diff --git a/Modules/Core/include/mitkBaseRenderer.h b/Modules/Core/include/mitkBaseRenderer.h
index 322bc8577d..5b14a4ec2d 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/include/mitkBaseRenderer.h
+++ b/Modules/Core/include/mitkBaseRenderer.h
@@ -1,532 +1,532 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "mitkCameraRotationController.h"
 #include "mitkDataStorage.h"
 #include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h"
 #include "mitkPlaneGeometryData.h"
 #include "mitkSliceNavigationController.h"
 #include "mitkTimeGeometry.h"
 #include "mitkBindDispatcherInteractor.h"
 #include "mitkDispatcher.h"
 #include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
 #include <vtkRenderer.h>
 #include <map>
 #include <set>
 #include <mitkTimeSlicedGeometry.h>
 namespace mitk
   class NavigationController;
   class SliceNavigationController;
   class CameraRotationController;
   class CameraController;
   class DataStorage;
   class Mapper;
   class BaseLocalStorageHandler;
   class KeyEvent;
   //## @brief Organizes the rendering process
   //## Organizes the rendering process. A Renderer contains a reference to a
   //## DataStorage and asks the mappers of the data objects to render
   //## the data into the renderwindow it is associated to.
   //## \#Render() checks if rendering is currently allowed by calling
   //## RenderWindow::PrepareRendering(). Initialization of a rendering context
   //## can also be performed in this method.
   //## The actual rendering code has been moved to \#Repaint()
   //## Both \#Repaint() and \#Update() are declared protected now.
   //## Note: Separation of the Repaint and Update processes (rendering vs
   //## creating a vtk prop tree) still needs to be worked on. The whole
   //## rendering process also should be reworked to use VTK based classes for
   //## both 2D and 3D rendering.
   //## @ingroup Renderer
   class MITKCORE_EXPORT BaseRenderer : public itk::Object
     typedef std::map<vtkRenderWindow *, BaseRenderer *> BaseRendererMapType;
     static BaseRendererMapType baseRendererMap;
     static BaseRenderer *GetInstance(vtkRenderWindow *renWin);
     static void AddInstance(vtkRenderWindow *renWin, BaseRenderer *baseRenderer);
     static void RemoveInstance(vtkRenderWindow *renWin);
     static BaseRenderer *GetByName(const std::string &name);
     static vtkRenderWindow *GetRenderWindowByName(const std::string &name);
 #pragma GCC visibility push(default)
     itkEventMacro(RendererResetEvent, itk::AnyEvent);
 #pragma GCC visibility pop
     /** Standard class typedefs. */
     mitkClassMacroItkParent(BaseRenderer, itk::Object);
     BaseRenderer(const char *name = nullptr, vtkRenderWindow *renWin = nullptr);
     //## @brief MapperSlotId defines which kind of mapper (e.g. 2D or 3D) should be used.
     typedef int MapperSlotId;
     enum StandardMapperSlot
       Standard2D = 1,
       Standard3D = 2
     //## @brief Possible view directions for render windows.
     enum class ViewDirection
       AXIAL = 0,
     virtual void SetDataStorage(DataStorage *storage); ///< set the datastorage that will be used for rendering
     //## return the DataStorage that is used for rendering
     virtual DataStorage::Pointer GetDataStorage() const { return m_DataStorage.GetPointer(); }
     //## @brief Access the RenderWindow into which this renderer renders.
     vtkRenderWindow *GetRenderWindow() const { return m_RenderWindow; }
     vtkRenderer *GetVtkRenderer() const { return m_VtkRenderer; }
     //## @brief Returns the Dispatcher which handles Events for this BaseRenderer
     Dispatcher::Pointer GetDispatcher() const;
     //## @brief Default mapper id to use.
     static const MapperSlotId defaultMapper;
     //## @brief Do the rendering and flush the result.
     virtual void Paint();
     //## @brief Initialize the RenderWindow. Should only be called from RenderWindow.
     virtual void Initialize();
     //## @brief Called to inform the renderer that the RenderWindow has been resized.
     virtual void Resize(int w, int h);
     //## @brief Initialize the renderer with a RenderWindow (@a renderwindow).
     virtual void InitRenderer(vtkRenderWindow *renderwindow);
     //## @brief Set the initial size. Called by RenderWindow after it has become
     //## visible for the first time.
     virtual void InitSize(int w, int h);
     //## @brief Draws a point on the widget.
     //## Should be used during conferences to show the position of the remote mouse
     virtual void DrawOverlayMouse(Point2D &p2d);
     //## @brief Set/Get the WorldGeometry (m_WorldGeometry) for 3D and 2D rendering, that describing the
     //## (maximal) area to be rendered.
     //## Depending of the type of the passed BaseGeometry more or less information can be extracted:
     //## \li if it is a PlaneGeometry (which is a sub-class of BaseGeometry), m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry is
     //## also set to point to it. m_WorldTimeGeometry is set to nullptr.
     //## \li if it is a TimeGeometry, m_WorldTimeGeometry is also set to point to it.
