diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/CMakeLists.txt b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/CMakeLists.txt
index 428b04798e..7872f0baab 100644
--- a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
 set(dependencies_list MitkCore MitkAlgorithmsExt MitkOpenCVVideoSupport)
   set(dependencies_list ${dependencies_list} MitkOpenCL)
   message("Using OpenCL in PhotoacousticAlgorithms")
   DEPENDS ${dependencies_list}
diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPABeamformingTool/CMakeLists.txt b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPABeamformingTool/CMakeLists.txt
index 3bd8ae1dec..2ca7c7bd17 100644
--- a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPABeamformingTool/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPABeamformingTool/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 OPTION(BUILD_PhotoacousticBeamformingTool "Build MiniApp for beamforming of a PA image" OFF)
   PROJECT( MitkPABeamformingTool )
       DEPENDS MitkCommandLine MitkCore MitkPhotoacousticsAlgorithms
       CPP_FILES PABeamformingTool.cpp)
diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPABeamformingTool/PABeamformingTool.cpp b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPABeamformingTool/PABeamformingTool.cpp
index 1a9ce11188..6f07e6ebf0 100644
--- a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPABeamformingTool/PABeamformingTool.cpp
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPABeamformingTool/PABeamformingTool.cpp
@@ -1,230 +1,305 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
 All rights reserved.
 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details.
 #include <mitkCommon.h>
 #include <chrono>
 #include <mitkIOUtil.h>
 #include <mitkCommandLineParser.h>
 #include <mitkException.h>
 #include <mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.h>
 #include <mitkBeamformingSettings.h>
 #include <mitkCastToFloatImageFilter.h>
 #include <itksys/SystemTools.hxx>
+#include <tinyxml\tinyxml.h>
 struct InputParameters
   mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage;
   std::string outputFilename;
   bool verbose;
-  float speedOfSound;
-  unsigned int cutoff;
-  float angle;
-  unsigned int samples;
-  mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm algorithm;
+  std::string settingsFile;
+struct CropSettings
+  int above;
+  int below;
+  int right;
+  int left;
+  int zStart;
+  int zEnd;
+struct ResampleSettings
+  double spacing;
+struct BModeSettings
+  mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::BModeMethod method;
+  bool UseLogFilter;
+struct ProcessSettings
+  bool DoBeamforming;
+  bool DoCropping;
+  bool DoResampling;
+  bool DoBmode;
 InputParameters parseInput(int argc, char* argv[])
   mitkCommandLineParser parser;
   parser.setTitle("Mitk Photoacoustics Beamforming Tool");
-  parser.setDescription("Reads a nrrd file as an input and applies a beamforming method as set with the parameters.");
+  parser.setDescription("Reads a nrrd file as an input and applies a beamforming method as set with the parameters defined in an additionally provided xml file.");
   parser.setContributor("Computer Assisted Medical Interventions, DKFZ");
   parser.setArgumentPrefix("--", "-");
   parser.beginGroup("Required parameters");
     "inputImage", "i", mitkCommandLineParser::InputImage,
     "Input image (mitk::Image)", "input image (.nrrd file)",
     us::Any(), false);
     "output", "o", mitkCommandLineParser::OutputFile,
     "Output filename", "output image (.nrrd file)",
     us::Any(), false);
+  parser.addArgument(
+    "settings", "s", mitkCommandLineParser::String,
+    "settings file", "file containing beamforming and other specifications(.xml file)",
+    us::Any(), false);
   parser.beginGroup("Optional parameters");
     "verbose", "v", mitkCommandLineParser::Bool,
     "Verbose Output", "Whether to produce verbose, or rather debug output. (default: false)");
-  parser.addArgument(
-    "speed-of-sound", "sos", mitkCommandLineParser::Float,
-    "Speed of Sound [m/s]", "The average speed of sound as assumed for the reconstruction in [m/s]. (default: 1500)");
-  parser.addArgument(
-    "cutoff", "co", mitkCommandLineParser::Int,
-    "cutoff margin on the top of the image [pixels]", "The number of pixels to be ignored for this filter in [pixels] (default: 0).");
-  parser.addArgument(
-    "angle", "a", mitkCommandLineParser::Float,
-    "field of view of the transducer elements [degrees]", "The field of view of each individual transducer element [degrees] (default: 27).");
-  parser.addArgument(
-    "samples", "s", mitkCommandLineParser::Int,
-    "samples per reconstruction line [pixels]", "The pixels along the y axis in the beamformed image [pixels] (default: 2048).");
-  parser.addArgument(
-    "algorithm", "alg", mitkCommandLineParser::String,
-    "one of [\"DAS\", \"DMAS\", \"sDMAS\"]", "The beamforming algorithm to be used for reconstruction (default: DAS).");
   InputParameters input;
   std::map<std::string, us::Any> parsedArgs = parser.parseArguments(argc, argv);
   if (parsedArgs.size() == 0)
-  if (parsedArgs.count("verbose"))
-  {
-    input.verbose = true;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    input.verbose = false;
-  }
+  input.verbose = (bool)parsedArgs.count("verbose");
   MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "### VERBOSE OUTPUT ENABLED ###";
   if (parsedArgs.count("inputImage"))
     MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Reading input image...";
     input.inputImage = mitk::IOUtil::Load<mitk::Image>(us::any_cast<std::string>(parsedArgs["inputImage"]));
     MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Reading input image...[Done]";
-  {
     mitkThrow() << "No input image given.";
-  }
   if (parsedArgs.count("output"))
-  {
     input.outputFilename = us::any_cast<std::string>(parsedArgs["output"]);
-  }
-  {
     mitkThrow() << "No output image path given..";
-  }
-  if (parsedArgs.count("speed-of-sound"))
+  if (parsedArgs.count("settings"))
+    input.settingsFile = us::any_cast<std::string>(parsedArgs["settings"]);
+  else
+    mitkThrow() << "No settings image path given..";
+  return input;
+void ParseXML(std::string xmlFile, InputParameters input, mitk::BeamformingSettings::Pointer *bfSet, CropSettings& cropSet, ResampleSettings& resSet, BModeSettings& bmodeSet, ProcessSettings& processSet)
+  MITK_INFO << "Loading configuration File \"" << xmlFile << "\"";
+  TiXmlDocument doc(xmlFile);
+  if (!doc.LoadFile())
