diff --git a/Core/Code/IO/mitkDicomSeriesReader.txx b/Core/Code/IO/mitkDicomSeriesReader.txx index 0e630dab87..924684b9e5 100644 --- a/Core/Code/IO/mitkDicomSeriesReader.txx +++ b/Core/Code/IO/mitkDicomSeriesReader.txx @@ -1,435 +1,436 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKDICOMSERIESREADER_TXX_ #define MITKDICOMSERIESREADER_TXX_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mitk { template void DicomSeriesReader::LoadDicom(const StringContainer &filenames, DataNode &node, bool sort, bool load4D, UpdateCallBackMethod callback) { bool correctTilt(true); const char* previousCLocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); std::locale previousCppLocale( std::cin.getloc() ); std::locale l( "C" ); std::cin.imbue(l); const gdcm::Tag tagImagePositionPatient(0x0020,0x0032); // Image Position (Patient) const gdcm::Tag tagImageOrientation(0x0020, 0x0037); // Image Orientation try { mitk::Image::Pointer image = mitk::Image::New(); CallbackCommand *command = callback ? new CallbackCommand(callback) : 0; bool initialize_node = false; /* special case for Philips 3D+t ultrasound images */ if ( DicomSeriesReader::IsPhilips3DDicom(filenames.front().c_str()) ) { ReadPhilips3DDicom(filenames.front().c_str(), image); initialize_node = true; } else { /* default case: assume "normal" image blocks, possibly 3D+t */ bool canLoadAs4D(true); gdcm::Scanner scanner; ScanForSliceInformation(filenames, scanner); // need non-const access for map gdcm::Scanner::MappingType& tagValueMappings = const_cast(scanner.GetMappings()); std::list imageBlocks = SortIntoBlocksFor3DplusT( filenames, tagValueMappings, sort, canLoadAs4D ); unsigned int volume_count = imageBlocks.size(); // check tiltedness here, potentially fixup ITK's loading result by shifting slice contents // check first and second position/orientation from tags, make some calculations // TODO check possibility of a single slice with many timesteps. In this case, don't check for tilt, no second slice possible!! std::string firstFilename(filenames.front()); - std::string secondFilename( *(++(filenames.begin())) ); + // calculate from first and last slice to minimize rounding errors + std::string secondFilename(filenames.back()); std::string imagePosition1( ConstCharStarToString( tagValueMappings[ firstFilename.c_str() ][ tagImagePositionPatient ] ) ); std::string imageOrientation( ConstCharStarToString( tagValueMappings[ firstFilename.c_str() ][ tagImageOrientation ] ) ); std::string imagePosition2( ConstCharStarToString( tagValueMappings[secondFilename.c_str() ][ tagImagePositionPatient ] ) ); bool ignoredConversionError(-42); // hard to get here, no graceful way to react Point3D origin1( DICOMStringToPoint3D( imagePosition1, ignoredConversionError ) ); Point3D origin2( DICOMStringToPoint3D( imagePosition2, ignoredConversionError ) ); Vector3D right; right.Fill(0.0); Vector3D up; right.Fill(0.0); // might be down as well, but it is just a name at this point DICOMStringToOrientationVectors( imageOrientation, right, up, ignoredConversionError ); GantryTiltInformation tiltInfo( origin1, origin2, right, up ); correctTilt &= tiltInfo.IsSheared(); MITK_DEBUG << "** Loading now: shear? " << tiltInfo.IsSheared(); MITK_DEBUG << "** Loading now: normal tilt? " << tiltInfo.IsRegularGantryTilt(); MITK_DEBUG << "** Loading now: perform tilt correction? " << correctTilt; if (volume_count == 1 || !canLoadAs4D || !load4D) { image = LoadDICOMByITK( imageBlocks.front(), correctTilt, tiltInfo, command ); // load first 3D block initialize_node = true; } else if (volume_count > 1) { // It is 3D+t! Read it and store into mitk image typedef itk::Image ImageType; typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader ReaderType; DcmIoType::Pointer io = DcmIoType::New(); typename ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New(); reader->SetImageIO(io); reader->ReverseOrderOff(); if (command) { reader->AddObserver(itk::ProgressEvent(), command); } unsigned int act_volume = 1u; reader->SetFileNames(imageBlocks.front()); reader->Update(); typename ImageType::Pointer readVolume = reader->GetOutput(); // if we detected that the images are from a tilted gantry acquisition, we need to push some pixels into the right position if (correctTilt) { readVolume = InPlaceFixUpTiltedGeometry( reader->GetOutput(), tiltInfo.GetMatrixCoefficientForCorrection() ); } image->InitializeByItk( readVolume.GetPointer(), 1, volume_count); image->SetImportVolume( readVolume->GetBufferPointer(), 0u); gdcm::Scanner scanner; ScanForSliceInformation(filenames, scanner); DicomSeriesReader::CopyMetaDataToImageProperties( imageBlocks, scanner.GetMappings(), io, image); MITK_DEBUG << "Volume dimension: [" << image->GetDimension(0) << ", " << image->GetDimension(1) << ", " << image->GetDimension(2) << ", " << image->GetDimension(3) << "]"; #if (GDCM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2) && (GDCM_MINOR_VERSION < 1) && (GDCM_BUILD_VERSION < 15) // workaround for a GDCM 2 bug until version 2.0.15: // GDCM read spacing vector wrongly. Instead of "row spacing, column spacing", it misinterprets the DICOM tag as "column spacing, row spacing". // this is undone here, until we use a GDCM that has this issue fixed. // From the commit comments, GDCM 2.0.15 fixed the spacing interpretation with bug 2901181 // http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2901181&group_id=137895&atid=739587 Vector3D correctedImageSpacing = image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing(); std::swap( correctedImageSpacing[0], correctedImageSpacing[1] ); image->GetGeometry()->SetSpacing( correctedImageSpacing ); #endif MITK_DEBUG << "Volume spacing: [" << image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[0] << ", " << image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[1] << ", " << image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[2] << "]"; for (std::list::iterator df_it = ++imageBlocks.begin(); df_it != imageBlocks.end(); ++df_it) { reader->SetFileNames(*df_it); reader->Update(); readVolume = reader->GetOutput(); if (correctTilt) { readVolume = InPlaceFixUpTiltedGeometry( reader->GetOutput(), tiltInfo.GetMatrixCoefficientForCorrection() ); } image->SetImportVolume(readVolume->GetBufferPointer(), act_volume++); } initialize_node = true; } } if (initialize_node) { // forward some image properties to node node.GetPropertyList()->ConcatenatePropertyList( image->GetPropertyList(), true ); node.SetData( image ); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, previousCLocale); std::cin.imbue(previousCppLocale); } } catch (std::exception& e) { // reset locale then throw up setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, previousCLocale); std::cin.imbue(previousCppLocale); throw e; } } template Image::Pointer DicomSeriesReader::LoadDICOMByITK( const StringContainer& filenames, bool correctTilt, const GantryTiltInformation& tiltInfo, CallbackCommand* command ) { /******** Normal Case, 3D (also for GDCM < 2 usable) ***************/ mitk::Image::Pointer image = mitk::Image::New(); typedef itk::Image ImageType; typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader ReaderType; DcmIoType::Pointer io = DcmIoType::New(); typename ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New(); reader->SetImageIO(io); reader->ReverseOrderOff(); if (command) { reader->AddObserver(itk::ProgressEvent(), command); } reader->SetFileNames(filenames); reader->Update(); typename ImageType::Pointer readVolume = reader->GetOutput(); // if we detected that the images are from a tilted gantry acquisition, we need to push some pixels into the right position if (correctTilt) { readVolume = InPlaceFixUpTiltedGeometry( reader->GetOutput(), tiltInfo.GetMatrixCoefficientForCorrection() ); } image->InitializeByItk(readVolume.GetPointer()); image->SetImportVolume(readVolume->GetBufferPointer()); gdcm::Scanner scanner; ScanForSliceInformation(filenames, scanner); DicomSeriesReader::CopyMetaDataToImageProperties( filenames, scanner.GetMappings(), io, image); MITK_DEBUG << "Volume dimension: [" << image->GetDimension(0) << ", " << image->GetDimension(1) << ", " << image->GetDimension(2) << "]"; #if (GDCM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2) && (GDCM_MINOR_VERSION < 1) && (GDCM_BUILD_VERSION < 15) // workaround for a GDCM 2 bug until version 2.0.15: // GDCM read spacing vector wrongly. Instead of "row spacing, column spacing", it misinterprets the DICOM tag as "column spacing, row spacing". // this is undone here, until we use a GDCM that has this issue fixed. // From the commit comments, GDCM 2.0.15 fixed the spacing interpretation with bug 2901181 // http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2901181&group_id=137895&atid=739587 Vector3D correctedImageSpacing = image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing(); std::swap( correctedImageSpacing[0], correctedImageSpacing[1] ); image->GetGeometry()->SetSpacing( correctedImageSpacing ); #endif MITK_DEBUG << "Volume spacing: [" << image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[0] << ", " << image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[1] << ", " << image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing()[2] << "]"; return image; } void DicomSeriesReader::ScanForSliceInformation(const StringContainer &filenames, gdcm::Scanner& scanner) { const gdcm::Tag ippTag(0x0020,0x0032); //Image position (Patient) scanner.AddTag(ippTag); const gdcm::Tag tagImageOrientation(0x0020,0x0037); //Image orientation scanner.AddTag(tagImageOrientation); // TODO what if tags don't exist? const gdcm::Tag tagSliceLocation(0x0020, 0x1041); // slice location scanner.AddTag( tagSliceLocation ); const gdcm::Tag tagInstanceNumber(0x0020, 