     //## If m_WorldTimeGeometry contains instances of SlicedGeometry3D, m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry is set to
     //## one of geometries stored in the SlicedGeometry3D according to the value of m_Slice;  otherwise
     //## a PlaneGeometry describing the top of the bounding-box of the BaseGeometry is set as the
     //## m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry.
     //## \li otherwise a PlaneGeometry describing the top of the bounding-box of the BaseGeometry
     //## is set as the m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry. m_WorldTimeGeometry is set to nullptr.
     //## @todo add calculation of PlaneGeometry describing the top of the bounding-box of the BaseGeometry
     //## when the passed BaseGeometry is not sliced.
     //## \sa m_WorldGeometry
     //## \sa m_WorldTimeGeometry
     //## \sa m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry
     virtual void SetWorldGeometry3D(const BaseGeometry *geometry);
     virtual void SetWorldTimeGeometry(const mitk::TimeGeometry *geometry);
     * \deprecatedSince{2013_09} Please use TimeGeometry instead of TimeSlicedGeometry. For more information see
     * http://www.mitk.org/Development/Refactoring%20of%20the%20Geometry%20Classes%20-%20Part%201
     DEPRECATED(void SetWorldGeometry3D(TimeSlicedGeometry *geometry));
     itkGetConstObjectMacro(WorldTimeGeometry, TimeGeometry);
       //## @brief Get the current 3D-worldgeometry (m_CurrentWorldGeometry) used for 3D-rendering
       itkGetConstObjectMacro(CurrentWorldGeometry, BaseGeometry);
       //## @brief Get the current 2D-worldgeometry (m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry) used for 2D-rendering
       itkGetConstObjectMacro(CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry, PlaneGeometry)
       * \deprecatedSince{2014_10} Please use GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry
       DEPRECATED(const PlaneGeometry *GetCurrentWorldGeometry2D())
       return GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry();
     //## Calculates the bounds of the DataStorage (if it contains any valid data),
     //## creates a geometry from these bounds and sets it as world geometry of the renderer.
     //## Call this method to re-initialize the renderer to the current DataStorage
     //## (e.g. after loading an additional dataset), to ensure that the view is
     //## aligned correctly.
     //## \warn This is not implemented yet.
     virtual bool SetWorldGeometryToDataStorageBounds() { return false; }
     //## @brief Set/Get m_Slice which defines together with m_TimeStep the 2D geometry
     //## stored in m_WorldTimeGeometry used as m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry
     //## \sa m_Slice
     virtual void SetSlice(unsigned int slice);
     itkGetConstMacro(Slice, unsigned int);
       //## @brief Set/Get m_TimeStep which defines together with m_Slice the 2D geometry
       //## stored in m_WorldTimeGeometry used as m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry
       //## \sa m_TimeStep
       virtual void SetTimeStep(unsigned int timeStep);
     itkGetConstMacro(TimeStep, unsigned int);
       //## @brief Get the time-step of a BaseData object which
       //## exists at the time of the currently displayed content
       //## Returns -1 or mitk::BaseData::m_TimeSteps if there
       //## is no data at the current time.
       //## \sa GetTimeStep, m_TimeStep
       int GetTimeStep(const BaseData *data) const;
     //## @brief Get the time in ms of the currently displayed content
     //## \sa GetTimeStep, m_TimeStep
     ScalarType GetTime() const;
     //## @brief SetWorldGeometry is called according to the geometrySliceEvent,
     //## which is supposed to be a SliceNavigationController::GeometrySendEvent
     virtual void SetGeometry(const itk::EventObject &geometrySliceEvent);
     //## @brief UpdateWorldGeometry is called to re-read the 2D geometry from the
     //## slice navigation controller
     virtual void UpdateGeometry(const itk::EventObject &geometrySliceEvent);
     //## @brief SetSlice is called according to the geometrySliceEvent,
     //## which is supposed to be a SliceNavigationController::GeometrySliceEvent
     virtual void SetGeometrySlice(const itk::EventObject &geometrySliceEvent);
     //## @brief SetTimeStep is called according to the geometrySliceEvent,
     //## which is supposed to be a SliceNavigationController::GeometryTimeEvent
     virtual void SetGeometryTime(const itk::EventObject &geometryTimeEvent);
     //## @brief Get a DataNode pointing to a data object containing the current 2D-worldgeometry
     // m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry (for 2D rendering)
     itkGetObjectMacro(CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode, DataNode)
       * \deprecatedSince{2014_10} Please use GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode
       DEPRECATED(DataNode *GetCurrentWorldGeometry2DNode())
       return GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode();
     //## @brief Sets timestamp of CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry and forces so reslicing in that renderwindow
     void SendUpdateSlice();
     //## @brief Get timestamp of last call of SetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry
     unsigned long GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometryUpdateTime() { return m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryUpdateTime; }
     * \deprecatedSince{2014_10} Please use GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometryUpdateTime
     DEPRECATED(unsigned long GetCurrentWorldGeometry2DUpdateTime())
       return GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometryUpdateTime();
     //## @brief Get timestamp of last change of current TimeStep
     unsigned long GetTimeStepUpdateTime() { return m_TimeStepUpdateTime; }
     //## @brief Perform a picking: find the x,y,z world coordinate of a
     //## display x,y coordinate.