+    mitkThrow() << "Failed to load settings file \"" << xmlFile << "\" Error: " << doc.ErrorDesc();
+  TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement();
+  if (root == NULL)
-    input.speedOfSound = us::any_cast<int>(parsedArgs["speed-of-sound"]);
+    mitkThrow() << "Failed to load file: No root element.";
+    doc.Clear();
-  else
+  for (TiXmlElement* elem = root->FirstChildElement(); elem != NULL; elem = elem->NextSiblingElement())
-    input.speedOfSound = 1500;
+    std::string elemName = elem->Value();
+    if (elemName == "Beamforming")
+    {
+      float PitchInMeters = std::stof(elem->Attribute("pitchInMeters"));
+      float SpeedOfSound = std::stof(elem->Attribute("speedOfSound"));
+      float Angle = std::stof(elem->Attribute("angle"));
+      bool IsPhotoacousticImage = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("isPhotoacousticImage"));
+      unsigned int SamplesPerLine = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("samplesPerLine"));
+      unsigned int ReconstructionLines = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("reconstructionLines"));
+      float ReconstructionDepth = std::stof(elem->Attribute("reconstructionDepth"));
+      bool UseGPU = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("useGPU"));
+      unsigned int GPUBatchSize = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("GPUBatchSize"));
+      std::string apodizationStr = elem->Attribute("apodization");
+      mitk::BeamformingSettings::Apodization Apodization = mitk::BeamformingSettings::Apodization::Box;
+      if (apodizationStr == "Box")
+        Apodization = mitk::BeamformingSettings::Apodization::Box;
+      else if (apodizationStr == "Hann")
+        Apodization = mitk::BeamformingSettings::Apodization::Hann;
+      else if (apodizationStr == "Hamm")
+        Apodization = mitk::BeamformingSettings::Apodization::Hamm;
+      else
+        mitkThrow() << "Apodization incorrectly defined in settings";
+      unsigned int ApodizationArraySize = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("apodizationArraySize"));
+      std::string algorithmStr = elem->Attribute("algorithm");
+      mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm Algorithm = mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm::DAS;
+      if (algorithmStr == "DAS")
+        Algorithm = mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm::DAS;
+      else if (algorithmStr == "DMAS")
+        Algorithm = mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm::DMAS;
+      else if (algorithmStr == "sDMAS")
+        Algorithm = mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm::sDMAS;
+      else
+      {
+        mitkThrow() << "Beamforming algorithm incorrectly defined in settings";
+      }
+      *bfSet = mitk::BeamformingSettings::New(
+        (float)(input.inputImage->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[0] / 1000),
+        SpeedOfSound,
+        (float)(input.inputImage->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[1] / 1000000),
+        Angle,
+        IsPhotoacousticImage,
+        SamplesPerLine,
+        ReconstructionLines,
+        input.inputImage->GetDimensions(),
+        ReconstructionDepth,
+        UseGPU,
+        GPUBatchSize,
+        mitk::BeamformingSettings::DelayCalc::Spherical,
+        Apodization,
+        ApodizationArraySize,
+        Algorithm
+      );
+      processSet.DoBeamforming = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("do"));
+    }
+    if (elemName == "Cropping") 
+    {
+      cropSet.above = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("cutAbove"));
+      cropSet.below = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("cutBelow"));
+      cropSet.right = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("cutRight"));
+      cropSet.left = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("cutLeft"));
+      cropSet.zStart = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("firstSlice"));
+      cropSet.zEnd = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("cutSlices"));
+      processSet.DoCropping = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("do"));
+    }
+    if (elemName == "Resampling")
+    {
+      resSet.spacing = std::stod(elem->Attribute("spacing"));
+      processSet.DoResampling = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("do"));
+    }
+    if (elemName == "BMode")
+    {
+      std::string methodStr = elem->Attribute("method");
+      if (methodStr == "EnvelopeDetection")
+        bmodeSet.method = mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::BModeMethod::EnvelopeDetection;
+      else if (elem->Attribute("method") == "Abs")
+        bmodeSet.method = mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::BModeMethod::Abs;
+      else
+        mitkThrow() << "BMode method incorrectly set in configuration file";
+      bmodeSet.UseLogFilter = (bool)std::stoi(elem->Attribute("useLogFilter"));
+      processSet.DoBmode = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("do"));
+    }
+int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+  auto input = parseInput(argc, argv);
-  if (parsedArgs.count("cutoff"))
+  mitk::BeamformingSettings::Pointer bfSettings;
+  BModeSettings bmodeSettings{ mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::BModeMethod::EnvelopeDetection, false };
+  CropSettings cropSettings{ 0,0,0,0,0,0 };
+  ResampleSettings resSettings{ 0.15 };
+  ProcessSettings processSettings{ true, false, false };
+  MITK_INFO << "Parsing settings XML...";
+  try
-    input.cutoff = us::any_cast<int>(parsedArgs["cutoff"]);
+    ParseXML(input.settingsFile, input, &bfSettings, cropSettings, resSettings, bmodeSettings, processSettings);
-  else
+  catch (mitk::Exception e)
-    input.cutoff = 0;
+    MITK_INFO << e;
+    return -1;
-  if (parsedArgs.count("angle"))
-  {
-    input.angle = us::any_cast<float>(parsedArgs["angle"]);
-  }
-  else
+  MITK_INFO << "Parsing settings XML...[Done]";
+  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Beamforming input image...";
+  mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage = input.inputImage;
+  if (!(inputImage->GetPixelType().GetTypeAsString() == "scalar (float)" || inputImage->GetPixelType().GetTypeAsString() == " (float)"))
-    input.angle = 27;
+    // we need a float image, so cast it here
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Casting input image to float...";
+    mitk::CastToFloatImageFilter::Pointer castFilter = mitk::CastToFloatImageFilter::New();
+    castFilter->SetInput(inputImage);
