diff --git a/CMake/BuildConfigurations/All.cmake b/CMake/BuildConfigurations/All.cmake index eab2781f92..b478f64157 100644 --- a/CMake/BuildConfigurations/All.cmake +++ b/CMake/BuildConfigurations/All.cmake @@ -1,77 +1,78 @@ set(MITK_CONFIG_PACKAGES ) set(_apple_package_excludes) if(APPLE) set(_apple_package_excludes SOFA ) endif() set(_python_excludes ) if(NOT (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) ) set(_python_excludes Python Numpy ) endif() set(_package_excludes ${_apple_package_excludes} ${_python_excludes} Gflags Caffe Caffe2 OpenCL SYSTEM_Boost Boost_LIBRARIES SYSTEM_PYTHON SOFA_PLUGINS SOFA_PLUGINS_DIR SUPERBUILD BiophotonicsHardware_SpectroCam + PhotoacousticsHardware POLHEMUS_TRACKER KWSTYLE MICROBIRD_TRACKER MICROBIRD_TRACKER_INCLUDE_DIR MICROBIRD_TRACKER_LIB MICRON_TRACKER OPTITRACK_TRACKER SPACENAVIGATOR TOF_KINECT TOF_KINECTV2 TOF_MESASR4000 TOF_PMDCAMBOARD TOF_PMDCAMCUBE TOF_PMDO3 US_TELEMED_SDK videoInput WIIMOTE ) get_cmake_property(_cache_vars CACHE_VARIABLES) foreach(_cache_var ${_cache_vars}) string(REGEX REPLACE "MITK_USE_(.+)" "\\1" _package "${_cache_var}") if(_package AND NOT _package STREQUAL _cache_var) list(FIND _package_excludes ${_package} _index) if(_index EQUAL -1) list(APPEND MITK_CONFIG_PACKAGES ${_package}) endif() endif() endforeach() set(MITK_BUILD_ALL_APPS ON CACHE BOOL "Build all MITK applications" FORCE) set(MITK_BUILD_ALL_PLUGINS ON CACHE BOOL "Build all MITK plugins" FORCE) set(MITK_BUILD_EXAMPLES ON CACHE BOOL "Build the MITK examples" FORCE) set(BLUEBERRY_BUILD_ALL_PLUGINS ON CACHE BOOL "Build all BlueBerry plugins" FORCE) set(BUILD_DiffusionCoreCmdApps ON CACHE BOOL "Build commandline tools for diffusion" FORCE) set(BUILD_DiffusionFiberProcessingCmdApps ON CACHE BOOL "Build commandline tools for diffusion fiber processing" FORCE) set(BUILD_DiffusionFiberfoxCmdApps ON CACHE BOOL "Build commandline tools for diffusion data simulation (Fiberfox)" FORCE) set(BUILD_DiffusionMiscCmdApps ON CACHE BOOL "Build miscellaneous commandline tools for diffusion" FORCE) set(BUILD_DiffusionQuantificationCmdApps ON CACHE BOOL "Build commandline tools for diffusion quantification (IVIM, ADC, ...)" FORCE) set(BUILD_DiffusionTractographyCmdApps ON CACHE BOOL "Build commandline tools for diffusion fiber tractography" FORCE) set(BUILD_DiffusionTractographyEvaluationCmdApps ON CACHE BOOL "Build commandline tools for diffusion fiber tractography evaluation" FORCE) set(BUILD_DiffusionConnectomicsCmdApps ON CACHE BOOL "Build commandline tools for diffusion connectomics" FORCE)