     //## @warning Has to be overwritten in subclasses for the 3D-case.
     //## Implemented here only for 2D-rendering
     virtual void PickWorldPoint(const Point2D &diplayPosition, Point3D &worldPosition) const = 0;
     /** \brief Determines the object (mitk::DataNode) closest to the current
     * position by means of picking
     * \warning Implementation currently empty for 2D rendering; intended to be
     * implemented for 3D renderers */
     virtual DataNode *PickObject(const Point2D & /*displayPosition*/, Point3D & /*worldPosition*/) const
       return nullptr;
     //## @brief Get the MapperSlotId to use.
     itkGetMacro(MapperID, MapperSlotId);
     itkGetConstMacro(MapperID, MapperSlotId);
       //## @brief Set the MapperSlotId to use.
-      itkSetMacro(MapperID, MapperSlotId);
+      virtual void SetMapperID(MapperSlotId id);
         virtual int *GetSize() const;
     virtual int *GetViewportSize() const;
     void SetSliceNavigationController(SliceNavigationController *SlicenavigationController);
     itkGetObjectMacro(CameraController, CameraController);
     itkGetObjectMacro(SliceNavigationController, SliceNavigationController);
     itkGetObjectMacro(CameraRotationController, CameraRotationController);
     itkGetMacro(EmptyWorldGeometry, bool);
       //## @brief Tells if the displayed region is shifted and rescaled if the render window is resized.
       itkGetMacro(KeepDisplayedRegion, bool)
       //## @brief Tells if the displayed region should be shifted and rescaled if the render window is resized.
       itkSetMacro(KeepDisplayedRegion, bool);
       //## @brief get the name of the Renderer
       //## @note
       const char *GetName() const
       return m_Name.c_str();
     //## @brief get the x_size of the RendererWindow
     //## @note
     int GetSizeX() const { return GetSize()[0]; }
     //## @brief get the y_size of the RendererWindow
     //## @note
     int GetSizeY() const { return GetSize()[1]; }
     const double *GetBounds() const;
     void RequestUpdate();
     void ForceImmediateUpdate();
     /** Returns number of mappers which are visible and have level-of-detail
     * rendering enabled */
     unsigned int GetNumberOfVisibleLODEnabledMappers() const;
     //## @brief This method converts a display point to the 3D world index
     //## using the geometry of the renderWindow.
     void DisplayToWorld(const Point2D &displayPoint, Point3D &worldIndex) const;
     //## @brief This method converts a display point to the 2D world index, mapped onto the display plane
     //## using the geometry of the renderWindow.
     void DisplayToPlane(const Point2D &displayPoint, Point2D &planePointInMM) const;
     //## @brief This method converts a 3D world index to the display point
     //## using the geometry of the renderWindow.
     void WorldToDisplay(const Point3D &worldIndex, Point2D &displayPoint) const;
     //## @brief This method converts a 3D world index to the point on the viewport
     //## using the geometry of the renderWindow.
     void WorldToView(const Point3D &worldIndex, Point2D &viewPoint) const;
     //## @brief This method converts a 2D plane coordinate to the display point
     //## using the geometry of the renderWindow.
     void PlaneToDisplay(const Point2D &planePointInMM, Point2D &displayPoint) const;
     //## @brief This method converts a 2D plane coordinate to the point on the viewport
     //## using the geometry of the renderWindow.
     void PlaneToView(const Point2D &planePointInMM, Point2D &viewPoint) const;
     double GetScaleFactorMMPerDisplayUnit() const;
     Point2D GetDisplaySizeInMM() const;
     Point2D GetViewportSizeInMM() const;
     Point2D GetOriginInMM() const;
     itkGetConstMacro(ConstrainZoomingAndPanning, bool) virtual void SetConstrainZoomingAndPanning(bool constrain);
     * \brief Provides (1) world coordinates for a given mouse position and (2)
     * translates mousePosition to Display coordinates
     * \deprecated Map2DRendererPositionTo3DWorldPosition is deprecated. Please use DisplayToWorld instead.
     DEPRECATED(virtual Point3D Map2DRendererPositionTo3DWorldPosition(const Point2D &mousePosition) const);
     ~BaseRenderer() override;
     //## @brief Call update of all mappers. To be implemented in subclasses.
     virtual void Update() = 0;
     vtkRenderWindow *m_RenderWindow;
     vtkRenderer *m_VtkRenderer;
     //## @brief MapperSlotId to use. Defines which kind of mapper (e.g., 2D or 3D) shoud be used.
     MapperSlotId m_MapperID;
     //## @brief The DataStorage that is used for rendering.
