diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitknnUnetTool.cpp b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitknnUnetTool.cpp index 65de25e8cf..99779403d0 100644 --- a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitknnUnetTool.cpp +++ b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitknnUnetTool.cpp @@ -1,334 +1,327 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #include "mitknnUnetTool.h" #include "mitkIOUtil.h" #include "mitkProcessExecutor.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace mitk { MITK_TOOL_MACRO(MITKSEGMENTATION_EXPORT, nnUNetTool, "nnUNet tool"); } mitk::nnUNetTool::nnUNetTool() { this->SetMitkTempDir(IOUtil::CreateTemporaryDirectory("mitk-XXXXXX")); } mitk::nnUNetTool::~nnUNetTool() { itksys::SystemTools::RemoveADirectory(this->GetMitkTempDir()); } void mitk::nnUNetTool::Activated() { Superclass::Activated(); } -void mitk::nnUNetTool::UpdateCleanUp() -{ - // This overriden method is intentionally left out for setting later upon demand - // in the `RenderOutputBuffer` method. -} - void mitk::nnUNetTool::RenderOutputBuffer() { if (m_OutputBuffer != nullptr) { Superclass::SetNodeProperties(m_OutputBuffer); try { if (nullptr != this->GetPreviewSegmentationNode()) { this->GetPreviewSegmentationNode()->SetVisibility(!this->GetSelectedLabels().empty()); } if (this->GetSelectedLabels().empty()) { this->ResetPreviewNode(); } } catch (const mitk::Exception &e) { MITK_INFO << e.GetDescription(); } } } -void mitk::nnUNetTool::SetNodeProperties(LabelSetImage::Pointer segmentation) +void mitk::nnUNetTool::SetOutputBuffer(LabelSetImage::Pointer segmentation) { - // This overriden method doesn't set node properties. Intentionally left out for setting later upon demand - // in the `RenderOutputBuffer` method. m_OutputBuffer = segmentation; } mitk::LabelSetImage::Pointer mitk::nnUNetTool::GetOutputBuffer() { return m_OutputBuffer; } void mitk::nnUNetTool::ClearOutputBuffer() { m_OutputBuffer = nullptr; } us::ModuleResource mitk::nnUNetTool::GetIconResource() const { us::Module *module = us::GetModuleContext()->GetModule(); us::ModuleResource resource = module->GetResource("AI_48x48.png"); return resource; } const char **mitk::nnUNetTool::GetXPM() const { return nullptr; } const char *mitk::nnUNetTool::GetName() const { return "nnUNet"; } mitk::DataStorage *mitk::nnUNetTool::GetDataStorage() { return this->GetToolManager()->GetDataStorage(); } mitk::DataNode *mitk::nnUNetTool::GetRefNode() { return this->GetToolManager()->GetReferenceData(0); } namespace { void onPythonProcessEvent(itk::Object * /*pCaller*/, const itk::EventObject &e, void *) { std::string testCOUT; std::string testCERR; const auto *pEvent = dynamic_cast(&e); if (pEvent) { testCOUT = testCOUT + pEvent->GetOutput(); MITK_INFO << testCOUT; } const auto *pErrEvent = dynamic_cast(&e); if (pErrEvent) { testCERR = testCERR + pErrEvent->GetOutput(); MITK_ERROR << testCERR; } } } // namespace mitk::LabelSetImage::Pointer mitk::nnUNetTool::ComputeMLPreview(const Image *inputAtTimeStep, TimeStepType /*timeStep*/) { if (m_InputBuffer == inputAtTimeStep) { return m_OutputBuffer; } std::string inDir, outDir, inputImagePath, outputImagePath, scriptPath; ProcessExecutor::Pointer spExec = ProcessExecutor::New(); itk::CStyleCommand::Pointer spCommand = itk::CStyleCommand::New(); spCommand->SetCallback(&onPythonProcessEvent); spExec->AddObserver(ExternalProcessOutputEvent(), spCommand); ProcessExecutor::ArgumentListType args; inDir = IOUtil::CreateTemporaryDirectory("nnunet-in-XXXXXX", this->GetMitkTempDir()); std::ofstream tmpStream; inputImagePath = IOUtil::CreateTemporaryFile(tmpStream, m_TEMPLATE_FILENAME, inDir + IOUtil::GetDirectorySeparator()); tmpStream.close(); std::size_t found = inputImagePath.find_last_of(IOUtil::GetDirectorySeparator()); std::string fileName = inputImagePath.substr(found + 1); std::string token = fileName.substr(0, fileName.find("_")); if (this->GetNoPip()) { scriptPath = this->GetnnUNetDirectory() + IOUtil::GetDirectorySeparator() + "nnunet" + IOUtil::GetDirectorySeparator() + "inference" + IOUtil::GetDirectorySeparator() + "predict_simple.py"; } try { if (this->GetMultiModal()) { const std::string fileFormat(".nii.gz"); const std::string fileNamePart("_000_000"); std::string outModalFile; size_t len = inDir.length() + 1 + token.length() + fileNamePart.length() + 1 + fileFormat.length(); outModalFile.reserve(len); // The 1(s) indicates a directory separator char and an underscore. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_OtherModalPaths.size(); ++i) { mitk::Image::ConstPointer modalImage = m_OtherModalPaths[i]; outModalFile.append(inDir); outModalFile.push_back(IOUtil::GetDirectorySeparator()); outModalFile.append(token); outModalFile.append(fileNamePart); outModalFile.append(std::to_string(i)); outModalFile.append(fileFormat); IOUtil::Save(modalImage.GetPointer(), outModalFile); outModalFile.clear(); } } else { IOUtil::Save(inputAtTimeStep, inputImagePath); } } catch (const mitk::Exception &e) { /* Can't throw mitk exception to the caller. Refer: T28691 */ MITK_ERROR << e.GetDescription(); return nullptr; } // Code calls external process std::string command = "nnUNet_predict"; if (this->GetNoPip()) { #ifdef _WIN32 command = "python"; #else command = "python3"; #endif } for (ModelParams &modelparam : m_ParamQ) { outDir = IOUtil::CreateTemporaryDirectory("nnunet-out-XXXXXX", this->GetMitkTempDir()); outputImagePath = outDir + IOUtil::GetDirectorySeparator() + token + "_000.nii.gz"; modelparam.outputDir = outDir; args.clear(); if (this->GetNoPip()) { args.push_back(scriptPath); } args.push_back("-i"); args.push_back(inDir); args.push_back("-o"); args.push_back(outDir); args.push_back("-t"); args.push_back(modelparam.task); if (modelparam.model.find("cascade") != std::string::npos) { args.push_back("-ctr"); } else { args.push_back("-tr"); } args.push_back(modelparam.trainer); args.push_back("-m"); args.push_back(modelparam.model); args.push_back("-p"); args.push_back(modelparam.planId); if (!modelparam.folds.empty()) { args.push_back("-f"); for (auto fold : modelparam.folds) { args.push_back(fold); } } args.push_back("--num_threads_nifti_save"); args.push_back("1"); // fixing to 1 if (!this->GetMirror()) { args.push_back("--disable_tta"); } if (!this->GetMixedPrecision()) { args.push_back("--disable_mixed_precision"); } if (this->GetEnsemble()) { args.push_back("--save_npz"); } try { std::string resultsFolderEnv = "RESULTS_FOLDER=" + this->GetModelDirectory(); itksys::SystemTools::PutEnv(resultsFolderEnv.c_str()); std::string cudaEnv = "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=" + std::to_string(this->GetGpuId()); itksys::SystemTools::PutEnv(cudaEnv.c_str()); spExec->Execute(this->GetPythonPath(), command, args); } catch (const mitk::Exception &e) { /* Can't throw mitk exception to the caller. Refer: T28691 */ MITK_ERROR << e.GetDescription(); return nullptr; } } if (this->GetEnsemble() && !this->GetPostProcessingJsonDirectory().empty()) { args.clear(); command = "nnUNet_ensemble"; outDir = IOUtil::CreateTemporaryDirectory("nnunet-ensemble-out-XXXXXX", this->GetMitkTempDir()); outputImagePath = outDir + IOUtil::GetDirectorySeparator() + token + "_000.nii.gz"; args.push_back("-f"); for (ModelParams &modelparam : m_ParamQ) { args.push_back(modelparam.outputDir); } args.push_back("-o"); args.push_back(outDir); if (!this->GetPostProcessingJsonDirectory().empty()) { args.push_back("-pp"); args.push_back(this->GetPostProcessingJsonDirectory()); } spExec->Execute(this->GetPythonPath(), command, args); } try { LabelSetImage::Pointer resultImage = LabelSetImage::New(); Image::Pointer outputImage = IOUtil::Load(outputImagePath); resultImage->InitializeByLabeledImage(outputImage); resultImage->SetGeometry(inputAtTimeStep->GetGeometry()); m_InputBuffer = inputAtTimeStep; + m_OutputBuffer = resultImage; return resultImage; } catch (const mitk::Exception &e) { /* Can't throw mitk exception to the caller. Refer: T28691 */ MITK_ERROR << e.GetDescription(); return nullptr; } } diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitknnUnetTool.h b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitknnUnetTool.h index 9185b0f0a7..7e0fcffd7a 100644 --- a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitknnUnetTool.h +++ b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitknnUnetTool.h @@ -1,214 +1,213 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #ifndef mitknnUnetTool_h_Included #define mitknnUnetTool_h_Included #include "mitkAutoMLSegmentationWithPreviewTool.h" #include "mitkCommon.h" #include "mitkToolManager.h" #include #include -#include #include +#include namespace us { class ModuleResource; } namespace mitk { /** * @brief nnUNet parameter request object holding all model parameters for input. * Also holds output temporary directory path. */ struct ModelParams { std::string task; std::vector folds; std::string model; std::string trainer; std::string planId; std::string outputDir; std::string inputName; std::string timeStamp; size_t generateHash() const - { + { std::string toHash; std::string foldsConcatenated = std::accumulate(folds.begin(), folds.end(), std::string("")); toHash += this->task; toHash += this->model; toHash += this->inputName; toHash += foldsConcatenated; toHash += this->timeStamp; size_t hashVal = std::hash{}(toHash); return hashVal; } }; /** \brief nnUNet segmentation tool. \ingroup Interaction \ingroup ToolManagerEtAl \warning Only to be instantiated by mitk::ToolManager. */ class MITKSEGMENTATION_EXPORT nnUNetTool : public AutoMLSegmentationWithPreviewTool { public: mitkClassMacro(nnUNetTool, AutoMLSegmentationWithPreviewTool); itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); itkCloneMacro(Self); const char **GetXPM() const override; const char *GetName() const override; us::ModuleResource GetIconResource() const override; void Activated() override; itkSetMacro(nnUNetDirectory, std::string); itkGetConstMacro(nnUNetDirectory, std::string); itkSetMacro(ModelDirectory, std::string); itkGetConstMacro(ModelDirectory, std::string); itkSetMacro(PythonPath, std::string); itkGetConstMacro(PythonPath, std::string); itkSetMacro(MitkTempDir, std::string); itkGetConstMacro(MitkTempDir, std::string); itkSetMacro(PostProcessingJsonDirectory, std::string); itkGetConstMacro(PostProcessingJsonDirectory, std::string); itkSetMacro(MixedPrecision, bool); itkGetConstMacro(MixedPrecision, bool); itkBooleanMacro(MixedPrecision); itkSetMacro(Mirror, bool); itkGetConstMacro(Mirror, bool); itkBooleanMacro(Mirror); itkSetMacro(MultiModal, bool); itkGetConstMacro(MultiModal, bool); itkBooleanMacro(MultiModal); itkSetMacro(NoPip, bool); itkGetConstMacro(NoPip, bool); itkBooleanMacro(NoPip); itkSetMacro(Ensemble, bool); itkGetConstMacro(Ensemble, bool); itkBooleanMacro(Ensemble); itkSetMacro(Predict, bool); itkGetConstMacro(Predict, bool); itkBooleanMacro(Predict); itkSetMacro(GpuId, unsigned int); itkGetConstMacro(GpuId, unsigned int); /** * @brief vector of ModelParams. * Size > 1 only for ensemble prediction. */ std::vector m_ParamQ; /** * @brief Holds paths to other input image modalities. * */ std::vector m_OtherModalPaths; mitk::Image::ConstPointer m_InputBuffer; /** * @brief Renders the output LabelSetImage. * To called in the main thread. */ void RenderOutputBuffer(); /** * @brief Get the Output Buffer object * * @return LabelSetImage::Pointer */ LabelSetImage::Pointer GetOutputBuffer(); /** * @brief Sets the outputBuffer to nullptr * */ void ClearOutputBuffer(); /** * @brief Returns the DataStorage from the ToolManager */ mitk::DataStorage *GetDataStorage(); mitk::DataNode *GetRefNode(); - void SetNodeProperties(LabelSetImage::Pointer) override; + void SetOutputBuffer(LabelSetImage::Pointer); protected: /** * @brief Construct a new nnUNet Tool object and temp directory. * */ nnUNetTool(); /** * @brief Destroy the nnUNet Tool object and deletes the temp directory. * */ ~nnUNetTool(); /** * @brief Overriden method from the tool manager to execute the segmentation * Implementation: * 1. Saves the inputAtTimeStep in a temporary directory. * 2. Copies other modalities, renames and saves in the temporary directory, if required. * 3. Sets RESULTS_FOLDER and CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variables in the environment. * 3. Iterates through the parameter queue (m_ParamQ) and executes "nnUNet_predict" command with the parameters * 4. Expects an output image to be saved in the temporary directory by the python proces. Loads it as * LabelSetImage and returns. * * @param inputAtTimeStep * @param timeStep * @return LabelSetImage::Pointer */ LabelSetImage::Pointer ComputeMLPreview(const Image *inputAtTimeStep, TimeStepType timeStep) override; - void UpdateCleanUp() override; private: std::string m_MitkTempDir; std::string m_nnUNetDirectory; std::string m_ModelDirectory; std::string m_PythonPath; std::string m_PostProcessingJsonDirectory; // bool m_UseGPU; kept for future // bool m_AllInGPU; bool m_MixedPrecision; bool m_Mirror; bool m_NoPip; bool m_MultiModal; bool m_Ensemble = false; bool m_Predict; LabelSetImage::Pointer m_OutputBuffer; unsigned int m_GpuId; const std::string m_TEMPLATE_FILENAME = "XXXXXX_000_0000.nii.gz"; }; } // namespace mitk #endif diff --git a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetFolderParser.h b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetFolderParser.h index d005f62eb3..50e188bd8f 100644 --- a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetFolderParser.h +++ b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetFolderParser.h @@ -1,281 +1,301 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file.s ============================================================================*/ #ifndef QmitknnUNetFolderParser_h_Included #define QmitknnUNetFolderParser_h_Included #include "QmitknnUNetToolGUI.h" #include #include #include /** * @brief Struct to store each (Folder) Node of the hierarchy tree structure. * */ struct FolderNode { QString name; QString path; // parent std::vector> subFolders; }; /** * @brief Class to store and retreive folder hierarchy information * of RESULTS_FOLDER. Only Root node is explicitly stored in m_RootNode. * No. of sub levels in the hierachry is defined in the LEVEL constant. * */ class MITKSEGMENTATIONUI_EXPORT QmitknnUNetFolderParser { public: /** * @brief Construct a new QmitknnUNetFolderParser object * Initializes root folder node object pointer calls * @param parentFolder */ QmitknnUNetFolderParser(const QString parentFolder) { m_RootNode = std::make_shared(); m_RootNode->path = parentFolder; m_RootNode->name = QString("nnUNet"); m_RootNode->subFolders.clear(); InitDirs(m_RootNode, 0); } /** * @brief Destroy the QmitknnUNetFolderParser object * */ ~QmitknnUNetFolderParser() = default; /*{ DeleteDirs(m_RootNode, LEVEL); }*/ /** * @brief Returns the "Results Folder" string which is parent path of the root node. * * @return QString */ QString getResultsFolder() { return m_RootNode->path; } /** * @brief Returns the Model Names from root node. Template function, * type can be any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call. * * @tparam T * @return T (any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call) */ template T getModelNames() { auto models = GetSubFolderNamesFromNode(m_RootNode); return models; } /** * @brief Returns the task names for a given model. Template function, * type can be any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call. * * @tparam T * @param modelName * @return T (any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call) */ template T getTasksForModel(const QString &modelName) { std::shared_ptr modelNode = GetSubNodeMatchingNameCrietria(modelName, m_RootNode); auto tasks = GetSubFolderNamesFromNode(modelNode); return tasks; } /** * @brief Returns the models names for a given task. Template function, * type can be any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call. * * @tparam T * @param taskName * @return T (any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call) */ template T getModelsForTask(const QString &taskName) { T modelsForTask; auto models = GetSubFolderNamesFromNode(m_RootNode); foreach (QString model, models) { QStringList taskList = getTasksForModel(model); if (taskList.contains(taskName, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { modelsForTask << model; } } return modelsForTask; } + /** + * @brief Returns all the task names present in the root node with possible duplicates. + * Template function, type can be any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call. + * + * @tparam T + * @param taskName + * @return T (any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call) + */ + template + T getAllTasks() + { + T allTasks; + auto models = GetSubFolderNamesFromNode(m_RootNode); + foreach (QString model, models) + { + allTasks << getTasksForModel(model); + } + return allTasks; + } + /** * @brief Returns the trainer / planner names for a given task & model. Template function, * type can be any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call. * * @tparam T * @param taskName * @param modelName * @return T (any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call) */ template T getTrainerPlannersForTask(const QString &taskName, const QString &modelName) { std::shared_ptr modelNode = GetSubNodeMatchingNameCrietria(modelName, m_RootNode); std::shared_ptr taskNode = GetSubNodeMatchingNameCrietria(taskName, modelNode); auto tps = GetSubFolderNamesFromNode(taskNode); return tps; } /** * @brief Returns the Folds names for a given trainer,planner,task & model name. Template function, * type can be any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call. * * @tparam T * @param trainer * @param planner * @param taskName * @param modelName * @return T (any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call) */ template T getFoldsForTrainerPlanner(const QString &trainer, const QString &planner, const QString &taskName, const QString &modelName) { std::shared_ptr modelNode = GetSubNodeMatchingNameCrietria(modelName, m_RootNode); std::shared_ptr taskNode = GetSubNodeMatchingNameCrietria(taskName, modelNode); QString trainerPlanner = trainer + QString("__") + planner; std::shared_ptr tpNode = GetSubNodeMatchingNameCrietria(trainerPlanner, taskNode); auto folds = GetSubFolderNamesFromNode(tpNode); return folds; } private: const int m_LEVEL = 4; std::shared_ptr m_RootNode; /** * @brief Iterates through the root node and returns the sub FolderNode object Matching Name Crietria * * @param queryName * @param parentNode * @return std::shared_ptr */ std::shared_ptr GetSubNodeMatchingNameCrietria(const QString &queryName, std::shared_ptr parentNode) { std::shared_ptr retNode; std::vector> subNodes = parentNode->subFolders; for (std::shared_ptr node : subNodes) { if (node->name == queryName) { retNode = node; break; } } return retNode; } /** * @brief Returns the sub folder names for a folder node object. Template function, * type can be any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call. * * @tparam T * @param std::shared_ptr * @return T (any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call) */ template T GetSubFolderNamesFromNode(const std::shared_ptr parent) { T folders; std::vector> subNodes = parent->subFolders; for (std::shared_ptr folder : subNodes) { folders.push_back(folder->name); } return folders; } /** * @brief Iterates through the sub folder hierarchy upto a level provided * and create a tree structure. * * @param parent * @param level */ void InitDirs(std::shared_ptr parent, int level) { QString searchFolder = parent->path + QDir::separator() + parent->name; auto subFolders = FetchFoldersFromDir(searchFolder); level++; foreach (QString folder, subFolders) { std::shared_ptr fp = std::make_shared(); fp->path = searchFolder; fp->name = folder; if (level < this->m_LEVEL) { InitDirs(fp, level); } parent->subFolders.push_back(fp); } } /** * @brief Iterates through the sub folder hierarchy upto a level provided * and clears the sub folder std::vector from each node. * * @param parent * @param level */ void DeleteDirs(std::shared_ptr parent, int level) { level++; for (std::shared_ptr subFolder : parent->subFolders) { if (level < m_LEVEL) { DeleteDirs(subFolder, level); } parent->subFolders.clear(); } } /** * @brief Template function to fetch all folders inside a given path. * The type can be any of stl or Qt containers which supports push_back call. * * @tparam T * @param path * @return T */ template T FetchFoldersFromDir(const QString &path) { T folders; for (QDirIterator it(path, QDir::AllDirs, QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags); it.hasNext();) { it.next(); if (!it.fileName().startsWith('.')) { folders.push_back(it.fileName()); } } return folders; } }; #endif diff --git a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUI.cpp b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUI.cpp index bdbb5651e4..29114ac8f8 100644 --- a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUI.cpp +++ b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUI.cpp @@ -1,498 +1,588 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #include "QmitknnUNetToolGUI.h" +#include "mitkProcessExecutor.h" #include "mitknnUnetTool.h" #include #include #include +#include +#include #include #include +#include #include MITK_TOOL_GUI_MACRO(MITKSEGMENTATIONUI_EXPORT, QmitknnUNetToolGUI, "") QmitknnUNetToolGUI::QmitknnUNetToolGUI() : QmitkAutoMLSegmentationToolGUIBase() { // Nvidia-smi command returning zero doesn't always imply lack of GPUs. // Pytorch uses its own libraries to communicate to the GPUs. Hence, only a warning can be given. if (m_GpuLoader.GetGPUCount() == 0) { std::string warning = "WARNING: No GPUs were detected on your machine. The nnUNet tool might not work."; ShowErrorMessage(warning); } // define predicates for multi modal data selection combobox auto imageType = mitk::TNodePredicateDataType::New(); auto labelSetImageType = mitk::NodePredicateNot::New(mitk::TNodePredicateDataType::New()); m_MultiModalPredicate = mitk::NodePredicateAnd::New(imageType, labelSetImageType).GetPointer(); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::ConnectNewTool(mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool *newTool) { Superclass::ConnectNewTool(newTool); newTool->IsTimePointChangeAwareOff(); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::InitializeUI(QBoxLayout *mainLayout) { m_Controls.setupUi(this); #ifndef _WIN32 m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->addItem("/usr/bin"); #endif m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->addItem("Select"); AutoParsePythonPaths(); SetGPUInfo(); connect(m_Controls.previewButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnPreviewRequested())); connect(m_Controls.modeldirectoryBox, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(OnDirectoryChanged(const QString &))); connect( m_Controls.modelBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(OnModelChanged(const QString &))); connect(m_Controls.taskBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(OnTaskChanged(const QString &))); connect( m_Controls.plannerBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(OnTrainerChanged(const QString &))); - connect(m_Controls.nopipBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnCheckBoxChanged(int))); connect(m_Controls.multiModalBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnCheckBoxChanged(int))); connect(m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnModalitiesNumberChanged(int))); connect(m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox, #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050F00 // 5.15 SIGNAL(textActivated(const QString &)), #elif QT_VERSION >= 0x050C00 // 5.12 - SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), + SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), #endif this, SLOT(OnPythonPathChanged(const QString &))); connect(m_Controls.refreshdirectoryBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnRefreshPresssed())); connect(m_Controls.clearCacheButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnClearCachePressed())); - m_Controls.codedirectoryBox->setVisible(false); - m_Controls.nnUnetdirLabel->setVisible(false); m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->setVisible(false); + m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->setEnabled(false); m_Controls.multiModalSpinLabel->setVisible(false); m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(false); - m_Controls.stopButton->setVisible(false); // Hidden for future - QIcon refreshIcon = QmitkStyleManager::ThemeIcon(QStringLiteral(":/org_mitk_icons/icons/awesome/scalable/actions/view-refresh.svg")); m_Controls.refreshdirectoryBox->setIcon(refreshIcon); QIcon dirIcon = QmitkStyleManager::ThemeIcon(QStringLiteral(":/org_mitk_icons/icons/awesome/scalable/actions/document-open.svg")); m_Controls.modeldirectoryBox->setIcon(dirIcon); m_Controls.refreshdirectoryBox->setEnabled(true); m_Controls.statusLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); if (m_GpuLoader.GetGPUCount() != 0) { WriteStatusMessage(QString("STATUS: Welcome to nnUNet. " + QString::number(m_GpuLoader.GetGPUCount()) + " GPUs were detected.")); } else { WriteErrorMessage(QString("STATUS: Welcome to nnUNet. " + QString::number(m_GpuLoader.GetGPUCount()) + " GPUs were detected.")); } mainLayout->addLayout(m_Controls.verticalLayout); Superclass::InitializeUI(mainLayout); m_UI_ROWS = m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->rowCount(); // Must do. Row count is correct only here. - - if (nullptr != m_Controls.modeldirectoryBox) - { - QString setVal = m_Settings.value("nnUNet/LastRESULTS_FOLDERPath").toString(); - m_Controls.modeldirectoryBox->setDirectory(setVal); - } + DisableEverything(); + QString lastSelectedPyEnv = m_Settings.value("nnUNet/LastPythonPath").toString(); + m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->setCurrentText(lastSelectedPyEnv); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnPreviewRequested() { mitk::nnUNetTool::Pointer tool = this->GetConnectedToolAs(); if (nullptr != tool) { + QString pythonPathTextItem = ""; try { size_t hashKey(0); m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(false); // To prevent misclicked back2back prediction. qApp->processEvents(); tool->PredictOn(); // purposefully placed to make tool->GetMTime different than before. QString modelName = m_Controls.modelBox->currentText(); if (modelName.startsWith("ensemble", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { ProcessEnsembleModelsParams(tool); } else { ProcessModelParams(tool); } - QString pythonPathTextItem = m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->currentText(); - QString pythonPath = pythonPathTextItem.mid(pythonPathTextItem.indexOf(" ") + 1); - bool isNoPip = m_Controls.nopipBox->isChecked(); -#ifdef _WIN32 - if (!isNoPip && !(pythonPath.endsWith("Scripts", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || - pythonPath.endsWith("Scripts/", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) - { - pythonPath += QDir::separator() + QString("Scripts"); - } -#else - if (!