0.0685088 -0.122878 0.988872 0.0838688 -0.872789 0.417421 0.252982 -0.976102 0.0377658 0.214006 0.651681 0.75762 -0.0363829 0.364101 -0.7756 0.51563 -0.742195 -0.656862 0.13296 -0.871366 -0.309023 0.381085 0.146872 -0.78273 0.604783 -0.877004 -0.372166 0.303901 0.957069 0.0118614 0.289617 0.558115 -0.796969 0.230971 --0.82509 -0.437877 0.357057 -0.399533 -0.528 0.749392 -0.730739 0.540921 0.416443 -0 0.845299 0.534293 0.134867 0.990863 0.000917466 0.606041 0.795429 0.00252517 -0.836213 0.470829 -0.28119 -0.445512 0.860086 0.248538 0.423396 -0.729626 0.537012 --0.305044 -0.934501 0.183457 0.806679 0.590989 0.000539224 0.342321 -0.222509 0.912856 -0.241416 0.64858 0.721846 0.200802 0.312538 0.928439 -0.535649 -0.204807 0.819228 --0.982708 0.1121 0.147371 -0.0159597 -0.877784 0.478791 0.67601 -0.720258 -0.155687 --0.49998 0.862466 0.0785683 -0.533904 0.782134 0.321267 -0.826654 0.296921 0.477997 -0.226547 -0.841459 0.490534 -0.495535 -0.31297 0.810244 -0.299892 -0.886638 0.352048 -0.54181 -0.725035 0.425165 0.245359 -0.500156 0.830447 0.363325 0.835104 -0.413033 --0.590006 0.548805 -0.592204 -0.116529 0.169081 0.978689 -0.706242 0.684456 0.180948 --0.309995 0.476063 -0.822962 0.95009 -0.19489 -0.243613 0.475945 0.655064 -0.586828 -0.728125 -0.630945 0.267849 -0.0407481 0.890951 0.452267 -0.582969 0.80907 0.0745233 --0.0549774 0.923621 -0.379344 -0.513722 0.834798 -0.197997 -0.557588 0.811228 -0.176081 -0.765321 0.26353 0.587227 -0.675956 0.731082 -0.0927525 -0.58211 0.40905 0.702727 --0.594237 0.801932 -0.0615391 0.723883 -0.685921 -0.0742002 -0.896904 0.294657 -0.329758 --0.638909 0.729387 -0.244521 -0.666179 0.460368 -0.586743 -0.678242 0.413304 -0.607592 -0.960313 0.122187 0.250738 0.913422 0.404416 0.0459035 -0.4968 0.867295 0.0314359 -0.876056 0.259828 -0.40622 -0.341332 0.898593 -0.275723 -0.872526 -0.119972 -0.473609 -0.584025 0.805516 0.100298 0.222134 -0.456384 0.861609 -0.311531 -0.914709 -0.2574 -0 -0.983582 -0.180463 -0.174272 -0.894402 -0.411915 0.0946618 0.636816 0.765183 --0.989303 -0.0594693 -0.133204 -0.20138 -0.47599 0.856084 0.892971 0.140995 0.427462 -0.222449 0.826241 0.517535 0.530197 0.745678 -0.403554 0.774297 0.526993 -0.350347 -0.494518 -0.85912 -0.131778 0.620653 -0.776792 -0.106695 -0.426685 -0.694779 -0.578983 -0.764098 0.363617 0.532858 0.361256 -0.794763 0.487695 -0.622033 -0.551448 0.55586 -0.959018 0 -0.283346 -0.194219 -0.920341 0.339488 0.208337 -0.876339 0.434311 --0.928985 0.364538 0.0640229 -0.707637 0.435469 0.556432 0.714521 0.136193 0.68623 -0.608432 -0.0612033 0.791242 -0.74959 -0.617309 -0.23884 -0.597472 -0.792565 -0.121933 --0.501535 -0.844691 -0.186976 0.84596 -0.484014 0.223791 -0.862354 -0.505442 -0.029558 --0.879617 -0.473284 -0.0477132 0.92322 0.0869844 -0.374296 0.78666 -0.248249 -0.565277 --0.44754 -0.888317 0.102961 -0.342413 -0.924516 -0.167402 -0.0276609 0.874084 -0.484987 --0.325084 0.945244 -0.0288963 0.774788 -0.615273 0.145408 -0.424469 -0.859505 0.28474 -0.873828 0.160835 -0.458865 0.630084 -0.422443 -0.651564 0.195384 -0.784541 -0.58849 --0.508922 0.675479 0.533597 -0.0545349 0.974688 0.216818 -0.177901 0.899011 0.400164 --0.476704 0.727146 0.493976 -0.908257 -0.416233 0.0426587 0.751682 -0.652623 0.0951742 --0.435742 -0.86247 0.257439 0.507963 -0.736138 -0.447297 0.0781703 -0.906776 -0.414303 --0.335164 -0.918402 -0.210247 -0.596191 -0.122268 0.793478 -0.649051 0.102482 0.75381 -0.888894 0.165376 0.427221 -0.918033 -0.393443 -0.0491803 0.527496 0.805815 0.269091 --0.929075 0.360048 0.0847665 -0.633245 -0.697642 0.335107 -0.17146 -0.925188 0.338568 --0.377802 -0.763377 0.523947 -0.278163 0.960533 0.00144877 0.636431 -0.383329 0.669338 -0.354603 -0.839506 0.411687 -0.952117 0.07129 0.297306 0.0171572 0.998693 0.0481355 -0 -0.974802 -0.22307 0.271945 -0.960733 -0.055124 -0.334501 -0.836773 0.433497 -0.599162 0.800444 -0.0171635 0.212221 -0.88361 0.417367 0.677376 -0.693698 0.244835 -0.0219415 -0.727446 0.685814 -0.269743 0.351839 0.896352 -0.34553 0.8828 0.318234 --0.0328036 0.880377 0.47314 -0.689033 0.714695 -0.120185 0.605622 -0.175543 0.776149 -0.535361 0.414935 0.735675 -0.885942 0.3648 -0.286406 -0.277827 0.845221 -0.456524 --0.169461 0.782128 -0.599632 0.584915 -0.779887 -0.222825 0.302739 -0.930641 -0.205563 -0.185381 -0.975458 0.118806 0.976954 -0.144377 0.157211 0.631576 -0.672323 0.386125 --0.86472 -0.0238269 -0.50169 -0.64589 -0.25329 -0.720188 -0.557171 0.78004 0.284777 --0.708727 0.590606 0.385863 -0.848634 -0.494632 0.187508 -0.969816 0.231324 -0.0771081 -0.194631 0.915417 -0.352322 -0.327382 0.944849 -0.00897883 0.605589 -0.789899 0.0965432 -0.629575 -0.198813 0.751072 -0.554213 -0.810811 0.188235 -0.943854 0.328847 0.0316199 -0.365393 -0.917264 0.158477 0.149393 -0.953978 -0.260014 -0.0996518 -0.866971 -0.488294 -0.950321 0.10182 0.294147 -0.357663 -0.925321 0.125933 0.733973 0.53509 -0.418286 -0.137962 0.984228 -0.110729 0.0876307 0.820962 0.564219 -0.561393 0.773908 0.293093 -0 -0.914429 0.404747 0 -0.62788 0.77831 0.495251 -0.839773 0.222504 --0.757878 0.611192 0.228178 0.891005 -0.18472 0.414716 0.665947 -0.745266 -0.0330495 -0.63056 -0.677268 -0.379081 -0.0272008 -0.994528 -0.100869 0.815211 -0.490259 0.308346 --0.553932 0.658963 0.50885 -0.667498 -0.451267 -0.592287 0.84932 -0.116523 0.514857 --0.91859 0.380106 0.108225 -0.871966 0.38644 0.300564 0.768589 -0.638718 0.0361996 -0.619813 0.215587 0.754555 -0.34832 0.34832 0.870257 0 0.863779 -0.503871 --0.889261 -0.370525 -0.26819 0.879936 -0.288775 0.377255 -0.163912 0.861059 0.481363 -0.802858 -0.539062 0.254621 0.810407 -0.476505 0.340858 -0.870374 0.486587 -0.0753867 --0.746696 0.662248 0.0622247 -0.460255 -0.887635 -0.0164377 -0.127855 -0.990877 -0.0426184 --0.76004 0.649094 -0.0318809 0.763761 -0.609075 -0.213767 0.33931 0.0657978 0.938371 -0.995588 -0.060645 0.0715948 -0.249263 0.926948 -0.280421 -0.60159 0.767546 -0.221275 -0.749145 0.649551 0.129868 -0.317376 0.372175 0.872214 0.563123 -0.412957 0.715792 --0.501663 0.0876942 0.860607 0.907507 0.380871 0.177113 0.947121 0.282254 0.152627 --0.154801 -0.942629 -0.295781 -0.95041 -0.256197 -0.176308 0.892504 -0.0263146 0.450272 --0.0551289 0.98707 0.150511 -0.670795 0.585071 0.455769 -0.92149 0.356335 0.154539 -0.67505 0.319615 0.664947 0.838591 0.268349 0.474083 -0.525761 -0.467343 0.710751 -0.819567 -0.402838 0.407469 -0.579188 -0.780295 -0.235966 0.778029 -0.602345 -0.178473 --0.389986 -0.91729 0.0805604 -0.365704 -0.683289 -0.631962 0.744031 -0.644087 0.177679 -0 -0.993263 0.115881 0.112211 -0.94756 0.29923 0.879996 0.118177 0.460046 -0.693532 -0.704541 0.150449 -0.725772 -0.652632 0.217544 -0.815089 -0.565128 0.127516 --0.168956 -0.92926 0.328526 0.816034 0.1515 0.557796 -0.935008 -0.189282 0.299887 -0.575748 0.663926 -0.477197 -0.710934 0.680731 -0.176572 0.946574 0.153445 0.28364 -0.446711 0.893423 0.0473785 -0.685454 0.697804 -0.2079 0.604175 -0.648929 0.462455 -0.847875 -0.529405 0.0289518 0.86957 -0.48236 -0.105723 -0.817904 -0.505664 0.274477 -0.655328 0.602811 0.455153 -0.665534 0.543604 0.511428 0.719596 0.474341 0.507131 --0.725722 0.302971 0.617686 -0.974869 0.141911 0.171733 0.815892 -0.565685 -0.119664 --0.642664 -0.731708 0.227126 0.92752 -0.209047 0.30985 -0.608522 0.0747307 0.790011 --0.394443 0.661272 0.63807 -0.295373 0.945194 0.139154 -0.78874 0.613802 0.0337069 --0.385115 0.135504 -0.912866 -0.221351 0.544863 -0.808782 -0.0461717 0.998767 0.0182257 -0.416136 0.808493 0.416136 -0.826732 0.300275 0.475761 -0.963011 -0.249362 0.10212 -0.886783 -0.446581 0.119088 0.854321 -0.0678032 0.515305 0.224021 0.950944 0.213353 -0.46955 0.812992 0.344336 0.641377 0.408994 0.649123 -0.8007 0.402122 0.444046 -0.902565 0.357773 -0.239532 -0.307914 -0.902323 -0.301667 -0.241942 -0.957545 -0.156751 -0.958194 -0.283909 -0.0354887 -0.498761 -0.546262 0.672931 0.166099 -0.861342 0.480105 --0.0416921 -0.481354 0.875534 -0.920533 0.38377 -0.0730684 0.612958 -0.290349 -0.734833 --0.343579 -0.343579 -0.874017 -0.511089 -0.584102 -0.630565 -0.609956 -0.43874 -0.659894 -0.603958 -0.795944 -0.0413304 -0.917812 -0.12132 0.378026 0.931316 -0.334376 -0.144373 -0.674781 0.687675 -0.267907 0.537652 0.752712 -0.379941 -0.560346 0.828218 -0.00820018 -0.586744 0.757878 -0.285223 -0.714804 -0.0238268 -0.698919 0.790435 -0.59912 0.127544 --0.562124 0.811274 0.160782 0.154868 -0.542037 0.825961 0.668151 0.70991 0.222717 --0.240452 0.951187 -0.193456 -0.429097 0.894287 0.126991 -0.335591 -0.929912 -0.150475 --0.210184 0.97459 -0.0774362 -0.760155 -0.305761 -0.573301 0.479909 -0.87477 0.0668227 --0.721273 0.656607 -0.220527 -0.357147 0.664399 0.656521 0.28204 0.378991 0.881374 -0.702879 -0.711184 -0.0133378 0.713275 0.394178 0.579536 -0.685865 0.727432 -0.0207838 --0.568874 0.733732 -0.37151 0.371274 0.85945 0.351429 -0.715244 0.694207 -0.0806402 --0.175969 0.907842 -0.380601 0.698151 -0.713006 -0.0648637 0.389244 0.758469 -0.522699 -0.953043 -0.0914082 -0.28871 0.636914 0.756475 0.148613 0.00965772 0.950078 -0.311864 --0.274688 0.864996 -0.419915 -0.161561 0.98637 0.0311784 0.659398 -0.67938 -0.321928 -0.535644 -0.84238 0.0590073 -0.347294 -0.88035 -0.323064 -0.607834 -0.487768 -0.626594 --0.154945 -0.985868 0.0636907 -0.615443 -0.553899 -0.560737 -0.464606 -0.872205 -0.152968 -0.359253 0.146086 -0.921735 0.0444477 0.112427 -0.992665 -0.355045 -0.0730133 -0.931994 -0.0674104 0.269642 -0.960598 -0.191121 0.210233 -0.958788 -0.228765 0.591634 -0.773069 -0.00978398 0.743583 -0.668572 0.437264 0.896952 -0.0654027 0.415123 0.909468 -0.0232384 --0.538665 0.819915 -0.193856 -0.551434 0.797567 -0.244556 0.595659 -0.0374086 -0.802366 -0.414913 -0.827079 -0.379192 0.30393 -0.649204 -0.697252 0.542147 -0.715456 -0.44068 --0.522983 0.298517 -0.798359 -0.0838339 0.854366 -0.512866 0.257119 0.817507 -0.515337 --0.301512 0.819938 -0.486612 0.115936 0.830872 -0.544253 -0.568658 0.434602 -0.69839 --0.129469 0 -0.991583 0 -0.286888 -0.957964 0.396823 -0.235874 -0.887071 -0.455331 -0.659765 -0.597816 -0.0958466 -0.443734 -0.891018 0.492498 0.357252 -0.79361 --0.245426 -0.47449 -0.845355 0.115963 0.552531 -0.825386 0.419206 0.375752 -0.826484 -0.693484 -0.1517 -0.70432 -0.116862 0.629659 -0.768032 -0.205244 0.840999 -0.500595 -0.576685 0.0678454 -0.814144 -0.199622 0.829201 -0.522089 0.0382157 0.636928 -0.769975 --0.132784 0.708183 -0.69343 -0.509512 0.445823 -0.735962 0.551977 -0.296608 -0.779324 --0.621821 -0.74489 0.241819 0.173984 -0.951112 0.255176 0.0641335 0.689436 -0.721502 -0.384586 0.590081 -0.709858 -0.977292 0.141508 0.157723 -0.254904 -0.892165 0.372915 --0.299088 -0.94711 -0.116312 -0.326407 -0.940819 0.0912019 0.633746 -0.660714 -0.402272 -0.768 -0.6 -0.224 0.26906 -0.858646 0.436272 -0.570063 -0.819726 -0.0554806 --0.399285 -0.613471 -0.681341 0.514472 0.35586 -0.780181 0.833419 0.44824 -0.323255 -0.84591 0.422955 -0.324878 -0.745351 -0.643481 -0.174311 0.507703 0.58509 -0.632382 -0.641742 0.647196 -0.411466 -0.846289 -0.531477 -0.0364195 -0.0377937 0.259517 -0.964999 -0.474143 0.720697 -0.505752 0.811386 -0.298932 0.502287 0.319102 -0.78366 0.532964 --0.326634 0.0130654 -0.945061 0.480956 0.775735 -0.408554 0.816645 0.576703 -0.0224507 --0.831019 -0.250951 0.496417 -0.490006 -0.601371 -0.631068 0.893498 0.0845509 -0.441036 -0.763268 -0.637292 -0.106215 -0.0642451 -0.936143 -0.3457 -0.431452 -0.748863 -0.503044 --0.796918 -0.446582 -0.4068 0.886277 -0.276366 0.371665 -0.426638 -0.781221 -0.455712 -0.607777 0.00542658 -0.794089 0.802224 0.36572 -0.471896 -0.869659 0.49359 0.00783477 --0.71059 0.688726 -0.14394 0.885195 -0.42083 -0.198322 0.587107 -0.569098 0.575701 -0.561558 0.505402 0.65515 0.815869 0.273909 -0.509247 -0.98744 0.143628 0.0658293 --0.773334 -0.559509 -0.298167 -0.643952 -0.13365 -0.753302 -0.0106825 -0.758459 -0.651634 --0.0861221 0.5844 0.806882 0.89086 0.222715 0.395938 0.414513 -0.612759 0.672834 --0.933702 0.322464 0.155617 0.403577 -0.828969 -0.387216 -0.589968 -0.543392 -0.597213 -0.0960738 0.288221 0.952732 -0.759953 -0.595639 0.260164 0.058722 -0.998274 0 --0.823847 -0.561068 0.0804908 -0.0323125 0.972067 -0.23247 -0.555582 0.694477 -0.457198 --0.971022 -0.0357431 -0.236302 -0.924955 -0.295986 -0.238433 -0.22434 -0.931012 0.287903 -0.933969 0.324859 0.148894 0.851205 0.206353 -0.482564 -0.753044 -0.331278 0.568489 -0.750727 -0.034124 0.65973 -0.625343 -0.606951 0.490465 -0.446065 -0.592582 0.670725 --0.923537 -0.0157474 0.383186 -0.341077 0.420397 0.840793 0.207583 0.928019 0.309339 -0.548625 0.648375 0.527844 0.970118 0.191682 -0.148761 0.246795 0.943394 0.221585 --0.805546 0.109847 0.582262 -0.0574128 -0.80059 0.596456 0.939336 -0.34205 -0.0254657 --0.611717 -0.694063 0.379578 0.00944936 -0.982733 0.184787 0.837139 -0.335124 -0.432309 -0.867052 -0.144121 -0.476917 -0.62838 -0.583709 0.51422 -0.814936 -0.382599 0.435313 --0.762198 -0.396171 0.51196 0.666667 -0.133333 -0.733333 0.0066872 -0.595161 0.803579 --0.264305 -0.816942 0.512591 -0.624136 -0.289599 0.725663 0.322258 -0.314065 0.893036 --0.396763 -0.523727 0.75385 0.0234246 -0.726164 0.687123 0.174694 -0.744069 0.644859 -0.699113 0.636239 -0.326253 0.710531 -0.4222 -0.562933 -0.492213 -0.118658 0.862349 --0.155189 -0.731085 0.664403 -0.310017 -0.75782 0.574106 -0.852302 -0.171869 0.494006 --0.0637487 -0.812796 0.57905 0.22359 0.941931 -0.250547 -0.644618 -0.738952 -0.196006 -0.506935 0.76695 -0.393452 -0.467142 0.27479 -0.840398 -0.200632 -0.72536 -0.658483 --0.191611 -0.8191 -0.540704 0.358312 -0.879151 -0.314177 0.143058 0.839276 -0.524548 --0.461237 -0.864036 -0.201748 -0.550213 -0.431616 -0.714824 -0.269224 -0.423066 -0.865179 -0.0698754 -0.635866 0.76863 0.172456 -0.426183 0.888047 0.66742 0.725401 -0.168358 -0.386712 0.858631 -0.336461 -0.576683 0.384455 -0.720854 -0.435259 -0.0423404 -0.899309 --0.155511 -0.459672 0.874367 -0.433461 -0.791066 0.431655 -0.604078 0.745775 0.280909 --0.996926 -0.0772811 -0.0128802 -0.060117 -0.865685 0.496967 0.6506 0.74819 -0.13012 --0.50084 -0.797035 -0.337483 -0.98064 0.0492949 0.189512 0.0126828 -0.674 -0.738622 -0.6305 -0.339879 0.697819 0 -0.472408 0.88138 -0.445054 -0.376861 0.812344 -0.573308 0.806359 0.145269 -0.317861 0.946014 0.063428 0.555598 0.811046 0.183071 -0.554127 0.829097 0.0744419 -0.390133 -0.23242 0.890942 -0.908379 -0.416506 -0.0370227 --0.768679 -0.361731 -0.527525 0.404002 -0.404002 -0.820709 0.513144 -0.372556 -0.77323 -0.542005 -0.527357 -0.654313 -0.347528 -0.538328 -0.767742 -0.286044 -0.618654 -0.731741 --0.156417 -0.449142 0.879662 0.284843 -0.0931216 0.95404 -0.397439 0.228527 0.888717 --0.152511 0.0538274 0.986835 -0.258021 -0.488103 0.833775 -0.840079 0.294433 0.455606 --0.931626 0.2465 0.267042 0.473692 0.68183 0.557426 0.225875 -0.309977 0.923523 --0.779569 -0.550896 0.297969 0.389904 -0.322095 -0.862687 -0.457239 -0.452489 -0.765628 --0.769422 -0.129357 0.625505 0 -0.454739 0.890625 0.712958 -0.235879 0.660343 -0.590895 -0.401198 0.699916 -0.692747 0.161911 0.70277 -0.347437 -0.820281 0.454341 -0.488719 -0.57264 0.658207 -0.153549 0.472832 0.867671 -0.243055 -0.884449 0.39834 --0.0845631 0.819611 -0.566645 0.735378 0.1329 -0.664498 0.241294 -0.487415 -0.839168 --0.343322 -0.672138 -0.656019 -0.365424 -0.637432 -0.67834 -0.0832131 0.254534 0.963477 -0.120501 -0.271127 0.954971 0.309647 -0.465699 0.829001 0.604564 -0.310033 0.733745 -0.325999 -0.10161 0.939894 0.338341 0.931664 0.132394 0.71773 -0.118145 0.686225 --0.242618 -0.679331 0.692565 0.516544 0.843397 -0.147862 0.484088 0.633273 -0.603842 -0.661233 0.418971 -0.622281 0.31461 0.750833 -0.58075 -0.206203 0.904889 -0.372366 -0.0224029 0.847576 -0.530201 -0.190866 0.438992 -0.877984 0.275766 -0.529172 -0.802453 -0.31833 -0.48339 -0.815475 0.0705311 -0.712364 -0.698257 -0.131773 -0.779013 -0.613004 --0.193575 -0.71323 -0.67367 -0.489911 0.553631 0.67341 -0.276104 -0.516582 0.810499 --0.285549 -0.095183 0.953626 -0.0892342 0 0.996011 0.539156 -0.589431 0.601566 --0.474298 -0.380462 0.793908 -0.986091 -0.152084 0.0670476 0.420109 0.904591 -0.0722769 -0.441151 0.893024 -0.0888429 -0.43675 0.780551 -0.447202 0.415877 -0.883738 -0.214603 --0.188738 0.924816 -0.330292 0.121147 0.987349 -0.102302 -0.779696 0.60643 0.155939 --0.48517 -0.749809 -0.449885 -0.381799 0 0.924245 0.494724 -0.169152 0.852429 --0.456887 -0.45452 0.764635 0.0189 -0.7686 0.63945 -0.305122 0 0.952313 --0.883178 -0.0334176 0.467846 0.975461 0.0248701 0.218765 0.696289 0.690828 0.194779 -0.443242 0.89612 -0.0224833 -0.369419 -0.181656 -0.911335 0.451936 -0.885795 -0.105452 --0.72774 -0.610632 0.312287 0 -0.61519 -0.788379 0.133662 -0.61917 -0.773798 -0.113717 -0.760903 -0.638824 -0.369801 -0.665642 -0.648204 -0.0342371 -0.725827 0.687025 --0.167154 -0.297295 0.94004 0.16328 -0.569211 0.805815 0.743706 0.424975 0.516041 -0.490768 -0.208642 0.84594 0.287294 -0.721474 -0.63003 -0.742765 -0.427652 -0.515184 --0.676961 0.132552 0.723985 -0.164613 -0.420322 0.892318 -0.572824 -0.329707 0.750444 -0.272078 -0.743681 0.610665 0.659524 0.544182 0.51855 0.339597 0.25412 0.905592 --0.245284 -0.531449 0.810801 -0.310388 -0.843483 0.438401 -0.955175 -0.212261 -0.206365 --0.783488 0 0.621407 -0.31772 0.926235 0.202838 -0.397139 0.917528 0.0205417 -0.400384 0.85243 0.336236 0.123878 0.916698 0.379893 -0.310369 -0.846462 0.432636 -0.845257 0.432523 0.313791 0.655033 0.74668 0.115764 -0.407329 -0.878302 0.250337 -0.991945 -0.101338 0.0760036 -0.997329 0 0.0730367 0.898404 0.431997 0.0790521 --0.727004 0.2812 0.626412 -0.975467 -0.00950748 -0.21994 0.728168 0.102717 0.677658 -0.59963 -0.237136 0.764337 -0.766545 0.178928 0.61676 0.568873 -0.644363 0.511057 --0.0122066 -0.772068 0.635422 -0.331944 -0.881242 0.336491 -0.0746191 -0.983867 0.162596 --0.859657 -0.459269 0.223746 0.799719 0.517609 -0.304188 0.646401 -0.609812 0.458579 --0.432498 -0.900382 -0.0475093 -0.364245 0.610786 -0.70304 -0.915037 -0.174293 0.36377 -0.824065 0.560746 -0.0804965 -0.489021 0.789957 -0.3699 0.975721 -0.136391 0.171363 --0.853388 0.426694 -0.299434 0.608354 -0.01767 0.793469 0.659089 0.0063374 0.752038 --0.948889 0.289914 0.124741 -0.314891 0.944674 0.0918433 0.831238 0.465312 -0.304185 -0.094667 0.9493 -0.299779 0.809295 -0.012302 0.587273 -0.845043 -0.423074 0.326971 -0.808137 -0.493278 -0.321855 -0.129371 0.954112 -0.270062 -0.873153 0.293771 0.388975 --0.916029 0.373197 -0.147017 -0.573422 -0.798089 0.185045 -0.728867 -0.684582 -0.0100463 -0.662043 0.367159 0.65337 0.0576586 0.897827 0.436558 -0.932517 0.345674 -0.104506 -0.773286 -0.594163 0.221355 -0.160785 0.920046 0.3573 -0.652284 -0.489828 0.578441 --0.719465 -0.527608 0.451664 -0.197394 -0.958769 0.204443 0.625048 -0.644351 0.440598 --0.450171 -0.467825 0.760583 -0.681206 -0.390797 0.619061 -0.269787 -0.926849 0.261084 -0.488812 -0.852821 0.183738 0.24203 -0.96812 0.0645413 0.152247 0.792952 -0.589956 --0.1013 0.964653 -0.243274 0.36482 0.781757 -0.505729 0.120654 0.890714 0.43826 --0.750137 0.641055 -0.162306 -0.300564 0.826551 -0.475893 0.889031 0.457648 0.0135305 -0.0175601 -0.807767 -0.589241 -0.627992 -0.250176 -0.736912 -0.832573 -0.0101197 -0.553822 --0.180239 0.959128 -0.218146 -0.975822 0.203105 0.0807432 0.446144 0.892288 0.0691209 --0.18645 -0.849383 -0.493747 -0.47971 -0.830184 -0.284029 -0.873968 -0.0771149 0.479826 --0.812278 0.330308 0.48073 0.642143 0.762545 0.0785956 0.685601 0.713303 -0.145431 -0.293974 0.551202 0.780869 -0.42041 -0.371525 0.827783 0.728482 0.0466762 -0.683473 --0.891428 -0.445714 -0.0818219 0.916834 -0.00274091 0.399259 0.532432 -0.846287 -0.0177477 -0.494079 -0.868381 0.0424209 -0.487983 0.486076 0.724985 0.620801 0.558721 0.549942 -0.311032 -0.948301 -0.0631279 0.699592 -0.699592 -0.145405 0.584159 -0.767357 -0.264427 -0.425544 -0.830331 -0.35981 0.464224 -0.858815 -0.216638 -0.188658 -0.981024 -0.044719 --0.659388 -0.746212 -0.0915165 0.771295 -0.290089 -0.566527 0.48177 0.404687 -0.777256 --0.194547 0.960578 -0.1986 -0.0345892 0.992606 0.116346 0.330335 0.739792 0.586163 --0.554409 0.671126 0.492159 0.104307 0.382459 0.918066 -0.464886 0.757472 0.458385 -0.696904 -0.420772 0.580754 0.82618 -0.563304 -0.0107296 -0.701191 -0.643716 -0.306531 --0.637416 -0.762623 -0.11003 0.58002 0.305686 -0.755071 0.385464 0.566682 -0.72821 -0.488593 0.576477 -0.654944 0.232487 0.854254 -0.464974 0.864582 0.27765 0.418818 --0.717908 0.683609 0.131478 0.481512 -0.502773 0.71789 0.654403 -0.364243 -0.662634 -0.566525 0.446772 -0.692419 -0.334364 -0.675893 0.656787 0.383583 -0.280166 0.879984 --0.82266 0.558234 0.107729 0.157532 0.984574 0.0761404 0.0894869 0.995541 0.029829 --0.456209 0.82688 -0.328851 -0.873372 0.487054 0 0.61682 0.106348 0.779887 -0.906605 -0.215459 0.362829 -0.735083 -0.479402 0.479402 -0.697206 -0.681626 0.222015 -0.337685 -0.92096 -0.194425 -0.78914 -0.39457 -0.470715 -0.451943 0.795246 -0.404142 -0.423041 0.867963 -0.260146 0.0770327 -0.99661 0.0288872 0.182021 -0.982915 0.0273032 --0.406562 -0.877078 -0.255814 0.998458 -0.0264492 0.0488051 -0.985628 -0.0467954 0.162321 --0.225258 -0.946086 -0.232767 0.908438 -0.417071 -0.0281424 0.19366 -0.937125 0.290332 -0.384013 -0.776411 -0.49972 0.370627 0.688307 -0.623594 0.881539 -0.467803 0.0636275 --0.935347 0.289678 -0.203008 0.930651 -0.101641 0.351509 -0.990077 0.12673 0.0607247 -0.505532 -0.767014 0.395129 0.780537 -0.617513 -0.0971554 -0.87798 0.432438 0.205299 -0.0433967 -0.902651 0.42818 0.291171 -0.934174 0.206246 0.979034 -0.19221 0.067442 --0.933366 0.35779 -0.0285195 0.978478 0.181628 -0.0979368 0.976701 0.111094 0.183614 -0.722059 -0.499788 0.478375 0.726421 0.682865 0.0775144 0.275503 0.771407 0.573611 -0.117289 0.640673 0.758803 0.217482 -0.931812 0.290565 0.109131 -0.992576 0.0536996 --0.850588 0.514502 0.108571 -0.755283 0.422272 0.501233 0.795559 0.595362 -0.112382 --0.965902 0.0616179 0.251468 0.393091 -0.91277 -0.111043 0.627833 0.623675 0.465677 -0.815527 0.547 0.188964 -0.129827 0.536618 0.833778 -0.629313 0.0646238 0.77446 --0.627186 -0.677179 0.384795 0.142175 -0.95994 0.241455 0.838717 -0.279572 0.467325 --0.828097 0.559978 -0.0260671 -0.793616 0.605257 0.0619489 -0.732389 0.642249 -0.226102 --0.919556 0.276615 -0.279107 -0.80546 0.577246 0.134243 0.85064 -0.515539 -0.103108 --0.529412 0.705882 0.470588 0.204655 0.708985 0.674875 -0.0936265 0.206624 0.973931 --0.430175 -0.0977054 0.897442 -0.87821 -0.40941 0.247247 0.817799 -0.572902 0.0546677 -0.274368 -0.00783907 0.961593 0.468355 0.212223 0.857674 -0.867086 -0.412898 -0.278706 -0.333247 0.773089 0.539704 -0.738222 0.0025812 0.674553 -0.729397 -0.388927 0.562775 --0.0345494 -0.958747 -0.282154 -0.759089 -0.498152 -0.41908 -0.883272 0.430186 -0.186469 -0.782948 -0.445471 0.434221 -0.702032 0.226257 0.675247 -0.818275 0.221564 0.53041 --0.759455 -0.607564 0.232583 0.038568 -0.994504 -0.0973383 0.741072 -0.553145 -0.380582 --0.402702 -0.434919 -0.805405 -0.591824 -0.313319 -0.742681 0.179559 -0.193371 -0.964555 -0.779622 -0.507457 0.366984 -0.0705151 -0.564121 0.822676 0.555662 0.789844 0.259586 -0.701905 0.712266 -0.00259006 -0.393066 -0.426583 -0.814571 -0.638362 -0.0640302 -0.767069 --0.156625 0.86731 -0.472485 -0.154957 0.923893 -0.349871 -0.566104 0.299702 -0.767923 --0.0540124 -0.900207 0.432099 0.717203 0.646973 0.258931 0.0387284 0.96821 -0.247124 --0.852252 0.233952 -0.467903 0.770828 -0.513885 -0.376492 -0.433293 0.0772538 -0.897936 --0.441542 -0.532343 -0.722254 0.586711 0.369167 -0.720754 -0.597891 -0.0128579 -0.801474 -0.817247 0.0674791 -0.572323 -0.284468 -0.924521 -0.253651 -0.0394122 -0.992603 -0.114831 -0.586584 -0.782685 -0.208143 0.210896 -0.723071 -0.657793 0.784555 -0.564991 -0.255458 --0.985826 0.125934 -0.110848 0.428532 0.836033 0.342651 0.544306 0.834603 0.0846699 --0.0273532 0.877789 0.478266 0.213399 0.87769 0.429093 -0.616112 0.724439 -0.309184 -0.725074 0.623471 0.292493 0.158607 0.929215 0.33377 0.241388 0.836883 0.491283 -0.277472 0.501692 0.819337 -0.586161 0.806416 0.0781548 -0.76939 0.377436 0.515346 -0.999076 0 -0.042971 0.901624 -0.276498 -0.332599 0.674453 0.551825 -0.490511 --0.302206 0.910816 -0.28122 -0.823832 0.322169 -0.466378 0.54395 0.390528 -0.742701 --0.786183 0.293769 -0.543706 0.923501 0.340491 0.17667 0.972855 0.221754 0.0661684 -0.249189 0.386672 0.887913 0.461058 0.675504 0.57543 -0.07817 -0.986144 -0.146318 --0.251057 -0.502114 -0.827558 0.781083 0.414068 -0.467395 0.162452 0.699794 -0.695628 -0.389264 -0.528137 -0.754682 -0.636464 -0.603463 -0.48036 0.922692 0.168944 -0.346551 --0.218208 0.877029 0.428024 0.0545856 0.846076 0.53026 -0.968434 -0.220467 -0.11632 -0.783573 -0.602749 -0.150687 0.166574 -0.760448 -0.627672 0.318941 0.528531 -0.786722 -0.707104 -0.335421 -0.622493 0.531772 -0.335856 -0.777444 0.705496 -0.264561 -0.657483 -0.90796 -0.0974804 -0.407561 0.141996 -0.812534 -0.565355 0.12281 -0.973037 -0.195237 --0.830287 -0.0919985 -0.549691 -0.907136 0.412125 -0.0851879 0.813701 0.28835 -0.504723 --0.980578 0.155423 0.119629 -0.21579 0.951074 0.221118 0.884389 -0.365954 -0.289714 -0.175323 0.91001 -0.375692 -0.294649 0.955378 -0.0208338 0.803538 0.583107 -0.119636 --0.0328396 0.97026 0.239828 -0.762362 0.39702 0.511057 -0.644103 0.644103 -0.412629 --0.861474 0.501651 0.0787934 0.757674 0.631395 -0.165134 -0.173715 0.98398 -0.0400881 -0.0590994 0.98105 0.184521 -0.485725 0.794409 0.364672 -0.601819 0.71081 0.364093 -0.0892751 0.982026 0.166297 0.755531 -0.458715 0.46771 -0.778652 0.593134 0.204679 -0.253929 0.948003 0.191858 0.253345 0.957082 0.140747 -0.01281 0.999179 0.03843 --0.784161 0.61138 -0.106327 -0.472775 0.8678 0.152994 -0.20039 0.901035 0.384682 --0.450055 0.725713 0.520376 -0.466501 0.641439 0.609043 -0.307698 -0.946762 -0.0946762 -0.606794 0.794186 0.0327193 -0.768634 0.409112 0.491761 -0.83657 0.375603 0.398841 -0.0107634 0.8826 0.470002 -0.305333 0.395137 0.866394 0.0352067 0.95058 0.308477 -0.69164 0.332688 0.641056 0.845559 0.383356 0.371575 0.673364 -0.424423 0.605348 -0.810594 0.583705 0.0471877 0.558877 0.0745169 0.825896 -0.753087 0.423041 0.503881 -0.457134 -0.0489787 0.888048 -0.556414 -0.529127 0.640647 -0.88778 0.333531 0.317181 --0.997911 0.0636821 -0.0108395 -0.0206386 -0.97591 0.217196 0.576738 -0.814743 -0.059724 --0.688388 0.697176 0.20017 0.46534 0.850908 0.24375 0.204143 0.74805 0.631464 -0.620335 0.592866 0.513512 -0.0176425 -0.970336 0.241114 0.792424 -0.255187 0.554025 --0.988113 -0.0306392 -0.150643 -0.291551 0.892875 0.34318 0.188902 -0.981878 0.0152229 -0.992506 0.0577038 0.107714 -0.903829 0.0703452 -0.422071 0.506059 -0.857637 0.0914458 -0.888234 -0.41419 -0.198715 0.0314464 0.993183 0.112246 0.0985576 0.995086 -0.00950994 -0.00309445 0.996412 0.0845815 0.0966845 0.995281 0.00821502 0.970079 -0.0928306 -0.22434 -0.0858495 0.985225 0.148193 0.459898 -0.813099 0.356881 0.420206 -0.452529 0.786539 --0.67743 -0.658185 0.328451 -0.603843 -0.738414 0.300196 0.538519 -0.817208 0.20535 --0.856362 0.486709 -0.172505 0.440858 -0.896412 0.0457186 -0.496167 -0.857016 -0.139077 --0.493412 -0.695837 -0.521878 0.121931 0.738758 -0.66285 0 0.69568 -0.718351 -0.117862 0.833876 -0.53922 -0.301478 0.836417 -0.457731 0.415422 0.671664 -0.613427 -0.431768 -0.895729 0.106048 0.732543 0.0261622 -0.680218 -0.0326107 -0.605627 -0.79508 --0.827311 -0.15551 -0.539791 0.779259 -0.610771 0.140407 0.529982 -0.714323 -0.457013 -0.54406 -0.746676 -0.382718 0.444184 -0.895533 -0.026866 -0.612625 -0.722253 -0.321001 -0.471829 0.688978 -0.55017 -0.223669 0.688465 -0.689919 -0.13129 0.774159 -0.619226 -0.0911533 0.299504 -0.949731 0.892607 -0.318788 -0.318788 0.0223457 -0.938521 -0.344497 --0.444963 -0.874583 -0.192647 -0.60169 -0.575867 -0.553486 0.342074 0.724872 -0.597951 --0.270215 0.628249 -0.72958 0.121069 0.407716 -0.905047 -0.23157 0.605852 -0.76113 --0.342352 0.569403 -0.747379 0.117507 0.568803 -0.814036 0.023847 0.7614 -0.647843 --0.526226 0.585519 -0.616648 -0.231181 0.854087 -0.46593 -0.784243 0.54556 -0.295512 -0.9009 -0.345628 -0.262526 -0.35482 -0.906762 -0.227786 -0.227612 -0.699695 -0.677215 -0.202606 0.162084 -0.965753 0.331769 0.539125 -0.774128 0.330417 0.788996 -0.517987 -0.22223 0.864528 -0.450783 -0.0817823 0.324208 -0.942444 0.112184 0.518025 -0.847977 --0.129178 0.172871 -0.976437 -0.715707 0.486015 -0.50155 0.0109128 0.979177 -0.202714 --0.10432 0.799788 -0.591148 -0.33193 -0.86539 -0.375397 0.188744 0.0330303 -0.981471 -0.475564 0.466758 -0.745638 0.464235 0.714406 -0.523554 0.182576 0.845068 -0.50252 -0.0765634 0.796955 -0.599166 -0.168661 0.748856 -0.640912 -0.0476265 0.483069 -0.874286 -0.356329 -0.344451 -0.868552 -0.390794 0.256037 -0.884152 -0.696654 0.171308 -0.696654 --0.126787 0.235461 -0.963578 -0.803303 0.087633 -0.589089 -0.98186 -0.11417 0.151381 --0.191918 -0.967673 0.163636 -0.00956072 -0.984755 0.173686 -0.389125 0.243203 -0.888501 --0.574119 -0.812714 0.0994146 0.00366827 0.201755 -0.979429 0.243627 0.705803 -0.665198 -0.427219 0.759135 -0.491119 -0.337822 0.445311 -0.829201 0.186444 0.445845 -0.875477 -0.329095 0.329095 -0.885095 -0.285756 0.417995 -0.862336 0.312529 0.659652 -0.683509 --0.428604 -0.898519 0.0946715 0.889324 0.0896797 -0.448398 -0.474634 0.443728 -0.76015 -0 -0.241626 -0.970369 0.664454 0.45961 -0.589287 0.0151411 0.847901 -0.529938 -0.101695 0.38983 -0.915254 0.0947333 0.271776 -0.957686 0.334016 0.513871 -0.79017 --0.798846 -0.589048 0.121934 0.652356 -0.753425 -0.0823527 0.478811 -0.806061 0.34786 -0.552936 0.535923 -0.638003 0.430075 -0.900803 0.0599109 -0.812626 0.58231 -0.0235386 -0.739027 0.451547 -0.499944 0.0858603 -0.932198 0.351618 0.592979 -0.662741 -0.45733 -0.229178 -0.965324 -0.125006 -0.865837 0.151789 -0.476745 -0.290488 0.544665 -0.786738 -0.566408 0.82264 0.0494483 0.238092 0.965783 -0.102838 -0.931211 0.271112 -0.243608 -0.913181 0.391363 0.11373 0.844132 0.522029 0.122177 -0.85241 -0.522741 -0.0118208 -0.773164 0.629435 -0.0776468 0.42169 -0.901543 0.0969401 -0.40193 -0.818801 0.409899 -0.877593 -0.00566189 -0.479373 0.996265 -0.0797012 -0.0332089 -0.630452 -0.302759 0.71475 -0.469776 -0.058722 0.88083 0.885716 -0.36621 0.285303 0.806559 -0.12566 -0.577644 --0.0478107 -0.273204 0.960767 -0.125909 -0.924588 0.359562 0.739254 -0.576042 0.348825 -0.810052 -0.236301 -0.536635 0.851356 -0.0949053 -0.515931 0.8308 -0.200538 -0.519187 --0.981549 0.0885608 0.169468 -0.779176 0.446306 0.440108 -0.266874 0.951168 0.155106 --0.220171 0.798397 0.560435 -0.198288 0.925346 0.323137 -0.313712 0.686775 0.655686 --0.669239 -0.540294 0.5101 -0.528226 0.136947 0.837988 -0.711376 0.643626 0.282292 --0.868 -0.432311 0.244301 -0.64222 -0.725087 0.248601 0.0137037 -0.986669 0.162161 --0.429028 -0.899734 0.0800853 -0.796435 -0.584053 0.156759 -0.930467 -0.266065 0.251875 --0.928756 -0.321726 0.184132 -0.459829 -0.887945 -0.0105708 0.65052 -0.359335 -0.669106 --0.595695 -0.689505 0.411983 -0.592954 -0.67838 0.433828 -0.932875 -0.201208 0.298764 --0.548243 0.146952 0.823307 -0.124359 0.683972 0.71883 -0.622472 0.77809 0.0842931 -0.294561 -0.13105 -0.946604 0.434018 0.648209 0.625663 0.560395 0.557255 0.612719 --0.768221 0 0.640184 -0.0907617 0.0819377 0.992496 -0.794135 -0.560566 0.234767 -0.744918 -0.157802 -0.648225 0.267261 -0.455916 -0.848947 -0.2543 -0.736411 -0.626921 -0.195894 -0.138278 -0.970827 -0.435293 -0.114005 0.893041 0.0790537 -0.837969 0.539961 --0.345503 -0.877873 0.331611 -0.773505 -0.630704 0.0624754 -0.194607 0.7914 -0.579495 -0.463032 -0.40981 -0.785912 -0.53091 -0.3492 0.772136 -0.48301 -0.802979 0.34918 --0.373332 -0.919782 0.120931 -0.691705 -0.620847 -0.368909 -0.378586 0.107728 0.919276 -0.772425 0 0.635105 0.311129 -0.677475 -0.666503 0 -0.913276 -0.407341 -0.69236 0.437533 -0.573761 -0.426071 -0.809534 -0.403879 0.51719 -0.292749 -0.804247 --0.275126 -0.776825 0.566435 -0.641663 -0.278551 -0.714617 0.420445 -0.544391 -0.725855 -0 -0.352946 -0.935644 0.399175 -0.536822 -0.743291 -0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 --0.564532 0.0903252 0.820454 0.00265338 -0.934652 0.355553 -0.0899031 -0.611341 0.786244 --0.8985 -0.252409 0.359149 0.673672 0.688717 -0.26802 -0.294485 -0.0631039 -0.95357 --0.830727 -0.420057 -0.365301 0.658488 0.719872 0.219496 -0.213353 0.963834 0.159703 --0.627803 0.700068 0.340248 0.546366 -0.561496 -0.621456 0.397347 -0.397347 -0.827182 --0.363614 -0.886822 0.285187 0.898894 -0.254554 0.356641 0.506943 -0.699884 0.50316 --0.573804 -0.538189 -0.617334 -0.483412 -0.0303714 -0.874866 0.598451 -0.619825 0.507615 -0.832499 0.445981 0.328705 -0.691032 -0.707291 0.149046 0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 --0.147857 -0.535454 -0.831521 -0.796696 -0.534456 0.282193 -0.197786 -0.928159 0.315279 -0.780603 -0.617143 0.0989653 0.820248 -0.568277 0.0652267 -0.973758 -0.0226455 0.226455 -0.919315 0.315586 0.235088 -0.600009 0.695182 -0.395868 0.307166 -0.557185 -0.771488 --0.357909 -0.586027 -0.726962 -0.991927 0.0148882 0.12593 -0.0436156 0.992255 -0.116308 -0.112852 0.94439 -0.308857 0 -0.699193 -0.714933 0.425581 -0.816792 0.389526 -0.554604 -0.805184 0.209984 -0.249555 -0.960203 0.125428 -0.907917 -0.0466872 0.416542 --0.819624 -0.015762 0.572686 0.897071 -0.135263 0.420675 -0.184387 0.964488 -0.189115 -0.785175 0.141838 -0.602812 -0.138233 0.990354 -0.00946802 -0.189037 -0.578924 0.793166 -0.80907 0.367141 0.458926 0.712364 0.274947 0.64571 -0.0772307 -0.724038 0.685423 --0.537326 -0.828757 0.156341 0.644661 0.764466 0.00190166 -0.633842 -0.741595 0.219732 --0.918632 -0.260508 -0.29707 -0.7758 -0.123306 -0.618813 -0.869091 -0.364103 -0.334829 -0.974566 -0.0251501 0.222683 0.856428 0.260562 0.445689 0 0.286582 0.958056 --0.622242 -0.656182 0.426896 -0.357277 -0.849524 0.388152 0.37847 0.879466 0.288617 -0.498339 0.839761 0.215544 -0.144164 -0.677962 0.720822 0.23215 -0.747922 0.621868 --0.0706076 -0.723728 0.686463 -0.717444 0.105168 0.688631 -0.689846 0.489349 0.533526 --0.731974 -0.671632 0.114562 0.0533486 0.906926 0.417897 0.494058 0.56507 0.660759 -0.729844 0.00793309 0.683568 -0.482697 -0.848026 -0.218757 -0.419436 -0.885477 -0.200009 --0.00301935 0.960153 0.279458 0.440196 0.752001 0.490635 -0.518201 0.782381 0.345467 --0.205353 -0.966659 0.152971 0.211218 -0.766884 0.606033 -0.834638 0.244123 0.493745 -0.799797 -0.307182 0.515716 0.527763 -0.0232623 0.849073 0.32594 -0.211257 0.921484 --0.274095 -0.713168 0.645185 -0.883103 -0.186223 0.43064 -0.551854 -0.827781 -0.101173 -0.968937 0.238534 0.0652922 -0.743488 0.529791 0.408102 0.545829 -0.433453 0.71707 --0.0797452 0 0.996815 0.391437 -0.669001 0.631834 -0.994407 -0.0678005 0.0809839 -0.652413 -0.609865 0.449913 -0.0276256 -0.910692 0.412161 -0.462232 -0.850126 0.252242 -0.270156 -0.689204 0.672319 -0.107629 0.522768 0.845654 -0.85372 0.357847 -0.378295 -0.362319 -0.687358 0.629495 0.0133976 -0.697707 0.716258 0.0683529 -0.772767 0.630998 -0.0312361 -0.777431 0.628192 -0.367265 -0.477998 0.797894 -0.38953 0.174335 0.904364 --0.158268 0.939195 0.304735 -0.657367 -0.734704 0.167564 0.338555 -0.63728 0.692283 -0.862128 0.00451376 0.50667 0.623929 -0.736236 0.26205 0.290356 -0.758885 0.582912 -0.778424 -0.346822 0.523231 -0.606172 -0.589621 0.533762 0.75355 -0.58685 0.29626 -0.246752 -0.809346 0.532984 -0.52009 -0.821074 0.235252 -0.709675 -0.68583 0.161238 -0.724845 -0.50997 0.463175 -0.916951 -0.395842 0.0501066 0.676329 0.736447 -0.0150295 -0.767536 -0.167899 0.618626 -0.726525 -0.676171 0.122286 0.807047 0.590411 -0.00949268 -0.536529 0.75552 -0.375935 0.189109 0.866118 0.462686 0.442605 -0.872192 0.208285 -0.762131 -0.568369 -0.31002 -0.913272 -0.258988 -0.31442 0.69705 -0.0279752 0.716477 -0.789299 -0.613216 0.0311944 0.605487 -0.630201 0.486037 0.760199 -0.612195 0.21752 --0.0822578 0.740321 0.667202 -0.856848 0.386508 -0.341209 0.413355 0.908883 0.0554045 -0.863375 -0.234283 0.446873 0.839448 -0.395966 0.372208 0.172774 0.777482 0.604708 --0.370247 0.887797 0.273373 -0.0265889 0.868572 0.49485 -0.703839 0.614933 -0.355624 -0.703157 -0.559768 0.438439 -0.295777 -0.371963 0.879863 -0.402732 -0.826118 0.394127 -0.751439 -0.644091 0.143131 -0.202927 0.96954 -0.137164 0.159409 0.299785 -0.940594 --0.345135 0.446563 0.825508 -0.755784 0.644915 0.113472 -0.0127457 -0.939996 0.340948 -0.554481 -0.73529 -0.389744 0.0383201 0.996322 -0.0766402 0 -0.993884 0.110432 -0.0623914 0.0594204 0.996281 -0.198595 -0.0379667 0.979346 -0.552502 -0.357105 0.753139 -0.95364 -0.283515 0.100948 0.0788381 -0.996887 -0.00103734 -0.623823 -0.516158 -0.586879 -0.619117 -0.711247 -0.332898 -0.587694 0.350116 -0.729407 0.425525 -0.633559 -0.646167 --0.792719 0.125052 -0.596623 0.549647 0.682485 0.48177 0.284613 0.868068 0.406759 -0.125081 0.646252 0.752803 -0.482884 0.46248 0.743596 0.0495907 0.963994 -0.261258 --0.220279 0.885436 -0.409244 -0.769262 -0.210159 -0.603382 0.463245 0.863706 -0.198534 -0.457551 0.889148 0.00801034 0.106283 0.978284 0.177943 -0.824598 0.385214 0.414305 --0.970146 -0.233118 0.0668742 0.99625 0.0510898 -0.0698227 -0.35326 0.855806 0.377895 --0.221715 0.565373 0.794478 -0.193881 0.320325 0.927255 -0.925243 0.0155069 0.379057 --0.843303 0.0018575 -0.537435 -0.894793 -0.13778 -0.424691 0.799902 0.47053 -0.372503 --0.316261 0.67903 0.662493 0.597121 0.11642 0.793658 -0.584023 0.460358 0.668572 --0.651687 0.267705 0.709675 0.730825 0.375507 0.56999 0.678212 0.452142 0.579306 -0.440507 0.652459 0.616645 -0.343026 0.883311 0.319524 0.00573542 0.81443 0.580234 --0.074976 0.995877 -0.0510706 0.256632 0.946919 -0.193609 0.713131 0.671647 -0.200836 -0.233665 0.826294 -0.512483 -0.883754 0.0489375 -0.465386 0.536882 -0.649454 -0.538486 --0.412153 0.527015 0.743226 0.47761 0.365454 0.798957 -0.198993 0.979813 0.0191922 -0.83459 -0.316449 0.45091 0.520414 0.122544 0.845075 0.585649 0.151293 0.79632 --0.742989 -0.398677 -0.53761 0.250072 0.953478 0.168357 -0.0907066 0.379318 0.920809 -0.0711989 -0.750327 0.657221 0.238656 -0.765445 0.59761 -0.858499 -0.505471 -0.086474 --0.148188 0.254037 0.955775 0.230954 0.798552 0.555855 -0.227606 0.878812 0.419385 -0.830754 -0.527494 0.177759 0.483491 -0.84246 0.237692 -0.547495 -0.79833 -0.250835 --0.596855 -0.778153 -0.195557 0.657571 0.553195 0.511444 -0.588348 0.784465 0.196116 -0.751382 -0.253756 -0.609125 0.69777 0.279108 -0.659709 0.569258 0.597721 -0.564514 -0.57905 0.539268 0.611466 0.355506 -0.0334594 0.934075 -0.695148 0.718065 0.0339511 -0.258622 0.862073 0.435826 -0.32263 0.897752 -0.299919 -0.594266 0.779492 -0.198089 --0.906621 -0.139084 -0.398364 0.426953 -0.760511 0.489218 -0.229504 -0.944247 -0.236062 --0.527683 -0.828512 -0.187401 -0.532891 -0.444664 -0.719932 -0.352344 -0.932926 -0.0741776 --0.257656 -0.96621 -0.00715711 -0.25711 -0.939012 -0.228365 -0.969541 0.153364 -0.19097 -0.799125 -0.599344 0.0467573 0.777426 -0.628471 0.025166 -0.966318 -0.256574 -0.0199928 -0.894109 0.296593 -0.335562 0.690268 -0.711399 -0.132067 0.686383 -0.11969 -0.717323 -0.713259 0.632277 -0.302469 -0.712278 0.651226 -0.261847 0.255656 -0.941177 -0.220965 -0.828486 0.555535 0.0706461 -0.666811 -0.742253 -0.0665188 0.837255 0.52587 -0.149886 --0.935068 -0.289133 -0.205059 0.703161 -0.689533 -0.173519 -0.949556 -0.0091597 -0.313465 -0.590602 0.309984 0.74505 -0.830706 -0.480177 0.281704 0.508962 -0.840972 0.18364 -0.259785 0 -0.965666 0.837165 0.429937 0.338096 -0.454403 -0.495712 0.740126 --0.77485 -0.478956 -0.412563 -0.0814985 -0.995301 0.0522949 0.714269 0.236299 -0.658774 --0.634238 -0.369972 0.678869 0.781088 0.618361 0.0867875 0.474481 0.800686 0.365746 -0.520859 -0.129625 0.843744 0.90976 0.304175 0.282514 -0.746589 -0.603824 0.279288 -0.126534 -0.989943 -0.063267 -0.503895 -0.852012 -0.142002 0.410782 -0.898505 -0.15475 --0.356862 -0.172444 -0.918103 0.655409 0.607867 0.448259 -0.46487 -0.542042 0.700061 -0.00422915 -0.90081 -0.434193 -0.191351 -0.867457 -0.459242 0.821086 -0.454422 -0.345425 --0.546042 0.58859 -0.596154 -0.93058 0.113535 -0.348038 -0.753609 -0.628008 -0.194111 -0.438023 0.109506 0.892269 0.777655 0.330412 0.534866 -0.889174 -0.0967962 -0.447213 -0.160625 -0.103259 -0.981599 -0.0679258 -0.666908 -0.742038 -0.728188 0.305994 0.613279 --0.833474 -0.0123217 0.552422 -0.107566 0.0759289 0.991294 -0.180939 -0.719548 0.670456 --0.350117 -0.73456 0.58124 0.775063 0.60803 -0.171976 0.547788 -0.620137 -0.561568 --0.852937 -0.0140401 -0.521824 -0.941919 -0.217366 0.256009 0.682862 -0.72604 0.0810265 -0.226125 -0.767773 0.599494 -0.77116 -0.632747 0.0703052 0.881302 0.375022 -0.287517 -0.886711 0.28195 -0.366398 0.880522 0.266924 -0.391705 0.329377 -0.838118 -0.434821 --0.0988595 -0.97384 -0.204605 -0.467157 -0.647056 -0.602564 0.463428 0.868927 -0.173785 --0.538635 0.817571 -0.203591 0.504489 -0.246379 -0.827519 -0.159358 -0.830206 -0.534194 --0.520467 -0.546931 -0.655729 0.395295 0.796767 0.45706 -0.168681 0.984547 0.0470471 --0.256167 0.966621 0.004627 0.989896 -0.134516 0.0448385 -0.826469 0.373294 0.421427 -0.343333 -0.924358 -0.166385 0.844812 -0.0808081 -0.528926 -0.666903 0.283434 -0.689134 -0.999991 -0.00306746 -0.00306746 0.970461 -0.206424 -0.124882 -0.19123 -0.956151 0.221827 --0.207602 0.851885 -0.480826 -0.936313 0.317231 -0.150605 0.106412 -0.127695 -0.986088 --0.680817 0.732192 -0.0195712 0.139002 -0.914116 -0.380882 0.911713 0.363804 -0.190858 --0.0763092 0.985661 -0.150499 -0.0643992 0.965988 -0.250441 -0.532559 0.817202 -0.220369 -0.0588725 0.408645 0.910793 -0.376454 0.792696 0.479494 0.564532 0.8054 -0.18065 -0.888415 0.376903 -0.262037 0.042241 0.995884 -0.0801862 0.978205 -0.0670004 -0.196534 -0.558875 0.62795 0.541607 0.362945 0.798117 0.480917 -0.342674 0.920935 -0.185615 -0.686221 0.721715 0.0907074 0.728373 0.681881 -0.067155 0.296334 0.931334 -0.211667 --0.560047 0.665716 0.493123 -0.728108 0.6721 0.134687 0.809224 0.325276 0.489237 -0.26383 0.906776 0.328863 -0.983703 0.14414 0.107479 -0.429642 0.839754 0.331996 --0.563812 0.82589 0.00459786 -0.812234 0.54149 0.216943 0.298822 0.914343 0.273281 -0.258055 0.918501 0.299606 0.892747 0.334366 0.301996 -0.85362 0.219279 0.472493 --0.700469 0.62234 0.349337 0.724669 0.537697 0.430972 -0.851145 -0.338675 0.401063 -0.452102 0.322536 0.83161 0.640457 0.751488 -0.158367 -0.418052 -0.8813 -0.220325 --0.341742 -0.93979 -0.00251281 0.932318 -0.334771 -0.136788 -0.147033 0.952039 0.268335 --0.43836 -0.769566 0.464337 0.170428 0.806892 0.565579 0.381367 0.560659 0.734998 -0.368843 -0.319411 0.872887 -0.24938 -0.798426 0.54802 -0.0984517 -0.950836 0.293628 -0.66899 -0.561804 0.48665 -0.573497 0.517834 -0.634783 -0.934294 0.219331 -0.281048 -0.566153 -0.781677 -0.261631 0.839666 -0.138027 -0.525271 -0.312362 0.94996 0.00261234 -0.910303 -0.40317 0.0938195 0.401091 -0.0668485 0.913596 -0.754771 -0.55993 0.341759 --0.994941 0.0826658 -0.0570787 0.725394 0.6883 0.00686926 0.265795 0.9093 0.320198 -0 -0.185408 0.982662 -0.368689 -0.345428 0.862988 -0.823699 -0.0296295 0.566252 --0.706004 -0.644612 -0.293316 -0.313848 -0.849235 -0.424617 0.157286 0.259059 0.952969 --0.568035 0.0908856 0.817971 0.897795 -0.439829 0.0226716 -0.304582 0.64458 0.701246 --0.241642 0.283963 0.927887 -0.393831 0.65717 0.64267 -0.384949 0.88418 0.264652 -0.501991 -0.00994041 -0.864816 0.892835 0.275335 0.356421 0.996713 0.0228604 0.0777253 -0.235249 0.88545 0.400794 0.0265536 0.862992 -0.504519 -0.461695 0.619809 -0.634567 -0.015591 0.930263 -0.366562 -0.279485 -0.960092 0.0105233 -0.274154 -0.961669 0.00568194 --0.201044 -0.979353 0.0211785 -0.0885584 -0.996071 0 0 -1 0 -0 -0.999816 -0.0191892 -0.0667311 -0.997587 -0.0191465 -0.0785018 -0.996512 -0.0283222 -0 -0.999901 -0.014081 0.111426 -0.993624 -0.0171897 0.182745 -0.983081 0.0124766 -0.14425 -0.988923 0.0349697 0.209281 -0.975923 0.061447 0.20126 -0.977087 0.0692509 -0 -0.995197 0.0978883 -0.10444 -0.974769 0.197275 0 -0.983175 0.182666 -0 -0.990057 0.140664 0.0975198 -0.991451 0.0866843 -0.446082 -0.894992 0 --0.465128 -0.885243 0 -0.308237 -0.951157 -0.0170229 -0.263313 -0.964684 0.00718127 -0.1499 -0.983638 0.0999335 0.0198833 -0.994163 0.106044 -0.0851522 -0.991866 0.0946136 -0.354005 -0.919619 0.170241 0.608501 -0.760931 0.22519 0.607536 -0.761714 0.225149 --0.682813 -0.716331 0.143649 -0.43741 -0.874004 0.211633 0.30826 -0.943021 0.12525 -0.695662 -0.664041 0.274049 -0.564745 -0.825265 0 -0.610299 -0.792104 0.0102787 --0.46671 -0.884401 -0.00408499 0.430166 -0.866834 0.252104 0.146086 -0.980865 0.128695 --0.235457 -0.963758 0.125423 -0.698113 -0.704852 0.125786 0.796187 -0.442326 0.412837 -0.73523 -0.487031 0.471421 0.825203 -0.255697 0.503645 0.0075539 -0.89136 0.453234 --0.712932 -0.697357 0.0736295 -0.669195 -0.738447 0.0829133 0.863017 -0.249821 0.439079 -0.924922 -0.0660658 0.374373 -0.725353 0.565463 0.392574 -0.532116 -0.821564 0.20466 --0.668001 -0.705112 0.237892 0.336973 -0.937546 0.0863569 0.399804 -0.914306 0.0648134 --0.328104 -0.944567 0.0118388 -0.388972 -0.92125 0 -0.437541 -0.898948 0.0212141 -0.842528 -0.454397 0.289257 -0.919454 -0.060292 0.388549 -0.916877 -0.297229 0.266443 -0.614886 -0.788568 0.0086409 0.769212 -0.638913 -0.0101843 -0.489603 -0.870405 0.0518098 --0.517831 -0.854646 0.0378242 -0.475235 -0.879761 -0.0131553 -0.454792 0.773371 -0.441658 -0.457439 0.470894 -0.754327 0.637711 0.755443 -0.150434 0.195588 0.97794 -0.0733455 --0.351294 0.91877 -0.180151 0.569061 -0.803759 0.173612 -0.73254 -0.656961 0.17829 -0.15325 -0.973776 0.168149 -0.661326 -0.726081 0.188294 0.883769 -0.459398 -0.0889158 -0.908735 -0.400459 -0.117617 -0.487417 -0.870388 0.0696311 -0.486002 -0.872009 0.05833 -0.30655 0.892601 -0.330593 0.287824 0.897735 -0.33351 0.198127 0.936202 -0.290295 -0.140983 0.94177 -0.305276 0.0184246 0.95071 -0.309534 -0.266425 0.916503 -0.298396 --0.439484 0.867163 -0.23427 -0.453132 0.863108 -0.22297 0.928792 -0.271056 -0.252733 --0.708115 -0.624926 -0.328695 -0.366922 -0.927089 0.0766459 0.975779 -0.110088 -0.18904 --0.515842 -0.851813 0.0912198 -0.894821 -0.434946 0.100591 0.168938 -0.985625 0.00180683 -0.610801 -0.790751 0.0404458 0.62596 -0.778972 0.0370939 -0.679775 -0.722261 0.127458 --0.474595 -0.877109 0.0737466 0.460456 0.850674 -0.253641 0.29013 0.924335 -0.24785 -0.180154 0.948812 -0.259422 0.165823 0.939665 -0.299219 0.282149 0.900644 -0.330502 --0.455763 0.862374 -0.220434 -0.311262 0.92517 -0.217201 -0.24785 0.95001 -0.189871 --0.214222 0.959033 -0.185375 -0.184099 0.796646 -0.575728 0.589037 -0.674199 -0.445523 --0.0897068 -0.937437 -0.336401 0.961929 0.166077 -0.217051 -0.987045 0.150574 0.0554062 -0.604209 -0.796135 0.0331723 0.544451 -0.83808 0.0345683 -0.28431 -0.948035 0.142823 --0.222907 -0.964731 0.140025 0.149932 -0.97456 0.166591 -0.448672 -0.88538 0.12164 -0.327741 0.853608 -0.404893 0.356679 0.857281 -0.37128 0.427049 0.847627 -0.314894 -0.479715 0.839502 -0.255168 -0.180057 0.964724 -0.19206 -0.17241 0.949471 -0.262258 --0.401497 0.867562 -0.293492 -0.390424 0.877381 -0.278874 0.879973 0.436878 -0.186507 --0.8848 0.465867 0.00985042 0.536194 -0.843495 0.0318177 0.605344 -0.794767 0.0436388 -0.616143 -0.78655 0.0413109 -0.609367 -0.781239 0.135415 -0.454729 -0.878828 0.144508 --0.333345 -0.935307 0.118666 0.596007 0.736388 -0.320169 0.359282 0.851087 -0.382842 --0.381715 0.880964 -0.279637 -0.388603 0.850528 -0.354387 -0.421969 0.843939 -0.331223 --0.430517 0.844565 -0.318378 -0.111816 0.901373 -0.418359 0.764673 0.614553 -0.193905 -0.875611 0.446136 -0.185119 -0.87505 0.483939 0.009489 -0.87991 0.475038 0.00987847 -0.583376 -0.811049 0.043256 0.455673 -0.888468 0.0546554 -0.784014 -0.607878 0.125727 --0.812292 -0.56948 0.125995 0.52514 0.8029 -0.2821 0.470129 0.831596 -0.295679 -0.588126 0.743735 -0.317752 -0.329969 0.889279 -0.316708 -0.0609368 0.962802 -0.263247 --0.0487821 0.963446 -0.263423 -0.26952 0.919791 -0.285207 -0.465079 0.84739 -0.256188 --0.106709 0.895169 -0.432764 0.619572 0.756938 -0.207787 0.687799 0.699214 -0.195019 --0.90749 0.418979 -0.0303091 0.398396 -0.915758 0.051644 0.452701 -0.891031 0.0335334 -0.526696 -0.849625 0.02701 -0.846911 -0.50641 0.162144 0.632236 0.632236 -0.447834 -0.0810448 0.921649 -0.379466 0.311677 0.885447 -0.344734 0.533229 0.797007 -0.283632 --0.467859 0.846086 -0.255435 -0.257223 0.932138 -0.254863 -0.105308 0.967076 -0.231677 --0.149137 0.955078 -0.256094 -0.234589 0.927496 -0.291064 -0.210937 0.922849 -0.322265 -0.462607 0.856168 -0.230153 0.607283 0.764151 -0.217441 -0.915423 0.401011 -0.0345132 --0.917805 0.394702 -0.0429383 0.545751 -0.837912 0.00765966 0.536292 -0.837903 -0.101538 -0.514291 -0.852072 -0.0973555 -0.438949 -0.893575 0.0940605 -0.643464 -0.747248 0.166055 -0.331179 0.804293 -0.49339 0.652385 0.671787 -0.350849 -0.167097 0.925588 -0.339655 --0.139846 0.929562 -0.341113 -0.277767 0.902352 -0.329555 -0.162397 0.924959 -0.343624 -0.042895 0.93654 -0.347926 0.197486 0.895271 -0.399361 0.0469726 0.935839 -0.349284 -0.206169 0.91721 -0.34091 0.452113 0.861337 -0.231715 -0.906546 0.412737 -0.0884435 -0.478404 -0.874821 -0.0762803 0.525524 -0.849231 -0.0512869 0.582049 -0.812504 -0.0325002 --0.674652 -0.73764 0.0270694 -0.745972 -0.665709 0.0188854 0.565346 0.785774 -0.250884 -0.545339 0.80327 -0.239507 0.336209 0.906564 -0.255159 0.504298 0.800663 -0.323452 --0.863022 0.501553 -0.0603085 0.674282 -0.738209 -0.019787 0.792273 -0.607985 -0.0515567 --0.83483 -0.548247 0.0498406 0.640116 0.735073 -0.223426 0.569923 0.786184 -0.238962 --0.860948 0.505315 -0.058522 -0.828601 0.553486 -0.0841081 0.847111 -0.511494 -0.144143 -0.838008 -0.525074 -0.148458 -0.845244 -0.528173 0.0812146 0.607048 0.767285 -0.2068 -0.56719 0.795933 -0.211626 0.637268 0.737754 -0.222729 -0.873019 0.481051 -0.0801752 --0.889695 0.44926 -0.0812946 0.720579 -0.633612 -0.281605 0.559646 -0.819889 -0.12074 -0.563916 -0.818588 -0.109145 -0.846393 -0.523492 0.097849 -0.838657 -0.535475 0.0996064 -0.778682 0.597046 -0.192849 0.722873 0.660975 -0.201412 -0.944739 0.320337 -0.0696634 -0.635403 -0.769735 -0.0614203 0.706902 -0.706216 -0.0393486 -0.747686 -0.657963 0.0897223 -0.84117 0.510537 -0.178283 -0.985739 0.165025 -0.0329462 0.82516 -0.564333 0.0252922 -0.842692 -0.537594 0.0293678 -0.766405 -0.637963 0.0750128 0.879043 0.439522 -0.184673 -0.843606 0.506872 -0.177228 -0.98623 0.1627 -0.029661 0.892631 -0.450742 -0.00643918 --0.787627 -0.611447 0.0759991 -0.844881 -0.529365 0.0771261 0.879973 0.436878 -0.186507 --0.987768 0.15465 -0.0199549 -0.985775 0.165093 0.0315033 0.901295 -0.433181 -0.00465786 -0.906341 -0.422545 -0.0011836 -0.894208 -0.440431 0.0800783 0.917305 0.346811 -0.195637 -0.882356 0.432583 -0.185256 -0.996776 -0.0190001 0.0779493 0.860584 -0.507798 0.0391984 --0.875593 -0.477047 0.0759135 0.914808 0.347158 -0.206418 -0.918262 -0.375653 0.125218 --0.647596 0.627359 0.432481 -0.574074 0.683601 0.450698 -0.628074 0.664893 0.404278 --0.658946 0.629894 0.411126 0.833918 -0.547733 0.0675979 0.840194 -0.537841 0.0692894 --0.895805 -0.441217 0.0534809 0.914241 0.355832 -0.19377 -0.958697 -0.265429 0.102213 --0.485848 -0.696872 0.527562 -0.374688 -0.745019 0.551866 -0.538516 -0.66768 0.514008 -0.915806 -0.384406 0.116326 -0.911935 -0.4079 0.0446234 0.946198 0.252955 -0.201799 -0.916367 0.351076 -0.192397 -0.980923 -0.115036 0.156704 -0.462568 -0.72496 0.510357 -0.938309 -0.327317 0.11153 0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 -0.942007 -0.332123 0.0481338 -0.951038 0.208849 -0.227835 -0.973728 -0.156552 0.165366 0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 --0.947121 -0.318063 0.0424084 -0.946323 -0.320875 0.0388939 0.939721 0.268262 -0.21204 --0.970249 -0.173227 0.169145 0.937562 -0.330556 0.108213 -0.940597 -0.336391 0.0460259 -0.938056 0.283766 -0.198817 -0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 0.942445 -0.316493 0.107842 -0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 -0.942007 -0.332123 0.0481338 0.965795 0.178257 -0.188318 -0.94359 0.267626 -0.194972 -0.958271 -0.238916 0.156961 0.932844 -0.333618 0.136021 --0.955365 -0.292313 0.0427776 -0.964187 -0.262245 0.0396281 0.977703 0.0987872 -0.185307 --0.927979 -0.331878 0.169444 0.934909 -0.329621 0.131511 -0.967903 -0.24577 0.0525545 -0.982451 0.085296 -0.165878 -0.9542 -0.24866 0.166347 0.939229 -0.315413 0.135511 -0.937489 -0.317879 0.141657 -0.968373 -0.243346 0.0550971 0.983436 0.0874351 -0.158771 --0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 0.951928 0.306221 -0.00782675 0.744662 0.667362 0.0103067 --0.447367 0.858657 -0.250141 -0.920055 0.277962 -0.276109 0.930883 -0.332917 0.150409 --0.959368 -0.259522 0.11073 0.980586 0.0876947 -0.175389 -0.984588 -0.0919425 0.148774 -0.972924 0.205659 -0.105466 -0.939769 -0.284404 -0.189602 0.91166 -0.378968 0.158931 --0.95251 -0.284331 0.108994 -0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 0.976638 0.0810446 -0.199021 --0.960915 -0.208065 0.182621 0.807409 0.585228 -0.0748237 -0.999142 -0.0344532 0.0229688 -0.907595 -0.389554 0.156585 0.898921 -0.414243 0.14263 -0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 -0.968309 -0.00756491 -0.249642 -0.943049 -0.298862 0.146083 0.827908 0.551939 -0.0996556 -0.829409 0.553701 -0.0741315 -0.988999 0.0766979 0.126484 0.923209 -0.350874 0.156754 --0.938228 -0.330791 0.101521 0.81747 0 -0.575971 0.886783 -0.136041 -0.441712 -0.953334 -0.135022 -0.270043 -0.914936 -0.375234 0.148631 0.979671 0.163446 -0.116317 --0.963879 -0.205729 0.169155 0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 -0.942445 -0.316493 0.107842 --0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 0.940581 -0.229456 -0.250316 -0.915144 -0.379766 0.135234 --0.912054 -0.39573 0.107493 0.975988 -0.184472 -0.115832 0.994562 -0.07154 -0.0756873 --0.924056 -0.334353 0.185281 -0.96241 -0.212743 0.168844 0.973323 -0.159799 0.164642 --0.932844 -0.333618 0.136021 0.958965 -0.188685 -0.211623 -0.929024 -0.353084 0.110664 -0.981489 0.19151 0.00177324 -0.914695 0.195669 0.353619 0.927322 -0.339685 0.157127 --0.942986 -0.305259 0.132647 0.967742 -0.176726 -0.179562 -0.944318 -0.324169 0.0563772 -0.778301 0.622885 -0.0791354 0.799704 0.595128 -0.0793504 -0.8851 0.366684 0.286604 --0.827431 0.48322 0.286107 -0.5688 -0.724941 0.388494 0.558626 0.791388 0.248278 -0.034426 0.998353 0.0459013 -0.617527 -0.693453 0.371191 0.920138 -0.349707 0.176216 --0.936023 -0.320393 0.145633 -0.927877 -0.338893 0.155552 0.979754 -0.101184 -0.172753 -0.981068 -0.085914 -0.173564 -0.938781 -0.343883 0.0208414 0.886292 0.462413 -0.0256896 --0.678384 -0.345007 0.648664 -0.819457 -0.320657 0.475047 -0.940819 -0.210288 0.26578 -0.686347 0.630996 0.361624 0.751684 0.602857 0.267457 0.706789 0.660391 0.25364 --0.819705 0.102463 0.563547 -0.8922 -0.181026 0.413774 -0.627888 -0.689446 0.361138 -0.933945 -0.320608 0.157981 -0.918705 -0.372095 0.13239 0.981989 -0.0742681 -0.173727 --0.917171 -0.398376 0.00965761 0.947075 0.290642 0.136296 -0.226875 -0.948751 0.22 --0.557122 -0.793708 0.244218 0.587346 0.306441 0.749079 0.874185 0.417752 0.247557 --0.906806 -0.303399 0.292664 -0.913171 -0.31716 0.255985 0.927322 -0.339685 0.157127 --0.956602 -0.274784 0.0969827 0.94461 -0.272176 -0.183391 -0.933106 -0.359366 0.0130463 --0.943618 -0.330819 0.0119795 0.368099 -0.609268 0.70235 0.913666 0.201007 0.353284 --0.66647 -0.719787 0.194228 -0.65525 -0.721163 0.224879 -0.297492 -0.946762 0.12305 -0.898269 0.175236 0.402994 0.92303 0.26147 0.282221 0.910131 0.340691 0.23578 --0.414276 -0.659075 0.627691 -0.768872 -0.586989 0.253535 -0.867554 -0.438009 0.23558 -0.920138 -0.349707 0.176216 -0.982641 -0.175995 0.0586652 0.91092 -0.365516 -0.19137 --0.969412 -0.230631 0.0839648 -0.755723 -0.432203 0.49202 0.948314 0.0278916 0.316105 --0.785132 -0.42864 0.44703 0.556362 -0.568725 0.605816 0.656064 -0.498123 0.566969 -0.276547 -0.769146 0.576139 -0.543138 -0.78524 0.297319 0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 --0.982995 -0.179131 0.0404011 0.929544 -0.325885 -0.172474 -0.928036 -0.356484 0.108025 --0.781546 -0.390773 0.486295 0.32972 -0.74187 0.583879 0.982172 -0.0879557 0.166139 --0.984305 -0.174911 0.0234358 0.925966 -0.337834 -0.168689 0.922301 -0.342488 -0.17906 --0.840928 -0.522527 0.140736 0.960749 -0.239534 0.139946 -0.995476 -0.0885055 0.0345593 -0.893041 -0.408998 -0.187614 -0.8376 -0.529841 0.133024 -0.899114 -0.436794 0.0283632 -0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 -0.997618 0 0.0689857 0.843606 -0.506872 -0.177228 -0.84233 -0.508536 -0.178528 -0.994726 -0.101503 -0.014764 0.344364 0.0153051 0.938711 -0.384816 0.25161 0.888037 0.45747 0.0714796 0.886348 0.334283 -0.276146 0.90111 -0.388453 -0.371265 0.843367 -0.0610664 0.692086 0.719227 0.341072 -0.259577 0.903488 --0.531593 0.607067 0.590659 -0.487994 -0.350143 0.799538 -0.848697 -0.414609 0.328348 -0.963556 -0.255241 0.0800755 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.886275 -0.419608 -0.196078 --0.437057 0.874115 -0.211907 0.405084 0.914226 0.00991031 0.488817 0.86761 0.091162 -0.210173 0.928038 0.307526 -0.469168 0.310748 0.82663 0.0414232 0.925119 0.377412 --0.66882 0.299209 0.680554 -0.802416 0.0272005 0.596145 -0.797353 -0.246454 0.550898 -0.144292 -0.272552 0.95126 0.319219 -0.520209 0.792137 0.0466797 -0.855794 0.515206 --0.598057 -0.628148 0.497754 0.994258 -0.089038 0.0593587 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.816194 -0.5454 -0.190699 0.813785 -0.548357 -0.192508 -0.67218 -0.640671 -0.371099 --0.557019 -0.768686 -0.314406 -0.0780157 -0.84517 -0.528773 -0.740772 -0.666695 0.082308 -0 -0.853639 -0.520865 0 -0.999504 0.0314805 0 -0.994853 0.101328 -0 -0.909398 0.415926 0 -0.934997 0.354654 -0.147687 -0.912182 0.382248 --0.837426 -0.233381 0.494218 0.995086 0 0.0990135 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.835057 -0.518216 -0.184747 -0.926832 -0.344868 -0.148485 -0.0234658 -0.863541 -0.503732 --0.00729327 -0.99772 0.0670981 0.0127155 -0.925688 0.378074 0.995086 0 0.0990135 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.820178 -0.547229 -0.166876 0.811536 -0.559388 -0.168805 --0.956952 -0.264351 -0.119839 -0.982107 -0.175595 -0.0680601 0.995086 0 0.0990135 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.803754 -0.56963 -0.17176 -0.932644 -0.351766 -0.0802274 -0.994258 0.089038 0.0593587 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.797774 -0.57796 -0.171809 -0.754661 -0.632201 -0.175526 -0.297991 -0.736701 -0.60702 -0.39539 -0.691932 -0.604067 -0.0430287 -0.774517 -0.631088 0.48321 -0.683083 -0.547637 0.485352 -0.7371 -0.470232 -0.578083 -0.662522 -0.476323 -0.928843 -0.368139 -0.0415336 -0.975413 -0.220063 0.0118953 -0.98126 0.175193 0.0802233 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.718864 -0.672108 -0.177497 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.551784 -0.551784 -0.625355 -0.58159 -0.63064 -0.513855 --0.626391 -0.584163 -0.516128 0 -0.40364 -0.914918 -0.245541 -0.613852 -0.750264 -0.773549 -0.0521494 -0.631587 -0.627189 -0.137893 0.766564 -0.935451 0.350794 0.0433079 --0.898769 0.436471 0.0413227 0.982812 0.158012 0.0954571 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.185375 0.17796 0.96642 0.857402 -0.483663 0.175877 -0.338906 0.897994 0.280623 --0.712029 0.66542 0.224121 -0.780361 0.588177 0.212333 0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.40364 0 -0.914918 -0.613852 -0.245541 -0.750264 -0 0 -1 0.382859 -0.316729 -0.867814 0.6379 -0.38274 -0.668276 --0.837997 0.535257 -0.106115 0.979643 0.159679 0.12166 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.738928 -0.627898 0.244395 -0.713958 -0.294895 0.63506 -0.909343 0.239301 0.340339 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 0.673365 -0.714803 -0.188773 -0.564888 -0.451911 -0.690419 --0.522083 -0.540085 -0.660104 0 -0.342852 -0.939389 -0.229748 -0.742263 -0.629493 -0.0276674 -0.774687 -0.631739 0.58132 -0.72818 -0.36307 0.529586 -0.781548 -0.329728 --0.912074 0.372537 -0.171281 -0.961153 0.247659 -0.121864 0.973547 0.173 0.149255 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.748742 -0.614416 0.248752 0.635278 -0.541163 0.550967 -0.674978 -0.528131 0.51525 0.4346 -0.39114 0.811253 0.647272 -0.736992 -0.194632 -0.592917 -0.77952 -0.201986 -0.374299 -0.374299 -0.848411 -0.522083 -0.540085 -0.660104 --0.484928 -0.464723 -0.740863 0 0 -1 -0.32432 -0.32432 -0.888613 --0.15923 -0.641385 -0.750514 0.129084 -0.619922 -0.773973 0.547381 -0.800591 -0.243777 -0.437088 -0.782692 -0.443111 0.570316 -0.795567 -0.204483 0.571862 -0.794706 -0.20351 --0.940204 -0.335531 -0.0586132 0.971269 0.176995 0.15909 -0.991959 -0.073494 0.103032 -0.890045 0.193488 0.412774 -0.601734 0.657157 0.45394 -0.559559 0.742089 0.36905 -0.593383 -0.776323 -0.212648 0.690387 -0.682013 -0.241294 0.695867 -0.676604 -0.240784 --0.334529 -0.559575 -0.758265 -0.351027 -0.604546 -0.715055 -0.229748 -0.742263 -0.629493 --0.511382 -0.665985 -0.543095 0 0.208691 -0.977982 0.576997 -0.552269 -0.601726 -0.695706 -0.683943 -0.219579 0.765076 -0.601888 -0.228887 -0.88332 -0.466227 -0.04877 --0.696474 -0.717474 0.012444 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.991745 -0.0846403 0.0963246 -0.80803 0.512788 0.290062 -0.0340272 0.782625 0.621563 -0.650659 0.679684 0.338633 --0.575574 0.698237 0.425652 0.573936 -0.783507 -0.238148 0.570736 -0.786242 -0.23682 --0.304518 -0.790296 -0.531697 -0.352924 -0.764669 -0.53919 -0.269052 -0.739894 -0.616578 --0.336836 -0.759934 -0.555916 0.22181 -0.208763 -0.95248 -0.201876 -0.232063 -0.951521 -0.689665 -0.515507 -0.508541 0.911446 -0.334489 -0.239547 -0.32526 -0.94218 0.0806431 --0.310025 -0.947492 0.0783771 -0.513201 -0.857889 0.0255324 0.985993 0 0.166785 --0.995816 0 0.0913839 0.922812 -0.350879 0.159065 -0.769477 -0.246993 0.588982 --0.680666 -0.490079 0.544533 0.607283 -0.764151 -0.217441 0.598502 -0.772542 -0.21207 --0.266017 -0.752103 -0.602972 -0.278994 -0.80958 -0.516471 -0.404761 -0.769046 -0.494708 --0.0803889 -0.840429 -0.535926 -0.334393 -0.759983 -0.557321 0.968851 -0.186702 -0.162698 --0.442193 -0.895896 0.0428444 -0.484923 -0.87324 0.0479871 -0.375434 -0.9257 0.0461502 --0.346325 -0.934029 0.0874559 0.985993 0 0.166785 -0.991745 0.0846403 0.0963246 -0.492928 -0.860757 0.126966 0.0776973 -0.99064 0.112229 -0.0571247 -0.991282 0.11873 --0.493055 -0.84793 0.19471 -0.653859 -0.553454 0.515904 0.590372 -0.780377 -0.20609 -0.572871 -0.793442 -0.205594 -0.324841 -0.593574 -0.736307 -0.45913 -0.688695 -0.561159 --0.404494 -0.674157 -0.617977 -0.281767 -0.569727 -0.772022 -0.350017 -0.725961 -0.592004 -0.985853 -0.159009 -0.0530029 -0.864813 -0.480157 0.146788 -0.692506 -0.714244 0.101443 -0.983335 -0.0733832 0.166335 -0.991959 0.073494 0.103032 0.00402836 -0.993661 0.112346 -0.587596 -0.69129 -0.420535 0.58271 -0.785392 -0.208824 0.56284 -0.791292 -0.238892 -0.562033 -0.79094 -0.241935 -0.226493 -0.82773 -0.513385 -0.241248 -0.861599 -0.446595 --0.365597 -0.8165 -0.446841 -0.0694331 -0.883694 -0.462887 -0.292104 -0.823202 -0.48684 --0.431539 -0.721202 -0.541887 0.961957 -0.269611 0.0441523 -0.73451 -0.576341 0.358227 --0.952994 -0.155379 0.260117 0.970003 -0.163404 0.179981 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.521358 -0.801554 -0.292741 0.471267 -0.826425 -0.308107 -0.517718 -0.711862 -0.474575 --0.457399 -0.73991 -0.493274 -0.350017 -0.725961 -0.592004 0.938158 -0.332209 0.097448 --0.711954 -0.561604 0.421571 -0.738749 -0.211071 0.640077 -0.776984 0.365639 0.512449 -0.526008 0.850448 0.00736319 0.561594 0.827147 -0.0209819 -0.398197 0.911999 -0.0984787 --0.996499 -0.0379831 -0.0744768 0.973268 -0.0957941 0.20874 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.432317 -0.845277 -0.314021 0.277767 -0.902352 -0.329555 0.29672 -0.896508 -0.328984 -0.30655 -0.892601 -0.330593 -0.211224 -0.895818 -0.391017 -0.246372 -0.893097 -0.376401 --0.19087 -0.90133 -0.388809 -0.380769 -0.826024 -0.415571 0.91681 -0.368812 0.153092 --0.574699 -0.549468 0.606471 0.00420699 -0.37863 0.925539 -0.202648 0.572181 0.794696 -0 0.447214 0.894427 -0.630304 0.467218 0.620019 -0.614424 0.384409 0.688995 --0.597018 0.447763 0.665641 0.345204 0.927614 0.14271 0.219501 0.969407 0.109858 --0.229929 0.965862 0.119341 -0.518612 0.842456 0.14598 0.761176 0.567208 0.314463 -0.480353 0.857773 0.182992 0.412654 0.903095 0.118895 -0.83391 -0.525598 -0.168348 --0.73334 -0.668785 -0.122223 0.977765 0 0.209704 -0.990783 0.0880882 0.102909 -0.318775 -0.888499 -0.330079 0.414728 -0.854726 -0.312161 0.393909 -0.871766 -0.291306 --0.167097 -0.925588 -0.339655 -0.210937 -0.922849 -0.322265 0 -0.938787 -0.344499 --0.123661 -0.931581 -0.341855 -0.122384 -0.945694 -0.301139 -0.20314 -0.91973 -0.335902 --0.28152 -0.89949 -0.334162 0.896953 -0.419203 0.140515 0.871755 -0.470252 0.137501 --0.268549 -0.960267 0.0759533 0.175164 -0.967724 0.181186 0.856429 -0.394109 0.333477 -0.445689 -0.869571 0.212622 -0.336085 -0.93357 0.124476 0.0232069 -0.999117 -0.0350139 -0.373427 -0.908543 -0.187355 0 -0.357789 0.933803 -0.323885 -0.689561 0.647769 --0.677957 0.0739589 0.731372 0.94085 -0.210308 0.265652 0.847716 0.493216 0.195232 --0.82378 0.554737 0.116848 -0.850412 0.525255 0.0301072 0.724963 0.626742 0.285698 -0.717732 0.67434 0.173569 0.683848 0.706168 0.183517 0.425656 0.243232 0.871582 --0.379604 -0.827626 0.413445 -0.799874 -0.599905 0.017775 -0.784501 -0.613566 0.0899658 -0.97202 -0.108245 0.208472 -0.980301 0.1742 0.0930774 0.342227 -0.896509 -0.28134 -0.149137 -0.955078 -0.256094 0.0528742 -0.971123 -0.232647 0 -0.972483 -0.232972 -0 -0.90031 -0.435249 -0.0528742 -0.971123 -0.232647 -0.149137 -0.955078 -0.256094 --0.234589 -0.927496 -0.291064 0.78306 -0.599178 0.166741 -0.502994 -0.864119 0.0171964 --0.441164 -0.896792 0.0337502 -0.327019 -0.94308 0.0604809 0.970338 -0.188498 0.15137 --0.82888 -0.559316 0.0110834 -0.893176 -0.448092 -0.0380928 0.963121 0.216896 -0.159229 --0.759243 -0.172095 0.627641 -0.150614 -0.506612 0.848917 -0.326814 -0.673139 0.663383 -0.987592 -0.127364 0.091869 0.984198 -0.176688 0.0116819 -0.391963 0.905571 -0.162192 --0.806214 0.586434 -0.0781912 -0.444323 0.654278 -0.611962 -0.927756 -0.0655707 -0.367382 -0.601259 0.720474 0.345551 0.73298 0.662853 0.152857 0.686924 0.703664 0.18164 --0.284726 -0.260999 0.922394 -0.571962 -0.784995 0.237995 -0.573067 -0.796486 0.192884 --0.621233 -0.762161 0.182152 0.938767 -0.287472 0.18994 -0.981345 0.178831 0.0705833 -0.803877 -0.572697 0.160625 0.832671 -0.512363 0.210101 -0.544894 -0.838298 0.0186288 --0.480725 -0.876849 0.00632533 0.994235 0.0699282 0.081284 -0.973598 0.122971 -0.192316 -0.738164 0.649585 -0.182081 0.860037 0.474696 -0.187086 -0.991592 -0.0517088 0.118626 -0.961565 0.272979 -0.0295963 -0.799181 0.592106 -0.103538 -0.967347 0.190745 -0.166901 --0.911891 -0.333191 -0.239664 0.860748 0.472624 0.189049 0.865778 0.469974 0.171908 -0.863642 0.474633 0.169839 0.114888 0.0774826 0.990352 -0.7072 -0.65397 0.268685 --0.693397 -0.690052 0.207434 -0.602114 -0.772772 0.200705 0.965312 -0.182386 0.186835 --0.994258 0.089038 0.0593587 0.750582 -0.592685 0.292147 -0.397157 -0.917569 -0.0182601 --0.388419 -0.921292 -0.0187255 -0.450752 -0.892649 0 0.929841 0.356706 0.0903121 --0.39972 -0.799439 0.448466 -0.0508834 -0.85371 0.518257 -0.692984 0.694726 -0.192689 -0.0248318 0.980858 -0.193137 0.162674 0.967991 -0.191129 0.662743 0.717365 -0.214845 --0.984132 -0.176639 0.0168228 0.856534 0.514883 -0.0352879 0.936277 0.349317 -0.0369269 --0.942913 -0.331188 0.035067 0.403378 0.541117 0.737887 0.994668 0.0219412 0.100767 --0.704075 -0.656962 0.26959 -0.603306 -0.784298 0.14456 -0.724981 -0.660808 0.194253 -0.981579 0.0849699 0.17112 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 0.727857 -0.618455 0.296204 -0.0147027 -0.940973 0.338162 0.0770382 -0.969719 0.231757 0.582397 -0.804078 0.119466 -0.66045 -0.737666 0.140195 -0.582227 -0.812493 0.0294295 -0.179542 -0.980125 -0.0843751 -0.229626 -0.971496 -0.0588786 0.08238 -0.99386 -0.073869 -0.01356 -0.997112 -0.0747306 --0.00279177 -0.997221 -0.0744473 -0.178722 -0.983813 -0.0130727 -0.416589 -0.909073 0.00627838 -0.765165 0.633543 0.114658 0.792715 0.598654 0.114961 -0.575386 -0.405201 0.710453 --0.0360068 -0.711135 0.702133 0.631299 -0.26971 0.72713 0.13398 0.973679 -0.184389 --0.786589 -0.587223 -0.190908 0.683335 0.729251 -0.0352922 0.72863 0.683751 -0.0397755 --0.798233 -0.578233 0.168732 -0.866879 -0.482376 0.125837 0.323581 -0.942908 0.0788656 --0.502939 -0.858277 0.102046 0.973728 0.156552 0.165366 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 -0.777952 0.529219 -0.3387 0.749279 0.613653 -0.249019 0.309423 0.948679 -0.0653135 -0.20013 0.979296 0.0304582 0.089334 0.982674 0.162392 -0.235125 0.953014 0.190998 --0.546514 0.805437 0.229332 -0.568801 0.78387 0.249027 0.485678 -0.857445 0.170016 --0.159158 -0.968464 0.191691 -0.636435 -0.766822 0.0832775 0.799041 0.585829 0.135416 --0.0232585 -0.424468 0.905144 0.756611 0.346981 0.554206 -0.707849 -0.671763 -0.218369 --0.847774 -0.51472 -0.127839 -0.656344 -0.725433 -0.207267 0.407615 0.912807 0.0251809 -0.530167 0.847803 -0.012388 -0.558937 -0.792326 0.24456 -0.621979 -0.753065 0.214559 -0.322649 0.875361 -0.360058 0.278898 0.756639 -0.591366 -0.26714 0.252299 -0.930044 --0.327934 0.213539 -0.92025 -0.509336 -0.0836223 -0.856495 -0.744883 -0.440047 -0.501506 --0.865884 -0.368839 -0.337938 0.974931 0.158911 0.155747 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 -0.886257 -0.418595 -0.198309 -0.819473 -0.281649 0.499138 -0.916385 -0.078894 0.392447 --0.898507 -0.211238 0.384791 0.989082 -0.0196767 0.146045 0.938853 0.309822 0.150217 --0.784379 -0.182088 0.592953 0 -0.471215 0.882018 0.604551 -0.453413 0.654931 --0.170221 -0.958912 0.226962 0.340323 0.850809 0.400381 0.0535363 0.963654 0.261733 -0.322316 0.799344 0.507111 0.240544 0.955847 0.168803 0.119379 0.967217 0.224141 -0.0841203 0.96101 0.263407 0.242414 0.965428 0.0958381 -0.667303 -0.696589 0.263574 --0.78311 -0.594693 0.181875 -0.583646 -0.781176 0.221631 0.418615 0.897032 0.141753 -0.409875 0.900101 0.147717 0.327479 0.936939 0.122079 -0.0806806 0.996095 0.035858 --0.478523 0.849237 -0.223185 -0.616534 0.561904 -0.551498 -0.560483 0.552552 -0.616884 -0.43921 0.380418 -0.813865 0.323313 0.0668923 -0.943925 0.281222 0.55646 -0.781836 --0.414636 -0.763803 -0.494653 -0.560148 -0.737139 -0.37797 -0.491984 -0.242527 -0.836141 --0.484683 -0.846938 -0.218583 0.972022 0.172729 0.159181 -0.982641 0.175995 0.0586652 -0.524648 -0.851137 -0.0176141 0.283137 -0.958311 0.0383739 -0.286332 -0.94321 0.16843 --0.486938 -0.844547 0.222782 -0.889608 -0.255526 0.378556 0.959574 -0.242135 0.143488 -0.882036 -0.450006 0.139671 -0.742364 0.593891 0.310143 0.918054 0.0612036 0.391703 --0.299391 -0.953943 -0.0189158 -0.408799 -0.907228 -0.0991028 -0.149332 -0.981512 0.119729 --0.188888 -0.969078 0.158775 -0.214925 -0.965081 0.149754 -0.06556 -0.971108 0.22946 -0.891861 0.0964174 0.441913 0.942344 -0.105825 0.317474 -0.98989 0.00856306 0.141576 -0.574859 0.817835 0.0261383 0.550082 0.833389 0.0536054 0.453329 0.880641 0.137707 --0.874919 -0.271263 -0.401164 -0.337804 -0.855989 -0.391372 -0.25232 -0.820983 -0.512173 --0.290521 -0.933019 -0.212304 0.972073 0.177141 0.153934 -0.929024 0.353084 0.110664 -0.180625 -0.981099 0.0694205 0.0125628 -0.995155 0.0975114 -0.158983 -0.977415 0.139228 --0.314324 0.679726 0.662701 0.0455877 0.747638 0.662541 -0.27552 0.74046 0.613032 --0.470453 0.623969 0.623969 0.852567 0.518954 0.0617802 0.078002 0.972492 0.219486 --0.282537 0.936832 0.206202 0.0781423 0.967762 0.239436 0.290705 0.935707 0.19986 -0.162957 0.972994 0.163484 -0.649065 0.740365 0.174855 -0.859571 0.508927 0.0461662 -0.938298 -0.295476 0.179694 -0.323151 -0.799539 0.506271 0.539562 -0.756329 0.369918 -0.0591047 -0.990004 0.12806 -0.447683 0.826491 0.34131 -0.372896 0.864362 0.337382 --0.623361 -0.749652 -0.222359 -0.841719 -0.497379 -0.210055 0.923711 -0.300417 0.237713 --0.747978 0.635781 0.190556 0.615968 0.782256 -0.0930588 0.645985 0.760378 -0.0672901 --0.924648 -0.344908 -0.161446 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.93006 0.340688 0.137551 --0.468715 0.338517 0.815912 0.998236 -0.0576002 -0.0143583 -0.338731 0.193561 0.920758 --0.981036 -0.193008 -0.0177724 0.970405 -0.193783 0.144095 -0.191495 -0.833568 0.518164 --0.464684 -0.883052 0.0654866 -0.676968 -0.734808 0.0421014 -0.0893582 -0.994723 0.0504072 --0.0905864 -0.990233 0.10598 -0.180049 -0.978796 0.0976737 0.527412 -0.846036 0.0778419 -0.750225 -0.653257 0.102071 -0.877754 0.455368 -0.148952 0.615922 -0.74676 0.250977 -0.408844 -0.906834 0.102467 -0.738009 0.654412 0.164583 -0.228873 0.972709 -0.0381454 -0.337487 0.935758 -0.102269 0.581949 0.807511 -0.0962396 -0.913794 -0.406131 -0.0061535 --0.90515 -0.419733 0.0672855 0.985993 0 0.166785 -0.973323 0.159799 0.164642 -0.893689 -0.438371 -0.0956583 0.734908 -0.666249 -0.126582 -0.34802 -0.912492 0.215037 -0 -0.9837 0.179816 -0.256757 -0.960868 0.103963 -0.534985 -0.841855 0.0712107 -0.992076 0.0888426 0.0888426 -0.77454 -0.580905 0.250276 -0.731025 -0.629021 0.264453 --0.151516 -0.925564 0.346949 0.144294 -0.945232 0.292771 0.0801606 -0.921847 0.379173 --0.0369768 -0.90593 0.421809 -0.288508 -0.601059 0.745313 -0.0283629 -0.855615 0.516835 -0.630647 -0.667527 0.395845 0.752454 -0.620057 0.222132 -0.859289 -0.492892 0.136672 --0.858604 -0.506671 0.0779977 0.78356 -0.609436 0.12092 0.773686 -0.613753 0.157216 --0.83706 0.506832 -0.206039 0.397346 -0.914024 0.0817053 0.640441 -0.765318 0.0642225 -0.626561 -0.775742 0.0751431 -0.904265 -0.368404 0.215833 0.985993 0 0.166785 --0.985993 0 0.166785 0.127883 -0.989553 -0.0665629 -0.234956 -0.971224 0.0389789 --0.222632 -0.960744 0.165547 -0.0664783 -0.986728 0.148152 0.854386 0.515038 0.0689927 --0.883359 -0.419596 0.208844 0.746926 -0.630354 0.211557 0.391488 -0.897001 0.205246 --0.644467 -0.731907 0.221299 0.74956 -0.643764 0.154037 0.728101 -0.667812 0.154586 --0.84479 0.495855 -0.20114 -0.939313 0.337442 -0.0618315 0.577231 -0.812488 0.0816531 -0.54668 -0.829782 0.112265 0.0757077 -0.791146 0.606924 0.122598 -0.98078 0.151787 --0.935367 -0.344489 0.0801019 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.991737 0 0.128284 -0.698525 0.709022 0.0966993 0.709161 0.698746 0.0940498 -0.921047 -0.292973 0.256591 --0.924892 -0.296325 0.238257 0.433101 -0.880099 0.194548 -0.605116 -0.759848 0.237625 -0.759829 -0.631018 0.156451 0.772156 -0.617008 0.151905 -0.968309 -0.239311 0.0714704 -0.526635 -0.840004 0.130571 0.163394 -0.972194 0.167751 -0.29119 -0.934755 0.203569 --0.25437 -0.951374 0.173732 0.796281 -0.566678 0.21169 0.828117 -0.516914 0.216846 --0.183889 -0.981474 0.0537944 -0.320398 -0.946777 0.0309718 0.2411 -0.966844 0.0841678 -0.233528 -0.969895 0.069054 -0.903472 -0.428388 0.0148887 -0.611621 -0.79001 -0.0424737 -0.95884 0.249869 0.134877 -0.995086 0 0.0990135 0.842244 0.527974 0.108947 -0.749169 0.654664 0.100806 -0.763318 -0.501609 0.407103 -0.924073 -0.100311 0.368819 -0.925196 0.201129 0.321807 0.380651 0.827094 0.413547 -0.0736462 0.97213 0.222575 --0.113333 0.988034 0.104615 0.125218 0.990362 0.059194 0.0616862 0.99647 -0.0569411 --0.604642 0.77921 -0.165047 -0.654665 0.737226 -0.167066 0.595467 -0.782614 0.181476 --0.473794 -0.85559 0.208531 -0.6647 -0.724096 0.184008 0.840159 -0.507061 0.192413 --0.64744 -0.761694 -0.0253898 -0.490858 -0.871197 0.00863829 0.167001 -0.983267 0.0727743 --0.236405 -0.971655 0 0.932844 0.333618 0.136021 -0.982641 0.175995 0.0586652 --0.39749 0.0709803 0.914857 0.80754 0.13459 0.574251 -0.39443 0.302396 0.867745 --0.663323 0.151617 0.732813 0.89597 0.443798 0.0167471 -0.912339 -0.180567 0.36747 --0.861592 -0.292516 0.414841 -0.899625 -0.282235 0.333194 0.886292 -0.462413 0.0256896 --0.841918 0.528263 -0.110055 -0.0856621 -0.980355 0.177669 0.73686 -0.653738 0.172233 --0.147438 -0.989063 0.0040955 -0.406043 -0.912823 -0.043394 0.960749 0.239534 0.139946 --0.929024 0.353084 0.110664 -0.320564 0.0674871 0.94482 0.39365 0.919182 -0.0119893 -0.726182 0.68718 -0.0210488 -0.724245 -0.654157 0.218052 -0.449876 -0.736161 0.505646 --0.84227 -0.409501 0.350558 0.746128 -0.664265 -0.0452199 -0.848602 0.516435 -0.114763 --0.352292 -0.935056 -0.0395094 0.922438 -0.359595 0.140711 0.987849 0.0884641 0.127781 --0.934583 0.342345 0.096723 0.257508 0.835331 0.485707 0.0494662 0.831032 0.554021 --0.217452 0.848061 0.483226 0.322634 0.939848 0.112221 0.0790893 0.996705 0.0179748 --0.180111 0.978306 -0.102358 -0.333222 0.928936 -0.161372 0.916886 0.387913 0.0940396 -0.161262 0.983526 0.0816756 0.238774 0.971075 0 -0.777287 -0.606089 0.168764 --0.74616 -0.633307 0.205349 0.776905 -0.629617 -0.00107903 0.762229 -0.64725 0.00859036 --0.872436 0.473766 -0.120006 -0.863423 0.485162 -0.13827 0.901675 0.430157 -0.0441187 -0.983641 0.178108 -0.026986 -0.213526 0.97368 0.0797165 -0.264783 0.957141 0.117354 --0.398744 0.886098 0.236293 0.992076 0.0888426 0.0888426 -0.964809 0.244802 0.0960009 -0.195266 0.78616 0.586365 0.747579 0.615653 0.249193 -0.883377 0.376598 0.278961 --0.841635 0.479792 0.247892 0.631517 0.758482 0.16091 0.509108 0.846123 0.157752 --0.73302 0.640187 -0.229873 -0.985746 0.0789435 -0.148572 0.94526 0.322741 0.0481914 --0.707235 -0.681672 0.18746 -0.749768 -0.638475 0.173774 0.745203 -0.66536 0.0443573 --0.561706 0.6366 -0.528419 -0.843485 0.316307 -0.434147 0.907987 -0.404496 0.109285 --0.869999 -0.39875 0.29 -0.80228 0.566315 -0.188772 0.965174 0.25152 0.0719457 --0.98126 0.175193 0.0802233 0.420999 0.90047 0.109148 0.214094 0.961517 0.172189 -0.177858 0.966364 0.185763 0.289185 0.937659 0.19279 -0.887417 0.371686 0.272656 -0.867886 0.286595 0.405756 0.879213 0.432113 0.200654 0.713733 0.678553 0.173641 --0.743582 -0.659084 -0.112664 0.796122 0.601769 0.0637452 -0.783658 -0.602979 0.149319 --0.730793 -0.660824 0.171037 0.560643 0.824475 -0.076951 0.0938288 0.995588 0.000955 --0.771634 0.635276 0.031711 -0.801444 0.59723 0.031681 0.727177 -0.677801 0.108628 -0.717909 -0.686696 0.11426 -0.403455 -0.14483 -0.903464 -0.754303 -0.258618 -0.603443 --0.739379 -0.285893 -0.609577 -0.902111 0.0674808 -0.426194 0.898344 -0.425962 0.107401 -0.530778 -0.836912 0.133612 -0.654043 -0.744256 0.135319 0.935161 0.334447 0.116703 --0.968373 0.243346 0.0550971 0.271817 -0.888631 -0.369392 0.905576 -0.424178 -0.00248785 --0.898645 0.246485 0.362881 -0.878041 0.269225 0.395679 0.942709 0.00771658 0.333528 -0.944479 0.0718895 0.320611 -0.532907 -0.836714 -0.126171 -0.418588 -0.906668 -0.0523235 -0.688407 0.716801 0.110871 0.762943 0.642586 0.0707184 -0.90686 -0.392522 0.153399 -0.998228 -0.0462258 0.0374804 -0.997735 -0.057916 0.0342231 0.491553 -0.849046 0.193642 --0.451911 -0.891608 0.0284989 -0.72445 -0.678208 -0.123311 -0.154193 -0.90974 -0.385483 -0.521877 -0.84215 0.135751 0.0316642 -0.987177 0.156458 0.94166 0.319294 0.106431 --0.945479 0.321611 0.051337 0.504367 -0.852206 0.139136 0.0773271 -0.947258 0.311004 --0.270119 -0.764532 0.585257 -0.393708 0.51711 0.759994 -0.337067 0.41068 0.847188 --0.511949 0.500043 0.698473 0.749796 0.644924 0.147914 0.372719 0.873962 0.311884 --0.27968 0.925729 0.254567 -0.387366 0.867965 0.31078 -0.209284 0.863295 0.459262 --0.221396 0.846047 0.484962 -0.225881 0.797226 0.55983 -0.22643 0.769375 0.597321 --0.370753 0.750334 0.547303 0.936041 -0.0744578 0.343924 0.22259 -0.926929 0.302087 --0.0853507 -0.971545 0.220943 -0.27938 -0.954058 0.108262 -0.394411 -0.91891 -0.00662875 -0.899368 0.412949 0.143561 0.751775 0.647856 0.122955 -0.938592 -0.319268 0.130814 -0.733675 -0.669384 0.116817 -0.938927 -0.333841 0.0834602 0.137194 -0.968931 0.205791 --0.146459 -0.97814 0.147622 -0.020719 -0.80804 0.588764 0.150539 -0.784057 0.602156 -0.0168332 -0.52183 0.852883 -0.249279 -0.807447 0.534686 0.937562 0.330556 0.108213 -0.942445 0.316493 0.107842 -0.93994 0.336695 0.0561158 0.236437 -0.956391 0.171506 -0.0787831 -0.982312 0.169871 -0.0329484 -0.98484 0.170308 -0.0917315 -0.974491 0.204825 --0.187575 -0.935656 0.298936 -0.22054 -0.803395 0.5531 -0.0340662 0.0170331 0.999274 --0.393818 -0.393818 0.830551 0.120903 -0.70527 0.698553 -0.70527 0.120903 0.698553 --0.671994 -0.186091 0.716794 0.954748 0.168736 0.244917 0.953272 0.197675 0.228465 -0.935294 0.277849 0.219148 -0.580904 0.783082 0.22211 -0.792735 0.0468434 0.607764 --0.94386 0.152858 0.292854 0.667641 0.731633 0.137727 0.784931 0.605469 0.131491 --0.600932 0.348833 0.719164 -0.714862 0.194962 0.671537 0.987926 0.0177048 0.153913 --0.960602 -0.241393 0.137742 0.729484 -0.66932 0.140939 0.173191 -0.899037 0.402166 -0.424978 0.882816 0.200076 0.39292 0.894521 0.21318 -0.103486 0.952782 0.285478 --0.21034 0.893083 0.397692 -0.539139 0.787489 0.298648 -0.0822085 -0.829234 0.552823 -0.935161 0.334447 0.116703 -0.944881 0.32297 0.0537605 -0.223261 -0.458925 0.859967 -0.784895 -0.242509 0.570201 0.829037 -0.138173 0.541854 -0.661083 -0.669713 0.338309 --0.687977 -0.651833 0.319062 0.573134 0.807597 0.138941 0.65065 0.744605 0.149055 --0.9574 -0.109048 0.267382 0.991783 0.117286 0.0510981 -0.951919 -0.257508 0.165949 -0.895763 0.0453551 0.442212 0.912843 0.0370907 0.406624 0.882829 -0.0764655 0.463428 --0.517766 0.534577 0.667941 -0.0185995 0.658955 0.751953 -0.034456 0.955934 0.291551 -0.343907 0.910341 0.230234 0.45066 0.870621 0.197292 -0.777171 0.564647 0.277809 --0.92431 0.299776 0.236187 0.915302 0.380062 0.133326 -0.945479 0.321611 0.051337 -0.61184 0.772478 0.170087 0.0868562 0.959366 0.268465 -0.18378 0.966933 0.176819 --0.0796151 0.987227 0.138 -0.133291 0.911708 0.388616 -0.0562991 0.925181 0.375327 --0.264587 0.841867 0.470376 0.609402 -0.370421 0.701012 -0.666254 -0.674645 0.317743 -0.299222 0.933099 0.199481 0.18655 0.967198 0.172417 0.474731 0.864116 0.167134 --0.969563 -0.217657 0.112126 0.949223 0.314029 0.019032 -0.946577 -0.28256 0.155408 --0.937489 -0.317879 0.141657 0.902487 -0.0638929 0.425952 0.83711 -0.413388 0.358269 -0.403713 0.858964 0.314954 -0.982239 0.010807 0.187322 0.170172 0.96184 0.214256 -0.322634 0.939848 0.112221 0.235282 0.957355 0.167672 -0.251342 0.952172 0.173767 --0.650482 0.757175 0.0596562 0.890888 0.428295 0.151266 0.907316 0.395497 0.142689 --0.916348 0.396628 0.0547073 0.79735 0.601228 -0.0525137 0.816542 0.569431 0.0949051 --0.936468 -0.248335 0.247703 0.622716 0.770025 0.138877 0.639269 0.757837 0.130452 -0.328412 0.921155 0.208854 -0.90309 -0.429338 -0.00986984 0.962071 0.272799 0 -0.952346 0.304588 0.0162447 -0.900467 -0.409868 0.145494 0.882518 -0.468838 -0.0367716 --0.984232 -0.0461571 0.170751 0.756585 0.596597 0.267678 0.734355 0.622262 0.271132 -0.230891 0.935931 0.265936 0.189247 0.96344 0.189657 0.189054 0.962454 0.194782 --0.189464 0.964546 0.183723 -0.487393 0.856514 0.169799 -0.391319 0.904234 0.170972 -0.734944 0.673608 -0.0781624 0.68022 0.730716 -0.0579226 0.216172 0.976324 0.00774349 -0.0927428 0.99513 0.0333874 -0.705545 0.70769 0.0371716 -0.849536 0.263464 -0.457029 --0.909507 0.196297 -0.36642 0.898921 0.414243 0.14263 -0.907331 0.412992 0.0786651 -0.972589 0.00495136 -0.232478 0.963906 0.19031 -0.18619 -0.849418 -0.501891 0.163079 -0.479853 0.870845 0.106634 0.620652 0.778636 0.0922828 -0.847093 -0.529328 -0.0473859 -0.936479 0.350724 0 -0.886935 -0.436849 0.150029 0.979753 -0.188784 -0.0666717 --0.98167 0.0994456 0.162586 0.905524 0.109557 0.409908 0.967228 0.00614113 0.253834 --0.430995 0.889658 0.150838 -0.4468 0.880649 0.157567 -0.423661 0.90028 -0.100031 --0.290129 0.928414 -0.232104 0.462084 0.873942 -0.15068 0.625276 0.769006 -0.132889 --0.676037 -0.730851 -0.0939666 -0.627252 -0.774974 -0.0772701 0.915704 0.380649 0.12881 -0.910762 0.390913 0.133042 -0.94485 0.320375 0.0679584 0.935441 -0.261671 -0.237653 -0.463751 -0.879528 -0.106609 -0.646283 -0.752002 0.129656 -0.833262 -0.528879 0.161124 -0.556124 0.826158 0.0904978 0.545323 0.831994 0.102023 0.496161 0.858403 0.130261 --0.84961 -0.52248 -0.0719597 -0.829593 -0.549583 -0.0986588 0.922822 0.385228 0 --0.904864 -0.404737 0.131941 0.979963 -0.199179 0 -0.988907 0.0111331 0.148118 -0.950273 0.291417 0.109809 0.32035 0.944621 0.0711888 -0.209442 0.977802 -0.00608843 --0.334132 0.942514 0.00479042 -0.417537 0.908529 0.0154643 0.876575 -0.443532 0.186803 --0.372264 0.908099 -0.191772 -0.0882881 0.975584 -0.201101 0.304687 0.935642 -0.178157 --0.435788 -0.896981 0.0742598 -0.528449 -0.84741 0.0513582 0.904864 0.404737 0.131941 --0.94561 0.317556 0.0705679 -0.940309 0.331525 0.0768753 0.328661 -0.943846 0.0337088 --0.130234 -0.985437 0.109332 -0.613055 -0.778677 0.133517 0.737178 0.641024 -0.213675 --0.941726 -0.325287 -0.0856723 0.0731249 0.967077 0.24375 0.0333514 0.9682 0.247945 --0.0491532 0.966679 0.251227 0.950925 0.309421 0 0.935084 0.354427 0 --0.915704 -0.380649 0.12881 0.957916 -0.280314 0.0618193 -0.986087 -0.143278 0.084281 -0.961897 -0.242722 0.125856 -0.567532 0.82305 0.0222562 -0.790305 0.609033 -0.0670562 -0.832218 -0.523935 0.181399 0.668505 -0.724698 0.167072 -0.336249 -0.939275 0.0685467 --0.373255 -0.914115 0.158351 -0.308917 -0.940954 0.13848 -0.346823 -0.931835 0.106756 -0.891109 0.438905 0.115268 -0.909999 0.407034 0.0788965 0.655354 0.472465 -0.589311 -0.715155 0.131873 -0.686413 -0.970202 -0.240965 0.0253648 -0.980567 -0.182926 0.0709014 -0.55495 0.793739 0.249016 0.564847 0.796469 0.215836 -0.74402 0.6392 0.194569 --0.795926 0.597597 0.0968449 0.987001 0.160715 0 -0.910762 -0.390913 0.133042 --0.898921 -0.414243 0.14263 0.9271 -0.356142 0.11683 0.855212 -0.493465 0.158443 --0.966198 -0.256732 -0.0234648 0.835548 -0.538439 0.109282 -0.752948 0.649358 -0.106788 --0.63996 0.734769 -0.224867 0.644276 -0.746059 0.168239 0.421389 -0.893143 0.157251 -0.302968 -0.939202 0.161583 -0.0432635 -0.822006 -0.567833 -0.730952 -0.472755 -0.49215 --0.00879051 -0.959924 -0.280124 -0.0714231 -0.975179 -0.209583 -0.187769 -0.964695 -0.18468 --0.312614 -0.94709 -0.0727582 -0.331391 -0.941849 0.0556724 0.69814 0.679073 0.226847 -0.704182 0.678293 0.209874 0.136649 0.976065 0.169185 -0.782013 0.616988 0.0882119 --0.962902 0.26848 0.0271878 0.87301 0.47564 0.1078 -0.894208 0.440431 0.0800783 -0.58504 0.645561 -0.490896 0.565425 0.565425 -0.60049 0.345295 0 -0.938494 -0.183808 -0.76865 -0.612692 0 -0.87317 -0.487416 0.256686 -0.81284 -0.52288 -0.369262 -0.812376 -0.45132 -0.324628 -0.945655 -0.018819 0.125901 -0.99192 -0.0155877 -0.279469 -0.958763 -0.051678 -0.979733 -0.139762 0.143489 0.842539 -0.401381 0.359194 -0.816503 0.468688 0.337126 0.656996 -0.399171 0.639546 -0.987105 0.151862 -0.0506207 -1 0 0 -0.872008 -0.466563 0.148061 0.62707 -0.777092 0.0539647 -0.618165 -0.784549 0.0485288 -0.925432 -0.311053 -0.216385 -0.912262 -0.334167 -0.236878 -0.834184 -0.540728 0.108402 0.871034 -0.478699 0.110216 -0.603543 0.766511 -0.219538 --0.219701 0.957567 -0.186539 -0.164018 0.973854 -0.157183 -0.109557 0.99348 -0.031539 --0.307155 0.950999 0.035441 0.17421 -0.968971 0.175348 0.166698 -0.972992 0.15968 -0.353095 -0.920885 0.165211 0.54846 -0.822689 0.14958 -0.77583 -0.573902 -0.262153 --0.890532 -0.287568 -0.352502 0.620804 0.64591 0.444301 0.626694 0.663362 0.408907 -0.618814 0.673415 0.404453 0.726395 -0.333287 0.601057 0.229135 -0.910085 0.345316 --0.682228 -0.730959 0.0162435 0.894208 0.440431 0.0800783 -0.907331 0.412992 0.0786651 -0.681032 0.376741 -0.627902 -0.241627 -0.638585 -0.730634 -0.366851 -0.791307 -0.489135 -0.567982 -0.743976 -0.351989 0.601696 -0.75212 -0.268843 0.561811 -0.783055 -0.266819 --0.544378 -0.838636 -0.0185274 -0.466562 -0.881284 -0.0752192 0.821962 -0.557699 -0.115544 -0.99236 -0.0870827 -0.0874017 -0.994794 0.0306877 0.0971778 0.779985 -0.548672 0.300969 -0.314976 -0.926439 0.206159 0.0796151 -0.987227 0.138 -0.118885 -0.990709 0.0660473 -1 0 0 -0.866056 -0.478626 0.144445 -0.876693 -0.463248 0.129658 -0.692094 -0.711521 -0.12142 0.673143 -0.641088 -0.368626 -0.840155 0.228775 -0.491734 --0.794007 0.174681 -0.582271 0.904379 -0.415125 0.0988393 -0.188828 0.964867 -0.182688 --0.540485 0.83688 0.0866467 -0.750966 0.659385 -0.0355224 0.472117 -0.881286 0.020983 --0.689591 -0.678858 -0.252224 -0.76161 -0.58942 -0.269323 0.690456 0.0470766 0.721841 -0.844057 0.19916 0.497899 0.776658 0.44287 0.44796 -0.227808 -0.672703 0.703971 --0.686188 -0.648067 0.330387 -0.470251 -0.853687 0.223791 0.865962 0.49676 0.0577907 --0.94485 0.320375 0.0679584 0.810314 0.450174 -0.375145 -0.385487 -0.416151 -0.82354 --0.124783 -0.945051 -0.302172 -0.435675 -0.89242 -0.117358 0.845825 0.506554 -0.167283 --0.90183 0.432091 -0.00038614 1 0 0 -0.89611 -0.430805 0.106743 -0.933381 0.285803 -0.217065 -0.863862 0.284682 -0.41557 -0.920171 0.288747 -0.264404 -0.909999 -0.407034 0.0788965 -0.76547 0.642157 -0.0411043 -0.682768 0.720467 -0.121474 -0.487663 -0.624719 0.609845 -0.232717 -0.867757 0.439137 0.87627 0.474048 0.0861905 --0.946459 0.317841 0.056505 -0.942007 0.332123 0.0481338 0.477676 0.877509 0.0424601 -0.0474296 0.986536 -0.156518 -0.909538 0.400197 -0.112176 0.665187 0.741896 -0.0843615 -0.837273 0.520343 -0.16798 -0.897915 0.440169 0.000488263 -0.814913 0.579494 0.0102154 -1 0 0 -0.946887 -0.315629 0.0615072 -0.964187 -0.262245 0.0396281 -0.913814 0.396829 -0.0864277 -0.982288 0.0762009 -0.171185 0.88096 -0.463637 0.0945998 --0.765014 0.639602 -0.0752473 -0.938451 0.345317 -0.00812512 0.802708 0.596364 -0.00310001 --0.911935 0.4079 0.0446234 0.405731 0.894223 0.189072 0.330252 0.920704 0.207937 -0.0132112 0.95121 0.308262 -0.855886 0.109428 0.505455 -0.880425 0 0.474186 --0.894675 -0.0378345 0.445112 0.784203 0.615061 0.0820082 0.523255 0.850394 0.0550795 --0.978238 -0.19341 0.0751261 0.748462 0.656814 0.0916485 0.683425 0.727721 -0.0579108 --0.84381 0.536501 -0.0122825 -0.875652 0.482762 -0.0132554 1 0 0 --0.998383 -0.0380227 0.0422474 0.68437 -0.28888 0.669467 0.756813 -0.24925 0.604242 -0.701308 -0.137098 0.699551 -0.622639 0.437793 0.648582 -0.623985 0.339192 0.703983 --0.666768 0.35864 0.653298 0.78887 0.613957 -0.0272198 0.909601 0.407789 -0.0795857 --0.964919 -0.225766 -0.134017 0.874059 -0.476451 0.0949511 0.466345 -0.875391 0.12733 --0.191218 -0.978682 -0.0749441 -0.18324 -0.980797 -0.0667926 0.185905 -0.979727 -0.0746564 -0.206426 -0.976194 -0.0665889 -0.91413 -0.36041 0.185666 -0.392605 0.326002 0.859991 --0.111041 0.142767 0.983508 -0.441563 0.454179 0.773786 -0.493862 0.409681 0.766982 -0.804592 0.572029 0.159418 0.789212 0.592309 0.162218 -0.696034 0.685325 0.214164 --0.671285 0.706616 0.223762 -0.817155 0.547715 0.179627 0.754161 0.651321 0.0837957 -0.77317 0.634173 0.00579153 -0.896946 0.441779 0.0178497 0.862379 0.493586 0.112583 -0.599199 0.783999 0.162192 -0.452839 0.251577 0.855363 -0.832275 -0.488101 0.262824 --0.89702 -0.0967048 0.431281 0.883359 0.462319 0.0770532 -0.887349 -0.450996 0.0959912 -0.627455 0.778103 0.029252 -0.944143 0.328398 -0.0273665 -0.993313 0.0180057 -0.114036 -0.999408 0 -0.0344137 -0.998955 -0.0284287 0.0357992 0.670098 -0.383875 0.635302 --0.640411 0.15137 0.752968 0.682656 0.730145 0.0294609 0.709228 0.704913 -0.00970806 --0.862109 -0.49602 -0.103594 -0.793538 -0.602136 -0.0879165 0.320821 -0.937495 0.13482 -0.0602766 -0.997713 0.0305881 -0.110478 -0.993817 0.0110316 0.467763 -0.883552 0.0230994 -0.402916 -0.895479 0.189144 0.238213 -0.944344 0.226869 -0.786527 -0.566171 0.246628 -0.857732 -0.219715 0.464781 0.859164 -0.271201 0.433921 -0.390518 0.836011 0.385462 --0.0214505 0.87782 0.478511 -0.315553 0.930052 0.188225 0.940861 0.0775968 0.329786 -0.966406 -0.211753 0.145674 -0.816968 -0.576683 0 0.934871 0.354583 0.0169167 --0.877317 0.477987 0.0429295 0.995081 0.0990068 -0.003342 -0.506055 -0.815438 0.281014 --0.580456 -0.792608 0.186665 -0.702755 -0.679441 0.210938 0.873762 0.479722 0.0800368 --0.879136 -0.467433 0.0928828 -0.839357 -0.533423 0.104593 0.792351 0.598665 -0.117385 -0.608994 0.793169 -0.00289584 -0.386139 -0.91992 -0.0681422 -0.501173 -0.864928 -0.0269448 -0.0353772 -0.995515 -0.0877355 0.225014 -0.964347 -0.139295 0.131541 -0.978663 -0.157849 --0.92299 -0.301215 -0.239498 0.994016 0.0808006 -0.0735061 -0.999674 0.0237077 -0.00948307 -0.786206 0.614147 0.0685787 0.745826 0.664091 0.0522191 -0.827312 -0.561551 0.0146811 -0.398312 -0.895884 0.196823 0.890365 -0.257455 0.375455 0.947689 -0.238664 0.211953 --0.311313 0.939372 0.143747 -0.421666 0.893895 0.152152 -0.474223 0.868607 0.143646 -0.783056 -0.613877 0.099896 0.955642 0.293845 0.0201067 0.948216 0.31657 0.0258831 --0.869706 0.493266 0.0173076 0.397071 -0.887569 -0.233571 -0.210322 -0.974072 0.0833535 --0.42977 -0.883827 0.184791 0.817617 0.557814 0.142637 0.870774 0.484908 0.0813462 --0.896909 -0.426012 0.118609 -0.899513 -0.419499 0.122055 0.838843 0.514054 -0.17914 --0.46401 -0.882192 -0.0801993 -0.427994 -0.899229 -0.0905994 -0.449055 -0.888681 -0.0927182 -0.0184781 -0.999355 0.0307968 0.203288 -0.969071 0.139911 0.141264 -0.979215 0.145544 --0.374923 -0.917243 0.134529 -0.648587 -0.760662 0.0269943 0.963864 0.247301 -0.0990371 --0.991303 0.122134 -0.0490118 0.903905 0.418992 0.086033 -0.941562 -0.336377 0.0176268 --0.999317 -0.03624 0.00724799 0.927754 -0.36205 0.0905126 -0.511409 0.843703 0.163175 --0.212154 0.960347 0.180896 -0.00765895 0.967216 0.253839 -0.178031 0.922856 0.341529 --0.812055 0.165164 0.559721 -0.928033 -0.164527 0.334195 0.912076 0.407963 -0.0410359 --0.83404 0.551393 0.0185342 0.893366 0.421589 0.155434 0.885165 0.440939 0.148513 --0.926284 -0.338503 0.165572 0.822803 0.530898 -0.202835 0.843827 0.497414 -0.201334 --0.687959 -0.713822 -0.13104 -0.695958 -0.70123 -0.154657 -0.211188 -0.96277 0.168743 -0.9139 0.395713 -0.0905412 -0.966118 0.249114 -0.0675129 0.943885 0.305949 0.124405 -0.911594 0.4008 0.0914105 -0.933941 0.352142 0.061242 0.919684 -0.392399 0.0143062 -0.916233 -0.400521 0.0100402 -0.471059 -0.203593 0.858285 -0.915223 -0.345325 0.207646 --0.919381 -0.326333 0.219647 0.869706 0.493266 -0.0173076 -0.856248 0.516528 0.00617672 --0.863412 0.5045 0 0.949901 0 0.312551 0.966694 0.133233 0.218522 --0.829007 -0.531972 0.172494 0.854524 0.481433 -0.194963 0.840974 0.507777 -0.186883 --0.696513 -0.697582 -0.168075 -0.691162 -0.703023 -0.167489 0.904852 0.419322 -0.0735652 -0.913292 0.397282 -0.089807 -0.965403 0.252157 -0.0664415 -0.943215 0.327134 -0.0577045 -0.881904 -0.386588 0.269806 0.893837 -0.441355 0.0791225 -0.844528 0.50902 0.166346 -0.886347 -0.463017 0.0020044 -0.0828959 -0.828959 0.553133 -0.804999 -0.542142 0.240952 -0.808104 0.58812 -0.0329227 -0.837432 0.546542 0 0.534473 -0.749104 0.391386 -0.728828 -0.596314 0.336482 -0.379356 -0.895194 0.233918 -0.453989 -0.868649 0.198353 --0.766829 -0.616239 0.179505 0.801561 0.389275 -0.453834 0.674657 -0.500177 -0.542827 --0.273896 -0.903855 -0.328675 -0.502434 -0.846655 -0.175317 0.943631 0.313417 -0.106444 --0.965631 0.253008 -0.0595312 0.480927 -0.874065 0.0687038 0.33854 -0.939856 0.0453944 -0.457787 -0.884002 0.0947145 -0.792912 -0.448754 0.412202 -0.873995 0.430419 0.225547 --0.914481 0.145486 0.37757 -0.924688 0.260226 0.277912 0.705414 -0.705414 0.0691582 --0.559827 -0.828604 -0.00296991 -0.535111 -0.844212 -0.0310209 0.0216605 -0.982702 0.183924 -0.0438133 -0.986753 0.156204 -0.478183 -0.847161 0.231646 0.792308 0.609598 0.0252596 -0.806769 0.590681 -0.014824 -0.821657 0.569983 0 -0.758782 0.651344 0 -0.419925 -0.835832 0.353621 -0.381501 -0.902954 0.197816 0.369933 -0.494845 -0.786307 -0.147043 -0.735215 -0.661693 0.364599 -0.798177 -0.479563 0.0134744 -0.881226 -0.472503 -0.937113 0.329655 -0.114662 0.942484 0.315008 -0.111777 -0.943881 0.312655 -0.106472 -0.708104 -0.689293 0.153176 0.666982 -0.698981 0.257993 -0.652166 -0.652166 0.386469 --0.195227 -0.980728 -0.00765596 0.810902 0.584913 0.0177246 -0.759496 0.650492 -0.00500152 --0.788524 0.61494 -0.00882193 0.902719 0.410994 -0.127212 -0.930072 0.35149 -0.106866 --0.899866 0.424305 -0.101025 0.436202 0.00411512 0.899839 0.534324 0.0360218 0.844512 -0.235431 -0.0692444 0.969421 -0.599185 -0.607869 0.52103 0.812685 0.582424 -0.0180597 --0.835147 0.548455 -0.0415496 0.88482 0.44965 -0.122098 -0.878117 0.462348 -0.123063 -0.806244 0.35495 0.473267 -0.785754 0.522178 0.331542 -0.769256 0.56541 0.297584 -0.924872 -0.305423 -0.226558 0.725795 0.687257 -0.0299738 0.785491 0.618516 -0.0210092 --0.786373 0.615992 -0.0465999 0.851665 0.50546 -0.138482 0.884147 0.450915 -0.122307 --0.869551 0.480897 -0.112332 -0.87569 0.47276 -0.0983109 0.931887 -0.298993 0.2054 --0.774241 0.584113 0.243645 -0.309426 -0.618853 -0.721995 0.376057 0.924474 0.0626762 -0.143217 0.984764 0.0986342 -0.452387 0.891597 0.0200085 -0.542807 0.839708 0.0158348 -0.687566 0.726122 0 0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.762011 0.646569 -0.0358951 --0.725795 0.687257 -0.0299738 0.794815 0.590631 -0.13937 0.806362 0.57469 -0.139682 --0.878117 0.462348 -0.123063 0.818428 -0.574589 0.00482848 -0.889982 0.389367 0.237329 --0.942235 0.240827 0.232799 0.949207 0.244655 -0.197863 0.743874 0.66668 -0.0467846 --0.70665 0.698237 -0.114503 0.632487 0.773272 0.0448425 0.666306 0.745471 0.0175922 --0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 0.799405 0.586597 -0.129831 --0.850808 0.513854 -0.109911 -0.824838 0.555611 -0.104586 0.793489 -0.607421 -0.0376137 -0.702593 -0.711259 -0.0217755 -0.953977 -0.0681412 0.292034 0.968046 -0.154887 -0.197223 --0.70948 0.695059 -0.116324 -0.750326 0.641609 -0.159214 0.780173 0.619123 0.0895342 -0.649066 0.758225 0.0617139 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 -0.836657 0.530563 -0.136042 0.811074 0.570608 -0.128706 -0.733792 0.668275 -0.122299 -0.567254 -0.815787 0.11276 -0.496535 -0.722233 0.481489 0.915373 -0.377906 -0.138846 -0.909728 -0.394216 -0.130341 -0.77009 0.621238 -0.145001 -0.809467 0.575253 -0.117678 -0.794994 0.605489 0.0369765 0.819705 0.568624 0.0689241 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 --0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 0.789101 0.598476 -0.138368 0.806362 0.57469 -0.139682 --0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.381865 0.816705 0.432633 0.468256 0.784886 0.405822 -0.374228 0.83328 0.406938 0.15149 0.908938 0.388435 0.976021 -0.206743 -0.0681131 --0.837875 0.54286 -0.0571733 -0.825293 0.564318 -0.0209006 0.699576 0.714556 -0.00188929 -0.726079 0.687511 0.011738 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.699976 0.699976 -0.141662 0.972209 0.0920126 0.215275 --0.431596 0.868096 0.245225 0.0797681 0.765773 0.638144 -0.566086 0.804585 0.179415 --0.589585 0.787992 0.177364 0.973088 0.221881 -0.0621977 -0.458034 0.883862 0.0948273 -0.0732056 0.995596 0.0585645 0.532326 0.846239 -0.022555 -0.687257 0.725795 -0.0299738 --0.64644 0.761859 -0.0410583 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.699976 0.699976 -0.141662 -0.959724 0.0239931 0.279919 0.982839 -0.150106 0.107219 0.432905 0.132964 0.891579 --0.388253 0.745925 0.541161 -0.619265 0.76639 0.170755 -0.615557 0.769446 0.170418 -0.510862 0.849929 -0.128996 0.719484 0.682962 -0.126123 -0.631207 0.773877 -0.05188 --0.62591 0.777172 -0.0651199 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.598023 0.788504 -0.143633 --0.57469 0.806362 -0.139682 0.805703 -0.523707 0.276721 0.81319 -0.521513 0.258352 -0.547421 0.646952 0.530833 -0.510677 0.805299 0.301169 -0.276292 0.621658 0.732942 --0.797498 0.531665 0.285184 0.834017 0.476581 -0.278006 -0.433011 0.899851 -0.0526229 --0.42302 0.905901 -0.0199538 0.968 -0.23474 0.0887333 0.915018 -0.223407 0.335903 -0.963438 -0.255693 0.0800511 -0.675917 0.724073 0.137311 -0.672087 0.729168 0.128893 -0.952642 0.156456 -0.26076 0.458781 0.873746 -0.161518 0.00928327 0.99994 0.00574678 --0.0698733 0.996454 -0.0468715 0.215983 0.970446 -0.107639 -0.625859 0.77732 -0.0638284 --0.597383 0.801148 -0.0360066 -0.580015 0.813834 -0.0354454 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.525649 0.839674 -0.136532 -0.570557 0.811923 -0.123471 0.806603 -0.531971 0.257679 -0.7963 -0.482163 0.365275 0.754212 -0.612311 0.237149 -0.828484 0.49962 0.252972 --0.778659 0.562949 0.27709 -0.803751 0.547575 0.232693 0.972897 0.201475 -0.113487 --0.440032 0.897903 -0.0118928 0.0335315 0.997962 -0.0542891 0.309552 0.950768 0.0147406 --0.0730282 0.994077 0.08048 -0.472144 0.872894 0.123031 -0.445174 0.890348 0.0953944 -0.918071 0.367722 0.148076 -0.607681 0.791702 0.0627037 -0.542928 0.837084 0.0672356 -0.96818 0.142503 -0.205721 -0.504826 0.862411 -0.0373945 -0.512535 0.858496 -0.0170845 -0.629993 0.760337 0.158102 0.146781 0.974779 0.168109 -0.405681 0.901513 0.150658 --0.420219 0.89516 0.148677 0.722843 0.687674 0.0678445 0.702802 0.708286 0.0663365 --0.13555 0.988715 -0.0637881 -0.511905 0.856869 -0.0610642 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.593961 0.795024 -0.123073 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.831794 -0.521423 0.190361 -0.814657 0.569062 0.111816 0.96461 -0.208999 0.160768 -0.468793 0.882546 0.0366937 --0.254913 0.96691 0.0102551 0.324573 0.933702 -0.151171 -0.396089 0.902252 0.170454 --0.36321 0.928204 0.0807134 0.41152 0.909894 -0.0523878 0.74245 0.669215 -0.0303041 --0.431545 0.896854 0.0970712 -0.647366 0.745287 0.159575 -0.754312 0.641948 0.137538 -0.965728 0.181539 -0.185507 -0.547652 0.836428 -0.0215729 -0.509393 0.860512 -0.00614652 -0.893389 -0.447659 0.0381625 -0.683946 0.72111 0.110537 -0.640153 0.766706 0.0486504 -0.888531 0.45377 0.0678611 -0.708849 0.702835 -0.0596345 -0.974618 0.223189 0.017505 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.996896 0.0750352 0.0238207 --0.238509 0.971074 0.0113576 0.0596535 0.997654 -0.033598 0.243225 0.957762 -0.153403 -0.0867785 0.995858 -0.0271308 -0.789815 0.600173 0.126428 0.871693 0.460363 -0.167982 --0.500058 0.865992 0 -0.468148 0.88365 0 -0.449818 0.893022 0.01323 -0.678991 -0.734044 -0.0122341 0.542535 -0.837459 -0.065714 -0.5071 0.86187 0.00534493 --0.438332 0.895684 0.0749286 -0.42997 0.899028 0.0829143 0.322186 0.946591 0.0127059 -0.307146 0.950664 -0.0435743 -0.181453 0.967752 -0.174733 -0.14762 0.984136 -0.0984136 -0.673835 0.737049 0.0520059 -0.858604 -0.512637 -0.00168354 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.665916 0.731202 -0.147981 0.982715 0.181589 -0.0360245 -0.0643781 -0.981086 -0.182556 --0.1195 -0.979236 -0.163759 0.113419 -0.975399 -0.189031 -0.793613 0.595728 0.123635 --0.709686 0.695789 0.11056 0.563008 0.811297 -0.157541 0.528451 0.835585 -0.150126 -0.814319 0.555351 -0.168733 -0.457502 0.888747 0.0286436 -0.550553 0.834103 0.0340962 --0.574767 0.817704 0.0316554 0.534635 -0.840508 -0.0878206 0.649105 -0.740743 -0.173095 -0.737686 -0.658186 -0.150372 -0.363244 0.915201 0.174532 -0.412962 0.880654 0.232187 --0.105526 0.972834 0.206056 0.169772 0.969818 0.175016 0.204462 0.965997 0.158256 -0.15206 0.975996 0.155917 0.173893 0.978574 0.110246 0.292003 0.955725 0.0363921 --0.856901 -0.512676 -0.0537089 -0.812914 -0.577504 -0.0752371 0.479499 0.871225 -0.10511 -0.562478 0.818834 -0.114587 -0.616715 0.771145 -0.158106 -0.535488 0.82647 -0.173781 -0.670118 0.713468 -0.204708 -0.473457 -0.880601 0.0195039 -0.495026 -0.867695 0.0453174 --0.321311 -0.943506 -0.0809718 0.993584 0.111048 -0.0214302 -0.695781 0.712525 0.0905384 --0.599816 0.800085 -0.00925335 0.682727 0.717103 -0.14017 0.673821 0.719973 -0.166148 --0.626889 0.778445 0.0321482 -0.537073 0.843487 0.00904544 0.858828 -0.496212 -0.127234 --0.915686 -0.391304 -0.0916567 0.624353 0.77943 -0.0516923 0.441226 0.896205 -0.0462237 -0.312499 0.946568 -0.0797052 -0.158298 0.966672 -0.201214 0.624981 0.752234 -0.208669 --0.385295 -0.917935 0.0945696 -0.920835 -0.381253 -0.0819083 0.188245 -0.982101 0.00645411 -0.925438 -0.37178 -0.0731078 0.944088 -0.322686 -0.0676105 -0.653123 -0.748006 0.117973 --0.576251 -0.81473 0.0644219 0.99542 0.0704722 0.0645995 -0.58365 0.811376 -0.0319472 --0.227703 0.961412 -0.154397 0.478233 0.861316 -0.171546 -0.497727 0.867334 0 --0.392374 0.919676 0.0154814 -0.397157 0.917569 0.0182601 0.772741 -0.624267 -0.11473 --0.860065 -0.500567 0.0985965 -0.945583 -0.301323 0.12279 0.36121 -0.916403 0.17243 -0.454101 -0.876765 0.158353 -0.887808 -0.448053 -0.105099 -0.717029 -0.691722 -0.0859632 -0.74326 0.66433 -0.0789303 0.727248 0.684071 -0.0561823 -0.679343 0.71428 -0.168218 -0.160269 0.910797 -0.380476 0.884122 0.424657 -0.194924 -0.856608 -0.48949 0.163163 --0.681658 -0.718998 0.13559 0.989926 0 0.141587 -0.478352 0.878168 0 --0.397157 0.917569 -0.0182601 0.75075 -0.637123 -0.174499 0.685822 0.636443 -0.35297 -0.99177 -0.0627702 -0.111592 0.979575 -0.171037 -0.105732 0.986894 -0.119791 -0.108119 --0.917159 0.374499 0.136269 0.443643 -0.887287 0.126107 -0.12786 -0.991428 -0.0268939 -0.64434 0.759385 -0.090338 0.704894 0.704894 -0.0790535 -0.42833 0.888728 -0.163391 --0.0259677 0.969837 -0.242365 0.850593 0.47778 -0.219586 -0.962319 0.271423 0.0164499 -0.909347 0.199221 0.365238 0.965527 0.200753 0.165701 0.992061 0.0646997 0.107833 --0.321976 0.946552 -0.0192389 -0.326273 0.945081 -0.0192006 -0.175995 0.982641 -0.0586652 -0.0976805 0.993085 -0.0651203 0.183147 0.976783 -0.11114 0.0580726 0.97562 -0.211643 -0.265251 0.89973 -0.346594 0.990571 -0.0466412 -0.128819 -0.910502 0.391643 0.132668 --0.784732 0.617641 0.0521165 0.499462 0.85805 -0.119529 0.615386 0.781235 -0.104747 --0.493157 0.867277 -0.0680217 0.662902 0.745765 0.0662903 -0.800862 0.597836 -0.0348297 --0.82467 0.555207 -0.108002 0.394016 0.910313 -0.12681 0.47473 0.87152 -0.122816 --0.207983 0.974714 -0.0817076 0 0.99922 -0.0394837 0.217662 0.976024 0 --0.78792 0.597133 -0.150381 -0.738577 0.656931 -0.151476 0.335756 0.93732 -0.0932657 -0.325028 0.941474 -0.0893519 0.319809 0.940182 -0.117386 -0.312036 0.934975 -0.168689 -0.0745504 0.984242 -0.160342 0.158075 0.973779 -0.163606 0.0663259 0.99153 -0.111663 -0 0.995211 -0.0977514 0.0882513 0.992617 -0.0832084 0.254057 0.962565 -0.0944677 - diff --git a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/testNrrd.ascii b/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/testNrrd.ascii deleted file mode 100644 index f78381e84b..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/testNrrd.ascii +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/testNrrd.nhdr b/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/testNrrd.nhdr deleted file mode 100644 index d62bdcaba6..0000000000 --- a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/testNrrd.nhdr +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -NRRD0005 -content: SomeIDNumber42 -type: short -dimension: 4 -space: right-anterior-superior -sizes: 2 2 2 2 -thicknesses: NaN NaN 2.5 NaN -space directions: (2,0,0) (0,2.5,0) (0,0,2) none -centerings: cell cell cell none -kinds: space space space list -endian: little -encoding: ascii -space units: "mm" "mm" "mm" -space origin: (0,0,0) -data file: testNrrd.ascii -measurement frame: (1,0,0) (0,0,1) (0,1,0) -modality:=DWMRI -DWMRI_b-value:=1000 -DWMRI_gradient_0000:= 0 0 0 -DWMRI_gradient_0001:= 1 0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/testimage.dcm b/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/testimage.dcm deleted file mode 100644 index ecf7b12d33..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/testimage.dcm and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/vtkUnstructuredGrid.vtk b/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/vtkUnstructuredGrid.vtk deleted file mode 100644 index 392ef94c61..0000000000 Binary files a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/Data/vtkUnstructuredGrid.vtk and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Modules/MapperExt/Internal/vtkPointSetSlicer.h b/Modules/MapperExt/Internal/vtkPointSetSlicer.h index c72da5d871..bc3405662f 100644 --- a/Modules/MapperExt/Internal/vtkPointSetSlicer.h +++ b/Modules/MapperExt/Internal/vtkPointSetSlicer.h @@ -1,117 +1,116 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef _VTKPOINTSETSLICER_H_ #define _VTKPOINTSETSLICER_H_ #include #include "vtkVersion.h" class vtkCutter; class vtkPlane; class vtkPointLocator; class vtkCell; class vtkDataArray; class vtkCellArray; class vtkPointData; class vtkCellData; #include "mitkCommon.h" -#include "MitkExtExports.h" #include "vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h" class vtkPointSetSlicer : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm { public: vtkTypeMacro(vtkPointSetSlicer,vtkPolyDataAlgorithm); void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, vtkIndent indent); // Description: // Construct with user-specified implicit function; initial value of 0.0; and // generating cut scalars turned off. static vtkPointSetSlicer *New(); // Description: // Override GetMTime because we delegate to vtkContourValues and refer to // vtkImplicitFunction. unsigned long GetMTime(); // Description // Specify the implicit function to perform the cutting. virtual void SetSlicePlane(vtkPlane*); vtkGetObjectMacro(SlicePlane,vtkPlane); // Description: // If this flag is enabled, then the output scalar values will be // interpolated from the implicit function values, and not the input scalar // data. vtkSetMacro(GenerateCutScalars,int); vtkGetMacro(GenerateCutScalars,int); vtkBooleanMacro(GenerateCutScalars,int); // Description: // Specify a spatial locator for merging points. By default, // an instance of vtkMergePoints is used. void SetLocator(vtkPointLocator *locator); vtkGetObjectMacro(Locator,vtkPointLocator); // Description: // Create default locator. Used to create one when none is specified. The // locator is used to merge coincident points. void CreateDefaultLocator(); protected: vtkPointSetSlicer(vtkPlane* cf = 0); ~vtkPointSetSlicer(); virtual int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *); virtual int RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *); virtual int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info); void UnstructuredGridCutter(vtkDataSet *input, vtkPolyData *output); void ContourUnstructuredGridCell(vtkCell* cell, vtkDataArray* cellScalars, vtkPointLocator* locator, vtkCellArray* verts, vtkCellArray* lines, vtkCellArray* polys, vtkPointData* inPd, vtkPointData* outPd, vtkCellData* inCd, vtkIdType cellId, vtkCellData* outCd); vtkPlane *SlicePlane; vtkCutter *Cutter; vtkPointLocator *Locator; int GenerateCutScalars; private: vtkPointSetSlicer(const vtkPointSetSlicer&); // Not implemented. void operator=(const vtkPointSetSlicer&); // Not implemented. static int edges[12][2]; typedef int EDGE_LIST; typedef struct { EDGE_LIST edges[8]; } POLY_CASES; static POLY_CASES polyCases[256]; }; #endif /* _VTKPOINTSETSLICER_H_ */ diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/img.nrrd b/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/img.nrrd deleted file mode 100644 index 04a51b53cb..