diff --git a/Plugins/org.blueberry.ui.qt/src/guitk/berryGuiTkISelectionListener.h b/Plugins/org.blueberry.ui.qt/src/guitk/berryGuiTkISelectionListener.h
index 6551464f45..0d2aac5927 100755
--- a/Plugins/org.blueberry.ui.qt/src/guitk/berryGuiTkISelectionListener.h
+++ b/Plugins/org.blueberry.ui.qt/src/guitk/berryGuiTkISelectionListener.h
@@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #include <berryMacros.h>
 #include <berryMessage.h>
 #include "berryGuiTkSelectionEvent.h"
 namespace berry
 namespace GuiTk
  * Classes which implement this interface provide methods
  * that deal with the events that are generated when selection
  * occurs in a control.
  * <p>
  * After creating an instance of a class that implements
  * this interface it can be added to a control using the
  * <code>addSelectionListener</code> method and removed using
  * the <code>removeSelectionListener</code> method. When
  * selection occurs in a control the appropriate method
  * will be invoked.
  * </p>
  * @see SelectionAdapter
  * @see SelectionEvent
 struct BERRY_UI_QT ISelectionListener: public virtual Object
   struct BERRY_UI_QT Events {
     typedef Message1<SelectionEvent::Pointer> EventType;
     EventType selected;
     EventType defaultSelected;
     void AddListener(ISelectionListener::Pointer listener);
     void RemoveListener(ISelectionListener::Pointer listener);
     typedef MessageDelegate1<ISelectionListener, SelectionEvent::Pointer> Delegate;
   ~ISelectionListener() override;
    * Sent when selection occurs in the control.
    * <p>
    * For example, selection occurs in a List when the user selects
    * an item or items with the keyboard or mouse.  On some platforms,
    * the event occurs when a mouse button or key is pressed.  On others,
    * it happens when the mouse or key is released.  The exact key or
    * mouse gesture that causes this event is platform specific.
    * </p>
    * @param e an event containing information about the selection
   virtual void WidgetSelected(SelectionEvent::Pointer e);
    * Sent when default selection occurs in the control.
    * <p>
    * For example, on some platforms default selection occurs in a List
    * when the user double-clicks an item or types return in a Text.
    * On some platforms, the event occurs when a mouse button or key is
    * pressed.  On others, it happens when the mouse or key is released.
    * The exact key or mouse gesture that causes this event is platform
    * specific.
    * </p>
    * @param e an event containing information about the default selection
-  virtual void WidgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent::Pointer e)
+  virtual void WidgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent::Pointer e);