diff --git a/Modules/ToFUI/Qmitk/QmitkToFConnectionWidget.cpp b/Modules/ToFUI/Qmitk/QmitkToFConnectionWidget.cpp index 991114dc55..1c54f3269c 100644 --- a/Modules/ToFUI/Qmitk/QmitkToFConnectionWidget.cpp +++ b/Modules/ToFUI/Qmitk/QmitkToFConnectionWidget.cpp @@ -1,376 +1,381 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ //#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include //QT headers #include #include #include //mitk headers #include "mitkToFConfig.h" #include "mitkCameraIntrinsics.h" #include "mitkCameraIntrinsicsProperty.h" //itk headers #include //Setting the View_ID const std::string QmitkToFConnectionWidget::VIEW_ID = "org.mitk.views.qmitktofconnectionwidget2"; //Constructor of QmitkToFConnectionWidget QmitkToFConnectionWidget::QmitkToFConnectionWidget(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f): QWidget(parent, f) , m_Controls(NULL) , m_IntegrationTime(0) , m_ModulationFrequency(0) , m_SelectedCameraName("") { this->m_ToFImageGrabber = mitk::ToFImageGrabber::New(); //Calling CreateQtPartControl CreateQtPartControl(this); } //Destructor of QmitkToFConnectionWidget QmitkToFConnectionWidget::~QmitkToFConnectionWidget() { //MitkServiceListWidget must not be deinizialized here. Qmitk methods destroy their children automatically before self-destruction } void QmitkToFConnectionWidget::CreateQtPartControl(QWidget *parent) //Definition of CreateQtPartControll-Methode in QmitkToFConnectionWidget; Input= Pointer { if (!m_Controls) //Define if not alreaddy exists { // create GUI widgets m_Controls = new Ui::QmitkToFConnectionWidgetControls2; m_Controls->setupUi(parent); //and hide them on startup this->HideAllParameterWidgets(); // initzializing MitkServiceListWidget here std::string empty= ""; m_Controls->m_DeviceList->Initialize("ToFDeviceName", empty);// the empty could just be any kind of filter this->CreateConnections(); } } //Creating the SIGNAL-SLOT-Connectuions void QmitkToFConnectionWidget::CreateConnections() { if ( m_Controls ) { //ConnectCameraButton as a trigger for OnConnectCamera() connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton), SIGNAL(clicked()),(QObject*) this, SLOT(OnConnectCamera()) ); //QmitkServiceListWidget::ServiceSelectionChanged as a Signal for the OnSlectCamera() slot connect( m_Controls->m_DeviceList, SIGNAL(ServiceSelectionChanged(mitk::ServiceReference)), this, SLOT(OnSelectCamera())); /*Creating an other Datanode structur for Kinect is done here: As soon as a Kinect is connected, the KinectParameterWidget is enabled, which can be used to trigger the KinectAcqusitionModeChanged-Method, to create a working Data-Node-structure*/ connect( m_Controls->m_KinectParameterWidget, SIGNAL(AcquisitionModeChanged()), this, SIGNAL(KinectAcquisitionModeChanged()) ); } } mitk::ToFImageGrabber::Pointer QmitkToFConnectionWidget::GetToFImageGrabber() { return m_ToFImageGrabber; } //The OnSelectCamer-Method is in charge of activating the appropiate ParameterWidgets void QmitkToFConnectionWidget::OnSelectCamera() { //Here we are getting our decvie through the QmitkServiceListWidget-Instance m_DeviceList through the GetSelectedService-Method mitk::ToFCameraDevice* device = m_Controls->m_DeviceList->GetSelectedService(); //getting the selectedCamera through a static Method used to transform the device->GetNameOfClass QString selectedCamera = QString::fromStdString(device->GetNameOfClass()); this->HideAllParameterWidgets(); //reactivating the Widgets on slecting a device if (selectedCamera.contains("PMD")) //Check if selectedCamera string contains ".." for each device { this->m_Controls->m_PMDParameterWidget->show(); //and activate the correct widget } else if (selectedCamera.contains("MESA")) { this->m_Controls->m_MESAParameterWidget->show(); } else if (selectedCamera.contains("Kinect")) { this->m_Controls->m_KinectParameterWidget->show(); } m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setEnabled(true); //ConnectCameraButton gets enabled m_SelectedCameraName = selectedCamera; emit (selectedCamera); } //This Methods hides all Widgets (later each widget is activated on its own) void QmitkToFConnectionWidget::HideAllParameterWidgets() { this->m_Controls->m_PMDParameterWidget->hide(); this->m_Controls->m_MESAParameterWidget->hide(); this->m_Controls->m_KinectParameterWidget->hide(); } //OnConnectCamera-Method; represents one of the main parts of ToFConnectionWidget2. void