(pythonPath.endsWith("bin", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || pythonPath.endsWith("bin/", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) - { - pythonPath += QDir::separator() + QString("bin"); - } -#endif - std::string nnUNetDirectory; - if (isNoPip) - { - nnUNetDirectory = m_Controls.codedirectoryBox->directory().toStdString(); - } - else if (!IsNNUNetInstalled(pythonPath)) + pythonPathTextItem = m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->currentText(); + QString pythonPath = m_PythonPath; + if (!IsNNUNetInstalled(pythonPath)) { throw std::runtime_error("nnUNet is not detected in the selected python environment. Please select a valid " "python environment or install nnUNet."); } - - tool->SetnnUNetDirectory(nnUNetDirectory); tool->SetPythonPath(pythonPath.toStdString()); tool->SetModelDirectory(m_ParentFolder->getResultsFolder().toStdString()); // checkboxes tool->SetMirror(m_Controls.mirrorBox->isChecked()); tool->SetMixedPrecision(m_Controls.mixedPrecisionBox->isChecked()); - tool->SetNoPip(isNoPip); + tool->SetNoPip(false); bool doCache = m_Controls.enableCachingCheckBox->isChecked(); // Spinboxes tool->SetGpuId(FetchSelectedGPUFromUI()); // Multi-Modal tool->MultiModalOff(); if (m_Controls.multiModalBox->isChecked()) { if (m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->value() > 0) { tool->m_OtherModalPaths.clear(); tool->m_OtherModalPaths = FetchMultiModalImagesFromUI(); tool->MultiModalOn(); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Please select more than one modalities for a multi-modal task. If you " "would like to use only one modality then uncheck the Multi-Modal option."); } } if (doCache) { hashKey = nnUNetCache::GetUniqueHash(tool->m_ParamQ); if (m_Cache.contains(hashKey)) { tool->PredictOff(); // purposefully placed to make tool->GetMTime different than before. } } if (tool->GetPredict()) { tool->m_InputBuffer = nullptr; WriteStatusMessage(QString("STATUS: Starting Segmentation task... This might take a while.")); tool->UpdatePreview(); if (nullptr == tool->GetOutputBuffer()) { SegmentationProcessFailed(); } else { SegmentationResultHandler(tool); if (doCache) { AddToCache(hashKey, tool->GetMLPreview()); } } tool->PredictOff(); // purposefully placed to make tool->GetMTime different than before. } else { MITK_INFO << "won't do segmentation. Key found: " << QString::number(hashKey).toStdString(); if (m_Cache.contains(hashKey)) { nnUNetCache *cacheObject = m_Cache[hashKey]; MITK_INFO << "fetched pointer " << cacheObject->m_SegCache.GetPointer(); - tool->SetNodeProperties(const_cast(cacheObject->m_SegCache.GetPointer())); - SegmentationResultHandler(tool); + tool->SetOutputBuffer(const_cast(cacheObject->m_SegCache.GetPointer())); + SegmentationResultHandler(tool, true); } } m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(true); } catch (const std::exception &e) { std::stringstream errorMsg; errorMsg << "STATUS: Error while processing parameters for nnUNet segmentation. Reason: " << e.what(); ShowErrorMessage(errorMsg.str()); WriteErrorMessage(QString::fromStdString(errorMsg.str())); m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(true); tool->PredictOff(); return; } catch (...) { std::string errorMsg = "Unkown error occured while generation nnUNet segmentation."; ShowErrorMessage(errorMsg); m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(true); tool->PredictOff(); return; } + if (!pythonPathTextItem.isEmpty()) + { // only cache if the prediction ended without errors. + m_Settings.setValue("nnUNet/LastPythonPath", pythonPathTextItem); + } } } std::vector QmitknnUNetToolGUI::FetchMultiModalImagesFromUI() { std::vector modals; if (m_Controls.multiModalBox->isChecked() && !m_Modalities.empty()) { std::set nodeNames; // set container for keeping names of all nodes to check if they are added twice. for (QmitkDataStorageComboBox *modality : m_Modalities) { if (nodeNames.find(modality->GetSelectedNode()->GetName()) == nodeNames.end()) { modals.push_back(dynamic_cast(modality->GetSelectedNode()->GetData())); nodeNames.insert(modality->GetSelectedNode()->GetName()); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Same modality is selected more than once. Please change your selection."); break; } } } return modals; } bool QmitknnUNetToolGUI::IsNNUNetInstalled(const QString &pythonPath) { QString fullPath = pythonPath; #ifdef _WIN32 if (!(fullPath.endsWith("Scripts", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || fullPath.endsWith("Scripts/", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) { fullPath += QDir::separator() + QString("Scripts"); } #else if (!(fullPath.endsWith("bin", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || fullPath.endsWith("bin/", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) { fullPath += QDir::separator() + QString("bin"); } #endif fullPath = fullPath.mid(fullPath.indexOf(" ") + 1); - return QFile::exists(fullPath + QDir::separator() + QString("nnUNet_predict")); + bool isExists = QFile::exists(fullPath + QDir::separator() + QString("nnUNet_predict")) && + QFile::exists(fullPath + QDir::separator() + QString("python3")); + return isExists; } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::ShowErrorMessage(const std::string &message, QMessageBox::Icon icon) { this->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); QMessageBox *messageBox = new QMessageBox(icon, nullptr, message.c_str()); messageBox->exec(); delete messageBox; MITK_WARN << message; } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::WriteStatusMessage(const QString &message) { m_Controls.statusLabel->setText(message); m_Controls.statusLabel->setStyleSheet("font-weight: bold; color: white"); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::WriteErrorMessage(const QString &message) { m_Controls.statusLabel->setText(message); m_Controls.statusLabel->setStyleSheet("font-weight: bold; color: red"); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::ProcessEnsembleModelsParams(mitk::nnUNetTool::Pointer tool) { if (m_EnsembleParams[0]->modelBox->currentText() == m_EnsembleParams[1]->modelBox->currentText()) { throw std::runtime_error("Both models you have selected for ensembling are the same."); } QString taskName = m_Controls.taskBox->currentText(); bool isPPJson = m_Controls.postProcessingCheckBox->isChecked(); std::vector requestQ; QString ppDirFolderNamePart1 = "ensemble_"; QStringList ppDirFolderNameParts; for (auto &layout : m_EnsembleParams) { QStringList ppDirFolderName; QString modelName = layout->modelBox->currentText(); ppDirFolderName << modelName; ppDirFolderName << "__"; QString trainer = layout->trainerBox->currentText(); ppDirFolderName << trainer; ppDirFolderName << "__"; QString planId = layout->plannerBox->currentText(); ppDirFolderName << planId; if (!IsModelExists(modelName, taskName, QString(trainer + "__" + planId))) { std::string errorMsg = "The configuration " + modelName.toStdString() + " you have selected doesn't exist. Check your Results Folder again."; throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg); } std::vector testfold = FetchSelectedFoldsFromUI(layout->foldBox); mitk::ModelParams modelObject = MapToRequest(modelName, taskName, trainer, planId, testfold); requestQ.push_back(modelObject); ppDirFolderNameParts << ppDirFolderName.join(QString("")); } tool->EnsembleOn(); if (isPPJson) { QString ppJsonFilePossibility1 = QDir::cleanPath( m_ParentFolder->getResultsFolder() + QDir::separator() + "nnUNet" + QDir::separator() + "ensembles" + QDir::separator() + taskName + QDir::separator() + ppDirFolderNamePart1 + ppDirFolderNameParts.first() + "--" + ppDirFolderNameParts.last() + QDir::separator() + "postprocessing.json"); QString ppJsonFilePossibility2 = QDir::cleanPath( m_ParentFolder->getResultsFolder() + QDir::separator() + "nnUNet" + QDir::separator() + "ensembles" + QDir::separator() + taskName + QDir::separator() + ppDirFolderNamePart1 + ppDirFolderNameParts.last() + "--" + ppDirFolderNameParts.first() + QDir::separator() + "postprocessing.json"); if (QFile(ppJsonFilePossibility1).exists()) { tool->SetPostProcessingJsonDirectory(ppJsonFilePossibility1.toStdString()); const QString statusMsg = "Post Processing JSON file found: " + ppJsonFilePossibility1; WriteStatusMessage(statusMsg); } else if (QFile(ppJsonFilePossibility2).exists()) { tool->SetPostProcessingJsonDirectory(ppJsonFilePossibility2.toStdString()); const QString statusMsg = "Post Processing JSON file found:" + ppJsonFilePossibility2; WriteStatusMessage(statusMsg); } else { std::string errorMsg = "No post processing file was found for the selected ensemble combination. Continuing anyway..."; ShowErrorMessage(errorMsg); } } tool->m_ParamQ.clear(); tool->m_ParamQ = requestQ; } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::ProcessModelParams(mitk::nnUNetTool::Pointer tool) { tool->EnsembleOff(); std::vector requestQ; QString modelName = m_Controls.modelBox->currentText(); QString taskName = m_Controls.taskBox->currentText(); QString trainer = m_Controls.trainerBox->currentText(); QString planId = m_Controls.plannerBox->currentText(); std::vector fetchedFolds = FetchSelectedFoldsFromUI(m_Controls.foldBox); mitk::ModelParams modelObject = MapToRequest(modelName, taskName, trainer, planId, fetchedFolds); requestQ.push_back(modelObject); tool->m_ParamQ.clear(); tool->m_ParamQ = requestQ; } bool QmitknnUNetToolGUI::IsModelExists(const QString &modelName, const QString &taskName, const QString &trainerPlanner) { QString modelSearchPath = QDir::cleanPath(m_ParentFolder->getResultsFolder() + QDir::separator() + "nnUNet" + QDir::separator() + modelName + QDir::separator() + taskName + QDir::separator() + trainerPlanner); if (QDir(modelSearchPath).exists()) { return true; } return false; } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::CheckAllInCheckableComboBox(ctkCheckableComboBox *foldBox) { // Recalling all added items to check-mark it. const QAbstractItemModel *qaim = foldBox->checkableModel(); auto rows = qaim->rowCount(); for (std::remove_const_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { const QModelIndex mi = qaim->index(i, 0); foldBox->setCheckState(mi, Qt::Checked); } } std::pair QmitknnUNetToolGUI::ExtractTrainerPlannerFromString(QStringList trainerPlanners) { QString splitterString = "__"; QStringList trainers, planners; for (const auto &trainerPlanner : trainerPlanners) { trainers << trainerPlanner.split(splitterString, QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts).first(); planners << trainerPlanner.split(splitterString, QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts).last(); } trainers.removeDuplicates(); planners.removeDuplicates(); return std::make_pair(trainers, planners); } std::vector QmitknnUNetToolGUI::FetchSelectedFoldsFromUI(ctkCheckableComboBox *foldBox) { std::vector folds; - if (!