     DataStorage::Pointer m_DataStorage;
     //## @brief Timestamp of last call of Update().
     unsigned long m_LastUpdateTime;
     //## @brief CameraController for 3D rendering
     //## @note preliminary.
     itk::SmartPointer<CameraController> m_CameraController;
     SliceNavigationController::Pointer m_SliceNavigationController;
     CameraRotationController::Pointer m_CameraRotationController;
     //## @brief Sets m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry
     virtual void SetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry(const PlaneGeometry *geometry2d);
     * \deprecatedSince{2014_10} Please use SetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry
     DEPRECATED(void SetCurrentWorldGeometry2D(PlaneGeometry *geometry2d)) { SetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry(geometry2d); };
     //## @brief Sets m_CurrentWorldGeometry
     virtual void SetCurrentWorldGeometry(const BaseGeometry *geometry);
     //## m_WorldTimeGeometry is set by SetWorldGeometry if the passed BaseGeometry is a
     //## TimeGeometry (or a sub-class of it). If it contains instances of SlicedGeometry3D,
     //## m_Slice and m_TimeStep (set via SetSlice and SetTimeStep, respectively) define
     //## which 2D geometry stored in m_WorldTimeGeometry (if available)
     //## is used as m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry.
     //## \sa m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry
     TimeGeometry::ConstPointer m_WorldTimeGeometry;
     //## Pointer to the current 3D-worldgeometry.
     BaseGeometry::ConstPointer m_CurrentWorldGeometry;
     //## Pointer to the current 2D-worldgeometry. The 2D-worldgeometry
     //## describes the maximal area (2D manifold) to be rendered in case we
     //## are doing 2D-rendering.
     //## It is const, since we are not allowed to change it (it may be taken
     //## directly from the geometry of an image-slice and thus it would be
     //## very strange when suddenly the image-slice changes its geometry).
     PlaneGeometry::Pointer m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry;
     //## Defines together with m_Slice which 2D geometry stored in m_WorldTimeGeometry
     //## is used as m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry: m_WorldTimeGeometry->GetPlaneGeometry(m_Slice, m_TimeStep).
     //## \sa m_WorldTimeGeometry
     unsigned int m_Slice;
     //## Defines together with m_TimeStep which 2D geometry stored in m_WorldTimeGeometry
     //## is used as m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry: m_WorldTimeGeometry->GetPlaneGeometry(m_Slice, m_TimeStep).
     //## \sa m_WorldTimeGeometry
     unsigned int m_TimeStep;
     //## @brief timestamp of last call of SetWorldGeometry
     itk::TimeStamp m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryUpdateTime;
     //## @brief timestamp of last change of the current time step
     itk::TimeStamp m_TimeStepUpdateTime;
     //## @brief Helper class which establishes connection between Interactors and Dispatcher via a common DataStorage.
     BindDispatcherInteractor *m_BindDispatcherInteractor;
     //## @brief Tells if the displayed region should be shifted or rescaled if the render window is resized.
     bool m_KeepDisplayedRegion;
     void PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, itk::Indent indent) const override;
     //## Data object containing the m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry defined above.
     PlaneGeometryData::Pointer m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryData;
     //## DataNode objects containing the m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryData defined above.
     DataNode::Pointer m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode;
     //## @brief test only
     unsigned long m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryTransformTime;
     std::string m_Name;
     double m_Bounds[6];
     bool m_EmptyWorldGeometry;
     typedef std::set<Mapper *> LODEnabledMappersType;
     /** Number of mappers which are visible and have level-of-detail
     * rendering enabled */
     unsigned int m_NumberOfVisibleLODEnabledMappers;
     // Local Storage Handling for mappers
     std::list<mitk::BaseLocalStorageHandler *> m_RegisteredLocalStorageHandlers;
     bool m_ConstrainZoomingAndPanning;
     void RemoveAllLocalStorages();
     void RegisterLocalStorageHandler(mitk::BaseLocalStorageHandler *lsh);
     void UnregisterLocalStorageHandler(mitk::BaseLocalStorageHandler *lsh);
 } // namespace mitk
diff --git a/Modules/Core/src/Rendering/mitkBaseRenderer.cpp b/Modules/Core/src/Rendering/mitkBaseRenderer.cpp
index cdb8d2c0a3..ee62b659cd 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/src/Rendering/mitkBaseRenderer.cpp
+++ b/Modules/Core/src/Rendering/mitkBaseRenderer.cpp
@@ -1,775 +1,784 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "mitkBaseRenderer.h"
 #include "mitkMapper.h"
 #include "mitkResliceMethodProperty.h"
 // Geometries
 #include "mitkPlaneGeometry.h"
 #include "mitkSlicedGeometry3D.h"
 // Controllers
 #include "mitkCameraController.h"