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/img.nrrd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -NRRD0004 -# Complete NRRD file format specification at: -# http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html -content: SomeIDNumber42 -type: short -dimension: 3 -space: right-anterior-superior -sizes: 3 3 1 -thicknesses: 1 1 1 -space directions: (1,0,0) (0,1,0) (0,0,1) -centerings: cell cell cell -kinds: space space space -encoding: ASCII -space units: "mm" "mm" "mm" -space origin: (0,0,0) - -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk b/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk deleted file mode 100644 index 5b0f7f17ac..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Segmentation/Testing/Data/lungs.vtk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18985 +0,0 @@ -# vtk DataFile Version 3.0 -vtk output -ASCII -DATASET POLYDATA -POINTS 7860 float -59 174 77.8 95 170 80.2059 55 171 80.2222 -56 171 79.2353 56 172 78.5806 57 172 78.1765 -58 173 78.2 59 173 78.6923 61 173 79.6452 -87 173 80.4194 88 173 79.8 89 173 79.4571 -91 173 80.4706 58 174 78.5172 60 174 78.1765 -89 174 80.4706 91 174 80.8235 59 175 78.5172 -60 175 78.0909 63 175 79.4571 88 175 80.5588 -64 176 80.1429 63 177 80.2059 65 177 80.2059 -67 177 80.1429 81 177 80.4706 82 177 79.8 -84 177 79.8 62 177.087 81 64 177.5 81 -68 178 80.2059 80 178 80.2059 82 178 80.2059 -69 179 79.8529 77 179 80.2059 79 179 79.8 -80 179 80.2059 81 179 80.8235 70 180 80.5455 -74 180 80.4706 114 150 83.4706 113 151 83.4706 -112.739 151 84 114 152 82.8529 39 155 83.8 -38.6667 155 84 113 155 82.8 114 155 82.8 -39 156 83.1429 38.3333 156 84 40 156 83.4706 -114 156 83.1429 40 157 83.1429 40 158 83.8 -40.6667 158 84 42 158.833 84 41.3333 159 84 -109 159 83.4706 112 159 81.1765 113 159 81.4545 -43 160 83.2059 108 160 83.4706 109 160 82.8 -111 160 81.5294 112 160 81.1765 113 160 82.3 -110 161 82.2 111 161 81.5143 112 161 81.8182 -44 162 82.8 45 162 82.8 107 162 83.0323 -109 162 83.0323 110 162 82.2 111 162 82.2 -112 162 83.4828 46 163 83.4194 110 163 83.2059 -46.25 164 84 47 164 83.4194 106 164 82.2 -109 164 83.4706 104 165 83.4 105 165 82.4545 -106 165 82.2 108 165 83.4706 49 166 82.8 -50 166 82.8 51.1667 166 84 103 166 83.9 -51.4 167 84 99 167 83.2174 101 167 81.9 -96 168 83.4828 97 168 82.7 98 168 82.8182 -101 168 81.8824 95 169 81.8824 96 169 81.9677 -97 169 82.5556 93 170 82.3636 93 169.333 84 -96 170 81.2222 54 171 82.6552 93 171 81.6667 -94 171 81.1936 91 172 81.6207 92 172 81.9677 -93 172 81.6 94 172 81.8824 95 172 81.5294 -97 172 83.8846 68 173 83.3333 76 173 83.4706 -85 173 83.6842 86 173 81.7826 93 173 82.2 -71 174 82.6452 76 174 82.4571 84 174 83.6842 -85 174 83.8333 92 174 81.5294 57 174.727 84 -75 175 82.6452 80 175 82.4571 82 175 82.0714 -86 175 81.6 69 176 82.6452 71 176 82.8529 -72 176 83.8064 74 176 83.4194 80 176 82.2 -87 176 81.4545 60.2609 177 84 75 177 82.4571 -87 177 81.5294 89 177 82.8529 81 181.25 84 -115 146.357 87 36 149 86.4194 114 149 84.1765 -36 150 86.4194 37 150 86.8 36.0909 151 87 -37 151 86.0323 37 152 85.5556 37 153 86.0526 -38 153 86.6842 111 153 86.9091 37 154 86.1667 -38 154 84.7826 39 154 85.8261 38 155 84.6667 -38 156 85.0714 37.6538 156 87 41 157 84.6818 -41 158 84.1364 40 159 85.8571 41 159 84.1364 -44 158.278 87 108 159 84.5294 41 160 85.2273 -45.5 160 87 41.2 161 87 47 163 84.2727 -46 164 84.2308 52 165 85.3548 100 165 86.5455 -102 165 84.5294 53 166 86.0323 52 167 84.2647 -106 167 84.5294 51 168 84.9677 53 168 84.4545 -95 167.63 87 53 169 84.2647 92 168.75 87 -105 169 86.2059 67 169.75 87 89 170 84.8824 -98 170 85.56 98 171 85.7727 72 172 85 -74 172 85.5556 82 172 84.5294 84 172 84.6923 -98 172 85.3043 99 172 85.2 73 173 85.8261 -74 173 85.8261 84 173 84.8333 73 174 85.1538 -99 174 86.8235 73 175 85 74 175 84.5172 -184.833 178 87 186 178 85.8462 186 179 85 -188 179 84.9677 189 179 85.3 191 179 85.1818 -193 179 84.375 195 179 85.6552 196 179 86.069 -198 179 85.4545 198 178.261 87 201 179 86.4706 -202 179 86.2059 186 180 86.8235 189 180 85.3548 -190 180 84.6 191 180 84.6 193 180 84.4286 -196 180 86.1 198 180 85.5 200 180 86.2059 -201 179.75 87 193 181 86.8966 68 181.706 87 -82 182 84.5294 84 183.087 87 117 143 89.8 -118 143 89.4706 118 142.25 90 117 144 88.5 -118 144 89.4706 115 145 89.2174 116 145 87.9677 -117 145 88.2 34 146 89.6087 115 146 87.6818 -116 146 87.5769 117 146 89 35 147 87.9677 -116 147 87.2308 35 148 87.5769 36 148 87.4545 -35 149 87.5455 35.7727 152 90 39 153 89.7273 -151 155 88.8 42.6429 157 90 152 157 88.8 -153 157 89.1429 43 157.278 90 44 157.105 90 -45.4545 158 90 152 158 89.8 153 158 89.8 -45.8947 159 90 153 159 89.9 47.2857 161 90 -52 162 89.55 48 162.286 90 55 164 88.3043 -56 164 89.2174 98 164 88.8529 55 165 87.6923 -56 165 89.2174 96 165 89.2059 95.1818 165 90 -99 165 87.9677 45 165.346 90 56 166 88 -63 167 87.375 64.6 167 90 92.7692 167 90 -95 167 89.3182 94.375 167 90 64.3 168 90 -68.3333 168 90 93 167.75 90 93 168 89.5714 -94 168 89 94 167.75 90 72 168.474 90 -73 168.333 90 66 169.4 90 50 170.105 90 -174 175 89.4 175 175 88.8 176 175 89.4194 -176 176 89.0323 177 176 88.6452 178.6 176 90 -181 176 89.4231 181 177 89.3077 181 178 89.04 -182 178 88.7586 183 178 89.3182 184 178 89 -202 178 87.5172 204 178 88.5 182 179 89.4194 -183 179 89.7391 184 179 88.875 204 179 88.1538 -181 180 89.8235 183 180 89.4194 202 180 88 -119 140 92.7778 120 140 91.6452 118 141 91.9615 -119 141 90.8571 120 141 91.2 118 142 90.2 -119 142 90.1765 120 142 91.5 120.654 142 93 -119 143 90.5294 150 145 92.8 149.714 145 93 -150 146 91.8 150 147 91.5 151 147 91.8529 -117.895 148 93 150 148 91.8529 151 148 91.5 -151 149 90.5294 151 150 90.1765 36.5909 153 93 -39 154.5 93 39.1053 155 93 39.1667 156 93 -40 156.526 93 154 157 90.5294 156.105 159 93 -46 159.563 93 50.75 160 93 153 160 91.1471 -155 160 91.7 45.3333 161 93 51 161 91.0714 -52 161 91.2273 154 161 90.6 45.8667 162 93 -51 162 90.5 50.6875 162 93 154 162 91.7 -156 161.455 93 155 163 92.7391 155.25 163 93 -47 164 92.3077 46.25 164 93 159 164 91.5 -47 164.857 93 63 165 90.6667 92 165 90.8824 -159 165 90.8824 45 165.591 93 46.5455 166 93 -64 166 90.2609 66 166 92.6842 67 166 92.8636 -92 166 90.2 93 166 91.0385 158 166 91.5 -160 166 90.5806 161 166 92.3077 46.6 167 93 -65 166.684 93 69 166.4 93 70 166.227 93 -71 167 91.5556 72 167 92 75 167 90.6 -93 167 92.25 94 167 92.25 161 167 92.7391 -161.5 167 93 68.3333 168 93 72 168 91.5 -94 168 90.2143 160 168 92.4444 161 168 92.25 -162 168 91.5556 48.4 169 93 67 169 90.2727 -162 170 91.2353 51.2857 171 93 66 170.208 93 -167 171 92.8966 52.625 173 93 170 173 92.8235 -173 173 92.7778 174 174 90.2308 170 175 92.1429 -180 175 91.5 171 176 92.4194 172 175.091 93 -172 176 91.8889 174 176 90.2222 179 176 90.5455 -185 175.618 93 179 177 92.7 183 177 90.375 -177 178 91.2 178 178 92.7 178.333 178 93 -179 177.333 93 179.143 178 93 180 178 90.6 -176 178.833 93 177 178.818 93 177.286 179 93 -178 179 92.2105 179 179 91.5 204.833 179 93 -180 180 90.5294 204 180.172 93 121 139 93.2727 -123.105 139 96 33 140.857 96 34 141 94.8462 -34 142 93.9 35 143 93.6818 149 143 94.8889 -150 144 94.1818 149 145 93.7895 40 151 94.5 -40.0714 153 96 40 153.071 96 39.3529 156 96 -149.588 156 96 46 156.591 96 45 157.133 96 -48 158 94.8 47 159 93.8571 49 159 94.0714 -50.1818 159 96 45.6667 160 96 47 159.625 96 -52 159.895 96 45.5714 161 96 157 161 93.2308 -51 162 94.0714 52 161.722 96 52.8333 162 96 -54 161.5 96 156 162 95.25 158 162 93.2609 -159 162 93.6 41 163 94.8261 46 163 94.125 -51 162.692 96 52 163 95.4 52.75 163 96 -156 163 95.5714 46 164 93.3158 45.2273 164 96 -52 163.6 96 90 164 93.3214 155 164 93.6667 -43 165 94.1111 46 165 93.75 47 165 93.75 -156 165 93.2 45 166 94.5882 45.7273 166 96 -47 165.273 96 46.2727 166 96 54 166 94 -54.2 166 96 69.25 166 96 162 166 94.7727 -46 166.375 96 46 167 94.9286 54 166.667 96 -64.4615 167 96 69 166.5 96 155 166.474 96 -163 166.455 96 47 168 94.5 72 168 94.5 -94.55 168 96 164 168 94.1111 165 168 95.1 -46 169 95.8846 46.1667 169 96 47.5 169 96 -72 169 95.3182 164 169 94.1111 165 169 94.5556 -166 169 94.8 52 170 93.2 94 169.688 96 -166 170 93.4286 167 170 93.5455 51 170.625 96 -163 171 93.6 166 171 94.3636 168 171 94.375 -168 170.133 96 170 171 94.8 52 172 94 -52.1818 172 96 162 172 94.5 163 172 94.3 -164 172 95.7391 165 172 95.8636 167 172 94.3548 -168 172 94.3548 173 172 93.5172 52 172.5 96 -59 173 95.125 164 173 95.4194 165 173 95.0323 -171 173 93.1818 172 173 93.4545 216 173 95.8 -75 174 95 74.8421 174 96 76 173.533 96 -76 174 95 76.6364 174 96 167 174 95.1429 -172 174 93.8182 214 174 95.4706 168 175 94.5 -172 175 93.1765 183 174.941 96 170 177 94.5 -178 176.65 96 179 176.316 96 204.323 177 96 -176.85 178 96 178 178 93.2 179.591 178 96 -176 179 93.3158 177 179 93.8571 177 178.375 96 -178 178.609 96 177 180 94.1538 68 184.056 96 -124 138.071 99 33 139.357 99 34 140.056 99 -149 141 98.2174 150 140.5 99 149 142 96.2609 -115 143.111 99 41 153 98.6 40 154 98.0526 -41 154 98.7 42 154 98.6 43 154 97.9286 -43 153.773 99 44 155 97.5 44 156 98.1667 -44.7143 156 99 46 157 98.4545 42.8182 158 99 -45 158 97.4444 47 158 98.4706 48 158 98.25 -44 158.846 99 45 159 98.6 46 159 98 -46.75 159 99 47 158.75 99 46 160 97.6364 -46 159.375 99 47 160 97 49.1818 160 99 -51 160 97.5 46 161 97.2 47 161 97.5 -51 160.667 99 53 160.545 99 45.2778 162 99 -51 161.333 99 53 161.625 99 53 162 96.75 -161 162 97.8529 49.9333 163 99 52 162.2 99 -59 163 98.25 44.3158 164 99 60 163.667 99 -64 163.933 99 59 165 97 60 164.333 99 -60 165 97.6364 64.8182 165 99 66 165 97.125 -66.7143 165 99 68.75 165 99 47 166 97.8462 -47.3333 166 99 54 166 96.4 59 166 96 -58.2632 166 99 60 166 97.0909 65 166 98.7143 -64.8182 166 99 66 166 98.0526 66.75 166 99 -69 166 96.4286 70 165.833 99 224 166 98.8 -225 166 98.8 225 165.75 99 46 167 97.5 -47.8182 167 99 59 167 97.3636 58.25 167 99 -60 167 97.7143 67 166.286 99 69 167 96.75 -70 167 98.6 70 166.5 99 70.3333 167 99 -72 167 98.6 71.6667 167 99 72 166.5 99 -223 167 97.8529 224 167 97.6452 47 168 96.75 -46.4545 168 99 47.8571 168 99 56 168 98.7273 -55.8667 168 99 56 167.867 99 56.5 168 99 -61.8182 168 99 64.25 168 99 70 168 96.2609 -71 167.222 99 71 168 96.7895 73 168 97 -74 167.357 99 74 168 97.7727 222 168 97.8529 -223 168 97.3 224 168 98.7391 47 169 97.3636 -56 168.286 99 62 169 97.6552 62.9286 169 99 -64.25 169 99 69 169 96.9 71 169 97.35 -74.1 169 99 92.7 169 99 167 168.2 99 -221 169 97.7 222 169 97.3 223 169 98.7391 -46 170 97.5 52 169.462 99 54.2 170 99 -62 170 97.8182 62.6842 170 99 68 169.875 99 -69 170 98.25 68.5 170 99 70 170 97.1739 -71 170 97.25 72 170 97.5 72.9091 170 99 -74 169.056 99 77 170 97.5 76.4545 170 99 -77 169.571 99 170 170 96.4545 220 170 96.9 -221 170 97.0385 222 170 98.7391 61 171 98.7931 -60.7778 171 99 61.2857 171 99 69 170.5 99 -70 171 97.3333 71 171 97.25 72 171 98.625 -77 171 97.8 77.8571 171 99 94 170.294 99 -164 171 96.2727 165 171 96.4091 218 171 97.4 -219 171 96.6 220 171 96.2 221 171 98.2174 -49 172 96.3333 54 171.75 99 59 171.519 99 -60 172 98 69.1429 172 99 71 172 96.3 -72.4375 172 99 77 171.75 99 216 172 97.1818 -216 171.231 99 217 172 97.2414 218 172 96.5172 -219 172 97.5 220 172 98.7273 48 172.722 99 -50 173 97.875 51.5 173 99 58 173 96.5172 -57.1724 173 99 61 172.286 99 215 173 96.5294 -217 173 96.5294 218 173 97.3548 51 174 98.2174 -67 173.818 99 67.25 174 99 75.5 174 99 -78 174 98.7273 78.1053 174 99 180 173.097 99 -211 174 98.88 216 174 96.5294 58 174.737 99 -67 175 97.8462 66.0909 175 99 76 174.643 99 -77 175 98.4 77.75 175 99 78 174.667 99 -210 175 97.25 212 175 97.8261 213 175 96.6 -214 175 96.2 67 176 98.069 66.3571 176 99 -67.9 176 99 77 175.188 99 178 175.923 99 -178.25 176 99 209 176 96.4545 210 176 96.1154 -211 176 97.56 212 176 98.4444 213 176 98.1 -214 176 98.4231 67 176.5 99 179 176.75 99 -179.095 177 99 210 177 96.5806 212 176.833 99 -214 176.172 99 177 178.579 99 178 178.467 99 -63 183.375 99 66 183.818 99 67 184 98 -151 137 101.824 32 138 101.609 33 137.333 102 -150 138 100.696 33 139 99.5769 150 139 99.6667 -149 140 100.8 123 141 100.579 122 144 100.962 -120.8 145 102 107.773 150 102 41 152 99.5455 -34.5882 153 102 45 155 100.579 45.3913 155 102 -41 156 100.154 42 156 100.111 45 156 99.3158 -42 157 99.2727 43 157 100.111 46 157 99.6 -47 157 101.7 44 158 101.75 47 158 102 -48 158 100 43.8421 159 102 50 159 100.071 -51 160 99.4286 50 161 100.826 54 161 101.7 -55 161 101.5 158 161 101.667 157.25 161 102 -158 160.813 102 51 162 99.75 52 162 99.5455 -53 162 100.125 56 161.077 102 158 161.75 102 -227 162 101.1 228 162 101.739 46 162.444 102 -49 162.667 102 49 163 101.8 50 162.2 102 -60 162.944 102 226 163 100.5 227 163 99.9 -225 164 101.1 226 164 99.9 227 164 100.227 -47 165 101.167 59 165 101.727 65 165 99.8571 -66 165 101.5 80 164.567 102 225 165 99.5294 -226 165 100.111 46 166 101.824 60.875 166 102 -65 166 101 65.2 166 102 66 165.2 102 -66.8 166 102 226 165.944 102 46 167 99.9375 -47 167 101.077 60.75 167 102 61.1429 167 102 -62 166.455 102 64 167 100.5 65 167 100.364 -66 167 100.286 70 167 99.8571 72 166.563 102 -167 167 100.5 47 168 100.636 56 168 99.8571 -65 168 100.2 66 168 100.773 67 168 101.654 -74 167.105 102 94 168 101.786 95.375 168 102 -167 168 99.5455 62.6364 169 102 66 169 101.727 -67 169 101.8 68 169 101.8 75 168.571 102 -75 169 101.25 76 168.455 102 76 169 100.2 -95.9167 169 102 54 169.591 102 55 170 101.182 -56 169.167 102 56 170 100.5 61 170 99.8182 -64.4545 170 102 67 170 101.7 73.5455 170 102 -75 169.75 102 76 169.857 102 76.1429 170 102 -52 170.474 102 53 170.143 102 54.3333 171 102 -61 171 99.6 51 172 102 58 171.727 102 -60 172 101 73 171.667 102 72.9333 172 102 -78 171.917 102 60.25 173 102 72 173 101.182 -78 173 101.25 78 172.333 102 79.5 173 102 -180 172.316 102 67.3333 174 102 68 174 101.25 -68.6667 174 102 77 174 100.579 77.75 174 102 -79 174 102 187 174 101.419 188 174 101.8 -206.895 174 102 58 174.25 102 66 175 102 -68 175 102 77 175 99.6 78 174.75 102 -207 175 101 65.5625 176 102 68.1364 176 102 -173 176 100.688 173 175.632 102 176.565 176 102 -215 176 100.826 215.6 176 102 161 176.074 102 -212 177 99.1034 176.8 178 102 203.5 178 102 -212 178 100.556 203 178.867 102 210 179 100.355 -202.091 180 102 203 181 100.75 66 185 100.08 -200 184.172 102 232 99 104.8 232 98.7143 105 -232 99.5 105 235 111 104.824 235 112 104.824 -151 133 104.471 32 136 103.6 31.3 136 105 -33 135.867 105 150 137 102.167 153 141 103.2 -154 142 104.8 154.75 143 105 230 156 104.419 -49 157 104.318 229 157 104.8 45 158 103.313 -46 158 103.615 229 158 103.7 230 158 104.053 -44 159 103.125 45 159 102.75 46 159 103.8 -53 158.316 105 228 159 104.206 229 159 103.5 -37.1765 160 105 54 160 103.5 164 160 103.8 -229 160 103.5 157.533 161 105 158 160.417 105 -158.875 161 105 228 161 102.682 228.944 161 105 -49 162 102.273 50 162 102.316 59.8 162 105 -62 162 104.545 158 161.875 105 46 163 104 -48 163 102.375 225 163 103.111 45.1429 164 105 -46 163.455 105 47 164 103.05 45 165 103.286 -60 165 102.75 167 165 102.529 46 165.25 105 -60 166 103.105 63 166 105 65 166 102.429 -60 167 102.45 61.8571 167 105 62 166.333 105 -62.6667 167 105 64 167 104.5 63.5 167 105 -64.1 167 105 65 166.4 105 64 167.25 105 -68 168 102.261 69 168 103.962 71 168 103.556 -72 168 104.778 73 168 104.333 74 168 104.684 -96.7143 168 105 166 168 103.875 166.75 168 105 -62 169 103.05 69 169 103.304 71 169 103.304 -73 169 104.063 75 169 102.818 76 169 102.947 -97.5455 169 105 54 170 103.929 55 170 103.125 -56 170 104.143 62 170 103.235 65 170 103.636 -66 170 103.65 74 169.273 105 77 170 103 -52 171 103 53 171 102.692 54 171 103 -71 171 103.304 73 171 102.4 78 171 104.75 -178 170.261 105 179 171 103 181 171 104.419 -52 172 103.179 58 172 103.125 72 172 103.826 -77 171.286 105 182 172 104 184 172 102.882 -188 172 104.8 58 173 103.826 59 173 103.5 -70 173 103.125 72 173 103.8 78 173 103.5 -78.4 173 105 81 173 105 181 173 103.5 -182 173 103.909 188 173 102.783 207 173 104.333 -208.125 173 105 59 174 102.692 69.75 174 105 -80 173.857 105 198 174 102.667 206 174 104.217 -210 173.273 105 67 175 103.615 67.75 175 105 -68.2857 175 105 88 175 104 87.25 175 105 -88.75 175 105 176 175 104.308 176 174.455 105 -177 174.87 105 177 175 104.438 66 176 104.625 -67 176 104.625 68 176 103 88 175.75 105 -173.231 176 105 176 176 104.438 178.067 176 105 -204.091 178 105 203.25 179 105 200.571 180 105 -201 179.4 105 203 179.056 105 206 180 103.8 -201.75 181 105 205 181 104.333 206 181 103.8 -207 181 104.1 173 182 103.56 175.667 185 105 -230 94 107.4 230 93.1429 108 231 95 106.889 -231 96 106.355 231 97 106.182 232 97 106.636 -232 98 105.577 231 99 106.5 233 99 106.333 -233 98.1667 108 232 100 105.2 233.292 100 108 -233 101.5 108 233 102 107.684 233 103 106.111 -233 104 105.882 233 105 106.182 234 105 105.682 -234 106 105.222 235 105.75 108 234 107 105.2 -234 108 105.529 235 110 105.577 235.913 110 108 -234 111 105.529 236 111 106.421 236.292 114 108 -235 116 106.355 235 117 107.032 235 119 107.8 -235 120 107.8 236 120 107.739 236 121 106.696 -236 123 105.667 236 125 106.889 236 126 107.333 -235 127 107.824 236 128 106.355 236 130 107.1 -150 131 107.778 150 132 105.9 149.192 132 108 -151 132 105.818 235 132 107.8 31 135 106.8 -31 134.143 108 32 135 105.136 31 136 107 -33 135.133 108 235 136 107.471 120 139.435 108 -235 140 106.889 155 141 105.667 234 141 107.471 -235 141 107.217 234 142 107.143 235 141.857 108 -234 143 107.032 155 144 105.545 156 144 107.625 -234 144 107.333 233 145 107.824 162 151 107.471 -231 156 106.714 230.933 157 108 225.933 159 108 -57 160 107.684 168 160 107.471 57 161 106 -58 161 106.636 59 161 105.316 60 161 105.783 -158 161 106.05 58 162 108 59 162 106.2 -63 162 106 82 161.833 108 83 162 107.8 -83 161.833 108 84 162 106.759 160 162 106.714 -159.455 162 108 160 161.455 108 160.75 162 108 -46 164 105.6 64 166 106.286 65 166 106.636 -66 166 105.75 173 166 106.2 174 166 107.032 -176 166 107.778 62 167 105.333 64 167 105.231 -174 167 107.55 176 167 107.739 177 167 106.962 -216 167 107.1 168.13 168 108 174 168 105.75 -177 168 106.889 178 168 106.889 218 168 105.2 -74 169 105.333 166 168.25 108 167.2 169 108 -168 168.2 108 179 169 105.529 181 169 106.2 -183 170 105.529 192 169.333 108 195 170 107.471 -207 170 107.8 77 171 105.316 96 170.111 108 -197 171 106.645 198 171 106.457 208 171 106.457 -82 172 107.25 82 171.625 108 82.75 172 108 -197 172 106.5 198 172 106.826 203.5 172 108 -205.75 172 108 207 172 106.826 208 172 106.355 -80 173 106.2 82 172.375 108 175 173 107.087 -174.563 173 108 200 173 107.885 203 173 107.912 -205.455 173 108 209 173 106.105 210 173 105.474 -68 174 105.273 69 174 105.6 90 174 107.526 -89.75 174 108 90.75 174 108 175 174 106.895 -176 174 106.25 203 174 107.5 68 175 105.24 -88 175 105.818 90 174.75 108 177 174.895 108 -206 175 106.5 205.833 175 108 171 176 107.5 -171 175.333 108 172.231 176 108 176 175.933 108 -177.13 176 108 205 175.909 108 205 176 107.864 -206 176 106.636 205 178 105.882 204 179 105.29 -201 180 107.25 202 180 107.211 203 180 106.962 -202 181 106 203 181 107.348 169 182 106.235 -203 182 106.826 204 182 106.2 205 182 105.455 -171 183 105.176 173 183 105.778 204 183 107.1 -205 183 107.778 172 184 106.5 86 189.824 108 -227 88 110.4 226.5 88 111 228 89 109.444 -228 90 108.9 228 91 109.2 229 91 109.174 -229 92 108.667 230 91.8182 111 229 93 108.581 -230 93 108.2 233 101 109.5 232 102 108.24 -230.167 107 111 231 108 110.824 230.833 108 111 -232 109 109.182 236 119 108.545 236.64 125 111 -150 129.966 111 234.692 130 111 149 130.231 111 -148.63 131 111 235 131 109.227 236 131 108.273 -236 132 108.158 31 133 110.25 30.5882 135 111 -128 135 110.423 129 135 110.206 128 136 108.231 -129 136 110.1 129 136.818 111 157 138.643 111 -157 140 109.304 232.316 140 111 235.806 140 111 -156 141 108.136 156 142 109.08 157 142 109.4 -156 143 109.227 158 143 109.313 157 144 108.182 -232 145 109.2 234 145 108.682 234.567 145 111 -162 146 110.143 161 147 109.355 231 147 110.824 -233 147 110.864 164 148 110.471 232 148 110.909 -162 149 109.75 232 149 110.423 232.714 149 111 -231 150 110.423 232.929 150 111 231 151 109.696 -232 151 108.789 231 152 109.421 232 152 109 -231 153 110.053 230 154 108.692 170 157 109.457 -168 158 109.2 171 158 109.457 60 159 110.1 -168 159 108.529 172 159 109.457 223 158.875 111 -224 159 110.739 170 160 109.2 171 160 109.457 -172 160 109.8 174 160 110.143 82 161 108.909 -173 161 109.886 175 161 109.457 177 161 110.206 -177.818 161 111 105 162 110.25 106 162 109.2 -174 162 109.8 175 162 109.457 178 162 110.8 -220 162 110.25 220 161.417 111 106 163 109 -106.25 163 111 160 163 108.429 161 163 109.364 -161.2 163 111 175 163 108.882 161 164 109 -178 164 110.333 160 164.909 111 161.13 165 111 -179 165 108.968 184 165 109.457 183 166 109.457 -185 166 109.457 210 166 110.471 214 166 109.2 -215 166 108.882 66 167 109.6 65.125 167 111 -66 166.417 111 67 166.625 111 67.2727 167 111 -184 167 110.333 185 167 110.679 186 167 110.032 -187 167 109.457 194 167 110.8 193.5 167 111 -195 166.625 111 209 167 110.125 215 167 108.529 -66 168 109.5 65.25 168 111 67 168 110.308 -166.696 168 111 169 167.563 111 169 168 110.222 -170 168 110.735 171 168 110.735 172 167.87 111 -185 168 110.211 187 168 108.529 192 168 110.211 -192.714 168 111 193.25 168 111 195 168 109.645 -201 168 109.853 203 168 110.684 204 168 110.684 -207 167.5 111 210 168 109.826 213 168 110.864 -214 168 110.04 92.6842 169 111 167 168.875 111 -168 168.947 111 169 168.438 111 172 169 109.645 -173 169 109.429 192.818 169 111 194 169 109.5 -193.25 169 111 202 169 110.625 205 169 110.471 -207 169 108.75 93.25 170 111 173 170 109.35 -173.688 170 111 193 169.25 111 94 170.4 111 -95 170.625 111 173 171 111 82 172 108.818 -186 172 110.55 185.727 172 111 205 172 109.636 -205 171.375 111 92 173 110.55 91.25 173 111 -93 172.455 111 93 173 110.4 175 173 110.625 -186 172.375 111 195 173 110.471 195 172.571 111 -196 172.444 111 196 173 109.5 205 173 110.143 -90.5 174 111 91 173.2 111 91 174 108.6 -92 174 110.438 94 174 110.55 95 173.667 111 -95 174 109.875 175 174 109.75 176 174 109.313 -196 174 109.821 197 174 109.889 197.667 174 111 -204 174 108.947 205 173.4 111 205.75 174 111 -91 174.25 111 95 174.75 111 171 175 108.273 -176 175 109.909 195.563 175 111 197 175 110.217 -85 176 108 84.25 176 111 85 175.25 111 -85.1875 176 111 171.857 176 111 177 176 108.29 -196 176 111 197 176 110.143 205 175.333 111 -85 176.188 111 197 176.286 111 212 180.067 111 -207 67 113.333 208 68 112.645 209 68 112.889 -210 68.0667 114 210 70 112.457 213 71 112.313 -214 71 112.75 215 71 113.5 215 72 112.25 -216 73 111.261 217 73 111.273 213 74 112.8 -216 74 111.968 218 74 112.364 218.231 74 114 -218 75 111.783 218 76 112.313 219.091 76 114 -218 77 113.419 219 77 113.679 219.25 77 114 -219 78 113.778 220 78 113.419 220 79 113.143 -221 80 113.419 221.857 81 114 222 82 113.8 -222.167 84 114 223 84 113.143 224 85 113.333 -225 85 113.55 225 87 113.778 226 87 112.696 -226 88 111.783 227 87.2632 114 229 98 111.176 -231 110 111.529 230.04 113 114 231 114 111.529 -232 119 112.773 232 120 111.947 233 121 111.5 -233 128 111.581 234 129 112.227 31 130 113.793 -149 130 111.333 233.375 130 114 234 130 113.348 -31 131 112.636 32 131 112.5 234 131 112.364 -31 132 113.182 30.875 132 114 32 132 112.5 -232 132 112.2 233 132 111.455 131 133 112.962 -132 133 113.1 132 132.182 114 149 132.944 114 -129 134 112.111 130 134 111.581 131 134 111.9 -132 134 113.778 232 133.684 114 233 134 111.931 -130 135 111.2 131 135 112.7 126 135.067 114 -158 136 113.333 31.2857 137 114 232 137 111.581 -157 138 112.08 229.5 138 114 233 138 111.176 -229 142 113.824 230 142 113.143 108 143 113.545 -161 143 111.857 231 144 112.5 165 145 112.8 -164 146 112.313 229 146 113.8 231 146 111.091 -230 147 111.176 232.962 148 114 229 149 111.931 -226 151 113.143 227 152 113.545 229 152 113.909 -232.176 152 114 228 153 112.909 103 154 113.4 -104 154 113.455 101.818 155 114 103 155 111.429 -104 155 113 59 157 112.235 59 158 111.529 -222 157.565 114 177 159 113 220 160 112.545 -106 161.053 114 106.783 162 114 161 163 113.571 -189 163 113.206 106 163.13 114 159.677 164 114 -189 164 112.889 191 164 112.889 197.25 164 114 -208 164 112.457 161.667 165 114 191 165 113.684 -192 165 112.889 198 165 113.25 205 165 113.217 -67 166 112 66.4737 166 114 67 165.667 114 -68 166 112.241 68.8947 166 114 190 166 113.5 -191 166 113.25 192 166 111.947 197 166 113.885 -197 165.667 114 198 166 113.778 199 166 112.5 -203 166 111.75 66 166.75 114 68 167 111.923 -192 167 111.545 193 167 111.273 56 168 112.25 -56 167.125 114 56.5833 168 114 66.1429 168 114 -68 167.947 114 67.8571 168 114 90.625 168 114 -93 167.261 114 167.769 168 114 168 167.25 114 -172 167.391 114 193 168 111.6 56 169 111.75 -56.2 169 114 169 168.609 114 184 169 113.684 -184 168.333 114 185 168.75 114 185 169 113.308 -192.417 169 114 202.65 169 114 203 168.125 114 -204 168.455 114 173 169.857 114 185 170 113.308 -184.6 170 114 193 170 111.9 194 169.444 114 -194 170 112.125 95 170.261 114 185 171 112.263 -186 171 113.182 192.889 171 114 194 171 112 -195 171 112.696 93 171.684 114 185 172 113.182 -186.438 172 114 194 172 113 195 172 111.667 -196 172 112.714 204 171.875 114 205 172 112.875 -204.4 172 114 205.231 172 114 94 173 111.5 -185 172.111 114 205 173 112.5 204.867 173 114 -205.5 173 114 91.8667 174 114 94.6667 174 114 -195 173.722 114 197.429 174 114 206 173.25 114 -206 174 111.429 93 174.393 114 172 175 111.75 -172.125 175 114 196 174.667 114 205 175 113.571 -206.15 175 114 85 176 111.346 171 175.545 114 -176 186.853 114 181 187.808 114 201.75 67 117 -204 67 116.125 203 68 116.471 205 69 116.1 -208 73 116.217 209 73 116.125 208 74 116.333 -207.5 74 117 209 74 115.962 210 76 116.1 -211 76 116.217 215 77 115.2 214 78 115.8 -216 78 115.645 217 78 116.333 213 78.6667 117 -218 79 116.444 221.966 80 117 219 81 115.2 -222 81 114.136 221 82 114.176 221 83 114.857 -225 84.1111 117 223 86.8667 117 224 89 115.7 -225 89 115.227 225 90 115.5 224.697 92 117 -224 95 116.824 234.059 105 117 226 108 116.4 -227 110 116.778 228 111 116.824 228 112 116.206 -228 113 116.419 229 114 114.529 229 115 114.857 -229 118 115.8 230 119 116.885 231 119 115.759 -231 121 114.931 230 122 114.882 30 125 116.087 -31 126 115.5 228.5 126 117 146 127.966 117 -145.955 128 117 146 129 115.655 32 130 114.231 -134 130 116.5 135 130 116.471 230 130 116.778 -132 131 116.069 133 131 114.818 134 131 115.3 -135 131 116.778 132 132 114.182 133 132 114.091 -134 132 115.5 133 133 114.931 159 133 115.5 -229 133 116.143 230 133 115.147 149.433 134 117 -230 134 116.032 231 134 116.1 232 134 114.692 -159 135 114.2 161 135 116.217 228 135 116.8 -229 135 115.889 232 135 115.364 159 136 114.857 -160 136 115.56 161 136 116.739 163 136 116.333 -229 136 116.625 162 137 116.217 230 137 114.4 -164 138 116.739 164 139 115.889 226 142 116.824 -105.867 143 117 226 143 116.143 229 143 114.176 -167 144 115.2 228 144 115.853 229 144 115.235 -104 144.933 117 103.857 145 117 105 145 115.5 -168 145 116.625 229 145 115 168 146 116.885 -169 146 116.778 170 146 116.333 227 146 116.545 -170 148 115.8 172 149 115.457 222.125 149 117 -223 150 115.457 224 151 115.2 220 152 116.143 -221 152 115.853 222 152 115.8 224 152 115.853 -51 152.087 117 221 153 115.457 222 153 115.8 -223 153 116.471 102 154 116.143 104 154 115.5 -219 154 116.5 101.895 155 117 103.545 155 117 -182 154.75 117 216 155 116.471 217 155 116.032 -218 155 116.333 181 156 115.457 182 156 116.4 -216 156 115.8 217 156 116.333 217.75 156 117 -223 155.917 117 161 157 114.8 160.313 157 117 -161 156.083 117 162 157 116 162.333 157 117 -182 157 116.032 185 157 116.206 212 157 116.471 -214 157 116.559 216 157 115.457 217 157 116.333 -217.75 157 117 161 157.55 117 162 157.857 117 -176 158 114.207 183 158 115.853 212 158 115.457 -216 158 115.457 217 158 116.032 218 158 115.929 -185 159 115.457 205 158.833 117 208 159 116.419 -210 159 116.125 189 160 115.457 192 160 116.8 -207 160 116.032 208 160 115.645 209 160 116.217 -217 160 114.9 187 161 114.29 188 161 114.968 -204 161 115.8 205 161 115.645 207 161 116.419 -208 161 116.419 209.5 161 117 217 161 116.069 -103.083 162 117 206 162 116.1 210 162 114.667 -216 162 116.864 217 162 116.88 58 163 116.739 -57.8182 163 117 58.25 163 117 69 162.818 117 -103 163 116.087 103 162.125 117 211 163 114.931 -69 164 116.217 103 163.875 117 162.077 164 117 -68 165 116.25 68 164.813 117 159.933 165 117 -197 165 114.333 69 166 114.667 170 166 114.9 -190 166 114.75 190 165.455 117 191 166 115.2 -56 167 114.75 56 166 117 66 167 114.333 -67 167 116.348 67.3333 167 117 91 167 114.783 -191 167 115.765 192 167 116.455 56 168 117 -67 168 114.692 68 167.385 117 89.0909 168 117 -168.125 168 117 172 168 116.1 171.684 168 117 -184 168 114.6 184 167 117 184.333 168 117 -190.923 168 117 192 168 114.923 193 168 115.333 -193.333 168 117 201.067 168 117 202 167.067 117 -203 168 114.13 204.467 168 117 56 169 114.563 -89.25 169 117 91 169 115 94.6364 169 117 -171 169 115.579 172 169 115.7 184 168.8 117 -184 169 116 185 169 116.25 192 169 114.789 -202 169 116.6 201.923 169 117 204.609 169 117 -79 170 115.875 79 169.727 117 80 169.417 117 -80 170 115.385 185 170 116.571 192 169.737 117 -79 170.273 117 80 170.304 117 94 170.286 117 -185 171 115.737 186 171 114.474 195 171 116.727 -194.875 171 117 204 171 116.8 204 170.857 117 -94 171.455 117 186 172 114.778 194 172 115.286 -194 171.467 117 195 172 116.333 196 172 115 -205 172 114.474 92.2273 173 117 195 173 115.773 -196 173 116.1 205 173 114.6 93 174 116.75 -171 173.889 117 197 174 114.692 205 174 115.286 -206 174 115.636 206 175 114.818 172 175.933 117 -204 185 115.579 176.85 186 117 177 185.813 117 -178 185.417 117 184 186 116.735 184 187.385 117 -200.25 67 120 200.333 69 120 204 70 117.968 -202.125 71 120 204 71 118.313 204 74 119.143 -206 77 118.457 208 77 118.5 207 78 119.032 -210 78 118.25 217 79 117.273 210 79.5455 120 -214 80 119.5 216 80 117.261 217 80 117.103 -216 81 117.667 221 86 118.364 219 87 119.824 -220 87 119.8 220.5 87 120 220 88 119.559 -221 88 119.5 222 87.2857 120 222 89 119.1 -222 90.3333 120 223 90.7692 120 224 91.125 120 -222.545 93 120 224 93 118.56 33 105 119.8 -33 107 119.471 32 108 119.739 33 108 119.824 -223.867 108 120 32 109 118.556 33 109 119.824 -224.526 109 120 31 110 119.526 225 110 119.1 -32 111 118.5 224 111 119.419 224 112 118.457 -225 112 118.2 31 113 117.75 224 113 118.457 -225 113 118.645 226 113 118.3 226 114 119.864 -31 119 117.529 226 119 118.457 226 120 118.457 -227 120 118.258 230 120 117.391 225 121 119.471 -227 121 119.739 229 121 118.08 33 127 118.818 -29.4857 128 120 227.929 128 120 145.147 129 120 -228 129 119.864 226 130 119.143 162 131 118.8 -226 131 119.118 161 132 118.235 164 132 118.8 -227 132 118.457 34.4545 133 120 34 134 119.211 -226 135 118.457 230 135 117.517 231 135 117.409 -230 136 117.429 165 137 117.176 169 136.167 120 -169 137 119.143 168 138 118.457 224 138 118.8 -226 138 118.75 110 139 119.824 167 139 118.645 -225 139 119.032 226 139 119.333 227 139 118.556 -167 140 118 226 140 118.941 228 140 117.265 -224 141 118.8 106.133 142 120 221 142 118.8 -106 142.5 120 105.75 143 120 170 143 118.645 -173 143 118.8 103 144 119.769 105.857 144 120 -220 144 118.457 102 145 117.6 103 145 117.947 -104 144.667 120 105 144.857 120 221 145 118.457 -99 146 118.853 101 146 118.182 102 146 117.231 -219 146 118.457 221 146 118.8 222 146 119.206 -223 146 119.471 174 147 118.2 219 147 118.8 -221 147 119.559 222 147 119.273 223 147 118.909 -220.286 148 120 221 148 119.559 222 148 118.545 -221 149 119.1 179 150 118.457 220.346 150 120 -177 151 118.556 178 151 118.889 179 151 118.457 -213 152 118.8 218 152 117.857 181 153 119.1 -185 153 119.824 215 153 118.457 217 153 117.882 -102 153.85 120 103.438 154 120 210 154 118.457 -215 154 118.2 222 154 117.455 223 154 118.111 -224 154 117.45 104 155 119.143 209 155 118.457 -211 155 118.457 213 155 118.7 219 155 117.273 -221 155 118.759 222 155 119.172 223 155 118.435 -103 155.895 120 104 155.143 120 184 156 117.529 -189 156 118.457 211 156 117.882 213 156 117.968 -218.727 156 120 219 155.87 120 219.429 156 120 -220 156 119.294 222 156 119.04 161 157 118.737 -162 157 118.636 189 157 118.2 201 157 119.206 -219 156.75 120 219 157 119.5 198 158 119.419 -202 158 119.206 203 159 118.4 165 160 119.609 -164.727 160 120 165 159.75 120 202 160 117.182 -210 160 117.6 165 160.6 120 210 161 117.333 -211 161 119.786 211.25 161 120 212.75 161 120 -214 161 118.909 216 161 118.105 57 162 118.688 -57 161.125 120 58 161.083 120 58 162 118.565 -104 162 118.65 105 162 118.111 106 162 117.375 -188 162 119.684 57 163 118.688 67.5333 163 120 -68 162.417 120 101 163 119.308 100.143 163 120 -102 162.739 120 102 163 118.364 103 162.563 120 -104 163 119 188 163 119 57 164 119 -56.5556 164 120 57.8 164 120 101 164 119.217 -102 164 119.25 103 164 118 103.111 164 120 -181 164 119.308 188 164 119.308 189 164 118.889 -57 165 117.75 56.25 165 120 57.25 165 120 -68 165 118.125 68.3125 165 120 162 164.053 120 -162.667 165 120 169 164.5 120 180.739 165 120 -189 165 118.444 190 165 117.75 197 165 119.667 -198 165 119.55 57 165.25 120 68 166 118.826 -69 165.55 120 69 166 118.313 93.2 166 120 -161 165.947 120 182 166 118.364 183 166 117.375 -189.067 166 120 191 165.333 120 198 166 118.25 -199 166 118.95 56 167 117.75 68 167 118 -162 166.261 120 171.519 167 120 183 166.636 120 -190 166.737 120 198 166.35 120 200 167 119.182 -199.25 167 120 200 166.571 120 201 166.632 120 -201 167 117.375 184 168 117.75 193 168 118.579 -192.25 168 120 201 168 118 202 167.417 120 -192 169 119.211 192 168.375 120 203 169 119.87 -203 168.857 120 79 170 117.563 80 170 118.75 -193 170 119.684 203 170 117.391 204 170 117.6 -93 171 119 94 171 118 94.3704 171 120 -94.3704 172 120 94 172.667 120 170.192 175 120 -171 175.808 120 184 184.267 120 176.533 186 120 -180 186 117.25 181 186 117.6 181.8 186 120 -182.091 186 120 185 186 117.091 175 186.588 120 -181 187 120 184 187 117.652 183.053 187 120 -185 187 117.088 182 187.615 120 200.25 68 123 -200.333 69 123 205 80 122.625 207 80 121.556 -208 80 122.423 210 80 120.714 221 79.913 123 -205 80.75 123 207 81 121.889 214 81 120.12 -206 82 122.032 207 82 121.645 208 82 122.8 -213 82 120.333 214 82 120.231 211 83 121.645 -213 83 121.5 210.182 84 123 212 84 121.8 -213 84 122.125 213 84.875 123 214 85.5 123 -216 87 122.739 217 87 122.55 221 87 120.273 -222 87 120.333 218 88 121.2 220 89 121.038 -221 89 120.103 221 90 120.231 221 91 121.5 -223 91 122.25 220 92 122.129 221 92 121.7 -222 92 121.889 222.667 92 123 222 93 120.529 -34 102 121.962 34 101.182 123 33 103 121.895 -34 103 121.7 33 104 120.682 34 104 121.5 -31.8235 105 123 34 105 121.5 32 106 120.667 -222 107 120.529 220 109 122.778 224 109 121 -220 110 122.333 221 110 122.032 222 110 122.206 -223 110 121.909 221 111 122.806 222 111 121.909 -221 114 122.032 222 114 120.857 220 115 122.143 -225 115 120.273 226 115 120.692 223 116 121.25 -224 116 121.125 225 116 120.333 221 117 121.457 -224 117 121.2 222 118 122.333 223 118 122.739 -223 119 122.063 223 120 121.853 222 121 121.457 -224 121 120.529 221 122 121.457 223 122 121.457 -226 122 120.455 227 122 121.219 221 123 121.457 -224 123 121.5 225 123 121.853 226 123 121.909 -227 123 121.219 149 123.7 123 226 124 121.909 -227 124 120.094 34.4737 126 123 226 126 121.125 -161 126.5 123 165 127 122.824 225 127 122.1 -226 127 121.7 34.7391 128 123 134 127.833 123 -145.059 128 123 165 128 121.8 217.875 128 123 -219 128 121.8 223 128 121.8 227 128 122.167 -135 128.077 123 162 129 121.235 164 129 121.8 -167 129 121.8 226 129 120.115 227 129 120.316 -35 130 121.818 136.4 130 123 124 133 121.355 -219 133 121.457 168 134 121.5 220 135 121.8 -219 136 122.786 218 138 121.457 220 138 121.457 -221 138 121.645 222 138 121.304 174 139 121.457 -177 139 122.471 220 139 122.8 221 139 122.8 -222 139 122.217 223 139 120.5 104.6 140 123 -106 140 121.355 173 140 121.2 177 141 122.1 -178 141 122.032 179 141 122.471 221 141 120.818 -105 142 123 106 142 120.857 176 142 122.129 -215 142 122.25 102 143 120.29 103 143 120.261 -104 143 120.75 176 143 121.543 212 143 122.471 -104 144 120.857 116 144 121.714 117 143.818 123 -181 144 121.8 182 144 122.471 212 144 121.457 -214 144 121.886 104.417 145 123 106 145 122 -116 145 120.167 117 145 120.3 179 145 121.457 -215 145 121.8 105 145.438 123 106 145.261 123 -116 145.739 123 181 146 122.778 184 146 121.8 -210 146 122.806 214 146 121.645 216 146 121.457 -46 147 121.111 181 147 122.778 182 147 122.778 -184 147 121.457 205 147 122.471 205 146.5 123 -208 147 121.457 209 147 121.8 211 147 121.8 -91 147.5 123 181 148 121.7 205 148 121.457 -207 148 121.457 211 148 121.457 212 148 122.125 -214 148 122.125 90 149 122.419 188 149 121.8 -210 149 121.457 212.375 149 123 42 150 122.4 -41.625 150 123 42 149.625 123 42.2727 150 123 -89 150 120.882 203 150 121.853 204 150 121.457 -209 150 121.457 210 150 121.645 211 150 122.217 -211.75 150 123 220 150 121.08 52 151 120.692 -208 151 121.457 214 150.625 123 53 152 122.5 -54.75 152 123 62 151.5 123 84 152 120.529 -189 152 121.457 208 152 121.2 177 153 122.609 -176.4 153 123 177 152.727 123 177.75 153 123 -177 153.25 123 103 154.211 123 104 155 120.857 -200 155 121.457 101.313 156 123 103 156 120.375 -217 156 122.182 216.455 156 123 218 155.813 123 -218 156 122.182 219.429 156 123 102 156.846 123 -103 156.933 123 217 157 121.696 216.286 157 123 -218 157 122.182 219 157 120.75 217 157.5 123 -206 159 122.053 207 159 121.875 165 159.813 123 -207 160 121.355 208 159.083 123 209 159.727 123 -209 160 122.438 209.429 160 123 60 161 122.333 -165 160.75 123 166 161 121.091 186 161 122.71 -187 160.364 123 188 161 122.55 207 161 121.696 -208 161 122.053 209 160.333 123 212 161 121.125 -57 161.455 123 70 162 120.273 72 161.263 123 -72 162 121.645 167 162 122.125 166.125 162 123 -167 161.125 123 187 162 120.222 57 163 122.625 -71 163 121 98 163 122.526 98 162.625 123 -99 162.045 123 99 163 120.261 100 163 120.158 -102 163 121.636 101.667 163 123 103 163 120.875 -167 162.467 123 169 163 122.71 168.25 163 123 -181 163 122.55 180.87 163 123 181.75 163 123 -57 164 120.75 58 163.273 123 90.6957 164 123 -93 164 122.4 100 164 121.091 102 164 121.125 -103 164 120.333 161 164 121.2 168 164 122.739 -167.923 164 123 172 163.6 123 182 163.143 123 -57 165 120.375 161 164.6 123 163 164.391 123 -182 165 122.842 182 164.857 123 191.375 165 123 -195 164.333 123 196 164.217 123 198 164.923 123 -172.654 166 123 182 166 120.783 195.8 166 123 -210 166 122.609 209.75 166 123 85 167 122.222 -84.125 167 123 85 166.632 123 85.5833 167 123 -162 166.783 123 163 166.526 123 191 167 121.235 -191 166.167 123 200 167 121.125 201 167 121.235 -210 167 122.438 211 167 122.4 84 168 122.4 -83.25 168 123 169 167.609 123 192 168 120.375 -201 168 120.4 202 168 121.05 203 168 120.783 -211 168 120.2 211.875 168 123 84 168.2 123 -90.125 169 123 91 169.368 123 95.1875 170 123 -211 169.15 123 212 169.375 123 92.4615 171 123 -93 172 121.75 170 171.87 123 170 173 120.75 -171 172.727 123 193 174 122.6 193 173.333 123 -194 173.067 123 194 175 120 194.9 175 123 -171 175.316 123 159 180.31 123 183.4 184 123 -184.545 184 123 182.895 185 123 175.143 186 123 -177 185.4 123 177 186 121.615 180.417 186 123 -181 186 121.091 178 187 121.889 179 187 122.1 -180 187 121.5 183 186.333 123 178 187.909 123 -182 188.435 123 193 188.077 123 92 190.6 123 -203 70 125.71 202 71 124.5 202.37 71 126 -202.286 73 126 208 81 123.12 205 83 125.727 -208 83 123.682 207 84 124.826 206 85 125.778 -205.8 85 126 206.5 85 126 206 86 125.125 -205.364 86 126 206.875 86 126 209 86 125.125 -210.375 86 126 211 85.7727 126 207.4 87 126 -209 87 125.032 210 87 125.333 210.545 87 126 -214 87 124.304 212 87.25 126 211.143 88 126 -213 88 125.625 210.867 89 126 212 89 124.645 -213 90 125.333 216 91 125.7 223.909 91 126 -215 92 125.739 216 92 125.75 224 92 124.636 -214 93 125.778 217 93 124.889 216 94 124.645 -217 94 125.217 218 94 125.625 217 95 125.217 -218 95 125.211 219 95 125.786 36 96 125.8 -36 95.7143 126 216 96 124.645 217 96 124.889 -218 96 124.111 219 96 123.136 35 97 125.778 -36 97 125.471 36 98 125.824 34 99 125.609 -35 99 124.5 34 100 124.421 35 100 124.5 -215 100 124.457 35 101 124.818 216 105 124.457 -218 109 124.5 219 109 124 218 111 123.882 -219 111 123.517 216 112 125.471 221 112 123.176 -215 113 125.5 218 113 125.885 220 113 124 -219 114 125.864 214 116 125.824 215.75 117 126 -217 119 124.457 36 121 124.457 37 121 125.471 -152.6 121 126 155 121 124.457 157 121 124.8 -215 121 124.457 152 122 125.625 153 122 124.853 -166 121.833 126 153 123 123.882 155 123 124.457 -165 123 125.125 218 123 124.457 36 124 124.8 -146.923 124 126 165 124 125.217 170 123.833 126 -218 124 124.8 220 124 123.818 36 125 124.457 -160 125 124.313 165 125 125.125 170 125 124.8 -212 125 125.1 211.4 125 126 219.857 125 126 -221 125 125.25 223 125 125.545 224 125 125.206 -35 126 123.882 36 126 124.645 37 126 124.645 -145.8 126 126 160 126 123.783 170 126 124.457 -212 126 125.778 213 126 125.55 213.6 126 126 -219 126 125.885 223 126 125.545 224 126 124.909 -36 127 125.217 213.25 127 126 36 128 124.826 -37 128 124.889 174 127.25 126 217 127.739 126 -216.571 128 126 228 128 123.75 227.25 128 126 -37 129 124.645 38.5 129 126 174 129 124.645 -214 129 125.55 216 129 125.55 216 128.727 126 -228 128.75 126 38 130 125.471 174 130 124.889 -146.5 131 126 212 131 124.457 37 132 125.559 -176 132 124.645 216 132 124.889 177 133 125.143 -211 133 124.8 215 133 124.457 211 134 124.457 -217 135 124.3 216 136 124.147 217 136 124.5 -176 137 124.111 213 138 124.2 207.167 139 126 -209 139 124.457 217 139 124.125 224 139 125.455 -223.2 139 126 224 138.556 126 225 138.5 126 -225 139 125.143 102 140 124.2 104 140 124.227 -182 140 124.645 183 140 124.7 207.5 140 126 -216 140 124.8 217 140 124.545 43 141 125.824 -103 141 123.947 104.857 141 126 167 141 124.385 -166.364 141 126 167 140.417 126 182 141 124.889 -184 141 124.645 209 141 124.645 216 141 124.345 -218 141 123.818 42 142 124.235 43 142 125.559 -99 142 124.2 105 141.25 126 167 142 124 -183 142 124.645 186 142 124.7 186.722 142 126 -203 142 124.457 207.222 142 126 209 142 124.645 -213 142 124.5 46 142.5 126 168 143 123.13 -169 143 124.3 185 143 124.645 190 143 125.778 -191 143 124.457 192 143 124.645 205 143 124.8 -97 144 123.182 105 144 124.826 116 143.769 126 -168 144 124 169 144 123 184 144 123.882 -190 144 125.032 191 144 124.645 198 144 124.457 -202 144 124.457 105 145 124.105 106 145 124.2 -116.737 145 126 168 144.37 126 169 144.609 126 -188 145 125.1 189 144.125 126 193 145 125.55 -201 145 124.457 205 145 124.457 89 145.25 126 -115 145.857 126 115.25 146 126 194 146 124.457 -90 147 124.5 116 146.111 126 191 147 124.645 -202 147 124.457 196 148 124.8 43 149 124.364 -44 149 125.609 45 149 125.8 59 149 125.824 -191 149 124.457 194 149 123.529 197 149 124.556 -214 149 124.412 216 149 124.56 217 149 124.364 -42 150 123.818 43 149.857 126 44 149.273 126 -59.3333 150 126 60 150 125.75 61 150 125.333 -64 150 124.457 212.25 150 126 215 150 125.833 -216 150 125.864 217 150 124.909 54 151 123.316 -55 151 123.833 56 151 124.5 211.4 151 126 -214.75 151 126 54 152 124.286 59 151.375 126 -177 153 124.286 218 153 125.667 217.727 153 126 -176 154 125.308 102 155 125.8 174 155 125.55 -174 154.571 126 175 155 124.862 214 155 125.118 -215 155 124.5 217 155 124.875 217.4 155 126 -175 156 124.889 176 156 124.929 176.667 156 126 -214 155.909 126 216 156 123.938 217.368 156 126 -218 156 123.6 219 156 123.692 100 156.333 126 -102 157 123.75 103 156.273 126 204 157 125.4 -216 157 124.714 218 157 123.6 219 157 123.391 -100 157.909 126 205 158 123.8 206 158 124.091 -184 159 125.323 184 158.125 126 185 158.217 126 -185 159 124.258 205 159 123.517 208 158.923 126 -165 160 123.333 185 160 123.9 186 160 123.13 -208.654 160 126 209 160 123.75 61 161 123.3 -72 161 123.789 74 161 125.471 94 161 125.455 -94.5455 161 126 180 161 125.727 180 160.714 126 -181 160.444 126 185 161 125.684 57 162 124.2 -57.6 162 126 60 162 125.25 61 162 123.75 -70 162 124.579 73 162 123.556 92 162 124.7 -167 162 125.625 167.333 162 126 168 161.923 126 -168 162 125.143 181 162 123.188 180.063 162 126 -208 162 124.875 60 162.097 126 61 162.273 126 -69 163 124.5 71 163 125.727 71.25 163 126 -167.391 163 126 168 163 123.2 171 162.265 126 -181.25 163 126 207 162.2 126 208 163 126 -90 164 124.92 97.7273 164 126 163 164 125.25 -163 163.813 126 181 164 123.563 182 164 123.783 -190 163.773 126 87 165 125.4 86.6 165 126 -87.8571 165 126 192 165 124.111 194 165 123.1 -86 166 124.35 87 166 124.444 87.6364 166 126 -90.7391 166 126 164.435 166 126 191.857 166 126 -198 166 125.318 210 166 125.25 84.4737 167 126 -86 167 124.25 86.5833 167 126 162 166.6 126 -163 167 124.8 171.2 167 126 189 166.143 126 -210 167 124.125 211 167 123.75 84 168 123.818 -90 168 123.4 211 168 125.211 191 170 124.696 -190.333 170 126 192 169.889 126 192 170 125.25 -169 171 124.765 170 170.842 126 170 171 125.609 -191 170.909 126 192 171 124.263 191.083 171 126 -169 172 124.043 168.375 172 126 192 172 125.455 -193 172 124.875 171 173 124.636 170.737 173 126 -193 173 123.75 194 173 123.75 170 174 125.211 -171 174 125 195 175 124.2 195.13 175 126 -194 175.435 126 195 175.375 126 197 178 124.889 -197 179 124.821 197.733 179 126 197 179.917 126 -175 183 125.6 179 183 125.769 164 183.941 126 -184 184 124.2 175 185 124.889 176 185 125.308 -177 184.714 126 184 185 125.684 170 185.722 126 -170.714 186 126 173 185.714 126 176 185.375 126 -171 186.087 126 172 186.261 126 179 186.455 126 -180 186.333 126 192 186.818 126 182.5 188 126 -93 190 125 96 190.059 126 202.654 72 129 -207 72 128.806 209 72.6087 129 210 73.0909 129 -208 76 128 207.533 76 129 210 79 126.789 -210 78.2632 129 211 79 128.6 210 80 127.364 -210.857 80 129 211 79.6667 129 212 80 128.833 -211.5 80 129 212 79.9091 129 212 81 128.483 -211.5 81 129 212.5 81 129 212 81.4545 129 -207 85 126.857 205.1 86 129 207 86 126.5 -208 86 126.214 211 85.6667 129 212 86 126.5 -213 86 126.5 207 87 128 212 87 126.857 -213 87 127.071 205.833 88 129 207 87.0909 129 -210 88 126.4 211 87.75 129 211 88 127 -206 88.1667 129 210 89 127.773 205 90 128.684 -214 90 126.316 204 90.625 129 205 91 127.889 -211 90.625 129 212 90.4167 129 213 91 127.071 -215 91 126.882 223 91 128.143 204 92 128.125 -223 92 126.882 37 93 128.6 38 92.7143 129 -38.0909 93 129 203 93 128.684 205 93 127.457 -208 93 128.206 209 93 128.032 210 93 128.667 -37 94 128.053 203 94 128.333 209 94 128.333 -213.125 94 129 219 94 127.286 36 95 127 -202.739 95 129 209 95 128.125 34.9333 96 129 -203.5 96 129 209.583 96 129 213 96 128.625 -212.75 96 129 206 97 127.8 208 97 127.457 -210 96.7143 129 210 97 128.684 205 97.5 129 -209 98 127.889 211 98 127.889 212 99 127.889 -213 99 127.5 209 100 127.645 209 101 127.457 -212 102 127.457 208 103 127.8 208 104 127.457 -205 109 128.206 203 110 128.143 206 110 128.032 -207 110 127.457 214 110 127.457 212 111 127.457 -200 111.833 129 201 113 127.457 198.625 114 129 -204 114 127.853 218 114 126.818 199 115 127.8 -200 115 127.457 201 117 127.457 215 117 126.265 -223 117 127.895 222.632 117 129 223.875 117 129 -211 118 127.457 212 118 127.5 223 118 128 -222.143 118 129 223.261 118 129 202 119 128.8 -208 119 127.457 213 119 128.206 214 119 127.182 -202 120 128.419 203 120 128.5 209 120 127.457 -161 120.417 129 204 121 128.118 209 121 128.032 -152 121.818 129 166.6 122 129 205 122 127.457 -29.8235 123 129 167 122.25 129 168.6 123 129 -149 123.7 129 170.25 124 129 188 124 128.909 -187.833 124 129 208 124 127.889 196 125 128.143 -197 125 127.8 206 125 127.457 218 124.955 129 -218.1 125 129 39 126 127.182 189 126 128.824 -199 126 128.032 204 126 127.457 206 126 127.645 -210 126 128.308 133 126.824 129 172.75 127 129 -174 126.857 129 174.286 127 129 199 127 128.333 -205 127 127.457 206 127 127.889 210.455 127 129 -211 127 126.75 214 127 128.077 214.571 127 129 -216 126.25 129 218 127 126.3 217.25 127 129 -173 127.125 129 199 128 128.125 206 128 128.125 -215 128 126.964 228 128 126.818 179 128.182 129 -181 129 127.645 206.833 129 129 39 130 126.581 -146.273 130 129 179 130 127.8 183 130 127.457 -197 130 127.853 198 130 127.889 205 130 127.457 -207 130 128.25 209 129.417 129 39 131 126.529 -40 131 127.2 41.625 131 129 197 131 128.4 -198 131 128.55 201 131 128.125 209 131 127.457 -40 132 127.853 188 133 128.032 40 134 127.286 -180 134 127.543 187 134 127.889 188 134 128.217 -192 134 128.471 193 133.75 129 184 135 128.1 -188.286 135 129 192 135 127.457 43 136 127.8 -43.875 136 129 182 136 127.2 184 136 128.778 -185 136 128.778 186 136 128.125 206 136 127.457 -219 136 128.55 183 137 128.143 184 137 128.778 -185 137 128.778 196 137 128.55 203 137 127.8 -218 137 128.625 217.813 137 129 219 137 127.696 -220.375 137 129 102 138 126.29 184 138 127.75 -187 138 127.645 188 138 127.962 202 138 128.559 -219 137.667 129 220 137.375 129 222 138 128.4 -221.25 138 129 223 138 127.25 224 138 127.875 -224.375 138 129 186 139 128.1 187 139 127.889 -188 139 128.333 201 139 128.8 203 139 128.559 -205 139 128.032 206 139 127.444 223 139 126.429 -222.6 139 129 225 138.714 129 225.105 139 129 -186 140 126.563 187 140 127.111 188 140 127.853 -192 140 127.457 193 140 127.457 197 140 127.645 -200 140 127.457 204 140 128.423 204.714 140 129 -225 139.133 129 104 141 127.636 166.667 141 129 -167 140.143 129 188 141 128.4 189 141 128.909 -190 141 128.182 196 141 127.457 205.167 141 129 -213 141 127.154 214 141 127 105 142 126.818 -166.435 142 129 189 142 128.897 199 142 127.235 -200 142 126.882 201 142 126.176 207 142 128 -48 143 127.5 106 143 128.167 187.5 143 129 -189 143 128.833 188.857 143 129 194 143 127.345 -206 143 126.316 207 143 128 208 143 126.682 -50 143.188 129 207 144 127.615 208 144 127.7 -113.6 145 129 114 144.143 129 188 144.091 129 -114 146 128.217 115 147 128.769 114.714 147 129 -116 146.609 129 43 149 127.636 44 149 127.286 -44.4 149 129 45 148.455 129 46 148.727 129 -46 149 128.182 47 149 127.95 47.4667 149 129 -67 149 126.529 46 149.25 129 47 149.875 129 -59 150 126.094 211.455 150 129 214 150 126.75 -59 151 127 210 151 127.625 210 150.522 129 -211 151 126.3 213.667 151 129 208.813 152 129 -210 152 127.889 211 152 127.95 209 153 129 -211 152.304 129 216 153 128.786 214 153.565 129 -217 154 127.875 218 153.933 129 217.75 154 129 -174 154.5 129 176.895 155 129 205 155 128.71 -206 155 128.118 207 154.625 129 207 155 128.667 -101 156 128 102 156 127.826 174.074 156 129 -177 155.087 129 177 156 126.577 183 156 128.25 -182.125 156 129 204 156 127.147 206 156 128.308 -97 157 127.846 98 156.313 129 98 157 127.821 -100 156.067 129 101 156.625 129 101.25 157 129 -102 157 127.2 176 157 126.115 177 157 126.441 -183 157 127.8 184 156.632 129 184 157 128.125 -202 157 128.824 203 157 126.9 214 156.618 129 -217 157 127.5 178 158 128.71 183 158 128.222 -184 158 126.158 61 159 128.727 62 159 127.645 -95 159 128.4 183 158.778 129 183.1 159 129 -207.435 159 129 58.375 160 129 62 160 126.9 -71.9259 160 129 73 160 127.3 75 159.895 129 -94 160 126.75 95 160 127.038 95.7727 160 129 -179 160 128.8 180 159.045 129 180 160 126.577 -187 160 126.316 204 159.333 129 208 160 127.962 -62.4667 161 129 75 161 127.818 95 161 126.682 -95.5862 161 129 179.357 161 129 185 161 126.6 -186 161 128.348 186 160.545 129 208 161 127.304 -62 161.636 129 61.4286 162 129 71 162 128.625 -71.0769 162 129 92 161.056 129 168.769 162 129 -170 162 126.2 180 161.947 129 186 162 126.75 -187 162 128.217 207 162 126.692 207 161.167 129 -61 162.2 129 88.4545 163 129 89 162.455 129 -90 162.105 129 95 163 127.92 97.875 163 129 -167.833 163 129 181 162.231 129 187 162.75 129 -88 164 127.8 88 163.455 129 89 164 126.9 -95 164 127.714 97 164 128.286 96.6429 164 129 -100.176 164 129 163 163.571 129 163.857 164 129 -172.382 164 129 188 163.067 129 193 163.263 129 -86.5417 165 129 87 164.522 129 89 165 127.125 -90 165 127.5 97 165 128.769 98 165 128.217 -162.045 165 129 196 165 128.273 86 166 128.2 -86.3636 166 129 87.5833 166 129 91 165.261 129 -99 165.333 129 162 166 127.929 168.923 166 129 -194 166 126.818 195 166 128.294 195 165.6 129 -196 166 128.429 197 166 127.909 85 167 127.111 -86 167 127.05 92 167 127.5 93 167 128.5 -95.6667 167 129 165 167 126.857 189 167 127.125 -189.667 167 129 191 166.385 129 193 166.111 129 -166 168 128.1 166.857 168 129 189 168 127.696 -190 168 129 95.3704 169 129 164 168.333 129 -167.25 169 129 188.727 169 129 190 169 126.375 -95 169.909 129 168 170 127.75 169 170 126.783 -169.773 170 129 191 169.125 129 192 170 126.75 -168 171 128.25 167.87 171 129 169.944 171 129 -192 171 128.063 192 172 126.333 193 172 126.474 -193 173 126.45 194 173 126.45 194 174 127.222 -194 175 127.111 195 175 126.6 196 177 127.714 -196 176.75 129 197 177 127.333 197.833 177 129 -196 178 127.364 198.667 178 129 198 179.75 129 -207 180 128 92 181 128.667 92.375 181 129 -196 180.778 129 197 181 128.526 196.4 181 129 -202 181 127.174 204 181 127.765 207 181 127.393 -208 181 128.55 92 182 127.636 92.9091 182 129 -200.75 182 129 202 182 127.038 206 182 128.471 -207 182 128 208 182 127.444 209 182 126.9 -92 183 128.571 92.6667 183 129 174 183 126.273 -173.375 183 129 177 183 127.773 197 183 128.609 -198 183 128.71 207 183 128.333 208 183 126.261 -92 183.125 129 172 184 128.526 171.25 184 129 -171 185 128.455 172 185 127.8 173 185 126.682 -170 185.9 129 170.25 186 129 176 185.929 129 -175.68 187 129 179 187 127.565 178.45 187 129 -180 187 127.385 181 186.4 129 179 188 127 -178.5 188 129 180 188 126.5 181 188 127.5 -182 188 127.688 192.727 189 129 94 189.409 129 -95 190 127 193 189.194 129 86 191 126.5 -90.7368 191 129 87 191.8 129 90 191.452 129 -203 72 130.929 204 72 131.308 207 74 131.727 -208 74 130.962 211 74 130.765 208 75 130 -207.474 75 132 209 75 131.526 209 75.375 132 -208 76.5556 132 211 79 129.6 210 80 130.636 -212 80 129.231 212 81 129.882 213 82 130.5 -214 83 130.2 214.6 83 132 214 84 132 -206 85 130.2 214 85 129.429 213.5 85 132 -215 84.1 132 215 85 129.545 206.667 86 132 -210.727 86 132 215 85.5 132 42 87 131.909 -205.9 87 132 205.182 88 132 207 88 132 -41 89 131.824 205 89 130.846 205 88.2857 132 -206 89 129.882 207 89 130.857 208 89 130 -206 90 129.125 208 90 130.345 209 90 129.529 -210 90 129.261 39 91 131.739 211 91 129.391 -212 