diff --git a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayer.cpp b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayer.cpp index efc2b808e5..cc867a6ec1 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayer.cpp +++ b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayer.cpp @@ -1,534 +1,532 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2009-02-10 18:08:54 +0100 (Di, 10 Feb 2009) $ Version: $Revision: 16228 $ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "mitkNavigationDataPlayer.h" //for the pause #include #include #include -mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::NavigationDataPlayer() +mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::NavigationDataPlayer() : mitk::NavigationDataPlayerBase() { m_NumberOfOutputs = 0; m_Pause = false; m_Playing = false; m_Stream = NULL; m_PlayerMode = NormalFile; m_FileName = ""; m_FileVersion = 1; m_Playing = false; m_Pause = false; m_NumberOfOutputs = 0; m_StartPlayingTimeStamp = 0.0; m_PauseTimeStamp = 0.0; m_parentElement = NULL; m_currentNode = NULL; m_StreamEnd = false; - m_StreamValid = true; - m_ErrorMessage = ""; //To get a start time mitk::TimeStamp::GetInstance()->Start(this); } mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::~NavigationDataPlayer() { StopPlaying(); delete m_parentElement; } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::GenerateData() { //Only produce new output if the player is started if (!m_Playing) { //The output is not valid anymore for (unsigned int index = 0; index < m_NumberOfOutputs; index++) { mitk::NavigationData* output = this->GetOutput(index); assert(output); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = mitk::NavigationData::New(); mitk::NavigationData::PositionType position; mitk::NavigationData::OrientationType orientation(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); position.Fill(0.0); nd->SetPosition(position); nd->SetOrientation(orientation); nd->SetDataValid(false); output->Graft(nd); } return; } //first of all get current time TimeStampType now = mitk::TimeStamp::GetInstance()->GetElapsed(); //now we make a little time arithmetic //to get the elapsed time since the start of the player TimeStampType timeSinceStart = now - m_StartPlayingTimeStamp; //init the vectors std::vector< NavigationData::Pointer > nextCandidates; std::vector< NavigationData::Pointer > lastCandidates; std::vector< NavigationData::TimeStampType > currentTimeOfData; for (unsigned int index=0; index < m_NumberOfOutputs; index++) { nextCandidates.push_back(m_NextToPlayNavigationData.at(index)); lastCandidates.push_back(m_NextToPlayNavigationData.at(index)); currentTimeOfData.push_back(timeSinceStart + m_StartTimeOfData.at(index)); } if (m_NextToPlayNavigationData.size() != m_NumberOfOutputs) { std::cout << "Mismatch in data" << std::endl; return; } // Now we try to find next NavigationData in the stream: // This means we step through the stream of NavigationDatas until we find // a NavigationData which has a current timestamp (currentTimeOfData) greater // then the current playing time. Then we store the data in // m_NextToPlayNavigationData and take the last data (lastCandidates) for the // output of this filter. // // The loop will stop when a suitable NavigationData is found or we reach EOF. // The timestamps of each recorded NavigationData should be equal // therefore we take always the time from the first. while( nextCandidates[0]->GetTimeStamp() < currentTimeOfData[0]) { for (unsigned int index=0; index < m_NumberOfOutputs; index++) { lastCandidates[index] = nextCandidates.at(index); switch(m_FileVersion) { case 1: nextCandidates[index] = ReadVersion1(); break; default: //this case should not happen! therefore the return at this point return; break; } //check if the input stream delivered a correct NavigationData object for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_NumberOfOutputs; i++) { if (nextCandidates.at(index).IsNull()) { m_StreamEnd = true; StopPlaying(); return; //the case if no NavigationData is found, e.g. EOF, bad stream } } } } //Now lastCandidates stores the new output and nextCandidates is stored to the m_NextToPlay vector for (unsigned int index = 0; index < m_NumberOfOutputs; index++) { mitk::NavigationData* output = this->GetOutput(index); assert(output); output->Graft(lastCandidates.at(index)); m_NextToPlayNavigationData[index] = nextCandidates.at(index); } } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::UpdateOutputInformation() { this->Modified(); // make sure that we need to be updated Superclass::UpdateOutputInformation(); } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::InitPlayer() { if (m_Stream == NULL) { StreamInvalid("Playing not possible. Wrong file name or path?"); return; } if (!m_Stream->good()) { StreamInvalid("Playing not possible. Stream is not good!"); return; } m_FileVersion = GetFileVersion(m_Stream); //first get the file version //check if we have a valid version if (m_FileVersion < 1) { StreamInvalid("Playing not possible. Stream is not good!"); return; } //now read the number of Tracked Tools if(m_NumberOfOutputs == 0){m_NumberOfOutputs = GetNumberOfNavigationDatas(m_Stream);} //with the information about the tracked tool number we can generate the output if (m_NumberOfOutputs > 0) { //Generate the output only if there are changes to the amount of outputs //This happens when the player is stopped and start again with different file if (this->GetNumberOfOutputs() != m_NumberOfOutputs) {SetNumberOfOutputs(m_NumberOfOutputs);} //initialize the player with first data GetFirstData(); //set stream valid m_ErrorMessage = ""; m_StreamValid = true; } else { StreamInvalid("The input stream seems to have NavigationData incompatible format"); return; } } unsigned int mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::GetFileVersion(std::istream* stream) { if (stream==NULL) { std::cout << "No input stream set!" << std::endl; return 0; } if (!stream->good()) { std::cout << "Stream not good!" << std::endl; return 0; } int version = 1; TiXmlDeclaration* dec = new TiXmlDeclaration(); *stream >> *dec; if(strcmp(dec->Version(),"") == 0){ std::cout << "The input stream seems to have XML incompatible format" << std::endl; return 0; } m_parentElement = new TiXmlElement(""); *stream >> *m_parentElement; //2nd line this is the file version std::string tempValue = m_parentElement->Value(); if(tempValue != "Version") { if(tempValue == "Data"){ m_parentElement->QueryIntAttribute("version",&version); } } else { m_parentElement->QueryIntAttribute("Ver",&version); } if (version > 0) return version; else return 0; } unsigned int mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::GetNumberOfNavigationDatas(std::istream* stream) { if (stream == NULL) { std::cout << "No input stream set!" << std::endl; return 0; } if (!stream->good()) { std::cout << "Stream not good!" << std::endl; return 0; } //If something has changed in a future version of the XML definition e.g. navigationcount or addional parameters //catch this here with a select case block (see GenerateData() method) int numberOfTools = 0; std::string tempValue = m_parentElement->Value(); if(tempValue == "Version"){ *stream >> *m_parentElement; } m_parentElement->QueryIntAttribute("ToolCount",&numberOfTools); if (numberOfTools > 0) return numberOfTools; return 0; } mitk::NavigationData::Pointer mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::ReadVersion1() { if (m_Stream == NULL) { m_Playing = false; std::cout << "Playing not possible. Wrong file name or path? " << std::endl; return NULL; } if (!m_Stream->good()) { m_Playing = false; std::cout << "Playing not possible. Stream is not good!" << std::endl; return NULL; } /*TiXmlElement* elem = new TiXmlElement(""); m_currentNode = m_parentElement->IterateChildren(m_currentNode); if(m_currentNode) { elem = m_currentNode->ToElement(); }*/ TiXmlElement* elem; m_currentNode = m_parentElement->IterateChildren(m_currentNode); bool delElem; if(m_currentNode) { elem = m_currentNode->ToElement(); delElem = false; } else { elem = new TiXmlElement(""); delElem = true; } mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = this->ReadNavigationData(elem); if(delElem) delete elem; return nd; } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::StartPlaying() { if (m_Stream == NULL) { m_Playing = false; //Perhaps the SetStream method was not called so we do this when a FileName is set with SetStream(PlayerMode) if (m_FileName != "") { //The PlayerMode is initialized with LastSetStream //SetStream also calls InitPlayer() SetStream(m_PlayerMode); } //now check again if (m_Stream == NULL) { StopPlaying(); std::cout << "Playing not possible. Wrong file name or path? " << std::endl; return; } } if (!m_Playing && m_Stream->good()) { m_Playing = true; //starts the player m_StartPlayingTimeStamp = mitk::TimeStamp::GetInstance()->GetElapsed(); } else { std::cout << "Player already started or stream is not good" << std::endl; StopPlaying(); } } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::StopPlaying() { //re init all data!! for playing again with different data //only PlayerMode and FileName are not changed m_Pause = false; m_Playing = false; m_Stream = NULL; m_FileVersion = 1; m_Playing = false; m_Pause = false; m_StartPlayingTimeStamp = 0.0; m_PauseTimeStamp = 0.0; m_NextToPlayNavigationData.clear(); m_StartTimeOfData.clear(); } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::GetFirstData() { //Here we read the first lines of input (dependend on the number of inputs) for (unsigned int index=0; index < m_NumberOfOutputs; index++) { //Here we init the vector for later use