+    castFilter->Update();
+    inputImage = castFilter->GetOutput();
+    MITK_INFO << inputImage->GetPixelType().GetPixelTypeAsString();
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Casting input image to float...[Done]";
-  if (parsedArgs.count("samples"))
+  mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::Pointer m_FilterService = mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::New();
+  mitk::Image::Pointer output = inputImage;
+  if (processSettings.DoBeamforming)
-    input.samples = us::any_cast<int>(parsedArgs["samples"]);
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Beamforming input image...";
+    output = m_FilterService->ApplyBeamforming(output, bfSettings);
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Beamforming input image...[Done]";
-  else
+  if (processSettings.DoCropping)
-    input.samples = 2048;
+    int err;
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Applying Crop filter to image...";
+    output = m_FilterService->ApplyCropping(output, 
+      cropSettings.above, cropSettings.below, cropSettings.right, cropSettings.left, cropSettings.zStart, cropSettings.zEnd, &err);
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Applying Crop filter to image...[Done]";
-  if (parsedArgs.count("algorithm"))
+  if (processSettings.DoResampling)
-    std::string algorithm = us::any_cast<std::string>(parsedArgs["algorithm"]);
-    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Parsing algorithm: " << algorithm;
-    if (algorithm == "DAS")
-      input.algorithm = mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm::DAS;
-    else if (algorithm == "DMAS")
-      input.algorithm = mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm::DMAS;
-    else if (algorithm == "sDMAS")
-      input.algorithm = mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm::sDMAS;
-    else
-    {
-      MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Not a valid beamforming algorithm: " << algorithm << " Reverting to DAS";
-      input.algorithm = mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm::DAS;
-    }
-    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Sucessfully set algorithm: " << algorithm;
+    double spacing[3] = {output->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[0], resSettings.spacing, output->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[2]};
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Applying Resample filter to image...";
+    output = m_FilterService->ApplyResampling(output, spacing);
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Applying Resample filter to image...[Done]";
-  else
+  if (processSettings.DoBmode)
-    input.algorithm = mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingAlgorithm::DAS;
-    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "No matching algorithm found. Using DAS.";
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Applying BModeFilter to image...";
+    output = m_FilterService->ApplyBmodeFilter(output, bmodeSettings.method, bmodeSettings.UseLogFilter);
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Applying BModeFilter to image...[Done]";
-  return input;
-mitk::BeamformingSettings::Pointer ParseSettings(InputParameters &input)
-  mitk::BeamformingSettings::Pointer outputSettings = mitk::BeamformingSettings::New(
-    (float)(input.inputImage->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[0] / 1000),
-    (float)(input.speedOfSound),
-    (float)(input.inputImage->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[1] / 1000000),
-    input.angle,
-    true,
-    input.inputImage->GetDimension(1),
-    input.inputImage->GetDimension(0),
-    input.inputImage->GetDimensions(),
-    0.04,
-    false,
-    16,
-    mitk::BeamformingSettings::DelayCalc::Spherical,
-    mitk::BeamformingSettings::Apodization::Box,
-    input.inputImage->GetDimension(0),
-    input.algorithm
-    );
-  return outputSettings;
-int main(int argc, char * argv[])
-  auto input = parseInput(argc, argv);
-  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Beamforming input image...";
-  mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::Pointer m_BeamformingService = mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::New();
-  mitk::BeamformingSettings::Pointer settings = ParseSettings(input);
-  mitk::CastToFloatImageFilter::Pointer castFilter = mitk::CastToFloatImageFilter::New();
-  castFilter->SetInput(input.inputImage);
-  castFilter->Update();
-  auto floatImage = castFilter->GetOutput();
-  auto output = m_BeamformingService->ApplyBeamforming(floatImage, settings);
-  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Applying BModeFilter to image...";
-  auto output2 = m_BeamformingService->ApplyBmodeFilter(output, mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::EnvelopeDetection, false);
-  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Applying BModeFilter to image...[Done]";
   MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Saving image...";
-  mitk::IOUtil::Save(output2, input.outputFilename);
+  mitk::IOUtil::Save(output, input.outputFilename);
   MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Saving image...[Done]";
   MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Beamforming input image...[Done]";
diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPAResampleCropTool/CMakeLists.txt b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPAResampleCropTool/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7341757828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPAResampleCropTool/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+OPTION(BUILD_PhotoacousticResampleCropTool "Build MiniApp for resampling and cropping of images" OFF)
+  PROJECT( MitkPAResampleCropTool )
+    mitk_create_executable(PAResampleCropTool
+      DEPENDS MitkCommandLine MitkCore MitkPhotoacousticsAlgorithms
+      CPP_FILES PAResampleCropTool.cpp)
diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPAResampleCropTool/PAResampleCropTool.cpp b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPAResampleCropTool/PAResampleCropTool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9adbc00fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPAResampleCropTool/PAResampleCropTool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
+Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
+Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
+All rights reserved.
+This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details.
