diff --git a/Modules/GraphAlgorithms/itkShortestPathImageFilter.h b/Modules/GraphAlgorithms/itkShortestPathImageFilter.h index 078f6036d0..5d0aa957bc 100644 --- a/Modules/GraphAlgorithms/itkShortestPathImageFilter.h +++ b/Modules/GraphAlgorithms/itkShortestPathImageFilter.h @@ -1,235 +1,235 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #ifndef __itkShortestPathImageFilter_h #define __itkShortestPathImageFilter_h #include "itkImageToImageFilter.h" #include "itkShortestPathCostFunction.h" #include "itkShortestPathNode.h" #include <itkImageRegionIteratorWithIndex.h> #include <itkMacro.h> // ------- INFORMATION ---------- /// SET FUNCTIONS // void SetInput( ItkImage ) // Compulsory // void SetStartIndex (const IndexType & StartIndex); // Compulsory // void SetEndIndex(const IndexType & EndIndex); // Compulsory // void SetFullNeighborsMode(bool) // Optional (default=false), if false N4, if true N26 // void SetActivateTimeOut(bool) // Optional (default=false), for debug issues: after 30s algorithms terminates. You can // have a look at the VectorOrderImage to see how far it came // void SetMakeOutputImage(bool) // Optional (default=true), Generate an outputimage of the path. You can also get the // path directoy with GetVectorPath() // void SetCalcAllDistances(bool) // Optional (default=false), Calculate Distances over the whole image. CAREFUL, // algorithm time extends a lot. Necessary for GetDistanceImage // void SetStoreVectorOrder(bool) // Optional (default=false), Stores in which order the pixels were checked. Necessary // for GetVectorOrderImage // void AddEndIndex(const IndexType & EndIndex) //Optional. By calling this function you can add several endpoints! The // algorithm will look for several shortest Pathes. From Start to all Endpoints. // /// GET FUNCTIONS // std::vector< itk::Index<3> > GetVectorPath(); // returns the shortest path as vector // std::vector< std::vector< itk::Index<3> > GetMultipleVectorPathe(); // returns a vector of shortest Pathes (which are // vectors of points) // GetDistanceImage // Returns the distance image // GetVectorOrderIMage // Returns the Vector Order image // // EXAMPLE USE // pleae see qmitkmitralvalvesegmentation4dtee bundle namespace itk { template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> class ShortestPathImageFilter : public ImageToImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType> { public: // Standard Typedefs typedef ShortestPathImageFilter Self; typedef ImageToImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType> Superclass; typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer; typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer; // Typdefs for metric typedef ShortestPathCostFunction<TInputImageType> CostFunctionType; typedef typename CostFunctionType::Pointer CostFunctionTypePointer; // More typdefs for convenience typedef TInputImageType InputImageType; typedef typename TInputImageType::Pointer InputImagePointer; typedef typename TInputImageType::PixelType InputImagePixelType; typedef typename TInputImageType::SizeType InputImageSizeType; typedef typename TInputImageType::IndexType IndexType; typedef typename itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex<InputImageType> InputImageIteratorType; typedef TOutputImageType OutputImageType; typedef typename TOutputImageType::Pointer OutputImagePointer; typedef typename TOutputImageType::PixelType OutputImagePixelType; typedef typename TOutputImageType::IndexType OutputImageIndexType; typedef ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex<OutputImageType> OutputImageIteratorType; typedef itk::ShapedNeighborhoodIterator<TInputImageType> itkShapedNeighborhoodIteratorType; // New Macro for smartpointer instantiation itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); itkCloneMacro(Self); // Run-time type information itkTypeMacro(ShortestPathImageFilter, ImageToImageFilter); // Display void PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override; // Compare function for A_STAR struct CompareNodeStar { bool operator()(ShortestPathNode *a, ShortestPathNode *b) { return (a->distAndEst > b->distAndEst); } }; // \brief Set Starpoint for ShortestPath Calculation void SetStartIndex(const IndexType &StartIndex); // \brief