diff --git a/Modules/Multilabel/mitkLabelSetImage.cpp b/Modules/Multilabel/mitkLabelSetImage.cpp
index 3e2514a6b3..af9b161be2 100644
--- a/Modules/Multilabel/mitkLabelSetImage.cpp
+++ b/Modules/Multilabel/mitkLabelSetImage.cpp
@@ -1,1125 +1,1157 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "mitkLabelSetImage.h"
 #include "mitkImageAccessByItk.h"
 #include "mitkImageCast.h"
 #include "mitkImagePixelReadAccessor.h"
 #include "mitkImagePixelWriteAccessor.h"
 #include "mitkInteractionConst.h"
 #include "mitkLookupTableProperty.h"
 #include "mitkPadImageFilter.h"
 #include "mitkRenderingManager.h"
 #include "mitkDICOMSegmentationPropertyHelper.h"
 #include "mitkDICOMQIPropertyHelper.h"
 #include <vtkCell.h>
 #include <vtkTransform.h>
 #include <vtkTransformPolyDataFilter.h>
 #include <itkImageRegionIterator.h>
 #include <itkQuadEdgeMesh.h>
 #include <itkTriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilter.h>
 //#include <itkRelabelComponentImageFilter.h>
 #include <itkCommand.h>
 #include <itkBinaryFunctorImageFilter.h>
 template <typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimensions>
 void SetToZero(itk::Image<TPixel, VDimensions> *source)
 template <unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
 void CreateLabelMaskProcessing(mitk::Image *layerImage, mitk::Image *mask, mitk::LabelSet::PixelType index)
   mitk::ImagePixelReadAccessor<mitk::LabelSet::PixelType, VImageDimension> readAccessor(layerImage);
   mitk::ImagePixelWriteAccessor<mitk::LabelSet::PixelType, VImageDimension> writeAccessor(mask);
   std::size_t numberOfPixels = 1;
   for (int dim = 0; dim < static_cast<int>(VImageDimension); ++dim)
     numberOfPixels *= static_cast<std::size_t>(readAccessor.GetDimension(dim));
   auto src = readAccessor.GetData();
   auto dest = writeAccessor.GetData();
   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numberOfPixels; ++i)
     if (index == *(src + i))
       *(dest + i) = 1;
   : mitk::Image(), m_ActiveLayer(0), m_activeLayerInvalid(false), m_ExteriorLabel(nullptr)
   // Iniitlaize Background Label
   mitk::Color color;
   color.Set(0, 0, 0);
   m_ExteriorLabel = mitk::Label::New();
   // Add some DICOM Tags as properties to segmentation image
 mitk::LabelSetImage::LabelSetImage(const mitk::LabelSetImage &other)
   : Image(other),
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < other.GetNumberOfLayers(); i++)
     // Clone LabelSet data
     mitk::LabelSet::Pointer lsClone = other.GetLabelSet(i)->Clone();
     // add modified event listener to LabelSet (listen to LabelSet changes)
     itk::SimpleMemberCommand<Self>::Pointer command = itk::SimpleMemberCommand<Self>::New();
     command->SetCallbackFunction(this, &mitk::LabelSetImage::OnLabelSetModified);
     lsClone->AddObserver(itk::ModifiedEvent(), command);
     // clone layer Image data
     mitk::Image::Pointer liClone = other.GetLayerImage(i)->Clone();
   // Add some DICOM Tags as properties to segmentation image
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::OnLabelSetModified()
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::SetExteriorLabel(mitk::Label *label)
   m_ExteriorLabel = label;
 mitk::Label *mitk::LabelSetImage::GetExteriorLabel()
   return m_ExteriorLabel;
 const mitk::Label *mitk::LabelSetImage::GetExteriorLabel() const
   return m_ExteriorLabel;
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::Initialize(const mitk::Image *other)
   mitk::PixelType pixelType(mitk::MakeScalarPixelType<LabelSetImage::PixelType>());
   if (other->GetDimension() == 2)
     const unsigned int dimensions[] = {other->GetDimension(0), other->GetDimension(1), 1};
     Superclass::Initialize(pixelType, 3, dimensions);
     Superclass::Initialize(pixelType, other->GetDimension(), other->GetDimensions());
   auto originalGeometry = other->GetTimeGeometry()->Clone();
   // initialize image memory to zero
   if (4 == this->GetDimension())
     AccessFixedDimensionByItk(this, SetToZero, 4);
     AccessByItk(this, SetToZero);
   // Transfer some general DICOM properties from the source image to derived image (e.g. Patient information,...)
   DICOMQIPropertyHelper::DeriveDICOMSourceProperties(other, this);
   // Add a inital LabelSet ans corresponding image data to the stack
 mitk::Image *mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLayerImage(unsigned int layer)
   return m_LayerContainer[layer];
 const mitk::Image *mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLayerImage(unsigned int layer) const
   return m_LayerContainer[layer];
 unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::GetActiveLayer() const
   return m_ActiveLayer;
 unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::GetNumberOfLayers() const
   return m_LabelSetContainer.size();
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::RemoveLayer()
   int layerToDelete = GetActiveLayer();
   // remove all observers from active label set
   // set the active layer to one below, if exists.