+#include <mitkCommon.h>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <mitkIOUtil.h>
+#include <mitkCommandLineParser.h>
+#include <mitkException.h>
+#include <mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.h>
+#include <mitkBeamformingSettings.h>
+#include <mitkCastToFloatImageFilter.h>
+#include <itksys/SystemTools.hxx>
+#include <tinyxml\tinyxml.h>
+struct InputParameters
+  mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage;
+  std::string outputFilename;
+  bool verbose;
+  std::string settingsFile;
+struct CropSettings
+  unsigned int dimX;
+  unsigned int dimY;
+  unsigned int cutAbove;
+struct ResamplingSettings
+  double spacing[3];
+InputParameters parseInput(int argc, char* argv[])
+  mitkCommandLineParser parser;
+  parser.setCategory("MITK-Photoacoustics");
+  parser.setTitle("Mitk Photoacoustics Resample and Crop Tool");
+  parser.setDescription("Reads a nrrd file as an input and crops and resamples it as set with the parameters defined in an additionally provided xml file.");
+  parser.setContributor("Computer Assisted Medical Interventions, DKFZ");
+  parser.setArgumentPrefix("--", "-");
+  parser.beginGroup("Required parameters");
+  parser.addArgument(
+    "inputImage", "i", mitkCommandLineParser::InputImage,
+    "Input image (mitk::Image)", "input image (.nrrd file)",
+    us::Any(), false);
+  parser.addArgument(
+    "output", "o", mitkCommandLineParser::OutputFile,
+    "Output filename", "output image (.nrrd file)",
+    us::Any(), false);
+  parser.addArgument(
+    "settings", "s", mitkCommandLineParser::String,
+    "settings file", "file containing specifications (.xml file)",
+    us::Any(), false);
+  parser.endGroup();
+  parser.beginGroup("Optional parameters");
+  parser.addArgument(
+    "verbose", "v", mitkCommandLineParser::Bool,
+    "Verbose Output", "Whether to produce verbose, or rather debug output. (default: false)");
+  parser.endGroup();
+  InputParameters input;
+  std::map<std::string, us::Any> parsedArgs = parser.parseArguments(argc, argv);
+  if (parsedArgs.size() == 0)
+    exit(-1);
+  input.verbose = (bool)parsedArgs.count("verbose");
+  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "### VERBOSE OUTPUT ENABLED ###";
+  if (parsedArgs.count("inputImage"))
+  {
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Reading input image...";
+    input.inputImage = mitk::IOUtil::Load<mitk::Image>(us::any_cast<std::string>(parsedArgs["inputImage"]));
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Reading input image...[Done]";
+  }
+  else
+    mitkThrow() << "No input image given.";
+  if (parsedArgs.count("output"))
+    input.outputFilename = us::any_cast<std::string>(parsedArgs["output"]);
+  else
+    mitkThrow() << "No output image path given..";
+  if (parsedArgs.count("settings"))
+    input.settingsFile = us::any_cast<std::string>(parsedArgs["settings"]);
+  else
+    mitkThrow() << "No settings image path given..";
+  return input;
+void ParseXML(std::string xmlFile, InputParameters input, CropSettings& cropSet, ResamplingSettings& resSet)
+  MITK_INFO << "Loading configuration File \"" << xmlFile << "\"";
+  TiXmlDocument doc(xmlFile);
+  if (!doc.LoadFile())
+    mitkThrow() << "Failed to load settings file \"" << xmlFile << "\" Error: " << doc.ErrorDesc();
+  TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement();
+  if (root == NULL)
+  {
+    mitkThrow() << "Failed to load file: No root element.";
+    doc.Clear();
+  }
+  for (TiXmlElement* elem = root->FirstChildElement(); elem != NULL; elem = elem->NextSiblingElement())
+  {
+    std::string elemName = elem->Value();
+    if (elemName == "ResampleCrop") 
+    {
+      cropSet.dimX = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("dimX"));
+      cropSet.dimY = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("dimY"));
+      cropSet.cutAbove = std::stoi(elem->Attribute("cutAbove"));
+      resSet.spacing[0] = std::stod(elem->Attribute("spacingX"));
+      resSet.spacing[1] = std::stod(elem->Attribute("spacingY"));
+      resSet.spacing[2] = std::stod(elem->Attribute("spacingZ"));
+    }
+  }
+int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+  auto input = parseInput(argc, argv);
+  CropSettings cropSettings{ 0,0,0 };
+  ResamplingSettings resSettings{ 0 };
+  MITK_INFO << "Parsing settings XML...";
+  try
+  {
+    ParseXML(input.settingsFile, input, cropSettings, resSettings);
+  }
+  catch (mitk::Exception e)
+  {
+    MITK_INFO << e;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  MITK_INFO << "Parsing settings XML...[Done]";
+  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Processing input image...";
+  mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::Pointer m_FilterService = mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::New();
+  mitk::Image::Pointer output = input.inputImage;
+  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Resampling input image...";
+  MITK_INFO << resSettings.spacing[0];
+  output = m_FilterService->ApplyResampling(output, resSettings.spacing);
+  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Resampling input image...[Done]";
+  if (output->GetDimension(0) != cropSettings.dimX)
+  {
+    double outputDim[] = {(double)cropSettings.dimX, (double)output->GetDimension(1), (double)output->GetDimension(2)};
+    output = m_FilterService->ApplyResamplingToDim(output, outputDim);
+  }
+  int err = 0;
+  int below = output->GetDimension(1) - cropSettings.dimY - cropSettings.cutAbove;
+  if (below < 0)
+  {
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Extending input image...";
+    output = m_FilterService->ExtendImage(output, 0, cropSettings.dimY);
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Extending input image...[Done]";
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Cropping input image...";
+    output = m_FilterService->ApplyCropping(output, cropSettings.cutAbove, below, 0, 0, 0, 0, &err);
+    MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Cropping input image...[Done]";
+  }
+  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Saving image...";
+  mitk::IOUtil::Save(output, input.outputFilename);
+  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Saving image...[Done]";
+  MITK_INFO(input.verbose) << "Processing input image...[Done]";
diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPAResampleCropTool/files.cmake b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPAResampleCropTool/files.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8bb3ffe66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/MitkPAResampleCropTool/files.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  PAResampleCropTool.cpp
diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/include/mitkBeamformingSettings.h b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/include/mitkBeamformingSettings.h
index 5b76798dee..cddcf8d7fe 100644
--- a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/include/mitkBeamformingSettings.h
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/include/mitkBeamformingSettings.h
@@ -1,223 +1,218 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
 All rights reserved.
 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details.
