diff --git a/Modules/DiffusionImaging/Algorithms/itkExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter.cpp b/Modules/DiffusionImaging/Algorithms/itkExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter.cpp index b3d0bc068a..0291a5e785 100644 --- a/Modules/DiffusionImaging/Algorithms/itkExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter.cpp +++ b/Modules/DiffusionImaging/Algorithms/itkExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter.cpp @@ -1,159 +1,159 @@ #include "itkExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter.h" // VTK #include #include #include // misc #include namespace itk{ template< class OutputImageType > ExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter< OutputImageType >::ExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter(): m_Channel(RED) { } template< class OutputImageType > ExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter< OutputImageType >::~ExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter() { } template< class OutputImageType > void ExtractChannelFromRgbaImageFilter< OutputImageType >::GenerateData() { typename InputImageType::Pointer rgbaImage = static_cast< InputImageType * >( this->ProcessObject::GetInput(0) ); typename OutputImageType::Pointer outputImage = static_cast< OutputImageType * >(this->ProcessObject::GetOutput(0)); typename InputImageType::RegionType region = rgbaImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion(); outputImage->SetSpacing( m_ReferenceImage->GetSpacing() ); // Set the image spacing outputImage->SetOrigin( m_ReferenceImage->GetOrigin() ); // Set the image origin outputImage->SetDirection( m_ReferenceImage->GetDirection() ); // Set the image direction outputImage->SetRegions( m_ReferenceImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); outputImage->Allocate(); outputImage->FillBuffer(0); float* outImageBufferPointer = outputImage->GetBufferPointer(); itk::Image< short, 3 >::Pointer counterImage = itk::Image< short, 3 >::New(); counterImage->SetSpacing( m_ReferenceImage->GetSpacing() ); // Set the image spacing counterImage->SetOrigin( m_ReferenceImage->GetOrigin() ); // Set the image origin counterImage->SetDirection( m_ReferenceImage->GetDirection() ); // Set the image direction counterImage->SetRegions( m_ReferenceImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); counterImage->Allocate(); counterImage->FillBuffer(0); short* counterImageBufferPointer = counterImage->GetBufferPointer(); int w = m_ReferenceImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize().GetElement(0); int h = m_ReferenceImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize().GetElement(1); int d = m_ReferenceImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize().GetElement(2); typedef ImageRegionConstIterator< InputImageType > InImageIteratorType; InImageIteratorType rgbaIt(rgbaImage, region); rgbaIt.GoToBegin(); while(!rgbaIt.IsAtEnd()){ InPixelType x = rgbaIt.Get(); + ++rgbaIt; itk::Point vertex; itk::Index<3> index = rgbaIt.GetIndex(); rgbaImage->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(index, vertex); outputImage->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(vertex, index); itk::ContinuousIndex contIndex; outputImage->TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex(vertex, contIndex); float frac_x = contIndex[0] - index[0]; float frac_y = contIndex[1] - index[1]; float frac_z = contIndex[2] - index[2]; int px = index[0]; if (frac_x<0) { px -= 1; frac_x += 1; } int py = index[1]; if (frac_y<0) { py -= 1; frac_y += 1; } int pz = index[2]; if (frac_z<0) { pz -= 1; frac_z += 1; } frac_x = 1-frac_x; frac_y = 1-frac_y; frac_z = 1-frac_z; // int coordinates inside image? if (px < 0 || px >= w-1) continue; if (py < 0 || py >= h-1) continue; if (pz < 0 || pz >= d-1) continue; OutPixelType out; switch (m_Channel) { case RED: out = (float)x.GetRed()/255; break; case GREEN: out = (float)x.GetGreen()/255; break; case BLUE: out = (float)x.GetBlue()/255; break; case ALPHA: out = (float)x.GetAlpha()/255; } outImageBufferPointer[( px + w*(py + h*pz ))] += out*( frac_x)*( frac_y)*( frac_z); outImageBufferPointer[( px + w*(py+1+ h*pz ))] += out*( frac_x)*(1-frac_y)*( frac_z); outImageBufferPointer[( px + w*(py + h*pz+h))] += out*( frac_x)*( frac_y)*(1-frac_z); outImageBufferPointer[( px + w*(py+1+ h*pz+h))] += out*( frac_x)*(1-frac_y)*(1-frac_z); outImageBufferPointer[( px+1 + w*(py + h*pz ))] += out*(1-frac_x)*( frac_y)*( frac_z); outImageBufferPointer[( px+1 + w*(py + h*pz+h))] += out*(1-frac_x)*( frac_y)*(1-frac_z); outImageBufferPointer[( px+1 + w*(py+1+ h*pz ))] += out*(1-frac_x)*(1-frac_y)*( frac_z); outImageBufferPointer[( px+1 + w*(py+1+ h*pz+h))] += out*(1-frac_x)*(1-frac_y)*(1-frac_z); counterImageBufferPointer[( px + w*(py + h*pz ))] += 1; counterImageBufferPointer[( px + w*(py+1+ h*pz ))] += 1; counterImageBufferPointer[( px + w*(py + h*pz+h))] += 1; counterImageBufferPointer[( px + w*(py+1+ h*pz+h))] += 1; counterImageBufferPointer[( px+1 + w*(py + h*pz ))] += 1; counterImageBufferPointer[( px+1 + w*(py + h*pz+h))] += 1; counterImageBufferPointer[( px+1 + w*(py+1+ h*pz ))] += 1; counterImageBufferPointer[( px+1 + w*(py+1+ h*pz+h))] += 1; // outputImage->SetPixel(index, outputImage->GetPixel(index)+out); // counterImage->SetPixel(index, counterImage->GetPixel(index)+1); - ++rgbaIt; } typedef ImageRegionIterator< OutputImageType > OutImageIteratorType; OutImageIteratorType outIt(outputImage, outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); outIt.GoToBegin(); typedef ImageRegionConstIterator< itk::Image< short, 3 > > CountImageIteratorType; CountImageIteratorType counterIt(counterImage, counterImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); counterIt.GoToBegin(); while(!outIt.IsAtEnd() && !counterIt.IsAtEnd()){ if (counterIt.Value()>0) outIt.Set(outIt.Value()/counterIt.Value()); ++outIt; ++counterIt; } } }