   if (layerToDelete != 0)
     SetActiveLayer(layerToDelete - 1);
     // we are deleting layer zero, it should not be copied back into the vector
     m_activeLayerInvalid = true;
   // remove labelset and image data
   m_LabelSetContainer.erase(m_LabelSetContainer.begin() + layerToDelete);
   m_LayerContainer.erase(m_LayerContainer.begin() + layerToDelete);
   if (layerToDelete == 0)
 unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::AddLayer(mitk::LabelSet::Pointer labelSet)
   mitk::Image::Pointer newImage = mitk::Image::New();
   if (newImage->GetDimension() < 4)
     AccessByItk(newImage, SetToZero);
     AccessFixedDimensionByItk(newImage, SetToZero, 4);
   unsigned int newLabelSetId = this->AddLayer(newImage, labelSet);
   return newLabelSetId;
 unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::AddLayer(mitk::Image::Pointer layerImage, mitk::LabelSet::Pointer labelSet)
   unsigned int newLabelSetId = m_LayerContainer.size();
   // Add labelset to layer
   mitk::LabelSet::Pointer ls;
   if (labelSet.IsNotNull())
     ls = labelSet;
     ls = mitk::LabelSet::New();
     ls->SetActiveLabel(0 /*Exterior Label*/);
   // Add exterior Label to label set
   // mitk::Label::Pointer exteriorLabel = CreateExteriorLabel();
   // push a new working image for the new layer
   // push a new labelset for the new layer
   // add modified event listener to LabelSet (listen to LabelSet changes)
   itk::SimpleMemberCommand<Self>::Pointer command = itk::SimpleMemberCommand<Self>::New();
   command->SetCallbackFunction(this, &mitk::LabelSetImage::OnLabelSetModified);
   ls->AddObserver(itk::ModifiedEvent(), command);
   // MITK_INFO << GetActiveLayer();
   return newLabelSetId;
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::AddLabelSetToLayer(const unsigned int layerIdx, const mitk::LabelSet::Pointer labelSet)
   if (m_LayerContainer.size() <= layerIdx)
     mitkThrow() << "Trying to add labelSet to non-existing layer.";
   if (layerIdx < m_LabelSetContainer.size())
     m_LabelSetContainer[layerIdx] = labelSet;
     while (layerIdx >= m_LabelSetContainer.size())
       mitk::LabelSet::Pointer defaultLabelSet = mitk::LabelSet::New();
       defaultLabelSet->SetActiveLabel(0 /*Exterior Label*/);
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::SetActiveLayer(unsigned int layer)
     if (4 == this->GetDimension())
       if ((layer != GetActiveLayer() || m_activeLayerInvalid) && (layer < this->GetNumberOfLayers()))
         if (m_activeLayerInvalid)
           // We should not write the invalid layer back to the vector
           m_activeLayerInvalid = false;
           AccessFixedDimensionByItk_n(this, ImageToLayerContainerProcessing, 4, (GetActiveLayer()));
         m_ActiveLayer = layer; // only at this place m_ActiveLayer should be manipulated!!! Use Getter and Setter
         AccessFixedDimensionByItk_n(this, LayerContainerToImageProcessing, 4, (GetActiveLayer()));
       if ((layer != GetActiveLayer() || m_activeLayerInvalid) && (layer < this->GetNumberOfLayers()))
         if (m_activeLayerInvalid)
           // We should not write the invalid layer back to the vector
           m_activeLayerInvalid = false;
           AccessByItk_1(this, ImageToLayerContainerProcessing, GetActiveLayer());
         m_ActiveLayer = layer; // only at this place m_ActiveLayer should be manipulated!!! Use Getter and Setter
         AccessByItk_1(this, LayerContainerToImageProcessing, GetActiveLayer());
   catch (itk::ExceptionObject &e)
     mitkThrow() << e.GetDescription();
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::ClearBuffer()
     if (this->GetDimension() == 4)
     { //remark: this extra branch was added, because LabelSetImage instances can be
       //dynamic (4D), but AccessByItk by support only supports 2D and 3D.
       //The option to change the CMake default dimensions for AccessByItk was
       //dropped (for details see discussion in T28756)
       AccessFixedDimensionByItk(this, ClearBufferProcessing,4);
       AccessByItk(this, ClearBufferProcessing);
   catch (itk::ExceptionObject &e)
     mitkThrow() << e.GetDescription();
 bool mitk::LabelSetImage::ExistLabel(PixelType pixelValue) const
   bool exist = false;
   for (unsigned int lidx = 0; lidx < GetNumberOfLayers(); lidx++)
     exist |= m_LabelSetContainer[lidx]->ExistLabel(pixelValue);
   return exist;
 bool mitk::LabelSetImage::ExistLabel(PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer) const
   bool exist = m_LabelSetContainer[layer]->ExistLabel(pixelValue);
   return exist;
 bool mitk::LabelSetImage::ExistLabelSet(unsigned int layer) const
   return layer < m_LabelSetContainer.size();
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::MergeLabel(PixelType pixelValue, PixelType sourcePixelValue, unsigned int layer)
     AccessByItk_2(this, MergeLabelProcessing, pixelValue, sourcePixelValue);
   catch (itk::ExceptionObject &e)
     mitkThrow() << e.GetDescription();
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::MergeLabels(PixelType pixelValue, std::vector<PixelType>& vectorOfSourcePixelValues, unsigned int layer)
     for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < vectorOfSourcePixelValues.size(); idx++)
       AccessByItk_2(this, MergeLabelProcessing, pixelValue, vectorOfSourcePixelValues[idx]);
   catch (itk::ExceptionObject &e)
     mitkThrow() << e.GetDescription();
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::RemoveLabel(PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer)
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::RemoveLabels(std::vector<PixelType>& VectorOfLabelPixelValues, unsigned int layer)
   for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < VectorOfLabelPixelValues.size(); idx++)
     this->RemoveLabel(VectorOfLabelPixelValues[idx], layer);
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabel(PixelType pixelValue)
     if (4 == this->GetDimension())
       AccessFixedDimensionByItk_1(this, EraseLabelProcessing, 4, pixelValue);
       AccessByItk_1(this, EraseLabelProcessing, pixelValue);
   catch (const itk::ExceptionObject& e)
     mitkThrow() << e.GetDescription();
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabels(std::vector<PixelType>& VectorOfLabelPixelValues)
   for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < VectorOfLabelPixelValues.size(); idx++)
 mitk::Label *mitk::LabelSetImage::GetActiveLabel(unsigned int layer)
   if (m_LabelSetContainer.size() <= layer)
     return nullptr;
     return m_LabelSetContainer[layer]->GetActiveLabel();
 const mitk::Label* mitk::LabelSetImage::GetActiveLabel(unsigned int layer) const
   if (m_LabelSetContainer.size() <= layer)
     return nullptr;
     return m_LabelSetContainer[layer]->GetActiveLabel();
 mitk::Label *mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLabel(PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer) const
   if (m_LabelSetContainer.size() <= layer)
     return nullptr;
     return m_LabelSetContainer[layer]->GetLabel(pixelValue);
 mitk::LabelSet *mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLabelSet(unsigned int layer)
   if (m_LabelSetContainer.size() <= layer)
     return nullptr;
     return m_LabelSetContainer[layer].GetPointer();
 const mitk::LabelSet *mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLabelSet(unsigned int layer) const