(foldBox->allChecked() || foldBox->noneChecked())) + if (foldBox->noneChecked()) { - QModelIndexList foldList = foldBox->checkedIndexes(); - for (const auto &index : foldList) - { - QString foldQString = foldBox->itemText(index.row()).split("_", QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts).last(); - folds.push_back(foldQString.toStdString()); - } + CheckAllInCheckableComboBox(foldBox); + } + QModelIndexList foldList = foldBox->checkedIndexes(); + for (const auto &index : foldList) + { + QString foldQString = foldBox->itemText(index.row()).split("_", QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts).last(); + folds.push_back(foldQString.toStdString()); } return folds; } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnClearCachePressed() { m_Cache.clear(); UpdateCacheCountOnUI(); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::UpdateCacheCountOnUI() { QString cacheText = m_CACHE_COUNT_BASE_LABEL + QString::number(m_Cache.size()); m_Controls.cacheCountLabel->setText(cacheText); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::AddToCache(size_t &hashKey, mitk::LabelSetImage::ConstPointer mlPreview) { nnUNetCache *newCacheObj = new nnUNetCache; newCacheObj->m_SegCache = mlPreview; m_Cache.insert(hashKey, newCacheObj); MITK_INFO << "New hash: " << hashKey << " " << newCacheObj->m_SegCache.GetPointer(); UpdateCacheCountOnUI(); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::SetGPUInfo() { std::vector specs = m_GpuLoader.GetAllGPUSpecs(); for (const QmitkGPUSpec &gpuSpec : specs) { m_Controls.gpuComboBox->addItem(QString::number(gpuSpec.id) + ": " + gpuSpec.name + " (" + gpuSpec.memory + ")"); } if (specs.empty()) { m_Controls.gpuComboBox->setEditable(true); m_Controls.gpuComboBox->addItem(QString::number(0)); m_Controls.gpuComboBox->setValidator(new QIntValidator(0, 999, this)); } } unsigned int QmitknnUNetToolGUI::FetchSelectedGPUFromUI() { QString gpuInfo = m_Controls.gpuComboBox->currentText(); if (m_GpuLoader.GetGPUCount() == 0) { return static_cast(gpuInfo.toInt()); } else { QString gpuId = gpuInfo.split(":", QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts).first(); return static_cast(gpuId.toInt()); } } + +QString QmitknnUNetToolGUI::FetchResultsFolderFromEnv() +{ + const char *pathVal = itksys::SystemTools::GetEnv("RESULTS_FOLDER"); + QString retVal; + if (pathVal) + { + retVal = QString::fromUtf8(pathVal); + } + else + { + retVal = m_Settings.value("nnUNet/LastRESULTS_FOLDERPath").toString(); + } + return retVal; +} + +QString QmitknnUNetToolGUI::DumpJSONfromPickle(const QString &parentPath) +{ + const QString picklePath = parentPath + QDir::separator() + QString("plans.pkl"); + const QString jsonPath = parentPath + QDir::separator() + QString("mitk_export.json"); + if (!QFile::exists(jsonPath)) + { + mitk::ProcessExecutor::Pointer spExec = mitk::ProcessExecutor::New(); + itk::CStyleCommand::Pointer spCommand = itk::CStyleCommand::New(); + mitk::ProcessExecutor::ArgumentListType args; + args.push_back("-c"); + std::string pythonCode; // python syntax to parse plans.pkl file and export as Json file. + pythonCode.append("import pickle;"); + pythonCode.append("import json;"); + pythonCode.append("loaded_pickle = pickle.load(open('"); + pythonCode.append(picklePath.toStdString()); + pythonCode.append("','rb'));"); + pythonCode.append("modal_dict = {key: loaded_pickle[key] for key in loaded_pickle.keys() if key in " + "['modalities','num_modalities']};"); + pythonCode.append("json.dump(modal_dict, open('"); + pythonCode.append(jsonPath.toStdString()); + pythonCode.append("', 'w'))"); + + args.push_back(pythonCode); + try + { + spExec->Execute(m_PythonPath.toStdString(), "python3", args); + } + catch (const mitk::Exception &e) + { + MITK_ERROR << "Pickle parsing FAILED!" << e.GetDescription(); // SHOW ERROR + WriteStatusMessage( + "Parsing failed in backend. Multiple Modalities will now have to be manually entered by the user."); + return QString(""); + } + } + return jsonPath; +} + +void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::DisplayMultiModalInfoFromJSON(const QString &jsonPath) +{ + if (QFile::exists(jsonPath)) + { + QFile file(jsonPath); + if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) + { + QByteArray bytes = file.readAll(); + file.close(); + + QJsonParseError jsonError; + QJsonDocument document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(bytes, &jsonError); + if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) + { + MITK_INFO << "fromJson failed: " << jsonError.errorString().toStdString() << endl; + return; + } + if (document.isObject()) + { + QJsonObject jsonObj = document.object(); + int num_mods = jsonObj["num_modalities"].toInt(); + ClearAllModalLabels(); + if (num_mods > 1) + { + m_Controls.multiModalBox->setChecked(true); + m_Controls.multiModalBox->setEnabled(false); + m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->setValue(num_mods - 1); + m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->update(); + QJsonObject obj = jsonObj.value("modalities").toObject(); + QStringList keys = obj.keys(); + int count = 0; + for (auto key : keys) + { + auto value = obj.take(key); + QLabel *label = new QLabel("" + value.toString() + "", this); + m_ModalLabels.push_back(label); + m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->addWidget(label, m_UI_ROWS + 1 + count, 0); + count++; + } + m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->setMinimum(num_mods - 1); + m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->update(); + } + else + { + m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->setMinimum(0); + m_Controls.multiModalBox->setChecked(false); + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUI.h b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUI.h index b5a6106778..601f36453e 100644 --- a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUI.h +++ b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUI.h @@ -1,298 +1,342 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file.s ============================================================================*/ #ifndef QmitknnUNetToolGUI_h_Included #define QmitknnUNetToolGUI_h_Included #include "QmitkAutoMLSegmentationToolGUIBase.h" #include "QmitknnUNetFolderParser.h" #include "QmitknnUNetGPU.h" #include "mitknnUnetTool.h" #include "ui_QmitknnUNetToolGUIControls.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class nnUNetCache { public: mitk::LabelSetImage::ConstPointer m_SegCache; static size_t GetUniqueHash(std::vector &requestQ) { size_t hashCode = 0; for (mitk::ModelParams &request : requestQ) { boost::hash_combine(hashCode, request.generateHash()); } return hashCode; } }; class MITKSEGMENTATIONUI_EXPORT QmitknnUNetToolGUI : public QmitkAutoMLSegmentationToolGUIBase { Q_OBJECT public: mitkClassMacro(QmitknnUNetToolGUI, QmitkAutoMLSegmentationToolGUIBase); itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); itkCloneMacro(Self); QCache m_Cache; protected slots: /** * @brief Qt slot * */ void OnPreviewRequested(); /** * @brief Qt slot * */ void OnDirectoryChanged(const QString &); /** * @brief Qt slot * */ void OnModelChanged(const QString &); /** * @brief Qt slot * */ void OnTaskChanged(const QString &); /** * @brief Qt slot * */ void OnTrainerChanged(const QString &); /** * @brief Qt slot * */ void OnCheckBoxChanged(int); /** * @brief Qthread slot to capture failures from thread worker and * shows error message * */ void SegmentationProcessFailed(); /** * @brief Qthread to capture sucessfull nnUNet segmentation. * Further, renders the LabelSet image */ - void SegmentationResultHandler(mitk::nnUNetTool *); + void SegmentationResultHandler(mitk::nnUNetTool *, bool forceRender = false); /** * @brief Qt Slot * */ void OnModalitiesNumberChanged(int); /** * @brief Qt Slot * */ void OnPythonPathChanged(const QString &); /** * @brief Qt slot * */ void OnRefreshPresssed(); /** * @brief Qt slot * */ void OnClearCachePressed(); protected: QmitknnUNetToolGUI(); ~QmitknnUNetToolGUI() = default; void ConnectNewTool(mitk::AutoSegmentationWithPreviewTool *newTool) override; void InitializeUI(QBoxLayout *mainLayout) override; void EnableWidgets(bool enabled) override; private: + + /** + * @brief Clears all displayed modal labels and widgets from GUI. + * + */ + void ClearAllModalities(); + + /** + * @brief Parses