m_NextToPlayNavigationData.push_back(NULL); m_StartTimeOfData.push_back(0.0); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = this->GetOutput(index); switch(m_FileVersion) { case 1: m_NextToPlayNavigationData[index] = ReadVersion1(); //check if there is valid data in it if (m_NextToPlayNavigationData[index].IsNull()) { m_StreamEnd = true; StopPlaying(); std::cout << "XML File is corrupt or has no NavigationData" << std::endl; return; } //Have a look it the output was set already without this check the pipline will disconnect after a start/stop cycle if (nd.IsNull()) this->SetNthOutput(index, m_NextToPlayNavigationData[index]); m_StartTimeOfData[index] = m_NextToPlayNavigationData[index]->GetTimeStamp(); break; default: //this case should not happen! therefore the return at this point return; break; } } } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::Pause() { //player runs and pause was called -> pause the player if(m_Playing && !m_Pause) { m_Playing = false; m_Pause = true; m_PauseTimeStamp = mitk::TimeStamp::GetInstance()->GetElapsed(); } else { std::cout << "Player is either not started or already is paused" << std::endl; } } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::Resume() { //player is in pause mode -> play at the last position if(!m_Playing && m_Pause) { m_Playing = true; m_Pause = false; mitk::NavigationData::TimeStampType now = mitk::TimeStamp::GetInstance()->GetElapsed(); // in this case m_StartPlayingTimeStamp is set to the total elapsed time with NO playback m_StartPlayingTimeStamp = now - (m_PauseTimeStamp - m_StartPlayingTimeStamp); } else { std::cout << "Player is not paused!" << std::endl; } } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::SetStream( PlayerMode /*mode*/ ) { m_Stream = NULL; if (!itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(m_FileName.c_str())) { std::cout << "File dont exist!" << std::endl; return; } switch(m_PlayerMode) { case NormalFile: m_Stream = new std::ifstream(m_FileName.c_str()); break; case ZipFile: m_Stream = NULL; std::cout << "Sorry no ZipFile support yet"; break; default: m_Stream = NULL; break; } this->Modified(); InitPlayer(); } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::SetStream( std::istream* stream ) { if (!stream->good()) { m_StreamEnd = true; std::cout << "The stream is not good" << std::endl; return; } m_Stream = stream; this->Modified(); InitPlayer(); } const bool mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::IsAtEnd() { return this->m_StreamEnd; } void mitk::NavigationDataPlayer::StreamInvalid(std::string message) { m_StreamEnd = true; StopPlaying(); m_ErrorMessage = message; m_StreamValid = false; MITK_ERROR << m_ErrorMessage; return; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayer.h b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayer.h index ff108d7810..f08777e97b 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayer.h +++ b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayer.h @@ -1,213 +1,204 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2009-02-10 18:08:54 +0100 (Di, 10 Feb 2009) $ Version: $Revision: 16228 $ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKNavigationDataPlayer_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ #define MITKNavigationDataPlayer_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ #include #include #include //for the Recording Mode enum #include "mitkTrackingDevice.h" #include #include "tinyxml.h" #include namespace mitk { /**Documentation * \brief This class is used to play recorded (see mitkNavigationDataRecorder class) files. * * If you want to play a file you have to set an input stream. This can be an own one (use StartPlaying(std::istream*)) * or a preset (use StartPlaying()). The presets are NormalFile and ZipFile and can be set with the method * SetPlayerMode(PlayerMode). The presets need a FileName. Therefore the FileName must be set before the preset. * For pausing the player call Pause(). A call of Resume() will continue the playing. * * * \ingroup IGT */ class MitkIGT_EXPORT NavigationDataPlayer : public NavigationDataPlayerBase { public: mitkClassMacro(NavigationDataPlayer, NavigationDataPlayerBase); itkNewMacro(Self); /** * \brief sets the file name and path for the PlayerMode NormalFile and ZipFile */ itkSetStringMacro(FileName); /** * \brief returns the file name and path for the PlayerMode NormalFile and ZipFile */ itkGetStringMacro(FileName); - /** @return Returns an error message if there was one (e.g. if the stream is invalid). - * Returns an empty string if there was no error in the current stream. - */ - itkGetStringMacro(ErrorMessage); - - /** @return Retruns if the current stream is valid or not. */ - itkGetMacro(StreamValid,bool); /** * \brief Used for pipeline update just to tell the pipeline that we always have to update */ virtual void UpdateOutputInformation(); /** * \brief This method starts the player. * * Before the stream has to be set. Either