diff --git a/Modules/DICOMTesting/mitkTestDICOMLoading.cpp b/Modules/DICOMTesting/mitkTestDICOMLoading.cpp index 87ea982f03..9a9a68bb59 100644 --- a/Modules/DICOMTesting/mitkTestDICOMLoading.cpp +++ b/Modules/DICOMTesting/mitkTestDICOMLoading.cpp @@ -1,490 +1,491 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ //#define MBILOG_ENABLE_DEBUG #include "mitkTestDICOMLoading.h" #include mitk::TestDICOMLoading::TestDICOMLoading() :m_PreviousCLocale(NULL) { } void mitk::TestDICOMLoading::SetDefaultLocale() { // remember old locale only once if (m_PreviousCLocale == NULL) { m_PreviousCLocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL); // set to "C" setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); m_PreviousCppLocale = std::cin.getloc(); std::locale l( "C" ); std::cin.imbue(l); std::cout.imbue(l); } } void mitk::TestDICOMLoading::ResetUserLocale() { if (m_PreviousCLocale) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, m_PreviousCLocale); std::cin.imbue(m_PreviousCppLocale); std::cout.imbue(m_PreviousCppLocale); m_PreviousCLocale = NULL; } } mitk::TestDICOMLoading::ImageList mitk::TestDICOMLoading ::LoadFiles( const StringList& files ) { for (StringList::const_iterator iter = files.begin(); iter != files.end(); ++iter) { MITK_DEBUG << "File " << *iter; } ImageList result; ClassicDICOMSeriesReader::Pointer reader = this->BuildDICOMReader(); reader->SetInputFiles( files ); reader->AnalyzeInputFiles(); reader->PrintOutputs(std::cout,true); reader->LoadImages(); unsigned int numberOfImages = reader->GetNumberOfOutputs(); for (unsigned imageIndex = 0; imageIndex < numberOfImages; ++imageIndex) { const DICOMImageBlockDescriptor& block = reader->GetOutput(imageIndex); result.push_back( block.GetMitkImage() ); } return result; } mitk::ClassicDICOMSeriesReader::Pointer mitk::TestDICOMLoading ::BuildDICOMReader() { ClassicDICOMSeriesReader::Pointer reader = ClassicDICOMSeriesReader::New(); reader->SetFixTiltByShearing(true); return reader; } mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::TestDICOMLoading ::DecorateVerifyCachedImage( const StringList& files, mitk::DICOMTagCache* tagCache, mitk::Image::Pointer cachedImage ) { DICOMImageBlockDescriptor block; DICOMImageFrameList framelist; for (StringList::const_iterator iter = files.begin(); iter != files.end(); ++iter) { framelist.push_back( DICOMImageFrameInfo::New(*iter) ); } block.SetImageFrameList( framelist ); block.SetTagCache( tagCache ); block.SetMitkImage( cachedImage ); // this should/will create a propertylist describing the image slices return block.GetMitkImage(); } mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::TestDICOMLoading ::DecorateVerifyCachedImage( const StringList& files, mitk::Image::Pointer cachedImage ) { ClassicDICOMSeriesReader::Pointer reader = this->BuildDICOMReader(); reader->SetInputFiles( files ); reader->AnalyzeInputFiles(); // This just creates a "tag cache and a nice DICOMImageBlockDescriptor. // Both of these could also be produced in a different way. The only // important thing is, that the DICOMImageBlockDescriptor knows a // tag-cache object when PropertyDecorateCachedMitkImageForImageBlockDescriptor // is called. if ( reader->GetNumberOfOutputs() != 1 ) { MITK_ERROR << "Reader produce " << reader->GetNumberOfOutputs() << " images instead of 1 expected.."; return NULL; } DICOMImageBlockDescriptor block = reader->GetOutput(0); // creates a block copy block.SetMitkImage( cachedImage ); // this should/will create a propertylist describing the image slices return block.GetMitkImage(); } std::string mitk::TestDICOMLoading::ComponentTypeToString(int type) { if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::UCHAR) return "UCHAR"; else if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::CHAR) return "CHAR"; else if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::USHORT) return "USHORT"; else if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::SHORT) return "SHORT"; else if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::UINT) return "UINT"; else if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::INT) return "INT"; else if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::ULONG) return "ULONG"; else if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::LONG) return "LONG"; else if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT) return "FLOAT"; else if (type == itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE) return "DOUBLE"; else return "UNKNOWN"; } // add a line to stringstream result (see DumpImageInformation #define DumpLine(field, data) DumpILine(0, field, data) // add an indented(!) line to stringstream result (see DumpImageInformation #define DumpILine(indent, field, data) \ { \ std::string DumpLine_INDENT; DumpLine_INDENT.resize(indent, ' ' ); \ result << DumpLine_INDENT << field << ": " << data << "\n"; \ } std::string mitk::TestDICOMLoading::DumpImageInformation( const Image* image ) { std::stringstream result; if (image == NULL) return result.str(); SetDefaultLocale(); // basic image data DumpLine( "Pixeltype", ComponentTypeToString(image->GetPixelType().GetComponentType()) ); DumpLine( "BitsPerPixel", image->GetPixelType().GetBpe() ); DumpLine( "Dimension", image->GetDimension() ); result << "Dimensions: "; for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < image->GetDimension(); ++dim) result << image->GetDimension(dim) << " "; result << "\n"; // geometry data result << "Geometry: \n"; Geometry3D* geometry = image->GetGeometry(); if (geometry) { AffineTransform3D* transform = geometry->GetIndexToWorldTransform(); if (transform) { result << " " << "Matrix: "; const AffineTransform3D::MatrixType& matrix = transform->GetMatrix(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) result << matrix[i][j] << " "; result << "\n"; result << " " << "Offset: "; const AffineTransform3D::OutputVectorType& offset = transform->GetOffset(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) result << offset[i] << " "; result << "\n"; result << " " << "Center: "; const AffineTransform3D::InputPointType& center = transform->GetCenter(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) result << center[i] << " "; result << "\n"; result << " " << "Translation: "; const AffineTransform3D::OutputVectorType& translation = transform->GetTranslation(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) result << translation[i] << " "; result << "\n"; result << " " << "Scale: "; const double* scale = transform->GetScale(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) result << scale[i] << " "; result << "\n"; result << " " << "Origin: "; const Point3D& origin = geometry->GetOrigin(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) result << origin[i] << " "; result << "\n"; result << " " << "Spacing: "; const Vector3D& spacing = geometry->GetSpacing(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) result << spacing[i] << " "; result << "\n"; result << " " << "TimeBounds: "; const TimeBounds timeBounds = geometry->GetTimeBounds(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) result << timeBounds[i] << " "; result << "\n"; } } ResetUserLocale(); return result.str(); } std::string mitk::TestDICOMLoading::trim(const std::string& pString, const std::string& pWhitespace) { const size_t beginStr = pString.find_first_not_of(pWhitespace); if (beginStr == std::string::npos) { // no content return ""; } const size_t endStr = pString.find_last_not_of(pWhitespace); const size_t range = endStr - beginStr + 1; return pString.substr(beginStr, range); } std::string mitk::TestDICOMLoading::reduce(const std::string& pString, const std::string& pFill, const std::string& pWhitespace) { // trim first std::string result(trim(pString, pWhitespace)); // replace sub ranges size_t beginSpace = result.find_first_of(pWhitespace); while (beginSpace != std::string::npos) { const size_t endSpace = result.find_first_not_of(pWhitespace, beginSpace); const size_t range = endSpace - beginSpace; result.replace(beginSpace, range, pFill); const size_t newStart = beginSpace + pFill.length(); beginSpace = result.find_first_of(pWhitespace, newStart); } return result; } bool mitk::TestDICOMLoading::CompareSpacedValueFields( const std::string& reference, const std::string& test, double /*eps*/ ) { bool result(true); // tokenize string, compare each token, if possible by float comparison std::stringstream referenceStream(reduce(reference)); std::stringstream testStream(reduce(test)); std::string refToken; std::string testToken; while ( std::getline( referenceStream, refToken, ' ' ) && std::getline ( testStream, testToken, ' ' ) ) { float refNumber; float testNumber; if ( this->StringToNumber(refToken, refNumber) ) { if ( this->StringToNumber(testToken, testNumber) ) { // print-out compared tokens if DEBUG output