   if (m_LabelSetContainer.size() <= layer)
     return nullptr;
     return m_LabelSetContainer[layer].GetPointer();
 mitk::LabelSet *mitk::LabelSetImage::GetActiveLabelSet()
   if (m_LabelSetContainer.size() == 0)
     return nullptr;
     return m_LabelSetContainer[GetActiveLayer()].GetPointer();
 const mitk::LabelSet* mitk::LabelSetImage::GetActiveLabelSet() const
   if (m_LabelSetContainer.size() == 0)
     return nullptr;
     return m_LabelSetContainer[GetActiveLayer()].GetPointer();
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::UpdateCenterOfMass(PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer)
   if (4 == this->GetDimension())
     AccessFixedDimensionByItk_2(this, CalculateCenterOfMassProcessing, 4, pixelValue, layer);
     AccessByItk_2(this, CalculateCenterOfMassProcessing, pixelValue, layer);
 unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::GetNumberOfLabels(unsigned int layer) const
   return m_LabelSetContainer[layer]->GetNumberOfLabels();
 unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::GetTotalNumberOfLabels() const
   unsigned int totalLabels(0);
   auto layerIter = m_LabelSetContainer.begin();
   for (; layerIter != m_LabelSetContainer.end(); ++layerIter)
     totalLabels += (*layerIter)->GetNumberOfLabels();
   return totalLabels;
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::MaskStamp(mitk::Image *mask, bool forceOverwrite)
     mitk::PadImageFilter::Pointer padImageFilter = mitk::PadImageFilter::New();
     padImageFilter->SetInput(0, mask);
     padImageFilter->SetInput(1, this);
     mitk::Image::Pointer paddedMask = padImageFilter->GetOutput();
     if (paddedMask.IsNull())
     AccessByItk_2(this, MaskStampProcessing, paddedMask, forceOverwrite);
   catch (...)
     mitkThrow() << "Could not stamp the provided mask on the selected label.";
 mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::LabelSetImage::CreateLabelMask(PixelType index, bool useActiveLayer, unsigned int layer)
   auto previousActiveLayer = this->GetActiveLayer();
   auto mask = mitk::Image::New();
     // mask->Initialize(this) does not work here if this label set image has a single slice,
     // since the mask would be automatically flattened to a 2-d image, whereas we expect the
     // original dimension of this label set image. Hence, initialize the mask more explicitly:
     mask->Initialize(this->GetPixelType(), this->GetDimension(), this->GetDimensions());
     auto byteSize = sizeof(LabelSetImage::PixelType);
     for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < mask->GetDimension(); ++dim)
       byteSize *= mask->GetDimension(dim);
       ImageWriteAccessor accessor(mask);
       memset(accessor.GetData(), 0, byteSize);
     if (!useActiveLayer)
     if (4 == this->GetDimension())
       ::CreateLabelMaskProcessing<4>(this, mask, index);
     else if (3 == this->GetDimension())
       ::CreateLabelMaskProcessing(this, mask, index);
   catch (...)
     if (!useActiveLayer)
     mitkThrow() << "Could not create a mask out of the selected label.";
   if (!useActiveLayer)
   return mask;
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::InitializeByLabeledImage(mitk::Image::Pointer image)
   if (image.IsNull() || image->IsEmpty() || !image->IsInitialized())
     mitkThrow() << "Invalid labeled image.";
     unsigned int byteSize = sizeof(LabelSetImage::PixelType);
     for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < image->GetDimension(); ++dim)
       byteSize *= image->GetDimension(dim);
     mitk::ImageWriteAccessor *accessor = new mitk::ImageWriteAccessor(static_cast<mitk::Image *>(this));
     memset(accessor->GetData(), 0, byteSize);
     delete accessor;
     auto geometry = image->GetTimeGeometry()->Clone();
     if (image->GetDimension() == 3)
       AccessTwoImagesFixedDimensionByItk(this, image, InitializeByLabeledImageProcessing, 3);
     else if (image->GetDimension() == 4)
       AccessTwoImagesFixedDimensionByItk(this, image, InitializeByLabeledImageProcessing, 4);
       mitkThrow() << image->GetDimension() << "-dimensional label set images not yet supported";
   catch (...)
     mitkThrow() << "Could not intialize by provided labeled image.";
 template <typename LabelSetImageType, typename ImageType>
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::InitializeByLabeledImageProcessing(LabelSetImageType *labelSetImage, ImageType *image)
   typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex<ImageType> SourceIteratorType;
   typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator<LabelSetImageType> TargetIteratorType;
   TargetIteratorType targetIter(labelSetImage, labelSetImage->GetRequestedRegion());
   SourceIteratorType sourceIter(image, image->GetRequestedRegion());
   while (!sourceIter.IsAtEnd())
     auto sourceValue = static_cast<PixelType>(sourceIter.Get());
     if (!this->ExistLabel(sourceValue))
       std::stringstream name;
       name << "object-" << sourceValue;
       double rgba[4];
       m_LabelSetContainer[this->GetActiveLayer()]->GetLookupTable()->GetTableValue(sourceValue, rgba);
       mitk::Color color;
       auto label = mitk::Label::New();
       if (GetActiveLabelSet()->GetNumberOfLabels() >= mitk::Label::MAX_LABEL_VALUE ||
           sourceValue >= mitk::Label::MAX_LABEL_VALUE)
 template <typename ImageType>
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::MaskStampProcessing(ImageType *itkImage, mitk::Image *mask, bool forceOverwrite)
   typename ImageType::Pointer itkMask;
   mitk::CastToItkImage(mask, itkMask);
   typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<ImageType> SourceIteratorType;
   typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> TargetIteratorType;
   SourceIteratorType sourceIter(itkMask, itkMask->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
   TargetIteratorType targetIter(itkImage, itkImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
   int activeLabel = this->GetActiveLabel(GetActiveLayer())->GetValue();
   while (!sourceIter.IsAtEnd())
     PixelType sourceValue = sourceIter.Get();
     PixelType targetValue = targetIter.Get();
     if ((sourceValue != 0) &&
         (forceOverwrite || !this->GetLabel(targetValue)->GetLocked())) // skip exterior and locked labels
 template <typename ImageType>
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::CalculateCenterOfMassProcessing(ImageType *itkImage, PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer)
   // for now, we just retrieve the voxel in the middle
   typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<ImageType> IteratorType;
   IteratorType iter(itkImage, itkImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
   std::vector<typename ImageType::IndexType> indexVector;
   while (!iter.IsAtEnd())
     // TODO fix comparison warning more effective
     if (iter.Get() == pixelValue)
   mitk::Point3D pos;
   if (!indexVector.empty())
     typename itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex<ImageType>::IndexType centerIndex;
     centerIndex = indexVector.at(indexVector.size() / 2);
     if (centerIndex.GetIndexDimension() == 3)
       pos[0] = centerIndex[0];
       pos[1] = centerIndex[1];
       pos[2] = centerIndex[2];
   this->GetSlicedGeometry()->IndexToWorld(pos, pos); // TODO: TimeGeometry?