with a PlayingMode (SetStream(PlayerMode)) and FileName. Or * with an own inputstream (SetStream(istream*)). */ void StartPlaying(); /** * \brief Stops the player and closes the stream. After a call of StopPlaying() * StartPlaying() must be called to get new output data * * \warning the output is generated in this method because we know first about the number of output after * reading the first lines of the XML file. Therefore you should assign your output after the call of this method */ void StopPlaying(); /** * \brief This method pauses the player. If you want to play again call Resume() * *\warning This method is not tested yet. It is not save to use! */ void Pause(); /** * \brief This method resumes the player when it was paused. * *\warning This method is not tested yet. It is not save to use! */ void Resume(); /** * \brief This method checks if player arrived at end of file. * *\warning This method is not tested yet. It is not save to use! */ const bool IsAtEnd(); /** * \brief The PlayerMode is used for generating a presetted output stream. You do not need to * set it if you want to use your own stream. * * There are: * NormalFile: ifstream * ZipFile: not implemented yet * *\warning The ZipFile Mode is not implemented yet */ enum PlayerMode { NormalFile, ZipFile }; /** * \brief sets the recording mode which causes different types of output streams * This method is overloaded with SetStream( ostream* ) */ void SetStream(PlayerMode mode); /** * \brief sets the recording mode which causes different types of output streams * This method is overloaded with SetStream( PlayerMode ) */ void SetStream(std::istream* stream); protected: NavigationDataPlayer(); virtual ~NavigationDataPlayer(); typedef mitk::NavigationData::TimeStampType TimeStampType; /** * \brief filter execute method */ virtual void GenerateData(); /** * \brief Returns the file version out of the XML document. */ unsigned int GetFileVersion(std::istream* stream); /** * \brief Returns the number of tracked tools out of the XML document. */ unsigned int GetNumberOfNavigationDatas(std::istream* stream); /** * \brief Gets the first data for initializing the player */ void GetFirstData(); /** * \brief This method reads one line of the XML document and returns the data as a NavigationData object * If there is a new file version another method must be added which reads this data. */ mitk::NavigationData::Pointer ReadVersion1(); /** * \brief This method initializes the player with first data */ void InitPlayer(); std::istream* m_Stream; ///< stores a pointer to the input stream PlayerMode m_PlayerMode; ///< stores the mode for the presetted PlayerMode sieh enum PlayerMode std::string m_FileName; ///< stores the filename unsigned int m_FileVersion; ///< indicates which XML encoding is used bool m_Playing; ///< indicates whether the generateoutput method generates new output or not bool m_Pause; ///< indicates if the player is paused unsigned int m_NumberOfOutputs; ///< stores the number of outputs known from the XML document TimeStampType m_StartPlayingTimeStamp; ///< the starttime of the playing set in the method StartPlaying() TimeStampType m_PauseTimeStamp; ///< stores the beginning of a pause std::vector m_NextToPlayNavigationData; ///< stores the next possible candidate for playing std::vector m_StartTimeOfData; ///< stores the start time of the different tools TiXmlElement * m_parentElement; TiXmlNode * m_currentNode; bool m_StreamEnd; ///< stores if the input stream arrived at end - bool m_StreamValid; ///< stores if the input stream is valid or not - std::string m_ErrorMessage; ///< stores the error message if the stream is invalid void StreamInvalid(std::string message); ///< help method which sets the stream invalid and displays an error }; } // namespace mitk #endif /* MITKNavigationDataPlayer_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ */ diff --git a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayerBase.cpp b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayerBase.cpp index 543812eea9..fe531f2fe6 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayerBase.cpp +++ b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayerBase.cpp @@ -1,114 +1,119 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2009-02-10 18:08:54 +0100 (Di, 10 Feb 2009) $ Version: $Revision: 16228 $ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "mitkNavigationDataPlayerBase.h" - +mitk::NavigationDataPlayerBase::NavigationDataPlayerBase() +{ + m_StreamValid = true; + m_ErrorMessage = ""; +} mitk::NavigationDataPlayerBase::~NavigationDataPlayerBase() { } + void mitk::NavigationDataPlayerBase::UpdateOutputInformation() { this->Modified(); // make sure that we need to be updated Superclass::UpdateOutputInformation(); } mitk::NavigationData::Pointer