 #include <itkObject.h>
 #include <itkMacro.h>
 #include <mitkCommon.h>
 #include <MitkPhotoacousticsAlgorithmsExports.h>
 namespace mitk {
   * \brief Class holding the configuration data for the beamforming filters mitk::BeamformingFilter and mitk::PhotoacousticOCLBeamformingFilter
   * A detailed description can be seen below. All parameters should be set manually for successfull beamforming.
   class MITKPHOTOACOUSTICSALGORITHMS_EXPORT BeamformingSettings : public itk::Object
     mitkClassMacroItkParent(BeamformingSettings, itk::Object);
-    mitkNewMacro1Param(BeamformingSettings, std::string);
     /** \brief Available delay calculation methods:
     * - Spherical delay for best results.
     * - DEPRECATED quadratic Taylor approximation for slightly faster results with hardly any quality loss.
     enum DelayCalc { QuadApprox, Spherical };
     /** \brief Available apodization functions:
     * - Hamming function.
     * - Von-Hann function.
     * - Box function.
     enum Apodization { Hamm, Hann, Box };
     /** \brief Available beamforming algorithms:
     * - DAS (Delay and sum).
     * - DMAS (Delay multiply and sum).
     enum BeamformingAlgorithm { DMAS, DAS, sDMAS };
     itkGetConstMacro(PitchInMeters, float);
     itkGetConstMacro(SpeedOfSound, float);
     itkGetConstMacro(TimeSpacing, float);
     itkGetConstMacro(Angle, float);
     itkGetConstMacro(IsPhotoacousticImage, bool);
     itkGetConstMacro(TransducerElements, unsigned int);
     itkGetConstMacro(SamplesPerLine, unsigned int);
     itkGetConstMacro(ReconstructionLines, unsigned int);
     itkGetConstMacro(InputDim, const unsigned int*);
     itkGetConstMacro(UseGPU, bool);
     itkGetConstMacro(GPUBatchSize, unsigned int);
     itkGetConstMacro(DelayCalculationMethod, DelayCalc);
     itkGetConstMacro(ApodizationFunction, const float*);
     itkGetConstMacro(Apod, Apodization);
     itkGetConstMacro(ApodizationArraySize, int);
     itkGetConstMacro(Algorithm, BeamformingAlgorithm);
     itkGetConstMacro(ReconstructionDepth, float);
     /** \brief function for mitk::PhotoacousticOCLBeamformingFilter to check whether buffers need to be updated
     * this method only checks parameters relevant for the openCL implementation
     static bool SettingsChangedOpenCL(const BeamformingSettings::Pointer lhs, const BeamformingSettings::Pointer rhs)
       return !((abs(lhs->GetAngle() - rhs->GetAngle()) < 0.01f) && // 0.01 degree error margin
         (lhs->GetApod() == rhs->GetApod()) &&
         (lhs->GetDelayCalculationMethod() == rhs->GetDelayCalculationMethod()) &&
         (lhs->GetIsPhotoacousticImage() == rhs->GetIsPhotoacousticImage()) &&
         (abs(lhs->GetPitchInMeters() - rhs->GetPitchInMeters()) < 0.000001f) && // 0.0001 mm error margin
         (lhs->GetReconstructionLines() == rhs->GetReconstructionLines()) &&
         (lhs->GetSamplesPerLine() == rhs->GetSamplesPerLine()) &&
         (lhs->GetReconstructionDepth() == rhs->GetReconstructionDepth()) &&
         (abs(lhs->GetSpeedOfSound() - rhs->GetSpeedOfSound()) < 0.01f) &&
         (abs(lhs->GetTimeSpacing() - rhs->GetTimeSpacing()) < 0.00000000001f) && //0.01 ns error margin
         (lhs->GetTransducerElements() == rhs->GetTransducerElements()));
     static Pointer New(float pitchInMeters,
       float speedOfSound,
       float timeSpacing,
       float angle,
       bool isPhotoacousticImage,
       unsigned int samplesPerLine,
       unsigned int reconstructionLines,
       unsigned int* inputDim,
       float reconstructionDepth,
       bool useGPU,
       unsigned int GPUBatchSize,
       DelayCalc delayCalculationMethod,
       Apodization apod,
       unsigned int apodizationArraySize,
       BeamformingAlgorithm algorithm)
       Pointer smartPtr = new BeamformingSettings(pitchInMeters,
       return smartPtr;
-    /**
-    */
-    BeamformingSettings(std::string xmlFile);
     BeamformingSettings(float pitchInMeters,
       float speedOfSound,
       float timeSpacing,
       float angle,
       bool isPhotoacousticImage,
       unsigned int samplesPerLine,
       unsigned int reconstructionLines,
       unsigned int* inputDim,
       float reconstructionDepth,
       bool useGPU,
       unsigned int GPUBatchSize,
       DelayCalc delayCalculationMethod,
       Apodization apod,
       unsigned int apodizationArraySize,
       BeamformingAlgorithm algorithm
     /** \brief Pitch of the used transducer in [m].
     float m_PitchInMeters;
     /** \brief Speed of sound in the used medium in [m/s].
     float m_SpeedOfSound;
     /** \brief The time spacing of the input image
     float m_TimeSpacing; // [s]
     /** \brief The angle of the transducer elements
     float m_Angle;
     /** \brief Flag whether processed image is a photoacoustic image or an ultrasound image
     bool m_IsPhotoacousticImage;
     /** \brief How many transducer elements the used transducer had.
     unsigned int m_TransducerElements;
     /** \brief How many vertical samples should be used in the final image.
     unsigned int m_SamplesPerLine;
     /** \brief How many lines should be reconstructed in the final image.
     unsigned int m_ReconstructionLines;
     /** \brief Sets the dimensions of the inputImage.
     const unsigned int* m_InputDim;
     /** \brief The Depth up to which the filter should reconstruct the image [m]
     float m_ReconstructionDepth;
     /** \brief Decides whether GPU computing should be used
     bool m_UseGPU;
     unsigned int m_GPUBatchSize;
     /** \brief Sets the amount of image slices in batches when GPU is used
     /** \brief Sets how the delays for beamforming should be calculated.