Json file containing modality info and populates + * labels and selection widgets accordingly on the GUI. + */ + void DisplayMultiModalInfoFromJSON(const QString&); + + /** + * @brief Clears all modality labels previously populated from GUI + * + */ + + void ClearAllModalLabels(); + + /** + * @brief Runs a set of python commands to read "plans.pkl" and extract + * modality information required for inferencing. This information is exported + * as json file : "mitk_export.json". + * + * @return QString + */ + QString DumpJSONfromPickle(const QString&); + + /** + * @brief Searches RESULTS_FOLDER environment variable. If not found, + * returns from the QSettings stored last used path value. + * @return QString + */ + QString FetchResultsFolderFromEnv(); /** * @brief Returns GPU id of the selected GPU from the Combo box. * * @return unsigned int */ unsigned int FetchSelectedGPUFromUI(); /** * @brief Adds GPU information to the gpu combo box. * In case, there aren't any GPUs avaialble, the combo box will be * rendered editable. */ void SetGPUInfo(); /** * @brief Inserts the hash and segmentation into cache and * updates count on UI. */ void AddToCache(size_t&, mitk::LabelSetImage::ConstPointer); /** * @brief Checks all the entries of the ctkCheckableComboBox ui widget. * This feature is not present in ctkCheckableComboBox API. */ void CheckAllInCheckableComboBox(ctkCheckableComboBox *); /** * @brief Parses the folder names containing trainer and planner together and, * returns it as separate lists. * @return std::pair */ std::pair ExtractTrainerPlannerFromString(QStringList); /** * @brief Parses the ensemble UI elements and sets to nnUNetTool object pointer. * */ void ProcessEnsembleModelsParams(mitk::nnUNetTool::Pointer); /** * @brief Parses the UI elements and sets to nnUNetTool object pointer. * */ void ProcessModelParams(mitk::nnUNetTool::Pointer); /** * @brief Creates and renders QmitknnUNetTaskParamsUITemplate layout for ensemble input. */ void ShowEnsembleLayout(bool visible = true); /** * @brief Creates a QMessage object and shows on screen. */ void ShowErrorMessage(const std::string &, QMessageBox::Icon = QMessageBox::Critical); /** * @brief Writes any message in white on the tool pane. */ void WriteStatusMessage(const QString &); /** * @brief Writes any message in red on the tool pane. */ void WriteErrorMessage(const QString &); /** * @brief Searches and parses paths of python virtual enviroments * from predefined lookout locations */ void AutoParsePythonPaths(); /** * @brief Check if pretrained model sub folder inside RESULTS FOLDER exist. */ bool IsModelExists(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &); /** * @brief Clears all combo boxes * Any new combo box added in the future can be featured here for clearance. * */ void ClearAllComboBoxes(); + /** + * @brief Disable/deactivates the nnUNet GUI. + * Clears any multi modal labels and selection widgets, as well. + */ + void DisableEverything(); + /** * @brief Checks if nnUNet_predict command is valid in the selected python virtual environment. * * @return bool */ bool IsNNUNetInstalled(const QString &); /** * @brief Mapper function to map QString entries from UI to ModelParam attributes. * * @return mitk::ModelParams */ mitk::ModelParams MapToRequest( const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const std::vector &); /** * @brief Returns checked fold names from the ctk-Checkable-ComboBox. * * @return std::vector */ std::vector FetchSelectedFoldsFromUI(ctkCheckableComboBox *); /** * @brief Returns all paths from the dynamically generated ctk-path-line-edit boxes. * * @return std::vector */ std::vector FetchMultiModalImagesFromUI(); /** * @brief Updates cache count on UI. * */ void UpdateCacheCountOnUI(); Ui_QmitknnUNetToolGUIControls m_Controls; QmitkGPULoader m_GpuLoader; /** * @brief Stores all dynamically added ctk-path-line-edit UI elements. * */ std::vector m_Modalities; + std::vector m_ModalLabels; std::vector> m_EnsembleParams; mitk::NodePredicateBase::Pointer m_MultiModalPredicate; + QString m_PythonPath; + /** * @brief Stores row count of the "advancedSettingsLayout" layout element. This value helps dynamically add * ctk-path-line-edit UI elements at the right place. Forced to initialize in the InitializeUI method since there is * no guarantee of retrieving exact row count anywhere else. * */ int m_UI_ROWS; /** * @brief Stores path of the model director (RESULTS_FOLDER appended by "nnUNet"). * */ std::shared_ptr m_ParentFolder = nullptr; /** * @brief Valid list of models supported by nnUNet * */ const QStringList m_VALID_MODELS = {"2d", "3d_lowres", "3d_fullres", "3d_cascade_fullres", "ensembles"}; const QString m_CACHE_COUNT_BASE_LABEL = "Cached Items: "; /** * @brief For storing values across sessions. Currently, RESULTS_FOLDER value is cached using this. */ QSettings m_Settings; }; #endif diff --git a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUIControls.ui b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUIControls.ui index 82e12d2b63..a3d0a1ce7f 100644 --- a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUIControls.ui +++ b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolGUIControls.ui @@ -1,478 +1,439 @@ QmitknnUNetToolGUIControls 0 0 877 711 0 0 100 0 100000 100000 QmitknnUNetToolWidget 0 0 0 0 - + - + - + Refresh Results Folder - + 0 0 Python Path: - + 0 0 Plan: - + 0 0 Trainer: - + 0 0 nnUNet Results Folder: - + - - - - Stop - - - 0 0 Multi-Modal: 0 0 - <html><head/><body><p>Welcome to nnUNet in MITK. [Experimental]</p><p>Please note that this is only an interface to nnUNet. MITK does not ship with nnUNet. Make sure to have a working Python environment with nnUNet set up beforehand. Choose that environment in the Python Path before inferencing.</p><p>Refer to <a href="https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet</span></a> to learn everything about the nnUNet.</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p>Welcome to nnUNet in MITK. [Experimental]</p><p>Please note that this is only an interface to nnUNet. MITK does not ship with nnUNet. Make sure to have a working Python environment with nnUNet set up beforehand. Choose that environment in the Python Path before inferencing. </p><p>Refer to <a href="https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet</span></a> to learn everything about the nnUNet.</p><p>Also, note that if multiple Preview objects are selected to Confirm, they will be merged. </p><p><br/></p></body></html> Qt::RichText true - + - + Configuration: - + - + 0 0 Task: - + 0 0 No. of Extra Modalities: - + Fold: - + 0 0 Advanced Qt::AlignRight true 5 true 0 0 0 0 6 - - - - - 0 - 0 - - - - No Pip: - - - - - - 0 0 Mixed Precision: true 0 0 GPU Id: 0 0 Enable Mirroring: true - - - - - 0 - 0 - - - - nnUNet Path: - - - - - - - + 0 0 Use Postprocessing JSON: - + true 0 0 Enable Caching: true Clear Cache 0 0 Cached Items: 0 0 0 100000 16777215 Preview 0 0 true ctkDirectoryButton QWidget
ctkComboBox QComboBox
ctkCheckableComboBox QComboBox
ctkCheckBox QCheckBox
ctkCollapsibleGroupBox QGroupBox
diff --git a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolSlots.cpp b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolSlots.cpp index 39a386248c..4b82f39ed2 100644 --- a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolSlots.cpp +++ b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitknnUNetToolSlots.cpp @@ -1,409 +1,478 @@ #include "QmitknnUNetToolGUI.h" #include #include #include #include #include void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::EnableWidgets(bool enabled) { Superclass::EnableWidgets(enabled); } +void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::ClearAllModalities() +{ + m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->setMinimum(0); + m_Controls.multiModalBox->setChecked(false); + ClearAllModalLabels(); +} + +void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::ClearAllModalLabels() +{ + for (auto modalLabel : m_ModalLabels) + { + delete modalLabel; // delete the layout item + m_ModalLabels.pop_back(); + } + m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->update(); +} + +void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::DisableEverything() +{ + m_Controls.modeldirectoryBox->setEnabled(false); + m_Controls.refreshdirectoryBox->setEnabled(false); + m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(false); + m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->setVisible(false); + m_Controls.multiModalBox->setEnabled(false); + ClearAllComboBoxes(); + ClearAllModalities(); +} + void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::ClearAllComboBoxes() { m_Controls.modelBox->clear(); m_Controls.taskBox->clear(); m_Controls.foldBox->clear(); m_Controls.trainerBox->clear(); + m_Controls.plannerBox->clear(); for (auto &layout : m_EnsembleParams) { layout->modelBox->clear(); layout->trainerBox->clear(); layout->plannerBox->clear(); layout->foldBox->clear(); } } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnRefreshPresssed() { const QString resultsFolder = m_Controls.modeldirectoryBox->directory(); OnDirectoryChanged(resultsFolder); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnDirectoryChanged(const QString &resultsFolder) { m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(false); - this->ClearAllComboBoxes(); + ClearAllComboBoxes(); + ClearAllModalities(); m_ParentFolder = std::make_shared(resultsFolder); - auto models = m_ParentFolder->getModelNames(); - std::for_each(models.begin(), - models.end(), - [this](QString model) - { - if (m_VALID_MODELS.contains(model, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) - m_Controls.modelBox->addItem(model); - }); - m_Settings.setValue("nnUNet/LastRESULTS_FOLDERPath",resultsFolder); + auto tasks = m_ParentFolder->getAllTasks(); + tasks.removeDuplicates(); + std::for_each(tasks.begin(), tasks.end(), [this](QString task) { m_Controls.taskBox->addItem(task); }); + m_Settings.setValue("nnUNet/LastRESULTS_FOLDERPath", resultsFolder); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnModelChanged(const QString &model) { if (model.isEmpty()) { return; } + ClearAllModalities(); + auto selectedTask = m_Controls.taskBox->currentText(); ctkComboBox *box = qobject_cast(sender()); if (box == m_Controls.modelBox) { - m_Controls.taskBox->clear(); - auto tasks = m_ParentFolder->getTasksForModel(model); - std::for_each(tasks.begin(), tasks.end(), [this](QString task) { m_Controls.taskBox->addItem(task); }); + if (model == m_VALID_MODELS.last()) + { + m_Controls.trainerBox->setVisible(false); + m_Controls.trainerLabel->setVisible(false); + m_Controls.plannerBox->setVisible(false); + m_Controls.plannerLabel->setVisible(false); + m_Controls.foldBox->setVisible(false); + m_Controls.foldLabel->setVisible(false); + ShowEnsembleLayout(true); + auto models = m_ParentFolder->getModelsForTask(m_Controls.taskBox->currentText()); + models.removeDuplicates(); + models.removeOne(m_VALID_MODELS.last()); + for (auto &layout : m_EnsembleParams) + { + layout->modelBox->clear(); + layout->trainerBox->clear(); + layout->plannerBox->clear(); + std::for_each(models.begin(), + models.end(), + [&layout, this](QString model) + { + if (m_VALID_MODELS.contains(model, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) + layout->modelBox->addItem(model); + }); + } + m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(true); + } + else + { + m_Controls.trainerBox->setVisible(true); + m_Controls.trainerLabel->setVisible(true); + m_Controls.plannerBox->setVisible(true); + m_Controls.plannerLabel->setVisible(true); + m_Controls.foldBox->setVisible(true); + m_Controls.foldLabel->setVisible(true); + m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(false); + ShowEnsembleLayout(false); + auto trainerPlanners = m_ParentFolder->getTrainerPlannersForTask(selectedTask, model); + QStringList trainers, planners; + std::tie(trainers, planners) = ExtractTrainerPlannerFromString(trainerPlanners); + m_Controls.trainerBox->clear(); + m_Controls.plannerBox->clear(); + std::for_each( + trainers.begin(), trainers.end(), [this](QString trainer) { m_Controls.trainerBox->addItem(trainer); }); + std::for_each( + planners.begin(), planners.end(), [this](QString planner) { m_Controls.plannerBox->addItem(planner); }); + } } else if (!m_EnsembleParams.empty()) { for (auto &layout : m_EnsembleParams) { if (box == layout->modelBox) { layout->trainerBox->clear(); layout->plannerBox->clear(); - auto trainerPlanners = - m_ParentFolder->getTrainerPlannersForTask(m_Controls.taskBox->currentText(), model); + auto trainerPlanners = m_ParentFolder->getTrainerPlannersForTask(selectedTask, model); QStringList trainers, planners; std::tie(trainers, planners) = ExtractTrainerPlannerFromString(trainerPlanners); - - std::for_each( - trainers.begin(), trainers.end(), [&layout](const QString& trainer) { layout->trainerBox->addItem(trainer); }); - std::for_each( - planners.begin(), planners.end(), [&layout](const QString& planner) { layout->plannerBox->addItem(planner); }); + std::for_each(trainers.begin(), + trainers.end(), + [&layout](const QString &trainer) { layout->trainerBox->addItem(trainer); }); + std::for_each(planners.begin(), + planners.end(), + [&layout](const QString &planner) { layout->plannerBox->addItem(planner); }); break; } } } } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnTaskChanged(const QString &task) { if (task.isEmpty()) { return; } - m_Controls.trainerBox->clear(); - m_Controls.plannerBox->clear(); - if (m_Controls.modelBox->currentText() == m_VALID_MODELS.last()) - { - m_Controls.trainerBox->setVisible(false); - m_Controls.trainerLabel->setVisible(false); - m_Controls.plannerBox->setVisible(false); - m_Controls.plannerLabel->setVisible(false); - m_Controls.foldBox->setVisible(false); - m_Controls.foldLabel->setVisible(false); - ShowEnsembleLayout(true); - auto models = m_ParentFolder->getModelsForTask(m_Controls.taskBox->currentText()); - models.removeDuplicates(); - models.removeOne(m_VALID_MODELS.last()); - - for (auto &layout : m_EnsembleParams) - { - layout->modelBox->clear(); - layout->trainerBox->clear(); - layout->plannerBox->clear(); - std::for_each(models.begin(), - models.end(), - [&layout, this](QString model) - { - if (m_VALID_MODELS.contains(model, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) - layout->modelBox->addItem(model); - }); - } - m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(true); - } - else + m_Controls.modelBox->clear(); + auto models = m_ParentFolder->getModelsForTask(task); + models.removeDuplicates(); + if (!models.contains(m_VALID_MODELS.last(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { - m_Controls.trainerBox->setVisible(true); - m_Controls.trainerLabel->setVisible(true); - m_Controls.plannerBox->setVisible(true); - m_Controls.plannerLabel->setVisible(true); - m_Controls.foldBox->setVisible(true); - m_Controls.foldLabel->setVisible(true); - m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(false); - ShowEnsembleLayout(false); - auto trainerPlanners = - m_ParentFolder->getTrainerPlannersForTask(task, m_Controls.modelBox->currentText()); - QStringList trainers, planners; - std::tie(trainers, planners) = ExtractTrainerPlannerFromString(trainerPlanners); - std::for_each( - trainers.begin(), trainers.end(), [this](QString trainer) { m_Controls.trainerBox->addItem(trainer); }); - std::for_each( - planners.begin(), planners.end(), [this](QString planner) { m_Controls.plannerBox->addItem(planner); }); + models << m_VALID_MODELS.last(); // add ensemble even if folder doesn't exist } + std::for_each(models.begin(), + models.end(), + [this](QString model) + { + if (m_VALID_MODELS.contains(model, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) + m_Controls.modelBox->addItem(model); + }); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnTrainerChanged(const QString &plannerSelected) { if (plannerSelected.isEmpty()) { return; } auto *box = qobject_cast(sender()); if (box == m_Controls.plannerBox) { m_Controls.foldBox->clear(); auto selectedTrainer = m_Controls.trainerBox->currentText(); auto selectedTask = m_Controls.taskBox->currentText(); auto selectedModel = m_Controls.modelBox->currentText(); auto folds = m_ParentFolder->getFoldsForTrainerPlanner( selectedTrainer, plannerSelected, selectedTask, selectedModel); std::for_each(folds.begin(), folds.end(), [this](QString fold) { if (fold.startsWith("fold_", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) // imposed by nnUNet m_Controls.foldBox->addItem(fold); }); if (m_Controls.foldBox->count() != 0) { CheckAllInCheckableComboBox(m_Controls.foldBox); m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(true); + const QString parentPath = QDir::cleanPath(m_ParentFolder->getResultsFolder() + QDir::separator() + "nnUNet" + + QDir::separator() + selectedModel + QDir::separator() + selectedTask + + QDir::separator() + selectedTrainer + QString("__") + plannerSelected); + const QString jsonPath = this->DumpJSONfromPickle(parentPath); + if (!jsonPath.isEmpty()) + { + this->DisplayMultiModalInfoFromJSON(jsonPath); + } } } else if (!m_EnsembleParams.empty()) { for (auto &layout : m_EnsembleParams) { if (box == layout->plannerBox) { layout->foldBox->clear(); auto selectedTrainer = layout->trainerBox->currentText(); auto selectedTask = m_Controls.taskBox->currentText(); auto selectedModel = layout->modelBox->currentText(); auto folds = m_ParentFolder->getFoldsForTrainerPlanner( selectedTrainer, plannerSelected, selectedTask, selectedModel); std::for_each(folds.begin(), folds.end(), - [&layout](const QString& fold) + [&layout](const QString &fold) { if (fold.startsWith("fold_", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) // imposed by nnUNet layout->foldBox->addItem(fold); }); if (layout->foldBox->count() != 0) { CheckAllInCheckableComboBox(layout->foldBox); m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(true); + const QString parentPath = QDir::cleanPath( + m_ParentFolder->getResultsFolder() + QDir::separator() + "nnUNet" + QDir::separator() + selectedModel + + QDir::separator() + selectedTask + QDir::separator() + selectedTrainer + QString("__") + plannerSelected); + const QString jsonPath = this->DumpJSONfromPickle(parentPath); + if (!jsonPath.isEmpty()) + { + this->DisplayMultiModalInfoFromJSON(jsonPath); + } } break; } } } } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnPythonPathChanged(const QString &pyEnv) { if (pyEnv == QString("Select")) { QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->parentWidget(), "Python Path", "dir"); if (!path.isEmpty()) { + OnPythonPathChanged(path); // recall same function for new path validation m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->insertItem(0, path); m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0); } } else if (!IsNNUNetInstalled(pyEnv)) { std::string warning = "WARNING: nnUNet is not detected on the Python environment you selected. Please select another " "environment or create one. For more info refer https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet"; ShowErrorMessage(warning); + DisableEverything(); + } + else + { + m_Controls.modeldirectoryBox->setEnabled(true); + m_Controls.previewButton->setEnabled(true); + m_Controls.refreshdirectoryBox->setEnabled(true); + m_Controls.multiModalBox->setEnabled(true); + QString setVal = FetchResultsFolderFromEnv(); + if (!setVal.isEmpty()) + { + m_Controls.modeldirectoryBox->setDirectory(setVal); + } + OnRefreshPresssed(); + m_PythonPath = pyEnv.mid(pyEnv.indexOf(" ") + 1); + if (!