91 130.75 216 91 131.571 215.8 91 132 -216 90.7143 132 38 92 131.143 39 92 130.962 -39.6 92 132 203.37 92 132 212 92 130.364 -216 92 130.875 39 93 131 212 93 130.655 -216 92.75 132 211 95 132 212 95 132 -213 95 130.071 215 95 131.609 215 94.25 132 -216 95 132 202.533 96 132 215 95.3333 132 -211 97 129.094 34.5 98 132 203 98 131.129 -204 99 131.419 205 99 131.25 206 99 130.773 -37 100 129.529 201.727 100 132 207 100 130.304 -202 101 131.032 203 101 130.457 204 101 130.8 -202 102.25 132 202.857 103 132 203.167 104 132 -198.346 112 132 196 115.929 132 223 117 130.4 -194 118 131.739 193.889 118 132 223 118 130.636 -194 119 131.419 193.143 119 132 195 120 131.559 -212 120 129.882 153 121 129.667 155 121 130.543 -161 121 129.875 192 121 131.806 192 120.75 132 -192.5 121 132 195 121 131.471 212 121 130.154 -161 122 130.543 166 122 129.45 192.667 122 132 -193.75 122 132 40 123 131.1 152 123 129.857 -166 123 129.581 168 123 129.45 191 123 131.125 -193 122.75 132 193 123 131.909 202 123 129.545 -209 123 129.818 210 123 130.56 41 124 131.684 -159 124 130.543 167 124 130.147 187 124 130.364 -188 123.087 132 189 124 130.5 190 124 130.75 -195 124 129.857 210 124 129.409 218 124 131.625 -218 123.727 132 40 125 130.5 150 125 130.645 -157 125 130.543 165 125 129.529 170 125 130.355 -186 125 129.545 185.64 125 132 187 125 129.261 -191.75 125 132 192 124.5 132 194 125 131.182 -209 125 129.469 217 125 129.563 43 126 130.8 -157 126 130.543 158 126 129.581 160 126 129.2 -161 126 130.2 163 126 130.543 187 126 129.2 -190 126 130.235 201 126 129.094 208 126 129.714 -151 127 130.889 153 127 131.143 154 127 131.471 -155 127 131.118 156 127 131.471 159 127 129.5 -170 127 130.543 188 127 129.818 192 126.6 132 -192 127 131.824 210 127 130.667 133 127.5 132 -160 128 130.3 174 128 131.333 175 127.875 132 -176 127.625 132 180 127.435 132 185 128 131.885 -184.857 128 132 187 128 130.235 188 128 129.818 -191 128 131.206 200 128 129.844 201 128 130.545 -206.913 128 132 209.933 128 132 216 127.889 132 -44 129 130.645 161 129 131.824 164 128.909 132 -184 128.231 132 192 129 130.3 200 129 129.844 -201 129 130.182 207 128.286 132 42 130 130.111 -44 130 131.333 187 130 129.529 188 130 129.529 -189 130 130.08 190 130 129.882 191 130 130.5 -192 130 130.111 194 130 130.2 201 130 129.091 -44 131 131.333 188 131 129.265 189 131 130.773 -192 131 131.217 193 131 130.2 199 131 130.2 -46 132 131.333 192 132 131.333 194 132 130.5 -196 132 129.882 199 132 132 43 133 131.909 -47 133 131.032 106 133 129.882 110 132.265 132 -189.538 133 132 192 133 130 193 133 129.529 -195 133 130.235 197 133 131.217 197.462 133 132 -42 134 130.909 48 134 131.419 189 134 130.071 -190 133.545 132 191 134 130.8 194 134 129.682 -195 134 130.5 196 134 130.3 197.5 134 132 -198.857 134 132 45 134.857 132 103 135 129.265 -196 135 130 101 136 129.265 102 136 129.176 -189 136 129.517 196.571 136 132 218 136 129.167 -217.105 136 132 189 137 129.774 190 137 129.469 -196.696 137 132 201 137 129.9 221 136.875 132 -221 137 130.875 49 137.85 132 199.688 138 132 -217 138 131 220 138 129.682 223 138 130.615 -45 139 130.545 46 139 131.206 49 139 130.457 -52 139 130.457 199 139 129.882 199 138.478 132 -222 138.545 132 223 139 130.286 224 139 130.154 -50 141 130.457 87 141 131.206 131.294 141 132 -168 141 130.105 185 141 131.625 186 141 131.438 -186.188 141 132 204.75 141 132 205 140.813 132 -207.333 141 132 50 142 130.2 86 142 130.457 -106 142 131.143 167 142 130.182 186 142 132 -188 142 129.391 205.417 142 132 106 142.286 132 -187 143 131.25 186.333 143 132 187 142.857 132 -187.667 143 132 206 142.259 132 56 144 130.457 -75 144 130.457 80 144 130.457 85 144 129.265 -158 144 130.875 157.667 144 132 159 143.091 132 -159 144 130.421 159.667 144 132 171 144 129.789 -172 143.25 132 186.813 144 132 189 144 132 -74 145 130.457 81 145 129.529 82 145 130.235 -84 145 129.818 113.818 145 132 158 144.75 132 -159 145 131.308 158.143 145 132 159.545 145 132 -170 145 130.8 172 145 130.853 116.111 146 132 -159 145.4 132 172 146 131.118 73 147 129.176 -114 147 129.556 116 146.375 132 114 148 131 -115 147.947 132 45 149 129.783 46 149 129.6 -47 149 130.75 212 150 129.783 212 151 130.957 -208.8 152 132 210.545 152 132 63 153 131.077 -62.2 153 132 63 152.667 132 64 153 130.95 -208 153 129.75 210.133 153 132 216 153 129.273 -218 153 130.826 65 153.571 132 65 154 131.667 -66 153.667 132 66 154 131.419 207 154 130.875 -206.625 154 132 209 154 131.667 209.5 154 132 -216 154 130.667 217 154 129.474 64.8125 155 132 -66 155 131.118 181 155 130.3 182 155 129.1 -183 155 129.167 203.25 155 132 208 155 130.5 -209 155 131.8 210 155 131.471 211 154.421 132 -211 155 130.969 212 154.192 132 65.6 156 132 -67 155.125 132 67 156 131.323 68 156 131.667 -98.5455 156 132 175 155.818 132 176 155.65 132 -180.923 156 132 182 156 129.115 201 156 130.696 -202 155.419 132 208 156 131.8 209 155.5 132 -210.25 156 132 64 157 131.8 64.5 157 132 -66 157 131.769 68 157 131.118 69 157 131.118 -70.1875 157 132 99 156.357 132 99.4091 157 132 -175.1 157 132 184.077 157 132 200 157 130.543 -206.143 157 132 209 157 131.824 209.667 157 132 -212 156.292 132 214 156.519 132 61.2273 158 132 -65 158 131.654 70 157.75 132 93.6667 158 132 -94 157.474 132 185 158 129.947 184.188 158 132 -200 158 130.543 201 158 130.355 206 158 130.5 -206 157.071 132 61 158.278 132 71.4167 159 132 -72 158.533 132 74 158.824 132 75 159 130.889 -98 158.567 132 178 159 130.174 179 158.1 132 -179 159 129.158 183 158.188 132 184 159 131.348 -184 158.375 132 185 159 131.2 200 159 131.71 -204.25 159 132 207 159 130.579 206.25 159 132 -77 159.455 132 77.75 160 132 181 159.227 132 -185 160 130.742 186 160 129.783 206 160 131.885 -207 160 131.04 77 161 131.118 78 160.4 132 -78 161 131.743 89 161 131.053 92.6 161 132 -178 160.545 132 91 161.474 132 99 163 130.909 -181 162.375 132 186 162.474 132 96 163.571 132 -163 164 129.947 168.265 164 132 184 164 131.471 -183.25 164 132 189 163.45 132 193 164 131.625 -87 165 130.65 87.75 165 132 92 164.409 132 -96 165 129.158 98.9333 165 132 163 165 131.172 -164 165 131.333 183.333 165 132 185 165 130.147 -194 165 130.875 195 165 130.5 87 166 129.75 -97 166 131.684 163 166 131.5 166 165.903 132 -190 165.833 132 189.875 166 132 167 166.567 132 -93 168 129.316 163.769 168 132 167 168 129.091 -168 167.346 132 168 168 130.3 188 168 132 -95 168.273 132 166 169 130.227 167 169 129.1 -189 168.857 132 189 169 131.571 190 169 130.105 -62.75 170 132 63 169.8 132 64 169.143 132 -64 170 129.429 94 170 129.882 190 170 129.45 -191 170 129.778 63 171 131.571 62.75 171 132 -169 170.895 132 176 171 131.25 175.143 171 132 -197 170.625 132 175 172 131.667 176 172 130.5 -178 172 131.71 179 172 131.71 179.429 172 132 -198 172 130.444 199 172 131.4 176 173 131.308 -177 172.667 132 179 173 131.71 179.273 173 132 -175 174 131.4 198 173.909 132 198 175.4 132 -199 175.8 132 197 176.6 132 199 177 131.125 -180 179 131.71 196 178.4 132 201 179 130.444 -200.067 179 132 178 180 131.71 178 179.75 132 -178.75 180 132 92 181 132 178 181 130.895 -177 181 132 178.875 181 132 208.526 181 132 -92 182 131 179 181.091 132 196 181.455 132 -92 183 129.333 171 182.941 132 199 183 130.696 -201 183 130.364 206 183 130 172 183.684 132 -180.875 184 132 198 184 129.794 199 184 130.6 -200 184 130.625 202 184 130.821 203 184 131.471 -204 184 131.824 182 184.6 132 183 184.6 132 -184 184.625 132 199 185 131.4 200 185 130.5 -201 185 130.2 202 185 130.8 203 185 131.1 -204 185 130.962 168 185.045 132 171 186 129.45 -172 186 129.75 191 186 131.571 201 186 129.2 -175 187 131.217 176 188 129.783 178 189 130.579 -179 188.75 132 179 189 131.625 93 189.8 132 -179 189.167 132 193 189.323 132 85 191 131.727 -91 190.056 132 86 68 134.625 87 68 134.125 -85 69 134.206 87 69 134.419 91 69 134.824 -203 72.6538 135 207.278 75 135 208 75.6842 135 -215 77 133.444 49 78 134.8 214 78 134.769 -210 79 132.529 214 78.2857 135 216 78.1333 135 -213 79.8667 135 214 80 133.962 213 81 133.5 -212.375 81 135 211.714 82 135 207 82.375 135 -207 83 134.118 208 83 133.846 209 83 134.824 -209.333 83 135 211.714 83 135 43 84 133.696 -44 84 134.419 44 83.1429 135 206 84 132.125 -207 84 133.846 208 84 133.5 208.714 84 135 -209 83.3333 135 210 84 134.769 210.167 84 135 -213 84 134.143 214 83.5 135 213.667 84 135 -42 85 133 41.5652 85 135 43 85 132.581 -44 85 134.471 207 85 134.75 207.125 85 135 -208 84.4167 135 210 84.3333 135 213.75 85 135 -214 84.3333 135 215 84.625 135 215.25 85 135 -42 86 132.261 43 86 133.2 207 86 132.5 -211 86 133.8 41 87 132.316 43.5909 87 135 -206 87 132.143 41 88 132.1 42 88 132.882 -206 88 133.227 40 89 132.115 205 89 132.6 -206 89 133.714 207 89 133.412 39 90 133.8 -206 89.6 135 40 91 132.176 216 91 132.857 -215 94 132.75 214.4 94 135 215.6 94 135 -214 95 133.421 213.333 95 135 216 94.4 135 -214 96 133.444 215 96 132.9 215.737 96 135 -216 95.375 135 214 97 133.778 215 97 134.053 -214 97.9167 135 210 102 134.71 210 101.727 135 -202.278 103 135 230.5 103 135 40 115 132.581 -196 117.143 135 193.25 119 135 192 120.75 135 -192.667 121 135 43 122 133.355 44.25 122 135 -190.75 122 135 192.75 122 135 193.25 122 135 -193 122.167 135 40 124 132.176 188 123.833 135 -189 123.833 135 190 123.286 135 218 123.421 135 -192 125 132.75 193 125 132.316 218.806 125 135 -192 126 132.75 148 127 132.857 149 127 133.2 -150 127 132.176 209.375 127 135 133 128 133.444 -186.143 128 135 206.125 128 135 209.909 128 135 -216 128 133.2 148 129 133.543 149 129 133.543 -156 129 133.543 163 129 132.857 174 129 132.103 -206 129 134.182 207 129 133.25 216 128.75 135 -154 130 133.543 204 130 134.71 203.85 130 135 -205 130 134.25 206 130 134.684 207 129.368 135 -215 130 134.308 215 129.25 135 148 131 132.857 -163 131 133.543 174 131 134.286 189.353 131 135 -204 130.75 135 215 131 133 215.667 131 135 -151 132 134.118 160 132 133.5 162 132 133.8 -163 132 133.543 166 132 134.471 199 131.462 135 -215 132 133.688 214.125 132 135 150 133 134.143 -189 133 133.75 189 132.286 135 191 133 132.833 -44 134 132.29 45 134 132.529 51 134 134.143 -52 134 134.206 150 134 134.032 156 134 133.645 -157 134 133.889 163 134 133.125 164 134 133.147 -175 134 134.727 189 134 133.227 190 134 133.364 -190.5 134 135 46 135 132.882 47 135 132.882 -51 134.833 135 53 135 134.333 154 135 134.471 -155 135 134.143 164 135 133.455 187.643 135 135 -189 135 133.345 198.333 135 135 47 136 134.559 -47.625 136 135 165 136 134.531 190 136 133.966 -211 136 134.654 210.8 136 135 213 136 133.8 -214 136 134.032 215 136 134.333 46 137 133.182 -47 137 134.559 48 137 134.897 49 136.583 135 -57 137 134.8 57 136.75 135 189 136.455 135 -190 136.526 135 195.5 137 135 211 137 134.118 -210.091 137 135 212 137 134.118 214 137 133.8 -215 137 132.857 216 137 132.1 46 138 132.529 -47 138 133.182 56 138 134.217 56 137.143 135 -55.25 138 135 90 138 132.882 161 138 134.714 -55 139 132.429 55 138.1 135 215 138.609 135 -117 140 134.6 116.714 140 135 118 140 133.8 -119 139.455 135 119 140 134.053 119.316 140 135 -185 139.867 135 69 141 133.8 73 141 133.457 -76 141 134.824 76 140.6 135 79 141 133.457 -186 140.444 135 186.333 141 135 203 141 134.032 -204 141 133.35 207.455 141 135 77 142 132.909 -104.5 142 135 105.75 142 135 168 142 132.321 -169 142 133.179 170 142 133.32 185 142 132.13 -186.333 142 135 203 142 134.824 105 142.6 135 -186 143 132.429 186.545 143 135 187 143 132.857 -159 144 134 170 143.167 135 171 143.391 135 -172 143.105 135 186 143.429 135 187 144 134.25 -187.25 144 135 159 145 133.636 188 144.375 135 -113.5 146 135 115 146 134.7 161 146 133.95 -160 146 135 161 145.125 135 162 146 135 -113 147 132.789 113 146.125 135 161 147 134.125 -160.563 147 135 162 147 134.679 172 147 132.091 -113 148 133.3 112.37 148 135 161 147.467 135 -162 147.273 135 173 148 133.645 174 148 134.739 -178 148 133.6 178 147.417 135 50 149 133.714 -49.8125 149 135 51 149 133.6 112.818 149 135 -114 149 134.727 125 148.04 135 174 149 134 -175 149 133.846 177 149 133.355 178 149 133 -178.783 149 135 51 150 133 50.0909 150 135 -52 149.067 135 53 149.565 135 53.9091 150 135 -113 149.133 135 178 150 133.688 53 150.667 135 -177 151 134.71 178 151 133.8 210 151 132.692 -211 151 132.346 179 152 133.969 179.917 152 135 -210 152 133.125 63 153 133 63.7273 153 135 -178 152.188 135 180 153 133.258 181 153 134.55 -65 153.625 135 66 153.667 135 66.2727 154 135 -180 154 132.103 182 153.769 135 210 154 132.375 -211 153.6 135 179.409 155 135 182.955 155 135 -212 154.263 135 214 155 134.471 213.333 155 135 -65 156 133.688 64.5625 156 135 68 155.3 135 -175 156 132.4 177 156 132.875 183 156 134.885 -198 155.65 135 210 156 132.2 212 156 134.625 -213 156 133.4 214 156 133.826 65 157 132.261 -98.6774 157 135 165 157 134.16 164.364 157 135 -165 156.417 135 176 156.867 135 175.867 157 135 -181 156.077 135 182 157 133.2 183 157 134.333 -198 157 132.529 208 157 132.75 210 157 132.273 -61.1429 158 135 67 158 133.258 70 158 132.273 -71 157.625 135 71 158 132.75 195 158 134.471 -197 158 133.543 205 158 133.5 205 157.5 135 -204.333 158 135 208 158 134.609 209.917 158 135 -210 157.909 135 61 159 134.167 61.4545 159 135 -65.9333 159 135 71 158.375 135 72 158.727 135 -77 158.654 135 208 159 134.6 209 159 134.609 -60 160 132.875 61 160 134.2 62 160 134.9 -78 160 132.222 79 159.217 135 80 159.263 135 -80 160 133.765 200.435 160 135 208 159.143 135 -209 159.214 135 60 161 132.333 61 161 133 -62 161 132.692 79 161 132.771 81 161 133.8 -87.5 161 135 95.5 161 135 169 161 133.385 -182 161 134.143 200 160.909 135 77 162 132.577 -81 162 134.471 92 161.778 135 178 162 132.581 -179 162 132.222 182 162 133.421 186 161.931 135 -72 163 132.818 76 162.323 135 81 162.261 135 -93 162.182 135 178 163 133.846 177.333 163 135 -181 163 133.111 182 163 133.355 183 162.364 135 -183 163 133.645 98 163.769 135 182 164 132.794 -183 164 132.194 187.947 164 135 190 164 132.333 -191 164 132.333 88 164.25 135 88 165 133 -91 164.957 135 168.222 165 135 183 165 132.789 -189 165 133.853 190 165 132.882 195 165 134.25 -195 164.333 135 98.4 166 135 149.588 166 135 -165 166 133.962 166 166 133.125 169 166 133.5 -168.5 166 135 172 166 132.261 173 165.091 135 -182 165.292 135 186 165.955 135 187 166 134.842 -195 166 134.143 97 166.706 135 165 166.6 135 -166 166.192 135 168 166.125 135 168 167 133.174 -169 166.286 135 173 167 134.25 172.125 167 135 -173.875 167 135 195 167 134.053 94 167.091 135 -94 168 132.778 95 167.7 135 173 168 134.679 -174 168 134.032 189 168 132.6 195 168 134.419 -196 167.25 135 196 168 134.471 165.433 169 135 -174 169 133.5 196 169 133.625 63 170 135 -64 170 133.2 174 170 133.645 175 170 133.174 -195 169.545 135 196 170 133.688 197 169.75 135 -197 170 133.875 63 171 134 168 170.5 135 -176 170.067 135 196.417 171 135 86 172 133.543 -174.3 172 135 178 171.8 135 179.875 172 135 -219 171.739 135 83 173 134.778 84.7143 173 135 -87 173 133.543 173.926 173 135 174 172.75 135 -177 172.733 135 179.917 173 135 205 173 133.696 -205 172.091 135 206 173 133.565 206.647 173 135 -81 174 134.52 80.5556 174 135 82 174 134.333 -85 173.667 135 176 173.25 135 178 173.273 135 -179.182 174 135 198 173.857 135 205 173.667 135 -206 174 135 81 174.8 135 86 175 134.087 -174 175 134.143 175 175 132.429 175.316 175 135 -179 174.333 135 86 176 133.421 87 176 133.889 -198 175.364 135 199.261 176 135 207 176 134.053 -207 175.25 135 208 175.571 135 208 176 132.429 -86 177 134.182 85.8696 177 135 87 177 134.308 -176 177 134.609 177 177 134.667 207 177 134.069 -208 177 134.182 208.545 177 135 86 177.333 135 -87 177.545 135 176 178 134.609 177 178 134.625 -177.375 178 135 180 177.222 135 181 177.684 135 -199.929 178 135 200.091 178 135 201 177.565 135 -207 178 132.6 208 178 133.091 208.737 178 135 -176 178.6 135 177 179 134.55 178 178.417 135 -178 179 133.688 179 179 132.273 181 179 132.158 -196 179 133.227 198 178.933 135 199 178.684 135 -177 180 135 179 180 132.75 180 180 132.833 -181 180 132.167 182.065 180 135 197 179.429 135 -197 180 134.143 178 180.909 135 178 181 134.625 -180.375 181 135 182 181 133.364 196 181 133.071 -196.818 181 135 197 180.667 135 198 180.818 135 -177 181.5 135 178 181.333 135 181.125 182 135 -199 182 134.6 182 182.875 135 182 184 134.25 -166 184.045 135 184 184.1 135 174 186 134.318 -180 185.391 135 174 187 132.333 177 186.333 135 -190.4 187 135 90 188 134.609 89.625 188 135 -178 187.087 135 90 189 134.125 90.875 189 135 -174 189 134.1 193 188.591 135 91 189.143 135 -179 190 133.154 180 189.133 135 180 190 132.947 -181 190 134.684 88.4737 191 135 84 192 133.304 -93 191.391 135 80 192.5 135 92 68 135.3 -92.6429 68 138 82 69 136.773 83 69 135.273 -84 68.1923 138 66 70 136.5 66 69.4348 138 -69 70 137.419 72 70 137.824 75 70 136.645 -81 70 136 82 70 136.2 83 70 135.6 -84 70 135.75 86.875 70 138 87 69.9333 138 -89 69.875 138 89.1333 70 138 93 70 136.645 -94 69.1818 138 94 70 137.206 97 70 137.684 -65 71 137.739 66 71 136.962 67 71 137.333 -80 70.9444 138 83 71 137 90 71 137.684 -93 71 136.645 94 71 136.457 97 71 137.217 -97.8571 71 138 63 72 137.679 64 72 137.8 -64 71.3333 138 96 72 137.125 97 72 137.125 -97.875 72 138 62 73 137.778 97 72.875 138 -98 72.3333 138 97.3333 73 138 98 73 137.684 -98.5 73 138 99.25 73 138 101 73 136.889 -202 73 136.2 203 73 136.5 92 73.5 138 -101 74 137.419 202 74 136.636 203 73.5 138 -51 76 136.364 51 75.7778 138 52 76 136.364 -52.75 76 138 211 76 136.147 49 77 136.929 -50 77 135.316 51 77 135.261 52 77 137.053 -52.5 77 138 48 78 136.071 50 78 135.321 -51 78 136.556 47 79 137.455 48 79 135.261 -49 79 136 214 79 136.875 216 79 136.444 -47 80 135.5 48 80 136.5 213 80 135.333 -215 80 136.25 46 81 136.125 213 81 135.536 -214 80.2 138 214 81 136.286 45 82 135.714 -214 82 135.346 218.333 82 138 44 83 135.167 -45 83 135.2 46 83 136.5 207 83 136.071 -209 83 135.15 212 83 135.273 219 83 137.739 -218 83 138 45 84 135.529 207 84 136.5 -208 84 135.714 210 84 135.143 213 84 135.273 -218 84 137.52 217.5 84 138 219 83.3333 138 -207.2 85 138 214 85 135.333 215 85 135.45 -218 85 136.8 218.6 85 138 218 86 138 -40.5 87 138 215 94 135.391 215 95 137.25 -216 95 135.333 215 97 137.571 214 98 135.75 -213 98 138 41.375 99 138 204 99 136.889 -213 99 137.25 213.75 99 138 213 100 137.526 -202 101 135.968 212 101 137.667 211.25 101 138 -212 100.25 138 209.263 102 138 211 101.091 138 -211 102 136.696 210 103 135.938 209.421 103 138 -211.545 103 138 210 103.917 138 42 109 137.545 -42.6842 110 138 197 118 136.25 195 121 137.217 -195.316 121 138 45.5 122 138 192 122 135.783 -193 123 136.5 194.857 123 138 199 124 137.824 -188 125 136.2 189 125 136.2 191 125 135.667 -217 125 137.864 49 126 137.143 188 126 136.355 -190 126 137.032 192 126 136.8 186 127 135.222 -191 126.5 138 208 127 135.6 218 126.375 138 -207 128 136.826 208 128 137.143 99 128.5 138 -103 129 135.882 105 128.172 138 206 129 137.571 -208 129 135.818 97 130 137.471 99 130 136.457 -183 130 136.2 184 130 135.875 204 129.864 138 -205 129.533 138 206 129.333 138 98 131 136.889 -177 131 136.543 186 130.4 138 190 130.143 138 -190.4 131 138 204 131 135.6 203 131 138 -204.444 131 138 31 132 135.783 97 132 136.826 -173 132 135.667 182 132 136.543 184 132 136.25 -198 131.85 138 199 131.739 138 202 132 137.4 -202 131.842 138 203 132 136.25 203.583 132 138 -215 132 138 54 133 136.2 55 133 136.8 -56 132.5 138 89.6 133 138 93 133 136.8 -168 133 136.543 172 133 136.543 175 133 135.194 -177 133 136.2 184 133 136.889 184.909 133 138 -200 133 136.636 201 133 137.55 202 133 136.444 -203 133 137 56 134 137.143 92 134 137.032 -151 134 135.529 152 134 136.543 153 134 135.529 -174 134 135.176 176 134 135.455 180 133.273 138 -184 134 137.625 185 134 137.125 202 134 137.4 -51 135 135.2 54 135 135.6 57 135 136.556 -86 134.833 138 87 135 137.206 152 135 136.543 -160 135 136.355 175 135 135.441 185 135 137 -186 135 136.95 187 134.286 138 187 135 136.421 -201 134.182 138 213 134.727 138 48 136 135.391 -49 136 136.313 50 136 137.8 51 136 137.8 -53 136 135.4 55 136 136.2 57 136 136.125 -58 136 137.1 60 136 136.8 82 136 137.471 -89 136 135.968 152 136 135.968 158 136 136.2 -167 136 136.111 170 136 136.543 174 136 137.118 -176 136 135.577 192.818 136 138 210.6 136 138 -211 135.818 138 219 136 136.962 50 137 136.286 -52 136.533 138 53 136.65 138 55.3333 137 138 -56 137 135.429 153 137 135.857 159 137 136.111 -162 137 135.316 167 137 136.696 170 137 136.543 -177 137 137.55 195 137 137.053 209 137 137.625 -210 136.375 138 219 137 137.516 52 137.467 138 -55.5455 138 138 74 138 136.457 77 138 136.457 -79 138 137.217 80 138 137.217 158 138 137.4 -170 138 136.543 175 138 137.824 209 138 136.5 -210 138 135.794 220 138 137.318 221 138 137.143 -154 139 136.543 171 139 137.679 172 139 137.75 -196 139 136.5 208 139 136.75 209 139 135.875 -210 139 136 211 139 136.429 119 140 136 -155 140 137.471 184 139.625 138 184.2 140 138 -203 140 135.158 207 140 136.5 209 140 136.5 -182.684 141 138 202 140.056 138 208 140.75 138 -103.563 142 138 105.9 142 138 130.735 142 138 -156 142 137.4 185.7 142 138 201 142 136.457 -202 142 135.794 157 143 137.857 201 143 137.032 -202 143 136.645 203 143 137.217 205 142.69 138 -207 142.286 138 170 144 136.154 183 143.182 138 -185 143.261 138 188 144 135.29 155 145 137.182 -170.056 145 138 161.667 146 138 170 146 136.5 -162 146.25 138 169 147 137.471 168.143 147 138 -33.8235 148 138 175 148 137.053 50 149 135.333 -51 149 136.105 112 149 135.794 153 149 135.2 -51 150 137 53 149.522 138 54 150 135.6 -54.5 150 138 113 150 137.438 114 149.37 138 -163 150 137.609 163 149.625 138 179 149.5 138 -56.7273 151 138 58 150.125 138 58 151 137.222 -58.5833 151 138 112 150.933 138 163 151 137.71 -164 151 137.7 164.273 151 138 58 151.368 138 -173 151.333 138 176 151.5 138 64 153 135.333 -210 153 135.176 65 154 135.333 95 153.067 138 -182 154 135.783 210 154 138 121.176 155 138 -181 155 137.5 181 154.375 138 182 155 136.853 -67 155.222 138 98.5667 156 138 164.6 156 138 -182 156 136 211 156 135.692 166 157 135.667 -167 157 137.032 57 158 136.875 56.8 158 138 -58 158 135.375 59 158 135.375 63 158 137.739 -71 158 136.8 92.7368 158 138 165 157.875 138 -165.222 158 138 168 158 137.824 193 158 136.765 -207 157.467 138 208 158 137.25 208 157.947 138 -208.25 158 138 57 158.75 138 58 158.875 138 -59 158.467 138 62 159 135.667 72 159 135.375 -77 159 136.5 81 158.44 138 86 159 137.118 -90 159 136.6 168 159 137.471 170 159 137.735 -192 159 137.4 208 159 135.857 209 158.75 138 -209 159 137.25 73 160 136.2 74 160 136.457 -76 160 137.9 77 159.6 138 168 160 136.929 -171.37 160 138 194 160 136.543 73 161 136.2 -76 160.143 138 84 161 136.543 86 161 136.355 -91 161 136.5 106 161 136.714 105.25 161 138 -106.375 161 138 172.067 161 138 194 161 136.8 -193.263 161 138 195 161 137.25 195.467 161 138 -199 161 138 91 161.286 138 91 162 136.636 -91.625 162 138 106 162 136.875 105.25 162 138 -106.375 162 138 167.588 162 138 195 162 137.55 -200 161.75 138 76.9231 163 138 78 163 135.652 -89 163 136.826 91 162.333 138 176.935 163 138 -187.278 163 138 194 163 136.263 195 163 137.25 -77.75 164 138 194 164 137.143 195 164 135.75 -78 164.25 138 87 164.429 138 90.4348 165 138 -98.5 165 138 119.294 165 138 168 165 135.947 -91 166 136.889 167 165.565 138 168 166 135.222 -90 167 137.735 98 167 137.053 97.25 167 138 -99 166.417 138 99 167 136.688 165.567 167 138 -169 167 135.833 171.857 167 138 87 168 137.1 -86.6667 168 138 89 168 136.8 90 168 137.323 -91 167.857 138 93 167.261 138 99 168 136.565 -100 167.813 138 100 168 137.182 174 167.091 138 -196 167.25 138 63 169 136.875 62.625 169 138 -63 168 138 87 169 136.25 88 169 136.688 -89 169 136.543 90.15 169 138 98.8696 169 138 -100 169 135.273 201 169 137.71 63 169.429 138 -86 170 135.115 88 170 136.645 89 170 137.032 -196 170 136.313 196 169.25 138 197 170 135.45 -201 170 137.667 202 170 137.609 202.188 170 138 -89 171 137.684 100 170.133 138 174 170.636 138 -175 171 137.842 175 170.75 138 197 171 135.778 -201 170.188 138 202 170.75 138 83 172 136.421 -82.4444 172 138 176 172 136.688 177 172 136.138 -178 172 135.48 179 172 135.875 198 172 135.882 -84 173 136 173 172.867 138 174 172.455 138 -175 173 137 178 173 135.45 179 173 136.375 -198 173 135.581 205 173 137.727 206 173 137.75 -80.625 174 138 82.75 174 138 84 173.526 138 -85.0667 174 138 81 174.375 138 85.85 175 138 -175.368 175 138 205 175 137.684 205 174.5 138 -169 176 137.8 168.818 176 138 199 176 135.667 -202.286 176 138 203 175.474 138 204 176 137.323 -205 176 136.412 206 175.417 138 169 177 136.895 -168 177 138 175.75 177 138 176 176.571 138 -177 176.364 138 177.467 177 138 198 177 136.4 -199 177 136.4 202 177 137.55 201.813 177 138 -205 177 136.2 206 177 136 169 177.875 138 -177.333 178 138 179 178 137.143 179.4 178 138 -198 178 136.556 199 178 136.444 201.667 178 138 -203 178 135.375 204 178 135.9 208.526 178 138 -177 179 136.125 177 178.375 138 178 179 137.333 -179 179 137.5 179.167 179 138 197 179 135.45 -201 179 137.333 178 180 137.5 179 180 135.75 -181 180 137.318 182 180 135.333 201.684 180 138 -208.077 180 138 172 180.8 138 181 181 137 -181.714 181 138 198 181 137 201.087 181 138 -209 180.923 138 172 182 136.263 178 182 135.375 -183 182 136.364 197 181.333 138 198 181.045 138 -200 181.727 138 172 183 135.273 173 182.071 138 -173 183 135.4 182 183 135.75 183 183 135.923 -191 183 137.4 190.667 183 138 191 182.8 138 -191.273 183 138 184 183.591 138 187 184 136.645 -188 183.818 138 188.5 184 138 191 183.6 138 -167 184.071 138 189 184.667 138 189 185 137.864 -72 185.75 138 85 186 137.125 85 185.364 138 -89 186 135.577 88.3 186 138 196 186 135.462 -195.313 186 138 72 187 136.25 73 187 136.696 -84 187 136.969 85 187 137.032 90 187 135.857 -90.3226 187 138 174 186.091 138 177.944 187 138 -190.455 187 138 195 187 136.5 196 187 135.577 -198 187 135.231 73 188 137 89 188 135.652 -90.3333 188 138 191 187.75 138 73 188.158 138 -88.8 190 138 90.1053 190 138 180 189.125 138 -182.091 190 138 74 190.842 138 179 190.913 138 -180 190.875 138 181 190.929 138 182 190.286 138 -86 192.045 138 86 69 140.571 87 69 139.5 -89 69 140.625 89.1333 69 141 86.5333 70 141 -89 70 138.857 97 69.2 141 63 71 140 -64 71 138.136 71 71 138.529 72 71 138.882 -79 71 138.12 80 71 138.143 86 71 138.24 -87 70.3684 141 87 71 139 88 71 139.429 -89 71 139.08 98 70.5 141 98 71 138.5 -99 71 138.3 99.6429 71 141 62 72 138.214 -65 72 138.909 73 72 139.355 81 72 138.24 -87 72 139.345 98 72 139 100 72 138.857 -60 73 139.8 61 73 138.833 63 73 138.2 -74 73 139.8 76 73 139.889 80 73 140.217 -81 73 139.556 86 73 139.3 87 73 139.556 -89 73 138.931 97 73 138.167 99 73 139 -102 73 138.96 58 74 139.5 59 74 138.6 -60 74 138.6 61 74 139 62 74 139.4 -63 74 140.1 77 74 139.645 78 74 139.889 -80 74 139.889 89 74 140.1 95 73.5417 141 -98 74 139.5 56 75 138.75 58 75 138.25 -59 75 138.667 60 75 139.75 64 74.6 141 -77 75 140.471 79 74.8333 141 83 75 139.889 -87 75 140.806 90 75 139.457 97 75 140.769 -98 75 140.318 99 75 140.684 203 75 140.6 -204 74.1111 141 52 76 139.125 54 76 138.545 -53.25 76 141 55 76 138.316 57 76 138.818 -59 76 139.962 84 76 139.8 85 76 139.8 -86 76 140.206 100 76 139.7 101 76 139.7 -53 76.375 141 53 77 139.636 87 77 140.471 -99 77 140.679 102 77 140.824 54 77.75 141 -96 78 139.8 99 78 140.032 100 78 140.206 -47.3846 79 141 213.737 80 141 217 80 138.103 -53 80.25 141 216 80.9091 141 207 82.9444 141 -48 84 140.471 219 84 139.2 218 84.75 141 -219 84.4 141 215 96 138.29 214 97 139.5 -212.5 98 141 213 97.6842 141 214 98 139.8 -211.778 99 141 212 98.5 141 213.737 100 141 -211.167 101 141 210 104 139 211 104 139.696 -42 105 138.667 210 104.5 141 211 105 140.8 -210.5 105 141 229 105.25 141 42 107 138.783 -210 107 139.091 210 108 140.526 209.25 108 141 -43 109 138.968 43 111 138.529 45 112 140.471 -201 114 140.76 201 115 139.44 202.8 115 141 -204 115 140.76 203.5 115 141 204.286 115 141 -199 116 138.469 202 116 139.143 203 115.5 141 -203 116 140.647 203.5 116 141 201 117 140.118 -202 117 139.846 203 116.167 141 200 118 140.76 -200.167 118 141 201 117.333 141 48 119 139.8 -198 119 138.818 199 119.818 141 200 119.333 141 -197 122 140.143 198 122 140.8 200 121.25 141 -50 123 139.457 198 123 139.645 199 123 138.261 -200 123 138 197 124 139.543 200 124 138.8 -50 125 139.579 53 125 139.8 99 124.833 141 -103 125 140.824 196 125 138.667 198 125 139.625 -199 125 139.35 200 124.55 141 218 125 139 -100 126 140.143 193 126 138.1 196 126 139.6 -199 125.407 141 218 126 138.818 46 127 140.609 -45 127 141 100 127 139.853 102 127 140.545 -216 127 138.333 217 127 138.231 53 128 139.313 -192 128 139.5 216 128 138.321 54 129 139.645 -57 129 139.457 58 129 139.8 96 129 139.2 -189 129 138.6 131 130 138.103 188 130 138.517 -191 130 139.421 204 130 138.45 205 130 138.75 -206 130 138.2 221 130 139.8 222 129.474 141 -222 130 139.333 55 131 138.529 56 131 139.2 -130 131 140.182 132 131 138.6 188 131 139.636 -204 131 138.571 215 131 138.321 221 131 139.091 -220.125 131 141 222 131 139.2 60 132 139.457 -87 132 139.457 186 132 140.8 187 131.565 141 -188 131.909 141 188.071 132 141 190.5 132 141 -197.3 132 141 203 132 139.75 63 133 139.8 -88 133 138.882 185.923 133 141 201 132.75 141 -202 132.167 141 71 135 139.457 182 134.591 141 -112.87 136 141 115 135.955 141 178 136 140.531 -178.625 136 141 184 136 139.607 215 135.75 141 -52 137 139.75 55 136.462 141 173 137 138.455 -182.556 137 141 184 137 139.125 185 137 138.9 -190.286 137 141 194.667 137 141 199 136.25 141 -216 136.667 141 217 137 138.783 216.056 137 141 -129.308 138 141 183 138 139.781 184 138 139.031 -185 138 139.781 186 138 140.7 193.091 138 141 -207 137.727 141 173 139 139.091 174 139 138.094 -175 139 138.5 179 139 138.115 184 139 138.714 -184.889 139 141 192 138.091 141 193 139 139.889 -194 139 138.667 213 138.867 141 212.75 139 141 -105 139.87 141 109 140 139.765 110 140 140.25 -176 139.828 141 179 140 138.652 180 140 139.636 -191 140 140.118 192 140 139.455 194 140 138.857 -196 140 138.103 197 140 139.44 210 140 141 -103.63 141 141 106 141 139.846 108 141 140.735 -107.25 141 141 109 141 139.6 110.875 141 141 -169 140.818 141 171 141 139.645 173 140.261 141 -180 141 139.778 181 141 140 184.273 141 141 -193 141 139.455 194 141 139.147 195 141 139.412 -196 141 138.9 197 141 139.444 198 141 139.696 -199 141 140.438 106.4 142 141 170 142 140.8 -182 142 139.038 192 141.5 141 198 142 140.4 -199 142 139.385 157 144 138.316 181.87 144 141 -183 144 139 184 144 140.053 184.316 144 141 -201 144 138.9 207.857 144 141 170 145 139.5 -201 145 138.947 202 145 140.571 127.548 146 141 -161 146 138.5 168 145.222 141 201 146 139.875 -161 147 138.75 162 147 138.529 168 147 138.158 -167.053 147 141 211 147 140.667 210.818 147 141 -211 146.714 141 114 148 140.444 125 147.481 141 -212 148 140.76 211.833 148 141 212 147.5 141 -213 147.625 141 213 148 140.182 177.667 149 141 -213 149 139.846 214 149 139.385 220 149 139.364 -219 149 141 220 148.143 141 53 150 139.138 -64 150 140.71 164.933 150 141 214 149.875 141 -57.25 151 141 58 150 141 59 151 141 -62 151 140.118 63 151 140.118 64 151 140.471 -162.333 151 141 173 150.955 141 178 151 140.9 -179 153 138.375 180 153 138.75 180 154 138.75 -181 154 138.29 92 155 140.419 167 155 140.625 -169 155 139.8 170 155 139.8 207 155 140.211 -208 155 139.962 210 155 138.529 67 156 140.864 -68 155.565 141 69 155.222 141 71.5556 156 141 -99.0303 156 141 164.867 156 141 167 156 138.316 -168 156 139.147 169 156 139.2 170.773 156 141 -208 156 140.806 209 156 139.235 65 157 139.5 -90 157 138.783 92 157 139.355 168 157 138.794 -170 157 139.543 187 157 140.8 187 156.818 141 -188 157 139.645 191 156.192 141 191 157 138.9 -195 156.684 141 197 156.848 141 57 158 138.474 -58 158 139.105 59 158 139.05 66 158 140.9 -91 158 139.2 92 158 139.355 176 157.391 141 -187 158 140.625 188 158 139.111 191 158 138.194 -209 158 138.375 84 158.263 141 92 159 138.529 -189 159 139.125 190 159 139.25 200 159 138.857 -92 160 138.577 102 160 140.667 102.6 160 141 -166.63 160 141 188 159.13 141 199 160 140.1 -199 159.7 141 219 160 140.4 220 160 139.875 -76 161 138.529 77 161 139.8 78.5 161 141 -93 161 138.167 103 161 139.895 104 160.813 141 -104 161 138.75 106 161 138.391 181 160.333 141 -200 161 138.333 219 160.75 141 82.75 162 141 -89 162 139.2 90 162 138.231 90 161.077 141 -104 161.75 141 106 162 138.391 172 162 140.318 -193 161.909 141 193.083 162 141 195 162 139.125 -77.8125 163 141 85.8125 163 141 90 163 138.2 -91 163 139.304 185.375 163 141 194 163 140.063 -77.4167 164 141 79 163.909 141 91 163.813 141 -185.4 164 141 194 164 138.273 195 164 138.529 -77 165 138.938 78 165 140.077 178 164.778 141 -195 165 138.529 76 166 139.895 77 166 139.174 -172 166 140.739 184 165.52 141 195 166 138.529 -64 167 140.294 63 167 141 64 166 141 -76 167 139.565 75.45 167 141 77 167 140.55 -97 166.8 141 171 166.231 141 172 167 138.316 -173 167 138.677 200.125 167 141 76 168 140.125 -99 168 140.75 99 167.875 141 173 168 138.321 -174 168 138.968 196 168 138.29 63 169 138.818 -75 169 140.25 74.6316 169 141 100 169 139.304 -174 169 139.313 195 169 139.571 202 169 138.455 -203 169 139.853 205 169 140.667 75 170 140.667 -75.2 170 141 85.32 170 141 174 170 138.75 -175 170 138.29 203 170 140.167 201 170.783 141 -202 171 138.273 202.833 171 141 83 172 140.727 -83.125 172 141 82 173 138.778 83 173 140.318 -84 173 139.579 87 172.545 141 173 173 141 -174 173 139.286 81 174 138.29 82 174 138.265 -87 174 139.8 169 175 140.526 204.714 175 141 -205 174.895 141 168.545 176 141 170 176 139.421 -174 175.467 141 176 177 138.375 177 177 138.75 -202 177 139.125 202.172 177 141 170 177.4 141 -180 178 138.391 208.091 178 141 180 179 139 -51.5667 180 141 180 180 138.231 203.261 180 141 -172.286 181 141 182 181 138.545 183 182 139.636 -185 182 139.929 186 182 140.667 198 181.182 141 -171 183 140.5 175 182.517 141 182 183 138.75 -185 183 140.217 186 183 139.6 191 183 138.6 -167.143 184 141 182 184 139.5 183 183.429 141 -189 184 138.75 189.429 184 141 71 185 139.35 -71 184.267 141 90.5667 185 141 180 184.333 141 -86 185.684 141 86 186 139.714 87 185.933 141 -87 186 140.833 88 186 139.227 74 187 138.667 -75 186.455 141 83 187 138.136 86 187 139.333 -87 187 139.696 106 186.433 141 169 187 140.167 -169 186.688 141 178.625 187 141 192 187 139.125 -74 188 138.857 78 187.895 141 81 188 139.543 -83 188 138.091 84 188 138.103 86 188 140.727 -87 188 139.889 169 188 139.655 168.409 188 141 -170 187.182 141 170.75 188 141 193 187.033 141 -74 189 140.647 75 189 139.5 84 189 139.846 -172.467 189 141 73.9091 190 141 76 190 139.364 -82 190 139.543 83 190 139.543 84 190 140.419 -89 189.75 141 89 190 139.8 180 190 140.1 -180.75 190 141 182 189.889 141 80 191 139.2 -83 191 139.543 84 191 140.032 85 191 140.727 -89 191 139.235 179 190.091 141 182 190.182 141 -84 192 138.794 88 192 139 90 192 139.2 -89 193.13 141 68 68.8529 144 67.5455 69 144 -69 68.6571 144 70 68.4857 144 71 68.4857 144 -72 68.4857 144 73 68.4857 144 74 68.3529 144 -75 68.3429 144 76 68.3529 144 77 68.5862 144 -78 68.7391 144 79 68.9444 144 79.1667 69 144 -83 69 144 91 69 144 92 69 144 -93 69 144 94 69 144 65 69.8235 144 -64.5 70 144 66 69.3529 144 67 69.2143 144 -80 69.1515 144 81 69.1818 144 82 69.1818 144 -84 69.2609 144 85 69.9444 144 85.0833 70 144 -89.2273 70 144 90 69.2609 144 95 69.2727 144 -96 70 144 63 70.8235 144 62.7391 71 144 -64 70.2069 144 86 70.4783 144 87 70.7857 144 -88 70.7391 144 89 70.2941 144 97 70.6 144 -98 71 141.882 97.25 71 144 99 71 143.7 -62 71.7727 144 61.7727 72 144 98 72 141.316 -97 72 144 99 72 141.882 100 71.9167 144 -99.9231 72 144 101 71.7391 144 101.353 72 144 -60 72.8235 144 59.5 73 144 61 72.5 144 -97.3158 73 144 99 73 141.545 99.6207 73 144 -102 72.3793 144 102.529 73 144 57.5 74 144 -58 73.8235 144 59 73.1765 144 73 74 141.783 -87 74 141.316 94.6471 74 144 95 73.6667 144 -95.5 74 144 98 73.7222 144 99 74 142.364 -98.4545 74 144 99.2609 74 144 103 73.7273 144 -103.182 74 144 56 75 144 57 74.2609 144 -67.3333 75 144 68 74.75 144 69 74.5455 144 -70 74.3182 144 71 74.2857 144 72 74.2857 144 -73 74.7727 144 73.4167 75 144 94.0833 75 144 -95.6471 75 144 99 74.4615 144 103.364 75 144 -204 74.3929 144 203.393 75 144 205 74.1765 144 -206 74.7857 144 206.261 75 144 54 76 144 -55 75.4074 144 63.0909 76 144 64 75.6429 144 -65 75.4444 144 66 75.3182 144 67 75.1176 144 -74 75.25 144 75 75.697 144 76 75.8485 144 -76.4545 76 144 80 76 141.818 94 76 141.25 -95 75.4074 144 103.364 76 144 203.324 76 144 -207 75.5 144 207.739 76 144 50.7059 77 144 -51 76.8529 144 52 77 144 53.0833 77 144 -61 77 143.833 61.2 77 144 62 76.75 144 -63 76.0588 144 77 76.1765 144 78 76.2222 144 -79 76.5238 144 79.9091 77 144 103.036 77 144 -203.647 77 144 208 76.2069 144 209 76.8148 144 -209.227 77 144 49 78 144 50 77.4286 144 -53 77.0909 144 60.0909 78 144 61 77.0909 144 -80 77.0455 144 81 77.375 144 82 77.75 144 -82.3636 78 144 84 78 142.364 102.429 78 144 -103 77.0588 144 204 77.5217 144 204.324 78 144 -210 77.6071 144 210.688 78 144 48 78.8214 144 -47.8148 79 144 58.0909 79 144 59 78.5455 144 -60 78.0455 144 83 78.3182 144 84 78.4444 144 -85 78.4444 144 86 78.5455 144 86.9091 79 144 -89 79 141.75 101.389 79 144 102 78.5217 144 -204.647 79 144 211 78.1515 144 212 78.5 144 -212.739 79 144 47.4783 80 144 55 80 144 -56 79.7059 144 57 79.75 144 58 79.0588 144 -87 79.0455 144 88 79.4444 144 89 79.5455 144 -90 79.6429 144 91 79.8182 144 91.6667 80 144 -100.059 80 144 101 79.3043 144 205 79.7059 144 -205.147 80 144 213 79.1765 144 214 79.697 144 -214.455 80 144 46 81 144 47 80.5 144 -53 81 141.75 54.5833 81 144 92 80.1176 144 -93 80.1176 144 94 80.4118 144 95 80.75 144 -96 80.75 144 97 80.6 144 98 80.375 144 -99 80.4118 144 100 80.0455 144 205.5 81 144 -215 80.3529 144 216 80.697 144 216.455 81 144 -45 81.6071 144 44.6667 82 144 52 82 143.833 -52.0909 82 144 53 81.6429 144 54 81.3182 144 -205.971 82 144 217 81.5217 144 217.478 82 144 -44 83 144 51.0588 83 144 52 82.0588 144 -206 82.0435 144 206.647 83 144 218 82.9231 144 -218.056 83 144 43.3529 84 144 49.7059 84 144 -50 83.7826 144 51 83.0455 144 207 83.6667 144 -207.176 84 144 218 84 142 219 83.7391 144 -219.273 84 144 43 84.6667 144 42.7857 85 144 -48.6207 85 144 49 84.5217 144 207.647 85 144 -220 84.5926 144 220.478 85 144 42 86 144 -48.0357 86 144 207.824 86 144 221 85.6667 144 -221.176 86 144 41.2143 87 144 47.5294 87 144 -48 86.0588 144 207.971 87 144 221.824 87 144 -41 87.2727 144 40.5152 88 144 47.0357 88 144 -208 87.1667 144 208.179 88 144 222 87.5 144 -222.176 88 144 40 89 144 46.697 89 144 -47 88.0909 144 208.353 89 144 222.667 89 144 -39.5152 90 144 46.3636 90 144 208 90 144 -218 90 143.824 217.909 90 144 218 89.9412 144 -218.036 90 144 223 89.6471 144 223.261 90 144 -39 91 144 46.0357 91 144 207.586 91 144 -218 91 143.833 217.909 91 144 218.045 91 144 -223.793 91 144 38.5152 92 144 45.697 92 144 -46 91.0909 144 207.486 92 144 218 91.0625 144 -224 91.5 144 224.176 92 144 38.1765 93 144 -45.5455 93 144 207.343 93 144 224.485 93 144 -38 93.5 144 37.8235 94 144 45.3636 94 144 -207.176 94 144 224.824 94 144 37.5152 95 144 -45.0357 95 144 207 95 144 225 94.5 144 -225.176 95 144 37.1765 96 144 44.8529 96 144 -45 95.1667 144 206.824 96 144 225.485 96 144 -37 96.5 144 36.8235 97 144 44.6765 97 144 -206.515 97 144 225.824 97 144 36.6571 98 144 -44.6765 98 144 206.176 98 144 226 97.5 144 -226.176 98 144 36.3429 99 144 44.5143 99 144 -206 99 144 211.793 99 144 212 98.4545 144 -213 98.4 144 213.462 99 144 226.485 99 144 -36.1765 100 144 44.5 100 144 205.824 100 144 -211.75 100 144 213.333 100 144 226.824 100 144 -36 100.5 144 35.8235 101 144 44.3529 101 144 -205.821 101 144 211.522 101 144 213 101 144 -227 100.353 144 227.324 101 144 35.5152 102 144 -44.3636 102 144 205.393 102 144 210.667 102 144 -211 101.522 144 213.179 102 144 227.647 102 144 -35.1765 103 144 43 103 141.682 44 103 142.364 -44.3636 103 144 205.214 103 144 210.353 103 144 -213.185 103 144 228 103 144 35 103.5 144 -34.8235 104 144 44.5455 104 144 205 103.353 144 -204.676 104 144 210 104 141.462 210.379 104 144 -212.706 104 144 213 103.5 144 228 104 144 -34.5152 105 144 44.697 105 144 204.353 105 144 -210.478 105 144 212.538 105 144 228.324 105 144 -34.1765 106 144 44.8529 106 144 204 106 144 -209.944 106 144 210 105.917 144 213 105.5 144 -213.261 106 144 221 106 143.7 220 106 144 -221 105 144 221.091 106 144 228.647 106 144 -34 106.545 144 33.8529 107 144 45 106.833 144 -45.0294 107 144 203.676 107 144 209 107 144 -212 107 141.545 213 107 142.2 213.522 107 144 -219 107 143 218.739 107 144 219 106.647 144 -220 107 143 220.333 107 144 221 106.077 144 -229 107 144 33.5152 108 144 45.0294 108 144 -203.353 108 144 208.708 108 144 212 108 144 -213 107.667 144 219 108 142.2 218.333 108 144 -220 108 143.118 220.179 108 144 229.324 108 144 -33.1818 109 144 45.1818 109 144 203 108.706 144 -202.853 109 144 209 109 142.8 208.5 109 144 -210 108.923 144 209.857 109 144 211 108.179 144 -218 109 142.95 217.759 109 144 218 108.462 144 -219 109 142.2 219.667 109 144 220 108.455 144 -229.647 109 144 33 110 144 45.5294 110 144 -202.697 110 144 209 110 143.824 208 110 144 -209.053 110 144 218 110 143.824 217.941 110 144 -218.167 110 144 219 109.706 144 230 110 144 -32.8235 111 144 45.8529 111 144 202.429 111 144 -209 110.2 144 218 110.2 144 230 111 144 -32.6571 112 144 46 111.455 144 46.1818 112 144 -202.045 112 144 230.176 112 144 32.4857 113 144 -46.5294 113 144 202 112.059 144 201.429 113 144 -230.485 113 144 32.4857 114 144 47 113.941 144 -47.0357 114 144 201.045 114 144 208 114 143.842 -207.8 114 144 208 113.8 144 209 113.8 144 -209 114 143.842 210 113.417 144 210 114 142.95 -211 113.588 144 211 114 142.95 211.583 114 144 -230.824 114 144 32.4857 115 144 47.5294 115 144 -202 115 144 203.417 115 144 204 114.696 144 -205 114.588 144 205 115 142.25 206 114.417 144 -207 114.8 144 207 115 143.727 207.2 115 144 -208 114.2 144 209 114.091 144 210 114.412 144 -211 114.304 144 231 115 144 32.4857 116 144 -48 115.941 144 48.0357 116 144 201 115.6 144 -200.636 116 144 201.8 116 144 203 116 142 -202.2 116 144 203.8 116 144 204.2 116 144 -205 115.636 144 205.8 116 144 206.2 116 144 -207 115.2 144 231 116 144 32.4857 117 144 -48.5294 117 144 200.083 117 144 202 116.077 144 -204 116.043 144 206 116.063 144 231 117 144 -32.4857 118 144 49 117.727 144 49.2143 118 144 -200 117.2 144 199.818 118 144 231 118 144 -32.4857 119 144 49.8214 119 144 199.583 119 144 -231 119 144 32.4857 120 144 50 119.217 144 -50.6207 120 144 99 119.833 144 98.6667 120 144 -100 119.833 144 101 120 143.684 101 119.882 144 -101.167 120 144 199 119.636 144 198.818 120 144 -230.824 120 144 32.4857 121 144 51 120.478 144 -51.5217 121 144 97 121 143.684 97 120.833 144 -96.8333 121 144 98 121 143.684 98 120.667 144 -101.167 121 144 198 121 141.3 199 120.8 144 -199.083 121 144 230.657 121 144 32.4857 122 144 -44 122 141.938 43 122 144 44 121.353 144 -45 121.773 144 45.1786 122 144 52 121.478 144 -52.5217 122 144 97 122 143.684 96.6667 122 144 -100 122 143.684 101 122 143.684 101.333 122 144 -199.647 122 144 230.514 122 144 32.4857 123 144 -43.9565 123 144 45 123 142.263 45.5 123 144 -53 122.478 144 53.5217 123 144 96 122.667 144 -95.6667 123 144 98 123 143.684 100 123 143.684 -101 123 143 102 122.8 144 102.083 123 144 -200 122.5 144 200.353 123 144 230.343 123 144 -32.4857 124 144 44 123.056 144 45 124 143.824 -44.9444 124 144 45.2 124 144 54 123.478 144 -54.7059 124 144 95 124 143.684 95 123.667 144 -94.6667 124 144 96 124 143.684 97 124 143.684 -101 124 141.346 102 124 141.24 103 123.393 144 -103 124 141.783 104 123.966 144 104.059 124 144 -200.273 124 144 230.176 124 144 32.4857 125 144 -45 125 144 46 124.4 144 46.5455 125 144 -55 124.217 144 56 124.955 144 56.0588 125 144 -95 125 143.684 94.6667 125 144 96 125 143.684 -97 125 143 102 125 141.24 104 125 141.75 -105 124.727 144 105.222 125 144 200 124.353 144 -199.607 125 144 230 125 144 32.3429 126 144 -44.5 126 144 46 126 142.286 47 125.417 144 -47.6364 126 144 57 125.941 144 57.0588 126 144 -92 125.833 144 91.6667 126 144 93 125.667 144 -94 125.364 144 102 126 141.75 103 126 141.346 -105 126 141.75 105.643 126 144 197.455 126 144 -198 125.824 144 199 125.5 144 230 126 144 -32.3235 127 144 44.0556 127 144 48 126.8 144 -48.2 127 144 58 126.696 144 58.3889 127 144 -89 127 143.684 89 126.882 144 88.6667 127 144 -90 126.833 144 91 126.667 144 105.821 127 144 -195 126.824 144 194.647 127 144 196 126.485 144 -197 126.152 144 230 127 144 32.3429 128 144 -45 127.773 144 45.8333 128 144 46.1667 128 144 -47 127.706 144 48 127.059 144 59 127.478 144 -59.7059 128 144 88 128 143.684 88 127.667 144 -87.6667 128 144 89 128 143.684 90 128 143 -106 128 144 193.571 128 144 194 127.478 144 -230 128 144 32.4857 129 144 46 128.034 144 -60 129 141.75 60 128.217 144 61 128.955 144 -61.0909 129 144 85 129 143.684 85 128.882 144 -84.6667 129 144 86 128.833 144 87 128.667 144 -89 129 142.364 106.147 129 144 192 129 141.13 -193.227 129 144 230.147 129 144 32.4857 130 144 -62 129.588 144 62.6364 130 144 84 129.667 144 -83.6667 130 144 85 130 143 106.571 130 144 -192 130 142.286 193 130 143.053 193.545 130 144 -220.706 130 144 221 129.815 144 222 129.625 144 -222.353 130 144 230.303 130 144 32.4857 131 144 -63 130.25 144 64 130.588 144 65 130.882 144 -65.3333 131 144 81 130.882 144 80.6667 131 144 -82 130.833 144 83 130.364 144 106.727 131 144 -192 131 143.833 193 131 143.833 194 130.833 144 -194 131 143.824 195 130.917 144 195 131 143.833 -195.091 131 144 197.417 131 144 198 130.759 144 -199 130.708 144 199.412 131 144 220 131 141.25 -219 131 144 220 130.522 144 222 130.545 144 -221.545 131 144 230.303 131 144 32.4857 132 144 -66 131.25 144 67 131.588 144 67.6364 132 144 -75 131.882 144 74.6667 132 144 76 131.882 144 -77 131.882 144 78 131.682 144 79 131.588 144 -80 131.25 144 107 131.375 144 107.357 132 144 -129.167 132 144 130 131.821 144 131 132 142 -130.294 132 144 187 132 144 188 131.739 144 -188.545 132 144 193 132 143.842 194.2 132 144 -195 131.2 144 196.667 132 144 197 131.5 144 -200 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6777 6778 -3 5443 6779 6777 -3 6780 6779 5440 -3 6759 6781 6782 -3 6783 6760 4422 -3 4422 6760 6658 -3 6761 6784 4845 -3 5444 6785 6786 -3 6762 5444 6786 -3 6763 5444 6762 -3 5434 4828 6787 -3 6788 4828 6764 -3 6787 4828 6788 -3 6789 6791 5446 -3 6790 6791 6789 -3 5446 6792 5441 -3 6791 6792 5446 -3 6792 6793 5441 -3 4206 5441 6794 -3 5441 6793 6794 -3 4206 6794 6795 -3 6796 4206 6795 -3 5435 6797 6769 -3 5436 6797 5435 -3 6798 5436 6799 -3 6799 5436 5438 -3 6799 5438 6770 -3 6800 6776 5439 -3 6801 5443 6802 -3 6802 5443 6778 -3 5440 6803 6780 -3 5440 6804 6803 -3 6804 5440 6782 -3 4422 6805 6783 -3 6784 6806 4845 -3 6807 6808 6809 -3 6809 6810 6807 -3 5444 6811 6785 -3 6787 6827 5434 -3 6812 6787 6788 -3 6812 6813 6787 -3 6813 6827 6787 -3 6812 6814 6813 -3 5446 6815 6789 -3 6816 4206 6796 -3 5436 6817 6797 -3 6798 6817 5436 -3 5439 6818 6800 -3 6819 6818 5447 -3 5443 6801 5447 -3 5447 6801 6820 -3 6805 4422 6821 -3 6822 4845 6806 -3 6807 6823 6808 -3 6810 6823 6807 -3 5456 6824 6825 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5466 6874 -3 5467 6874 5465 -3 6875 6856 4422 -3 6857 6876 4845 -3 6878 6879 5475 -3 6879 6880 5475 -3 6880 6859 5475 -3 6858 5475 6859 -3 6858 5476 5475 -3 6858 5469 5476 -3 5469 6858 6927 -3 6927 6858 6861 -3 6927 6861 6881 -3 6882 6883 6884 -3 6862 6882 6884 -3 6885 5455 6865 -3 6866 5456 6886 -3 5434 6887 4850 -3 5434 6888 6887 -3 6867 6888 5434 -3 6889 6890 5478 -3 5470 6891 6892 -3 5470 6890 6891 -3 5451 6893 6869 -3 6893 5451 5479 -3 6894 6893 5479 -3 6895 6870 6871 -3 6896 6895 6871 -3 6897 6870 6895 -3 5462 6870 6897 -3 5462 6898 4859 -3 5462 6897 6898 -3 5471 6900 6899 -3 5471 6899 6872 -3 5464 6901 5471 -3 6873 6901 5464 -3 5466 5465 6874 -3 4422 6902 6875 -3 6876 6903 4845 -3 5473 5472 6904 -3 5473 6904 5474 -3 5475 6877 6878 -3 5475 5474 6877 -3 5474 6905 6877 -3 5469 6927 5477 -3 6906 6927 6881 -3 6906 6907 6927 -3 6882 6908 6909 -3 6883 6882 6909 -3 4864 6910 6911 -3 6885 6910 4864 -3 6885 4864 5455 -3 5456 6912 6913 -3 6913 6886 5456 -3 6887 6914 4850 -3 6889 5478 6915 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-0.801092 -0.48166 0.285198 -0.791312 -0.540821 --0.618792 -0.400138 -0.676007 -0.398669 -0.360336 -0.843339 0 -0.0860472 -0.996291 -0.65077 -0.224068 -0.72546 -0.616992 0.576954 -0.535205 0.303636 -0.510558 -0.804448 -0.0991771 0.682572 -0.724058 0.372129 0.614105 -0.695985 -0.490425 0.764772 -0.41786 -0.0313472 0.583987 -0.811158 0.399766 -0.323516 -0.857627 0.216481 0.546615 -0.808918 -0.390625 0.179303 -0.902919 -0.088772 0.773204 -0.627914 -0.161114 0.301929 -0.939618 -0.336389 -0.421911 -0.841922 -0.529158 -0.497371 -0.687469 -0.448965 -0.270927 -0.851486 -0.456537 0.204655 -0.865847 -0.370621 0.853657 -0.365937 -0.188935 0.739997 -0.645529 -0.0329652 -0.212296 -0.976649 -0.149265 -0.468952 -0.870519 0.135512 0.597534 -0.79031 --0.431091 0.395359 -0.811081 -0.313014 -0.35348 -0.881518 0.208532 0.181332 -0.961058 -0.440965 0.440965 -0.781728 0.381019 0.634407 -0.672571 -0.260464 0.83826 -0.479039 -0 0.637398 -0.770535 0.253912 -0.463967 -0.848683 -0.745225 -0.1198 -0.655963 --0.819732 -0.123691 -0.559232 0.351087 -0.152592 -0.923826 0.299891 -0.766145 -0.568407 --0.0578228 -0.708329 -0.70351 -0.298115 -0.407947 -0.862964 0.626218 0.27526 -0.72944 --0.428964 0 -0.903322 -0.840707 0.309226 -0.444512 0.612134 -0.612134 -0.500582 -0.778143 0.124987 -0.615526 0.298546 0.138859 -0.94424 -0.483754 0.68549 -0.544138 -0.150583 0.282344 -0.947421 0.318835 -0.670203 -0.670203 -0.447214 0 -0.894427 --0.557993 -0.557993 -0.614238 -0.350425 -0.313294 -0.882638 0.678742 0.132751 -0.722279 -0.184754 -0.606401 -0.773398 -0.555685 -0.412346 -0.721932 -0.54253 -0.19323 -0.817511 --0.454534 -0.307546 -0.835951 0.309976 0.302415 -0.901366 0.791268 0.485184 -0.372145 --0.601158 0 -0.79913 -0.195297 0.328291 -0.924167 0.561633 0.64151 -0.522527 --0.430992 0.549168 -0.716003 0.450158 -0.054019 -0.891313 -0.0141727 -0.37479 -0.927001 --0.483179 0.180464 -0.856721 -0.327193 0.433721 -0.839542 0.334286 0.754839 -0.564332 -0.671316 0.671909 -0.312846 0.344796 0.158164 -0.925257 0.22389 0.743178 -0.630524 --0.553661 0.562312 -0.614218 -0.166154 -0.166154 -0.972001 -0.0172758 -0.302326 -0.953048 -0.591926 0.484469 -0.644137 -0.687459 0.261533 -0.677496 -0.505059 0.325209 -0.799471 -0.166733 0.45256 -0.876008 0.588363 0.588363 -0.55467 -0.406719 0.382316 -0.829707 -0.473568 -0.163299 -0.865486 0.720113 -0.256824 -0.644577 0.236649 -0.191878 -0.95246 -0.413754 0.227159 -0.881593 -0.417457 -0.790013 -0.449009 0.124878 -0.405854 -0.905366 --0.39225 -0.851721 -0.347435 -0.239402 -0.729666 -0.640527 -0.0931752 -0.0931752 -0.99128 -0.123225 0.432494 -0.893177 -0.249097 -0.886882 -0.389089 0.217978 -0.743821 -0.631836 -0.732431 0.259049 -0.629634 -0.737644 -0.569222 -0.363137 -0.669417 -0.68991 -0.275509 -0.821447 -0.111914 -0.559196 -0.924616 0.233679 -0.300798 -0.731344 -0.200835 -0.651768 --0.487093 0.295284 -0.821917 0.119911 -0.875437 -0.468222 -0.0338245 -0.717313 -0.69593 --0.0261782 0.279234 -0.959866 -0.0250979 0.633721 -0.773154 0.119187 0.815737 -0.566011 -0.879941 0.148971 -0.451122 0.201057 -0.61231 -0.764626 -0.220722 -0.715565 -0.662758 --0.919569 -0.0491032 -0.389849 -0.835811 -0.311849 -0.451853 0.523791 0.363162 -0.770555 -0.492487 -0.363645 -0.790708 -0.236316 -0.379469 -0.894516 0.285703 -0.82894 -0.480866 --0.603185 -0.603185 -0.521857 0.582435 0.465226 -0.666584 -0.634173 0.76534 -0.109907 --0.584343 -0.235207 -0.776673 -0.0678275 -0.131887 -0.988941 -0.269185 -0.72255 -0.636757 --0.634909 -0.317455 -0.704353 0.0535556 -0.444923 -0.893966 0.512611 -0.367788 -0.775862 -0.341278 -0.713496 -0.611925 -0.487268 -0.603938 -0.630736 -0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 -0.0320423 0.339926 -0.939906 -0.550019 0.821907 -0.148148 0.0585813 -0.422704 -0.904372 -0.382161 0.543608 -0.747291 0.500733 0.646371 -0.575734 0.0850264 0.786494 -0.611717 --0.159823 -0.820268 -0.549196 0.365676 -0.424613 -0.828242 0.0242708 -0.651266 -0.758462 --0.507728 0.237573 -0.828113 0.60161 -0.6034 -0.523425 -0.809091 0.35261 -0.470147 -0.216092 -0.520584 -0.826012 -0.357151 -0.0957722 -0.929124 -0.846672 0.235721 -0.477055 -0.660332 -0.623161 -0.419085 -0.68403 -0.523612 -0.507872 -0.923242 0.314121 -0.22125 --0.0158154 -0.661987 -0.749348 0.647451 -0.716615 -0.259365 -0.887292 0.0362983 -0.459778 --0.880705 0.414627 -0.229004 -0.880691 0.463666 -0.09694 0.854087 -0.349399 -0.385299 -0.591791 -0.197264 -0.781582 -0.69874 0.685205 -0.205562 -0.644528 0.34271 -0.683472 -0.519893 -0.777214 -0.354472 -0.588419 -0.588419 -0.55455 -0.814164 0.524526 -0.249018 -0.666706 -0.72418 -0.176256 -0.767549 0.610615 -0.194978 0.596127 -0.675259 -0.434347 --0.568865 0.667022 -0.481118 0.468899 -0.549215 -0.691735 -0.673848 -0.595175 -0.43783 --0.37961 -0.541691 -0.749978 0.649603 -0.356158 -0.67169 0.467638 -0.171231 -0.867176 -0.197129 0.824751 -0.530025 -0.315227 0.736623 -0.598347 -0.189691 -0.331959 -0.924024 --0.432596 -0.884943 -0.172444 -0.653129 0.0762328 -0.753399 -0.196901 -0.798542 -0.568824 -0.595899 0.595899 -0.538339 -0.0833766 -0.90672 -0.413409 0.244745 -0.840249 -0.483819 --0.0411872 0.720775 -0.691944 -0.346388 -0.148984 -0.926185 0.262214 -0.510627 -0.818843 --0.32034 -0.0488322 -0.946043 0.0269138 -0.558461 -0.829094 -0.231713 -0.311614 -0.921524 -0.415067 -0.105914 -0.903605 0.113699 0.437303 -0.892098 0.687616 -0.181196 -0.703102 --0.730426 -0.191407 -0.655623 -0.0673477 -0.43776 -0.896566 0.587931 -0.355209 -0.726749 -0.407993 0.710211 -0.573709 0.0627344 -0.643028 -0.763269 -0.716044 -0.492216 -0.494979 --0.625571 -0.657112 -0.420552 -0.125133 -0.871118 -0.474864 -0.513312 0.500792 -0.696935 -0.205739 -0.154691 -0.966303 0.139194 -0.63921 -0.756331 -0.183705 -0.7983 -0.573558 -0.129194 -0.79939 -0.586758 0.395605 -0.699374 -0.595292 0 -0.714057 -0.700088 -0.0821513 -0.670499 -0.737348 0 -0.947723 -0.319096 0 -0.424893 -0.905244 -0.232035 0.261205 -0.93698 -0.26748 0.823524 -0.500263 -0.505771 0.579733 -0.638831 --0.302437 0.55059 -0.778064 -0.0322538 0.628948 -0.776778 0.216548 0.804992 -0.552353 --0.0276135 0.796846 -0.603551 0.0606424 0.818673 -0.571049 0.42076 0.688839 -0.590307 -0.442564 0.636671 -0.631495 0.0703097 0.953021 -0.294631 -0.393632 0.883207 -0.254949 -0 0.842439 -0.538792 0.247275 0.851023 -0.463265 -0.53666 -0.712685 -0.451749 -0.330773 -0.301587 -0.894223 -0.311853 -0.648992 -0.693943 -0.0186271 -0.614693 -0.788546 -0.778019 0.198507 -0.596055 -0.721324 -0.65162 -0.234698 -0.244691 -0.700758 -0.670123 -0.722534 0.148377 -0.675225 -0.94044 -0.111906 -0.321012 -0.414019 -0.785113 -0.460636 -0.578245 -0.302339 -0.757776 0.804844 0.371467 -0.462859 -0.215747 -0.449986 -0.866583 -0.873669 0 -0.486522 -0.796789 -0.150159 -0.585304 0.577632 -0.654494 -0.48783 --0.919215 0.189644 -0.345078 -0.815376 0.574037 -0.0751172 0.94216 -0.314825 -0.114973 --0.526794 0.237428 -0.816159 0.367513 -0.929476 0.0317603 -0.438774 0.371842 -0.818053 -0.647808 -0.0398651 -0.76076 0.204368 -0.978894 -0.000987286 0.26964 -0.955995 -0.115618 -0.631516 -0.66722 -0.394976 -0.501994 0.643066 -0.578332 0.464369 0.337251 -0.818916 -0.953793 -0.124408 -0.2735 -0.151531 0.567922 -0.809013 0.764898 -0.642514 0.0458939 -0.2831 -0.886154 -0.366858 0.607346 -0.764806 0.214946 0.270611 -0.704715 -0.655855 -0.401862 -0.438789 -0.803723 -0.434244 -0.672652 -0.599143 0.726992 -0.275329 -0.629028 -0.592987 -0.393762 -0.702366 -0.474079 -0.574123 -0.667557 -0.503787 -0.440437 -0.743111 --0.457974 -0.673915 -0.57974 -0.588721 0.792639 -0.158528 0.0695623 -0.890398 -0.449836 -0.457902 -0.737537 -0.496352 0.970729 0.0507571 -0.234752 0.707754 -0.540756 -0.454606 --0.697492 -0.656992 -0.286122 -0.725648 -0.563773 -0.394455 0.985733 -0.147733 -0.0806586 --0.550024 -0.829022 -0.100971 0.512143 -0.857839 -0.0426786 0.322015 -0.946725 -0.00429354 --0.522973 -0.852252 0.0129129 -0.649531 -0.759452 0.0366402 0.14246 -0.939007 -0.313002 --0.280881 -0.853879 -0.438175 -0.0711379 -0.995931 0.0553295 -0.548838 0.804265 -0.227891 --0.74702 0 -0.664801 0.0171827 -0.326472 -0.945051 0.410419 -0.679111 -0.608575 --0.364289 0.167455 -0.916107 0.246603 -0.332377 -0.910336 0.451961 -0.335743 -0.826443 -0.144032 -0.882629 -0.44746 -0.38057 -0.225126 -0.896931 -0.575825 0.465475 -0.67213 -0.112 0.0263529 -0.993359 0.281641 -0.345346 -0.895217 -0.652357 -0.588712 -0.477334 --0.0965727 -0.915831 -0.389778 0.660328 -0.660328 -0.357678 -0.279956 0.36428 -0.888214 --0.100151 -0.0166918 -0.994832 -0.887081 -0.100325 -0.450581 0.76069 0.544434 -0.353471 --0.402301 0.504888 -0.763702 -0.349163 0.311494 -0.883774 0.441792 0.834495 -0.329298 --0.559507 -0.808386 -0.182932 -0.138395 -0.827316 -0.544421 -0.631133 -0.746974 -0.209046 --0.173925 -0.780433 -0.600562 0.767655 -0.0383828 -0.639713 -0.453607 -0.685278 -0.569767 -0.551526 -0.14722 -0.821063 0.826474 0.363649 -0.429767 0.8577 0.388891 -0.336325 -0.823711 0.279248 -0.493478 0.333318 -0.754251 -0.565689 0.0406417 -0.746792 -0.663815 -0.015947 -0.534225 -0.845192 -0.520495 0.0208198 -0.853611 0.661244 -0.495308 -0.563406 -0.913519 0.321215 -0.249607 -0.747552 0.00807074 -0.664154 0.461353 -0.53233 -0.709773 -0.292762 -0.56131 -0.774094 0.190724 -0.486347 -0.852696 -0.888497 0.430483 -0.158928 -0.994314 -0.0509905 0.0934825 0.986835 -0.131761 0.0937882 0.90288 -0.379832 0.201332 -0.619007 -0.75584 0.213394 0.869212 -0.160118 -0.467796 0.824087 -0.222516 -0.52093 -0.60237 0.798086 -0.0144975 -0.0559393 -0.964954 -0.256389 -0.379812 0.634713 -0.672965 -0.648721 -0.131186 -0.749634 0.977478 -0.153099 0.145248 -0.681476 -0.526052 -0.508782 -0.253505 -0.869394 -0.424134 -0.295363 0.210974 -0.9318 0.771082 -0.571005 0.281756 --0.520388 -0.81452 -0.256423 -0.932492 -0.332476 0.141129 -0.387589 0.66745 -0.635834 -0.72924 0.447094 -0.517992 0.490614 0.598931 -0.632913 0.554927 0.541393 -0.631625 --0.0398377 -0.632976 0.773146 0.833643 0.0106877 0.5522 0.277725 -0.55545 -0.783801 --0.428552 -0.68747 0.586284 0.232916 -0.842788 -0.485241 -0.207499 -0.735837 -0.644584 --0.128406 -0.342416 -0.930733 -0.160642 0.973546 -0.162488 -0.986898 0.0986898 0.127639 -0.451855 -0.636122 -0.62544 0.64379 0.539243 -0.542911 0.593303 0.25522 -0.763449 -0.234245 -0.669273 -0.705126 0.35794 0.188615 -0.914496 -0.643042 0.270755 -0.716372 -0.521396 -0.109909 -0.846207 0.91988 -0.041365 -0.390013 -0.946342 0.288601 -0.145419 -0.72821 0.682613 -0.0612429 -0.346952 -0.919119 -0.186664 0.0326775 -0.980326 -0.19466 -0.297089 -0.871314 -0.390576 0 -0.849343 -0.527841 0.0658001 -0.870586 -0.487596 -0.74046 0.64113 -0.20167 -0.540906 0.801701 -0.254355 0.833497 -0.00766434 -0.552471 -0.72087 -0.493227 -0.486903 -0.912475 -0.382435 0.14537 0.254155 -0.914959 -0.313458 --0.66355 -0.737278 0.126976 -0.327662 0.703275 -0.630905 -0.471757 -0.36856 -0.801005 -0.245787 -0.825896 -0.50743 -0.79949 0.588196 -0.121827 -0.554541 -0.831811 0.0239616 --0.0360758 0.742401 -0.668984 -0.522275 0.838219 0.156897 0.317629 -0.923394 0.215534 -0.290532 0.576195 -0.763931 -0.77193 0.604489 -0.196766 -0.130676 -0.659232 -0.740498 --0.459006 -0.442006 -0.770677 -0.374676 -0.769072 -0.517827 -0.376284 0.430038 -0.820657 -0.222776 -0.879965 -0.419562 -0.48734 0.46584 -0.738575 -0.249152 -0.738395 -0.626654 --0.706638 0.0936891 -0.701345 -0.382983 0.718093 -0.581091 0.0830439 -0.110725 -0.990376 -0.260005 -0.913991 -0.311476 0 0.999101 0.0423861 0.444728 -0.690636 -0.570298 -0.0428856 0.950631 -0.307347 0.815639 0.577103 0.0410385 0.942857 0.171429 0.285714 --0.728315 0.662105 0.176561 -0.722965 -0.690103 -0.032862 -0.910416 0.0343553 -0.412264 --0.128238 0.881635 -0.454175 -0.186605 0.92473 -0.331742 -0.486271 0.75559 -0.43889 --0.746592 0.409132 -0.524605 -0.67561 -0.275249 -0.683951 0.959044 0.280696 0.0380109 --0.551393 0.600772 -0.578826 0.682383 0.720548 -0.123144 -0.129602 -0.931015 -0.341196 -0.899206 0.0372805 -0.435934 -0.865383 -0.397797 -0.304745 0.355155 -0.856956 -0.373486 --0.121418 -0.689481 -0.714054 0.723358 -0.632815 -0.276221 -0.226561 -0.696637 -0.680711 -0.511263 -0.723072 -0.464519 -0.911951 -0.130058 -0.38914 0.937919 -0.290078 -0.190162 -0.760164 0.550687 -0.344809 0.766852 0.546222 -0.337015 0.934208 -0.3242 -0.148829 --0.982977 0.174299 -0.0580998 0.177826 -0.98367 -0.0277619 -0.728453 -0.67903 0.0909671 -0.778298 -0.598196 -0.190822 0.504274 0.784427 -0.361085 0.313858 -0.859187 -0.404092 -0.818402 -0.572881 -0.0450121 0.902922 0.409137 -0.131676 -0.0824148 0.970663 -0.225878 -0.26844 -0.96313 -0.017896 0.954296 0.149554 -0.258752 0.698362 -0.101079 -0.708572 --0.990127 -0.0735905 0.119306 -0.519702 0.814759 0.257057 -0.661742 0.672771 0.330871 --0.106395 -0.984152 0.14186 0.586209 0.768585 -0.256195 -0.0510752 -0.752508 -0.6566 -0.534006 -0.738057 -0.412444 -0.746554 0.590949 -0.305673 0.951414 0.0126434 0.307655 --0.405861 -0.900274 0.157425 0.402726 -0.836431 0.371747 -0.48941 -0.870062 0.0589104 -0.786062 -0.550243 -0.281672 0.894147 0.108601 0.434404 0.931719 -0.0291162 0.362012 --0.46618 -0.884546 -0.0159378 -0.294639 -0.837308 -0.460547 -0.0271759 0.570694 -0.820713 --0.646277 0.656016 -0.389832 0.838007 0.164315 0.520331 -0.451493 -0.799787 0.395594 --0.694515 -0.0292427 -0.718884 0.0571292 0.956915 -0.284694 0.463583 -0.86278 0.201745 --0.527545 -0.83658 0.147754 -0.53086 -0.812675 0.240307 0.703842 0.703842 0.0959785 -0.14104 0.967135 -0.211561 -0.0949207 -0.976327 -0.194361 0.902432 -0.258894 -0.344371 --0.166339 -0.970311 0.17558 -0.960289 0.0561572 -0.273299 0.431889 -0.431889 -0.791797 -0.629445 0.769322 0.109279 -0.972387 -0.233373 0 -0.707308 0.579529 -0.404799 -0.575168 -0.692435 -0.435564 -0.722346 0.685303 -0.0926085 0.403399 0.576284 0.71075 --0.838388 0.540438 0.0709405 0.618425 -0.531767 -0.578597 0.666068 -0.609667 -0.429721 --0.591621 0.591621 -0.547694 -0.571101 0.598297 -0.562036 -0.522678 0.709348 -0.472899 -0.248187 -0.849265 0.465997 0.749401 0.343811 -0.565856 0.327269 0.139263 -0.934613 -0.470209 -0.798609 -0.37567 -0.448116 0.426572 0.785639 -0.355483 -0.891999 0.27923 --0.816525 -0.199965 -0.541573 0.626849 -0.690813 -0.360331 0.932835 0.339604 0.120366 -0.750775 0.459982 -0.474081 -0.84453 0.341834 -0.412211 0.573251 -0.473762 -0.66853 -0.278974 -0.852913 -0.441264 0.0873541 -0.762893 -0.640597 -0.983169 0.172055 0.0614481 --0.602585 -0.71815 0.348069 -0.297116 0.847331 -0.440172 0.303829 0.717405 -0.626911 -0.653544 -0.308205 -0.691296 -0.201612 -0.632644 -0.74774 -0.279857 0.612659 -0.739141 --0.068935 -0.0771416 -0.994634 0.33931 -0.819482 -0.461863 -0.883753 -0.45613 0.10453 --0.254414 0.166439 0.952666 -0.249208 0.320836 -0.913761 -0.207199 0.148716 -0.966929 -0.304056 -0.33407 -0.892159 -0.170821 0.134216 -0.976118 0 -0.311641 -0.9502 -0.694672 -0.709144 0.120603 0.859581 -0.509036 -0.0447504 -0.781435 0.407462 0.472582 --0.647169 -0.392224 0.653706 -0.886995 0.0490504 0.459166 -0.497468 0.297268 -0.814958 -0.0882852 0.0294284 -0.99566 -0.269897 -0.304247 -0.913559 -0.719314 0.401156 -0.567152 --0.133211 -0.793344 -0.594021 0.102573 -0.981767 -0.160036 -0.479456 0.76713 -0.426184 -0.53753 0.808457 0.239703 -0.402972 0.914818 0.0268648 0.917997 -0.396562 0.00452816 -0.980883 0.0779716 0.178295 0.883936 0.441968 0.152713 -0.716192 -0.695922 -0.0525508 --0.0555452 0.864653 -0.499289 -0.243071 0.729213 -0.63966 0.952863 -0.276809 0.124209 --0.211241 -0.977383 -0.00998402 -0.540551 0.390592 -0.745146 -0.458135 0.823741 -0.33401 -0.369622 -0.870401 -0.325241 -0.146564 -0.840301 -0.521931 0.72583 -0.672963 -0.142449 --0.29592 -0.883917 -0.362107 0.647963 -0.416547 -0.637678 -0.149366 -0.852922 -0.500214 --0.746148 -0.662663 -0.0643531 0.855179 -0.117505 -0.504838 0.794308 0.21938 -0.566522 -0.239602 0.339436 -0.909601 -0.318953 0.134296 -0.938208 0.472654 -0.759727 -0.446557 -0.496001 -0.807052 -0.320392 0.576018 -0.62402 -0.528017 -0.116539 0.773139 -0.623438 -0.71045 0.333298 -0.619817 -0.105028 -0.992996 0.0541056 0.693252 -0.683712 -0.227904 --0.66256 -0.603026 0.444267 -0.0633257 -0.909588 0.410658 0.278523 -0.960424 -0.00320141 -0.329474 -0.929344 0.166631 0.23583 -0.946032 0.222277 0.17609 0.440225 0.880451 --0.741536 -0.670913 0 -0.757684 -0.651961 0.0293676 0.915488 -0.0938963 -0.391234 -0.0657912 -0.997833 0 -0.0423798 0.720457 -0.692204 0.548646 0.759664 -0.349139 --0.393073 -0.917171 -0.0655122 0.721223 0.523468 -0.453672 0.517381 0.776071 -0.360599 --0.928473 -0.295423 -0.225084 0.710282 -0.701925 -0.0529229 0.698377 0.704904 -0.124011 --0.95902 -0.139857 -0.246415 0.898349 -0.431207 -0.0838459 -0.724146 0.599293 0.341264 -0.740475 -0.598136 -0.306481 -0.762629 -0.635902 -0.11843 0.104777 -0.681047 -0.724704 -0.638241 -0.769309 0.0284929 0.994249 -0.0887288 0.0599629 0.17609 -0.968496 0.17609 -0.513226 -0.856379 -0.0566906 0.296071 0.911897 0.284228 -0.735612 0.559065 0.382518 --0.730931 0.608526 0.308926 0.89569 -0.432749 0.102317 0.124686 -0.992063 -0.0162633 --0.417759 -0.908461 -0.0132622 0.323677 -0.921233 -0.215784 -0.965722 -0.259028 0.0168931 --0.982888 -0.182016 -0.0283136 0.299775 0.930552 -0.210259 0.301131 0 0.953583 -0.976112 0.208611 -0.0607151 -0.890387 0.0460545 0.452869 0.813767 0.48358 0.322387 -0.839341 0.453698 0.299441 0.0112225 0.864131 0.503141 -0.860695 0.43913 0.257623 -0.01133 -0.940393 -0.339901 0.361886 -0.882096 -0.301571 -0.283706 -0.831774 -0.477141 -0.753653 -0.0519761 -0.655214 0.558975 -0.264243 -0.785953 0.586881 -0.8031 -0.102962 --0.895676 0.422393 0.139101 0.200534 -0.968295 0.148968 0.755142 -0.655406 0.014248 --0.409691 -0.872821 0.265211 -0.722956 0.690464 -0.0243693 -0.790186 0.603615 0.10609 --0.369077 0.918116 0.144377 -0.19593 0.979651 -0.04354 -0.218537 0.967805 0.124878 --0.13994 0.965583 0.219239 -0.102463 0.973399 0.204926 -0.297193 0.934035 0.198129 --0.522716 -0.678668 -0.515924 0.578153 -0.140245 -0.803785 -0.691431 0.718024 0.0797805 -0.435884 -0.89158 -0.12284 -0.606334 -0.785479 -0.124023 0.730789 0.501956 0.462587 -0.829482 0.47399 0.295454 0.692996 0.679921 0.239716 0 0.462566 0.886585 -0.186443 0.865288 0.465312 0.908919 -0.398649 -0.122252 -0.651332 0.195812 0.733092 -0.0958325 0.972015 0.214482 0.576707 0.527885 0.623495 -0.783524 0.547223 0.29434 --0.713561 0.5622 0.418046 -0.813596 0.355572 0.460033 -0.637132 -0.58963 -0.496385 -0.252222 0.252222 -0.934221 0.71509 0.659113 -0.232844 0.250099 -0.701892 -0.666932 -0.830773 0.288001 0.47631 0.196129 0.442546 0.875035 -0.926488 0.188352 0.325798 -0.654477 -0.711388 -0.2561 -0.433262 -0.753876 0.493919 0.660852 -0.189307 0.726249 --0.48085 -0.824314 0.298814 0.983296 -0.150169 -0.102855 0.520532 -0.753605 -0.401405 --0.491369 -0.728328 -0.477592 0.358962 0.243277 -0.90109 0.689078 0.689078 -0.224374 --0.717496 0.573997 -0.394623 0.264013 0.940669 -0.213166 -0.529192 0.797988 0.288395 --0.261115 -0.821228 0.507349 -0.680331 -0.684186 0.262753 -0.218519 -0.963269 -0.156085 -0.652871 -0.748414 0.116774 0.203874 -0.974064 -0.0981614 0.205266 -0.173687 0.963171 --0.171388 0.0507816 0.983894 -0.350738 -0.85736 0.376719 -0.855798 -0.474442 0.206192 --0.475789 -0.836182 0.272809 -0.135139 0.844618 0.518032 0.84978 0.186952 0.492872 --0.486418 0.856759 0.171352 0.307937 -0.865918 -0.394159 -0.438607 -0.758597 -0.481824 -0.659006 0.110713 -0.743945 0.69225 0.686197 -0.223436 0.231633 -0.146029 0.96178 -0.539235 0.550958 0.636923 -0.383801 -0.733736 0.56065 0.893078 -0.435089 -0.114497 -0.506432 -0.350607 0.787783 -0.604419 0.36457 0.708354 -0.873243 -0.169356 0.456909 -0.688789 -0.439653 0.576433 -0.885817 0.117133 0.449009 0 -0.999061 0.0433356 -0.871587 0.0901642 -0.481878 -0.511752 -0.0261691 -0.858735 -0.53265 -0.764754 -0.362539 --0.489831 -0.473503 -0.732025 0.450223 0.452841 -0.769568 0.769039 0.607173 -0.199799 --0.378939 0.801186 -0.463148 -0.718397 -0.689075 0.0952976 0.184114 0.97763 0.101694 --0.382269 0.888214 0.254846 0.867466 -0.485462 -0.108765 -0.560007 -0.222072 0.798171 --0.913832 -0.290254 0.284012 0.560901 -0.780385 0.276386 -0.368434 -0.846421 -0.384483 --0.38097 -0.881165 -0.280018 -0.210366 -0.839178 -0.501525 0.0851775 -0.00967926 -0.996319 -0.52573 0.738864 -0.421531 0.541798 0.823036 -0.170489 -0.601124 0.743495 -0.293029 -0.0634667 0.335467 -0.939912 -0.164716 -0.973322 -0.159725 0.874235 0.298474 0.382919 -0.975442 0.177995 0.129729 -0.932739 -0.328536 0.148533 -0.310257 -0.810372 -0.497028 -0.620221 0.334651 -0.709461 0.587911 0.732468 -0.343294 -0.74274 0.275875 -0.610107 -0.239939 0.945067 0.221985 -0.192387 0.902738 0.384774 0.908868 -0.0873912 -0.407825 --0.9459 0.169696 0.276542 -0.940466 0.175983 0.290781 0.36958 -0.90952 -0.19022 --0.460918 -0.800411 -0.383272 0.572474 0.677593 -0.461672 0.223733 -0.968343 0.110701 --0.216985 0.278012 0.935749 0.791297 0.238404 0.563038 0.79788 -0.555363 -0.234433 -0.0708869 -0.992416 0.100423 -0.555622 -0.807224 0.199185 -0.868642 -0.414275 0.271729 -0.142525 -0.891428 -0.430166 -0.668659 0.260825 -0.696323 -0.486004 0.602064 -0.633497 -0.123554 0.809965 -0.573316 0.22312 -0.80881 0.5441 0.509371 -0.709386 0.487147 --0.85552 -0.392807 0.337326 0.128324 -0.991598 0.0163322 0.04847 0.981518 0.185129 --0.160852 0.97798 0.132971 -0.783356 -0.0257743 -0.621039 0.396049 -0.203525 -0.895389 -0.800749 -0.0250234 -0.598477 0.197399 0.540055 -0.818153 -0.0079445 0.897728 -0.440478 -0.373377 0.886251 -0.274134 0.141833 -0.921916 0.360493 -0.929152 0.349305 -0.121092 --0.978305 0.142402 -0.150472 0.148585 0.728276 -0.668982 0.644562 0.528742 -0.552242 -0.41021 0.876547 -0.251779 0.329187 -0.938472 -0.104435 -0.419297 -0.898714 -0.128461 --0.403814 0.779454 -0.478942 -0.155245 0.851859 -0.500235 -0.654974 0.664606 -0.359594 -0.623948 -0.263531 -0.73569 -0.91542 -0.191728 -0.353903 0.556984 -0.718688 -0.41624 --0.299696 -0.775301 -0.555958 0.0263015 -0.836387 -0.547509 0.329968 -0.532663 -0.779353 --0.871129 -0.454099 -0.186891 0.610586 0.732157 -0.301878 0.682646 0.626428 -0.376273 -0.656219 0.686047 -0.31419 -0.702782 -0.649801 -0.289579 0.909282 -0.357218 -0.213544 --0.956792 0.278167 -0.0846846 0.741177 -0.626202 -0.241926 0.680638 -0.686146 -0.25678 -0.558265 -0.197035 -0.805927 -0.586108 -0.0572744 -0.808206 0.867414 0 -0.497587 -0.522385 -0.700066 -0.486848 0.374142 0.363513 -0.853157 0.431889 -0.431889 -0.791797 -0.831385 -0.356979 -0.42587 0.766349 0.569701 -0.2969 -0.78086 -0.496911 -0.378599 --0.0498854 -0.997708 -0.0457283 0.898977 -0.433004 -0.0659396 0.886174 -0.43135 -0.169214 --0.19776 -0.939362 -0.280161 -0.457524 0.481138 -0.747782 0.475591 -0.744403 -0.468698 -0.0990088 -0.964033 -0.246653 -0.601644 0.595687 0.532147 0.683818 0.683818 0.254532 --0.524195 0.725137 0.446537 -0.752249 -0.451349 -0.480006 0.15757 -0.601632 -0.783077 -0.290014 -0.913545 -0.285181 0.220903 -0.965483 -0.138 -0.794953 -0.539432 0.277603 --0.326052 -0.846725 -0.420413 0.903413 -0.171776 -0.392858 0.338093 0.899623 -0.276355 --0.34795 -0.394343 -0.850544 -0.548044 -0.631898 -0.548044 -0.724555 -0.169577 -0.66803 --0.0188745 -0.968891 -0.246767 -0.64358 -0.64358 -0.414258 0.356294 -0.456056 -0.815517 --0.648772 -0.689441 -0.322127 -0.465801 -0.237753 -0.852351 0.741325 0.585257 -0.328499 --0.779814 -0.582047 -0.23046 0.928625 0.19967 -0.312711 0.874323 -0.483668 -0.0403057 --0.0607823 -0.850952 -0.521715 -0.118168 -0.948487 -0.293953 -0.308258 -0.703795 -0.640039 -0.753462 0.453637 -0.475929 0.0160721 -0.962033 -0.272461 -0.830418 0.553612 -0.0626109 -0.968504 -0.141732 0.204724 0.79849 -0.598867 0.0614223 0 -0.848336 -0.529458 --0.82896 -0.524195 -0.195049 0.844479 0.52011 -0.12783 0.767202 -0.627521 -0.132732 --0.353643 0.640381 -0.681798 0.25207 -0.930719 -0.264996 0.305425 -0.916274 -0.259148 --0.384486 0.90221 0.195415 0.822951 0.565779 -0.0514344 -0.152098 -0.221233 -0.963287 --0.354471 -0.16953 -0.91957 -0.196067 0.980334 -0.0224076 0.133009 0.975401 -0.17579 -0.542551 -0.613318 -0.574003 0.0839211 -0.917138 -0.389634 0.710839 0.690135 0.135727 -0.732502 -0.138581 -0.666511 0.629762 0.414389 -0.657025 0.528107 0.55369 -0.64384 --0.491848 0.86233 -0.1203 0.379547 0.919673 -0.100726 -0.167817 0.976388 0.136033 -0.431277 -0.782524 -0.449062 -0.662868 -0.224902 -0.714161 0.22194 0.887761 -0.403264 -0.0235352 0.0823732 -0.996324 0.420952 -0.762634 -0.491111 -0.752994 0.648856 -0.109478 --0.92798 0.107075 0.356915 -0.701876 0.694926 -0.156358 -0.392322 0.603572 0.694107 --0.618742 -0.563607 0.547271 0.184252 0.982043 -0.0405227 -0.792281 0.313923 0.523205 -0.519907 0.854133 -0.0123787 -0.790345 -0.451626 0.41399 0.994274 0.0994274 0.0391684 -0.758853 -0.649703 -0.0450461 -0.771996 -0.571631 -0.277958 -0.395817 -0.918132 0.0190427 -0.108157 -0.973417 0.201894 0.375903 -0.884477 -0.276399 0.468316 -0.81339 -0.345075 -0.460938 0.784575 -0.414704 0.570948 0.741135 -0.353183 -0.572372 -0.803757 -0.162375 -0.662022 -0.165505 0.730982 0.820325 -0.392329 -0.416107 0.185374 0.98164 -0.0449392 --0.345809 0.912937 -0.216707 -0.95324 -0.300571 -0.0314884 -0.947779 -0.31749 -0.0302372 --0.0734306 -0.996558 0.0384637 -0.888005 -0.186481 -0.420323 -0.38819 -0.916742 0.094306 -0.549025 0.695432 0.463622 0.676753 -0.728811 0.104116 -0.717518 0.391374 0.576189 -0.585463 -0.712237 -0.387236 0.335432 0.934417 -0.119797 -0.371232 0.877457 0.303735 --0.662085 0.0827606 0.744845 0.848308 0.0614716 -0.525923 0.905197 -0.201155 -0.374372 --0.596285 -0.745356 0.298142 0.286282 -0.866402 -0.409134 0.135725 -0.841956 -0.522197 --0.616898 -0.663344 -0.423571 0.533046 -0.78434 -0.31729 0.637231 0.756711 -0.146032 --0.991192 0.052168 0.121725 0.384619 -0.915758 -0.115996 0.311161 -0.889033 -0.335857 --0.926151 -0.139271 -0.350498 0.98582 -0.167403 0.0116252 -0.938026 -0.343943 -0.0425586 --0.748222 -0.407409 0.523625 -0.670201 0.736762 0.0895131 0.75071 0.619153 0.230399 -0.48915 0.850043 -0.195342 0.504961 0.844554 -0.178164 -0.536778 0.782554 -0.315402 -0.688318 0.51766 -0.508179 0.294609 -0.922464 -0.249532 0.864722 0.502097 -0.0123975 -0.605492 0.749313 -0.268159 0.839586 0.529429 0.121658 0.217879 0.917911 -0.331615 -0.757777 0.277496 0.590568 0.864994 0.445953 0.230024 -0.388816 0.772288 -0.502388 -0.65577 0.733198 -0.179964 -0.415453 -0.127365 -0.900654 -0.314221 -0.287478 -0.904777 --0.449256 0.256718 -0.855725 0.106878 -0.299781 -0.948002 -0.267316 0.169883 -0.948515 -0.305573 -0.672644 -0.673925 -0.328982 -0.769959 -0.546749 -0.948924 -0.141738 -0.281875 -0.817136 -0.548751 -0.176527 -0.677952 -0.623459 -0.389462 0.685388 -0.292848 -0.666696 -0.838632 -0.00618156 -0.544664 0.843287 -0.130996 -0.521255 -0.204589 -0.7573 -0.620193 -0.357737 -0.829122 -0.429628 -0.638917 -0.610451 -0.468118 0.469127 0.69267 -0.547839 --0.268075 0.842522 -0.467217 -0.550732 -0.483631 -0.680291 0.826703 0.40761 -0.387836 -0.907922 -0.344613 -0.238578 0.0448372 -0.941581 -0.333788 -0.486454 -0.758296 -0.433993 -0.394619 -0.841407 -0.369202 -0.664798 -0.47826 -0.573857 0.276694 -0.122975 -0.953057 --0.883592 0.465557 -0.0502072 0.462115 -0.777194 -0.427106 0.603159 -0.356707 -0.713414 -0.820164 0.340068 -0.460092 0.952035 0.0115749 -0.30577 -0.0800304 0.98323 -0.163872 --0.814202 0.576286 0.0704937 0.282028 -0.568795 -0.772614 0.903205 0.418662 -0.0945708 -0.376086 0.621111 -0.687591 -0.637916 0.0609773 -0.767688 -0.57735 -0.57735 -0.57735 -0.276421 -0.900183 -0.336545 0.35853 -0.90913 -0.211988 0.30702 0.846952 -0.434063 --0.452599 -0.243188 -0.857912 -0.765682 -0.566025 -0.305526 0.66924 0.547077 -0.502816 --0.0733032 0.704525 -0.705883 -0.897898 -0.242961 -0.367082 0.770579 -0.597782 -0.221055 --0.311776 0.770271 -0.556307 0.541317 -0.589939 -0.599123 -0.485384 -0.654705 -0.579451 -0.467348 -0.233674 -0.852632 0.344958 0.936315 -0.0657063 0.905647 -0.416108 0.0815898 -0.204546 -0.920458 -0.333043 0.828805 -0.214514 -0.516784 0.493847 0.823079 -0.280457 -0.417315 -0.602789 -0.680069 -0.715093 -0.666336 -0.211277 -0.486664 -0.811107 -0.324443 --0.668648 -0.728751 -0.147754 -0.98481 -0.171271 -0.0285452 -0.583193 -0.770648 -0.256883 -0.724062 0.395093 -0.565363 0.431021 0.636194 -0.639905 0.453626 0.583736 -0.673406 -0.38199 -0.273335 -0.88282 -0.114376 0.564731 -0.817311 -0.620628 0.639645 -0.453514 --0.457017 0.888877 0.0321449 0.87115 0.195564 0.450391 -0.912988 0.300749 0.275687 -0.633054 -0.296257 -0.715174 0.571811 -0.62993 -0.525567 0 0.0634628 -0.997984 -0.649847 -0.361026 -0.668849 -0.781651 0.586238 -0.21295 -0.783687 0.391844 -0.481968 --0.898908 -0.437864 0.015454 0.714292 0.479267 -0.509989 -0.399538 -0.762754 -0.508503 --0.814241 -0.425626 -0.394784 0.3771 -0.627326 -0.681365 0.646204 -0.427328 -0.632307 --0.779839 -0.241456 -0.577538 -0.0748111 -0.654597 -0.752267 -0.176038 0.909527 -0.376525 -0.331348 0.649953 -0.683937 -0.0898383 -0.235826 -0.967634 -0.468896 -0.805914 -0.36144 -0.5891 0.0632205 -0.805583 -0.956807 -0.264417 -0.12085 -0.651873 0.641186 -0.404897 -0.00783244 -0.871638 -0.490087 0.156549 -0.834926 -0.527627 0.416594 -0.505777 -0.755407 --0.199523 -0.737045 -0.645721 0.278518 0.875341 -0.39523 -0.415601 0.373479 -0.82933 -0.857881 0.0504636 -0.511364 -0.19959 -0.471758 -0.858841 -0.0649442 -0.828039 -0.556897 -0.140919 -0.79407 -0.591265 0.517987 -0.426577 -0.741432 -0.527934 0 -0.849285 -0.901637 0.324026 -0.286458 -0.339653 -0.915176 -0.217 0.984734 -0.0364716 -0.170201 -0.885734 -0.207594 -0.415188 -0.858898 0.458079 0.229039 0.803824 -0.506112 -0.312598 --0.27654 -0.72098 -0.635384 0.0623288 -0.849938 -0.523184 -0.166814 -0.925299 -0.34058 -0.292642 -0.899488 -0.324473 -0.318389 -0.833989 -0.450655 -0.978475 -0.070904 -0.193804 --0.0285972 -0.972306 -0.231955 0.117531 -0.919095 -0.3761 -0.957871 -0.133723 -0.254168 --0.823829 -0.457683 -0.334414 0.398265 0.792466 -0.461933 0.428799 -0.227011 -0.874413 --0.170514 -0.882662 -0.437987 -0.309645 0.945233 0.103215 0.299377 0.94349 -0.142128 --0.686641 0.672336 0.276564 0.79082 0.39394 0.468417 0.198386 0.839325 0.506139 --0.599515 0.792319 0.113188 -0.505675 0.852423 0.13292 0.686569 0.473733 -0.551544 --0.317313 -0.463766 -0.827184 -0.885988 -0.437782 -0.152876 -0.462528 -0.886512 -0.012848 --0.895062 0.401235 -0.194616 0.978544 -0.144845 0.146529 -0.920899 0.327367 -0.211603 -0.872236 0.208885 -0.442234 0.262363 0.910983 -0.318237 0.856852 -0.509602 0.078169 -0.452362 0.876452 0.164924 0.258517 0.939418 -0.225084 -0.577073 -0.146094 -0.803519 -0.907065 -0.420878 0.00967536 -0.680325 0.255122 -0.687074 -0.0663093 0.582048 -0.810446 -0.241924 0.836654 -0.491408 -0.214169 0.938494 -0.270853 -0.510582 0.807553 -0.295235 --0.504783 -0.261739 -0.82261 0.188695 -0.677906 -0.71052 0.477558 -0.586803 -0.653911 --0.263785 -0.338687 -0.903166 -0.75132 0.0655221 -0.656677 0.727267 -0.595036 -0.342074 -0.126841 -0.692484 -0.710196 -0.89961 0.188291 -0.394015 0.971484 -0.139854 -0.191466 -0.937898 -0.346129 -0.0232614 -0.411939 0.56794 -0.712566 0.98726 0.13226 -0.088458 -0.84923 -0.36028 -0.386014 0.289955 -0.849693 -0.440395 -0.275267 -0.572488 -0.772324 --0.634616 0.0475962 -0.771361 -0.768179 0.303905 -0.563509 0.409018 -0.553643 -0.725385 --0.332772 -0.181342 -0.925407 0.972512 -0.230689 -0.0316632 -0.461936 0.14838 -0.874413 --0.41959 0.13741 -0.897253 0.525532 -0.586224 -0.616569 0.917388 -0.391152 -0.0734801 --0.786912 0.208901 -0.580629 0.946439 -0.259633 -0.191951 0.975783 0.118072 -0.184137 --0.0359614 0.471647 -0.881054 0.00288181 0.370312 -0.928903 -0.282292 0.341722 -0.896402 --0.530768 0 -0.847517 0.714956 -0.492864 -0.495906 0.257836 -0.699282 -0.666727 --0.389729 0.167027 -0.905656 -0.259181 0.610927 -0.74806 0.184859 0.0591548 -0.980983 --0.792411 -0.113653 -0.599307 -0.0431343 -0.197422 -0.979369 -0.533551 0.568348 -0.626342 --0.166914 -0.926267 -0.337888 -0.555622 -0.65112 -0.517037 -0.967191 -0.0541803 -0.248204 -0.355469 -0.823079 -0.442925 -0.443465 -0.518587 -0.731031 -0.962629 -0.172669 -0.208642 --0.897661 -0.368472 -0.241728 0.111658 -0.899335 -0.422764 -0.985853 0.131067 -0.104474 -0.84965 -0.515126 -0.112876 -0.31059 0.148658 -0.938848 -0.546689 -0.81886 -0.17493 -0.0932093 -0.0955993 -0.991046 0.873465 -0.11493 -0.473127 -0.570436 -0.371767 -0.732388 -0.709737 0.415677 -0.568758 -0.392645 -0.208593 -0.895722 0.867856 0.3632 -0.338986 -0.142514 0.0729142 -0.987103 0.837133 -0.107522 -0.536328 0.486846 -0.699546 -0.523084 -0.571804 0.507796 -0.644347 -0.324074 0.544199 -0.773837 0.587523 -0.587523 -0.556447 -0.988308 -0.0515375 -0.143497 0.917428 0.397619 0.0150234 -0.835169 -0.378436 -0.399098 -0.756881 -0.47434 -0.449592 0.557993 -0.557993 -0.614238 0.645238 -0.737415 -0.199717 --0.536173 -0.632409 -0.559086 -0.0521256 -0.79926 -0.598721 0.334866 -0.837718 -0.431384 -0.79371 0.163781 -0.585833 -0.655386 -0.573462 -0.491539 -0.865591 -0.0748042 -0.495132 -0.43624 -0.833989 -0.337872 -0.0930372 -0.868347 -0.487153 -0.227076 -0.866197 -0.445129 --0.221386 -0.854474 -0.469961 -0.381018 -0.847195 -0.37025 -0.570541 0.0691565 0.818352 -0.98138 -0.160694 -0.105216 -0.247 0.968627 0.0274444 -0.885824 0.420198 0.19685 --0.531494 0.341675 -0.775095 0.421847 0.888099 -0.182554 -0.0482555 0.965109 -0.257362 --0.942078 0.285478 -0.176045 0.583927 -0.237896 -0.776166 0.419812 0.257826 -0.87022 -0.35965 -0.0384092 -0.932296 0.799879 -0.131939 -0.585479 -0.56129 -0.799013 -0.215712 -0.725606 -0.0846922 -0.682878 -0.315342 -0.386549 -0.866683 -0.271599 -0.364468 -0.890728 --0.537244 -0.672859 -0.508556 -0.911339 0.0233079 0.410996 0.499059 -0.767783 -0.401807 -0.0522273 -0.377777 -0.924422 -0.117719 -0.375663 -0.919249 -0.181005 -0.837847 -0.515024 --0.158557 -0.372608 -0.914343 0.980312 -0.121694 -0.155498 -0.219502 -0.969891 0.105497 --0.903913 -0.18403 0.386102 -0.136131 -0.658635 -0.740046 0.227687 -0.607165 -0.761256 -0.0231565 -0.708202 -0.70563 0.348935 -0.747719 -0.564943 -0.147009 -0.65104 -0.744671 --0.42495 -0.459539 -0.779898 0.594258 0.556527 -0.580633 -0.325345 -0.945592 0.0025368 --0.188083 -0.442548 -0.876799 0.0850369 -0.357863 -0.929894 -0.389308 -0.448572 -0.804501 -0.670611 0.63708 0.380013 0.909109 0.37532 0.18071 -0.646918 -0.752538 0.123223 -0.255233 -0.478561 -0.84014 0.411 -0.135232 -0.901549 0.375551 -0.187775 -0.90758 --0.656132 -0.549009 -0.517764 -0.3431 -0.740116 -0.578369 -0.168283 -0.501845 -0.848429 -0.232733 0.806808 -0.543044 -0.114145 -0.984498 -0.133169 0.0698558 0.878187 0.47319 -0.960232 0.0751202 0.268908 0.511673 -0.473514 -0.71692 0.132824 -0.136849 -0.981647 --0.887468 -0.320718 -0.33097 0.193703 -0.830886 -0.52164 -0.903527 -0.172972 -0.392071 -0.658512 0.70729 -0.257104 -0.180472 0.789563 -0.586532 0.285217 0.918699 0.273208 -0.58228 0.804605 0.116456 -0.738717 -0.110808 0.664845 0.939025 -0.222655 0.262024 --0.464892 0.858465 0.216597 0.317284 -0.784144 -0.533339 0.135133 -0.713777 -0.687213 -0.199732 0.965371 -0.16783 -0.591054 -0.797923 0.118211 -0.895819 0.422518 -0.137792 --0.976474 0.205573 -0.0650983 -0.985232 0.168897 -0.0281495 0.830002 -0.536817 0.15141 -0.881484 0.336567 0.331224 -0.934465 -0.271554 -0.230288 0.493791 -0.841532 -0.219076 --0.714548 -0.519671 -0.468363 0.429581 -0.801884 -0.415261 0.437341 -0.799514 -0.411716 --0.968303 -0.162936 -0.189316 -0.0718217 -0.655373 -0.751883 0.103111 0.523737 -0.845617 -0.719326 -0.31275 -0.620288 -0.118581 0.783188 -0.610372 -0.500901 0.712981 -0.490669 -0.928063 -0.326783 -0.178641 -0.574786 -0.0334178 -0.817621 -0.35944 0.86132 -0.359069 --0.252345 -0.400784 -0.880735 -0.499005 0.483651 -0.719079 -0.210502 0.834124 -0.50983 --0.40673 0.777216 -0.480111 -0.00439597 0.84073 -0.541437 0.291792 0.827992 -0.478839 -0.302693 0.91365 -0.27133 -0.130404 0.891094 -0.43468 0.0603017 0.983449 -0.170855 --0.186761 -0.832641 -0.521373 -0.679514 -0.434134 -0.591429 0.420585 -0.723185 -0.547825 --0.245572 -0.0731492 -0.966614 -0.661545 0.340598 -0.668095 0.629657 -0.553173 -0.545465 --0.358405 -0.248571 -0.899866 0.891806 -0.452011 -0.0191974 -0.754601 0.0855841 -0.650578 -0.356064 -0.715145 -0.601486 0.995831 -0.0142262 -0.090099 -0.58215 0.429977 -0.690087 --0.724248 0.347639 -0.595493 -0.801478 0.281976 -0.527373 -0.779075 0.302749 -0.548985 --0.898627 0.149771 -0.412357 0.914188 -0.148247 -0.377205 0.992642 -0.0428094 0.113266 -0.0517198 -0.947414 -0.315805 -0.927056 0.0902244 -0.363905 -0.559794 -0.737206 -0.378363 --0.958316 -0.180477 -0.221494 -0.714704 -0.565303 -0.411863 0.646173 0.396238 -0.652269 -0.892075 0.079219 -0.444889 -0.800266 -0.561011 -0.211754 -0.996918 0.0657309 -0.0428246 --0.189974 -0.93027 -0.313859 0.290537 -0.646816 -0.705136 0.490444 -0.759708 -0.426975 -0.901897 0.167689 -0.398073 0.890305 0.39509 -0.22641 0.724946 -0.54371 -0.422885 -0.793386 -0.288132 -0.536207 -0.776237 -0.292262 -0.558605 0.976611 0.213166 0.0281372 -0.842339 0.304002 -0.445025 0.814105 0.306631 -0.493164 0.305038 0.0938579 -0.947704 -0.710796 -0.527646 -0.465143 0.374728 -0.498793 -0.781527 0.242357 -0.73988 -0.627568 --0.867817 0.0565968 -0.49365 0.726207 0.6205 -0.295979 0.927935 0.371065 -0.0353137 -0.652765 -0.293271 -0.698491 0.696431 -0.115888 -0.708204 -0.302605 0.048315 -0.951891 -0.520128 0.779495 -0.349076 0.488382 -0.586761 -0.645906 0.327712 -0.0121375 -0.9447 -0.457791 -0.3689 -0.808913 -0.00402853 -0.739235 -0.673436 0.868894 -0.408891 -0.278983 --0.641868 -0.421128 -0.640825 0.986782 0.150123 -0.0610255 -0.779776 -0.320574 -0.537756 -0.651451 -0.138391 -0.745962 -0.869597 0.0763549 -0.487823 0.710504 0.617323 -0.337781 -0.220767 -0.0229966 -0.975055 -0.0934787 -0.933175 -0.347053 0.0896729 -0.174364 -0.98059 -0.501089 -0.418718 -0.757354 0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 0.171111 -0.841528 -0.512397 -0.556848 -0.556848 -0.616312 0.180093 0 -0.98365 -0.244977 -0.792573 -0.558404 --0.269363 -0.778844 -0.566432 0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 0.286378 -0.266507 -0.920305 -0.217689 0.0473238 -0.97487 0.200596 -0.351042 -0.914621 -0.101472 -0.854825 -0.508898 -0.178932 -0.178932 -0.967454 -0.0207192 -0.361976 -0.931957 0.498923 -0.507459 -0.702539 -0.483004 -0.509034 -0.712455 0.76903 0.587655 0.251507 -0.301348 0.919499 0.252411 --0.0384775 -0.577162 -0.815723 0.082675 -0.277205 -0.957247 0.238274 -0.201616 -0.95004 --0.765755 -0.402021 -0.501995 -0.69594 -0.510917 -0.504609 -0.13824 -0.984957 0.10368 --0.502977 -0.863808 0.0291581 0.545883 -0.745784 0.381862 -0.953289 0.223045 0.203694 --0.850018 0.525734 0.032756 0.409694 -0.594898 -0.691554 -0.674859 -0.503077 0.539887 --0.0078526 -0.753849 -0.657001 0.737376 -0.63715 0.224315 -0.474709 -0.833032 0.284092 -0.279673 -0.619451 -0.733528 0.172541 -0.366033 -0.914467 0.157571 -0.0555251 -0.985945 -0 0.320807 -0.947145 -0.113267 -0.550789 -0.826923 -0.258576 -0.430959 -0.86453 --0.347626 -0.61694 -0.706075 -0.394927 0.668337 0.630364 0.862274 0.485029 -0.145708 -0.210028 0.977087 0.0344973 -0.499032 0.738152 0.453981 -0.786821 0.236416 0.570106 -0.695176 0.283864 -0.660417 -0.176292 0.557082 -0.81153 -0.534678 -0.0379013 -0.844205 -0 -0.542159 -0.840276 -0.302755 -0.513602 -0.802841 -0.291386 -0.388514 -0.874157 -0.278614 -0.767009 -0.577989 -0.228 -0.182875 -0.956333 -0.754886 -0.310732 -0.577575 -0.269663 -0.910112 0.314607 0.833897 -0.551655 -0.0171056 -0.727183 -0.650326 0.219731 -0.930932 0.241584 -0.273865 -0.529984 0.711485 0.461417 -0.849591 0 0.527442 --0.230759 0 0.973011 0.0269059 0.666241 0.745251 -0.281486 0.910101 0.304109 --0.327088 -0.727603 -0.602998 -0.0227522 -0.712902 -0.700894 0.66698 -0.618231 -0.415847 -0.478994 -0.319329 -0.817676 -0.427317 -0.0899615 -0.899615 -0.0149172 -0.615334 -0.788125 -0.0405642 -0.699732 -0.713253 0.329685 0.576949 -0.747287 -0.29226 0.670479 -0.68194 --0.0274813 -0.659552 -0.751156 -0.135381 -0.631778 -0.763235 -0.185869 -0.430745 -0.883126 --0.888935 -0.146262 -0.434054 0.968516 0.0131871 0.248601 0.562413 -0.788051 -0.250335 --0.161129 -0.986917 -0.00559477 -0.547542 -0.752558 0.365861 0.74427 0.0636547 0.664838 --0.488658 0.730359 0.477273 0.614369 -0.78882 -0.0176979 -0.570599 -0.570599 -0.59062 --0.380847 -0.914032 -0.139644 0.861457 -0.267811 -0.431473 -0.909721 0.1077 -0.40101 --0.128373 -0.826398 -0.548258 0.714629 -0.691576 0.105017 -0.0867184 -0.552259 0.82915 --0.997986 0.0608753 0.0178322 0.459158 -0.880053 0.121167 0.313637 -0.947183 0.0669092 --0.357703 -0.933826 0.00422068 0.561474 -0.827436 -0.00985042 0.911792 -0.293076 -0.287649 -0.102258 0.2876 0.952276 0.641782 -0.187839 0.743527 -0.586427 -0.662095 -0.466619 --0.970237 -0.222192 -0.0962831 0.213508 0.781899 0.585703 0.713906 0.695119 0.0845415 --0.381851 0.575194 0.723423 -0.309021 0.0457809 0.949953 -0.393099 0.48295 -0.782453 -0.634537 -0.625066 0.454594 0.953295 -0.120956 0.276763 0.873406 0.291135 0.390386 --0.280131 0.931437 0.232276 0.204539 0.562482 0.801111 -0.097859 0.831801 -0.546379 -0.907674 0 -0.419677 0.819948 0.571479 -0.0331292 -0.720129 -0.49272 0.488509 --0.537713 -0.778958 0.322628 0.668143 -0.348287 0.657481 -0.687771 0.723042 0.0646623 --0.0484929 0.994104 0.0969857 0.808223 -0.528712 -0.259305 -0.791052 0.566536 -0.230811 -0.752408 -0.165439 0.637583 -0.824815 -0.045823 0.563543 -0.940138 -0.197126 0.277998 -0.772106 -0.292395 -0.564231 0.667928 0.742142 -0.0556606 -0.836563 0.497088 0.230358 -0.186484 -0.959063 -0.213125 0.0693341 -0.990487 -0.118858 0.472632 0.836734 0.276577 --0.0268747 -0.698743 -0.714868 0.924193 -0.370082 0.0943742 -0.969623 -0.102912 0.221904 -0.248282 -0.910366 0.331042 0.948932 -0.199775 -0.24417 -0.365232 0.896478 -0.250866 --0.738858 -0.577498 -0.347254 -0.693041 -0.713791 -0.100982 -0.624894 -0.621727 -0.472189 -0.695174 -0.695174 -0.18294 -0.991053 -0.125374 -0.0457715 0.58828 -0.788073 -0.181294 --0.595792 -0.746726 -0.295689 -0.759902 -0.597864 -0.255163 0.591665 0.792456 -0.148139 --0.137568 -0.792204 -0.594548 -0.176128 -0.401005 -0.898985 0.393653 -0.719251 -0.572465 -0.55508 -0.80699 -0.201625 -0.0898359 0.285728 -0.954091 0.0976536 -0.19194 -0.976536 -0.427482 -0.61799 -0.659809 0.578262 -0.813487 -0.0620733 -0.255468 -0.271109 -0.928028 --0.523024 0.156704 -0.837789 0.683384 -0.416816 -0.599375 -0.395116 0.531363 -0.749358 --0.301731 0.484682 -0.821001 0.845864 -0.510983 -0.153006 0.819229 -0.569405 0.0681339 -0.709237 0.164138 -0.685596 0.207528 0.6127 -0.762581 0.923431 -0.310708 -0.225245 --0.162754 0.787458 -0.594492 0.652019 0.0197582 -0.757945 0.768873 -0.253047 -0.587198 --0.621695 0.321359 -0.714299 0.591213 -0.564986 -0.57555 -0.160851 0.0419611 -0.986086 -0.628373 -0.265136 -0.731334 0.729737 -0.367285 -0.576702 0.112827 -0.126101 -0.98558 --0.664376 0.408847 -0.625659 -0.410122 0.31638 -0.855397 -0.337348 0.363297 -0.868454 -0.685398 -0.602109 -0.409504 -0.697605 0.379467 -0.607743 -0.0654955 -0.688832 -0.721956 --0.871567 -0.0234853 -0.489713 0.670593 -0.741681 -0.0146125 -0.865168 0.146297 -0.479668 --0.8769 0.10167 -0.469798 -0.847356 -0.194703 -0.494043 -0.829636 0.173678 -0.530603 --0.901618 -0.0424442 -0.430445 -0.886804 -0.0928051 -0.452732 -0.811178 -0.0201535 -0.584451 --0.85455 0.278911 -0.438125 -0.661704 0.676585 -0.323081 -0.429258 -0.520739 -0.737949 --0.422608 -0.808144 -0.410251 -0.777924 0.0138915 -0.628205 -0.868429 0.0315543 -0.494808 --0.761754 -0.364631 -0.535514 0.807114 -0.417473 -0.417473 -0.609969 -0.738179 -0.288149 --0.949876 -0.0166645 -0.312182 -0.959867 0.157535 -0.232029 0.883655 -0.294552 -0.363858 --0.758329 -0.262279 -0.59678 -0.711843 -0.4919 -0.501312 -0.153665 -0.881345 -0.446786 -0.652715 -0.141231 -0.744324 -0.298263 -0.742896 -0.599287 -0.894969 0.444145 -0.0420212 --0.424483 -0.849683 -0.312815 -0.0522991 -0.780217 -0.623319 0.73675 -0.0437674 -0.674747 -0.845535 0.431687 -0.314192 -0.801317 0.489281 -0.34423 -0.927278 0.161833 -0.337588 -0.754098 0.324301 -0.571109 0.756034 0.574219 -0.314142 -0.459049 -0.86686 -0.194495 -0.776158 -0.0757228 -0.625975 -0.960802 0.277236 0 -0.725056 -0.28665 -0.6262 -0.717335 -0.531622 -0.450343 -0.812963 -0.0150549 -0.582121 -0.792509 -0.074795 -0.605256 --0.644503 -0.245979 -0.723954 -0.565292 0.0699885 -0.821916 -0.480075 -0.801048 -0.357561 -0.508248 -0.512954 -0.691782 -0.871898 -0.272468 -0.406886 0.520541 -0.362801 -0.772924 -0.522675 -0.441918 -0.729053 -0.662861 -0.628622 -0.406755 -0.758493 -0.204926 -0.618623 --0.537976 -0.37459 -0.755158 0.932353 0.346853 -0.10203 -0.816905 -0.00464811 -0.576753 --0.383825 0.119945 -0.915583 -0.292393 -0.247722 -0.923656 -0.475811 -0.254623 -0.841885 -0.943693 0.321587 0.0776246 -0.0446794 -0.854494 -0.517537 0.238988 0.942297 0.234436 --0.780142 0.61709 0.102848 0.825891 -0.560899 0.0574149 0.0991213 0.429526 0.897598 --0.964809 -0.244802 0.0960009 0.411222 -0.712785 -0.568185 0.242342 -0.693802 -0.678167 --0.163558 -0.906226 -0.389877 0.260388 -0.698313 -0.666751 -0.564163 -0.57856 -0.589057 --0.00563318 0.9982 0.0597117 -0.996706 -0.0699794 -0.0409879 -0.368071 0.926019 -0.0837409 -0.21344 -0.649488 -0.729801 -0.420871 -0.899368 -0.118338 0.97701 0.212449 -0.0178101 -0.214514 -0.477185 -0.85222 0.0847024 -0.0889375 -0.992429 -0.450341 -0.378696 -0.808568 --0.172528 -0.73739 -0.653062 -0.80767 -0.560697 0.182449 -0.302778 0.43692 -0.847011 --0.29517 -0.361763 -0.884309 -0.716899 0.109357 -0.688547 -0.00174721 -0.676172 -0.736742 -0.111441 0.984393 0.136205 0.677331 0.727815 -0.107279 0.523706 0.851896 -0.00232758 --0.55464 0.741248 0.378054 -0.961 0.0864778 0.262681 0.572965 -0.791734 -0.211823 --0.625792 -0.727271 -0.281888 -0.366019 -0.524073 -0.76901 0.299987 -0.784325 -0.542994 -0.0899026 -0.70124 -0.707234 -0.726774 -0.34349 -0.594823 -0.540466 -0.493469 -0.681458 --0.100363 -0.451634 -0.886541 0.908532 0.345828 -0.23446 -0.889587 -0.167233 0.425051 -0.111754 -0.621633 -0.775295 -0.349217 -0.133035 -0.92755 0.236301 0.843931 0.481603 -0.512517 0.772843 0.374219 -0.999969 -0.00476176 0.00634901 0.567379 -0.756505 -0.32524 --0.532288 -0.846394 -0.0169279 -0.476215 -0.878352 -0.0414483 0.632215 0.12772 0.764193 --0.0429579 0.948003 0.31535 0.956566 -0.206483 -0.205781 0.873818 0.484142 -0.0452653 --0.636874 0.770953 0.00474862 -0.506477 0.569787 -0.647166 -0.0814436 -0.977323 0.195465 --0.141925 -0.978539 -0.149395 0.415453 -0.909612 0.00232467 0.9282 -0.330592 0.170745 -0.882775 0.396348 0.252222 -0.809829 0.583077 0.0647864 -0.910695 0.395136 0.120423 -0.862701 0.38634 0.326326 0.988963 -0.0830152 0.122718 0.381722 0.819996 0.426492 --0.702105 0.706334 0.0902303 -0.635553 -0.566701 -0.524331 0.188958 0.6771 0.711218 -0.93302 0.0222148 0.359139 0.675939 -0.692629 0.251739 -0.72403 0.686661 0.0653963 --0.915396 0.349515 0.199723 -0.48367 -0.860083 -0.162235 0.862666 0.342529 0.37213 --0.851916 0.523678 -0.000835212 0.808312 -0.5819 0.0895773 0.618689 -0.471382 0.628509 --0.749072 0.650357 0.1262 0.10313 0.980641 0.166456 0.682158 -0.731202 -0.00222927 --0.951088 -0.118595 -0.285249 0.77083 -0.632254 0.0779491 0.211129 0.889759 0.404664 --0.542737 0.839349 0.0305026 0.789355 -0.612946 -0.0348831 -0.802624 -0.526311 -0.280699 -0.696452 -0.712102 -0.0886867 -0.972939 -0.023615 -0.229853 -0.531443 0.77455 0.342988 -0.590401 -0.801961 -0.0910202 0.868927 0.463428 -0.173785 0.981048 -0.151578 -0.120701 --0.80975 0.563304 -0.164297 0.649936 -0.747776 -0.135695 -0.919676 -0.326727 -0.217818 -0.832367 -0.542793 -0.111985 -0.887132 -0.3314 -0.321203 -0.919632 0.386829 -0.0681209 --0.918796 0.350723 0.181125 0.186736 -0.982362 0.00968799 -0.859083 0.501132 0.104131 --0.961772 0.225352 0.1556 0.277818 -0.884901 -0.373854 0.662087 -0.735246 -0.145098 --0.650969 -0.754723 -0.0814409 -0.647192 -0.616373 -0.448583 0.804875 -0.593398 -0.00736487 -0.120998 0.992372 0.0236056 -0.193053 0.978683 0.0700657 -0.676753 0.104116 -0.728811 --0.239465 -0.810878 -0.533979 -0.580163 0.463296 -0.669901 -0.60503 0.537085 -0.587774 --0.518402 0.439682 -0.733443 -0.562085 0.436355 -0.702606 -0.608176 0.351391 -0.711791 --0.683912 0.254025 -0.683912 -0.479149 0.199326 -0.854801 -0.272635 0.576555 -0.77023 --0.215907 0.663423 -0.716418 -0.394579 0.506252 -0.766823 -0.406585 0.609878 -0.680248 -0.297571 0.732482 -0.612309 -0.0874499 0.911977 -0.400812 -0.522842 0.692766 -0.4967 --0.814067 0.323509 -0.482323 0.826154 -0.56344 0.00224542 -0.489245 0.462437 -0.739453 -0.77798 -0.430456 -0.457661 -0.566856 0.474453 -0.673475 -0.708262 0.397687 -0.583275 -0.806212 -0.58939 0.0514062 -0.817192 0.498769 -0.288835 -0.679102 0.469527 -0.564239 --0.773952 0.348278 -0.528867 -0.910986 0.0700759 -0.40644 -0.978773 -0.13328 -0.155691 --0.78692 0.041236 -0.615676 0.955127 -0.267503 0.127183 -0.70305 0.212241 -0.67873 --0.572229 0.171218 -0.802022 -0.407421 0 -0.913241 -0.531609 -0.182043 -0.827195 --0.770144 0.0738629 -0.633579 -0.823196 -0.00460744 -0.567739 -0.800541 0.198299 -0.56552 --0.464681 0.52922 -0.709929 -0.445637 0.728326 -0.520527 -0.844319 0.360537 -0.396407 --0.803115 -0.473484 -0.361689 -0.760715 -0.41624 -0.498053 -0.900008 0.133334 -0.414979 -0.525763 -0.126183 -0.84122 -0.747258 0.161173 -0.644693 -0.551081 -0.76919 -0.323507 --0.572163 -0.754913 -0.320525 -0.897505 -0.110123 -0.427034 0.742705 -0.553222 -0.377274 --0.167768 -0.894763 -0.413828 0.59585 -0.546195 -0.588756 -0.554865 -0.615994 -0.559175 --0.566758 -0.775831 -0.277257 -0.204349 -0.819952 -0.534714 0.666597 -0.367943 -0.64828 -0.812309 0.445752 -0.376111 -0.420328 -0.754858 -0.503501 0.492021 0.00531915 -0.870567 -0.852066 0.41589 -0.317834 0.792062 0.517678 -0.323493 0.593697 -0.521295 -0.613005 --0.705055 -0.236478 -0.668562 -0.620622 0.404258 -0.671866 -0.822447 0.568842 0 -0.11671 0.729157 -0.674322 -0.331979 0.799635 -0.500373 -0.803889 0.500019 -0.322092 -0.798379 -0.0523527 -0.599875 0.369866 0.156217 -0.915858 -0.619742 0.236812 -0.748225 -0.147107 0.249524 -0.95713 -0.94483 -0.181092 -0.272951 0.797186 -0.028269 -0.603072 -0.656777 -0.402486 -0.637691 0.314249 -0.196992 -0.928677 0.42417 -0.24661 -0.871357 --0.3767 0.219742 -0.899895 0.149819 -0.301842 -0.941512 -0.636536 -0.642656 -0.426397 -0.392456 -0.364706 -0.844374 0.453076 -0.372224 -0.810044 -0.601956 -0.566373 -0.562913 --0.769846 -0.60387 -0.206587 -0.648616 -0.253806 -0.717551 -0.482492 0.516685 -0.707275 -0.579276 -0.177645 -0.795539 -0.416049 0.462771 -0.782781 -0.664953 0.31518 -0.677125 --0.309773 -0.937782 -0.156861 -0.28769 -0.939543 -0.185724 -0.654088 -0.735849 -0.175202 -0.821154 0.186192 -0.539479 -0.743262 -0.408794 -0.529574 0.532575 -0.282284 -0.797922 --0.264237 -0.397348 -0.878802 0.0706018 -0.600115 -0.796792 -0.778534 -0.257697 -0.572256 --0.0263625 -0.254837 -0.966624 0.156417 -0.449142 -0.879662 -0.72083 -0.511382 -0.46786 --0.449142 -0.156417 -0.879662 -0.55333 0.166757 -0.816099 -0.372586 -0.62904 -0.682267 --0.165314 -0.521468 -0.837104 -0.0278004 -0.185336 -0.982282 -0.2608 0.587367 -0.766148 -0.411074 -0.88683 -0.211069 0 0.211055 -0.977474 0.40504 0.495825 -0.76818 -0.272106 0.705253 -0.654658 0.880827 0.463391 0.0970186 -0.901997 0.43139 -0.0174299 --0.100298 0.254602 -0.961831 0.712622 -0.698888 0.0610383 -0.762781 -0.642749 0.0709864 -0.542105 -0.496929 -0.677631 -0.506658 -0.608718 -0.610541 -0.1159 -0.321207 -0.93989 -0.477504 0.187591 -0.85837 0.384429 -0.242307 -0.890787 0.598357 -0.295391 -0.74479 --0.294199 -0.501868 -0.813373 0.663932 0.165983 -0.729139 0.814149 0.32566 -0.480736 --0.721139 -0.655581 -0.22399 0.247493 -0.489361 0.836226 0.87133 -0.483522 -0.0836124 --0.163022 0.984484 -0.0649265 -0.905469 0.347303 0.243939 -0.847847 0.520966 0.0987452 -0.292962 -0.404503 -0.866343 0.0265558 -0.68455 -0.728482 0 -0.73366 -0.679517 --0.26173 -0.628348 -0.732582 -0.00576413 -0.201744 -0.979421 0.782567 -0.146079 -0.605185 -0.677627 -0.511417 -0.528464 0.53679 -0.84314 -0.0311772 0.00518468 -0.995459 0.0950525 --0.18027 -0.755749 -0.62956 0.131033 -0.512738 -0.848487 0 -0.263428 -0.964679 -0.0960711 -0.148345 -0.984258 0.242487 -0.664796 -0.706573 -0.196046 -0.844506 -0.498373 -0.125768 -0.440786 -0.888758 -0.244309 -0.745455 -0.620169 -0.228088 -0.740599 -0.632051 --0.122469 0.35652 -0.926226 0.257634 -0.434757 -0.862908 0.00588786 -0.812524 -0.582898 --0.25625 -0.318246 -0.912719 0.02465 0 -0.999696 0.686449 0.171612 -0.706638 --0.77205 0.353728 -0.528029 0.409933 -0.625121 -0.664213 0.471881 -0.434815 -0.766984 --0.0935671 -0.340244 -0.935671 0.13288 0 -0.991132 0.225659 0.0569847 -0.972538 -0.166533 -0.313345 -0.934923 0.463903 -0.746279 -0.477349 -0.807694 0.472775 -0.352298 -0.616546 0.784695 0.0642236 0.0344266 -0.496727 -0.867224 0.226224 -0.690792 -0.686752 -0.00989547 -0.951202 -0.308409 -0.668022 -0.276926 -0.690694 0.255987 0.252662 0.933077 -0.455952 0.237345 0.857773 -0.265447 0.245028 0.932469 -0.0574943 0.767959 0.637913 -0.904957 -0.0530101 0.422187 0.654389 0.75029 0.0940213 0.150119 -0.850672 -0.503807 -0.34337 0.587598 0.732684 0.0545363 -0.96711 0.248443 -0.830342 0.556603 0.0269394 -0.674611 0.732767 0.0891727 0.819487 0.569374 0.0652255 0.891889 -0.445384 -0.0785311 --0.482966 -0.0817328 -0.871816 -0.975184 -0.0872116 0.203494 -0.0860946 0.941769 0.325051 -0.805688 -0.591934 0.0219235 0.343258 0.86368 0.369094 -0.966533 0.250162 0.0568549 -0.591278 0.743866 0.311534 0.743494 0.650557 0.154895 0.943002 0.189716 -0.273415 -0.874134 -0.277382 -0.398683 0.67779 -0.550704 -0.487161 0.33154 0.754817 0.565979 -0.626842 -0.676591 0.386386 -0.598319 0.800793 0.0272997 0 -0.871576 -0.490261 -0.0722282 -0.967055 -0.244105 -0.139767 -0.941485 -0.306711 0.828475 0.555684 -0.0696009 -0.903477 -0.424268 -0.0610457 -0.954305 0.183792 -0.235631 -0.946472 -0.165543 -0.277104 -0.62114 0.763484 0.176852 -0.669754 0.740255 0.0587504 -0.827886 0.454002 -0.329374 -0.854212 -0.51096 0.0961315 0.763126 0.457875 0.456058 -0.639139 0.768489 0.0304352 --0.726498 0.687076 -0.0112635 0.827618 -0.529078 0.187416 -0.0556839 0.997249 0.0489344 -0.238792 0.878661 0.413442 -0.898035 0.436249 -0.0567479 0.0794507 -0.979177 -0.186817 -0.477464 -0.878192 -0.0284204 0.248372 -0.931394 0.266113 -0.953889 -0.0260367 -0.299027 -0.065624 -0.976008 -0.20761 -0.4787 -0.656139 -0.583376 0.793964 -0.53758 -0.283952 -0.870715 -0.477104 -0.119276 -0.904923 0.3541 -0.236067 0.971278 -0.182912 0.152191 -0.823809 -0.566067 0.03011 0.796188 -0.60419 0.0322235 -0.974865 -0.162277 -0.152661 -0.970984 0.192592 0.141769 0.931307 0.347631 -0.108724 -0.205526 0.976251 0.0685088 --0.798314 -0.434083 0.417452 -0.417846 -0.473559 -0.775337 0.78154 -0.623635 -0.0165593 -0.828034 -0.520319 -0.208873 -0.473877 -0.880563 -0.00707279 -0.745437 -0.64853 0.154057 -0.550147 -0.696653 -0.460449 -0.926113 0.356864 -0.122326 -0.863385 0.400411 -0.306981 --0.864079 0.29614 -0.407023 0.347919 -0.748956 -0.56393 0.167435 -0.771399 -0.61393 --0.879002 0.355188 0.318115 -0.536021 -0.716349 -0.446684 0.645486 -0.761253 -0.0619761 -0.403714 -0.847329 -0.345034 -0.246641 -0.44043 -0.863243 -0.693521 0.709105 -0.127275 --0.825708 -0.324556 -0.461378 0.982818 0.0530375 -0.176792 0.746583 -0.584152 -0.318403 --0.510715 -0.2293 -0.828608 0.906152 0.247132 -0.34324 0.122792 -0.960899 -0.248184 -0.310242 0.916184 0.253688 -0.708175 -0.465174 -0.531132 0.978202 -0.145819 -0.147844 --0.945683 0.282989 -0.160002 -0.494376 -0.861905 -0.112752 -0.539 -0.842296 0.00404395 -0.449857 0.878736 -0.159535 0.528707 0.827357 0.189603 0.537905 0.815755 0.212607 -0.064815 0.914355 0.399693 0.0703927 0.240253 0.968155 0.493916 0.631321 0.597898 --0.61754 -0.782218 -0.0823387 -0.810859 0.548522 -0.20404 -0.36257 0.611997 -0.702854 --0.778382 0.555209 -0.293027 -0.353858 0.234048 -0.905542 -0.697202 0.312684 -0.645088 --0.3748 0.3748 -0.847968 0.0431331 0.539164 -0.841096 -0.116571 0.657874 -0.744052 --0.249592 0.660891 -0.707762 0.0597491 0.336768 -0.93969 -0.577712 0.659838 -0.480483 --0.60388 0.530683 -0.594731 -0.150688 0.539966 -0.828088 -0.369478 -0.383689 -0.846326 --0.707931 0.353966 -0.611181 -0.306082 0.83371 -0.459609 -0.465637 0.456639 -0.758066 -0.153931 0.262965 -0.952447 0.213066 0.319599 -0.923287 -0.309679 0.424909 -0.850618 --0.0362285 -0.00905712 -0.999303 -0.771425 0.115714 -0.625711 -0.810519 0.0457551 -0.583922 --0.451093 0.663373 -0.597035 -0.312808 0.904909 -0.288603 -0.799353 0.583714 -0.14252 --0.593688 -0.604582 -0.531051 -0.716216 -0.648564 -0.257681 0.389333 -0.449012 -0.804243 -0.574993 0.146991 -0.804846 -0.631734 -0.539535 -0.556609 0.696127 0.126568 -0.706674 --0.661887 0.625641 -0.412891 0.134114 -0.560673 -0.817104 0.833614 0 -0.552348 --0.890851 0.234503 -0.389092 -0.912051 -0.343773 -0.223569 -0.879735 -0.149288 -0.45142 -0.516374 0.344249 -0.784124 -0.539225 -0.644543 -0.542034 -0.555452 -0.336169 -0.760567 --0.551223 0.045306 -0.833127 0.344184 -0.251519 -0.904586 -0.379469 0.236316 -0.894516 --0.0505197 0.523332 -0.85063 -0.428999 0.712708 -0.554983 -0.423668 0.738436 -0.524612 -0.414105 -0.164673 -0.895209 -0.699193 0 -0.714933 -0.503052 0.220748 -0.835589 --0.193854 0.693313 -0.694073 -0.749304 -0.194264 -0.633092 -0.559887 0.352447 -0.749872 -0.121946 0.858652 -0.497842 -0.782248 -0.349631 -0.515603 0.913806 -0.214453 -0.344917 --0.997963 0 -0.0637986 -0.934474 0.254436 -0.249039 -0.970636 0.23386 -0.0563426 --0.615577 -0.685302 -0.389135 -0.560925 -0.362052 -0.744501 0.307347 -0.53607 -0.786236 --0.669301 0 -0.742992 0.401257 -0.517128 -0.756023 0.395116 -0.531363 -0.749358 --0.632136 -0.102429 -0.768058 0.805925 -0.0215323 -0.591627 0.519204 -0.705333 -0.482631 --0.672804 -0.067374 -0.736747 0.553892 0.568681 -0.608116 -0.71218 0.0727614 -0.698216 --0.363524 -0.813978 -0.453088 0.561699 -0.27675 -0.779682 0.404642 -0.617612 -0.674404 -0.542029 -0.496095 -0.678302 0.17444 -0.0847279 -0.981016 -0.570814 -0.32865 -0.752436 --0.303507 0.360772 -0.881888 -0.410297 -0.776689 -0.477923 0.407867 -0.210306 -0.888491 -0.372813 0.135367 -0.917979 -0.317082 0.018119 -0.948225 -0.831034 0.0494128 -0.554023 -0.55003 -0.523838 -0.650432 -0.305021 -0.570503 -0.762554 -0.833039 -0.183966 -0.521731 --0.421117 -0.197667 -0.885205 -0.902386 -0.374105 -0.213882 -0.347955 -0.665913 -0.659914 --0.960518 -0.274434 -0.0457389 -0.968183 -0.212205 0.132628 0.238512 -0.0226325 -0.970876 -0.422694 -0.422694 -0.801661 0.380996 -0.627881 -0.678681 -0.864546 -0.364306 0.346181 --0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 -0.290911 -0.661823 -0.690914 0.0875772 -0.860865 -0.50124 -0.683175 -0.704524 -0.192143 -0.564599 -0.793711 0.226385 0 0.175069 -0.984556 --0.37607 -0.75214 -0.541162 -0.455337 -0.610873 -0.64769 -0.578046 -0.611896 -0.539857 --0.454739 0 -0.890625 0.321236 0.470648 -0.821766 0.309639 0.379102 -0.872012 --0.174146 0.245853 -0.953535 0.270138 -0.433858 -0.85953 0.0202675 0.668827 -0.743141 -0.0359715 0.373359 -0.926989 -0.315727 -0.315727 -0.894781 -0.380819 -0.635748 -0.671417 --0.423972 0.527501 -0.7362 -0.641047 -0.166119 -0.749308 -0.54974 -0.66345 -0.507562 --0.87643 -0.316259 -0.363112 0.256253 -0.169224 -0.951682 -0.82949 -0.49722 -0.254398 -0.660376 -0.23983 -0.711607 -0.115367 -0.195076 -0.973979 0.00509622 -0.225508 -0.974228 --0.23051 -0.669224 -0.706403 -0.501724 -0.666412 -0.551514 0.495783 -0.452462 -0.741268 -0.156365 -0.721412 -0.674621 -0.133386 -0.306152 -0.942592 -0.356597 -0.662251 -0.658986 -0.735799 0.674674 -0.0584333 -0.63828 0.760538 -0.119082 -0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 --0.492528 -0.379489 -0.783201 0.325622 0.842744 -0.428664 0.107415 0.747668 -0.655328 --0.81243 -0.183011 -0.553593 -0.983947 -0.178461 0 -0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 -0.082675 -0.277205 -0.957247 -0.14805 -0.345451 -0.926685 0.536267 0.701781 -0.468958 -0.312591 0.842878 -0.437999 -0.0678658 0.729558 -0.680544 -0.83351 -0.176319 -0.523615 --0.0240081 -0.970826 0.23858 -0.976271 -0.21639 0.00838721 0.121592 -0.688336 -0.715128 -0.253107 -0.523776 -0.813385 -0.221956 -0.635875 -0.739188 -0.0115213 -0.724692 -0.688976 -0.386263 0.920088 -0.0651006 0.222209 0.96929 -0.105358 -0.0538851 0.948377 -0.312533 --0.515738 0.055012 -0.854979 -0.427164 -0.768895 -0.475743 0.872329 -0.187977 -0.45134 --0.696362 0.666457 -0.266298 0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 -0.135512 -0.597534 -0.79031 --0.12771 -0.989754 -0.0638551 -0.14718 -0.987332 -0.0592808 -0.18581 -0.854396 -0.485264 -0.170756 -0.282894 -0.943829 -0.260393 -0.791765 -0.552542 -0.388232 0.522619 0.759042 -0.638935 -0.0418974 0.768119 -0.537887 0.758559 0.367786 0.00162546 -0.831423 -0.555637 -0.697849 0.536807 -0.474179 0.509548 -0.774121 0.375629 0.502088 -0.793742 -0.343339 -0.761545 -0.598772 -0.248035 0.718602 -0.617745 -0.319378 -0.655845 -0.139119 -0.741966 --0.526761 -0.325527 -0.78521 -0.760006 0.313617 -0.569241 0.792057 0.243343 0.559848 -0.27298 0.961115 0.0417052 -0.135909 0.96431 0.227235 -0.455563 0.754413 0.472571 -0.0211604 0.921441 -0.387941 -0.545395 0.253523 -0.798918 -0.807688 -0.264334 -0.527037 --0.401322 0.825934 0.395947 0.974495 -0.0417342 0.220496 0.984002 -0.127601 0.124329 -0.689761 0.720147 0.074952 0.398757 0.806309 0.436873 0.399496 0.559294 0.726356 -0.105949 0.994286 -0.0130398 0.676602 0.67255 0.299811 -0.109824 0.93223 -0.344797 --0.850381 -0.390716 -0.35241 0.274537 0.137269 0.951728 0.747409 0 0.664364 -0.944553 0.280813 -0.17019 -0.691431 -0.718024 -0.0797805 0.412394 -0.830269 0.374945 -0.0349829 -0.988267 0.148677 -0.17372 -0.978318 0.112766 -0.550285 -0.822469 -0.143981 -0.597449 0.74922 0.285876 0.700209 -0.65902 0.274592 -0.284758 0.801629 0.525646 --0.542715 -0.50395 0.671933 0.934404 -0.0133486 -0.355964 -0.610997 -0.73741 -0.287941 -0.936698 0.342018 -0.0749769 0.852352 -0.437889 -0.285919 -0.499767 0.866067 -0.0126647 --0.971465 0.124172 0.202084 0.603574 0.720053 0.342378 0.888564 -0.458445 -0.0167852 -0.955239 -0.114 0.272988 -0.278246 0.924176 0.261684 0.348285 0.868507 0.352693 --0.375022 0.912919 0.16105 -0.6494 -0.684822 -0.330604 0.754167 -0.270397 -0.598429 --0.16011 -0.936841 -0.310957 -0.564127 -0.798593 -0.209785 -0.838848 0.522174 0.153845 -0.509181 -0.86066 -0.000343577 0.56089 -0.820125 