diff --git a/Modules/Chart/resource/Chart.js b/Modules/Chart/resource/Chart.js index 4bb5df80b6..663bf1c56d 100644 --- a/Modules/Chart/resource/Chart.js +++ b/Modules/Chart/resource/Chart.js @@ -1,378 +1,378 @@ document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(240, 240, 240)'; const minHeight = 255; var chart; var chartData; var xErrorValuesPlus=[]; var xErrorValuesMinus=[]; var yErrorValuesPlus=[]; var yErrorValuesMinus=[]; var xValues=[]; var yValues=[]; var dataLabels=[]; var xs = {}; var dataColors = {}; var chartTypes = {}; var lineStyle = {}; var backgroundColor = '#f0f0f0'; var foregroundColor = 'black'; var dataProperties = {}; // Important loading function. This will be executed at first in this whole script. // Fetching data from QWebChannel and storing them for display purposes. window.onload = function() { initHeight(); new QWebChannel(qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) { chartData = channel.objects.chartData; let count = 0; for(let propertyName in channel.objects) { if (propertyName != 'chartData') { let xDataTemp = channel.objects[propertyName].m_XData; let yDataTemp = channel.objects[propertyName].m_YData; let xErrorsTempPlus = channel.objects[propertyName].m_XErrorDataPlus; let xErrorsTempMinus = channel.objects[propertyName].m_XErrorDataMinus; let yErrorsTempPlus = channel.objects[propertyName].m_YErrorDataPlus; let yErrorsTempMinus = channel.objects[propertyName].m_YErrorDataMinus; let dataLabel = channel.objects[propertyName].m_Label; dataLabels.push(dataLabel); console.log("loading datalabel: "+dataLabel); //add label to x array xDataTemp.unshift('x'+count.toString()) xs[dataLabel] = 'x' + count.toString() xDataTemp.push(null); //append null value, to make sure the last tick on x-axis is displayed correctly yDataTemp.unshift(dataLabel) yDataTemp.push(null); //append null value, to make sure the last tick on y-axis is displayed correctly xValues[count] = xDataTemp yValues[count] = yDataTemp xErrorValuesPlus[count] = xErrorsTempPlus; xErrorValuesMinus[count] = xErrorsTempMinus; yErrorValuesPlus[count] = yErrorsTempPlus; yErrorValuesMinus[count] = yErrorsTempMinus; var tempLineStyle = ''; if (channel.objects[propertyName].m_LineStyleName == "solid") { tempLineStyle = '' } else { tempLineStyle = "dashed" } dataProperties[dataLabel] = { "color" : channel.objects[propertyName].m_Color, "chartType": channel.objects[propertyName].m_ChartType, "style": tempLineStyle } count++; } } var theme = chartData.m_themeName; setThemeColors(theme); generateChart(chartData); }); } /** * Inits the height of the chart element to 90% of the full window height. */ function initHeight() { var size = window.innerHeight-(window.innerHeight/100*10); //subtract 10% of height to hide vertical scrool bar let chart = document.getElementById("chart"); chart.style.height = `${size}px`; } function getPlotlyChartType(inputType){ let plotlyType = inputType; if (inputType == "line"){ plotlyType = "scatter"; } else if (inputType == "scatter"){ plotlyType = "scatterOnly" } return plotlyType; } /** * Generate error bars object * * @param {array} errors - contains error bar values * @return error bar object */ function generateErrorBars(errors, visible){ let errorObject = { type: 'data', array: errors, visible: visible } return errorObject; } function generateErrorBarsAsymmetric(errorsPlus, errorsMinus, visible){ let errorObject = generateErrorBars(errorsPlus, visible); errorObject["arrayminus"] = errorsMinus; errorObject["symmetric"] = false; return errorObject; } function generateStackPlotData(){ let data = []; for (let index = 0; index < dataLabels.length; index++){ let trace = { x: xValues[index].slice(1), y: yValues[index].slice(1), stackgroup: 'one', name: dataLabels[index] }; data.push(trace); } return data; } function generatePlotData(){ let data = []; for (let index = 0; index < dataLabels.length; index++){ let inputType = dataProperties[dataLabels[index]]["chartType"]; let chartType = getPlotlyChartType(inputType); let trace = { x: xValues[index].slice(1), y: yValues[index].slice(1), type: chartType, - name: dataLabels[index] + name: dataLabels[index], }; if(typeof xErrorValuesPlus[index] !== 'undefined'){ if(typeof xErrorValuesMinus[index] !== 'undefined' && xErrorValuesMinus[index].length > 0) { trace["error_x"] = generateErrorBarsAsymmetric(xErrorValuesPlus[index], xErrorValuesMinus[index], chartData.m_ShowErrorBars); }else{ trace["error_x"] = generateErrorBars(xErrorValuesPlus[index], chartData.m_ShowErrorBars); } } if(typeof yErrorValuesPlus[index] !