 template <typename ImageType>
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::ClearBufferProcessing(ImageType *itkImage)
 template <typename TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension>
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::LayerContainerToImageProcessing(itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension> *target,
                                                           unsigned int layer)
   typedef itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension> ImageType;
   typename ImageType::Pointer itkSource;
   // mitk::CastToItkImage(m_LayerContainer[layer], itkSource);
   itkSource = ImageToItkImage<TPixel, VImageDimension>(m_LayerContainer[layer]);
   typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<ImageType> SourceIteratorType;
   typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> TargetIteratorType;
   SourceIteratorType sourceIter(itkSource, itkSource->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
   TargetIteratorType targetIter(target, target->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
   while (!sourceIter.IsAtEnd())
 template <typename TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension>
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::ImageToLayerContainerProcessing(itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension> *source,
                                                           unsigned int layer) const
   typedef itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension> ImageType;
   typename ImageType::Pointer itkTarget;
   // mitk::CastToItkImage(m_LayerContainer[layer], itkTarget);
   itkTarget = ImageToItkImage<TPixel, VImageDimension>(m_LayerContainer[layer]);
   typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<ImageType> SourceIteratorType;
   typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> TargetIteratorType;
   SourceIteratorType sourceIter(source, source->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
   TargetIteratorType targetIter(itkTarget, itkTarget->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
   while (!sourceIter.IsAtEnd())
 template <typename ImageType>
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabelProcessing(ImageType *itkImage, PixelType pixelValue)
   typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> IteratorType;
   IteratorType iter(itkImage, itkImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
   while (!iter.IsAtEnd())
     PixelType value = iter.Get();
     if (value == pixelValue)
 template <typename ImageType>
 void mitk::LabelSetImage::MergeLabelProcessing(ImageType *itkImage, PixelType pixelValue, PixelType index)
   typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> IteratorType;
   IteratorType iter(itkImage, itkImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
   while (!iter.IsAtEnd())
     if (iter.Get() == index)
 bool mitk::Equal(const mitk::LabelSetImage &leftHandSide,
                  const mitk::LabelSetImage &rightHandSide,
                  ScalarType eps,
                  bool verbose)
   bool returnValue = true;
   /* LabelSetImage members */
   MITK_INFO(verbose) << "--- LabelSetImage Equal ---";
   // number layers
   returnValue = leftHandSide.GetNumberOfLayers() == rightHandSide.GetNumberOfLayers();
   if (!returnValue)
     MITK_INFO(verbose) << "Number of layers not equal.";
     return false;
   // total number labels
   returnValue = leftHandSide.GetTotalNumberOfLabels() == rightHandSide.GetTotalNumberOfLabels();
   if (!returnValue)
     MITK_INFO(verbose) << "Total number of labels not equal.";
     return false;
   // active layer
   returnValue = leftHandSide.GetActiveLayer() == rightHandSide.GetActiveLayer();
   if (!returnValue)
     MITK_INFO(verbose) << "Active layer not equal.";
     return false;
   if (4 == leftHandSide.GetDimension())
     MITK_INFO(verbose) << "Can not compare image data for 4D images - skipping check.";
     // working image data
     returnValue = mitk::Equal((const mitk::Image &)leftHandSide, (const mitk::Image &)rightHandSide, eps, verbose);
     if (!returnValue)
       MITK_INFO(verbose) << "Working image data not equal.";
       return false;
   for (unsigned int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < leftHandSide.GetNumberOfLayers(); layerIndex++)
     if (4 == leftHandSide.GetDimension())
       MITK_INFO(verbose) << "Can not compare image data for 4D images - skipping check.";
       // layer image data
       returnValue =
         mitk::Equal(*leftHandSide.GetLayerImage(layerIndex), *rightHandSide.GetLayerImage(layerIndex), eps, verbose);
       if (!returnValue)
         MITK_INFO(verbose) << "Layer image data not equal.";
         return false;
     // layer labelset data
     returnValue =
       mitk::Equal(*leftHandSide.GetLabelSet(layerIndex), *rightHandSide.GetLabelSet(layerIndex), eps, verbose);
     if (!returnValue)
       MITK_INFO(verbose) << "Layer labelset data not equal.";
       return false;
   return returnValue;
 /** Functor class that implements the label transfer and is used in conjunction with the itk::BinaryFunctorImageFilter.