mitk::NavigationDataPlayerBase::ReadNavigationData(TiXmlElement* elem) { mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = mitk::NavigationData::New(); mitk::NavigationData::PositionType position; mitk::NavigationData::OrientationType orientation(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); mitk::NavigationData::TimeStampType timestamp = -1; mitk::NavigationData::CovarianceMatrixType matrix; bool hasPosition = true; bool hasOrientation = true; bool dataValid = false; position.Fill(0.0); matrix.SetIdentity(); elem->QueryDoubleAttribute("Time",×tamp); if (timestamp == -1) { return NULL; //the calling method should check the return value if it is valid/not NULL } elem->QueryFloatAttribute("X", &position[0]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("Y", &position[1]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("Z", &position[2]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("QX", &orientation[0]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("QY", &orientation[1]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("QZ", &orientation[2]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("QR", &orientation[3]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C00", &matrix[0][0]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C01", &matrix[0][1]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C02", &matrix[0][2]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C03", &matrix[0][3]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C04", &matrix[0][4]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C05", &matrix[0][5]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C10", &matrix[1][0]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C11", &matrix[1][1]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C12", &matrix[1][2]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C13", &matrix[1][3]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C14", &matrix[1][4]); elem->QueryFloatAttribute("C15", &matrix[1][5]); int tmpval = 0; elem->QueryIntAttribute("Valid", &tmpval); if (tmpval == 0) dataValid = false; else dataValid = true; tmpval = 0; elem->QueryIntAttribute("hO", &tmpval); if (tmpval == 0) hasOrientation = false; else hasOrientation = true; tmpval = 0; elem->QueryIntAttribute("hP", &tmpval); if (tmpval == 0) hasPosition = false; else hasPosition = true; nd->SetTimeStamp(timestamp); nd->SetPosition(position); nd->SetOrientation(orientation); nd->SetCovErrorMatrix(matrix); nd->SetDataValid(dataValid); nd->SetHasOrientation(hasOrientation); nd->SetHasPosition(hasPosition); return nd; } diff --git a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayerBase.h b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayerBase.h index d18055e449..2a4fae5d53 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayerBase.h +++ b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataPlayerBase.h @@ -1,66 +1,78 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2009-02-10 18:08:54 +0100 (Di, 10 Feb 2009) $ Version: $Revision: 16228 $ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKNavigationDataPlayerBase_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ #define MITKNavigationDataPlayerBase_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ #include #include "tinyxml.h" namespace mitk{ /**Documentation * \brief This class is a slightly changed reimplementation of the * NavigationDataPlayer which does not care about timestamps and just * outputs the navigationdatas in their sequential order * * \ingroup IGT */ class MitkIGT_EXPORT NavigationDataPlayerBase : public NavigationDataSource { public: mitkClassMacro(NavigationDataPlayerBase, NavigationDataSource); /** * \brief Used for pipeline update just to tell the pipeline that we always have to update */ virtual void UpdateOutputInformation(); + /** @return Returns an error message if there was one (e.g. if the stream is invalid). + * Returns an empty string if there was no error in the current stream. + */ + itkGetStringMacro(ErrorMessage); + + /** @return Retruns if the current stream is valid or not. */ + itkGetMacro(StreamValid,bool); + /** * \brief This method checks if player arrived at end of file. * *\warning This method is not tested yet. It is not save to use! */ const bool IsAtEnd(); protected: + NavigationDataPlayerBase(); virtual ~NavigationDataPlayerBase(); virtual void GenerateData() = 0; /** * \brief Creates NavigationData from XML element and returns it */ mitk::NavigationData::Pointer ReadNavigationData(TiXmlElement* elem); + + bool m_StreamValid; ///< stores if the input stream is valid or not + std::string m_ErrorMessage; ///< stores the error message if the stream is invalid }; } // namespace mitk #endif /* MITKNavigationDataSequentialPlayer_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_ */ diff --git a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataSequentialPlayer.cpp