 #include "mitkCameraRotationController.h"
 #include "mitkSliceNavigationController.h"
 #include "mitkVtkLayerController.h"
 #include "mitkInteractionConst.h"
 #include "mitkProperties.h"
 #include "mitkWeakPointerProperty.h"
 // VTK
 #include <vtkCamera.h>
 #include <vtkLinearTransform.h>
 #include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
 #include <vtkRenderer.h>
 #include <vtkActor.h>
 #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h>
 #include <vtkProperty.h>
 mitk::BaseRenderer::BaseRendererMapType mitk::BaseRenderer::baseRendererMap;
 mitk::BaseRenderer *mitk::BaseRenderer::GetInstance(vtkRenderWindow *renWin)
   for (auto mapit = baseRendererMap.begin(); mapit != baseRendererMap.end(); ++mapit)
     if ((*mapit).first == renWin)
       return (*mapit).second;
   return nullptr;
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::AddInstance(vtkRenderWindow *renWin, BaseRenderer *baseRenderer)
   if (renWin == nullptr || baseRenderer == nullptr)
   // ensure that no BaseRenderer is managed twice
   baseRendererMap.insert(BaseRendererMapType::value_type(renWin, baseRenderer));
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::RemoveInstance(vtkRenderWindow *renWin)
   auto mapit = baseRendererMap.find(renWin);
   if (mapit != baseRendererMap.end())
 mitk::BaseRenderer *mitk::BaseRenderer::GetByName(const std::string &name)
   for (auto mapit = baseRendererMap.begin(); mapit != baseRendererMap.end(); ++mapit)
     if ((*mapit).second->m_Name == name)
       return (*mapit).second;
   return nullptr;
 vtkRenderWindow *mitk::BaseRenderer::GetRenderWindowByName(const std::string &name)
   for (auto mapit = baseRendererMap.begin(); mapit != baseRendererMap.end(); ++mapit)
     if ((*mapit).second->m_Name == name)
       return (*mapit).first;
   return nullptr;
 mitk::BaseRenderer::BaseRenderer(const char *name,
                                  vtkRenderWindow *renWin)
   : m_RenderWindow(nullptr),
   m_Bounds[0] = 0;
   m_Bounds[1] = 0;
   m_Bounds[2] = 0;
   m_Bounds[3] = 0;
   m_Bounds[4] = 0;
   m_Bounds[5] = 0;
   if (name != nullptr)
     m_Name = name;
     m_Name = "unnamed renderer";
     itkWarningMacro(<< "Created unnamed renderer. Bad for serialization. Please choose a name.");
   if (renWin != nullptr)
     m_RenderWindow = renWin;
     itkWarningMacro(<< "Created mitkBaseRenderer without vtkRenderWindow present.");
   // instances.insert( this );
   // adding this BaseRenderer to the List of all BaseRenderer
   m_BindDispatcherInteractor = new mitk::BindDispatcherInteractor(GetName());
   WeakPointerProperty::Pointer rendererProp = WeakPointerProperty::New((itk::Object *)this);
   m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry = mitk::PlaneGeometry::New();
   m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryData = mitk::PlaneGeometryData::New();
   m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode = mitk::DataNode::New();
   m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode->GetPropertyList()->SetProperty("renderer", rendererProp);
   m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode->GetPropertyList()->SetProperty("layer", IntProperty::New(1000));
   m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode->SetProperty("reslice.thickslices", mitk::ResliceMethodProperty::New());
   m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode->SetProperty("reslice.thickslices.num", mitk::IntProperty::New(1));
   m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryTransformTime = m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryNode->GetVtkTransform()->GetMTime();
   mitk::SliceNavigationController::Pointer sliceNavigationController = mitk::SliceNavigationController::New();
   sliceNavigationController->ConnectGeometryTimeEvent(this, false);
   m_SliceNavigationController = sliceNavigationController;
   m_CameraRotationController = mitk::CameraRotationController::New();
   m_CameraController = mitk::CameraController::New();
   m_VtkRenderer = vtkRenderer::New();
-  m_VtkRenderer->UseDepthPeelingOn();
-  m_VtkRenderer->UseDepthPeelingForVolumesOn();
-  m_VtkRenderer->SetMaximumNumberOfPeels(16); // This could be made adjustable in the Preferences
-  m_VtkRenderer->SetOcclusionRatio(0.0);
+  m_VtkRenderer->SetMaximumNumberOfPeels(16);
   if (AntiAliasing::FastApproximate == RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetAntiAliasing())
   if (nullptr == mitk::VtkLayerController::GetInstance(m_RenderWindow))
     mitk::VtkLayerController::AddInstance(m_RenderWindow, m_VtkRenderer);
   if (m_VtkRenderer != nullptr)
     m_VtkRenderer = nullptr;
   if (m_CameraController.IsNotNull())
   m_DataStorage = nullptr;
   if (m_BindDispatcherInteractor != nullptr)
     delete m_BindDispatcherInteractor;
   if (m_RenderWindow != nullptr)
     m_RenderWindow = nullptr;
+void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetMapperID(MapperSlotId id)
+  if (m_MapperID != id)
+  {
+    bool useDepthPeeling = Standard3D == id;
+    m_VtkRenderer->SetUseDepthPeeling(useDepthPeeling);
+    m_VtkRenderer->SetUseDepthPeelingForVolumes(useDepthPeeling);
