diff --git a/Core/Code/DataManagement/mitkSurface.cpp b/Core/Code/DataManagement/mitkSurface.cpp index e56dc8d3e6..c4144396ef 100644 --- a/Core/Code/DataManagement/mitkSurface.cpp +++ b/Core/Code/DataManagement/mitkSurface.cpp @@ -1,520 +1,518 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkSurface.h" #include "mitkInteractionConst.h" #include "mitkSurfaceOperation.h" #include #include -static vtkPolyData* DeepCopy(vtkPolyData* other) +static vtkSmartPointer DeepCopy(vtkPolyData* other) { if (other == NULL) return NULL; - vtkPolyData* copy = vtkPolyData::New(); + vtkSmartPointer copy = vtkSmartPointer::New(); copy->DeepCopy(other); return copy; } static void Update(vtkPolyData* /*polyData*/) { // if (polyData != NULL) // polyData->Update(); //VTK6_TODO vtk pipeline } mitk::Surface::Surface() : m_CalculateBoundingBox(false) { this->InitializeEmpty(); } mitk::Surface::Surface(const mitk::Surface& other) : BaseData(other), m_LargestPossibleRegion(other.m_LargestPossibleRegion), m_RequestedRegion(other.m_RequestedRegion), m_CalculateBoundingBox(other.m_CalculateBoundingBox) { if(!other.m_PolyDatas.empty()) { m_PolyDatas.resize(other.m_PolyDatas.size()); std::transform(other.m_PolyDatas.begin(), other.m_PolyDatas.end(), m_PolyDatas.begin(), DeepCopy); } else { this->InitializeEmpty(); } } void mitk::Surface::Swap(mitk::Surface& other) { std::swap(m_PolyDatas, other.m_PolyDatas); std::swap(m_LargestPossibleRegion, other.m_LargestPossibleRegion); std::swap(m_RequestedRegion, other.m_RequestedRegion); std::swap(m_CalculateBoundingBox, other.m_CalculateBoundingBox); } mitk::Surface& mitk::Surface::operator=(Surface other) { this->Swap(other); return *this; } mitk::Surface::~Surface() { this->ClearData(); } void mitk::Surface::ClearData() { m_PolyDatas.clear(); Superclass::ClearData(); } const mitk::Surface::RegionType& mitk::Surface::GetLargestPossibleRegion() const { m_LargestPossibleRegion.SetIndex(3, 0); m_LargestPossibleRegion.SetSize(3, GetTimeGeometry()->CountTimeSteps()); return m_LargestPossibleRegion; } const mitk::Surface::RegionType& mitk::Surface::GetRequestedRegion() const { return m_RequestedRegion; } void mitk::Surface::InitializeEmpty() { if (!m_PolyDatas.empty()) this->ClearData(); Superclass::InitializeTimeGeometry(); m_PolyDatas.push_back(NULL); m_Initialized = true; } void mitk::Surface::SetVtkPolyData(vtkPolyData* polyData, unsigned int t) { this->Expand(t + 1); if (m_PolyDatas[t] != NULL) { - if (m_PolyDatas[t] == polyData) + if (m_PolyDatas[t].GetPointer() == polyData) return; - - m_PolyDatas[t]->Delete(); } - m_PolyDatas[t] = polyData; + m_PolyDatas[t].TakeReference(polyData); if(polyData != NULL) polyData->Register(NULL); m_CalculateBoundingBox = true; this->Modified(); this->UpdateOutputInformation(); } bool mitk::Surface::IsEmptyTimeStep(unsigned int t) const { if(!IsInitialized()) return false; vtkPolyData* polyData = const_cast(this)->GetVtkPolyData(t); return polyData == NULL || ( polyData->GetNumberOfLines() == 0 && polyData->GetNumberOfPolys() == 0 && polyData->GetNumberOfStrips() == 0 && polyData->GetNumberOfVerts() == 0 ); } vtkPolyData* mitk::Surface::GetVtkPolyData(unsigned int t) const { if (t < m_PolyDatas.size()) { if(m_PolyDatas[t] == NULL && this->GetSource().IsNotNull()) { RegionType requestedRegion; requestedRegion.SetIndex(3, t); requestedRegion.SetSize(3, 1); this->m_RequestedRegion = requestedRegion; this->GetSource()->Update(); } return m_PolyDatas[t].GetPointer(); } return NULL; } void mitk::Surface::UpdateOutputInformation() { if (this->GetSource().IsNotNull()) this->GetSource()->UpdateOutputInformation(); if (m_CalculateBoundingBox == true && !m_PolyDatas.empty()) this->CalculateBoundingBox(); else this->GetTimeGeometry()->Update(); } void mitk::Surface::CalculateBoundingBox() { TimeGeometry* timeGeometry = this->GetTimeGeometry(); if (timeGeometry->CountTimeSteps() != m_PolyDatas.size()) mitkThrow() << "Number of geometry time steps is inconsistent with number of poly data pointers."; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_PolyDatas.size(); ++i) { - vtkPolyData* polyData = m_PolyDatas[i]; + vtkPolyData* polyData = m_PolyDatas[i].GetPointer(); double bounds[6] = {0}; if (polyData != NULL && polyData->GetNumberOfPoints() > 