QmitkToFConnectionWidget::OnConnectCamera() { //After connecting a device if (m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->text()=="Connect") { //Getting the device- and the slectedCamera-variables using the ServiceListWidget as we did it in the CameraSelect-Method mitk::ToFCameraDevice* device = m_Controls->m_DeviceList->GetSelectedService(); if (device) { QString tmpFileName(""); QString fileFilter(""); QString selectedCamera = QString::fromStdString(device->GetNameOfClass()); emit ToFCameraSelected(selectedCamera); //Feeding it with the Info from ServiceListWidget this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetCameraDevice(device); // Calling Alex FixForKinect, if the Kinect is selected if (selectedCamera.contains("Kinect") ) { MITK_INFO<< "Kinect is connected here"; //If the particular property is selected, the suitable data-node will be generated this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetBoolProperty("RGB", m_Controls->m_KinectParameterWidget->IsAcquisitionModeRGB());//-------------------------------------------------------- this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetBoolProperty("IR", m_Controls->m_KinectParameterWidget->IsAcquisitionModeIR()); } //Activation of "PlayerMode". If the selectedCamera String contains "Player", we start the Player Mode if (selectedCamera.contains("Player")) { //IF PMD-Player selected if (selectedCamera.contains("PMD")) { fileFilter.append("PMD Files (*.pmd)"); //And seting the corresponding fileFilter } else { fileFilter.append("NRRD Images (*.nrrd);;PIC Images - deprecated (*.pic)"); } //open a QFileDialog to chose the corresponding file from the disc tmpFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, "Play Image From...", "", fileFilter); //If no fileName is returned by the Dialog,Button and Widget have to return to default(disconnected) + Opening a MessageBox if (tmpFileName.isEmpty()) { m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setChecked(false); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setEnabled(true); //re-enabling the ConnectCameraButton m_Controls->m_DeviceList->setEnabled(true); //Reactivating ServiceListWidget this->OnSelectCamera(); //Calling the OnSelctCamera-Method -> Hides all Widget and just activates the needed ones QMessageBox::information( this, "Template functionality", "Please select a valid image before starting some action."); return; } if(selectedCamera.contains("PMDPlayer")) //If PMD-Player is selected, set ToFImageGrabberProperty correspondingly { this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetStringProperty("PMDFileName", tmpFileName.toStdString().c_str() ); } else //Default action { std::string msg = ""; try { //get 3 corresponding file names std::string dir = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath( tmpFileName.toStdString() ); std::string baseFilename = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension( tmpFileName.toStdString() ); std::string extension = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension( tmpFileName.toStdString() ); //"Incorrect format"-warning while using .nrrd or .pic files if (extension != ".pic" && extension != ".nrrd") { msg = msg + "Invalid file format, please select a \".nrrd\"-file"; throw std::logic_error(msg.c_str()); } //Checking for npos. If available, check for the Amplitude-, Intensity- and RGBImage int found = baseFilename.rfind("_DistanceImage"); //Defining "found" variable+checking if baseFilname contains "_DistanceImage". If not, found == npos(0) if (found == std::string::npos) //If found =0 { found = baseFilename.rfind("_AmplitudeImage"); //If "_AmplitudeImage" is found, the found variable is 1-> the next if statment is false } if (found == std::string::npos) { found = baseFilename.rfind("_IntensityImage"); //found = true if baseFilename cotains "_IntesityImage" } if (found == std::string::npos) { found = baseFilename.rfind("_RGBImage"); } if (found == std::string::npos) //If none of the Nodes is found, display an error { msg = msg + "Input file name must end with \"_DistanceImage\", \"_AmplitudeImage\", \"_IntensityImage\" or \"_RGBImage\"!"; throw std::logic_error(msg.c_str()); } std::string baseFilenamePrefix = baseFilename.substr(0,found);//Set the baseFilenamePrefix as a substring from baseFilname //Set corresponding FileNames std::string distanceImageFileName = dir + "/" + baseFilenamePrefix + "_DistanceImage" + extension; //Set the name as: directory+FilenamePrefix+""+extension std::string amplitudeImageFileName = dir + "/" + baseFilenamePrefix + "_AmplitudeImage" + extension; std::string intensityImageFileName = dir + "/" + baseFilenamePrefix + "_IntensityImage" + extension; std::string rgbImageFileName = dir + "/" + baseFilenamePrefix + "_RGBImage" + extension; if (!itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(distanceImageFileName.c_str(), true)) { this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetStringProperty("DistanceImageFileName", ""); } else { this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetStringProperty("DistanceImageFileName", distanceImageFileName.c_str()); } if (!itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(amplitudeImageFileName.c_str(), true)) { } else { this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetStringProperty("AmplitudeImageFileName", amplitudeImageFileName.c_str()); } if (!itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(intensityImageFileName.c_str(), true)) { this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetStringProperty("IntensityImageFileName", ""); } else { this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetStringProperty("IntensityImageFileName", intensityImageFileName.c_str()); } if (!itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(rgbImageFileName.c_str(), true)) { this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetStringProperty("RGBImageFileName", ""); } else { this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetStringProperty("RGBImageFileName", rgbImageFileName.c_str()); } } catch (std::exception &e) { MITK_ERROR << e.what(); QMessageBox::critical( this, "Error", e.what() ); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setChecked(false); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_DeviceList->setEnabled(true); this->OnSelectCamera(); return; } } } //End "PlayerMode" //Reset the ConnectCameraButton to disconnected m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setText("Disconnect"); //if a connection could be established try { if (this->m_ToFImageGrabber->ConnectCamera()) { this->m_Controls->m_PMDParameterWidget->SetToFImageGrabber(this->m_ToFImageGrabber); this->m_Controls->m_MESAParameterWidget->SetToFImageGrabber(this->m_ToFImageGrabber); this->m_Controls->m_KinectParameterWidget->SetToFImageGrabber(this->m_ToFImageGrabber); //Activating the respective widgets if (selectedCamera.contains("PMD")) { this->m_Controls->m_PMDParameterWidget->ActivateAllParameters(); } else if (selectedCamera.contains("MESA")) { this->m_Controls->m_MESAParameterWidget->ActivateAllParameters(); } else if (selectedCamera.contains("Kinect")) { this->m_Controls->m_KinectParameterWidget->ActivateAllParameters(); } else { this->HideAllParameterWidgets(); } // send connect signal to the caller functionality emit ToFCameraConnected(); } else //##### TODO: Remove this else part once all controllers are throwing exceptions //if they cannot to any device! { //Throw an error if the Connection failed and reset the Widgets <- better catch an exception! QMessageBox::critical( this, "Error", "Connection failed. Check if you have installed the latest driver for your system." ); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setChecked(false); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setText("Connect"); m_Controls->m_DeviceList->setEnabled(true); //Reactivating ServiceListWidget this->OnSelectCamera(); return; } }catch(std::exception &e) { //catch exceptions of camera which cannot connect give a better reason QMessageBox::critical( this, "Connection failed.", e.what() ); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setChecked(false); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setText("Connect"); m_Controls->m_DeviceList->setEnabled(true); //Reactivating ServiceListWidget this->OnSelectCamera(); return; } m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setEnabled(true); // ask wether camera parameters (intrinsics, ...) should be loaded if (QMessageBox::question(this,"Camera parameters","Do you want to specify your own camera intrinsics?",QMessageBox::Yes,QMessageBox::No)==QMessageBox::Yes) { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,"Open camera intrinsics","/","*.xml"); mitk::CameraIntrinsics::Pointer cameraIntrinsics = mitk::CameraIntrinsics::New(); cameraIntrinsics->FromXMLFile(fileName.toStdString()); this->m_ToFImageGrabber->SetProperty("CameraIntrinsics",mitk::CameraIntrinsicsProperty::New(cameraIntrinsics)); } ////Reset the status of some GUI-Elements m_Controls->m_DeviceList->setEnabled(false); //Deactivating the Instance of QmitkServiceListWidget //repaint the widget this->repaint(); } else { QMessageBox::information(this,"Camera connection","No camera selected, please select a range camera"); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setChecked(false); } } else if (m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->text()=="Disconnect") { this->m_ToFImageGrabber->StopCamera(); this->m_ToFImageGrabber->DisconnectCamera(); m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->setText("Connect"); m_Controls->m_DeviceList->setEnabled(true); //Reactivating ServiceListWidget this->OnSelectCamera(); // send disconnect signal to the caller functionality emit ToFCameraDisconnected(); } } + +void QmitkToFConnectionWidget::ConnectCamera() +{ + this->m_Controls->m_ConnectCameraButton->animateClick(); +} diff --git a/Modules/ToFUI/Qmitk/QmitkToFConnectionWidget.h b/Modules/ToFUI/Qmitk/QmitkToFConnectionWidget.h index d3b8e25047..122b142f74 100644 --- a/Modules/ToFUI/Qmitk/QmitkToFConnectionWidget.h +++ b/Modules/ToFUI/Qmitk/QmitkToFConnectionWidget.h @@ -1,116 +1,121 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef _QMITKTOFCONNECTIONWIDGET_H_INCLUDED #define _QMITKTOFCONNECTIONWIDGET_H_INCLUDED #include "mitkTOFUIExports.h" #include "ui_QmitkToFConnectionWidgetControls.h" //QT headers #include //mitk headers #include "mitkToFImageGrabber.h" /** * @brief Widget allowing to connect to different ToF / range cameras (located in module ToFProcessing) * * The widget basically allows to connect/disconnect to different ToF cameras * * @ingroup ToFUI */ class mitkTOFUI_EXPORT QmitkToFConnectionWidget :public QWidget { //this is needed for all Qt objects that should have a MOC object (everything that derives from QObject) Q_OBJECT public: static const std::string VIEW_ID; QmitkToFConnectionWidget(QWidget* p = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f1 = 0); virtual ~QmitkToFConnectionWidget(); /* @brief This method is part of the widget an needs not to be called seperately. */ virtual void CreateQtPartControl(QWidget *parent); /* @brief This method is part of the widget an needs not to be called seperately. (Creation of the connections of main and control widget.)*/ virtual void CreateConnections(); /*! \brief returns the ToFImageGrabber which was configured after selecting a camera / player \return ToFImageGrabber currently used by the widget */ mitk::ToFImageGrabber::Pointer GetToFImageGrabber(); /*! \brief return the name of the currently selected camera */ QString GetSelectedCameraName() { return m_SelectedCameraName; } + /*! + \brief invokes the call of OnConnectCamera() + */ + void ConnectCamera(); + signals: /*! \brief This signal is sent if the user has connected the TOF camera. * The ToFImageGrabber is now availiable if the method GetToFImageGrabber() is called. */ void ToFCameraConnected(); /*! \brief This signal is sent if the user has disconnect the TOF camera. */ void ToFCameraDisconnected(); /*! \brief signal that is emitted when a ToF camera is selected */ void ToFCameraSelected(const QString selectedText); void KinectAcquisitionModeChanged(); void ChangeCoronalWindowSelection(int); protected slots: /*! \brief slot called when the "Connect Camera" button was pressed * According to the selection in the camera combo box, the widget provides * the desired instance of the ToFImageGrabber */ void OnConnectCamera(); /*! \brief slot updating the GUI elements after the selection of the camera combo box has changed */ void OnSelectCamera(); protected: Ui::QmitkToFConnectionWidgetControls2* m_Controls; ///< member holding the UI elements of this widget mitk::ToFImageGrabber::Pointer m_ToFImageGrabber; ///< member holding the current ToFImageGrabber int m_IntegrationTime; ///< member for the current integration time of the ToF device int m_ModulationFrequency; ///< member for the current modulation frequency of the ToF device QString m_SelectedCameraName; ///< member holding the name of the currently selected camera private: void HideAllParameterWidgets(); }; #endif // _QMITKTOFCONNECTIONWIDGET_H_INCLUDED