+    m_MapperID = id;
+    this->Modified();
+  }
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::RemoveAllLocalStorages()
   std::list<mitk::BaseLocalStorageHandler *>::iterator it;
   for (it = m_RegisteredLocalStorageHandlers.begin(); it != m_RegisteredLocalStorageHandlers.end(); ++it)
     (*it)->ClearLocalStorage(this, false);
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::RegisterLocalStorageHandler(mitk::BaseLocalStorageHandler *lsh)
 mitk::Dispatcher::Pointer mitk::BaseRenderer::GetDispatcher() const
   return m_BindDispatcherInteractor->GetDispatcher();
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::UnregisterLocalStorageHandler(mitk::BaseLocalStorageHandler *lsh)
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetDataStorage(DataStorage *storage)
   if (storage != m_DataStorage && storage != nullptr)
     m_DataStorage = storage;
 const mitk::BaseRenderer::MapperSlotId mitk::BaseRenderer::defaultMapper = 1;
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::Paint()
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::Initialize()
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::Resize(int w, int h)
   this->m_RenderWindow->SetSize(w, h);
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::InitRenderer(vtkRenderWindow *renderwindow)
   if (m_RenderWindow != renderwindow)
     if (m_RenderWindow != nullptr)
     m_RenderWindow = renderwindow;
     if (m_RenderWindow != nullptr)
   if (m_CameraController.IsNotNull())
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::InitSize(int w, int h)
   this->m_RenderWindow->SetSize(w, h);
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetSlice(unsigned int slice)
   if (m_Slice != slice)
     m_Slice = slice;
     if (m_WorldTimeGeometry.IsNotNull())
       // get world geometry which may be rotated, for the current time step
       SlicedGeometry3D *slicedWorldGeometry =
         dynamic_cast<SlicedGeometry3D *>(m_WorldTimeGeometry->GetGeometryForTimeStep(m_TimeStep).GetPointer());
       if (slicedWorldGeometry != nullptr)
         // if slice position is part of the world geometry...
         if (m_Slice >= slicedWorldGeometry->GetSlices())
           // set the current worldplanegeomety as the selected 2D slice of the world geometry
           m_Slice = slicedWorldGeometry->GetSlices() - 1;
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetTimeStep(unsigned int timeStep)
   if (m_TimeStep != timeStep)
     m_TimeStep = timeStep;
     if (m_WorldTimeGeometry.IsNotNull())
       if (m_TimeStep >= m_WorldTimeGeometry->CountTimeSteps())
         m_TimeStep = m_WorldTimeGeometry->CountTimeSteps() - 1;
       SlicedGeometry3D *slicedWorldGeometry =
         dynamic_cast<SlicedGeometry3D *>(m_WorldTimeGeometry->GetGeometryForTimeStep(m_TimeStep).GetPointer());
       if (slicedWorldGeometry != nullptr)
 int mitk::BaseRenderer::GetTimeStep(const mitk::BaseData *data) const
   if ((data == nullptr) || (data->IsInitialized() == false))
     return -1;
   return data->GetTimeGeometry()->TimePointToTimeStep(GetTime());
 mitk::ScalarType mitk::BaseRenderer::GetTime() const
   if (m_WorldTimeGeometry.IsNull())
     return 0;
     ScalarType timeInMS = m_WorldTimeGeometry->TimeStepToTimePoint(GetTimeStep());
     if (timeInMS == itk::NumericTraits<mitk::ScalarType>::NonpositiveMin())
       return 0;
       return timeInMS;
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetWorldTimeGeometry(const mitk::TimeGeometry *geometry)
   assert(geometry != nullptr);
   itkDebugMacro("setting WorldTimeGeometry to " << geometry);
   if (m_WorldTimeGeometry != geometry)
     if (geometry->GetBoundingBoxInWorld()->GetDiagonalLength2() == 0)
     m_WorldTimeGeometry = geometry;
     itkDebugMacro("setting WorldTimeGeometry to " << m_WorldTimeGeometry);
     if (m_TimeStep >= m_WorldTimeGeometry->CountTimeSteps())
       m_TimeStep = m_WorldTimeGeometry->CountTimeSteps() - 1;
     BaseGeometry *geometry3d;
     geometry3d = m_WorldTimeGeometry->GetGeometryForTimeStep(m_TimeStep);
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetWorldGeometry3D(const mitk::BaseGeometry *geometry)
   itkDebugMacro("setting WorldGeometry3D to " << geometry);
   if (geometry->GetBoundingBox()->GetDiagonalLength2() == 0)
   const SlicedGeometry3D *slicedWorldGeometry;
   slicedWorldGeometry = dynamic_cast<const SlicedGeometry3D *>(geometry);
   PlaneGeometry::ConstPointer geometry2d;
   if (slicedWorldGeometry != nullptr)
     if (m_Slice >= slicedWorldGeometry->GetSlices() && (m_Slice != 0))
       m_Slice = slicedWorldGeometry->GetSlices() - 1;
     geometry2d = slicedWorldGeometry->GetPlaneGeometry(m_Slice);
     if (geometry2d.IsNull())
       PlaneGeometry::Pointer plane = mitk::PlaneGeometry::New();
       geometry2d = plane;
     geometry2d = dynamic_cast<const PlaneGeometry *>(geometry);
     if (geometry2d.IsNull())
       PlaneGeometry::Pointer plane = PlaneGeometry::New();
       geometry2d = plane;
   SetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry(geometry2d); // calls Modified()
   if (m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry.IsNull())