Adds Endpoint for multiple ShortestPath Calculation void AddEndIndex(const IndexType &index); // \brief Set Endpoint for ShortestPath Calculation void SetEndIndex(const IndexType &EndIndex); // \brief Set FullNeighborsMode. false = no diagonal neighbors, in 2D this means N4 Neigborhood. true = would be N8 // in 2D itkSetMacro(FullNeighborsMode, bool); itkGetMacro(FullNeighborsMode, bool); // \brief Set Graph_fullNeighbors. false = no diagonal neighbors, in 2D this means N4 Neigborhood. true = would be // N8 in 2D itkSetMacro(Graph_fullNeighbors, bool); // \brief (default=true), Produce output image, which shows the shortest path. But you can also get the shortest // Path directly as vector with the function GetVectorPath itkSetMacro(MakeOutputImage, bool); itkGetMacro(MakeOutputImage, bool); // \brief (default=false), Store an Vector of Order, so you can call getVectorOrderImage after update itkSetMacro(StoreVectorOrder, bool); itkGetMacro(StoreVectorOrder, bool); // \brief (default=false), // Calculate all Distances to all pixels, so you can call getDistanceImage after update // (warning algo will take a long time) itkSetMacro(CalcAllDistances, bool); itkGetMacro(CalcAllDistances, bool); // \brief (default=false), for debug issues: after 30s algorithms terminates. You can have a look at the // VectorOrderImage to see how far it came itkSetMacro(ActivateTimeOut, bool); itkGetMacro(ActivateTimeOut, bool); // \brief returns shortest Path as vector std::vector<IndexType> GetVectorPath(); // \brief returns Multiple shortest Paths. You can call this function, when u performed a multiple shortest path // search (one start, several ends) std::vector<std::vector<IndexType>> GetMultipleVectorPaths(); // \brief returns the vector order image. It shows in which order the pixels were checked. good for debugging. Be // sure to have m_StoreVectorOrder=true OutputImagePointer GetVectorOrderImage(); // \brief returns the distance image. It shows the distances from the startpoint to all other pixels. Be sure to // have m_CalcAllDistances=true OutputImagePointer GetDistanceImage(); // \brief Fill m_VectorPath void MakeShortestPathVector(); // \brief cleans up the filter void CleanUp(); itkSetObjectMacro(CostFunction, CostFunctionType); // itkSetObjectMacro = set function that uses pointer as parameter itkGetObjectMacro(CostFunction, CostFunctionType); void SetUseCostFunction(bool doUseCostFunction) { m_useCostFunction = doUseCostFunction; }; - bool GetUseCostFunction(){return m_useCostFunction}; + bool GetUseCostFunction() { return m_useCostFunction; }; protected: std::vector<IndexType> m_endPoints; // if you fill this vector, the algo will not rest until all endPoints have been reached std::vector<IndexType> m_endPointsClosed; ShortestPathNode *m_Nodes; // main list that contains all nodes NodeNumType m_Graph_NumberOfNodes; NodeNumType m_Graph_StartNode; NodeNumType m_Graph_EndNode; bool m_Graph_fullNeighbors; bool m_useCostFunction; std::vector<ShortestPathNode *> m_Graph_DiscoveredNodeList; ShortestPathImageFilter(Self &); // intentionally not implemented void operator=(const Self &); // intentionally not implemented const static int BACKGROUND = 0; const static int FOREGROUND = 255; bool m_FullNeighborsMode; bool m_MakeOutputImage; bool m_StoreVectorOrder; // Store an Vector of Order, so you can call getVectorOrderImage after update bool m_CalcAllDistances; // Calculate all Distances, so you can call getDistanceImage after update (warning algo // will take a long time) bool multipleEndPoints; bool m_ActivateTimeOut; // if true, then i search max. 30 secs. then abort bool m_Initialized; CostFunctionTypePointer m_CostFunction; IndexType m_StartIndex, m_EndIndex; std::vector<IndexType> m_VectorPath; std::vector<std::vector<IndexType>> m_MultipleVectorPaths; std::vector<NodeNumType> m_VectorOrder; ShortestPathImageFilter(); ~ShortestPathImageFilter() override; // \brief Create all the outputs void MakeOutputs(); // \brief Generate Data void GenerateData() override; // \brief gets the estimate costs from pixel a to target. double getEstimatedCostsToTarget(const IndexType &a); typename InputImageType::Pointer m_magnitudeImage; // \brief Convert a indexnumber of a node in m_Nodes to image coordinates typename