Diffusion MITK 8bb8ec27f399

attempt to add and compile extractImageStatistics miniapp


attempt to add and compile extractImageStatistics miniapp

added image statistics miniapp

same same

added hotspotMaskGenerator, planarFigureMaskGenerator and began working on multiLabelMaskGenerator

Merge branch 'bug-19609-platform-project-fabian' into bug-19609-platform-project-fabian-v2

did a lot of changes, creates imagestatisticscalculator_v2 (should be done now, but did not try to compile it yet - duh)

resolved all compile bugs in imageStatisticsCalculator2

imagestatisticsminiapp_v2 added. imageStatisticsCalculator_v2 has been tested for unmasked statistics, is still work in progress

new image statistics calculator now works. BUT histogram statistics must still be verified. HotspotCalculator is now also a MaskGenerator

renamed some files, histogram statistics always worked in imagestatisticscalculator_v2. It was the old imgstatcalc that messed up (hard coded nBins to 100 -.-')

everything should work. Also created MaskUtilities for mask sanity check and mask image region extraction.

added support for min and maxIndex; fixed a bug with planarfigure>MaskGenerator (when the image was 4d) and added a variety of other fixes and features

added 'ignore pixel value maskGenerator'

removed unnecessary image duplicator and caster. New itk images are now created properly (and more efficiently)

modified extendedstatisticsfilter of mitk so that they compute all required statistics multi-threaded. it compiles, but so far (due to time contraints) I could not check whether it is actually working. The changed behavior of the statistics...

...filters still has to be integrated into the imagestatisticscalculator_v2

save before swichting to new extended image statistics filters

new image statistics calculator is workinggit add --all

minor bug fixes (non existing labels in GetStatistics), reworked imagestatisticsminiapp_v2

successfully replaced old imageStatCalc with new one, now I need to make sure everything works as expected (ignore zero valued pixels are currently not working)

fixed non closed planarfigures, fixed ignore zero valued pixels (bug occured when no image mask was present and the option was enabled), fixed display of intensity profile statistics

fixed compatibility with non-ushort masks (to support old uchar masks); Also fixed bin size <-> nBins confusion in imgStatCalxcThread and ImgStatView; Fixed isues with histogramBinSizeSpinbox that led to unexpected behavior; added support for bin...

...size AND n bins settings in imagestatisticsCalculator and imageStatisticsCalculationThread

added support for modified times (all my classes are now aware if input objects (smart pointers) change)

added some documentation

fixed a bug that prevented planar figure statistics for non-xy planes (uppe left corner renderwindow in workbench) from working properly. Was more nasty then expected

added some tests, not finished yet

Added Module C3js including c3 and d3

added MitkC3js module to measurementtoolbox

changed QmitkHistogramJSWidget to QmitkC3jsWidget in QmitkImageStatisticsViewControls

Add empty HTML for initialization

code cleanup for QmitkC3jsWidget

Styling of the C3 generated chart. Lots of changes in one commit.

removed title from QmitkC3jsWidget.html

added tooltip to chart

disable context menu for m_WebengineView

Code cleanup. Moved QmitkC3Data to own header+source file. Removed unused functions, added some comments

Removed old implementation of histograms (QtWidgetsWeb and some classes from QtWidgetsExt)

added variable m_UseLineGraph to make sure the chart type does not switch when changing bin size

added binSize to Histogram and added ClearHistogram function to erase chart, if image is deselected

added possibility to switch histogram to dark_theme

fixed x-axis-tick error

code cleanup, added some comments

Added minimum size to JS-Chart and groupBox Histogram. This is the fix for Task T18720


Added functionality to plot statistics on figure. Added show/hide subchart toggle. minor refactoring.

Signed-off-by: Andre Klein <andre.klein@dkfz-heidelberg.de>

added imagestatistics calculator tests

fixed nan check in image statistics calculator test; fixed issue with planar figure mask AND ignore zero values pixels. The latter is a dirty fix. We need to do this properly...

fixed merge conflicts except for displayInteractor (cpp and hpp)

fixed remaining merge conflicts

resolved issues with build on windows

multiple fixes

Signed-off-by: Andre Klein <andre.klein@dkfz-heidelberg.de>

fixed merge conflicts

merged C3js

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/T19708-upgrade-histogram-to-c3js-and-qwebengine' into T19609-integration-branch2

fixed typos and variable names

Signed-off-by: Andre Klein <andre.klein@dkfz-heidelberg.de>

fixed some typos, fixed bug: if lineChart radiobutton is selected and the image is deselected and selected again, the chart now shows line chart.

Signed-off-by: Andre Klein <andre.klein@dkfz-heidelberg.de>

fixed bug: statistics not calculated for non-closed Planar Figure

removed y axis padding.... just doen't make sense

Signed-off-by: Andre Klein <andre.klein@dkfz-heidelberg.de>

uncomment code for calculating statistics for non-closed planar figure

Signed-off-by: Andre Klein <andre.klein@dkfz-heidelberg.de>

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/T19609-integration-branch2'

Test Plan: Manually and adapted unittest for ImageStatistics backend

Reviewers: O1 MITK Core, kislinsk

Reviewed By: O1 MITK Core, kislinsk

Subscribers: kislinsk

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.mitk.org/D23


kleinaAuthored on Nov 30 2016, 1:18 PM
kislinskCommitted on Dec 6 2016, 12:27 PM
kislinskPushed on Dec 6 2016, 12:49 PM
O1: MITK Reviewer Group I
Differential Revision
Restricted Differential Revision
rMITKc5b9d75a7660: Merge branch 'T20070-fix-cpu-volume-rendering-crash'