diff --git a/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSDevice.cpp b/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSDevice.cpp index 00caba5b25..386d973f56 100644 --- a/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSDevice.cpp +++ b/Modules/US/USModel/mitkUSDevice.cpp @@ -1,312 +1,319 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkUSDevice.h" //Microservices #include #include #include #include "mitkModuleContext.h" const std::string mitk::USDevice::US_INTERFACE_NAME = "org.mitk.services.UltrasoundDevice"; const std::string mitk::USDevice::US_PROPKEY_LABEL = US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".label"; const std::string mitk::USDevice::US_PROPKEY_ISACTIVE = US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".isActive"; const std::string mitk::USDevice::US_PROPKEY_CLASS = US_INTERFACE_NAME + ".class"; mitk::USDevice::USImageCropArea mitk::USDevice::GetCropArea() { MITK_INFO << "Return Crop Area L:" << m_CropArea.cropLeft << " R:" << m_CropArea.cropRight << " T:" << m_CropArea.cropTop << " B:" << m_CropArea.cropBottom; return m_CropArea; } mitk::USDevice::USDevice(std::string manufacturer, std::string model) : mitk::ImageSource() { // Initialize Members m_Metadata = mitk::USImageMetadata::New(); m_Metadata->SetDeviceManufacturer(manufacturer); m_Metadata->SetDeviceModel(model); m_IsActive = false; USImageCropArea empty; empty.cropBottom = 0; empty.cropTop = 0; empty.cropLeft = 0; empty.cropRight = 0; this->m_CropArea = empty; m_IsConnected = false; //set number of outputs this->SetNumberOfOutputs(1); //create a new output mitk::USImage::Pointer newOutput = mitk::USImage::New(); this->SetNthOutput(0,newOutput); } mitk::USDevice::USDevice(mitk::USImageMetadata::Pointer metadata) : mitk::ImageSource() { m_Metadata = metadata; m_IsActive = false; m_IsConnected = false; + USImageCropArea empty; + empty.cropBottom = 0; + empty.cropTop = 0; + empty.cropLeft = 0; + empty.cropRight = 0; + this->m_CropArea = empty; + //set number of outputs this->SetNumberOfOutputs(1); //create a new output mitk::USImage::Pointer newOutput = mitk::USImage::New(); this->SetNthOutput(0,newOutput); } mitk::USDevice::~USDevice() { } mitk::ServiceProperties mitk::USDevice::ConstructServiceProperties() { ServiceProperties props; std::string yes = "true"; std::string no = "false"; if(this->GetIsActive()) props[mitk::USDevice::US_PROPKEY_ISACTIVE] = yes; else props[mitk::USDevice::US_PROPKEY_ISACTIVE] = no; std::string isActive; if (GetIsActive()) isActive = " (Active)"; else isActive = " (Inactive)"; // e.g.: Zonare MyLab5 (Active) props[ mitk::USDevice::US_PROPKEY_LABEL] = m_Metadata->GetDeviceManufacturer() + " " + m_Metadata->GetDeviceModel() + isActive; if( m_Calibration.IsNotNull() ) props[ mitk::USImageMetadata::PROP_DEV_ISCALIBRATED ] = yes; else props[ mitk::USImageMetadata::PROP_DEV_ISCALIBRATED ] = no; props[ mitk::USDevice::US_PROPKEY_CLASS ] = GetDeviceClass(); props[ mitk::USImageMetadata::PROP_DEV_MANUFACTURER ] = m_Metadata->GetDeviceManufacturer(); props[ mitk::USImageMetadata::PROP_DEV_MODEL ] = m_Metadata->GetDeviceModel(); props[ mitk::USImageMetadata::PROP_DEV_COMMENT ] = m_Metadata->GetDeviceComment(); props[ mitk::USImageMetadata::PROP_PROBE_NAME ] = m_Metadata->GetProbeName(); props[ mitk::USImageMetadata::PROP_PROBE_FREQUENCY ] = m_Metadata->GetProbeFrequency(); props[ mitk::USImageMetadata::PROP_ZOOM ] = m_Metadata->GetZoom(); return props; } bool mitk::USDevice::Connect() { if (GetIsConnected()) { MITK_WARN << "Tried to connect an ultrasound device that was already connected. Ignoring call..."; return false; } // Prepare connection, fail if this fails. if (! this->OnConnection()) return false; // Update state m_IsConnected = true; // Get Context and Module mitk::ModuleContext* context = GetModuleContext(); ServiceProperties props = ConstructServiceProperties(); m_ServiceRegistration = context->RegisterService(this, props); // This makes sure that the SmartPointer to this device does not invalidate while the device is connected this->Register(); return true; } bool mitk::USDevice::Disconnect() { if ( ! GetIsConnected()) { MITK_WARN << "Tried to disconnect an ultrasound device