     DelayCalc m_DelayCalculationMethod;
     const float* m_ApodizationFunction;
     /** \brief Sets the used apodization function.
     Apodization m_Apod;
     /** \brief Sets the resolution of the apodization array (must be greater than 0).
     int m_ApodizationArraySize;
     /** \brief Sets the used beamforming algorithm.
     BeamformingAlgorithm m_Algorithm;
diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/include/mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.h b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/include/mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.h
index 23c13bca1d..5f3de39773 100644
--- a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/include/mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.h
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/include/mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.h
@@ -1,128 +1,130 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
 All rights reserved.
 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details.
 #ifndef mitkPhotoacousticFilterService_H_HEADER_INCLUDED
 #define mitkPhotoacousticFilterService_H_HEADER_INCLUDED
 #include "itkObject.h"
 #include "mitkCommon.h"
 #include "mitkImage.h"
 #include <functional>
 #include "mitkBeamformingSettings.h"
 #include "mitkBeamformingFilter.h"
 #include "MitkPhotoacousticsAlgorithmsExports.h"
 namespace mitk {
   * \brief Class holding methods to apply all Filters within the Photoacoustics Algorithms Module
   *  Implemented are:
   *  - A B-Mode Filter
   *  - A Resampling Filter
   *  - Beamforming on GPU and CPU
   *  - A Bandpass Filter
   class MITKPHOTOACOUSTICSALGORITHMS_EXPORT PhotoacousticFilterService : public itk::Object
     mitkClassMacroItkParent(mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService, itk::Object);
     /** \brief Defines the methods for the B-Mode filter
     * Currently implemented are an Envelope Detection filter and a simple Absolute filter.
     enum BModeMethod { EnvelopeDetection, Abs };
     /** \brief Applies a B-Mode Filter
     * Applies a B-Mode filter using the given parameters.
     * @param inputImage The image to be processed.
     * @param method The kind of B-Mode Filter to be used.
     * @param UseLogFilter Setting this to true will apply a simple logarithm to the image after the B-Mode Filter has been applied.
     * @param resampleSpacing If this is set to 0, nothing will be done; otherwise, the image is resampled to a spacing of resampleSpacing mm per pixel.
     * @return The processed image is returned after the filter has finished.
     mitk::Image::Pointer ApplyBmodeFilter(mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage,
       BModeMethod method = BModeMethod::Abs,
       bool UseLogFilter = false);
     /** \brief Resamples the given image
     * Resamples an image using the given parameters.
     * @param inputImage The image to be processed.
     * @param outputSize An array of dimensions the image should be resampled to.
     * @return The processed image is returned after the filter has finished.
     mitk::Image::Pointer ApplyResampling(mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage, double* outputSpacing);
     mitk::Image::Pointer ApplyResamplingToDim(mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage, double* outputDimension);
     /** \brief Beamforms the given image
     * Resamples an image using the given parameters.
     * @param inputImage The image to be processed.
     * @param config The configuration set to be used for beamforming.
     * @param progressHandle An std::function<void(int, std::string)>, through which progress of the currently updating filter is reported.
     * The integer argument is a number between 0 an 100 to indicate how far completion has been achieved, the std::string argument indicates what the filter is currently doing.
     * @return The processed image is returned after the filter has finished.
     mitk::Image::Pointer ApplyBeamforming(mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage, BeamformingSettings::Pointer config, std::function<void(int, std::string)> progressHandle = [](int, std::string) {});
     /** \brief Crops the given image
     * Crops an image in 3 dimension using the given parameters.
     * @param inputImage The image to be processed.
     * @param above How many voxels will be cut from the top of the image.
     * @param below How many voxels will be cut from the bottom of the image.
     * @param right How many voxels will be cut from the right side of the image.
     * @param left How many voxels will be cut from the left side of the image.
-    * @param minSlice The first slice to be present in the resulting image.
-    * @param maxSlice The last slice to be present in the resulting image.
+    * @param minSlice The first slice to be present in the resulting volume.
+    * @param maxSlice How many slices are cut off from the end of the volume.
     * @return The processed image is returned after the filter has finished. For the purposes of this module, the returned image is always of type float.
     mitk::Image::Pointer ApplyCropping(mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage, int above, int below, int right, int left, int minSlice, int maxSlice, int* errCode);
+    mitk::Image::Pointer ExtendImage(mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage, float pixelColor, unsigned int outputDimensionY);
     /** \brief Applies a Bandpass filter to the given image
     * Applies a bandpass filter to the given image using the given parameters.
     * @param data The image to be processed.
     * @param BPHighPass The position at which Lower frequencies are completely cut off in Hz.
     * @param BPLowPass The position at which Higher frequencies are completely cut off in Hz.
     * @param alphaHighPass The high pass tukey window parameter to control the shape of the bandpass filter: 0 will make it a Box function, 1 a Hann function. alpha can be set between those two bounds.
     * @param alphaLowPass The low passtukey window parameter to control the shape of the bandpass filter: 0 will make it a Box function, 1 a Hann function. alpha can be set between those two bounds.
     * @return The processed image is returned after the filter has finished.
     mitk::Image::Pointer ApplyBandpassFilter(mitk::Image::Pointer data,
       float BPHighPass, float BPLowPass,
       float alphaHighPass, float alphaLowPass,
       float timeSpacing, float SpeedOfSound, bool IsBFImage);
     ~PhotoacousticFilterService() override;
     /** \brief
       For performance reasons, an instance of the Beamforming filter is initialized as soon as possible and kept for all further uses.
     mitk::BeamformingFilter::Pointer m_BeamformingFilter;
     mitk::Image::Pointer ConvertToFloat(mitk::Image::Pointer);
 } // namespace mitk
 #endif /* mitkPhotoacousticFilterService_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/source/filters/mitkBeamformingSettings.cpp b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/source/filters/mitkBeamformingSettings.cpp
index b052f15a5c..7508605611 100644
--- a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/source/filters/mitkBeamformingSettings.cpp
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/source/filters/mitkBeamformingSettings.cpp
@@ -1,105 +1,96 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
 All rights reserved.