== 'undefined'){ if(typeof yErrorValuesMinus[index] !== 'undefined' && yErrorValuesMinus[index].length > 0) { trace["error_y"] = generateErrorBarsAsymmetric(yErrorValuesPlus[index], yErrorValuesMinus[index], chartData.m_ShowErrorBars); }else{ trace["error_y"] = generateErrorBars(yErrorValuesPlus[index], chartData.m_ShowErrorBars); } } // ===================== CHART TYPE OPTIONS HANDLING =========== // initialize line object trace["line"] = {} - - if (chartType == "scatter"){ - trace["line"]["color"] = dataProperties[dataLabels[index]]["color"] + + trace["line"]["color"] = dataProperties[dataLabels[index]]["color"] + if (chartType == "scatter"){ } else if (chartType == "area"){ trace["fill"] = 'tozeroy' } else if (chartType == "spline"){ trace["line"]["shape"] = 'spline' } else if (chartType == "scatterOnly"){ trace["mode"] = 'markers'; } else if (chartType == "area-spline"){ trace["fill"] = 'tozeroy' trace["line"]["shape"] = 'spline' } // handle marker visibility/size trace["marker"] = {size: chartData.m_DataPointSize} if (chartData.m_DataPointSize == 0){ trace["mode"] = "lines"; } if (dataProperties[dataLabels[index]]["style"] == "dashed"){ trace["line"]["dash"] = "dot" } data.push(trace) } return data; } /** * Here, the chart magic takes place. Plot.ly is called. * * @param {object} chartData - containing the options for plotting, not the actual values */ function generateChart(chartData) { console.log("generate chart"); if (chartData == undefined) { chartData = {} } if (dataLabels == undefined) { dataLabels = [] } //=============================== DATA ======================== var data = []; if (chartData.m_StackedData){ data = generateStackPlotData(); } else { data = generatePlotData(); } //=============================== STYLE ======================== let marginTop = chartData.m_chartTitle == undefined ? 10 : 50; if (chartData.m_LegendPosition == "bottomMiddle"){ var legendX = 0.5; var legendY = -0.75; } else if (chartData.m_LegendPosition == "bottomRight"){ var legendX = 1; var legendY = 0; } else if (chartData.m_LegendPosition == "topRight"){ var legendX = 1; var legendY = 1; } else if (chartData.m_LegendPosition == "topLeft"){ var legendX = 0; var legendY = 1; } else if (chartData.m_LegendPosition == "middleRight"){ var legendX = 1; var legendY = 0.5; } var layout = { paper_bgcolor : backgroundColor, plot_bgcolor : backgroundColor, title: { text:chartData.m_chartTitle, font: { color: foregroundColor } }, xaxis: { title: { text: chartData.m_xAxisLabel }, color: foregroundColor }, yaxis: { title: { text:chartData.m_yAxisLabel }, color: foregroundColor }, margin: { l: 50, r: 10, b: 50, t: marginTop, pad: 4 }, showlegend: chartData.m_ShowLegend, legend: { x: legendX, y: legendY, font : { color: foregroundColor } } }; if (chartData.m_YAxisScale){ layout.yaxis["type"] = "log" } if (chartData.m_ShowSubchart){ layout.xaxis.rangeslider = {}; // adds range slider below x axis } Plotly.newPlot('chart', data, layout, {displayModeBar: false, responsive: true}); } /** * Change theme of chart. * * @param {string} color - dark or not dark */ function changeTheme(color) { setThemeColors(color); link = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[0]; if (color == 'dark') { link.href = "Chart_dark.css"; } else { link.href = "Chart.css"; } }; /** * Reload the chart with the given arguments. * * This method is called by C++. Changes on signature with caution. */ function Reload(){ console.log("Reload chart"); generateChart(chartData); } function SetShowSubchart(showSubchart) { chartData.m_ShowSubchart = showSubchart; } function setThemeColors(theme){ if (theme == 'dark'){ backgroundColor = '#2d2d30'; foregroundColor = 'white'; } else { backgroundColor = '#f0f0f0'; foregroundColor = 'black'; } } function SetStackDataString(stackDataString) { chartData.m_StackedData = stackDataString; } function SetShowErrorBars(showErrorBars) { chartData.m_ShowErrorBars = showErrorBars; } /** * Transforms the view to another chart type. * * This method is called by C++. Changes on signature with caution. * @param {string} transformTo - 'line' or 'bar' */ function transformView(transformTo) { console.log("transform view"); console.log(transformTo); dataProperties[dataLabels[0]]["chartType"] = transformTo; // preserve chartType for later updates let plotlyType = getPlotlyChartType(transformTo); let chart = document.getElementById("chart"); - let update = {type : plotlyType} + let update = {type : plotlyType}; Plotly.restyle(chart, update, 0); // updates the given plotly trace at index 0 with an update object built of a standard trace object };