 * For details regarding the usage of the filter and the functor patterns, please see info of itk::BinaryFunctorImageFilter.
 template <class TDestinationPixel, class TSourcePixel, class TOutputpixel>
 class LabelTransferFunctor
   LabelTransferFunctor() {};
   LabelTransferFunctor(const mitk::LabelSet* destinationLabelSet, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceBackground,
     mitk::Label::PixelType destinationBackground, bool destinationBackgroundLocked,
     mitk::Label::PixelType sourceLabel, mitk::Label::PixelType newDestinationLabel, mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle,
     mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStyle) :
     m_DestinationLabelSet(destinationLabelSet), m_SourceBackground(sourceBackground),
     m_DestinationBackground(destinationBackground), m_DestinationBackgroundLocked(destinationBackgroundLocked),
     m_SourceLabel(sourceLabel), m_NewDestinationLabel(newDestinationLabel), m_MergeStyle(mergeStyle), m_OverwriteStyle(overwriteStyle)
   ~LabelTransferFunctor() {};
   bool operator!=(const LabelTransferFunctor& other)const
     return !(*this == other);
   bool operator==(const LabelTransferFunctor& other) const
     return this->m_SourceBackground == other.m_SourceBackground &&
       this->m_DestinationBackground == other.m_DestinationBackground &&
       this->m_DestinationBackgroundLocked == other.m_DestinationBackgroundLocked &&
       this->m_SourceLabel == other.m_SourceLabel &&
       this->m_NewDestinationLabel == other.m_NewDestinationLabel &&
       this->m_MergeStyle == other.m_MergeStyle &&
       this->m_OverwriteStyle == other.m_OverwriteStyle &&
       this->m_DestinationLabelSet == other.m_DestinationLabelSet;
   LabelTransferFunctor& operator=(const LabelTransferFunctor& other)
     this->m_DestinationLabelSet = other.m_DestinationLabelSet;
     this->m_SourceBackground = other.m_SourceBackground;
     this->m_DestinationBackground = other.m_DestinationBackground;
     this->m_DestinationBackgroundLocked = other.m_DestinationBackgroundLocked;
     this->m_SourceLabel = other.m_SourceLabel;
     this->m_NewDestinationLabel = other.m_NewDestinationLabel;
     this->m_MergeStyle = other.m_MergeStyle;
     this->m_OverwriteStyle = other.m_OverwriteStyle;
     return *this;
   inline TOutputpixel operator()(const TDestinationPixel& existingDestinationValue, const TSourcePixel& existingSourceValue)
-    if (existingSourceValue == this->m_SourceLabel
-      && (mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::IgnoreLocks == this->m_OverwriteStyle
-          || !this->m_DestinationLabelSet->GetLabel(existingDestinationValue)->GetLocked()))
+    if (existingSourceValue == this->m_SourceLabel)
-      return this->m_NewDestinationLabel;
+      if (mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::IgnoreLocks == this->m_OverwriteStyle)
+      {
+        return this->m_NewDestinationLabel;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        auto label = this->m_DestinationLabelSet->GetLabel(existingDestinationValue);
+        if (nullptr == label || !label->GetLocked())
+        {
+          return this->m_NewDestinationLabel;
+        }
+      }
     else if (mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle::Replace == this->m_MergeStyle
       && existingSourceValue == this->m_SourceBackground
       && existingDestinationValue == this->m_NewDestinationLabel
       && (mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::IgnoreLocks == this->m_OverwriteStyle
           || !this->m_DestinationBackgroundLocked))
       return this->m_DestinationBackground;
     return existingDestinationValue;
   const mitk::LabelSet* m_DestinationLabelSet = nullptr;
   mitk::Label::PixelType m_SourceBackground = 0;
   mitk::Label::PixelType m_DestinationBackground = 0;
   bool m_DestinationBackgroundLocked = false;
   mitk::Label::PixelType m_SourceLabel = 1;
   mitk::Label::PixelType m_NewDestinationLabel = 1;
   mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle m_MergeStyle = mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle::Replace;
   mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle m_OverwriteStyle = mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::RegardLocks;
 /**Helper function used by TransferLabelContent to allow the templating over different image dimensions in conjunction of AccessFixedPixelTypeByItk_n.*/
 template<unsigned int VImageDimension>
-void TransferLabelContentHelper(const itk::Image<mitk::Label::PixelType, VImageDimension>* itkSourceImage, mitk::Image* destinationImage, const mitk::LabelSet* destinationLabelSet, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceBackground, mitk::Label::PixelType destinationBackground, bool destinationBackgroundLocked, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceLabel, mitk::Label::PixelType newDestinationLabel, mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle, mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStyle)
+void TransferLabelContentHelper(const itk::Image<mitk::Label::PixelType, VImageDimension>* itkSourceImage, mitk::Image* destinationImage,
+  const mitk::LabelSet* destinationLabelSet, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceBackground, mitk::Label::PixelType destinationBackground,
+  bool destinationBackgroundLocked, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceLabel, mitk::Label::PixelType newDestinationLabel, mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle, mitk::MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStyle)
   typedef itk::Image<mitk::Label::PixelType, VImageDimension> ContentImageType;
   typename ContentImageType::Pointer itkDestinationImage;
   mitk::CastToItkImage(destinationImage, itkDestinationImage);
   typedef LabelTransferFunctor <mitk::Label::PixelType, mitk::Label::PixelType, mitk::Label::PixelType> LabelTransferFunctorType;
   typedef itk::BinaryFunctorImageFilter<ContentImageType, ContentImageType, ContentImageType, LabelTransferFunctorType> FilterType;
   LabelTransferFunctorType transferFunctor(destinationLabelSet, sourceBackground, destinationBackground,
     destinationBackgroundLocked, sourceLabel, newDestinationLabel, mergeStyle, overwriteStyle);
   auto transferFilter = FilterType::New();
 void mitk::TransferLabelContent(
-  const LabelSetImage* sourceImage, LabelSetImage* destinationImage, std::vector<std::pair<Label::PixelType, Label::PixelType> > labelMapping,
+  const Image* sourceImage, Image* destinationImage, const mitk::LabelSet* destinationLabelSet, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceBackground,
+  mitk::Label::PixelType destinationBackground, bool destinationBackgroundLocked, std::vector<std::pair<Label::PixelType, Label::PixelType> > labelMapping,
   MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle, MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStlye, const TimeStepType timeStep)
   if (nullptr == sourceImage)
     mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent; sourceImage must not be null.";
   if (nullptr == destinationImage)
     mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent; destinationImage must not be null.";