TInputImageType::IndexType NodeToCoord(NodeNumType); // \brief Convert image coordinate to a indexnumber of a node in m_Nodes unsigned int CoordToNode(IndexType); // \brief Returns the neighbors of a node std::vector<ShortestPathNode *> GetNeighbors(NodeNumType nodeNum, bool FullNeighbors); // \brief Check if coords are in bounds of image bool CoordIsInBounds(IndexType); // \brief Initializes the graph void InitGraph(); // \brief Start ShortestPathSearch void StartShortestPathSearch(); }; } // end of namespace itk #include "itkShortestPathImageFilter.txx" #endif diff --git a/Modules/GraphAlgorithms/itkShortestPathImageFilter.txx b/Modules/GraphAlgorithms/itkShortestPathImageFilter.txx index aab4e0e5fa..1e4a4c2756 100644 --- a/Modules/GraphAlgorithms/itkShortestPathImageFilter.txx +++ b/Modules/GraphAlgorithms/itkShortestPathImageFilter.txx @@ -1,897 +1,897 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #ifndef __itkShortestPathImageFilter_txx #define __itkShortestPathImageFilter_txx #include "itkShortestPathImageFilter.h" #include "mitkMemoryUtilities.h" #include <ctime> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <vector> namespace itk { // Constructor (initialize standard values) template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::ShortestPathImageFilter() : m_Nodes(nullptr), m_Graph_NumberOfNodes(0), m_Graph_fullNeighbors(false), + m_useCostFunction(true), m_FullNeighborsMode(false), m_MakeOutputImage(true), m_StoreVectorOrder(false), m_CalcAllDistances(false), multipleEndPoints(false), m_ActivateTimeOut(false), - m_Initialized(false), - m_useCostFunction(true) + m_Initialized(false) { m_endPoints.clear(); m_endPointsClosed.clear(); if (m_MakeOutputImage) { this->SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs(1); this->SetNthOutput(0, OutputImageType::New()); } } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::~ShortestPathImageFilter() { delete[] m_Nodes; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> inline typename ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::IndexType ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::NodeToCoord(NodeNumType node) { const InputImageSizeType &size = this->GetInput()->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(); int dim = InputImageType::ImageDimension; IndexType coord; if (dim == 2) { coord[1] = node / size[0]; coord[0] = node % size[0]; if (((unsigned long)coord[0] >= size[0]) || ((unsigned long)coord[1] >= size[1])) { coord[0] = 0; coord[1] = 0; } } if (dim == 3) { coord[2] = node / (size[0] * size[1]); coord[1] = (node % (size[0] * size[1])) / size[0]; coord[0] = (node % (size[0] * size[1])) % size[0]; if (((unsigned long)coord[0] >= size[0]) || ((unsigned long)coord[1] >= size[1]) || ((unsigned long)coord[2] >= size[2])) { coord[0] = 0; coord[1] = 0; coord[2] = 0; } } return coord; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> inline typename itk::NodeNumType ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::CoordToNode( IndexType coord) { const InputImageSizeType &size = this->GetInput()->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(); int dim = InputImageType::ImageDimension; NodeNumType node = 0; if (dim == 2) { node = (coord[1] * size[0]) + coord[0]; } if (dim == 3) { node = (coord[2] * size[0] * size[1]) + (coord[1] * size[0]) + coord[0]; } if ((m_Graph_NumberOfNodes > 0) && (node >= m_Graph_NumberOfNodes)) { /*MITK_INFO << "WARNING! Coordinates outside image!"; MITK_INFO << "Coords = " << coord ; MITK_INFO << "ImageDim = " << dim ; MITK_INFO << "RequestedRegionSize = " << size ;*/ node = 0; } return node; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> inline bool ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::CoordIsInBounds(IndexType coord) { const InputImageSizeType &size = this->GetInput()->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(); int dim = InputImageType::ImageDimension; if (dim == 2) { if ((coord[0] >= 0) && ((unsigned long)coord[0] < size[0]) && (coord[1] >= 0) && ((unsigned long)coord[1] < size[1])) { return true; } } if (dim == 3) { if ((coord[0] >= 0) && ((unsigned long)coord[0] < size[0]) && (coord[1] >= 0) && ((unsigned long)coord[1] < size[1]) && (coord[2] >= 0) && ((unsigned long)coord[2] < size[2])) { return