 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details.
 #include "mitkBeamformingSettings.h"
 #include "mitkBeamformingUtils.h"
 #include "itkMutexLock.h"
-mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingSettings(std::string xmlFile)
-  if((xmlFile.length())>0)
-  {
-    MITK_ERROR << "Not implemented yet.";
-    mitkThrow() << "Not implemented yet.";
-  }
 mitk::BeamformingSettings::BeamformingSettings(float pitchInMeters,
   float speedOfSound,
   float timeSpacing,
   float angle,
   bool isPhotoacousticImage,
   unsigned int samplesPerLine,
   unsigned int reconstructionLines,
   unsigned int* inputDim,
   float reconstructionDepth,
   bool useGPU,
   unsigned int GPUBatchSize,
   DelayCalc delayCalculationMethod,
   Apodization apod,
   unsigned int apodizationArraySize,
   BeamformingAlgorithm algorithm
 ) :
   if (inputDim == nullptr)
     MITK_ERROR << "No input dimension given.";
     mitkThrow() << "No input dimension given.";
   switch (GetApod())
   case BeamformingSettings::Apodization::Hann:
     m_ApodizationFunction = mitk::BeamformingUtils::VonHannFunction(GetApodizationArraySize());
   case BeamformingSettings::Apodization::Hamm:
     m_ApodizationFunction = mitk::BeamformingUtils::HammFunction(GetApodizationArraySize());
   case BeamformingSettings::Apodization::Box:
     m_ApodizationFunction = mitk::BeamformingUtils::BoxFunction(GetApodizationArraySize());
   m_InputDim = new unsigned int[3]{ inputDim[0], inputDim[1], inputDim[2] };
   m_TransducerElements = m_InputDim[0];
   MITK_INFO << "Destructing beamforming settings...";
   //Free memory
   if (m_ApodizationFunction != nullptr)
     MITK_INFO << "Deleting apodization function...";
     delete[] m_ApodizationFunction;
     MITK_INFO << "Deleting apodization function...[Done]";
   if (m_InputDim != nullptr)
     MITK_INFO << "Deleting input dim...";
     delete[] m_InputDim;
     MITK_INFO << "Deleting input dim...[Done]";
   MITK_INFO << "Destructing beamforming settings...[Done]";
diff --git a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/source/utils/mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.cpp b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/source/utils/mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.cpp
index 9524e1db36..eb3940e9cc 100644
--- a/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/source/utils/mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.cpp
+++ b/Modules/PhotoacousticsAlgorithms/source/utils/mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.cpp
@@ -1,282 +1,307 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
 All rights reserved.
 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details.
 #include "mitkPhotoacousticFilterService.h"
 #include "mitkITKImageImport.h"
 #include <chrono>
 #include <mitkCropImageFilter.h>
 #include "./OpenCLFilter/mitkPhotoacousticBModeFilter.h"
 #include "mitkConvert2Dto3DImageFilter.h"
 #include <mitkCastToFloatImageFilter.h>
 #include "../ITKFilter/ITKUltrasound/itkBModeImageFilter.h"
 #include "../ITKFilter/itkPhotoacousticBModeImageFilter.h"
 #include <mitkBandpassFilter.h>
 // itk dependencies
 #include "itkImage.h"
 #include "itkResampleImageFilter.h"
 #include "itkCastImageFilter.h"
 #include "itkCropImageFilter.h"
 #include "itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter.h"
 #include "itkIntensityWindowingImageFilter.h"
 #include <itkIndex.h>
 #include "itkBSplineInterpolateImageFunction.h"
 #include <mitkImageToItk.h>
 // needed itk image filters
 #include "mitkImageCast.h"
   MITK_INFO << "[PhotoacousticFilterService] created filter service";
   MITK_INFO << "[PhotoacousticFilterService] destructed filter service";
 mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::ApplyBmodeFilter(
   mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage,
   BModeMethod method, bool UseLogFilter)
   // the image needs to be of floating point type for the envelope filter to work; the casting is done automatically by the CastToItkImage
   typedef itk::Image< float, 3 > itkFloatImageType;
   auto floatImage = ConvertToFloat(inputImage);
   if (method == BModeMethod::Abs)
     PhotoacousticBModeFilter::Pointer filter = PhotoacousticBModeFilter::New();
     return filter->GetOutput();
   typedef itk::BModeImageFilter < itkFloatImageType, itkFloatImageType > BModeFilterType;
   BModeFilterType::Pointer bModeFilter = BModeFilterType::New();  // LogFilter
   typedef itk::PhotoacousticBModeImageFilter < itkFloatImageType, itkFloatImageType > PhotoacousticBModeImageFilter;
   PhotoacousticBModeImageFilter::Pointer photoacousticBModeFilter = PhotoacousticBModeImageFilter::New(); // No LogFilter
   typedef itk::ResampleImageFilter < itkFloatImageType, itkFloatImageType > ResampleImageFilter;
   ResampleImageFilter::Pointer resampleImageFilter = ResampleImageFilter::New();
   itkFloatImageType::Pointer itkImage;
   mitk::CastToItkImage(floatImage, itkImage);
   if (UseLogFilter)
     itkImage = bModeFilter->GetOutput();
     itkImage = photoacousticBModeFilter->GetOutput();
   return mitk::GrabItkImageMemory(itkImage);
 mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::ApplyResampling(
   mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage,
   double *outputSpacing)
   typedef itk::Image< float, 3 > itkFloatImageType;
   auto floatImage = ConvertToFloat(inputImage);
   typedef itk::ResampleImageFilter < itkFloatImageType, itkFloatImageType > ResampleImageFilter;
   ResampleImageFilter::Pointer resampleImageFilter = ResampleImageFilter::New();