-  const auto sourceBackground = sourceImage->GetExteriorLabel()->GetValue();
-  const auto destinationBackground = destinationImage->GetExteriorLabel()->GetValue();
-  const auto destinationBackgroundLocked = destinationImage->GetExteriorLabel()->GetLocked();
-  const auto destinationLabelSet = destinationImage->GetLabelSet(destinationImage->GetActiveLayer());
+  if (nullptr == destinationLabelSet)
+  {
+    mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent; destinationLabelSet must not be null";
+  }
   Image::ConstPointer sourceImageAtTimeStep = SelectImageByTimeStep(sourceImage, timeStep);
   Image::Pointer destinationImageAtTimeStep = SelectImageByTimeStep(destinationImage, timeStep);
   if (nullptr == sourceImageAtTimeStep)
     mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent; sourceImage does not have the requested time step: " << timeStep;
   if (nullptr == destinationImageAtTimeStep)
     mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent; destinationImage does not have the requested time step: " << timeStep;
   for (const auto& [sourceLabel, newDestinationLabel] : labelMapping)
-    if (!sourceImage->ExistLabel(sourceLabel, sourceImage->GetActiveLayer()))
-    {
-      mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent. Defined source label does not exist in sourceImage. SourceLabel: " << sourceLabel;
-    }
-    if (!destinationImage->ExistLabel(newDestinationLabel, destinationImage->GetActiveLayer()))
+    if (nullptr == destinationLabelSet->GetLabel(newDestinationLabel))
       mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent. Defined destination label does not exist in destinationImage. newDestinationLabel: " << newDestinationLabel;
     AccessFixedPixelTypeByItk_n(sourceImageAtTimeStep, TransferLabelContentHelper, (Label::PixelType), (destinationImageAtTimeStep, destinationLabelSet, sourceBackground, destinationBackground, destinationBackgroundLocked, sourceLabel, newDestinationLabel, mergeStyle, overwriteStlye));
+void mitk::TransferLabelContent(
+  const LabelSetImage* sourceImage, LabelSetImage* destinationImage, std::vector<std::pair<Label::PixelType, Label::PixelType> > labelMapping,
+  MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle, MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStlye, const TimeStepType timeStep)
+  if (nullptr == sourceImage)
+  {
+    mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent; sourceImage must not be null.";
+  }
+  const auto sourceBackground = sourceImage->GetExteriorLabel()->GetValue();
+  const auto destinationBackground = destinationImage->GetExteriorLabel()->GetValue();
+  const auto destinationBackgroundLocked = destinationImage->GetExteriorLabel()->GetLocked();
+  const auto destinationLabelSet = destinationImage->GetLabelSet(destinationImage->GetActiveLayer());
+  for (const auto& mappingElement : labelMapping)
+  {
+    if (!sourceImage->ExistLabel(mappingElement.first, sourceImage->GetActiveLayer()))
+    {
+      mitkThrow() << "Invalid call of TransferLabelContent. Defined source label does not exist in sourceImage. SourceLabel: " << mappingElement.first;
+    }
+  }
+  TransferLabelContent(sourceImage, destinationImage, destinationLabelSet, sourceBackground, destinationBackground, destinationBackgroundLocked,
+    labelMapping, mergeStyle, overwriteStlye, timeStep);
diff --git a/Modules/Multilabel/mitkLabelSetImage.h b/Modules/Multilabel/mitkLabelSetImage.h
index 5701e558b0..491b80ca67 100644
--- a/Modules/Multilabel/mitkLabelSetImage.h
+++ b/Modules/Multilabel/mitkLabelSetImage.h
@@ -1,387 +1,417 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #ifndef __mitkLabelSetImage_H_
 #define __mitkLabelSetImage_H_
 #include <mitkImage.h>
 #include <mitkLabelSet.h>
 #include <MitkMultilabelExports.h>
 namespace mitk
   //## @brief LabelSetImage class for handling labels and layers in a segmentation session.
   //## Handles operations for adding, removing, erasing and editing labels and layers.
   //## @ingroup Data
   class MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT LabelSetImage : public Image
     mitkClassMacro(LabelSetImage, Image);
       typedef mitk::Label::PixelType PixelType;
     * \brief BeforeChangeLayerEvent (e.g. used for GUI integration)
     * As soon as active labelset should be changed, the signal emits.
     * Emitted by SetActiveLayer(int layer);
     Message<> BeforeChangeLayerEvent;
     * \brief AfterchangeLayerEvent (e.g. used for GUI integration)
     * As soon as active labelset was changed, the signal emits.
     * Emitted by SetActiveLayer(int layer);
     Message<> AfterChangeLayerEvent;
      * @brief Initialize an empty mitk::LabelSetImage using the information
      *        of an mitk::Image
      * @param image the image which is used for initializing the mitk::LabelSetImage
     using mitk::Image::Initialize;
     void Initialize(const mitk::Image *image) override;
       * \brief  */
     void ClearBuffer();
      * @brief Merges the mitk::Label with a given target value with the active label
      * @param pixelValue          the value of the label that should be the new merged label
      * @param sourcePixelValue    the value of the label that should be merged into the specified one
      * @param layer               the layer in which the merge should be performed
     void MergeLabel(PixelType pixelValue, PixelType sourcePixelValue, unsigned int layer = 0);
      * @brief Merges a list of mitk::Labels with the mitk::Label that has a specific value
      * @param pixelValue                  the value of the label that should be the new merged label
      * @param vectorOfSourcePixelValues   the list of label values that should be merge into the specified one
      * @param layer                       the layer in which the merge should be performed
     void MergeLabels(PixelType pixelValue, std::vector<PixelType>& vectorOfSourcePixelValues, unsigned int layer = 0);
       * \brief  */
     void UpdateCenterOfMass(PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer = 0);
      * @brief Removes the label with the given value.
      *        The label is removed from the labelset of the given layer and
      *        the pixel values of the image below the label are reset.
      * @param pixelValue the pixel value of the label to be removed
      * @param layer the layer from which the label should be removed
     void RemoveLabel(PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer = 0);
      * @brief Removes a list of labels with th given value.
      *        The labels are removed from the labelset of the given layer and
      *        the pixel values of the image below the label are reset.
      *        Calls mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabels().
      * @param VectorOfLabelPixelValues a list of pixel values of labels to be removed
      * @param layer the layer from which the labels should be removed
     void RemoveLabels(std::vector<PixelType> &VectorOfLabelPixelValues, unsigned int layer = 0);
      * @brief Erases the label with the given value from the labelset image.