true; } } return false; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> inline std::vector<ShortestPathNode *> ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::GetNeighbors( unsigned int nodeNum, bool FullNeighbors) { // returns a vector of nodepointers.. these nodes are the neighbors int dim = InputImageType::ImageDimension; IndexType Coord = NodeToCoord(nodeNum); IndexType NeighborCoord; std::vector<ShortestPathNode *> nodeList; int neighborDistance = 1; // if i increase that, i might not hit the endnote // maybe use itkNeighborhoodIterator here, might be faster if (dim == 2) { // N4 NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); if (FullNeighbors) { // N8 NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); } } if (dim == 3) { // N6 NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); if (FullNeighbors) { // N26 // Middle Slice NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2]; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); // BackSlice (Diagonal) NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); // BackSlice (Non-Diag) NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] - neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); // FrontSlice (Diagonal) NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); // FrontSlice(Non-Diag) NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0]; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1] + neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); NeighborCoord[0] = Coord[0] - neighborDistance; NeighborCoord[1] = Coord[1]; NeighborCoord[2] = Coord[2] + neighborDistance; if (CoordIsInBounds(NeighborCoord)) nodeList.push_back(&m_Nodes[CoordToNode(NeighborCoord)]); } } return nodeList; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::SetStartIndex( const typename TInputImageType::IndexType &StartIndex) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TInputImageType::ImageDimension; ++i) { m_StartIndex[i] = StartIndex[i]; } m_Graph_StartNode = CoordToNode(m_StartIndex); // MITK_INFO << "StartIndex = " << StartIndex; // MITK_INFO << "StartNode = " << m_Graph_StartNode; m_Initialized = false; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::SetEndIndex( const typename TInputImageType::IndexType &EndIndex) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TInputImageType::ImageDimension; ++i) { m_EndIndex[i] = EndIndex[i]; } m_Graph_EndNode = CoordToNode(m_EndIndex); // MITK_INFO << "EndNode = " << m_Graph_EndNode; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::AddEndIndex( const typename TInputImageType::IndexType &index) { // ONLY FOR MULTIPLE END POINTS SEARCH IndexType newEndIndex; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TInputImageType::ImageDimension; ++i) { newEndIndex[i] = index[i]; } m_endPoints.push_back(newEndIndex); SetEndIndex(m_endPoints[0]); multipleEndPoints = true; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> inline double ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::getEstimatedCostsToTarget( const typename TInputImageType::IndexType &a) { // Returns the minimal possible costs for a path from "a" to targetnode. itk::Vector<float, 3> v; v[0] = m_EndIndex[0] - a[0]; v[1] = m_EndIndex[1] - a[1]; v[2] = m_EndIndex[2] - a[2]; return m_CostFunction->GetMinCost() * v.GetNorm(); } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::InitGraph() { if (!m_Initialized) { // Clean up previous stuff CleanUp(); // Calc Number of nodes auto imageDimensions = TInputImageType::ImageDimension; const InputImageSizeType &size = this->GetInput()->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(); m_Graph_NumberOfNodes = 1; for (NodeNumType i = 0; i < imageDimensions; ++i) m_Graph_NumberOfNodes = m_Graph_NumberOfNodes * size[i]; // Initialize mainNodeList with that number m_Nodes = new ShortestPathNode[m_Graph_NumberOfNodes]; // Initialize each node in nodelist for (NodeNumType i = 0; i < m_Graph_NumberOfNodes; i++) { m_Nodes[i].distAndEst = -1; m_Nodes[i].distance = -1; m_Nodes[i].prevNode = -1; m_Nodes[i].mainListIndex = i; m_Nodes[i].closed = false; } m_Initialized = true; } // In the beginning, the Startnode needs a distance of 0 m_Nodes[m_Graph_StartNode].distance = 0; m_Nodes[m_Graph_StartNode].distAndEst = 0; // initalize cost function m_CostFunction->Initialize(); } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::StartShortestPathSearch() { // Setup Timer clock_t startAll = clock(); clock_t stopAll = clock(); // init variables double durationAll = 0; bool timeout = false; NodeNumType mainNodeListIndex = 0; DistanceType curNodeDistance = 0; NodeNumType numberOfNodesChecked = 0; // Create Multimap (tree structure for fast searching) std::multimap<double, ShortestPathNode *> myMap; std::pair<std::multimap<double, ShortestPathNode *>::iterator, std::multimap<double, ShortestPathNode *>::iterator> ret; std::multimap<double, ShortestPathNode *>::iterator it; // At first, only startNote is discovered. myMap.insert( std::pair<double, ShortestPathNode *>(m_Nodes[m_Graph_StartNode].distAndEst, &m_Nodes[m_Graph_StartNode])); // While there are discovered Nodes, pick the one with lowest distance, // update its neighbors and eventually delete it from the discovered Nodes list. while (!myMap.empty()) { numberOfNodesChecked++; /*if ( (numberOfNodesChecked % (m_Graph_NumberOfNodes/100)) == 0) { MITK_INFO << "Checked " << ( numberOfNodesChecked / (m_Graph_NumberOfNodes/100) ) << "% List: " << myMap.size() << "\n"; }*/ // Get element with lowest score mainNodeListIndex = myMap.begin()->second->mainListIndex; curNodeDistance = myMap.begin()->second->distance; myMap.begin()->second->closed = true; // close it // Debug: // MITK_INFO << "INFO: size " << myMap.size(); /* for (it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it) { MITK_INFO << "(1) " << it->first << "|" << it->second->distAndEst << "|"<<it->second->mainListIndex; } */ // Kicks out element with lowest score myMap.erase(myMap.begin()); // if wanted, store vector order if (m_StoreVectorOrder) { m_VectorOrder.push_back(mainNodeListIndex); } // Check neighbors std::vector<ShortestPathNode *> neighborNodes = GetNeighbors(mainNodeListIndex, m_Graph_fullNeighbors); for (NodeNumType i = 0; i < neighborNodes.size(); i++) { if (neighborNodes[i]->closed) continue; // this nodes is already closed, go to next neighbor IndexType coordCurNode = NodeToCoord(mainNodeListIndex); IndexType coordNeighborNode = NodeToCoord(neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex); // calculate the new Distance to the current neighbor double newDistance = curNodeDistance + (m_CostFunction->GetCost(coordCurNode, coordNeighborNode)); // if it is shorter than any yet known path to this neighbor, than the current path is better. Save that! if ((newDistance < neighborNodes[i]->distance) || (neighborNodes[i]->distance == -1)) { // if that neighbornode is not in discoverednodeList yet, Push it there and update if (neighborNodes[i]->distance == -1) { neighborNodes[i]->distance = newDistance; neighborNodes[i]->distAndEst = newDistance + getEstimatedCostsToTarget(coordNeighborNode); neighborNodes[i]->prevNode = mainNodeListIndex; myMap.insert(std::pair<double, ShortestPathNode *>(m_Nodes[neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex].distAndEst, &m_Nodes[neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex])); /* MITK_INFO << "Inserted: " << m_Nodes[neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex].distAndEst << "|" << m_Nodes[neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex].mainListIndex; MITK_INFO << "INFO: size " << myMap.size(); for (it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it) { MITK_INFO << "(1) " << it->first << "|" << it->second->distAndEst << "|"<<it->second->mainListIndex; } */ } // or if is already in discoverednodelist, update else { /* it = myMap.find(neighborNodes[i]->distAndEst); if (it == myMap.end() ) { MITK_INFO << "Nothing!"; // look further for (it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).second->mainListIndex == lookForId) { MITK_INFO << "But it is there!!!"; MITK_INFO << "Searched for: " << lookFor << " but had: " << (*it).second->distAndEst; } } } */ // 1st : find and delete old element bool found = false; ret = myMap.equal_range(neighborNodes[i]->distAndEst); if ((ret.first == ret.second)) { /*+++++++++++++ no exact match +++++++++++++*/ // MITK_INFO << "No exact match!"; // if this happens, you are screwed /* MITK_INFO << "Was looking for: " << lookFor << " ID: " << lookForId; if (ret.first != myMap.end() ) { it = ret.first; MITK_INFO << "Found: " << it->first << " ID: " << it->second->mainListIndex; ++it; MITK_INFO << "Found: " << it->first << " ID: " << it->second->mainListIndex; --it; --it; MITK_INFO << "Found: " << it->first << " ID: " << it->second->mainListIndex; } // look if that ID is found in the map for (it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).second->mainListIndex == lookForId) { MITK_INFO << "But it is there!!!"; MITK_INFO << "Searched dist: " << lookFor << " found dist: " << (*it).second->distAndEst; } } */ } else { for (it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it) { if (it->second->mainListIndex == neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex) { found = true; myMap.erase(it); /* MITK_INFO << "INFO: size " << myMap.size(); MITK_INFO << "Erase: " << it->first << "|" << it->second->mainListIndex; MITK_INFO << "INFO: size " << myMap.size(); for (it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it) { MITK_INFO << "(1) " << it->first << "|" << it->second->distAndEst << "|"<<it->second->mainListIndex; } */ break; } } } if (!found) { // MITK_INFO << "Could not find it! :("; continue; } // 2nd: update and insert new element neighborNodes[i]->distance = newDistance; neighborNodes[i]->distAndEst = newDistance + getEstimatedCostsToTarget(coordNeighborNode); neighborNodes[i]->prevNode = mainNodeListIndex; // myMap.insert( std::pair<double,ShortestPathNode*> (neighborNodes[i]->distAndEst, neighborNodes[i])); myMap.insert(std::pair<double, ShortestPathNode *>(m_Nodes[neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex].distAndEst, &m_Nodes[neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex])); // MITK_INFO << "Re-Inserted: " << m_Nodes[neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex].distAndEst << "|" << // m_Nodes[neighborNodes[i]->mainListIndex].mainListIndex; // MITK_INFO << "INFO: size " << myMap.size(); /*for (it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it) { MITK_INFO << "(1) " << it->first << "|" << it->second->distAndEst << "|"<<it->second->mainListIndex; }*/ } } } // finished with checking all neighbors. // Check Timeout, if activated if (m_ActivateTimeOut) { stopAll = clock(); durationAll = (double)(stopAll - startAll) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (durationAll >= 30) { // MITK_INFO << "TIMEOUT!! Search took over 30 seconds"; timeout = true; } } // Check end criteria: // For multiple points if (multipleEndPoints) { // super slow, make it faster for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_endPoints.size(); i++) { if (CoordToNode(m_endPoints[i]) == mainNodeListIndex) { m_endPointsClosed.push_back(NodeToCoord(mainNodeListIndex)); m_endPoints.erase(m_endPoints.begin() + i); if (m_endPoints.empty()) { // Finished! break return; } if (m_Graph_EndNode == mainNodeListIndex) { // set new end SetEndIndex(m_endPoints[0]); } } } } // if single end point, then end, if this one is reached or timeout happened. else if ((mainNodeListIndex == m_Graph_EndNode || timeout) && !m_CalcAllDistances) { /*if (m_StoreVectorOrder) MITK_INFO << "Number of Nodes checked: " << m_VectorOrder.size() ;*/ return; } } } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::MakeOutputs() { // MITK_INFO << "Make Output"; if (m_MakeOutputImage) { OutputImagePointer output0 = this->GetOutput(0); output0->SetRegions(this->GetInput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); output0->Allocate(); OutputImageIteratorType shortestPathImageIt(output0, output0->GetRequestedRegion()); // Create ShortestPathImage (Output 0) for (shortestPathImageIt.GoToBegin(); !shortestPathImageIt.IsAtEnd(); ++shortestPathImageIt) { // First intialize with background color shortestPathImageIt.Set(BACKGROUND); } if (!multipleEndPoints) // Only one path was calculated { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_VectorPath.size(); i++) { shortestPathImageIt.SetIndex(m_VectorPath[i]); shortestPathImageIt.Set(FOREGROUND); } } else // multiple pathes has been calculated, draw all { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_MultipleVectorPaths.size(); i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_MultipleVectorPaths[i].size(); j++) { shortestPathImageIt.SetIndex(m_MultipleVectorPaths[i][j]); shortestPathImageIt.Set(FOREGROUND); } } } } } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> typename ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::OutputImagePointer ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::GetVectorOrderImage() { // Create Vector Order Image // Return it OutputImagePointer image = OutputImageType::New(); image->SetRegions(this->GetInput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); image->Allocate(); OutputImageIteratorType vectorOrderImageIt(image, image->GetRequestedRegion()); // MITK_INFO << "GetVectorOrderImage"; for (vectorOrderImageIt.GoToBegin(); !vectorOrderImageIt.IsAtEnd(); ++vectorOrderImageIt) { // First intialize with background color vectorOrderImageIt.Value() = BACKGROUND; } for (int i = 0; i < m_VectorOrder.size(); i++) { vectorOrderImageIt.SetIndex(NodeToCoord(m_VectorOrder[i])); vectorOrderImageIt.Set(BACKGROUND + i); } return image; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> typename ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::OutputImagePointer ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::GetDistanceImage() { // Create Distance Image // Return it OutputImagePointer image = OutputImageType::New(); image->SetRegions(this->GetInput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); image->Allocate(); ; OutputImageIteratorType distanceImageIt(image, image->GetRequestedRegion()); // Create Distance Image (Output 1) NodeNumType myNodeNum; for (distanceImageIt.GoToBegin(); !distanceImageIt.IsAtEnd(); ++distanceImageIt) { IndexType index = distanceImageIt.GetIndex(); myNodeNum = CoordToNode(index); double newVal = m_Nodes[myNodeNum].distance; distanceImageIt.Set(newVal); } } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> std::vector<typename ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::IndexType> ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::GetVectorPath() { return m_VectorPath; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> std::vector<std::vector<typename ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::IndexType>> ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::GetMultipleVectorPaths() { return m_MultipleVectorPaths; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::MakeShortestPathVector() { // MITK_INFO << "Make ShortestPath Vec"; if (m_useCostFunction == false) { m_VectorPath.push_back(NodeToCoord(m_Graph_StartNode)); m_VectorPath.push_back(NodeToCoord(m_Graph_EndNode)); return; } // single end point if (!multipleEndPoints) { // fill m_VectorPath with the Shortest Path m_VectorPath.clear(); // Go backwards from endnote to startnode NodeNumType prevNode = m_Graph_EndNode; while (prevNode != m_Graph_StartNode) { m_VectorPath.push_back(NodeToCoord(prevNode)); prevNode = m_Nodes[prevNode].prevNode; } m_VectorPath.push_back(NodeToCoord(prevNode)); // reverse it std::reverse(m_VectorPath.begin(), m_VectorPath.end()); } // Multiple end end points and pathes else { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_endPointsClosed.size(); i++) { m_VectorPath.clear(); // Go backwards from endnote to startnode NodeNumType prevNode = CoordToNode(m_endPointsClosed[i]); while (prevNode != m_Graph_StartNode) { m_VectorPath.push_back(NodeToCoord(prevNode)); prevNode = m_Nodes[prevNode].prevNode; } m_VectorPath.push_back(NodeToCoord(prevNode)); // reverse it std::reverse(m_VectorPath.begin(), m_VectorPath.end()); // push_back m_MultipleVectorPaths.push_back(m_VectorPath); } } } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::CleanUp() { m_VectorOrder.clear(); m_VectorPath.clear(); // TODO: if multiple Path, clear all multiple Paths if (m_Nodes) delete[] m_Nodes; } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::GenerateData() { // Build Graph InitGraph(); // Calc Shortest Parth StartShortestPathSearch(); // Fill Shortest Path MakeShortestPathVector(); // Make Outputs MakeOutputs(); } template <class TInputImageType, class TOutputImageType> void ShortestPathImageFilter<TInputImageType, TOutputImageType>::PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const { Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent); } } /* end namespace itk */ #endif // __itkShortestPathImageFilter_txx