     itkWarningMacro("m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry is nullptr");
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry(const mitk::PlaneGeometry *geometry2d)
   if (m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry != geometry2d)
     m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry = geometry2d->Clone();
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SendUpdateSlice()
 int *mitk::BaseRenderer::GetSize() const
   return this->m_RenderWindow->GetSize();
 int *mitk::BaseRenderer::GetViewportSize() const
   return this->m_VtkRenderer->GetSize();
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetCurrentWorldGeometry(const mitk::BaseGeometry *geometry)
   m_CurrentWorldGeometry = geometry;
   if (geometry == nullptr)
     m_Bounds[0] = 0;
     m_Bounds[1] = 0;
     m_Bounds[2] = 0;
     m_Bounds[3] = 0;
     m_Bounds[4] = 0;
     m_Bounds[5] = 0;
     m_EmptyWorldGeometry = true;
   BoundingBox::Pointer boundingBox = m_CurrentWorldGeometry->CalculateBoundingBoxRelativeToTransform(nullptr);
   const BoundingBox::BoundsArrayType &worldBounds = boundingBox->GetBounds();
   m_Bounds[0] = worldBounds[0];
   m_Bounds[1] = worldBounds[1];
   m_Bounds[2] = worldBounds[2];
   m_Bounds[3] = worldBounds[3];
   m_Bounds[4] = worldBounds[4];
   m_Bounds[5] = worldBounds[5];
   if (boundingBox->GetDiagonalLength2() <= mitk::eps)
     m_EmptyWorldGeometry = true;
     m_EmptyWorldGeometry = false;
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetGeometry(const itk::EventObject &geometrySendEvent)
   const auto *sendEvent =
     dynamic_cast<const SliceNavigationController::GeometrySendEvent *>(&geometrySendEvent);
   assert(sendEvent != nullptr);
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::UpdateGeometry(const itk::EventObject &geometryUpdateEvent)
   const auto *updateEvent =
     dynamic_cast<const SliceNavigationController::GeometryUpdateEvent *>(&geometryUpdateEvent);
   if (updateEvent == nullptr)
   if (m_CurrentWorldGeometry.IsNotNull())
     auto *slicedWorldGeometry = dynamic_cast<const SlicedGeometry3D *>(m_CurrentWorldGeometry.GetPointer());
     if (slicedWorldGeometry)
       PlaneGeometry *geometry2D = slicedWorldGeometry->GetPlaneGeometry(m_Slice);
       SetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry(geometry2D); // calls Modified()
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetGeometrySlice(const itk::EventObject &geometrySliceEvent)
   const auto *sliceEvent =
     dynamic_cast<const SliceNavigationController::GeometrySliceEvent *>(&geometrySliceEvent);
   assert(sliceEvent != nullptr);
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetGeometryTime(const itk::EventObject &geometryTimeEvent)
   const auto *timeEvent =
     dynamic_cast<const SliceNavigationController::GeometryTimeEvent *>(&geometryTimeEvent);
   assert(timeEvent != nullptr);
 const double *mitk::BaseRenderer::GetBounds() const
   return m_Bounds;
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::DrawOverlayMouse(mitk::Point2D &itkNotUsed(p2d))
   MITK_INFO << "BaseRenderer::DrawOverlayMouse()- should be inconcret implementation OpenGLRenderer." << std::endl;
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::RequestUpdate()
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::ForceImmediateUpdate()
 unsigned int mitk::BaseRenderer::GetNumberOfVisibleLODEnabledMappers() const
   return m_NumberOfVisibleLODEnabledMappers;
  Sets the new Navigation controller
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetSliceNavigationController(mitk::SliceNavigationController *SlicenavigationController)
   if (SlicenavigationController == nullptr)
   // copy worldgeometry
   // set new
   m_SliceNavigationController = SlicenavigationController;
   if (m_SliceNavigationController.IsNotNull())
     m_SliceNavigationController->ConnectGeometryTimeEvent(this, false);
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::DisplayToWorld(const Point2D &displayPoint, Point3D &worldIndex) const
   if (m_MapperID == BaseRenderer::Standard2D)
     double display[3], *world;
     // For the rigth z-position in display coordinates, take the focal point, convert it to display and use it for
     // correct depth.
     double *displayCoord;
     double cameraFP[4];
     // Get camera focal point and position. Convert to display (screen)
     // coordinates. We need a depth value for z-buffer.
     cameraFP[3] = 0.0;
     this->GetVtkRenderer()->SetWorldPoint(cameraFP[0], cameraFP[1], cameraFP[2], cameraFP[3]);
     displayCoord = this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetDisplayPoint();
     // now convert the display point to world coordinates
     display[0] = displayPoint[0];
     display[1] = displayPoint[1];
     display[2] = displayCoord[2];
     world = this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetWorldPoint();
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
       worldIndex[i] = world[i] / world[3];
   else if (m_MapperID == BaseRenderer::Standard3D)
       worldIndex); // Seems to be the same code as above, but subclasses may contain different implementations.
