diff --git a/Modules/OpenCVVideoSupport/mitkOpenCVVideoSource.cpp b/Modules/OpenCVVideoSupport/mitkOpenCVVideoSource.cpp index 308f9c8d49..017de26c9a 100644 --- a/Modules/OpenCVVideoSupport/mitkOpenCVVideoSource.cpp +++ b/Modules/OpenCVVideoSupport/mitkOpenCVVideoSource.cpp @@ -1,426 +1,426 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkOpenCVVideoSource.h" #include #include mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::OpenCVVideoSource() : m_VideoCapture(nullptr), m_CurrentImage(nullptr), m_CurrentVideoTexture(nullptr), m_PauseImage(nullptr), m_GrabbingDeviceNumber(-1), m_RepeatVideo(false), m_UseCVCAMLib(false), m_UndistortImage(false), m_FlipXAxisEnabled(false), m_FlipYAxisEnabled(false) { } mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::~OpenCVVideoSource() { this->Reset(); } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::SetVideoFileInput(const char * filename, bool repeatVideo, bool /*useCVCAMLib*/) { this->Reset(); m_VideoFileName = filename; m_VideoCapture = cvCaptureFromFile(filename); if(!m_VideoCapture) MITK_WARN << "Error in initializing video file input!"; m_RepeatVideo = repeatVideo; //m_CurrentImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_CaptureWidth,m_CaptureHeight),8,3); this->Modified(); } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::SetVideoCameraInput(int cameraindex, bool /*useCVCAMLib*/) { this->Reset(); m_GrabbingDeviceNumber = cameraindex; m_VideoCapture = cvCaptureFromCAM(m_GrabbingDeviceNumber); if(!m_VideoCapture) MITK_ERROR << "Error in initializing CVHighGUI video camera!"<< std::endl; this->Modified(); } double mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::GetVideoCaptureProperty(int property_id) { return cvGetCaptureProperty(m_VideoCapture, property_id); } int mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::SetVideoCaptureProperty(int property_id, double value) { return cvSetCaptureProperty(m_VideoCapture, property_id, value); } //method extended for "static video feature" if enabled unsigned char* mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::GetVideoTexture() { // Fetch Frame and return pointer to opengl texture FetchFrame(); if (m_FlipXAxisEnabled || m_FlipYAxisEnabled) { //rotate the image to get a static video m_CurrentImage = this->FlipImage(m_CurrentImage); } //transfer the image to a texture this->UpdateVideoTexture(); return this->m_CurrentVideoTexture; this->Modified(); } cv::Mat mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::GetImage() { if(m_CurrentImage) { cv::Mat copy( m_CurrentImage, false ); return copy.clone(); } return cv::Mat(); } const IplImage * mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::GetCurrentFrame() { return m_CurrentImage; } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::GetCurrentFrameAsOpenCVImage(IplImage * image) { // get last captured frame for processing the image data if(m_CurrentImage) { if(image) { image->origin = m_CurrentImage->origin; memcpy(image->imageData,m_CurrentImage->imageData,m_CurrentImage->width*m_CurrentImage->height*m_CurrentImage->nChannels); } } } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::FetchFrame() { // main procedure for updating video data if(m_CapturingInProcess) { if(m_VideoCapture) // we use highgui { if(!m_CapturePaused) { // release old image here m_CurrentImage = cvQueryFrame(m_VideoCapture); ++m_FrameCount; } if(m_CurrentImage == nullptr) // do we need to repeat the video if it is from video file? { double framePos = this->GetVideoCaptureProperty(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO); MITK_DEBUG << "End of video file found. framePos: " << framePos; if(m_RepeatVideo && framePos >= 0.99) { MITK_DEBUG << "Restarting video file playback."; this->SetVideoCaptureProperty(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO, 0); m_FrameCount = 0; m_CurrentImage = cvQueryFrame(m_VideoCapture); } else { std::ostringstream s; s << "End of video file " << m_VideoFileName; std::logic_error err( s.str() ); throw err; } } else { // only undistort if not paused if(m_UndistortImage && m_UndistortCameraImage.IsNotNull()) m_UndistortCameraImage->UndistortImageFast(m_CurrentImage, nullptr); } if(m_CaptureWidth == 0 || m_CaptureHeight == 0) { MITK_DEBUG << "Trying to set m_CaptureWidth & m_CaptureHeight."; m_CaptureWidth = m_CurrentImage->width; m_CaptureHeight = m_CurrentImage->height; MITK_INFO << "frame width: " << m_CaptureWidth << ", height: " << m_CaptureHeight; m_CurrentImage->origin = 0; } } } } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::UpdateVideoTexture() { //write the grabbed frame into an opengl compatible array, that means flip it and swap channel order if(!m_CurrentImage) return; if(m_CurrentVideoTexture == nullptr) m_CurrentVideoTexture = new unsigned char[m_CaptureWidth*m_CaptureHeight*3]; int width = m_CurrentImage->width; int height = m_CurrentImage->height; int widthStep = m_CurrentImage->widthStep; int nChannels = m_CurrentImage->nChannels; unsigned char* tex = m_CurrentVideoTexture; char* data = m_CurrentImage->imageData; char* currentData = m_CurrentImage->imageData; int hIndex=0; int wIndex=0; int iout,jout; for(int