0.113121 -0.749457 0.356538 0.557848 -0.757747 -0.652537 0.00394044 -0.855023 0.510462 0.0914577 0.317331 -0.769286 0.554527 --0.641643 0.641643 0.420224 0.706267 -0.462727 -0.535789 -0.0413064 -0.888088 -0.457813 --0.275058 -0.933038 0.231911 -0.854788 -0.518817 0.012922 0.153124 -0.922995 -0.353035 -0.577741 -0.812855 -0.0740391 0.396683 -0.895789 0.200509 0.70818 -0.682192 0.181918 -0.428481 -0.895219 0.122423 -0.476731 0.800909 0.362316 -0.473672 0.879163 -0.0520321 -0.258292 0.926072 0.275092 0.25796 -0.51592 -0.816874 -0.742338 0.652228 -0.153402 --0.631057 0.308815 -0.711618 0.759959 -0.643043 0.094647 -0.43105 0.826179 -0.3628 -0.781053 -0.574353 -0.245103 0.325906 -0.422797 -0.845593 -0.145221 -0.875773 -0.460361 --0.250892 -0.802855 -0.540812 0.972572 -0.0342254 -0.230071 0.25179 -0.795428 -0.551268 --0.129511 -0.647553 -0.750934 0.485874 -0.85679 -0.172735 -0.682432 -0.554476 -0.476281 -0.944536 0.277064 0.176313 -0.862268 0.22419 0.454128 -0.964739 0.0639285 0.255327 --0.931844 -0.362605 -0.013577 -0.594279 -0.772562 -0.223562 0.840345 -0.541131 0.0315954 -0.337175 -0.937691 -0.083952 -0.196653 0.947336 0.252749 0.567186 0.823586 0.00258989 --0.154528 0.881383 0.446415 -0.151051 0.868543 0.472034 0.219365 0.877462 -0.426544 -0.668805 0.622144 -0.406986 -0.600171 0.493881 0.629187 0.237233 0.964443 0.116487 --0.864581 0.432291 -0.256172 0.743713 0.131362 0.655465 0.987282 -0.0806346 0.137013 --0.110199 0.539397 0.834809 -0.184052 0.94071 -0.28494 -0.806674 -0.235797 0.541919 --0.824177 0.524476 0.213675 -0.79624 0.498977 -0.342088 0.18834 0.690065 -0.698813 --0.0866422 0.880174 -0.466676 -0.647615 0.674422 -0.354612 0.766549 -0.618904 0.171349 --0.874694 0.35783 -0.326906 0.500186 0.0218937 -0.865641 -0.428552 0.220262 -0.876258 --0.633891 0.465654 -0.617534 0.317038 0.462008 -0.828273 0.45888 0.209489 -0.863449 --0.172331 0.623042 -0.762969 -0.436479 0.421808 -0.79471 -0.436819 0.422177 -0.794327 --0.204932 0.63529 -0.744587 -0.551799 0.469195 -0.689474 -0.0814733 0.537724 -0.839175 -0.0705667 0.650782 -0.755978 0.0268041 0.830926 -0.555737 -0.403932 0.580653 -0.706881 --0.45241 0.407383 -0.793325 -0.706872 -0.115358 -0.697872 0.312871 0.368741 -0.875295 --0.781045 0.292892 -0.551528 -0.643803 0.366898 -0.671493 -0.55345 0.675872 -0.486713 --0.674034 0.26364 -0.690052 -0.620867 0.46565 -0.630629 -0.648835 0.511203 -0.563635 -0.414562 0.910015 -0.00337042 -0.370703 0 -0.928751 -0.160067 0.101506 -0.981873 -0.535569 -0.494819 -0.684339 0.619153 -0.755367 -0.21464 -0.649905 -0.400235 -0.646093 -0.720422 -0.432253 -0.542355 0.408888 -0.713695 -0.568726 -0.712135 -0.577994 -0.39848 -0.83064 -0.139465 -0.539061 -0.202699 -0.719788 -0.663942 0.873608 -0.0513887 -0.48391 --0.943873 -0.330306 -0.00130685 0.917684 0 -0.397311 -0.936431 -0.211366 -0.280038 --0.635925 0.236485 -0.734626 -0.786572 -0.0172602 -0.617258 -0.806092 0.307588 -0.505575 --0.625074 0 -0.780565 -0.0319201 0.516273 -0.855829 -0.0713707 0.0356854 -0.996811 --0.537102 -0.559349 -0.631387 -0.3801 0.471936 -0.795488 -0.749884 -0.326389 -0.575451 --0.735108 -0.385716 -0.557529 -0.736127 0.114607 -0.66707 -0.65306 -0.483595 -0.582794 -0.477285 0.369327 -0.797369 -0.747115 -0.0498077 -0.662826 -0.205603 0.699771 -0.68414 --0.364781 0.674051 -0.642331 -0.522794 -0.459039 -0.71831 0.185773 0 -0.982593 --0.882847 0.0509335 -0.46689 0.671071 0.0447381 -0.740042 -0.52554 -0.21146 -0.824071 --0.497897 -0.342304 -0.796823 -0.436782 -0.288301 -0.852117 0 -0.185408 -0.982662 --0.723993 -0.00559789 -0.689784 -0.454739 0 -0.890625 -0.297124 0 -0.954839 -0.22072 0.839394 -0.496689 -0.258042 0.642919 -0.721158 -0.402083 0.467097 -0.787496 -0.133029 0.768613 -0.62573 0.131468 0.821464 -0.5549 -0.278108 0.661446 -0.696523 --0.835613 -0.33955 -0.431807 -0.151789 -0.893317 -0.423019 -0.863961 -0.2239 -0.451044 --0.839578 -0.423524 -0.340199 0.867114 -0.00530345 -0.498082 -0.904054 0.138161 -0.404472 -0.180169 -0.750704 -0.635596 0.0305688 -0.730056 -0.682704 -0.423027 -0.687823 -0.58987 --0.492764 0.236527 -0.8374 0.822643 -0.364328 -0.43649 0.0683147 -0.959512 -0.273259 --0.997079 -0.0487461 0.0587908 0.0222418 -0.578286 -0.815531 -0.76425 -0.390849 -0.51299 --0.5314 -0.442833 -0.722159 -0.177164 -0.500682 -0.847308 0.547588 -0.305631 -0.778933 -0.474633 -0.870765 -0.128421 0.397145 -0.723829 -0.564223 -0.0380044 -0.547264 -0.836097 -0.395116 -0.531363 -0.749358 -0.11476 -0.774954 -0.621511 0.0101811 -0.897637 -0.440617 -0.883631 -0.239682 -0.402181 0.978105 -0.204513 0.0385314 -0.435043 -0.791438 -0.429375 --0.333969 0.0811067 -0.939088 0.428472 -0.265245 -0.863746 -0.508177 0.182626 -0.841668 --0.772113 -0.15745 -0.615672 -0.470757 0.262312 -0.842366 0.0920962 0.446937 -0.889812 --0.0210331 0.57922 -0.8149 -0.634238 0.27247 -0.723535 0 -0.180093 -0.98365 -0.621395 -0.517209 -0.588527 -0.127733 0.58088 -0.803905 -0.261064 0.124687 -0.957235 --0.713487 -0.249232 -0.654844 -0.919597 -0.038546 -0.390967 -0.826018 -0.0225278 -0.563194 --0.636143 -0.373933 -0.674904 0.519706 -0.377321 -0.766508 -0.0341066 0.0341066 -0.998836 -0.177046 -0.481884 -0.858162 0.488382 -0.586761 -0.645906 -0.387423 -0.819548 -0.422191 --0.628337 0.7181 -0.299208 -0.97997 -0.0544428 -0.191558 0.288155 -0.288155 -0.9132 --0.328004 -0.770429 -0.546674 -0.319041 -0.738927 -0.593464 0.0421692 -0.685708 -0.726655 -0.598082 -0.642938 -0.478465 0.354843 -0.593661 -0.722255 -0.11671 -0.786079 -0.607008 -0.925631 -0.0970419 -0.365773 0.492707 0.854026 0.166973 -0.557297 0.827398 -0.0695197 -0.46927 -0.210363 -0.857632 0.570595 -0.423409 -0.703666 -0.117946 -0.451565 -0.884408 -0 -0.179487 -0.98376 0.846403 -0.50626 -0.165238 -0.644232 -0.759273 0.0920331 -0.812889 -0.452536 0.366638 -0.509134 -0.83879 0.192909 0.218713 -0.132745 -0.966718 --0.200509 -0.200509 -0.958954 0.192226 -0.973665 -0.122579 -0.516551 -0.856214 0.00846805 --0.0354702 -0.986073 0.162488 0.409464 0.394299 -0.82272 0.13231 -0.573343 -0.808561 --0.490945 -0.499693 -0.713638 -0.106641 -0.00784122 -0.994267 -0.409572 -0.253756 -0.876276 -0.625638 -0.687389 -0.368882 0.494146 -0.484163 -0.722085 -0.3461 -0.359944 -0.866404 --0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 -0.318335 -0.695493 -0.644167 -0.224632 -0.703848 -0.673897 -0 -0.587764 -0.809032 0.153572 -0.661029 -0.734477 0.00854327 -0.341731 -0.939759 --0.575751 -0.589459 -0.566612 0.488449 -0.636069 -0.597355 -0.30195 -0.433514 -0.849054 -0 -0.175069 -0.984556 0.230173 -0.0886227 -0.969106 0.451094 0.263138 -0.852803 --0.256417 0.682522 -0.684408 -0.349964 -0.817377 -0.457625 0.509858 -0.509858 -0.692884 -0.0929787 0.0929787 -0.991317 0.735538 0.465457 -0.492274 -0.726582 -0.59617 0.341556 -0.785634 -0.583274 -0.206328 0.139874 0.963575 0.227943 -0.602536 -0.763212 0.233363 --0.279498 -0.792159 -0.542554 -0.210776 -0.321124 -0.923284 -0.19265 -0.17179 -0.966113 -0.0960711 -0.148345 -0.984258 0.349424 -0.255216 -0.901536 0.644899 -0.12441 -0.754074 -0.858479 -0.280656 -0.429239 -0.82493 -0.434405 -0.361638 0.731604 -0.491344 -0.472585 --0.141882 -0.141882 -0.979663 0.208143 -0.976118 -0.0622036 0.728672 -0.613151 -0.305094 --0.340743 -0.908647 -0.241359 -0.0150653 -0.858722 -0.51222 -0.184493 -0.798436 -0.573117 -0 -0.185408 -0.982662 -0.423191 -0.423191 -0.801136 0.423718 -0.501943 0.754 -0.914698 -0.0531801 0.400624 -0.0418217 0.888712 0.456554 -0.968621 0.0284889 0.246903 -0.0250435 -0.751305 0.659479 -0.358429 0.907385 -0.219503 -0.996783 0.0419208 -0.0683153 --0.119944 -0.420374 -0.899388 0.934608 -0.142688 0.325805 -0.0671048 -0.971254 0.228392 -0.502134 0.819272 0.276866 0.616506 0.616506 0.489735 -0.0298865 0.999538 0.00553454 -0.289798 0.955825 -0.049147 -0.747094 0.516174 -0.418825 0.275001 -0.910122 0.309922 --0.299544 -0.948843 0.0998479 0.710932 -0.640053 0.291389 0.798598 -0.466295 0.38054 --0.0722302 -0.996777 -0.0349113 -0.268286 -0.960636 -0.0721198 -0.0161611 -0.985825 0.166998 -0.622713 0.178399 0.761842 -0.271273 0.883079 0.38286 0.113325 0.869937 -0.479965 -0.531963 0.0115144 0.846689 -0.354269 0.919412 0.170808 -0.784283 0.61792 0.0554544 --0.976588 0.151139 0.153076 -0.972625 0.196841 -0.123508 -0.72475 0.102208 0.681389 -0.828698 -0.510537 -0.229372 -0.790963 -0.0903958 0.60515 0.894124 0.0286272 0.446903 --0.275851 0.927108 0.253727 -0.542035 0.832958 0.111265 0.729044 -0.557877 0.396572 --0.639486 -0.689102 0.340876 -0.924675 -0.377418 0.0503224 -0.219365 -0.731218 -0.645909 -0.891443 0.432647 -0.134707 -0.142372 0.968598 0.203833 -0.235422 0.881707 0.408864 --0.814427 0 0.580265 -0.470187 -0.606294 0.641352 0.645084 -0.763198 0.0373523 --0.763394 0.643827 0.0521193 0.716086 0.461247 0.5239 0.849921 -0.449344 -0.275179 --0.914794 -0.333429 0.227986 0.963175 -0.157253 0.218095 0.969073 0.199515 0.145225 --0.0623225 0.996256 0.0599139 0.674192 -0.244272 0.696991 0.371349 0.516538 0.771549 --0.569795 0.776663 -0.268566 -0.718254 0.64363 -0.264293 -0.718274 0.517692 -0.464841 -0.480531 -0.835574 0.266282 0 0.890064 0.455835 0.365912 0.643118 0.672687 -0.832113 0.421851 0.360041 0.954546 0.130835 0.267813 -0.72099 0.674474 0.158928 -0.476716 -0.762746 -0.43699 -0.21813 -0.916637 -0.334956 0.858905 0.394416 0.326678 --0.816859 0.315719 0.482766 0.417419 -0.849571 0.322477 -0.454239 -0.883701 -0.112871 --0.561202 -0.810967 -0.165483 0.394132 0.878868 -0.268795 0.964523 -0.0595029 0.257206 -0.964573 -0.123663 0.233036 -0.769838 0.620974 0.147446 -0.859744 0.510178 0.0236194 --0.424986 -0.786224 -0.448596 0.89496 0.356203 -0.268636 -0.693899 0.696463 0.182875 --0.0058703 -0.817929 -0.57529 -0.113789 -0.785143 -0.608771 -0.773993 0.456103 0.43921 -0.312699 0.799121 0.513445 -0.111902 0.973338 0.200228 -0.576003 0.805213 -0.1409 --0.982313 -0.133382 0.131417 0.395951 -0.905306 -0.153767 0.498366 -0.835842 0.230216 --0.220191 0.790099 0.572066 0.624134 0.271363 0.732679 -0.419525 0.483477 0.768277 -0.632047 0.765289 0.121854 0.196978 0.875974 0.440305 -0.79877 -0.26753 0.538883 -0.297715 -0.952687 0.0612688 -0.580683 -0.763926 0.281468 -0.0227317 -0.941743 -0.335564 --0.601703 -0.791714 -0.105562 0.100041 -0.969632 -0.223169 -0.721377 0.55087 -0.41971 -0.985732 0.0490414 0.161019 -0.556792 0.82601 0.0876998 -0.596851 -0.750327 0.284215 -0.878503 0.459525 -0.130649 0.059197 -0.980263 -0.188628 -0.371376 0.00884229 -0.92844 -0.57772 -0.804488 -0.137981 0.107465 -0.0179108 -0.994048 -0.686893 0.482398 -0.543572 --0.240862 0.51314 0.823816 -0.926045 0.37362 -0.0533743 -0.412635 -0.909913 0.0423215 -0.906899 -0.378443 -0.185244 0.48306 -0.852947 -0.197825 -0.943578 0.229741 0.238493 -0.536044 -0.838564 -0.0973017 -0.818782 -0.438633 -0.370401 0.867657 -0.495804 -0.0367262 -0.569369 -0.765426 -0.299904 -0.202798 0.916731 0.344205 0.446501 0.788353 0.423246 --0.736485 0.675257 0.0402355 0.984051 0.140318 0.109339 0.943237 0.210987 0.256494 --0.579521 0.788357 0.206516 -0.71773 0.239243 0.653932 -0.987262 -0.0239204 0.157295 -0.0166855 -0.920734 -0.389833 -0.751227 0.659395 0.0292666 0.516148 0.842823 -0.152449 --0.329945 0.942416 0.0546615 0.970761 0.142024 -0.193528 -0.0254645 0.96765 0.251007 -0.98907 0.121111 -0.0841046 0.723093 0.61011 -0.323886 -0.933481 -0.283745 -0.21932 --0.798414 0.562519 -0.214725 -0.441277 0.375903 -0.814845 -0.242647 -0.0808824 -0.966737 --0.853984 0.204956 -0.478231 0.989226 -0.0613474 -0.132919 -0.277813 0.909421 -0.309472 --0.0427886 0.996974 -0.064896 -0.568726 0.820137 -0.0626494 0.181231 0.9834 -0.00891299 --0.461182 -0.733552 0.499212 -0.987359 0.0658239 0.144186 -0.90507 -0.318266 0.282053 --0.993195 0.116088 -0.00931568 0.0815103 0.151376 -0.98511 -0.949476 0.291748 -0.115663 --0.0710296 0.756256 -0.650408 0.114096 0.932051 -0.343895 -0.480534 0.439512 -0.758891 --0.736143 0.313542 -0.59982 -0.234798 0.626128 -0.743527 -0.412541 0.164372 -0.895987 --0.925036 0.143975 -0.351538 0.66157 0.0374474 -0.748948 -0.185527 0.272833 -0.944003 -0.5317 0.745858 -0.401237 0.0477638 0.987686 -0.148977 -0.505042 0.603245 -0.617274 --0.0350279 0.612227 -0.789905 0.6321 0.330034 -0.70109 0.771794 0.00627475 -0.635841 --0.650412 0.459625 -0.604739 -0.0762216 -0.70505 -0.70505 -0.496523 -0.553814 -0.668397 --0.165255 -0.694072 -0.700682 -0.792172 0.433567 -0.429515 -0.423179 0.215207 -0.880117 -0.0894459 0.673826 -0.733456 -0.895594 0.0334801 -0.443612 -0.887991 0.426662 -0.171554 --0.144472 -0.764993 -0.627626 -0.664857 -0.441506 -0.602526 -0.766713 -0.606981 -0.209104 --0.857561 -0.0751252 -0.508867 -0.282113 0.408106 -0.868252 0.0240754 -0.214672 -0.976389 -0.542341 0.198275 -0.816427 0.629121 0.351881 -0.693099 0.361147 -0.208119 -0.908988 -0.157398 -0.724033 -0.671567 -0.371133 -0.871357 -0.320932 0.406464 -0.468768 -0.784247 -0.312422 -0.551724 -0.7733 -0.455835 -0.0267213 -0.889663 -0.228108 -0.409086 -0.883525 --0.497743 -0.617619 -0.608932 -0.409339 -0.7567 -0.509752 -0.729704 -0.508382 -0.457252 -0.656527 0.025579 -0.753869 0.760126 0.302839 -0.574889 -0.842957 -0.469264 -0.263088 -0.54045 -0.237798 -0.807072 -0.629224 -0.641809 -0.438359 0.827071 0.109236 -0.551381 --0.373767 -0.289837 -0.881075 0.893271 0.0915583 -0.440096 -0.311345 0.166368 -0.935621 --0.205981 -0.137321 -0.968873 -0.694872 0.0534517 -0.717144 -0.448149 0.0206045 -0.893722 --0.499994 0.314238 -0.807007 -0.392693 0.145716 -0.908052 -0.767328 -0.00537847 -0.641233 --0.138503 -0.246228 -0.959265 -0.100131 0.807082 -0.581887 -0.816115 0.0429534 -0.576292 --0.830445 -0.337487 -0.443241 -0.335017 0.00744482 -0.942183 -0.423305 -0.100787 -0.900364 --0.297061 -0.0206124 -0.954636 0.718451 0.0671799 -0.692326 0.797564 0.118416 -0.591498 --0.604608 -0.763446 -0.227155 -0.186032 -0.677774 -0.711347 0.324318 -0.746686 -0.580756 --0.450544 -0.0813013 -0.889044 -0.457855 -0.848157 -0.266456 -0.287508 -0.713168 -0.639321 -0.401061 -0.749153 -0.527181 0.178405 -0.766553 -0.616902 0.147486 -0.516902 -0.843244 -0.332688 -0.266844 -0.904496 -0.480452 0.182781 -0.857763 0.699503 -0.14626 -0.699503 --0.652521 -0.756581 0.0424404 0 0 -1 0.574039 -0.732031 -0.366893 -0.0215465 0.797221 -0.603303 -0.366363 0.838326 -0.403718 0.540566 -0.0766156 -0.837806 -0.293806 -0.321788 -0.900073 0 -0.805683 -0.592347 0.58472 -0.577319 -0.569917 --0.643565 0.213155 -0.735112 -0.759482 -0.165432 -0.629142 -0.483722 0.668977 -0.564342 --0.206678 0.792266 -0.574106 -0.0288845 0.788133 -0.614827 -0.55797 0.52973 -0.638792 -0.759035 0.185262 -0.624135 0.363141 0.276421 -0.889786 0.481804 0.0161499 -0.87613 --0.942707 -0.306703 0.13129 0.0975776 -0.780621 -0.617341 0.408642 -0.207282 -0.888845 --0.362616 0.442157 -0.82037 0.172079 0.465394 -0.868215 0.544485 0.69033 -0.476425 --0.365771 -0.802035 -0.472177 -0.13498 -0.781247 -0.609454 -0.589435 -0.63244 -0.502579 -0.365376 0.152051 -0.918358 0.857891 -0.0919169 -0.505543 0.483016 -0.438554 -0.75787 -0.479833 -0.125979 -0.868268 0.428564 -0.767844 -0.476182 -0.669657 -0.685368 -0.286061 --0.584652 -0.733349 -0.346961 -0.630364 0.775832 0.0269386 0.702414 0.702414 -0.115015 -0.587823 -0.182105 -0.788227 0.762597 -0.0649019 -0.64361 0.574273 -0.19292 -0.795608 -0.452318 -0.452318 -0.768646 -0.568191 -0.409674 -0.71367 -0.552606 -0.566003 -0.611774 --0.552647 -0.82897 -0.0859673 0.761816 0.128864 -0.634847 0.379944 0.293593 -0.877181 --0.825219 0.5639 0.0320919 -0.449142 -0.156417 -0.879662 0.72444 -0.10363 -0.681503 -0.324992 -0.181527 -0.928131 -0.540602 -0.422114 -0.727715 0.51775 -0.285291 -0.806563 --0.554546 -0.284383 -0.782052 -0.133974 -0.173529 -0.975673 -0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 --0.244907 0.379966 -0.89199 -0.024013 -0.515648 -0.856464 0.0603724 -0.603724 -0.794904 -0.561852 -0.494688 -0.663028 -0.432075 0.0652188 -0.899476 -0.757459 0.269319 -0.594746 --0.188802 0.0917038 -0.977724 -0.253825 0.779287 -0.572961 0.263356 -0.784216 0.561826 -0.60898 -0.750797 0.255827 0.276018 0.552036 0.78681 -0.513996 0.747631 0.420542 --0.532352 -0.760503 0.371801 -0.133219 -0.666095 -0.733873 -0.589831 0.518208 -0.619322 -0.124862 -0.264413 -0.956293 0.165416 -0.478328 -0.862461 -0.875574 0.149034 -0.459521 --0.543368 0.123027 -0.830431 -0.497284 0.0252588 -0.86722 0.764705 -0.0791655 -0.6395 -0.607932 -0.645026 -0.46299 -0.581591 0.803149 -0.129242 -0.424753 0.817144 0.389694 -0.83265 0.550926 0.0563447 -0.270036 0.938696 0.214314 0.149199 -0.0239454 -0.988517 -0.194734 -0.301523 -0.933361 -0.110504 0 -0.993876 -0.256578 -0.843645 -0.471625 --0.400846 -0.754534 -0.519616 0.786517 -0.32386 -0.525837 0.555913 -0.526654 -0.643115 --0.261925 -0.641027 -0.721443 -0.612827 0.779962 -0.126898 0.514418 -0.163678 0.841774 --0.0646994 -0.139931 -0.988045 0.646157 -0.332785 -0.68683 0.913205 -0.145859 -0.380502 -0.0755444 -0.522145 -0.849504 -0.806435 0.280012 -0.520823 -0.354884 0 -0.93491 --0.181037 -0.929324 -0.321844 0.445548 -0.661135 -0.603645 -0.208956 0.46676 0.859344 --0.704145 0.631129 0.325356 0.109766 -0.259888 -0.95938 -0.788177 -0.498977 -0.360276 --0.401809 -0.385644 -0.830559 0.568719 -0.290243 -0.769622 0.549939 -0.46946 -0.690778 --0.363265 -0.690573 -0.625418 0.910828 -0.27297 -0.309644 -0.142386 0.987209 -0.0717203 -0.699557 -0.679852 0.220049 -0.853627 0.284542 0.436298 0.324002 -0.616962 -0.717203 --0.582605 -0.543416 -0.604376 -0.0985291 0.239285 -0.965937 0.0603236 -0.475492 -0.877649 --0.25542 0 -0.96683 0.481442 -0.813153 -0.327104 -0.518022 -0.84937 -0.101115 --0.971218 -0.194552 -0.137422 0.461727 -0.887022 -0.000247841 -0.175985 -0.984321 -0.0119312 --0.151461 -0.731338 -0.664984 -0.408019 -0.848249 -0.337629 0.0300072 -0.49762 -0.866876 -0 -0.25542 -0.96683 0.232757 -0.411802 -0.881047 -0.362132 -0.641275 -0.676482 -0.606449 -0.741216 0.287783 0.293729 -0.917009 0.269849 -0.160886 -0.326504 -0.931403 --0.535961 -0.375173 -0.756301 -0.408275 -0.898718 0.160057 0.104298 -0.208596 -0.972425 --0.271329 -0.407547 -0.871944 0.235196 -0.0306778 -0.971464 -0.0768463 0.922156 0.379109 --0.694839 0.191197 0.693284 -0.629876 -0.404648 0.66296 0.171286 -0.236777 -0.956346 -0.16836 -0.274186 -0.946825 0 -0.724005 -0.689795 -0.0958648 -0.636026 -0.76569 --0.0688492 0.907334 -0.414734 0.0720212 0.916019 -0.394616 -0.300483 0.832339 -0.465749 -0.445947 -0.876246 -0.182551 0.0776202 -0.993539 -0.0827949 -0.548156 -0.754604 0.360691 -0.0170736 0.273177 -0.961812 -0.335984 -0.0912549 -0.937437 -0.441987 -0.338543 -0.830684 -0.126111 -0.693611 -0.709225 0.635762 0.771252 0.031267 -0.163299 0.701899 -0.693304 --0.387619 0.113702 -0.914781 -0.6267 -0.586958 -0.512569 0.636046 0.158279 -0.755244 -0.482455 0.0331458 -0.875293 0.714132 -0.0892666 -0.694296 0.779214 -0.25568 0.572235 --0.418474 -0.89534 -0.152467 0.292683 -0.097561 -0.951219 -0.206772 -0.935644 -0.286035 -0.134147 0.972568 -0.190042 0.0410159 0.750004 0.66016 0.200766 0.790517 0.578597 -0.325909 0.678978 0.657854 0.209063 0.928485 -0.306933 0.890858 -0.206446 0.404663 -0.839116 0.427626 0.336184 0.129066 0.530605 0.837735 0.801616 0.248904 0.543561 -0.290777 0.717249 0.633247 -0.555659 0.782755 0.280246 -0.981049 0.178373 0.0756732 -0.535912 -0.602901 0.591024 -0.613857 -0.371237 0.696679 -0.868085 -0.0190788 0.496049 -0.637757 -0.699839 0.3217 0.715899 0.166664 0.678021 -0.941787 -0.0425323 -0.333508 --0.390771 0.882853 -0.260514 -0.660552 0.590438 -0.46374 0.623763 0.733839 0.269074 -0.0144218 -0.973473 0.228346 -0.923465 -0.259298 -0.282802 0.602693 0.609244 0.515346 -0.646749 -0.729533 0.222482 -0.389103 -0.915112 -0.105682 -0.557366 -0.804395 -0.20565 -0.0460165 -0.966347 0.253091 0.473718 0.702629 0.530946 -0.36819 0.911494 0.183346 -0.920294 -0.0626903 0.386172 0.566078 0.649209 0.508019 -0.400389 0.883808 0.242017 -0.107032 0.791103 0.602246 0.851886 -0.387471 0.352357 -0.698937 0.712301 -0.0641472 -0.436605 0.703781 -0.560418 0.827097 -0.232813 0.511575 0.00514209 0.742175 0.670186 --0.97065 0.0500804 -0.235226 -0.994384 0.057813 -0.0886466 -0.805787 0.401439 0.435377 -0.0855229 0.958325 0.27258 -0.829449 0.32249 0.456086 -0.105929 0.658274 0.745288 --0.670837 0.213448 0.710223 0.937375 0.124064 0.325478 0.88404 0.276743 0.376678 --0.463262 0.8165 0.344551 0.76058 -0.645527 0.0693831 0.982153 -0.0637072 -0.176965 -0.710444 -0.647925 -0.274705 -0.120542 -0.98945 0.0803614 -0.340571 -0.84512 0.412048 -0.745192 0.628883 -0.2218 -0.892643 -0.241861 0.380384 0.497432 0.834363 0.237485 -0.792949 0.109914 -0.599292 0.509942 0.747914 -0.424951 -0.0398567 0.99841 -0.0398567 --0.185057 0.981606 0.0469347 0.215159 0.66063 0.719218 0.924525 -0.365326 0.108587 --0.919617 -0.391427 0.0330119 -0.0499747 -0.998357 0.0280161 -0.249731 -0.968003 0.0245767 -0.726701 -0.0641207 -0.683954 0.208396 -0.968932 -0.133201 0.171561 -0.981113 -0.0893546 -0.983822 -0.168166 -0.0617616 0.645454 0.368348 0.66911 -0.449547 0.877687 0.166053 --0.137044 -0.939732 -0.313244 0.663553 -0.744598 -0.0726025 -0.421637 -0.737865 -0.527046 -0.942883 0.0574669 0.328129 0.905207 -0.373301 0.203091 -0.257075 0.956559 0.137505 --0.129518 0.979908 0.151673 0.757905 -0.606733 -0.239697 -0.864204 -0.251266 -0.435909 --0.279377 0.95525 0.0971923 0.164566 0.919298 0.357505 0.416017 0.886297 0.203487 --0.505457 0.315911 0.80294 -0.466701 0.132768 0.874393 0.656575 -0.366616 0.659168 -0.272729 0.873174 0.403962 -0.829695 -0.140709 0.540191 -0.801073 -0.563995 0.200476 -0.857995 -0.472093 -0.202419 -0.908661 0.147067 0.390777 -0.0739412 -0.985882 0.15023 --0.906681 0.0546992 -0.418256 -0.676726 0.502087 -0.53847 0.909123 0.284535 -0.304198 --0.69733 -0.686764 0.205149 -0.554284 -0.832311 0.00531262 0.766618 -0.622362 -0.157995 --0.0734825 -0.981516 0.176708 -0.18421 -0.97222 -0.144412 0.578781 -0.720523 0.381916 -0.980987 -0.158048 -0.112632 -0.663863 0.743847 -0.0773174 0.00736467 -0.979502 -0.201301 -0.974387 0.111722 -0.19516 -0.563754 -0.317517 -0.762472 0.821896 -0.115656 0.557773 -0.840799 -0.450428 0.300285 -0.653473 0.756901 -0.00861895 -0.647625 0.761127 0.0356083 -0.422265 0.777187 0.466555 -0.721025 0.675819 0.152945 -0.692976 0.702392 0.162573 -0.722882 -0.684516 0.0942304 0.541656 -0.0492415 0.839157 0.713851 -0.695309 0.0834371 -0.879118 0.295715 0.37377 0.96499 -0.236752 0.112882 0.730211 -0.683181 -0.00742588 --0.870976 0.491082 0.0154428 -0.918998 0.370755 -0.134103 -0.95269 -0.0790501 -0.293485 -0.950151 0.160415 0.267358 -0.632724 0.764542 0.12303 0.371687 -0.877865 -0.301995 --0.746607 -0.411175 -0.522985 -0.996271 0.0379532 0.0774877 -0.973645 0.216366 -0.0721218 -0.496914 -0.819696 -0.284912 -0.945534 -0.280158 -0.16576 0.13028 0.70514 0.696997 -0.188894 -0.554088 0.810744 -0.868409 -0.169371 0.466026 0.190266 -0.874654 0.445846 --0.409669 0.718718 0.561797 -0.249379 0.892778 0.375177 -0.286159 0.950614 0.120193 -0.368298 0.909472 -0.192918 0.309305 0.565341 0.76467 -0.153646 -0.171722 0.97309 -0.920076 -0.26439 0.289066 0.866675 0.454878 -0.204843 -0.161646 0.971446 -0.173678 --0.313982 0.921559 -0.228351 0.540462 0.808422 0.23314 -0.935596 -0.165529 0.311865 --0.315534 0.919775 -0.23335 0.123151 0.985211 -0.119136 0.423102 -0.883142 0.202597 --0.814527 -0.550356 0.183452 -0.870338 0.490779 0.040604 0.635008 0.759741 0.139853 -0.346862 0.923006 0.166572 0.138148 0.989628 -0.0393882 -0.835204 -0.528989 0.150352 -0.256576 -0.837052 0.483231 0.41113 -0.828846 0.379456 0.339057 -0.856564 0.389023 -0.0881929 -0.264579 0.960323 0.89914 -0.167889 0.404178 0.0615907 0.588961 0.805811 --0.126984 0.991592 0.0248987 -0.87468 0.471182 0.113674 0.250648 -0.943617 0.216246 --0.214176 -0.942376 0.257012 -0.975106 0.0286796 0.219877 -0.713099 0.693524 0.102537 --0.907426 0.36297 0.211733 -0.70946 0.701444 0.0681402 0.0514998 -0.885796 0.461209 -0.477187 -0.827124 0.296916 -0.717137 0.358569 0.597614 0.403604 -0.861021 0.309429 --0.291659 0.556803 -0.777757 -0.986657 -0.130252 0.0976888 0.69208 0.0768978 -0.717713 --0.666319 -0.0888426 -0.740355 0 0.999989 0.00476185 -0.22439 0.940992 -0.253344 --0.717168 0.649934 -0.251507 -0.514956 0.836804 -0.185956 -0.407553 -0.584159 -0.701897 --0.847143 -0.331942 -0.414927 0.0431467 0.848553 -0.527349 -0.519903 0.852641 -0.0519903 --0.10897 0.796083 -0.595296 0.329238 -0.93284 -0.146328 -0.280591 -0.795009 -0.5378 -0.391983 0.744768 -0.540065 -0.525994 0.713849 -0.462332 -0.187814 -0.77597 -0.602159 -0.557839 0.424072 -0.713427 -0.844915 -0.455553 -0.28034 0.0729597 -0.496126 -0.86518 --0.00704243 0.640861 -0.767625 -0.481616 0.854254 -0.195693 -0.703482 0.572602 -0.420999 --0.484667 -0.274155 -0.830624 0.204732 0.584948 -0.784806 -0.816358 -0.19948 -0.542004 -0.313793 -0.926031 -0.209764 -0.685239 -0.711043 -0.157691 0.803183 -0.274421 -0.528762 -0.877625 0.0706135 -0.474119 -0.798958 -0.510612 -0.317714 0.00539076 0 -0.999985 --0.0771935 -0.439117 -0.895107 0.183726 -0.110869 -0.976705 0.668356 0.200917 -0.716193 -0.604408 -0.304476 -0.736196 -0.869006 -0.025559 -0.494141 0.623928 0.0605303 -0.779134 --0.941095 0.218178 -0.25834 -0.743661 0.40669 -0.530633 -0.294724 -0.854699 -0.427349 --0.873177 0.311768 -0.374649 0.782583 -0.0622195 -0.619429 -0.843976 -0.53427 0.047538 --0.628695 0.603547 -0.490382 0.762248 -0.31208 -0.567083 -0.861042 -0.315841 -0.398561 --0.778741 -0.507254 -0.369128 -0.42219 0.509539 -0.74975 0.172483 0.172483 -0.969793 -0.553028 -0.563979 -0.613259 0.420491 -0.591386 -0.688077 -0.59626 0.59626 -0.537538 -0 -0.143589 -0.989637 0 -0.432897 -0.901444 -0.042924 -0.126906 -0.990986 --0.556175 -0.498639 -0.664852 -0.586204 -0.103807 -0.803486 -0.5199 -0.0879433 -0.849688 --0.313539 0 -0.949575 -0.579962 -0.297416 -0.758411 -0.469937 -0.16366 -0.867396 --0.155191 -0.39592 -0.905076 -0.427715 -0.427715 -0.796316 -0.298438 -0.235307 -0.924968 --0.25542 0 -0.96683 -0.423431 0 -0.905928 -0.132191 0 -0.991224 --0.707368 -0.485599 -0.513638 -0.330467 -0.165233 -0.929241 -0.674422 -0.513411 -0.530626 -0 0.230805 -0.973 -0.0597167 0.17915 -0.982008 -0.586297 -0.377836 -0.716586 --0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 0.175069 0 -0.984556 -0.133423 0.222371 -0.965789 -0.643257 0.757345 0.112469 0.665527 0.744119 0.0579688 -0.947659 -0.299019 -0.11194 -0.0212536 0.17503 -0.984334 -0.0969803 0.562486 -0.8211 -0.455376 -0.885453 0.0927618 -0.982315 -0.0605536 0.177175 -0.61987 -0.783887 0.0358197 0.626527 0 -0.7794 -0 -0.195557 -0.980692 -0.498237 0.486937 -0.717393 -0.845802 -0.127289 -0.518089 -0.501584 0 -0.865109 0 -0.0480727 -0.998844 0.247475 0.247475 -0.936756 -0.171035 -0.95851 0.228047 -0.544173 -0.229125 -0.80708 0.521558 0.462619 -0.716911 --0.675914 -0.667248 0.312923 0.52245 -0.8127 0.258 -0.195557 0 -0.980692 --0.984739 -0.0599483 0.163388 0.472562 -0.836072 0.278691 0.411622 -0.886571 0.211088 --0.218638 -0.881923 0.417624 0.694576 -0.694576 0.187425 0.232311 -0.546207 -0.804791 -0.111943 -0.567709 -0.815583 0.655627 0.109967 -0.747034 -0.561904 -0.275844 -0.779855 --0.149572 0.202363 -0.967821 0.0857304 0.0857304 -0.992623 -0.296679 0.941633 0.159089 --0.446721 0.887487 0.113169 0.856361 -0.324379 -0.401775 0.576977 0.0940259 -0.81133 -0.0688846 0.251578 -0.965382 -0.172447 0.172447 -0.969806 0.300108 0.200072 -0.932688 --0.738603 0.281173 -0.612705 0.0425635 -0.998883 0.0205271 0.229846 -0.919382 0.31923 -0.126139 -0.986587 0.103614 0.124193 -0.989536 0.0734473 0.452953 0.0654266 -0.88913 --0.00508037 0 -0.999987 0.538409 0.198361 -0.819004 -0.865946 0.382366 -0.322387 --0.789659 0.0535362 -0.611205 0.93286 -0.237879 -0.270529 0.620645 -0.746713 -0.239207 -0.599293 0.724146 -0.341264 -0.732201 -0.666237 -0.141456 -0.430444 -0.901882 -0.0364397 -0.0901019 -0.95508 0.282319 0.682593 0.0374693 -0.729837 0.815201 0 -0.579178 -0.0259785 -0.929042 -0.36906 -0.71174 0.652429 -0.260312 -0.231655 -0.817109 -0.527892 -0.0174929 -0.552483 -0.833341 0.74628 -0.564577 -0.35259 0.726239 -0.0264488 -0.686933 --0.927635 0.334059 0.167029 -0.0436685 -0.375549 -0.925773 0.219376 -0.383615 -0.897058 --0.425108 0.242417 -0.872076 0.329003 0.310726 -0.891743 0.109489 0 -0.993988 -0.397227 -0.687096 -0.608366 -0.546354 -0.714462 -0.437083 0.583549 0.12799 -0.801928 -0.655027 0.154953 -0.739547 0.817504 0.099876 -0.567197 -0.278014 0.636506 -0.719422 -0.424149 0.678248 -0.600064 -0.635402 -0.394892 -0.66357 -0.390559 -0.386314 -0.835599 -0.739463 0.225398 -0.634343 0.722494 -0.125552 -0.679882 0.804525 -0.496023 -0.326649 -0.545706 -0.36951 -0.752108 0 0.132589 -0.991171 0.605665 0.223876 -0.763577 --0.284537 -0.785047 -0.550218 0.294689 -0.678677 -0.672723 0.149357 0.460874 -0.874807 -0.687954 0 -0.725754 -0.299843 -0.465393 -0.832768 0.598635 -0.603424 -0.526798 -0.731639 -0.529377 -0.429494 0.602229 -0.356157 -0.714473 0.333962 0.305576 -0.89168 --0.242339 0.314525 -0.917794 -0.497679 -0.130162 -0.857539 -0.294744 -0.126319 -0.94719 --0.428243 0.817554 0.384986 0.622071 -0.429014 -0.654962 0.326843 -0.362795 -0.87267 --0.3676 -0.197415 -0.908789 0.822263 -0.369475 -0.432865 -0.35897 0.166963 -0.918294 -0.725959 -0.436415 0.531531 0.798561 -0.293901 0.525284 0 -0.676436 0.736502 --0.604206 0.609241 0.513575 -0.231295 -0.762899 -0.603728 0.449134 -0.691834 -0.56537 --0.0518748 0.10375 -0.99325 0.602678 0.0827511 -0.793682 -0.530196 0.151803 -0.834175 -0.165497 -0.803841 0.571358 -0.444921 -0.289552 0.847469 0.783503 0.383416 0.488995 -0.483077 -0.634039 0.603847 0.163302 0.969816 0.181077 -0.1954 0.98043 0.0239965 --0.389313 0.908397 -0.152481 0.299667 -0.466149 -0.832409 0.137031 -0.236868 -0.961829 -0.601839 -0.0947777 -0.792974 -0.161495 -0.77245 -0.614199 -0.183883 -0.348838 -0.918966 --0.280702 0.573879 -0.769331 -0.487241 0.648067 -0.585325 0.643089 -0.749384 0.157672 -0.565406 -0.824767 -0.00864536 -0.911609 0.104184 -0.397635 -0.891602 -0.253777 -0.375025 -0.517288 -0.660717 -0.543936 0.525293 -0.233464 -0.818267 0.676675 0.0424282 -0.735059 --0.306654 -0.403031 -0.862282 0 -0.278157 -0.960536 0.10493 -0.314791 -0.943343 --0.172439 -0.623969 -0.762186 0.668872 -0.536069 -0.515015 0.726475 0.152053 -0.670159 --0.84123 -0.387913 -0.376637 0.59115 0.698632 -0.403057 0.823398 0.385968 -0.415987 -0.106888 0.956368 -0.271909 0.47685 0.541508 -0.692375 -0.136187 -0.00567446 -0.990667 --0.661598 -0.497522 -0.561035 0 -0.285738 -0.958308 0.843392 -0.526448 -0.107438 -0.274146 -0.609214 -0.744112 -0.468236 -0.717962 -0.515059 0.751858 0.273403 -0.599967 -0.954202 -0.148505 -0.2597 -0.734667 -0.0192657 -0.678154 0.155893 -0.568552 -0.807741 --0.430524 -0.527604 -0.732314 -0.704419 -0.351344 -0.616727 -0.941018 -0.27882 -0.191689 -0.562007 -0.589422 -0.580284 0.556402 -0.525144 -0.643926 0.979045 -0.0559454 -0.195809 --0.916496 -0.212826 -0.338733 -0.910914 -0.179862 -0.371328 0.54976 -0.326371 -0.768925 -0.823957 -0.324067 -0.46484 0.0953891 -0.317964 -0.943292 -0.738019 0.546491 -0.395823 -0.329136 -0.738063 -0.58901 0.495584 -0.650275 -0.575794 -0.760372 -0.230097 -0.607363 -0.972335 -0.152681 0.176788 -0.247391 0.965624 -0.0798036 0.227384 -0.968006 0.106113 -0.901801 -0.332075 0.276552 -0.0711611 -0.947658 0.311257 0.140252 -0.918653 0.369331 --0.621543 -0.779547 0.0774018 0.91459 0.250573 -0.317392 0.804573 -0.378622 -0.457502 -0.671444 -0.400009 -0.623824 0.293508 0.905397 -0.306774 -0.14704 0.974141 -0.171547 --0.769258 -0.415815 0.485118 -0.813039 0.492103 0.31113 -0.745524 0.635176 0.201857 -0.0947376 -0.720748 -0.686692 0.334992 -0.937977 -0.0893311 -0.0170181 -0.991306 0.130472 -0.186891 0.409954 -0.892754 0.298121 0.95278 -0.0577442 -0.564954 0.695328 -0.444237 --0.285975 -0.222425 -0.932065 0.833103 0.484642 0.266575 0.559668 0.822328 0.102707 -0.82239 0.216711 0.526033 -0.859304 -0.394815 -0.325142 0.870448 0.387098 0.304099 -0.326204 -0.820714 0.469062 -0.272914 -0.94649 0.172265 -0.307926 -0.835799 0.454557 --0.377904 -0.920267 0.101474 0.379991 0.923864 0.0456229 0.27047 0.959923 0.0734368 --0.907951 0.36318 0.209104 -0.54294 -0.827151 -0.145045 -0.567032 -0.808855 -0.155656 -0.860864 0.479826 -0.16935 -0.656845 0.749181 -0.0853409 0.339534 0.881557 0.327985 -0.0530097 0.689127 0.722699 -0.67747 0.164435 0.716935 -0.790441 -0.234205 0.565995 -0.0322058 0.955438 -0.29343 -0.590012 0.590012 -0.551156 0.884118 -0.463081 -0.0623758 --0.67414 0.735736 -0.0650186 -0.91007 0.201826 0.361991 -0.414751 0.582894 0.698725 -0.775483 -0.178623 0.605574 0.1426 0.901463 0.408692 -0.895211 0.0354038 0.444234 -0.494864 0.345619 0.797281 0.151667 0.933473 0.325 0.494524 0.450187 0.743491 --0.11886 0.984361 -0.13002 -0.742923 0.309996 -0.593269 -0.826573 -0.275524 -0.490778 --0.713162 -0.665618 -0.219892 0.107999 -0.862893 0.493712 -0.668426 -0.42153 0.612796 -0.732081 0.0170251 0.681005 -0.761813 0.627981 0.158997 -0.60463 0.763136 0.228136 -0.814006 -0.0307172 0.580043 0.886447 0.0448204 0.460654 0.430911 -0.899216 0.0756766 --0.834017 -0.476581 -0.278006 -0.764471 -0.420901 0.488289 0.924827 -0.288031 0.248461 -0.450952 0.742645 0.495097 0.305142 0.933735 0.187154 -0.0974951 0.822038 0.561025 --0.171133 0.677401 0.715431 0.820962 -0.56521 0.0809879 0.790612 -0.611033 0.0396472 --0.853855 0.492772 -0.167656 0.646857 0.757603 -0.0872544 -0.877944 0.231183 0.419248 -0.781429 0.603208 0.159713 0.123034 0.954677 0.271024 -0.602238 0.663367 0.444132 -0.34682 0.829648 0.437492 -0.613503 0.560385 0.556402 -0.930951 -0.131847 0.340508 -0.912091 -0.165588 0.375061 -0.143247 0.962328 0.231093 0.527443 0.704356 0.475065 --0.73662 0.673403 -0.0626066 0.625738 -0.779689 0.0231755 -0.976936 0.0585186 -0.205357 --0.89319 -0.443772 0.0726446 -0.912663 -0.0641022 0.403654 -0.90457 -0.120245 0.409015 --0.965814 -0.207253 0.155725 0.858966 -0.460974 0.222893 0.701885 -0.712257 0.00691512 --0.0340011 -0.827361 -0.560641 -0.77167 -0.338782 -0.538287 -0.920225 -0.319336 -0.226298 --0.732257 -0.679953 -0.0382439 -0.334789 -0.932627 -0.134624 0.981843 0.0730674 -0.175057 -0.983404 0.0459665 -0.175508 0.718093 0.695021 0.0358886 0.456378 0.889457 0.0242122 --0.1093 0.976869 0.183793 0.556377 -0.828232 0.0669081 0.797056 -0.599337 -0.0741447 --0.275749 0.624835 -0.730441 0.548589 -0.822883 -0.148032 -0.300049 -0.862642 -0.40721 --0.0534147 -0.986391 -0.155496 0.823127 0.469235 0.319814 0.476461 0.682057 0.554783 -0.120242 0.901814 0.415057 -0.969943 -0.0365535 0.240573 0.530243 0.845 -0.0694078 -0.963615 0.235028 -0.127307 -0.222518 -0.971662 -0.0797357 0.242703 0.955643 -0.166858 -0.707656 0.647572 0.282617 0.86375 0.462908 0.199128 0.730136 0.380012 0.567884 --0.908267 0.17841 0.378445 0.897266 0.327638 0.295917 0.62797 0.65202 0.424882 --0.969913 -0.13204 -0.204533 0.309728 0.939509 -0.14626 -0.584816 0.811083 -0.0116035 --0.992025 0.114754 0.0521341 -0.201264 0.967781 -0.151305 -0.487205 0.867834 -0.097441 -0.836936 0.531264 -0.131514 0.742367 0.667217 -0.060933 -0.217208 -0.87413 0.434416 -0.306422 -0.94591 0.106581 0.252596 -0.8055 0.536064 0.24317 -0.940582 0.23701 -0.939034 0.195763 -0.282652 -0.749052 0.542011 -0.380979 0.921365 0.165175 -0.351857 -0.740634 -0.384329 -0.551138 -0.363888 -0.907528 -0.209711 0.17328 -0.958524 -0.226288 --0.30323 -0.952143 0.0384092 0.880712 -0.439715 -0.176057 0.661341 -0.740603 -0.118893 -0.101353 -0.994637 0.0206142 0.161383 -0.981749 -0.100616 -0.2495 -0.842061 -0.478208 --0.145196 -0.923357 -0.355428 -0.868831 -0.186722 -0.45855 0.810466 -0.25963 -0.525107 --0.265396 -0.940805 -0.210834 0.648096 -0.363566 -0.669172 0.960941 -0.0105021 -0.276555 --0.946306 -0.226291 0.230862 -0.652514 0.00526221 0.757758 -0.0437809 -0.718007 0.694657 --0.938791 -0.336283 0.0747297 -0.2118 -0.969823 -0.120763 -0.275402 -0.950996 -0.14057 --0.440281 -0.522193 0.730388 -0.718678 0.327717 0.613272 0.672565 -0.325607 0.664558 --0.907898 0.41903 -0.0116397 -0.970987 -0.18132 -0.15591 0.48366 -0.870587 0.0902831 -0.525126 -0.0145868 0.850899 0.749726 -0.646576 0.140888 0.598312 0.444461 0.666691 --0.655326 -0.6746 -0.339799 0.823216 0.128127 0.553081 -0.154807 0.877656 0.453601 --0.895835 0.440452 0.0590113 -0.84036 0.503562 -0.200553 -0.708394 0.702903 -0.0640667 -0.921436 -0.36737 0.126472 0.864675 -0.498321 0.063357 -0.975243 -0.019477 -0.220276 --0.503076 -0.416689 -0.757155 0.674162 -0.732531 -0.0943632 -0.904376 0.222616 -0.364069 -0.868548 -0.388027 -0.308316 -0.747161 0.633011 -0.202603 -0.053242 0.298155 -0.953031 -0.605262 -0.671463 -0.427545 -0.961025 0.187517 -0.203144 0.899104 0.422028 0.116211 -0.801056 0.585719 -0.12346 -0.403295 0.88985 0.213356 -0.565497 0.759382 0.321795 -0.987215 0.0881084 0.13283 -0.949529 0.170702 0.263165 -0.934238 -0.356579 0.00713159 --0.299684 0.789167 0.536101 0.361516 0.893748 0.265558 -0.195447 0.951177 0.23888 -0.833412 -0.507814 0.218061 -0.258731 -0.668066 0.697672 0.698858 -0.624862 0.348059 --0.148604 0.652564 0.743019 0.14157 -0.37752 0.915116 -0.37459 0 0.927191 --0.768366 0.555973 0.317029 0.919919 0.215046 0.327879 -0.990085 0.119177 -0.0743582 -0.950314 -0.266088 0.161553 -0.239335 -0.73077 0.639291 0.260221 -0.785937 0.560881 -0.491809 -0.412485 0.766799 0.378423 0.6775 0.630706 0.380476 0.88647 0.263457 -0.756507 -0.65393 0.0085481 -0.326836 -0.884379 -0.333244 0.708466 0.655496 0.261536 -0.492276 0.868449 0.0588254 0.345989 0.851543 0.393911 0.407102 -0.693581 0.594318 --0.576904 -0.457104 0.676932 0.847669 0.337882 0.409015 0.742929 0.611445 0.272381 -0.700824 -0.712007 -0.0434908 0.475483 0.832095 0.285541 0.658145 0.658145 0.365636 -0.832426 0.0582116 0.55107 0.788202 0.0297435 0.614698 0.651707 0.465797 0.59859 --0.0346193 0.979726 0.19733 -0.147418 0.967433 0.205771 -0.718491 -0.694857 0.030725 --0.938765 0.235545 -0.251475 0.691282 -0.628592 0.356372 0.780483 -0.537356 0.319523 --0.572271 -0.45088 0.684991 -0.841616 0.255035 0.476066 0.463893 0.884295 0.0531544 -0.771709 0.6288 0.0952727 -0.100257 0.989198 0.10694 -0.166482 0.965594 0.199778 -0.387115 0.883912 0.262378 -0.480241 0.865153 -0.144492 -0.626087 0.779017 -0.0338703 --0.202675 0.97863 -0.0347442 -0.282004 0.952066 -0.118506 -0.425091 0.902906 -0.0637087 -0.5488 0.832523 0.0756593 -0.222703 0.960615 -0.166196 0.404422 0.913358 0.0471237 --0.440282 -0.87416 0.204931 0.172043 -0.927122 0.332936 0.582501 -0.701441 0.410699 -0.338416 -0.0273719 0.940598 0.223578 -0.91511 0.33554 0.337478 0.826822 0.449971 -0.951425 -0.214495 0.220867 -0.720844 -0.503891 0.475897 -0.772683 -0.576238 0.266292 -0.157717 -0.97259 -0.17086 -0.847561 0.530647 -0.0073701 0.441633 -0.883266 -0.157482 --0.707635 0.70381 0.0624759 0.566219 -0.724761 0.392579 0.507093 0.169031 0.845154 --0.379071 0.324918 0.866449 -0.934703 0.354203 0.0295169 0.8 0.6 0 --0.968274 -0.0305771 0.248014 0.323587 -0.846305 0.423153 0.923508 -0.382918 0.0225246 --0.945638 0.3199 0.0585897 -0.92389 -0.148236 0.352779 -0.821489 0.410744 0.395532 -0.567814 0.786203 -0.243869 -0.797812 -0.602791 0.0118194 0.663011 0.279608 -0.694432 --0.630759 -0.608627 0.481369 -0.875577 -0.430516 0.219137 0.123613 -0.988903 0.0824086 -0.571771 0.177228 -0.801042 -0.77956 -0.625426 -0.0335932 -0.87093 -0.45754 0.17927 -0.354707 -0.36259 -0.861807 0.030052 -0.957909 -0.285494 -0.839178 0.342522 -0.422444 -0.566257 -0.452559 -0.688871 -0.369468 -0.385142 -0.845671 -0.461181 -0.0272888 -0.886886 --0.407831 0.480728 -0.776257 -0.387238 -0.741126 -0.548433 0.35976 0.299397 -0.883705 -0.0221855 0.192274 -0.98109 -0.167261 0.957948 0.233151 0.0790021 0.974359 0.210672 -0.0416105 0.970912 0.235793 -0.619476 -0.77877 -0.0988212 0.717143 -0.250568 -0.650325 -0.757263 -0.028576 -0.652485 -0.912356 -0.36374 0.187882 -0.0381181 0.0889423 -0.995307 --0.311458 -0.934374 -0.173032 0.817402 0.19659 -0.541486 -0.223864 0.466699 -0.855615 -0.809424 -0.57816 0.102784 0.748834 -0.157649 -0.643735 -0.487377 -0.433224 -0.758143 --0.9674 -0.107489 -0.22931 0.539375 -0.353275 0.764377 0.524331 0.635553 0.566701 --0.666895 -0.611321 0.426072 -0.990641 0.130815 -0.0389483 0.391348 -0.535529 0.748368 --0.157112 -0.843336 -0.513908 -0.912871 -0.365148 0.182574 -0.749074 -0.0995502 -0.654964 -0.322788 0.0370075 -0.945748 -0.263274 0.614305 -0.743852 -0.453511 0.717401 -0.528833 -0.839846 0.311148 -0.444798 -0.965111 -0.161247 -0.206301 -0.735422 0.0232851 -0.677209 --0.862863 0.21461 -0.457613 -0.0959334 0.419003 -0.902903 0.319076 -0.0299134 -0.947257 --0.730122 0.540831 -0.417642 -0.655516 0.460633 -0.598429 -0.76833 -0.18568 -0.61253 --0.851079 -0.499786 -0.160866 -0.676383 -0.697941 -0.235342 0.28543 0.924404 -0.252995 --0.865371 -0.397553 -0.305099 -0.85425 -0.470042 -0.222078 -0.643708 -0.743483 -0.181311 --0.320134 -0.147363 -0.935841 -0.795769 -0.51946 -0.311308 -0.632008 -0.0574552 -0.772829 --0.183694 0.671357 -0.718009 -0.592225 -0.744157 0.309032 -0.0817317 -0.687508 0.721563 -0.143158 -0.823156 0.549472 -0.133221 -0.717342 -0.683866 -0.336195 -0.770448 -0.541648 --0.0824786 -0.412393 -0.907265 -0.813482 -0.171921 -0.5556 -0.777154 -0.16239 -0.607997 -0.107518 -0.295676 0.949219 0.478444 -0.722357 0.499291 0.411476 -0.257172 -0.874386 --0.564649 -0.0996439 -0.819294 0.651038 0.421969 -0.630945 -0.645161 -0.415147 0.641421 --0.109675 -0.250687 0.961836 0.281709 -0.888291 0.362738 -0.155999 -0.189428 -0.969423 -0.293346 -0.258835 -0.9203 0.263598 -0.263598 -0.927918 0.0433038 0.158781 -0.986364 -0.810293 0.23402 -0.53727 -0.0708804 -0.432877 -0.898662 0.142177 -0.277062 -0.950275 -0 0.253012 0.967463 -0.379967 -0.287542 0.879173 -0.660942 -0.710266 -0.242236 --0.00861109 -0.999963 -0.000717591 0.461757 -0.799194 -0.384797 0.388164 -0.659411 -0.643822 --0.75955 -0.379775 -0.528068 -0.502656 -0.677047 -0.537535 0.175132 0.916075 0.360742 -0.283368 0.902466 0.324436 0.715145 -0.552612 -0.428004 0.236102 -0.681105 0.693074 -0.19549 0 0.980706 0 -0.706566 0.707647 0.618815 -0.374817 0.690348 --0.866634 -0.312135 -0.389251 -0.873185 -0.478844 0.0908622 -0.31719 -0.261072 -0.911719 -0.619827 0.216219 -0.754363 0.388103 0.388103 -0.835914 -0.85118 -0.275382 -0.446831 -0.133732 -0.105788 -0.985355 0.441379 0.891117 0.105329 0.533347 -0.478644 -0.697453 -0.399762 -0.261913 0.878403 0.647459 0.00130273 0.762099 -0.587672 0.402092 0.702114 --0.626249 0.0447321 0.778338 0 -0.501806 0.86498 -0.39884 0.16758 -0.901579 -0.835364 0.271903 -0.477741 0 0.423036 -0.906113 0.360268 0.838057 -0.409717 -0.40156 -0.558507 0.725824 -0.179132 -0.569009 0.802584 0.00613572 -0.654477 0.756057 -0 -0.652141 0.758097 0 -0.724005 0.689795 0.311837 -0.623673 0.716791 -0.39968 -0.325454 0.856934 0.150796 0.552918 -0.819477 -0.138478 -0.553913 -0.820978 --0.31691 -0.636168 -0.703462 -0.715076 0.667754 -0.206811 0.343255 -0.899886 0.269038 --0.058261 -0.802942 0.593203 -0.552275 -0.591443 0.587526 -0.359813 -0.768692 0.528817 --0.0479092 -0.910276 0.411221 0.0980957 -0.972334 0.212002 -0.500128 -0.823847 -0.266735 --0.434547 -0.880381 -0.189997 -0.73962 0.325635 -0.589003 -0.274968 0 -0.961453 --0.0337316 -0.464146 -0.885116 0.837203 0.141188 -0.528353 -0.00184239 0.182397 -0.983223 -0.963078 0.266531 0.0379815 -0.880658 -0.470216 -0.0577807 -0.345702 -0.888949 0.300432 -0.496918 0.175992 -0.849764 -0.263281 -0.623355 0.736282 0.405375 -0.585225 0.70227 --0.138413 -0.989816 -0.0332621 -0.156821 -0.374803 -0.913745 0.704014 -0.179153 -0.687218 --0.160456 -0.677765 -0.717558 0.996562 0.0683127 0.0468813 0.801537 -0.0716319 -0.593639 -0.379186 0.315167 -0.869993 -0.1138 -0.710198 -0.694744 0.218208 -0.293741 -0.930646 -0.394224 0.194032 -0.898298 0.167283 0.683469 -0.710553 0 0.760034 -0.649884 --0.0681252 0.346465 -0.935586 -0.30227 -0.0259089 -0.95287 -0.455913 -0.644806 -0.613489 -0.215119 0.225875 -0.950108 0.630857 -0.376284 -0.67855 0.929806 0.170964 -0.325932 --0.779166 0.35014 -0.519905 -0.35576 0 -0.934577 0.355314 0.87052 -0.34051 -0.220674 -0.299486 -0.92823 -0.799715 -0.336722 -0.497066 0.0233819 -0.140291 -0.989834 --0.243373 0.491565 -0.836142 -0.519122 0.849473 -0.0943858 0.491325 0.164189 -0.855361 -0.199089 -0.170648 -0.965009 -0.216983 -0.760268 -0.6123 0.334149 -0.942425 -0.0134376 -0.949603 -0.279794 -0.14131 -0.584431 -0.652191 -0.482791 -0.027351 -0.537903 -0.842563 -0.189589 0.108735 -0.975824 0.740397 0.498254 -0.451171 0.777968 0.563356 -0.278201 -0.597671 -0.605605 -0.525387 0.362821 0.571128 -0.736324 0.922932 -0.229862 -0.308805 -0.385831 -0.90522 -0.178076 -0.602383 -0.761838 -0.238197 0.582575 -0.588123 -0.560998 -0.266404 -0.133202 -0.954613 0.314997 -0.0633957 -0.946973 0.850919 0.33429 -0.4052 --0.987785 -0.104239 -0.115821 0.622746 -0.404558 -0.669717 -0.375952 -0.621059 -0.68771 -0.813313 -0.240297 -0.529886 -0.244476 -0.700173 -0.670812 -0.277144 -0.705624 -0.65214 -0.73243 0.0415295 -0.679574 0.986537 0.0544296 0.154217 0.615961 0.733768 0.286663 -0.616041 0.773443 0.149261 0.70385 -0.0454097 -0.708896 -0.587203 -0.268107 -0.763748 -0.843237 -0.527389 0.103983 -0.866153 0.278655 -0.414886 -0.767205 0.639724 0.0463568 --0.694629 0.7113 0.107436 -0.313249 -0.865523 -0.390827 -0.638247 -0.707328 -0.303856 -0.512049 -0.753581 0.412215 0.0742819 -0.909603 0.408784 -0.433559 0.872504 -0.225307 -0.736309 -0.412988 -0.535994 0.183294 -0.843305 -0.505213 -0.0189262 -0.480949 -0.876544 -0.1776 -0.350125 -0.919712 -0.0818006 -0.96252 -0.258581 -0.219074 -0.955087 -0.199537 --0.527875 -0.842354 -0.10857 0.247274 -0.931592 -0.266443 -0.542872 -0.67582 -0.498556 -0.294744 -0.126319 -0.94719 -0.234806 -0.712455 -0.661267 0.820648 0.562414 -0.101129 -0.191893 0.965237 -0.177465 0.796596 0.411286 0.443034 -0.642803 0.653822 0.39915 --0.732479 0.644874 0.218203 0.916885 0.216487 0.335342 0.678735 0.709587 0.189223 --0.923451 0.383319 0.0174236 0.490758 -0.457144 -0.741739 -0.236099 -0.607113 -0.75873 --0.399497 0.916087 0.0344394 0.949939 -0.0436419 -0.309373 -0.68483 -0.249029 0.68483 -0.352752 0.647048 -0.67594 0.478836 -0.85027 0.218534 -0.74563 0.664583 0.0486281 -0.563337 0.826227 0 0.720216 -0.330099 0.610183 -0.187108 0.982319 -0.00623695 --0.315064 0.933941 -0.168785 0.245169 -0.964484 0.0982987 0.119944 -0.420374 -0.899388 -0 -0.589777 -0.807566 0 -0.699193 -0.714933 -0.378538 -0.614196 -0.692439 -0.965134 0.23815 0.10863 0.971272 0.129503 -0.19965 -0.111979 0.993081 -0.0353619 --0.886187 -0.158973 0.435201 -0.937662 0.317595 0.141153 -0.866843 -0.298306 0.399496 --0.877954 0.45548 0.147426 0.90494 -0.397534 0.151822 -0.999671 0 -0.0256326 --0.271329 -0.407547 -0.871944 0.245978 -0.70176 -0.668601 0.155893 -0.568552 -0.807741 --0.557396 -0.405064 -0.72473 0.390873 0.870007 -0.30051 0.811941 -0.582687 -0.0350249 --0.298246 -0.898246 0.322807 0.649004 -0.7604 0.0242166 -0.68699 -0.610088 0.394763 -0.452039 -0.880077 0.145346 -0.802921 -0.00613586 0.596055 -0.964678 0.15152 -0.215495 -0.0744809 -0.9757 0.206064 -0.356966 -0.474504 0.804625 -0.188334 -0.867437 -0.460525 -0.719104 -0.563221 0.407028 -0.982481 -0.104459 -0.154336 0.242026 -0.892469 0.380686 --0.564821 -0.800404 0.200825 0.627277 -0.466811 -0.623387 0.637568 0 -0.770394 --0.142326 0.906669 -0.397107 0.159465 0.955366 -0.248689 -0.76274 -0.290672 -0.577701 -0.74587 0.617038 -0.250883 -0.81045 -0.479654 -0.336309 0.402746 -0.684668 0.607475 -0.658069 -0.731188 -0.17975 0.159197 0.987019 -0.0212262 -0.608463 0.571842 0.550245 -0.81123 0.504278 0.295989 -0.931872 -0.337191 0.133854 0.361893 0.932219 0.000763488 --0.760264 0.410953 -0.503107 -0.299494 0.861957 0.409064 0.258938 0.490132 0.832299 --0.601025 0.758216 0.252739 -0.60909 0.673264 0.419195 0.330928 0.931923 0.148347 -0.370937 0.928658 4.67317e-018 -0.737688 -0.436198 0.515313 -0.717518 -0.0326145 0.695776 --0.411705 0.799192 -0.437941 -0.832317 -0.392603 -0.391294 0.807314 -0.438668 0.394733 --0.167761 -0.0524254 0.984433 0.883076 0.0169618 0.468924 0.398877 0.656771 0.63996 --0.550062 0.741453 0.38429 0.269297 0.96283 -0.0209044 -0.780604 -0.483975 0.395506 --0.406482 -0.269789 0.872918 0.439425 -0.0298928 0.897782 0.20025 0.810206 0.550878 -0.71028 0.325003 0.6244 0.163913 0.980285 0.11034 0.706998 -0.255723 0.659363 --0.681199 0.618602 0.391536 -0.0740353 0.329794 0.941146 -0.43931 0.761009 0.47736 --0.435495 0.899894 0.0231236 0.805272 0.368949 -0.464127 -0.0156035 0.915408 -0.402225 -0.781356 -0.612276 0.120833 0.814023 -0.260067 0.519357 0.473539 0.796306 0.376374 -0.298136 0.951485 0.076104 -0.445801 -0.655864 0.609183 -0.273077 -0.109231 0.955771 -0.314567 -0.56075 0.765903 -0.202444 0.91642 0.345239 -0.145551 0.836917 0.527622 -0.345219 -0.455689 0.82047 0.109863 -0.576781 0.809477 -0.291199 0 0.956663 --0.689988 0.605675 0.396327 -0.779207 0.611971 -0.135381 -0.947068 0 -0.321033 -0.905529 -0.405661 -0.124326 -0.957779 0.191881 -0.214105 0.570971 0.401648 0.71601 --0.609188 -0.793025 -0.00120155 0.22393 -0.453529 0.862651 -0.298246 -0.561404 0.77193 --0.016947 -0.995634 0.091796 0.114627 -0.984316 -0.134102 0.76324 0.626272 0.158896 --0.780768 -0.0803318 0.619635 -0.0273474 -0.683685 0.729264 0.852852 0.497026 0.160027 -0.764328 0.60805 0.214659 -0.785482 0.607238 -0.119501 -0.798365 -0.10563 -0.592837 -0.424906 -0.465741 0.776235 0.275393 -0.768981 0.576912 -0.912551 0.323436 -0.250278 --0.691563 -0.720303 -0.053888 0.814957 0.568197 0.114 0.938593 -0.152877 0.309309 --0.0306653 0.967137 0.252399 0 0.999012 0.0444406 -0.122325 0.960364 0.250475 --0.575306 -0.815582 0.0620429 0.542611 -0.663519 0.515088 -0.614936 0.786501 0.0571884 -0.309303 0.662791 0.681938 0.453619 -0.857548 -0.242571 0.325035 -0.787823 -0.523152 --0.36419 -0.582704 -0.726513 -0.753345 0.120135 -0.646559 -0.0994293 -0.867548 0.487313 -0.192513 -0.941751 -0.275761 -0.768165 0.584621 -0.26104 -0.515661 0.515661 -0.684242 --0.632944 0.637947 0.438641 -0.568495 0.59692 0.566127 -0.648077 0.761306 0.0202524 -0.159836 -0.82674 -0.539402 -0.908765 0.024747 -0.416574 0.145153 -0.79507 -0.588892 --0.802954 -0.370481 -0.466914 -0.734038 -0.250939 0.631045 -0.621609 0.359879 0.695766 --0.632406 -0.213986 0.744494 0.182029 0.923914 0.336525 0.799461 0.572663 -0.181438 -0.862405 -0.311735 0.398847 -0.388229 0.915205 0.108064 -0.31451 0.904216 -0.288925 --0.371498 -0.894791 0.247665 0.204669 0.96003 0.190926 -0.483809 0.743171 0.462196 -0.469073 0.835769 -0.285415 0.993743 -0.106441 -0.0338403 0.553575 0.609784 0.567202 -0.544186 0.493953 0.678139 -0.369926 0.908427 -0.194719 -0.441629 0.612082 -0.655987 -0.949654 0.260179 -0.174537 0.626501 -0.750153 -0.211582 -0.0895616 -0.993198 -0.0744118 --0.689787 0.338757 0.639874 -0.765414 -0.634917 -0.104983 0.668823 0.412376 -0.618564 --0.238575 0.865341 -0.440758 0.758853 -0.457257 0.463743 0.778364 -0.333329 0.532016 --0.474954 -0.633272 -0.611052 -0.785467 0.499843 -0.364964 0.0092984 -0.920542 -0.390533 --0.527143 -0.811955 0.250699 0.858022 -0.269183 -0.437423 -0.486986 0.872854 0.031162 --0.660371 -0.609574 -0.438554 -0.678026 -0.620321 -0.394313 -0.5705 0.801753 0.178105 -0.977199 0.068692 -0.200906 0.903148 -0.401399 -0.152326 -0.701963 0.447823 0.553808 --0.567391 0.769922 0.292039 -0.532566 0.790644 0.302086 0.649099 -0.74896 -0.133149 --0.538312 -0.820533 -0.192213 0.472901 -0.858963 0.196334 0.599272 -0.414755 0.684727 --0.0792451 -0.871696 -0.483598 0.136622 -0.914773 -0.380165 -0.835916 0.0272952 -0.548179 -0.789339 0.592004 0.162715 0.638063 0.749724 0.175467 0.172341 0.982346 -0.0727664 --0.449201 -0.711235 0.540705 0.119806 -0.907281 -0.403097 0.505122 -0.842952 -0.185157 --0.675275 -0.369933 -0.638086 -0.253837 -0.930737 0.263239 0.313045 -0.922659 0.225173 --0.515346 -0.804469 -0.295377 -0.0862739 0.901083 0.424979 0.724233 0.485998 0.489175 -0.257861 0.759646 0.597031 0.932992 0.115541 0.340845 0.215433 -0.0615522 0.974577 --0.360523 0.733178 0.576605 -0.246761 0.856111 0.454074 -0.418989 0.80354 0.422815 -0.40057 0.35215 0.845893 -0.927404 0.345937 0.1423 -0.343669 -0.862136 0.372308 --0.351982 -0.854814 0.381314 -0.286761 -0.742204 0.605724 -0.469965 -0.724208 0.504634 --0.533947 -0.158207 0.830585 -0.0396385 -0.87771 0.47755 0.486597 0.71118 0.507392 --0.78616 0.54793 0.285876 0.749396 0.659043 -0.0637784 -0.843981 0.279303 0.457915 -0.0431624 0.156464 0.98674 0.917384 0.352563 -0.184676 0.0663639 0.859781 0.506332 -0.982786 -0.133659 0.127544 0.330211 0.749706 0.573499 0.407645 0.733761 0.543526 --0.325328 0.325328 0.887875 0.691598 0.296399 -0.658665 -0.0286735 0.93189 0.361605 -0.811029 0.575569 0.104649 -0.835007 0.544827 0.0769864 -0.605674 0.795532 -0.0169357 -0.526432 -0.723844 -0.446005 -0.858721 0.511499 0.0311131 0.95516 -0.294414 -0.0314641 -0.654318 -0.752291 -0.0769786 -0.184002 0.950676 0.249717 -0.766319 0.484996 0.421348 -0.814556 -0.30927 0.490766 0.747596 -0.142399 0.648708 0.150572 0.983936 0.0959089 --0.707383 0.697349 -0.115389 -0.0524396 -0.830294 0.554853 -0.422703 -0.329105 0.8444 --0.0389351 0.49591 0.867501 -0.367122 -0.453782 0.811975 -0.39595 -0.444575 0.803478 -0.325111 -0.0237886 0.945377 -0.222089 0.888354 0.401875 -0.013383 0.843126 0.537549 -0.059459 0.959272 0.276154 0.465452 -0.717806 0.517792 0.500189 -0.180068 0.846987 --0.137309 0.52635 0.839108 -0.337721 0.621407 0.706963 -0.0715918 0.8342 0.546795 -0.437739 0.835922 0.331087 -0.313847 0.936785 0.154704 -0.316154 0.839023 0.442818 -0.826227 0.338002 0.450669 -0.363858 0.909645 -0.200385 0.509167 0.737621 0.443468 --0.889945 -0.0778334 -0.449378 -0.639379 0.715837 -0.280664 0.0616832 0.953938 -0.293593 -0.916946 -0.16374 -0.363867 0.805817 0.351409 -0.476624 -0.421712 0.822072 -0.382566 -0.659112 0.483905 -0.57568 0.0866908 0.99413 0.0647366 -0.620591 0.663146 -0.418456 -0.596674 0.769434 0.227927 -0.306038 -0.889423 -0.339511 -0.198727 -0.817677 -0.540288 --0.16199 0.241365 -0.956819 -0.0259789 0.777923 -0.627823 0.128085 0.577638 -0.806182 -0.241196 -0.952135 0.187785 0.615898 -0.784377 0.0736399 0.490558 -0.865848 -0.0982902 -0.397915 -0.862814 0.311793 -0.076443 0.0955537 -0.992485 0.344402 -0.593367 0.727532 -0.304721 0.557874 -0.77196 0.34759 -0.385168 0.854884 0.350881 -0.818723 0.454504 -0.719072 0.694651 0.0198988 -0.409496 0.834609 0.368431 0.669983 0.736982 -0.0893311 -0.771905 0.500695 -0.391748 0.851906 0.377427 -0.363049 -0.718531 0.695165 -0.0214196 --0.673618 0.721355 0.16089 -0.340565 0.936554 -0.0829582 -0.703328 0.708697 -0.0554788 --0.62385 0.779813 0.0519875 0.904023 -0.420476 0.0770872 -0.274518 -0.877431 -0.39339 -0.664087 -0.193795 -0.722102 -0.277649 -0.771865 -0.571957 -0.855761 0.403953 0.323256 --0.980981 -0.161503 0.107669 -0.329698 -0.941995 -0.0627997 -0.318638 -0.88094 -0.349877 --0.913812 0 -0.406138 -0.843795 0.281265 -0.457056 -0.809858 -0.0449921 -0.584898 -0.642086 -0.713429 -0.280615 -0.677066 -0.112844 -0.727219 -0.479839 -0.221464 -0.848945 --0.593281 -0.741602 -0.313121 -0.810737 -0.585093 -0.0192656 0.700229 -0.0479288 -0.712308 -0.868324 0.183022 -0.460996 -0.990763 0.0176472 0.134455 -0.989301 -0.058887 0.133477 --0.596471 -0.796965 -0.0952348 0.0651251 -0.716376 -0.694668 0.432176 -0.85327 -0.291811 --0.16173 -0.549883 -0.819434 -0.808247 -0.153567 -0.568467 -0.739123 -0.558113 -0.377104 --0.00482716 -0.391 -0.920378 0.751728 0.381391 -0.538001 -0.782525 0.595786 0.180811 --0.0433646 0.520375 -0.852836 -0.72194 -0.469261 -0.508524 0.8223 