diff --git a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI.h b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI.h index 4beb2a2e45..966801623b 100644 --- a/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI.h +++ b/Modules/SegmentationUI/Qmitk/QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI.h @@ -1,183 +1,190 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #ifndef QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI_h_Included #define QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI_h_Included #include "QmitkMultiLabelSegWithPreviewToolGUIBase.h" #include "QmitkSetupVirtualEnvUtil.h" #include "QmitknnUNetGPU.h" #include "ui_QmitkTotalSegmentatorGUIControls.h" #include #include #include #include #include /** * @brief Installer class for TotalSegmentator Tool. * Class specifies the virtual environment name, install version, packages required to pip install * and implements SetupVirtualEnv method. * */ class QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolInstaller : public QmitkSetupVirtualEnvUtil { public: const QString VENV_NAME = ".totalsegmentator_v2"; const QString TOTALSEGMENTATOR_VERSION = "2.2.1"; const std::vector PACKAGES = {QString("Totalsegmentator==") + TOTALSEGMENTATOR_VERSION, + QString("numpy<2"), + QString("SimpleITK<=2.3.1"), + QString("p-tqdm<=1.4.0"), + QString("xvfbwrapper<=0.2.9"), + QString("rt_utils<=1.2.7"), + QString("dicom2nifti<=2.4.11"), + QString("pyarrow<=16.1.0"), QString("setuptools")}; /* just in case */ const QString STORAGE_DIR; inline QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolInstaller( const QString baseDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + QDir::separator() + qApp->organizationName() + QDir::separator()) : QmitkSetupVirtualEnvUtil(baseDir), STORAGE_DIR(baseDir){}; bool SetupVirtualEnv(const QString &) override; QString GetVirtualEnvPath() override; }; /** \ingroup org_mitk_gui_qt_interactivesegmentation_internal \brief GUI for mitk::TotalSegmentatorTool. \sa mitk:: */ class MITKSEGMENTATIONUI_EXPORT QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI : public QmitkMultiLabelSegWithPreviewToolGUIBase { Q_OBJECT public: mitkClassMacro(QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI, QmitkMultiLabelSegWithPreviewToolGUIBase); itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); itkCloneMacro(Self); protected slots: /** * @brief Qt Slot */ void OnPreviewBtnClicked(); /** * @brief Qt Slot */ void OnPythonPathChanged(const QString &); /** * @brief Qt Slot */ std::pair OnSystemPythonChanged(const QString &); /** * @brief Qt Slot */ void OnInstallBtnClicked(); /** * @brief Qt Slot */ void OnOverrideChecked(int); /** * @brief Qt Slot */ void OnClearInstall(); protected: QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI(); ~QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUI() = default; void ConnectNewTool(mitk::SegWithPreviewTool *newTool) override; void InitializeUI(QBoxLayout *mainLayout) override; /** * @brief Enable (or Disable) GUI elements. */ void EnableAll(bool); /** * @brief Searches and parses paths of python virtual environments * from predefined lookout locations */ void AutoParsePythonPaths(); /** * @brief Checks if TotalSegmentator command is valid in the selected python virtual environment. * * @return bool */ bool IsTotalSegmentatorInstalled(const QString &); /** * @brief Creates a QMessage object and shows on screen. */ void ShowErrorMessage(const std::string &, QMessageBox::Icon = QMessageBox::Critical); /** * @brief Writes any message in white on the tool pane. */ void WriteStatusMessage(const QString &); /** * @brief Writes any message in red on the tool pane. */ void WriteErrorMessage(const QString &); /** * @brief Adds GPU information to the gpu combo box. * In case, there aren't any GPUs available, the combo box will be * rendered editable. */ void SetGPUInfo(); /** * @brief Returns GPU id of the selected GPU from the Combo box. * * @return unsigned int */ unsigned int FetchSelectedGPUFromUI() const; /** * @brief Get the virtual env path from UI combobox removing any * extra special characters. * * @return QString */ QString GetPythonPathFromUI(const QString &) const; /** * @brief For storing values like Python path across sessions. */ QSettings m_Settings; QString m_PythonPath; QmitkGPULoader m_GpuLoader; Ui_QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUIControls m_Controls; bool m_FirstPreviewComputation = true; bool m_IsInstalled = false; EnableConfirmSegBtnFunctionType m_SuperclassEnableConfirmSegBtnFnc; const std::string WARNING_TOTALSEG_NOT_FOUND = "TotalSegmentator is not detected in the selected python environment.Please select a valid " "python environment or install TotalSegmentator."; const QStringList VALID_TASKS = { "total", "total_mr", "cerebral_bleed", "hip_implant", "coronary_arteries", "body", "lung_vessels", "pleural_pericard_effusion" }; QmitkTotalSegmentatorToolInstaller m_Installer; }; #endif