0x0013); // (image) instance number scanner.AddTag( tagInstanceNumber ); const gdcm::Tag tagSOPInstanceNumber(0x0008, 0x0018); // SOP instance number scanner.AddTag( tagSOPInstanceNumber ); scanner.Scan(filenames); // make available image position for each file } std::list DicomSeriesReader::SortIntoBlocksFor3DplusT( const StringContainer& presortedFilenames, const gdcm::Scanner::MappingType& tagValueMappings, bool /*sort*/, bool& canLoadAs4D ) { std::list imageBlocks; // ignore sort request, because most likely re-sorting is now needed due to changes in GetSeries(bug #8022) StringContainer sorted_filenames = DicomSeriesReader::SortSeriesSlices(presortedFilenames); std::string firstPosition; unsigned int numberOfBlocks(0); // number of 3D image blocks const gdcm::Tag ippTag(0x0020,0x0032); //Image position (Patient) // loop files to determine number of image blocks for (StringContainer::const_iterator fileIter = sorted_filenames.begin(); fileIter != sorted_filenames.end(); ++fileIter) { gdcm::Scanner::TagToValue tagToValueMap = tagValueMappings.find( fileIter->c_str() )->second; if(tagToValueMap.find(ippTag) == tagToValueMap.end()) { continue; } std::string position = tagToValueMap.find(ippTag)->second; MITK_DEBUG << " " << *fileIter << " at " << position; if (firstPosition.empty()) { firstPosition = position; } if ( position == firstPosition ) { ++numberOfBlocks; } else { break; // enough information to know the number of image blocks } } MITK_DEBUG << " ==> Assuming " << numberOfBlocks << " time steps"; if (numberOfBlocks == 0) return imageBlocks; // only possible if called with no files // loop files to sort them into image blocks unsigned int numberOfExpectedSlices(0); for (unsigned int block = 0; block < numberOfBlocks; ++block) { StringContainer filesOfCurrentBlock; for ( StringContainer::const_iterator fileIter = sorted_filenames.begin() + block; fileIter != sorted_filenames.end(); //fileIter += numberOfBlocks) // TODO shouldn't this work? give invalid iterators on first attempts ) { filesOfCurrentBlock.push_back( *fileIter ); for (unsigned int b = 0; b < numberOfBlocks; ++b) { if (fileIter != sorted_filenames.end()) ++fileIter; } } imageBlocks.push_back(filesOfCurrentBlock); if (block == 0) { numberOfExpectedSlices = filesOfCurrentBlock.size(); } else { if (filesOfCurrentBlock.size() != numberOfExpectedSlices) { MITK_WARN << "DicomSeriesReader expected " << numberOfBlocks << " image blocks of " << numberOfExpectedSlices << " images each. Block " << block << " got " << filesOfCurrentBlock.size() << " instead. Cannot load this as 3D+t"; // TODO implement recovery (load as many slices 3D+t as much as possible) canLoadAs4D = false; } } } return imageBlocks; } template typename ImageType::Pointer DicomSeriesReader::InPlaceFixUpTiltedGeometry( ImageType* input, ScalarType factor ) { typedef itk::ResampleImageFilter ResampleFilterType; typename ResampleFilterType::Pointer resampler = ResampleFilterType::New(); resampler->SetInput( input ); typedef itk::AffineTransform< double, ImageType::ImageDimension > TransformType; typename TransformType::Pointer transformShear = TransformType::New(); transformShear->Shear(1, 2, factor); // row 1, column 2 corrects shear in parallel to Y axis, proportional to distance in Z direction /* typename TransformType::Pointer transformToZero = TransformType::New(); transformToZero->Translate( -(input->GetOrigin().GetVectorFromOrigin()) ); */ typename TransformType::Pointer imageTransform = TransformType::New(); imageTransform->SetOffset( input->GetOrigin().GetVectorFromOrigin() ); imageTransform->SetMatrix( input->GetDirection() ); /* typename TransformType::Pointer transformToOrigin = TransformType::New(); transformToOrigin->Translate( input->GetOrigin().GetVectorFromOrigin() ); */ typename TransformType::Pointer hinundher = TransformType::New(); //hinundher->Compose( transformToZero ); //hinundher->Compose( transformShear ); //hinundher->Compose( transformToOrigin ); typename TransformType::Pointer toZero = TransformType::New(); imageTransform->GetInverse( toZero ); hinundher->Compose( toZero ); hinundher->Compose( transformShear ); hinundher->Compose( imageTransform ); resampler->SetTransform( hinundher ); typedef itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction< ImageType, double > InterpolatorType; typename InterpolatorType::Pointer interpolator = InterpolatorType::New(); resampler->SetInterpolator( interpolator ); resampler->SetDefaultPixelValue( std::numeric_limits::max() ); // TODO adjust size in Y direction! (maybe just transform the outer last pixel to see how much space we would need resampler->SetOutputParametersFromImage( input ); // we basically need the same image again, just sheared resampler->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion(); typename ImageType::Pointer result = resampler->GetOutput(); return result; } } #endif