      *        The label itself will not be erased from the respective mitk::LabelSet. In order to
      *        remove the label itself use mitk::LabelSetImage::RemoveLabels()
      * @param pixelValue the pixel value of the label that will be erased from the labelset image
     void EraseLabel(PixelType pixelValue);
      * @brief Erases a list of labels with the given values from the labelset image.
      * @param VectorOfLabelPixelValues the list of pixel values of the labels
      *                                 that will be erased from the labelset image
     void EraseLabels(std::vector<PixelType> &VectorOfLabelPixelValues);
       * \brief  Returns true if the value exists in one of the labelsets*/
     bool ExistLabel(PixelType pixelValue) const;
      * @brief Checks if a label exists in a certain layer
      * @param pixelValue the label value
      * @param layer the layer in which should be searched for the label
      * @return true if the label exists otherwise false
     bool ExistLabel(PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer) const;
       * \brief  Returns true if the labelset exists*/
     bool ExistLabelSet(unsigned int layer) const;
      * @brief Returns the active label of a specific layer
      * @param layer the layer ID for which the active label should be returned
      * @return the active label of the specified layer
     mitk::Label *GetActiveLabel(unsigned int layer = 0);
     const mitk::Label* GetActiveLabel(unsigned int layer = 0) const;
      * @brief Returns the mitk::Label with the given pixelValue and for the given layer
      * @param pixelValue the pixel value of the label
      * @param layer the layer in which the labels should be located
      * @return the mitk::Label if available otherwise nullptr
     mitk::Label *GetLabel(PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer = 0) const;
      * @brief Returns the currently active mitk::LabelSet
      * @return the mitk::LabelSet of the active layer or nullptr if non is present
     mitk::LabelSet *GetActiveLabelSet();
     const mitk::LabelSet* GetActiveLabelSet() const;
      * @brief Gets the mitk::LabelSet for the given layer
      * @param layer the layer for which the mitk::LabelSet should be retrieved
      * @return the respective mitk::LabelSet or nullptr if non exists for the given layer
     mitk::LabelSet *GetLabelSet(unsigned int layer = 0);
     const mitk::LabelSet *GetLabelSet(unsigned int layer = 0) const;
      * @brief Gets the ID of the currently active layer
      * @return the ID of the active layer
     unsigned int GetActiveLayer() const;
      * @brief Get the number of all existing mitk::Labels for a given layer
      * @param layer the layer ID for which the active mitk::Labels should be retrieved
      * @return the number of all existing mitk::Labels for the given layer
     unsigned int GetNumberOfLabels(unsigned int layer = 0) const;
      * @brief Returns the number of all labels summed up across all layers
      * @return the overall number of labels across all layers
     unsigned int GetTotalNumberOfLabels() const;
     // This function will need to be ported to an external class
     // it requires knowledge of pixeltype and dimension and includes
     // too much algorithm to be sensibly part of a data class
     //  * \brief  */
     // void SurfaceStamp(mitk::Surface* surface, bool forceOverwrite);
       * \brief  */
     mitk::Image::Pointer CreateLabelMask(PixelType index, bool useActiveLayer = true, unsigned int layer = 0);
      * @brief Initialize a new mitk::LabelSetImage by an given image.
      * For all distinct pixel values of the parameter image new labels will
      * be created. If the number of distinct pixel values exceeds mitk::Label::MAX_LABEL_VALUE
      * a new layer will be created
      * @param image the image which is used for initialization
     void InitializeByLabeledImage(mitk::Image::Pointer image);
       * \brief  */
     void MaskStamp(mitk::Image *mask, bool forceOverwrite);
       * \brief  */
     void SetActiveLayer(unsigned int layer);
       * \brief  */
     unsigned int GetNumberOfLayers() const;
      * \brief Adds a new layer to the LabelSetImage. The new layer will be set as the active one.
      * \param labelSet a labelset that will be added to the new layer if provided
      * \return the layer ID of the new layer
     unsigned int AddLayer(mitk::LabelSet::Pointer labelSet = nullptr);
     * \brief Adds a layer based on a provided mitk::Image.
     * \param layerImage is added to the vector of label images
     * \param labelSet   a labelset that will be added to the new layer if provided
     * \return the layer ID of the new layer
     unsigned int AddLayer(mitk::Image::Pointer layerImage, mitk::LabelSet::Pointer labelSet = nullptr);
     * \brief Add a LabelSet to an existing layer
     * This will replace an existing labelSet if one exists. Throws an exceptions if you are trying
     * to add a labelSet to a non-existing layer.
     * If there are no labelSets for layers with an id less than layerIdx default ones will be added
     * for them.
     * \param layerIdx The index of the layer the LabelSet should be added to
     * \param labelSet The LabelSet that should be added
     void AddLabelSetToLayer(const unsigned int layerIdx, const mitk::LabelSet::Pointer labelSet);
      * @brief Removes the active layer and the respective mitk::LabelSet and image information.
      *        The new active layer is the one below, if exists
     void RemoveLayer();
       * \brief  */
     mitk::Image *GetLayerImage(unsigned int layer);
     const mitk::Image *GetLayerImage(unsigned int layer) const;
     void OnLabelSetModified();
      * @brief Sets the label which is used as default exterior label when creating a new layer
      * @param label the label which will be used as new exterior label
     void SetExteriorLabel(mitk::Label *label);
      * @brief Gets the mitk::Label which is used as default exterior label
      * @return the exterior mitk::Label
     mitk::Label *GetExteriorLabel();
     const mitk::Label *GetExteriorLabel() const;
     LabelSetImage(const LabelSetImage &other);
     ~LabelSetImage() override;
     template <typename TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension>
     void LayerContainerToImageProcessing(itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension> *source, unsigned int layer);
     template <typename TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension>
     void ImageToLayerContainerProcessing(itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension> *source, unsigned int layer) const;
     template <typename ImageType>
     void CalculateCenterOfMassProcessing(ImageType *input, PixelType index, unsigned int layer);
     template <typename ImageType>
     void ClearBufferProcessing(ImageType *input);
     template <typename ImageType>
     void EraseLabelProcessing(ImageType *input, PixelType index);
     template <typename ImageType>
     void MergeLabelProcessing(ImageType *input, PixelType pixelValue, PixelType index);
     template <typename ImageType>
     void MaskStampProcessing(ImageType *input, mitk::Image *mask, bool forceOverwrite);
     template <typename LabelSetImageType, typename ImageType>
     void InitializeByLabeledImageProcessing(LabelSetImageType *input, ImageType *other);
     std::vector<LabelSet::Pointer> m_LabelSetContainer;
     std::vector<Image::Pointer> m_LayerContainer;
     int m_ActiveLayer;
     bool m_activeLayerInvalid;
     mitk::Label::Pointer m_ExteriorLabel;
   * @brief Equal A function comparing two label set images for beeing equal in meta- and imagedata
   * @ingroup MITKTestingAPI
   * Following aspects are tested for equality:
   *  - LabelSetImage members
   *  - working image data
   *  - layer image data
   *  - labels in label set
   * @param rightHandSide An image to be compared
   * @param leftHandSide An image to be compared
   * @param eps Tolerance for comparison. You can use mitk::eps in most cases.