that was not connected. Ignoring call..."; return false; } // Prepare connection, fail if this fails. if (! this->OnDisconnection()) return false; // Update state m_IsConnected = false; // Unregister m_ServiceRegistration.Unregister(); m_ServiceRegistration = 0; // Undo the manual registration done in Connect(). Pointer will invalidte, if no one holds a reference to this object anymore. this->UnRegister(); return true; } bool mitk::USDevice::Activate() { if (! this->GetIsConnected()) return false; m_IsActive = true; // <- Necessary to safely allow Subclasses to start threading based on activity state m_IsActive = OnActivation(); ServiceProperties props = ConstructServiceProperties(); this->m_ServiceRegistration.SetProperties(props); return m_IsActive; } void mitk::USDevice::Deactivate() { m_IsActive= false; ServiceProperties props = ConstructServiceProperties(); this->m_ServiceRegistration.SetProperties(props); OnDeactivation(); } void mitk::USDevice::AddProbe(mitk::USProbe::Pointer probe) { for(int i = 0; i < m_ConnectedProbes.size(); i++) { if (m_ConnectedProbes[i]->IsEqualToProbe(probe)) return; } this->m_ConnectedProbes.push_back(probe); } void mitk::USDevice::ActivateProbe(mitk::USProbe::Pointer probe){ // currently, we may just add the probe. This behaviour should be changed, should more complicated SDK applications emerge AddProbe(probe); int index = -1; for(int i = 0; i < m_ConnectedProbes.size(); i++) { if (m_ConnectedProbes[i]->IsEqualToProbe(probe)) index = i; } // index now contains the position of the original instance of this probe m_ActiveProbe = m_ConnectedProbes[index]; } void mitk::USDevice::DeactivateProbe(){ m_ActiveProbe = 0; } mitk::USImage* mitk::USDevice::GetOutput() { if (this->GetNumberOfOutputs() < 1) return NULL; return static_cast(this->ProcessObject::GetOutput(0)); } mitk::USImage* mitk::USDevice::GetOutput(unsigned int idx) { if (this->GetNumberOfOutputs() < 1) return NULL; return static_cast(this->ProcessObject::GetOutput(idx)); } void mitk::USDevice::GraftOutput(itk::DataObject *graft) { this->GraftNthOutput(0, graft); } void mitk::USDevice::GraftNthOutput(unsigned int idx, itk::DataObject *graft) { if ( idx >= this->GetNumberOfOutputs() ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Requested to graft output " << idx << " but this filter only has " << this->GetNumberOfOutputs() << " Outputs."); } if ( !graft ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Requested to graft output with a NULL pointer object" ); } itk::DataObject* output = this->GetOutput(idx); if ( !output ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Requested to graft output that is a NULL pointer" ); } // Call Graft on USImage to copy member data output->Graft( graft ); } itk::ProcessObject::DataObjectPointer mitk::USDevice::MakeOutput( unsigned int /*idx */) { mitk::USImage::Pointer p = mitk::USImage::New(); return static_cast(p.GetPointer()); } bool mitk::USDevice::ApplyCalibration(mitk::USImage::Pointer image){ if ( m_Calibration.IsNull() ) return false; image->GetGeometry()->SetIndexToWorldTransform(m_Calibration); return true; } //########### GETTER & SETTER ##################// void mitk::USDevice::setCalibration (mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer calibration){ if (calibration.IsNull()) { MITK_ERROR << "Null pointer passed to SetCalibration of mitk::USDevice. Ignoring call."; return; } m_Calibration = calibration; m_Metadata->SetDeviceIsCalibrated(true); if (m_ServiceRegistration != 0) { ServiceProperties props = ConstructServiceProperties(); this->m_ServiceRegistration.SetProperties(props); } } bool mitk::USDevice::GetIsActive() { return m_IsActive; } bool mitk::USDevice::GetIsConnected() { // a device is connected if it is registered with the Microservice Registry return (m_ServiceRegistration != 0); } std::string mitk::USDevice::GetDeviceManufacturer(){ return this->m_Metadata->GetDeviceManufacturer(); } std::string mitk::USDevice::GetDeviceModel(){ return this->m_Metadata->GetDeviceModel(); } std::string mitk::USDevice::GetDeviceComment(){ return this->m_Metadata->GetDeviceComment(); } std::vector mitk::USDevice::GetConnectedProbes() { return m_ConnectedProbes; }