i=0;i= width) { wIndex=0; hIndex++; } // vertically flip the image iout = -hIndex+height-1; jout = wIndex; currentData = data + iout*widthStep; tex[i+2] = currentData[jout*nChannels + 0]; // B tex[i+1] = currentData[jout*nChannels + 1]; // G tex[i] = currentData[jout*nChannels + 2]; // R } } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::StartCapturing() { if(m_VideoCapture != nullptr) m_CapturingInProcess = true; else m_CapturingInProcess = false; } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::StopCapturing() { m_CapturingInProcess = false; } bool mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::OnlineImageUndistortionEnabled() const { return m_UndistortCameraImage; } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::PauseCapturing() { m_CapturePaused = !m_CapturePaused; if(m_CapturePaused) { m_PauseImage = cvCloneImage(m_CurrentImage); // undistort this pause image if necessary if(m_UndistortImage) m_UndistortCameraImage->UndistortImageFast(m_PauseImage, nullptr); m_CurrentImage = m_PauseImage; } else { cvReleaseImage( &m_PauseImage ); // release old pause image if necessary m_CurrentImage = nullptr; m_PauseImage = nullptr; } } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::EnableOnlineImageUndistortion(mitk::Point3D focal, mitk::Point3D principal, mitk::Point4D distortion) { // Initialize Undistortion m_UndistortImage = true; float kc[4]; kc[0] = distortion[0]; kc[1] = distortion[1]; kc[2] = distortion[2]; kc[3] = distortion[3]; if(m_CaptureWidth == 0 || m_CaptureHeight == 0) FetchFrame(); m_UndistortCameraImage = mitk::UndistortCameraImage::New(); m_UndistortCameraImage->SetUndistortImageFastInfo(focal[0], focal[1], principal[0], principal[1], kc, (float)m_CaptureWidth, (float)m_CaptureHeight); } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::DisableOnlineImageUndistortion() { m_UndistortImage = false; } // functions for compatibility with ITK segmentation only void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::GetCurrentFrameAsItkHSVPixelImage(HSVPixelImageType::Pointer &Image) { FetchFrame(); // Prepare iteration HSVConstIteratorType itImage( Image, Image->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); - itImage.Begin(); + itImage.GoToBegin(); HSVPixelType pixel; int rowsize = 3 * m_CaptureWidth; char* bufferend; char* picture; picture = this->m_CurrentImage->imageData; bufferend = this->m_CurrentImage->imageData + 3*(m_CaptureHeight*m_CaptureWidth); float r,g,b,h,s,v; try { // we have to flip the image for(char* datapointer = bufferend - rowsize;datapointer >= picture; datapointer -= rowsize) { for(char* current = datapointer; current < datapointer + rowsize; current++) { b = *current; current++; g = *current; current++; r = *current; RGBtoHSV(r,g,b,h,s,v); pixel[0] = h; pixel[1] = s; pixel[2] = v; itImage.Set(pixel); ++itImage; } } } catch( ... ) { std::cout << "Exception raised mitkOpenCVVideoSource: get hsv itk image conversion error." << std::endl; } } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::RGBtoHSV(float r, float g, float b, float &h, float &s, float &v) { if(r > 1.0) r = r/255; if(b > 1.0) b = b/255; if(g > 1.0) g = g/255; float mn=r,mx=r; int maxVal=0; if (g > mx){ mx=g;maxVal=1;} if (b > mx){ mx=b;maxVal=2;} if (g < mn) mn=g; if (b < mn) mn=b; float delta = mx - mn; v = mx; if( mx != 0 ) s = delta / mx; else { s = 0; h = 0; return; } if (s==0.0f) { h=-1; return; } else { switch (maxVal) { case 0:{h = ( g - b ) / delta;break;} // yel < h < mag case 1:{h = 2 + ( b - r ) / delta;break;} // cyan < h < yel case 2:{h = 4 + ( r - g ) / delta;break;} // mag < h < cyan } } h *= 60; if( h < 0 ) h += 360; } /* * Rotate input image according to rotation angle around the viewing direction. * Angle is supposed to be calculated in QmitkARRotationComponet in the update() method. */ IplImage* mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::FlipImage(IplImage* input) { if(input == nullptr) { //warn the user and quit std::cout<<"openCVVideoSource: Current video image is null! "<< std::endl; return input; } if(m_FlipXAxisEnabled && !m_FlipYAxisEnabled) { cvFlip(input,nullptr,0); } if(!m_FlipXAxisEnabled && m_FlipYAxisEnabled) { cvFlip(input,nullptr,1); } if(m_FlipXAxisEnabled && m_FlipYAxisEnabled) { cvFlip(input,nullptr,-1); } return input; } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::Reset() { // set capturing to false this->StopCapturing(); if(m_VideoCapture) cvReleaseCapture(&m_VideoCapture); m_VideoCapture = nullptr; m_CurrentImage = nullptr; m_CaptureWidth = 0; m_CaptureHeight = 0; delete m_CurrentVideoTexture; m_CurrentVideoTexture = nullptr; if(m_PauseImage) cvReleaseImage(&m_PauseImage); m_PauseImage = nullptr; m_CapturePaused = false; m_VideoFileName.clear(); m_GrabbingDeviceNumber = -1; // do not touch repeat video //m_RepeatVideo = false; m_UseCVCAMLib = false; // do not touch undistort settings // bool m_UndistortImage; } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::SetEnableXAxisFlip(bool enable) { this->m_FlipXAxisEnabled = enable; this->Modified(); } void mitk::OpenCVVideoSource::SetEnableYAxisFlip(bool enable) { this->m_FlipXAxisEnabled = enable; this->Modified(); }