   * @param verbose Flag indicating if the user wants detailed console output or not.
   * @return true, if all subsequent comparisons are true, false otherwise
   MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT bool Equal(const mitk::LabelSetImage &leftHandSide,
                                    const mitk::LabelSetImage &rightHandSide,
                                    ScalarType eps,
                                    bool verbose);
   /** temporery namespace that is used until the new class MultiLabelSegmentation is
     introduced. It allows to already introduce/use some upcoming definitions, while
     refactoring code.*/
   namespace MultiLabelSegmentation
     enum class MergeStyle
       Replace, //The old label content of a lable value will be replaced by its new label content.
                //Therefore pixels that are labeled might become unlabeled again.
                //(This means that a lock of the value is also ignored).
       Merge //The union of old and new label content will be generated.
     enum class OverwriteStyle
       RegardLocks, //Locked labels in the same spatial group will not be overwritten/changed.
       IgnoreLocks //Label locks in the same spatial group will be ignored, so these labels might be changed.
   /**Helper function that transfers pixels of the specified source label from source image to the destination image by using
   a specified destination label. Function processes the whole image volume of the specified time step.
   @remark in its current implementation the function only transfers contents of the active layer of the passed LabelSetImages.
   @remark the function assumes that it is only called with source and destination image of same geometry.
   @param sourceImage Pointer to the LabelSetImage which active layer should be used as source for the transfer.
-  @param destionationImage Pointer to the LabelSetImage which active layer should be used as destination for the transfer.
+  @param destinationImage Pointer to the LabelSetImage which active layer should be used as destination for the transfer.
   @param labelMapping Map that encodes the mappings of all label pixel transfers that should be done. First element is the
   label in the source image. The second element is the label that transferred pixels should become in the destination image.
   The order in which the labels will be transfered is the same order of elements in the labelMapping.
   If you use a heterogeneous label mapping (e.g. (1,2); so changing the label while transfering), keep in mind that
   for the MergeStyle and OverwriteStyle only the destination label (second element) is relevant (e.g. what should be
   altered with MergeStyle Replace).
   @param mergeStyle indicates how the transfer should be done (merge or replace). For more details see documentation of
   @param overwriteStlye indicates if label locks in the destination image should be regarded or not. For more details see
   documentation of MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle.
   @param timeStep indicate the time step that should be transferred.
   @pre sourceImage and destinationImage must be valid
   @pre sourceImage and destinationImage must contain the indicated timeStep
   @pre sourceImage must contain all indicated sourceLabels in its active layer.
   @pre destinationImage must contain all indicated destinationLabels in its active layer.*/
   MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT void TransferLabelContent(const LabelSetImage* sourceImage, LabelSetImage* destinationImage,
     std::vector<std::pair<Label::PixelType, Label::PixelType> > labelMapping = { {1,1} },
     MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle = MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle::Replace,
     MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStlye = MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::RegardLocks,
     const TimeStepType timeStep = 0);
+  /**Helper function that transfers pixels of the specified source label from source image to the destination image by using
+  a specified destination label. Function processes the whole image volume of the specified time step.
+  @remark the function assumes that it is only called with source and destination image of same geometry.
+  @param sourceImage Pointer to the image that should be used as source for the transfer.
+  @param destinationImage Pointer to the image that should be used as destination for the transfer.
+  @param destinationLabelSet Pointer to the label set specifying labels and lock states in the destination image. Unkown pixel
+  values in the destinationImage will be assumed to be unlocked.
+  @param sourceBackground Value indicating the background in the source image.
+  @param destinationBackground Value indicating the background in the destination image.
+  @param destinationBackgroundLocked Value indicating the lock state of the background in the destination image.
+  @param labelMapping Map that encodes the mappings of all label pixel transfers that should be done. First element is the
+  label in the source image. The second element is the label that transferred pixels should become in the destination image.
+  The order in which the labels will be transfered is the same order of elements in the labelMapping.
+  If you use a heterogeneous label mapping (e.g. (1,2); so changing the label while transfering), keep in mind that
+  for the MergeStyle and OverwriteStyle only the destination label (second element) is relevant (e.g. what should be
+  altered with MergeStyle Replace).
+  @param mergeStyle indicates how the transfer should be done (merge or replace). For more details see documentation of
+  MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle.
+  @param overwriteStlye indicates if label locks in the destination image should be regarded or not. For more details see
+  documentation of MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle.
+  @param timeStep indicate the time step that should be transferred.
+  @pre sourceImage, destinationImage and destinationLabelSet must be valid
+  @pre sourceImage and destinationImage must contain the indicated timeStep
+  @pre destinationLabelSet must contain all indicated destinationLabels for mapping.*/
+  MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT void TransferLabelContent(const Image* sourceImage, Image* destinationImage, const mitk::LabelSet* destinationLabelSet,
+    mitk::Label::PixelType sourceBackground = 0, mitk::Label::PixelType destinationBackground = 0, bool destinationBackgroundLocked = false,
+    std::vector<std::pair<Label::PixelType, Label::PixelType> > labelMapping = { {1,1} },
+    MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle = MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle::Replace,
+    MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStlye = MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::RegardLocks,
+    const TimeStepType timeStep = 0);
 } // namespace mitk
 #endif // __mitkLabelSetImage_H_