b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataSequentialPlayer.cpp index eb2b131467..81241543fa 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataSequentialPlayer.cpp +++ b/Modules/IGT/IGTFilters/mitkNavigationDataSequentialPlayer.cpp @@ -1,190 +1,198 @@ /*========================================================================= Program: Medical Imaging & Interaction Toolkit Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2009-02-10 18:08:54 +0100 (Di, 10 Feb 2009) $ Version: $Revision: 16228 $ Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. See MITKCopyright.txt or http://www.mitk.org/copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "mitkNavigationDataSequentialPlayer.h" //for the pause #include #include #include #include -mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer() - : m_Doc(new TiXmlDocument) +mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer() + : mitk::NavigationDataPlayerBase() + , m_Doc(new TiXmlDocument) , m_DataElem(0) , m_CurrentElem(0) , m_Repeat(false) , m_NumberOfSnapshots(0) , m_LastGoTo(0) { } mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer::~NavigationDataSequentialPlayer() { delete m_Doc; } void mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer::ReinitXML() { m_DataElem = m_Doc->FirstChildElement("Data"); int toolcount; if(!m_DataElem) MITK_WARN << "Data element not found"; else { m_DataElem->QueryIntAttribute("ToolCount", &toolcount); this->SetNumberOfOutputs(toolcount); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer emptyNd = mitk::NavigationData::New(); mitk::NavigationData::PositionType position; mitk::NavigationData::OrientationType orientation(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); position.Fill(0.0); emptyNd->SetPosition(position); emptyNd->SetOrientation(orientation); emptyNd->SetDataValid(false); mitk::NavigationData::Pointer tmp; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < this->GetNumberOfOutputs(); index++) { tmp = mitk::NavigationData::New(); tmp->Graft(emptyNd); this->SetNthOutput(index, tmp); } // find out _NumberOfSnapshots m_NumberOfSnapshots = 0; TiXmlElement* nextND = m_DataElem->FirstChildElement("ND"); while(nextND) { ++m_NumberOfSnapshots; nextND = nextND->NextSiblingElement("ND"); } // e.g. 12 nd found and 2 tools used => number of snapshots is 12:2=6 m_NumberOfSnapshots = m_NumberOfSnapshots/toolcount; } } void mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer::GoToSnapshot(int i) { assert(m_DataElem); int numOfUpdateCalls = 0; // i.e. number of snapshots 10 // goto(7), m_LastGoTo=3 => numOfUpdateCalls = 4 if(m_LastGoTo <= i) numOfUpdateCalls = i - m_LastGoTo; // goto(4), m_LastGoTo=7 => numOfUpdateCalls = 7 else { if(!m_Repeat) { MITK_WARN << "cannot go back to snapshot " << i << " because the " << this->GetNameOfClass() << " is configured to not repeat the" << " navigation data"; } else { numOfUpdateCalls = (m_NumberOfSnapshots - m_LastGoTo) + i; } } for(int j=0; jUpdate(); m_LastGoTo = i; } void mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer:: SetFileName(const std::string& _FileName) { m_FileName = _FileName; if(!m_Doc->LoadFile(m_FileName)) { this->SetNumberOfOutputs(0); std::ostringstream s; s << "File " << _FileName << " could not be loaded"; throw std::invalid_argument(s.str()); } else this->ReinitXML(); this->Modified(); } void mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer:: SetXMLString(const std::string& _XMLString) { m_XMLString = _XMLString; m_Doc->Parse( m_XMLString.c_str() ); this->ReinitXML(); this->Modified(); } void mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer::GenerateData() { assert(m_DataElem); // very important: go through the tools (there could be more then one) mitk::NavigationData::Pointer tmp; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < this->GetNumberOfOutputs(); index++) { // go to the first element if(!m_CurrentElem) m_CurrentElem = m_DataElem->FirstChildElement("ND"); // go to the next element else m_CurrentElem = m_CurrentElem->NextSiblingElement(); // if repeat is on: go back to the first element (prior calls delivered NULL // elem) if(!m_CurrentElem && m_Repeat) m_CurrentElem = m_DataElem->FirstChildElement("ND"); mitk::NavigationData* output = this->GetOutput(index); tmp = this->ReadVersion1(); if(tmp.IsNotNull()) + { output->Graft(tmp); + m_StreamValid = true; + } else // no valid output + { output->SetDataValid(false); + m_StreamValid = false; + m_ErrorMessage = "Error: Cannot parse input file."; + } } } mitk::NavigationData::Pointer mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer::ReadVersion1() { TiXmlElement* elem = m_CurrentElem; if(!elem) return NULL; return this->ReadNavigationData(elem); } void mitk::NavigationDataSequentialPlayer::UpdateOutputInformation() { this->Modified(); // make sure that we need to be updated Superclass::UpdateOutputInformation(); }