0.441605 -0.358898 --0.558705 -0.649001 0.516379 -0.122262 -0.217176 -0.968445 0.771176 0.396563 -0.498021 --0.485481 -0.729729 0.48146 -0.739498 -0.372247 -0.560869 -0.753035 -0.637183 0.164123 --0.384129 -0.85523 0.34789 -0.408185 -0.910361 0.0680309 -0.890682 -0.435701 -0.129811 --0.417446 -0.834891 0.358742 0.569232 0.182244 -0.801724 0.0217289 0.999528 -0.0217289 -0.293995 0.930985 0.216413 0.428122 0.887267 -0.171662 -0.571268 0.736852 -0.361527 -0.899559 0.311847 0.30585 0.779239 0.618808 -0.0993148 -0.939353 0.139904 -0.313118 -0.797465 -0.194225 0.57125 -0.280294 -0.779216 0.560587 -0.90969 -0.414222 -0.0297458 --0.962264 -0.226415 -0.150943 0.418821 -0.732937 0.536091 -0.672912 -0.716482 0.183962 --0.159153 -0.925074 0.344831 -0.363915 0.166424 0.916444 -0.284834 0.575146 0.766861 --0.922282 0.372087 0.104631 0.922211 -0.269318 0.277479 0.807698 -0.0695976 -0.585474 --0.481251 -0.704689 0.521355 -0.756467 -0.550158 0.353673 -0.442581 -0.785225 0.433063 --0.539279 -0.41483 0.732867 0.747241 -0.314455 -0.585448 0.842745 -0.256488 -0.473281 --0.677798 -0.551429 0.48633 0.0859382 -0.880866 0.465499 -0.52058 -0.77123 0.366334 --0.0380571 -0.938742 0.342514 0.713643 -0.198685 -0.671743 -0.350684 -0.769412 0.533878 --0.138461 -0.860866 0.48963 -0.592205 -0.572016 0.56753 0.298066 0.938909 -0.172066 -0.292737 0.360292 -0.885717 -0.609509 -0.0156955 -0.792624 -0.975401 -0.220289 -0.00809461 -0.226415 -0.509434 -0.830189 -0.63785 -0.494817 0.590172 0.277409 -0.569419 0.773826 -0.681484 -0.453204 0.574618 -0.446719 0.824045 -0.348412 0.51393 -0.765361 0.387425 --0.84761 -0.081501 0.524323 0.783492 0.61996 0.042307 -0.827831 -0.477595 -0.294276 --0.441068 -0.866097 0.235236 -0.551845 0 0.833947 0.175069 0 0.984556 -0 -0.454739 0.890625 0.17378 -0.568735 0.803953 -0.493062 -0.571798 0.655696 -0.940981 0.209107 0.266136 0.451165 -0.892154 0.0226148 -0.892489 -0.435089 0.118999 -0 -0.195557 0.980692 0.751783 0.573536 0.325388 0.752332 0.596134 0.280393 -0.197539 0.395078 0.897157 -0.561401 -0.800219 0.210897 -0.246252 -0.969016 -0.0191884 -0.809813 0.524227 0.263417 0.910246 0.379269 0.166156 -0.759757 0.291306 0.5813 --0.172447 -0.172447 0.969806 -0.196671 -0.763545 0.615078 0.959401 0.266693 0.0917839 -0.4073 -0.492154 0.769345 0.80829 0.11547 0.57735 -0.990492 -0.137568 0 --0.281662 -0.537523 0.794818 -0.280577 -0.542448 0.79185 0.121636 -0.429782 0.894702 -0.132161 0.0213975 0.990997 -0.507118 -0.507118 0.696895 0.0118686 0.999929 0.00098905 --0.0506589 -0.905106 0.422158 0.932648 0.185624 0.309373 -0.673277 -0.0968744 0.733016 -0.945484 0.297152 0.133268 0.919568 0.33984 0.197241 -0.868611 -0.38537 -0.311456 -0.368731 -0.538557 -0.757624 -0.0650865 0.0735761 -0.995163 0.337086 0.204659 -0.91896 -0.314574 -0.340888 -0.885911 -0.876715 0.23123 0.421787 -0.0176222 -0.418527 0.908033 --0.135326 -0.582698 0.801342 0.540635 -0.138302 0.829811 -0.499233 0.0274447 0.866033 --0.159867 -0.188933 0.968889 0.947565 0.0485338 0.315855 -0.782687 -0.538732 0.311719 --0.904768 0.392635 0.165021 0.363733 0.544511 -0.755781 0.0826539 0.870818 -0.484608 --0.0118038 0.755442 -0.65511 0.385896 -0.0110256 -0.922476 0.569415 -0.251897 0.782505 -0.0355019 -0.443773 0.895436 -0.180905 -0.671932 0.718179 0.787789 -0.342626 0.511855 -0.656553 -0.632645 0.410729 -0.982679 -0.0289023 0.183048 0.56552 0.557749 -0.607538 -0.489065 0.619483 -0.614049 -0.449277 -0.587709 0.672866 -0.210012 -0.926893 0.31107 -0.562404 0.778392 0.278941 0.605463 0.762982 0.226433 -0.0221856 0.321691 0.946585 --0.27345 0.626657 0.729744 -0.143918 0.949248 0.279671 0.882628 -0.233014 -0.408256 -0.583178 -0.479771 -0.655532 -0.0129257 -0.843399 -0.537133 0.313224 -0.792495 -0.523299 -0.137234 -0.772338 -0.620211 0.129915 -0.75587 -0.641702 0.529696 -0.815144 0.23444 --0.376512 -0.909517 0.176119 0.867327 -0.412509 0.278532 0.433694 -0.501216 0.748794 -0.882248 0.0577171 0.467234 0 -0.689184 0.724587 0.620613 -0.297554 0.725466 -0.673255 0.290017 0.68016 0.684599 0.489865 0.539775 0.648062 -0.539542 -0.537504 -0.024134 -0.877121 -0.479664 -0.377302 -0.747617 -0.546545 -0.405857 -0.789166 -0.460973 --0.270585 -0.947047 -0.172874 -0.309803 -0.727292 -0.612428 -0.370652 -0.833377 0.409999 -0.449384 -0.755973 -0.475983 -0.0992201 -0.988232 -0.116418 0.163172 -0.979035 0.121923 -0.965393 0.0546449 0.25501 0.955532 -0.241761 0.168849 0.268769 0.761512 0.589799 --0.717536 0.694877 -0.0478357 -0.878072 -0.435326 0.1987 -0.918316 -0.395168 0.0232011 --0.201291 0.978272 0.0496517 0.217787 -0.745062 -0.630437 0.247182 -0.72645 -0.641226 --0.0932922 -0.713411 -0.694508 -0.124591 -0.662302 -0.738805 -0.126111 -0.693611 -0.709225 --0.819069 0.565132 -0.0987529 -0.93673 0.326121 -0.12721 0.80039 -0.0188981 0.599181 -0.773185 -0.036082 0.633153 -0.974482 -0.214048 0.0675941 -0.118932 -0.793781 -0.596462 -0.660087 0.660087 0.358566 -0.683426 0.729604 0.024628 0.825296 0.293417 -0.482486 -0.400152 0.639933 -0.656022 -0.330778 0.873827 -0.356389 0.728524 -0.414529 0.54536 --0.993146 0.0522708 -0.104542 0.42005 -0.725105 0.545692 0.53976 -0.725303 0.42731 -0.480591 -0.756341 0.443825 -0.920498 0.114466 -0.373605 -0.37285 0.915915 -0.1486 -0 0.80975 -0.586775 0.279475 0.784908 -0.553003 0.0700335 0.964906 -0.253084 --0.229426 0.964466 -0.131031 0.0737118 -0.986604 -0.145533 0.840993 -0.434513 -0.322381 -0.52657 -0.182274 -0.830361 0.312081 -0.92946 -0.196747 -0.334275 -0.315173 -0.888215 -0.27134 0.943793 -0.188759 -0.401074 0.860683 -0.313632 -0.378267 0.342242 0.860107 -0.976251 -0.205526 -0.0685088 -0.122878 0.988872 0.0838688 -0.872789 0.417421 0.252982 -0.976102 0.0377658 0.214006 0.651681 0.75762 -0.0363829 0.364101 -0.7756 0.51563 -0.742195 -0.656862 0.13296 -0.871366 -0.309023 0.381085 0.146872 -0.78273 0.604783 -0.877004 -0.372166 0.303901 0.957069 0.0118614 0.289617 0.558115 -0.796969 0.230971 --0.82509 -0.437877 0.357057 -0.399533 -0.528 0.749392 -0.730739 0.540921 0.416443 -0 0.845299 0.534293 0.134867 0.990863 0.000917466 0.606041 0.795429 0.00252517 -0.836213 0.470829 -0.28119 -0.445512 0.860086 0.248538 0.423396 -0.729626 0.537012 --0.305044 -0.934501 0.183457 0.806679 0.590989 0.000539224 0.342321 -0.222509 0.912856 -0.241416 0.64858 0.721846 0.200802 0.312538 0.928439 -0.535649 -0.204807 0.819228 --0.982708 0.1121 0.147371 -0.0159597 -0.877784 0.478791 0.67601 -0.720258 -0.155687 --0.49998 0.862466 0.0785683 -0.533904 0.782134 0.321267 -0.826654 0.296921 0.477997 -0.226547 -0.841459 0.490534 -0.495535 -0.31297 0.810244 -0.299892 -0.886638 0.352048 -0.54181 -0.725035 0.425165 0.245359 -0.500156 0.830447 0.363325 0.835104 -0.413033 --0.590006 0.548805 -0.592204 -0.116529 0.169081 0.978689 -0.706242 0.684456 0.180948 --0.309995 0.476063 -0.822962 0.95009 -0.19489 -0.243613 0.475945 0.655064 -0.586828 -0.728125 -0.630945 0.267849 -0.0407481 0.890951 0.452267 -0.582969 0.80907 0.0745233 --0.0549774 0.923621 -0.379344 -0.513722 0.834798 -0.197997 -0.557588 0.811228 -0.176081 -0.765321 0.26353 0.587227 -0.675956 0.731082 -0.0927525 -0.58211 0.40905 0.702727 --0.594237 0.801932 -0.0615391 0.723883 -0.685921 -0.0742002 -0.896904 0.294657 -0.329758 --0.638909 0.729387 -0.244521 -0.666179 0.460368 -0.586743 -0.678242 0.413304 -0.607592 -0.960313 0.122187 0.250738 0.913422 0.404416 0.0459035 -0.4968 0.867295 0.0314359 -0.876056 0.259828 -0.40622 -0.341332 0.898593 -0.275723 -0.872526 -0.119972 -0.473609 -0.584025 0.805516 0.100298 0.222134 -0.456384 0.861609 -0.311531 -0.914709 -0.2574 -0 -0.983582 -0.180463 -0.174272 -0.894402 -0.411915 0.0946618 0.636816 0.765183 --0.989303 -0.0594693 -0.133204 -0.20138 -0.47599 0.856084 0.892971 0.140995 0.427462 -0.222449 0.826241 0.517535 0.530197 0.745678 -0.403554 0.774297 0.526993 -0.350347 -0.494518 -0.85912 -0.131778 0.620653 -0.776792 -0.106695 -0.426685 -0.694779 -0.578983 -0.764098 0.363617 0.532858 0.361256 -0.794763 0.487695 -0.622033 -0.551448 0.55586 -0.959018 0 -0.283346 -0.194219 -0.920341 0.339488 0.208337 -0.876339 0.434311 --0.928985 0.364538 0.0640229 -0.707637 0.435469 0.556432 0.714521 0.136193 0.68623 -0.608432 -0.0612033 0.791242 -0.74959 -0.617309 -0.23884 -0.597472 -0.792565 -0.121933 --0.501535 -0.844691 -0.186976 0.84596 -0.484014 0.223791 -0.862354 -0.505442 -0.029558 --0.879617 -0.473284 -0.0477132 0.92322 0.0869844 -0.374296 0.78666 -0.248249 -0.565277 --0.44754 -0.888317 0.102961 -0.342413 -0.924516 -0.167402 -0.0276609 0.874084 -0.484987 --0.325084 0.945244 -0.0288963 0.774788 -0.615273 0.145408 -0.424469 -0.859505 0.28474 -0.873828 0.160835 -0.458865 0.630084 -0.422443 -0.651564 0.195384 -0.784541 -0.58849 --0.508922 0.675479 0.533597 -0.0545349 0.974688 0.216818 -0.177901 0.899011 0.400164 --0.476704 0.727146 0.493976 -0.908257 -0.416233 0.0426587 0.751682 -0.652623 0.0951742 --0.435742 -0.86247 0.257439 0.507963 -0.736138 -0.447297 0.0781703 -0.906776 -0.414303 --0.335164 -0.918402 -0.210247 -0.596191 -0.122268 0.793478 -0.649051 0.102482 0.75381 -0.888894 0.165376 0.427221 -0.918033 -0.393443 -0.0491803 0.527496 0.805815 0.269091 --0.929075 0.360048 0.0847665 -0.633245 -0.697642 0.335107 -0.17146 -0.925188 0.338568 --0.377802 -0.763377 0.523947 -0.278163 0.960533 0.00144877 0.636431 -0.383329 0.669338 -0.354603 -0.839506 0.411687 -0.952117 0.07129 0.297306 0.0171572 0.998693 0.0481355 -0 -0.974802 -0.22307 0.271945 -0.960733 -0.055124 -0.334501 -0.836773 0.433497 -0.599162 0.800444 -0.0171635 0.212221 -0.88361 0.417367 0.677376 -0.693698 0.244835 -0.0219415 -0.727446 0.685814 -0.269743 0.351839 0.896352 -0.34553 0.8828 0.318234 --0.0328036 0.880377 0.47314 -0.689033 0.714695 -0.120185 0.605622 -0.175543 0.776149 -0.535361 0.414935 0.735675 -0.885942 0.3648 -0.286406 -0.277827 0.845221 -0.456524 --0.169461 0.782128 -0.599632 0.584915 -0.779887 -0.222825 0.302739 -0.930641 -0.205563 -0.185381 -0.975458 0.118806 0.976954 -0.144377 0.157211 0.631576 -0.672323 0.386125 --0.86472 -0.0238269 -0.50169 -0.64589 -0.25329 -0.720188 -0.557171 0.78004 0.284777 --0.708727 0.590606 0.385863 -0.848634 -0.494632 0.187508 -0.969816 0.231324 -0.0771081 -0.194631 0.915417 -0.352322 -0.327382 0.944849 -0.00897883 0.605589 -0.789899 0.0965432 -0.629575 -0.198813 0.751072 -0.554213 -0.810811 0.188235 -0.943854 0.328847 0.0316199 -0.365393 -0.917264 0.158477 0.149393 -0.953978 -0.260014 -0.0996518 -0.866971 -0.488294 -0.950321 0.10182 0.294147 -0.357663 -0.925321 0.125933 0.733973 0.53509 -0.418286 -0.137962 0.984228 -0.110729 0.0876307 0.820962 0.564219 -0.561393 0.773908 0.293093 -0 -0.914429 0.404747 0 -0.62788 0.77831 0.495251 -0.839773 0.222504 --0.757878 0.611192 0.228178 0.891005 -0.18472 0.414716 0.665947 -0.745266 -0.0330495 -0.63056 -0.677268 -0.379081 -0.0272008 -0.994528 -0.100869 0.815211 -0.490259 0.308346 --0.553932 0.658963 0.50885 -0.667498 -0.451267 -0.592287 0.84932 -0.116523 0.514857 --0.91859 0.380106 0.108225 -0.871966 0.38644 0.300564 0.768589 -0.638718 0.0361996 -0.619813 0.215587 0.754555 -0.34832 0.34832 0.870257 0 0.863779 -0.503871 --0.889261 -0.370525 -0.26819 0.879936 -0.288775 0.377255 -0.163912 0.861059 0.481363 -0.802858 -0.539062 0.254621 0.810407 -0.476505 0.340858 -0.870374 0.486587 -0.0753867 --0.746696 0.662248 0.0622247 -0.460255 -0.887635 -0.0164377 -0.127855 -0.990877 -0.0426184 --0.76004 0.649094 -0.0318809 0.763761 -0.609075 -0.213767 0.33931 0.0657978 0.938371 -0.995588 -0.060645 0.0715948 -0.249263 0.926948 -0.280421 -0.60159 0.767546 -0.221275 -0.749145 0.649551 0.129868 -0.317376 0.372175 0.872214 0.563123 -0.412957 0.715792 --0.501663 0.0876942 0.860607 0.907507 0.380871 0.177113 0.947121 0.282254 0.152627 --0.154801 -0.942629 -0.295781 -0.95041 -0.256197 -0.176308 0.892504 -0.0263146 0.450272 --0.0551289 0.98707 0.150511 -0.670795 0.585071 0.455769 -0.92149 0.356335 0.154539 -0.67505 0.319615 0.664947 0.838591 0.268349 0.474083 -0.525761 -0.467343 0.710751 -0.819567 -0.402838 0.407469 -0.579188 -0.780295 -0.235966 0.778029 -0.602345 -0.178473 --0.389986 -0.91729 0.0805604 -0.365704 -0.683289 -0.631962 0.744031 -0.644087 0.177679 -0 -0.993263 0.115881 0.112211 -0.94756 0.29923 0.879996 0.118177 0.460046 -0.693532 -0.704541 0.150449 -0.725772 -0.652632 0.217544 -0.815089 -0.565128 0.127516 --0.168956 -0.92926 0.328526 0.816034 0.1515 0.557796 -0.935008 -0.189282 0.299887 -0.575748 0.663926 -0.477197 -0.710934 0.680731 -0.176572 0.946574 0.153445 0.28364 -0.446711 0.893423 0.0473785 -0.685454 0.697804 -0.2079 0.604175 -0.648929 0.462455 -0.847875 -0.529405 0.0289518 0.86957 -0.48236 -0.105723 -0.817904 -0.505664 0.274477 -0.655328 0.602811 0.455153 -0.665534 0.543604 0.511428 0.719596 0.474341 0.507131 --0.725722 0.302971 0.617686 -0.974869 0.141911 0.171733 0.815892 -0.565685 -0.119664 --0.642664 -0.731708 0.227126 0.92752 -0.209047 0.30985 -0.608522 0.0747307 0.790011 --0.394443 0.661272 0.63807 -0.295373 0.945194 0.139154 -0.78874 0.613802 0.0337069 --0.385115 0.135504 -0.912866 -0.221351 0.544863 -0.808782 -0.0461717 0.998767 0.0182257 -0.416136 0.808493 0.416136 -0.826732 0.300275 0.475761 -0.963011 -0.249362 0.10212 -0.886783 -0.446581 0.119088 0.854321 -0.0678032 0.515305 0.224021 0.950944 0.213353 -0.46955 0.812992 0.344336 0.641377 0.408994 0.649123 -0.8007 0.402122 0.444046 -0.902565 0.357773 -0.239532 -0.307914 -0.902323 -0.301667 -0.241942 -0.957545 -0.156751 -0.958194 -0.283909 -0.0354887 -0.498761 -0.546262 0.672931 0.166099 -0.861342 0.480105 --0.0416921 -0.481354 0.875534 -0.920533 0.38377 -0.0730684 0.612958 -0.290349 -0.734833 --0.343579 -0.343579 -0.874017 -0.511089 -0.584102 -0.630565 -0.609956 -0.43874 -0.659894 -0.603958 -0.795944 -0.0413304 -0.917812 -0.12132 0.378026 0.931316 -0.334376 -0.144373 -0.674781 0.687675 -0.267907 0.537652 0.752712 -0.379941 -0.560346 0.828218 -0.00820018 -0.586744 0.757878 -0.285223 -0.714804 -0.0238268 -0.698919 0.790435 -0.59912 0.127544 --0.562124 0.811274 0.160782 0.154868 -0.542037 0.825961 0.668151 0.70991 0.222717 --0.240452 0.951187 -0.193456 -0.429097 0.894287 0.126991 -0.335591 -0.929912 -0.150475 --0.210184 0.97459 -0.0774362 -0.760155 -0.305761 -0.573301 0.479909 -0.87477 0.0668227 --0.721273 0.656607 -0.220527 -0.357147 0.664399 0.656521 0.28204 0.378991 0.881374 -0.702879 -0.711184 -0.0133378 0.713275 0.394178 0.579536 -0.685865 0.727432 -0.0207838 --0.568874 0.733732 -0.37151 0.371274 0.85945 0.351429 -0.715244 0.694207 -0.0806402 --0.175969 0.907842 -0.380601 0.698151 -0.713006 -0.0648637 0.389244 0.758469 -0.522699 -0.953043 -0.0914082 -0.28871 0.636914 0.756475 0.148613 0.00965772 0.950078 -0.311864 --0.274688 0.864996 -0.419915 -0.161561 0.98637 0.0311784 0.659398 -0.67938 -0.321928 -0.535644 -0.84238 0.0590073 -0.347294 -0.88035 -0.323064 -0.607834 -0.487768 -0.626594 --0.154945 -0.985868 0.0636907 -0.615443 -0.553899 -0.560737 -0.464606 -0.872205 -0.152968 -0.359253 0.146086 -0.921735 0.0444477 0.112427 -0.992665 -0.355045 -0.0730133 -0.931994 -0.0674104 0.269642 -0.960598 -0.191121 0.210233 -0.958788 -0.228765 0.591634 -0.773069 -0.00978398 0.743583 -0.668572 0.437264 0.896952 -0.0654027 0.415123 0.909468 -0.0232384 --0.538665 0.819915 -0.193856 -0.551434 0.797567 -0.244556 0.595659 -0.0374086 -0.802366 -0.414913 -0.827079 -0.379192 0.30393 -0.649204 -0.697252 0.542147 -0.715456 -0.44068 --0.522983 0.298517 -0.798359 -0.0838339 0.854366 -0.512866 0.257119 0.817507 -0.515337 --0.301512 0.819938 -0.486612 0.115936 0.830872 -0.544253 -0.568658 0.434602 -0.69839 --0.129469 0 -0.991583 0 -0.286888 -0.957964 0.396823 -0.235874 -0.887071 -0.455331 -0.659765 -0.597816 -0.0958466 -0.443734 -0.891018 0.492498 0.357252 -0.79361 --0.245426 -0.47449 -0.845355 0.115963 0.552531 -0.825386 0.419206 0.375752 -0.826484 -0.693484 -0.1517 -0.70432 -0.116862 0.629659 -0.768032 -0.205244 0.840999 -0.500595 -0.576685 0.0678454 -0.814144 -0.199622 0.829201 -0.522089 0.0382157 0.636928 -0.769975 --0.132784 0.708183 -0.69343 -0.509512 0.445823 -0.735962 0.551977 -0.296608 -0.779324 --0.621821 -0.74489 0.241819 0.173984 -0.951112 0.255176 0.0641335 0.689436 -0.721502 -0.384586 0.590081 -0.709858 -0.977292 0.141508 0.157723 -0.254904 -0.892165 0.372915 --0.299088 -0.94711 -0.116312 -0.326407 -0.940819 0.0912019 0.633746 -0.660714 -0.402272 -0.768 -0.6 -0.224 0.26906 -0.858646 0.436272 -0.570063 -0.819726 -0.0554806 --0.399285 -0.613471 -0.681341 0.514472 0.35586 -0.780181 0.833419 0.44824 -0.323255 -0.84591 0.422955 -0.324878 -0.745351 -0.643481 -0.174311 0.507703 0.58509 -0.632382 -0.641742 0.647196 -0.411466 -0.846289 -0.531477 -0.0364195 -0.0377937 0.259517 -0.964999 -0.474143 0.720697 -0.505752 0.811386 -0.298932 0.502287 0.319102 -0.78366 0.532964 --0.326634 0.0130654 -0.945061 0.480956 0.775735 -0.408554 0.816645 0.576703 -0.0224507 --0.831019 -0.250951 0.496417 -0.490006 -0.601371 -0.631068 0.893498 0.0845509 -0.441036 -0.763268 -0.637292 -0.106215 -0.0642451 -0.936143 -0.3457 -0.431452 -0.748863 -0.503044 --0.796918 -0.446582 -0.4068 0.886277 -0.276366 0.371665 -0.426638 -0.781221 -0.455712 -0.607777 0.00542658 -0.794089 0.802224 0.36572 -0.471896 -0.869659 0.49359 0.00783477 --0.71059 0.688726 -0.14394 0.885195 -0.42083 -0.198322 0.587107 -0.569098 0.575701 -0.561558 0.505402 0.65515 0.815869 0.273909 -0.509247 -0.98744 0.143628 0.0658293 --0.773334 -0.559509 -0.298167 -0.643952 -0.13365 -0.753302 -0.0106825 -0.758459 -0.651634 --0.0861221 0.5844 0.806882 0.89086 0.222715 0.395938 0.414513 -0.612759 0.672834 --0.933702 0.322464 0.155617 0.403577 -0.828969 -0.387216 -0.589968 -0.543392 -0.597213 -0.0960738 0.288221 0.952732 -0.759953 -0.595639 0.260164 0.058722 -0.998274 0 --0.823847 -0.561068 0.0804908 -0.0323125 0.972067 -0.23247 -0.555582 0.694477 -0.457198 --0.971022 -0.0357431 -0.236302 -0.924955 -0.295986 -0.238433 -0.22434 -0.931012 0.287903 -0.933969 0.324859 0.148894 0.851205 0.206353 -0.482564 -0.753044 -0.331278 0.568489 -0.750727 -0.034124 0.65973 -0.625343 -0.606951 0.490465 -0.446065 -0.592582 0.670725 --0.923537 -0.0157474 0.383186 -0.341077 0.420397 0.840793 0.207583 0.928019 0.309339 -0.548625 0.648375 0.527844 0.970118 0.191682 -0.148761 0.246795 0.943394 0.221585 --0.805546 0.109847 0.582262 -0.0574128 -0.80059 0.596456 0.939336 -0.34205 -0.0254657 --0.611717 -0.694063 0.379578 0.00944936 -0.982733 0.184787 0.837139 -0.335124 -0.432309 -0.867052 -0.144121 -0.476917 -0.62838 -0.583709 0.51422 -0.814936 -0.382599 0.435313 --0.762198 -0.396171 0.51196 0.666667 -0.133333 -0.733333 0.0066872 -0.595161 0.803579 --0.264305 -0.816942 0.512591 -0.624136 -0.289599 0.725663 0.322258 -0.314065 0.893036 --0.396763 -0.523727 0.75385 0.0234246 -0.726164 0.687123 0.174694 -0.744069 0.644859 -0.699113 0.636239 -0.326253 0.710531 -0.4222 -0.562933 -0.492213 -0.118658 0.862349 --0.155189 -0.731085 0.664403 -0.310017 -0.75782 0.574106 -0.852302 -0.171869 0.494006 --0.0637487 -0.812796 0.57905 0.22359 0.941931 -0.250547 -0.644618 -0.738952 -0.196006 -0.506935 0.76695 -0.393452 -0.467142 0.27479 -0.840398 -0.200632 -0.72536 -0.658483 --0.191611 -0.8191 -0.540704 0.358312 -0.879151 -0.314177 0.143058 0.839276 -0.524548 --0.461237 -0.864036 -0.201748 -0.550213 -0.431616 -0.714824 -0.269224 -0.423066 -0.865179 -0.0698754 -0.635866 0.76863 0.172456 -0.426183 0.888047 0.66742 0.725401 -0.168358 -0.386712 0.858631 -0.336461 -0.576683 0.384455 -0.720854 -0.435259 -0.0423404 -0.899309 --0.155511 -0.459672 0.874367 -0.433461 -0.791066 0.431655 -0.604078 0.745775 0.280909 --0.996926 -0.0772811 -0.0128802 -0.060117 -0.865685 0.496967 0.6506 0.74819 -0.13012 --0.50084 -0.797035 -0.337483 -0.98064 0.0492949 0.189512 0.0126828 -0.674 -0.738622 -0.6305 -0.339879 0.697819 0 -0.472408 0.88138 -0.445054 -0.376861 0.812344 -0.573308 0.806359 0.145269 -0.317861 0.946014 0.063428 0.555598 0.811046 0.183071 -0.554127 0.829097 0.0744419 -0.390133 -0.23242 0.890942 -0.908379 -0.416506 -0.0370227 --0.768679 -0.361731 -0.527525 0.404002 -0.404002 -0.820709 0.513144 -0.372556 -0.77323 -0.542005 -0.527357 -0.654313 -0.347528 -0.538328 -0.767742 -0.286044 -0.618654 -0.731741 --0.156417 -0.449142 0.879662 0.284843 -0.0931216 0.95404 -0.397439 0.228527 0.888717 --0.152511 0.0538274 0.986835 -0.258021 -0.488103 0.833775 -0.840079 0.294433 0.455606 --0.931626 0.2465 0.267042 0.473692 0.68183 0.557426 0.225875 -0.309977 0.923523 --0.779569 -0.550896 0.297969 0.389904 -0.322095 -0.862687 -0.457239 -0.452489 -0.765628 --0.769422 -0.129357 0.625505 0 -0.454739 0.890625 0.712958 -0.235879 0.660343 -0.590895 -0.401198 0.699916 -0.692747 0.161911 0.70277 -0.347437 -0.820281 0.454341 -0.488719 -0.57264 0.658207 -0.153549 0.472832 0.867671 -0.243055 -0.884449 0.39834 --0.0845631 0.819611 -0.566645 0.735378 0.1329 -0.664498 0.241294 -0.487415 -0.839168 --0.343322 -0.672138 -0.656019 -0.365424 -0.637432 -0.67834 -0.0832131 0.254534 0.963477 -0.120501 -0.271127 0.954971 0.309647 -0.465699 0.829001 0.604564 -0.310033 0.733745 -0.325999 -0.10161 0.939894 0.338341 0.931664 0.132394 0.71773 -0.118145 0.686225 --0.242618 -0.679331 0.692565 0.516544 0.843397 -0.147862 0.484088 0.633273 -0.603842 -0.661233 0.418971 -0.622281 0.31461 0.750833 -0.58075 -0.206203 0.904889 -0.372366 -0.0224029 0.847576 -0.530201 -0.190866 0.438992 -0.877984 0.275766 -0.529172 -0.802453 -0.31833 -0.48339 -0.815475 0.0705311 -0.712364 -0.698257 -0.131773 -0.779013 -0.613004 --0.193575 -0.71323 -0.67367 -0.489911 0.553631 0.67341 -0.276104 -0.516582 0.810499 --0.285549 -0.095183 0.953626 -0.0892342 0 0.996011 0.539156 -0.589431 0.601566 --0.474298 -0.380462 0.793908 -0.986091 -0.152084 0.0670476 0.420109 0.904591 -0.0722769 -0.441151 0.893024 -0.0888429 -0.43675 0.780551 -0.447202 0.415877 -0.883738 -0.214603 --0.188738 0.924816 -0.330292 0.121147 0.987349 -0.102302 -0.779696 0.60643 0.155939 --0.48517 -0.749809 -0.449885 -0.381799 0 0.924245 0.494724 -0.169152 0.852429 --0.456887 -0.45452 0.764635 0.0189 -0.7686 0.63945 -0.305122 0 0.952313 --0.883178 -0.0334176 0.467846 0.975461 0.0248701 0.218765 0.696289 0.690828 0.194779 -0.443242 0.89612 -0.0224833 -0.369419 -0.181656 -0.911335 0.451936 -0.885795 -0.105452 --0.72774 -0.610632 0.312287 0 -0.61519 -0.788379 0.133662 -0.61917 -0.773798 -0.113717 -0.760903 -0.638824 -0.369801 -0.665642 -0.648204 -0.0342371 -0.725827 0.687025 --0.167154 -0.297295 0.94004 0.16328 -0.569211 0.805815 0.743706 0.424975 0.516041 -0.490768 -0.208642 0.84594 0.287294 -0.721474 -0.63003 -0.742765 -0.427652 -0.515184 --0.676961 0.132552 0.723985 -0.164613 -0.420322 0.892318 -0.572824 -0.329707 0.750444 -0.272078 -0.743681 0.610665 0.659524 0.544182 0.51855 0.339597 0.25412 0.905592 --0.245284 -0.531449 0.810801 -0.310388 -0.843483 0.438401 -0.955175 -0.212261 -0.206365 --0.783488 0 0.621407 -0.31772 0.926235 0.202838 -0.397139 0.917528 0.0205417 -0.400384 0.85243 0.336236 0.123878 0.916698 0.379893 -0.310369 -0.846462 0.432636 -0.845257 0.432523 0.313791 0.655033 0.74668 0.115764 -0.407329 -0.878302 0.250337 -0.991945 -0.101338 0.0760036 -0.997329 0 0.0730367 0.898404 0.431997 0.0790521 --0.727004 0.2812 0.626412 -0.975467 -0.00950748 -0.21994 0.728168 0.102717 0.677658 -0.59963 -0.237136 0.764337 -0.766545 0.178928 0.61676 0.568873 -0.644363 0.511057 --0.0122066 -0.772068 0.635422 -0.331944 -0.881242 0.336491 -0.0746191 -0.983867 0.162596 --0.859657 -0.459269 0.223746 0.799719 0.517609 -0.304188 0.646401 -0.609812 0.458579 --0.432498 -0.900382 -0.0475093 -0.364245 0.610786 -0.70304 -0.915037 -0.174293 0.36377 -0.824065 0.560746 -0.0804965 -0.489021 0.789957 -0.3699 0.975721 -0.136391 0.171363 --0.853388 0.426694 -0.299434 0.608354 -0.01767 0.793469 0.659089 0.0063374 0.752038 --0.948889 0.289914 0.124741 -0.314891 0.944674 0.0918433 0.831238 0.465312 -0.304185 -0.094667 0.9493 -0.299779 0.809295 -0.012302 0.587273 -0.845043 -0.423074 0.326971 -0.808137 -0.493278 -0.321855 -0.129371 0.954112 -0.270062 -0.873153 0.293771 0.388975 --0.916029 0.373197 -0.147017 -0.573422 -0.798089 0.185045 -0.728867 -0.684582 -0.0100463 -0.662043 0.367159 0.65337 0.0576586 0.897827 0.436558 -0.932517 0.345674 -0.104506 -0.773286 -0.594163 0.221355 -0.160785 0.920046 0.3573 -0.652284 -0.489828 0.578441 --0.719465 -0.527608 0.451664 -0.197394 -0.958769 0.204443 0.625048 -0.644351 0.440598 --0.450171 -0.467825 0.760583 -0.681206 -0.390797 0.619061 -0.269787 -0.926849 0.261084 -0.488812 -0.852821 0.183738 0.24203 -0.96812 0.0645413 0.152247 0.792952 -0.589956 --0.1013 0.964653 -0.243274 0.36482 0.781757 -0.505729 0.120654 0.890714 0.43826 --0.750137 0.641055 -0.162306 -0.300564 0.826551 -0.475893 0.889031 0.457648 0.0135305 -0.0175601 -0.807767 -0.589241 -0.627992 -0.250176 -0.736912 -0.832573 -0.0101197 -0.553822 --0.180239 0.959128 -0.218146 -0.975822 0.203105 0.0807432 0.446144 0.892288 0.0691209 --0.18645 -0.849383 -0.493747 -0.47971 -0.830184 -0.284029 -0.873968 -0.0771149 0.479826 --0.812278 0.330308 0.48073 0.642143 0.762545 0.0785956 0.685601 0.713303 -0.145431 -0.293974 0.551202 0.780869 -0.42041 -0.371525 0.827783 0.728482 0.0466762 -0.683473 --0.891428 -0.445714 -0.0818219 0.916834 -0.00274091 0.399259 0.532432 -0.846287 -0.0177477 -0.494079 -0.868381 0.0424209 -0.487983 0.486076 0.724985 0.620801 0.558721 0.549942 -0.311032 -0.948301 -0.0631279 0.699592 -0.699592 -0.145405 0.584159 -0.767357 -0.264427 -0.425544 -0.830331 -0.35981 0.464224 -0.858815 -0.216638 -0.188658 -0.981024 -0.044719 --0.659388 -0.746212 -0.0915165 0.771295 -0.290089 -0.566527 0.48177 0.404687 -0.777256 --0.194547 0.960578 -0.1986 -0.0345892 0.992606 0.116346 0.330335 0.739792 0.586163 --0.554409 0.671126 0.492159 0.104307 0.382459 0.918066 -0.464886 0.757472 0.458385 -0.696904 -0.420772 0.580754 0.82618 -0.563304 -0.0107296 -0.701191 -0.643716 -0.306531 --0.637416 -0.762623 -0.11003 0.58002 0.305686 -0.755071 0.385464 0.566682 -0.72821 -0.488593 0.576477 -0.654944 0.232487 0.854254 -0.464974 0.864582 0.27765 0.418818 --0.717908 0.683609 0.131478 0.481512 -0.502773 0.71789 0.654403 -0.364243 -0.662634 -0.566525 0.446772 -0.692419 -0.334364 -0.675893 0.656787 0.383583 -0.280166 0.879984 --0.82266 0.558234 0.107729 0.157532 0.984574 0.0761404 0.0894869 0.995541 0.029829 --0.456209 0.82688 -0.328851 -0.873372 0.487054 0 0.61682 0.106348 0.779887 -0.906605 -0.215459 0.362829 -0.735083 -0.479402 0.479402 -0.697206 -0.681626 0.222015 -0.337685 -0.92096 -0.194425 -0.78914 -0.39457 -0.470715 -0.451943 0.795246 -0.404142 -0.423041 0.867963 -0.260146 0.0770327 -0.99661 0.0288872 0.182021 -0.982915 0.0273032 --0.406562 -0.877078 -0.255814 0.998458 -0.0264492 0.0488051 -0.985628 -0.0467954 0.162321 --0.225258 -0.946086 -0.232767 0.908438 -0.417071 -0.0281424 0.19366 -0.937125 0.290332 -0.384013 -0.776411 -0.49972 0.370627 0.688307 -0.623594 0.881539 -0.467803 0.0636275 --0.935347 0.289678 -0.203008 0.930651 -0.101641 0.351509 -0.990077 0.12673 0.0607247 -0.505532 -0.767014 0.395129 0.780537 -0.617513 -0.0971554 -0.87798 0.432438 0.205299 -0.0433967 -0.902651 0.42818 0.291171 -0.934174 0.206246 0.979034 -0.19221 0.067442 --0.933366 0.35779 -0.0285195 0.978478 0.181628 -0.0979368 0.976701 0.111094 0.183614 -0.722059 -0.499788 0.478375 0.726421 0.682865 0.0775144 0.275503 0.771407 0.573611 -0.117289 0.640673 0.758803 0.217482 -0.931812 0.290565 0.109131 -0.992576 0.0536996 --0.850588 0.514502 0.108571 -0.755283 0.422272 0.501233 0.795559 0.595362 -0.112382 --0.965902 0.0616179 0.251468 0.393091 -0.91277 -0.111043 0.627833 0.623675 0.465677 -0.815527 0.547 0.188964 -0.129827 0.536618 0.833778 -0.629313 0.0646238 0.77446 --0.627186 -0.677179 0.384795 0.142175 -0.95994 0.241455 0.838717 -0.279572 0.467325 --0.828097 0.559978 -0.0260671 -0.793616 0.605257 0.0619489 -0.732389 0.642249 -0.226102 --0.919556 0.276615 -0.279107 -0.80546 0.577246 0.134243 0.85064 -0.515539 -0.103108 --0.529412 0.705882 0.470588 0.204655 0.708985 0.674875 -0.0936265 0.206624 0.973931 --0.430175 -0.0977054 0.897442 -0.87821 -0.40941 0.247247 0.817799 -0.572902 0.0546677 -0.274368 -0.00783907 0.961593 0.468355 0.212223 0.857674 -0.867086 -0.412898 -0.278706 -0.333247 0.773089 0.539704 -0.738222 0.0025812 0.674553 -0.729397 -0.388927 0.562775 --0.0345494 -0.958747 -0.282154 -0.759089 -0.498152 -0.41908 -0.883272 0.430186 -0.186469 -0.782948 -0.445471 0.434221 -0.702032 0.226257 0.675247 -0.818275 0.221564 0.53041 --0.759455 -0.607564 0.232583 0.038568 -0.994504 -0.0973383 0.741072 -0.553145 -0.380582 --0.402702 -0.434919 -0.805405 -0.591824 -0.313319 -0.742681 0.179559 -0.193371 -0.964555 -0.779622 -0.507457 0.366984 -0.0705151 -0.564121 0.822676 0.555662 0.789844 0.259586 -0.701905 0.712266 -0.00259006 -0.393066 -0.426583 -0.814571 -0.638362 -0.0640302 -0.767069 --0.156625 0.86731 -0.472485 -0.154957 0.923893 -0.349871 -0.566104 0.299702 -0.767923 --0.0540124 -0.900207 0.432099 0.717203 0.646973 0.258931 0.0387284 0.96821 -0.247124 --0.852252 0.233952 -0.467903 0.770828 -0.513885 -0.376492 -0.433293 0.0772538 -0.897936 --0.441542 -0.532343 -0.722254 0.586711 0.369167 -0.720754 -0.597891 -0.0128579 -0.801474 -0.817247 0.0674791 -0.572323 -0.284468 -0.924521 -0.253651 -0.0394122 -0.992603 -0.114831 -0.586584 -0.782685 -0.208143 0.210896 -0.723071 -0.657793 0.784555 -0.564991 -0.255458 --0.985826 0.125934 -0.110848 0.428532 0.836033 0.342651 0.544306 0.834603 0.0846699 --0.0273532 0.877789 0.478266 0.213399 0.87769 0.429093 -0.616112 0.724439 -0.309184 -0.725074 0.623471 0.292493 0.158607 0.929215 0.33377 0.241388 0.836883 0.491283 -0.277472 0.501692 0.819337 -0.586161 0.806416 0.0781548 -0.76939 0.377436 0.515346 -0.999076 0 -0.042971 0.901624 -0.276498 -0.332599 0.674453 0.551825 -0.490511 --0.302206 0.910816 -0.28122 -0.823832 0.322169 -0.466378 0.54395 0.390528 -0.742701 --0.786183 0.293769 -0.543706 0.923501 0.340491 0.17667 0.972855 0.221754 0.0661684 -0.249189 0.386672 0.887913 0.461058 0.675504 0.57543 -0.07817 -0.986144 -0.146318 --0.251057 -0.502114 -0.827558 0.781083 0.414068 -0.467395 0.162452 0.699794 -0.695628 -0.389264 -0.528137 -0.754682 -0.636464 -0.603463 -0.48036 0.922692 0.168944 -0.346551 --0.218208 0.877029 0.428024 0.0545856 0.846076 0.53026 -0.968434 -0.220467 -0.11632 -0.783573 -0.602749 -0.150687 0.166574 -0.760448 -0.627672 0.318941 0.528531 -0.786722 -0.707104 -0.335421 -0.622493 0.531772 -0.335856 -0.777444 0.705496 -0.264561 -0.657483 -0.90796 -0.0974804 -0.407561 0.141996 -0.812534 -0.565355 0.12281 -0.973037 -0.195237 --0.830287 -0.0919985 -0.549691 -0.907136 0.412125 -0.0851879 0.813701 0.28835 -0.504723 --0.980578 0.155423 0.119629 -0.21579 0.951074 0.221118 0.884389 -0.365954 -0.289714 -0.175323 0.91001 -0.375692 -0.294649 0.955378 -0.0208338 0.803538 0.583107 -0.119636 --0.0328396 0.97026 0.239828 -0.762362 0.39702 0.511057 -0.644103 0.644103 -0.412629 --0.861474 0.501651 0.0787934 0.757674 0.631395 -0.165134 -0.173715 0.98398 -0.0400881 -0.0590994 0.98105 0.184521 -0.485725 0.794409 0.364672 -0.601819 0.71081 0.364093 -0.0892751 0.982026 0.166297 0.755531 -0.458715 0.46771 -0.778652 0.593134 0.204679 -0.253929 0.948003 0.191858 0.253345 0.957082 0.140747 -0.01281 0.999179 0.03843 --0.784161 0.61138 -0.106327 -0.472775 0.8678 0.152994 -0.20039 0.901035 0.384682 --0.450055 0.725713 0.520376 -0.466501 0.641439 0.609043 -0.307698 -0.946762 -0.0946762 -0.606794 0.794186 0.0327193 -0.768634 0.409112 0.491761 -0.83657 0.375603 0.398841 -0.0107634 0.8826 0.470002 -0.305333 0.395137 0.866394 0.0352067 0.95058 0.308477 -0.69164 0.332688 0.641056 0.845559 0.383356 0.371575 0.673364 -0.424423 0.605348 -0.810594 0.583705 0.0471877 0.558877 0.0745169 0.825896 -0.753087 0.423041 0.503881 -0.457134 -0.0489787 0.888048 -0.556414 -0.529127 0.640647 -0.88778 0.333531 0.317181 --0.997911 0.0636821 -0.0108395 -0.0206386 -0.97591 0.217196 0.576738 -0.814743 -0.059724 --0.688388 0.697176 0.20017 0.46534 0.850908 0.24375 0.204143 0.74805 0.631464 -0.620335 0.592866 0.513512 -0.0176425 -0.970336 0.241114 0.792424 -0.255187 0.554025 --0.988113 -0.0306392 -0.150643 -0.291551 0.892875 0.34318 0.188902 -0.981878 0.0152229 -0.992506 0.0577038 0.107714 -0.903829 0.0703452 -0.422071 0.506059 -0.857637 0.0914458 -0.888234 -0.41419 -0.198715 0.0314464 0.993183 0.112246 0.0985576 0.995086 -0.00950994 -0.00309445 0.996412 0.0845815 0.0966845 0.995281 0.00821502 0.970079 -0.0928306 -0.22434 -0.0858495 0.985225 0.148193 0.459898 -0.813099 0.356881 0.420206 -0.452529 0.786539 --0.67743 -0.658185 0.328451 -0.603843 -0.738414 0.300196 0.538519 -0.817208 0.20535 --0.856362 0.486709 -0.172505 0.440858 -0.896412 0.0457186 -0.496167 -0.857016 -0.139077 --0.493412 -0.695837 -0.521878 0.121931 0.738758 -0.66285 0 0.69568 -0.718351 -0.117862 0.833876 -0.53922 -0.301478 0.836417 -0.457731 0.415422 0.671664 -0.613427 -0.431768 -0.895729 0.106048 0.732543 0.0261622 -0.680218 -0.0326107 -0.605627 -0.79508 --0.827311 -0.15551 -0.539791 0.779259 -0.610771 0.140407 0.529982 -0.714323 -0.457013 -0.54406 -0.746676 -0.382718 0.444184 -0.895533 -0.026866 -0.612625 -0.722253 -0.321001 -0.471829 0.688978 -0.55017 -0.223669 0.688465 -0.689919 -0.13129 0.774159 -0.619226 -0.0911533 0.299504 -0.949731 0.892607 -0.318788 -0.318788 0.0223457 -0.938521 -0.344497 --0.444963 -0.874583 -0.192647 -0.60169 -0.575867 -0.553486 0.342074 0.724872 -0.597951 --0.270215 0.628249 -0.72958 0.121069 0.407716 -0.905047 -0.23157 0.605852 -0.76113 --0.342352 0.569403 -0.747379 0.117507 0.568803 -0.814036 0.023847 0.7614 -0.647843 --0.526226 0.585519 -0.616648 -0.231181 0.854087 -0.46593 -0.784243 0.54556 -0.295512 -0.9009 -0.345628 -0.262526 -0.35482 -0.906762 -0.227786 -0.227612 -0.699695 -0.677215 -0.202606 0.162084 -0.965753 0.331769 0.539125 -0.774128 0.330417 0.788996 -0.517987 -0.22223 0.864528 -0.450783 -0.0817823 0.324208 -0.942444 0.112184 0.518025 -0.847977 --0.129178 0.172871 -0.976437 -0.715707 0.486015 -0.50155 0.0109128 0.979177 -0.202714 --0.10432 0.799788 -0.591148 -0.33193 -0.86539 -0.375397 0.188744 0.0330303 -0.981471 -0.475564 0.466758 -0.745638 0.464235 0.714406 -0.523554 0.182576 0.845068 -0.50252 -0.0765634 0.796955 -0.599166 -0.168661 0.748856 -0.640912 -0.0476265 0.483069 -0.874286 -0.356329 -0.344451 -0.868552 -0.390794 0.256037 -0.884152 -0.696654 0.171308 -0.696654 --0.126787 0.235461 -0.963578 -0.803303 0.087633 -0.589089 -0.98186 -0.11417 0.151381 --0.191918 -0.967673 0.163636 -0.00956072 -0.984755 0.173686 -0.389125 0.243203 -0.888501 --0.574119 -0.812714 0.0994146 0.00366827 0.201755 -0.979429 0.243627 0.705803 -0.665198 -0.427219 0.759135 -0.491119 -0.337822 0.445311 -0.829201 0.186444 0.445845 -0.875477 -0.329095 0.329095 -0.885095 -0.285756 0.417995 -0.862336 0.312529 0.659652 -0.683509 --0.428604 -0.898519 0.0946715 0.889324 0.0896797 -0.448398 -0.474634 0.443728 -0.76015 -0 -0.241626 -0.970369 0.664454 0.45961 -0.589287 0.0151411 0.847901 -0.529938 -0.101695 0.38983 -0.915254 0.0947333 0.271776 -0.957686 0.334016 0.513871 -0.79017 --0.798846 -0.589048 0.121934 0.652356 -0.753425 -0.0823527 0.478811 -0.806061 0.34786 -0.552936 0.535923 -0.638003 0.430075 -0.900803 0.0599109 -0.812626 0.58231 -0.0235386 -0.739027 0.451547 -0.499944 0.0858603 -0.932198 0.351618 0.592979 -0.662741 -0.45733 -0.229178 -0.965324 -0.125006 -0.865837 0.151789 -0.476745 -0.290488 0.544665 -0.786738 -0.566408 0.82264 0.0494483 0.238092 0.965783 -0.102838 -0.931211 0.271112 -0.243608 -0.913181 0.391363 0.11373 0.844132 0.522029 0.122177 -0.85241 -0.522741 -0.0118208 -0.773164 0.629435 -0.0776468 0.42169 -0.901543 0.0969401 -0.40193 -0.818801 0.409899 -0.877593 -0.00566189 -0.479373 0.996265 -0.0797012 -0.0332089 -0.630452 -0.302759 0.71475 -0.469776 -0.058722 0.88083 0.885716 -0.36621 0.285303 0.806559 -0.12566 -0.577644 --0.0478107 -0.273204 0.960767 -0.125909 -0.924588 0.359562 0.739254 -0.576042 0.348825 -0.810052 -0.236301 -0.536635 0.851356 -0.0949053 -0.515931 0.8308 -0.200538 -0.519187 --0.981549 0.0885608 0.169468 -0.779176 0.446306 0.440108 -0.266874 0.951168 0.155106 --0.220171 0.798397 0.560435 -0.198288 0.925346 0.323137 -0.313712 0.686775 0.655686 --0.669239 -0.540294 0.5101 -0.528226 0.136947 0.837988 -0.711376 0.643626 0.282292 --0.868 -0.432311 0.244301 -0.64222 -0.725087 0.248601 0.0137037 -0.986669 0.162161 --0.429028 -0.899734 0.0800853 -0.796435 -0.584053 0.156759 -0.930467 -0.266065 0.251875 --0.928756 -0.321726 0.184132 -0.459829 -0.887945 -0.0105708 0.65052 -0.359335 -0.669106 --0.595695 -0.689505 0.411983 -0.592954 -0.67838 0.433828 -0.932875 -0.201208 0.298764 --0.548243 0.146952 0.823307 -0.124359 0.683972 0.71883 -0.622472 0.77809 0.0842931 -0.294561 -0.13105 -0.946604 0.434018 0.648209 0.625663 0.560395 0.557255 0.612719 --0.768221 0 0.640184 -0.0907617 0.0819377 0.992496 -0.794135 -0.560566 0.234767 -0.744918 -0.157802 -0.648225 0.267261 -0.455916 -0.848947 -0.2543 -0.736411 -0.626921 -0.195894 -0.138278 -0.970827 -0.435293 -0.114005 0.893041 0.0790537 -0.837969 0.539961 --0.345503 -0.877873 0.331611 -0.773505 -0.630704 0.0624754 -0.194607 0.7914 -0.579495 -0.463032 -0.40981 -0.785912 -0.53091 -0.3492 0.772136 -0.48301 -0.802979 0.34918 --0.373332 -0.919782 0.120931 -0.691705 -0.620847 -0.368909 -0.378586 0.107728 0.919276 -0.772425 0 0.635105 0.311129 -0.677475 -0.666503 0 -0.913276 -0.407341 -0.69236 0.437533 -0.573761 -0.426071 -0.809534 -0.403879 0.51719 -0.292749 -0.804247 --0.275126 -0.776825 0.566435 -0.641663 -0.278551 -0.714617 0.420445 -0.544391 -0.725855 -0 -0.352946 -0.935644 0.399175 -0.536822 -0.743291 -0.378509 -0.485634 -0.787966 --0.564532 0.0903252 0.820454 0.00265338 -0.934652 0.355553 -0.0899031 -0.611341 0.786244 --0.8985 -0.252409 0.359149 0.673672 0.688717 -0.26802 -0.294485 -0.0631039 -0.95357 --0.830727 -0.420057 -0.365301 0.658488 0.719872 0.219496 -0.213353 0.963834 0.159703 --0.627803 0.700068 0.340248 0.546366 -0.561496 -0.621456 0.397347 -0.397347 -0.827182 --0.363614 -0.886822 0.285187 0.898894 -0.254554 0.356641 0.506943 -0.699884 0.50316 --0.573804 -0.538189 -0.617334 -0.483412 -0.0303714 -0.874866 0.598451 -0.619825 0.507615 -0.832499 0.445981 0.328705 -0.691032 -0.707291 0.149046 0.172447 -0.172447 -0.969806 --0.147857 -0.535454 -0.831521 -0.796696 -0.534456 0.282193 -0.197786 -0.928159 0.315279 -0.780603 -0.617143 0.0989653 0.820248 -0.568277 0.0652267 -0.973758 -0.0226455 0.226455 -0.919315 0.315586 0.235088 -0.600009 0.695182 -0.395868 0.307166 -0.557185 -0.771488 --0.357909 -0.586027 -0.726962 -0.991927 0.0148882 0.12593 -0.0436156 0.992255 -0.116308 -0.112852 0.94439 -0.308857 0 -0.699193 -0.714933 0.425581 -0.816792 0.389526 -0.554604 -0.805184 0.209984 -0.249555 -0.960203 0.125428 -0.907917 -0.0466872 0.416542 --0.819624 -0.015762 0.572686 0.897071 -0.135263 0.420675 -0.184387 0.964488 -0.189115 -0.785175 0.141838 -0.602812 -0.138233 0.990354 -0.00946802 -0.189037 -0.578924 0.793166 -0.80907 0.367141 0.458926 0.712364 0.274947 0.64571 -0.0772307 -0.724038 0.685423 --0.537326 -0.828757 0.156341 0.644661 0.764466 0.00190166 -0.633842 -0.741595 0.219732 --0.918632 -0.260508 -0.29707 -0.7758 -0.123306 -0.618813 -0.869091 -0.364103 -0.334829 -0.974566 -0.0251501 0.222683 0.856428 0.260562 0.445689 0 0.286582 0.958056 --0.622242 -0.656182 0.426896 -0.357277 -0.849524 0.388152 0.37847 0.879466 0.288617 -0.498339 0.839761 0.215544 -0.144164 -0.677962 0.720822 0.23215 -0.747922 0.621868 --0.0706076 -0.723728 0.686463 -0.717444 0.105168 0.688631 -0.689846 0.489349 0.533526 --0.731974 -0.671632 0.114562 0.0533486 0.906926 0.417897 0.494058 0.56507 0.660759 -0.729844 0.00793309 0.683568 -0.482697 -0.848026 -0.218757 -0.419436 -0.885477 -0.200009 --0.00301935 0.960153 0.279458 0.440196 0.752001 0.490635 -0.518201 0.782381 0.345467 --0.205353 -0.966659 0.152971 0.211218 -0.766884 0.606033 -0.834638 0.244123 0.493745 -0.799797 -0.307182 0.515716 0.527763 -0.0232623 0.849073 0.32594 -0.211257 0.921484 --0.274095 -0.713168 0.645185 -0.883103 -0.186223 0.43064 -0.551854 -0.827781 -0.101173 -0.968937 0.238534 0.0652922 -0.743488 0.529791 0.408102 0.545829 -0.433453 0.71707 --0.0797452 0 0.996815 0.391437 -0.669001 0.631834 -0.994407 -0.0678005 0.0809839 -0.652413 -0.609865 0.449913 -0.0276256 -0.910692 0.412161 -0.462232 -0.850126 0.252242 -0.270156 -0.689204 0.672319 -0.107629 0.522768 0.845654 -0.85372 0.357847 -0.378295 -0.362319 -0.687358 0.629495 0.0133976 -0.697707 0.716258 0.0683529 -0.772767 0.630998 -0.0312361 -0.777431 0.628192 -0.367265 -0.477998 0.797894 -0.38953 0.174335 0.904364 --0.158268 0.939195 0.304735 -0.657367 -0.734704 0.167564 0.338555 -0.63728 0.692283 -0.862128 0.00451376 0.50667 0.623929 -0.736236 0.26205 0.290356 -0.758885 0.582912 -0.778424 -0.346822 0.523231 -0.606172 -0.589621 0.533762 0.75355 -0.58685 0.29626 -0.246752 -0.809346 0.532984 -0.52009 -0.821074 0.235252 -0.709675 -0.68583 0.161238 -0.724845 -0.50997 0.463175 -0.916951 -0.395842 0.0501066 0.676329 0.736447 -0.0150295 -0.767536 -0.167899 0.618626 -0.726525 -0.676171 0.122286 0.807047 0.590411 -0.00949268 -0.536529 0.75552 -0.375935 0.189109 0.866118 0.462686 0.442605 -0.872192 0.208285 -0.762131 -0.568369 -0.31002 -0.913272 -0.258988 -0.31442 0.69705 -0.0279752 0.716477 -0.789299 -0.613216 0.0311944 0.605487 -0.630201 0.486037 0.760199 -0.612195 0.21752 --0.0822578 0.740321 0.667202 -0.856848 0.386508 -0.341209 0.413355 0.908883 0.0554045 -0.863375 -0.234283 0.446873 0.839448 -0.395966 0.372208 0.172774 0.777482 0.604708 --0.370247 0.887797 0.273373 -0.0265889 0.868572 0.49485 -0.703839 0.614933 -0.355624 -0.703157 -0.559768 0.438439 -0.295777 -0.371963 0.879863 -0.402732 -0.826118 0.394127 -0.751439 -0.644091 0.143131 -0.202927 0.96954 -0.137164 0.159409 0.299785 -0.940594 --0.345135 0.446563 0.825508 -0.755784 0.644915 0.113472 -0.0127457 -0.939996 0.340948 -0.554481 -0.73529 -0.389744 0.0383201 0.996322 -0.0766402 0 -0.993884 0.110432 -0.0623914 0.0594204 0.996281 -0.198595 -0.0379667 0.979346 -0.552502 -0.357105 0.753139 -0.95364 -0.283515 0.100948 0.0788381 -0.996887 -0.00103734 -0.623823 -0.516158 -0.586879 -0.619117 -0.711247 -0.332898 -0.587694 0.350116 -0.729407 0.425525 -0.633559 -0.646167 --0.792719 0.125052 -0.596623 0.549647 0.682485 0.48177 0.284613 0.868068 0.406759 -0.125081 0.646252 0.752803 -0.482884 0.46248 0.743596 0.0495907 0.963994 -0.261258 --0.220279 0.885436 -0.409244 -0.769262 -0.210159 -0.603382 0.463245 0.863706 -0.198534 -0.457551 0.889148 0.00801034 0.106283 0.978284 0.177943 -0.824598 0.385214 0.414305 --0.970146 -0.233118 0.0668742 0.99625 0.0510898 -0.0698227 -0.35326 0.855806 0.377895 --0.221715 0.565373 0.794478 -0.193881 0.320325 0.927255 -0.925243 0.0155069 0.379057 --0.843303 0.0018575 -0.537435 -0.894793 -0.13778 -0.424691 0.799902 0.47053 -0.372503 --0.316261 0.67903 0.662493 0.597121 0.11642 0.793658 -0.584023 0.460358 0.668572 --0.651687 0.267705 0.709675 0.730825 0.375507 0.56999 0.678212 0.452142 0.579306 -0.440507 0.652459 0.616645 -0.343026 0.883311 0.319524 0.00573542 0.81443 0.580234 --0.074976 0.995877 -0.0510706 0.256632 0.946919 -0.193609 0.713131 0.671647 -0.200836 -0.233665 0.826294 -0.512483 -0.883754 0.0489375 -0.465386 0.536882 -0.649454 -0.538486 --0.412153 0.527015 0.743226 0.47761 0.365454 0.798957 -0.198993 0.979813 0.0191922 -0.83459 -0.316449 0.45091 0.520414 0.122544 0.845075 0.585649 0.151293 0.79632 --0.742989 -0.398677 -0.53761 0.250072 0.953478 0.168357 -0.0907066 0.379318 0.920809 -0.0711989 -0.750327 0.657221 0.238656 -0.765445 0.59761 -0.858499 -0.505471 -0.086474 --0.148188 0.254037 0.955775 0.230954 0.798552 0.555855 -0.227606 0.878812 0.419385 -0.830754 -0.527494 0.177759 0.483491 -0.84246 0.237692 -0.547495 -0.79833 -0.250835 --0.596855 -0.778153 -0.195557 0.657571 0.553195 0.511444 -0.588348 0.784465 0.196116 -0.751382 -0.253756 -0.609125 0.69777 0.279108 -0.659709 0.569258 0.597721 -0.564514 -0.57905 0.539268 0.611466 0.355506 -0.0334594 0.934075 -0.695148 0.718065 0.0339511 -0.258622 0.862073 0.435826 -0.32263 0.897752 -0.299919 -0.594266 0.779492 -0.198089 --0.906621 -0.139084 -0.398364 0.426953 -0.760511 0.489218 -0.229504 -0.944247 -0.236062 --0.527683 -0.828512 -0.187401 -0.532891 -0.444664 -0.719932 -0.352344 -0.932926 -0.0741776 --0.257656 -0.96621 -0.00715711 -0.25711 -0.939012 -0.228365 -0.969541 0.153364 -0.19097 -0.799125 -0.599344 0.0467573 0.777426 -0.628471 0.025166 -0.966318 -0.256574 -0.0199928 -0.894109 0.296593 -0.335562 0.690268 -0.711399 -0.132067 0.686383 -0.11969 -0.717323 -0.713259 0.632277 -0.302469 -0.712278 0.651226 -0.261847 0.255656 -0.941177 -0.220965 -0.828486 0.555535 0.0706461 -0.666811 -0.742253 -0.0665188 0.837255 0.52587 -0.149886 --0.935068 -0.289133 -0.205059 0.703161 -0.689533 -0.173519 -0.949556 -0.0091597 -0.313465 -0.590602 0.309984 0.74505 -0.830706 -0.480177 0.281704 0.508962 -0.840972 0.18364 -0.259785 0 -0.965666 0.837165 0.429937 0.338096 -0.454403 -0.495712 0.740126 --0.77485 -0.478956 -0.412563 -0.0814985 -0.995301 0.0522949 0.714269 0.236299 -0.658774 --0.634238 -0.369972 0.678869 0.781088 0.618361 0.0867875 0.474481 0.800686 0.365746 -0.520859 -0.129625 0.843744 0.90976 0.304175 0.282514 -0.746589 -0.603824 0.279288 -0.126534 -0.989943 -0.063267 -0.503895 -0.852012 -0.142002 0.410782 -0.898505 -0.15475 --0.356862 -0.172444 -0.918103 0.655409 0.607867 0.448259 -0.46487 -0.542042 0.700061 -0.00422915 -0.90081 -0.434193 -0.191351 -0.867457 -0.459242 0.821086 -0.454422 -0.345425 --0.546042 0.58859 -0.596154 -0.93058 0.113535 -0.348038 -0.753609 -0.628008 -0.194111 -0.438023 0.109506 0.892269 0.777655 0.330412 0.534866 -0.889174 -0.0967962 -0.447213 -0.160625 -0.103259 -0.981599 -0.0679258 -0.666908 -0.742038 -0.728188 0.305994 0.613279 --0.833474 -0.0123217 0.552422 -0.107566 0.0759289 0.991294 -0.180939 -0.719548 0.670456 --0.350117 -0.73456 0.58124 0.775063 0.60803 -0.171976 0.547788 -0.620137 -0.561568 --0.852937 -0.0140401 -0.521824 -0.941919 -0.217366 0.256009 0.682862 -0.72604 0.0810265 -0.226125 -0.767773 0.599494 -0.77116 -0.632747 0.0703052 0.881302 0.375022 -0.287517 -0.886711 0.28195 -0.366398 0.880522 0.266924 -0.391705 0.329377 -0.838118 -0.434821 --0.0988595 -0.97384 -0.204605 -0.467157 -0.647056 -0.602564 0.463428 0.868927 -0.173785 --0.538635 0.817571 -0.203591 0.504489 -0.246379 -0.827519 -0.159358 -0.830206 -0.534194 --0.520467 -0.546931 -0.655729 0.395295 0.796767 0.45706 -0.168681 0.984547 0.0470471 --0.256167 0.966621 0.004627 0.989896 -0.134516 0.0448385 -0.826469 0.373294 0.421427 -0.343333 -0.924358 -0.166385 0.844812 -0.0808081 -0.528926 -0.666903 0.283434 -0.689134 -0.999991 -0.00306746 -0.00306746 0.970461 -0.206424 -0.124882 -0.19123 -0.956151 0.221827 --0.207602 0.851885 -0.480826 -0.936313 0.317231 -0.150605 0.106412 -0.127695 -0.986088 --0.680817 0.732192 -0.0195712 0.139002 -0.914116 -0.380882 0.911713 0.363804 -0.190858 --0.0763092 0.985661 -0.150499 -0.0643992 0.965988 -0.250441 -0.532559 0.817202 -0.220369 -0.0588725 0.408645 0.910793 -0.376454 0.792696 0.479494 0.564532 0.8054 -0.18065 -0.888415 0.376903 -0.262037 0.042241 0.995884 -0.0801862 0.978205 -0.0670004 -0.196534 -0.558875 0.62795 0.541607 0.362945 0.798117 0.480917 -0.342674 0.920935 -0.185615 -0.686221 0.721715 0.0907074 0.728373 0.681881 -0.067155 0.296334 0.931334 -0.211667 --0.560047 0.665716 0.493123 -0.728108 0.6721 0.134687 0.809224 0.325276 0.489237 -0.26383 0.906776 0.328863 -0.983703 0.14414 0.107479 -0.429642 0.839754 0.331996 --0.563812 0.82589 0.00459786 -0.812234 0.54149 0.216943 0.298822 0.914343 0.273281 -0.258055 0.918501 0.299606 0.892747 0.334366 0.301996 -0.85362 0.219279 0.472493 --0.700469 0.62234 0.349337 0.724669 0.537697 0.430972 -0.851145 -0.338675 0.401063 -0.452102 0.322536 0.83161 0.640457 0.751488 -0.158367 -0.418052 -0.8813 -0.220325 --0.341742 -0.93979 -0.00251281 0.932318 -0.334771 -0.136788 -0.147033 0.952039 0.268335 --0.43836 -0.769566 0.464337 0.170428 0.806892 0.565579 0.381367 0.560659 0.734998 -0.368843 -0.319411 0.872887 -0.24938 -0.798426 0.54802 -0.0984517 -0.950836 0.293628 -0.66899 -0.561804 0.48665 -0.573497 0.517834 -0.634783 -0.934294 0.219331 -0.281048 -0.566153 -0.781677 -0.261631 0.839666 -0.138027 -0.525271 -0.312362 0.94996 0.00261234 -0.910303 -0.40317 0.0938195 0.401091 -0.0668485 0.913596 -0.754771 -0.55993 0.341759 --0.994941 0.0826658 -0.0570787 0.725394 0.6883 0.00686926 0.265795 0.9093 0.320198 -0 -0.185408 0.982662 -0.368689 -0.345428 0.862988 -0.823699 -0.0296295 0.566252 --0.706004 -0.644612 -0.293316 -0.313848 -0.849235 -0.424617 0.157286 0.259059 0.952969 --0.568035 0.0908856 0.817971 0.897795 -0.439829 0.0226716 -0.304582 0.64458 0.701246 --0.241642 0.283963 0.927887 -0.393831 0.65717 0.64267 -0.384949 0.88418 0.264652 -0.501991 -0.00994041 -0.864816 0.892835 0.275335 0.356421 0.996713 0.0228604 0.0777253 -0.235249 0.88545 0.400794 0.0265536 0.862992 -0.504519 -0.461695 0.619809 -0.634567 -0.015591 0.930263 -0.366562 -0.279485 -0.960092 0.0105233 -0.274154 -0.961669 0.00568194 --0.201044 -0.979353 0.0211785 -0.0885584 -0.996071 0 0 -1 0 -0 -0.999816 -0.0191892 -0.0667311 -0.997587 -0.0191465 -0.0785018 -0.996512 -0.0283222 -0 -0.999901 -0.014081 0.111426 -0.993624 -0.0171897 0.182745 -0.983081 0.0124766 -0.14425 -0.988923 0.0349697 0.209281 -0.975923 0.061447 0.20126 -0.977087 0.0692509 -0 -0.995197 0.0978883 -0.10444 -0.974769 0.197275 0 -0.983175 0.182666 -0 -0.990057 0.140664 0.0975198 -0.991451 0.0866843 -0.446082 -0.894992 0 --0.465128 -0.885243 0 -0.308237 -0.951157 -0.0170229 -0.263313 -0.964684 0.00718127 -0.1499 -0.983638 0.0999335 0.0198833 -0.994163 0.106044 -0.0851522 -0.991866 0.0946136 -0.354005 -0.919619 0.170241 0.608501 -0.760931 0.22519 0.607536 -0.761714 0.225149 --0.682813 -0.716331 0.143649 -0.43741 -0.874004 0.211633 0.30826 -0.943021 0.12525 -0.695662 -0.664041 0.274049 -0.564745 -0.825265 0 -0.610299 -0.792104 0.0102787 --0.46671 -0.884401 -0.00408499 0.430166 -0.866834 0.252104 0.146086 -0.980865 0.128695 --0.235457 -0.963758 0.125423 -0.698113 -0.704852 0.125786 0.796187 -0.442326 0.412837 -0.73523 -0.487031 0.471421 0.825203 -0.255697 0.503645 0.0075539 -0.89136 0.453234 --0.712932 -0.697357 0.0736295 -0.669195 -0.738447 0.0829133 0.863017 -0.249821 0.439079 -0.924922 -0.0660658 0.374373 -0.725353 0.565463 0.392574 -0.532116 -0.821564 0.20466 --0.668001 -0.705112 0.237892 0.336973 -0.937546 0.0863569 0.399804 -0.914306 0.0648134 --0.328104 -0.944567 0.0118388 -0.388972 -0.92125 0 -0.437541 -0.898948 0.0212141 -0.842528 -0.454397 0.289257 -0.919454 -0.060292 0.388549 -0.916877 -0.297229 0.266443 -0.614886 -0.788568 0.0086409 0.769212 -0.638913 -0.0101843 -0.489603 -0.870405 0.0518098 --0.517831 -0.854646 0.0378242 -0.475235 -0.879761 -0.0131553 -0.454792 0.773371 -0.441658 -0.457439 0.470894 -0.754327 0.637711 0.755443 -0.150434 0.195588 0.97794 -0.0733455 --0.351294 0.91877 -0.180151 0.569061 -0.803759 0.173612 -0.73254 -0.656961 0.17829 -0.15325 -0.973776 0.168149 -0.661326 -0.726081 0.188294 0.883769 -0.459398 -0.0889158 -0.908735 -0.400459 -0.117617 -0.487417 -0.870388 0.0696311 -0.486002 -0.872009 0.05833 -0.30655 0.892601 -0.330593 0.287824 0.897735 -0.33351 0.198127 0.936202 -0.290295 -0.140983 0.94177 -0.305276 0.0184246 0.95071 -0.309534 -0.266425 0.916503 -0.298396 --0.439484 0.867163 -0.23427 -0.453132 0.863108 -0.22297 0.928792 -0.271056 -0.252733 --0.708115 -0.624926 -0.328695 -0.366922 -0.927089 0.0766459 0.975779 -0.110088 -0.18904 --0.515842 -0.851813 0.0912198 -0.894821 -0.434946 0.100591 0.168938 -0.985625 0.00180683 -0.610801 -0.790751 0.0404458 0.62596 -0.778972 0.0370939 -0.679775 -0.722261 0.127458 --0.474595 -0.877109 0.0737466 0.460456 0.850674 -0.253641 0.29013 0.924335 -0.24785 -0.180154 0.948812 -0.259422 0.165823 0.939665 -0.299219 0.282149 0.900644 -0.330502 --0.455763 0.862374 -0.220434 -0.311262 0.92517 -0.217201 -0.24785 0.95001 -0.189871 --0.214222 0.959033 -0.185375 -0.184099 0.796646 -0.575728 0.589037 -0.674199 -0.445523 --0.0897068 -0.937437 -0.336401 0.961929 0.166077 -0.217051 -0.987045 0.150574 0.0554062 -0.604209 -0.796135 0.0331723 0.544451 -0.83808 0.0345683 -0.28431 -0.948035 0.142823 --0.222907 -0.964731 0.140025 0.149932 -0.97456 0.166591 -0.448672 -0.88538 0.12164 -0.327741 0.853608 -0.404893 0.356679 0.857281 -0.37128 0.427049 0.847627 -0.314894 -0.479715 0.839502 -0.255168 -0.180057 0.964724 -0.19206 -0.17241 0.949471 -0.262258 --0.401497 0.867562 -0.293492 -0.390424 0.877381 -0.278874 0.879973 0.436878 -0.186507 --0.8848 0.465867 0.00985042 0.536194 -0.843495 0.0318177 0.605344 -0.794767 0.0436388 -0.616143 -0.78655 0.0413109 -0.609367 -0.781239 0.135415 -0.454729 -0.878828 0.144508 --0.333345 -0.935307 0.118666 0.596007 0.736388 -0.320169 0.359282 0.851087 -0.382842 --0.381715 0.880964 -0.279637 -0.388603 0.850528 -0.354387 -0.421969 0.843939 -0.331223 --0.430517 0.844565 -0.318378 -0.111816 0.901373 -0.418359 0.764673 0.614553 -0.193905 -0.875611 0.446136 -0.185119 -0.87505 0.483939 0.009489 -0.87991 0.475038 0.00987847 -0.583376 -0.811049 0.043256 0.455673 -0.888468 0.0546554 -0.784014 -0.607878 0.125727 --0.812292 -0.56948 0.125995 0.52514 0.8029 -0.2821 0.470129 0.831596 -0.295679 -0.588126 0.743735 -0.317752 -0.329969 0.889279 -0.316708 -0.0609368 0.962802 -0.263247 --0.0487821 0.963446 -0.263423 -0.26952 0.919791 -0.285207 -0.465079 0.84739 -0.256188 --0.106709 0.895169 -0.432764 0.619572 0.756938 -0.207787 0.687799 0.699214 -0.195019 --0.90749 0.418979 -0.0303091 0.398396 -0.915758 0.051644 0.452701 -0.891031 0.0335334 -0.526696 -0.849625 0.02701 -0.846911 -0.50641 0.162144 0.632236 0.632236 -0.447834 -0.0810448 0.921649 -0.379466 0.311677 0.885447 -0.344734 0.533229 0.797007 -0.283632 --0.467859 0.846086 -0.255435 -0.257223 0.932138 -0.254863 -0.105308 0.967076 -0.231677 --0.149137 0.955078 -0.256094 -0.234589 0.927496 -0.291064 -0.210937 0.922849 -0.322265 -0.462607 0.856168 -0.230153 0.607283 0.764151 -0.217441 -0.915423 0.401011 -0.0345132 --0.917805 0.394702 -0.0429383 0.545751 -0.837912 0.00765966 0.536292 -0.837903 -0.101538 -0.514291 -0.852072 -0.0973555 -0.438949 -0.893575 0.0940605 -0.643464 -0.747248 0.166055 -0.331179 0.804293 -0.49339 0.652385 0.671787 -0.350849 -0.167097 0.925588 -0.339655 --0.139846 0.929562 -0.341113 -0.277767 0.902352 -0.329555 -0.162397 0.924959 -0.343624 -0.042895 0.93654 -0.347926 0.197486 0.895271 -0.399361 0.0469726 0.935839 -0.349284 -0.206169 0.91721 -0.34091 0.452113 0.861337 -0.231715 -0.906546 0.412737 -0.0884435 -0.478404 -0.874821 -0.0762803 0.525524 -0.849231 -0.0512869 0.582049 -0.812504 -0.0325002 --0.674652 -0.73764 0.0270694 -0.745972 -0.665709 0.0188854 0.565346 0.785774 -0.250884 -0.545339 0.80327 -0.239507 0.336209 0.906564 -0.255159 0.504298 0.800663 -0.323452 --0.863022 0.501553 -0.0603085 0.674282 -0.738209 -0.019787 0.792273 -0.607985 -0.0515567 --0.83483 -0.548247 0.0498406 0.640116 0.735073 -0.223426 0.569923 0.786184 -0.238962 --0.860948 0.505315 -0.058522 -0.828601 0.553486 -0.0841081 0.847111 -0.511494 -0.144143 -0.838008 -0.525074 -0.148458 -0.845244 -0.528173 0.0812146 0.607048 0.767285 -0.2068 -0.56719 0.795933 -0.211626 