allowed MITK_DEBUG << "Reference Token '" << refToken << "'" << " value " << refNumber << ", test Token '" << testToken << "'" << " value " << testNumber; bool old_result = result; - result &= ( fabs(refNumber - testNumber) < mitk::eps ); + + result &= ( fabs(refNumber - testNumber) < 0.0001 /*mitk::eps*/ ); // log the token/number which causes the test to fail if( old_result != result) { MITK_ERROR << std::setprecision(16) << "Reference Token '" << refToken << "'" << " value " << refNumber << ", test Token '" << testToken << "'" << " value " << testNumber; MITK_ERROR << "[FALSE] - difference: " << std::setprecision(16) << fabs(refNumber - testNumber) << " EPS: " << mitk::eps; } } else { MITK_ERROR << refNumber << " cannot be compared to '" << testToken << "'"; } } else { MITK_DEBUG << "Token '" << refToken << "'" << " handled as string"; result &= refToken == testToken; } } if ( std::getline( referenceStream, refToken, ' ' ) ) { MITK_ERROR << "Reference string still had values when test string was already parsed: ref '" << reference << "', test '" << test << "'"; result = false; } else if ( std::getline( testStream, testToken, ' ' ) ) { MITK_ERROR << "Test string still had values when reference string was already parsed: ref '" << reference << "', test '" << test << "'"; result = false; } return result; } bool mitk::TestDICOMLoading::CompareImageInformationDumps( const std::string& referenceDump, const std::string& testDump ) { KeyValueMap reference = ParseDump(referenceDump); KeyValueMap test = ParseDump(testDump); bool testResult(true); // verify all expected values for (KeyValueMap::const_iterator refIter = reference.begin(); refIter != reference.end(); ++refIter) { const std::string& refKey = refIter->first; const std::string& refValue = refIter->second; if ( test.find(refKey) != test.end() ) { const std::string& testValue = test[refKey]; bool thisTestResult = CompareSpacedValueFields( refValue, testValue ); testResult &= thisTestResult; MITK_DEBUG << refKey << ": '" << refValue << "' == '" << testValue << "' ? " << (thisTestResult?"YES":"NO"); } else { MITK_ERROR << "Reference dump contains a key'" << refKey << "' (value '" << refValue << "')." ; MITK_ERROR << "This key is expected to be generated for tests (but was not). Most probably you need to update your test data."; return false; } } // now check test dump does not contain any additional keys for (KeyValueMap::const_iterator testIter = test.begin(); testIter != test.end(); ++testIter) { const std::string& key = testIter->first; const std::string& value = testIter->second; if ( reference.find(key) == reference.end() ) { MITK_ERROR << "Test dump contains an unexpected key'" << key << "' (value '" << value << "')." ; MITK_ERROR << "This key is not expected. Most probably you need to update your test data."; return false; } } return testResult; } mitk::TestDICOMLoading::KeyValueMap mitk::TestDICOMLoading::ParseDump( const std::string& dump ) { KeyValueMap parsedResult; std::string shredder(dump); std::stack surroundingKeys; std::stack expectedIndents; expectedIndents.push(0); while (true) { std::string::size_type newLinePos = shredder.find( '\n' ); if (newLinePos == std::string::npos || newLinePos == 0) break; std::string line = shredder.substr( 0, newLinePos ); shredder = shredder.erase( 0, newLinePos+1 ); std::string::size_type keyPosition = line.find_first_not_of( ' ' ); std::string::size_type colonPosition = line.find( ':' ); std::string key = line.substr(keyPosition, colonPosition - keyPosition); std::string::size_type firstSpacePosition = key.find_first_of(" "); if (firstSpacePosition != std::string::npos) { key.erase(firstSpacePosition); } if ( keyPosition > expectedIndents.top() ) { // more indent than before expectedIndents.push(keyPosition); } else if (keyPosition == expectedIndents.top() ) { if (!surroundingKeys.empty()) { surroundingKeys.pop(); // last of same length } } else { // less indent than before do expectedIndents.pop(); while (expectedIndents.top() != keyPosition); // unwind until current indent is found } if (!surroundingKeys.empty()) { key = surroundingKeys.top() + "." + key; // construct current key name } surroundingKeys.push(key); // this is the new embracing key std::string value = line.substr(colonPosition+1); MITK_DEBUG << " Key: '" << key << "' value '" << value << "'" ; parsedResult[key] = value; // store parsing result } return parsedResult; }