0) { // polyData->Update(); //VTK6_TODO vtk pipeline polyData->ComputeBounds(); polyData->GetBounds(bounds); } BaseGeometry::Pointer geometry = timeGeometry->GetGeometryForTimeStep(i); if (geometry.IsNull()) mitkThrow() << "Time-sliced geometry is invalid (equals NULL)."; geometry->SetFloatBounds(bounds); } timeGeometry->Update(); m_CalculateBoundingBox = false; } void mitk::Surface::SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion() { m_RequestedRegion = GetLargestPossibleRegion(); } bool mitk::Surface::RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion() { RegionType::IndexValueType end = m_RequestedRegion.GetIndex(3) + m_RequestedRegion.GetSize(3); if(static_cast(m_PolyDatas.size()) < end) return true; for(RegionType::IndexValueType t = m_RequestedRegion.GetIndex(3); t < end; ++t) { if(m_PolyDatas[t] == NULL) return true; } return false; } bool mitk::Surface::VerifyRequestedRegion() { if(m_RequestedRegion.GetIndex(3) >= 0 && m_RequestedRegion.GetIndex(3) + m_RequestedRegion.GetSize(3) <= m_PolyDatas.size()) return true; return false; } void mitk::Surface::SetRequestedRegion(const itk::DataObject* data ) { const mitk::Surface *surface = dynamic_cast(data); if (surface != NULL) m_RequestedRegion = surface->GetRequestedRegion(); else mitkThrow() << "Data object used to get requested region is not a mitk::Surface."; } void mitk::Surface::SetRequestedRegion(Surface::RegionType* region) { if (region == NULL) mitkThrow() << "Requested region is invalid (equals NULL)"; m_RequestedRegion = *region; } void mitk::Surface::CopyInformation(const itk::DataObject* data) { Superclass::CopyInformation(data); const mitk::Surface* surface = dynamic_cast(data); if (surface == NULL) mitkThrow() << "Data object used to get largest possible region is not a mitk::Surface."; m_LargestPossibleRegion = surface->GetLargestPossibleRegion(); } void mitk::Surface::Update() { using ::Update; if (this->GetSource().IsNull()) std::for_each(m_PolyDatas.begin(), m_PolyDatas.end(), Update); Superclass::Update(); } void mitk::Surface::Expand(unsigned int timeSteps) { if (timeSteps > m_PolyDatas.size()) { Superclass::Expand(timeSteps); m_PolyDatas.resize(timeSteps); m_CalculateBoundingBox = true; } } void mitk::Surface::ExecuteOperation(Operation* operation) { switch (operation->GetOperationType()) { case OpSURFACECHANGED: { mitk::SurfaceOperation* surfaceOperation = dynamic_cast(operation); if(surfaceOperation == NULL) break; unsigned int timeStep = surfaceOperation->GetTimeStep(); if(m_PolyDatas[timeStep] != NULL) { vtkPolyData* updatedPolyData = surfaceOperation->GetVtkPolyData(); if(updatedPolyData != NULL) { this->SetVtkPolyData(updatedPolyData, timeStep); this->CalculateBoundingBox(); this->Modified(); } } break; } default: return; } } unsigned int mitk::Surface::GetSizeOfPolyDataSeries() const { return m_PolyDatas.size(); } void mitk::Surface::Graft(const DataObject* data) { const Surface* surface = dynamic_cast(data); if(surface == NULL) mitkThrow() << "Data object used to graft surface is not a mitk::Surface."; this->CopyInformation(data); m_PolyDatas.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < surface->GetSizeOfPolyDataSeries(); ++i) { m_PolyDatas.push_back(vtkSmartPointer::New()); m_PolyDatas.back()->DeepCopy(const_cast(surface)->GetVtkPolyData(i)); } } void mitk::Surface::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const { Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent); os << indent << "\nNumber PolyDatas: " << m_PolyDatas.size() << "\n"; unsigned int count = 0; for (std::vector >::const_iterator it = m_PolyDatas.begin(); it != m_PolyDatas.end(); ++it) { os << "\n"; if(*it != NULL) { os << indent << "PolyData at time step " << count << ":\n"; os << indent << "Number of cells: " << (*it)->GetNumberOfCells() << "\n"; os << indent << "Number of points: " << (*it)->GetNumberOfPoints() << "\n\n"; os << indent << "VTKPolyData:\n"; (*it)->Print(os); } else { os << indent << "Empty PolyData at time step " << count << "\n"; } ++count; } } bool mitk::Equal( vtkPolyData* leftHandSide, vtkPolyData* rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose ) { if(( leftHandSide == NULL ) || ( rightHandSide == NULL )) { MITK_ERROR << "mitk::Equal( vtkPolyData* leftHandSide, vtkPolyData* rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose ) does not work for NULL pointer input."; return false; } return Equal( *leftHandSide, *rightHandSide, eps, verbose); } bool mitk::Equal( vtkPolyData& leftHandSide, vtkPolyData& rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose ) { bool noDifferenceFound = true; if( ! mitk::Equal( leftHandSide.GetNumberOfCells(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfCells(), eps, verbose ) ) { if(verbose) MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of cells not equal"; noDifferenceFound = false; } if( ! mitk::Equal( leftHandSide.GetNumberOfVerts(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfVerts(), eps, verbose )) { if(verbose) MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of vertices not equal"; noDifferenceFound = false; } if( ! mitk::Equal( leftHandSide.GetNumberOfLines(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfLines(), eps, verbose ) ) { if(verbose) MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of lines not equal"; noDifferenceFound = false; } if( ! mitk::Equal( leftHandSide.GetNumberOfPolys(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfPolys(), eps, verbose ) ) { if(verbose) MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of polys not equal"; noDifferenceFound = false; } if( ! mitk::Equal( leftHandSide.GetNumberOfStrips(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfStrips(), eps, verbose ) ) { if(verbose) MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of strips not equal"; noDifferenceFound = false; } { unsigned int numberOfPointsRight = rightHandSide.GetPoints()->GetNumberOfPoints(); unsigned int numberOfPointsLeft = leftHandSide.GetPoints()->GetNumberOfPoints(); if(! mitk::Equal( numberOfPointsLeft, numberOfPointsRight, eps, verbose )) { if(verbose) MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of points not equal"; noDifferenceFound = false; } else { for( unsigned int i( 0 ); i < numberOfPointsRight; i++ ) { bool pointFound = false; double pointOne[3]; rightHandSide.GetPoints()->GetPoint(i, pointOne); for( unsigned int j( 0 ); j < numberOfPointsLeft; j++ ) { double pointTwo[3]; leftHandSide.GetPoints()->GetPoint(j, pointTwo); double x = pointOne[0] - pointTwo[0]; double y = pointOne[1] - pointTwo[1]; double z = pointOne[2] - pointTwo[2]; double distance = x*x + y*y + z*z; if( distance < eps ) { pointFound = true; break; } } if( !pointFound ) { if(verbose) { MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Right hand side point with id " << i << " and coordinates ( " << std::setprecision(12) << pointOne[0] << " ; " << pointOne[1] << " ; " << pointOne[2] << " ) could not be found in left hand side with epsilon " << eps << "."; } noDifferenceFound = false; break; } } } } return noDifferenceFound; } bool mitk::Equal( mitk::Surface* leftHandSide, mitk::Surface* rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose ) { if(( leftHandSide == NULL ) || ( rightHandSide == NULL )) { MITK_ERROR << "mitk::Equal( mitk::Surface* leftHandSide, mitk::Surface* rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose ) does not work with NULL pointer input."; return false; } return Equal( *leftHandSide, *rightHandSide, eps, verbose); } bool mitk::Equal( mitk::Surface& leftHandSide, mitk::Surface& rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose ) { bool noDifferenceFound = true; if( ! mitk::Equal( leftHandSide.GetSizeOfPolyDataSeries(), rightHandSide.GetSizeOfPolyDataSeries(), eps, verbose ) ) { if(verbose) MITK_INFO << "[Equal( mitk::surface&, mitk::surface& )] Size of PolyData series not equal."; return false; } // No mitk::Equal for TimeGeometry implemented. //if( ! mitk::Equal( leftHandSide->GetTimeGeometry(), rightHandSide->GetTimeGeometry(), eps, verbose ) ) //{ // if(verbose) // MITK_INFO << "[Equal( mitk::surface&, mitk::surface& )] Time sliced geometries not equal"; // noDifferenceFound = false; //} for( unsigned int i( 0 ); i < rightHandSide.GetSizeOfPolyDataSeries(); i++ ) { if( ! mitk::Equal( *leftHandSide.GetVtkPolyData( i ), *rightHandSide.GetVtkPolyData( i ), eps, verbose ) ) { if(verbose) MITK_INFO << "[Equal( mitk::surface&, mitk::surface& )] Poly datas not equal."; noDifferenceFound = false; } } return noDifferenceFound; }