0.637268 0.737754 -0.222729 -0.873019 0.481051 -0.0801752 --0.889695 0.44926 -0.0812946 0.720579 -0.633612 -0.281605 0.559646 -0.819889 -0.12074 -0.563916 -0.818588 -0.109145 -0.846393 -0.523492 0.097849 -0.838657 -0.535475 0.0996064 -0.778682 0.597046 -0.192849 0.722873 0.660975 -0.201412 -0.944739 0.320337 -0.0696634 -0.635403 -0.769735 -0.0614203 0.706902 -0.706216 -0.0393486 -0.747686 -0.657963 0.0897223 -0.84117 0.510537 -0.178283 -0.985739 0.165025 -0.0329462 0.82516 -0.564333 0.0252922 -0.842692 -0.537594 0.0293678 -0.766405 -0.637963 0.0750128 0.879043 0.439522 -0.184673 -0.843606 0.506872 -0.177228 -0.98623 0.1627 -0.029661 0.892631 -0.450742 -0.00643918 --0.787627 -0.611447 0.0759991 -0.844881 -0.529365 0.0771261 0.879973 0.436878 -0.186507 --0.987768 0.15465 -0.0199549 -0.985775 0.165093 0.0315033 0.901295 -0.433181 -0.00465786 -0.906341 -0.422545 -0.0011836 -0.894208 -0.440431 0.0800783 0.917305 0.346811 -0.195637 -0.882356 0.432583 -0.185256 -0.996776 -0.0190001 0.0779493 0.860584 -0.507798 0.0391984 --0.875593 -0.477047 0.0759135 0.914808 0.347158 -0.206418 -0.918262 -0.375653 0.125218 --0.647596 0.627359 0.432481 -0.574074 0.683601 0.450698 -0.628074 0.664893 0.404278 --0.658946 0.629894 0.411126 0.833918 -0.547733 0.0675979 0.840194 -0.537841 0.0692894 --0.895805 -0.441217 0.0534809 0.914241 0.355832 -0.19377 -0.958697 -0.265429 0.102213 --0.485848 -0.696872 0.527562 -0.374688 -0.745019 0.551866 -0.538516 -0.66768 0.514008 -0.915806 -0.384406 0.116326 -0.911935 -0.4079 0.0446234 0.946198 0.252955 -0.201799 -0.916367 0.351076 -0.192397 -0.980923 -0.115036 0.156704 -0.462568 -0.72496 0.510357 -0.938309 -0.327317 0.11153 0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 -0.942007 -0.332123 0.0481338 -0.951038 0.208849 -0.227835 -0.973728 -0.156552 0.165366 0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 --0.947121 -0.318063 0.0424084 -0.946323 -0.320875 0.0388939 0.939721 0.268262 -0.21204 --0.970249 -0.173227 0.169145 0.937562 -0.330556 0.108213 -0.940597 -0.336391 0.0460259 -0.938056 0.283766 -0.198817 -0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 0.942445 -0.316493 0.107842 -0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 -0.942007 -0.332123 0.0481338 0.965795 0.178257 -0.188318 -0.94359 0.267626 -0.194972 -0.958271 -0.238916 0.156961 0.932844 -0.333618 0.136021 --0.955365 -0.292313 0.0427776 -0.964187 -0.262245 0.0396281 0.977703 0.0987872 -0.185307 --0.927979 -0.331878 0.169444 0.934909 -0.329621 0.131511 -0.967903 -0.24577 0.0525545 -0.982451 0.085296 -0.165878 -0.9542 -0.24866 0.166347 0.939229 -0.315413 0.135511 -0.937489 -0.317879 0.141657 -0.968373 -0.243346 0.0550971 0.983436 0.0874351 -0.158771 --0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 0.951928 0.306221 -0.00782675 0.744662 0.667362 0.0103067 --0.447367 0.858657 -0.250141 -0.920055 0.277962 -0.276109 0.930883 -0.332917 0.150409 --0.959368 -0.259522 0.11073 0.980586 0.0876947 -0.175389 -0.984588 -0.0919425 0.148774 -0.972924 0.205659 -0.105466 -0.939769 -0.284404 -0.189602 0.91166 -0.378968 0.158931 --0.95251 -0.284331 0.108994 -0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 0.976638 0.0810446 -0.199021 --0.960915 -0.208065 0.182621 0.807409 0.585228 -0.0748237 -0.999142 -0.0344532 0.0229688 -0.907595 -0.389554 0.156585 0.898921 -0.414243 0.14263 -0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 -0.968309 -0.00756491 -0.249642 -0.943049 -0.298862 0.146083 0.827908 0.551939 -0.0996556 -0.829409 0.553701 -0.0741315 -0.988999 0.0766979 0.126484 0.923209 -0.350874 0.156754 --0.938228 -0.330791 0.101521 0.81747 0 -0.575971 0.886783 -0.136041 -0.441712 -0.953334 -0.135022 -0.270043 -0.914936 -0.375234 0.148631 0.979671 0.163446 -0.116317 --0.963879 -0.205729 0.169155 0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 -0.942445 -0.316493 0.107842 --0.94166 -0.319294 0.106431 0.940581 -0.229456 -0.250316 -0.915144 -0.379766 0.135234 --0.912054 -0.39573 0.107493 0.975988 -0.184472 -0.115832 0.994562 -0.07154 -0.0756873 --0.924056 -0.334353 0.185281 -0.96241 -0.212743 0.168844 0.973323 -0.159799 0.164642 --0.932844 -0.333618 0.136021 0.958965 -0.188685 -0.211623 -0.929024 -0.353084 0.110664 -0.981489 0.19151 0.00177324 -0.914695 0.195669 0.353619 0.927322 -0.339685 0.157127 --0.942986 -0.305259 0.132647 0.967742 -0.176726 -0.179562 -0.944318 -0.324169 0.0563772 -0.778301 0.622885 -0.0791354 0.799704 0.595128 -0.0793504 -0.8851 0.366684 0.286604 --0.827431 0.48322 0.286107 -0.5688 -0.724941 0.388494 0.558626 0.791388 0.248278 -0.034426 0.998353 0.0459013 -0.617527 -0.693453 0.371191 0.920138 -0.349707 0.176216 --0.936023 -0.320393 0.145633 -0.927877 -0.338893 0.155552 0.979754 -0.101184 -0.172753 -0.981068 -0.085914 -0.173564 -0.938781 -0.343883 0.0208414 0.886292 0.462413 -0.0256896 --0.678384 -0.345007 0.648664 -0.819457 -0.320657 0.475047 -0.940819 -0.210288 0.26578 -0.686347 0.630996 0.361624 0.751684 0.602857 0.267457 0.706789 0.660391 0.25364 --0.819705 0.102463 0.563547 -0.8922 -0.181026 0.413774 -0.627888 -0.689446 0.361138 -0.933945 -0.320608 0.157981 -0.918705 -0.372095 0.13239 0.981989 -0.0742681 -0.173727 --0.917171 -0.398376 0.00965761 0.947075 0.290642 0.136296 -0.226875 -0.948751 0.22 --0.557122 -0.793708 0.244218 0.587346 0.306441 0.749079 0.874185 0.417752 0.247557 --0.906806 -0.303399 0.292664 -0.913171 -0.31716 0.255985 0.927322 -0.339685 0.157127 --0.956602 -0.274784 0.0969827 0.94461 -0.272176 -0.183391 -0.933106 -0.359366 0.0130463 --0.943618 -0.330819 0.0119795 0.368099 -0.609268 0.70235 0.913666 0.201007 0.353284 --0.66647 -0.719787 0.194228 -0.65525 -0.721163 0.224879 -0.297492 -0.946762 0.12305 -0.898269 0.175236 0.402994 0.92303 0.26147 0.282221 0.910131 0.340691 0.23578 --0.414276 -0.659075 0.627691 -0.768872 -0.586989 0.253535 -0.867554 -0.438009 0.23558 -0.920138 -0.349707 0.176216 -0.982641 -0.175995 0.0586652 0.91092 -0.365516 -0.19137 --0.969412 -0.230631 0.0839648 -0.755723 -0.432203 0.49202 0.948314 0.0278916 0.316105 --0.785132 -0.42864 0.44703 0.556362 -0.568725 0.605816 0.656064 -0.498123 0.566969 -0.276547 -0.769146 0.576139 -0.543138 -0.78524 0.297319 0.970969 -0.173905 0.164244 --0.982995 -0.179131 0.0404011 0.929544 -0.325885 -0.172474 -0.928036 -0.356484 0.108025 --0.781546 -0.390773 0.486295 0.32972 -0.74187 0.583879 0.982172 -0.0879557 0.166139 --0.984305 -0.174911 0.0234358 0.925966 -0.337834 -0.168689 0.922301 -0.342488 -0.17906 --0.840928 -0.522527 0.140736 0.960749 -0.239534 0.139946 -0.995476 -0.0885055 0.0345593 -0.893041 -0.408998 -0.187614 -0.8376 -0.529841 0.133024 -0.899114 -0.436794 0.0283632 -0.935161 -0.334447 0.116703 -0.997618 0 0.0689857 0.843606 -0.506872 -0.177228 -0.84233 -0.508536 -0.178528 -0.994726 -0.101503 -0.014764 0.344364 0.0153051 0.938711 -0.384816 0.25161 0.888037 0.45747 0.0714796 0.886348 0.334283 -0.276146 0.90111 -0.388453 -0.371265 0.843367 -0.0610664 0.692086 0.719227 0.341072 -0.259577 0.903488 --0.531593 0.607067 0.590659 -0.487994 -0.350143 0.799538 -0.848697 -0.414609 0.328348 -0.963556 -0.255241 0.0800755 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.886275 -0.419608 -0.196078 --0.437057 0.874115 -0.211907 0.405084 0.914226 0.00991031 0.488817 0.86761 0.091162 -0.210173 0.928038 0.307526 -0.469168 0.310748 0.82663 0.0414232 0.925119 0.377412 --0.66882 0.299209 0.680554 -0.802416 0.0272005 0.596145 -0.797353 -0.246454 0.550898 -0.144292 -0.272552 0.95126 0.319219 -0.520209 0.792137 0.0466797 -0.855794 0.515206 --0.598057 -0.628148 0.497754 0.994258 -0.089038 0.0593587 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.816194 -0.5454 -0.190699 0.813785 -0.548357 -0.192508 -0.67218 -0.640671 -0.371099 --0.557019 -0.768686 -0.314406 -0.0780157 -0.84517 -0.528773 -0.740772 -0.666695 0.082308 -0 -0.853639 -0.520865 0 -0.999504 0.0314805 0 -0.994853 0.101328 -0 -0.909398 0.415926 0 -0.934997 0.354654 -0.147687 -0.912182 0.382248 --0.837426 -0.233381 0.494218 0.995086 0 0.0990135 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.835057 -0.518216 -0.184747 -0.926832 -0.344868 -0.148485 -0.0234658 -0.863541 -0.503732 --0.00729327 -0.99772 0.0670981 0.0127155 -0.925688 0.378074 0.995086 0 0.0990135 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.820178 -0.547229 -0.166876 0.811536 -0.559388 -0.168805 --0.956952 -0.264351 -0.119839 -0.982107 -0.175595 -0.0680601 0.995086 0 0.0990135 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.803754 -0.56963 -0.17176 -0.932644 -0.351766 -0.0802274 -0.994258 0.089038 0.0593587 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.797774 -0.57796 -0.171809 -0.754661 -0.632201 -0.175526 -0.297991 -0.736701 -0.60702 -0.39539 -0.691932 -0.604067 -0.0430287 -0.774517 -0.631088 0.48321 -0.683083 -0.547637 0.485352 -0.7371 -0.470232 -0.578083 -0.662522 -0.476323 -0.928843 -0.368139 -0.0415336 -0.975413 -0.220063 0.0118953 -0.98126 0.175193 0.0802233 -0.994649 0 0.103311 0.718864 -0.672108 -0.177497 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.551784 -0.551784 -0.625355 -0.58159 -0.63064 -0.513855 --0.626391 -0.584163 -0.516128 0 -0.40364 -0.914918 -0.245541 -0.613852 -0.750264 -0.773549 -0.0521494 -0.631587 -0.627189 -0.137893 0.766564 -0.935451 0.350794 0.0433079 --0.898769 0.436471 0.0413227 0.982812 0.158012 0.0954571 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.185375 0.17796 0.96642 0.857402 -0.483663 0.175877 -0.338906 0.897994 0.280623 --0.712029 0.66542 0.224121 -0.780361 0.588177 0.212333 0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 -0.40364 0 -0.914918 -0.613852 -0.245541 -0.750264 -0 0 -1 0.382859 -0.316729 -0.867814 0.6379 -0.38274 -0.668276 --0.837997 0.535257 -0.106115 0.979643 0.159679 0.12166 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.738928 -0.627898 0.244395 -0.713958 -0.294895 0.63506 -0.909343 0.239301 0.340339 -0.695091 -0.695091 -0.183567 0.673365 -0.714803 -0.188773 -0.564888 -0.451911 -0.690419 --0.522083 -0.540085 -0.660104 0 -0.342852 -0.939389 -0.229748 -0.742263 -0.629493 -0.0276674 -0.774687 -0.631739 0.58132 -0.72818 -0.36307 0.529586 -0.781548 -0.329728 --0.912074 0.372537 -0.171281 -0.961153 0.247659 -0.121864 0.973547 0.173 0.149255 --0.994649 0 0.103311 0.748742 -0.614416 0.248752 0.635278 -0.541163 0.550967 -0.674978 -0.528131 0.51525 0.4346 -0.39114 0.811253 0.647272 -0.736992 -0.194632 -0.592917 -0.77952 -0.201986 -0.374299 -0.374299 -0.848411 -0.522083 -0.540085 -0.660104 --0.484928 -0.464723 -0.740863 0 0 -1 -0.32432 -0.32432 -0.888613 --0.15923 -0.641385 -0.750514 0.129084 -0.619922 -0.773973 0.547381 -0.800591 -0.243777 -0.437088 -0.782692 -0.443111 0.570316 -0.795567 -0.204483 0.571862 -0.794706 -0.20351 --0.940204 -0.335531 -0.0586132 0.971269 0.176995 0.15909 -0.991959 -0.073494 0.103032 -0.890045 0.193488 0.412774 -0.601734 0.657157 0.45394 -0.559559 0.742089 0.36905 -0.593383 -0.776323 -0.212648 0.690387 -0.682013 -0.241294 0.695867 -0.676604 -0.240784 --0.334529 -0.559575 -0.758265 -0.351027 -0.604546 -0.715055 -0.229748 -0.742263 -0.629493 --0.511382 -0.665985 -0.543095 0 0.208691 -0.977982 0.576997 -0.552269 -0.601726 -0.695706 -0.683943 -0.219579 0.765076 -0.601888 -0.228887 -0.88332 -0.466227 -0.04877 --0.696474 -0.717474 0.012444 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.991745 -0.0846403 0.0963246 -0.80803 0.512788 0.290062 -0.0340272 0.782625 0.621563 -0.650659 0.679684 0.338633 --0.575574 0.698237 0.425652 0.573936 -0.783507 -0.238148 0.570736 -0.786242 -0.23682 --0.304518 -0.790296 -0.531697 -0.352924 -0.764669 -0.53919 -0.269052 -0.739894 -0.616578 --0.336836 -0.759934 -0.555916 0.22181 -0.208763 -0.95248 -0.201876 -0.232063 -0.951521 -0.689665 -0.515507 -0.508541 0.911446 -0.334489 -0.239547 -0.32526 -0.94218 0.0806431 --0.310025 -0.947492 0.0783771 -0.513201 -0.857889 0.0255324 0.985993 0 0.166785 --0.995816 0 0.0913839 0.922812 -0.350879 0.159065 -0.769477 -0.246993 0.588982 --0.680666 -0.490079 0.544533 0.607283 -0.764151 -0.217441 0.598502 -0.772542 -0.21207 --0.266017 -0.752103 -0.602972 -0.278994 -0.80958 -0.516471 -0.404761 -0.769046 -0.494708 --0.0803889 -0.840429 -0.535926 -0.334393 -0.759983 -0.557321 0.968851 -0.186702 -0.162698 --0.442193 -0.895896 0.0428444 -0.484923 -0.87324 0.0479871 -0.375434 -0.9257 0.0461502 --0.346325 -0.934029 0.0874559 0.985993 0 0.166785 -0.991745 0.0846403 0.0963246 -0.492928 -0.860757 0.126966 0.0776973 -0.99064 0.112229 -0.0571247 -0.991282 0.11873 --0.493055 -0.84793 0.19471 -0.653859 -0.553454 0.515904 0.590372 -0.780377 -0.20609 -0.572871 -0.793442 -0.205594 -0.324841 -0.593574 -0.736307 -0.45913 -0.688695 -0.561159 --0.404494 -0.674157 -0.617977 -0.281767 -0.569727 -0.772022 -0.350017 -0.725961 -0.592004 -0.985853 -0.159009 -0.0530029 -0.864813 -0.480157 0.146788 -0.692506 -0.714244 0.101443 -0.983335 -0.0733832 0.166335 -0.991959 0.073494 0.103032 0.00402836 -0.993661 0.112346 -0.587596 -0.69129 -0.420535 0.58271 -0.785392 -0.208824 0.56284 -0.791292 -0.238892 -0.562033 -0.79094 -0.241935 -0.226493 -0.82773 -0.513385 -0.241248 -0.861599 -0.446595 --0.365597 -0.8165 -0.446841 -0.0694331 -0.883694 -0.462887 -0.292104 -0.823202 -0.48684 --0.431539 -0.721202 -0.541887 0.961957 -0.269611 0.0441523 -0.73451 -0.576341 0.358227 --0.952994 -0.155379 0.260117 0.970003 -0.163404 0.179981 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.521358 -0.801554 -0.292741 0.471267 -0.826425 -0.308107 -0.517718 -0.711862 -0.474575 --0.457399 -0.73991 -0.493274 -0.350017 -0.725961 -0.592004 0.938158 -0.332209 0.097448 --0.711954 -0.561604 0.421571 -0.738749 -0.211071 0.640077 -0.776984 0.365639 0.512449 -0.526008 0.850448 0.00736319 0.561594 0.827147 -0.0209819 -0.398197 0.911999 -0.0984787 --0.996499 -0.0379831 -0.0744768 0.973268 -0.0957941 0.20874 -0.994649 0 0.103311 -0.432317 -0.845277 -0.314021 0.277767 -0.902352 -0.329555 0.29672 -0.896508 -0.328984 -0.30655 -0.892601 -0.330593 -0.211224 -0.895818 -0.391017 -0.246372 -0.893097 -0.376401 --0.19087 -0.90133 -0.388809 -0.380769 -0.826024 -0.415571 0.91681 -0.368812 0.153092 --0.574699 -0.549468 0.606471 0.00420699 -0.37863 0.925539 -0.202648 0.572181 0.794696 -0 0.447214 0.894427 -0.630304 0.467218 0.620019 -0.614424 0.384409 0.688995 --0.597018 0.447763 0.665641 0.345204 0.927614 0.14271 0.219501 0.969407 0.109858 --0.229929 0.965862 0.119341 -0.518612 0.842456 0.14598 0.761176 0.567208 0.314463 -0.480353 0.857773 0.182992 0.412654 0.903095 0.118895 -0.83391 -0.525598 -0.168348 --0.73334 -0.668785 -0.122223 0.977765 0 0.209704 -0.990783 0.0880882 0.102909 -0.318775 -0.888499 -0.330079 0.414728 -0.854726 -0.312161 0.393909 -0.871766 -0.291306 --0.167097 -0.925588 -0.339655 -0.210937 -0.922849 -0.322265 0 -0.938787 -0.344499 --0.123661 -0.931581 -0.341855 -0.122384 -0.945694 -0.301139 -0.20314 -0.91973 -0.335902 --0.28152 -0.89949 -0.334162 0.896953 -0.419203 0.140515 0.871755 -0.470252 0.137501 --0.268549 -0.960267 0.0759533 0.175164 -0.967724 0.181186 0.856429 -0.394109 0.333477 -0.445689 -0.869571 0.212622 -0.336085 -0.93357 0.124476 0.0232069 -0.999117 -0.0350139 -0.373427 -0.908543 -0.187355 0 -0.357789 0.933803 -0.323885 -0.689561 0.647769 --0.677957 0.0739589 0.731372 0.94085 -0.210308 0.265652 0.847716 0.493216 0.195232 --0.82378 0.554737 0.116848 -0.850412 0.525255 0.0301072 0.724963 0.626742 0.285698 -0.717732 0.67434 0.173569 0.683848 0.706168 0.183517 0.425656 0.243232 0.871582 --0.379604 -0.827626 0.413445 -0.799874 -0.599905 0.017775 -0.784501 -0.613566 0.0899658 -0.97202 -0.108245 0.208472 -0.980301 0.1742 0.0930774 0.342227 -0.896509 -0.28134 -0.149137 -0.955078 -0.256094 0.0528742 -0.971123 -0.232647 0 -0.972483 -0.232972 -0 -0.90031 -0.435249 -0.0528742 -0.971123 -0.232647 -0.149137 -0.955078 -0.256094 --0.234589 -0.927496 -0.291064 0.78306 -0.599178 0.166741 -0.502994 -0.864119 0.0171964 --0.441164 -0.896792 0.0337502 -0.327019 -0.94308 0.0604809 0.970338 -0.188498 0.15137 --0.82888 -0.559316 0.0110834 -0.893176 -0.448092 -0.0380928 0.963121 0.216896 -0.159229 --0.759243 -0.172095 0.627641 -0.150614 -0.506612 0.848917 -0.326814 -0.673139 0.663383 -0.987592 -0.127364 0.091869 0.984198 -0.176688 0.0116819 -0.391963 0.905571 -0.162192 --0.806214 0.586434 -0.0781912 -0.444323 0.654278 -0.611962 -0.927756 -0.0655707 -0.367382 -0.601259 0.720474 0.345551 0.73298 0.662853 0.152857 0.686924 0.703664 0.18164 --0.284726 -0.260999 0.922394 -0.571962 -0.784995 0.237995 -0.573067 -0.796486 0.192884 --0.621233 -0.762161 0.182152 0.938767 -0.287472 0.18994 -0.981345 0.178831 0.0705833 -0.803877 -0.572697 0.160625 0.832671 -0.512363 0.210101 -0.544894 -0.838298 0.0186288 --0.480725 -0.876849 0.00632533 0.994235 0.0699282 0.081284 -0.973598 0.122971 -0.192316 -0.738164 0.649585 -0.182081 0.860037 0.474696 -0.187086 -0.991592 -0.0517088 0.118626 -0.961565 0.272979 -0.0295963 -0.799181 0.592106 -0.103538 -0.967347 0.190745 -0.166901 --0.911891 -0.333191 -0.239664 0.860748 0.472624 0.189049 0.865778 0.469974 0.171908 -0.863642 0.474633 0.169839 0.114888 0.0774826 0.990352 -0.7072 -0.65397 0.268685 --0.693397 -0.690052 0.207434 -0.602114 -0.772772 0.200705 0.965312 -0.182386 0.186835 --0.994258 0.089038 0.0593587 0.750582 -0.592685 0.292147 -0.397157 -0.917569 -0.0182601 --0.388419 -0.921292 -0.0187255 -0.450752 -0.892649 0 0.929841 0.356706 0.0903121 --0.39972 -0.799439 0.448466 -0.0508834 -0.85371 0.518257 -0.692984 0.694726 -0.192689 -0.0248318 0.980858 -0.193137 0.162674 0.967991 -0.191129 0.662743 0.717365 -0.214845 --0.984132 -0.176639 0.0168228 0.856534 0.514883 -0.0352879 0.936277 0.349317 -0.0369269 --0.942913 -0.331188 0.035067 0.403378 0.541117 0.737887 0.994668 0.0219412 0.100767 --0.704075 -0.656962 0.26959 -0.603306 -0.784298 0.14456 -0.724981 -0.660808 0.194253 -0.981579 0.0849699 0.17112 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 0.727857 -0.618455 0.296204 -0.0147027 -0.940973 0.338162 0.0770382 -0.969719 0.231757 0.582397 -0.804078 0.119466 -0.66045 -0.737666 0.140195 -0.582227 -0.812493 0.0294295 -0.179542 -0.980125 -0.0843751 -0.229626 -0.971496 -0.0588786 0.08238 -0.99386 -0.073869 -0.01356 -0.997112 -0.0747306 --0.00279177 -0.997221 -0.0744473 -0.178722 -0.983813 -0.0130727 -0.416589 -0.909073 0.00627838 -0.765165 0.633543 0.114658 0.792715 0.598654 0.114961 -0.575386 -0.405201 0.710453 --0.0360068 -0.711135 0.702133 0.631299 -0.26971 0.72713 0.13398 0.973679 -0.184389 --0.786589 -0.587223 -0.190908 0.683335 0.729251 -0.0352922 0.72863 0.683751 -0.0397755 --0.798233 -0.578233 0.168732 -0.866879 -0.482376 0.125837 0.323581 -0.942908 0.0788656 --0.502939 -0.858277 0.102046 0.973728 0.156552 0.165366 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 -0.777952 0.529219 -0.3387 0.749279 0.613653 -0.249019 0.309423 0.948679 -0.0653135 -0.20013 0.979296 0.0304582 0.089334 0.982674 0.162392 -0.235125 0.953014 0.190998 --0.546514 0.805437 0.229332 -0.568801 0.78387 0.249027 0.485678 -0.857445 0.170016 --0.159158 -0.968464 0.191691 -0.636435 -0.766822 0.0832775 0.799041 0.585829 0.135416 --0.0232585 -0.424468 0.905144 0.756611 0.346981 0.554206 -0.707849 -0.671763 -0.218369 --0.847774 -0.51472 -0.127839 -0.656344 -0.725433 -0.207267 0.407615 0.912807 0.0251809 -0.530167 0.847803 -0.012388 -0.558937 -0.792326 0.24456 -0.621979 -0.753065 0.214559 -0.322649 0.875361 -0.360058 0.278898 0.756639 -0.591366 -0.26714 0.252299 -0.930044 --0.327934 0.213539 -0.92025 -0.509336 -0.0836223 -0.856495 -0.744883 -0.440047 -0.501506 --0.865884 -0.368839 -0.337938 0.974931 0.158911 0.155747 -0.998223 0 0.0595954 -0.886257 -0.418595 -0.198309 -0.819473 -0.281649 0.499138 -0.916385 -0.078894 0.392447 --0.898507 -0.211238 0.384791 0.989082 -0.0196767 0.146045 0.938853 0.309822 0.150217 --0.784379 -0.182088 0.592953 0 -0.471215 0.882018 0.604551 -0.453413 0.654931 --0.170221 -0.958912 0.226962 0.340323 0.850809 0.400381 0.0535363 0.963654 0.261733 -0.322316 0.799344 0.507111 0.240544 0.955847 0.168803 0.119379 0.967217 0.224141 -0.0841203 0.96101 0.263407 0.242414 0.965428 0.0958381 -0.667303 -0.696589 0.263574 --0.78311 -0.594693 0.181875 -0.583646 -0.781176 0.221631 0.418615 0.897032 0.141753 -0.409875 0.900101 0.147717 0.327479 0.936939 0.122079 -0.0806806 0.996095 0.035858 --0.478523 0.849237 -0.223185 -0.616534 0.561904 -0.551498 -0.560483 0.552552 -0.616884 -0.43921 0.380418 -0.813865 0.323313 0.0668923 -0.943925 0.281222 0.55646 -0.781836 --0.414636 -0.763803 -0.494653 -0.560148 -0.737139 -0.37797 -0.491984 -0.242527 -0.836141 --0.484683 -0.846938 -0.218583 0.972022 0.172729 0.159181 -0.982641 0.175995 0.0586652 -0.524648 -0.851137 -0.0176141 0.283137 -0.958311 0.0383739 -0.286332 -0.94321 0.16843 --0.486938 -0.844547 0.222782 -0.889608 -0.255526 0.378556 0.959574 -0.242135 0.143488 -0.882036 -0.450006 0.139671 -0.742364 0.593891 0.310143 0.918054 0.0612036 0.391703 --0.299391 -0.953943 -0.0189158 -0.408799 -0.907228 -0.0991028 -0.149332 -0.981512 0.119729 --0.188888 -0.969078 0.158775 -0.214925 -0.965081 0.149754 -0.06556 -0.971108 0.22946 -0.891861 0.0964174 0.441913 0.942344 -0.105825 0.317474 -0.98989 0.00856306 0.141576 -0.574859 0.817835 0.0261383 0.550082 0.833389 0.0536054 0.453329 0.880641 0.137707 --0.874919 -0.271263 -0.401164 -0.337804 -0.855989 -0.391372 -0.25232 -0.820983 -0.512173 --0.290521 -0.933019 -0.212304 0.972073 0.177141 0.153934 -0.929024 0.353084 0.110664 -0.180625 -0.981099 0.0694205 0.0125628 -0.995155 0.0975114 -0.158983 -0.977415 0.139228 --0.314324 0.679726 0.662701 0.0455877 0.747638 0.662541 -0.27552 0.74046 0.613032 --0.470453 0.623969 0.623969 0.852567 0.518954 0.0617802 0.078002 0.972492 0.219486 --0.282537 0.936832 0.206202 0.0781423 0.967762 0.239436 0.290705 0.935707 0.19986 -0.162957 0.972994 0.163484 -0.649065 0.740365 0.174855 -0.859571 0.508927 0.0461662 -0.938298 -0.295476 0.179694 -0.323151 -0.799539 0.506271 0.539562 -0.756329 0.369918 -0.0591047 -0.990004 0.12806 -0.447683 0.826491 0.34131 -0.372896 0.864362 0.337382 --0.623361 -0.749652 -0.222359 -0.841719 -0.497379 -0.210055 0.923711 -0.300417 0.237713 --0.747978 0.635781 0.190556 0.615968 0.782256 -0.0930588 0.645985 0.760378 -0.0672901 --0.924648 -0.344908 -0.161446 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.93006 0.340688 0.137551 --0.468715 0.338517 0.815912 0.998236 -0.0576002 -0.0143583 -0.338731 0.193561 0.920758 --0.981036 -0.193008 -0.0177724 0.970405 -0.193783 0.144095 -0.191495 -0.833568 0.518164 --0.464684 -0.883052 0.0654866 -0.676968 -0.734808 0.0421014 -0.0893582 -0.994723 0.0504072 --0.0905864 -0.990233 0.10598 -0.180049 -0.978796 0.0976737 0.527412 -0.846036 0.0778419 -0.750225 -0.653257 0.102071 -0.877754 0.455368 -0.148952 0.615922 -0.74676 0.250977 -0.408844 -0.906834 0.102467 -0.738009 0.654412 0.164583 -0.228873 0.972709 -0.0381454 -0.337487 0.935758 -0.102269 0.581949 0.807511 -0.0962396 -0.913794 -0.406131 -0.0061535 --0.90515 -0.419733 0.0672855 0.985993 0 0.166785 -0.973323 0.159799 0.164642 -0.893689 -0.438371 -0.0956583 0.734908 -0.666249 -0.126582 -0.34802 -0.912492 0.215037 -0 -0.9837 0.179816 -0.256757 -0.960868 0.103963 -0.534985 -0.841855 0.0712107 -0.992076 0.0888426 0.0888426 -0.77454 -0.580905 0.250276 -0.731025 -0.629021 0.264453 --0.151516 -0.925564 0.346949 0.144294 -0.945232 0.292771 0.0801606 -0.921847 0.379173 --0.0369768 -0.90593 0.421809 -0.288508 -0.601059 0.745313 -0.0283629 -0.855615 0.516835 -0.630647 -0.667527 0.395845 0.752454 -0.620057 0.222132 -0.859289 -0.492892 0.136672 --0.858604 -0.506671 0.0779977 0.78356 -0.609436 0.12092 0.773686 -0.613753 0.157216 --0.83706 0.506832 -0.206039 0.397346 -0.914024 0.0817053 0.640441 -0.765318 0.0642225 -0.626561 -0.775742 0.0751431 -0.904265 -0.368404 0.215833 0.985993 0 0.166785 --0.985993 0 0.166785 0.127883 -0.989553 -0.0665629 -0.234956 -0.971224 0.0389789 --0.222632 -0.960744 0.165547 -0.0664783 -0.986728 0.148152 0.854386 0.515038 0.0689927 --0.883359 -0.419596 0.208844 0.746926 -0.630354 0.211557 0.391488 -0.897001 0.205246 --0.644467 -0.731907 0.221299 0.74956 -0.643764 0.154037 0.728101 -0.667812 0.154586 --0.84479 0.495855 -0.20114 -0.939313 0.337442 -0.0618315 0.577231 -0.812488 0.0816531 -0.54668 -0.829782 0.112265 0.0757077 -0.791146 0.606924 0.122598 -0.98078 0.151787 --0.935367 -0.344489 0.0801019 0.982172 0.0879557 0.166139 -0.991737 0 0.128284 -0.698525 0.709022 0.0966993 0.709161 0.698746 0.0940498 -0.921047 -0.292973 0.256591 --0.924892 -0.296325 0.238257 0.433101 -0.880099 0.194548 -0.605116 -0.759848 0.237625 -0.759829 -0.631018 0.156451 0.772156 -0.617008 0.151905 -0.968309 -0.239311 0.0714704 -0.526635 -0.840004 0.130571 0.163394 -0.972194 0.167751 -0.29119 -0.934755 0.203569 --0.25437 -0.951374 0.173732 0.796281 -0.566678 0.21169 0.828117 -0.516914 0.216846 --0.183889 -0.981474 0.0537944 -0.320398 -0.946777 0.0309718 0.2411 -0.966844 0.0841678 -0.233528 -0.969895 0.069054 -0.903472 -0.428388 0.0148887 -0.611621 -0.79001 -0.0424737 -0.95884 0.249869 0.134877 -0.995086 0 0.0990135 0.842244 0.527974 0.108947 -0.749169 0.654664 0.100806 -0.763318 -0.501609 0.407103 -0.924073 -0.100311 0.368819 -0.925196 0.201129 0.321807 0.380651 0.827094 0.413547 -0.0736462 0.97213 0.222575 --0.113333 0.988034 0.104615 0.125218 0.990362 0.059194 0.0616862 0.99647 -0.0569411 --0.604642 0.77921 -0.165047 -0.654665 0.737226 -0.167066 0.595467 -0.782614 0.181476 --0.473794 -0.85559 0.208531 -0.6647 -0.724096 0.184008 0.840159 -0.507061 0.192413 --0.64744 -0.761694 -0.0253898 -0.490858 -0.871197 0.00863829 0.167001 -0.983267 0.0727743 --0.236405 -0.971655 0 0.932844 0.333618 0.136021 -0.982641 0.175995 0.0586652 --0.39749 0.0709803 0.914857 0.80754 0.13459 0.574251 -0.39443 0.302396 0.867745 --0.663323 0.151617 0.732813 0.89597 0.443798 0.0167471 -0.912339 -0.180567 0.36747 --0.861592 -0.292516 0.414841 -0.899625 -0.282235 0.333194 0.886292 -0.462413 0.0256896 --0.841918 0.528263 -0.110055 -0.0856621 -0.980355 0.177669 0.73686 -0.653738 0.172233 --0.147438 -0.989063 0.0040955 -0.406043 -0.912823 -0.043394 0.960749 0.239534 0.139946 --0.929024 0.353084 0.110664 -0.320564 0.0674871 0.94482 0.39365 0.919182 -0.0119893 -0.726182 0.68718 -0.0210488 -0.724245 -0.654157 0.218052 -0.449876 -0.736161 0.505646 --0.84227 -0.409501 0.350558 0.746128 -0.664265 -0.0452199 -0.848602 0.516435 -0.114763 --0.352292 -0.935056 -0.0395094 0.922438 -0.359595 0.140711 0.987849 0.0884641 0.127781 --0.934583 0.342345 0.096723 0.257508 0.835331 0.485707 0.0494662 0.831032 0.554021 --0.217452 0.848061 0.483226 0.322634 0.939848 0.112221 0.0790893 0.996705 0.0179748 --0.180111 0.978306 -0.102358 -0.333222 0.928936 -0.161372 0.916886 0.387913 0.0940396 -0.161262 0.983526 0.0816756 0.238774 0.971075 0 -0.777287 -0.606089 0.168764 --0.74616 -0.633307 0.205349 0.776905 -0.629617 -0.00107903 0.762229 -0.64725 0.00859036 --0.872436 0.473766 -0.120006 -0.863423 0.485162 -0.13827 0.901675 0.430157 -0.0441187 -0.983641 0.178108 -0.026986 -0.213526 0.97368 0.0797165 -0.264783 0.957141 0.117354 --0.398744 0.886098 0.236293 0.992076 0.0888426 0.0888426 -0.964809 0.244802 0.0960009 -0.195266 0.78616 0.586365 0.747579 0.615653 0.249193 -0.883377 0.376598 0.278961 --0.841635 0.479792 0.247892 0.631517 0.758482 0.16091 0.509108 0.846123 0.157752 --0.73302 0.640187 -0.229873 -0.985746 0.0789435 -0.148572 0.94526 0.322741 0.0481914 --0.707235 -0.681672 0.18746 -0.749768 -0.638475 0.173774 0.745203 -0.66536 0.0443573 --0.561706 0.6366 -0.528419 -0.843485 0.316307 -0.434147 0.907987 -0.404496 0.109285 --0.869999 -0.39875 0.29 -0.80228 0.566315 -0.188772 0.965174 0.25152 0.0719457 --0.98126 0.175193 0.0802233 0.420999 0.90047 0.109148 0.214094 0.961517 0.172189 -0.177858 0.966364 0.185763 0.289185 0.937659 0.19279 -0.887417 0.371686 0.272656 -0.867886 0.286595 0.405756 0.879213 0.432113 0.200654 0.713733 0.678553 0.173641 --0.743582 -0.659084 -0.112664 0.796122 0.601769 0.0637452 -0.783658 -0.602979 0.149319 --0.730793 -0.660824 0.171037 0.560643 0.824475 -0.076951 0.0938288 0.995588 0.000955 --0.771634 0.635276 0.031711 -0.801444 0.59723 0.031681 0.727177 -0.677801 0.108628 -0.717909 -0.686696 0.11426 -0.403455 -0.14483 -0.903464 -0.754303 -0.258618 -0.603443 --0.739379 -0.285893 -0.609577 -0.902111 0.0674808 -0.426194 0.898344 -0.425962 0.107401 -0.530778 -0.836912 0.133612 -0.654043 -0.744256 0.135319 0.935161 0.334447 0.116703 --0.968373 0.243346 0.0550971 0.271817 -0.888631 -0.369392 0.905576 -0.424178 -0.00248785 --0.898645 0.246485 0.362881 -0.878041 0.269225 0.395679 0.942709 0.00771658 0.333528 -0.944479 0.0718895 0.320611 -0.532907 -0.836714 -0.126171 -0.418588 -0.906668 -0.0523235 -0.688407 0.716801 0.110871 0.762943 0.642586 0.0707184 -0.90686 -0.392522 0.153399 -0.998228 -0.0462258 0.0374804 -0.997735 -0.057916 0.0342231 0.491553 -0.849046 0.193642 --0.451911 -0.891608 0.0284989 -0.72445 -0.678208 -0.123311 -0.154193 -0.90974 -0.385483 -0.521877 -0.84215 0.135751 0.0316642 -0.987177 0.156458 0.94166 0.319294 0.106431 --0.945479 0.321611 0.051337 0.504367 -0.852206 0.139136 0.0773271 -0.947258 0.311004 --0.270119 -0.764532 0.585257 -0.393708 0.51711 0.759994 -0.337067 0.41068 0.847188 --0.511949 0.500043 0.698473 0.749796 0.644924 0.147914 0.372719 0.873962 0.311884 --0.27968 0.925729 0.254567 -0.387366 0.867965 0.31078 -0.209284 0.863295 0.459262 --0.221396 0.846047 0.484962 -0.225881 0.797226 0.55983 -0.22643 0.769375 0.597321 --0.370753 0.750334 0.547303 0.936041 -0.0744578 0.343924 0.22259 -0.926929 0.302087 --0.0853507 -0.971545 0.220943 -0.27938 -0.954058 0.108262 -0.394411 -0.91891 -0.00662875 -0.899368 0.412949 0.143561 0.751775 0.647856 0.122955 -0.938592 -0.319268 0.130814 -0.733675 -0.669384 0.116817 -0.938927 -0.333841 0.0834602 0.137194 -0.968931 0.205791 --0.146459 -0.97814 0.147622 -0.020719 -0.80804 0.588764 0.150539 -0.784057 0.602156 -0.0168332 -0.52183 0.852883 -0.249279 -0.807447 0.534686 0.937562 0.330556 0.108213 -0.942445 0.316493 0.107842 -0.93994 0.336695 0.0561158 0.236437 -0.956391 0.171506 -0.0787831 -0.982312 0.169871 -0.0329484 -0.98484 0.170308 -0.0917315 -0.974491 0.204825 --0.187575 -0.935656 0.298936 -0.22054 -0.803395 0.5531 -0.0340662 0.0170331 0.999274 --0.393818 -0.393818 0.830551 0.120903 -0.70527 0.698553 -0.70527 0.120903 0.698553 --0.671994 -0.186091 0.716794 0.954748 0.168736 0.244917 0.953272 0.197675 0.228465 -0.935294 0.277849 0.219148 -0.580904 0.783082 0.22211 -0.792735 0.0468434 0.607764 --0.94386 0.152858 0.292854 0.667641 0.731633 0.137727 0.784931 0.605469 0.131491 --0.600932 0.348833 0.719164 -0.714862 0.194962 0.671537 0.987926 0.0177048 0.153913 --0.960602 -0.241393 0.137742 0.729484 -0.66932 0.140939 0.173191 -0.899037 0.402166 -0.424978 0.882816 0.200076 0.39292 0.894521 0.21318 -0.103486 0.952782 0.285478 --0.21034 0.893083 0.397692 -0.539139 0.787489 0.298648 -0.0822085 -0.829234 0.552823 -0.935161 0.334447 0.116703 -0.944881 0.32297 0.0537605 -0.223261 -0.458925 0.859967 -0.784895 -0.242509 0.570201 0.829037 -0.138173 0.541854 -0.661083 -0.669713 0.338309 --0.687977 -0.651833 0.319062 0.573134 0.807597 0.138941 0.65065 0.744605 0.149055 --0.9574 -0.109048 0.267382 0.991783 0.117286 0.0510981 -0.951919 -0.257508 0.165949 -0.895763 0.0453551 0.442212 0.912843 0.0370907 0.406624 0.882829 -0.0764655 0.463428 --0.517766 0.534577 0.667941 -0.0185995 0.658955 0.751953 -0.034456 0.955934 0.291551 -0.343907 0.910341 0.230234 0.45066 0.870621 0.197292 -0.777171 0.564647 0.277809 --0.92431 0.299776 0.236187 0.915302 0.380062 0.133326 -0.945479 0.321611 0.051337 -0.61184 0.772478 0.170087 0.0868562 0.959366 0.268465 -0.18378 0.966933 0.176819 --0.0796151 0.987227 0.138 -0.133291 0.911708 0.388616 -0.0562991 0.925181 0.375327 --0.264587 0.841867 0.470376 0.609402 -0.370421 0.701012 -0.666254 -0.674645 0.317743 -0.299222 0.933099 0.199481 0.18655 0.967198 0.172417 0.474731 0.864116 0.167134 --0.969563 -0.217657 0.112126 0.949223 0.314029 0.019032 -0.946577 -0.28256 0.155408 --0.937489 -0.317879 0.141657 0.902487 -0.0638929 0.425952 0.83711 -0.413388 0.358269 -0.403713 0.858964 0.314954 -0.982239 0.010807 0.187322 0.170172 0.96184 0.214256 -0.322634 0.939848 0.112221 0.235282 0.957355 0.167672 -0.251342 0.952172 0.173767 --0.650482 0.757175 0.0596562 0.890888 0.428295 0.151266 0.907316 0.395497 0.142689 --0.916348 0.396628 0.0547073 0.79735 0.601228 -0.0525137 0.816542 0.569431 0.0949051 --0.936468 -0.248335 0.247703 0.622716 0.770025 0.138877 0.639269 0.757837 0.130452 -0.328412 0.921155 0.208854 -0.90309 -0.429338 -0.00986984 0.962071 0.272799 0 -0.952346 0.304588 0.0162447 -0.900467 -0.409868 0.145494 0.882518 -0.468838 -0.0367716 --0.984232 -0.0461571 0.170751 0.756585 0.596597 0.267678 0.734355 0.622262 0.271132 -0.230891 0.935931 0.265936 0.189247 0.96344 0.189657 0.189054 0.962454 0.194782 --0.189464 0.964546 0.183723 -0.487393 0.856514 0.169799 -0.391319 0.904234 0.170972 -0.734944 0.673608 -0.0781624 0.68022 0.730716 -0.0579226 0.216172 0.976324 0.00774349 -0.0927428 0.99513 0.0333874 -0.705545 0.70769 0.0371716 -0.849536 0.263464 -0.457029 --0.909507 0.196297 -0.36642 0.898921 0.414243 0.14263 -0.907331 0.412992 0.0786651 -0.972589 0.00495136 -0.232478 0.963906 0.19031 -0.18619 -0.849418 -0.501891 0.163079 -0.479853 0.870845 0.106634 0.620652 0.778636 0.0922828 -0.847093 -0.529328 -0.0473859 -0.936479 0.350724 0 -0.886935 -0.436849 0.150029 0.979753 -0.188784 -0.0666717 --0.98167 0.0994456 0.162586 0.905524 0.109557 0.409908 0.967228 0.00614113 0.253834 --0.430995 0.889658 0.150838 -0.4468 0.880649 0.157567 -0.423661 0.90028 -0.100031 --0.290129 0.928414 -0.232104 0.462084 0.873942 -0.15068 0.625276 0.769006 -0.132889 --0.676037 -0.730851 -0.0939666 -0.627252 -0.774974 -0.0772701 0.915704 0.380649 0.12881 -0.910762 0.390913 0.133042 -0.94485 0.320375 0.0679584 0.935441 -0.261671 -0.237653 -0.463751 -0.879528 -0.106609 -0.646283 -0.752002 0.129656 -0.833262 -0.528879 0.161124 -0.556124 0.826158 0.0904978 0.545323 0.831994 0.102023 0.496161 0.858403 0.130261 --0.84961 -0.52248 -0.0719597 -0.829593 -0.549583 -0.0986588 0.922822 0.385228 0 --0.904864 -0.404737 0.131941 0.979963 -0.199179 0 -0.988907 0.0111331 0.148118 -0.950273 0.291417 0.109809 0.32035 0.944621 0.0711888 -0.209442 0.977802 -0.00608843 --0.334132 0.942514 0.00479042 -0.417537 0.908529 0.0154643 0.876575 -0.443532 0.186803 --0.372264 0.908099 -0.191772 -0.0882881 0.975584 -0.201101 0.304687 0.935642 -0.178157 --0.435788 -0.896981 0.0742598 -0.528449 -0.84741 0.0513582 0.904864 0.404737 0.131941 --0.94561 0.317556 0.0705679 -0.940309 0.331525 0.0768753 0.328661 -0.943846 0.0337088 --0.130234 -0.985437 0.109332 -0.613055 -0.778677 0.133517 0.737178 0.641024 -0.213675 --0.941726 -0.325287 -0.0856723 0.0731249 0.967077 0.24375 0.0333514 0.9682 0.247945 --0.0491532 0.966679 0.251227 0.950925 0.309421 0 0.935084 0.354427 0 --0.915704 -0.380649 0.12881 0.957916 -0.280314 0.0618193 -0.986087 -0.143278 0.084281 -0.961897 -0.242722 0.125856 -0.567532 0.82305 0.0222562 -0.790305 0.609033 -0.0670562 -0.832218 -0.523935 0.181399 0.668505 -0.724698 0.167072 -0.336249 -0.939275 0.0685467 --0.373255 -0.914115 0.158351 -0.308917 -0.940954 0.13848 -0.346823 -0.931835 0.106756 -0.891109 0.438905 0.115268 -0.909999 0.407034 0.0788965 0.655354 0.472465 -0.589311 -0.715155 0.131873 -0.686413 -0.970202 -0.240965 0.0253648 -0.980567 -0.182926 0.0709014 -0.55495 0.793739 0.249016 0.564847 0.796469 0.215836 -0.74402 0.6392 0.194569 --0.795926 0.597597 0.0968449 0.987001 0.160715 0 -0.910762 -0.390913 0.133042 --0.898921 -0.414243 0.14263 0.9271 -0.356142 0.11683 0.855212 -0.493465 0.158443 --0.966198 -0.256732 -0.0234648 0.835548 -0.538439 0.109282 -0.752948 0.649358 -0.106788 --0.63996 0.734769 -0.224867 0.644276 -0.746059 0.168239 0.421389 -0.893143 0.157251 -0.302968 -0.939202 0.161583 -0.0432635 -0.822006 -0.567833 -0.730952 -0.472755 -0.49215 --0.00879051 -0.959924 -0.280124 -0.0714231 -0.975179 -0.209583 -0.187769 -0.964695 -0.18468 --0.312614 -0.94709 -0.0727582 -0.331391 -0.941849 0.0556724 0.69814 0.679073 0.226847 -0.704182 0.678293 0.209874 0.136649 0.976065 0.169185 -0.782013 0.616988 0.0882119 --0.962902 0.26848 0.0271878 0.87301 0.47564 0.1078 -0.894208 0.440431 0.0800783 -0.58504 0.645561 -0.490896 0.565425 0.565425 -0.60049 0.345295 0 -0.938494 -0.183808 -0.76865 -0.612692 0 -0.87317 -0.487416 0.256686 -0.81284 -0.52288 -0.369262 -0.812376 -0.45132 -0.324628 -0.945655 -0.018819 0.125901 -0.99192 -0.0155877 -0.279469 -0.958763 -0.051678 -0.979733 -0.139762 0.143489 0.842539 -0.401381 0.359194 -0.816503 0.468688 0.337126 0.656996 -0.399171 0.639546 -0.987105 0.151862 -0.0506207 -1 0 0 -0.872008 -0.466563 0.148061 0.62707 -0.777092 0.0539647 -0.618165 -0.784549 0.0485288 -0.925432 -0.311053 -0.216385 -0.912262 -0.334167 -0.236878 -0.834184 -0.540728 0.108402 0.871034 -0.478699 0.110216 -0.603543 0.766511 -0.219538 --0.219701 0.957567 -0.186539 -0.164018 0.973854 -0.157183 -0.109557 0.99348 -0.031539 --0.307155 0.950999 0.035441 0.17421 -0.968971 0.175348 0.166698 -0.972992 0.15968 -0.353095 -0.920885 0.165211 0.54846 -0.822689 0.14958 -0.77583 -0.573902 -0.262153 --0.890532 -0.287568 -0.352502 0.620804 0.64591 0.444301 0.626694 0.663362 0.408907 -0.618814 0.673415 0.404453 0.726395 -0.333287 0.601057 0.229135 -0.910085 0.345316 --0.682228 -0.730959 0.0162435 0.894208 0.440431 0.0800783 -0.907331 0.412992 0.0786651 -0.681032 0.376741 -0.627902 -0.241627 -0.638585 -0.730634 -0.366851 -0.791307 -0.489135 -0.567982 -0.743976 -0.351989 0.601696 -0.75212 -0.268843 0.561811 -0.783055 -0.266819 --0.544378 -0.838636 -0.0185274 -0.466562 -0.881284 -0.0752192 0.821962 -0.557699 -0.115544 -0.99236 -0.0870827 -0.0874017 -0.994794 0.0306877 0.0971778 0.779985 -0.548672 0.300969 -0.314976 -0.926439 0.206159 0.0796151 -0.987227 0.138 -0.118885 -0.990709 0.0660473 -1 0 0 -0.866056 -0.478626 0.144445 -0.876693 -0.463248 0.129658 -0.692094 -0.711521 -0.12142 0.673143 -0.641088 -0.368626 -0.840155 0.228775 -0.491734 --0.794007 0.174681 -0.582271 0.904379 -0.415125 0.0988393 -0.188828 0.964867 -0.182688 --0.540485 0.83688 0.0866467 -0.750966 0.659385 -0.0355224 0.472117 -0.881286 0.020983 --0.689591 -0.678858 -0.252224 -0.76161 -0.58942 -0.269323 0.690456 0.0470766 0.721841 -0.844057 0.19916 0.497899 0.776658 0.44287 0.44796 -0.227808 -0.672703 0.703971 --0.686188 -0.648067 0.330387 -0.470251 -0.853687 0.223791 0.865962 0.49676 0.0577907 --0.94485 0.320375 0.0679584 0.810314 0.450174 -0.375145 -0.385487 -0.416151 -0.82354 --0.124783 -0.945051 -0.302172 -0.435675 -0.89242 -0.117358 0.845825 0.506554 -0.167283 --0.90183 0.432091 -0.00038614 1 0 0 -0.89611 -0.430805 0.106743 -0.933381 0.285803 -0.217065 -0.863862 0.284682 -0.41557 -0.920171 0.288747 -0.264404 -0.909999 -0.407034 0.0788965 -0.76547 0.642157 -0.0411043 -0.682768 0.720467 -0.121474 -0.487663 -0.624719 0.609845 -0.232717 -0.867757 0.439137 0.87627 0.474048 0.0861905 --0.946459 0.317841 0.056505 -0.942007 0.332123 0.0481338 0.477676 0.877509 0.0424601 -0.0474296 0.986536 -0.156518 -0.909538 0.400197 -0.112176 0.665187 0.741896 -0.0843615 -0.837273 0.520343 -0.16798 -0.897915 0.440169 0.000488263 -0.814913 0.579494 0.0102154 -1 0 0 -0.946887 -0.315629 0.0615072 -0.964187 -0.262245 0.0396281 -0.913814 0.396829 -0.0864277 -0.982288 0.0762009 -0.171185 0.88096 -0.463637 0.0945998 --0.765014 0.639602 -0.0752473 -0.938451 0.345317 -0.00812512 0.802708 0.596364 -0.00310001 --0.911935 0.4079 0.0446234 0.405731 0.894223 0.189072 0.330252 0.920704 0.207937 -0.0132112 0.95121 0.308262 -0.855886 0.109428 0.505455 -0.880425 0 0.474186 --0.894675 -0.0378345 0.445112 0.784203 0.615061 0.0820082 0.523255 0.850394 0.0550795 --0.978238 -0.19341 0.0751261 0.748462 0.656814 0.0916485 0.683425 0.727721 -0.0579108 --0.84381 0.536501 -0.0122825 -0.875652 0.482762 -0.0132554 1 0 0 --0.998383 -0.0380227 0.0422474 0.68437 -0.28888 0.669467 0.756813 -0.24925 0.604242 -0.701308 -0.137098 0.699551 -0.622639 0.437793 0.648582 -0.623985 0.339192 0.703983 --0.666768 0.35864 0.653298 0.78887 0.613957 -0.0272198 0.909601 0.407789 -0.0795857 --0.964919 -0.225766 -0.134017 0.874059 -0.476451 0.0949511 0.466345 -0.875391 0.12733 --0.191218 -0.978682 -0.0749441 -0.18324 -0.980797 -0.0667926 0.185905 -0.979727 -0.0746564 -0.206426 -0.976194 -0.0665889 -0.91413 -0.36041 0.185666 -0.392605 0.326002 0.859991 --0.111041 0.142767 0.983508 -0.441563 0.454179 0.773786 -0.493862 0.409681 0.766982 -0.804592 0.572029 0.159418 0.789212 0.592309 0.162218 -0.696034 0.685325 0.214164 --0.671285 0.706616 0.223762 -0.817155 0.547715 0.179627 0.754161 0.651321 0.0837957 -0.77317 0.634173 0.00579153 -0.896946 0.441779 0.0178497 0.862379 0.493586 0.112583 -0.599199 0.783999 0.162192 -0.452839 0.251577 0.855363 -0.832275 -0.488101 0.262824 --0.89702 -0.0967048 0.431281 0.883359 0.462319 0.0770532 -0.887349 -0.450996 0.0959912 -0.627455 0.778103 0.029252 -0.944143 0.328398 -0.0273665 -0.993313 0.0180057 -0.114036 -0.999408 0 -0.0344137 -0.998955 -0.0284287 0.0357992 0.670098 -0.383875 0.635302 --0.640411 0.15137 0.752968 0.682656 0.730145 0.0294609 0.709228 0.704913 -0.00970806 --0.862109 -0.49602 -0.103594 -0.793538 -0.602136 -0.0879165 0.320821 -0.937495 0.13482 -0.0602766 -0.997713 0.0305881 -0.110478 -0.993817 0.0110316 0.467763 -0.883552 0.0230994 -0.402916 -0.895479 0.189144 0.238213 -0.944344 0.226869 -0.786527 -0.566171 0.246628 -0.857732 -0.219715 0.464781 0.859164 -0.271201 0.433921 -0.390518 0.836011 0.385462 --0.0214505 0.87782 0.478511 -0.315553 0.930052 0.188225 0.940861 0.0775968 0.329786 -0.966406 -0.211753 0.145674 -0.816968 -0.576683 0 0.934871 0.354583 0.0169167 --0.877317 0.477987 0.0429295 0.995081 0.0990068 -0.003342 -0.506055 -0.815438 0.281014 --0.580456 -0.792608 0.186665 -0.702755 -0.679441 0.210938 0.873762 0.479722 0.0800368 --0.879136 -0.467433 0.0928828 -0.839357 -0.533423 0.104593 0.792351 0.598665 -0.117385 -0.608994 0.793169 -0.00289584 -0.386139 -0.91992 -0.0681422 -0.501173 -0.864928 -0.0269448 -0.0353772 -0.995515 -0.0877355 0.225014 -0.964347 -0.139295 0.131541 -0.978663 -0.157849 --0.92299 -0.301215 -0.239498 0.994016 0.0808006 -0.0735061 -0.999674 0.0237077 -0.00948307 -0.786206 0.614147 0.0685787 0.745826 0.664091 0.0522191 -0.827312 -0.561551 0.0146811 -0.398312 -0.895884 0.196823 0.890365 -0.257455 0.375455 0.947689 -0.238664 0.211953 --0.311313 0.939372 0.143747 -0.421666 0.893895 0.152152 -0.474223 0.868607 0.143646 -0.783056 -0.613877 0.099896 0.955642 0.293845 0.0201067 0.948216 0.31657 0.0258831 --0.869706 0.493266 0.0173076 0.397071 -0.887569 -0.233571 -0.210322 -0.974072 0.0833535 --0.42977 -0.883827 0.184791 0.817617 0.557814 0.142637 0.870774 0.484908 0.0813462 --0.896909 -0.426012 0.118609 -0.899513 -0.419499 0.122055 0.838843 0.514054 -0.17914 --0.46401 -0.882192 -0.0801993 -0.427994 -0.899229 -0.0905994 -0.449055 -0.888681 -0.0927182 -0.0184781 -0.999355 0.0307968 0.203288 -0.969071 0.139911 0.141264 -0.979215 0.145544 --0.374923 -0.917243 0.134529 -0.648587 -0.760662 0.0269943 0.963864 0.247301 -0.0990371 --0.991303 0.122134 -0.0490118 0.903905 0.418992 0.086033 -0.941562 -0.336377 0.0176268 --0.999317 -0.03624 0.00724799 0.927754 -0.36205 0.0905126 -0.511409 0.843703 0.163175 --0.212154 0.960347 0.180896 -0.00765895 0.967216 0.253839 -0.178031 0.922856 0.341529 --0.812055 0.165164 0.559721 -0.928033 -0.164527 0.334195 0.912076 0.407963 -0.0410359 --0.83404 0.551393 0.0185342 0.893366 0.421589 0.155434 0.885165 0.440939 0.148513 --0.926284 -0.338503 0.165572 0.822803 0.530898 -0.202835 0.843827 0.497414 -0.201334 --0.687959 -0.713822 -0.13104 -0.695958 -0.70123 -0.154657 -0.211188 -0.96277 0.168743 -0.9139 0.395713 -0.0905412 -0.966118 0.249114 -0.0675129 0.943885 0.305949 0.124405 -0.911594 0.4008 0.0914105 -0.933941 0.352142 0.061242 0.919684 -0.392399 0.0143062 -0.916233 -0.400521 0.0100402 -0.471059 -0.203593 0.858285 -0.915223 -0.345325 0.207646 --0.919381 -0.326333 0.219647 0.869706 0.493266 -0.0173076 -0.856248 0.516528 0.00617672 --0.863412 0.5045 0 0.949901 0 0.312551 0.966694 0.133233 0.218522 --0.829007 -0.531972 0.172494 0.854524 0.481433 -0.194963 0.840974 0.507777 -0.186883 --0.696513 -0.697582 -0.168075 -0.691162 -0.703023 -0.167489 0.904852 0.419322 -0.0735652 -0.913292 0.397282 -0.089807 -0.965403 0.252157 -0.0664415 -0.943215 0.327134 -0.0577045 -0.881904 -0.386588 0.269806 0.893837 -0.441355 0.0791225 -0.844528 0.50902 0.166346 -0.886347 -0.463017 0.0020044 -0.0828959 -0.828959 0.553133 -0.804999 -0.542142 0.240952 -0.808104 0.58812 -0.0329227 -0.837432 0.546542 0 0.534473 -0.749104 0.391386 -0.728828 -0.596314 0.336482 -0.379356 -0.895194 0.233918 -0.453989 -0.868649 0.198353 --0.766829 -0.616239 0.179505 0.801561 0.389275 -0.453834 0.674657 -0.500177 -0.542827 --0.273896 -0.903855 -0.328675 -0.502434 -0.846655 -0.175317 0.943631 0.313417 -0.106444 --0.965631 0.253008 -0.0595312 0.480927 -0.874065 0.0687038 0.33854 -0.939856 0.0453944 -0.457787 -0.884002 0.0947145 -0.792912 -0.448754 0.412202 -0.873995 0.430419 0.225547 --0.914481 0.145486 0.37757 -0.924688 0.260226 0.277912 0.705414 -0.705414 0.0691582 --0.559827 -0.828604 -0.00296991 -0.535111 -0.844212 -0.0310209 0.0216605 -0.982702 0.183924 -0.0438133 -0.986753 0.156204 -0.478183 -0.847161 0.231646 0.792308 0.609598 0.0252596 -0.806769 0.590681 -0.014824 -0.821657 0.569983 0 -0.758782 0.651344 0 -0.419925 -0.835832 0.353621 -0.381501 -0.902954 0.197816 0.369933 -0.494845 -0.786307 -0.147043 -0.735215 -0.661693 0.364599 -0.798177 -0.479563 0.0134744 -0.881226 -0.472503 -0.937113 0.329655 -0.114662 0.942484 0.315008 -0.111777 -0.943881 0.312655 -0.106472 -0.708104 -0.689293 0.153176 0.666982 -0.698981 0.257993 -0.652166 -0.652166 0.386469 --0.195227 -0.980728 -0.00765596 0.810902 0.584913 0.0177246 -0.759496 0.650492 -0.00500152 --0.788524 0.61494 -0.00882193 0.902719 0.410994 -0.127212 -0.930072 0.35149 -0.106866 --0.899866 0.424305 -0.101025 0.436202 0.00411512 0.899839 0.534324 0.0360218 0.844512 -0.235431 -0.0692444 0.969421 -0.599185 -0.607869 0.52103 0.812685 0.582424 -0.0180597 --0.835147 0.548455 -0.0415496 0.88482 0.44965 -0.122098 -0.878117 0.462348 -0.123063 -0.806244 0.35495 0.473267 -0.785754 0.522178 0.331542 -0.769256 0.56541 0.297584 -0.924872 -0.305423 -0.226558 0.725795 0.687257 -0.0299738 0.785491 0.618516 -0.0210092 --0.786373 0.615992 -0.0465999 0.851665 0.50546 -0.138482 0.884147 0.450915 -0.122307 --0.869551 0.480897 -0.112332 -0.87569 0.47276 -0.0983109 0.931887 -0.298993 0.2054 --0.774241 0.584113 0.243645 -0.309426 -0.618853 -0.721995 0.376057 0.924474 0.0626762 -0.143217 0.984764 0.0986342 -0.452387 0.891597 0.0200085 -0.542807 0.839708 0.0158348 -0.687566 0.726122 0 0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.762011 0.646569 -0.0358951 --0.725795 0.687257 -0.0299738 0.794815 0.590631 -0.13937 0.806362 0.57469 -0.139682 --0.878117 0.462348 -0.123063 0.818428 -0.574589 0.00482848 -0.889982 0.389367 0.237329 --0.942235 0.240827 0.232799 0.949207 0.244655 -0.197863 0.743874 0.66668 -0.0467846 --0.70665 0.698237 -0.114503 0.632487 0.773272 0.0448425 0.666306 0.745471 0.0175922 --0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 0.799405 0.586597 -0.129831 --0.850808 0.513854 -0.109911 -0.824838 0.555611 -0.104586 0.793489 -0.607421 -0.0376137 -0.702593 -0.711259 -0.0217755 -0.953977 -0.0681412 0.292034 0.968046 -0.154887 -0.197223 --0.70948 0.695059 -0.116324 -0.750326 0.641609 -0.159214 0.780173 0.619123 0.0895342 -0.649066 0.758225 0.0617139 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 -0.836657 0.530563 -0.136042 0.811074 0.570608 -0.128706 -0.733792 0.668275 -0.122299 -0.567254 -0.815787 0.11276 -0.496535 -0.722233 0.481489 0.915373 -0.377906 -0.138846 -0.909728 -0.394216 -0.130341 -0.77009 0.621238 -0.145001 -0.809467 0.575253 -0.117678 -0.794994 0.605489 0.0369765 0.819705 0.568624 0.0689241 -0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 --0.706805 0.706805 -0.0291896 0.789101 0.598476 -0.138368 0.806362 0.57469 -0.139682 --0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.381865 0.816705 0.432633 0.468256 0.784886 0.405822 -0.374228 0.83328 0.406938 0.15149 0.908938 0.388435 0.976021 -0.206743 -0.0681131 --0.837875 0.54286 -0.0571733 -0.825293 0.564318 -0.0209006 0.699576 0.714556 -0.00188929 -0.726079 0.687511 0.011738 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.707008 0.707008 -0.0166846 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.699976 0.699976 -0.141662 0.972209 0.0920126 0.215275 --0.431596 0.868096 0.245225 0.0797681 0.765773 0.638144 -0.566086 0.804585 0.179415 --0.589585 0.787992 0.177364 0.973088 0.221881 -0.0621977 -0.458034 0.883862 0.0948273 -0.0732056 0.995596 0.0585645 0.532326 0.846239 -0.022555 -0.687257 0.725795 -0.0299738 --0.64644 0.761859 -0.0410583 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.699976 0.699976 -0.141662 -0.959724 0.0239931 0.279919 0.982839 -0.150106 0.107219 0.432905 0.132964 0.891579 --0.388253 0.745925 0.541161 -0.619265 0.76639 0.170755 -0.615557 0.769446 0.170418 -0.510862 0.849929 -0.128996 0.719484 0.682962 -0.126123 -0.631207 0.773877 -0.05188 --0.62591 0.777172 -0.0651199 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.598023 0.788504 -0.143633 --0.57469 0.806362 -0.139682 0.805703 -0.523707 0.276721 0.81319 -0.521513 0.258352 -0.547421 0.646952 0.530833 -0.510677 0.805299 0.301169 -0.276292 0.621658 0.732942 --0.797498 0.531665 0.285184 0.834017 0.476581 -0.278006 -0.433011 0.899851 -0.0526229 --0.42302 0.905901 -0.0199538 0.968 -0.23474 0.0887333 0.915018 -0.223407 0.335903 -0.963438 -0.255693 0.0800511 -0.675917 0.724073 0.137311 -0.672087 0.729168 0.128893 -0.952642 0.156456 -0.26076 0.458781 0.873746 -0.161518 0.00928327 0.99994 0.00574678 --0.0698733 0.996454 -0.0468715 0.215983 0.970446 -0.107639 -0.625859 0.77732 -0.0638284 --0.597383 0.801148 -0.0360066 -0.580015 0.813834 -0.0354454 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.525649 0.839674 -0.136532 -0.570557 0.811923 -0.123471 0.806603 -0.531971 0.257679 -0.7963 -0.482163 0.365275 0.754212 -0.612311 0.237149 -0.828484 0.49962 0.252972 --0.778659 0.562949 0.27709 -0.803751 0.547575 0.232693 0.972897 0.201475 -0.113487 --0.440032 0.897903 -0.0118928 0.0335315 0.997962 -0.0542891 0.309552 0.950768 0.0147406 --0.0730282 0.994077 0.08048 -0.472144 0.872894 0.123031 -0.445174 0.890348 0.0953944 -0.918071 0.367722 0.148076 -0.607681 0.791702 0.0627037 -0.542928 0.837084 0.0672356 -0.96818 0.142503 -0.205721 -0.504826 0.862411 -0.0373945 -0.512535 0.858496 -0.0170845 -0.629993 0.760337 0.158102 0.146781 0.974779 0.168109 -0.405681 0.901513 0.150658 --0.420219 0.89516 0.148677 0.722843 0.687674 0.0678445 0.702802 0.708286 0.0663365 --0.13555 0.988715 -0.0637881 -0.511905 0.856869 -0.0610642 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.593961 0.795024 -0.123073 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.831794 -0.521423 0.190361 -0.814657 0.569062 0.111816 0.96461 -0.208999 0.160768 -0.468793 0.882546 0.0366937 --0.254913 0.96691 0.0102551 0.324573 0.933702 -0.151171 -0.396089 0.902252 0.170454 --0.36321 0.928204 0.0807134 0.41152 0.909894 -0.0523878 0.74245 0.669215 -0.0303041 --0.431545 0.896854 0.0970712 -0.647366 0.745287 0.159575 -0.754312 0.641948 0.137538 -0.965728 0.181539 -0.185507 -0.547652 0.836428 -0.0215729 -0.509393 0.860512 -0.00614652 -0.893389 -0.447659 0.0381625 -0.683946 0.72111 0.110537 -0.640153 0.766706 0.0486504 -0.888531 0.45377 0.0678611 -0.708849 0.702835 -0.0596345 -0.974618 0.223189 0.017505 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 -0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 0.996896 0.0750352 0.0238207 --0.238509 0.971074 0.0113576 0.0596535 0.997654 -0.033598 0.243225 0.957762 -0.153403 -0.0867785 0.995858 -0.0271308 -0.789815 0.600173 0.126428 0.871693 0.460363 -0.167982 --0.500058 0.865992 0 -0.468148 0.88365 0 -0.449818 0.893022 0.01323 -0.678991 -0.734044 -0.0122341 0.542535 -0.837459 -0.065714 -0.5071 0.86187 0.00534493 --0.438332 0.895684 0.0749286 -0.42997 0.899028 0.0829143 0.322186 0.946591 0.0127059 -0.307146 0.950664 -0.0435743 -0.181453 0.967752 -0.174733 -0.14762 0.984136 -0.0984136 -0.673835 0.737049 0.0520059 -0.858604 -0.512637 -0.00168354 0.702247 0.702247 -0.117041 --0.665916 0.731202 -0.147981 0.982715 0.181589 -0.0360245 -0.0643781 -0.981086 -0.182556 --0.1195 -0.979236 -0.163759 0.113419 -0.975399 -0.189031 -0.793613 0.595728 0.123635 --0.709686 0.695789 0.11056 0.563008 0.811297 -0.157541 0.528451 0.835585 -0.150126 -0.814319 0.555351 -0.168733 -0.457502 0.888747 0.0286436 -0.550553 0.834103 0.0340962 --0.574767 0.817704 0.0316554 0.534635 -0.840508 -0.0878206 0.649105 -0.740743 -0.173095 -0.737686 -0.658186 -0.150372 -0.363244 0.915201 0.174532 -0.412962 0.880654 0.232187 --0.105526 0.972834 0.206056 0.169772 0.969818 0.175016 0.204462 0.965997 0.158256 -0.15206 0.975996 0.155917 0.173893 0.978574 0.110246 0.292003 0.955725 0.0363921 --0.856901 -0.512676 -0.0537089 -0.812914 -0.577504 -0.0752371 0.479499 0.871225 -0.10511 -0.562478 0.818834 -0.114587 -0.616715 0.771145 -0.158106 -0.535488 0.82647 -0.173781 -0.670118 0.713468 -0.204708 -0.473457 -0.880601 0.0195039 -0.495026 -0.867695 0.0453174 --0.321311 -0.943506 -0.0809718 0.993584 0.111048 -0.0214302 -0.695781 0.712525 0.0905384 --0.599816 0.800085 -0.00925335 0.682727 0.717103 -0.14017 0.673821 0.719973 -0.166148 --0.626889 0.778445 0.0321482 -0.537073 0.843487 0.00904544 0.858828 -0.496212 -0.127234 --0.915686 -0.391304 -0.0916567 0.624353 0.77943 -0.0516923 0.441226 0.896205 -0.0462237 -0.312499 0.946568 -0.0797052 -0.158298 0.966672 -0.201214 0.624981 0.752234 -0.208669 --0.385295 -0.917935 0.0945696 -0.920835 -0.381253 -0.0819083 0.188245 -0.982101 0.00645411 -0.925438 -0.37178 -0.0731078 0.944088 -0.322686 -0.0676105 -0.653123 -0.748006 0.117973 --0.576251 -0.81473 0.0644219 0.99542 0.0704722 0.0645995 -0.58365 0.811376 -0.0319472 --0.227703 0.961412 -0.154397 0.478233 0.861316 -0.171546 -0.497727 0.867334 0 --0.392374 0.919676 0.0154814 -0.397157 0.917569 0.0182601 0.772741 -0.624267 -0.11473 --0.860065 -0.500567 0.0985965 -0.945583 -0.301323 0.12279 0.36121 -0.916403 0.17243 -0.454101 -0.876765 0.158353 -0.887808 -0.448053 -0.105099 -0.717029 -0.691722 -0.0859632 -0.74326 0.66433 -0.0789303 0.727248 0.684071 -0.0561823 -0.679343 0.71428 -0.168218 -0.160269 0.910797 -0.380476 0.884122 0.424657 -0.194924 -0.856608 -0.48949 0.163163 --0.681658 -0.718998 0.13559 0.989926 0 0.141587 -0.478352 0.878168 0 --0.397157 0.917569 -0.0182601 0.75075 -0.637123 -0.174499 0.685822 0.636443 -0.35297 -0.99177 -0.0627702 -0.111592 0.979575 -0.171037 -0.105732 0.986894 -0.119791 -0.108119 --0.917159 0.374499 0.136269 0.443643 -0.887287 0.126107 -0.12786 -0.991428 -0.0268939 -0.64434 0.759385 -0.090338 0.704894 0.704894 -0.0790535 -0.42833 0.888728 -0.163391 --0.0259677 0.969837 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