(m_PythonPath.endsWith("bin", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || m_PythonPath.endsWith("bin/", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) + { + m_PythonPath += QDir::separator() + QString("bin"); + } } } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnCheckBoxChanged(int state) { bool visibility = false; if (state == Qt::Checked) { visibility = true; } ctkCheckBox *box = qobject_cast(sender()); if (box != nullptr) { - if (box->objectName() == QString("nopipBox")) - { - m_Controls.codedirectoryBox->setVisible(visibility); - m_Controls.nnUnetdirLabel->setVisible(visibility); - } - else if (box->objectName() == QString("multiModalBox")) + if (box->objectName() == QString("multiModalBox")) { m_Controls.multiModalSpinLabel->setVisible(visibility); m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->setVisible(visibility); if (visibility) { QmitkDataStorageComboBox *defaultImage = new QmitkDataStorageComboBox(this, true); defaultImage->setObjectName(QString("multiModal_" + QString::number(0))); defaultImage->SetPredicate(m_MultiModalPredicate); mitk::nnUNetTool::Pointer tool = this->GetConnectedToolAs(); if (tool != nullptr) { defaultImage->SetDataStorage(tool->GetDataStorage()); defaultImage->SetSelectedNode(tool->GetRefNode()); } m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->addWidget(defaultImage, m_UI_ROWS + m_Modalities.size() + 1, 1, 1, 3); m_Modalities.push_back(defaultImage); - m_UI_ROWS++; } else { OnModalitiesNumberChanged(0); m_Controls.multiModalSpinBox->setValue(0); delete m_Modalities[0]; m_Modalities.pop_back(); + ClearAllModalLabels(); } } } } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::OnModalitiesNumberChanged(int num) { while (num > static_cast(m_Modalities.size() - 1)) { QmitkDataStorageComboBox *multiModalBox = new QmitkDataStorageComboBox(this, true); mitk::nnUNetTool::Pointer tool = this->GetConnectedToolAs(); multiModalBox->SetDataStorage(tool->GetDataStorage()); multiModalBox->SetPredicate(m_MultiModalPredicate); multiModalBox->setObjectName(QString("multiModal_" + QString::number(m_Modalities.size() + 1))); m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->addWidget(multiModalBox, m_UI_ROWS + m_Modalities.size() + 1, 1, 1, 3); m_Modalities.push_back(multiModalBox); } while (num < static_cast(m_Modalities.size() - 1) && !m_Modalities.empty()) { QmitkDataStorageComboBox *child = m_Modalities.back(); if (child->objectName() == "multiModal_0") { std::iter_swap(m_Modalities.end() - 2, m_Modalities.end() - 1); child = m_Modalities.back(); } delete child; // delete the layout item m_Modalities.pop_back(); } m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->update(); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::AutoParsePythonPaths() { QString homeDir = QDir::homePath(); std::vector searchDirs; #ifdef _WIN32 searchDirs.push_back(QString("C:") + QDir::separator() + QString("ProgramData") + QDir::separator() + QString("anaconda3")); #else // Add search locations for possible standard python paths here searchDirs.push_back(homeDir + QDir::separator() + "environments"); searchDirs.push_back(homeDir + QDir::separator() + "anaconda3"); searchDirs.push_back(homeDir + QDir::separator() + "miniconda3"); searchDirs.push_back(homeDir + QDir::separator() + "opt" + QDir::separator() + "miniconda3"); searchDirs.push_back(homeDir + QDir::separator() + "opt" + QDir::separator() + "anaconda3"); #endif for (QString searchDir : searchDirs) { if (searchDir.endsWith("anaconda3", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (QDir(searchDir).exists()) { m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->insertItem(0, "(base): " + searchDir); searchDir.append((QDir::separator() + QString("envs"))); } } for (QDirIterator subIt(searchDir, QDir::AllDirs, QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags); subIt.hasNext();) { subIt.next(); QString envName = subIt.fileName(); if (!envName.startsWith('.')) // Filter out irrelevent hidden folders, if any. { m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->insertItem(0, "(" + envName + "): " + subIt.filePath()); } } } m_Controls.pythonEnvComboBox->setCurrentIndex(-1); } mitk::ModelParams QmitknnUNetToolGUI::MapToRequest(const QString &modelName, const QString &taskName, const QString &trainer, const QString &planId, const std::vector &folds) { mitk::ModelParams requestObject; requestObject.model = modelName.toStdString(); requestObject.trainer = trainer.toStdString(); requestObject.planId = planId.toStdString(); requestObject.task = taskName.toStdString(); requestObject.folds = folds; mitk::nnUNetTool::Pointer tool = this->GetConnectedToolAs(); requestObject.inputName = tool->GetRefNode()->GetName(); - requestObject.timeStamp = std::to_string(mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetTimeNavigationController()->GetSelectedTimePoint()); + requestObject.timeStamp = + std::to_string(mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetTimeNavigationController()->GetSelectedTimePoint()); return requestObject; } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::SegmentationProcessFailed() { WriteErrorMessage( "STATUS: Error in the segmentation process.
No resulting segmentation can be loaded.
"); this->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); std::stringstream stream; stream << "Error in the segmentation process. No resulting segmentation can be loaded."; ShowErrorMessage(stream.str()); - m_Controls.stopButton->setEnabled(false); } -void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::SegmentationResultHandler(mitk::nnUNetTool *tool) +void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::SegmentationResultHandler(mitk::nnUNetTool *tool, bool forceRender) { - tool->RenderOutputBuffer(); + if (forceRender) + { + tool->RenderOutputBuffer(); + } this->SetLabelSetPreview(tool->GetMLPreview()); - WriteStatusMessage("STATUS: Segmentation task finished successfully.
Please Confirm the " - "segmentation else, could result in data loss
"); - m_Controls.stopButton->setEnabled(false); + WriteStatusMessage("STATUS: Segmentation task finished successfully.
If multiple Preview objects are selected to Confirm, " + "they will be merged. Any unselected Preview objects will be lost.
"); } void QmitknnUNetToolGUI::ShowEnsembleLayout(bool visible) { if (m_EnsembleParams.empty()) { ctkCollapsibleGroupBox *groupBoxModel1 = new ctkCollapsibleGroupBox(this); auto lay1 = std::make_unique(groupBoxModel1); groupBoxModel1->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("model_1_Box")); groupBoxModel1->setTitle(QString::fromUtf8("Model 1")); groupBoxModel1->setMinimumSize(QSize(0, 0)); groupBoxModel1->setCollapsedHeight(5); groupBoxModel1->setCollapsed(false); groupBoxModel1->setFlat(true); groupBoxModel1->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); - m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->addWidget(groupBoxModel1, 4, 0, 1, 2); + m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->addWidget(groupBoxModel1, 5, 0, 1, 2); connect(lay1->modelBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(OnModelChanged(const QString &))); connect( lay1->plannerBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(OnTrainerChanged(const QString &))); m_EnsembleParams.push_back(std::move(lay1)); - + ctkCollapsibleGroupBox *groupBoxModel2 = new ctkCollapsibleGroupBox(this); auto lay2 = std::make_unique(groupBoxModel2); groupBoxModel2->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("model_2_Box")); groupBoxModel2->setTitle(QString::fromUtf8("Model 2")); groupBoxModel2->setMinimumSize(QSize(0, 0)); groupBoxModel2->setCollapsedHeight(5); groupBoxModel2->setCollapsed(false); groupBoxModel2->setFlat(true); groupBoxModel2->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); - m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->addWidget(groupBoxModel2, 4, 2, 1, 2); + m_Controls.advancedSettingsLayout->addWidget(groupBoxModel2, 5, 2, 1, 2); connect(lay2->modelBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(OnModelChanged(const QString &))); connect( lay2->plannerBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(OnTrainerChanged(const QString &))); m_EnsembleParams.push_back(std::move(lay2)); } for (auto &layout : m_EnsembleParams) { layout->setVisible(visible); } }