   itkFloatImageType::Pointer itkImage;
   mitk::CastToItkImage(floatImage, itkImage);
   itkFloatImageType::SpacingType outputSpacingItk;
   itkFloatImageType::SizeType inputSizeItk = itkImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize();
   itkFloatImageType::SizeType outputSizeItk = inputSizeItk;
   outputSpacingItk[0] = outputSpacing[0];
   outputSpacingItk[1] = outputSpacing[1];
   outputSpacingItk[2] = itkImage->GetSpacing()[2];
   outputSizeItk[0] = outputSizeItk[0] * (floatImage->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[0] / outputSpacing[0]);
   outputSizeItk[1] = outputSizeItk[1] * (floatImage->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[1] / outputSpacing[1]);
   return mitk::GrabItkImageMemory(resampleImageFilter->GetOutput());
 mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::ApplyResamplingToDim(
   mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage,
   double *outputDimension)
   typedef itk::Image< float, 3 > itkFloatImageType;
   auto floatImage = ConvertToFloat(inputImage);
   typedef itk::ResampleImageFilter < itkFloatImageType, itkFloatImageType > ResampleImageFilter;
   ResampleImageFilter::Pointer resampleImageFilter = ResampleImageFilter::New();
   itkFloatImageType::Pointer itkImage;
   mitk::CastToItkImage(floatImage, itkImage);
   itkFloatImageType::SpacingType outputSpacingItk;
   itkFloatImageType::SizeType inputSizeItk = itkImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize();
   itkFloatImageType::SizeType outputSizeItk = inputSizeItk;
   outputSizeItk[0] = outputDimension[0];
   outputSizeItk[1] = outputDimension[1];
   MITK_INFO << outputSizeItk[0] << " " << outputSizeItk[1];
   outputSpacingItk[0] = (double)inputSizeItk[0] / (double)outputSizeItk[0]  * floatImage->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[0];
   outputSpacingItk[1] = (double)inputSizeItk[1] / (double)outputSizeItk[1]  * floatImage->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[1];
   outputSpacingItk[2] = itkImage->GetSpacing()[2];
   MITK_INFO << outputSpacingItk[0] << " " << outputSpacingItk[1];
   return mitk::GrabItkImageMemory(resampleImageFilter->GetOutput());
 mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::ApplyCropping(
   mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage,
   int above, int below,
   int right, int left,
   int zStart, int zEnd,
   int* errCode)
   *errCode = 0;
     auto floatImage = ConvertToFloat(inputImage);
     mitk::CropImageFilter::Pointer cropImageFilter = mitk::CropImageFilter::New();
     return cropImageFilter->GetOutput();
   catch (mitk::Exception &e)
     std::string errorMessage = "Caught unexpected exception ";
     MITK_ERROR << errorMessage;
     *errCode = -1;
     mitk::Image::Pointer ret = mitk::Image::New();
     unsigned int dim[3] = { 1,1,1 };
     ret->Initialize(MakeScalarPixelType<float>(), 3, dim);
     return ret;
+mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::ExtendImage(mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage, float pixelColor, unsigned int outputDimensionY)
+  mitk::Image::Pointer outputImage = mitk::Image::New();
+  unsigned int dim[] = {inputImage->GetDimension(0), outputDimensionY, inputImage->GetDimension(2)};
+  outputImage->Initialize(inputImage->GetPixelType(), 3, dim);
+  float *sliceData = new float[dim[0] * dim[1]];
+  for (size_t i = inputImage->GetDimension(1) * dim[0]; i < dim[0] * dim[1]; ++i)
+  {
+    sliceData[i] = pixelColor;
+  }
+  for (unsigned int slice = 0; slice < dim[2]; ++slice)
+  {
+    mitk::ImageReadAccessor cpy(inputImage, inputImage->GetSliceData(slice));
+    cpy.GetData();
+    std::memcpy((void*)sliceData, cpy.GetData(), sizeof(float) * inputImage->GetDimension(1) * dim[0]);
+    outputImage->SetSlice(sliceData, slice);
+  }
+  delete[] sliceData;
+  return outputImage;
 mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::ApplyBeamforming(
   mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage,
   BeamformingSettings::Pointer config,
   std::function<void(int, std::string)> progressHandle)
   Image::Pointer processedImage = mitk::Image::New();
   if (inputImage->GetDimension() != 3)
     mitk::Convert2Dto3DImageFilter::Pointer dimensionImageFilter = mitk::Convert2Dto3DImageFilter::New();
     processedImage = dimensionImageFilter->GetOutput();
     processedImage = inputImage;
   m_BeamformingFilter = mitk::BeamformingFilter::New(config);
   processedImage = m_BeamformingFilter->GetOutput();
   return processedImage;
 mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::ApplyBandpassFilter(
   mitk::Image::Pointer data,
   float BPHighPass, float BPLowPass,
   float alphaHighPass, float alphaLowPass,
   float TimeSpacing, float SpeedOfSound, bool IsBFImage)
     auto floatData = ConvertToFloat(data);
     mitk::BandpassFilter::Pointer bandpassFilter = mitk::BandpassFilter::New();
     return bandpassFilter->GetOutput();
   catch (mitk::Exception &e)
     std::string errorMessage = "Caught unexpected exception ";
     MITK_ERROR << errorMessage;
     return data;
 mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::PhotoacousticFilterService::ConvertToFloat(mitk::Image::Pointer inputImage)
   if ((inputImage->GetPixelType().GetTypeAsString() == "scalar (float)" ||
     inputImage->GetPixelType().GetTypeAsString() == " (float)"))
     return inputImage;
   mitk::CastToFloatImageFilter::Pointer castToFloatImageFilter = mitk::CastToFloatImageFilter::New();
   return castToFloatImageFilter->GetOutput();