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::DisplayToPlane(const Point2D &displayPoint, Point2D &planePointInMM) const
   if (m_MapperID == BaseRenderer::Standard2D)
     Point3D worldPoint;
     this->DisplayToWorld(displayPoint, worldPoint);
     this->m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->Map(worldPoint, planePointInMM);
   else if (m_MapperID == BaseRenderer::Standard3D)
     MITK_WARN << "No conversion possible with 3D mapper.";
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::WorldToDisplay(const Point3D &worldIndex, Point2D &displayPoint) const
   double world[4], *display;
   world[0] = worldIndex[0];
   world[1] = worldIndex[1];
   world[2] = worldIndex[2];
   world[3] = 1.0;
   display = this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetDisplayPoint();
   displayPoint[0] = display[0];
   displayPoint[1] = display[1];
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::WorldToView(const mitk::Point3D &worldIndex, mitk::Point2D &viewPoint) const
   double world[4], *view;
   world[0] = worldIndex[0];
   world[1] = worldIndex[1];
   world[2] = worldIndex[2];
   world[3] = 1.0;
   view = this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetViewPoint();
   this->GetVtkRenderer()->ViewToNormalizedViewport(view[0], view[1], view[2]);
   viewPoint[0] = view[0] * this->GetViewportSize()[0];
   viewPoint[1] = view[1] * this->GetViewportSize()[1];
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::PlaneToDisplay(const Point2D &planePointInMM, Point2D &displayPoint) const
   Point3D worldPoint;
   this->m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->Map(planePointInMM, worldPoint);
   this->WorldToDisplay(worldPoint, displayPoint);
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::PlaneToView(const Point2D &planePointInMM, Point2D &viewPoint) const
   Point3D worldPoint;
   this->m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->Map(planePointInMM, worldPoint);
 double mitk::BaseRenderer::GetScaleFactorMMPerDisplayUnit() const
   if (this->GetMapperID() == BaseRenderer::Standard2D)
     // GetParallelScale returns half of the height of the render window in mm.
     // Divided by the half size of the Display size in pixel givest the mm per pixel.
     return this->GetVtkRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetParallelScale() * 2.0 / GetViewportSize()[1];
     return 1.0;
 mitk::Point2D mitk::BaseRenderer::GetDisplaySizeInMM() const
   Point2D dispSizeInMM;
   dispSizeInMM[0] = GetSizeX() * GetScaleFactorMMPerDisplayUnit();
   dispSizeInMM[1] = GetSizeY() * GetScaleFactorMMPerDisplayUnit();
   return dispSizeInMM;
 mitk::Point2D mitk::BaseRenderer::GetViewportSizeInMM() const
   Point2D dispSizeInMM;
   dispSizeInMM[0] = GetViewportSize()[0] * GetScaleFactorMMPerDisplayUnit();
   dispSizeInMM[1] = GetViewportSize()[1] * GetScaleFactorMMPerDisplayUnit();
   return dispSizeInMM;
 mitk::Point2D mitk::BaseRenderer::GetOriginInMM() const
   Point2D originPx;
   originPx[0] = m_VtkRenderer->GetOrigin()[0];
   originPx[1] = m_VtkRenderer->GetOrigin()[1];
   Point2D displayGeometryOriginInMM;
   DisplayToPlane(originPx, displayGeometryOriginInMM); // top left of the render window (Origin)
   return displayGeometryOriginInMM;
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::SetConstrainZoomingAndPanning(bool constrain)
   m_ConstrainZoomingAndPanning = constrain;
   if (m_ConstrainZoomingAndPanning)
 mitk::Point3D mitk::BaseRenderer::Map2DRendererPositionTo3DWorldPosition(const Point2D &mousePosition) const
   // DEPRECATED: Map2DRendererPositionTo3DWorldPosition is deprecated. use DisplayToWorldInstead
   Point3D position;
   DisplayToWorld(mousePosition, position);
   return position;
 void mitk::BaseRenderer::PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, itk::Indent indent) const
   os << indent << " MapperID: " << m_MapperID << std::endl;
   os << indent << " Slice: " << m_Slice << std::endl;
   os << indent << " TimeStep: " << m_TimeStep << std::endl;
   os << indent << " CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry: ";
   if (m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry.IsNull())
     os << "nullptr" << std::endl;
     m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->Print(os, indent);
   os << indent << " CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryUpdateTime: " << m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryUpdateTime << std::endl;
   os << indent << " CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryTransformTime: " << m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometryTransformTime << std::endl;
   Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);